#godda stop letting things get in my way
Thank you so much for the ask! and AAAAAAAAA DAMN THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION!!!!!
🍺 My biggest mistake is like MULTIPLE mistakes that compound on each other. For drawing I know I should do warm ups but I am either too lazy to do it or I can't forgive myself for how "awful" it is even though the point is to loosen up. It gets to me at times and kinda puts me in a funk. I also make the mistake of constantly comparing what I do to other people's art and it makes me loose steam FAST. I also sit in a horrible shrimp curve on the couch with my tablet or sketchbook and not only is that bad for my back but it's honestly terrible posture to be able to draw effectively. It's kinda like I'm setting myself up for disappointment which is dumb cause drawing should be fun more than anything else. These things all kinda hit me at once like a bad cocktail and I need to stop tbh. Just turn off my brain and draw explicitly for fun. Just vibe.
For writing I always find myself doing this "perfectionist procrastination" kinda thing where if my surroundings and mood aren't "right" then I cannot for the life of me get the words out of my head and onto paper. I really need to just throw words down and chug along but I have to straight ahead my writing otherwise it just doesn't come out of my brain cohesively. But that's what proof-reading is for and I need to remember it's okay to rewrite passages as many times as needed.
Thank you so much for this one! It's kinda nice recognizing and admitting bad creative habits. Maybe saying them out loud will help me be brave enough to face them head on :)
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strangerxperv · 3 months
Y'all seem to really like step bro Eddie (I can see those votes you naughty bitches) so here's a lil thot.
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Warning: smut/ minors DNI, step bro Eddie, Eddie is a warning, he's also manipulative, unprotected sex, breeding, edging, Eddie runs his mouth a lot, and your both drunk off sex.
Eddie's been begging you to let him fuck you for months. You've held steady by refusing him at every turn stating that it's taboo. It would be crossing the line if the both of you were to have sex.
Kissing in secret is one thing. Letting him fuck your pussy with his tongue is reasonable. Choking down Eddie's cock, fair. But letting your step brother fuck you? Out of the question.
You aren't one to not compromise and that's how he's landed you on your back. Legs spread wide with Eddie's warm hands under your knees. Pressed firmly on your bare bouncing fat tits. Your small hands are wrapped around you to keep his dick in place.
The leaky cherry red tinted a pretty purple is smashed against your stiff clit. It dribbles precum which pools over your clit to seep into your pulsing heat. He fucks over your cunt like a man possessed.
Fucking you to the edge but never letting you fall over and over again. The man himself has spilled his seed spraying over your cute jiggling tummy. But he never stopped fucking you.
It's been so long that your brain has completely melted and long since dripped from your desperate depths. You want to cum so bad you'll do anything the curly haired man wants. You'll even break your own rules.
"Please! Eddie! -Mmm- please, just fuck me-" your breathless whines gasping out through swollen lips.
"Why should I? You said it yerself. I can't fuck my sweet lil sis, 's too taboo, but this way I'll get to pretend-" Eddie's smirk is so mean you can't help it as tears streak over plump cheeks.
"P-p-pleeEEeease! Please, am sorry and I don't care if i's wrong! I wan' your cock in my pussy! Please! I'll be good an' I'll do anything, I swear!" Your sobs are exactly what your big brother wants to hear.
"Oh yeah? You sure that's a good idea? I don't have any condoms..." His hands slip out from under your knees one dragging your hand from between you. His hands hold yours above your head as his shoulders support your legs. Eddie's throbbing erection is sandwiched by both your bodies. His lips brush your ear, "Baby, you aren't on birth control. Won't that really cross the line? Knocking you up?"
"I wan' it! Wanna have your babies! No one makes me feel so good or loves me so well, please." Your hands clench around his as if imploring him, hoping he'll ravage you.
"Such a good girl. Gon' make a good mama too-" Eddie angles his hips till his tip is kissing your quivering hole, "We're gon' make such pretty babies," Finally he sinks into your cunt with easy. The man has been edging you for so long your slick pussy welcomes him, "Fuck! Fuckfickfu-!"
He's thrusts are relentlessly deep where no one has ever dared to reach. His phallus punches in fast succession against your cervix. It stings in such a pleasant way your breath catches, "and I'm gonna- heh- im gonna teach 'em music."
"Eddie-!" You squeal with your head thrown back, "I's too much!! Too deep!!"
"No, s'not. Not enough. Need more an' 'm gon' give you more!" His words are slurred slack jawed and pussy drunk above you, "Godda be deep, baby, so ya can get knocked up."
For the second time tonight you wonder what you've gotten into.
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axratsffxivwrite · 14 days
FFXIV Write Day 12 - Quarry (Slip & Fall)
(Note: this is a direct sequel to my entry for prompt 1)
Mujika perched atop the roof of a North End home, his soft-soled shoes silent even when he shifted his weight. The stone architecture of Rabanastre meant there wasn't so much as a creak, leaving the Garlean residents below completely ignorant to his presence. So long as no one looked up — and no one ever looked up — he could wait as long as he needed to.
The stars glittered high above as he watched and waited, his eyes fixed on the main avenue below. The Artisan's intel was nothing if not reliable; his quarry would pass through here, drunk and vulnerable.
He need only wait.
The bells ticked by with naught but the moon to keep him company. He observed a few passing individuals, but none seemed to be his target. As much as he resented the occupiers, they were not the ones who had invoked Marsil's ire, and so they were not on his list for the evening.
The moon sat high in the sky, the streets long silent, by the time he began to see people filter out from the direction of the palace. He narrowed his eye, focused on each individual, seeking one particular man…
Mujika heard him before he saw him; the drunken cackling was a stark giveaway. He followed the sound, spotting the well-dressed man stumbling down the avenue, flanked on either side by soldiers clearly sent to babysit him. That certainly complicated things. Drowning a drunk man in a fountain was simple and mostly clean. He had no easy way to kill two soldiers that would not trigger a city-wide manhunt and an extended trip down to Greylic's Bend as he waited for the heat to die down.
Mujika waited for them to pass, still as a stone, then crept along the rooftops to follow them. Dalmascan architecture lended itself to handholds and perches upon which he could balance, each step carefully measured so as not to tip off those below. He tailed the trio as they turned off down a side street, away from the procession of party goers likewise on their way home.
He watched as the trio stopped in front of the man's house. He fumbled with his keys for a full minute before one of the soldiers snatched them from his hands and opened the door. They ushered him inside, followed him, then closed the door behind themselves.
Damn it. He straightened up and made the leap to a closer roof, listening in.
"…should keep an eye on him tonight. Bastard's drunk himself stupid again."
"Are you kidding? We're not getting paid for this."
"Just because we're not getting paid doesn't mean it's not right."
"I've got an early watch, I don't want to spend my night babysitting some academy bastard who can't hold his wine."
"Fine! You go, then, I'll make sure he doesn't trip and crack his bloody head open."
Now that's an idea.
Mujika leapt across, catching the lip of a second-story window. Quietly, he nudged the pane open and slipped inside.
The interior was clearly a study or personal library, shelves full of bound tomes, a couch with a matching coffee table, and a desk covered in loose papers and scribbled notes. It made Marsil's wartable look downright pristine. Mujika made his way silently across the darkened room, his ear to the door. He heard the front door open and shut again, as well as giggling from the next room over.
Mujika cracked the study door open and glanced both directions down the unlit hall before he snuck out and followed the sound of the giggles and slurred babbles to an open bedroom door.
"and fer… fer my nex' one, I think… I'm thinking… hm… ohhh… coul' hyperdune the… mm… no, godda think… think big… mm…"
The man let out a long yawn. Mujika peered into the room carefully, relieved to see the swaying scientist's back to him, peering out the window. The only light came from a flickering lamp atop the bedside table, casting deep shadows into the corners of the room.
Mujika crept forward, stepping on the balls of his feet to silence his steps as he approached. He watched the man's body language carefully. The man pivoted clumsily to the left. Mujika scrambled to the right, remaining firmly in his blind spot.
Then, he pounced.
Simultaneously, he grasped for the man's neck and swept his feet out from under him. Rather than let the man's own weight do all the work, Mujika slammed his head down on the sharp, stone corner of the window, cracking his skull open with a sickening crunch. A brief convulsion shot through the man's muscles, only to quickly fall still as Mujika released him.
He waited a beat. The man's body slumped against the wall, as naturally as if he had simply fell.
Footsteps stomped up the stairs. Mujika turned for the window and pressed his palm against the pane to press it open. It creaked, but refused to budge. He pivoted for the door as the footsteps grew louder and closer.
No time to return to the study. No time to think.
Mujika ran for the corner closest to the door. Instead of slowing he planted a foot on the wall and clambered up until he reached the ceiling. He planted his hands on one wall, his feet on the other, and shifted until his back pressed against the stone tiles above.
Mujika held his breath as the remaining soldier stormed into the room and right past him, his eyes fixed only on the dead man.
The soldier let out a furious shout, "oh, don't you be— no, damn it! Damn it!"
He turned and shook his head, his head downturned as he stormed back out of the room and down the stairs. He never so much as glanced up in Mujika's direction, his third eye's supposed spatial awareness useless when it was never pointed in the right direction.
No one ever looked up.
Mujika could hear the distant whine of a Garlean radio. Satisifed, he shimmied his way down the wall until he could drop down to his feet safely.
Downstairs, the soldier rattled off, "I need a medicus at Sertor's residence… no, no, drunken bastard fell and smeared his brains all down the wall. Nothing to save. Just come pronounce him dead and deal with the clean up."
Mujika crept out of the room and down the hall as the soldier argued with the medicus over the urgency of his call. While they bickered, he slipped back into the study, out the open window, shut it behind him, and dropped back down to the street with no one the wiser.
With a sigh of relief, he slipped away into the night once more.
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sl-newsie · 11 months
Bonus: All Hallows Eve (Spot Colon x Female Newsie) 🎃
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(Takes place the fall after the strike)
“By the pricking of my thumb something wicked this way comes!” Danny cackles as he chases the young Brooklyn newsies around the lodging house. 
It’s the official day, All Hallows Eve, and for some reason this holiday is a big deal to some of the other newsies. Maybe it’s ‘cause I’s never really been into this stuff, because to me it seems like a waste-a time.
“Come play with us, Becca!” Ness squeals as she hugs my legs. “Danny’s gonna get us!”
I set down the pie I just baked and smile down at her. “There ain’t noth’n to be afraid of, Ness. All this talk-a witches and ghosts is just silly talk.”
“Aw c’mon, Becky! Show a little Halloween spirit!” Bucky calls from the couch.
“Are you gonna come with us tonight?” Binx asks with plead’n eyes.
What she’s talk’n ‘bout is the Halloween party planned in Manhattan. There’s a small neighborhood that’s planned a gathering for the little ones with cider and cookies, and games like bobbing for apples. I’m all for encourag’n fun for the kids, but I don’t really understand Halloween.
“Maybe,” I say with an uncertain tone. 
“We can have our own mischief,” a teas’n voice behind me says as strong arms wrap around my waist. “Whaddya say, Beauty?”
I lean back into Spot’s chest with a blissful smile. “You into this whole spook thing too, Spot?”
“Why not? It’s an excuse to scare people.”
Just as I turn to smirk at his childish intentions and press a deep kiss to his lips, the door flies open and a wild Race sprints in. He sees me and Spot, and a wicked grin spreads over his face.
“My my, what have we here? Becca ‘nd Spot get’n into some Halloween shenanigans?” Spot gives him a warn’n look and he holds up his hands. “At ease, Colon! I’s just here to pick up the kids for the party. You’s come’n too, right Becs?”
“She’s not into this ‘whole spook thing,’” Danny taunts from the kitchen.
I roll my eyes. “I never said that!”
“You didn’t have to. Your face says it all.”
But Race understands I’s never been into Halloween, so thankfully he takes away the edge. “Don’t worry, Becs. I’ll make sure everyone’s safe. You can stay here or at our lodging house if ya want. Crutchy’s gonna be stay’n behind too.”
I give him a grateful smile and tilt my head in thought. “I donno, Race… I might stop by later. I’ll see how it goes.”
He nods. “Happy Halloween, Becca.”
All the Brooklyn kids pile out and follow him down the docks, leave’n me ‘nd Spot.
“Ya know, for be’n so into into theatre stuff and be’n friendly with kids I’d think you’s would like Halloween.”
I sigh and bring a hand to my head. “Spot, I… I’s never been around all this Halloween stuff. My fadda only allowed me to celebrate Christmas and Easter but all odda holidays were off-limits. I know it’s fun for kids, but when I see it… it doesn’t seem right.”
Spot steps over and gently wraps me up in a hug, rest’n his head on my shoulder. “You don’t gotta think of it like that, um… Think of it like one day you can pull multiple pranks. But if you don’t like it then we don’t godda go with ‘em-”
I lean up and press a quick kiss to his lips. “No. I wanna go, Spot. I never got to be a kid on Halloween, and I don’t wanna seem boring. And maybe pull some pranks too.”
His eyes spark at the thought-a mischief. “You’s many things, Beauty. But boring ain’t one-a them. However, since you brought it up…” He lets me go and scoots off down the hall. “Close your eyes!”
I smile at his childlike enthusiasm and bring my hands to my face. “They’re closed!”
I sense him walk back over, withholding laughter. “Alright… open ‘em!”
I open my eyes, coming face-to-face with a carved pumpkin float’n on a white sheet. The scene is so sudden I don't even have time to process my reaction. My fight instinct kicks in and I punch the glow’n pumpkin, send’n it fly’n across the room and reveal’n Spot’s shocked head.
“Jeez, Rebecca! I ain’t gonna hurt ya!”
Before I answer I sprint over and put out the pumpkin’s candle. “Sorry, sorry! But since when is it normal to put a candle in a pumpkin?! And why the heck does the pumpkin have a face?!”
He takes the sheet off and starts getting defensive. “Because that’s what people do for All Hallow’s Eve! They carve pumpkins ‘nd turnips, and dress up!” He thinks for a minute, then chuckles. “How can you handle beat’n up the Delancies but can’t handle me in a sheet?”
I roll my eyes and stiffly hand him the pumpkin. “Just forget it. The costume’s great, I guess. I hope Race flips out when he sees it!”
Spot slinks an arm around me and nips my ear. “That’s the idea, Beauty. To scare the liv’n daylights outta them! So do ya wanna go?”
His tone makes my heart skip and find new enthusiasm. “Yes sir, Mister Colon!”
He smirks. “Then let’s get you a costume!”
The streets-a New York are bustl’n to-and-fro, much more busy than the nightlife I’s used to. Kids is dressed in sheets and pointed hats, make’n me even more confused. Thankfully my own outfit hides my mixed-up state. Spot’s helped me dress in a pitch-black dress with ashes rubbed on my face to give me a ghoulish appearance. 
“And you’s sure this ain’t make’n me look stupid?” I ask again.
“You look gorgeously hideous, Beauty.” His voice is muffled under his pumpkin head.
“Um… thanks?” We get to the Manhattan Lodging House and I’m excited to see Crutchy sit’n in his usual spot in the window. “Let’s sneak in the back! Kloppman’s gone for the night so he won’t care.” 
As quiet as possible in clumsy sheets, we make our way to the back door and up the stairs. No one else seems to be here. Crutchy’s still at the window, and we sneak closer, closer…
“Crutchy… Crutchy…” I chant in a haunting tone.
His head jerks up and when he sees us, Spot jumps up and shrieks. Crutchy’s reaction is to jump and run, only to slip on his bad leg and crash.
My hand flies to my mouth, smear’n the ash on my cheek, and I run over to help Crutchy up. “Oh my God- Crutchy are you ok? Jesus Spot, ya can’t do that!”
“What the- Becca, is that you?” Crutchy’s petrified face melts into one of joy. “Ya dressed up for Halloween! That’s a foist. Does that mean you’s go’n to the party?”
I nod. “Sure does, Crutch. Why aren’t you there?”
“Um, well… My leg’s been do’n bedda and I didn’t wanna risk fall’n with all those kids around. Though I guess I still ended fall’n since you’s here.”
Spot ‘nd I exchange guilty looks. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
He waves it off. “No no- that was great! I got a good scare, and I get to see you all dressed up! What the heck, I’ll go with ya!”
Crutchy grabs his crutch and starts make’n his way to the stairs, and with a little help we all exit the lodging house and start walk’n to the party. I can tell we’s close when I start see’n more and more kids and hear’n grow’n laughter. We turn the corner and-
“Oh my God.” My mouth drops.
All around me is buzz’n activity, filled with what looks like every child in Manhattan and every house front decorated in carved turnips. Small pastries and apples are be’n passed around, while some adults perform shadow puppets.
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I feel Spot squeeze my shoulder. “This is what Halloween’s about, Rebecca. Sorry you’s never got to see it.”
“Hey, there’s Davey and Les!” Crutchy shouts over the noisy crowd.
He limps off to join the ‘Hattan newsies, and I turn back to Spot. “Ready?”
I lower down and hide under Spot’s sheet, then we both slowly follow Crutchy. I can’t see anyth’n so I’m trust’n Spot not to send me walk’n into a wall. 
“Boo!” Spot yells and I hear all kids scream. “Hiya, guys! Thought I’d stop by for a good scare!”
“Oh God… It’s only Spot,” I hear Skittery catch his breath.
“How can ya see in that thing?” Blink asks.
I take my cue and jump out from under the sheet, shriek’n like a banshee. All the boys jump away and scream, and Mush even goes as far as to dive behind a barrel. After they take a moment to breathe and calm down, Race is the foist to recognize me.
“Well I’ll be a son-of-a-witch. Becca, ya finally joined in! All dressed up and… covered in soot? Huh. Gotta say, that makes you look dead.”
“Good, then it’s woik’n,” I cackle in a wicked tone. “I’s start’n to like Halloween!”
“Becca you gotta try these!” Davey hands me a small cake. “It’s a soul cake.”
I cautiously take it and smell. “What’s in it?”
“It’s not real souls, obviously. Lots of these traditions stem from Celtic traditions. To them, All Hallows Eve marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. The Celts believed that tonight the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. During Samhain, people wore masks and built large bonfires to scare away ghosts. But in the past century there’s been a movement to make Halloween a more fun, community-based holiday.”
I blink. It’s as if Davey’s just recited a textbook. I guess school’s been keep’n him busy. 
“And what about the, uh, squash?” I point to the pumpkins and turnips.
Davey doesn’t miss a beat. “Oh, that? The Irish started carving turnips in response to the legend of Stingy Jack, a man who was condemned to walk the Earth for eternity after a bungled ploy with the devil. The turnips are set outside homes to frighten Jack away. When the potato famine occurred, the immigrants brought the tradition with them.”
Huh. I guess there is an explanation behind all the Halloween stuff.
By now Les, Sarah, Snipeshooter, Specs, and Jack have all shown up too.
“Is that Becs, or am I really see’n a ghost?” Jack laughs as he tackles me into a big hug. “Good to see ya, sis!”
Just then someone starts playing a eerie tune on a violin
“Have you ever listened to the Danse Macabre?” Davey asks.
“Jeez, Mouth. How many random Hallows Eve facts do you got?” Race groans.
“Well I for one am interested. What’s that?” I asks with curiosity.
“In 1874, French composer Camille Saint-Saëns wrote a tone poem called ‘Danse Macabre’ that takes place on Halloween. It’s really ghoulish music that tells the story of the Grim Reaper waking at midnight to host a Halloween dance with skeletons.”
“Oh. What a way to change the mood, Davey. Now ya got me think’n ‘bout death!”
Davey simply shrugs. “Halloween is a time to face your fears. Embracing darker elements like death can be healthy.”
“Hey, that gives me an idea!” Race pipes up. “Let’s all say what we’s most scared of.”
“And why on Earth would we do that?” Skittery asks glumly.
“‘Cause Mouth’s the one that brought up the whole ‘embrace fear’ thing! C’mon, it’ll be fun!”
By now odda newsies have started crowd’n togedda and we all chose to sit around a nearby barrel fire, which adds the best lighting.
“Alright then, Race. Since you’s so keen on share’n fears, you go foist!” Jack nudges him forward.
Race kicks away a pebble and thinks for a minute. “Heights.”
Mush bursts out laugh’n and claps his hands. “Good one, Racer! Really, what is it?”
He shakes his head. “I’s serious, Mush. One time Specs pranked me and hid a chair up on the lodging house roof. When Kloppman asked me to get it, Specs jumped out and pushed me toward the roof edge. In a split second  my mind flashed to me fall’n off, and ever since I’s been freaked out by heights, and- no laugh’n, Specs!” Race roars at the newsies behind me, who’s try’n so hard not to laugh.
“B- B- But your face was so priceless!” Specs wails.
Race scowls. “Someone else go now before I soak this idiot!”
“I’ll go,” Davey raises his hand. “I’m afraid of failure.”
“Uh, Davey? I think we can all tell.” Kid Blink clasps a hand on his shoulder. “That ain’t no surprise.”
“Your turn, Becca!” Boots pushes me forward and I feel all eyes turn on me
My biggest fear… God, do I even tell them? But the oddas have gone through with it, so I should too.
“M… My fadda finding me and dragging me back, never be’n able to see you guys again.”
Everyone goes quiet and the atmosphere gets a hint colder. All the guys look at each odda with unreadable eyes and I feel like an outsider once again. They always seem to forget I’s a runaway, one who’s run away from a cruel rich life. 
“That ain’t noth’n to worry about, Rebecca.” Jack gives me a tight hug. “We’d never let that happen.”
“Yeah! We wouldn’t let ya go without a fight!” Mush backs him up.
Spot’s strong arms pull me into him. “If anybody thinks I’d let you go, they’s dead wrong Beauty.”
I show my quiet affection by lean’n into him with my eyes closed in a calm state. “Thanks, Sean.”
“Now that Becca’s gone, it’s your turn Spot!” Les speaks up.
The King of Brooklyn stiffens and I can tell he’s just as noivous about tell’n his fear as I am. He looks down at me, then says: “Beauty, losing you is the scariest thing I could ever imagine.”
His woods make my heart melt. I’s Spot’s biggest fear? It makes me grateful for his deep luv for me and kinda embarrassed that I has this much influence on him.
Unfortunately Race has to end this with a blunt comment. “Spotty, no offense, but that’s one-a the cheesiest things I’s ever hoid. What’re ya really scared of?”
If I weren’t here hold’n him, Spot would already be soak’n Race faster than any bull.
“Spot, Spot, it’s fine.” I soothe him. “You don’t gotta say more.”
Frustrated, he shakes his head. We both know he’s gotta keep a reputation, but can’t back down from this.
“Fire,” he muddas quietly. At foist no one says anyth’n. They won’t understand why. “After I escaped my old home, I dreamed about fire every single night for years. That’s why I swim so much ‘cause I can’t get too hot without freak’n out. I can handle small fires now, but they still make me jittery.” His expression shifts from distant to stern. “And if any-a yous tell anybody, I’ll soak ya ‘til you’s can’t walk for a week.”
I take his hand again and give it a squeeze to show he’s not alone, and thank goodness Jack takes my hint and continues the conversation.
“I got one: the Refuge. I know it’s been a year, but just the thought-a be’n back there locked up in the dark. Thank God they’s been shut down.”
We all nod in agreement, then Crutchy speaks up.
“I agree, but I’s got a fear bigger than the Refuge. Rats.”
“Really?” Mush asks. “Why? We sees ‘em in the streets all the time.”
“Yeah, but the ones in the Refuge is bigger. And more angry.”
Most-a the activity has died down, leave’n our barrel be’n the only light. By now it’s gotten much darker, and when Les starts yawn’n Davey sees that as the time to leave.
“We better get going. Ma and Pa are expect’n us soon.” Sarah goes to kiss Jack on the cheek, then the 3 Jacobs siblings walk off into the night. 
“We should be head’n off too.” 
Jack starts heard’n the ‘Hattan newsies back, but not before everybody gives me one last hug. “Happy Halloween, Becs!”
“See ya later! Carry’n the banner!” I call.
“Carry’n the banner!” They all shout back.
Spot wraps an arm around me and we start walk’n back to Brooklyn.
“So how was your foist Halloween?” he asks.
A smile creeps onto my face and I lean over to kiss his cheek. “Very exciting! I’m so glad I joined in this year!”
We get to the bridge and Spot suddenly picks me up and swings me around. “Happy Halloween, Beauty. You’s the best treat I could ever ask for.”
He leans me down for a deep kiss, then I can’t help but smirk. “Who’s to say I’m done play’n tricks tonight, Spotty?”
His eyebrows fly straight up. “You’s say’n I get a trick? Or a treat?”
I tilt my head. “Huh. ‘Trick or treat.’ Kinda has a ring to it.”
Spot kisses my forehead and shrugs. “Eh, I don’t think it’ll catch on.”
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cupfullofpapas · 1 year
You know I still see all this stuff going on about the members of Ghost that either left to do their own thing or simply parted ways, for real guys godda stop being so negative people come and go just hold onto the memories and all that sentimental shit. Shit happens you know and no amount of bitching or negativity is gonna change anything, yeah we get it y'all are upset, I'm still sad over it but look the artists are living their lives doing what makes them happy, with the new Ghouls and Ghoulettes here means new funny shenanigans on stage, new people getting an amazing opportunity of a life time and people out here be acting like a drama lama going through a nasty break up.
Let's just focus on the music yeah? The music, story/lore also honestly we weren't even supposed to know who the Ghouls and Ghoulettes were in the first place allowing us some imagination encouraging the fans creativity.
Let's be thankful that Ghost is still here , I'm rambling now I know but I just wanted to put my opinion out there let them be and live their lives.
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haisayonaraa · 1 month
Oh? you approach me?
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I'm gonna make sure these don't take up so much space-
[story below]
Holly approaches Jotaro, who's just finished watching an episode of Spongebob, "Jotaro! We're going to the park today, how does that sound? " Jotaro looks up at his mother and blinks, "de park? Oki, but I godda get my stuff n' all da-" Holly pulls out jotaro's little bag, which is adorned with sea creatures "Already packed it! I have your favorite pacifier in case you need it, some of your favorite toys, a snack for later, some juice, and a sippy cup, and your dolphin friend" Holly smiles and jotaro just looks away, slightly red in the face, "yare yare daze.. " Holly hugs jotaro before giving him a kiss on the cheek "aw! Come on now Jojo, let's get your shoes on, it's a beautiful day and I don't want to waste any more of it! " and so, Holly helps jotaro with his shoes (after awhile of him trying to put them on himself) they head out.
Meanwhile, George isn't  so lucky. "Nuuuu! I don't wanna go outtttt!" "Dio just a few seconds ago you said you wanted to get out" dio huffy, "Dat was before I knew I hads to wear de icky stuff!!" George was simply putting sunscreen on him (yes sunscreen will let dio be out in the sun because im not going to deny the baby bat sunlight). "Dio this is for your safety! If you go out there without it you'll get hurt!" Dio frowns and grumbles the rest of the process. "Can I at weast take nilla?" "Your bat? Sure." So dio runs to his room and gets his favorite stuffy. "We goin to da park nilla! Papa's  takin' us!" The regressed vampire talks to his bat about the park all the way there. George is just relieved  that it didn't take too long to leave the house. 
Finally both pairs get to the park.  At the same time.  Jotaro squints as he looks at Dio. "Wa u doin' here?" Dio glares at Jotaro, "wa U doin' heres?!" Holly and George start to think maybe this wasn't a good idea "oh looks like we came here at the same time- haha-" dio gasps, "dis was pwanned all awong! U twaitows!" (This was planned all along! you traitors!) Dio grabs  onto jotaro's hand, "c'mon Jojo les get away fum dese meanies!" So the two boys run off into the playground where they find they actually  enjoy each other's company. And after swinging on swings, sliding  down slides, and other fun things, they both stop for a snack before heading off on there own separate ways.
(After they're  first play date jotaro and dio have many more play dates at the park. Kakyoin finds that his best friend is hanging out with a mysterious  secret little.. I guess kakyoin will have to stick with sleepovers with caesar)
[Dios bat :3]
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thanks for the request!! 😻😻 hopefully you don’t mind, but i decided to do this as a au steve/bucky thing lol. fingers crossed you don’t mind haha. 
distant | weed | fuss | struggle | couple | professional | remember | nap | abundant | objective | wrong | discreet | gift | stay | collapse | cabin | practical | defend | haunt | indoor | rhythm | ankle | incentive | healthy | steam | anger | bond | text | correction | visible | guess | cinema | maze | contrary | observer | nuance | neglect | lip | reflection | sniff | authority | illusion | echo | medicine | lace | insurance | knit | dealer | grudge | affair | sofa | expertise | passion | spill | laundry | exposure | shelter | privilege | manner | relax | compromise | sacred | doubt | philosophy | thaw | ticket | bike | bench | vain | bed | improvement | pier | gravity | immune | vigorous | productive | reception | veil | bee | train | harsh | loyalty | fresh | late | mind | highway | sound | frozen | annual | soup | instinct | groan | lonely | spite | bill | crude | dare | magazine | mess | ignore | sketch | flush | liability | camp | brag | sour | compensation
The corn maze was actually Steve’s idea. Bucky and Steve were on leave — or what they called leave, anyway — and since it was a particularly crisp autumn afternoon, they were at a fall fair. 
Bucky grinned as he chomped on his caramel apple. “You know, at first I wasn’t convinced, but this wasn’t a bad idea, was it?” 
Steve laughed. “I’m full of good ideas these days.” 
The pair walked by what looked to be an expansive corn maze. While Bucky kept walking, Steve stopped in his tracks. “Hey, Buck,” he called, waiting for Bucky to turn back around. “C’mon, let’s check out this maze. Please?”
Bucky swallowed the bite of apple he was chewing and shrugged. “Sure. I could go either way, but if you wanna do it...” 
“I do,” Steve smiled, grabbing his hand. “I’m sure you can get us out of this maze no problem, hm?” 
“Is that a challenge, Rogers?” 
He smirked, tugging Bucky along. “It could be.” 
As they walked the dirt path in between the towering corn rows, Steve sniffled. Was he going to—
“Hih’GNNT!” He quickly stifled behind a closed fist before a second tried to sneak up on him. “H-hehH! Heh’XXXT!” 
“Wow, bless you.” Bucky was still holding Steve’s hand, and he rubbed his thumb over the back of Steve’s hand. “Those sounded painful to hold in.” 
Steve shook his head, as if to clear it, as they continued on. “Nah, not really. Although...” He sniffled, rubbing his nose vigorously with his free hand. “My nose still really itches for some r-rehhh... r-reason. Jesus.” 
“You don’t have to tell me that,” Bucky laughed, watching him struggle. 
“Ah’KKNNT!” Steve gasped before sneezing again, this time into the collar of his t-shirt. “Hh’TSSH! KHSHH!” He felt the wetness on his shirt and blushed, hoping Bucky hadn’t noticed. 
But Bucky was staring right at his shirt. “Those are some pretty intense sneezes.” 
Steve rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well I— HRRSHH! H-hahh... hihH! Hih— guhh...” He exhaled as the last sneeze fizzled out. “F-false alarm.”
“Man, your shirt’s getting kinda... wet.” 
He blushed, adjusting his t-shirt while trying not to sneeze. “I h-have no idea why I’m sn-snehhh... sneezing so much,” he said, gasping again. “TZSSHHHOO!”
He just barely had time to turn away from Bucky, and couldn’t hide the fact that he’d sprayed everywhere. And on top of that, Steve could feel the congestion and watery eyes setting in. He needed a tissue. Bad. And he still had to sneeze. 
“B-Bucky, do you h-hahhhh...” Steve used the heel of his palm to scrub his nose, but it did little to quell the tickle. “H-have a t-tissue?” 
Bucky shook his head, watching the ordeal in complete silence as his mouth watered. Why was his mouth watering?
“I’b g-gahhh... g-godda sdeeze,” Steve managed to get out before sneezing messily into his shirt. “H-heh’TSSHHUH! Hih’PSHH! H-hAH!” 
Bucky watched as Steve’s breath hitched uncontrollably. He could see a strand of snot dangling from Steve’s nostrils and wondered how long it would last. As it turns out, not long at all. 
Steve reared up and pitched forward with the most ferocious sneeze Bucky’d ever heard. “H-heh’TZSSHHHUH!” The strand of snot landed on the very front of Steve’s t-shirt, much to his humilation. 
“F-fugg,” he cursed, blushing. “God, this is so ebarrassig.” 
“It’s not,” Bucky said, kissing his cheek. “Oh, and uh, here’s that tissue you asked for earlier.” 
“Did you have this the whole fugging time?” Steve grumbled through his congestion, snatching the tissue away from him. 
Bucky shrugged. But he was smiling. 
request some stuff/give me feedback!!
read more stucky stuff!!
ask me about my commissions!!
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Got some prompts for ya, love!
“this is the opposite of what i told you to do.”
“did i ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?” <-thought maybe you could do this one if they're hiding in a small space together 👀🥴
“that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”
Don't Listen
Summary// A cry for help has you stopping the car to check it out
Warnings// Usual horror movie warnings, mentions of violence, guns, weapons, injury, nightmares and death, could possibly be considered dark since it's horror movie themed (just in case I did tag it dark) there's a tinge of fluff in there, cursing.
AU// Horror Movie!AU x Cop!Bucky x Reader
Note// this was a lot of fun to write and I'm soooo happy that you had this idea 🥺 as always, requests and asks are open. Though this doesn't include smut, 18+ only
Moodboars by: @commonintrest
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Just like every other Friday night after Bucky's shift, he took you with him on a drive on a backroad. The same back road as always, one that wound around and had houses that were a mile or more apart.
Windows down and light music playing to unwind from the long work week both of you dealt with.
"Wait-wait-" You grabbed Bucky's arm to stop him from pulling away from the stop sign. "What?" He sighed, looking over at you. "Did you hear that?"
Bucky nearly stopped breathing to stay quiet enough to hear what you were talking about, the only sound he could hear being the quiet music from the speakers and soft mechanical whirring of his left arm.
You could've swore you heard a woman's voice screaming from the abandoned house you drove by every week. The one that looked to, at one point in time, doubled as a junk yard from the rusted out cars that littered the back and front yard, along with the tree line in the back of the house.
He shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows at you. "I don't hear anything." He shrugged. You still didn't move your hand, listening intently.
Bucky nearly choked on his own spit when you suddenly got out of the car, making your way up the walkway to the run down house.
"Godda- what the hell are you doing?!" He barked after you, jamming the car in park and opening the glove compartment for his gun.
"How could you not hear that?" You huffed, trying to peak in the cracks of the boarded windows as Bucky secured his gun into the holster on his belt. "You going crazy on me? It's an abandoned house, babygirl." He said, gently gripping your wrist in the metal of his left hand.
"Then you won't mind going in to check it out, Deputy Barnes." You sassed, poking a finger into his chest at his title.
Bucky rolled his eyes, going to the door to twist the handle open; knowing it'd be useless to argue with you.
The house was completely dark, Bucky clicking on his flashlight to peer around the living room at the old, torn up furniture that was covered in dust and dirt.
He exhaled and turned back to you, seeing you chewing on your bottom lip. "See? It's just an old, vacant house." He assured, getting ignored as you pushed pass him. "Yeah, yeah." You dismissed, taking his flashlight to look for yourself.
Bucky followed close behind as you went towards the kitchen, different types of bugs and rats scattering when the light would land on them.
"C'mon, back in the car. Need to get ya home." He went to grab your arm again and you moved away to a door that was cracked open, a dim light peaking through. "Hey-" He let out an aggravated groan and followed you down the stairs that the door led to.
"This is the opposite of what I told you to do." He snapped, looking at your completely froze form at the bottom of the stairs.
When he reached the bottom, he looked into the lit room. Everything was completely new, stainless steel tables, glossy, concrete floors and plastic sheets on the walls.
"What the fuck..." Bucky grumbled, walking further into the room. There were different hallways, meaning the bottom of the house stretched much farther than the main part.
He looked over to your wide-eyed face, nudging your arm. "Go back to the car." He said softly, stepping further into the room. "What? No, I'm going with you." You said, furrowinf your eyebrows at him.
"You really are going crazy." He huffed, going to one of the hallways, your footsteps following close behind. "Are you still hearing- whatever it was you were hearing?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at you.
"No, but that doesn't mean that nobody is down here."
Peaking one of the doors halfway down the hall open, there was a dark closet on the other side; Bucky opening the door more to flick on the light. "Nothing." He exhaled, looking behind the door.
A sudden slam of a door made you suck in a sharp breath and grip onto Bucky's sturdy metal arm; both of you standing completely still.
A tall, slender man covered in blood stood by one of the sets of metal drawers, pulling out different sharp instruments and whistling an upbeat tune as Bucky shoved you into the closet with him. Shutting the door as quiet as possible.
"Shit..." He cursed under his breath, pressing the heel of his right palm into his forehead. "What are we gonna do?"
Bucky huffed a breath at your question and shook his head. "I don't know." He mumbled, looking at your scared expression. "You're the one with a metal arm and gun. Fucking do something." You blabbered before his hand clamped over your mouth.
"Shut the hell up, you're gonna get us killed." He hissed, staring down at you for a moment as he listened for any movement. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" He said, squinting at you.
You swatted at his hand and huffed a breath. "Now is not the time." You mumbled, raking a hand through your hair to help think of how to get out of this situation. "This was, by far, the stupidest thing you've ever done." Bucky snapped in a hushed voice, cracking the door open so he could peak out.
"Do you see him?" Bucky nodded his head at your question, hand on the handle of his gun again, just in case as he shut the door again. "All of these hallways, there has to be another way out." He sighed, rubbing his metallic hand down his face.
"Maybe we can make a break for it down the hallway while he's not looking?" You shrugged, the nervous look on Bucky's face making you worry more and more. "No, that's a terrible idea."
The woman's voice you heard earlier echoed into the room, making you grab for the door handle. "What are you doing?" Bucky said in a whispered yell. "I hear someone, they need help, Buck." You choked out, trying to keep your voice quiet as you pulled at his metal hand that held the door shut.
The cry for help was close to driving you crazy, echoing into your ears as you pulled harder on his arm. How could he not hear it? It was so loud, the woman might as well have been in the room with you.
"Hey, sweetheart. C'mere." Bucky cooed, grabbing both of your hands in his left hand, his right lifting to hold your chin. "Don't listen to it. Okay? Don't listen to it." He muttered, trying to soothe your fidgety form. "Bucky, there's someone else down-"
The grip on your hands tightened when you tried to jerk them away from him. "We'll deal with it when we get outta here. Can't do anything if we're dead." He said through gritted teeth.
You were starting to panic more. Trapped in the basement of some house, no way to get to the phones or the car that was still parked at the side of the road outside.
"This is my fault, I should've never got out of the car. I'm so sorry, Bucky. I'm sorry." Bucky had to think fast to silence your quiet crying and apologies; to find a moment to think.
His lips found yours for a brief moment, making you turn your head to break away. "You idiot, this is not the time for that." You huffed, Bucky's hands going to the sides of your face.
If this was the last bit of time he had he needed you to know. "Sweetheart, listen to me. I love you, I never told you before because I'm a fucking idiot. But, I love you." He said quietly, steel blue eyes dancing back and forth as tears welled in your eyes.
"We're gonna die aren't we?" Your shaky voice broke his heart. He shook his head, looking down at you. "No, no. I promise, I won't let anything happen to you. I swear, I wont."
"What the hell do we do?" You exhaled, pressing the heels of your palms to your eyesockets. "I... I'm going to do something and I need you to run. As fast as you can, up the stairs. Don't worry about me. Okay? Just fucking run until you get to the car, get in and drive. I'll be fine."
It was finally your turn to look at him like he'd lost his mind. "You're fucking stupid if you think I'm leaving y-"
Bucky's hand left hand clamped over your mouth again when heavy footsteps started down the hallway, free hand clicking the light off.
You squeezed your eyes shut as the footsteps got closer, waiting for the moment the door was jerked open and all of it would be over, with so much that was left unsaid.
You let out a breath that had been trapped in your lungs when the footsteps passed the door, Bucky leaning to talk as quiet as he could in your ear. "You have to. Go to the station, a neighbors, anything. Just get out."
You nodded in agreement and he lowered his hand, taking his gun from the holster and opening the door.
Your heart pounded in your ears as he stepped into the hallway cautiously, gesturing for you to come out. "Straight to the car and drive away." He ordered, a loud slam of a door making both of you look back down the hallway.
"Bucky-" You started, going to grab his arm before he aimed at the lanky figured at the end of the hallway.
A single shot was let off, going straight into the man's chest; but he still didn't stop his long strides towards the two of you. "You can't escape." His ominous voice chuckled, echoing against the walls.
Bucky swallowed thickly and aimed again, firing each round into the sinister form before shoving the firearm back into it's designated spot and grabbing your shoulders. "Run."
Your eyes tore away from the menacing saunter the man kept as you darted towards the end of the hall where the large room started; Bucky following.
A loud, heart wrenching scream made your stomach churn, looking behind you to see the man pulling a knife from Bucky's side. You froze, not sure if you should try to help Bucky, or run for help as he grew closer to you.
A shake of Bucky's head as he fumbled back to his feet sent you up the stairs, a hand wrapping around your ankle and jerking your leg from under you; your chin smacking one of the wooden stairs making you whimper.
You blinked away the fuzzy feeling in your vision and gripped onto the splintering wood, pulling your body forward as you brought your knee up and rammed the bottom of your foot into his face; getting out of his grip long enough to climb the last of the stairs.
Jerking the front door open, you stumbled off the porch and down the driveway. The car was right there, nearly in your reach as your legs worked fast to carry you closer to it.
The keys were still in the ignition, but the engine wouldn't turn over; the starter clicking again and again as you sobbed and screamed for it to start.
Pounding on the steering wheel; you cursed and screamed before you gripped it as you took a deep, shaky breath, looking to where the two phones once sat in the cubby hole under the stereo. "Fuck!" You cried, pulling yourself from the car.
The front door was jerked open again, making you stop in your tracks and look to who it was.
"Buck-" you felt a tinge of relief paint over the fear that surged your veins, his once neat, clean uniform shirt now torn on his side and blood soaked. "Go! The woods! Go!" He barked, making his way down the broken down porch steps as fast as he could to follow behind you.
Lungs burning, tears streaking your face in fear for your best friend and legs threatening to give out each time your feet pounded against the dirt, you glanced over your shoulder to see where Bucky went; arms suddenly encasing your mid-section and pulling you to a near by tree.
A scream tried to rip from your chest, the familiar coolness of metal clasping over your lips stopping it. "Shhh!" Bucky hissed, bruises blooming on his face and blood coating his teeth from the cut on his lip.
Breathing heavily through your nose, you let your eyes close. The thundering of your heart making it hard to hear anything. "There's a neighboring house just outside the treeline. You can make it there." He said once he was sure there wasn't anyone close by.
"What about you?" You said once he moved his hand, voice shaky and hoarse from how raw your throat felt. "I'm gonna try. C'mon."
He pulled you along behind him, feet moving fast over logs and vines that littered the ground.
Bucky suddenly stopped, tugging you to go infront of him and urging you faster; the break in the woods getting closer and closer, finally walking into the neighboring yard.
A middle aged man answered your frantic knocking, shock and fear etching across his face at the sight on his front porch. "Deputy James Barnes, we need to use your phone." Bucky said holding his badge up.
A simple nod and he moved aside to let the two of you in; locking all of the locks on his door before going to where his home phone sat. "Honey! Can I get some help down here?! Sit down, my wife is a nurse, let her look at that." The man said, handing Bucky the phone and gesturing to one of the dining chairs.
"Are you okay? Do you need some water?" He asked, reaching a hand towards you. "Yes, please." You croaked out, still on edge that the man could come through the door at any moment.
"Oh, my god." A woman gasped from the bottom of the stairs. "What happened to the two of you?"
"Long story." Bucky groaned, letting her lift his uniform shirt to inspect the gash on his side. "I'm calling it in, we'll be outta here soon. Okay, sugar?" The promising look in Bucky's eyes added hope back into your heart. "Yeah."
Soon, ambulances and patrol cars filled the road, Bucky insisting on going with Steve and Sam to search the perimeter again; no matter how many times you protested. Only getting promises that it'd be fine as the paramedics ushered you to the ambulance.
Every second felt like an hour as you waited for the three men to appear back from the woods, Bucky limping this time as he walked to stand in front of you.
"Are you okay?" You said, lifting your hands to his blood and dirt covered cheeks, seeing him wince slightly. "I'm fine, we're fine." He said, giving a light smile and taking your hands in his, holding them to his chest. "You're staying with me tonight. Alright, babygirl?"
You gave a soft nod, pressing a tender kiss to his busted bottom lip before leaning your forehead against his. "'M so tired." You sighed, Bucky's hands moving to massage the tops of your sore thighs. "Can stay as long as you want and need."
Two weeks passed, you still hadn't left Bucky's apartment to stay in your own. Every time you slept you could hear the woman's voice that hadn't been found; Bucky being right next to you when you'd force yourself awake seemed to help.
He never mentioned the incident after all of the reports and paperwork had been finished, he didn't want to bring back any memories you had managed to lock away.
But, he was worried, it affected you a lot more than it did him and it scared him. He watched you scrub the clothes from that night so many times before just throwing them away.
He didn't want you to leave the safety of his apartment or his bed for your own. It was the only thing to ease the constant uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Bucky saw the pained look on your face everytime you'd see the crooked scar on his side, it was completely different than the loving way you'd look at the one on his shoulder. So, when you'd trace it with your fingertips he'd always make it a point to tell you it wasn't your fault and how much he loved you.
He swore to himself that nothing would be left unspoken again.
Taglist: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @marvel-3407 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @preferredrealty @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship
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a-zira-fell · 5 years
If you're doing the drabble thing, 35 or 48? I really love your writing but it's okay if you don't get around to it! 💖
Read On AO3
“I just wanted to let you know, that I think you’re beautiful.”
Crowley was clearly drunk and Aziraphale had no way of finding out where he was. Except for a miracle maybe. He knew, that Crowley would be okay eventually, but the fact that he was calling from a phone box alone, was concerning.
“Are you quite alright?” he asked, carefully.
“I’m fi – fine! Angel. ‘m fine.”
There was a muffled rustling noise at the other end of the line and Aziraphale vaguely wondered, if Crowley had sat down.
“You’re just. Pretty! You’re so, so pretty.”
Aziraphale blushed.
“Thank you, darling.”
“’n you say – you call me darling and dear and uh, and dear boy and…” he drifted off.
Aziraphale waited a moment, but the demon didn’t hang up, so Aziraphale sat down on his chair and leaned back.
“Don’t you like that?”
“The names… pet names,” Aziraphale said. It had never quite occurred to him, that they were, in fact, pet names.
“Yeah. Mhh, I do.” Then, after a moment, “Shouldn’t let anybody know.”
“Oh.” There was tug of something in his chest. Emotions, that wanted to escape, but Aziraphale kept them locked in carefully.
He could hear Crowley take another swig of whatever he was drinking.
“You think, maybe you should stop?” he asked.
“Wha’?” Crowley said again.
“Drinking. Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”
“’s not that easy, angel,” Crowley slurred. “It’s good. Drunk, but wi-  when you’re too. You’re softer when I’m drunk.”
The angel shook his head, but didn’t reply.
“Y’know. Not softer softer. You’re not… squishy. I’m- I… I- yeah, you’re squishy but you’re always. Squishy, not just when I’m drunk.” He paused and Aziraphale was almost sure, the demon had completely lost his point until he cleared his throat and continued. “Just, you’re nice.”
“I’m always nice,” Aziraphale protested. A snort came from the other end of the line, followed by a coughing fit. He knew, he shouldn’t have indulged Crowley in this argument.
“D’you think I need your help?” Crowley asked, when he finally stopped coughing.
“What makes you ask that?”
“’s just. You’re here. Haven’t hung up yet.”
“I don’t know,” Aziraphale said. “But I wish you’d let me. Help, that is.”
“Nothing you can do, angel.” Crowley sounded disturbingly sober in that moment.
“I’m sorry,” Aziraphale said. He wanted so badly to be there for Crowley, to hold him and keep him safe until –
Another swig.
- until he really sobered up.
“God!,” Crowley exclaimed, followed by angry yelling. “Shit! Oh, fuck! That hurts. Why does that even hurt? ‘s not like. Like I disrs- dis-sss,” he hissed.
“Disrespected?” Aziraphale asked, helpfully.
“Yeah, disr’spected her or… or anything. I just… Why’s it hurt?”
And another swig.
“Az’ra- Aziraphale.”
“I wanna kiss you.”
In the silence that followed, Aziraphale could hear his own, heavily thumping heartbeat; he was surprised, that he hadn’t made any noises, because it was just the alcohol speaking. He shouldn’t let himself hope.
This wasn’t how their drunk conversations usually went.
“Well, this is new,” he mumbled eventually, and half-hoped, Crowley wouldn’t hear him at all.
“No, ‘s not.”
Crowley had another drink, before he continued.
“Been too godda- Eugh! - too damn long. So long. Almost the beginning.” He briefly paused as if to give Aziraphale time to catch up. “Yeah, mayb- I thi- yep. No, I wasn’t in love then. Still wanted to kiss you, though.”
Aziraphale undid his bow tie and opened the top button of his shirt. Just to breathe, he told himself.
“Wanna mess up that hair… mhh, ‘n pull you close. ‘n I wanna taste you, ‘n you’d love it.”
Aziraphale‘s chest was aching with unspoken emotions. Such feelings, he had always kept buried with a certainty, that they were unwanted. To hear Crowley say these words, was opening floodgates, Aziraphale wasn’t even aware he had.
“Shit,” Crowley cursed. “’m sorry. I messed up.”
The line went dead.
Aziraphale stood up momentarily, tried to call back, before he realised, that even if the call mysteriously – miraculously – went through to that specific phone booth, Crowley wouldn’t pick up. He grabbed his coat and miracled himself to the source of his feelings.
Crowley was indeed sitting in a telephone box, legs pulled close at an awkward angle, head buried between his knees.
Aziraphale opened the door slowly, noticing the almost empty bottle next to him and the lost stare.
“Oh, angel,” Crowley said. “If only you were really here.”
Aziraphale knelt down next to the demon and held out a hand.
“I’m here,” he said, breathlessly. “Come home with me?”
Crowley only stared at him, eyes wide, as if his wildest dream was coming true.
“So beautiful,” he whispered, and again, Aziraphale blushed. “’s not here. ‘ziraphale wouldn’t. He wouldn’t have his shirt open.”
The angel’s hand began to tremble with unshed emotion, as he finally reached out to Crowley.
“May I?” he asked weakly.
“’nythin’,” Crowley slurred, wide, glassy eyes looking up at Aziraphale; he put a finger to his chin, tilting Crowley’s face.
“Oh,” the demon breathed out. In a surge of surprising control over his body, he leaned forward abruptly, pressing their lips together. Aziraphale gasped and instinctively brought a hand up to the back of Crowley’s head. He tasted like too-cheap alcohol, tasted stale; it wasn’t good, but Crowley’s lips were soft, insistent and Aziraphale didn’t find it in him to deny him anything.
Eventually, Crowley sacked back against the wall of the booth, eyes closed.
“Come home with me?” Aziraphale asked again, voice as shaky as his knees.
As he helped Crowley get up, two more empty bottles were revealed in the corner of the small space.
Aziraphale had not expected to end up watching a drunk demon rest in his bed, but exactly that was, what he did the rest of the night, after unsuccessfully trying to concentrate on a book.
“Fuck,” it came from under the covers, hours later.
The demon in question sat up, head between his hands, before he waved a hand, then shook his head.
“That’s better.”
“You shouldn’t be allowed to miracle away a hangover after last night,” Aziraphale grumbled, but there was a smile in his voice.
“Oh angel,” Crowley said again, voice soft an Aziraphale wondered vaguely if he remembered.
“Whatever I said or did… I didn’t mean it.”
The words cut through the thin sheen of hope surrounding the illusion Aziraphale had held.
“You didn’t?” he asked, uncaring if his emotions showed just a bit too clearly, because he was tired of waiting, and pining, and hoping.
“Wait.” Crowley turned around abruptly, fingers digging into the side of the mattress, as he sat on the side of the bed. “What did I say?”
Aziraphale shook his head. If he uttered those words, if he told Crowley, it would make everything real, even the pain would be real. More real, than ever before.
“What did I say, angel?” Crowley asked again. Then, “Did I do anything?”
Aziraphale clenched his hand into a fist, well out of Crowley’s view.
“Show me?” Crowley requested and Aziraphale’s ability to deny Crowley anything had died the previous night alongside the barriers around his heart. He stumbled out of his chair, over to where Crowley was sitting and before he could change his mind, he leaned down and once again pressed their lips together.
Crowley reacted immediately, mirroring Aziraphale just hours earlier; with a surprised intake of breath, he grasped at the back of his head, fingers driving into the angel’s soft hair.
It was better now, and when Crowley’s tongue licked at Aziraphale’s lips in a desperate inquiry, the angel’s knees gave in, dropping him down onto the cold floor, as he braced himself against Crowley and opened his lips.
“Oh, God,” he breathed out when they parted. Crowley was still holding on to him, but Aziraphale welcomed it.
“Really?” asked Crowley. “I did that?”
Aziraphale giggled. He was not usually in the habit of giggling, but all the anxiety and insecurity leaving his mind and soul so quickly left a space that needed to be filled. With giggling for example.
“You called me, drunk, rambling a lot, and then you told me that you wanted to kiss me and hung up.”
“And then you came to my rescue. Like a… guardian angel.”
Crowley grinned and Aziraphale had to restrain himself not to roll his eyes.
“And you said…”
“You said you weren’t in love with me, then.”
“In the beginning.”
“Oh. Yeah, no. I wasn’t.”
There was a hesitant moment, where neither of them dared to speak.
“And n-“ – “We’ve come a long way since.”
They spoke at the same time.
“Oh,” Aziraphale said. “So you…?”
The angel raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t make me say it, angel,” Crowley scrunched up his face, pulled away from Aziraphale, but the angel knew, he would give in if necessary. He saw it clearly in Crowley’s eyes.
The demon leaned in and pulled Aziraphale close, pressing his face into his neck, arms wrapping around his shoulders.
“It’s been so long,” he said. His voice was breaking and Aziraphale knew, he had to hold on to Crowley. It had been so long.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 46 - watching notes
Countdown is down to 4 episodes :'(
See this first scene? Just them stroling around between serious business - that's what I'd pay good money to see another 50 episodes of
Matchmaker-wwx for Wen Ning? I'd read that fic :D
Although I'm trying to imagine what that would be like. "Hey lady, this is my best friend. He's got a really sweet personality. He's great with kids. Very loyal. And let's just say, you'll never have to cook for two, isn't that great?"
Yeah, lan Sizhui is indeed a good candidate for a friend :')
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Oh no, someone hug him 😥
I feel like I'll feel really stupid later, but should "Guanyin Temple" ring a bell for me?
Or is it a cultural thing that I'm just unaware of?
Aaaah, the temple was mentioned in the chamber! I remember!
Sorry that you guys have to endure my thought process in real time ^^
I've never seen someone bow so passive aggressively as that monk when wwx called him out on not being ordained (so not really a monk, right?)
Okay, no, he can't hold a candle to Jin Guangyao
Btw, I did a double take when they said it was a Buddhist temple. I'm really not used to there being real world religions in high fantasy settings. Usually, if there are religions (such as in got) or creation myths (such as in lotr), even though they are always modeled somewhat after real world believes they aren't called that. Having Buddhism in this universe is a bit like Georg R.R. Martin replacing the conflict between the seven gods and the old gods with a conflict between christianity and paganism or something like that ^^
I know it might sound like it, but this is not a judgement by the way, it doesn't bother mem. I just did a double take, that's all
Wei Wuxian would still call Jiang Cheng for backup :')
That's ominous 😳
What the hell is Jin Ling doing there?
Also how cute is it that our tough boy named his dog Fairy?
Lan Xichen?
What? Is? Happening?
I thought he was a prisoner?
Aren't those Jin disciples in there? Why doesn't jin Ling know about that and if he doesn't how come he's just coincidentally in the same city as them?
Hey yo, guys, maybe don't shoot your clan heir?!?
Does Jin Ling have a death wish?
Oh, the flute. That makes me weirdly sad :'(
Lan Xichen, you himbo! What are you doing???
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Your otp could never
Oh now, THAT'S a villain entrance
Someone gets to choke Wei Wuxian and it's not Lan Wangji! A travesty! 😱
Sorry ^^
Oh, so Lan Xichen lost his power
Sorry, but that wonder dog does not look ferocious 😅
Please don't kill fairy though :/
I just wander ... at this point Jin Guangyao must plan to kill everyone of them. Because non of them would keep quiet about what happened permanently
Digging in a temple must be some form of blasphemy right?
Uuuhhh, Jin Guangyao knows how to hit even Lan Wangji's weak spots in reminding him of hoe he fought wwx earlier. He's GOOD
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Oh this is beautiful and so so sad. He really never blamed him, even when they fought shortly before wwx's death, he only said that he always expected them to end up on opposite sides. There was no anger for lwj, even then 😥
And he gives him an out, which of course lwj won't take, cause he's not loosing him again! 😭
Holy shit, that's big. He just made himself powerless 😳
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There is SO MUCH in that Lan Zhan I can't even begin to describe it 😭
Poor Lan Xichen ... :'(
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Lan men, meditating their heartbreak away since ... probably Lan An
Also, I just noticed that Jin Ling is clutching his father's sword like he did when he was crying and now I imagine he always does this when he needs comfort and 😥
Wei Wuxian STILL thinks Lan Wangji is doing this because he feels like he owes him something? Darling ... I know you have issues, but you should trust his choice by now
Uhkayii, someone angered a god or why is there suddenly wind in that temple?
What even is his plan right now?
Nie Huaisang??? 😳 what's he doing here? Why is everyone in this random town?
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No seriously, knowing the Lan men now, I'm not sure he'll recover from this :(
Netflix just translated whatever wwx said to "Lan Zhan gets a bum rep" and I can't stop laughing 😂
I love how there's a parallel between lan Wangji always putting himself in front of physical threats to wwx and how wwx always defends him verbally 💙🖤
"I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to die." Is a pretty great line and I love how wwx justifies it. My first thoughts went to the deathly hallows and the invisibility cloak in particular first, though. Can't help it.
"My destiny is up to me and loss and gain don't concern me." My first, very quick, interpretation of that would be that it's his philosophy to cease the moment and use the time that is given to him as he sees fit. So he has a meaning and purpose in life and doesn't want to die. On the other hand, he is at piece with what he has achieved or not achieved in life, and should he die, he wouldn't begrudge the loss or mourn what could have been.
How is it that, in a show full if dramatic gays™️, Jiang Cheng is still the most dramatic of all of them???
Godda love that lwj protects wwx from a very cute dog with as much quiet stoicism as from someone pointing a sword at him 😁
So that gets rid of Su She ^^
Now THIS is one cool fight!
Jiggy with his clapping. They're ALL such dramatic bitches. I love them 😂
Wait, he acts like he knows about the core. HOW would he know about the core?
But he's GOOD
I know I keep saying it. But he's even found wei Wuxian's weak spot and that's difficult at this point
Did I just see Jiang Cheng save Lan Wangji?
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That's a VERY sane smile
Oh no, there is going to be an emotional confrontation about the golden core next. Right? I feel like I'll need a cup of hot chocolate to bear that 😥
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
Imma be honest. This episode still only raised more questions than it answered. I still have no idea what Jiggy's plan is 😅
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 23
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2430
Warnings: none
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note:  written with the person who understands when I say you know, that guy in that band who sings songs.  @fanficwriter013​
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Chapter 23: The Feast
We all stood in a group outside some ornate doors as we waited to be announced to the room for Thor’s victory feast.  Thor had picked up Riley because she kept trying to hide under everyone’s skirts or capes.  Pietro was cuddled in Bruce’s arms, hiding his face in his father’s neck.  Bruce had started looking nervous too and he’d subconsciously reached out and taken my hand as we’d approached the doors.
Everyone else was a mixture of nervousness and excitement.  This was both new and yet familiar to most of them.  They were used to being the center of attention.  The royalty in space thing was a novel twist to it though.
“Imagine how much food there’s going to be, bug?”  Clint said trying to distract Riley as she wriggled in Thor’s arms.  “Just a whole room of food.”
“Dats so much,” Riley said.  “Did Mags made it?”
“Some of it,” Thor said and Riley started clicking her teeth together.
“What’s that noise about?”  Clint asked.
“Gonna ead da food, daddy,” Riley said and started making nomming noises to go along with her chomping.
“I thought you were being picky,” Clint said, shaking his head.  “I should have known.”
“Yeah, Clint.  It’s Riley.”  I teased.
“Yeah, is Wiley.”  Riley mimicked.
Clint looked at me and blinked.  “You’re a horrible influence.”  He deadpanned.
I didn’t have time to counter because they began to announce us.  I was made to take Pietro, though I was told that he could sit in his own seat or with whoever he wanted once we were inside.  Clint was called first followed by Sam.  Then Natasha and Wanda.  Bucky and Tony.  Steve and Bruce.
Finally, I was ushered forward.  An older man stood by the side of a grand table at the front of a huge ballroom with large windows that looked out over the city.  The table was elevated above all the others and just in front of it, Loki sat with Sif and the warriors three.  We had been led in and then split, so Sam and Clint sat on the outside of the table, then Natasha next to Clint and Wanda next to Sam.  Tony was next to Natasha and Bruce next to Tony, while Bucky sat next to Wanda and Steve next to him.  The two chairs that were vacant and in the middle of the ten chairs were bigger than the rest.  The chair next to Steve was practically a throne.
“The Lady Elise.  Mother of the Heir.  With her, Prince Pietro Son of Clinton, bearer of shield.”  The old man said.  I walked out to an enormous cheer from the crowd and everyone got to their feet applauding and trying to see.
I took the seat next to Bruce and Pietro scrambled back into his lap, hiding as best he could in Bruce’s arms.
“Shh... “  Bruce soothed.  “It’s okay, little one.  We’re safe.  Hulk’s not even worried right now.”
Pietro looked up at Bruce and his eyes flashed green for a moment as he pressed a kiss to Pietro’s forehead.  Pietro didn’t say anything, but when he rested his head back against Bruce’s shoulder he seemed calmer.
“Thor.  King of Asgard.  Son of Odin.  Bringer of storms.  With him, Princess Riley. Daughter of Thor.  Bearer of shield.  Heir to the throne.”  The man announced.
Thor strode out carrying Riley who was looking around in awe.  The crowd erupted with applause.  Many people were calling out to Riley in the hopes she’d look at them.  Thor gave a wave as he reached his chair and Riley mimicked him making the cheering even louder.
As the room began to settle he took his seat.   He said something in that language I assumed was Asgardian.  Someone yelled something in return and Thor raised his hand.  “And now we feast.”  He roared.
There was another cheer and servers came out carrying trays of food.  We were served first and while our food was being put in front of us Riley turned and said something to Thor in that same Norse sounding language.
Thor raised an eyebrow at Riley and said something back to her.
“Did she just…?”  I asked.
“It was close,” Thor replied.  “That simplistic way she speaks, but it was Asgardian.”
“Huh,” I said shaking my head.  “Is that the Allspeak.”
Thor gave a small shrug.  “I assume it must be.”
We started to eat the first course.  Pietro finally stuck his head out from Bruce and began to pick at the food while Riley just wolfed things down.
Pietro picked up a piece of food and held it up.  “Whad’s dis?”
“It’s mackavon,” Thor replied.
“Is good, daddy?”  Pietro asked.
“Yes, son.  It’s very good.”  Thor answered.
“Is wike ham and fings,” Riley said with her mouth full.  Pietro tentatively took a bite.  He took a moment to decide if he liked it before tucking in properly.
The first course did have a ham-like quality.  Almost like ham wrapped peach in a jus.  It was more of a sample plate and quickly finished.  Riley started to lick the plate clean.
“Oh, Riley,” Steve said taking a napkin and wiping her face.  “We’re in public, honey.”
“She enjoys her food,” Thor said.
“That’s one way to put it.”  Tony joked.
“She is free to.  The customs are different here.”  Thor assured us.
“If you say so,” Steve said with a shake of his head.
More plates were brought out.  This time holding a small bowl with a clear broth, like a consommé with a single piece of bread with a paste on it floating in the middle.  Neither Pietro or Riley were particularly excited by it and they began to look around the room at all the people.  At one point I reached over and ran my fingers through the back of Thor’s hair as he attempted to keep Riley from toppling off the edge of the table and the crowd hushed and started whispering.  I thought I’d done something wrong but Thor assured me they liked seeing the casual display of affection and to prove it he kissed me.  Just a gentle peck on the lips but it made everyone cheer.
As the third course came out, this one a salad of sweet fruits and tangy leaves with crunchy seeds and nuts through it, Riley had started playing a game of name every single person in the room with Thor.  When he told her that she would have to go and ask Loki who all the people were she decided she’d had enough and stood up on his legs and waved at some people at a random table.  
There was a hush from the table and one woman fainted clear away.
“Honey, please, no,” Thor said gently.
“Daddy, she sick?”  Riley asked, trying to climb off his lap.
“She just became too excited.”  He explained.  “We’re going to stay here though.”
She pulled a face and sat back down again and began to pick the fruit out of her salad and shove it in her mouth.
With the next course, a selection of cold meats and cheeses, a food fight broke out, started by Clint and Fandral.  The whole room joined in with them, like the air of formality had been suddenly dropped and everyone realized who we actually were. Not royalty but regular people in an unusual position.
Riley was flailing about throwing food every which way, while Pietro panicked and got off Bruce’s lap and hid under Wanda’s skirts.
I threw something at Steve and he looked at me and narrowed his eyes.  “Oh, you’re gonna get it now, El.”  He said standing.
“No!”  I squealed, hiding behind Thor.
“Oh yes,” he said moving past him.
I backed up, giggling and throwing more food at him, using Bruce and then Tony as a shield.
“El, you started this.”  He said and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.  “And I’m gonna finish it.”
“No, Steve!”  I giggled flailing my legs.  People in the crowd laughed as they watched our antics even as the food fight was still going strong.
“You started this,”  Steve said, swinging me from side to side.
“I did not!  It was Clint!”  I protested as I failed my limbs.  “Someone help!”
“Clint made you throw food at me?”  Steve asked, giving my thigh a playful swat.
“It’s a food fight!”  I protested.
“Well, now you’re stuck there.”  Steve teased.
“Why won’t anyone help me?”  I whined.  “You’re supposed to be heroes.”
Steve suddenly groaned and dropped to his knee, letting me slip off his shoulder.
“C’mere, printsessa,” Natasha said, taking my hand.
“Are you okay, Steve?”  I asked, looking him over as he clutched his thigh.
“He’s fine.  It’s the only way he’ll learn.”  Natasha assured me.  She took a seat and I sat down in her lap.
“My hero,” I said as she kissed my neck.
“We should rescue Pietro too,” Natasha said.  “Wanda?  Can you send him down?”
Wanda crouched and spoke to Pietro who was hiding under her and he poked his head out from under her skirts, looked at us and then scrambled over, climbing up into Natasha’s lap and hiding in her side.
“I’m here, baby,” Natasha said.  “The adults are just having some unconventional fun.”
“Is messy,” Pietro grumbled.
“I know, honey.”  Natasha soothed.  “They’re stopping now.”
“You godda ead wif a fork.”  He said.
Natasha and I chuckled and she pressed a kiss to the crown of his head.  “I know, kiddo.  Don’t worry, we’ll just smush you between us.”
Pietro started giggling and wiggled against her shoulder.
“Oh, we’re gonna smush you.”  Natasha teased, ruffling his hair.
“I smush you, mama.”  Pietro giggled as he opened and closed his hands on Natasha’s back.
I wrapped my arms around both of them and squeezed them tightly. “I smushed both of you.”   Pietro giggled and squirmed between us.
The food fight seemed to trickle out and then end and some staff came out and started to clean up and hand out moist towels.  Another course was brought out, this seemed to be some kind of fish served in a crunchy red cone.
Pietro pushed it away from him and pouted.  “You don’t want that one, peanut?”  Natasha asked.
“Wiley frew da food and id god on me.”  He pouted.
“Did you want to change your clothes?”  Natasha asked.
He nodded as he tried to wipe the food off his robes.  Loki must have been listening in because she got up from her table in front of us and stalked over.  “Follow me.  Quickly now.”
Pietro held his arms up to her and she took him.  I got up and followed after her.
“Imbeciles,” Loki grumbled.  “What’s wrong with my little boy?”
“I’s dirdy,” Pietro said.
“Don’t worry, little one.  I shall get you cleaned up.”  She soothed.
She led us down to a room and into a large closet and began to walk down the racks of clothing.  “I suppose his father would pitch a fit if I put the boy in a dress?”
“If you mean Clint specifically?  No.  He wouldn’t care.  I don’t think any of them would care.”  I said.
Loki nodded and pulled something green out.  “I’ll give the boy options.”
She pulled out a few outfits and then let Pietro choose the one he liked best.  He picked out something in green and purple that wasn’t exactly a dress but was more dress-like than the robes he had been wearing.  I wiped him down and changed him into his new clothes and we took him back to the feast.  Everything had settled back down and another dish hand been brought out.  This one was a white foam and what looked liked caviar but tasted sweet on thick salty noodles.
We made it through three more courses without incident.  A deep-fried dish that had some kind of grains and leaves inside what almost tasted like sushi.  A thing that looked like meatloaf but when you ate it there was almost a sensation of eating tomato soup.  And something like a custard served in a glass that had a fish-like taste.
I was starting to get quite full and the kids had seemed to grow bored with eating.  Riley was just standing on Thor’s lap, bouncing and looking out at the crowd while Pietro was moving from one person’s lap to the next.
Riley suddenly stopped bouncing and pointed at a table at the back.  “Daddy deres kids.”
“Yes,” Thor agreed.  “There are kids here.”
“Pied!”  Riley called, still pointing at the table.  “Dey’s kids!”
Pietro looked up from where he was sitting on Sam.  He looked at Riley and then the kids and then at Sam.  I think it was probably the first time they had actually seen other kids besides Cassie who they had only met a couple of times.  I felt really bad because we really had been sheltering them way too much.
“Can we pway?”  Riley asked, looking back at Thor.
“You need to ask your mother,” Thor said.
She looked over at me.  “Mommy?  Mommy can we?  Pwease?”  She begged.
I looked from Natasha to Thor.  “They’ll be okay to play in here, right?”
Thor leaned over the table to the one in front.  “Will one of you supervise?”
“Of course,” Hogun said with a nod.  He got up and came to the end of the table.  “Come, little ones.  Let’s make friends.”
Both the kids scrambled off laps and ran over to him and he led them to the back table.  Hogun crouched down between the twins and the children at the table.  For a moment all the children looked too shy to actually do anything.  The parents of the other children watched on in shock as Hogun tried to act as a mediator.  After a few moments, the children all began to run around the tables together, laughing excitedly.
We sat through seven more courses while the kids played.  At that point, they seemed to set up a picnic on the ground and were taking turns feeding things to Hogun. By the eleventh course, they had returned and passed out.  One in Bucky’s lap and one in Thor’s.  By the 21st course, something that vaguely resembled s’ mores, but all the parts were separated and the wrong color, the feast was over.  We left to more applause and returned to our rooms.  The children were put into bed and the rest of us passed out together, full and as relaxed as we'd been since we'd arrived.
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Last Words 2/2
   Okay so plot twist I think this might become a whole thing so If you want more Parental Logince Punk AU shenanigans let me know.
Part 1
Taglist! @datfearlessfangirl @cas-is-a-hunter @princemesscharming
This is straight up fluff lads. This is just some fam shenanigans.
Okay the story is under the cut have fun
  When Roman woke in the hospital, he was sure he could tell it had been a long time. His hair, once very meticulously cut to ensure it wouldn’t hang further than his eyebrows, was now brushing his cheekbones. He hoped that was his hair. There was quiet talking somewhere in front of him. His bones felt stiff like he hadn’t moved in years.
     He was a big fan of dramatics, but he did really hope it hadn’t been years. There was a weight on his chest, pushing down and keeping his lungs from expanding.  
      Wait. Was the weight... Moving? He opened his eyes and was blinded immediately by white light reflected on white walls. There was light ginger hair brushing his face. He was NOT ginger.
      For that matter, he only knew one ginger. “Patton?” He croaked it out, wincing at the way his voice rattled. “Baby, I need you to move, okay? I can’t brea-” The weight was lifted suddenly, by someone in a black dress shirt. Roman breathed deeply, flinching at the sudden stab of pain from his side. He coughed a few times, then looked at the man who was holding his toddler. Blue eyes, almost white, stared at him with a look of both frustration and complete and utter relief. He was not wearing his glasses, his tie was nowhere to be seen, but it was his Logan. 
     “If you ever do that again, I will kill you myself,” Logan said in a flat, monotone voice with an eyebrow cocked. “And then I will resuscitate you, so Virgil can kill you too.” Roman glanced around the room, finding his older son curled on the lap of someone in a black and green sweatshirt. Remus. 
      His brother was telling Virgil a story, one the child had heard a thousand times, though it was obvious from the look on the child's face it was being told from a new perspective.
     “And the strong, scary knight told the scared dragon-”
     “You will never be welcome here, foul beast. There is no room for someone like you in our lands” Roman finished the line, trying his best to put on the regal voice saved specifically for this story. It made sense that Remus was telling the story from the perspective of the dragon. Virgil looked up with wide eyes, almost exactly the same shade of white-blue as Logan’s. 
     “You never told me the dragon was a momma dragon!” He cried, sticking out his lower lip. “Why did the knight have to kick her out?” Remus winked at his brother, a smirk on his face. 
      “Yeah, Ro! Why DID the knight have to kick her out?” Roman’s eyes narrowed a bit.
     “She was breaking the village's things! Perhaps the knight did not know the dragon was a mother. The knight was simply trying to protect his people.” Remus raised his eyebrows at that. 
     “Perhaps the knight should have asked the dragon.”
     “I have it on good authority that the dragon and the knight spoke very different languages.” 
     “Yes, one of them spoke trash goblin, and the other spoke drama queen.” A voice from the doorway piped up. A teenager in a leather jacket with a bright yellow t-shirt that read something along the lines of “Punk’s not dead” was smirking at the family. Virgil immediately perked up at seeing the teen. 
     “DeeDee! Look! Papa let me put PURPLE in my hair! Now Ima punk too!” Virgil smiled, showing off the single very light purple streak in his bangs. Logan chuckled at that.
      “Oh, very intimidating, Virge. Remind me to grab you your present before I head home tomorrow. I got you something to match.” Virgil nodded and went back to curling up on his uncle’s lap. “And Pat, I have something for you, too,” Dee promised with a little wink. Roman did not like the sound of that. His nephew’s gifts always ended up with the boys getting dress-coded in their kindergarten class. “Uncle Roman, it’s good to see you awake. I was certainly not scared out of my godda..” He glanced at the toddlers, “..ng mind by your brother calling me screeching about a car accident.” 
     “Why does he get to be UNCLE Roman but I don’t get to be Dad?” Remus whined from the chair.
     “Because YOU are a nightmare dressed up as a functioning parent” Dee smirked at him.
     “Roman is quite fine, Dee,” Logan said. “You did not have to drive twelve hours to come see him.” 
     “Yes, I did, because I took the family brain cell with me to college, and Dad told me you all haven’t left this hospital room in two days.” Logan blushed at that. 
     “I’ve been asleep for TWO DAYS?” Roman screeched. “Why didn’t you TELL ME?”
      “You were too busy bickering with your brother about an imaginary knight’s actions,” Logan said flatly. “And besides, you were expected to be asleep until at least Saturday, so the fact that you are both awake and functioning properly-” Remus snorted at that. “Is indicative that you are completely fine, save for the broken rib and that, er, laceration, on your jawline.” Roman touched his jaw, feeling a large bandage across the left side of his face. His eyes widened, looking over to his brother who had a hand to the vertical scar on his face.
     “Bad news, little brother, We have the same face again.”
     Roman groaned as he got out of bed, glad to be finally leaving the sterility of the hospital room he had been in for the last four days. The doctors assured him it was only a precaution, and that they were worried about the healing of the cut on his face, but it still felt like he would wake up at any minute to be told this was the end for him. 
      Logan was seated in one of the recliners across the room, typing on his laptop and looking unsurprisingly annoyed. Roman could hear Dee whispering outside the door, either on his phone or more likely- teaching his innocent tiny children how to rebel against the “man” which were often the lessons they kept in mind, and the ones that got them in trouble in school. The teen had decided to stick around for another week or so if only to keep the kids entertained while Roman was recovering.
     “Dee, if you could refrain from encouraging my kindergarteners to form mosh pits, that would be wonderful.” The teenager barked a laugh, sticking his head into the door only slightly.
     “One- I would never. Tiny bones have to be at least this tall” He gestured to only a few inches above Virgil’s head, which was the only part of the five-year-old Roman could see, and even then, only just a bit of his purple hair sticking out, “Two- if anything, your children are punker than I am, dearest Uncle.” Roman was immediately concerned. “Come on in, you two. Show your parents what your favorite cousin bought you.” 
     “You’re our only cousin, DeeDee.” Virgil reminded him, walking in with a big smile. He was wearing a black and purple patch jacket, grey leggings, and the tiniest pair of combat boots Roman had ever seen. Patton, who was standing behind him, was in a light blue sweater, a tiny grey jean jacket, and holographic boots that were very similar in style to the ones Dee was wearing. Both children had eyeliner on, but Virgil’s was smudged under his eyes so much it looked like he was a raccoon. Roman broke into giggles immediately.
     “Logan, Lo oh my goodness they look like you in high school. Oh my gosh, you corrupted our tiny baby children!” Logan raised an eyebrow, looking at his children standing there with big smiles and laughed a bit. 
     “Wait- Uncle Lo was a pu-”
     “I love you guys, you know?” Roman cut Dee off, if only to stop that conversation in its tracks. None of them wanted to listen to Logan assure them that he was still very much a ‘punk’. “Like, a lot. All the time, not just when I think I’m going to die. You guys are my whole life.” He looked at Dee, and behind him, to Remus, who was standing there looking a little uncomfortable. “All of you, okay?” 
     He figured, even if they weren’t his last words, they would be the words he made sure to say the most. That had to count for something.
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Shredder’s Little Light Chapter 4
Tiger Claw quietly crept into Aurora's room, it was well late at night and Karai had recently broken in to the lair after escaping her cell hours prior with the enemies and the Shredder had ordered the entire Foot Clan to take Karai to Stockman's laboratory to begin his little "experiment". The giant cat didn't know what experiment was about to take place but all that mattered how was that Aurora wasn't left alone.
 Shutting the door behind him, Tiger Claw peered over the small bed to see little Aurora clutching Barley close to her with her left arm and her right thumb in her mouth, all decked on in pink and white Wiggles footsie jammies under the color changing glow of her Wiggles nightlight and the soft sound of celesta music playing a calming lullaby coming from the small CD player residing on the bedside table. She seemed to be asleep—he caught the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath the bedsheets.
 Tiger Claw smiled warmly, he didn’t want to wake Aurora up, she looked so peaceful but alas, he couldn't leave her alone in the lair, especially if she was asleep. The giant tiger began to gently shake Aurora awake.
 The little one stirred in her sleep and slowly began to open her chartreuse eyes.
 "Mmm… Tigger?" Aurora asked in between yawns, "Mowning?"
 "No Aurora, it's not morning," Tiger Claw replied, ",you need to put on your robe and slippers, I am taking you to the laboratory."
 Aurora yawned and slowly got out of bed and said while putting on her bed robe and Teletubbies bed slippers, "…we gunna go to Unca Bacder's wab?"
 The tiger clucked and replied, "Yes, Uncle Baxter's laboratory. It's for something important related to my work. I'm sure this will not take long and I want you to stay close to me at all times, alright? Aurora?"
 Tiger Claw turned to find out that little Aurora had dozed off and fell back to sleep while putting on her slippers. He smirked and adjusted her slippers and tied a loose knot to close up her bedrobe before he picked her up, holding her protectively in his giant paws. Aurora woke up a little bit when she found out she was secured in the giant cat's arms.
 "Mmm… wan'go back to bed.." Aurora mumbled drowsily.
 "I know, I know but I cannot leave you alone in the lair," Tiger Claw explained, "Especially now. As soon as this is over, you'll go back to bed."
 Placing her on the rascal of his motorbike, Aurora held on tight as Tiger Claw sped out of the garage to catch up with the other henchmen and Shredder.
Aurora was pretty much fully awake by the time they reached the lab but what she saw next made her extremely scared. Karai was bounded up with ropes in Bradford's grasp.
 Her eyes went wide and she said, "Kawai?"
 Karai turned to her left and was shocked to see Aurora next to Tiger Claw's leg, "No! Aurora, what is she-"
 Bradford placed a piece of duct tape over her mouth to shut her up.
 "Make sure she is secured." Shredder commanded and the Foot Bots chained Karai up and placed her in a cage over a vat of some glowing green substance, something that Aurora had never seen before, she got anxious and latched onto Tiger Claw's leg.
 "Tigger? What's that an why is Kawai up dere? Is daddy gunna huwt her?" Aurora asked, her voice trembling.
 The giant cat didn't know how to answer the girl, she looked so scared at the fact that something might happen to Karai. The two became so close and didn't want anything to happen to one another.
 "You are more ruthless than I thought. Mutating your own cub." Tiger Claw said with a shocked look.
 "I have no intention of mutating her. She is bait. When the turtles attempt to rescue them, I will drop them into the mutagen. This will mutate the Turtles into mindless serpents." Shredder explained, dropping a rat into a snakes cage. Aurora peeked inside the cage for a better look.“I want Splinters pupils to become one of the rats deadliest predators then, when his spirit is broken, I will shatter his body.”
 Aurora gasped when the snake attacked the innocent little rat and devoured it for its supper, she hugged Tiger Claw's leg and hid her face.
 Tiger Claw turned away and sniffed the air. 
 "I smell the rat,” he growled. Tiger Claw took out his weapon and shot it up at the roof as the light illuminated the area around it that revealed a humanoid rat and four mutant turtles.
 Aurora saw them leap down from the roof and hid behind Tiger Claw’s leg. 
 "Welcome, my old friend." Shredder greeted.
 "Let my daughter go." the rat demanded.
 "You are welcome to rescue her if you can." Shredder said.
 A squad of Foot Bots began climbing out of their hiding spots as they surrounded the four turtles. The rat leapt towards Shredder.
 The turtles began attacking the Foot Bots but the mutant turtles suddenly got trapped in a triangular cage one-by-one. The remaining Foot Bots restrained the rat with ropes. One turtle who was wearing a blue mask was able to use his katana sword to keep the trap from securing and freed himself. 
 Aurora was watching from behind one of the crates and thought maybe the blue turtle could help her get her sister down. 
 The blue turtle turned around to find Aurora hiding behind the crates and he could tell by the look on her face that he wasn’t the only one who wanted Karai down. 
 “..I’m gonna get her outta there,” the blue turtle said to Aurora. “I promise.” 
 He climbed his way to Karai, who was standing in her cage above the mutagen tank.
 "Hang on, Karai!" the blue turtle shouted.
 The turtle made it to the top and removed the tape over Karai's mouth. 
 "Thanks." Karai smiled at the blue turtle. "I take it that you’ve already met Aura.”
 “Aura?” the blue turtle asked. “Who’s Aura?”
 “...She’s my little sister..” Karai said. 
 The turtles sapphire eyes went wide. 
 “She’s your sis-“
 But he didn’t get to finish because Shredder jumped up to knock the blue turtle into the mutagen on the left side. The rat looked over to see Shredder coming towards him with wide eyes.
 "Leonardo!" Splinter shouted. 
 The blue turtle known as Leonardo turned to see Shredder jumping over to him. As Shredder accidentally slashed the chain, Leonardo fell away from the mutagen as Shredder did the same thing. But it was too late for Karai. She screamed as she fell into the mutagen.
 "Miwa!" Splinter yelled.
 “SISSY!” Aurora exclaimed.
 "Karai! No!" Shredder shouted.
 Everyone, including little Aurora, watched helplessly at Karai's transformation. Karai became a serpent mutant. She has white and purple scaly skin, two armed snake heads as her hands, green eyes, and silver armor infused into her skin. 
 Karai swam out of the mutagen as she started flopping down from the tank. The rat immediately broke free as they ran forward to catch the newly mutant in time when she fell out of the tank.
 "Miwa. My child." The rat mourned as he held Karai in his arms.
 Aurora climbed up behind the rat and was in shock. Her sister was now a giant snake... as if by magic. 
 “K-Kawai?” Aurora called with glistening eyes, “Kawai it’s me Auwowa, I mean, A-Auwa! C’mon Kawai wake up.” She nudged Karai’s scaly arm a few times but it went limp, “Kawai... we godda go howme!” 
 Aurora lifted the back of Karai’s head and tried to get her up but it was no use. The little one gasped and feared the worst. 
 First her mother and now-
 Suddenly, Karai opened her eyes and began attacking the rat but he started blocking and dodging Karai's attacks. The snake then started attacking the Foot Bots in mindless rage.
 Aurora got scared and jumped off the banister of the mutagen vat. 
 Then suddenly, one broken Foot Bot fell onto the oil barrels that ignited fire around the entire lab as everything started collapsing down around everyone. Aurora tried to find Tiger Claw but a piece of the ceiling collapsed, separating her from the other henchmen. 
 “TIGGER!!!” Aurora cried while trying get away from the smoke and flames, “TIGGER WHEWE AWE YOU!!” 
 More pieces of the ceiling started to collapse causing Aurora to get scared and run faster. 
 “TIGERRRR!!!!” Aurora called out again in between coughs. 
 Aurora heard another crackling noise and looked up to find that a piece of the ceiling was going to crash down on top of her. The young one froze in her spot. Suddenly, a giant figure pushed her out of the way before the ceiling could even collapse on top of her. Aurora looked up; it was Tiger Claw. 
 “TIGGER!!” Aurora wailed as she climbed up onto his chest, holding on with a tight grip. 
 “I got you little one.” Tiger Claw said, comforting her, “I got you..” 
 With the activation of his jetpack, Tiger Claw flew out of the lab with Aurora in his arms. 
It was raining when the henchmen had escaped from the lab and whilst Baxter was mourning over the loss of his lab, Shredder stood gazing at the rainy city scape.
 Aurora quietly crept up to her father and gently hugged his hand.
 "Is Kawai really gone daddy?" Aurora asked nervously, "… Daddy?"
 Shredder said nothing at first.
 And then came the biggest explosion that anyone's ever heard.
 Aurora was shocked.
 It couldn't be her fault.
 "B-But the bwue fwoggie, he was trying to-" Aurora started.
 "I will hear nothing more of this nonsense Aurora!" Shredder interrupted, his gauntlets unleashing "I am your father and you will obey me, do you understand that? And this will teach you to remember that in the future!"
 Shredder lifted his arm up and let his gauntlets slash across Auroras left arm and cheek. Red stained her white bed robe and pajamas, which were ripped apart in the process.
 The girl screamed in pain and clutched her left arm, tears fell down her tears. Though she was already used to the beatings that she had received by her mother before she died, she never felt this much pain before.
 She fell down on her knees and tried to stop the bleeding but the blood kept gushing out from her wounds. Aurora looked up at Shredder begging him to help her but he just stood there, emotionless, leaving the poor girl to suffer from her wounds.
Tiger Claw walked across the hall after his shower to the doors of Auroras room a few hours later. The giant tiger had to take care of Auroras wounds himself after seeing her on the floor of the rooftop covered in her own blood and the Shredder just standing there not handling the situation as quickly as he can.
 As he opened the sliding doors, he saw something that made his heart sink.
 Under the color changing glow of her Wiggles nightlight and the soft sound of celesta music playing a calming lullaby coming from the small CD player residing on the bedside table was Aurora lying stomach first, hiding her face into her pillow and all dressed in her pink and white Wiggles footsie pajamas and Barley underneath her wounded arm. Hard sobs escaped her lips, wraps of bandages were around her left arm near the elbow, and a bandage was plastered on her left cheek.
 The tiger's ears lowered and a sigh escaped from his nose. He knelt down to the level of the bed and placed a paw on Auroras back, rubbing small circles on it.
 "Aurora," Tiger Claw called, "… Aurora, are you alright?"
 No reply.
 "Aurora," Tiger Claw called again.
 "…S-She was wight.."
 Tiger Claw started as his brows creased in confusion. "Hm?"
 Aurora looked at Tiger Claw with puffy red eyes, "Kawai was wight about daddy. H-He's a jewk an owly cares 'bowt himself. A-An daddy was wight too. Kawai's gone an its all my fawlt…" Her face began to falter as her bottom lip trembled, and a she brought a shaking right hand to rub her face, but that only brought on more tears. "But…I d-don' get it…" she whimpered, "I-I didn' do anyfing wrong…why does he…why doesn’ daddy love me like he loves Kawai...?” 
 He could take no more of this, and without warning, Tiger Claw threw his arms around Aurora and tugged her close to his chest, his strong arms holding her tightly, but gently due to her injuries, with no intention of letting go. 
 "Hush, little cub." Tiger Claw said, continuing his comforting efforts, "I’m here, I’m always right here..” 
 Cradling the three year old close, the giant tiger walked a few door down the hall to his own room and sat on an rocking chair near the window.
 Normally, he would sit on that chair to read a favorite book of his before he went to bed but this time was different. He sat Aurora down in his lap as her sobs began to soften. The giant cat began to gently sway the rocking chair back and fourth for a couple of minutes, Aurora laid her head on his chest, listening to the heart beat of the big cat.
It didn't take long but by the time Tiger Claw looked down to check on Aurora, he found out that she had drifted off to sleep, her cheek pressed against his chest.
 He smiled and covered her up with one of his spare blankets and took her back to her own room, humming a lullaby he heard as a child many years ago by his own mother. The giant tiger place the little one gently onto her bed, pulled the sheets up to her chin, and placed Barley on her left side.
 Tiger Claw checked to make sure that no one was looking and when the hallway was empty, he gently laid a small kiss with his sandpaper tongue on her forehead before he got up to leave the room.
 "Tigger," Aurora called.
 "Shhhh," Tiger Claw brought his paw up to smooth out her hair.. "Sleep now. You're safe."
 Aurora smiled and nodded off once again earning a smile from the giant tiger.
 Even though Karai maybe gone, she still had him and before falling asleep himself that night, Tiger Claw vowed to be the father that Shredder will never be.
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Part Of That World Chapter 16
You and Bucky laid on your bed, the morning sun pouring over the two of you as your hands rested on your stomach, feeling your baby move inside. "What if we name her after Nat?" You asked offhandedly, well aware he wasn't going to want to name his daughter after an elf, and ok with that. 
"That would be a really sweet gesture… if you want to give Nat a big head." Bucky chuckled, leaning his head back to think. "What about Pearl?"
"Stephanie? I mean, Steve is your best friend. Shouldn't she be named after him?"
Bucky rose a brow looking over to you before wrapping his arms snuggly around you. "Stephanie Pearl Barnes…"
~ ~ ~ ~
Bucky watched you stand by the kitchen sink, cradling your belly with one hand as the other held a glass you were filling from the tap. He held a blissfully grin on his lips as he watched you, in his eyes you seemed to be glowing in the morning light. "AHH!" You screamed roughly as a pang of pain shot through you like lightning, forcing you to drop the glass in the sink and the water flowing from the tap to burst forth, gushing violently for just a moment. 
Bucky leapt up from his breakfast in a flash, eyes filled with worry, arms enveloping you to help stable you. Your left hand rested on your stomach as the right gripped the countertop with your full strength, denting it with your fingers. "Doll?" Bucky's voice wavered with fear, the birth wasn't scheduled for another month.
The pain passed, leaving you to take deep controlled breaths to regain yourself. Shaking your head you stood tall. "It's fine. I'm fine." But Bucky knew better. This was the second cry of pain he heard from you this morning. He could feel it all around him. Something was not fine.
~ ~ ~ ~
Halfway to lunch you were both lounging on the sofa in the common room, bowl of popcorn sitting on top of your rather large belly and you explained every difference from the book of The Hobbit to the movies to Bucky. Deep in the back of his mind he wondered how he ever disliked the way you got so excited over the books when you watched those movies. The look of excitement and joy in your eyes with every word reminding him with each passing second how much he loved you. "Why is Legolas even here? He wasn't even in the books." You grumbled before you felt a wetness ticking at the inside of your thighs while Legolas leapt from dwarf to dwarf. "Oh my god…" you muttered lightly, hand flying to your stomach. "Buck, turn it off. We godda go." Your words rushed out as you felt another surge of pain, now realizing they had been contractions.
"Oh come on Doll it can't be that bad." Bucky chortled, assuming you were just disgusted by the differences from book to film.
"No Buck...She's coming." You clarified with a strained voice as you clutched at the sides of your belly.
Bucky was off the sofa with a flash of panic and delight. This was early. They didn't have things ready yet. Didn't even have a bag packed. "FRIDAY call Dr. Castillo. We're going to the hospital."
~ ~ ~ ~
You screamed with agonizing pain for hours as labor pains came and went but when it was all over you tilted your head up seeing a beautiful baby girl with deep ocean blue eyes and a tuft of dark hair, gills on her neck quickly closing to let her take her first breath of air, you knew it was all worth it. Your hand reached up for Bucky's, pure joy painted on your face as you watched the child. However the joy quickly gave way to worry as you watched the nurses walk off with Stephanie in their arms. "Where are they going? Where are they taking my baby?" Something didn't feel right.
"They have to clean and measure her Doll." Bucky assured you.
"We will have her right back to you." The nurse promised, taking the child. 
But an hour later no child returned. You and Bucky traded worried glances before you instructed him to go find his daughter. He nodded as he stood, by now feeling just as worried as you. "Excuse me miss, how much longer will you be with our baby?" He asked the first nurse he saw. As she turned to him his eyes went wide as the moon seeing the familiar face of a hydra agent who attended to him in his final days there. She burst into a sprint realizing she was recognized. "Shit." He muttered before going after her, catching up to her in an empty hallway. His metal fingers gripped tightly around her neck, slamming her into a wall. "What the hell did you do with my baby?"
"She's not yours. She is the child of hydra." The nurse gagged breathlessly. "She is returning home."
Bucky squeezed tighter, a cold glare on his face as his long brown hair fell in to his eyes. "Tell me where she is." He growled as she began to desperately claw at his bionic arm, finding her world going fuzzy from lack of oxygen before going limp. Bucky let out a guttural cry of frustration letting the hydra nurse go to slump unconscious against the wall. 
Hearing the tell tale sound of Bucky's anger ringing through the maternity ward you sat up. "No no no no no." You muttered, getting up from the bed, not needing him to tell you what had happened. Deep down you just knew. Despite the pain in the pit of you, you sprinted through the halls, snatching a scalpel from a rolling cart, positioning it between your fingers to fight. In the corner of your eye you spotted a face from your fuzzy blurred memory, the man who worked on you in the hydra base, "WHERE'S MY BABY?!" You demanded pinning him to the wall,  scalpel positioned against his neck. "If you arm even one hair on her precious little head I swear I will keep you alive while I gut you." Your words dropped with a rage burning deep within your soul like you had never felt before, the kind of rage that made you fear yourself and what you were really capable of.
"She is on her way home." You could see in his eyes he was ready to die for HYDRA and their quest for a half Atlantean. And that terrified you the most. "Atlantis awaits."
Hearing the plan to attempt raiding Atlantis your lips twisted into a sadistic grin. You embedded the scalpel deep within his shoulder, twisting, giving him a small taste of the pain you had been through by Hydra's hands. "I dare you to try." You let go of the tool, letting his flesh support it as you backed away. "Your pathetic blood will bring plenty of sharks for us to hunt." 
Bucky tore through the hospital until there she was, screaming for her mother in the arms of the one he was sure was meant to be her handler as they loaded her into a car seat. In a blur he rushed to the car, using his arm to stop it, crushing the hood under the weight of his strength before tearing the door open. "You will not take my daughter." He said matter of factly before with the gentlest touch pulling the beautiful baby girl into his arms.
Seeing her safe tears of joy trickled down your face. "Hey there," you cooed as you cradled her gently. "Shh shh don't worry, you glanced up to Bucky smiling down to the two women who had all of his heart, looking so soft and sweet. "Mommy and Daddy will always be there for you." You added in a whisper as she quieted down, falling asleep against your breast. You knew sooner rather than later you should make the trip to Atlantis so they could have the defenses ready. But for now you needed time with your baby, and her father.
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one-twisted-sister · 5 years
Music blasted along with the sound of booze bottles and cans, bodied ground into each other on the crowded dance floor windows shook to the beat, males and females in skimpy outfits danced on elevated platforms it also wasn’t rare to see a couple or a small group of trolls making out or just down right fucking in the booths, not like anyone really gave a damn. The club had one bouncer by the name of  Jabiri an indigoblood who was rumored to have been involved with several violent gangs in the past tattoo's littering his arms, chest and back, thick rings on each finger, he stood at the door asking for I.D's of each troll that entered not for safety reasons more along the lines of if anyone started shit he knew where top find them or if anyone laid a hand on his wife he could also find them and break ever bone in  their body, his wife was a rarity a skyblue blooded troll by the name of  Rakesh whom was one of the few male dancers ,
"I.D, good, I.D, good, No  I.D? get the fuck outta here before I rip your spine out through ya nook". "I.- well welcome back miss Shogah". Lifting a hand Canndi slid her shades down the bridge of her nose just a tad. "Hey gumdrop". She chuckled giving a wink. "We gonna play the old shake down game or you gonna let me head in?". "You know the rules I-". The words were caught in his throat as he watched her pull one of her skull shaped lollipops from her top just enough for him to see. "Was saving it for later but if your a good boy for me, plus if you don't want Rak finding out about our little meeting last month". Her voice held a soft purr to it, the purr that always made the indigo shiver.  He looked annoyed and angry for a moment before he stepped aside to allow her acess. "Good boy". She spoke sliding the drug into his pocket as she walked past, he had a weakness for purples and that weakness proved to strong when he met up with jer in the ally way after getting blasted one night, Rak didn't know and hope he would never find out. Once inside the shades were pulled from her face and hooked onto her top as she made her way over to one of the tables were a group sat drinking.  "Hey Candy girl!". One greeted as he stood up kissing one of her cheeks and then the other  her doing the same. "Hey Belial, Andras, Charon ya'll fucks look like ya doin' good, you know what I'm gonna ask, where's my money?". "A-About that look Canndi  things have been a little rough lately-". The purple bloods attention left the male whom stumbled over his words looking past them at the bar were another purple female sat, she looked far to young to be in a place like this she seemed like she was currently having an argument with someone on her palm  husk, Canndi squinted as she watched the large male that sat beside the little female reach over for some napkins though dropped two things into her drink making it fizz  for a few seconds. "So that being said I wont have the money for a few weeks and I know you hate when payment is late but please understand I-". "Yea cool no sweat". She spoke voice sounding spaced though the other looked like a weight was lifted from his shoulders as she walked away. "Apollo I am old enough to go out and have fun god damn it". Canndi heard as she approached the bar. "I can take care of myself!, I have since that good for nothing lusus left!". She gave a growl. "Oh go stuff your nook!". The purple flipped thye top of the device down ending the call, the thing being put on silent. Oh yea there was no way this girl was old enough for this place she seemed like she was going through that unruly phase in life, the one were most accidents and 'uh oh's ' happened and with what she had just seen a BIG uh oh would happen that day as the purple went to grab the drugged drink Canndi slipped into the seat beside the other the long back of her jacket being pulled out from under her.  "You're kind of young to be in here". That made the female stop. "Am not got my I.D right he-". The female paused as Canndi snatched it from her finger's. "Hey!, give that-". And was silenced as it was easily ripped in half. "Fake I.D's don't count sweetheart". With that the drink was also taken from the younger purple. "Don't cause a scene". Canndi spoke as she took hold of the others arm, well she was busted so what could she do?, hopping off the chair she walked with Canndi out of the club. "Leaving already miss Can-'. "You need to pay better close to who you let in". She handed the male the fake  I.D. "Also, third chair from the door, idiot with the buzz cut spiked her drink, you know what to do". Jabiri made a fist squeezing it shut making his knuckles crack, oh he knew what to do alright, Canndi pulled the female as she walked until she chose one of the alleyways to throw her into making her land onto the hard ground. "Hey what the fuck was that fo-". She was silenced as Canndi grabbed her by the collar pulling her up onto her feet slamming her against the brick wall knocking the wind out of her coughing to try and refill her lungs with air. "Giving you insight on what could have happened brat well one of the things that could have happened lucky for you I like them older, now tell me who you are kid and what your doin' on my streets". "Domini". Was wheezed out once a good amount of air had refilled her lungs. "How old are you?". "Like I'm gonna tell you that, let go of me bitch ".  Domini hissed baring her fangs, Canndi only laughed. "Please put those little kiddie fangs away". She only snickered as the younger purple tried to swing at her or land a kick at her, really it was down right pathetic Domini stopped her half assed attack blinking once before vomiting Canndi rolled her eyes setting the youth down. "Geeze kid". She sighed  pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fucking kids these days doing shit they shouldn't be doing you- hey, brat?". The youth had passed out against the wall. When she awoke the world was spinning, her head hurt like hell. "What- what the fuck happened last night". She mumbled hand being placed over her eyes. "You were somewhere you didn't belong". Domini jumped at the unfamiliar voice looking up to see the other female. "Oh sweet messiahs please tell me we didn't..". "Ick, no of course not , I've done some freaky shit in my day but hell no on that one". Canndi took a seat on the coffee table setting a couple cups down. "Now that your not shit faced how about telling me why the fuck you were in that place and who the fuck you are". Domini frowned adverting her eyes from the older female as she sat up allowing her long dyed locks to fall into her face blocking her view of the older troll. "I just.. wanted to have some fun and have a night on the town". "And you think drinking and watching half naked trolls dance is a night on the town?".  Domini frowned. "Messiahs stop you sound like Apollo". She sighed cupping her face. "Dat ya lusii?". "No my wrigglersitter". "Bitch you to old to-". "I know!, I know don't point it out okay she just.. looks after me like a lusii". Domini sighed. "And to answer your question name is Domini Mariee, five sweeps". Canndi sighed and rolled her eyes. "How the muthafuck did they serve a five sweep old fucking booze, well anyway some guy put shit in your drink". She watched as Domini's eyes grew in fright the spots were her paint had been smudged go pale.  "Nothing happened I dragged you out before hand". Pulling a back of smoked from her pocket Canndi tapped it against her wrist before flipping the top selecting one of the sticks with her lips the tip being lit. "You ain't from round here are ya?". Domini shook her head. "No I'm uh.. from the vallies". "Ain't that lowblood territory?". Canndi asked words muffled by the cigarettes' between her lips. "Tch no wonder, kid to be on these streets you godda be smart and keep them eye's open and not trust anyone cause everyone is looking for some way to eat you alive and fuck you over". Domini frowned rubbing the back of her neck she still felt like complete garbage . "I need to go it was nice that you helped me an d-". She looked at the female in question. "Why did you help me?". "Cause I see to many pretty young things get taken advantage of round here, plus we both be purplebloods godda watch  each others backs y'know?, come on squirt I'll give you a lift home".   "How did you even get to the city kid?". "The bus". Canndi snorted well what did she expect?, kid grew up in the valley.
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saintheartwing · 5 years
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Kris has had enough of being controlled. Now the SOUL that's been making use of him is going to learn what it feels like to be powerless. Or so he thought. Because the SOUL has something to say. It's going to speak its mind, and Kris is going to listen.
It had been an amazing day indeed. How often did a teenage kid like Kris Dreemurr get to go a whole other world, hidden away inside a school closet?
But that had been what happened. The brown haired, half Asian-American kid with dark brown eyes had dreamed of fantastic worlds along with his adoptive family, the Dreemurrs, a family of monsters, "puca", specifically, a goat-like monster with adorable white fur, floppy ears that hung down, little horns atop their heads, and lots and lots of love in their hearts. He and Asriel Dreemurr had been dear brothers for well over a decade, and Kris had been surprised as all heck to see…
An all too familiar figure had been waiting for them inside "The Dark World". Clad in a big fancy green magician's hat and cloaked robe and with a scarf of pink, Ralsei, another goat-like monster had greeted them, with his face so obscured by the big hat he wore that cast such a large shadow that, combined with deep depths of the Dark World he'd been in, it had been impossible to tell what Ralsei had truly looked like, but when he'd taken the hat off, it was clear Ralsei was that doll, that special Doll Asriel and he had played with as a child. The doll they'd drawn glasses on and played with along with little checkers and chess pieces and playing cards and other toys.
Somehow, Kris wasn't sure how, those toys they'd loved and cherished as children were alive, and real. Truly, genuinely real, and they'd missed the "Lighteners" from the other side of their world, who had once played with them so long ago. And so, Kris had decided, along with his surprising new friend, Susie, a purple-scaled, dinosaur-esque monster with long, frizzy hair, to come back tomorrow and have even more grand adventures with Ralsei and with that adorable little tub of silly lard, Lancer.
It had been dangerous, to be sure. They'd had to fight off laser eye blasting rook-like monsters and bust out of jail, and fight off three-headed cat-like monsters and hordes of creatures themed after chess! It was like Alice in Wonderland but twisted! And all that just to head back home! Granted, being in the Dark World had changed Kris's appearance, given he and Susie a new change in dress, giving Kris knightly armor and a majestic sword, far different from his long-sleeve, light green shirt with a yellow stripe across it and dark brown pants to match his brown loafer shoes, but it'd still been hard just to not outright die! He had been sure he was going to die at the hands of Lancer's father, the cruel, unjust and downright meanspirited and cowardly king, but thankfully, they'd managed to not only beat him, but get the rest of his kingdom to overthrow him.
After all, Kris had continuously spared monster after monster he'd fought. The king wasn't so merciful.
Now though, as a quilt of dark clouds covered the town, it obscured just about everything but a very faint spot where moonlight shimmered down, casting a single soft beam into the bedroom Kris Dreemurr slept in for the briefest of moments, the room he'd shared with his beloved Asriel. His brother's side was still covered in glow in the dark stars, fancy pancy winner's trophies, a desk with a clock and a lamp, and a high school diploma. Asriel was off at university, it'd be several years before Kris graduated.
On Kris's side, there wasn't much but his desk, his lamp, his bed…and a banged up little red wagon with a cage in it. A cage that had some blood splattered all about it on the carpet.
Well, when the moonlight faintly filtered in through the window, Kris stirred. He shuddered and quaked, a spasm rippling through him as he flopped out of bed, shuffling as if he was an undead, seeking the brains of the living, taking a few shambling, stuttering steps forward. He took in a deep breath, a croaking, horrific groaning noise rising out from his mouth as he held out his hand, flexing his fingers, and then…
He plunged them into his chest. He suppressed a scream of pain, yanking it back out as he held up a distinct red heart that softly pulsated in his grip, throbbing. BA-BUMP. BA-BUMP.
He trotted towards the wagon, moving slowly, and then he tossed it into the cage, the door to it slamming shut behind the soul as it flitted around within, desperately flailing about as Kris returned to the middle of the room, shambling back, his footsteps ringing through the room as he held up his hand again, and slowly but surely manifested a horrific-looking knife with a gleaming white blade and a dark brown handle. Evidently that sword he had had in the Dark World hadn't come from nowhere after all.
He turned around, his red eye fixated upon that cage, and the heart, the red SOUL of "Determination" that laid within the cage, and he grinned, his smile the work of demons.
"At long, long last." He whispered out. "Now I can get even. Now I can have my revenge for what you did." He murmured. "Making me do what you wanted. Speaking for me. Using my body like a puppet. The entire time we've been in the Dark World, time after time, moment after moment, I had to watch as my body was ridden like a car by somebody else. In this world and the Dark World, to my own family, my friends, my enemies, I had to do what you made my body do, and I had no say in it. Well, now I do. And now you're gonna pay, and you're gonna pay hard." Kris darkly growled, grinning foully. "I've had enough of you exploiting me. Had enough of your stupid little puppeteering. You think this is all a game? You think you can strip my choices from me? Well, you're the one without any choices now. All you can do is sit in there and suffer and DIE!" Kris roared out, holding the knife high as he approached the cage. "I want to see how many times I can stab you before you finally-"
"Ingrate." The SOUL said, the red, heart-shaped thing pulsing strongly, almost blinding Kris with its light as Kris's dark brown eyes that had briefly flared red with his own faintly murderous rage blinked.
"…what…did you just say?"
"You're an ingrate. You should be thanking me."
"For-for what?!" Kris gasped out. He couldn't believe the gall, the audacity, the sheer balls on this stupid invasive soul for what it was saying. "For using me like a big old mascot suit?!"
"For saving your life over and over. When Rudinn and Hathy and their ilk showed up, who convinced them to stop fighting us, to spare us, and to go on their way? I did." The Soul told him. "Who helped you heal up from those awful battle wounds? I did. Who figured out how to solve those clock puzzles? Who found those secret items that helped you so much in the fight against the King? Who figured out how to spare the various monsters from the Jigsaws to the Checker King to the Ponman? Who helped you dodge all those horrible attacks from lasers to missiles to just outright keeping from being stomped on by a giant checker piece? I did, me, yours truly, so what can I say except…you're welcome!"
Kris couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mouth hung open. His hand dropped the knife and it fell to the floor with a clatter as he stared, outraged at the nerve of this dumb thing.
"You were using my body as a puppet! I had no control over any of it! How would YOU like it if somebody was forcing you to do things against your will?!" Kris snapped angrily.
"Would you prefer I let you die?" The Soul inquired angrily.
"You don't know that I would have died!"
"I didn't have any control over you when the King tried to "surrender". That was all you, Kris. And sure, you saved Susie, and then what happened? You almost got strangled to death by the king. You didn't notice he was about to attack you when he did his sneak attack, didn't have the strength to fight back against him when he plucked you up, and who do you think was giving Susie help when she was separated from you two and Ralsei and in the other jail? Yeah, that's right, me, reaching out to her!" The Soul told him. "You're a fifteen year old kid, you got NO game when it comes to this stuff!"
"Oh, and you somehow do? Because that's what all this is to you, a game?" Kris inquired, hissing angrily, getting up in the cage, in the SOUL'S face, shaking it about. "My life is just a game to you?!"
"You think you're the only one without choices?" The Soul finally roared back, Kris dropping the cage, staring in surprise, as real sorrow and rage seemed to rise up in the thing's voice. "I didn't ask to be put into you, Kris! Nobody told me I was gonna get stuck in you! I wanted a body of my own. I wanted to be a part of your life, sure, but to help you as myself, and I couldn't do that! So you know what I didn't do? I didn't sit around feeling sorry for myself, whining about how I didn't get what I wanted. I got off my ass and I took action and I made what choices I could to save your life. Because just waking up in the morning and going out there, putting yourself out for others, that's a choice. It's a big choice, a choice to keep going. The choice to do the right thing! People get it every single day, and I try to choose to do the right thing. I'm sorry I had to take control of your body! But I didn't have any choice about it either! You should just be glad that what I did helped you! There were a dozen times I could have had you do something to hurt people but I didn't, Kris! But not once did you ever think that maybe I wasn't such a bad person. All you've ever done is yell or whine or complain about everything I've done, even when I was saving your life! Couldn't you just be grateful once?!" The Soul cried out. "All I want to do is help. All I've ever done is help, and you act like I'm the monster, when you're the one trying to murder someone helpless and scared and locked in a fucking cage, you goddamn coward!"
With that, the Soul's frame stopped pulsating, and it seemed to flop backwards, almost panting and heaving, having finally worn itself out as Kris quietly stared back. He looked deep at the Soul, staring for what seemed to be a long time before he finally looked to the side, chewing on his lip a little.
"I…I get that…you did a lot that helped me. And…let's say I buy that you didn't have a choice. But…that doesn't mean I don't feel used and forced into doing things against my will. It doesn't change how I feel."
"That's fine." The Soul said. "I'm sorry. I really am. But you're acting like a real jerk right now. How you feel doesn't change the fact I saved your life a bunch of times. And my feeling that you ought to be grateful for that is just as valid as you feeling you've been used, isn't it?" The Soul said. "I mean, you didn't even ask for my name." It went on with a sigh.
"…okay. What is your name?" Kris inquired as he rose up slowly and dusted himself off.
"My name's Frisk." The Soul told him. "Where I'm from, Toriel, Asgore, Mr. Sans, Mrs. Alphys, they were all dear friends to me. I've got a lot to talk to you about."
"Maybe in the morning." Kris remarked. "I am dead tired."
And with that, he flopped backwards on the carpet, and drifted off into slumber, the moonlight softly lilting in through the window on his face as Frisk's SOUL, in turn sighed.
"…goodnight, Kris." He intoned. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon."
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