#glad to finally be rid of this garbage
kyojurismo · 1 year
Tengen takes pity on a poor, abused woman who her parents locked up in the basement. She’s quiet, scared and constantly compares herself to his wives. But after a bit, she opens up and ends up being part of the family
▸ ANSWERING. thank u for the request & i apologise for taking this long to write it ):
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. tengen uzui, hinatsuru, makio & suma x fem!reader
▸ RATING. sfw
▸ WARNINGS. tengen marries r but it’s super rushed, i hope none of them is out of character help, also i wrote it at 2am so i deeply apologise + not proofread byee
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tengen was able to find you because a demon attacked your family. he saved them and when he learned about you, uzui felt a strange feeling in his chest. he asked your parents to marry you, he was sure it was the only way to take you away.
“all i ask for is to marry your daughter.”
that’s what he said. you feared he would treat you like garbage, using you and probably get rid of you the moment you were no longer useful.
tengen took you with him as soon as possible and once you reached his big house, you met his other wives. you were truly surprised, not only because they were beautiful and stunning women, but because he got four wives now.
“oh, tengen-sama! you’re finally back!” suma cheerfully ran to hug him, hiding her face into his uniform. makio and hinatsuru welcomed him home too and then got closer to you, noticing your status.
you instinctively flinched back when hina tried to touch you, checking if you were injured or something. “who’s that?” makio asked, glancing at her husband. “this sweetheart right here is y/n, she’s part of the family now. let her feel at home… or maybe not, i imagine,” tengen got a bit lost in his thoughts in the end, but then suma appeared in front of you.
“hello! i am suma!” she smiled at you and once again you found yourself putting as much distance as possible between you and them. tengen noticed you were scared and that the only words he heard from you were ‘thank you’ and ‘i’m sorry’. he frowned at that.
“don’t be so loud, silly!” makio scolded suma, raising her voice too. hinatsuru tried to calm the two down before they started discussing in front of you and then tried once again to get closer to you. “i’m hinatsuru… why don’t you come inside to get a bath and change your clothes?” she gently asked, not sure about grabbing your hands or not. “tengen-sama, makio-san just hit me!” she cried, pointing at her. “stop screaming!”
“do what you gotta do, hina. i’ll take them away,” tengen glanced at hinatsuru and then grabbed both makio and suma, lifting them off the ground, and walked away, ignoring their protests.
“i’m sorry about the commotion, suma-chan gets excited easily but she’s totally harmless, i swear,” she smiled and guided you inside. “well, makio does hit her sometimes but she’s alright too.”
hearing hina laughing relaxed you a bit. you glanced around the house, before being taken to the bathroom. hina helped you bathing and then gave you a fresh and clean kimono, then she combed your hair.
“thank you,” you whispered, surprising her. it was the first time she heard your voice. “oh, i’m glad tengen-sama helped you and brought you with him. you’re very welcome and this is your home now,” hinatsuru’s words warmed up your chest and you nodded slowly.
after that, things started getting better. you weren’t scared about them anymore, but still you found yourself comparing yourself to the three of them. you wondered what pushed tengen to free you and take you with him.
you were quiet most of the time, choosing to listen to them chatting instead of actively taking part in the conversation. they tried to not spend too much time all together to avoid making you feel overwhelmed, and you silently appreciated it.
tengen never forced you to stay with them though, he said that you were free to leave them if you weren’t happy or if you simply wanted to wander around free, without being held back by others. but truth is, you grew fond of them all. you actually loved your new family, you enjoyed living together and they all noticed you were finally opening up.
“the food was amazing as always,” you complimented hina, who smiled. “suma-chan helped me,” she tickled suma’s side and you smiled. “y/n, do you want to go to the village for shopping later? we can buy you some new kimonos too,” makio offered, waiting for your answer. “oh, i… i would like to go, makio-san,” you nodded slowly, a bit uncertain.
“that’s a very flashy idea!” tengen’s voice filled the room, getting your attention. “i’m sure you will enjoy yourself,” he gently caressed your cheek and you felt your skin heating up. “ooh, i want a caress too! tengen-sama, tengen-sama!” suma got closer to uzui and pleaded him, making everyone chuckle.
he patted her head, making her smile, and caressed her hair. “i have the most beautiful wives in the world. i don’t deserve you,” he muttered, making you all frown. “don’t say that. you’re an amazing person, you’re kind and nice, you help and protect the innocent… and you saved me. we are lucky to have you.”
your words surprised them and filled tengen’s heart with pure adoration for you. he loved you all equally and would willingly sacrifice his life to protect the four of you.
“okay, it’s time for a big ol’ hug,” hina pulled you all together and you almost got squished between makio and tengen’s side, but you all laughed happily together.
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. thank you for reading as always, have a good day / night ♡
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guilty-pleasures21 · 1 month
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Chapter 4 - the picnic
Part A
Part B
Part C
Warnings: none.
     She cleared her throat, trying to come up with a topic of conversation that would get rid of the terse silence surrounding them.
     “So, um, I've finished Snow's cholera pamphlet. What are your thoughts on it?” Brilliant! Their first conversation since their unnecessarily tension-filled end to the ball last night and she chose to bring up talk of excrement?! She was definitely going to find a husband next Season. 
     He pressed his lips together, trying to stop them from stretching at the ends as she repeatedly tightened and loosened her grip on his arm. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but she was clearly nervous to be alone with him. “I thought it was wonderfully written. He lays out his case studies in great detail and has clearly conducted extensive research into the history of the matter. Did you enjoy it?”
     He’d lent the pamphlet to her after he’d finished it, knowing she would have been intrigued by the scientific theories proposed in the document. And he was glad to find that hadn’t been wrong. 
     “Yes! Most definitely!” X agreed, lighting up as they delved into the topic. “I see now how big of a role detailed evidence can play in convincing your reader of a theory. His thoughts might turn out to be absolute garbage one day, but the manner in which he threaded together all his different pieces of proof? It was magnificent!” 
     Miguel let the smile take over his face completely at the sight of her excitement. She was so cute he could have eaten her up! He frowned, confused as to where the sudden thought had come from, but he was interrupted before he could even attempt to figure it out. 
     “Harry! Stop! Harry! Come here!” Miguel looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the panicked voice. Then he noticed a fluffy little dog zooming in his direction. He grabbed the leash as it ran past, trying to stop it before it caused any more havoc, but the dog simply redirected its route around him. X stumbled against him as the leash wrapped around her and Miguel wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her against him. 
     “Harry!” a young woman called, racing towards them with a look of relief on her face. “Harry, sit!” 
     The dog sat down finally and gave his owner a pleased expression as he displayed his handiwork. 
     “My deepest apologies, my lord,” the lady apologised as she took the leash from Miguel, “he can be … quite a little fighter despite his small size.”
     “Oh, it is quite all right, really,” Miguel assured her, his other hand coming around X as the lady helped untangle them. His hand brushed her back gently and X’s heart thudded in her chest at their proximity to one another; at his warm hands gliding along her back, his broad chest so firm beneath her palms. She held her breath as the scent of him invaded her senses, then she counted to three before sneaking a peek at him from beneath her lashes. 
     She had the prettiest eyes, he thought to himself as he gazed down at her, wide and dark and framed so perfectly by those exceptionally long lashes of hers. And she was so soft … so … Her eyelids grew heavy and her lips parted in anticipation and he realised that he’d been leaning towards her, bending over as his hands tugged her waist closer to his. He tilted his head to align his mouth with hers, but he paused just in front of her, letting his gaze fall to the luscious curve of her lips. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, then-
     “Oh, I am so sorry about that, darlings!” Miguel’s eyes flew open again as an elderly woman came up to them, a cheeky smile on her face. “Harry can get a little too excited sometimes. Perhaps he sensed the ‘excited energy’ around you too, hmm?”
     X glanced back up at Miguel and the two of them sprang apart quickly, the both of them horrified by the thought of what they’d been about to do. 
     “Oh, no, my lady, you are mistaken,” Miguel argued, forcing out an awkward chuckle. “We … I … That is …”
     Dios, what was wrong with him?! Why could he not shake off the feeling of her pressed so tightly against him, so … deliciously … He clenched his fists, trying to get rid of the thoughts - to ignore all the parts of him that still burned at her touch. But his core continued to burn with excitement as the sweet and fruity scent of her floated through the air towards him. 
     She slid her gaze over to him, confused by his incomprehensible stuttering: Miguel O’Hara was never at a loss of words! His eyes flickered over to her, an uncharacteristic look of uneasiness on his sharp features, and she turned to the older woman with a warm smile. “It is quite all right, my lady. We are all well, as you can see. No harm, no foul!”
     Miguel nodded in agreement, unconsciously inching his way over to X as his chest flooded with relief at her response.  But the older lady kept the knowing smirk on her face, unconvinced. 
     “All right, well, I shan't disturb you two any longer,” she relented finally. “Have a wonderful day! And an even better night.”
     She shot them a wink as she walked off and Miguel's entire body froze at her suggestive comment. His core began heating up again and he staunchly avoided looking at X, not wanting to get any ideas about her small little form, all wrapped up in the soft fabric of her dress, her luscious curves fitting so perfectly against his-
     “Miguel?” X looked up at him in confusion, oblivious as to what the woman was referring to. She placed a hand on Miguel’s forearm and furrowed her brow at the feeling of his clenched muscles. Had he been that startled by the fluffy little dog? He'd never shown a fear of animals before, so she didn’t think that was what had set him so at unease. She rubbed his arm reassuringly, automatically wanting to soothe him. “Shall we return to the picnic area?”
     He swallowed hard at the feeling of her slender fingers brushing against his arm, then he forced himself to look down at her. The tension left his body as his gaze landed on her wide almond eyes and he held his elbow out for her to properly grasp onto. “So, as you were saying?”
     Frederick fixed the two of them with the stink eye as they smiled and laughed together, completely at ease with one another as they strolled through the gardens. He leaned over to Felice, finally finished with his flirtations with yet another pretty young lady who had caught his eye. 
     “They seem rather comfortable with one another, do they not?” he pointed out thoughtfully. His head snapped to Felice suddenly, a look of horrified realisation crossing his features. “Do you think he intends to propose to her at the end of the Season?!”
     Felice patted Frederick’s shoulder reassuringly. “Why worry yourself over their business? You should focus on finding your own eligible young bella. Surely it should not be such a difficult task for a young earl such as yourself?”     
He offered a pair of young women passing by a charming smile and they tittered to each other quietly, proving his point. But Frederick simply rubbed his chin, ignoring Felice’s words. Yes, the young man was an old friend of his, but he was an idiot. He was always harping on about the independence of his native Italy and constantly getting himself in trouble because of it. But that didn’t matter: what mattered was that his half-brother seemed to have decided to pursue the daughter of one of the richest families in London. If he succeeded at the task, then it didn’t matter if Frederick received half his father’s assets and his title: Miguel would be able to buy him out of all of it. And that was something that he couldn’t - he wouldn’t - allow to happen. No matter the cost.
Next chapter
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timetravelersdoctor · 9 months
How do you think the Decepticons (TFA and TFP) would react if they saw the acts committed by Megatron (BW) during the events of Beast Machines?
Let's review the charges:
-He created a deadly virus that he released throughout the planet Cybertron, infecting almost the entire population, the survivors were hunted.
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A virus suddenly sprending over the whole planet. Everyone was infected, many deactivated... Most just disappeared. -Nightscream
-Those captured were stripped of their sparks that were locked with a method that prevented them from joining the All-Spark, being trapped in the physical world, their bodies were torn apart to create his Vehicon army from those parts. He literally has a place completely full of corpses which he throws away as if they were nothing more than garbage.
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This place is where Megatron stole every Spark on Cybertron -Blackarachnia Megatron stole all this parse and use their bodies to create mindless Vehicons -Optimus Primal
-His army was deprived of free will, so that they were just puppets that he could manipulate. He planned to rebuild the entire population of Cybertron so that they were just mindless zombies who only obeyed him, who was the only one with an individual mind.
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The wave of the future, Cybertronians without Sparks, no more individual minds, just one single guiding intelligence... Mine. -Megatron
-The saved sparks were absorbed by him, ending his existence forever. Macabrely quoting: 'til all are one.
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The sparks! What are you doing?! Fulfilling my destiny, Optimus Primal. Uniting every spark on Cybertron into one perfect being... Me. -Optimus Primal and Megatron
-Attempt on Cybertron's life, when he shot at his organic core. Optimus warned him but he didn't listen. He literally planned to destroy all of Cybertron in order to, according to him: Rebuild it in his image. Something he planned to do with more planets.
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If you unleash the key program, you'll destroy all Cybertron No planet is alive, Optimus, merely infested, and I intend to restore it to its natural condition. -Optimus Primal and Megatron Destroyed? I will recreate, in my own image. -Megatron
-In his final fight with Optimus he absorbed all the saved sparks making him and Optimus the only Cybertronians alive. He wanted to extinguish most of his people to be the only one in charge.
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My great ascension is finally complete! YEEEEESSSS! -Megatron
Hi Thank you for the Ask!
Tfp Megatron: Megatron thinks that BW Megatrons actions would make Unicron proud. it's disturbing and he doesn't know how to handle the fact that he's a little impressed that he managed to to that on his own.
Tfp Soundwave: He's glad that BW Megatron is from far in to the future because by then he'll be long gone and it won't be his problem to deal with. it's the stupidest plan to have ever been put into action and he deals with Tfp Megatron.
Tfp Starscream: Plans and more plans Starscream in thinking of ways to get rid of BW Megatron ahead of time because not even he would want to be the last Cybertronian alive. He does think it makes sense that BW Megs would be insane enough to do that considering that he works with Tfp Megatron
Tfp Shockwave: He sees no logic in BW Meg's actions. why did he go so far, how was he going to recreate the planet, did BW Megatron even know if he would succeed? Shockwave refuses to believe that BW Megatron is the descendent of the first (technically second depending in the continuity) Megatron
Tfa Megatron: Tfa Megatron doesn't see the merit in what BW Megatron did after all the entire point in the original war was to end the caste system not recreate the universe into his image. He thinks realistically and is very surprised that BW Megs got so far into his plan.
Tfa Lugnut: Lugnut is very glad that Tfa Megatron is smarter then BW Megatron because he genuinely thinks that he would not be loyal if Tfa Megs was anything like BW Megs. He's not the smartest Decepticon out there but he's also not that stupid.
Tfa Blitzwing: Blitzwing thinks that BW Megs is far more insane than himself. He hates learning of all the things Megatron did to create vehicons. no one should ever be changed against their will in his mind, he knows exactly what that's like.
Tfa Starscream: He thinks BW Megatron is an idiot that should have been dealt with a long time ago. he's very disappointed that BW Megatron almost succeeded in doing the dumbest thing ever.
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fereldanwench · 10 months
so i feel like garbage yay
this cold is one of them deep head congestion colds and i just feel lethargic and gross
and im very VERY cranky because i got sick from a goddamn trip i didn't want to take in the first place and there's shit i need to do (like go to the post office to get my forwarding address changed because i can't do it online because USPS is garbage) and now cant
i also really wanted to walk up to the little entertainment district thingy near us and have fun with the husbando this weekend but nope can't do that now either
but you know WHATEVER what's done is done
but on the lighter side of things, the new updates for cyberpunk look like a lot of fun and i love the emphasis on, like, rp immersion with the ncart system and personal radio. one of the things that's kept me in the game for so long is just exploring night city and taking it all in so having yet another way to do that is very exciting
and the motorcycle overhauls!!!!!!! doing wheelies is one of the best things about riding bikes in games IM SO GLAD THEY FINALLY ADDED THAT
also just paid rent today which normally would not be a good/exciting thing, but it was so nice to see a much lower number there than what we'd been paying for the past few years. and for a place that suits us much better, too
and i think we should be getting our new couch today which I'm sososo hyped about. we got rid of the ones we had a little over a year ago bc they were really cheap and made from that shitty vinyl material that started cracking and flaking everywhere, and replacing them was just a really low priority since the old living room had basically become husbando's office/man cave during the height of the pandemic.
but now we have a proper living room again! and I've always wanted a couch that has a chaise lounge piece (since in true bisexual fashion i can't sit normally and need plenty of flopping space) which is what we got. so i guess if i nothing else this weekend, i can enjoy cuddling with my cats on our new couch :3
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thenewfuture · 2 years
So how is Nagito adjusting so far? Aside from being immediately antagonist towards Hajime that is 😅.
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About the same...slight headaches every so often...feelings of depression and anxiety worming their way in...the usual.
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I am finally glad to be rid of that garbage arm though. So that's a plus.
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Good for you....
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I am curious though...how are you faring Kazuichi?
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Faring? With what?
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With your journey to win Sonia over, of course. What else?
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accountingacademic · 8 months
Full Day Didn't Feel Full
Daily Reflection Friday, 19 January, 2024
I picked up some ramen that I can actually eat when I got groceries the other day (trying to find some that didn't have oyster sauce or chicken broth was a nightmare, but I finally found some). I had to buy a 4pk, but I am so glad I did, because that stuff is good; especially with a hard-boiled egg, some chopped green onion, and a little bit of wasabi paste.
I didn't get to the gym like I wanted to. I didn't haul myself out of bed until almost noon (though I was up working until 2:00am, after Mom already left for work. Dad was home, but I really don't like driving his car because it's full of garbage and reeks of stale coffee from at least one cup in the pile of trash.
The job search analysis assignment is kicking my ass. I apparently still haven't recovered from when I was on income assistance and had to put out ten applications a month to prove I was looking for a job--after five years of that, searching job postings is exhausting.
My desktop just decided to get rid of the Bluetooth driver on me, so that took half an hour to fix.
I was frustrated with that assignment when no half-hour chunk of work seemed to make any improvement over the one before. I think that five hours of work for five percent of my overall grade probably makes for more than enough work though, so I'm relieved to have it submitted and out of my way.
Today's To-Do List:
Read chapter 8 for Communications.
Job search analysis assignment for Communications. That thing took five hours of work. Holy shit. I'm so glad to have it done and over with, though.
Read chapter 6 for Accounting.
Read chapter 2 for Organizational Behaviour.
Start Influencing Interactions assignment for Organizational Behaviour.
Read chapter 10 for Marketing.
Read chapters 12-13 for Communications.
Hit the gym early in the morning, and then come back in time for Mom to have the car to get to work.
Make chronological and functional versions of my master resume.
Tomorrow's To-Do List:
Get another round of dishes done.
Clean bathroom.
0 notes
musesbykai · 1 year
“No argument there, choom.” A break sounded really amazing right now. They both desperately needed one after everything.
Of course the cloth is still in V’s mouth. Still didn’t mean they were fully prepared for the sensation of a medical tool being shoved so deep in their leg. Again.
The merc reflexively clenched their jaw, biting down hard on the cloth. At guttural bellow emanated from their implant once more until the final bullet was successfully taken out. Fuck that hurt.
Once sure it’s actually done, V removed the cloth and moved their lower jaw to loosen the muscles.
“Yeah. Not for a long Fuckin’ time if we can both help it.” A hand rose to swat at one of Johnny’s feet in the same way one would seat at an annoying fly. “Which it should. I released copies of Bartmoss’ DAEMONs as part of the Death Roll. So even backups that are exposed will be destroyed. Those fuckers will be too busy trying to figure out how to get rid of the AI, and garbage data, to bother us.” ~ Kaiju-crimson-storyandask
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Oron was no medical expert but he was able to nurse the wounds well enough, spraying a little bit of water on each entry point to wash them. He didn’t really care about the blood that was running down his own arms and the crimson liquid that was hitting the floor below the pair of them, it was just normal.
“Good.” The mechanic grumbled, dabbing the fresh wounds with a little bit of disinfectant. It’ll sting a bit but it certainly was an improvement over shoving metal into them. “I’m still a little worried that Smasher might chase the both of us… but we were successful in putting their plans on hold at the very least.” That was worth celebrating… right?
Shuffling a little bit back, the red eyes of the Australian looked up at V. “I’m just glad you’re gonna be alright.” His voice was soft, almost as if he was talking like a caretaker.
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readerxlit · 2 years
Hi, I’m new here. I hope you don’t mind this scenarioor too weird’m requesting be too specific. (3RD Person)
Weird Persona 3 Scenario. How would how would Yukari, and Mitsuru react (Seperately reactions) to, while in the Tartarus, they and their GN S/O become separated from the rest of SEES while fighting a shadow, when they’re both knocked out during the fight. When they a wake up, find themselves trapped in a giant floating bubble, that’s nullifying their evokers and persona, meaning their bubble won’t pop not matter what, and is floating upwards in the air? Having no choice but to wait for the others, they both comfort each other while trapped in their bubble together.
Again I hope this isn’t too much trouble.
No trouble whatsoever! I apologize it took so long, motivation problems and my garbage memory are a curse. Thank you for you patience.
Immediately struggling. Before she's even caught up with remembering what happened, or realizing her partner is also there.
After a moment of panic, though, she does catch up with the situation and oh boy is she annoyed that she's ended up like this. It's easier to be annoyed than scared, at least.
Concern for her significant other may overtake that enough that she makes sure they're okay before expressing her annoyance. She will admit, though, that she's at least glad she's not alone. That they, specifically, are with her out of anyone.
Still, once it's firmly established the two of them are stuck waiting on the rest of S.E.E.S to notice they're gone and find them, is when it really hits her the kind of situation she's in
If her partner is relatively calm about this, she might honestly be kind of frustrated that they're handling it better than she feels like she is.
Still, all it takes is some assurances from them that they just trust the others, or especially assurances that having her with them helps- to get rid of that feeling.
Yukari may still struggle not to spiral into worst case thoughts, but she would admit to herself at least that having them with her helps as well.
"At least I have you." And other simple statements.
Now if her significant other is not handling the situation well? She's a bit of a mess.
It puts her on edge, making her feel more worried too, before the instincts to help the person she cares for override that
"Hey, hey, it'll be fine. I'm sure the others will find us soon." Probably insists to her partner that at least some of the others are too responsible to just leave them.
She knows enough to run them through some calming exercises, though she realizes the whole "floating in the air" thing does make finding something they can feel more difficult.
Genuinely, visibly worried if her partner is really upset or panicking. If she can't manage to calm them, she might start getting more anxious herself.
Assuming she manages to calm them down a bit, though, Yukari tries- and may or may not succeed- to make jokes about how ridiculous the situation looks.
If they notice she's only doing this to distract them both, it's best they keep it to themself.
When finally free she huffs about how long it took the others to free her and her partner, but she's obviously relieved.
Subtly holds their hand all the way back to the dorm. Is too embarrassed to actually consider asking them to stay with her the rest of the night, but if they know her well enough at this point it's obvious.
If they offer to, she definitely won't say no. Though she will be plenty flustered about it.
Immediately upon waking takes stock of what she remembers
Then realizing she's floating looks around herself. Once she spots her significant other, all other concerns drown; she has to know if they're okay.
Once they let her know they are okay- at least to the same extent she is- she tries looking for ways out of the situation, telling them to stay put/still just in case.
She'll very throughly exhaust all other options before coming to the conclusion all they can do is wait.
Luckily despite being separated from them, the rest of S.E.E.S should at the very least know the two of them are missing and come looking.
Which she assures her significant other of.
She's genuinely good at keeping her composure. She might not be the leader now, but she has all the qualities of one and it shows. Maybe a bit too well, because her demeanor in this situation is all logic and calm reading.
At least that's the case at first. The more time passes, the more that shifts, depending on her partners reaction to the situation.
If they're also calm, knowing the others will find them, then it becomes more obvious her calm was something of a front.
She isn't panicking, but their calm will make her relax, a bit. Remove some of the nervous tension.
They may even get her to make light conversation. Something to pass the time as they both try to tignore the whole floating upwards in the air thing.
In general if they are handling the situation well, they'll get out of this with a funny story...that they can only share with a handful of people.
Now on the other hand if they're freaking out or outright panicking? They'll get to see a rare side of her. One focused fully on comforting them.
Logical reading for the situation isn't calming them, and that's generally where her strengths are, so she struggles with what to say or do a bit.
She's not going to let that stop her, though. They are her current priority- and in general she cares about them a lot- so she going to do whatever it takes.
"Hey, it'll be okay, I'm here for you" or "we have each other, so we'll be okay" at first. Simple, reassuring statements.
These assurances get more personal as they're forced to wait longer. "You're okay, I know you'll be fine." And "I wouldn't let anything happen to you."
It'd probably be difficult not to be calmed by her tone alone: soft and warmer than it usually would be.
If they outright panic she'll guide them through breathing exercises she may not have the best technique for, but it works.
Whatever the case, when the two of them are finally free, she's embarrassed she let them both end up like that. Likely feels fully responsible.
Will accept 0 comments about the situation from the others. Nobody should b dumb enough to make any.
Sticks close to her significant other the whole way back to the dorms, not wanting to leave their side after that.
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whitherliliesbloom · 5 years
An Order of Dandelions
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He could never forget the scent of caramel coffee in the air, or the sight of the gentle smile that graced her expression as she waved him goodbye. It was a call for him to visit again, an urge and temptation he would never refuse.
Modern AU  ✿ Illya/Alphinaud  ✿ 3,464 words
"A new cafe again, young master?"
He's used to hearing that question asked to him as the scenic view of the city passes him by, his hand idly stroking a length of fur upon his lap as he answers with nothing more than a firm nod.
His chauffeur may not understand it, but Alphinaud was a firm believer of expanding your horizons, trying something new, or some variation of the saying.
He could most certainly not hurt to afford spending his money on the same few chain coffee stores near the campus or his home, and just a few years back he'd even expressed his disbelief at his twin sister's insistence on eating out at those rustic fast food joints rather than the far more trustworthy alternative of five star french cuisine. A disbelief that prompted him to visit a rustic cafe for coffee once, and ever since that first visit, he'd become a devoted convert.
He was enamored by the modest settings of cafe, the more often than not extraordinary decor that put even the fanciest of restaurants he's seen throughout his life to shame. The prices for the food and drinks were extraordinary too - extraordinarily low for quality he'd consider no different from alternatives 5 times the price.
He'd gone from curiosity of a naive rich man's son to a full fledged cafe hopping addict now.
This time, his sights were set on a quaint little cafe he's heard his classmates mentioned once in passing during their lunch time conversations. They said nothing more than the bare minimum to get him curious - that the coffee was delicious, the decorations were pretty and that the barista was apparently nice.
A purr snatches his attention, and the boy turns his head to smile down at the cat that laid belly up upon his lap.
"I shall watch over Romeo as usual, young master."
"My thanks."
Brief words of thanks are punctuated by the sound of the tires braking against the asphalt as the car stops gracefully outside of the quiet little building.
Rows of potted flowers hung just above the window that would give passerby a glimpse into the seating area within. White wooden tables and chairs neatly lined up against the wall where even more potted plants decorated the rustic white planks, green vines taking the place of the ever popular fairy lights he's seen a good number of cafes use. And though the window gave a good view of the handful of customers already seated within, and the sheer amount of plant life that shared that space, the counter is obscured from view behind the wall. He’d assume there would be a short line of people waiting for their orders to be taken.
A small sign was parked right above the window, framed by what else but a wreath of leaves and flowers of every colour of the rainbow.
The Lavender Brew
A suitable name for one so obsessed with plants, Alphinaud thought to himself. Not that it was a bad thing, of course. He hasn't even stepped foot outside the car and he's already sold on the concept.
"Let me know if there's anything else you need, young master." The bearded man in the driver’s seat finally turns to speak to him, and Alphinaud flashes a smile of gratitude in return.
"I will, Pierre. I shall return shortly."
Much to the dismay of the blonde cat that had just been resting so blissfully upon his master's lap, he's quickly scooped up and dropped onto the back seat, evidently less than pleased as it let out a low pitched meow.
Alphinaud is used to the demands of his cat however, and has no regrets with opening the car door and closing it behind him without even a second glance back.
A bell chime greets his entrance into the cafe, and he's immediately hit by the familiar scent of coffee intermingled with floral notes he was less accustomed to. He notes with a low hum that he was right about there not being too many people waiting by the counter.
A display refrigerator he hadn't been able to see from the outside stood proudly next to the counter, housing a myriad of palm sized cakes and pastries along with handwritten cards noting the name of each dessert and their respective prices.
Eye catching as the desserts were, his attention is drawn to the chalk board on the wall behind the counter, where more of the same handwriting now listed a menu of drink items with their prices. Espresso, mocha and lattes he's very much used to.. a subset list of both floral and fruit juices less so, but it further adds to the naturalistic theme this cafe seemed so adamant to follow.
His line of sight breaks upon catching a flash of white at the corner of his eye and he turns his head back down to finally look at the barista.
Long straight white hair fluttered to and fro after the girl as she rushed from one end of the station behind the counter to the other, frantically preparing the orders of the patiently waiting customers who were far more interested in whatever was being displayed on their smart phones. A pink ribbon broke the monotone of her pure white hair behind her head, and he notes to himself with a small amount of amusement that the white patterns on the ribbon were of lilies.
When the lady finally turns around to hand the customer a take away cup of their order, a timid little 'thank you so much!' breathlessly leaving her lips, Alphinaud's eyes widen slightly in surprise. 
Wide violet eyes that practically glisten in the light, almost porcelain-like light skin and a button nose. The woman's sense of dress is simple, but most suited for her. Coupled with how she stood more than a foot shorter than even he and her youthful appearance, he'd garner a guess that she was no older than him, and perhaps even younger. 
If this were the very same barista his classmate had been speaking about, he'd have to very much agree with their prognosis about her 'cuteness'.
Alphinaud may be rich, but he most certainly isn’t entitled. At least, he’d like to believe he isn’t, a claim so many others of his age had throw thoughtlessly his way with zero regards of his feelings. And so he has always made it a point to emulate the behavior of what his father titled ‘commoners’. From occasionally picking up groceries for himself, to the now comfortable routine of standing in line at a cafe as he takes in the sights around him. 
He quickly scurries to the end of the queue and attempts to make full use of his time waiting by thinking on what he’d like to order until his train of thought was rudely disrupted by the rough rattle of the bell as the door to the cafe opened.
“Hey, lady! This isn’t what I ordered!” 
A man stomps in, pushing past the first customer in front of the counter to slam his disposable coffee cup onto the table. It barely makes a sound, but the anger in his voice is enough to contort the barista’s expression into one of unbridled fear.
“U-um-- W-What was it that you ordered again, sir?”
“I ordered a goddamn Americano, not Macchiato, idiot!”
There isn’t a single pair of eyes in the cafe that wasn’t directed towards the bellowing man now. Though the gazes of the patrons within the cafe had ranged from mild curiosity to annoyance, the trembling barista behind the counter had been left alone with a wavering stare of terror. 
“I-I’m so sorry! I’ll prepare a Macchiato for you right away, sir!” 
“I ain’t got time to wait for you to make another shitty cup of your brew! You’ve already wasted enough of my time making me come back here to tell you this!”
Hushed whispers passed among the handful of customers that had been waiting in line, presumably badmouthing the audacity of the man to quite literally scream in the face of a woman who seemed about ready to fall to the floor. Inaction and idle gossip however, has never quite been Alphinaud’s style; it was never the Leveilleur style. 
“There must certainly be a better way to express your dissatisfaction than to yell at a lady like that.” The boy’s words pierces through the air, and the man directs his narrowed glare towards him. 
“What’s that gotta do with you, kid?! Stay out of it!”
“You’re making a scene, sir. You claim that she wasted your time, and yet are you not wasting the time of everybody waiting in line yourself?” Unwavered, Alphinaud folds his arms across his chest. “I’m certain the police would say the same if we were to call them here.”
The threat certainly seemed to get through to the man at least. His eyes almost spitting fire out at the insolent teen who seemed to have no intentions of backing off. The boy’s well dressed, probably well to do.. if he were to lay a hand on him, then  surely no good would come of it. 
Finally stepping back, the man hurriedly leaves the cafe, though not without leaving a final signal of his ire by slamming the door. The sound of the door smashing shut, and the echoes of the bell as it noisily chimed for the next several seconds was enough to cause the poor barista to jump in her skin. 
“Don’t let jerks like him get to you.” one of the customers, a woman with a freckled face and curly brunette hair waved her hand to catch the young woman’s attention. “He probably won’t ever come back, anyway.”
The sentiment seemed to be shared by the other customers, who were quick to turn their attention back to their own business after sparing a final sympathetic glance at the woman behind the counter. 
Alphinaud hadn’t expected anything out of the incident, really. Such actions was only natural, or at least something that should be expected out of the future heir of a corporation. He could not hope to lead others if he did not have the courage to stand up for what he believed to be right, or at the very least defend those with a lesser voice than he. 
It was but a small unpleasant blight during an otherwise uneventful day.
“U-um... Thank you so much...” 
It wasn’t until the other customers before him had been served and the line in front of the counter had dispersed that he heard her voice directed towards him. It was almost like a whisper, a single light chime in the wind. The girl’s hands clasped together in front of her chest as she stared up at Alphinaud with glossy violet eyes. 
The sincerity in her words caught him unaware at first, but he was quick to shake his head and flash her a smile as a return.
“You needn’t thank me. I just did what was right.”
“B-but...” the girl stutters, fingers now fidgeting restlessly as her eyes darts to the planks of wood beneath her feet. “You...you protected me.. from that man and...”
Protected certainly is an unexpectedly huge word to be using for something so trivial, but Alphinaud could only imagine what such a valiant act would appear to be in the eyes of a woman who seemed barely capable of keeping eye contact with others.  
“And I am certain many others would have done the same if they had the chance, miss.” 
The girl averts her gaze, hands falling apart to allow one to brush strands of white over her ear. There’s no one behind him in line, but she still makes an attempt to recall her professionalism all the same.
“W-well,” she begins, her voice almost a whisper for a moment, before it becomes louder. “What would you like to order, sir?”
Alphinaud leans back slightly on one heel as he considers, glancing briefly at the blackboard menu decorated with small chalk drawings of flowers and leaves.
“How about you surprise me?” he asks pleasantly with a smile. He catches sight of her name tag as he looks back to her. Illya. “And call me ‘Alphinaud’, please.”
A light dusting of pink rises to the girl’s cheeks as she shuffles her feet nervously, still not quite looking at him. Pale pink lips tremble as she attempts to choke out his name as requested.
“Y-yes...S-si-.. Alphinaud.” Somehow, something twinges lightly in his chest as he hears her say his name. Perhaps the floral scent of the cafe is getting to him. “My name is...Illya.”
Her expression turns into one of consideration as she turns away from him slowly. He doesn’t think to tell her he’s already seen her name.
The light hiss of steaming milk fills the air as Illya begins preparing him her brew, evidently having decided upon something. Her movement is swift, evidently familiar with her station as she mixes a concoction of what he can tell to contain milk and some powder together. A minute later, she brings him the cup, lightly settles it upon the counter, and names the price.
“Ah...I sh-should have told you earlier...I’m sorry -- “
“No, no, it’s quite all right, nothing to worry about,” he reassures her, already pulling out his card to pay. The payment terminal makes a light beep as he taps it. He spares her another smile as he folds his wallet away. “What is it?”
“A-a...caramel latte.”
Oh -- he’s never had one of those. But he did ask her to surprise him, and she certainly did. He picks up the steaming cup and takes a sip.
It’s -- sweet. Almost cloyingly so.
Somehow, he manages to keep a grimace from rising to his features. Alphinaud has never been a big fan of overly sugary drinks. He’s used to the dark and bitter richness of his usual orders, but telling her he’s not fond of it, especially after what had happened earlier felt a tad cruel.
His panic spikes when she, hesitantly, asks him how it is, and he has to pray that he’s managed to remain composed.
“It’s...good.” Relief washes over him like a tidal wave as he sees her pretty violet eyes light up. “It’s certainly surprising! I’ve never had one of these before.”
“I’m so glad.” The sheer sincerity behind her words is near enough to take his breath away, though why, he’s not entirely sure. 
“I-Illya,” he stammers a moment, internally cursing himself, as he nurses his cup and takes another small sip. “How did you come to own such a quaint cafe?” Ordinarily, he wouldn’t attempt to make such conversation, but it doesn’t feel right to simply leave, and there’s nobody else waiting either way.
“Oh...” Illya trails off, her gaze averting yet again. “I-it’s -- it used to be my parents’. My mother put me in charge of the cafe after I graduated high school.. A-And since I’ve always liked flowers, I t-turned it into a florist shop as well...”
One pale eyebrow quirking in surprise, Alphinaud turns slightly to glance at one of the many displays of flowers and plants festooning the establishment. Now that she mentions it, he can indeed see that some of them have price tags attached. 
From an assortment of potted cactus plants and flower, to smaller trinkets that he assumes to be mini terrariums.. it’s plain to see much love and care was put into the array of plants that was put on sale.
“What a wonderful idea! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cafe quite like this before. I think it’s very unique.”
Dusts of red returns to the white-haired girl’s cheeks full-force, though this time a smile accompanies it.
“I’m...glad to hear that. I-it’s not that great though.”
Silence passes between them as the young man takes another sip of his drink. For some reason, he wants to say something else. Illya looks unoccupied, perhaps a little out of sorts, as she stands at the counter. The other shop patrons are sitting at their tables, some engaged in conversation, others nose-deep in their phones. 
It wasn’t that he was exceptionally chatty. But something about the girl compels him to want to take an extra effort at conversation, somehow. 
Come to think of it, Illya looks about his age, doesn’t she...? Does she man the cafe the entire day...?
“How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” he asks her suddenly. She startles, eyes wide as she looks up at him from beneath her fringe of pale hair.
Ah, so only a few months older than he is.
“Is that so? I turn twenty in about another 6 months myself.” he offers, since it’s only polite. “Are you...” There’s a brief pause as he rethinks his words. “In school?”
Whilst it’s common to begin university or college at the age of nineteen or eighteen..he’d rather not fluster or embarrass her if perhaps she’d started late...or had any difficulty...that’s simply not his style. And she’s already nervous enough.
“I...If you mean college... I never went.” Her gaze is downcast, shoulders tense in something that might well be shame. “I...my parents...we didn’t have enough...”
The hitch in her voice was almost enough to cause his heart to ache, and he can already hear a nagging voice in his conscious chiding him for being so foolish as to bring up such a sensitive topic. 
“Oh. I see.” She doesn’t need to continue for him to understand. The taste on his tongue is sour, and he takes a mouthful of latte to soothe it. “I’m sorry.”
“I-it’s okay!” Illya quickly waves a hand to placate him. “I’m...I’m happy here. I-it’s all right.” For a moment, Alphinaud has the sinking feeling she’s trying to justify herself to him. But then -- 
“I’m happy that I get to carry on my parents’ hard work.”
The sincerity in her voice and expression is nearly enough to floor him, and he can’t believe he had been so self-centered and patronizing as to assume she might be...ashamed of working at a small little cafe filled with flowers. That soft, gentle smile -- 
He has to swallow around the strange lump in his throat.
“It’s certainly very admirable. I’m...glad I got to meet you here, Illya.”
He’s glad he wandered into this quaint little shop of warm drinks and pastries and flowers. He’s glad -- to have defended her, to have allowed her to send his preconceived notions and beliefs flying with those tiny hands of hers, for the warmth rising in his chest like a steaming coffee.
Illya’s violet eyes dart up to meet his, shocked. Before she can say anything else, there’s a light ring at the door as someone else enters the shop. Clearing his throat, Alphinaud gives the white-haired girl a nod and a smile.
“Thank you for your time today, Illya. And thank you for the...latte.”
He hesitates a single moment, and the girl is too flustered to say anything. There was a moment of silence between the pair as he waits, hoping for a response. He could not help the hint of disappointment he felt as he watched Illya avert his gaze, a hand moving up to comb strands of silky hair back behind her ear. 
Alphinaud turns, and just as he was about to fully step out the door he’d opened however, he hears her squeak out a question.
“W-Will you be coming back someday, Alphinaud?”
Like a javelin through his chest, he nearly stumbles from the skipping of his heart beat. Color rises up his face, almost dark enough to match the red of the roses that stood proudly among the display the shelves. 
“Of course.”
Alphinaud dares to cast a final glance back, and immediately regrets his decision when she sees the bright smile that graced Illya’s face. Her hand raised, waving sheepishly at him.
He finally steps outside, but not even a gulp of fresh air was enough to steady the racing of his heart, nor did the impatient meows of Romeo who had peeked his head out the opened car window. The cup in his hand still feels warm, and yet it paled in comparison to the heat that filled his head.
Alphinaud raises the beverage up to his chapped lips, gulping in the last of the brew that tingled his taste buds and lets out a low hum at the tender sweetness. He feels immense regret at the fact that his cup was now empty, but that was simply all the more reason to pay The Lavender Brew a second visit.
He may well just have found his new favorite drink. 
24 notes · View notes
hoodieimp · 4 years
8 notes · View notes
stripperblvd · 2 years
plssss eddie x best friend reader
she notices when he’s stretching and his shirt lifts up. and she’s like staring, not even trying to hide it, almost drooling hahha (relatable tbh) and he sees her staring and idk one things leads to another and she’s kissing his happy trail and they‘re doing oral on each other and then fuck.
PLS if anyone else writes about it pls @ me!!
Happy Eyes (Eddie Munson x Reader Smut)
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Warnings: Basically you two being perverts for each other lmfao, whole lotta nasty shit, lots of body fluids, and basically a lot of fondling before the big chacha. 
Word Count: 3.7k
Note: I’m so glad everyone is equally enamored with his little happy trail. Truly adorable, but I must cater to my freaky readers.
Drinking with Eddie was always a fun fucking ride. Truly, was always a rollercoaster of laughter and one too many criminal activities. It would all start out with just a suggestion, a little ‘hey do you have anything to drink?” or just plain wanting to get drunk. Eddie and you loved playing the old creep clerks, making sure to bag at least one bottle of whatever liquor you’d been wanting prior. With a pretty smile and a short enough shirt, you’d walk up to the counter before Eddie, having him wait a moment or two so that you could work your magic. It was just too easy, all it took was a wink or the flash of some cleavage to get them hooked, completely ignoring Eddie as he stuffed a bottle into his crumpled black backpack, making sure to cover it with a book or a binder to not draw attention to the shape inside. 
“That it sweetheart?” he asked, as he came up behind you placing a 6 pack of the cheapest beer on the counter and completely ignoring whatever glare would be thrown at him from the man creeping over your exposed body. “Yeah, I think that's it” you respond, flashing another overly flirty smile at the clerk before grabbing the beer, Eddie fishing some change from his pocket to cover the alcohol and swinging his arm around you, leading you out of the store with the smile of an absolute bastard. 
Currently it was close to midnight, and the giggles could be heard from his room as he danced around, the last beer can in his hand as he imitated the cheerleaders from school, mockingly copying their little dances that you two would see from behind the bleachers on the occasion that your smoke sessions would overlap with their late evening practices. “Eds, no, just stop!” you laughed, clinging to your stomach as the muscles began to sore with how much he was making you giggle, giving your already drunk body barely any reprieve. “C’mon Y/N/N, don’t tell me I don’t look pretty dancing like that.” he whined, taking a large swing off his beer, finishing it off by leaning his neck back and finishing a few more gulps of the already flat drink in his hand. 
Your bottom lip was tucked under your teeth as you watched his shirt ride up, but quickly spotted his hunched back as he groaned, beer spilling on the chest area of his clothing. “Fuuuuck.” he groaned, tossing the can to the garbage bin before his fingers lifted the hem of his shirt, not allowing the alcohol to soak to his skin. You could feel a little whine bubble up when he pulled his shirt off, his lanky upper body on full display for you as his rib cage poked out a little, his hair hidden momentarily by his shirt as he finally managed to rid himself of the soaked cloth. 
It was hard not to keep staring, your eyes following the little trickle of light brown hairs that started just above his belly button, and became thicker below, forming a sexy little happy trail that ducked right under the start of his boxers, surely following straight to a patch of similarly colored hairs that gathered at the base of his dick. 
You can’t say you never thought about Eddie as more than just your best friend. Years and years of being together constantly had begun to manifest themselves in deeper feelings. The kind that, like right now, forced you to stare longingly at you best friend’s torso, hungrily licking your lips as you felt your body heat up, a pool of warmth spreading between your skin and panties as you imagined what laid under the few layers he had on him now. Sure, it was the alcohol that was making you so damn horny, but you couldn’t act like there wasn’t already a solid foundation from which this feeling was rising from. 
“What?” he asked, a slight blush on his cheeks was spreading although you weren’t sure if it was your next to creepy gaze or the fact that Eddie was most definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol in his system. “Hm?” you hummed, not really registering anything other than how good it would feel to run your hands across his smooth chest, suck sinful marks on his pretty collarbones. “You keep staring at me Y/N”  he bashfully responded, staring to close in on himself, his pants starting to feel inexplicably tight, dick starting to strain against his boxers as he shifted his weight. 
“S’not my fault you look so good right now.” If you had been sober, you’re sure that not a single one of those words would have made their way outside of your brain, but you weren’t in control anymore, the beer and shots that now roamed your body were, and they kept pushing to reveal exactly how you felt about Eddie in this instant. You could hear a whine coming from him as he neared the bed, ears so red you feared they might burst as he laid on his stomach, hiding the view of his torso and forcing you to finally meet his eyes, your hand coming up to play with his hair.
‘Don’t say shit like that.” he whispered, blown out brown eyes staring at you with an equal amount of desire, his hand sliding to rest on your lower leg and his breathing a little heavier than it had been. “Why not honey? Can’t compliment a pretty boy?” Your words only caused his dick to get harder, he felt like a child with all the whimpers and little moans that were starting to form in his chest as he bucked his hips at the bed, craving any sort of friction on his aching skin. “Cuz I get sensitive when I’m fucked up, and it’s not helping that the girl I’ve jerked off to a shit ton of times is staring at me like all she wants to do is jump my bones.” he didn’t care about filtering his words, if truths were coming out might as well make it count. It’s not like it wasn’t true, ever since 8th grade Eddie had started a bad habit of always thinking about you when he needed to get off, especially when you turned out to be a late bloomer, coming back from camp to end middle school with a slightly altered body, your chest showing a bit more as you grew into your body. 
“Show me then.” you caressed his head, cupping his jaw and making him look at you, a thin curtain of sweat starting to form all over his body as he moaned, feeling your fingernails scratch lightly against his chin as if he was a goddamn cat. He couldn’t say no to you, it was too late to back out, with a few quick moments his jeans and underwear laid now completely discarded on the floor, his pretty cock on display for you as it bounced a little as he settled on his knees. Your eyes landed right back to his happy trail, drool pooling in your mouth as you finally got the full picture, and indeed, the hair met up with a patch of trimmed brown hair, not too long, but just long enough to show around his balls as he began to jerk himself off in front of you, slowly at first, dragging his fist to squeeze under the tip and then spread the little bit of precum that had already spurred from the little slit of his dick. 
Your own clothes followed quickly after, not being able to watch him be so vulnerable with you without reciprocating, keeping your bra on but removing your panties and tossing them to the side. Eddie moaned, watching you reach down to touch your aching clit, your knees pressed together as your pupils followed his hand as he continued pumping his hard dick. 
“No no no,” he whispered, letting go of his hard on and crawling a little towards you, his hands separating your knees and positioning you the way he wanted, making you giggle at how desperate he was. “It’s just…just in my dreams…you-you spread your legs like that.” he stammered, not being able to take his eyes off your glistening hole, his dick visibly twitching. To Eddie his dirtiest fucking dreams were coming true, because here you were, Wearing only your bra as you let him spread your legs, allowing him to stare directly at your pussy and touch himself to the beautiful sight. His wide eyes broke away from your soft mound to look at you. “Can I touch you?” he asked almost innocently, eyes pleading with you as if he would drop dead and die a horrible death if he couldn't put his hands on you, draw out sinful sounds as he worked your body like he had imagined so many times before. 
“I’m all yours Munson.” your voice was laced with intoxicating lust and a mind fucking rasp, your hand gripping his wrist to lead his fingers to your pubic bone, allowing him to do the exploring himself as you sat up just a bit, your warm fingers lightly grazing his happy trail a few times before gripping his cock. He whimpered, bucking his hips on to you as he used his left arm to hold himself up, his other hand going to work with your pussy. 
You couldn’t hold back the surprised moan that left your throat as you felt Eddie’s cold rings graze your wet folds, thumb slowly circling your clit and picking up a smooth rhythm that had your knees trembling with anticipation. Your hands stuttered, losing focus for a second as you gripped his hard dick in your hands, squeezing him a little harder than you had intended and making him groan, the feeling a little too intense for how sensitive he currently was. You tried to focus, you really did, but between feeling up his cock and watching him pant as he played with your wetness, a feeling of unmistakable savage hunger took over you, hands leaving his flesh and pushing him away. You pushed him onto the spot you had previously been at, his wide eyes not being able to adjust fast enough, and by the time he even registered what was happening your lips were already on his.
It was sloppy, messy and desperate, his hands gripping your sides and sliding roughly to fiddle with your bra, wanting to see you fully and not have his vision obstructed by your bra, which albeit sexy was inhibiting his eyes from feasting on the soft squishy flesh of your boobs. You laughed, breaking away to kiss down his jaw, neck, and sucking a pretty little mark on his collarbone, your fingers swatting his away as you leaned over him, unclasping the two loops on your bra and tossing it away, Eddie’s hands automatically flying to your chest, gripping the soft peaks and ghosting his thumbs over your already hard nipples. 
“Can I suck them?” he asked, so childishly, his big dumb brown eyes looking up at you for pemission, the cuteness nearly making you coo as your hand tangled itself in his hair, nodding and watching with an opened mouth as he began to suckle at your nipples, moaning around them and bucking his hips upwards. You allowed him to continue his blissful actions, moaning every once in a while with the jolts of euphoria that his mouth caused, but eventually you pulled him off, now your turn to continue what you had started. 
He was so desperate, so needy. He wouldn’t stop whining when you kissed down his abdomen, pausig just as second to lock eyes with him and move his dick slightly to press a teasing kiss right on his happy trail. The little hairs nibbled at your lip as he let out a small sob, his soft tummy contracting as if that one little peck was enough to make him explode. “Please.” he whimpered, softly gripping the sheets, his body on fire and the only thing that could help was your touch. 
The eye contact never broke as you took him into your mouth, tongue swirling as you licked at his tip, guiding his length slowly into your mouth and feeling it hit the very back of your throat. You let it rest there for a second, before pulling away and repeating the very same action, Eddie’s moans filling your ears as he slowly started thrusting his hips upwards, eventually taking charge and fucking into your mouth, your jaw slack as you took him in. Heaven had fallen right before you, Eddie’s eyes closed as he tried his best to keep a steady, comfortable rhythm, his kiss bitten lips wide open, letting out mewls of pleasure and gasps that were filled with the need for more. 
“Fuck, I-I need, oh my god. Fuck, need to taste you.” he gasped out, his voice heavy with what you could only describe as a fucked out daze, the feeling in his stomach growing by the second making him think he’d cum all over before he even got the chance to be inside you. You couldn’t resist Eddie, even if the alcohol in your veins was already starting to slowly wear off, you didn’t want to stop. So you gave yourself to him, his hands bringing your dripping and swollen cunt right to his face, your thighs on either side of his head as he gripped your hips, breathing in the scent that wafted from the soft folds of your sex. 
“Fuck Eddie, just do it baby.” you were already breathless, so the feeling of his tongue excitedly staring to lap up all the juice that were already making the inside of your thighs sticky only served to punch the oxygen right from your lungs, your eyes not being able to focus on anything and opting to instead shut tightly as you felt Eddie’s tongue enter your waiting hole, licking you up in ways you thought were nearly impossible for a single human to be able to muster up. It was insane actually, your loud voice echoing through his trailer, surely waking up at least a few nearby trailers as his lips wrap around the little bud of nerves, sucking so harshly that you were sure to pass out any second. You didn’t fucking know where he learned to do this shit, as far as you were concenred both of you were still virgins, hell your first fucking kiss had been each other during valentines day of freshman year, self pity being used as an excuse to learn to suck faces behind the schools loading dock. 
“God yes yes yes, Eddie oh my god!” you couldn’t help the praise that left your lips, hips gyrating to meet his flat muscle, your legs quivering as you neared your end. So Eddie unexpectedly pulling away was not very warmly welcomed as you groaned, already missing the way his mouth worked you so close to the edge. “Ride me, please fuck I can’t take it anymore, just wanna be inside you.” he pleaded, burying his face on the skin of your stomach and his hands pushing you downwards slowly. 
His wish was your command, and as quickly as he had voiced his wants and needs had you found yourself pressing the tip of his dick inside to your hole, moaning at the sudden pressure that his skin brought to yours. At this point you were just embarrassingly wet, giving room for him to very easily slide his girth into you, a devilish sound rumbling from his chest as he bottomed out, his balls pressing right against your ass. 
It was a lot all at once. He was just so big, so long and so hot. Even if the first few seconds had been slightly pain inducing, uncomfortable to be sat on, it quickly turned into a raging fire that would only be satiated if you moved your hips against his, rising tentatively and sinking down on him. Your eyes cracked open to see how Eddie was doing, and frankly you don’t think you’d ever seen him this absolutely fucked out into an oblivous ocean of pleasure. 
“So fucking tight. So warm.” he whined, using what little physical strength he had in the moment to sit up right, pressing his chest against yours and pushing himself into a balanced position by placing his left hand beside him on the sheets. It didn’t take long to start a wild cycle, both of your hips snapping to meet each other, his hard dick sliding so deliciously in and out of your leaking entrance, erotic nosies being pulled from both of you, volume no longer a concern as years of pent of love, care and teenage horniness were being spent on his bed. 
“Eddie, don't stop!” you yelled,  barely able to keep up with him as your own right hand landed to your side, the new mirrored angle giving room to feel just how deep Eddie could thrust inside of you, the tip of his cock hitting that spongey, heart strangling part inside of you that had the power to completely shut down your body. “M’never. Never stopping. You’re mine.” his hot breath was right at your lips, coaxing you to finish off the small distance between the two of you, a crash of lips teeth and two tongues doing a much better job at muffling all the sex noises that neither of you could control alone. Nothing mattered outside of Eddie’s bed, nothing but the way his hand held onto you for dear merciful life, the way your bodies met in a beautiful connection of slick wetness, how your praise seemed to only be aimed at him, tailored to perfection, making the muscles in his body convulse. 
“I’m gonna cum.” he groaned out, his head heating up with a fire he thought was dripping lava, pouring over his head and melting his brains as he fucked into you. His hair was completely droopy, the sweat that his body was creating far too much to keep it light and fluffy. He could feel the way you clenched around him, the way your body reacted to getting speared by his. All he could’ve ever wished for in the last few years was being played out right in his bedroom, like a porno that had been based straight from his memories when he was alone, his hand alone fisting his leaking cock. At that moment Eddie knew his hand would never again do the trick. Not when he knew what it was like to be balls fucking deep inside of your pussy, fucking the everloving brains out of you as you gave yourself to him, body molding to fit with his own. 
“Come on baby, come for me, god please cum inside me.” your bat shit dirty words exploded a million bombs inside of Eddie. In any other circumstance you would’ve thought that he has been in pain had you heard the sound he let out the second that white hot coil snapped in his core, but right now all you could feel was his hardened cock spilling warm cum deep inside of you, the sticky substance shooting from his balls and coating your walls. It was too much, this was your breaking point, his name slipping past your lips as he thrust into his orgasm one last time, triggering the most intense fucking feeling you could’ve ever hoped to experience. 
By the time you had regained proper consciousness and the colorful explosion behind your eyelids had slowed to a stop the only thing you could hear were Eddie’s heaving pants next to your ear, his back leaned against the headboard and his hands wrapped tightly around your midsection. You felt a warm liquid that licked at the skin of your thighs, dripping softly and coating Eddie’s own as his head fell to rest on your chest, the new found position too comfortable for you to want to further inspect the soaked feeling, 
“You fucking squirted baby.” he breathed out, holding you closer as he spoke. Your eyes shooting wide open but your body too tired to make an effort to scramble off him to see if he was telling the truth. “So fucking hot.” he whispered, finally lifting his head and smiling lazily at you, his eyes so close to being fully shut that you didn’t know why he even bothered to look up. 
“I’m sorry.” you squeaked, feeling shame rise from your stomach as your eyes caught the wet patch on his bed’s mattress, seeping through the thin cover. You could only feel his laugh, reverberating across your body. “Don't apologize, it’s not everyday the love of my life loses her virginity, takes mine and squirts on my bed all in the same night.” his filter is still turned off, meaning he entire body freezes as he completely registers everything he just said to you. 
“Should’ve told me sooner then, cuz you’ve been the love of MY life for the past few years. Even before I grew tits.” you mocked, remembering how often you’d catch little 13 year old Eddie staring at your newly formed mounds, shamelessly avoiding any and all things thrown at him while he took your body in. Eddie pulled out of you slowly, laying down so that you could rest soundly on his chest. You grimaced a little, feeling his warm cum follow his already soft cock. “I know it’s a little backwards, but would you like to be mine? Like my girlfriend?” he timidly asks, eyes casting down towards you to examine your features. 
“I’d love to.” you smiled, leaning to peck his lips softly. “For the record, I also had a crush on you before you grew tits.” Eddie mocked. 
Joe’s Happy Trail >>>>
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sluts4shigaraki · 2 years
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CW ♡ none, cute kissing scene
Pairing ♡ shigaraki/fem!reader
Word count ♡ 2,200
minors/ageless blogs DNI ♡ you will be blocked
A/N ♡ i’m so glad everyone’s enjoying it. the cute pining from tomura made my heart go doki doki tbh
The next day, you felt like each class lasted forever. For whatever reason, you wanted to see him again. Test out your feelings one more time. This time, you were going to his dorm. Or, at least you wanted to. This might help you decide. You texted him, asking if you could come to his dorm for this session, giving the excuse that it was only fair. Tomura texted back almost instantly, you have no idea how his fingers moved so fast. That made you think things you didn’t want to.
T : sounds good
T : what time?
xxx : i get out of chem at 4:30, so 5?
T : see you then
The way he texted didn’t reflect his anxiety. Tomura could throw up. The only thing he could do to soothe himself was rock in his chair. How could you ask that? Of course, he wanted you around, but his room was disgusting. On top of that, Touya was here. He split his lip, blood trickling towards his chin. When he looked towards the other side of the dorm, Touya was sitting at the window smoking.
“Touya. I need something from you,” Tomura heard him laugh, of course. He was going to ask something inconvenient in return.
“Twenty bucks and a week of all my homework. Every class,” that sounds right. Every time he asked for anything, Tomura had to do something if he wanted the favor done. “So, what is it? Does it concern you know who?” Touya put out his cigarette and smirked at him, waggling his eyebrows.
“No. Well, sort of. They want to come here. I can clean up, but I need you to leave till I text you,” Tomura hoped he would agree. Maybe he’d get even closer to you. Touya would somehow fuck it up for him, or even steal you from him.
“Ohhh! Finally getting some pussy? Free of charge, dude, I’m proud of you. I can find somewhere to be, don’t worry,” Touya slinked out of the door, making faces at him the whole way out.
Tomura got what little cleaning supplies they kept, ripped the photo of you off of his computer and started throwing away his garbage. The dirty clothes got piled in the closet, along with all of his anime figures. He might have to get rid of them. It almost felt like cheating, even though he knew you weren’t dating. It took him a lot longer than he thought, but it looked almost as clean as when he moved in. He had just enough time to shower, which he did as quickly as possible. After yesterday, he made a note to buy some cologne. He picked out something less obnoxious than Touya’s, something more subtle and musky. It was closer to his natural scent, and he hoped that would do something for you. Just as he was finishing up, he heard a small, delicate knock at his dorm.
Your throat was dry, your feet were stuck to the floor. Every part of your body was scared and yet you were so excited. Tomura opened the door and he was so close, you had to crane your head up to look at his face. Neither of you could speak. Eventually he stepped back and invited you in.
“Sorry if it smells like pot. Or cigarettes. Touya doesn’t have manners,” you weren’t even concerned about that smell, because of him. Tomura smelled musky, a complicated smell that wasn’t too heavy. You resisted the urge to bury your head in his neck as he offered you a spot on his bed. You sat your bag down, and he sat across from you at his desk.
“It’s not that strong, but uh, Touya Todoroki is your roommate?” He knew this was going to happen. He should’ve kept his mouth shut. Next you were going to ask him for Touya’s number, or if he’s single. Of course, Touya was always technically single, but he hoped you weren’t the type to join his harem of people he cycled through.
“…Yeah. He is. Why?” Tomura sounded snippy, but he didn’t mean to. Not towards you at least. The very thought of that asshole made him on edge.
“God, I’m sorry. He’s such a prick. That guy doesn’t know when to stop or shut up,” a wave of relief washed over him. He’s never been happier to hear someone talk shit about Touya.
“Yeah, I know. Thankfully he’s always gone,” he pulled out a text book, and flipped to the spot he marked last time. “So, I figured we could run through some practice questions. Then we can see what you’re still having trouble with. You’re doing a really good job, though,” the praise lit a fire in your core, making you press your thighs together. You could not afford to be horny right now. Every time you got a question right without his help, you got praised. It wasn’t enough and you didn’t want to hear it this way. The praise would sound a lot better when you were under him. Eventually, you got through an entire page of questions, getting a lot more right than wrong.
“That wasn’t too bad, I kinda feel smart. Is this what you feel like, except all the time?” He laughed, setting the text book down on his desk. Bravery or stupidity motivated him and he sat next to you.
“No, not really. I’m not that smart, not about everything, I promise,” his knee was touching yours, it made your heart try to jump out of your chest. Words wanted to escape you, but you were going to choke on them. If you could do calculus, you could do this.
“Tomura…” your throat was closing up, so if you were gonna say it, you had to say it now. “I know we’re supposed to be just… tutor-er and tutor-ee, but I just, I feel something and I need to try something,” Tomura was spellbound, his eyes wide. This was exactly what he wanted but he didn’t know what to do when he got it. “Do you get what I’m saying?”
“I think so, and I think I want to try it too. Just-,” his large hands cupped your face, grazing his thumb across your bottom lip. His lip darted out to wet his own, regretting he didn’t wear chapstick. Slowly, you met each other in the middle, and when your lips touched, it was electric. You tasted exactly like he expected. Sweet, enough to give him a tooth ache, but so incredibly hard to pull away from. He wasn’t sure if it was the kiss or if being this close did it, it but his whole body felt like it was going to explode. Tomura’s hands moved their way to your hips, tentatively, waiting for you to push him off and tell everyone how gross he was. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in. It started slow, delicate. Your lips were full and soft, he wanted to bite them but he held back, letting you lead. Breath failed him as you moved to sit on his lap. Luckily, his lust took a back seat, which shocked him. His lips were rough, but it was a turn on. Tomura wasn’t someone you’d give the time of day, or so you thought. No kiss has ever been this good for you. You knew he was probably scared, and it was probably his first kiss, but you wanted him to do more. The kiss got rougher, sloppier. Finally, Tomura got the nerve and nipped your bottom lip, and you moaned into his mouth. He reigned himself in and didn’t buck up into you, as much as he wanted to. Swiping his tongue across it, he tasted a tinge of blood. He felt a touch guilty, but you liked it. Your mouth opened, letting his tongue explore. Hands moved up your shirt, groping at your hips. His hands were cold, but it was like he set you on fire. When he pulled away to take a breath, you couldn’t stop staring. Tomura’s pale skin showed how deep his flush was.
“I think that answered my question,” you took a deep breath and put your hands on his chest. Tomura couldn’t stop staring at you. This was everything he wanted. How he managed to do it, he didn’t know, but he was ecstatic. “W-was that too much?”
“No, no, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that. You were just so pretty and so nice and I’m, well. I’m me,” Tomura’s face dropped, and he looked away from you.
“Tomura…” fingers pulled his jaw towards you, forcing his eyes to meet yours. “I’m gonna admit something, and I need you to promise me you’ll listen to the whole thing before you get upset,” you held out your pinkie finger. He hesitantly linked his own. Biting the inside of your cheek, you tried to find the right words. “I did think you were weird, and gross. I believed everything I was told about you but you’re so much more complicated than that. In a good way. You make me feel weird, like I’m gonna vomit feathers.”
“You make me feel the same way. It’s like my heart want to escape my body. And, I am.. um, a little gross and weird. They’re not really wrong,” To him, he was. Tomura realized so many things he did were creepy. He was born looking odd, and the things he went through didn’t help. You apparently saw past that. Somehow, you saw what he couldn’t see in himself.
“Maybe you are. But that doesn’t change how I feel,” your hands had a tight grip on his hoodie, like any moment he could jump away and leave you behind. Tomura took a moment to speak, voice quivering.
“Can I take you out? Not now, but, maybe go somewhere? Together?” His body shook. Where did that come from? Not that he cares. He was proud of himself for once.
“That sounds good, I’d love that,” you hoped he wouldn’t make you leave. Now more than ever you wanted to stay. It was like some invisible string had tied you two together long before you met, and coming together now was meant to be.
“Well, d-do you wanna watch a movie or…?” His hand moved up to scratch his neck, force of habit and nervousness guiding it. You grabbed his wrist, trying to be gentle.
“Please, don’t do that. It’s made the skin irritated, since you do it a lot, right? I’ve got some lotion that’ll help, I’ll bring it tomorrow,” the way you cared for him made his chest hurt. His fear told him you’d probably end up leaving, but he couldn’t help but love any touch you gave him.
“It’s a nervous tick. It doesn’t calm me down at all, but, I’ve done it for so long,” Tomura fumbled with the remote to his TV, mounted on the wall with a massive collection of games sitting just below it. It made you wonder where he got this kind of money. He let you pick out a movie you liked and you gently guided him back, so you could lay on his chest. His arms went stiff, unsure of what to do with them till you grabbed his hands and put them around you. When you got settled, and burrowed yourself into him, he felt like he could relax. You wanted to touch him. Be close to him. He wasn’t revolting, or weird, or creepy to you. Not anymore. It was so strange, he thought he would have to work so hard to make this happen but it felt natural once he understood you wanted it too. After everything that he’s dealt with, maybe this was fate giving him a break. Tomura wasn’t sure if he believed in soul mates, but it felt like you were his.
Every time a movie would end, you’d take turns picking one out. Eventually, as the dark settled in, you fell asleep on his chest. Watching you sleep was comforting. Tomura ran his hands through your hair and let the back of his hands graze your cheeks. He pulled the blanket over the two of you and pulled you close to his chest. Soon he followed, falling asleep before midnight, for once. At some point in the night, Touya woke him up, smacking his forehead.
“Dude, nice,” he whispered, holding his hand up for a high five.
“Dude, fuck off. She’s sleeping. We didn’t even do anything and I’m fine with that, I’m not like you,” Touya rolled his eyes, grabbing a few things from his desk and opened the door.
“Well, either way. You gotta bitch in your bed, that’s close enough. Nice,” his praise meant nothing to Tomura.
“She’s not a bitch. Say that shit again. I will black your goddamn eye again,” normally, Tomura would’ve done it already, but he had you. You were on his chest, and he cared more about you than satisfying his desire to maim Touya. “Lock the fucking door on your way out.”
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Ingo takes out the trash every night as long as Emmet does the dishes. One night, he meets a new friend by the dumpster.
Word Count: ~2600
CWs: mild violence
The twins had separate chores to do daily, weekly, and bi-weekly. Each of them cared for their own Pokemon, occasionally spoiling the other’s a little bit. They worked together to keep their room clean and every week, they’d take turns on who cleaned their bathroom or the kitchen and living room. They’d switch out on laundry. Their mother loved to say they were well-behaved boys. 
Every night, though, they had a pact. Emmet would do the dishes as long as Ingo took out the trash. He couldn’t stand the smell and Ingo couldn’t stand the feeling of wet food on the dishes. Every night, Ingo would gather up all the trash made by themselves and their Pokemon and carry it out to the dumpster behind their house. 
It was one of these nights, they were in their early teens and taking a break from their Pokemon journey, when Ingo was out back, grumbling about something he had heard that day in town. He tossed the black bag into the pile angrily, beginning to turn away-
He heard a startled grunt. 
Ingo turned back to the dumpster, scrutinizing it. It smelled bad and it was full of trash, but otherwise it just seemed like a normal dumpster. He waited for a moment. 
Something moved inside. 
“Hello?” he called out. “Is someone in there?” It was quiet again for a minute. 
“Bish?” came a small call from deep within the dumpster. Ingo hopped up, looking in. 
“Do you need help?” he asked. “I can help you if you’re stuck.” 
Something rustled. Then Ingo realized it was one of the trash bags, moving around. It looked at him with wide eyes, a small frown on its face. “Bish…” It sounded pitiful. 
“Oh, uh… hello. Are you alright?” he asked it awkwardly. 
It moved again and grunted. “Trubb…” Ingo noticed that the outer bag that made up its body had a rip in it, letting all the other trash inside of it loose. 
“Oh. I… Hold on just a second, I think I can help you.” He ran back home, sneaking into the garage and grabbing a thick roll of industrial tape. He ran back out and to the garbage, clutching the silver roll tightly, hoping he hadn’t been seen. He hopped up and saw the little creature still there, nursing its ripped side. “May I see it? I can patch you up if you’d like.” The Pokemon looked up at him. It seemed scared. “See? I got some tape. I didn’t think sewing it up would do much, but I can use this until it heals back up on its own. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He showed it the tape, even unwinding some of it. “It’s just duct tape. It’ll hold you together until you get to your next destination.” 
The Pokemon looked at him suspiciously before finally moving its ‘arm’ out of the way, fully exposing its side. Ingo carefully applied a few pieces of tape, ripping them with his hands. One long one to cover the main gash, and a couple smaller ones to make sure it didn’t fall off too easily. Then he patted it all down gently, ensuring that it wouldn’t come undone. When he was done, he patted the top of the Pokemon’s head - bag? The things that looked like ears perked up some. “There you go, don’t get into too many other scuffles while you heal. I need to go back before my mother starts looking for me. Good luck, little passenger.” He hopped out of the dumpster as the Pokemon called out happily at him. He entered the house and was interrogated on his whereabouts. He said that the trash had fallen open and he’d had to clean it up. He took a long shower that night to get rid of the smell. 
The next day, Ingo was surprised to find the Pokemon still there. It emerged from behind the dumpster this time, croaking at him. He cocked his head, squatting down to its level. “Oh, hello, again, passenger. Are you feeling any better today?” It hopped up and down, squealing in a deep voice. It seemed to be happier. “Well, I am glad to hear it. Are you lost? I do not recognize you from around here.” It nodded at him. “I see. Me and my brother were hoping to continue our Pokemon journey sometime at the end of this month. If you are still in the area, perhaps we can conduct you to your home?” 
The Pokemon looked at him oddly. Then it shook its head. 
“You do not wish to return to your home station?” he asked incredulously. 
It shook its head again and gestured to the tape still shining on its side. And Ingo understood. 
“You got hurt where you were before, didn’t you?” It nodded at him. He considered this information for a bit. “I do not see why you could not stay here for some time. What kind of fuel do you prefer? I cannot promise home-cooked food but-” The Pokemon shook its head, cutting him off. It gestured to the bag of trash in his hand. “This?” he asked, setting it down. It waddled over, untying the bag with ease and hopping inside before beginning to eat the trash within. “Oh!” His eyes gleamed with newfound understanding. “You eat garbage! I see now. Well you are welcome to this, then, we are done with it. I will see you again soon, little passenger!” And Ingo hopped off home, making sure that he was able to shower quickly. 
A full week went by in this manner. Ingo would greet the creature, which he found out was called Trubbish, giving it his trash and bidding it a good night. Every night, the Pokemon waited for him and chirped at him happily. He understood that its belches were extremely toxic, so he asked it if it was possible for it to wait until he was not around for it so expel the gas, which it did not seem to mind. Otherwise, he did not tell others about its existence (other than Emmet, of course). Adults seemed to think them a nuisance. Trubbish was not a nuisance, it was just hungry! 
It was the eleventh day since Ingo had first found Trubbish that the trouble started. Ingo heard shouting by the dumpster and ran over to see what was the matter. He laid his bag on the ground as he took in the scene before him. 
One of his neighbors was outside and taking out the trash, which was odd. Ingo was usually the only one to take out the garbage this late. The woman was standing back, waving a broom at the dumpster. “Madam?” Ingo asked politely. She whipped her head up to see the boy. 
“Ingo! Oh, thank goodness you are here. Could you get rid of this nasty creature? It keeps eating the garbage and its being a general pest!” Ingo knitted his brows and looked around to see what she was referring to. A small Trubbish huddled in the corner, whining as it covered its eyes with its trash arms. Silver tape gleamed on its side. 
“Ah! There she is. Mrs. Johnson, this is no pest. This friendly little Pokemon has been assisting me for several nights now. She is quite a good conversationalist.” Ingo knelt down and patted the Trubbish on the head, making it look up. She reached around and hugged him tightly. She was scared. 
“Ingo, do you not know what that is?” Mrs. Johnson asked him, still holding the broom. 
“Well, of course. She is a Trubbish.” He stood in front of her, turning back to face the neighbor as he cocked his head. He could feel Trubbish rubbing against his ankles. 
“Trubbish can send people to the hospital, boy. That thing is dangerous to keep around!” 
“Only if they belch directly at you. I kindly asked this one to wait until people were not around to expel the gasses, and it agreed. There is not much danger to be had from this little one.” He could feel it nodding behind him. 
“The other neighbors are not going to like this. Have you been feeding it?” 
“I allow it to consume any waste I bring out. It’s not like I need it anymore,” he said honestly. 
“Now it’s never going to leave!” she shouted. “Now we have to call Pokemon Control to come get it-”
“You do not have to! She is perfectly friendly!” Ingo shouted, exasperated. 
“And if she doesn’t get enough trash? Then what? She starts rooting into our houses and getting into our kitchens!” 
“I do not think she would do that, Mrs. Johnson.” He was beginning to get annoyed. Couldn’t she see that Trubbish just wanted to help? 
“Ingo, I understand you think that she is just a baby, but she’s not going to stay that way. She stinks, she’s ugly, and she-” 
“Bish…” Ingo felt the Pokemon vanish from his side. He turned and watched it take off into the woods. 
“Trubbish!” Ingo turned and ran, not sparing another glance at the woman. He was angry. Night had already fallen as he tumbled through the trees, trying desperately to find the Pokemon. “Trubbish! Where are you?” Ingo listened hard and heard nothing in the forest. He couldn’t smell her anymore, either. “Trubbish, please come back!” He continued wandering into the forest. He was going to find his new friend. 
Rustling behind him. “Trubbish?” Ingo whirled to see a few pairs of glowing eyes staring directly at him. Ingo shuddered. Watchog. “I apologize, I am looking for my friend. She is a Trubbish. Have you seen-” The largest one lunged at him, opening its mouth with massive front teeth coming directly for his arm. He jumped out of the way. “Hey!” A second one lunged for him next, squeaking in displeasure. Ingo tripped on something unseen and rolled, barely avoiding getting bitten. “Please! I just want to find her!” The first one hopped over him and opened its mouth, lunging for him-
It was hit aside by something strong. It fell off Ingo, allowing him to scramble up and stand back. The Watchog was laying on the ground, winded. A sound like bubbling tar met Ingo’s ears and he could smell the rank odor of toxin all around him. He did not feel affected by it. 
“Trubbish.” Ingo could not see it in the darkness, but he could hear her. One of the Watchog made a dive for Ingo, only to be knocked back by a ball of pure poison, hitting it out of the air and knocking it into a tree, where it fainted. Three more pairs of eyes growled. One made a direct lunge at Trubbish, its fangs glistening. Ingo heard a ripping sound. He typed out a message on his Xtrans to Emmet frantically as he grabbed the Watchog himself and threw it off of Trubbish. 
“Trubbish? Are you alright?” Ingo tried to find her, but felt himself shoved aside by a lumpy arm. 
“Trubbish.” The Pokemon inhaled deeply and belched, all over all the Watchog. He heard them cry out as their eyes were now full of stinging toxins. Then her arms began to glow, reflecting in her attacker’s eyes as she whipped around, much too fast for what Ingo would expect, delivering two precise hits to the face of the smallest Watchog. It was launched clear away from the battlefield from the force. She turned, her arms still emitting a soft golden light. Another attacker lunged forward and sank its teeth into her bag, making her screech in pain as she spewed toxic sludge, she whirled around trying to get it off, but it wouldn’t budge, it kept swinging and sinking its teeth deeper and deeper into the Pokemon as Ingo screamed-
“Klink, Thundershock!” A yellow flash of light shot at the Watchog on Trubbish, blowing it clean off of her and knocking it onto the ground. “Litwick, Fire Spin that last one!” Another flash of light and a flare of blue fire and the last attacker was down for the count. 
Ingo immediately scrambled up, running to the Trubbish and holding her. She was knocked out. Her bag was ripped terribly, pieces of garbage falling out of her. Ingo lifted her up. She was heavy, but he didn’t care. He got to his feet. “Home. We need to get her home. She’s hurting.” 
Emmet nodded, his silver eyes glinting in the light offered by the Litwick on his shoulder. He recalled Klink to its ball and led the way home, making sure Ingo was keeping up. Ingo did not realize how far he’d run. It seemed like a very, very long walk back to their house. Emmet opened the door and Ingo rushed in, still gripping the Trubbish tightly. He immediately took her to their shared room, laying her gently on the floor. Emmet handed him potions and a revive without a word. He pushed it past her teeth, helping her to chew it as he bandaged her bag and sprayed her wounds. She managed to slowly wake up. She blinked sluggishly. 
Ingo sat with her, watching her intently. “Trubbish? Are you feeling alright? Can I get you anything?” The Pokemon rolled up, looking around. 
“Bish?...” She looked up at Ingo in confusion. 
“This is my room. We brought you home after the Watchog attack.” Trubbish blinked, looking at Emmet. Klink gently turned beside him, its constant clicking noises soothing. Litwick waddled over, waving at the Trubbish. “Ah, yes. This is my twin, Emmet. This is our partner, Klink, and our other Pokemon, Litwick, Eelektrik, and Joltik.” Eelektrik popped its head out from behind Emmet. Joltik waved its foreleg from Emmet’s shoulder. Emmet also smiled, waving at the Trubbish. 
Trubbish crept closer to Ingo’s side. She seemed shy. “It’s alright, none of us are going to hurt you, we promise. They got the rest of the Watchog off of us and got us home safely.” Emmet nodded. She looked around, her ears still drooping slightly. “Me and Emmet were going to continue our Pokemon journey soon. We can keep you here until we leave, and then find somewhere safe for you to live. Would you like that?” Ingo asked her gently. 
She wrapped her lumpy arms around him, burying her face in his shirt. She shook her head. 
A small belch sounded from her. 
Ingo immediately made to cover his nose, having heard what the gasses can do, worried he had already inhaled it. 
“What are you doing? Nothing smells?” Emmet asked him, his normal grin tinged with confusion. 
Ingo removed his shirt, knitting his brows. Emmet was right. It didn’t smell in the slightest. His eyes widened a fraction as he patted Trubbish’s back. “Do you trust me?” he asked her. 
She looked up at him, her eyes large and pleading. She nodded. Ingo could feel his own version of a smile creeping onto his face. 
“How would you like to join our team? We still have space for a few more members. A poison type would be a huge asset to us, and you can help make my trash job easier.” Trubbish squealed and hugged him again. Ingo chuckled and wrapped her in his arms. “Emmet?” Emmet passed him a Pokeball, which he pressed to her head softly. The ball clicked. He brought her back out, pulling her onto his lap and grinning at her. “Welcome to the team, then, Trubbish. Would you like a nickname?” She looked at him quizzically. “What if I called you Scrapyard? Scrappy for short?” Trubbish smiled at him. Ingo laughed as she tucked herself into his body, grunting with happiness at him. 
Emmet clapped his hands. The other Pokemon cooed in delight and crowded around, all eager to get to know the latest member of their team.
taglist: @ruyi-years
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clockworkspider · 2 years
Under the Bridge
Keito & Rei, relationship studies. Pre-Crossroad. 1k words.
“Let’s go on a date.” 
Those were indeed a series of words that had came out of Rei’s mouth. 
“What?” Keito said, and then, “Why?” 
“Because we never just hang out anymore, and I miss my best friend.” 
Keito, for his part, had the decency to look a bit guilty. “I’m sorry, Sakuma-san. But there was an… incident at the archery club. And I need to do some clean up.” 
“I’ve heard about that from Mikejima-kun, I thought you two already took care of it. I have to say—” The smile dropped from Rei’s face then, replaced by an expression of concern. “—I didn’t expect you to be so… direct… in your method.” 
“Of course you heard of it… Do you disapprove? I’m sure Sakuma-san could have came up with a cleaner method. But we handled it on our own, and now I have to tidy up the loose ends.” 
“No need to be so defensive, Bouzu, I’m not criticizing you.” He could tell he got Keito’s hackles rising, and held up a calming hand. These days, his childhood friend had been stressed and easily irritable. Rei had an inkling as to why, but it wasn’t a problem for him to solve. “I’m just glad you weren’t hurt.” 
“Oh… Well… Thank you for your concern, then.” Keito said, “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to finish these paperwork, and then I need to find a few people and speak with them.” 
“Alright, I’ll give you a challenge, just like the old times,” Rei grinned, all bright and pearly teeth, “Show me a good time, and I’ll help you tidy up all the loose ends.” He winked. 
“Don’t act like this wasn’t your job in the first place, Rei-san. You’re the student council president.”
“A job that I accepted only because you begged me, Bouzo. Wasn’t it in our agreement that I’m just gonna be a figurehead?”
“If you don’t plan to help, then get out. Someone has to take care of this.” 
“Come now, have you forgotten that you’re still a child? You’re no fun when you’re all work and no play. At this point you’ll turn grey at 20. You need a break! Take me somewhere fun, and if I have a good time, I’ll help you with all the shady stuff tomorrow. As your senior, I have more connections than you do in this school, you know?” 
Keito considered this, and seemed to have taken the bait. “I don’t think I know anywhere fun that you wouldn’t know already.” He frowned. 
“Try me.” Rei grinned. 
“A manga store? Really?” 
“They have a small but well curated section on doujinshi, you can find some rare gems here.” 
“Of course they do.” Rei laughed. “But Hasumi-kun, this is just what you like.” 
“You still enjoy manga, don’t you? This is an acceptable hang out spot for two teenage boys which takes consideration of our shared interest.” 
“Sure, but I’d like for you to try a little harder if you’re trying to impress me.” 
Keito sighed. “Why do I have to do that in the first place? Nothing impresses you anymore, Sukuma-san.” 
In fact, Keito couldn’t seem to remember Rei being impressed at all, by anyone. Especially not him. It had always been the other way around. 
(It was childish arrogance that prevented him from noticing back then—)
“Yes, life is so dreadfully boring, isn’t it? That’s why I’d like to see you try.” 
Keito furrowed his brows and appeared to be considering this proposition very seriously, as if presented with a riddle to be solved. It was one of the more endearing qualities of his childhood friend, thought Rei. 
“I think I know just the place,” he concluded, with a definitive little nod. 
“This is the underside of a bridge,” Rei observed, dryly. 
A very wide bridge. The type where the underside is a dark tunnel. There were garbage and cigarette butts strewn on the ground and graffitis on the walls. If you looked into the corners, you could see dried bits of vomit, and stains that could be either blood or rust. This was the type of place people get murdered in. 
“Have you finally lost your patience and decided to get rid of me? You should not underestimate the strength of a vampire, you know?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Keito snapped. And then he cleared his throat, and begun to sing. 
It wasn’t an idol song. It was Enka, with lilting syllables characteristic to traditional Japanese songs. The notes reverberated against the walls of the tunnel, making it sound more like a religious hymn than contemporary music. After a few verses, he stopped. 
“I come here to practice sometimes.” 
“It’s not quite the right ambience for idol songs, is it?” 
“We still need to work on our basic vocals.” 
Rei laughed, closed his eyes, and begun to sing. The melody of a rock anthem, sung like a holy hymn. His voice rang loud and clear, without reservation or reverence. He did not let the reverberations guide him, but commanded the space to his will. It was a calling, an invitation, a decree, and Keito could only join in and carry the song to its completion. The trash and debris no longer seemed to matter. It was a domain transformed and tamed by Sakuma Rei’s voice. 
“Not bad,” Rei appraised, huffing as the last of the reverberation faded from the tunnel. His red eyes shone with mirth. “This is a great find, Hasumi-kun. I’m very pleased. Thank you for sharing this spot with me.” 
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Keito said, a breathless laugh escaping his throat, part wonder, part despair. 
“Sakuma-san, the school is crumbling, decaying in its past glories. The students are unmotivated and the staff has all but given up on us. Those who wants to work hard can slave away their lives and be treated like nothing but a joke. Something needs to change. Help me bring forth a revolution, Sakuma-san. 
“With your power, we can take Yumenosaki— no, the idol world to a higher stage. If it’s you, I know you’ll be able to do it.” His eyes were shining with so much hope and vigor. 
So much expectation. 
They stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity. 
“Perhaps you're right,” Rei finally said, smiling and turning away. 
He didn’t say yes. 
Keito never returned to the underside of that bridge after that. 
Written to the song Blindness by Metric. Tho it's for mood more than the lyrics.
@honeybeekao Remember how you requested for 2nd year KeiRei? I was like "oh maybe Rei dragged Keito away from work and forced him to hang out and take a break" and then it turned into this... I think I lost my ability to write fluff.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 9
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: arguing, harsh language, swearing
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous → Part 8
Next → Part 10
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The trek up the stairs from the store to the apartment felt like climbing a never-ending escalator that was going the wrong way. After the day you had had, you were both mentally and physically exhausted and ready to call it a night early.
Thankfully, as if you had finally hit a stroke of luck that day, Keishin had texted you saying that he would pick up dinner on the way home, saving you the exertion of having to leave the apartment again. So, with that information in mind, you kicked off your shoes for the day and fell unceremoniously onto the couch in the living room.
As you sat down, you heard the envelope in your back pocket crinkle and the sudden noise seemed to completely fill the otherwise silent apartment.
Ah yes, the envelope.
Pulling the decision to your future out of your back pocket, you stared at it for what felt like another hour or so. No matter how long you held the envelope in your hands, you couldn't force yourself to open it. You simply didn't want to.
At some point between when your mother had handed it to you and now, you had subconsciously decided that you wanted to choose your own path forward despite what the decision letter may or may not say.
Feeling strangely empowered and confident, you stood to your feet and ventured into the bedroom where you slipped the envelope into one of the drawers Keishin was letting you keep your clothes in and tucked it underneath one of your sweaters. Maybe one day you would open the damn thing when whatever was inside wasn't weighing so heavily on your mind and future, but today was not that day.
Just then, you heard the front door open and knew Keishin had arrived home. Closing the drawer, you plastered a smile across your face and exited the bedroom to greet your boyfriend.
"Welcome home, Dear," you giggled, trying your best to fake the part of a doting housewife. "How was the volleyball game?"
Keishin chuckled softly as you took the takeout bags from him. "It was a close game, but they pulled it together in the last set and won."
"Oh, good!" You placed the bags onto the table before retrieving some plates and chopsticks from the kitchen.
"How was your day?" he asked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You sighed as you thought back on your day. "It was okay," you answered, not really wanting to go into much more detail than that. You doubted Keishin wanted to hear about your minuscule problems with rude customers after the long day he had clearly had.
Keishin, however, picked up on your uncertainty right away. "Doesn't sound okay," he commented. "Want to talk about it?"
You shrugged. "Just some shitty customers. Seems I had forgotten how poorly low-level workers are treated sometimes . . . just threw me a little," you said. "I'll be fine. Just glad the day is over now."
"You and me both." He flashed a smile as he turned to head for the bedroom. "I'm just going to change quickly and then we'll eat."
"Sounds good." You started dishing out some of the food. "I was also thinking we could watch a movie tonight as well. I could use something to clear my mind."
"Sitting on the couch with a beer is an ideal evening in my book," you heard him respond faintly from the bedroom. "There's a new action movie that came out. I think it's about-"
You waited for Keishin to finish his sentence, but when he didn't, you cocked your head and looked toward the bedroom doorway. Before you had the chance to call out to him, he appeared in the doorway shirtless, eyebrows furrowed and the envelope from the university in his hand.
"W-why do you have that?" you asked, the look on his face upon discovering the letter making your heart drop. "That was in my drawer . . . why were you going through my things?"
"I was looking for my sweater, the one you always steal," he answered. "Y/N . . . what is this?"
Rounding the table and approaching Keishin, you snatched the envelope out of his hand. "That is one of the many reasons why my day today was so shitty."
As you turned to head for the kitchen to toss the envelope in the garbage and rid your life of it, Keishin followed you. "You didn't get in?" he inquired.
You shrugged. "I have no idea. I didn't open it."
As you moved to toss the letter into the trash, Keishin grabbed your wrist and stopped you. "Why are you throwing it out if you didn't open it yet?"
"Because I don't care what it says. I've decided that I'm going to stay here with you and work at the store. This is the life I want . . . the life I get to choose for myself."
"You should still open it," he reasoned. "You might change how you feel about it when you see the result."
"I don't want to change how I feel about it." You shook your head as you gently pried your wrist out of his grip. "No need to make things more difficult than they need to be. I've had enough difficulty for one lifetime, thank you very much. This decision is easy, and best of all, it makes me happy."
Gesturing to the envelope, Keishin sighed. "But this is what you wanted. When you told me about your dream to play soccer at the University of Tokyo, your face lit up. Why are giving up on your dream before you've even given yourself a chance to experience it?"
"Dreams can change, Keishin," you told him before sighing and deciding to humour him for a moment. "Okay, let's say I open this letter and somehow did get in. What then? I couldn't pay for that school in my wildest dreams; not without my parents' help. Sometimes dreams are just childish and unrealistic. So I found a new dream, one with us living here together."
"You could apply for student loans. Tons of people do." He folded his arms across his chest. "I don't think this is about the money or your parents. I think this is about us. You've gotten comfortable here."
Throwing your hands up into the air in exasperation, you huffed. "And so what if I have? Is that really so bad?"
"I just don't want you to throw away an opportunity like this over me."
"Over you?" you cocked a brow. "Because you're, what, trash? Not worth it? A lowlife? A burnout?"
Keishin bit at his bottom lip. "You know what's not what I meant."
Inhaling deeply, you glared down at the god-forsaken envelope in your hand and began to tear at the top. "Let's not fight about something that probably isn't even going to happen." You pulled the letter out and unfolded it, your eyes scanning the text quickly. "The University of Tokyo is notoriously difficult to get into and I-"
Keishin quirked a brow when you stopped mid-sentence. "What does it say?"
A broken laugh was the only thing you could manage as you lowered the letter and shook your head. "Un-fucking-believable." You handed the paper over to Keishin, the edge crumpled from where your grip had tightened when you read the decision.
Keishin looked at the page for all of two seconds before he found the bolded 'Congratulations' and a huge grin spread across his face. "You got in!" He was way more excited than you were about this. "This is good news. You can play soccer at the University of Tokyo. Come on, you can't tell me this doesn't make you at least a little happy."
"I wish it did," you answered honestly. "I wish it were that easy."
"It is! It can be." Keishin set the letter down on the counter and took your hands in his. "Student loans, part-time jobs, it's all possible. Sure, it might be a little tricky to work out, but it's totally possible."
When you didn't respond, Keishin hooked his fingers under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. "Accept the spot at the university. Follow your dream," he told you.
". . . but I'll have to leave you." You felt the words catch in your throat and tried your hardest not to start crying. "You make me happy—you're the first thing that's made me genuinely happy in a long time—and I don't want to leave that for a chance at something that might not even work out."
"But what if it does work out? You don't know that it won't," he said softly. "Don't end up like me, looking back at your past and wondering what might have been if you had just chosen a different path. I know this might seem good enough for now, but how will you feel after ten or twenty years of working the same dead-end job for the same shit pay all while getting treated like shit by people who look down on you? Look at how one day of catering to pretentious assholes made you feel. Do you really want to live the rest of your life like that?"
"But what about you?" you asked, your voice shaky.
Keishin dropped his head, a few stray strands of hair falling into his face. Unlike that morning, when he had been asleep with loose hairs in his face, he looked annoyed and frustrated now. The bags under his eyes and tension lines on his forehead were a stark contrast to the soft, peaceful face you had woken up to that morning.
"Don't throw this away over me," he repeated. "Don't throw your future away over a 26-year-old burnout."
Lip quivering, you sucked in a deep breath. "I thought you were different . . . but you're just like everyone else."
Keishin eyed you. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You said I should make my own decisions and live my life how I wanted but it was all a facade." You slipped your hand out of his and took a step back. "In the end, you're just like everyone else . . . you think you have a right to plan my future for me without giving me a say in the matter. You want to tell me how to live my life just like my parents."
"How could you say that?" Keishin almost snapped but managed to collect his anger before he did. "All I want is what's best for you."
You scoffed as you wiped a tear from your cheek. "If I had a penny for every time I've heard that I'd have enough money to pay for the University of Tokyo and then you'd get your damn wish . . . I'd be gone."
"When did I ever say I wanted you gone? Why are you so adamant that going to Tokyo means we can't be together?"
"Why are you so against just letting me make my own decision about this?! Why do I have to go to play soccer at that fucking university and leave you? I don't want to leave you!"
"Why not? Why are you so damn hung up on someone like me?!"
"Because I love you!" The two of you froze in place the second those words left your mouth. Chest heaving from the shouting and high emotions, you snapped your mouth shut before you said anything else in the heat of the moment.
Eyes wide, Keishin stared at you like a deer in headlights. "You what?"
You debated whether or not you should repeat what you had said, but by then, the damage had been done. "I love you," you breathed. "And I know you told me not to fall in love with you . . . but I did. I fell hard and fast and now I'm stuck in you and I cannot possibly leave you so please stop asking me to."
You waited for what felt like an eternity for Keishin to say something, say anything. He opened his mouth a few times like he was about to, but nothing ever came out.
"Keishin . . ." You took a cautious step forward. "Please say something."
Keishin swallowed hard before looking you directly in the eyes. "If I said I didn't love you back, would you go?"
You felt your heart crack and the sensation of being punched in the gut spread throughout your entire body. "Is that what you're saying? You don't love me?"
"If I didn't, would you leave?"
You inhaled sharply. "If you look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don't feel the same way that I do; that everything over the past few months has meant nothing to you, there would be no possible way I could stay in Miyagi," you answered truthfully. "If you tell me that you don't love me and that you never have, I would have no reason to stay in this prefecture."
Keishin's lips parted once more. "Y/N . . . I-" His brown eyes locked onto yours and you could feel what he was about to say even though he never did. "I . . . I can't do this right now."
With that, he brushed past you, grabbed a sweater from the bedroom and threw it on before storming out of the apartment, leaving you and the now cold takeout food alone.
Tears in your eyes and a lump in your throat, you turned to look over your shoulder at the decision letter sitting on the counter, practically taunting you.
You should have thrown the thing out the second your mom dropped it off. Or better yet, maybe you should have never made that deal with Keishin and applied for the university in the first place.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Classified Affairs Ch 31
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*not my image* Jackie Sharp x reader Warnings: language, lots of political bullshit, mentions of smut, mentions of drama, weed and alcohol consumption. a/n: sorry this update took so fucking long, i had to rework the debate shit like eight times, and have been focussing my home time on editing photos since that actually pays the bills. and i am regretfully informing y’all that allthough i am nearly done them, I have a new show to photograph on Friday and then edit all next week….ugh…bills…am i right
Sheer exhaustion from the campaign, the stress of your secret personal life, and still working weekends at Shaw’s had you sleeping well past noon at Jackie’s. When you’d finally woken up, you were impeccably glad that you only had one work associated task to attend to today, making your way from her place into your car.
Once back at your condo, you turned on one screen to the news channel, and set about getting some at home errands done. You’d been working so much you knew there was a back up of laundry, tossing a load into the washer, cleaning out your fridge and kitchen before loading up the dishwasher and scrubbing down the counters. You tidied up the rest of the apartment, taking out a couple loads of recycling and garbage, making sure everything was clean and how you wanted it. You remade the bed with a fresh set of sheets before you turned back to the mini walk in closet, thinking about your conversation with Jackie. You honestly had been thinking about tossing a lot of what Heather had bought for you over the year but you weren’t quite sure where you wanted to draw the line, a lot of the stuff you ended up using or wearing on a pretty regular basis, especially with the new job. But you wanted to purge her from your life as much as you could, and wanted to have as little as possible in your home that made you think of her. You let out a huff of a sigh, picking up your phone as you turned on a playlist and tugged out a couple of boxes, one for donation, and one for the garbage as you finally began to sort through the gifted items.
A few hours later, a few boxes littered the kitchen island while you still dug through the closet, trying to figure out what you were keeping and what you felt was needed to give away. Half the boxes were filled with crap Heather had gifted you, the other half shit you hadn’t worn or used years, or shit you wouldn’t since your full time job was now in the White House. The t.v was on, the channel covering the news pre-debate, loud enough that you could hear anything substantial from the other room. You’d already eaten dinner, surprised at the late hour of this debate, though they were in California, a seven p.m debate there was starting at ten p.m your time.
You thought you heard a noise, and attributed it to the t.v before you definitely heard a clunk, a voice called out, causing you to jump.
“Y/n?” Becca’s voice rang out through the condo.
“I’m in here.” You called back, dumping a handful of dresses into the donation box before the younger woman popped up in the bedroom doorway.
“I know you have political crap to do tonight but I cannot stand to be around my fuck twat of a brother anymore.” She grumbled, dropping down onto your bed.
“Understandable.” You laughed as you turned back to the closet.
“What is all this?” Becca pried at the lid of the box closest to her.
“I’m purging my apartment,” you called back, “getting rid of shit she got me. You’re more than welcome to look through them but all things considered I doubt they’re you’re style.”
“Good for you.” Becca tossed you a grin as you tossed another pile of clothes onto the bed, sorting them into different boxes, “what about this one?” Her hand hit the lid of a fully loaded bin and you nearly shrieked.
“Not that!”
“Oh GOD!” She jolted away from the box, a playful look of disgust on her face, “this is full of sex toys ins’t it?!”
“Those, are for the garbage!”
“Disgusting.” She replied with a laugh and you rolled your eyes.
“Whatever.” You tossed a couple of shirts into a donation box, returning the rest to your closet, “why were you with Jordan anyways?”
“Remember that story I told you about his grad party?”
“Is that when your Mom…” you trailed off, letting her finish the thought.
“No. Mom wasn’t there for this one, one of his idiot friends jumped off the roof into the pool and broke a leg and the other ankle?”
“Oh right.” You nodded, “such smart scholars he associates with.”
“Yeah, well after that Mom demanded I be there whenever he hosted parties to try and keep an eye on things, or like, throw him under the bus and make a noise complaint to the cops so that party would get shut down.”
“Why bother even going tonight?”
“Dad’s worried about him.” She shrugged, helping as you collected the bags and boxes, depositing them by the door before swinging through the kitchen, “I decided it was better for me to leave when they started trashing the house.”
“The guest house?” You raised a brow, passing her a cider.
“Nope.” She sighed, “the main house. Well…honestly probably both…” she took a large swig, “the moment the Swarovski vase got smashed, I peaced.”
“Oh Jordan you fucking moron.” You sighed, “my thoughts are prayers are with you because your Mother is about to disown you.”
“Literally.” Becca laughed, “I mean…good for him for sticking it to her after she threw him under the bus for her own campaign….”
“True.” You padded out to the living room, Becca following your lead as you dropped down onto the couch, “ya know, if you want to take my laptop and go watch Netflix in the other room I’m not gonna be offended.”
“Oh bestie…” she cackled, “my Mom’s about to get absolutely destroyed on national television…. I am watching this debate.”
“You take too much joy from this.”
Over in California things were gearing up nicely, Jackie felt as prepared as she could be and knowing that her and Underwood were technically on the same team helped boost her confidence. She knew that Heather would be the one taking most of the hits tonight, but was fully prepared to take a few herself, the two republican candidates, Hunter and Levers, would likely already know that Heather wasn’t going to get the nomination, and wouldn’t have to dig too deeply into her at this point.
Jackie and Remy had just disembarked the SUV, moving through the halls of the conference centre, making their way towards the auditorium. She vaguely heard his phone beep, but didn’t stop moving until his hand closed around her bicep, pulling her back and over to the side of the corridor.
“What?” She asked, glancing up at the concerned expression on his face and he turned the phone screen toward her.
“Someone found the ample timing.” He muttered and she took the phone from him. It was a twitter article, the one she’d been honestly waiting for at this point, a few paparazzi photos of you and her out to brunch the previous weekend, one that was very obviously a kiss, along with a couple of work related ones, linking you to being part of her staff. “You want me to call her?”
“No.” Jackie sighed, “she’s got google alerts turned on, she’ll have already seen it.”
“You worried about this?”
“No.” She smiled softly with a small nod, “we’ve always known that our relationship could get dragged into this, we’re both prepared. As long as no one manages to connect the dots between her and…” she nodded toward the auditorium, “that’s all she’s worried about. I’ll make an official statement after the debate.”
She quickly skimmed through the article as they continued their way down the hall, and was happy to see that at least whoever published it had yet to figure out what your name was. She said a silent prayer that if Heather tried to contact you, you’d make the smart move and not pick up your phone, the last thing she wanted was for you to get an earful after you’d made so much progress.
After quickly slipping into character, she stepped into the room, leaving Remy to take a seat in the audience as she made her way up to her assigned podium. The room was set up so that Frank, Heather and herself were slightly aligned in a semi circle across from Hunter and Levers. The debate was quick to start, hearing opening statements and everyone droned on about policies, beliefs and why they would make the preferred president over the others. There was a bit of back and fourth of the democrats uniting against the republicans, as exciting as politics could get, but they were making their strong points and backing their arguments up with clear and concise evidence.
It was no one’s surprise when Hunter was the one to start to play dirty, cutting off Jackie mid sentence;
“Well Ms Sharp I do have to wonder how many Americans want a gay president?”
She huffed, doing her best not to openly roll her eyes, more irked that she’d been interrupted rather than called out,
“Mr Hunter I don’t really know what my sexuality has to do with running a country, but I do believe they would rather have a gay president than a homophobic president.” She replied, unsurprised when it was Heather that cut in next.
“Oh so I suppose they want one that’s been having inappropriate relations with their staff members?” Jackie could see the fury behind her eyes, there was no doubt she’d seen the article right before the debate started.
“Inappropriate relations?” She replied with a cocked brow, “bold coming from you. What I do in my personal time and who I spend my time with is my business, we’re both fully consenting adults, and that doesn’t affect the way I do my job or would run the Oval Office. Now I do believe we’re getting a bit off topic.” She turned back away from Heather, attempting to steer back to where she was before the interruption when Levers cut into the conversation.
“Ms Dunbar, I dare say, that is rather bold of you. You were the one exposed having, what was it? Eleven different affairs over the years? And they were referred to as sugar babies, if I do recall correctly. I’d say your ability to lie and sneak around for over twenty years is much more concerning as someone running for office than something like Ms Sharp having an open and enjoyable personal life.”
“I do believe we’re supposed to be talking about foreign policy.” Frank cut in, attempting to steer things back to political topics, while he did enjoy kicking Heather while she was down, he didn’t want this thing to drag on all night, and he wanted it over earlier rather than later.
“Oho…” Heather scoffed, “I’m not the one with the lying wife who covered things up for her to maintain the Underwood image.”
Before she could even get another word in and spill what was in the journal Frank shot back, his voice hardening, snapping back at her, she could fuck with him all she wanted, but drag Claire into it and he would fucking destroy her.
“No, you’re just the lying wife who covered up her son’s DUI, we haven’t forgotten about that Ms Dunbar. And while you’re trying to drag down your opponents, let us remind you that as Ms Sharp said, it’s two consenting adults, she doesn’t have to pay her partners to spend time with her.” There was a resounding ‘ooohhh’ through the room, “not to mention she doesn’t have a husband — oh wait…I suppose I do mean ex-husband now, isn’t that right?— back at home waiting for her to return.”
Heather’s jaw clenched, there was no doubt in her mind that he’d gotten that information through you, she’d managed to keep up the façade of her marriage at least a little bit, the divorce wasn’t publicized and had actually been done quite quietly. Unless Underwood had personally reached out to Rob, he was a ‘no comment’ type of guy, but all things considered…maybe he would have changed his ways. Though how would her being divorced be a political play when there were far worse things out there, it made much more sense to have been mentioned in passing from you and on top of everything else that evening, that made her absolutely furious. Frank had started to drone on a little bit more about her failed marriage and family life, how it was a bad sign that she couldn’t keep things together, how she wouldn’t be helpful to a country when Jackie picked up on the way Heather’s jaw was clenched, the way her hands were painfully gripping the edge of the podium. She knew exactly where that anger was going to end up getting unleashed and she wouldn’t fucking stand for it, choosing to step up and take her own stab at Heather while she could, divert the anger to herself instead of you where she knew it would end up falling.
“You know, Ms Dunbar’s right, we should be talking about candidates relations with White House staff.” Heather’s head tilted at her words, her brow furrowing and she didn’t have a comeback, wondering where Jackie was going with this, “everyone within those walls should feel safe and respected, whether they’re the president themselves, or a janitor. And Ms Dunbar is the one out there verbally and physically assaulting members of said staff. Why should we put her in charge of everything?”
“Hohoooo!” Becca cackled, “she’s talkin’ about yooouuu.”
“Oh shut it.” You replied, swiping your can of cider off the coffee table and taking a swig, “and they’re both talking about me.”
“Oh but no one knows you were one of the sugar babies, it’s fine.” She sipped at her own drink before looking across at you, “who’s Jackie sleeping with?”
“Uh..” you felt your cheeks heat, attempting to hide behind your drink and Becca let out a very over the top dramatic gasp.
“OH MY GOD!” Much like all those months ago as you’d dropped some secrets to her, she clambered up on the arm of the couch, crouching over it as she pulled a hand to her face, “are you sleeping with Jackie?!”
“No! Well…wait…I guess after last night that answer is yes, but! It’s more!” You jumbled over your words as Becca let out another cackle of a laugh, nearly toppling over herself and off the end of the couch.
“You have such a fucking type! Oh my god!”
“Shut up!” You laughed, whipping a pen in her direction that she skillfully dodged.
“You get a new sugar mommy?” She smirked and this time the empty cider can hit her directly in the chest, pulling a laugh from her as you stood from the couch, moving to grab another one from the fridge.
“Absolutely not.” You replied, pulling another round of drinks from your fridge, “but…she is my girlfriend…” you mumbled the second part, shrugging “it’s still kinda new, but it is something that’s happening.”
Becca, on the other hand, had slid down the arm so she was actually on the couch and able to keep her balance as she howled with laughter, it continuing so hard that she had tears in her eyes from it.
“Okay, okay,” you laughed lightly, “I get it, I have a type, powerful political women, clearly. Why is this that fucking funny? Did you smoke before you got here?”
“No!” She replied with a laugh, wiping away at an escaped tear, “it’s just that…” another burst of laughter and a very gremlin like snort, “Jackie’s my godmother.” She let out a very loud cackle as she convulsed with laughter, “you really are a mother fucker.”
“Oh my GOD!” You couldn’t help but collapse into a fit of your own laughter as you winced, “you’re kidding right?”
“No.” She sniffled, slowly calming down from her laughing fit, “when I said I’ve known her my whole life I wasn’t kidding. She used to baby sit us when the nanny wasn’t available, she was at most of the family gatherings, sports games and shit, same with our Godfather.”
“Okay, now I know you’re lying cause she would’ve been at Jordan’s birthday!”
“Nah.” Becca paused briefly, thanking you for the fresh drink, “she called my Mom out about how she was treating me when I was in grade eleven, and obviously Mother dearest didn’t exactly like that too much. So she only shows up when one of us ask her to be there, or invite her on our own accord. Her and Dad are still chill obviously, but Jackie just likes to try and avoid the drama of it all.”
“God….” You rolled your eyes, swigging at your drink, “if I had known how weirdly intertwined all of this little world was”—
“You wouldn’t have touched it with a ten foot pole?” She laughed in response and you huffed, your eyes glancing back to the t.v briefly.
“Fuck politics.” You muttered, “you wanna smoke a joint and order pizza?”
“Fuck yes!”
Becca jumped up off the couch, practically bounding out the balcony door while you collected what you needed. You still had an eye and an ear on the t.v to make sure you were half paying attention to the debate, but they’d slowed back down to actual political procedures and honestly, it was boring as fuck by this point, and not substantial to your job. You gouged yourselves on pizza and breadsticks, a moving playing on your second screen while the muted, subtitled debate played on the other one. Occasionally a small conversation or comment would be made by either of you, the debate then morphed into news coverage of it, anchors discussing everything as the numbers rolled in from what everyone had said that evening.
Soon enough, Becca was feeling the effects of the weed and the full stomach, nearly passing out on the couch and you urged her to take half of your bed. She’d spent the night a couple of times before, so she knew where the pyjama’s were and was fully passed out before you’d even managed to get the pizza box into the fridge.
You tidied up a little bit, making sure the living room was cleared of cans and dishes, the news still playing quietly in the background. You glanced through the notes you had taken, tucking said notebook and laptop into your work bag for the morning, knowing you had those meetings to attend to. You were in the midst of plugging in your work phone when your personal one went off with a call, Jackie’s name flashing across the screen and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Hey.” You greeted quietly, “nice job tonight.”
“Hey yourself.” She replied, “and thank you.”
“You need to go over tactics or something? I…have to admit….I may have missed a few pieces of the second half of the debate.”
“No peach.” She let out a small sigh and your brow furrowed, “I just wanted to talk about the twitter thing.”
“What twitter thing?” You were even more confused now.
“Don’t you have google alerts on?”
“Yeah.” You fumbled with the other phone that you’d just plugged in, “sorry…Becca showed up right before the debate started, I was a bit distracted tonight, I haven’t touched my work phone. What happened?”
“Someone shared photos of us right before the debate started, I guess they were trying to throw a curve ball into things.”
“Oh.” You let out a little laugh, “well we knew that was probably coming, right?”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” You could hear the concern laced in Jackie’s voice and honestly, you melted a little bit at it, “and I wanted to apologize, let you know how sorry I am that you got dragged into the middle of this muck, and in a debate nonetheless.”
“Jackie…” you nearly pouted, “it’s okay. My name wasn’t mentioned at all, no one’s put together the actual connection I have with Heather. I knew that getting involved with you, especially during an election meant that I was probably going to be yanked into press related things, and I’m okay with that. You make it so incredibly worth it.”
“You’re too sweet peach.”
“Can’t help it.” You smiled into the phone.
“I’m sorry I brought up the whole assaulting thing, I never wanted to be the one to bring things about you up in a televised event.”
“Hey, you made a very good fucking point with that. Like…we all know she’s losing more and more points as time goes on, but like, the press is gonna be all over that searching for proof and statements from staff about Heather.”
“Underwood’s considering calling for a vote over her seat in Senate.”
“Shit…that’s gonna piss her off.”
“Anyways, enough about that shit.” She let out a soft sigh, “you are alright, right?”
“Yes babe. I’m more than okay, you’ve got nothing to apologize for.”
“Can I at least make it up to you?” You could hear the grin in her voice and you chuckled.
“What’ve you got in mind?”
“You still have that Bluetooth toy? I could make you forget about all the political bullshit.”
“As much as I would absolutely love that…Becca is currently passed out in my bed.”
“Shame. Another time then.”
“Sounds fucking splendid.” You hummed, leaning against the kitchen island before the thought shot into your brain, “hey…you didn’t mention you were the kid’s godmother.” She chuckled lightly,
“I didn’t think it was that important…” she shrugged, then smirked, “but you certainly do have a specific type, don’t you?”
“Oh don’t you start!” You warned and she laughed.
“You’re too easy to tease.” She retorted, laughing once more, “besides, it’s not like I’ve been around much over the past couple of years.”
“Yeah, Becca updated me.”
“I assume she now knows about us then?”
“Yeah, she asked who you were having so called inappropriate relationships with.” You could hear her scoff, picturing her rolling her eyes.
“Fucking political bullshit.”
“Tell me about it.” You couldn’t help but stifle a yawn, it was passed midnight for you now.
“Oh god!” Jackie let out a quiet gasp, “I just remembered the time difference, and you have meetings in the morning.”
“Don’t remind me.” You grumbled, rubbing at your eyes.
“Go get some sleep peach. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”
“Mmkay.” You yawned once more, “thanks for calling. I know it’s only been a day but it’s weird not having you around.”
“Of course peach.” She smiled into the phone, reading between your words and knowing what you were technically saying, “and….do me a favour?”
“If…she…calls, don’t pick up the phone?”
“Wouldn’t fucking dream of it.” You rolled your eyes.
“Good. Okay. I’ll let you go. Sweet dreams my phoenix.”
“You too.”
______________ @lesbianologist @screenee @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @imlike-so-gaydude @svulife-rl @gay-ass-bitch @oliviaswifey @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @paulson-hargitay @solemnnova @svushots @nocreditinthestraightworld @yourtaletotell @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @rosiewritesagain @imaginaryoperagloves @wandasbrat @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @multifandomlesbianic @swimmingstudentchaos891 @anne-gillettes-wh0r3 @season4scullyhair @whimsicallymad @alexusonfire @mmmmokdok @lazarettta @muscatmusic18 @sia2raw @ladysc @dxtery @1-lindsay83 @mmemalwa @ms-calhoun @holycrapraewth
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