#god like she's just a jerk for no reason for most of the movie
dying over her btw
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Barely ten minutes into the hike from Skull Rock to Lover’s Lake, Dustin heaves a sigh like he’s the most long suffering person in the world to ever exist. Steve rolls his eyes.
“Jesus Christ, Henderson, what?”
“I’m bored.”
“God, you’re such a whiner. No, you—you’re like a little kid on a road trip, like, are we there yet?”
Behind them, Max and Lucas snort in almost perfect unison.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve sees Eddie’s lips twitch into the faint semblance of a smile. It’s very quick, blink and you miss it, before he turns sombre again, looking down at the forest floor. Steve can’t blame the guy; he can’t imagine that he has all that much to smile about.
“I just meant,” Dustin says, “that we could use some entertainment.” He jerks his head meaningfully at Eddie—who thankfully still has his head down so he can’t witness this tremendous lack of subtlety—and mouths, You know, a distraction.
“And I’m the entertainment guy,” Steve says flatly.
“Well, we’ve gotta keep you around for some reason,” Lucas pipes up.
Steve turns around, walks backwards so he can point warningly at him. “Thin ice, Sinclair.”
But it’s all for show, and he keeps walking backwards, pretends to trip on a tree root and narrowly avoid a pratfall. Max actually giggles at that, which is a victory in and of itself, but Eddie’s looking down at his feet.
“If I wanted slapstick, I would’ve called Charlie Chaplin,” Dustin says.
“He’s dead,” Max points out.
Dustin quickly draws a hand over his neck, Cut it out. Which—yeah, that’s fair. Don’t want the conversation straying into stuff that’s too close to… everything.
“So you want education instead?” Steve says. “I think I can remember how to identify, like, some trees and shit from—”
“Forget Lover’s Lake,” Dustin says, “I’m walking you straight into a retirement home.”
Steve opens his mouth, ready to play up his outrage, and then he hears a very soft chuckle from the side. Eddie.
Steve catches Dustin’s eye, winks briefly in reassurance. Nice work.
“Oh, sorry, is that not entertaining enough for you?” Steve turns so he’s front facing again, kicking a few stray twigs as he thinks. “Uh… ooh, did I tell you about the affair? At work?”
“Someone’s having an affair at Family Video?” Lucas says, sounding disgusted.
Max cackles. “The scandal! At a family establishment, no less.”
Dustin points at her. “See, this is why you should play D&D!” he says, annoyingly sing-song. “You’ve got a flair for words.”
“How about I stick my flair right up your—”
“Uh, okay,” Eddie interrupts suddenly. “I need details.”
Aha, Steve thinks, smug. Got you.
“Fire away, Munson.”
“Did someone, like, confess to you while you were ringing them up?”
Steve scoffs. “No, it was—” He cups his mouth, calls, “Hey, Rob?”
Up ahead, Robin and Nancy turn.
“The affair shift.”
“Oh!” Robin whacks Nancy on the arm in her enthusiasm. “This is such a good one. Okay, so am I gonna be her or—?”
“No!” Steve says. “You’ve gotta be me, you can’t do her voice right.”
“Ugh, fine, fine. Wait, I need to get into character.”
Robin makes a show of ruffling her hair, and Steve doesn’t even roll his eyes, can only grin as he hears Eddie cough a much stronger laugh into his elbow.
“Nance, count us in,” Robin says.
Nancy looks a mixture of surprised and amused. It only takes a moment of hesitance before she mimes holding a slate, mouths counting down. “Action!”
And they’re off.
It’s probably so stupid, Steve thinks, to be this loud right now, but he can’t bring himself to care—not when he can hear raucous laughter from all directions: Robin captures his flustered, wide-eyed look, while he dramatically re-enacts a woman storming into the store, demanding to see her husband’s account.
And he thinks Eddie actually laughs the loudest when he gets to the reveal: that said account was full of romantic movies the married couple had never seen together.
“Not one,” Steve echoes—and not to brag, but with this delivery? Juilliard, eat your heart out. “Not. One!”
The kids dissolve into more giggles; Robin fights to stay in character as Nancy jokingly calls, “And, scene!”
And Eddie throws back his head, and laughs and laughs.
Happiness is a good look on him, Steve thinks.
They all quieten eventually, but a lightness in mood still remains, as the kids huddle off together—“Hey, shitheads, not too far!” Steve says, far from the first time—and Eddie sidles up, fleetingly knocks their shoulders together.
“Steve Harrington. Who would’ve thought it, huh?”
“Thought what?”
Steve glances over at him, suddenly struck by the fact that the sun will go down soon; and he doesn’t really need to know what Mordor is to know that he’d rather not get there. That he’d rather freeze time, so they could all just walk in the woods forever.
Eddie shrugs. “You’re a good storyteller.” His eyes are soft, like that isn’t all that he’s saying. Like he’s saying Thank you.
Steve shrugs back. “I’m a man of many talents,” he says.
Eddie chuckles, and this time his smile doesn’t fade away.
Steve allows himself a moment or two to admire the scenery, and if that means looking less at the way the sun still shines through the gaps in the branches, and more the way that it illuminates Eddie’s lingering smile, well…
Well, so what?
Right now, we’re happy, Steve finds himself thinking.
They can stay in the Shire for a little while longer.
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mrwavellswaps · 11 months
To be closer
(Inspired by a conversation with @verus-veritas/@verus-animus)
“Have fun partying with your friends kiddo.” Brian said to his stepson with a smile. “Just don’t get yourself into any trouble alright.” He warned before turning his attention back to the TV.
Sam rolled his eyes a little. “Yes Brian I know. I’m 21 now you know.” He groaned, trying to avert his gaze from his stepdad’s almost naked body. Brain had gotten very comfortable around the house in recent years and seeing his stepdad frequently walk around in nothing but a pair of tight briefs had been the cause of many erections and jerk offs for Sam. He just couldn’t help it. After all, Brian was the walking definition of a Dilf! A hot silver fox daddy with some impressive muscle on his frame and a great bulge to top it off. Sam had been crushing on the older man ever since he’d married Sam’s mom and even still now after she passed away. He knew it was wrong but… can you blame him!? The guy was a total hunk!
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“I’m well aware. You just never know with these college parties.” The silver haired stud replied. “Now go. Get out there and enjoy yourself.” He shooed Sam off with a chuckle.
As his stepson left through the front door, Brian couldn’t help but sigh. He loved the kid like he was his own but for some reason he could just never find a way to properly bond with Sam. He always tried to involve Sam in his interests like fishing and archery but the kid never seemed that into it even if he didn’t say it. And of course Brian would try to get into Sam’s interests as well but most of that included online games and what not, stuff Brian never found much interest in. Sure they sat down and watched tv or movies from time to time but Brian just wished they had more in common so he could really connect with Sam. After all, his stepson was the only real connection he had left to his late wife. Yet he was starting to wonder if the two of them were just too different from one another.
He paused the show he was watching and pushed himself off up from the couch. After a quick stretch he made his way out of the living room and trudged up the stairs towards the bathroom. Once there he switched on the tap and splashed his face with some cool water before glancing up at the mirror before him. He lent on the sink a little as he gazed into his reflection and as he did it triggered a memory about something his colleagues at work had been chatting about. Some kind of urban legend about a man with strange magical powers that’s capable of granting any wish and that he was capable of being summoned just by muttering his name three times before a mirror.
He didn’t know why exactly he did it. It’s not as if he actually believed in myths or superstitions like that. Yet he couldn’t help letting his curiosity get the better of him. “Wavell, Wavell… Wavell” he muttered towards the glass and… nothing. Of course. He hung his head in embarrassment for even trying something so silly. He was 55 years old for god sake!
“You know… usually when people do that they say ‘Mr Wavell’. It’s a little more polite.”
Brian’s head snapped back up and now he wasn’t the only man in the reflection. Behind him stood a man who looked to be a similar age to him. Silver hair, salt and pepper beard, piercing… purple eyes? Immediately Brian whipped around, trying not to freak out as he came face to face with the man he’d just summoned. “A-are you… the wizard?” His heart was beating a mile a minute with both fear and astonishment, not quite believing the words that’d just come out of his mouth.
The man nodded his head. “Well Warlock would be more accurate but yes I suppose so.” He answered with a hint of playfulness. “So. Is there any particular reason you decided to chant my name? I was just about to sit down for a meal with my boyfriend so whatever this is, it needs to be snappy.”
Brian had no idea how to respond. He wasn’t usually one to get nervous but now his mouth was getting dry as he could barely say a word. He could only gaze upon the handsome, well dressed man before him in utter disbelief that he actually existed.
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Wavell shook his head. “Alright I get it. This is a lot for some people but I don’t have time for this so…” he reached out and placed his hands gently on the temples of Brian’s head before pushing into his mind searching through his memories and desires. “Ah. There we go.” He said happily as he let go of Brian. “Seems one of your greatest desires right now is to be closer to your stepson. Compared to other people, that's actually kinda sweet.” He complimented. “And you know, I have a sneaking suspicion that your stepson wants to be closer to you as well.” He added, the implications on which were lost on Brian in the moment.
“But how am I gonna make a desire like that come true?” Wavell thought for a moment as he looked Brian up and down, taking in his bulky build and manly chest hair among other attributes that stuck out to him. This man was a Dilf, he knew that much. “Ahhhh I know…” Wavell stated somewhat ominously.
The warlock reaches out yet again but this time Brian pulls back a little. “W-what’re you gonna do? You’re not gonna hurt me right?”
“Hurt you? Wherever did you get that idea?” Wavell chuckled and held out his arms. “A gorgeous man such as yourself? I wouldn’t dream of hurting you. Now come here and give me a hug, big guy.”
Brian’s anxiety of the situation was quickly overwhelmed by Wavell’s intoxicating aura. A wave of invisible energy the warlock naturally exuded flowing over Brian’s body and quelled his fears. Brian didn’t even realise he was moving closer to Wavell until the suited man had already wrapped his arms around him in a calming embrace. It was the greatest huge he’d ever felt. One that filled his body with such warmth that he didn’t want to pull away, instead opting to embrace the hug and wrap his own thick arms around Wavell as well. His meaty build pressing tightly against the warlock’s pristine suit.
As the pair embraced, Wavell slowly inched his hands down Brian’s wide back. Going past his impressive lats and towards his lower back until his hands rested just above Brian’s ass. “I think I just figured out the perfect way for you and your son to be closer.” Wavell’s hands drifted further down until they rested on Brian’s thick ass. He made sure to give it a good squeeze through the tight briefs he was wearing. “Are you ready?”
“Y-yes…” Brian mumbled, enjoying the feeling of another man groping his ass far more than he ever thought he would.
Then, without another word, Wavell squeezed Brian’s ass one last time upon activating his spell. Immediately they were surrounded in a bright violet light that caused Brian to moan out in ecstasy. He felt as though somehow his body was shrinking down in a way as he lost control of his limbs. It was an indescribable feeling that he had no idea how to process. All he knew was that whatever was happening to him felt amazing.
When the light faded, Wavell was left standing by himself and holding nothing but the pair of briefs Brian had been wearing mere moments ago. “See? That didn’t hurt one bit did it?” Wavell said to the briefs before bringing them up to his face and giving the crotch a quick sniff. “Mmmm you smell good Brian. I just know that stepson of yours is gonna love you.” From an outside perspective Wavell would’ve looked insane talking to a pair of briefs. However in reality the soul and essence of Brian had been compressed down into the briefs he’d been wearing. In short, Wavell turned Brian into his own briefs!
“Now. Let’s put you somewhere that stepson of yours is sure to find you…”
Sam arrived home some hours later. The party had gone on rather late and he didn’t get home until 4:30am. Naturally he assumed his stepdad was already in bed so he closed the front door as quietly as possible before tiptoeing through the house. He made his way up the stairs when he noticed something strange. The door to his stepdad's bedroom was open a jar. He knew Brian always closed it when he went to bed so Sam couldn’t help finding this a little odd. Despite that though, he couldn’t help but see this as an opportunity to perv on his stepdad a little…
When he pushed open the door however, Sam was confused to find that his stepdad was nowhere to be seen. The bed was completely empty. In fact it didn’t even look as though it’d been slept in at all. It was odd for sure. He couldn’t think where his stepdad would’ve gone at this time in the morning…
“Brian?? You here?” Sam whispered through the hallways just in case his stepdad was lurking around somewhere but alas he got no response. Eventually he resigned to just head to bed. Whatever Brian was up to, Sam was sure he was probably fine. Right now all he wanted was to get a good night's sleep.
He made his way back to his own bedroom and flicked on the light. Naturally everything was as he left it… except for one thing. A pair of familiar briefs laid on his bed. But they weren’t his briefs. Sam always wore boxer briefs, not to mention the ones on the bed looked a size too big for him. “Are those?…” He moved closer to the bed before picking up the briefs. His suspicion was right. These were the exact briefs Brian had been wearing earlier today before Sam left! But why were they in his room and why did they feel strangely heavy in a way…
It was then that a sly grin grew across Sam’s face. He had no idea why his stepdad had left these here but he certainly wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to get a whiff of Brian’s scent. Without another thought, Sam dug his nose into the briefs and inhaled deeply. The smell of his hot stepdad’s cock and balls filling his nose and infiltrating his senses. He’d pulled some of Brian’s clothes out of the hamper before but the scent was never as fresh as this. It was almost as if Brian was still wearing them!
Sam went to town sniffing away at his stepdad’s underwear like they’d been gifted to him from the heavens. That was until an even better idea crossed his mind. Pretty soon the young gay college boy was stripping off his clothes and tossing them in a pile in the corner of his room. Once he was totally naked he licked his lips with anticipation before stepping into the very same pair of briefs Brian had been wearing not long ago. Feeling the soft, inviting fabric slid up his legs and over his ass until they were secure in position. Sam’s cock now sat exactly where Brian’s would. Just the thought had him hard as fuck and stretching out the pouch.
Moments after however, Sam felt a strange weight filling his body. As if something were filling him up from the inside. Something like that sounds as though it would be painful and yet Sam couldn’t help but find the feeling pleasurable. Little did he know that what he was feeling was the soul and essence of his stepdad being merged into his body!
In a mix of pleasure and drowsiness, Sam shuffled back towards his bed before falling face first onto the bed sheets. He allowed whatever sensation he was feeling to simply overtake his body as he began drifting off to sleep. As he did the faint voice of Brain could be heard shouting “Sam! It’s me! Can you hear me?? Sam!?” But of course it was already far too late as Sam’s eyes slowly shut…
As Sam slept he found himself in a strange dreamlike world. The ground beneath him was covered by golden mist that flowed across an endless void where the sky above was a pastel violet. It was both beautiful and eerie at the same time. Of course he knew this must’ve been a dream but it didn’t make it feel any less real. He wondered if it was some kind of lucid dream?
Just as he was about to try and test that by attempting to fly, he heard a voice coming from behind. Calling out to him. Sam turned and he saw what looked to be stepdad in the distance. He couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. Without even thinking about it, Sam began walking towards Brian slowly, watching as the figure of the man that’d looked after him for so many years grew closer. As he did, what Brian was saying slowly began to get clearer and clearer until…
“Sam! A crazy warlock guy trapped me in my briefs! He told me what’s gonna happen! You gotta take them off before we become one!” He shouted hysterically. Yet despite this Sam kept walking closer and closer. Become one? With his hot stepdad? That didn’t sound so bad! It might’ve just been a dream but if he had the chance to be one with Brian then he was gonna pounce on it!
Before long Sam was only a couple meters away from the man he’d desired for years. Brian seemed stuck in place, unable to move except for his face. He pleaded with Sam to get away. To wake up and stop this. To find a way to fix what that warlock had done. But Sam only grinned lustfully as he looked his stepdad's body up and down.
“Sorry Brian, I know this is just a dream but if I’ve got the chance to fondle your hot daddy body then I’m gonna take it!” With a mischievous look crossing his face, Sam reached out to touch Brian’s furry pecs. The second his hand made contact however, he felt himself being pulled inside his stepdad's body! His hand swiftly disappeared into Brian’s body, soon followed by the rest of his arm. It was like the thick muscled body of his stepdad had become an inescapable vacuum. Before long Sam found himself being pulled inside Brian’s body headfirst, almost as if he’d been absorbed somehow.
The next thing Sam remembered was looking out across the void once again. Only now when he glanced down he saw his stepdad’s big furry pecs and powerful body. Almost like he was… inside Brian’s body… but before he had any time to comprehend it, everything faded out.
Sam awoke with a jolt the next morning. He grumbled a little, rubbing his eyes as he found himself laid on his front and sprawled across his bed. But as he stretched his arms, something felt off. His arms… his hands… They looked different. Larger and more weathered than before. His biceps seemed to have more of a bulge to them while his hands seemed meatier almost. “What going- Whoa! What the fuck!” He shouted in disbelief at the sound of his voice. It was deep and gravely. Nothing like the smooth voice he once had. It almost sounded like…
Sam looked up and glanced across the room at his bedroom mirror and saw the impossible. Reflected back at him wasn’t his usual lean 21 year old self but instead his 58 year old stepdad!! For a moment he was in shock. Not knowing at all how to react. Most people would probably scream and freak out. Some would likely faint at the mere sight of seeing a body in the mirror that wasn’t their own. But when Sam regained his composure he did neither of those things. Instead, he grinned…
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“Why hello handsome.” Was the first thing he said before immediately sitting up to get a better look at his body. Sure enough it wasn’t just his arms and hands but his entire body was thick and beefy now. He immediately ran his hands along the familiar hairy pecs he’d gotten used to seeing most days. Only now he owned them! He had no idea how it’d happen but… “Holy shit. I’m in my stepdads body!”
Right away Sam leap out of bed in excitement and starting feeling up every inch of his new form. Groping his new biceps, flexing his pecs before running a hand through the dense hair they adorned, poking and prodding at his new facial features. Before long he was even pawing at his stepdad’s thick ass. The ass Sam had imagined touching so many times before, and now it belonged to him! He could grope it much as he damn well pleased! Of course doing so had stirred quite the reaction in his crotch as a tent appeared to stretch out his briefs. The same briefs he’d found on his bed last night and had slipped on before falling asleep…
As Sam rubbed his new dad boner, he suddenly felt a rush of new memories hitting him over the head. But they weren’t his, they were Brian’s. Memories of a life he never lived with parents and family that weren’t his own. Everything his stepfather had ever done or experienced was now right at his fingertips. He must’ve been standing there slack jawed and rubbing his erection absentmindedly for a good 5 minutes or so as the memories surfaced. Only once they’d settled did Sam shake his head and realise he’d wet the front of his briefs with his Brian’s precum.
Just as he was trying to comprehend all the new memories and feelings he was experiencing, Sam heard the voice of his stepdad echoing in his mind, practically screaming Sam’s name. “Brian? Is that you? How are you… in my head!?” Sam wondered as he clutched the sides of his head, trying his best to listen to his stepfather's faint voice.
“I’ve been trying to tell you!! I was trapped in my underwear by a warlock! And now I’m trapped inside your head! We’ve got to fix this!” Brian cried out
Sam looked down at the briefs he was wearing. “You were trapped in these when I put them on?… And now you’re inside me?” The cogs in his brain began to turn. “Then I haven’t just transformed into you. I AM YOU!” Sam claimed with excitement. “W-we must’ve merged somehow! Oh fuck, oh fuck! This is… THIS IS AMAZING!!”
“What!? What’re you saying Sam!? We need to fix this! Don’t you want to go back to normal!?” Brain pleaded with his stepson but it was no use.
“Go back? Why the hell would I ever want to go back?? I’ve fantasised about being with you for as long as I can remember!” Sam admitted as he stepped out of the bedroom and into the hallway before making his way towards the bathroom. “Only I never realised what I really wanted was to BE you!”
Brian was beyond shocked to hear all this though he should’ve been expecting it after having watched Sam grope himself mere moments ago while being nothing but a passenger. As soon as Sam stepped into the bathroom, Brian begged him to try and summon Wavell again but Sam wasn’t having any of it. “No fucking way! I’m Brian now and it’s gonna stay that way! These big pecs, these huge arms, and most of all this fat cock are all mine now!” Sam claimed with a devilish smirk.
Without another second to spare, Sam kicks off his briefs and whips out his new rod. He got instant chills the moment he wrapped his hand around the thick shaft. Touching his stepfather's cock wasn’t something he ever thought he’d have the chance to do and yet here he was now with that very cock hanging between his legs. As soon as he started jerking, Brain began to protest but Sam took no notice. His stepdad was powerless to stop him as he was. At this point he might as well have been a figment of Sam’s imagination.
“No! I treated you like a son and this is how you repay me! I gave you everything!”
“You certainly did. Absolutely everything.” Sam curled up one of his arms into a flex, showing off one of new biceps. “Fuck I’m glad you kept in such good shape. I’m gonna be such a hit with dudes looking like a buff silver fox daddy!”
Hearing all of this was like torture to Brian but there was nothing he could do. Only watching through Sam’s eyes as he continued to jerk off Brain’s thick cock. He knew it was his fault for summoning that warlock but he never imagined something as crazy as this would be the outcome!
Just then an idea popped into Sam’s mind. As they were merged, Brian knew exactly what Sam was thinking and protested against it but Sam paid him no mind as he ran back into his bedroom to grab something from a box under his bed. Raw anticipation flowed through him as he pulled out a small trusty butt plug. One he’d had for many years now and had kept well hidden from his stepdad until now. With that in hand he ran back into the bathroom and switched on the shower.
“Now this is gonna be good.” He mumbled to himself as he stepped under the warm water. He started by lather his body up with soap and making sure to dig his fingers into every crevice of his new body. Once that was done however, he lubed up the butt plug and lined it up with his dad hole. Of course Brain was shouts all sorts of threats and pleas at this point but it didn’t nothing to stop Sam from slowly pressing the butt plug into his hole. “OoooooOOoohhh wow! Fuuuuck I’m so tight now.” He commented as his anus pulsed around the plug. “You really never played with your ass before did you Brian? Don’t worry I’ll fix that.” And without another word Sam reached down and pressed a small button on the butt plug…
Moments later the bathroom was filled with loud deep moans. “AAOOOOHHH FUUUUCKKKKK UUHHHHOOOOO!” As it turned out the butt plug had a pretty intense vibration setting that was doing wonders to Sam’s now tight hole. Filling his body with nothing but euphoria while his ass clenched uncontrollably. Right away he’d grabbed his cock again and was jerking furiously under the shower. Brian wanted to protest but he was feeling the exact same pleasure as Sam and soon enough even his protests turned to internal groans of pleasure.
Soon enough the sheer pleasure of the vibrating butt plug was enough on its own as Sam let go of his cock and fell to his knees under the water. His daddy dick was pulsing eagerly as it dripped precum uncontrollably now. Sam even found himself reaching back once again and holding down the button on the butt plug for a couple seconds, increasing its intensity even further until it was at max vibrate. By that point he was kneeling over in ecstasy, arching his back and bucking his cock. All the while groaning about how he was his stepdad now and that nobody would ever know he wasn’t the real Brian.
After a good couple of minutes he could feel himself getting unbelievably close to shooting his first dad load. “I… wanna… stay… FOREVER!!” Sam bellowed as finally his cock erupted with a hands free orgasm, shooting thick cum all over the shower floor. With the butt plug vibrating aggressively in his ass, it caused just keep shooting and shooting until his fat balls were completely drained down to the last drop.
With a grunt, Sam turned off the plug and carefully pulled it out of his ass with a satisfied smile. Slowly but surely he pushed himself back up onto his feet and continued rinsing himself off under the shower as if he hadn’t just busted the biggest nut of his life. But then he noticed something.
“Brian? You there?” Sam said to himself as he realised he could no longer hear Brian’s voice in his head. He’d heard him a few moments ago groaning as Sam was about to orgasm but immediately his voice seemed to have disappeared completely. “Wait… there’s no way I…” Sam looked down at the shower drain as the last of his cum was washed away. “Did I… cum him out or something?” Sam huffed, assuming this to be the case. “Well at least he won’t be in my head annoying me. And with him out the way I really can be the real Brian!” A sinister look spread across Sam’s face knowing that whatever he’d just done had seemingly locked in his fate with this body.
With that, Sam stepped out of the shower and starting drying off. He didn’t think he’d ever get over how amazing it felt to touch this body in any way he pleased and he’d have plenty of time to do so. As it looked now Sam couldn’t see any possible way of going back to normal besides summoning that warlock Brian had been going on about and he sure as hell wasn’t gonna do that. After all why the hell would he voluntarily give up his dream body!? No he was gonna make the absolute most of this…
He gave himself one last wink in the bathroom mirror before stepping out to live his new life as his hunky stepdaddy and nobody would ever know what had transpired…
It’d been a few days already since Sam took over Brian’s life. Initially he’d been a little worried about playing the part. After all he might’ve had all his stepdads memories but it wasn’t like he had all of Brian’s mannerisms and personality right? Well as it turned out the real Brian had been ejaculated at all but rather absorbed fully into Sam’s consciousness at the peak of the pleasure they’d been experiencing. Because of this Sam found himself able to mimic the way Brian talks and acts perfectly. He even found himself becoming more interested in Brian’s hobbies such as fishing and archery while still retaining his old interests in games. Because of this he was able to completely trick his family into believing that he truly was Brian!
The biggest worry he’d had was explaining the disappearance of his former self. Well it seemed like the universe had already fixed that for him as nobody even seemed to remember Sam. Infact as soon as he stepped out of that shower, his old bedroom had completely changed into a guest room. It was like his former self never existed to begin with! Naturally this was weird but Sam couldn’t help taking it as a sign that this was always meant to be. That he was always supposed to become one with Brian and take form.
He made sure to enjoy his body as much as possible by worshipping it and taking good care of it by working out and eating properly. Due to this he had no problem getting all sorts of hunks to hook up with as they were all eager for some of daddy’s milk. And he was more than happy to provide by flooding their asses with his cum. He was hoping he’d be able to find a few vers guys as well that’d want to help him loosen up his hole a little.
Now he was laid on the couch waiting for his next hook up to arrive. A young hairy stud who was very eager to suck on Sam’s nipples. Not that Sam could blame the guy with these huge daddy tits he had now. He groped them a little with a smile on his face knowing that this was everything he could’ve ever wished for in life. Brian had always wanted to be closer to Sam and now he was as close as he could possibly get.
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wheresarizona · 6 months
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Javier Peña NSFW Alphabet
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
Established relationship.
Can be read as Learning to Live Javier.
a/n: @theorganasolo messaged me last night asking if I’d ever consider doing one of these for Javi, and I told her I’ve wanted to but couldn’t find the list of prompts. She got them for me, and I had some spare time, so I wrote this out. I hope you enjoy!
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs feed me. I’d love to know what you thought!
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?):
Javier’s a physical creature, and you’ll find yourself being cuddled afterward before he gets up to grab you a warm, wet washcloth or run a bath if you have the time. He loves the cuddles, though, especially when you play with his hair. 
B = Body Part (Favorite body part on themselves and on their partner):
Javier’s favorite body part on himself are his arms. There’s a reason he wears a lot of short-sleeve shirts, and it’s because he knows they look good. He’s obsessed with your ass. He’s constantly touching, grabbing, and spanking it. He’s always checking it out. You drive him crazy when you wear leggings, and he loses his goddamn mind when he pulls them down to find you in that red thong he loves.  
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Up until he got into a relationship with you, 99.9% of the penetrative sex he had, he wore condoms. So, when you let him come inside you the first time without a barrier? He’s hooked. Addicted. It’s life-changing and has become his favorite place to finish, and thus a creampie kink is born. 
D = Dirty Secret (What do they secretly want?):
That when he comes deep inside your pussy, there’s this split second where he hopes he’ll get you pregnant. 
E = Experience (Do they know what they’re doing?):
This man has been fucking since his teens. He’s got a lot of experience and definitely knows what he’s doing. He will make you come at least once, but odds are it’s going to be more than that because it really gets him going bringing his partner pleasure.  
F = Favorite Position (Self-explanatory):
Doggy is definitely a favorite since he’s an ass man and loves how hard he can go. But Javier’s a romantic, and when he falls in love with you, his favorite position shifts to basically anything face-to-face so he can kiss and look at you. 
G = Goofy (Are they serious during sex or goofy?):
When he’s in a relationship, Javier is more relaxed during sex, and there are instances where he is a little goofy or just having fun with you. Most of the time, though, he’s serious because he takes fucking you very seriously. 
H = Hair (Are they well groomed?):
Javier isn’t super hairy in general, and the little bit of hair he does have below the belt he keeps nice and tidy. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment?):
God, this man is focused on you and you alone during sex—nothing else in the world matters. He wants to be close to you, he wants to kiss you, he wants to feel your skin on his. He loses himself in you. All of this to say, he’s incredibly intimate. 
J = Jack Off (Do they masturbate?):
If he’s horny and you’re unavailable or not in the mood, he’ll absolutely jack off. He has a stack of nude Polaroids he’s taken of you, and you guys made that one home movie no one else can watch he’ll jerk off to. Sometimes, you guys even masturbate together.  
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks):
We know he’s a biter, and he definitely likes being bitten, too. He absolutely has a praise kink. He loves hearing about how good he’s fucking you, and his eyes roll back in his head when you call him a good boy. And when he gets with you, he discovers quite a few new kinks, like his creampie kink, that eventually turns into a breeding kink. Then, when he does finally knock you up, he finds out he’s got a pregnancy kink, along with a lactation kink. 
L = Location (Favorite place to do it):
At your shared apartment. He’s fucked you in every room. He likes the privacy and that you guys can basically be as loud as you want since he can handle the death glares the neighbors give him the following morning. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going): 
You. He can go from zero to horny in a split second if you just tell him you’re in the mood. It also gets him going when you walk around the place you both live in wearing leggings or only your underwear and an oversized T-shirt. He also gets horny when you stick up for him when people are rude. 
N = No (Something they will not do. Turn offs):
Degradation. Face-slapping. Anything with gross bodily fluids. Anything that would cause you or him pain or bodily harm. Age play. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.):
Javier is a giver. He spent his college years perfecting the art of pussy eating and then didn’t get to use his skills while away in Colombia. But now that he’s home and with you, his face is buried between your legs any chance he gets, and he’s really good at it. Blow jobs aren’t his favorite thing in the world, but he thinks you give the best ones, and he loves when you want to suck his dick. 
P = Pace (Are they fast or rough? Or slow and sensual?):
It depends on his mood/how horny he is/how much time you have. He switches between paces, but he sure does love it when you guys can go all nice and slow while making out. He loves being close to you, and having his dick inside you and his tongue in your mouth while he slowly rocks in and out of your pussy—it’s heaven for him. 
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than regular sex):
He prefers regular sex over quickies. However, if there’s only time for a quickie, he’s not turning it down, and you’re both going to have a great time. With regular sex, he likes being able to take his time and pull you apart. Now, he does love the occasional risky quickie outside of your apartment, in various locations like his truck, on his childhood bed at his dad’s house, in the hayloft, out on his father’s land, or against his dad’s prized Ford Mustang he won’t let Javier drive. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.):
He’s down to experiment as long as it’s not one of his turn offs or things he won’t do. If you want to try something, he’s more than willing. He is risky in the sense that he’ll fuck you in places you could potentially get caught. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?):
If he takes breaks between rounds, he can pretty much fuck all day. There are some instances where he’s too worked up, and things end kind of quickly, but the majority of the time, he can last pretty long. He knows himself well enough to hold back and go awhile if he needs to.  
T = Toys (Do they own or use toys on themselves or partners?):
He doesn’t personally own any toys, but he’s more than happy to use your toys on you. They’re just extra tools to bring you pleasure, and all he wants is to make you feel good. 
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?):
So much. He teases so much, and loves when you can’t take it anymore and jump his bones.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?):
Javier is extremely vocal. He groans, moans, grunts, whimpers, and whines, and it’s loud enough you can tell he’s feeling really fucking good. Your favorite sound is that ragged moan he lets out when he’s coming deep inside you. 
W = Wildcard (Random headcanon for your character):
As we’ve established, Javier loves your ass, and it’s like Christmas morning the day you finally let him fuck it—the man is giddy and makes your first time so good it becomes a regular occurrence in your sex life.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants):
You’ve seen him in those tight-ass jeans and that bulge—he’s packing. He’s just shy of eight inches, cut, with a nice upward curve that hits so good when he’s inside you and a thickness that stretches you perfectly. Honestly, his dick is a work of art. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
He’s got a relatively high sex drive. If you want to fuck, he’s down. He’s always ready to go, and it’s fine if you don’t match his level. He’ll jerk off if he needs to. 
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterward?):
He usually dozes a little afterward as he’s holding you because he’s so comfortable and cozy—all those happy chemicals flowing through his body and your fingers in his hair. There’s nowhere else he’d rather be, than right there relaxed and cuddled close to you. 
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Masterlist - Learning to Live
Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be tagged in my fics, please fill out the form in my bio, on my masterlist, or just let me know!
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blackbat05 · 6 months
Rick Flag x Reader
Plot: You were always at odds with a certain Colonel. Will Christmas change things?
Genre: PG-13, Colleagues/Neighbors/Enemies to Lovers (wow so many tropes in one haha) Christmas theme (again)
A/N: Big thanks to @the-slumberparty for letting me not forget my writing roots in times of writer’s slump/block! 2nd piece for sleepover event to hopefully end the year right. Enjoy and please reblog/comment!❤️
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Prompt: “I never hated you. I just didn’t want you to know how much I liked you.”
You yell in pain as the infirmary doctor at Belle Reve patches up your injuries. “Sorry, I wasn’t-”
The doctor waves away your apology nonchalantly. He brushes a strand of grey hair off his face before applying more iodine to the angry looking flesh on your knee. Hats off to him, he does quick and efficient work. The doctor sends you on your way with a month’s worth of painkillers and advice to rest.
“Thanks doc, but I don’t think that’s in Waller’s dictionary. At least not for us.”
He doesn’t refute your statement and simply prepares to see his next patient. Bag of medicine in hand, you limp to the office as quickly as you can. You want to get out of the penitentiary and lay in the comfort of your own bed.
You acknowledge Emilia and John who congratulate you on another successful mission. Even Amanda Waller, who you had to submit your report to despite being on the brink of death gives a subtle nod to the quick thinking that you displayed on the field. But knowing her, she probably was just happy that she could continue using her soldiers.
Including the ridiculously handsome Colonel who had marched into the shared office space, not sparing you a glance. He shoves his belongings into his bag and he is gone as quickly as he came.
You frown. You have no idea what’s his problem. Ever since your first day, it felt as if like he’s had it out for you. And the best part? For no good reason. He was civil with everyone. Everyone but you. He was downright rude and a jerk.
Emilia gives you an empathetic smile. The two of you leaned on each other, being one of the few females in an environment that wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows. She comforted you after Rick blew your head off for almost ruining the mission when all you did was to rescue two innocent children in the crossfire.
“Cheer up! At least it’ll be Christmas soon. Things will be different.” She says. “Any plans?”
You shake your head. “Not that I can think of. I’m just lucky that I survived this mission.” You sling your bag over your shoulder and bid them goodbye. Emilia was right, at least it was that time of the year. Maybe things will be different.
It looks like the doctor had clearly outdone himself. Your injuries were healing nicely and you could even step outside your house for a jog. Dressed in your running gear, you leave your apartment and step into the pleasantly cold weather.
Making your way round the block, you arrive back at your apartment. You think about what you wanted to do next with the treasured free time that you have. Perhaps you’ll order in from that Korean restaurant, pull out a Disney movie and be a couch potato for the rest of the day.
Yeah, that sounded excellent.
Deep in thought about what you should pick from the menu, you don’t notice that one of the stitches from your more severe wounds snap, causing a patch of red to blossom at the side of your stomach. The lift dings, signaling that this is your floor. Thank god no one saw you. They knew who you were but most of your neighbors were under the impression that you were an outdoor educator.
Clutching the side of your stomach, you willed yourself to take the steps forward needed to get to your door. Easy does it, you think. Unfortunately, your vision starts to spot and the floor starts to shake. This unnerves your usually calm demeanor as your breathing quickens. As if it was an eternity, you reach the door. All you needed to do was to get the keys, unlock the door and-
You blink, shifting uncomfortably on the sofa. To be exact, your sofa.
How did you get inside? You can’t remember anything after the jog.
“You’re awake.” A familiar voice can be heard and a flop of messy blonde hair comes into vision. You don’t know how Rick Flag got into your house, let alone knew that you lived here.
“Yeah, it’s me darlin.”
The name somehow wakes you up and you attempt to sit upright only for Rick to gently push you back down. “I just did your stitches for you. You don’t want to burst them again.” He tells you and your cheeks heat up. Rick did your stitches, which means he saw you- Stop it!
“How did you know where I lived? How did you even know I was coming back home?” You focus your attention on the important moments. “Are you stalking me? I could sue you for workplace harassment.”
Rick lets out a deep chuckle that has butterflies bursting in the pit of your stomach. “Yeah, you do that. Though I don’t think there’s any issue with me coming to this building seeing as it’s my home too.”
You let yourself process this. “Wait… you’re the neighbor from five-oh-two?” You wanted to mentally slap yourself in the face. No wonder Mrs Jenkins told you that neighbor five-oh-two was supposedly a private contractor. That he had weird, odd hours. That apparently you should have met him since you and him leave around the same time in the morning for work.
Rick smiles. “That’s me.”
You almost let your defenses down until you realized that it’s been eight months since you moved in here and you’ve met everyone on your level except one. Until now.
This reaffirms the fact that Rick Flag hates you for no good reason and has wants nothing to do with you outside work. Even if he is your neighbor. Fine. Two people can play that game.
“Thanks for fixing me up. I’m not sure why the stitch burst open but I’ll let Doctor Shaw know when I get back to work.”
Rick catches on to your sudden frostiness. His expression softens for a moment before it is replaced by the brooding look that you have grown so accustomed to. “Sure. Uh… have a good Christmas.”
That was oddly civil.
You nod stiffly, closing the door as he steps out your house.
You really need a glass of water.
Christmas. The time of jolly good cheer.
You walk down the shops that are adorned with bright lights and Christmas decorations, mood improving significantly.
Okay, the steak that you had for dinner also played a part in the great day that you had. You also decided to treat yourself, purchasing a lovely sweater. Bag in hand, you continue down the pavement. If only every day could be like this. Not throwing yourself into life or death situations, not having criminals as your field members, not having to deal with a tyrannical boss at work and most importantly…
Not having to see Rick Flag twenty-four seven.
Even if he may be disarmingly handsome and everything that you wanted.
A loud honk and bright flights come flashing at you and instead of ducking for cover, you stand there like a deer in headlights, as if waiting for the truck to hit you.
A hand reaches out and grabs you by the arm, pulling you back to safety where pedestrians continue on their way. You find yourself staring into the sea foam eyes of the Colonel who does not look pleased one bit. In fact, he looks positively seething with rage. Rage that was about to be directed at you.
“What were you thinking? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” He grips you by the shoulder tightly and you would have swatted his hands away if you weren’t still recovering from the shock of it all. “Are you injured anywhere? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?”
You shake your head slowly and Rick sighs with relief. Apparently, he only just realizes what he is doing and removes his hands as if like he had touched something that he shouldn’t have. This annoys you and is also enough to tip you over the edge.
“What’s your problem?”
Rick’s brows furrow in confusion before his face twists in disgust. “Is this how you thank someone for saving you from almost being hit by a one ton truck?”
“No, this is me asking if you have a problem with me.” You refuse to back down. “Because it’s either you pretend to be worried or save me from a ‘rookie’ mistake I made on the field and proceed to humiliate me publicly!” You raised your voice. “If you hate me, make it clear. I can’t do anything about work but I can make myself disappear when we’re outside.”
You proceed to turn around to be on your way when Rick holds you by the wrist. He hangs his head, surprisingly defeated by your words. You want to twist yourself out of his grasp, but his sad golden retriever appearance is making it very hard for you to be the villain here.
“Please,” Rick pleads. “Stay.”
An internal you battle, you relent and let him take you to a nearby cafe. He insists on getting you something, so you order a simple hot chocolate to calm your nerves. You remain silent, waiting for what the Colonel has to say.
“I’m sorry.”
You cock your head to the side, unsure if you were hearing things after that truck almost ran you over.
“I didn’t mean to do all of that.” Rick starts. “It was unprofessional and very unlike me. It was just that-” He inhales deeply.
“When I see you throwing yourself in danger or being in danger… my mind stops working. I’m so scared that one day, things will go wrong and I’m left alone again.” He grips the handle of his mug tightly.
“Remember when you saved those two children?”
“How could I forget?”
“You were amazing for that. You were fearless and brave. That’s what I wanted to tell you. But my fear became the better of me and I hurt you instead.” Rick recounts bitterly.
“I never hated you. I just didn’t want you to know how much I liked you.”
Rick can’t bring himself to look at your reaction. Perhaps a peek and he sees that your mouth is hanging open slightly. Oh, he’s done it. He’s really blown this to bits. Perhaps he can file in a transfer when he gets to work - yeah, as if Waller would allow that. Perhaps death would be the best option.
“Then say it.”
Rick stares at you, dumbfounded. A small smile is etched on your lips. “Say it you big dummy.” You laugh this time and his heart skips a beat.
“Okay, maybe I’ll say it first. Get the ball rolling hm?” You add playfully, enjoying the look on his face. “I lo- oof!”
Rick knocks his chair over from standing up to fast as he makes his way to you, engulfing you in a big and warm embrace. You freeze but only momentarily before melting into his hug that smelled like cinnamon.
“I love you Y/N Y/S/N.” He says breathlessly before giving you what was possibly the most mind shattering kisses that you ever had.
The Christmas lights start to dance around each other and the music in the cafe plays a slow jazz song. People trickle in and out for a nice warm drink and you are content with how Christmas has played out today.
Christmas could be different after all.
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mixtape-racha · 9 months
it's a scream, baby! bonus chapter #1
chapter: the date is set - hyunjin and felix centric
words: 895 // warnings: cursing, derogatory language, discussions of violence, mentioned reader (not present)
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“so, lix,” hyunjin mused, breaking the silence in the flat. the movie they had been watching finished nearly half an hour ago, and they had sat quietly on their phones since - not wanting to move. “you like (y/n), huh?”
felix chuckled lightly, a contrast to the deep blush rising on his face.
“is it that obvious? i know you guys have that weird situationship thing going on, but i just can’t help it.” he replied, refusing to look up from his phone and meet his friend’s stare. the tall boy could be very intimidating, felix had to admit. especially when it came to (y/n).
“i can’t say i blame you.” hyunjin chuckled, moving swiftly across the room to tuck himself onto the same sofa that felix was residing on. “tell me, how much do you like her?”
felix was confused, and also slightly aroused in the same breath. hyunjin’s demeanor had completely shifted, and he was looking at felix like he was something to eat. was this a trick question? was he going to tell (y/n) what felix said so they could laugh at him together?
“i don't know, jin…” felix shifted, laughing awkwardly. god, maybe he was a freak.
but hyunjin just simply smiled, in a cocky yet kind of reassuring way. “i’m serious. tell me all about it, i’m curious.”
“well, i just,” felix took a deep breath before continuing. “she’s perfect. she’s so kind, and never lets anybody feel left out. she’s always there if you need someone to talk to, and she’s try her damned hardest to help you fix a problem. her smile lights up every room she walks in, and you just can’t help being drawn to her. she’s just…. she’s perfect, hyunjin. i don’t think i’ve ever wanted anybody this bad. i’d do anything for her…. i’d do anything to her.”
felix was rambling at this point, not fully in awareness of the words tumbling from his lips.
“she’s the one girl i think about, day or night. i think about her when i see a cute plushie in a store. i think about her when its a rainy day and i get an urge to build a pillow fort. i think about her, most of all, in the middle of the night. god, i’m so disgusting. she’d hate me if she knew that i jerked off to her every night, that she’s the only fantasy that can make me cum. if she knew the reason i haven’t fucked anyone yet is because i want her to be my first… she’d hate me”
“actually,” hyunjin smirked, tongue in cheek as felix finally looked at him. “i think she’d be rather flattered. she thinks about you too, you know? she’s always had a soft spot for you.”
felix opened his mouth to reply, shock and embarrassment drowning his features, but hyunjin raised a hand to stop him.
“you said you’d do anything for her, right?”
felix nodded, his soft hair bouncing with the action. he truly would, anything she wanted.
“like what?”
“anything she wanted. anything she needed. god, i’d die for her. i’d live for her. fuck, i’d even kill for her.”
hyunjin’s eyes lit up at felix’s last sentence, in a way that had the younger boy’s stomach churning.
“would you know? do you mean it, lix?”
though he was slightly fearful of what hyunjin’s words implied, he nodded. whatever hyunjin had in store was sure to benefit (y/n) in some way - everything he did was for their shared friend - and felix would rightly go to the ends of the earth for her.
“then i have a proposition for you. don’t agree lightly - take this seriously, because the second you commit, you can’t back out.”
felix didn’t even realize he was leaning forward where he sat, almost hypnotized by hyunjin as he waited for his friend to continue.
“have you not noticed how much the others boys are all over our girl? how they act like the own her? and the way people talk about her on campus for being friends with us? it’s not on, lixie, and i think we need to do something about it.”
his words had felix gripping onto his seat, ready to follow anything he had to say. no one could treat their girls like that, she was theirs. no one else's. and anyone who had something bad to say about they deserved what they got, he reasoned.
“what d’you say we show this town not to mess with her, hm? i know you’re not opposed to a bit of violence… come on lixie, say yes. for (y/n). let's eradicate them for her.”
felix’s heart was hammering in his chest. hyunjin’s word were true - he was known for getting in fights during their first year of college. some so serious he opponent ended up in the emergency room. anything to let off a bit of steam, is how he excused it at the time. was he still that person? would he really go and kill in cold blood? but for (y/n).... nothing could stop him.
he locked eyes with hyunjin, the taller male smiling menacingly when he recognized the look in felix’s eyes, and waited for him to respond.
“why don’t we start with that bitch heejin? i never liked whores who ran their mouths, anyway.”
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taglist: @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @queen-klarissa @queenfelix @taeriffic @mits-vi @myeg1993 @demetrisscarf @chanssmiles @5kayzee @skz-streamer @iweirdthingsblog @sinforsuccubus @bunniie0325 @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha @moondustmemories @4evrglow @marrivmel @littlepotatooooo @carpioassists @comet-falls
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msookyspooky · 10 months
Fours a Franchise
Part 10
wordcount: 6,437
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(Sorry for the very lengthy wait I had horrible writers block and kinda didn't want to write this 🥲 TW: Massive angst ahead and traumatic situations) 
   Just like that…Just like that, your worst fear came to life. The entire reason why you didn't tell anyone just happened right before your very eyes and there wasn't a single thing you could do about it. Billy and Stu were gone and you were alone in the dark near that dimly lit barn. Randy ran off and never wants to see you again and everything was utterly fucked.
You didn't care at this point if Gale won a court case and took you to trial again or if everyone thought you really were what Stab made you out to be… Prison for possibly being an accomplice to murder or God knows what else they could throw at you wasn't even on your mind as much as it should be.
All you could think of was how the very few people you had left in this world would hate you. How you betrayed Randy even if you were only trying to save him and how he would never be able to trust you again. How Dewey would feel about this betrayal of hiding his sister's murderers or whatever family you had and what they would think. But right now? Randy stung the most because not only were you losing a good friend you've had through thick and thin for 10 years and on and off for 15…You were losing two 6 year olds that you loved. They were the closest thing to kids you had. And their mother, a woman that may not be your best friend, but you liked Karla. She was a friend in your eyes…And you just lost them all by one stupid mistake. One or two tiny mistakes that unraveled everything you tried so hard to hide…One dumb choice that revealed two major dumb decisions you've made; Billy and Stu. 
You were so tired. You wanted to just curl up in bed and sob your eyes out…Even if Stu and Billy stuck up for you; you didn't have them either. Billy barely tolerated you and it was kind of vice versa with how much bad blood you both had…And Stu? 
Stu was there for you a decade ago in his own fucked up way. He cared which was rare for someone like him and you tossed him away. You didn't feel you had a choice! He made so many threats and mistakes that could harm you or your friends in Hollywood. You figured it was best to cut ties! No more guilt, no more shame, no more secrets. Cut ties and pray you never see each other again…But after tonight…You really wish you could curl up into his lap right now and sob your eyes out like he would have gladly done for you a decade ago. Now? Not only were the stakes too high but a decade of you not reaching out stung enough that he moved on…
You were alone. You had nobody and no shoulder to cry on. Your lower lip wobbled as you sniffed hard to try not to cry. 
Randy wanted nothing to do with you…Billy and Stu looked at you as a thorn in their side. You were sure of it and things were too awkward now anyways…Gale was selfish as ever…Dewey changed to the point you couldn't fully trust him…You didn't even know if you could go back to Randy's house for your things. If he'd be willing to talk, even if it was him screaming at you, it was better than this. 
You could only take a few moments to cry; looking up at the sky for a moment to contemplate what to do. Vision blurry with tears.
Then you jerked when someone touched your arm. 
"Hey, there you are I can't find…" Kirby's face fell. "Oh… Are you alright?" 
You quickly nodded and turned away, wiping your tears knowing it's not the place nor time. In fact, time was of the essence now. Something she said made you pause before you turned back around to look at her. "Wait…Can't find who?" You sniffled out a bit trying to even your tone. 
"Randy. I thought he was with you? He told me to wait in the main barn but he never came back and they already killed the opening girl in the movie…Ya know, Stab on the big screen." 
You stared. "He was with me out here but…" You shook your head, mind racing. You thought he would've gotten back to Kirby. You had a sinking feeling at that as you told her. "Let's go back in and see if he's there, alright?" 
Kirby nodded and followed you.
Randy felt that burning in his eyes and a lump in his throat as he tried not to cry. He had to hold it together, damn it! You were the one that did this! You were the one that lied and betrayed everyone!...And with…Them. With those bastards…The fact it was the people that killed your best friends, the guys that shot him, that killed his first love even if it was one sided, that ruined your life and made all of your lives a living hell. It just felt beyond unforgivable.
He stalked to the barn having every intention of telling Kirby to get in the car. To tell her to go drag you back to the car that you all were leaving but…He faltered when he looked at the barn and felt like he could break down any moment. Seeing the crowd of Ghostface's and loud kids. Everything screamed at him that he had to leave…He faltered before marching purposely to his car before he accidentally ran into…Judy. 
Judy looked at him. "Mr. Meeks? Everything alright? Where's YN?" 
He faltered, "Officer Hicks?...W-What are you doing here?" 
"Tracking you and YN while you both were sneaking off without a police escort…Now, where is Miss YN?" 
Randy's face soured at just the mention of your name. "...Don't know." He went to walk off and she ordered him to stay put before turning around and lecturing kids on drinking. The second she did, he stalked away mumbling. "Yeah right. Like Hell I'm staying here." 
He got to his car and looked under it, in the backseat, got in and went through the rules in his head. Breathing out to try and calm himself. "Under the car…Backseat…Rearview mirrors…Lock doors…" 
He felt a huge wave of guilt for a moment at leaving you before sneering to himself. "Stop being soft, Randy…Let Billy and Stu help her. They have all these fucking years." He grumbled to himself as his throat had a lump in it and his eyes burned.
He started his car and went to leave.
Randy didn't even make it halfway as all these angry emotions fueled him and he felt ready to just scream or wail or both. He felt like he never even knew you…His jaw clenched as he got out his phone and while driving down the long gravel driveway…He stared long and hard, almost calling you to rip your ass or tell you to get a ride with Kirby and get your shit and get out of his life. But God, the idea of hearing your voice made him sick. 
Not right now. He was too damn hurt and angry.
So…After staring at his starred favorite numbers in his contact list…He clicked on the one below yours…Dewey.
It rang a few times and he felt some righteous anger fuel him. You deserve this. Dewey deserves to know. He deserves to know how much you betrayed them and if he were to take legal action; you brought it on yourself.
As soon as Dewey picked up, Randy rushed out erratically with a crackle to his voice with unshed tears. "You were right…You were fucking right, Dew! T-Those guys…" He cut himself off with a shaky breath and clenched teeth.
Dewey was on the other line. "Randy? Randy, what do you mean? Where are you?" 
"The barn on Dilton Road. It's YN! Goddamn it, Dewey…YN…" He faltered again, just unable to get it out as he cursed under his breath.
"What?...YN?...Guys?…You mean our talk earlier? Did you see them? Who are they? Tell me and I can try to ID them and-" Dewey rambled off like the airhead he was and Randy's entire face scrunched up as he just… Hung up.
He couldn't fight the tears now as he hung up and sat his phone down…He couldn't do it. He couldn't turn you in. He couldn't tell Dewey. He just couldn't fucking do it.
He had his foot on the brake at the end of the driveway…He knew he shouldn't park there which was why he had it in drive and just braked it; ready to slam on the gas at a moment's notice if someone tried something.
…But he just…His lip trembled and he felt nothing but pain in his chest. You were his best friend, you were bonded together through the trauma as survivors, you were his kids' Godmother…At one point, he loved you in his own way…He could admit that to himself a bit. He fell in love with you or at least he thought he did till you both were together for a hot minute and he saw the whole time that you were…Distracted. Now he knew why and knowing it was Billy fucking Loomis on your brain just rubbed salt into the wound. As if him having Sidney wasn't bad enough, he had you too?! He actually did still love you but in a platonic way. He loved you like a sister. Karla was the love of his life and replaced any feeling he had for Sid or you the second he met her. It was something he thought would never happen but Karla did that. He loved you just in a sisterly way now…He might've even been closer to you than his own sister Martha…
…Just for you to do this to him? To hide something so astronomically fucked up? To lie to his face all those years? How many times were you sneaking Stu out of your back door? How many times was he there and Randy had no idea and could've died? Were you even telling the damn truth?! He had no idea and never would and that's what hurt so damn much. He couldn't trust you now.
He was trying so damn hard to reason your side of it but the pain of knowing you lied for more than 13 years and hid their identity from everyone including him stung too badly right now…Stu was at your cabin! Billy and Stu were in your fucking motel! He was only taking your word for it that you all weren't a couple or in cahoots together; he felt like he never knew you at all!
He released a frustrated yell in his car as the pain in his heart felt worse than the bullet wound he got 15 years ago. Worse than nearly dying from Mrs. Loomis 13 years ago…He was fucking devastated. Tears flowed freely as he quietly sobbed a moment before furiously shaking his head with a sniff. 
His voice was heavy and stuffy from crying. "NO!... No, I got kids and a wife…Fuck it! She's working with them? She can hitch a fucking ride too…I can't even worry about Kirby I just gotta get the fuck outta town and take a risk going to my family and fuck this shit!" 
He went to put pressure on the gas but froze when his phone rang. He frowned seeing it wasn't Dewey but an unknown number…It was you using Kirby phone for whatever reason, he just knew it. Probably a manipulation tactic just to talk to him. He hung it up…Then… It rang again.
He rolled his eyes and jerked the phone to his ear. "WHAT?! YN, I'm not fucking talking to you right now! I'm so hurt and furious and-" 
"Ooh…Trouble in the group… Randy?" 
Randy's face fell, the tears in his blue eyes feeling like they dried in an instant as he heard that voice…That damned voice…It sent a chill down his spine as he looked around; hand instinctively on the wheel as he looked around the darkness outside his car. 
"Friendships don't last forever. Sometimes, friends need to be…Cut…Off." 
He sneered as his stomach sank. "...We're really doing this right now? It's been a decade, don't you think it's time to hang it up here? I mean, Roman Bridger and Neil Prescott…You can't get more twisted than that. Pack it up and take the loss, newbie. "
"Oh but Randy. They weren't me. They were too old school wanting revenge as a motive. Mine is more modern." The voice practically purred out sadistically.
Randy rolled his eyes. "What? Fame? Money? Damn, at least Stu did it just because he liked it. You amateur edgey wannabes-" 
"Shut up or I'm gonna take that little bitch YN apart bit by bit and scatter her in your fucking front yard!" The voice angrily snapped as Randy froze. "Yeah…That's what I thought." 
He huffed before swallowing hard. "You're full of shit." 
"Am I?...Hate to call your bluff and you live with that on your conscience. Poor YN…She looks sad and scared. She's gonna die painfully, slowly, remembering that her friend hated her guts." 
He heard his phone pin, looking at it with the killer on a video call as his blood ran cold. He didn't see a killer…He saw you and Kirby walking, and unbeknownst to you both, the killer was a mere few feet away following you. 
"She can't hear you, Randy…Why not just watch the show as I slice her into bits? The final girl finally dies as the side character no one cares about. What a great twist." The voice chuckled darkly.
Randy panicked. "Don't!!" 
They hung up.
He almost instinctively got out of the car but quickly got a hold of himself…He wasn't leaving you. He knew they were baiting but he couldn't leave you. He put on a determined face and backed up faster than he should. Determined to get to you and Kirby. It was hard to see with only his tail lights in the dark before his heart dropped to his gut when he saw someone standing in the road and he didn't brake in time…Backing into them and over them. His car thumped as it hit someone.
Randy slammed on the brakes.
He sat there a moment in shock ... His face terrified…Did he just?...Oh God no…Oh Jesus no…What if he just ran over a teen in a mask drinking out here?...But what if he ran over the killer?...Either way…Dear God, he ran into someone!
He sat there for a moment. His breathing was labored. His palms were sweaty and he had wide mortified eyes.
He almost got out but shook his head. "That's stupid. Don't be stupid." He breathlessly mumbled to himself as his hands shook. He put the car in drive and drove in a sharp u turn so his headlights were on the figure. Slowly creeping to a halt to get a better look. Turning his high beams on to see…A mannequin. A mannequin with a ghostface mask on as its head was showing a blank white face and the mask was almost off its head. It was a goddamn prop and that meant the killer was out here. Somewhere. Watching him. 
Randy shook his head but laughed triumphantly as he drove around it back to the party. "Ha! You thought I'd fall for that?! Fuck you! Fuuucckkk you you goddamn weak ass freak!" Randy exclaimed to himself in his car as he drove. This wasn't his first rodeo and even if they weren't out of the woods. This felt like a giant 'Fuck you!' to the killers' face that they're amateur plan didn't work.
Randy tried getting ahold of his nerves, that tiny win was subdued as he realized…The killer really was here. He had to get you out of here. Anger be damned, he could give you the cold shoulder the whole way, but he still cared and you couldn't die. You just couldn't. 
He recited the rules to himself as he drove. "Rule one: Never say 'who's there?'. Rule two: Everybody's a suspect. Rule three: The killer always has a reason. Rule four: you can never have sex…Damn, ships done sailed." 
He swallowed and parked the car under an old pole light that still had that orange tint they used to have back in the day. Electricity was still being paid on even if the owner didn't live there. There was still farm equipment there in use.
He looked around but left his car. Shakily moving away with that mace you gave him in hand. "Rule five: you can never drink or do drugs…Rule..Rule six: Never say 'I'll be right back'...Because you won't be back…" 
He thought of franchise rules. "Rule one, kills are always more dramatic. Gorey and-" He gagged into a silent scream at the impact of something hitting him. No…Stabbing through him.
Randy faltered as his adrenaline was up but…. A searing pain hit him as he gagged and choked. He couldn't catch a breath and when he did it was a pained gasp for air. It hurt so much. He couldn't scream. Just staggered a few more feet before dropping to his knees in the grass…No one around as they were all in the main barn watching the movie. 
Randy released a cry finally, a groaning pained cry as he reached up to feel what hit him. What made moving feel impossible as he felt warm blood slowly trickling down his back…An arrow. A slim metal arrow that went deep into the back of his left shoulder almost through his collarbone at an angle. 
He was in shock but tried to get up and keep going. He forced it out of his lungs as he staggered as fast as he could. "H-H-Help! H-Help!!" He tried to wail out in a crackling voice. His body was in shock and the pain made it hard to speak before he yelped out again. A crossbow arrow missing and hitting the dirt next to his feet. He stumbled and got behind the wooden pole. 
He was too far from the barn and no one could hear him. He didn't dare even get the arrow out for fear of bleeding to death. He was being hunted like an animal right now…Against all the rules he followed it's like they didn't matter. Instead, he looked at his car and tried to go back. Running as his body could manage. If he couldn't get to the barn then he was getting in his car and going to a hospital.
He went to rush to his car when a sharp ungodly pain penetrated his side as soon as he reached it…A gagging type of gasp escaped his lips as the heat flooded his nerve endings.
He saw the mask, the robe, the knife caked in his blood still in his side before they slowly dragged it out with a tilt of their head. Randy released a strangled cry as that sharp blade slowly dragged over god knows what internal organs and seared pain through his skin.
The second the blade was mostly out; He grabbed the killer out of instinct and body slammed them against the car. His pain was there but his adrenaline was too high to focus on it. This Ghostface is shorter than he was…Robbie, Charlie, Judy, Kirby, Jill, the mom that attacked you the other day! His mind was racing at who this was as he knew he had to fight for his life now. 
As soon as he slammed them off of him and onto the car; they jerked the arrow out of him. He yelled in pain as hot blood gushed out and he instinctively grabbed the area…A feeling he hadn't felt in 13 years since he was at Windsor in that van with Billy's Mother. It knocked the wind out of him, it burned both icy and hot all at once as he dropped the mace from the pain.  They went to stab him and they missed as he was desperately lunging at the ground for the mace. 
The killer went to stab overhead as he quickly twisted on the ground and he sprayed it through the mesh eye holes of the mask. 
He heard a growling groan in a medium pitched voice; he couldn't tell if they were male or female. He didn't care right now! He had to get to the car, get to the phone, get to a hospital! He was going to bleed to death.
He kicked them away and scrambled to the car while clutching his dripping stomach only because it hurt the worst even if that arrow wound could be what makes him lose the most blood. Groaning and gasping with each movement at the horrible pain as he rushed for his life. That feeling of his own hot blood on his fingers…He had hoped he'd never feel it again.
He almost got in the car…Almost made it… when he felt a stab on his back…He couldn't even scream from the pain as a strangled gasp came out before his body fell…It was…He couldn't move, couldn't get up…It hurt so bad! He didn't know if they severed his spinal cord or hit a nerve or the pain was just that bad…
Randy's life flashed before his eyes as the masked figure loomed over top of him. All these images in his mind. His childhood in Woodsboro, him and Martha as kids, his teens and crushing on Sidney while being the dork in town, you moving in and all the fun memories the group had prior, the most traumatic night of his life, him blaming you for Sidney's death and cutting you off, his first time, college, his first girlfriend, all the Ghostface attacks and all of the fun he had with you and Dewey, meeting Karla, their first time kissing and making love and marrying…And Chad and Mindy being born. 
That last thought had him crying openingly. He had tears in his eyes as a croaking whisper sounded from him. He begged for his life. "P-Please! Don't do this…My kids need me, don't do this-" He silently sobbed while trying to backpedal or move or something if his body would allow it. 
He was able to start backpedaling. He almost got to the car door. 
The killer tilted their head almost…Taunting him. Like he actually had a chance. Before he released a gargled scream as the knife plunged into his chest. Over and over again.
You gazed at the sea of Ghostface masks, heard the kids reciting Stab word for word, smelled hay and booze mixed together, felt heat radiating off of so many people in a small space. You instantly felt closed in and wanted to get out…But you couldn't. Not yet.
You moved past people, breaking through the crowd calling Randy's name. A few kids shhed you and you scoffed but ignored them.  
One was particularly pissy and Kirby turned to them with a mocking smile and muttered.  "Spoiler; Billy and Stu are the killers. The end. Fuck off." 
They groaned and cussed you out but you ignored them more. Your eyes scanned the Ghostface masks illuminated by the red party lights…It felt dizzying as you desperately tried to look for Randy's face. 
Kirby told you. "I didn't think I saw his car when we came in here. You wanna ride with me? I'm going back to my place and Jill said she might swing by with the boys." 
You were distracted. Hurt that Randy ditched you…You knew he was upset and didn't trust you weren't the killer but you didn't think he'd outright leave you alone during act 3 like this…Then again, maybe you did but it stung all the same. Your shoulders sagged as you solemnly nodded. "Y-Yeah…I'd appreciate a lift." 
You both walked out and your heart sank as Kirby was right…You didn't see his car…He left you.
Kirby scrunched her face and pointed. "Wait...Hey…Isn't that Randy's car?" 
You looked over at his car now parked in a different spot 20 feet away under the pole light…Practically touching it like he was in a hurry to park it.
You felt this dreadful feeling. Something wasn't right.
Kirby shrugged. "Maybe he just wanted to be under the light more? Ya know, murders and all." 
You knew that was true but you still had a bad feeling. "Stay here." You told her as you walked near the car. You didn't get 5 feet from it when you saw dark liquid in the grass that without the faint orange hue of the polelight you would've stepped right over. You bent down…And touched it shakily. You knew what it was, you felt a sickness overtake you but you still had to check. You brought your hand back up and saw the red on your fingertips. Still wet, still semi warm, and that metallic scent was undeniable. This was blood and god forbid…You now saw smears on the car too. There was a struggle.
'God no. Please don't be him.'
You quickly jumped up and yelled at Kirby. "Call 911! Right now! Get in the barn!" 
"Why?!" She demanded until you showed your blood smeared hand that touched the grass. 
Her face dropped. "Jesus Christ."
She went to do that when some kid yelled frantically. "Hey! Come on! It's this way!" 
You rushed over to Kirby, pulling her out of the way as a horde of teens rushed out of the barn. Rushing towards the area you and Billy and Stu talked at. You had a hold of Kirby's shoulder as you both gave each other odd looks but followed. 
Your heart thumped in your ears and your breathing quickened with each step as fear slowly gripped you more and more with each second. You expected a warning from the killer or some teen dead…Why did you all have to come here?
Kirby went up ahead of you as you stopped and called 911 on your phone. Even if you were the 20th call for this exact reason, you couldn't take that chance. Even a prank you couldn't disregard, and right now, this didn't feel like a prank.
You saw more kids rush past you and right when you went to follow to look at what it was. Kirby rushed to you, blocking the path with all the color drained from her face. 
Kirby begged you, grabbing your arm. "N-No, no, no YN. Don't." She choked out, tears in her eyes. 
You raced forward, trying to see what she was so scared of…And…You saw a human corpse hung by a rope with the barn doors wide open. Dangling 10 feet in the air.
You stared in so much shock…So much…Shock.
It was like a nightmare…It wasn't real…It wasn't fucking real.
There hanging from the rafters of the barn…Was a corpse that was clearly real…You saw the guts hanging a few feet below them. 
You rushed closer and clamped your hands over your mouth as a terror striken scream erupted from you. It was like you couldn't even control your own body responses now. 
You stared with wide eyed horror at what you saw…As the corpse slowly spun on the rope around his neck…And…When you saw the face. Your knees buckled. You stopped breathing. You stopped thinking. Every horrible emotion you could think of charged through you at seeing Randy Meeks hanging by a rope…Gutted…Stabbed…His eyes wide open and dead. His skin pale white almost blue from blood lose.
You just froze before you felt your breathing become just you hyperventilating. You felt like you should scream again. Scream like those women do in horror movies, some ungodly shriek to the top of your lungs. You felt like you should pass out. You felt like you should faint…But you just froze there hyperventilating as tears sprang to your eyes. You felt a pair of arms hold you close, pulling you to their chest. "Don't look! Please God, YN…Don't look." You heard Dewey choke out as he came onto the scene…You were so distraught you didn't even hear the sirens as you just realized blue and red police lights were reflecting off the barn's metal siding.
Dewey was trying to hold it together for his job but was just as shell shocked as you were. Your eyes stayed wide and unblinking as he held you…This couldn't be real. This couldn't be real!
Kirby put a shaky hand over her mouth as she looked at Randy hanging from the barn.
You suddenly felt a surge of…SOMETHING! Rage, devastation, terror. Something that made you shove away from Dewey and go forward to look. You had to see. What if it was fake? This had to be fake. This had to be fake! A horrible prank or bait or something! You heard Dewey begging you as you got as close as police would allow. They were already blocking off the crime scene…And you smelled the blood from here. You saw his eyes looking through you unfocused and glazed over. The color from his lips and face…And you knew.
You shook your head as tears leaked from your eyes and you put both hands over your face to prevent a wail from escaping. A shrieking pained wail at seeing your best friend like this. 
What snapped you out of it was hearing some teenage boys laughing and taking videos and something in you completely snapped. Without thinking you rushed towards them, smacking the ones phone out of his hands and swinging on him. You didn't give a fuck right now what charges there would be. The disrespect sent you over the edge as Dewey instantly grabbed you and you tried jerking out of his hold. Screaming in rage and wanting to do anything you could to make them stop recording. 
They turned and recorded you with shocked faces and disbelieving grins…And Kirby showed her age, playing the younger generations game by recording them instead. Uno reverse. 
Kirby yelled, hurting at seeing Randy like this too. "Wow, we feel good about ourselves douchebags?! Recording a woman grieving over her friend, you sick fucks! Maybe you're the killers and that's why you're laughing? How's this gonna look on your fucking college application, dicks?!" 
You saw them instantly stop recording, hide their faces and rush away from the crime scene as Kirby yelled after them. "That's what I thought, pussys!!" 
Dewey dragged you away with the help of another cop as Dewey shook you by the shoulders to snap you out of it. "YN!" 
Your lip trembled as you just hugged onto him and he rocked you a bit. You knew how badly he wanted to sob with you as you clung to him and cried against his body. This wasn't fair...This wasn't fucking fair. 
Dewey's voice cracked. "I-I had to hang up from Gale because of Randy calling me. He hung up on me and I rushed here as fast as I could while Gale was setting up stupid cameras in the barn trying to play hero and now she isn't answering …Damn it, Randy." His voice shook.
You realized something…Even in your grief…
Randy's words ran through your head. "No one is safe. Legacy Characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Once the Nostalgia has reached its peak? We're done! Main characters are completely expendable now. Either they die or the most fucked up shit happens to them" 
It hurt so bad. It's like he knew. No one was safe. After all these years, your luck was finally running out. 
Then Stu's and Billy's words rang out.
"Killer did it. Guarantee it. They're setting a trap and you idiots are falling for it." 
"if they're copying us; they'll kill soon. A big one. One that's going to distract people just like you did with the Principle while I entertained my party." 
It hit you…Randy was Principal Himbry. And Gale was supposedly alone in the main barn now setting up cameras.
You jerked away from Dewey and yelled at him. "Gale!" 
His eyes instantly widened in realization as you ran to the barn as fast as you could and he followed behind you. Gun ready as he screamed for his wife. You almost tripped running so fast in the grass as you rounded the corner with Dewey staggering as fast as he could behind you. 
You heard her cry out and saw a masked figure as you didn't hesitate to rush up there with your gun. "Hold on, Gale!" The second you reached up there…You looked around. Gale was scrambling against someone in the hay and you a warning shot. You saw that mask look at you and your adrenaline kicked in as you went to fire again and they dodged behind a pillar. 
You kept your gun aimed while rushing to Gale who stood up.
"You alright?" 
Gale grumbled. "I'm fine just-...WATCH OUT!" 
Dewey yelled your name from below as he finally caught up and heard the gunshots.
You whipped your gun around to fire before dodging a knife. It barely missed slashing you over the face as you gasped and stumbled back. You went to aim again and before you could pull the trigger you felt a heavy boot kick you in the sternum…It knocked the wind from you and sent you flying over the edge of the hayloft. You felt that rush of dropping with you unable to do anything but plummet. You released a pained groan when you collided on top of the drink table. Crashing onto the red cups and the punch bowl toppled over and you laid there in the middle of the table with it broken in half.
Dewey rushed in to you as you told you were fine as quickly as you could. With his gun aimed he was screaming for his wife's name as he went to climb the loft.
You tried to ignore the stiffness in your body as you jerked your gun up too…Right when you saw Gale get stabbed and roll herself off the loft as well. Bouncing off a straw bale before rolling onto the ground. Dewey aimed multiple times as a light went out and wood splintered near the pillars but he missed. You raised your revolver and fired. You saw them jerk and heard a person yell under that mask as they clutched their arm. 
You sneered to yourself and growled out. "Got you now, piece of shit." Before aiming for their head. They ducked in time and fled. 
You pushed yourself up, eager to chase after them. They had to pay…OH, they had to pay! You wanted them dead more than any other Ghostface thus far…You were so sick of this shit and seeing yourself get a shot in felt damn good. Randy would be cheering you on and that thought alone sprung more angry tears to your eyes but fueled determination in you. You pushed yourself up and sprinted to the ladder as Dewey yelled at you not to go as he ran after you.
"Damn it, YN! Don't be stupid!" Dewey's face was angry yet scared. A rare thing for him as he aimed his gun as well in the loft.
You raced to the loft with Dewey behind you just to see no one was there…Cursing to yourself under your breath realizing they had another escape route…A door swinging against the wall. You ran to it. Eager to put the remaining 7 bullets you had into this fuckers head.
You jerked the door open and looked down. The ladder kicked away and laying on the ground and no one in sight. Just cool night air hitting you as you stared. Your face twisted into contempt at the idea of Randy's killer getting away.
"FUCK!" You hissed out as you kicked a nearby straw bale in anger.
You bitterly thought the names of who you thought did this. Robbie and Charlie. They knew this barn and they knew it enough to host this party and to know all escape routes. You climbed down seeing Dewey had already practically jumped off the ladder to get to Gale. You climbed down to the ground and rushed over as you saw she was stabbed in her shoulder.
More cops swarmed in as Dewey looked up and ordered them. "Search EVERYWHERE! Every barn, the woods, cars, everywhere!!" All before his demeanor changed as he looked at his wife in concern. He put pressure on her wound with fear in his eyes. "Put pressure on that. Oh God, Gale. Honey, just hang on-" Dewey mumbled with a pained expression.
Gale put her own hand in place of Dewey's asking. "Did you catch him?" 
Dewey shook his head with a trembling voice. "No. Hopefully your cameras caught something." 
Gale informed him. "They're not the only ones. There's uh…A webcam." She croaked out in some pain. "There's a webcam; it's hidden up there. It was watching me." 
Dewey looked up instinctively and so did you. Your face soured. Just confirming who this was to you.
Dewey wasn't following. "Webcam? W-What webcam?" 
Gale drew out in a shaky breath as she held her bleeding shoulder. "He's recording the murders." 
Dewey still asked with wide eyes. "What?" 
You gritted your teeth, tears still on your cheeks from Randy's death as you drew out. "This time…He's making the movie. Even more than Roman did." 
Gale nodded at your understanding before she grimaced in pain. 
She grew serious as she winced at the pain. Choking out as sirens of an ambulance could be heard down the road. 
"…Get this fucker." 
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madame-mortician · 1 month
Why this is the worst Evil Dead adaptation and completely sucks as a story (A Rant):
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So as a horror mega fan, during birthdays and Christmas I typically get things like slasher movies or figurines on birthdays. This particular birthday, I received this comic adaptation of the 1981 film “The Evil Dead.” The art looked nice, I love Evil Dead, and the story promised to include more things than the original film. Now I love the original the way it is, however some new additional scenes would be interesting to see, kinda like deleted scenes returning in a directors cut, so naturally I went into this book pretty optimistic…
Oh god.
It sucks so much.
So let’s go through that why don’t we?
The first thing I want to talk about is the art. The cover visually looks amazing and at a brief glance the art is great…. but as somebody who has rewatched the original so many times, and does horror edits as a hobby, I’ve seen the original shots 100 times, and quickly noticed that a LOT of the art seems to be either traced or at least referenced in the comic, which I find interesting because most of the original shots they’re “tracing” over, aren’t from The Evil Dead, but from the sequels. Now even if it wasn’t being traced, it’s still obnoxious and very noticeable that it distracts me from everything else. The entire comic genuinely looks like somebody put a filter over shots from the original film, which is impressive for the artist but also looks… I don’t want to say bad, but it doesn’t look that appealing.
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Not the most flattering picture, but it gets my point across.
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Those are just fucking screenshots drawn over 💀
Also noticeably, only Ash Williams retains his original design. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Ash Williams and I don’t think they should redesign him, especially since Bruce Campbell is half the character, but why does everybody else look so completely off? For some reason, they decided to “modernise” this adaptation, but they didn’t do anything with it. It’s still the same story, but now everybody that isn’t Ash is all of a sudden a hot supermodel in Y2K fashion, like what? Like, look at this comparison of movie Cheryl VS comic Cheryl.
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Now the redesigns aren’t the worst thing ever. The deadites still look creepy and all, however the characters are completely assassinated INCLUDING Ash. For starters, in the comic only Scotty and Ash actually seem to know each other, and are friends. Linda is a hot girl that Ash is now dating, and they bring along Linda’s girlfriends with them, not really knowing them at all. So Shelly is not Scotty’s girlfriend, she’s just a girl that they bring along. Cheryl is also NOT Ash’s little sister in this adaptation, which not only removes some dramatic tension but also for some reason they have a new line where Scotty jokes with Ash about which girl he should date, and they both comment on Shelly and Cheryl. It’s so off-putting because again, in the original film this is an adaptation of, Cheryl is Ash’s younger sister.
Now Ash himself falls into this situation where the writers are writing him like “Army of Darkness” Ash, despite this being… The Evil Dead. In the original film, Ash was a bit of a jerk, but majority of the time he was normal. He wasn’t a saint or anything, but he was very charming and likeable especially compared to Scotty. There was also this sort of, intimacy to the whole film, because everybody in this lonely cabin, are best friends and all know each other very well. This was great for the horror too, since it meant when shit hit the fan and they all started being possessed, it was more dramatic because, essentially the slasher killer of this movie IS the victims. Their mangled corpses are being puppeteered around to torture the remaining survivors, and that’s one if the main reasons I love Evil Dead. In this fuckass though, like I said, the only people here who actually know each other for more than a week are Ash and Scotty, but since Scotty is a turd the whole time, whenever somebody dies who gives a shit? Ash sure doesn’t! He’s written like the older Ash Williams, AFTER he’s already been traumatised enough and is now bossy, snarky, rude and scummy. If Ash was at least written like he was originally, then when these people (who are essentially strangers) start dying, at least he would care a little bit! As is, nobody cares. In the original film, Cheryl being possessed first is shocking because not only is she the closest thing to a protagonist until her “death” scene, but also because she’s the most innocent one here and the hero's little sister. She haunts the narrative after her death, because of her relationship with Ash. HERE IT’S LIKE “WHO TF IS CHERYL, OH THAT POSSESSED CHICK? I’VE NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE IN MY LIFE.” Ash doesn’t tragically reminisce about Linda, rather he recalls the time he lied to her during sex… Wow, I love this version of Ash, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Even Scotty kinda gets fucked over. Not as bad as Cheryl mind you, but he’s written so unapologetically mean and borderline evil here that it’s like, Jesus Christ dude. Sure the movie version of Scotty was kind of a douche, and was annoying at times, but he wasn’t cartoonishly evil or selfish, he was written rather realistically, but fuck me, I guess the comic wanted nobody to be likeable.
Anyways, another odd thing is the added lore? So obviously this book isn’t canon, it’s just a crappy remake of the original 1981 film, but they decide to include a backstory for the mysterious voice on the tape recorder, and show a scene of him getting his wife (Beth Marie Knowby) possessed and being presumably killed… Did they forget that they already HAD A CANON KNOWBY BACKSTORY?! You could say “Oh well, this is only adapting The Evil Dead, and ignoring Evil Dead 2!” But we’ll get to that in a second.
Moving on, there is only ONE interesting thing the comic does, and it relates to Scotty. So in the original film, Scotty went into the woods alone to try and escape the cabin. Minutes later he returns bloody and beaten and doesn’t say what happened but it’s implied he’s attacked by the trees, though probably not sexually like with Cheryl. I always had an issue with this scene because Scotty is just gone for 20 minutes and returns and dies… okay then. Here they show him venturing into the woods, seeing somebody and asking for help, only for that somebody to turn around and actually be a deadite version of Scotty. Is it groundbreaking and so amazing it should’ve been in the film? No. But it’s still, the only good thing this adds.
Now the ending…. Good god. Alright so, basically it ends like the original where Ash survives until 6AM and is leaving the cabin until something jumps him. Now here, they felt the need to add a fucking epilogue where, I shit you not, it’s revealed the whole thing was a dream…………. NOT ONLY was the whole thing a dream, but Ash also dreamt up Scotty, Cheryl and Shelly so they don’t exist, at all, which also makes no sense since he started dreaming in the car to the cabin, but made up an earlier scene where he and Scotty picked everybody up? Huh? Anyways, essentially only Linda is real, and the two of them go to the cabin for a date, with the implication being that this is why the characters don’t return for Evil Dead 2, minus Linda. Ash just made them up apparently. So Evil Dead 2 is going to happen I guess? I don’t really care since we don’t see it happen, so whatever.
TL;DR: The art is ugly, the characters are all rewritten poorly, the stuff this adds to the “Evil Dead Lore” is irrelevant and not canon and the overall comic just sucks.
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nikki-is-a-nerd · 5 months
Since The Percy Jackson s1 is done, i can now write my overall experience with it. Mind you i only read the first book of PJO because I couldn’t afford the books and because goddamn borrowing it from the university library was like a pack of coyotes seeing a slab of meat after 15 years of starvation.
(Side note: i once got scratched in the face by a girl who wanted to read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, when i was gonna borrow the book for a second time. I learned it was better to just buy the books one by one per year.)
So i fully enjoyed the series. Regardless of how a lot of people have been calling it shit or a disgrace to the books. Like I appreciate how Uncle Rick managed to retell his own story, see it come to life, in a way that he wants. I appreciate Sally Jackson having a bigger impact to how Percy is as a person and as a character.
Yes, i too was shocked with the grover snitch scene in ep 1, then I thought about it, it made sense. Grover is my favorite character and i would like to say that the movie version of Grover made me feel uneasy but this version of grover, he made me long for that kind of friendship. I also love how Grover unlike in the movies, isn’t comic relief. You see his emotional struggles. You see him grow from “we have to keep the peace, let’s all be kind” to then showing us that he’s more than that. He is smart, cunning, manipulative if need be. He is also brave and he carries so much emotional baggage. The fact that he expresses rage about certain things, makes him feel more human to me. By giving him so much depth, by casting Aryan Simhadri, his depiction of grover would make book grover very proud.
Annabeth is also really really amazing in my eyes. Seeing a child give off an air of “i know things that you don’t” like an adult is so cool. Seeing her grow from “the gods are just and they have their reasons” to “The gods have flaws and they make mistakes, but i will be better than that” is very tear jerking. It helped me see Annabeth in those moments as a child who didn’t get to experience a proper childhood finally see what its like to be loved without having to give anything in return. Leah Sava Jeffries, shows emotions so well. Her posture changes depending on how she feels. She slouches a bit when she’s dejected or upset and is more poised when she’s feeling the most confident. Her eyes carry so much emotion in scenes where she doesn’t speak. She’s a lovely actress.
Percy, gods where do i even begin. Walker first off, played this character so well! You see how he’s feeling through his eyes, his face is so expressive and i love it. Percy also gets my mom approval card (which means my mom also loves his character). The way they show him to be loyal, caring, empathetic but also he’s just a child so you understand why he acts the way he acts. People complained about how percy wasn’t fighting like a pro, but i think that’s what makes it great. Percy is new, he’s learning as he goes, when we finally see Walker Portray the Percy that we all know, we can look back at s1 and we’ll see that truly, Percy has grown in skill. Also im always gonna sob over the fact that his scenes where he chooses to sacrifice himself for his friends, he always implies how he isn’t enough, we see how he sees himself and that hurts. Percy’s sass and humor though are also such highlights. I would love to see more of walker’s percy too.
Now honorable mention to my favorite backstabbing, pretty boy, luke. I love how he is such a good actor. Watching him play luke kinda immersed me in the moment, i forgot that this kind ,young man is the antagonist. Because when he played luke when we first saw him, i too wouldn’t be able to think that this guy, he can be cruel. But he delivers so much rage, so much resentment in his scene with percy in the finale. The way charlie acted in that scene, gods, i was shocked. I truly believe watching him and his character’s descent to something more is gonna be a rollercoaster ride of emotions.
The show in itself is really really good. Yes there are odd sudden black screens, but I don’t mind them. I don’t mind the changes, i just think that the episodes could be a bit longer. The story is captivating even with those changes, i love how Uncle Rick got the chance to give us an adaptation that isn’t an exact copy of the book, because i believe that a good adaptation doesn’t need to be a scene per scene copy, because if that’s what y’all wanted, listen to an audio book where people act out the scenes. Think of it this way, the book and the show are just two separate universes. Like how we have the MCU and the Marvel Comics. Same characters but different continuums.
People tend to find the negatives before they see the positives, its how we’re mostly wired. If we look past them, you’ll see that there are things that are better.
I would definitely be excited for a s2
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astroboots · 2 years
For HOMECOMING (I’m an idiot) tell me about movie night ❤️
Baby your prompts are the best and I love you! Thank you for humouring me and my bullshit.
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Summary/Author’s notes: Movie nights in your households are always a battle.
Word Count: 1100
Homecoming Drabbles | Homecoming Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist
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"No," you reply.
"Irishman, gangster squad, Godfather two--"
"Santiago, why are you only suggesting gangster movies?" You take the remote from him and hand it to Frankie instead, who immediately starts browsing the Netflix titles.
"What about Top Gun?" Frankie suggests.
You turn to Santiago and you both share a knowing look.
Frankie always suggests Top Gun, and while any outsider would simply assume that the reason is pretty obvious, Frankie is a pilot after all, of course he likes a movie about pilots.
But the two of you know better. Frankie's hates action movies and even more than that he hates military movies. Top Gun, a thinly veiled military propaganda movie, should be on the bottom of his movies to watch. Should be.
Except... 12 year old Frankie had a huge crush on young Tom Cruise, with his lustrous black hair and cock-assured smile (despite the fact that the actor is as Benny would phrase it, a "short king"). You've seen that worn out poster in his childhood bedroom, a leather bomber jacket and a smoky gaze framed by thickly knitted brows.
You glance at Santiago again, and can't help the smirk this time, nobody could ever accuse Frankie of not having a type in men.
You shake your head. "Frankie, baby, I love you. But we're not watching Top Gun again."
"She's doing it again," Santiago says, with a loud exaggerated sigh as he crosses his arms and leans back against the sofa.
"What do you mean I'm doing it again?"
"You always do this. You suggest movie night and then you turn down every single movie ever made."
"That's not true!"
"No?" Santiago, pins you with his eyes. "Then whatever movie that Frankie wants to watch next, that's the one we pick. You don't get to veto any more."
You take a moment to stare at Santiago back just as openly, before you finally relent. "Fine."
"Top Gun!" Frankie immediately announces.
"Frank," Santiago starts, "we just said no to that--"
"No Santiago," you interject. "You said that whatever movie Frankie wanted, we have to watch. You dug this grave and now we all have to sit in it."
Santiago's mouth gapes. He's stunned. No more comebacks. You want to pat yourself over the shoulder for that stunning achievement. Because, you might not want to re-watch Top Gun, but what you do want is for Santiago to suffer for through the consequence of his actions after he essentially called you difficult (which is the most textbook definition of pot calling kettle you've ever seen).
"Fine," Santiago huffs and he jerks back against the sofa with a loud thud in protest.
Frankie doesn't seem to pay it any attention as he pushes play, before settling in on his favorite armchair right next to the sofa where you and Santiago are seated.
The Paramount logo plays on the screen, and before long the familiar beat of Danger Zone blares out from your speakers, and oh God, you're regretting your life decisions already. You're not sure one hour and forty minutes of this is worth Santiago's agony.
From the armchair, Frankie's eyes are wide and eager, practically giddy with excitement, and you sigh. Yeah, there is no way you can get out of this one and call Uncle now. He looks much too happy for you to rain on his parade, so instead you make yourself comfortable on the sofa, scooting closer to Santiago as you rest your head on his shoulder and make peace with this.
On the screen, Tom Cruise, walks out, and you're not really playing attention to the plot, something about planes, and missions and whatnot.
You're almost drifting off when you feel it. That familiar pleasant tickle against the back of your neck, a pleasant scrape that tingles and burn at the same time, that is only caused by one man.
Santiago Garcia.
His jaw is brushing up against you, spare stubble from when he clean-shaved this morning, grazing up against the side of your throat, as his lips presses a long line of kisses that makes your toes curl.
"Santiago, what are you--" you sentence finishes with a gasp as Santiago sinks down his teeth against the soft flesh. Heat rushes up your veins spreading outwards and your legs nearly kicks out from the sudden sensation.
"The rule of the game was that we have to watch what Frankie wants to watch right?" he murmurs, breath fanning hot against your ear that makes the whole of your spine tingle.
Long fingers skim the side of your ribs, as his fingertips starts to skirt underneath your sweater. The touch sears your sensitive skin as he makes his way down from your ribs to your belly, then slips under your shorts.
Even before the bastard reaches your underwear, he has you gasping in anticipation and you cant your hips in reflex, and that obnoxious, cocky smile of his grows even wider.
"I guess that also means if Frank doesn't want to watch anymore, movie night ends."
With one hand on your knee, he spreads your legs for him, to allow his other hand to easily slip between your thighs. Then even though you can barely see it, hidden as his hand is from the fabric of your clothing, you can certainly feel it. That familiar perfect pressure as his thumb presses down on your clit, sparking searing-white pleasure in your blood.
It keeps going, small, deliberate circles that makes it hard to breathe. You barely have the awareness anymore to notice how his other hand moves from your knee and draws up to cup your chin. Thumb bridging across the span of your jaw as he tilts you up and away from him. For a second you think this teasing brat is going to turn your attention towards the TV with some snarky line about how you should focus on the movie.
He doesn't do that.
Instead he turns you further still, until your eyes settle on the armchair next to you. On Frankie.
Your husband is no longer watching the movie and that giddy almost boyish excitement in his expression from before has been replaced by something else entirely. Those usually warm brown eyes are glazed and pitched dark with a unfulfilled hunger residing there as his gaze is pinned on the two of you. It makes your blood race, heart pumping fast, because he's looking at you like a starved wolf who's about to hunt down his next meal.
From behind, you can hear the throaty chuckle in your ear.
"I think I just won this game."
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rejectedfables · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Character: Draco Malfoy (HP) Why I love them: I don't. I love the version of him I frankensteined together from fics I read/wrote as an undiagnosed autistic preteen who wished I knew how to be meaner, and was hopelessly demisexually gay for a brunette with glasses.
Character: Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) Why I love them: Emotionally neglected ADHD powerhouse who thinks "what do 600 hot girls look like? Me with titties and pigtails 600 times obviously" followed by "what do 600 hot boys look like? All my male friends with bedroom eyes OBVIOUSLY" and somehow hasn't figured out he's into dudes and is probably genderfluid. The Haku and Zabuza arc came SO close to "child soldier figures out that making children into soldiers is bad, actually, and resolves to create a better society where fewer people needlessly suffer" but then I think the author got old and forgot his own trajectory in favor of endless spectacle creep and, idk, something about the moon crushing Konoha or whatever. I lost interest in the story, but not the BOY. Also his relentless fixation with that dark haired cool guy he kissed one time makes every other character feel awkward, and I relate to that.
Character: Urameshi Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho) Why I love them: LOVE me a guy who even HEAVEN writes off as an irredeemable asshole surprising everyone with an act of selflessness. Love me an asshole who dedicates his life to love and friendship. Yusuke's narrative is basically "Obviously all yokai are evil. Wait, some aren't (some of my best friends are yokai)? Wait, most aren't (I actually really enjoy the yokai world/community)? Wait, I'M a yokai? (THAT'S why I am the way I am, and actually that's not evil it's just different)??? So there's evil humans AND evil yokai but neither are inherently bad, MOST are just regular people on both sides, and both are worth protecting" and anyway this is a neurodivergent and queer allegory to me, which slaps severely.
Character: Shi Qingxuan (Heaven Official's Blessing) Why I love them: Gender
Character: Luke Fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) Why I love them: Nobody's doing character growth like this little shit. An icon. It takes like 30 hours of gameplay for him to become likable and when he does it's somehow genuinely worth it.
Character: Changheng (Love Between Fairy and Devil) Why I love them: (I'm picking only one character per story, which is the only reason Xiao Lanhua and Dongfang Qingcang aren't also on this list.) You're telling me the God of War's narrative is a "tragic princess, betrothed since childhood, can't escape her family's expectations, constantly has to put everyone else above herself, until finally she snaps" story blended with "man who has been forced to live in war, falls for the first person who acknowledges that he, too, needs protection, ultimately rejects the violence he's been forced to endure and enact in favor of pursuing peace" and I'm what? NOT supposed to go insane? Also his nose freckle gives me heart palpitations.
Character: Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars, specifically season 1) Why I love them: What an excellent example of a badly coping shithead jerk fuckup boy who would be SO soft in any context where he's not under constant threat. Something about his mouth-breathing under duress compels me.
Character: Kyo (Fruits Basket) Why I love them: Badly coping under duress, the entire system is stacked against him, anger management issues and the snatched waist of a 90's manga twink. What can I say, a feral cat finding stability and love gets me every time.
Character: Xue Yang (MDZS) Why I love them: Irredeemable asshole feral cat ass man, coping badly at all times with all things but holding it together with a winning personality (gratuitous violence and bad jokes). Falls SO hard for the first person to show him love and kindness, becomes SO soft when not under threat for the first time ever, and then fucks up SO badly he ruins his whole fucking life. Spends more time trying to get back what he lost than he actually HAD what he lost. He's irredeemable. He's irredeemable. He makes apple rabbits for A Qing because she's sad. He's irredeemable. He doesn't pull a weapon on Xingchen even when Xingchen has already stabbed him and he's renowned for violence and revenge. He's irredeemable. I starting writing a post in his defense and hit the character limit halfway through my 'notes to flesh out later' bullet pointed list. He's irredeemable?? Xiao Xingchen could, though, is all I'm saying. The deeper you look into his actions the more humanity there is to find. I'm rotating every single thing about him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
Character: Chu Wanning (ERHA) Why I love them: He's hopelessly demisexually gay for literally just one guy. His story is gratuitously tragic but with a happy ending. Autistic Yearning incarnate. He's a burnt out husk of a blushing virgin, and the horniest person alive. Would readily die for his convictions, but won't ask for help. Prettiest wife anyone could ever wish for, with a strong masculine jaw. Total knockout gorgeous with body dysmorphia. Hyper competent with zero emotional intelligence. Widely respected and beloved with intense self loathing. He's never not masking. He's an atticked wife, he's a bossy husband, he's a piece of wood. He's 45. He's 6. He's 20. He's 32. He is catnip for me.
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phoomwhoosh · 2 years
Okay, this is basically just me sharing most of my thoughts about Terry and Daniel in season 5 and it’s a long one so I’ll put it under a cut.
I cannot get over Terry ambushing Daniel in Raymond’s apartment. The very second Daniel told Chozen that he “had to apologize to Raymond,” I knew something awful was about to happen to him because it directly mirrored what he told Mr. Miyagi before the ambush in the third movie.
But, before I go into that, I want to talk more about Terry and Daniel up to that point. Like, I really loved the way Terry “gave” Daniel chances to back-out of things even though he definitely knew Daniel wouldn’t take them.
Terry appearing in the sauna while Daniel was in there? I called that when I saw that scene in the trailer months ago and it DELIVERED so well. Absolutely terrifying moment for Daniel and his face in that scene was so devastating. Like, Terry really chose Daniel’s most vulnerable moment: totally not expecting him and finally starting to relax a hair. (Also, most likely nude. Just saying.)
Him goading Daniel at the charity event and making him embarrass himself and Amanda? Terry making Daniel seem like the crazy one, like he was the real bad guy? Terry kept poking at Daniel over and over again and anyone who saw never would’ve guessed at what was happening because Terry was smiling the entire time. Hell, he even seemed like he was making a nice little joke about the bonsai trees even as he was talking about how he was going to turn them into mulch. (Legit, the man HAS to grin after every time he’s successfully fucked with Daniel.) He really set-up Daniel, especially by introducing him as an “old friend.” The fuckin’ audacity of that man! Jesus Christ, Daniel’s reaction to that and Amanda immediately comforting him even though she had no idea what was really happening...
Terry definitely knew that Daniel didn’t tell Amanda about him beyond surface-level stuff and I have to wonder how he feels about that.
I totally understand why Amanda didn’t believe Daniel and thought he was just bringing-up another old rivalry for no reason. We have to remember that Daniel has very obviously never told her exactly what Terry Silver did to him. After Jessica tells her everything, I think she understood WHY Daniel didn’t tell her. That and, from her perspective, it just looked like Daniel was being paranoid for no reason, especially with how kindly Terry greets them at the charity event and with how Terry actually told that one lady what a great person Amanda was. You can see Amanda’s delight in the background as Terry goads Daniel into shoving him. He let Daniel dig his own grave so he could put him into it. (Do not judge me for any shallow grave references in any of my future fics. XD)
Also, just saying, do you think Daniel suspected that Terry was stalking him? Because he was 100% doing that. Really glad they didn’t show it actually happening (like scenes of Terry skulking around before approaching Daniel). The implication of the stalking is so much scarier and really leaves you wondering when Terry would appear behind Daniel or into a scene with him.
Of course, if Daniel suspected it, he couldn’t say anything because he had no proof and Amanda already wasn’t listening to him about how dangerous Terry was. Telling her about the sauna thing or about encountering him in the country club wouldn’t have worked. Like, she probably wouldn’t have believed the sauna bit because what the fuck and she might’ve been like, “Daniel, he’s super rich, why wouldn’t he be at the country club? Also, didn’t he buy you drinks?” Like, Terry made Daniel look like he was crazy to everyone around them and I just CANNOT.
Now, to the ambush in the apartment. GOD, the sound I made when Terry appeared behind him. How quickly Daniel turned around to face him and the fearful look he gives, the way he jerks back slightly at the sight of him. The other sound I made when Terry side-stepped into his path when Daniel tried to leave. Him forcing Daniel into a fight once again…
I have rewatched that fight scene at least a dozen times over and let me tell you: it truly amazes me how much Terry actually held-back and, yes, I do believe that was him holding back. He could have very, very easily broken Daniel’s arm instead of dislocating his shoulder. He could’ve gone for Daniel’s left knee and fucked it up real good. But instead he let Daniel come at him, even let Daniel get some hits in although some of those were definitely unavoidable. He was ENTHRALLED by their fight. The sound I made when he stepped on Daniel (dear god, that bit). He only held-back enough to not totally maim or kill Daniel and that was an entirely calculated move on his part.
Like, him stepping on Daniel while saying, “Don’t look at this as an act of mercy. On the contrary, I want you alive and well for what’s about to happen. Well, alive, at least. Because the real pain is about to begin.” That call-back to the third movie!!!!! Him just leaving Daniel lying there!!!! I wish we could’ve seen how Daniel got out of there. I read somewhere that one of the writers said Chozen found him but that the episode was already long. Honestly, time dedicated to certain other things could’ve been taken away so we could’ve seen Chozen find him.
Also loved this line: “You opened the door and let me just waltz right in.” The gleeful way in which he said it…just, WOW. All of his lines during that scene were glorious.
But here’s my other thing, here’s my thing about that fight scene. Daniel striking first and Terry saying, “That’s it, LaRusso! That’s the Cobra Kai student I remember!” And then, after he locked Daniel’s arms down, him saying, “But you never really had the strength, did you?” And then that BRUTAL headbutt?! Like, Terry showed Daniel just how weak he really was and how much stronger he was than him. Daniel wouldn’t have been able to free his arms if Terry hadn’t headbutted him. He could’ve kept Daniel like that, could’ve waited to see if Daniel would break free eventually but I think he wanted to see what else Daniel had in him before he ended the fight. I feel like the fight lasted as long as it did because Terry wanted it to.
“I was ready to let this go and you just kept getting in my way!” And then the face grab, the FACE GRAB, HIS WHOLE HAND WENT OVER DANIEL’S FACE and the SOUND Daniel made when that happened! Then he just THREW Daniel like he was nothing! “You bit-off more than you could chew and, now that the writing’s on the wall, you wanna surrender?! No, no, no, we are way past the time for white flags, Danny boy.” The WAY he says that! Side note: so glad Daniel got thrown a few times this season AND got to say “fuck” more than once.
Terry making Daniel punch the wall pillar thing. The quote echoing “What’re you gonna do about it?” was absolutely haunting. That question from the past seeming to both disturb and rally Daniel? His clearly mixed feelings that distracted him enough for Terry to totally take him down?! THE KICK TO THE HEAD? Like, Terry looked so damned PLEASED to see the warring emotions on Daniel’s face as the looked at his bloodied fists.
Can I just say? Daniel being so SMALL compared to Terry. Not just in, like, height but also just the fact that Terry can put his entire hand over his face. Terry can hold him down with one giant foot so easily. Terry could’ve done so much more damage, so much worse. And Daniel having to live with that knowledge? Like, I totally get why he was ready to give-up the fight. I get it. I understand. He was terrified. He was alone and made to feel so small and weak and then he gets knocked out?! Do you think he thought he’d wake up with someone who cares about him nearby? Do you think he thought he might wake up and see Terry still standing over him? Do you think he DID wake up and think that at first until he got a good look at who was really there?
The other thing is, while Terry literally gave him no other choice but to fight or “stand there and get his ass kicked,” Daniel might still feel some amount of guilt for striking first and going against what he was taught, especially after that barb: “That’s the Cobra Kai student I remember!” Like, Daniel has spent most of this show torn between fully and totally honoring Mr. Miyagi’s teachings and suppressing the part of himself that enjoyed Terry’s training methods. (Because he DID enjoy himself, especially after he broke through the wooden dummy. Gestures to this post I made ages ago about his training with Terry.)
In being so understandably hellbent on honoring Miyagi’s karate, he forgot what Mr. Miyagi said about finding his OWN karate. But then losing Mr. Miyagi clearly fucked him up real bad. It put him off-balance and he clearly never talked to anyone about it. (He almost certainly talked to Amanda but that doesn’t make the grief go away completely.)
I mean, Mr. Miyagi protected him for all of that time. He felt safe with him, especially after watching him kick Terry and Kreese’s asses without taking a single hit. To lose that protection? To lose the one person who fully understood what he went through? God, it hurts to think about.
Anyway, my point is, Daniel’s own style of karate closely mimicked Mr. Miyagi’s for so long that he forgot about finding his own style and was never really told, “It’s okay if some of what you learned from Terry stuck with you.” So, he’d certainly feel some amount of guilt after his first initial fight with Terry. Also, he was clearly terrified both during and after that fight because he felt so alone and knew it was true. It’s why he was so willing to throw in the towel and fully give-up. Forget not losing to fear, he might as well let it win. However, once he was shown that he wasn’t alone, he was able to push past his fear. And watching him beat Terry in the finale? That was the most glorious thing ever. Yes, yes, violence was heavy in this season but honestly? Daniel deserved to get to beat Terry, especially while using things he learned from Mr. Miyagi, Chozen, AND Johnny. Also, using “that crane crap” to completely take Terry out. I mean, he certainly ate those fuckin’ words, eh?
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fellhellion · 1 year
i don’t want to be raining on other peoples parade so fair warning its me critiquing some writing choices in nim/ona under the cut
i have such mixed feelings about this movie god. it’s got such beautiful animation and i really enjoy the stylistic approach they’ve taken to it AND there are some really well done scenes with a beautiful message at it’s heart but holy fuck. theres some messy writing. 
why would the director not pry first into how fake!ambrosius knew information that lead to him questioning her? why wouldn’t she first try aligning his loyalty back to her?? why would she confess we have literally never seen this character’s weakness be gloating?? she’s always been someone that carefully evaluates how best to weaponise fear?????  ambrosius isnt some random she looks down on, or a superior she cannot directly contradict like the queen, this is supposed to be the scion of her revered religious bloodline WHY WOULD SHE GO STRAIGHT TO MURDER AND CONFESSION. like if youre going to go that route why not the slow build up to her puzzling through this issue and then you can see the pieces click where murder becomes the option she rationalises as her best course to shut him up. 
why is the tone for the fakeout of ambrosius losing his shit at the director the same semi comical delivery as nimona herself takes????? it already preps you to view the scene as funny even though as bal’s lover he should be approaching the subject of disabling and hunting his lover with a completely different weight to her??? 
what the fuck am i supposed to read what bal’s thinking even IS regarding betraying nimona when the director setting him up had absolutely nothing even REASONABLY to do with this idea that she’s setting him because shes just fucked up and evil??? like look i KNOW characters in high emotional states wont act logically but this is literally the conflict sitting on the most surface level of the film like???? why doesn’t nimona bring it up if it’s something he’s trying to intentionally ignore??? and it doesnt seem that way because i THINK the tonal intent in the scene is to say Bal swallows the religious koolaid and falls back into sincerely thinking hes been manipulated. but its just. really poorly written as to how this character rationalises away active and OBVIOUS contradictions to this koolaid when we’ve spent a whole hour developing him coming to be more comfortable with questioning the system. and IF that conditioning is so complete, why nimona herself would literally not just ask the obvious question.
like, this is a kid’s movie. im not expecting an exploration of these themes in a manner/to an extent which better suits a story that targets to adults, but man. if im jerked out of my suspension of disbelief as to what the CHARACTERS believe, i think thats an issue. 
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littlealeta · 5 months
Back to the Outback Review
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Right off the bat, I was pretty sure this movie was going to be ass. It portrays pretty toxic messages about being friends with wild animals and paints zoos as these evil places that want to capture all dangerous animals just to protect people. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that’s how zoos work? Zoos don’t capture animals because they’re dangerous, they capture them for research, exhibit, and conservation purposes. Most wild animals like Taipan Snakes do not actively go out to hurt people. More likely, from what I heard, they run away unless cornered, their territory is invaded, or you get near their babies. So simple solution, DO NOT GO NEAR WILD ANIMALS. They’re not ruining the world, they’re just trying to live their lives, man. And also, animal attacks do not cause animals to be taken away. Also, it was the kid’s fault for getting near the croc in the first place, not the croc. So, even as a movie that tries to portray animal abuse, it’s unrealistic.
But… I had to finish this movie so I could write this review. Even though I really wanted it to end about 15 minutes in. 
The story doesn’t get any better. It’s full of a bunch of deus ex machinas and conveniently shaped lamps so there’s never really much real tension in the film. There’s literally a code that solves any sticky situation our characters get into. Make of that what you will.
Bruh, it’d be better just to send this picture to your children and have them figure out which animal is which than watch this piece of garbage.
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A lot of the movie just happens at stupid random. Like, we get this really emotional scene of the world mourning Martin. But wait a minute…How would they know that Martin died if they don’t know where he is? Just say he’s missing for God’s sake.
The humor is a mixed bag. It has some of the lowbrow humor, nonsensical jokes, and shitty puns you can come to expect in a kids film with some quirkiness and silliness mixed in there.
I would say that one good thing I'll give to the story is that the animals don't talk to people. In fact, the people see animals in different ways from how the animal is actually communicating with them. Like, whenever they talk, people see a growling creature.
One highlight I will give the characters is that they all have their own unique personalities. But I only remember liking a few, on paper. They are nice, but their story is just too weak to even care about their journey. Then, there are some that are just pretty unlikeable. Pretty Boy (who I’m going to call Martin because Pretty Boy is weird) is a complete jerk to the entire cast. I get he’s spoiled, but, like, why are you mean to everybody, bruh? At the end, he even develops a little crush on Maddie out of nowhere. My only point for him is that he does have character development. Though, it doesn’t hit that hard because I never cared much about him to begin with. Chaz Hunter is a completely unlikeable villain who is the reason why I hate this entire story in the first place. And he’s just an awful human being. He has his own son tag along on his treacherous adventures among other things I won’t spoil. He even has a backstory which is melodramatically stupid and just plain unnecessary that provides a reason why he uses his Australian voice.
And not only are the zookeepers mean, but some of the minor characters are just aggressive to the main cast too. Like one time, they meet this spider and they suddenly attack Koala for being too cute.
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Did she just break his arm????
I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about this movie. But what I mostly felt was frustration. Not only because it was a bad script, but because I didn’t know what the hell was the point of this movie. On one hand, it seems like it’s trying to tell a sincere story about caring for wild animals, but then it throws in all these silly jokes and plot conveniences like it’s supposed to be a dumb fun kids film. But in the end, I just found myself laughing and cringing at how bad and messy it was.
Would kids like it? Probably. I certainly would have if I was under 10. The adorably funny characters and the fast-paced story will keep them engaged, regardless of how bizarre and inane it is. But I personally wouldn’t recommend it to kids. The story is just so mean-spirited and gives out so much false propaganda about zoos, animals and animal abuse. And the whole message is pretty messed up too, we should protect wild animals, but we shouldn’t get near them. There are better anti-animal cruelty stories out there. Maybe go watch other animal adventure films like Madagascar or even The Bad Guys if you want a film about animals wishing that they were something else instead of what they are. But if you want a bad movie to make fun of and laugh at, this is at least pretty enjoyable.
I give Back to the Outback 4.9 bells out of 10.
Rating system not available due to me being on vacation
And remember kids, stay away from wild animals and you won’t get attacked. Problem solved.
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golden--doodler · 1 year
This is my official warning for extreme spoilers because I want to give my full, uncensored thoughts.
However, before getting into all of that, I wanted to say beforehand that this movie is a part one. It ends in a cliffhanger which caught me completely off-guard, and I just want to tell people who haven't seen it yet that this is only the beginning of this particular story. If anyone wants to watch this movie at home when it comes out on video/streaming and just catch the conclusion in theaters (or at least I hope it's the conclusion) because that would be more satisfying to them, I want them to have that ability, and be aware of this.
Okay, now getting into the actual movie, oh my god it was freaking incredible 🥳. I want this movie's art style more than anything. Somehow they improved upon the magnificent, ground-breaking animation style of the first, and made it even better! Gwen's universe has this super cool, almost painterly art style (which is the best way I can describe it) and everyone moves in such a fluid, distinct way.
And speaking of Gwen, I love how the movie opens with her and briefly shows what her relationship was like with her dad and Peter. It makes it all the more sadder knowing what Peter's inevitable fate is. However, the moment Gwen reveals herself as Spider-Woman to her dad is even sadder because despite everything, he's still afraid of her and everything that's happened, and it's absolutely gut-wrenching. I really want to give the girl a hug.
Not only that, but the fact that they used a joke that wasn't even originally going to be in the first movie (the whole bagel joke was just something made off-the-cuff that ended up making it into the final cut because it made everyone laugh so much) and turned the person that said joke happened to into a genuinely tragic character and menacing supervillain is nothing short of massively impressive. I adore the villain in this movie because of how genuinely terrifying he ends up being after being shown in the beginning to seem like just another sad bank robber. By the way, that entire scene is freaking hilarious. And the way that his entire life was "ruined" by Miles and the reactor, so he in turn wants to ruin Miles' life, is so awful, yet one can definitely understand where he's coming from. I can't wait to see what they do with him in part two, and what that final battle's going to be like.
I love how they reintroduced Peter B. Parker, and they gave him a daughter who is the cutest little girl, oh my gosh. The way he's such a proud, excited dad, showing off photos of her on his phone, is the most wholesome thing ever. And his whole heart-to-heart with Miles was really sweet, too. I can't believe meeting Miles is what caused him to want to actually be a father after originally divorcing MJ because he was too afraid to be one 🥺
Miguel is also an interesting character, and this exchange was fascinating:
Gwen: We're supposed to be the good guys!
Miguel: We are the good guys.
I don't want him to become a villain, exactly, but it's clear he's misguided, and I'm sure he'll continue making rash decisions and hunting down Miles in part two. I think his reasoning for wanting to sacrifice one person to save a ton more gave me Infinity War vibes and I'm wondering what they'll do with him next.
Oh yes, and I loved Pavitr Prabhakar, the Indian Spider-Man variant. He was effortlessly talented and also just a genuinely nice guy. I always love it when effortlessly talented people are also genuinely nice. They could've made him a jerk so easily, but they didn't, and I appreciate that.
I also want to praise this movie for the fact that it gave Miles' mother more to do. I adore her speech to Miles about wanting what's best for him, and that there will be people in the future who don't believe in him like his parents do, so he needs to look out for himself and "that little boy". She's such a fun character and a wonderful mother.
This is usually the spot where I'd put any criticisms, but honestly, the only thing I could really say in that regard is because it's a part one, there is definitely a lot of setup. But all in all, I think it's great even on its own, and it leaves you wanting more.
Okay, okay, and the ending. I can't believe a variant of Miles is the Prowler, and I have no idea what that means for the next movie, but I'm so intrigued to find out. God, they really got me, hook, line, and sinker.
There's a lot more I could say about this movie, and I might make another post to add more thoughts that I forgot to add here, but I cannot emphasize enough or put into enough words how much I love it. If you don't mind cliffhangers, go see it in theaters to support it.
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saintkeaton · 8 months
L u n a t i c H e r o 💀
we really are just one big organism 
my kids & me & the cats & the trees
there’s very few rules to follow
it only looks like a million paths 
but it’s one big road man 
& there’s no yesterday & there’s no tomorrow 
in the present moment with Alan Watts 
what a lunatic hero 
read a few Kerouac books & now I think I’m a scholar
thank Christ for another lazy Sunday 
I’m nervous & have the typewriter blues 
can you run out of things to say? 
I’m thinking maybe you can’t 
now there’s splinters in my feet 
& I’m looking through the neighbors window 
borderline copyright infringement 
daydreams of a bear in a 10 gallon hat 
my mind goes to goofy places 
looking through old vacation photos 
that early 90s brown filter 
feeling mortal & aged in my skin 
placing sentence over sentence 
in an attempt to clean house 
in an attempt to stay alive 
the cars drive too fast on this road 
nightmare thoughts of Pet Sematary 
I remember every movie I’ve ever seen 
wrote them all down in a list 
you don’t need a rhyme or reason 
freedom is the key component here 
could go on for days in the same fashion
as my mind turns like a wheel 
a broken splintery wheel mind you 
my sons plastic sword lay in the yard 
& 100 cans of cat food 
& the homemade wreath my mother made 
how do you stop thinking about death? 
how do you pretend life is normal? 
there’s nothing here but the ticking clock 
a few game shows to watch 
the beer & weed always run out 
& you’re secretly mad at me
as I dump my thoughts on Tumblr like a therapist 
a blind injection of no love 
maybe this will get a few likes & keep me hanging on 
I’m thinking of a new poem 
& she promised to make breakfast this morning 
I smell no bacon cooking 
& there’s nothing wrong with how I feel 
I got too stoned______early in the day 
now it’s the motor mind salsa 
& I probably don’t need this hoodie anymore 
& I feel like jerking off 
all the trash is piled up in the spare room 
& the cats ate some raw chicken 
people keep recommending that I read Dostoyevsky 
man, I’m reading the Goosebumps books 
I’m reading the backs of cereal boxes 
my brain has stopped developing 
my brain is set in concrete 
just one big organism really 
time time time time 
glorious feelings
knowing there’s nothing to do today
I crave boredom 
I crave numbness 
so sick of the ultra meta-thinking 
folding the universe into a cube 
don’t be so depressing dude 
there’ll always be forest fires and mud floods & bullshit to watch on TV 
having entertainment is not the problem 
overstimulation to the fucking max 
so I return to my throne of shame
poisoning my soul through my eyes
my heart beating out my chest
my god! I can’t even make it one day
most of what I feel happens on accident
tired of the human race  
tired of the rat race 
but I really shouldn’t be complaining 
there’s breath in my lungs 
(choked out cigarette lungs)
it doesn’t matter what medium I have to use
I’ll get my point across one way or the other 
my own little psychological torment 
alpha beta delta gamma sigma omega 
what hides outside the spectrum for us? 
what curses have we not uncovered? 
I bet your mommy still gives you milk money 
I bet your mommy still tells you “good night”
I bet your mommy still loves your daddy
fuck all the rules that you think are rules 
& lay out the mind dump 
in an orderly fashion of course 
I bet your mommy follows the rules
for most of my life, I didn’t apply myself. the kid sitting in the back of the classroom, trying not to fall asleep. I couldn’t comprehend math, but I could fill a sketchbook up in a couple of days.
I never drink water
I only drink Mountain Dew 
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I’m going to write a bunch of poems & bury them under the house 
I’m gonna turn myself into a lunatic hero for nobody 
eyelids keep closing
losing my consciousness 
in full bloom of 10,000 onlookers
& a bathtub full of nickels & dimes
I’m burnt out
I’m landing the plane
still, just one organism sitting here, waiting on breakfast 
10/29/2023 1:29 pm
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