#give him hell pippa
onepintobean · 10 months
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COC day two | confession
Baz has something he needs to get off his chest...
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radigalde · 27 days
Zain accident guide (fencing club route)
Well, first of all: accident in the fencing route is harder to pass compared to the polo accident. Unlike Pippa, Zain dies in most of the outcomes.
So... how do you keep him alive?
The best outcome is achieved by MC. You'll have to manually deflect all sword shards (#I strike down the flying mid-air shards with nothing but my blade alone. or #I duck and cover and-- no, why are my feet moving forward?! No, no, no I'm not trying to 1v1 an entire shower of sharp shrapnel!) through the power of anime and a whole bunch of stat checks:
have a body stat of 30 or higher or have a combination of body stat and magic stat be 30 or higher
or have a talent of agility and body stat of 20 or higher
or do a dance during conversations twice (or more) and have body stat of 20 or higher
and don't be too high on energy drinks from the vending machine before the duel (you are okay as long as you drink less than 7 of them).
Both body and magic stats start with 5 and are gained through the first chapter (yes, including the club routes). On the stats screen body stat is "Physical Strength + Athleticism", magic stat is  "Magic + Mysticism". Percentage equals to the score (i.e. 5% is the score of 5).
The dance thing may be a problem because there are only 3 instances when you can do it before the duel, and all of them come at the price of embracing a cuckoo 1 of them may be locked out for you:
#I say nothing, I merely start dancing the Tango de la Muerte. at the very start of the club segment. It gives you a bunch of small stat increases (including +1 for Adrian relationship), huge boost to boldness, and Simpsons reference. But it's available only if you chose Spandex Tracksuit as your main clothes.
#It's time to do the Dance of Joyâ! when you finish gearing up in the armory. Doesn't offer anything aside from cuckoo increase.
#I AM Michael Jackson. I put on a single glove and moonwalk to the piste. when you decide on how many gloves you are goin to wear for the duel. It gives a couple of small stats increases but can backfire with -1 HP if your body stat is less than 15. It also sets your gloves counter to 1 (since you are literally wearing only one glove). Luckily, this particular value won't backfire.
Upon failing the stat check, MC with luck talent and changeling MC get additional chance, but you are at RNG's mercy here, since the success requires a dice toss. MC with both luck and changeling childhood gets slightly higher chance of success in this toss, but it's still pure RNG.
The best outcome gives a huge boost to relationships with other club members, small boost ot relationship with Adrian, and fear stat reduction.
The second-best outcome is achieved by convincing Zain to wear his mask and not trying to deflect the shards. For the former right before the duel, when you decide on stance, pick #I gravely inform the audience that only masked eyes are allowed to behold my full splendor. The problem is: this option requires 4 or more in cuckoo score to be pickable.
This outcome doesn't have any boons aside from +3 to Adrian relationship, but it also has no downsides like HP losses.
For the third-best outcome instead of convincing Zain, force Adrian to help. For that, pick #I invite Adrian to a have a front row seat to my next match. at the end of Jianhua and Gil duel. However, this option will be blocked if:
you accused Adrian in being a stalker (#"Adrian, are you stalking me?" Might as well grab the bull by the horns and body slam it.),
or picked a violent option during the conversation about sleepover/sleeping in motel (#I make a violent slashing motion that sends Adrian staggering backwards several steps.),
or annoyed him by being rude during sleepover/motel discussion (#"Not a chance in hell and quite frankly that suggestion sounds completely mental in the first place."),
or spooked him by being weird during the discussion of intrusive thoughts (#Thiiiiis iiiiis completely riiiidiculous.). However, this fragment appears in this way (and with these consequences) only if MC told Adrian about at least one strange thing before going into intrusive thoughts topic or if Adrian knows that MC works as a security guard (i.e. you talked about murder beforehand with #"There was a murder during my last work shift..." or #I launch into a long involved story regarding my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. and its silent equivalent). Also, this option is the only one available in this branch for the possessed MC.
This outcome doesn't offer much aside from Zain survival, and Adrian is going to loose 10 HP.
In all other outcomes Zain dies.
Fuck you, Zain, Pippa was much easier to save.
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Chapter Six: New Adventures
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Surprise Surprise! 🥹🥹🥹 I have missed you all so much and I am so happy to be back writing! This chapter has tested me in ways I could have never imagined, but I am so glad I finally finished and I'm sharing it with you guys 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 I hope you enjoy it and I promise there won't be so much time in between postings ✨✨✨ As always, my inbox is open for you guys and please come talk to me about what you thought of the chapter! All the love, Mar 🤍
May 14, 2022 – June 13, 2022: Month Six
May 17, 2022
Harry. New York City, New York. 7:20 P.M.
The house hadn’t been this loud for a while, probably since Coachella. While Y/N was busy getting Pippa ready for bed, I was in the kitchen with Lambert and Jeff finishing dinner while Pauli, Niji and Elin helped us by setting the table. Mitch went to the airport to pick up Sarah and Glenne, while Ny Oh let us know she would be here later.
After placing the pizzas in the oven there were strong knocks coming from the door which had me laughing, as soon as I opened Glenne kissed my cheek quickly while removing her shoes and pouring some antibacterial gel, “Is she still awake?”, I smiled and nodded, Glenne reached in for Sarah, and they started making their way to the nursery.
I greeted Mitch while leading him to the kitchen, then made my way to the nursery. Once inside, I smiled and went to hug Y/N and kissed her temple, she squeezed my side and turned to kiss my chest, Sarah and Glenne were busy cuddling Pippa who was all smiles.
Y/N cleared her throat and started making her way to grab Pippa, “Okay little miss, say goodbye to your aunts, okay?”, Sarah and Glenne pouted and kissed Pip, then handed Pippa back, exited and closed the nursery door; Y/N settled into the rocking chair while I floated around the room making sure the monitor and fairy lights were on, then sat down next to her and kissed her knee.
She smiled and ran a hand down my face before turning to look at Pip before whispering, “How is she six months old already? It still feels surreal, like six months ago we were learning to give her a bath”, I smiled, and nodded, “Time has gone by so fast, and doing this with you has been the best experience ever”, she smiled and blew me a kiss, “I love you Harry”, I squeezed her hand, “I love you too Y/N”.
Once we settled Pippa in her bassinet, we closed the door and went back into the living room to have dinner with our friends. Once everyone had their dinner plates served and found a place to seat, I reached for my glass and cleared my throat, “Well hello everyone! Thank you for being here; I am glad to have you all here, especially because we still had to celebrate and welcome Jaffra to the band!”
Cheers were heard all over while Jaffra gave us a smile and a silent thank you; once the cheers were done everyone was looking at me again, I smiled and sighed, “So… we’re just three days away from the release of the new album- “, I smiled as cheers and hollers were heard around the living room.
I cleared my throat, “And once the album is out, chaos will surely ensue; between the One Night Only shows and the beginning of tour, this will be a few busy weeks, but I am forever grateful to have you all here with me”, Mitch then said “Here, here!”, I smiled before placing my glass at the table.
“We are about to embark the biggest year of tour so far; with the residencies, Latin America, Australia, Asia and back to Europe it will be a hell of a year, but I trust that we have a great team and things will go on smoothly”, everyone nodded while I took a deep breath, “However, I really feel the need to ask a selfish favor from you”.
Everyone, except for Jeff and Y/N nodded, “I need you guys to promise that you will have the best time, that you will enjoy everything, the good, the bad and the worst, to give your everything into every show, every rehearsal and every travel, because… because I honestly don’t know if this will be the last time we will do this”.
Y/N squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek, “This has been, a very wild ride, and to be honest with you... life has changed so much this last year, and I really don’t know where we’ll be tomorrow, but what I do know, is that right this second, this is where we are supposed to be”, there were nods all over the place, “So once more, let’s cheer to welcome this last adventure with Love On Tour!”.
May 19, 2022
Harry. New York City, New York. 11:55 P.M.
“Drive safely guys! See you tomorrow!”, Glenne and Jeff gave me another wave as the elevator closed, I also closed and locked the main door and leaned mt forehead taking a deep breath, I then walked to the kitchen, made sure that all lights were off, and trash was put away then made my way to the master bedroom.
I expected for Y/N and Pip to be sleeping but was surprised when I opened the door and saw Y/N sitting up and looking out the window and the anxiety I felt when Glenne asked me to go with her to the nursery returned. I sat next to her in bed and reached to run my hand down her face, she turned to see me and gave me a small smile.
“Hi baby, everyone gone?”, I nodded and kissed her cheek before whispering, “Yes, everyone asked me to say goodbye and that they can’t wait to see you tomorrow”, she nodded and sighed while reaching for my hand and giving it a squeeze.
I placed another kiss to her cheek before whispering, “You okay?”, she nodded and turned to see me, “Yeah, just tired, all the excitement and the long nights drained me”, I nodded while she continued to talk, “Let’s go to bed yeah? You need your rest too”.
I sighed defeatedly and nodded my head, then made my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once outside I leaned into the bassinet to see Pippa, I smiled then leaned to kiss her cheek softly before pulling back and getting into bed, Y/N joining me a few seconds later.
We both made sure our alarms were one before cuddling into our pillows, I pulled her by the waist and nuzzled her neck, she made sure she was comfortable before letting out a breath and kissing her cheek before whispering, “I love you, and I’m here for you baby, whatever you may need”.
May 21, 2022
New York City, New York. 7:30 A.M.
The smell of fresh coffee pulled me from the slumber I fell into after feeding Pip at around three. I got out of bed and made sure she was still sleeping then left the room, leaving the door was ajar. I then started walking to the kitchen where I could hear Harry humming and cooking.
When I entered, I started making my way to stand behind him and placed a kiss between his shoulder blades, then wrapped my hands around him, he reached down to kiss my hands before whispering, “Good morning baby”, I smiled and placed another kiss, “Hi you, I missed you in bed”.
He laughed a little and turned off the stove, served breakfast and grabbed the plates while I grabbed the coffees before making our way to the table; we started eating in silence, placing little kisses in each other’s hands before he cleared his throat, “How are you?”, his eyes were hopeful on me talking to him.
I sighed and wished I could ignore the elephant in the room but knew it would not be worth it, “I’m not okay, I’m very sad and disappointed”, I sniffled, he reached to clean my tears, “Baby, maybe you should talk with Ellie, or even your dad”, I shrugged my shoulders, “What good would it do? She still belittled me and my baby”, I sniffled, “I get it, I am her disappointment but that little girl sleeping in her bassinet is not guilty.”
He nodded and kissed my temple then rested his forehead against it, I continued to speak up, “I just don’t understand, how can she see her and still pretend she doesn’t exist; isn’t she curious? Like doesn’t she want to know who she is, who she looks like, if she has any personality quirks from me?”
Harry ran his hand down my back then whispered, “I wish I could go back in time and give her a piece of my mind, be sure to protect you both from her; above all I wish I could take away your pain and sadness because you don’t deserve it, and I’m sorry that I couldn’t.”
I smiled in appreciation and reached for a napkin, “I will be okay, I promise you, but I need to feel sad and process this, okay?”, he nodded and squeezed my arm, “However you Mister should start to finish your suitcases, okay? Us girls are already packed, and we leave in about seven hours”, he laughed, then stood up and started clearing the table, “Fine, I will pick this up and will finish packing, okay?”
I nodded then left the kitchen and went into the room and smiled when I noticed that Pippa was slowly rousing form her sleep, “Oh hi baby! good morning my girl how are you?”, she cooed once I pulled her into my arms and started leaving slobbery kisses on my face, “Are you hungry? Yeah? Let’s go eat, then we will have some tummy time and then we’ll get ready, and you’ll nap before our flight because we are leaving for London!”
Pippa smiled and we switched sides, “Oh look at that smile! You’re so happy to go to London huh? I am too, I miss our family so much”, our family, as warmth spread through my chest I turned down and smiled at her, “Yeah baby, our family, the one who chose me and love you because you are their blood, the ones we deserve and will love us forever.”
May 22, 2022
Harry. London, England. 12:45 P.M.
We had been back in London for less than 48 hours and it felt so good just to be home. Even if there was so much chaos and things to get ready, being back with family made the whole travel worth it. My mum had made sure that our fridge and pantry were stocked as soon as we arrived then left some dinner ready for us.
I was finishing setting the table while Y/N got Pippa ready while we waited for our guests to arrive; after setting down some wine glasses the doorbell rang and I smiled when I opened it and saw our first arrival, “Dad! Welcome, come in!”, my dad smiled and hugged me, then proceeded to remove his coat and hang it on one of the available hooks.
“Harry! How are you son? I hope I am not too early?”, I shook my head and we started making our way to the living room, “Not at all, just finished setting the table and waiting for my ladies to be ready, little one woke from her nap a little ago”, he smiled and before he could speak, a voice carried over from the stairs and into the living room.
“I hear that someone is asking for the girl of the hour?”, Y/N appeared with Pippa in her arms and gave my dad a smile while walking to where he was standing, “Des! Welcome! It is so good to see you!”, my dad met her halfway and pulled her into a half hug, “Hello darling, it’s so good to have you guys back here.”
I smiled when I realized that Pippa was giving my dad a very curious look, but still held on to her mum’s arm, she laughed a little and bounced her while my dad offered her a smile and coo, Y/N spoke up, “Who is that baby? Is that your grandad? Do you wanna say hello?”, my dad reached for her and started kissing her cheek, while Pippa patted his cheek.
The doorbell rang again and as Y/N went to open I went to stand next to my dad and Pip, she offered me a smile and I chuckled a little, my dad ran a hand down her head, “Oh she’s definitely a daddy’s girl huh?”, I nodded and reached to kiss her cheek, then turned to look at him, “I mean yes, but as soon as she sees her mum, dad is out of the picture”.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Y/N come into the living room followed by Gemma, Michal and my mum; we all said our hellos and sat down in the living room for a little, Y/N left to check how lunch was coming along and when she came back she sat next to me, I kissed her temple and continued talking with Michal.
Gemma cleared her throat and reached out her arms to grab Pippa, who was still happily being held by my dad, my mum going to sit next to him and cooing at her hoping to coax a few smiles and giggles, “Okay can the grandparents share her with her fave aunt?”, my mum shook her head and my dad placed a kiss on Pippa’s forehead before handing her to Gemma, who was smiling so big and kissing all over her face while the baby cooed at her.
“I can’t believe she can laugh now”, my mum nodded along with my dad who was smiling at the baby as he spoke, then added, “Before we know it she will be crawling and walking and talking”, I shook my head and pouted, “Nope, not happening, we have been discussing the fact that she needs to stay this little forever”, Y/N shook her head but before she could add anything else left for the kitchen to get the pasta out of the oven.
“H! It’s ready!”, I nodded to the direction of her voice then turned to our guests, “Okay everyone lunch is ready, so let’s go to the dining room”, we all started walking towards the lovely smells and took our seats at the table, Y/N went to grab Pippa and promised Gem she would give her back as soon as she ate, the took her seat next to me and settled Pip in her lounger.
After a delicious lunch and an even better conversation, we all moved back to the living room to have some dessert and tea; Gemma laid with Pippa, Y/N, and my mum on her little playmat for her tummy time while the rest of us scattered in the couches around. My mum then turned to look at me and asked, “Is everything ready for your show?”
I nodded while I sipped on my tea then left it on the coaster, “Pretty much, we will do a visit to the venue tomorrow and Tuesday will be packed before the show; I’ve arranged for a van to pick you all up so that you can all come together, is that okay?”, everyone nodded then continued to enjoy their dessert.
It was around seven that we said our goodbyes and once I made sure my mum was distracted, I nodded at Gemma, who came to stand next to me and whispered, “So, still up for babysitting tomorrow?”, she nodded then turned to make sure mum was not coming, “Yup, will be here tomorrow at around 5 okay?”, I nodded and then we said our goodbyes; once I made sure they were all on their cars I licked the door and went upstairs to join bedtime routine.
May 24, 2022
London, England. 10:30 P.M.
I closed the nursery door and made sure that the monitor was on before making my way downstairs where friends and family were digging into the catering we had ordered for after Harry’s concert, which by the way, had been such an eclectic event.
Once I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with a plate served by Anne, I smiled in appreciation and she squeezed my arm before taking a sip of her drink, “Baby went down, okay?”, I nodded and finished chewing before answering her, “She did, I was worried she would wake up once I transferred her, but she must’ve been so tired.”
She chuckled in agreement and gave me a soft smile, a few seconds later I felt someone pull me into a chest and kiss the back of my head, I smiled and settled myself against his side and kissed his peck, “Hello superstar! Enjoying your party?”, he nodded and opened his mouth, I fed him a bite of my sandwich and while he chewed Anne and I continued to discuss our plans for the weekend.
After swallowing his bite, he gave me a soft squeeze and then turned to look at Gemma and asked her to come over, Anne gave us a curious smile and I reached to squeeze her arm, she then asked us, “Is everything okay?”, we nodded and Harry spoke up, “We just want to talk to you all, is that okay?”, they both nodded and we made our way to the foyer, where we knew we could talk privately.
Des and Michal also joined us, and Harry cleared his throat before speaking up, “So… we have been keeping a secret from you guys”, my mum gasped before excitedly whispering, “Are you pregnant?”, we both chuckled and shook our heads, “No, we’re not pregnant, but we hope to have more babies later on.”
Anne nodded and asked us, “Well, are you guys okay?”, Harry nodded and smiled, “Yeah mum… uhm we have been speaking about our future as a family, and where we want to settle”, Gem was smiling while my mom gave us a hopeful smile, Harry continued, “So… we have been viewing a few properties in different locations, and…”
Anne gave us an excited but careful nod and harry turned to look at me, I smiled and kissed his hand, which was laying on my shoulder then turned to look at our family, “We just put an offer for a house”, before they could speak up, I added, “Here, well actually, a few blocks down”, everyone’s eyes opened so big, Anne was stuck in her place while Gemma pulled us into a hug followed by everyone else.
Anne stood frozen in her place with some tears falling from her eyes, Harry walked carefully next to her and as soon as she could she pulled him into her arms, and a few seconds later she pulled me into her arms too, then whispered, “I cannot believe this! I honestly had made pace with the idea of only seeing you three every few months, but the fact that I will be able to see you when we feel like it? It’s just priceless.”
We pulled back and turned to look at everyone, Des spoke up, “So what’s next?”, Harry smiled, “Well, we have to wait and see if the offer will be accepted, Olive our real estate agent said it could take anywhere from weeks to months, so it’s a waiting game”, Gemma smiled, “Well, I cannot wait for us to be able to go house shopping”, I laughed, “I’ll definitely let you know Gems”.
May 28, 2022
Harry. London, England. 10:30 A.M.
“See you in a few mate!”, Jeff nodded and continued to walk with the personnel from BBC while I made my way to the entrance to collect Y/N and Pippa, as soon as I saw her she gave me a big smile and I pulled her into a kiss and hug, then we started to make our way back to my dressing room.
Once inside I lifted the blanket covering the stroller and smiled at the sleeping baby; not wanting to disturb her sleep I let the blanket fall again and walked to sit with Y/N on the couch, once I settled her on my lap, I started kissing her cheek repeatedly while she let out some squeals and little laughs.
A ping from her phone had me pulling back and reaching for my phone to see if I had any new notifications. She took out a deep breath and squeezed my arm before chuckling, I turned to look at her and gave her a questioning look, she settled on my lap and whispered “Harry…”, u hummed and kissed her nose with my eyes closed.
She whispered again, “They accepted the offer”, I opened my eyes and smiled at her, my eyes asking her to confirm what she just said, and she nodded before speaking up, “We got our house H”, I stood up and pulled her into a hug while we spun, making sure to keep quiet for the baby. I stopped and whispered against her lips, “We got our house baby”, she nodded and placed a chaste kiss then whispered, “We got our house”.
June 11, 2022
Glasgow, Scotland. 7:30 A.M.
A whimper coming from the monitor pulled me out of bed, I grabbed my sweatshirt then made my way to the adjoining room where we had created a nursery for Pippa, turned on the lamp and cooed at the crying baby, “Oh no baby what are those tears for huh? We’re here for a dress-up party for your daddy!”
I settled on the bed and removed my sweatshirt and shirt so I could feed Pippa, who latched immediately, “Oh you were hungry huh? I’m sorry baby I am such a meanie huh?”, she turned to look at me and my eyes watered, I still could not understand how I could love her so much.
Once she finished, I changed her diaper and we left her room and ordered some room service, the turned to pull out the little cake, candles, and balloons I bought yesterday while sightseeing with Glenne. As soon as I finished setting up room service arrived, and I went into our room to wake him up.
With Pippa in my arms, I walked to my side of the bed and settled with her on the bed, once she saw her dad she squealed and I laughed, then placed her next to Harry’s face, “Come on baby say, ‘Dada wake up!’”, she started aggressively patting his cheek; he let out a deep breath and chuckled, “Morning baby girl! hello you!”, he turned around and pulled her into his lap, she smiled and he pulled her in for a kiss then turned to look at me, “Hi baby.”
I smiled and leaned to kiss his lips then whispered, “Hi, breakfast is ready, wanna come out?”, he nodded then handed me the baby, went to the bathroom and as soon as he came out, we headed to the living room. He stopped on his tracks and smiled at the decorations I set out for him and pulled me into a hug.
We sat down and started eating breakfast, then I lit up the candle and before he could blow it I cleared my throat, “I just want to say that I’m so proud of you, it is amazing to be a witness to your radiance and happiness and to be able to love you at the end of everything”, I sniffled and he squeezed my hand and reached for Pippa.
“I know that we won’t be able to be with you every single date physically, but I need you to remember that we are always with you here”, I placed my hand over his heart and he sniffled before whispering, “I love you Y/N more than words are able to express it, and I know I repeat it a lot, but I truly will never ever be able to repay you for everything.”
I pulled him in for a kiss, then left a bunch of smooches on Pippa’s head before pulling back and whispering, “Now before you blow your candles, I want for you to make a wish for this tour, okay?”, he nodded and closed his eyes, then blew out the candle. Pippa and I clapped a little then kissed his cheek before speaking up, “Okay my love, you have about four hours until we have to be at the arena, so take your time getting ready, okay?”, he nodded then pulled me up, “How about we settle her for a nap then enjoy the tub for a little?”, I nodded then followed him.
June 11, 2022
Harry. Glasgow, Scotland. 7:45 P.M.
The murmur of the crowd was enough for my hands to tremble harder than they already were before and I could feel the sweat falling down my spine; I had been ready for a while and met my band for our pre-show ritual, and hugged my family, but right now the only thing I wanted was to hug my girls.
Speaking of, they have been on my dressing room for a while because little miss Pippa had an explosive accident, so I knew that’s where I would find them. As soon as I entered Y/N offered me a smile, however it disappeared when I started sniffling and making my way to them, “Baby what’s- “, I didn’t let her finish before I pulled her into a hug.
She started running her hand down my back while cooing at me, “Baby it’s okay, take a deep breath”, it took me a few moments, but I calmed down and we pulled back; she ran her hands down my cheeks and cleaned my tears.
Before I could speak up a shriek had us looking at the baby laying on the cushions next to us, Y/N laughed and pulled her into her arms kissing her head, “Were you missing us baby? we could never forget you huh?”, I smiled and handed Pippa my fingers to chew on, Y/N whispered, “Feeling better?”, I nodded, “so much.”
We stayed like this until Jeff came to get us, I pulled her up with me and we walked all the way to the side of the stage, we turned to look at each other and smiled, she spoke up, “We’ll be watching from the box, yes?”, I nodded and kissed Pip’s cheeks and her lips three times, “I love you baby, I’ll see you after okay?”
She nodded and I started making my way to the back of the stage and stopped on my tracks when I heard her scream my name, I turned to look at her, “Yes?”, she smiled, “Welcome to Love on Tour 2.0; break a leg handsome.”
Taglist @adoredeanna @alienorknight @be-with-me-so-happily @behindmygreyeyes @cherrylovesblog @karenarella22 @daphnesutton @dayxoxodreamer @dirtytissuebox @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @goldenlouvr @groovychaosavenue @harrysficreblog @harryspirate @hoya122 @imaginesofdreams @i-got-the-cinema @infinitely-yellow @irelilien @itsgabbysblog @itsgigikay @itsmytimetoodream @jgoff717 @kathy522 @last-saturday-night @michellekstyles @msolbesg @shawnsblue @sunshinemoonsposts @tinydeskwriter @tinydestinybear @tpwkstyles1d @voosa @watercolorskyy @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry
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winniethewife · 3 months
'Cause shade never made anybody less gay so (Jake Lockley X GN!reader)
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Week 4: Food, fashion, fun
Words: 637
A/N: Thanks to @midgardian-witch and @ominoose for help coming up with drag queen names For @romanarose 's Pride event!
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“Jake c’mon we don’t wanna miss the show!” they excitedly jump up and down, they had been having a great time at the local pride fest. They were covered head to toe in rainbow merch, they had even convinced Jake to let them pin some rainbow pins and ribbons to his hat, he's also wearing so many Mardi gras beads that its giving his neck a work out.
“Muy bien, vamos!” he laughed, he loved how excited they were for this, they had been in a bit of a slump recently, a mix of their work and personal life were rather taxing on them as of late, so this one day out at pride was exactly what they were looking for. A chance to have fun, to be themselves and not worry about the outside world. As they approached the stage they both found a place to sit in the amphitheater. They watch the act that was currently on finish their routine and exit the stage. As they do the MC, a drag king in an ill-fitting suit, Dark eyeliner and a pencil mustache walks on the stage.
“Please give your warmest regards to the duo, Lola Lavish & Pippa Pizazz!! I see we have some new faces in the crowd so let me introduce myself again, I’m Vin Dictive, No really that’s my name, Although, I am know to be hell bent on revenge on occasion.” Jake let out a laugh along with the rest of the crowd. Vin Dictive gave a exaggerated bow to the laughter. “Thank you, Thank you! Now as a quick reminder this show is for charity, so all our tips today are going to The Trevor Project, so please tip our good performers in good faith, and good money.” There was a cheer from the crowd and Vin gave a big simile. “Alright you’ve heard enough of me yapping, lets give it up for our next performer…Marry Golds!”
As Vin dictive left the stage a song began to play as the blonde haired, er wigged? Jake wasn’t sure what the right term was, either way She entered the stage lip syncing to the song and doing some rather impressive choreography.
“You are somebody that I don't know, But you're taking shots at me like it's Patrón, And I'm just like "Damn, it's 7:00 a.m."
They leaned over and whispered in Jakes ear. “I think you’d make a really great drag queen Jake.” He chuckled.
“Yeah? You think? What would I call myself Senorita Tortilla?” he asked with a laugh. "Hola Soy Senorita Tortilla!" He said with a tip of his cap. they burst out laughing
“I donno that’s a pretty good name.” they gave him a smile, before returning their gaze to the performance. As the Drag queen came to the edge of the stage they stood up and held up a five dollar bill, which the drag queen took with a flourish, blowing a kiss in their direction before continuing the show. Jake gave them an affectionate look as they sat back down. “What? It’s for charity.” They said laughing.
“Of course, of course. I was just thinking how cute you looked up there.” He gives them a little nudge.  They blush slightly, Jake couldn’t help but smile. He was glad they made time to do this. They looked so happy, and it was a lot of fun. He at some point forgets to watch the drag queen, focused on how they danced along to the song.
“Like, can you just not step on our gowns? You need to calm down.”  They sing along with the ending before looking over at Jake with a smile. “What is it now Lockely?”
“Te amo, Mi amor.” He said softly. They look at him with a soft smile.
“I love you too. So much.”
Muy bien, vamos : Very good lets go!
Hola Soy Senorita Tortilla: Hello, I'm Miss Tortilla.
Taglist: @romanarose @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
Please Consider donating to The Trevor Project this pride
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vani-is-typing · 2 months
I just saw the first episode of the adaptation for a good girl's guide to murder, and you know what? I think it is indeed a good girl's guide to murder — book to tv adaptations.
Because i tried my level best to give it the benefit of the doubt the moment they straight up showed us, like in the very first shot of the proper opening, it was Andie walking with the back of her head all messed up. But then the show just jumped straight into things, exposition be damned.
It was such a sudden start, followed by such a choppy and trippy directing style along with characters being thrown in your face left and right. That's literally the advantage of a series, that you can take your time with exposition and introducing characters, and the show gave us the perpetrators within the very first episode, probably within the first twenty minutes of the show.
Seriously, the casting for Elliot Ward, the vibe the show character gave off, and the camerawork done around him; I wouldn't need to have read the books to know that this man, this sus as all hell man, was somehow involved with the whole Andie-Sal case.
If only they'd told us he was a teacher right away too, and I would have immediately found him to be the guy who wrote Sal's confession, because it was so "literate".
I'm not even going to get into how ludicrous and tacky the whole Hastings silver whatever party add-on was to the script, and the way Pip showed in that star costume to Ravi's.
Honestly, I feel that in the show, most things Pip is doing are very un-Pip-like, because Pippa is supposed to be a compulsive character, not impulsive. Everything she does seems to be done recklessly without much forethought, or if there is a thought process going on, we as an audience are not privy to it, which is a bad move that does not allow us to truly know her character in the least.
I understand the show makers were trying to take a different, creative angle, which would be more suitable to their storytelling methods and perhaps, what they thought would be more compelling to the audience, and it might even have worked—had this show not been adapted from a very well-loved book series.
Many people watching the show have already read the books, with some reading them just to see the show and how it compares. This translates to, we have pretext. We know what the book's flow was like, that the show's flow should have been like. We understand the essence of every character, the vibes of every scene, and the overall themes and tension at play throughout the story, which unfortunately for me were not captured by the show at all.
It's a shame, because the actors seem to be trying their best, the show makers probably tried their best to make this engaging and interesting, to have us on the edge of our seats even with most people already knowing what will happen by the end, but it fell flat because they mangled the story so much, that it lost both the mood and momentum, and the mystery, that so many people out there, or at least I, stayed with the books and loved them for.
Now, since we can't end on such a sad note, I'll tell you about my favorite moment from the first episode, which was when Nisha Singh, Ravi's mom, opens the door for Pip and Pip goes, "I have some information for Ravi" and Nisha's like, "From a galaxy far, far away?" because Pippa's dressed like a bloody blinding star.
This was the only scene I liked so far after having seen the first episode because it made me go, "ha! Now we know where book Ravi gets all the sass and charm from."
So, anyone else watching it? Or seen it already? Warn me about how much worse it's gonna get from here. Ciao!
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maidstew · 3 months
in modern aus, what if it was lucy gray’s bday party and she invited the tributes and then the friend group (festus pippa clemmie felix arachne livia and coryo) because shes dating coryo and then drama ensues LOL.
omg hello anon i’ve missed you!!! that is a recipe for disaster for sure!!
livia & pippa volunteer to decorate and vipsania and arachne insist on handling the food/drinks (they almost definitely spike the drinks, which makes all the chaos worse.)
so lucy gray’s friends all come in and coral is just like “lucy gray what the hell is this? why is everything pink?” and livia is immediately offended because she chose all the pink decor.
livia spends the rest of the part glaring at coral and coral makes it a point to keep making passive aggressive comments.
festus drags coryo into trying to make friends with jessup and reaper and it’s such an awkward conversation. festus & coryo are trying way to hard to impress them.
coral brought along her little brother mizzen and mizzen hangs onto persephone the entire night and talks her ear off. she’s so sweet and patient with him but festus starts to get annoyed because he wants persephone attention. eventually festus says something and now coral and persephone are furious with him because mizzen started crying.
clemensia decides to try to play a game to bring everyone together but unfortunately she chooses uno and felix ends up leaving the party in tears because brandy and tanner keep giving him draw fours.
lucy gray starts to wonder if bringing her two friend groups together is worth the headache.
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triviareads · 1 year
Could you please recommend a smutty book with a good "almost caught fucking" scene?
Sure! We love a good exhibitionist (purposeful or not) moment so here are some of my favorites:
Glory and the Master of Shadows by Grace Callaway: Wei goes down on Glory in her house and they hear creaking in the hallway and it turns out the next morning it was Glory's mom (to be fair, Maggie has zero legs to stand based on what she and Ransom get up to in their own book).
The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway: Fabulous blowjob scene where (I mean idk how close they are to getting caught but they definitely catch other people) they hear another man through the curtain giving instructions to a woman on how to blow him and Emma enthusiastically follows these instructions on Alaric.
The Earl I Ruined by Scarlett Peckham: Another curtain blowjob scene! This time at their own engagement party and the curtain drops juuuuust as Constances is finishing Apthorp off. Icons.
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean: Cross is soooo jealous someone kissed Pippa before him that he eats her out in the corner of his gaming hell.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt: Isabel is sneaking around a private residence and is nearly caught but is saved by Winter who drags her in a corner and then she proceeds to blow him with such feeling that they're both crying by the end.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas: In which Derek Craven is thoroughly horrified (and turned on) that the hot woman he's about to have sex with is, in fact, Sara Fielding, so he tells her to go back to where she came from but then starts fingering her anyway, and is then interrupted by an employee while they frantically try to put themselves to rights.
The Education of Ivy Leavold by Sierra Simone: Julian and Silas finger Ivy under the table in a hotel dining room and I think Silas is basically like "listen.... if the other diners have ever had an orgasm, they knew what was going on here" while they carry her out.
Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas: Tom fingers Cassandra through an orgasm while yelling at her cousin to stay out of the library when he wants to check in.
lmao my first instinct was to say Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez but they were caught by the paparazzi who all got excellent shots of Mateo eating Roxanne out from under her skirt in a car. But it's the thought that counts.
Heartless by Elsie Silver actually really surprised me because in a small town rancher romance, you generally don't expect him to gag the heroine with her panties and bend her over while a birthday party is taking place a few hundred feet away. What a winner.
Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey: Brent fingers Hayden in her kitchen during a dinner party and juuuuust as she climaxes a little old lady wanders in and is like "were you stealing a kiss, mister?"
The Rebel King by Kennedy Ryan: Max is fully sucking on Lennix's nipples through her sweatshirt (and then under her sweatshirt) while there's an apartment full of other people getting very turned on listening to them from the next room. So I guess technically they were caught? Or they weren't? idk but it's a fun one.
The Evolution of SIn trilogy by Giana Darling has a few nearly-caught moments, including a scene where he's fingering her in a beach in Mexico, and another where he's juuuust finished having sex with her and there's someone at the door of their hotel suite and surprise! It's her sister who's his fiancée.
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
Your OCs find themselves face-to-face with a fairy-tale trickster! They're told they have to perform one song of their choosing, and it must be suitably entertaining to the trickster, or they'll lose their greatest skill forever! We're talking superpowers, Max's ability to design tech, Hyun-Ki's kills with performance (how ironic), whatever it is that makes them stand out.
What song do they pick, and how do they make sure the trickster is entertained by their performance?
Siv: Shows off their years of guitar lessons with a half-decent performance of "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Jay: Can't sing to save his own life, so he gives backup vocals for Cassandra's performance.
Cassandra: Sings "Texas Hold 'Em" by Beyonce, and while her performance by itself would have impressed the trickster by itself, she ends up making them leave because they got uncomfortable when Jay and Cassandra started making out.
Hailey: "Jokes on you, you can't curse me, I'm dead."
Ember: Uses his powers to make gemstones rain on them from the earth as they lipsync to P!nk's "Raise Your Glass" in her glitteriest outfit.
Arya: Mostly impresses the trickster with the fact that every songbird and squirrel was falling out of the trees around them because of their siren song, rather than their performance of BlackPink's "As If It's Your Last"
Gina: Asks if the trickster can wait like ten minutes, and she calls a few of her choir friends over and they perform "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" together.
Esme: Performs "Work Bitch" by Brittany Spears, and impresses them with the fact that no one should be able to dance that well while wearing heels that high and a skirt that short and tight
Cat: Joins Gina and her choir friends for "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" because they're gonna need someone for the alto line (or potentially the tenor line, if Freaking Travis doesn't show up again).
Max: Takes the microphone and starts singing Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" while slow dancing with Kyle and looking longingly into his eyes.
Kyle: Gets his old turntables from when he tried to learn how to DJ and makes a sick remix of Mad Love by Mabel
Eric: Pulls out his violin and performs "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".
Jacob: Serenades his husband with Elvis Presley's "I Cant Help Falling In Love With You".
Khalil: Sings "Daniel In The Den" by Bastille, attempts to impress the trickster by using his magic to create illusions to go along with the lyrics
Ameerah: Growls out a passionate cover of Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Reggie: Manages to get through Rap God by Eminem without missing a single beat, impresses the trickster because xe's just this tiny kid who can rap that fast.
Antonio: Follows the trickster around for two hours playing The Song That Never Ends on kazoo until they promise not to curse him (yay psychological warfare)
Rania: Sings "Can't Catch Me Now" by Olivia Rodrigo and manages to impress the trickster with the sheer emotion coming through her performance (she is actually crying tears of rage by the end)
Kelsie: Sits the trickster down and pulls out a pad of paper and her glasses, and begins digging down into why they feel the need to do things like this. They feel much better after this impromptu therapy session.
Torryn: Just steals the trickster's magic and runs off with it.
Cory: Impresses the trickster with her fry scream and midair acrobatics while singing Monstarrr by Ennaria
Meredith: Starts signing aggressively about how she's "deaf and mute, dipshit, how is she supposed to perform music?" until the trickster feels bad and goes away.
Director Hawke
Onnie: Disintegrates the trickster before they can curse them and then she goes on with her day to day life.
Pippa: Sings a dreamy cover of "Flowers In My Hair" by Wes Reeve while daydreaming about kissing that mysterious Thawne girl she's only met a few times...
Jessi: Performs one of her own hit singles, puts on a really great show, and attracts a crowd of people because "OH MY GOD IS THAT JESSI JUNO???" (if you're looking for a real-world song with a similar vibe to her music, try "Bitches" by Tove Lo)
Hyun-Ki: Sings a haunting cover of Ave Maria, because no one expects the K-Pop star to be classically trained.
Marie: Screams out Girli's "More than a Friend" while useless lesbian-ing out over Qiara's existence, until she's blushing so bad that her face is bright green.
Liah: Dances to "Bombay Dreams" by KSHMR and shows off her skills from her former job as a Bollywood star.
Qiara: "No." *vanishes*. Jokes on you, you can't do that to an omnipotent space god.
Soraya: Asks for a religious exemption, since she's of the school of Islam that doesn't allow music or singing, so therefore she doesn't really know that many songs.
<note: for the Star Wars OCs, just assume it's the space equivalent to the song>
Thalia: Sings Elastic Heart by Sia (Space Version), actually does a fairly good job.
Reyna: Thinks she sounds great, but actually sucks so hard as she quite literally screeches out Space Demi Lovato's "Cool For The Summer".
Laila: Sings "Trouble" by Space Halsey, very obviously singing it to Athena. Stabs the trickster for even daring to suggest cursing her once she's done.
Athena: Manages to capture the trickster in a sack and then takes them back to her lab, where she decides to vivisect them to see how they work, all while singing a very sultry, seductive cover of Space Ariana Grande's "Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored"
Pyrrha: Screams out "Weapon" by Space Against the Current (which is basically her theme song), and impresses the trickster with her dance moves, since her cybernetic limbs have higher strength and range of motion than her natural ones.
Samira: Duets "Rewrite The Stars" with Aldrich, since it's their song as a vampire/human couple (BIG taboo on that one)
Aldrich: Duets "Rewrite The Stars" with Samira, taking Zac Efron's part while Samira does Zendaya's part.
Sohelia: Sings "Snakes" By PVRIS, all while visualizing Mr. Head of the Hunters' Guild, immortal alchemist, and accidental creator of Vampires everywhere, Thaddeus St. James, so she puts far more vitriol into her performance than necessary.
Dolores: Sings "Which Witch" by Florence + The Machine and impresses the trickster with her powerful belting and the sheer emotion behind the performance (living your life at risk of being hunted for sport will do that to you)
Victorie: Plays Vivaldi's Four Seasons on violin, since that was new music when she was alive.
Matt: Sings "Believe" by Cher, can't really do anything that special with his performance with his EDS and everything, so he makes sure and puts some extra "oomph" in with his voice.
Vanessa: Sings "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, while slow dancing with Victorie, putting special emphasis on the line "Beauty is all she is".
Ellis: They're an angel, so they sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the voice of one. Probably go into the full "be not afraid" Biblically Accurate Angel form too.
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Okay but I need you to give me historical romance with the hero being Derek Craven's level of intensity!!
Then you're in luck because that's my favorite kind lmao
If you haven't read Seduce Me at Sunrise yet, obviously I've been talking about it a lot lately lol but Kev really does have traces of Derek. He's self-loathing, "coarse", he doesn't think he deserves the heroine, he is super threatening... His big spiel to Win about how much he loves her reminds me a little of Derek's "sometimes I want to punish you a little" line which... CHILLS.
Generally, Elizabeth Hoyt is a good way to go--I would recommend Thief of Shadows (Winter Makepeace, the ultimately Intense Devoted Lover Guy), Duke of Midnight (Maximus Batten, controversial king but INTENSE AS HELL), The Raven Prince (scarred self-loathing duke who wants his secretary so bad), and Sweetest Scoundrel (personally, I think Asa is in a very "Derek Craven: The Early Years" place in this book which is super interesting).
Sarah MacLean is on the record as a major Craven stan lol. I would say... Bourne from A Rogue by Any other Name gives me a similar degree of intensity, and he of course has the gambling club deal--which really means you may want to read the other Rules of Scoundrels books (One Good Earl Deserves a Lover is especially good).
Joanna Shupe has THIS. I would say The Prince of Broadway especially has this with Clay Madden, who also is self-made, tortured, and owns a gambling hell. If you haven't read The Duke Gets Even (best historical romance release of 2023 easily imo) Lockwood is not as like... self-loathing by any means, but the degree to which he LOVES Nellie is so intense.
Lol most Lorraine Heath heroes, but Ainsley from Waking Up with The Duke and Griffith from Scoundrel of My Heart come to mind in a big way, plus King from The Duchess Hunt. I don't see Scoundrel discussed enough--it's such an achingly angsty, superb book. The heroes of She Tempts the Duke and Lord of Wicked Intentions are RIDIC intense lol.
Jennifer Ashley heroes tend to be intense, but Ian Mackenzie from The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is literally like glued to Beth and Hart from The Duke's Perfect Wife is SO SO SO intense about Eleanor (and everything else tbh). Like, they get engaged when they're young and dumb, break up because he's super dumb, and like... YEARS later, around or over a decade later, he sees her again and has a tiny interaction with her and is like "... I'm marrying her". Because it was never over for him!!!
Alexander from What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long is real intense. Like, it's a funny book but he's a lot lol.
Umm Allegreto from Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale is one of the most intense heroes I've read ever in my life. Literally telling the heroine that she needs to go to confession because even though he's not going to Heaven she MUST!!!! (Customary Shadowheart CW for a noncon first encounter.)
Cull from Pippa and The Prince of Secrets by Grace Callaway is.... real intense.
Oh, Monica McCarty has a lot of real intense heroes--try The Chief, The Viper, The Recruit, and The Saint especially.
My Darling Duke by Stacy Reid has an incredibly intense, tortured hero. He uses a wheelchair following a bad accident and is convinced that he's impotent (he isn't).
Diana Biller's Hotel of Secrets has an amazing virgin spy hero who's super intense about the heroine while also being confounded by how she makes him have Feelings--he throws himself in front of her bodily to protect her like 3-5 times.
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donteattheappleshook · 9 months
For the “That Scene” ask game, what was the scene for “Stone Hearts”, “Give Me My Yeaterdays” and for “Some Fairytale Bliss”?
Sorry this is late but thanks for the ask @snowbellewells 🥰🥰🥰
Stone Hearts
This one had two scenes! The first was the one where Killian saves her in the hospital when she's being swarmed by all the baddies - weirdly I dreamed this scene and it birthed the premise of the fic 😅
The second is the scene where they dance in the kitchen because I heard Hozier's Work Song and thought it was the most CS song ever and then my muse made it angsty as hell and I wrote the fic so I could hurt yall 😝
Give Me My Yesterdays
Keanu Reeves. Wait no, that's not a scene - but him in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee is what set off the whole idea of Silver Emma.
"The scene" though was them getting high together on his living room floor and not kissing -- they were going to at first but then I decided to change it at the last minute (sorry!)
Some Fairytale Bliss
This one's kind of hard because the entire fic is technically one scene 😅😅 So I guess Emma deflowering deckhand Killian is "the scene" but also the entire story lol
Instead of a scene it was more sad, self-loathing, touch-starved Killian being shown kindness for the first time in his life that made me have to write this one 🥺
Drop one of my fic titles in an Ask and I'll tell you 'the scene' for it!
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griefmooned · 2 months
"I'm so fucking confused."
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it's not everyday that you get to see your chihuahua doing... this. gaz had only intended to give pippa a potty break and then scurry both their arses back up the stairs. but, here he is... watching the fuckery. and what fuckery it is. a tiny, toothless old girl pulling off some unexpected talent in acrobatics in order to pee against a wall... while in a handstand. and making direct eye contact.
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" what the fuck is that? " he's engrossed in how incredibly out of character this is -because pippa is now shuffling sideways and somehow maintaining her position, and she's not exactly the most athletic of pups - that he doesn't initially pick up on the two presences beside him. a younger bloke and a border collie. a pair that have now joined him in gawking at this oddity.
i'm so fucking confused, the lad says, and gaz huffs out an incredulous laugh in response. confused? what a fucking understatement. " i have never seen her do this before. " there's a soft fondness to his roughly accented tone that quickly switches to a slight panic when he notices her - ahem, stream - inching dangerously close to the bottom of her little battle vest.
" oi! pippa! come on now. " a light tug of her leash earns him a blank, empty gaze as she proceeds to piss all over herself and dumbly flop her tongue out the side of her toothless mouth. gaz grunts his frustrations into a stream of curses and heads over lift her, one handed, to his side . " awh, fuckin' hell, you absolute fuckin' pinecone, lass. c'mere, pet. c'mere! "
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radigalde · 14 days
Fear level counting: Polo Club part 2
Upon getting to setting your own horse ready, giving it a treat at any point (except bad result of the accident) will lower your fear score with -1 per treat. And just as with Foreshadow, the option of giving the entire bag of treats at once is worse, as it gives only -2 fear regardless of how many carrots your horse munched down. Also, patting your horse won't lower the fear score, smh.
Once shit hits the fan and creepy noices start, you get mandatory +1 fear and additional +1 for fear phobia.
Walking to the sound (#Iiiiiii waaaaalk towards the soooooound. or its fucked up version) reduces the score with -1 but increases corruption.
Hiding or getting the fuck out of the trailer (#I hide in the tiny tack room. or #I dive out the back end of the trailer., both unavailable with active possession or greed vice) will increase fear with +1 because why not.
All while poking your head out to look closer (#I poke my head out the window to see what's really going on outside., unavailable with active possession or fear phobia) will somehow give you -1 fear. Don't choose this option though, as it gives a whooping +3 corruption, denial increase and instant possession.
During Pippa accident (see the guide for more details), bad outcome with dead Pippa gives +1 fear. There is an additional +1 unless MC is a paramedic, police officer, not-possessed with corruption score lower than 4, or simultaneously has low scores of sass (30 or lower) and sweetness (lower than 20).
Some may increase with even further +1 (and also increase corruption) by choosing to look at the incident scene afterwards (#I turn to look, there's nothing there I haven't seen before.), but this option has a lot of conditions to be pickable:
either be a paramedic or have the accident as your childhood have non-critical corruption score (less than 7);
don't have blood phobia;
don't have fear phobia.
Good Adrian's save with light injures (achievable if you fed Foreshadow but didn't gave him all your carrots) reduces your fear with -1. Note that this reduction works only if Adrian went to save Pippa without MC's help and didn't get too hurt in the process.
During post-accident conversation (only when Pippa isn't dead) asking about the strange shadow (#"Did anyone else see that strange thing on the hill?") and backtracking (#It was probably nothing at all, after all.) gives -1 fear but increases denial.
Saving Pippa with flying colors at your first attempt (#I loop the reins around my left hand and lean as far to the right as humanly possible as I reach for Enchanter Moon's bridle.) will reward you with -3 fear. It becomes -2 if you save Pippa on your second attempt, and -1 if it's Adrian who catches the horse reins after you fail to do so at your first attempt and back off.
Embodying a meme of it's-fine-dog after abandoning the chase (#Actually, what the hell am I doing? I drop back to a sensible pace and let Adrian attempt the rescue instead. followed by #In the end, everything turned out perfectly fine.) gives -1 fear and denial increase.
Ignoring Pippa accident (#I ignore everything else and keep my eyes riveted to the lurching void that shambles ever closer., the only available option if your fear score is 10 or more) will make further stat checks even harder by increasing the score with +1.
If Pippa survived her accident, returning to the trailer and untacking your horse gives mandatory -1 fear. If any of your carrots survived till this point, and your horse wasn't spooked too badly, you get to enjoy additional -1 (this time for all treats at once).
Helping Ash to clean up horses' shit gives -1 fear.
Being extra spooked (#Suspiciously look over everything in sight.) can give you -1 fear as well, but it requires medium sass (less than 71) and caution score (less than 6). On the other hand, it decreases your denial.
Checking the outside of the trailer gives +1 fear. You can kind of negate it with -1 fear during dicussion of wtf happened with the trailer if first you go with your crazy theory as the explanation (requires to create that theory in the conversation with Adrian at the start of polo route) and then choose #And on cue, on the count of 1, 2, 3… or #Somehow I sense that I only have to bide my time and wait to be proven victorious here. If you don't have any theory prepared, you can get the same -1 with a "reasonable" guess (#Yes… the impact from a car crash. That sounds perfectly reasonable.), but guess what: it increases your denial.
After the club, accepting the drink from Adrian with gratitude (#Accept the drink with a word of thanks. or #Accept the drink with a nod of thanks.) gives you -1. While vocal suspicion (#Stare suspiciously at the drink. "Yeah, no thanks.") gives +1.
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jackiesarch · 1 year
i’m not sorry about this one actually. drag these men through the mud. destroy them, even. call them out.
tagged by @corvosattano to just that. thank you macy. thank you for also innately knowing what they were gonna get.
tagging @unholymilf @florbelles @confidentandgood @nightbloodbix @marivenah @indorilnerevarine @chuckhansen @queennymeria @adelaidedrubman @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @risingsh0t @roofgeese @loriane-elmuerto @cptcassian and anyone else who wants to take a stab!
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Oh, the rake. "Rake" is a broad term, and a lot of heroes can BE rakes, there's a certain iconic vibe to a Rake Classic. A rake FUCKS. And not in an annoying way. Like, a rake would slip out of your bed, kiss you gently, and say "I'm so glad we shared this time together" in a way that suggests you'll never see him again, but you'll still say thank you. A rake doesn't want to settle down, but he deeply appreciates women. He may say things like "I actually think women do have rights. Hell, perhaps they should even vote" because he's like... not a feminist, but a big believer in the power of pussy. He doesn't HATE love, it's just not for him. Until it is. Rakes can often fence, do a gentlemanly boxing, and perhaps duel, but they are *not* your first choice in a fight. They are probably beloved at the local brothels, both because they fuck so good and because they spend all their money there. A rake may be titled; however, he may also be a second son (womp womp). It's vERY possible that a rake has mommy issues. Give him time, and he will confide in you. Probably while telling you that is why... he cannot love. The rake may not be good at a lot of things that aren't sex. This might be his secondary crisis, and his arc might involve "Rake Gets Job?" Rake recs: "Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake" by Sarah MacLean, "The Duke and the Lady in Red" by Lorraine Heath, "The Lady Gets Lucky" by Joanna Shupe, "A Rake's Guide to Seduction" by Caroline Linden, "Indigo" by Beverly Jenkins
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Look—he just doesn't wanna talk about it. The tortured hero has a dark past, which probably involves his childhood, may involve one or both of his parents dying (or: a dead wife), and will be withheld from you for at least the first half of the book. He fucks like an absolute demon (usually to make you forget about the questions you asked regarding his scars; it's effective), he may have nightmares where he says what you think is his old lover's name so you steam about it for 20-50 pages and he's like "no, that's my childhood dog, which I had to eat when food became scarce", maybe his dad didn't love him, and he is more likely to be self made than some other heroes. Though he may also be a duke whose actions had consequences. There's a *distinct* possibility that he's mentally unwell, but everyone needs love. Your one big issue is that he... may not think he's worthy of touching you with his filthy hands. Somehow, you must overcome this. Tortured recs: "My Darling Duke" by Stacy Reid, "Dreaming of You" by Lisa Kleypas, "A Lady for a Duke" by Alexis Hall, "Pippa and the Prince of Secrets" by Grace Callaway, "Duke of Midnight" by Elizabeth Hoyt, "The Duke I Tempted" by Scarlett Peckham, "A Rogue by Any Other Name" by Sarah MacLean
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Isn't that great for you? The good guy isn't a NICE guy. He doesn't expect sexual favors because he's nice to you; and he's so charming, he can probably get laid elsewhere. He may have a tragic backstory and a fatal flaw, but that's not going to get him down. He doesn't play at alpha male bullshit, and he may not be a duke, or a lord, or the owner of the world's first department store. But he's a Solid Guy. He will love, honor, and obey, and he will NOT! Do a nonsense. He will, however, eat pussy. He's a good guy. Good guy recs: "Unclaimed" by Courtney Milan, "Scandal in Spring" by Lisa Kleypas, "My Fake Rake" by Eva Leigh, "Unmasked by the Marquess" by Cat Sebastian
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
The point is he is implying William did something wrong and them or media no matter who protected him. Which is absolutely diabolical, come one harry tell us exactly what if that was the case.
Harry should mention examples if he is too sure at what he is saying. If he only let that line without context nor examples, then is a lie. The sad part is that he already put the doubt in people minds and they will believe that every rumour and bad thing about William is true.
But man, what the hell. Nobody is perfect nor a saint, but William only mind his business. His last public mistake was that dad dancing Switzerland trip, since then, he became even more private with his private life and prefers to stay with his family, going holiday with his family and even with Pippa and her children. He just don’t give drama. An affair? Man, the press have admitted several times that they did a damn work trying to prove it, and they found nothing.
Or about the drugs story? That allegedly both were caught on taking drugs but only Harry was accused? Sure man. Let’s say it’s true, but guess what? At least if William continued with drugs he was discreet, you was hitting photographers and taking them at Las Vegas, you put yourself of the spotlight.
It's not just lies. It's slander and defamation, acts that are punishable by law.
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my-romance-library · 11 months
'The Rules of Scoundrels' series - Sarah MacLean
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A Rogue by Any Other Name #1
A decade ago, the Marquess of Bourne was cast from society with nothing but his title. Now a partner in London’s most exclusive gaming hell, the cold, ruthless Bourne will do whatever it takes to regain his inheritance—including marrying perfect, proper Lady Penelope Marbury.
A broken engagement and years of disappointing courtships have left Penelope with little interest in a quiet, comfortable marriage, and a longing for something more. How lucky that her new husband has access to such unexplored pleasures.
Bourne may be a prince of London’s underworld, but he vows to keep Penelope untouched by its wickedness—a challenge indeed as the lady discovers her own desires, and her willingness to wager anything for them... even her heart.
/Marriage of convenience, friends to lovers
“I’m going to corrupt you,” he promised her skin, one hand sliding down the swell of her stomach, feeling the way the muscles there tensed and quivered at his touch. “I’m going to turn you from light to dark, from good to bad. I’m going to ruin you.” She didn’t care. She was his. He owned her in this moment, with this touch. “And do you know how it will feel?”
She sighed the word this time. “Splendid.”
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover #2
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The bespectacled, brilliant fourth daughter of the Marquess of Needham and Dolby cares more for books than balls, flora than fashion and science than the season. Nearly engaged to Lord Castleton, Pippa wants to explore the scandalous parts of London she's never seen before marriage. And she knows just who to ask: the tall, charming, quick-witted bookkeeper of The Fallen Angel, London's most notorious and coveted gaming hell, known only as Cross.
Like any good scientist, Pippa's done her research and Cross's reputation makes him perfect for her scheme. She wants science without emotion—the experience of ruination without the repercussions of ruination. And who better to provide her with the experience than this legendary man?
But when this odd, unexpected female propositions Cross, it's more than tempting... and it will take everything he has to resist following his instincts—and giving the lady precisely what she wants.
/neuro-divergent FMC
Looking up at his wild grey eyes, she whispered, “My whole life . . . two and two has made four.”
He nodded, utterly focused on her, and she loved him all over again for paying attention . . . for understanding her.
“But now . . . it’s all gone wrong.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make four anymore. It makes you.”
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booksrockmyface · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022!!!!
Y’all! I wasn’t sure if I was going to even try this year. I have so much going on. But I decided to just give it a shot. I’m very excited to share this with y’all. Remember, it’s very rough! Because, of course it is!!!!
The MCs are a transgender man and the husband he left to be able to make his transition. This takes place in England in the 1920s. This isn’t the era I usually write in, so it will be fun! I’ll be writing lots of notes for later research for myself.
If you want to be in the taglist for updates, let me know. I’m posting here first, but will move all further updates to @daniwritessometimes.
So, without further ado:
Phillip picked up the phone. He had used it to talk with Susan exactly once when he had settled into the rooms he was letting for the month. He was in pain and could barely raise his hand enough to place the receiver [look up phones] to his ear.
He gave the information to the operator and waited for the connection. It was just across London. God, it felt like forever. It had only been five years.
When the line connected, it was answered by Anthony. “Yes, hello?”
“I’d like to speak to Susan Osborne, please.” Phillip worked to keep his voice in the girlish range. He hated it.
“And who should I say in calling?”
Phillip let out a deep breath. “Pippa.”
Phillip heard a sharp, “That’s for me.”
“Pippa?” Anthony asked again.
“We’ll talk when I’m done.” Susan’s voice came through. “Hello, are you all right?”
“No.” He swallowed. He’d put off making this call for several days. But the discomfort was just too much. And he needed a familiar face now that he was home. “Can you come?”
“Give me the address and I’ll be right there.”
Phillip rattled it off and then ended the call. He made his way back to the room and got into his bed. His chest throbbed and the front of his shirt was red with blood. The dressing needed changed. “Damn.” He closed his eyes and was asleep in seconds.
He awoke to the smell of coffee and something cooking on the little stove in the corner. He tried to sit up, but there was a firm hand on his shoulder.
“No, sir.” Susan said gently.
He smiled. “Sue, you came.”
“Of course I did.” She looked him over and tsked. “You should have called me sooner.”
“The doctor sent me home yesterday.”
“You should have called me when the surgery was happening.” Susan scolded. “Now, let me have a look and put new dressing on.”
Phillip stayed lying down while Susan unbuttoned his shirt and then gently cut through the bandaging. She sighed and it made him look down. “It looks very red.”
“It hurts like hell.”
“I expect it would. You got your tits chopped off, for crying out loud. And you had a substantial bosom.”
“Of course you noticed.” The remark was meant to be a jest, but Phillip groaned. “The doctor gave me some medicine.” He pointed to a vial by the bed.
She eyed it. “Looks like you’ve taken quite a bit.” She helped him sit up and gave him a dose of the medicine before she put new dressing on his chest. “Anthony and Zoe are furious. And I have no doubt one or the other of them has already got to their brother.”
“It’s why I came back anyway.”
“You didn’t have to tell him that name.”
“I wanted him to know.” Phillip was quiet as Susan finished the bandages. Then he said softly, “I knew he’d tell Jason. I can’t tell Jay myself. He’s going to hate me Sue.”
Susan took his face gently between her hands. “He could never hate you, Phill. You are exactly the same person that left. He loves you so dearly. He and Michael have missed you every day you’ve been gone.”
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