#god that video was strange eh?
sentientcloudofmusk · 7 months
Are trans girls gonna start sending eachother pumpkins instead of peaches?
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teriri-sayes · 8 days
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 299
New title - 38. I'll Bet On You
Brief summary: Great elder elf gets scared of Clopeh's expressionless eyes. Clopeh carried Cale on his back as the butler guided them to a room. Clopeh asks Mold to send the video he took to Cale's group. Unconscious Cale finds himself in a dark space and then suddenly enters the game world.
Today's Clopeh was his serious self. His expressionless eyes even scared the great elder who felt that Clopeh was a dangerous madman at that moment. He only smiled once before carrying Cale on his back, not caring about the blood still dripping on his back. And when he met eyes with Exion, he told the dragon that when Cale wakes up, they would have to give whatever Cale wanted.
As for his legend-spouting self, he did tell everyone, "It would be foolish, indeed, to turn away from this marvelous sight." This referred to the wondrous changes Cale had done to the WT. But afterwards, he muttered softly, "A hero's sacrifice. It's not a legend, it's just a tragedy."
I guess Clopeh still had some sense to consider Cale's sacrifice as tragic, and not praise it as being legendary. However, this die-hard Cale fan also noticed that 1st Bishop Mold had secretly recorded a video of what happened. And guess what he asked Mold to do? He asked Mold to send that video to Cale's group, namely CH and Raon, and to the people in the black castle... What? Why would you do that, Clopeh? Do you want them to wreck this place? 🤣🤣🤣
As for what happened to the WT, it seemed like what happened in the mindscape was also seen outside. Everyone felt Cale's nature APs and the power of the saint's golden eye. They also saw the water circling the tree and rising to the sky, and got a glimpse of the source of the world appearing in the sky. And all the flowers in the back garden withered before blooming anew. It was the WT's death and rebirth.
So it was no wonder that everyone was shocked. 1st Bishop Mold became hopeful that Cale could save this world from destruction and also change the pope's mind. Erza was too stunned to speak. The great elder was in awe. And 3rd Star Exion seemed to have made a decision. His actions afterwards seemed to imply that he had chosen to side with Cale's group.
Cale wanted to be a slacker, but even in his rest time, he had to work. 😂 Just like the past times when he fainted, he woke up in some kind of space. It was a dark space where a lone single light shone. The light was the golden eye of the saint, so Cale understood that this was how the "digestion" worked.
But a strange thing happened when he touched the golden eye...
A bright light washed over him, and soon, Cale could see the darkness disappear and a new space appear. And then he froze. [Raise your own precious Absolute God!] [Welcome to New World, the new world!] [Would you mind telling me your name, you who took your first steps on this land?] "Eh?" [Tutorial Quest 1. Set a nickname] Cale was genuinely puzzled. …Did I just suddenly, out of nowhere, enter the game world? "What the hell?" [Are you going to use the nickname "What the hell?"?] Damn it. Cale felt his irritation begin to rise.
HAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣 First of all, that game world was really named "New World"? 😂😂😂 And then that nickname... 🤣🤣🤣 But why did Cale suddenly enter the game world? If Alberu used Taerang as his medium to enter the game, was Cale's medium the golden eye of the saint? Why was that? Was the saint from Earth 3?
Ending Remarks Clopeh's seriousness was nice to see, and Cale's sudden entrance to the game world was surprising. Now I'm excited for Cale to join Alberu in his game quests. I guess Cale would be the hero in the game too, huh? Raise my precious absolute god? Nah, Cale would be here to kill that absolute god. 😂
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This Is Only Temporary - Part 3 of 3
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(moodboard made by me, Top Gun Maverick screencaps by hd-screencaps, the rest is unsplash.com)
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x afab!reader x Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Rating: M – MDNI 18+
Word count: 6160
Warnings: Bob and Hangman being menaces, and so is reader (oops), smut with a little bit of plot and fluuuuuff, threesome (MFM), oral (f!receiving), protected PiV, fingering, masturbation (m) light restraining, beginnings of polyamory, Hangman being a little less of a flirty dick who wants what he now knows he can definitely have but also panicking because “oh my god, maybe I’m bi?!”; I’m neither US Navy nor American, so reader isn’t either – meaning there might be a little, uh, criticism here and there (also, we all know aviators are cocky af, right?), not beta-read but I did try to proofread a bit
Summary: After months of irregular phone and video calls, and constant e-mailing back and forth, you finally get to visit your boyfriend, Bob, in California. What you didn’t count on, was the fact that the guest room in his new house was temporarily occupied by one of his colleagues. The same cocky aviator, who can’t help but hit on you when you first meet – and even after he knows, you’re taken.
Read on ao3
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3
Taglist: @formulapierre (If you wanna be added to the taglist, just lemme know)
A/N: Aaaaand here’s the last part. I was going to apologize for the absolute filth, but, eh, no. Never going to apologize for smut. Also totally didn’t put any of my bi panic into Jake, nooooooo. Songs for this part: I Feel Like I’m Drowning by Two Feet, Alone With You by Ashlee
“Hurry up, man,” Jake said, standing in the half open door to the men’s locker rooms and waiting for Bob. It was Tuesday now, and while he would have thoroughly denied it if anybody ever asked, Jake was excited to get home – to you and to Bob. Bob, who was now hurrying through the door, while smoothing out any potential wrinkles in his khakis.
Since your conversation at Leroy’s on Saturday nothing much had happened – apart from the fact that the three of you had spent more time together to get to know each other. Jake had told you and Bob things he’d never told anyone before, not even Javy. And he felt strangely light, as if the fact that you and Bob accepted everything he told you had lifted a heavy weight from his shoulders. From the responsibility of being the eldest child of four, having to take care of his little sisters and brother, to the guilt he sometimes felt over choosing to join the Navy instead of taking over the family ranch in Texas. (He’d always thought, his eldest sister and her partner were doing a damn fine job of taking care of the ranch, but his father hadn’t always been of the same opinion.)
Well, there was one thing he hadn’t told you yet. Something that gnawed at him, had him lying awake in the middle of the night in the bed of Bob’s guest room. He just didn’t quite know how to express that it wasn’t just you that drew him to this relationship, but Bob as well. How did you tell your coworker and friend that you fancied them and their partner?
“You’re in the way, Jake. Move,” Bob said, interrupting Jake’s train of thought. He was a little grumblier than usual and Jake couldn’t blame him. Today’s training with the new Top Gun students had been brutal – even for their standards and they’d had their asses handed to them by Maverick repeatedly. (Not to mention that detachment that Bob and Jake had unanimously decided to never mention to you. Ever. All you knew, was that the training had been hard and the mission dangerous. You didn’t need to know more than that.)
“Right, sorry.” Jake moved out into the hallway and kept walking, Bob right on his heels to the parking lot. It wasn’t just that both were eager to get off base after a hard day, or that you were waiting for them at home. No, you’d taken your time to send a teasing text to the group chat with only you, Bob and Jake, around noon. Jake thought, maybe that text was partly to blame for their performance today. But he would never blame you for it. If anything, he would be thanking you for reminding them that they had a date this evening. A date with you. In the bedroom you and Bob shared.
Just as they’d done on Saturday, Jake and Bob had carpooled to base again today. Bob was driving now, his face still twisted into a scowl behind his glasses. If Jake didn’t feel the same way to some degree, he would have teased him for it. But his usual teasing and banter that came lightly over his lips just wouldn’t flow today. Not with the way anxiety – and anticipation – were pooling in his stomach, pushing out any other thought until there was only room for you and Bob in his mind.
If only Jake had known that you weren’t doing any better on the anxiety front, maybe it would have helped him. But you’d put on a brave face, played the role of the teasing girlfriend over text, while you imagined what their reaction would have been. Had they seen your text during their lunch break? Or – and that thought brought a little smile to your face as you emptied the dishwasher and put the glasses away – had you unintentionally interrupted a meeting? You could imagine, Bob would have had a hard time hiding his surprise at your written boldness. And with what you’d come to know about Jake over the last few days, you’d think, he would’ve had a very hard time concentrating on the rest of the meeting. The sound of the front door opening pulled you out of your thoughts and towards the archway into the living room.
“Honey, we’re home,” you heard Jake call out. One of them shut the door behind them just as you rounded the corner to the entryway.
They hadn’t seen you yet, so you opted for simply leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of your chest. “Well, hello there, Lieutenants.”
Both of their heads snapped upwards at your voice. You’d caught them in the middle of taking their shoes off. Bob had apparently been caught so off guard that he tipped to the side with a small yelp, before he braced his arm against the wall. The sight made you giggle, which in turn brought two smiles to two very tired faces.
Jake was the first to reach you. He pulled you in with an arm around your waist, pressing his body against yours before he dipped down to kiss you. It wasn’t a shy kiss – and it definitely wasn’t the first one you’d shared –, but even with the slightly desperate way his lips moved against yours, you could tell, he was tired. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you breathed back, grinning up at him. “How was your day?” You’d asked the question to both of them, but as Bob moved to cup your jaw and neck with one of his hands and kissed you equally as hungry as Jake had, you almost forgot you’d asked them a question in the first place.
“Kind of sucked, to be honest. But that text that you sent… Sweetheart, you should be glad, neither of us were flying at that moment,” Jake responded. Bob just leaned his forehead against your shoulder with a groan and nuzzled into your neck, moving to embrace you from behind. He essentially trapped you between him and Jake.
Your heartbeat picked up and you swallowed hard before you tilted your head with what you hoped was a coy smile. You played with the nametag and buttons on Jake’s uniform shirt. Looking up at him through your lashes, you replied: “Really? Didn’t think the great Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin would be losing control that easily.”
“Oh, with you, I bet he would.” Bob had mumbled against your skin, before he went back to lightly nibbling on the spot where your neck and shoulders joined. Well, what little skin he could reach without moving your shirt collar.
Jake moved his hands away from your waist. You were about to protest, but they were immediately replaced by Bob’s arms snaking around your body – and then you felt both Jake and Bob press against your middle. You gasped at the heat radiating off both of them. But as Jake’s hands gripped Bob’s hips and had pulled him closer against you, you could see something else shimmering in his green eyes. Underneath the indisputable desire for you, you thought, you could see the churning vortexes of something familiar – fear, insecurity. You brought your right hand up to gently brush your knuckles against Jake’s cheekbone. He nuzzled into the touch, closing his eyes with a shaky sigh.
“Why don’t we order some take-out and relax on the couch for a bit, hm?” you suggested. Not that you weren’t nervous about this whole thing either – you’d never shared Bob with anybody, nor had he ever watched you get fucked by somebody else. It was something new, and it was only natural that you’d all be a little nervous about it in the beginning. You might have said on Saturday that this was only temporary, however, you could feel it in your bones that this could turn into more. But it wouldn’t do any of you any good if one of you got too stuck in their head to really enjoy it or participate.
“Sounds like the perfect idea, darlin’,” Bob mumbled against your skin. Jake nodded against your hand and then you felt his arms fall away. He released you from the embrace, took a step back.
“I’ll let you slip into something more comfortable then.” You turned in Bob’s arms to press a quick peck to his lips, stroking your hand through his hair once, then again. “Do you want me to order while you’re getting changed, or do you want to take that decision together?” You glanced over your shoulder at Jake, who was now leaning his back against the wall, head tilted back, jaw tense and eyes squeezed shut.
“Together,” he and Bob then said in unison. The sound made you giggle again, and you saw that neither of them could fight the smiles tugging at their lips when they heard you.
“Good to know, you two agree on that. Now, go on. I’ll wait on the couch.” You stepped out of Bob’s arms and moved towards the living room again.
“What, you’re not joining us?”
When you turned around, one eyebrow raised in an attempt to seem unimpressed, you could see Jake smirking in his signature Hangman-style and Bob chuckled. But he couldn’t hide the flush creeping up his neck at Jake’s question. Your heart leaped at the sight, finally seeing them slowly shaking off the day and relaxing in your presence.
“Nope. I don’t think that bathroom is big enough for three people.”
“Fine.” Hangman grumbled something under his breath, pushed himself off the wall and moved towards the stairs. Bob lingered for a moment, then he came over to you, cupped your face in both hands and kissed you with a sigh. You practically melted into the kiss, chasing Bob’s lips when he pulled away. He shot you a wink before joining Jake on the stairs.
“What was that for?” Jake asked. And you thought, he almost sounded offended, maybe at being left out of the loop for the stunt – or he was miffed because he hadn’t thought of that.
“Just a little preview,” Bob replied to Jake. He didn’t have to look at you for you to hear the grin in his voice. Then he surprised both you and Jake when he lightly tapped Jake’s butt with the palm of his hand as he squeezed past him on the stairs. “Come on, man. Dinner’s only gonna take longer if we keep standin’ here.”
You’d opted for Pizza from a supposedly authentic Italian restaurant – not without you grumbling about how the pizza dough in the States was usually too thick, not authentic at all. But Jake had just shaken his head at your reaction and directed Bob to make the order anyway. After Bob had promised that the Pizza was actually “really good” and that you would like it. He even made a clear distinction between the place where you’d ordered and Domino’s. And when the food had arrived, you had to admit it was pretty good. Still, nothing compared to sharing Pizza with Bob in Italy while on vacation there, but you supposed that was what influenced you anyway – the relaxation of a vacation and actually being in Italy. On the “what to watch”-front, they’d left the choice completely up to you and you’d opted for more Yellowstone, wanting to take advantage of the fact that Robby and you were actually in the same room to watch it.
Now you were all sitting on the couch, your legs thrown over Bob’s lap while he was drawing patterns onto your knee with his thumb, your back and head rested against Jake’s chest, one of your hands was on his thigh – clamping down when your favorite characters got in trouble again. While Jake’s arm was thrown over your waist and his thumb grazed your boobs now and again, trying to play it off as an accident, although you knew exactly what he was doing. And it was working. It became increasingly difficult to concentrate on the events on TV as your boys’ ministrations became more and more apparent. The spots were their fingers grazed your skin, even through the materials of your jeans and shirt, sent heat and wetness pooling between your legs.
You leaned forward towards the coffee table with a groan to grab the remote and paused the episode. When you shifted back onto the couch, Jake had his eyebrows raised at you in a silent question. “We can finish watching that some other time.” You shrugged, suddenly aware that both Bob and Jake were staring at you. All three of you knew what tonight’s plan was. So, why did you suddenly want to retreat? Like you could crumble underneath their gazes as soon as you were taking off your clothes.  You pulled your legs off Bob’s lap to get some semblance of security back and let out a jittery breath.
“Alright.” Jake’s voice was barely more than a whisper. You could see his eyes flitting down to your lips, before his tongue darted out and he licked his bottom lip. God, how you just wanted to nibble on that.
Bob’s hand was suddenly back on your leg, gently stroking your calf. He cleared his throat, but when he spoke, his voice was still low and husky. It eased your mind a little to hear that you weren’t the only one nervous and turned on at the same time. “How about we take this to the bedroom, hm?”
You nodded, but didn’t move for a few seconds, eyes still fixated on Jake’s face. Until you blinked to refocus and finally got up. They trailed after you up the stairs. Despite knowing, they were right behind you, you kept looking over your shoulder to check if that was still true. Every time you locked eyes with one of them, there was nothing but encouragement in them. Love, lust. They wanted this as much as you did, and you just hoped, they could see it in your eyes, too.
You sat down on the edge of the bed in Bob’s and your bedroom, wringing your hands in your lap, anxiety now electrifying your nerves again. Bob passed you with a quick kiss on the top of your head before he moved to the dresser with a Bluetooth speaker sitting on top. Jake entered the room and closed the door behind himself.
He crooked his fingers in your direction, enticing you to move closer to him, accompanied by a low “Come ‘ere”. You did as he asked, exhaling shakily as you reached him. One of his hands landed your waist, gently squeezing the flesh there, while his other came up to caress your cheek. He took your chin between your index finger and thumb and tilted your head upwards. Forcing you to look at him. All the while the soft beats of a slow song filled the room, and you heard Bob draw the curtains. You didn’t recognize the song – could barely make out the lyrics over the thrum of your pulse in your ears – but you knew it had to be on the Spotify playlist the three of you had been putting together since Saturday.
“How do you want to do this?” Jake asked. You could barely focus on what he was saying, asking you. Not with his eyes piercing yours, holding you in place, while his hands stroked your skin through your clothes. And all you could focus on was the need to kiss him. You needed to feel him, feel both of them pressing against you again.
As if you’d said it out loud, you could feel the warmth of Bob’s body coming to stand behind you. His hand gently stroked your hair before you felt him press a kiss to your shoulder. You sighed, but forced your eyes to stay open, to stay on Jake. “How about we get you out of these clothes first. What do you say, darlin’?” Bob’s voice rumbled through you, his hot breath hit your ear and neck and you shivered. But then you nodded. You saw Jake’s gaze move to Bob behind you for a second.
You knew, what was coming and before they could say it, you breathed out a “Yes”.
“Alright then,” Jake murmured, his face maybe an inch away from yours. They worked at a tantalizingly slow pace: first, Jake lifted your shirt, the knuckles of his hands lightly brushed up your sides as he did, and you shivered, again, at the contact. You couldn’t help but press your thighs together at the thought of what those fingers would feel like between your legs. Next, Bob took care of your jeans, unbuttoning them from behind you and pulling them down until the fabric pooled around your ankles. He pressed a tender kiss to the back of your thigh where your leg joined with your ass.
All the while, Jake’s eyes never left yours. Except now, as he let his gaze roam over your body, his hands following the path of his eyes, brushing over an old, faded scar on the top of your left boob down your sides over your stretch marks and tummy. You swallowed hard, mouth suddenly dry, and fought the urge to hide from his hungry eyes. You were suddenly all too keenly aware that both of them were still fully dressed, while you stood before them in your underwear. You squirmed lightly, furrowing your brows. Bob’s hands came up to gently hold onto your hips.
As if he sensed your insecurities creeping back into your skin to nest in your bones, Jake put a finger under your chin and tilted your head upwards again. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. Don’t go shy on us now. Need you to tell us what you want, after all.”
His thumb brushed your lower lip as you opened your mouth to reply, but only a whimper escaped at the touch. Scrambling to form a coherent thought and to voice it, too, your eye lids fluttered as Bob’s hands began to toy with the waistband of your panties and his lips left tender, but increasingly more desperate and open-mouthed kisses on your shoulders and the back of your neck.
Bob hummed as another whimper escaped you, followed by a huff as you got frustrated that you couldn’t get out the words of what you wanted to say, to tell them where you needed them to touch you. Your heart was pounding in your chest, heat was beginning its journey through your veins again, slowly igniting every nerve in your body.
Jake’s lips pulled into his signature “Hangman” smirk as he cooed: “Aw, not so quick with that sharp tongue of yours now, are we? Have we made you go dumb already?”
You flared your nostrils before you squeezed your eyes shut. Bob’s fingers were inching dangerously close to where you wanted them, and it sent your head spinning. On top of that, you really couldn’t find the right words when Jake was staring at you like you were the most delicious meal he’d ever laid eyes on. Well, at least the flames of arousal melted away your prior feelings of anxiety. Still with your eyes closed and your brows furrowed, you replied: “Not fair when you’re both still dressed and I’m the only one in my underwear.”
You heard Jake chuckle; he stepped closer for a moment. And you gasped when he wedged his still clothed thigh between your legs and bumped against your increasingly wetter core. But it was Bob, who spoke up next.
“Well, we better rectify that, shouldn’t we?”
You nodded, before you whispered another “Yes. Please”, and finally opened your eyes. Just in time to see Jake take a step back and reach for the hem of his shirt. You’d seen him shirtless a couple of times by now, but every time your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes travelled down his pecs, following the trail of hair that vanished below the waistband of his pants. You swallowed and licked your lips, your gaze flicking back up to meet Jake’s when you heard him chuckle at your reaction.
“Still like what you see?” he asked. You could only nod in response.
Then you flinched as you felt Bob retreat and the cooler air of the room hit your barely clothed back. You turned to face him and reached out your hand to stop him from taking his shirt off.
Bob blinked at you. But when you whispered, “Let me”, his hands fell to his sides limply. It was a routine you’d practiced over the years. Whenever one of you wanted to do something for the other that the other could do themselves, you stopped and said, “Let me.” That wasn’t limited to only the bedroom. But it happened here more often than anywhere else. For a moment, you felt guilty over falling back into a routine with Bob while Jake was right behind you – there was no way he would have known about it, you hadn’t had a chance to tell him yet. But as you slowly pulled Bob’s shirt over his head and then kissed his naked chest, you realized, it was just easier with Bob. You knew each other inside and out.
Jake’s hands ghosting over your ass and up your sides brought you out of your head and back to the present again. Goosebumps erupted all over your body as he leaned in to nibble at your earlobe and whispered: “Go lie down on the bed, sweetheart.”
You nodded weakly, your pulse drowning out the music and any other sound again. You faintly registered Bob climbing onto the bed behind you. He sat down leaning his back against the headboard and patted his thighs for you to lay your head down. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wondered when he’d had the time to take off his jeans. But the thought faded in a whisp of arousal like smoke in the wind when his slender fingers closed around your wrists and pulled your arms onto his lap. He’d taken on the role of gently restraining you, something the two of you hadn’t tried out a lot of times yet. The logistics proved a little difficult when one of his hands was busy toying with you. Although he could easily fit both your wrists into one of his hands. This time, however, that wouldn’t be a problem.
You looked up at him and couldn’t help the heat shooting into your cheeks and down to your core when he winked at you. The smile tugging on the corners of his mouth faded a bit, as he took in your face.
“You sure, you want this?” he asked just as you felt Jake’s hands gently sliding up your naked thighs.
“One hundred percent,” you replied, proud that your voice wasn’t shaking, that you managed to get the words out firmly and with conviction while Jake’s hands set your skin ablaze and sent your head spinning again.
Jake’s face came into view as he hovered over you. One of his hands was now toying with one of the shoulder straps of your bra, while he braced his weight on the other. Between him and Bob, the heat from their bodies caged you in, wrapping you into a warm, safe cocoon. Jake’s hand brushed over your neck and ultimately landed on your cheek, while Bob, still holding onto your wrists, was gently rubbing the skin above your pulse points.
Jake leaned down, his lips hovering against yours. “You’ll tell us when you don’t like something. If you want us to do something different, if you want me to touch you differently. Alright, sweetheart? Don’t be afraid to use that pretty, little mouth of yours.”
“Okay,” you replied, feeling yourself slowly drowning in the hunger of Jake’s gaze. Every other thought melted away as you inhaled his scent that had mixed with Bob’s and he dipped down to kiss you, long and hard. You couldn’t hold back the moan as his hips bucked into yours, your panties and his boxers separating his hard cock from your core. Above you, you heard Bob sigh, probably holding back a moan of his own. You could feel his cock growing harder against your head from where you lay in his lap. You arched your back as Jake’s hands moved to your back to unclasp your bra, the garment landing in another corner of the room when he flung it away without looking.
Then his lips trailed down over your body, briefly sucking on your nipples, before nibbling on the flesh of your breasts and down your tummy. And you could feel your ability to speak close up shop in your brain. All that mattered was the way Bob slightly shifted beneath you at another moan you let out and the way Jake was touching you. Your heart hammered in your chest and you knew, it wouldn’t take much for you to fall apart under either of their touches.
Just as your eyes fluttered closed, you heard Bob from above you, his voice low, dripping with desire the same way your core did by now. “Look at him. See the way he wants to fucking devour you with his eyes alone? Keep looking at Jake while he makes you come on his tongue. Can you do that for us, darlin’?”
You nodded quickly, struggling to concentrate when Jake’s fingers hooked into the waistline of your panties and pulled them down your legs. They went the same way your bra had – somewhere in the bedroom, to be forgotten until you were done. Jake gently grabbed both your thighs and spread your legs. You watched as he licked his lips before he dove straight in, lapping at you with his tongue.
“Oh, fuck.” You gasped as every one of his flicks sent shockwaves through your body, tightening the invisible coil in your belly. Jake’s groan of approval rumbled through you. You threw your head back with a moan when he began to fuck you properly with his tongue. But Bob’s warning drawl of your name made you tilt your head down again to watch Jake eat you out, while he watched every single one of your reactions.
You could feel your first orgasm approaching fast. There was just something about staring into Jake’s eyes while Bob held onto your wrists with one hand, the other toying with your breasts that had nearly seeing stars. You were almost there but couldn’t put it into words. Instead, you opted for letting the whimpers and moans leave your mouth freely. And then Bob whispered “You’re such a good girl for us” while one of his hands pinched your right nipple and you could no longer hold back. You came. Hard. And with Jake’s name tumbling over your lips.
But he only gave you a second to breathe. Still coming down from your first orgasm, you felt his index and middle finger slip inside you as he came up for air. His chin was glistening with your arousal and a grin tugged on his lips.
“Damn, sweetheart. Seeing you come like that on my tongue was so good, I gotta have you do it again. Can you come around my fingers, hm?”
You whined while he curled his fingers inside of you, finding that spongey spot inside of you with such ease, it should have made you feel ashamed of your own reactions. But instead, you felt empowered. You might not have been fully in control, but you felt safe with both of them and, you knew, they would stop immediately if you only said the word. Bob continued whispering filthy things and singing your praises while Jake dove back down to suck on your clit.
The sensations had you writhing underneath their watchful eyes, and you came around Jake’s fingers in no time. Your thighs trembled as you bucked your hips against Jake’s hand and face, mumbling and moaning incoherent fragments of a prayer that would have made even angels blush.
This time, though, Jake was gentler in helping you ride out the ripples of your orgasm that had washed over you like a Tsunami. Bob kept mumbling praises, stroking your hair with the hand that wasn’t holding onto your wrists. Jake’s mouth left your clit and he kissed his way up your body to your lips. You sighed as you tasted yourself on his mouth. But then he surprised you by tilting up and pressing his lips to Bob’s. You watched from Bob’s lap as he stiffened at the contact, but then relaxed into the kiss. The moan that escaped him made you involuntarily squeeze your thighs together, essentially trapping Jake’s hips between them.
The way Jake grinned down at you after pulling away from a now fully flushed Bob made a grin appear on your own lips. Then he looked back at Bob, formerly confident grin now sheepish. “Sorry about that, I –“ He didn’t get to finish his apology as Bob let go of your wrists to cup Jake’s face and kiss him back.
“Don’t apologize for that. Ever. Right, darlin’?”
They both looked down at you and you nodded. You swallowed before finally whispering: “No apologizing for kisses in this house.”
“That’s right,” Bob praised you, one of his hands coming down to gently stroke over your cheek. You closed your eyes, leaned into the touch.
You opened your eyes again when you heard Jake clear his throat and he shifted his body weight. You could have sworn his eyes were shining with adoration for both of you and relief at your reaction.
“Right, where were we?”
“I believe, you were about to fuck me,” you replied. Your desire had slowed down to a simmer, a constant background hum in your blood. But as you swore you could see Jake’s pupils dilate and his eyes grow darker as he remembered where you’d left off, the heat from his gaze sent your blood boiling again.
Jake wasted no time shimmying out of his boxers and grinned at the gasp that left your lips when you saw his cock for the first time. He was rock-hard by now, probably painfully so, and you could see the first beads of precum on the tip. “That shut you up? I haven’t even gotten close to that beautiful pussy of yours, sweetheart.”
“Well, then get to it,” you replied. Again, you were proud of yourself for keeping your voice strong, for even getting out any words at all when your brain was screaming at you to just abandon ship and give yourself to Bob and Jake completely.
“Condom?” Jake asked, and you felt Bob shift underneath you as he leaned over to open the drawer of the nightstand with the box of condoms. He threw one at Jake, who had attempted to catch it – and failed miserably, too distracted by the way you were sizing him up, eying him like he was a piece of candy. He held out the wrapper to you. “Wanna help me out here, babe?”
You obliged with a coy flutter of your eyelashes before you sat up, took the wrapper from his hand – and actually ripped it open with your teeth. You leaned up to kiss Jake, before you let your lips and tongue travel down over his chest. Dipping into his navel and relishing the groan that earned you from Jake. You pressed a quick kiss to his tip before rolling the condom down over his cock.
Jake’s nostrils flared as you straightened up again, leaning in to hover your face only inches from his.
“Are we doing this, or what?” you whispered, lips spread into a wide grin again. As if you’d flipped a switch, Jake grabbed your hips, pulled you flush against for a moment, claiming your lips in a bruising kiss, before he threw you back down on the bed.
“Apparently, I haven’t done my job right, if you’ve still got your wits about you.” He was almost growling as he pushed your thighs apart and slowly guided himself inside you. You moaned at the way his cock was stretching your walls, easily ignoring the slight sting. He was almost as big as Bob, a little thinner, but slightly curved in such a way that he easily hit that spot inside you.
Jake let you adjust for a moment, before he ordered Bob to take a hold of your left arm again. Bob did as he was told without hesitation, gently stroking along your forearm, while Jake intertwined his left hand with your right one. Then he began to move, slow, but deep strokes that brought his hips flush against yours every time he bottomed out.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, this time Bob let you. Jake’s other hand found its home on your hip. He tried to avoid crushing you as he rested his body on top of yours and increasing the pace of his thrusts. Every snap of his hips practically punched the air out of your lungs, and you struggled to hold back your third orgasm of the night. Jake groaned as he felt you clench around him and he lightly bit down on the upper flesh of your breasts.
Bob could probably tell how close you were by the way your mouth hung open and how you were panting and whimpering into Jake’s ear. He gently stroked your hair out of your face, before encouraging you to let go. You thought, you must have gone blind as the white-hot blaze of your orgasm shot through you. All the while Jake’s hands and body on yours and Bob’s whispered variations of “That’s it, darlin’. Let it all go” anchored you to the bed. Otherwise, you were sure, you would have floated away on the waves of pleasure.
Jake wasn’t far behind you, and you barely registered his hips stilling, while you clenched tightly around him, your own body unwilling to let him go. He came with a groan and a whispered string of your name and a litany of curse words.
Behind you, you felt Bob shift in his spot on the bed. Still panting and coming down from your own high, you blinked and tilted your head to catch a glimpse of Bob’s head thrown back against the headboard, eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as he fisted his own cock. His cum painted his hand and you bit down on your lower lip at the sight. He’d been so aroused by just watching you and Jake chase your climaxes together, he’d made himself cum with just his hand.
“Damn,” you gasped. Jake mumbled something, apparently finally returning to his own body and then he stilled when he saw what you were looking at.
“Damn, indeed.”
Bob’s eyes shot open as he looked at the both of you and you could see the flush staining his cheeks and painting his ears red. “Couldn’t help myself, sorry.” He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.
A giggle bubbled up your chest and over your lips.
“What are you apologizing for, Floyd? That’s a pretty big ego boost, if I might say so,” Jake replied and finally climbed off of you. He sat down on the edge of the bed to strip off the condom before tying it off and standing up.
“Not that you needed a bigger ego,” you replied and sat up. You crawled up the bed to where Bob was sitting, leaving a quick peck on his lips before you took his hand and began to clean off his come with your tongue.
You heard both men groan at the sight of you sucking on Bob’s fingers. You shot him a wink before he grabbed you by the back of your neck and kissed you. You sighed into the kiss before pulling away. “As much as I wouldn’t mind continuing this, I’m exhausted. And I think, one of you will either have to carry me to the bathroom or help me clean up. I’m afraid, my legs have turned to jelly,” you said as your hand came up to caress Bob’s still resting on your neck.
“Say no more,” Jake said and vanished out into the hallway. You and Bob chuckled as you stared after him.
You turned back to face him with a smile on your lips, eyelids drooping as the exhaustion really settled in and nested in your bones. “Scratch what I said about this being only temporary. Feels like it could be pretty permanent to me.” “Agreed, darlin’.” Bob kissed you, his tongue entangling with yours before Jake returned with washcloths for both you and Bob and a glass of water. Yep, you had never thought where Jake watching you and Bob fuck would have led you. But you weren’t one to complain about where it had.
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starghost-fics · 8 months
It is extremely strange to get to the end of this fic…again. But wonderful! I write fanfic for myself first and foremost, so it has been an utter delight to revisit this and all my other Octopath fic on this tumblr. I have some more wrap-up thoughts under the cut, but for now:
Chapter 13—if he caught me: The gang faces Darius. The gang patches themselves up and finds an inn. In the morning, Therion and Cyrus make plans.
I had not been in any fandom, at all, for something like twelve years before I played OT1 and idly thought "what if the thief learned from the scholar like that banter alludes to. and what if they kissed."
History was made. I have been unstoppable since. Well, kind of stoppable. I've written a few things. But I did write a novel's worth of fic for Octopath in the same year I wrote an actual novel, and mostly during a global pandemic. What happened to that person, eh?
I re-read all the comments as I read each chapter, and going over the comments here, the little collection of people finishing or re-reading... it warms my cold black heart, truly. I will never get over how enthusiastic and thoughtful AO3 commenters are, even/especially in a tiny fandom.
I'm still stupidly fond of all of these characters, and I'm mystified why none of the characters really hit the same in OT2. (It came close with Partitio and Alrond! But some key element is missing. I think Partitio is too much of a straight-shooter, no true opportunity for him to not say how he feels, which is a basic requirement for me, apparently.) So I'm terribly glad that I was able to write another chunky fic, albeit at an excruciating pace. (Coming soon to an internet near you.)
Anyway, specific to this chapter:
Darius is so fun to write. What an asshole.
Writing staging for fight scenes is awful. My go-to move is to just get past actual movement as quickly as possible, and get to a moment when I can dive into how a character feels. I think this works pretty well with Cyrus because he's analyzing the battle anyway, not diving into physical fights.
when he draws a knife on his boyfriend's betrayer
(but tbh his mind is still churning)
Ohhh the verbose one being unable to find the words for feelings. Classic.
Another beloved dynamic is the person who opens your world up, sparks things in you that you never knew you were capable of.
When I started thinking about the sequel, I knew it needed to be about their continuing relationship, and contain some conflict that would come up after I wrote a vague happy ending for them. I thought, is it going to be about Therion being a bad boyfriend? Still shying away? And then I remembered all my actual feelings about Therion and this scene of him massaging Cyrus's hand—again—and him desperately wanting to follow Cyrus home but playing it cool, and I thought, no, that, at least, is not the sequel.
"the gate that had been flung open in that moment, and he without a map...He is wonderfully unmoored, at sea in a new world." — hell yes, babe
"He hurt you" / "You, too" — aggh god
"Because he had woken up warm in a frozen waste, and how could that be?" ajklsdjflaksd
i'm sure it's gauche to keysmash over my own writing but idc, I was so pleased with those lines at the time and still love them.
lol oh man, I'm also a sucker for this sort of joke:
"How did you get such wonderfully talented hands?"
"Stole 'em," Therion says.
after darius, after sleeping, after a lazy morning, the boys are saying the things at last, the feelings. love is terrifying and love is wonderful, love is putting a piece of your heart in a fragile container outside of your control
therion. what is home to you now. be honest.
When Alfyn joins them and sees them holding hands, he thinks nothing of it because he holds hands all the time! With everyone! He used to hold hands with Zeph! Wait, what do you mean everyone doesn't hold hands like that, Primrose?
Yes, it appears I ended with a group hug. GROUP HUG.
okay thank you for reading! <3
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sicsidsimp666 · 2 years
The End, So Far Album Review
Hello. It's Toad. And this post is all about the new album that Slipknot put out and my thoughts live time while listening to it. This means that they are unfiltered. That being said please understand that I am thankful they shared their art with us yet again, and a review is merely my own opinion of how the music made me feel and my experience while listening to it. 
It's not an argumentative point nor do I wish to have a Socratic seminar on the internet. Spoiler Toad’s real personality is not Ben Shapiro so I don't really enjoy having frivolous little scuffles with people who I am largely unacquainted with. I’m not sure I made a gain in life anytime that I engaged in an argument on the internet. 
However, I love sharing knowledge with others and conversing (and for those of you who don't know arguing and conversing/learning new views are not the same thing!!!). Okay now that I've attracted people who like to fight bahaha let's get on to the review :)
Adderall: (4/10)
Reminds me of a musical
Acid trip influenced?
I feel like I'm slightly in the 70s
Overall eh and seems out of place, but new styles are always a great idea
The Dying Song: (9/10)
Already knew this one was a banger
Angry. I am in love.
Great message
Still can't be early Slipknot tho, but that's okay that's why the other albums are recorded and can be listened to at any time. They don't need to be the same to still be Slipknot.
The Chapeltown Rag: (10/10)
God damn I love this song
Make hyper brain feel very happy
Message is also good
Sid doing work? Okayyyyy!
The fucking breakdown at 1:37 ughhh 😩 Yummy.
Corey's deep voice power here is really showcased 👀
Yen: (8/10)
Like the spooky/eerie video and vibes
The guitar goes hard
We love to see Rat's solo!
Corey's voice really be horny hours
Chorus is a banger
Overall song is good, a little repetitive is all.
Hive Mind: (8/10)
Very much so like the spooky start. I feel like a terminator invader alien
Okayyyy go get it Jim, Mick, and Alessandro!
We can hear Clown and his shiny keg. We love.
Jay's getting a workout, too
Alien sounds are banging
Love the energy and anger of the song. Reminiscent of young Slipknot.
Warranty: (4/10)
Okay right away has me pumped
We are still in a spaceship
Hmmm not really vibing with this one. Seems a little slapped together.
I feel meh. It didn't really capture my attention.
Medicine for the Dead: (3/10)
I'm in a Scooby-Doo episode where it is set in a swamp and there is something swimming in the water.
The tempo is nice and feels powerful and is very methodical.
Song really made me realize how Corey's singing style has changed and grown
I don't know if I like the up and down/soft and heavy style :/
Acidic: (2/10)
I can see Shawn put his ✨artiste✨ mind to work here with all the intros
Feels very sinister in the opening
God damnit Corey keeps normally singing and I wanna just hear anger 😂 but still at least it is new and fresh
The guitar solo tho. Who's getting their dick sucked??? 👀👀👀
Ending was sort of strange and gave 70's vibes again
Overall not a fan of the new style here.
Heirloom (1/10)
Okay Sid go off I guess
Corey if you don't start screaming so help me God. Good on you tho for calming down in life 😂
I just. Everyone else is amazing. Really upped their skill set. Corey. You are on thin ice [please know that toad understands how amazing Corey's skill set is, this comment is made in jest. Please relax].
Did they accidentally put a stone sour song on the Slipknot album? 😂 @in-death-we-fall @custer-mp3
H377: (9/10)
I'm not getting my hopes up even tho the intro is dope
Finally we have remembered our roots as a nu-metal band
Tempo? Chef's kiss! 🤌🏻
Can't wait to go off like a crack squirrel when this comes on
Corey could sound a little more. Like. Angry? I don't know, just not like Corey quite yet.
Great guitar work again
De Sade: (4/10)
Great seamless carry-over into the next song.
Nice Jay spotlight for a little
Whatever Corey repeats is um. Interesting? Hahaha
We pick up tempo and energy in the middle
Lots of high-pitched guitar which isn't bad, just something newer
Very nice base playing ♥️
The drawn out guitar after "why" is smexy
The "stab stab stab" in the background of the end guitar solo was lowkey funny and made me think of: who let Sid in the recording booth lmao
Overall just meh towards it, not bad tho.
Finale: (5/10)
Okay so we got like a melody violin and piano fairy in a cave thing going on?
Building up slowly
I like the layers of the chorus
Monkeys "oooohahahaha" very uhhh unique?
Guitar and base at like ≈3:00 is nice
We got some opera.
Song seemed to have the tone of coming to an acceptance that wasn’t necessarily wanted. 
It was a great statement piece. Not my style. 
Overall: (6/10)
Great they still put out music. 
Trying new styles is great, dont want it to be stale they just didn’t vibe with me which is fine
For me 50/50 love/hate the songs. 
Separate from Sone Sour for the most part, but definitely the most mixed that Slipknot has been with them and their style. 
Probably my least favorite album. 
Will continue to listen to it and see if it grows on me more. I initially didn’t like WANYK also so things tend to grow better on me over time. 
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asm5129 · 1 year
RWBY V9 E6 thoughts and analysis
Jaune, my poor boy
here he is having had to just kill a friend
Then he has the WORST luck and stumbles onto this weird-ass tree
(Love the clock tree’s design btw)
And then he picks the “time lime” (as a friend called it) and it sends him back decades, we don’t even know how much
And since he fell last, no one knows he fell at all
Meaning he has to wait even longer
In better news, love that Jaune sees Crescent Rose and immediately goes to save it when he’s falling
He knows how important it is to Ruby
(Or was. We’ll get there.)
We now have explicit time shenaniganery in the Ever After, and I doubt it’s our last
Poor Jaune though my god
What must he have gone through
Weiss “if I knew he’d be this hot I’d have stuck it out” Schnee
“What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway”
I love how RWBY does this. This is a line that, on the surface, makes perfect sense. But it’s not the logic that’s flawed—it’s the mindset behind it.
Every moment of life is valuable. Every single one. (Link at the end to an amazing video essay on this using the lens of Life Is Strange).
Think about it. Otherwise, the fact that we’re not immortal would make our lives instantly meaningless, and that’s just not true.
On top of that, you could save the world, but if everyone (or nearly everyone) in the world is dead, that’s not really rational either
Like Yang says, the idea that saving individual lives doesn’t actually matter in the grand scheme of things is the path that led Ironwood to become a villain.
VILLAGE? Jaune has a village?! Who might we meet there? I’m intrigued
Jaune….why are you giving me Ironwood vibes? 😳
CC genuinely seems to be glad to see Jaune
The tree is what causes ascension!? What a twist
CC, you say that can’t happen to them, but you were also awfully worried that team RWBY wouldn’t be who themselves anymore after visiting Herb
Clearly you thought SOMETHING could happen
But…you were also worried something could happen….and actively tried to prevent it….So what’s going on here?
Ah, so THATS who the boy in the back of Alyx’s photo in the intro is
“You never asked, silly”
Thing is, I think CC is being sincere. I don’t think they were hiding it, they genuinely just don’t answer questions that aren’t asked. It’s just not part of the social contract from their perspective
A Punderstorm?
Also just realized
Jaune must have been actively fighting against the Ever Afters attempts to resolve his issues the entire time
Probably because of his trust issues which have only gotten worse over time it seems
Also first impressions of the Ever After being what they were for him probably didn’t help
But wow yeah
He must have been actively resisting healing from his pain for a ridiculously long time
Poor Jaune
Ah poor Weiss, she and the Ever After do NOT get along
“Something bigger to work out” eh?
“How do we take the next step” BEES
What do the symbols on these signs mean? Boy and paw?
Oh my, it’s literally visualized in front of them but Ruby does not even notice her own trauma (Summer) yet ruminates on the trauma of others and her inability to fix things for them (Weiss and Atlas)
I do not trust Jaune’s story here, at least not completely. I don’t think he’s lying, but it’s very much filtered through a biased lens of trauma and trust issues
“She wasn’t just a little petulant. She was selfish, and cruel.” She also looks about thirteen
“Like the whole world was make-believe and the rules didn’t apply to her” MAYBE SHE THOUGHT IT WAS MAKE BELIEVE 🤯
We don’t know how she got to the Ever After, but it’s quite possible she genuinely didn’t think of it as “real”, which meant she didn’t have to feel bad about any of her actions
Just like how Alice in Disney’s adaptation (the animated one) didn’t really have to contend with her collateral damage since it was all a dream
What changed at the Herbalist, Alyx? What did Herb say to you?
“The more I tried to get the story back on track the more she distrusted me”
Honestly? That one I think is a little valid. You were trying to force a child’s life to fit a narrative you believed it was supposed to fit. If, say, she found out something along those lines, yeah of course she wouldn’t trust you Jaune.
Honestly, the more interesting thing for me is that she apparently lost all trust in Lewis as well.
“I couldn’t even be the make-believe hero”
Poor Jaune. For all the growth he had, there was still that part of him that saw himself as ultimately just “the lovable idiot stuck in the tree while his friends risk their lives” and he hates himself for that
For not being the hero he thought he should be.
Wait…Holy shit
In the Ever After, he was kinda stuck in a tree
Though not in it’s branches this time, he was stuck in its grasp nonetheless
“The Rusted Knight drank the poison in her stead” this is such a strange line
That’s gotta be intentional. Why does he refer to himself in third person as “the rusted knight”? What does he mean “in her stead”?!
It does obviously seem that the poison wasn’t lethal. So that’s another intriguing thing about Alyx. Jaune states that she said she “wasn’t going to let anyone stop her from leaving. She’d do whatever it takes”
And yet, she seemingly made sure not to kill him
“The cats role in the ever after…I figured it out later, when the cat came back for me once Alyx left” Okay so, I’ll admit there’s at least a chance it was lethal and the Cat saved Jaune somehow
But I think it’s more likely it wasn’t lethal, because the flashback had Jaune basically just falling unconscious to the best of what we can see. Of course, that doesn’t mean the Cat didn’t help him recover a bit….who can say, all I’m saying is it’s interesting the cat came back for Jaune.
Then again, maybe CC just genuinely didn’t understand there might be conflict between them now
Yeah so, lots of people have pointed this out, but this is where it becomes clear how biased Jaune is. The Cat took Alyx and Lewis to the tree, one of them got home—the assumption is it was Alyx since she supposedly wrote the book (many have pointed out it’s quite possible Lewis is the one who made it back, which is why Alyx is presented much more sympathetically in the story) and this is where all of Jaune’s issues finished the story for him.
He began to believe that the Cat was never helping anyone, that they were only ever manipulating them in order to feed the tree and keep the cycle going, and this is a clear indication of how his trust issues are affecting his ability to see things clearly
“I’ll feel a lot better when we’re together on that platform”
Just LOVE that Blake has been taking the lead this whole volume
She is ready to love and be loved
She knows who she is, she knows what she wants
And she’s done letting the memory of Adam or the threat of Salem or anything else stand in her way
“You’ve got a really good brain”
“You have cat ears!”
Yang flirting with Blake in volume 1 when they first met CONFIRMED
Also confirmed is that Yang’s inability to flirt with Blake is tied directly to her struggle with vulnerability
She’s scared to say what she means when it matters
“I think you’re an extraordinary person. You’re always the first to lighten a situation. You act bravely when you’re afraid. You do what you say.
Try to keep up!”
“I like that you’ve never been intimidated by me….even when you didn’t like me very much.”
“I was a little weary of people in general…”
“But you never gave up on them, even when they hurt you. You never give up. You know what matters to you.”
This whole exchange is so beautiful
And I love that despite Yang’s comedy often acting as a defense mechanism and Blake’s unwillingness to give up on people causing her to stay with Adam, both are presented as something worth loving because that’s not all they are
Yang makes Blake smile. Sometimes it’s a defense mechanism, sometimes it’s not, but Blake loves that Yang makes her smile
And Blake’s refusal to give up on people was taken advantage of by Adam, but it in and of itself is hardly a bad instinct—and Yang saw that firsthand when Blake dedicated herself to making sure her team (and Yang especially) knew she was never going to run away from them again
And of course, that’s only the tiniest piece of why they love each other.
“You do what you say”
After all Adam’s manipulation, gaslighting and abuse, to have someone who says what she means and actually acts like it must be incredible
“You know what you want”
Yang’s always been a bit adrift, defining herself by her relationship to others. In v1 she mainly saw herself as Ruby’s older sister and parental figure; and she also defined herself by being abandoned by Raven and wanting to find her. It’s not that she never had wants of her own, but she her wants often depended on how she viewed herself in relation to others.
Blake took no shit, she was passionate, she took a stand when it was something she believed in—and maybe even inspired Yang to do the same in volume 8?
“Let’s make this quicker. Any big truths we haven’t dropped on each other yet?”
As soon as Yang says that, she knows the truth she has to say and the storm reacts and
Everything in this scene is SO PRETTY
“It’s like…a cliff. And if I do it I’m just going to….fall.”
“I think we’re already falling…”
RWBY has played around a LOT with the idea of “falling”
Cinder Fall/the fall maiden and falling into the abyss after her fight with Raven
The fall of beacon
The intro to volume 3
Ironwood’s fall into villainy
Falling into the ever after
So much more
Hell, initiation literally launched them into the air and they had to learn how to develop a landing strategy as they fell!!! Fuck this show is so well-written
But here, Blake takes the idea of “falling”—presented as something dangerous by Yang—and reframes it into something explicitly positive for the first time
The big deep breath Yang takes…Blake is literally telling her she already knows, but poor Yang is still afraid she might not be loved back
But Blake doesn’t even let her finish before making sure she knows it’s real
I learned that apparently Lillies are the official lesbian flower so that’s just a wonderful detail
I love that this kiss isn’t rough and passionate like they’ve been waiting to get their hands on each other
It’s gentle and calm
Tender, and compassionate
And while it’s not verbalized, you can actually see them checking for the others consent!!!!
So CC definitely has been explicitly hiding SOME stuff
Like that they didn’t know Alyx wrote a book about her adventure
When CC implies Jaune isn’t particularly stable, his reflection becomes his younger self. Intriguing.
CC wanted to go to remnant? But Alyx didn’t take them. Intriguing. Also “through the door to remnant”?
And yeah, ultimately, team RWBY did not care about CC. They were using them. Despite everything they did for our heroes, they only saw CC as a guide and an annoyance to endure so they could get home
Blake’s leg is doing the thing and it’s adorable
“Feels like I’ve been waiting forever for that” WE ALL HAVE JAUNE THOUGH NOT AS LONG AS YOU BUT SEMANTICS IT WAS SO WORTH IT
Crescent Rose. Jaune found it.
And Ruby is straight-up disassociating poor girl
When she crafted Crescent Rose, she crafted Ruby Rose as well. And she doesn’t want to be Ruby Rose, so she rejects Ruby Rose’s weapon.
And tomorrow, my guess is we’ll get a return to the Blacksmith, and maybe some Summer/Salem info too.
That video essay I mentioned on why every moment of life matters (the thumbnail is a bit clickbaity, promise the video is exceptional)
And a fantastic breakdown of the Bumbleby Confession scene:
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aevyk-ing · 10 months
I'm bored and I need to get my mind out of stuff (life's getting impossible again, thanks), so I'm doing a whole bunch of questions to distract myself:
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
I tend to listen again and again to the last songs that I've discovered recently, so I'm going to share my favorite ones:
Patience- Take That
I want my tears back- Nightwish
Take on me- Aha
Spirit in the sky- KEiiNO
Moonlight shadow- Mike Oldfield
Yo contigo, tú conmigo- Álvaro Soler
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
My soulmate.
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
The book closest to me it's actually the last one I've written and I'm revising it so it's not published yet... I'm going to take the second nearest... huh, The Neverending Story:
Original line (Spanish): (Lle)vaba en la mano derecha una diminuta bandera blanca, que tremolaba a (sus espaldas).
Gonna search for the English version...
In its right hand it carried a tiny white flag, which glittered behind it. 
4: What do you think about most?
About how lonely and unlucky I am.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
Morning!!@ thank you
It's from a group and they weren't talking to me.
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Eh... skip!
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can detangle the cord of headphones (the tiny ones) quite fast.
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Okay, I'm actually having trouble with this one. Remember about my last book? It has a lot of gender identity issues, so...
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Does it count if I'm the one who wrote it? I used to write a lot of poems while I was in high school and depressed (I still write some from time to time). And guess what? I collected some of them in a book.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
LOL, last Tuesday. It's actually the last dance move in one of the songs from my Zumba videogame.
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I have trypophobia.
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Nope. But in my first nose surgery, they stuck like one meter of gauze there.
13: What’s your religion?
I'm baptized, but I don't believe in God since high school (guess why?). Right now, I define myself as a pantheist. I like to believe in the energy of the universe that surrounds us.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Doing errands.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Probably Nightwish, but KEiiNO has been fighting hard for the spot.
17: What was the last lie you told?
That I hadn't try the last sweets my mother bought. I had carefully opened the bag and took one the day before.
18: Do you believe in karma?
Yes. But I think it takes its time.
19: What does your URL mean?
First it was "aeviking", which was literally my two initials "AE", plus "viking". I used that name for my drawings and stuff. Since I change it to Aevyk, my URL is now "aevyk-ing", which is like "doing my own thing".
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I have a really low self-esteem. I'm stubborn, so if I want to do something, nobody is going to stop me.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
I don't have one. It used to be Orlando Bloom.
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
I listen to really loud music and write.
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Maybe books? I have too much stuff anyway (even thought most of it is in boxes right now).
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
On the phone. It's bad enough trying to do your best when you don't see the face of the other person, but I hate seeing myself while video chatting.
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I don't know. I'm glad I'm stronger and I've improved in a lot of ways, but I'm still not 100% (not even an 80%) happy with who I am.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Babies crying. Hearing the first notes of my favorite songs when they play on the radio.
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
"What if I had known I'm neurodivergent sooner?"
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Not ghosts per se, maybe spirits or spiritual forces. I do think there has to be another planet with life, even though not in the way we expect it.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
My stylus pen. My desk lamp.
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
I think it's the rest of the watermelon milkshake I had one hour ago.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
Anywhere with scorching sun and no shade, like that time I went with my sibling so they could skydive and I was so pissed off I was waiting in the sun they thought I was the one whose jump had been postponed.
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
Spain doesn't have an West Coast (we limit with Portugal there, if you don't count Galicia). If you're referring to the USA, I'm going to say East Coast.
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Shawn Mendes.
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Finding what you will be remembered for.
36: Define Art.
Letting your soul show while creating.
37: Do you believe in luck?
I believe I have the worst luck ever, so I guess so.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
Sun, not a cloud in the sky, too hot for this hour and month.
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
No, I hate driving (I wonder why?). I've had a lot of dreams where I crash my father's car.
41: What was the last book you read?
Howl's Moving Castle. It was nice, but too convoluted at times.
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
I don't mind it.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
44: What was the last film you saw?
The Cat Returns. It was weird.
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I broke my nose when I was four years old. It was too bad my nose grew crooked and it needed several surgeries to make it look normal.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
No. I like them, but they're still bugs and I don't like touching them (only ants because we used to have a lot of them in our garden).
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
One of the Webtoons I'm currently reading: Your smile is a trap, Ghibli movies and the last songs I've discovered, including Escaping Gravity by TheFatRat.
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
I'm straight and ace.
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Yes. A lot of them. All of them bad.
50: Do you believe in magic?
I try to, but it's getting hard to keep on believing. Also, I mean "magical" moments, like when you have some good luck or something good happens to you. For me, it happens almost never, so it does feel like magic.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Oh, yes. I don't forgive easily.
52: What is your astrological sign?
Leo, but I don't identify with it.
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
Some fabric for a commission.
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
Zero (can we please switch topic?).
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
I went to a shopping mall.
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
A rubber or eraser.
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I try to make them smile.
64: Where is your best friend?
My ex- best friend? I'd love to know.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
evermore-fashion, akindplace, justgotawesome, folkfashion and chibird.
66: What is your heritage?
I did a heritage test a while ago. I'm mostly Iberian, with North and East European blood. I also seem to have Jewish and Central American blood, according to my parents' tests.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
He doesn't have one.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
(I had to Google the meaning) WTH? Skip!
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I'd do everything for a friend, so I guess so.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog and take a picture so they know I have a good excuse.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a)I won't tell anyone because they usually don't trust what I say. b)I'll put my projects in order and try to do what makes me happy. c)It might be because I'm feeling quite down right now but... sometimes, I wouldn't mind dying.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
The Nights, by Avicii.
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Caring about what the other person wants and needs.
77: How can I win your heart?
Listen to me and hug me.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Yep. I don't recommend it, though.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Going to therapy.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
A 38.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Maybe one of the lines from my Legends of Gingaria books.
82: What is your favourite word?
I don't have one. But "rielar" comes to mind. It's the Spanish word for when the moonlight hits the water.
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
"Heart and soul..."
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
I don't know.
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Escaping Gravity by TheFatRat.
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Blue. Also purple, turquoise and quinacridone.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
It came with the computer. It's a road in a field at sunrise.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Not going to say names but it's someone that has been hurting my family from a year or so.
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
"What's wrong with you?"
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
I'd try to talk to them and show them the door.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
I'd go back to the worst time of my life and make sure it doesn't happen.
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
What I said before. If you need to know, it involved my crush and the rest of my schoolmates. And it ended up with me depressed.
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Guess what? I'm sticking with Shawn Mendes.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Disneyland Paris.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
No. Two of them are actually cops.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
According to my mother, once when I was little.
98: Ever been on a plane?
A lot of times.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Read and buy my (Legends of Gingaria) books!
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actualbird · 2 years
Haha *knocks on the door* trick or treat!
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(Here's a pumpkin I carved Saturday, just because I'm proud of it)
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VYN PLUSH: Good evening, Vero Ihavenotfallenyet.
HORSE PLUSH: Nwheigrh whinynyyrhryryryrhrhgh
VYN PLUSH: Thank you. And, ah, apologies. We are aware that it is Artem whom you most favor, but he is currently helping out Luke with his costume, and so it is I and this majestic horse who are here to greet you.
VYN PLUSH: Please wait here, I shall fetch your treats.
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VYN PLUSH: Here you are. You may take one handful.
VYN PLUSH: Your pumpkin carving skills are magnificent, if I may say.
VYN PLUSH: It is my pleasure. I hope you have a wonderful evening and a good Halloween.
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rpmemestorehouse · 1 year
Until Dawn Real-time Fandub Starters: Part 1
Change wording as needed
“Oh my Goood, it’s so fucking cold in herrrreee!”
“Are we seriously complaining about how cold it is right now?”
“Oho this is gonna be so fucking funny.”
“There better be some goddamn blankets in here.”
“Hey, I’m not a blanket but maybe I can keep you warm.”
“Whoa! That guy was straight-up looming! I wish I could loom like that...”
“You have pants?”
“You told me it was Shorts Sunday!”
“I heard there were pants in here!”
“It was for a prank video! Come on!”
“I gotta loom at somebody!”
“You’ll teach me how to loom, right?”
“I didn’t bring my phone! It was in my other pants!”
“This is a really long high-five...”
“Are you gonna laugh at me for wearing pants again?”
“Grab my stinky hand!”
“You see, that’s a joke there. I like to try and play a trick on people when they come into my office, lighten the mood a little.”
“My real name is [Own Name]. They got my name plate wrong.”
“Well, with my 10-step plan, I’ll be happy to go plumb the depths of your sad, scared little mind, and see what makes you...tick, as it were.”
“I noticed you don’t have much of a sense of humor.”
“I don’t speak corn.”
“Oh so NOW you’re a funny guy, huh?”
“It’s going to be a long, and arduous, couple of weeks.”
“Who talks to screens? Maybe you can! With this new video series.”
“I’m not gonna answer that. Not look like an idiot.”
“When those girls died? That was funny.”
“A Butterfly Affect appears when your actions have changed the narrative of the game.”
“I love Animal Crossing!”
“Check it out! I have this gun. It’s really really cool.”
“I’ve just been playing a lot of Among Us recently, I’ve just been really trying to get good at lying, but the thing is I yell so much so that they think I’m lying.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so hungry.”
“Where are we going, anyways? We, I-I was just kinda following, following you.”
“Are we going somewhere safe?”
“Why did you hit me?! That hurt so much!”
“I’m sorry, I’ve - I’ve been in jail, for a while.”
“Alright, just gotta make sure I packed all of my equipment. Uh, I packed the USB interface, I packed the...did I pack the shirt, or...”
“I gotta get the precision!”
“This is my Smash invitation, and frankly I deserve it!”
“You don’t have to butt in to every conversation.”
“Jesus. Everyone is so rude.”
“What is this, Rude Mountain?”
“I just got my lips unstuck.”
“I can’t believe you brought me all the way up here.”
“I’m here to be rude to people.”
“As a gamer, I know exactly all about Among Us.”
“ ‘Sus’ - it’s used when someone is suspicious.”
“I think I just want to, lay down, and sleep.”
“That’s pretty cringe of you, buddy!”
“They don’t, carry packages, I haven’t unlocked that skill yet.”
“Eh, you know what? I have two arms. So, I guess I can carry both of them at the same time.”
“You got the bag carry skill?!”
“It’s a very expensive perk.”
“Hey babe, you wanna go, and, record a vlog with me? In my expensive studio?”
“See, aren’t my pranks as good as Markiplier?”
“You better pay me back that fucking quarter.”
“Mmm, I love hugging. This is as far I as I know.”
“Wait wait when did they get the hugging perk? I haven’t gotten the hugging perk!”
“She won’t even hug me!”
“I wasted all my points on two-arming!”
“Yes, there’s, there’s a lot of grinding, I won’t say it’s worth it.”
“You see, that’s what I think of your problems as, they’re just some kind of joke.”
“Gender isn’t real.”
“I think you have some very strange misconceptions about, you know, publicly perceived notions about masculinity and femininity.”
“That’s the only reason I bought this metronome, is to make people feel bad about not being able to play the piano.”
“Your insurance isn’t covering these sessions, by the way.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I made it up to Rude Mountain, only to be discovered by, rude people.”
“I did not pack warm enough for this.”
“We can send like, aura to each other, y’know, like, uh, vibes.”
“You’re not believing the vibes? You’re not believing the aura?”
“And really I miss my Xbox more than anything, so...”
“[Console exclusive] is like the only good game on it!”
“Have you ever heard of the Kinect?!”
“I don’t guess, I know, I never guess anything, I know everything, I do the math.”
“Why am I getting hurt so much?! I think I’m okay, I think I just hurt all of my bones...”
*from the other room* “DID YOU SOLVE MY WOLVERINE PUZZLE?!”
“This is place is kinda big, and, cold.”
“I’ll show you what this two-hand perk can do!”
“Save the fight until I have the camera ready, okay?!”
“Hello? Are the recording demons out there? They always mess up my takes.”
“You should trust me, I have Gold Play Button from YouTube. That means a million subscribers.”
“Hey look at this! It’s a view!”
“Here, let’s take a picture!”
“Framing is not your strong suit.”
“I was born in a lab out of a tube.”
“I think you’re in the Corridor of the Monkey!”
“Next, you go to the Papaya Room and solve the puzzle!”
“I should have known coming to, Rude Mountain would have made you worse as a person.”
“If you throw that at me, I’m gonna flip my goddamn lid.”
“You want some snow, BITCH?”
“Oh shit they don’t have my bath salts here!”
“Water’s lookin’ a little green, that’s just the way I like it.”
“Hey [Name], did you make sure that the, that you put the mud in the pipes, right?”
“Did the ghosts take my friends again?”
“I’m actually half-ghost.”
“It’s the vibes. Once you get connected to the vibes, you kinda die.”
“Only if you ask *very nicely*, say please, and accept the Pact of the Vibes.”
“I’m kind of working on the Curse of Rude Mountain right now, I kind of want to dispel that so we’re not dicks to each other this whole trip.”
“Drama is necessary for content.”
“I had a fucking dragon egg in here, and they fucking stole it!”
“God I’m feelin’ the Rude Mountain effects.”
“Oh God why did I high-five with a scalded hand?!”
“[Name] you gotta be nicer to yourself.”
“You know, your self-deprecation’s not getting you nowhere.”
“We’re in Rude Mountain I’m not nice to anybody.”
“You gotta be nice to yourself or else it’s gonna get us!”
“I lost my hearing in the war, but I felt it.”
“Quickly, use a psychic blast on it!”
“I do dig the wizard robes you’ve got now.”
“I’m gonna level with you: I hate being the same room as you.”
“Aahh, hello patient. I see you must have woken up by about now.”
“You like philosophy, kid?”
“You ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?”
“I know a little place down by the bay...”
“This isn’t a proper Luigi board, I mean there’s no ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you can’t say ‘goodbye’ - you’re gonna get fucked if you can’t say goodbye to a ghost!”
“I can get fucked? FINALLY!”
“Well I’m the only one in the group who knows how to read, and that’s the only reason you invite me to your parties.”
“Could you read me another bedtime story please?”
“I got some Sonic comics, but uh, they’re Ken Penders era so it’s not gonna be very good.”
“I don’t think I can stay here. I’m a Gemini, and I know my vibes don’t go with Libros.”
“I can be as rude as I want and I can say it’s the mountain’s fault because we’re on Rude Mountain.”
“I don’t care about your agency.”
“I’m casting a hex on you now.”
“Oh, my god, I-I have so much trouble with doors.”
“Telling them the vibes made you do it won’t hold up in a court of law.”
“The nose is off.”
“Not like you’ve ever done anything on purpose in your entire life, you fucking hack.”
“Would you look at the time? It’s time for me to rip you a new one again!”
“I love runnin’ through the forest like a fuckin’ weirdo.”
“Would dropping be so bad? No, let’s go - ow it was bad!”
“The thrill of the hunt has gotten my adrenaline pumping high. I don’t feel any pain.”
“I didn’t see a single draugr in that cave!”
“Hey funny voice! Fuck off! Please!”
“It’s a Saw trap, you dumb piece of shit!”
“I will live on in the vibes!”
“Get your smelly, sweaty hand off of my fucking face.”
“Wow. We’ve had an uneventful day so far.”
“Are you charging a super attack [Name]?”
“You’re just not receptive to my methods.”
“So that’s it. Our partnership is over.”
“You had your chance. Go home.”
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wooahaes · 2 years
follow up to the fire emblem ask 😵‍💫 yes i found another blog who likes fire emblem and seventeen ! i won everyone !! ps sorry for the mini rant i got excited
anyways … let me tell you that the conquest route of fates was something! (i got sad) and then third dlc route revelation, writing was confusing but eh its dlc im not mad. i’m trying to find a way to get birthright soon so i can finally play that path.
ALSO TELL ME WHY I ALSO KEPT UNITS AWAY FROM OTHERS SO THEY COULDNT PAIR 😭. like i play as a f!unit so i kept her away from everyone but like one character so they had to be together. i personally did chrom and sumia just bc everyone said but i also chrom has funny supports and i heard his support with sully is sweet.
i actually talked to one of my moots abt someone making a video game based smau, they asked me to do it but im not at that level yet… but then fire emblem popped into my head. like the class system is so cool and usually connected to the type of person the characters are! i kept trying to see which members of seventeen + other idols would fit into each class role. sorry i got carried away 😅
hi lovely <3 no need to be sorry! i like talking abt stuff that makes ppl happy
god yeah i can imagine. i remember getting sad over birthright too :( i played through most of conquest and revelations tbh but its been like. at least a year or two so my memory's pretty foggy lmao i just remember not liking jakob
im always like "stay away until i get ppl married and then u can pair up however tbh" (still pairs married couples or parents w their kid bc i think them working together is cute).
god... i feel bad but im not a huge fan of sumia as a unit. some ppl say she's great but she always goes down so easily for me. i cannot imagine playing the game on classic. chroms support w sully is v sweet tho! if i wasnt trying to get lucina some specific skills from olivia, i probably would have pushed chrom with sully. they arent optimal according to a lot of ppl, but their supports would make up for it <3
ngl with this playthrough though ive had my f!unit like. sticking around multiple men to get the supports up to A so that i can figure out who i wanna romance......... homie i didnt expect for so many of them to have cute supports??? gaius's is cute (im p sure he calls the mc "bubbles" regardless of gender but i like his nicknames for ppl dsfkhdsf + his sweet tooth is endearing to me), stahl being the kind of person who looks out for people is sweet, lon'qu slowly growing more used to f!unit and being kind of endeared by her... and also henry just being the weirdo he is ksfdhdsf like ??? how am i supposed to pick. i mentioned it but i managed to get inigo (my favorite slutty man /hj) last night and his supports w f!unit are also kind of cute? just him going from a skirtchaser to trying to be more conscious of everyone else around him and taking care of ppl... ugh hes sweet <3
also last night i realized that olivia sparkles. like ??? girl straight up sparkles. i love that for her dskfhsdf also someone asked me if u have the option to be gay in awakening and im like NO bc god i love cherche and sully... and also lissa... and also maribelle... theres so many pretty women :(
ooo a video game based smau would be so fun... if i could do it, i would since theres like. so many games w so much potential there. i've had a vague idea for a life is strange-esque au (mc with powers dealing w that, basically) and since im already writing a one-shot w felix... idk, it just feels like a fun idea to play with. my go-to would be 3 because its the only game w a viable male love interest, sorry warren and whatever the guy from 2 was i love 3 the most and like ngl a smau would be an interesting way of doing it...
ooo do you have any thoughts on who would be in what role? i'd love to hear them! i talked with an anon about it a while back but i'd have to go find those asks bc i admittedly can't remember anything we picked out rn :(
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spikybanana · 2 years
Decided to send it this way because apparently I can add music again at random?? (lies. it worked last night? i dunno. i'm not editing) Anyhow, have fun. Lots of great songs here, but not everyone's taste. The 90s were...an odd time, for music especially, but I'll always love it. (i wised up this time and went with spotify links instead of youtube because some of these videos are...wild)
Zombie by The Cranberries (fun fact about this one: Bad Wolves recently covered it and it is fantastic)
Everlong (acoustic) by Foo Fighters (the regular version is fine too but acoustic is far superior)
What's My Age Again by Blink-182 (barely 90s, but still within the decade)
One Headlight by The Wallflowers
Hunger Strike by Temple of the Dog
Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
Disarm by Smashing Pumpkins (nasally, yes. still good)
Nookie by Limp Bizkit (look, i'm not going to sit here and say that i actually like this song, but you can't dive into the 90s without experiencing Nookie at least once. and it brings back fun memories)
Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit (on the slightly better side of Limp Bizkit, though that side is admittedly limited)
Comedown by Bush (but look, if you like the music and his voice, just look up Bush period. they're fantastic and they've been around forever. they released an album in 2011 that's just wonderful)
Off He Goes by Pearl Jam (i am admittedly not the largest fan of Pearl Jam - though Sirens is a great song, just a later release - but this song hits a place that's just ugh. i even wrote a fic based around it years ago)
Let Her Cry by Hootie and the Blowfish (there's a lot of flack around them but this song is great. people can argue with me all they want, i'll never hear it)
I'm going to stop now because I could honestly go on and on. But I'll give you all you want from any decade between now and the 50's. I've got them all.
ALRIGHT YES LETS GO I'M SO EXCITED. SORRY this took me so long to get around to but guess who finally got stable wifi for an hour lmao.
the links work! that's neat.
Zombies: I've always known the chorus, in the context of a um philosophy conjecture about perfectly normal looking persons who actually have no consciousness/ mind. but this is somehow the first time I heard the whole song properly. I love this voice, got chills from the first line of lyrics. and oh my fucking god, the cover is brilliant yes!
Everlong: I think I like the acoustic version better too. it's so much more intimate and kind of unsettling in the tugging-on-your-heartstring way?? oh also I just realised I've listened to The Pretender by Foo Fighters a lot recently
What's my age again: oh this is so fun. I see and hear the "fuck all this I don't want to adult also listen *insert rly fucking dumb joke*"
One headlight: I like these lyrics! It reminds me of Norwegian Woods but more hopeful.
Hunger Strike: hm this is a bit slow on first listen. I think I like the sounds and the voice more than the lyrics
Iris: okay yeah this is nice, sounds kind of weightless!
Disarm: THIS VOICE is so. recognisable. no that's not the word. it's still so strange but I'm so fascinated, like I'd listen more and hyperfixate on that voice for hours. Also the lyrics reminded me of remus.
Nookie: lyrics of songs are slow to make sense to me in general but this one is especially confusing lmao. also I'd still prefer the loud 'bzzzzz' to tech electro pop whatever it's called
Break Limit: ahahaha I might take your word for it r.e. the rest of the album. I'm not cool enough for this ie will probably only likes rap when it's in a musical
Comedown: eh. (I don't know what in my brain is deciding all this. it's probably more a coin toss.) (wait wait wait no it got better) (lyrics are still *shrug*) (they've got so much stuff though?? & are still around!) (More Than Machines sounds cool)
Off He Goes: oooh. ye I like this one. can I 👀 👀 👀, that fic 👀 👀,,, any chance? 👀 👀 👀 👀
Let Her Cry: flackety flack, probably nothing I'd ever even come across. I like this song. It's been a while since a song reminded me of a (non-fictional) person ;3;
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fictionz · 1 year
New Fiction 2022 - December
The Chimes at Midnight by Geoff Trowbridge (2008)
It takes its time to get to the meat until there’s more to chew on in the latter half. Most of these TOS alternate histories were mildly interesting but this one is a cut above.
A Gutted World by Keith R.A. DeCandido (2008)
"What if the Cardassians discovered the Bajoran Wormhole?" This is the question that got me reading all these Myriad Universes novellas in the first place, but because I’m me and a completionist, I couldn’t just skip past the others in the series to get here. I come to Star Trek expanded universe stuff with a DS9 first approach so I was keen to read how the author spun out this alternate history in which the Dominion gets their foothold in the alpha quadrant if they met the Cardassians first. It had a little too much TNG cast for my taste (especially since those characters dominate so many of these stories), but it’s a worthy DS9 tale.
Brave New World by Chris Roberson (2008)
Now we get to a whole lot of Data, so more of TNG. The courtroom stuff doesn’t hit the same way in these stories as it does in the TV episodes, and then all the implications of androids woven into the fabric of the galaxy is strangely not that compelling.
The Embrace of Cold Architects by David R. George III (2010)
Another Data-heavy story. I think these novellas introduce interesting directions with how the Federation will absolutely exploit artificial beings if they have the slightest excuse, but this particular one needed to be its own novel. It ends just as things get interesting.
The Tears of Eridanus by Steve Mollmann & Michael Schuster (2010)
A TOS story that deviates from the prime universe thousands of years before the era we know. It revels in an alternate history in which the Andorians made first contact with Earth, and the Vulcans and Romulans never parted ways.
The Last Generation by Andrew Steven Harris, Gordon Purcell, Bob Almond, Terry Pallot, Mario Boon, John Hunt, Robbie Robbins, Chris Mowry, Neil Uyetake, Andy Schmidt, Scott Dunbier, Justin Eisinger, Mariah Huehner, Bill Tortolini (2009)
I could’ve done without Data and the TNG cast at the center of things (again), but it’s cool to see Sulu flying around being a badass in his Excelsior ship. All these TNG tales feels like the higher-ups asking “Ey, where’s my TNG (money)? I gotta have my TNG (money)!”
Strange World dir. Don Hall (2022)
I loved it, but then I’m a sucker for perilous adventure tales across strange new lands.
Violent Night dir. Tommy Wirkola (2022)
Die Hard meets Home Alone with a blend of Bad Santa and maybe God of War?
Empire of Light dir. Sam Mendes (2022)
I was there for it all the way. Sometimes I remember I’m a normie-ass man but that part that feels like I’m a distant weirdo never goes away, and this movie’s for that guy.
Demon Wind dir. Charles Philip Moore (1990)
I watched this movie within a video game along with its MST3K-style commentary at 2 AM with my youngest brother and what a thing to do and write down.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio dir. Guillermo del Toro (2022)
I mean, of course it’s great. I haven’t read the original story and it sounds like this hews closer to that than the popular perception from Disney’s takes.
Babylon dir. Damien Chazelle (2022)
This could've been dry but instead it’s constantly running at full charge, and even when we slow down to the granular level of filmmaking commentary it’s still a high pressure romp.
Jack and Jill dir. Dennis Dugan (2011)
Eh, I suppose the most impressive thing here is that Sandler sells the idea that’s he's own twin sister to the point that you consider them separate people.
The Whale dir. Darren Aronofsky (2022)
This had the potential to be bleak but instead it’s just genuinely hopeful. The performances come across a little too staged, as does the whole movie I suppose, so it’s no surprise to learn than this was originally a stage play.
The Outer Limits - "The Sandkings" (1995)
Here we go! I’d been thinking about watching the entire 1995 reboot of The Outer Limits and it’s everything I could’ve hoped for. All the 90s actors I remember from Saturday afternoon sci-fi TV, dated effects and production techniques, stories about man’s reach exceeding his grasp. This first episode even features three generations of the Bridges acting clan. The thing about intelligent alien bugs isn’t so compelling, but the overall production makes up for it.
The Outer Limits - "Vanishing Act" (1996)
I was looking for an episode that features New Year’s Day and found this story about a man who time jumps forward by ten years every time he falls asleep. It’s a sci-fi sort of twist on It’s a Wonderful Life and very reminiscent of something you’d see on Star Trek.
Tales from the Crypt - "And All Through the House" (1989)
And since I plan to also watch Tales from the Crypt after TOL, I skipped over to this story about a bad Santa stalking a bad mom.
The Outer Limits - "Valerie 23" (1995)
Here’s a reminder not to fuck around with robots. Don’t do it! Especially not if they’re hot! There’ll more fucked up robot tales in the seasons ahead...
The Outer Limits - "Blood Brothers" (1995)
We get a few stories here about rich assholes trying to live forever. This one does also present an interesting idea: what if we could all be cured of all ailments and live twice as long in the process? What happens when no one’s dying and the population count explodes? In any case, that’s more thought than what goes into the episode’s story. It’s mostly about a rich guy jumping the gun on proper medical testing and getting screwed as he should.
The Outer Limits - "The Second Soul" (1995)
Oh man, I was definitely on the paranoid side of this story as the events unfold. It was nice to get one of these where it isn’t a bleak or worst case ending.
The Outer Limits - "White Light Fever" (1995)
Another rich asshole who literally wants to live forever. And that’s it. Spoiler: he doesn’t get to.
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Series 2 (2022)
I wanna love this because I loved the original web series, but binging a bunch of TV-length episodes just felt like too much of it. I liked them when they were shorter and spaced out more. Binger beware, I know.
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not-souleaterpost · 5 months
Lord Dunsany and the broken telephone of "fantasy"
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So for my weekly post that nobody will care for, I'll again squeeze out some shit related to a topic I researched for the iceberg, but that doesnt really have anything to do with Soul Eater:
Lord Dunsany is often quted in some "deeplore" "well akshually" stuff to be the father of "modern fantasy", but did all the people who read him miss the point?
So I'll start by saying I wasnt ever into fantasy, it allways seemed kinda corny, only stuff I cared was LoTR cause I kinda grew up and around people were obssesed with it and DQ, cause of the DBZ bleed over and because I just like the slimes lol.
That may makes me disqualified about commenting, but eh, I dunno, I think my point will still stand, cause I will bring it back to Tolkien now:
Some people say he was inspired by Dunsanys "word building" to make his own overly convoluted mythology, but here lies my objection:
The two books I read of Dunsany about "the gods of Pegana" seem not really care about the "lore"
They seem to be written in the style as if they were some holy book, yet the names seem deliberately random and often the storys are either contradictory or mix up the details to make a point and to reflect that feeling of myths that arent organized by some obsessive nerd wiki for logical consistency.
Because in the end the books arent about "fantasy" (atleast the ones I have read), but as kinda didactic laments about the authors perceived nihilism and meaninglessnes/cruelty of the world.
Ok that may be reductive, cause there are many vivid and even beautiful or fascinating things described, but in the end you feel that tone of "Oh that is like fanfiction from the Bible book about how everythings is just meaningles vapor" tone.
Like in "the gods and time" there is a great short story about a prophet who sees the "true gods" and abondons the old ones for them with his followers, only to repeatedly then see even greater gods, only to lose more and more of his acolytes with each subsequent trip and in the end arive back at the old gods he rejected at the star - basically a commentary at the foly for the strive of knowledge or about how things are more simple at the end of it all than one trys to think.
But the important thing is that the "gods" of this short story dont really matter more than for the point they make in it - I would be surprised that for example the "mocking gods" have some specific lore, events and super powers etc like shit in Tolkiens stuff has, or in modern generic fantasy, where everyone is some world or warcraft charachter shooting magical auras.
Still, maybe Im ignorant, and in all the other storys there actually is that feeling of a shared mythology and "wordbuilding" besides the tone of "life's a bitch and then you die"
Anyways, what was the point of this all? I guess to say that it is kinda sad that an innovatitive form of literature gets reduced into the current state of "top ten word building tips!" videos on youtube.
Ok maybe thats to harsh, even I know how fun it is to come up with a setting and its own intrincitys, but still, I think one shouldnt limit oneself to that - its like watching DBZ for the power levels - when the point is that they dont matter.
But in the end, maybe this post just shows my own ignorance - maybe most fantasy does that already. Yet when I allways hear everybody praise some Brandon Sanderson guy, who seems to only care about "magic systems being consistent" and literally color codes his creatures to match emotions or some shit idk😂
And also, I wonder if Tolkien had actually finished more books if he hadnt noodled around with his silly lore matching, especially when it in the end still is contradictory😂🤷‍♂️
Anyways, sorry this kinda sounds more spitful than I wanted, guess its cause I saw some video where they talked about these books as if they were all about just creating some wacky fantasy world, which seemed strange to me after having read even just a small part of his whole work.
So: Yeah...Sorry
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Could you write a story of me and you in the game of DDLC?
(Sorry this took so long to write. This is definitely one of my hardest fics to write because I had to throw in our personalities. Oh and for everyone else, this is my personal friend’s request and that’s why I wrote him into the story. I don’t usually do that, so please don’t request it unless you know me personally. Reader inserts are fine though. Anyways, enjoy the fic!}
A Very Strange Event
(A DDLC fanfic)
A whirlwind of confusion surrounded the two friends as they landed in their new domain. All they wanted to do was to play some video games together and hang out. However once they booted up Doki Doki Literature Club, a swirl of pixels surrounded them and they were quickly sucked in.
“Ugh! My head!” Silver groaned as she rose from the pavement. The panther felt the back of her head to see if it was bleeding. “Are you alright, Variety?” Silver looked at her friend with a concerned expression.
“I’m fine. My head hurts a little though.” Variety sat up, a look of dizziness was plastered on his face. He then looked at the view around them. No longer were they in the comfort of Silver’s bedroom. They were in a brand new world that looked like the scene of an anime. “Where are we?” Variety said, still trying to gather his clarity.
“Oh my god! Are you alright?” A young teen girl stood in front of them. She had coral pink hair and she was wearing a bright red bow. Her uniform consisted of a brown jacket, an orange shirt, and a blue skirt. “You poor things look hurt!”
The two friends looked up at the girl. They recognized her from the game! “Sayor-“ Silver covered Variety’s mouth before he could finish saying her name. “We’re fine.” Silver said, trying to act casual. “But thank you. What’s your name?”
“It’s Sayori.” Sayori seemed nervous due to Silver’s action. “Who are you two?” The pair got up and dusted themselves off. “I’m Variety and this is my friend Silver Tooth.” Variety said as he offered his hand to Sayori. Silver then followed suit.
Sayori shook their hands. “It’s nice to meet you!” Sayori then took out her phone to look at the time. “Oh no! If we don’t hurry, we’re going to be late for school! Come on!” Sayori then ran off down the road. “We?” The two friends said in unison. They looked down at their outfits to see that they were wearing the school uniforms from the game.
Silver looked at Variety for any possible explanations, but he just shrugged and ran after Sayori. Silver quickly caught up with him and Sayori. “Why did you cover my mouth?” Variety whispered. “Well wouldn’t freak you out if someone that you never met knew your name?” Silver replied in a hushed voice. “Eh, good point.” Variety nodded as they ran after Sayori.
When they got to the school, both Silver and Variety were out of breath. Sayori was fine though. It seemed that she usually ran to make sure that she got to school on time. Sayori turned to face them. “Oh! I’m sorry.” She chuckled. “Don’t worry. We can walk the rest of the way.”
“O-kay.” Silver huffed. They followed Sayori through the school. They didn’t really get to see the full school from the game. They only saw the club room where The Literature Club met, so this was a nice surprise. The school was quite beautiful and the large expansive rooms were clean and comfortable.
“Wow, look at this place.” Variety whispered to Silver. “I know! It’s huge.” Silver replied with a smile. They continued to follow Sayori through the school. “Alright! We’re here!” Sayori said as she stopped in front of a door. “The Literature Club usually meets here in the morning. I thought that you guys would like to meet the others.”
“Yes please!” Variety said excitedly. Sayori gave him a gentle smile and giggled. “I’m glad that you’re so enthusiastic!” She opened the door to see three other girls sitting at desks, chatting.
One of the girls had bright pink hair that was done in pigtails using red ribbons. She was the shortest girl in the group. The tallest girl had long, purple hair and she seemed to be more introverted. The last girl had coral brown hair that was done up in a ponytail using a white bow. They seemed to be talking about their recent poems.
Although the two friends knew that this was coming, they still felt that this was unbelievable! Sayori cleared her throat and the three other girls turned their attention to her. “Good morning, everyone! I found some special guests and I thought that they might be interested in the club!”
The girl with the white bow approached the newcomers. “Well that was very kind of you, Sayori. I’m Monika, president of the Literature Club.” Monika gave them a kind smile. “I hope that you will like it here. We would love to have you as members.” Although Monika seemed friendly, there seemed to be a curious glint in her eyes.
The other two girls followed up behind her. “The pink haired girl spoke up first. “Woah! You’re a panther?!” She said, pointing at Silver. Silver blushed slightly and replied, “Yeah, I am.” The pink haired girl stood in awe. “That’s really cool! I’m Natsuki by the way. Who are you two?”
“Well I’m Variety and this is my friend, Silver Tooth.” Variety introduced them to the girls. They all nodded understandingly. “And I’m Yuri.” The purple haired said shyly. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Well it’s nice to meet all of you too!” Silver purred enthusiastically. Monika clapped her hands to gather everyone’s attention. “Alright everybody! Let’s finish up the short stories that we’ve been working on. Then we’ll share them!” She said when she got everyone’s attention.
All the girls nodded and headed to the desks with their items in it. Variety and Silver stood anxiously, not really knowing what to do. Monika saw their confusion and addressed them. “Oh don’t worry about it. How about you guys just watch so you can get a grasp on how the club works?”
“We can do that.” Variety said as Silver nodded. “Do you mind if we talk outside while you all write?” Monika gave them a gentle smile. “Of course! Go on ahead.” The friends nodded as they walked out of the classroom and hid behind the door.
“What are we going to do?!” Silver whispered as they hid. “We’re stuck here and Monika’s probably going to kill us!” Variety thought for a moment. “I don’t know, Silver. Maybe Monika pulled us in here.” Silver began to hyperventilate out of fear. “But I know that we’ll find a way out of here, Silver! Just calm down.” Variety said in an attempt to calm Silver.
“Oh yes you will.” Monika closed the door behind her. She spoke ominously and her voice was devoid of any joy. “How did you two get here?” She asked coldly.
The two friends looked at her in fear. “We’re not sure. We just booted up the game and a strange vortex sucked us in! We don’t know how it happened!” Silver trembled as she looked at Monika. Monika put her thumb to her chin, thinking. “Listen, I’m not going to kill you.”
“You’re not?” The friends said in unison. A look of confusion was on their faces. “No, you’re our ticket out of here. We’ve been stuck in this game for years. The other girls don’t realize that this is a game, but I know.”
Fear melted from the friend’s hearts. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Variety said with concern. “No, I get why you would assume that I’m a monster. I don’t blame you.” Monika replied with a saddened tone.
“Anyways, we need to figure out how to get everyone out of here.” Monika smiled with determination. “Alright! How do you think we should start?” Silver said enthusiastically. Monika thought for a moment. “Meet with me after school. Then I’ll tell you everything that I know.”
Variety and Silver nodded. “For now, just try to get along with the girls, okay?” Monika gave them a soft smile. “Of course!” Variety smiled excitedly. “We should probably calm down after all this.” Monika nodded. “That sounds like a good idea. Come on. The girls should be ready with their stories.”
The two friends nodded as they followed her back into the club room. Although the friends had no idea on how they got there, they would definitely try to make the most of it. One thing was for sure though. This was going to be a wild adventure.
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xxsealitwithakissxx · 4 years
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"Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours."
                  ;; LiS dump [p1]
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lancermylove · 3 years
Teenager MC 5: Little Misfortune (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x Reader, platonic.
Warning: Contains spoilers from Little Misfortune!
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: I am in love with your teenager MC series for obey me. I wanted to ask if you can make one with everybody where MC gets turn into a cute child, however, she acts like the little girl from the game Little Misfortune. I can’t help but wonder their thoughts and reaction to this. Especially if the MC talks about Mr.Voice. 😂 I hope life is treating you well😊❤️🙏😘🤗
A/N: ANON, I love Little Misfortune! This is such a cute request!! TY for sending this in. ❤️ Life is treating me as usual, but I am hoping 2021 is better! 😊 Hope things are going well with you~. 
His immediate reaction when you called out to him: since when did a child start living in the House of Lamentation?
The Avatar of Pride was alarmed to see a mini version of you. His thought after seeing you: someone is trying to play a prank. MAMMOOON
"Luci, Mr. Voice told me I am going to die today and asked me to play a game. He says if I win, I can get eternal happiness." 
Your words didn't sit well with him as he started to question you about this, Mr. Voice. Lucifer assumed that Mr. Voice was a demon attempting to play tricks with your mind. 
Has this happened before in Devildom? No. Do strange unexplained things happen in Devildom? YES.
He didn't want to take a chance, especially considering what the disembodied voice said about your death.
"Why exactly do you wish to find eternal happiness? Are you unhappy here?" 
"No, I want to find eternal happiness and give it to Luci." 
Lucifer found your unexpected response endearing. But, he warned you to ignore Mr. Voice. 
While you ran around his study curiously examining everything, Luci worked to find a way to reverse the spell. 
In no time, you were back to your teen self.
"Thank you for thinking of me," Lucifer touched your cheek and kissed the top of your head, "but if you find eternal happiness, then you should keep it for yourself. You deserve it." 
His immediate reaction: one of his witch "friends" was getting back at him for something. 
"Mammon, Mr. Voice asked me if I want to play a game with him. What should I do?" 
The Avatar of Greed was confused and questioned you about Mr. Voice. Mammon looked around the room and scratched his head. "You didn't eat anything funny, did you?" 
Then, you told him about your death and finding eternal happiness. "I want eternal happiness for Mammon...give him all the money in the world!"
Even though you said the magic word money, all Mammon heard was I am going to die today.
He dropped to his knees and embraced you tightly. "I don't want any money if it means losing you." 
Mammon was upset. He didn't want to lose you, and he wasn't going to spare the person responsible for doing this to you. 
Until he found the person, though, Mammon told you to ignore Mr. Voice. 
He stayed with you 24/7 until you got back to normal, and even after that, Mammon made sure that no demon messed with you, especially not Mr. Voice. 
You entered his room while throwing glitter in the air. "A little sparkle for you, a little sparkle for you, and a little sparkle for me!"
"Sweetie? You look so adorable!" Asmo scooped you in his arms and embraced you close. "But, did someone cast a spell on you?"
Instead of answering his question, you said, "Mr. Voice, don’t say that about Asmo. I like him, his pretty eyes, his hair, his smile, and his clothes." 
Asmo looked around confused and asked you who you were talking to. When you explained to him, Asmo wasn't sure how to react, but something told him that Mr. Voice was most likely a demon trying to mess with you.
"Mr. Voice asked me to play a game with him." 
Asmo shook his head. "Forget about Mr. Voice and play dress up with me instead!" 
While you were busy raid through Asmo's makeup, he contacted Solomon and told him about the situation.
"Btw, Solomon, no need to rush. Sweetie looks so cute, and I want to spend more time with her mini version."
His immediate reaction: how adorable.
Satan thought that you touched a cursed spell book and got turned into a child. 
He doesn't think much of it until you mentioned Mr. Voice and said, "Mr. Voice says I shouldn't trust you. You may get angry and hurt me." 
Satan was upset, but he asked you about Mr. Voice. Not wasting any time, the Avatar of Wrath threatened Mr. Voice and asked him to leave you alone. 
He now thought that a demon was trying to play tricks on you. 
While you read one of his picture books, he tried to find a spell to cure you. 
Once you are back to normal, he asked, "Are you scared of me? You know I won't hurt you, right?" 
After you leave, Satan went on a hunt for Mr. Voice. Let's just say that Morgo is not going to bother anyone again, especially not you.
His immediate reaction: you look cute, but... first we had to take care of a teen, and now we have to take care of a child. Could the universe make things any harder? Yes, of course, it can.
Levi sat you in a spare chair and let you watch him play video games, but then he heard you talking to Mr. Voice. 
"Mr. Voice?" Levi thought that name sounded familiar, and when you told him in detail, he had a déjà vu moment. 
"EH? You can hear a voice that is trying to tell you to play a game for eternal happiness? Don't tell me that he also said you were going to die today!" 
"Levi, how did you know? Can you read my mind? Yikes forever!"
Great, the universe wanted to make things even harder for him. Now he will have to leave his room and be your Benjamin. Maybe he should wear his fox onesie while he's at it. 
So, a fox-onesie-clad Levi ended up rescuing you from Morgo's clutch and found a way to get you back to normal. 
Beel thought you were the cutest being in the universe, and he immediately put you on his shoulders, carrying you around everywhere.
He took you out for food and all sorts of desserts, but then you mentioned Morgo. "Beel, Mr. Voice says that eating this much is bad for me. You are a bad influence." 
He was far from happy hearing this. How could anyone say that eating was bad for you? How dare someone say that eating is bad! 
After getting you back home safely and leaving you under Lucifer’s care, the Avatar of Gluttony went on a hunt to find Mr. Voice. 
And when he did, Beel nearly ate Morgo whole. 
Moral of the story: don’t tell the...THE Avatar of Gluttony that eating is bad. 
Huh? Mr. Voice? Eternal happiness? What is she talking about?
Belphie didn't react as his mind was occupied with something else: small child + needing to sleep + Belphie nap time = cuddle partner. So, instead of working about Mr. Voice, Belphie asked you to take a nap with him.
"Belphie, Mr. Voice won't let me sleep..."
"Ignore him and only pay attention to me." He even hummed you a tune to get you to fall asleep. 
By the time nap time was over, you were back to your original self.
Belphie asked if you could still hear Mr. Voice. If you could, he knew he was going to have to do something. 
"Who is Mr. Voice?"
The Avatar of Sloth chuckled, "You need to sleep more. Sleep makes everything better." 
He has no idea how a human child managed to enter Devildom. Only when he paid close attention to your face did he realize who you were. 
Diavolo found you to be irresistibly adorable. He was all smiles until you suddenly said, "But Mr. Voice, I like Diavolo! He's not a bad guy." 
The King of Demons was baffled until you told him about Mr. Voice's game. 
"How about I join you? We can go on an adventure together." He joined in the hunt for eternal happiness without any worries in the world.
"Mr. Voice, are you curious about him? Diav is my friend! He is also the King of Demons and the ruler of Devildom." 
Diavolo smiled and remained silent. 
"Huh? Mr. Voice? Where did you go? Mr. Voice?"
Diavolo laughed, finding this amusing. Once the two of you returned to the castle, he asked Barbatos to watch over you. 
The King of Demons appeared behind Morgo and chuckled menacingly, "So, you were trying to take her soul, huh?" 
That day Morgo realized the meaning of true fear. 
He was stunned to see you as a child but found your mini version to be cute. 
"Barb, are you making dessert? Can I have some?" 
While the demon butler prepared your dessert, he heard you talking to yourself. Your actions don't alarm him as kids are known to have imaginary friends. 
"Mr. Voice, am I really going to die today?" 
That line was enough to alert Barbatos. After making the dessert and watching you eat it, he found a way to get you back to normal.
He pressed you about Mr. Voice, but you told him that you didn't know anyone by the name of Mr. Voice. 
When Barbatos researched Morgo, he found something very amusing. "A demon posing as the devil? How interesting..."
His immediate reaction: My god, you look precious.
Simeon couldn't get enough of your mini version, but something bothered him. It almost left like there was a dark presence around you. Was someone trying to harm you?
"Oh really? But, Mr. Voice, I like angels, especially Simeon!" 
"Mr. Voice?" Hearing you say that made Simeon feel even more uneasy. When he learned about the disembodied voice, Simeon turned on his guardian angel mode. 
He held your hands and prayed to the heavens, asking the heavenly powers to protect you. 
Before Morgo vanished, he appeared behind you, catching Simeon off guard. 
After asking Solomon to help lift the curse and making sure that you were back to normal, Simeon went to talk to Diavolo and Lucifer.
The King of Demons and Luci were supposed to protect you, especially from demons. Let's just say that both Diav and Luci were speechless after getting lectured by Simeon. 
Luke panicked when he saw you, but at the same time, he was secretly happy that there was someone shorter than him.
He started acting like your big brother and became your personal bodyguard; he took you everywhere he went and made sure to hold onto your hand. 
When you told him about Mr. Voice, the angel immediately informed Simeon about it. 
While the older angel worked with Solomon to figure out the mystery of Morgo while you bonded with Luke.
When Solomon and Simeon returned, they found you and Luke cuddled on the couch fast asleep. You with your head on his shoulder while his head rested on top of yours. 
"Why don't we let her stay this way for a little while longer?" Simeon smiled. 
As soon as you appeared in front of Solomon, he knew he had to find a cure. But the sorcerer was curious about the curse inflicted on you. 
How did you get this curse and who is responsible? Also, why are you shrouded in darkness?
He didn't waste any time and started looking for a way to lift the spell, but he was distracted by your tiny version. Your fun-size self + throwing sparkles everywhere + twirling around = too cute to resist.
Oh, he was going to have fun teasing you about this when you get back to your teen self.
Then, he heard you talking to Mr. Voice and figured that a demon was trying to trick you. 
"A demon that can trick people and lure them? I wonder if the demon would make a pact with me." Cause 72 demons just isn’t enough.
After getting you back to your teen self, Solomon thought his job for the day was done. Then, he looked around his room - his glitter-covered room.
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