#give me ronance
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the look of love
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nlxxiz · 2 years
Its day 130 since I've last seen ronance and i honestly wanna kms
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yotaasuke · 2 years
If they bring stancy back I’m gonna kms
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xstian · 2 years
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i don't know what this is (modern coffee shop au brainrot)
edit: there’s a part 2 here !! and a part 3 here !!
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snowangeldotmp3 · 8 months
hey do you guys ever think about the fact that in season 3 robin chooses to stay behind so erica and dustin can escape the russians? she chooses to stay with steve and hold the door so dustin and erica can get out. she doesn't know these kids. not as well as steve does, at least. and yet she still chooses to stay behind. it's not a huge moment. in fact, it's a blink and you'll miss it moment, but it's the fact that she chooses to put herself into the danger for these kids that she does not know. she is willingly to be caught and captured and tortured by russians. all she wanted was to get through her shitty job.
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ty-the-trainwreck · 5 months
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this is nancy right before she rejects steve, eyes squinted and it almost looks like she’s cringing as she’s trying to speak. not a drop of romantic love or anything that would resemble that in her eyes as she looks at him.
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suddenly, robin returns. her eyes are visibly wider now, but her lips have relaxed. you can notice how her eyebrows are also not furrowed anymore. her face has grown visibly softer. her face isnt as tight as it was whenever she was looking at steve.
because now, she’s looking at robin.
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(ignore text since i’m making a ronance edit rn but also dont ignore)
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thekeythief · 2 years
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Girlfriends that battle world-ending-monsters together, stay together 💪💘🌈
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solamentejess · 2 years
me getting ready for Volume 2 after spending the entire month foolishly convincing myself that Ronance, Steddie, and Byler will become canon:
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gayargyle · 2 years
nancy continuously pairs herself off with robin because the last time she left her friend alone it didn’t end well. she keeps choosing robin because she didn’t choose barb.
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unclewaynemunson · 8 months
The sequel to Nancy Wheeler's lesbian awakening has arrived :D
While Robin is out on her date with Vickie, Nancy is sitting alone in her room, using the excuse of doing homework to never get out of there again. She has a history book and her notebook on the desk in front of her, but can't even bring herself to read a single letter. The only thing she's able to do is to stare at the pages blindly, while her mind is completely elsewhere. She doesn't see any of the black-and-white pictures in the book in front of her. No, all she sees is color: Robin's magenta painted lips inching closer towards her; the rosy blush on Robin's cheeks; the sapphire blue of Robin's eyes; the bronze of Robin's freckles...
She sighs and drops her head in her hands. At least she finally understands why she got so unreasonably upset every time she thought about Robin and Vickie together. Turns out it had less to do with her failing to be a good ally for Robin and way more with, well, her wanting to be the one going on that date instead of Vickie. It was jealousy. And it's only gotten worse now that she's kissed Robin and has become conscious of her own feelings in this matter.
She never even thought being kissed could feel like that. With Jonathan, and before him with Steve, it had always felt like she was playing a part. It wasn't unpleasant, she could definitely enjoy it every now and then, but she had always been hyper-aware of the steps she needed to follow, the invisible rule book that told her not to be too needy, or too boring, or too predictable, or too unpredictable. With Robin, it hadn't been like that at all – or at least not once they'd gotten past the part of Nancy's rules and properly got lost in their kiss. It had been equal parts comfort and heat, soft and passionate, sweet and hungry... It had been thrilling, and it had stopped Nancy's brain like never happened before. She wasn't playing some part or doing things because she thought she was supposed to do them. She wasn't even thinking at all. She was simply drinking in Robin's taste and enjoying herself.
And now, she can't think of anything but kissing Robin, while Robin is out with another girl, possibly kissing her this very moment.
She's driving herself crazy sitting alone in her room with her thoughts, but it's not like she's got anywhere else to go tonight. Usually, she'd go to Robin whenever she felt like she was losing her mind, but for obvious reasons, that's off the table now. So she resorts to staring at the books in front of her again, failing miserably in yet another half-hearted attempt to focus on her homework.
And then the phone on her nightstand rings, putting her out of her misery with the hopes of literally any kind of distraction.
She picks it up before it can even ring a third time.
The sound of Robin's husky voice saying her name makes her heart stumble in her chest.
'Thank God you're home. Can I come over?'
The doorbell rings four times in rapid succession. Nancy can clearly envision her father downstairs in his armchair, rolling his eyes from behind his newspaper. It makes her chuckle to herself while she rushes down the stairs.
'What's wrong?' Nancy asks as soon as she has swung the door open: Robin is looking... distressed is probably the right word for it. She's pale and has this worrying look in her eyes. 'Did things go wrong with Vickie?'
Robin's eyes flash over Nancy's shoulder and into the hall, where the door to the living room is open.
'Not here,' she says in a low voice. 'Can we talk in your room?'
Nancy leads the way up the stairs, and as soon as her bedroom door is closed behind them, she barely has to ask what happened for Robin to start talking, fast and rushed while pacing back and forth over the floor. Nancy goes to sit cross-legged on her bed while her eyes keep following Robin's movements like a cat, never once letting her gaze wander.
'So I was really looking forward to this date, right? I've liked Vickie for ages, our first date was pretty good, Vickie is awesome and hot and cute and pretty much everything a lesbian like me could wish for... I was really excited about where this was going! But I really, utterly, spectacularly messed this one up, Nance!' She continues before Nancy can even ask what happened, words pouring out of her mouth in rapid succession like she's simply letting her whole stream of consciousness spill over Nancy's carpet.
'She's just like me, alright? She just mirrors all my nervousness and anxiety right back to me, and that makes me even more nervous and anxious, and we kinda get into this cycle where we're both going crazy, and I couldn't help but think I need someone who can stop me and set me at ease with reason and logic and preferably some calmness. But anyway, that's not even the point here. We got through the night, and it was not like it was bad, you know, we still had a good time and it was nice and she looked very pretty so it was fine, you know. And then she walked me home and, um, we kissed.'
Finally, she lets a silence fall. Those last two words were uttered softly, with a blush on her cheeks, like it's something she should feel ashamed of.
Nancy now knows that the nauseous feeling rearing its head in her stomach has nothing to do with the fact that Robin is dating a girl. But this isn't about her, so she plasters on a fake smile.
'That's good news, right, Robbie?' she says.
'No, it's not!' Robin all but screams in frustration. 'Because I was doing it right, just like we practiced, I was following all the rules, but... but... I didn't feel anything! When we practiced, I felt a million things, Nance, I felt like I could implode because of all the things I was feeling – and with Vickie, nothing! There was just her mouth and it was wet and I kept overthinking about where I should put my hands because you didn't tell me the rules about that and I – God, Nance, I basically fled inside and smashed the door in her face! I just left her on my porch without a goodbye, I feel terrible about it! But I also don't want to kiss her again and – and – I don't know what to do!' She takes a deep breath, clearly on the verge of tears. 'I don't know what to do,' she repeats, this time in a softer voice.
Nancy pats on the duvet beside her, silently telling Robin to sit down, and Robin lets herself fall on Nancy's bed without much elegance. The movement makes Nancy bounce up and down on the mattress while she thinks about what to say.
'Can I tell you a secret?' Nancy asks her.
Robin nods, looking at her with an expectant gaze.
'I found out something, after our kissing lesson,' Nancy starts to say. Her heart is beating in her throat. 'I – I thought it was all about rules, about this kind of imaginary playbook that prescribes exactly how you should do those kind of things. But I was wrong. And I only found out about that when I kissed you. I taught you the wrong lesson. It's not about build-up, or strategy, or about who should lean in in which ways. It's about...' She pauses, takes a deep breath to push herself to go on. 'I only understood when I kissed you what it's about, Robin,' she confesses. She can't bear to look Robin in her eyes anymore and adjusts her gaze to the blanket underneath her, to her own hand absentmindedly playing with a loose thread in the crocheted fabric. 'I never understood that before, because I didn't feel it when I'd kiss a boy. That's what it's about: feeling things. Enjoying things. Having your heart speed up and your brain shut off and feeling like you want to keep kissing each other forever.'
'Nance.' The way Robin says her name is barely a whisper.
Nancy slowly lifts up her head to meet Robin's eyes: there's a shocked look in them as she stares at Nancy slightly open-mouthed.
'I think that's exactly the difference between when I kissed Vickie and when I kissed you.'
A warm hand curls around Nancy's, sending sparks all the way through her body – like no touch of a boy has ever done for her before.
Nancy can't possibly suppress the smile that's spreading over her face. A warm, giddy feeling shoots up from her stomach to her chest.
'Wanna try again, just to check?' she asks while squeezing Robin's hand.
Robin frowns. 'Try again? Do you mean kissing Vickie, or kissing you?'
Nancy feels her smile widen until it might just split her face in two. She leans forward, not waiting for Robin to take her own turn leaning, but directly resting her forehead against Robin's.
'You're an idiot, Robin Buckley,' she murmurs, right before she lets her lips find Robin's again.
Robin reacts immediately in a way that's nothing like their kissing lesson. It's not following any of the rules, and it awakens something almost primal in Nancy: it's teeth awkwardly clattering against each other, it's hungrily licking into each other's mouths, it's panting and smiling and everything at once.
It all feels so completely different from what kissing used to be like. No rules, no gameplay, no thinking. The only thing left is pure, unfiltered wanting. Wanting to inhale Robin whole, wanting to swallow her sounds, wanting to have their limbs entangled in every possible way, wanting to feel more of her bare skin against her own... It's so overwhelming it would scare Nancy if the wanting wasn't so strong, simply leaving no room for any other emotion.
When they finally break apart to get some fresh air in their lungs again, they're both panting heavily. Robin's chest is heaving, her lips are swollen and her hair is completely disheveled – and she has never looked more beautiful.
A low giggle escapes Robin's lips. 'Yeah, um, I think we should check some more,' she says, her voice breathy and so goddamn sexy. 'Just – just to make sure, y'know.'
'Good idea,' Nancy says with a nod before she leaps forward to press Robin down on the bed and climb on top of her, leaning down instead of forward to find her way back to those perfect lips.
Taglist: @robins-gay-suspenders @au79burger @agathaharkness-simp @notablog4242 @defnotarobot
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avocadosockz · 2 years
maya in interviews: i can’t say why i think nancy doesn’t belong with steve or jonathan just understand that i think she’s destined for bigger things
natalia in interviews: yeah like robins strap lol #ronance
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katlandry · 1 year
I love the idea that Nancy would be so accepting of herself and she’d have like a mini gay crisis for like 0.2 seconds, I do personally think she would bc that’s just the kind of person she is. HOWEVER there is something so funny about Nancy being so comp het that she thinks she’s homophobic, because every time she sees Robin with Vickie it makes her want to rip her own hair out but she tries so HARD to be okay with it and she just doesn’t understand why she’s feeling this way about Robin & Vickie when she’s so happy for Steve & Eddie?
and everyone, even MIKE, is hinting at her that it’s because she is literally in love with Robin but Nancy just never picks up on it until one day Jonathan (or Steve or Eddie, I picked Jonathan bc he knows her the best but honestly it works with any of them or maybe it’s all three of them that sit her down 😭) literally spells it out for her and she has a classic *oh* moment. And she’s so glad she isn’t homophobic, except now she has to deal with the fact she’s in love with Robin and Robin’s dating someone else.
Except Robin isn’t dating anyone, she and Vickie are just really good friends after being able to bond over their similarities and of course Robin is in love with Nancy too because who isn’t? She’s Nancy Wheeler. And now everyone has to suffer through watching these two mutually pine for each other and being disgustingly in love without the other knowing.
and Mike is just slowly but surely losing his mind…
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dcbnam-aep · 2 years
volume 1 rlly said its pride month lets give the gays what they want
Ronance 💪
Steddie 💪
Byler 💪
And then volume 2 said lol its july
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astreinomane · 4 months
Robin: I wasn't that drunk last night.
Mike: You asked Nancy if she was a horse so you could ride her like a cowboy.
Robin: And who convinced you I don't say things like that to her when I'm sober?
Mike: ...........I'm sorry, WHAT?!
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harp-bo-barp · 4 months
i think i might cry if they don't pair up nancy and robin again in s5. i might explode and die.
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sickbromeo · 2 years
season 5 better end with them giving me the party going to prom
gimme will trying to teach el how to slow dance right before they have to leave as jonathan and joyce fuse over them and their clothes and hopper watches them fondly from the side
gimme eddie and steve helping dustin get ready, arguing over how dustin’s hair should look as dustin just rolls his eyes and tells them he can do it himself now
gimme mike being embarrassed and annoyed when his mom is trying to just take pictures of him but the second his friends get to his house and they’re all taking pictures together he’s smiling and laughing the whole time
gimme robin and max going over to wheeler’s house early so nancy can help max with her hair and makeup as robin helps mike with his tie
gimme lucas being speechless when he first sees max and erica immediately making fun of him for it
gimme the whole party taking a bunch of super cheesy prom pictures together and doing stupid poses cause they’re kids and can just be stupid together
gimme me all the parents gushing over them talking about how grown up they are and how little they used to be and what happened to those little kids and they’re basically adults now where does the time go
gimme everyone dancing really badly together at prom, max stepping on lucas’ feet when slow dancing, dustin teaching el the robot, max and el dancing together sayin it’s because they’re too good for any of boys anyways, etc.
gimme suzie somehow showing up because the party wanted to surprised dustin cause he was sad they couldn’t go to prom together.
gimme lucas asking the DJ to play any kate bush song because he knows she’s max’s favorite artist
gimme mike asking will if they can talk and pulling him out into an empty hallway where they can still kinda hear the music and asking will if he wants to dance with him
gimme all of them going back to the wheeler’s afterwards for a sleepover and sitting in the basement giggling in their fancy clothes and joking around like nothing bad ever happened
gimme the last shot of the show being all of them humbled together sleeping while the goonies or something is playing on the tv and they all just all happy and content
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