#giving all of you forehead kisses
jupiter-soups · 5 months
✨happy new year!! ✨
hi my lovelies!!!! i hope you all have had an amazing new years eve and that you're all very excited and hopeful about the new year!!! i have read a LOT of fics this year and i thought it would be nice to show a little appreciation for some of my favourite fics and writers of this year! these are NOT complete lists, as i am very stupid and likely forgot fics that i love!! but anyways, here are (some of) my faves of the year!!
fave chaptered fics of the year!! (in no particular order)
fwb!joel by @hier--soir
best kept secret by @lincolndjarin
someone's wife in the boat of someone's husband by @netherfeildren
i know it when i see it by @bageldaddy
of beskar and kyber by @penvisions
whistle in the dark by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
a stranger's heart without a home by @morning-star-joy
in the woods somewhere by @eupheme
love me back by @chloeangelic
pretty little wife by @beardedjoel
just dumb enough to try by @whatsnewalycat
be-all and endor by @djarins-cyare
rule maker, rule breaker by @mandoinevarro
dare to surrender by @auteurdelabre
something to fight for by @auteurdelabre
seeing you, seeing me by @amywritesthings
from eden by @5oh5
left in lincoln by @toxicanonymity
fave oneshots & two-parters of the year (in no particular order)
102 by @tieronecrush
go on, i dare ya by @chronically-ghosted
keep it on the low by @cupofjoel
the last great american dynasty by @proxima-writes
significant by @softlyspector
sweet treat by @mrsmando
ghost in the sheets by @proxima-writes
burn it down by @whatsnewalycat
i am touchin’, i am grabbin’, everything i can’t be havin’ by @chronically-ghosted
sticking it to the pta by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
one more night in dorne by @iamasaddie
heat lightning by @millerscoffee
you call and i come running by @chronically-ghosted
please by @ezrasbirdie
flowering by @tinycozycomfort
push & pull by @sinsofsummers
bétteln by @netherfeildren
a court of fangs and foxgloves by @psychedelic-ink
didn't cha know by @chloeangelic
fics that awoke something in me
sated by @softlyspector
a sentimental noose by @tulipsbymybed
oh honey by @lincolndjarin
dollhouse by @psychedelic-ink
liquid gold by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
just a taste by @covetyou
the devil you don't know by @corazondebeskar-reads
again, these are NOT complete lists! i have a bigger list of my faves over on my reading blog @jupiterreads (no pressure to follow!)
i also just wanted to say that i have made some truly amazing friends through tumblr this year, including people that i consider best friends. joining this lil community was one of the best decisions i've ever made, and i truly love all of my mutuals so so much, even those that i may not interact with very often (please dm me i want to be friends with all of you.) the friends that i have made through tumblr and over on discord have been the highlight of my year, and i hope to continue to know you guys for as long as humanly possible!!!
also you're all incredibly talented and your writing brings me so much happiness and comfort and ILY GUYS
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ HAPPY NEW YEAR *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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themostfangtastic · 1 year
shout out to men, you guys are great
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imthursdaysyme · 10 months
I love color so much I think it makes everything better, funny, when I started digital art I was like NO , dull colors ONLY. And now if I see a full color I’m like mhmmmm maybe not.
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ozzyeelz · 11 months
Just know whenever I see my mutuals liking my posts I giggle and kick me feet in the air
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bizzyboys · 2 months
To all the anti endo blogs:
I am giving you all nice warm drinks and covering you in a blanket. thank you for making a safe place for systems to talk about their struggles without having to worry about endos invading our spaces. I love you all anti endo system blogs. You make life easier
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tei-to-tei · 6 months
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December 3 - Morning Cartoons
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hualianschild · 30 days
falling for all the loser in love characters in a show/book that try to come off as cool and indifferent is so fun cuz their future partner be doing weird shit and embarrassing themselves and you'll be silently screaming and hiding your face cuz of the second hand embarrassment but then you realize this fool with heart eyes is definitely squealing like they got a high school crush and hypothetically kicking their legs and punching the air over that and that helps you calm down
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sturgeonposting · 1 month
I’m high rn reading through all the get well soon comments people leave me and they really fill my heart
I feel really lucky to have met so many nice people and even made a few friends (at least I hope we’re friends :)
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Jumping sturgeon heart
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arostormblessed · 3 months
Season 6 gang (two + jamie + zoe) literally Thee physically affectionate tardis team. these mfs were constantly holding hands, hugging, leaning on each other, straight up clinging, climbing each other like jungle gyms, and nothing was stopping them. they are cats, they are pack bonded, they are a package deal, etc. keep together do not separate
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ctntduotism · 1 month
Sometimes I get rlly depressed thinking about The Purge of Tntblr (and tnttwt but who cares) but then I remember that there are at least 5 other people I have to feed so.. back to grind I go
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intotheelliwoods · 8 months
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Seeming as I dont think that poll is swaying anytime soon- keychains have been ordered! And if you can afford the shipping, I can ship outside the USA! :)
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bulldog-butch · 1 year
i love you fat femmes. i love you non-binary femmes. i love you sleepy femmes. i love you chronically ill femmes. i love you black femmes. i love you trans femmes. i love you disabled femmes. i love you neurodivergent femmes. i love you transmasc femmes. i love you long nail femmes. i love you short nail femmes. i love you outdoorsy femmes. i love you sex worker femmes. i love you brown femmes. i love you artistic femmes. i love you femmes 💖
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m1d-45 · 1 year
i need MISERY and SADNESS and ANGST !
reader absolutely sobbing to bird xiao. i mean fucking wailing, man.
our birdie was going about his usual business, peeping around, looking for any possible dangers, maybe bring back a nice acorn. once he’s done, he’ll fly back to us, glad to report — (chirp a few times) — that the area is safe.
but instead of finding you eagerly awaiting him with an outstretched hand, he finds you curled in on yourself, stifling sobs.
he lands on the ground in front of you, worriedly hopping past the squirrels and deer nudging various forest tributes to you. he peeps once, but you don’t respond. he peeps a second time, and this warrants an answer.
you weakly unfurl yourself, willing your head upwards.
xiao now notices the state of your clothes. tattered, dirty, and dampened with what he hopes is just a peculiar blue juice.
he then meets a pair of reddened, glossy eyes. your cheek was scratched, and your now visible hands badly scraped. he chirps in concern, flapping his wings and hopping closer to your face.
that same face scrunches once again, as you curl your head back into your knees. as another sob escapes, you only wordlessly produce a few almonds from your pocket. you only whimpered an apology as a deer laid at your feet.
the almonds were not what he wanted. he did not need an apology for- what? a lack of attention? no, none of that. he only wanted you to be happy. how had he failed you again? he was a disgrace to the adepti, he was surely deserving of avid punishment. perhaps the loss of a finger would serve well. or two, after all, he had been too selfish and ignorant to save you. why was he even aIive? why was he ever even born? such a faiIure should never have been —
his inner monologue was cut off by an offering of a hand instead. you shakily nudged him with your index finger, making him release a squeak.
“hey.. i said i’m fine, right? please eat. you’re always so hungry.”
you sniffled.
“i can find some plants, and-“
but the sobs only continued.
“and fix it..”
your hand went limp as your cries shook your body. you didn’t even bother to weep silently anymore.
the squirrels chittered, the approaching raccoon held a rock in its small hands as an offering. a deer sniffed your head as you curled into fetal position again.
“i didn’t want this- i- i didn’t want to—”
i was just having fun, why did- how did it come this far?-”
a rabbit hopped closer.
“i want to go home. i miss my mom, i miss my dad, i miss their hugs-”
the deer at your feet nudged your leg.
“why can’t i just die aIready?”
xiao squealed, flapping his little wings furiously. he chirped and chirped, trying to bring you back to your senses.
he’d seen this thing time and time again- the form taken by relinquishment. once the thought was spoken, it could only end in misfortune.
he knew this was only a psychological effect, of course. to lose a battle when a small part of you wants to. to become careless and fall asleep on a thinly frozen lake. or, to intentionally cause one’s own end.
but that would not stop him from bringing you charms of good fortune in the following days. talisman to ward off draining spirits, necklaces and bracelets he personally imbued with evil-vanquishing power.
it did not stop him from distancing himself from you, in fear his karmic binds had effected you. that they were having the same effect on you as his siblings- as himself.
he had to protect you.
it was his duty.
-owl anon RAAAHH
i’m sorry this got so long, my thumbs go *taptaptaptap* on my keyboard while i just watch
oh…. you get it.
(under the readmore because my fingers tend to go)
xiao blessing small pebbles with adeptal energy, ignoring how it stings his hands as he wraps it in a leaf. as the one enchanting the stone, he’s granted a small amount of grace, but protection charms always tended to hiss at his karma.
he picks it up with his claws, flapping up and into the skies of liyue. he always brings you small gifts, and he knows you keep them, at least for a little while. he’s not sure if the magic is absorbed into you, if it fades, or if you simply lose them—some small part of him is satisfied at the image of mountain shaper being repelled by a simple stone—but he brings them to you faithfully. you always greet him the same way, and anticipation begins to bubbles under his skin at the thought.
he loves seeing you.
…but not like this.
your tree is more crowded than usual, various small wildlife surrounding you. nothing big, nothing threatening—the deer hesitate at the treeline, huffing and pawing at the ground—but worrying for certain.
he gives his same warning cry he always does, but you don’t step out to greet him. he has to duck beneath the leaves, and he sees you… crying.
he freezes, dropping a few inches in his shock, but quickly recovers.
(he can’t hesitate. he can’t pause. there’s no time for his own problems when you are in pain-)
he lands on your arm, bumping his head to yours and giving you a small chirp.
(please be okay. please be okay. please let the teal grass around you be lighting, or his bird eyes. please.)
another bump. another chirp. he reaches and pulls a leaf from your hair, turning to drop it away, and when he looks back you managed to lift your head.
he can’t stop the way he jumps, flapping to regain his balance at the smear of blue across your face.
“oh… hello there, little friend.”
he can’t even bring himself to be as happy as he normally is at your voice.
you take the wrapped rock from your claws, both you and the leaf unfurling. the blue stone glitters, and you smile slightly. from his new perch on your wrist and your shift in posture, he can’t help but notice more and more tragic details about you.
a slash across your waist, the cloth of your shirt clinging to your skin. the dirt across your skin, the tracks of tears down your cheeks.
“th-“ you cough, and the stone in your hand pulses outside of your view. “thank you, pretty bird.”
some part of him hopes that the stone brings you some joy. that you can absorb some of his magic- hell, he’d enchant it again if he needed to, expending every drop of energy he had of it meant you didn’t have to cry.
but not even the beauty of the earth can mend the tragedy of betrayal.
if anything, you cry more, curling up again in an attempt to hide from the world that wanted you dead. concerned cheeps slip from his beak as easily as the rabbits and birds around you hop closer. none dare to get as close as he, but acorns and river stones and pushed towards you, a ring of offerings surrounding their god.
“sorry,” you stutter, your voice choked, and he wonders why you’re apologizing. “i- i still-“ another sob. xiao feels like crying himself.
(he has no right to be distraught. not when he’s the blade you fear)
“here,” you manage, offering up a shaking handful of crushed almonds. you still have him your food, you still went through the strain and effort of crushing them so he could eat them in this form- even after the adepti had injured you, you still found it in yourself to help him?
(you didn’t know he was an adeptus. he was still lying to you. he hasn’t even taken any serious action, he couldn’t even try and help you when you still helped and cooed over and loved him-)
“do- do you-“ your voice hitched and broke, and he chirped, hopping up your arm. how he wished he could comfort you properly. how he wished he wasn’t a coward, that he could do more. “i know it isn’t enough, i-“ fresh tears welled in your eyes, and he had the feeling the pain ran deeper than your skin. “i’m sorry.”
you were sorry? why? he didn’t need an apology, he- if anything he should apologize. you deserved his offerings and apologies, you deserved his effort- and he couldn’t even give you that. he couldn’t even do what he was meant to, he wasted air with every breath, he spent his time protecting the citizens that hurt you. you shouldn’t be giving you his food, he should be giving you his blade, his armor, his mask, his- his faith.
he didn’t deserve to cry. but when he took a look at his own actions, he couldn’t help but think that he should be the one with blood on his skin, with ragged clothes and heaving breaths.
(he should be dead for what he allowed to happen to you.)
“please eat,” you sobbed, nudging him with the hand holding the almonds. “i can- i’m- you can trust me.”
(you shouldn’t trust him.)
he hated seeing you cry. he hated hearing your sobs and knowing he was indirectly part of the cause. he hated that he was too much of a coward to take any serious action, he hated that he still stood besides your enemies, he hated that some of your blood fell on his hands, hated that every ounce of strength he had was one that you didn’t, and it was his fault. at least partially.
your cries took words, pleads to the wildlife for a world they didn’t know, people and names you begged to carry you from your position.
“i just wanted to have fun.” you should be. you should be dressed in gold with jewelry of silver, you should be smiling and dancing with the ones you had blessed, traveling nations not as a fugitive, but as a god. “i never meant to come here. i never meant to be a problem.”
he hates that he knows you’d be safer in your previous world. he hates it. he hates it. he hates the adepti, he hates the millelith, the knights, the matra, he hates every blade that dared to cross your skin.
(he hates himself. he hates that he’s never done enough. he hates that he’s still so much of a coward he can’t take any action, not even against himself. he should turn his spear on himself, for allowing such heresy.)
you sniffled, harshly wiping at your eyes.
“god, why can’t i just die?”
ice frosted xiao’s veins.
he would understand if you were angry. he would understand if your tears were of frustration, if you beat at the ground instead of your aggressor’s bones, if you wanted to shout and take out your anger on the sky. he’d offer himself for your wrath—at least then he could finally be of service—but for you to wish to offer your life?
for you to be convinced that the death of a god was the only solution for the falsehood of another…
how long had this thought been in your head? how long had you offhandedly thought of letting yourself be captured, be slain, of giving up what you had blessed upon so many? how many times had you debating letting a wound get worse, of allowing infection to rid you of the thorns of this world?
xiao hopped up your arm, cooing sadly and curling into your neck.
he wished he could do more. he wished that he could hold you with human arms, he wished he could give you faith in your own creations, he wished he could whisk you away and take on the world himself, that he could fight on your behalf, that you would remain safe and if anything, he would be the one to die.
“don’t cry,” you said shakily, awkwardly reaching to pet over his wings.
how could he not, when his god had forsaken everything, including themself?
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sugarcoated-lame · 2 months
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just realized i reached 1k followers at some point recently ???? um?? 🥹
i hope to do something in the near future to celebrate this milestone (i’m just not sure what yet haha)
but for now i just want to say a massive thank you and express how utterly grateful i am to anyone who reads and supports my writing, and for all the amazing, kind, talented and wonderful people i’ve met on this little hellsite 🥹 it’s truly such a joy being a part of this community, and writing fics on here for the past year or so has honestly really helped to bring me out of my shell a bit and has brought me so many lovely friends, and i hope you know that i appreciate the heck out of every single one of you. thank you!!! 💛🧡
tagging some of my lovely moots: @sebsxphia @sunlightmurdock @hangmanssunnies @joelsgreys @just-in-case-iloveyou @floydsglasses @floydsmuse @rhettabbotts @fairyheart @emeraldmoth @joelsgreenflannel @undrthelights @joelslegalwhre @itsokbbygrl @joelshoney @blue-aconite @wkndwlff @roosterforme @petcr3 @teacupsandtopgun @ryebecca @callsignmedusa @attaboylew @bobfloydssunnies @gigisimsonmars @pedroswife69 @pascalpvnk @freelancearsonist @janaispunk @briseisgone @vee-bees-blog 🧡💛
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hi, love your writing. it's so good 💚💚
Could I request some HC for LV + Graves who have an S/O who has three cats that love to sleep on top of them?
Thank youuuu! That's very kind of you! This ask actually inspired me to text my friend again and ask her for some cat pics since those critters are just so goshdarn adorable!! I wish I had a cat! I once had a tortoise, though, and she was just the most lovely and adorable little thing out there! I loved her so dearly! Anyway, thank you for the request!
Alejandro, Rodolfo and Graves with an S/O with Three Cats
Alejandro: He gives off quite some canine energy, so there’s a chance your cats won’t like him too much. That, of course, you can try to combat by having him feed them. Either way, if they like Alejandro, then you can expect him to be all over your cats, always talking to them, petting them, picking them up, kissing them and what else it is you do with a cat. He loves your little kitties and would kill someone for them. Although he’s more of a dog person himself, he doesn’t prefer dogs by much, so he can really go either way. When he sees just how cuddly your cats are and when they take a nap on his chest while he’s watching TV with you or something, he will not hesitate to pet the cat, scratch the little fella behind its ears and try his best to make them purr. He loves the sound and the vibration, it brings good vibes and makes him just as content as the cat. The rule that one must not move when a cat is sleeping on top of them holds true for him. If he needs to use the bathroom while one of your cats is sleeping on him then he’ll just have to endure until it wakes up. But if he’s content as well, then he might just cuddle the cat, or your cats even, and take a nap himself. While he’s not usually one for napping, he will when he genuinely can’t move because of your lovely little felines. If your cats let him, he will give them big hugs as well. Is so smitten, he’ll buy them some toys and play with them, if he has the time. And if your cats are too lazy to actually play, then he’ll pick them up and lovingly scold them for being so unmotivated. Meows back at cats too.
Rodolfo: He gets along well with just about any animal. While he’s not scared of them per se, he does have a healthy amount of respect for them and won’t just walk up to your cats to give them pats and kisses and hugs. He will comply if your cats walk up to him because they’re curious, but he really doesn’t want to annoy them or worse, end up with him getting scratched. While he may not meow back at your cats either, he will talk to them as though they’re regular human beings. It’s somewhat funny, he takes them seriously and will, in a deadpan tone, tell them that there will be no more snacky treats for the evening. No matter how annoying your cats might get, he won’t budge. His decision is final, so there are no more snacky treats. He quite likes the thing where if you scratch a cat’s butt, it will move it upwards. Loves doing that to your cats, it’s funny and endearing to him. When your cats are sleeping on top of him, then he won’t particularly budge either. He’ll pat them, but he will also move them if he really needs to use the bathroom. No privileges for your cats this time. However, considering he is, more often than not, pretty tired, he will pretty much always take a nap with your cats if he can. The pressure on his chest is comforting to him, plus he gets to feel something nicely warm and furry on top of him as well. However, he sometimes moves in his sleep, which might wake up your cats, which might wake up him. It’s a never ending circle, but if he can, he’ll just sleep with your cats in his arms. Take a picture of him like that and he’ll try to take embarrassing pictures of you as well with your cats.
Graves: He is definitely more of a dog person, since those are strong and reliable. A cat will meow at you in the dead of the night because it knocked over its water bowl and can’t turn on the faucet on its own. Honestly? He always has something to complain about. Your cat pooped again. It knocked over the food bowl. It farted in his face. Things like that. He means them, but the way he says those things is sort of just funny. Imagine a 40 year old man having beef with a cat. He has very little shame when it comes to scolding your cats. At first, he will use his human words to get them to listen. But as soon as he realizes they believe it’s snuggle time, he will meow at them, making the situation even worse. However, every time you hand him one of your cats, he will take it from your arms and cuddle it a bit. Every time one of the critters walks up to him, demanding attention, he will pick it up and carry it around a bit. Sometimes in his arms, sometimes he just slings the cat over his shoulder and keeps it there. It’s sort of funny, he might pretend to really hate them, but he would never yell at them, only be stern and tell them to not be so gluttonous. When your cats are sleeping on top of him, he does not move an inch. He would never admit it, but they are your shared furry babies and he, like any American, would shoot anyone who ever tried to hurt you or them. Takes naps too when he can, or when nothing of interest is on TV, but he prefers getting to hold something instead of having your cats lie on top of you. You can take pictures of him to show him that he really doesn’t hate your cats as much as he pretends to, but he will always claim you photoshopped it, despite knowing fully well that happened.
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cerealbishh · 15 days
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"We get to, this season, explore their chemistry and their real love and their intimacy. So we get to have a glimpse into that world that just feels so pure and beautiful and romantic! And then, sort of navigating those other circumstances once they're out in the world, dealing with real... challenges." - Isa in an interview with The Knockturnal(x)
#outer range s2#outer range s2 spoilers#maria olivares#rhett abbott#isabel arraiza#lewis pullman#rhett x maria#i know the last gif is blurry but trust me she was holding his arm and i just thought that was adorable#i might add a lew quote if he ever gets asked about outer range s2 in an interview smh(i'm begging someone to ask him more about it!)...#she is always going to pull him in for a kiss like how she pulled him in for a small peck in s1#the biggest fucking grin on her face whenever they kiss#i feel like i could hear an ''i love you'' sometimes with how they just look at each other? crazy#her smile and him smiling back at her before the forehead kiss is EVERYTHING to me#also her little smile as he kisses the side of her head like she knows he's doing his best and doesn't really blame him for anything? uGH#there was an article that said that maria and rhett may screw royal over? i say they should go for it!#truly if it gives isa and lew more screen time i'm all for it!#i say all this but i still want a spin-off of them just on a roadtrip#i am convinced that he kisses her just because he thinks she's being really cute#they're so annoying... y'all haven't even been dating that long and you're acting like this!! smh /j#i kinda had a feeling that was maria in the trailer doing something to rhett in the trailer(iykyk) and my heart still fell into my stomach#i'm not including any dream/nightmare sequences because as far as we know they can't see the future... right?#do i sound stupid and biased? maybe... please don't judge me#she's hungry but her heart aches to stay... will the flesh have its way in s3? will she be ... ''already gone'' a la eurydice in hadestown?#tw: food?#will forever be sad they didn't get a dance :(
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