#gnc masculine men
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Begging, begging, begging people to stop associating aging and femininity in men/masculine people as Wrong and Predatory. Femininity has no age limit.
To any feminine man, masculine person, or really, anybody who needs to hear this: Your femininity deserves to be recognized and celebrated. Aging is a natural and unique part of life, and you don't have to sacrifice your femininity for fear of being "too old" to be accepted or seen as charming. You are already charming.
There is no limit to being who you are. No matter what you're told, you still deserve to completely claim yourself.
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theflashjaygarrick · 1 month
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I hate this scene so much. Just to be clear I know that this does reflect a real experience a lot of women and girls go through growing up, the realisation that you don't actually hate feminine things and you just were taught to. And to give him credit I feel like Tom King read one feminist think piece about internalised misogyny and girls growing to like pink so congrats for the effort I guess.
But the problem is, did it have to be Cassie? Cassie is one of the few characters in the Wonder family, and honestly in DC, to be gender nonconforming (in presentation). And DC if full of kickass feminine women who can hold their own and fight. Hell, that is literal the entire point of the Wonderfamily and the amazons. Cassie being butch could have been shown girls and women that there are all sorts of ways to be a woman. That being gnc or more masculine doesn't mean you have to hate other girls or femininity. It just means that it isn't you. And that's okay.
Some gnc Cassie panels:
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And sure, this isn't the worset thing that happened to Cassie (New 52 was a bad time) but it still frustrates me. To me this scene low-key implies (perhaps intentionally) that Cassie being a tomboy as a character flaw that she had to grow out of and did after meeting the Wonders. That the more butch elements of her characterisation that a queer fans saw themselves in was actually just her not believing feminine women could be powerful. And considering this is written by a cishet man (not a woman reflecting her own experiences with the struggle of femininity) I am not a fan.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
I feel as though there is a desire to completely dichotomize byler when they don’t need to be polar opposites in order to fit together. They are individuals, but it’s their differences AND their similarities that make their dynamic what it is
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butchford · 1 year
Shoutout to queer masculinity. Butches, transmascs, amab people who enjoy the masculine parts of themselves, gnc people, etc etc. No if ands or buts.
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saintshigaraki · 4 months
i do find it a little concerning that in progressive spaces there seems to be a sort of feminine = woman & masculine = man mindset that is scarily similar to a conservative mindset
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leave-a-whisper · 2 years
If you're defending Kit Connor but then going back and saying "wait, but it's okay to harass this unlabled person because they are CLEARLY straight" please just shut the fuck up. That's the same exact thing people were saying about Kit and the only reason you care about what happened to him now is because he happens to be queer.
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shk0lstun-flagz · 10 months
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Tomboy - a girl (or nby) who is “boyish” / GNC (masculine/androgynous) in expression or behavior
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Janegirl - a boy (or nby) who is “girlish” / GNC (feminine/androgynous) in expression or behavior
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jawz · 1 year
why do people who transitioned as full-on adults continue to speak on what they believe the laws should be regarding child/adolescent medical transition? like how fucking dense do you have to be to think it’s the same situation? if you didn’t MEDICALLY transition in that specific age range, when your mind is more amenable to any number of ideas about identity or personal philosophy (as you are still a child figuring yourself out) then you do not know what it’s like to have doctors more or less gaslighting you into pseudoscientific concepts that adults can understand more like metaphors…
this is the same way religion harms vulnerable young people when their brain’s capacity for weighing what is and is not realistic is just not developed and the real life experience has not yet been gained… you don’t understand metaphors and gender roles and playing pretend and facades yet… it’s all REAL to you at that age… i was told i had a MALE SOUL… trapped inside my inferior female body which needed to be FIXED in some way.
the older i get the more i realize that what a lot of adult transitioners are describing amounts more to deliberate aesthetic changes, which do create a higher level of comfort in the body and self-expression, this is why there seems to be a lower rate of regret for these types… versus gnc children who have not yet gotten past the age stage of cross-sex identification (which seems to be a common experience during the development of sexual identity for a pretty sizable cohort of the current generation of homosexuals who transition)… i think adult transitioners without childhood dysphoria have a better big-picture view of the changes they’re seeking, and it’s extremely unfair for them to pretend that youth who are attempting to convert themselves from gay boys to straight women or from butch lesbians to straight men are in the same mindset. i know i was not. it was religious for me. it was totally all-consuming.
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matoitech · 3 months
i know its easy for me to get bad faith'd bcuz my stake in it is as an i guess 'cishet passing' masc bi man who can b attracted to masc women but once ppl realize bisexual butches exist and identify as butch i think youll be a lot happier and also a lot less weird. ppl do this same thing w feminine men where ppl act like fem bi men dont exist bcuz if ur a feminine man who fucks men you cant be attracted to women youre just faking or closeted or something. very silly. just in general recognizing gnc people can be bisexual (or straight, and not in a metrosexual way or something, they just Exist, also gnc trans people exist) is probably gonna be good for you. treating gender nonconformity like its inherently fetishistic if attractive to the 'wrong' people is not the win u think it is but get well soon guys
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basuralindo · 4 months
what I would give for transmasc to stop being inherently associated with softness in fandom. especially for trans headcanons to not include toning down the character or making them sweeter and more gentle.
at this point I would kill to see trans fan art that didn't manage to make me feel more dysphoric and distanced from the character ffs.
I'm begging fans to consider why they feel the need to change a character's personality when they wanna hc them as trans. search your soul a little on that. stop making it so fucking weird
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the-daily-male · 1 year
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Today's daily male is Howl Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle!
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11natrium · 9 months
I suppose that I might share some feeling regarding my own masculinity I've been having about myself to the world, perhaps some will find them relatable.
tl;dr - I'm AMAB, and while I struggled with accepting my masculinity, trans men made me feel at peace and safe with it, and I cannot thank them enough.
Now for the longer version:
For quite a while now (a few years, in fact), I have been struggling with my masculinity, as an AMAB person. I grew to feel super uncomfortable with the implications that came from being a "man", at least as it can be stereotypically understood. I know very well that masculinity has positive aspects, like strength or reliability, but being called a "man" made me also feel like someone automatically perceived as aggressive, or dangerous, or a sex pest, or a creep. As far as I'm aware, I am none of that - but I can't help that being "a man" makes me feel like someone who poses some sort of danger, or is a threat to those around them. It no doubt comes from experiencing toxic masculinity - more so from my peers and general society, as I'm thankfully privileged to have a normal family, where everyone is, well, normal and supportive and non-abusive. Still, that toxic masculinity, or hearing about certain men being just, fucking losers, made me want to detach myself from being called a "man".
This is partially why I embraced the identity of a demiboy. Someone mostly masculine, but still someone who does not want to call themselves a man. To be clear - there is more to my identity than just discomfort with stereotypical masculinity. I have interest in outfits and activities perceived as feminine, there are subtleties to how I like to picture myself in art, using a feminine name (Marcy) towards myself, using gender neutral pronouns (they/them) etc. - it goes deeper than just what I outlined above. That's a story for another day, though, what matters for this post is that I felt that unease with my own masculinity.
I guess this is where trans men come in. Briefly - over time, as I interacted with trans men and transmasc folks in general, I started to feel a weird sort of appreciation, maybe even jealousy for them, like I wished I was more like them myself. Eventually, I started to realise that their comfort and the gender euphoria they feel from being masculine made me feel more at peace and secure with my own masculinity. Seeing as one can feel genuine joy from being a man, from the masculinity they themselves worked to achieve, and from the positive aspects of that masculinity, while also rejecting the toxic parts of it... It just, makes me feel SO much better with myself as well.
Perhaps it sounds silly or obvious? But that realisation that I do NOT have to embrace all the baggage that comes with masculinity, and I can instead pick and choose parts of it, shaping my own version of being a man that makes me feel comfortable is something that made me feel massively better with myself. Being a silly guy gives me genuine gender euphoria - so I just embrace that "silly guy" part of masculinity, and give up on the toxic parts of it, like aggressive dominance, or hierarchical view of the world.
Going onwards, I don't think I'll be changing my pronouns from they/them, or drop the demiboy description of my identity. As I said - there is more to my identity that just discomfort for being called a man. But at least, I can be at peace with my own masculinity.
I genuinely have every single trans man and transmasculine person to thank for it. You made my life better, and I could never show properly just how deep my appreciation for you all goes.
While it doesn't really apply to me, I'm certain that trans women and transfeminine people have a similar influence for cis and gnc women. In fact, I have read a similar post from a female perspective before, and I have no doubts that this post influenced my realisation in how much more comfortable I am with my own masculinity thanks to transmasculine folks.
Trans people are a gift to this world. Their presence alone makes the world such a more beautiful place, period. I wish them all plenty of luck and joy going onwards! And once more - thank you all.
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minty-the-demon · 1 month
It would be cool if there was a dating app for gender non conforming people. It would help straight and queer gnc people find others who are interested in them. By the way, you can be gnc and be straight or cis.
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cowpokezuko · 6 months
I think one of my favorite genre of fandom slapfighting posts are the ones where people complain about not having enough masc4masc ships and that not every gay man needs to be feminine. Baby I know you spend to much time on tumblr.com but if you go outside, you will find that masc queer men are so much more socially accepted than fem queer men. Femininity when performed by men is still so taboo to so many people in the real world so maybe it's good actually that there's spaces where men are not ridiculed for being feminine and it's actually celebrated. I promise it's not hurting you.
Is there some valid criticism of fandom culture and the way they objectify gay men? Yeah, but femininity and feminine gays are not the enemy I promise.
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chaos-in-one · 5 months
"Trans people are just enforcing gender roles!!!" stares intensely in gnc trans person
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mhbcaps · 11 months
I love you modders who refit fV clothes for mV I love you modders who make the same clothes for fV and mV I love you modders who make heels and skirts and dresses and saucy little outfits for mV
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