#ghosts aren't real
very-grownup · 2 months
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Hikaru no Go was a Weekly Shounen Jump manga written by Yumi Hotta and illustrated by Takeshi "Death Note" Obata that ran from 1998 to 2003, totaling 23 volumes. It had a 75 episode anime adaptation from 2001 to 2003. The story of Hikaru, a young boy who finds himself haunted by Sai, the ghost of a go player from Heian era Japan and acts as an avatar for the ghost to continue pursuing his passion. Hikaru becomes more interested in learning go and playing for himself, eventually setting his sights on becoming a professional under the mentorship and friendship of Sai. It follows the same formula and plot beats as tournament battle or sports manga for the same demographic and is one of my top five sports series.
In 2020, there was a Chinese drama adaptation that you should watch, whether you're a fan of the manga or not. It's more of a coming-of-age series than a sports series, but the heart and soul of the series remains intact.
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There are a number of characters who also play a significant part in the drama with source material characters who were only relevant in a chapter or two and I could not find manga panels searching online. Dedication to format does not permit me to use screenshots from the anime and also, let's be honest, early '00s Jump adaptations did not have the highest quality of animation, especially compared to where Obata's art was by the later volumes of the manga (which I have almost all of in Japanese, but can't currently access [it's under my bed]).
After the first few episodes, there's a time-skip that brings the main characters into their teens. That's probably one of the reasons for certain characters being more fleshed out and some
There's now a summer training camp arc!
There are fewer sub-arcs making up the journey from ignorant baby to professional.
There's a moving away from home young man arc!
There isn't an entire arc dedicated to a supporting character traveling to another country to find himself.
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The Chinese adaptation of a Weekly Shounen Jump manga from 20 years ago ends up being queerer than some adaptations of explicitly queer source material.
(To those familiar with the source material: Yes, That Part happens. Yes, it made me cry in drama form. Embrace being wrecked.)
Watch it. You'll love it.
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kelsonius · 5 months
After the Watcher announcement I'm catching up on all the video's I've missed, which is why this is completely off-season but I had to make a quick gif of this Shane moment:
'because ghosts aren't um... real'
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zillychu · 8 months
Consider this: ghosts are actually exactly what the Fentons think they are.
They're snapshots of a longing so strong, unfinished business so deep it reaches out beyond life. Lingers just a bit longer. And if it happens to meet a dense cloud of ectoplasm (invisible to the naked eye, but omnipresent even in the mortal realm), it coalesces. The ectoplasm fits into the shape of it. Which, when the desire is strong enough, it's got a rough idea of its self-image. This tends to mean a more humanoid figure, though it's more often warped in some way–a self-reflection, skewed by said desire. The warping varies on the dead soul’s perception of themselves, the intensity of their desire, how much time passed after death, and how much ectoplasm was present.
In short… no matter how “normal" a ghost looks or acts, it really, truly isn't human. It's animated ectoplasm with a single goal: an obsession. Nothing else. They're more akin to plants than animals, following a single drive with no emotion. They react to stimuli, recognize threats (including other ghosts), and can even imitate human speech and mannerisms to obtain fulfillment of their obsession.
Not “evil" by any stretch, but they're entirely driven by instinct. A tree doesn't pause to consider the rocks it breaks with its roots. A cordyceps doesn't torture its host for fun, or kill with malice. It just does. It follows code in its DNA to survive and multiply–And ghosts just follow the code in its ectoplasm to fulfill its obsession. The more powerful a ghost, the better it's able to overcome obstacles preventing this–whether through brute force, or manipulation. This power is always directly proportional to the amount of ectoplasm present at the time of formation, and how much time passed since death.
What then, does this mean for Danny? Danny, who's previously come to the conclusion that he's only half-ghost, which surely explains how he retained his mind? His independent thoughts and emotions?
What does this mean for Phantom, who experienced an entire world’s worth of ectoplasm condensed as a singularity, at the exact time of his death? Whose strength only grows and begins to exceed every limit they previously thought possible?
If a ghost was as strong as him… could it mimic a human perfectly? Down to a molecular level?
Could it, in its desire to fill an obsession… trick its own fake mind into thinking it was still human? Or half-ghost?
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Grandma told the spy device to play music from the 60s. The second day in a row I’ve been in the room listening to music and she changes it. So now it’s literally just playing Buffy Sainte-Marie and I feel like Tyler has possessed it.
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Fake Cryptids, Real Ghosts
Ok, so dp x dc/batfam because this AU has me by the throat but what if it's the fake cryptid batfamily AU who never joined the JL.
Just...imagine it. The Batfamily has been protecting Gotham quietly but fiercely by scaring the daylights out of criminals as creatures that go bump in the night. A bit of stage magic, frightening method acting, contortion, a whole language comprised of chirps, growls, and body language, and the best tech possible and you've got a recipe for striking fear into the hearts of everyone.
They've got shrines on the rooftops, vaguely on the JL radar (Cause really, who's gonna believe that Gotham, one of the worst cities has a demon problem? Constantine? Homeboy took one look at Gotham and went Nope.) and they're protected cause any self respecting Gothamite wouldn't go spilling the beans to Outsiders. The Bats keep them safe. Who would believe them anyways?
Enter half dead, half alive Danny Fenton.
Danny Fenton who has a best friend's named Tucker and Sam who find out about the Gotham Cryptids, and go absolutely ham on research because here lies something,a bunch of someone's who are Other. Maybe they're creepy but they're cool and they're Heroes and they help people.
Sure, at first it was an attempt from Sam and Tucker to help their best friend feel less alone in the face of other, more 'normal' heroes and people out there in the world. Maybe they try to further bury the Bats online cause if anyone understands keeping on the down low, it would be Amity Parker's. For awhile, Danny Fenton, sometimes Phantom is simply happy to know he's not alone.
Then he's outed and his sister who's long since been ecto-contaiminated is put at risk there's nowhere that seems safer. Gotham is a chaotic city, even without the Bats factoring in. After all Gotham has (Demons-Spirits-Creatures?) The Bats already. Who would care if a halfa and his sister hide out there? As long as they're respectful of their territory, it'll be fine right? Besides, they've got to warn the Bats anyways about the GIW and government. They're coming after ghosts, who knows if they'll be next? Spooky things have to look out for each other after all.
Cue shenanigans as Phantom who stops hiding all of his creepier traits as a ghost walks up to the Totally Human but Faking it Batman with really thoughtful gifts for all of their shrines (And one fruitcake), no heartbeat and an earnest plea for a safe haven in their Haunt because the Ancients taught him manners and the importance of respecting another entities territory.
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lunarharp · 3 months
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the ghost
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mixelation · 28 days
reverse async: if tori prevents obito and minato from killing each other and/or herself, imagine how funny the mission report would be tho
tori: it turns out if you necromancy someone, they can't go more than 100 meters from you.
konan, staring down a grumpy fourth hokage: i see.
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coxcombo · 1 year
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Strangely, losing to these animal-fighting doctors would still be cheaper than being treated by them.
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
Thoughts on/during Mochi Mayhem? I'm curious. Especially towards the... memetic dance scene(s).
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet really put me in the "I wanna be a kid doing stupid dumb goofy things with my friends" vibes and Mochi Mayhem really delivered! everyone coming over to the player's house and hanging out at the start and the whole finding the remote mini quest at the community center really got to me. We're just a couple of kids doing kid things!!
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Also the fact that Arven says Clicker like an old man means so much to me. We really are siblings.
He knocked it out of the PARK during Mochi Mayhem being just??? So funny??? Like, he's so pushy about being the player's one and only Best Friend
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And he's so agro at Kieran over it to the point of ending the epilogue apologizing for it... But Kieran didn't even notice because he's so use to his sister being agro at him like that???
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Also the fact that he has just enough control while mind controlled by Pecharunt to be embarrassed by the stupid dance dskgjdfjgjdfh Hysterical
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There's a lot of other really silly moments that got to me very personally, like how much everyone calls out Nemona for being entirely too much, or just the implication that the three of them were hanging out without me, implying they've all become friends as well really gets to me
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I don't like the paid DLC direction Nintendo is going in, but this is the best Pokemon Game post DS Era in my opinion, even if with the DLC it's more than double the price of a DS era Pokemon game with about the same amount of content...
But yeah! I really liked the Epilogue! I had a great time, I loved seeing everyone getting to have a fun time and being silly, I ADORE Pecharunt to no end, and am super happy to have Kieran back in the club room finally!
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yakool-foolio · 1 month
If the Professor's waxwork model has been returned, hopefully we'll be able to see what it looks like! If the model was always going to be returned even without the ransom, then what was the true purpose of it being stolen, I wonder? My best guess is that it served as a distraction... WAIT GAME THEORY: WAS ASMAN THE PROFESSOR? The killer could've used the model as a nonliving body double for Asman and nobody would be able to tell the difference if they couldn't find the model.
Well, he may be headless, but he's no horseman. Damn Enoch, the stress must've really gotten to ya for your hair to turn all white. SHOLMES FEED YOUR KID JEEZ LOUISE! A thick shard of glass, hm? Like it came from, I dunno, THE CRYSTAL TOWER? My theory very well may be correct, huzzah!
Hooooly shit that's a Hellhound if I've ever heard of one. Sounds incredibly brutal, me likey the grim implications (Blank Week enthusiasts where ya at?). 'The Great Departed Soul' has a double meaning; the 'resurrection' of both Kazuma and The Professor. OH so it was the stress, forgive me Enoch for my joke I was actually /srs.
Unfortunately my friend group had to stop early for tonight cause of technical difficulties, but we're gonna try to catch up to speed tomorrow night. As compensation, have some extra miscellaneous TGAA thoughts of mine (mostly music related cause I can't help myself).
So if Klint's spirit is The Reaper, then there could be some unchecked wrath not just directed at his killer, but perhaps defendants as a whole? Thinking with ghost logic here, ghosts tend to remain on the mortal plane whenever they have unfinished business, such as when their death is unjust and their killer is still walking around a free man. So if The Professor is indeed still alive, then that would be a good reason as to why Klint's spirit seems to follow his younger brother around. The motive Klint's spirit could have in causing the deaths of the defendants prosecuted by Barok might be due to unkempt rage of his own killer still being at large, unbeknownst to most of London. He's not taking any chances at letting other potential killers go free, so he effectively curses them with a curt death so they won't harm anyone else. Klint might also not know what his killer, The Professor, looked like, so he's basically doing the ghost equivalent of firing randomly into a crowd of suspicious-looking individuals. This is all just taking the idea of a ghost causing all these deaths literally so uhhh a thick layering of salt is needed to properly ingest this take. I apologize for your high blood pressure after this.
In my escapades of assigning lawyers n prosecutors Monster Hunter themes, I've made an exception and want to give Sholmes Ruby Basarios' theme. It one of the very few consistently happy-go-lucky sounding monster themes in the whole series, which fits him being the comedic relief while also having a few off-kilter bits much like Sholmes' actual theme to showcase his roundabout way of deducting. It also features some tap dancing-esque percussion, which I love associating with the dance of deduction.
I absolutely love how Adjudication (how the track's named on Spotify is what I go off of) sounds almost like a waltz. It really evokes the feeling of the dance of death--Danse Macabre--between the lawyer and the prosecutor. It's a delicate balance of life and death any way ya look at it. One misstep could lead to your dance partner cracking their head against the floor. And we don't want anyone else to end up with a serious case of amnesia here, right?
Whisper On The Breeze by TWRP is such an Asoryu song it makes me melt. The Great Departure is all the more bittersweet to me because of it. Like hoo man these lyrics:
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(To Whom It May Concern - @raymondshields)
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krourou2 · 1 year
Y’know everyone’s always "Ace Attorney crossover!" and "Professor Layton crossover!" about Ghost Trick, but you know what I think would be extremely funny?
Detective Conan crossover.
A guy who doesn't believe in ghosts, a girl who's terrified of the supernatural, and a guy who IS a ghost.
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the-wizard-dipper · 18 days
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Masters' Academy AU: Environment Concept Art (and some lore)
"There's no such thing as ghosts." - Unofficial motto of Master's Academy.
Art by @okkennymay
Something I haven't really talked about is how the rest of the school feels about all the supernatural stuff going on...
The place has been open for more than a hundred years at this point, it's hosted a few dozen magical teenagers and is actively being haunted. (among other things) So let's just say there's officially enough weird going on for the students to have noticed.
But ghosts aren't real, everyone knows that, you'd be crazy to say they did. And even if they did, no one would believe you if you saw one.
Despite these very reasonable facts the school continues to be frightening in the dark of the night and new kids look to the older ones for comfort and explanation. Their answer? Ghost Stories.
A long tradition of giving the little kids nightmares with the same scary stories that gave them nightmares their first year, where the school's secrets are passed from one generation to the next. "don't go into the chemistry classroom after midnight", "don't look for the skeletons in the basement or they'll make you join them", "carry salt if you need to use the bathroom after dark", "never turn around if you feel a cold breath on the back of your neck". Dozens of stories told with utter seriousness, but mocking laughter if you look like you might really believe it.
Believing in ghost stories makes you a dumb little kid, and everyone knows it.
Ignoring those stories is a recipe for disaster, and everyone knows it.
Because it's hard to reconcile going to a haunted school when there's no such thing as ghosts, and everyone knows it.
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violentlydefending · 2 months
what the actual fuck is wrong with whoever it is running @/writing-prompt-s. why are they calling an actual palestinian blogger "shady" and using their massive platform on this site to accuse palestinian families and users of being bots and scammers?
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peridot-tears · 7 months
This is such a weird little quip, but after watching a shitton of Korean and Chinese media, which is my main, it's nice to play a game like Ghost of Tsushima where the characters are super gorgeous while having round faces and soft jawlines.
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Like, look at that! They're in the north! They're on the same latitude as Henan and right beneath Busan! They don't need a ghostly pale complexion and knife-like jawline to be strong, attractive characters!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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write to me
#I drew this when I was VERY stressed (days ago)#bee doodles#Tuvok/Janeway#Janeway/Tuvok#st voyager#st voyager art#letter writing and the preparation of warm beverages#Janeway & Tuvok seem like they'd call each other things like 'my other half' and 'my moral center' and 'my dearest companion' but then you#ask if they're dating and they're like Noooo. Absolutely not. and they're not but they are coming into each other's rooms at night#because neither of them can sleep well and talking about Mark & T'Pel while they lean against one another (holding the warm mugs instead of#hands - that comes later when they can pretend that maybe they were asleep)#because they're the only ones who know Mark & T'Pel - you're the only part of my old life that's here and that's a comfort and that's a#tragedy (because I care about you too much to want you here but I need you too much to wish you were anywhere else - and maybe I'm too#selfish too and too afraid to be alone) and when they're talking about Mark & T'Pel they can ignore the fact that they're leaning against#each other and how good the weight feels and how much their chests ache and how much they want more. Not even sex or a kiss but something#steady that lasts. (hold me close even if you can't tell me it'll be alright)#two people who're loyal to everything - too loyal to ask for what they want. They aren't dating because they're married to ghosts now and#to leave that haunted house would be to admit that there's nothing left there - that the grieving's done - and if the grieving's done then#the loving is too. It has to matter - it has to be present to be real (follow Starfleet rules follow Social rules follow the rules we make#up on the fly and honor as if they've been longstanding. Build a little life with me. Define strong lines we cannot cross. Look into my eyes#to make sure I'm not longing. Double check. Triple check. Don't look away. Please.)#When I want to hear your voice I'll read the words you've written - but I won't ask you to stay#Kathryn Janeway#Tuvok
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Where the cookie is he made any good
✨No. ✨
Related to this post.
And let's not count Jazz out of the sheer horror of what came out of their toaster oven. It was a Fenton team effort! And Yes. It was made in a toaster oven because I figure the stove of their very cheap place wasn't working. Toaster ovens aren't bad replacements for ovens but you gotta have a Quality one and they did not have quality.
I'm talking unevenly baked batch on the wrong setting, attempted frosting designs by putting said frosting in a sandwich bag, maybe even a fruit bag. The frosting was too runny and the cookies too warm. They tried to draw on a pattern for a cheery bat face onto the cookies with a straight up marker. Flat, dry cookies because Jazz could not justify the usage of a whole cup and 1/4th of sugar in a batch. (Cause c'mon look at baking recipes and how much sugar they use it's ridiculous.) not to mention a slightly off taste that no one can figure out.
The best part of the cookies would have been their shapes because Danny used his ghost ice to make the cookie cutters. But the cookies spread out too much and Jazz had to gently break them apart again. They are truly Terrible Things they have created. The only one that Likes the cookies is Jason 'I died and walked it off' Todd and I'll give you one guess on to why that is.
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