#ginny’s pout I can’t!!
alwayshinny · 2 months
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Hinny - 🪷
AU, where Jily never died, and Harry grew up with the Weasley’s. This was their reaction every time James and Lily told Harry it was time to go home. The first time it happened, James told Lily that their son was going to marry Ginny.
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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prompt: harry potter characters and their first “i love you”s in relationships
characters included: harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, draco malfoy, ginny weasley, seamus finnigan, fred weasley, george weasley
warnings: you and seamus smoking in seamus’ part, swearing, physical abuse in george’s part
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harry j. potter…
who said it: harry
when: 5th year
“cmon… just a little bit more..” harry cooed patiently, hands placed on your hips. “forget it, harry. i don’t think i’ll ever get it right.” you sighed, wanting to throw your wand down on the ground.
dumbledore’s army had just begun merely a few sessions ago, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get your patronous just right.
maybe it was because you upset professor dolores umbridge today and pushed her far beyond her limits (not even on purpose, for that matter). or maybe it’s because colin creevey was stuck way too far up your arsehole whenever you would do something wrong when it came to today’s D.A session.
“well, maybe i can give you a happy memory to think about.” harry suggested. “how on earth do you plan to do that?” you questioned, wary of what he may do.
“maybe…like this.”
and with that, harry began to scan your lips with his, feeling for all the fine details that no one else would get to see but himself.
harry felt you smile against his own lips before pulling away, with a lopsided grin smearing his cheeks.
“i love you.” harry smiled, sounding as if he’s been waiting a century to say those words to you.
“i love you too.”
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ron b. weasley…
who said it: him
when: 3rd year
“oh no!! oh no no no..!!” the ginger boy roared as he was being dragged by the foot by the black-furred dog (unbeknownst to him, which was sirius black), “i can’t die yet!! i haven’t told (y/n) how much i love her yet!!”
“you bloody moron, she’s right here!!” the shorter bushy haired girl replied, slightly jealous it was her best friends name and not her own.
“i love you, (y/n)! if i die, i promise my ghost will haunt you!!” ron shouted before being dragged away out of sight.
“i love you too!” you yelped, hoping he could still hear you.
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hermione j. granger…
who said it: you
when: 7th year
“i know this isn’t much… but i wanted to be able to do something for you for our anniversary.” hermione said, rubbing her neck in pure embarrassment.
you, hermione, harry, and ron were on a hunt to look for all of voldemort’s horcurxes, and because of that, you all were staying in a rubbish tent in the woods.
the tent was empty for the most part, other than the small radio player that had muggle romance music on it.
“harry and ron are out of our hair…well for now anyway. i told them to go look for anything that could be useful, i just wanted to have a nice 3 months you.”
“you kicked them out for me?” you asked, disbelief leaving your throat.
“well yes — and i know it’s not much but-” the brunette would’ve continued if you didn’t interrupt her, and she gives a slight pout because of it.
“but it is much, it is something ‘mione! it is because i love you.”
“i- uhm. repeat yourself, please?”
“i love you, hermione.”
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draco l. malfoy…
who said it: him
when: 6th year
“isn’t that right, ms. (y/n)?” the barely human wizard, voldemort, said, looking at you from the other side of table.
you gulped quietly, your shoulders stiffening. “yes, sir.” you murmured, glancing at the platinum blonde boy next to you before averting your gaze.
you and draco grew up together - as your mothers were very close in their teenage years, your fathers, not so much. but they got along okay.
when draco first became part of the death eaters, his mother decided it’d be easiest to have you there, to make it a little less hard on him.
“excuse me for a moment.” draco mumbled, somewhat abruptly, as lucius and the lord were in the middle of a conversation. draco stood up within the blink of an eye, and sped walked out of the room.
“would you be a dear and check on him for me, honey?” narcissa leaned over and whispered in your ear, as you were seated between draco and his mother.
you gave a small half-smile with a nod, as you politely excused yourself, afraid of what voldemort could do if you had done it in a way of which he didn’t like.
you went around the halls of malfoy manor, the walls of which most of your childhood memories took place, as sad as that is.
you saw a crack in the door of draco’s room, and you opened the door a tad more
draco said there, looking down at his folded hands, not saying anything.
“are you okay?” you asked, even though you already knew the answer.
“those meetings…get to me, sometimes.” the blonde mumbled, his voice cracking slightly.
“me too..” you answered, rubbing your hand up and down his back, as you sat next to him.
“thank you, for always being here. i’ve spent my whole life with you, i never want to let you go.” draco said, giving a small smile.
“i won’t ever leave you behind, okay?”
“this is exactly why i fell in love with you all those years ago.”
“wait…what?” you denied, your voice quiet.
“you heard me, i love you (y/n).”
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ginevera m. weasley…
who said it: her
when: 5th year (well 4th year for her)
“hey (y/n)!” a familiar, high, squeaky voice called out to you, sounding a bit distant.
“oh, hi, ginny.” you half smiled, looking down at the younger girl.
“i need to talk to you, now.” ginny asked — well demanded, but she meant to ask.
you’ve known ginny long enough at this point to know sometimes, when she wants to ask a question, it can accidentally turn into a demand. especially, when she’s nervous.
“okay, no problem.” you reported, knowing exactly what she was going to say.
she grabs your wrist with a firm grip — but not firm enough for your to be hurt. and walks you down to a more empty side of the hogwarts express.
“i love you. and quite frankly, i hate it when you spend more time with my brothers and less time with me because it’s not fair, i fancy you!” the smaller ginger insisted, with a small stomp of her foot to show she meant what she said.
“i love you too, don’t worry, gin.” you spoke, as you tucked a string of hair behind her ear, that was before in the middle of her face.
she gave a lopsided grin before happily skipping off and giving a sing-songy goodbye.
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seamus d. finnigan…
who said it: him
when: 4th year
the yule ball of the 1994 school year was slowly coming to a close, but you were unable to find where your date had ran off to, one moment he was with his best friend, dean thomas — and now you have no bloody clue where he is.
there was only one placed you hadn’t looked yet — the astronomy tower.
you begin your walk up the tower of many staircases and you hear some intense coughing the higher and higher you reach.
before your eyes, you see your boyfriend — or date, or technically boy friend, as the relationship between the two of you is a bit complicated, with a cigarette between his fingers.
“hey seamus.” you say, as you sit down next to him, leaning into his touch.
“hi doll.” he says, grinning as he puts an arm around your waist.
“can i smoke with you?”
“absolutely not, angel!” seamus gasps, shocked, putting a dramatized hand to his chest, his mouth open a gap.
“huh? why not?” you asked, now just confused.
“because! i love you! i’m not letting a gorgeous goddess inhale that shit!” seamus replied, now tossing his cigarette away into the distance.
“you love me?”
“with every inch my body stands.”
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fred g. weasley…
who said it: him
when: 5th year (3rd book/movie)
“i don’t know how you could even do this, i don’t know what half of this is supposed to to mean..” your ginger boyfriend said, cuddled up into your side, as the two of you studied for the following potions exams.
“well, to make it’s quite simple, it’s just seeing it on paper is the hard part.” you said, nudging him slightly, to make sure he wouldn’t fall asleep again.
“oh, how so?” he asked.
“well actually you take the-”
and before you could get any further, your boyfriend pecked you on the lips.
“sorry, at first i was interested and then i just didn’t care anymore.” fred said with a chuckle.
“fred gideon weasley!!”
“i’m sorry, i love you, does that make it better?”
“i… yes.”
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george g. weasley…
who said it: him
when: 7th year (5th book/movie)
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
i mustn’t make mistakes any longer.
the words on your arm continued to ring in your ear, like the tangy feeling on your tongue after eating spicy foods.
none of this would’ve happened if you didn’t snap at the new d.a.d.a teacher - dolores umbridge.
the torturous (literally), cruel woman put you through so much pain in one detention.
don’t get me wrong, you’ve gotten detention once in 2nd year, but this could never compare.
the words on your arm were the ones that made you cry terrifying sobs as you had to continue to write and write and write - thanks to your low physical pain tolerance and somewhat sensitive heart, you just couldn’t bare it.
sprinkles of raindrops began to form in your eyes, they ground onto the table you were sitting at, as you tried to rub your eyes before anyone happened to notice.
“hey, love, are you okay?” george weasley - your boyfriend asked, scurrying over to you.
your arm was angled in the correcting lighting and point of view to where the taller ginger could see your scars perfectly.
“blimey!” your boyfriend shouted, pointing, before madam prince gave him a stern shooshing.
“what happened?”
you clung onto him immediately, sobbing quietly,
“hey love — it’s okay, i love you, i’m here and i always will be.”
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once-upon-an-imagine · 4 months
What about Charlie x reader:
“I can’t believe you did something that stupid!”
“I was only reckless because it was about you.”
Please? And thank you!
yes, I love this! 🥰 and thank you, @mycobrakai1972 and @captainlunaxmen for your help, loves! 😁 also this is set on the World Cup Warnings: reader gets hurt
"Mate, that was awesome!" George said, excitedly.
"I know! Did you see her? It was out of this world!" Fred added.
"You've got to teach us how to do that!" George begged.
"Yeah, you should come teach DADA at Hogwarts this year" Fred chuckled.
"Thanks, guys, but I think I'll pass" you smiled at them and then turned to look at Ginny. She had been extremely quiet since you came back. "You okay, Gin?" you asked sweetly and she simply nodded as Bill, and Percy got to her and Charlie sat in front of you with his wand and what he could find to clean you up.
"C'mon, guys" Bill said, nodding his head to the other side of the tent so they could give you some privacy.
"Stay still" Charlie said sternly. He first started fixing your arm and bandaging it with some loose rags he could find since it was bleeding just as badly as Bill's. Once he was done, he moved over to your face, cleaning your scratches and cuts.
"Would you please look at me?" you asked timidly. He was trying his best not to make eye contact with you. You knew he was furious. He took a deep breath and then finally faced you.
"I told you to stay back" he said.
"I did-"
"No, you didn't!" he snapped, raising his voice a little, making his brothers turn around and look at the two of you. "You were supposed to stay with them until we got back-!"
"And I did!" you challenged. "They were already safe! I told them to stay and hide there and I was going to look for Ron, Hermione, and Harry but before I could, we saw you!"
"You should have still stayed with them!" he insisted. “I can’t believe you did something that stupid!”
“I was only reckless because it was about you!” you yelled, with a few tears streaming down your face. "You were outnumbered, Charlie! They could have-" you stopped yourself, unable to say it. You looked back at Ginny who was also now crying and Bill was trying to comfort her. "I am not going to apologize for doing the right thing!"
"That was not the right thing! The right thing was for you to stay back and stay safe where you couldn't get hurt!" he told you as you noticed his eyes started tearing up.
"You got hurt too, love" you said, placing your hand softly on his cheek.
"Is not the same thing!" he said, stubbornly. "You could have-" he started. "You didn't know what that fucking Death Eater threw at me and you jumped in front of me!" he complained with a few tears rolling down his face.
You sweetly brush away his tears and pulled him a little closer to you. "I'm okay" you told him.
"But you-"
"I'm okay" you repeated, placing his head between your hands and making sure he was looking at you. "I'm here, and I'm okay" you kept repeating, making him wrap his arms around your waist and bringing you closer to him. You feel your entire body aching but there was no way you were going to complain. You knew he needed this more than you did. You saw Bill, Percy, and the twins looking your way, knowing they probably had never seen Charlie break down like this.
"You can't do that! It's not okay!" he said between sobs.
"I know" you said, kissing his forehead. "I'm sorry I scared you" you whispered. "In all fairness, you would have done the same thing-"
"Don't push it, love" he said, glaring at you a little and you pouted. He pulled you back against his chest and kept kissing your head. "I love you so much!"
"I love you too" you said, kissing his cheek.
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rockingrobin69 · 8 months
Basic Maths
“Draco said he can’t sleep,” Harry admitted, half-mumbled into his coffee, for some reason blushing over this, mostly concerned, but Ron just hummed and said, “That’s sweet.”
“What’s sweet?”
Freckled nose scrunched up. “You said he can’t sleep. Because he misses you. That’s a bit sweet, isn’t it?”
“I never said,” gasping, “Ron, it’s been three days. He can’t be missing me so much after three fucking days.”
The look on his face, exasperated and something else. “Mate.”
“You what. Why do you think—no, it’s too early in the morning.” Tapping his shoulder, this tired look that had nothing to do with the fact it was barely six. “Harry, you’re my best mate, but you’re rubbish at this.”
That’s exactly what he was so scared of. Being rubbish at this. He didn’t know how to do—any of this, didn’t know how to, say, think the right words. Worried he’s misinterpreting everything because he’s so desperate for the tiniest of shred of… Enough. Another sip of coffee, miserable: enough.
“Harry,” great, now Ron sounded miserable too, “I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine,” rougher than intended. “It’s fine. Let’s just get to work, all right?”
Ron stared at him for the longest moment, but then he sighed, and his shoulders rolled with it. “All right. We’ll talk about this tonight?”
“Sure thing.”
They won’t.
“And he got me another one, although I specifically said not to,” trying for a pout, ending somewhere like a sigh, rolling his eyes at how ridiculous this man was, and Hermione smiled and said, “What a wanker.”
“Right?” twitching in his seat.
“Absolutely. Getting you the pastry you like even though you specifically told him not to.”
“It’s just, every time we go to his place he—‘Mione, he’s worse than Molly.”
Hermione’s eyebrow arched. “Uh-huh. Worse, you say. Harry, you’ve not stopped smiling all day.”
“What? No I’ve not.” Nonsensically offended. “I’m… just wish I knew what he’s thinking.”
The look in her eyes, something terrible, hot and itchy like pity. “Harry.”
“No, I know, I know. I’m blowing it all out of proportions and it’s not a big deal and it shouldn’t be, right, we’re casual, and we’re friends, and that’s a lot more important. There’s no need to overcomplicate it.”  
“It’s fine.” Coughed until he’s convinced himself too. “It’s fine. Let’s just… eat, yeah?”
He could see she was dying to say it, but thankfully, mercifully, she just grimaced and shook her head. “Fine. You’ll figure this out, won’t you?”
“Yeah. Probably.”
He won’t.
“Then he knocked on the door with the scarf in his hands. Gin, I think he went all the way back just to get it.”
“Mad,” Ginny said and stole another chip from his Styrofoam tub. “No, that man is completely mad, so much is true.”
“Isn’t he just. He was soaking wet—I had to convince him to stay and take a bath while his clothes went in the tumble drier.” Left unsaid: how impossibly soft Draco had looked in Harry’s robe, with his hair curling sweetly and his cheeks all pink. How he curled on Harry’s sofa and watched the telly with an arched eyebrow, obviously not following but still enchantingly caught.
Left unsaid how Harry leaned closer just to smell his own shampoo on Draco, how it squeezed his chest so tight he thought he might die. How lovely, how brilliant, how terrible it was to have him this close and this warm and this wrong.
“Harry,” Ginny’s sigh brought him back to the café, to the bright lights and the ache that still didn’t quite leave his belly, “you’re such a bloody idiot, I could strangle you.”
“Hmm? What? Why!”
“Why. He asks me why. You practically have love-hearts for eyes and here you are asking me why.”
Harry grunted something not-quite in English. “I don’t… it doesn’t matter. How I feel. He’s the one who said about keeping it casual. He’s obviously not—” lost the rest of the sentiment to a sigh, bone-crushing. Ginny was staring at him with an open mouth.
“Doesn’t matter,” she repeated, sounding dazed. “Harry, you berk, just talk to him.”
“We talk all the time.”
“No, I mean, actually talk to him. Why's that so terrifying? You’re meant to be this fairly-brave man, remember?”
Meant to be, was the point exactly. If she asked him to step into a burning house to save him (and not that it was a fantasy that Harry spent so much time dreaming about, in frightening detail)—but this was something else. Harry’s never learned how to… won’t be able to handle this particular loss. After everything, this would be the thing to break him, of that he was sure.
“Just talk to him. You’ll see, everything will be all right.”
It won’t.
“Just wondering if, erm, you know when he’s meant to be back, or…” his voice died into a croak. Pansy, still with her arms crossed, glared.
“No idea. Now, if that’s all.” Going for the door, and Harry’s heart—
“Wait!” with his foot forward, with his chest writhing, “wait, it’s not all. I don’t understand why he’s so angry. What did I do? Pans, please.”
Must have been the tone that got to her, the crack in his voice, because Pansy’s frown softened. “You two will be the death of me. I swear, if I have to listen to him whining one more time—”
“What is he whining about? Why… he looked so miserable. And now I can’t eat anything or get any sleep and I need to know, I need to know why he’s so upset and how to make it right. How do I make it right?”  
Pansy’s wide eyes. “What… you’re joking. Why he’s upset? Not even you are that clueless.”
“But what if I am. What if I am, and I’m losing my mind. I miss him so terribly it’s like my belly’s on fire and it’s only been a couple of days and please, I just, don’t understand why he’s angry with me when I’m so bloody—” exhausted, and terrified, and mostly exhausted. Not the lack of sleep: the lack of Draco in his life, the lack of his smile and his snarl and his cologne, and his hair and his eyes and his hands.
“Shit,” Pansy said, something flashing on her face. “You’re bonkers for him too, aren’t you.”
Wasn’t really a question, but Harry still nodded, tragic. Swallowed. Swallowed again. Bonkers for him too. “You’re not trying to say…” but he couldn’t even finish. She was, he thought, trying to say. “Why didn’t he just—tell me? I’ve been—he’s—no, that’s not possible.”
“Not possible,” Pansy said.
“No, no. He would have—I’ve been—for years. He’d have said something. I couldn’t be more obvious if I fucking tried.”
“Have you met Draco?” sneering again. “Our Draco?”
Something like laughter, hot and terrible, itchy up his throat. “Okay, yes, but…” not sure how to, what to, so panicked because he couldn’t face losing him, not Draco, their Draco, his Draco. “How do I make him realise. That I—too. That I, more.”
Sighing dramatically: “I think you know how.”
Already taking a step back, still shaking his head, his whole chest fluttering with giddy panic: “I—I have to—”
“Go, you arsehole,” but she was smiling.
What if Draco refused to speak to him? What if he wouldn’t listen. What if it was too late. What if he didn’t want Harry anymore? Harry tried to breathe.
He couldn’t.
“Idiot,” Draco was laughing, dear and too bright in his arms. “I can’t believe you…”
“I can’t believe you,” delirious with joy, burst open with affection, “you git, why didn’t you just tell me.”
“Beg pardon? Why didn’t you just tell me?”
On the sofa, curled around each other, and this humming in Harry’s ears that could only be contentment, that could only be burning, aching relief. “Dunno. Suppose it was… I couldn’t bring myself to risk it. I was too scared.”
Draco’s eyes were so grey and so close. “I thought I was so obvious. I thought—”
“I know.” Couldn’t believe he just gets to kiss his nose like that. Couldn’t believe Draco’s arms around him or the little sound he made when Harry nuzzled his neck. “We were maybe being a little silly.”
“A little,” Draco said, fondness dancing in his eyes. “Come here.”
Harry would, always, always. “Kiss me, you silly man.”
“Impatient, are we. I’ve only wanted this for, what… what are you doing, you berk!” to Harry, lifting him in the air a bit with the jump and settling again, closer, ever closer. Draco’s laughter rang in his ears, soothed something in his writhing belly.
“We’re not casual,” Harry said. “I’m so serious about you, Draco.”
“Not casual,” he nodded. “Is this what you wanted? Are you happy?”
Too much for words: he was.
(Flufftober day 5. Find the soft AO3 collection here).
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aidulusion · 6 months
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pairing : george weasley x fem!reader
word count : 1k
summary : it's your first day at the burrow, and you need to clear out gnomes from the garden with your friends.
proofread? : yes.
creds to plutism for the divider!
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You had befriended two mischief makers during your life at Hogwarts—Fred and George. The first time you met them was when they fed a first year some candy which resulted in the poor kid to start vomiting out the dinner he had.
You thought about that incident up till today, even while writing a letter to the better looking twin, that is, George. 
He had invited you to stay over at his house for the summer, and you were more than happy to spend some more time with your best friends. It took a lot of begging for your parents to finally allow you to do the same, but you succeeded in the end.
It was the day you were going to leave for the burrow, your father didn’t let you use floo powder and put the responsibility of dropping you upon himself.
You packed all your bags, finally got your owl to get in his cage, and went downstairs to chug two slices of bread down your throat because you were way too impatient to see your friends once again.
Your father was waiting outside, you said your goodbyes to your mother and exited your house, a bright smile on your face.
“If you need anything, just send me an owl.” your dad smiled. The both of you were standing in front of the burrow, all your luggage in your hands.
You nodded, and hugged him before knocking on the door, your dad had left by now.
As soon as the doors opened, you were greeted with the warmest hug ever, which was given by Fred and George’s mother—Molly.
“Hello dear! (Y/N), am I right? Fred and George talk about you all the time!” She exclaimed gleefully, you were completely heartwarmed by how nice their mother was to you.
She guided you inside, the burrow was small, yet it was all warm and cozy inside. You saw many familiar faces, and it turned out Harry and Hermione were there too. 
After settling down, you sat down on a couch, talking to Ginny. It didn’t take long for the both of you to start hearing a strange rustling sound, turns out it were just your two friends making their way downstairs.
“(Y/N)! Can’t believe you actually came!” One said loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.
“—We really missed you!” The other one added. 
You smiled as they embraced you in a  warm hug, you were just as happy to see them as they were to see you.
Ginny interrupted the moment, sighing softly.
“Sorry to interrupt the moment, but mom told you both to clear out the gnomes in the garden.”
She sighed again, looking at the twins. Both of them groaned in annoyance, George looked at you, before looking back at Ginny.
“Can’t we do it later? (Y/N) just came!” George pouted, hoping Ginny will make up some reason to cover up for him and his brother.
“Yeah, you wouldn’t like it if mom gave you chores the moment Harry came, eh?” Fred added, snickering to himself.
“Shut up, Fred!” Ginny shouted at him.
You just watched the whole scene unfold, looking at the twins then back at Ginny as they bickered endlessly.
“How about I help you both clear out the gnomes? It’d still be the same as spending time together.” You questioned them both, a soft smile plastered on your face.
“That’s a great idea!” Ginny smiled at me, before looking back at the two gingers. Their faces were brightening up as well, before they grabbed you and dragged you out of the house and to the garden.
“It’s been a while since I’ve done this, gnomes don’t usually find their way in my garden..” You mumbled, quite embarrassed by yourself.
“It’s fine, love! You just need to toss them far enough to not come back.” George explained, while Fred quickly got to work.
When you finally understood what to do, you went for your first gnome. You pulled it by the hand and threw it quite far away. Both of them watched in awe as the gnome flew to a nearby hill, looking back at you once a loud thud was heard from the same.
“What a fast learner!” Both of them sneered at the same time. Those words just boosted your ego even more, you grabbed another gnome and threw it as far as you could..
It was easier than you thought, there were only a few more gnomes left and you could go back and have fun with the rest of the Weasley family, not that you weren’t enjoying this.
Unfortunately, the last gnome which you grabbed was rather a feral one. It freed itself from your grasp and found itself on your face. 
The twins immediately started laughing as the gnome rapidly smacked your face. You were struggling to get it off, but the grip it had on your ears was intense. All you could do was punch the gnome back, as your two friends continued to laugh their brains out, you fell on your back while punching the gnome uncontrollably.
While Fred still continued to snicker, George finally helped you out. Removing the gnome carefully so it didn’t rip your ears out, he tried to control his laugh when he saw your reddened face from all the fighting.
“There there, sweetheart. The immense battle is over now.” He cooed, caressing your cheek which was slightly bruised from the gnome's sharp teeth. You slapped his hand away playfully as you stood up on your own. Groaning slightly as you touched your left cheek.
“Don’t call me sweetheart when all you do is laugh when I’m getting attacked, even if it's a gnome!” You hissed, but there was still a hint of playfulness in your tone. He just started laughing again, causing you to turn your head and go back to the burrow.
What a great way to start your summer, you have a forever fear of gnomes now and you won’t go near an infested garden ever again.
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exams coming up. a very very good luck to me and everyone else who have exams next week 😭
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
I love your writing!! May I please request a fic with George Weasley and his pregnant muggle wife? George and his family doting on her and it’s super sweet and adorable? Reader being besties with Fred lol 💖
More Weasley’s
warnings- pregnancy, fluff
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George!” You yelled, from bed, hands running along your ever growing bump, the twins kicking you in all directions.
“What is it love?” George asked, running in.
“Help me up. I’m too big to move!” You pouted.
It wasn’t exactly wrong. You were nearing the end of your pregnancy caring Weasley Twins.
“Okay, darling,” George let out, going to your side and helping you up. “Do you need anything?”
“Rub my back!” You ordered. George smiled and started kneading his way through the knots in your back. You sighed and relaxed a little. “Thank you Georgie!”
“Of course darling. Do you need anything before we go to my parents?”
“No. I’ll need help getting ready though.”
“Of course my love, let’s get you three some breakfast first though.”
You were standing at the sink, trying to get your dress on but failing to do so, ending up with a terrible cramp in your back and much more discomfort from the babies inside.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” George asked, walking in to see you crying.
“I can’t get my dress on.”
“Oh, it’s okay baby. I’ve got it.” George helped you put your dress on, then crouched down, cradling your bump in his hands. “Hey babies. It’s Daddy, I need you to stop making Muma cry. I hate when she cries.”
“I love you Georgie,” you breathed, racking your figures through his red hair.
“We’re here!” George called, opening the door to the Burrow, helping you walk in.
“Oh there they are!” Mrs. Weasley let out, walking to you too.
“Hi, Mum,” George smiled, hugging her.
“Hi, Y/N,” she smiled, carefully hugging you. “How are you?”
“Good but exhausted.” You smiled.
“Why don’t you go sit down, dearie, we’re just finishing up dinner, but everyone else is in the living room.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, as George helped you to the living room. He helped you down on the couch, making you let out a sigh as George sat down next to you.
“Any signs of my niece and nephew coming yet?” Fred asked, exited for them to be there.
“Not yet, Fred.” George let out, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and putting his other hand on your bump next to your hands.
“But if you keep pestering me about it they might,” you remarked, looking at your best friend.
“What? I’m just ready to see the next generations Weasley twins.”
“Oh no. They might be Weasley twins, but they will not be going around pranking people all the time!” You scolded.
“You don’t know that Y/N/N,” Fred sing sung. “They could be just like me and Georgie.”
“That would be a nightmare.” You recalled. “I never had to deal with you two as babies. Dad, how bad were Fred and George as babies?”
“Well,” Arthur started. “Um, about how you would think.”
“Oh great.” You sighed.
“Don’t worry love.” George cooed, kissing your temple. “I’ll be right here to help.”
“I love you.”
“Diner’s ready!” Mrs. Weasley called.
You sighed as everyone got up and went the dining room.
“Come her, darling, I’ve got you.” George cooed, helping you up.
You grunted in discomfort as babies shifted, fighting each other and hitting you in the process. You got light headed and leaned on George. Head resting on his shoulder, hands rubbing your swollen abdomen.
“You dizzy?” George asked, kissing your head.
“Mm,” you hummed. “Light headed.”
“Let’s get you some food.”
“So, Y/N,” Ginny smiled, as you ate. “Are you excited for the twins?”
“Yes! I can’t wait to get them out of me.” You smiled, looking at your bump. “I just hope they have the signature Weasley red hair.”
“I’m sure they will, dearie.” Molly smiled.
“Thanks, Mum.” You replied.
“When they are born, Molly and I will be more than happy to look after them when ever you two need us to.”
“Thank you, Dad.” George smiled, running his hand along the bump, calming the babies down. “Once they’re born, Fred said he wouldn’t mind taking care of the shop, so I can stay at the hospital with Y/N. Then once they’re all three home, I’ll stay home and take care of them.”
“And of course you can all visit when they come.” You smiled, finished your food, and resting your head on George’s shoulder. A content smile on your face.
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 7 months
Written for @hinnymicrofic November 2023 - Prompt 6
“Explain to me again why we can’t just send up sparks with our wands?” asked Harry, exasperated.
It was the 5th of November, 2011, a cold, soggy, late-autumn evening, the sort of evening where the damp saturates the air and feels like it will seep into your bones. Frankly, after a week squatting in bushes staking out a suspected illegal redcap fighting ring, the last thing he wanted to be doing was messing about in the bushes of his own back garden, setting out Muggle fireworks.
“No!” called Ginny, from the warmth of the kitchen. “This is a Muggle thing! I want the full Muggle experience!”
He twisted around to shoot her an irritated glance, but the sight of her, framed in the doorway, with James to her left, Albus to her right, and Lily balanced her hip, chased his annoyance away. 
“Will they go bang, Dad,” asked James, practically bouncing with excitement. 
“Yeah, they’ll go bang.”
Albus looked worried. “But not too loud, right?”
“You can stay behind the silencing charm with me and Lily, if you like,” offered Ginny. 
“No!” The word spilt quickly from Albus’s mouth, but not quickly enough to stop James turning to laugh at him. 
“Silencing charms are for babies!” he giggled. 
“I’m not a baby,” pouted Albus. But, Harry noticed, he hugged himself tighter into Ginny's side. 
“Don’t tease your brother!” she told James, reaching down to put her arm around her younger son.
But James wasn’t listening. “Tell us again about that guy called Fawkes, Dad,” he shouted, venturing a few paces down the garden.
Harry smiled. “Guy Fawkes, mate. It’s called Guy Fawkes night. He tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, with his friends,” he explained, as he finished laying the last of the fireworks. “But he got caught. And now, every year on the 5th of November, Muggles in Britain set off fireworks to remember it. Sometimes they light big bonfires too.”
James’s eyes widened. “Muggles are mental.”
“What’s the Houses of Parliament?” asked Albus, from the safety of Ginny’s side.
“It’s basically the Ministry of Magic, but for Muggles.” Harry stood up, and surveyed his handiwork, hands on his hips.
“Silencing charm?” asked Ginny, drawing her wand.
“Yep!” he told her, pulling a box of matches from his pocket. “We’re ready! James, stand back please.” But when he went to strike a match against the box, nothing happened. He tried another match, and another, but the same thing happened.
Ginny frowned. “What’s going on?” 
“Erm. Slight technical hitch.” Harry looked a bit sheepish as he walked back up to the house. “The matches are damp.”
“So?” she gave him a quizzical look, lips quirking into a hint of a smile.
“So… it might not be quite the full Muggle experience,” he told her, ruefully. “That okay?”
“I reckon I’ll live.” She reached up and pressed a kiss to his lips.
James made a retching noise. “Yuck! Smooching!” 
Ignoring him, Ginny pulled back and grinned wickedly at her husband. “What?” he asked, immediately suspicious.
“You know, it occurred to me, that if Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, and the Houses of Parliament are basically the Muggle Ministry of Magic, does that make you the Wizarding Guy Fawkes?”
“Hey!” he protested, with a laugh. “I accept that I caused quite a bit of damage, but I never tried to actually blow it up! And, y’know, I didn’t exactly get caught as such either.”
“True,” she conceded, still grinning. “So come on then, Potter - are you going to get the show on the road? Or do I have to do everything around here?”
Harry shook his head in amusement and drew his wand, while Ginny and Lily retreated behind the silencing charm, closely followed (Harry noticed) by not just Albus but James too.
Casting the ignition spell at the first firework with Auror-honed accuracy, Harry watched as moments later, the first rocket soared into the air and burst high above the garden in a burst of coloured sparks. Again and again, he sent the little fireballs down the garden, striking each firework in turn, but after that first explosion, Harry stopped watching them. Instead, he turned to his family, drinking in the wide-eyed wonder on the face of his children.
He was so intent on it that at first, he didn’t notice that Ginny wasn’t watching the fireworks either, but eventually, he looked up, and saw that she was focused entirely on him, watching him, watching them. Now, her smile was broad and warm, and her eyes blazed as she spoke to him. He couldn’t hear her words from behind the silencing charm, but he didn’t need to to know what she was saying.
Instead, he sent another tiny fireball down the garden, and returned her smile. 
“I love you too, Gin.”
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daily-hayley568 · 2 years
could you write a charlie weasley imagine where the reader is the twins best friend and dating charlie in secret and sneaking around together around the holidays/birthdays where the family is all together including her because she’s like family (like harry and hermione)💖
Some Things Are Better Kept Secret|Charlie Weasley
Pairings: Charlie Weasley x fem!reader, platonic Fred weasley x fem!reader, platonic George x fem!reader, dad!sirius x daughter!reader
A/n: I love this! Tysm anon!
Summary: You’ve always been best friends with the twins but their older brother caught your eye.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual content, kissing, use of pet names, age gap, forbidden curses, mentions of death, blood
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You had been best friends with the Weasley twins since your first year in Hogwarts. You were sorted into Gryffindor and you were inseparable from Fred and George.
Fred and George planned pranksters. You would charm their victims and lead them into the trap. You all tag-teamed.
The first Christmas you spent with the Weasley’s was your second year Christmas break. Your mother was out of town with her friend and you mentioned that you would be staying at Hogwarts but your two best friends couldn’t have it. They owled their parents and Mrs. Weasley insisted you came to their Christmas. Said she heard so much about the girl who the twins loved.
When you rode the train you sat in the compartment with the twins, and Lee Jordan. Four kids in a compartment playing exploding snap all the way to the train station.
When you arrived at the Burrow, you were attacked by Ron and Ginny, the younger ones. They were so excited to meet the girl that Fred and George couldn’t shut up about.
“Fred talks about you all the time. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You looked up at the older boy. You knew him as the Gryffindor seeker. It was Charlie Weasley; and he was much more handsome closer then the distance from the pitch.
You swallowed quickly before taking his offered hand in the shake, you rose your eyebrows smirking at Fred and George. “You can’t shut up about me. How sweet.”
Fred rolled his eyes, “You’ve been mentioned.”
You giggled, releasing your hand from Charlie’s. Realistically you were still a kid and he was almost a full grown man, but you couldn’t help but swoon.
You thought that childhood crush would go away, but it never did.
You were now about to start your fifth year. You were once again at the Burrow for Ginny’s birthday party. When Ginny invited you, you were so excited to see the Weasley’s before school started in September. You knew that they were going to Egypt, so you would be separated from your best friends.
Ginny was going into her second year at Hogwarts; Ron, Harry, and Hermione were going into their third, and Percy had recent news of becoming Head Boy.
“Happy birthday, Ginny!” You smiled entering her room.
“Y/N! You’re here!” Ginny ran up to you pulling into a huge hug. You and Ginny had become even closer after the encounter with Tom Riddle.
You smiled when Fred peaked from behind you, “Didn’t even say hi to your best friends?”
“I said hi to Ginny?” You tilted your head, a mischievous glint in your eye.
Fred hit you upside the head, you chuckled elbowing him. “Where’s my favorite twin? George! There you are.” You squeezed past Fred hugging George.
“Hi, Y/N! I think everyone’s about here now.” George grinned.
You turned reluctantly giving a hug to Fred; who was pouting from receiving no love from his best friend.
You four went downstairs to find the trio; Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They were speaking with Bill and Charlie. Fred elbowed you and you hit him upside the head.
“Y/n!” Harry sprinted to you embracing you. You took it as your duty to keep Harry Potter under your wing. You were like his older sister. You never told him his godfather was your dad, or mentioned that he was in Azkaban.
“Heya, Harry.” You grinned.
Ron and Hermione waved. Bill hugged you and Charlie smiled with a wave, not without noticing a new scar on his arm.
At Ginny’s birthday party, you were sitting on the porch watching your friends play a game.
“You don’t want to join them?” You glanced up at Charlie Weasley taking a seat next to you on the step.
You shook your head, “It was a long travel.”
“I agree, apparating from Romania to here was a lot.”
“I’m sure it was. How are your dragons?”
You had never had a conversation with one-on-one with Charlie Weasley and your butterflies were erupting in your stomach. You wanted to choke them all out one by one.
Oh, Godric. His smile was so pretty, “They’re good. A new baby girl was hatched right before I left; Hungarian Horntail.”
“So many people are scared of those dragons; I know they’re much larger than other breeds and their fireballs are longer distance, but I think they can be cute creatures. People are scared of something that’s territorial and bigger than they are.”
Charlie Weasley rose his eyebrows. He didn’t know you knew so much about dragons, “Woah you’re like a dragon expert yourself.” He chuckled nudging you with his arm.
Your arm in return erupted in goosebumps over the ghost of his touch. Gotta get yourself together; your best friends brother? Really, Y/N.
Your thoughts scolded you. You ignored them anyway and decided to listen to Charlie instead of your angry thoughts and your drumming butterflies.
“I wouldn’t say that. I like reading about animals or just reading general, but I have taken an interest to dragons.”
“Maybe I could show you the reserve sometime.” Your face lit up.
“Yeah, maybe.”
You didn’t see Charlie again until that next Christmas. You couldn’t wait either. You begged Remus and your mum to let you stay for the holidays again. Of course they agreed.
At Christmas dinner, you were squeezed between Fred and George. You encouraged them to give the Marauders Map to Harry; leaving out his dad was Prongs himself.
Charlie sat across from you and you both talked about quidditch and dragons again. He told you about how the baby dragon from Ginny’s birthday was doing and you were so entranced with him, you didn’t even hear George asking if you wanted to play quidditch outside.
The twins shrugged and left you to talk with their older brother. You two were left alone before you realized you should head to bed.
“Would you mind if I owled you to ask on how Roxie is doing?” Roxie was the name of the new baby dragon.
“No! It’d be a pleasure to receive letters about dragons and not my mother scolding me from being too far from home.” You giggled shaking your head.
“Goodnight, Charlie.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
You never told Fred and George you sent letters to Charlie through the rest of fifth year. Remus and your mum knew of course, you couldn’t shut up about Charlie to them. That’s how you and Charlie became good friends.
Then at the end of your fifth year, you were reunited with your father and Harry’s godfather. Harry thought he had been a murderer when he was out, but you knew your dad was innocent. Stories from your mother and Remus made you a firm believer that he was framed. Remus and your mum argued a lot about letting Dumbledore know he was an animagus, of course your mum won that fight.
You loved watching your mum and dad reunite. It was the favorite thing you saw that summer.
You attended the quidditch World Cup with the Weasley’s added Hermione and Harry. You shook your head when your best friends decided to bet all your money.
Worried, but you had full faith in them.
Charlie was there and you gave each small looks. You just turned 17 a few weeks ago. He said he was staying around a bit longer for something he needed to do. You had no idea what.
At the World Cup you and Charlie ended up sitting next to each other on the end. Fred and George were on the other end.
“Who do you think is going to win?” Charlie leaned over to talk in your ear.
You shivered your brain thinking of other times Charlie could be whispering in your ear.
“Ireland. It’s got to be.”
“I agree.” Another dazzling smile from Charlie Weasley himself.
After Ireland won, you and Charlie grinned fist bumping each other. Back at the tent, everyone stayed up for awhile. Arthur rushed everyone to bed after Ginny fell asleep on the table. You and Charlie had slipped out the tent sitting next to each other watching the Irish celebrate their victory.
“You know, I thought you were going to be as annoying as George and Fred are. Then I met you and I was totally wrong.”
“Thanks, though I do cause a lot of trouble with them.”
Over the course of the letters, you and Charlie were now close friends. You still had a raging crush on the boy. His light, platonic touches drove you crazy.
The Weasley family knew about Sirius’ innocence but you told Charlie first. Something ate at you about telling your best friends first, but it was Charlie who you ran to.
“That I also noticed,” Charlie chuckled.
You smiled, “Well I should head to bed. Goodnight Charlie.”
“Night, Love.” You froze at the pet name at the entrance of the tent but you let yourself smile brightly heading into the girl tent.
You knew you didn’t sleep for long when Charlie was shaking you awake, calling your name. You were confused as he pulled you out of tent as you struggled to put your nightrobe on.
“Charlie, what’s going on?”
“Death eaters.”
Your eyes widened as you met everyone in the living room. Fred and George were to take care of Ginny and you were to take care of Harry. Ron and Hermione and you two were to stick together.
Before Charlie took off you both shared a look of stay safe.
You took off with the crowd holding onto Harry’s arm trying to run to the gate, but you both fell getting trampled, becoming unconscious.
When you and Harry woke up, the tents were burned and Harry was stirring beside you. You saw a man and your breath was hesitant, but Harry didn’t.
“Black are you okay?” Harry muttered. The worst time to call each other by last names.
The strange man called the dark mark and you took in a sharp breath but after Harry spoke loud enough the man looked at you both. He ran off.
That’s when you heard a bunch of popping and surrounded by Ministry men. “You’ve be discovered at the scene of the crime!” Barty Crouch shouted.
Barty held a wand to your throat. Arthur came to your rescue. “She’s just a girl!”
“So? She’s Sirius Black’s daughter. He probably sent her to do this himself! Where’s your tent, Arthur.”
Arthur opened up the tent and the rest of the group shot up seeing Harry enter.
“Where’s Y/N?” George asked him and his twin worried sick. Thought he didn’t voice it, Charlie was too. Harry looked at his shoes not responding.
“Get in there!” Barty Crouch shoved you onto the couch.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked; you looked frustrated.
“Y/N Black was discovered at the scene of the crime! She conjured the dark mark.” Barty accused.
“I didn’t! You can’t arrest me because of my relations? What about you? Your son?” You asked tilting your head and Barty gasped.
“How do you know about that?”
“My father.” You spat. “Check my wand. Check Harry’s wand. I. Didn’t. Cast. It.” Barty took both of your wands and checked it. You both didn’t cast the spell.
“Sorry for the inconvenience.” Barty muttered.
After all that, you were lying in bed and couldn’t sleep. So you walked to a room you knew you could find rest in.
Charlie was still awake when you walked in. “Can I sleep with you? I just-“ you swallowed, your voice small. I cant sleep and I’m scared, Charlie.”
Charlie opened his arms and you climbed on into the bed cuddling in his arms, “What you did was pretty badass.” You giggled.
“Well, I didn’t want to go to Azkaban.”
He grinned, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair. You fell asleep much easier with your head on his chest and him playing with your hair.
That night passed, and you were back at Hogwarts with your best friends. After the first years were sorted , the triwizard tournament was announced. Luckily, you turned 17 last June. You stuck your tongue out at the twins because they didn’t reach the age limit.
You decided why not and you entered the tournament.
Charlie Weasley apparently got wind that you one of the four champions. He was so pissed. You two had never even had an argument until now. He told you that you were just a kid and shouldn’t be doing the dangers that was coming for you.
You were furious. He thought of you as a kid? You didn’t write back for the next month. The four champions were as listed: Y/N Black, Harry Potter, Victor Krum, and Fleur Delacour.
The first task is when you saw Charlie again. You didn’t even look at him. You got the Swedish short-snout. Luckily you knew a lot about this dragon, and the Hungarian Horntail so you gave Harry tips when no one was paying attention.
Before it was your turn, Charlie dragged you privately.
“You’re crazy.”
“Thought I was just a kid.” You hugged. Charlie sighed running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry. You’re not a kid. You’re too strong. I was just angry when I wrote that. I just worry about you a lot.” He sighed rubbing a hand up and down your arm.
“Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I do what it takes to win.”
“Y/n one more thing.” You rose your eyebrows, “I want you to know-“ the cannon shouted and they screamed Black. It was your turn.
Without another word, you ran off to fight your dragon.
You tied first with Harry.
Charlie returned to Romania and you didn’t see him until Christmas. You were getting ready for the third task; you and Harry still tied. You joked about winning this thing together and it seemed possible.
At Christmas, you found yourself alone with Charlie after everyone had gone to bed. You both were sipping tea and just talking. “Have you ever tried firewhiskey?”
You shook your head and Charlie left before bringing back a bottle of it. He poured you and himself a glass. You took a sip letting the warm feeling travel down your throat. “Delicious.”
He chuckled, “Are you worried about the third task?”
You shook your head, “I’ve got Harry. I don’t care if I win.”
He smiled, continuing to sip his whiskey. Maybe you two drank too much. But Charlie ended up kissing you and you kissing him back. He mumbled something about tired dancing around stuff.
You were on the couch, his mouth on yours in a kiss of passion and heat. He slipped his tongue in your mouth and you moaned into his. He chuckled pulling back with a wide grin.
You and Charlie began to sneak around after that. The rest of the holidays ended up with kisses on the couch. You never talked about it after you went back to Hogwarts.
It was time for the third task. You and Harry decided to grab the cup together and it was a portkey. You were taken to a graveyard. You were left unconscious next to the trophy and Harry groaned getting up.
He noticed the grave that read tom riddle on it. He needed to get out of here. Before he could grab you and the key. Wormtail casted a spell to keep him bound to the tree.
He dropped Voldemort in a boiling cauldron, cut his arm off, sliced Harry’s for blood. Voldemort was back.
You were still unconscious when Voldemort talked to Harry.
Voldemort touched Harry’s scar before he noticed you. He kicked you and you let out a groan, stirring. Harry prayed that Voldemort would leave you alone.
“She’s important to you. I can tell.” The noseless man said to the scar boy. “Crucio!” Right as you began to stand you were back on the ground writing in pain, screaming in agony. It felt like needles were being plunged into your skin. Then he released the spell, you could breathe again.
Wrong. “Crucio!” He screamed again and that was the torture. Thinking that it was over but it wasn’t.
You couldn’t stand the pain and you were losing consciousness. Then it all stopped. Were you dead? No. You could hear Harry. Harry was fighting him. Next thing you knew you were back at the stadium, crying to be let go of. You didn’t know who was touching you.
There was cheering but it suddenly stopped when Harry was crying over your body. Your mum and Remus leaped out of the stands running towards you followed by the Weasley kids who were attending Hogwarts.
“Y/N?” George or Fred whispered, you couldn’t tell.
You blinked your eyes open tears spilling, “Harry.” You rasped holding onto his arm. He was sobbing. “It hurts.”
“I know it does, Sis. You got to stay with me your the closest family I have! Y/N!” Charlie was now at your side stroking your hair.
“Are you crying, Charles?” You whispered. “I told I’d win.” You tried to grin but it was more of a grimace.
“I told you to be safe too.” Charlie muttered.
Dumbledore finally arrived with mad-eye moody. “Harry what happened?”
“Voldemort!” He cried, “he’s.. he’s back. He could tell we were close somehow and just started Crucio after Crucio. She went through so many! I thought.. I thought she was dead.” The poor boy was heartbroken at the fact he could’ve lost his sister tonight. Charlie scooped you up and carried you to the hospital wing.
After a couple days of rest, you woke up feeling less painful and Charlie was sitting there. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, since you’re here.” He rolled his eyes with a smile.
“You scared me. I thought you were going to die without me telling you something because I was too afraid too.”
“What’s that?”
“What if you died before I told you I was in love with you?” He whispered grasping your hand.
“Well if I was dead I wouldn’t be able to tell you I’m in love with you too.” He grinned kissing your lips, lightly. He was scared of hurting you.
That summer you, mum, and Remus moved to the Grimmauld Place.
“Buttercup!” You ran into your fathers embrace with a giddy smile. You hadn’t seen him in a good while. He visited you when you were sick but now you got to live with him.
You had just turned 18. You were secretly dating Charlie Weasley and you got to move in with your dad. Best year ever!
The Weasley’s also moved in and you, Fred, and George worked on their products. You and Harry gave your winnings to the twins so they could do their joke shop.
Charlie was there for the summer too. You were of age so you got to join the Order. During those meetings you sat beside Charlie. He had his hand on your thigh and you played his fingers in his lap.
It was subtle, no one could tell. Except Sirius, he loved to tease you about him.
Late nights was included Charlie in your room full of cuddles, kisses and your favorites. You always made sure to lock the door so no one saw you and Charlie and entangled limbs.
Your secret was falling apart. Or you two just didn’t care. You brought up to the twins what if you and Charlie went places and they said they didn’t mind. Though one morning you did forget to lock the door.
“Y/N!” You shot awake off Charlie’s chest. George was holding an order form. “Charlie?”
Eyes wide you turned to Charlie who was smirking and starting to lean against the headboard. He brought you on his lap. “Meet my girlfriend.”
“No. Fucking. Way.”
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avalynlestrange · 8 months
Already Over
Fred Weasley x Reader
Reader: she/her pronouns
Warnings: implied smut, exam season, not proof read again haha, unrequited love or mutual pining?, profanity
Category: One-Shot, Songfic, Friends with Benefits, AU without Voldy.
Summary: In which you can’t close the door on Fred when you still need the closure.
Sneak Peak: None :P
Author’s Note: I needed this done and over with T_T As much as I love this song it’s becoming sickening to listen to. 
Word Count: 3301
To The Library (fic masterlist) To The Kitchen (WIPs) To emails i can't send fwd: Anthology To more Fred Weasley
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You’ve been talking for hours about how you shouldn’t talk for hours on end. Sitting on the floor of an empty corner of the library with candy and homework surrounding you. The recent topic of your chatter however is not the current herbology books you are required to read but how you needed to stop this situationship you have going on.
“It’s just so easy with you.” Fred laughs. He runs his fingers through his hair and you wish it could be your hands but you restrain yourself. You are trying to end things after all.
Fred chucks a jellybean at you. You catch it with your mouth. Immediately you spit it out and reach for the fizzy fig juice. 
“That’s disgusting. Tasted like sweaty socks,” You grimace after chugging down half the bottle.
“What do you mean you love sweaty socks!” He wiggles his feet near your face. You push his leg away causing his body to swivel. 
“Get your feet away from me!”
Fred smoothly transitions from his almost fall back to a sit up position. His legs in front of his stocky frame. Merlin how you adore his body.
“Shut up! You love all this,” and he wiggles himself.
You’re not very good at lying. Especially to Fred, so you only roll your eyes as a response. 
“For reals though,” you brace yourself, “We really should stop this.”
“But we’re doing so well!” Fred pouts; he gestures to the work laying around you. Both of you completed your charms essay and you celebrated with many a kiss.
“You know that’s not what I mean!” You kneel and start clearing your side of the space. This had become a frequent meeting place for the two of you. It used to be three of you but George disappears with Angelina for a few months now.
Fred grabs your wrist. You gently stumble on top of him as he guides you to straddle him. He locks his hands in yours and pulls you near his face. You would have blushed a couple months ago but you are used to this close proximity.
“But we are doing so well,” he whispers in your ear.
And now you are kissing after a conversation about how you’d probably be better off as friends. Grasping at his ginger locks, you push him further to deepen the kiss.
His hands leaves a hot trail as they roam your body, clasping and squeezing. When your shirt rides up to uncover your back, Fred without hesitation takes the opportunity to slide and touch the your skin. It’s all you could think about. The initial burn you feel upon the contact ignites your whole body.
You moan on his lips. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale and you’re submerged again in the shared passion between you. Drowning all thoughts of ceasing the very thing you are doing.
Suddenly, you hear George cough and say it’s nearly curfew causing you break apart. You share a smile and fix each others hair. 
“Same time here next weekend?” Fred winks.
As you bring yourself to stand, you say, "We won't do this again.”
You say, “I’m done.”
“You’ve barely eaten anything off your plate!” Harry exclaims, trying to pick off your plate. You block his fork with yours.
“That’s not what I meant. Hands of my pudding!” You shove a piece in your mouth to prove your point.
“What you’re leaving school or something?” Ron asks through a mouth full of roast chicken.
“I don’t think that’s what she means either Ron.” Ginny replies.
“Oh is this about my brother again? Honestly you two need to sort yourselves out;” Ron wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Yeah you two should just admit you like each other. You think you’re being sneaky but we all know it.” Harry states.
It’s not like you don’t know you like each other but Fred doesn’t seem to want a serious relationship. Before you he would date different girls every weekend. You settle for friends… with benefits. You admit that you did try to keep it a secret at first, in order to not make it weird for others around you. But you did a poor job after the second week when Fred snogged you in the Quidditch tent post game thinking everyone had gone back to the castle. Everyone found out when Ron screamed so loudly. Since then you’ve tried to swat questions about the two of you.
“Oh bog off both of you!” Ginny shoos them off as if to physically remove them from the conversation. “Never mind them. They’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic when it comes to relationships.”
“Oi!” But Ron returns to his food when Hermione glares.
“Do you really want to be done? Don’t you want to tell him how you feel?” Hermione asks.
“I do. I don’t… but I’m still confused. I just don’t think I can take anymore of being ‘just friends’,” You air quote.
“How am I supposed to close the door when I still need the closure? I just need to figure out how to say it to him,” You push away your plate so that you can slump yourself on the desk.
Hermione grabs hold of your shoulders to sit you up and says, “Come on. It’s nearly time for class.”
Fred keeps tabs on you on the corner of his eye. You’re stood outside your class and a Ravenclaw leans on the wall talking to you. He can’t pinpoint the name of this classmate of yours but Fred wishes he could throw a jinx their way when they brush a way a strand of hair on your face. A means to flirt with you. Fred curses under his breath.
A sudden surge of emotion runs through his veins and he unexpectedly makes his way over to you without thinking it through. The only thought in his mind is that Ravenclaw and your lips locking and he wants to squish that idea out of yours and his head.
Selfishly he doesn’t want to give you time to be on someone else's lips. He tugs you away despite your protest about the next lesson starting soon. 
Next you’re behind a curtain with a secret passage. You halt a few steps in. What reason did he have to bring you here and skip third period?
“What’s wrong? Did something hap-“ Your questions were cut off when his lips crash onto yours. It reminds Fred of the first time you were in this secret passage alone.
It was during the 2 weekends before the O.W.L.’s exams. You were very stressed out studying in the library. You had gone back to your dorm to pick up a few snacks for the group. George went along with you but all three of you knew it was because he was looking for Angelina.
Staring at the pages of the charms textbook, Fred’s mind and heart started to race. All the exams were within the whole of next week and results were the Friday in the week after. So you all only had 9 days before your first exam. 
Nothing seemed to stick that afternoon and you were taking a long time to return. Fred skimmed through practice questions. Who even was Felix Sumerbee? To the present day, he still doesn’t know. And he remembers he certainly knew the charm for unlocking doors and chains but what was the incantation for the locking spell?
He closed the textbook as you decided it’s best for you to take a break. Fred scribbled a note and left it on your desk that he was going to the transfiguration courtyard for some fresh air. 
At 6pm in June the sun was still shining but weather in Scotland can be unpredictable so by the time you reached the courtyard, the sky drizzled small drops. He sat on a bench not minding the wetness of the rain. It distracted him from the fact he needed to go back to studying soon. 
“Catch!” He heard a person say from a close direction and dodged just in time when he realised something was dangerously close to hitting his face.
“I’m so sorry. Thought you’d be quick to get that,” You said as you sat next to him; picked up the sweet on the floor and offered it to Fred.
He quickly unwraps the candy and popped it in his mouth.
You both sat there quietly, contemplating about the future ahead. He didn’t know where it was heading but it’ll all be okay since he had you and George. Fred remembers you not noticing his stare until the rain starts to pour down.
“Let’s go!” You grabbed his hand, dragging him inside. However, when you reached indoors, Fred doesn’t stop running until you reach one of the secret passageways.
“Lumos!” You recited, then placed your wand on one of the crooks of the wall.
He leaned on his knees panting and looks up at you. Soaked to the bone, you glistened in his eyes. He’s always thought you were beautiful and had a crush on you but never acted on it. Years went by and it was getting difficult to conclude whether it was a good idea if he did. He didn’t want to lose you if you didn’t feel the same or if you did and it all goes wrong.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked Fred. 
Fred didn’t know himself what it was. But he remembers how you laughed your awkward laugh when he didn’t reply. Then he remembers how you moved your hair to the back of your ears; how your face contorted with worry; how you gently touched his arm in concern…
He moved without thinking of consequences. His lips were on yours. 
Only at first.
And when he pulls back, you were against the wall. Both panting.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.” He lied. He’d been waiting for that moment for years but never got the courage. So much for holding up to the Gryffindor house standards.
You startled him when you pulled his robe toward yourself and kiss him with a passion.
A whisper and the light from your wand dimmed…
The day after that event, Fred didn’t see you. Not even during movement between periods. He asked other people in your circle, but they didn’t know where you were either. Your dorm mates said you were not in bed when they woke up.
Once it was dinner time, he found you sat at the furthest table from your usual and next to your potion partner who happened to be Adrian Pucey. 
“Lost Weasley?” Malfoy scowled.
“Shut up Malfoy!” Pucey glared, which Fred found incredibly strange.
“Hey.” Fred greeted you, “Where have you been?”
“I wasn’t feeling well so Adrian took me to Madam Pomfrey,” You said without looking at Fred.
“Are you feeling better? Can we talk?”
Adrian placed his arms around your shoulders as you reply, “I’m not feeling that great so maybe tomorrow.”
But tomorrow never came. You avoided him and the rumour that you were dating Adrian travelled to him through Alicia. His heart sank when he heard it.
During those weeks, you barely interacted with Fred. No matter how much he tried to. Sure, you spoke to him during class about the lesson but you weren’t you. When you spoke, he would feel a chill through his body at how cold most of your responses were. Body language was rigid and if he didn’t know better you were trying to keep to your side of the table when you were sat next to each other.
It wasn’t until George intervened and locked you in a closet that you truly interacted. You were sat on the floor twiddling your fingers whilst Fred stood as far away as he could in the little space that you were sharing. The only noise you could here is the distant chatter from students outside and the occasional cough from Fred.
He wanted to say something but didn’t really know what. He didn’t know what was going on between you but he sure as hell didn’t want to confess whatever he was feeling after how you reacted. It didn’t help that you were not even looking his way.
“I’m sorry for being a really shitty friend.” You finally spoke. Eyes still locked to the floor, you continued, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea if we got together.”
“What if we weren’t together?” He replied.
Your head shot up in confusion; “What do you mean?”
Fred didn’t exactly know what he meant either but he knew that he didn’t want to be with anyone else. He hadn’t gone on a date since your kiss, which George pointed out as strange since Fred always had a girl on his arm every Hogsmeade visit. The dates never went anywhere other than within that weekend.
“I mean… we could… just… kiss,” He studied your face for signs of aversion, “but just as friends. Y’know to blow off some steam?”
Your brow shot up.
‘Was that a good idea? Is this going to push you away further?’ Fred thought to himself.
 And when you said yes, it shocked him when you pounce up to kiss him in spite of the fact that he was the one to suggest it.
As a result of this memory, Fred always seeks you when he witnesses another person hitting on you. He'll take three short hours over three long weeks pretending like you don't exist which he fears would happen if you start dating someone else. Not that you two were dating…
“Same time here next weekend?” He asks
You say, "We won't do this again."
That night you couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning with thoughts of Fred. You’re not sure how long you can continue like this. It may have started out as a crush on a friend but there are deeper feelings involved on your side now you’ve spent so many days with just the two of you. It won’t end well for you because surely Fred doesn’t feel the same way.
You know he finds you attractive as he compliments you during your sessions and that he likes you in some sort of way, but he obviously doesn’t want to be an official couple. If he did then why has he not asked you out on a proper date? It’s always empty rooms and secret nooks.
A confession to him would just be awkward and terrifying. It’ll risk your friendship even more. You resolve to cut things off tomorrow.
There is something off with you, Fred notices. It was evident when your body stiffens at the touch of his arms around you. Five minutes until fifth period starts, he is walking you to your class since it’s his free period.
“You okay?” He squeezes your shoulder. Maybe you weren’t well.
“Yeah I’m fine.” You bite your bottom lip.
“You clearly aren’t. Talk to me.”
“Not right now Fred.”
He sees you grip your books tight.
“Here let me carry your books.”
“No it’s fine Fred.”
 “C’mon something is wrong. You can tell me anything.”
“We’ll talk later.”
“Just tell me. I’ll help you sort it out.”
“I said later.”
“I hate seeing you sad.” He insists, “Just let me help. I’m your friend.”
At those words you snap.
“That’s just it! We’re friends but we’re not friends. I just…” After a deep breath *you say, “I’m done. I don’t want to do whatever this is between us. Let’s go back to being actual friends.”
“What?” He laughs, not taking it seriously. You had been saying that for the past few weekends and you always came back to him. Fred quickens his pace and stops when he is facing you.
“Exams have been over for months now and there aren’t any this year. So we don’t need to ‘blow off steam’,” You quote the words he said at the start of your situationship.
“Are we going to continue during the N.E.W.T.s then?” He jokes.
You, however, do not find it funny and cross your arms.
“Are we just a joke to you? Fred I can’t do this anymore and no we aren’t going to continue next year.” You sigh and shake your head.
He didn’t mean to make a joke but he couldn’t help it. This can’t be happening. This isn’t how your story was supposed to end.
You walk off to your next class but he grabs your wrist and calls out your name.
“You don’t mean that. We’re having fun, aren’t we?”
He hears you scoff at his question. Without turning to him you reply,
“Well it isn’t fun anymore. Now excuse me I need to get to class.”
Yeah, you say that you’re done but Fred is still confused. Where did this come from all of a sudden? He stays where you left him. His mouth slightly agape. Can the ground swallow him up now? Make him fall where he stands, only like you can.
You scribble away the content the Professor writes on the chalkboard. Trying so hard to concentrate on the lesson. He drowns on about the different properties of boom berries. However, the scene of your so called break-up replays and replays in your head; you change your mind, but it's still on Fred.
That wasn’t how it was meant to go. The conversation should have gone a little more civil, instead he had the audacity to make jokes. You frown. You should have expected the school’s joker to do as his reputation says. You’d known him for so long too. Why was it such a surprise to you when takes such a serious conversation lightly? Will you patch back up together and stay friends?
You didn’t want to lose him that way. Why did you agree with it in the first place? Then you remembered how your heart fluttered at your first kiss. You had thought about how you settled for being close friends for years then with benefits for months. It was the right decision. Your heart would break even more the longer you carry on.
When you broke the news to Hermione whilst you walked to watch the quidditch practice, she agreed it was the right decision. You debated on whether it was a good idea to attend the Gryffindor practice session but it was your way of getting things back to before. Back to normal. You even brought his and George’s favourite snacks.
You wave at him from the bleachers and your heart swells with glee when he returns the gesture.
“See nothing to worry about.” Hermione reassures you.
Hermione confided in her liking Ron at the start of last year in which you returned her trust by telling her about Fred. She insisted that he felt the same about you but you brushed it off saying it was just a brief infatuation that should go away given that you were close friends.
“Watch out!”
A bludger heading your way is immediately hit by Fred. The eye contact between you sends your cheeks blushing. Fuck he looked gorgeous in his sports gear. That’s when you know that after the aftermath, you know you will be coming back. 
Next you’re in his bedroom and it won't be the last time.
Head and heart are floating at the touch of his skin on yours. Fred caresses your body, clouding the judgement of the voice in your head. His kisses are rough as if to say I missed you when it’s only been a day they were apart from yours. You claw his back and he removes his jumper.
How are you supposed to leave him now that you're already over?
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onlyfreds · 2 years
Hey Gabriella, it's me again 😊
Could I ask you for a ✍️ 𝟏𝟎 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
With fred weasley taking care of a sick reader?, please? Thank you 😌
Just if you want to write it 🙈❤️
Hey Jacky! Thank you so much for requesting this, I'm so sorry it took a long time. Hope you enjoy it!
my 1.3k celebration is now closed!
Sick Day | F.W.
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Like every year, winter was almost upon the earth. 
Fred already saw the tell-tale signs; the bundle of sweaters folded in a pile at the foot of your bed, the cup of tea you always drank after meals, and the way you would so often rub your nose.
As he predicted, you didn’t come down for breakfast this particular morning.
Gently knocking on the door of your dorm out of respect, Fred didn’t wait for an answer before opening it, to be met with the sight of a huddle of blankets under your body.
“Hey.” The ginger greeted softly, sitting by the foot of your bed while putting down the plate of toast he brought on top of your trunk.
“Go away Freddie.” Despite your command, the pout he could practically hear in your voice told him otherwise, “You could get sick.” 
He hummed, pressing a soft kiss to your burning forehead, “You know I don’t care about that bug. Do you want me to bring you to Madam Pomfrey?” 
“Nope.” You groaned as the pain caused by shaking your head crashed down on you, “I’ll just sleep this off.” 
“Shh.” Fred prompted, stroking your hair, “I’ll take care of you then.”
You peaked at your boyfriend from under the covers, “But-” 
“No buts.” He interrupted with a smile. 
“Here.” Fred carefully handed you the cup of peppermint tea, “Feeling better?” 
“A bit.” You smiled, blowing at the steam rising from the cup, “No thanks to you though.” 
He dramatically gasped, despite knowing that you were teasing, “You wound me woman.” 
“I’m kidding.” You laughed, taking a sip, “Where did you learn to do all this anyway?”
“I’m offended that you think I can’t make a simple cup of tea.”
“Idiot. I was talking about playing nurse.” 
Your boyfriend smiled sheepishly, “Well I kinda just picked it up, since I helped mum around whenever George, Ron or Ginny would get sick.” 
“Aaw,” You could’ve literally melted into a puddle at the image of Fred taking care of his sick siblings, “That’s sweet.”
“Maybe.” He shrugged before leaning forward to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear, “But at least those come in handy now, don’t they?” 
@lumosandnoxwriting @ssathoma@fandomhideout@nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff@pandaxnienke@daedreamss@catching-the-train-to-hogwarts@thefallengodesse@cupids-crystals@madelieneorionswan@holyheadharpies99@posteyymaloney @princess-paramour(Send a Message/Ask if you want to be added!)
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jmagnabo92 · 5 months
GGSB Fest 2024 - Who Says You're Good Enough?
Prompt - Sirius Dating
When Harry notices certain order members flirting with a recently freed Sirius, he decides to question them on why they think they're good enough for him, not knowing Sirius isn't ready to date just yet.
Despite having to visit his horrible family’s house from time to time, Sirius is incredibly happy to be a free man.  Frankly, given everything that happened during Harry’s fourth year, he hadn’t exactly expected Harry bringing Pettigrew back after Voldemort’s return and getting him freed.  
He’d instantly taken custody of Harry – Dumbledore be damned – and offered his family’s home as Headquarters for the Order.  This meant frequent visits for lame meetings that never went anywhere, while his kid and his friends try to spy.  It also meant enjoying some attentions that he hadn’t been enjoying since well before his arrest (too busy fighting in the war).  
Sirius had to admit that he enjoyed the fact that Bill, Kingsley, and Remus all seemed to be flirting with him.  Especially the first since it is clearly driving Molly up the wall.  
But the fact is that Sirius doesn’t have time for dating, not when he’s got a kid in the center of a war.  
Still, he could enjoy their attentions.
Harry’s pouting.  
Okay, maybe pouting isn’t the right word, but when he and his friends had come in for dinner after the Order meeting, he could tell that certain others were flirting with Sirius and okay maybe Hermione and Ginny had to point it out to him but now that he’s aware, he’s not happy about it.  
How could any of them think that they are good enough for Sirius?  
Lupin had abandoned him.
Kingsley was the head of the search committee for him (although that was disbanded once Sirius finally got freed).
And Bill was … well, Harry didn’t have a reason that technically had to do with Bill, but more letting Mrs. Weasley be mean to him.  
Not good enough.  
“Don’t you think you’re being unfair?” Hermione asks.  “Sirius deserves to be happy, and he seems to be enjoying their attentions.”
“No, he deserves the best and none of them are the best.”
“Alright, Harry.”
“You alright there, Harry?” Kingsley asks, one dinner time after yet another pointless order meeting.  Sirius is pretty sure that he’s not meant to be overhearing this conversation given Harry’s response.
“I’m fine – just trying to figure out why any of you think you’re good enough.”
“Good enough for what?”
“Good enough to date my godfather when none of you did anything for him?”
Kingsley looks shocked, and he can see a similar look on Bill and Remus’ faces. 
“Er, Harry… I – I didn’t know your godfather before what happened, and I was just doing my job.  As soon as I knew the truth, I would’ve stopped, but I can’t apologize for my past of being on the hunt for Sirius when I had no idea, he was innocent.”
Harry huffs but looks like he can’t really argue with that.
“And I’m not sure what I did wrong, other than maybe my mother’s comments, but you should know that you can’t control your family.  It’s not like I really knew him enough to fight for his innocence,” Bill says.  
It’s clear that they all knew that this is something that they have to answer for in order to potentially be with Sirius.  
Harry huffs, again.  “I suppose that’s true…”
They all turn as one to Remus – who looks massively guilty.
“I suppose this means that I’m entirely out of the running.”
“Duh,” Harry says, petulantly.  “Not only did you abandon him, you abandoned me and in case you hadn’t noticed, Sirius isn’t going to give anyone the time of day when they don’t deserve it.”
“I did apologize, and he also thought I was the traitor –”
“That doesn’t make it okay,” Harry states, clearly angry.  “And he would never give you a chance if I can’t forgive you, either, so…”
Sirius grins.  He’s got a point.  Remus never stood a chance – even if he enjoyed the flirting.  
Remus, clearly annoyed, gets up and walks away.  
Harry turns to the other two, “Just because you’re better than Lupin, doesn’t mean you’re good enough.”
Kingsley gives him a soft smile as Bill laughs.  “Well, maybe someday when you’re ready to share your godfather, we can revisit the idea of being worthy of him, until then, there’s no harm in flirting, is there?  After all, he seems to like the attention.”
Harry sighs.  “I guess not.”
After that, Sirius decides to wait until they get home to address Harry’s intervention into Sirius’ dating life.
“Er, before you go to bed,” Sirius starts.  “I thought we’d have a little chat.”
Harry looks down guiltily.  “Did you hear the conversation with…?”
“I did,” Sirius states, as Harry sits on the settee.  “And I just want to talk about it…”
“I know that I shouldn’t intervene, but you deserve the best after everything and –”
“Kiddo, I appreciate the thought behind it, really I do, but I can take care of myself, and I’m not looking to date right now.”
Harry looks up hopefully.  “You’re not?”
“I’m not,” Sirius assures him.  “I just got freed, and I need to focus on you and on us… I don’t have time for it, and I’m not ready for it.  Someday, maybe, but right now – I only have time for you.”
Harry flushes.  “I’m sorry I intervened, I just… you just got freed and I… I didn’t want to share you.”
Sirius gives him a soft smile.  “I know, and that’s okay.  I am totally okay with not being shared for a while.”
“Then why let them flirt with you?”
Sirius chuckles.  “I like the attention.  After so long in Azkaban, it’s nice to know I’m still a catch.”
“You are,” Harry assures him.  “And that’s why I was worried that they weren’t good enough…”
Sirius grins.  “Usually it’s the other way around, but it doesn’t matter because I’m not dating anyone right now.  I just want to focus on you and I and building that family life together that we deserve.”
“Sounds brilliant.”
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breaniebree · 1 year
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Chapter 10 SNEAK PEEK: The One Where Everyone Wants to Slay Dean
Harry snorted and Seamus pouted.
“Oooh, let’s play that game!  You know the one where we all have to choose someone in the room to Slay, Shag, or Snog and Get Hitched!”  Seamus exclaimed.
“I love that game!”  Theo bellowed, plopping himself down into Sebastian’s lap.  “I’m easy.  I’d shag Harry because obviously!  I’d snog and hitch myself to Bas, and I’d slay… Dean.  Sorry, mate, I just don’t know you as well.”
Dean snorted.  “Thanks.”
Harry rolled his eyes, taking a seat in the chair as Ginny made herself comfortable on his lap.  “The point of this game is…?”
“Fun!”  Seamus exclaimed.  “I’ll go next!  I would snog and hitch myself to Dean, shag… Harry for sure.  I’d slay… Neville.”
“Ouch,” Neville said with a laugh.  “I’d snog and hitch Hannah, I’d shag Hannah —”
“—No!”  Seamus shouted.  “You can’t!  You have to pick three different people, it’s only fair.”
Neville wrinkled his nose.  “Bollocks to that.”
“I agree,” Harry said.  “I only want Ginny for all of those choices.”
Theo rolled his eyes.  “It’s just a game and besides whomever you choose to shag, you can only shag them once ever, then never again.  So obviously you’d want to snog and hitch yourself to Ginny so that you can shag her forever.”
Neville sighed as he and Harry exchanged a look.  “Fine.  I’d snog and hitch Hannah.  I’d shag… Hermione,” he said, his cheeks heating in embarrassment, “and I’d slay… Seamus.”
“What?  I’m way too awesome to die!”
“Yeah, but you’re also the most annoying,” Neville said as everyone laughed.  “Dean, you’re up.”
Dean wrinkled his nose.  “All right, I’d snog and hitch myself to Seamus.  I would shag Ginny and I would slay… Ron.”
“Oi!”  Ron bellowed.
Dean shrugged.  “I’m still haunted by your obnoxious snoring.”
Ron held up two fingers and Harry chuckled into his drink.
“Bas, you go,” Theo said, kissing his boyfriend’s chin.
Sebastian took a drink of his wine.  “I would snog and hitch myself to Theo.  I would shag… Neville because I have a feeling he would blush a lot,” he said, making Neville turn a lovely shade of pink.  “Exactly my point and… I would slay… Dean.  Only because I don’t really know you, mate.”
Dean shrugged.  “I think I should be worried here.”
Seamus laughed and elbowed him.  “Hannah!”
“I would shag… Harry.  I would snog and hitch myself to Neville and I would slay… Bas because he tried to take my boyfriend.”
Sebastian laughed and held up his wine glass.  “Touché.  Harry?”
Harry sighed.  “Um, well, I’d snog and hitch myself to Ginny.  I’d slay… Dean,” he said, making everyone laugh.
“How did I end up on so many of your slay lists?  I’m offended.”
Harry chuckled.  “Nothing personal.”
Dean glowered.  “Says everyone.  I’m starting to get a complex.”
Theo sat up higher on his boyfriend’s lap.  “And what’s the last one, Harry?  Who would you shag?  It’s me, isn’t it?  Tell me, it’s me!”
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Chapter 16 - The Very, Nearly Birthday Party
Warnings: brief mention of someone vomiting, tiny bit of angst at the end
Summary: Y/N takes care of a very sick George on his birthday.
Start Here:
"I can’t remember the last time you got sick." Ginny sat on the edge of George’s bed.
"I’m not sick. Sickness is for the weak," he croaked.
His sister laughed. "Save it for when you can stand up by yourself."
Until now, he'd managed to evade the flu that had burned like wildfire through Hogwarts the last couple of months. Fred had it the previous week and was now fully recovered. But, poor George came down with it two days before his and Fred's birthday.
Y/N crossed the room from where she was mixing up a batch of extra potent anti-nausea lozenges. George had barely been able to keep anything down for the past 24 hours and the regular ones did nothing to alleviate his near constant queasiness.
"It's my birthday. Fred and I should be pranking Filch right now," George grumbled from under the covers.
"I agree lovey and I wish you could." Y/N said, sitting down next to him. "Once you've recovered we'll celebrate your birthday and you can prank Filch then."
"It's not the same." George retorted. It was the first year since the twins started Hogwarts that they hadn't pranked Filch on April Fools. George felt like he was robbing Fred of his birthday, even though his twin had told him that was nonsense. "You're not robbing me of anything. The festivities will just be a little late this year."
Brushing away the hair from his face, Y/N handed him a golden-colored bolus. "Here, put this under your tongue."
"Is it the new elixir?" George eyed it warily.
"No, it's an anti-grump potion," Ginny deadpanned, before patting Y/N on the shoulder. "I'm gonna head down to dinner. Anything in particular you'd like tonight?"
"A slice of caramel apple pie if they have it. Other than that, surprise me."
"You got it," Ginny said. "Should I bring a little something back for George?"
"Yeah, something fairly bland, like boiled potatoes. And some bread. I'm hoping the stronger elixir helps him keep things down."
As if on cue, Y/N felt the bed lurch as George threw his blankets off, and clambered over to the side of the bed to heave into the trash can.
Ginny gave Y/N a sympathetic look. "Fingers crossed," she said and disappeared out the door.
Y/N had just finished up her meal when the door opened a crack and Fred poked his head in. "Ready for me?"
"Yeah, come on in." Y/N said. Fred had been sitting with George every evening after dinner so Y/N could take a shower.
"Hey Georgie, you alive over there?" The older twin asked the lump in the center of the bed.
"Is that a trick question?" the lump rasped.
Fred looked to Y/N.
"Better," she said. "He managed to keep a little food down tonight."
Fred's face brightened. "Did you hear that, mate? Y/N says you're on the mend."
George mumbled something unintelligible and gave a thumbs up.
Y/N pulled back the covers a bit and kissed her boyfriend on the forehead. "I'm gonna go take my shower now." He stuck out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. "I'll only be a few minutes and I'll read to you when I get back," she promised.
"Yay." George gave her a smile, before huddling deeper into the covers.
"I won't be long," she assured Fred. "If his nausea comes back, have him stick one of these under his tongue." Y/N handed him the jar containing the freshly made lozenges.
Tucked into bed with George curled up around her, Y/N picked up the book on the nightstand. "Since your feeling a little better, I thought we could move from poetry and short stories to a novel," she suggested. "This is one of my favorites. I've read it so many times, I can almost recite it from memory." George placed a soft kiss on her neck and squeezed her tighter.
Interpreting that as a yes, she took a sip of water and began.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort."
"Y/N?" George's voice was hoarse and barely audible.
"Can we live in a hobbit-hole when we get married?"
Y/N went completely still. This was the second time he'd mentioned marriage. The first time was when he'd confessed his love to her.
"You're my other, other half," he'd said. "I love you, Y/N, and if you'll have me, I'll spend every second of every hour of every day until the end of time proving it to you."
Y/N didn't know if he realized he'd done it. She didn't realize it herself, until hours later when she had time mull over the events of that whirlwind day.
The future was something Y/N tried not to think about too much. Each time she did the dull ache in her chest became a little sharper. In a few short months she had to return to the States to finish out her senior year at Ilvermorny.
She and George had talked about what would happen after she graduated, both agreeing she would move to England permanently and they'd figure out everything else from there.
For the most part Y/N was positive their bond would withstand the ravages of time and space. Nevertheless, she was still only human and in the dark crevices of her mind lay the seed of doubt waiting to germinate.
Doing her best to ignore it, she took a deep breath and pushed the dark thought from her mind. "Of course we can, my love," she said, kissing the top of his head.
"Now, where were we?" Y/N asked, reopening the book. "Ah, yes. Hobbit holes."
Next Chapter:
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21st May 2023 - Drunk
Ginny sat in the living room of the Burrow, her hand resting on her bump. Demelza sat next to her trying to feel the baby kick.
“I can’t feel anything,” Demelza sighed.
Before Ginny could reply the back door opened and Harry and Ron walked through the door.
“You two are back early,” Ginny attempted to stand up but gravity pulled her back.
“I missed you,” Harry slurred as he sat on the sofa next to Ginny. Demelza stood up and walked over to Ron.
“Are you drunk?” Ginny asked as she brushed Harry’s fringe out of his face.
“No,” Harry pouted.
“Yes,” Ron countered.
“Where are your brothers?” Demelza looked towards the back door as if the other Weasley brothers would walk through the door at any moment.
“Charlie wanted pizza, so they went for pizza,” Ron smiled at Demelza.
Harry rested his head on Ginny's shoulder, “I love you” he said rather loudly.
“I love you too,” Ginny giggled.
“We should get married,” Harry whispered, lifting his head up.
“We are married Harry,” Ginny finally managed to stand up.
“That’s amazing,” Harry sighed, resting his head against the back of the sofa as Ginny went to the kitchen.
“Are we married?” Ron asked Demelza.
“Yes,” Demelza nodded. “How did you forget that?”
“Bill and Charlie can drink a lot” Ron swayed on the spot trying to focus on the top of Demelza’s head.
“And George and Fred and Lee decided we all had to go drink for drink,” Harry blinked several times as if trying to clear his mind.
Ginny came back into the living room with two potions.
“Here,” she gave one to Harry and one to Ron. “Bottoms up”.
Harry and Ron both drank the potions, their bodies relaxing almost instantly.
“I am never drinking with your brothers again,” Harry sighed as Ginny sat back down.
“George is only going to get married once so i’ll think you’ll be ok,” Ginny reassured Harry.
Ron sat down on the chair across from the fire, pulling Demelza onto his lap.
“Feeling better?” Demelza asked, running her fingers through Ron’s hair.
“Yeah, sorry if I said anything bad,” Ron kissed the top of Demelza’s head.
The four of them sat in silence when suddenly the back door opened, and the Wealsey brothers, Lee Jordan and Oliver Wood walked in, all of them carrying pizza.
“Ooooh, pizza,” Ginny cheered as Fred handed her the box he was holding.
“You’re welcome,” Fred smiled as he sat on the floor.
The group sat in the living room eating pizza and discussing the night's events, prompting laughter from Ginny and Demelza.
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keykeep · 2 years
Kinktober Day 25: Special Little Helper- Luna Lovegood
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Authors note: I feel like I’m always apologising for late writing but hey late is better than nothing.
It was the night of Harry and Ginny’s wedding and you and your date Luna Lovegood had a really good time so much so you were both incredibly drunk.
You twirl around the room arms outstretched as you spun around and around until you were dizzy falling to the ground with Luna.
You both look up at the night sky and sigh contently at the beauty shining down “it's a beautiful night isn't it?” you stated humming. “Yeah it sure is” Luna says taking a piece of hair that had fallen from your hairstyle and tucked it behind your ear.
You turn your hair to gaze into her green sparklingly eyes “you’re pretty” you blurt out as you cover your mouth giggling. “So are you” Luna confesses her gaze fixated on your lips.
“We should go to our rooms” you suggested holding out your hand to offer your assistance to the pale skin beauty. She intertwined her fingers in yours and you smiled at how it seemed as if she was made for you because she fit together with you so well.
She stilled looking at you as your drunken brain registered that you said that statement out-loud instead of in your head.
“What do you think would happen if we kissed right here, right now?” Luna sweetly asked. Your heart quickened at the thought and your smile grew across your face. As she reached across and tugged you closer to her placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You returned the kiss with a growing ferocity as your tongues met and the sounds of soft moans filled the air. When you parted for air you saw desire on her face and it egged you on.
You took her hand in your own walking across the lawn towards the spare room you share with her tonight. Space was cramped with guests and you didn’t mind sharing now thankful for how it turned out.
You stumbled into the room banging your leg on a table as you broke out into giggles. Luna illuminated the room with a spell.This is when you noticed blood running down your leg from hitting the table. Luna erupted into giggles as she said “can’t take you anywhere without you hurting yourself” “ it just means more time by ourselves then” you purred flirtatiously. “Let’s get you cleaned up” she responded.
You both approached the bathroom as she dug into the cupboards looking for a muggle solution to your problem. She turn around perplexed at the sound of running water and was greeted to the sight of you standing in your full length gown in the shower.
“ I guess that works” she said “ I should leave you alone to bathe” she responded.
You looked down laughing at your stupidity “ help me unzip please it’s stuck and won’t budge” you pouted blinking seductively in her direction. Luna locked the door as she unzipped her sparkly dress robes letting it slide down her body leaving a matching black lingerie set. Your mouth fell open as you watched her kick her shoes off and walk closer to you.
Your heart pounded as she stepped into the shower letting running water soak her lingerie. You turned around moving your hair out of the way of the zipper.
Your nerves tingling at the touch of her soft fingers running over your skin heating it instantly.
You heard the zipper slide down but neither of you moved as you felt soft kissing peppering across your shoulders and down your back. Her hands worked your bra as you felt the fabric loosen freeing your heavy breasts. You turned around letting her take a look at you from your perky plum sized breasts and the cascading water running down between them. She bit her lip hard eyes moving down your body as you shimmied out of your underwear tossing it onto the floor.
You pulled her into a kiss desperate for contact. “Like what you see” you asked “yeah” she said breathlessly pulling you back against her tightly as your lips collide once again. You tug her underwear down as she shakes her hips helping you remove the thin piece of fabric. The last task was the latch on her bra as your slender fingers worked it free you panned your gaze down her body in appreciation.
Whistling low you wrap your arms around her waist pulling her closer to share the cascading water.
You embrace again lips locked on each other exploring the ravenous depths of Luna's mouth earning a moan from her.
Suddenly Luna's mouth nibbled on your ear lobes, your jaw, and down your neck and over your chest before latching onto your nipples as she sucked and gently tugged on your ample breasts.
And your hands wander down your own curves to your entrance. Spreading and fingering your all-to-wet lips. You ran your fingers back and forth between the slick folds before plunging your finger inside yourself.
You rocked your hips increasing the movement as your fingers slid in and out of yourself. You moaned as you wiggled in pleasure.Your desire growing with each thrust. as your fingers travelled deep inside before being eased back out. You started cleaning around your fingers as you sped up the speed.
Before your other hand grabbed onto Luna for support as juices rushed out and your head pressed against the shower tiles. When your head is clear you withdraw your fingers and gaze at Luna who has covered you in love bites you notice her hand was stroking her own clit to the sounds of you stroking yours so you replaced her hand with your own.
Stroking furiously on the clit you turned your head capturing her in a deep kiss as you continued your hard and fast assault of pleasure.
The pressure built quick as Luna began shaking and gasping for air moaning so loud you thought she would wake anyone else sleeping in the house as her orgasm blasted through her body leaving her a quaking mess.
As she came down from her high, you both took turns lathering each other with soap suds and paying special attention to the peaks and valleys that made up each other's bodies.
After you were both clean you wrapped yourself in towels not bothering to dry off as you were very much intending to get more wet. You both tip toed through the house towards the bedroom.
You both lowered yourself onto the bed as she kissed you hard rolling her body until she was on top of you. Her leg pushed apart your legs as she began to grind slowly your hips moving in unison.
Back and forth against each other slowly as it sent pleasure waves throughout your bodies.
Your lips connected in a ravenous kiss your bodies close together as the feeling of her bare breasts pressed against your own, your hard nipples deliciously rubbed against one another.
She pushed into you gasping and grinding her cunt into yours. You both ground your hips against each other as your arousal mixed with Luna’s.
Both wet and now sliding easier against each other.The sound of gasps and moaning filled the room as your cunts met.
Your breaths became more rapid desperate for the incoming release. You were now bucking against each other with wild abandon.
You felt something trickle against your own cunt coating it with a milky substance of cum shooting out of Luna. As her body pressed tightly against yours. Her movements increased as more and more pleasure coated you. Suddenly you were screaming out in pleasure as your cum squirted out making a mess of the bed and both you and Luna.
You rolled off each other panting breathlessly and well and truely exhausted from the wedding, alcohol and multiple orgasms. You turned to Luna and said “ I think we need a shower” before you both laughed.
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♡ I Can’t Imagine A Moment To Be Without You
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Harry x Hermione, only they developed a relationship in year 6 when Ron and Ginny started dating other people.
Chapter Summary: their friends realize just how oblivious the two are, and Harry comes to the conclusion that his friends were indeed right.
Part One: ♡ All Along It Was You ♡, Part Two: ♡ I’m Sorry For All Of The Times That I Ignored You ♡  
ps. idk when they learned that Ron’s middle name is ‘Bilius’, but for the sake of this chapter, let’s pretend it wasn’t before movie 6.
After about an hour of bickering between Seamus and Dean, which Neville tried in vain to stop and in which he watched in amusement, Ron had noticed that Harry had dozed off. He was surprised, considering how loud the other boys were being.
And while they may have been amusing in the beginning, Ron was quickly growing frustrated with Dean and Seamus’ constant arguing. He sighed as he got up from his spot on his bed, heading to the common room in hopes it’s somewhat calmer than his dorm is. 
As he sluggishly made his way down the stairs, he heard the familiar sound of his girlfriend and her best friend giggling together. Once he’d completely descended the stairs, he saw the two girls seated on the floor in front of the fireplace. 
They hadn’t noticed him yet, so he tried to make it less obvious that he was eavesdropping. 
“If Hermione told us to let her tell him herself in her own time, we shouldn’t meddle.” Parvati said, sounding guilty.
“We’re not meddling, we’re just gathering intel.” Lavender justified. 
“Asking her crush who he likes is considered meddling, Lav.” Parvati responded.
“We could ask Ron...” Lavender suggested slyly.
Ron decided he needed to know more, especially if Hermione has a crush that he and Harry don’t know about. 
“Ask me what?” He asked, approaching where the two girls sat and took a seat on the sofa.
Parvati looked nervous, almost like she didn’t want him there. He assumed it had something to do with Hermione not wanting anyone to know. Lavender, on the other hand, lit up. She always was one to grip every opportunity by the throat, he thought fondly.
“About Harry.” Lavender said, feigning an innocent smile.
Ron was confused now, he could’ve sworn they were talking about Hermione. “What about Harry?” He asked.
Parvati sighed, “She wants to know who Harry’s got a crush on.” She admitted begrudgingly.
“Why?” Ron asked suspiciously.
“No reason.” Lavender hummed.
“You’re not using me to get to Harry, are you?” Ron asked, only slightly teasing.
“No!” Lavender laughed, “I mean, Harry’s impressive. But I’m more into gingers.” She winked suggestively. Ron’s faced flushed cherry red.
“Okay, then why do you want to know about Harry?” He asked, clearing his throat and silently praying that Parvati didn’t see him blush.
She did, though, but aside from smirking she didn’t react.
Lavender went to respond, but cut herself off before saying anything, looking at Parvati with uncertainty. Parvati bit her lip as she thought about her silent question, and Lavender twiddled her fingers.
Ron looked between them with furrowed brows. “What?” 
“Um...” Parvati trailed off, obviously having reservations about saying anything at at all, “it’s just that, well, we have a friend who has a crush on him.” 
“And we wanted to see if she had a chance with him. So we could encourage her to ask him out or something.” Lavender said, adding on to Parvati’s sentence.
“Well, I’d say that depending on who you’re talking about, she doesn’t.” Ron answered slowly, trying to gauge their reactions to see if they were talking about Hermione without admitting who Harry likes.
Lavender pouted, “Is this girl that Harry likes a redhead, or does she have raven hair?” She asked disappointed.
Ron looked confused. “Neither, she’s a brunette.” He responded.
Lavender and Parvati perked up hopefully. “Are they close?” They asked simultaneously. 
“Harry and this brunette he likes.” Parvati elaborated a second later.
Ron glared suspiciously, but nodded nonetheless. He jumped when the two squealed excitedly.
“Who are you guys talking about?” He asked exasperated, although he already had a pretty good idea.
“Hermione!” Lavender whispered conspiratorially, an excited smile on her face. 
“I told you he liked her back!” Parvati exclaimed.
“That’s what I told Hermione!” Lavender practically squealed.
Ron looked between the two helplessly.
“Lav wants to set them up on a date.” Parvati told Ron, giggling.
Ron’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “No, no, no, don’t do that.”
The two girls looked at him confused.
Ron sighed. “Look, I’m not really one to talk, but Harry... he’s a bit confused.” He said slowly. 
“What do you mean?” Lavender asked.
“Well, before Seamus, Dean, Neville and I said something, he didn’t even realize he liked her like that. He said that he couldn’t lose his best friend if things didn’t work out. He told us that in his mind, she was off limits because they’re best friends. He didn’t think he was allowed to feel that way about her and still be her best friend because it felt like lying to her in a way, it almost felt like he’d be betraying her somehow.” Ron explained, trying the best he could to sum up their conversation.
“Awe! That’s so sweet!” Lavender swooned.
Parvati chuckled and rolled her eyes at the other girl.
“Hermione was kinda the same way. She said she’d never had a guy friend before Harry, or you of course!” Lavender said, quickly amending her last statement.e 
“It’s okay, Lav, we didn’t get along in first year.” Ron chuckled. It visibly relieved her to hear him say that, knowing she didn’t hurt his feelings.
“Anyway,” She continued bashfully, “she said that she never really had any friends before Harry, let alone any friends that were boys. She didn’t really realize the difference between romantic and platonic feelings.”
“So, then how did she recognize the difference between the two? She must’ve if you two wanted to know how Harry felt before setting them up.” He asked. 
“She asked me.” Lavender shrugged. “She asked how I could tell the difference.” she answered.
“So what’d you tell her?” Ron asked.
“I told her that if he’s the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing before you go to bed, he’s more than a friend. If he’s the first person you think of when you’re in a crisis, and he’s the one you go to for comfort, he’s more than a friend. When you find yourself doing his favorite things with him, even though you’d rather be doing anything else, but you do it anyway to spend more time with him than he’s almost certainly more than a friend. When you choose them; choose to stand by them through the good times and the bad, even when no one else does. When you believe in him when no one else would.” Lavender said.
Ron immediately thought of fourth year, when everyone thought Harry put his name in the Goblet Of Fire and called him a ‘stinking cheater’, Hermione was the only one who believed him. Ron still regrets that. He knew that Lavender probably didn’t mean to remind him of one of the worst fights he and Harry ever had, but unfortunately she had a point, nevertheless. 
Hermione was the first person to see him as just a person. He himself is guilty of feeling a little starstruck upon meeting Harry. But Hermione was the first person who knew him and accepted him as a person. She was the first person who wasn’t jealous or intimidated by his fame. She was the first person who believed him when he said Voldemort was back, without question. She didn’t need convincing, she didn’t need evidence, she took him at his word, as she always did. She stood by him and refused to believe he was a liar or a cheater or that he used his fame to get him what he wanted. She probably knows him better than anyone. 
He wanted to feel jealous, like he’s the third wheel, but it’s just always been that way. And regardless, they’ve still always been a trio. Hell, Lavender knows little things about himself that even Harry and Hermione don’t know, like his middle name. His parents obviously know everything about each other, things that he and his siblings definitely do not know, or want to for that matter. Maybe it was always supposed to be like that.
 “They’re obviously perfect together, so what’s wrong with setting them up together?” Parvati asked, pulling Ron from his thoughts.
“I don’t doubt that they are, but I know my best friends. This is just something they need to work out on their own.” Ron said. 
The two girls conceded, albeit reluctantly.
The following Monday, Ron and Lavender were actually earlier to breakfast than the usual early risers, Hermione and Harry. 
Lavender told Ron that she wouldn’t do anything too obvious to get the two together, but sitting next to Ron so that Hermione and Harry were forced to sit directly next to each other wasn’t obvious. At least she thought so.
But when Neville came to the table to sit with his usual group of friends, Lavender jumped at the chance to ensure that they sat together. 
“Neville!” She whispered harshly.
“What?” He asked, utterly confused. 
“Sit on the other side of Ron.” She said with a sense of urgency.
“Okay...” He said suspiciously. He looked at her curiously, but began to round the table anyway.
“Lav...” Ron started to say.
“Shh! I know. But this isn’t obvious.” She said defensively. Ron sighed.
“What’s this about?” Neville asked as he sat down next to Ron.
“She’s trying to get Hermione and Harry together.” Ron whispered.
Neville’s eyes widened. “Wait, does she like him back?” He asked.
Lavender nodded her head furiously, an excited smile adorning her face.
“But we’re not going to do anything. They’re going to figure it out on their own, naturally, without any interference.” Ron said suggestively.
Lavender pouted. “Fine.” She sighed.
Neville raised his eyebrows, but upon seeing the two in question enter the dining hall, he stayed quiet.
Once they noticed that Ron already had company on either side of him, Hermione and Harry sat across from Ron and Lavender, side by side.
Now knowing what they know, the three are surprised at how casual the two could be. While nothing really changed, Neville could sense a form of trepidation on their part. He suspects that if Lavender hadn’t asked him to occupy the seat beside Ron, the two probably wouldn’t have chosen to sit beside each other.
“You guys are up early.” Hermione said, mostly towards Ron.
“Eh, I went to bed early last night.” Ron responded. Which wasn’t entirely untrue, but the honest answer was that Lavender practically dragged him with her to the dining hall. 
“I don’t know why, but I woke up particularly exuberant this morning.” Lavender said to Hermione, who sat directly across from her, Harry directly across from Ron.
Neville found it sort of ironic.
“That’s great, Lavender.” Hermione responded sincerely.
“And I must say, you look brilliant today, Hermione.” Lavender complimented her. It was a sincere compliment, but Lavender secretly hoped it would make Harry notice Hermione.
Hermione beamed at the praise. “Thank you, Lavender. You look striking today yourself.” She responded with a radiant smile.
Lavender smiled vividly, lighting up at Hermione.
Harry looked over at Hermione, and smiled to himself at how happy she looked upon hearing the compliment. He personally thought it was a shame that she didn’t hear it as often.
Lavender saw his smile, and inwardly preened at her success.
A few minutes had gone by before Ginny walked into the dining hall with Dean, Seamus trailing close behind. Despite being with Dean, Ginny felt a pang in her chest upon seeing Harry and Hermione sitting next to each other, and particularly close too.
When the three walked up and sat down with the group, Hermione and Lavender deep in conversation about what Ginny gathered was their hair routines, and the boys talking about the upcoming quidditch match, Ginny decided to join the boys’ conversation.
“Hi, Ginny!” Hermione greeted her cheerfully. It only made Ginny feel guiltier about being angry at her for sitting next to Harry. Despite her inner turmoil, Ginny returned Hermione’s enthusiasm.
“Whatcha talkin’ ‘bout?” Seamus asked, his Irish lilt more prominent due to his drowsiness.
“We were asking Harry why he always makes quidditch practices the same time as Slughorn’s dinner parties.” Ron answered. 
“You tryin’ to avoid the ol’ git?” Seamus teased. 
“Seamus, don’t insult a teacher where they could hear you!” Hermione whispered loudly.
“Wait, you mean to imply that we could insult a teacher where they wouldn’t hear us?” Ron teased mirthfully.
“If it’s Slughorn, I couldn’t care less. I just don’t particularly want anyone in detention because of it.” Hermione huffed.
Harry snickered and shook his head, attempting not to choke on his orange juice.
“I like grumpy morning Hermione.” Seamus joked.
“Anyway, why do you, Harry?” Dean asked. 
“So that I don’t have to attend his ‘Slug Club’ parties.” Harry answered truthfully.
“So you take away our Friday evenings?” Ron exclaimed in faux indignance.
Hermione held back a laugh. 
“I think it’s a valid reason!” Harry laughed.
“It is. He’s really-” Neville said, cutting himself off with a heavy sigh. 
“I’d also avoid any event that had Cormac McLaggen in attendance.” Lavender said with a grimace.
“Ugh, don’t get me started on him.” Hermione groaned. 
“He literally uses any chance he gets to ogle Hermione shamelessly.” Harry said, rolling his eyes angrily.
Hermione nods, exaggerating a fake gag. She and Lavender laughed afterwards.
“He uses any excuse to do that to every girl he deems attractive. It would be embarrassing if not for all the girls he’s made uncomfortable.” Dean agreed.
“Yeah, he’s a menace.” Ron said nodding. 
“Right. And this has nothing to do with his unabashed flirting with your girlfriends.” Seamus teased.
“I’m not-” , “Hermione’s not-” Hermione and Harry tried to protest, but were drowned out by arguments from Dean, Ron, and Neville. Lavender noticed both of them were blushing furiously.
“Moving on!” Ginny intercepted loudly. “He really does not need any more attention than he already gets.” She said with a roll of her eyes. Lavender and Hermione agreed eagerly.
“Speak of the devil...” Harry said with a groan.
Cormac walked briskly by Hermione, winking at her with a smirk. 
Hermione didn’t hide the disdain on her face and she visibly scooted closer to Harry, trying to make it obvious that she’s not interested. Harry glared. 
“Eugh, you seriously understated how gross he is towards you Hermione.” Ginny gagged.
“What do you mean?” Seamus asked oblivious. “I mean, yea’, the look he gave her was definitely gross. But how was it-” 
“It wasn’t just unabashed flirting, he stared at her like he was trying to literally undress her with his eyes.” Lavender said. Hermione shuddered at this.
“There’s a reason I make sure I’m never alone with him.” She said.
Seamus wanted to say ‘never around him without Harry, you mean.’, but before he could Neville elbowed him under the table. Neville subtly shook his head ‘no’, leaving it at that. Seamus conceded with a petulant huff.
Later that evening, Hermione and Lavender sat in the bleachers watching the boys practice. Hermione was reading a book, but Lavender was battling with herself about wanting to tell Hermione vs what Ron said about letting it happen naturally and without interference.
On the one hand, she really wanted to tell Hermione so that she didn’t think her feelings were unreciprocated. On the other, she really wanted to trust Ron and let whatever happens happen naturally. The wheels in her head kept spinning, and she really wished she could lose herself in a good book like Hermione can.
Against her better judgment, she decided to prod the subject. Just a little.
“Hermione, why do you think McLaggen ogles you so shamelessly, when everyone else thinks you and Harry are dating?” She asked reluctantly.
Hermione’s head snapped up, eyes blown wide. “Everyone thinks we’re dating?” She asked shocked.
Lavender raised her brow, genuinely surprised she hadn’t heard the rumors. “Yeah, I overheard a couple first-years talking admiringly about Harry once, and another girl, I think she was probably a third or fourth-year, told them that practically everyone knew he was off limits because you guys were a thing.”
Hermione raised her eyebrows, “Oh. Huh.” She said, furrowing her brows in thought.
“Is that a bad thing?” Lavender asked hesitantly.
“No!” Hermione answered quickly. “No, it’s not a bad thing, per se.” She said with a nervous chuckle. “I mean, it’s not like I’m embarrassed that people think that, because I’m not! I just honestly don’t see how they would think that.” Hermione said.
“What do you mean? You’d be the ultimate power couple!” Lavender chuckled.
“Well...” Hermione started shrinking in on herself, tucking her shoulders in and ducking her head, staring at her hands as she twiddled her fingers. “I guess I’m just surprised that anyone would think someone like him would look at someone like me that way.” She said quietly.
“What are you talking about, ‘someone like you’? Hermione, you’re brilliant! And I’m not just talking about your academics. You’re exuberant and vivacious, and you positively glow when you smile! You have such a wonderful personality, Mione. How could anyone not like you?” Lavender asked softly.
“I’m not as pretty as other girls. Like you, Romilda Vane, Cho Chang, to name a few.” She said.
“Well that’s rubbish, and whoever told you that is full of shite.” Lavender said with conviction. Hermione looked up at her hopefully. “You don’t just glow when you smile, your whole face lights up when you talk about something you’re passionate about. It doesn’t matter what you wear, because you look beautiful in anything. And your hair is gorgeous, so voluminous and curly and full of life. Just like you. And trust me, boys who are genuine and good don’t care about such frivolous things, like what you wear or how you do your hair, or even if you wear makeup. If they do, they’re looking for arm candy, not a connection.” Lavender said sincerely.
Hermione felt all warm and full of affection for the girl sitting next to her. She said those things about her so certainly that Hermione had no choice but to believe that Lavender truly believed what she said. So Hermione chose to try to believe it too. 
She flung her arms around the blondes shoulders, hiding her teary eyes and watery smile in her long curls. She sniffled slightly, croaking out a small, “Thank you.” 
Lavender hugged her back with as much force and sincerity that Hermione was putting in.
Ron and Harry just so happened to look over before they parted from their hug, and Harry felt so happy that Hermione had another girl to talk to. Another friend that wouldn’t throw backhanded compliments or gossip about her behind her back. Because sometimes there’s just some things she can’t talk to him or Ron about, and now she has another girl to go to.
“I’m glad they get along.” Ron said, hovering in the air beside him.
“Me too.” Harry responded.
The rest of the week and during classes, Lavender observed their behavior, and concluded that there was no way Hermione’s feelings aren’t reciprocated. She believed Ron when he said that Harry was confused and needed to sort through some things on his own, but Lavender was sure that aside from whatever reservations he has, some part of him realizes that he loves her.
Harry and Hermione sat side by side at another one of Slughorn’s dinners. Despite being called a dinner, they actually had a rather large portion of some kind of desert in front of them. Absently, he could hear Slughorn ask about family members and such, but Harry was just waiting for the hour to be over. His only saving grace is that he has Hermione by his side.
“What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the muggle world?” Slughorn asked.
Harry’s head snapped up, looking around the table to see that all eyes were focused on Hermione. One look at her told him that she was very uncomfortable with the attention.
“My parents are dentists.” She answers. He knew this fact about her parents, but upon looking at everyone else he remembered not all of them were raised in the muggle world. In fact, everyone looked at her quietly for elaboration. He could tell the silence unnerved her. “They tend to people’s teeth.” She said nervously.
“Interesting.” Slughorn responded, and Harry couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or not. “And is that considered a dangerous profession?” He asks.
“No.” She answered. She hesitated, but she appeared to feel the need to fill the silence again until Slughorn directed his attention elsewhere. “Although,” She chuckles breathlessly, nervously, “one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches.” She said, shifting uncomfortably.
Huh, he didn’t know that one. Everyone was silent for a few more awkward seconds before the door creaked open.
“Ah! Miss Weasley, come in, come in.” Slughorn greeted.
Hermione leaned close to him, “Look at her eyes. They’ve been fighting again, her and Dean.” She whispered, but he couldn’t think of a response with her so close, he could smell her perfume and it was intoxicating. His chest fluttered, but when he looked over at Ginny, he only felt sad for her.
“Sorry, I’m not usually late.” Ginny said with downcast eyes.
Aside from feeling sad to see her so upset, he didn’t feel the flutter in his stomach like he did when Hermione leaned in close to him. He could smell Ginny’s strong parfum wafting over from the momentum of her long strides, but it didn’t make him all lightheaded like Hermione’s does, unless you count the fact that the smell from Ginny’s is really strong.
He faintly registered the flow of conversation picking back up, fortunately off the focus of Hermione, but he wasn’t listening. He looked over at her to see her laugh lightly at something someone said, and he felt his chest stutter. She looked so pretty when she smiles, and her laugh sounds so sweet. When he noticed Cormac ogling her again, he felt like he was hit with a brick. 
And that’s when he couldn’t deny what his friends said anymore. He knew now, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was in love with his best friend... and he was screwed.
@flowerhowellsworld thank you for the motivation I needed to finish this part up!
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