askhawkybarton · 5 months
Loki looked up from the cell floor “how in the norns did you get into Asgard? Odin doesn’t allow mortals here.” He said confused but didn’t bother to get up
Hawk rolled his eyes, leaning against the doorway of the cell Loki was currently laid out in. "Thor approved for all the Avengers to come up to Asgard. I think Daddy was gonna have a coniption fit, but your mom vouched for us. She's a nice lady - I like her."
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casp1an-sea · 17 days
FINALLY…. The long awaited
I deep cleaned my room today
this is just my room and not the whole dorm cause I have 3 roommates but a separate room
also I know there are typos I’m too lazy to fix them
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it looks better with all the lights off aside from my little lamps
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I did not label my pins. It’s just Star Wars and heartstopper
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Also I lied the books aren’t all Star Wars I have some Twisted Wonderland Manga
my backpack!
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Han Solo Keychain was art I bought from @cherriielle
here’s the Etsy link
the item I bought is currently sold out but all they’re stuff is gorgeous
and that’s my dorm!
special shout out to @xen-blank and @ravenwing0110 for being talented and making some (or a lot if you’re Xen) of the decorations
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@sunshinechildskywalker @silly-little-goober-core
@misbon-god-of-mischief @cyan-magenta-your-mom @messylxve @magics0up
@armiestice @jaynesilver
@slamophile @kira-mortham
@hpdmism @fives-ren
@existing-sadly @not-so-allegiant-general
@dragonflies-draw-flame @diabollicallyangelic
@theosb0rnway @thegeneralorder
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gobbogoo · 8 months
Rewriting Megamind 2 to Not Suck So Hard
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Ok, ignore the God-awful lighting, lifeless animation, and bland-as-possible character designs for a second. Take a moment to appreciate that they looked at a film with a CORE THEME of loneliness and decided:
"Let's give the protagonist a bunch of friends he never brought up!"
So to really drive my point home, I figured I'd try and pitch a version of this premise that DOES work with the original film:
FIRST, the idea of Megamind trying to put together some sort of "Legion of Doom" back during his villain days isn't THAT bad. It sounds like something he'd try, though he'd give it a much more melodramatic name, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, you'd make it that nobody wanted to join!
We've SEEN Metroman in action, we know how blatantly overpowered he is. As the first movie discusses in detail, Megamind fought him ENTIRELY because he loved the game, not because he actually expected to win. Most villains aren't like that. They're in it for money and power, and would consider Megamind an absolute tool for not just moving his operations to a different city.
This establishes Megamind as an outcast within this wider villain community and ties into all the themes and concepts explored in the first film. ESPECIALLY if you have it that Megamind used to WANT the approval of these people. Even give him some older villain idol who first inspired him to upscale from mischief-maker to full-blown supervillain. One that reflects a darker version of the supervillain he used to be.
Now instead of being "old friends," these supervillains are toxic opportunists, showing up specifically BECAUSE they've heard Metroman is out of the picture. And like toxic opportunists, they immediately start telling Megamind how impressed they are with this whole "pretending to be a hero" thing. From their perspective, he killed Metroman, created a new supervillain, then "saved" the city from the villain HE created to earn everyone's trust as a hero. What a brilliant evil scheme!
This makes Megamind doubt his qualifications as a hero.
They then tell him they want to HELP convince everyone he's a hero by doing the same pagentry he and Metroman used to do. They play the villains, he plays the hero. The city continues to give him the acceptance he craves, and he lets the villains get away with JUST enough to keep their operations running. Everyone gets what they want with minimal collateral damage. WAY better than if they all moved in and started doing REAL villainy... right?
Megamind's arc here is one of learning confidence in his new role and coming to accept he doesn't need people's adoration to be happy with who he is. He initially accepts the villains' offer both because he believes it's the best way to keep the city safe, and because he doesn't think he can actually take them on as a hero. After all, the WORST thing possible would be the city seeing him fail, because who would accept him then?
Then as the film progresses, the villains begin taking advantage of Megamind more and more, using his initial agreement as blackmail by threatening to reveal him as a fraud to the city, robbing him of their acceptance.
The finale involves Megamind realizing that a TRUE hero would stop these villains even if it costs him his reputation. That he's unintentionally fallen into the same trap as Metroman, where he's more focused on fulfilling the ROLE of a hero than actually BEING a hero.
Tada! A sequel that builds on the original while exploring new themes and ideas! In the words of the Megamind 2 trailer:
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fasterthanmydemons · 3 days
bold any fears which apply, italicize what makes them uncomfortable ↳repost, do not reblog!
the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowds ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ open spaces ⋆ change ⋆ war ⋆ failure ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ poison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ forest ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ loss ⋆ dying ⋆ death ⋆ love ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆ not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ lack of noise ⋆ being touched ⋆ forgetting ⋆ insects ⋆ dogs ⋆ snakes ⋆ illness ⋆ doctors ⋆ thunder storms ⋆ being watched ⋆ eyes ⋆ being vulnerable ⋆ needles or pointed objects ⋆ clowns ⋆ mirrors ⋆ isolation ⋆ shouting
Tagged by: @god-of-mischief-here-tada Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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iamlittlelostsoul · 2 years
A Hunter's Tale
my masterlist!
Good day everyone!
Today's my birthday well yesterday Wohoo! Happy birthday to mee!
Plus thank you thank you so much! I didn't really think I'd reach 100 followers<3
Here are a 100 followers special and also to celebrate my bday! Enjoy!
Rook x Gender Neutral!Mc
Summary: The day is beautiful as a hunter went out to do his job such a beautiful day that the hunter's lonely and woeful heart has finally been captured by an entity different from he.
p.s this is sorta like a twisted snow white with the characters being the pomfiore boys but will not really show it all just the hunter finding love<3
It was a beautiful today the hunter thought.
It was bright and windy, the sky is clear and everything is as beautiful as it was meant to be. Everything is perfect! Which makes it a perfect day to go out hunting!
The blonde hunter thought as he waltz at the beautiful forest, carrying his quiver filled with arrows along with his bow.
Oh, how excited is he!
He's sure his queen would be on the balcony enjoying the wonderful view and the perfect day, just as perfect as he is.
Oh and he'll surely bring a smile to his beautiful face once he brings a bountiful hunt. Hmm...then wouldn't it be better to bring a live one for he to keep as a pet!
Oh, how it makes his heart swell once he sees his queen's reaction!
Walking deeper into the woods enjoying the scenery as he scans the environment searching for his prey.
Deciding he was in the right environment he went jumping onto a tree hiding within its beautiful lush greenery as he waits for his prey, Patients is the key to being a great hunter!
Wandering around too much for nothing will just waste his time and efforts.
In a few minutes, his wait has been fruitful as he sighted a deer just a few meters from the tree he was hiding. Pulling out his bow and arrow he carefully aimed it at his prey.
Slowly and patiently he waited a bit more so he could hit the right spot to capture the deer.
The arrow went right through its leg.
That should do!
Following where the deer ran, he was met with a beautiful person...no fae in a bit of opening.
Leaning on a giant rock covered in moss and flowers and surrounded by animals. There the fae sat with the deer lying on its lap.
Rook observed the mesmerizing view as the Fae carefully pried the arrow, reassuring the animal that everything would be fine, just a little pain, and they shall be healed.
The Fae wrapped its slender fingers across the arrow and used a bit of their magic to make it disintegrate. Then they placed a hand on the wound, muttering a healing spell... tada, the damage is healed!
The fae happily laughed and cheered as it helped the deer to stand up.
They were beautiful, Rook thought. The fae's luscious hair shined upon the rays of sunlight, Their skin beautifully refreshing, their eyes gentle yet threatened would of no hesitation bring harm to ones that try to harm their home, and their body fit for a god/goddess!
Oh, how this humble hunter is so lucky to have met such an ethereal being; his day brightened some more as bright as his red cheeks, the same color as the apples his queen would eat.
He clutched his heart as it felt like it were about to explode with so much joy!
This is a slight mistake he made because he had made some noise making the Fae notice his presence.
"You, You're the hunter that harmed this deer!" The fae angrily said, pointing its fingers at him.
"Ah! Forgive me, dear for bringing harm to the animals in your sanctuary. Shall you give me a chance for I to receive your forgiveness?"
"Why, shall I turn you into a caterpillar then?" The fae said with a slight grin filled with mischief and wonder.
"Oi, My lady/sir! If it makes that frown on your beautiful face disappear, then I shall accept my punishment!"
"My, what do we have here such a smooth-talking hunter? Hmm... For you have brightened me up a bit I shall forgive you this once. "
"My, you are not only beautiful yet also gracious. How can I, a mere hunter, repay my debt?"
"Why I am so touched by such 'kind' words. Shall you help me decide then, dear humble hunter?"
"Shall I serve you such I served my queen?" Rook said as he walked closer to the fairy both smiling mischievously at each other as he gave them a kiss on the palm.
Rook's blood is boiling, of course not of hate nor anger! This scene makes him oh so excited. Oh since when was the last time he felt this way? Or was this his first?
Such an adventure! So many things to explore and learn! Like holds so much excitement and mystery! Oh, how excited he is about what future he awaits.
"Can a hunter serve two queens?"
"I shall do my all to do so for I am no ordinary hunter." He said with a wink.
"Hohoho...then let us see then how this shall end in the future. Fufufu~ you humans are so amusing." they said covering their mouth with the back of their hands ever so slightly.
" I am at your mercy, my dear."
"Mhm~ then you shall."
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dontcallmepepper · 2 years
While Gin sat in the middle of the floor, with an unconscious god beside her on the floor. How in the fuck did she get here? Of all places to be in life? And not two hours ago, she and Tony were having it out about her showing up on his doorstep on the worst day of his life. Which, she was sure that argument wasn’t over. 
“Miss Potts.” Jarvis chimed in. 
“Don’t call me that.” She replied harshly. 
“I’m sorry miss, but Mister Stark is insisting you release the lockdown protocols.” 
“And let this psycho out? No, I’ll wait for him to wake up and I’ll deal with him.” Gin replied. “Tell him to get comfy.” 
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notbigondoors · 3 years
Loki hadn’t been eating and Thor hadn’t taken him back to Asgard after the failed invasion, saying that the midgardian could deal with him as they see fit and just left him there. Chained up and muzzled like a damn animal in a small cell, it hadn’t even been his fault either but Thor never believed him neither did Odin. He was either lying or he let it happen? He hated it here really.
Everyone had been very quick to condemn Loki after the invasion, but Vision knew very little about either. He hadn't yet been born, so all he knew of it was what could be found in various files he accessed on the subject. They gave a concise, sterile view of the event, reporting the facts as they were without offering any real perspective or insight. Vision craved more, as he usually did, and he had a mind to go straight to the source...
Phasing through the wall near Loki's cell, he stood outside it for now, eyeing the man - god, actually - with some interest. His head canted as he considered him.
"Hello," Vision said in a rather neutral yet not unfriendly tone. "I am Vision. Are you able to talk?" He wasn't sure whether that was possible with the muzzle he wore...
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dashing-fandral · 4 years
“What do you want Fandral? Thor isn’t here at the moment.” He was studying his spell books again.
"Oh?" Fandral asked as he walked further into the room, secretly glad that he had caught the prince alone "Well, I suppose that's fine. I wasn't looking for him anyway."
He paused, trying to catch Loki's eye, "No... I was rather hoping to run into you, my prince," He said rather coyly, quite unable to hide the slight grin that spread over his lips.
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askhawkybarton · 1 year
“Have you missed me little hawk? Still feel me inside of your head? I wonder why you have seeked me out of all people and it doesn’t look you’re here for revenge either.” Though the mind control had went both ways, Clint had been able to see into the others head as well.
Hawk felt his jaw click for a second as he stared down the Norse God. Loki hadn't been his first option for this, shit he hadn't even been fifth. But when there was nowhere else to go, Hawk did what he had to do.
Damn the consequences.
"Listen buddy, I think you have a pretty good idea why I'm here, okay? I don't wanna play mind games, and I think you don't really wanna play them either. So let's cut the crap"
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govthookercoulson · 5 years
Another wild ride (@god-of-mischief-here-tada)
Phil Coulson has not had an easy life. Largely of his own choice, he signed up for it.
He did not sign up for three difficult lives.
He died on that beach, of that, he is relatively certain.
He wakes up surrounded by metal and confused, with the people around him strange and not understanding him. What follows is a crash course on galactic level survival as he realizes, quickly, that he is so so far from home.
With zero memory of how he got here and his genetics quickly proving he’s not from around there, the locals treat him kindly and help him get his bearings a little. And once he has that, he does what every human has since the dawn of their time: he adapts.
It takes a lot longer to realize he got knocked out of time as well, possibly. But he learns to navigate by the stars all over again and learns how to pilot a ship and acquires his own along the way. She gets named Lola and gets a Corvette red paint job, even with an American flag under her cursive name.
It’s at a station called Nowhere that he sort of settles and turns to mercenary work because fuck it, apparently he’s low-key unkillable anyway and he needs cash flow. It’s there that he learns about the World Tree, and the names of the locations that connect on it resonate both with Earth mythology, and meeting a very real Thor and Loki.
But their names aren’t spoken yet.
And that’s when he realizes he’s out of time by hundreds of years. Eight hundred, perhaps? More?
To Jotunheim, then. Perhaps he can get confirmation there. At least winter gear is less bulky in a space fairing economy.
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ablackwidowsbite · 5 years
"Miss me, Agent Romanoff??"
“I didn’t expect you to show your face around here.” 
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 years
Quick Temper || closed with god-of-mischief-here-tada
@god-of-mischief-here-tada​, continued from here.
Pietro sighed in frustration. Children? Mortal? Who does this guy think he is? “I am not a child,” he insisted. “And even if I was, who died and made you god?” he asked, clearly not having any idea of who he was talking to. “I have lot of things to sulk about, thank you very much. Maybe I want to sulk right now. Is none of your business,” he said, his accent becoming heavier the more annoyed he got.
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After Pietro had gotten out all of that posturing and empty-headed testosterone, he actually thought about what the other had said. It struck a nerve, and that meant he couldn’t not respond to it. “Okay, fair enough. You want to know why they keep me around? Because they like my sister, and we come as a pair. If they want her, they keep me. Is only way it will work.” He truly believed that if Wanda wasn’t involved, he would’ve been kicked out or locked up somewhere by now…
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iamdarcylewis · 4 years
🥺 What are you going to do about it (XD)
Random asks. || Always Accepting. @god-of-mischief-here-tada
Yes, hello police? I’d like to report an 🥺. Yes I’ll hold.
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“I try to mask my pain in front of a beautiful woman, it makes me seem more masculine.”
Sorry for the delay
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“Is that so? And her I was thinking that there were things that you considered far more important than vanity.”  In reality, Natasha believed that Loki wasn’t far off from being Narcissus himself. However, she wasn’t about to him that. Given the way that the two usually interacted, she was stealing herself up for whatever was to come next. Preparing for the chess game that a conversation with him tended to be. 
She also didn’t believe that she was the beautiful woman that he was referring to with his remark. Having the feeling that he merely thought of her as a pawn and nothing more. 
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themusesofthesouth · 4 years
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“You tried to destroy New York, subjugate all the people of Earth, threw me from this tower, and you broke all the windows in my penthouse. Do you know how long it took me to get the birds out of here? Why shouldn’t I shoot you? The bird poop on my Louboutin’s would be reason enough for most women.”
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{ I’d go } Anywhere for you
{ This is an idea based off what we were talking about, you don’t have to reply if you don’t want to. <3 @god-of-mischief-here-tada }
Potentially triggering, so placed under a cut. 
Thor one - the Bifrost:
When the fight had happened, it was just after Thor had gotten back to Asgard from Earth. Dyla had been asked to stay put, and she had at first. However, feeling something had not been right, she ran out to the Bifrost as quickly as she possibly could. In the middle of things, Dyla got knocked off to the side. As soon as she got up, it was apparently not in time to do anything. Had they not stopped her then (in some pathetic attempt to “honor” what Loki would want) Dyla would have tried to jump immediately. 
The screams that came from her were desperate and absolutely heartbreaking. Dyla tried to get away from Odin, yelling all kinds of incomprehensible things at him, that one would never yell at a king and get away with. If it were not in this moment, this time. 
It was her reaction that was the reason behind her being put on a watch. She was supposed to be guarded - watched, so she didn’t hurt herself, or worse. And yet, she had gotten away. Dyla had gotten out of their watch and went down to the bridge. She had lied - said she was going to look. To stand there. But she wasn’t. That was not her full intention; Dyla had gone down with a purpose in mind. 
Staring at the darkness, Dyla could feel her chest tightening. The air out here was cold, and yet somehow still hot and stifling to her. All it did was make her think of what had happened. Of all the fights she’d had with Thor and Odin over it - how she blamed them for her loss. And she was angry. So, so angry. 
If Heimdall had not been frozen by her magic, he would have stopped her. She could feel that he wanted to - but yet, she didn’t care. Step after step took her closer and closer to the edge, where she stood at last and ignored the fragments of the bridge that were pricking into her feet and hurting her. It was making her feet bleed, but she was ignoring it. Ignoring everything, except the heavy and horrible pains in her chest. Finally, Dyla turned and closed her eyes. She couldn’t stand being here without him. Without Loki, her one real reason for living - for existing, truthfully - Dyla could not stand being here. Asgard may have been known as a ‘golden city,’ and as ‘the realm eternal’ - but to her, it was only a realm of eternal pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks, Dyla let herself fall. 
It was both terrifying, and relieving. Finally, after days of waiting, she was going to finally figure out where he was. Where Loki had gone; where he was, now. 
She had no idea it was going to be so bad. So consuming...so..horrible. That the feelings she’d been having of such emptiness and soul-crushing horror, had been coming from that place. Not only from her loss and how it hurt her, but from that place - the Void, that Loki had gone to. It was what was hurting her so much, aside from seeing him fall and loosing him that way, with no way to help him or save him because Thor and Odin wouldn’t let her. 
But she was going to learn...in the worst ways possible. 
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