#ginny's life philosophies
ginnymoonbeam · 8 months
Instead of apologizing for liking "trashy" media, consider: what is it doing well? If you like it, if it's making you feel pleasure and interest, then it must be succeeding at something. Is it shaping a set of emotional beats that you find satisfying to watch play out? Did it craft a character you find really compelling? Is something in the styling and aesthetics speaking to you? Did it unexpectedly resonate with a mood or experience you needed to see reflected right then?
However shallow or flawed a piece of media is, if you like it, it's because of something it did well - at least well enough to affect you, on the day that you encountered it.
There are a lot of good reasons to acknowledge this. One is about gratitude and manners: someone worked hard on that thing, and if they provided something that gave you happiness and pleasure, it's nice to honor that. Another is about breaking down the insidious habit of sorting everything into simple good/bad boxes. A piece of media, like a person, can do a lot of things wrong and a lot of things right, and the things on one side do not magically erase the other.
But the most important reason, I believe, is to get in the habit of celebrating what brings you pleasure and happiness. All your life there have been and there will be people telling you that you find joy in the wrong things, that if a particular thing makes you feel good it shows that there's something wrong with you. I reject that utterly. If a particular thing makes you feel good then there's something right, about you and about that thing. I'm not saying that pleasure is the only important thing or that every pleasure should be indulged indiscriminately. All I'm saying is that pleasure is in and of itself a good thing, and deserves notice.
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blue-asher · 3 months
Percy Weasley X Squib!Reader
Summary: when you try to buy a book by a Squib author Percy shields you from the discrimination of the bookshop owner.
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Let's say that the Weasley family and the Golden Trio decided to go to Diagon Alley to buy supplies for the new school year and they invite you and your siblings (who attend Hogwarts; that's how you met them) to come along.
Their first stop was a library where they got the essentials like paper and quills. There you decided to treat the trio and bought some matching pens that had witches' hats on them. Ron was the most intrigued out of the three.
Then you go to a bookshop with the list of required books in hand. It was then that problems arrised.
Once you enter the bookshop you all part different ways to find your things: Hermione goes straight to grab the school books so as to check out the novels later, Ron and Harry go the adventure books first so as to go for the school ones later, Ginny and her mother look into the new Lockheart's novel and Mr. Weasley went to look after the twins (as instructed by his wife) but soon lost track of them.
And, although you didn't notice at first, Percy decides to look out for you (his words, what if you got lost in all the sections and ended up in a shopping spree) and see if you actually had good taste in books at all—not because he was taking notes for next birthday presents, of course. He also didn't want to leave you alone. The rest of the lot had actual things to do in there and went straight to crossing names from their lists. All of them walked in different directions with confidence, like men on a mission. So he was fairly surprised when you did as well. He wanted to know what you were up to.
He considered going up to you and ask you what you thought about the bookshop after 15 minutes of just watching how you read the tilted of a couple books in sale. Until he saw you grab, rather excited, a particular book. Then the bookseller appeared.
"Good evening, young lady! I'm sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice that you picked up a particular book" the bookseller said anxiously "Memories of a forgotten kind. I hope it struck your interest, of course! but I must insist you buy it nonetheless" Y/N was quite shocked at the sudden approach and rambling of the man but she was just about to ask for more information about the magnificent book so she was glad the man came just in time.
The book in question is an elegant hard cover edition with beautiful art work in the front about philosophy. It was from a squib author that discussed the problems with Squib identity and how they perceived themselves in a world that seemed to want to label them one way or the other, essencially robbing them of the core of their existance: the middle. The author also included some biographical aspects in it to help make a point of his stand. You, being the same as him, were very excited to have found it as not only it spoke about an issue that had revolved around your self-confidence all your life (you had to admit you were just a tiny bit jealous of your siblings' magic) but because it was also a rare occurrence to find a squib author in general. Sadly, they rarely got published.
"You see, I've been having a real hard time to sell them. No one wants them—nobody could ever want them, really." His sudden statement quickly pulled you out of your thoughts as you were thinking about what to ask him first. You had just decided to ask whether the guy had written other books when he screamed that first statement.
"I shouldn't have made a deal with the man. I tried to diversify my collection, you know, my partner told me to. But I told him it was a bad idea, he just wouldn't listen" he continued rapidly ". I know everyone wants to say we are in modern times but business are business. You get me"
It was as if he was trying to excuse himself for even having the books in the shop; he didn't even stop to breath. You got concerned. Why was it difficult to sell? Had the writer been in some sort of scandal? Was the information in the book no longer valid? You didn't remember if you looked at the year of publishing but the book seemed brand new. Why was it in sale? It seemed like half the price a book so pretty.
"You don't seem too convinced. That's all right, I understand" you tried to pich in and tell him that he didn't understand at all because not even you understood what he was talking about. But he kept going "I'll make you a deal, just for you. You seemed like a lady of culture. How much is it? 400 sickles? I'll leave it to 300, what do you say?"
'I'll be damned' you thought. Shouldn't it be the other way around? What would he even gain from that amount? You finally got a moment to ask:
"I'm confused, It's such a beautiful edition with great quality, why is it so cheap? Did the author do something?"
You waited for his answer.
The bookseller looked at you like you just grew an extra head but quickly changed his expression to one of realisation "My apologies, ma'am. You mustn't have notice, how silly of me!" He spoke as if the fact was obvious but you still didn't understand. He composed himself and in a more calmer manner said "The author's a squib"
That's all he said.
And Percy thought he had already said enough.
You were stil expecting to hear something more, an aclaration, because clearly it didn't seem like a logical reason. What does that have to do with anything? You didn't have time to say anything else as Percy suddenly appeared beside you and put his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him but his gazed was fixed from above into the bookseller's eyes.
"I think we have heard enough desperate rambling from you. No wonder you can't sell a book for the life of it." His tone was cold and it shocked you greatly. You hadn't seen Percy this angry before, you hadn't ever heard him insult another adult like that.
The bookseller went off pretty angry and told the both of you to not bother coming back if you weren't going to buy a proper book. You were pretty sure you heard him say something about you only looking into the Sale section, most likely an insult.
However, you thought it had all went down hill unnecessarily and were about to question Percy's sudden change of attitude but when you turned you noticed that he was already looking at you. With a sad warmness in his gaze.
"He meant the writer, Y/N"
You stared at him for a few seconds and blinked "What?"
"He meant that the books didn't sell because the writer's a squib"
You felt embarrassed because of how long it took you to pick up on the que. Angry embarrassed. You had just made a fool of yourself, in front of Percy! Just when you thought you had dominated that kind of anti-squib talking.
In the end everyone left without buying a single textbook from the place, not wanting to support such a prick. But not before your siblings gave the bookseller a piece of their mind and spoke every insult the could come up with.
You insisted to the Weasleys that they didn't have to leave: they needed the books and the other bookshop was a good 20 minutes away. Hermione gave a nasty look to anyone who seemed tempted on the idea of buying the books and get the shopping over with. 'Anyone' being Ron -but just for a quick second.
Quickly you started making jokes about how you should have bought it either way because "Where else will I find a book so amazingly cheap? No, Y/N! You mustn't succumb to capitalism!! You have to support the writers" Your antics successfully made the trio and twins laugh and it was only then, when you wanted to raise your fist at the sky in a dramatic way, that you noticed that Percy had been holding your hand. Probably had since you left the bookshop. When you looked at him he sheepishly let go while giving you a shy smile.
You wished he hadn't.
A couple of days later you family had the Weasleys over for a farewell dinner since everyone left the following day for Hogwarts.
Just when everyone had left and you were making yourself comfortable in your room, you noticed a wrapped package in your bed. A gift that was not there before. It was very clearly a book but it didn't have any note as to who might have left it. Did the Weasleys leave a gift for you? You didn't see anyone entering your room.
Dying with curiosity, you opened to see what it was and find a clue of who your mystery friend might be.
It was the philosophy book you had tried to buy a few days ago! You were admiring it with delight when you noticed something falling from the inside of it.
A piece of paper had fallen, it was receipt! From a library you didn't know and where it stated that the book had been purchased at a price much suitable for its quality; probably the original price that the bookseller had tried reducing to nothingness the other day.
But there was something else written at the back of the receipt, something in handwriting.
"Proof that I've bought it at full price.
Found a new bookshop with a section dedicated to squib writers, mind if we explore it together some time?"
You would recognize that handwriting anywhere, and would make sure to send Percy a package of his favourite chocolates with your next letter.
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starlightrows · 4 months
Better Late Than Never
Chapter 5
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Pairing: Alpha!Boba x Omega!reader
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: Scenting, knotting, grinding, riding, anxiety, feelings of insecurity, ptsd
Your heat lasts nearly sixteen days. Boba only leaves your side to fetch more food and water. He is attentive and thorough during each and every wave of need, comforting and gentle in the drop periods that bring fear and anxiety. When the last days of your heat have finally faded, Boba keeps the pack exactly where they are for an extra day, to make sure you have time to fully recover before continuing the long trek up the mountains.
Your friends fawn over you when they see you again. Hugging you, kissing your cheeks and expressing how proud of you they are.
“Sixteen days? I would never have survived even with an alpha” Ginny shook her head
“You look well. Alpha must have taken good care of you” Addam says “We worried with how long it was lasting you weren’t getting enough water”
You give them as much detail as you can manage, but you keep some parts to yourself, like the fact that you told him you loved him. You hadn’t even told your friends that you were in love with him yet.
That evening you and Boba pack away all of your nesting materials, after they had been cleaned of course, and cuddle up in your usual bedroll and furs.
“We travel again tomorrow, I know your heat has only just past, but we can’t delay much longer” he says
“It’s alright alpha. I feel terrible we’re already this far behind” you nuzzle into him “but I appreciate having the extra day to recover”
“You needed it little one” he kisses your cheek “You were very cute today, gossiping with your little flock of omega friends”
“I’m grateful for them. They’ve been so supportive and kind teaching me all things I should have known about my presentation by now. They all care about me and my well being and…. I guess I just feel very fortunate to be loved”
“Community and kinship is a special thing. But none of them love you more than I do”
His words warm your heart and make you smile against him, your scent is gentle and subdued. He can smell it on you, he makes you feel safe and comforted. And that makes him more proud than anything else he’s ever accomplished in his life.
“We must rest now, little one. It will be a long day of travel tomorrow” he kisses your lips and scents you in return, wanting you to soak it all in and sink into sleep smelling of him.
In the morning the pack is quick to break down camp and start loading up the banthas for travel. Having the freedom to go anywhere or stay as long as you’d like comes with consequence, taking too long this high into the mountains leaves the group vulnerable for winter to swoop in and swallow them. But the days of rest have helped the banthas recover their strength and endurance, meaning they could travel farther during the days after the long rest.
Day after day you watch the countryside roll by, sitting behind Boba on his bantha at the head of the pack. Leaving early in the morning about an hour or two before sunrise and stopping for the night just before dark. The days are growing noticeably colder, especially when the sun is setting and the breezes pick up. As the days go on you find yourself spending more time thinking about where it is that you’re heading and what is waiting for you there.
“Alpha?” You break the comfortable silence that has settled between you this afternoon
“Yes, little one?”
“What is your father like?”
“My father is Jango, leader of a pack of elders. They do not travel the way we do, they built several camps on the mountain and their pack uses all of them and travels between them. He lives primarily in the largest camp, called Rend” he explains “I think you will be surprised to see how similar we look and speak. But you’ll find he has a colder nature than I do, he’s very traditional about things and has different philosophies than I do. Which is why I lead my own pack”
“Does he know… about me?”
“Not yet”
You had hoped that he somehow already knew about you. Or at least that his son had taken a mate. Boba said that his father is traditional, that could mean a lot of things. He also said that he is cold natured, that could also mean a lot of things. Somehow it doesn’t feel like a good thing.
“You’re quiet, little one. Are you alright?”
“Is there anything I should know about your father or his pack? Would it be better if we don’t tell him where I came from or how long we’ve been bonded?”
Boba’s hand slides over your own around his middle and squeezes “You’re afraid. I can smell it. Why?”
“Your father is an important person. And I know he means a great deal to you. I would… I would hate to bring shame on you or disrespect your father by…”
“By what? Being yourself?” He asks
“What if he doesn’t think I’m worthy of you”
“Then I tell him to fuck off and mind his own business” he snorts with laughter “Wouldn’t be the first time”
“You would curse your father? To his face?”
“Without a second thought if he foolishly decided to disrespect you” he says
“But I don’t want to be a reason he’s upset with you”
“He won’t be. Don’t you trust me, omega?”
“Yes alpha”
Despite his assurance you can’t help but linger on these feelings. Maybe Boba’s father would take him aside and explain that his choice of mate was foolish and list all of the reasons why he should have chosen another. That’s not disrespecting you, it’s protecting his son. And maybe Boba would see it that way too.
You didn’t know what happened to omegas who’s alpha’s abandoned them. Would you be made to leave your new pack? Or would you be forced to stay and watch him bond with another? The thought of this faceless person made you feel a lot like you did when you thought about his former lovers. Twisting hatred and sadness that forms a pit in your stomach. You would not be able to stay in a place like that. Watching them fall in love. Seeing his partner swell with child and give him a brood of beautiful pups. You would leave. You would have to leave. You would never make it back to Lyra Valley from here, you wouldn’t even know what direction to travel, but you would not be able to stay through that kind of heartbreak.
“We’ve gone far enough tonight” Boba announces, snapping you out of your spiraling thoughts
He dismounts from the bantha and reaches to help you as well. The moment your feet touch the ground he snatches you into a hug and begins scenting you liberally.
“I can feel your pain little one. Right here” he says lowly, grazing his hand over your belly. Right where it’s been aching for hours as your anxiety mounted and spiraled. “You can’t hide strong emotions like that from me”
“You can feel it?”
“I can. We share our hurts and our joys, it will continue to grow as our bond matures” he pulls back just enough to be able to look at your face.
“I’m sorry alpha” you swallow the lump in your throat “I didn’t know you could feel it”
“Omega” he strokes your cheek with the back of his fingers “You have no need to apologize. It’s will all be alright, I promise you”
You nod and nuzzle back into him for another hug. He strokes your back and kisses the top of you head. He hopes someday you’ll understand how much he cares for you and you’ll believe him when he says he would do anything for you. In time you would see, he told himself. And hopefully this visit to meet his father would help that.
That evening, like every other night you help make sure that there is enough food at the various cook fires to feed everyone in the pack. Boba ensures that there is always a patrol through the night for safety. And when it’s time you lay down with him on your bed roll, and snuggle under the furs.
He takes special care that evening when he scents you. Holding you close to him, he presses kisses to your forehead, cheeks, the tip of your nose, your jaw, your neck. With each kiss he pushes calm, grounding, comforting feelings through the bond. You take deep breaths, letting the waves of his scent wash over you until you drift off to sleep.
The days continue to pass. Your anxiety surrounding this visit remains but you try to keep it at bay and remind yourself of Boba’s affection for you. Your friends tell you that Boba’s father is strong and powerful, even in his old age, but not to fear him.
“Alpha’s scent is on you. Day and night” Ginny said
“Your mating mark is clear and prominent” Addam assured you
“Everyone knows without even speaking to you, that you are under his protection” Samara grinned
“That you’re his” Ahni squeezed your hands
Finally one morning Boba reached behind him, to pat your thigh “Look cyare”
You lean around him and see the village in the distance. A large building you recognize from its description as the great hall, surrounding it are several cabins and a few tents. As the pack got closer you could see people walking out to greet the approaching pack.
Your anxiety seemed to return at full tilt, but you found it mixed with an odd sense of joy and relief. You glanced at Boba’s face and you could tell, those feelings were his, coming through the bond.
Boba guided his bantha forward ahead of the pack. A man broke off from the crowd and walked towards you. You’re stunned. This man looks exactly like Boba. Same eyes. Same mouth. Same nose. Same build. Same everything.
“Boba” a chill runs down your spine, even his voice is the same “My flesh and blood. Welcome back”
Boba’s grin spreads wide over his whole face. He swings out of the bantha saddle and helps you down safely before turning to his father and embracing him. You stand a half step behind him, listening to the blood pounding in your ears and praying you don’t faint.
Boba parts from his father and turns back to you, extending his hand to you. You take it gingerly and stand by his side.
“Father, I present to you my omega, my mate”
“It is an honor to meet you my lord Alpha” you address him respectfully, bowing your head.
“Honor? You’ll find little in the way of honors and courtesies here” He chuckles “Welcome to Rend”
His dark laugh and apparent disregard for honor as a term of respect makes you cringe. You wonder if this is a test, if he is informal with you and you reciprocate is that passing or failing the test? Regardless, you want to make a good impression.
“Th-thank you my lord Apha” the words stick in your throat and you cast your gaze down at your warm winter boots.
Jango can smell your fear. He didn’t think his reception was overly hostile or unwelcoming. Still he’d rather have a newcomer being afraid and submissive than unimpressed or over confident. He would speak to his son about this later.
“You must be tired from your long journey. Boba, see to your mate and get settled, someone will fetch you for supper” Jango gestures to one of the cabins
“Thank you Father” Boba bows his head respectfully, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Thank you my lord Alpha” you manage to get out
Boba leads you off towards the cabin while the rest of the pack arrives into the village and begins pitching tents and greeting their hosts. Boba pushes in the door, allowing you to step inside. He follows you in and shuts the door behind you.
The cabin is small. Just one room with a large bed laden with furs and a hearth already burning warmly. Boba’s father dismissed you both very quickly. Your fears are coming true, you’ve disappointed him. And embarrassed Boba.
“Come here, little one” Boba says “Come on”
You turn back to face him “I-I’m so sorry” your voice cracks
“Now now, none of that. We’ve only just arrived. It’s alright” he closes the distance between you and hugs you close, rubbing your back soothingly.
“I just got so nervous. And I didn’t know what to say or how to act” you ramble “I’m so sorry Alpha”
“Look at me. You have given no offense. You have nothing to be afraid or ashamed of” He holds your face and keeps your gaze on him “Why don’t we take some time to relax, lay in a true bed for a while, and later we will have supper with my father”
“Okay Alpha” you nod “Thank you”
“For what, little one?”
“For being so patient with me”
He kisses your forehead “I will remind you every day if you need me to. You are mine to protect. Mine to love”
“And you are mine” you whisper against him
“Come, I believe we could both benefit from some water and some rest” he leads you to the bed and sheds his fur cloak and boots. You do the same and climb in with him. The bed is soft and plush, and Boba is warm and soothing. You curl into his side and drift off for a nap.
Boba holds you close and allows himself to rest a while. He’s used to the long days of travel, sleeping in a bedroll under the stars, but it does wear on him. He allows himself to enjoy this rest time with you.
An hour or so later, Boba wakes up with you still snuggled into his side sleeping peacefully. He carefully gets up from the bed and slips out of the cabin quietly to relieve himself. He runs into his father on the way back, speaking to some people from his pack.
“Walk with me my son” Jango says, gesturing away from the group. Boba looks back towards the cabin where he hopes you’re still napping. “I won’t keep you from your mate long, come”
Boba nods and follows his father “It’s been a long time, longer than I intended” Boba says
“Indeed. Though it was to be expected, the journey to Rend is long and your pack ranges the entire continent”
“That is true. We traveled far to the west in the last year. That is where I came to meet my mate” Boba explains
“She reeks of fear” Jango says bluntly
“She is worried about embarrassing me in front of you and your pack”
“Embarrassing you? Have you punished her for such things?”
“Not at all. But she is still recovering and resolving things from her previous pack” Boba tried to explain, a look from Jango told him he would have to explain further “She escaped from Lyra Valley just over a year ago.I always knew those folk had strange practices and beliefs but from what she’s told us, it sounds more like torture”
“I see. And how has she fared being in your pack?”
“She’s come a long way. The omegas of her age group took her in like a foundling. She is well liked by the pack. And now that she is claimed, she leads by example without even knowing it”
“She sounds like a good match for you then” he nods “You say she escaped Lyra Valley?”
“Yes. Strange and archaic as they may be, the attack on her village has troubled me from the beginning. Who attacked? What did they gain?”
“You believe a challenger is emerging?”
“A challenger would have come forward at this point, I fear something more sinister is at work. That’s why I’ve been wanting to make the trip up here to speak to you”
“These are dark and troubling thoughts” Jango agreed as they stopped back at the front of the cabin “We will have time to discuss it further later, see that your omega is not alone when she wakes. I would like for both of you to sit with me at supper”
“We will join you shortly father” Boba nods before reentering the cabin, where you are still sleeping just as he had hoped. He settles back onto the bed, getting an arm around you and lazily stroking your chin with his thumb.
A short while later your breathing changes, you take a few deep breaths through your nose and squint your closed eyes before opening them.
“Sleep well?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your forehead
“Mmm… mhm” you nod “Has it gotten late? Are we late for supper with your father?”
“Not at all. There is still time” he says, relaxed with no urgency in his tone. It combined with his scent calms you.
You sit up on the soft mattress and take stock of the cabin you’ve been so graciously allowed to use during this stay. The fire in the hearth has died down somewhat, but it’s glow still warms the room against the chilly air outside. There’s a pile of extra blankets and furs at the foot of the bed, though you don’t think you’ll need it with the hearth.
“Did you grow up here?” You turn your head towards him
“In Rend? No” he sits up a bit putting an arm behind his head and uses the other hand to trace mindless patterns on your back “But I spent a lot of time hunting and camping in this mountain range with my father, and I’ve been here many times before”
He looks so comfortable and relaxed, fully at ease laying in this bed. It puts you at ease as well, makes you feel safe and secure in this space. You turn your body to face him and take the hand that had been stroking your back.
“Mmm… how much time would you say that we have before we’ll be expected at supper?” You ask, massaging his hand and drawing in close to your chest.
His hand travels up from your chest and gently around your neck, his thumb runs over the beautiful mating scar he gave you and takes pride in the gentle purr you give him when he strokes it.
“We have some time little one” he smirks “Is there something you wanted?”
You flush with warmth “Well, we’re visiting a new pack. There are a lot more people here than I imagined. I’d would like to put my best foot forward as your mate, and maybe some fresh scent would send the right message”
“Mmm, the right message? What would you like this message to say to all of these new people?” He doesn’t change the pressure of his hand on your neck.
“That I belong to you and your pack. That I’m yours” you move closer to him on the bed, letting him draw you in.
Part of this is true. You do want to put a good foot forward. You want to demonstrate to this pack that you are a good, well adjusted omega. You don’t want to give them any reason to doubt you or think less of you.
And part of you wants his scent for your own comfort. You always feel better after Boba scents. It sticks with you afterwards. It helps remind you that you belong and to carry yourself with confidence.
He draws you in further and nuzzles his face into your neck, beginning to scent you generously. “That you are my sweet girl. Don’t spare it another thought, I’ll make sure your scent gets my message across to any who pass you by”
You breathe deeply, taking in his scent and purring happily at the attention he’s giving you. He lavishes your neck and collarbones with kisses, while his hand sneaks under your shirt to find your breasts.
You can’t help it, you grind yourself against his leg. Long days of travel to get here have left less time to spend time with your mate. You’re not normally the initiator but great stars you’ve missed him touching you, kissing you, breeding you.
“That feels good doesn’t it?” He rasps against your neck
“uh huh” you whimper
“Has your alpha been neglecting you? Gone too long since I made you cum?” He teases
Either answer to that seems to invite further teasing, instead you choose to bury your face in his neck and continue whimpering. He chuckles darkly and slides his hands down to your hips.
“I love how desperate you are, baby. But let’s get some of these layers off, I want you on my cock”
Now that motivates you to listen. You stop grinding yourself on him so you can focus your attention on peeling your warm clothes from your body. He pushes his pants down just past his ass, letting his cock bounce out from his undershorts.
You seem to be pretty set on what you want to do and what you want right now, Boba has no intention of derailing that. So he watches without a word. He doesn’t even need to speak to get you to submit for him.
You straddle him, standing on your knees while your fingers dip between your pussy lips. Your middle and ring fingers sink with ease into your hole and come away glistening with slick. Pleased with yourself you smile at him, seeking his approval when you reach to stroke his eager cock with your slick covered hand.
Your hand feels soft and smooth dragging up and down the length of his shaft. He rewards you with a pleased groan and a quiet “Good girl”
This is a change of pace in your sex life with your alpha. Rarely does he sit back and let you take the reins so to speak. But despite him taking the more passive role, you know he is still in charge and in control. He’s letting you play. Indulging your wishes and desires.
You preen at his praise and guide him towards your entrance. He helps you a little, holding your hips for stability while you lower yourself down to take him. His arms slide around your hips, hugging you close to his chest once he’s fully sheathed inside you. His mouth returns to your neck. Kissing, licking, biting, scenting you, while you roll your hips against him.
The little cabin echoes with your whimpers of pleasure. It’s a slower, more intimate pace than usual. You could keep this up forever. Grinding on his cock, feeling his knot gently swell, cumming, making out in a safe, warm place, and being scented of course.
Boba’s needs and patience are not endless though, eventually his knot is almost fully inflated and he needs more stimulation. He grips your hips and thrusts upward a few times before his knot catches and seals him inside you. You rest your hand over your lower belly and moan, feeling his release from the inside.
You wrap your arms around his neck and sag into him, resting from the effort of riding him for who knows how long. He relaxes back against the pillows and strokes your hair soothingly.
“Feel better, little one?” He chuckles
“Mmm” you hum against him “I think this will due for getting the message across”
“Good” he kisses your head.
After about fifteen minutes, his knot deflated and you both set about getting ready to leave for dinner. You use a cloth and some water to clean yourself up and quickly redress in your warm boots and cloak. Boba follows suit, making sure to don his best fur cloak.
With your clothes back on and your hair tidied up, he pulls you in close, laying a kiss on your cheek. His scent which already surrounds you, settles over your skin once more. He lays gentle, chaste kisses on your other cheek, your foreheads, and each of your wrists.
Once he is entirely satisfied with your scent, he offers his arm and escorts you from the cabin to the great hall where your packs welcome reception is already underway.
You see many faces in crowd from your pack, mixed with that of your hosts. Boba guides you, weaving between the groups of people sitting at low tables. You trail behind him and try not to allow your mind to wander into worry.
Boba stops at a similar table at the head of this great hall. You recognize a few of Boba’s councilmen at this table, Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla. The rest of the alphas at this table you don’t recognize, save for one. Jango Fett.
You notice only one spot remains at the table as you approach and your heart sinks a little. You feel foolish for thinking that you would be invited to sit at the table with this gathering of high status alphas.
“Ah, there you are” Jango regards your arrival. You instinctually stop just short of where Boba stands, putting yourself a half step behind him. Surely you could find a group of omegas in this hall to dine with. You can pass this off as paying your respects to his father before finding your seat.
Before you can say anything Jango speaks “You are dismissed”
It’s like a bolt to the chest, the shock and disappointment of his decisive words. But, Jango is not looking at you. He’s looking at the female alpha sitting to his left.
She looks from Jango to you and glares as she rises from the circle. Her glare fades immediately, and is replaced by a sickly sweet smile. “My lord alpha” she gives Jango a short bow “My lord alpha” she regards Boba as well, her eyes lingering on him.
“Omega” Jango looks to you now “Please” he indicates the seat that was just vacated. You turn and look at Boba with a somewhat stunned expression.
“Off you go cyare” he says, releasing your hand. You move around the table and lower yourself to sit at Jango’s side. Boba takes his place, at his fathers right hand side.
Jango raises his cup and addresses you by name “My daughter by bond. Thank you for joining us, you are always welcome at my table”
The others at the table repeat your name in a toast, and drink deeply from their cups. You’re touched by this gesture, and raise your cup in return “Thank you my lord alpha, I am most grateful”
The welcome feast is huge. You are served roasted meat from large platters, mountain goat, wild boar and elk. There are vegetables that have been stewed, roasted, preserved in sour liquid. Everything is delicious, you have to be mindful to only have a little of each dish so you can sample as many as possible.
Around you the hall is filled with the cacophonous sound of community. Talking, shouting, laughter. It’s a lot all at once, but at least it all seems to be pleasant. You do your best to follow the conversation at your table, it all seems a little out of your depth, but you’re happy enough just to listen and eat.
After a time you notice Fennec approach the table and say something in Boba’s ear. Boba gives his father a quick word and stands from the table, following Fennec out of the hall. You follow him with your gaze and try not to worry.
“Something to do with the banthas” Jango’s voice cuts through your concern
“Oh! Of course, I just hope nothing is wrong” you nod
“I don’t imagine so. He will return shortly” Jango says, refilling your cup “So tell me, how did you come to meet my son?”
“I was found alone and near death in Seelyia forest by an omega in his pack” you explain “He permitted me to winter with them after I was nursed back to health”
“I see. And how did you come to be alone and near death in Seelyia?” He asks
You don’t talk about it often, you don’t even let yourself think about it often. You’ve barely been able to share little pieces of it with Boba. But Jango Fett is asking and it would be disrespectful not to answer. Still you feel your stomach twist in knots when you think about it.
“Nothing was different that day. The sun rose. I ate breakfast. Completed my assigned tasks. Ate my dinner and went to bed. I woke up in the night. I knew something was wrong. And then there was screaming and fire and I was afraid” a shudder ran through your body “I don’t know why… but I just couldn’t stop running. I ran until I couldn’t breathe anymore, and then kept walking. For days and days, I don’t really know how long, I just kept going”
“Was someone following you?” He presses
You pause, that part of of your memory is foggy. “I think… I think someone grabbed me and I pulled away. I don’t know if they were from my pack or the attackers. I don’t know if I was followed out of the valley… I don’t know. I’m sorry, I don’t remember”
“I apologize. I only ask because the packs in Lyra Valley are not known to engage each other in territorial conflicts. It makes me wonder who instigated such an attack” he muses “Regardless, I did not invite you to my table to interrogate you”
“No no, I understand. Your son has returned to you bonded to some strange omega. I suppose some interrogation is warranted” you shrug, swallowing the anxious pit in your throat from recalling such painful memories.
He studies you for a moment “You refer to yourself as strange. You think of yourself as an outsider.”
You glance at him and avert your gaze “I am strange my lord Alpha. Lyra Valley was all I ever knew growing up. Life is very different there. It has become very clear to me that I was not raised properly and as a result I often feel… inadequate”
He hums in acknowledgement “Interesting. I have only been told positive things by members of your pack and your mate”
“You-you’ve made inquiries about me?” You ask, suddenly feeling incredibly self conscious and a little light headed.
“Not specially. More that I have been speaking to your pack about the time passed since their last visit, and they all bring up you” he explains while casually eating bits of meat “I hear words like kind, helpful, respectful, gentle… only from you do I hear strange and inadequate”
You don’t know what to say. You stare at your plate of unfinished delicacies and are torn between being frozen in place or fleeing this table. You’ve all but decided to excuse yourself and leave when he begins speaking again.
“I understand your position better than you know young one” he continues “When I was a pup my pack suffered an attack very similar to what you described. I became a foundling of a new pack and had to learn a different way of life”
“You were a pup when you lost your home?” You look up front your plate
“About five years old” he nods
“I’m so sorry for your loss my lord alpha”
“As I am sorry for yours” he says “It does not escape me that the differences between our shared experience is our age and presentation. But neither you nor I are lost anymore”
“Thank you my lord alpha. Truly” you smile feeling very comforted by his understanding and acceptance.
He goes on to tell you what Boba was like as a young pup and some of the funny things he used to say and do. By the time Boba returns to the table you’re laughing. Boba is pleased to see you in such high spirits, he hopes it means you’ve moved passed your fears and anxieties about being here.
Boba does not take his seat at his fathers side, instead he kneels at your side to speak to you. “Are you enjoying yourself, little one?”
“Oh yes, I’ve been hearing about what a delightful pup you were” you giggle
He knows you’re making a joke, his father only ever tells stories of what a little monster he was as a child. Always getting into trouble. “Indeed. Well in any case, would you like to go check in on the omegas of our pack? Make sure they are situated and cared for?”
You suspect he wants to have a word with his father, and maybe the other alphas at the table in private. He does his best to shelter you from burdens you don’t need to bear. You do your best to honor his requests and gentle suggestions. He also knows you well enough by now that you most definitely want to socialize with other omegas.
“Of course alpha” you smile eagerly. He gives you a kiss and takes your seat when you stand to leave.
You thank Jango and the alphas at the table for their invitation to join them and their good company, and excuse yourself. You saw your friends on the way in earlier, and disappear into the crowded room to find them. Both Jango and Boba watch you slip away.
“Lyra Valley has little to no natural resources of special value” Jango states “No gemstones, ore deposits, strategic geographical significance”
“Indeed” Boba answers
“So what are we missing? What made her village a worthy target?” Jango poses the question to the table, not just to Boba. A few mutter some thoughts about additional land and fruitful orchards.
“She have a lot of siblings?” A new voice chimes in. Boba looks across the table and sees the same female alpha who was dismissed at the beginning of the evening.
“Of a sort” Boba answers, looking this newcomer up and down. Sizing her up and subtly gaging her scent for aggression.
“Sounds to me like Lyra Valley is a livestock pen full of alphas too weak to fight, and omegas ripe for the taking” she says.
Some of the alphas at the table nod in agreement, others cast glances towards Jango or Boba. It is a fair statement in terms of potential motive, but the way she’d said it gave Boba pause.
“A pack looking to expand numbers and territory would look to settlements and nonviolent groups. However there are nine packs in Lyra Valley. Taking on one, means taking them all. A bold move” Jango states. “Your omega escaped with her life. Did her village survive the attack?”
“We sent scouts after the snow melted. A small number remained. Though I could not say if they were others who ran and returned or if they are all that the attackers allowed to live” Boba explains “I would say we should send more scouts but with winter quickly approaching, even our fastest riders would never make it before the snow returns”
“There is nothing to be done about it for the time being, aside from remaining vigilant and keeping good relations with allied packs” Jango says with finality. “You’re all dismissed”
The other alphas at the table stand and give him a respectful nod, Boba remains to continue speaking to his father in private.
You have found your friends near the entrance to this great hall and squeezed in to join them at their table. You are quickly introduced to the omegas at the table and absorbed into this new group. They ask you questions about yourself and share stories from their pack. You feel the warmth of community and acceptance. You feel immensely grateful to be here.
You lose track of time eating and laughing and talking. After a while you realize that you’re exhausted, even after having napped this afternoon. You’d woken up before dawn and ridden most of the day just to get here. And it is now well into the night. You find yourself struggling to pay attention to the story being shared at the table, your eyelids feeling heavy.
A gentle hand curls over your shoulder, making you jump at the sudden intrusion. But the scent that envelops you brings comfort and ease, you look up and see Boba standing over you.
“Time to go little one” he says giving your shoulder a gentle pat. You smile and give him a nod, he gives you a hand to help you stand up. You thank the other omegas for welcoming you and bid them a goodnight.
Boba keeps hold of your hand and leads you out of the great hall towards your cabin. “Tired?” He asks with a bit of an amused smile
“Mhm” you hum
“You’ve had a long day, omega. You’ve done so well” he says, pushing open the cabin door for you.
“M’ glad you think so” you yawn, sitting on the bed to remove your boots. Boba stills your hands and takes over, tactfully undoing the laces and pulling them off for you.
“You overcame your fears and even got my father to laugh. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen him laugh” he says working to help you remove the rest of your clothing
“He loves you very much. You’re his only pup” you move your arms and legs as he directs you, taking off your layers and putting on a simple shift to sleep in. When he’s finished he leans over and kisses your forehead.
“Indeed. Lay back little one” he says. You do as he asks, while he undresses himself and prepares for bed. Making sure to put logs on the fire to keep the space warm. He climbs in with you, covering you both with the thick blankets.
Your exhaustion catches up to you. You just can’t keep your eyes open, though you do try. He strokes your cheek, smooths back your hair, scents you gently. You inhale deeply, practically tasting blackberries on your tongue. He watches you, taking care to make sure you are safely asleep.
He knows tonight was hard for you. He didn’t say it in front of the other alphas, but he brought it up after they were dismissed. He was not happy that his father cornered you into discussing your traumatic past, especially in front of a large group of alphas without him present or knowing about it. He knew it would have to come up, but he didn’t want it to be like that. He didn’t want to put you in that position. He only hoped you wouldn’t suffer for it. He lays another kiss on your head and allows himself to find sleep.
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fbfh · 2 years
okay I tried to wait I'm half way through episode 7 of season 2 but I can't not talk about this anymore. I literally don't even know where to start, the fact that Marcus Baker is canonically obsessed with naruto or the fact that he's the type of boyfriend to not be scared of things like morning breath. he thinks it's cute. it's so eddie munson core of him. OR are we going to talk about the fact that he got Ginny off with his hands for fun expecting nothing in return??? are we going to talk about the way he was bouncing his legs in the hallway in that one scene??? (he and max both have adhd btw) or the pac man socks???? are we going to talk about how his social battery is so limited and the poor thing is so burnt out he's developed a reputation for hating people that quickly?? or the fact that he's so into philosophy he can quote it casually in conversation and actually apply it to real life scenarios????? we share a brain cell. we were made for each other fr. marcus baker is the type of boyfriend to know you better than you know yourself. Marcus texts you good morning and good night when he can't climb through your window like a 90s fever dream and kiss you absolutley stupid, to give you something sweet to dream about he says. he always says it with his stupid deep voice and stupid floppy hair and stupid lovestruck look on his face. you want to kiss it off. every time you try there's a smaller more smug more loving look underneith.
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whinlatter · 1 year
hi! I might be childish but I am 100% agreeing with McGonagall not getting Ginny’s Christmas card…🙃
Can you please tell us some about her mindset? Is it just trying to get the school through this year, is it really though love, remorse or..?
the mcgonagall discourse continues to tickle me no end. anon i for one applaud an encourage any and all childishness. also i agree! dropping people from the christmas card list because you've got major beef with them is a time-honoured and noble tradition and ginny is right to uphold it
i don't want to say too much that will end up in the fic but! i think mcgonagall in beasts thinks she is trying to Do Her Best - for ginny, for the other students under her care, but also for hogwarts as an institution, which is an institution whose mission and ethos she really believes in. a lot of this is is (understandably, and not necessarily wrongly) bound up in her loyalty to her mentor, dumbledore, someone she didn't always agree with but whose vision for hogwarts she consistently throws her weight behind.
minnie's got a huge amount on her plate stepping up as headmistress in 1998. she's the headteacher of a student body who are individually and collectively traumatised, who are only just beginning to process what happened to them, and whose traumas are extremely complex and diverse and don't really have the tools to grasp each other's often very different but no less serious sufferings (obviously the the pureblood/half-blood students who endured life under the carrows during the war and the DA lot who actively resisted the carrows and paid a huge price for it, but also muggleborn students who were on the run, and all those who were in azkaban.) she's dealing with a lot of guilt for all that she couldn't shield her students from (more to come on this), and she's sincere in her belief that young people who have gone through enormous upheaval need structure, routine, accountability, and a kind of compassion that manifests as someone saying no, you can't punch whoever you like because they said something horrible to you. you do have to hand your homework in. you do need to not sneak out of the castle at night and make everyone worry about you. partly this is generational - she was born in 1935, she has a set of ideas about acceptable and unacceptable ways of expressing your distress as a child. but i think this is also a not inherently cruel or abusive child welfare philosophy, even if it doesn't really take on a lot of what we know of how trauma manifests in young people and adolescents. minerva would say: it's my job to look after my students, i'm the adult and authority figure, i need to reimpose and safeguard the social contract that holds an institution like a school together, and also to make sure that i care about each individual student while also managing the impact of students' behaviours on each other. (in canon, she repeatedly does enforce the rules in strong terms and doesn't make excuses when harry - a character who is well within his rights to act out given his life experiences - gets in a fight or fucks up and breaks the rules in ways that meaningfully impact his peers.)
when it comes to ginny, i think mcgonagall sees lots of herself in her. they share a fierce protective streak, they're both very loyal, they're both incredibly stubborn, and they both are petty as hell and show their emotions by way of biscuit/christmas card deprivation. but that also means mcgonagall expects more of ginny than most, especially as someone who rode hard for the hogwarts student body the preceding year. mcgonagall wants ginny to help her keep hogwarts standing and continue to play the part of a role model for her peers as someone (she knows) they look up to. ginny does not want to do that. and mcgonagall's massively frustrated that ginny has (also understandably) held her hands up and said fuck that, role model schmole model, i've gone through it and you're all now saying back to normal and pretending it never happened. what's hard is that they're both kind of right! but neither is able to say it. and that's why gryffindor girlies are so fun and massively annoying to smash into each other when doing the literary equivalent of playing dolls (writing fanfiction)
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thornyrose463 · 1 year
Avatar: The Last Airbender book tag
I saw @belle-annd-the-book do this and thought it looked fun.
Katara and Sokka: Best sibling relationship
William “Bill” Weasley, Charles “Charlie” Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ronald “Ron” Weasley, and Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
The Weasley siblings are very close. Because of this, they trust each other and feel comfortable around each other.
Yue: Favourite star-crossed lovers
Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus “Gus” Waters from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Hazel is a teenager with cancer. She carries an oxygen tank. Her mother forces her to attend a cancer support group, hoping that she might make a friend. She loathes what she sees as the false optimism of the group, but she attends to keep her mother happy. She knows she is going to die, but her mother wants her to have a normal life.
One afternoon, Hazel meets Gus, who is also in the cancer support group. His right leg has been replaced with a prosthetic. Hazel and Gus are attracted to each other almost immediately. After the meeting, she goes to his house. Hazel tells Gus about her favourite book, An Imperial Affliction by Peter Van Houten, which is about a teenager with cancer. Hazel relates to the book’s main character, Anna, in every way. Not only does Anna have cancer, but her thoughts and philosophies are similar to Hazel’s. The book ends with Anna’s death. Hazel wants to meet Peter and find out what happened to the other characters after Anna’s death. Gus promises to read the book and gives her his favourite book in return. The book is based on his favourite video game.
Hazel and Gus quickly become friends. They help their friend, Isaac, who lost his girlfriend and an eye because he is a cancer patient, to get over his breakup. Gus fulfills his promise to Hazel and reads An Imperial Affliction. He also wants to meet Peter and find out what happened to the other characters after Anna’s death.
Hazel tries to keep Gus at a safe distance because she knows she is dying. She knows that he has already been through a lot and her death will be a terrible blow he might not recover from. She considers herself a grenade and doesn’t want to hurt anyone when she explodes.
Hazel and Gus go to Peter’s house in Amsterdam. He is rude. Deflated, Hazel and Gus return to their hotel. They lose their virginity in his room. When they return to Hazel’s room, he tells her that his cancer has returned and is attacking every part of his body.
Gus begins radical chemotherapy treatments by taking drugs. The drugs do little to stop his cancer. They make him tired and sick. Hazel and Isaac try to be there for him at all times. One day, the trio decides to go to Isaac’s former girlfriend’s house. They throw eggs at her father’s car, and for a moment, they forget that they are cancer patients and revel in each other’s company.
Peter tells Hazel that his rudeness was due to his alcoholism and shares his sad life story with her. His daughter, Anna, died of cancer at the age of 8. He loved her so much that he wrote a book about her. Writing the book (An Imperial Affliction) gave her a second chance at life as a teenager.
Hazel is summoned to the hospital because Gus gets worse. He dies. At his funeral, Isaac gives her a letter from Gus. In the letter, Gus talks about how much he loved Hazel.
Blood bending: A book with a disturbing/unsettling concept
Night by Elie Wiesel
Night is a memoir that chronicles Elie Wiesel’s experiences as a child during the holocaust. I read it in either the seventh grade or the eighth grade. It was required reading for a history unit on the holocaust. It is a harrowing account of his time spent in concentration camps and the atrocities he witnessed and endured.
Toph: A character whose strength surprised you or other characters in the book
Can’t think of anyone
The Tales of Ba Sing Se: Best short story/poetry collection
I don’t read poems. All the short stories I’ve read were stand-alone stories.
Kyoshi Warriors: Best warrior character
Can’t pick
Zuko: Best redemption arc/a redemption arc that should have happened
Can’t think of anything
Iroh: Wisest character
Can’t pick
Azula: Best downfall
Can’t pick 
Appa: Favourite fictional pet/animal
I don’t have a favourite fictional pet/animal
Aang: Purest cinnamon roll
Primrose “Prim” Everdeen from the book series The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Prim is compassionate and kind. She seems incapable of bearing any ill will. She becomes a healer at a young age, often helping her mother with patients. Despite all that happens, she manages to remain relatively optimistic. Animals love her. The Everdeen family’s cat, Buttercup, is nasty to everyone except her. This could be because she is the only one who seems to treat him with kindness. She has a pet goat. The goat is named Lady, and she was a birthday present. One day, a goat herder was milking Lady, who had a shoulder injury and was about to be sold to the butcher, but the butcher refused, saying half the carcass would be too rotten even for sausage. Katniss bought Lady at a low price and took her home, where an overjoyed Prim fixed her wound.
When Katniss leaves her family after being chosen for the Hunger Games, she doesn't bother suggesting that Prim learn to hunt because her attempts were disastrous. The woods terrified Prim, and whenever Katniss shot an animal, it would upset Prim and she would talk about how they might be able to heal it. Prim is a bright light in a sea of dark. Unfortunately, this doesn't prevent her from being killed.
Avatar State: A stubborn character/a character that struggles with letting go
A stubborn character: Elizabeth “Lizzie” Bennet from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Lizzie is stubborn, loyal, smart, and self-assured. She fights for her own happiness and is headstrong in her beliefs, such as marrying for love instead of for money or status, which was unfathomable for a Victorian society that saw marriage as purely transactional. She was willing to stay single until she found the right partner.
Tagging: @amaryllisaa and @readergal
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manmetaphysical · 2 months
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2: Heinlein’s Natal Chart
Heinlein’s birth date has a synchronous number theme as it has a 7-7-7 theme. He was born on the 7th of the 7th month, July, 1907. He was born in the sign of Cancer where he has a stellium of planets opposing the conjunction of Uranus/Mars in Capricorn. This axis is  cardinal so he never lacked initiative drive and energy to get things done in an original way. He was very productive and energised and had a fertile imagination. What’s neat is that in traditional rulerships the chart is ruled by Mars- the planet with which he was so associated.
This Sun/Neptune in Cancer opposite Mars/Uranus in Capricorn is as heavyweight aspect and reveals a lot about the inner tensions within him. He could be feisty and argumentative at times, not always easy to know. Mars is exalted in Capricorn so mingled with the genius of Uranus organises the world just in an overly structured way, containing any innovations. But at the same time productive. They are both in retrograde motion so he often corrected his course and adapted his political views throughout his life. The Sun and Neptune is waves of inspiration coming in in the sublunary world of Cancer, of shifting dreams and intuitions. 
Mercury in Leo tends to be bold and very persuasive.They speak with authority but from the heart. Mercury here does not hold back. However, Heinlein trained himself to overcome a stammer by consciously delivering speeches in a controlled and rather awkward manner. The unaspected Mercury in Leo might point to this difficulty speaking, as well as the already mentioned Chiron in the third house, but also to his runaway success being the first Sci-Fi writer to hit mainstream sales lists and be so highly regarded as an influence. Leo is the storyteller, and it is there in the 9th house of philosophy and higher learning, but Mercury is not retrograde in this chart. It has only a semi-square aspect to Pluto. It has no other major aspects so perhaps it struggled on its own in that fixed fire sign and there’s a sense that all his characters are heroic in some way, enacting that collective story of the struggle to individuate. To the accusation that Science Fiction can be written without much science,  Heinlein believed that science fiction must be written with a knowledge of science just like historical fiction must be written with a knowledge of history.  So he was the first to make the ‘science’ accurate and plausible.  
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One of his many predictions in his books aside from flying cars, water beds, calling television ‘the babble box’, and multiple screen readers for instant tele-communication was that if you learned Russian, you were an optimist, but if you learned Chinese, you were a pessimist. He lived through the Cold War period. But he was also aware that this pessimission versus optimism could go in reverse. His wife Ginny learned to speak Russian and for a long time he considered himself a socialist aiming for fairness in society, though that shifted towards the end of his life towards a more militaristic type of libertarian conservatism. His Mercury in Leo is actually conjunct the asteroid named Russia and in his astrocartography map, the Sun/Jupiter/Neptune Uranus/Mars axis runs right through Moscow. 
Jupiter is well placed at 20° of Cancer as mentioned and incidentally conjunct the asteroid Zeus doubling down on the Greek and Roman versions of that archetype. Did he act like the King of the gods?  You could say so. He certainly trusted his gut and acted as spiritual mentor to many. Heinlein was known to be generous in a Jupiterian way, very benevolent. He mentored Ray Bradbury who praised him for it, and even loaned money to Philip K. Dick when he needed cash. The phrase Heinlein invented was to ‘pay forward’ which suggests a belief that everything is connected and energy moves in circles- the idea of what goes around comes around. So he encouraged the people he gifted to pass that on to others, not back to him, in whatever form that took. This is Jupiterian magnanimity which loves to bestow money and opportunity- to help people grow personally and to for them to take advantage of their circumstances.
3: Saturn in Pisces
In Heinlein’s chart Jupiter is trine to Saturn in Pisces offering a slightly more positive spin on the Saturn there, a kind of blessing. But in August of 2024 collectively have Jupiter square Saturn-which is expansion then retraction which is to say, freedom with a few restrictions. We are already seeing clamp down and talk of more lockdowns.  This will continue on and off until June 2025. There will be three exact opening squares- the first is on August 19th, a dramatic day astrologically  and then again on December 24th 2024; and again a third time on June 15th 2025. The tension here asks us to question beliefs and test any commitment we may have to those beliefs so it could see a challenging period of push and shove where people are obliged to persevere against the odds, wrestle with doubts, or see clearly where their chances lie but be held back in other areas of life.
Heinlein has Saturn in Pisces at 27° which links him this period as Saturn moves through the sign of Pisces (from March 2024 to2026) and brings its spiritual challenges the messing up of boundaries. Saturn, which is all about boundaries creates tension with its sojourn in Pisces. Neptune dissolves boundaries but Saturn reinforces them. Which is stronger may depend on your individual chart. They are both in Pisces at the moment with Neptune at the anaretic 29°– which is the season grand finale of all that has been corroding the world while Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011.
Saturn is currently at 17° but will reach 27° at the end of April/beginning of May 2025. This will be just before it joins Neptune at the zero ‘world’ degree point of Aries at the end of May 2025 and that heralds both a grand climax and a major brand new beginning rolled into one.  We can expect major changes.  Heinlein’s position of  Saturn is interesting as Saturn will reach this point in April of 2025. This is the beginning of what is known as Gandanta in Indian astrology.. It is where planets shift from Water signs into Fire signs and that allows karmic knots to be unravelled- but not without some trouble. Perhaps we should take note of Heinlein’s views which may be increasingly relevant during this time as the need to unravel the knots is greater than ever. But this will be a tense and potentially turbulent time for all of us.
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The ability of religions to control the minds of the masses is a theme in Stranger in a Strange Land. And the man who almost invented a religion – Scientology- just to prove that he could was L. Ron Hubbard, born just a few years after Heinlein in 1911. Hubbard was Heinlein’s friend for many years as originally he too wrote science fiction stories that were more about people than science and had a philosophical bent. He was a Pisces who also had a conjunction of Uranus and Mars in Capricorn, and like Valentine Michael Smith he created a cult (Jupiter, Neptune and the Sun in a grand water trine) and there lies a whole other story for another article.
But their relationship blew hot and cold- they fell out for a while- but generally cordial and respectful and did not preclude accurate psychological assessment of each other. How did Heinlein come to know this forger of a new age religion of Dianetics and Scientology? In the same way that Heinlein also knew Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, occultist and acolyte of Aleister Crowley. Henlein moved in those cirlces. In Heinlein’s letters it emerged that Heinlein warned their mutal friend John Arwine about Hubbard. He said “I think you could easily find yourself in some sort of a jam if you let him get too close to you at this time.” Heinlein indicated to Arwine also that Hubbard planned to be a ‘big operator. So even in the late 1940s he could foresee the development of Scientology into the  mass cult phenomenon it has become. 
Hubbard was perhaps the model for Jubal Harshaw in Stranger in a Strange Land though some say Harshaw has many qualities of Heinlein himself although he was meant to be much older than the writer.  Many of Heinlein’s characters have courage, vision, are self-reliant or are critical thinkers – they never start out in life as losers. They often like to deconstruct the traditional views and demolish preconceptions in order to consider other alternatives. Harshaw is the classic example of an ultra-articulate and outspoken maverick and contrarian (Prometheus-Uranus) who has the confidence of his own mind and does not care what others think. He is an intimidating force to be reckoned with against the governments and religions of the day. 
Extract 2 from 'Song to the Strangers in a Strange Land' on ProteusAstrology.co.uk
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monriatitans · 3 months
Ta-Da! List: Sunday, June 16th
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I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - IG: Instagram - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ June 15th: - on the bedroom setup: shared yesterday’s TDL to IG
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the mobile phone: - YouTube: watched I’m Autistic, Now What?’s video “Autism Memes for When Your Life is Falling Apart (Like mine currently is)” - Hive: shared today’s ASO and Stream Announcement
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - WGS: finished sharing catchup announcement posts and the Stream Announcement to the WGS Ko-fi
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - WGS: gave a human artist, TIVANIX, a shout-out by sharing it on O&T, Tumblr, and other social media; shared the Stream Announcement to The Titans’ Discord, IG, and other social media; prepared the ASO for tomorrow, June 17th - YouTube: watched, listened to, and/or began: 1. Jim Sterling’s videos “Grand Theft Awful”, “Bobby Kotick Is An Abusive Monster”, “Diablo Immortal: Activision Blizzard’s Latest Scam The Jimquisition”, “Scott Cawthon Simps Just Love To Hate”, “Exoprimal: A Great Game Pretending To Be Mediocre Garbage”, “Pokémon 2077”, and “Kotaku Was Right To ‘RUIN’ Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom” 2. Orion Kelly — That Autistic Guy’s video “Autism, Humour & Sarcasm — What You Need to Know” 3. Philosophy Tube’s videos “Why Do We Remember War?”, “Racism, Law, & Politics (Race Part 1)”, “Islamophobia, Racism, & Feminism (Race Part 2)”, “Should People in Prison have a Right to Vote?”, and “How to Deal with Tragedy — Stoicism” 4. BlackBeltBarrister’s video “This is terrifying!” 5. Ginny Di’s video “5 backstory bad habits that drive your DM nuts” 6. Adam Conover’s videos “Elon Musk Is An Idiot (and so are Zuck and SBF)” and “Why We’re Still Trapped on Twitter” - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV” - O&T: shared today’s TDL to various social media
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Food: had coffee, water, and cereal for breakfast and lunch; partner cooked potatoes and steak for lunch; had hot cocoa - Chores: washed the bedspread; started, then unloaded the dishwasher; swept the kitchen and guest bathroom; vacuumed partner’s office
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
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ginnymoonbeam · 3 months
"How could anyone like--" buddy let me stop you right there. This world holds a vast diversity of opinions, tastes, and preferences. Some of them you will find completely incomprehensible. Some of them you will find disgusting. That's okay. You don't have to make sense of it and you don't have to approve of it. Unless you really do want to embark on a project of understanding, you can just say, with me and Danny Lavery, "Life is a rich tapestry."
If you do want to embark on a project of understanding, I recommend phrases like "can you tell me more about what appeals to you in that?" You don't have to mention that it's baffling or revolting to you. No one's going to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts when they already feel judged. If you really want to know, listen and try to understand. Maybe you still can't, or maybe you'll get to a place of "okay I can kind of see where this appeals to other people." Remember that they don't need your approval to keep liking the thing and you don't need their approval to keep extremely not liking it.
Whatever you do, please, please do not make up your own reasons why people like the thing. "People who are into this must be [something that is definitely inferior to me]." Have you asked? Have you actually listened? Then you don't fucking know. And you probably never will, because people won't feel able to openly express themselves around you.
And listen, sometimes your derogatory opinion might have truth in it, but "those people are different from me and I'm the better one" is a mental habit that nobody needs to be nurturing. It's dangerous. I would rather pull up every seedling of it from my heart than risk letting a wrong one take solid root. That doesn't mean I'm going to warmly embrace preferences that are alien, incomprehensible, or disgusting to me. Even understanding takes work, and it's not always worth it. That's why it's so valuable to just go "huh. Isn't human nature fascinatingly diverse" and move on.
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theodorebasmanov · 2 years
I’m back to Starkid, so, I’ve watched “A Very Potter Senior Year and my very first reaction was: “That’s real Luna!” – meaning that it’s an actress who played Luna in the movies. That was cool. The plot is basically (mostly) based on the second book – “The Chamber of Secrets”, just Tom is showing Ginny through the diary… oh, sorry, journal flashbacks, which Dumbledore was showing Harry in the sixth book. We get to know why Tom’s always dancing – Dumbledore taught him. By the way, his dancing philosophy reminded me of something: “When the world sucks, just dance!” = “If your hands are shaking, make them jazz hands!” (From “The Prom”) Harry hearing the Basilisk – “Snake” was very funny! It was probably one of the best jokes, actually. I also liked, how Draco tries to remind Harry that they are friends and started retelling their school years – so, we get to know, that in the third year they actually got to Pigfarts and there were “singing, dancing and clean jokes”. Lockhart was also interesting – in this interpretation, he didn’t steal somebody’s deeds, but he steals muggle books and sells them in the magic world. (Spoilers!) He also made Hermione (who was in love with him and was writing explicit smut fanfiction based on his books) write him about Harry’s adventures, “fixed” it and wrote the original “Harry Potter” books that way. He was going to sell them in the muggle world. Harry, by the way, also had problems with Lockhart, because he was stealing his fame, so Harry tried to become popular again, but the only thing he did for it – broke up with Ginny. When the Chamber was open, he was accused of opening it – Lockhart said, that Potter decided to create a mystery for himself to solve it and restore popularity. By the way, there was an unexpected Death Note reference (that to see Tom, you have to touch the journal) – this stuff is pursuing me. Well, getting back to the plot – when all this Chamber stuff got intense Harry decided to leave, because he was under too much stress and pressure. He went to the Godric's Hollow, opened the lucky snitch, found the resurrection stone inside it and talked to his parents, to Sirius and Remus. And to Cedric. Oh my god, Cedric Diggory and Lily – officially the weirdest stuff I’ve ever seen in my life. Cedric and Lily are married in heaven. Harry also talked to Severus. Well, of course, then Ron brought him back to school, they fought the Basilisk and won. Everybody’s happy, the only victim in Scarfy (rest in peace), Ron proposes to Hermione and she says yes. The last scene, platform 9¾, Harry sends his son – Albus Scarfy to Hogwarts and that’s okay, but you know whom do we see next. Quirrell and Voldemort together (as at the end of the very first musical) sending their daughter to school. Oh good Lord in Hell, I cried and they did everything to make me – they made the girl call them “daddies”, they made Voldemort give a speech about found family and love and they made Quirrell say “Okay is wonderful!”. I’m super dead.  
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m0srael · 3 years
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By now you're probably aware that I love @corvuscrowned. I mean, we mod two fests together (with @jalesidor, natch). So, for their birthday today I thought I'd offer a little lesson about crows (general)* to educate the uninitiated about the glory that is Crow (specific).
👑 Crows are very clever. Not just "pretty intelligent as far as animals go" clever. I mean, some species of crows have proportionally larger brains than humans. Need some evidence? Look no further than Crow's wickedly smart stories:
The Other Cottage [6.5k | M] A mind-bending haunt of a multiverse fic, The Other Cottage will leave you with goosebumps and that 'eyes on the back of your neck' feeling long after you've finished reading. This is a bizarre, surrealist mystery dressed as mutual pining for Halloween--as the tags suggest, 'buckle in for a wild ride'! Twelve Moons [wip | 4.5K | M] Because they are spooky and brilliant and deeply intuitive, Crow is offering us a year-long look into the life of Harry James Potter, proprietor of the inn where potions!master Draco just has to stay once a month. So far, the story is luscious and atmospheric and the tension between these boys is crackling and incandescent, like the first strike of a match. Follow along to see what waxes and wanes. Zenith [20K | E] What's that? Intricate magical theory set in a powerful, ancient forest? Steamy, luxurious hot springs? Healing and connection and self-discovery? tender, passionate smut? YOU BET! This story feels like an easy solo hike through a cool, temperate forest on the first day of fall, but also maybe there’s an Eldritch horror lurking in the trees.
👑 Crows are incredibly loyal They remember individuals for a very long time, and they're the most family-oriented birds in the world. Anyone who's talked to Crow for more than ten seconds knows they're an incredible friend who gives enthusiastic support and advice. Crow's unconditional joy for everyone and everything they engage with is contagious! Learn more about Crow's friendship philosophy with:
Buds, Blooms, and Beards [27k | M] Harry and Ginny are each other's beards and best bros? Harry and Ginny run a flower shop together? Harry has a sexual awakening in the form of one Draco Malfoy? Honestly, what more could you possibly need in a story? Seeker's High [40K | M] In which Ginny Weasley pushes one down-and-out Harry Potter to get over himself, get in shape, and get his shit together. Incredible buddy fic with a heaping side of mystery and drarry getting together. This story made me think about considering what it would be like if, in another universe, I took up running, which is saying a lot.
👑 Crows mate for life, but... Technically they're monogamish, which is fitting for Crow bc 🤷‍♀️ .... v gay! Here's some love, lust, and romance, Crow style:
The Thousand Deaths [6K | M] It's impossible to blend raw, serrated, anguished love and irreverent humor, you say? Wrong! Crow has done it with this story! A classic tale of boy-meets-boy, boys become vampires, boys spend eternity loving each other, hating each other, trying to die for once, and resigning themselves to life. Vampires! [t4t] [2.6K | G] This story is like a balm for the soul. It's intimate, personal, and so very dreamy. It's an absolutely heart-clenching journey of self-love cloaked in a soft cloud of storybook romance. The pesudo meet-cute at the end? Top tier. The cheeky texting? Get out of town. Loverboys [84K | M] An absolute paragon of the fake dating/enemies-to-lovers tropes. Crow has such a knack for taking all the messy, uncomfortable parts of canon, ripping them apart, and piecing them back together in the most satisfying, heart-melting ways. Shades of Dawn [2.6K | E | Lavender/Ginny] A delicious, sticky, rare-pair masterpiece. Be warned: this one has an ambiguous ending and a whole boatload of angst. But it also has what Crow does best: real, relatable, messy, complex relationships that capture the best (and sometimes worst) of Other People. There's love, there's longing, and there's some incredibly hot smut.
👑 Crows have a taste for the...finer things. Not only do they use tools, but they make them all on their own, and I think we all know how they feel about shiny things 🤩.
Magpie [4K | E] An absolute dark, shiny stunner of a story. Once again Crow draws us in with the promise of a burgeoning relationship and hot, hot smut only to hit us with a twist that will give us whiplash and leave us reeling. It's weird, it's clever, it's fucked up. The ending may not be happy, but you will be so, so glad you read this. Mise en Place [5.4K | T] And for a dramatic 180-degree turn, tone-wise, an incredibly soft and fluffy ode to making food for the one we love (or the one we want to love). This story features tooth-rotting domestic sweetness and gorgeous cooking scenes. Feeding your crush delicious treats really is the number one luxury in life, isn't it?
There is so much more to a Crow than meets the eye. These are only a few of my favorite Crow stories--do yourself a favor and go explore the rest! *Source: my own brain, mostly.
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Enchanted Films
Blaise x Reader
The results of everyone living in the Wizarding World: no one has seen Disney movies. But you came up with an excellent solution: a Disney all-nighter. You invite all of your friends: the twins, Harry, Draco, Ginny, Luna, Ron, Mione, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Blaise. Okay, so you didn't invite the sexy Italian, but he's Draco's best mate. Not that you minded that he came.
You're all in the Room of Requirement with a huge collection of Disney films, snacks, drinks, and each other. You all watch all of the films and no one fell asleep. Or else.
The twins had their own commentary. "Rubbish!" when Ursula had tried to marry Eric. "That slimy git!" when Hans revealed his true colors. We all agreed that Snow White is a 'daft dimbo'. And, of course, after Aladdin, Fred jumped on a carpet and George cast Wingardium Leviosa on it and Fred flew around the room bellowing, "A Whole New World!"
At one point, Ginny bewitched the Room to play Disney music. After a few hours of dancing like complete morons, bellowing Disney music, Dean had the idea to stand in a circle and quote something from the movies that you liked. Blaise ended up on your right, Ron on your left.
Fred and George did theirs together, of course. George: "Hakuna." Fred: "Matata." (x3) Unison: "What a wonderful phrase! It's our problem- free philosophy! Hakuna Matata!"
Ginny: "Overall, it smells like the color brown. Your thoughts?"
Luna: "It's a dinglehopper."
Dean: "Phenomenal cosmic power," he refers to his body, "itty bitty living space."
Seamus: "I think you just broke my smolder."
Neville: "Be aggressive! Mayday! Mayday!"
Hermione looking at Ron lovingly: "Talk about your fixer upper."
Ron: "Whew. That was like some kind of crazy trust exercise."
Draco: "Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your family! Dishonor on your cow!"
Harry: "I'll make a man out of you." Then he winks at Draco. 
You: "To spend a life of endless bliss, just fine who you love through true love's kiss."
Blaise says, "Okay." Then he reaches over and kisses you. He pulls back and intertwines your hand with his.
Blaise says while looking at you: "Mine! Mine! Mine!"
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mionemymind · 4 years
Do I owe her the truth?
Summary: (Hermione x Gender Neutral Reader) Should Y/n tell the truth to Hermione no matter the consequences? 
Words: 5223
A/N: Let me know what y’all think. I’m sorry I having been writing a lot but I figured you deserve something for waiting for so long. Thank you for being patient. You all are the best!!
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According to the great philosopher Kant, one must always do the nature of the good principle regardless of the outcome. Simply put, even if a killer was knocking on the door and asking for your friend, you must answer with the truth of their location. Although a lot argue over philosophies, Y/n simply minded their business. They figured that they have their whole life to sort out what good things they must do and bad things they must keep away. However, a bright witch among their age, made them question every single good and bad thing they had sorted out in life. Because on the very most important day of Hermione’s life, Y/n pondered the question, “Do I owe her the truth?”
The story starts out small like any simple home. You must start with a bit of foundation and the right material for it to be built. So, when Y/n transferred from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts, the very first student they were introduced to was Hermione Granger.
Walking around the halls, Y/n found themselves slightly amazed at the walls of the castle. From the decorations, to the hallways, its scenery, and even its people were more amazing than of Ilvermorny. “Right this way.” Professor McGonagall led the young sorcerer to the very Great Albus Dumbledore. Y/n had only read of the magnificent things Professor Dumbledore has done for the wizarding world and was only slightly scared to meet her current headmaster. While opening the vastly large door, Y/n slowly followed Professor McGonagall in. At the sound of the doors opening, a booming but soft voice uttered, “Ah there you are! Do come sit.” Walking up the stairs, Y/n sat at the seat in front of his desk. Sweaty palms and nervous thoughts clouded their mind. “It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Hogwarts. I know you must be eager to survey the school so I will make this brief.” With a slight pause, Dumbledore had signaled for McGonagall to leave. “As a long-standing tradition of Hogwarts, let me first assign you your house.” Quickly, a hat that looked as if it lived through many ages, was placed on Y/n’s head. “Fierce loyalty like no other to those she cares about why you must be HUFFLEPUFF!”
The hat was taken off as quickly as it was placed. Soon, a new attire was placed on her lap. “Here is your new schedule that corresponds with what you should be learning now. I took great liberty to consult with your headmaster about your curriculum. They talk highly about you in regards to your academics and wizarding abilities.” Y/n blushed at the sound of the compliment. They weren’t used to the praise given to them. “To make sure you are consistently tested, I made sure to put you in classes with one of the brightest witches of your age – ah and here she is.” Y/n turned around and suddenly timed slowed down. A girl with red and black robes entered the room as if she already owned it. It was the confidence that surrounded her aura the most, but Y/n had noticed more of the beauty that she shows.
“This young witch is Hermione Granger.” Leaping to their feet, Y/n stood up to shake Hermione’s hand. “Y/n Y/l/n.” Hermione gave a small smile and sat next to Y/n as Dumbledore had briefly explained the rules of the school. “Ah – I believe that takes care of everything. Ms. Granger please give our newest student a welcoming tour around the school. I have already informed your teachers of your absence. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Other than that, welcome to Hogwarts.”
The two young students left the office and went to the nearest bathroom. While Y/n changed to their new robes, Hermione had fiddled with her hands. “Not to intrude, but you must be extremely smart.” Y/n was buttoning their shirt when Hermione had answered the question. Good thing she couldn’t see them otherwise Hermione would have seen how red Y/n turned. Scratching their neck, Y/n replied, “I guess you could say that.”
“Oh, it’s not a guess rather a fact. You happen to have been put with some of the most difficult classes Hogwarts can currently offer for our year. That’s not something every new student experiences.” It was the way Hermione had said it as a matter of fact that made Y/n blush more. Exiting the stall, Hermione turned around and saw that they had their tie around their neck. “Need help?” Hermione said while pointing at their tie.
Once again Y/n blushed and nodded. Hermione was quick to get close to Y/n and started to tie their tie. “I do have to warn you though. There’s not a lot of competition when it comes to academics in Hogwarts. Don’t get me wrong, there is certain bright students, but none seem to come close.” Tightening the tie, Hermione looked into Y/n eyes. It was the first time she noticed how deep they looked. Regardless of their color, they were enchanting as well. “However, you seem to be my closest competition. So, I will have to take every chance I can get to beat you.” Y/n chuckled at the bright young witch in front of them. Hermione backed away after realized how close they were and cleared her throat. “Don’t take it as a laughing matter. Academics are truly important to me.”
Y/n had put their hands up in defense. “Don’t worry…I just find it funny that you think it’s going to be easy to compete with me.” Y/n smirked at their come back. If you were to ask where the hell that confidence came from, don’t bother. Y/n doesn’t know the answer either. With a similar smirk, Hermione said, “You and I are going to be great together.”
The story continues as the home is built. The next few things needed are the walls and roof.
It was the summer after their third year when Hermione, Harry, and Y/n had spent the summer at the Burrow. Ron had almost forgotten to invite Y/n when Ginny saved the day. The three of showed up at the house all dropping in one by one. Y/n was the last one to drop in, showing up during dinner time. Slowly walking in with trunk in hand, Y/n was met with the sound of their name echoing through the house. Ginny was the first to notice Y/n’s presence and loudly yelled, “Y/n!” Ginny quickly gave Y/n a hug when the echoes came from up the stairs.
“Did someone say Y/n?” George asked.
“Are they here?”
“Y/n’s here?!”
Hermione was the last one to ask when a stampede of people came running down the stairs. “Y/n!” One by one, they all started a group hug with Y/n in the middle. “Guys, I can’t breathe.” They all broke apart allowing Y/n to regain air, but was cut off when Molly came swooping in. “Oh, hello dear. I was beginning to worry that you couldn’t make it – are you hungry? You must be starving. I cooked your favorite.” Molly was quick to ramble on and on when Fred had pried the two apart. “Mum, I think Y/n needs oxygen. We’ll go ahead and start setting up the table.”
Molly slightly blushed and smiled at Y/n. “I’m glad that you’re here Y/n. Now come on people, dinner won’t serve itself.” The group was quick to help around the house, working like a well-oiled machine. Soon, everyone was sitting down at the table enjoying their home cooked meal. Y/n was sitting smack dab in the middle between Ginny and Hermione. Across from them were the boys.
Over the course of dinner, plenty of topics arose such as school, quidditch, muggles (only because Arthur can’t get enough), and more. The boys plus Ginny and Y/n couldn’t stop talking about the upcoming Quidditch World Cup. Hermione butted in about how glad she was that summer finally came. It was especially hard on the girl considering her tight schedule.
After dinner came the night. The house was quiet as the guests separated to their assigned rooms. It just so happens that Hermione and Y/n were assigned Charlie’s old room. If it weren’t for the dragon paraphernalia, Charlie’s room was actually quite neat and well organized. “Going to take a gander but I think Charlie really likes dragons.” Hermione snorted at Y/n’s obviously sarcastic comment. “Oh really? Could’ve mistaken me, I thought he was a quidditch fan.” Jokes aside, the two changed into their sleeping garments and went to bed.
Well Hermione went to bed while Y/n stared at the ceiling deep in thought. It was not until the moon was shining brightly through the window that Y/n realized how late it was. Considering the time, they tried to sleep but failed miserably. After giving up, Y/n laid on their side and faced towards Hermione. Seeing as the young wizard had already spent too much time alone with their thoughts, Y/n poked Hermione’s face until she was awake.
“Hermione. Psssst. Hermione” Y/n whispered as they poked her. “Hermione. Psst.” At the feeling of someone poking her, Hermione swatted their hand away. Seeing Hermione with an annoyed sleeping face was funny to Y/n but being alone sucked more. “Hermione, are you awake?” Suddenly, Hermione’s eyes opened; it was like a fierce dragon was staring into your soul. She looked mad at the fact someone woke her up from her slumber. “What Y/n?”
With an innocent smile, Y/n looked at Hermione and said, “Wanna tell secrets?” Hermione rolled her eyes and faced the opposite way of Y/n. “Go to sleep Y/n. We have to wake up early soon.” Y/n groaned at Hermione’s words. She was right, of course, but Y/n couldn’t go to sleep. Night was always the hardest.
“Come on Hermione.” Y/n received no response from the girl. Only a silent shoulder. Laying on her back and hands behind their head, Y/n looked at the ceiling. “Ya know, I know your secret…at least one of them.” Y/n glanced at Hermione and she still was facing away. “Or maybe two of them. Well, it’s the same secret, it just so happens that two Hermiones happen to share them.” Hermione quickly shot up and faced towards Y/n to see them smirking. “It’s not that hard to tell that a bright witch like you can’t be in two classes at once, but somehow you were.” Hermione grabbed her pillow and proceeded to hit Y/n with it. “Don’t you dare tell a soul Y/n Y/l/n. I won’t be afraid to hex you.”
Y/n grabbed the pillow and threw it back at the witch, making sure to aim at her face. “Well maybe next time, try not to be in two places at once. It sure threw me off when I had to drop off a note for the Professor only to have found you in a different class. And after I returned, you were still at the same spot I left you.”
“Unbelievable. I knew I should have volunteered to do that, but you just had to be faster than me.” Hermione rolled her eyes and sat up against the bed frame. Y/n followed suit and did the same thing. There was still an obvious smirk on their face. After a couple minutes, the silence broke. “Well, are you going to tell me your secret since you exposed mine?”
“Well Ms. Grainger lets see what secret you get to hear today.” Pondering for a moment, Y/n tried to think of information that no one knew, something of equivalently as important such as time traveling. “I got it! However, you have to promise me that you won’t tell a soul not even Crookshanks.” Y/n held out their hand with only their pinky in the air. Hermione looked them in the eye as she said, “I promise.” They locked pinkies as Y/n said, “I think I like girls.”
Hermione blinked for a couple seconds which only led devasting thoughts in Y/n’s mind. It didn’t take long, but she responded with, “Oh for Merlin’s sake. If you’re going to tell me a secret Y/n, at least make it to something that isn’t so painfully obvious.”
Hermione broke the gaze as Y/n stared in disbelief. “Don’t look so surprised. Just as you said, maybe next time try not to be caught staring at every single girl in Hogwarts.”
Gulping down their fear, Y/n said, “You don’t mind?” Hermione shook her head. “Nope. Not one single bit. You’re still the same, just love who you love except for racists and he who shall not be named. Well there’s a list. As long as they’re not genuinely bad people and you can see them joining SPEW, then I approve.”
Y/n looked at the girl beside her in amazement and wonder. They continued the conversation as the night grew, telling even more daring secrets as the previous. But one secret did remain with Y/n that night, it was their everlasting crush on Hermione Jean Granger.
The second to last thing a home needs is the spark to light the fireplace as well as the furniture. That way the home can feel as warm and as safe to those that harbor in it.
It was a winter wonderland at Hogwarts. Students were preparing to travel back home to their respective families. However, a group of students decided to spend the last weekend at Hogsmeade before leaving the next day. Right now, they had crowed the room at The Three Broomsticks with laughter, joy, and happy memories. The air was filled with a different type of warmth, one that felt safe and even like a second home. Everyone was talking so loudly within small groups, it was hard to even feel alone. Ginny and Y/n were standing near the fire talking when Fred had grabbed the attention of the room. “Everyone. Everyone. I propose a game. Let’s do a simple muggle game called truth or dare.” Everyone in the group oood as they knew where this was going to lead. They would start with a couple truths before someone breaks the ice with a good dare. Typically, the twins were the ones to propose the dare, but not a lot could compete. “Whoever cannot complete the truth or dare shall lose. Completion allows you to stay,” George had added.
The group sat in a tight makeshift circle that almost took up all the chairs and tables provided. “I’ll start. Harry, who was the last person you snogged?” All eyes were now on the chosen one. Everyone could see his nervousness, but everyone knew he would never want to be the first one out. “Draco.” Certain eyes went wide, but Y/n simply went unphased since she somewhat caught the two making out in between classes. “No questions. Neville, is your crush in this room?” Neville immediately turned red at the question and was the first one to back out. There were small boos mainly coming from the twins. “Since Neville backed out, lets go with the person to his right, Ron. Is your crush in this room?” Ron had the same reaction as Neville but had looked at the ceiling to refrain from giving away his crush. “Yes.” Everyone looked among each other trying to figure out who it could possibly be. “Don’t even try asking who it is. Ginny since you’re bloody enjoying this, did you and Y/n ever snog?” Y/n and Ginny both went wide eyed causing the group to lean a little bit closer to the two. What added more was at how everyone knew how close the two were. Not wanting to entirely answer the question, Ginny backed out the circle causing more booing from the crowd. “What a buzzkill. However, lets just ask the second-best person. Well Y/n, have you snogged my sister?”
Y/n looked at the crowded but had kept glancing towards Hermione. Although it was a simple question, Y/n hadn’t wanted to entirely answer it. You see, Ginny and Y/n did kiss before, but it was an accident. There was a bump, a stumble, then a fall, and then an accident kiss. It didn’t mean anything to the two of them, plus Y/n felt like her heart might’ve been for somewhere. So, Y/n had followed Ginny in the same manner and backed out the circle. “Oh bloody hell! You two have a knack to keep this stupid mystery alive.” They both rolled their eyes at Ron and watched the game continue. What Y/n failed to realize was how affected a certain witch was at their answer.
The game dwindled down until there was three left and unironically it was the golden trio that had made it this far. It was a little surprising for Y/n that Hermione had made it this far. Majority of the time, Hermione would be among the first to decline doing a truth or dare. “I’m sorry Hermione, but I must win. So, I dare you to kiss Ron.” It was something about the dare that made Y/n’s stomach turn. Their mood soured so quickly that they almost felt sick. Slightly tapping Ginny’s back, Y/n whispered in her ear, “Hey, I’m gonna head outside real quick. I don’t feel so good.” Ginny gave a concerned look. She was going to say something back, but Y/n was already out the door with their hand clutching their stomach.
Besides Ginny, Hermione was the only other person that noticed Y/n had left. In her line of sight, she saw past Ron and briefly seen them leave in distress. The deafening chants of “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” didn’t register with her. The only thing running through Hermione’s mind was Y/n. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this dare guys.” Quickly getting out the circle, the chants stopped, and the game continued to declare the winner. Hermione excused herself and made her way outside. She made sure to grab hers and Y/n’s coat. “What an idiot. It’s freezing cold out there.”
Stepping out the tavern, Hermione saw various witches and wizards pass by. Some she knew and some she didn’t. Walking further out, Hermione grew frustrated after not quickly finding her friend. “Where the hell are you?” Walking around further, she saw an outline of a person. Clearly, they had no coat on with how much they were shivering. Hermione walked closer to the figure and realized it was Y/n. “For someone so bloody smart, you are such an idiot.” Hermione accidentally wrapped her own coat around Y/n. She didn’t realize she had instinctively put on her best friend’s coat. Y/n chuckled, but it was cut short due to the freezing weather. Hermione sat down beside them and focused on the view in front of them. There was a small silence between the two as they had people watched. Hermione almost forgot why she even went outside in the first place. She shook her head remembering her thought, “Are you okay? I saw you leave in a hurry.”
Y/n glanced at Hermione, giving her a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I think my stomach was just feeling off. I went outside to get better air.” Hermione looked in their eyes and was quick to call bullshit. “Better air? It’s absolutely freezing out here. Even Merlin themselves wouldn’t want to be outside this weather. So why don’t you tell me the real truth? And if you lie Y/n, I will not hesitate to read your mind.” Y/n gulped at the sound of her threat. They glanced back out into the view in front of them. Taking a deep breath, Y/n nervously replied with, “During your dare, I suddenly felt…sick…I don’t know why but my stomach felt so knotty and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. So, I left.” Y/n glanced back at Hermione and immediately noticed the look on her face. It was intense and serious. Suddenly, something in the air felt different. It was getting hotter and hotter regardless of the snow falling around them.
“Can I kiss you?” Hermione asked in such a small whisper. A lump appeared in Y/n’s throat. They didn’t know what to quite say. They never really thought about what their feelings meant towards Hermione, but then again, everyone practically knew that Y/n and Hermione were in love with each other. Y/n just happened to be the biggest dumbass when it comes to realizing their feelings for others. But here Y/n was. They weren’t answering the question, but felt themselves leaning in. The two closed their eyes and was slowly leaning in. Hermione felt her heart beating so fast that she was certain it would explode, but she didn’t care. She knew that for so long, she wanted this.
However…the moment never arrived. It was cut off from a distant yell, “Y/n!” The two quickly separated and looked at different directions. Suddenly Hermione took it a step further and slightly moved away from Y/n. “There you are – I’ve been looking every where for you!” Ginny jogged up to the duo, noting the awkward tension that emerged. “We have to go back to the castle, I’ll explain on the way.” The red head dragged away her best friend while giving a small nod towards Hermione.
When they were far enough and half way towards the castle, Ginny explained the dire situation. “It’s your parents Y/n, you have to go home. An owl was sent towards the tavern. Here, you’re going to want to read this.” Ginny handed Y/n the letter. After reading it, Y/n’s stomach dropped. “I have to get home.” Ginny sent them a look. “Clearly dumbass. Come on, let’s get your stuff.” It was eerie quiet between the two since the situation had escalated. Y/n’s parents were in trouble and needed Y/n’s help.
Back at Hogsmeade, Hermione didn’t quite know what to feel. She was so close to kissing her crush, but Ginny just had to ruin the moment. The same person she was somewhat certain had Y/n’s heart. Asking the younger lad to kiss her took all the courage Hermione had, and here she was slightly heartbroken that she was gone. So deep in thought, Hermione didn’t notice Ron sit next to her until he said something. “Hey.”
“I need you to explain to Hermione that I’m sorry.” Ginny sighed. She slightly felt guilty for ruining the moment, but time was precious and something Y/n very much needed now. “I know you saw what was going to happen, but I don’t even know what I was doing.” Closing their trunk, Y/n stood up and looked at Ginny. “I do know that I also need to realize what I feel for Hermione. For a lot of my life, I thought I just had a deep love for her. I guess now it might be even deeper.” Ginny walked up and gave Y/n a bone chilling hug.
“I’ll try my best, but she’s definitely going to want to hear it from you.” They separated. Y/n saw the tears forming in Ginny’s eyes. “I’m going to bloody miss you. Please be safe in America and you better send me an owl at least once every two weeks.” Y/n gave Ginny and small salute and crossed their heart.
“I will Ginny. Besides, I need you to deliver all the letters I write for Hermione. I really gotta figure this out.” With one last hug and a small punch to Y/n’s shoulder, the young student left Hogwarts on to the next ride to America. The letter was still clutched in her hand and in it was detailed the long passage of how to save Y/n’s parents from the very people chasing after them. Y/n didn’t quite know how long it was going to take to save their parents, but they could only hope Hermione could understand. “Please wait for me.” Y/n whispered to Hermione in particular, but the younger witch didn’t hear those words. Instead, Hermione heard comforting words from a different red head.
The last thing a home needs is the very people that should live in it. It needs family, friends, and most certainly you and me.
Y/n stood, pacing around the bathroom. They knew time was running out, it was now or never. “Why? Why? Why? Why?” Y/n stood still and pinched the bridge of their nose. Eyes closed, Y/n pondered more and more about all of the things they didn’t do. How could they have let this go on for this long? Why did they let it go on for this long? Deep in thought, Y/n didn’t notice a certain ginger walk into the bathroom. “Y/n, what in the bloody hell are you doing there?  Hermione has been calling you and quite worried sick. If it wasn’t her big day, I would have already knocked you out you big prat.”
Y/n glanced at the second most important person of her life. With a heavy sigh, Y/n slid down the wall. Their knees were propped, hands in their face, and heart in their throat. “I don’t know what to do anymore Ginny.” Ginny pursed her lips and looked back out the door, making sure the coast was clear, before locking the door. She laid her small bouquet of flowers on the sink and sat down near Y/n while trying not to mess up her dress.
“Although I love my idiot brother with all my heart…I somehow love you more.” They sat there together knowing where this was going. “I can’t do it Ginny. I really can’t sit there without feeling like my world is crashing apart right in front of my eyes…The worst thing about it is, I can only blame myself for letting it go this long.”
Ginny rested her head on her best friend’s shoulder. She didn’t quite know what to say anymore. Offering her presence and her ear was the only thing left. “I-I-I spent so long in other countries to try and find my parents while trying to find myself. To try and figure out what I feel for her and by the time I have, she’s already engaged to another…And it’s my stupid fucking fault for ever thinking Hermione would wait. I mean why would she? If some other bloke can already provide her happiness, why should she wait for me? For…us?” Y/n hadn’t realized they were crying until their hands suddenly felt wet. “It’s sad, isn’t it?” Y/n said as they wiped their tears. “What is?”
“Knowing I am my own cause for my sadness. I mean who I am to blame Hermione. The girl was only doing what Aristotle says. Because as he said, we all want to be selfishly happy.” Sighing in defeat, Y/n got up and dusted off their attire. Lending their hand out, Ginny got up and did the same manner. “How much time do I got?”
Ginny looked at the clock in the bathroom. “You have five minutes before she needs to be walking down the isle.” With a small smile, Y/n kissed Ginny forehead and said a small goodbye. The two were only going to part ways for merely a bit. After all, Ginny is Y/n’s second-best friend. But here was Y/n, jogging to the very person that was going to forever have their heart.
Standing outside the bride’s room, Y/n silently prayed and opened the door. There she was in all her glory, the bride to be, the love of her life, the Hermione Granger. However, the brunette herself wasn’t feeling so great. With all the stress of wanting the wedding to be perfect, it wasn’t helping that her very best friend was mysteriously disappearing all the time without a single word. She looked up and sighed once she saw who it was. Picking up her dress, Hermione strutted to Y/n as they closed the door behind them. “Do you have any clue how worried sick I have been?”
“I-” With a single motion of Hermione’s hand, Y/n remained silent. “And anytime I happen to need my best friend to calm me down, they’re nowhere in sight. What is wrong with you? This is my special day Y/n and you haven’t been as great of a friend as you should be. So please, enlighten me where have you been running off to that’s sooo important that you need to leave me?” It was those piercing eyes that made Y/n’s heart melt over and over again. It’s those very same eyes that could practically melt the iceberg that hit the titanic. And it’s those eyes that makes Y/n’s world spin again.
“I…I can’t be your friend Hermione.” Y/n’s voice was so soft and so delicate, Hermione almost questioned if her ears were playing tricks. “What are you bloody saying? You’re not making any sense.” And all the remaining courage Y/n could muster up, they held her hands, looked her in the eyes and said, “When I was gone, I learned of this great philosopher named Kant-” “What does this have to-” Hermione saw the silently begging eyes in front of her and shut her mouth. This was serious and she wasn’t quite sure if she was ready for it.
“He always focused on good principles and always asked about the before of the action. Generally, he believed others should necessarily treat people how they want to be treated. So, a short example is that one should never lie under any circumstances. It does not matter the outcome, but it is simply something you must do. And although I’ve never really believed in absolute, I’ve been asking myself if I should tell the truth. And if people actually deserve to know the truth. So while I thought about it and asked, well what if they deserve the truth, should I still tell them regardless of the outcome? Although I thought I knew a lot of the world, it turns out I only know two things. One is that you deserve to know the absolute truth Hermione and the second is…you are the lie I repeat at night. Because every night I tell I love you, the truth is…I am so in love with you Hermione.”
The world went silent for Hermione. Not even a single pin drop could break the silence for her. Here she was still holding her best friend’s hands as they had just admitted that they were in love with her. “And I’m so sorry Hermione that today of all days was when I told you. I know I had my chances in the letters I sent but I must be honest now because you still deserve the absolute truth. And I’m running out of words to say, because it would be too selfish of me to convince you to run away. So I offer my congratulations Hermione, but I must still run. For then maybe in the blur of life, I can see a small fragment where there could have been you and I.” Y/n kissed Hermione’s forehead as tears may their way down. Letting go of Hermione, Y/n silently walked out the room without turning back because if they had, they would have broken down.
So, while Y/n told Hermione the truth directly. Hermione stood still at the alter with someone who she is most positively certain she loves pondering the very question, “Do I run after the truth?”
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taylortruther · 3 years
I just need to express this to someone lolol. It’s been a little while since Taylor’s tweet to Damon Albarn and the discourse following it about how Taylor only speaks up about things that directly relate to her…I just can’t stop thinking about when she was like it’s “SO damaging” like damaging to who besides yourself?? I realized today that I genuinely feel less enthusiastic about Taylor now that it’s such a pattern - her adamantly protecting her own interests without much else. Im totally positive she does plenty of philanthropy etc behind the scenes, but all we seem to see is her own obsession with protecting and advancing herself. Idk I’m low key less interested in supporting her now and it sorta sucks lol.
i have the perfect ask i wish i could link to - i'll try and dig it up again - but basically... i think it's damaging because it's a continuation of a sexist tradition of men (who dominate the music industry) gatekeeping who "real musicians" can be, and dismissing the contributions of women. it's important to remember that a lot of the sexism taylor experiences probably isn't even visible to us - it's how she's treated by men in power at labels and other musicians that she has to coexist with. remember when a few male music execs came out of the woodwork to say they don't understand why taylor was so upset about the masters situation, while also misrepresenting what was so frustrating about it? remember how pitchfork never reviewed any of her music until some dude with indie cred (ryan adams) re-recorded her most successful album ever? she's dealt with men in power dismissing her music and career for her entire life - not just critics, but execs and heads of labels or magazines, etc.
so that's the perspective that's important to have, imo. however, i do think your feelings are understandable too because she has, in the past, been public about some things (like ginny and georgia) that suggest her understanding of feminism isn't THAT advanced. i'm not bashing her for it because tbh it's completely unrealistic to expect her to be this shining symbol of social justice.
but even if taylor's feminist philosophy sucks sometimes, she can still be right about the damon situation. which she is.
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katsidhe · 4 years
could you share the descriptions of the answers? I'm bad at answering these quizzes cause I always get like 3 answers that fit but in different circumstances so I like seeing all of the descriptions
Yeah sure! I too wish uquiz gave an option to see all the result descriptions... alas. 
anyway here’s a wall of text, go nuts. 
You might just be the hero of a YA fantasy novel or an action movie, because you have Big Protag Energy. You’re self-centered and extremely giving at the same time: you expect and demand absolute loyalty, just as you provide the same. Your love can move mountains, but if you’re not careful that same love can be suffocating or controlling. You’re volatile: you’ll cut a bitch and you don’t care who knows it. You’ll kick their ass. You’ll kick their dog’s ass. You’ll kick your own ass. You have a one-liner for every occasion. Your friends like you but would describe you as “a lot.” You’re magnetic: your charisma and sheer bull-headedness mean you stand out in every room. You’re polarizing, and you know it, but that doesn’t bother you: you know you’re right, and even when you’re wrong, you’re at least entertaining. You’re very “do as I say, not as I do:” you’re a bit of a hypocrite, but, like, in a fun way.  
Holotypes include: Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton), Sirius Black (Harry Potter), Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager), Katara (ATLA), Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
You are a charmer and a people-pleaser. You’re charismatic to a fault, when you want to be: whether consciously or not, you have a razor-keen sense of how others see you, and you mold yourself to expectations. You can either talk circles around most people, or you come across as so fundamentally honest that you gain everyone’s trust without trying. Your affable persona is built on a rock-solid sense of purpose. You have a steadfast, deadset fixation on your goals, which you know in your heart to be worth any cost and any sacrifice. Armed with iron conviction, you’re a rebel with a cause. Is it paranoia if they really are all out to get you? When you inevitably win, the whole world will know your name. Your strong sense of self will carry you through any hardship. Your friends look up to you, but they don’t always “get” you. 
Holotypes include: Lucifer (Supernatural), Eponine (Les Mis), Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Prince Zuko (ATLA), Samwise Gamgee (LOTR), Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Like all Dean-coded people, you are charming and affable, and you talk a big game. You might be the class clown or a popular athlete, or otherwise one of them cool kids, but underlying that public persona is a certain quiet idealism. You keep your strong convictions close to your heart, even when far from home or beset by strife. You’re fiercely loyal and you crave being around people, but you can see when your friends need space, and you can get along okay on your own. You’re not afraid to change your opinions if new information comes to light. Strangers find you easy to get along with: you tend to go along with the group, and you’re a team player no matter what needs to get done. Your chill-to-pull ratio is sky-high.
Holotypes include: Ahsoka (Star Wars), Meg (Supernatural), Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson), Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter), Boromir (LOTR), Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
You come across as level headed, but you’re never more than an inch from going off the rails. Your highest values are love and personal loyalty, but you’re pragmatic about it, and you try very hard not to put unfair expectations on other people, with varying degrees of success. You spend a lot of time dealing with expectations; it’s something you either grapple with, or lean into to use to your own ends. You value your own sense of identity, but that identity can get subsumed by your loyalties. You can easily get pulled in or suborned by strong personalities. You keep secrets, both from yourself and from others. Who you want to be is at odds with how you see yourself. People meeting you for the first time might say you’re aloof. You have lots of strong opinions, but you usually keep them to yourself… unless provoked. Careful; you bite. 
Holotypes include: Mary Winchester (Supernatural), Harry Potter (Harry Potter), Aragorn (LOTR), Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars), Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games) 
Gifted kid (diagnosis). You were and maybe still are an outsider, and because of that you’ve had to learn to be self-sufficient and confident in your own abilities. You’re a fiercely independent overachiever, and you’ve fought hard for every inch. Somewhere inside you is a hot, long simmering rage born from the injustice of the world, but it’s buried very deep. You’d be more than content to be alone for long periods of time. You have sometimes crippling perfectionism: if you aren’t succeeding, it’s your fault for not trying hard enough. You’ll pick every kind of intellectual fight and throw yourself into playing devil’s advocate just to improve your understanding: you see the gray areas in everything. You’re aggressively big-picture. You want to, no, you MUST change the universe, but you don’t need to take credit for it. Your few friends might describe you as callous, but you know you’re just being realistic: you’ve got a harsh, clear-eyed sense of the world. No pain, no gain, and really, if you do the math, no single individual is all that important in the grand scheme of things.  
Holotypes include: Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Jean Valjean (Les Miserables), Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars), Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter), Frodo Baggins (LOTR), Dirk Strider (Homestuck), Luke Castellan (Percy Jackson)
You have a strong sense of how the world ought to be, but you have no overriding vision or big master plan: you take life day by day to fix the little things you can. You have very few close relationships, but those you have you treasure dearly. You support your few friends unconditionally, but you tend to be emotionally distant with acquaintances. You may be a bit of a pushover. You often find yourself put in the position of mediator. You loathe conflict, so you avoid it unless absolutely necessary--but once you’re truly angry, you’ll stop at nothing to see justice done. You’re a diplomat and an advocate: you are deeply idealistic, but you’re nevertheless strongly grounded in a pragmatic sense of achieving what you can. Philosophy is action, action is philosophy; you like meditation and self-improvement and have probably done at least one juice cleanse. Both friends and strangers describe you as quietly dependable. If you can’t see the trauma, the trauma can’t see you! That’s just science!
Holotypes include: Sam Winchester (Supernatural), BJ Hunnicut (M*A*S*H), Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Aang (ATLA), Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson)
Much of your identity is tied up in a set of core beliefs - to the point where those beliefs might be strong enough to override your identity. You’re not beholden to any outside system. If you’re comfortable serving a larger common goal, it’s because you believe in it wholeheartedly. You’re action-oriented: you act first, and think later, or possibly never. You judge your friends solely based on what they do, and you tend to hold people accountable for any unforeseen consequences of their choices. You have strong personal loyalties. You’re not at the center of your social circle, but your friends trust you implicitly and the leader of your group tends to confide in you. You don’t seek power, but you’re also not afraid of taking charge, and you may find power thrust upon you. If you do find yourself in a position of leadership, you struggle with going too far or taking your friends in an unexpected direction. Whether you’re fighting in a war or making yourself a sandwich, you go hard in the motherfuckin’ paint.
Holotypes include: Castiel (Supernatural), Javert (Les Miserables), Captain Rex (Star Wars), Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck), Worf (Star Trek), Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
I mean this in the nicest possible way, but you’re a bit weird. You are spacey or odd or otherwise out of step with how people think you should act, but that’s fine. It doesn’t matter what they think, because if you’re sure of one thing, it’s that you should never mold your unique identity to other people’s expectations. You live internally: you’re all about grand, world-changing concepts, whether they be philosophical, artistic, or mathematical. You are grounded in the reality that you are one person and one viewpoint among many others, but that doesn’t stop you from writing your nine-hundred page thesis on the topic you’re passionate about. You can justify just about anything by the virtue of your personal convictions arising almost entirely from within yourself. Your identity can get swept up in your big ideas. You’re easier to sway with logic than with emotion, but you don’t feel the need to confine yourself with such terms: you operate on both vibes and flowcharts. You move through the world with the assurance that you are the master of your own fate, and you are unburdened by worrying about the opinions of others. You won’t let yourself feel pinned down by one social group; you float in and out comfortably, depending on how you’re feeling. Friends and strangers describe you as “spooky.”
Holotypes include: Azazel (Supernatural), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Aaron Burr (Hamilton), Princess Azula (ATLA), Yoda (Star Wars), Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
You are chaotic and excitable. You’re swayed by the drive to explore: the greatest good is to understand the universe and your place in it. You’ve got big ideas, and you’re drawn to new experiences, but you don’t necessarily understand what’s going on. You might be a part of a bigger social machine, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be defined on its terms: you’ll self-actualize if it kills you. You identify new objects by licking them. You can see the strings of the world; what will you choose? You’ll take the reins and see where they take you. You say you’re following your own path. Your friends say you don’t know what you’re doing. Pragmatism? Never heard of her. A dream is a vision is a reality; ideas are the world writ large. You might be a prophet or a visionary. With your head in the clouds, you’re sometimes divorced from both reality and consequences. You’re usually on the outside looking in, and you don’t want to be. People think they understand you, but they definitely don’t. Your friends and enemies describe you as impulsive and mysterious. 
Holotypes include: Raphael (Supernatural), Uncle Iroh (ATLA), Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter), Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Gandalf (LOTR)
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dumblydork · 3 years
Hello! I am SO sorry for having gone MIA all of a sudden on Tumblr and Ao3, but life caught up once exams ended and I was in a deep, dark place for sometime. But not to worry, because I'm definitely better now, and finally got over my writer's block/unmotivation (if that's a word) and what better way to start off writing again if not with a Hinny fic?
As usual, I hope you enjoy this sort of non-magic alternate universe, maybe a modern meet-cute of sorts? From the one and only Ginny Weasley's perspective, of course.
Again, you can find my Ao3 right here where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one shots!
The summer was harsh in Cornwall, which was where Ginny's family home was situated. She went up to university in London, just having recently finished her second year in Drama. Last summer, she was on a long trip with her best friend Luna, and hadn't been able to make it down to be with her family. But this year, she fully intended to spend as much time as possible with them, even if her older twin brothers were being annoying arses.
"Fred, George, just wipe the bloody tables already!" She screamed, exasperated, even though the twins were not even 20 feet away. The only unique cafe-by-day/restaurant-by-night was owned by Ginny's family. It was a quaint place, serving the best coffee to tourists and locals alike, along with not such a sharply contrasted cosy restaurant theme the place adopted when the sun went down.
And currently, the cafe was a few hours away from opening as a restaurant, and was left in the care of Ginny and her older twin brothers. She had another older brother after the twins, but he was off with his university friends (being an year older) and had even MORE older brothers ranked above the twins. Her oldest brother Bill, worked as a vet in New York, also where the second brother Charlie worked as an art curator. The third brother Percy was currently obtaining his PhD in some sort of Math which Ginny was too 'humanities' to understand (in Percy's own words, that subject bigot). The brothers after Percy, twins Fred and George were as stated, being annoying prats but worked in some sort of prank shop, much to their mother and Percy's chagrin (Between us and her, Ginny never understood why Percy felt a need to voice this opinion, because if Ginny also opened her mouth to provide an opinion on every single thing under the sun, working in a prank shop was perfectly acceptable).
Finally the last brother Ron went to university in Devon, having recently finished his degree in Astronomy combined with Philosophy, and that was it. Growing up with 6 older brothers, Ginny was significantly hot tempered, a trait often made fun of because of her (and her whole family's) flaming red hair.
"Oh for God's sake the two of you, just shut up if you don't want to do any work!" She finally snapped, causing two identical pairs of brownish eyes to look at her.
"Okay!" They smirked, before actually rushing away to the back of the cafe. Ginny sighed, wondering for the tenth time that afternoon why she bothered to come down here in summer. The twins, despite being her favourite, were useless gits-
"Ginny! Where are Fred and George?" Her mother's voice flew out from the front of the store, removing Ginny from her trail of thoughts, where Molly stood with hands laden with grocery bags. Her father, Arthur, she saw outside from the huge floor to ceiling windows, was unloading the boot of their car of more paper bags.
"They ran away after being absolutely useless gits." She muttered angrily, almost aggressively wiping a glass and placing it on the shelves behind her.
Her mother let out a long suffering sigh, but nevertheless joined Ginny in tidying up the cafe. "They're quite irresponsible." Molly sighed, wiping down tables at a superhuman speed.
"Mum if it's okay, can I join Ron and his friends at the party happening down at the beach?" Ginny asked apprehensively. The question had been burning at the back of her mind since the morning when Ron actually invited her to the beach party being thrown by one of the local boys. He had brought his uni friends and girlfriend down from Devon, and Ginny had already met Hermione, Ron's soulmate, if their behaviour was anything to go by.
Being in an all girls school, Ginny practically grew up with her girlfriends gushing about boys and celebrities, often almost swooning like some Victorian women when boys from the neighbouring school passed by their grounds.
However, Ginny was smart- if having six brothers had taught her anything, it was that boys were annoying, and only a few handful of them were actually decent. But now, looking at how close Ron and Hermione were, Ginny was starting to long for her own sort of romance. It had been over a year since she broke up with her first and only boyfriend Dean. She was convinced the breakup had solidified her stance on relationships, which was that relationships were okay but there was no need to actively look for one. Ron and Hermione's lovey dovey-ness was revolting, but uncharacteristically had Ginny pining away for her love story as well. Not that she'd ever admit it, of course.
"Well there's nothing really to do, and if it's busy there's a lot of pairs of hands to help. So sure, go on." Molly finally said and Ginny could almost fist pump, if it wasn't for the wet rag she was holding.
The evening rolled around quicker than Ginny anticipated, and before she knew it, her and Hermione stood in Ginny's small attic bedroom, getting ready for the party. "So, tell me, how was Dean?" Hermione asked, looking behind at Ginny through the mirror, where the younger girl stood blinking away extra mascara.
"Oh well, he was alright. Nothing like fireworks or sparkle." Ginny flushed slightly as she processed her own words. Oh, how she sounded like a lovestruck 12 year old.
However, Hermione didn't seem to mind. She simply grinned. "I'm sure with the right person it's more than just sparkles and fireworks." Hermione winked, and Ginny wondered if there was more to the statement than she understood. However, Hermione was already done with the topic, now going on about her course and what plans Ginny had for after university.
They walked downstairs, finding Ron standing at the door, his eyes glued to Hermione as she walked down the stairs. To be fair, Hermione definitely looked stunning- even if it was for a casual beach party. Ginny noted slightly bitterly to herself how the simplest pair of jeans and top could make one gorgeous to the right eyes. She breathed deeply as Ron wrapped an arm around his girlfriend, the girlfriend in question smirking back at Ginny as she followed them. Okay, very confusing.
The walk to the beach from the cafe was short, and there was already a bonfire going in the distance, with some upbeat song playing from someone's phone. "So, where is Harry and everyone else?" Hermione asked, looking around. Ron still had a hand in Hermione's as the two of them looked around for who had to be Ron's friends. "Neville!" Ron suddenly yelled good naturedly, as a tall guy walked towards the three of them with a big grin on his face.
"Ron! Hermione!" Neville hugged each of them in turn, smiling broadly at Ginny.
"Neville, this is my younger sister Ginny. Ginny, that's one of our friends from uni, Neville." Ron introduced. Ginny waved, which was returned by Neville.
"Is your girlfriend here as well?" Hermione asked, to which Ron added, "Oh, do we finally get to meet the elusive To-Be-Mrs. Longbottom?"
Perhaps having noticed Ginny's confusion, Neville clarified. "These two here haven't had the chance to meet my girlfriend- well, fiance as of a week, yet. In answer to your question Ron, no, she unfortunately couldn't make it. But she's been inviting the two of you over for dinner since ages." He turned to Ron.
"Actually yeah, we should definitely go. Anybody seen Harry?" Ron asked, looking around the small crowd of people. Ginny moved away from the couple to sit next to the fire, and grab a cold beer in the process.
She had just made herself comfortable slightly away from the warm fire when a figure sat down next to her, causing shivers to go up her left side. "Hi, you must be Ginny." The figure spoke and Ginny looked to the source of the voice, to be met by the unruliest mop of black hair she had ever seen on a human, and twinkling green eyes. In the soft light from the fire, they glowed slightly amber.
"I am. But I don't think I've met you?"
Ginny didn't get an answer because Ron's voice interrupted them. "Harry, you came!" He shouted, the figure (Harry) getting up to tackle Ron in a hug.
"Of course I did, getting sloshed at your best mate's beach party is always infinitely better than home." Harry grinned, and Ginny started to feel her heart race.
"I see you've met Ginny." Ron said, sitting down in between her and Harry.
"I just did, yeah." Harry smiled mischievously. They had moved closer to the fire, and in the brighter light, Harry's face was more distinct. And boy was he fit. The hair, even though messy, was not unattractive (quite the opposite), and his face was slightly round, made rounder by the permanent grin which seemed to reside there. And his eyes were covered by round glasses, reflecting off the orange from the fire.
"Well anyway, Gin, this is Harry, my best mate from university. He just made it down here to Cornwall." Ron said, and suddenly got up to fetch more drinks, but Ginny didn't miss the glares Hermione was shooting Ron from across the fire.
"Do you reckon we go a bit further away?" Ginny, being so busy interpreting the look Hermione was giving Ron, hadn't noticed the boy had shifted closer to her.
"Uh, sure." She found herself slightly tongue tied, staring into green amber.
"Brilliant, Let's go?" Harry got up, and lent Ginny a hand. She took it, and a slight warmth, probably not from the fire, ran down her spine when their hands remained connected.
They walked away from the party, not too far that a search team would be required, but just far enough to hold a conversation in peace. The music slightly played in the background, a slower guitar theme, and Ginny turned around to see Ron and Hermione swaying around the fire, the brightest smile settled on both their faces. Ginny simply let out a happy sigh, attention darting down to entwined hands.
"So, Ron tells me you're in drama?" He asked, as they sat down near the water with their legs bent, just that the waves touched their toes and washed back.
"Yes, I am, final year now. Although I haven't heard a lot about you?" Ginny teased. Harry simply chuckled, a sound she realised she found much more attractive than she should have.
"Well it's a shame since I am his best mate but, Harry Potter, third year medic, at your service." He lightly bowed his head, eliciting a giggle out of the girl.
"Medicine huh, that definitely sounds hectic." She commented, as her fingers drew an absent minded pattern in the sand separating their sitting figures.
"I also captain the football team." He replied, eyes shining with humor. Ginny looked up, wondering if it was a coincidence that the man she found extremely fit also checked off all her criterion of 'boyfriend'.
"Oh- well I don't know how you found the time to be here, what with studying and football." Ginny smiled. Harry looked back at her, eyes boring into her brown ones. "Only because I was told someone stunning was going to be here." He said in a lower voice. Ginny flushed under the stare.
"I'm sure having those feelings for your best mate's girlfriend is not a good idea." She teased, feeling some confidence seeping into her. Harry scooted closer, placing a hand on Ginny's.
"And what if I said they weren't for the girlfriend, but for the sister?" His eyes darted down to her lips, her own pulse quickening. Then continuing with her sudden confidence, she unconsciously leaned in, her lips just millimeters away from Harry's. "The sister would definitely like that because she thinks you're extremely fit too." Ginny whispered, her lips just brushing against Harry's before he closed the distance completely.
The two of them sat there, away from the party, lips moving in slow sync as if they were doing the communicating. Getting to know each other in silent movements, a dance of attraction and dominance. Thee music faded in the background, as behind her closed eyes Ginny saw stars, and faintly made out the sound of fireworks exploding behind them. Not that she'd admit it to anyone, of course.
But in that moment, it was just her, Harry and the cool water playing with their feet. And when they finally pulled apart, Ginny secretly swore that she saw her reflection in green pools glow and sparkle.
Not that she'd ever admit it, obviously.
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @her-blazing-look //
Okay, I hope you guys enjoyed that! I wrote that when I was half asleep, so I'm not even sure if most of it makes sense haha.
As usual, if you want to join the taglist and be notified whenever I write a new Hinny story (which will be much more frequently now), please interact with the pinned TAGLIST post on my account!
Thank you for reading, and please interact with the post! Reblogs are always appreciated but likes and comments are just as amazing! Loads of virtual hugs xxx
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