#go in not expecting anything and you will be WILDLY impressed XD
luci-cunt · 4 years
this is the same anon from the book rec ask! i originally followed you bc i kinda fell in LOVE with Avoiding War (bones... absolutely adore them) but seeing how u post abt aftg n how u just rec'd it hmmmm i might actually read it!!! i only know a lil bit abt the series (they play a made up sport??? exy and neil is apparently a whore for it jhgbdk) although i do tend to skip over the posts. i'll definitely have to check it out !!!!
AHH!!! Oh my god well Anon I already loved you but if you like Bones then you’re like akjsd;flajsdfl literally my favorite person on the planet. 
ALSO!!! I would 100% reccomend AFtG EXCEPT: here’s some warnings XD
First though: here’s your hook: 
Neil Josten has been on the run for almost his whole life, he can barely remember a time when he wasn’t running from demons hiding in his past. Before, he had his mother by his side, but after a close call in Seattle he leaves her in a burning car on a sandy California beach and has to go it alone. With his mother gone and life feeling helpless he turns to Exy--a fictional sport that’s a bit like if Hockey and Lacrosse had a hate child. He’s good, good enough to catch the attention of one David Wymack, also known as Coach of the Palmetto State Foxes, a team infamous for their questionable choice in players. Wymack gives people second and third and fourth chances, he uses the team to recruit people who otherwise would be left face down in gutters and pulls them out. 
With his entrance and the  possibility of a new life Neil has to make a choice--toss aside everything his mother taught him and put his life on the line, or ignore his only opportunity to gain a real home. 
He picks, but if life was easy he wouldn’t be Neil Josten. 
Why you should read!!
Really cool complex characters
The fandom is fucking AMAZING
You WILL fall in love with the characters
The first book is $0 on amazon as an ebook and the other two are $0.99 what have you really got to lose?
Why you might NOT want to read:
It’s graphic and dramatic and ridiculous and over-the-top and a bit... we’ll say interestingly written
Don’t get me wrong I love these books to DEATH but the first book especially is a bit of an exposition slog fest XD. There is QUITE a bit of violence including a character who deals with sexual abuse + multiple, pretty damn explicit, torture scenes. I couldn’t find it but somewhere around her there’s a completed trigger warning list for the series and--yeah it’s LONG. 
I ripped through all three books in about a dayish (reading overnight too) because I legitimately couldn’t stop. It’s just gripping and intense and in my top ten favorite books of alltime. 
Anyways, if you’re sold here’s the Amazon ebook links, happy reading!!!
Book 1: the Foxhole Court 
Book 2: the Raven King
Book 3: the King’s Men
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
The Skylark’s Song [2/4]
Tumblr media
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Characters: Hibari Kyoya, Kusakabe Tetsuya, Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee, Fon (mentioned)
Warnings: PTSD, Mild Language, Violence [A/N: Depiction of PTSD may not be accurate. I apologize if this bothers anyone.]
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: My personal headcanons of the (pre-canon) experiences that made Hibari into the man that he is today. Part Two: the development of his commitment to discipline and explaining his apparent state of constant sleep deprivation. [This may end up being a four-part story, lol. Or a three-part with a small extra... which I guess is also four parts. I hope you enjoy! xD]
[Part 1]
Ever since that night, Hibari had never had a good night's rest.
Other than the week that he'd been in the hospital, woozy from the painkillers that had been constantly fed to him and barely aware of the world around him, he'd never slept for more than a few hours at any given time. At first, the nightmares--the memories--would wake him up in an empty house, screaming for his parents who were no longer there, and then he'd spend the rest of the night huddled in the corner, flinching at every shadow. For a long time, he feared that the men would return, but as time passed uneventfully, he grew more convinced that they didn't care. That they didn't think a mere child could be any danger to them. And they were probably right.
By all rights, he should have probably been taken away and moved to an orphanage, but a distant relative had been found who was willing to become his legal guardian. They'd spoken briefly on the phone, eventually coming to an agreement: since Hibari refused to leave his childhood home and Fon had special circumstances that made traveling and raising a child difficult, a housekeeper would be hired to watch over him, paid out of the fortune that he had inherited from his parents. Initially, she would come early in the morning every day and leave only when he was about to go to bed, but his growing preference for solitude and independence quickly asserted itself, so that she would eventually only come in the afternoon when he was at school, to clean and prepare his meals.
In school, his teachers also noticed a drastic change in his personality. Though he remained a good student, the previously outgoing and energetic child became withdrawn, appearing as though he was actively avoiding his classmates. Any attempts to speak with him outside of his assigned schoolwork were met with a stony wall of silence, and the many phone conversations that they had with his guardian did nothing to improve the situation.
In fact, the only activity in which Hibari demonstrated any initiative of his own was in his new studies of martial arts. Every evening found him at one dojo or another, practicing karate, boxing, kenjutsu, and a number of other combat arts with single-minded focus until he could barely drag himself back home. The physical pain was a welcome distraction, though it was short-lived as his body accustomed itself to the new routine.
His devotion to the arts and strict self-discipline meant that he quickly learned all that the instructors in Namimori could teach him. By the time he started middle school, he was no longer attending the dojos, instead practicing with masters that Fon would occasionally send to him while developing his own style. Hibari also began experimenting with weapons, discarding the sword and spear as impractical to carry and bare fists as too weak, before he eventually settled on his tonfa. The metal was hard enough to be difficult to deform, they were easily concealed, and simply adjusting the force could mean the difference between injury and death.
He still saw his parents every night. But at least he stopped screaming when he woke.
For the most part, his middle school years passed without anything of particular note until his third year, when he joined the disciplinary committee and a group of wannabe punks started to attend. In general, they were harmless, just mimicking the types of idiots that they saw in anime and manga and mouthing off out of the mistaken impression that it made them cool. But it irked Hibari to have to tell them off every morning for their appearances and watch them swagger around like thugs. When they finally started trying to extort their peers, however, he finally had a real excuse to step in.
"Hey, c'mon, you've got cash, right? We just need to borrow a couple thousand. We'll pay you back later, really!"
Hibari had been about to return home when he heard voices coming from behind the gym. If there was a response to Kusakabe, it was too quiet for him to hear, but he hoisted his bookbag higher over his shoulders as he went to investigate. As he turned the corner, the sight before him turned him cold with rage.
Kusakabe and his friends stood in a loose half-circle, a few of them holding wooden swords, leering at the student they had trapped against the wall, a young boy who looked absolutely terrified. His bookbag appeared to have been upended all over the ground, with books and pens scattered everywhere, and Kusakabe knelt before him, his hand outstretched expectantly. One of his friends stretched, cricking his neck threateningly, and noticed the prefect standing there, shaking. He smirked, reaching out to nudge their leader and jerking a thumb toward Hibari when Kusakabe looked up.
"Get rid of him," Kusakabe ordered, and three of his pack peeled away, advancing on Hibari and blocking his view.
"There's nothing to see here, Prefect-san. Get lost, unless you want what he's getting," one of them snapped, and Hibari's eyes fell to the ground as his hands clenched into trembling fists.
"Hey, look at him. You think he's gonna piss himself?" Another one laughed, jabbing his bokken toward Hibari, who took a step back, to more laughter. But in the next instant, Hibari was lunging forward, the gleam of metal in his hands knocking the wood aside and slamming the boy under the chin. Before the other two realized what was happening, they were splayed on the ground, clutching their heads as Hibari stood in front of them, breathing heavily. He staggered slightly, as if he were injured or drunk, as the rest of the gang advanced on him, Kusakabe in the lead, their victim forgotten. They were cautious now, now that they saw he could fight back, and when Hibari's head snapped up, even Kusakube seemed to hesitate. There was a gleam of madness and bloodlust in Hibari's normally flat black eyes, and his stance as he lifted his tonfa in front of his body telegraphed experience.
Even so, they couldn't back down, not from a fight that they had picked, so they approached the older boy carefully, trying to spread out to encircle him. He didn't make any move to stop them from doing so, just standing with an air of watchful patience, like a predator waiting to pounce. The fact that he was outnumbered didn't seem to bother him at all, and he kept his eyes fixed on Kusakabe. His unwavering gaze seemed to make the younger boy hesitate, but at the same time, foolish pride urged the delinquent forward.
"Get him."
After a heartbeat of uncertainty, they rushed in wildly, fists swinging and getting in each other's way more often than not. And in the midst of all of them, Hibari's weapons flashed like quicksilver, falling with precise blows upon heads and joints until he was the only one who remained standing among the carnage, like some ancient god of war. The few boys who weren't unconscious were groaning, clutching where they had been struck, and their victim had run away, leaving behind only a few pencils and a snapped ruler.
Languidly, Hibari walked over to the leader, nudging Kusakabe under the chin with his foot to make sure he had the boy's attention.
"Try this again, and I'll break your bones. A third time, and I'll bite you to death. Do you understand?"
It wasn't a threat, but a simple statement of fact, delivered in a flat tone that left no room for discussion. He waited for Kusakabe to nod, then turned around and walked away, stepping over the bodies that littered the ground.
From his experiences with hot-blooded people, Hibari didn't expect things to just end there, but nothing could have surprised him more when he arrived at school the next day. The moment he stepped inside the gates, he was greeted by a shout of "Good morning, boss!" and he turned to see Kusakabe and his hoodlums bowing to him.
"What's this?"
Hibari watched warily as Kusakabe approached him, smiling while sporting a black eye.
"Hibari-san, you're strong, and you've earned our respect. Please feel free to use us however you want," Kusakabe addressed him formally, bowing again. Some of the other students were staring at them, wide-eyed, and Hibari shoved the punk away with one hand.
"I'm not strong. You're just weak," he snapped. "That's why you just crowd together with the others. It makes me sick."
But his words didn't seem to upset the other boy, who deferentially took a step back to give Hibari the personal space that he clearly wanted. However, for the rest of the day, they hung in small groups at the corners of Hibari's vision whenever he wasn't in his classroom, following him around like a pack of devoted dogs. It was irritating, and when they began to follow him home after school, he snapped again, beating them all thoroughly, even though they didn't even try to fight back.
Gradually, though, Hibari noticed that their one-sided admiration seemed to be imposing better order on his beloved school. Small incidents were quickly straightened out without his interference, and for the most part, the gang stayed out of his way. So he tolerated their existences so long as they avoided grouping up in front of him, using them as yet another tool to protect the discipline at Namimori Middle School and in town as a whole. He never dealt with any of them directly except for Kusakabe, on the rare occasions that he had to give them orders; even so, he kept a close eye on them to ensure that they didn't overstep their bounds. 
His parents had loved the town, and so did he. Even though they had been betrayed, it was only because the authorities had all been weak: afraid of violence, dazzled by money, grasping for power, or any number of other reasons. Although Hibari intended to control them himself through the same methods, he had no intention of unleashing another pack of animals that would cause even more problems for others.
And on the day that he finally finished his compulsory education, he set out to settle the score.
[Part 3]
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panharmonium · 3 years
Merlin 👀
First impression:
I loved how curious and sunny and optimistic he was.  I loved how he was so genuinely interested in everyone around him and so willing to get involved in their lives to help them.  I loved how much hope and faith he had that things could get better.  I loved the little moments when you were reminded that he was a teenager (I laugh every time he throws himself dramatically onto the bed after Gaius scolds him about using magic - he has a legitimate reason to be upset, obviously; it’s just still so funny when the camera cuts to him lying face-first on the mattress).  
Impression now:
Merlin did something I didn’t expect any character to ever be able to do and just barely knocked Obi-Wan Kenobi out of my “top character” slot.  Merlin is my all-time favorite character in anything ever.  I’ve never been quite so invested in a fictional character’s happiness before.
Favorite moment:
This is an impossible question, lol.  Every single moment is my favorite moment.  I honestly tried to go through and pick one for this, but there’s no way I can do it.
Idea for a story:
Welp, I am currently working on one about the immediate post-Season 3 era, because Lancelot and Merlin’s relationship is one of my favorites to explore and I can’t believe the show skipped the entire year they were in Camelot together.
Unpopular opinion:
This isn’t an unpopular opinion; it’s an unpopular fact: Merlin isn’t in love with Arthur. XD
Favorite relationship:
Literally every single one of Merlin’s relationships is compelling to me.  Gwen, Gaius, Arthur, Gwaine, and Lancelot are particular faves.  
And then obviously I think everybody knows by now that I am deeply invested in Merlin’s friendship with Will. <3
Favorite headcanon:
Again, I don’t know if this counts as a headcanon per se; it’s just more of how I choose to interpret the character, but if I had to pick something to put here, I guess I’d say that I have very set opinions on how Merlin connects to his home.  
I know sometimes fanworks will have him think things like “Camelot was his true home” or “Ealdor had never really been his home anyway,” but I personally don’t believe Merlin sees things that way.  I think Merlin has always considered Ealdor (and Cenred’s kingdom, by default) to be his home.  He’s carved out a place for himself in Camelot, too, but when Freya asks him, “Where is home?” he doesn’t say, “Camelot.”  He says “Ealdor.”
Camelot might be important to him in a different way, but if somebody asks about home, the answer is always going to be Ealdor.  And the thing about Merlin and Ealdor is that even though he struggled there sometimes, it’s clear that he still feels deeply connected to the people and the land.  He cares tremendously when his community is under attack.  He cheers “For Ealdor!” with just as much pride as the rest of his people.  He exposes his magic to save those same people’s lives.  He is still very much a part of that community, whether his childhood there was lonely or not.  He knows all of his neighbors intimately.  Their village is tiny.  He used to work alongside these people every day - everyone pitches in together.  And even if his neighbors didn’t always love him in quite the way he wished they would, there is clearly something about all of them that he cares about, something that he finds valuable and admirable and worthy of protection.
So it isn’t exactly a headcanon, I suppose, but whenever I write Merlin in Camelot, I’m writing a Merlin who feels that he’s far from home.  Camelot is miles from Ealdor, not just geographically, but in terms of the life Merlin is used to having and the work he’s used to doing and the land he’s used to living on.  The city is wildly unfamiliar and completely foreign to anything Merlin’s ever known, and I think he finds this exciting at first, but as time goes on (and especially after Season 1 is over) a sort of permanent, low-level homesickness sets in, one that he knows he can’t ever fix, because he definitely doesn’t want to go back to Ealdor, and he knows he could never live there again, but he still misses the land and the life he had there.  He loves his home, in a complicated way.  Sometimes he glances out his little window at the White Mountains and sees how small and distant they look on the northern horizon, and he remembers how they towered over the valley where Ealdor lay and blotted out the stars on a clear night, and he feels a hollow tug in his chest, like he left a piece of himself behind there.
So I guess what I would say about my “headcanon” is just that I think Merlin’s home looms larger in his mind that he lets on.  I think there are very specific reasons why he virtually never talks about it, but I think it’s something that is often in his thoughts, and I think his upbringing there always determines his reaction to things in Camelot that he finds bizarre or silly or frustrating (see: “I think you’re mad; I think you’re all mad.  People should marry for love.  Not convenience.”  Or: “Oh, yeah, the tournament where the knights ride around hitting each other with blunt weapons for no good reason?”).  Camelot isn’t the norm for Merlin; Ealdor is.  Merlin is a rural peasant farmer from a rural peasant village.  That’s always going to be true, whatever else becomes of him later.
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hey hey heyyy can I request Oikawa, Bokuto, Tsukishima and Sugawara being jealous over their crush (who is also their best friend and manager),, thank you! PS. I love EVERYTHING you do \ (•◡•) / ((uhmm, well, i'm not english, so i'm sorry if something is wrong with these sentences ;-;)
Your english is great!!! better than mine and I’m a native speaker XD. This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever written- all have similar ending styles, but hey... It made me laugh so :3
  Oikawa is a wildly jealous guy- its pretty damn well known. So it's no shock that whenever anyone else on the team tries talking to you, he'll butt into the conversation and slowly “scare” off the other guy, so that all of your attention is on him. You were one of his best friends, so you knew just how shitty he could get over stuff as small as a glance your way, but you didn't think anything more of it. It's just how he is, right? A flamboyantly jealous highschool boy who needs everything to be about him. Yeah?
  Well, either way, you liked conversing with the other guys, even Kentarou, and Kentarou seemed to like talking to you too! Even though he's very brash and will one hundred percent tell you you're an idiot or a dumbass or whatever insult is on his mind, the two of you do actually get along. Not just on some volleyball-player-to-manager level, but as friends, in and out of school.   So it's safe to say it was pretty shocking to feel his hand on your plush thigh. When you looked at your friend, he was staring at you, almost as if he had just realized where his hand was. Kentarou's face burned red, but he was frozen in place. You could hear the stomping of an angry brunette coming towards the both of you. Oh fuck.
  “Y/N! KENTAROU!” Oikawa shouted, his face fuming. Kentarou- without moving his hand- snapped to Oikawa and made a sour face. “What ARE you two doing?! And in the gym of all places!” He gasped dramatically, tilting backwards with his hands on his chest. “How dare you pull off such PDA on school grounds!”
  “O-Oikawa it's not like that-” you tried to explain but found yourself flustered and stumbling. God, he was a hypocrite, talking about PDA as if he hasn't been all over girls ALL OVER SCHOOL. But being called out like this- for something you weren't even sure was intentional on Kentarou's part, was making you burn with shame.
  “Don't yell at her you fuckstick!” Kentarou snapped. His hand finally let go of your thigh, leaving your skin cold from the sudden exposure. The two boys stood nose to nose, Oikawa burning with a rage  anyone could see if they knew what he was truly like- and Kentarou anyone could see no matter who they are.
  “Oh what, standing up for your girlfriend Kentarou? Is she your girlfriend now? Is that what's happening?” Toru teased, his tone not close to being as it usually is when he tries to get under someone's skin, instead coming off as pure burning hatred.
  “No you dumb fuck! We aren't anythin'! My hand missed the fuckin' bench!” Well, that did seem true. But you were still caught between the two boys arguing, so all you could really do was fade into the background towards the rest of the group while the two argued it out.
  “Save me.” You whispered to Hajime, who merely sighed at his friend's display.
  “Y'know Y/N,” he looked to you. “One day Toru will get the stick out of his ass and actually confess to you properly.”
  Outside of the friendship Bokuto had with Kuroo Tetsuro- and outside of the almost boyfriendship he has with his vice captain, Akaashi, you were one of Bokuto's closest friends. You two trusted each other a great deal, telling each other things you wouldn't tell just about anybody else.
  It took approximately one minute and five seconds of a semi-flirty conversation with Nekoma's captain for Bokuto to be all over you, whining and grabbing places he most definitely should not be grabbing. Sure Bokuto could be jealous, but it was always more of a “I'm going to stand here and grumble/pout” kind of jealousy, not the “I'm going to purposely get in the way and cry until you pay attention to me” way.
  “H-Hey Bokuto could you um-” You tried to swat the boy's hands off you, but they had been firmly placed onto your stomach, squeezing your tummy all-to-intentionally for you to think it anything else
.   “Y/N why are you giving him your attention?” Bokuto pouted. “He doesn't deserve it! He doesn't even go to our school!” Kuroo feigned being offended by his friend's words, but was most obviously amused by the situation.
  “W-We're just having a conversation, Bokuto!” You tried explaining while unsuccessfully prying the boy's hands off you.
  “Doesn't matter! The coolest guy here is right here!!”
  “Well I can't see him if he doesn't let me go!” With this, Bokuto finally released you, pouting like a wounded puppy.
  “C'mon Y/N, it's not fair when the only pretty girl who talks to me talks to my best bro instead!”
  “Bokuto he just asked me if- oH.” Your face burned and, with an involuntary reaction, you smacked Bokuto's shoulder. “D-don't say that stuff!”
  “Whaaaaat? It's true!!”
  “Shut up! My face is going to melt off!”
  Kuroo snorted from somewhere behind both of you. “Wow, you two really are meant for each other.”  “WHAT?”
  A jealous Tsukishima is a funny sight.
  You never expected to witness it, really, but you weren't complaining. You were friends with him for a while now- though some may see it as a one sided friendship, considering how the French fry can be. But you know better. You two are friends, plain and simple.
  Or at least that's what you thought.
  Now, here, talking to Yamaguchi about love and all that gushy stuff, you're starting to think Tsukishima might have feelings for either one of you- it's hard to tell who, but he doesn't seem very happy that the both of you are discussing dating and what your “types” are.
  “So your type is the excitable... Sweet kind?” You asked Tadashi, unable to stop an amused chuckle from seeing Tsukishima's sour expression behind your shared friend.
  “Erm- well, yeah, I guess! But I don't think having a type really means much. Like, I guess if anyone asked me out- or anyone nice, I'd give it a shot?”
  “Yeah, I can see that.” You agreed, leaning back in your seat. “Though, I know my type. One-hundred-percent bad boy lover right here~”
  “You... do seem like that kind of type.” Tadashi hesitated, smiling almost cheekily.
  “Haha, but I'm serious. A like a guy who could make me feel all rough and tough- and protected! It's hot.” Your words made the boy flush, so he merely nodded along. Behind him, however, Tsukishima was shifting in his seat uncomfortably. You couldn't hold back anymore.
  “What about you, Tsukki?”
  “What about me?” He responded, a small edge in his voice.  “Weeeelllll... What's your type!?”
  “Don't got one.”
  The blonde tch'd at you impatiently, which made you only more curious to get a real answer from him.
  “C'moooon Tsukki.... If you like Yamaguchi, you can just say so!” At his name, the smaller boy freaked out, waving his hands and babbling over himself, trying to get a coherent sentence but failing. Tsukishima merely growled, sending you a dark stare.  “Wrong friend, dumbass.”
  “Huh? Then what about Kuroo-san?”
  “Never in a million fucking years.”  “Language, Tsukki!”
  “Whatever, babe.”  “B-BABE? WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?”
   Tsukishima shook his head, looking the other way to try and hide an all-too obvious smirk. “Nothing, if you can’t figure it out, dumbass.”
  Sugawara isn't a jealous type, riiiiight? No, no. The boy is actually very jealous. Very very jealous. It just depends on who it is. You wanna flirt around with Daichi? Be his guest! Hell, he'll probably join in! But you wanna flirt with- mmm, say, Terushima? Now that, he has a problem with.
  You knew Sugawara was a protective friend, so it wasn't a big deal when he pulled you aside after you were chatting with the overly-excited and flirty Terushima. And you knew what he'd say, so you just went along with it.
  “I just think you should be careful around him, Y/N!” Suga looked at you worriedly.
  “I know, Suga. But he's not as bad as everyone says. Yeah, that one thing with Kiyoko was kinda messy, but like, he really is a good guy, just kinda.. stupid?” You chuckled at yourself, but Suga didn't seem impressed.
  “I'm serious Y/N.”
  “I know you are, Suga, and I appreciate you looking out for me. But please, tell me, why do you think he's such a bad guy to be around? One interaction with Kiyoko isn't enough to go off of, really...”
  Suga pouted, casting his eyes downward and mumbling.
  “Cuz' he doesn't respect women.”
  You deadpanned. You actually deadpanned. Looking at Suga, you took more than a couple seconds to get your words working again.
  “I'm sorry... That was the most white knight think you've ever said- g-give me a minute-” Laughter escaped you before you could finish yourself. Suga watched you laugh, seeming to lighten up at your giggles. “Okay, okay. You think he doesn't respect women, yeah? Okay... I hear you. But like, really, what is there to go off of? I'm not gonna ostracize him over one bad interaction. Maybe giving him a chance is just what the guy needs?”
  “Well.. Yes... I see where you're coming from- and normally I'd agree with you! But...”
  “But...?” He was twiddling his fingers together, and after a small moment, he mumbled.
  “I don't want him asking you out before I can...”
Thanks for the ask!!!
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tumblingxelian · 4 years
Yamcha’s Potential
OK, so I think I have done this before but I want to do it again, meaning I have to say.
Yamcha does not get enough respect and more to the point is underutilized.
Now there's lots of reasons for this but today I want to focus on numbers.
Also I'll be sticking exclusively to the Manga for this.
I am wholly aware numerical basis's for Ki are not always looked on well by the fandom, but honestly I have no major issue with the idea, just how it was executed with them ballooning so fast and small gaps making people irrelevant. If it had worked consistently how it had in the Radits battle throughout the rest of the numbers era and the percentages hadn't gotten so bloated, I think they'd be a lot more well regarded. (I've noted before Frieza'z base Ki could be 200 thousand & his max 1 million and functionally nothing would change in the story and some things might be a lot smoother, for example.)
But I am here instead to focus on Yamcha's frankly absurd growth rate.
For you see! Gero mistook Yamcha for Goku, and Gero based his expectations for Goku's Ki on his jump in power from a year with King Kai, but Goku didn't spend a year with King Kai he spent six months at most and maybe not even that, meaning whatever algorithm he was using should be doubled.
Let's do a quick bit of maths:
Goku had a Ki of 430 when he died (more or less) and was around 8000 when h returned, that means within the span of six months he multiplied his Ki 18.61 in six months.
Gero planned to release his androids in four years from the Sayian Saga (again, more or less) Meaning he had reason to believe Goku's Ki of 8000 would multiply by 74.44 in that time, but in reality, he should have been projecting it multiplying by 148.88 because as mentioned previously, he only trained for six months, not a year.
8000 times 74.44 = 595 520
8000 times 148.88 = 1,191,040
Or to put it simply, over a million.
Now even ignoring how wildly OP this makes the Cyborgs XD, that's a respectable growth rate, incredibly impressive really, certainly beyond anything seen before, but it doesn't even factor in the fact that Goku was training under a skilled master, or that he was training in a high gravity environment, sadly I don't know how to calculate the impacts of either mathematically, but still, his data was horrendously off.
So, long story short, Yamcha can be argued to have earned a Ki of around 1 million by the time the Cyborg Saga started. As we are only using the manga we have no idea how intense his training was, the splash page implies its fairly intense as he's framed right there along with everyone else, but we get no mentioned of a gravity chamber or a sparring partner, teacher or anything, add in that his relationship with Bulma decayed at this stage and he likely did much of his work alone, that's pretty dang impressive by itself I feel, but then let's remember his starting Ki.
When he died Yamcha had a Ki of 1430, he only trained with King Kai for maybe a couple of weeks, so I'll be generous and round that off at like, 2000 to make this clean, and whatever training he did post resurrections it probably wasn't super intense or lazy, but everyone was at peace so presumably no one progressed much (the fact he and Vegeta were attending the same BBQ says that much I think.)
Where am I going with this?
One million, divided by 2000, = 500, meaning if we apply this in reverse, in order to reach a level where he could be mistaken for Goku by Gero, Yamcha's Ki needed to multiple by the equivalent of 500 times a year minimum.
2000 times500 = 1,000,000
And that's not even accounting for the year where almost everyone had time off. That is an absurd growth rate and as far as we know it was achieved largely by self training with seemingly no or limited sparring partners and potentially equipment and this, all of this is me lowballing it based on the available data, when by all rights it could be much higher. So yeah, intentional or not, being mistaken for Goku implies a lot about his growth rate and potential I feel.
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
The Honeymoon (Harry Wells x Reader)
Rating: M (Smut)
Summary: When Harry whisks you away to a romantic beach-side getaway, your honeymoon kicks off right away into some steamy festivities to celebrate your marriage.
A/N: Basically shameless no-plot smut under the guise of a honeymoon XD The idea(s) came to me during my holiday in a super nice hotel room, so I couldn’t not write them into a story. I hope you all enjoy this xx
3,895 words
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You and Harry are all hands and giggles and freshly-married grins as you both attempt to make your way into your honeymoon suite.
Married! You’re married!
Mrs. Harrison Wells!
Man, it feels nice to finally say. After a real-life slow burn, you and he have finally tied the knot. And it’s not just you that feels the relief of having made it official - Team Flash had been waiting for this for ‘eons’ according to Cisco.
When you reach your suite’s door, Harry is already leaving open-mouthed kisses to your neck and it’s suddenly like you can’t even remember how to open a door.
“Are you going to attack me right in this hallway, Hare?”
“Mm, thinking about it,” he replies. It’s impossible to tell whether it’s a joke or not. You wouldn’t put it past the man (your husband!).
Upon first entry into the exclusive room, you spot your luggage already waiting by the door thanks to the hotel staff. The place is swanky beyond all belief and how on all the Earths had Harry pulled this off? You suppose being a rich, famous, and celebrated scientist has its perks.
The view outside the floor-to-ceiling window is to die for. Curling waves crash onto the private section of the golden beach below you and the sunset looks so incredible that you’d think it was fake if someone only showed you a photo of this.
But it’s difficult to even take it all in because Harry’s hands are securely on your waist, lips on yours with delightful greed after he catches up to you viewing the sunset at the window. Your hand reaches back to hold his head of perfectly coiffed hair, still in place from the ceremony and reception. Though, it won’t stay that way much longer if you have anything to do about it. Harry peppers more kisses down to your bare shoulder.
“You’re not going to enjoy the view?” you ask.
“Oh, I am.”
“But that sunset, Hare!”
“Nothing will pry my eyes away from my wife.”
You turn around, and when you do, the strap from your romper slides off your shoulder and down your arm. Even your clothes want to come off already at the way Harry so much as looks at you. His fingers tentatively move to the strap, keeping his eyes on you, as if to monitor how far he can go with this until you’re out of your clothing before him. You say nothing and let him undress you. Your one-piece article drops to the floor. In closing the slight gap between you, your lips turn up as you unbutton his crisp white shirt. Intensely, he watches your fingers dance while they work the buttons.
“Honey, I think you need to invest in some sort of one-piece article,” you mention casually then proceed to his belt, “you have too many layers.”
“I’ll pass, thanks,” Harry chuckles. “Besides, it’s the best thing in the world to watch you undress me.”
You whip the belt out from the loops of his trousers like a professional. But a professional what? Porn star?
Harry lets out a playful growl-laugh at that and unzips his pants himself - now far too eager and needing to be in control of how quickly he can defile his new bride.
Romantically defile, though.
Okay, but with a dash of filth.
Marriage was going to be very magical.
Harry won’t stop smiling at you as he encroaches in on your space, essentially pinning yourself to the window. The coolness of the floor-length glass is very much welcome against your back, especially when your husband is making you so hot right now.
“You don’t think the bed would be more fitting?” you check, knowing in your mind the damn bed can wait its turn.
“We’ll get there, too, don’t you worry,” he assures you.
“Good answer.”
Harry plants a kiss on your wanting lips, restrained at first - as if wanting to savour the romantic bliss of spending these cherished honeymoon days and nights with you. But your kiss is like a poison to him; it always has been, turning your restrained and sensible man into this wild thing who wants nothing more than to please you and see and hear you being pleased.
Harry’s hand, which has been cupping your cheek, slides down the skin of your neck, over your practically-nothing-bra, to rest a moment at your hip. His fingers dance near the top of your panties (that you had picked out specifically for a moment like this for him to destroy). His mouth starts slow in its movements against yours again. He’s thinking.
“Harrison, you don’t need to think, remember?” you breathe against his parted lips. “But you do need to touch me or else I might have to ahhh-”
Your head tips back on the window at the feel of Harry’s perfect fingers between your legs. They explore and easily discover the intensity of your slick desire.
“You were saying?” Harry asks cheekily, leaning in to taste your skin just below your ear. You breathe out a laugh.
“Nothing, oh delicious husband.”
While one hand wraps around to clutch his rippled back, the other holds onto his equally impressive arm. And with one leg hooked around his, you suddenly wish you had more limbs to cling onto him with. God, his fingers… they’re so excessively coated with you now and they’ve found their perfect little plaything to swirl around. No amount of lip biting can save you from the whimpers Harry draws from you.
“I love it when you do that,” he whispers in your ear.
“Well, I love it when you do t-that, ugh…” Your eyelashes flutter at his attention to your begging clit. Reaching down with what mental capacity you still have, you reach into his pants to feel him. He’s hard and twitching and probably dying to delve inside you this instant. You take a second to shimmy out of your panties and pull his length (arguably yours now, in a sense) towards your throbbing centre where you coat him with your slickness. You watch in your task, but Harry continues to watch you instead.
“Ready?” you ask him.
“I like that you’re asking me that question.”
“Well, are you?”
“I’ve been ready for longer than you know.”
Just as you will never tire from hearing him bring you coffee in the mornings, say your name, or hold your hand, you will also never tire of the feeling of Harry entering you. Your body welcomes him in and holds on tight, never wanting him to leave.
Your moans effectively express the need in which your body wants more of Harry. It always wants more. It’s a good thing he’s yours now, ‘til death do you part.
“Harrison, God, yes…”
“More. More.”
“Hold on.”
He meant literally. Harry hoists you up so that you’re straddling him, back pressed to the window. You feel yourself sink further down onto his cock at this new angle. He fills you up wholly and easily slides repeatedly into you. Your hardly-covered breasts rub against Harry’s chest - nipples taut with the friction behind the scant white lace.
You moan at the ceiling, revealing your neck to him. Harry takes this as an invite and latches on, licking at your heated skin in between kisses to your collarbone. He sucks a fresh mark there, the first (of potentially many) honeymoon hickies.
It is also a good thing you both will likely not leave this room. You may get mistaken for a woman with a severe disease with how many love bites you’re expecting from this man given his and your bedroom history…
Harry’s driving you up the wall with each thrust you take eagerly and voicing it just as much. His heavy breathing fans down onto your chest, undoubtedly making you sweat all the more.
The coiling sensation flames within you almost too quickly, but luckily, thanks to those sounds Harry is making, he may not be able to hold off either.
“Almost…” you pant. “Almost…”
“Come for me, Mrs. Wells.”
You grin wildly as your eyes squeeze shut. “Give it to me, Harrison, yesss fuck-”
And oh, he does.
He strikes you inside perfectly and fully in his final few thrusts, all the while stimulating your clit at every motion in and out. Your legs tense around him and the heels of your feet dig harder into his lower back.
You choke out his name and bite his lip when you come, feeling yourself squeezing around his cock in a wordless, satiated beg for more even though he’s finishing inside you. His shaky sigh causes you to shiver. Good shivers.
After pulling out from you, you immediately cling to Harry again. He won’t let you touch the ground, and instead carries you over to the California King bed just a few steps away where you both topple onto the mattress, once more all giggles.
“That was…” he starts.
“It was…” you agree. Harry leans on his arm while resting his head in his hand and stares at you. “You’re doing it again.”
“Better get used to it, Mrs. Wells. You’re stuck with this now.”
“Thank God. There’s no one I’d rather be stuck with. Especially someone who’s fantastic in bed. Or… window, for that matter,” you joke.
Harry laughs and pulls you closer for a sweet kiss. He wipes his thumb gently over your bottom lip after.
“I love you,” he tells you, almost like he still can’t believe this is happening to him. Like he can’t believe he has found this happiness again. And you still can’t believe that he’s found it with you.
“And I love you.”
There’s a short pause - one where you are positive Harry is thinking again.
“You don’t think we should have, you know…?” He gestures to the bed. “Instead of…?” He motions to the window.
“Use your words, big boy,” you giggle.
“You know, the phrase you sometimes use.” It’s hard to tell if his cheeks are pink because of exertion or slight embarrassment.
You rack your brain for what that could mean.
“‘Make love’?” you offer, on the verge of laughter, but hold back because he really is so adorable. Even if he can’t utter that particular phrase. “God, you are the cutest man. Grumpy? Cute. Shy? Cute. But no, I’m quite content with what we did over there. Besides, we have all night to ‘make love,’ Harry.” You lean forward to press another kiss to his curling pink lips.
The two of you spend the next little while making out like crazed teenagers, though technically the term ‘newlyweds’ would suffice in this instance as well. At some point though, you do manage to pry yourself from your husband to unpack your bags a little. Harry watches as you do, eyes lingering on every inch of your nearly naked self. His face switches back and forth from awe to glee to aroused over the course of twenty minutes.
The toiletries were the last items to unpack, and you could practically sense the impatience diffusing from his pores. So with your man obviously raring to go again, you coo, “Oh, husband?” and drop the last of your lingerie to the bathroom floor in clear view of the open door for Harry to see. You hear his feet hit the floor and the sound of his pants hurrying to come off. Turning on the shower, you step in first to feel the spray of the water. Goodbye gross travel-sheen, hello cleanliness.
With a touch of dirtiness.
Harry gets under the showerhead with you, and you press your back against the tiles. He pushes his drenched curls back with his hand, and wow, yeah, okay, maybe he’s the sexy porn star in all of this. No, he’s better. He’s real.
And he’s all yours.
A fact that is always fun to remember.
You drag your teeth over your bottom lip. Slowly, you turn around to place your hands on the shower wall and turn your head to catch Harry’s eye. The man stands there, lips parted slightly. His Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows. You fix your footing and back your ass up against his groin to make little gyrations. Harry looks up to the ceiling with his eyes closed, lets out a small groan, and instinctively sets his hands on your waist.
He presses himself harder against your ass and you can feel him growing stiffer once more. You make a knowing chuckle at how you’re able to turn him on like no tomorrow. Harry’s hands start to roam upwards on your wet body, one resting on your rib cage while the other cups your breast.
As he massages you, you let out a breathy moan and continue to rub up on his body. In return, your husband takes your nipple in between his thumb and forefinger to knead it. Harry presses a kiss to the crook of your neck, to which you are already feeling yourself turning to mush at his every touch.
While he continues to caress you expertly, you reach around to take Harry in your hand, feeling him rock-hard now. You play with him a little - pumping his shaft until his own hand finds yours on him. He aids you in guiding him to your ready heat from behind. You helpfully sink onto him as he enters you - your heady voice muffled from the water in your ears, but it echoes around the four corners of the roomy shower. Your hands brace yourself against the wall as Harry gives you precisely what you need in terms of roughness and speed. He leans in close so you can hear his heavy panting and feel his breath on your neck. One of his hands gathers your hair and moves it to one side over your shoulder. The simple and considerate action is enough to keep you melting inside.
“Oh, Harry, please-” you cry when you feel yourself nearing the brink of your imminent and likely stellar shower-climax. Harry’s fingers dig into your hip, and at your plea, brings one hand down around between your legs to spark your fiery orgasm so much quicker.
He positively pulses inside your core and you can feel your walls beginning to increasingly constrict and release around his cock until the point where your pussy squeezes so tightly around him, that it’s even more difficult to continue his push deeper inside. With erratically jerking hips, Harry curses, followed by another moan made in perfect staccato. He’s hot when he spills into you - a deep, glorious groan of your name surrounds you in your whitened, starry vision.
“Damn…” you exhale, taking a moment before turning around to kiss your man under the continuous spray of the water.
“How very eloquent,” Harry teases, hearing in his voice on the brink of a chuckle.
“Shush, you.” You press another kiss to his perfect lips. His and yours both inch upwards into grins between pecks.
Naturally, the two of you stay in the shower until the water runs cold - a rude interruption from the magnificent shower kisses. But that just leads to stepping into the hotel’s lavish, fluffy white robes, and laying in bed together. And arguably, this is just as pleasant.
Room service is most definitely ordered, of course - an amazing spread accompanied by a red wine and chocolate-covered strawberries. Your dinner even comes with a little note wishing you both congratulations on your nuptials. Mr. and Mrs. Wells.
Nope, still not over it!
Harry offers you a strawberry, holding it up to your lips.
“Oh, so you’re feeding me now, are you?” you tease. “Not scared I’ll bite?” 
“Not in the slightest.”
Wrapping your lips around the fruit, you take a bite and the sweetness bursts into your mouth like fireworks. You hum in delight. Harry’s eyes darken at your happy little sound as if on cue. His fingers still have a bit of the melted chocolate and berry juice on them, so you gently grab ahold of his wrist and pull his hand to you, taking his fingers in your mouth.
You don’t think he meant to let his mouth hang open like that.
You swirl your tongue around his fingers to lick off the rest of the lingering taste of the dessert until there’s nothing left. But it doesn’t matter. You keep it up anyway and start to gently suck at his fingers. Your eyes close and you smile.
His voice floats into your ears in a single word, “Bed.”
Standing up immediately, you take Harry’s hand, making him get up too, and lead him over to the bed. You undo his robe’s belt and shuck the hotel garment off of him. Harry, bless him, takes his time in disrobing you no matter how badly you know he wants to rip the damned thing off you. You know that look in his eyes.
He wants to take every nanosecond, he wants to be slow, and savour every part of this, and at this point - hell yeah, you want that, too. You want to get lost in your own little world of just you and Harry and let it last forever. Harry removes his glasses in one suave motion to the lounge chair beside the bed, eyes never once leaving you. They never do.
Crawling backwards on the bed, Harry follows you until he has you boxed in underneath him. You can practically feel his body radiate heat with how hot he is for you.
His mouth tastes your lips and takes his sweet time doing so. But it’s not just your lips - he tastes every part of your skin as he works his way downward, hands touching everywhere and burning little finger-sized holes into your skin. His hold on your thighs is gentle yet firm when he spreads your legs open for him. He bends down between them and plants a soft kiss to your sex.
And again.
And again.
Until they’re a little less chaste and slightly more ravenous. And definitely more focused on eliciting those whimpers he loves so much from you.
Harry’s open-mouthed kisses cause you to tremble - so tender, slow, and deliberately gentle. Your eyes flutter and you suck in a breath when he licks a stripe upwards. Your thighs may have clenched around his head for a moment there, but he looks up at you through those gorgeous thick lashes of his and damn if that isn’t an image you want to have photographed in your mind forever.
You bite your lip, and your husband dives back in for more to taste. You watch him enjoy eating you out thoroughly, or at least what you thought was thorough because just as he begins to circle his tongue around your clit, Harry expertly adds his fingers inside you as well. You toss your head back on the huge cloud-like pillow and let out a happy whine.
“Better than the strawberries?” you ask shakily, unable to hold back the tiny giggle after the question.
“Undoubtedly,” he answers, coming back up and making sure to kiss you to show you first hand. You hum into the kiss and roll Harry over so that you’re on top of him.
“Mm,” Harry hums back, “I don’t think so.”
“Hm-?” In return, he rolls you over onto your back again. You stare up at him with curious eyes. But he loves it when you’re on top…?
“I’m going to make this so good for you, (YN),” Harry promises. “This is about you tonight.”
“No,” you say, “This is about us.”
He steals a kiss from you so willingly given, and you feel him position himself at your entrance. You’d hold your breath if Harry hadn’t already stolen that from you too.
You accidentally bite his lip a little during the kiss as he pushes inside you. Harry lets out a surprised exhale.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” you apologize with what little air you have in you.
“Don’t be,” Harry tells you, in which he continues to kiss you like they do in the movies. Your fingers rake up his back, leaving invisible lines in their wake. “In fact,” he says roughly, “you can do that again if you like.”
You giggle again until your kiss is all smiles and teeth. He slides inside you and out at such a calculated speed, you feel yourself around every perpetually-impressive inch of him. Your hands snake up to hold his head closer to yours, burying themselves in his wildly sexy and curly dark hair. His own hand caresses your leg on its journey north, then hitches your thigh up.
His eyes are entrancing, but you’ve always known that - a strikingly clear blue - it was the first thing you noticed about Harrison Wells when you met him. His eyes. They captured you from that moment and they’ve never let go of you. They never will and you’re thrilled about it. The way he’s looking at you now… you’d be almost embarrassed to say you could get off to that alone. His look is unwavering - like he doesn’t want to miss a single moment of his new bride when she comes.
His thrusts inside you have noticeably increased in speed, no longer the sensual, taking-your-time kind of pace. You can feel it whirling around like a hurricane as your body starts to jerk up and meet his thrusts each time, feeling desperate to have him hit that sweet spot. You take his face in your hands so that your foreheads touch, your lips merely ghosting each other as you breathe one breath. 
“I love you, God, I love you.”
“Harrison, Harrison, I love you, so, so, so much-”
Your shared confessions of love, gentle calls of each other’s name, and outcries of passion bring you together even closer than before. The previous times this evening were all fun and arguably dirty, but this was entirely different. This was the two of you finally coming together and taking the time to show and share the love so perfectly. You didn’t think you could love Harry any more than you already did, but every day, every moment you spend together proves you wrong. There’s always so much more to love about him.
Harry is looking at you again, the way he does, resting on his elbow facing you. He looks entirely too much like a sex-god for his own good. He doesn’t even need to try.
“What?” you ask.
“I just can’t believe how lucky I am,” your sweetie-pie, love-machine husband replies.
“You? No, I’m the lucky one, here,” you laugh. “I never thought I’d find love and then there you were, practically crashed right into me in the Cortex when you first showed up.”
“Well, I never thought I’d love again, and yet here I am- here we are.”
“You know? I think we’re both pretty damn lucky, my husband.”
“That we are, my wife.”
You rest your head on his chest, his steady breathing helping in making you drift off for the night. Harry never once lets go of your hand in his on his stomach.
And while you may have fallen asleep, he’s almost there himself but manages to give one last thanks to the Multiverse for making him indeed the luckiest man on all the Earths.
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the-risen-tide · 4 years
OKAY SO, I finally went to see the new Cats movie in theaters.  I wanted to give myself a bit to collect my thoughts, because HOO BOY are there thoughts.  Not terrible ones though...like my reviews of everything else, I gave it a look with a level head.
Because I can’t really review without spoilers, I’m going to put my thoughts under a cut.  Read at your own peril.
Now, I’d promised myself ages ago that I’d go into the movie with an open mind and a clear head.  I’d already seen reviews that were divided greatly on it (mostly between people who’d already seen Cats on stage and those that have never seen it ever), but as usual it’s a good idea to have your own opinion.
That said.
I loved it.
The weird part is, at first, I came away from it thinking that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.  But everything about it from the visuals to the music (especially the new song, I’ll get to that in a bit) and the story, all of it was still sticking with me after I left the theater, and I began loving it more in hindsight than I did sitting there in the moment, if that makes sense.
Cats has always been one of those shows that breaks quite a few rules of what people think a show should be.  More an opera than a musical, more a dance/ballet performance than a story, with a look that allows the audience to use their imaginations, and as such can put more than a few people off of it.  It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but despite that, it’s memorable, and has a great following.  The movie seemed to try to take that feeling from the stage show, strange and mystifying and daunting (maybe even a bit awkward), yet charming and inspiring and heart-catching.  In many ways it succeeded, and some ways it didn’t...and where it didn’t was probably mostly the fault of the presentation.  And of course, opinions are going to vary wildly on it.
But anyway, for those that know and love the show, it’s a good idea to see this one as just another production, an alternate canon, because you can’t compare each production to each other (much less a movie to a stage show), as that’s where an adaptation fails in everyone’s minds.  This one seemed to take inspiration from the original 1981 production and build a new story from the ground up, while of course still keeping the music and songs that everyone loves.  The lyrics of some of the songs do call back to the original production (the version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer used was from that one, and not from the 1998 video and subsequent performances, which I found surprising; but not displeasing, they did it very well), and while I was a little disappointed that Jemima/Sillabub wasn’t an important character as she is in the stage show, I remember Lloyd Webber at first wanting a kitten character with both Victoria’s dance prowess and Jemima’s singing prowess, who embodies the show as a whole.  He got what he wanted in movie form with Victoria, and they took the character to a whole different direction than the original, which was interesting.
So, to sum up, one can see this movie as an adaptation of the original ideas for the stage show.  It isn’t my personal canon concept, but it’s one I ended up liking just as much.  Now, here are my personal likes and dislikes.
Dislikes: The background characters aren’t given as much personality as they are on stage, or at least, aren’t shown as much personality; and with many of them taking on different designs, it’s hard to tell who’s who until you see the credits, where everyone’s named.  You only ever know a few of the main characters, their own stories, and that’s it.  Not even Munkustrap gets named directly, and he’s still got his role as the sort-of narrator and introduction to the world of the Jellicles.  Of course, this is probably a minor grudge, as background characters can’t be as prevalent in a movie version without it going on longer than needed.  But, at least they’re still there, and still lend their charm to the setting, and perhaps in subsequent watches I’ll be able to see more of who everyone is and what they’re doing.
Still, leaving characters in the background also means leaving various character relationships behind, save for the main ones.  Demeter, who in the stage show is still an ensemble character (but an important one for the subplot of Macavity), has been downgraded to another of many minor characters; Cassandra now mostly fills the role of a forefront ensemble singer, and nobody really seems to have anything that connects one to another emotionally.  Basically it was like the relationships common to many of the productions were ret-conned or tossed altogether; the focus is on the main characters.  But again, another minor grievance, as it is a movie, and a separate production, and no production is canon...and we still have our imaginations to go on. X3
Also, personally, I disliked that they made Bombalurina evil.  On stage, though she’s presented as the “good-bad girl”, attractive and seductive, she’s still a beloved part of the ensemble, friend to quite a few of the queens, and protective in a sisterly way over Demeter.  “Macavity” is meant as a duet with the two warning the others of his malevolent deeds; in the movie, she’s not seen until nearly the end, and the song is sung in praise of him while helping him bring the Ball to a halt.  It was a good number, though, and the different take on the character probably had to be there plot-wise...but still, IMHO the character deserves better.
Plus, it’s no wonder why Munkustrap was thought boring by his actor; they didn’t really give him his “protector” role.  The fight with Macavity is taken out entirely.  Again, Munk as a character also deserves better.
Also, Jennyanydots deserves better. X3 She’s presented as a comedy-relief character, and honestly I think they tried a little too hard with that, along with Bustopher Jones; both of their segments were a tad cringey to me...but theirs were the only ones, really.  The music in them was still superb, it was just the way they were presented.  They could have probably just stuck Bustopher with the comic-relief role (as he is somewhat in the stage show), and that would’ve been sufficient.
I believe those were my only grievances.  Now let’s get to what I liked.
THE MUSIC, first of all.  STILL awesome.  I feel like, really, the movie kept in what made the stage show important...and as with musicals, that was keeping the tones of the beloved songs, from the overture at the beginning all the way to The Ad-dressing of Cats.  That plus the impressive dancing.  I could still catch some little bits of choreography from the stage show in them, although mainly it was all revamped for the movie...but they kept the music, so that’s the biggest point (though some were edited down a bit to make time for dialogue; understandable, still).  Skimbleshanks’ number has to be the most impressive, by far.
Adding to this, the new song, Beautiful Ghosts, written together by Lloyd Webber and Taylor Swift.  Wow. You can tell they made a song that would really fit into the show...it’s haunting and sad, and yet hopeful, and the more I listen to it with Victoria’s story in mind, the more I tear up. It’s brilliant.
The story, I also liked.  I admit, it has to be hard to try and make a plot out of a musical that has a fairly bare-bones presentation to it, and is mostly comprised of songs adapted from a poetry book about cats.  There are many ways they probably could have taken the plot, but they did it very well, in my opinion; plus they still kept the most important events from the stage show: Grizabella’s redemption arc, and Macavity’s trying to derail things, straight down to kidnapping Old Deuteronomy and her being brought back through Mistofelees’ magic; I love how that bit was presented, too.  He and the others are expecting a grandiose magic return, and instead it’s off-screen and softly sung, and as the music swells from solemn to joyous, you know it’s just as magical all the same.
I knew that Growltiger would make an appearance in this, but I didn’t realize he’d be made his own character, when in the play, he’s a character that Gus the Theater Cat played in the past...only the first few lines of his song was sung, too.  But at least they kept his appearance from the play, down to the “somewhat-missing” ear. X3 That bit was clever, I liked it.
Also, Victoria and Mistofelees are adorable as heck in this one, can’t lie.  XD
Speaking of the characters, the casting too is pretty great.  Robert Fairchild, I could see actually playing Munkustrap on stage.  He has the same cadence and comforting tone of voice and is a lovely singer. Sir Ian Mckellan, I couldn’t see anyone else playing Gus (he even has a very similar voice to the original 1981 cast member)...and Taylor Swift did make a good Bombalu, if in appearance and voice. X3  And of course we can’t forget Francesca Hayward’s performance as Victoria; hope to see her career expand.  Dame Judi Dench made a very regal Deuteronomy (and yes, the thought of a female Deut has grown on me), and it’s good to see that she got to be in Cats, knowing her history.  And as predicted, Idris Elba made a pretty sinister Macavity. X3
So, all in all?
This movie probably gets so many negative reviews from the general public, because most of the general public has never seen the musical, and really don’t know what to make of the adaptation. X3 This is definitely not for anyone who doesn’t like musical theater, let alone Cats...I feel that the movie was only made with the true fans in mind.  And that’s just fine; not everything has to cater to the public at large, because if you try to do that, it’s not really a passion project. Cats has always been unique, and still is, and there are people out there who very much appreciate the hard work that has been put into it.  The sets are phenomenal.  The CGI could use work, but for an experimental style, it was done pretty well (yes, it’s possible to get past the uncanny-valley looks of the characters, at least it was for me, because they didn’t bother me in the first place).  It shows that they tried hard to stay true to the spirit of the stage show, while also putting something completely new into it.  And I think they nailed the spirit, which is the important thing in an adaptation: the spirit.
There’s a few things that could be changed, namely in presentation overall...they could have used another director, to be honest...but the casting, the music, the dancing...heck, some of the designs...that’s all good.  Actually it’s funny to me to observe how easy it is to make a musical-type movie into a stage show, a-la The Lion King, but how hard it is to do it the other way around. XP
Would I watch it again?  Heck yes.  Buy the DVD?  Heck yes (especially once they’ve put out the full version).  Does it hold up to other productions?  No, but I didn’t expect it to; it’s a movie.  They took all the essential things and rebuilt it, simple as that.
And so, overall, I give the movie a score of 3.5 out of 5.  It’s not my canon, but it’s still good, and you can ignore the hell out of the reviewers, they’re all plebs. XD
Thank you, my dears!
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prixmiumarchive · 6 years
Don’t Hug Me I’m Confused
Disclaimer: The following post contains some personal critique of certain fandom patterns and habits that I personally find strange, don’t relate to, or don’t enjoy. However, this post really isn’t that deep in those areas, and so while I’m not talking about kink at all, just kind of consider this a sort of KINKTOMATO disclaimer. What you enjoy and how you enjoy it is not my business, and your art and cosplays are things that a) seem to be of high quality and b) I could not actually accomplish so kudos to you for doing it even if it’s not my thing in its expression. You do you, and I’ll do me, and I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. This is just a personal blog post / semi-review that I’m tagging in case anyone else who has watched dhmis wants to read it. This post may likely come across as pretty “anti-shipping,” but rest assured that I probably ship some weird stuff in other fandoms so I’m not judging you, or whatever.
Nursing a headache better and responding to a text, I was reminded of the existence of a weird web series on YouTube that, apparently, was released over the course of several years. The first installment of Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared was shown to me by a former friend sometime after its release many years ago now. Naturally, I was pretty unsettled by it at the time in a sort of nervous-laughter, later-haunted-nightmares sort of way. However, at the time and with its sole initial video being around, the way I processed the video and its purpose was quite different from the way I process it now. I had seen that there were a couple more videos over the years, but I had never actually managed to watch the little series to its sixth installment because at some point I got disturbed ever time and quit. However, in a state of resolve and slightly greater desensitization, I finally finished it up. And I’m strangely satisfied and intrigued, particularly after watching a couple of commentary videos about it.
Rather than rehashing someone else’s explanation, I’ll simply refer to The Film Theorists two videos on the subject. I think that this YouTube channel sometimes gets a lot of raised eyebrows and bad press for reaching really hard to get shock-value, click-bait-y ~dark theories~ out of benign or extremely popular media. I haven’t really consumed their other material, so I can’t speak to that, but I can say that the two videos on DHMIS are not reaching for even more darkness and edge. Rather, they seem to be well-researched, well-reasoned explanations for what is otherwise a strangely difficult work of art to process. I say “work of art” not terribly lightly nor terribly dogmatically because I really don’t know what else to make of something that intrigues, bothers, pleases, disturbs, and fascinates me that is intended to communicate something even if that something is the particular sense of unease I am describing.
As is my custom when I don’t really know what to do with feelings about a particular work of fiction, I opened a tab to AO3 to see if fanfiction exists for that “fandom” to see if a quantifiable fandom is actually there. To my surprise, DHMIS actually had over 100 fics. So, I scrolled through the first couple of pages to see what they tended to be about or whatever. I had no particular craving or desire to read fic about this at the moment; I just wanted to know what the environment was like. And what I found was really, really deeply not what I expected.
A major part of the fandom seems to be something called “p/adlock” shipping which I’m censoring so that I’m not picking on someone’s OTP. Again, disclaimer, not judging, simply commenting. It seems to be shipping the Sketch Pad from the first installment with the Clock from the second. I really don’t know where people came up with this or why it seems to be so passionate, but I am not here to judge. It just seems like it is strangely misaimed and sort of misses the central themes of whatever the hell is going on in DHMIS. Even if I’m not sure what is going on, I’m pretty sure that it is not a romantic love story, subtextually or otherwise. Of course, there’s shipping in everything. Before you get mad at me, let me also say that it reminds me of another fandom I’m involved in in which I am one of the weird maybe-missing-the-point shippers, so I’ll get back to that.
Perhaps one of the reasons that this is such an interesting experience for me is that I feel like I’m experiencing my discovery of this fandom much the way those who discover the Portal fandom and poke around not knowing what to expect must do. I came looking for commentary or elaboration on the universe that seems to have been established in these little shorts. Instead, I find shipping that I cannot really find the thread for at all. Now, of course, I would argue that I do find subtext and reasoning and so on in Portal fandom and “chelley” (Chell/Wheatley) shipping. I also find reasons to believe that Wheatley being in a humanoid or android form makes sense in some cases. I don’t see why there are humanoid forms of already anthropomorphic set pieces and characters in DHMIS. See the above videos for a theory I’ve pretty much bought into, I think, that these characters represent props or animations or such anyway while only Red Guy, Yellow Guy, and Duck are real characters/people/performers. (I realize they have names, maybe.)
Anyway, digressing a bit from the strange experience of seeing how a subset of fandom that is really transforming the original work (again - kudos even if not my thing, I think) being the majority when you don’t really get it from the other side of it, I also want to comment on how worth-it I found finally finishing DHMIS. It went from what felt like a strange, occasionally darkly humorous, occasionally dark-dark-dark exercise in internet meme-y nihilism to something that became so much more. Initially, watching the first couple of episodes, it felt like something that existed that sort of titillate and affirm that particular vein of teenage, edgy, oppositional defiance-y, XD-random, I wear black as it is the color of my soul, I have fantasy colored hair despite it not being goth because I like color secretly and because it bothers some conservative people, I’m angry at societal structures that have failed me and am determined to throw all the babies out with all the bathwater because I’m so angry frustration. Now, I still relate to a handful of those things. If my life allowed for it I would be a pink-hair-but-wearing-all-black kind of person some of the time. However, I find that the depth of that particular soft-laughter rage that comes with being a teenager with the experiences to develop it sort of off-putting as someone who has both been-there and has become a teacher in my adult life. I see myself in it, but I also see things that I hate both on their own merits and that I hate in the form of hating it for a person who has to go through it or go through the steps to have gotten there. In the end, though, I found that DHMIS was less late night Cartoon Network programming is the pinnacle of artistic expression and more some kind of play on nostalgia, capitalism, anxiety, power structures, creativity and its opponents, institutionalized violence, and even, maybe, the meat-packing and commercial food industries. In a way, watching it all the way through sort of felt like going through a fast-motion montage of going from being a sort of disturbed teenager to being an adult on the other side of it with a whole other set of frustrations and anxieties that can still be found in the same sort of imagery. It felt like growing up in a weird way.
Still in episodes I had seen before, I remarked to mentioned texting friend that Red Guy was my favorite when she indicated that she was watching a bit of it. I wasn’t even sure why, but in particular his reactions to the clock in the second episode really sold me. All of the characters had strange reactions to a lot of things, but his deadpan, monotone confusion, and the way in which he complies to this-might-as-well-happen sorts of circumstances until he cracks in the end and has some kind of epiphany really resonated with me. Then, I realized, it was because he was, in fact, that avatar of the adult in this situation, and that is its own kind of mind-blow because initially one does not really conceive of these characters as anything but ageless muppets. Which is its own layer of unsettling. In any case, I am really impressed with this little series. Whether or not the “film theory” is right, I feel more satisfied in the end. However, I would really recommend those videos because it totally flipped my perspective on the ending of DHMIS from “there’s no hope and not escape from this hell” or, possibly, “you might escape hell but you’re dooming someone else to replace you,” to something entirely and much more hopeful bout the drudgery of a creatively inclined adult trying to slog through the obstacles and soul-drains that our present societal pressures place on us. I really hope I figure it out in the end like Red Guy.
One final, mostly off-topic note: upon a glance, I think that maybe that film theories youtube channel is, perhaps, more genuine in its efforts to dissect internet memes than in the clickbait it produces for blockbuster movies. But then again, in a a world dictated by ad revenue, whatcha gonna do?
Given that our focuses on what we like about the series seem to be wildly different, I doubt that I’ll be hard-joining the DHMIS fandom for the most part. I enjoyed some of the content in the tag, and if you’re reading from outside it, you might check it out.
If you like or hard-relate to Red Guy and enjoy scifi (Doctor Who, The Expanse), other web series (Carmilla), or other common fandom stuff (superhero shows, DC/Marvel, select anime), you might consider messaging or following me. I’d love to talk about Red Guy with someone who kinda gets it, but again I’m not really interested in shipping in this fandom.
If you read this far, thanks and have a lovely day!
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 years
Gushing over my current favorite song, don’t mind me
You’ve been warned.
My favorite song in the SU show proper is “It’s Over, Isn’t It?” I find that song pretty much perfect, with excellent lyrics and gorgeous vocals. I still remember the first time I heard it. I was blown away. I credit it, and Mr. Greg in general, for renewing my interest in SU when I was moving on from it. I STILL consider it one of the best episodes of the show, and adding that significance to it just made me love that song more. I thought that the show’d have a hell of a time trying to top it, and if it ever DID, it’d be outstanding.
Well, it took them three years, but.....th-they did. Hoo BOY, they did.
How do you top a technically perfect song to me? Well, by appealing to my specific interests, of course!
Enter “Other Friends” from the movie, and....y-yeah, I never stood a chance. >/////>
Now, one of the things that can REALLY make a musical number is context. Sure, a musical number can be awesome on its own, but it can also be made even better when you put it in context of the story. If I heard “Other Friends” for the first time completely by itself, just the audio, with nothing else attached, I wouldn’t have loved it NEARLY as much.
I’m grossly biased towards this song, not gonna lie. B-but...I can’t help BUT be! Keep in mind, that when you have a character you’ve never seen before, and they introduce themselves by singing a song, then that song will be forever associated with that character. It’s a thing that happens a lot. That song was the audience’s first impression of the character, so it makes sense! So, if you end up loving the character to death, then your opinion of their intro song goes up by a lot....a loooooot....
“That’s right, I heard the story over and over again~!”
Spinel is the best. To me, she’s the single best character to come out of this series. She is SO COOL I can hardly stand it. Her character design, her unique animation style, her voice....ESPECIALLY her voice....everything about her is just pure gold!! I love watching her! I love listening to her talk! She’s just....SO entertaining!
Lemme tell ya, if there’s one character type that I tend to gravitate towards above all others, it’s this: Charismatic, showy, villains. Villains who are intelligent and competent, yet fun. Where you can’t justify their actions, but you want, you YEARN, to see more of them. And Spinel is all that and more. She manages to be super cool and fun while also being very complex. (However, at this point in the movie, I didn’t know that part yet) And it was so unexpected for me! I NEVER thought I’d get that type of character from Steven flipping Universe! Usually, the villains in this show are nothing like that! Usually they’re all very serious, self-righteous “I believe I’m doing the right thing” types! In this show, it’s the heroes that are usually the most fun...But not this time!
I knew I would like her from the very beginning, when she said “Lemme get a look at the menagerie~” and her rebuttal to Pearl recognizing her, but I had no idea of just how bad I’d get it. And then she started singing. And I just about LOST MY MIND. The villain song, this early? And from a character that looked so flipping cool already? Count me in!
It should come as no surprise that I love music, so when a character I love sings and sounds good, I’ll usually flip out. XD And this song exceeded ALL my expectations....The song itself AND the scene...
Where to even start with “Other Friends”...Well, I guess I can say that, if you don’t like Spinel as much as me, or at all for some reason, then I feel so sorry for you because this is a song that will take up permanent residence in your head and will not care how much you want to evict it. Even removing how much I adore the character singing it, this is a WILDLY catchy song! That beat is addicting! I didn’t even know I LIKED electro-swing until this (I mean, I guess there was “Still In Love With You” from Eurovision 2015, which I liked?? But that’s it), but now I’m actually curious about the rest of the genre! And it’s an absolutely perfect way to introduce Spinel, because it’s a style that’s perfect for her! It’s retro, like she is, and is very bouncy, like she is! It fits with her playfulness! But that part’s obvious by now...
And then...there’s the vocals. Holy crap, I flipping loooooooooove her voice! I’m not that familiar with Sarah Stiles (I’ve heard the name, but haven’t seen anything else she’s been in), so I didn’t know what to expect, but man oh MAN did she flipping KILL it as Spinel! I can see clearly why she’s a big deal now! She has soooo much energy, and she really got into the character! Spinel’s unhinged personality clearly shines through...the way she just....switches between playful and threatening....stuff like that, I’m a real sucker for....It’s good stuff. Good. Flipping. Stuff.
I even notice the small things about her voice....like her slight accent...a-and the small growls....
And while the song is going on, we get confirmation that this is a villain NOT to be trifled with, as she utilizes her strange powers to “play” with the Crystal Gems as they’re unable to touch her once. All the while she’s acting all playful (the little flick to Pearl’s nose), and seems like she’s having a blast picking on them, untiiiiiiil.....crap hits the fan when she finds out Pearl didn’t tell them about her.
She becomes menacing.
“Who am I!? Who am I!? What are you even saying!?”
And then, just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, she whips out her Rejuvinator! We have a really awesome unique villain who’s singing a really awesome catchy song while beating up the main characters with a smile on her face, and now she’s got a flipping SCYTHE!! And at this same time, we also get the best part of the song, where her voice gets even BETTER as the intensity rises...
“Let’s play another game, this time I get to win~ Lives on the line! Winner takes all! Ready or not, LET’S BEGIN!”
And she’s just twirling her weapon like she’s Ruby Rose or something, and it’s become SUCH a spectacle! At this point, I could not stop grinning. I’d been smiling throughout the whole song, but NOW,  I can’t get it off my face. It’s stuck there. I think, in that moment, that this has officially become a love letter to me. I’d never enjoyed SU THIS MUCH before, and I already liked it! But now....it felt like I’d sold my soul to it...or at least, to her.
The song ends on that perfect note....that “OOO-THEEEERRRR....frieeends~” as she poofs three of the main characters in a single blow. Still with that smirk on her face....
I was slightly bummed that the song was over, but I wasn’t for long. Yeah, my favorite part of the movie is not just the song, but actually Spinel’s whole intro scene. That whole thing.
She proceeds to attack Steven, just giggling, giggling maniacally, before outright taunting him. And we get more of her great expressions and incredible line delivery....
“Your human half won’t stand a chance against my Injector...not after what I just did to your geeeem~”
“You weren’t always a powerful hero, were you~?”
Then Steven manages to get the jump on her, and slices her across the face. Her response? More giggling. That didn’t matter to her. Her job was done.
......And then....it was over.
I was left just....wanting to scream at how cool that was. I was almost in disbelief...my heart was beating so fast.....There was no going back. I was doomed.
And that was my first experience with “Other Friends”, the song that still makes me squee every single time I listen to it. Yes, it still gets a reaction outta me even now...It’s been years since I’ve heard a song that gets to me this flipping much...Sure, it might be because of the character, and the context....but it’s become something that I just can’t take away from it.
Then we learn about who she used to be....what she was created to be. And it only made the current her even cooler in my eyes. She was only supposed to entertain, being essentially a jester, nothing more. Just tell jokes, make everyone smile, basically a Gem Pinkie Pie. And yet, much like Pearl, she went against that purpose and became someone much more...She’s smart, and she can fight. And that wasn’t supposed to be natural for her! How cool is that!? 
We do find out that the reason she became like this was extremely tragic...but, to me at least, that didn’t make her any less entertaining. Sure, she’s sympathetic for sure, but she’s more than that. She’s not just angst, angst, angst. She’s still one of the most dangerous opponents the Crystal Gems have ever faced! After we learn her backstory, she still has great moments and great lines. I didn’t....want it to end....
Spinel was an outstanding villain. Cool and fun, yet sympathetic. She wasn’t an “innocent bean that can do no wrong” (like she was before she snapped), no, she was still a villain! She was trying to kill Steven, despite knowing he had nothing to do with her trauma! She just wanted someone to take her anger out on! She was NOT in the right! But you still wanted more of her....h-her devious smirk, her voice....her attitude from “Other Friends” was still there....You still felt sorry for her, but not in a way that made her hard to watch. It’s the perfect balance....
And “Other Friends” was the perfect introduction to such a character, and nothing can take away from that song. With her good and her bad, she stole viewers’ hearts, and it all started with that.
Sure, a part of me is worried about what Future could possibly do with her now that she’s redeemed, but I’m gonna try to go in optimistic. Sure, she’s happy, but...All I want is for her to not be made boring, or exactly like her past self. But knowing SU, there’s a chance that shades of the cool Spinel COULD possibly still remain (I mean, they did keep Peridot entertaining after HER redemption, so maybe?)
But even if that ends up not being the case.....heck, even if she ends up just being just a cameo.....at least we have this movie. This excellent, excellent movie....
And “Other Friends”.
For a few glorious minutes, I got everything I ever wanted. So I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
can you please do a sonamy boom prompt about how they first met :D thank you your awesome
You’re awesome, Cutie! 83c I’ve done a few like this before in ‘Sonic Headcanon’s but why not another!? Especially since we know more about Sonic it seems.
Tumblr media
World: Sonic Boom (I’m still not sure how to perfectly write this in ‘canon’ because the show is so ‘AU’ already, lol xD)
Couple: Sonamy (Sonic x Amy)
Summary: -listed above- I’m guessing creative liberties? >:7s -evil smirk-
Sonic zipped through the landscape, Eggman close on his heels.
He turned back with a frown, as Eggman laughed hysterically.
“Whohoho! I don’t know how you snuck into my secret bunker of chili-spices and ate the whole inventory, kid! But this is the last time!” he kept firing, as Sonic dodged each laser thrown at him.
Looking over his shoulder, he grinned confidently. “You shouldn’t leave the door unlocked, Egg-face!”
“Egg-face!? The nerve!” Eggman fired harder, as Sonic stopped running when he came to a ton of trees, and started jumping to dodge them, leaping off the trees to get some more air and then whacking his Eggpod down.
“Ahh!!” Eggman spun a moment, having the Eggpod hover slightly in a bounce from the ground, as he regained control of it, and shook his head free of dizziness. He hunched his shoulders and gripped the controls again. “Blast you, rodent! Not only did you stop me from terrorizing the inhabitants of the first island, then foiling my plans for an Eggman empire at the second, and THIRDLY, might I add, RUDELY butting your big nose into my deadly amusement park to enslave all mankind; but now you’re after my chili-spices as well!? Have you no sense of PRIVACY!?”
Sonic stood confidently, dipping his head. “You done yet?”
Eggman groaned and leaned back, throwing his hands up to his head. “GAH-OOHH!!”
“And I’m not a rodent, either.” Sonic tapped his foot behind him, and stretched. “I’m a hedgehog.” He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, being curling up to spin multiple times, getting enough speed.
“Wha-ha-what’s he doing?” Eggman leaned forward, squinting his eyes before Sonic let it rip and bolted into his Eggpod, making the old man fly back and off into the sky.
“I won’t forget this you meddling HEDGEHOG!!!” he cried out in his flipping around Eggpod.
“Heh.” Sonic grinned, and began to walk towards the forest, before he heard a shout of some kind, and bent his knees in surprise.
“HYAH!” A hammer flung out with a girl’s hand attached to it, before she started swinging wildly at him.
He dodged, leaning back at each swing, even attempting the matrix at one point. “W-woah! Calm down, lady!”
“How dare you pester old men! What you!? A punk from another island?” She swung her hammer back around her and used one hand to perform a trick with it, before preparing herself for battle. “I won’t allow a trouble-maker like you to disturb the peace on my island!”
Sonic noticed her cool stance and raised the side of his smile up a bit, a little curious and impressed.
“H-hey, now… I’m not the one that was gonna cause trouble.” Sonic scratched behind his head, before striking a flirty tone, lowering his eyelids a bit. “And you are..?”
“None of your business!” she put her hands on her hips, “Just like I don’t care about who you are, mister! Get off the island if you’re going to make such a big fuss. If not, and you better not..” she rose her hammer to his face, making him lean his chin up slightly at her threat. “..Then you’re free to roam.” She also gave him a flirty look, before loosing it in annoyance, and marching off, huffing a bit of air out in her frustrations and raising her head up.
“Hey! Is that… Sonic The Hedgehog?!”
Amy freezed in mid-stride, before dropping her hammer in pure shock as a bunch of island kids ran up to Sonic, all looking like big fans.
“Oh wow! Sonic! The hero of the 3 islands! Will you be saving us this time, Mr. Sonic?”
“Uhh…” Sonic looked over to Amy, then smirked as he saw her slowly turn around, a bit hunched and looking apologetic. “You better believe it! I’m not leaving till I do!” he patted their heads. “Anything for loyal fans…” he sneered her way, as she had placed her index fingers together, before seeing his gaze, and turning away, blushing but seeming angered.
“Wow, thanks, Mr. Sonic! See ya around!” “Yeah, I hope you kick Eggman’s butt again!”
“Haha, Eggman? Hey, that’s a good one! I might just use that! Aww… kids.” he waved them off, before eyeing Amy again, and trying to look like the cool kid in town.
“Ehem… I, um… seem to have misplaced my judgements… You’re… Sonic?” she scooted up a little, looking down shyly as Sonic tried to hold his smile as neutral as possible, but was clearly loving this, and folded his arms.
He lifted his head the opposite direction of her. “Well, some welcome for a hero! But, eh. I’ll let it slide…. if…” he turned back to look at her.
“…If..?” she looked nervous, but also wanting to make up for her folly.
“You show me around the island.” Sonic raised an eyebrow.
“What!?” Amy seemed flustered, not expecting that. “You mean… you’re not mad or… anything?”
“Mad? Pfft! Please.” Sonic fanned his hand out, “People jump at me all the time. You weren’t any different.” he walked by her, as her anger started to rise again.
“Tsk. And to think I actually… well, this just proves that the rumors do you more justice than yourself!” she sturdily placed her hands on her hips, as Sonic froze and spun around, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“And what’s that suppose to mean!?” He stomped back, and she swung her head to meet his eyes, their heads pretty close…
“It means I thought you a gentlemen! But clearly making fun of old geezers is-”
“That was Eggman.” Sonic pointed behind him, matter of factly to throw her off her scornful rant.
“…Ah… really!?” She flung her head around, “…Huh. I pictured him a lot… well… fatter.” She admitted, shrugging.
Sonic leaned up, before laughing at her comment. “I give him quite the workout.”
She turned back, liking how handsome he looked as he laughed, and smiled. “Well… I do owe you for kicking him off the island before he could do any real damage… I’m Amy. Amy Rose.” she shook his hand, as he gladly gave it.
“Sonic.” Sonic nodded, before grinning from ear to ear and also shaking her hand back, before letting it go. “Sonic The Hedgehog.”
“Well, yeah, duh. I guess they just don’t compliment your features enough in the rumors.” Amy shrugged and walked by him, making him suddenly catch on slightly to her meaning, and turned after her.
“W-wh-what do they say about me then?” his curiosity continued after her.
She swayed her body more, and smirked back at him. “Ohh.. just that you’re fastest thing alive, or something like that.”
“…Or something like that.. Heh.” he matched her smirk, “Care for a joy ride? Miss Rose?”
“H-huh?” Amy turned around, surprised, before being scooped up and him carrying her screaming across the island.
He purposefully went fast, stopping to see her messy hair, and commenting on how lovely the view was around here.
“Pfft! How long do you plan to stay?” Amy’s tone made it sound like she wanted him to leave soon, fixing her hair.
“Oh.. I don’t know. That kid with the plane looked kinda cool.” Sonic kept her in his arms, looking around, “Yep! That settles it! I think I’ll stay for a while. Wouldn’t be a bother… would it? Amy?” He raised an eyebrow to her, knowing full well of her response.
“S-st-stay!?” She stuttered out, before slightly swooning in his arms. “If you want too…~”
“I think I will.” he suddenly dropped her, seeing a huge red guy approach him.
“Amy, is this guy giving you trouble.” Knuckles put a fist in his other hand, cracking it.
“N-no! Knuckles! This is Sonic! The Hero of the 3 islands?” She gestured back to him.
“Oh. I liked your movie.” Knuckles suddenly completely changed his tone.
Sonic smiled, and struck another confident pose, spreading his legs out and positioning his hands to his hips, “Yep. I’m gonna like it here.” his smile flashed a sparkle.
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nordictwin · 7 years
Miraculous Court - Adrien in the Forest. (Part 1).
Hi Mariquita. @imagine-miraculousladybug
After months and months and months of writing and re-writing, here is the first part of my Gunnerkrigg Court and Miraculous Ladybug AU: Miraculous Court - Adrien in the Forest. Because I just couldn’t leave it alone. It’s sort of a companion to my previous Miraculous Court story, but it can stand alone - I’ve mostly used it as a sort of guide for myself to remember various details XD
Companion piece/part 0: http://nordictwin.tumblr.com/post/145314471876/miraculous-court
First AU post: http://imagine-miraculousladybug.tumblr.com/post/138674568655/a-gunnerkrigg-court-au?is_related_post=1
Second AU post: http://imagine-miraculousladybug.tumblr.com/post/138745676180/gunnerkrigg-court-au-part-2?is_related_post=1
Third AU post: http://imagine-miraculousladybug.tumblr.com/post/139454449355/one-final-gunnerkrigg-court-imagine
Final AU post: http://imagine-miraculousladybug.tumblr.com/post/139677465945/i-promised-id-stop-but-the-most-final-of?is_related_post=1
“You did not take Merveille’s life, she gave it to you”.
That is what Ysengrin tells him just before he puts him down before an old stone bridge leading into the unknown. The wolf looks at him with such power in his eyes, encouraging him to stand tall and proud as he calls him strong.
Adrien did not feel very strong at that moment. But if Ysengrin, great and powerful guardian of the Woods, believes in him... then he will be strong, even as he stands on the threshold to what feels like an entirely new world.
Just past the bridges in front of him, partially hidden by as wide as he is long, light is gently glowing. It is this light that guides him across. Even as he turns around to look at Ysengrin for one final time, it calls for him, warming his cold back.
“Show them you are not afraid,” the wolf tells him.
Adrien takes a deep breath and holds it, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. Letting out his breath, he nods once to both himself and the wold and finally takes that final step into the light.
And suddenly, he finds himself in the middle of a busy village with all sorts of people walking around, doing various tasks.
It is a sight that is so normal and far from what he initially expected that Adrien almost feels more nervous than before. And Coyote calls to attention, dancing in the middle of a little square.
“Friends!” He all but sings to them. “Here is our visitor from the Court - he will be with you this summer. Please treat him as if he was one of your own~”
Eyes descend upon Adrien at once, as if these people are all part of one single-minded entity. It makes him uneasy, to be in the spotlight like that, and he almost steps back to run into the darkness of the Woods. It is only the sound of a warm, friendly voice that stops him from the doing so.
“What is all of this, then, Coyote? “Treat him as if he was one of our own”, you say - don’t be ridiculous”.
Adrien looks up to see a short woman with midnight hair and tanned skin, a gentle look in her eyes as she gazes upon him with a small smile on her lips. She holds her arms out towards him, open and inviting.
“As far as I am concerned, this one has always been of our kin. Now, come here, son, let me look at you - oh, but you are a little wonder, aren’t you?”
He finds himself drawn to this woman, and soon Adrien is enveloped in an embrace that is oh so warm and comforting and smells like the Woods and fresh bread and something so distinctively safe. He is held close, but not too close, to allow him space. Just like the embrace of a mother should me.
Mother... oh, maman.
His body shakes with sobs trying to break through. The woman must have felt it, because she gives a little, gentle hum and looks at his face. “Hush now, my boy. Let us get you inside, yes?” She smiles at him, gently touching his cheek. “A frail little thing, aren’t you? But with a strong heart, I can tell. Don’t worry about a thing, all will be well, you’ll see,” she takes his hand and gently pulls him towards what appears to be a massive tree back towards the end of the village. “Come with me, my husband must be waiting. Oh, but I have forgotten to introduce myself - I am Sabine, I am matriarch of this little tribe”.
And, surprisingly, his sorrows almost vanish as they walk. A wave of calmness washes over him, like a thin layer of water, and he finds that he breathes a little easier, shakes a little less, allowing him to take in the sight of the village as they walk. It gives him the chance to introduce himself to his host. “My name is Adrien - it is nice to meet you”.
“I already know your name,” she once again smiles gently. “In all of the Woods, I don’t think there is a creature that doesn’t know who you are. Now, look here we are. This is my home - here you’ll stay for the rest of the summer”.
The tree is by far the biggest thing he has ever seen, aside from the Court itself. It towers above the rest, multi-coloured leaves slowly moving in the breeze. Here and there he sees holes in the trunk - windows, he comes to realize. From behind them shines pleasant light, and he is almost tipped backwards by the massive wave of heat that meets him upon entering.
Sabine leads him up an intricate set of stairs carved into the wood itself, explaining that the first two lower levels or so are used for managing offical business within the village - a school amongst other things, he is told. On the third floor, he finally enters the home of the matriarch.
Then he meets the giant.
The giant is named Tom and is Sabine’s beloved husband.
A man from the Court, they tell him. Born and raised there, but he left its walls to marry Sabine and live in the woods. Now a baker, trading his goods with another clan of creatures further in the woods that he calls the Anwyn.
The evening passes for Adrien both slowly and quickly, night falling outside sooner than he’d thought, yet not. It is like he is flowing through a haze, too many new impressions bombarding him, even when he’s just sitting in Sabine’s livingroom.
It’s too much. He is tired and confused, suddenly in a place that is unlike anything he has ever seen. Sabine and Tom offer hm food and tea, urge him to get something in his system before he collapses, but he doesn’t hear them.
He wants to see Ladybug. His closest friend in this place, no, his only friend in the Woods. Where is she? He wants her to hold him, to whisk him away to somewhere he can just have his breakdown in peace.
The door suddenly opens behind him, and Sabine smiles at whoever enters, greeting them in a language he doesn’t know, though it vaguely sounds like Chinese, with hints of the whisper of the Woods - that strange language he swears he can sometimes hear between the trees.
“Adrien, I would like to introduce my daughter, Marine,” Sabine says, still smiling.
It is a faint “hello”, almost a whisper, that prompts him to finally turn around.
She’s tiny, just like her mother, especially compared to her giant of a father. Kind blue eyes shine from beneath hair the same shade as her name, her skin tanned lightly. Dressed in a rose coloured tunic and leather pants, she couldn’t be further from the confident reds and blacks of Ladybug.
She’s not Ladybug.
But her smile is warm and her voice friendly as she offers him berries, from the basket she’s carrying, and tells him to call her Marinette like all the other people in the Woods usually do.
It is not much later when Marinette grabs him by the hand and wordlessly asks him to follow her further up the tree to finally get some rest. He was to share a room with her until they could set up his own, should he want it.
Adrien is unsure if he’ll ever want to go anywhere else, when he sees the beauty that is her sleeping spot.
High above the ground, at the very top of the tree under leaves of all colours, Marinette’s room is a work of art. All wood and warm colours, branches and twigs manipulated to create furniture. A wicker-nest filled with all sorts of soft things is where she sleeps the morning hours away.
She leads him into a little washing room, seperated from her room by a screen of leaves, giving him privacy and peace to get ready for the night. “Take your time, leave the rest to me,” she says, still smiling so kindly. As he washes his face and neck, he wonders if she knows why he is there, in her home so suddenly. Does she care? Does she think him an intruder from the Court? Somehow, Adrien doesn’t want this kind girl and her smiles to think badly of him.
He exists to find Marinette sitting on a bench, sewing something. In a corner, several plush pillows and soft-looking blankets have been arranged into a bed.
A nest for him to sleep in.
No words, no looks need to be exchanged between them as he moves towards the nest. It’s odd... he’s used to this type of silent conversation from Ladybug. But maybe that’s just what it means to live in the Woods? This complete lack of verbal communication? With a tired sigh he flops into the softness and curls up, barely getting under the blankets. He finds himself in a state where he feels like he could sleep for eternity, yet his body is wound up and filled with energy and too many conflicting emotions for him to handle.
A gentle hand at his wrist, the one bound by Coyote, has him jumping, but Marinette acts like she doesn’t notice it. She just covers up the black band with one of her own - green and black ribbons skillfully woven together to make a bracelet that fit perfectly over Coyote’s mark. She holds a finger in front of her lips, signaling silence. Somehow, she knows what it’d do, should he ever speak of the tooth given to him.
Surprisingly, it lifts a burden off of his shoulders. Out of sight, out of mind.
He looks at her. She looks at him.
He cries.
Her arms are steady as she holds him, whispering reassurances that fall on all but deaf ears as he finally breaks down, his heart unable to carry his grief and anguish any longer.
Marinette is not Ladybug. 
She’s not the friend he wanted when he rushed into the Woods previously, the one he thought he needed to see. The one he still yearns to see.
But when the sobs finally start coming to a halt and his body feels heavy, and he can still feel the warm reassurance of her arms around him, a soft hand running through his hair in a motion that screams comfort, he thinks to himself that maybe, just maybe... Marinette is the one he actually needed to see.
In her arms, sleep claims him. And together, they go into the new day.
End of part 1.
Merveille = miracle, marvel
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