tellie-vision-art · 4 months
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[ Octopus Entertainment ]
[ Gibeom ]
More ref updateeee
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glowmo · 2 years
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itoblog · 1 year
JEREMIAS CAPÍTULO 28 - Revelando Profecias Ocultas e Mensagens Divinas
¹ E sucedeu no mesmo ano, no princípio do reinado de Zedequias, rei de Judá, no ano quarto, no mês quinto, que Hananias, filho de Azur, o profeta que era de Gibeom, me falou na casa do SENHOR, na presença dos sacerdotes e de todo o povo, dizendo:
Jeremias 28:1
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zaruba-needslove · 4 years
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I love the fact that the team started to get their own color-coded uniforms aside from the main black attire they’re wearing from the beginning of the series.
Like near the end they began to show off their ‘true colours’ 😂😂😂😂😂
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lccnarverse · 6 years
open: to anyone (stranger)
plot; gibeom has been suffering from hanahaki for the last three years. he rushing through the crowded street when he runs into your muse.
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gibeom’s body has been ravaged by the petals for 3 years and they weren’t letting up. it didn’t help that the cause of his suffering was always a phone call away. how ironic that the person who made him feel alive was slowly killing him. no matter how many times he told himself that he would let the boy go he could never follow through. letting him go would be like letting a piece of himself go. he would never win.
gibeom was walking through the street trying to find the nearest restroom. it had become like second nature to search for the nearest restroom when he felt the petals start to crawl up his throat. he was so busy trying to keep the petals in and hold himself up on his wobbly legs that he failed to see the other person walking straight toward him. he only noticed them when he bumped into them. the force was enough to push him over and he fell to the hard concrete. without his full attention on keeping the petals down he couldn’t stop them from falling from his mouth. he looked up to the other person to see who it was. he gave them a shy smile and apologized. “sorry. i wasn’t paying attention.”
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            THERE ARE TIMES WHEN THEY CROSS PATHS  ;   when jimin needs a break  ,   a breath of fresh air   ;   when the streets of seoul are a comfort to the roaring in his ears   ;   &  imagine his surprise when he catches sight of a familiar stature  ,   of big round eyes &   bunny teeth.   ‘    . . . are you going to just keep avoiding me for the rest of your life?   ’    head tilts to the side.  they’ve been through so much  &  yet ,   gibeom still refuses to talk about it.   //  @herayth
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waitingforminjae · 3 years
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Kim Woosik. I thought about something. Would you like to hear me out? 
Our coach is extra careful with all the athletes. Yeongil only cares about himself. And you’re a complete stranger to athletes who play other sports. And you don’t seem like the type who enjoys hurting yourself.
You went to high school with Park Gyudeok and Kim Gibeom, and I think they’ve been doing this since then. What do you think?
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                    HE DOESN’T KNOW WHY HE’S HERE.   /    usually ,   bae jimin avoided all densely populated areas like the plague  ---  lord knows he   hates   the bustling  ,   the screaming children  ,  their  lack   of attentive parents    ;    yet ,  there he was  ,   carrying about three bags on his body   (     two cross body ones at his torso   ,    seungju’s fanny pack strapped around his waist    )     ,     currently holding a large ,  half-eaten hot dog in hand   ;   though his mind is no longer occupied by it   ---   golden honeyed gaze attentive suddenly  ,   as he smells the faintest of little scents with his wolf-like nose    ;    head tilted as he glances o’er  &  spies it --- spies him   ,    with a bright orange backpack strapped to his small form ,  a long snake like rope with a handle on it flowing out behind him.   yoo gibeom.   yoo gibeom was loose at disneyland  &  such is a  very concerning  sight to behold.   gaze would glance back downward at his food again   ,   a little forlornly .    he should mind his business.  he should pretend like he didn’t just see his childhood friend  ,   the smallest runt in the pack of mutants rush by ,  unattended  ---  but jimin wasn’t one to let loose pups roam about  ,   &  was even less   inclined to do so when it came to someone like gibeom.  so he’d sigh  ---  tosses the food into a nearby trash bin  &  breaks into a quick jog    ;    his quick footing allowing for him to catch up  &  reach outward  ,   hooking a hand onto the leash  ,   &  skids to a halt   .    ‘    . . . where are y’ hyungs  ,   beom-ah  ?   ’   // @herayth
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ybyg · 4 years
I have gripes with Rugal (I’m still watching because I’m trash), so instead of focusing on the obvious, here I present to you a few things that were in my mind whilst watching the 5th episode! We’ll see if I’ll have more for tonight’s episode.
- If Mina really likes Gibeom after setting him up with his now dead wife, that’d be fucked up. It’s like Hamilton, only with Eliza dead and Angelica swimming across the Pacific just to get him again.
- D’aww :( Gwancheol :(
- Fine. I’m a hypocrite. I want Gibeom and Taewoong to be together. I’m trying to write fics because I know they won’t make Gibeom and Taewoong real, if you have any prompts..... pls ;))))
- Taewoong. Just. Eyes. Gibeom. I mean. Please, Gay Gods. PLEASE.
- I wanna make a compilation or a gifset of every time Gibeom tells his boss (whose name I didn’t even make an attempt to learn) he’s loyal and willing to change only to go rogue 2 seconds later. We’ll see if I end up making them.
- Also. Rugal boss. You weird. I trust you not.
- Side note: The fashion dairy Gibeom’s wife made is cute. Although I’d just use Pinterest because it’s a lot easier. I guess that’s why it’s sweeter. I’d do that for my wife if I had a wife. c’:
- Speaking of wives!!!! MINA!!!! YOU HOTTIE!!!
- She looks like she’s about to laugh in almost every frame lol
- Okay. I love the trash talk session. Deukgu getting Ls.
- Seol Minjun... dude. :(
Other thoughts:
- I hate spelling his name as ‘Gibeom’ when I’ve always spelt it as ‘Kibum’.
- OCN never really failed me when it comes to the story department. This one got on my nerves since episode 1.
- I think this is just me, but CHJ’s interpretation of Gibeom is quite boyish sometimes. IDK how to explain it either for something that’s meant to be short. We’ll see if I’ll just lay it all out one day.
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imx-doomer · 6 years
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DOOM 2018 Album Cover Design Project by Gibeom Lee
Another incredible FANMADE concept explicitly inspired by the upcoming 25th Anniversary of DOOM.
This is supposed to be an album featuring tracks from Classic DOOM and DOOM 2016. It also includes Steam keys for almost every DOOM released on PC (Ultimate DOOM, Doom 2, Final DOOM and Doom 3 BFG Edition).
The author also included a PDF describing the process, it's pretty informative and I highly suggest you to check it out!
Much like the previous project, this is all FANMADE and not official/for sale. Yet another idea for id software and Bethesda to consider!
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tellie-vision-art · 1 year
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[ Octopus Entertainment ]
[ Gibeom, Minya ]
Refs that I forgot to postttt, loser clown and Minsu and Minseo’s mommy
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glowmo · 5 years
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interview highlights : myuk
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itoblog · 2 years
E sucedeu que, ouvindo Adoni-Zedeque, rei de Jerusalém, que Josué tomara a Ai, e a tinha destruído totalmente, e fizera a Ai, e ao seu rei, como tinha feito a Jericó e ao seu rei, e que os moradores de Gibeom fizeram paz com os israelitas, e estavam no meio deles, Josué 10:1
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herayth · 5 years
     //  @solorne  from  x
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                seo  heejun  was  a  fool  ;   for  once  ,   admittedly   ,   he  had  let  his  guard  down  and  allowed  for  a  sweet-toothed  monster  ( quite  literally )  to  run  loose  in  a  park  full  of  screaming   ,   chubby-cheeked  children  ---   making  it  thoroughly  harder  for  him  to  spot  their  little  guy  in  the  rushing  crowd   .     fucking  hell   .    he  glances  back  once  ,   again  ,   nearly  causing  a  kid  to  topple  over  in  the  process   ;   heejun  would  deliberately  ignore  the  glaring  mother   ,   as  he  shoots  the  taller  a  look    .     he  knows  better  than  to  run-off  like  that   .    hell  ,   he  had  been  specifically  told  not  to  do  anything  to  arouse  suspicion  from  others  though  ----   given  his  excitement  ---    you  can  never  expect  self-control  from  a  boy  like  gibeom    .     “   aish  ---   ”   the  urge  to  curse  was  profoundly  strong  and  again  ---   he’d  turn  to  lock  eyes  with  the  other   ,  head  tilted  sharply  in  silent  dialogue  ;    you  push  through  the  crowd   .    i’ll  follow   .   
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gilbertocovazzoli · 2 years
"E sucedeu que, ouvindo Adoni-Zedeque, rei de Jerusalém, que Josué tomara a Ai, e a tinha destruído totalmente, e fizera a Ai, e ao seu rei, como tinha feito a Jericó e ao seu rei, e que os moradores de Gibeom fizeram paz com os israelitas, e estavam no meio deles," - Josué 10:1 - Baixe o aplicativo! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.bibliasagrada
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