#glad I care about them individually I adore them both!!! i just wished fans actually read the text that gege wrote himself instead of ao3
tariah23 · 4 months
im back to say after reading your tags/ramblings on this new jjk chapter yeah everyone shitting on shoko and yuta for this are like? how.
especially with shoko (as you know i think about her a lot) i'm not surprised she reacted this way considering she has seen all of her friends die basically and she definitely deals with dead sorcerers on the daily that she probably knew in life considering she's the main healer. in my headcanons she recognizes a lot of the people who eventually end up dead on her exam table.
plus as you mentioned her reaction to geto's mass murder is super chill. she was never going to have a breakdown over fucked up shit? at least not outwardly, unfortunately we don't really get a look in her head. also god forbid a woman have interest in dead/macabre things and/or not give 110% emotionally at all times.
personally i enjoy satosugu (insert multishipper nuance here) but the fandom surrounding the ship is very...... can you think about any other character? please??? can you also see satoru and suguru as individuals???? PLEASE?
the manga is not your satosugu fanfiction there are other characters here that matter...
IT’S SO BAD!!! THEY ARE ACTING LIKE HIS STUDENTS AND FRIENDS WANTED THIS!?!! And are refusing to look at the story from a narrative standpoint outside of shipper/fanon shit… They do this literally every time something huge and awful happens. They always end up making it about a damn ship, completely glossing over the characters themselves and their intentions. It’s so frustrating. The Gojo and Getou they talk about is barely even them… those are OC’s!!!
And the only reason why they’re talking so negatively about Shoko is because they hate women 🗣️🗣️🗣️!!! It’s crazy, she’s literally a doctor who specializes in the dead. She’s a mortician!!! Like, you’ve stated, she’s been burying her colleagues and friends since she was a teenager. I’m sure she’s used to the business now. Even if it’s hard, if you’re in this line of work, people who work with the dead tend to not find it as torturous and haunting as any normal person would because death is an extension of life. They don’t view death as this big, scary, horrible thing they way people who don’t work with the dead/aren’t used to dealing with death, are. That’s why in rl, morticians and doctors might come off as extremely fickle and end uncomfortably nonchalant regarding death. They don’t view dying and the dead in the same way we would. They find comfort in knowing that they can help the grieving pass on the best way that they can by taking care of their bodies in their most vulnerable moments on earth. It would’ve been nice to see more of Shoko’s reactions and knowing about more of her feelings regarding Gojo’s passing because like I’ve stated before, Gege really fumbled her character and because of the way he wrote her, it makes it easier for fans who already don’t care about her, to mischaracterize and misunderstand her intentions, labeling them as “callous,” and “inconsiderate,” despite her having always been this way since the very beginning. She didn’t even so much as flinch when Getou had confirmed to her that he’d committed a massacre, killing over 100 people in the process. They were talking so casually as if they were talking about the weather. She had to fix up Haibara, probably one of their very first friends who she’d most likely ever had to work on… it’s just, I hate how the people bashing her really DON’T understand her character at all and have never once tried to and they’re constantly proving my point. They expected her to be sobbing in every panel, grabbing onto Gojo’s tight…, Sexy ass, black t-shirt, holding on for dear life and screaming at him to wake up and they absolutely HATE that a female character wouldn’t give that to them 🚶🏾‍♀️. I’m so sorry Shoko… they’re acting like Getou would’ve been the only one to feel bad about all of this simply because they ship them and forgot all about canon.
As for Yuuta… oh brother. The fact that all of Gojo’s students do care about him and have always admired him… Yuuta didn’t want this at all… but he knew that he HAD to do it in the end and so did the others. Knowing the kind of trauma that he’d suffered himself. The pain and isolation that he had to deal with because he was too afraid of hurting people so he pushed them away and purposely isolated himself. He’s canonically tried to take his own life on multiple occasions. After meeting Gojo, he learned that he had just as much as a right to live as anyone else and that he mattered. He chose life. Gojo, alongside the friends he’d made, made a huge impression on him and it makes me happy whenever I think about it. He used his strength to protect others and learned to see his strength as a good thing instead of a curse that separated him from society. Gojo already knows what it’s like to be lonely and lived with that till the very end. But he made sure to let his students know that they all were worth living. This is literally why he wanted to become a teacher in the first place!!! Have the fans forgotten just how much he adores his students!?!! Yuuta knew exactly how Gojo must’ve felt… even taking over his body, he didn’t need to view his memories to find out.
Even if it is, from a narrative standpoint, incredibly disgusting, Gojo gave them permission because he values the lives of the people he cares about, especially the kids (ppl always forget that he loves children 😭… he’s do anything for them), above his own. When it comes to the kids, he knows that he’s the adult in the situation. Just like Nanami, it’s the adults duty to protect the children and he feels the same way. His corpse gave them a way to fight back and he gladly gave it to them as sad as this might sound… He’s always been this way and we all know why. Come on. He’d always seen it as his duty to protect and shield them from the horrors of the real world that would soon hurt them back. I hate that he’s still being used as a weapon in his death so much, it really makes me want to cry, I could barely sleep 😭… but man…, whenever stuff like this happens, it just goes to show that not everyone was reading the story with their eyes open. Blame it on shipper brainrot.
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
Do you have a favorite romantic relationship from each season?
Yoo it's been a while since I've been asked for my td thoughts :) I answered an ask this before that you can check here but I’ll provide additional info in this one.
I have to go with Duncney in this one, their dynamic is strong and their storyline is very well handled IMO, Gwent was a more long term and endgame couple for this season but the issue with them is that their relationship status always seemed to reset every episode regardless of how much development they got in individual episodes, so it felt like it wasn’t going anywhere when it should, they liked each other since ep 1 but by the start of ep 16 they were still at that exact same status. With Duncney though the development they get in an episode carries on to the next, making it all cohesive and neat :)
I don’t think I was a big fan of many canon couples this season, Duncney was very hit or miss, Gwent broke up, Bridgeoff was hitting constant bump in the roads. I’d say Lesharold but I’m not sure if they count given they weren’t an official couple, and I preferred them in TDWT even though they had less screen time there. So I guess that really leaves us with Nizzy, but again I prefer them in TDI and TDWT. Guess TDA just isn’t my season.
Aleheather my beloved, we love an enemies to lovers and a WT Heather W (Heather’s win is canon to me). While I admit the writing wasn’t perfect when it came to consistency, one episode Alejandro flirts with Heather to tease her while another he doesn’t want people to think he like her, it’s our first properly well done endgame relationship in a season IMO. Seeing their constant complicated conflict is an absolute treat and it’s one of my favorite canon couples period.
Sometimes I wonder if I like Zoke because they’re cute or I can project so much onto them, that doesn’t matter though because my fave this season is Samkota! Dakota’s development learning to be less superficial in her judgement, learning to care for people, and finding someone in her life who not only actually likes her and cares for her as a person, but loves her? My heart <3 Sam starting out awkward messing up while trying to compliment her or finding things they have in common to being able to successfully swoon her is also adorable :)
Unpopular opinion? I love Scottney, both how the season started presenting it as sorta like a Duncney 2.0 with Scott being the bad boy to Courtney’s uptight good girl, but also how they later go about it with Scott actually just being a mess with no experience in romance and Courtney somehow still being charmed by him despite knowing just how pathetic he is at trying to be romantic. It’s cute, it takes me back, I wish it last longer.
Jashawn is considered the saving grace of Pahkitew by various people in the fandom, and while I enjoy the season more than your average td fan, I do admit it’s a highlight. They’re sweet and cute and it’s an a character screwing up and having to reevaluate their life viewpoints and priorities to be able to truly learn how to love someone and make up for their mistakes is a great development and one I don’t think we’ve seen before! The best we’ve seen the show handle couples having interpersonal conflicts I think.
Rajbow is an obvious one here, like even if I didn’t love them what other couple was there? Chemma? Hah, no. But luckily I do love them! I’m glad TD’s first queer characters/couple are mlm, since in the earlier seasons the mere idea of queer dudes was the butt of a joke rather than actual representation, it feels like this is making up for that. Bowie’s confidence and smarts contrasting and bouncing of Raj’s himbo energy and his still discovering his sexuality is very nice to see and very enjoyable. I hope to see them develop this couple further next season :)
Thank you again for the ask anon! I love answering asks like these :D
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entertainment · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Bethany Antonia, Get Even
British actress Bethany Antonia plays Margot Rivers in Get Even, a new thriller series adapted from Gretchen McNeil’s Don’t Get Mad books. The show follows a group of girls who come together as DGM (Don’t Get Mad) to expose school bullies; when they realize they’re being framed for the murder of one of their targets, they set out to uncover the truth. Bethany spent her formative years in rural France, before returning to her hometown of Birmingham, UK, as a teen, and landing her first role in a short film of The Tempest for The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. She went on to land roles on TV in BBC’s Doctors and Channel 4’s Stath Lets Flats, and in the film Pin Cushion, which premiered at the 74th Venice International Film Festival. Bethany is an advocate for social justice issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement, LGBTQIA+ rights, veganism, wildlife conservation, and sustainable living practices. 
What kind of research did you do for the role of Margot? Had you read the books before taking the role?
I read both of the books! I read them once after my first callback for the show, and then again while we were filming. I absolutely love the books. There’s something so special about doing a series that’s based on a book and flying through trying to find out what’s going to happen to your character. Margot is also the only American in a British school, so I spent a lot of time thinking about her background and trying to piece together what her story was before we meet her as part of DGM.
Margot is described as shy, but she’s also the brains behind a group that seeks to stop bullying. What drew you to the role?
I got attached to Margot right off the back of reading the audition sides. Her character is everything I wished I’d gotten to see more of when I was younger. A young black girl who is shy, into gaming, and isn’t sassy or argumentative in a lead role? Sign me UP. I just adored the concept for the entire show. I loved the idea of these four teenage girls setting up a secret society in their school because straight away, I saw the bigger picture of what they were doing. It’s telling young girls to stand up for what they believe in and not to be afraid to take matters into their own hands despite living in a world that repeatedly tells them to do otherwise. It felt so empowering, and I was just so determined to be a part of it.
When you hear Black Excellence, what or who comes to mind?
Black Excellence for me is confidence. It’s power and resilience. It’s excelling in your particular area of the industry and leading by an example that others can follow. When I think of black excellence, I think of Michaela Coel, a woman who is completely changing the game in the industry right now. I have been a massive fan of hers since watching her first show, Chewing Gum, but I am so glad she is getting the global recognition she deserves off the back of I May Destroy You. It was one of the best pieces of television I have ever seen.
What role do you think film/tv/radio should have regarding social realities in Britain? What needs to change?
I think that every single form of media should be an accurate depiction of the world we live in. Any individual should be able to tune in at any given time and see themselves represented in some way, shape, or form. Anything less than that, and we have failed. We have been failing for a really long time in Britain. Tuning into the media has felt like an artist painting a blank canvas paint with little droplets of colour for effect for too long. We need to move away from the idea that the stories of white, straight, slim, able-bodied people are the only stories that need to be told, and start reflecting the realities of our country, which is so beautifully diverse.
How do you deal with a bad day, and how do you like to celebrate the good ones?
If I’m having a bad day, I like to do a complete reset: switch off from social media for a few hours, take a hot bath with a face mask or two, pamper myself, listen to a podcast or read a really good book, eat some of my favourite foods, and just take care of myself. Finding time to practice self-care for yourself is something I think is really important. So I do a complete brain reset and remind myself that tomorrow is a brand new day, and none of the day’s bad-day energy has to carry itself onto the next. I like to celebrate the good ones with my family and friends around me, making sure I’m really present and enjoying the moment, being grateful for whatever it is we’re celebrating.
Do you have any advice for young Black women looking to get into acting?
I’d love to get a whole room full of young Black women together and just tell them over and over again that they’re enough. This industry can feel impossible to break into for most up and coming actors, but for Black women, that’s especially true. It’s hard to envision yourself in a career that hasn’t been visible for you. Breaking down the door is only half of the battle. Once you’re in, there’s a million and one more challenges that come as a direct result of being a Black woman. I’d tell them to find confidence in themselves and their abilities, the kind of confidence that comes from within that nobody can take away from them, even if they have to fake it at first. I’d tell them to be proactive and take their careers into their own hands, to look into what they’re doing now and consider if it’s truly benefitting them for the kind of work they want to be doing. And finally, I would tell them to cling onto their love of acting with everything they have. Even if it feels like you’re not hitting the kind of goals you want to be hitting yet. Nobody can take your love of this craft away from you.
If you could choose any book that you’ve read to be adapted into film or tv, which book would you choose, and who would you play?
I read an amazing book recently called While I Was Sleeping by Dani Atkins, and I’ve not stopped thinking about it for weeks. It’s about this young girl named Maddie who wakes up from a coma thinking a few minutes have passed, but actually, six YEARS have passed. She was due to be married and have a baby, and she wakes up to find that her whole life has essentially happened without her while she’s been asleep. In my head, the whole book has already played out as a film over and over, with me as Maddie, ha! It could be so beautifully adapted.
Which song always manages to get you up in the morning?
“You Can Get It If You Really Want” by Desmond Decker. Every single time.
Thanks for taking the time, Bethany! Get Even is now streaming on Netflix.
Photo: Michael Shelford
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maybeacrowdedmind · 3 years
So I Just Finished Skam...
First of all, I loved it. It was an incredible show and I'm so glad that there are so many remakes because I enjoyed it so much. One of my favorite things about the show was the fact that it feels extremely realistic, and I think a lot of that is due to the fact that a majority of the actors were actual teenagers (rather than actors who are obviously in their mid 20s and playing characters who are 16) and the fact that the characters behaved like actual teenagers (like using Facebook and Instagram, using "bad" language, dancing and singing along to music, etc. etc.). The other thing I adored about this show was the amount of importance that was placed on friendship. Platonic relationships in fiction are normally vastly underrated or underdeveloped in favor of romantic ones, so I appreciated that Skam showed so many friendships. So I decided to make a list of my favorite friendship moments from each season (two moments per season, with honorable mentions at the end before moving on).
Season 1:
1) Noora cheering up Eva by singing Justin Bieber to her:
I am not a fan of Justin Bieber at all (if you like him, all the more power to you, but I personally can't stand him), but Noora singing to Eva was such a great moment. She knew how sad Eva was, and decided to cheer her up by sharing something that made her (Noora) happy, and it was a really sweet moment between friends. It was also something that is realistic to do when someone you care about is down, and even though it was a small scene, it showed how strong a friendship Noora and Eva have.
2) All of the bonding moments between Sana, Vilde, Eva, Noora, and Chris:
I know this is a vague one, but just the sheer amount of time the girls spend together, whether they are doing something important or just hanging out was really awesome to see. Most of the time, tv shows don't take time to show us little moments like characters talking about boys or just sitting hanging out unless it has a more dramatc purpose. With Skam, we got to see those moments, which made the friendship between the girls that much more realistic.
Honorable Mentions for Season 1:
Eva grabbing the wrong Chris for Vilde, leading both Chris and Penetrator Chris (love that nearly everyone calls him that in the show by the way) to share a huge hug and go "name twins!" because that's totally something I'd do if I met someone who shared my name.
Eva and Ingrid finally talking about everything that happened, giving them both closure and the ability to move on, even if their friendship would never be the same (this was such a great scene because it showed Eva apologizing and telling Ingrid that she couldn't change what she did, but she would if she could, and it also allowed Ingrid to be hurt by what happened with Jonas, because let's face it, Ingrid was the injured party in that particular situation).
Season 2:
1) Noora telling Vilde all of the important things that the ingredients for tortilla do for you, and Vilde later doing the same for Noora:
I love how all of the girls take care of one another, but this scene in particular I loved a lot. Noora has noticed that Vilde hasn't been eating, and after hearing Vilde tell her all the reasons she doesn't like potatoes, Noora tells Vilde all the reasons she should. Noora also does so in a way that isn't shaming Vilde or being condescending to her, rather, Noora brings it up in a casual conversation. Later, Vilde notices Noora not eating, and prepares tortilla for her, quoting what Noora told her about potatoes and eating it with her. I loved this scene because it showed how much Noora and Vilde understood one another, as well as the importance of support.
2) The amount of support given to Noora by the girls after she discloses what happened with Nico:
This one is a total no-brainer. Noora had no idea what had happened that night, and had very little to go off of, and she spent the next few episodes terrified. When she tells the girls what she thinks might have happened, they all immediately stop what they're doing and rally around her. The no-dialogue scene in which they take Noora to the doctor and hold her and keep her safe was incredibly touching, and to be honest, nearly made me tear up.
Honorable Mentions for Season 2:
Sana and Chris playing a joke on the girls at the cabin during their break, because that whole episode was hilarious, and the individual ways each girl reacted was totally in character for each of them.
All of the girls telling Noora that they knew about her and William, because it was the most obvious thing in the world, and Noora being sheepish and surprised that she hadn't been hiding it as well as she thought.
Season 3:
1) Jonas, Magnus, and Mahdi telling Isak what to text Even:
This scene was so funny, and not the type I usually get to see when it comes to male friendships. I love that Isak tells them that he has no idea how to reply to Even, and Jonas tells him what he should say, with Magnus and Mahdi inserting their opinions and talking about how they text girls. It was enjoyable to watch because too many times fiction shows us that boys don't have the same relationship confusion that girls do, and it's often not true. I like that this scene allowed the boys to just be boys, because everybody deals with uncertainty, especially when it comes to liking someone.
2) Linn and Even playing video games together:
I know this scene is literally like two seconds and that we only see them ending from Isak's perspective, but hear me out. I'm pretty sure this is the first scene we see that shows Linn actively smiling and looking happy. Also, Even had just come off of a manic episode, was feeling depressed, and when we see him playing video games with Linn, he too looks actually happy, which is always great to see. Plus, the way Linn and Even are interacting with one another, it looks like they've known each other forever rather than two people who have just met, and even though it was a fraction of a scene, it was super great to watch.
Honorable Mentions for Season 3:
The entire development of Sana and Isak's friendship (I almost broke my "only two friendship moments" per season rule for this, but I decided to stick to my guns). Isak and Sana have a great friendship and I love how it came out of nowhere. Their friendship is literally started by being partnered together for school, which only happened because Sana sat by Isak to tell him that she had the weed he hid (a beautiful start to a beautiful friendship).
Isak coming out to Jonas by telling him that he liked someone and giving him the hint that it wasn't a girl, and Jonas reacting by thinking about the hint for a minute and then going "it's not me...is it?" because the expression Jonas had on his face while he thought about who it could be was funny because it looked like the fact that Isak had just come out to him wasn't even on his radar, because he was more concerned about guessing right, and the fact that he guessed himself was humorous to me.
Season 4:
1) Chris being a total ride-or-die friend to Sana after the stuff regarding the hate accounts for Sara and Vilde came out:
Everybody needs a friend like Chris. She is without a doubt one of the most loyal tv show characters I've seen and I wish Skam had run for more seasons so we could get a Chris season (and a Vilde season and an Even season, and a spin-off for Eskild and Linn, who both totally deserve one). Chris is the first person Sana told about the Sara account, and the first thing she did was tell Sana that the hate would blow over if Eva found out the truth (because Eva and everybody else thought Isak was responsible for it, and Eva was pissed AF at him). Chris also made sure that Sana knew that she didn't hate her for what happened, because everybody screwed up (seriously, we all need a friend like Chris).
2) The girls showing up to the bus meeting in their own tiny bus named "Los Losers" for Sana, effectively showing all of the Pepsi-Max girls (like Penetrator Chris, that will forever be their name) that if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. Sana was terrified that the girls would never forgive her, and when they all show up in the bus screaming her name, the joy on Sana's face is practically tangible. I love that they all pull Sana into the bus and give the Pepsi-Max girls the finger as they drive off, because really, what better way to show the true bonds of friendship than by collectively flipping off a ton of girls who messed with one of their own.
Honorable Mentions for Season 4:
Sana and Even's friendship, and the fact that she protected and respected his privacy when Isak asked her why she never said that she already knew Even, because too many times do I see characters give away information to other people that isn't theirs to give, and the fact that it didn't matter to Sana that Isak and Even were together, she was still going to make sure that Even had a right to the details of his personal life was extremely important.
The conversation between Sana and Jamilla about their schooling and Islam, because the texts we see between them prior to their falling out show that they were very close, and it was nice to see them talk and reconcile, because that's how life works sometimes. You fight and fall out with people, and after time passes, sometimes there is reconciliation.
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bunny--love · 3 years
Sweet, darling, Lin~ It's your turn now! HAHAHA! Well then, where should I start? Ah, yes, allow me to talk about your characterization of Laito real quick HAHAHA! I've only interacted with the guy a few times but I can certainly tell you play him so well! He isn't just a flirt, he isn't just a character who seeks for the attention of people in a flirtatious manner, no, you portray him in a way that he has more as character than he lets on, and I feel that mysterious aura around him! Even if it was just from a small prank Lukas and Kai conducted on him. There was that hint of cheekiness and intelligence, that shows that your Laito knows more than people think. It was sly and cunning, and I love seeing that in Laito's character. I wish I could say more about him, but I have yet to interact with him again. Maybe in the near future. But just know I anticipate to know Laito as a character more.
As for your other muses like Nova, Kyra, Avery and Noah, I can only say so much about a few of them, but allow me to do so anyway.
Nova, despite her pessimistic demeanor, is actually quite real to the feel as a character. She has gone through so much with her family, that, of course, would affect her mindset to negatively, and I don't blame her for acting this way. I barely interacted with Nova, but I hope that Lukas' flamboyant nature and tendencies to drag people into his shenanigans, can spark confidence with her, and build up her self-esteem. I hope to see Nova's growth in both character and personality.
Noah, on the other hand, came to life rather unexpectedly. At first, I was a bit conflicted about Noah as the timeline with Kai would have to shift so much, but from interacting with him, I have come to enjoy their humorous bond. I'm a huge fan of parent-child interactions that act as though they are bestfriends rather than strictly parent and child. So seeing how Kai can be comfortable enough to lovingly bully his kid, warms my heart to see. He's not the most ideal father out there, but I can tell you that he truly cares for Noah.
I would also like to address that, Noah's character is created by Admin Lin herself, but his creation as an OC is a joined build with me and her. I was the one who gave Noah his name and Admin Lin built his personality and individuality herself, and it was executed amazingly! I applaud her for that.
Just, Noah, please... stop smoking. HAHAHAHA!
I also want to say that, I love the fact that Lin became a character herself in DL. Her interactions–of should I say YOUR interactions–with Kai is so adorably cute! It allowed me show sides of Kai I have never showed anyone else before. And thank you for patience with him, he's a lad afraid to love, but I can see that Lin will be able to WORM her way into his heart. Kin has became a favorite ship of mine as well. Thank you for loving Kai. I was worried that people will overlook him because Lukas' presence is far larger than his, so hearing that you love Kai a lot, really made me happy. Once again, thank you so much for that.
I wish I could say some things about Kyra and Avery, but I have yet to have any interactions with them that'll draw out a story, nonetheless, I will await the day that they do.
Apart from that, you're an amazing writer Lin, don't ever doubt yourself with that. I love how enthusiastic you are with your characters, and the fact that you treat them as people, rather than characters you play, really entertains me and makes me laugh. I find that so interesting.
Lastly, thank you for doing your best.
Please tell me your favorite things about my portrayal/muse?
// omg where do i begin?? i'm so glad you like my portrayal of Laito. I think people tend to forget that he's not just a pervert. He has his cunning side too and I feel like it's important to show just that.
I'm glad you enjoy my OCs as much as I do!! Honestly, I have to thank you and the others for helping me develop her and build her story. I couldn't have done it without you. Also, i felt sorry for kind of forcing Noah onto you and making Kai a father. It felt like I got ahead of myself there and I would like to apologize for that. However, I'm glad you enjoy him as much as I do. Thank you for the compliments, truly. I don't deserve them but I appreciate them nonetheless.
Also about Kai!! (I might simp a bit here but what's new LMAO) When I first saw him, I already knew I was attracted to him. I knew there was more to him than what meets the eye and I wanted to know more about him. Before I knew it, I was already in love with him. Every time I learned new things about him, I fell further into this pit and honestly I didn't want to get out. He's more lovable than you think and I long to see every side of him. I want to show him the love and care he deserves and give him a reason to smile every day. *DREAMY SIGH* He's just so perfect you know? He's such a cute ass bitch I just wanna squish his cheeks and give him all the kisses and hugs.
AHEM. Lastly, i'd like to say I appreciate your kind words about my writing. I always thought I was lacking something but with you, and pretty much all of you, I could improve and work harder and I appreciate it so much. Thank you for being in my life. Really. Thank you.
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nalu4emily · 4 years
The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 9
Summary: Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that's never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised. Nalu/cute/fluff/multi-chapter.
Lucy had been startled awake again that morning. Her heart was pounding and her breathing heavy from the same recurring nightmare she dreamt of every so often. A nightmare that had continued to disturb her sleep ever since they'd returned from their last mission, the fateful one where they'd been stalked by Haru's biological father. It always started with him looking for them in the forest. Sometimes her dreams replayed what actually happened, other times it was Haru he'd kidnapped instead of Amelia. Then there were the worst ones where he'd carried out his threats on the children and it made her sick to her stomach, jolting her awake covered in sweat. Each dream always ended the same, Natsu was no where to be seen and she was unable to stop the man from harming the children.
They'd returned from that job two months ago now, and every time Lucy thought back to it, she remembered every word that guy had said and the horrific things he'd planned to do. She'd been so thrown off by who it was, she'd let her guard down and her nightmares were a constant reminder of what could have happened if Natsu hadn't been there to protect her and the girl. What if he'd been a mage? What if it'd been Haru he'd kidnapped? It's those sorts of thoughts that made her question herself and tormented her conscience.
Natsu had become acutely aware of her waking during the night and in order to help her get over it, he'd taken it upon himself to find a solution. She needed something that would bring back her confidence in her abilities, not just as a mage but as a mother who could protect her child without the assistance of others. She needed something where she had to rely on herself to pull her through and what better than a solo mission, Natsu thought it was perfect. He'd had a hard time convincing her, but she'd finally accepted the job he'd picked out. Lucy was about to embark on her first solo job since who knows when and as nervous as she was, she couldn't wait to get back in action and hopefully prove to herself that she was still just as strong as she'd always been.
Natsu had accompanied Lucy to the station, and waited with her. "You doing alright, Luce?" Natsu asked, he knew she was super anxious about going alone, but he wanted her to know that he had every faith in her, he knew she was strong, she always had been, he just needed her to see that.
"Yeah, I just hope it all goes well." She said, a few sweat drops appearing on her brow. She was just glad the mission he'd picked (without her permission, she might add) looked pretty simple, it wouldn't take more than a day to complete, which meant she'd be home late that evening. "Are you going to be okay on your own with Haru?"
"Sure, I'll be fine. Haru and I are gonna have lots of fun! Aren't we, buddy?" He beamed, lifting the smiling baby up to his face. Little Haru spent most of his awake time smiling these days, he was such a happy little guy. At only three months old, he already had his own personality coming through. Natsu chuckled at his adorable expression, nuzzling his nose up against the baby's making him giggle uncontrollably. "Listen Lucy! He's laughing! See, I told you we were gonna have fun!" Natsu couldn't stop smiling, the infants giggle reverberated through the station and it was the cutest noise either mage had ever heard.
"Oh my goodness! That was the sweetest little laugh ever!" Lucy felt her chest warm as she stepped closer to join in on the fun, "Did Daddy make you laugh? He's silly isn't he?" She chuckled, as Natsu handed him to her so that she could have one last cuddle. "Mama's going to miss you so much today!"
"Think of it as a break, Luce. You're a great mom, but you need your space too and then you can tell us all about it when you get home." He grinned at her, trying to relieve her stress somewhat with the approaching train thundering into the station.
She gave Haru one last little kiss on his cheek, before giving him back to Natsu. As she was about to walk away, Natsu grabbed her wrist and drew her to him, placing his hand on the back of her head and tangling his fingers into her hair. "Remember why you're doing this, Luce. You've saved my ass more times than I can count, but you've just gotta believe in yourself again, like I believe in you." Her chest flood with warmth, eyes turning watery from his kind words.
Laying eyes on his beautiful partners face, he kissed her wantonly, heatedly, not caring who was around to see. He smirked against her, gazing at the cute blush that'd crept up onto her skin. Still in each others embrace, they pulled their heads away, lost in their own small bubble.
"Damn you and that mouth of yours! How am I supposed to get on the train looking like this?" She gave him a bashful smile, her eyes flickering between his hot mouth and fiery gaze.
He leaned closer, sporting a sly grin and tickling her ear whilst whispering into it, "Maybe I'll show you more of what my mouth can do later."
Lucy's ears were red and steaming, her entire face felt like it was on fire. How was she meant to concentrate on this job now, when all she was going to be plagued with was erotic images of his hot mouth all over her. He chuckled lowly, leaning back to get a good look at her flushed face. Feeling satisfied with her reaction he let go, wishing her luck as she boarded the carriage and they waved at each other through the window when the train pulled away. It was strange seeing Lucy go off on a mission without him, he'd always accompanied her before, but he knew she needed this, it was for her own good and so, with that in mind he looked down at the gurgling baby, and grinned.
"What do you think, little guy? Where d'you wanna go?" He waited for some sort of response. The baby held his head up from his father's shoulder and smiled once again, "To the guild? Good choice! Daddy was thinking that too! Happy should be there by now." Natsu grinned, turning to walk in the direction of the city.
He wandered slowly through the streets of Magnolia, talking softly to the little one as he showed him all the different market stalls, making sure Haru knew exactly where to get the best food in town. Although he never liked being apart from Lucy, Natsu did enjoy spending his time with just Haru. He loved to show him all the things he found cool and exciting, or spend hours playing with him whilst telling him stories of Igneel or his and the teams past adventures. It was their special bonding time, something Natsu hoped they would continue to do as Haru got older. It was these precious moments that the slayer would cherish for the rest of his life, one's he wished he could've had more of with Igneel, but that was the past and Haru was his future and what a bright one it was turning into.
After finally reaching the guild hall, Gajeel was quick to run over, "Salamander! Are we still on or what?" Referring to a bet they'd made the other day. Natsu had been bored, so challenged Gajeel to see who could use their roar attack for the longest, but before he could follow through with it, Haru had woken up from his nap. "Or do you surrender to the superior dragon?"
"Superior? Ha! Don't make me laugh, Metal head, I just got better things to do." Natsu scoffed, gesturing to the bundle he was carrying, whilst continuing to walk straight passed Gajeel without a second glance.
Gajeel's mouth dropped open, totally dumbstruck. Did the infamous salamander just turn down a bet? The iron dragon slayer was speechless, he couldn't believe his own ears and apparently neither could any other guild member that'd heard him.
"Are you sick, Natsu?" Lisanna asked, putting her hand against his forehead to check his temperature.
"No, of course not. I don't get sick!" He looked up at her hand until she removed it from his head. Checking his temperature wasn't going to work, it was always high. "I feel fine." He reassured her. He sat down at the bar and turned to the crowd gathering around him, staring sceptically at the bewildered looks they were giving him. "What did I do now?" He groaned, rolling his eyes.
"What don't you do, Pinky!" Gray muttered under his breath from across the bar, knowing Natsu would hear him. The fire breather turned swiftly to the smug looking demon slayer and scowled, about to give him a piece of his mind but instead was interrupted by a barrage of comments flying at him from all over the room.
"Uh-oh! He's pussy whipped!" Macao shouted from a nearby bench.
"You're damn right he's pussy whipped, what's she threatened you with? No sex? That'll do it!" Wakaba shouted straight after, then they both began to laugh when Natsu choked on and spat out the drink Mira had just given to him. Luckily his reflexes were quick enough to move Haru out of the way.
"He's on his best behaviour so Lucy gives him some once she gets back!" Cana drunkenly blurted, "Good boy Natsu, you'll be getting your dick wet tonight!"
"Making babies is MANLY!" Elfman cried.
"Who said anything about making babies you big dolt!" Evergreen scolded, smacking Elfman with her fan.
"You're trying for another baby? That's so cute! Haru needs a sibling." Levy said with a little sparkle in her eye.
What the hell were they all going on about? A question Natsu often asked himself with regards to his guild mates. He'd stopped trying to look at each person individually as they spoke and had started to drift off. Is this what Lucy had to put up with every time their relationship was brought up, because, man, did he feel sorry for her! The only thing he could do was wait patiently until they all shut up, because unlike Lucy, he was use to their antics.
"You guys are like vultures…" Natsu sighed, not looking remotely amused whilst raising his eyebrow at them. Haru had started to get tired and began whimpering from all of the commotion. "See, now look what you've all done! Haru was the reason I turned the bet down, not because of whatever you old lechers were calling it." He accused, pointing his finger at a sniggering Wakaba and Macao, then turned back to the others. "And anyway, what's it to all of you what Lucy and I do?" He pulled Haru away from his chest and laid him down in his arms, making the little one comfortable and pulled out a bottle of milk from his backpack to warm up and feed him, watching as the baby's eyes instantly lit up.
"So… you are trying for another baby?" Mira sneaked in there, her eyes like stars at the possibility of that being true. "It's okay, you can tell me."
"Why would I tell you that?" Natsu looked up, confused as to why he'd tell her something that wasn't true, until he realised she'd misunderstood him. "That's not what I meant!"
"But you didn't deny it, so how're we to know?" Levy teased, elbowing Natsu in the arm.
"I think they are! You should hear the noises they make when they think they're alone together." Happy flew over, and started circling Natsu's head, giggling along with some of the girls.
"Happy! You'll upset Haru if you keep doing that!" He growled at the exceed, then turned back to the rest of them. "No, we're not trying for anything. Lucy and I haven't even… er-" He stopped mid sentence as he realised what he was about to say would doom him for all eternity, but by the looks on their faces, it was too late.
"How is that even possible? You've been together for months now, what are you both doing?!" Cana shrieked, making Haru burst in to tears from her racket. She was gobsmacked. How is it they'd been sharing the same bed and not touched each other?
"Oh no, it's okay buddy, don't cry. Cana's just got a big mouth that she can't keep shut." He frowned when Haru refused the rest of his milk, deciding that he wanted to be held against Natsu's chest and have a cuddle instead.
"Natsu, even I have to admit I'm surprised that neither of you have fornicated, I assumed most loving couples did that sort of thing, to, er, procreate or otherwise…" Erza had tried to keep her composure whilst saying that and even though she'd sounded the part, she'd failed miserably by turning the same colour as her hair.
"Forn-a-what now? I don't get what the big deal is here? It's not like I don't wanna, I'm just waiting for Lucy to want it too." He thought he was doing the right thing by waiting for Lucy, was that not what he was supposed to do then?
"Have you not thought that maybe Lucy's waiting for you too? If she's not done that sort of thing before, there's no way she's gonna initiate it with you. You gotta be the man and go for it." Gajeel grinned, making Levy blush.
"Go for it? But wouldn't that scare Lucy off?" He asked, if he knew Lucy would be ready for it then he would have done it ages ago, but he couldn't be sure without asking her directly and there was no way he was going to do that.
"Well you haven't scared her off yet and that's a feat all in itself!" Gray smirked again, man did he love to wind Natsu up.
"Hey droopy! What's that supposed to mean?!" Natsu snarled through gritted teeth.
"Gray, your clothes…" Cana huffed at the ice mage as he looked down at himself and freaked over losing his clothing, then turned back to Natsu, gaining his attention again. "Just go for it and see where it takes you. You never know, you might be pleasantly surprised…" She smirked, like she knew something he didn't.
Natsu had picked up on the subtle cue, and smirked to himself. So Lucy had spoken to them about it? Which was surprising but by the sounds of it, she wanted it just as much as he did. However, it's not like he could do much about it right now, she wasn't there, but she would be later and he couldn't stop his imagination from running wild. However, those lewd thoughts were unfortunately interrupted by the she demon and her sister.
"If you want, Natsu, Mira and I could take the little one tonight, so you and Lucy can spend some time together?" Lisanna offered, she'd been dying to get her hands on the baby and so had her sister. "I imagine being parents is hard work especially without a break every once in a while."
"But, I'm not sure if Lucy would-"
"Lucy would appreciate it as well I'm sure. You could do something romantic for her for when she gets home?" Mira said, smiling at the dragon slayer.
"You got to have time to yourselves every once in a while, Gajeel and I do. It doesn't make you a bad parent for wanting some space." Levy explained. It did sound quite tempting to take them up on the offer, spending a night with just Lucy sounded like heaven.
"Then you got no excuse not to bend her over." Cana laughed, watching as the dragon slayer's face started to redden a little.
"You've always gotta lower the tone!" Natsu said staring at her, before turning back to Lisanna, "Fine, but you forgot about Happy, it's his house too."
"I don't wanna get in the way of your gross kissing, you always sound like you're trying to eat each other. I'm going night fishing, Lily said he'd come with me!" Happy laughed to himself, earning a scowl from Natsu to shut him up, but it quickly turned into a chuckle, shaking his head, that cat would never change.
Natsu spent the afternoon at the bar stuffing himself silly and playing with Haru, when he was awake, and Happy, before it was time to hand the little guy over. He gave Haru a kiss on the cheek and smiled when the baby smiled back at him. He gave him to Mira, gauging his expression to make sure he was alright before he left. He noticed a slight hesitancy from the baby as he stared into the smiling face of the she-demon. But it wasn't long until Mira had managed to win him over allowing Natsu to relax a bit, making his leave he smiled to himself when he heard the baby giggle again at all the weird noises Mira was making.
Once out of the guild, Natsu halted and took a long, deep breath, he was kinda nervous and excited about the night he'd somewhat planned for Lucy. He hoped her job was a success because then she'd be in a good mood as well. He began to walk again, carrying himself all the way home.
Lucy's job had been a triumph, she was so thrilled to be back in action and she was doing it without the help of anyone else, just her and her spirits. The job itself had been relatively easy, it was to transport a load of ancient artefacts across from Hargeon to a small town on the west coast of Fiore, she was requested to keep them safe and stop anyone from trying to steal them. It had been exhausting using her magic for the entire journey but she had completed it, got paid and had just pulled in to Magnolia station.
She couldn't wait to get home to take a nice long shower and see Natsu. It had gotten quite late now and she imagined Haru would be asleep in bed, so she'd have to wait to see him. Lucy was curious to hear how Natsu's day had gone too and wondered briefly if he would make good on his words from earlier.
She felt herself flush at just the very thought of it, would he do it? They'd been together for a few months and they hadn't got passed overly passionate kissing and heated flirting. Lucy absolutely loved how he made her feel but she still wanted to go further, she wanted to experience what it was like to be truly intimate with someone and surely he did to, or was he really that clueless? In her desperation, she'd even gone to Cana for advice which hadn't really helped, she was much too vulgar to have a serious conversation with. It had left her at a dead end, she was too shy about that sort of thing to outright ask for it, but she wanted to do something, even if it wasn't all the way it could be at least some of it.
Lucy had finally reached her house, only to be startled when Natsu seemingly appeared from nowhere, he grinned, pleased to see her home at last. "Hey, Luce. I thought I could smell you." He said, watching her relax a little and smile back at him. "Are you just gonna stand there or do I have to come to you?"
She dropped her bags and ran up to him, jumping into his arms. They kissed fervently and it instantly made Lucy's skin heat up, she really didn't think she'd ever get use to kissing him like that. When they finally pulled away, grinning like idiots at each other, she remembered that she hadn't seen Haru or Happy and wondered where they were. But before she could ask, Natsu took her hand and guided her to the nearby hill top close to their house. Her breath caught in her throat when she laid eyes upon the dazzling sight before her.
Just like the view from their bedroom but even more spectacular, was Magnolia city, all lit up and mimicking the beautiful night sky above them, the stars were out in full force and she could see the constellations clearly. She looked at the ground and noticed a large blanket and a few cushions had been laid out, in just the right spot for stargazing, it was simple but effective and very much Natsu. She realised then that he must've planned this for them and that Haru was probably with one of their friends for the night.
"It's so beautiful! Did you plan this?" She asked, not being able to rip her gaze away from the stunning scenery.
"Sort of, I guess. You always say the stars are brighter from up here, so I figured you'd want to spend some time looking at them." He said, watching her reaction to it all. "Come and sit down, Luce, I made some dinner for you too if you're hungry?" Her face paled at the thought of Natsu wrecking their kitchen, she made a note to check it before they went to bed. "And before you bombard me with questions; no, I didn't mess up the kitchen and Haru is with Mira, he's fine." Natsu said, leading her down onto the blanket and bringing out a basket full of food. "Oh, and Happy's gone night fishing with Lily." He finished, feeling like a responsible adult.
"Well, look at you acting like a grown up and for the record I wasn't going to ask. I'd already guessed that Haru was with someone else, otherwise you wouldn't be so calm. However, I'm still dubious about the kitchen." She chuckled at his sheepish grin, whilst digging into the food to settle her rumbling stomach. "My job was a success by the way. You were right, I really did need that, it felt good to use my magic again. I had fun!"
"Good, did you get any one trying to steal the stuff?" He asked, he was genuinely interested in how her job went, wanting to hear how bad-ass she'd been. Which had always secretly been a huge turn on for him.
"Yeah, loads! I didn't realise the relics were that important. I sat on top of the train and used my Sagittarius star dress to shoot them all as they approached. It was like playing a game…" She continued to tell Natsu all about it, smiling and laughing at all the things that'd happened.
"...and just as we were pulling into the last station, some big burly guy came onto the train and knocked me out of the way. His size took me by surprise at first, but I quickly changed into my Taurus form and beat him. It was like letting all my anxiety out at once." She finished, grinning from ear to ear. "Apart from the train ride, you would have loved it. There must have been over a hundred of them trying to ambush me and I took down every single one of them."
She felt so refreshed telling Natsu about her achievements and he looked so pleased for her, soaking up every word she told him. He could see the little glint in her eyes had returned, the way she was talking about what she did had brought hope to him that her confidence had returned. He stared into her beautiful eyes as they held this new type of vigour, she looked ready to take on the world and just like always, he'd be right there beside her.
After what seemed like hours of talking about their days, they found themselves laying down on the blanket, huddled closely to one another, gazing up at the stars. Lucy felt like a weight had been lifted and now she had time to relax with her dorky partner, and just be themselves for a change. She couldn't remember a time where she felt more at peace then what she did in that moment, she could have stayed there like that, forever.
"Thank you for today, Natsu, it's really helped clear my head of everything that's been troubling me. I should've listened to you all along, I am strong enough, I know I am and just like always, you've been there to help me see it." She said, nuzzling her head further into the crook of his neck. His hand was splayed against her exposed stomach, stroking it lightly. "And laying here like this with you is just the perfect way to end the day."
"Anything to keep you smiling, Luce!" He murmured against her hair. "I'm just glad it all worked out! I told you I believed in you."
"You did and I'm so grateful for it." She beamed, she was so content in that moment. It got her thinking of how precious times like these were, where they could be just Natsu and Lucy, the two best friend turned lovers. "I could stay like this with you forever, but I guess now we have Haru, we'll miss out on times like this. It's a shame we didn't do more of this before becoming parents." It wasn't that they didn't spend time together, they did plenty of that, but it was always as friends not as anything more.
"We won't miss out, Luce. We'll find time to be just us, I promise. Haru won't always be this small, then we'll have all the time in the world to be with each other. I said forever didn't I?" Natsu thought back to when he'd told her that, it'd been when he first came to terms with his feelings for her. It felt so long ago now and so much had changed since then, they'd achieved so much together. However, he understood how she felt, it was a shame they'd both been too dense to see what was in right front of them. But without Haru, they'd still be in denial and who knows how long it would've taken for them both to act.
"Yeah, you did say that." She smiled up at him and kissed his jaw.
Natsu brought her closer, brushing his fingers over her hip, grazing a sore spot and making Lucy hiss suddenly. She flinched at the painful vault that ran through her leg, making her sit up. Natsu bolted upright, concerned by her reaction, he wanted to check her over to make sure she was okay. After a quick scan of her body, he caught sight of a huge dark bruise that'd appeared on her right hip.
"Whoa, Lucy! That's one hell of a bruise!" Natsu was shocked by how big it was, it must have been fresh because that hadn't been there earlier. He brushed his fingers gently over it, earning a small whimper from her, as she tried to hide how painful it was. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He grimaced as he looked up to her eyes and saw her bravely trying to hold back her tears from the pain it had caused.
"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt that much. I'll be okay." She said as she went to touch it herself, "Ouch! I take it back, that's so sore! It must have been from that huge guy I defeated earlier, he was pretty tough." She yelped, whipping her hand away from the darkened area.
"That bastard! At least you beat him, Luce!" He said smiling at her, trying to lighten the mood. "I'd apply heat to it if I knew it would help, but I don't think it will. You need ice on that."
"Hmm, looks like I'll have to go and find some ice then…" She said slyly. Putting her finger to her lip, she put on a cute thinking face. "Do you know of anyone in particular, that could be of assistance, Natsu?" She pretended innocence, struggling to hold her smile down when she saw Natsu's face turn into one of disgust.
"Don't even go there!" He raised his eyebrow at her, realising that she was trying to provoke him, but after all of her past failed attempts at doing just that she definitely wasn't going to succeed this time either.
"Go where? I only asked if you knew of anyone that could provide me with ice, or would you prefer to see me suffer?" She said, moving slowly closer to him, careful not to touch the bruise. She put on her best innocent smile as she looked deep into his eyes through her lashes.
"I think you know my answer already, Lucy. And as much as it would kill me to say it…" His eyes bore deep into hers, his hands clutched both sides of her head and gently stroked her skin. His face remained calm and serious as he spoke, "I'm sorry, Luce, but I'd have to let you suffer." He murmured, flicking his nose against hers, before moving back a bit.
She gasped, watching his lips split into a mischievous grin, "You're so mean! How could you? And here I was thinking you loved me." She joked. It's only when she noticed Natsu's eyes go wide that her own mirrored his, her hands shot up to her mouth when she realised what she'd said out loud. "N-No, wait, I-I, er, that's not, I d-didn't mean…" Feeling herself become quickly flustered, she started babbling, trying but failing to make up any excuse for what she'd blurted.
Natsu tilted his head at her and furrowed his brows whilst she rambled on, confused by what she was trying to tell him, "Didn't mean what, Luce?" He asked.
She stopped her erratic talking instantly, "What I said, did you not hear me?" Was he pretending that he hadn't heard her? Her heart sank a little, maybe he wasn't ready for that yet? She felt her mood dampen, who was she trying to kid? He really was clueless. She went to stand, her painful hip pushed to the back of her mind, no longer caring about the discomfort as she tried to adjust to being on her feet. "Never mind, Natsu."
Just as she was about to turn she felt a warm hand wrap around her wrist, stopping her from walking off, but she was no longer in the mood for his antics. "Wait, don't go! I heard what you said, Luce." He said, almost frantically. He stood and took a step closer, hand cupping her cheek, totally transfixed by the radiant glow of her glossy brown eyes, wavering back and forth between them. "And you're right… I do love you."
She gasped, not actually expecting him to say it. "You love me?" She blushed a little but not caring about her pink skin. He loved her? Natsu Dragneel loved her? Why was it so surprising? That was usually how relationships developed, yet she still couldn't believe what her ears were hearing.
"Now who isn't listening?" He grinned fondly, taking in her gorgeous stunned features, with his hand still on her cheek, rubbing softly at her delicate skin. "I wouldn't lie to you, weirdo. I said it because I meant it." He brought her head closer to his, their lips brushing together and curling up into a tender smile, "You mean everything to me, Lucy."
Lucy's mind had turned to mush, she felt her knees turn weak, like they were about to collapse. She clung to his jacket to steady herself and wrap her head around what he'd just told her. She didn't know what to do with herself, she was so filled with joy it was making it hard to think straight, but luckily Natsu was there to save the day. He pressed his mouth to hers, slowly bringing her down until she was laying against the blanket, never breaking contact. He caged her between the soft floor and his hot body, overwhelming her lips, it was a feeling like no other. She wanted to sate his hunger for her, to be completely and utterly consumed by him and have him gorge on every part of her body until there was nothing left except pure, sweet bliss.
Unable to control her inner desires any more, she snaked her hands up his body and ever so slowly unzipped his jacket until his front was completely exposed. The cool air against his burning hot skin seemed to shock him at first, stopping in his tracks when he felt her colder hands lay flat against his chest. Disconnecting from her mouth and gazing deep into her eyes, it seemed like he was looking for something, a sign maybe? Or a reason to her actions? Usually, she wouldn't have been so forward, but now that he'd confessed his love for her, she didn't want to back down, no matter how inexperienced and nervous she was, but he still didn't look too convinced.
"Is this really what you want, Lucy? There's no pressure to do anything if you don't wanna. We can just have a bit of fun?" He spoke tenderly to her, wanting to show his utmost sincerity, because this wasn't some one night fling. He wanted to make sure she was actually ready for it, and not just doing it because Cana or Mira had told her she should be, and definitely not because she thought that this was what he wanted. "We can just start slow, then see where it goes."
Lucy's chest flooded with nervous energy, he was so sweet sometimes, and she definitely wanted this, she'd wanted it for the longest time, but her nerves were starting to get the better of her. "Of course I want this! I love you, Natsu. I've loved you for so long and now I want to show you just how much." She rested her hands on his broad shoulders, her words made his stomach do back flips and then she smiled, the most beautiful shy smile appearing on her smooth features and it took his breath away."I've just never done this before and I'm kinda nervous is all."
"I know, Luce, neither have I, but we can learn together. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you, your trust means everything to me and I would never break that." He spoke lowly, almost like a whisper. She nodded back at him, smiling sweetly at his words.
He leaned back down to her mouth and kissed her softly and full of passion for the girl he adored so much. It wasn't long before the kiss became more needy but it still held the same amount of love in it, because that's what he intended to do, make love to her, whether that be tonight or any other night. Natsu loved Lucy with every fibre of his being and she deserved his very best efforts.
He made his way down to her neck, paying extra attention to all the areas he knew made her squirm. Her hands went straight into his hair, while his were laid next to her head. Travelling down to his shoulders, she hooked her fingers under his open jacket and pushed it off of him, hearing it crumple on the floor. Wanting to feel his hard muscles against her skin, Lucy reached down to her own top and slowly pulled it over her head, forcing Natsu to detach himself from her. He pulled back a bit to gaze over her slender form, and damn, was she stunning! She could make any man hers if she truly wanted, but she'd chosen him and for that, he would be forever grateful.
He looked down to Lucy's chest and noticed they were still encased in her bra, that was no good! He wanted to get a birds eye view and that stupid bit of material was stopping him. He smirked up at Lucy, as an idea popped into his head. He hooked his finger around the material and in a second her chest was on fire, burning the bra away, but not hurting Lucy, exposing her enormous chest to him and all she could do was shriek at the sudden warm sensation on her skin.
He seemed pleased with himself but she never got a chance to scold him before his mouth dived down to her nipple and latched on, flicking his tongue over it. Her mouth dropped open and inhaled sharply at the new sensation, her head flung back as she arched herself a little into the air, pushing more of herself into him. His free hand came up to play with the other one, making Lucy moan out loud. Natsu felt himself respond to the noise she'd made to the point where it was now very obvious in his pants. He was so turned on from watching her enjoy herself, it was a stunning sight to behold and he could only imagine what having sex with her would be like.
He released the nipple from his mouth but kept his hand firmly on the other one as he began to make his descent to her stomach. Her creamy skin was so sensitive, and so deliciously sweet, her scent was ever so strong right now and it was overwhelming his senses the closer he got to her legs. He finally reached the band of her skirt, looking up to Lucy to make sure they were both in sync.
"P-Please don't burn it…" She whimpered out quickly as he continued to play with her nipple.
He smirked at her, she could barely get the words out, and all he was doing was playing with her breast. He removed the skirt, the proper way, as swiftly as possible, leaving her thigh high socks on and taking off her boots to make her more comfortable. She was now laying before him in nothing but her skimpy (pointless, he thought) underwear and some thigh high socks and what a sight it was. His cock twitched again, he could feel the blood rushing from his head down to his groin as his arousal began to take over. He was glad for self control because, by god, was it difficult seeing her like that.
He was having a hard time controlling the heat radiating off of him, which she was glad for because the air had a bit of a chill to it. He was staring at her, like she was some delicate piece of jewellery that might break if touched in the wrong way, but she missed the contact and so proceeded to help him along. She reached down and slowly took off her underwear until only the socks remained on her body. She felt her face blush like crazy, but couldn't take her eyes off of his face. He looked mesmerised by her, he'd seen her naked a hundred times before and yet it all felt so new. He gave her a soft smile as he began kissing her again, making his way down from her hips, to her inner thigh, nipping at her sensitive skin. He edged closer and closer to the area her overpowering scent was strongest until he could go no further.
"P-Please, Natsu, touch me. I want you to touch me." Her voice soft and wavering as she looked down at him, her heart pounded uncontrollably when she saw how close he was to her.
"Touch you where, Lucy? Show me." He said, he wanted to get this right, but with having no previous experience a little guidance was needed until he got the hang of it.
Lucy felt herself flush even more as she opened her legs wide, giving him the full view of her nether region. She reached her hand down, using her fingers to separate her lips to reveal her swollen clit. Now this was an area he'd definitely not seen before, but still felt compelled to see what that would taste like and moved his face down to where she was showing him. He held her legs apart and encased her clit with his mouth and began to suck lightly, using his tongue to swirl over and around it, whilst keeping his gaze on Lucy's face. Her eyes instantly rolled to the back of her head and let out a long breathy moan. Her hands landed back in his hair, pulling and tugging as he continued his onslaught, his warm tongue felt like heaven.
"Yes, Natsu, right there, i-it feels so good…" She mewled, totally lost in the pleasure he was giving her.
He wanted to elicit more of those erotic sounds from her and make her tell him just how amazing she felt, it was like music to his ears knowing that he was the one causing her to feel that way. Natsu grazed his fingers lightly over her entrance and watched her breathing become harsh and heavy, then ever so slowly pushed a single digit into her. He could feel her tense around him and she groaned at the new sensation. Once she seemed to relax, he added another finger, stretching her even more, but this time her expression turned strained.
"Does that still feel good, Luce?" He asked, he didn't want to hurt her, that wasn't the point of this.
"Mm-hmm… really good." She breathed, bucking her hips up a little, "Fuck me with your fingers, Natsu."
Smirking at her choice of words, she was quite the dirty talker, if she liked that then he'd have to up his game too. "As you wish." he murmured, going back down to suck on her clit, whilst moving his hand back and forth inside of her, making her groan loudly over and over again.
She could feel the tension building up within her and to add to her sweet torture, the more she moaned the faster he would go. The feeling of his fingers massaging the inside of her walls was enough to almost send her over the edge, and he could see she was close. Natsu was enjoying watching her teeter on the edge, he kissed and nipped his way up her body, fingers continuing to work their magic before he eventually found himself face to face with a very flushed and burning hot Lucy, and fuck, did she look absolutely breathtaking in this state.
She could feel her climax approaching and it was so intimate with their eyes locked on each other as he brought her closer and closer. He leaned down to her ear and sucked on her lobe, "That's it, Lucy, come on my hand, show me how good it feels." He growled against her, sending a shiver through her spine.
Hearing him speak like that made her snap. Tremors racked Lucy's body as her orgasm took hold, tensing around his fingers and crying out into the night. She felt her mind go blank, while her eyes rolled into the back of her head, it was like nothing she'd ever felt. He halted his movements, allowing her to ride it out with his fingers still firmly inside her. He gawked at her writhing body beneath him, totally captivated by how incredible she was. When she finally came down from her high, Natsu was staring down at her with the biggest smirk on his face, obviously pleased with himself that he'd managed to make her climax.
"That was so hot!" He growled against her mouth, claiming her lips briefly and removing his fingers from her. "We should take this indoors." He grinned playfully, carefully lifting her from the ground. Natsu chucked her over his shoulder, ignoring her protests to put her down and took her inside. Now the fun could really begin!
Hi! Sorry this took a bit longer to come out, I must have rewritten it about 6 times in the end, but it's here now, thank god! :D And don't worry, I haven't cheated you out of smut, this chapter was long enough without adding any more to it, so you will be getting the full, unadulterated smuttiness you've probably been waiting for, or not if you don't like that sort of thing. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! :)
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monstaxeurope · 4 years
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The faint smile over a compliment makes him more adorable than the experience and skillfulness of someone, who debuted 6 years ago. Hyungwon and his warm smile, that make the cold winter wind go away, are back, meeting us for the 3rd time already. Monsta X, who showed us broader outlook on the world with the release of <FANTASIA X> in May of 2020, came back with an even more mature image with the release of their 3rd full album <FATAL LOVE> in November of 2020. Especially ‘Nobody else’, one of the songs on the album composed by Hyungwon, is a sophisticated pop song, which perfectly shows his musical growth. 
Besides the group promotions, his participation as a DJ in many festivals and continuous music activities are nicely reflected in the 3 minute and 3 seconds long song. We met with kind and warm Hyungwon, who will show us an even wider music spectrum in the future, prioritizing Monsta X over individual activities even after years of piled up experience. 
Not sure if it's because we filmed with products you use in your daily life, but I think we got a lot of natural expressions on tape.
HW: I had dry lips since I was young. That's why I use Burt's Bees Lip Balm in my daily life too. I'm glad that we could film this together. I also find it fascinating(laugh). 
Congratulations on your comeback. Since it's a full album you must have spend a lot of time on it, please recommend one of the songs you like the most. 
HW: Personally, I want to point out ‘Sorry I'm not sorry’. It was nice we could let people listen to a calm and comfortable song after showing strong and performance-focused stages all the time. It's a song that once again proved how well our voices match with a song like this too, so I really like it. 
What would you say is the killing point of ‘Love Killa’?
HW: Every part has a killing point. Should I say the members' restrained sexiness? In my opinion the killing point might be how we're all covered but the overall vibe of the song has a sexy feeling. 
You released your 3rd full album <FATAL LOVE> and your self-composed song is included for the first time. What kind of song is ‘Nobody Else’?
HW: The topic of the song is ‘perfume’. When you first spray a perfume there's a strong fragrance but it gets weaker over time. I compared the fading scent of a perfume to love. Actually, love wasn't the only message I was trying to convey, I wanted to include wider meanings, like relationships between people or relationship between a fan and a singer. It's the same in human relationships, you naturally become distant with time. But I didn't want that to happen to me. So I wrote this song with ‘I wish the strong fragrance from the start stays the same all the time’ in mind. 
Different from the EDM you did before, you presented pop this time. Was there anything new you learned while composing?
HW: I tried different things and really thought about it a lot. And that's how I naturally broadened my knowledge on different genres. I worried a lot about how to write the lyrics so my sincerity will get conveyed perfectly. I listened to a lot of foreign songs and did a lot of studying on melody and lyrics writing. 
Was 'Nobody Else' written exclusively for this album?
HW: It's a song that was in the making since our last album 'FANTASIA X'. But at the time I didn't like the song as much yet, so we couldn't include it in the album. We put it on the tracklist now after making changes and fixing it a bit. It was my first time writing a song for our members, so I felt like I will regret releasing it, if I'm not completely satisfied with it. So I didn't want to release it until I got to the point "this is it". That's why it took longer. 
Did you ask your members for advice?
HW: I often let them listen to the song. Rather than just appearing in front of them with "ta-dah!" I wanted to get a lot of feedback from them first, since it's a song we were all gonna sing together. I looked for advice from IM and Joohoney a lot because they also write songs. As for Minhyuk, Shownu and Kihyun, I asked them to give me feedback from a singer's point of view. 
It must have felt fresh including your song, that all the members sang, in the album.
HW: I thought about which member will sing which part since the very beginning. Sure enough, they really pulled it off as they started singing. So I was even more satisfied. 
Do you feel like the song was completed according to the plan you had in mind from the beginning?
HW: Of course. I'm satisfied. I have no regrets because they expressed the song just as I imagined it. 
In the past interview you said you compose in your free time. When you listen to a song do you focus more on the melody and genre than on the lyrics?  
HW: Everything is important. No matter how good the melody is, if the lyrics are bad, there's no charm. Same if it's the opposite. That's why I kept modifying both the lyrics and the melody. But if I have to choose one, I concentrate on the melody just a little bit more. 
It's interesting how you chose perfume as main subject of your song. 
HW: It's easier to write a song if there's a certain topic. If you just try writing it without it, it's like beating your head against the wall. It was hard lyrics-wise too. While thinking how to start, this perfume characteristic popped up in my mind. I thought about the feelings I get when I meet someone and how I treat them. After choosing this as my topic, I explained my feelings to IM. He took my explanation and wrote a well-fitting rap out of it. I was so thankful. If it wasn't for IM's rap, I think my feelings wouldn't have been conveyed perfectly and I probably wouldn't  be this satisfied. As for the rap part, it felt complete right away. 
You must have felt proud when the subject suddenly popped up in your mind.
HW: 'Ah, this is it' was my first thought. Haha. For example, I'm sitting on a chair for 5 hours straight trying to plan out a song. After the subject pops up, it's a smooth ride, it's easier to collect my thoughts and time passes by quickly too. There's this feeling of joy when it starts going smoothly and all of a sudden those 5 hours of just sitting down, waiting for THE moment, are worth it. 
Do you think you and the members have improved in anything with the release of 3rd full album?
HW: Yes, and I feel more attached to this album since I wrote one of the songs by myself. Our members' opinions are reflected in the album a lot, so I feel thankful for that too. It's the reason I feel proud and really confident about this album. This is where I feel we've made improvements. 
Your MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is INFP. This type's characteristics are a passionate mediator, introvert and a romantic (person) with strong beliefs. Does that apply to you?
HW: I think it's right. I'm INFP's prototype. Haha. I got goosebumps, really. If you look at INFP examples' tendencies, it all sounds like me. I can really relate to it. 
Do you have your own belief? 
HW: I have my own line. If only you don't cross it, I can understand and forgive anything. But if you go over the line, it's really hard for me to tolerate it. There are parts others might not understand because I have my own criteria (laugh). Of course, I'm trying to find some sort of middle ground now. 
There are different types of MBTI in Monsta X. After spending time together you naturally become similar and it's probably easier to understand each other. 
HW: That's right. Each member has their own characteristics and after living together you start to resemble one another. I'm a total opposite of Minhyuk and Joohoney, especially with Minhyuk, but we have been together for so long that I came to understand him. I think Minhyuk would say the same, we naturally compromise as we go. 
You release self-composed songs and do tons of photo shoots, I feel like you're constantly building up your capabilities. Are there any activities in the entertainment industry that you haven't tried yet but you want to?
HW: I want to continue writing songs and DJ. I'm more greedy about work than you would've thought. Haha. I really want to go to <A Fisherman and the City> on Channel A. I went fishing a couple of times before and had so much fun, it was a healing time for me. Time passed so fast, I came back after looking at the bait for 10 hours straight. Oh, and one time my fishing rod broke and when people near me saw me fishing, they cheered me on and gave me advice too. The whole situation of them cheering me on reminded me of world cup so I really liked it. Because of this memory I want to go fishing again. 
You got picked as the team's visual by Monsta X members and by monbebe. Do you have a specific routine to take care of your appearance?
HW: I didn't really have a routine in the past but I recently realized I have to do something, so I started working out. I followed IM's steps and started working out and people around me already tell me I look healthier. (How long has it been since you started?) It has only been around a month. Haha. I'll try to do it consistently. My goal is not to build muscles, but to try doing it for my health. I need to be healthy to dance and sing for a long time. I'm most thankful to IM. I was able to bravely start working out because he was sincerely concerned for my health and cheered me on. 
Monsta X established a strong position in music industry as beast idols, but what kind of artist do you personally want to become? 
HW: As I've been saying for this whole year, of course it's also important to be successful, to get the best results everywhere, but I want to become a singer, who can see his fans for a long time. I want to release music consistently too. But, more than solo, I want to promote with my team for a long time. 
As years in this industry pile up you probably think and worry about the future more and more. 
HW: I rather get these thoughts and our members probably think the same. We're all passionate and greedy when it comes to music, but as you know, our society nowadays is centered around results. Everything we do is recorded somewhere. There are times we get discouraged and we almost lose our enthusiasm, but Monsta X members overcome situations like that and start working harder. And as time passes we realize it was actually not a big deal for us. I feel like I can't even take good care of all the people who love me now. Of course, I'd be more thankful if we received more love. 
Is there a goal you want to accomplish within next year?
HW: I really want to hold a concert. We also want to go on a tour with members. We released a lot of new songs and we're ready to perform them. So we feel kinda regretful, our lastest release 'Love Killa' is one of the stages we wanted to show our fans live, they would've loved and enjoyed it. I hope to stand in front of an audience again, because our team synergy gets better when we have people watch our stage live. 
I heard you're an expert on acrostic poems, would it be possible to get one for @star1(앳스타일)? 
HW: (앳): @star1 is really nice
(스): I feel like I became a star
(타): Invite the rest of the members too
(일): They are friends, who really like working. Haha.
atstar1magazine | Scan Reference Translation KR-ENG: Monsta X Europe
#translation #t:interview #t:magazine #pm:shownu #shownu #t:article
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dcthemes · 4 years
Birthday Wishes
Raising my glass today to toast my wonderful sister, you are genuinely exceptional.
Sisters consistently realize better how to mind. Today, it's my chance to give you back. Glad Birthday, sister
Have an awesome Happy Birthday. You are so extraordinary to me that I wish that your each and every day becomes uncommon like today.
Wishing Happy Birthday to my great, fantastically beguiling and extraordinarily gifted sister.
Sister, I accept that you are my beginning and end and that I was unable to ask more. I see myself as the most fortunate to discover you as my sister. Upbeat Birthday.
Sisters are fundamentally the same as the closest companions. Regularly no one can tell that they are keeping a nearby and caring eye on you, so nothing can trouble your bliss. Glad Birthday.
Sister, I'm truly grateful to you for being a phenomenal companion of mine. I'm wishing you a Happy Birthday.
Wishing my closest companion and astounding sister a major Happy Birthday. This uncommon day is just made for you.
A genuine sister is the very encapsulation of affection and care. I realize this is genuine on the grounds that I'm sufficiently fortunate to be your sibling. Have a superb birthday!
How deficient would one stud look when worn without the other? That is the manner by which I would look without you. Glad birthday.
I like you so much that I put your photograph in my wallet rather than that alluring one that accompanied it. Glad Birthday.
A debt of gratitude is in order for understanding me so much, I can't envision my existence without your mystical touch. Glad birthday.
I have consistently cherished you and will keep on doing as such. On your birthday I send you my all the best, love, and welcome. Expectation you have an impressive birthday!
I feel so fortunate that my dear sister is my actual companion. Glad birthday, you are the best!
You are the most stunning, wonderful and most grounded individual I've at any point met. I'm truly pleased to wind up as my sister. Cheerful Birthday.
Sister, it's an exceptionally extraordinary day in your life, how about we cut the cake and increase the satisfaction. I love you. Upbeat Birthday.
Neither of us is great yet our blemishes make us the adorable kin that we are. Cheerful birthday.
There may be a great many sisters in this world, yet to me, you are the best sister no doubt. Cheerful Birthday!
Sister, you have consistently been there for me. On your birthday, I simply need to state thank you, I love you, and anything you need is yours. Glad Birthday!
Sisters share garments and embellishments as well as offer a coexistence. Upbeat Birthday!
Some state that desires are for the stars, however I can wish you too on the grounds that I realize you've just become a star in my life. Glad Birthday, sister.
You are the purpose behind whom my youth days were so beautiful and I had a good time. Much obliged to you for every one of those magnificent recollections. Cheerful Birthday, sister.
I wish you a daily existence loaded with amazement, satisfaction, and flourishing. It's exceptionally simple for me since I generally need the best for my flawless sister. Cheerful Birthday.
Much obliged for being an extraordinary sister and getting me, despite the fact that I have never fully gotten you. Upbeat Birthday.
I love the way unique you are from me, while as yet being my sister… Happy Birthday to my dearest sister!
Glad birthday, ravishing! I am thankful for the supernatural time that we spend together, sister. Be upbeat!
Growing up, nobody drove me crazier than you. Presently, you're the individual I converse with when others are making me insane (even you!) Happy Birthday, sister!
I need to wish an extremely Happy Birthday to the most occurring and shrewd sister in this whole universe.
In spite of the fact that even the sun will one day run out of vitality, my affection for you will never come up short. It will make due to the most recent day of the universe. Glad Birthday.
Drug organizations should take a couple of swabs of your DNA and jug its substance structure to make an item called Emotional Healer. Upbeat birthday, sister.
Sister, I generally esteemed your each and every guidance and applied them in my life. You have helped me to get answerable for the family. Glad Birthday.
You are one more year more shrewd and around two minutes from snatching a mixed drink.
There are so numerous sweet recollections of our days of yore that can without much of a stretch make huge stories. I can recollect every one of them since I love them until the end of time. Have a Happy Birthday, sister.
You are the person who has trained me what love and care is. Cheerful birthday my dear, great, sister!
Clearly you can't quit having your birthday celebrations and all the more exactly you can't quit being my beautiful sister. Both these things are great. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.
I don't converse with you consistently any longer, however you are still in my heart consistently. Upbeat Birthday, Sister.
I'm going to quit sending you cosmetics . . . time to acknowledge you as you may be, lovely wrinkles what not! Glad Birthday!
Welcome from the greatest fan on your birthday. You'll generally be my #1.
I take and grab things from all of you all year. So your birthday is an incredible opportunity to give you a present and give back in kind. Upbeat birthday dear sister.
Individuals express that it is conceivable to pick own companions from many, however clearly you can't pick you're the individuals from your family. I'm unquestionably the most fortunate. Glad Birthday.
Your companions may come into your life and disappear, yet sisters will consistently be alongside you to satisfy you until the end of time. Cheerful Birthday.
At the point when you were brought home just because, I was somewhat desirous. However, as we grew up, I ended up as a stunning companion of mine. Upbeat Birthday!
I wonder that if everybody in this world could have an incredible sister like you figure it would have been the best thing at any point occurred! Glad Birthday.
I feel fortunate to have such a cool individual like you as a sister. I am sending much love to my younger sibling on her birthday!
You are the best sister that I have ever had. Indeed, even in my creative mind. Cheerful Birthday.
All the best today to the main young lady I like to dress in princess attire with.
Sisters share an excessive number of feelings together – bliss, chuckling, envy, satisfaction, outrage, dreams and harmony and these make them the most genuine companions of all.
The main individual in this whole world who can transform my attacks a major grin. All I need to state is – I love you, sister. Wishing a Happy Birthday.
A caring sister like you can present to me the confidence that I'm never alone on the grounds that you are consistently adjacent to me. Upbeat Birthday.
Wishing an extremely Happy Birthday to my dazzling sister. I need to thank you for being my closest companion also.
On this extraordinary day, I'm thinking about back all the magnificent recollections we've assembled together. Glad Birthday, Sis!
Sisters are not conventional people. They have the persistence of a priest and are more excellent from inside, than what a delight show champ would look from outside.
Companions may travel every which way however sisters ought to consistently be near. Cheerful Birthday.
Yippee! It's my dear sister's Birthday! I trust your birthday brings as much satisfaction to you as you are bringing to other people!
For what reason do you stress over developing more established, when you resemble wine simply improving and better with age?
Genuine birthday wishes to my dear sister!
I'm fortunate to the point that I have such an excellent and valuable relationship with my sweet, brilliant, adoring and caring sister. Cheerful Birthday.
We may have been sisters by destiny and karma, yet there is nobody else who I could adore to such an extent. Cheerful birthday.
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karaxreds · 5 years
Confession - Trent Alexander-Arnold
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Your feet felt so heavy as you made your way to his house, you knew that they're probably all feeling down just like you but they surely didn't feel as bad as he did.
You were finally facing the front door of their house, letting out a small breath pressing your finger against the doorbell's button.A few seconds later the door was thrown up and you were met with the familiar blonde woman.
"Oh, hey darling!" His mom greeted you with a wide and warm smile.
"Hello there." You returned the smile, she quickly pulled you into a tight hug before she finally releases you.
"I am so glad you're here, Love." She said, closing the door behind her as you stepped into the Arnolds' household.
"I actually didn't want to show up until tomorrow but Tyler rang me a few minutes ago." You tried to explain.
"I know." She nodded, "I told him to call you, I know you landed last night as well but he's just being you know..."
"Overreacting." A new familiar voice spoke, making you roll your eyes playfully. "Hey, Beautiful." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you.
"Hey, Ty" You hugged him back, Tyler was worried about his brother. It's nothing new though, Trent always isolates himself when he feels bad about himself or about someone, he just tries to bottle it all inside of him.
"He's not overreacting." You argued,"He didn't talk to you?"
"Nope." He shook his head, "Just a few sentences, he went to training this morning and then came right back to his room."
"He didn't leave it at all?" You asked, both of your eyebrows raised up.
"Like I said just for training." Tyler repeated, gesturing with his hands around.
"I don't think it's just about the game." His mom spoke from beside you.
"Yeah, he won't even talk to me." Tyler shrugged.
"What makes you think he'll talk to me ?" You tilted your head, sending him a questioning look.
"He's your best friend, maybe there are things he doesn't tell me and tells you."
"Seriously, Ty." You narrowed your eyes, "What could he be not telling you?."
"That's what you're here for, Love." He smirked, "Go and try to talk to him please."
"Okay." You sighed, nodding your head.
"Thank you, hun." His mom caresses your arm and you just give her a small smile.
"Where are-"
"Dad and Marcel are both taking a nap." The older Alexander-Arnold answers before you could even ask the question.
You finally made it upstairs, lifted your fist and knocked softly on the door.
"Ty, just go"
You turned the doorknob and opened the door anyway, the worst scenario was him being naked in his room and you were hoping he wasn't, preferably wearing his boxer since you're already seen him like that a million of times.
"Hello, Champion." You gretted, giving hin one of your best smiles, you walked in making sure to close the door behind you."I am not a champion." He sighed, shaking his head feom side to side.
"I am sorry, but last time I checked you were European Champions." You raised your hands up in the air, trying to cheer him up. "What are you doing here, anyway?" He asks rudely, still sitting down on his bed with the phone in his hands.
"To see you, obviously." You replied, "I've called you multiple times but it seems like you were ignoring me on purpose." You crossed your arms against your chest, looking at him angrily.
"I don't want to talk,Okay?" He snapped, rolling his eyes.
"Trent, it's okay to lose a game." You sighed, sitting next to him on the bed."You don't get it." He scoffed, shaking his head from side to side.  His eyes never meeting yours. "It's not just about the fact that we lost, I played  awfully."
"Not!" You immediately argued, "You were great, I was there and yo-"
"Don't lie to me, I know I had a horrible game." He cut you off harshly.
"Trent." You sighed, scooping closer to him. "You had one bad game so what? It's not an official competition anyway."
"Of course you would say that." He laughed humorlessly, "It wasn't you who disappointed thousands if not millions of fans yesterday."
"I am sorr-, Disappointed?" You cried, "That was a friendly game, Trent. You were clearly the better team, it was just hard luck. Didn't go your way with  the penalties." You shrugged.
"It's not just about yesterday's game." He shook his head, "We literally lost almost all of our preseason games."
"So? It's preseason for a reason right?" You raised an eyebrow, "That means you'll get to learn from your mistakes, To know where it went wrong and try to fix it whether it was the defending or the attacking or whatever the hell the coach think it was! you've got one of the greatest coaches in the world, Trent. Just imagine how lucky you are to work with him."
"I know." He whispers quietly, as he plays with his hands his eyes still not meeting your face.
You suddenly stood up and made your way toward the high shelf in his room where he placed all of his individual trophies.
"Look at all of these, man." You smiled proudly, "You've won so many trophies based on your individual performances, the ones at the academy." You said, your hands stopping in front of the ones he's won at the academy, "The ones with the senior team! And oh look! Your golden medal! Champion of europe." His eyes scanned every single trophy on the shelf, there were over six trophies and medals.He stood up walked toward you, his eyes finally meeting yours, a small smile finally appearing on his rosy lips.
"You love that one, don't you." He smirked, as his eyes went up to the small photo at the end of the shelf.It was a picture of the two of you, taken a couple of months ago in Madrid he was holding the Champion's league trophy and you were wearing the golden medal, both of you smiling at the Camera. Tyler was the one who took that picture.
"You've got it framed!" You exclaimed, your eyes lightening up.
"Of course, right next to the ones with my teammates and my family." He nodded.
"I love it, I'll get one too." You spoke, your eyes still glued to the pictures.
"So Tyler told me that you came to London yesterday." He quickly changed the subject, "Why didn't you come down, to see me?"
"I was actually in a rush, we booked a flight just an hour after the game so we couldn't miss it." You tried explained.
"We?" He frowned his eyebrows, probably wondering who's we.
"Yeah, came with James and the others." You said with a casual shrug.
"James." It felt like he spit out the name, like it was venom.
"Yes." You nodded.
"Seems like you two got really close these past few weeks." He muttered out, he watches you roll back your shoulders.
"He's just being a really nice friend."
"Friend, is that so?" He said, in an accusing tone.
"Yes, he's been a great friend." You repeated, putting an emphasise on the word friend. "He's been helping me with my master registration and stuff."
"What is he? Your personal driver." He snickered, slidding his hands on his shorts' back pockets.
"Nope, he's just being an amazing person and a great friend not just with my college related stuff." You added, looking up into his chocolate brown eyes you adored so much.
It seems like the words have triggered something in him, you watch his eyes darken, anger raising up inside of him.
"Oh and what other stuff? Such as him getting into your pants?"
"Wha-" Your eyes widened, "What the hell are you talking about? And even if I do why should it bother you so much?"
"Oh, so he does?" He suddenly started raising his voice, making you even more angrier.
"I am sorry but do I ask you about all the girls you've been spending your holidays with?"  You finally blurts out, your heart started to race and you just wish you could take it all back.
"Wha-what girls? How do you know?" He asked, his jaw almost hitting the floor.
"So it's true,Right?" You laughed, placing your hands on your hips. "And you dare ask me about James. "
He stood there, looking down at you quietly for a few seconds before he let out a loud sigh.
"It's not the same thing."
"Yeah, I know. James is just a friend, your girls weren't." You pointed out, your eyes piercing into his. "What does this have to do with everything anyway? Why do you care so much ab-"
"I don't want anyone to play with your feelings." He softly says, taking a step closer to you. "You're too precious."
"Sounded like you were jealous?" You spoke,it sounded more like a question. "Are you?"
"No." He responded a bit too quickly which made you smirk.
"Sure." You nodded, "Not that you have to anyway, he's got a girlfriend."
"He does?"
"Yes and she was with us too." You shrugged casually.
"Oh yeah?, that's cool, t-that's great." He smiled widely, "I am glad he does."
"You're my best friend, Trent. No one's ever going to take your place."
And you suddenly watch his face fall off at the word friends, it hurts you too to say those words sometimes but it was the truth he was only your best friend.
"Best friend of course." He muttered under his breath but you somehow heard him. "Maybe I don't want to be your best friend anymore."
"W-what?" Your heart starts racing as the words leave his mouth.
"Maybe I want more." He mumbled, his hands going up to your face gently placing them on your cheeks.  "I don't care about all those girls like that, I really tried to but I couldn't."
"Couldn't what?" You mumbled back, your eyes looking at his lips.
"Couldn't get you out of my head." He finally admits, "It has always being you on my mind, for months now. I don't know if I can."
"Trent...what are you talking about?"
"Babe, I think I am falling in love with you." He whispered, his hands softly caressing both of your cheeks.
You eyes widened at his confession, you were frozen, no words came out of your mouth. You just stared at him in complete shock, and his eyes scanned every inch on your face.
"I-I-" Before you could say anything, he leaned in and suddenly there no more space between the two of you. He placed his lips against yours, giving you no time or chance to pull away. You felt your stomach twirling as his lips perfectly moved against yours, you felt him grin through the passionate kiss as you responded back.You both pull away trying to catch your breath, opening your eyes finally staring at him and you couldn't help but smile.
"I am not sorry for that, though." He whisperes against your lips, "I l-" You cut him off this time with another sweet kiss, both smiling into it, your hand moving up to his neck sliding into his hair.
"Hey, lads!" A loud sound suddenly echoed through the room, from behind the door making the two of you jump up in surprise.You watch with wide eyes as the door was thrown open and the older Arnold's figure appearing. "Oh, sorry! Am I interrupting something ?" He smirks at the two of you.
"No" you say while Trent says "Yes"
You turn your head and sent him a glare, and he just rolls his eyes at his brother.
"What is it Ty?"
"Ma's calling you down, dinner's ready! And you're staying love!" He said, then just like that he disappeared leaving the door open and he gives you no time to respond. "So..." Your best friend says after a few seconds of silence.
"So..." You repeated a small shy smile on your lips.
"That was kind of..."
"Amazing." You nodded, looking down at your feet shyly."Hey, don't." He whispered, lifting you chin up with his fingers. "No need to hide those pretty eyes, Love."
"I know."
"Let's have dinner with the fam then we'll discuss this, yeah? Maybe do a bit more of what we just did?" He smirks once again, which made you hit him lightly on his chest. "Come on, baby." You could feel your insides twirl when the word rolled out of his mouth, he usually calls you babe but now that little word sounded so different.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, bringing them up and kissing the back of your hand then the two of you happily made your way downstair with wide smiles on your face and Trent just knew that his family will be thrilled to see you like that, especially his older brother.
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crazy-talk · 6 years
As promised, here’s a little large compilation sort of thing of little moments and memories from SBFP that you folks have submitted. I really appreciate everything that you’ve all submitted, it’s pretty clear that SBFP helped and entertained a whole lot of people - in equal amounts.
Here’s some SBFP moments:
Grand Wizard Wakka
The Shitstorm VII Woolie haunting plan
“What a mysterious game.”
“Wait, what’s my objectives?” “You don’t haaave any objectives!”
Qui Gon Chi
“Whah happuh?” “das whah happuh!”
“No, shut up though.”
The Baby
“Shut the fuck up about Face/Off!”
The Sadness Trilogy
Pat thinking he’s dying because he sat on a chocolate bar
Kenpachi Ramasama
“Whut deh fuhk? Is he using duh bät room?”
Mr. Shakedown/Kenny/Quint/Eric Sparrow
“Love is just chemicals.”
Pat eating candy alone in a closet
Matt throwing the fire axe
“Oh no, I make’da bad game!”
“Hey, is that the script?”
“It’s fine.”
The RE2 valve noise
Woolie’s atomic purple Gameboy
“Eyy, what’s goin’ on, man? You ready to play?”
And some SBFP memories. Some of these may be a bit emotionally heavy so feel free to skip this part:
the sbfp lp of yakuza 0 got me and my best friend into the yakuza series. we watched it together and we still laugh about matt falling to pieces over "never-before-seen results" - Anon
the best friends have had such an influence on my speech patterns that i've infected people who've never watched them before. half of my friend group says super big [x] and porked up now - Anon
SBFP introduced me to so many games that ended up becoming personal favorites of mine, like Deadly Premonition and the Silent Hill series. Their videos became a way for me to spend time with some of my own best friends as well! -  captainofthestars
theres one particular moment that will always resonate with me - in their devil may cry lets play, i cant remember if it was 1 or 3, they talk about someone in the comments who mentioned that they had to beat devil may cry with items due to having a physical disability of some kind, i cant remember which. they talked about how it was awesome that he managed to even beat the game like that, and, personally, as someone who struggles with motorskills issues this made me very happy, as a devil may cry fan. theres a lot of other great moments from the tbfp, both funny and genuine that made me happy, but this one in particular stuck with me a lot. -  krillfingers
I'll never stop making "pull out king" jokes thanks to sbfp - venerabledreadnought
I remember the first Shitstorm that made me actually have to get up and sit in a brightly lit room with other people in it, Anatomy. It's become a Halloween tradition to watch it every year since, though watching a whole bunch of Shitstorm also became one. As someone who started watching at their second machinma ep, it's not a lie to say that they made up the entirety of my teenage years. I will miss the channel dearly, but I look forward to the future. -  duke-nitro
My friends and I have been watching The Zaibatsu for so long that we have accidentally adopted a bunch of their phrases like going “yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah” or saying someone “go down.” Also, despite us not knowing each other when we became fans, we all somehow began with their Man vs Wild let’s play and I even made friends with one of them because I quoted something from it at work. Favorite moment probably has to be the entire Omikron playthrough, I can’t pick a single moment. It was a beautiful trainwreck start to finish and I still put on the playlist from time to time while I’m doing other things. I swear I could gently fall asleep to the sounds of Pat screaming about the shooter segments. shogun-ceanataur
Persona 4 and Kenpachi Ramasama were my favourite. I found the name itself hilarious, but how they kept on referring to him as the full name in different little bits and tones never failed to make me laugh. That “See you later, fuckers!” part from when you see Yosuke was also hilarious. I’m not sure if that video is the oeigin, but it’s why I’ve integrated that phrase into my everyday life. Goddamn what a fun, memorable episode. - whatthehellisthisevenfor
tbfp got me through being homeless in my car twice. every time that I wanted to give up, to just stop trying, i'd turn on whatever new video they had out and it brightened up my life. my mom, who was with me, came to love them to, she used to wait to hear them to relax. i have so many memories of that time, and i don't fully relax or even eat on long days until I've turned their videos on. my favorite quote is still "mistakes into miracles". its a rly motivating quote imo. -  c0l0c4k3s
I always loved the Silent Hill 2 LP. I never played it when it came out - all I knew was that it was a horror game, and I hated horror at the time. But when the LP came around, I knew a bit more about the game and I was intrigued. Seeing the game, meeting the characters, hearing Pat disect the story and themes for Matt, I loved it all. I was fascinated, and still am. I will still watch the LP every few months, and I call SH2 one of my favorite games, even though I still haven’t played it.Thanks, SBFP, for all the great moments and the great memories. I wish you all well. - iamthewanderingbard
The best friends are what got me so invested in the Dark souls games, and what motivated me to get through DS2. Even if I say 'You see what i mean' unironically a lot, and go 'You. Did it.' -  awkwardmuses
I got into Super Best Friends from a post on the Twin Perfect forum, that linked to the Silent Hill Downpour lp, and never looked back. Their let's plays brought me so much joy back when I wasn't in the best living or health situation, and continue to do so. My favourite let's plays have to be Eternal Darkness and the Shitstorms; I always go back to those when depression hits, or for any reasons. I'll miss them together, but I'll always have those delicious delicious memories. -  mrjaffesxeldritchtwin
The Best Friends Play are the reason I end so many sentences with "though". I first found them when a friend recommended the Best Sisters Play MLP animations, and I've loved them ever since. I know it's used as a joke, but I really believe they've earned the title of HYPEST GAMEPLAY ON YOUTUBE. I love all of their David Cage playthroughs, and I adore how many plot-points they guess during Beyond: Two Souls. I love how, when they play a game they really love, they show so much knowledge and care. -  mads-in-zero
It was incredibly amusing and oddly touching that the Zaibatsu created this hate circle of David Cage and his godawful games. Even before Detroit’s release, the best friends AND the fanbase were ready to hate it because as a collective, we just latched onto that one thing to hate/make fun of. And we go all out on it together like some fucked up family, and I love it. -  missinghmmingbird
I can’t help but shrug off every minor inconvenience and major issue in my life with “it’s fine” thanks to Gun Jumper Liam. Thanks to Matt and Woolie supporting Skullgirls like no one else on the internet, I really got into it and fighting games as a whole. I’m not good at them, but oh boy do I love them.And if it wasn’t for Pat, I don’t think I’d ever have touched a Yakuza or Persona game.These guys affected my life more than any other individual or group on the internet ever really has. -  dklordg
The first Best Friends video I ever watched was Portal 2. That short LP had me in stitches. I'd never laughed so hard. I've been a huge fan since then. These guys where the ones that introduced me to LPs and made me realize that you can have fun watching other people bumble through games. TheSw1tcher has been one of my favorite channels on YouTube since I began watching. It gave me something to look forward to. I got through high school, and essentially grew up, watching these videos. There are so many catchphrases and memes I will never forget and will always make me smile. I absolutely say stuff like “whah happun?” and “shit-kids” all the time. The Deadly Premonition and Detroit: Become Human playthroughs are wonderful gems in my eyes. It’s amazing how a group of guys can get so many people to collectively love and bash certain games. We’re all on the same page, having a blast like a huge group of friends at a slumber party. Matt, Pat, Woolie, Liam, Billy, and everyone who involved themselves with the Super Best Friends are the absolute best. They gave me a chance to relax and laugh along with some familiar voices. Although it's sad they are going their separate ways, I totally respect that fact. They have my love and support. I wish them nothing but success and happiness moving forward. I'll be watching! And a note to my fellow fans: This has been a wild ride. I'm glad I got to enjoy it with you. You are all fantastic people. -  fablesamongus
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yuhenglesbian · 6 years
Galaxies & Stardust
Link to part one (of sorts) 
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Pairing: Fan Chengcheng x Female Reader 
Requested: Nope. I’ve been wanting to write a sequel to Sky Full of Stars for a while. 
Genre: Fluff; Hinted Smut
Word Count: 2,204
A/N: This took me so long to post because things kept on coming up constantly rip. It’s not exactly a sequel because both the fics are pretty individual of each other unless you want context for a couple of things. Also, this was pretty gender neutral until boobs became a factor *sigh*. 
If there was one thing you would never get tired of– that you’d pick over and above everything in your life– it was Fan Chengcheng. It was the way he was created of constellations and lone stars and the way he made you feel like you were covered in stardust every time he touched you. Sometimes when you’d pull away from each other– flushed and breathless, lips glistening and moist, you were tempted to check for galaxies that you swore formed across your skin everywhere he touched you. His touches were always languid and lazy– flowing gently over you every time you made out but they never failed to make you feel as if sparks were forming under the skin where his fingers rested, ready to set you on fire if they got out of hand but for now, only making you feel as if he’d imprinted on you the very galaxies you swore he was made of.
Those feelings amplified exponentially the first time you ever made love to each other– made love because you couldn’t bear to call it anything else. Everywhere he touched you, you could feel a starburst happening. Countless new stars being born and dying over and over until you couldn’t hold back your orgasm any longer. When he held you later that night, both of you still panting slightly from the activity and told you in soft whispers against your neck of how much he loved you, you swore that you were on the edge of becoming one with a newborn galaxy.
In the morning after, you notice the love bites trailing down your neck– bruising your skin in hues of purple and red. He kisses them gently, still half asleep even as he wraps his arms around your waist while you make breakfast and apologises for how visible they are. You turn around and kiss that beauty mark on his jaw and tell him that you wished he’d paint you in those colours all over and giggle when he blushes.
Fan Chengcheng is sure he is in love with you– with the little things about you. With how you always make him breakfast when you stay over; with how easily you smile and how the sun couldn’t ever compare to your radiance when you do. He’s in love with the breathless, flushed you who pulls him in for another kiss almost as soon as you’ve pulled away. He’s in love with the you who’s made of sweet moans and gasping repeated pleas of his name at night– all your little noises loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for his parents to be able to hear how the nature of your relationship has changed slightly.
He thinks you’re beautiful and he wonders how you could possibly be in love with him. He’s amazed at how patient you are with him– always around to talk him out of any of doubts he has about himself and his worth as an idol. He’s awed at how when words fail, you can always kiss away his thoughts. He’s in love with how you kiss him– slow and languid, matching his pace as your desires slowly build up. He in love with the moment you pull away, your eyes glazed over with all the love and adoration and need he feels growing inside him as he lets you pull him closer for another kiss– this one more heated than the last.
However if anyone asked, what about you Fan Chengcheng is in love with, all of those things wouldn’t be what he answered. If anyone asked him why he loved you, he’d tell them about how you make him feel like he’s made of stardust and how you’re the magic of meteor showers– making him feel vulnerable and invincible at the same time– leaving him feeling like magic existed and came from stars even as you called him a galaxy of stars and constellations and swore that he was the one leaving galaxies bursting on every inch of your skin that he touched.
It had been a lazier-than-usual Sunday evening that found you both cuddling on the couch at your apartment, the television playing a long-forgotten movie as Chengcheng told you about how he’s been since the last time you saw him. He talks about how Nine Percent is finally gearing for debut and how he’s worried about the stress increasing with a double debut. One of his hands is holding yours, tangling your fingers together and absently tracing circles on the skin below your thumb while the other is wrapped around your waist, holding you in place.  You’re acutely aware of how much you’ve missed his voice and the feel of his touch as your heart lurches in yearning for more domesticity in your relationship.
“I’m just glad to be back finally,” he says after a while, his lips against your neck, his words barely audible. You hum in response, tilting your head back to expose your neck a little more. “I missed you,” you tell him, raising his hand to your lips even as he trails kisses down your neck.
Things move faster from there– leaving you breathless with the series of starbursts that you can feel taking place all through your body and mind as Chengcheng pins you down on the couch and leaves kisses and hickeys on any bit of exposed skin he can find. His movements are urgent and feverish and you can’t help but wonder if you’ll actually become a new galaxy by the time he moves away.
When he does move away– sooner than you would have liked for him to, leaning back against the handle of the couch and pulling you with him, the fire of his touches have left you so delirious you’re almost sure you’re only half human–  the other half of you is probably lost to the supernovas he’s created all through your body. “I love you,” he whispers for the first time in a long time and in that moment, delirious or not, you love him more than you ever have.
You need him more than you ever have: with his lips swollen and parted slightly, panting slightly; his hair sticks to his forehead and you wonder how much his hair must have grown from the last time you saw him. You look at the boy in front you, holding you on his lap and looking at you clearly worried about how you would react to his confession. You can’t help but smile and lean forward to kiss him– a slow, eager kiss full of how deeply you feel for him. In the years to come, Chengcheng would relate the kiss to a lake in the monsoons–  filled to bursting and yet something that filled him with peace instead of making him want to run away. In that moment, he lets hands roam everywhere on your body as you pull away momentarily from the kiss only to leave kisses all over his face and all down his neck.
You bury your fingers in his hair, tugging it slightly so he takes the hint and tilts his neck and allows you to suck and lick on every bit of his neck. Chengcheng thinks of how you always compare him to the night sky and how you talk of his touches turning you into a cosmic space where new galaxies are formed and in that moment he feels as if  he is the cosmic space where galaxies are formed. Every nerve ending in his body seems to be bursting from charged energy leaving him jittery and exhilarated all at once–  he wonders if you feel this way too when he touches you. Absently, his hands brush over your breasts, squeezing them gently over your bra making you moan into his neck, making him groan in response to the proximity.
All at once, the sensations are too much to let either of you hold back and vaguely you can feel his dick beginning to harden as you sit on his lap, staring at him–  both of you shocked at the sudden wantonness of your relationship and the intimacy it had stemmed from.  His cheeks are flushed and his eyes are shining and his lips are swollen and you can’t help but be taken at how beautiful he looks in moments like this–  it makes you want to take a picture of him like you often do when your makeout sessions end. Today, however, you can’t really see yourself doing that–  this moment feels infinitely more private than any you’ve ever shared and maybe it’s because it was at that moment that you realised you were in love with him or it was because his hand was under your shirt. You can’t tell the difference and you don’t care for it–  at that moment, all you want is to lead that moment to fruition and even though Chengcheng is too polite to say it, the look in his eyes tell you that he wants it too.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he tells you, hesitantly trying to release some of the tension. He’s visibly nervous and you think he’s adorable so you lean in again to kiss him again– this one is barely a peck on his lips. “I want you,” is all you tell him before his hands are cupping your face as he pulls in for a deeper kiss– one that doesn’t make you feel like you’re a newborn galaxy–  it makes you feel like he’s pulling you into a new, private galaxy where no-one exists besides the two of you.
In the morning after that you wake up to Chengcheng’s bare chest against your back, his face buried in your neck, his arm around you, you wonder briefly how the two of you ever managed to make it to the bedroom from the couch. It rushes in other memories from the previous night as well: The feel of his lips all over skin, his tongue swirling around your nipples before he sucked them– you bite your lips at the memory of how it made you moan; your body tingles at the memory of the actions–  at how you were sure you would definitely burst into cosmic dust before the night was over.
You look at the boy sleeping next to you and wonder if he at all believes it when you tell him how beautiful he is and you wish he does because he is– like the sky under which you kiss him after he tells you about how afraid he is of not being good enough on certain nights. You trace your finger across his face, drawing imaginary lines connecting each of his beauty marks and think about how all his skin is dotted with them and how he let you kiss each of them last night. “You’re a star-studded night sky, Fan Chengcheng,” you whisper, barely audible to even yourself. “You’re made of constellations and lone stars and when you touch me I feel like my essence is becoming an entirely new universe.”
It’s the first time you ever worded out how he makes you feel and when he stirs slightly in his sleep, you’re slightly embarrassed that he may have heard you. Instead, he hums in his sleep, completely unaware and shifts slightly making you smile. You gently raise his hand and creep out of bed, picking up his discarded shirt and pulling it over yourself. It’s when you pull your hair up to tie it that you notice the love bites on your neck–  red and purple and reminding you of NASA pictures of galaxies and you can’t help but admire them for a while in the mirror of your room before you make your way to the kitchen.
It’s been barely ten minutes  when Chengcheng joins you in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a back hug, kissing the nape of your neck. “Good morning,” he says, groggily, “come back to bed.” You laugh, throwing your head back and resting it on his chest, looking up at him. “No, Cheng,” you smile, “we need food.”
You laugh some more when he pouts and Chengcheng decides then that he’s never going to love someone as much as you. He trails his hands up your sides, making you shiver slightly. His hands roam all over your body as he leans down to kiss your neck– stopping when he notices the bruises he’s left on your skin. You don’t need to turn around to see the worry and guilt in his eyes as he apologises. “I didn’t mean to be so rough,” he says and you can’t help but laugh a little at how sweet he is. You turn around in his arms and kiss his jaw.
“Fan Chengcheng, you’re made of stars you know that?” you sigh fondly. “You’re made of stars and when I saw those bruises, my first thought was that they were galaxies because those are what I feel under my skin when you touch me. I love them and if anything, I’d rather you covered me all over in them.”
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dragonsnowleopard · 6 years
This is gonna be ALL KINDS OF LONG, and I’m sorry it took so long!! Going through your lair does take time, because it is deep to go through. Also, you don't need to pay me per dragon because this is stream of consciousness, bouncing around between different things - I’m kind of a mess, forgive me. Here goes!!
Immediate notes:
- I instantly commend you for your ability to Nuzlocke. Multiple times, even! How! That shit would break my spirit completely!
- Looking at the names of your tabs, I am intrigued and amused. The fact that you've named a tab Reception makes me smile. The "I Just Want Pretty Imps OK?" tab made me giggle. I'm wishing a little bit that FR would give us tab descriptions where you could elaborate slightly on what each tab is about. Looking into the tabs themselves, I find them well-organized and aesthetically pleasing.
- I find the thing where you put your gene plans for your Nuzlocke dragons in their bios cool! Good choice!
- Also, generally, your lore is so deep, rich, and intricate. Your bios are so well-made. I admire this about you. Always have, always will.
- I also admire your patience and dedication when it comes to dressing and accenting your dragons. Jiminy McFucking Christmas, how do you do it?! All these intricate outfits and all the accents!! And along those lines, there's something really cool about how flowy your dragons all feel. Like they flow into one another.
Individual Dragon Notes:
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- Zima is, as always, an intriguing figure - the tundra with the coatl skin attached to him, floating there. Kinda makes me wonder about the relationship between the two.
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- Clade is freaking gorgeous. The bluey purpley color scheme works really well on him. The loopy-ness of a male spiral really works in his favor design wise, and the familiar matching rocks too. Also, reading about his near-death experiences makes me worry!
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- Solveig is freaking gorgeous. In particular, the color gradient of the peridot noxtide is beauuuuuutiful. Combine that with the woodsy aesthetic of this dragon, and the fact that I recognize their name from some of your nuzlocke posts, and I'm sure glad to see this one.
- The whole Amberspire tab is freaking gorgeous and is an example of what I mean by your dragons seem to flow into each other. All of them draw my eye smoothly from one to the next, as if I'm on those flat escalator things you see in airports (are they actually called people movers?) and I'm looking at art. This goes for the meditation room tab too.
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- Out of the Amberspire bunch I'm gonna highlight Cassandra real quick - I've been a fan of the brown/blue combination for a long time, and she does it really well. The flow of the blues into the purple tones too - hot diggity dang what a pretty dragon. The elements are all there in her, it just works and flows.
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- I adore Autumn. I have one of her daughters, Harvestsong (who says hi and is waving and smiling at her mom, btw!). And looking at Autumn - how beautifully purple and orange she is, how the deepness of the purples and the brightnesses of the oranges look together! Such a good, such a good. She makes me wish I had a better sense of how to balance the purples and the oranges on her daughter, haha.
HERE I SWITCH TO LINKING THE DRAGONS’ PAGES  bc tumblr is being a jerkass and not letting me format this right. 
- Dawnknight and Sib both caught my eye for similar reasons. They're gorgeous and they look like they're glowing. Blue/black/purple is a color combo I like on me. On these dragons, it freaking rules because of the contrast of the bright spots in the dark. Sib's story yanked on my heartstrings a bit too.
- Nameless is really cool beacause he looks so intimidating - like a harbinger, like a dragon to be feared and not crossed - but his bio tells a different story. One of loneliness. I feel for him and I want to show him care and affection but also I am iiiiiiiiintimidated. That's a mark of character design winning - how you create someone that gives that kind of a strong reaction. - So, I scried Divine. Underneath the invisibility cloak is a beautiful dragon whose colors and genes are stunning together. Absolutely stunning. I am curious about this comet. Very curious indeed. - Choco is freaking adorable and I could really go for snuggling the daylights out of him and his fluff. (Also, there's a dog that comes to my workplace called Choco - he's a dark brown pomeranian and the brown fluff makes me think of that. <3)
Extra notes: - When Espeon became available in Pokemon Go, I named mine Tarot. Seeing your Tarot dragon made me smile because of this, although your dragon is quite a bit spookier looking than an Espeon. - I was also drawn to Angie because this dragon shares my ex-bestie's name. Yours makes me think of how we used to want to be super spooky super goths in high school but we were just doofy mall goths. - Generally congrats to the level 25s on your Nuzlocke tab for having made it all the way up!! - I like how you've organized the Sunlight Royals tab - bright golden dragons bookended by deeper colors. Good on you for organization! - The Andromeda and Beach House tabs are both full of beauty and dragons that complement each other well. - WHERE did you get Andromeda's accent. Freaking beautiful. - The connotations of the tab labeled The Quiet Place intrigue me.
Your lair has changed considerably since I've been here last, and holy crow, I am impressed beyond belief. You go ham on FR and I respect the shit outta you for it. Four for you, Kai. You go, Kai.
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littlespacestars · 6 years
Voltron Ask Game
I saw this floating around and I thought it would be fun to fill out. :) 
How did you discover the show?
A friend my senior year of college introduced it to me! He and another friend of ours, binge watched it in his dorm room over the weekend the fall of 2016. I hadn’t heard literally anything about it, so I went in completely blind! Which I’m so glad I did, since that never happens to me. 
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
After watching the pilot episode, I kinda thought it was a little cheesy, but the characters really grew on me with each episode. I was so enamored by Allura’s character design (poc princess!!) and her spirit, and with the reveal of Pidge being a girl, so I knew I’d stick with it. Shiro was also another factor. It was so nice seeing a (poc) character with a mental illness take on a lead role and do his best to overcome his struggles. That definitely resonated with me. 
Not to mention, the humor of the show was something I could get into. Like, the jokes and the voice acting, the interactions, they actually made me genuinely laugh. 
And after checking out the fandom one day, that’s when I really got invested, because of all the cute headcanons and fanart, etc. And then I fell really hard for Shallura and I was a goner lmao. 
Do you have a favorite episode?
Uggh, it’s so hard to choose. Probably a tie between Crystal Venom and Blackout. I liked the balance between the more serious scenes with Shiro and Allura’s trauma and the humorous scenes with the rest of the paladins. 
And Blackout...man. It was just a ride. And seeing Shiro get his bayard and Black’s wings, Allura facing off against Haggar, etc. So cool. 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Definitely a tie between Shiro and Allura (since she’s technically a paladin). But Lance is second. lmao. It’s so hard for me to choose, honestly. I really love all the characters for different reasons. But if you’re on my blog, it’s clear I have a bias towards Shiro and Allura. Not just because they’re my ship, though. Their individual personalities stand so strongly on their own. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?)
I’d say either the Blue lion or the Black lion. Blue because she’s the first lion we were introduced to and I’m just...I’m still peeved about her being the “training lion.” Like, give Blue more credit. And Black because uhh, WINGS. 
Do you have a favorite villain?
I’m gonna go with Haggar! I find her intriguing and I always get so hyped whenever she’s on screen, because she’s my evil bitch wife and I love her. 
Do you have a favorite Alien Race (Recurring and/or minor)
I like the Arusians! I just think they’re a lot of fun. Pffftt. 
Favorite side/other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
Freaking Varkon. LOL. Space mall cop has my heart. But the generals are really cool and I hope we see more of them. 
How/Why did you join the fandom?
I hadn’t been part of a fandom for awhile and was curious to look up some fanart, so that really sucked me in. And then I really got into Shallura and started drawing again. But I also joined because of Josh Keaton and Bex Taylor Klaus! I loved how involved they were in the fandom and I just really adore the both of them (and the rest of the cast!) It’s always so nice to know how much the cast adores the show as much as the fans do. 
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Hngnh, of course I can’t think of any good headcanons off the top of my head. But I always thought Hunk having two moms was really cute. Oh, oh. And Allura, Shiro, and Lance being bisexual. Yep. I also liked Josh’s headcanon about Shiro being raised by a grandfather, and that could be a reason for his whole “patience yields focus” thing. And how he’s sort of an old soul in some regards. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
THE CHARACTERS. I never considered myself a big fan of space war shows/movies (even though I love learning about space), but I fell in love with the characters and their different dynamics. They all compliment each other well and I just love seeing them interact with each other. Their voice actors are just so amazing at what they do and really bring them to life. Anytime we see them bonding and having a good time with each other, I’m happy and that’s when I enjoy the show the most. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
/cries into the abyss
I want OG Shiro to come back, and I hope that Kuron remains unscathed in the end (assuming he’s a clone and not just Shiro). 
I hope we get the original lineup back. It bothers me that they don’t match their lions, and if Shiro doesn’t get to stay in the Black lion, I’ll just be...so confused. He deserves to stay with his lion in the end. They’re bonded, dude. Don’t take that away from the mentally ill character. It would honestly be a slap to the face. 
It’s a stretch to ask for Klance and Shallura, but hey, it’s a wish. 
I honestly would like Zarkon to come back, but I don’t think that’s happening. LOL. I had really hoped for a showdown between Zarkon/Shiro and Allura/Haggar since they were foils. 
I’d love some Shallutor, please and thanks. Also a wish and probably not realistic, but I can dream.
A showdown between Allura and Haggar. I’m 99% sure this is going to happen, but it’s one of the things I look forward to most. 
Shiro to get a new Altean prosthetic! 
Krolia better not die, or I’m suing for unnecessary Keith angst. We literally just got her. Let Keith be happy for like, more than five minutes. Or how about for at least five minutes, ffs. I’m over it. I miss season 1 Keith. He was awkward, hotheaded, but endearing. 
For Lance to realize he’s fine just the way he is and doesn’t need to follow in Keith’s footsteps in order to be successful, or a better paladin. 
And lastly, I want Allura and Coran to be able to actually grieve for more than two seconds. Jeez. 
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
I know I will, even if things in the show don’t live up to my expectations. I understand that things aren’t going to go 100% the way I want them to, and I’m prepared for that. But I know I’ll be curious as to how things turn out for our characters and I’ve invested way too much time into this show to just drop it. 
It would be kinda nice if I could just let myself drop the show though, so I wouldn’t have so much anxiety every time a new season’s about to drop. Rip my nerves. 
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Alright, I’mma tag these people! But don’t feel pressured to fill this out or anything! Hope the remaining days waiting for Voltron treats you well! :) 
@babyfairybaekhyun @shiroganesallura @shiroallura @kitbit @ahumanintraining @immaculate-messes @levish5 @allurahimesama @celestialfluff @roguepaladin
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falafel14 · 7 years
My Big Totally Tubular Stranger Things S2 Reaction Post.
Best Things about S2...
Eleven and Hopper. These two becoming family was perfect. Their rules, their arguments, their broken promises, their tears, their confessions, the funny little dance. It was so them. I loved every one of their scenes together.
Steve and Dustin. The other best new character combo. The roots of this friendship were just so funny - i.e., you’re having a CODE RED emergency but all your useful friends are missing so you’re reduced to recruiting Steve to help you. Poor Dustin. He accidentally rears a pet demogorgan that turns into a killer pack of demadogs and all he gets out of this ordeal is Steve as his buddy and some bad advice on hair products and how to score with girls.
Steve in general. He may have lost Nancy and got himself beaten to a bloody pulp (again) but on the upside he gets to be everyone’s new favorite character. No hype! Exasperated-babysitter!Steve is the best thing ever.
More Will. After his largely off-screen role in S1, Noah Schnapp gives the performance of the season as Will/the Shadow Monster. The kids on this show are all outstanding but Noah blew my mind. All the awards for this kid please. But also...it would be nice if Will got a non-victimy story in S3.
Bob the Brain. Don’t touch me. Don’t talk to me. I’m inconsolable. Bob was a fucking superhero. Sean Astin! My Sam! My Goonie! He was perfect. I hurt my throat screaming “RUN!” at my TV and I’m still crying.      
Joyce’s House. Specifically this reoccurring theme of Joyce’s house becoming a surreal art exhibition and not the best signifier of her sanity each season. May it continue. The Byers house is the best house. And Joyce is the best mom. Bless her crazy lady Momma Bear dangerous driving. 
Eleven solo episode. Seriously? Some fans didn’t like this episode? Okay. But with a season that has three largely Elevenless (Janeless?) episodes I was so ready to have a full episode of Eleven running away and joining a gang of punk vigilantes in the city and getting a badass makeover. As much as I have raved about Noah this time, Millie is still a total powerhouse.
Justice for Barb. Yeah, I loved Barb. I didn’t want Barb to die. But seeing as she clearly did die in S1, I’m glad they didn’t try to reverse it due to fan pressure. I think the focus on Barb’s loss in S2 was just the right response.
Dustin and Lucas’s families. Finally! They both have families! And they are hilarious. Dustin’s mom and Lucas’s little sister especially.
The Snowball. This took me by surprise. What a wonderful surprise ending! With 20 minutes left after the gate was closed I was just expecting something else horrible to happen. Instead we got adorable scenes of kids dancing and Joyce/Hopper sharing a smoke in the parking lot. I was always going to cry at Mike/Eleven dancing at the Snowball but I was in no way prepared for the Nancy/Dustin dance. Totally got me in the feels.
Worst (Stranger) Things about S2...
Not enough Mike. In a season where everyone else got a great individual storyline, I felt like Mike missed out. After being the leader of the kids gang in S1, here he was reduced to pining over Eleven, worrying about Will and nothing else. There were hints of Mike having anger issues and that one scene where he explodes at Hopper was great, but his rage should’ve been better developed. Don’t underuse Finn Wolfhard next season!
Billy and Max. I didn’t hate them but I didn’t really see the point of them either. Honestly I kept waiting and hoping for someone to find 9 and 10 tattoos on their arms. But no, they were just new kid characters. Max’s only purpose was to give Lucas a love interest and to make us wish Eleven was hanging out with the boys instead. Billy’s only point was to be the new dickhead popular boy who bullies Steve so that we can all start liking Steve. But I already had a soft spot for Steve since Nancy drunkenly destroyed his genuine feelings for her. Well actually, I’ve had a soft spot for Steve since seeing his Christmas jumper. So Billy just wasn’t needed (aside from giving Steve a dark slash pairing?). Also the whole “bully is bullied by his father” cliche didn’t work for me.
THAT beloved character death. Noooo! Whyyyy????!! 
Other (Stranger) Things about S2...
Nancy and Jonathan. I’ve never really cared about this couple, but I did love how their hook up was handled so amusingly, with the conspiracy nut journalist openly shipping them and then forcing them to confront their unresolved sexual tension. I’ll like any ship if you make it funny. 
Dart. Dude, I’m a vegan, but I was kind of on Mike’s side when he wanted to kill Dustin’s pet before he turned into a demogorgan and multiplied and killed a load of people. Including Bob and Mews the cat. But then, the scene where Dustin tamed Dart with nougat was genuinely touching.   
The Upsidedown. What’s with all the feathers in the dark place? I keep imagining shadow monsters having pillow fights in the tunnels when nobody’s watching. It’s funny how it’s just not mentioned.
Eleven’s other siblings. Meeting Eight and Jane’s mom was a nice expansion of the mythology. Where are the other nine?
Overall? MUCH LOVE!! Roll on S3.
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ginkamon · 7 years
Review: Age of Youth 2 (tvN, 2017)
No. of episodes: 14
Review: I’ll start off by saying that I was a HUGE fan of the first season, and it’s in my top five dramas of all time so when I heard the second season was being produced, I was beyond ecstatic. I will admit, once castings were confirmed and everything I began to get a little wary and my excitement for it just wasn’t the same. But, once I saw the highlight reel I threw all those worries aside because my girls (3 out of 5 at least) were back!
The first two episodes were strange and I had to get used to this new story and setup. It just felt different and I wasn’t sure how this would carry on for 12 more episodes. Luckily, once episode 3-4 rolled around, I was settled into the story and I was enjoying the girls and how they interacted with each other (this was much like how I experienced season 1).
Eun Jae this season was...different, to say the least. Not counting the recasting of her character to Ji Woo (who I like and believe did well with what she was given), she was just such a different character in general. I didn’t really enjoy the way her character was written throughout this whole season. She’s the one I related to the most in the first season, but during this, I felt a disconnect. Maybe it’s because I felt the absence of Hye Soo, or the writer intentionally wrote her this way this season (given the many lines that talked about Eun Jae being a “different person”), but it didn’t feel right. Or maybe I’m not good with change. Saying that, I did really enjoy the scene we got at the end of episode 11 between Eun Jae and Jong Yeol. Though it was very hard to watch and I had to pause a couple of times, this was really something Eun Jae needed to move forward, pitiful as it was. I think the Eun Jae we get after that episode was when I enjoyed her the most.
At first, I wasn’t sure how the storyline between Heimdal and Jin Myung was going to go (was this supposed to be romance or something else?) but once the Episode 5 epilogue came around and asked if Heimdal reminded Jin Myung of her brother, I was ready for this to progress! We never got to see what she was like with her brother in season 1 and we never explicitly knew how she felt after what happened and I thought this would bring something to the table regarding that at least a little bit. Though we saw that she did care for him in small ways we never went too far and I wish we had gone at least a step further with that brother/sister relationship they hinted at.
Ever since the end of the first season when we saw Ye Eun have that panic attack in the middle of the street I was interested in where her story would go. It basically played out how I expected, though the story with her friend was definitely a surprise and a kind of eye-opening experience. The revelation of bad relationships and working through them, or in this case past it, can be hard but I think AOY went about it well and though this was a pretty dramatic situation, it does happen in some varying degrees and I actually appreciated that side story and where it ended off. Another thing I noticed and loved was that through Ye Eun’s recovery we see how much the Belle Epoque girls care for her and support her. It reminds me of a post I saw on here for kdramawomensweek by @erikkillmongerz here that highlights the strong foundations she has with the girls and I believe that’s the best part of watching Ye Eun in both seasons. That scene when Jo Eun comes to get Ye Eun stranded at the bus stop because Eun Jae couldn’t struck my heart. When the girls stand up for her and give her voice to not let her mom bring her back home? Beautiful.
Some of my favorite parts of the drama were when Kang Yi Na made her small appearances. I would squeal with excitement because ah! she’s back! Even in that last moment in Episode 14, it felt complete as she walked into the house and relaxed on the couch. Even though she was just a cameo I did only expect a one episode thing at the beginning, but I’m glad the writer seems to love Yi Na as much as we do.
To speak on the drama on a whole scale, it felt like something was missing yet I could never really touch on what it was. There wasn’t much I disliked about this season (besides the very violent nature of the beginning of Episode 11 that felt over the top, extremely sudden and I personally didn’t understand the need for), and watching it was always a way to relax and I felt happy when watching, but still something there was something that was not quite there to wrap itself around my heart too tightly.
It’s hard to separate a sequel from its predecessor and in the case of Age of Youth 2 it was especially hard //personally// since, as I said in the first paragraph, I’m very attached to the first season and in all honesty, it’s hard to beat. After saying all that, however, I still really enjoyed watching this drama and as I got toward the end of the last episode I was reluctant to leave the girls again. I’d spent so much time with them and saying goodbyes are so hard. It wasn’t perfect, and it didn’t gut me like the first season but individual things like the OST, the characters, the relationships and the stories coming together were exactly why I tuned in to watch and what makes it a great watching experience. Though it’s only speculation now and most likely fans’ hopefulness, I personally wouldn’t be opposed to a third season if it happened. I won’t be on the edge of my seat waiting for it like I was for season 2, but I’ll go in knowing I’ll love it and feel even more attached to the girls I’ve come to adore. Even if it’s not Amazing, and I’ll go ahead and quote Vanessa (@youholdthewater) on this; “even below-par episodes of AOY is still >>>>> most other dramas” which stands to be very very true.
Favorite characters: 
Jo Eun: I was pleasantly surprised at how much I grew to like Jo Eun. Her whole story with her short hair was pretty heart breaking and when I saw the scene when she starts crying after braiding her younger sister’s hair, I think that’s when my heart went out to her. That and whenever she smiles because that’s a beautiful sight.
Ji Won: Of course, I adored Ji Won in season 1 (who didn’t?!) but we never got her story or went any deeper like we did with all the other girls, and I’m glad that in this season we got to see what ghosts of her own she was hiding. I was actually happy with where we took her story and how we got to the end. I’m not sure how others felt about the backstory and how it all was revealed but I was . Also, watching season 2 made me fall even more in love with Park Eun Bin and her portrayal of Ji Won. She’s amazing in this character and hits everything so well and just embodies her. Park Eun Bin is Song Ji Won and that can’t be debated.
Rating: 4/5
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hoenytae · 7 years
More Than You Know
In which Yoongi shows the other side of him.
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Words Count: 1.3k Genre: Fluff Pairing: Min Yoongi x OC
Description: It was written for my best friend’s birthday! ♡
She stirred in her sleep when she sensed the feeling of the bed dip behind her.
It was the two pairs of arms sneaked behind her waist and embraced her into his warmth that had her awaken. She did not even need to turn around to figure out who exactly it was.
It was the light kiss on her head that had a smile split across her face.
"I miss you." The familiar voice uttered, speaking into her ear. As she felt his arms hugging her closer to him.
"Mmm." With her closed eyes, she hummed, leaning back into his warmth comfortably as she breathed in his familiar scent. She did not realize how much she missed the scent of her fiancé until tonight. In fact, she missed him a lot. She wore his clothes to sleep once in a while when he's away.
Another light kiss placed on her temple, followed by the other one on her cheek.
"Happy Birthday, baby." He said, as he nestled his head in the crook of her neck. His voice is deep, yet it was soft, unlike when he rapped on stage.
"You remember." She murmured, raising one of her hand to caress her fiancé's soft locks. Playing with her fiancé's hair is always her favorite thing to do. She liked the feeling of each soft strand run on her fingers. And the moment he let out a comfortable sigh, she knew he loved it too.
"Of course." He caught her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. "I always do, it is just you who always accuse me for not caring about you." Even though she did not turn her face towards him, she could feel him rolling his eyes while pouting his lips a little bit. Hence, she felt like teasing him more.
"Oh really, Yoongi?" She asked with a sense of teasing on her voice. She could feel him nodding his head while placing a soft kiss on her neck.
"Which year was I born?" She carried on.
"1995." He lazily answered, as he continued peppering kiss on her neck.
"What is my zodiac sign?"
"What is my favorite color?"
"What is my current favorite princess?"
"Sofia." He rolled his eyes again while answering.
"How many sibling do I have?"
"How many pencils do I have on my pencil case?" With that question, Yoongi groaned. And she could not hold back her laugh as she turned her body around to face him. She cupped his face on her hand, and kissed him on his forehead, then his nose.
"Do you even have a pencil case?" He asked back, still with his straight face.
"No." She chuckled, and he rolled his eyes for the nth time.
Yoongi raised his hand up to pinch her nose lightly because of her childish act. "You don't have to ask stupid questions to figure out if I care about you or not." He sighed. "I pay attention to every small details you do. Heck, I can even make a book of what you like or you dislike. Even though I do not say it. I know, babe."
He continued. "I know you like to order a lot of food although you will never finish them. I end up eating all those." He chuckled.
"I know you scared of ghost that sometimes you wash your face with your eyes open." She raised her eyebrows in surprised, knowing that he actually paid attention into a very small details about her.
"I know you like to listen to your favorite song on repeat. It can last more than a day." He smirked, because he knew it was the song that he wrote.
"I know you like to draw on your laptop but you sometimes forget to check the battery, and your laptop shut down without your work saved." He tried to bite back his laugh.
"I know when you're traveling you also forget the important stuff to carry." Yoongi shook his head yet kept the smile on his face. His thoughts ran to those days when he caught his fiancee panicking from forgetting to bring her cheering package for his concert day. He always thought it was cute. More like, everything she did, it was adorable to his eyes.
Yoongi could see how her eyes light up. She looked back at him smiling, feeling loved at every words he threw. At times like this, she could feel how Yoongi always take care of her from behind. He sure was not the type that could express his feelings often or say sweet nothings. But when he did, like just few moments ago, she could not help to feel falling in love for him all over again. Yoongi never failed to create the feelings of butterflies dancing around her stomach.
Yet, at the same time, Yoongi had this smug look on his face as he felt like he probably should tease his fiancee back.
"Ah, and baby, I know you sometimes watch Jimin's individual fancam more than you watch mine." Right then, Yoongi was right.
"Wha-" Her eyes was round as she was startled. Yoongi continued his teasing as he cut her halfway her word.
"I know you also saved his pictures." Slightly annoyed. "What is good about him? He's short, can not rap. His eyes gone when he smiles."
"Your eyes are gone when you smiles too." She quickly butt in.
"But I have this beautiful eyesmile. He doesn't." Sighed in frustration, he thought it should be him teasing her and making her feel guilty for saving Jimin's pictures. But turned out he was getting jealous. This wasn't what he planned. He groaned. "Uh, babe, can you not?"
"Can I not what?" She asked while keeping her face innocent. She had sense that her fiancé got jealous over Jimin and she always could read him like an open book. In which she knew he was trying to make her feel bad for being a fan of his teammates.
"Doing whatever you're doing to Jimin."
"That sounds weird. Oh my Gosh, all I did was just saving his pictures, Min Yoongi."
"No, you just defended him."
"By saying your eyes are also gone when you smile?" She chortled a laugh when he nodded. She drew closer and pressed a kiss on both of Yoongi's eyes. "Your eyes are always be my favorite. I drew your eyes once and you had no idea how much I adore it while drawing them." She said, trying to convince him. "I do like Jimin on stage. But, off stage, I am all about Min Yoongi. I would never do this to Jimin." She closed the distance between two of them and place a peck on Yoongi's lips. He smiled at her words and rested his forehead on hers.
"Don't get jealous." She whispered, looking at his eyes.
He nodded and released his hug on her. She pouted, hating the loss of contact.
At the same time, Yoongi took something out from his back pocket. She creased her eyebrows in confusion but then he grabbed her wrist to place a bracelet on her. It was beautiful, simple yet elegant and it has unique details on it, she looked at the bracelet and realized it also has her name sculptured on it.
"Do you like it, babe?" He asked, she nodded and wrapped her arms around his body.
"I love it. It's beautiful." She looked up at his relieved face and he placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Really glad you do. If you see closer, it says your name. Beautiful name just like you, my fiancee. I love you." He whispered into her lips, as he leaning down more to kiss her. He lifted her head and deepened the kiss.
"I love you too. Thank you for being the first one who wished me happy birthday, baby." She whispered, with a smile still dancing across her lips. He smiled, closing the distance between them once again as he captured her lips into his.
"My pleasure, love."
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