#god of libra
sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Star-Crossed Myth
Wallpaper Present Campaign♡
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rucow · 2 years
✨ some mad ramblings cuz i have nothing better to do ✨ ~ i've met quite a few capricorn women in my life and it always blows me away how FRIENDLY and open and talkative they are??? i don't know where (tropical) capricorn suns get the reputation of being cold/reserved, because from what i've seen they're THE chattiest people ever haha i love them! though i have no idea how they have the energy to talk so much, it's impressive!
~ maybe its because of my leo rising, but i noticed i always befriend leo suns. i love these big cats to bits, i love how attentive and loving they are (and honestly i think it's super cute how they can be needy for attention/affection sometimes<3)
~ sometimes when speaking to a pisces mercury, you could say something in the most direct and clear way possible, and they'll still misunderstand you and think you meant something else, or they'll imagine you said something else entirely. our minds are a hazy maze hahahaha
~ air moons aren't unemotional or unfeeling, no moon sign is. we all just have different ways of expressing what we're feeling, and some express their emotions more openly than others
~ some people might relate more to their sidereal chart, and others may not relate to it at all. i think it really depends on each person, but also i think it's important to remember that our charts don't exist only to describe our personalities, they describe our entire lives and experiences. astrology isn't like a silly little personality quiz (though it's fun to view it that way sometimes)
~ house placements are just as important as sign placements! always read up on what planets/signs you have in each house, it can all be very interesting and surprising :)
~ libra moons have the prettiest smiles, it doesn't even matter whether they're sidereal or tropical, they have the brightest faces and im obsessed. literal sunshines
~ all virgo sun guys i've met have looked and acted the same, they can be so wacky and goofy as well. lovely fellas, i always feel protective of them hahaha
~ i feel like regardless of your sun sign, if you have a scorpio moon, it will always overpower your sun somehow, people might tell you you don't act like your sun sign at all. the same thing goes for 8H stelliums
~ speaking of scorpios, u guys are literal angels. so understanding and accepting and nonjudgmental, ily<3
~ good luck trying to get to know people with 12H or 8H placements, you'll need it 👍
~ 7H placements (especially sun/moon)... how does it feel to always depend on other people's opinion of you and always seek to please the public? remember to do things for yourself too honey 💛 especially if you're an artist/creator!
~ earth risings are SO beautiful. capricorn risings especially, i just. wow. i am looking respectfully 😳
alright that's all, remember these are just personal observations of mine so don't take them too seriously pls! byeee<3
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mattodore · 9 months
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there's something about the way you are that makes me… ♪
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doggirling · 2 years
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my tiff gijinka for the masses
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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I drew buff Libra
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thesharkandthesnout · 5 months
“Pay attention to those who follow you. They warn of those who hate you.”
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GOD: Mr. Wright or Mr. Wrong? 😑
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joonminie · 2 months
I hate being a scorpio rising. Everyone always leaves.
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psychewritesbs · 11 months
Just another day spreading the Gospel of Sukuna...
Reason #2 I love Sukuna: You do not need to be accepted by anyone if you accept yourself 
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This is another complex one that goes right back to the very human need to belong. 
In a nutshell, humans are social animals that NEED to be part of a group to survive--both emotionally and physically. Yes, even if you are a massive introvert like I am.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to belong to a group. The problem is, as Sukuna implies, when we twist our sense of self to become someone we are not to be accepted by that group--like behaving in ways that others would approve of but that we are uncomfortable with, or when we seek to validate our sense of self through other people. 
Sukuna says “burn that desire to the ground and focus on your self. Forget about the future and identity.”
Which is another way of saying "where are you more focused on caring more about what others will think of you for the sake of ‘belonging’ instead of prioritizing focusing on you and how you feel and what you want?”
And while, again, Sukuna is an extreme representation of this idea because he’s chosen to prioritize the self at the expense of all connection (thus leading to existential isolation), there’s something to be said about how people-pleasing behaviors are nothing more than a self-destructive tendency that stunts your growth.
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hoffnungswolke · 1 year
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Rosaline Ward - 1x01 (screencap credit)
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belaiine · 4 months
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murderandcoffee · 4 months
are you telling me sam has my ex's birthday
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9w1ft · 2 months
i feel like a certain portion of her fans will feel betrayed too because they were spoonfed the boy crazy narrative and projected onto her. a few might turn away from her.
but like you said the gen public would not care a lot after one or two days since we live in a world where anything is broadcasted so it'll soon be overshadowed by something else. i feel like we might get some think pieces along the lines of "why did someone as big as taylor feel like she couldn't come out" or "Hollywood's history with lavender marriages and pr romances" and then it'd die down.
the community would get so chaotic
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a-libra-writes · 10 months
My s/o messages me with "this is what happened when you watched that lackadaisy pilot"
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libras-interactives · 3 months
Do you have any OC’s for Lackadaisy who didn’t make it into the fic or who were made after you started writing? I love hearing about all of them so much
;v; wagh
So 2~3 of these kitties are connected to Devil's Moon characters but probably won't show up (or at least, will only be mentioned), and two arent related to it at all.
Viviana Carmina Holst - Slyvester's wife, who Ive thought so much about but may not even show up "on camera" LOL. A calico with auburn hair she keeps in a fairly old-fashioned style, to match her more modest dress. She's thin and has big, bright green-brown eyes.
She's quite sociable, observant, easygoing and a terrible cardshark. She loves company and doesn't get it nearly as much as she'd like; they live in a modest yet well-decorated home outside St. Louis city limits. Carmina comes from a large Italian family. She was the first of her siblings to be born in America. She's always been known as Carmina to them (there were already three Vivianas in the extended family), and Vivi to her husband.
Because she and Slyvester could not have children, they adopted three nephews after the boys' parents passed (Carmina's side). The boys are now grown and the two oldest are quite successful. The youngest still lives with them to help his mother, as Carmina is disabled and Slyvester works a lot, and they've yet to find a live-in nurse that suits them.
Carmina and Slyvester grew up together in the same Italian-majority neighborhood; his family is Danish and was one of the few non Italians on the block. Carmina's parents approved of him bc he agreed to convert, they knew he wasn't a drinker, and they were relieved their sickly daughter was able to get married and have someone take care of her for the rest of her life.
Flynn's Family - I've thought a lot about them but I don't think they'll be super relevant or come up, alas. His older brother Seamus is fairly important to the business, but rarely makes himself known. He has some pretty bad physical and mental damage from the war, so tends to be anti-social, plus years of Flynn's emotional manipulation have taken their toll. Tomas was the youngest and the golden child, died in the war. Flynn couldn't stand him. Sorcha was older than Tomas but younger than Flynn, I'm still unsure what happened exactly, but she's not around her parents anymore. They didn't really dote on her like they did the boys, or Tomas.
Their mother was tall and slender, while the father was more stout and broad, and a little shorter - only Seamus had his build and coloring, the rest of the children were looked and were built like their mama. All of them had orange and black markings but the Flynn we know is the only chimera.
I keep wanting to think of more for the family - their history, and appearances and whatnot, but then I pull back because it "won't be relevant" in Devil's Moon ... well, might do it anyway bc I just like writing family dynamics and drama, lol. I already wrote a ton about Carmina so might as well.
Okay these two are 100% not UTDM related and from an Arkham Horror board game/kinda tabletop bc we rp'd it a ton. The setting is 1920s anyway, and I forced my friends to play and make lackadaisy OCs (it was my birthday damn it 😂). These two characters rotted a crater in my brain for 2 weeks straight and I still like em a ton. Sister Marguerite was mine and Father Elijah was initially my partner's but I have since stolen him haha.
Sister Marguerite, formerly Adelaide Whitaker. Wheeww... so much to say here but I'll condense it. Originally from a wealthy East Coast family, she was forcefully sent to a "wellness and manners" sort of school for "esteemed ladies" that was really just a ruse to hide her pregnancy. It wasn't a Magdalene asylum/laundry, though. She lost the child, but a handful of nuns showed her such kindness (and she'd had religious-fixated OCD for years that her family actively made worse anyway) that she converted to Catholicism and began the process of becoming a nun once she was old enough. She's happy with her current life, enough that her OCD has lessened somewhat, but ofc there are still bad days. She often fixates on physical purity, baptism and "healing water"; most of her sisters chalk her "peculiarities" up to her extreme devotion and are willing to overlook her bad, spiraling days bc shes v dear to them. She's a good-hearted woman, quiet, and doesn't scare easily. Puts others before herself again and again.
As a cat, she's white with unsettling sectorial heterochromia, big slender ears, and an odd face. Lackadaisy cats are generally pretty cute but she's meant to be more "homely". Her eyes are more unnerving than striking. This is the photo that was the first inspiration for her, though this kitty is very cute, haha. If she were human I think she'd have bright eyes and a very plain face. I've drawn her but my art is pretty oof! I need to keep practicing bc her face and headshape in particular are kinda different.
Actually considered reworking her backstory to be one of Jack's many siblings; he did have a sister who ran off, but thats kinda irrelevant in UTDM rn. If anything itd be mentioned in an epilogue.
Father Elijah - A handsome man from a good Midwestern family. They were disappointed when Elijah joined the church, feeling like he was wasting his potential. He's always felt close to God and wanted to help others, but he's also a deeply scholarly person and loves theology, even if some things he studies would be considered heretical. This doesn't necessarily mean he's open minded, especially to those he considers "irredeemable", but he's always polite, protective of his flock and usually a pretty affable guy.
Elijah certainly has some kind of mental stuff rolling around in his noggin; I don't want to call it disorder or illness, especially since he doesn't really have a name for it at the time period (like Marguerite with her OCD). In the tabletop, they came to Arkham together as allies and quickly became rather ... obsessed with each other. He's very fixated with Marguerite, believing her to be a pinnacle of what a godly person should be, and later believing she can actually speak to angels (or is one??). He wants so much of her attention, to hear her opinions and interpretations of faith. To say he puts her on a pedestal is an understatement. Calling it "romantic" interest isnt the whole picture, and too simple for... whatever the hell he's got going on. Marguerite admires him deeply but in a more "inspired" way. Platonic is also too simple for what she's feeling, but her attachment certainly isn't as deep as his.
As a cat he's an orange tabby with pretty blue eyes. Meant to be a really tall good looking dude, a contrast to Sister Margy. Maaany women in the church have admired him but he's never considered or indulged in feelings like that until Marguerite; he doesn't even consider his appearance much. Just tries to keep tidy. I also terribly drew him real quick for the tabletop. I think his ears should have kind of a cute shape and he's got extra fur around his face :3 Still not sure on what sort of tail he'd have, though.
Shoutout to tabletop!Father Elijah who dual wielded a pistol and giant crucifix on the regular, constantly threw himself into danger to save Margie and slowly became twisted by the dark powers he was trying so hard to stop 👍🏽 One of my favorite scenes was both of them jumping into a portal together, then getting separated bc we rolled poorly and they both got HP/Sanity down to 0. Elijah woke up in the hospital in extreme pain, left without fully restoring HP and ran all the way back to the church to find Marguerite. They held each other at the altar for a while and she gave him her rosary bc he lost his crucifix in the void. and they promised to never leave each other again and stayed attached at the hip in spite of the usual eldritch horrors. normal arkham horror things. I'd love to make Arkham LCG cards for them; theyve already got custom cards for the 2nd edition board game (but now my other fixations and nerdness is showing so ill stop here).
(shoutout to that poor eldritch-corrupted NPC who sister marguerite believed needed a baptism to restore him, so father elijah held the dude down while he almost drowned and margeurte prayed over him and one party member witnessed all this and told the others so EVERYONE avoided "those catholic freaks" for the whole session sdkdskfs)
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aldrawsstuf · 4 months
Zodiac Signs as Deities (Part 2)
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Libra the Just is the seventh Lord of the Zodiac and the goddess of Unity, Justice and the Sky. She is a goddess known for her fairness and wisdom.
Her ardent followers learn from her to pursue equality and justice in everything. All beings, whether they be heavenly or mortal, are required to follow the laws that she established. The gods and goddesses alike gather to the court of the sky to seek the advice of the goddess of justice. Her judgment is definitive and her insight unparalleled. She is a sympathetic and compassionate goddess who is always ready to hear the cries of people who have been wronged, despite her harsh and unbiased exterior.
She is the guardian of the oppressed and the pursuit of justice. Libra extends her power over the world of mortals since she recognizes that justice is not always administered equitably in this domain. The goddess will not stand with those who try to exploit the laws to control and oppress others.
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Scorpio the Oathkeeper is the eighth Lord of the Zodiac and the goddess of Blood, Oaths, Secrets, and Death. A God who values in loyalty and faithfulness.
She imparts to others the idea that life and death are but two sides of the same coin. Scorpio also holds the view that all actions have repercussions, whether positive or negative, and that one should be ready to deal with these effects head-on. Her domain is the realm of the Dead, which is connected to the land of the living by rivers that meandered over the world. Rivers of life and souls flowed into and out of her realm, nourishing the spirits of the dead and leading the spirits of the living to their eternal resting place, respectively.
Though she has a terrifying reputation among mortals, she is actually a reasonable goddess who, provided they have lived honestly and kept their promise, grants people who have passed away a pleasant afterlife. And yet, as a warning to the living, those who have sinned greatly or betrayed others are punished for all eternity in her domain.
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Sagittarius the Keen-eyed is the ninth Lord of the Zodiac and the god of Wildlife, Hunting, Exploration and Prophecy. A god who constantly seeks adventure.
His philosophy encourages his disciples to live fearlessly and wild lives. His sphere of influence transcends the wilderness and reaches into the hearts of individuals who are willing to go in search of adventure and the truth. Small conversation and idle banter are not Sagittarius the Keen-eyed's style. Instead, his brief but impactful words guide his devoted like lights in the night sky. His wisdom comes from innumerable experiences, both happy and sad, so when he talks, people pay attention.
He rewards people who follow his teachings with a keen eye and a quick wit, gifting them the ability to navigate even the most treacherous of terrains. He, however, will punish those who desecrate the wildlands or disrespect the creatures that dwell within them.
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Capricorn the Steadfast is the tenth Lord of the Zodiac and the god of the Land, Time and Order. He believes that order is the foundation of society and prosperity.
He teaches his followers that regularity and toil are necessary for gain. He is often called the Father of Time by his worshippers, for it is he who tames the wild forces of time and space, bringing order to the chaos. He gave mortals the ability to carve out a life from the endless cycles of nature, creating cities, roads, and fields.
He blesses people who work hard and live honest lives, granting them health, wealth, and prosperity. However, he also demands that they respect the natural order of things and use their gifts wisely. Those who disrupt the balance, whether through greed, laziness, or hubris, soon find themselves the target of his wrath.
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Aquarius the Shrewd is the eleventh Lord of the Zodiac and the god of Knowledge, Illusions and Magic. A god who loves knowledge above all else.
He instills in his people the value of using, studying, and comprehending the environment they live in. He established the laws of magic and is the patron deity of magicians. He taught mortals how to wield magic and granted them the capacity to do so. His dominion is large and complex; it is a magical and illusionary world where the boundaries between reality and fiction are blurred.
He rewards those who share their knowledge with others, who strive to push the boundaries of what is known and unknown. He also punishes erudition when it is used for selfish or malevolent purposes, as he believes that knowledge should be shared and used for the greater good.
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Pisces the Dreamer is the twelfth and final Lord of the Zodiac and the goddess of the Ocean, Dreams and Love. A goddess who is known for her whimsical nature.
Love, she tells her followers, is as erratic as the deep ocean's waves. Invoked frequently when pleading for divine intervention for matters of the heart, she is revered as the patroness of lovers. The domain of dreams and nightmares is likewise under her authority. She shares the jurisdiction of the seas with Cancer, but her domain lies in the deep, uncharted waters, where the most potent dreams and nightmares dwell.
She cautions against being too attached to any one person or object, but she also honors those who seek love with ardor and determination. Pisces understands that love can bring both exhilarating highs and crushing lows, and that it is in the nature of the sea to ebb and flow.
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venusianc0mplex · 3 months
Astrology Observation
I have natal Libra mars conj North Node in the 3h and after 5 years of studying astrology I finally realized this placement supports the native earning money through any Venusian skills such as painting, photography, film-making, styling, and etc. Anything that brings beauty into people's lives.
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