#glen rice
snkrbonbon · 9 months
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Champion Zone 93 OG
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mpreghotties · 10 months
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Glen Powell is not amused by chase rice swallowing him whole!
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picoleparole · 8 months
It’s amusing, really. Here I am, figuring out how to finish my Italian citizenship, so I can live in Ireland. I imagine my Irish and Italian ancestors, wherever they are, having a good, spirited tussle over it. In my 30s, I’ll spend my mornings with poetry and coffee, strong and clear. My afternoons, walking, searching for fairies and leprechauns, the myth, the magic of it all. And my evenings, slowly with whiskey, listening to the honest pitter-patter of rain out my window.
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elijones94 · 13 days
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✨ Aladdin 🌴🕌
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mpreghotties2 · 4 months
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Photos of Glenn and Chase playing in the mud!
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thebutcher-5 · 1 year
Tarzan (1999)
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo ripreso a parlare della Disney, continuando a parlare dei suoi classici animati e arrivando a parlare di uno dei suoi lavori migliori, Mulan. Gli Unni hanno superato la Grande Muraglia e l’imperatore della Cina ha ordinato la mobilizzazione dell’esercito e di chiamare almeno un uomo di ogni famiglia pronto a combattere. Una di…
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songspiral · 2 years
"Astronaut" (Live) by Damien Rice, feat. Glen Hansard & Rónan O’Snodaigh
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A Wedding & a Willy
Those Who Can - The Postwar Years
Summary: Cpt. Jack Brady’s freshly stateside wedding is understandably hectic, joyful and packs his childhood home to the gills with former Air Force buddies. But amongst the revelry and the guests are a few ghosts.
Cast of characters: so many characters and so many dynamics and so many storylines, this is my magnum opus of Avengers assemble style fic. And they all made it to the wedding because I said so. We’ve got- Bradys and Bucky Egan, Blakely, the Hamilton’s, the Crosbies, Lt. Macon, Lt. Glen Graham, Charles Cruikshank, Douglass, Maureen, Tilly Brady, Eugene Brady…and Rosie Rosenthal on the phone but don’t count him out, he’s devastating
Warnings: 18+ mature and distressing thematic material. beyond innuendo and wedding night jokes there’s nothing very current in this postwar fic that should be bothersome. HOWEVER— many different duos have many different discussions about past traumas, including miscarriage, war, ptsd, sexual abuse both male and female, some rifts between the victims, general angst
“Howard, dance with me.” Ida had a firm hold on the scruff of his uniform, smartly fitted and bedecked with polished buttons, Howard Hamilton cut a fine figure even though she had just drug him off the drainage pipe leading to the upstairs bedroom.
…The bedroom where Ida’s brother and his little wife had recently absconded after a very raucous leave-taking at the foot of the stairs. The wedding party had swamped the landing and it was by fortitude alone that Johnny picked up his bride and made a run through them. Ida had been loudest amongst the well wishing hecklers as the two, pink cheeked darlings rushed upstairs to seal the deal and taste what they’d waited five years for.
But while heckling, teasing and rice-wielding-gauntlets were one thing in his big sister’s book, climbing up the outside drainage pipe to play a practical joke on his pilot while said pilot what was practically engaged in a sacrament, was another thing.
And this Ida informed Hambone of with a fist in his jacket and a stern order to dance. His ideas were always far less amusing even to himself once sober, and she was saving him regret by her actions tonight.
“I’d be honored.” Hamilton swore as he allowed himself to be dragged back into the Brady family’s crowded house by the lady Colonel, casting backward glances at his abashed co-conspirators -Hoer, Tallulah, Murphy and Douglass- as they trailed behind.
Only the most looney among them were still strongly celebrating, it was late and the house had become a red hot furnace of merriment that reflected in the many paned windows of the rural New York dwelling. Couches had been pushed to the perimeter and every surface was littered with cake and wine, confetti strewing the floor and out back on the wooden deck, there were tiki lights hung and the gramophone in full projection and Ida placed Hambone's hand on her waist out there and began a spirited Lindy.
It was almost enough to keep Ida from remembering how thoroughly she’d cried as Johnny disappeared upstairs to begin his new life. She had proven shockingly sentimental today and she tried her hardest to dance it off. When Hambone begged off the fifth song, Ev Blakely took over but he was too kind in his conversation, too astute to her bubbling nostalgia and so she accepted Douglass’ butting in, if only to be sharply twirled and kept busy with inane chatter.
Bucky Egan meandered about the outskirts of the frivolity, one conversation after another, the festivities were beginning to blur and the drink in his hand had stayed oddly full. How many was this one? He didn’t know, but that was the wonderful thing about stateside peacetime -there was no shortages of booze. Even at a Catholic wedding. But even booze couldn’t keep the sinking, gnawing feeling of boredom away. Bride and groom were off, most other guests were departing and the few who weren’t he didn’t doubt intended to crash on the couches or on the rugs. The Hamilton’s had been given the the office bedroom and Lieutenant Macon the guest room, for reason of being the bride’s cousin. Eugene Brady was bunked with some Air Force bandmate and Ev Blakely was already asleep on the nearest couch by the time of Ida’s third jive with Douglass.
Bucky should have asked her to dance, but he was drunk and she wasn’t fond of him that way and he was tired, too. Not fit for driving and not seeing much purpose in hauling off when Brady had specifically asked for him to be at breakfast tomorrow.
So, John decided to make himself at home.
It felt right, in a curious, childlike sort of way, to help himself up the stairs while everyone below was too spastic or sleepy to notice him slinking away. He climbed the stairs and passed the framed photographs of Mr and Mrs Brady, of Ida and Johnny and Eugene at graduation and also as cherubic little children. At the top of the landing he looked down at the party, happy havoc proving a testament to a good day. He paused on the landing and hazarded a guess regarding which door would be Ida’s blessedly empty room. Straight in front of him was a large door and with indefensible surety he assumed it belonged to their parent. He tiptoed past and down the darkened hall, staying on the carpeted runner to muffle the floorboard’s squeak. On his left was dark and silent, to his right a door with a chunk of light showing through. From further down the hall, at the very end by the bathroom came sounds of stumbling and furniture being abused and rearranged.
There were also…giggles.
Egan grinned to himself and whispered a fond commendation for Jack Brady before choosing the right door, bravely turning the knob and entering the cool, empty space.
The electric light flipped on at his batting touch and he was met with the sight of organza curtains and a patchwork quilt, a pastel painted desk and plush violet colored carpet. It reeked of feminine adolescence and was so very foreign to Ida as he knew her that his fingers tingled in anticipation of learning this part of her.
Seashells hung from ribbons on the wall, a poster advertising for a boating tour of the Miami Everglades, sheet music in a basket by the bed, her trombone case leaning against a very full bookcase. Classics mainly, a little history and some science, three large volumes on something called “baroque.” Her flight jacket was hung on a knob of the hat stand, a wide brimmed plum stained straw hat, too, and a silk scarf. He crossed the threshold to it and lifted the scarf in his palm, bringing it to his nose and breathing deeply.
It smelled like a man. Cologne, perhaps whisky, musk for sure. Crestfallen, Egan dropped the silk and spun ‘round to take in the rest of the room. Her dress from the rehearsal was lying on the bed, crumpled, worn, probably in need of washing from the heat. He was suddenly very hot himself and he tore off his already unbuttoned jacket and hung it on the peg next to her flight jacket. He wasn’t fit to drive, he insisted to himself, as he tugged off his boots and set them beside her pair of white heeled sandals.
He staggered to the bed and plopped himself face down in the counterpane, crushing the worn dress beneath him. This smelled of Ida, her sweat and her familiarity. She wouldn’t mind, she would understand -Brady wanted him for breakfast and he was too drunk to drive.
There was humorous endearment in the task of putting grown men to bed, Ida oversaw to it cheerfully despite sporting a limp from a blister on her heel worse than any she’d gotten on that forced march. It was worth it to clear glasses from an accidental spill onto the carpets in the middle of the night or an elbow into an eye, an offending socked foot into a nose. She had expected a crash of sorts after the festivities and the blankets were piled at the ready in the music room. She got her hands kissed about a dozen times by a dozen men as she draped the covers over where they’d collapsed and wished them a good night. It was closer to three in the morning but the sentiment stood.
Flicking off the last light after the Hamilton’s had made it to the guest room, Ida ascended the stairs, bone tired and genuinely pleased. The sudden stillness in the house was a little jarring, but if she listened closely there were snores below, and upon the upstairs landing she might discern far down the hall the sounds of activities far more indiscreet. Mildly disgusted, she hastened to her room and found the door adjar, lights ablaze, bed occupied.
Feet hanging off the end and his tie still choking him, his red and sweaty face was buried in the fabric of her recently tailored dress suit, navy wool and sensibly cut, she’d still been cat-called while crossing the street in it and she found she didn’t mind that, glad the camp hadn’t taken the charm of her legs, too.
Making a grimace tinged with dogged fondness, Ida closed the door behind her and sat down on the bed, tugging off her offending high heels. Little white sling backs, and there were terrible red welts along her feet from the straps. “Bucky?” she tried in a normal voice, fiddling with the zipper at the nape of her neck, her curls back there sweaty and thick.
He didn’t even twitch. “Bucky.” she insisted with a hand to his shoulder, trying to jar him awake with a shake. The space between his brows creased mournfully and a twitch of his hand balled it into a fist. He mumbled something and from his expression alone she knew he was incorporating her motions into his nightmare. “Hush sweet man.” she sighed, defeated, and bent over him instead, pressing a kiss to his damp temple.
The crease between his brows smoothed. Apparently they’d be bunking together tonight. She envied his ability to sleep at all, weary as she was she didn’t expect it. Not after all the excitement, not now with all the quiet. She let her fingers find the knot of his tie, pushing his face away so she might undo it, popping the top buttons of his collar lest he hang himself in the night.
Ida rose and undid her dress while facing her sleeping friend, having a deep seated conviction that were she to turn her back, some inherent masculine sensor of Egan’s would detect a stripping woman and rouse him to watch, just when she needed him lights out.
Pared down to her slip, Ida left her nightly routine at that, tossing her dress over the chair before repenting of such slovenly, peacetime carelessness and hanging it instead on the hat rack.
His scarf still hung there. Ida glanced back at Egan’s snoring face and, feeling safe, she lifted the silk and buried her face in it, breathing him in. That cemented it, the urge. It was inevitable but perhaps if Bucky had woken she might have proven to herself she could go a solitary night without it. Without him.
Ida isn’t sure when it came to this, curled up on the carpet by the window, phone cord dragging off the side table and entangling with the lamp wires, making sense of her day to him. When had it become a common, daily thing? It is troubling that his hums and murmurs are required for her to process normality, it is comforting to hear him answer, warm, just a hint of tired huskiness:
“Hello you.” She’ll answer back each time and then he’ll say it: Robert will say her name and it’ll sound so warm and carmelly and relieved like he’s been waiting all day for this, too.
She doesn’t dare hope he has. “How was it?” He asks this time and he’s so jovial that a grin breaks out again over her weary smile lines; she’s been smiling so much today and ought to be pillowed and asleep. But dusty violet though the sky has gotten, she is awake and unsurprised.
“It was perfectly bonkers.” She replies honestly, “And they’re disgustingly happy and everyone else too, cooperative to the last and it couldn’t have been sweeter.” She processes it all as she tells him, and a satisfaction seeps in for today's goodness that wasn’t fully her’s until she relayed it to Robert.
Concerning. But then he’s humming happily on the other end, a buzz of warm static that she feels in her toes, “As it should be.” he sounds as satisfied as she feels, “Not a hitch?“
“Not a one. Except we’re all very hot.”
Another hum, this one pragmatically soothing, “To be expected in August. If they weren’t so loved there’d be less people and you could've held it indoors.” Ida nods to that, unheeding of the motion going unregistered on the other end, “Besides, they won’t need clothes for the job.” Robert’s joke lands so perfectly from the beyond that Ida is snorting before she can even think to chastise.
“They were very eager for that part.” she is afraid she’s giggling but then, he sounds close as well and Johnny had been very fidgety all day and his Tilly even worse. And now, down the hall, someone else, or two someones, sound very awake to keep her company at dawn, busy at being married. She blushes for them and it’s worsened by his voice come again:
“And you? Have fun?” Robert prods, not questioning her sleeplessness, she might ask him the same if they were new to this routine.
They are not.
“Very hard to see him off.” she admits, again, a revelation even to herself and then wants to snort at herself for being dramatic, he is not so far away down the hall making a holy racket of his new liberties, “I’m going to miss it, it being just us and Gene. First chink in the family. I know all the sayings about marriage being an addition to families and such- but I feel like I’ve lost him a little. But he’s very happy. You know how I like Tilly.”
“Yes, said you liked her ‘tremendously.’ Which is good, you’re gonna be related for a while.”
“She’ll be good for him. They’re horridly happy.” she emphasizes and her smile comes through, reaches him all the way in NYC and his own replies;
“Wish I could say the same.” he affects glumness, she knows it is an offered out and she takes it:
“Why? The hot jazz not so hot?”
They have a long-standing insult between them, big city versus upstate, they had been very stubborn about it while away in England. Now making an intimate go of being at home, they are both sleepless and melancholy in their once defended utopias.
“Nah, it’s good, it’s just me. I’m off. It’s just noisy without -“ Robert pauses and Ida is intrigued, he so rarely fumbles near her these days.
“Friends, I guess.” He decides and Ida wonders if she counts. “All my dance partners want to talk about what happened over there, and all their mothers want to talk about my practice. And the truth is, I can’t remember my clients names as it’s boring as hell in comparison, and over there is -I just want to dance. And I keep thinking about whether you’d like the arrangements. I’ve even thought about Johnny there, ya know?”
Dangerous, concerning, her cheeks are blushing for herself now. “You’ll have Croz there soon.”
“We really should get you into the city, Ida.” whenever Robert ignores her segues, whenever he says her name, she finds her throat dry. He is persistent tonight and her eyes have already shed a tear over the happy domesticity of her married-off brother, she's pliable and foolish, and he wants to dance with her in the big apple.
“I danced with Hambone tonight.” she tells him instead, fingers dancing over the cord, a squeaky and nervous motion but her tone grows in humor, “It was the only way to keep him from practical jokes after the happy couple had gone upstairs.”
“God! Wish I’d been there.”
“If it wasn’t him it was Dougie.” she lamented, recalling the rounds around the dance floor and wiggling her poor toes even now in chagrin, “I had hoped the presence of Mrs. Hamilton might have tamed him but I have been disappointed. She’s magnificently rabid.”
“What a relief.” Rosie rebutted, “Gives me a cold sweat to think of that man with a sweet little thing.”
“Good point.”
“How’s your go at it’?” Robert’s voice turns to teasing and she braces, he’s lethal at it and she is laid out on the carpet now, fancy dress cast aside and only in her slip as the room lightens, cold dawn breeze ruffling her curtains and she allows a hand between her breasts, to steady her heart, to imagine it is his. Bucky is snoring away in the bed above her, she fiddles with the dust ruffle.
“At what?” she’s gone raspy, too.
“At being a sweet little thing.”
The hand on her chest clenches and her belly, ever curious and bewildered when hearing him, follows suit. Down the hall there are giggles, something that sounds very like muffled begging, and Ida presses her face towards the window and its cooling breeze, “I’ll be lost when they all leave.” she admits, having felt very much a part of it all despite the frilly dresses and pinned boutonnieres and cloying flower sprays; the boys of the 418th and some from the 100th at large had been in town, packed into the Brady’s house for the wedding. While they were here she was still a Colonel, even if she was a colonel who liked to dance. “They’re pushing me out, you know that, right? It’s settled, just waiting for the discharge.”
There’s a lump in her throat and it’s pitiful to be so sad about it when she’d foreseen it for ages. But it’s more than ungrateful, for the upper brass to force her out after all the time she’s served. It’s worse as she’s given up all other life for it. She had no recourse and yet, not dead or even married, she is cut loose.
“I know.” Robert is angrier over it than she is, had fought harder against it than she could. It allows her room to feel the hurt of it. Concerning, unfortunate. “Come to the city. You might like the law.”
She’d be under him there.
It jars her, being a novice at something. She’d be under him, and at the cost of it she’d been near him and his smile at all times and then he’d find a blonde little secretary and marry her and Ida would be at yet another wedding and she’d be clapping at the foot of the stairs again as the handsome groom carried his bride up to bliss and Ida would have sore feet from dancing with Pappy too long and when the day ended she would have no one to call. Robert would be a married man, abed with his wife, not coming in to work for ten days, she’d have his case files and he’d have someone fit to love him.
“I’ll think about it.” she lies, but it is nice to keep one’s options open when faced with a life of rural placitude and spinsterly church duties.
“What did they decide on for the cake?”
Robert remembers everything, he remembers the debate between carrot and lemon. Even, she supposes, the way she sounds when she lies under oath but instead he asks about cake. He’s good for her, to her -concerning, dangerous.
“Lemon.” She informs him, her tone carrying the weight of that final decision.
“Do -do I hear snoring?” He asks suddenly, incredulous humor in his voice.
“Ah, that would be Major Egan.” She glances back at her bed and his sprawled form in the pale dark, “This place is crawling, bunked two a’piece to the couches downstairs.”
“They’re just stayin’ to haze the newlyweds before they leave for the honeymoon.” Rosie was laughing on the other end, the silliest sound in the world.
“They’ll have a new couple to plague next week.”
“Ah, yes, Major Cleven and Lt. Kendeigh.”
“Yes.” Ida is not sure why Gale Cleven did not manage to come to this wedding, or why beyond being busy with a honeymoon, her brother will not be attending his. There is a discreet intentionality about this remiss behavior that Ida and even Bucky have not dared inquire about, even as the rest of the guests lamented their absence, well meaning and ignorant. Ida supposes that when two men share a secret of a nature they do, an experience and a crime, it is not wise to continue the closeness their captivity once enforced. Perhaps instead of a show of solidarity to appear at each other's nuptials, it would instead be an unkind reminder of how unfit they were for such a peacetime endeavor. Ida wondered, in that case, who she should expect to not show at her own wedding were she to marry, by the logic of Johnny and Gale, that would be her own brother and Bucky and Rosie and Maureen and Smith and-. Ah silly men. They didn’t handle such things well, Ida decided then, only to snort at herself again, as Johnny was the one moving on and marrying and she was the one turning to an icesickle at a crowd of men. Perhaps she wasn’t moving on well at all—
“Where’d you go off to?” Rosie’s voice woke her.
“Mm, just-“ Ida shook herself, “Thinking of getting to heckle Maureen next week.”
“I have a feeling Buck may have accounted for that.” Rosie sounds smug and in the know and Ida does not doubt him, “You are going, aren’t you?“
“Of course.” she defends, “It’s Maureen! It’s Buck!”
“Right, right of course.”
“Aren’t you?” she hates the urgency that question hides.
“Yeah, for sure.” she thinks she tastes him playing at cool, but sure enough he adds an addendum that turns her into a puddle, “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you at it for weeks.”
There’s barely been many “weeks” since they knew a wedding was on at all. But she does not argue.
“I should sleep.” She realizes.
“Yeah.” he agrees, “Well, good night Ida.”
It is light here now. “Good night, Robert.”
Ida climbs into her crowded bed, tugging the comforter from under Egan’s feet as best she can before slotting herself around him, arms over his chest and his back bowed to her belly. He responds like a house cat and curls in, shrinking himself to her big spoon and moaning something childlike and content as his hand reaches to hold hers in a firm lock over his chest.
Today, like most of her mornings, Ida is confirmed in her suspicion that she slept at all only by the fact she catches herself awakening. There is a furnace plied to the front of her that is clammy and broad, groggily Ida registers in disgust that between the heatwave pouring through the opened window and Egan’s natural temperature, she is actually wet from sweat. And yet, in perfect keeping with his nature, Bucky has not moved an inch from her and retains his grip on her forearm like she were some bouy for his dreams. Except, she feels the calloused pads of his fingers swirling up her forearm, up and back down, featherlight little paisleys and circles and mindless shapes that he is tracing, endlessly, as his other hand keeps her tethered to him.
“Bucky,” she accuses because he is awake and they are drenched and she firmly believes that upon waking he should’ve had the good sense to extricate himself for both hygiene’s sake and also their reputations, “you’re awake.”
There is a very thick and gross sounding snort beside her, morning stuffiness and hangover sludge stuck in his throat, “M’not.” he inelegantly protests and his voice is terribly thick and oddly weak.
Ida pulls at her arm but he won’t let it go, she tries to sit up, pry it out, “Ok funny guy, come on, let go, I’m supposed to start breakfast ahead of everyone waking up and-“ she yanks again but he just keeps hold and rolls her hand under himself a little more, effectively burying his face in the pillow as she strains to see his face over his massive shoulder “-and my mother is already convinced we’re secretly engaged.” It’s so preposterous she laughs but either his headache is too bad or something else, as he does not join in, “Bucky I need you up before someone sees.” she tries pleading this time, unsure of what mood she’s caught him in but desperate to get him into the hall before taunts can be made by any guests.
There is another thick gurgle buried into the pillow and a rough snort. The shoulder beneath her hand shudders.
That gives Ida pause. “Bucky,” she stops her attempts to pull away and instead exerts more effort in turning him over, out of the smothering pillow, closer and to face her, “Bucky are you crying?” it’s no accusation, only he would have a sob so ungainly it could be mistaken for hacking up a lugy.
“M’not.” Comes out after moments of silence and repeated prods by Ida. And he is most definitely crying.
Not wishing to jump to conclusions -there are, after all, an absolute endless supply of genuinely good reasons to cry- Ida simply stops her struggling and tries to temper her anxiety about their being caught with whatever tenderness he may need right now. Perhaps he’s crying over Johnny or even Buck’s impending nuptials, perhaps he sees in her what he will be in a week’s time: surplus love. Or maybe he is crying over his dreams. Or maybe his head is spectacularly throbbing. There are so many things, and Ida knows well enough that the man responds best to gentleness, however tenaciously he seeks out rough usage.
She manages to get her arm back, only because he is now so intent on hiding his face. She uses her liberated hand to thumb at his face, smudging tear tracks she was in no doubt were there. “Want to talk about it?” she offers even though he rarely takes her up on the offer, she owes it to him for how often he has made her speak of unspeakable things.
There is a stubborn silence in which she can hear his labored breaths practically repeating that he is not, in fact, weeping into her pillow mid morning on a Saturday in Victor, New York. She pats his arm -suit yourself- and pulls away to begin her day. She lights a cigarette, not having fully quit the filthy habit since camp, and grabs a pair of slacks and a shirt from the closet, needing a shower after his embrace.
“You kept your baby doll.” his voice comes muffled and stuffy from the bed, she glances over and sees he has barely moved, only turned on his side to stare at the threadbare doll propped on her bookcase.
“That’s Minnie.” she introduces them with a grin, “Don’t sound so shocked Major, I’d have thought you’ve been in enough boudoirs to know that plenty of women keep their dolls.”
Bucky keeps staring at Minnie morosely, not laughing at her tease. “Did you keep it for your daughter?” he asks.
Sometimes John Egan reminds Ida of a callously curious child, his sympathy sometimes as wounding as his barbs. She refuses to read into it, he is hungover and he is confused by her childish relic; she keeps pace in her routine and replies with honesty, “I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Well I do.” he mutters instantly, bitterly, accusingly.
“Beg pardon?” she cautions him.
“I think about your baby all the damn time.” he turns around in the sheets then, sits himself up in her bed, eyes raw and dangerous.
The frog from Egan’s throat now takes up residence in Ida’s, she thinks she might choke on her own breath. “Why-“ panicked, her chest begins to shutter, ears ringing, hands cold. Why would he say that? “Bucky!” she'd have taken a stab in the heart over this, why would he- “Why would you say that?” she begs hoarsely, forced to sit beside him on the bed as her legs are no longer steady.
“You really don’t?” he begs in turn, looking as wretched as she feels.
“I-I-“ Ida digs her fingernails into her thigh, willing the cacophony in her head to cease, to get a grip back on the lid of that tiny coffin, “I’m not doing this. Not this morning, not when I’ve got breakfast to make for a household of people and -my brother just got married, Egan! Is this really the time to bring it up? They’re going to make jokes about you being in here! God’s sake -can’t you possess a modicum of sensitivity.”
It’s not a question. It’s an insult and he takes it on the chin. He knows that his own question -asking if she even recalls her dead child- was one of his own. That doesn’t prevent one last building tear to slip the dam and join the mess on his cheeks, because his heart is nothing if not on the opposing team.
It does earn him a sigh from Ida and a very hoarse, “Or course I think of- of course, I do, you bastard.”
“Her.” he pronounces forcefully, he was looking back at the doll, “You should think of her. You know, it was always a girl in my dreams, had so many dreams about her and when we wrapped her up, it was a girl, Ida.”
Ida knew that, Johnny had told her after she’d insisted on knowing. “I know.” she muttered, placing her hand over his on his large thigh, crumpled slacks and red knuckles, “And I know you loved her.”
More than Ida did, goes unsaid. More than Ida could, is perhaps the more honest essence of it all. “I was gonna take such good care of you both.” he swore, looking for all the world like he was right back in camp with Ida’s swelling belly and filling chest beneath her layers making him grow more and more insistent and reckless to save her. “We were gonna get out and I was gonna take care of you. I was gonna manage it, I know you didn’t think i could but we were so close to pulling it off when- I was going to make it happen, Ida, and any future I planned for was always us three.”
She’d have been so loved, that poor lost child, she’d have thought Bucky her father. And in her wildest moments of foolish hope, Ida had imagined them as a trio, too. Camped out in the Polish wilderness, eating fish and berries and teaching her babe how to speak two languages, with never a clue how the war turned out. Ida knew this dream was the intellectual property of Bucky’s own zealously fabricated reality, she knew it and she had long ago left it behind. Maybe when the stalag burned and the grave was lost. Maybe when her brother didn’t offer condolences for a loss they’d both secretly hoped for, even if they prayed for forgiveness right after.
“Someday, you’re going to make someone a wonderful father.” Ida told him now.
“Can’t seem to plan anything else.” he shook his head , “That’s- I know it’s been ages but every dream about after the war had always been us. Mornings like this, you and me and sunshine coming through the windows just like this- and her between us.”
Ida watched his fingers fiddle from underneath her own until he was clasping hers and rubbing a thumb along her knuckles. “It’s a sweet dream, Bucky.” And that’s what it had to stay, a dream, a contingency plan never enacted. “We wouldn’t work now, you know we’d be a mess, we can’t get that back, it-“
“-Don’t worry, I’m not about to propose.” he huffed a laugh, turning fully to her for the first time and giving her a genuinely wide smile, freckles crinkling in his cheeks.
“I didn’t think you were!” she was flustered at the mere concept, despite talks of living ever after together with her daughter from too many fathers. “I’m just saying, now we’re here, we must go forward.”
“Yeah.” he smacked his lips, eyes flitting over her face, before his brows creased again, “What did you name her?”
Ida felt her heart break again, he was like a dog with a bone. She let her spine go lax and fell back into the covers, listless. “I didn’t even -I never let myself.”
Bucky just nodded, understanding. Even back then he understood. More than anyone maybe.
“It’s just as well,” she cleared her throat noisily, “I’d have named her Johnny. And she wouldn’t have stood a chance at being popular with that name.”
He barked out a laugh before his face fell sober. “Really?” he sounded almost scared.
Ida recognized it as that most fragile of things: hope. “Yes.” she swore, realizing she would have.
“For -for your brother.” he clarified, in check, reigned in.
“For the overabundance of John’s that God threw my way when I needed them most”
Egan’s cheeks went pink, his nose again too, and that likely heralded more tears but at least he was smiling, a shy, happy, satisfied smile. Her heart had never felt more broken and raw than it did lying on her childhood bed, naming her babe a year and a half after she’d lost her. Oh she’d have to have a word with Minnie for starting this all, but for now, she lay there and let the exhaustion of acceptance take over.
Carefully he laid down beside, on his side, cheek propped on a palm, looking down at her. “Well,” he drug it out in a huff that sagged him nearer, she lay there and wondered when or if she’d need to raise a hand and push him back, “I’ll tell you what I’d like to do for one day. This day.” he specified. “Will you give me that?”
“What?” she was too wary to promise Egan anything but the alarm in her eyes warred with the mirth on her lips.
“I wanna make breakfast with you,” he stipulated, laying one finger down on her arm, the next followed, “wanna ask Johnny if those tips I gave him worked as well as they shoulda-“
“-Bucky you didn’t?!”
“and I wanna -course I did doll, didn’t want him making a hash of that poor girl, we’re counting on him to break the baby tie- and I want you to promise that you’ll think about, really think- about trying the law.”
Ida snapped upright, turning on him aghast, “You were asleep! How did you-“
Egan just grinned. “I was.” He insisted, “But I don’t see any other scarves in here.”
Ida’s eyes raked over to the hatstand and Rosie’s white dotted momento. “That’s- that's not...” she groaned, “He gave it to me after I buzzed the tower. You remember?”
“I remember.”
“Stop smirking like that, it was my last mission, too. Last one ever, it seems likely now.”
“All the more reason to go to New York.”
“I’m not ready for that.”
“Kicking ass? I’d say you’re havin’ withdrawls, more like, Miss Brady.” Egan cheesed back up at her, tugging her shoulder until she fell back beside him one more time.
There were footsteps in the hall and a general hum of awakening guests. “All of it.” she settled for, because if they were being honest, New York would be far more than just the law. And Egan deserved to know that. “I’m not ready.”
Egan’s firm hand reached up from her shoulder and she felt rough knuckles against her cheek, along with the creeping closeness of him closing in, eyes sharp with purpose as the tickle of a mustache brushed against her face. He’d just clipped the corner of her lips. “I think you are.” he said as he pulled away. “Nothing to do but go on, right?”
Oh he was always so very good. It deserved a repayment somehow but she didn’t know how, so she lay there and patted his back, thinking of Buck’s wedding next week. She’d make him dance with her.
“How many eggs we crackin’ for this madhouse?” he asked, jerking his head at the door.
“Thirty nine.” she grinned back.
“Then let’s get on ‘em.” he rose and extended his hand to haul her up.
“I’ll let you know I’m very rigorous about eggshells.” she warned in a giggle.
“These hands?” he raised those massive appendages of his, wiggling his fingers like he were smashing out a piano concerto, “Made for dainty work.”
“Mm, sure.”
“Well,” he tucked his rumpled shirt back in with offended dignity, “I taught your wiggly fingered brother a thing or two in preparation yesterday morning-“
“-Bucky!” Ida swatted at him with her towel as they ventured into the hall.
“I did!”
“Of course you did.” they were vying for who could reach the shower at the end of the hall first, competitive shoulders bumping into framed photographs on the walls.
“Ten bucks says the little girl is smiling this morning.” he bet, “And that’s me she has to thank.”
“Don’t you dare-“
“I’m gonna ask him.”
“I’m gonna!”
“Keep your voice down!” they were right next door to the love birds now, an unavoidable consequence of the bathroom’s proximity to Johnny’s old room.
“I’m gonna.”
In the end, as the challenge to beat her to the bathmat was all he had really wanted, Bucky stepped aside and allowed Ida first dibs on the shower. She was as efficient as their army days and before ten minutes were up the door was opening again and she was coming out in a slightly steamy haze that smelled wonderfully minty. She was wearing slacks, a shirt tied up for she had not filled out again despite her mother’s cooking, and one of those fancy little head scarves that made her dark curls tuck round under her ears in a way Bucky often thought he’d like to arrange his own if he were a girl.
“Don’t let anyone crack my eggs, I’ll be right down.” he threatened as he took his turn.
“Alright, alright.” she rolled her eyes.
He had been home, home to Ma and let his sisters fuss and cook for him, he’d showered in Ma’s house and he’d slept in a bed he had once tossed in as boy -none of it felt quite this domestic somehow. Hot water, eggs to whisk, an olive green tub and the Brady kids’ sensible soaps, such is what peacetime was made of. Maybe it was Eugene’s razor, or one of Johnny’s forgotten ones, lying on the tub side, but Egan snagged it for some maintenance on the neck hairs and five o’clock shadow in the fogged mirror. He should have premeditated his crash here, he should have brought an overnight kit. But there was a spontaneous courage required for crashing on Ida’s bed and he hadn’t wanted to screw it up by being sensible and having a spare change.
Bucky wrapped the towel securly around his hips and flung his crumpled slacks and damp shirt over his arm, determining to seek out an iron before everyone heckled the living fuck out of his old drunken habits coming back to the fore. Couldn’t do that to Ida, he did have some sensibility, despite what she may have thought.
Upon opening the door, however, he was greeted by something far more pressing than hecklers and indeed, at least in his mind, something far more salacious than the drunken crashing into a friend's bedroom or roaming the halls in nothing but a towel: it was the newlyweds, caught betwixt their door and his with their goal no doubt the far off stair landing.
“Well, look who finally woke to the land of the living.” he clapped at the door frame, mouth wide in a guffaw.
Both of the young darlings looked like little cast ashore fishes, mouths open and eyes unblinking. Ah yes, he was a little scant on the clothing but, hell -he’d practically gotten to hear the girl’s cherry get popped, goddamn Catholics and their brazen prudery.
Sweet, freshly minted Tilly Brady belatedly let out a gasping little “oh Major!” at his naked state in a voice that suggested she was somehow to blame for catching him this way, before wheeling round to flee in embarrassment only to smack into her blushing groom’s chest. That proximity seemed to send another shudder through the poor thing which inspired Brady to soothingly lift his own arm and scoot her back under it into their room with a gentle press between the shoulder blades. A goddamn natural, that one, Bucky rocked back on his heels in pride.
“Major?” there was that tone again, asking what the damn score was, somber owl eyes with a flicker of something akin to devine rage in them. Oh, he was pissed.
“Need an iron,” Bucky gesticulated to his slacks, “there an iron in this joint?”
“Allow me,” Brady gritted out, hand outstretched, thoroughly unamused or maybe that scowl was just for show.
“Aww now, hell Johnny-“
“-no, really. Anything so long as it puts you back in clothes, you ape!”
“Now, now, not like you to be sensitive about somethin’ like chest hair, boy.” Egan slung the slacks out of the young groom’s reach, “Marriage makin’ you vain?”
“You’re embarrassing Tilly!” Brady hissed, always angry for someone else’s good cause and that’s why Egan found him to be a dear old thing.
“Well if she’s that skittish, how did she ever survive what you did to her last night?” he barked another laugh.
Johnny went beet red against his pale blue sweater but his mouth wavered into something like a sheepish smile.
“Tell me Johnny,” Egan leaned closer to him in the empty hall, “which one did it for her? This one?” he crooked his fingers in a suggestive gesture, “or this one?” he made a somehow even lewder one.
Brady suddenly began to cough, choked up on his own spit at the sight of the well rehearsed crook of the digits and the minty shower steam still swirling around them. “Knew it.” Egan grinned, slapping Brady on the back, “Good man.” and sauntered back down the hall to Ida’s room feeling a few inches taller. And whistling.
Damn the slacks. He had thirty nine eggs to crack.
Breakfast was a raucous affair, jubilant and perhaps the first time Ida felt that home was truly as it should be despite her late father’s absence. That morning, with a crowd of friends around the table and hanging off the couches and sat on the steps with precariously balanced plates and tumblers full of orange juice, the morning held a jubilant chaos that was absent of the melancholy nostalgia of the ceremonial day before. Bucky was not deft in his egg cracking as promised, but Jean Crosby was a genius at fishing out shell fragments, and he redeemed himself when it came time to whisk the gigantic bowl together.
“There’s no way you’ve got a pan big enough for all that.” Graham took great interest in the breakfast plans, and he held his tongue until it was time to cook up the mess. But his doubt was unfounded, and it did not take into account the sheer amount of potlucks Mrs. Brady had supplied in her time. The skillet Ida hauled out from under the stove was large enough to kill a man with one blow.
“I think you’ll find we do.” she grinned at her erstwhile copilot and he conceded with a wondrous look of awe at the cast iron monstrosity.
No amount of ribbing or cajoling at breakfast could extract from Johnny the intended destination for the honeymoon. Ida was well aware it was somewhere cozy, modest and utterly private in the Adirondack Mountains. She had been presented with two different brochures for two different cabins by her brother, and she didn’t need to ask to know the purpose of it. She had chosen the smaller of the two because it had a river in back, rather like the creek here at home, and Johnny had agreed that was his inclination, too. This morning he met her eye over sausages, not a warning or pleading look as he never doubted her discretion, but a small smug smile that filled Ida with a little ripple of happiness at their shared secret, that she had been his trusted advisor, one last time, in the middle of all these nosy little bastards.
Someone was trying to make a euphemism about how Tilly liked her eggs -scrambled, apparently. There was a great deal of emphasis put on the word scrambled, as if that somehow translated to something else, and Ida was about to shut that line of humor down, for her sister-in-law’s sake, when Jim Douglass and Harry Crosby burst in the front door, having taken their breakfast with Stevie out to the front steps to watch the horses. They informed them all in an unmistakably excited cheer that Buck Cleven and Maureen Kendeigh were coming up the drive.
“Driving seperate cars.” Douglass elaborated amongst the frenzy, “One’s a goddamn Willy.”
“Buck? Candy? -And a Jeep?” a repetitious chorus of surprise and happiness broke out as various men -and their children and wives- sprang from their seats and rushed out front.
It left Bucky and Ida and Tilly, and Johnny, with Mama, alone at the table, exchanging a series of wordless and half misinterpreted glances of communication about why Buck Cleven would show up now after having intentionally kept away from the big day. Of course Mama, like the rest of the men, didn’t know even the first bit about it. Ida wasn’t sure Tilly knew much either, if anything regarding the shared history there, and both she and Bucky were somewhat in the dark themselves, except for a vaguely ominous concern felt about the two men’s relationship. Truly, only Johnny knew what on earth was going on between himself and Cleven since liberation, and as he had been as reticent as usual, no one knew what he thought about the no-show, or if it had even been something agreed-upon amicably.
“A jeep.” the groom himself finally spoke up, a wry grin on his face and nudged Tilly until she giggled and it broke the tense silence. “Well come on, you gotta meet the legends.” he told his new wife and stood up himself, a cue for Ida and Bucky to follow.
Mama fussed around the table. “I’ll be right out, I’m just going to out covers on these-“
Bucky seemed to shake himself and turned to the door abruptly, striding out to see his friends, leaving Ida loitering back as Johnny pulled Tilly's chair out for her. She must’ve been wearing some sort of face because as her brother passed her, he sent her an exasperated look of reproof. Guiltily, Ida cleared her face of all perturbed speculation and followed the new couple out to the drive where Cleven was already in the thick of shaking hands while Maureen was alighting from the prettiest little civilian Jeep you ever did.
“Johnny!” Maureen cried over everyone's heads, vantage point gained from standing on the running boards, “Congratulations, foxy! Don’t you two look pretty in blushes? Well come on, do you like your present?”
She was gesturing in a showman’s arc to the Willy Jeep in question and Tilly glanced up at her new husband in bewilderment, trying to gauge by his expression if this was all some grand practical joke.
Apparently Gale Cleven didn’t joke much because Johnny stared at him in shock which only confirmed the gift as genuine. “Th-that’s your gift?” he did clarify, eyes skittering back to Maureen before taking his turn at shaking the Major’s hand.
“Yup.” Gale grinned back, gentle and mildly smug, “Part of a grand plan by Ida to keep you in the country. This thing could ford that creek you got in back.”
“No kidding.” Brady marveled, “Earnest?”
“Yeah it’s yours,” Cleven took his hand back and rubbed at his neck with it, a nervous gesture, “congratulations Jack.”
“Well fuck I-“ Johnny seemed stunned speechless before recalling the most important thing, “-Sir this is my Tilly.”
“Mrs. Brady, it’s a pleasure.” Gale Cleven took her in little hand in a gesture so chivalrous the only thing missing was a kiss to it, and that was almost done by the swipe of his thumb over her knuckles.
Maureen lovingly shoved her fiance aside to take the girl by the shoulders, an admiring assessment ongoing in her eyes. “Well, you look good for him.” she remarked with a beaming grin of approval before kissing the bride’s cheeks. “So? How was it? I’m never forgiving Gale for making us miss it, goddamn Air Force has some timing for their reports.”
“It was wonderful.” Johnny reported with pink cheeked simplicity that shied from Cleven’s observation, before adding for Maureen’s benefit, “You were missed.”
Something sympathetic and doubtful flashed over Maureen’s face before she leaned in once more to kiss his cheek, much to the amused chatter of those around.
“What’d ya do to get this thing? Rob a bank while you were in California?” Bucky was asking, interested thoroughly in the jeep’s dash and his body was half in the driver’s seat under the excuse of showing baby Stevie Crosby the wheel.
“Or are you already settling in to being a kept man?” Tallulah ribbed Maureen and her much touted pedigree.
“Uncle gave me the mine.” Cleven replied instead, simple and direct. “Deeded it and everything.”
Ida gasped, pleased at the news, exchanging a delighted glance with Kendeigh, “The one back in Wyoming, Gale? The one you worked at?”
“Hell, that’s wonderful!” Bucky cried from fully behind the wheel, a progression not unnoticed by Brady, “Coal Baron Cleven.”
“Oh leave off.”
“So we split this puppy, half and half,” Maureen slapped the hood, “anything to make sure you kids don’t forget us.”
“Compensation for knowing ya, more like” Murph grumbled and was smacked for saying his truth.
“You honeymooning with us, Bucky?” Brady asked harmlessly while apparching his gift, leaning over the passenger side and smiling at baby Stevie who was sucking on the knob of the gear shift, his babysitter thoroughly distracted by the dials.
“Huh? Nah just, lettin’ the little guy play.” Bucky assured, “S’all yours. You’re not thinkin’ of takin’ this on the honeymoon, are ya?” he suddenly asked.
“Course I am!” Johnny insisted, turning back to beam at his benefactors, boyish anticipation on his face, “Can’t just let a gift like this idle.”
“There’s not even a roof, John.” Jean Crosby gently pointed out to the excited groom, tactfully trying to remind him his bachelor days were over.
“Yeah, - I know.” he didn’t get it.
“So if it rains-“ Jean tried to supply.
“Then I guess we’ll just get wet.” Tilly Brady responded for him from her place by the headlight, a very wicked grin on her face. “Can we go now?” she begged her groom in a laugh.
“Hop in!” Bucky beckoned magnanimously and she rolled her eyes.
“Well if you’re taking that then you can’t go yet.” Douglass insisted, before explaining,, “We’ve got the cans hitched and have chalked up the windows on your Buick. We gotta move it all over to this one now.”
“Oh yeah, crucial.” Ida snarked while exchanging a look with her oddly complacent brother. By now he’d usually be exasperated with them all; it seemed marriage had a truly calming effect on him.
“You willing to wait?” he asked Tilly instead, smiling gently at his new wife.
“Of course, after all, I’ve just met Maureen!”
“Yes,” Maureen agreed, arm thrown back around the girl, “I have an evaluation to complete.”
“And Stevie wants to feel how it drives!” Bucky added hopefully despite Gale’s disbelieving stare.
Brady shook his head, grin unmoving, “Fifteen minutes for all it, cans, joyride, all of it. Don’t wreck the thing and Candy, be nice to my wife, she has very sharp fingernails.”
He ignored the ensuing chorus of “oooh’s” and the flurry of reiterated breakfast table jests and Ida watched him turn instead to the quiet presence of Major Cleven and ask discreetly, “Sir, I’d like you to meet my mother, if you’ve time. She’s just inside, at the dishes probably.”
Cleven’s face brightened considerably at the invitation, a typical yet rare look of deep seated pleasure softening his face. Ida found herself relaxing her fists for the first time since these two came up the drive: “I’d love that, Jack.”
Ida watched them disappear into the house, Johnny holding open the recently painted front door to usher him into their childhood home, and saying something with a nod to the Jeep as Gale passed him; they both shared a short laugh before the closed door hid them.
“Alright who wants a ride?” Bucky’s loud call jarred her.
“Please go and hold Stevie!” Jean Crosby was begging at her elbow, as worried sick over the attention Major Egan paid her small son as she was gratified by it.
“I’ll keep a grip of steel on him.” Ida assured her and realized as she climbed beside Bucky into the bench seat, this meant she was going for a joy ride with him. She wished she had her flight gear with her, a maywest and a parachute at the least. “Come here little guy.” she scooped Stevie off the floorboard and into her lap, Maureen settled afterward on her other side and it felt just like old times, wedged between her friends..
“That scarf of yours gonna stay on?” Bucky asked her, fiddling with it himself before she could reply, tucking a few more curls in.
“Just -keep us upright. Wheels down, Egan.” Ida begged with a laugh that was drowned in the rev of the engine.
💋 Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is a writer’s lifeblood, please feel free to scream in comments or the inbox, I love it and wanna hear it all. Trust me, nothing is “too dumb”. Your thoughts mean the world to me.
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thepenultimateword · 9 months
Old Bones Part 7
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six |
Surprise, Vampire has a name now. It was feeling weird having one character named and the other not.
CW: Blood, death mention
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Floryn took a long drag from their canteen, the spiced rabbit's blood settling thick and warm in the hollow of their stomach. Lav had insisted on preparing a fresh pot before they headed out into the snow, and while they'd argued against it at the time, Floryn was glad to have something to combat the chill.
They curled their toes in their boots, ignoring the blend of soreness and numbness that riddled their muscles. The violent thunk thunk thunk of their heart against their ribcage was harder to pretend away. They'd lived in this wood their entire life. First in Bellwatch, a village hacked into the south edge where the earth was fertile, like a scar in the tree line. The walls backed against the Wildern, the land untamed and unwanted, and the watchmen stood eternally atop the stone, watching the endless long grass and shadowed hills for danger. A simple place for a simple life. Until that vampire climbed the wall and killed them.
Then they'd ran. No sooner had they dragged themself from the grave, and they were skirting past the drawn and burned-out body of their sire and disappearing into the dark wood.
The larger, more populated Bellbreak had no walls. No guards at the border. It sat in the middle of a glen, untouched by the Wildern's claws. Floryn simply slipped into the crowd and disappeared. But now...well this was all different. Bellbreak had been a well-acquainted idea. The world beyond on the other hand was a deep, dark unknown.
Floryn readjusted the strap of their bag as it dug into their shoulder. "Can I come up there yet?"
"Just a couple miles more," Lav replied from several strides ahead. They had insisted on scouting a few feet ahead, kicking snow over any rice piles, or walking broad arcs around iron traps.
"You've been saying that for last ten. I'm getting tired of looking at the back of your head."
Floryn wasn't entirely convinced that that wasn't part of Lav's goal. Despite the positive ending to trauma of the last several hours, they hadn't faced them head-on more than maybe twice.
"Besides you haven't come across anything in two hours, and I don't think the townsfolk would've come this far anyway, so..." Floryn darted up to Lav's side. Lav grunted mildly, a sound of mixed disapproval and assent. Floryn snuck a peak up at Lav's new face, the square jaw clenched tight and russet brows furrowed.
"I didn't expect to get out this far so fast," Floryn said idly. "I guess you don't tire out so quickly when you're dead."
"I didn't notice before because I've always been running. No time to think. But it's nice going at our own pace, huh?"
Floryn pursed their lips, kicking a spray of snow into the air in front of them. The snow crystals settled back down against the drifts as if it never happened, the only evidence being a pit of powder that had floated back against Floryn's knees. They sighed quietly, and their gaze flicked to Lav's hand, swinging at their side. Large. Calloused. Flushed from the cold.
Floryn dug the point of their fang into their bottom lip, worrying it a moment so the underside filled with bland blood. It was still strange seeing the roughened digits in place of their old slender fingers. The more they looked the more their stomach churned, but that might've been the fault of what they were thinking about doing.
Slowly, slowly, their fingers outstretched, a hand length away, a finger, half a finger. Their knuckles bumped into the meaty palm, pinky twining around Lav's little finger.
Lav reeled back as if bit, jerking their hand against their breast and whirling on Floryn with wide, startled eyes.
Floryn blinked in dumb shock, a lukewarm blush rising to their cheeks. For a moment their throat squeezed too tight to get out a word, but eventually, they managed a choked, "Sorry."
Lav's face contorted into even harsher panic.
"No!" They thrust out their hands in front of them. "You didn't do anything wrong! I wasn't...I'm not..." Their fists clenched. "I'm feeling strange. New body. You knowing. I don't...I don't think it's a good idea to get too close. At least not so soon."
"Oh." Floryn wet their already-closing wound. "Right. Of course."
"It has nothing to do with you," Lav said, forcing their avoidant eyes up for a full second. Something dark briefly swam through the yellow pools. A lie.
"No, yeah, I know that." Floryn turned brusquely forward. "I just thought maybe you wanted...after everything...but I shouldn't have assumed."
"It's okay."
"Mm." Floryn pinned their lips together. Stupid. So stupid. Lav never said they wanted anything other than companionship. The reading, the care, the protection. You could do all of that for a friend. In any case, after everything they'd gone through that night, flirtation was probably the last thing on their mind, and Floryn had selfishly pushed it. Even more selfish was the fact that they were still scared of the new body. Maybe they'd thought acting close would help them accept it faster, help them focus on the parts of Lav they still clearly saw inside. But it could've just as easily made the situation worse.
"There's an inn a half mile from here," Lav said, breaking the quiet.
"A town?"
"No. The nearest settlement is Mudfield. About half a day away still. This a roadside inn. A business that relies on the patronage of lots of travelers who would rather not camp. Good for us since the sun is about to come up."
Floryn looked up through the gaps in the foliage. The long red fingers of dawn streaked the sky; they clutched their cloak a little closer.
"Let's go a little faster," Lav said, voice calm and smooth.
Floryn nodded.
It wasn’t long before the Inn came into view. It was larger than the cabin but not quite as large as what they’d always imagined in books. The thatching looked like birds had been tugging at it, loose twigs and straw sticky out at odd angles, and as they stepped up onto the porch the wood sagged and groaned under their feet.
A mixture pine needles, ale, and smoke floated on the air as they eased the door open. The room was filled with filled with barstools and tables, but they all sat empty. The best sign of life was a smear of something sticky on the bar counter.
“Oi! Trevon!”
Floryn turned toward the back of a room. A chestnut haired woman in a red apron swept at the floor under the tables like the world depended on it.
A low grumble quickly drew their attention back to the bar where was a broad, mustached man was stepping out of the back room.
“Early guests, eh?” He rubbed his hand down his eyes and into his mustache. “What can I do for yous?”
Floryn took a little step closer, opened their mouth, and…
Nothing came out.
They almost choked on the empty air. A hot feeling shooting from head to toes, liquifying the bones in their legs, and clenching their insides into a thousand tiny knots. The innkeeper narrowed his eyes. Did Floryn look like they were about to faint or did he know?
Suddenly Lav’s hand was on their shoulder, casually pushing them behind so they could step right up to the bar.
“Excuse the early hour,” they said, as honey smooth as the day they’d met. “Usually we wouldn’t impose at such an inopportune hour, but we’ve been traveling all night and hoped we could trouble you for a couple of rooms.”
The innkeeper stared at Lav for a moment, as if sensing the wrongness in him. But eventually he waved his hand flippantly. “We’re up this early every day. Got to get ahead of the tenants, eh?” He propped his elbows on the counter with a large yawn. “I only got one room. 15 coppers by the night. Will that do?”
“Perfect,” Lav said. They rustled in their deep coat pocket, producing a handful of small copper coins. Where they got the money after years in seclusion, Floryn didn't know. Maybe scoured off all the dead bodies and robbed graves.
The innkeeper scraped the coins into their hand and disappeared into the back. He returned a few moments later with a little silver key. "Room 8. Anything else?" he said, sliding it across the counter. "I can have Marri whip you up a hot breakfast."
From the glare Marri shot across the room, Floryn wouldn't have accepted the offer even if they could eat.
"Very gracious of you," Lav said. "But after a full night of traveling, the room is quite enough. Just up the stairs is it?"
"Even numbers on the right," the innkeeper confirmed.
"Very good." Lav's hand landed on the middle of Floryn's back, guiding them to the narrow staircase. The steps creaked and when they reached the hall it took some squinting to make out the half-rubbed numbers chalked on the doors.
Lav's hand slid away to unlock the door, leaving the spot on Floryn's spine tingling and empty.
Lav crossed the room in a few quick strides, yanking the curtains closed on the pool of sun spreading across the floor.
"If you're cold I'll light a--" They cut off mid-turn, only then noticing what Floryn had noticed immediately. Maybe they should be flattered Lav's first thought had been to keep them out of the sun, but the delayed reaction was somehow even worse than realizing their predicament simultaneously.
The single bed sat in the middle of the room, ropes hanging a little too loosely so that the straw mattress just brushed the floor. The bed hangings had also seen better days, motheaten and sustained from cream to light yellow--though to be fair, bed hangings in general were an unexpected luxury for this place. At the very least, the bed was full-sized; they wouldn't be pressed back to back.
Floryn shivered inappropriately at the mental image before brusquely shoving it away. A quick glance around the room revealed no other furnishings but a nightstand with a half-melted candle on one side of the bed and a chair and table, set with a pitcher and washbasin, on the other.
Lav cleared their throat uncomfortably. "I suppose the number of beds to a room was never specified."
"Well," Floryn said, trying to sound unbothered. "A bed is a bed." They slid their bag to the floor and plopped down on one end. "Can't complain there."
Lav nodded. "It's been a long night. You should rest." They dropped their own pack, quickly sifting out a blanket roll and spreading it out on the floor.
"We should rest," Floryn corrected. "Don't act as if you haven't had a long night too." They patted the space beside them.
"I'll be just fine by the hearth."
"I don't mind sharing."
"It's too much."
"For who?" Floryn said. "You never had a problem dozing off on the sofa. It's basically the same thing."
"It's different. And this body, what I am, all of it..."
"So? I can judge my discomfort myself, thank you. I'm fine." They met Lav's gaze head-on. "Unless I make you uncomfortable. In which case, we should flip a coin for the bed."
Lav clenched their teeth, rotating their jaw a couple times as their yellow eyes flicked from Floryn's face to the empty side of the bed, to the door. "You are so stubborn," they finally said, crossing the room and kicking off their shoes before sliding beneath the bedcovers. The mattress sank deeper towards the floor, but Floryn closed the bed hangings and crawled underneath the covers without comment. Despite their shoddy material, the hangings did make a cozy space. Even better because they blocked out any light that might have passed through the window curtains. The only downside was it made the bed feel narrower. A small but significant gap kept their and Lav's shoulders just short of brushing.
"You know you're making my gallant attempts at consideration very difficult," Lav said.
Floryn rolled toward them. "What do you mean?"
Lav matched Floryn's movement by turning onto their side, eyes glowing catlike in the shadows. "You do make me uncomfortable."
"Not because I don't like being near you," Lav said. "Because I don't deserve to be. I'm wearing the body of your attacker, I constantly make you afraid, and I'm a monster."
Floryn raised their hand to their cheek, eliciting a small shock. "Honey, you've never met a real monster."
Lav scoffed but didn't move away. "What am I then?"
They stroked a crooked finger down the ghoul's cheekbone "Yes, you're a monster in the traditional sense. So am I." Their other hand pressed to Lav's chest, the faux warmth of their skin soaking into their chilly fingertips. "But not in in here. Not where it counts. You don't have to be a ghoul or a vampire to be monstrous inside." The ragged rhythm of their heart beat into Floryn's palm, steadily picking up speed. "Maybe you have met monsters--the townspeople who sacrificed you, the people who chased you away from a normal life, my hunters--but don't think for one second you’re one of them."
Warm tears pricked Floryn's thumb, and suddenly, a pair of muscled arms wrapped around them. The air fled their lungs all at once and refused to be drawn back in.
"I care about you, Flor," Lav mumured into their neck. "My dear. My darling. My love."
"I love--" Floryn caught themselves, violently clearing their throat and bowing their face into Lav's curls. "I care about you too."
This ghoul was going to be the death of them. What did they mean saying "I care" and "My love" in the same breath? Their heart had already been stopped by an undead once, they didn't need a second demonstration.
Against their better wishes, they slid out of the embrace first.
"We should sleep. We need to put more distance between us and BellBreak before we can really relax."
"Rest," Lav murmured. "I can stay up if you're worried."
"Don't get noble. I worry about you too you know." They flopped the other direction. "If I wake up in a few hours and find out you didn't sleep, I'm going to be mad."
Lav chuckled. "Understood."
The covers rustled as they settled down deeper into the bed. The warmth of their presence tickled Floryn's back even from across the gap, but strangely, they weren't quite so anxious now. Perhaps they were simply to tired to worry anymore because sleep hit hard and fast. Seconds after closing their eyes they were engulfed in dark, dreamless sleep--a gift after so much nightmare fuel had been tossed their way today.
When Floryn woke next, the gap no longer existed.
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat@ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindonessy @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn @girl-of-the-sea-and-stars @kurai-hono-blog
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hollywoodfamerp · 8 months
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Pack your bags, Famers! Our annual winter trip is taking place in Ireland! On February 17th, all celebrities will be arriving at the Adare Manor to kick off our trip! Named the #1 resort in Europe in 2023, Adare Manor sits on 840 acres of pristine parkland.
"It’s prestige without pretense and magic without nonsense. Above all, it is the sense of belonging. You are known. You are family. You are home."
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Addison Timlin & Sabrina Carpenter
Akanishi Jin & Lee Sunmi
America Ferrera & Ben Feldman
Andrew Garfield & Elizabeth Lail
Angourie Rice & Chris Evans
Anne Hathaway & Jenna Coleman
Ariana DeBose & Mason Mount
Ashton Irwin & Ariana Grande
Awsten Knight & Miley Cyrus
Bae Joohyun (Irene) & Dove Cameron
Barbara Palvin & Maxence Danet-Fauve
Beyonce Knowles & Chloe Bailey
Brie Larson & Brittany Baker
Callum Turner & Chace Crawford
Camila Morrone & Jessica Chastain
Cari Fletcher & Victoria de Angelis
Carrie Underwood & Gigi Hadid
Cate Blanchett & Ellie Bamber
Cha Eunwoo & Glen Powell
Choi Minho & Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San & Danielle Campbell
Choi Soobin & Rylee Arnold
Cody Christian & Lucy Hale
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) & Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Danny Amendola & Olivia Culpo
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) & Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Dua Lipa & Joseph Quinn
Emma Stone & Chris Daughtry
Ethan Torchio & Damiano David
Florence Pugh & Cillian Murphy
Gareth Southgate & Byun Baekhyun
Harry Kane & Charlie Hunnam
Harry Styles & Mazz Murray
Hayley Williams & Luke Hemmings
Hwang Hyunjin & Bang Chan
Jackson Wang & Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Jamie Campbell Bower & Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Jenna Ortega & Halle Bailey
Joey King & Nick Robinson
Josephine Skriver & Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) & Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi & Jung Wooyoung
Kelsea Ballerini & Joe Keery
Kendall Jenner & Liam Hemsworth
Kim Hongjoong & Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Kim Jisoo & Christian Yu
Kim Mingyu & Sana Minatozaki
Kit Connor & Gong Jichul (Gong Yoo)
Kylie Jenner & Christina Aguilera
Lauren Jauregui & Bill Skarsgard
Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Lee Felix & Dakota Johnson
Lee Jeno & Na Jaemin
Lee Taemin & Kim Jongin
Leigh-Anne Pinnock & Alycia Debnam-Carey
Lily James & David Tennant
Logan Lerman & Jeon Jungkook
Louis Tomlinson & Phoebe Bridgers
Lucas Wong & Kim Jungwoo
Lupita Nyong'o & Tessa Thompson
Billie Eilish & Ryan Gosling
Madelyn Cline & Chase Stokes
Maika Monroe & Dylan O'Brien
Mark Lee & Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Min Yoongi & Kim Namjoon
Niall Horan & Matt Smith
Nicholas Galitzine & Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez
Nina Dobrev & Sofia Carson
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) & Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Park Seonghwa & Lewis Pullman
Pete Davidson & Naomi Scott
Renee Paquette (Renee Young) & Taylor Swift
Renee Rapp & Olivia Cooke
Ross Lynch & Anya Taylor-Joy
Sam Claflin & Riley Keough
Samantha Gibb & Sydney Sweeney
Saoirse Ronan & Jack Lowden
Sarah Paulson & Jessica Lange
Sebastian Stan & Margot Robbie
Tom Hardy & Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland & Natalia Dyer
Tony Goldwyn & Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Travis Kelce & Romee Strijd
Troian Bellisario & Joshua Hong
Vanessa Hudgens & Matthew Macfadyen
Wong Kunhang (Hendery) & Jensen Ackles
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) & Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Xu Minghao & Noah Beck
Yoo Bora & Joe Burrow
Yoo Siah (Yooa) & Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Zac Efron & Sophie Turner
Zendaya Coleman & Paul Mescal
Zoey Deutch & Dacre Montgomery
Zoë Kravitz & Lili Reinhart
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liass-21 · 4 months
To be honest, I don’t know how I feel in the eras where TC is so thin. It’s the same as seeing this new Glen Powell skinny era. I don’t know if it’s the southerner in me or what, but I’m always like… oh baby you need a nice meal 🥺
okay this is SO Fair i just like when he was old but without the bad haircut i feel like his bone structure was sooo beautiful in those pics… but also yeah honey baby let me make u fried rice…………………
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mpreghotties · 5 months
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Chase Rice VS. Glenn Powell
I’m rooting for the underdog chase rice and I do feel bad that he is going up against Powerhouse (Powel-house)😂Glen Powell!
Glen: I enjoyed eating you and your boyfriend last year, I’ll enjoy it even more now since you know it’s coming.
Chase: listen you overblown airhead, the competition is mud wrestling. Who ever pins the other one 2 out of 3 times wins. I’m the all time champion of that.
Glen: so I get to beat you at your own game?! That’s gonna make my victory all the sweeter
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whipplefilter · 15 days
Atlanta [2] 2024
I do my weekly meal prep during NASCAR races, and this week Kyle Larson only lasted a long as the STARCHES. 5 car, how could you forsake me when only the pastas were done? The rice was still cooking! I hadn't even chopped any vegetables yet! NEITHER ROUND OF VEGETABLES. The tofu wasn't even out of the fridge yet! 😭😭😭
I'd read an interview from some of the media stuff where Larson described the first half of his season as "really good" and for the second half immediately listed all the tracks where he DNF'd, describing it as "typical Kyle Larson." MY GUY MUST WE THOUGH. But I'm glad he was unharmed and in high spirits, all things considered, which I think was a combination of not having had much time to invest in the race and being confident that the DNF was not the result of a conscious decision he made that was wrong, which is what usually results in a Very Sad interview. The playoff points cushion surely helps, too, aha, though I wouldn't say the prospect of Watkins Glen or Bristol *inspire me.*
Denny wins the award for "I guess... that was a race strategy?" which is usually Brad's trophy to defend, and overall HMS actually did a good job of using the buddy system and sticking together this race, which is definitely not their strong suit. So there's that!
As far as the race win goes:
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elijones94 · 1 year
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🦍 In my recent late nights of drawing at my desk, I have been working on characters from Disney’s “The Jungle Book”, “The Lion King”, and “Tarzan”. I based this gorilla on an early concept drawing by animator Glen Keane. Most of my sources have come from Google Images and the “Tarzan Chronicles” book. There was something about the drawing I came across online that reminded me of the Beast from “Beauty and the Beast”, in terms of its stance and aggressiveness. So, in the original sketch by Keane, the gorilla (on the left) is in the midst of a stare down with Tarzan (on the right). Interestingly, you should never make eye contact with gorillas because they may misinterpret it as an act of aggression or a challenge. 🐾🍃
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missyourflight · 2 months
some stuff i read and watched in june:
interview with the vampire (s2): very fun to have a fandom to feel wild about week to week again! blessed to have a show where every character is a hot beautiful queer vampire and they're all in love and do terrible things to each other! thankful to have an outlet in my irl friend who's been a lestat girly gn for decades! i read hardly any books or saw any films this month bc i was reading thousands and thousands of words of armand/daniel fanfiction instead!
hit man: liked this a lot but didn't quite love it, glen powell very fun and charming, delightful to see sexy leads with chemistry, austin amelio from everybody wants some!!
snack shack: gabriel labelle yr a star etc, never say no to a bit of nineties nostalgia
the bikeriders: very romantic!
the caine mutiny court martial: i already saw the friedkin one from last year, obviously this is the altman one from the eighties for eric bogosian reasons lol (see above re: iwtv spiral etc). pretty good and very theatrical! baby peter gallagher also there as the opposing counsel! eric bogosian very good at talking and not very convincing navally which is part of the point!
now, conjurers by freddie kölsch: really don't read much ya these days but this was fucking excellent, the last part in particular was so well built and epic and scary and sad and romantic. teen witches with a dead friend! excellent!
private rites by julia armfield: julia is my friend and i love her and she is just stunningly wildly talented! king lear's queer daughters in an apocalyptically flooded world! bad families! romance! cults! water! fisting! she can do it all!!
experienced by kate young: i love a romance set in a british city outside london, this one is about bristol lesbians and it does that tremendously satisfying romance novel thing where the person you want to be the actual love interest does in fact turn out to be the actual love interest
the vampire lestat by anne rice: very fun to do on audio, excited to see sam reid do some of this stuff in s3, because i'm me i was grasping all the horrible gremlin armand content with both hands
the green road by anne enright: read this book about a county clare family reunion while i was in county clare for a family wedding, i have a somewhat slippery relationship with my irishness but i love the west coast and the crashing atlantic specificity of this book, also the new york chapter is a marvel
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memoria-99 · 3 months
So I'm quite surprised to see pronounciation differs after seeing this post
Here's how I pronounce...
Elias Goldstein: Eh-li-as Gold-stahin(like, style without l sound + sign without s. Like Einstein and Frankenstein)
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Yukiya Reizen: Yoo-kee-yah Rai(like rice goes)-zehn
Klaus Goldstein: (Santa) Claus
Randy March: Ran-dee March(3rd month of the year)
Serge Durandal: Surge(like surgery) Dew-ran-dal
Azusa Kuze: Ah-zoo-sah Koo-zeh
Joel Crawford: Joe-l Craw-ford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leh-on
Cerim Leiado: Seh-rim Lay-ado
Guy Brighton: Guy Bright-un
Glenn Qing: Glen Ching (this kind of alphabet is mostly the one from hanyu pinyin, Chinese prounciation. There q equals ch sound.)
Leslie Roseblade: Lehs-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Si(from sick)-guard Cur(from curve)-tis
Mel Glover: Mel(melon) Glove-r
Zeus Brundle: Zoos Broon-dle
Hiro Tachibana: Hero Ta-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fons
Caesar Raphael: Kai-sar(like car) Rafa-el
Lucious Duller: Lucy-us Dool-ler
Hugo Peers: Hew-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: Hee-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-reh
Willem V Rembrandt: Will-lem V Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nox No-er
Rex Blanc: Rex Blahn(g) (Blanc is French so French style)
Gray: Gray
Ted: Ted(dy bear)
Lars Lagrene: Lars(Mars but with m sound) La-gren-eh
Clive Lagrene: Clive (Cliff but with v sound)
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-dehn(like Denmark)
Albert Auburne: Al-burt Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Fell-lix
Vain: Vain (like rain)
Viggo: Vigo(rously)
Randolph: Ran-dolf
Conrad Schuyler: Con-rad Sky-ler
Loran Merculova: Lo-ran Mercul(like mercury)-lova
Carbuncle: Car-bunkle
Taffy: Taff E
Ronny: Ron E
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mee-sha
Chocolate Cake: Chocolate cake
Hachi: Ha-chi
Nidhogg: Nid-hog(like fog)
Shu: Shoo
Amelia: Uh-meel-lee-ah
Eress: Eh-ress (Empress without the mp)
Brunhild: Broon-hild
Saella: Say-la
Aulelia: Au-leh-lee-ah
Claudia: Cloud-ia
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