#going to be able to work because I knew I would have a full blown panic attack and cry uncontrollably
So I forgot I took my medicine today that I can’t have caffeine with and then I went and had a bunch of caffeine. And it made me feel really spacey and weird. I bumped a car in a parking lot with my car when trying to park. Luckily I was only going like 3mph and it didn’t do any damage to the other car. My car has just a small scratch but that’s fine It’s my fault. 2 of my coworkers saw it though and they were looking at me like I was crazy and I was trying not to panic. Because there was no damage to the other car so we all left. And the whole day at work I was still feeling so spaced out and my brain was foggy and I ended up making a mistake. It wasn’t the biggest deal in the world because I am new and it’s just something that happens sometimes but it still caused a problem. I was so busy at the time with other stuff I couldn’t even help with fixing it. By then I was so checked out I just didn’t talk to anyone and I didn’t really help out as much as I should of today. My coworkers are probably all gossiping about me today and how stupid I am. I just feel so bad and i should of told my manager how I was feeling from my medicine. I definitely should not have been driving because it made my depth perception way off and that’s why I bumped the car. I didn’t even notice how I was feeling though until I got out of the car. I am still feeling spaced now but I think I am purposely trying to keep feeling numb because I am so close to having a mental breakdown right now. I am definitely not going to make the mistake of drinking caffeine with that medication again. I actually feel like I’m not going to drink caffeine for awhile anyway. I hardly ever drink it anyway maybe like once a month or so but of course I happened to have it today. Anyway I just needed to vent this out. Someone please tell me I’m going to be okay because I’m feeling terrible and I really like my new job and I felt like an idiot today.
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sansaorgana · 3 months
Can you do a buck x reader where she’s a nurse and takes care of everyone at the 100 and they all think she’s just perfect and a mother figure while all the soldiers are away from that mother figure and one day she like snaps when having to deal with screaming soldiers and she goes up to one the higher power guys and like cussing them out for constant sending the men into a death trap and her having to pick up the pieces and buck has to hold her back while she’s just screaming at the other guy and everyone else is like 🧍
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hello, thank you for your request! 🧡 I've just realised that none of my previous Readers in the stories with Buck were nurses lol 😷 most likely because I can't even imagine myself as a nurse and writing about all these things is enough to make me feel sick 🤣 but because of this, it was easy to write this story where the Reader is at her breaking point lol proceed with caution because there are ugly descriptions of blood, needles, death etc.
also this gif asdfghjkl I swear, in the story he has more compassion towards the Reader 🤣🤣🤣
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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You thought you could do it. When the war had started, you hadn’t thought twice as you had signed up to help. Real help. No paperwork or coffee making. You had wanted to become a nurse.
The physical aspect of your job was not that difficult. You knew what to do in most situations and you had learnt how to stop frowning at the physiological body functions. It was the emotional aspect of the job that no one had prepared you for.
Sometimes the boys would come back from the air battles with nothing but mere scratches. They would still come by just to spend time with you and let your gentle, skilled hands to patch them up as they were telling you stories.
Sometimes the same boys would not come back from their next mission and the stories they had told were all that was left of them. You would cherish them in your heart forever.
Sometimes the boys would come back burnt, with half of their faces blown out or their guts bleeding all over the floor. Their screams of pain would haunt you later at night. Those were your boys.
Perhaps that was why you were everyone's favourite nurse. You were getting attached to them so easily, treating everyone as a friend, offering them a loving hug when they needed it, listening to their stories, helping them to write letters to their mothers and girlfriends or children. You were a good spirit of the base and one of the planes was named after you. So far it still hadn’t gone down and everyone treated it as a sign that you were their guardian angel indeed.
You didn’t see yourself as a guardian angel. If you had to stay within the religious imagery examples, you’d rather describe yourself as a mater dolorosa – lady of sorrows watching her son’s suffering and not being able to help him.
Sometimes they would die in your arms. Still, it was better than to die in a burning plane. Better for them. Not for you.
Today was a day of a very difficult mission. Most of the planes hadn’t come back at all. And the ones who had, were full of men screaming in agony and pain. You were barely able to hold it all together when they were reaching their hands out for you as if your touch would heal them. But it wouldn’t. It couldn’t, no matter how much you wanted it.
“(Y/N), you should take a break…” Your friend put her hand on your shoulder. You were exhausted indeed. You were working for three hours straight without sitting down for one second and you were running around from one bed to another. “Go, rest,” she insisted but you shook your head and went back to work.
Only when you noticed that your hands were shaking so much that you weren’t able to inject a needle into a vein properly, you decided to take a break indeed. You didn’t want to cause even more damage by trying too hard.
But before leaving the sickbay you wanted to check on one of the young pilots. He was nineteen years old, it had been his first mission and you remembered how excited he had been about it. Now he was laying on one of the beds, barely breathing as his chest was burnt and lungs damaged.
You were approaching his bed and your heart sank to your chest at the sight of the doctor putting a white sheet over his face.
“Wh-what… What are you doing to Johnson, sir?” You asked.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” the doctor shook his head. “He’s just passed away.”
You just stood there with your lips slightly parted. Johnson was just another surname on the list of all these boys you would never forget about. But Johnson was special. He was the youngest you had known. He couldn’t stop talking about his mother and little sister, about his dog and his girlfriend waiting for him back in Alabama.
Your sadness overtook your whole body and then it developed into an anger so big that you felt as if you were about to explode and bring down the whole base.
“Son of a bitch…” You breathed out angrily as you stormed out of the sickbay without even taking your apron off. It was full of blood but you did not care.
You walked down the corridor with murder in your eyes, making everyone step out of the way. And you entered the Colonel’s office without knocking, so loudly and rapidly that all the men inside startled.
“Miss?” Colonel Harding asked as he was sitting behind his desk and showing some sort of a map to a few Majors.
One of them was Major Cleven. He hadn’t been up in the air on that day but he would be tomorrow. And was the one you had befriended the most. But even his presence couldn’t stop your rage at that moment.
“You can’t just keep sending them to die, Colonel!” You clenched your fists and approached the desk as the men watched with big eyes. “Look! Look, Colonel! Look!” You showed him your bloody hands and your apron. “Why is it me with their blood and guts all over me? While you’re just sitting here, planning…” You gave the map a very angry look. You wanted to tear it apart and you were shaking to stop yourself from doing so. “You’re sending them to death, all of them, they’re just boys! Johnson was nineteen years old! Do you even know who he was? Or was he just another number to you?!”
“(Y/N), calm down, let’s take you outside…” Buck approached you carefully but you moved away.
“No! I will not be silenced. I have things to say and I will say them!” You snapped at him and he froze. You laid your eyes back on the surprised Colonel again. “You just sit here and plan how to send them to death more efficiently. You men… Can’t you see how stupid this whole war is? How stupid every war is? And just because some brilliant engineers constructed planes, doesn’t mean they should be used to kill people!”
“Miss…” Colonel furrowed his brow, “Miss I-Don’t-Know-Your-Name, are you done?”
“You son of a bitch!” You banged your bloody fists on his desk and his stupid map got covered with blood. “You don’t even know my name. But I am the one to patch them up and hold their hand when they’re dying after you sent them to death. God damn you, Colonel Harding! You and all the Generals that you serve! God damn Hitler, God damn Churchill and God damn your fucking President Roosevelt!”
“(Y/N), please,” Buck’s strong hands pulled you away. “I’m sorry, Colonel. She’s all shook up,” he tried to explain your behaviour as you started sobbing when the anger had finally left your body. You hid your face in his uniform and allowed him to put his arm around you. “I’ll take her outside.”
“Yeah, you better do it, son,” Colonel nodded at him. Buck started to walk you out slowly and carefully as you heard Colonel’s voice while you were walking out of the door. “Poor girl… She needs a free weekend.”
Buck took you outside and watched you worryingly as you were catching your breath back and trying to calm yourself down, wiping the tears off of your face with the palms of your bloody hands.
“Here, let me,” he took out a handkerchief and wiped your face with it gently. “Gee, (Y/N), what was that?”
“I… I don’t know… I just can’t… I can’t do it anymore, Buck… That boy, Johnson, he was nineteen… Nineteen, for God’s sake,” you sniffed your tears back and looked into his eyes as your lips trembled. “He was telling me stories about his mum and little sister… His dog and his girlfriend… And now… And now he’s gone. Just like that. His lungs were burnt. Every breath was agony…” You tried to explain, still shaking.
“You really need a free weekend,” Buck pointed out and brought you closer to give you another hug.
It felt good to be in his arms. It was comforting. But you were scared to admit to yourself that you indeed liked him more than just a friend. Because if he would go down tomorrow or any other day, it would hurt even more.
“I can’t… I can’t leave my boys…” You took a step back to look at his face again. “And… And I can’t just take a free weekend. It would feel wrong. When you boys are up in the air, so brave and so heroic. All I can do is patch you up later. I can’t give up, no…”
“We all need a break sometimes. Hey,” Buck raised your chin up with his finger, “promise me that you’ll take a free weekend.”
“Aren’t you on a mission this weekend?” You asked.
“Then no way, Buck,” you shook your head. “I have to be here to patch you up,” you smiled through the tears.
“There are other nurses ‘round here,” he pointed out with a soft smile.
“I don’t want them to touch you,” you admitted suddenly as your cheeks heated up.
Why the hell had you said that…?
“They don’t know how to patch you up properly, I mean…” You tried to explain yourself quickly. “Only I know how to–”
But he didn’t let you finish. He leaned in very carefully and placed a gentle kiss upon your lips. You were stunned.
“I know what you mean, sweetheart,” he teased after finally breaking the kiss and caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I promise I won’t get a single scratch when you’re not around.”
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Can you do hcs of something like being the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and Bills wife? If you haven't done that?(Also maybe some hcs of being best friends with Heidi?) Love your work, thank you! (Sorry if it's hard to understand, English isn't my first language 😞)
(i most certainly can and I'm very glad you love my work!! Your English is actually really good, I wouldn't be able to tell it's not your first language if you hadn't said so 😭)
Bill Kaulitz's Wife
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You obviously grew up with these fuckers
But you were friends with Georg and Gustav before you even knew Tom and Bill
For Bill it was like love at first sight
He was so young yet he already knew that he was in love with you
Maybe not full blown love yet but definitely puppy love
He was always watching you out the corner of his eye on stage and wanted you to be impressed by his singing
He was always attached to your hip as you guys got older
You guys shared like little secret kisses and hugs and it was so cute because you guys thought you were being sneaky and hiding your little love well
You weren't though because obviously, everybody knew
You guys got teased so much by Gustav, Georg and Tom but it was definitely all worth it
Bill loved being around you and traveling the world and being on stage with you
He loved that you were in the band because you understood struggles and were so close to him all the time
You guys definitely got some little playful nomination of best couple at some little awards show
When you guys win awards, after he hugged Tom it was definitely a little ritual for him to practically pick you up
He definitely was by your side through everything and so were you, especially when he had to have the voice and throat surgery
He loved you even more, which he didn't think was possible, when you stuck by him
You guys had ups and downs and arguments but he was glad for those because it somehow just brought you guys closer
He definitely is that little romantic guy making funny dates for you guys that go wrong when he tries to be romantic
You guys are always sneaking off and doing some dumb crap you guys get shit for but don't care
Bill was especially happy that you were close friends with Tom because it's vital Tom loves you
You guys got married very quickly
It wasn't even meant to go so fast but Bill couldn't even wait and threw out a hasty proposal because he just knew he wanted to be with you
You guys got married and had such a cute wedding
He loved seeing you walk down that aisle and he definitely cried
Tom was the officiant, no doubt
The first look for y'all's wedding he cried
He felt so happy and so lucky and so loved
Every little moment of you guys growing up and loving each other was playing through his mind
He didn't think he would have the great love for a while until you walked through the door and showed him how much he could love someone
He loves that you accept him for him, how he dresses, his makeup, his hair and that you support him wholeheartedly
He gets you so many things just because
You and Heidi are best friends definitely
Since Tom and Bill are twins you two are always side by side
You guys team up on Tom and Bill everyday
You guys are always doing some shit to them just because you can
You guys have double dates a love as well
You love Heidi's kids as well
You and Bill definitely babysit them for a bit while Tom and Heidi do whatever
You and Heidi love traveling and dragging along Bill and Tom
They love you guys though
You and Heidi give each other tips on how to deal with these assholes
Especially you because you grew up with them
Heidi loves hearing embarrassing stories about Tom growing up
It's your favorite pastime as well
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife @nyxwritesshit
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 3: Kiss it Better (NSFW)
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Synopsis: Jack ends up getting into an argument with Kelsey and quickly makes it up in his mind to visit you in order to take his mind off of it. Little did the two of you know that those feelings that had been buried all those years ago would come straight up to the surface.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack let out a frustrated sigh thinking about the argument that had ensued between him and Kelsey that morning as he was now currently on a plane to California for Druski's premiere. All that he asked of her was to be a little more supportive as he had been under a lot of stress lately and wasn't taking his feelings into consideration and that sent them into a full blown yelling match with her accusing him of saying that she wasn't supportive of him at all.
Shaking his head and trying not to think about it, he pulled out his phone to text you and see what you were up to since he wanted to see you before leaving the state. Druski's premiere was later on that day and he didn't plan on doing anything after except being with you if you were available.
Ever since the two of you reunited at his birthday party, you were all that he could think about. For the entire week that you were there, he spent about every day with you and it was safe to say that he missed your presence and being around you.
And his feelings that were buried deep down had made their way to the surface and had hit him like a ton of bricks.
Yes, he married Kelsey. But did he love her? When they got married he definitely did, but he didn't love her as much as he loved you and knew that no one else on the face of the earth would be able to fill your shoes. He was hurt when he found out you got married, but what could he had done at that point? The two of you hadn't spoken for years and even though he wanted it to be him, he was happy that you found happiness and would never try to ruin that for you. But now hearing about how Xavier had been treating you, he wanted to get you away from him as soon as he could. He knew you were trying to plan everything out, but he didn't want you to have to deal with that situation any longer.
Jack Jack- What are you getting up to tonight pretty girl?
You- Eating and sleeping. My all time favorite pastimes.
Jack Jack- Hmm, now you can't do that if I'm coming to see you, now can you?
You- 👀
You- When will you be here!?!?
Jack Jack- In about an hour or so. I know you're still working but I'm going to Druski's premiere and I wanted to see you after. So around 11 tonight? Is that too late?
You- Never too late when it involves me getting to see you. Now I'm hoping the day goes by a little faster.
Jack Jack- Aww does someone miss me?
You- Don’t push it lol
Jack Jack- Been having a shitty week but I know seeing you will make it better.
You- Oh no. My poor baby. Tell me all about it later. Just text me the address of your hotel and the room. I know how reserved you are and highly doubt you want paparazzi in your face.
Jack Jack- Can't wait to see you
Clay looked over at Jack and immediately asked what had him in such a good mood since he had literally been pissed off less than ten minutes ago.
“Who are you texting that has you smiling like that?”
“Well we know it's not Kelsey.” Urban muttered and Clay couldn't help but to stifle a laugh.
“My guess is Y/N, since he hasn't stopped talking about her.”
“The person that you should have married.”
“And how many times are you going to remind me? What was I supposed to do? Make her divorce him so I could marry her? We hadn't even talked in seven years at that point!” Jack exclaimed while looking at both of them.
“You should've been like I OBJECT!”
“I mean…… that plan could work because she had straight googly eyes when yall made eye contact.”
“And she didn't leave your side the entire night.” Urban added.
“And you don't like your wife. None of us do.”
“I… not too much on Kelsey now!” Jack said while attempting to defend his wife, but all they did was look at him.
“Because we're legit confused on how and why you married her in the first place. We told you not to and now look, sitting up here miserable and unhappy.”
“I care about her!” Jack said, defending his actions.
“Notice how you said care and not love? Yall argue every waking hour and you are always grumpy. You haven't been grumpy and in a mood since you basically spent your entire birthday week up Y/N's ass. Well except for today when you know, got into an argument with that woman who shares your last name.”
“Wait…. did yall… fuck? As in you and Y/N?”
“NO URB! I didn't cheat on Kelsey and did we forget that Y/N is married too?”
“What is that supposed to mean? We don't like him either. Don't even know shit about him, but he's not you and you and Y/N belong together. Don't make me start singing Mariah Carey.”
“And Kelsey treats you like the gum on the bottom of her shoe.”
“Facts, no printer.”
“Yall just don't know her like I do.”
“And we don't want to.”
Jack sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair because he knew that they were exactly right.
“Think about it like this. Your own wife didn't come to your birthday party yet, your EX-GIRLFRIEND from when you were in HIGH SCHOOL did. What does that tell you?”
“And who is she married to?”
“His name is Xavier.” Jack answered as he pulled up your instagram and handed Urban his phone.
“Oh? What do you mean oh?” Jack asked as everyone had now gathered around Urban to get a glimpse.
“If this is the dude you're competing with, you can take him.”
“Maybe we could set up a boxing match.”
“Jack is definitely a lover and not a fighter. He wouldn't make it to the second round.”
“Don't get mad at me because it's true.” Clay replied while holding his hands up in defense.
“But the thing is, Y/N told me she's divorcing him.”
“Good! Then ease your way in!”
“And he's about to have a baby on her.”
“Don't finish that sentence, but yes.”
“Well divorce the wicked witch of the west so you can marry her.”
“Clay! Stop calling her that!”
“Why? It's funny and she's evil so it fits her personality.”
“Not the point!”
“Oh, so you agree?”
“Look, I’m going to try and make it work with Kelsey.” Jack told them, but at this point he didn't know if he was trying to convince them or trying to convince himself.
“I think I threw up in my mouth a little.”
You couldn't wait until your last case of the day since that would then let you go home and sleep until It was time to meet up with Jack. It was nice since Xavier was now on another one of his business trips, but you knew all that meant was his was with the woman who he was cheating on you with. He had hid it well when he first stepped out on you, but within the last year he had grown sloppy, but he still had no clue about you knowing.
It was still early in the afternoon when you decided to shoot Jack a quick text to let him know that he could now come over to your house seeing as your husband was nowhere to be found and went off to take a shower to wash the long day off of you.
You saw Jack's reply once you stepped out of the shower and he said that he would let you know when he was on his way. There were still a few more hours left to kill so you decided to take a short quick nap before he got there. But as much as you wanted to, your mind just wouldn't turn off.
The thoughts that consumed your mind consisted of Xavier and Jack and how you never should have ended your relationship with Jack because you knew for a fact that you would have been a lot happier. But, you loved Xavier too despite what he's doing to you even though it hurts to no end. He barely showed you any affection anymore and if he did, it felt forced. But when Jack did it? Felt like something out of a fairytale.
You simply wish you could fast forward to the part where you were happy.
Startled by a sudden knock on the door, you lifted your head to peek at your phone and noticed it was around 11:15 and instantly got excited because you knew it was Jack.
Once you opened the front door, you immediately tackled him into a hug as he kissed the top of your head.
“Hey Buttercup.” Your heart instantly fluttered hearing the nickname that Jack had given to you when the two of you were fifteen and the smile on your face couldn't help but to get bigger.
“Hey, I think the day went by extra slow because I couldn't wait to see you.” You replied as you stepped to the side to let him in.
Once he was in the foyer, he was taken in by his surroundings.
“You mean to tell me yall got this big ass house for only two people?”
“The goal was for it to be filled with little ones but that dream has quickly gone out the window.” You quietly answered and it looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself.
But it came out anyway.
“You wouldn't want to be tied to someone like that for the rest of your life anyway. You deserve better than that.”
“I… I know. I just feel that I'm in a difficult position. But moving on because I know you didn't come here to hear me whine about him. Let me give you the grand tour.”
“It doesn't bother me. If you need to vent, I'm always going to be there to listen. No matter what time of day or night it is.”
“I really appreciate you saying that.”
Moving throughout the house, you showed him everything there was to see and you simply left your bedroom and closet for last knowing that he was going to spend at least an hour admiring your shoe collection.
Once you opened the double doors to the master bedroom, he simply laughed to himself.
“What in the world is so funny, Jackson?”
“I can tell that you designed this, didn't you?”
“He let me have at it so I simply did what I want with it.”
“So this is where the magic happens?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“Magic? As in me using my vibrator because that is literally the only magic that happens here. Anyway, let me show you my closet because I know you'll definitely like it.”
“So, we're just going to skip over the vibrator part that you mentioned?” Jack asked and you simply shrugged.
“Not every guy is in tune with his wife's body and knows how to please her, but that's a story for another day.”
“He definitely should be and there's no excuse for that.”
Jack then followed behind as you led the way into the walk-in closet and he immediately took note of your shoe collection just like you knew he would.
“I… Well damn. Maybe you should be an ambassador for New Balance too.”
“I can't help it. I literally buy a pair every time I go out. And a lot of that time is spent thinking about how my life is a hot ass mess. Sorry I'm doing it again. Now what had you upset earlier?”
“You don't have to apologize and it was Kelsey.”
“What happened?”
“All I asked was if she could be more supportive since I have had a lot going on and been kinda stressed out. She took it upon herself to accuse me of saying she's not supportive at all and it turned into a screaming match. Well her screaming at me really.”
“Did she not comprehend what you were saying?”
“As of lately, it seems like she's not comprehending anything when she used to not do that. Clay calls her the wicked witch of the west.”
You couldn't help but to immediately laugh.
“I'm sorry, but that is hilarious.”
“It's sad to say but I've gotten used to it.”
“Why? You shouldn't be used to arguing with your spouse all the time.”
“No, but… I don't know. I always say that I want to try and make it work between the both of us but when I replay these incidents over and over again it makes me think that it might not actually be worth it.”
“Then if it isn't worth it, let it go. Why would you want to be married to someone like that anyway?” You said which was similar to what he had told you earlier.
“Hmm, you want the honest answer?”
“Of course I do.”
“Only because my real bride was already spoken for.” He answered while looking directly at you.
You didn't answer him as he had quickly gotten distracted with something hanging up in your closet.
“Wait… Is this my hoodie? You've had it all this time?” He asked while holding it up and inspecting it.
“Yeah, it was comfy so I decided to steal it and never give it back.”
“Hmm, how does your husband feel about you having your ex-boyfriend's hoodie?”
“Well it's a good thing he doesn't know now isn't it? It still smells like you too believe it or not after all these years. And why should he even care? It's not like we're having sex with each other because that's exactly what he's doing and ended up getting her pregnant.”
“We're not, but it definitely sounds like you need someone to please you because he's not doing his job.”
The two of you were now dangerously close as Jack once again started playing with the ends of your hair as the hand that wasn't occupied cupped your face. Before you knew it, he leaned in and his lips were on yours. After kissing him back you immediately pushed him away from you.
“Jack… we can't and you know that.” You said not believing your own words for a second.
“Is it the fact that we can't or the fact that you don't want to admit that you feel the same way about me as you did when you were fourteen?” He asked you as he closed the space in between the two of you once more.
When you were quiet, he asked you once again and your thoughts were running rampant.
“Y/N, do you want me to stop?” He asked as he began to kiss down your neck and you could feel the river that was beginning to form between your thighs.
“No.” You breathed out before bringing his face back close to yours.
His hand reached under your shirt and was surprised to find out that you weren't wearing anything underneath and began to massage them and roll your nipples in between his fingers instantly making them hard as he kept his mouth on yours.
You broke apart from him as he was simply staring at you with his thumb grazing your cheek.
No words were spoken as you led him back into the master bedroom with both of you trying to strip out of the clothes that you were wearing at a rapid speed.
Once you were left bare underneath him, he slowly inserted two fingers into you seeing how wet you were and he immediately smirked as he leaned down to kiss you.
You moaned into his mouth and that was when he increased his pace moving his fingers in and out of you.
By this point your eyes were closed and you rightfully gasped as you felt him take one long lick across your folds. Jack then spread your legs to the point where they were behind your head so that he would have enough room.
“I don't think your husband would take it too well that I'm fucking his wife in his bed but clearly someone has to do it since he can't get it right.” You heard him say and you let out a quiet laugh before you once again felt his mouth on you.
You couldn't even remember the last time that you were in that much pleasure, but knew that Jack was only getting started.
Between him using his mouth and his fingers, you knew it wouldn't take long in order for you to reach your peak and you decided to speed up the process by playing with your pierced nipples.
As you loudly moaned his name, Jack then went to suck on your clit and you knew it was only a matter of seconds before you were going to hit your peak.
“Oh, fuck. Right there, stay right there.” You said as your hands were now tangled in his hair in order to be able to keep him as close as possible.
“Baby, I’m about to…”
“Then do it.” Jack said as he broke away from you to answer but went right back to his original position.
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks that your legs were shaking, but Jack hadn't stopped eating you out which quickly made you go into having another one.
No sound was coming out of your mouth as Jack let you ride it out before detaching from you and crawling back up your body with him planting kisses on your skin along his path.
Once he reached your lips, he gave you several pecks before you felt his fingers now massaging your clit and he was now smirking at you.
“You ready for me, sweet girl? I can tell that your body is, but I need to hear you say it.”
“Been ready for you.”
As you noticed the precum leaking from the tip, you sat up and quickly took him in your mouth, making him hiss and throw his head back in pleasure.
You used your hand for where your mouth couldn't reach and you soon felt him twitch and took that as a sign that he was growing closer to hitting his peak when he suddenly lightly pushed you away from him and you quickly looked up at him confused.
“There's no way I'm about to last much longer and I need to feel you.”
“I'm on birth control, so it's all good. Nothing to worry about.” You said as you got settled once more at the top of the bed as he took hold of your hips and slowly entered you, leading to a moan escaping both of your mouths.
“You feel so good around me, but you have to relax baby and give me some room. Just relax, I got you.”
It was definitely easier said than done.
But once you did and the two of you got in a comfortable rhythm, your arms went around Jack's neck as he buried his face in your shoulder.
Hearing him moan in your ear let you know another orgasm was right around the corner as you then reached down to play with your clit. Your hand was soon replaced with his as you then heard the garage door open.
“Fuck, he's back early.”
“We're not leaving this bed until you scream my name, you understand?”
You immediately nodded your head as Jack then increased his pace as you were hoping to not get caught by your husband. But at this point in time, you didn't care.
The thrill of being caught got you excited.
“That's it. That's it, pretty girl. Are you going to cum for me? Cum all over my dick.”
Without another word, both of you hit your peak at the same time with you loudly moaning in his ear. As he was letting you recover, he placed kisses all over your body before planting one more on your lips which immediately made you smile.
“We need to hurry up and get dressed before he comes upstairs? Don't you think?” Jack asked but not before taking one of your nipples in his mouth and lightly sucking.
“Don't start because now we definitely can't finish.”
“Hmm… to be continued.”
Once the two of you slipped your clothes back on and made your way back downstairs you were now sitting on the couch with the television on as Xavier walked in.
“Oh hey, you're back early.” You said as he leaned down to kiss you which now left a sour taste in your mouth.
“I figured why not since I wanted to spend time with my wife. And who do we have here?”
“Jack this is my husband Xavier and Xavier this is Jack. We went to high school together and he was in town so we decided to catch up.”
“Nice to meet you Jack.”
“You too.” Jack replied as he was taking in meeting your piece of shit husband in person for the first time.
“Doesn't surprise me you two are still catching up at 3 in the morning. Y/N has always been a night owl.” He said in a somewhat accusatory tone, but Jack quickly shut it down.
“Well I had a premiere to go to and didn't get finished until late, but I was just leaving since I have an early flight.”
“Well next time you're here, we all should go out.” Xavier offered and Jack quickly agreed.
“Sure thing and I can bring my wife so it will be a double date.”
Hearing him say that immediately made your stomach go into a series of knots.
“Come on Jack so I can walk you out.”
Once outside and by his rental car, the two of you immediately busted out laughing.
“I don't think I've ever gotten dressed that fast before. That had to be some type of record.”
“I mean he could have always come in to get a few pointers from me.” Jack replied and you lightly hit his arm.
“What? You know I'm telling the truth. When's the last time he made you feel that good?” Jack asked as he whispered the last part in your ear and slipped a hand in your shorts.
“I take that as the answer being never.” He said as he removed his hand and brought it up to his mouth to suck on his fingers.
“Taste so good and you are making it so hard for me to not fuck you again right here and right now.”
“Behave, Jackman!” You exclaimed as he quickly began playing with your hair and the two of you stood in a comfortable silence.
“Until next time, buttercup.”
“Until next time, Jackson.”
“Oh and I hope you don't mind me taking these?” He asked as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the purple thong that you had been wearing earlier before it got discarded on the floor.
“You know purple's my favorite color.” Was all he said before he placed a kiss on your cheek.
After Jack had drove off, you went back into the house and the realization of what you had just done hit you.
You just cheated on your husband with your ex-boyfriend.
And didn't regret it one bit.
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wavelikewhat · 1 year
Pairing: Producer!Woozi x Producer!Reader (she/her pronouns) Summary: You help Jihoon meet an unexpected deadline for a song and he wonders why he can’t stop thinking about you. Luckily his members nudge him toward the answer. Wordcount: 4.5k Content notes: none Genre/themes/appearances: fluff, strangers to lovers, idol/non-idol, music talk, Hoshi meddling, Seungcheol interrogating, Jeonghan snooping
A/N: So this is technically a fanfic for two fanfics: when I read i look good on you by @seungkwansphd I needed a backstory for them immediately. Then last week I read Live by @wondernus and it felt like it fit into my headcanon, so my mind started filling out how they met and got back together and began a public relationship… So here I am posting my first Woozi fic that is a fake prequel to those two, in a way? Please read those because they are so short and so sweet and will have your imagination (and heart) racing! This story is about how this couple gets together :)
“Ya! Soonyoung!” Jihoon called out.
Soonyoung abruptly stopped dancing and turned around, surprised to see Jihoon in his practice room. “What are you doing here?”
Jihoon got straight to the point, as always. “Do you have the number of the producer who wrote the song you did with Youngji?” he asked as he walked toward Soonyoung at the mirrored wall.
Soonyoung’s eyes widened. “Y/N? Why do you need her number at…” He glanced up at the clock on the wall above the mirrors and added, “11:45 at night?”
Jihoon sighed, exasperated that this ‘quick question’ was turning into a full blown conversation. “I have to finish that song featuring a woman’s vocals. The company wants to hear it tomorrow, but I need someone who can sing on the demo. They’ll have a hard time picturing a woman singing it if I sing it.”
Soonyoung nodded slowly. “That makes sense. Y/N sang the guide for that song. Yes, I have her number.” He walked over to his bag and fished out his phone. “Sent.”
Jihoon’s phone buzzed in his hand, and he looked down to see a notification from Soonyoung. “Thanks.” He turned and headed out of the room.
Soonyoung watched the door close, shrugged, and walked back to the mirrors to practice.
[Jihoon - Universe Factory] 23:49 - This is Jihoon, Soonyoung gave me your number. Would you be able to sing on a demo for me tonight? I’m working on a song with a woman’s vocals and the company wants to hear it tomorrow. 
[Y/N] 23:50 - Did you give someone my number?
[Hoshi] 23:50 - Woozi asked me for it. Did he text you?
[Y/N] 23:50 - He did, but I had to make sure it was real
[Hoshi] 23:50 - LOL!
[Y/N - Bespoke Records] 23:51 - Hi! I’m just finishing up at my studio. I can definitely help. 
[Jihoon - Universe Factory] 23:51- Any chance you could come to my studio tonight then? 
[Y/N - Bespoke Records] 23:52 - Sure, send me the location.
You stared at your phone in shock. There is no way THE Woozi (and he called himself JIHOON?! like you were actual people who knew each other?) just asked you for help at midnight on a Tuesday. You honestly almost said yes even before your brain had a brief moment of sanity and directed you to check with Hoshi. 
When Woozi asked you to come to his studio you completely froze, re-entering reality only long enough to let him know you could be there. You’d seen clips of him working at the studio and it seemed like such a cool place. You couldn't believe you were really about to go inside.
Woozi (Jihoon, you reminded yourself) even sent a company car to pick you up, which was very thoughtful of him. Then again, you were doing him a huge favor by agreeing to meet him at midnight on a Tuesday. He was lucky you were a night owl. The least he could do was give you a free ride.
All throughout the ride to his studio from yours, you felt like you should be manically texting someone about it, but you were somewhat frozen in shock. You sent a message to your roommate letting them know that you were staying out late to work with another producer, and you gave them the address for “Jihoon’s studio” and made sure location sharing was still turned on for your phone. (Safety first.) You did this frequently enough that they easily replied they'd keep their ringer on and check on you in the morning to make sure you made it back.
You stared out the window as buildings and brightly lit late-night restaurants flashed by. Suddenly, you realized, I am literally living my dream at this exact moment. You lived in Seoul working as a music producer, you had an amazing roommate you loved, you had fun meeting and collaborating with other producers in the business, and you worked on several very successful songs. And now you were about to meet one of the most successful producers in the world. Unreal.
The car arrived at what looked like an average gray building after a 15 minute ride from your studio. The subway entrance across the street told you the building was only one stop away from your apartment on the subway line you rode to work. 
A security guard at the entrance let you in and pointed out the correct elevator. As the elevator doors closed, you heard him on the phone with Jihoon, letting him know you arrived. When the doors opened, you didn’t even have to wander around looking for the right room. Jihoon stood outside one of the doorways and nodded quickly before heading back into a room halfway down the hall.
You took a deep breath and started toward the studio. You had butterflies in your stomach. You didn't follow the group closely, yet among the members you’d always felt particularly drawn to Jihoon, not just for his looks (because he was so handsome you could barely believe it) but for his mind. This was an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity to work with such a talented producer.
When you walked into the studio, it was exactly as it looked in the clips you saw online. He was sitting at a computer and beside him was an empty chair. On the desk were big headphones and a microphone that were both plugged into his system. You’d only seen this microphone model online, and your excitement grew at the chance of getting to use it.
“Thanks for coming over,” Jihoon said as you walked to his desk. “I had a busy schedule today so I didn’t find out until an hour ago that they wanted it so fast.”
“Happy to help. I’m glad you thought of me.” At that moment, he looked up and met your eyes. His gaze was intense and his eyes seemed to stare into you. Maybe this was his work mode.
Shake it off, you told yourself, dropping your bag under the desk and sitting down. Be professional. 
Jihoon played the ballad for you a few times and explained the concept. He sent you the lyrics so you could scroll through on your phone and follow along. You sang along under your breath, shoulders bobbing to the beat. The song was sure to be a hit, but he was correct that it was hard to imagine a woman featuring on the song with his (absolutely incredible) vocals on the demo. 
“Are you ready to record?” Jihoon asked. 
You nodded. You were never nervous the first time you sang something. It was like making pancakes: the first one didn’t count. That was your personal rule. You carefully put on the headphones and settled the microphone in front of you where you liked it.
You sang the lyrics exactly as written with the same vocalization he used in his version. A few times, your tongue twisted over the words. Your gut told you it wasn’t your singing style that was the issue. It felt like the sounds of those particular words didn’t fit those specific bars. As Jihoon played it back for you, you settled in to listen but you still felt some of the lyrics weren’t aligned with the song’s concept or sound.
Jihoon tilted his head and looked at you. It looked like he was calculating something. “What are you thinking?” he asked, turning his chair to face you fully.
You hesitated for a moment, but this was work. Jihoon was looking for your professional opinion as a songwriter. He obviously heard the demos you’d sent Hoshi back when you wrote a song for him and Youngji, and Jihoon liked your voice enough to ask for it on his demo. So this was definitely about work.
“I think a few of the lyrics need to be changed.” You scrolled to the first spot on your phone and pointed. “Right here, these three syllables are clashing against the musical phrasing underneath. You should do two syllables with an elongated vowel.”
Jihoon nodded slowly. “I know what you mean. What about ‘only’ or ‘maybe’ in that spot?” He looked at the lyrics on your phone and sang that section a few times to test out both options. You nodded along, feeling the rhythm of the lyrics.
“Maybe. It fits the concept of the song better.”
“I agree. What else?” 
As you pointed out a few other suggestions, you found yourself much more comfortable working with him than you expected. Sometimes when you met some of the bigger producers for the first time, you felt too starstruck to make any changes to their work. But something about working alone in the quiet studio with Jihoon made your typical unease disappear. His presence filled the room, but his questions were clear and direct and you always knew exactly what he was asking.
Ten minutes later, Jihoon started a second recording, this time with the new lyrics. Despite the late hour, your voice felt strong and your mouth formed every word exactly as you intended. When you finished singing and took off the headphones, Jihoon’s eyes sparkled at you before he spoke. You felt it, too. This was it. You wouldn’t need to lay another track.
“Ready to hear it?” he asked, looking back at the computer and not addressing the fact that you both knew it was going to be perfect. You could hear the note of anticipation in his voice.
A broad smile stretched across your face as you listened to the entire song. Afterwards, Jihoon turned to you with his phone in hand. 
“Send me your agency’s contact information and the email address for the legal department. I need the KOMCA registration details so I can list your name in the credits.”
And just like that, you officially collaborated on a song with Universe Factory.
“Did you end up recording with Y/N?” Soonyoung asked Jihoon as they walked back to the practice room holding fresh iced Americanos.
“She came over that night and recorded the demo,” Jihoon replied, heading up a staircase.
Soonyoung’s eyes bugged out of his head and he stumbled on a step. He grabbed the railing to catch himself. “That night? It was the middle of the night!”
Jihoon shrugged. “She said she could.”
“What did you do together?” Soonyoung asked suspiciously. 
“What do you mean? We recorded the song.”
“That’s it?”
“What else would we do? She helped with the lyrics and I set it up to give her writing credits.”
“Of course I did. She made the song better.”
Soonyoung watched Jihoon out of the corner of his eye. That was one of the nicest things Jihoon had ever said about anyone. Soonyoung took another sip of his coffee, his mind racing as he calculated a hundred algorithms at once. This whole situation was pretty unusual. But maybe, just maybe, his suspicion about Jihoon was correct.
“When are you seeing her again?” Soonyoung asked casually after they reached the top of the steps.
Jihoon cocked his head, thinking. “Maybe I’ll invite her to the recording. She would probably like that.”
Again, Soonyoung stumbled over his own two feet out of shock that Jihoon was considering someone’s feelings, and it wasn’t someone he’d known for a decade. And he didn’t always consider the feelings of members he knew for that long.
“Aren’t you going to buy dinner to thank her?” Soonyoung suggested.
“Is that necessary?”
“It would be the professional thing to do. Wouldn’t you do that if you worked with a guy? And Y/N really helped you meet your deadline.”
Jihoon thought carefully about the suggestion as they approached the door to the practice room. “You’re right. I should treat her to dinner. I’ll send her a message when we’re done.”
“I’ll remind you!” Soonyoung exclaimed enthusiastically.
Late at night a few days later, you walked up the hill to your apartment, completely lost in thought. You just finished dinner with Jihoon, and sharing the meal felt as comfortable as when you were recording in his studio last week.
After recording the demo together, he coordinated with your agency to make sure your credits appeared properly on the new song. You also had to sign an NDA about the song, studio location, and spending time with Jihoon. I guess it goes with the territory, you thought to yourself as you signed it. 
During dinner, Jihoon explained the rushed deadline for the demo was because the song would be an OST for a drama starring one of the hottest actors in the country and the drama producers wanted to hear the song. Of course, they loved it and approved it.
It was hard to believe you worked with Jihoon on a song that Dokyeom was about to sing for a highly anticipated drama. It was even wilder that *Woozi* was saved in your phone simply as Jihoon, as if he was just another producer you worked with. And you were so surprised when he offered to buy you a meal to thank you. You should be the one thanking him!
But the simple meal was delicious and the quiet dinner in the small family-run restaurant near his studio (and near your apartment, but he didn't need to know that) was really nice. The owners seemed to know him well and treated him as a son. You knew you would remember the evening fondly. 
Conversation mostly focused on work, but when Jihoon learned where you went to college for music production, it turned out you had learned from his mentors. He shared some genuinely entertaining stories from when he was starting to learn production software and recording tools. 
It all made him more… real, and less of a person you just saw in videos on your phone. You sort of couldn't stop thinking about him, and as you walked up the steps leading to your apartment building, you found yourself mentally scrolling through all your draft songs to see if he might want to work on one with you.
[Jihoon] 21:09 - Would you be interested in coming to Dokyeom’s recording on Tuesday?
[Y/N] 21:15 - I would love that!
Through the glass of the recording booth, Jihoon watched you chatting with Dokyeom like you were old friends. He felt his stomach twist but couldn't figure out why. 
Dokyeom had convinced you to record one track where you sang with him, even though they had a famous singer scheduled to record that verse tomorrow. So there you were, giggling with Dokyeom in the booth.
"Ready?" Jihoon asked over the booth speakers. He watched you and Dokyeom giggle yet again over the grumpy tone of his request before settling in around the mic.
Jihoon began the recording and heard your voice pipe through his headphones. Dokyeom added unplanned adlibs underneath, which Jihoon grudgingly acknowledged worked better than what he'd suggested.
It was so odd that Jihoon felt so protective of this song when it wasn't even his song anymore. You had made it so much better, and now the two singers were going to apply their own professional minds to the song. This is how it always went.
So why was he jealous of not being on the track himself? Of not being the one in the booth with you? Jihoon saw Dokyeom tap you on the shoulder to encourage you to join him on the final vocal runs. Oh yes, he was definitely feeling weirdly jealous over you two for some reason.
The music ended and you looked through the glass directly at Jihoon, eyes shining at him with a huge grin across your face. Jihoon found himself smiling back. You looked really beautiful at that moment.
Dokyeom's eyes widened as he glanced between you and Jihoon. He had never seen Jihoon appear so connected with a virtual stranger. The camera crew appeared to think the same thing, because he saw one of them move to get a close up of Jihoon, and he saw the robotic camera in the booth tilt toward you.
You broke eye contact with Jihoon to take off your headphones and thank Dokyeom for a chance to record the song for fun, and Jihoon shook himself out of whatever bizarre hypnosis he was going through. He headed over to the computer to send this track to his personal email, just in case he may want to listen to it later.
After a few more recordings of Dokyeom alone (his raw vocals were no joke), the three of you chatted in the studio while the engineer finalized the tracks and Dokyeom suggested getting dinner.
"I would love to, but I'm meeting my roommate for dinner," you explained. "We live nearby."
"Invite them!" Dokyeom replied. "Let me pick a spot and send you the location." He scrolled through the map on his phone.
Jihoon tidied the studio and listened to the two of you talk about dinner options. So you lived nearby and had a roommate. For some reason, he liked learning things about you. It must be because you worked together so well.
Dokyeom selected a restaurant and you called your roommate to ask about meeting you and your friends for dinner. You made eye contact with Jihoon when you said that into your phone. "Friends." Were the two of you friends now? Maybe.
"Jihoon, did you watch the new behind the scenes video?" Seungcheol asked as they rode to their next schedule.
Jihoon responded without looking up from his phone. "Not yet. It’s been a busy week."
"The fans are going crazy over your recording with Y/N."
Jihoon looked up at the sound of your name. He didn't realize Seungcheol knew who you were. "My recording with Y/N? You mean Dokyeom's OST recording?"
"That's not what Carats are calling it."
Seungcheol held his phone up so Jihoon could see a fan edit of the few clips from the episode that showed you with him in the studio. It ended with a screenshot from Dokyeom's Instagram story showing the three of you at dinner after the recording, in a photo taken by your roommate. 
"What is that all about?" Jihoon wondered aloud. He was genuinely confused.
"Are you two dating?" Seungcheol asked directly.
Behind him in the car, Jeonghan and Minghao immediately stopped chatting. This was far more interesting than their conversation. While eavesdropping, Jeonghan frantically searched your name and Jihoon's name on social media to find the clip Seungcheol was talking about.
"No," Jihoon replied. "We worked together on the song and Dokyeom suggested we have dinner. We had dinner another time, too." 
"That’s it?" Seungcheol asked skeptically.
"What do you mean? That's it."
Seungcheol looked from Jihoon to his phone, where the edit was playing again. Seungcheol agreed with the fans. There were definitely sparks between you and Jihoon. Maybe Jihoon didn't realize it yet. 
By then, Jeonghan had found the clip and was watching it on mute with Minghao. They shared a meaningful look. They would probably agree with Seungcheol on his theory. 
Jeonghan opened his text thread with Soonyoung and sent him a message out of curiosity. "Do you still hang out with Y/N?"
You were surprised by the reaction to the behind the scenes video. Most of your friends were excited to see the clips of Jihoon and Dokyeom and kept telling you the video was so cute. 
Back when Dokyeom tagged you on his Instagram story, you explained to your friends that you worked on something with them and it had been an amazing experience. They were all happy for you and excited after the song was released and became so popular.
The fans seemed to have the same reaction as your friends. You were naturally a little nervous about what Carats would say when Jihoon's company asked if you were willing to be recorded. After the video, the fans seemed to think you were adorable and talented and that you worked well with Jihoon. It wasn't the dramatic reaction your roommate predicted.
But your roommate was also convinced you were into Jihoon and he was into you. While that might be half true, despite your denial, nothing in the video showed anything personal between you and Jihoon. Not that there was anything personal between the two of you, but sometimes you felt like he was giving…something. His attention felt more intense than regular coworker attention. You sort of loved having all his attention focused on you.
Nevertheless, you were barely in the video after all, since it was about Dokyeom recording the song. They cut the entire section with the track you sang with Dokyeom. The few clips where you appeared mostly showed you chatting and interacting with Jihoon, and you may have watched one or two fan edits of those scenes.
No matter what was or wasn't going on between you and Jihoon, you would never forget immediately after the music stopped, when the two of you stared into each other's eyes in a perfect moment in time.
Even if he never contacted you again, you would never forget that moment.
[Jihoon] 13:30 - I just learned the song was nominated for best OST
[Y/N] 13:31 - WHAT?? Really?? 
[Jihoon] 13:31 - It's your first nomination right?
[Y/N] 13:31 - Yes! 
[Y/N] 13:31 - I can't believe it
[Y/N] 13:32 - I'm in shock
[Jihoon] 13:32 - I asked them to invite you to the ceremony
[Y/N] 13:32 - You didn't have to do that 
[Jihoon] 13:33 - I have to sit with the group, but even if we don't win I want it to be a special night for you
[Jihoon] 13:33 - It's an honor to be nominated
[Y/N] 13:34 - Thank you so much for including me in all of this
[Jihoon] 13:34 - You earned this 
"...produced by Woozi of Universe Factory, and written by Woozi of Universe Factory and Y/N of Bespoke Records. This is the first win and first nomination in this category for these songwriters. Please welcome Woozi and Dokyeom to the stage."
Jihoon was actually surprised the song won. The other nominees were very popular as well, but all were produced by groups who wrote many drama OSTs. Seungkwan clapped his back and encouraged him to go up to the stage with Dokyeom as the members cheered and clapped around him. Above the noise, Jihoon could hear the song playing in the background.
As he stood, he took a moment to scan the audience, hoping he might see you. He didn't know where your assigned seat was, only that you weren't at one of the tables at the front with the larger groups and celebrities. He knew you were here because of the excited text messages you sent him after you spotted his table.
Dokyeom led the way to the stage. Jihoon reached the microphone and accepted the award, bowing to the MCs. They stepped back and motioned toward the microphone. Dokyeom nodded encouragingly. Jihoon had done this so many times yet completely forgot what he was supposed to do this time. He wished you were on stage with him.
"Thank you, thank you everyone. Thank you to the company and the drama producers for this opportunity. Thank you to the viewers for appreciating the song from rookie OST producers. Thank you to Y/N, who is also here tonight, for elevating the song to what you hear today. She…" 
Jihoon trailed off as loud applause covered his voice and people seemed to be looking at the screen behind him. He turned to look and his mind went blank. You looked radiant in your elegant dress and glowing smile. 
He'd never seen you in such a beautiful gown (he only saw you in jeans or sweats and he loved that didn't follow all the trends). Your makeup was shimmering on camera (your everyday makeup always wore off by the time you arrived at your late night meetings but you were always beautiful to him). Everything about you was captivating.
He was a man of few words, generally, but right now he was speechless.
Finally, Dokyeom poked his side and nodded toward the microphone forcefully. Jihoon's years of media training kicked in and he turned back to the audience to finish his speech.
"Thank you also to our wonderful singers who brought so much life to the song. I hope we are all able to return to you soon as stronger artists."
When Jihoon returned to his seat, Soonyoung eagerly whispered, "Y/N looks gorgeous, doesn't she? How did you know she was here?"
"I invited her," Jihoon replied. And she does look amazing, he thought to himself.
Late that night, many hours later, Jihoon's phone buzzed as he filled a glass of water. He looked at the notification and saw it was a message from you.
[Y/N] 4:13 - Thank you so much for everything. I'm going to remember tonight for the rest of my life. It was an honor to work with you and I'm so proud of the song.
Jihoon looked at the time. Maybe it was too late to call you, but you were clearly up too late thinking about things, just as he was. He tapped the icon to call you and was still a little surprised when you picked up.
“Hi. I just wanted to say it was a privilege to work with you too.” There was a pause and he awkwardly filled it. “The award will be sent to your company after they engrave it.”
“Oh! Thank you. I’ve never won anything before. It still doesn't feel real.”
Jihoon heard a small thump in the background. It sounded like you sat down. He sat down on the couch himself and set his glass on the table in front of him.
“It would be funny if we worked together again and won another award.”
It wouldn’t be funny, Jihoon thought. It was very possible. You were extremely talented. “Why not? You should send me some of your songs.”
You chuckled into his ear. Something about this made his heart beat faster. “I've been thinking about doing that but I didn't know if you would want to listen to my music.”
“Of course I do.”
The line went silent. 
Jihoon wondered if you could tell how he felt about you. His friends told him women were more perceptive than they expected, especially if you treat them disrespectfully. He tried to treat everyone with respect. But he wanted more from you. He wanted more with you.
“YN? Are you still there?”
“I am,” you replied quietly.
“After you send me some songs, should we have dinner again? Just us. We can talk about the songs.” He paused, thinking of how to put into words what he felt about you. “And anything else on your mind. I really like it when you tell me what you're thinking about.”
“That would be great. I would love to.” He could hear your smile over the phone.
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Could I request Poseidon, Thor, and Hades with a fortune teller s/o who is getting flak from her current customers because they don't like hearing the truth?
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Poseidon, Thor, and Hades Name: {Character} Helping Fortune Teller! S/O with Angry Customers Requester: Anonymous
A/N: This was a very unique request, and I have to give you props for making it so cute-sounding! I was actually thinking of the fortune teller from the classic Scooby-Doo show for some reason while writing this, lmao!
P.S: I had the reader be a mix of a nymph and God, since it seemed the most likely scenario for them to actually look at the reader in any way.
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🔱 He wasn't very amused with your actions at first, claiming the fact that you could see the future? You weren't a full-blooded God, how would you be able to do so?
🔱 Poseidon would normally watch you whenever he could through the magic-ball that you had given him, just so he could contact you during work if he was busy with some things
🔱 But, that day, he decided he wanted to see you in person, so, he walked out of his palace and through Valhalla until he came upon your small place of work in the nearby town
🔱 He froze when hearing the sounds of a glass ball breaking and he stormed inside, taking his trident and gripping it tightly as he walked around in search of you
🔱 When he heard the sounds of your yells against another man's, he burst the door down and pinned the man to the floor, his trident nearly piercing his neck
🔱 Everybody in Valhalla knew that you were his, but that didn't stop people from testing your patience and getting into quarrels once and a while
🔱 The man froze as you watched your husband press his trident more into the guy's neck as he avoided his question of what he was doing
" He couldn't accept the fact that his spouse was bound to cheat on him, so, he started a yelling match. I was about to take the ball and smash it over his damn head. "
🔱 Poseidon's glared darkened as the man sweat more and more, nobody ever experienced a glare this dark from the Tyrant of the Seas and survived to tell the tale
" Let him live, seeing him go through the fear of you, and go through the pain of his spouse being unfaithful kind of amuses me, my King. "
🔱 Your husband just sighed and de-summoned his trident before ordering the man to leave, causing him to scamper out in fear for his life
🔱 Nobody, not even fellow Gods, are allowed to mess with, nonetheless, threaten what was his, especially some puny mortal
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🌩️ Thor adores watching you work, seeing you hold people's hands, especially his cousin's and father's in your own and telling them what was bound to happen would make his eyes sparkle
🌩️ You were no full-blown God, rather, you were a mixture of nymph and God, with one parent being one and the other being the latter
🌩️ Whenever you were set for a customer, Thor would normally excuse himself to go training to do something work-related, he didn't like it when people invaded his privacy, why would he ignore that and do the same to them?
🌩️ He had just finished training when he was walking through your small shop to grab you to go home, but, when he saw a trench-coat and hat that had to belong to a man, he just sighed
🌩️ Thor knew you were faithful, but, seeing as you never notified him that you would be working late by leaving him a note on your desk, he felt that something was terribly wrong
🌩️ Hearing the sound of yelling, Thor stood up straight from his more slumped position and he immediately began to follow the noise
🌩️ Opening the door, he saw the supposed customer of your's yelling at you, accusing you of lying and ordering you to re-do his appointment and tell him the truth
🌩️ Thunder raged outside as the male lunged back from the force of lightning rushing through his body, causing you to stand up from your seat and run behind your husband
" What is this about? "
🌩️ Thor's voice was alarmingly low and threatening, sending more shocks of fear throughout your customer, he was even freaking you out a bit
" This guy, he keeps saying I was lying about his fortune. " " You are- "
🌩️ He was cut off with the threatening glare of the God of Thunder's, and he sat down on the ground, hiding himself behind his arms, and his silence alerted you to continue your explanation
" I told him his fortune, that his spouse was carrying but he'd lose the baby in infancy and his spouse would end up dying from complications, and after hearing that he went on a frenzy. "
🌩️ Telling you to grab your things, Thor pat your head as the male stayed pushed against the wall and the ground, and as you walked out of your office to grab your things, the sound of your husband's threats made your heart flutter, he may be a tough-person, but it's nice to know he loves you in his own unique way
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💀 Hades admires your ability of seeing the future, and while many Deities at first believed you to be a mockery of their kind, since you were a mixture of nymph and God, he was the only one to actually voice his real feelings
💀 He adores watching you work, but, due to his role and yours, he nearly always had to work on something whenever you had an appointment
💀 But, whenever he had a break from work, he would go down to pick you up for a break or for your lunch, rarely if ever did he not come himself to pick you up
💀 Much like today, he was heading down Valhalla to take you home from work, since he got a letter from Zeus saying it was supposed to rain and thunder, according to their schedule, and he didn't want you walking in that weather home
💀 Walking inside and pulling in his umbrella, Hades looked around for a note saying you were working later than normal, but, since he wouldn't find one, he began strolling into the back, maybe you were to busy to write a note
💀 That all went out the window when he heard your strained voice yelling at someone, causing him to slam the door open and look around for you, you never yelled for no reason
💀 When his sight landed on your customer being surrounded by broken glass, he snapped in rage, he didn't care if he didn't hurt you, he tried to hurt you, and Hades does not give mercy to those who try hurting those he cares for
" Hades! Let him go! " " He tried harming you, love. Why should I let him go? "
💀 Letting the man down from the neck slowly, you held your husband back from him by locking your arms together. And that was when he demanded the man to leave, not caring to hear his reasons for attacking you
" My dear, grab your things, we are heading home now. I'm going to call my work to a halt for the rest of the day. "
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fatuismooches · 2 years
i'll brainrot with you about dottore and his sick! s/o:
clearly with s/o's conditions it's not optimal to go outside in the freezing cold, but one day the snowfall is so much more gentle outside and something like this is a rare occasion in snezhnaya. would dottore indulge them (of course with plenty of precautions taken) or would he rather not risk it at all?
your writing paints such vivid pictures in my head and i honestly love the comfort and warmth your work brings :]]
♡ 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 ♡
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synopsis: Your poor health and fragile condition have consistently gotten in the way of various activities for many years. But that was going to change today, as you were going to take your first step into the flaky goodness of pure, white snow.
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: Related to the posts under my fragile reader tag. Thank you very much, I'm very glad my writing makes you happy! This was so cute, I originally planned for it to be only a couple hundred words but I went overboard and decided to make it a full-blown piece.
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You used to enjoy the concept of cold. Growing up in a hot country had you deeply curious about the kind of weather that would warrant people wearing dozens of layers, bundling up to the point where they were barely recognizable. You wanted to go somewhere that snowed one day, you once told your lover as he sat at his desk, tinkering with Archons knows what. Dottore only grunted in response, saying that if research led him there, you would accompany him. As a matter of fact, there were some Ruin Guards he wanted to take a look at in Dragonspine. You hummed, enjoying the moment as you continued to flip through the picture book.
But now, you couldn’t bring yourself to like the cold. You think that if you weren’t sick, you’d enjoy the weather in Snezhnaya much more, but the cold permeates your body even though you’re inside the lab. (Dottore had to force Pantalone to give him more funds to install more heaters.) You didn’t like to even walk through the halls of Dottore’s complicated maze-like lab because they were too big, making the cold air suffocate you all around. (Unless you’re accompanied by a clone. Somehow, Dottore had implemented a feature into his clones to heat up and become warm, so when you’d cling to them, you wouldn’t be cold anymore. You enjoyed it thoroughly because the reactions of the clones were cute.)
Many days, you spent the time looking out the tightly sealed window at the snow. Despite living in the snow-covered nation for so long, you had never sunken a foot into the powdery fluff. When Zandik was recruited into the Fatui, you were unconscious during the trip because your body surely would not be able to handle such an extraneous journey. How would it feel, you thought? You’ve frequently asked some of your favorite clones to tell you how the snow felt. (You felt slightly embarrassed asking your real lover.) Apparently, most of the time the snow was deep and crunchy from continuous snowfall. If you weren’t careful where you walked, half of your leg could get swallowed underneath! Many children liked to form things like balls out of the snow and play games with them. But sometimes, very rarely, the snow lightens and melts, depending on how the Tsaritsa feels. It’s a beautiful scene, apparently.
You had lost faith in the Gods long ago after your mysterious illness suddenly struck you (Zandik never cared about them in the first place), but you hoped and prayed to any force that was willing to listen to you - please let the snow ease up, just a bit. It was a bit hypocritical since you did not like the cold, but you still desired to experience it like a normal person. You could bear the pain if only to have fun for a couple of minutes. You did not tell your lover this; one, because you knew it was impossible with your condition, and two, you did not want to bother him with your frivolous wants. But it seemed like you were too obvious with your intentions, as one of the first things you’d do in the morning was drag yourself out of bed, despite the great amount of energy it took, to go to your favorite window and peer outside.
“You seem to be quite interested in watching the snow lately, aren’t you?” The deep voice behind you made you jump.
“Zandik! Oh, you scared for there,” you pressed a hand to your heart and quickly took a seat that was already permanently placed near the window, already tired from the past few minutes. Your lover walked toward you, hands carefully placed behind his back, each step calculated. You couldn’t help but find some happiness in that - the way he walked was always so commanding and enchanting somehow, hypnotizing too.
“The weather here is quite different from Sumeru,” you observed. “I can’t help but be intrigued by it.”
“Is that so? It is quite boring to me. The landscape is always the same and it is rather hard to conduct experiments outside because of it.” 
“Heh, it’s always the experiments and research with you. At least try to enjoy it,” you teased, rolling your eyes at him playfully. Dottore shook his head and gently flicked your forehead, causing you to pout.
“Furthermore, the cold isn’t good for you. I believed you didn’t like it, anyway,” Dottore scoffed.
“I know,” you said softly. “But I still want to experience it,” the last part was a mumble that was meant for yourself, but Dottore heard it anyway, making his eyes widen as a thought began to quickly form.
“Do you… want to go outside and see the snow?”
The fact that you were caught made you bolt up straight and quickly try to deny it. “No, no, I’m fine. It was just a fleeting thought,” you quickly reassured him.
Dottore doesn’t know why he didn’t realize it sooner. Of course you would be bored, waking up every day to the same redundant routine, watching everyone go about their daily lives while you sat there, helpless to do anything besides wait for him to cure you. Of course you would want to do something new, after hearing the same repetitious lines of how you’ll get better soon, how he’s working on a new medicine, how it’ll all be over soon, but when was “soon” coming? How long has the envy of others been eating you up? The thought of that made his smile slip.
A soft goodbye snapped him out of his thoughts. A clone had come to administer your daily medicine and get you ready for the day. Dottore quickly put his usual smirk back on and nodded at you. Your gentle smile and a wave bid him farewell, as the clone wrapped his arm around you to support you as you walked away. But Zandik was still thinking. When was the last time he had seen you with a big smile? A big, goofy one that stretched your lips beautifully and made your face hurt from smiling that hard. The answer was, he did not know. The most he could recall was from his Akademiya days, where you would greet him with one of those grins every morning, always a ball of energy.
The fact followed him throughout the day as he worked. The mere idea that it was bothering him so much was simply absurd. But he could not forget about the times his clones has reported to him about the times you cried. When you refused to leave your room some days or didn’t want to eat. He was not one for any type of comfort, not when his hands had committed some of the most wicked acts to man. How could he be, when the first thing on his mind was to hurt others, but the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you? 
He did not know what to do, where to place his hands or if saying something would make the situation worse. He did not know what to do other than let you rest your head on his shoulder, allowing you to take his hand and place it on your head, giving him the okay to stroke your hair. He let you babble to your heart’s content and awkwardly wiped your tears away, for when he looked into your painfully bleak eyes that were once filled with life, he did not think he could refuse you.
It was an odd feeling for him. He took pleasure in seeing the pain of others, delighting at the moment when they lost all hope. He found it amusing when others took a stand against him, only to see their expression fall when they realized it was fruitless. But you? The thought of that happening to you made him… He had to do something.
One day you woke up, ready to live out another normal and boring day. As you sleepily rubbed your eyes, you noticed something was a bit off. Usually, you could hear the wind howling and the snow slamming against the windows, even if it was just a little bit. But there was nothing. As you lay on the bed, collecting enough energy to get out of bed, a glimmer of hope grew within you. With a great push, you heaved yourself out of bed and made a beeline to the window. You sat down on the chair, and pulled the curtains to the side, prepared to be disappointed, but what you saw blew you away.
The snow had melted significantly, leaving a moderate and easily walkable layer on the ground. The snowfall had reduced greatly, and it no longer pounded on the window. Instead, it flew down calmly from the sky, which was still gray, but it was a beautiful, hazy kind of gray. Now that there weren’t mass amounts of snow blowing your view, you noticed there was some kind of river around the lab. It was still frozen over, but the ice sparkled beautifully and reflected the snow-covered trees. Speaking of trees, you didn’t know it was possible for such boring things to look so pretty. Copious amounts of snow rested on the limbs, occasionally slumping to the ground with a thud, and the process kept repeating as snowfall continued.
Your jaw was slack the whole time, as you continued to take in the breathtaking scenery. Snezhnaya just got ten times better, you thought.
“I see you’ve seen the change in weather, [Name]. It seems to be to your liking.”
“Eep!” you started at the assertive voice that was practically in your ear. Dottore had snuck up on you while you were too entranced by the view to notice him. “You need to stop doing that,” you scolded him. 
His deep chuckle tugged at your heartstrings. “To think that after this many times, my experiment’s results have not changed. Truly fascinating.”
You tried to ball your hands into fists to prevent yourself from blushing. “A-Anyway, you should have woken me up earlier! I didn’t think this was possible!” you fretted, still in utter shock at this. 
“That, I could not do. You know your body requires a great amount of rest.” You couldn’t argue with that. He was right.
���Now, is there something you want to do?” It was as if he had somehow planned for this to happen.
You fiddled with your sweater, trying to find the words for your outlandish request. “Sooo, um, I know this may not be possible, but can I go outside? I know with my health and stuff it may be hard but… just for a bit, please,” your voice got quieter and quieter towards the end of your sentence. You bit your lip in anticipation and nervously kept your eyes trained on the rug-covered floor. The few seconds of silence that passed felt endless.
“Yes, you may-”
Your legs were swinging happily, and there it was. Pearly whites peeked out as you grinned cheerfully and you threw your hands up into the air. The smile he had not seen in far too long.
“But, I will accompany you, and you must stay by me at all times. You must follow all of my directions as well. Do you understand?”
A walk with your lover too? “Yes, yes I’ll do anything you ask!” you easily complied. You gathered all of your energy and squeezed your partner as hard as you could (which, wasn’t that hard, but to you it was) taking him off guard. You buried your face into his midsection and refused to let go, your words of thanks being muffled from being so close to him. Dottore was stiff at first but then eased into your embrace, fingering a cord of your hair.
You were feeling a burst of energy from this exciting news, so you had to do one more thing. You released him, and when you looked up, you could see that same self-assured, confident smile that you loved. Before he could speak again, you tugged on his blue ascot with as much force as you could summon, pulling him farther down to your level allowing you to smash your lips onto his. Catching him off guard allowed you to be in control for a couple of seconds, but it is quickly relinquished as your lover takes over quickly, effortlessly deepening the kiss. When the two of you parted, he had an almost smug grin on his face, displaying his pointy shark-like teeth.
“My my, quite eager, aren’t we? I have not seen these kinds of surprises since those old days.”
“Well,” you pecked both of his soft cheeks again, “you know I always make sure my doctor knows how I feel.” At that point, there was a knock on the door and one of Dottore’s clones came in to help you with your morning routine.
“Go about your day. I will come to get you when it’s time.” You smiled and squeezed his hand once more as you rose from the chair. Dottore’s hands returned behind his back as he watched the clone and you leave.
“Perhaps I should start to add new variables to my experiment… the results are quite interesting indeed.”
You could not focus on anything for the whole time. Your mind was all over the place thinking about how satisfying it would be to sink your foot into the fluffy goodness.
Apparently, Dottore had designed some kind of special jacket for you to wear, along with a scarf, gloves, earmuffs, boots, and more. It had some kind of built-in heater somehow, which made everything consistently warm including your body. Normally you’d listen to his rambles on how he created it and such, but you were too giddy at the thought of freaking snow. (And also how he took the time to make all this stuff for you. It probably only took him a short amount of time considering how intelligent he was, but the action warmed your heart.)
There were quite a few clones in the lab area watching you. You think that they seemed happy for you. One of them was helping you put the gear on while your lover set down some ground rules. Zandik also had on a big fluffy coat, which made him look rather cute. You kind of wanted to fit yourself inside of it with him.
“First, you must stay by my side at all times. You’ll probably have to hold onto my arm to steady yourself. We will be following a path. This means no straying in any other direction, at least without my permission. Of course, if you feel that you can’t handle the weather anymore, let me know immediately. Do you agree to abide by these rules?”
You held back a sigh and a laugh. You knew that all of these precautions were necessary but they were still a drag. Plus, the way your lover said it all seriously as if your very existence was on the line made you want to giggle.
“Yes, Zandik. I agree to all of your rules,” you huffed as the clone finished zipping up the jacket. “My common sense is still intact, you know.”
Even though he did not show it at all, Dottore was the slightest bit uneasy. There were many things he did not understand or know about your illness. Would the sudden change in the environment trigger you? He was not sure, but he already prepared for the worst. If anything, it would be a learning experience too - to see how much your body could handle. He was ready to take notes in his head.
“Come here.”
You slowly trekked your way toward him, getting used to the feel of the long boots. It was hard to imagine wearing these every day, but you soon fell into your lover’s chest as he began to stroke your hair.
“Well then, let us go,” he wrapped a steady arm around your waist to help you balance. “Watch the lab for me,” Dottore directed the other clones as they waved goodbye to you.
They were so cute, to be honest. Especially the ones from the Akademiya days.
You did not realize the extent of how big Dottore’s lab was until now. There were so many paths and rooms you walked by that you had no idea existed. What was beyond those doors? Some questions were better left unanswered. You were just letting your partner guide you as you clung to his side (the walking was a lot) until you reached a great, big door with a keypad.
“Are you ready?” 
You eagerly nodded. 
“And you do still remember the-” 
“Yes, Zandik, I remember everything you told me,” you groaned. “Please just open the door already.”
“Patience, [Name],” he chuckled. “I look forward to seeing your reaction.” He let go of you and typed a whole long password on the keypad. And in an instant, loud noises exuded from the door as it began to open from the sides.
The first thing you felt was the puff of cold air hitting your cheeks, instinctively making you raise your arms to cover it. In a couple of seconds, the door opened completely and you could feel the light shine down on you. You put your hands down, and the snowy, outside world was laid before you.
It was majestic. The snow has managed to be untainted by any other substances, allowing it to be a pristine white that covered the landscape. Slowly, you took a few steps forward as Dottore carefully watched you, until you were standing at the edge where the floor ended, and the snow began. You took a quick glance at your lover and he motioned for you to go on. And so you did. You stepped into the snow.
The first thing you noticed was the crunch of the snow under your boots. It was oddly satisfying. And the way your foot sunk so easily into, it kind of reminded you of quicksand. But you could kick it around so easily, yet you could see it was hard enough to be used to form something solid. The cold hit you like a ton of bricks, but you were doing everything in your power to withstand it. The enhanced gear from your partner helped a lot. But, all you could say was wow. You were starting to get a bit jealous of the people who could walk in such surroundings every day with ease.
Dottore on the other hand was quite satisfied. The scenery was not what he found appealing. Rather, it was you. He found no interest in such worldly things, but your reactions were ever-changing and amusing to him. A snowflake fell on your nose and melted. You wrinkled your nose at the unfamiliar feeling. And he couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
“Hold onto me. The road is quite icy and slippery. You need to be very careful.” Zandik linked his arms with you, and you gratefully reciprocated.
You could not keep your eyes off anything and everything you saw. You loved Sumeru, but Snezhnaya was starting to grow on you. It was beautiful. But what you loved, even more, was talking to Zandik. You two had not had this much time together in far too long. He enthusiastically prattled on about his experiments, his creations. He even told you about his clones’ journey to Sumeru, and how the almighty Traveler was powerless against them. You indulged him of course. You had always loved his voice, and you found it rather endearing when he’d go on his rambles.
Dottore intentionally made sure the pace was slow and steady, so as to not rush your body or make you too tired. But of course, even after only a bit of time passed, you needed to rest. Thankfully, the two of you reached some kind of gazebo with a couple of benches inside. You had no idea this existed, and it seemed Dottore didn’t either, which didn’t surprise you. That man probably only cared about the entrance and exit to his lab.
The bench was cold but you did not care. Having your lover with you for this long already made you feel warm and fuzzy. Furthermore, you’d be crazy not to take advantage of the situation. You called his name and before you could make a move, he spoke.
“How do you feel?”
“Has your heart rate increased since the exposure to the snow and cold? Do you feel light-headed? How easily can you move your arms and legs?”
“O-oh, well… um, I feel cold. My heart is a bit fast from the walking, but nothing out of the ordinary. My legs hurt from the walk too… but I’m used to it.”
“Interesting…” Zandik put his hand to his chin as he seemed to think. You sighed, and shifted closer to him, beginning to run your hands up his coat, which clearly grabbed his attention but he watched you silently. Your hands reached his soft cheeks and brushed over the cold exterior of his mask.
“You know, you should take this off more often,” you suggested as your hands began to creep under the sides of the mask. “There’s no one around…” you hummed. Dottore made no move to stop you so you easily slipped the mask off, revealing his sharp crimson eyes boring into you, and scars from long ago. Of course, you couldn’t help but smile at the face of your lover. 
You moved in to press your lips against his, pleased at how you could now gently trace your fingers over his scars. No matter how long you knew him, he was sensitive to touch around that area, so you always made sure to be careful.
It was an odd, but strangely good feeling, Dottore thought. One he did not know he missed, as you began to pepper kisses along the top of his face. It had been a while since the two of you had kissed for so long, which was a result of your lack of liveliness due to your illness. It seems the new surroundings really did help you. He would have to keep that in mind.
“You’re so cute,” you giggled. He frowned at that and grabbed both your wrists, pushing your back onto the bench, and making you yelp.
“Enough of that. I believe that all of this has gone to your head,” Dottore’s domineering tone was back again.
“I was just- eep!” Your words were cut short as Zandik’s lips began to mark your neck.
“The human body’s temperature can go up a substantial amount just from kissing. Would you care to experiment the limits of that with me? You would be the perfect test subject,” you felt his unhinged grin spread against your neck.
“After all, I wouldn’t want you becoming too cold now, hmm?” His impossible strength easily overpowered you as he moved to hold both your wrists with one hand, while his free one rested on your thigh.
As you relinquished yourself to him, your lips were claimed an innumerable amount of times, a clear reminder of who you belonged to.
You had to turn in early for the night. The miniature adventure was so, so fun, and it felt like you kicked your illness in the ass for a bit, but now you really had to get some rest to recover what little strength you had. Surprisingly, Zandik was there with you this time, instead of one of his clones. 
“...I’m sleepy, Zandik.”
“Of course. Your body has experienced much more physical exertion than usual. It needs time to relax.” You sighed, letting the warmth of the blankets begin to take you to dreamland.
“Hey, Zandik?”
“Yes, [Name]?”
“Remember when we were in the Akademiya, and during the night, I’d go down into your bunk bed and sleep with you? Hehe…”
“Yes, I remember rather clearly, the intrusion of my privacy and theft of my pillows,” he sighed. The first time you did that, he did not expect to be entranced by the sunlight cascading onto your peaceful face, the fluttering of your eyelashes, and the occasional quirk of your lips as you clearly dreamt of something good. But he had no knowledge of how to handle these feelings, so he shoved you off the tiny bed, rudely waking you up. You ended up walking around the Akademiya with a bump on your head after that.
“I was trying to give you hints, Zandik. You were just dense,” you pouted. “Hey, you should come and lay with me for a bit. Like the old days.”
Dottore was hesitant. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, rather, he was so incredibly busy, especially after today. To be more precise, he felt that time not spent on finding a cure for you was time inefficiently used (most of the time.)
You tugged on his sleeve pleadingly. “Just for five minutes, until I nod off…”
He couldn’t bring himself to deny you, as he slipped under the covers with you. The softness of the mattress, plush blankets, and pillows that had your scent almost made him do a double take. It had been a long time since he was in a bed in general. Perhaps just a few hours of rest wouldn’t hurt. It would boost his effectiveness drastically…
You immediately scooted your body towards his and pressed it into his, nudging your face into his chest. He came to rest his hand on your head, while the other was loosely thrown over your waist.
“I miss you,” you softly uttered. He did not respond, nor did you expect an answer - what could he say anyway? The soft stroking on your head was more than enough for you at this moment, and it quickly lulled you to sleep.
“Thank… you.” You were out like a light, while your lover looked at you, absentmindedly fiddling with a strand of your hair.
It was no simple task to make this happen. But as a scholar, of course, he was able to negotiate. For once, it wasn’t for his own gain, but for you. The results? It was a complete and utter success. 
Dottore could not lie, he felt as though he was back at the Akademiya with you. He remembers the two of you walking down the hallways, your chatty and sweet self a stark contrast to his rather irritated and know-it-all aura. How you would hug him from behind late in the night as he worked at his desk, begging and whining for him to go to sleep as you both had long lectures in a few hours.
He admittedly wants to see you take the first step into a raging blizzard. He wants to see you brave the cold with ease. He wants to see you swing your sword without abandon again, not afraid to take on anyone in a verbal or physical fight. He wanted his assistant back: the one who would be ready to jump down the throat of someone who dared to question him, the one who organized his notes in the most efficient manner.
The God of Wisdom once told him that his research was insulting, contradictory to the rules and ways of life. Now that he looked back on it, he found it amusing - even a Godly being was held back by such drivel. But it did not matter to him. There was no rule or barrier he wasn’t willing to cross in order to cure you, as he had already done it multiple times with no remorse. He would oversee your absolute recovery personally.
After all, there were many more snowy days to come.
“You know, Arlecchino, I saw the most interesting thing the other day,” a soft voice echoed throughout the room.
“Hmm? What was it?”
“I happened across our lovely Doctor going into Her Majesty, The Tsaritsa’s chambers. For what, I wonder? Hehe…”
“...I guess that [Name] person truly does mean something to him, if he was willing to go that far.”
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Eddie was worried.
Steve was supposed to be home two hours ago, sure he'd been late before when he was on the closing shift but never this late and he always called. Eddie couldn't wait any longer, he grabbed his keys and practically ran down the stairwell to his van.
Eddie pulled up to the bookstore Steve had started working at since Robin had left for college. The lights were still on, Eddie didn't know if that was a good thing or not. He walked by Steve's car and through the unlocked front door.
"Steve? Sweetheart you here?"
Eddie got no reply, he was about to have a full blown panic attack when he saw him. Tucked behind the register, head in a textbook was Steve, asleep and alive. Eddie hoped one day a missing phone call wouldn't make him jump to something horrible but today wasn't that day.
"Here there, baby, it's time to go home," Eddie said gently shaking Steve's shoulder.
"E-Eddie? What are you doing here, what time is it?" Steve groggily replied.
"It's almost 9, Stevie, c'mon let's get you home." Eddie gathered up Steve's books into his backpack picking it up and helping a sleepy Steve to his van.
Steve fell back asleep on the drive home and Eddie didn't have the heart to wake him once they got home. It was a struggle but eventually Eddie managed to carry Steve back up to the apartment, he was glad they only lived on the second floor.
He placed Steve on the couch and went to reheat Steve's dinner. He hears shuffling behind him before feeling Steve wrap his arms around his back and snuggle into him.
"Have I told you lately that I love you?"
"Everyday sweetheart, I love you too, let's get some food in ya and then we can shower and go to bed alright?"
Steve nodded taking the plate and leaning on Eddie again once they got back to the couch.
"You're running yourself into the ground, baby, it's worrying me a bit, what if you fall asleep driving?"
"It's just a little longer, Eds, I've got these last two finals and then I'll have my diploma and be able to work at the school."
Steve had been working hard to be qualified to be a school guidance counsellor while also working to pay rent, bills and for school since his parents had cut him off because of his "unsavoury" company, Eddie still felt bad.
"I know, angel, and I'm so proud of you, just wish you weren't so tired so much."
"At least I sleep well with you, Eds."
"Being cute ain't gonna make me any less worried, Stevie."
"I know but it'll all be worth it soon."
"You're gonna be a great counsellor, sweetheart, now c'mon I know for a fact you have no class or work tomorrow, I'm making sure you sleep in and get breakfast in bed in the morning."
"The threat of your burnt toast is enough to keep me asleep."
"It adds flavour, baby."
"Whatever you say, Eds. Thank you for looking after me."
"Always, Stevie."
The next day Steve slept in last noon and enjoyed burnt toast with runny eggs with the biggest smile on his face because he knew Eddie would always look after him when he couldn't.
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annieqattheperipheral · 7 months
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you have to read this in full!!
i gotchu from behind the $wall:
The day Luke Prokop shook the hockey world by coming out, he needed to get away.
And stop looking at his constantly buzzing phone.
It was July 21, 2021, and the right-shot defenseman had just become the first openly gay hockey player under an NHL contract. The Nashville Predators’ No. 73 pick in the 2020 draft was just 19 years old and hadn’t even turned pro yet. He didn’t know how it would impact his future. His nerves were fried.
But one text message was impossible to ignore. He didn’t recognize the number but certainly knew the name.
“Hey, it’s Auston Matthews. I wanted to congratulate you. I look forward to sharing the ice with you someday.”
Prokop was blown away. The Toronto Maple Leafs superstar wasn’t the most famous person to reach out — that honor goes to Elton John — but the fact that so many NHLers, including one of the league’s best and most powerful players, were offering support meant a lot.
Now 21, Prokop still hasn’t taken the NHL ice, but on Wednesday he took a step forward, being recalled by the Predators’ AHL affiliate in Milwaukee. He could become the first openly gay player to appear in an AHL game Friday night for the Admirals in Rockford.
As difficult as the decision to come out was, Prokop told The Athletic in an extended conversation recently that he’s been mentally and physically freed by it. He doesn’t have to hide. He can be himself, on and off the ice. Heck, he can even date.
“It’s been massive,” he said.
Teammates and fans have welcomed him in his journey toward the NHL so far, from Calgary, Edmonton and Seattle of the junior WHL to, most recently, Atlanta of the ECHL. They treated him like he was any other player.
Not that there’s not room to grow. Prokop figured more players would come out after he did. They haven’t, not that he would rush anyone’s decision on that. He’s also been disappointed by the developments over the past few years with the NHL’s inclusion efforts, including the Pride tape “debacle.”
He can only control his own actions, though, and doesn’t regret his decision.
“I’d like to think I’m a realistic person,” Prokop said. “I know hockey is not going to be forever. As much as (when I came out) I would have loved to keep playing, I was OK with not playing any more if it didn’t work out — just being able to live my life the way I wanted, to be myself.
“But now, I don’t want to stop playing. It was definitely nerve-wracking. You never know what the reaction is going to be inside hockey, outside hockey, because no one has done it before. We kind of went out on a limb and hoped for the best. It’s been way more positive than we thought it’d be. You’re going to have some keyboard warriors, which there were a few, but I was expecting more.
“I did not expect the amount of support I got from NHL players. That was really cool.”
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The Matthews text and Elton John phone call the morning after were memorable, with the gay rock legend welcoming him to the community and offering his email address if Prokop ever needed anything.
Prokop found even more comfort in a moment that came a few days later — the first time he played hockey since his announcement. It was a four-on-four league in Edmonton at Meadows Rec Center, a place where pros and NHLers competed and kept in shape during the offseason.
Prokop was on a team with Colton and Kirby Dach. The other team had Philadelphia Flyers goalie Carter Hart and the Boston Bruins’ Jake DeBrusk. During warmups, Prokop found himself near mid-ice. The first guy to approach him was DeBrusk. The two had met previously through mutual friends. DeBrusk tapped Prokop’s shin pads with his stick.
“Congrats,” he told him. “I’m really happy for you. If you need anything, let me know.”
“I didn’t know what the reaction would be,” Prokop said. “So that meant a lot.”
Prokop was returning that year to the Calgary Hitmen (WHL), the junior team he had played for the previous four seasons. But there had been a lot of turnover on the roster and, of course, a lot had changed for Prokop. So he decided to address the team in its first meeting in training camp.
“Everyone knows what I did last summer,” he told his team. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. There might be a lot of media asking you for an interview. If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to do them. If you have any questions for me, come ask me. I’m an open book. I just don’t want you guys to feel uncomfortable.”
In that dressing room, Prokop had heard plenty of the uncomfortable language that’s not uncommon for any locker room. He even admitted using it. He didn’t want to out himself. He wanted to act straight, be “one of the guys.”
“I heard it, but it wasn’t all the time,” he said. “I also took it from the perspective that these guys don’t know any better. It’s hockey language. It’s how guys talk. They don’t mean it in a harmful way. They use the word ‘gay’ as a filler at the end of a sentence to make something stupid. ‘Well, that’s so gay.’ I wasn’t comfortable with it, but I used it myself. I didn’t want to seem like I was out of the mix.
“Some guys texted me (after I came out), ‘F—, sorry if I said anything to offend you when we played.’ I’d just say, ‘Guys, you had no idea.’ The lesson is you don’t know what everyone is going through. The words you say do matter. Make sure you think before you speak. It’s a silly rule you learn in kindergarten. It applies to life when you’re 22 or 35 and never goes away.
“The way hockey is going with the language, guys are naturally changing their language. I’ve heard a change in language on every team I’ve been on.”
Prokop said that season was the best of his career, both from a production standpoint and a personal one. He was traded to the Edmonton Oil Kings early in the season and had 10 goals and 33 points in 55 games for them, helping them win the WHL’s Ed Chynoweth Cup and advance to the Memorial Cup.
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Luke Prokop won the WHL’s Ed Chynoweth Cup with the Oil Kings in 2022. (Courtesy of Oilers Entertainment Group)
Luke Pierce, then an assistant coach for Edmonton and now the head coach, said the staff and management had discussions with the leadership group before acquiring Prokop — making sure they were comfortable with it, feeling out whether their room could handle the attention. Pierce said he asked one of the captains, Blues prospect Jake Neighbours, for his perspective. Neighbours had known Prokop since they were 10 or 11, growing up playing in spring tournaments together. He told Pierce and the staff there would be “zero issue” and he’d be a great addition.
Neighbours said nothing really changed, that Prokop “fit right in” to the team. Pierce at first wondered if players would have any issue with rooming assignments on the road, but nobody blinked. Pierce noted that Prokop would joke about situations and even opened up about his boyfriend coming to visit.
“He put everybody at ease,” Pierce said. “I often tell people, if the outside world could see how the group of men interacted, it would be just a tremendous inspiration on how we should treat everybody.”
Pierce and Prokop pointed out how this generation is more comfortable and equipped to handle LGBTQ+ inclusion issues. Everyone seems to know someone, be friends with someone, or be related to someone in the community.
“I just don’t think guys really care anymore,” Prokop said. “They might be nervous as they have this stereotype version of what a gay guy might look like, sound like, act like. Like me, coming to a team, they think I’ll act a certain way, look a certain way, but they’ll realize three minutes into talking to me that I’m not that.
“Hockey is part of me. It’s who I am. Guys totally forget (about me being gay) when I’m at the rink. They’re not afraid to ask questions. But other than that, it never really comes up. That’s how I wanted it to be. I wanted them to know, but we can all go out and play. I never wanted to be a distraction.”
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The NHL’s decisions around Pride jerseys and stick tape weren’t a distraction, Prokop said, but he has gotten frustrated about it.
He understood the issue over wearing sweaters during warmups — “jerseys weren’t really their choice” — but lamented that the fact the focus was on the handful of players who refused to wear them and not all the others who did. The NHL’s initial banning of Pride stick tape, then its reversal, was a whole other topic.
“To take away choices from players was really confusing,” Prokop said. “Some of them don’t really care. For some, it was near and dear to their heart. To take it away was mind-boggling. From the players’ side, the support was there. Zach Hyman talked about it, Travis Dermott. I like what they did. They didn’t make a big deal about it before — they just did it. Let fans see the rest, and it’ll take care of itself. There’s a massive amount of support from players in the NHL.”
What do the Pride tape and sweaters mean for someone in the LGBTQ+ community?
Prokop didn’t recall noticing them growing up going to Oilers games. He never got to see someone who was gay using Pride tape on the TV screen. He had to deal with it himself — “jump over those barriers without any help.” But Prokop continued pursuing his hockey career whereas “a lot of people don’t feel comfortable pursuing their career without that exposure, without feeling like they’re being seen.”
“I think with the Pride tape stuff, they were trying to show support for their older fans,” Prokop said of the NHL. “The fans that have been watching hockey for 40-50 years. That’s not how you grow the game. You want to get the younger generation, put these guys in the best situation to promote the game. Sometimes I don’t think the NHL does that the correct way. The Pride tape is one example.”
Prokop has been part of two Pride nights since he came out, one with the Edmonton Oil Kings and another with Seattle. The Oil Kings staff approached him after not having that event on their promotional calendar. They planned it in two weeks and it was a big hit, with around 8,000 fans in attendance.
“Some guys told me it was the most impactful game they’d been in during their career,” Prokop said. “They said they didn’t realize how many Queer fans they had. I don’t think they realize how much my community watches hockey, plays hockey and cares about hockey.
The Seattle Pride night was fan-driven, which made it unique. Thunderbirds fans noticed that other rival teams had a special night for Pride and made a push for their own, making bracelets and T-shirts. Prokop told teammates they didn’t have to wear the stick tape — he knows how superstitious hockey players are. They all wore some, for him.
“I always look at the perspective, the other side of Pride nights — why do you have them if no one on the team is gay?” Prokop said. “The point is that it’s for the fans. For me, it means a lot to play in them to show my community and be a representative on the ice.”
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While education is important, Prokop said any real change in the NHL when it comes to inclusion will start with other players coming out. He’s not putting any timeline or pressure on that. He didn’t have one. But that’s when players in the league will see a different perspective, get more comfortable with it.
“Otherwise, it’s always going to be a story,” Prokop said. “I also can see why guys don’t want to come out. Especially in the NHL. They’ve been very successful, so why change? I kind of saw that from the perspective when the whole Pride jersey story came out. My phone was blowing up. I don’t think guys want to have to deal with that. There was a responsibility for me to talk about these topics. I don’t think guys want to do that. I can see it from that side, why they don’t want to come out.
“I don’t think anything is going to change unless someone else does. Someone else will step up. It’s only a matter of time. I thought there’d maybe be two, three of us by now. But it hasn’t happened. But I know there’s going to be someone else soon. It’s math. There’s what, 700 players in the league? There’s definitely a few more.”
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While there have been some derogatory comments coming from the stands on a few occasions, Prokop has been encouraged there have been none from opposing players.
“Zero,” he said.
Most of the feedback he’s received, even on social media, has been positive. And it’s not just the comments like Matthews’ that stick with him. Two high schoolers in Seattle, Kaitlin and Jo, reached out to him over Instagram. They are part of the LGBTQ+ community and were struggling.
“Like everyone, they just wanted someone to talk to,” Prokop said.
Part of Prokop’s pregame routine is usually to hang by the bench and listen to music. On many occasions, Kaitlin and Jo would come by and the three of them would just chat for 10, 12 minutes. They’re the fans that Prokop saw every game above the tunnel on his way to the dressing room. They’ve stayed in touch. Prokop even did a Zoom meeting with their high school class last month. “They have a special place in my heart,” he said.
When, and if, Prokop makes his NHL debut, he says he’ll have a special secret plan for them.
Whether Prokop lives his NHL dream remains to be seen. He’s praised the Predators for their support from the first time he did a group video call with the staff. Former NHLer Mark Borowiecki, now a development coach, has been someone Prokop has leaned on often, not only for on-ice advice but for help getting through things mentally.
Scott Nichol, the Predators’ assistant GM, likes Prokop’s potential.
“Big right-shot defensemen that can skate, move the puck. They don’t grow on trees,” he said. “He just needs to polish up his game in some areas in the defensive zone. He’s got the tools. He’s got the skating ability. It’s just patience and embrace the process.”
Prokop is grateful for his support group, from his parents, Al and Nicole, to his brother, Josh, and sister, Alanna. He’s kept in touch with Heather Lefebvre, who is a specialist in hockey engagement and alumni relations with the Oilers Entertainment Group. They talk almost every day. What sticks out to Lefebvre is how young Prokop was when he came out (19), and while he wears this “trailblazer” cap, he’s still standing alone.
“I think this generation is more ready for it than past generations, for sure,” Lefebvre said. “It says a lot to me that nobody else has come out in the year and a half since he has. He’s the only openly gay player under NHL contract, but he’s not the only gay player under NHL contract.
“That’s where I think we have work to do. Is it great that he’s been accepted and can do his thing? Yes. But he looks at the positives, which makes me really happy for him. But that doesn’t mean there’s no negative.”
Prokop takes the positives in his off-ice life, too. He lives with Alanna in the offseason back home in Edmonton. He’s found teammates to share in his hobbies, like golf (he plays 40 to 50 rounds a year). He loves to read, from biographies to sci-fi. He watches basketball more than hockey and has more than 25 jerseys. He cooks. He got into puzzles during the pandemic and is bullish about doing them on his own.
Prokop also feels comfortable getting out there on the dating scene and not having to hide it from teammates.
“Obviously, the lifestyle of a hockey player is tough for some people,” he said. “I’m trying to find the right person to connect with. I’m a softie, a romantic guy. I love love. I’m always on the lookout for that right person to spend the rest of my life with.”
Prokop doesn’t see the label of being the first openly gay player under NHL contract as a weight. It’s more of a responsibility. He has a platform and wants to use it. He’s realistic, “dreaming about winning the community service award more than the Norris Trophy.”
Making the AHL jump or someday the NHL jump won’t define him.
“One of my main goals when I came out is that if I could have an impact on one person outside of my family and friends in my lifetime, I’ve done my job,” he said. “I think I’ve done that and more. And I want to continue to do that.”
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 2 months
Headcanon: How They Comfort You
warnings: none. sfw, gender neutral. mentions of possible panick attack
note: it's sexual assault awareness month. if you are a survivor, it wasn't your fault. your experience is valid and it had nothing to do with something you did or wore. it wasn't your fault. 💙
Emotions are not his thing. The only time he really grips on to the gravity of a situation is if it's a mission, or if you're full blown sobbing. Leo, by nature, prefers to find a solution and talk things out. He takes the mature route and offers practical advice to resolve the issue, but then what happens if it's something he can't fix?
You came to him one day after you had just went over the edge. You couldn't stop crying, everything was going wrong, and it was totally out of your control. You found him in his room taking care of his bonsai plant and just fell apart.
Leo didn't know if you were hurt or if something awful had happened, so he went in to big brother/protective boyfriend mode. He was bombarding you with questions until he realized you weren't hurt physically, but emotionally was a different story. He was half tempted to go get Mikey to help with the situation, but you didn't seem like you could be left alone.
He just allowed you to cry and offered comforting strokes against your hair and shoulder. He didn't say anything to you because there wasn't a problem persay, you were just letting out whatever it was you needed to let out. He didn't think you needed a lecture but it seemed you just needed a space to let go.
Once you were done and able to explain what was going on, Leo would listen to you and wipe your tears away. Only when you were calmer would he say anything to you.
"I know I can't really give you any advice. Can I at least make you some tea or hot chocolate? Or would you like to nap? I'll sit with you."
We all know he can be abrasive and have no regard for what's going on in other's lives at times. He still, however, can tell by body language or aura something isn't right. You don't have to outright say you're overwhelmed or say that you just can't figure out what's wrong. He can tell just by how you're acting that you're going through a bit of a rough patch.
You aren't touching the dinner Mikey made and you're not talking. You just said you were tired and not hungry, but Raph knew something was up. He hated being left out of the loop, he had to know. Instead of asking in front of everyone, he decided to pull you aside and ask you privately.
At first, you were adament that you were just tired, but Raph was persistent. You cracked and just broke down. He's emotionally aware enough to be dangerous so he became a lot softer. He pulled you to his plastron and rubbed your back. Big brother/soft boyfriend mode would take over and he would just let you fall apart. He prefers listening over fixing in these moments.
Raph doesn't like seeing people cry and depending on the circumstances, he may even cry with you. He doesn't like seeing anyone he cares about in pain, especially emotional pain. He will make it his personal business to get even with the person who hurt you, or do his best to try and make you feel better if you're just having a bad day.
When you calmed down enough, he'd make a joke about how red your face was to try and make you smile. If that didn't work, he would just offer to listen to whatever was on your mind until you felt better.
"Listen, I know it's bad now but I promise ya it'll be okay. How's about we watch a movie? I can make ya a snack if ya want."
Like Leo, Donnie isn't good at emotions. The only difference between the two is that the purple bandana sporting turtle always knows. He always knows when something isn't right, a lot of the time even before Raph. By nature, he's very calm and collected. However, when your world seems to be crumbling, his intelligence seems to fly out the window.
It was something he couldn't fix and you knew he couldn't fix. You just needed someone to listen to you and let you get it out. It was eating you alive and you couldn't take it anymore. You had to tell someone.
You wondered into his lab and told him you needed to talk to him. He continued working and told you to say what was on your mind. He paid attention, he could multitask like a king, but it wasn't until your tone shifted that he turned all his focus on you. Your eyes were becoming glossier and your face was turning red. You were about to start crying and he internally panicked.
He wasn't the biggest on physical affection, but even he needs a hug at times. Depending on the status of your relationship, he would offer you a hug. Donnie's arms stretched out and he motioned for you to come to him. You laid your head on his plastron and cried. He rubbed your back and just let you cry. You seemed like you needed it.
Donnie offered you a tissue and sat back down in his chair. He pulled his extra one over to you and offered you to sit. If he couldn't fix it, at least he could offer a distraction.
"I'm sorry that you're upset. If you'd like, you can help me with the retro mutegen? Or maybe the shell razor? You pick."
He's emotionally intelligent and emotionally aware. He's very observant and can tell when something's up, but will believe you if you tell him you're tired. It wouldn't be until that you yourself stop believing you're just tired that Mikey realizes something's bothering you. He doesn't fix it, but instead he tries to comfort you as best he can.
You had been feeling off all day and didn't know why, you woke up that way. You hated the world and you felt like it hated you too. You told Mikey you were tired but you got tired of that lie really fast.
You and him were playing video games when it hit you all of a sudden. You felt your chest tighten and then the next thing you knew, you were crying. He quickly disregarded the game and hugged you, trying to get you to tell him what was wrong. Naturally, he's a very affectionate guy. He was petting your hair and rubbing your back before you could even start sobbing.
Once Mikey realized he didn't have to go into protective boyfriend/friend mode, he went quiet. He knew that right now, you just needed a minute. You were obviously overwhelmed and he didn't want to add to that by hounding you with questions. He didn't like seeing you this way but obviously you needed to allow yourself this moment, and he would wait until you were ready.
He wiped your tears and kissed your forehead. He kept his arm around you and rubbed your back, letting you know that you were safe with him. He just wanted to show that he was there for you.
"Don't worry, Y/N, I got you. Wanna watch a movie? Or maybe I can teach you some skateboard tricks? Your choice.
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Hii, can you pleaase do 'you are in love' with Zoro and female reader? 💖
Hey! Yes, I totally can! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you've had a good day so far and I hope you enjoy this! You can find my Flower Asks here, Hozier asks are here, and my Taylor Swift Asks here. You can find my masterlist here and my rules here. And you can request here! You Are In Love: You never expected him to be the person you fell for. Characters: Zoro, Fem!Reader, Luffy (mentioned), Nami (mentioned), Usopp (mentioned). Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader TW: None that I can think of!
You Are In Love
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If someone had told you that you would be in love with Zoro Roronoa, you would’ve told them that they were out of their mind. You didn’t like him in that way and you doubted that you ever would. To be frank, you hated him since you’d met him in the bar in Shells Town.
You’d grown up in Shells Town and, while it was boring, it was home. If there was one complaint that you had, it was that it was always so boring. Nothing fun ever happened, especially not with the Marines crawling around. You spent most of your days at the local bar in the middle of town. You worked there to support yourself since there was no one else to take care of you besides yourself.
It was a regular day like any other when he walked into the bar. He walked in carrying a upper part of a body in a bag. Blood could be seen drenching the bottom of the bag, dripping onto the floor on occasion. He then placed the bag on one of the stools at the bar. A sigh escaped you and you rolled your eyes. You already knew you would be the one cleaning that up.
As if that wasn’t the only thing to annoy you that day, he did something that annoyed you even more. A Marine came up to the bar and snapped his fingers at you to get your attention, “Hey. I want a beer. Now.” Ah, yes, the ever so demanding Marine wanted a beer. That was certainly the surprise of the year.
With a forced smile, you replied, “On it.”
That should’ve been the end of it. You were used to this kind of thing. If there was one thing Marines didn’t have, it was manners. You swore that they were too thick-headed to ever learn any manners. The lessons wouldn’t even be able to get past the layer of skin on their forehead. Of course you couldn’t say that out loud. So you smiled and kept your mouth shut unless it was to agree with whatever they said.
It didn’t seem like that was going to work this time because the guy with the green hair and body bag snapped his finger at the Marine, “Hey,” The Marine looked furious. His head whipped around to stare at him. “Yeah, you don’t like it either, huh? Treat her with respect.”
This only made things worse. The Marine continued to be angry and took it out on almost the whole bar. To top it all off, the green-haired man picked a fight with the son of Axe Hand Morgan and started a bar fight with all the Marines. Again, something that would result in you being the one to clean everything up. Sure, you appreciated the gesture of standing up for you, but you had the situation handled by just ignoring it. Now there was a full blown fight where you would have to deal with the repercussions later.
Somehow, you ended up being stuck with the man, who you found out was named Zoro, by being put on a pirate crew with him. During the fight at the bar, a Marine hadn’t gotten you even more frustrated so you took him down easily. That was the only time you interfered in the fight. A boy in a straw hat saw you easily take the Marine down and was impressed with your fighting style. He offered for you to join his crew. Wanting to get out of your boring town, you agreed. If you had known Zoro would be there, you would’ve turned down the offer. But now it was too late to do that.
You were now stuck in a close proximity to Zoro because of how small the boat was. He was always slacking off by taking naps. He always swung his swords around frigidly and didn’t care if he almost cut someone’s hand off. There was also the fact that he acted like he was so far above the rest of you. That’s how you interpreted it at least.
Eventually, you did start to become more understanding of each other. During your stay at Kaya’s mansion, you couldn’t sleep so you wandered around. Zoro happened to be doing the same thing much to your dismay. You were too tired to tell him to go away and too tired to leave yourself so you forced yourself to just be around him. You found yourself having a deep conversation with him that night. Granted, it was short because of everything that happened after, but it still felt significant to you.
That’s when you decided to lessen your hatred of him. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you were making him out to be. You started being civil to him. Being civil slowly turned into being friends. Light hearted jokes started being shared between the two of you. You guys started to gravitate toward each other more. You started confiding in him about your worries. There would be these small touches that only the two of you noticed. You were surprised to find that you didn’t hate when his hand lightly brushed yours. It felt nice.
At one point during the crew’s sailing, you guys ended up on a fairly peaceful island. You arrived just in time for the annual festival and decided to stay to relax a little. It ended up with you going in groups. Nami, Luffy, and Usopp went to look around together while you and Zoro were left on your own. As alone as you could be, that is.
It was hard to consider yourselves truly alone when a bunch of random women tried to have Zoro come away with them. Each and every time, he would turn them down by asking you if you wanted to do what the woman was suggesting. It shocked you but you agreed since it was an out of the conversation with the woman.
The two of you spent the whole night together and ended up coming back to the hotel you and the crew were staying at late. You were too tired to go to your room since it was on the third floor so he offered for you to stay in his room. You were flustered at first and refused but he insisted. Once there, he let you take the bed and slept in the chair in the corner of the room. You felt bad but couldn’t convince him to take the bed. You spent the remainder of the night talking before you fell asleep.
You think that was when you started to consider Zoro your best friend. Though, it felt like there was something deeper there. You already knew what it was. You were just afraid to admit it. You had relationships before and those didn’t end well. You were afraid of the same thing happening if you ended up with Zoro… But when you were with him, it felt like those relationships didn’t matter anymore. He actually kept his promises unlike previous ones. He treated you much better than they did and you guys weren’t even together yet.
After Zoro got badly injured by Mihawk during their fight, you were losing your mind with worry. You barely left his side while he was unconscious. You were angry with him even more when he woke up but was glad that you and the others didn’t have to plan for a funeral for one of your best friends. You guys talked when he woke up and you let him know exactly how much he worried you.
That’s when he told you that he didn’t think you thought of him as your best friend. When you told him that he was, he looked you directly in the eyes and told you that you were his too. You saw something else in those eyes of his. He loved you just as much as you loved him.
If the picture of you that was taken at the festival that he has in his stuff said anything, it was exactly that.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Bad Day
Pairing: Rooster x Wife!Reader
Author’s Note: Three new fics in one day? Who is she? Someone who’s super excited about having her weeklong shadowban finally lifted, that’s who!
This one is based on this Anon request. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Stressful day, overwhelmed reader, slight insecurities, brief mention of breastfeeding, an obscene amount of fluff.
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Today had been a day.
To start it all off, your alarm hadn’t gone off. You had woken up earlier in the morning to make breakfast for Rooster before he left for work, but you had been certain you’d double checked the alarm on your phone before going back to sleep. When you’d opened your eyes, however, surprised at how much sunlight was streaming through the window, you’d realized with a frantic yelp that you had overslept.
With no time to shower, you’d hurriedly brushed your teeth and threw your hair up into a messy bun, hoping that you’d somehow managed to make it look chic instead of sloppy as you snatched up a comfortable pair of yoga pants and a tank top, and then scrambled to get your seven-month-old son ready for the day.
The chaotic start to the morning meant that you arrived a little bit late to the Mommy & Me class you and Nick had been attending for the past few weeks. Trying your best to ignore the judgmental glances some of the other mothers threw your way as you awkwardly maneuvered around the room with your son in one arm and the diaper bag slung over the other, you found that you were barely able to enjoy the class that morning because of how frazzled you were feeling.
Nick apparently felt the same way because he was fussy throughout the entire class. You’d felt yourself growing flustered as some of the other mothers shot you sideways glances while your son squirmed and whimpered and grew increasingly frustrated with all the stimulation. Thankfully, he waited until you were on your way back to the car to have a full-blown meltdown.
Your sweet baby, normally so happy and cooperative, had been miserable all day. He’d started cutting his first tooth a few weeks earlier, and the teething process had been a nightmare ever since.
“I know, baby, I know it hurts,” you tried to comfort him as he cried, kissing his forehead and rocking him in your arms. His pain caused you pain. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to be helping that day. The teething gel you smeared on his gums didn’t stop the tears. The cold teething rings you kept in the small cooler of the diaper bag didn’t bring him any relief. You felt tears pricking your own eyes as your son cried and cried and cried.
After driving around for about an hour, you finally got Nick to fall asleep long enough so that you could take him for a quick trip to the grocery store. On your way home, however, your car suddenly got a flat tire. You had to pull over to the side of the road and call Penny and a tow truck. With a fussy, teething baby in your arms and a trunk full of groceries, it certainly wasn’t an easy way to spend the afternoon.
Penny tried to insist on staying at your place to help you for a few hours, but you promised her that you would be fine, not wanting to be a bother since you knew she had a lot of things to take care of at The Hard Deck.
The truth was, however, that you weren’t fine. Settling Nick in his high chair, you quickly discovered that the ice cream you had bought at the grocery store, which you’d forgotten about during the dilemma of the flat tire, had turned into a soupy mess. Groaning to yourself, you’d had no choice but to throw it out and clean up the mess it had left behind.
Nick refused to eat any hard food and was fussy and crying the entire time you tried to breastfeed. And though you had gotten him to sleep for a little while in the car, he refused to go down for his nap, clinging to you so that you had no choice but to hold your son for hours on end, whispering comforting words to him and rocking him in your arms.
You would do anything to try to alleviate your son’s suffering, but not being able to put him down meant that you weren’t able to accomplish the other things on your to-do list, like running the loads of laundry or cleaning the kitchen or preparing dinner.
Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, you’d considered calling Rooster on multiple occasions, but had ended up putting your phone down every time. It would be silly and unfair to burden him with something like that. He was busy. He had a very important job to do and he didn’t have time to hear about how you were having a bad day.
Once Nick finally passed out later that evening, having worked himself into an exhausted stupor, you laid him down in his crib and tried to scramble to accomplish what you hadn’t been able to do all afternoon. You threw a quick load of laundry into the washing machine and set a pot of water on the stove to boil. Ravioli would have to do for dinner tonight, since that was all you had time for.
While you were in the middle of hurriedly drying the dishes and trying to put them away, you suddenly dropped one of the glasses with a crash, glass shattering and flying everywhere across the tiled kitchen floor.
“Son of a bitch!” you exploded, trying your best to keep your voice down so that your son wouldn’t wake up. Having reached your boiling point, you pounded your fists on the kitchen counter, wanting to scream but settling for tears instead.
“Son of a bitch,” you said again, sniffling as the tears began to trickle down your cheeks. You squatted down to begin picking up the broken pieces of glass, which was where Rooster found you when he arrived home a few minutes later.
“Hey, baby, I’m—what happened?” Rooster asked as he walked into the kitchen, eyes widening at the sight of you huddled over on the floor. When he saw the growing pile of broken glass, he immediately squatted down beside you. “Here, honey, let me. You’re going to cut yourself,” he said, eyeing your bare feet and delicate hands. He carefully took the pieces of glass you were holding out of your hands and bent to search for more.
“No, you don’t have to. You just got home from work and I’m the one who dropped it,” you insisted, stubbornly ignoring him and continuing to pick up the pieces of broken glass.
“Baby, I—”
“No!” you snapped, startling the both of you. “No, you don’t need to—I’m going to—” Your sentence suddenly trailed off as you burst into tears, dropping the glass you’d been holding to the floor once more.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Rooster murmured soothingly, moving closer to you so that he could wrap his arms around you. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing! I just…it was…I didn’t mean…” You could barely get a complete thought out as you continued to sob, covering your face with your hands.
Without saying another word, Rooster lifted you up into his arms and carried you into the living room, setting you down on the couch and grabbing your favorite throw blanket. He made sure you were settled and comfortable before sitting down beside you and resting a comforting hand over yours. “Babe, tell me what’s wrong.”
Wiping at your eyes and taking a shuddering breath, you tearfully told him about the events of the day, from your alarm not going off, to the judgmental mothers at Mommy & Me, to Nick’s teething woes, to the flat tire, to the melted ice cream, to the battle to get Nick to sleep, to the million unchecked items on your to-do list, and finally to the glass that had broken the camel’s back.
Rooster didn’t try to interrupt or interject, just listened as you word-vomited all over him, sniffling and hiccupping all the while. When you were finally finished, he just wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close.
“Oh, baby,” he whispered softly, rubbing gentle circles on your back. “I’m sorry. It sounds like today sucked,” he commiserated. You loved that about your husband. He never tried to minimize or downplay the things that were causing you stress. He always just listened and empathized.
“It did,” you told him in a small voice, nodding your head as you rested against him. Sighing, you wiped your cheeks and pulled back after a moment to look up at him. “I just feel like such a disaster sometimes, you know? I feel like a terrible mother and a terrible wife. I mean, you literally spend every day doing some of the most dangerous things known to man, and I fall apart trying to wash the dishes and get a load of laundry done,” you confessed, face crumpling again.
“Hey,” Rooster replied firmly, taking hold of your chin and raising your face so that you were looking at him. “Hey, listen to me. Don’t you ever say that about yourself. You’re an amazing wife and an incredible mother,” he said, looking deeply into your eyes. “Nick and I are so lucky to have you. We’d be totally lost without you, baby,” he went on, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You had a bad day. But that doesn’t take away from the million and one good days—scratch that—great days that you’ve given us. You’re an incredible woman, Mrs. Bradshaw,” he grinned, kissing the tip of your nose this time.
You offered him a watery smile, his words meaning more to you than you could say. “I love you so much,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around him and kissing him tenderly.
“I love you right back,” he told you, grinning as he kissed you some more.
The two of you sat wrapped in each other’s arms for a few minutes, Rooster tucking your blanket around you more securely. Slowly, he rose from his spot on the couch, dropping another kiss to your forehead.
“Let me go finish cleaning everything up and then I’ll be back,” he promised you, caressing your cheek lightly. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV, grinning back at you. “I’ll even watch one of those Hallmark movies you love so much,” he teased with a wink, which made you smile.
“Wait!” you gasped suddenly, eyes widening in a panic. “I left the water boiling! I was going to make ravioli,” you explained, moving to get off the couch.
“No, no, no,” Rooster told you, gently forcing you back down onto the couch. “I’ll handle the broken glass and the boiling water. And maybe I’ll just order a pizza instead?” he suggested with a raised brow.
“That sounds perfect,” you grinned, smiling as your husband made his way back to the kitchen. Taking him up on his promise, you grabbed the remote and quickly flipped to the Hallmark Channel.
Thirty minutes later, the two of you were snuggled up on the couch together, happily eating pizza and watching a silly Hallmark rom-com. It was hard to tell which was cheesier, the food or the movie, and honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You feeling better?” Rooster asked later, his arm wrapped around you as he nuzzled your neck affectionately.
“Much,” you nodded, lacing your fingers through his. “Thanks for always making my bad days better,” you added, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
“Any time, baby. Any time,” Rooster murmured, kissing you softly.
“You know what would really turn this bad day around?” you asked, tilting your head to gaze up at him.
“What?” Rooster questioned, a mischievous little gleam in his eyes.
“Take me to bed,” you told him with a tiny grin.
“Show me the way, honey.”
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Can we acknowledge for a second how insane it is that both Wally and Bart had to have significant character arcs to understand that sometimes people die?
With other heroes it's just a fact of life. People die. People die all the time. That's just the job. There's no escaping that. There was never any room for doubt.
They try as hard as they can to save everyone but they're only human. Sometimes they can't and sometimes people die.
But for Wally and Bart?
Oh man.
Wally was aware of the concept of death. He'd seen corpses, he knew that people died and that it was a commonplace thing.
But someone dying on his watch? Failing to save someone, no matter what the circumstances, was not even an option to Wally. It didn't happen. He was fast enough to make sure it never happened.
His actual literal catch phrase as the Flash was "Nobody dies."
I'm not joking.
He even had a storyline where a lady was thrown out of an airplane and Wally, who obviously can't fly and who would have no way of saving her, jumped out after her because nobody dies. And he did save her. He figured out a new way of using superspeed while plummeting to his death. The moral of that adventure to Wally was that no one should die ever when he's the Flash because he can always save everyone if he tries hard enough.
He then had another adventure where someone was going to die and he couldn't save them and he could not handle that. This man STOPPED. TIME. He stopped time because "if time doesn't move then they can't die" and he intended to never restart time because he was having a full blown panic attack over someone dying on his watch.
Thankfully he was able to calm down and figure out a plan to save them. He had to accept that it might not work and they might die and he had to be okay with that. Because he tried his best and that was all he could do. He did end up saving everyone in the end. No one died.
But I mention this because the man was in his mid 20's the first time he actually had to come to terms with the inevitability of death.
He wasn't being naive or ignorant. He wasn't being arrogant or cocky. The man had legitimately never failed to save someone.
Now Bart, in comparison, had to face death in general a lot sooner than Wally did. Wally was basing his conclusions based on his experience but Bart legitimately had no idea what death was.
He had to learn that people could die by witnessing the people he cares about have close calls. He had to learn that he could die by experiencing his own death.
I'm honestly not entirely convinced Bart has had to accept that he can't save everyone. There are arguments to be made for sure but I don't think he's ever explicitly had that "Oh shit, I can't save them. They will die" moment.
Regardless though, I think this really speaks to their abilities and efficiency in the field. Also their sheer power. It doesn't matter if it's a city of 2 million people and there's a nuke 1 second away from detonating. It doesn't matter if the criminal has a hostage at gun point and has already pulled the trigger. It doesn't matter if a building gets hit during a fight and crumbles into dust. There will be no casualties. There will be no hostages. There will be no friendly fire. They save everyone. No exceptions.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
My Boyfriend Can Fall Asleep Anywhere (Slight NSFW 18+)
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AN: He acts like you don't know him like the back of your hand
Synopsis: Your loving boyfriend can fall asleep anywhere as long as he has his most comfortable pillow which is you
Pairing: Urban Wyatt x Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
"Babe, are you sure you still want to go? You hardly slept last night." You asked, while running your hand through his curls. 
You just knew he was about to fall over at any minute.
It was no secret how hard he worked all the time and you could tell that it was now catching up to him. He admitted that he hadn’t been sleeping a lot while on tour seeing how there were so many things going on and you took it upon yourself to come and spend time with him for a few weeks, hoping he would sleep better if you were near him.
“I’m fine, we can go.” He said leaning down to kiss you and you quickly gave him several pecks back.
“We aren’t staying long anyway and then I’ll be able to go to sleep.”
“Um, the event isn’t even over until two in the morning.”
“We don’t have to stay that long, though.”
It was hilarious actually.
Urban was a known insomniac, however, he could fall asleep anywhere and has done it multiple times before. It could be in the middle of a full blown party and he would be knocked out on the couch.
“I’d rather you go to sleep now.”
“Before I give you this work?” Urban questioned and raised an eyebrow at you while you simply rolled your eyes.
“Urby, the only work that I’ll probably get from you is having you slide in me and fall asleep within five minutes. Cockwarming would suit this situation and not anything else.”
“Well damn.”
“But did I lie?”
“I plead the fifth.”
“Besides, I’m the one hosting the after party, how am I not going to show up?” Urban asked as he looked over at you changing out your shoes to match with the new outfit that you had put on.
“You’re about to fall asleep while we’re there, I know it.”
“Twenty dollars says I won’t.”
You did a double take to look at him and scoffed.
“Didn’t realize my boyfriend was so cheap.” You said while standing up and walking towards him. 
“Lord, help me.”
In one of the rare occasions, Jack would also be coming to the after party along with the rest of PG. You would think that because he would have all of his friends around him that it would be easier for him to stay awake, but you didn’t count on it and couldn’t wait for him to hand you your 50 dollars.
The after party was underway and you were currently sitting on Urban’s lap as he kept placing kisses along your neck. Once he had stopped doing that, you would look back at him every few minutes to make sure he was still awake since you noticed that his grip around your waist would loosen.
It was only a matter of time until he was out like a light.
And to think it was only midnight and there were two more hours to go.
“Baby? You okay?” You asked while turning around and looked to see that his eyes were closed and he had leaned his head back.
“I’m fine, I’m just resting my eyes.”
“And that’s what my dad says every single time before that man is out like a light. We got two more hours to go of this. Get this work my ass.”
“Don’t tempt me because I will give it to you right here.”
“You wouldn’t be able to stay awake long enough to get your dick out.”
“Wait a minute… URB?! ARE YOU SLEEP?!” Jack exclaimed while looking over at the two of you.
“Wait, yall made a bet?” 2fo curiously asked while coming over to all of you with a drink in his hand.
“Only fifty dollars since my boyfriend is so cheap.” You said while rolling your eyes.
“Didn’t he just buy you a Cartier bracelet though?” Quiiso said while looking at your wrist.
“Doesn’t count, he only said fifty because he knows that he’s going to lose.”
Just then you felt Urban slide you off of his lap and you were now sitting next to him.
“What the?” You asked confused and looked over to see his extremely heavy eyes.
“Damn, Urb, just hand her the money now, you not about to last much longer.” You heard Shloob say from his spot on the other side of you.
Another twenty minutes had passed and you then noticed how Urban had now wrapped his arms around you and was face first in your boobs knocked out cold.
“And he said that he would be able to stay awake the entire time.” You said as you were simply playing in his hair.
“Is he? Is he really face first knocked out on your chest right now? In the middle of a party that he’s supposed to be hosting?”
“It never fails.”
You then heard muffling and realized that it was coming from Urban.
“Babe, what?!” You asked not understanding a word that he had just said. 
He then picked his head up to answer you before putting it back in its original position.
“I’m awake!”
“Urb, you were snoring face first in your girlfriend’s boobs. You were asleep.” Jack said while laughing at him.
“Run my girl her money.”
“Remind me to never get Urb to host any of my parties. How is he the host and he sleep?”
“For the last time, I’M AWAKE!”
“He’s just as bad as a toddler, fighting sleep.”
“He’s always been like that.”
“Yall are aware that I can hear, right?” Urban asked while turning his head to look over at them before going to face plant right back in your boobs.
“Urb, baby, your head is getting heavy. I didn’t realize I was going to be your pillow while we were here.”
“His head is kinda big.” Ace barely said above a whisper and you swore that you were probably the only one who heard him and laughed. 
Urban then looked up at you and pouted.
“Can we leave now?”
“Sure, as soon as you give me my money.” You said while kissing his nose and he immediately rolled his eyes in response.
“Or, how about that Cartier necklace I showed you the other day?” I mean, you might as well try, right?
“Don’t push it.”
“You’re just mad because your girlfriend was right.”
A little while later, the two of you were now laying in a comfortable silence in your hotel room after you had taken a quick shower and wrapped up your hair. You were surprised that Urban was still awake and all he was currently doing was staring at you. Even though your eyes were closed, you could still tell.
“Stop being a creep and go to sleep. You already fell asleep in my boobs earlier.”
“Do you blame me? They’re comfy and I’m not being a creep.”
“Then why are you staring at me?” You questioned him while peeking one eye open.
“Damn, I can’t look at my girl now?”
“You’re looking at me like you want something and my answer is about to be no because you need to go to sleep. Next thing you know Jack will be in the middle of performing and your ass will be asleep somewhere.”
“Anyway, remember what you said earlier?”
“I said a lot of things earlier and it was me primarily telling you that I knew that you would fall asleep.”
“Well, if you let me slide….”
“All I said was that was probably the only thing you had enough energy for.”
“Sooooo? You gonna help me out or not?”
“Damn it, Urban. I swear I can’t stand you.” You said while sliding off your shorts and throwing them to the slide.
“That’s not what you were saying the other day when I had your cum running all over this dick.” Urban replied as you felt him slide into you. You tried your best not to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, but it happened anyway.
“Hmm my baby sounds like she wants me.” Urban whispered in your ear before kissing right below it and you immediately let out a whimper.
“I want you to go to sleep.”
“Hmm, really? Because your body is telling me otherwise.” You then felt Urban move his left hand downwards to rub massage small circles along your clit.
“If I ride you will you shut up and go to sleep?” You asked while glancing over your shoulder at him.
“You won’t hear a word out of me until tomorrow morning.” That was a lie, but you were desperate at this point for him to go to sleep.
You then sighed before flipping the two of you over without him slipping out of you and you lifted your hips up before slowing easing back down earning moans from the both of you.
“Shirt off now.” 
You then stopped your movements to slowly take off your shirt and was now on full display. All he could do was admire the sight in front of him.
“Damn, my girlfriend is beautiful.”
“I know, but you still haven’t given me my money yet.” 
“Ride me like you said you would and I’ll give you a lot more than that.”
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bodiedbyteecosplays · 11 months
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Talent show with Modern! Aizetsu
Heyyyy!!! So y’all remember my last post I talked about the hidden talents that they have & how Aizetsu has the voice of an absolute angel & how he needed to expose his talents! Yeeee well in this HE ACTUALLY DOES ALL THANKS TO YOU, (THE READER) and HIS BROTHERS.
Reader is gender neutral & has a crush on Ai (your nickname for him) & it’s very obvious that he has the same feelings for you. (And a Little surprise at the end ) 💙
• You had been knowing Aizetsu for some years & over time, you started having romantic feelings for him. You’re the only one outside of his brothers/parents that knew he could sing.
• The first time you heard him sing, you were with him when “This Woman’s Work” by Maxwell came on from his Spotify when y’all were on your way from grabbing a quick bite to eat.
• You were literally so moved by his voice and he was so into the song that he got carried away and damn near forgot you were in the car until you spoke up afterwards and spooked him a bit. 😅
• Ever since then, he’s singing around you very often and every song he sings effortlessly took your breath away. His voice is so smooth. Every note was so clear and beautiful.
• One day while you were in town shopping, you found out that a small local club was hosting a talent show and were handing out flyers and you’ve been telling Aizetsu foreverrrrrr to sing in public so you took the flyer and immediately called him.
• You told him about the small club hosting the talent show in 5 days and he wasn’t really sure of himself so you reassured him that he definitely has the talent and should consider giving it a shot.
• He was with his brothers at the time and they were all at their parents place (they love coming together and visiting them every week) & Karaku heard the conversation and asked what was the phone call about and Aizetsu simply told them that you called to tell him that a small local talent show and of course they all were more so wanting Aizetsu to go for it and Aizetsu was really doubting himself saying what if he goes there and humiliates himself so that prompted the oldest of the brothers, Sekido to tell him that he’s talented enough and has the potential to do whatever he set his mind to do. Like they gave him a full blown pep talk and was able to get him to do it! One of The driving forces was when Urogi said “think of y/n being the only one in the room”because they all know that he really likes them.
• Aizetsu then called you back and told you that he was going to do it and even had a song in mind that he could sing a play his guitar. He told you what he picked was a surprise ( the song he picked was one of the songs you’ve been asking him to sing and originally he was gonna wait until your birthday but this was special to him as are you.)
• You were over the moon excited when he told you that he was gonna participate!
• He rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed every night leading up to the talent show.
• The day of, he stayed cramped up in his apartment without returning a call from his brothers, or you. The stage fright got him and his anxiety was high. He was thinking of calling you and telling you that he was going to back down until he got a knock on his door.
• It was his mother & you, coming to check on him to make sure he was alright. He then told her about the talent show & how he finally had the courage to sign up but deep down he was still scared that he would mess up somehow & of course you both told him that he wasn’t going to mess up and reassured him that you loved his singing voice and that he was talented beyond everything else. His mom then told him that she’s been in predicaments before where she felt like she was going to fail but then her parents and her loved ones were really a strong support system and that he has the same thing and you agreed with her.
• Aizetsu then started feeling better and felt like he could do it again! Which made you and his mom very happy! He then called his brothers and told them that he was alright & that he was feeling a little doubt but his mom and y/n came over and gave him a talk and he started feeling better about the talent show again.
• It was already 1 hour and 30mins until the talent show so you and his mom had to get going so he could get ready to go. Before his mom left she embraced Aizetsu tight and whispered “Orire” ( which is “good luck” in Yoruba) before telling him that she will see him later.
• When you, his parents, and his brothers pulled up to the venue, his car was already parked there and it was already starting to get crowded.
• Aizetsu peeped out the curtains from behind the stage and saw how many people were starting to flow in and started to panic a little and then he laid eyes on you and his family then started to feel relieved. He started to feel the nervousness kicking in then he started meditating.
• After others performances, it was finally Aizetsu’s time to shine. He was nervous but all he heard was the reassurance he received from his family and you. The song he chose was “All Night” by Beyoncé.
• He sung the song so beautifully that he received a standing ovation from just about everyone in the club. You and his mother stood up and tearfully clapped and cheered. His brothers were cheering loud, Sekido smirked while standing up and clapping.
• After he went backstage you and his family rushed and told him how great he did. When he hugged you, he picked you up & spun you around a little and then he kissed you and told you thank you for believing in him and you kissed him back and told him that you always believed in him. He also thanked everyone as well but like Urogi said, you were definitely a driving force for him to do it.
I Hope everyone enjoyed my little fluff fic for Zetsy 🥹🥹🥹 there’s more to come for the brothers soon though so keep your eyes peeled!
I Tag @hakujisstuff @hardt4rein @ch3rriiii-bunn @its-freaking-jordan @yunaarts @i-karaku-swear-i-dont-smoke-weed @bbkook @doesfairieshavetails
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shion-yu · 4 months
Not Your Fault (part 2)
Part 1 | Alex has fever dreams, Shu comforts him. Fill for my @badthingshappenbingo space "It's All My Fault." Original work, 1,474 words. No TWs, CW: PTSD, vomit, Alex is 13 here. And don't worry, of course Shu's gonna get whumped in part 3 :P
Shu was woken up by the sound of screaming. He ran into Alex's room not bothering to knock where he found Alex sitting up in bed crying and coughing. His breathing was fast and congested, a mix of tears and snot running down his face. Without the confident scowl on his face that he usually protected himself with, he looked exactly like the teenager he really was.
"Alex, Alex! Look at me bud," Shu urged him, hands hovering over Alex's shoulders. Alex looked at him with such a hurt, scared expression that it was clear he wasn't in the present moment. Shu took a chance, placed one hand on Alex’s shoulder and rubbed Alex's back with the other in the hope that it would help bring Alex back to reality. He knew that nightmares were a common occurrence for Alex, but usually Alex would shout once or twice in his sleep and then go quiet. This time he seemed to be in a full blown panic though, likely thanks to the fever Shu could feel through his t-shirt. 
Alex looked up at Shu with a heartbreakingly devastated expression. "It's my fault," he whimpered, his eyes shining with tears. 
"You haven't done anything wrong," Shu soothed him, his voice low and gentle. "It's okay. Just focus on me now."
Alex let out a small sob and gripped the hem of Shu's shirt. He was shaking, either with fear or chills or both. "I killed them. It's my fault they're dead. I-I-" He shuddered violently. Shu pressed his hand to Alex's cheek and grimaced at the high heat coming off the teen. 
"No honey, it's not your fault," Shu tried to soothe Alex like he was far younger than thirteen. He wasn't exactly sure what Alex was talking about, but it likely had something to do with how everybody else in that apartment had died the day of the explosion - Alex's mom, his mom's boyfriend, and the downstairs neighbor. Alex had been the only one to survive it because he’d been in his bedroom with the doors closed, suffering only minor injuries while everybody else had died on site. Such an event would haunt anyone, let alone a thirteen year old boy who clearly did not have the best coping mechanisms. Alex tried to act like it didn’t bother him, but Shu found that impossible to believe. He made Alex go to talk therapy even though the kid almost always found some way to bail on it, thinking that maybe if Alex didn’t want to tell him about his troubles then at least maybe he could tell someone else. 
Shu kept rubbing Alex's back, something he usually wouldn't be able to do without Alex slapping his hand away. "Breathe for me, can you?" Shu asked gently. "It's just you and me here. You're safe."
Alex seemed to listen for about ten seconds, growing momentarily quieter, before his breath quickened again. "Alex?" Shu questioned him. All the color had suddenly drained from Alex's face. 
"I'm gonna puke," Alex said, gagging once before Shu managed to shove the waste basket under his chin just in time. Despite skipping dinner, Alex managed to vomit a substantial amount before collapsing back onto his pillows, trembling violently. Shu hummed sympathetically and took the basket away, tying the bag up and bringing it to the kitchen where he double bagged and tossed the mess. He returned with the bin containing a fresh bag, the thermometer and a wet rag. Alex was lying there with one arm over his eyes. It was difficult to discern an expression in that position, but it was clear he was upset.
"Let's get you cleaned up and I'll take your temperature," Shu said softly. Alex just groaned in response, not moving. Shu hummed and pressed the dampened cloth to Alex's sweaty neck. Alex flinched but then took the washcloth and wiped the rest of his face off. Afterwards Shu traded the washcloth for the thermometer.
"It doesn't matter," Alex muttered, but begrudgingly placed the small instrument under his tongue. The number rose until it stopped at 102.3 and beeped. Shu took it and made out the reading using the dim hallway light that flooded into the bedroom from the doorway. 
"Oof. You must feel awful," Shu hummed softly. 
"No, I feel great," Alex said sarcastically. This usual snarkiness actually made Shu feel a little better. The wet, "Ht'ksshh!" and whimper that followed did not. 
"Do you think you can stomach some more Tylenol?" Shu asked him, handing Alex the glass of water. "Just try a few little sips first," he urged when Alex looked at the glass apprehensively. Alex followed instructions and then nodded after managing a few sips without throwing up, so Shu handed him two more Tylenol to take. "We'll bring you to the doctor in the morning," Shu said.
Alex looked annoyed. "I don't need to go to the doctor," he said. "I just need to sleep it off."
"Is that what you're used to?" Shu asked, perhaps a bit too pityingly because Alex scowled and pushed the glass back into his hand. "Alex..."
"Sorry for waking you up," Alex growled. "Go back to - to be... H'nnxgh-“ Alex managed to halfway stifle the first of the fit of three sneezes only, the rest too strong for him to hold back. He launched straight from sneezing into coughing and Shu was surprised when Alex grabbed onto Shu's forearm, although it seemed simply to prevent himself from pitching forward. Shu reached for a tissue from the box on Alex's nightstand and held it to Alex's nose.
"Blow," he said. “Just do it, you're choking on your own snot," he added when Alex glared at him with watery eyes. Alex took the tissue and blew what sounded like far more than what could fit in one tissue's worth. Shu held out his hand for the used one and traded Alex for another, which he also filled. "Good," Shu said. "Better?" Alex nodded slowly. He looked miserable. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" Shu asked him hopefully.
Alex shook his head no, sniffling pathetically. “Everything hurts,” he whined.
"Okay, that's fine,” Shu said. “Do you want me to stay with you? Or we can go watch TV in my room." Alex didn't go in there much, but Shu always tried to make him feel like he could enter whenever he wanted. The first night Alex had lived with him, Alex had slept there while Shu slept on the couch since he didn't have a bed for Alex yet. It had all been very sudden, how Alex had come to live with him, and Shu still couldn't believe everything that had happened in the handful of months that had passed since then. 
Alex didn't answer, but he was looking at Shu with a strange expression that Shu couldn't read. "Or the couch," Shu added awkwardly, trying to come up with other options in case maybe Alex didn't like any of the first ones. "I could make you something warm."
"You're too nice to me," Alex blurted out suddenly. His face turned red, but Shu wasn't sure if it was all due to the fever. 
"Alex," Shu sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed and facing him with a serious expression. "You're my kid. I know I'm not what you'd prefer but it's what you've got, and I'm trying my best. I want you to feel safe, this is your home now. Whatever happened or didn't happen before isn't your fault. You deserve to be taken care of."
Alex went quiet again. Shu waited for him to process this, half expecting Alex to kick him out. But instead he sniffled and said, "TV in your room sounds okay." Shu smiled and tried not to make it obvious how thrilled he was. They moved to Shu's room where Shu set Alex up in his bed with lots of pillows behind him and a hot water bottle to hug. If Alex's sniffles sounded more like crying than just a runny nose now, Shu kept his mouth shut. They watched late night TV until Alex slumped lower in Shu's bed and Shu could tell he'd fallen asleep. Shu adjusted the pillows and tucked him in so he would be comfortable enough not to wake up.
Alex was a handful and often Shu felt like he was far more than Shu could handle on his own, but right now he looked so boyish and peaceful. Poor kid was going through it, and illness and nightmares only made things worse. Shu hated to see him suffering, but at the same time a tiny part of him was grateful that it had pushed Alex to trust him just a little bit, even if it was only for tonight.
Part 3
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