#gisella i love you
nepthys-merenset · 1 year
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i started a second playthrough of HOT because i wanted to romance gisella, be a bad queen, and stay away from reinhold. let's just say i'm succeeding in 2/3 of those things.
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footballf1 · 1 year
Jealousy - Cristiano Ronaldo
Summary: In which someone in the family is jealous
Type: Fluff
Warning: Grammar mistakes
This was my first request ever. Thank you so much.
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Gisella and Cristiano have been married for 5 years. They have a 4 year old daughter named Diana.
Diana is Daddy's girl and a real Madrid fan. If you give her a Barcelona shirt She would immediately push it away.
However their family of 3 soon turn into 4 when Gisella found out that she was expecting a baby boy.
Dolores slowly opened the hospital door with Diana in her hands. She gasped when she saw Gisella sitting on the bed with a blanket bundle in her arms.
"Is that him?" Dolores asked.
Gisella smiled and nodded.
Diana was looking at her dad, who was standing beside the bed and looking at ger baby brother lovingly, she felt a bit of jealousy rising up inside of her.
"Diana, come meet your baby brother, Xavier." Cristiano said while signaling her to come closer.
Diana shifted at her spot. "I don't want to." She mumbled.
"Why not? Didn't you say you were excited for baby brother?" Dolores asked.
"No I don't want to see him. I hate baby brother." She screamed out loud.
The scream made Xavier's tiny wail fill up the entire hospital room. "Shhh it's ok baby." Gisella hushed softly while rocking him to sleep.
Cristiano made his way to Diana and carried her to his arm. "Mom can you stay with Gisella for a while?" He asked while walking out of the room.
Cristiano set Diana on the metal chair and knelt in front of her. "Diana. Xavier was sleeping and you know you're not supposed to be screaming when there's a sleeping baby." He scolded.
"I don't like baby brother." She said, ignoring his scolding.
"Diana, I'm warning you if this continues once we go back inside, no toys for 2 weeks do you understand?" He reprimanded to which Diana nodded frantically to.
It's been three months since the birth and the family have never been better than ever.
"Where's Daddy?" Diana asked while not looking up from her drawing.
"She's at training sweetie but he'll be back soon." Gisella responded.
"Mamai, can you colour with me?" She asked.
"Sure sweetie."
Before she could go to her. Xavier started crying from his room. "Oh no." Gisella muttered before running to his nursery.
When she reached the nursery, Xavier was crying hus eyes out and was flailing his arms and legs. She carefully picked him up and pull down her bra strap. He stopped crying when his lips were attached to her nipple.
Diana appeared at the doorway, looking sad. "Mommy you said you were gonna colour with me." She whined.
"I know sweetie, I'll be with you soon after I'm d-" Before she could finish, Diana cut her off.
"My friends were right. You and papai don't love me anymore, only Xavier. I hate baby brother and you, Mamai." She screamed.
"No sweet-" She couldn't finished since Diana left the doorway. The sound of th door slamming was hward throughout the entire house.
Gisella's heart did a tug and tears were starting to form in her eyes. Once Xavier was done, she picked up her phone and called Cristiano. The phone rang twice before someone picked it up.
"Hey when are you coming home?" She asked with her voice cracking up.
"What's wrong?" He asked once taking notice of her voice.
She sobbed uncontrollably while explaining what had happened between her and Diana. Cristiano sighed. "I'll be home soon."
For the past 20 minutes, Gisella have been trying to get Diana out of her room and to talk to her but Diana wouldn't budge.
She heard the front door open as she sat on the kitchen island. "Hey." He greeted while kissing her forehead. "Is she still in her room?" He asked.
She nodded. "Yeah I've been trying to get her out but she wouldn't come out."
He sighed. "I'll try." He said before walking to the door of her bedroom. He knocked on the door. "Diana it's Papai. Can you come out?" He asked but he there was no responses.
He slowly opened the door and peeked his head inside. His heart broke when he saw Diana sitting on the bed with tear tracks staining her face.
He went inside the room and sat beside her. "Hey." He said. He was about to open hus mouth again but Diana hugged him in a tight grip. "What's wrong?" He asked while stroking her hair.
"Diana, that was wrong of you to scream and say that to your mother and Xavier. Mamai is sad now because of what you said." He scolded.
"I thought that you don't love me anymore. I heard all of my friends said that after they have baby siblings, their parents don't love them anymore." She explained with her voice cracking.
"That is not true, Diana. Don't listen to what your friends say because they don't know our family as much as we do. So don't ever think about that, ok." He eplained.
Diana nodded but Cris still sensed her sad mood. He thought of an idea. "Wait here." He said before darting out of the room.
Diana sat on the bed for a while before hearing a pitch voice. "Hello big sister!" The voice shouted.
Diana looked at the doorway and saw her father carrying a sleepy Xavier by his side and was hiding his face with Xavier's tiny body. "I heard someone is sad today and as a good younger brother, I will like to give you a free hug." Cristiano said in a high pitch voice.
He strutted his way towards her. Diana giggled when he put Xavier's chest with hers. "Papai stop." She giggled.
"Papai is not here. It's just your best younger brother in the whole world." He said while attacking her with kisses.
Gisella watched the whole thing from the doorway. Diana saw her and walked towards her. "I'm sorry that I said that to you, Mamai." Diana said.
"It's ok baby." She said while stroking her hair.
"Yay we're all happy again." Cristiano high-pitched voice said.
She laughed at her husband's goofiness. He may look tough on the field but off the field, he is actually a silly person. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep little man?" She asked with that tone she used to discipline Diana.
Cristiano gasped and ran out of the room with the sleeping baby.
I don't know how to end this and sorry if it's bad.
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multi-fandom-lunatic · 2 months
Colours of the Rainbow - Kam kotlc (1/6)
Hey guys this is a kam story that I have on Wattpad but I'll post it here now for all of you. I'll link the WP too, incase you wanna read it there.
Colours of the Rainbow
My profile, MultiFandomLunatic
CHAPTER ONE: Red, like the walls of your not-so-perfect home.
A cold hand clapped down on Keefe’s shoulder. He shivered slightly. Keefe tilted his head upward, his golden locks following in a delay. Lo and behold, Keefe was met with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. Swarthy, sonorous skin that seemed to glow, and silver-blue eyes, like a river when Apollo’s rays hit it exactly right. They didn’t know each other, but Keefe’s traitorous heart skipped three beats.
“What are you doing here?” The boy asked. He had a deep, rich voice. It was whole, in a way. Full.
“I thought this house was abandoned, so I came to play.” Keefe saw a flicker of happiness in his eyes.
“Well, it’s going to rain, and I don’t want you completely soaked, so come inside.” Keefe gratefully walked into the boy’s house. The house was beautiful. Cerise walls and tapestries of all colours and shades, and a picture above the grand piano of what seemed to be his family. A man, eyebrows in a permanent arch, who looked much like the boy, and a woman, beautiful, long silky hair and glittering eyes. And a girl, about the age of the boy, same hair as her mother, but a playful gleam in her reflective eyes.
The boy saw Keefe looking at the picture and turned away, pulling him into another room. This one had black walls, and two beds in it. He sat on the bed nearest to the door and gestured Keefe to join him.
“Tam. Tam Song.” He mumbled. Young Keefe didn’t know why, but he knew that he would know and cherish that name forever. Keefe’s lips turned up in a smile.
“My name is Keefe Sencen.” He spoke. Tam nodded and pulled a colourful box from a cabinet. Words and images cluttered it.
“Wanna play snakes and ladders?” He spoke. Keefe nodded eagerly.
Keefe and Tam played together, as you would expect five-years olds to. Tam didn’t laugh a lot, Keefe learnt and spent the time smiling or in solitude.
“Tam Song? Who are you with?” A deep voice asked from the corridor. Keefe was a little scared himself and turned over to Tam, who was as pale as a ghost. The figure walked into Tam’s room and let his eyes sweep across it. “And who are you?”
Keefe was getting a little tired of introductions. “I’m Keefe Sencen, from next door,” Keefe said innocently, pointing to a house out the window. The man did his signature eyebrow arch and spoke.
“I am Quan Song, and this is my son. Carry on, and I will talk to your parents. What was the address again?”
Keefe babbled the address his parents made him memorise, and as soon as Quan left, let out a sigh of relief.
“Is that your dad?” Keefe asked, pointing at the door.
“Yes, and he’s really strict but don’t tell him I said that.” ***
“Keefe, darling, you seem to be getting quite a bit, eh, cuddly with this Tam.” Keefe’s mother questioned, looking at him for an explanation.
“He’s my friend, and I love him. Why can’t I hug him?” Keefe asked innocence in his eyes. Gisella opened her mouth but closed it.
“Nothing, but don’t let it go too far, Keefe.”
Keefe was well aware of how strict Tam’s parents were. Too strict. He watched Tam cower whenever Quan said something, and Mai nod her head along. And it wasn’t just the lectures for things that were stupid.
It was the callous remarks, and the disapproving stares to shut Tam up.
Too bad Keefe was too young and clueless to do anything about it.
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daitranscripts · 1 month
Haven Conversations
Mother Giselle - Investigate: Haven Exclusive
Haven Masterpost
Giselle: Greetings, Herald of Andraste. Giselle: I greet you. Giselle: You return.
1 - Dialogue options:
General: Can I help with anything? [2]
General (after completing Lotus and Root): Here are the medical supplies. [3]
Investigate: Who will be the next Divine? [4]
Investigate (first approach): How are the people? [5]
Investigate: How are the people? [6]
General: Goodbye. [7]
2 - General: Can I help with anything? PC: Is there anything I can do to help you or your people? Giselle: My healers would benefit from more supplies. We have run short of even common goods with so many wounded. If you could deliver this list and the items on it to Quartermaster Threnn, she could get us what we need. It may not seem like much, but it would enable my healers to save many lives. (triggers Lotus and Root quest) Scene ends.
3 - General: Here are the medical supplies. PC: I got what you needed from Quartermaster Threnn. Gisella: Thank you. I will see that these are put to good use. Losing a soldier to a slashed throat or a terrible burn is bad enough… Watching a good man die from something as simple as an infected wound is… difficult to bear. You have saved many lives. I will ensure it is remembered. Scene ends.
4 - Investigate: Who will be the next Divine? PC: Do you know who the grand clerics will choose as the next Divine? Giselle: It is a difficult decision. All the obvious candidates perished with Divine Justinia at the Conclave. The grand clerics are terrified of the Inquisition. They will not decide soon, and I fear they will not decide wisely. Whoever is chosen needs the Inquisition’s support. No one else seems likely to seal the Breach. [back to 1]
5 - Investigate: How are the people? PC: How are the people doing after what happened at the Conclave? Giselle: They are scared, of course. Many have lost homes or loved ones. I doubt many will sleep well until you have sealed the Breach. I have offered what help I can. The rest is for the Inquisition. What more do you wish to know? [8]
6 - Investigate: How are the people? PC: Can you tell me how our people are doing? Giselle: What would you like to know?
8 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: How are people at Haven? [9]
Investigate: What help are you offering? [10]
Investigate: How are people elsewhere? [11]
9 - Investigate: How are people at Haven? PC: How are the villagers in Haven doing? ��ㅤ ㅤ IHW/CotJ not completed Giselle: They are terrified. Many of them came here because the war between the mages and the templars destroyed their homes. In their minds, the death of the Divine has destroyed any chance of peace. To that, add the Breach. Farmers have fled their fields. If we do not restore order, half of Thedas may starve. [back to 8] ㅤㅤ ㅤ Allied mages Giselle: You did well to gain the mages to your cause. The people have hope that the Breach may be sealed. Some of them are returning to the lives they fled. Others are starting fresh. In either case, they no longer believe the world as they know it is ending. [back to 8] ㅤㅤ ㅤ Allies templars Giselle: You did well to gain the templars to your cause. The people have hope that the Breach may be sealed. Some of them are returning to the lives they fled. Others are starting fresh. In either case, they no longer believe the world as they know it is ending. [back to 8] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 10 - Investigate: What help are you offering? PC: What are you doing to help these people? Giselle: My sisters and I have been tending to the injured as best we are able. Some refugees come with food, while others arrive empty-handed. I have helped ensure that all have enough to eat. Beyond that, many simply wish the familiar comfort of the Chant of Light. It is little enough work to offer some comfort to those in pain. ㅤㅤ ㅤ 11 - Investigate: How are people elsewhere? PC: Do you have information on people elsewhere? ㅤㅤ ㅤ Giselle (did not complete quests for Corporal Vale): The refugees in the Hinterlands are desperate. Without help, starvation or war will claim many lives. Giselle (completed quests for Corporal Vale): You have done much for the refugees in the Hinterlands. Many who would have starved or frozen owe you their lives. ㅤㅤ ㅤ Giselle: Villagers in Crestwood are besieged by their own dead. They have sent word begging for assistance. People are vanishing in the hills of Emprise du Lion. It may be demons, or something worse, but they are terrified. More than that, I cannot say. It is a chaotic time for all in Orlais and Ferelden. [back to 8]
7 - General: Goodbye. PC: Farewell, Revered Mother. PC: Farewell.
Giselle: Maker go with you. Giselle: Until next time. Giselle: Farewell.
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deliontower · 10 months
to love is to destroy | h.a | one
pairing: Haymitch x Giselle Carmine (oc)
summary: the games don’t end at the sound of the last cannon, they don’t end at all
warnings: cannon hunger’s violence mentions, alcohol use and mentions of vomiting, angst, fluff and swearing
word count: 1k
a/n: I hope this is at least half decent and someone enjoys it
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Katniss thought of how little of a chance the tribute of 12 had. Haymitch who was always drunk and Gisella, the heart of stone. . Each reaping she arrived beautifully dressed and detached. 
The ever happy Effie Trinket had led them through the train and to the dining cart. Haymitch was nowhere to be seen, and Giselle hadn’t spoken to them yet, all she did was scribble away in the notepad in front of her.
Beside her Peeta Melark, the boy with the bread. Looked as defeated as she felt.
Supper came, rich meats, green salads and thick soups, followed by chocolate cake. In the middle of the meal, Effie makes a comment on them having manners while the ones from the year before ate with their hands.
Giselle remembered feeling hunger like that, she remembered being so hungry she ate worms from the ground. Whatever was left for that skinny girl from the steam, eat the rest of her food with her clean manicured hands. 
When the food had been cleared away and Effie had trodden off to watch the news, Giselle closed her notepad hard, causing the two tributes to look up. “We should talk plans,” she said, tapping the table. Peeta looked to Katniss , then the door and finally back to his mentor, “Shouldn’t we wait for Haymitch?”.
She pressed her lips together hard, then spoke. “Haymitch won’t be…..be ready until morning ... .maybe the afternoon”.
“He doesn’t care enough to join us?” Katniss asked.
“Or is he too drunk to join us?” Peeta followed up with. 
The mentor stared at them both, they were both holding back laughs, she was frowning. “Haymitch will hopefully join us tomorrow. If you’d like to drag him from the bar go ahead, I gave up trying that years ago”.
“I miss supper?” Haymitch wobbles his way into the cart, he frowns at the empty table. Katniss and Peeta still hold in their laughs. Then he vomits onto the floor, falling into the mess. 
She drops her head into her hands and sighs, when she looks up, Katniss and Peeta are hauling Haymitch to his feet. He slurs something she can’t make out. “STOP” she yells, running after them, “I’ll take him”. She throws his arm over her shoulder, balancing out the new weight. He hides his head in her hair, his breath trickling her neck, Katniss and Peeta look at them blushed and confused.
In all the years of watching the games they had never seen, Haymitch and Giselle so much as look at one another, even at the reaping she had looked away when he wobbled up on stage. Haymitch’s vomit soaked clothes were pressed against her clean, expensive gown. “Go on. We’ll carry this on tomorrow” she ordered them waving her hand.
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Striped down in her underwear she knelt beside the tub. At first Haymitch didn’t notice the water but finally, his eyes were getting clearer and then he smiled. “Hi sweetheart”. She laughed pushing his hair back. “You’re an idiot”.
“Love you too”. He linked their fingers together, with his other hand he touched her cheek, “What are the kids like?”.
“They think you're a drunk and I’m a bitch”. 
He laughed, hauling himself out of the tub, “What else?” 
She shrugs, “I didn’t get to that”, she sat on the edge of the bed, “They look capable I guess”. 
The train kept on, under her feet she could feel the silent engine. Every year it was the same, she tried not to care, having locked her heart away a long time ago. But once night fell it was impossible to hide away. 
Haymitch got down on his knees before her, “I wish I didn’t make it” she breathed.
“I’m glad you did,” he tells her. 
She smiled, touching his cheek, it had taken years for love to grow, years for them to like one another. All the softness in him had been hacked away by the time she won the games. Then she was an angry child, angry at the world from taking the only family she had left.
Eventually Giselle found a seed of softness in Haymitch and it grew until it cured the anger that had taken root in her heart.
That love could only be expressed in private, where they were safe from threats and blackmail. But here right now on the silence train, she loved him.
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 “flight or fight? That’s what it comes down to once you’re in the arena”
Haymitch had shown up mostly sober. Katniss and Peeta were waiting.
“If you pick flight then we need to start the narrative that you’re weak and not a threat until it’s too late. I personally think it’s a longshot but longshots have worked before”. She said.
“And fight?” Katniss asked.
“Fight” she smiled, “is where we find where your skills are and work on them . People need to know what you can do but we’ll go more into that when you’re assessed on your own”.
Old tapes showed both mentors had fought, Haymitch winning at double the odds, Giselle a skinny girl from the steam had shown fight no one expected.
When they had reached the capitol, Katniss and Peeta were sent off to be prepped, a team was waiting for Giselle too. Her curls were braided with gold ribbon into a low bun, golden paint was seamed across both eyes. 
She wore a white dress shirt that reached her upper thigh, over the top she wore a golden jacket with cream lace.  
When Giselle found Haymitch again, he had been bathed and dressed in a dark green suit, the colour of summer leaves. Seeing him she almost broke out into a smile but remembered who she was. The heart of stone. 
Passing a waiter she picked up one glass, swallowed it whole then replaced it with a full cup. 
“Haymitch” she greeted him. Victors and capitol citizens watched, possibly hoping for a fight. 
“Giselle,” he nodded. “Ariadne out did herself”. She shrugged at the statement, slipping on her drink. The trumpets began to play, Haymitch held out his hand, “We can’t be late”.  She gave her stiff shoulders a roll before taking his hand, “We wouldn’t want that”.
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adilqalbi · 2 months
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well hello traveller
name: lucien
age: 19
pronouns: she/her/he/him/they/them
location: india
I made this blog to have a place for my RC ramblings, opinions, fangirling and maybe perhaps, if the stars align, fics.
note: only completed stories will be recorded
status: 1st playthrough
path: emperor
reputation: high redemption
endgame li: robert steltz
replay for: bert
achievements: none
heart of trespia
status: 1st playthrough
path: rationality
reputation: high influence
endgame li: reinhold
replay for: wyatt
achievements: a proper farewell (dine with your uncle one last time), the matchmaker (unite gisella with delias, bring taki and reyna together, and help cyril find his happily ever after with caine), glory to trespia (acquire the highest support from allies, win the war with minimal losses, and keep all your friends alive)
kali: call of darkness
status: 1st playthrough
path: loyalty, kindness of goddess
reputation: high respect
endgame li: ratan vaish
replay for: killian lightwood and amrit doobay
achievements: none
the flower from tiamat's fire
status: 1st playthrough
path: fire
reputation: high willpower
endgame li: kingu
replay for: iyar
achievements: none
vying for versailles
status: 1st playthrough
path: hedonism
reputation: bright influence
endgame li: alexandre bontemps
replay for: philippe de france
achievements: aphrodite's golden apple (you're as beautiful as a goddess and the court knows it), snaring the spymaster (you caught the spider in his own web), the dauphin's savior (you saved the dauphin from the hostage - takers), brotherly love (you helped prince philippe reconcile with louis xiv)
the desert rose
status: 1st playthrough
path: Rebellion, balance path (chose The Desert Flower)
reputation: n/a
endgame li: adil (see: username)
replay for: everyone but mostly, jack and mustafa
achievements: brilliant detective (you found an important clue in your father's box), rebellious heart (you have a very close relationship with Adil), treacherous as a snake (you saved the snake, and it helped you), sefer's hope (you saved everyone at the crucial moment), the legendary desert rose (we are the 'desert roses'. a bit broken, but very strong!)
the one: volume 1
status: 1st playthrough
path: following your heart
reputation: n/a
endgame li: luka
replay for: deshawn
achievements: the secret sister (you patched things up with your estranged sister)
the one: volume 2
status: 1st playthrough
path: playing the flirt
reputation: high charisma
endgame li: joel
replay for: ben
achievements: the queen of paintball (you gained the maximum amount of points during the paintball game)
path of the valkyrie
status: 1st playthrough
path: path of change
reputation: path of high glory
endgame li: ullr
replay for: thor, andvari, loki
achievements: hel' kiss (you showed respect to the mistress of the halls of the dead), family values (when you saw thrud forgive her father thor, you witnessed the true power of love), snake charmer (through your courage and cunning, you defeated nidhogg and brought the light of victory to the battle of jormungandr), single path follower (you have not backed down or strayed from your chosen path), echo of greatness (your fame has transcended the boundaries of the nine worlds, becoming a legend that inspires tales and songs), creator of einheim (you helped loki create a new world and a bunch of new problems)
chasing you
status: 1st playthrough
path: path of logic, path of kindness
reputation: path of high authority, highest businessman points, highest survival points
endgame li: alexander nielsen
replay for: samuel, ellia
achievements: big and heavy (kiss dante while stealing the key [ew]), burn brightly (auntie's house burned down), por una cabeza (dance the tango with alexander), fair day (have fun at the skansen fair), legolas in a skirt (beat olivia at archery), judge and executioner (kill christopher), the price of madness (kill edward), winter michelangelo (win the snow sculpture competition), in the grip of the cold (fight and defeat yuki - onna), at all costs (survive the story's finale)
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inky-duchess · 8 months
Who do you think was Fanz’s favourite child or at least he showed the most affection to? Sisi loved Marie Valerie the most ( that’s perhaps cuz she was never allowed to raise her other 2 kids) but which child do u think was Franz’s?
Franz was more affectionate towards his daughters especially Gisela, he treasured the first poem she wrote for him on Christmas. He was nice with Valerie as well but he was too strict with Rudolf. I mean he might have loved his son in his way but put him through torturous training to make him strong. (He might have thought he was doing what’s best for Rudolf but the boy must have felt abandoned and unloved)
I think he was more attached to Gisella, considering the premature demise of Sophie. It likely was easier to dote on the girls than Rudolf, who was a reminder of Franz's mortality.
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somin-yin · 2 years
RC love interests in all stories you're reading? 👀
Hello there! Thank you for the ask ❤️ I'll start listing my LIs from the stories I'm currently invested in and spend diamonds on (warning: it will get ranty 🤷‍♀️)
Theodora - Julian in my main account (because I previously romanced John) and Charlotte in my other account where I previously romanced Lawrence. I was planning to go for Blaine at the beginning but the way he treated his ex fiancée who was a S.A. victim really put me off from him. I know you may argue "But try to understand him, he didn't know", but who tried to understand the r4ped girl? Who tried to even listen to her? So tired of r4pe victims being made feel guilty by society for something they are not to blame. He just shouldn't have jumped to assumptions, by doing that he's contributing to the problem. And if you're going to say "The girl should have told him", it's rather HE should have bothered to listen instead of just leaving like that. I'm just not going to victim-blame the r4ped girl. His attitude was awful and it rightfully put me off from him completely.
Gladiator Chronicles - My cinnamon roll Orvon, despite the angst in his route, I'm enjoying it and cruel Rix and him still give me Sangihun vibes 😂
Kali: Call of Darkness - Who could it be? Who knows, it's a mystery and it's not as if I've spoken countless times about him, not at all :0 (a hint: it starts with Ra and ends in tan) 😂
The One - Luka and Deshawn ❤️ but I have to admit I also like Kelsie and surprisingly Thiago is growing on me too, I didn't like his first impression but apparently he has more depth that he let's on :0
Psi - Certainly NOT Kay. Still undecided because I have no idea who the LIs are but the Inquisitor if he's an LI ❤️
Vying for Versailles - Henrietta! I see potential in her route and I can't wait to see how it develops ❤️
Now my LIs from the stories I'm currently reading on DR:
Arcanum - Rob ❤️ emperor Selena and him are so similar! They're twin flames!
Sins of London - Doctor Lee, previously Abigail but I dumped her for my nerdy smart doctor ❤️
Dracula - Noe, the only reason I keep reading this story 🤷‍♀️ he always makes me laugh and I love his rants 😂
Heart of Trespia - D'Mario in my main account. In my other account I used to romance Reinhold but he bored me so I went for Gisella (tho I actually wanted Vanora, Wincy why ;-; <\3)
Hell and high water - I'm not really that invested in this story but RJ so far!
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi! My name is Bailey and I am 24 yrs old. I looking for a long term rp partner (most preferably someone who is 18+). I mainly do OCxCC rps. I prefer m x f or f x f. But I'm fine with no ships rp.
Canon Characters I can RP as: Jolyne Kujoh (JJBA) Sanji (One Piece)
OCs I have:
**One Piece** Hoshi- A pink haired female swordsmen. She knew Zoro when they were kids and is part of the Straw Hats. Fern- She's blonde, goofy, and part of the Revolutionary Army. Gisella- Part of the Kidd Pirates and the doctor of the crew.
**JoJo's Bizarre Adventure** Libby- Libby is a brown haired green eyed woman who is very flirty. She is part of the Stardust Crusaders and is 23. Olivia Speedwagon- Blonde haired blue eyed girl. Is a bit shy/quiet and the same age as Jotaro and Kakyoin. Nizato- Josuke's love interest, same age as him also. Rosa- Part of Team Bucciarati. same age as Mista.
If you wanna know more about these OCs then ask me in dms!
Looking for someone to rp as:
**One Piece** Zoro Sanji Kidd Law Nami Sabo Luffy Tashigi **JoJo's Bizarre Adventure** Jotaro DIO Jonathan Mista Bucciarati Abbacchio Kakyoin Josuke Okyasu Trish
My Discord: echodeltavr
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
top hp ocs of mine i wouldn’t fuck with and why
idea from @gaygryffindorgal​ 
1. gisella baptiste 
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she has age on her side, she’s smart and learns fast. she can and will fight you with both magic and her own fists. has learned several martial arts, used to be a street kid who was later trained by none other than Rex Brokenshire ( @cursebreakerfarrier​ ) himself so uh... that’s a no for me kwsnwjkd 
2. nilufer sultan 
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bro i mean... her father’s the freaking sultan!!! and though she’s not that powerful in the harem or the hierarchy, she has servants and many pasas willing to send executioners to your room. she’s, after all, a sultana by blood. her wishes are orders, including killing you. 
3. blanche dubois 
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i mean, she’s a dragonologist!! i wouldn’t want to fuck with a woman who only needs to say the word and her dragons will burn you alive. besides, she can and will fight you and probably win so uh... another no for me 
4. delphine vixen 
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she’s from a powerful and dangerous family, from the og Phoenix Resistance, escaped Voldemort and trained by Alastor Moody himself, as well as being an excellent fighter of martial arts in her own right, delphine makes it to the list of un-fuckable character 
5. lady primrose gray 
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the queen herself, she’s friends with a freaking royal prince, a 700 yo vampire and her husband’s an earl, but what makes her powerful is her own lineage: she’s skilled in wandless magic, has the smarts, wits and bravery, as well as a sense of duty and will do anything to keep her birthright. duelled a powerful duke and won with a freaking longsword, not to mention she always gets what she wants and becomes a powerful woman on her own right, primrose is in the un-fuckable list 
6. cecilia balinor 
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from a powerful pureblooded family, she becomes a powerful and dangerous hit witch and feared by many. she’s got knowledge of ancient magic so uh... another no for me 
7. marcellus thorne 
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an influential socialite, he has enough money to either have you silent or gone from the country, he has the perfect contacts to end you. he’s also a very skilled duellist so... another no for me 
8. adonis demiurgos 
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a champion dueller, he doesn’t like violence... but will do what it takes for his loved ones, and has that gryffindor bravado so... another nope for me 
9. lihuan wei 
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she’s a freaking samurai, and so was her father, who’s a friend of the Chinese emperor and can and will cut you in half... ten years with the female samurais is no joke. another nope for me 
10. atticus demiurgos-kennedy 
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the son of adonis, he’s x10 times smarter than anybody, ambitious and his wife is the magiens magister, who’s also a skilled witch. i pity you if they team up to kill you... another no for me 
11. elodie dubois 
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one of the first to resist voldemort, she knew him personally and is a doctor... she doesn’t only know how to fix you, she also knows how to break you to the point of rendering you useless for anything, and her temper is no joke and is also a niece of blanche so uh... nope thanks smwjd
12. brunhilda of cologne 
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one of salazar’s most powerful allies, she’s got knowledge and skill from very ancient magic, is the ancestor of blanche and elodie, she doesn’t need a wand to effing destroy you and have breakfast with your bones. another nope for me 
13. semele thorne 
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descendant of marcellus, she’s very rich and popular, and knows everyone’s business, so she’ll know everything about you in no time, and will destroy you with that. she also is an skilled dueller and fighter so that’s a nope for me 
14. lennox arcano-thorne 
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the fact that she’s an arcano makes her dangerous, but also a daughter of semele?? boy you’re done. because she’s a necromancer and the moment she rips off her gloves, you’re done for. another nope for me 
15. ernest di napoli 
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last but not least, mr di napoli here used to be italian nobility, is a skilled dueller who kicked his father’s ass out of the country in a very difficuly duel, is an athlete and rich enough to end you himself. 
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OC Kiss Week Day 7: Sloppy
WIP: WASTE Pairing: Guetry x Oren Timeline: before shit went down, obviously CW: drug use, drug mention, sexual situations Rating: M Words: 845
Playing a show while zooted to oblivion on reaver rock has always been one of my favorite things to do.
Alec hated it, of course, but she always preferred me to be high under her supervision rather than to do it alone, or, worse yet, with Oren. However, despite spending the majority of my high times around her—on show nights, anyway—I still had to go back home to Oren.
And sometimes that was even worse than the drug.
One night in particular, I dragged myself through the front door of my Node apartment to find him sitting on the couch, a pipe already prepped for me and outstretched in my direction.
"Man, I dunno," I muttered, propping my beat guitar against the wall. "I'm coming down hard."
"This'll help," he said. "You'll sleep better."
I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face...my soft face, my pillow face that always puffed up when I was coming down. Sticky with dried sweat and warm, and gross. "Yeah, I feel like shit."
He handed me the pipe as I dropped onto the couch beside him and lit up.
"You didn't come to the show?"
"Nah," Oren said, wrapping an arm around me. He loved it when I was at my lowest, loved it when I didn't have the energy to be anything but pathetic. "I was tired. I'll be there next time, garçon."
He never was.
The smoke in my lungs numbed my skin and once the air started to feel like fur, I climbed onto Oren's lap and drowned him in lazy kisses, peeled his shirt from his body, and marked his shoulders with my teeth.
I'm taller than him, but not by much, yet it always surprised me when he could maneuver me by carrying me or laying me over the coffee table, or even the times he would fuck me against the wall or...whatever. Truly, the sex was nothing special. As it was happening the rock made it seem mind-blowing, which I think was part of the reason Oren would make sure I was high when we did it half the time.
Another reason was that he liked to test his products on me, too, but that's neither here nor there.
I left my room as common morning broke and started to put the rock away, head pounding and the rest of me sore from being a bit too rough with Oren. He came out sometime later to find me still trying to tidy up, which was slow going due to having just been body-checked by a passing lenayan dreadnought.
"No, no," he said, taking the box of rock from me and setting it back on the coffee table before I could stuff it into my stash safe. "This is the one I'm selling later."
"Oh, shut the fuck up," I groaned.
He grinned. "I could make you breakfast. How's that sound?"
"I guess." I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat at the island in the kitchen. "How much is this haul gonna net you?"
"Twenty-five easy," Oren said, bare chest puffed with pride as he baconed my eggs and sausaged my toast. I don't know what that means, either. "How much you need for that new drum set you wanted to give Alec?"
I waved the thought away, nursing the cold bottle and relieved the headache was on its way out. "I've got enough. I just got my deposit from the vineyard the other day."
"Right, right." Oren glanced at me from the stove. "That reminds me...how's Gisella been, d'you know?"
At the mention of my mom, my hand tightened around the beer and I turned a lethal glare onto him. "And why the hell do you want to know that?"
"I'm just curious."
"I told you to stay away from her. She's actually trying to get clean for once."
He shrugged. "Okay, relax. I just..." He grimaced and took the pan off the heat. "Well, this is, what, attempt five? You don't really believe it'll stick after so long, do you?"
The smell of food and the physical hell racking my bones were the only things keeping me from vaulting over the island counter and braining my boyfriend with the frying pan. That was a startling realization, but I didn't feed the intrusive thought too much. "You see why it's extremely fucked that her former drug dealer is pretending to be concerned about her trying to get clean, yes?"
Oren, sensing that I had cleared the pathetic stage and was no longer in the headspace to take his shit, nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry, garçon."
I rolled my eyes and took the plate of food from him. "Come eat with me."
We shared breakfast, which helped return some of my strength to me. I showered and lit up again, which returned the rest of it, and then I left the Node altogether for an assignment I was given to take down an allegiant base on Voka.
And if you were wondering, yeah, my mom relapsed the next week. Wonder why.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hi! My name is Bailey and I am 24 yrs old. I looking for a long term rp partner (most preferably someone who is 18+). I mainly do OCxCC rps. I prefer m x f or f x f. But I'm fine with no ships rp.
Canon Characters I can RP as: Jolyne Kujoh (JJBA) Sanji (One Piece)
OCs I have: **One Piece** Hoshi- A pink haired female swordsmen. She knew Zoro when they were kids and is part of the Straw Hats. Fern- She's blonde, goofy, and part of the Revolutionary Army. Gisella- Part of the Kidd Pirates and the doctor of the crew.
**JoJo's Bizarre Adventure** Libby- Libby is a brown haired green eyed woman who is very flirty. She is part of the Stardust Crusaders and is 23. Olivia Speedwagon- Blonde haired blue eyed girl. Is a bit shy/quiet and the same age as Jotaro and Kakyoin. Nizato- Josuke's love interest, same age as him also. Rosa- Part of Team Bucciarati. same age as Mista.
If you wanna know more about these OCs then ask me in dms!
My Discord: echodeltavr
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heartofarcanum · 2 years
Thanks so much for your guide to wlw romance options in romance club 🌈
Who are your LIs in all the currently running/unfinished (POV & LOS I see you & I miss you) stories (or finished if you prefer)
Have a nice day/night 👋
I’m so glad you liked it! I should probably do an updated version, tbh. It’s been a while and there’s a bunch of new books.
Also dear POV/LOS, I see u and I miss u
Anyway here are my current LIs!
Arcanum: Rob, love of my actual life 😍
VFV: undecided (but let’s be honest, it’s gonna be Alexandre)
The One: Adira/Kelsie/Thiago/Evan, aka tbd
Theodora: Lawrence/Antonio
KCD: Killian my love 🥰
GC: still undecided between Stortia, Augusta, and Labelle tbh 😅
Heart of Trespia: Wyatt, but I am replaying for Gisella as soon as physically possible
Dracula: Vlad (but I’m a Vlad/Leo/Laia ot3 truther, and also Sandra is the hottest woman alive, so)
SOL: Sherlock/Leslie/Gray, but my locked in LI is Sherlock
Tiamat: Kingu or Niall, time will tell
LOS: I played Todd first and am currently replaying for Ursula, I haven’t decided between them yet
POV: Thor 🌩
Thank you for the ask anon! Have a nice day/night 😘
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hell-chronicles · 2 years
Hey, ddo you know if you can be poly in heart of Trespia? 😅 Because I've been romancing both Gisella and Delias and I'm worried I'm cheating on them with each other lmao. Because it's a game I can't tell whether they know I'm dating them both or the writer just didn't factor in the idea of route-dependent reactions.
What can I say? I'm a 'folksy' queen
-seducer anon
Hi good to see you again!
I honestly have no idea if you can be poly with gisella and delias. Because at first it Seemed like a poly route is possible like delias/gisella are okay with mc flirting with the other woman and if you don't romance any of them then gisella and delias can get together which confirms that they're also interested in each other.
But two Updates ago my route with gisella was finalised and since then I barely had any romantic interactions with delias. Delias still is all "I love my queen" but now it feels more friendly?
Idk if the author Wincy has confirmed anything on this. Since the last update was very Delias focused we might get answers on that before season 2 ends.
I would like a poly route with gisella and delias and I hope wincy will let us Queens have some fun 😌
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yetanotherrpfinder · 1 year
Hi! My name is Bailey and I am 24 yrs old. I am looking for a long term rp partner (most preferably someone who is 18+). I mainly do OCxCC rps. I prefer m x f or f x f. But I'm fine with no ships rp.
Canon Characters I can RP as: Jolyne Kujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Sanji (One Piece)
OCs I have: 
**One Piece** Hoshi- A pink haired female swordsman. She knew Zoro when they were kids and is part of the Straw Hats. Fern- She's blonde, goofy, and part of the Revolutionary Army. Gisella- Part of the Kidd Pirates and the doctor of the crew.
**JoJo's Bizarre Adventure** Libby- Libby is a brown haired green eyed woman who is very flirty. She is part of the Stardust Crusaders and is 23. Olivia Speedwagon- Blonde haired blue eyed girl. Is a bit shy/quiet and the same age as Jotaro and Kakyoin. Nizato- Josuke's love interest, same age as him also. Rosa- Part of Team Bucciarati. same age as Mista.
If you wanna know more about these OCs then ask me in dms! Looking for someone to rp as:
**One Piece** Zoro Nami Kidd Law Sabo Tashigi
**JoJo's Bizarre Adventure** DIO Josuke Team Bucciarati The Stardust Crusaders Okuyasu
My Discord: echodeltavr
Like if interested!
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thewahookid · 1 year
Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for June 9, 2023
In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for June 9, 2023 My children, thank you for being here in prayer and thank you for listening to my call in your hearts. My children, pray, pray, pray much, comfort my bleeding Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My children, even nature is turning against the earth, do you not see what is happening? This is caused by the great sin in the world, there is no longer peace and harmony. My children, be lights for the world and for your brothers but to be bathed in light you will have to forgive, love your brothers and make prayers of reparation. Beloved children, because of closed hearts my Jesus is no longer present in families, in the hearts of many consecrated people and often in the Churches. I ask you for urgent conversion. Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Our Lady calls for conversion from the Church as it lacks faith.  Here is a similar message from April 3, 2022: Beloved children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts. My children, thank you for bending your knees in prayer. Daughter, see my bleeding heart, surrounded by a crown of thorns. My heart bleeds because you have not yet understood what God’s justice will be: it will be worse than the day of the universal flood. Pray, children, convert your hearts, change your lives so that you would not be found unprepared. My children, there will soon be a strong earthquake throughout the earth to awaken your consciences; do not be asleep but keep watch. My children, everything is sick; the Church will be judged because she has become only a political institution and is no longer trusting in God. Pray for pastors who have become lost, and pray for France. My daughter, you must tell people to reserve food and water in order to make provision for the dark times. My children, I now bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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