#glad the descriptions are knocking everyone on their asses
milesdickpic · 1 year
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.77
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Hello, my lovelies! The long wait is finally (kinda?) over! I am finally posting the next part of the HLG series. I just want to thank everyone who is still here with me and reading my fics. You are all truly the best. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around and to the newbies, WELCOME TO THE FAM! I love you all so much. ❤️ Thank you for this extraordinary journey. Happy reading and enjoy besties! 💕
A/n: The moment we have been waiting for has arrived! It's Bradley's first day back home, but that's not the only reason this day is special! There are so many things that will unload in this chapter! Get ready for another emotional rollercoaster... 🫣🫢
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: crying, cursing, description of injuries and pain, sadness, anxiousness, signs of PTSD, some adult jokes, but also so much love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Over the next couple of days, Bradley was progressing with his mobility and his ability to do things on his own. He still needed plenty of help, but he was doing so well. You walked into his room quietly as he stood at his bed packing things into his duffle bag. His arm was still in a sling to support his healing clavicle and shoulder. You knocked on the for frame and he turned around quickly. “Hey, baby. I didn’t know you were already here.” He chuckled and turned around. “Come and give me a hug, sweetheart.” 
You smiled and went into his embrace. You kissed his scruffy cheek. “You know, I’m liking the facial hair, Brad. You look good.” You raised your brows. 
He shook his head, “You mean this patchy ass beard. Baby, it took me 7 years to perfect this mustache. I think it’ll take me another 7 for this beard.” He chuckled and kissed your head. 
You ran your hand over his facial hair that was coming in. “I think you should let it grow. It’ll look really good on you.” 
He sighed, “I guess I can try, but everyone is going to make fun of how it looks. You know how hard it is for me to grow facial hair.” He laughed and continued to put things into his bag.
“Here, let me help you.” You started to fold his clothes neatly and place them into his bag.  He stood there and watched you. 
“Thank you, baby.” He kissed your temple. He sat on the chair next to the bed and started to put his shoes on. “Is everything ready to go? Can I finally get processed out of here? Can I finally go home to my own privacy and bed?” He chuckled.
You zipped up his bag, “It is, baby. You are all set to come home.” You smiled and turned to him. “Do you know what today is?”
He shook his head and chuckled, “I have no idea what day of the week it is, nor the date honey.”
You walked over to him and rubbed his cheek. You lifted his chin so you could kiss him. “Happy Birthday, baby.” You smiled and pecked his lips again.
He looked at you with wide eyes, “Holy shit, are you serious. I’ve been here for that long? It’s already my birthday, sweetheart?” He started to laugh. “Holy shit.”
You pecked his lips a couple of more times. “Bradley Bradshaw you are one crazy man. I’m glad you get to come home for your birthday.”
He smiled up at you and grabbed your hip, “Thank you, baby.”
You rested your forehead against his, “Show me the way home, honey.” 
You pulled into the driveway of your house. Bradley looked up at the house and sighed happily. “God, I’m so happy to be home.” He was smiling so big. You looked over at him and rubbed his knee. 
“Let’s get you inside, Bradley. Get you situated and comfy.” You leaned over and kissed his cheek. 
He nodded, “I can’t wait to freaking eat. I’m raiding the pantry when we get in that house, baby.” He started to laugh. 
Hangman came out and greeted the both of you. He helped Bradley down from the car and grabbed his duffle from the flat. He hugged Bradley tight, “Welcome home, big boy. You’re looking finer than ever.” He kissed his cheek hard and chuckled.
Bradley leaned his body weight against Hangman so he could help him to the door. “Dude, it feels so good to be home. I hope you cook your famous ribs because I am fucking starving, man.” Bradley laughed. 
“Oh man. You are going to eat good today. I promise, Bradshaw.” Hangman rubbed his back as he helped him onto the porch to the front door. 
You opened the front door and Hangman helped Bradley through the threshold into the house. 
“Surprise!” Everyone yelled to surprise Bradley. He looked up with wide eyes and an even wider smile. 
“Holy shit!” He looked around and greeted everyone that was over to see him. 
A couple of Bradley’s pilots from work were there to celebrate Bradley’s birthday and to welcome him home. Phantom and the other admirals and their families were there, Mav, Austin, Phoenix, and Leia. Bradley was over joyed to see everyone. Everyone took turns welcoming Bradley home and wishing him happy birthday. After Bradley said his hello’s and thank you’s to everyone he came over to you and kissed your cheek. 
“Did you plan this, sweetheart?” He furrowed his brows at you and looked at you in disbelief. 
You looked around and smiled. “I had some help. It wasn’t just me.” You got up onto your tip toes and kissed his scruffy jawline. “Welcome home, baby.”
Mav went and settled all of Bradley’s things in yours and his room. Hangman and Austin helped Bradley up the stairs to the room. You followed behind making sure they were okay.
“Aww man, it smells so good in here. I am so freaking hungry. I’m going to eat everything in sight.” Bradley started to laugh as Austin held him to lower him onto the bed. Bradley sat back as you started to undo his arm sling. He hissed at the pain when his arm weight started to settle down. 
Maverick brought up his medication and some water. Bradley took it as you continued to undress him. 
“All right, well let us know when you are done getting him ready. I’m going to head back down before I start to blush.” Hangman chuckled and grabbed Austin’s shoulder as they exited the room. 
Bradley put his hand on yours, “Sweetheart, I can do it. I have to try.” 
“Brad..” He waved you off. 
“Please. I need to try. If I need you I’ll let you know.” He gave you a smile and you nodded. 
Bradley’s POV
I got up and went into the bathroom. I didn’t want you to see all my wounds. I was nervous and scared for you to see it. I hadn’t even fully seen them yet. Mav assisted me as you waited out on the bed. 
I started to remove my pants and Mav placed his hand on my hips. “You got it, kid?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I got it,” I grunted as I dragged my pants off my legs. “Shit. Can you pull them off my ankles now?” I rested my hand against the sink’s countertop to gain my balance as Mav started to remove the pant legs from around my ankles. 
I took a deep breath as I started to remove my shirt. “Damn. I should just cut myself out this damn thing.” I chuckled as I carefully removed the shirt from my wounded arm. “Ah FUCK!” I looked up at the ceiling and then closed my eyes tightly.
Mav rubbed my back, “Hey it’s okay. Take your time, Brad. No need to rush. It’s gonna take some time. You’re doing great.” He took the shirt from my grasp and put it into the dirty clothes hamper. 
I hadn’t seen myself since before the accident. My breath was shaken. I was scared to look. As Mav was in the closet getting me some clothes, I walked over to the full body mirror on the sliding closet doors. I was looking down at my feet. I could feel my heart rate picking up. I looked up slowly in the mirror to see myself. I started to shake. 
“Holy Shit,” I whispered as I examined the damage. I had a huge slice that was healing across my right thigh. I could see where the staples had been, each little dot of whiter skin in a perfectly lined row. I had minor cuts that were healed but the skin was whiter than rest of my leg and still raised as it continued to heal. I had bruises all over my groin from when the chute hoisted me up before I plummeted to the water. My hips had been bruised up and were healing. My skin looked yellow on them. I looked up my torso. The by far worst part of me. I started to lose my definition. My dad bod was definitely coming in from being bed ridden the last month. My torso was still black and blue from impact. It was so tender to the touch. I traced over the sutures I had near my broken clavicle. It was still sensitive and swollen to the touch. I examined my shoulder. Staples still heavily in it, I could probably set off a metal detector when I walked through it. It was still swollen, covered in dried blood, and bruised. What the fuck. Who the fuck was this. My neck bruises and abrasions were healing and not as noticeable. My face swelling had gone down, but I didn’t look like me. 
I started to feel anxious. I felt sweat break out on my neck. I placed my hand over my eyes and squeezed them as all I could hear was Phoenix yelling for me. I let out a shaky sigh. “Holy fuck.” I whined out. I felt a hand on my back and the door open. 
“Hey, It’s okay, Bradley. Let’s sit you down kid.” Mav helped me over to the bathtub to sit. He held my face in his hands. “Hey breathe with me now, all right?” I nodded in his embrace. We were breathing together. 
“Is he okay?” Your voice full of concern. 
“I’m okay, baby.” I shot you a thumbs up. “I’m okay.” 
“I got him y/n. Why don’t you go down stairs and get the guys. He’ll be ready soon.” Mav shot you a smile as he continued to rub my cheeks in his hands. You nodded and left the room. 
“Bradley, Hey. You okay?” 
I closed my eyes tight and nodded, “I’m pretty banged up, Mav. I didn’t think I was this bad.”
He patted my cheek, “Hey, stop that. You look great. You are doing so well.” I gulped and looked up at him. He nodded. “You’re doing so good, kiddo. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
I nodded. “All I can hear is her yelling at me, Mav.” My lip started to quiver. “How do I make it go away?”
Mav furrowed his brows, “Hear who yelling, Bradley?”
“Phoenix.” I looked around the bathroom. “She was the last person I heard over the radio before I went down. The hurt in her voice.” I took a deep breath, “And Riot, he was in a panic. He ran outta flares.” I looked up at him. “How did you get through it… when it was you and I?”
Mav stood up and started to clean up my staples and stitches. “I just keep thinking about how you’re still here. I think about you being okay. It is hard. I have a lot of dreams about that day. I think of all the different possible outcomes that could have happened if something else didn’t go the way it did. So I know. It’s hard. But the best way to help yourself, well is to talk about it. Remember they are still here. They’re downstairs right now waiting for you.” He started to help me put on my shirt. “They’re here and you’re here. Lean on everyone, Rooster. I promise it’ll get easier. I’ll be here with you every step of the way.” He stood me up to help put some sweatpants on me. 
I gulped, “How’d you do it with dad?” 
He stopped for a minute and sighed. “It was hard. One of the hardest things in my life. I loved your dad more than anything. He was my best friend, you all were all I had left. I had to forgive myself. It took years for me to fully forgive myself for what happened with your dad. But with a lot of help, I was able to cope.” He sat me back down and started to put new socks on me. “It won’t be easy, Rooster. But it does get better.” He patted my cheek and helped me stand up. 
There was a knock on the door. “You decent in there?” Hangman called through the door. 
“Yea, he’s ready!” Mav helped put my sling back on my arm. 
“Thank you, Mav.” I nodded at him.
He smiled at me and strapped my sling. “Hey. I’ll always be here for you, Bradley. No matter what.” 
Hangman and Austin helped me back down the stairs. Everyone was excited when I came back down. Leia came over with her teddy bear. 
“Daddy look! Still has your wings!” She smiled up at me while holding the bear up to me. 
I took the bear and gave it a hug. “My girl, thank you for always keeping them safe.” I leaned down and kissed her head. I gave her back her bear and she gave it a hug. 
“Daddy, I made you a plate of food!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me eagerly over to the table.
“Hey, baby, not so hard with your daddy, please!” You called over to the both of us.
I laughed and shot you a wink, “I’m okay, sweetheart. She’s just excited. It’s okay.” 
Leia pulled out my chair for me and gestured for me to sit. “Here, daddy!” She was so happy.
I chuckled and kissed her head, “Baby, you shouldn’t have to pull my chair out for me, but thank you so much, sweetheart.” I sat down and she tried to push my chair in. I chuckled and I helped scoot in while she pushed.
She got on her tip toes and pulled my shoulder down to kiss my cheek. “I’ll go get your plate, daddy! Sit tight!” She skipped to the kitchen. I had small talk with a couple of the other pilots that were at the house. “Daddy!” Everyone got quiet and brought their attention to Leia. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” 
“Daddy, what do you want to drink?” She looked over and through everyone to make eye contact with me. She was smiling so big. She was the cutest little babe ever. 
I chucked, “I’ll just have some water, sweetheart. Thank you.”
“Yes, sir!” She came over and gave me my plate of food and a cup of water. She kissed my cheek, “There is another plate! I’ll be back!’
“Another plate!?” I was shocked and looked down at the plate already full of food. She placed the second plate of food down and she nestled herself into my arm. 
“Eat up, daddy! We have to get you big and strong again!” She kissed my arm a couple of times. “Do you need help with eating, daddy?” She peered up at me through her lashes. 
I kissed the top of her head and smiled. “I’m okay, baby. You’ve already done enough for me. Thank you so much, my Leia Rey.” 
I leaned down to lay my head on her head when she pulled me down a little further. She pushed her forehead to the side of my head, “If you need anything else, make sure to let me know, Daddy.” She kissed my cheek and disappeared into the crowd of friends. 
Phoenix reached over and grabbed my hand. “I’m glad to have you back home, Bradshaw.” She gave me a smile as we all started to eat. 
After we all ate, I went into the backyard to get some fresh air and enjoy the sunset. I felt someone rub my back. I turned around and saw Riot. 
“Sir.” He gave me a weak smile. 
I patted his shoulder and pulled him under my wing. “Beautiful, isn’t it, Riot?” I was looking out to the sunset. 
“Yes, sir. It’s a beautiful view.” He cleared his throat. “Sir.”
I chuckled. “No need for formalities, we are outside of work, Riot. You can always just call me Rooster.” I patted his shoulder.
He nodded, “Rooster, I hadn’t had the chance to thank you.” He looked at me with sadden eyes. 
“Thank me?”
He stood in front of me with his head down. “I haven’t thanked you properly for saving my life.” He took a deep breath, “You could have let me meet my own faith. I was out of flares… but instead you bit the bullet for me and risked yourself.”
“Riot.” He looked up at me, “You don’t need to thank me. I wasn’t going to leave you out there like that. It wasn’t your fate. I promised myself and you all that I would get you all home safely. At any cost.”
He started to break down, “Sir. I thought I lost you. My heart felt like it was going to explode, knowing that you had your pregnant wife and daughter waiting for you at home.” 
“And you have your family waiting for you at home. Your parents and your boy.” 
He wiped his tears, “Sir, I owe you my life. You saved me when you didn’t have to. And well now you’re here.”
I chuckled. “Here?” I looked up and looked around me, “Riot, I’m alive and here with you, everyone, my family.” I patted his shoulder. “Don’t beat yourself up please.”
“But, Rooster.”
I shook my head, “Riot. I’m serious. I’m here. You’re here.”
He nodded. “Thank you for saving my life, Rooster.”
I smiled and pulled him in to hug him, “I’d save your ass any day, kid.” I started to laugh as did he. “Let’s get back in. I think I’m ready for some cake.” I patted his back as we walked back into the house. 
Leia came running to me and grabbed my hand again. “Daddy! It’s time for your cake!” She started to pull me over to the table. “Okay! Okay! I am ready for it, little Leia!” 
I sat down in the chair. “Daddy, is it okay if i sit in your lap? Or will it hurt too much?” She gave me the famous puppy dog eyes. 
I welcomed her into my lap, “Of course you can, sweetheart. I’d be sad if you didn’t.” Leia hopped into my lap and got comfortable. “Daddy, you’re really going to like your cake. I picked it out for you.” She whispered into my ear. 
I placed my hand on her belly and kissed her temple. “Did you, baby? Oh I am definitely going to love it then.”
Mav brought over my cake it was chocolate cake with chocolate shavings all over the sides and chocolate drizzle on top. “Oh my god.” I was mesmerized. It looked so fucking good.
Leia whispered into my ear, “The inside is chocolate too, daddy.” She winked at me.
“Holy shit, Leia Rey. You know me so well, sweetheart.” I kissed her head over and over again. You came over and placed the candles on my cake. 
“Damn, Rooster. One year away from 30.” Hangman laughed at me and held his beer to me. I shook my head at him. 
“Thats one year less than you are.” I chuckled. 
He narrowed his eyes at me, “Watch it, Bradshaw.” He started to laugh as he took a sip of his beer. 
You placed a kiss on my cheek and lit the candles. “I added one for good luck, baby.” You winked at me. “Okay on three! One, two, three!” Everyone started to sing happy birthday to me. I swayed with Leia in my lap and sung it with her. 
After the song was finished she turned to me and kissed my cheek, “Make a wish, daddy.” 
I smiled at her, “How about you make one with me, baby. I have all that I need here.” Her eyes lit up. 
“Okay…” She thought about it. “I wish for you to always be safe, daddy.” She was holding back her tears. I saw her eyes gloss over. “I love you, daddy.”
I kissed her cheek. “I love you, sweetheart.” 
“Ready to blow?” 
“Let’s do it, babe.” We blew the candles out together. 
Everyone was cooing over Leia’s wish. I caught a glimpse of you wiping the tears from your eyes. You started to cut the cake and gave me the first piece, “Happy birthday, honey. I love you, always, Bradley.”
“Thank you baby. I love you, forever.”
Leia and I shared my piece of cake. She fed it to me. It was so good. “Leia Rey, you picked such a good cake. Thank you.”
“Aunt Phoenix and I picked it out for you.” She smiled at me. 
Phoenix came to grab her piece for her and Austin, “You’re welcome, Bradshaw.” She gave me a hug.
I kissed her cheek, “Well thank you Auntie Phoenix and my little Vapor girl. It’s delicious.” 
The party continued for the rest of the night. Everyone started to help clean up around 2000. After cleaning up, they all started to leave one by one. Austin and Hangman helped me up the stairs to our bedroom. 
“You showering tonight, Bradshaw?” Hangman helped me sit on the bed. 
“Yea. I’m gonna shower. Or probably bathe.” I sighed as I started to remove my clothes. 
Hangman chuckled, “Do you need any help? Just don’t blush.” 
I nodded unenthusiastically, “Yea, could you guys lend me a hand.” They started to help me take my clothes off until I was in my briefs. Austin removed my sling. 
“Do you need help getting into the tub, Bradley?” Austin undid my sling and placed it onto the bed. 
I gulped and looked at the bathtub in the bathroom. “I’m embarrassed for you guys to see me fucking naked. But, I do need help getting in. Please.” 
Hangman shook his head, “I’ve seen you naked plenty of times. You think I care?”
I squinted my eyes at him, “You’re making me nervous now.” 
Austin went to go and turn the water on. “We are all guys. No need to be ashamed. I don’t mind helping you out, Brad. I do this for a living.”
Hangman looked at Austin with wide eyes. “You what? You helped grown men get naked and put ‘em in tubs?”
Austin chuckled at Hangman’s analogy. “I’m a caretaker. Back in San Diego, I have patients that I provide at-home care for. I’m used to this.” He tested the water temperature. “It’s ready to go, Bradley. When you’re ready.”
Hangman helped me up and walked me over to the tub. I struggled to pull my briefs down. “Hey. I got you, Roo.” Hangman helped me out of my briefs and they helped me into the tub. I sat down and laid back in the warm water. 
“Holy shit this feels fucking amazing. I haven’t had a proper shower in forever. Just sponge baths.” I laid my head back and relaxed. 
You walked in and giggled. “You all having an after party?” We all turned around quickly to you.
“I- uh. We were…” Hangman was pointing at me and tripping over his words.��
“We were helpin him into the tub, darlin. He wanted to take a proper bath now that he’s home.” Austin chuckled and wrapped his arm over your shoulders. 
You nodded, “Thank you guys.” You looked at Hangman deviously, “You’re blushing, Jake.” 
You started to laugh as he rolled his eyes. “How about you guys go help finish cleaning up. I’ll take it from here.” You smiled at the both of them.
“Hey, no it’s okay, y/n. We can help him out.” Hangman waved you off.
You hugged both of them and started to push them out the door, “I got it from here boys, thank you. Seriously.” 
They left and you came back to me in the tub. “Baby, I can do it. I promise.”
You knelt down by the tub and placed your hand on my cheek. “I know you can, but just let me help, okay?” You kissed my forehead. “Just sit back and relax, Bradley. I’ll get you cleaned up.” 
I sighed and leaned back. “I just need help washing my back, baby. That’s it.”
You giggled, “Just take my help, babe.”
“But you’re already doing so much. And you are SO pregnant.”
You shook your head, “Don’t under estimate me, Bradshaw.” You narrowed your eyes at me.
Mine went wide. “Baby, I would never.”
You grabbed a cup and started to fill it with water to pour onto my hair. It felt so good. You started to massage my scalp with the shampoo and I nearly melted under your touch. I let out a little groan.
“You doing okay, baby? Am I hurting you?” You brought your lips to my ear since you were sitting behind me.
I shook my head, “No, sweetheart. It just feels really nice.” You continued to wash my hair and then you rinsed. You added the conditioner and continued to massage my head. When you started to wash my body you were so gentle. I just wanted to fall asleep in the tub. I didn’t want to get out. 
“You ready to get out, babe?” You smiled at me as you poured water onto me to keep me warm. 
“No, but I know I should get out.” I started to sit up. “Thank you for helping me, sweetheart.” 
You kissed my cheek and patted my face dry, “I’d do anything for you, Bradley.” 
You went and got the guys so they could help me out. After I dried off you help me put my clothes on. You re-bandaged my shoulder and clavicle and helped me into bed. You set up a couple of pillows to help keep me elevated. Mav came in with my medication for the night. While I took my medicine, you went to go and get ready for bed. 
“Leia is already down for bed. I put her down before bringing up his meds.” Mav smiled at you. 
You kissed his cheek and got into bed. “Thank you so much, Mav. Thank you for helping out today.” 
He winked at you and patted my leg, “I’ll see you all in the morning.”
I laid back and looked over at you. “Ready for bed?” 
You smiled and got comfortable, “I am. I’m going to sleep so much better knowing you’re here next to me.” You inched closer to me. 
“Come here. Baby.” I held my arm up and you nestled your self into my side.
“I love you, Bradley. Good night,”
“I love you, sweetheart. Good night.”
Your POV
You heard little mumbles coming from Bradley. You got up and looked at the clock. 1:30 AM. You thought that maybe he was in pain and was just trying to handle it. You sat up and placed your hand on his arm. 
“Baby. Do you need more medicine?”
He started to fidget under your hand. “Riot…. Riot I got you…”
Oh shit. You started to rub his arm. “Baby. Bradley.”
“Fuck….No….I’m sorry…” He started move his head side to side. 
“Bradley.” You turned your bed side light on. His eyes were squeezing and his hand balling into a fist. “Bradley. Honey. It’s okay baby.” You were rubbing his chest as he struggled in his sleep.
“PHOENIX!” He shot up hitting you with his shoulder. He was wincing at the pain he was in. He started to cry slightly as he held his clavicle and his chest. 
You held your hand over your mouth and scooted closer to him. You laid your head on his shoulder and comforted him. “Hey. Hey, I’m here. You cradled his head in your arms. “It’s okay, Bradley. You’re okay baby. Riot and Phoenix are okay.” 
He started to cry in your arms. “I’m so sorry baby. Did I hurt you?” 
You shook your head and cupped his cheeks in your hands. You had tears in your eyes. “No, Bradley. You didn’t hurt me. You don’t have to apologize. You’re okay my love. It’s going to be okay.” You scratched at his head and cradled him against you. “You’re okay baby. It was just a dream. They’re all okay.” You placed kisses on his head over and over again. “I’m here, Bradley. I love you. I promise you are okay.”
He held onto you as he started to calm down. He was still shaking slightly in your arms. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Shhhh.” You shushed him and comforted him. 
“Don’t apologize, baby. You’re okay. You are all safe, Bradley. I promise.” 
Babes! We are finally back 🥺 Thank you all for being so patient with me! I hope you are all doing well! Are you excited for Bradley to be back home? 🥹 I am! But he definitely has a long road ahead of him. #InDadlyWeTrust 🫶🏼 I'll see you in the next one, besties! 🫶🏼
The party crew is in the comments 🥳
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theloverscardtarot · 2 months
They don't want to look into other readings being similar because they don't want to think we might be telling the truth. They have a bug up their ass about us.
I want to add up to this; the readings about Evan’s soulmate / Future Partner whatever. and i mean all of em including the readings that been done on OG blog, another reader from Tiktok, plus the reading you shared a link of below from YouTube and others on YT as well, they described the same person lmaaaaao. It’s hilarious 😂 oh i know, but you cannot deny this because it’s proven that it’s not made up by a fan reader. Particular readers whom aren’t even his fans described this energy of this woman. So tweam ass kissers, whether you choose to believe it or not you can suck it, because trust me they are reading this blog and living rent free here just to get their ego fed up while jokingly sitting there and anonymously ranking out others just because, well simply the description doesn’t fit with you. Ironically that’s all what most of them do, sit in their rooms rotten and fantasize to be Evan’s gf, pretending or trying harshly to write good things about Natalie. “Oh i wish them happiness 😩🫶🏻” , “ Natalie grab his ass get preacher and tie the knot ”. Bruh! We know that you deep down wish it was you not her. Read it again ass kisser. Most of y’all are post Dahmer weirdos who believe they deserve to be his saver just because Evan mistakingly made y’all believe that he’s into normies. First learn to stop harassing others, learn to accept yourself the way you are not you being a brunette or a petit blonde is giving you the chance to be with him, sorry but not even 1.0 %. If you feed your ego on ranking out others. I’m 100% sure none of those anons and tweam dare to say that face to face in real life, that’s how weak people act up on social media just some sort of blah blah blah, behid the phone screen. I have stopped reading tea blogs in ages. Because it’s so irritating logging in to read some tea, smuts about your celeb crush. Ending up instead reading hate, cyber bullying against what others do, post whatever ; Y’ALL it’s not highschool thing !!!!!!!! This fandom is ruined ever since hate blogs came out. Admin you are doing God’s job 🤘🏻 keep it going, not about tarot. But for just being you level headed as a true fan should be. The Rest if you are reading my ask you can ALL SUCK IT!
Just want to add this note : I am shockingly going to say this ; what garbage Evan’s fandom is carrying ? Knocking on Frances’s job, style comparing it to Natalie ? SERIOUSLY ?????? What the hell is that ? Claiming that Fran isn’t on the same level as Nat to wear Prada ? Lmao comparing two women because of a MAN?????? Y’all are insane 💀 (“ I don’t tolerate hate on my blog”, once upon a time a tea blog owner said lmaaaaao) if yk yk.
THANK YOU anon! I'm glad that some people see through all of it. We are not trying to spread any hate here. And we can't help what the cards say. But, I do think it's so cool how everyone gets the same cards. And whoever is saying we are interpreting the cards wrong, obviously do not look at or don't care that non Evan fan readers are getting the same thing! Readers that are FAR more advanced than us are like "why are they together?" So either that person isn't very intuitive or they don't even read tarot! Cause come on.
Anyway thank you for reading our blogs. Feel free to call me out if this blog ever starts looking like certain others 😉 #iykyk
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mochie85 · 2 years
Hi, mochie! First, I love creature of comfort, and second, can you write a story about Loki and Reader. They are coworkers with benefits, one day Reader finds out she is pregnant, she is scared, and when she tells Loki he isn't happy, they fight and reader disappears for some time. Loki was worried and when she came back she told Loki she already solved the problem but him is kinda sad.
Reader didn't tell anybody she kept the pregnancy. When her belly starts to grow, she ran away to another continent. Years passed and Loki finally finds her but she wasn't alone, a little boy that looks like Loki it's with her.
You can decide what's next 💕
To Have and To Hold - Chapter 1
Series Masterlist | My Complete Masterlist
A/N: Thank you for the comment. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading Creature Comforts. I'm sorry this took so long Nonny. If I'm being honest, I wasn't feeling the angst. I needed to get into a place where I could write it. I hope I delivered. It got way too long, so there will be a part 2. Pairing: Loki x OFC/Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Fluff, then angst. Lots of angst. Mentions of smut, but no descriptions. Language. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Loki had just gotten back from the bookstore. He picked up a couple of new books for him to read with you tonight. He planned the most romantic evening with you. A candlelit dinner, then reading on the makeshift picnic blanket under conjured lights. The compound was surrounded by trees and glades. Perfect for private moments and hidden secrets. It would be there, underneath the stars, where he would profess his love for you and ask that you take your relationship public.
What had started as a form of convenience and pleasure, blossomed into something more. It was always euphoric and mind-bending being with you. After the first night, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. The scent of your skin. The way your lashes flutter when he was cumming inside you. The way his hands just fit your breasts or the cheeks on your delicious ass.  He couldn’t get enough.
He supposed that the fact it was a hidden relationship from everyone else made it more exciting. But that was all going to change tonight. Tonight, after dinner, after he has taken you to Valhalla and back, he would ask that you make your relationship conventional.
He wanted to be able to show you off in his arms. He didn’t want to hide his feelings for you anymore. He knew that you felt the same way, somewhat. Otherwise, you wouldn’t linger afterward. You would kick him out of your bed as soon as you had gotten what you wanted. But you didn’t. Long nights were spent talking and reading. Sharing your dreams. Revealing your past.
Yes, tonight, he would ask you to be his.
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It was the longest six minutes of your life.
Then you decided to take another test. And then that was the longest six minutes of your life. I don’t know why I keep taking these tests. They’re all going to end up the same. Even if one happens to come out negative. The others still say positive. I can’t just ignore that.
You paced around your bathroom for god knows how long. How am I going to tell him? He’s going to be furious. This was only supposed to be fun.
Your bathroom counter was littered with positive pregnancy tests. All of them showing that distinct mark. The latest one you took also started to form a double line as well.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The sound immediately frightened you. You gathered all the tests into the grocery bag they came in and stashed them behind our shower curtain. You opened the door slightly to find Loki standing in your bedroom.
“Darling, are you doing okay? Are you ready?”
“Oh. Hey Loki. Ya just give me a second.” You closed the door and looked yourself once over in the mirror. You took a big breath and practiced your smile. When you opened the door, Loki was holding a single red rose for you, tied with a green ribbon. “It’s beautiful, babe, thank you.” You tiptoed to kiss him and smiled. “I have something to tell you,” you faltered.
“Hmm. I have something to ask you as well. I planned a very important picnic out in the back. You can tell me when I’m ravishing you under the stars.” He gave you a heated kiss on your cheek and led you outside.
He was in a good mood, you noted. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe you’re scared over nothing. You knew what kind of man Loki was. He would look after you and the baby. If you decided to keep it.
He led you to a clearing in the woods out back of the compound. Magical baubles of light floated, giving the entire scene a fairy-tale glow. The two of you cuddled close and ate the prepared picnic sparingly. He was so loving and attentive. He wiped the crumbs off your lips and your heart nearly flipped inside your chest. “Loki, I need to tell you something…”
“Oh, me first darling. Please. I – I just wanted to say that the past six months have been a joy to me.”
“Me too, Loki.”
“I... I love y…I love spending time with you, Vee. I love the laugh you get when I make a jest. I love the fact that you understand my jests.” You both laughed. “You raise my confidence in myself as well as keep me humble. I – I…”
You raised your hand to caress his cheek, giving him the courage to continue. All this time you were worried about how he would react to your announcement, but here he was proving you wrong. Surprising you, yet again. “I love you, Violet. I’d like not to hide our relationship anymore. I want to keep holding your hand when someone comes into the room. I want to kiss you with no regard for anyone’s well-being but ours. I want late-night dances and early-morning trysts with you. Can we please not hide this anymore?”
“There’s nothing I want more than to be yours. In front of everyone. In front of the whole world!” you said as you placed his beautiful face in between your hands. Loki sighed loudly, releasing the tension that built up from his earlier admission. You kissed him passionately on the lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Claim me,” you whimpered into his kiss.
Loki wrapped his arms around your waist and laid you down on the blanket as both of you proceeded to make love, under the stars.
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Later that night, you both decided to retire to your room. It would be a bright new morning tomorrow with questions and lingering looks from the team, you’re sure. You were just getting out of your jeans when Loki comes out with the grocery bag you hid in your bathroom.
“Vee, what is this?” He asked confused.
“They’re…pregnancy tests.” You said hesitantly.
“Yes, I know what they are. They’re all positive. Whose are these?”
“They’re mine, Loki.” You said looking sheepish. Loki dropped the bag, along with the tests, in shock.
“A-are you…?”
“Yes.” You looked him straight in the eye. A smile about to break through. But the look on Loki’s face wasn't anything like the lovely romantic gaze he gave you earlier.
“Why did you hide this from me? How long have you known? Wh-what does this mean?”
“I didn’t hide anything from you, love.” You said as you walked up to him. “I was going to tell you earlier. I had just found out before our date. So it’s news to me too.” You held his hands, intertwining your fingers with his. But he kept still, looking into your eyes for any falsehoods.
“This has to be a trick.” He chuckled tensely.
“Why would I trick you?” You said slightly agitated.
“I just declared my love for you. And now you’re claiming to be pregnant with my child!?”
“It doesn’t work exactly like that, Loki. You know that. We’ve been having sex for the past six months. And they’ve been amazing. Mind-blowing even!”
“So, you expected this to happen?”
“No! Certainly not so soon. Why are you so angry?”
“Because you lied to me!”
“I did not! I was going to tell you! But you said some really romantic things earlier and you made me fall deeply and madly in love with you all over again and I knew I felt safe. I knew that you would love me no matter what. But right now, I’m not feeling any of that from you!”
“Oh, good to know that you can be easily deterred by some choice words!”
“Take that back!”
“Was this your plan all along? Get me to fall in love with you then trap me in a commitment you knew I wanted nothing of?”
“Entrap you? We’ve never discussed kids, Loki! How would I know what you wanted? We just started this relationship! And for the record, I didn’t want kids. I never thought I’d be a mother. Even when we started fucking. But when you told me you loved me earlier. I could see it. I could actually see it. So, fuck you Loki! I never wanted this commitment either!”
“How cou-” Loki started to say.
“GET OUT!” you yelled at him. Loki just looked at you stunned into place. “I said, GET OUT! I don’t want to see you right now. You’re mean and vicious. This is exactly what scared me into telling you in the first place.”
“Mean and vicious?” His brows puckered together. You pushed him out with all your strength. “We need to talk about this!”
“No! You lost that privilege when you decided to accuse me of being a baby trap.” With one last push out your door, you slammed it right in his face.
He continued to knock. Slamming his fist on your door. “Go away!” you yelled out to him.
“Darling, you know this wouldn’t keep me from coming in there.” He yelled through the door.
“Fine then.” You said opening the door and walking past him.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m leaving! Don’t follow me Laufeyson!” Your screams attracted the attention of the team, as they opened their doors to see the commotion.
“What is going on?” Thor said as he heard his brother yelling after you.
“I said, stay! Don’t follow me, Loki!” You yelled back. Thor held his brother back as Loki passed him down the hallway.
“What is going on, Loki?” Thor asked him.
“Nothing.” He tried to free himself from Thor’s grasp.
“It seems the lady would like to be left alone.” Thor held on to him tighter.
“You have no idea what’s going on! Unhand me this instant. I need to speak with her!” Loki watched you disappear down the hallway and passed the common room. He needed to find you. He needed to speak with you.
“Whatever it is, I think you both need to cool off. Come on. I have a new stash of Asgardian mead Val had sent over.” Thor led Loki into his room and wouldn’t let go of him till he was sure Loki wouldn’t run off again. Thor sat him down on his couch as he left to get the new bottle open. “Now, tell me what ails you so?”
And for the first time, in a long time, Loki cried in front of his brother.
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You ran down the stairs. The elevators were way too slow for you and not enough to release your pent-up rage and energy. If you had thought this out thoroughly, maybe you would have grabbed your workout clothes or something. Fuck, if you had thought this out completely, you wouldn’t have fucked Loki at all.
You should’ve kept your mouth and your legs shut. You opened the door to a random floor, running down the hallways. When the air in your lungs started to hurt, you stopped.
Holding yourself against the wall, you dropped down and started to cry. How could he accuse you of such things?
He just said that he loved me, then he thinks that I’m trapping him? Into what? He is a prince. That never mattered. But what if that’s why he thought that you were trapping him? Has someone tried to do that to him before? Maybe? That’s so sad. Ugh. But why would he think that I would do that? You guys had kept the relationship quiet for so long, what other conclusion could there have been for him?
“Violet?” you were interrupted from your argument with your inner self by Bruce. “What are you doing here?” You looked around and realized you made your way down into the labs. “It’s late. You should get some rest.”
“I can’t Bruce. Someone’s in my room right now and I don’t want them to be there.”
“There’s an intruder?” Bruce said alarmed. Boy is there, you thought. “Do you need the Hulk?” He said suddenly angry, looking green around his neck.
“No, Jolly Green. I’m fine. Thank you.” You said to him soothing his hand. “I just need to lay low for a while.”
“Are y…if you’re sure. You’re always welcome in. Come on. I just made a fresh pot of coffee.”
“Um...I don’t think I can have coffee anymore.” You said standing up.
“Why? Are you pregnant?” Bruce asked laughing. You sighed looking away. “Oh, God. You are!” He looked shocked.
Your face crumpled as wide tears fell from your eyes. You sobbed and hiccupped as Bruce came forward to hug you. “Bruce, I need help. And I don’t know who to turn to.”
“It’s ok. It’s ok,” he tried to soothe. “What can I do to help?”
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⬅️Series Masterlist | Chapter 2➡️
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @crimson25 @el-zef @ficitve-sl0th @gigglingtigger @goldencherriess @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @lokiprompts @lokiprompts21 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @mischief2sarawr @michelleleewise @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @salempoe @theaudacitytowrite @user13cabs @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane
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k1ng0fn0b0dy · 2 years
❤ Falter In Fall's Light
Request by (@) Gay_Ikea and (@) ender66665 on Wattpad: "PART TWO PLEASE" "We need a part 2 please I'm begging" PART 1
[He/him pronouns]
[1300+ words]
Description: You're hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo when Eret comes to talk. Things get significantly more complicated. [Ex-Eret x m!Reader]
[Read the rest under the cut]
It was lovely sitting there and watching the sunset. The way the sky mixed in beautiful pinks and purples, tinged at the top with a greyish blue. Cracks of orange split from between the clouds and you sighed softly as Cat played in the jukebox next to you.
Tommy begrudgingly gave the seat up after you guilt-tripped him with your crutches. Your crutches were leaned against the jukebox anyways and Tubbo helped convince him they were basically dual weapons.
You tipped your head back, keeping your eyes closed as someone walked closer. They paused, foot skidding up some dirt as they waited. Tommy and Tubbo didn't hear them, obviously, too busy arguing with each other. You sighed again, taking in a peaceful night sky for one last moment before you sat up, tapping Tommy's shoulder to warn him as you reached for your crutches.
They weren't entirely necessary all the time, most of the time you just needed a walking stick and you could still kick ass, but you were a bit glad you used them instead today. They were technically knock-offs but that made them heavy enough to knock a man to the ground and with two of them, you'd manage to protect yourself more than most people thought you would.
"Why are you here, Eret," You frown at the man. Tubbo got his sword out, tilting his head in a silent offer. You shook yours back.
Eret seemed to grow more resigned at your silent talk, a long drawn line of regret on his face. "I was just passing by."
"Really?" Tommy narrows his eyes, his mistrust of all things Eret still bubbling. "If that was the case then Y/N wouldn't've warned us. You not here to backstab us again are you?"
You clenched your jaw at the memory. After Eret's betrayal, it was safe to say that you two broke up and stayed that way, but it was a sore subject to bring up anyway. "He's not wrong, Eret. There's some other reason."
"Guys," Tubbo started slowly, looser than either of you. You knew Eret's betrayal hit you and Tommy the worse but you'd expect a bit more anger.
"What, Tubbo," Your hands itch to do something. Hit something, maybe, you're not too sure.
"If he came here for a reason why not hear him out," Tubbo met your eyes, not with any warmth for Eret but something other. You think it might've been for you. "We out-number him anyways. He's harmless."
You bit your tongue to keep from saying anything you didn't mean-- you knew he was saying the truth, it didn't make it easier to hear. Eret seemed relieved when you turned to him with a nod, even with the scowl on your face. "You have 5 minutes. Talk fast."
"Thank you," He spoke quickly to Tubbo and maybe you. "I just wanted to talk to you. All of you, I suppose. There's a lot of things happening right now and I just want to, uh… I need to apologize before anything. I haven't really… done that. I'm sorry."
It was awkward how Eret refused to meet your eyes, gaze firmly placed on your shoulder of all places. "Dream's planning a lot of stuff with this upcoming election and… I need to apologize for not being able to stop him. Like before."
Your heart squeezes in your chest. Before everything, you would've taken one look at the lost look on Eret's face and fallen over yourself consoling him. Even now— even after everything his actions put you through—you can't help but hurt for him. You hated him for everyone he's managed to hurt. Now you're reminded of how much you hate yourself for loving him despite that.
"Yeah," You mutter lowly, remembering soft summer days and even softer lips. They look cracked now. Eret licks them when he catches you staring as if embarrassed at the state they've fallen in without you. Part of you wants to mutter a secret to him, an ugly truth you hold close to your chest. I've already forgiven you.
Tommy wraps his hand around your forearm and it feels like you're breathing air again. He carefully doesn't look at you, "Is that it? An "I'm sorry" to get the guilt off your chest before Dream tries to kill him– us, again."
Eret goes solemn, head dipped to his chest. He looks small. "I'm doing all I can against him without outright fighting him. We both know I'd lose."
Tommy takes a deep breath in but you set your hand on his arm and he shut his mouth, jaw flexing with obvious temptation. Tubbo seems to take that as his cue.
"Thanks, man. It's," he purses his lips, "it means a lot. To me, at least."
Eret nods, obviously relieved. Tommy crosses his arms, barely giving Eret a nod before he gently reaches to grab his music disc and guides himself to his home. His shoulders are tense and you can tell he's close to a panic attack. Tubbo watches him walk away with a complicated look. "I'll go calm him down. If you need anything, just say the word."
Eret looks a little ruffled at the insinuation he'd hurt you. You almost point out that he already did. You nod, "Talk him through it. 4, 8, 7. Keep it simple for him."
Tubbo nods and follows after Tommy, not closing the door.
Eret turns to you, licking his lips nervously again. You're left alone with a rising moon behind Eret. He looks lonely in the pale lighting. You don't try to join him.
"Y/N, I—," Eret cuts himself off. "I don't," he exhales roughly. "I hurt you. A lot worse than I hurt Wilbur or Tommy or Tubbo or Fundy. I betrayed you all."
His breath hitches like he's actually near tears. "But I didn't pretend to love you. I loved you, Y/N, I still do. And I know I don't deserve you. I know… but I need you to know that it wasn't all fake. It wasn't all lying."
"Then what was?" It's rough to say, hurts like you just swallowed instant poison and then pinched your throat. "Because from where I'm standing, Eret, all of you seems fake."
Eret flinches as if his name is worse than his title of king. With the amount of vitriol in your voice, it almost did sound worse. "I know, Y/N. I lied about my reason for being there and I lied about wanting to help but I was raised by a single dad and my favourite colour is greenish-blue and—," His voice cracks, "I love you, Y/N. I can't stop loving you."
You want to cry, scream, beat him with your crutches until he stops talking. When he stops making sense. You close your eyes and try to ignore the tears that cling to your eyelashes. They're heavy, so incredibly heavy.
"I think you should leave, Eret." You barely manage to say. It's quiet. Eret doesn't say anything for a minute, doesn't even move. Then slowly his footsteps wander away, slower and shuffled. Uncomfortable, awkward, upset, and so clearly caused by you.
When you can't hear them anyway, you sniffle. Tears are making your vision blurry and when one tips over, the rest burst like a dam. You're sitting on the grass, weeping like a baby.
Tubbo legs it towards you, pausing once he sees you. Tommy pushes past you, wrapping a hand around your forearm and his own voice is suspiciously watery. "It's okay, Y/N. He won't hurt you anymore. I won't let him."
I would, you think miserably. You would let Eret hurt you if it made him stop hurting. If you could hold his face and kiss those chapped lips soft again. Suddenly, you think you're going to throw up.
Tubbo kneels down next to you, rubbing soothing circles into your back with his palm. He stops to gather your crutches in his arms and sets them by Tommy's door. Then he turns back and together they lift you and carry you into Tommy's bedroom.
When it's late, much, much later into the night, you hold the pillow Tommy let you borrow to your chest and weep again. Maybe this time, you're crying for yourself.
[Well, this hurt to write. Will your relationship mend? Will Tommy learn to forgive people? Will Tubbo stop shying away from emotions? Who knows! Me, technically, but I'll keep that secret.]
[Anywho, small updates: school is slowing down, testing is picking up, way more exhausted now than I thought possible. Writing is going better though, not as hard. I've somehow managed to get into the batman Fandom and now I'm obsessing over Damian Wayne (I've read all complete Damian-centric fanfics on ao3) and now I'm writing about him. I've never read a single comic, but I'll figure it out.]
[Drink some water, eat some food, get sleep. Take care of yourself, the world needs you. Peace!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 9
Summary: You get your ass handed to you. You have fun times with Wanda only for a rude awakening.
Warnings: a lot of cursing, alcohol
If anyone asks her, Laura loves her cousin. She loves you. She really, really does. But sometimes you were a bit of a pain or rather a handful and everyone knows pregnant women should not be carrying too much. So, she can’t help but be glad that there are other people here to help lighten the load. 
Is it wrong that lightening the load includes allowing her husband’s ex-assassin of a best friend to basically manhandle you, said cousin she claims to love so much, at 6am in the morning? It may be a little worrisome, yes. But what is really wrong here is how she is sitting front and center, watching it all happen in front of her a little too amusedly.
Could you really blame her though? She’s pregnant. She knows she wouldn’t be able to stand watching you get thrown around, especially on her swollen feet.
It seems everyone woke up early to watch Nat “teach you self-defense”. You’ve been outside for an hour now and no one has moved from their seats. Oh, no that’s a lie. Clint did go inside once, only for him to come right back offering everyone some lemonade. Even the critters are there sitting criss cross next to Pietro on the grass sipping on their lemonades. 
“So when does the self-defense part start?” you ask, out of breath. You weren’t doing anything, but falling on your ass repeatedly sure makes one sweat.
“When you start defending yourself,” Nat quips. You respond with a baffled, “What?!”
“Arms up, Y/N!” you hear your cousin shout as you prepare yourself to get thrown again.
“Look, if you are still mad about the Yelena Incident, I’m sure there could have been another less violent way to get your frustrations out.” Nat rolls her eyes and in what feels like a second, there are legs wrapped around your head in not a sexy way and you are flipped onto the ground. 
“OH!!!” Everyone yells, as you feel the wind knock out of you. You hear the kids shouting, “Do it again!”
“No, don’t do it again,” you wheeze out. You feel someone rush to your side. 
“Are you okay?” Wanda helps you sit up. An angel, that woman. She turns to glare at Nat. “Did you really have to do that?”
“Relax, she’s fine.” Nat answers, not bothered in any way. Either she’s blind or she’s delusional thinking you took her go-to take-down-the-bad-guy move like a simple scratch on the knee. Wanda gets visibly upset by Nat’s careless demeanor, little wisps of red magic trickling from her hand. She moves to confront Natasha and you think it might be you that is delusional when you stop Wanda, red wisps tickling your hand, and say, “It’s okay. I’m good.”
“See!” Nat throws her hands up.
“You should have put your arms up,” your cousin says off to the side. You narrow your eyes at her after Wanda helps you up. “Yes, Laura. Thank you so much. That would have really saved me from her spinny-upsidedown-flippity-whateverthefuck that was.”
Sam and Clint snicker beside your cousin at your description of Nat’s signature move. She gives you the watch-your-language look that you completely ignore. “Why don’t you come and show me how that was meant to help?”
“Can’t. Pregnant. Sorry,” your cousin motions to her belly. You shake your head, “Excuses, excuses.”
“I do know some self-defense though and I think it is really important to learn so I’m rooting for you on the side lines,” Laura adds. Not believing a word she said, you ask, “And who taught you self-defense? ‘Cause I know for a fact it wasn’t Nat. You wouldn’t be cruel enough to put me through the same torture.”
“I taught her. She’s a pretty decent shot too,” Clint admits proudly. 
“No way. You can shoot?” Sam looks at Laura as skeptical as you do. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Hun, bring out your gear,” your cousin says, getting everyone excited. Pietro and Sam help her stand and move over to get a clear shot of where Clint put up a target. Everyone stands aside and watches in anticipation when Clint hands his wife a bow and an arrow. She nocks the arrow back, aims, shoots, and nearly hits the bullseye, leaving everyone’s mouth agape. 
“Okay, impressive,” Sam says.
“No way. You made that look way too easy. Let me try,” you say, wanting to give it a go, and a go you give alright, the arrow ricocheting off a tree (not even the tree that had the target on it) and heading towards Peter’s face. Luckily his reflexes or what he’s described as some kind of tingle kicks in and he catches the arrow on time. 
You let out a sigh of relief seeing that you have not accidentally killed someone. You didn’t want to be a murderer let alone be known as the asshole that killed Spiderman by accident. You flood Peter’s ears with apologies and though he says it’s all good, you still feel really bad and ask Wanda if she could help you bake him some cookies or something later. 
Everyone heads inside after that near death experience. Everyone but you and Nat who says, “Playtime’s over. Let’s do this for real now.”
“Wait, that wasn’t it?!”
Another two hours go by. Wanda wonders why you haven’t barged in the room yet to “bother” her. You should have been done undergoing Nat’s painful lesson by now. Finding it odd that you have yet to make an appearance, Wanda sets out to find you. She sees Natasha sitting at the kitchen table. When she asks her about your whereabouts and gets a “Who knows” as a response, she knows something is up. Nat always knows, so Wanda presses, “What did she say and where did you leave her?”
Natasha eventually tells her where you are. Wanda finds you outside, hosing yourself off. You are covered in mud, which Wanda can only assume was Nat’s doing. “Why did you have to antagonize her?”
You look up to see Wanda staring at you unimpressed, arms crossed and all. You defend, “You have to admit, had you the opportunity, you would have done the same.”
“You mean tell her you’ve now had two Romanov’s thighs around your head and then ask where her mom was because you wanted to ‘complete the set’,” Wanda says, uncrossing her arms to do air quotes. 
“Come on, let me have this, Wanda. You should have seen it! It was glorious. The set up, the delivery, the punch,” you throw your arms in the air dramatically, hose in hand splashing water everywhere. Your body aches and you yelp, “Ow.”
Wanda only shakes her head at you. You pout and turn the hose off. “I’ve never met her mom, but she probably would’ve at least chuckled appreciating a good line. I know Yelena for sure would’ve tried not to giggle before kicking my ass as well.”
Wanda doesn’t mean to let out the grunt of annoyance at the mention of this Yelena, but it happens. Luckily, you either don’t hear it or ignore it as you pass by her, stopping to take off your shoes by the door. Before heading inside, you turn to her and coyly ask, “Do you think you could help me wash some of the mud away upstairs? I don’t think I can reach some parts on my own.”
It doesn’t take a psychic to know Wanda helping you scrub your back is not what you actually have in mind. She tries her best not to stutter as she says, “Of course, what are friends for?”
You head up to the shower first. Wanda waits downstairs two minutes before following up, thinking it was enough time for it not to seem suspicious. Clint, who is in the laundry room, though back turned the whole time, still notices and pipes up right as Wanda takes the first step up. 
“Just keep in mind the acoustics of the bathroom,” he warns Wanda. Though he doesn’t see her, based on the clumsy rushed steps after, he knows she was blushing the whole way upstairs.
Having Wanda in the shower, double entendre intended, proves to be a good thing because it turns out you do in fact need help scrubbing some of the mud that somehow made it down your back. Wanda gets on your case again about agitating Nat but it’s hard to really focus on what she’s saying when her hands are all over you, even if she is just scrubbing you down.
An hour later, Laura and Nat sit at the kitchen table and try not to laugh at you struggling with the measuring cups. Sam holds no reservations in laughing in your face. “How does a grown ass woman not know how to measure some flour?”
Wanda makes a face and he corrects himself, “I hear how that sounded. Let me rephrase. How does a grown ass adult who has had to pass middle school to get into college not know how to measure some flour?”
“Unnecessary jibe at my education aside, Sam, I appreciate you rephrasing that. Back to the matter at hand, I’d like to see you try, bitch,” you challenge him, handing over all the measuring kitchen equipment. 
“Gladly.” He takes your place, leaving you to go stand beside Wanda. “Let me show you how it’s done.” 
You all watch him as he looks over the recipe. You think he is just bluffing about his skills, making a grand show of it all. That is until he turns back to Wanda to ask, “Two batches, right?” Then at her nod, he goes into British Bake Off mode or whatever you would call x game mode for baking. 
Seeing him confidently measuring ingredient after ingredient, you lean over to Wanda and ask under your breath, “Is he doing it right?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Damn it,” you huff out. Sam overhears and chuckles, his ego inflating by the minute. You pout at Sam having taken over what was meant to be a fun activity for you and Wanda to do, but he seems like he is really enjoying showing off so you can’t be too mad. Wanda finds your pout too cute and can’t help but press a quick kiss to your lips, surprising you both. You are both blushing and she tries to play it off cool. “You did say whenever I wanted.”
“I did say that, yes,” you recall. She smiles and then gives you another chaste kiss, more confidently this time, before heading over to Sam. “Alright, leave Y/N to do something, show off.”
Meanwhile, you are trying to calm your racing heart at her kissing you so openly, which is when you realize you have an audience. You’re afraid to see if Laura and Nat saw. You turn around slowly. They clearly did, your cousin’s raised eyebrow indicating so. It makes you blush harder, so you turn back around and go to see what you can do.
Wanda and Sam give you the job of rolling the cookie dough into little balls after moving you away from setting the oven heat because you tried to turn up the heat by double in order to “bake the cookies faster”. They explain why you couldn’t do that.
“Yeah, I knew that,” you say, as you lower the temperature back down. “I was just testing you guys.”
No one believes you but they don’t say anything. Nat and your cousin watch with interest as Wanda and Sam pull your hand full of raw dough away from your mouth when you try to taste it. You lie and say you were testing them again. 
Peter and Pietro trail into the kitchen at the smell of the cookies baking. Sam takes them out once they are ready. Pietro tries to grab a cookie first, but you are faster, smacking his hand away. “Peter gets the first cookie. They were meant to be for him.”
Peter, who has been lingering shyly behind Pietro, perks up. He asks you, “Why?”
“For nearly killing you. Sorry about that. Sam technically did nearly everything, which might have been for the best given my lack of skills in the kitchen. But it’s the thought, right?” you ramble.
“You didn’t have to, but thank you. I won’t say no to cookies. They all look good. Let’s just all dig in,” Peter says, seeing Pietro’s grumbly face. Pietro cheers up at that and mutters, “Finally.”
Laura sees you and the guys reaching for a cookie and warns, “Careful, they’re hot,” but the cookies are already in your mouths. 
“Fuck!” “Shit!” “H-h-hot!” All three of you yell but none of you spit the cookies out. Instead, you all choose to look ridiculous cooling the cookies with your mouths open. Sam looks at you three like the dumbasses you are. Your cousin and Nat look unfazed and Wanda is practically doubled over laughing so hard that you can’t even hear it because she’s having trouble breathing. 
“Get out of my kitchen. Come back when you have proof y’all graduated elementary school.” Sam kicks you out of the kitchen, Pietro grabbing some cookies before being shooed away. You head outside and decide to play some basketball. Cooper and Lila come and join you and a few minutes later so does Wanda. 
You pause, holding the ball in your hands as Wanda walks up to you. 
“What? Did you finish your two pages of reading for the day that quickly or did you just miss me?” you tease her. She gives you a sarcastic smile before snatching the ball away. “Two chapters actually.” She then goes to line up her shot. She shoots and scores, turning back to you with a smug smile at which you shake your head.
“Hey, you can’t walk with the ball. That doesn’t count!” Pietro whines. You fight for her point, telling him to just let her have it, which he does not let go without pointing out, “Oh, so when I do it, it’s not a point, but when Lila and Wanda do it, it counts? How is that fair?”
“Because she’s six and she’s cute, Pietro. That’s why it counts,” you reply.
“Okay, but what about my sister?”
“I just explained. Lila is six and Wanda is cute. Come on, man. Keep up.” Wanda overhears and blushes hard. Pietro laughs at his sister, embarrassing her further. You take the ball away from his hands while he is distracted and then pass it to Lila. 
You do way better this game than the last time you played. You still lost but progress. 
The next morning feels like a rinse and repeat. Nat wakes you up, you go for the morning hike, you complain the whole time. Breakfast is a different story. Laura’s lower back has been aching and she’s been having contractions, one of which comes while you’re eating, scaring most of you. You get straight to your feet asking where the baby bag is and Pietro rushes to find the keys saying, “I’ll start the car!” 
Peter pipes, “I think someone else should drive.” 
“Everyone calm down. I don’t need to go anywhere. The baby’s not coming yet,” your cousin reassures everyone, specifically her husband and Nat who are at her side. Everyone lets out a breath of relief. You ask where the baby bag is anyway to know when the time does come. She says there isn’t one and then Nat is on Clint and your heads about not being prepared.
“I got here after you did,” you defend yourself. She then looks over to Clint who says, “I’ve been saving the world.”
“Always an excuse with you two,” Nat chides. 
And so the afternoon finds Clint, Sam, and Nat going to buy the essentials, while the rest of you help clean up around the house. Wanda is left to supervise Lila and Cooper clean their rooms, Peter is in charge of vacuuming upstairs, Pietro is given dish washing duty, and you are given the broom and mop. 
Your cousin relaxes on the couch in the meantime. You yell up the stairs that you will be mopping now, warning everyone to watch their step. You repeat the same to your cousin who sarcastically says, “I think the whole town heard you, Y/N.”
“Well, excuse me for caring for everyone’s well being,” you retort, continuing your chores. You’re nearly finished. You just need Pietro to be done in the kitchen so you can mop there. You sit and wait in Clint and Laura’s little home office. 
You swivel around in the chair, looking around curiously until something calls your attention, that something being the laminator. You try to think of something fun to laminate but think of nothing interesting. Then you remember something and rush upstairs to get it.
You pass Peter who asks if he can go downstairs now having finished vacuuming. You say yes but tell him not to go into the kitchen yet. You grab what you are looking for in your bag and head back downstairs to laminate it. Before you do, you write a message on the back. 
Dear Scarlet Wizard, please stop hurting the books. Thank you. Y/N :)
Then you laminate the strip. You look over your finished product proudly before tucking it into your back pocket. You’re about to head out of the office when Pietro’s voice crescendos, heeding you of his presence before he appears. “Just ask her, Wanda. She’s seen you in them. I don’t know why you are embarrassed.”
That piques your interest. Pietro finally appears, with Wanda lingering behind him, looking like she’d much rather be anywhere else. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Pietro looks back at Wanda expectantly, but when she doesn’t say anything, he explains for her. “She needs help washing her underpants.”
“Pietro!” Wanda shouts, her face giving a new meaning to her superhero name with how red it turns. She moves forward, spluttering, “I asked Laura if I could wash some of my clothes. She said yes, but I don’t know how to work this machine and I didn’t want to make her get up to show me, and Pietro told me to ask you, so…” 
She trails off shyly, wanting to bury herself in the nearest ditch right after she murders her brother for putting her in this position. Wanda hadn’t prepared to stay so long and hadn’t brought extra clothes. Now she regrets not being like Peter who overprepares. She wonders how her brother hasn’t run out of clean underwear but she thinks it’s better not to ask, predicting she won’t like whatever the answer is; Pietro is not someone who is over prepared either.
“That’s it?” you ask, not seeing what the big deal was, but you can see that Wanda is still looking rather awkward about it, so you don’t question it too much. Rather you comment, “I was actually wondering if you all just overpack for breaks. I mean I know Nat has extra clothes here in the house but I was wondering about the rest of you.”
“Peter is the only one who does the most,” Pietro says.
“Hey, I heard that!” Peter yells coming in to join the three of you. You turn to Pietro and ask, “Then what do you do?”
“He used the same underwear after he showered,” Peter explains. You and Wanda make a face of disgust and Pietro makes one of irritation. Peter runs off upstairs when Pietro starts chasing him, “Don’t tell her that!”
“I shouldn’t have asked,” you tell Wanda, who agrees with you. Then you motion for her to follow you into the little laundry room. You show her how to work the machine. She throws her clothes in and follows your instructions. Once the machine gets going, you decide to tease her now that you are alone. “It’s just underwear, Wanda. Pietro was right. No need to be shy about it when I’ve seen it both on and off you.”
She starts blushing again. She hides behind her hands and groans, “Ugh, I should have asked Laura.”
You continue on anyway, “In fact, I remember one instance where you were enjoying when I tugged them o-” You were cut off short by Wanda’s hands covering your mouth. “Stop talking.”
Your laughter is muffled but it’s there nonetheless, finding Wanda’s coyness endearing. She defends herself, recalling a story about you, “You are one to talk, Miss Purple Boxer-Briefs.”
You grab hold of her wrists, removing her hands from your mouth in order to speak. “Hey, that’s different.” You walk forwards, making Wanda take steps back until her back is against the wall. “I was not planning for anyone to see me in those. I was just taking one for the team, thinking the house was getting robbed.”
“Mhmm, sure.” Wanda giggles.This time it’s you saying, “Oh, be quiet, Maximoff.”
“Make me, L/N.”
You sputter in surprise, eyes widening at her words. Hers stare right into yours, challenging you to make a move. And she has the audacity to have a smirk on her face as if she wasn’t madly blushing about dirty underwear a few minutes ago. Where the hell did that girl go?
“Are you just going to stand there and look at me a-”
You surge forward and kiss her hard. Wanda can’t help but smile at getting her way, making it a little hard to kiss her. So you take the moment to break it and ask, “Hey, who told you my last name?”
“The same asshole that gave you this.” One of her hands between you moves up to caress your bruised cheek. “Does it still hurt?”
She prods at it, making you flinch back. “Ow, only when you poke at it.”
“Sorry,” she apologizes, pulling her hand away from your cheek. Her bashful face makes you chuckle. You pull yourself together to ask her a question. “Okay, serious question,” you start, and it’s too cute how Wanda pays close attention to what you say next. You’d think she’d know better by now. “Does it make me look badass?”
“Y/N,” she more or less groans your name in annoyance as she gently shoves you. You’re a little off balance but you quickly grasp her elbows to pull back into her space. “I’m serious. ‘Cause if I look stupid, I’m pretty sure I could will my cells to work overtime to heal it faster or something.”
She laughs at you, muttering, “You are an idiot,” and pecking your lips between each word. You hear giggling, only this laughter isn’t coming from the beautiful woman in front of you. No, this giggling you know too well comes from a certain little critter who you now see has potential to go into her father’s line of work with how quiet she can creep up on someone. 
Wanda actually shoves you off this time, going to stand behind you to put a physical barrier between her and the intruding child. You clear your throat, smiling at Lila. “Hey, Lila. Did you need something?”
“Why were you kissing Wanda? Is she your girlfriend? Are you going to have a baby now?” She shoots one question after question rapidly as if she didn’t ask them all at once she would forget them. The first two are valid questions but the last throws you off so far you don’t know where you are. It throws Wanda too, so much so she’s basically choking behind you.
“Woah, okay. Umm, I was kissing Wanda because I think she is very pretty and nice and that’s just a way you can show someone that you think that about them, with their permission of course,” you rush in to add about consent. Your niece and nephews will grow up learning to be a decent human being. You continue on to her other questions. “But no, Wanda is not my girlfriend and we are not having a baby?”
Your last answer comes out more as a question, mostly due to your confusion as to where she got that idea. Wanda comes out from her hiding space to stand by you. From your peripheral vision, she looks amused at seeing you struggle to answer the six year old’s questions. Looking at your niece, she seems to be as confused as you, but you learn it’s due to something else. “Why isn’t she your girlfriend? Did you ask her?” 
You hesitate to answer, really not knowing where to start. Wanda is less amused and more interested now, crossing her arms over her chest, creating a barrier between her heart and your next words that she thinks will inevitably hurt to hear. Lila doesn’t give you the chance, however, continuing to her next question that makes you scoff. “Does she think you’re ugly?”
“I’d hope not.” You turn to look at Wanda, who holds a hand over her mouth trying to cover her giggles.
“Oh, maybe she doesn’t think you’re funny, like Aunt Nat says. Maybe she doesn’t get your jokes.” Lila tries to help, but little to her knowledge, it just makes you want to dig your own grave, especially when you can see Wanda is nearly losing it trying to hold in her laughter.
“Yep, you know you might be right. That must be it,” you agree to appease her. She grins at you, proud of herself for finding an answer to her question, which reminds you, “Why did you think we were having a baby?”
“Because that’s how babies are made,” she says, without a doubt in her mind, which reasonably has you questioning, “Who told you that, critter? Because they definitely lied.”
“Mommy said so,” she says almost defiantly as if what her mom says must be the truth and who were you to make her start questioning her mother now at six years old. You are also not ready to have that conversation, the conversation between you and your cousin where she yells at you for taking over the birds and bees speech that she probably had meticulously planned for a specific time in her children’s lives.
“Aaaand, your mom’s right. Yep. Wanda is basically pregnant now,” you say without thinking. Lila’s eyes go full moon round in excitement as squeals in glee. She practically runs out of the laundry room probably to tell god knows who about the news. Wanda gasps in disbelief beside you, smacking your arm. “Why did you say that?”
“Well, what did you want me to do? Be honest with the child?” you say as if honesty would be the worst thing to bring into that conversation.
“Yes, exactly that,” Wanda says plainly.
“Okay, well unless you want to deal with Nat on your ass about us unnecessarily stressing my pregnant cousin out with talks about baby making with her six year old, for the next however long Lila remembers, you are pregnant with my child.”
Wanda hangs her head in defeat after you put that image of an angry Nat in her head. There are worse things than being fake pregnant with your crush’s baby. She sighs, “You’re paying child support for this kid.”
You smile at her quip, retaliating with, “Not without a paternity test!” She shoves you as you both exit the laundry room and you chant, “Maury! Maury!”
“We are not naming the baby Maury,” she says and runs into you when you stop abruptly to turn around and question her, “Wanda, do you not know who Maury is?” 
When she shakes her head no in confusion, you grab her hand in excitement, “Oh, my god, let me teach you a little bit about American culture,” and drag her with you to watch some episodes of the show.
You only get to watch one with her, leaving her with your cousin to watch more as you go back into the kitchen to finish moping as your cousin so kindly (not so kindly) reminded you to do. Those baby hormones really were kicking in. 
You return to see Pietro and Wanda eating up the show. “I knew it! I knew he would be the father,” Pietro yells excitedly from where he is on the floor looking back at his sister. “Did I not guess right?” She nods and he turns back to the television to watch the guy run off the stage as the cameraman chases after him.
Laura can’t stop yawning so you suggest she go take a nap. You help her up to her room and tell her to rest up, that you had everything under control. She teases as you shut the door, “Just don’t go around impregnating more women while I’m asleep.” 
When you go back downstairs, Sam, Nat, and Clint are making their way through the front door with everything they bought. Sam and Clint set the box with the crib assembly in the middle of the living room. Nat carries some bags and says there are more bags in the car. You head outside throwing an “amateur” towards Nat who rolls her eyes knowing you are referring to your silly one trip from the car to the house rule. 
The rest of the evening goes to arranging the hospital bag and getting all the baby things in order. Nat and Wanda assemble the crib, Nat insisting she do it after Pietro rushes to assemble it with a “tada!” only for it to fall apart when Nat throws a pillow onto it. Wanda is just excited to do it and Nat trusts her to follow instructions unlike her brother. 
Everyone just watches, but Lila who tries to help handing the women whatever they need. As most excited six year olds do, she talks everyone’s ears off about the things she is going to do when her baby brother comes. “Oh! And he can have playdates with Y/N and Wanda’s baby. We can have tea parties every summer. Maybe not tea, cause tea isn’t very tasty and it’s too hot for that. Maybe we can have ice tea instead. What do you think, Wanda?”
Everyone in the room looks confused; most of the confused gazes are looking to you for an explanation and before anyone could say anything, you mouth “Don’t ask” while shaking your head. Wanda indulges Lila, though she blushes through it trying to look unfazed, “Yes, ice tea is nice. Or maybe lemonade. Can you pass me that small piece over there?”
It comes out perfectly, much to Pietro’s chagrin. Now the problem no one thought about- how to get it upstairs into the room. Sam and Clint carry it up the stairs trying to follow Nat’s instructions, attempting to turn it at the right angle to get it up the second flight of stairs. They clearly do not understand what Nat’s aim is here, Nat’s frustration growing by the second. Wanda gets a sense of deja vu but she can’t recall where she has seen this, until you laugh and as if reading her mind fill in the blank yelling, “Pivot!”
Satisfied with figuring out where the scene is from and not wanting to see Nat explode, Wanda uses her magic to take hold of the crib and brings Nat’s vision to life as she rotates the crib at the correct angle. The red mist lifts it the rest of the way upstairs.
“Thank you, Wanda. It seems you’re the only competent person here,” Nat huffs. She turns to the two men on the stairs, “Well, don’t just stand there, expecting Maximoff to do everything. The crib goes in the room with Laura.”
She storms up the steps shepherding Clint and Sam the rest of the way. You hear the laundry machine beeping, so you go give that your attention with Wanda on your tail. After her clothes begin to spin in the dryer, you stop her from getting any further than the kitchen remembering to give her your beautiful creation.
“Wait, Wanda, before I forget. I have something for you.” You pull the photo strip turned bookmark out of your pocket and hand it to her. She takes her time looking over the pictures on the strip from the time at the arcade, especially the third in which you are kissing her cheek. You gesture for her to look at the back and she rolls her eyes upon reading your message. Wanda appreciates the gesture anyways.
“You made me this?” Wanda asks, surprised. 
You nod, “Made or more so laminated it for you. Or rather for future me who will be happy to know she saved another book from you dog earring the ends of its pages.” 
You chuckle when she pushes you in jest. “Hey! That is a lot of judgement coming from someone who does not read.”
“I don’t have to be an avid book reader to know book etiquette,” you declared. 
“Book etiquette?” She raises an eyebrow up in question.
“Yes, there are rules to how you treat books, same as there are rules to everything,” you answered. “Like returning a borrowed book in the same condition.”
“And one of the rules happens to be not to bend the corner of the pages?” she asks, disbelieving.
“Hey, I’m just trying to do you a favor here. Wouldn’t want you to get bullied in book club or whatever. But if you are just going to disregard the rule and not use the bookmark,” you reply, reaching for the bookmark, “I can just take it back.”
“No,” she objects immediately, pressing the photostrip against her chest. She pouts, “You already gave it to me. You can’t take it back.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you assured her, laughing at her childish antics. Wanda looks at it once more, smiling, and then gives you a kiss on the cheek. With rosy cheeks adorning her face, she thanks you. “I love it, really.”
Red really is the color for her, you think. That is until you find green giving red a run for its money the next evening.
Sam drove you, Wanda, and Pietro to one of the two bars in town in Nat’s car. It took about half an hour of begging from Sam’s part for Nat to give up her keys, but not without threatening his life if he were to even scratch her car. You couldn’t blame her, it’s a pretty nice car. 
You and the three Avengers walk into the bar. It sounds like the start to a joke and it almost feels like it could be with the way the night starts. It’s a Friday night so there is a crowd but it’s not too bad. You’re still standing around the front entrance and you wonder why no one has made the move to go further into the establishment. Turning to the other three, you notice their eyes sweeping the place. You quickly realize what they are doing. 
“Would you all relax? We are here to have fun. No need to act like you’re on a mission,” you remind them. Sam scoffs, “Uh, speak for yourself. This man is on the hunt for some sugar.” The rest of you three roll your eyes at him as he keeps scouting the area. His eyes befall on the pretty bartender. “And spotted. First round is on me.”
Sam walks up to the bar with swagger to his step. The three of you look for a place to sit. Pietro notices a booth open up and using a little enhanced speed, swoops into the booth, calling you and Wanda over. You talk amongst yourselves while Sam chats up the bartender. He comes over with the drinks smiling to himself. Wanda teases him, “Look at you all smiley. Did you get her phone number?”
“I’m still working on it, but I know it’s working,” he says confidently. “So hurry up and finish your drinks so I can go up and talk some more.”
He rushes you and chugs his drink in one go. You hate to be his buzzkill but someone has to remind him, “I hope you enjoyed that drink, Sam ‘cause that was your one and only for tonight. Or did you forget you drove us here?”
His face scrunches up and groans, “Noooo. Can’t Pietro drive? His metabolism works fast. It’s nearly impossible to get him drunk.”
“Did you forget what car we brought? The moves Nat pulled on me hurt like a bitch, and that was just her teaching me self defense. I can’t imagine what she would do if she finds out we let Speed Racer drive back.” You quickly turn to said twin, “No offense, Pietro.”
“You are all just a bunch of babies,” he responds, sipping from his drink. 
“Ugh, fine,” Sam concedes. “Maybe, I can work with this. I’ll be back. Same thing for everyone?”
After getting an affirmative, Sam is back at it. The three of you watch him flirt with the woman behind the bar. Sam points your group out to her and she smiles at you three while your group acknowledges her with awkward waves. 
A car alarm pulls everyone’s attention away; it’s Nat’s car. The three of you see Sam make a show of looking for the keys in his pockets when it’s clear to the group that he’s been holding them the entire time. That smooth bastard. The woman looks impressed.
Soon she serves up your drinks, Sam bringing them to the table, with a cocky smirk on his face. You, Pietro, and Wanda shake your heads at him his whole way back. “We see what you did there,” Wanda says. “That was very sneaky.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Sam denies. He takes a sip of his water as the rest of you grab your second drink. Pietro asks, “Very sad, using someone else’s things to boast. Tsk tsk tsk.”
“Keep it down. She doesn’t have to know that. Anyway, that car is a guarantee she’ll be looking this way,” Sam assures and he isn’t wrong. Wanda finds the bartender looking back at your group but much to her discontentment, she is zeroing in not on Sam but you. You don’t notice this happening. 
You are too focused telling some funny story Wanda isn’t really listening to, as she finishes her drink in one go. Pietro catches this from the corner of his eye, frowning at what has his sister looking upset. Ever so observant, he watches Wanda look at the bartender who seems to be staring at you and then shuffle closer to your side. 
His frown disappears, no longer worried but more so amused. He has always found it funny when his sister gets jealous. He’s seen it several times to know the signs- the furrow of her brow, the biting of her lip, and had it been a few years ago, there would be a dramatic exit. A dramatic exit would be overkill here so he guesses she’s substituted it for possessiveness. 
You welcome Wanda’s warmth as she sits closer to you. Sam and Pietro make their comments and jokes about the story you just finished telling. You sip on your drink, nearly choking when Wanda’s hand makes a surprise appearance on your thigh a little too high to be innocent. You try to ignore it and listen to Sam as he starts a story, but it gets a little difficult when she begins to move it. 
Sam asks you a question and as focused as you are when trying to answer, Wanda’s wandering hand makes you stutter a few times in your response. You chug the rest of your drink and Wanda takes that as a sign to get the next round of drinks.
“I’ve got the drinks this time,” she declares, pressing a kiss on your cheek before getting up and heading over to the bar. The little break you have away from her feels a bit of a relief. You were getting worked up under her touch and in public no less. You don’t know what’s got Wanda in this kind of mood suddenly, not that you would usually mind it unless it’s the alcohol. 
That’s the only real outlier here. If it is the alcohol, you’ll have to slow her roll down if only two drinks have her so handsy. You have to come up with a plan soon if that’s the case, because Wanda comes back, bartender behind her carrying a tray with shots.
Wanda takes her seat next to you as Sam’s point of interest for the night sets the shots in the middle of the table. Your eyes widen, counting the number of shots that end up on the table. 
“Damn, how much do they pay you?” you ask incredulously, knowing how pricey a single shot can be.
“And are they hiring?” the bartender jokes. Everyone but Wanda laughs. “Are we celebrating something tonight or just having a night out?” She asks the table but ends the question looking at you for the answer.
“A little bit of both. They’re going home soon, so,” you explain. You have all her attention now, her body turning to face you. “Oh, so you’re from here. I haven’t seen you around?”
Wanda slowly grows irritated, feeling the woman talking is overstaying her welcome at your table. She reaches for a shot, throwing it back, trying not to make a face as the liquid burns her throat. 
You frown at Wanda’s actions. Pietro snorts and Wanda throws him a glare. The bartender is still waiting for your response so you answer, “I don’t actually live here. I stay with my cousin during my breaks from school.” 
“What school do you go to?”
Wanda clears her throat, annoyed, “Don’t you have to go back to the bar? We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.”
Sam speaks up, “There are two other people back there. I’m sure they’ve got Bethany covered.” So that’s the name of the woman unknowingly grinding Wanda’s gears. Wanda is disappointed to see Sam is correct. 
She drinks another shot and the moment Pietro has been waiting for arrives when she gets up suddenly claiming she has to go to the restroom. Bethany tries to help and point them out to her, but Wanda quickly cuts in with, “Thank you, Bethany, but I think I can find my way to the restroom just fine.” And then she stomps off. 
Finding her behavior odd, you decide it best to go follow her and make sure she’s okay. After answering Bethany’s last question, you excuse yourself from the table and head in the direction Wanda left. The restrooms are easy to find, a glaringly obvious sign pointing to them. 
Wanda splashes water on her face at the sink, trying to cool herself down. She can’t help the thoughts running through her head, thinking that Bethany was probably sitting in Wanda’s place by your side, grabbing your arm as she laughs at something you say. She knows these thoughts stem from jealousy and there is no need to tell her that she doesn’t have the right to be jealous when you agreed to be friends.
If Wanda wasn’t irked enough, there are no paper towels to dry her face with. Now she’ll return to the table with a wet shirt. “Stupid bar can’t refill the dispenser,” she mutters, pushing the door open with the side of her body, her hands preoccupied lifting the bottom of her shirt enough to pat her face dry with it. 
She bumps into somebody outside the restroom doors. She lifts her face from her hands to apologize only to be met by the person who has got her acting this moody and you aren’t looking at her face. Your eyes are busy appreciating Wanda’s exposed tummy. Wanda flushes as she drops her shirt, making you redirect your eyes. Embarrassed at being caught, you clear your throat. “Sorry,” you apologize. “I actually came to check on you.”
“Why? I was only gone for 2 minutes,” she asked, though she was happy to note that you were here waiting for her outside the restroom instead of entertaining the bartender sitting at your group’s table.
“You left kind of abruptly. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and not like throwing up,” you reason. You pull Wanda away from standing in front of the door to the restroom when someone tries to get through.
Wanda chuckles, continuing on with your conversation. “Do you think I am a lightweight or what?”
“Well I hope not. You did just buy a bunch of shots and it would be a damn shame to let them go to waste,” you remind her. She smirks at you. “You have some catching up to do.”
“Lead the way.” You step aside motioning for her to do just so. Wanda shakes her head, but smiles nevertheless, taking your hand and tugging you behind her. Wanda is happy not to see Bethany at your table but back behind the bar when you both take your previous seats. 
“There they are!” Pietro shouts excitedly, waving his hand in the air before smacking it back down on the table rather clumsily with an “Ah”. Tipsy Pietro was rather adorable. How did he get like this anyway? Looking back at the table, you find your answer.
“Holy shit, dude! Did you drink all of these yourself?” You’re worried he’d have to get his stomach pumped. He reads the expression on your face and reassures you. “It’s the only way I can get, umm, Wanda?” He turns to ask his sister something you don’t understand, asking in Sokovian. She answers, “Tipsy.”
“Yes! Tipsy. But I left you uh,” he counts the remaining shot cups that still have liquor in them, “four. Perfect. Two for each of you. Now hurry, I want to play billbards, bill-billboards. Pool,” he finally decides. He pushes two shots towards you and the other two towards Wanda.
“Oh, no. Y/N has to catch up.” Wanda pushes one of her drinks to yours, lining them all up neatly. You shake your head at a smirking Wanda. You sigh, “You’re really going to do this to me, huh?”
“Yup,” she affirmed. Then Sam got the three of them to chant your name, making others in the bar look your group’s way. Not wanting people staring, you hush them, “Okay, okay. Geez. I can see why Clint hates that.” Then you drink all three, one right after another. You do make a face. “Oof.”
Wanda drinks hers and then the four of you wait by the pool tables for one to open up. You spend the next hour laughing with Sam and Wanda at a clumsy Pietro. You are just as bad as a tipsy Pietro when playing pool but tipsy Wanda doesn’t care, insisting you teach her how to properly line up her shot. Tipsy you isn’t remotely embarrassed when Wanda completely misses hitting the ball with your guidance because your body is busy feeling something other than shame having Wanda pressed against you as she is. 
Sober Sam is getting bored. Bethany is busy behind the bar doing her job, more patrons filling up the joint. A few minutes later, Pietro is practically sober; his coordination comes back and he doesn’t find playing pool as fun anymore. Also, he’s growing tired of watching his sister basically grind her ass on you every time it’s her turn. 
Pietro ends the game five minutes later. “I’m tired. Let’s let some other people play.” He doesn’t give you a chance to reject the idea, handing his pool stick over to someone else saying his group can have the table. He and Sam head to the restroom but not before telling you two to be ready to go.
There is a pout on Wanda’s face that you find just too cute and you let her know so. “You are so adorable,” you tease, pinching her cheeks. Wanda sends you a glare that looks in no way threatening with her cheeks aflame, making you laugh. “I’ll get us some water. Wait here for Pietro and Sam.”
You head over to the bar counter. You grab Bethany’s attention and ask for some water. “So why was your girlfriend upset earlier?” She asks as she goes to fill up two cups for you.
“Huh?” you ask confused. She repeats herself leaning over the bar in order for you to hear her more clearly. “Your girlfriend,” she nods in Wanda’s direction. You turn to see Wanda watching you two closely. “She looked pissed off earlier.”
Bethany hands over the two cups of water. You didn’t need to but you clarify anyway, albeit a little awkwardly. “Oh, um, she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Does she know that?” The bartender smirks at you. You’re confused and tell her so. She rolls her eyes at you. There is no way you could be so oblivious. She does find it cute that you were so focused on your “not girlfriend” that you didn’t see the way she was interested in you. She takes pity on you and clarifies, “She was totally acting like a jealous girlfriend earlier.”
“No, she wasn’t,” you deny, the idea sounding totally absurd to you. But with the way Bethany sounded so sure, you can’t help but begin to question the possibility. “How do you know?”
“I see these things all the time. Reading body language becomes a skill when you work at a bar. Trust me.”
Bethany sees you still doubting her so she proposes something. “Here. I’ll prove it. Do you mind if I touch you?”
You look at her confused but give her permission anyway. She reaches over and runs her finger up and down your forearm. You watch her move and feel more so lost when she throws her head back in laughter. “Okay, what are you doing?”
“If she is jealous, like I say she is, she will do one of two things. She will either come up here and act all possessive or she’ll storm off like she did earlier to the restroom.”
“I don’t know,” you say, unsurely, already pulling your arm away. You are not one to want to play emotional games. Before you have a chance to tell Bethany that, she says, “I should have put some money on it.”
You feel an arm slide around your waist. Wanda comes up beside you and pulls you into her. You are a little startled to be honest, especially when she kisses your underjaw making sure to give Bethany a good view. Wanda catches Bethany giving you a cocky smirk and it irks her. 
“Piet and Sam are waiting for us,” she reminds you. You don’t say anything, your mind still trying to process that Bethany is right and Wanda might just be jealous. Bethany sees the realization glaze over your eyes and rolls with it, pushing Wanda’s buttons. “Oh, you’re leaving already? Well if you ever want more conversations like these,” she writes on a piece of paper behind the bar and hands it over to you folded, “here.” 
Wanda is nearly grinding her teeth at this point. The audacity of that woman to give you her number while Wanda is with you is amazing. Though Wanda knows she’s not with you- with you, clearly the woman would think Wanda was something to you given the way she is wrapped around you. And if that wasn’t enough to piss her off, the way you say “Um, okay?” before pocketing the piece of paper is. 
“You know what, we’ll just wait for you in the car,” Wanda huffs, pulling away from you and storming off to Pietro and Sam. You watch her go, ready to follow but Bethany calls your attention once more. “And there is number two. What are you standing here for? Go. She’ll only be more upset the longer you take.”
“Thanks?” You leave it at that, not knowing what else to say and make your way to the exit. Bethany watches you leave with a shake of her head, mumbling to herself, “She’s gonna eat her alive.”
You reach in your pocket to read the note the bartender gave you, opening the door with your back. Wanda, who is leaning against the hood of the car, watches in jealousy as you laugh at the contents of the note. 
Sam asks, “What are you smiling about?”
Wanda answers for you, tone dripping in discontent, “Getting the number you couldn’t get.” 
“What?! Let me see!” Sam rips the paper from your hand. Wanda rolls her eyes in annoyance and gets in the backseat, slamming the door closed. Her brother shakes his head in amusement, but follows sitting in the passenger seat instead. 
“Come on, let’s go,” you hurry Sam along. You go around the car to open the door opposite the one Wanda slammed and take a seat. Wanda is already not looking at you, instead looking out the window, which you find pointless because there is nothing to look at seeing as there is another car parked right next to her. She’s just getting the view of their window. 
“Wanda,” you say, trying to get her to look at you. “Wanda.” She still ignores you, so you press, “Are you really not going to talk to me?”
“I’m not in the mood. Why don’t you talk to Bethany? Seemed like you liked talking to her. Now you can call her,” Wanda responds, voicing Bethany’s name in an obnoxious way. You try not to snicker but Pietro doesn’t. Wanda kicks the back of his seat, getting in trouble with Sam as he enters the car to see just that. 
“Hey, knock it off! I don’t need Nat busting my ass for something I didn’t do,” he warns and points at Wanda, who huffs but leans back, crossing her arms in irritation. He continues, “Also, if you want me to laugh at your jokes, make them make sense.” 
He throws the paper to your lap. You read it once more and laugh to yourself. Sam is about to start the car but you stop him. “Wait! Before we go, Sam, can you do me a favor real quick,” you say as you pull out a five dollar bill. “Can you go give this to Bethany?”
“So is this like an inside joke or something?” Sam takes the money anyway and heads back to the bar. Pietro asks, “Can I see the paper?”
“Why? You want to have a shot with her too? Clearly she was interested in Y/N, Pietro,” Wanda mumbles. You hand over the paper to her brother while rolling your eyes at her behavior, trying not to smile. 
Pietro reads it and laughs louder than before. Wanda takes off her seatbelt and leans forward to snatch the paper from Pietro’s hands. “Okay, what is so funny? ‘Five bucks she says my name in a mean voice’.” Wanda’s voice trails off in the end out of embarrassment realizing that the note was about her. 
“Hell yeah! I told you I would and I did. I still have the moves.” Sam barges into the car excitedly. “Look what I got!” He waves around a piece of paper in front of Pietro’s face. 
“Her number? Nice,” Pietro says, pretty impressed.
“Yep. She said ‘Here, for if you’re ever back in town,’” Sam tries mimicking Bethany’s voice. Turning to you, he adds, “Oh and she also said to tell you she told you so, whatever that means.” 
“Wanda knows what it means,” Pietro jokes, making you chuckle and Wanda punch him in the arm.
“Alright, alright. Chill out and put your seatbelt on,” Sam tells Wanda. He turns on the car and begins the drive home. “It’s a good thing we’re leaving when we are. Another drink in you and we’d have to pull you out of a bar fight.”
Wanda does as she’s told without another word. In fact she stays silent for the whole ride back, not because she was annoyed like earlier. To say she’s embarrassed is an understatement. It’s one thing for her brother to tease her, throwing remarks he finds oh so humorous her way. She’s used to that from her twin. It’s another thing for you to match his energy, laughing at his jokes and having the same knowing smirk on your face. 
Of course Pietro would know when she’s jealous; they’re twins. Pietro acts the same exact way when he’s jealous. Wanda just wasn’t ready for someone else to pick up on it, especially not the person for why she felt the way she did. 
It is humiliating and that’s why she vows to deny, deny, deny if anyone brings it up, which of course you do because life hates Wanda and won’t let her have this one thing. 
You bring it up after you get home. Wanda tries to rush out the car but you hold her arm, signaling for her to stay in the car. You tell Sam and Pietro to go ahead inside without you, that you need to talk to Wanda in private. 
Sam jokingly “oohs” and rolls down the windows a bit before turning off the car. “This seems like a long talk. I wouldn’t want you ladies to suffocate under all the tension,” he quips. 
Wanda looks at her brother for help and he almost stays seeing the dread on her face, but then he thinks about how this could be new ammunition for teasing her later and makes his decision to go. “Sorry, Wands, but she said ‘in private’.”
“Since when do you respect privacy?” she challenged, ticked that her own blood would leave her to die of mortification for his own amusement. 
“It’s never too late to try new things,” he reasons. He follows Sam to the house, laughing because Wanda shouts out of the car window, “Try not being a traitor next time!”
Wanda’s attention finally turns to you when she hears you giggling. Wanda sits as far away from you as she can, her back practically against the car door. Your laughter dies down, but you still sport a wide smile on your face, irritating her to no end. She crosses her arms and tries to keep her composure.
“What did you want to say?” She feigns innocence, hoping the conversation will take a different route than the one she feels it’s going. However, much like life you won’t let her have this.
“You know, I guessed you could be the jealous type given you telling your brother to stop flirting with me and the other way around, but damn, that was something else,” you tease, finding satisfaction when Wanda’s cheeks burn red.
You let her splutter for a minute, but then take pity on her when you see she can’t find the words to defend herself. You scoot close enough to her that your knees are pressing against hers. “It’s okay, really. Usually, I would find jealousy unattractive but there is something about green on you that I like. It really brings out your eyes.”
Your hands move forward to push some of her hair away from her face as if to see her eyes clearer. Wanda finally finds her voice, scoffing, “I was not jealous,” but she allows you to keep your hands on her face.
“No, of course not,” you reply sarcastically, smirk taking permanent residence on your face. You pinch her cheek to annoy her. 
“Only insecure people get jealous,” Wanda huffs and pushes your hands away. 
“Everyone has their insecurities, Maximoff.”
“What do you have to be insecure about?” she asks like you would be the last person to have any insecurities. 
You lean your side onto the seat. “Plenty of things. Like, no one ever taking me seriously. I hide a lot behind jokes. Sometimes, I don’t even know if I’m being serious or not and that makes it really hard to communicate with people.”
You look away from Wanda who begins to uncross her arms, the earlier tension on her body from self preservation dissipating with your confession. Instead, you focus on your hands, fingers tracing the stitched lines on the leather seats. 
You continue with a sigh, “Not to keep reliving the past, but it seems like it’s all I ever really do, I think maybe had I worked a little more on that, maybe Skye and I wouldn’t have ended like we did. Maybe had I shown I could be, I don’t know, more serious, someone you could not only have laugh with but someone you could confide in, have honest talks with, be a shoulder to cry on, then maybe she wouldn’t have seen me as a distraction and maybe we, I don’t know. I’m just rambling now.”
It gets quiet in the car. Wanda watches your hands continue to trace the lines on the seats. You look up at her when she clears her throat, ready to speak. “Vision broke up with me with the excuse that heroes are meant to be alone and I try but ever since he said that I can’t help but think he has a point.”
“Why do you think so?” you ask. Much like you finding something else to focus on, Wanda begins fidgeting with the rings on her fingers before replying, “It’s just that after we broke up, everyone left me alone. They were trying to give me my space, I guess but all it did was make me feel lonely.”
You reach out to stop her fidgeting with her rings which only half works. When you hold her hand, her other one comes to start playing with your fingers. “As embarrassing as it was to have you see me crying, I’m glad you stayed with me that first day,” Wanda whispers, almost like it’s a secret.
You smile and joke, “You were crying? I would have never known if you didn’t just tell me.” You succeed in making her laugh, as she tells you to shut up, but you continue teasing her. “Now the puffy eyes and runny nose make total sense.”
“Oh, god! Don’t remind me,” she pulls her hands away from yours to cover her face. She mumbles behind her palms, “I probably looked so gross.”
You chuckle at how wrong she is, remembering that day. You pull her hands away from her face and respond, “Quite the opposite. I was wondering how someone could look so pretty crying.”
Wanda narrows her eyes at you and accuses, “Liar.”
“Honest. Then I thought how inappor- inaporpiet,” you struggle to say inappropriate so you rephrase, “how it was wrong to think that while you were crying. Sorry, the alcohol is still in my system.”
You continue through Wanda’s giggling. “And it’s your fault I’m not more sober right now!”
“What? How is this my fault?” she questions, still smiling.
“We didn’t get to drink the waters Bethany so nicely served us because you got jealous and stormed out,” you recount, watching the smile drop from Wanda’s face and a frown replace it. 
“I was not jealous!” Wanda still denies, much to your amusement. She tries to pull away her hands but you keep a heavy grip on them.
“Incredible. We just had a whole ass conversation about insecurities and you still can’t admit you were jealous,” you laugh when she denies it again with a pout on her face that you attempt to kiss away, pulling her into you. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you mumble with a smile against her lips. She lets out an irritated sigh and leans back into you to finally do something about wiping that knowing smile off of your face. 
Wanda’s lips on yours, you both forget what either of you were trying to prove as you lose yourself to the feeling of having her pressed against you. You are both a mess, still slightly inebriated, but not so much that you don’t know what you are doing. You are well aware that you are in Nat’s car and she would kill you if she were to find out what you were doing in the backseat. 
You take the chance anyway thinking it would be worth it. Remnants of alcohol in your system and watching Wanda take her shirt off will do that. Hands are everywhere, stripping off clothes, so you don’t know who does it but the car horn sounds and makes you both stop in panic. 
“Shit,” you both whisper, out of breath. You turn to look at what could have caused the noise and see your shoe on the driver seat. One of you had thrown the shoe at the wheel. You both look towards the house. The lights were still off. You don’t think you woke anyone. At least, you hope you didn’t.
“Maybe no one heard?” You tell Wanda who looks at you with a ‘you can’t be serious’ look. There are five members of the most renowned team of heroes on the planet in that house. One, if not all, heard the horn.
Your phone chimes. Wanda gives you an ‘I told you so’ look as she pulls out your phone from your pants that are halfway down your thighs. Her heart stops in her chest as she sees the text is from Natasha. She shows you and you cover your face, not wanting to read whatever death threat is on there. 
“Read it for me. Maybe coming from you, I might not have a panic attack,” you beg. She opens the text and reads aloud, “ ‘I expect the car to smell of nothing but lemon scented disinfectant wipes tomorrow’ followed by two exclamation points and the red angry face emoji.”
You let out a sigh and remove your hands. “That doesn’t sound too bad. I don’t think she’s that mad.”
“Wait,” Wanda holds up a finger, reading off of your phone, “she’s typing.”
Your phone chimes incessantly. Wanda begins reading off, “Okay, girl with hand up emoji, ladder emoji, window emoji, person in bed emoji, oh, um.” Wanda’s eyes widen at what she now realizes is Nat threatening you through emoticons. “I am going to stop reading now so you can sleep tonight.”
You groan but take the phone to read through the little story Nat created. “Although I am fearing for my life, I have to give it to her. This is very creative and it sends shivers down my spine.”
You toss your phone onto the passenger seat. “If this is my last night, let’s end it right,” you say before dramatically sweeping Wanda in your arms and moving her to lie down as best as one can in the back seats of Nat’s car. She giggles as you nearly stumble to the floor due to your pants. 
“Stupid jeans,” you mutter, swiftly taking them off and moving on top of Wanda who is still giggling. You quickly shut her up. 
You wake up in the back seat of Nat’s car with Wanda in your arms. You feel three things at once: Wanda’s breath tickling your neck, the warmth of sunlight seeping through the car windows, and the beginnings of a headache. There is a loud screech that does nothing to help soothe the mild hangover. It wakes Wanda up as well. She voices her annoyance out loud, her morning voice husky. 
“Ugh, what is that? Y/N, make it stop,” she demands, burrowing further into you as if that will somehow make it stop. Coincidentally enough it does stop, but before you can relax, you hear voices arise. 
Wanda’s brows furrow and she tries to move away from you to see who could be coming to visit, but with the arm you have around her, you yank her back down into you.
“What are you doing?” you whisper yell.
She looks at you in confusion. “I’m seeing who it is.”
“Maybe that can wait once we’re fully clothed,” you suggest, pointing out the fact that all either of you have on are underwear and your shirts from last night. 
“Yeah, just stay still and hope they don’t peek in the car,” you command. The two of you stay quiet as the voices pass by. From the sounds of it, they come from two women.
“Oh, calm down! That landing was not that bad. It was way better than last time!” one of the women exclaims. Her voice sounds way too familiar, but you are too busy holding your breath in order to not get caught to actually try to place it. 
“That doesn’t make me feel any better, Daisy. Wait, who let you fly it before?” the second woman asks, the end of her sentence sounding far away hinting at them approaching the front door away from the car you and Wanda currently hide in. 
You hear knocking and then the front door opening. You think you hear Nat’s voice say something that sounds like “oh, fuck” but you aren’t too sure. You and Wanda only get up when you hear the front door close. 
You both hastily redress into yesterday’s clothes. Peeking out the window, Wanda notices a jet outside that definitely was not there last night and seeing as there are no other cars around, she can only assume it belongs to the two women which makes sense after hearing that one of them flew it. 
She sadly puts two and two together. These are the agents that would pick them up to take them back to the compound. You also pieced it together, “They’re here early.”
Wanda notices you sound a little peeved at that but you collect yourself. “Come on. Let’s go see what that’s about.” You give her a quick kiss before you exit the vehicle, holding the door open for her to step out. 
Wanda has half a mind to pull you back into the car, wrap back up in you, and never let you go, although she knows in the end it’s not you that’s going but her that has to leave. She’s just sad that her ride is here so soon and that she had to wake up to it after a night like last night. 
Last night was what felt like a wake up call for her. Lying in your arms, she began to wonder what she was even doing with you anymore. You make her feel like no one else has. She might have denied it all night, but she can be honest with herself. She knows she was jealous. She has never been jealous about anyone before and maybe because she knows she has no claim to you, in other words any reason to be jealous, she realized she wants to have a reason. She wants the right to be jealous. 
You stand there patiently waiting for her to step out of the car. Once she’s out, you fix her hair for her. “There. Maybe not Sister Wanda but I didn’t leave any marks for you to be DJ Wanda either,” you joke, trying to pull a smile from Wanda.
You do, but you find it odd that she doesn’t whack you or anything for teasing. “Wow, no violence after making a joke like that. Are you feeling okay? Did the alcohol not hit you until right now? Are you somehow drunk?”
“No,” she rolls her eyes at you. “I thought we had a rule about not hitting you.”
“Oh, so now you remember the rules. It only took you til your last day here to remember them,” you chuckle, closing the door behind her. You begin walking toward the house but when you reach the porch you feel Wanda pull you back. You look at her with questioning eyes.
Wanda decides to finally voice all her thoughts and feelings that she has been keeping to herself once and for all. “About those rules-“
“Robin Hood?”
Wanda is cut off by that familiar voice you couldn’t place before but you couldn’t mistake it now especially given that nickname. There was only one person to ever call you that. You didn’t have to look to know who it was but you and Wanda both turn to see the last person you thought you would ever catch in Westview County standing on your cousin’s porch.
Dun, dun, duUuUn
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to Not Kill a Ginger (High School Au!)
Part 5 to the series hehehe
Parts: 1 2 3 4
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s stomach stirs when you take care of him, and he’s not sure if it’s because of his major crush on you or just plain old diarrhea.
Warnings: Swearing. Graphic descriptions involving the true idiocy of teenage boys.
Words: Abt 2.6k
Note: Sorry I sort of half assed this. I have big ideas for the next part tho ✨😮‍💨
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If there's one thing you're sure of, it's that Teucer knows how to throw one hell of a tantrum.
Him and his brother, Anthon, under your watch, manage to get into a petty squabble that's been airing for the last fifteen minutes. You've done everything, from offering candy to promising an extra hour on the switch, but your efforts do not bear fruit.
What did you tell Childe again? Oh yeah, that babysitting kids was a breeze. Apparently it's not a breeze. Maybe something more like a shart. A chunky, messy one at that.
"Listen dude," You reason to Anthon, the oldest of the bunch gently. "Where did you hide his toy?"
Anthon sticks a tongue out at you, and you nearly cry at the intensity of the insult. "Not telling."
Your patience runs thin.
"C'mon Anthon," Tonia lectures from her chair on the table like the godsend she is. "Just give him his toy back. You're being so annoying." She's taking the words right out of your mouth.
"Not until he apologizes!" Anthon crosses his arms, huffing. "He ate my cheese string!"
"There are more cheese strings!" You exclaim, opening the fridge to prove your point. "I'm sure Teucer's sorry for taking yours. Just pick another one."
"But it's not the same! He took the last cheddar and mozzarella one, now there are only mozzarella ones left." He speaks in between Teucer's wails. You wonder if this is a daily occurrence.
Tonia sighs, gets up from her chair, and hands the eldest her cheese string. "Just take this and give him his toy back."
Almost immediately, Anthon reaches a hand behind the tv table and pulls out the miniature Mr. Cyclops, then throws it point blank at Teucer's feet.
Teucer wails louder.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, shoulders sagging under the stress of being a temporary teenage mother.
Then you take a deep breathe, voice booming over Teucer's cries, Anthon's grumbling, and the clicking of Tonia's tongue. "Let's make a cake!"
Everything in the room stills. Even Teucer's loud cries comes to a halt, and he inhales so sharply that the streak of snot over his lip goes right back into its origin.
You wince inadvertently.
"Poggers!" Anthon cheers, and his siblings join in, laughing and clapping in excitement.
Tonia's eyes widen in confusion when she briefly pauses from her rally. "Wait a minute. What are we celebrating? We can't bake a cake for no reason! It won't taste nearly as good."
Everyone stops to ponder.
Then you snap your fingers in realization, and the kids huddle around you. "How about a 'get well better' cake for your big brother?"
They erupt in cheers again, but you shush them gently, wink an eye for extra measure. "We have to be quiet! He won't get better if we wake him."
The three nod in understanding and begin shushing each other, failing to conceal their giggles.
As you watch them making their way into the kitchen, bounce in their steps, you can't stop the warm smile that reaches your eyes.
That smile soon becomes a frown of horror when Anthon cracks an egg over Tonia's head.
The cake is not half as bad as you thought it would be initially. Between mixing the ingredients and ceasing the kids minus Tonia from being menaces to society, you were able to find middle ground.
Eventually Anthon found interest in finding ways to lick the batter whenever you turned around, and Teucer found comfort in your left leg, latching onto it as if it were a life line.
Just like how Venti latches onto his stupid little bottle of wine disguised as a water bottle. Seriously, you’ve never talked to him sober, and at this point are afraid of what’s he’s like lucid.
Tonia had been the only one taking things seriously for the most part, except for the sprinkles-to-icing ratio. She drowned the entire cake in sprinkles, the mere sight adding on the ghost of an ache in your teeth.
It looks like twilight sparkles took a fat dump on it.
"Okay besties," You inwardly curse yourself for giving into Gen-Z vocabulary as you brush your hands on the apron. "I think we've done a pretty decent job."
"It looks so pretty!" Tonia grins widely, eyeing the edible pearls she strategically placed. She quickly strikes down a finger Anthon tried to poke into the icing, with the accuracy of a true warrior.
You shudder at the thought of Childe teaching her how to stab someone with safety scissors.
"Can we add candles?" Teucer asks, but Tonia clicks her tongue in distaste.
"It's not a birthday cake." She crosses her arms judgementally. The power in her glare reminds you of La Signora, strangely enough.
You ruffle his copper coloured locks anyways, and his grip on your thigh tightens. "We can add candles if you want Teucer."
He nods his head and snuggles deeper into the side of your leg. Your heart warms up considerably.
After the candles are poked in, you try to shrug him off. "C'mon dude, just for five minutes. You don't want me to drop the cake before your brother can get a bite do you?"
Reluctantly, he obliges, and runs off to help Tonia collect utensils to take up to Childe's room.
Anthon's on door duty, kicking away any toys that serve as obstacles in your way like a professional soccer player.
Once you four make it up the stairs in front of the designated room, Anthon doesn't bother knocking. He barges in like he owns the place, chin up high and a signature smirk on his face that he probably learnt from his older brother.
Childe fumbles awake, kicking the air whilst in shock by the chaotic sound of the door hitting the wall and Teucer screaming "Happy Birthday!" at the top of his miniature sized lungs as he runs in to plop right on top of his older brother.
His bewildered expression soon turns into something of a loving smile as he begins to process what is happening, eyes lighting up despite the deep bags that frame them.
Tonia places the plates on his side table, right next to the empty soup bowl you placed there earlier. She climbs up onto the bed as well to join in on the hug.
Anthon approaches at last, hands in his pockets as he coolly acknowledges his older brother. Instead of a bone-crushing hug like the other two are indulging in, his opts for a fist bump that Childe happily reciprocates.
Then finally, between the shield that are his siblings, his cerulean eyes land on your near the doorway, then trail down to the cake in your oven-mittened hands. He averts his gaze back to your own, and grins so wide his cheeks start to throb.
"Big brother! We made you cake." Teucer moves his head from his chest to face him. "So you can get better."
Childe's laughs ring in your ears, but you don't shy away from the sound. It's a pleasant, something that you wish to hear more of in the near future. Sure enough he laughs a lot at school, but the genuineness of it at home, surrounded by his siblings, stirs something deep within you.
"How thoughtful of you." He ruffles his hair, then his eyes widen as he ushers the two off of him. "You guys can't be near me! I don't want you to fall ill as well."
"But-but how will we feed you the cake without getting close to you?" Tonia frowns, and her two brothers nod in unison.
You chuckle lightly, approaching the bed with the cake in your hands. "I'm sure he has enough strength to feed himself. The hugs and kisses surely must've energized him."
To be honest, Childe's all green in the face and the last thing on his mind would be to indulge in the cake. You understand the feeling all to well. With his nose clogged up, throat all sore, there's no way he'll stomach it. It took a lot of nagging on your part to get him to finish the soup earlier as well.
He blows the candles anyways, clapping along his siblings and letting Tonia drop a fat chunk of the golden cake onto his plate. You find it endearing, regrettably so. His dedication to keeping their dreams is admirable in more ways than you can count.
This is the same guy that wears meme shirts to school, topped off with douchey sunglasses to give him a pristine vibe. The same guy that punches holes in walls like a Kyle. The very boy that flexes his toned biceps in-front of you during lunch time, successfully ruining your appetite.
"Wait a minute..." Childe inspects the cake closely, narrowing in on the candles. "Why is there an eleven?"
Teucer scratches his neck sheepishly. "Those were the only candles we had left."
After another short-lived laugh, Childe manages a bite as everyone stares in expectation, the sound of a tight crunch enveloping the room, making you grimace in secret. If Childe feels like puking out his guts right now, he's doing a hell of a job hiding it from his darling siblings.
You're glad nobody forces you to take a bite, or it would've been a double homicide right then and there.
Soon enough, one by one the children file out of the room, satisfied with their visit. The reality is that they don't want to miss an episode of backyardigans.
Once they leave, you approach him with a napkin. He gets the gist, spitting out the remnants of the cake you slaved over for about two hours.
"Colour me impressed." You snort, moving the cake aside so you can take a seat on the open space next to him. "How're you feeling?"
"Amazing." He exclaims, eyes red like a crackhead's, nose runny, with goosebumps kissing his pale skin. He sure does look...amazing.
"Cool." You say, abruptly getting up. "I'm gonna vibe with the kid—"
His hand shoots out from underneath the blanket, clammy palms wrapping around your wrist to keep you locked in place. You gulp in anticipation.
"You kissed me." Childe reminds you, eyes twinkling in mischief, a vicious grin plastered over his stupidly handsome face.
You try not to choke on your words. "You have circumstantial evidence at most." No attempts are utilized to pull away from him.
He raises a teasing brow, and you give in because the tension is thick. Thicker than the tension between Albedo and Kaeya when the latter shamelessly unzips his front to show more of his biddies. You have no idea why he hasn’t been dress coded yet.
"Fine." You snap out of your impure thoughts, and huff out, frustrated all over. "I kissed you on the cheek."
"Still a kiss though."
"Yes. Also, cute nails." He points out, hand moving down to grasp your fingers. The act is intimate, his caress gentle and caring. Despite his brash, violent personality, he shows you a completely different side to him that hatches butterflies in your stomach.
"Thanks." You show off the bright jewels on your index. "You have a real nail technician in the house."
Tonia has some serious talent.
When he taps one of the jewels, you slap his hand away. "Careful there dude. These cost me a fortune."
His chuckles die down and he smiles again, but this time apologetically. "They didn't trouble you too much did they? I know they can be loud."
"I like loud." You answer him truthfully. "They're fun to be around. Not nearly as chaotic as you."
He blinks in mock offence, eyes narrowing shrewdly. "You come into my house, talk to my siblings, and have the nerve to insult me? Right after taking advantage of me?"
"If you don't shut up, I'll also have the nerve to rip you a new one." You reply dryly with the innocent curl of your lips.
You're about to lunge at him and scream a string of obscenities that no one has ever heard of before, but the Archons are listening and you don't want his siblings to grow up without someone to look up to. Wait a minute—scratch that. You'd be doing them a favour if you wiped his existence right here and now.
You have a fragile heart though. So you sigh, and grab a fistful of sheets in both hands instead.
Childe's grin turns into a petrified scowl.
"Oh no," He pleads, weakly fighting you back. "Have mercy! Please!"
You have loads of mercy. Just not enough for him.
When you have him wrapped in a successful bundle, Childe can’t help but beam, laying limp in his confines.
“What are you smiling about?” You inquire, pulling out the medicine from his box, pausing momentarily in shock. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me you’re into these things you freak.” Head snaps up so fast you nearly suffer from whiplash.
He’s about to answer you but his words turn into a fit of shallow coughs.
“I’m into whatever you’re into.” Childe’s shrug is nonchalant. “Even if that means I have to be tied up. Kinky by the way.” He winks, and you roll your eyes, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you hold the spoon up. The dark reddish medicine swirls in deep hues.
“Shut up and open your mouth.”
“Girlie, I don’t think you understand how contradicting that statement is.”
You momentarily wonder if it’s too late to abort yourself.
Childe awakens at the crack ass of night, sweat slick, sticky all over, tousled hair sticking to his forehead. He’s a panting mess, eyes darting around the dark room, inhaling, exhaling, mind in a haze from the fever. Gaining somewhat of a grip on reality, he fumbles around to turn on his lamp, throat parched and in need of water.
When he manages to find the switch, he recoils at the brightness, adjusting to the sudden change in his vision. On his side table, there’s a bologna sandwich tucked safely in plastic wrap, a glass of room temperature water, and a bottle of painkillers.
His eyes disregard most of the things, finding interest in the bright pink sticky note next to the painkillers. Unable to ignore the dryness of his throat and the pounding of his head, he quickly gulps a pill down with most of the water, instantly feeling the relief of hydration.
Then, he pounces on the note, giddiness overtaking him despite the pang in his muscles, and the general feeling of absolute shit.
I had to leave. Don’t worry about your siblings, they’re all tucked in and fine. Except for Anthon maybe. Apparently he’s mildly lactose intolerant and thought it was a good idea to overdose on chocolate milk when I was busy with Teucer. Anyways, get better soon stupid.
— Y/N
He safely tucks the note under his pillow, edges of his lips turned upwards, warmth flooding his veins when he takes another look around his surroundings.
The room itself is cleaned, floor cleared from the initial clutter and the cool shiny collector’s knives he buys off of Amazon safely hung over the wall, not littered on his desk like they usually are.
The homework he was supposed do, but most likely wouldn’t, is already completed, stacked neatly atop each other.
Childe swears his heart bursts in his chest, exploding into tiny particles that overheat his entire body.
There’s no way in hell a few days worth of homework is gonna bring his failing mark up, but then again it’s the thought that counts.
While the sandwich is catered to his nausea, bland and plain for easy digestion, an easy fill, it’s the best meal he’s ever had in his life.
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years
You Sexy Thing (Levi Ackerman x reader)
Description: Often Captain Levi is a little shit, and sometimes- he needs to be reminded about who's in control.
Character(s): Y/n, Levi
Pov: 2nd person, third person
A/n: I keep seeing all this talk about pegging Levi Ackerman but I couldn't find anything to show- so in the words of Thanos, "I guess I'll do it myself"
Word Count:
*none of the Gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker :)
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Your fists clenched, nails digging into the palms, on the verge of breaking skin. The yelps of your fellow squad members caused your teeth to grind. They had to have ran over four miles today- probably more- they had to do suicides double time, all of this shit and more were because the lovely supreme commander of heaven and hell, Squad leader Levi Ackerman had felt their cleaning of the stalls had been less than ideal.
Currently you were in the midst of doing push ups till he deemed fit. You glanced up at the captain, watching as his silver eyes roamed over the lot of you. Even as you seethed and raged- he was still the most gorgeous sight your eyes had ever laid upon. Levi's hair was raven black, in contrast to his light skin and silvery orbs. His hair was what caught you at first- the way it seemed to fall over his eyes just a bit.
It was long enough you could pull your fingers through- you were sure. You could only imagined how soft it must be. Levi facial features also caught you at a loss for words- they were quite dainty. Long black eye lashes, a soft line nose, and thin pink lips. God, was he pretty.
Your eyes moved from their spot, away from your Adonis and to the ground. No matter how pretty he was, he was still a bastard.
You mumbled incoherently to yourself, flexing your fists. The pain of doing another pushup finally getting to you. "Tch, I think you've all learned your lessons." You looked up again, knees dropping. The Devil himself spoke, lifting his hand and waving it in dismissal. "Go to the showers, you brats stink." Blowing a strand of hair from your eye, you rolled your shoulders back, taking Petra's outstretched hand as you bounded up.
No one spoke as they dispersed. You were itching for a shower, and you practically ran to get one.
You were dead tired, dead sleepy, and running on pure anger.
You watched the water flow into the drain near your feet, fixated on nothing but the boiling water as it hit you. Your anger had not evaporated-it simply grew. If he thought he could've done a better job, maybe he should have done it. You slammed the water off.
Or perhaps- and this was just a thought- he could let you get some real training in, instead of wasting your time and energy on being punished.
Your eyes narrowed.
You stepped from the shower, one foot at a time.
Perhaps...the omnipotent captain Levi deserved a punishment of his own. Something that would...bring him down a peg.
You smiled, remembering a certain box hid underneath just for this type of reason.
"I think I might have just the thing."
Levi was just as sexy (if not more) than he was pretty. Something about him, oozed it. Maybe it was the way he walked, confident but not egotistical. They way spoke- his voice. His dry humor, his bleak expressions, his impeccable fighting skills and savagery...his taunt ass, or maybe it was the way his uniform hugged his body.
Your hands tugged at a box that laid deep beneath your bed. It scraped against the floor, finally sliding directly in front of you. You unhooked the latch, pulling out the important piece of equipment you'd need tonight.
You bit your tongue.
The truth was, you could spot a bottom from a mile away. It was also the people who needed control in their daily lives- people who needed everything perfect. At night they liked to take a break- to be controlled. Who were you to judge? You couldn't blame them, not hardly.
You knocked at his office door. It was late, barely a few minutes before lights out. For several seconds nothing happened, but you waited. Patience was a specialty.
"Come in." The tone was annoyed, and as you entered you could see why. He had stacks of papers before him, a signal candle lighting the room. Levi rubbed his temples, a sign that the dim lighting had an affect.
His eyes flickered up to met yours, "lieutenant Y/L/N?" The air was tense and goosebumps erupted across your forearms. "Captain Levi, I'm glad I caught you." His Expression remained unchanging. "Tch, yeah, I'm sure. What do you want, brat?"
You smiled, your hands intertwining from behind your back. "You to apologise." His entire body paused. Levi twitched his head to the side, a small movement. "Oh? So you're here to waste both are times then, y/l/n." You turned, locking his office door behind you.
Levi stood. "Oi, oi, oi, what do you think you're doing?" You turned back to face him. "The only person who wasted our time today was you." His eyes narrowed slightly. This was a side of you he hadn't been used to. Sure, he'd seen this intense focus on your face before, this same expression you wore when you sliced and diced titan after titan.
"Tch, what are you on about you stupid-" I'm flash you had his hair in your grip, dragging his head to you. "It's not nice to call people stupid, Levi." His eyes were wide, and his face was inches away from your own. "I can forgive that though, especially when you look so pretty like this."
His eyes sunk back, his shock leaving him. "Oi, I guess you've got me where you want me." You smiled, innocence twinkled in your irises. "Not yet I don't." Loosening your tight grip, you gently guided his head to close the gap between you two.
His eyes fluttered close upon impact, the tenseness he often carried with his resolve melting away with the warmth of your lips. You hummed, feeling the way he seemed to open up with your touch. Gently you scratched his scalp, pulling a sigh from his mouth.
When it opened you wasted no time slipping in your tongue. He tasted like tea, which wasn't suprising but was rather delightful. He let out a small groan as she gave his bottom lip a small bite, tugging softly. Her hands slipped underneath his shirt, dancing across his warm chest and abs. The feeling of what lied beneath was enticing and she pulled away eager to see it.
Levi groaned when you left him, an irritated, "y/n." Leaving his lips as his arms tried to find you, to bring you back to him. You escaped him though and worked to pull his shirt off.
When you had an object so important it was natural that worked as efficiently as possible to succeed. With that mindset you had him shirtless within seconds, Levi felt that had to be some type of record.
With his comfort in mind as soon as his shirt was off you folded it properly, working as efficiently as you had to take if off of him. When your eyes met his, they twinkled with something akin to admiration. You smiled and pulled him into a chaste kiss, his tongue moving to part your lips, but fire he could succeed you began moving.
You kissed his chin, and he frowned. "What are-" Then you kissed his neck and a shiver racked his body. His breath quickened and shook, your lips planting directly over his heartbeat. You sucked, making sure to leave him as many reminders of tonight as you could.
Your lips moved down his chest, blessing each nipple with a tug of teeth. Licking a stripe down his v line, you unbottoned his pants. He moaned, "y/n..." Watching as you tugged down his underwear with your teeth. His length sprained free, looking almost as eager as you.
"Stunning..." You spoke licking a line up his shaft. His legs shook at your move and you laughed, wrapping your first around his base. "It can't be this easy, Levi." He blinked looking down at you in bewilderment.
You lifted yourself up, becoming eye level with him. As light as a feather you stroked his cheek, his head leaning into your hand as though it were instinct. "I figured humanity's strongest would have put up more of fight." His eyes narrowed. "Especially since you seem to love giving orders." Your nails stabbed into his skin, his eyes widened and he pulled back "tch! You bitch!"
Your other hand grabbed his neck, squeezing it and bringing him to you. "I've wanted you for so long. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be so close and yet so far, to someone everyone wants." "Y/n." Levi whimpered as your hand tightened around his throat. "Maybe you do know how much you're wanted. Maybe you like it." You let go and he fell forward, you catching him.
"I guess we'll just have to add that to lists of why you must be punished." You pushed him to his knees, his pants still wrapped around his ankles. Your foot spread his legs apart, and kept them there. Your hand found his chin, pulling his face up.
"i hope you like this view, you'll need to get used to it." You pulled up your shirt, taking it off effortlessly. His eyes widened at your chest- you had chosen to go braless. Then, they relaxed, his tongue going between his teeth.
You pulled your pants off next, and then your underwear. The strap you had put on before you left your room flung out, and Levi looked between you and it. "Like I said, you need to be punished..." You stroked the strap on. "I consider this the punisher." You voice had dropped an octave lower.
Levi took on a dazed expression, half lidden eyes taking in the sight. "Open your mouth." His eyes flickered back up to you. They were big and puppy like."I said." You reached down and pinched his two cheeks together. "Open. Your. Mouth." His pretty little mouth popped open, and your hips thrusted the device in. Your hand ran through his hair as he sucked, when you reached the back of his head you pushed him forward.
Levi gagged around your cock, the fake tip hitting the back of his throat. Tears prickled, in his eyes, but your coos to take in more, to be a good boy for you, they caused his brows the furrow as he adjusted and did what he could to please you.
Using your grip on his head he allowed you guide him at your will, submitting to the drive of your hands. His eyes closed finally and your leg pressed up against his own hard on. "Who would've thought humanity's strongest could look so hot sucking dick." You spoke softly, causing your good boy to moan into the dick.
Finally, you pulled away watching the strings of salvia appear and separate as you let him go. His head bobbled towards you, his eyes barely open.
"fuck me...please." you bent down to where he was. "Oh baby..." Again, you stroked his cheek gently. "I'll do so much more than that to you. When I'm done with you...you won't be able to walk tomorrow." His breathe caught and you laughed. "Be my good boy and go to your desk. Ass out."
You watched him stand and walk to his desk, still filled with long forgotten papers and a dimly lit candle. You stood and moved to the neat pile you had placed his clothes in.
You pulled out his belt, smiling and snapping it. This could be useful.
You moved to where he stood, wrapping yourself behind him. "How well you listen, Levi." You slammed his upper body down onto the desk, pulling his hips up. His ass was on full display in the air, as perky as you imagined. Taking two fingers, you shoved them up is mouth.
Levi didn't need a command, his tongue went right to work. He wrapped it around your fingers while he moaned, pushing his hips against you and your cock.
"cheeky, cheeky." You smirked taking your free hand to grab his ass. Finally satisfied you pulled her fingers from his mouth.
"more..." His voice rasped out. "More? I haven't even started." With that you pushed your fingers into his tight hole. You began scissoring them, watching as he twitched beneath you. His breathing became louder the more you curled. Then you hit his prostate and he cried out, gasping at the intense pleasure you gave him.
Your fingers pulled out, and you reached for the belt that you had placed beside him for such a moment. "Tch, y/n please you must-" you reared the belt back and slammed it forward, the belt bouncing off his ass with a thrup! Sound. He gasped delightedly, his cheek pressed up against the cold metal of his desk.
Again you reared down, jolting his body. "You." Slap. "Think." Slap. "That." Slap. "You." Slap. "Can." Slap. "Just." Slap. "Treat." Slap. "People." Slap. "Like." Slap. "Shit." Slap. "Just." Slap. "Because." Slap. "You." Slap. "Are." Slap. "A." Slap. "Squad." Slap. "Leader." Tears streamed from his eyes, ass red and tender.
"you can't." You grabbed his hands from his sides, "and now you're going to be tied up with your own belt, right after you were just spanked with your own belt." You slide the belt around till it was tight enough to only hurt a bit.
Then you you raised his hands directly over his head. This was used as something to grip onto while you fucked him.
Her other hand made sure you two were properly aligned, and with little more than a grunt you thrusted in. A breath released from his body, a shout escaped his lips as you bottomed out.
You waited several seconds, gently stroking his face and cooing to him, waiting. Finally he nodded, telling you everything you needed to know. You pulled back, almost completely out, save for the tip before you plowed into him.
Your hips thrusted- hard and faster. The only way Levi Ackerman deserved- rough. Each time you bottomed out he grunted and it became a steady rhythm of grunts.
"nnnuh...nuuhhnn..ahhh..." He was drooling, each hit of his prostate weakening his resolve a bit more and making him a bit more needy for more.
Your position made it almost impossible for him to move and he could really only met your thrusts. "Harder!" He gasped out, tears running down his face, drool dripping from his mouth.
Your hand reached around and tugged along his dick, high pitched whines now leaving the captains mouth. "Y/n! Y/n I'm so close please, please." You bent down and bit into his shoulder, causing another Yelp to leave the squad leader.
"cum, bitch." You whispered to his ear and with a cry Levi Ackerman came, his eyes practically crossing as he painted his chest and desk white.
He laid their several seconds, breathing harshly and listening to the sounds of your praises. He was a good boy, he was. He was your good boy now, all yours.
Gently you helped him up and into his shower, fully discarding his bottoms and your strap, to take back to your room to wash.
You cleaned, scrubbed, and were as gentle as possible, making sure to help him to his bed.
You pulled your shirt over your head. "I can stay till you leave for breakfast...if you want that is but-" he cut you off. "Tch...Stay as long as you want." He pulled himself up and onto his elbows. "Especially since you didn't cum."
You raised a brow. "Levi, I appreciate it, but I don't think you're read yet...I mean- we-" again he cut you off. "Y/n, my mouth is always ready."
You paused. He was right, you hadn't cum and not very often did the people you slept with care. He was offering his mouth to you- not that Levi surprised you much- he was very caring and it seemed natural he'd be that way in bed.
You smiled and tugged off your shirt. "I hope you're hungry." You crawled into the bed, barely having to do a damn thing as Levi simply hoisted you up- as if you weighed nothing- and sat you on his face.
His nose carded through your folds- parting them for his tongue. Your hips buckled against him, thighs closing around his face. His hands came up and wrapped around them, pressing them together.
"Fuck, Levi." You moaned as his tongue licked from your hole to your clit, where he sucked for several seconds. Again he pushed his nose up into you, allowing you to ride his face and practically suffocate him. "God, you're so good." You squealed, yanking at his raven locks. He had definitely done this before and definitely knew how good he was.
He hummed into you, pushing you down each time your hips buckled up. Finally it seemed he had enough with your erratic movements before he flipped you into your back and moved so that he was on his stomach, mouth never leaving your core.
Your legs wrapped around his head as he ate, each time dipping his head in deeper to your core. His tongue fucked your hole with urgency, meaning, desire and finally with one final plunge you came, wetting his face.
He pulled away, allowing you to sit up. Your legs were shaky, but you moved so that you were directly in front of him. You licked your juices from his face, meeting him in a chaste kiss.
"Maybe I should be more harsh on you cadets more often." He spoke hurriedly as she pushed him down. You tutted. "Did you really learn nothing, my sweet boy?" He shrugged allowing you to pin his hands down above him.
"What can I say? I am the leader of the brats."
Erwin frowned at his friend and colleague. The two had been eating breakfast together and everything had seemed rather ordinary until Erwin noticed a bruise on the side of Levi's neck.
"uh..Levi?" Levi glanced up. "Where did you get that bruise?" Levi frowned at Erwin. "What bruise?" Erwin rolled his eyes impatiently. "The one on your neck."
"Hello everyone! I hope everyone slept well!" Hanji appeared interrupting the conversation. She slid into a chair on the other side of Levi, smiling happily.
Erwin made a few more glances at Levi's neck, but felt it best to leave it, lest he be smitted by the all powerful Levi Ackerman.
A/n: BARK BARK BARK okay I definitely got a bit...carried away. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading, and pls feel free to give critism!
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jaysevhls · 4 years
There's A Bomb | Jay Halstead
Request: Jay falling in love with Voight's daughter.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Voight!Reader
Author's note: Requests are open. (The moment with a bomb was inspired on episode from "The Flash" when Joe saved Cecile.)
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Your dad was always worried about you, especially when you told him that you want to be a cop like him. First he didn't approve your decision, but when he saw you graduating the police academy, he knew that it's your right path. He wanted to keep you safe and close, at least he could do that, so he brought you to Intelligence. You were happy there since day one, it was your dream to watch him catching bad guys.
He partnered you with Erin, because he trusted her the most, like you. She wasn't from Voight's family, but she was like sister to you, she knew everything about you.
But after few years it was her time to go and she moved. You took it hard, just like Jay, who wanted to propose to her. You weren't close with him, but the pain he had was very similar to yours. After she left, Voight partnered you with him and Hailey, the new girl, was now a partner to Kim.
Cases that involved drugs were your favorite. Going undercover, to make a deal, that was your favorite part of the job. You were the best in this and you were happy to do it every time. But when kids are involved... This hits just different. You usually took it very personal, it was just too hard to see them working for those bastards.
"Okay guys, we've got a case involving drugs and a murder of mob boss. I think we all know who that is, Alejandro Cortez. 32 years old, he's chasing by police and FBI for 2 years. He killed his own wife, then mob boss, two murders with a bomb. One pinned to the car, the second one in club. He's hiding since then, we can't reach him." Kevin pinned his photo to the board and gave you files about the case."But, we know that his niece was taken from her family and we all think that he took her, because he wants to take a revenge on his brother for turning him to the police."
"All of this because he's angry? And why the kid?" you asked.
"We don't know yet. She's missing for 4 days and the people who saw the kidnapper described him. Description matches to Alejandro. They're living in Chicago, that means he's here and this might be our last chance to get him." you sat on your desk and started to look into the files.
"Hey, you okay?" Jay asked you. Before nodding to him, you brushed his hand with your fingers and smiled at him. He was always caring about you in cases like this, you were so thankful for him. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Y/N? Can we talk?" your dad asked.
"Sure." you walked into his office and closed doors.
"I'm worried about you. If you want I can take you off the case." he said.
"I'm fine, really. It's just... I don't understand some things, I need to figure them out. Don't worry." you hugged him and went back to your desk.
The tension was thick, everyone were working on the case, while Jay was trying to figure out his feelings. He couldn't talk to anyone about this, because they knew that person, especially he couldn't talk about it with you.
God, he wished that you noticed how much he adored you. He stood up and walked to your desk.
"Y/N? Y/N?" he tapped your shoulder.
"Hmm?" you muttered.
"You kinda zoned out, I brought you some coffee."
"Thanks. Do you want to go with me and check on this woman who saw Alejandro? I don't want to go there alone." you asked.
"Of course, partner."
You drove in silence, Jay was watching you the whole ride. He loved to look at your smile, eyes, when you tried to be serious, but he always made you smile and laugh. He trusted you like no one, he could put his life in your hands, because he knew that you'll help him no matter what.
"Chicago PD." you said and knocked on the doors.
"What do you want?" a woman appeared and looked so scared.
"Sophia? We're from Chicago Police Department, I'm detective Halstead and this is detective Voight. We wanted to ask you few questions."
"There's no need to, I already spoke with police." she answered.
"We know, but we wanted to ask about description you gave us. Are you sure that this was the guy?" you showed her a picture.
"Yes, definitely. Now leave me alone." she said and walked away, then closed the doors.
"I think she won't say us more." you laughed and made your way to the truck.
"Yeah Adam, what's up?" Jay said, answering his phone.
"We've got a possible location where Alejandro can be, go and check this place."
"Alright, let's go." Jay said.
"5021 Frank, detective Y/N Voight, we're heading to a possible location where our suspect can be. Plain clothes officers on the scene, roll a backup and ambo."
"Copied 5021 Frank, sending a backup and ambo."
"Do you think he's gonna be there?" Jay asked you.
"I don't know, I just hope to find his niece sooner than him so I could kick his ass after. I mean, she's a kid... How can he do that?" you answered. Jay looked at you worried. After few minutes you were on the scene.
"Take the back, we're going from the front." you said to officers who were there already.
"I'm coming in." Jay went first, you right after him.
"I'm covering you." you pulled your gun low, until you noticed blood on the carpet. "Blood." you both raised your gun and checked the first floor.
"Stairs." Jay said and again you followed him.
"You heard that?" the sound reminded you a cry.
"Chicago PD! Alejandro, put your gun down and come out!" Jay yelled. "Let your niece go first!"
"Stop! Stop!" you looked at Jay confused.
"Alejandro, if you won't come out we'll come for you" he yelled again.
"Wait, it's not him." you looked at Jay and nodded over the mirror where you saw a little girl tied up, sitting on the chair.
"Please, it's gonna blow!" you hid your gun and walked into the room while Jay was calling for a bomb squad.
"Hey, what's your name?" you asked her.
"Lauren." she cried so hard. You needed to calm her down when you saw a bomb pinned to the chair.
"Okay Lauren, I need you to sit there carefully, don't move, okay? We'll get you out of here."
"He said that he's gonna make them suffer!" she yelled.
"Jay? Call for a backup, send them to her parents." you knew that at this point he wanted to kill all of her family, to make them suffer, especially this little girl. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna check on timer right now okay?"
"Mhm." she calmed a little. 6 minutes you saw. You knew what kind of bomb was that. Jay told you his stories when he was in the army, you knew more than he thought.
"Y/N? What are you doing? Let's go, bomb squad will help her!" Jay showed up in the room, watching your actions.
"It will be too late. Hey, Lauren. I need you to switch places with me on 3 okay?" you looked at her, she nodded slowly.
"You've got to be kidding me! You want yourself killed?"
"Jay! Just let me do my job. It has 5 minutes timer now, when she'll stand, it's gonna run down, we won't be able to get out of there and they'll be too late. I'm gonna sit there to stop it from going down fast."
"Y/N, please..." he walked closer and hugged you.
"On 3 Lauren. 1... 2... 3..." you pushed her to Jay and sat on the chair. You looked at the timer. 3 minutes left.
"Take her out, I'll stay on the line." you said.
"5021 George, I'm going out with a hostage. Detective Voight will stay on the line." he felt tears in his eyes. He let go her hand and went outside. Lauren went to the ambo to get checked out.
"Halstead, what the hell? Where's Y/N?" Voight asked him.
"She switched places with Lauren, she's holding out the timer."
"Y/N?" Voight spoke.
"D-dad, I'm fine. Just tell the squad to come here asap."
"They're 6 minutes out."
"Well... We've 2." you said.
"I'm calling them." Jay said. He put them on the line to speak to you.
"Y/N, we need you to say how this looks like."
"Well, it has a timer and 3 colors inside. Black, white and blue."
"Okay, that means he used the same bomb as on the vehicle. You need to stay calm and carefully remove the blue one." they instructed you. Your hands were shaking, eyes were blinded and your heart was pounding so hard.
"Okay, yeah, I'll do it." you took a deep breath and take moved slowly to blue cable. You looked at the timer. It has stopped.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Jay was screaming to his radio, but you couldn't respond. You immediately stood up and went downstairs. Tears blurred your vision. You reached out to the doors and opened them. All the members looked at you relieved. "Shit." he said and run to you.
At this point you were crying. He took you in his arms, softly stroking your hair.
"I can't breathe." you choked.
"Easy honey, easy. It's the adrenaline rush, everything is okay." he hugged you tighter.
You had still covered your face with your hands. They were shaking so bad. Jay tried to calm you down, so he took them from your face and kissed."Come on, I'm taking you home." he held you close and went with you to Hank.
"Oh god Y/N! What were you thinking out there?!" now he was the one holding you.
"I was doing my job, I needed to help her." you said as you felt something hugging you from the side. Lauren held your hand hard and cried.
"Thank you, thank you. I wanna be strong as you! I'll be a cop one day!" she was full of energy, she didn't realise what just happened, she was only 8 years old after all... And that fact was making you sick. That little girl almost died because of payback.
"I'm so glad you're okay baby. Go to see your mom." you pointed at police car, who just arrived.
"Hey, you sure you're fine?" Jay asked you when Hank left to speak with Lauren's mom.
"I just want to go home." he nodded at went with you to his truck.
You held Jay's hand the whole ride to your home.
"Can you go upstairs with me? I need someone right now... Also, I have your favorite beer." you smiled.
"Yeah, I'll take that beer." he answered and followed you to your apartment.
You closed the door and went to the kitchen. Taking a beer, you noticed Jay standing in the hallway, looking at the picture frame with you and him. You put the beer down and walked to him. He turned to face you, when you hungrily kissed his lips. The kiss was so desperate, but at the same time filled with passion and love. He put his hands on your back, bringing you closer. When you couldn't catch a breath, you pulled back.
"I love you. I love you so freaking much. I think about you day and night, if you're okay, if you slept enough. When I pushed Lauren into your way... I knew that I'll always want you to be the one who won't leave my side Jay. I want you to be here. Right here, with me." he pulled you into hug, just like before. It was different than the others time when he was with you. This time, there was a real love between you two.
"Y/N, you don't know how happy I am right now. You saved me so many times, you're my little miracle. I was so afraid to tell you that, but now I wish I could say it earlier. Holding you in my arms is the best thing in the world and I'll always be here for you baby. I love you." he kissed your forehead and took you to the couch. You sat next to him and covered you with blanked.
He couldn't stop thinking about how lucky he was to have you. You were his light.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 13)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Goldenrod
Next Chapter: The More You Know
Next SFW Chapter: Big White Lies
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, specify if you're okay with nsfw posts or not, and please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 13: Home Sweet Home
That weekend you went back home. It was so refreshing to see everyone. You yelped out with joy as you ran over to your cousin “Hiroki niichaaaan~” You jumped into his arms.
He hugged you tight. “How have you been doin lil sis?”
“Very good! I missed you all so much, especially you Hiroki nii." You pouted up at him.
You caught up with your family, had meals with them, and trained with Hiroki. They were most curious about your soulmate, as you have expected.
“What’s he like? Aren’t people from the big 3 clans so stuck up all the time? Even Satoru is full of himself at times, ey?”, Hiroki asked you with a mouthful of food.
“He isn’t too bad to be honest. He’s a gentleman and sweet with me. Decent man. Just, seems a bit like the private type? I mean… Doesn’t talk much about his family even though we are soulmates. Oh I’ve already talked to him about you guys.” You added.
Hiroki tilted his head, “Ehhh… mysterious huh.”
“Give him time. The Kamo Clan aren’t the most open minded people. They’ll feel you out before allowing you in.” Your dad said.
“Even though I’m his soulmate?!” You exclaimed.
Silence. “We don’t know what they’re thinking so we can’t say for sure.”
“Heh, you’ve gotten better lil sis,” Hiroki dropped low and thrusted out his spear. You jumped and immediately shifted your stance to land a kick on him. He easily parried and slipped out of your range.
Your family specializes in dealing with reverse cursed techniques aside from the occasional esper. Hiroki was only a semi-grade 1, because he trained his ass off for years.
Now that he’s built, he uses cursed tools to help him fight. A strong 185cm man can definitely handle close combat well. And in terms of healing abilities, he was number 1 in the clan.
It was only the women in your family that were able to inherit psychokinesis for some reason. But usually it only applies to a specific thing. Like how your mom can control plants. And your other aunt does with small metallic items like coins and darts.
Mother approached you after your sparring session. "Does he make you happy my dear?" Your mother asked you. Hiroki drank quietly from his water bottle.
You thought about it. The past few months were not easy but really colorful with Noritoshi. Minus the nagging feeling of him covering up his family affairs from you.
But… "He does. I feel so safe with him ma. Like I do with all of you. He is family to me now. I think I really like him and I trust him with my life." You whispered out.
"Then next time, bring him here. We will gladly welcome him with open arms." Hiroki smiled at you and leaned into your side.
You went to visit your dead older sister’s grave just before you went back to Kyoto Jujutsu High School.
It was just you and Hiroki. You both cleaned the grave, trimmed the weeds, changed the flowers, burned fresh incense, and said your prayers for Sora. It was such a clear day with barely any clouds. The sky was so blue.
Just like her namesake.
Hiroki left you to give you some privacy, saying that he’ll pick you up in 2 hours.
You took a deep breath. “Sora neechan. It’s been a while. Sorry I couldn’t come to see you as often, because I’m currently a student at Jujutsu High.”
“I met this guy. He … So he is my soulmate. The first time I met him, I thought he was pretty. As I got to know him more, I felt as if there was a reason as to why the heavens chose him for me you know? He is really cool, but so warm and sweet with me. I think I’m a little bit in love with him.” You admitted.
“I’m really scared to lose him. After I lost you, I just… it was hard… I try my best to be cheerful and helpful really. But it gets tiring at times. I’m glad I was able to make a lot of friends who understand the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer at least. I tried to open up to Noritoshi a bit more. But it’s hard because he seems so closed off at times.”
You had mixed feelings, because you promised Noritoshi you would trust him more. That means working on anything that bothers you regarding your relationship with him. But can he accept it if you tell him that you want to know more about his family? He already clearly stated he needs more time.
“Am I being too greedy and hasty Sora? I want to support his clan affairs, even if it's just a tiny bit as his soulmate. He seems so troubled with it all the time. Like he wants to carry the burden all alone. I want to help, but he doesn’t really let me. I don’t know. I wish you were still here with me.”
“Last time I asked him about his parents, he snapped at me. Of course he apologized. … Maybe it’s all just in my head. But I do want to meet his family. Eventually. Though at this rate I have no idea when. Everytime I ask about them he just shuts up.”
“Falling in love is way too hard….”
The wind blew as if to agree with you. The leaves rusted in a circular dance just around the grave. You smiled.
You bid farewell to your family after the weekend. Hiroki hugged you tight and whispered, “I hope it gets better for you and Kamo kun soon enough.”
You looked up at him, “Yeah, thanks bro.”
You texted Noritoshi and let him know that you were on your way back. He said he was free for the evening and that you could come over to his room.
You knocked on his door with anticipation. You opened the door, “I'm back, Toshi!” He pulled you into a tight hug and closed the door behind you. “I missed you. Come in. How was your family? Sorry I couldn’t go with you again.”
“It’s fine! They’re all okay and excited to meet you next time.” You looked up at him. He looked a bit regretful, “Next time I’ll make sure to properly clear my schedule with my father so I can go meet them okay?”
“Ah, okay.” You both walked over to his table and knelt down on the floor.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while,” you started. Noritoshi looked on intently. “I’ve already told you about my family right? Mom and dad and my other male cousins. Ah, what I didn’t tell you before was… I used to have an older sister. I - uhm. Well she died after being attacked by a curse. I … I hope to bring you to her grave one day.”
Noritoshi’s heart dropped. He pulled you in close. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure she is proud of you. Of course I’ll go with you to see her next time.” He was now highly regretting choosing to do some useless tasks for some of his clan’s elders instead of spending the weekend with you.
You gripped his clothes tighter. “Thank you, that really really means a lot to me.” You started tearing up, but you blinked your tears away.
"Oh! My family and I have gifts for you. I'm not so sure if you'll like it. It's a Coral and gold bracelet. Everyone in my family has one. It's almost like tradition for us, and we believe it to have a layer of protection. I also brought Jade here for you." You presented the bracelet alongside the Dragon carved Jade Pendant hanging on a thick white gold chain.
Noritoshi's eyes widened. The jewelry was stunning and looked expensive. He may have been favoured as the heir to the Kamo clan, but even he didn't own so much expensive jewelry.
He sputtered out “I appreciate it but I can’t take something so expensive and precious-”
“Noritoshiiii,” you whined out loud, making him stop talking. “You don’t want to accept such a precious gift that I picked out for you?” you whined with the largest puppy eyes.
“No, I- I am grateful. Thank you, I’ll accept it.” Noritoshi conceded.
Got him. You grinned madly as he shook his head. “You’re a dangerous one,” he muttered under his breath. “What was that?” you asked him absentmindedly as you worked on unclasping the bracelet to put it around his wrist. “Nothing, nothing at all dearest.”
You narrowed your eyes at him before grabbing his wrist and putting it on for him. It was a perfect fit. You thanked yourself for loving to hold his hand so much that you knew his general hand measurements.
His hands down to his wrists were so pretty. You didn't realize that you were playing with and smiling down at his fingers until he opened up his hand and linked his fingers with yours.
Slowly, carefully. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing Noritoshi had experienced. Now that he had embraced his emotions and tried to open up to you, it was a bit better now.
'Is this what love is? I don't know since it's my first time experiencing it.' Noritoshi wondered to himself.
It was in the smallest of things with you. He loved the way you would call out his name with loving eyes. The way you would always greet him first before the other senpai. The way you give him coffee and kisses on late and cold nights of studying.
The way your hair smells. Your perfume. The way your eyelids flutter shut when he kisses you. The tightening of his chest and shortness of his breath made apparent whenever he was with you.
The way you don't ask for too much from him. Just that he shows his love to you either by his actions or words. The comfort he simply feels when he is beside you.
He really just needed some time, and seeing you around more often really made up for it.
He ticked the inside of your palm which made you shiver and yelp. He laughed out loud at this and pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly.
Staying quiet, you buried your head in his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, and it was faster than you expected. But soon it went back down to a steady rate.
"Your heartbeat is so steady, but mine is always wild around you. Noritoshi I feel kinda embarrassed to be honest." You admitted, fingers curling into his kimono.
He smiled and his heartbeat quickened to match yours. You looked up at him in confusion. "Did you just…" He just leaned down to rub his nose against yours. "I am a blood manipulator. I can manipulate my pulse rate darling." You huffed out a laugh, feeling warm and fuzzy.
"I love you." You said suddenly. He stared in shock at your words. You realized that you said it without intending to. But you didn’t take it back.
"Kamo Noritoshi I'm madly in love with you." It wasn't a sudden realisation of being in love. You slowly fell for him again and again each day.
Noritoshi’s brain short circuited.
Suddenly he was kissing you. Tongue slipping into your mouth and playing with yours and rubbing along the roof of your mouth.
You tried to fight his tongue for dominance, but you ended up surrendering, your back bent back with your face turned up towards him.
You clasped your hands around his neck as he pressed deep kisses against the top of your chest. Your face was flushed as you fell limp against him, gasping out heavy breaths. "I'm not going anywhere angel." Noritoshi whispered against your neck, hands tightening possessively against your waist.
‘Please wait a little longer for me. Until I can confirm that these feelings for you are indeed true love.’ His thoughts went unsaid.
The one thing Noritoshi promised to himself is that he would never lie about his feelings for you. To him, the worst he could do was to confess his love without actually being in love with you.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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fandom-monium · 4 years
For the Holidays - Part 3
Summary: In which Spencer doesn’t want to go to his high school reunion, but you tagging along changes things. “Please, we're FBI agents. I think we have enough stealth training to get by.”
WC: 2k
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fake-dating trope, pining (so much pining), fluff, descriptions of panic/anxiety (non-extreme), defensive Spencer, angst but not from unnecessary trauma, emotional-support Reader, reunion arc, song fic
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I'm at a party I don't wanna be at And I don't ever wear a suit and tie, yeah Wondering if I could sneak out the back Nobody's even looking me in my eyes Then you take my hand Finish my drink, say, "Shall we dance?" (Hell, yeah) You know I love ya, did I ever tell ya? You make it better like that
You shield your eyes, “Your class sure knows how to throw a party.”
Immediately, you’re blinded by white and gold, the strobe lights bouncing off the matching streamers and balloons surrounding you. Gingerbread and peppermint bombards your noses as Mariah Carey blasts from the overhead speakers, well-dressed men and women swaying all over the gymnasium. Others laugh, walk around, eat, catching up with old friends. It reminds you of a middle school winter formal, aside from the understandable sophistication that comes with age. And the alcohol.
However, there’s hundreds of faces; they’re worn, deep-set, and wrinkled over time but Spencer would recognize them anywhere.
Memories flood in. His heart rate skyrockets.
No, no, no! Not now!
You feel Spencer tense next to you before you see it. His eyes are unblinking and his breathing quickens.
You don’t hesitate, dragging him aside and sticking to the wall.
“I-I’m so-sorry,” Spencer manages between shuttered breaths.
"Sorry? For what?" You don’t look at him, gently guiding him with a hand on his back, eyes searching. You stop next to a Christmas tree. Perfect. Shadowed, private. No one will look twice at a couple in a secluded corner.
Spencer ducks his chin, “F-for all this.”
Although Underneath the Christmas Tree thunders overhead, you still catch the small whimper that escapes him. Your chest tightens; you knew he was bullied, but what the hell did these people do to make him react like this?
Knowing you won’t get answers now, you rest his back against the wall, shielding him from prying eyes. “Reid, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not 'fine',” He rasps, shaking his head. He tries to focus on something⎼anything⎼but tears muddle his vision. So he shuts his eyes and presses a hand over his pounding heart, willing it to calm down. It refuses. “You came all this way to help me, and-and now I’m wasting your time⎼”
“Woah, hold up,” You grasp his free arm, stepping closer and trying to meet his eyes. Mindful of his aversion to touch and his germaphobic tendencies, you leave a sliver of space. 
It doesn’t go unnoticed. Spencer feels your warmth bloom even through the sleeve of his blazer. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. None of this was a waste of time, and honestly, I still would have come along had you asked, even if I didn’t have to act as your partner.” Your smile turns shy as you add, “And for what it’s worth, I had a lot of fun today.” 
Your words, while an attempt to comfort him, only sends his heart into hyper-speed. He finally meets your gaze, blinking through unshed tears. “Really?”
Your eyes, tender and earnest, sparkle in the strobe lights. Spencer thinks, if you keep looking at him like that, he might kiss you.
He doesn't even notice his heartbeat leveling as you lace your hand over his tentatively pulling it away from his pounding heart. He flushes when you don’t let go. “Reid, this can wait. Whatever your bullies told you, whatever they did, you prove them wrong every time you put a bad guy behind bars, every time you finish a geo-profile, every time you save a life. You can always try another time. If it really is too much, we can leave now and you can show me that first bar you went to, the one that gave you shots of apple juice?”
Your smile broadens as Spencer gives you a wobbly grin. "You think anyone will notice us leaving?"
You snort, "Please, we're FBI agents. I think we have enough stealth training to get by."
Spencer chuckles. Without another word you pull away from him, leading him towards the exit, hands still intertwined as the double doors come into view. Then you feel Spencer resist and you pause, glancing over your shoulder. 
He’s looking at you, and for the first time, you see him looking at you like he’s never done before. 
But he has. The only difference is it’s completely unrestrained. Spencer has looked at you like this time and time again⎼eyes soft and brimming with adoration⎼never to your face, always held back in fear of what it could mean, how’d you react.
Right now he doesn’t care. He just… wants you to know. To understand.
You chalk it up to the lighting. 
“I know I said this already, but,” His eyes crinkle and his voice, though wavers, is laced with such warmth, you nearly melt on the spot. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
… Oh dear. Only Dr. Spencer Reid could knock the air out of you with just words.
Not sure of what else to say, you bite your lip and nod, lips threatening to turn into a full blown grin. “Me too.” You ignore the way your heart pounds. 
Not now.
Satisfied, he moves to leave, tugging you behind him as you approach the exit.
“Spencer Reid? Is that you?”
You freeze.
We at a party we don't wanna be at Tryna talk, but we can't hear ourselves Read your lips, I'd rather kiss 'em right back With all these people all around
I'm crippled with anxiety But I'm told it's where we're s'posed to be You know what? It's kinda crazy 'cause I really don't mind When you make it better like that
It’s been over a decade. Her voice comes hesitant, deeper than he remembers but he could never forget.
Your voice shakes him out of his stupor and he glances at you.
Right, he’s got you. He’s safe with you. 
You frown. “Who’s this?”
Before he can conjure an answer (he’s not even sure if he wants to), the woman steps up, “Hi, I’m Alexa Lisbon. I was Reid’s… classmate.” She says it slow, like she’s not entirely sure either, offering a hand and a tight-lipped smile. You introduce yourself, taking her hand.
Spencer wishes he brought a bottle of hand sanitizer. 
Honestly, the one time he doesn’t bother? IQ 187, my ass.
Pushing down his discomfort, he inches himself between Alexa and you, despite the subtle tremble in his hands.
It’s actually her. She's aged just like everyone around them, wrinkles by her eyes and smile lines at her painted lips. What the hell could she have smiled about after what she did to him?
She's still pretty though. He hates that he still thinks she's pretty.
Alexa’s eyes roam over him, and his skin crawls. "Wow, it’s been so long. You’ve grown.“
“Thanks, it’s the trauma. You know, from working for the FBI, among other things,” He spits out the last part. He feels you press against his side, a warning. He doesn’t care. 
If his biting tone affects Alexa, she doesn’t show it. “Right, right. You’re in the FBI now. That’s amazing,” She trails off, rolling her lips anxiously and clearing her throat. “Hey… can we talk in private?” 
Memories flash like snapshots. 
The grass field. The sports shed. A blank-faced audience.
Spencer bristles, “Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of (Your Name). Why? You want to laugh at me? Criticize me? Stri-” You adjust your hand in his, reminding him he’s not alone. He grits his teeth. 
He almost feels guilty when Alexa flinches. Almost.
“Okay,” Her tone is soothing, careful like she’s addressing a cornered animal. Her gaze flicks between you two, hesitating. “If it makes you feel better, you can bring (Your Name), but we really need to speak with you.”
Spencer’s brow furrows. “We?”
Alexa steps aside, nodding past the crowd of drunken dancing, waiting for him to decide.
“It’ll be okay,” You watch him from the corner of your eye. It’s strange; you’ve witnessed Spencer snap a few times, usually to unsubs, people who deserved sharp tongues and razored vocabulary. There were rare occasions when the two of you had your spats, but he never lashed out at you. Not like this.
You wonder what Alexa Lisbon did to warrant such hostility. 
“She’s not an unsub, Reid,” He shivers, your whisper brushing against his ear. He clenches his jaw as he stares down Alexa, but he leans into you, listening. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll be right behind you the whole time.”
And you swear if something happens to Spencer, you’ll kill everyone in the room and then yourself.
Apparently, that’s enough for him as he steps after Alexa, weaving through the mass of bodies. His grip tightens around your hand. Eventually, Alexa stops and you find yourselves at the farthest corner of the gym, by the dining tables.
Suddenly, Spencer wants to run. To throw up. 
Like Alexa their faces have aged, matured as he expected. Some have gained and lost weight, dressed completely different than back in the day, while others look like the world treated them so, so kindly. It makes him grimace. 
Of course the universe decided his tormentors didn’t need to suffer after what they did. He’d expect nothing else. Karma is nothing if not a bitch.
Maybe he can projectile vomit onto them.
Wait, he doesn’t have the abdominal strength to do that. Damn it.
“Spencer Reid,” Harper Hillman breathes, as if she’s testing the way it rolls off of her tongue. Like his name is new to her. Makes sense, considering all they’ve ever called him was anything but his name. She stands from her chair, smile tight-lipped like Alexa’s. “I didn’t think you’d make it.”
Spencer gestures lamely. “Well, here I am.”
“Yeah, um, would you like to sit? We saved you a seat,” Harper’s gaze switches between Spencer and the table. 
They saved him a seat? They saved him a seat? 
Who are these people? 
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Spencer shifts his stance, eyes flitting over each face but never lingering, unable to look them in the eye for long. “I’d rather stand, thanks.“
“Oh, no problem. You remember everyone, right?” Harper glances at Alexa, the few members of the football team that showed up, gesturing to them. 
“I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187,” Spencer’s face hardens. “What do you think?”
To his delight and astonishment, Harper has the sense to look flustered. “Right, almost forgot about that.”
Spencer nods, toeing the hardwood with his converses. The atmosphere is so thick. Seconds go by.
Alexa clears her throat, “Well-uh⎼”
“What do you want?” Spencer grinds out, one hand fisted in his pocket while the other grips yours tighter. He hasn't even been there for an hour, and already he’s tired and afraid. Whatever they had to say, he wants to get it over with.
Mouths open and close as they try to come up with an answer. Harper, Alexa, the entire group trade hesitant looks, like they had a plan and it wasn’t going accordingly. Like they’re not sure how to proceed. Or who should lead the assault.
Then a nod from Alexa and they stand almost in unison. Spencer’s eyes narrow when Harper smoothes down her dress and tugs at her collar, while Alexa wrings her hands together and bites the inside of her cheek. They all exchange looks between each other and the football team, even they look apprehensive, shoulders tense. Readied.
Oh my god they’re going to jump him. Pin him down and strip him naked again. 
“Reid,” Alexa starts, the group stepping forward as if backing her up. 
Waiting, probably for a signal, Spencer realizes. His stomach turns to lead.
“We want to say…”
Well, good fucking luck. The gym is packed with witnesses, and he’s 90% sure you’d risk your job, bust their kneecaps before you’d let them touch him.
It’s a bold but foolish move, really⎼
“We’re sorry.”
He braces himself.
…Wait. ‘Sorry’?
All his brain function stutters to a halt.
AN: 3/4?? 
guess who wrote 4k just to set up a song-fic?? *raises hand* 
yes this entire fic was inspired by I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber okay dont come for me
we all need an emotional-support reader in our lives
also my first reid angst i hope i set the tone and pacing right, wrote it a lot differently :| 
If y'all notice the reference to starstruck by @spacedikut?? Just a small dedication/tribute thingy to them bc I love and appreciate their everything 😚💛
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Moonbeam (Ezra x Reader) [smut] {Werewolf AU}
Title: Moonbeam  Rating: Explicit  Length: 6,000 Warnings: Non-graphic description of bodily injury and smut (cunnilingus, doggy style sex, mentions of masturbation).   Reader Details: To the best of my knowledge, there are no references to Reader’s physical details, beyond being a bisexual woman. I tried my best to keep it as vague as possible.  Notes: So, this is the second lengthy Ezra fic I’ve written this month, but the only one that will see the light of day. Shout-out to @rzrcrst​ for pre-reading this for me.  Werewolves are my niche and I’m absolutely incapable of writing them without creating the lore around their existence. Ezra exudes big werewolf energy (P.S. Javier exudes big vampire energy) and since I’m not really in a fandom until I write a werewolf AU, I present you all with my very own version of space werewolves.  Depending on audience reactions, there might be more of this story to tell. 
Taglist:@princessbatears @djarin-junk @absurdthirst @hdlynn @legally-a-bastard @opheliaelysia @heather-lynn @sabinemorans @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons​ @pedrospunk​ @maybege​ @chews-erotically​ @katlikeme​ @lose-eels​ @youmeanmybrain​ @theindiealto​ @irishleesh93​
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You had heard the rumors, but never once had you believed that they were true. A werewolf living on a moon? Werewolves were the stuff of fairytales. They weren’t real. 
They weren’t real. 
But someone who had come before you had clearly considered the potential. Why else had someone thought to set up a cleverly concealed steel trap?
The pain was overwhelming. Worse than anything you’d ever encountered before. You were lucky your leg hadn’t snapped in two — your heavy coveralls were your saving grace. 
You howled out in pain as you dropped to your knees, trying in vain to pry the trap off your leg. The sharp teeth had bit through the fabric of your coveralls and the dark stain forming told you everything you needed to know about your future. If you didn’t get the trap off soon, you were going to bleed out. 
And then you’d become a smorgasbord for whatever creatures lived on this moon. There had to be something terrifying in the forest that had convinced everyone to believe in werewolves. 
“Kriff.” You swore, your arms throbbing with effort as you tried yet again to free your leg from the trap. You dropped back onto your ass, before sinking down onto the soft mossy ground beneath you. 
At least the stars were out. You could see them through the bareboned trees as they swayed above you in the evening breeze. 
The pain wasn’t so bad at a certain point, most likely because of the blood loss. That would do it. That woozy, tingling sensation that had your vision blurring at the edges. 
A branch snapped nearby, sending a dull spike of nerves through you. You hadn’t made a study of the flora and fauna on the moon — but that certainly didn’t sound like a small creature. 
“Please don’t eat me.” You mumbled, tilting your head to look in the direction of the sound. The filtered moonlight from the crescent moon above barely illuminated the forest around you and your flashlight was just out of reach. 
You heard the sound of another branch snapping under foot, “Hello?” 
All men are beasts in their own right, but the man that stepped into your line of view seemed an unlikely candidate. 
“I do believe that trap was not set to ensnare one such as you,” He drawled out with a honey-sweet cadence as he moved towards you.
“I don’t think it’s broken,” You offered weakly, trying to sit up as he knelt beside you, but your vision blurred harshly and you sank back onto the ground. 
“How fortuitous you are that I take my evening stroll through this very copse of trees.” He mused, effortlessly freeing your leg from the steel trap. 
“You have lost a considerable amount of blood, little lamb. I would be most obliged to offer shelter and succor. These woods are no place to remain alone. One can never know what creatures fresh blood may attract.”
You exhaled shakily as you stared up at the stars above you. He was right — you’d never make it back to your transport alone on your leg. “Promise not to kill me?” You cracked, tilting your head to look at him.
He flashed you a toothy grin, “I promise.” 
“What is your name?” You asked as he hoisted you into his arms, with surprising ease. 
“Ezra.” He told you, looking down at you. “And what is your name, little lamb?”
“Ezra.” You repeated softly, resting your cheek against his chest as he carried you through the forest. You gave him your own name, feeling a strange warmth wash through you when he repeated it back in that beguiling tone of his. 
“Am I right in my assumption that you are the occupant of the transport that arrived just two nights ago.” Ezra questioned quietly. 
“Depends on who is asking.” You jested lightly, “I am. Reconnaissance mission for a mining program.” 
“Ah,” His grip on you seemed to tighten. “Another greedy venture to strip the moon of its precious lunaxium?” 
“I can only assume.” You glanced up at him, “Above my pay grade.”
“You should leave within the week.” Ezra remarked, keeping his sharp gaze focused ahead of him. “It won’t be safe for you.”
“You don’t believe in that stupid story, do you?” You questioned, “Isn’t that just a tale to keep prospectors from coming here?”
“I once believed that.” Ezra muttered, before falling silent for the remainder of the journey to his humble abode. 
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You had so many questions for your serendipitous savior, but he tended to your leg in relative silence and then left you to rest in his bed. 
From what you could tell, Ezra had fashioned a home for himself out of a crashed transport vessel that you could only assume had been his own at one time. Perhaps he’d been like you once upon a time, a drifter picking up odd jobs and landing in bad situations. 
Ezra was handsome. The moonlight hadn’t tricked you into thinking that — in the garish light of his bedroom, he was still just as striking. Warm eyes, long lashes, a mess of chestnut hair with a shock of blonde, and a wiry frame. 
How long had he been living on Lykaios? Had his vessel crashed on a wayward venture and he’d had no one to come looking for him? Not that anyone would come looking for you either. 
Maybe Shiva. They would’ve probably come looking for your corpse just to get what was owed to them. 
It was a damn miracle that Ezra had stumbled upon you. How had he even found you? The woods all looked the same. 
Sleep came slowly and fitfully. Despite the shot Ezra had given you, your leg was agonizingly painful if you moved at all. Fortunately, there were books within reach — well-loved, with worn pages. You wondered if they had been Ezra’s to start with, or if he’d found someone’s abandoned transport. 
He had excellent taste. 
You hadn’t seen a stack of Chaucer since you were much younger. His copy of Canterbury Tales had been opened so many times the spine wilted in your palm. 
Ezra announced himself with a short knock, before sliding open the durasteel door. “I expected you to be asleep. You had quite the evening, little lamb.”
“I tried.” You made a note of the page you were on before closing the book and sitting it aside on the bedside shelf. “I got distracted by… your collection of novels.”
He chuckled, leaning against the doorframe. “I see you’re getting acquainted with my old oppo Chaucer.” 
“I’ll have you know, Chaucer is my friend.” You quipped, drumming your fingers against the cover of the book. “It was nice to retrace old lines.” 
“He’s an acquired taste,” Ezra tucked his hands behind his back and stepped into the room. “Youth may outrun the old, but not outwit.”
You smiled a little, “Earn what you can since everything’s for sale.” 
Ezra chuckled, shaking his head. “And how true that is.” He gestured grandly towards your leg, “But oftentimes it comes with folly.”
“Is that how you ended up here?” You questioned, “I wanted to ask you last night, but with everything...” 
He shrugged, dragging over a trunk and perching on the edge of it. “Five years ago I stood where you stand. They were looking for a new form of clean energy — lunaxium seemed like the answer.” Ezra pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, looking away from you then. “This place is filled with hidden dangers. Once you can put weight on your leg, I encourage you to leave.” 
“You could come with me.”
Ezra’s gaze snapped towards you, “No.” 
Your brows furrowed together, “Alright.” 
“I need to change your bandages,” Ezra exhaled heavily as he rose from the trunk, he turned his back to you as he moved to retrieve the roll of gauze from a shelf. 
Your eyes widened as you spotted a twisted scar that ran up the back of his neck into his hairline and vanished down the back of his shirt. You hadn’t noticed it last night while he fussed over you. 
“Ezra, why can’t you leave?” 
Ezra sighed heavily as he sat down on the foot of the bed, drawing your leg into his lap. “It’s home.” He answered simply, unwinding the bandages. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but this—“ He gestured around him. “It’s mine.” 
“And you haven’t gone stir crazy after five years?” You questioned, grimacing as he prodded at your wound. “I was gone for two months on a solo mission once and I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to Shiva again. Even if they did rob me blind during liar’s dice.” 
“You get used to solitude.” Ezra glanced at you briefly, before turning his attention to the task at hand. He cleaned the area around the wound, before wrapping fresh bandaging around it. “Once or twice a year, someone like yourself arrives and…”
“And the mythical werewolf eats them?” You jested, sinking back against the mattress as he laid your leg back down on the bed. 
“Something like that.” He offered dryly, eyeing at you warily. “There’s a full moon in eleven days. I would advise you not to wait around to discover whether or not it is simply lore.” 
Your brows knit together and you sat up, arms curled around your waist. “You say that like there’s a chance it is true. You’ve been here for five years… What have you seen?” 
“I have things I must attend to away from here.” Ezra said abruptly, “Rest and I’ll return in a few hours to escort you back to your transport.”
Ezra did little to assuage that sinking sensation that told you that maybe just maybe there were werewolves on Lykaios. 
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“Before you settled here, what did you do?” You questioned, leaning into Ezra’s side as he kept a firm hand coiled around you for support. “Your transport didn’t offer many clues, outside of your exquisite taste in literature.”
 Ezra chuckled, looking at you from the corner of his eyes. “I was a harvester. A damn good one, at that. But seasons get hard, tides turn, allegiances bend. Fell into a bit of a snare with an associate and had to dig my way out.” 
 “I think we’ve all been there before,” You shook your head. “I enjoy gambling. Nasty habit.” You admitted. “I wasn’t meant to be the one to come to Lykaois. My friend — the one I mentioned before — had been assigned to this mission. They lost it in a dicey bet with me.” 
“What gambler plays honorably?” You countered. “I cheated.” 
“And this friend of yours was meant to come here instead?” 
You nodded, “Tried to win it back right up until the moment I took off.” Shiva had been furious that they’d lost and even more furious knowing that you hadn’t played fair. “I’ve heard the stories about Lykaois and I wanted to find out if they were true.”
“One shouldn’t go looking for the stuff of myth.” Ezra drawled out. “In my erstwhile profession, I had a certain predilection for danger. It can be damning.” 
“Look, I don’t mean to pry, but… is there a reason you can’t leave?” You stopped abruptly, causing him to stumble slightly. “My transport has life support for three. If there’s someone else you’ve got here — if that’s why you don’t want to leave.” 
You could feel Ezra’s gaze bore into your skin. 
“I’m not leaving.” You told him, when he made no attempt to answer your question. “I’ll take a day or two to rest, but I’m finishing what I’ve started.” 
“It’s not safe.” 
“Then why don’t you leave?” You pushed back. “If it’s so dangerous, why aren’t you trying to leave?”
Ezra worked his jaw slowly, before looking towards the sky and sighing heavily. “I’m not the only inhabitant on this moon. Some have been here for much longer than me and they…” He shook his head slowly. 
You curled your fingers around his forearm, turning to stare at him. “They’re what?” 
“Little lamb, be glad you were found by me and not one of them.” Ezra gritted out, holding your gaze. “Consider your luck and leave before it runs out.” 
He wasn’t going to relent. Whatever secrets Lykaois held, he wasn’t going to reveal them to you. 
“Will you at least let me give you a few of my books?” You questioned, squeezing his arm tight as you used him to support your weight. 
“Depends on what you’re offering.” Ezra retorted, “But we need to keep moving. You need to get your leg up.” 
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 Ezra was entranced with your small collection of books. Like a man starved, he snatched up every book — flipping through its pages with reverence. You couldn’t imagine spending five years without getting your hands on a new book. 
You thought he would abruptly leave once he had you safely tucked into your transport — but he lingered. 
“Nothing in the world is single; all things by a law divine in one another's being mingle. Why not I with thine?” Ezra read, the words falling from his tongue with a richness that your mind had never been able to give them. 
“Shelley?” You questioned, tilting your head to try to get a look at the book he was holding. 
“Indeed.” He closed the book and held it to his chest. “Our dear friend Percy had quite a way with words. Overshadowed — and rightfully so — by his beloved wife.” 
“I haven’t been able to get my hands on Frankenstein. Not since I was maybe fourteen.” You admitted. 
Ezra snapped his fingers, “You should’ve spoken up, little lamb. Mary has kept me company on many lonely nights.”
“I will part with Percy,” You told him, hobbling towards him on your wounded leg. “But only if you are willing to part with Mary.” 
He hummed thoughtfully, still clutching the book to his chest. “I will have to consult with her.” Ezra told you with a soft smile, “I have no doubt that she is as tired of my company as anyone would be.” 
You reached out and covered his hand with yours, “I will let you reunite the couple for just one night. But you have to promise me that you’ll bring me Frankenstein.”
Ezra’s gaze lowered to where your hand was on his, a faint color rising in his cheeks. “Promise me you’ll leave once books have been exchanged.” He covered your hand with his other hand, squeezing gently. “If you stay, I won’t be able to protect you.”
“Protect me from what?”
“Me.” Ezra breathed out, his dark eyes setting on yours. “I will bring you lunaxium that you can take back to whomever hired you. Warn them from this place and forget it.” 
“It’s not that simple.” You found yourself leaning into him for support, “I have to complete testing and analysis. Reports. I can’t just take back a lump of lunaxium and hope for the best.”
A growl like sound rose up in the back of his throat, “Then I’ll do the reports for you. I know more than I ever cared to know of lunaxium and this godsforsaken rock. You are not to venture beyond this transport.”
You pulled your hand away from his, “I’ll do as I please, thank you.” 
Ezra gritted his teeth, “Do you have a death wish? Now isn’t the time for obstinance. Not this close to a full moon.” 
You blinked at him, “Are you…?”
His expression faltered, fingers twitching against the book before he held it out to you, “Keep it and leave tonight. Please.” 
“No.” You shook your head, “I want to know.” 
“Among these stories,” He gestured to your shelf of books, “I’m afraid it’s an unimpressive tale.”
“I’m always looking to hear new stories.” You told him, grimacing as you put too much weight down on your leg. “Shit.”
“Please sit,” Ezra urged, moving swiftly to curl his arm around your waist as he guided you towards the makeshift sofa you’d made from a weapon crate and oversized pillows. 
He sank down onto the opposite end, hands covering his face as he let out a heavy sigh. “Five years ago, I was just like you. Starry-eyed, devil-may-care.”
“Is that how you see me?”
“Yes.” He glanced at you from the corner of his eye. “I came here looking for lunaxium like every ill-fated prospector before me. The rumors, the legend, the myth — they made for a tantalizing adventure.” His expression sobered as he stared straight ahead. “It’s painful. Muscles tear, bones shatter, skin stretches.”
Your heart clenched and your stomach roiled at the thought. 
“They say the first was a corruption. There are wolves among us, lurking beyond the trees — fearful in their own right of what looms above them. Someone played with fate and made a monster that even Shelley couldn’t have imagined. Lunaxium has no effect on humans, but it calms the beast for awhile.”
Without even thinking about it, you carefully shifted onto your good knee, letting your leg rest over the side of the sofa as you leaned towards Ezra. “This scar.” You said as you gingerly brushed your fingers over the back of his neck. 
He tensed, fingers clenching and unclenching in his lap. “I was attacked on my second night here.” He confessed, exhaling slowly. “Forgive me, little lamb. It has been a right smart spell since I have felt another’s touch.”
“You shouldn’t have to live like that, Ezra.” You whispered, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Isolating yourself… Maybe there’s a cure.”
“I can’t leave Lykaois.” He admitted, closing his eyes as he relaxed under the gentle touch of your fingers. “We’re reliant on the lunaxium and whatever this moon is cursed with. I would go mad.”
“Has anyone ever tried to leave?”
“There are stories.” Ezra turned to look at you. “I appreciate your offer. If it weren’t for what I’ve become, I would accept it without hesitation. But I would rather perish in the solitude of my transport than lose my mind somewhere among the stars.”
You trailed your fingers from his hair, along the curve of his jaw. “I could come back.”
“And put yourself in danger twice over?”
“I put myself in danger every time I venture out on a harvest with a ragtag team that might turn their weapons on me. Life is a risk, Ezra.” You held his gaze as you brushed your thumb over his bottom lip. “I can be your connection to the world you’ve lost. Name it, anything — I’ll bring it back here to you.”
“It’s dangerous.” Ezra seemed compelled by the offer. “The others… they’ve been here long enough to lose what’s left of their humanity.”
“Then protect me.” You brushed your fingers through the hair that fell against his forehead. 
“There’s so much I miss,” He admitted, his expression matching the way his voice broke as he held your gaze. “Five years… it’s a lifetime to spend alone.” He curled his fingers around your hand, rubbing his thumb against the center of your palm. “I don’t want you to risk yourself for me.” 
“I’m not afraid.” You told him, and as foolish as it was — you weren’t. 
Ezra’s gaze flickered between your eyes and your lips and your breath caught somewhere in the back of your throat when he started to lean towards you.  
He wasn’t the only one who had gone years without knowing a lover’s touch. You played things close to the chest, avoided anything that could ensnare you — except for him. 
For all of his warm charm, there was an underlying current of danger that had you feeling like a moth to the flame. He was a monster. A creature made from a curse you hadn’t even believed in.  
“Ezra.” You breathed out, leaning in until your nose brushed against his. 
He petted his fingers over your cheek as his breath mingled with yours, “You’re hurt.” 
“It’s just my leg.” Your lips were a hair’s breadth away from his, “I think we both need this.” 
Ezra curled his fingers around the back of your head as his lips crashed against yours. You groaned against his lips and his tongue took the opportunity to slip into your mouth, curling against yours. 
He kissed like a man possessed, desperate and all consuming. He hauled you into his lap like you weighed nothing, his hands clawing at your back, your ass, your arms — anywhere he could reach. 
He was starved for a connection like this. You had sensed it in the way he gravitated towards you, the way he lingered, the gentle touches as he mended your leg. 
You hissed softly as you shifted your weight in his lap, trying not to put pressure on your leg, but it was hard not to in that position. 
Ezra cupped your cheek, drawing your focus to his face as his other hand curled tight around your hip. “Do you trust me, little lamb?” He questioned, waiting until you nodded before he started to guide you back lengthways on the sofa. 
You scraped your fingernails over his scalp as you slid your fingers through his hair. His knee slotted in between your thighs as he draped himself over you. 
Greedy hands grabbed at the back of his shirt, pulling it up to reveal new skin to touch. He was touch starved. Every brush of your fingers against his untouched skin made him rut against your thigh. 
Ezra’s mouth worked down the column of your throat, teeth lightly scraping as his tongue darted out to taste your skin. His own hands sliding under your shirt, skimming over your ribs. 
You’d missed the feeling of large, rough hands against your skin. It had been more than a few cycles since you’d fallen into bed with a man. A year, maybe two, since you’d been with anyone at all. 
“Ezra.” You breathed out as his mouth moved over your covered breast, his tongue seeking out your nipple through the soft fabric. 
His eyes snapped to meet yours, pupils blown with arousal as he let out a ragged breath. “I can smell you.” Ezra murmured, his tongue flicking out to tease the peak of your nipple, the fabric darkened from his mouth. “You’re soaked, aren’t you little lamb?” He questioned, a hand wandering down your side, curling around your thigh. 
You felt your chest and cheeks burn with a heady mix of arousal and embarrassment. You were slick. You could feel your underwear clinging to your cunt, desire fueled solely by the man crowded onto the sofa with you. 
“In my bed,” Ezra whispered, untangling the hand you had in his hair. He brought your hand to his lips, inhaling deeply before wrapping his lips around your first two fingers. 
An unabashed moan escaped you, your hips lifting off the sofa as you ground yourself against his knee. You should’ve been ashamed — he had known that you’d tried to put yourself to sleep by burying your face in his pillow and your hand between your thighs. 
Ezra released your fingers with a wet pop, his nostrils flaring as he held your gaze. “You didn’t come, did you? Did la petite mort evade you?” 
“Yes.” You whispered, tracing your dampened fingers over his scruffy cheek. “I was so close, but it wasn’t enough.” 
He smirked at you as he pressed his knee firmly against you. “May I?”
“Please.” You nodded, sinking back against the sofa as Ezra moved down your body. Skilled fingers worked at the fastenings of your pants, peeling the heavy fabric down your thighs before tossing them aside. 
He inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of you, “Sit up, little lamb.” Ezra told you, sinking onto the ground in front of you. “Look at you.” He drawled as your thighs parted, your injured leg draped over his shoulder. 
You gasped quietly as he stroked his thumb over the damp spot on your underwear, barely brushing over your clit — but even that mere touch was enough to make you tremble. 
“Did you think of me?” Ezra questioned, peeling the fabric to the side, sweeping his fingers between your slick folds. 
“Maybe.” You retorted, biting down on your bottom lip as you watched him lick your arousal from his fingers. 
A quiet growl rose up the back of his throat as he leaned in between your thighs. He held your underwear to the side as he lapped at you, his tongue sweeping between your folds. 
Your fingers slid into his hair, grip tightening as he traced the tip of his tongue over your clit. 
“Do you need these?” Ezra mumbled, tugging at your underwear. 
“No. No.” You shook your head, pitching your hips towards him. 
Ezra effortlessly tore away the crotch of your underwear, his mouth descending upon your tender flesh. His tongue delved between your folds, thrusting into your slick core. He grabbed at your thigh, holding you steady as he turned his attention to your clit. 
You cried out as he wrapped his lips around that throbbing bundle of nerves. He sucked lightly at it, swirling his tongue over it as his fingers pressed into your cunt. 
He didn’t let up, his tongue working over your clit as he worked his fingers in and out of you. His fingers were deliciously thick, dragging in and out of you, brushing over that sweet spot within you that made your entire core quake. 
Ezra was good. 
His name was heavy on your tongue as you shattered, your inner walls clenching around his fingers, thighs trapping his face between your legs. 
“I need…” You panted out, breath hitching as he curled his fingers within you. “Fuck!” You shouted, nearly ripping his hair out as you felt a dam break as your vision blurred from the sudden burst of molten desire. Ezra was undeterred, his tongue sweeping up every drop of you. 
“More.” You urged, writhing beneath him. “Ezra, please.” 
“I might hurt you.” Ezra warned you, dragging his hands down your thighs as he nipped at the soft flesh of your inner thigh. “I don’t… I don’t know if I control myself.” 
“Forget about my leg,” You tugged at his hair. “And fuck me.” 
Ezra squeezed your hip and barked out, “On your knees.” 
You waited until he let go of you before you gracelessly flopping over on the sofa, knees planted firmly on the cushion as you grabbed at the metal shaft that made up the back of the sofa. 
“You smell so fucking good like this,” Ezra breathed out, hands sliding over your bare hips as he crowded close to you. “It’s been so long.” He pressed his lips to the back of your neck, his breath hot against your skin. 
“Same.” You laughed breathlessly, reaching behind you to grab at his hair. “I don’t break easy.” 
“You’ve never fucked a werewolf before.” Ezra murmured, curling his fingers loosely around your throat, keeping you pinned back against his chest as his cock slid between your oversensitive folds. “Have you?”
“Not yet.” You gritted out, curling your fingers around his forearm, thankful that he was able to keep you upright. He was strong, but the fingers wrapped around your throat were gentle. 
The head of his cock caught against your entrance and Ezra’s hips bucked forward, pressing into you. 
You moaned, completely caught up in the sensation of his thick cock filling you. The stretch was just this side of too much — especially in this angle. 
Ezra pulled back, his cock nearly slipping from you entirely before slamming back into you. His thrusts were brutal — all that strength and power that was hidden in his wiry build. He was reaching spots no one else had ever hit. 
He released his tight grip on your hip, slipping his hand between your thighs to stroke your aching clit. You clenched around him in response, making him feel even thicker as he drove into you. Again and again. 
Your nails bit into his forearm, leaving crescent moon shapes in his skin as you clung to him. You were so close, perched right on the precipice of another orgasm. 
“Come.” Ezra’s fingers curled around your jaw, his lips close to your ear. “I want to feel you come. The sweet clench of your cunt around my cock.” He mouthed a row of kisses down your neck, growling against the crook of your neck as your body obeyed him. 
He didn’t relent, even as your body pulsed around his cock. “Fuck.” He grunted out, his teeth scraping your skin. 
“Ezra.” You moaned out, your eyes falling closed as you basked in the overwhelming sensation of him fucking into you. 
His grip loosened at your jaw as he started to slide out of you, but you reached behind you, grabbing at his ass — desperately trying to keep him right there. 
Something snapped. Some frayed cord of control that he had been clinging to. 
You grabbed at the back of the sofa for support as he roughly grabbed at your hips. He bottomed out once, twice, three times before he growled out your name and came. 
Ezra curled his arm around your waist, keeping you pinned to him as he rearranged the two of you. He kept the softening length of his cock buried within you as he sank down onto the sofa with you resting back against his chest. 
“You’re very strong,” You mumbled, scratching your nails through the hair on his forearm as you looked down at the arm he had tightly curled around you. 
He huffed, a throaty chuckle escaping him as he rested his forehead against your shoulder. “One perk of this damnable curse.” He brushed his thumb over your stomach gently. 
“Is the sex a perk too?” You questioned, closing your eyes as you leaned back against him. “Because, I’m not sure I want to leave at all now.”
“I wouldn’t know.” Ezra kissed your shoulder. “I’ve kept my distance. From the others.” He sighed heavily. “You don’t want to become like me, little lamb.”
“I never said that I do.” You pointed out. 
“No, I suppose you didn’t.” He shifted beneath you, whispering a quick apology when you whimpered at the movement. 
“I’m okay.” You promised, trailing your fingers up the side of his thigh. “Overwhelmed.”
“Two days.”
“You can safely stay for two more days, but then you must leave. It gets harder to maintain this the nearer we draw to the full moon.” Ezra told you, nuzzling at the crook of your neck. 
“Two days.” You agreed solemnly. 
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Ezra returned just after nightfall with a stack of research notes and his well-loved copy of Frankenstein. 
“Did you know she dedicated herself to getting her husband’s works published.” You mused, looking up from the notes on lunaxium to watch Ezra as he consumed Percy’s book of poems. 
“Mary.” You explained. “As accomplished as she was, she also worked to ensure her husband’s writing would be read.”
“Indeed.” Ezra tucked the red ribbon into the page he was reading and sat it aside. “I believe their romance blossomed on her mother’s grave, no? A rather odd pair.”
“His works are dreadfully romantic, for such a macabre couple.” You pointed out, flipping over another page of notes, copying down a comment on your own notations. 
“The sunlight claps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea: what are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?” Ezra recited, drumming his fingers against the cover. “I had forgotten that was dear Percy.” He sank back against the wall, pushing fingers through his unruly hair. “I miss the sea.” 
“I’d bring it back in a bottle if I could.” You told him, chewing on your bottom lip. “I meant what I said before. I can come back.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, moonbeam.” He let the word slip off his tongue like it was sugar-sweet. “You will grow bored of the to-and-fro.” He pursed his lips. “Though I am much appreciative of the offer. You should go back to your friends.” 
“I have one friend in this galaxy Ezra and oftentimes I’m certain they want to ring my neck.” You shook your head. “You deserve to have a friend too.” 
“I will never be able to leave,” He reminded you. “And you can never stay.”
“There’s still an in-between.” Your brows rose hopefully. “A new moon, perhaps? When the moon is there, but not visible.”
“You’re persistent.”
“I’ve been told that before.” You smirked a little. “What would you like me to bring back when I return after the full moon?”
Ezra exhaled heavily, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “I would be forever indebted to you if you might get your hands on a copy of War & Peace. Dreadfully long, but I hunger for some longevity in my literature.”
He snapped his fingers, “Cheese.” 
You arched a brow. “I have cheese.”
“Real cheese?” Ezra corrected. “That wretched aero cheese is nauseating.” He blanched, watching you as you rose from your seat. 
You hobbled out of the room, into the corridor where the hyperfreeze unit was mounted in the interior wall beside the coolant system. You returned moments later with a block of Reggianito. 
“You’re in luck.” You said, sinking down onto the floor beside him. “I have a hook-up on Sector Block G7.” 
Ezra broke off a piece and popped it into his mouth, sinking back against the wall with a satisfied moan. “It will be safe for you to return in a fortnight.” 
You slapped his leg playfully, “You’ll let me return if I bring cheese?”
He grinned and continued. “If you come then, you’ll have a fortnight to stay, should you choose to.” 
“That should give me enough time to find War & Peace for you and settle my debts.” 
Ezra took another bite of cheese, before passing it back to you. “Do they still make those honeysticks?” He questioned. “Little tubes with honey collected from…” He squinted, “I can’t remember the planet.”
“I can look.” You wrapped the cheese back in the cloth, before sitting it aside. “How will you be when I return?” You questioned. 
“A little worse for wear,” Ezra shrugged a shoulder, resting his hand on your thigh. “The lunaxium helps.”
“Is it… is it like a drug?”
“I suppose.” Ezra dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. “There’s this hunger,” He explained, knocking his fist against his sternum. “This clawing sensation. It gets worse closer to the full moon. I lose my mind.” He shook his head. “I tried to wean myself off two years ago. Just to feel something.”
“What happened?” You rested your hand over his. 
“It triggered the beast.” He answered with a frown. “Middle of the cycle and violent.” Ezra tilted his head to look at you. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“You won’t.” You shook your head slowly, interlacing your fingers with his. “Maybe this will be good for you. Help you keep your humanity.”
“How so?”
“The others, the ones that were already here.” Your brows furrowed together as you turned to stare at him, “Did they lose their humanity because they lost touch with other humans?”
Ezra blinked, “You, moonbeam, are a clever one.”
“I read a lot.” You smiled at him, “And you’re  in luck — I have always loved monster stories.”
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
The Little Moments (Bakudeku Tropetember Drabble)
I'm back with another Tropetember drabble! This one side-tracked me when I was working on Belleza que Atrae, and it became WAY LONGER then I intended. For day 17: Accidental Baby Acquisition / (Single) Parent AU / Babysitting  AO3 link here.
The door creaked open as Katsuki came home and pulled off his work boots. He had a minute to feel the relief of finally being home when he heard the pitter-pattering of a child’s feet. He quickly turned and scooped up the tiny blonde as the little boy screamed, “Daddy! You’re home!”
Katsuki smiled into his son’s hair as he hugged him, “Yeah...I’m home, little man.” He carried the boy into the main room and paid the babysitter before cuddling his son on the couch for the few minutes they had before dinner.
Izumi sat on the counter as Katsuki made their meal. He smiled fondly as he listened to his son ramble about his day. Little moments like these made the hours that Katsuki pulled and the things he put up with worth it; it was all to make sure Izumi had a good life.
Izumi was chattering about his class when he mentioned something that caught Katsuki’s attention, “And this year, my teacher’s super cool and nice. Midoriya-sensei is really amazing!”
Katsuki loved his son, but he could easily admit that Izumi usually had a hard time getting along with his teachers. So naturally, Katsuki was insanely curious about what made “Midoriya-sensei” so different than the teachers his son had had before. “Midoriya-sensei, huh? What do you like so much about her, ‘Zumi?”
Izumi looked scandalized and he hit Katsuki with a couple of tiny fists before shouting, “Midoriya-sensei is a boy! Not a dumb girl!” Izumi looked angry for a second before turning his head away from Katsuki and grumbling, “Midoriya-sensei is kinda pretty like a girl though, like the nature spirit-y things in some of the stories you read me. Nie—Ni—Nim—What is it again, daddy?”
Katsuki chuckled, “I think you’re thinking of nymphs, son, but those are usually water spirits. The nature spirits are called dryads.”
Izumi’s eyes brightened and he nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah! Those! Midoriya-sensei looks like a dryad! Like he could turn into a tree, but in a pretty way! And he always makes sure that everyone is having a good day and understands his lessons! Usually teachers just don’t bother with the stupid kids and the mean-looking kids, but Midoriya-sensei makes sure that everyone is doing good! I’ve haven’t met anyone who doesn’t like him yet! He’s like a superhero!”
Katsuki nodded with a fond look across his face at his son’s enthusiasm. He turned off the heat on the stove and plated the food before picking his son up and setting him on his hip. Izumi was starting to get too big for it, but Katsuki didn’t work out for nothing. He would carry his son for as long as he was able and Izumi was willing.
“‘Zumi, I’m very glad you like your teacher this year.” He set Izumi in his chair and set a plate of food in front of him. Katsuki grabbed his own food and sat down across from his son before continuing, “But remember...don’t call your classmates stupid just because they have a hard time understanding what you’re learning. Some people learn and understand things differently, and that’s perfectly okay. Alright?”
Izumi nodded and slurped his noodles before smirking at Katsuki.
Katsuki smacked the hand that wasn’t holding his chopsticks with enough force that his son would feel it, but not enough that it would hurt or turn red. “I guess you really don’t want the mochi that I’ve got in the fridge, huh? Shame—I just made them last night and in your favorite flavor too,” Katsuki feigned nonchalance, but grinned inwardly as Izumi’s eyes widened and he shook his head empathetically.
“Eat the rest of your food without slurping and I’ll think about it.” Katsuki smiled fondly into his chopsticks as he watched his son finish his food quickly but politely. Yeah—moments like these were Katsuki’s favorite.
Katsuki walked into his son’s classroom with all the purpose of a boat cutting through the water. In this case, however, Katsuki was his yearly mission to make sure Izumi wasn’t getting royally fucked over by his school. Neither Katsuki nor Izumi really enjoyed parent-teacher conferences, hence why Katsuki had left Izumi with a babysitter, but it was something they had to deal with and Katsuki would never pass up the opportunity of intimidating his son’s teachers...it was just too funny.
The only thing that kept Katsuki’s jaw from hanging open at the man sitting in front of him was the fact that he had prior knowledge of what he would look like. The only thing wrong with Izumi’s description of his sensei was the fact that Midoriya-san didn’t just look like a nature spirit—no, he looked like a whole-ass god.
Midoriya’s hair fell in shiny, green ringlets over his head, accenting his defined yet delicate features. His freckles were spattered over the bridge of his nose and along his cheeks in curious constellations that made Katsuki want to spend eons tracing them and counting Midoriya’s freckles like stars.
His eyes were green, but Katsuki thought the word green could never encompass the countless universes that Midoriya held in his eyes. They swirled with specks of gold, and highlights of lime, and depths of pine in almost black shadows, and they shone with the light of someone who was truly happy with what they were doing. They shone so brightly that Katsuki felt overwhelmed as those eyes looked, with their vast swirling universes, at him.
“Hello, Bakugou-san! I’m Midoriya Izuku, Izumi’s teacher. It’s lovely to meet you. Your son is such a delight to have in class! He’s very smart and helpful. Even though he’s a little gruff, he’s passionate and kind to his classmates. Such an amazing child you have!”
Katsuki smirked at the praise for his son, but his insides felt like they were melting from the warmth that Midoriya-san gave off.
Midoriya bit his lip, causing Katsuki’s brow to furrow, before speaking, “I’m sorry if this is rude, but I’m just a bit curious….usually mothers come to their child's conferences, you see, so...I was wondering….”
Katsuki sneered before replying to Midoriya’s gross attempt at making it a polite question, “Pardon my language—but my son’s shitty incubator was a bitch-ass whore. I regret fornicating with her, but I don’t regret Izumi. Never Izumi. So stop with the shit and let’s talk about my son, Deku.”
Midoriya had been staring bug-eyed at him while Katsuki was speaking, but he looked even more surprised at being called, “Deku? Maybe you misheard, but my name is Midoriya Izuku .”
“I don’t call rude assholes that insinuate that I’m a bad parent by their names, Deku ,” Katsuki smirked as he watched Deku’s jaw drop for a quick moment, but Katsuki was a little surprised when a flush rose on Deku’s cheeks and he gained a determined gleam in his eye.
“I apologize if  I insinuated anything, Kacchan , no excuse is a good one and it wasn’t my intention….I was just trying to be subtle.”
Katsuki had slammed his hands on the table at the word “Kacchan”, but now his brow furrowed in confusion, “Subtle about what, stupid Deku?”
If it was possible, Deku seemed to flush harder at this question, but Katsuki remained stead-fast and waited for an answer. Deku flustered for a second before the determined gleam came back and he answered, “I-I-I think you’re hot, okay?! Oh my goodness, this is so fucking unprofessional of me! I can’t date the parent of a student! But Bakugou-san is so fuckingbeatifulandprotectiveandkind—”
“Shut the hell up, dumbass Deku!” Katsuki was blushing furiously. The god-like green-eyed man thought he was attractive and dateable! Katsuki knew that he was sexy as fuck, but he hadn’t been on a date or even been interested in someone since before he had Izumi. Deku had been rude, but it didn’t seem like he meant it in a derogatory way like some teachers and parents that Katsuki had met before—and he was really pretty, so Katsuki paused for a second before speaking, “Tomorrow is Saturday. If you’re free, I’ll pick you up at 10 am. Now let’s talk about your class and my son. What sort of things will you be teaching this year?”
Deku’s jaw was hanging open as he stared wide-eyed at Katsuki, “Ummmm...I’m good with 10 tomorrow. Will Izumi be there?”
Katsuki scoffed, “Fucking obviously.” And their conference continued with no further talk of the date.
Katsuki held Izumi’s hand as he knocked on the door, but suddenly the boy tugged on his shirt and made the motion that meant he wanted to be picked up. Katsuki’s heart melted. It had been a while since his son had asked for uppies. As he was nuzzling the boy on his hip and Izumi was giggling, the door opened to reveal Deku. “Am I interrupting something?” Deku asked with a teasing smile.
And just like that, Katsuki’s heart had reformed and started beating at a frantic pace. Deku was wearing a pastel green and white plaid button-up over a white shirt that said “date shirt”, jeans that were loose enough for the physical activities that they would be doing today, and….red sneakers. He looked dorky as fuck, but somehow Deku was able to make the ensemble look adorable.
Katsuki smiled at the man and was about to greet him, but his son beat him to it. “MIDORIYA-SENSEI!?! Daddy didn’t say we were going to see you! HI!!!” Izumi was squirming to get down now, so Katsuki gently sat him on the ground so he could run and give Deku a hug.
Deku smiled fondly at Izumi, making Katsuki’s heart warm, before asking, “Well, what did your daddy say you were going to be doing?”
Izumi thought for a moment before turning back to Katsuki. “Daddy what are we doin’?”
Katsuki chuckled at his cute son before responding, “Your teacher and I are having a date, but since I’m taking him for a picnic in the park, I thought it would be fun if you could come too. We haven’t gone to the park in a while, have we, squirt?”
His son’s eyes had widened at the word “date”, but he seemed to forget the surprise in favor of being excited about going to the park. “PARK! Park! Park! Park! Let’s go now, daddy! What are we just standing around for?!?”
Katsuki looked to Deku, who had a wobbly smile on his face and a fond look in his eye, and held out a hand for him to take. Deku’s eyes widened a bit before he shot Katsuki in the heart with a shy smile and a pink blush. Deku grabbed his hand, and they made their way to Izumi, who was waiting at the end of the walkway and bouncing on his toes in anxious excitement.
Izumi eyed Katsuki and Deku’s clasped hands and held his hands out. Katsuki and Deku let go of each other at the same time, looked at each other in surprise before smiling, and simultaneously grabbed Izumi’s outstretched hands. As the trio began walking towards the park, Katsuki thought that this might be the start of something great.
That’s it! Hope you enjoyed! I think I only have three more drabbles to wrap up my tropetember series! See y’all soon!
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skellebonez · 4 years
I'm thinking spicynoodleshipping + shadowpeach #25 & 36, thank you.
Today is pain day, I just want to write angst and people being hurt physically and emotionally apparently. Sorry if you expected something more light hearted... Fair warning here for not-graphic descriptions of blood and life threatening injuries (that is once again not being taken seriously by the inured party), I wanted the excuse to follow up on a headcanon for one of these characters and I tried not to be overly descriptive.
"You have until the count of three to remove your arms from my person, or so help me…!"/ “When I say run, that means keep running."
"You have until the count of three to remove your arms from my person, or so help me...!" Red Son shouted, ocean water soaked hair sticking to his face as he tried to claw his way out of the Monkey King's hold. Steam lifted from his hair and clothes as he tried to light himself back on fire, to dry off, to get back to Xiaotian, to do something anything except be held back in his post-fight weakened state.
For his part Sun Wukong held him tighter, keeping him from slipping from his grip and falling from his cloud back into the ocean he had just fished him from or into the hard ground of the beach shores below. "Red, we have to trust them!"
"They could be DEAD Sun Wukong!"
"They can handle themselves, Red, now stop moving!" Wukong planted his foot down into the cloud as much as he could and moved to knock Red off balance to grab him around his waist and carry him away over his shoulder.
In all honesty he didn't trust his own words. Xiaotian and Red Son had been ambushed by some group of advanced tech weilding demons during some kind of outing (date, scavenger hunt, Wukong didn't take the time to ask) and they had called him for backup. He'd had no choice but to bring his current unwanted house guest, Macaque, because he didn't trust him to not antagonize the monkeys back on Mount Huaguo.
The situation had quickly gone... poorly. Red Son had already burnt himself out using far too much of his fire powers to fight the rapidly repairing bots at the demon's disposal and they had taken the time to repeatedly douse him in ocean water as an extra layer of protection. Xiaotian was holding his own but he was clearly getting tired, grateful if incredibly confused about the backup he had recieved. It hadn't taken long before the Monkie Kid turned to his mentor and asked him to take Red somewhere safe to recuperate and come back when he was "fired up" again. Macaque had shoved Red at Wukong, hissing a “When I say run, that means keep running" to the younger demon.
Red Son was decidedly unhappy about this.
"Xiaotian asked me to keep you safe and I'm not g-"
The sound of an explosion of some sort behind them stopped the Monkey King in his tracks and he turned around to see the mountain they had been flying from begin to crumble. The mountain that Xiaotian and Macaque had still been on. Crumbling...
Wukong barely registered the fact Red had stopped fighting against him and was just holding onto him and had started shaking, his hold digging through his top layer to grip the fur on his shoulders painfully. He didn't know what was worse, his own vantage point of seeing the moutain fall before his eyes after missing the explosion... or Red seeing whatever had broken it and now only being able to hear what was happening behind him as Wukong held him in a tighter grip.
"No.... no no no no no..." The Monkey King felt Red's breathing speed up and grow desperate at his words and he cursed as he made a quick beeline for the ground, stumbling and nearly falling into Red Son as he tried to set the fire demon on the ground. "No, no, they're fine, they're fine Red, I'm just going to-"
"They were still on there," Red Son whispered, grip not loosening as he tried to look past Wukong's body blocking his view.
"They're fine, they have to be."
"They were on there Wukong!" Red said again, and the small wisp of steam he felt against his cheek did not come from Red trying to dry himself off again.
The air between them grew tenser and tenser the more seconds passed and just as Wukong felt like something would snap he heard a sound from behind them. It was familar, growing louder the closer it came, and like a shooting star the end of his staff burried itself in the beach sand a few feet away from them and shrank as two seperate forms fell from the sky with varying yelps of pain and surprise, the larger one bouncing and landing a few feet further away.
"XIAOTIAN!" "XIAOTIAN, MACAQUE!" Red and Wukong shouted at the same time and Red finally let go of his iron grip. They ran toward Xiaotian, both breathing a sigh of relief as the younger man sat up with a groan. Wukong froze again when he saw the varying splashes of red coating and dripping from his shirt and jacket, opening his mouth to say something else before being cut off.
"It's not mine," Xiaotian said quickly in his heavy breathes and the tone of his voice, laced with fear and confusion and shaky as Red knelt in the sand beside him to look him over told Wukong exactly what he needed to know. The quick gaze and nod back at the other figure sent him rushing off to leave the couple to themselves. He trusted Red to take care of his student.
"Xiaotian I-I thought- the mountain it-" Red Son stumbled on his words as he let the steam tears seep from his eyes freely, not caring who saw them now that they were from relief, and he looked over the Monkie Kid. Despite being coated in fresh blood he looked... he looked fine! A few scrapes and when he looked at his neck he saw the beginning of a nasty hand shapped bruise and claw scrapes... like someone had grabbed him by he scruff of his neck and yanked hard. "What-"
"Macaque!" Xiaotian interupted, grabbing Red's hands and standing himself up. "Their robot things, they did someting and he grabbed me and jumped in front of me and-"
"Holy FUCK." Sun Wukong's exclimation startled both of the younger men and Red Son didn't need to be told to follow the other as he rushed over to the two ancient monkeys.
Macaque had bounced hard when Xiaotian had landed and lost grip on him, eventally coming to stop more than a few feet away and leaving a... genuinely concerning trail of blood behind him. Red Son couldn't help but think this was far too much blood for anyone, let alone someone as powerful as the Six-Earred Macaque himself, to leave behind and still survive.
And yet, somehow above all odds, he could see the dark furred tail weakly trying to thump against the ground from where Wukong had rolled him onto his back. The Monkey King was leaning over him, his own tail shaking stifly along with his arms as he ran his hands over his sideburns and through his hair as he was making an odd half-laugh and half-muffled yelling sound.
"Wukong, wh-oh my HEAVEN!" It was Red's turn to yell, staring down at the the other monkey in the ground.
"Hello to you too," Macaque said through gritted teeth, an expression of severly inappropriate for the situation amusement on his face.
He looked... bad. He looked bad, those were the only words Red could think of to describe the sight. Whatever glamor he had was gone, his eye scar and what would have been his milky white eye in full vew.
Unfortunately, it seemed as if something had happened because the eye was definitely not there now. Much like a nice chunk out of out of the matching arm. And he had a nasty gash in the same side.
That explained the sheer amount of blood everywhere.
"How are you alive right now?" He breathed out in disbelief.
"Let's just say," Macaque groaned, bringing up his good arm to wipe away some of the blood from his face. "Immortality and invulnerablity aren't the same for everyone. I literally cannot die."
"Like..." Red swallowed, looking at his wounds again. "Cannot... at all?"
"Cannot at all," Macaque confirmed. "But man can I get beat to shit. Healing takes forever too, but I'll heal."
There was a soft sniffling sound and something that sounded like a laugh from Red's side and when he turned he could see Xiaotian grimmacing with a half smile on his face. "I'm glad you're not going to die but never save me like that again please. I'd rather us both be hurt but in one piece next time. I almost dropped you pogoing out of there too."
"There ain't gonna be a next time kid," Macaque growled, but it was weak and didn't have any real bite behind it. He looked at Xiaotian with a glare. "And stop crying. Like I said I'll be fine, give me 3 days and I'll kick your ass when I steal you for training again. Just didn't want Peaches over here keeping me up all night with his crying if you got really hurt."
The mention of his nickname got a reaction out of Wukong, a soft chuckle and a heavy exhale of breath. All 3 other people watched in confusion as he leaned down, resting his forehead against the other monkey's softly as his tail started to sway in the sand. "I appreciate it... but now I'm gonna keep you up all night cleaning your wounds you idiot." His words were harsh but his tone of voice was soft, gentle almost, and if they listened closely they could hear a soft almost imperceptable rumble from his chest.
"That's, uh..." Macaque started, looking away from the face so close to his own. "That's still... better. Right?" He sounded just as, if not more, confused than Red Son and Xiaotian were at the Monkey King's bizarre and unexpected reaction. But he didn't tell the other ancient to stop.
"OH!" Red said suddently, turning to Xiaotian. "The demons, are they-!?"
"Dead," he responded with a sigh. "Like, super dead. If they managed to survive that explosion they were definitely buried in that... mountain-lanche? Whatever, they're not coming after us."
"Good," Wukong said softly as he sat up. "I'm gonna fly Macaque back to Mount Huaguo, you two follow us. Get cleaned up. Stay with us for the night?"
His words were stilted, awkward, but heartfelt.
The two men woudn't have said no even if they weren't.
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Taken Care Of (Derek x Reader)
A/N: I love a sick fic. It’s good, low-stakes hurt/comfort style fluff. The title was originally “Is it really love if he’s never seen you shoot snot rockets?” but since there was no actual said rockets, it seemed misleading. 
Apparently, also my writing is prophetic because I’m finishing this under feverish duress of some sort of cold (its 81 degrees, I’m wearing a hoodie, and I'm freezing. This is bullshit.)
Word Count: 2437
Rating: G - descriptions of illness (mostly pain, dizziness), crying and self-deprecation
For what will soon become obvious reasons, this is set pre-movie.
“Derek? What are you doing here?” you asked, crossing the school lobby quickly to greet him, your friends trailing behind a little slowly.
“Hey Baby Girl,” he said with a grin. “You've been so busy, I feel like I don't ever see you. I missed you,” he gave you that pout he was frustratingly good at, the one that made you melt like butter no matter what else was going on, as he laced his fingers between yours.
“So you decided to visit me at school?” As glad as you were to see him, part of you wished he hadn’t just shown up. This hadn’t been how you planned for him to be added to this part of your life, and it wasn’t exactly good timing. 
“I thought we could get lunch? I didn't know you'd be hangin out with your friends. Don't let me interrupt.”
His words nudged you, and you hastily made introductions. 
“Oh, so you're the mysterious Derek. I always knew Y/N had good taste,” Alli hummed, looking over him with a flirtatious hunger.
You felt your stomach clench at the look she gave him. It wasn’t quite jealousy, trusting him far too much for concern to ever cross your mind, but something like fear settled over you. Or maybe it was just the nausea you’d felt all week, you tried to tell yourself. Derek seemed to sense the tension you held in every part of your body, and gave your hand an affirming squeeze.
“I don't know about mysterious,” he chuckled, “Y/N reads me like an open book.”
Jen laughed. “Perfect answer,” she slung an arm over your shoulder with a grin. “I like him. Definitely approve.”
“Ladies,” Alexi said, interrupting on their way past. “As curious as we all are to meet and drool over the boy Y/N’s been keeping to herself, let her have him to herself.” 
They hooked their arms through the other two’s elbows who planted their feet and refused to be dragged away. You couldn’t help but laugh at your friends' antics, as tired and slightly embarrassed as you were. Derek was grinning at them, still holding your hand and keeping you tucked against him. 
“Wait wait,” Jen protested. “Y/N. You’re taking him to Aida’s right? You have to.” 
“I don’t know…” the smirk on Alli’s face continued to roil your stomach. “I’d just take him home.” 
“What’s Aida’s?” Derek asked, hiding his face in your hair, surprising you that he was actually embarrassed by your friends’ comments.
“Only the best food ever,” Alexi answered with a smile. “Y/N can tell you all about it on the way. Just do that cute thing and share a milkshake with two straws, or I’ll hunt you. Byyyye.” 
Giving up on pulling the others, they decided to push you two out the doors instead. Rather than dealing with more of their nonsense, you let yourselves leave, and stopped just out of range. 
“Aida’s is a place around the corner. Cheap. Definitely knows how to cater to the student crowd. Good food, pretty amazing milkshakes. And coffee has unlimited free refills in a two hour window.”
“Sounds great. I wanted to take you to lunch. Do you want to?”
“It’s no big deal,” you shrugged. “I go there all the time. We should do something special, since you came all this way.” 
“Y/N. You know I don’t care about that. I’m happy anywhere you decide. Besides,” he leaned closer to purr in your ear, words like honey sending a shiver down your spine, “I want to know all your places.”
“You’re terrible. Maybe another time. It’s a longer walk but...I’m feeling ramen?”
“Lead the way.”
You felt your steps dragging as you and Derek walked, trying your best to hide it from your boyfriend. Your lungs burned despite the walk normally being well within manageable, and several times you stumbled, doing your best to stay upright in the wake of a wave of exhaustion.
“I know you wanted to get lunch,” you said suddenly, pausing, “but can't we just get to-go and go back to my place? I’m pretty tired, and I really don't…I was just hoping for a nap before work tonight.”
He caught your hesitation and frowned. “Baby, what's wrong?”
“Nothing. I just...haven't been feeling myself for a couple of days. It's been a hard semester, that's all. The walk’s making it hit me a little.”
Derek stopped, turning to face you, eyes tracing over your face. No doubt he was taking in the deep, almost bruise-colored bags under your eyes that were only sort of hidden by your makeup. Or maybe it was the glossy sheen behind them. Once he had spotted one, the other signs started to jump at him: your fever-flushed cheeks and discolored skin, your dry, cracked lips, the slump of your shoulders, even your unusually loose and ill-fitted clothing. 
You watched his jaw working as he struggled to contain whatever thought was on the tip of his tongue.
“Go ahead and say it,” you said with a sigh, throat burning with the exaggerated airflow.
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re holding back.”
“Baby girl, you look awful,” his tone was flat and his face apologetic. 
You tried to laugh, but it came out in more of a wet cough that made you wince, partially from the feeling, but mostly from the look he now wore.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
“I’m not. It’s just a little cold,” you protested, the argument weakened by another coughing fit, this one hitting harder and leaving you wheezing. The fit, or the way you swayed, dizzy and unsteady as the blood rushed back out of your head when it was over, seemed to be the last straw.
“That’s it,” he said, tone serious and sharp. “We’re going to my mom’s and she and I are gonna take care of you.”
“Nope. You lost your protest privileges.” He was already steering you back in the opposite direction of where you were headed. “You can call Nino and tell him you won’t be in while I drive.”
“I don’t want to rob you of lunch,” you tried to fight anyway, voice weak and throat raw.
“I’ll eat somethin at home. I can’t believe you’re still tryin to...” he shook his head, muttering fondly about stubborn Irish pains in the ass. 
After begrudgingly making the call to Nino, who sounded shocked but completely forgiving, you decided on one last ditch effort to escape admitting to and dealing with being sick. 
‘Help I’m being held hostage!’ you texted Sean. 
His response came only a moment later. ‘What??????!’ 
‘Your stupid bestfriend is making me admit I’m sick and keeping me from going to work.’
‘He’ A second text came through a moment later. ‘Good.’
‘WHAT? You’re my cousin, you’re supposed to be on my side. Rescue me. Before he sics his mother on me.’
There was a long pause, more than you thought Sean should need to respond. When the message finally came through, you couldn’t help glaring at the screen.
‘I’d rather fight an actual bear than Ma Sandoval.’
‘Ah. So you’re in on it. I see how it is. Your betrayal will not be forgotten.’
‘Feel better soon.’ He added a smile to the end, and you could practically see it as his signature smirk.
‘I hate you.’ 
You sighed, shoving your phone back in your pocket and slumped down in the seat. You closed your eyes, hoping that it would combat the movement of the car and the effect it was having on your headache. You were frustrated at Derek for making you admit something was wrong (even though you knew really that he was right to) and at the fact that it seemed like the minute you admitted it, the symptoms seemed to get immediately worse. 
The next thing you knew, you were stirred from a light doze by a change in movement. Instead of the steady, rocking vibration of the car and the smooth, cool feeling of the glass under your cheek, you were pressed close against something warm and solid, bobbing in a more natural, if uneven, rhythm. Your mind was sluggish but after a moment, and a soft, familiar chuckle as you buried your face into him to escape the sun in your eyes, you realized that it was because Derek was carrying you, bridal-style across the lawn and into his house. 
You suppressed an involuntary whine and the urge to cling to him as he settled you down in his bed. Heavy blankets that smelled like him were pulled up around your shoulders, the sudden warmth making you realize how cold you’d been.
“Not sick my ass,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Get some sleep baby girl.” 
The door clicked quietly behind him and you let the comfortable darkness pull you back under.
Some unknown time later, there was a knock that pulled you out of strange, feverish dreams and you croaked something that you hoped sounded like come in, squinting against the light that poured through behind the person.
“Y/N, you should wake up for a little while,” Derek’s mother said, flicking on a bedside lamp. “I made you soup.” 
You pushed yourself up into a seated position and smiled gratefully at her. “Thank you Mrs. Sandoval.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, you are dating my son, you at least call me Ma. Just like everyone else.”
“Sorry,” you looked down bashfully, the word tasting foreign in your mouth. “Ma.” 
“Why are you not taking care of yourself?” she tutted as she set the bowl down and sat on the edge of the bed. “You are so busy trying to be able to be a fancy lawyer and change the world but you can’t do that if you drop dead. And of a little cold?” 
“And you made Derek worry.” She placed a wrist against your forehead to check your temperature. “He’s going to fret over you forever, now. It’s how he shows his love. I hurt my back a few years ago, and still he is ‘Mami you shouldn’t reach so high, Mami let me get that for you, Mami don’t carry so many heavy groceries.’ Imagine when you have children. They won’t be able to scrape a knee. If your doctor doesn’t put you on bed rest, he will.”
Her words made you choke on the food you had just sipped into your mouth, sending you into a coughing fit that left you short of breath.
“See, you wouldn’t be doing that if you said you were sick to begin with.”
“I just...thought if I took some cold medicine, it would go away on its own. I’ve been so busy. And I didn’t...want anyone to worry, or think anyone would care?” you admitted sheepishly, looking down at the soup in your lap and the blanket over your legs and trying not to think too hard about what you were telling her.
“Mija, look at me,” she said firmly but kindly. When you didn’t follow her instruction, she used a hand to tilt your head up. “You have family now. You don’t have to do everything alone. Now eat  your soup.”
The sentiment, and the matter-of-fact way she delivered it, broke down a dam inside you, and suddenly you were crying, and she was hugging you, rubbing small circles on your back with one hand while the other cradled your head against her. You wanted to attribute your overwhelmed feelings to being sick, but in your heart you knew: it was a kind of acceptance and love that you had never expected, especially from someone who didn’t even have to like you. 
After sitting like that for several long minutes, letting you sob and offering you comfort, she shifted back to nurse-mode. 
“You need more fluids, not letting them all out through your eyes. Eat your soup, and I’ll go make you tea,” she said, nudging you back to rest against the headboard and standing. 
You laughed wetly and tried again to thank her, only to have it waved away.
“How is she?” Derek asked, almost as soon as he walked through the door a few hours later.
His mother laughed, shaking her head wryly. “She will survive. Just needs to rest for a few days. It’s a cold.”
“That’s like asking the tide to take a few days off,” he chuckled, until his mother fixed him with a glare. 
“Maybe if you told her the truth about how you felt, and she didn’t feel like she was on her own trying to be everything, she would.”
“Ma that’s not--”
“Derek Michael Sandoval, do not argue with me,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “You have been telling me for weeks now how much you love this girl, and it is obvious to a blind saint. Yet she is sick and doesn’t tell anyone because she thinks it would be a burden no one would want. Now what would give her that idea?”
Derek felt his stomach twist guiltily. It was true that he hadn’t told you he loved you, even though he was completely certain he did. But he thought it was for your benefit, to not scare you off by pushing too hard. He had never considered that it might be making things worse. He opened his mouth, looking for an answer to give his mother and found that he couldn’t get any words out. Instead, he just looked at her helplessly. 
She rolled her eyes. “You are both so stupid.”
You were fast asleep when he slipped through the door, and as he got ready for bed as quietly as possible, he kept finding himself stopping to look down at you. You were burrowed deep in the blankets, wrapped in one of his hoodies in addition as the fever made you shiver. You looked so small and fragile and vulnerable there in his bed, and his chest ached with a need to protect you, a desire for taking care of you and loving to be his entire purpose in life for the rest of his life and it nearly knocked him on his ass. 
As he slid under the covers beside you, you seemed to cuddle closer instinctively, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your hair. “And I know you can’t hear me right now, but baby girl, I promise, I’m gonna make sure you know, soon.”
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So I was meant to be finished writing till the new year, but after reading @teamsladsandgents​ sexy little Sonny stripper fic this morning it planted this idea and I couldn’t push Nick away cause he needs all the love so here you go. So thanks lovely x
Warnings: SVU crimes, mentions of assault, under cover, guns and of course roughish smut.    
WC: 1877
Enjoy x
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Nick seen the unimpressed look on Fin face as he stood at the bottom of the stairs before he seen you bounce down the steps of the 12th precinct and he was glad he was in the squad car alone as he felt himself harden and he groaned looking at you. You had always been an amazing partner and friend. You had been there for him during his divorce on the good and bad days and you had stepped up as an amazing “Aunty” to Zara and Gil. You would look after them at the station even if you had a full load of work yourself and had them on weekends along with Noah if something came in and Liv could do without you so you could watch the kids. You always knew what to say when he needed it and the hugs, touches and soft looks you gave him to defuse him was just what he needed.
He hadn’t thought his feeling for you crossed into something else till tonight. There had been a perp attacking foot patrol uniforms. The perp would stalk partners that one was older and one younger, knocking out the older partner and assaulting the younger one, the attacks had happened twice, with an almost a third. Amanda was out on personal leave, so it was left to you and Fin to go undercover at the 12th to try and catch the perp red handed.
Nick had seen you in multiple outfits over the years, including your pj’s. He had always thought you were beautiful, but when he seen you bounce down the stairs in your full uniform. Your shirt fitting to your body accentuating your breast and your waist. Your pants just tight enough to show off the curves of your ass. Your hair pulled back in a low bun with your hat and your police duty belt around your hips, he had never seen you look so beautiful and it stirred up feelings that he didn’t really let himself admit he had for you till now.
You and Fin had walked a couple of blocks after getting a coffee walking down a dark street, Nick following you guys in the car close behind. You had spoken to Nick over your cuff piece and forgot to turn off the microphone after you finished talking to him,
“Tell me Y/N” Fin looked over at you “You haven’t been with anyone since you started working with us-Why are you single?”
You giggled and took a big sip of coffee emptying the cup,
“The last guy broke my heart. Told me I was unloveable. Guess those words have always stuck with me, I have never gotten over him telling me that” you sighed throwing the cup in the bin.
“Want me to beat him?”
“Thanks Dad but I’ am ok, just doing my thing ya know”
Nick over heard the conversation as he drove down the street passed you guys as you walked and his heart sunk listening to you talk. You had always been there for him with everything when you had been dealing with your own demons all this time. He felt ashamed at how selfish he had been when he was pulled out of his self-pity seeing a guy with a hoodie making his way towards you guys from behind, matching the description you were all given. Nick jumped on his radio signalling Liv and Sonny to move in and he jumped out of the car after throwing it into park running up behind the perp when you heard his voice in your ear piece,
“Turn around and draw your weapon.”
You reached for your gun pulling it out and spun around standing to shield Fin catching the perp holding a metal bar up above his head your gun pointed to him and he went to swing the bar at you.
“Stop Police” Nick ran up behind the perp grabbing his arm knocking the bar out of his hand twisting his wrist behind his back and Sonny and Liv running up behind you. Sonny walked over to Nick to help him cuff the perp then walked him to a squad car throwing him in the back. You were talking to Liv and Fin when Nick walked up and grabbed your shoulder,
“You ok?” Nick looked over you to make sure you weren’t hurt.
“Yeah he didn’t touch me, you got there in time. Thank you.” You smiled at Nick.
“Amaro, take Y/N home. Fin and I will take the questioning. See you guys tomorrow”
“Thanks Liv” you said goodnight to everyone and followed Nick to his car taking off your belt and throwing it in your bag in the back before climbing in the front.
The short drive to you apartment was mostly quite as you took off your hat and pulled out your bun, your hair falling around you in soft waves. Nick tried not to let you notice him watching between you and the road till he seen you pull your shirt of your pants and he moaned slightly adjusting to straighten up in his seat clearing his throat,
“You ok over there?”
“Yeah” Nick gave you his famous grin.
“Thanks for having my back tonight”
“Anytime Y/N, I would never let anything happen to you- You’re too important to me” Nick pulled into a car spot next to your building.
“Come up for a drink?” you grabbed his arm.
You were standing at kitchen bench after pouring two glasses of wine. Nick watched you intently from the stool he was sitting on as you undone your police shirt buttons leaving it hanging to show your black tank top.
“Why didn’t you talk to me about it?” Nick was looking deep into your eyes.
“What are you talking about?” You moved to come and sit on the stool next to Nick.
“You have been hurting all this time and you never talk to me about it” You could see Nick’s face starting to harden “You don’t trust me?”
You grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it as he turned his head slowly to look at you with a small smile on your face,
“Don’t do that, you know that’s not true. I trust you with everything. It happened so long ago- just before I started at SVU. I’ am over it mostly, I didn’t need to talk about it. You had so much more going on”
Nick stood up off his stool grabbing your knees turning you to face him on the stool. He pushed your knees apart so he could stand between them. One hand went to the back of your neck and the other so your chin was between his thumb and pointer finger, his eyes were almost black and you couldn’t read them till you felt his hard length pressing into your clothed core,
“You are so loveable, that asshole didn’t know what he had. You remember that mi entiendes? You get those words out of your head now and I never want you to think of them again, ok?”
“Mi entiendes Y/N? I mean it- I’ am going to show you just how loveable you are”
Nick pulled you to him by your neck, his lips moulding with yours so perfectly, and your tongues pushing into each other mouths. You moaned into Nick’s mouth and he smiled into yours pulling back resting his forehead on yours,
“I have wanted-“
“Me too” Nick pecked your lips running his hands over your clothed sides, pulling you into him, you arching your body into his, your arms wrapping around his neck, your legs around his waist. Nick lent forward kissing your neck making his way up to you ear, you pushing your hips into him “First I’ am going to fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk tomorrow and then I’ am going to prove to you how loveable you are.”
You gasp as Nick grabbed hold of your ass picking you up carrying you to your bedroom throwing you on the bed. You sat up ripping off your uniform throwing it on the floor, Nick doing the same standing there naked in front of you. Your eyes racked his solid body down to his hard cock, and your squeezed your legs together your arousal dripping out of you biting your bottom lip.
“I- Wow Nick”
Nick walked to the edge of the bed pushing you down by your shoulders climbing on top of you, his mouth taking a nipple into his mouth sucking it between his lips, then doing the same on the other side. Your fingers threaded into his hair and you moaned arching up into his body moaning.
“Do I turn you on?” Nick’s voice was thick with lust as he licked a strip from the base of your neck up to your ear.
“So- so much” you whimpered as Nick thrusted his hips into your core.
“You are all mine now mi Amor, you will never feel unloveable again”
Your eyes locked with each other’s, your hands moving to cup his cheeks
“You’re all mine?” You said above a whisper “Finally” you scoffed playfully, Nick chuckled lining himself to your core
“Finally mi Amor” Nick kissed your chin “I’ am clean, but are you on anything?”
You nodded “The pill and clean”
Nick growled, grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head, his other hand moving between you both holding himself steady to slide into you. You screamed slightly at how good he felt stretching you. Nick bottomed out leaning down to kiss you deeply his grip on your wrists tightening as he started to roll his hips into you, your legs moving to wrap around his middle bringing your hips up to his hard and fast.
“You’re so beautiful” Nick looked down at you with hooded eyes, your jaw going slack as your release built super fast.
“You make me feel amazing Nick” you moaned when you felt Nick’s thumb on your clit rolling over it.
The room had nothing but heavy breaths, moaning, groaning and skin slapping skin bouncing off the walls. You arched your back slamming your hips up screaming ‘Nick’ almost breathless as your release bolted through you coming hard around him. You kept your hips up as best as you could with your wobbly legs as Nick thrusted into you hard his seed painting your walls grunting your name and Spanish swear words leaving his lips, his back arched back and jaw slack.
Nick finally let go of your arms and you moved them straight away to wrap them around Nick’s neck pulling him in for a deep rough kiss.
“Thank you” you said breathless kissing Nick’s cheek.
“For what?” Nick rolled off you pulling you onto his chest.
“For making me feel wanted, I understand if you don’t want to-”
Nick’s pointer finger moved to your lips to hush you,
“I told you Y/N your mine now, but since you’re a bad girl and didn’t listen to me” Nick rolled you onto your back getting between your legs again feeling him semi hard already “I better fuck you again and show you tomorrow just how loved you are and hopefully it will sink in”    
 Tags: @the-baby-bookworm​ @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @permanentlydizzy​ @amorestevens
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
Haruka Targeted. The Mystery of the Robbery: Haruka, Date, and the Florist Scratcher Event
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Another scratcher event! It’s pretty straight forward so I’m mostly going to be summarizing this one.
Summary: Haruka and her classmate are in Kamurocho with their teacher to distribute scratchers to advertise their class’s flea market. The scratchers are stolen, but thankfully Date is here to help solve the case, even if it means going to an old friend.
<Two months since Kiryu and Haruka have started living together> (Tl note: so sometimes around February 2006)
Teacher: Haruka-san, Satoshi-kun, are you ready? (Tl note: it mostly just tickles me that he uses -san with Haruka)
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Both: Yep!
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The school is holding a flea market but they need to advertise for it, so they're doing........... scratchers! Which was Haruka's idea. She’s a smart kid. 
Satoshi gives all of his to Haruka for a moment (Tl note: I think he was getting water and didn’t want to get them wet? I didn’t pay that close of attention tbh) and unsurprisingly, Haruka gets mugged by a chinpira for all the scratchers. Maybe bringing grade-schoolers to Kamurocho and leaving them unsupervised was a bad call on the teacher’s part. She's on top of it though and call her teacher immediately and gives him a description of the dude, and her teacher chases the chinpira down but gets knocked on his ass. Haruka catches up and they wonder what to do when here comes our friend and pal Date
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The teacher wants to know who this is, Date says he knows Haruka's dad. They give him the run down on everything and Satoshi says that he's gonna go find this guy before Date steps in and says no way, let me handle this.
<a few days later>
Date, a detective, has had 0 luck and even with pushing the flea market back a day they’re in serious danger of not finding them. So Date does the only sensible thing and goes to the florist.
After some back and forth on filling the florist in and the florist saying he's not gonna just find this kid for them, he says that maybe if it's Haruka asking. She asks, and he says okay, but I need 1 million yen to do it.
Date tells him he's being a dick, the florist says of course, he doesn't play favorites. Haruka says she doesn't have that much money right now, but she'll pay it back. She gets an allowance every month, and she'll pick up a part time job in the evenings. Date says that making 1 million yen isn't that easy, the florist tells him to shut up and tells Haruka that what she's saying will be very hard for a very long time, and wants to make sure she understands that.
Haruka says yes, and that even if it takes 10, 20 years, she'll pay him back. the florist says that the scratchers can't possibly be worth 1 million yen, right? why take on that much debt? Haruka says that everyone worked really hard on this flea market, and she said that she'd get the word out via these scratchers. She absolutely can't let herself be made a liar like this. The florist likes her passion and says he'll get looking
<30 minutes later> 
The florist has found him. Unfortunately he's in bar Malibu with a bunch of other goons. This doesn't stop Date in the slightest, he rushes into the bar to find this dude. Date tries to make a deal that the dude hands over the scratchers and he doesn't call the cops on his ass, but the chinpira has buddies who say this is obviously a sting cause the scratchers are the only proof they stole anything, and instead jump Date, kicking off the event.
<a bunch of goon fights later>
Date has managed to take on 3-ish goons without Kiryu’s help, we should be proud of him.
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This wasn’t even the chinpira’s plan! The mastermind behind it all was in fact..................... Satoshi!!!!
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The chinpira is actually his older brother, he set up the robbery with the intention that he would then step in and “rescue” all the scratchers to impress Haruka, but the teacher and Date showed up before that happened and it all went to shit. He was too scared to say what really happened especially with the police now after his brother, so he stayed quiet until now. 
Date tells him that he’ll have to apologize to Haruka for this later, unfortunately for Satoshi Haruka had tailed Date here and heard the whole thing
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Haruka begins chewing Satoshi out!
“Why would you do something like this?" "Before, didn't you say... that you liked strong people?" "And I hate people who lie about it." "O-Oh......" Haruka has made him cry now "What were you going to do if we didn't find the scratchers? The flea market would have been ruined." "I-I didn't want that... I didn't think something like this would happen.... Wahhhhh!" "Hey, this isn't the time to cry." "H-Huh?" "We have to go distribute the scratchers, remember? If we don't hand them all out, the flea market will still fail." "R-Right.... I'll do my best!"
Haruka says she's going to head back to the school to get the scratchers, which seems to be where Satoshi had them stashed, and asks if he wants to tell the teacher himself. He says he'll tell their teacher everything Date is glad this is resolved, but also thinks there's a loose end that still needs tied up, and goes to see the florist. The florist is impressed at how badly this kid screwed up, but is glad that the teacher decided to let him off easy. case closed! Date tells him to hold on a minute, you can't seriously expect Haruka to pay you all that money, right? besides, Haruka's not an adult, so she can't legally be held accountable for any debts or be under any contract. Sorry florist :)
The music gets ominous. "On paper, yes, you're right. In reality, that just doesn't hold up. Her being a kid has no bearing on it. My power is information, and as such I need to be paid for my information."
Date is about to throw hands over this.
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<music cuts out> ".....that's my official stance, anyways." ".....Huh?" "I was never going to take a million yen from Haruka. That was just my little test to see if she was determined about this." He tells Date to tell Haruka that "Since I didn't know about Satoshi's involvement in this, she doesn't need to pay anything"
Date’s glad the florist turned out not to be such a bad guy after all.
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The florist tells him to keep that to himself, and since everything's resolved to get out of here. Date declares the case officially closed and that's the end of that
Bonus time:
not much to say here outside of how much I like Date looking like he’s about to shoulder check literally everyone he’s talking to, and the fact that he just straight up did not get Kiryu involved. 
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