#going insane. already was insane going further insane.
kisakis-boyfriend · 3 days
Dazai, Chuuya, & Kunikida x werewolf reader
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Author's Note: Requested by the same anon who asked for this with Fyodor, Nikolai, & Sigma. I just had to break up the posts thanks to tumblr's tag limits 🙄 + bonus Kunikida because I can ✨
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, & Kunikida x male reader (separately)
Warnings: Male werewolf!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!characters, implied dom Chuuya as well, mentions of breeding, knotting, rough sex (Chuuya), heat cycle, Dazai calls you 'belladonna'
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The Shameless Slut
“Ooh please fill me up, my love! I'll gladly take all of your dick uwu”
Yeah, Dazai can get a little too excited about your werewolf form sometimes…
He can be such a pillow princess too. He just likes to lay there and show off his beautiful body while you're carving your place in his insides
Scarily possessive when you pop your knot into him
As soon as Dazai feels that sudden stretch, he's locking his legs around you and pressing it further in
His fingers tangle in your coarse fur, and a groan slips out–
“Yes! Tell me I'm yours, belladonna!” he'll rasp, staring you down with enough intensity to make your heart skip a beat
If you're comfortable with it, Dazai will brag about his insanely hot werewolf boyfriend
Rip ADA members who have to hear about you every single day… and rip PM members who also hear about Dazai's horny bf every time they meet 😅
The Greedy Slut
That's not your massive dick, it's Chuuya's. And you'd do well to remember that
Your werewolf form does something to Chuuya's brain. The man already enjoys rough sex, but this large, canine form stirs something up in his belly
Demands to be bred. There better be no cum spillage, it has to be in his hole(s)
Definitely uses his special ability to make you hit deeper and pound harder — so much so that it's caused Chuuya to pass out before
After that first time, Chuuya asked if you kept going. And when you said of course not, he looked rather disappointed 😟
From then on, you agreed to breed him whether he was still conscious or not (within reason, though)
Calls you 'good puppy' and similar affectionate terms
You two have had conversations about buying a collar and leash — and, if you choose to incorporate that into your sex life, you won't regret it. Chuuya will make very good use of them 😏
The Slut in Denial
Also a total denial slut
He would never admit to this even on his deathbed; but Kunikida loves edging
If you lick the underside of his cock with your rough canine tongue, growling at your beloved to hold it all in? The only thing Kunikida will have in his vision are stars swirling around
I don't think he would admit to loving your primal sex sessions either. Not unless he was already deep in sub space
On all fours, your larger form hunched over his body while your balls slap against Kunikida's ass, your fur tickling his back — this is when he'd slur out how much he loves taking your cock 💛
Also one to keep track of the moon's cycle. It's important to know when his partner will transform or go into heat
Dating a werewolf was never a part of his ideals, but he doesn't regret a thing
Becoming your mate has improved Kuni's life in all sorts of ways — whether we're talking about the amount of love he receives, or the benefits of nasty werewolf sex 😌
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shewolfofvilnius · 18 hours
no, you don't get it.
It is certifiably insane that in 300+ hours of gameplay, "Who was the Inquisitor fucking?" matters and "Who is the Divine? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows? The entirety of the first two games.." all are IRRELEVANT.
That's completely bonkers, it's a sign of REALLY questionable writing choices, and I am not going to sit here and defend Bioware a single second further.
@bioware wants me to think that Lavellan fucking Blackwall is more important than the Divine choice or the fate of the Architect or who became forcibly linked to the will of Mythal? That the first two games are utterly irrelevant? Are you mental?
If BW was going to successfully defend this game from the culture war tourists and ragebait grifters it needed EVERY SINGLE hardcore Dragon Age fan in love with the game, and "fuck your choices" just completely screwed that.
And after NINE YEARS they already burned through their benefit of the doubt.
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yayll · 2 days
The jealous Dazqi post was so cute and funny and the callbacks to his past self were fun and now i can’t stop thinking about cringefail teen Dazai with the biggest, fattest crush ever and not knowing how to deal with it
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cringefail teen Dazai so obsessed to the point where he is literally pointing a gun at the other recruit who's at least 10 years older than him because he complimented you on how your so mature for your age when it comes to leadership skills. (it's both an insult that he would perceive you in that way and also.... why the fuck is he talking to you at all?) he has to use his authority to further his cruelty.
Dazai does the most unhinged things behind your back, especially. it gets soooo dire that sometimes he has to recruit CHUUYA for intimidation purposes. Dazai thinks of himself as intimidating enough but thinks having the 5'3 gravity user pointing thousands of bullets at any person who made you laugh or smile or cry will add that pizzazz he's looking for. Chuuya smacks him upside the head after and remarks that you'd never go for him anyway.
one time, he begged Mori to let him 'supervise' your mission as executive, and it really just ended up with you doing your job and him standing by any large body of water contemplating if he should kill himself because he doesn't like what he's feeling for you. and if perhaps you don't feel the same? even more reason to wipe himself off this earth. but then you smile at him... and sometimes even give him a high five for a job well done..... and let's just say that was the first time he discovered alcohol. and alcohol poisoning soon after.
one time he saw you writing in your diary, and that very night is driven to insanity in your quarters searching for it, looking for any mention of him in it like a little rabid gremlin. you catch him in the act too, and he simply flings it onto your bed and crosses his arms in complete denial that he's hopelessly smitten with you.
"Dazai? what're you doing here? is that my diary?!"
"HUH? i'm not reading it, i'm literally not!"
"then what are you doing with it, huh?
and he just flashes you those hopeless loser ass puppy eyes when he realizes the jig is up.
"... do you like me or what?"
and you're just like.....
"of course i do, idiot."
like damn took him long enough. you kiss him on the cheek and he's like.... oh wow could it be i'm not delusional? but he can't even HANDLE YOUR DIRECT CONFESSION so he just self destructs and snorts like the immature little shit he is rolling his eyes and whatnot as he storms out of your room.
then he giggles and prances alllll the way back to the shipping container oopsies.
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vigilskeep · 2 days
i’m going to make a couple speculations about veilguard and put them under the cut here rather than just tagging for spoilers, because they’re based on some of the most spoilery details we have so far, which are only in a couple videos or mentioned by a couple people in a way that says to me they maybe weren’t really part of what was supposed to be shared. so just only open it if you’ve been watching absolutely everything
1. i’ve seen a couple of people (please don’t ask me to find them i’ve completely lost track of what i heard where) mention a decision at or near the end of act 1 where you have to choose between two cities (to save?). given the locations we’ve seen, it’s likely to be a choice between minrathous or treviso. i’ve also seen neve, who loves minrathous more than anything, with an apparently approval-based status that makes her bond-with-you progress slower, makes her completely unable to use supportive spells, and makes her damage spells stronger. do you see where i’m going with this
2. caterina gives us the mission to go get lucanis, but when we return to treviso with him, we’re told she’s been killed in a venatori attack. this is an insane character, with such presence and threat, to show and then suddenly kill off-screen. there’s a few directions they could take this. firstly, there’s no body so maybe she’s alive and the venatori took her for something the same way they took lucanis. secondly, there’s no body so maybe she’s faking her death for, uhhh, some reason. and thirdly, hey, does anyone else think it’s kind of crazy that caterina gets taken out as soon as we come back with the potential person she might name as heir instead of illario? wild timing, right? i’m just saying i would support whoever might or might not have had intense personal motivation to make that happen, and also to then cover it up by, say, blaming the woman lucanis already wants to kill, and then insisting they also be there when that woman is killed, possibly to further cover up what they did. and is in this scene wearing a green belt sash. and whose name rhymes with jillario
3. in videos people keep visually hovering over the decision to trust in varric’s plan to talk down solas or to dissuade him, while they’re talking about how much choices actually matter. we know that it’s possible for him to get stabbed with the dagger and be laid up in the lighthouse “hurt”, but i wonder if that’s only one variation, and we’re actually going to have a real impact there on how much damage is done?
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my-mt-heart · 2 days
Idk how to say this but I am not as bothered about whatever is going to transpire between Daryl and Isabelle (bcoz for one thing - we know what is going to happen in the end- and for another - I honestly believe that the male execs are not at all confident abt their vision for these two as they would like to be and the whole thing would prolly boil down to ambiguity and ultimately- it will fall upon the viewers to dissect how Daryl feels - the Caryl fandom especially is really adept at reading into storylines - even stupid ones) None of this is good by any means. It cheapens the integrity of all the characters involved. It blatantly insults and reduces female characters - I believe that Isabelle deserves better. That a story should hold space for multiple female characters. Also - I am worried about putting the fate and the story of one the best female characters on TV (Carol) in the hands of someone who has proven that he can't be trusted to handle them with care. Reading S2 reviews - I am sort of reassured that Carol is treated well enough in the story - which I believe - has a LOT to do with Melissa McBride's input. Going forward - it is going to be more difficult bcoz once we have dealt with old traumas - we do need to evolve these characters and make sure they don't stay stagnant. I don't believe Zabel has the chops to do that.
sorry for that rant. I am just really frustrated.
What I worry about is the way all of this bts stuff amongst the male execs is going to impact the Caryl dynamic. Whatever the antis may think - and while McReedus has insane chemistry - I do believe that the romantic energy is generated between them by a lot of their acting choices (bcoz the underlying story is teasing a romance). What happens to all that when a romance is completely off the table? When AMC has been pushing this friendship narrative down our throats in a very evident bid to do damage control - the insecure/defensive promo that we have been getting last few weeks is proof enough that Caryl was always more than friends?
The problems were already glaringly obvious from the very beginning. the fact that Melissa isn't billed equally for a season where she is proclaimed to be the major focus? It is not even about Caryl going canon for me anymore. I love Melissa and Carol way too much for me to give up yet but I treasure the Caryl bond primarily bcoz they have always been each other's everything. it is truly a bond that evades definition. Both Carol and Daryl doesn't have what they have with each other with anyone. THAT IS A CANON FACT. I don't think I can watch that dynamic that I treasure so much being butchered - s11 was painful enough - I can't go through all of that and more again.
Going to watch s2 and then my further commitment will depend entirely upon how the characters are treated and their dynamic is portrayed?
It sucks that I am dreading watching Carol and Daryl back together on screen.
been here just for a few months but the way AMC has been fumbling with this promo - have you guys always experienced this whiplash or is it a new thing?
I’m going to include big spoilers in my response, so proceed with caution ⚠️
I respect your opinion, but I disagree with you on the point about Daryl’s and Isabelle’s arc. It seems like the male EPs (Zabel, Nicotero, Gimple) are overly confident that an explicit romance between their male hero and a younger blonde nun who accused Daryl of being like his abusive father just for trying to go home to his family will attract a larger male audience and they aren’t sparing any feelings with it because we aren’t their ideal audience anyway. To them, we’re just a bunch of “hysterical” shippers whose POV’s don’t matter and we can just take their crumbs. AMC is a bit more complicated, but I’ll get to them later.
Daryl and the nun kiss in 202, so there’s little to no room for us to dissect how Daryl is feeling. Isabelle’s death is the furthest thing from a relief because 1) it reduces her character down to man pain like you said and 2) from what I’m gathering, it completely overshadows Caryl’s reunion and then their entire arc. We get another hug that does absolutely nothing to elevate their relationship and then Carol has to face that Daryl didn’t need her to rescue him because he found a new family and become his emotionally supportive friend to help him through his grief of a lost love interest he’s known for a few months. It almost feels like it’s going to be a retread of Beth’s death, only worse. We know how Greg Nicotero views both of those relationships and to be blunt, the man needs to stop projecting his creepy fetishes onto Daryl and making it our problem 🤢
The way the story is framed, it’s not even about Caryl at all. They’re the relationship we’re the most invested in and yet all the emotional weight is given to a highly problematic relationship that developed over a dozen ish short episodes (compared to Caryl’s decade+ of emotional depth) and it’s all for nothing too. Zabel just resets Daryl like the hokey network procedural writer he is. And Caryl fans are rewarded for their years-long loyalty by getting more ambiguous subtext to analyze? Really?
I think you’re spot on about Melissa though. The reason she’s the bright spot of the season, the reason Carol’s individual arc feels true, and her spiritual connection to Daryl stays alive is because Melissa influenced all of that. She’s shown us time and time again that she understands her character so deeply and respects her fans. It really breaks my heart because I think she had a beautiful story in mind for Carol and she deserves all the support in the world, but as I’ve said many times, if damage is done to the character who has been written as her soulmate for over a decade, damage is also done to her. And I can’t watch that. I can’t watch the destruction of my favorite characters and my favorite relationship and put money in AMC’s pockets for gaslighting me. Retconning Caryl’s relationship into a platonic friendship is their way of protecting themselves from backlash. “Daryl isn’t emotionally cheating because he and Carol have always been besties?” “We didn’t mislead you. We told you they were friends, so you dumb shippers are doing this to yourselves. Please watch our slop anyways ✌️” They’re even trying to shift responsibility to Melissa by making her answer the shipping questions despite the fact that it’s Daryl’s arc throwing a wrench in everything and I expect that to continue at NYCC/Palyfest. It’s completely unethical and it’s backfiring.
Zabel cannot write for Daryl and Carol. He keeps showing us that he doesn’t understand their bond nor does he value it. A couple of the reviews mentioned it felt like Carol was shoehorned into certain aspects of the story, which tracks with what I already knew—that he and the other EPs think she’s hindering the story they want to tell about men doing manly things. That’s why they try so hard to challenge her significance to Daryl’s story and that is not going to change just because they’re moving to another location. Somebody like that should not have power to decide her trajectory. Fuck whatever he has planned for S3. I don’t want it. I still want Caryl and I still want to see them get the stories they deserve, but that’s only going to happen if we get a new showrunner who respects them and respects their fans. In case it needs to be said, Gimple is not that guy either (he can fake his enthusiasm on SM all he wants 🖕🖕🖕). A complete rebranding of the show to something that honors the characters and gives Melissa her dues (equal billing, title, etc) is the only way I’m tuning in now🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t have the emotional capacity to sit through S2, but I will be here, speaking up, to make sure Melissa gets all the necessary praise and those assholes can’t blame her if the show tanks.
I’ve only been here a few years and there’s been a lot of turn over at AMC even just in that time (I kid you not, all of our problems can be traced back to Josh Sapan leaving. He loved Caryl and Melissa). That being said, I cannot for the life of me understand why any of the guys over there (even the misogynistic ones) would approve of the Daryl/Isabelle arc after the PR disaster that Leah caused not even that long ago and at least for that, the arc tied back to romantic Caryl and we weren’t subjected to any uncomfortable physical intimacy. Why the fuck would they make the same mistake? Why the fuck do they have to spend more time cleaning up messes than avoiding the mess altogether at every fucking opportunity they had (and they had a lot). I just don’t get it. And I’m so tired of taking the abuse.
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ipegchangbin · 22 hours
— winner’s deal
sub!jeno x dom!reader x sub!mark | 7.9k words | READ ON AO3
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One game, one house. A bet turns into something more when team leader Mark plans to make your boyfriend Jeno all jealous.
❥  fem!reader (she/her pronouns, afab). smut. porn with some plot. ❥ threesome. college/university!au, student!reader & athletes!markjen. member x reader, member x member. open relationship themes. unprotected sex, mouthplay, edging & overstimulation, one light cock slap, double penetration, they’re all messy
📝 happy birthday to the one and only @meivida!!! my fellow dreamzen, the jeno to my chenle, my bff 4life! also surprise i write for nct drm too now. otherwise, enjoy !!
18+ only. minors do not interact.
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Somehow, Mark’s not that nervous as he faces Jeno after the game.
Having swept the floor earlier with an insane hockey match, hockey team leader Mark and varsity captain Jeno eye each other down in the locker rooms with nothing but fiery gazes, squinted eyes, and clenched teeth.
You were going to meet them after the game for some “unknown reason.” But, with the way they looked at each other, they just knew.
“Dumb play on the floor earlier, Jeno.” Mark snickered at his teammate, referring to a foul move he got called out for. It cost their team a single point, but Jeno didn’t care about that.
“You didn’t bother to block the guy, so how else was I supposed to pass the disk?”
Mark decides to stay silent. They both know that they aren’t actually frustrated at their game, no, they’re waiting for the minutes to tick down along with the sound of your footsteps by the locker room’s doors.
Jeno breaks the conversational floor worse than he did on the court. “Anyway, why are you meeting up with my girlfriend?”
“Why don’t you ask her?” The leader popped a water bottle open. “You’re her boyfriend.”
“Shouldn’t you know why if she’s asking you?” Jeno had a point, but Mark snickered.
“Beats me.”
“Don’t act like you don’t know any better.”
“Because I don’t!”
Refusing to explode any further, Jeno sighs loudly with a big huff off his chest. “Look, if this is about that one move, I’m sorry.”
Mark simply nods, eyes away from Jeno’s face.
“And I just want to know what my girlfriend has to do with you.”
Even though Mark knows the answer, and Jeno has a hunch, they both shut their lips and wordlessly look at each other.
The truth is, Mark had a bet with Jaemin — if he could somehow make Jeno jealous, then a sum of money would be on the line. It’s been a running joke around the team that Jeno gets sulky over simple things, even if he tries to hide it. It’s something small and endearing, but even Mark thought it would be a step too far if he made him really envious of his girlfriend; Jaemin didn’t care, he just wanted money. It frustrated Mark even to be playing these types of bets, but he couldn’t say no, even as the leader.
Jeno already had that sneaking suspicion that he was being played with, but never in his life would he believe that you — his girlfriend — would get involved like this. Rather than jealousy, he was frustrated at the thought that the boys were teasing him in this way. He tried not to let it get the best of him though, even if he was already getting fired up in the locker rooms.
They eye each other down and it’s the most they’ve stared in their lives.
The sound of sneakers walking into the room echoes through the rigid halls of the lockers. A voice can be heard saying “This is the boy’s room” before being cut off by an extra loud turn of the shoe.
Mark suddenly fidgets in his place, all signs of cockiness dissipating as your familiarly strict voice vibrates through the room.
“Where’s Mark?” You ask yourself. With a resting tone like that, you could pass off as the team manager if you weren’t so focused on your other endeavors.
You spot team leader Mark before your boyfriend, igniting a little spark of envy within Jeno.
“Mark! Why’d you make me rush here so suddenly?” It sounds like you were scolding him with your furrowed eyebrows but you’re not.
“Uh, just needed to ask a simple question.”
“And what would that be?”
Jeno looks back and forth between you and Mark with a cloud of confusion over his head.
First off, he can’t believe that you’re involved in this. Second, you look way too hot when you look mad even when you aren’t. It’s not that you’re annoyed at him, maybe you are, but not to the degree that your voice suggests. Somehow, Jeno finds that assertive side of you so sexy that it’d be inappropriate to think about it right then and there.
Thirdly and finally, you’re completely ignoring the love of your life. Standing awkwardly beside Mark, Jeno simply stares at you and hopes you will stare back.
You don’t. Why’s that so attractive of you?
"How about you join dinner with us at my place?" Mark replies, a smug grin on his face, “Y’know, for beating those Stray-bitches from earlier." 
You blink. Jeno blinks back. It’s only then that you acknowledge your boyfriend. He didn’t even know that they were getting a celebratory dinner for winning the day’s game.
That’s when Jeno’s ears start to turn red with envy. “What do you mean, your place?”
He doesn’t realize he’s thinking aloud until your eyes widen and Mark responds with a fake laugh and a smug smile. “I mean, dude, you played well earlier, and what’s wrong with not bringing your girlfriend over?”
Acting all buddy-buddy, as if he didn’t just diss his play on the floor. But that’s not what gets Jeno’s blood boiling.
“Can’t believe I had to be the one to invite her over first instead of you.”
You seem a little less affected, more so confused.
Only a few things make sense to you at the moment. They won, sure. But if Jeno knew about the dinner, why couldn’t he invite you over? Then again, he doesn’t seem to know either, and Mark looks unusually cool to you right now, your eyes are flipping between the two men until your eyelids flutter for a second to refocus.
“I’m available later,” you say with your back straightened. “I’m going if Jeno’s going.”
With that, Jeno can’t say no. He’s in a trickier spot than you are, severely tethering between being unaware and painfully aware of what’s going on.
Mark then slams his arm over Jeno’s shoulder. “Guess you’re going then?”
But he’s bad at masking the nervousness in his eyes. He gulps and sweat trickles down his forehead even after the game’s been over for a while. His plan to make Jeno jealous all for what could probably be lunch money is backing him into a corner — and he mentally hates wearing the dunce hat.
Jeno nods his head with a squint.
“Alright! I’ll see you guys later.”
He ruffles Jeno's hair and leaves with a turn of the heel. The squeak of his rubber shoes echoes through the locker rooms. You turn to your disheveled puppy of a boyfriend, fixing the messy hair.
“You sure you wanna go?” Your question is met with a nod from him. He compliantly keeps his head down for you to scratch it slightly, leaving the boy with a flushed face and redder ears.
“If we get dinner at Mark’s, can we get dessert at mine after?” Jeno suggests.
“Sure thing,” you giggle. “How could I say no to a polite boy like you?”
If Jeno had a tail, he’d be wagging it now. Reassured, he simply takes your hand in his as you lead each other out of the lockers. Should Mark or Jaemin be there, they would’ve thought that they lost from the sight of the both of you.
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Time rolls around until it’s night. The lights are on while the sun is out, the moon barely illuminating your steps alongside Jeno’s on the way to Mark’s place.
The streets are usually busier but you don’t mind the quieter walk when your boyfriend intertwines his fingers with yours. The sidewalks are skinnier but he uses that as an excuse to walk closer to you. He’s the unusual one now, becoming slightly clingier than he normally would.
You figure if it has anything to do with Mark’s antics.
“You still wanna go to his place? We can grab something else,” you suggest.
That’s where you’re wrong, though.
“No, let’s go,” Jeno says with a smile and a contrasting squeeze of your hand.
He wants to prove himself against Mark.
You’d think that he’s unintentionally losing, giving in to the envy and jealousy building up in his core — but that’s not what this is. He wants to show him that you’re his, and he’s yours. Given the attitude that the both of them were giving each other, he wanted to one-up his own leader. He can’t quite explain it himself.
You both make it to Mark's place though, but you don't recognize any of the cars around his apartment. Actually, there are no vehicles around Mark's spot at all. Not even Chenle's car is there, the signature pickup that took their friend group everywhere. It seems like both of you came early.
So, you ring on his doorbell. Jeno tests himself by letting your hand go.
No response. Ding-dong; no response again.
You do hear hurried footsteps though, but it takes long before anything happens. Antsy, Jeno fidgets as he stops himself from the instinct of holding your hand again. Minutes go by before the door finally answers: Mark looks disheveled and hurriedly dressed.
You’d be damned if you say he’s cute, so you digress, focusing on your boyfriend instead.
The two men high-five with a side hug — despite lingering hard feelings — and you enter the seemingly lifeless house.
“…Where’s the party?” You squeak.
Mark leans against the door frame with crossed arms. “You’re the first in here.”
On the table sits nothing but Mark's takeout and a couple of other snacks. The only fresh thing seems to be the chicken he ordered just an hour ago. Jeno raises an eyebrow at Mark.
“Oh, Y/N, can I tell you something before the others arrive?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Sure.”
“But Jeno can’t hear about it.”
What is it this time?
Mark isn't even sure of what he should say to you. Maybe he should flat-out admit that he's in a bet to make Jeno jealous.
Maybe he should admit a little secret he’s been keeping to himself for years — he finds you kind of cute.
It’s not something he holds as he would a crush, that would be wrong of him. He just always considered his best friend lucky for bagging someone as great as you. You’re someone he likes to look at and converse with — it’s nothing about that kind of attraction, at least he thinks. Mark isn’t here to homewreck, but he can’t help his brain when you’re in the picture.
He shouldn’t talk about that, though. Not when Jeno’s there, not when he’s supposed to be faking a party, not when he’s practically using you to win a bet against his friend.
He feels like a shitty person, but before the college-boy-antics-guilt settles in, you follow Mark behind the door of his kitchen.
“What is it that you wanted to talk about?”
Mark’s pupils dart around, trying to find anything but your face to focus on. “Well, uhm, actually…”
Meanwhile, Jeno has a hunch that the party’s not real when Renjun sends a picture to him. He’s with Jaemin and Chenle, all three looking at the camera with mischievous eyes.
All of his suspicions confirm themselves with question marks and indefinite periods while waiting for you with heated cheeks.
It’s not that he’s clingy — he doesn’t want to admit so — and it’s not that he’s jealous — he can’t admit that either. In all fairness, he just wants you to be safe; he trusts you enough to be in Mark’s presence, but alone with a secret he can’t know about? Why would you be hiding behind a door in Mark’s apartment?
The anxiety creeps under his skin, sending off various signals in his brain to check in on you and his friend.
He walks in on you urging the other to speak. “Come on, Mark, what is it that you wanted to say—”
“If you have anything to say to her, say it to my face too,” Jeno butts in.
Mark blinks. He’s sweating.
He doesn’t know what to do. That is, he didn’t, not until he blurts something out.
"Fine, y'all can do whatever you want in here!" Mark apologizes. "I'm sorry, I don't want to waste your time. You guys can hang around, get more food, sleepover — hell, y'all can fuck and that's fine, I'm just really sorry."
It’s your turn to blink along with Jeno.
“Y-You weren’t gonna say anything?”
Mark’s cheeks turn red as he stumbles over his words. “Okay—where do I start? I was in a bet with Jaemin, and he bet that I could make Jeno jealous.” He uses his hands to communicate after pausing. “Like—okay, I didn’t think it would go this far, I’m sorry.”
But something clicks in his head as soon as he sees Jeno’s beet-red face.
“Though I feel like I won anyway,” he giggles awkwardly. “I think I actually made you jealous for a minute there.”
You turn to your poor boyfriend and find him fully flushed, hands balled into fists, forehead glistening with beads of sweat. Jeno’s eyebrows sit furiously on his tall nose, but his mouth is unsure — that’s when he realizes his envy getting the best of him for at least that moment.
You think it's cute, though. Perhaps you're the worst person for being amused to see your friend play games with your boyfriend.
“So, how much was the bet?” You break the ice, and Jeno turns to you with a shocked face.
“Twenty bucks…” Mark scratches his head, “…I guess it’s worth it?”
You laugh at him, lightly punching his shoulder. At that moment, Jeno's feelings start to blur as he experiences light deja vu before his eyes. With the way you were interacting with Mark before him, he was feeling that creeping jealousy come back. He tries to suppress it as best as he can, but this time it fails — the frustration shows in his face as you laugh and act as if he isn't there.
He’s the boyfriend. He should be the one you’re defending and paying attention to, but for some reason, you don’t mind either you or him getting played with for twenty stupid bucks.
Also, you’re hot as fuck when you’re smiling at someone else, and it frustrates him even more.
“We can do anything here, yeah?” Jeno speaks up.
Mark smiles. “Yeah. I don’t mind at all, it’s my little peace offering.”
Without another word, Jeno grabs your hand as he drags you out of the room. He runs to Mark’s bedroom, holding you firmly, closing the door only slightly shut with the other.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You hiss. “You can’t just dart out like that! And my hand hurts a bit.”
At that, Jeno wordlessly inspects your wrist, thinking he hurt you in the midst of his envy — he’s also avoiding your queries.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous, but there’s no reason to be.” The reassurance doesn’t work as his eyes fixate on your hand. “It’s just a bet between them, and at the end of the day, I still love you.”
Your words fall on semi-deaf ears, the only visual effect being his cheeks getting a shade deeper. He fidgets with your fingers.
Mildly frustrated yourself, you reach out with both hands to cup his face and refocus on yours. “Jeno.”
The look he gives you sends a signal off in your head.
What seems to be hearts form in his eyes. He looks like he wants to be possessive, but he wants you to own him. Make him yours. It’s a look you’ve seen many times on his face but you can’t pinpoint the exact reason why it still gets you every time.
Like a pleading puppy, his cheeks sink into your palms as he stares back into you.
“I just…” Jeno clears his throat, “I don’t want you to be played with like that. And I-I want to be just yours.”
Your shock softens as you rub your thumbs across his cheekbones. “Oh lovely, there’s nothing to worry about. I really love you.”
He unexpectedly lunges his head forward, trapping your lips in a loving kiss. It takes a full ten seconds, eyes closed and heads tilted to find each other’s connection between the mouths, and you pull away with a huff.
“Jeno, we shouldn’t.”
You know that this usually escalates to something more than just stolen kisses. You try to stop it before anything, and your boyfriend knows this, but he doesn’t stop at all.
“Mark said we can do anything.”
You push his chest gently. “That’s not a go signal!”
“Yeah, but if anything, Mark should be the shameful one.”
Before you could question it, Jeno nods his head towards the creaked open door, revealing Mark standing behind it.
He was caught listening in.
“Hey, d-don’t take this wrong,” Mark stutters, “Was just gonna ask why you ran out on me!”
For some reason, you aren’t mad about it.
Jeno’s weirded out, that’s for sure — but neither of you can stay too mad. He had his reasons to look for you but not to ogle for that long, but maybe it’s the heat post-kiss that drives your head to a place where it shouldn’t be; especially not in team leader Mark’s house.
But it’s going there.
“I guess we’re all forgetting our manners,” you suggest with high eyebrows. Your voice, however, takes on a deeper tone with a timbre that Mark hasn’t heard — but your boyfriend knows too well.
Mark observes as your boyfriend shivers. He looks at you surprised as if he didn’t just kiss you in his best friend’s house; he knows you could make it worse.
“If you hadn’t been so nosy, I would’ve invited you, you know.”
That’s more than enough of a signal to get Mark and Jeno’s heads spiraling.
Jeno isn’t too sure what you mean. He does, but he doesn’t know why you’re acting so coy — like you were never caught off-guard. As your boyfriend, he knows your antics, but as a separate person, he isn’t too sure how to think of your thinking.
Inviting Mark to step into the same room, you reach your fingers out and curl them towards you.
“Jeno was gonna be mine for the night. It wouldn’t hurt if I could just have another toy to play with though, yeah?”
You only lay your eyes on your boyfriend at the last word. It isn’t a look of confirmation, but rather assertion — you stated it like a fact and he isn’t ready to react before you glare at him. There’s only one answer to you, and Jeno nods, making you smirk proudly.
Mark simply watches speechlessly until you smile at him.
"I mean, as you said, we could do anything. It's still your house though, so feel free to call it off..." The wind that blows as your words slow down seems to add to the heat growing in Mark's cheeks. The warmth under his skin only boils as he notices Jeno's lack of protest — worse, he sees compliance and anticipation.
He gulps as he realizes that he doesn’t want to call it off.
“So what? Care to join?”
The three have you have waited long enough for a response but his house slippers are glued to the floor. His mouth hangs open for a response but nothing leaves him.
A chuckle leaves your mouth as you take the step to inch closer to him while holding your boyfriend's hand at the back.
“Don’t be shy,” your free hand snakes up to Mark’s shoulder, “I don’t bite.”
It's a lie as per Jeno's eyes. You'll bite if presented with the consent.
Just as soon as Mark musters up a response, he finds your lips on his cheek as you pull him closer to your boyfriend. The proximity and sudden actions kill him bit by bit from the inside out. A tent forms in his pants but he thinks nothing of it when you kiss him on the lips right after.
Jeno watches with no hint of jealousy, but a watering mouth follows.
Mark savors the taste of your lips for a second, then another — before it’s all gone as you pull away with a mischievous smile.
Grabbing his chin with one hand, your thumb swipes past his wetted plump lower lip. You tilt his head slightly towards Jeno, letting your boyfriend watch as you slip your thumb inside his mouth. Mark's eyes light up, watching your face as you fixate on his mouth.
He instinctively attempts to suck your thumb, but you pry his mouth open with your other hand’s fingers, hooking his head up by his front teeth. It’s fully exposed now, Mark’s tongue out with saliva flowing from the roof of his mouth, down onto strong teeth, all the way to your index and middle fingers. Jeno speechlessly savors the sight of you leaning down to kiss his best friend’s tongue.
Desire fills him as you press your lips firmly against his tongue, smiling, then pulling back to admire the flustered mess you’ve made of the boy. Your boyfriend enjoys the view, inching close to the both of you to kiss your lips right after. Your hands never leave Mark’s open mouth.
“Kiss him.” Your index finger tugs on the corner of Mark’s lips to feign a smile. “See? He’s waiting for it.”
Jeno eyes his teammate with lust. He closes his eyes and mirrors your antics, kissing not just Mark’s tongue but his teeth too, his lips, and any inch of flesh he can get. He licks the spit in his mouth and gulps after each kiss.
As Jeno pulls away, you leave Mark’s mouth alone, making the boy cough at the sudden absence of you both — but he smiles right after.
“Fuck,” he simply whispers.
Proud of what you’ve done, you turn to make out with Jeno while your wet hands travel down to tug at a belt hoop on Mark’s pants. The signal hits him late, causing him to hurriedly unbutton his pants. You laugh into Jeno’s kiss.
“Look at this boy, he doesn’t know what to do.”
“Always like that,” Jeno comments. “He’s the cutest when he’s panicked.”
Mark’s head shoots up at Jeno. Cute? Since when was he cute to him?
It takes long the boy a minute — he zones out for a few seconds as you and Jeno start kissing up his sides, from the neck down to his hips. He can't believe anything that's happening. Whatever this was, the sudden thing he'd gotten himself into while in his own home, he couldn't seem to pull himself away from it. A magnetic force is locking him in as you suck on his neck.
Mark moans, deliciously caught by Jeno’s mouth as he makes out with him briefly while holding him firmly by the waist. Mark can feel Jeno’s hard length, straining painfully against Mark’s back. His own cock hangs against his boxers, the crotch exposed as you pull his unbuttoned pants down.
His vision blurs. His mouth salivates but feels dry. He begins to get dizzy — he can't black out though, and even if none of this is quite right, he isn't mad at all. He loves it.
The desire in him burns as you push your own body onto the bed, admiring the two boys before you.
Your hand cups your boyfriend’s ass, digging your palm inside his back pocket. “Jeno, get your pants off now.”
“Want you to help me too.” He responds with a pout.
“How about you ask your friend over here to assist you?”
Jeno obediently turns to Mark with an expression akin to that of an excited puppy. It’s another sight that only you have seen, and Mark thinks it’s an honor to see it himself; his brain lags at the adorable blink Jeno gives, before pawing at his crotch.
“You’re so hard.”
“I know. Please help me.”
It doesn’t take Mark too long this time to fully respond to this request. He eagerly reaches for the button on Jeno’s pants and frees the strained crotch, leaving him in his boxers.
Something gets the best of him. Maybe it's because this is all wrong, or maybe it's a pent-up expression of all the times he's seen his best friend in boxers — it drives him more insane than it should, seeing his length while they change in the locker rooms — but whatever it is, it drives him to pull at the hem of his boxers, taking a peek at his cock.
And fuck, is he packing a lot.
Jeno's cock is veiny and it pulses as Mark ogles at it. It's long and thick enough — it might be a bit longer than Mark's, he thinks. It's veiny, the tip red and shapely. His balls hang not too far from his cock, barely seen from the size that greeted him for a second's worth. The shaft has a curve that greets Mark with a twitch.
The boy turns to you as if to ask permission, to which he does: “May I please play with him?”
“Not yet,” you tilt your head. “A bit too eager now, aren’t we?”
“But he—we—” he loses the words in his throat. His finger leaves the hem of Jeno’s boxers, but the boy cups his hip in desperation.
"I only allowed you to help him pull it down." At that, Mark's face sours. He salivates at the picture of Jeno's cock. He had never thought of his friend that way, never really considered the invitation that was always there — for the sake of "being bros." But now that it's here, you delay him the opportunity; so close yet so far.
Mark’s fingers only leave Jeno’s boxers when the man looks at him with an obedient eye.
“Let him play with you first.” Your voice almost echoes through the room. Jeno nods as if he received a secret command, only understood by you and him. Was it the curl in your tone that caused him to act?
Either way, it shocks Mark slightly when Jeno's strong arms pull him by his shoulders. His hands then crawl both behind his head and then down to his hips, bringing the two bodies impossibly closer — Jeno seems unfazed as he pulls Mark's shirt off next. He's used to the sight of his toned body, but seeing his chest flush in both embarrassment and lust is a new sight that budges Jeno's mouth into a soft smile.
“Mark, I want you to relax and enjoy. Jeno’s really good and I want him to be good to you.”
His hands graze lightly down Mark's body. The boy's skin raises into bumps of a once-pale, now-flushed frenzy, his body hairs rising as the other's delicate fingertips trail down his exposed arms and sides. Mark's chest is heaving, unable to catch a break or a breath.
It's all worse when Jeno kisses him once more, taking advantage of his open mouth. His hands stay on Mark's chest, fingers looking for his nipples — he finds them quickly and prods at them with pressure so good that it makes Mark moan. You laugh as if you're right; your boyfriend's really good, and the boy you've been eyeing is taking it well.
However, you’re getting impatient, having this go for too long for you to be satisfied.
You take good use of both of your hands and pull down their boxers, each hand being careful yet swift as you fist the fabric out of their skin, watching their beautiful cocks bounce. This interrupts the kissing — they gasp in unison and it’s music to your ears.
Unfortunately, you don’t follow up with any more words, leaving them to look at you with wide eyes. All you do is giggle to yourself, pat the tips of their oversensitive and deliciously hard lengths, and silently command them to do something.
Jeno acts first: eyes darting down to Mark's impressive length, he slides his thick cock beside the other. Their shafts rub, making Mark bite his lip, but his mouth opens anyway as their reddish-pink tips kiss each other.
Their size differences are more apparent this way; Jeno's cock seems thicker, and Mark's is longer. Deep in hyper-analysis, you urge them once again to rub their cocks together with simultaneous handjobs.
The sudden reintroduction of their hands leaves Mark squirming next to Jeno. He instinctively holds onto his shoulders for support, an adorable sight that neither of you has ever seen nor expected from "the dependable Mark."
You're slow with it first. Your hand makes its way from the tips, thumbs prodding playfully at the tiny holes sitting atop, only for your fingers to form rings, wrapping each individual digit around gradually as your palms slide down their lengths. Once you've wrapped the pinky around, you're at the base of their cocks, teasing to cup their balls — but before they could even moan for more, you're sliding up again. After a few more strokes, the pace picking up with each full slide up and down, they hump your hands with your pace until you pull away.
“I can’t be doing all the work.”
Your words are intimidating. The two boys take it with confusion as they lock eyes for a moment, cocks twitching centimeters away from each other.
Out of pure desperation, Mark thrusts his hips upward, rubbing his cock well up against Jeno's. The friction leaves him breathless, sharp bursts of pleasure combing through his nerves. With their closeness, Jeno could only mirror his movement in response. He holds Mark by his face with one hand, reaching his other down to connect their tips in his palm. The gesture shocks them both, the distance closing into zero inches, crotches and groomed bush hair pressed together.
You catch wind of Jeno’s heavy breaths. “You’re panting, baby.”
He looks up at you through hooded eyes, head thrown slightly back in pleasure. “I’m excited.”
“Such a puppy.”
Mark looks back and forth between the both of you as you exchange hot words. The buildup of heat in his stomach goes further down to his crotch until Jeno could feel the warmth on his cock's leaking tip. Embarrassed, he wordlessly attempts to turn his head away, but your hands—slimy as they are—hold his chin in place. He seems excited too, Jeno thinks to himself.
You move your hand with Mark’s chin on it close to your boyfriend’s face, coercing Jeno to kiss him again. Their mouths quickly open, jutting their tongues out to greet each other as they practically hump each other with their cocks pressed close. Jeno breaks away from the kiss to breathe, resting his forehead on Mark’s — the eye contact that they share after doesn’t break, though.
It’s an intense stare that holds no hard feelings, only incredibly hard cocks rubbing together as they near their highs. Mark seems to chase it first, but before anything could happen, you cock your head to the side.
You slap Mark’s bulging cock with a fierce spank.
It hurts only lightly, only since you slapped it with less of a force and more of a flick of your hand, but it still stings. Mark almost falls over, only caught by Jeno’s strong and muscular arms.
“What was that for?” Tears well up in his eyes but he doesn’t sound upset at all. He just genuinely wants to ask why he was denied the high and you can hear nothing but desperation in his voice.
All you do, though, is laugh in response. Jeno looks at him with fond eyes too, except he knows he’s in trouble next: his cock also started leaking precum. You run the pad of your thumb atop his leaking hole, blocking the flow ever so slightly. You then guide your boyfriend’s cock back to Mark’s, but you hold their shafts together in place with your one stretched hand, precum mixing and all.
“We’ve barely even started and you’re both acting like this?” Your voice is sultry yet stern.
The two merely whimper and shy their faces away. Mark looks down at the scene and amusement hits him all at once. The sight of his body and Jeno’s, naked and sweaty and held together by a singular hand on their cocks, makes him shiver and bite his lip.
“Sorry,” Jeno utters first, “I-It just felt too good.”
A breeze bellows through the room and it leaves all three of you with your hair raised, but you don’t budge a single bit. You turn to Mark.
“I…” Mark starts to speak yet nothing of substance comes out.
“Excuses are nothing, I know you’re both desperate.” Your hand leaves their slimy cocks. You don’t hesitate as you bring a finger to your mouth, tasting their sins as they writhe before you in slight embarrassment.
“How about you both show me how much you want me?”
It’s not supposed to be as shocking as it is, but the realization hits them both incredibly late that you’re still fully clothed, mostly untouched, left to be their eye candy as they fondled each other earlier. Jeno and Mark’s gazes fall through your entire body in all directions as they plot how they could start pleasing you.
Even if they both clearly wanted you, they restrained themselves and took out their desires on each other. That’s very obedient and patient of them, you think, and you don’t think it’s wrong to enjoy the sight.
Jeno's grasp on Mark loosens and leaves as he inches towards you, sweat dripping and everything, closing his face in on yours to kiss your lips deeply. You two always do this, accustomed to each other's rushes of warmth and intimacy every single time you kiss, and so it feels natural as Jeno latches his mouth on your neck next. His hands, trembling slightly yet not at all unsure, make their way to trace up the outline of your sides until they find your breasts.
He breaks away from working on a neck hickey as he examines your chest, restrained by layers of clothing that he wants off. Instead of impatiently reaching over the fabric, he takes his time to lift it from under and urge you to move it over your head. Mark watches intently, almost studying the movements while he refrains from reaching down for his pulsating cock.
Dare he even touch himself to the sight as he may be punished by not just you, but also Jeno.
“Not gonna do anything?” Jeno faces Mark with a smirk.
Mark stammers as he finds his words to ask permission. “Dude—uhm, can I?”
You laugh at how his hands hesitate to touch you, eager to even get ahold of your bra but still too scared.
All you do is smile with a nod. Jeno gives him way, pointing at the hook of the bra.
He first grabs ahold of your breasts by holding the bra cups, only to slide his hands to the sides of the undergarment, tracing your upper body until he's made his way backward; his fingertips find the hooks, unclasping them with only a bit of struggle — he knows what he's doing, he just gets nervous as your boobs flow out of the loosened bra.
It takes him a moment to even acknowledge that the beautiful view of your boobs inches away from his chest is all his doing. Jeno lets out a light snort, swinging his arm over Mark's red shoulders. He's blushing all over, flustered to high heavens.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Damn right,” Mark agrees. “You’re fucking lucky, dude.”
Jeno pecks Mark’s heated cheek. “So don’t bring her in the next bets, yeah?”
The things that they say ring through your ears loudly. You’re living for Jeno’s protectiveness, Mark’s shocked expression, and the fact that they both proceed to work their way on your lower half.
They urge you out of your pants, the two men helping your legs out, kissing your skin as they expose themselves. You can't help but chuckle, moan a little bit, and even grab onto their skilled yet calloused hands. The two are unexpectedly gentle, working surprisingly in tandem to even just get you out of your clothes, all until you're naked.
All until they’re yours.
Jeno ends up kneeling down in front of you like a patient dog. Mark stands by your side, waiting.
As adorable as they are, you’re growing desperate for some more action, so you grab ahold of Mark’s cock and whisper in his ear.
“Be a dear and tell my baby to kiss me there.”
Mark gulps, tongue caught in a twist as he musters the courage to relay it to Jeno.
“Uhh, sh-she said…lick—no, kiss her.”
Jeno looks up at you in confirmation. You pet his head with your other hand. There are hearts in his eyes.
Without another word, Jeno doesn’t waste a second as he dives his head down.
Fiddling between your legs, he holds you by the backs of your inner thighs and does as he’s told. He nudges his nose around the area to get himself closer and closer to your heat. He kisses you, puckering his lips and smacking your clit ever so sweetly. He gets a light taste of your sweetness dripping wild from watching the two men act desperately earlier. You hum in content, stroking Mark's cock—still in your hand—ever so slightly.
Mark dips his head onto your neck. He attempts to kiss you in the same way Jeno does, warm and loving. Jeno himself digs his head further between your thighs, licking wide stripes with his tongue tapering up to the tip as he gets back on your clit. You shiver with a lustful smile.
Jeno continues to swirl his tongue from your clit back down to your entrance, allowing your slick to mix in with his drool. Mark refuses to even look you in the eye from all of the sinful sounds he’s hearing — you remedy that by pecking a kiss on his cheek mole.
“If you weren’t so cute, you’d be dead by now.”
Mark’s cock stiffens at that. It throbs, a long vein pulsing against your palm from your words alone. A part of him hates to admit that he’s glad he took up the bet if it led him here.
You grab a fistful of your boyfriend’s hair out of nowhere, pulling slightly at his scalp to signal him up. He misreads this at first, instead nodding his head back into your cunt, but you let out a light grunt and a hiss.
“Mmph—Sorry,” Jeno says, hands wobbling awkwardly at the backs of your thighs for support. “Needed me, baby?”
You raise an eyebrow. “I wanted you to only kiss me there, but…”
Jeno dips his head to apologize. He mutters on and on about how good you tasted, how sweet it felt, how lovely and velvety the skin around your clit was while he licked it. Mark’s face heats up impossibly more at the descriptions and subtle praises that Jeno has for your pussy.
“Oh, look who’s the jealous one now.”
Mark’s sweating bullets. “I-I’m not!”
“You can have a turn at it if you’d like.” The suggestion runs off your lips casually. So casual that it leaves him slightly puzzled, cock still aching in your hand.
“How about only ten seconds in my cunt?”
He blinks three times. You’re all down to absurd means of getting each other off and you’re about to fully abandon the circumstances that got you here. That got the both of them here.
He whips his head towards your boyfriend for approval, and Jeno only nods his head in your direction. "Her orders, man."
You laugh and kiss Mark, urging him down on the bed behind him. You push him by his shoulders and the look on his face, wide eyes and all, has you smirking.
“Ten seconds. Just to try it.”
You align your slit to match his red, slimy tip, sliding your cunt from your clit down to your wet entrance. You don’t let him in just yet, instead teasing him with a few slides, letting him feel the velvety friction of your pussy lips before he gets a taste of everything else.
“That feels good,” he breathes out.
“It’s not even in yet.”
“I’m just feeling as much as I can,” Mark smiles nervously. “I only got ten seconds after this—”
Before he could even get cocky, you fully sit down on his cock, slamming your cunt until he’s all the way inside.
He shivers, hitting his head back on the bed in pure pleasure. The wetness of your walls envelops him with a warmth he hasn’t felt anywhere else. Slowly yet surely, he begins to lose his mind to delirium as his cock throbs, almost vibrating inside you.
“Ten,” Jeno counts for you, watching the part where you both connect as he sits politely next to you both.
He refuses to touch himself even as he watches you lift your lower half away from Mark, the slick of your essence and leftover drool from Jeno slipping down the cock.
“Nine,” he continues, breath hitching as you wiggle your hips.
At this point, only Mark's tip is inside you, but before he can even do anything, you slam your hips back down. The smack of your ass on his thighs makes him groan loudly, the sweetness of his voice echoing in your ears.
“Eight.” You repeat your motions, swirling your hips slightly and letting the wetness drip ever so gracefully down your thighs onto his. “Seven.”
Mark rolls his eyes back. His balls hurt at this point. He’s strained and frustrated.
He turns his head. “Holy shit, Jeno, I’ll cum—”
“Hold it, easy now.” Unimpressed, Jeno instead leans forward to talk him down.
“Five,” he whispers, “four…”
All Mark can do is whimper through a bitten lip. Your hands roam around his chest for support, the unforgiving sensations haunting his skin as you touch his most sensitive areas.
Mark hisses. “Won’t you count any fucking slower?”
“Oh, you want me to cut it out?” You say with a stop.
Regret immediately washes over his wide eyes as you lift yourself off his dick.
“So close yet so far. What a pity,” you laugh, turning to your sweet boyfriend and feeling him up instead.
You maneuver your hips and align yourself over Jeno’s cock, teasing him the same way you did with Mark. You don’t enter yet and keep your wetness dripping on him before giving the neglected boy a wink.
“I didn’t say you couldn’t try my ass.”
A shock instantly rushes through his veins, coloring his skin flushed once more. He's been sweating, and it worsened once you suggested it. He tries to say anything about it but falls short of words when you urge him closer with the call of your fingers. Jeno watches in awe, lightly frustrated that his cock is so close to your cunt.
You grab Mark from the back, guiding his hips close to yours. He’s kneeling, holding onto your waist and hips for stability, ready to position his cock by your second entrance. He licks his hand, a generous amount of spit and drool wetting it, just more than enough for him to lube up your hole to take him.
Jeno’s cock throbs cutely from under, so you coo and kiss his tip with the warmth of your clit. He bites back a whimper.
It isn’t long before you invite Mark to enter you, lining up and guiding his cock inside, slowly stretching your tightest hole until the tip is in. Mark’s breathing heavily, sweating buckets as he feels how tight it is, hugging just the tip so hard that he could explode at any given moment.
You push your lower half back, adjusting to his girth and length, taking him inch by inch. You’re panting too, strained little moans escaping your throat as you struggle and succeed to take him all the way to the middle.
Once you’re nearly bottoming him out, you both still in place, allowing yourselves time to adjust.
Jeno still looks pitiful with his cock pushed against nothing but your clit. It only gives you an idea.
“Mark. Be a dear and fuck me hard when we’re good, yeah?”
Confused, he agrees with a nod. You both signal each other when it feels best to move, and with that, Mark fully pulls back before slamming his entire length back into your fit little ass.
The force from his thrust pushes you forward, sinking Jeno’s cock deep into your pussy.
The sudden action leaves Jeno groaning and Mark grunting. Both of their cocks fill you up with no room to breathe, the sensation of the two pulsating and hard lengths making you shake. You feel yourself close but you hold back for their sake.
Another thrust from Mark sends your cunt further down on Jeno’s cock. Your boyfriend even begins moving his hips, emptying your pussy only to fill it back up again. The other doesn’t stop, almost losing himself as he goes faster and faster, bit by bit, ecstasy hitting him soon.
“Mark, baby, you’re doing so good.”
Eyes lighting up, it takes five seconds—and a few moans in between—for Mark to realize that he’s the baby that you’re referring to.
Jeno also catches it late, but instead of the jealousy seeping back into his veins, the opposite manifests. He smiles, somehow proud of Mark for sharing a name that they both earned from you.
“Baby, come on, make me cum.”
You lean back, an arm thrown over to hold onto Mark for support. He keeps going, pushing his cock against your limit with each thrust, all the while Jeno leans forward to reach your clit and tease it.
Being filled and fucked all at once like this has all three of you on edge, but Mark can’t take it — he slips out of your ass and cums all over your back.
You don’t mind, instead falling forward to bounce on Jeno’s cock while he cums inside you next. That doesn’t stop him from flicking your clit with his experienced fingers, and you squirt all over him.
All three of you collapse on the bed, trying to overcome your highs.
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“…That was fucking insane, man.”
Mark is the first to sit up, eyeing the both of you fucked out on his own bed. He has to clean up a lot, so much that it’s lightly embarrassing, but none of you seem to mind at all at that moment.
“Yo Jeno.”
Too tired to move his body, he simply raises an eyebrow while looking back at Mark. “What’s up?”
"I swear on my dick I'm not playing with you and Y/N, aight?" He scratches the back of his head, suddenly getting shy. "And, uh, I'm still sorry for the bet."
“Nah, it’s good. Just say you won, get the money, and run.”
Mark realizes that it could’ve just been that easy, that he didn’t have to do any of that. It’s way too late now, but at least he won and got laid.
“...And you can treat us to dinner with that cash,” Jeno adds with a wink.
The boy simply rubs his flushed face in his hands and sighs. Dinner with his newfound fuckmates isn’t so bad after all.
“Well, you’re free to shower, clean up, sleep, do whatever—”
You grab ahold of Mark’s arm and pull him back on the bed. He falls right between you and Jeno’s warm bodies.
Jeno shushes him with a side hug, and you giggle softly. Somehow none of this feels as disgusting as it should be while all three of you are in each other’s arms.
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ashwhowrites · 1 day
Could I ask for another story with Dom Robin?
Basically, Robin spanks the reader hard, and then eat her ass out.
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️ smut
Dancing my ass
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Robin and Steve were close, obviously, and that meant Robin's girlfriend was also close with Steve.
Steve had no interest in Y/N and Y/N had no interest in him, and Robin knew that. She knew that nothing would ever happen between them. But as she stood at the bar, the club lights outlining Y/N's body that was pressed against Steve's, all she could see was red. She could hear her heart beating louder than the music.
Robin growled as Steve's hands were on Y/N's hips and her ass was against the front of his body. She knew it was innocent playing and neither was into it, but she couldn't stop the jealousy clouding her vision.
Robin got the drinks and marched her way over to her girlfriend. The two separated and grabbed their drinks from Robin, once her hands were free she grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her to the bathroom.
Y/N slipped her drink by how fast Robin was heading to the bathroom, she tried to call her name over the loud music but she never turned around.
The door slammed behind them and she heard the lock. Her drink clattered on the floor and Robin had her pressed against the sink.
She moaned as Robin's hands groped her ass, massaging the skin as Robin pushed her tongue into Y/N's warm mouth. Robin was moving so fast that Y/N felt she couldn't keep up. It all happened in a blur.
Her body was turned around, her hands gripping the sink as Robin had her bent over, smacking her bare skin. Y/N moaned and cried with every sting that Robin's hand left behind. Nothing about Robin was gentle, even when she massaged the skin in between smacks.
"What do you think you were doing out there?" Robin hissed, her breath hot against Y/N's ear.
"Dancing," Y/N whimpered, lunging forward as Robin landed another hit
"On Steve? And I think it was more dry humping than dancing," Robin hissed
Y/N smirked as it became clear why Robin was upset. She thought it was cute that Robin was jealous like it would ever be possible for someone to take her away from Robin.
"Jealous there Buckley?" Y/N teased, she was in the deep water so she might as well enjoy the drop.
Y/N yelped as she felt another hard slap on her ass. Robin didn't rub the sting away, instead, she dropped to her knees and bit right into the skin. Y/N moaned as she gripped the sink.
Robin didn't answer her, instead, she pushed Y/N's cheeks apart and slowly circled her tongue around her hole. Y/N shivered at the feeling, her knees about to buckle.
"Oh God" Y/N whined when Robin's tongue pushed inside of her. Robin unleashed herself against her. Spreading Y/N's cheeks further apart, Robin's hands were leaving marks as she gripped her skin.
They had never tried ass play before but Y/N knew she already loved it. Robin was talented with her mouth and fingers, no matter where they landed.
"Please, Rob," Y/N begged. It wasn't clear what she was begging for but Robin knew her girlfriend. Robin continued to eat her out and moved her fingers to run up and down Y/N's soaked cunt. Robin coated her fingers in her wetness then pushed two fingers inside of Y/N's cunt. Y/N felt her eyes roll in the back of her head from both her holes being pleasured.
Y/N pushed her ass against Robin's tongue, needy and desperately. She reached behind and gripped Robin's short hair, not letting the girl go anywhere.
Robin kept her tongue and fingers busy, moving her free hand to rub Y/N's clit. Y/N yelped loudly as she shook in pleasure. She was feeling Robin everywhere and it drove her insane. She wanted to be stuffed full in both holes from Robin all the time, making her Robin's for life.
It didn't take long for Y/N to feel an orgasm approaching. Robin was working fast on her clit and her fingers were moving rapidly inside of her. Y/N clawed at the sink as her stomach tightened. No warning from her lips as she came all over.
Robin slowly pulled her tongue out but kept her mouth near. She pressed soft kisses to Y/N's skin as she kept her fingers moving inside of her, but took away her touch on Y/N's clit. She loved the way Y/N's cunt was clenching on her fingers, refusing to let her go.
Y/N tried to regain her breath when Robin removed her touch from everywhere. She stood up and pressed Y/N against her body, her lips pecking her neck as she moved up to her ear.
"I'm not done with you. Clean yourself up and meet me in the car."
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andwewerehappy · 1 year
i have so much work anxiety this is insane. i hate this job what does it even MATTER
#we’re not supposed to be working overtime because apparently they’re not making enough money (they are) so i was planning#on leaving early friday but everyone LOVES to throw things at me on fridays at 3:30 when i’m supposed to leave at 4#so like. i come in like ten minutes early out of habit every day so now since i had to stay late on friday to finish things that Had to be#finished i have like 41 hrs and ten minutes so now i’m like. 😐 vibrating w anxiety abt it#also one of the things that got thrown at me Friday was to find a video of someone hitting cones and like. i looked through the video of#the time and truck he gave me and there was nothing. but i was doing like 3 other things at the time so what if i missed it. also did he#want me to download the whole video anyway. there’s no way to download the whole video it only allows 40 seconds at a time. and i didn’t#see anything so i didn’t download it. and i think the videos save for a week so hopefully i can look back over it on monday but he threw it#at me literally AS HE WAS LEAVING on friday because he said it was the last day to view it. so i don’t know#i cannot stand this man he’s not even my boss like. leave me alone. i was literally contemplating going back in on friday during tornado#warnings on unpaid time to go look through this video again. insane behavior i hate this job and what it is doing to me#and literally every other day i have NOTHING to do like i’m busy for an hour in the morning when i get there and then it’s.#nothing. until it’s time to leave then everyone wants to throw things at me and then i’m rushing to leave by 4 so i don’t have more#overtime. which is also insane because i kind of. need that ot pay fjsjfjjsjfjsjfjsjjfjsjdj#please @ god let ******* call me this week with a new job offer. but it just sucks because besides him i do love everyone else who works#there with me. and i will miss them. but likeeeeeeeeeeee#there’s simply not enough work for me to do. which now circling back to justifying overtime hours and fjsjjfjsjdkshfjsjjfjsjf#like i can’t even wind down on weekends because i’m always anxious about something that happened or will happen at this stupid job#going insane. already was insane going further insane.
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castielsprostate · 8 months
hey americans, please fucking vote this year! thanks!
the rest of the world
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mixtpecas · 4 months
On the topic of Cas' confession being addressed/not being addressed. I was thinking about how they would go about a kiss scene that feels natural to the show that has passionately denied anything Gay between them until now.
So: what if they showed a destiel kiss on screen, but it wasn't their first kiss? If Dean knew and understood Cas' confession to be romantic, and they had already been established as basically married in the later seasons, who's to say they haven't kissed before hand? Like, supernatural doesn't really focus on unrequited love/miscommunication in new relationships - but it lovesss established relationships that are doomed due to external forces (ex. Sam and Jess, Bobby and Karen, Jimmy and Amelia, etc etc). I'm picturing Cas being rescued by his family+friends and once everyone settles down, Dean just smiles his 'welcome home' smile and gives him a sweet peck instead of a pat on the cheek. And that's it.
If the tragedy came from their love being doomed by Chuck/the plot, not miscommunication and a lack of action, then it both fits established relationships in the show and takes away responsibility of supernatural of acknowledging they were gay all along. Basically along the lines of Cas textually acknowledging that He Is In Love With Dean, but not having to do anything else about it bc its all just confirming things from the past.
Also. The fan response would be insane if it wasn't explained further right away. Over a decade of build up for a confusing confession followed by immediate death followed by a quick unexplained kiss? All the build up people were expecting popped AGAIN - was it a pity smooch? Are they gaslighting us?? Platonic kiss on the lips? Mass hallucination? Take your pick!
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likely-lovers · 8 months
i started analysing the lesbians because i'm going insane over them and i think i found something so cute and silly about them that relates to their names and their professions and their relationship to one another and i'm gonna tell you guys because i think yall would love this just as much as i do (just a heads up this is just my interpretation of this and was nowhere (not that im aware of) said to be 100% true i'm just insane and sometimes being delulu is the solulu)
one of the meanings of cordelias name is "the heart" and we all know that cordelia is a caterer!! food often symbolizes love and since the heart is usually associated with love i think its very silly to think about the fact that food is probably a way for cordelia to say 'i love you' 🥹🥹🥹 (this woman carries so much care and love in her heart i swear)
AND: some of the meanings of charlottes name are "the free" and "the loved"
so basically what i'm trying to say is that cordelia is "the heart" that is loving "the loved" (Charlotte) and we know its a healthy relationship since Charlotte is "the free" (feels free and secure with her lover) i mean we all know that the lesbians from next door already portray a healthy queer relationship in this musical and that that is nothing new but i just thought this was a silly detail /pos
furthermore i'd also like to mention that charlotte also stands for "the capable" which is interesting because as a doctor she has to deal with very emotional situations or rather has to be capable of dealing with them and i think thats also such a tiny but cool detail
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tovarishch-dyke · 11 months
I’m like Johnny Truant in the tags of every goddamn post I make or reblog on this site and I’m not apologizing. If you want me to apologize come over to my house and you can talk to the minotaur about it
#House of leaves#im literally going insane these days I should go back to journaling but I’m also afraid of how far off the deep end I’ll go#Literally I am losing it and I’m being serious#I’m so fucking tired of being lonely and being left out and not being able to make connections#Sometimes I feel as if im doing things without realizing and no one is telling me about it#Other times it feels like I must have something incredibly wrong with my face or body and no one will say anything#People make plans and don’t bother to ask me if I want to join and then when I find out there’s a group chat that all my friends are in#Except me and when I asked if I could join I was given a bunch of reasons that were frankly bullshit why I couldn’t join#Are they talking shit about me? I know everybody there it’s not like I am a stranger#Am I just a stranger in this world as I unllikeable? I try my best to be nice and charitable but what am I missing?#Do I black out and say things and do things? Am I more mentally ill than I know?#The only reason (or one of the very few) why I stay alive is because of my horses because I know they would miss me and I already feel bad#Not seeing them everyday#I’m tired of being the odd one out I’m tired of being entertaining when necessary#I don’t want my only friends to be horses because it further alienates me from the rest of society and I just want to be accepted I’m not#Looking to fit in I just want connection and friendship and I can barely seem to manage that#Maybe I’m just not worth it.
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mellotronmkll · 5 days
Nothing is more fun for me than curating and organizing a google drive folder for a band I like with neatly labelled subfolders for bootlegs demos interviews etc literally just for my own purposes but being really thorough and taking it really seriously anyway. Honestly it gives me a sexual thrill I didn't mean that last part
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buddhistanchovies · 4 months
I watched a game trailer and really liked it so now I am going to obsess over it and make it an integral part of my personality 🖤 ✨
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roitaminnah · 2 years
bandit and chilli heeler are incredibly ppkm parents coded in this essay I will
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rambunctioustoons · 11 months
I'm not saying I was going through tftbl brainrot around the time I got back into security breach but... But. 👀 ... Literally named my sona Rhys so. askflakfkak.
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