#give me answers tui
sandshadow9 · 2 years
I think it would have been cool if the IceWing ranking system had been explored even just a tiny bit more, and maybe some comparisons made between the seven circles and how systems of privilege and ableism work in the real world. 
As is told to us by every IceWing, the rankings are basically a system based on meritocracy where every dragonet supposedly starts on equal footing, and everyone has the same chance at reaching the first circle and if you don’t then you just didn’t work hard enough. However, literally every high ranking dragonet character is part of either the royal family or the aristocracy, as far as I remember. Winter described Lynx as a fairly “common” dragon in terms of her station, but she was still the daughter of some minor nobles.
There is also just a lot of vagueness around how one climbs the rankings. In “The Runaway” I think Snowflake mentions various tests and stuff, but there is also other stuff about just performing IceWing Customs and impressing your guardians. Are there exams or standardized tests?
Also what would happen if one of the crowned Princess was of a low circle but still challenged the Queen and won? How does the rankings play into power here?
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munson-blurbs · 11 months
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Summary: Fast-forward two years, and the little Munson clan is celebrating Halloween with some old--and new--faces.
Warnings: allusion to smut, a lil surprise...
WC: 1.2k
A/N: Happy Halloween! A gentle reminder that requests for the TUI universe are officially open. And thank you to @rip-quizilla and @the-unforgivenn for helping me with this little blurb.
Divider credit to @saradika
Autumn has fully settled into Hawkins, Indiana. The sun sets a bit earlier each evening; green leaves become orange, then red, then brown, before fluttering to the ground and being raked into trash bags. A chill hangs in the air, not strong enough to create frost, but enough to warrant a layer of clothing or two.
Lucky for you, your Halloween costume this year is a long-sleeved olive green shirt underneath a sleeveless brown house dress, high socks, and loafers. Warm, cozy, and perfect for pretending to be Misery’s Annie Wilkes.
Eddie strides towards your shared bedroom, a Ghostface mask pushed up atop his mess of curls. He leans against the doorframe and lets out a low wolf-whistle. 
You roll your eyes and grin. “You’re so full of it,” you laugh, adjusting the straps of your dress where they’re twisting on your shoulders. “This is quite possibly the least sexy costume anyone could wear.”
Eddie tuts, pushing off on his bicep and shaking his head. “It’s not the costume; it’s the woman wearing it.” His lips tug upward in a toothy smile. “C’mon, give me a little twirl.” He moves his forefinger in a circular motion to indicate what he wants. 
You oblige, slowly turning and offering a 360-degree view of your outfit. “How do I look?” you deadpan.
“Like you’re killing for two.” He presses a kiss to your lips, his palms resting on your rounded bump just as they have ever since you’d started showing. Now that you’re in your final few weeks of pregnancy, he seems to find an excuse to touch it every spare chance he gets. “You’re sure you’re up for trick-or-treating? If you’re too tired or something, you can hang back. Jeff and I can handle the kids.”
It takes all of your willpower not to let out a disbelieving snort. If the two men are engaged in conversation, Harris and Ettie could be halfway to Timbuktu before they even notice they’re missing. “I’ll be fine,” you reassure him. “Annie Wilkes wore sensible shoes, which certainly helps. Although,” you scrunch up your nose, “these are kind of uncomfortable.”
Eddie peers down at your loafers and immediately bursts into laughter. “Babe…they’re on the wrong feet.” He cradles your face in his hands and brings his lips to the tip of your nose. “Let me fix that for you, okay?” You sit on the bed while he crouches down, slipping off your shoes and placing them on the correct feet. “There ya go.”
“I can’t see over my belly!” You lament with a laugh, holding out your hands so your doting husband can help you up. “Thank you. I promise I’ll be more useful once I’m not pregnant.”
“I think growing a baby is pretty damn useful,” Eddie murmurs, thumb grazing your cheek, “not to mention how goddamn gorgeous you look while you do it,” he adds, a soft growl inflecting his tone. He would ravish you right then and there if Freddy Krueger himself didn’t appear by his side. 
“Is it time for trick-or-treating?”
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie jumps, snapped out of his lovesick stupor in an instant. His hand flies to his chest as his heartbeat steadies. “You scared the hell outta me, Har.” He takes a deep breath before answering his son’s question. “We’ll go as soon as Uncle Jeff and Auntie Viv and Ettie get here.”
Harris nods, the dark gray fedora slipping in front of his eyes. “I wish my baby brother could go with us,” he says with a sigh, swaying his arms back and forth. “When is he gonna be born?”
“Two more weeks until he’s officially due,” you report, gingerly caressing your bump and smiling. Harris has been asking about the baby’s arrival ever since you and Eddie told him he was going to be a big brother. “And then he’ll come trick-or-treating with us next year.”
He beams at this idea, bouncing up and down with enough energy to make you question whether he’s already started eating candy. “I...can’t…wait!” he exclaims, each word more breathless than the last as he acts like a human spring. “Do…you…think…he’ll…like…Skittles?”
Eddie places a hand on Harris’s shoulder to stop his movements. “Baby Brother won’t be able to have Skittles for a long time,” he chuckles, the dimples in his cheeks making an always-welcome appearance, “but if you wanted to share with me, I wouldn’t turn down some peanut M&Ms…”
“Nah, I’m good.” Harris says simply, turning his attention back to your stomach. “It would be kinda cool if he was born on Halloween, though.”
You wrinkle your nose. “But then I wouldn’t be able to trick-or-treat with you tonight,” you point out. 
“Oh. Right.” Harris puts a hand on your bump and speaks directly to it. “You stay put until I get my candy.”
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Jeff and his family arrive thirty minutes later, clad in their Winnie-the-Pooh themed costumes. Ettie, held in her mom’s arms, is the titular character. Viv makes the perfect Kanga with a Roo stuffed animal hot-glued in the fabric pouch that stretches over her own bump. 
“That’s a good look for you,” Eddie snorts when Jeff walks in dressed as Eeyore. 
“Right back atcha,” Jeff retorts with a playful smirk. “You’re like a geriatric Ghostface.”
You and Viv share an eye roll at their juvenile banter. “How’re you feeling?” she asks you, strategically ignoring the way Jeff and Eddie are swapping insults. 
“Tired of being pregnant but terrified to give birth.” You laugh as you say it but your words are 100-percent true. As much as you’re ready to have your body back to yourself, delivering a baby is a daunting task. “How about you?” She’s due only one month after you are, and the two of you often commiserate about your respective pregnancies. 
“Exhausted,” she admits, right hand fingers digging into her lower back and massaging it. “Chasing after a two-and-a-half year-old while being almost eight months pregnant is not for the weak.”
Your lips scrunch up sympathetically. “I don’t know how you do it, honestly.” 
As if on cue, Ettie wriggles out of her mother’s grip so she can toddle over to her favorite uncle. Eddie scoops her up, and she greets him with an excited “hi!”
Tears gather at your lash line embarrassingly; the sight of your husband cooing over a young child has your third trimester hormones working in overdrive. You clear your throat and blink them back before anyone can notice. “Who wants to go trick-or-treating?”
Pillowcases in hand, Harris and Ettie cheer loudly as the six–almost eight–of you head out to take on the neighborhood in a conquest for full-size candy bars. You and Viv walk next to them; your husbands lag behind to lock the door.
“You ready to do this with double the amount of kids next year?” Jeff smirks, as Eddie turns the key and jiggles the knob to ensure no one can get it.
Eddie huffs out a laugh. “God, no.” He looks at his long-time friend and grins. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
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broadwaybalogna · 2 months
Zutara prompt: During Zuko's recovery Katara asks him why he took Azula's lightning. For him, the reason couldn't be more clear.
Eeeeeek this is so cuteeeee
Me when Zutara fluff❤️❤️❤️
Zuko was in and out of consciousness the first five days after the Agni Kai. Nurses were rushing in and out of his room at all times during those days. The only thing that remained constant was Katara by his side.
When he first saw her, he hadn’t even remembered how they had gotten together in the first place, the memories of his Agni Kai with Azula still blurry. Then, when he finally had time to reassess himself, he let out a sigh of relief.
Katara was safe, and that meant they won.
Every so often, he would awake to Katara healing him, her hands placed right where the throbbing pain of a lightning strike lay. When her hands were over his chest, however, the pain would subside, and he could properly relax into her touch.
If Katara ever recognized him waking up, she never acknowledged it, her sole focus being on healing him.
He would relax his eyes and fall back asleep after that.
Zuko was finally able to have conversations a week after the Agni Kai, and was soon moved to the Fire Lord’s palace where he would be in the care of Katara and a few other nurses.
“Thank Tui and La you’re okay!” Katara exclaimed when she saw him awake in his own bed.
“Katara,” he rasped out, attempting to start a conversation but falling into a coughing fit.
“Don’t speak! Here, let me get you some water.” Katara left the room only to return two minutes later with a large class of water for Zuko.
Zuko took a few sips and let his body relax to the refreshing water.
“Now,” Katara said, placing a hand on Zuko’s bed beside him, “what were you thinking!? Jumping in front of lighting!? Why!?” She nearly screamed, making Zuko jump at her outburst.
Her eyebrows were knitted with confusion, and her eyes were watery. She quickly dragged her palm against her eyes to make sure no tears spilled. Zuko finally got a good look of her face. Her nose and waterline were a light shade of pink, meaning that she had probably been crying earlier.
Zuko swallowed hard, he didn’t know how to properly convey his emotions through words, there was little he actually knew how to do through words.
After a few long moments of the two of them looking at each other, Zuko finally spoke.
“It was the honorable thing to do,” he affirmed with a sharp nod of his head.
Katara’s mouth gaped open, then closed, then open again. Her eyebrows knitted closer together as she took in Zuko’s entire figure.
“You’re lying,” she said after ten seconds.
“You have a tell. You’re lying.”
Zuko was not lying. Why Katara beloved such a conspiracy was beyond him. He scoffed at her and crossed his arms.
“Tell me the truth!” She pleaded, searching for answers on Zuko’s face.
Zuko watched her with his one good eye. She seemed so distraught, it was a horrible position to see Katara in.
But he wouldn’t back down.
Deep down, Zuko knew he wasn’t telling the entire truth. He knew he was giving excuse after excuse, but the lump in his throat wouldn’t allow him to say anything more.
“Zuko, please! You could have died. You don’t just sacrifice your life for someone because it was the honorable thing to do, that’s stupid! God, you’re so stupid,” she yelled, pacing around Zuko’s new room.
“Fine, then I’m stupid. I’m one big block of stupidity. Does that satisfy you?”
“No!” She nearly screamed, “why did you do it!? Why would you kill yourself for me?”
“Because I love you, Katara!”
She looked at Zuko’s face and her eyebrows finally relaxed.
They kept their positions, staring at each other for what seemed like hours.
Then, under her breath, Katara mumbled something incomprehensible.
“What?” Zuko softly spoke.
“I said that you’re so horribly stupid,” she nearly cried as she ran up to him and pressed her lips against his.
Zuko’s eye widened in surprise at her gesture, then he closed them, leaning into her touch.
When she finally pulled away, she staggered back.
“Spirits, I’m so sorry— I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Zuko felt himself cut her off as he laughed at her outburst.
“What are you doing,” she asked, crossing her arms.
“Yeah,” he sighed, “I’m stupid,” he swallowed the lump in his throat as he continued, “I must be the dumbest person in the world.”
Katara smiled as she walked back towards him.
“Me too,” she chuckled as he lightly grabbed her head and pulled her into another kiss.
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ilikemicrowaves · 7 months
13 and 12 with Carnelian :D
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12: sexuality hc
I project onto Carnelian a lot by giving her some of my traits like not liking change even if she wanted it to happen, so she is Asexual. She uses she/her pronouns but appears very masculine and is a girl kisser. She loves women‼️
OKAY. NOW FOR NUMBER 13!!, this is difficult because there's many possibilities.
13: favorite friendship dynamic?
Dear LORD I would have loved to see more of Umber and Carnelian interacting. Literally SECONDS after Carnelian realized her and Umber fought in the war together she was standing next to him and almost the rest of her existing panels. Like look at this!! Literally besties:
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And since it's stated that Umber and Turtle became friends, I think it would be cute if they had this mini friend group with just the three of them. And they all made matching bracelets together with certain items to represent each other, tui told me herself you can't lie to me.
And I really like the idea of a platonic relationship with her and Moon, but we all know I'm a sucker for their romantic dynamic, haha. But I'll talk about a platonic relationship anyway. I didn't understand at first why they were put together since your clawmate is supposed to help you improve. But then it kind of just clicked in my brain the Moon rarely talks, she's calmer than most dragons but she's also determined, while Carnelian is in a bitchy mood and feels the need to prove herself to someone to seem fit for war, or to become the next skywing general. And you can see that it was working because the day she ironically died, she was being less bitchy to everyone and seemed more comfortable than usual. But Moon couldn't have helped Carnelian become more comfortable with herself if Kinkajou wasn't put into their cave. Kinkajou helped Moon realized that talking to dragons is better than sitting alone like in the rainforest.
Also, a friendship between Winter and Carnelian would take a while imo. But I think they would gain respect for each other because they both want to look out for their new family, and they both created a persona to disguise how insecure they were about themselves.
Thanks for coming to my little rant about Carnelian, I'm so glad you sent an ask, have a good day/night anon!
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wofconfessionsblog · 7 months
due to successfully answering one singular question on my school work i have decided to give myself a lil break🥰
Seawings pretty, me likey bioluminescent dragons
Must make a bunch of seawing hybrids so i can have more glow in the dark dragons
Also seawings should be allowed more colors me thinks
Lionfish (from darkstalker) is white and orange and nothing will ever convince me otherwise
Tui herself could come out and say he's blue and I'll simply choose to ignore it, tui is wrong in this scenario, he is orange
SEAWINGS ARE AWESOME THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE TRIBE (even if they have some of my least favourite characters) (they have tsunami and turtle though so i can forgive them for that)
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mah-o-daryaa · 10 months
The Element of Change
So recently, I wrote a meta regarding the parallels between Aang and Kuruk, and while writing that meta (more specifically, I was writing the part about their respective heritages), I had a sudden realization: Water Tribe Avatars are meant to be the most powerful in the Avatar Cycle. Let me explain.
To understand the elements, we first have to understand their core values, and what they represent (I'm starting to sound like Uncle Iroh lol). For the element of water, there are two particular descriptions in animated media that I remember very well. The first is obviously from Avatar: The Last Airbender, specifically in the episode Bitter Work (Book 2: Episode 9); when Iroh is teaching Zuko lightning redirection, he first gives a brief lesson on the four elements:
"Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want."
"Earth is the element of substance. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring."
"Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly concerns and found peace and freedom. Also, they apparently had pretty good senses of humor!"
"Water is the element of change. The people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things. They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them together through anything."
For now, we will focus on Iroh's lesson on waterbending. He says that water is the element of change. This is true, since water has three distinct states: Solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor or steam). Waterbenders in the North and South Poles grow up adapting to their polar climate by bending the ice and snow, in addition to liquid water (we haven't seen anyone bend steam yet as of now, but waterbenders like Katara have been able to summon water from the atmosphere). Likewise, the Foggy Swamp Tribe adapts to their marshy habitat by learning plantbending; that is, to bend the water inside the plants. Hama invented bloodbending by adapting to the conditions of her dry prison cell, which lacked any liquid water for her to manipulate, and Katara was able to bend her own sweat to escape her and Toph's prison cell at the end of The Runaway (Book 3: Episode 7). If that's not resourceful, I have no clue what is.
Also, can someone please tell me how in the four nations did waterbenders learn to bend from the freaking Moon? I know that Tui and La's mortal bodies are koi fish, but that's still insanely OP to me. If that koizilla is the result of a 12-year-old Air Nomad Avatar merging with the Ocean Spirit, what would happen if a fully realized/adult Water Tribe Avatar merged with La?
The second description of water comes from one of my favorite shows that I used to watch: Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. In the episode Stiix and Stones (Season 5: Episode 47), Nya begins her own training to become the Water Ninja, and Master Wu teaches her the properties of water in detail:
"To become water, you must find its qualities within yourself. While earth is strong and air is fluid, water can be both, strong and fluid. Over time, it's strong enough to carve this rock. Or if I use my cup to stop its flow, it can adapt. It's flexible, shapeless. You put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, Nya."
(The last three lines make a Bruce Lee reference, hehe.)
The above excerpt describes the qualities of water as a combination of the qualities of both earth and air by comparing water to both elements. Like earth, water can be strong and solid (ice), and like air, water can be gaseous, fluid and unpredictable (steam). However, most of the time, water exists in an intermediate liquid state: strong, yet fluid and adaptable; having a definite volume, but always changing shape.
"But Mone," you might begin to question. "What exactly does water have to do with the Avatar Cycle?" The answer is, I'm getting to it now.
To recap, the Avatar Cycle is the concept of the Avatar reincarnating in a cyclical order (fire, air, water, earth), and learning to master the elements in a similar order. Every Avatar is a reincarnation of the first Avatar, Wan. The identity of the Avatar is always changing (like the shape of water), but their duties stay the same (like its volume). As one might say, "Names change, but the streets stay the same." Or perhaps a human equivalent, "New person, same old mistakes." The same goes for the Avatar. For example, Avatar Yangchen reincarnates to Avatar Kuruk, meaning Kuruk is technically Yangchen, but he also has his own identity as the Avatar. Conversely, both Yangchen and Kuruk are technically Wan, too (and have the same duties as he did), but all three have their own distinct identities.
This could also be explained in terms of Raava, the spirit of light and order; she is the spirit that reincarnates with each Avatar. The Avatars of past and present may be from different cultures, have different personalities, and face different conflicts, but one constant is the bond with Raava. Raava's "container" may change with each cycle, but the Avatar's essence remains.
In addition, when the Avatar masters the four elements, he/she is also meant to understand and adopt the principles and philosophies of each of the four nations. As water is the element of change, and the people of the Water Tribes are naturally resourceful and adaptable, this means Water Tribe Avatars, like Kuruk and Korra, can easily adapt to different bending styles, and could thus naturally have a better understanding of the four nations.
This fluidity and adaptability of water are prominent clues to just how powerful a Water Tribe Avatar could potentially be. If you thought a regular waterbender was capable enough, wait until you see a fully realized Avatar hailing from either of the three Water Tribes. Kuruk's legacy as a waterbender, and thus his ability to adapt to any situation is exactly the reason why he was believed to a "go with the flow" type of person, the reason why he was a menace in hunting and on the battlefield, the reason why he excelled at almost anything he tried his hand at, the reason why he, more than any other Avatar in history, was able to adapt to, innovate, and combine the philosophies of the four nations together, into a single identity. Korra's legacy as a waterbender is the reason why she could control three of the four elements as a small child, the reason why she could endure mercury poisoning, which could have lead to instant death to anyone else, the reason why she was able to control the Avatar State immediately. Both Kuruk and Korra could and have demonstrated complete talent and mastery over the four elements, as well as the Avatar State.
This last detail can actually be explained with real-life physics. You ever realize just how quickly water can transform and vary from a gentle and peaceful stream to a violent tsunami? Me too, my dear mutuals.
(If only they had the chance to prove it. I guess they have to compensate their prowess and potential with terrible luck and reputations, both in-universe and in the fandom.)
Tl; dr: Waterbending is OP as hell. In fact, calling it OP would actually be the understatement of the century. Water Tribe Avatars are not weapons, they're the entire nuclear arsenal!
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wrennnies · 1 month
so in the last month ive been on holiday and then got sucked into inazuma eleven, since i was alresdy playing it ill give a short summary of what i thought (plus inaxuma eleven 2) and also the anime!!! (though shorter bc i watched it in a dub of a language i barely know) ill try and play all the inazuma eleven 3 games, i only watched the first season of inazuma eleven go tho.
inazuma eleven 1: it was great!!!! unfortunately ive been endeared to bobby shearers. also i thought the erik plotline went nowhere but i was supposed to get him before kirkwood.... the last battle i beat by mere happenstance, whoops!!! i lovedit tho. ALSO someone pls answer this: are zeus like.... genetically modified humans????? cuz it neverr gets answered, ray darks way of speaking was SO VAGUE. like is the research abt the boys or the steroids????
also nellys so cool i love her. the anime was super cool, but i was confused with its 127 eps since i only played the first game so i thought it mightve been like some anime only stuff??? turns out theres more than one inazuma eleven game.
i think the anime adapted the game pretty well, from what i could understand but i thought celia was way meaner abt jude in the game??? idk if its bc she has the “im gonna end ur life” face all the time in that game that made me think that though.... probably since shes like way more "innocent and cute" in the second game (todd ironside is so wrird i HATE HIMM in the first game)
anyway inazuma eleven 2!!!!!
great game, i called shawn shibuya since i didnt know his english name, or his Japanese one for that matter. the reason i chose shibuya was because i played twewy right before seeing him, and he looks like a shibuya.
speaking of which, i had some names for the people i didnt know the names of!! heres a list of the more interesting ones:
shawn: shibuya
victoria: peach (because her name sounded like peach in the localisation)
sue: girl inlove with erik
dvalin: hades (he looked like a hades)
hurley: dry sea (same reason as victoria)
darren: knockoff mark (look i didnt know anything abt this guy)
knockoff axel (i dont remember his name im sorry but his hairs kinda styled the same way????)
archer: giacomo????? giakomo???? i literally have no idea who or ehat a gyacomo is i just saw him and said "giackomo" SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHO GIACOMO IS, maybe i mixed gakupos name and komo os name together???? but WHY????
camilla: kori (i played time hollow before this and they looked kinda similar)
anyway back on task i really liked the girls, even if they got their ass kicked most of the time... like everyone else 😭😭 also jack was so sexist like WHATTT least mark was like yeah u come over here NOW.
the love stuff was cool, i savestated to ge everyones dialogue lol... i think my favs either toris or celias, its hilar that they dont even CONSIDER celia to be gf material 😭😭😭 but thats fine with me, love her. i liked how nathans mental breakdown was done in the anime betterr than the game since he left himself and bot bc he got the shit beat outta him. also SHAWN FROSTE. KIND????? HE CALLED CLOISTER DIVINITY "CLOTH EARED BEGGARS" AND TOLD SOMEONE THAT THEY HAD A FACE ONLY A MOTHER WOULD LOVE FUCK YOU MEAN KIND???? blunts more accurare i think. hes also scottish so i thought hurleyd be welsh since shawn was scottish and hes north uk so i thought west would be welsh... even if that makes no sense. AND SOUNDTOWN IS SO FUNNY like "hed kill the coach to get that key" lmao???? some of the character sprites are.... interestinf!!!! victoria definitely looks better in the anime 😭😭😭
nah but to learn that these orphans were just cosplaying their ocs while bombing schools is insane LIKE THET GET NO REPRECUSSIONS???? THEY DESTROYRD SCHOOLS ANDI KNOW THEYRE ALL LIKE 12 BUT STILL???? also dvalin is such theatre kid, they ALL ARE.
aliens destroying the world via football is honestly so level 5 i think they found their footing.
linas eng voice does NOT suit her LMAO itsl like a teenagers voice like thats a grown ass woman bro
caleb is cool tho love his insane sprite
like did jordan EVER apologise for destorying a bunch of schools??? i prolly shouldnt say bombing cuz they werent bombs...
also i thouggt for SURE this franchise would be more popular like ONLY 2,861 FICS ON AO3 FROM A SERIES THAT LARGE????? FUCK OFF... LIKE PROFRSSOR LAYTON HASLIKE TEN THOUDAND OR SMTH STUPID??? and i also need to know which game i can recruit professor layton to football fight with me
and jordan was done SO DIRTY in sesson 3 LIKE NOOO COME BACK :(((((
and i thought axel x mark would be WAYYY more popular than it is???? like i cant believe caleb x jude is the most popular thing on ao3 😭😭
also i cant believe jordan and xavier adopted kariya and its ONLY MENTIONED IN THE DISCONTINUED GACHA GAME???? like isnt that breaking SOME sort of workplace relationship rule?????
im glad to see nelly and mark together, tho it makes me a bit sad to think what silvia wouldve thought bc she def was there when it happened, i also read some of the fandom pages for them and he gets married to camilla in an au???? like GOD silvia cant catch a BREAK
also go was really good!!! hate that pikachu fucker though. /j they got people that arent british!!!! and i got spoilt via my sister. cant believe hurley whirley wasnt in season ine tho wtf. caleb also lookslike a middle aged mother when hes older lmao. i also hate that fuck ass dog for a moment i thoight he was gonna start talking like a certain other level five dog i could name, SHERLY.
and im guessing tenma isnt in orion bc hes dead since axel wasnt alienating himself to save him that time....
i got spoilers and i thought that shawns dead bro was actually alive 😭😭😭 in inazuma eleven
descole and stahnguns secret love child is also cool, love the new captain even if hes rich and plays piano
and i think thats it!!!! thanks for reading if uve read this far lol
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catboybiologist · 8 months
What bird call/sound is your favorite?
There are SO MANY answers I could give here, but there's one that has a cute little personal flair for me.
When I volunteered at a bird banding station, I was being trained in the nets by someone much more experienced than me. As we were working, we heard an adorable, rapid fire "didididididi" kind of call, that quickly cut off. He instantly said "oh, look up!!" Sure enough, an American kestrel was flying overhead.
Except the call had come from the bush behind us.
It was the alarm call of an American Bushtit (yes hahaha bird is called tit you may laugh). They use it to signal when predators fly overhead, or when one walks by on the ground. When you're walking around and hear it, oftentimes they're actually calling because of you- but if you're still, and you hear it, look up and around! You'll never know what you see.
For raw musicality, the Tui of New Zealand stole my heart when I visited years ago. And the locality of each clan across Aotearoa means that you hear so many unique calls across the islands, just from Tui!!! Add in the rest of them and it's just... Wow. I need to go back some day.
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innerpalaces · 3 months
The Doting Love Story's Female Supporting Role Has Quit - 2
Chapter 2: What If I Break Off All Ties With You?
There was a clap of loud thunder outside and the candlelight in the room was dim.
Mu Yunzhi's cold mask cracked inch by inch under the candlelight, and a look of astonishment that he could hardly conceal appeared on his face.
Looking at this surprised expression, Nian Chaoxi felt an inappropriate sense of pleasure in her heart.
Over the years, the City Lord Mu Yunzhi had become less and less emotional. She can no longer see through him. Behind that cold and indifferent mask, she never knows what he's thinking.
He was getting better and better at hiding his emotions, even from his fiancée.
But when facing Wu Yan, he always laughed heartily or got angry.
Only things related to Wu Yan can arouse his emotions.
She thought that even if she asked to cancel the engagement today, he would just calmly ask her why.
But unexpectedly, he would have other expressions when facing her.
But soon, he suppressed that slight emotion, frowned slightly and said: "Xixi, stop making trouble."
Even if she said such words, in his mind it was just nonsense.
Nian Chaoxi originally thought that she would be angered by his words, but she felt much calmer than she expected. She even chuckled and asked him, "Do you think I'm kidding?"
Mu Yunzhi: "I just think that you should wait until you calm down before making any decisions. You are just taking your anger out on me because of A'Yan's matter."
"But why?" Nian Chaoxi asked back, leaving Mu Yunzhi stunned for a moment.
The girl, whose face was still pale from her illness, picked up a delicate teacup on the table nonchalantly and said in a calm tone, "Why do you think that when I calm down, I will choose to wrong myself?"
"Just like this teacup," she raised the cup to eye level and said softly, "If I don't like it, I won't let it appear in front of me, no matter what."
The white and slender fingers that were pale as peeled onions loosened, and Mu Yunzhi's favorite cup fell to the ground.
Porcelain fragments flew between the two of them, and he looked at her amid the sound of shattering with an unfathomable expression.
But Nian Chaoxi no longer wanted to guess what he was thinking.
So for a moment, neither of them spoke, and the whole room was dead silent.
After a while, the guard outside the door knocked gently and whispered, "City Lord, Vice City Lord, Master Zong Shu and Master Shen Tui are outside the door asking to see you. It must be something urgent."
Mu Yunzhi said coldly: "Tell them to come see me tomorrow."
"Yes." The guard responded, and the footsteps gradually faded away.
Nian Chaoxi was inexplicably distracted.
The City Lord is Mu Yunzhi, and the "Vice City Lord" is her.
Because the old City Lord once said that no matter who will be the City Lord in the future, Nian Chaoxi will have the same standing as the City Lord.
Therefore, she has always been the Vice City Lord.
She came back to her senses and asked casually, "They want to see you, why don't you meet them?"
Mu Yunzhi did not answer, but said solemnly: "Give me a reason to cancel the engagement."
A reason?
Nian Chaoxi originally thought that her main reason would be the novel, but when he actually asked her, she remembered the scene when she first stepped into the study.
Mu Yunzhi silently looked at Wu Yan kneeling in the yard through the window.
Silence, depression, and all kinds of complex and unspeakable emotions are hidden in that look.
Nian Chaoxi had never seen Mu Yunzhi look at someone with such eyes, nor had she ever seen him hide behind a closed window when he wanted to look at someone.
At that moment, she suddenly understood everything.
When he brought up the incident from two years ago to exonerate Wu Yan, she was not surprised at all.
Two years ago, Nian Chaoxi and Wu Yan were trapped in a secret trial realm in Yuejian City.
There was a demonic fog rising in the secret realm. Others noticed something was wrong and went to rescue them. When they found them, both of them were unconscious on the edge of the cliff, and Nian Chaoxi's sword was stuck in Wu Yan's shoulder.
The sword missed her heart by an inch.
But neither of them remembered what happened.
There was no third person in the secret realm, and Wu Yan was injured by Nian Chaoxi's sword. Some people thought that Nian Chaoxi's mind was affected by the evil fog and she accidentally injured Wu Yan.
This is just a milder guess.
Nian Chaoxi's personality is not very likable, and she has made too many enemies. Some people even speculate that she had been at odds with her adopted sister for a long time, and this time she took advantage of the situation to deliberately attack Wu Yan.
The accusation of harming her adopted sister was directly put on her.
At that time, the entire city was in an uproar because of this incident, and people were spreading the story of how the daughter of the God of War tried to murder her adopted sister.
Only Nian Chaoxi knew that the sword was definitely not stabbed by her.
Because her old illness had relapsed long before she fell into a coma, and she couldn't even lift the sword.
But no one believed her.
Later, these rumors were quelled by Mu Yunzhi.
Nian Chaoxi always felt that since he was willing to take action to resolve the rumors, it meant that he believed in her.
It was not until today, when he accidentally brought up the incident two years ago to justify Wu Yan's breaking of the seal, that she realized that he was also convinced that she had hurt Wu Yan.
He didn't believe her.
But even so, this matter was completely different from Kunlong Abyss.
Before the dark dragon was sealed, it ate up thirteen human cities in a row, and hundreds of thousands of people were buried in the dragon's belly.
Her father fought with it for seven days and seven nights but was unable to kill it. He had no choice but to place a blood seal on it. As long as it didn't die out, his bloodline would trap the dark dragon in the Kunlong Abyss for generations to come.
After her father's death, it was she, as the continuation of her father's bloodline, who suppressed the dark dragon.
Her cultivation level is far inferior to her father's, and she is simply unable to completely suppress the dark dragon. She can only strengthen the blood seal every ten years.
In this situation, if there was even the slightest mistake and the dark dragon escaped from Kunlong Abyss, the entire Yuejian City would be swallowed in one bite.
It was only because she arrived in time that all this had not happened yet, so it can be pretended that Wu Yan never did it.
She had never seen Mu Yunzhi fail to distinguish between public and private affairs like this.
Nian Chaoxi closed her eyes, feeling disappointed and angry.
They had been childhood sweethearts for nearly a hundred years, and an engaged couple for decades. All these emotions collapsed in one day.
She even wanted to ask Mu Yunzhi, if he really liked Wu Yan so much, why didn't he say so?
It was clearly he who took the initiative to propose marriage to her father.
So she asked, "Mu Yunzhi, why did you ask my father for this engagement?"
Mu Yunzhi frowned and replied, "Uncle was looking for a husband for you at that time."
Nian Chaoxi: "But he never thought of choosing you."
Mu Yunzhi said calmly: "Uncle didn't want you to marry far away. He wanted to find a man who can tolerate and protect you for the rest of your life. I am the most suitable person."
After the words fell, Nian Chaoxi was silent for a moment.
She asked, "That's all?"
Mu Yunzhi was slightly puzzled: "Do you need another reason?"
So Nian Chaoxi understood.
Why did Mu Yunzhi suddenly bring up engagement back then? Because her father had done a lot of favors for the Mu family and the entire Yuejian City.
He just wanted to repay the favor.
Her father was invincible in his life, and the only thing he cared about was her, a daughter who was born with deficiencies.
So he planned to marry her as her father wished and promised to protected her for the rest of her life.
He thought that this was his way of repaying a favor.
So, Nian Chaoxi was not Nian Chaoxi. In his eyes, perhaps she was just the "daughter of the God of War", an object for him to use to repay a debt.
She was silent for a while, and suddenly seemed relieved and said, "In that case, let's cancel the engagement. It will be good for both you and me."
She can still cultivate feelings even if there is no affection, but if the other party only sees her as an obligation to repay a favor, what is the point of the engagement.
But Mu Yunzhi still refused to give in.
He only said three words in a deep voice: "I don't agree."
"I don't agree. Marriage is not a joke. Since I promised uncle, I will not break my promise. I also hope that you will think it over before talking to me about this matter."
Nian Chaoxi's expression suddenly turned cold.
He didn't ask her reason.
Perhaps no matter what the reason was, in his eyes it was insignificant and just the pampered and willful nature of his benefactor's little daughter.
Thunder roared outside the window, and lightning shone through the window, illuminating two equally cold faces.
There were footsteps hurriedly crossing the courtyard, followed by the guard's panicked voice: "Master Zong Shu, you can't go in!"
The next moment, Wu Yan's cry came from the courtyard: "Brother Zong Shu! What are you doing..."
"Get up!" A hoarse voice sounded from the courtyard: "It's going to rain soon, how long are you going to kneel down!"
"But I..." Wu Yan's voice was panicked.
"Get up." Zong Shu interrupted her without hesitation.
Nian Chaoxi listened to the familiar voice, pushed the door open and walked out.
Mu Yunzhi paused and then followed her out.
The man in the yard glanced over with eagle-like eyes like lightning, meeting Nian Chaoxi's calm gaze.
He paused imperceptibly.
He carried a complete set of medical equipment but wore a thick black robe, with his black hair untied and hanging behind him. He had an unruly temperament and looked more like a madman than a medical practitioner.
But this mad doctor was her personal physician and also her best friend whom she had known for several decades.
Behind him, several guards from the main courtyard knelt down and said, "We failed to stop Master Zong Shu. Please punish us, City Lord."
As they finished speaking, a figure in white came in from behind the door with a sigh and whispered, "I'm sorry, Xixi, I didn't stop him."
Nian Chaoxi glanced at him and said calmly, "If you really wanted to stop him, isn't it easy?"
Shen Tui, the lead strategist of Yuejian City, said he was out maneuvered by a medical practitioner?
Not only did he not stop him, he also followed him in. It's easy to imagine why.
Shen Tui smiled bitterly and did not refute.
Nian Chaoxi no longer looked at him and said to the guard calmly, "Everyone go back."
The guards hesitated for a moment, and when they saw Mu Yunzhi nodded, they lowered their heads and retreated.
Nian Chaoxi looked at Zong Shu and said, "Why are you here instead of staying in your medicine room?"
His hoarse voice was cold: "If I stay there any longer, I'm afraid it won't be long before A'Yan is carried into my medicine room!"
He had injured his throat in his early years, and his voice had always been hoarse and unpleasant, but now it sounded even more sinister.
When he said this, he kept looking at Nian Chaoxi.
Nian Chaoxi asked calmly, "So you are blaming me? But was it me who made her kneel? Or was it me who made her go to Kunlong Abyss? Nothing happened this time, so Wu Yan still has the chance to be carried into the medicine house. If something had happened, who do you think would have been carried into the medicine house today?"
He pursed his lips.
The next moment, the rebellious doctor slowly said: "I made a slip of the tongue, but even so, A'Yan shouldn't kneel down till the end of time because of a momentary impulse."
Nian Chaoxi said in a cold voice: "Then should the hundreds of thousands of mortals in Yuejian City be nearly buried in the dragon's belly because of her impulsiveness?"
Zong Shu's eyes were full of rebellion: "I will bear all the guilt she has committed."
Nian Chaoxi sneered: "I'm afraid you can't afford it."
Zong Shu: "Then at most, you can take my life."
Nian Chaoxi was silent.
Then, she seemed to calm down suddenly and asked, "So you must take her away today?"
Zong Shu: "I must take her away."
Nian Chaoxi said calmly: "What if I tell you that if you take her away today, we will completely break ties and there will be no friendship between you and me from now on, what will you do?"
As soon as she finished speaking, Zong Shu's pupils suddenly shrank.
The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, and everyone looked over. Looking at Nian Chaoxi's calm face, no one could tell whether that setence was an empty threat or a sincere one.
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tuillenius · 26 days
I pin this:
• I am 43 and !!!!!!NOT STRAIGHT!!!!!! IM NOT! NOT! NOOOOT! NOT looking for a nice, chit chat with males. Let’s just say it how it really is! Our heads, likes and hearts are way too different. U need to find and court an ordinary straight girls. They will be right in ur alley. Bcoz! They are EVERYWHERE! Best of luck to thee.
• I am spiritual, believe in God almighty, creator of all souls. I believe in reincarnation. I am a fatalist. I’m ambivalent. I sing Karaoke and I’m pretty good, in the standard of Karaoke singer.
• I learned to be polite in public as well as internet. I would never, ever, ever do online, something, I could not do offline. To someone. Only cowards, meanie’s and damaged peoples hurt peoples online! Or offline…
• If I don’t answer back to msg, it is to avoid even bigger offence. Either u are not my cup of tea.((Male!)) or something else is kindawa, red flaggish. Sometimes not answering is an answer itself. But it really is not my way… I’m trying mi best to be a lady woman.
• I came here. Because… I dislike social media (fb. Etc.) They bring on stress and bad energy and in all earnestly… I miss you, ardent Gentleman Jack fan lady. I miss your thoughts about Annes. I miss similar minded company. I wish, peoples were more sticky with it, here. I have been a Lister fan before GJ. I had nothing much… Now : I have the world… New books, there are other fans…. Nothing is over… It is just the rough beginning.
About Gentleman Jack. Im just sharing this. Because, it can bring hope to fellow fans. Even this is a fortune telling but GJ will be back with season 3, either HBO comes to their senses, or someone else will pick it up. It won’t be going anywhere else than on, on and more on!
I also like Marilyn Monroe but… This fandom has… Alot’s of…. How can I put this nicely…. Umm… Errrh… I give u and e.g from my “fb times in MM groups, as e.g what I try to say… “I wish mama Marilyn is in heaven, said repeatedly in every posts….EVER!” *Marilyn is Jeshua!* *I am right about Marilyn u are wrong!* Marilyn related fights over… NOTHING BIG…. Good lord! I am so happy I’m outta fb! 🤣❤️✌️👌🙏😂
If you are having weird bodily symptoms. The doctors cannot find anything wrong with you or your blood. You should try: Low Oxalate Diet.
I am compelled to add more health related stuff here. My elder sister has saved her mobility and life with Keto. I am sadly following her footsteps. I have an alien in my belly. ((I have broken mesh-hernia-mesh there.)) I WAS, pre-diabetic. I have blood pressure. We’re to not eat carbs. Which is sugar. Bad humans are trying to kill us with Sugars and trans-fats. Addictions. Please stop using Canola oil! (Rypsi-öljy!) It was only be used in metal-machinery , max and never on humans! Use any of these, they are HEALTHY NOT UN-HEALTHY! : Butter. Ghee. Coconut oil. TRUE VIRGIN OIL! Not the diluted shit… That all said. U don’t have to believe me, in anything here. But it is what I believe in. We all have our own path, in life. Thank you for reading. May God Bless you, for your kindness! ~ Tui
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
A Method to De-Stress
Warning: None. Just a very silly tickle fic. Romantic pairing. Tickly kisses. Lee!Aang and Ler!Katara. Around 1000 words.
Kanene's notes: Found myself wanting to write a loving fic with Katara and Aang being the most PRECIOUS and SOFTEST w each other except for Katara having the need for blood laughter. I will post a title and organize everything better tomorrow abshyegebsjs I am sleepy.
Katara could swear she was feeling a vein on her forehead about to explode from the sheer amount of stress that only grew stronger with each line of the report she read about the reconstruction of the South Pole. Not for the first time she wished that Appa could fly quicker, not for the first time she hoped he wouldn’t.
Huffing a tired breath - she was supposed to be enjoying the little alone time she got with Aang, and instead… - she closed the paper with a decisive fluid movement, shoving it on her purse before looking at her boyfriend.
The Avatar was too focused on directing the flying bison to notice her stare, giving the waterbender plenty of time to watch at him with what her brother called ‘gooey eyes’ before a very specific smile grazed her lips.
The perfect idea of how de-stress just flicked on her mind.
“Aang, sweetie, can you come here, please?”
The other turned around with the same happy excitement he always had when Katara used the sweet petname, blinding smile and a loving gaze that got too unfocused for a few seconds before he managed to get his head out of the clouds painting his features.
“Alright!” He then turned to Appa, petting his head. “I will be right back, ok, buddy? Just keep flying forward and soon enough we'll take a break with plenty of berries for you to eat!” 
Then, in a blink, he was jumping over the saddle and poppling himself in front of the girl, his entire body facing hers, faces close and attentive eyes clued on her, as if Katara was the wind in a good day for sail, guiding and pulling him close like a nature force that he couldn’t bother (nor want) to fight against.
That was perfect for her idea, of course, even if she wanted to laugh and coo about how easy the airbender was making this for her.
“What is it, KatarAH!”
She smiled, softly, innocently, as happy as a polar goose bear who just got their prey as she watched the other shout a loud, incessant laughter. The surprised sound filling and running across the entire atmosphere, chasing the birds in the air and jumping around the clouds as her hands - still attached to his sides no matter how much he squirmed and trashed - squeezed and tickled the spot freely, without a single worry in the world.
“BWAHAHAAIT! WAIT, WHYHIHIHI!” With a content and a tad questioning hum she gently lowered him to the floor when her fingers, skilled from years and years of tickle fights and surprise wiggle attacks with Sokka, wormed their way to the delightful, horribly ticklish base of Aang’s spine, prodding and poking incessantly at the spot as the younger’s his legs gave out under him.
“Why what, Aang? What is the matter? Did something happen for you to get so giggly out of sudden?”
“YEHEHES!” Tui and La, Katara almost forgot how cute his voice gets when she tickles his spine with tiny, careful pinches, each one of them pulling more and more squeaky shrieks. “Yohoho’re tihihIIIIH TIcklING mHEHEHE! Mwhehehe! Nohohohoho!”
“Tickling you?” Katara gasped, ignoring the avatar’s hands batting hers, the touch both too uncoordinated and too light to really diverge her from her objective, the tip of her fingers dancing upwards to scratch all the sensitive spots on his ribs, making his laugher much more high pitched and lost in hysterical giggles for him to do much more than nod non stop to answer her question. “But how so! I am simply resting my hands here, on your very ticklish ribs and there is no problem with me choosing to rest them here, is there? I spend the whooole morning working, they’re tired from writing so much. You won’t force your own girlfriend to take them away, will you, Aang, sweetie?”
“Mmmmhehehehee! Katara!!” He tried to squirm, cheeks involuntary getting hotter with both the nickname and how his muscles melted with the careful touch and silly teases. Still, the light, unbearable tickles kept following every little twist and wiggle of his torso with a determination that could rival Zuko’s when he wanted to capture him. “Ihihihit tickles sohohoh much!!” 
“Please, Aang? Pleeeease.”
He made the horrible mistake of opening his eyes, only for them to be captured by the biggest, prettiest and bluest gaze he had ever seen in his life (and he had seen very beautiful things!), and suddenly every single muscle in his body gave up, all the fight flying away from his spirit in a single giddy breath. She indeed had worked so much these days…
Oh, he was done for, wasn’t he?
“Really?” She beamed, and grey eyes watched the exact moment the innocent, pleading disappeared her gaze and was promptly overpowered by a hungry, predatory smirk. “Perfect.”
He felt as the hands that, before, were barely fluttering against his skin closed in fists, knuckles now resting on the tickle spot, and in a sudden hysterical piece of second he realized exactly what he just walked in.
And then she attacked.
“Thank you, Aang!” Her words were playful and happy as she peppered a series of quick butterflies kisses on his red cheeks, little huffs of snickers painting her tone as the act only made the other’s tired giggles flow faster.
“Nooo,” his hands were clued on her shoulders, caught between the need to push Katara away before the moment grow into a second tickle attack and basking on how nice the lovely kisses felt. “Yohohou know thahat my cheeks are tihihihicklish!”
With a last chuckle, Katara laid a last kiss on his forehead, finally letting the boy snicker, titter and snigger his way out of the giddiness of the tickling and the adrenaline of the surprise attack. His arms let her go to hug his own torso, a couple of tired kicks being the materialization of the somersaults his stomach kept doing.
Both of them carried gigantic smiles on their faces (one a tad more adoring than the other, that is true) and a joyful wrinkle around their eyes, clothes being softly jolted by the wind as Appa calmly kept passing under the clouds.
Katara knew that there would be more problems and papers and responsibilities and choices waiting for her, no matter the place or time, that was just life.
Still, with Aang's laughter still ringing clear on her ears, Momo jumping on her shoulders to convince her to give him a snack and a grin still stretched on her face, suddenly none of this felt so overwhelming. 
"I do." She chuckled and Aang's smile blossomed wider, probably already thinking about revenge and surprising attacks, she would have to be careful to not let him out of her vision field for the day. "That I do."
A wonderful method to de-stress, indeed.
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thebrilliot · 5 months
Rubiks' cube agent development decisions
This is just me thinking out loud.
I have decisions to make. I have built a code foundation that can generate Rubiks' cube data now and I also have a ginormous dataset (the strategic_game_cube by laion) sitting on my computer. It is extremely poorly optimized for space and they use the yellow side of the cube for the top smh. I liked the idea of using an existing dataset so that the length of the agents' solves could be compared against other agents' on the same dataset. However, I literally don't know of anyone else working on a Rubiks' cube solving agent.
Decision #1: Use strategic_game_cube dataset or custom dataset/training environment?
Then my next decision is how much more time do I spend in Rustland? Do I make what currently exists accessible from Python and just go for it? Do I make what currently exists usable from the TUI? Do I continue in Rust until I can't any longer? Do I make a fleshed out CLI tool so the steps to the process are reproducible? (Do I write tests... well, I suppose I should test things before I move on and assume that everything is working right... well, I added some things but they aren't really necessary for the primary objective, I just wanted to see if I could do them... well, actually they might be necessary for the loss function... I just don't want to have to add stuff to the TUI. I've tried so many different UI libraries and I actually like HTML/CSS the best. I just need someone to teach me one UI library. Like a 5-hour lesson and then I think it would at least be intelligible, if not less annoying to make things go where I want them to.)
Hmmmm... I really don't want this to be another project that I started and abandoned, but I also really don't want to spend forever trying to expand the TUI so I can test the things I need to and then find out I'm not good enough to do it and then give up. If I spend forever procrastinating, I can't fail, right? The downside is that procrastinating eventually turns into forgetting which is the same as abandoning. So, *sigh* I don't currently have all the time in the world to spend on this project, but I will agree to spend 1 hour on the TUI to gauge the difficulty of testing the new feature. (I made a function that takes the (non-commutative) difference of two Rubiks' cubes, which is a thing you can do with group theory because 3x3x3 Rubiks' cubes are a subgroup of the S 48 group. I plan on using it to compare Rubiks' cube states along a path to see if longer segments of the path can be replace with shorter segments.)
Decision #2: Test or don't test? (Unfortunately, I know the answer to this one.)
Decision #3a: How to make the process accessible and reproducible?
Decision #3b: When to write the README.md and make the repo public?
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lunarduties · 4 months
azula said: i know you. with every passing moment, you fear that you might have missed your chance to make something of your life. ― ( ACCEPTING! ) ↬ @heirscrchd
she is quick to suppress the way her eyes widen at the other's words. years of etiquette training kick in when needed most, when she surprises herself by having a gut reaction that involves whipping around and raising her voice. and though yue does not give her the satisfaction of seeing her come undone, the deep-seated part of her that has been hurt is proof enough that azula has succeeded in some way.
❛      i believe you have the wrong impression of me.      ❜        she says calmly, attempting to hide the tightness in her throat. yue refuses eye contact, opting instead to stare out at the horizon.         ❛ my place as princess is here. i am incredibly lucky to have been born into this role, and so, to serve my tribe is to make the most of my life. they are one in the same. ❜
gloved fingers curl against the ice wall she leans against. she has given a diplomatic answer to a personal question, one that rings with both truths and falsehoods. yes, yue is beyond grateful for her life . . . for the second chance tui granted her. but whether or not she is fulfilled in it is another question.
somewhere far beyond the ocean she's gazing at is the avatar and his companions. each of them had changed something staunchly rooted in her during their stay in the north pole. they had shown her there is more out there to the world, to life. betrothal necklace still heavy on her neck, she had not been able to fly away with them.
❛      there is little use waxing and waning over what could be.      ❜        she says more gently this time, even as she does just that.         ❛ we are needed in the present, where the work can be done. ❜
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filopay · 1 year
Tumblr media
sixteen | he/him | Human | Nord
Oh I'm not scared mother Can't you hear he calls my name Oh boy, the sky's not speaking And the wind will never learn your name Oh no you're wrong mother And the wind and I, I think we'll run away
— Finnegan Tui
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ~Hatred
"I know it's not ideal." 
She says that every time you both set up the small little camp built out of twigs and leaves somewhere in the woods. As if it would change the situation, make it more bearable.
"I still remember the first blanket I made you." Her smile was weak, but her eyes glistened with fondness, as she tried to cushion the floor beneath your shelter, "You were so small back then, it swallowed you whole, but eventually you grew into it. You could never fall asleep without it." 
Her smile dropped then, as if realising that everything you have ever owned, every story behind it, was lost.
"I remember." Perhaps a small condolence, but for a moment her strained smile returned.
She laid out her coat on the wet wooden floor beneath the makeshift shelter, she never asked you to take off yours for the both of you to lie in. You noticed everything she had ever done, she did for you. Even if it meant, leaving everything behind. She never hesitated.
Sometimes you wonder if she regrets her decision. If she regrets having you. When will she realise that you are a mere burden to her?
"That should do it. You go in first, munchkin." 
"Where are you going?" She always leaves to make sure you are both safe. You know she barely sleeps to keep an eye on you too, you can see it in the shadows beneath her eyes. 
So far she always returned to you, you always found each other even amidst the chaos, but what if she can't find you? What if one time, she does not return?
"Don't worry." She smiles and draws a warm hand over your cheek, as if sensing your worries, "Make yourself comfortable. It won't be like this forever. Soon we'll be back in a cozy and warm bed, behind the safety of the walls and there will be no need to run anymore. I promise."
"When?" You ask despite knowing the answer.
"When we manage to have you do the proper ritual. When the God of Mountains will accept you."
"I have to perform a great hunt for that. All I do is hide."
"All when the time is right. Sleep now. I will be back shortly."
That too was something you have heard her say a lot since you both had been forced to flee into the woods. You're no longer certain that there will ever be a right time. How can you prove yourself, when she won't let you?
“You always pretend like nothing is wrong, but they took our home from us and now want to kill us. You don’t even hate them for it. Like we deserved what happened.” You scoff, not understanding how she can remain so positive despite it all not being your fault.
She halts for a moment, the smile from before is replaced with worry. “Don’t- Arn, look at me.” You begrudgingly tilt your head to meet her gaze, “We did not deserve any of it, Fate was playing against us. The people had chosen, they are afraid and think that the new ways are giving them more security, but it's not the system that is wrong. Not only.”
“So you do hate the scholar too.” 
“It’s okay to be angry, but don’t let your heart darken from it. They won, fair and just. I agreed to the rules and we would be a bad loser if we do not respect their win. So, no, I do not hate them for it. I think it was the right time for a change.”
“Why would the people like them better than us? We have been ruling over the North for generations. The scholar just arrived a few weeks prior to my coronation. It is just not fair.”
“I know the timing makes it look even worse.” She says with a tired sigh and you realise only now, that she must have been trying to appear strong for you, hiding her own frustration well, “I can’t promise you that it will all get back to how it was, that we will reclaim the throne, I think our time is over, but I can promise you, that we will no longer need to hide. That we do not need to be afraid for our lives and hide in the trees. You will sleep in safety. I will promise you that.”
You drop your head with a heavy heart. “I still hate them.” They took your big day from you, they ruined it all. How can she so easily forgive?
She hums, a sad look in her eyes. “It is your right to do so. Yet, you should try to sleep. We will discuss our options tomorrow.”
You watch as she gets up with alert eyes before disappearing into the darkness to lead any pursuers astray. She didn't even take her coat with her.
You try to do as she said. You try to make yourself comfortable, but her absence and the fear riddled with the growing hatred within your heart was making it difficult. If only you could do something to help. Make a difference yourself. But you couldn’t. You were nothing but a burden to her and powerless in a world that was ruled by power. You were only a child in the eyes of the adults around you. How can you change that?
You close your eyes, try to quiet the voices in your head. That the coat was smelling of her sweet and calm scent did help a little and soon you found yourself slowly drifting off. Afterall, it had never been about the blanket she had made for you, it was about having something of your mother close.
Even if she herself, seldom was.
[ 967 words ]
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Balancing Acts Series
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: ShaShirRa
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Strong Language, Violence, Child Abuse
Word Count: 205,921
Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph Beifong, The Gaang, Zuko's Crew, Jee, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Agni, Tui, La, Other OC Spirits, Yue, Original Characters, Toph Beifong's Parents, Dabogong, Ursa, Ozai, Azulon, Lu Ten, Original Female Character(s)
Tags: I Don't Even Know, Ozai Being a Terrible Parent, Ozai is an Asshole, Give Zuko a hug 2k19, I think we'll call this Zuko's rebellious phase, He should have rebeled, 13 is like the perfect age for that, What am I doing, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, AU, This is an AU, I am throwing canon in the trash, and lighting it on fire, don't get me wrong I love canon, but there were things they couldn't address because KIDS SHOW, Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Violence towards children, Physical Trauma, Psychological Trauma, other tags to come probably, I don't actually know how long this will be, also, Korra never happens in my AU, Ever, Because my Lore is more canon than canon lore, Using some real-life Gods/Myths because pre-Korra Spirit names are hard to find, Ursa POV, Iroh POV, Probably multiple POV, Spirit Shenanigans, Spirit World, Zuko is 13, Warning: Contains my love affair with italics, I'm trying not to use them so much I swear, But I Love Them, POV update: There are multiple, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Blindness, Toph Being Awesome, Badass Toph Beifong, Original Character(s), Myths and Lore, Spirits, Spirit Animals, Spirit deities, Azula Redemption, The redemption no one asked for but that I need, Character Study, Physical Abuse, Mental Health Issues, Azula is a child that needs a good adult, This girl isn't the type that needs to be saved, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Just heavily encouraged by someone not insane, So really, she just needs an adult, and possibly her brother, but don't tell anyone she does, because she can and will deny it, then set you on fire
Of spirits and men (and the burning paths they trod)
They say that in the beginning, Dragons taught the first fire benders how to live a life of flames and burning purpose. They say Agni chose the first Fire Lord because he was a boy with unending passion who became a man with great loyalty. Who better to lead his children than one who loved them absolutely? But times have changed. The Fire Lords stopped listening to him ages ago, and now - Now his real chosen has been spurned, cast out, abandoned. The Fire Nation will pay for ignoring him. The Fire Nation will answer for the imbalance it has allowed. The Fire Nation will not ignore him this time -he'll make sure of it.
Book one: Chapters > 1-21 Book two: Chapters > 22 -?
Fooled by your eyes (makes for easy lies)
Her parents call her weak. They think she's helpless. She might be blind but they're the ones who don't see her. Toph Bei Fong knows who she is, and as soon as she's great enough, she'll shove that knowledge at her parents until they do understand.
The soft taste of fear (leaves a bitterness)
Azula has never understood normality -other people are just puzzle pieces that don't fit. Mother says 'I love you,' but her smile is all wrong. Father says 'You're my legacy,' and his eyes tell her she should run. Uncle drinks his tea and smiles, a quiet danger. (Lu Ten was never dangerous, except when he took Zuzu's attention.) And then there was her brother. Her Zuzu. He was the only one that made sense. The only one that made her make sense.
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nightwingsaregoths · 1 year
I really want to know how Princess Greatness got that battle scar across her chest, and frankly the explanation from the fanfiction The Mostly True Memoirs of a NightWing Princess by Fatespeaker on fanfiction.net is enough for me but I have so many questions about NightWings and what they were up to before 5004 A.S. and I'm lowkey considering just sending Tui fanmail about it. Like, who was Fierceteeth’s father? What was his relationship with Farsight like? When did they discover that Stonemover was an animus? How do you become Royal Scientist? Who are all the other unnamed NightWings who were in the council chamber during that one scene in The Dark Secret? Will there ever be more information about the conspiracy? I'm hoping that the Guide might give me some information but obviously it won't answer all of my questions.
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