#god really is being a girlboss today
starlooove · 2 months
No bc fuck tim but it really really bothers me how people ignore his growth like he used to be an asshole and I’ll give tim Stans one thing: now he’s so so so stale but what I disagree with is that this staleness is bc nobody likes him like it’s in fact the exact opposite where everyone likes him so much they dont want to do anything. Even when it’s him surface level challenging Bruce it’s when everyone else is doing it too; but he’s still the backbone of the fam! Etc. and it’s so irritating bc him gaining more compassion and empathy even for people he doesn’t fw is so fun to watch and that’s why the captain boomerang thing was so out of character! (Not in a from the author way but in a tim wouldn’t do that and he and Bruce both knew it which is why it went down like it did. Same way dick killing joker was ooc; not in fanon sense but in a he would hate himself forever for this sense) and speaking of that it’s such an interesting mirror to Bruce who genuinely believes that everyone can grow vs Tim’s it doesn’t matter if they grow it’s not my decision to make like it’s the same but it’s not AND WITH CASS’ IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY CHOOSE NOT TO GROW I WONT DO IT! like ugh. And anyways even when people acknowledge it they boil it down to “Janet and Jack taught him that the capitalist pigs that they are” like no. This is who tim was. Tim was the kind of guy who’d blame a dead kid for dying. That’s ok. Also Janet and Jack? Please reread anything involving them that’s not a fic like Jack had anger issues and they were both aloof at worst like relax.
#the Jack and Janet thing is both an understatement and an exaggeration but I don’t think anyone reads enough to care#some tim stan might get all pissy and be like ‘no look this is everytime jack yelled at him and boarding schools are abusive’ to which#and its like narratively that means nothing bc the tim you made up to justify the Drake parents you made up by blowing shit out of#proportion is also made up and if all of that was abusive there’d be smth to show for it besides ur homophobic Jack#too girlboss to care but still terrible Janet bc god forbid a woman have a personality from ur fics#anyways that’s also the reason I’m ignoring the council of spiders#well two reasons#first is that was just a moment to make tim look cool and did absolutely nothing for him or his character moving on#like at all#I’d say it fucked with his previous established dislike of killing for his own reasons#and while that COULD be interesting it’s not bc they didn’t do shit with it#and fanon doesn’t do fun shit with it either#nothing about how tim in his most manic state did shit he doesn’t want to remember shit he’d HATE other ppl for#just “’remember what I did to ur base Ra’s? mess with me again and see what I do next 😼’#like ok can you be real and genuine?#anyways I think#AND NOT IN A HATER WAY#Tim would benefit from being humbled#like genuinely I detest the world can’t move without tim running it but the idea that tim thinks that way is so good to me#and#I think next step being him realizing that’s not true would be a BIG push for his character#bc like I said tim Stans are right in the fact that he’s stale as hell rn#but that’s bc there’s nothing to say bc there’s nowhere to go! y’all want a tim action story where he shows off how badass he is reread#the Bruce quest and maybe it’ll remind you he’s not ceo lmao but anyways there’s nothing internal to say about him atp bc nobody wants to#say anything that’s not propping him up. same with Bruce! Gotham war was such a copout but it’s like ppl are saying he’s stale and it’s bc#god forbid he makes a lasting fumble. and I’m not under the illusion this is new I’m just saying it’s weird that fandoms not clocking it#anywayyys I really do like thinking about the No killing rule and how different it manifests for each perosn#like the way each distinct difference tells u so much about them#UGH ONLY SLIGHTLY RELATED BUT DUUUUUKE BEING LIKE IDGAF ABOUT GUNS LIKE UR SO REAAAL#anyways enough tim positivity for today FUCK THAT NIGGA!
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
hi, thank you sm!!🤍 this was really fun to write, hope you like it!
i’m so chill, but you make me jealous — jack champion
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word count: 1,059
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack are invited to read thirst tweets and jack gets a little jealous of the compliments his girlfriend receives.
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“HI! I’M Y/N Y/L/N AND I PLAY JULIET ON SCREAM 6” the girl said to the camera with a big smile.
“And I’m Jack Champion and I play Ethan Landry on Scream 6” he did a little wave while showing his perfect white teeth.
“And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read…” Y/N said, waiting for his boyfriend to finish the line.
“Thirst tweets! I’m scared, Twitter is one wild app” Jack chuckled.
“I love twitter” Y/N told the cameras, emphasising the word ‘love’.
“She really does, she spends hours on it. And sometimes I can hear her laughter from the bedroom when I’m in the living room” he smiled, looking at her in adoration.
“People are very creative in there!” she defended herself. “Anyways, let’s start this!”.
it’s just rude how jack champion walks around being cute and i’m not there to witness it
Jack smiled “That’s actually really adorable. Thank you so much!”
“It’s honestly ruder when you actually witness it because you can’t just comprehend how someone this cute exists” Y/N said faking annoyance.
“Aw, stop it. You’re making me blush” he let out a nervous laugh, covering his face.
“My favorite hobby: making my boyfriend blush” she’s smiled proudly.
“I just love how supportive people are about our relationship. Like, especially the fans, they’re always sending us adorable messages and commenting how we make them happy. Honestly, thank you so much” Jack said in a grateful way.
“Yes, they are awesome! And you don’t have to do that to makes us happy. Just send us fan edits of us with Taylor Swift songs, and we’ll be the happiest!” she winked at the camera.
y/n y/l/n in scream 6 is so fine, like she could gaslight gatekeep and girlboss me and i would let her
“Thanks! I guess… man I love this! My self-esteem is going to be on the fucking sky once we’re finished!” Y/N laughed.
“I don’t know how I feel about people thirsting over my girlfriend… but at the same time I get it, look at her!” Jack said, turning his face to look at her profile. She truly was an angel—inside and out. And he honestly, even after a year of dating, still can’t believe how lucky he is.
jack champion has the cutest smile ever i cry forever
“I feel you!” Y/N said loudly. “He says he never had braces but I don’t fucking buy it. No one naturally has that million dollar smile”.
“Thank you for the compliment. And I swear, I never had braces”
“I don’t buy it, but okay. I love you so I’ll let you gaslight me”
y/n y/l/n could stab me 781 times and i would still be screaming thank you!
“Woah! You have some serious kinks, but I won’t judge you” Y/N laughed.
“Y/N! Oh my god” his boyfriend laughed. “I honestly don’t know how to take this tweet, let’s just quickly move on”.
if you don’t find jack champion hot, you’re lying!
“I mean, everyone has a different type, so” Jack shrugged.
Y/N rolled her eyes “Bullshit. You’re everyone’s type. If you know someone who doesn’t find him hot, send me their address, I just wanna talk”.
“I love you” Jack laughed, kissing her knuckles.
“I love you too” she smiled.
no one talks about scream 6 without mentioning how hot jack champion is
“I mean, it’s true! I think we all felt some type of way during the train scene… and when he took his mask off???? I forgot how to breath” Y/N said. She will never shut up about how gorgeous his boyfriend was, because his factions were just too good to not be talked about.
“I’m starting to think you sent these tweets, love”
“I didn’t. But you know what? I’m opening a Jack Champion fan account to tweet about your pretty face every day”
“I’m honoured” he laughed. Jack just loved how she was always complimenting him, it made him feel really loved by her.
i would let y/n y/l/n split me in half like a pistacho send tweet
Jack widened his eyes “Can we leave now?”
“No!” Y/N laughed.
“I feel like every tweet gets dirtier and I won’t be able to handle it”
“Are you seriously jealous about some random people on the internet?” Y/N chuckled “You’re so cute. Thanks for the tweet, by the way! But I have a lovely boyfriend who would definitely not appreciate me doing that!”
“That’s better” he smiled proudly.
i want someone to look at me the way y/n and jack look at each other
“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard” Jack said, touching his chest.
“We really are part of those annoying couples who can’t keep doing heart eyes to the other. And honestly, I’m not even embarrassed by it, I love loving my boyfriend”.
y/n is so fucking fine i hope her cheetos are FLAMING HOT like her
“And we’re done!” Jack said, doing one big loud clap. “Thank you for watching!”
“Thank you for the compliment and sorry about my jealous boyfriend. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and suscribe!” Y/N gave one last grin to the camera before it stopped recording.
“Everybody wants you” Jack frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/N laughed “Sorry for them then, because I only want you. Now, can we go to the dressing room so we can make out?”
Jack nodded, and Y/N swore she had never seen him run so fast.
buzzfeed here you go! your favorite couple reads thirst tweets! ❤️
y/nxjack this should be called “y/n and jack read thirst tweets while thirsting over each other” tbh
y/nslover omg the cheetos tweet is mine!!! y/n.y/l/n you are the love of my life
jackchampion no she’s not she’s mine🤬
y/nslover jackchampion can you fight??
y/n.y/l/n i love you you’re a sweetheart y/nslover 💕 JACK STOP IT OMG
devyn_nekoda i love how jack’s jaw clenches more and more as the video goes on😭😭😭 by the way, the pistacho tweet… i relate
y/n.y/l/n tell me time and place gorgeous :)
jackchampion we are over y/n.y/l/n
y/n.y/l/n okay jackchampion
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere Phillip Graves Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere behabiour, toxic beahviour, kidnapping, no pronouns used for Reader except 'You', flirting, Graves is jealous, Graves gaslighting himself, etc.
This man is the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
And not in a funny way.
You captured his attention with your skill, your humour, and your overall personality.
He's cocky, arrogant - tries to wow you with his flash lifestyle outside the military.
Btw, he would definitely use his money to keep you docile (or, in the beginning of your friendship, impressed); try to buy you expensive things to keep you happy where he himself could not satisfy you.
Lowkey flirts with you; like he really tries to make it subtle.
He thinks it makes you feel special when he's understated with his attention to you, feeling more genuine as opposed to him basically charming his way into your bedroom as he usually does with other people.
If you don't even reciprocate his subtle flirting (which you totally pick up on), he'll take that as a challenge.
Will increase the flirt factor when speaking with you.
"Looking mighty fine today, darlin',"
"Wish I could say the same for you, Graves."
Lives for the challenge you present to him - like you're a code he needs to crack.
Begins to over-analyse every interaction you have, trying to read it and find a double-meaning.
He's like a teenager with a crush; his thoughts are only of you.
Eventually, he'll start seeing signs that aren't even there.
You offered to help him plan a tactical attack on the enemy? You're making time for him - you want to be around him.
You give him your extra bread? You care for him. Deeply. The bread is a metaphor for your heart--
Stuff like that.
He literally gaslit himself into believing you liked him romantically.
Graves began spiraling a few months into his 'relationship' with you.
You saw it as a friendship, but Graves, apparently not.
He's always thinking of your safety and well-being, even when it's not necessary, basically forcing you to get medical check-ups you don't need because he "Doesn't want to risk it."
Risk what?
Well, your health, of course!
Absolutely gives unsolicited advice about how much of what vitamins you need in a day, what you should and shouldn't eat, etc.
Goes everywhere with you.
I'm serious, he will NOT leave you alone.
He's like a dog or a puppy, and, while endearing to you, his presence is downright menacing to others.
Shoots absolutely disgusting look at people who stare at you. Or just look at you.
He's mad territorial; can't stand to see you talking with anyone else.
He can get extremely jealous and will often punish those he deems as a threat to your 'relationship'.
But never you.
He could never bring himself to punish you.
Eventually, after the two of you got closer and he realised he liked you romantically, he acted on instinct immediately.
He lured you to some secluded area of the Base under the false pretenses of having "Somethin' real cool to show ya!"
Turns out that "something cool" was a chloroform-soaked rag, which he pressed to your nose and forced you to inhale.
You resisted, of course. Tried to put your military training to good use, but Graves was stronger, both physically and mentally, and your body gave out.
When you woke up, you were in a penthouse.
You could recognise the decor as your blurred vision came into focus, Graves having bragged to you many a time about his salary and the many houses he owned in God-knows where.
Coming to think of it, he never actually told you where his penthouses were located.
Sneaky bastard.
When you fully came to, you found yourself on a bed, unlike anything you were permitted in the military.
It was soft, plush, like two mattresses stacked atop each other.
The room was large enough that you assumed even your thoughts would echo within it.
Everything was a neutral cream or beige, lacking any personal touch and resembling a hotel room rather than an expensive villa.
That is, until Graves' voice crackled over a microphone.
"Hey, darlin'," he said, his voice bouncing from the walls, making the origin impossible to locate.
"Now, you'll be wonderin' why I've brought you here, and the truth is that--"
There was a pause.
"--that I...like you. More so than you've probably noticed--"
You scoffed. Jesus, his attempts couldn't have been more obvious that if he'd outright told you what he was planning on doing to you.
The voice didn't react to your show of 'disrespect', and you gathered that the message was pre-recorded.
Of course, Graves was far too busy keeping up appearances for the 141 to come and see you in person.
“And because I— like you— I had to take you away - protect you.”
Despite having kidnapped you, Graves sounded more bashful than anything else. No remorse, no nothing except for embarrassment.
"I had to bring you somewhere you'd be safe, and happy, and...loved-"
Even the recording seemed to freeze as you did upon the word 'love' permeating the air.
This isn't love, you thought.
You, on the other hand, were fuming.
How long had he planned on doing this to you? Who else knew? What made him think he had the right to do this to you?
You tried leaving, but found the door all but soldered shut, the windows such a great height off the ground that, if you were to even try to lower yourself down from the ledge, you'd most certainly break your legs.
Graves had you right where he wanted you; dependent and reliant on him and him alone.
And, unless you can outsmart him, you'll stay that way for the rest of your life.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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lovecanyon · 2 years
chef!y/n x harry styles
capocuoca94 = y/n’s private instagram / translated from italian: chef
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y/n’s owned restaurant’s instagram
italian / appassionati di pasta = english / pasta lovers
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liked by harryfan2, harryfan6 and 309,763 others
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harryfan9 his white mercedes 😫
harryfan7 WHO?!?!??!
harryfan5 isn’t y/n in charge of the tour catering?
harryfan3 i believe so
harryfan10 omg harry might be dating a chef
harryfan8 i’m going to need someone to do a background check on her 😭
harryfan4 SHUT UP
harryfan11 y/n’s instagram is private…
harryfan15 and everyone follows her including anne…
harryfan17 i fear he’s not single anymore
harryfan12 she probably cooks pasta for him 🙂
harryfan14 harry goes to y/n’s restaurants all the time too
harryfan16 news of the century
harryfan18 why do i love them already…
harryfan20 now i’m crying
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liked by capocuoca94, harrystyles and 752,814 others
pillowpersonpp I love my personal chef 🍽
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harryfan21 OH MY GOD
harryfan23 why is y/n so gorgeous 🙃
capocuoca94 you are my favorite person ever
pillowpersonpp I am so honored ❤️
harryfan27 if sarah is besties with y/n then that means…her and harry are definitely together
paulithepsm the only chef i know
harryfan24 y/n is everyone’s favorite 😭
harry_lambert one of the best cooks in the world
harryfan29 the way harry liked this right when sarah posted it
harryfan22 he’s down bad for y/n
mollyjane_x she’s the best company 💖
harryfan25 i really want the news of y/n being harry’s girlfriend to be true 🙏
_basselin the mother to all foods
harryfan23 i better not see anyone hating on y/n
brittany_broski I LOVE HER
harryfan26 this will keep me up at night
anthonypham y/n makes the greatest food ever!!!
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liked by harrystyles, stevienicks and 281,362 others
appassionatipasta Founded in 1948, the L/N’s shared their gracious and delicious Italian food to the Amalfi Coast. Not even three years later they decided to grow their business and open restaurants all over Italy. Now seven decades later, great-granddaughter Y/N L/N runs her family owned business. Labeled the best female chef by Vogue, Y/N continues to take the world by storm as she opens up restaurants around the world. Learn more about the L/N family on our website.
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harryfan30 i totally love that y/n is a chef
harrystyles Truly one of the best restaurants ever.
harryfan37 harry really loves y/n if he commented this…
harryfan32 he’s supportive :,)
alessandro_michele delizioso!!!! ❤️
harryfan31 harry’s comment has me on the floor
mitchrowland my favorite spot to eat at
harryfan39 i am now a y/n fan
annetwist love visiting this place 🤍
harryfan33 “labeled the best female chef by vogue” THAT’S RIGHT
kidharpoon please open a restaurant in la!!!
appassionatipasta Hmm should we?
harryfan35 PLEASE DO
glenne_azoff y/n is one of the most talented chefs
harryfan35 i wonder if she makes harry food…
harryfan38 don’t put that idea into my head 😭
pillowpersonpp i love the l/n’s 🥰
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liked by harryfan42, harryfan45 and 408,962 others
lotupdates Y/N L/N with a fan backstage who she brought to cook with her!
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harryfan43 i want to be the fan
harryfan47 y/n is the coolest girl harry has ever dated in his life
harryfan49 this!!!!
harryfan41 literally the girl version of harry
harryfan46 the matching aprons are so cute 😫
harryfan44 i wonder if y/n finna be in the pit
harryfan48 i love her so much for this
harryfan50 hate y/n all you want but her doing this just shows us how nice she is
harryfan52 this is the sweetest thing ever
harryfan55 okay but y/n is so gorgeous
harryfan51 y/n brought her backstage because she was an aspiring chef 😭
harryfan53 her cooking with a harrie is so sweet
harryfan56 such a cute moment
harryfan58 this made me love her
harryfan54 Y/N SUPREMACY
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liked by harryfan57, harryfan60 and 402,916 others
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harryfan62 him and y/n have been a thing for that long?!
harryfan65 MUSTACHERRY 🧎‍♀️
harryfan67 he’s friends with her staff…SOBBING
harryfan61 harry really is a big fan of y/n huh
harryfan63 she has him in a chokehold 😫
harryfan66 so this basically means harry knew y/n last year…
harryfan68 going feral for him
harryfan64 i love harry with a mustache
harryfan69 “last year” WHAT 😭
harryfan71 he’s so cute
harryfan74 we got you on camera @harrystyles
harryfan76 i live for unseens of harry 🙏
harryfan79 harry in italy is always the best
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liked by capocuoca94, harrystyles and 902,751 others
harry_lambert Chef Y/N L/N for Better Homes & Gardens. Styled by Alessandro Michele and I.
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harryfan73 SHE’S SO HOT
harryfan75 4 + 4 = 8
harrystyles One of the most attractive women in the world.
capocuoca94 why thank you h!
emmalouisecorrin the most gorgeous girl
harryfan80 y/n literally slayed
alessandro_michele was so excited for this release!
harryfan82 harry is the luckiest man in the world
pillowpersonpp I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ❤️
harryfan85 y/n and harry flirting in a comment section is the definition of true love
harris_reed she was born to be on a magazine cover
harryfan87 i don’t know if i want to be y/n or be with her
glenne_azoff y/n looks so good!!!
harryfan81 literally on my knees for her
mollyjane_x i’ve been waiting for this 🥰
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liked by harrystyles, kidharpoon and 307 others
capocuoca94 mama we did it!
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emmalouisecorrin you did it y/n ❤️
harrystyles I love you my baby, I am so proud of you.
capocuoca94 i really love you more sue
harry_lambert best photoshoot ever 🥰
pillowpersonpp i need a poster size of this
jefezoff they had to put one of the bests chefs on their magazine cover!
alessandro_michele glad to be apart of this 😇
annetwist congratulations beauty, you truly deserved it!
capocuoca94 thank you ms. anne 💖
mitchrowland beignets?! don’t get me excited y/n
paulithepsm best cover ever
glenne_azoff i’m so obsessed with this
alexachung amazing! amazing! amazing!
gemmastyles you are seriously so beautiful, congrats on your cover darling
florencepugh GOD IS A WOMAN
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tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia
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scintillyyy · 25 days
god, reading old s_d posts from 2009 is such a fascinating time capsule. i love looking at stuff that's a historical record of fandom & fandom complaints (& seeing complaints rhyme to issues you still hear complained about today). and it's NOT nice, don't get me wrong. but people talking about being ready to be done with morrison's reign of terror? hating how morrison wrote dick??? (they did not like damian at first but you can see them grow to like him more). hating morrison in general??? you can literally *see* how batfandom at the time rewrote steph's character to sand off all of steph's flaws and make her the girlboss with the one braincell who's just so emotionally competent despite that never really being her character before. (at the same time, steph fans and cass fans at each other's throats). people haaaating red robin at first on a month by month basis because when you're just getting little bits of the story at all you can't see the big picture of the entire arc but towards the end they start to realize what happened (but at the same time you can tell they didn't quite get exactly what yost was doing at the time it was going on)!! hating the tim wayne thing because it's disrespectful to his parents...it's a fascinating looksee. i love it.
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girlsrawesome64 · 3 months
Hello dear, I can't believe I found someone who does cod matchups, I'm so happy! Can I get a matchup with a cod guy? If you already have too many requests and don't feel like writing, you can ignore this, don't worry about it ♥️
Female, 25, gemini, enfj.
Personality wise, I got two sides (stereotypical for a gemini, ik). Most of the times, I'm affectionate, teasing, playful and loving but I also get dead serious, cold and slightly intimidating in a blink of an eye if it's needed. I'm basically that meme: I can be your angel or your devil. Extremely ambitious when I want something or when I want to excel at something. Really protective and caring to my dear ones, I'd do anything for them. Unfortunately, I tend to overwork myself in silence. I bottle up everything and walk it off, continue working and caring for others more (but every girlboss needs a kiss on the forehead sometimes). I'm confident most of the time and can stand up for myself no matter what.
In cod I'd definitely be support. My favorites are: König, Keegan, Price, Ghost, Krueger. I'm ok with any theme and any dynamic.
My hobbies are: reading, martial arts training, dancing, playing guitar.
Fun facts: I'm in the medical field. I have a hidden tattoo of a a crescent moon. I'm a dog person. Oh and I speak Romanian - I am from Ro lol and German - still learning this one.
Thank you so much for your time, please take care of yourself and have a great day/night!
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w: described heat exhaustion symptoms, temporarily ill alone with responsibility, dubcon flirting (fraternization; price is a higher rank ((diff units but still)) ), emotional abandonment/manipulation mention (price) + Unfinished, i had it sitting and more ambition but this all i got gotta prioritize self care like u said >:D, short storyish thing, <3, narrator has beef with price
☾⋆⁺ Price is the uhh, Captain right? The one meant to be giving orders, not taking them? The rest of the team had never seen Price stutter before.
☾⋆⁺ (forgive me if I butcher medical infos lmao, help much appreciated) Just kidding, you were a Captain now too via your transfer into English QARANC as Senior Nurse. Oh, how quickly the time goes. To climb that quickly? Impressive dedication. Not that it was surprising coming from you.
So when Price saw you across the room in the flesh as superior medical staff as part of his brigade for his specialist unit- uh oh. How the hell did you weasel your way in here? It's elite-elite, I mean, what are the chances? He- uh, of course you did, who is he kidding. He was just…insecure.
Mouth ajar, he blinked out of his blank expression with a cough as Gaz tilted his head in the way of him- "Sir?"- and followed Price's gaze back to you.
☾⋆⁺ So when you felt the heat of being watched, and managed to scan the new environment just to see him-? Oh, god. How do I say this: to say you've met before would be an understatement.
You're flooded back to that familiar field tent as Junior Staff Nurse- that suffocating humidity only enunciated by the heat waves blurring your far-vision of the sand and dried shrubs outside the mouth of the tent.
It was your first job allied with an SAS unit, and you could feel the sweat clinging your shirt to your back. All today had been a sudden intake of…too many people. Sure, you weren't alone, but come late afternoon, hurried triaging then treatment, your superiors had taken their break first, leaving you alone simply to monitor your now stable patients.
I think it's in that silence and break you realize just how much your head has been spinning; how the sun seemed to glint on the sand outside and beam right into your eyes; how your cheeks felt burning and your pulse was hammering. God, how did you not notice that before? You automatically caught yourself to brace back on a plastic table as you steeled yourself, reaching back to fiddle out a plastic bottle of water from that mess of container material.
Focus. You forced yourself to take a drink, gaze glazed over but keeping yourself together.
You felt a break in the light in your periphery causing you to faintly wince. The shadow almost walked straight past, but took a step back to pause at the entrance, bobbing both ways to check the interior. "You alright?" A gruff voice croaked out. Regardless of your strained response, they stepped forward, hesitantly taking in the environmental context clues for your circumstance. "Team leave you?" He double-took at the extent of the sight of you, pausing before doubling back to close the tent entrance to keep in the much needed cool. Head lulled down, all you registered was the dry beige camo of his uniform moving in and out of your vision as he faffed with something.
"D'you mind?" He grumbled lightly, offering his hand to help you sit down on the floor, albeit to lean against the leg of the table. He showed the cloth-covered cold pack in his hand, leaning down to meet your eyes with a furrowed brow. "'You're fine?'" He quoted with a chuff. "Ah, alright. More for me." He got up, pretending to pat the pack against the back of his neck and sighing faux relief.
After a pause he raised a smug brow at you, handing you the pack for the back of your neck, etc. In his motion you note the 'PRICE' embroidered on his jacket.
'Price' stood back, exhaling and crossing his arms, sporting light-hearted dry conversation as he rocked his weight. How long you'd felt like that, what happened, where your superiors were. Just checking it was definitely just heat exhaustion and if he had to stay the 30 minutes for you.
When you rightfully spit him out at his low-key condescending tone he put his hands up in defence, apologizing half-heartedly and trying to distract you with humour and everyday questions. He wasn't the most charming thing, but his noise was a half-decent change to your silent suffering prior.
☾⋆⁺ Lieutenant John Price. He always seemed to end up looking over your shoulder in the time you worked alongside each-other. Commenting something dumb only to be rewarded with your wit, sending the two of you into an endless feedback loop until he's leaning a little too close and, uh- check yourself, Lieutenant. Looked a little too fraternal there.
☾⋆⁺ Sometimes it was hard to relate to the other specialists. You'd both graduated your trainings much quicker than your peers, both exceptionally diligent and good at what you do. But every star has to have a weakness, right?
Something about each-others company felt natural, easy. Unintentionally, you both tended to scare off folks. But not each-other. Two sharp-edged puzzle pieces. Lounging around on base, finally on downtime, he'd plant himself next to you. Drowning out the chatter of others, he'd lean over and prop his foot up on his knee, staring at what book you were reading. What today? He reeked of potential snark until you looked at him. Price's face instinctively softened before collected himself with a hand along his hair, trying not to smile too obviously for the others in the room.
☾⋆⁺ One victory later and you couldn't make it out drinking for celebrations due to finishing writing up some boring documentations. Looking both ways, Price snuck out of the event early to return back and find you. He knew where you'd be by now. He always stood at doorways, never in, until the familar tread of boots on dried grass broke your focus. This felt like the first time you both were actually alone. The extent of your intimacy so far was staring for a thousand words a little too long when others weren't looking.
He strutted in the finally otherwise vacant tent, presence arrogantly, blatantly hovering over you as you continued to work. To the tune of- 'c'mon.' He gently tried his hand on your cheek, tilting his head to stare as he rubbed a circle there with his thumb.
If it didn't work immediately he'd take out his phone, humming an incomprehensible tune before the tinny music played from the phones speaker- music you love you'd mentioned in passing. He swayed and mumbled the lyrics (?), stepping a little closer to lower his hand to yours for you to take- to dance with you all the way into the night.
☾⋆⁺ Which makes your throat tighten even more in the present day once the focus(/panic) had passed and he's finally laying stable on the care bed by you.
The man who left you. Abandoned you in the name of work and 'greater causes'. A relationship that would've gotten him fired, yes, but his snap decision and the coldness in his eyes as he plainly announced it had sat rightfully boiling in your blood since.
~~but i am curious, like as u work together more would u fall back into some kinda tension?? weird asides? him taking yr orders? emotional reconciliation? or is he dead-dead to you?? IM INVESTED ~price by goldeagleactual on PT
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tsukishimasbaby · 5 months
Hi hi hi I was wondering if you could write headcanons about cg!Luke or cg!Clarisse with a little that has an age range of 5-9? Or little!Clarisse headcanons? (You can pick the one you do im jusy hyperfixated on Clarisse rn 😭)
A/N: I’m gonna do both because I love both of them so much. And I really hope this is right, I’m personally a younger regressor so I hope I didn’t get anything wrong! ^^’
Also this will include book spoilers on Luke’s part-
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Clarisse La Rue
Clarisse is usually very unemotional. She is angry, aggressive, and violent.
Except towards you.
When it comes to you, she’s extremely protective, loving, and supportive. She would shield you from any sort of harm or danger and she’d gladly drive her spear through anyone who dared even look at you wrong.
She’s a very protective caregiver. She loves taking you outside and playing with you, but you must hold her hand at all times, and you aren’t allowed to touch anything dangerous.
She likes being called “Mom” or “Mama”, they make her feel really protective of you and she thinks they sound really cute coming from you.
Whenever you guys go outside, she has to hold your hand unless you’re playing outside or running around or something with her permission and she’s keeping an eye on you. She really likes hanging out in the strawberry fields with you. It’s peaceful and she tends to steal strawberries for you both.
She doesn’t have much money, and she rarely ever leaves Camp Half-blood, but she tries to buy you toys if you want any! But you mostly just play outside and play games with her to keep yourself entertained.
Clarisse is actually surprisingly really good at comforting people, so if you regress because of trauma and today is a bad day, or if you just need some comfort, she’s got you. If you want to ramble, she’ll hold you in her arms and let you ramble. If you want a distraction, she’ll play games with you until you’re bored. Whatever you want, she’ll do it. Because she loves you.
Because you’re a bit older, she isn’t too strict with you, however like I said, she has outside rules for your safety. She also has a strict bedtime for you and makes sure you eat enough during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you don’t eat enough, you’re not allowed to play until you finish your food. If you don’t go to bed on time, you won’t get to have any sweets for a couple days.
She actually doesn’t mind if her friends know or if people see. Yeah, she has a reputation to uphold and a persona to keep up, but like I said, she’s extremely protective and aggressive to literally everyone but you and a couple other people.
God forbid anybody try to say anything mean to you period, especially about your age regression. That will not end well for them. She doesn’t even try to use words, she just punches them. Girlboss.
Luke Castellan
So, this takes place after he betrays and joins the titans. You also join the titan army. I do not see him becoming a caregiver before he betrays, mainly because he knows he’s going to leave soon, and he doesn’t really see the point in developing such a strong, emotional bond with someone only to just. Leave. The only reason he was close to people like Annabeth was because he knew her long before he knew he was gonna betray.
Everything is very dangerous on the Princess Andromeda. There’s monsters literally everywhere you look, and hordes of weapons scattered about too. It is kind of a war ship in a way, after all.
You are literally the only person he truly cares about anymore. You’re the only person he hasn’t manipulated or lied to. He only cares about you, and he’s extremely protective over you.
He feels bad, but you have to stay in his room with him whenever you regress. It’s too dangerous otherwise. He doesn’t know what other people might try to do to you. He can’t risk it. You’re his baby and he doesn’t want you getting hurt.
He doesn’t mind what you call him, but parental ones like “Dad”, make him feel really special. Especially if your godly parent is your father, because it makes him feel like you’re slapping the gods in the face and he finds that funny!
He buys you toys whenever he goes out off the ship for whatever reason. He spoils you literally so much. You have all of the Calico Critters plus all the play sets and houses.
He is also actually really good at comforting and supporting you. He’ll hold you, reassure you, and give you little kisses all over your face whenever you need love and support. He gets really bad nightmares, so if you have a nightmare and regress, he’d be glad to hold you and comfort you. He knows what it’s like.
Like I said, he is strict with you. You cannot leave the room when little. You must go to bed by 9pm. You shower every other day. You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at set times everyday. You don’t get desert if you’ve misbehaved and he isn’t afraid to put you in time out of take away a couple toys if he feels like he needs to or the situation calls for it.
This is a very private thing for him, mostly because he’s surrounded by monsters and other. More violent people. All the time. And also he’s fighting a war and you’re one of his weak spots, so he’s not exactly gonna go flaunting it around. He isn’t ashamed of it or anything, he actually wishes you guys could be more open about it. It’s just too dangerous!
If anybody were to find out and they said anything mean about it, he would just get them killed. They’d be fed to the monsters on the ship or they’d just be thrown overboard. Either one he feels like. He won’t tolerate anybody talking bad about his little one.
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markeronacomputer · 21 days
I love your Hatchetfield fics Grayscale and Hidden Depths. Can you tell me a tidbit about both/ether of them?
AHHHHHHH I’d be happy to oblige!!!
As much as I’d like to talk about both at the moment… I hate to admit this, but I’ve really been ignoring the existence of Hidden Depths as of recent. And Greyscale, but Hidden Depths deserves attention too! So, since Chapter 6 has been held back for so long, why not share some more about the Old Lords?
HD: ULTIMATE Recap was, after all, only a very small tidbit of extra info on them. I’m also working on a piece that’ll show you all their designs- except Kindler’s, since we’ve already seen his, but I’m not even halfway through that yet. Starting to get pretty concerned with how little I’ve been doing stuff as of recent…
Well, anyways! Here’s some extra information on the Old Lords and my thought process behind making them.
Kynzol Errakt (aka Kindler)
The God of the Sun and Flames, as you know. Previously known as the God of Drought in Chapter 1, but I felt like it was pretty odd to have a god whose powers can only be defined by what they aren’t associated with.
Obviously very draconic in design, but the dragon actually isn’t his associated animal. That would go to the thorny devil: everybody’s favourite spiky little reptile that I felt best summed up what exactly I was trying to go for with Kindler, and that was before I learned that they can apparently drink water by absorbing it through their feet!
Known as the Everburning Star, Kindler is the de facto leader of the Old Lords. He carries himself with a sophisticated yet very intentionally intimidating disposition, and tends to not really think about the wellbeing of others unless it affects his.
It’s fairly obvious from his behaviour that he has a pretty big god complex (ironic, huh?), and is incredibly stubborn in his beliefs. Not even the Old Lords would ever dare speak out against him: the only reason why they’re so comfortable with his presence is because they’ve spent 5,000 years with him.
You may be wondering why I chose this specific personality when it’s not very different from Wiggly’s. Well… that’s because Kindler was pretty much just based on my perception of what Wiggly’s predecessor probably would’ve acted like, which slowly developed into the dragon we know today.
The main difference between them, I’d say, is that Wiggly is only partly scary (hence why so many people are in love with him), whereas Kindler is actually genuinely scary and villainous. It’s like the difference between any normal Disney villain and Emperor Belos from The Owl House.
Trypnarash (aka Thrasher)
The God of Noise, associated with a bat for fairly obvious reasons. Rather fittingly, also as blind as a bat. For some reason he switches between having an Australian or a Cockney accent depending on whichever one I think would be better suited to what he’s saying.
Known as the Beastly Cacophony, Thrasher is… loud. Very loud. Strangely enough, he’s actually probably the nicest one out of the five: he’s pretty much fine with anything as long as it’s entertaining.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that this still doesn’t make him a good person. He’s evil just like the rest of them, only in his own ways. (Not Evil from The Lego Movie 2 is a song that I associate with him quite a lot, by the way.)
Inspiring false hope so that the others can crush it, and toying with people in more personal ways, is his MO. He pretty much does whatever’s most entertaining to him at the moment: the only reason why he’s alright with Blinky not being evil is because in a few months, he’s gonna be dead for good. No point in caring about that.
Gazon Q’raktic (aka Gazer)
The Goddess of Space, associated with jellyfish since it was the first animal I thought of that felt alien enough to be associated with space. Also known as the Scholar of the Stars.
My basic concept behind her and her personality was “what if the ancient deity was a girlboss.” A stark contrast to the slowly rotting incel with ADHD that we call Tinky. Some would call her arrogant, though it’s important to keep in mind that arrogance implies misplaced confidence.
And hers is definitely not misplaced.
She is smarter than you. Much, much smarter. Gazer has peered into the distant voids of space, and understands the universe in a way no one else can. She knows how the Big Bang happened, she knows about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the answers to many more unanswered questions about the universe. How does she know? Simple: she figured it out. HERSELF.
She has an IQ of at least 2,000. And she is cursed with knowledge no one else can ever bear: because no one, not even any of her fellow Old Lords, is intelligent enough to understand it.
Kindler is arrogant to the point of being delusional. Gazer is… probably the only one out of those five who actually has her head on straight. But she’s still evil. A girl’s gotta get entertainment somehow, right?
Retonydunfir (aka Rattler)
The God of Decay, associated with vultures. The name Rattler comes from the bones all over his body. Known as the Harbinger of Decay.
Rattler is… you know how I just said Gazer’s probably the only sane one there? He’s close to being sane. Not quite there yet, though.
His base personality is best described as the archetypical cranky grandfather who says the most appalling and racist things as if he’s just talking about the weather. Except Rattler is more intimidating than that.
He works slightly differently to the other Lords in that his powers are fueled. When something somewhere in the universe dies or decays- no matter how great or small- he gains power.
He is obsessed with what he calls the “art” of decay. Partly because it fuels his powers, but mainly because he’s just, for lack of a better term, a nightmare fetishist.
This stretches not only to physical decay, but mental decay as well. Unlike Nibbly, he’s very patient, and prefers to make people suffer through slow torment that steadily gets worse as it continues, rather than just… eating them.
Definitely not someone you want to have on your bad side… or your good side, as he’s known to subject some of his own followers to similar things once they die. What they endured his room (and, to this day, continue to endure in Nibbly’s room) can only be described as a really big, really long retelling of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
Stinturmor (aka Stinger)
The Goddess of War and Discord, and probably my favourite out of the old Lords in Black? Her associated animal is an ant, because ants go to war with each other all the time. She’s known as the Gyne General (a gyne being the primary reproductive female in a system of insects, i.e. an ant queen).
She has two forms in total. The first and more commonly seen one is a small cartoony blue ant. The second… I can’t talk about what the second one looks like.
She’s also the first of the Old Lords to have her room fully designed. It’s a medieval castle on a hill (🎶 AS THE STORY GOES 🎶), mainly either royal blue or baby blue in colour.
She likes ponies, drinking tea with honey, and drawing her favourite mortals all being horrifically tortured whilst laying on her little princess bed with her feet kicking in the air like a toddler.
So the main inspiration for Stinger, as well as my headcanon voice for her, was The Ghost of Christmas Present from Scrooged. If you’ve watched that, I’m sure you’ll know exactly what Stinger’s going to be like in the story, specifically when talking to Pokey.
The reason why that specifically is her personality is because, if Pokey represents peace and harmony, she represents war and discord. Dissonance, conflict, contrasting elements between characters.
So naturally, my only option with her was to play up the general vibe of the canon LiB, giving her two sides: the first being this cutesy little whimsical creature who talks like she’s from Oz, and the second being a horrible nightmare that’ll torture you for days on end, kill you as soon as she gets bored, and then resurrect you as soon as she gets bored of all her other favourite playthings.
She also has the ability to summon any weapon at will. And I do mean any weapon, even ones that she shouldn’t feasibly be able to wield. She prefers ones from the Dark Ages or beforehand, but unfortunately for you, our dearest Stinger doesn’t exactly believe in consistency.
For this very reason, I am very much looking forward to writing a scene in Hidden Depths where she just nonchalantly whips out a grenade launcher.
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I have been taken by the sickness again (curse you viruses!) and sleep eludes me. Brainrot does not. What do you think each of the counselors are like when they're sick?
booo viruses :( i hope you feel better soon!
i think Jacob is the most dramatic about it. if you've seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, he's Cameron
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total baby. even just for a cold. injuries, he barely notices, but gods forbid this man start to sniffle
Abi honestly prolly does what you're supposed to - she takes the day off, stays in comfy pants, drinks honey lemon tea & eats toast, takes the gross meds, a bath, & she's good by morning. couldn't be me but. yk. girlbossing
Ryan for sure just pretends it's not happening. he takes some cold n flu meds, keeps a water bottle close, and keeps having to blink spots out of his vision but he's fine! he's fine until his sister notices & chews him out bc he's always telling HER to take it easy when she's sick & "look here, mr. hypocrite, you better get in that bed or ELSE" so then he goes & lays in a dark room, listening to his podcast until he falls asleep
i think Emma prolly complains about it the entire time & spends an hour in a hot bath but i also don't think she stops working. if she can't go out, she's answering emails, keeping her social media updating, working on editing/scheduling/whatever an influencer does. picture Emma in her desk chair with atrocious hair, wrapped in a blanket, three mugs of tea, & a sinus strip just firing off emails
i see Dylan as a low-energy sick. barely awake, shuffling to the kitchen for crackers (he has a weak stomach when sick) wrapped in his comforter with his hair sticking up. sometimes he crashes on the couch, sometimes he makes it back to the bed, but it's all restless sleep, tossing & turning :( he keeps mumbling nonsense to his cat, who definitely tricks him into feeding him twice. you go schrodinger <3
Kaitlyn HATES being sick. she wakes up with a stuffy nose & a fever & she's like... "i'm gonna kill someone today & it might be myself". she has shit to do. she resists as much as she can & tries to do a bunch of things just to spite it, which usually ends up in her crashing hard & sleeping for twelve hours to recuperate. everyone knows to stay out of her way when she's stalking around, pale and clammy with a thermos at her hip, & just wait for the burnout
Nick doesn't get sick, even germs don't want this weirdo. i'm just kidding. kinda. anyway Nick one thousand percent just straight up goes comatose. dead to the world for 24 hours & then he's right as rain when he wakes up. how? no one knows. why? no one is brave enough to ask.
the love of my life, Laura, also tries to strongarm thru it but she's better about it. she takes her meds, sucks on cough drops, prolly drinks coffee to stay awake, & she's better about managing her workload. it's kind of just a background thing to her & it works great until her fever spikes high enough to be noticeable or she slips up & then Max finds out. he coaxes her to lay down on the couch while he makes them some soup & then they watch movies together until she falls asleep :,)
the other love of my life, Max, doesn't stand a chance. he coughs once & his girlfriend has a thermometer in his mouth & a mug of tea warming up. he always tries to downplay it, "honey, really, it's nothing" & it never works. he spends all day with a live-in nurse & he feels bad that she keeps doing things for him so he continuously plays the "i'm feeling better" & she lets him do it for the ten minutes before he throws up, then it's back to bed "& cut the bullshit this time, max"
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annadoglover1 · 2 months
For the new hyperfixation Danganronpa. I used the THH cast and UDG casts for this and also Daiya Owada, for funsies. The game starts under the cut!
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My THH favs fighting to the death (like five seconds after the game started btw) and it is no surprise to me that the Ultimate Soldier won.
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BRO KILLED HIS BRO'S BRO! Damn Daiya can't catch a break even in a simulation.
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Literally how the fuck? His luck can even get him to kill the strongest woman ever?
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Mukuro committing the first child murder tracks.
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Yeah you fucking betrayed your Bro
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Literally how? Maybe because Byakuya was injured... didn't have any other options. This becomes the best day of Toko's life.
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Don't make a joke about his brains turning to butter, don't make a joke about his brains turning into butter, don't-
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Giving off Kiyotaka being the second mastermind AU vibes
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Oh my god stalking led to love. Tale as old as time...
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Aw she's even staying up to watch and protect her beloved Byakuya.
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Okay his camp got raided twice and now he was killed for supplies. I gotta know... did he have the good kush? This is the dollar store how good could it be?
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Am I surprised Byakuya committed the second child murder? No, not really.
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Oh shit Ultimate Despair is teaming up once again. We are fucked.
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Does this count as the third child murder? Yuta is more like a preteen but to me his is also baby. But the point still stands child murder Celestia still tracks.
The first event has started and it's one with a high body count. It is... Acidic Rain!
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Child murder four ig
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You can't swim your way out of this one bestie
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Mukuro I was rooting for you T-T
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Attempted child murder turns into a double kill because Monaca said "Fuck you. If you kill Monaca we die together!" Queen shit
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I am not really a Togafuka shipper but holy shit I am crying in the club
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I didn't cover everyone but a shit ton of people died. Below is who is left at this point.
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A depressing night after the rain leads to a betrayal the very next morning. Celeste is the only femme presenting character left in the game. Hope she can gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss her way out of this one.
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Final child murder of the game and technically Celeste's second child murder.
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Dumbasses could take care of themselves and died. AND BYAKUYA YOU LITERALLY HAD TOKO TAKING CARE OF YOU BITCHASS-
But you know what this means?
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Celsetia Ludenberg is the winner! Yay!!!
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Here are the final results. Can't belive Mr Daiya "I died off-screen for someone elses backstory" Owada was also the first kill in this game.
I want to do SDR2 and V3 at some point. Maybe tomorrow I am too eepy today.
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rroaddkill · 7 months
Rant!!!rant. Because I'm bored and wanna get this shit off my noggin.
I don't understand the whole Tiffany over Chucky thing and I never will, it's giving...misandry. bc they're literally almost the same person u dumdums 🙊
It's not Chucky > Tiffany or Tiffany < Chucky
It's Tiffany & Chucky 🤦‍♀️
Like yeh everyone's entitled to a fair opinion, so here's mine. But like..my god, if not for Chucky you wouldn't have Tiffany. Because technically she was only an idea that came out of the first 3 child's play films, an idea they turned into a character that played a pretty big role in the franchise, I will not disagree that Tiffany DID reinvent the franchise and gave it life again after the child's play Era, but my god. Some of you act like she's fucking God or something, her and Chucky are equally delusional, evil and fucked in the head.
Tiffany kills someone? What a girlboss.
Chucky kills someone? Yall cry as if the character was memorable.
Tiffany dismembers and keeps nica a captive? Eh whatever.
But I bet if Chucky did that to Nica rather than Tiffany, yall would still be babbling about it for being as bad as it is today.
So in order to keep this rant short I'll put it into terms that are understandable, and if you wanna bitch in my comments/reblogs make sure ya read the whole thing, biatch.
Tiffany? Delusional, evil, Controlling, Snarky and Mean.
Chucky? Delusional, evil, controlling, snarky and mean.
I said it was giving misandry earlier because Tiffany is near if not the exact person as chucky, and for SOME REASON she gets super-affection while Chucky gets thrown aside.
This is not to say I hate Tiffany or Jennifer Tilly. Because while I don't like Tiffany from 2017-now, I do really believe that she did revive the trilogy into a franchise, HOWEVER! That's not to say that it should be all about her either. I think the show does an alright job at splitting the spotlight between Chuck and Tiff, it's the Fandom that created that stupid fucking hierchy.
Now before I close this post and well, post it.
This made up misandrist hierchy is not ALL fans, nor is it all Tiffany fans either. Just some that I've noticed over the years that have pissed me off, like. Gradually.
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hairstevington · 1 year
Freaky Friday (Steddie's Version) - chapter 5!
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve and Eddie can't keep their shit together, so Robin and Dustin take matters into their own hands. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4- Link to Ao3
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: Forced proximity baybeeee, talk about implied consent/setting ground rules, Girlboss!Robin, enemies to lovers, slow burn, canon universe (more or less) set before season 4, body swap, they are idiots, ANGST, POV switching
A/N: This will be the last chapter I put on Tumblr, but I will continue the fic on Ao3 for those that would like to follow along! Please see warnings above - there is an implication in this chapter about consent and body swapping that I wanted to get out of the way so that everybody knows that's not where I'm going with this story. Respectful Kings only in this fic!!
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“Okay, seriously,” Steve said, putting his hands on his hips. It was a pose that Eddie hadn’t ever done in his whole life - until now, anyway. “How could you have messed me up that badly.” 
Eddie wasn’t sure what he was referring to, until Steve walked towards him and started running his fingers through hair that used to belong to him, smoothing it out and styling as best he could without gel. 
“I told you -” Eddie said, attempting to swat Steve’s hands away to no avail. “- not to touch me.”
“Believe me, I don’t want to touch you either, Munson, but you’re making me look like a crazy person.”
“It’s just hair, Steve.” Before Steve could oppose, Eddie felt strands snag against familiar metal. “Ah! Ah, ah! Rings! Ringsringsrings!”
“Quit being a baby,” Steve mocked, releasing Eddie from his grasp and taking a step back to admire his work. “Okay, much better.”
“You do realize I could just as easily mess it up again, right?” Eddie held his hands up and mimicked circular motions above him, demonstrating just how he would do so. 
“Do it and I’ll shave your head,” Steve threatened. 
“Then I’ll shave yours,” Eddie shot back, taking a step towards Steve. 
“God dammit, can you just not be a dick for one second?”
“Nope,” Eddie responded, flashing a devilish, closed-mouthed smile. 
“Guys!” Dustin interrupted, effectively shutting them both up. “Are you actually five years old? What’s wrong with you both?”
“Uh, how much time do you have?” Eddie asked. 
“This is too weird,” Robin said from behind them. She’d been silent through this whole interaction, pondering all she’d just revealed to Eddie without knowing it. The panic of her secret being out to more than just one person was making her feel sick - Eddie could sense it. “And Dustin’s right, you’re being ridiculous.”
“He started it!” Eddie began, gesturing to Steve. “Look, I - I’m sorry.” He turned to Robin, his voice becoming surprisingly sincere. He really did save the most bitterness for Steve and Steve alone. “He just drives me crazy.”
“Yeah, we know,” Dustin groaned. “And neither of you seem to have a specific reason, either.”
“I have reasons,” Eddie insisted. “Plural.” 
“Care to share them with the class?” Robin asked, her words much more pointed than they’d been a few minutes prior. 
Eddie opened his mouth to respond, but thought better of it. The truth was far too personal to confess with Steve right there. He attempted to repress the memory, but he felt it swimming closer to the surface of his mind. A football field - No. Stop. 
Instead, he honed in on a different memory - the one where, hours after he’d sold weed to Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High, Eddie’s friend Rick came knocking at the door. 
“Dude, what the fuck?” Rick said as he burst in. “I got busted. Some idiot in a polo ratted me out. What the hell did you do?”
“Busted?” Eddie questioned. “Again?” 
The first time Rick had gotten in trouble, he stayed in a jail cell overnight before some distant cousin bailed him out. It had happened a few times, actually, but usually due to Rick’s own stupidity, not Eddie’s.
“Yeah. Busted. Cops showed up today and I just barely was able to talk my way out of it.”
“How did you talk your way out of it?” Eddie asked. He figured that, surely, the cops had Rick’s excuses damn near memorized by that point. His prints had been in the system since he was like eleven years old. 
“I told them the guy must have been mistaken, because I’d stopped dealing ages ago. And that the new guy, the one who ratted me out, was the real guy they were looking for.”
“What?!” Eddie exclaimed. He knew Harrington was an asshole, but he didn’t deserve to be framed for drug dealing. “And they bought it?”
“Relax.” Rick waved his hands dismissively. “You know that guy’s father is some bigshot lawyer, right? He’ll be fine. Charges will disappear, no skin off anyone’s back. Especially mine.” 
He was right. That was the worst part. Eddie had always felt guilty about it, but the truth was - Steve was still at school the next day. He hadn’t even had to spend a night in jail. And he’d ratted Rick out for some reason. Some superiority complex disguised as being a good Samaritan, Eddie always figured. Stupid double fucking standard.
Eddie realized it had been far too long since he’d responded to Robin’s question, and took a deep breath.
“It doesn’t matter, I guess,” he finally said, his voice sincere. “All of this just sucks.”
“Yeah, it does,” Robin agreed, “but that doesn’t give you an excuse to be an asshole.”
“Woah,” Steve said, surprised at Robin’s language. “Did he say something to you?”
“Robin, I -”
“You manipulated me into giving you a whole bunch of information you don’t deserve to know just so you could feel better about yourself.”
“He what?” Steve asked, growing more agitated. 
“Can I just -”
“No, stop,” Robin said, backing away. “Both of you. I don’t want to talk to you -” she said, pointing at Eddie, “- and I don't want to talk to the guy who looks like you. Just let me go in the back room for a bit, and hold the fort out here, okay? Eddie’s like, weirdly good at this job anyway.”
“He is?” Steve asked. 
“Don’t be so surprised,” Eddie replied. “A goldfish could do this job better than you.” Robin groaned. 
“You know what, Munson?” she said. “You got what you wanted - I now have an opinion on you.”
With that, she closed the door behind her and left the boys to fend for themselves. 
“Jeez,” Dustin said. “I’ve never seen her angry like that before.” 
Steve hadn’t either. Generally, Robin was a pleasant person who saw the best in people. She knew how to dish out plenty of sarcasm, but she also knew where the line was between snark and genuinely being mean. If she thought Eddie was an asshole, then he was. Steve felt a spark of validation in his own opinion, but it was quickly overcome by anger. 
In an instant, Steve was in Eddie’s face again, grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt and pushing him against the counter.
“What did you do, Munson?” Steve questioned, rage bubbling within him. Steve noticed Eddie’s body was far stronger than he’d anticipated, and a few inches taller. He was able to hold Eddie (in Steve’s body) with ease, so much so that Eddie (once again, in Steve’s body) had to be on his tiptoes. Or, Steve’s tiptoes. Goddammit, this whole thing was a mindfuck. 
“I - I didn’t - nothing, I swear!” Eddie answered. His bravado had melted away into something entirely different. Complete and total remorse. He was almost pathetic in the way he’d succumbed to Steve’s intimidation immediately. He knew he deserved it. “I mean, I - I may have asked her some things out of curiosity -”
“What kind of things?” Steve pressed, his grip tightening. 
“Not what you’re thinking,” Eddie insisted. “You would have done the same thing if your coworker casually started talking about being tortured.” 
Steve’s eyes widened in understanding, and as quickly as he had grabbed Eddie, he’d let him go. 
“She told you about that, huh?” His voice was low and serious. 
“Among other things,” Eddie admitted. He turned to Dustin. “Did this guy really save your life?”
“Yeah, a few times,” Dustin answered. “Well, there were the demodogs at the junkyard, and then the demodogs under the field, oh - and when he totally stood up to Billy for us, although I guess Max was kinda the one that saved us, there. And then I saved him from the Russians. We’ve all kind of saved each other's lives pretty consistently, I think,” he concluded. 
“I - you - what?” Eddie stuttered, mentally unable to comprehend any of the things that he’d heard today. 
“Yeah, I don’t think he needed that many details,” Steve replied. 
“There’s a lot of shit in this town that most people don’t know about,” Dustin said with a shrug. 
“Okay, but why do you know about it?” Eddie wondered. 
“My friend Will,” Dustin answered. “You probably remember that whole thing. When he disappeared?”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie nodded. “The kid got lost in the woods or something.”
“Yeah,” Dustin replied. “Except he wasn’t actually lost in the woods.” Eddie’s brow furrowed, and Steve grew irritated by how much information they were disclosing.
“Okay,” Eddie acknowledged. “So that explains you. What does Harrington have to do with it?”
“Wrong place, wrong time I guess,” Steve muttered. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I personally love fighting hell monsters and getting the shit kicked out of me every so often, but -”
“Sorry to have missed that,” Eddie teased. “I would have loved it, too.”
“Stay in my body long enough and you’ll probably get to experience it yourself,” Steve joked. It was a moment in which the two of them once again laughed at the other, and not in a mean way. The moments were few and far between, but they were there. Steve wondered why they couldn’t just be civil. 
“Okay, so,” Eddie said with a sigh. “What now?”
“We were trying to come up with a way for us to switch back,” Steve answered. 
“Oh, is that all?” Eddie mocked. “I suggest we start with finding a witch.”
“That’s somehow worse than Steve’s weatherman idea,” Dustin replied. “Obviously, we’ll figure out a way to switch you guys back, but I think there’s something a lot more important that we need to do first.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve wondered. He couldn’t think of a single thing more important than getting out of this nightmare.
“Ground rules,” Dustin responded, as if it were obvious. “You’re in each other’s bodies. You are living each other’s lives. If you’re not careful, people could seriously get hurt.”
“Like Robin,” Steve reminded them all, nodding towards the still-closed door. 
“Like Robin,” Dustin agreed. “But also with the two of you. Did you guys talk about any of this before you committed identity fraud?”
“Is it identity fraud if -”
“Yes,” Dustin answered Eddie’s question before he could finish asking it. 
“We talked about some of it,” Steve responded. “That’s why I went to school and he came here.”
“Yeah, we set a rule already,” Eddie added. “He keeps me from flunking out again, and I keep his job. Seems like we both succeeded.”
“Okay, then why did Steve totally blow his cover immediately at school?”
“I didn’t immediately -”
“Yes you did,” Dustin insisted. “Everyone thinks Eddie showed up today on a new drug because he didn’t remember a damn thing about his own life.”
“That’s because it’s not my life,” Steve replied. “How was I supposed to know?”
“Because you were supposed to talk to each other!” Dustin shouted. “Jesus Christ, you both are impossible. You’re making this so much more difficult -”
“He’s right,” Eddie sighed. “It’s my fault, I think.”
“You think?” Steve repeated. Eddie scoffed. 
“Come on, dude, I’m trying to be decent here.” Eddie seemed genuine enough, but sometimes it really felt like one step forward and two steps back with the guy. Like, he had brief moments of authenticity followed by an hour of bullshit. “I kicked you out last night, and I shouldn’t have.”
“You’re just lucky my mom didn’t see me like this,” Steve mumbled, wondering when Eddie was going to turn back this time. 
“Yeah I - I know,” Eddie continued. “So, we talk about it. Henderson, how do we do this?”
“Well, I’m not an expert,” Dustin said. He started pacing the room, thinking so hard Steve could almost hear the gears turning. 
“I’ll start,” Steve said. “Stay away from Robin.”
“Like, entirely?” Eddie questioned. “I can’t do that if I’m working here. I know, I fucked up earlier, but lesson learned. Robin’s cool. She doesn’t deserve my bullshit. It won’t happen again.”
Okay, so he was being genuine for longer than a moment this time. Any moment now it would crash. Steve braced himself for it. As his anxiety grew, his need for a cigarette did, too. 
“Fine,” he agreed. “Here’s another one - no smoking, no exceptions.”
“Aw, come on,” Eddie whined. 
“Should be easier for you than me,” Steve continued. “Considering I’m now addicted again. Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Next time I’ll make sure I quit before I swap bodies with you, Harrington.”
“It’s a good point,” Dustin interjected. “About drugs. If you’re gonna do anything that could affect the body you’re in, you should get permission first.”
Steve did the thing he wasn’t supposed to do - he thought about the shower thing. They’d at least had a discussion about that. Steve quickly glanced at Eddie, and had a sneaking suspicion his mind went to the same place. 
They were interrupted by the door to the back room opening, and Robin re-emerging into the store. 
“I have a rule to add,” she announced. 
“You’ve been listening in?” Steve asked.
“Well, yeah,” Robin admitted. “The walls are thin, and you guys are loud. Plus, I’m with Dustin on having to talk about this stuff, and I have a rule to add.”
“What is it?” Eddie wondered. 
“No dating as each other,” she declared, staring directly at Eddie. "No kissing, no hook-ups."
“Woah, why are you looking at me?” he asked, defensively. “I’m not the one screwing around.”
“Hey,” Steve said. “She’s got a point.” 
“Right, because I won’t be able to help myself around all the girls that line up at the Harrington house,” Eddie said, rolling his eyes. 
There he was - the Eddie that Steve wanted to slap across the damn face. 
“I’m serious -”
“I know!” Eddie replied. “I’m serious, too. That would be fucked up for either of us to do. It’s a good rule, let’s move on.”
….Okay. Now Eddie was being reasonable again. Steve was truly at a loss with this man. 
“You don’t spend each other’s money,” Dustin said, moving on as Eddie had suggested. 
“No tattoos or other big changes in appearance,” Robin added. 
“Nothing illegal, either,” Steve warned - the suggestion pointedly at Eddie. 
“Okay, you can fuck right off,” Eddie responded. “You don’t even know why I got into selling drugs in the first place.”
“Money, right?” Steve asked. He didn’t mean it in a derogatory way, he truly thought that was it. 
“Yeah, money,” Eddie confirmed. “Because my uncle and I don’t have it, and it costs money to live. Something you’ve probably never had to think about.” 
“Yeah, you’re right,” Steve snarked. “That’s why I’m working this shit job.”
“It’s not a shit job!” Eddie yelled. “You have it so goddamn easy -”
“Then why didn’t you apply here?” Steve wondered. “You could, just as easily as I did.”
“They wouldn’t hire me,” Eddie remarked. There was a sadness to his voice that Steve didn’t expect, and suddenly he was thinking about all the offhand comments he’d experienced throughout his day as Eddie Munson. All the staring, the judgment, the way he felt like everybody was always talking about him, and the way his feelings likely weren't too far off. 
“Maybe if you hadn’t tried selling drugs, first,” Steve retorted, regretting it immediately. Eddie groaned. 
“Jesus H. Christ! Do you guys see?” He gestured at Dustin and Robin, who looked extremely awkward. “I’m not even trying to start shit, here.”
“Honestly, you’re both pissing me off,” Dustin said. 
“Yeah, me too,” Robin agreed. Her and Dustin’s eyes flickered to the back room at the same time, and Steve could practically see the same lightbulb illuminate over both their heads. 
“Hey Steve - I think I left a tape in the back last week, could you go get it for me?” Dustin asked. Steve was confused at first, then shrugged. 
“I guess. Which one?”
“I can’t remember the title. It’s dark blue.” Steve headed towards the back room, but was stopped by Robin. 
“Uh-uh, you actually can’t go in there,” she said, pointing at the sign on the door that said employees only. 
“What the hell are you two doing?” Steve asked, fully annoyed with their plotting. 
“Just trying to follow the rules, Harrington. Come on, Eddie, go on in.” Eddie also seemed suspicious, but did as told. 
“Uhh, okay. Dark blue tape?” He headed into the back room, and then Robin pushed Steve in behind him. She closed the door and locked it, then turned to a grinning Dustin. 
“That’s what you were going for too, right?”
“Robin, you’re way too good for Steve.”
“I know,” she smiled. 
“Hey, what the fuck?” They heard Steve’s voice through the door. 
“Why does this room lock from the outside?” Eddie’s voice echoed. Dustin joined Robin at the door and shouted back. 
“We’re sick of you guys, so you’re staying in there until you either stop fighting or kill each other.”
“Whichever comes first,” Robin snickered. 
“I hate you both so much,” Eddie’s voice said.
“We know!” Robin and Dustin replied in unison. 
“Well, this sucks,” Eddie said as he sat down in front of the TV. “I can’t believe we both fell for that.”
“Yeah, me neither,” Steve agreed. Eddie absentmindedly started to pick up tapes and put them in the VHS so he could rewind them. “Are you actually doing work right now?”
“Steve, I would rather do literally anything than talk to you right now,” he replied. 
“Fine,” Steve scoffed. “Robin wasn’t kidding when she said you were better at this job than I am.”
“Yeah, well…” Eddie’s voice trailed off as he started watching one of the movies in reverse. He’d seen it before, but not this way. This job was actually really cool. Steve had it good, here. 
Eddie started to like Steve’s life. He liked his job and his best friend and he was suddenly sad that at some point most likely this would all come to an end. Eddie would just be Eddie again. 
He felt the urge return- the self-sabotaging ache that brought him trouble over and over again. Once, he heard that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. Eddie would have gladly taken the label of being insane, except he didn’t expect a different result every time he did something he knew he shouldn’t. So what the hell did that make him?
He wanted to ask Steve about Robin - specifically what she had told him without realizing it - but he knew that was over the line. He wasn’t even curious for the reasons most people would have. Eddie didn’t care about Robin’s sexuality in the slightest. He cared that Steve knew, and he didn’t say anything to anyone. Most of the other jocks at school that Eddie lumped Steve in with would have jumped at the chance immediately to spread that information like wildfire, but Steve didn’t. 
It was the first time Eddie admitted to himself that there was a strong chance Steve really had changed. 
“I don’t think we’re going to switch back today,” Steve said after a while. 
“Yeah, me neither,” Eddie agreed. 
“So, we should talk,” Steve continued.
“I thought we did already,” Eddie replied. “No sex, drugs, or felonies, right?” Steve sighed. 
“I shouldn’t have - shit. I shouldn’t have said that before. Sorry, man.” 
Eddie stayed focused on the TV. He wasn’t sure if he could trust Steve, and if he could, it would just make him feel like shit for not trusting him sooner. Lose-lose. Once again. 
“Nothing I haven’t heard before,” Eddie responded. 
They’d gone a whole three minutes without raising their voices at each other, so far. Progress.
“I meant, like, we should talk about tomorrow,” Steve continued.
“What’s tomorrow?”
“Uh, you have band practice, right?”
Eddie dropped the tape he was holding and looked up. 
“Shit,” he muttered. “Any chance you kill monsters and secretly play guitar?”
“Not unless air guitar counts,” Steve admitted. “Although, I do play a pretty mean air guitar -”
“Steve, shut up, this is serious.” He took Corroded Coffin very seriously. Hellfire was his baby, sure, but his band was like - well, it was his one chance to be someone else for a change. He could be whoever he wanted on stage, separate from the person people knew at school. 
Performing at The Hideout used to be the one time he pretended to be someone he wasn’t. How times had changed. 
“Okay, sorry,” Steve responded, his hands up in surrender. “Could you cancel? Say you’re sick or something?”
“No, we’ve got this gig on Tuesday and if we miss it we might lose our spot,” Eddie replied. Their weekly performance at the dive bar across town was all that they had, other than practices in Gareth’s garage. They’d worked their asses off to perform in front of five drunks once a week, and Eddie would be damned before he’d let Steve Harrington take that away from him. 
“Okay, so -” Steve seemed to really contemplate different ways to get around this, which was admirable. He was…complying. “- you could wear, like, a full body suit and mask or something and just go up there in my body and play.”
Eddie stared at him blankly for a moment, wondering if the absolutely bonkers idea actually could work. 
“That would be…weird,” Eddie responded. 
“But it would work,” Steve said with a shrug. 
“Let’s call it plan B,” Eddie decided. 
“So, what’s plan A?”
Eddie nervously ground his teeth back and forth for a moment, looking at himself up and down and wondering just how effective muscle memory was. 
“Plan A is that I give you a bit of a crash course, Harrington.”
(Read the rest on Ao3!)
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dreamsclock · 2 years
I was halfway through a post abt how c!Bad isn’t victim-blaming c!Tommy by having empathy for c!Dream, and I was gonna reblog it right up to the last sentence where they said c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam in prison to make him feel bad 😭 Bitch wtf
Its still surreal to me that ppl think c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam during the prison arc. Even if you believe c!Dream is the most evil unredeemable cartoon villain in the world he literally had no power in that situation. Like dont u think he’d gaslight his way into not eating raw potatoes all the time or something
Maybe I would b willing to give Dream antis the benefit of the doubt if it weren’t for the fact most of them have no critical thinking skills and they send random ppl death threats for liking a fictional dude smh
it’s a shame people don’t realise “c!bad has empathy for c!tommy but is frustrated by him” and “c!bad has empathy for and maybe even cares for c!dream” can coexist as takes :’) like ! they’re not mutually exclusive !! especially considering nobody really seems to know about exile !!
re: c!dream gaslighting in prison…. are people forgetting c!sam is THE gaslighter girlboss ?? /lh but seriously, c!sam gaslights the hell out of c!bad (and probably other characters but i only specifically remember c!bad). what makes anyone think anything he says about prison activities can be trusted??
i don’t doubt that c!dream was doing his best to manipulate c!sam and c!quackity and his visitors, you know, Because He Was In A Horrific Situation And Was Trying To Escape Slash Survive (and also that’s just. how he rolls.) but GASLIGHT is a funny one.
literally what could he even gaslight c!sam about. “sam Ur crazy. quackity already came to torture me today. don’t u remember. pls don’t let him back in oh my god haaahahahaaa” LIKE ??
c!dream was probably using every tactic in the book to make life even slightly easier for him in prison (faking being worse injured to try and get c!quackity to stop torturing him, lying about escape plans to c!sam, calling c!quackity sir to get on his ‘good side’) but i think the important thing about c!dream’s ‘manipulation’ here is that ultimately he was doing anything he possibly could to survive. nobody blames an abuse victim for doing things underhand to survive. it’s no wonder c!dream was doing those things and i don’t think they should be held against him as like. acts of evil and villainy. when we have c!awesam “gaslight gatekeeper guilt trip” dude to deal with 😭
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docholligay · 1 year
18. Norway
I AM READY. This is probably my HOTTEST take today. I stand ready for you fools to decry me. THEY HATED JESUS BECAUSE HE TOLD THE TRUTH.
Anyway, this song aged like milk for me. I really enjoyed it the first time I heard it, but it fell out of favor really quickly. It’s a very standard Tiktok song, which is actually how it gained prominence--between Denmark and this song, I’m not thrilled with how TikTok is starting to become a part of winning your final, but here we are. It’s not to the point where I still think it’s vaguely good, but I also find it kind of annoying.
It’s a very standard girlboss bop, nothing new here, its only protective saving grace being that there aren’t many of those this year, so this will be an EASY qualifier. It’s also the show opener. She’s going on. But, for me, it’s become a bit milquetoast to hear about how apparently cool this girl, She (SHE??) is, with her great hair and nice heart and whatever. Also, God (me) abhors a whistle note.
The qualification is buttoned up in a tele-only semi, but I think we should point out that we don’t know EXACTLY how well she can sing this song. “What do you mean, Holligay? The national final is RIGHT THERE.” ah yes, my little chikadeedeedeedee, but Norway, in their infinite wisdom, allows autotune to be used, where Eurovision doesn’t (and I hope that remains. Otherwise it’s a bit pointless and is just a money and dance off) and you can hear her struggle a little bit with the notes in this.
I know I’m gonna take the most heat for this opinion, but in a year with such interest and diversity, it’s hard to appreciate something that has a great beat in the chorus but really not much else going for it. I’m going to forget it by next year, in all probability.
Eta: I would have to make an ENTIRELY NEW POST on how fucking boggling the video is
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what-if-nct · 9 months
hi hi today's reminder is i think I'm back in ncity? which like i never really left but i was traveling a lot. but golden age has really kicked me back in here. who'd've thought?
also!! re: Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. it creeped me out when they were together/just got married because Sophie is barely older than me and Joe is… significantly older. and Nick and Priyanka got married around the same time and i remember being okay with the age gap in that they're both grown ass adults, but being a little weirded out by the speed and the fact that a former Ms India was marrying out of her culture, esp because she plays the girlboss but also good Indian daughter angle a lot. anyway back to the point i am in no way surprised Joe and Sophie didn't make it. no way a thirty year old man clinging to any shred of relevance (bear in mind this was before sucker) would be with a young actress in the prime of her career for any other reason than to feed his own ego. the fact that he's trying to drag her name through the mud is just proof that I was right about him being a creep and I'm glad we, collectively, are over the misogyny of "one person says she's a bad mother therefore we must execute her"
Hii! Same!!! Like you know I stay part time in stayville but of course ncity is my home and golden age really just healed the past year in ncity cause we've been through it. But like everything has just been so good. I'm hoping for a field day like that's all I want. Or like a fair day were they have a mini fair and dunk tank like that'd be so cute.
Yessss! Like she was 19\20 and he was 26\27 which. Like I don't trust men who date women that much younger. Like 30 and 37 fine. Like Priyanka and Nick. Nick was almost 30 and Priyanka was in her late 30s when they met and married. That's fine they're fully grown adults. Like I know for me the only reason I date younger men is because it feels "safer" it isn't trust me I had to learn the hard way it's not, bad things can still happen you can still get hurt and be in dangerous situations. But because I know I'm really easy to manipulate and take advantage of so anyone more than 4 years older terrifies me. Now just all men terrify me I refuse to go out with anyone anymore. But I know men who date younger women do it for control and power. And the more stories that come out and him trying to paint Sophie as a party girl and he's the one taking care of their children. Like he's not also the father and she didn't spend the last few years not working and taking care of the children. He genuinely robbed this poor girl of her 20s and is throwing her away because she most likely no longer is doing what he wants her to do. Also she tried her best to hide their children from paparazzi to protect them but Mr "perfectly fine" is all of a sudden seen in public with them. God I hate Joe Jonas. I never liked him. And I had good reason. Also while looking everything up someone called Frankie Jonas a little gremlin and I need to know what he did cause that's what I call Joe.
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s9e3 i'm no angel (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
i hope padalecki had fun switching between robo-angel and sam. i never like when the brothers are lying/hiding/fighting but at least in the earlier seasons it felt... not completely contrived
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true, that, cas. i'm not really terribly engaged with this fish out of water thing but i'm trying to keep an open mind
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meg 🥲 they girlbossed too close to the sun with her goodbye episode and now i get all weepy thinking about her. yet with bobby? nothin
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this rando baddie reminds me of a mix of demon!brady and leviathan!dick
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s5e20 the devil you know - eric johnson as brady (who also has kind of boyd hollbrook as the corinthian vibes) / the sandman
anyway. stalling! evil pretty blond-lightbrownhairedboys.
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is there any reason cas isn't going to the bunker (protecting the boys from the angels after him?) for food and shelter, at the very least. the actual reality of suddenly needing to take care of a human body is so much.
do people pray out loud like that at church? lol (i've never been to church. ever!) it was a nice moment there with cas and the out-loud-praying-person. i have a variety of feelings, being on the not-religious-not-spiritual-not-anything side of the fence. mainly how to not only be vocally supportive and not judgey about people talking about their faith, but also on the inside being not judgey and an asshole.
WOMAN You're missing the point. It's not possible because I have my faith. CASTIEL But when I tell you the truth- WOMAN Your truth, not mine. Your lack of faith doesn't cancel what I believe. That's not how it works. You know... I think you might feel better if you tried it my way. Someone is listening.
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SAM Angels can't possess a human without permission, right? DEAN Yep.
on a scale of 1-10 how guilty do you feel, dean
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https 🔒 yay! still no tld and slashes are \\ instead of // so close...
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cas did look pretty pathetic huddled up in the alley in the pouring rain, but bringing him home is a bold move
SAM Look at these chemicals. Do you even read the label? DEAN No. I read "pie". The rest is just "blah, blah, blah".
you tell him, dean!
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human cas finding all sorts of reasons to be shirtless with ladies today
APRIL Well, all patched up, but, God, your delts are in knots. You got to relax.
*squints* girl. are you possessed. making out with the rando man you picked up in the alley
strongly considering just skipping past this torture scene. sigh.
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this awkward pillow talk may be as bad. this is all so random
okay, yes possessed :p
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well jackles sold me on dean genuinely caring, good job
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DEAN You had sex with April? SAM Yeah, that would be where the hedonism comes in. DEAN Shh.
DEAN So... did you have protection? CASTIEL I had my angel blade. DEAN Oh – oh, he had the Angel blade.
cute cute
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speaking of which, where's kevin? i can't remember
so dean's gotta kick cas out, to keep sam alive. rolling my eyes again at the contrivances
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sad meow meow face #17
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