#going to the bars on wednesday tho and that’s gonna be like
beaversatemygrandma · 2 months
Interview. Interview. Oh Another interview. Interview. Interview. Guess what's next? An interview that a manager is like "Today at 2pm sound good?" which I took bc yeah, it was good...
I'm tired.
Now will ANY OF THEM ACTUALLY Call Me Back???
#taks speaks#literally woke up to an email from a place that interviewed me two days ago saying i wasn't selected for an interview#like??? What???#YOU JUST INTERVIEWED ME#there's one of them that i'm hoping for bc it has the lovely 8-5 hours. not per shift. just being open#and it's a tourist trap#that has good health benefits and gets me into other tourist traps around town For Free +3 guests max#like hello. dad can visit. bring both sisters. we're going touristing#and sea world at 50% off which is pretty damn cool#i'm gonna start harassing them daily on the phone as of wednesday#if that gas station food prep job doesn't get back#which pays a touch more with a 10% discount on GAS#BUT they're the ones who sent that weird email this morning saying i didn't make it to the interview stage which um#why? what? you talked to me twice?#I'm QUALIFIED? It's the same damn job i previously had but for a gas station. i mean come on#ugh. my lowest quality options are part time at a busier and more annoying tourist trap#or *sighs* dominos.#at least dominos gets good tips tho#everyday for like. the last week has been interviews#except yesterday which tbh i slept most of it#i need a fuckin job dude. come on#i have also created a list of managers i would rather be interviewed by#at the bottom of the list is intimidating older woman. next is slightly younger than that woman who thinks i don't look local enough#somewhere in the middle is that really chill old lady who gave me advice about chafing in the heat. great lady#and top is black man in his 20s. very chill. easy to talk to. i've been interviewed by two and the first one was younger than me#and i intimidated him. bc i knew more about interviewing laws than he did. whoops. missed out on the job but he was nice#today's though? KNEW HIS SHIT. Perfect manager. I'd want to work for him. Chill. easy to talk to and understood the laws well#...just realized the bar is that low. wow.#sadly he's the dominos guy and that job is second to last on my preferred list#i have most definitely noticed that the person interviewing you sets the daily tone for the job
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buckysgrace · 5 months
Gator Tillman Headcanons
Just some random thoughts I had about baby boy tonight <3
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I for sure think he was born premature? A teeny tiny little baby with big brown eyes lol.
Definitely got doted on because of his huge eyes and messy hair. Very hyper kid too, always needed to be doing something. Probably a biter tbh (spanked a lot sadly smh)
Threw an absolute fit when he was itty bitty and they were weening him off of the pacifier. That was his paci damn it!
Grew to love snakes because his mom hated them and he was quick to remove them from her garden. He thought it was funny to chase her while holding them
Roy use to make Linda keep it in a buzz cut because he hated how long it was on Gator. Thus, leaving Gator to find his own style when he was old enough.
He definitely showed cattle when he was younger. His favorite cow was named Rosie and he won several ribbons for how well kept she was <3
Knows how to ride a horse but doesn't have a desire to do so. Plus his lower back and hips are always so sore after
Prefers dogs over cats, but you best believe any time a cat is around him they're all up in his business
I also think he struggled with asthma when he was little too?? He hasn't had an attack in years but still carries an inhaler around
(don't bring up him vaping while having asthma, he gets very defensive and irritated lol)
Never been out of his hometown unless he needed to travel for competitions or for work. Probably never been on a real vacation before either.
I think he was always tall and lanky but stopped growing his sophomore year of high school?? He always wanted to be taller tho
Was in the FFA obviously.
Being an all-state quarter back I'm sure he had a ton of college offers? I imagine he was fairly average in school, probably enjoyed science more than anything else
Had a really hard time after his mom "left". I think he had a lot of anger issues at this time
His leg injury blew away any chances of him really believing that he could do better for himself, so he followed in Roys footsteps
He gets cold easy, so he always bundles up into layers and layers.
Sucks at cooking. Could not boil water to save his life. I think that he'd take cooking lessons later in life (or learn from someone hehe)
Has a surprisingly good green thumb if he'd keep up with it
Enjoys drawing in his free time and is actually really good at it.
Cannot survive anywhere where it gets too hot. He burns easily
He's in church every Sunday (sometimes Wednesday nights too, depending on his shifts) but it doesn't stop his potty mouth
Car lover of course. Likes to work on vehicles too. Occasionally welds I believe.
Loves going to car shows, or to tractor pulls lol
Most of his tattoos were random, little afterthoughts or done while he was drunk. I think he bought his own tattoo kit but opted out of it.
Flirts like a middle school boy. Will poke and prod at you, lots and lots of teasing. If you meet at a bar you best believe he's gonna be showing you all of his cool drinking tricks lol
A surprisingly good big brother, although Karen thinks he's a bad influence so he doesn't get to spend much time with them
Big fan of Game of Thrones but also loves Golden Girls lmao. And Westerns.
Does that thing where he acts like he's not interested in what's on TV but then he stands there with his hands on his hips watching the whole time lol
Do not ask him to pick you up something for the store, he will not find it
When he's high on weed he's very giggly; thinks everything is hilarious. Will absolutely lay underneath the stars and try to explain the way the universe works. Very snuggly and has the worst munchies (devours a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in one sitting smh)
Will drink coffee (usually with a protein shake mixed in) but he 100% prefers energy drinks
Jack Daniels and PBR are obviously his drinks of choice hehe. Although he does love a good margarita occasionally
Absolutely devours some Taco Bell after he gets off the night shift. He always gets a box with a chalupa, beefy 5-layer burrito, and the fiesta potatoes but he's also getting a cheesy gordita crunch and the Cinnabon delights. And a Baja Blast. Mans has worked hard and he's hungry lmao
Hates ankle socks
For a late night snack he is breaking open something sweet. I imagine he prefers Heath bars and 100 Grand Bars.
He also loves carrot cake
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cinnamonaventura · 27 days
weekly tag wednesday
thank u @nymacron for the tag, this is my first one I think!! i'm doing it a day late cause I've been working
name: jay
zodiac sign: leo; i don't know the other stuff cause I think I have to know my hour of birth for it, but I was adopted, so my parents don't actually know it lol
how many trips have you made around the sun? 25
what time is it where you are right now? 5.21pm
what is the candy you wish you were eating right now? chocolate candy, it's europen i suppose, it's called Lindt. it's a chocolate shell and chocolate mousse liquid kinda thing inside. it's amazing.
would you rather swim in a swimming pool or a natural body of water? a pool a hundred per cent. i like the ocean, but just to look at it. i can't see pretty well, so actually being in the ocean is pretty scary to me.
what's the last thing you ate? a few slices of ham
find the closest book, what's the last two words on the last page of the last chapter? "head examined" it's from A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman, which I haven't read yet, but it's on the list.
what's the last scene of shameless that you've watched? I'm rewatching season 11 episode 1; i'm at the scene where kev and v are putting the baked weed goods on the bar counter and frank tries to get some; i think a guy who tried a joint passed out and frank took his joint to smoke
what's the next song you're going to listen to? a noah kahan song I guess
what scent is your body soap? some flowers lilies i think, idk
what does your pillowcase look like? its brown and yellow
when's the last time you did laundry? sunday (?) i lose track of time, I'm not sure
what does the sky look like where you are now? no visible sun but still bright, a few clouds tho cause I think it's gonna rain again
go drink some water and put any emoji here to denote completion of this task: 🩵💧🚰
was the name of the earliest childhood teacher that you can remember? oh, the name will be difficult to pronounce; her name is ms. zhecheva; she was my kindergarten teacher and was always really nice to me
tags: @sleepyheadgallavich @sxvxntyxnx71 @tayf-ghost
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mshexley · 2 years
Between Cory and RTGames having their stuff age restricted and Berleezy getting terminated. YouTube shows that they really do pick and choose when their rules matter and should be enforced.
TLDR: YouTube uses vagueness and plausible deniability to fuck people over.
Like, not to sound like a conspiracist and this is all just from observation but it feels like they leave most of the work to their “flawless” algorithm despite people proving its tendency to throw folks into an alt right pipeline (that includes Pr*ger U ads) and it’s general ineffectiveness.
however, they often seem to single out someone to strongly enforce and prove that their very advertiser-sided rules work and they choose someone with that’s big but not heavily connected to their image as YouTube, if you get what I mean. Like it’s why Cory’s Mortuary Assistant video gets age restricted while other names like Mark and Jack’s don’t. Like I don’t know how to properly explain it because it’s like even though Cory is a big YouTuber it’s this sense of he’s not intrinsically linked to YouTube identity within a general populace. Like it’s a status reserved for certain YouTubers who made it big before a certain era.
This air of enforcement is also there when RT has his 2022 Best Of video age-restricted but not any of the sole videos featured in that clip and even RT goes into detail about the changes which include that people’s videos from before certain policy changes will still be viable for flagging, age-restriction, and outright blocking even private ones.
Surprising no one, YouTube hides behind the “what about the children” arguement when it comes to this penalties but I’d like to remind folks that the reason COPPA is now a thing on YouTube is because the SITE ITSELF was founded to be targeting children for ads. Fun fact: If you upload on YouTube you can now flag your videos to say that it’s not intended for kids. This doesn’t mean shit. Because on YouTube’s end, it’s not about being child friendly but about being advertiser-friendly.
Which brings us to….YouTube KIDS. YouTube KIDS the brand of YouTube made for kids….has ads. Not in the way the you’d normally experience ads tho. These ads are soft ads. They are Videos meant to market stuff to kids. This is not even mentioning how YouTube Kids is very much like Tiktok where it provides instant dopamine. I made an account to see it for myself and I didn’t even bat an eye when I saw the Wednesday dance pop up because it went viral on TikTok and kids always wanna do the dances and it wasn’t until I saw an interview clip of Wednesday that it clicked. Both the dance and that interview was uploaded by NETFLIX Netflix but you can’t click on the uploader name to see more of their stuff. If you search Netflix in the search bar, you’ll get Netflix Jr & Netflix After School but not regular Netflix.
Of course, you can argue that it’s a way to protect kids from seeing stuff they shouldn’t on Netflix’s account which IS THE POINT. If Netflix has TWO channels on YouTube Kids where they upload clips from their child and tween friendly shows, then why are two videos from their regular channel up there in the first place? Why didn’t they upload the dance on their After School account?? We’re not gonna even go into how Wednesday by its contents shouldn’t even be featured on a site where the threshold is 12.
And I’m not saying any of this to be a prude but if YouTube is going to act like they have some moral high ground by claiming to protect kids from what they MIGHT be exposed to and age-restrict videos that the CREATORS THEMSELVES have stated and abided by YouTube’s own policy aren’t for kids, then they need to keep that same energy for ALL OF THEIR PLATFORMS.
Not only that. But they need to keep that same energy for the people they allow to advertise on their site. If a creator incorrectly flags their content, they will be penalized except for when they bring in heavy traffic to their site and bring the site money AKA the alt-right pipeline when they allow hate speech against marginalized groups because they’re skirting around the actual terms and allow for plausible deniability. Compare that to leftist creators who will receive heavy penalty for correctly stating that their videos are for political education because they say the quiet part out loud.
Another instance is through its politcal ads. I live a place where it’s common to Trump 2024 plastered over people’s lawns and as such I went in and flagged in YouTube’s ad preference to say that I don’t want ads featuring politics HOWEVER during the election, I still got political ads. RIGHT-WING political ads and Pr*ger U ads. Why? Because these groups pay to have their stuff shoved in your face. Should they pay enough, YouTube will let anything slide….how do I know? Because you know who else is on YouTube Kids???? Prager fucking U but much like Netflix….Prager U is not clickable.
have you realized the running theme tho? YouTube operates on plausible deniability. They operate on this vagueness where they can not say what’s wrong or what’s right. When creators on the site ask for transparency, they’re met with silence because being upfront means exposing that they have been letting certain people get away with breaking their rules.
I should clarify that obviously creators like Markiplier are not willing participates in this whole thing. But they are unintentionally set up through YouTube’s lack of transparency. Because creators can only speak from their own experience and will use them as points of reference, it’ll seem like creators like Mark get an unfair advantage all because YouTube doesn’t want to admit that they themselves haven’t been playing by the rules they set for everyone else.
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dcminions · 2 years
gonna sound very loser-y and very much not rp/gifs related but i made plans with my friends for dinner on wednesday and they said yes at first then were kinda like we have to go somewhere cheap tho so i was like cool yeah and recc’d some place near our jobs (they work relatively close to me). since then (last tuesday-ish???) they haven’t said a word so neither have i. i’m always the one making plans, going out of my way to plan and organize and put shit together and they always seem to make time to go other friends’ events, go out for dinner or to parties or to bars with other people but with me, it’s like pulling teeth just to get a date and that’s if they don’t flake on me last minute. so i’m sorta counting this as my last straw with them. i don’t feel like a priority and that’s fine, i don’t have to be, but i’m not sticking around to let them continue to hurt my feelings and make me feel small or unimportant. even if it leaves me with no friends, fine, what the fuck ever. i’m just over it and come wednesday, i’ll be going out to dinner regardless, with them or without them. i’ve spent two years literally sobbing my eyes out at them never reaching out, never making time for me, and i’m so over it.
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feoamor29 · 1 year
8/23 Cal Log♨️
Breakfast: Celsius, Yogurt with blueberries, Cherries (178)
Lunch: Ham Wrap, Apricot (215)
Dinner: Grapes, Cherries, Protein Bar, Vitamins (264)
Snack: Paleta de Piña (100)
Total: 720
Burned: 560
Net: 160
Omgggg today was so hotttt. Honestly being cold from not eating is amazing when it comes to the heat. While everyone in my class is sweating and breathing all heavy, im sitting there not smelling like sweat😝 it did get to me after I got out my last class tho lmaooo I was drippingggg. Monday and wednesdays are a little harder to not eat cause I don’t work and have more time. I’m trying to be productive and get some reading done and cleaning my room. I went to the gym with my friend this morning which was kinda fun but also booty cause I could’ve done more but I had to slow down for her🥲 I also hung out with them for a bit to do homework. My friend brought a bunch of high cal snacks but I ended up not eating any. We did however hate the bugs and ended up going to this paleteria that we always go to vent and cry. So we did that. The safest option was a paleta. Overall pretty Gucci. I didn’t binge which means I broke the cycle that’s been happening for hot min. I do want to though cause things are kinda booty with my mom and I just want to go crazy. I was gonna smoke but I don’t wanna risk it. Got an 8 am class tm so ima read for a bit and go mimis🧘‍♀️
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lucrezia-thoughts · 2 years
🥵 it takes him at least 10 long minutes before replying something " heat of the moment, that was fun, but hope it doesn't change anything between us, my bestie" The use of " my bestie " is something Benny use eiher to annoy her, or when he fucked up and dont want her to be mad at him. So it thinks of this as a mistake, a fun mistake but still one, mayb he is right tho, he's her best friend, always had been, and the fact that she started to fall for him, months ago, shouldnt change anything. Benny sending her another text before she can even think of what to reply " We're good right ? " Well here is the occasion to reply something, she 's gonna tell him that, yes, they are okay, and this event will never be mentioned ever again. The week end goes by, Benny acting as if it didnt happend, and so she is, they both agree that it's good, but she wishes that he would not have push it away like that. She must stop thinking about it and keep going with her daily life, work , all that. Monday going, tuesday, and on wednesday, she finishes work early, able to stop at her favorite local coffee to sit down by the window with a hot moka. Barely 5 minutes later, somenone entering gets her attention, can't miss that guy anywhere, he's rather noticeable. Quickly, his spots her, while going on the queue, looking around quickly, his blue eyes staring at her in surprise, she gives him a shy greeting wave which makes him come to her " Hey Shawn" he greets her back, hands in his pockets " i wasnt expecting to see you here, even tho, it's your favorite, i mean ... yeah, i should, go get mine" She bites her lip, the conversation they had the other day at the bar was alright, maybe he will agree to stay " Hey, you want to sit with me? " He seems hesistant, looking down at her " Look, like i told you the other day, i still care about you, so i'd be happy to spend time with you"
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parentplus · 1 year
My son is an extremely picky eater with texture issues and underweight problems. I give him a school lunch and a sack lunch just to give him a wider range of choices. If I don't do it this way he won't eat and will start losing significant amounts of weight and get sick again. I coordinate both breakfasts and lunches so I can be sure he's eating enough, here at home and at school.
This is the what the school is serving for this week.
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Monday: I wasn't concerened with breakfast to much because they were having cereal and string cheese. (he won't eat string cheese tho, only cubes of cheddar cheese) But I always have him eat at least a couple bites of something before school. This morning it was a large soft pretzel, he ate some of that. I put the rest of it plus a couple more in his lunch box with some fresh mac and cheese swirls. Mac and cheese is quick and easy to make in the morning with little clean up and the pretzels I bought are frozen ones that you just salt and heat up in microwave. His lunch was something simple today because I knew he would eat the fries the school was serving but not the cheeseburger.
Tuesday: Breakfast will be a waffle and some juice. I have a little waffle maker that makes it in minutes. Clean up for that is really only the bowl the batter was mixed in, silverwear and a plate. His lunch for today will be a little more elaborite because he isn't going to eat any of what they are serving. So it's hard boiled eggs, instant rice and cubes of cheese with some crackers. Instant rice only takes about 5 minutes to make after the water is boiled. I put a little butter and sugar in his and he loves it. I hard boil the eggs in advance so this lunch also takes minimal effort or clean up.
Wednesday: MAMA'S FREE DAY!!!!!
As if these menu's weren't easy and quick enough today is pizza day... So the only thing I have to be concerened about is breakfast. which will be cereal. Far to simple to be real.
Thursday: I don't have to worry about his breakfast today because he will eat the waffles they are serving. I make sure he eats a couple bites of something before he goes so he gets a fruit and grain cereal bar. Depending on how much he eats of it the rest goes in a sandwich bag in his lunch box. His lunch for today will be a breaded chicken fillet sandwich with nothing on it (because he won't eat it otherwise) ramen noodles (You can put these in a thermos so they stay warm all day, cold noodles are kind of gross) and some regular pretzels. These have basically zero clean up and the stove doesn't even have to be turned on.
Friday: Breakfast will be a pancake and hashbrowns. Neither take to long and if you premake the pancakes (or buy frozen ones) and buy the premade potatoe patties it takes even less time. My son hates vegetables and i'm trying to get him to eat more of them so I bought the veggie hashbrown patties. I'm going to give these ones a try today. His lunch is gonna be fish stix, veggie popcorn chicken bites. (Those are all vegetables and he devowers them like they are real chicken nuggets. I also buy the potatoe califlower ones and he doesn't even notice they are vegetables.) a biscuit and some cheese and crackers.
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dailyopulence · 2 years
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𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳: 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚗𝚘𝚣𝚣𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
Group texts between club members of Tastes Like Snozzberries taking place between October 23rd to October 29th. Feat: @marsdenlee, @wolfontheloose, @juandiego-flores, @matthewbaudelaire​.
[text from JD]: Are you sure it was lemonade, tho? [text from mars]: It said rose lemonade on the label. [text from mars]: Was it yours? [text from JD]: fair enough. Nah, I have mine at home [text from JD]: You can sweeten it up and just put alcohol it [text from mars]: You have rose lemonade willingly? [text from mars]: Oh you use it as a mixer? [text from JD]: We need to have a mixology night  someday. [text from mars]: Now you speaking my language. [text from matthew]: ill pass [text from Ryden]: im game [text from mars]: Ry makes the best drinks [text from Ryden]: bartending here and there since i was 22 but i mostly pour beer now [text from mars]: So modest 😘 [text from mars]: What was that one you made me the other day? It changed colors when you added something to it [text from Ryden]: color changing martini lemon juice makes it change color 🙂 [text from mars]: Bam. Chemistry 🤯 [text from Ryden]: yah 😊 [text from JD]:
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that's all I'm getting from the both of you [text from Ryden]: yah. want a color changing martini too? [text from mars]: 🖕 😘 [text from JD]: 😂 [text from JD]: Sure, all tho I'm cool with a classic martini [text from Ryden]: kay i can make regular too when is the mixology day gonna happen? [text from mars]: How about next week when club meets? Wednesday? [text from mars]: I won't be at club tonight. Work party 🙌 [text from Ryden]: im available then 👍👍 [text from Ryden]: have fun mars bar [text from mars]: You ain't coming to the party? [text from Ryden]: that's tonight? [text from mars]: Yeh [text from Ryden]: fuck [text from Ryden]: i'll see what i can do [text from mars]: JD you're also invited to the party if you wanna come [text from mars]: Sexy costume party at Supernaturals tonight [text from mars]: Watch no one go to cooking club tonight. Hah!
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coldunderc0verz · 3 years
—daily journal; 10/17/2021
• cw; 125.2lbs / 56.7kg (lost 1lbs)
• intake;
- 1 coffee: 12 fl oz stōk not too sweet black coffee (70 cals), 1 tbsp international delight’s sugar free caramel macchiato creamer (20 cals) ~ 90 cals total
- 2 vitamins ~ 10 cals
- 1 fiber one soft-baked cinnamon coffee cake bar ~ 70 cals
- water ~ 0 cals
- 151g red & green grapes ~ 104 cals
- 1 mug of yogi green tea blueberry slim life tea with 2 packets of sweet & low ~ 0 cals
- 1 cotton candy bang energy drink ~ 0 cals
- dinner: 2 strips of buffalo tempeh (190 cals) with 1/2 cup rice (170 cals) and 2 tbsp vegan spicy queso blanco cheese (30 cals) wrapped in pieces of sea weed (50 cals) ~ 440 cals total
- 1 mango fruit strip ~ 50 cals
• total cals; 764
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julemmaes · 4 years
One of the kids and their first crush.
First Crush
A/N: Set in the same universe as this and this (I’m gonna make a masterlist soon I swear), Cal (18) finds himself in a weird situation and doesn’t know how to handle things. I introduced Elucien babies in this one, everyone else will come by later on and very slowly I’m gonna introduce every other child.
If you’re new, this is a next gen collection of one shots, for now only about Nessian kids specifically. In this one, Ezra is 22, Cal is 18 and even tho they don’t appear, Nora is 13, Celia is 12 and Andra is 10. Nate and Theo are 17.
Send prompts about whoever you’d like to read more about and also very slowly I’m gonna give yall every single one of those:)
Word count: 3,432
Cal brought his hands to his hair, "Oh my god, what's wrong with me?"
Theo, leaning against the car next to him, chuckled, "In my opinion the correct question would be what isn't wrong with me- Ouch." the boy turned to his twin, "Why did you hit me?"
"Because you're being a dick," Nate replied, glaring at him, "Stop talking shit."
"Why did I agree to this?" asked Cal shocked, looking up from the road and shifting his gaze from one cousin to the other. Two pairs of brown eyes locked onto him and then, in a synchronized motion that never failed to make Cal cringe, the twins shrugged.
Theodore and Nathaniel Vanserra were two of the most handsome boys in all of VHS. They both had the natural grace of the Archeron sisters that all cousins in the family shared, but their father's beauty that they had acquired over the years was one that made it easy to hate them with just one look. It was humanly impossible that such beautiful people could exist.
"Because you like her and want to date her, maybe?" asked Nate sarcastically.
Theo threw him a look, "Who's being an asshole now?"
Nate huffed then turned back to Cal, "Listen to me," he took him by the shoulders, getting so close to his face that for a second he was afraid he was going to kiss him, "You've been drooling over Rania for months. Months, Cal. And she finally made the first move because you were too chicken to step up."
"Chicken?" laughed Theo beside them.
Nate closed his eyes taking a deep breath, deciding to ignore his brother, "She asked you out. You accepted. You're going on a date." he shook his head confused, leaning even more towards him, "What's wrong with that?"
Cal looked at him wide-eyed, imagining Rania's crystal eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of going to dinner with him, so different from the rust brown, almost red ones that were staring back at him. "Nothing, it all adds up," then he cleared his throat, "Shouldn't you be home by now?"
"What time is it?" asked Nate taking two steps back. Cal felt the air return to his lungs and he sagged against the door of his car. Well, his and Ezra's car.
Theo cursed checking the time on his phone, "Shit it's almost three."
Nate nearly broke his neck as he lunged to grab his backpack on the ground and then started running in the direction of their house, yelling a simple hello to Cal and for his brother to hurry up. Theo's eyes went wide, snorting with an amused grimace on his face.
Cal huffed out a laugh, "It's not three o'clock is it?"
Theo shook his head, with a lopsided smile too similar to his father's, "Not even close." then turned to his cousin and threw him a flying kiss, starting to walk after Nate. "Call me if you need any advice on what to wear."
Cal gave a thumbs up and then slipped into the car.
It didn't take him more than ten minutes before he arrived home, but once he parked his car next to his mom's, he sighed.
He needed to talk to his dad.
Cassian would certainly know how to handle this situation better than he was doing.
The front door burst open and a distraught Ezra, visibly in a hurry, opened the driver's door, grabbing his brother by the shoulder and pulling him out of the car.
"Ezra!" shrieked Cal with wide eyes, "What the fuck!"
"You're late." the eldest pointed out to him, then tossed him his backpack with a stern look, "Here."
"Sorry." Cal murmured, then pushed his hair out of his face, "I got stuck with Theo and Nate, I didn't notice the time."
Ezra stopped the frantic movements, looking at him worriedly all of a sudden, "Are you okay?"
Cal nodded, licking his lower lip, "Just Raina."
"Oh." murmured Ezra, "We can talk about her tonight when I get back if you want." he smiled at him, then seemed to remember that he was running late and Cal didn't have time to correct him and tell him that the problem was the exact opposite of what he thought that Ezra was already backing up.
The silence that greeted him in the house was unsettling.
"Hello?" he asked loudly enough for anyone to hear.
"In the kitchen!"
Cal smiled and kicked off his shoes before following the smell of lunch.
"Hi Mom."
Nesta was perched on one of the island stools as she munched on a cereal bar. "Hi dear." she looked up from her book to smile at her son, but turned serious, "What happened?"
Cal dropped his head back, huffing, "Am I a fucking open book?"
Nesta frowned, "No swearing."
"I don't see Andra here." he glanced around him opening his arms.
"I don't care, I don't want you to say them." and before he could retort, "And in this case you could have just as easily said I'm an open book without the need to shove fucking in it." she pointed out to him.
Cal nodded, knowing full well how pointless it was to engage in this conversation again. He pointed to the table set just for him, "You're not eating?" then arched an eyebrow, "Where is everyone?"
"I ate with Nora and Celia and then took them to practice. Andra is at school like she is every Wednesday." she got up too and sat down across from him at the table, closing her book and resting her chin on one hand, she asked, "So, what do you have?"
Cal took a bite, "Dad?" he asked with a full mouth, avoiding his mom's gaze.
"At work." then she huffed, "You failed a test?" guessed the woman.
Cal laughed, "Like that's even possible."
"Did you get in a fight with Theo and Nate?"
"I don't think that's possible either," he replied in a small voice.
"Cal," his mother's hand rested on his. He was forced to look at her and sighed, seeing the concern in Nesta's eyes, "Are you okay?"
He nodded. Evidently with not enough conviction because the woman in front of him bit her lip down thoughtfully.
"If you want I can call Dad and ask him to come home early," she offered, "If you want to talk to him, I mean," then continued, "You know he'd be here in three seconds."
Cal nodded again, knowing full well that his father would rush home even risking an accident if he knew one of his children was feeling down. Setting his fork down next to his plate he brought his hands to his face. He hated his mother when she did that.
He looked her straight in the eye as he told her so.
Nesta looked even more concerned, "I'm sorry," she told him, probably feeling guilty for pushing him too hard to talk, "if you want I'll leave."
"Nono," the boy replied promptly, then grimaced, closing his eyes. He grunted before muttering, "Raina asked me out."
He doubted his mother knew who he was talking about, but it didn't take a genius to figure out it was the girl he liked.
The room filled with an awkward silence.
"Ah." was Nesta's only response.
Cal resumed eating, his head down, "And I don't know what to do."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never really liked anyone before," he said, "and Raina is...she's special."
He smiled, thinking of the billions of braids she so proudly wore every day in a different hairstyle.
"Did you say no?" asked Nesta. Cal felt her curiosity even without the need to look at her.
He shook his head, "I said yes," he confessed, "but I need dad to tell me how to act. I don't have a clue what to do. Where to take her, how to dress, whether I should text her first. All that shit there- sorry." he smiled mischievously when Nesta bounced him again and hoped he'd taken her mind off the real problem.
"And how come," she began, "I can't be the one helping you?"
Cal looked at her at that point, "Because you're not a people person." he pointed out, "Dad managed to win your heart, it won't be that hard for him to give me advice on how to win Raina's." he took a sip of water, "When I think about it, dad and Raina have a very similar personality. " he shrugged, "So he can tell me what he likes and I can do it for her." he nodded as if he had discovered the Holy Grail, but that sly grimace disappeared from his face when he saw his mother's expression.
She sighed, her eyebrows so high they almost touched her hairline, "Dear, that's the dumbest thing you've ever said in your entire life." she told him in amazement.
Cal opened his mouth wide, offended, "Mom-"
Nesta raised a hand to stop him, "Let me talk."
He nodded once.
"First, answer these simple questions," she began, "What were you going to do about it this afternoon?"
"Ask her if she was okay with Friday night to go out." he said without hesitation.
"Good." she smiled at him for half a second, quickly becoming serious again, "And where would you like to take her?"
Cal tilted his head to the side, not understanding where this was going, "Why are you-"
"Just answer."
"I was thinking of taking her to the diner, to Ben's," he replied, unsure of his choice, as a faint blush made its way across his cheeks.
"Perfect." she gave him the thumbs up, "And since it's a diner, you'll just need to wear simple jeans and a t-shirt, or am I wrong? Nothing too fancy or flamboyant."
The boy huffed, irritated that his mother was giving him all logical answers to his senseless and fake concerns. "Okay, and your point?" he asked, scratching his forehead.
Nesta smiled at that, "My point is that these aren't your real problems and you're scared of all kinds of other stuff."
"I really don't like talking to you about this stuff." he muttered, folding his arms across his chest. They both knew that wasn't entirely true. They both knew that if either of them were really uncomfortable, they wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise.
"Yeah I didn't either." scoffed his mother, "But I would have liked someone to tell me that it was normal for me to feel all those emotions the first time I met your father."
Cal frowned.
"You don't have a problem with setting up a fancy date," she told him, "I raised you teaching you what respect and kindness is and if I failed, then dad took care of it.  Because both you and your brother are golden boys and you'll never have to worry about not being offering enough." Nesta looked away, "But while your brother can... handle?" she asked no one in particular, searching for the right term, "His emotions relatively well, you're like me." then she giggled and Cal knew they were navigating waters his mother didn't particularly like to touch, "And I'm a mess when figuring out how I feel."
Cal knew what she meant, so he nodded.
She was right.
Talking to the twins about what was really bothering him had never even been an option. The idea of having to tell them how much he actually liked Raina had been more terrifying than the emotions themselves. He knew they wouldn't understand and would wait until it was socially acceptable for him to tell Raina directly how he felt without scaring her off.
"How about you finish eating and then we'll go for a walk along the river?" his mom suggested, "Or do you have to study?"
Cal shook his head, smiling shyly at her, "I'll finish eating and we'll go." then he took to gorging himself.
Nesta chuckled as she went to get ready to go out.
"When Dad asked me out the second time, right after our first date, I said no," Nesta said, looking across the river to the other side, where a couple of older poeple were walking slowly arm in arm.
They had paced for a half hour, in which Cal had told her about how they had met in the coffee shop in front of the school almost four months earlier and how she had offered him hot chocolate. How they had spent a whole day talking about everything and nothing, and how they now had an ongoing obligation to meet at least once a week in the same cafeteria, even though they ate at the same table every day with all their other friends.
Nesta had asked to see a picture of her, and Cal had been surprised to find out that he wanted his mother to like Raina more than anything else at that moment. Luckily, Nesta had been speechless and commented on the girl's silvery eyes, blinking a couple of times before giving him the phone back and commenting with a simple, "She's beautiful."
Now, sitting on a bench along the bank of the Sidra, Nesta was telling him about the days when Cassian had had to struggle to make her his.
"How come?" he asked genuinely curious.
Nesta smiled, lowering her gaze to the wedding band around her ring finger, "Because I liked the first date too much."
Cal furrowed his brow, "Were you afraid the second one wouldn't measure up?"
"No," she murmured, casting him a glance, "I knew perfectly well it would be better than the first."
"So why did you say no?" the boy asked impatiently.
"I knew that the second one would be better than the first one and that the third one would be better than the second one and so on and I was already so overwhelmed with my feelings that I was afraid it might become too much." she explained, "Your father was the first one to get close after so many years of me having my bad friendships and relationships." she frowned.
"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to," he made a point of reminding her. He wanted to be helped and would have liked to know more about his parents' lives before them, but he didn't want his mother to feel compelled to share things with him that still bothered her.
Nesta squeezed his hand lovingly, "Don't worry, those things are in the past and I have nothing to be ashamed of." she smiled at him, "I was with someone else before your dad and that man kinda ruined my life. I thought I would never be able to trust anyone in the future again. That I would never again feel the love and affection I had felt for him." she huffed out a laugh. She brought both hands to her lap and Cal shoved them into his pocket. "Then your father came along and it was all so sudden and I fell in love right away, hard. Completely lost for a boy I barely knew. And it scared the hell out of me."
"Why?" Cal already knew the answer, it was what he felt every time he saw Raina walking down the halls of the school. Every time she bit into a piece of bread in the lunch room and then made a disgusted face at how awful the food tasted.
"Because I could only imagine how much it would hurt if it ended suddenly. If I felt everything so strong in the good, it would be just as strong in the bad, you know?" she turned to him, more serious than ever.
Cal just nodded.
"Your father was hurt by it," she confessed. She began to play with her wedding ring, "He was so hurt, god." she giggled, probably thinking about the night she had rejected him, "He stood in silence for minutes on the front porch of my house gasping, thinking about all the possible things he had done wrong during dinner and the aftermath and we looked at each other and looked at each other until he asked me why and I couldn't tell him. He wouldn't have understood. Or he would have thought I was crazy."
The boy chuckled as he stared out at the glistening water under Velaris' winter sun, imagining his parents as kids, dressed up for a date. "How come you finally agreed to it?" he asked, later specifying, "To go on a second date I mean."
Nesta seemed to ponder how to phrase it, "Because I loved him."
Cal gave her time to process the words. If it was even half as difficult for her as it was for him, he needed to let her speak for herself.
"Because I realized that such a strong emotion, even if it was sudden and all at once, could only be a good thing. That even if it ended badly, I would have the memory of those happy, carefree moments." she nodded thoughtlessly. "I realized that something like that had to be reciprocal. A connection with a person like I had never felt before, not even with Tomas - who I believed to be the love of my life for years."
"I'm glad he wasn't," Cal murmured, chuckling.
Nesta gave him a light shrug, "Me too." then continued. "I knew your father wouldn't give up on me as easily as I was giving up on him. So after the thousandth time he asked me why I couldn't go out with him, I agreed and every time, every damn time, my heart gave out a little more.
"And I got to a point where I had nothing left to give, because he had everything about me. And I was okay with that. I was risking losing myself in what could easily have been a summer fling, but I knew it was worth it.
"Thankfully, it wasn't. Thankfully I trusted my feelings and kept fighting for what I wanted and even though sometimes your dad and I hit bumps along the way, it's still worth it. Every day."
Cal was watching her carefully.
Nesta often told her children that she loved them. He had heard her say I love you to their father many times, but never, never had he heard her speak in that open way, that vulnerable. She must have realized it too, because she took a deep breath, as if she had forgotten to breathe until that moment. Then she turned to him and put a hand on his face. Cal leaned into that touch.
"I just want you to know that you're not alone. That I feel that way too, right away. And I can assure you that if Raina is the right person for you, then she'll understand that too. Maybe it won't be the same for her, maybe it will take her longer to get to where you think you are now, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you the same way." her eyes grew watery. "And never, ever be afraid that you're giving too much. There's no such thing as too much when it comes to love. Not in these cases."
Cal nodded, not sure he would be able to speak if he tried, but he knew his mother could see the gratitude in his eyes.
He couldn't imagine how his father must have felt when Nesta had confessed his true feelings to him. Cal was sure that the love she reserved for her children was different from the love she reserved for her husband, but certainly not weaker, not in smaller amounts. Just different.
"I know it's scary dear, but trust me when I tell you that feeling emotions so hard will bring you the best memories you'll ever make," she finally whispered.
Cal cleared his throat, not quite sure whether to be calmer or more agitated than before, but he said anyway, "Thanks mom."
Nesta turned to the snow-capped mountains that were visible above the town, "No problem."
They stood watching the river sparkle for too many minutes, but when they got up, Cal hugged his mother so tightly that Nesta was stunned.
They were used to exchanging kisses and hugs in their family, but she felt this was different.
She wrapped her arms around her son, despite the fact that he was much taller than her, and they rocked each other as the boy tried to bring order to the mess that was his head.
acotar tag list (if you wanna be removed or added just send me an ask or dm me)
@sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @ladywitchling @nahthanks @archeron-queen @sleeping-and-books @bri-loves-sunflowers @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @queenestarcheron @oop-theregoesgravity @perseusannabeth @simping4bookboisngrls @anne-reads
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willowbird · 4 years
prompt: aaron had a slight ED that he developed as a kid and is now being noticeable to the rest of the foxes even andrew and nicky kinda knew he forgot to eat but the stress from school and exy makes it worse....
I could easily expand on this and maybe one day I will. It hits kinda close to home tho so I’m going to err on the side of brevity just for my own mental space. Thank you so much for the ask! I hope this is what you’re looking for ❤️ ❤️ Take care of yourselves!
Warnings for depression, eating disorder. 
Edit: this has been expanded and can also be found on my ao3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Ao3
Wednesday | 6:04am
The alarm was screaming. 
Its cries crashed against his senses like sea-storm waves and Aaron was without shelter. The sound had been crowding him for four minutes now, and he still couldn't lift a hand to make it stop -- even though he was perfectly aware and wide awake. He wanted to stop the sound, he needed the quiet back, but for whatever reason his hand just wouldn't listen to his brain no matter how many times he willed it to move. 
Aaron hated days like this.
Wednesday | 8:43am
Nicky slung his arm around Aaron’s shoulders, a grin plastered on his face. His hair was slicked back like a low-budget greaser, halfway between wet and just damp. They’d just finished morning practice and he, Nicky, and Kevin were waiting out in the player’s lobby for Neil and Andrew to finish showering and changing so they could leave.
“Aw man, I am hungry. Please tell me that Andrew and Neil are gonna finish up soon so that we can go get a real breakfast.” Nicky's whining was easy enough to ignore most of the time, but today Aaron was tired and his patience was thin. He had three tests to study for, two essays to write, they had a game coming up on Friday, and Aaron didn't have the bandwidth for Nicky, too.
He shruged his cousin off with a snort. "I'm just gonna hitch a ride to the library." There were still a few hours before his first class of the day, and he needed to use that time for something productive.
"Aww, c'mon Aaron come to breakfast with us! We'll drop you at the library when we're done. It won't take too long!"
"What won't take too long?" When Aaron looked over, he saw Neil and Andrew coming out of the locker room, clean and changed.
"Breakfast!" Nicky announced. "Neil, tell Aaron to join us! It's a family breakfast -- he should be there!"
"You can't just label things "family" events as a way to require people to be there," Kevin said with a long-suffering sigh. Even so, Aaron noticed he already had the menu of their usual breakfast joint pulled up on his phone. The pictures of pancakes topped with glistening syrup and fluffy omelets made his stomach clench in an unpleasant way.
Aaron looked away.
"I've got a shit to do," he said. That would be his final word on it, and to demonstrate, Aaron turned to head toward the doors.
Except Andrew had moved to block him, though Aaron hadn't registered when his twin had circled them. Aaron frowned, lifting his chin in challenge.
Andrew just studied him for a long moment before looking just past Aaron, gaze darting over his shoulder to the others behind him. He lifted a hand and a second later a slim object snapped into it. When Andrew then held it out to him, Aaron saw it was a granola bar.
A quick glance over his shoulder exposed the granola bar thrower as Kevin, who was zipping his backpack shut. They matched gazes briefly and Kevin nodded toward the granola bar in Andrew's hand.
"If you aren't going to come to breakfast with us make sure you get something on your way to the library."
Aaron glared at him, then rolled his eyes and turned back to his brother. Andrew just looked at him, expression blank, and continued to hold out the damn granola bar like he could stand there all day without a care in the world.
A flash of resentment boiled through him. Of course Andrew could stand there so fucking unbothered. Barely anything affected him at all.
With an annoyed huff, Aaron snatched the bar out of Andrew's hand and shoved it into his pocket before stalking out of the building.
Wednesday | 1:15pm
Katelyn ❤️ (13:15): Hey baby! Prof Dixon bailed again ~ you free?
Aa. Min. (13:15): McCallister's?
Katelyn ❤️ (13:16): See u in 5! 😘
Wednesday | 1:23pm
Aaron stood inside the confused cacophony that was McCallister's, an on-campus restaurant that was the love child of a deli and a pub but four times too big, regretting his choices.
It wasn't even the noise that was bothering him the most. It was the smell.
Aaron took two steps into the restaurant and his stomach roiled. It twisted and tightened, curling in on itself in disgust at the sharp, slimy stench of cold cut deli meat cushioned on a waft of double-baked potatoes that filled the restaurant like wildfire's haze. He and Katelyn met here for lunch two or three times a week when their schedules lined up. They both liked the food and they had several corner booths where they could hide in and study together after eating. It was one of their favorite places. But right now, Aaron was fighting not to gag. 
“Aaron!” Relief warred with dread at the sound of Katelyn’s voice and he hastily plastered on an imitation of the smile he usually didn’t even have to think about, that always rose to his lips whenever she was around all on its own. It didn’t today, but for Katelyn he could make the effort. For Katelyn, Aaron could do anything. 
He turned around once that smile was fixed in place and wrapped his arms around her when she joined him, indulging in a quick kiss that soothed some of the nausea churning in his gut. When they broke apart, Aaron turned to lead them toward their usual booth but Katelyn stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Babe is everything alright?” Worry painted a crease between her eyebrows, her mouth drawn down as she studied him. 
Most days, Katelyn’s concern warmed him. It made him feel seen and loved and cherished. Today it put a slash of anxiety through his lungs, breath seeping out through the cut and concaving his chest under the weight of her scrutiny. 
Aaron arranged his smile into something tired and unalarmed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a long week, y’know?”
Katelyn hummed like she wasn’t sure she believed him but was deciding to trust him anyway, then she smiled and she released his arm only to take his hand, giving it a small squeeze. “Alright, then let’s get some lunch and shut out the rest of the world for at least a little bit, yeah?”
The smell of the restaurant was still choking him and even his skin felt tight. The absolute last thing he wanted to do right now was stay there another second, let alone the hour he had until he needed to think about heading to his next class.
“I’m so sorry Kate, I’ve got to meet with the TA for my history class. I remembered right after I texted you but I still wanted to see you so I figured I’d just tell you when you got here.” He offered an apologetic smile and did his best to ignore the way guilt was now mixing uncomfortably well with the sick already sloshing around in his stomach. Aaron did not like lying to Katelyn, it felt wrong. But he also couldn’t... he couldn’t explain what was wrong with him right now -- not because he didn’t know, but because he was sure explaining it was going to make him sound crazy and that was just the last thing he needed right now. It was better to slip away, go somewhere he could focus on homework or something and just... wait for it to pass.
Katelyn’s expression fell, flashing disappointment, then a sad understanding as she nodded. “Of course. It’s okay babe, really. I’m just glad I got to see you at all.” She smiled then -- that bright, warm, just-for-him smile that always had Aaron’s heart skipping. A small knot of tension loosened in his lower chest, just enough that he was able to take a small breath and offer a more genuine smile of his own in return. 
“I love you,” he told her. 
“I love you too, Aaron. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you later, okay?”
He made no promises before he made his escape, just a smile and a wave.
Wednesday | 3:37pm
The granola bar tasted like ash in his mouth. It felt like there were iron weights attached to his jaw, making it impossible for him to chew. A fist of repulsion locked around his throat, and it was a physical struggle to swallow. 
This was the worst part about days like this.
Aaron knew he had to eat something, because he knew what could happen if he didn’t and the only thing worse than having to put up with feeling this way, dragging himself through the mud of his own psychosis one step, one mile, at a time -- was doing it with everyone watching him struggle. 
So he forced himself through half the granola bar. He knew better than to push for more than that, or all his efforts would be wasted into the nearest trash can.
Wednesday | 7:51pm
Practice had been brutal. It had been so bad that even Nicky hadn’t been able to cheer himself through it and was just as bitter and on edge as the rest of them by the time they hit the showers. 
Aaron sat in the lobby and waited for the others, feeling old. He felt tired. He just wanted these stupid pissing contests to stop and everyone to shut up. He wanted the world to be completely silent, completely empty. Emptiness sounded nice. Sounded peaceful. Sounded right.
The sharp scuff of shoe-rubber against tile had him cringing so hard his shoulders ached and he peeled his eyes open to glare at the source. Andrew stood there, hands in his pockets, blank-faced and too knowing.
Aaron snorted and looked away. 
The couch shifted slightly as Andrew took the spot next to him. There was the soft shk of a blade cutting into something crisp and when Aaron looked over, Andrew was holding out a small sliver of apple. His brother wasn’t looking at him. Instead, the other Minyard was dispassionately staring at the tv, which was playing some sports channel that Aaron knew very well Andrew didn’t give a single shit about. 
For a long moment Aaron just stared at the side of his twin’s face, but it was impossible to know what, if anything, he was thinking about. Finally, he looked at the sliver of apple. It was pale, small, unobtrusive. Aaron’s stomach clenched, a mix between hunger and repulsion. All he’d had today was that half a granola bar -- which had been both too much and not enough. His throat tightened as he stared at that innocuous slice of fruit, but he was almost focused more on the hand holding it. His eyes burned and he looked away, but not before taking the slice. 
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mathmusic8 · 3 years
Book of Boba Fett Episode 6 Reaction
Here I was, getting ready for bed, wondering if any other fanfics have updated, and then I remembered—it’s Wednesday! No sleep for me haha
Spoilers (and a lot of all caps and keysmashing) under the cut
Oh no, we’re starting with the “no attachment” speech in the recap? I don’t like where that’s headed
Eeeeey! Cob Vanth!
He looks kinda… puny without Boba’s armor haha
Still a dead shot tho—nicely done
“Think it through.” I like that catch phrase—so long as we’re not gonna hear it every other minute :D
…whatcha gonna do with that spice, Vanth?
Good. Good man.
It ain’t a Star Wars show without an Artoo cameo
I’m so excited for this :D
Wish I knew what Artoo was saying on that walk over haha—I feel like he’s either just whistling along his way or dropping galactic secrets lore about Jedi or Mandalorians in a cheerful tone like nobody’s business
Por que? Artoo? Taking a nap there, buddy?
“Is anyone here? Anyone alive?” pffft now we’re asking the important questions XD
…I sense a lot of telepathy in this scene
Luke: *impressive Force demonstration on a few dozen frogs*
Grogu’s face: 8D SNACKS!! XD
“Would you like to remember?” Oofta, that’s a heavy question
Big oof
Hah, poor Mando XD
“I’m an old friend of the family”
That’s accurate, heartfelt, and painful all at the same time
Gah, her short lekku still bother me.
Oh so there is some kind of armor in that tiny little hanky? Okay XD
“If he sees you, it’ll only make things more difficult for him.”
Oh, and not seeing him but knowing he was there won’t?
I have some thoughts on Jedi and their no attachment business
UGH this just makes me sad
WHAT THE HECK—YOU DON’T LET THE KID SEE MANDO BUT YOU LET HIM WATCH MANDO FLY AWAY?? Are you trying to give him abandonment issues??
With a training bolt, but still
“Trust your instincts.”
Gah, that better not be the last we see from them in forever.
Pfft, nice bumper decorations you got there, Jawas
“He’s new—still a bit jumpy—is that a Naboo star fighter?” XDDD
Does… anyone go to this bar besides Vanth?
“That big smile of yours lets you get away with anything.” XDDDD LOVE THAT
What’s this on the horizon?
Wait—wait—this is after the Return of the Jedi—
HOW??!! WHY?!?!
He’s gotta be ancient
And what the CRAP is he doing here??????
AFGADGSHAekgefWR HIS VOICE IS DIFFERENT but I guess you can’t have everything
HE’S PALER THAN HE USED TO BE maybe he’s just old
Deputy dude, you gonna die
Eeeh, not sure how I feel about those teeth. Feel overdone to me. Like I can feel the actor struggling to talk around them... eh, guess it's whatever
“You shoulda never given up your armor.”
That deputy’s gonna die in three… two… one…
Little background voices: There’s something wrong with the Marshall!
NO KIDDING. I mean he was just, oh, I dunno, SHOT
Welp. Boba’s gonna have his hands full next episode
Chainmail! Woo!
“But you may choose only one.”
Take the chainmail kid
Then come back for the saber when Luke sleeping. You’ve probably had more training than him anyway.
You can go with your family, but you’ll be giving in to your weakness, or you can stay and I’ll teach you to become a great Jedi
Wow look at that bias!
“Which do you choose?”
It’s gonna be a cliffhanger.
Yup, cliffhanger
Okay, why the heck does Ahsoka have long lekku in concept art but not in the show
Also I’m still freaking out that CAD BANE is still alive. Like, he felt like a grumpy old man in the Clone Wars, let alone after the whole original trilogy
I know there was some unfinished Clone War episodes that had a Boba Fett vs. Cad Bane showdown where they both got headshots in and yet both survived.
Maybe Bane got wind that Boba resurfaced and dragged himself out of retirement to finish off that showdown. Feels like something he would do.
Oh plus we know there’s bad blood between him and Fennec.
Maybe Boba will finally actually kill him, unlike all the Jedi and Clones and Sith and I’m assuming other bounty hunters who have tried and failed.
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 10
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin - lots and lots of FLUFF & smut - no more angst y’all whoop !!)
Summary - y/n and Jimin are super soft for each other and all of their friends are super soft and everything is just super super soft in this chapter
Word Count - 11.7k+
Rating - Mature (explicit sex scene)
Warnings - alcohol consumption, talk of drugs and violence, penetrative (soft) sex, a bit of dirty talk but mostly soft talk, protected sex (y/n and jimin finally learned their lesson lmao), oral sex (female receiving), fingering, jimin gives y/n A LOT of hickeys, I think that’s it but lmk if I missed something !!
a/n: hey y’all ! okay I know I said the previous part might be the penultimate part but I ended up writing a lot more, and I’ve still got a lot I want to write lmao so I think the part after this will be the penultimate part, or maybe this part will be the penultimate part and I’ll add an epilogue ! lmk what you think and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist even tho it’s nearly finished :( x
silverlightqueen masterlist
taglist💕: @keylowmonie @jennafromhome @btrombley13 @parkjammys @chubschimmine @flowingwiththewater​ @magicalpjm​ @sakurauchiha2018​ @kyrie1707​ @simonemothjensen​ @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @p-yoon @pjmcth​ @strawberrym0chii​ @bts223​ @lovethatforme97​ @songwingi​​
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‘Come in!’ I hear Jimin’s voice call from inside and push open the door of the dance studio, carefully balancing his breakfast in my arms. I expect it to just be Jimin in there, but the room is full of people dressed in sports gear, all stretching on the floor. ‘Oh. Sorry, I must be early,’ I say, checking my watch and seeing that it says 8.57. ‘It’s okay, just come sit by me,’ Jimin says from where he’s sat on the floor, legs spread and leaning back on his hands, the biggest smile on his face. I smile back, walking around the edge of the room to join him. I put the food and drinks down on the desk behind him before leaning down to give him a quick hug from behind, taking a seat on the desk. He carries on with the class, Jeongyeon at the back avoiding all eye contact with me. It’s Thursday today, five days since the drama at the bar on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Jimin and I had a lie-in on Sunday, and even when we woke up, we just lay there, cuddling, Jimin playing with my hair. We didn’t get up until 3, and Jimin left with the promise of doing this right, not just jumping back into bed with each other. He said he wanted to actually take me on dates and be like a normal couple, and he’s stuck to his word. On Monday, he was waiting outside of my lecture for me with flowers and he took me to lunch. On Tuesday, I invited him over to watch a movie together and order takeout, and we did just that, nothing more. Yesterday, he invited me and Mija over to the frat for Wings Wednesday (and Jackson and Chen were there too!) and then we went up to his room to watch Netflix before he dropped me back at home. We didn’t have anything planned for today, and I know we don’t need to see each other every day, but I wanted to surprise him. 
When it reaches 9, he dismisses the dance students for their half an hour break. As soon as the last person has left the room, he pulls me up from the desk and pulls me into a hug, coaxing laughter from me. ‘You didn’t tell me you were coming!’ he exclaims, and I grin. ‘I said I would, remember? All those weeks ago? Anyway, I brought you some breakfast,’ I say, holding up the bag, and he delves into it with a grin. He instantly starts on the bagel I brought him, sipping on the coffee, and I sip on my own drink; a green tea. It’s not very nice, but I’m going to the gym in half an hour so it’s better to drink something healthy and good for me. ‘How’s your class going?’ I ask, and he shrugs, sitting back on the floor. ‘It’s okay. They’re a nice group of people, but some of them are a bit… difficult to work with. Some people have a natural talent for dance, and some people…’ he trails off, obviously not wanting to be mean. ‘Do not,’ I finish off for him, joining him on the floor, and he nods. ‘It’s fine, though. A bit of extra income and extra credit, so I can’t complain,’ he says, smiling widely at me. ‘Stop smiling at me like that,’ I say shyly, feeling heat rush to my face. ‘You’re so cute, though, how can I not? And you look… nice,’ he says, a suggestive smile spreading across his face and I swat at him with false annoyance. ‘I’m kidding! Well, I’m not, because you do look nice, but I don’t… you know what I mean,’ he says, and I nod, laughing. ‘I’m in my gym stuff and I’m not wearing any makeup, so you’re a liar,’ I say, and he gives me a horrified look. ‘Excuse me, princess, I hope you’re not being serious. You look beautiful no matter what!’ he exclaims, and I cover my face with my hands. ‘Stop it,’ I say, my voice muffled, and he laughs. ‘You never used to get this embarrassed when I complimented you before,’ he says with a soft smile. ‘Yeah, but now it’s different. Before, we were just… sleeping together. Now we’re dating, so I know you mean it,’ I say shyly, and he lets out a little laugh. ‘I always meant it, princess,’ he says easily, and I feel warm inside.
‘Anyway, have you got your outfit sorted for next weekend?’ he asks, referring to the ASP rager. ‘Um, no, I was just gonna wear something I’ve already got. A little black dress or something,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Why do I feel like you didn’t get the memo?’ he says, my heart dropping. ‘What memo?’ I ask, and he sighs. ‘Okay, yeah, you definitely didn’t get the memo. It’s themed,’ he says, and my jaw drops. ‘Jimin, please tell me you’re joking because nine days is not long enough to find an outfit,’ I say, trying to stay calm, and he shakes his head. ‘It shouldn’t be too hard to find an outfit that fits the theme though, y/n. It’s neon-slash-glow-in-the-dark,’ he says, and I take a deep breath. ‘Neon? Glow-in-the-dark? How… the hell… am I supposed to find something neon… or glow-in-the-dark… that no one else will be wearing… when everyone in the whole university will be there?’ I say slowly, trying to contain my anger at not being told. ‘Baby, you’ll find something, don’t stress. And even if you don’t, it’s okay. You wear whatever you want, it’s not like anyone will say anything to you,’ he says, subtly flexing his frat boy status. ‘Okay, but like, I don’t wanna stick out,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘You never stick out, baby, you stand out,’ he flirts, and I roll my eyes. ‘Not the time, Jimin,’ I say, desperately trying to think if I have anything cute and neon or glow-in-the-dark in my wardrobe. ‘Well, at least it’s not a costume party or something. That’s harder to find something for,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘That would’ve been perfect. I have a Sailor Mercury costume,’ I say distractedly, and Jimin looks at me confusedly. ‘Wait, why do you have a Sailor Mercury costume?’ he asks. ‘Long story. And a Red Riding Hood costume,’ I groan, annoyed that I wasn’t consulted before this ridiculous theme was chosen. ‘Are these sexy costumes? Because I would very much like to see these costumes. Preferably whilst you’re wearing them,’ he says, and I swat at him again.
‘How about I take you shopping this weekend and we find you something?’ he says as I pull out my phone. ‘I might be able to find something online, like on PLT or Missguided or something. If not, then we’ll go,’ I say, and he nods. ‘There’s that party this weekend too. You coming to that?’ he asks. ‘Whose party?’ I ask, momentarily distracted from frantically scrolling through the results for my ‘neon’ search on the PLT app. ‘Um, KPN,’ he says, and I choke. ‘KPN? Why the hell would you go to KPN’s party?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘They invited us,’ he says, and I choke again. ‘KPN invited you? Who in KPN?’ I ask. ‘Apparently, the brothers did a vote on whether or not to invite ASP and the majority said yes,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘You have Chen and Jackson to thank for that,’ I say, and he nods in agreement. ‘So, will you come?’ he asks. ‘Umm, I don’t know if that’s the best idea. After everything that happened. Eunwoo will be there, and so will Jeongyeon, and probably Chungae too. I just can’t be bothered for drama at the moment,’ I say, and he sighs. ‘Please, y/n? At the first bit of drama, we’ll leave. Come on, it’ll be one of our last parties before we graduate,’ he says, almost convincing me. ‘No, Jimin, it’s not worth it. I don’t want to risk it. You go, though, have some drinks for me. No drugs, though,’ I say, and he nods. ‘Okay. I’ll miss you,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘You dealt without me for two years, you can cope for one party,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘I don’t know. I might forget how amazing you are and go home with someone else,’ he teases, and I shoot him a dirty look. ‘The only people you should go home with should be your frat brothers,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement from what’s about to come out of his mouth, and I know it’s going to be stupid. ‘Is this a kink of yours I’ve stumbled across?’ he asks, holding back laughter. ‘Maybe,’ I say, the smile falling from his face. ‘Okay, I know I said I love you,’ he says, lips twitching, ‘but I’m telling you now; I’m not getting with a guy because you’re into it.’
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‘Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?’ Mija asks, and I pause the TV, turning to face her. She’s dressed up in skin-tight jeans and a bodysuit of mine, sky-high heels on her feet. ‘Watching Dynasty,’ I reply, and she rolls her eyes. ‘I didn’t think you were being serious when you said you weren’t coming to KPN tonight,’ she says, coming to sit beside me on the sofa. ‘Mija, it’s not worth it. I don’t want to risk drama starting,’ I sigh, and she scoffs. ‘Bitch, who cares? We’re about to graduate and you’re gonna miss out on one of the last frat parties of our time here?’ she says, and I nod. ‘y/n, come on, this is crazy. We’re not young forever. You might as well make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. When we graduate, that’s it. There won’t be any more of this. This might be one of our last parties together. Don’t miss out because your stupid ex-friend and stupid ex will be there,’ she says, and I realise she’s right. How can I miss out on this? ‘Fine, but I’m gonna be a while getting ready,’ I say, and she grins. ‘It’s cool, Chen said their cut-off time is 5am,’ she says, and my eyes widen. ‘Damn, okay, we really going all out,’ I say, and she grins, her phone pinging a moment later. ‘Jackson’s outside. Shall I tell him to come up and we’ll wait for you?’ she asks, and I shake my head. ‘I’ll get an Uber or something, don’t wait. And don’t tell anyone I’m coming. I wanna surprise Jimin,’ I say, and she rolls her eyes amusedly. ‘You two are like a couple of high-schoolers,’ she teases. ‘And you and Jackson aren’t?’ I say, and she goes silent, surprising me.
‘Okay, what’s happened?’ I ask, and she sighs. ‘I… I don’t know. I like him, y/n, I really do. But I just don’t know if… I love him,’ she says, and I let out a soft laugh. ‘You don’t have to love him, Mija. Not yet, anyway,’ I say gently. ‘No, but, I look at you and Jimin, and-’ ‘Mija! Don’t be ridiculous! I would’ve thought you’d know not to compare yourself and your relationship to anyone else.’ ‘No, I know, but I just… I want something like what you guys have. Something that everyone can see coming, something that everyone envies, something that every knows is perfect. And I don’t expect that to happen yet, like I know it happens at different times for everyone. But I just don’t… I don’t see it happening with Jackson. It just feels like… flirting and sex with him. Nothing more, nothing… real. We’ve never had a deep conversation, nothing deeper than about our futures,’ she says, and I sigh. ‘Well, if you don’t think he’s the one for you, then that’s okay. You don’t have to persevere with it if you don’t see it working out. There’s no point wasting your time,’ I say, and she nods. ‘I also… I have a bit of a… crush on someone,’ she says, and I nearly scream. ‘Oh, my God! Why didn’t you tell me? Who is it?’ I exclaim excitedly, and she laughs. ‘Stop, it’s not that big of a deal. I… went shopping, last night, and I ran into Tae. He walked around the shop with me, and it was the most fun I’ve ever had shopping – not including when I’m with you, obviously. The conversation just flowed, and he made me laugh so much, and he’s so good-looking, and it just made me think back to that night in his room, after the KPN party,’ she says, and I squeal excitedly.
I remember her telling me about that night; they’d gone up to his room and instead of having sex, he asked her about her sexuality (because he’d just found out) and then they’d ended up having a really deep conversation about love and destiny and fate. She kept yawning and he asked her if she wanted to sleep, and so she fell asleep in his bed. When she woke up the next morning and he was asleep next to her, she was so scared, so scared about what had happened the previous night, that she left. Mija’s not the type of person for deep conversations and sleepovers. She’s more of a make-out-in-the-club followed by a one-night stand kinda girl. So it scared her that she’d connected with someone emotionally rather than physically, sexually. ‘Mija, this is amazing!’ I say, and she shakes her head. ‘Don’t get too excited. I doubt he’s still interested,’ she says, a hint of sadness in her voice. ‘No, Mija, I bet he is! He admitted to me, that night I went home with him – sorry about that, by the way – that he still had a crush on you. If you like him, Mija, go for it, please. Don’t squander this because you’re scared. You can’t just stick to what’s comfortable. Sometimes it’s scary to go into the unknown, but it pays off in the end,’ I say earnestly. ‘Don’t quote Frozen at me,’ she says, but I can tell she’s taken my words on board. ‘Frozen 2, actually,’ I say, just as there’s a knock at the door. ‘I’m gonna go get ready, but I’ll see you at the party,’ I say, both of us getting up. ‘I look forward to it. Wear something sexy,’ she says, and I grin. ‘Trust me,’ I say, ‘I have the perfect outfit in mind.’
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‘y/n! You came!’ I hear Sana shriek the second I walk in, the girl enveloping me in a hug. ‘Hey, Sana,’ I say into her ear, touched at the warm welcome. ‘Jimin said you weren’t coming,’ she says, and I shrug. ‘I wasn’t planning on it, but we’re about to graduate, so I should make the most of every opportunity,’ I say, and she nods in agreement. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Jeongyeon is on her best behaviour,’ she says with a wink, and I laugh. ‘Bless you, Sana, you’re the best. You look amazing, by the way,’ I say. She’s dressed in a pink satin one-arm mini dress and white heels, her dyed pink locks matching the dress perfectly. ‘Says you. Jimin will drop dead when he sees you in that,’ she says, and I hide my face in embarrassment, feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks. I’m dressed in my best black jeans and a long-sleeve black velvet crop top, both items of clothing practically skin-tight. Joon’s silver choker rests around my neck, and a matching silver belt cinches in my waist nicely, small silver hoops in my ears and Jimin’s silver ring on my finger. I opted for comfort over height, so I’m wearing my black fluffy sliders, my white painted toenails on display. ‘Stop it,’ I say shyly, and she rolls her eyes. ‘Shut up, you know you look good. Go see your man, he’s in the kitchen,’ she says, and I grin.
I leave with the promise that I’ll dance with her later, and push through the partygoers to get to the kitchen. For the first time ever, people move out of my way, and my peers almost part to let me through. Perks of dating one of the most popular boys in the university, I guess. When I walk into the kitchen, I spot Jimin sat on a stool at the island, chatting to Chen, a beer in his hand. A few seconds later, Hoseok shouts my name, drawing everybody’s attention on to me. The boys all greet me warmly, hugs and smiles, and when I reach Jimin, his cheeks are slightly flushed. He pulls me into a hug before holding me at arm’s length, looking me up and down. ‘You look… good, princess. Like… really good,’ he says, eyes fixed on the choker for a moment, and I grin at him. ‘Thanks. I thought you’d like it,’ I say coyly. ‘I love it.’ ‘I love you,’ I say, and he grins. ‘That’ll never get old,’ he says contentedly, and I smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. ‘You look really good, you know. I like you in white,’ I say, and he grins. He’s dressed in a white shirt, the top few buttons undone, and a pair of ripped black jeans, a black Chanel necklace around his neck, the pendant resting between his collarbones. ‘You seem to like me in everything, baby,’ he smirks, and I roll my eyes. ‘Maybe I do, is it a crime?’ I joke, and he laughs, pulling me down towards him for another kiss.
‘Shall I get you a drink?’ he asks, and I nod with a smile. He jumps up, heading over to the fridge, and holds up a bottle of pink gin with a questioning expression. I nod and he grabs a clean cup, pouring me some out before mixing it with lemonade. He brings it over to me and hands it to me, bumping the cup with his own beer bottle before we both take a sip. ‘Thank you, baby. Oh, can you believe this? When I was walking from the front door to here, people were moving out of my way. Like, how crazy is that? I can get used to dating the most desirable guy in the university,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘y/n, it’s not because you’re dating me. It’s because you’re hot,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘People never used to,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘You’ve never worn an outfit so tight. To be fair, it’s probably partially because of everything that’s happened. Eunwoo’s face still looks busted, Jeongyeon’s been keeping a very low profile, Chungae got called out of her lecture by the police and she hasn’t been seen since, you and ‘Park Jimin’ are officially dating, and then you walk into a party looking like sin. Of course people moved out of your way,’ he says, and I give an acknowledging nod. ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s just weird,’ I say. ‘You’ll get used to it,’ he says in a fake snooty voice, and I swat at him, laughing.
‘I thought you were adamant you weren’t coming,’ he says casually, but I know he’s confused. ‘I was, but Mija gave me this speech about not letting opportunities pass you by, and I realised I was stupid to miss out,’ I say, and he smiles. ‘Well, I promise, if anything… kicks off, I’ll sort it,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘I don’t want you to sort it. I’ll just go to another room, or leave. I don’t need you to swoop in and save the day, Superman. Take a night off,’ I say gently, and he laughs. ‘Okay, baby, whatever you want,’ he replies softly, toying with his ring on my finger, and my heart jumps. ‘Can you keep hold of my phone for me?’ I ask as I jump up to sit on the island beside him, and he nods, taking it from me and tucking it into his pocket. ‘Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you,’ he says, resting a hand on my thigh, ‘are you gonna be my date to that thing we’re doing? I’m sure you’ve heard about it.’ I fail to stifle my laugh and he raises an eyebrow. ‘What?’ ‘You’re the seventh person to ask me, so you’re in a queue,’ I say seriously, and his mouth falls open slightly. ‘Wait, seriously? Who’s asked you?’ he asks, completely bewildered. ‘In order, Joon, JK, Tae, Yoongi, Jin and Hobi,’ I list off, his eyes widening with each name. ‘Oh, my God, they’re such snakes. As if they asked you whilst we weren’t talking,’ he says, and I make an indignant noise. ‘They’re my friends too.’ ‘I know, but like… they’re my best friends. It’s like if Mija had asked me,’ he says, and I nod, stifling my laughter. ‘Are you really gonna put me in the queue?’ he asks sadly, and I nod, holding back a giggle. ‘But we’re dating. Doesn’t that give me like… a fast pass or something?’ he pouts, and I laugh. ‘If we can find dates for all the others, then I’ll go with you,’ I say, knowing I’ll go with him anyway but wanting to find dates for my friends too.
‘Oh, well, Joon can take Sana,’ Jimin says, both of us looking at Joon. He’s stood with JK and Jin beside the sink, but his eyes are on Sana, chatting with Jackson beside the door. ‘We’ve gotta get him to ask her,’ I say, Jimin nodding, eyes already scanning the room. ‘We should get Mija to go with one of the boys and Jackson to go with one of the boys, so they can both come,’ he says, and I wince. ‘Well, um, I don’t think they’re going to be together much longer,’ I say quietly, Jimin’s mouth falling open. ‘What? Really?’ he asks, eyes wide. ‘Yeah, but don’t mention anything to anyone. I’ll explain it all afterwards,’ I say, and he nods, still looking stunned. ‘Well, we still want both of them to come, right? But we’ll come back to that. What about… JK? Who can he take?’ Jimin asks, and I think. ‘Um… I saw him and LSG Nayeon dancing together at the bar last week. Is anything going on with them?’ I ask, and Jimin looks thoughtful. ‘I’ve seen her a lot recently, come to think of it, and usually when I see a lot of a girl, it’s because she’s seeing one of my friends. We can do some… interrogating and find out what’s going on with them,’ he says, and I nod. ‘Okay, so Joon and Sana, and maybe JK and Nayeon. What about… Yoongi?’ I ask, before remembering him dancing with Dahyun. ‘Oh, Dahyun! They were dancing together at the bar too. I’ll ask her about him as well!’ I say, getting excited. ‘Okay, we’ll do some subtle interrogation throughout the night. What about Tae and Hoseok? And Jin hyung?’ he asks. ‘Well, Tae was dancing with Tzuyu, but I don’t know about Hoseok or Jin. Maybe they could bring Mija and Chen, or Jackson? And then we’ll sneak the other one in,’ I say, Jimin laughing. ‘We should probably check with everyone to see if they’re okay with our plans first,’ he says, and I nod. ‘I think we should do some investigating. I’ll go and dance with the girls and try and find something out,’ I say, Jimin nodding. I press a gentle kiss to his cheek before downing my pink gin (and wincing, much to Jimin’s amusement) and jumping down from the counter, heading over to Sana.
‘Hey, guys,’ I say, reaching into the fridge beside them to get another drink. I spot WKD and I can’t resist (listen, I know it’s practically juice, but I’m not looking to get drunk tonight. I need to have my wits about me if I want to successfully dig for info, and get my friends dates for this party). ‘Hey, y/n,’ Jackson and Sana reply. ‘You guys wanna dance?’ I ask, Sana nodding eagerly. God, she’s so cute. I’d so be crushing on her if I were into girls. ‘I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll come and join in a bit when you’re all drunk and have lost your inhibitions,’ he jokes, both Sana and I groaning in disgust. ‘You pig,’ I say, hitting his shoulder as he walks away, laughing to himself. ‘Come on,’ she says, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the living room. It’s a little darker in here, and the room is packed full of people. There’s also a slight stench of body odour in the air, but I try to ignore it, knowing I have a far more important task at hand. I look around the room for Sana’s friends, and spot a bright flash of minty-bluey hair, knowing Dahyun is the only person in the university, maybe even the world, with that hair colour. ‘Ooh, your friends are over there, let’s dance with them!’ I suggest, and she agrees excitedly, leading us through the people to get to them.
‘Hey, y/n!’ Nayeon exclaims, throwing her arms around me. We used to be close, but as soon as Jeongyeon and I fell out, we didn’t see each other that often. I didn’t see many of the LSG girls at all, except for Sana, because we do the same course. I guess it’s never too late to reconnect. All of the girls hug me, Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Mina and Jihyo. Tzuyu either hasn’t come to the party or is somewhere else in the house, but I don’t worry too much. I have a feeling we won’t have to look for a date for Tae, considering Mija’s new feelings for him. A Rihanna song starts to blare out into the room, and we all shout (as people do when a good song comes on), beginning to dance with each other almost instantly.  The songs continue and the time flies by, Mija joining us after a little while. We dance and dance until we’re all sweating and tired, and after two hours, I suggest we go and sit in the garden for a while. We pass through the kitchen, getting drinks before heading out through the back door. Conveniently, the table and chairs on the porch are unoccupied, and we quickly rush over before anyone else can get there. I sit on a two-seater with Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Momo sharing the other two-seater, Mija, Mina, Jihyo, Sana and Nayeon sitting in deck chairs.
‘You and Jimin are so adorable, y/n,’ Nayeon says, and I mentally thank her for bringing up boys. ‘Aw, thank you. It’s been a… tough journey, but we’re happy now,’ I say, all of the girls letting out ‘aww’s at that. ‘And you and Jackson, Mija! It was so unexpected, but I like it,’ Jihyo says, and Mija winces. ‘Funny you say that. We ended things on the way here,’ she says, and I raise an eyebrow. I thought she would wait until after the party, but obviously, she just wanted to get it out of the way. ‘Oh, God. Why’s that?’ Jihyo asks, all of the girls looking surprised. ‘I think it was just… physical chemistry with Jackson and I. We both knew it. I do like him, and I think part of me will always have a little crush on him, but I don’t think we were right together,’ Mija says, the girls nodding with understanding. ‘What about you girls anyway? Any relationships?’ Mija asks, and I look at Sana, the girl noticing my stare and her cheeks turn slightly red. ‘Um… well, I guess me and Namjoon are kind of… talking?’ she says, almost as a question, and we all squeal. ‘I’ve been waiting for you to admit it!’ Dahyun shrieks. ‘And me!’ I exclaim, Sana’s eyes widening. ‘How did you know?’ she asks, and I grin. ‘Namjoon told Jimin, and Jimin told me. Don’t you remember, that night at the restaurant when he brought it up?’ I ask, and she nods, remembering. ‘Has he asked you to this thing? The party they’re having?’ I ask, and she shakes her head. ‘Didn’t he ask you?’ she asks, the girls all looking at me in confusion. ‘Well, yeah, but only because he didn’t think I’d come. This was when Jimin and I weren’t speaking. But I thought he’d have asked you by now. What an idiot,’ I say, knowing that the next time I see Joon, I am forcing him to ask her.
‘Are any of the rest of you coming?’ Mija asks, and the girls nod. ‘Daniel’s taking me,’ Jihyo says, and I smile. Jihyo and Daniel, one of the ASP frat boys, have been together for a while, nearly a year now, and they’re so lowkey. They just do their own thing, don’t display their relationship everywhere for people to see. ‘I’m going with Jungkook,’ Nayeon says, and my eyes widen, a blush painting her cheeks. ‘When did he ask you?’ I ask, and she thinks. ‘A couple nights ago. He said he’d asked you, but obviously you’re gonna go with Jimin now, so would I be interested in going with him,’ she says, and I faceplant. ‘Why would he ask you by saying that?’ I say, wondering where that boy’s braincells are. ‘Because he’s an idiot,’ Nayeon says affectionately, and we all grin. ‘What’s going on with you two?’ I ask, and she shrugs. ‘I don’t know. We’ve been talking a little over the past couple weeks, but he’s really… shy,’ she says, all of our mouths falling open. ‘Jeon Jungkook? Shy? He walked in on y/n and Jimin and joined in,’ Mija says, the shocked faces turning to me now, and I cover my face. ‘It wasn’t like that. Jimin… invited him,’ I say, gasps running around the group. ‘God, y/n, you are literally living the dream,’ Dahyun sighs, and we all laugh. ‘Okay, anyway. Who are the rest of you going with?’ I ask.
‘Heechul actually asked me out a few days ago. We’d been talking for a while, but now we’re… yeah, boyfriend and girlfriend. So yeah, he’ll be taking me,’ Momo says, Mija and I squealing in excitement, the other girls obviously already aware. ‘Congrats, Momo, that’s great,’ I say, and she smiles shyly. ‘Chae?’ I ask, and she grins. ‘I don’t have a man like you lot, but Bambam didn’t have anyone to take so he asked if I wanna go,’ she says, rolling her eyes, and we all laugh. Her and Bambam have been good friends for a long time so it’s no surprise she’s going with him. ‘What about you, Mina?’ I ask. ‘Youngjae asked me. As friends, obviously,’ she says, in a similar situation as Chaeyoung. I ask Dahyun next and she frowns. ‘I haven’t been asked by anyone. But I’ll just get JB to take me, I’m pretty certain he doesn’t have a date. Or Mark,’ Dahyun says. ‘Single gang,’ Chaeyoung says in a sing-song voice, throwing her arms around Dahyun and Mina, both looking less than impressed, making us all laugh. ‘What about Tzuyu? And is, um, Jeongyeon going?’ I ask, all of them nodding. ‘Tzuyu’s been asked by Yugyeom, and Jeongyeon’s going with Jinyoung,’ Mina says, surprising me. ‘Yeah, we were surprised too, but she broke things off with that Jongho. I think it was just to try and get Jimin’s interest, but as soon as you two got together, she stopped seeing him,’ Nayeon says, obviously noting the surprise on my face. I’m also relieved that Tae hasn’t asked Tzuyu, meaning that he can take Mija now.
Just as I’m about to ask about Tzuyu and Yugyeom, the boys come outside, noisy and drunk. ‘Baby!’ Jimin exclaims when he spots me, stumbling towards me. ‘Hey, babe. I thought you weren’t gonna get that drunk,’ I say as I get up, letting him have my seat, before perching gently on his lap. ‘I’m not that bad, really. Just excited to see you,’ he says before pressing a sloppy kiss to my cheek, making the girls smile indulgently at us. I spot Namjoon go over to Sana and she does what I did for Jimin. When she sits on his lap, he looks stunned at her bold move, his face reddening slightly, and I have to hold back laughter at how nervous and awkward they are. It’s adorable. Tae perches on the arm of Mija’s chair, the two of them already in deep conversation, and I grin to myself at the sight. ‘You guys have gone awfully quiet,’ Yoongi says with a raised eyebrow, all of us exchanging glances. ‘We were talking about your posh party thing, actually,’ I say, taking Jimin’s hand into mine. ‘Yeah, she’s coming with me, so you guys need to find dates,’ Jimin says, the boys laughing. ‘Well, I think a couple of them already have,’ I say pointedly, a light blush painting Jungkook’s cheeks as he looks down at his lap, Nayeon looking over at him with a smile from the other side of the circle we’re sat in.
‘But, anyway, Yoongi, who are you taking?’ I ask, and he shrugs. ‘Do you guys all have dates?’ he asks the girls who all nod, except for Dahyun, who shakes her head. ‘Would you like to accompany me then, Dahyun?’ Yoongi asks, sounding casual, but the very slight blush on his cheeks betrays him. ‘I’d love to, Yoongi,’ she says with a grin, and I can’t help but smile at the exchange. ‘Wait, so who actually has dates now? It’s just me and Yoongi, right?’ Jimin says, and I grin to myself, knowing JK will have to come clean now and Namjoon and Tae will have to ask Sana and Mija, if they want to (which they do, let’s be real). ‘Um, well, I, um, me and, uh, Nayeon noona are going together,’ Jungkook stammers out, and I melt at how nervous he seems. The boys all look at him in shock, us girls exchanging a glance. ‘Yeah, we’re matching my dress and his tie. We going high school prom,’ Nayeon says, obviously trying to take all of the attention off Jungkook, who looks extremely uncomfortable. ‘Oh, my God, Jimin, we should so do that,’ I say, turning to look at him, and he smiles at me, his eyes full of love. ‘That sounds great, princess,’ he says softly, and I smile, pressing my lips to his. I love him like this; so loving and sweet all the time. He’s an angel.
‘I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me, Sana,’ Namjoon says, the girl blushing in response. ‘Yes, I’d love to go with you,’ Sana says, smiling from ear-to-ear, the smile reflecting on Namjoon’s face at her yes. ‘Four out of seven,’ Jimin says into my ear so only I can hear, and I grin. ‘Tae, do you have a date?’ Chaeyoung says shamelessly, Tae and Mija both looking slightly embarrassed. ‘Um, no, but I was planning on asking you, Mija,’ he says, looking at her, and she blushes instantly. ‘Yeah, I’ll come,’ she says as offhandedly as possible, but it’s obvious that they’re both pleased. I look at Jackson, worried he’ll be jealous, but he looks… wistful almost, a soft smile on his face. ‘Ahh, this is so exciting, like in the space of a minute, three new couples,’ Nayeon says, and both Yoongi and Dahyun look alarmed. ‘We’re not a couple,’ Dahyun says, Yoongi nodding in agreement, and Nayeon grins. ‘You know what I mean.’
‘Well, what about the rest of us? Hoseok, Jin, who are you two taking?’ Yoongi asks, changing the subject. ‘I don’t know. Jackson, are you coming?’ Hoseok asks. ‘Yeah, but not as a plus one,’ Jackson replies. ‘Just be my plus one then, bro,’ Hoseok says, holding out a hand, and Jackson shakes it with a grin and a ‘my guy.’ ‘You be my plus one too, Chen. Unless, you were planning on bringing a date yourself?’ Jin says, and Chen shakes his head. ‘I wasn’t planning on that, so yeah, I’ll be your plus one,’ Chen says, both of them grinning. ‘Well, that’s sorted then. Everyone has a date!’ Sana says excitedly, and Hoseok looks at Jackson. ‘Bro! We should match our ties!’ he says, Jackson whooping in agreement, and we all laugh at them. ‘We should all match our ties, boys!’ Jackson exclaims, before his eyes land on Nayeon and Jungkook, his shoulders slumping. ‘Never mind,’ he says dejectedly. ‘No, you guys all should match your ties. That’s super cute. Imagine the pictures,’ Nayeon says, and I nod in agreement. ‘You sure?’ Jungkook asks, Jimin looking at me with the same question in his eyes, and I nod at him. ‘Yeah, definitely. Us girls can all have something matching too. Something the same colour as your ties!’ Nayeon exclaims, all of us getting excited. ‘We could have, like, cute little corsages or something!’ Mina suggests, various noises of agreement running around the group. ‘God, we really are going high school prom, huh?’ Chen says, all of us laughing.
Various conversations break out around the group, one about us going in limos, another a debate about what colour ties and corsages we should get, and another about ���what if the colour of the ties and corsages don’t match our suits and dresses?’ ‘I’m gonna just run and get a drink. Do you want anything?’ I ask Jimin, and he shakes his head. ‘Want me to come with?’ he asks. ‘It’s okay. I’ll take Jackson with me,’ I say quietly before getting up from his lap. As I walk past Jackson to go inside, I latch my arm through him and drag him towards the door with me. ‘Come get a drink with me?’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Didn’t give me much of a choice really,’ he jokes, as we step into the kitchen. The party seems to have started emptying out already, and I check Jackson’s watch, the time reading 3.04. I open the fridge, rooting around as Jackson leans against the kitchen counter, checking his phone. I find a bottle of that sparkly Unicorn gin that everyone’s been raving about, not even open yet, and I celebrate, knowing someone must have tried to hide it. I won’t have too much. ‘Do you want some?’ I ask, holding the bottle up to Jackson, who shakes his head. I pour some out into a cup, and then top up the rest with lemonade.
‘Mija told me she broke things off with you,’ I say as I put the bottle away, thinking there’s no point in beating around the bush, and he nods, putting his phone back in his pocket. ‘Yeah, she did, on the way here,’ he says, and I sigh. ‘You okay?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Yeah, I’m okay. I think… part of me knew it was coming. She wants something like what you and Jimin have, and I can’t give that to her, you know? That’s just not me yet. I’m still young and I’m not ready to be as serious with someone as you two are. Maybe, one day in the future, me and Mija will have the same mindset and it works out, but I think her and Tae are good for each other,’ he says, and I nod. ‘I just wish he hadn’t asked her in front of you, that soon after she ended things with you,’ I say, and Jackson laughs. ‘It’s totally fine, y/n, don’t worry. She deserves to be happy, and he can give that to her,’ he says, and I smile. ‘That’s very mature of you,’ I say, and he grins. ‘I’m a very mature guy, thank you very much,’ he replies, and I raise an eyebrow.
‘I wonder how Tae found out you two were over. She must have told him,’ I think aloud. ‘I told him, and I told him to ask her, too. He said, no joke, ‘the body’s not even cold yet’ and I said, ‘the body was never that hot though’,’ Jackson says, and I burst out laughing. ‘You’re terrible! She ended things with you, and you went and told another boy to ask her out,’ I say, laughing uncontrollably. ‘I want her to be happy!’ he replies indignantly, struggling to hold back his own laughter, and then we both notice that Mija has just walked in. Both of us stop laughing straight away, probably looking like two kids caught with their hands in the biscuit tin. ‘Lol. Thank you. I want you to be happy too,’ she says deadpan, as she goes into the fridge, and Jackson and I look at each other before bursting into laughter again. ‘Grow up, idiots,’ Mija says affectionately, shutting the fridge and heading back outside with a bottle of WKD in her hand, Jackson and I unable to stop laughing.
We head back outside, still giggling, and I go sit back on Jimin’s lap, sipping on my drink. Whenever I meet Jackson’s eye, both of us start laughing again, everyone else (except for Mija) really confused. The sixth time it happens, Jin loses his patience. ‘You two! Stop laughing or tell us what’s funny!’ he shouts, the whole group bursting into laughter at that. ‘The body…’ Jackson gets out before his laughter renders him speechless, and I can’t contain myself, practically screaming with laughter, the others laughing at how hysterical we are. ‘Right, let’s talk about next weekend,’ Namjoon says, looking much more comfortable with Sana on his lap now, the girl sat with her legs slung over his, her arm around his shoulders and his around her waist. ‘Yeah, I’ve got a bone to pick about that. Why was I not told that it’s neon-slash-glow in the dark themed?’ I ask, instantly calming down and frowning. ‘Didn’t Jimin tell you?’ Jin asks. ‘Yeah, on Thursday. Why was I not told before that though?’ I say, all of the boys looking at each other. ‘I don’t know. I think we all thought you already knew,’ Yoongi says, the rest of them nodding in agreement. ‘Do you not have an outfit, noona?’ Jungkook asks me, and before I can answer, Namjoon says, ‘you don’t have to wear something neon or glow in the dark if you don’t want to. I get that it’s late notice, so you can just wear whatever you want.’ ‘Well, I have an outfit now, but that’s not the point,’ I say, having to raise my voice for the last part to be heard over the laughter. ‘You’re such a drama queen, y/n,’ Tae says, and I roll my eyes. ‘It’s the principle of the matter. I should have been told earlier than nine days beforehand,’ I say, and they all just shake their heads or roll their eyes at me.
‘What outfit have you got, y/n?’ Nayeon asks, and I sigh. ‘I ordered two things, but neither have come yet, so I don’t know which to wear. One of them is a black t-shirt dress with stuff written in neon green on the back and a little green logo on the front, above my boob, and then a neon green belt to go with it, so it’s like minimal neon. And then I ordered a pair of black cargo trousers with reflective lines down the sides and a bit down the fronts of my legs, I think, and then a reflective crop top,’ I say, the girls all listening with interest, the boys except for Hobi, Tae and Jackson seeming to zone out. ‘Ooh, that sounds boujee. Make sure you send us pictures of how both of them look when you try them on. Oh, my God, we should make a group chat!’ Dahyun says, all of us giving various agreements. ‘That’s gonna get muted,’ Yoongi says drily, and Dahyun raises an eyebrow at him. ‘I meant one for the girls, so relax,’ she says, equally as dry, and we all burst out laughing, Yoongi included. ‘We can make one with all of us too, so you can mute that one,’ she says afterwards, Yoongi nodding with a wide grin. We all continue to talk about outfits, the boys deciding to keep theirs a secret, and even Jackson and Chen are involved in their scheme. ‘But we told you all what we’re wearing,’ I say, pouting at Jimin who smiles at me. ‘It’s not that exciting, but we just don’t want anyone to find out, and you guys can’t keep your mouths shut,’ Jimin says, making me pout even more. ‘I can.’ ‘Yeah, about important things. A little thing like this, you would not keep it to yourself,’ he says, and I don’t know what to say, knowing that he’s absolutely right.
But before I even have to say anything, the back door swings open, Eunwoo stepping out onto the porch with a couple of his other frat brothers. Jimin was right; his face does still look busted, even more so in comparison to the very faint bruise Jimin sports on his eye. Jimin’s arms reflexively tighten around my waist, his body tensing slightly, and everyone falls silent, us looking at them and them looking at us. To my surprise, he nods at us, and we all nod or smile back, appreciating his civility. ‘Did you guys bring the five bottles of flavoured vodka?’ Eunwoo asks, the boys nodding. I’m surprised; people don’t really bring alcohol to parties and, if they do, it’s never that much. It’s obvious the boys are trying to create peace between ASP and KPN. ‘Thanks. The red berry one’s nice,’ Eunwoo says, holding up the cup in his hand. ‘You should try the peach. That one’s the best,’ Jimin says, Eunwoo nodding, and I’m proud of Jimin for being so mature. ‘Hey, Eunwoo, we’ve got our end of year rager thing next weekend. You guys should come,’ Namjoon says. ‘Thanks, Namjoon. We’ll be there,’ Eunwoo says, Namjoon smiling back at him. ‘It’s neon-slash-glow in the dark themed,’ I say, Eunwoo nodding. ‘We’ll come in neon wigs,’ Eunwoo says, all of us laughing.
Eunwoo and the other two come over, standing beside Jackson, and he takes a deep breath before speaking; ‘y/n, Jimin, I just, uh, wanted to say sorry to both of you for what happened last week. It was wrong of me to speak to you both like that and I think you should know that I’m seeing an anger management therapist now.’ ‘That’s great, Eunwoo, I hope that it works out for you. Keep me updated on how it goes,’ I say as kindly as possible, knowing it must have taken him a lot to apologise in front of everyone like this. ‘I will, thanks. And I also wanted to say that I’m happy for you both. It’s about time you stopped messing around and got together,’ he says, everyone laughing. ‘Honestly, bro, we’ve been saying that, like they might as well just get married,’ Tae says, prompting more laughter. ‘That would actually be the littest wedding ever,’ Eunwoo says, Jimin nodding in agreement. ‘It’ll be sick. We’ll have kegs and jelly shots and beer pong and-’ ‘Excuse me. This is our wedding we’re talking about, not a frat party,’ I say, scandalised at the thought of having these things at the wedding. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll do that stuff at the stag do,’ Hobi says, laughter rippling around the group.
‘Imagine the hen do,’ Mija says dreamily. ‘Oh, my God, we should go abroad! Ibiza! Or Vegas!’ Sana says. ‘Ooh, can I come on your hen do, noona?’ Jungkook asks with big eyes, and I nod. ‘No way! You can’t go to Vegas without me and take Jungkook,’ Jimin pouts. ‘We’ll all go together. Joint stag and hen!’ Nayeon exclaims excitedly. ‘Yeah!’ ‘No! The point of a stag do is to do the things you can’t do when you’re married. How can he do any of that stuff when his fiancée’s there?’ Yoongi says. ‘Well, it’s not like he'll be having any strippers or anything. Will you?’ I ask Jimin, a slight threatening tone to my voice, and he shakes his head hesitantly. ‘How about we do a gang holiday to Vegas, and then do stag and hen dos at home rather than abroad?’ Yoongi suggests, and all of nod in agreement. ‘That sounds like a plan,’ I grin. ‘What I want to know is how we’re gonna find the money to pay for a holiday to Vegas, a stag and hen do, and a wedding,’ Jimin says sceptically. ‘You guys can’t pay for your hen and stag dos! We’ll all chip in to pay for that,’ Mija says, all of the others nodding in agreement. ‘What I want to know is why we’re planning your wedding when you’ve been together a week,’ Jin says, bringing us all back to reality, and we all burst out laughing. ‘Let’s be real, everyone knows they’re gonna be together forever,’ Eunwoo says. ‘I’m not so sure,’ Jimin starts to say, and I slap his chest. ‘I’m kidding!’ he exclaims, everyone laughing. ‘Better be,’ I say as ominously as possible, unable to get the smile off my face, ‘you’re not getting rid of me any time soon.’ ‘Well,’ Jimin starts to say, looking at me with the biggest smile on his face, eyes shining with love, ‘good thing I don’t want to.’
We spend the next hour or so just chatting, and when the time reaches 4, I begin to yawn, tiredness catching up with me. ‘Tired?’ Jimin murmurs, arms wrapped around me and chin resting on my shoulder. I’m still perched on his lap, and I don’t know how he hasn’t complained about being uncomfortable yet. ‘A little,’ I reply, and he smiles indulgently as I snuggle further into him. ‘Shall we leave?’ he asks, and I nod, ready for my bed now. ‘Jungkook,’ Jimin calls to the younger boy, who looks over instantly. He and Nayeon are now sat together, his arm around the girl’s shoulder as she speaks animatedly to Taehyung, Mija and Chen about a cocktail she had three years ago in a bar in Malta and how hard she’s tried to recreate it. ‘Yeah, hyung?’ ‘You drove here right? And you haven’t had a drink, have you?’ Jimin asks. ‘Yeah, I drove, and, no, I haven’t had anything to drink.’ ‘Can we jump in with you?’ ‘Yeah. I’m dropping Nayeon and Dahyun off as well,’ Jungkook says. ‘Thank you, Kook,’ I say with a smile, feeling more and more sleepy, and he smiles at me. ‘It’s okay, noona. We’ll leave in a few minutes,’ he replies. ‘Mija, how are you getting back?’ I ask her, and she shrugs. ‘Who’s got space in their cars?’ Jimin asks, ensuing a long, confusing and logistical conversation about how people can get home without having to pay for taxis.
I zone out quickly, amusing myself with playing with the rings on Jimin’s hands, and it’s finally decided that Jungkook will drop Dahyun and Nayeon at LSG, drop me home and then head home with Jimin, Chen and Jackson will give all of the LSG girls a lift (and Jackson will drop Mija), and the ASP boys will all head home in Namjoon’s car. We all say our goodbyes, bidding goodbye to the KPN boys on our way out, and the drive back is a relaxed one, Nayeon and Jungkook chatting quietly upfront as I sit in the middle of the back, singing with Dahyun as Jimin watches amusedly. Jungkook pulls up to my accommodation first, and Jimin gets out of the car to let me out. I stumble as I get out, my feet aching and weak from hours of partying (the sliders might be more comfortable than heels, but their arch support is not it), and Jimin grabs me before I fall. ‘You okay?’ he asks concernedly, and I nod. ‘My feet are hurting a bit, but I’m fine.’ ‘Want me to walk you up?’ he offers, and I shake my head. ‘I don’t want to hold you guys up, just go,’ I say, Jungkook shaking his head through the open window. ‘You could stay here with her, hyung, until Jackson gets here. You can head back with him, and walk up from KPN,’ Jungkook suggests, Jimin nodding. ‘No, it’s fine,’ I say, but Jimin shakes his head before scooping me up into his arms, giggles falling from my lips. Jimin bids our friends goodbye, and I don’t even have the energy to fight him, saying goodbye too. He carries me the entire way up to the apartment and only puts me down once the door is open.
‘Do you wanna… come in, for a little while? While you wait for Jackson to get here?’ I ask, leaning against the frame of our apartment’s front door, and Jimin grins at me, sending a text to Jackson to let him know. ‘Are you trying to seduce me, y/n?’ he teases, and I give him a small smile. ‘You said it, not me. But I know you’ve said you wanted to take it slow, so you can just come in and watch something if you want?’ I offer, and he gives me a soft smile. ‘You’re cute,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Shut up and come in,’ I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the apartment. I lock the door and turn the lights on, both of us slipping our shoes off, and we head into my bedroom. ‘I’ve got some of your clothes. A pair of sweatpants, and a t-shirt. Oh, and some boxers – they’re clean. D’you wanna get changed?’ I ask him as he takes a seat at the foot of my bed. ‘Yeah, I’ll get changed,’ he replies, and I rummage around in my wardrobe for his clothes. I hand them to him, and he gets up. ‘You don’t need to get changed in the bathroom… if you don’t want to?’ I say shyly, and he looks at me with soft eyes. ‘Are you sure, y/n? It’s only been a week, I don’t want you to rush into anything,’ he says, and I smile. ‘I love you, Jimin, and I don’t need to wait to know that, or to trust you,’ I say, and the most beautiful smile breaks across his face.
He throws the clothes onto the bed and holds out a hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me towards him, the suddenness of it making me lose my footing, and I fall against him, grabbing his shoulders to hold myself up. He steadies me (for the second time in the space of five minutes), his hands on my waist, and grins down at me. ‘Are you falling for me, y/n?’ he jokes, and I roll my eyes. ‘Shut up,’ I reply, closing my eyes and sliding a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down towards me. His lips press against mine, our mouth moving together in a slow, passionate kiss, and then I break apart after a moment. ‘Do you maybe wanna text Jackson not to hang around outside for you? I mean, you could stay the night instead,’ I suggests, and he grins, pulling out his phone and texting Jackson again. ‘I’d much rather stay the night if that’s okay, princess,’ he says, and I smile softly. ‘Of course it’s okay. I love you,’ I reply gently, and he gives me one of his eye smiles, so full of love I nearly melt. ‘I love you more.’ ‘I love you most.’ ‘I love you more than that though.’ ‘You can’t love me more than I love you if I love you most.’ ‘Who says?’ ‘I… I don’t know. It’s just common knowledge. Like saying 9 is more than 10.’ ‘Who says it isn’t?’ ‘Because it just isn’t!’ ‘Who says?’ ‘Shut up and kiss me, moron.’
He leans towards me and kisses me, our lips melding together instantly, mouths moving in sync, and I sigh at the feeling, wishing to imprint onto the front of my brain. His tongue slides into my mouth within seconds, my body tingling with pleasure as his hands slide around to my lower back, pulling me closer to him. Our kiss quickly becomes heated, his hands desperately roaming over my body as I toy with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. After a few minutes of kissing him, I move my hands to the buttons of his shirt, and I undo them swiftly, pushing the thin material off his shoulders. Instantly, I begin to trail my hands over his torso, fingers roaming over the ridges of his muscles, heat radiating from him.
I break away after what could be minutes or hours – I lose track of time when he’s kissing me – and he instantly brings his hands to the hem of my top, helping me to pull it over my head, leaving me in my lacy black bralet. ‘Fuck,’ he curses under his breath, hands instantly cupping my breasts, and I laugh at the action, a small grin playing at his lips. His hands trail down my torso to undo my belt and the buttons of my jeans, and I push the tight material down my legs, stepping out of them when they pool at my feet as Jimin removes his own jeans. He lies down on the bed, looking at me in my black underwear set with a hungry smirk and loving eyes. How he manages both at the same time, I don’t know. I turn on the lamp, and turn off the big light, leaving us in a warm yellow glow. ‘Come here, princess,’ he says gently, and I smile at him, as I crawl up the bed to join him. He hooks his arms around my waist, pulling me onto him, and I giggle as I fall, my entire weight resting on him. ‘You’re so beautiful,’ he whispers, my heart jumping as our eyes lock together before he turns us over, his body hovering over mine.
He instantly attaches his lips to my neck, kissing and sucking and biting and licking the skin as I wrap my arms around him, fingers in his hair. My head falls back against the pillow as he marks me up, gentle whimpers falling from my lips every few seconds. Once he’s deemed all the marks littering my neck and collarbones sufficient, he begins to kiss a trail down to the hem of my underwear. He looks up at me, to see if I’m okay with him continuing, and I nod with a gentle smile. He hooks his fingers into my underwear and pulls them down my legs, throwing them over his shoulder. ‘So wet. Always so wet for me, princess,’ he murmurs, eyeing my glistening heat, his warm breath fanning across my stomach. ‘Can I?’ he asks, warm brown eyes meeting mine, and I nod with a smile. ‘Words, princess, I need you to say it,’ he says, and I let out a gentle laugh before replying, ‘yes, you can, Jimin.’
He doesn’t hesitate to lick a bold stripe across my folds, and I let out a shaky breath, hands instantly tangling themselves into his soft dirty blond hair. He licks my core gently, easing me into it, whispering, ‘you taste so sweet, princess, so good.’ After a few moments, he begins to slowly push his finger in between my folds, and I can’t help but clench. ‘Princess, please stop clenching before you break my finger?’ he says softly, and I laugh, trying my best to relax. Once he’s pushed in up to his knuckle, he begins gently rocking his hand back and forth, giving me just enough friction that I’m not overwhelmed. Quiet moans fall from my lips every few seconds, and he adds another finger around a minute later, moving his fingers slightly faster. ‘Does that feel good, princess?’ he asks, before curling his fingers inside me, a broken moan escaping my mouth. ‘Mmm, so good, baby,’ I whimper, and he grins before ducking his head to suck on my clit, his other hand trailing up my body to play with my nipples. My toes curl against the sheets, my back arching up, as he slightly increases his pace, his thick luscious lips wrapping around my bundle of nerves, waves of pleasure flowing through me. ‘So good, Jimin, feels so good. Love your fingers, and your mouth,’ I whine, knowing he thrives on praise, and I feel him grin against me.
After a few more minutes of bliss, I feel my high rapidly approaching, but I pull Jimin away from my core, fingers still tangled in his hair. He looks up at me with concern in his eyes, my arousal all over his swollen lips, and my heart jumps at the sight of him. ‘It feels so good, baby, but can you just fuck my now?’ I say gently before biting my lip, and I watch as his eyes darken, and a smirk stretches his lips up at the corner. ‘Princess wants my cock, huh?’ he asks, and I nod with a soft smile as he removes his fingers from me before licking them clean, his eyes locked with mine the whole time, my stomach turning. He gets up from between my legs and pulls his boxers down, his hard length slapping up against his stomach, and I can’t tear my eyes away as he pushes his boxers all the way down his legs, hand tugging at his length as precum leaks from the swollen, red tip. ‘Condom?’ he asks with a grin, the word laden with so much history that I can’t help but laugh as I reach over to the nightstand and pull out a condom. He stands beside the bed and I rip the condom open, rolling it down onto his length as he hisses gently, his eyes on me.
He climbs onto the bed, moving to hover over me, his Chanel chain dangling down, the cold pendant resting against my neck, and I instantly wrap my legs around his waist pulling him closer. He balances on one forearm, his other hand reaching down to wrap around his cock and run his tip along my entrance teasingly. ‘Can I?’ he asks, looking down at me with dark, dilated eyes. ‘Yes, please,’ I breathe out, before tipping my head up and pressing my lips to his. He kisses me back, tongue delving into my mouth within moments, and I’m completely distracted by the feeling of his lips on mine, the taste of my own arousal dancing across my tongue. And then he starts to push into me, and I moan into his mouth as he sinks all the way in. He breaks apart, checking my face for any sign of discomfort, and my heart warms at the caring action. He waits a moment to let me adjust, his breath catching in his throat as my walls flutter around him frantically.
‘Am I okay to move?’ he asks, voice strained, and I know he’s trying his hardest to stay still. ‘Yeah, move, please,’ I whisper, and he doesn’t even wait until the last word has left my mouth before he pulls all the way out of me. He slams back in and I let out a moan of his name as he grunts, his balls slapping against me. ‘Fuck, feels so good, princess. I missed this pussy so much. You have no idea how many nights I jacked off to the thought of this tight, wet little cunt, and the beautiful girl it’s a part of,’ he whispers into my ear, and I whimper in reply, his words sending a fresh wave of arousal gushing from me, and it coats his abdomen and thighs. ‘So wet, princess, you’re gushing. Did you miss this cock?’ he asks between thrusts as I dig my nails into his strong back. ‘Missed your cock so much, Jimin, so much,’ I moan, and he groans at my words, his thrusts even harder and deeper. ‘Did you miss me, baby?’ he asks, voice small, and I nod, eyes locking with his as they tear up the overwhelming emotion I feel. ‘So much, baby. Missed you every day,’ I whisper as his thrusts slow down, longer and more drawn out, his cock dragging against my walls. ‘I missed you too, baby. Missed you more than I can say,’ he replies gently before he leans down to press a kiss to my lips.
His touches across my body are soft and gentle, his thrusts slow and deep, and he breathes out loving compliments and heartfelt words against my lips. He’s not fucking me. He’s making love to me.
I feel myself reaching my climax quicker than ever before, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, hands in his hair as our lips move against each other, our tongues clashing every few seconds. He swallows my moans, and when they become more frequent, he breaks away from me, opening his eyes. ‘Close, baby?’ he asks, and I nod, fighting to keep my eyes open at the feeling of his slow and deep thrusts, his body rolling against mine. ‘So close, Jimin, feels so good, baby,’ I breathe out, and the hand he isn’t resting on, reaches down to rub at my clit as he continues thrusting into me, his tip dragging against the soft spongy part inside me. The feeling is euphoric, pleasure rendering my mind blank of everything but Jimin, and my back arches off the bed, our chests pressing together. ‘Come on, baby, cum for me. You’re so close, wanna feel you clenching around my cock. Cum for me, baby,’ he whispers into my ear, and his words push me over the edge as I let out a loud moan of his name, hitting my mind-numbing climax.
He draws out my orgasm, continuing to rub at my clit and thrusting into me, and once I feel myself coming down, I pull his hand away before interlocking my fingers with his. ‘I love you,’ I whisper softly, and his eyes lock with mine as a huge smile breaks across his face. ‘I love you too, baby,’ he says gently, my walls still clenching around him. ‘Shall I stop?’ he asks, knowing that I’m feeling overstimulated, but I shake my head. ‘No, want you to cum,’ I reply, and he curses at my words, slightly increasing the pace of his thrusting. I keep clenching around him due to the aftershocks of my orgasm, and I reach down with my free hand to play with his balls, the other hand still in Jimin’s tight grip. ‘Come on, babe, you’re so close. Cum for me,’ I whisper before pressing my lips to his brefly, digging my heels into his back to hold him in place, deep inside me. He buries his head into my neck and lets out a strangled moan of my name against my lips as he cums into the condom, his hips stuttering against me as he tries to prolong his orgasm, my hand still playing with his balls as his whole body tenses up.
Once he’s come down from his high, his body relaxes and I remove my hand from his balls, my other hand still clasped in his and his head still nestled in the crook of my neck. I gently play with his hair, my body still tensing with aftershocks. ‘That was the best sex we’ve ever had,’ he murmurs against my skin, and I hum in agreement as he begins kissing my neck, leaving more marks. His hands run up and down my body, caressing the skin covered in perspiration as my fingers continue playing with his soft, fluffy locks. Every movement, every action, every featherlight touch of his is so full of love that I can feel it, feel how overwhelming and strong his love for me is. And I feel it for him too, my love in every movement, every action, every featherlight touch of mine. ‘I love you. I love you so much,’ he murmurs against my skin again and again, and I whisper it back again and again, neither of us tiring of hearing or saying it.
After a very long time, I know I should be responsible and go for a wee and wash off my makeup. When he feels me fidgeting beneath him, he slowly moves off me, slipping out of me, and I shudder at the feeling of being empty. He heads into the bathroom, coming back with a towel, water and a loving smile on his beautiful face, and he gently cleans me up. Once he’s done, I down the water and then get out of bed, walking into the bathroom with shaky legs. I refill the glass and take it to him, and he takes it from me with a smile as I grab a pair of pants from my drawer, and go back into the bathroom. I do a quick wee, wash my makeup off and then head back into my bedroom to see Jimin lying in clean underwear on the bed, phone in hand, all of our clothes folded up in a pile beside the bed. ‘Topless?’ he asks with a grin, putting his phone beside mine on the bedside table, and I let out a gentle laugh as I nod. ‘I’m not complaining, but won’t you be cold?’ he asks again, and my heart warms at how caring he is as I climb into the bed beside him. ‘Not with you keeping me warm,’ I reply with a grin, and he clutches his heart with a smirk. ‘That was smooth.’ ‘I learn from the best,’ I say, both of us lying down. He pulls me into his arms, holding me in a tight and comforting grip beneath the blankets, and my face and boobs are completely smushed up against his chest, our legs tangled together. ‘I love you, baby,’ he whispers, and I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face. ‘I love you too, babe,’ I say softly, and I just know that he’s smiling as I finish, ‘always will.’
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saturstay-oldblog · 4 years
1. what is the color of your hairbrush?
2. a food you never eat?
onions, rice
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
eating my cake, watching Netflix
5. what is your favorite candy bar?
Reese’s I guess lmao
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
ehmmmm no I don’t think so
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
“maybe later”
8. what is your favorite ice cream?
Strawberry, lemon and cookie ice cream (not together tho)
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?
Water 🥰
10. do you like your wallet?
Nah it’s time for a new one
11. what was the last thing you ate?
raspberry cake
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
nopedy nOPE, I hate online shopping ☹️
13. the last sporting event you watched?
my bestie getting out of bed
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
sweet popcorn mate (xoxo caramel popcorn)
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to?
@robbekoala hi bestie
16. ever go camping?
17. do you take vitamins?
18. do you go to church every sunday?
I’ve been in a church once and that’s only bc I didn’t wanna be the only kid in school so
19. do you have a tan?
I’m as white as snow (seriously google Ed sheeran white and that’s my skin color)
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza?
I am a really picky eater so 100% pizza
21. do you drink your soda with a straw?
Hell nah
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
Eileen is gonna be disappointed but black or white
23. ever drive above the speed limit?
24. what terrifies you?
Mirrors (but NOT bc of my face okay)
25. look to your left, what do you see?
my blanket
26. what chore do you hate?
taking out the trash
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
Kangaroo kicking Mana
28. what’s your favorite soda?
Ehhh cola light ig
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?
hit the drive thru
30. who’s the last person you talked to?
My mom
31. favorite cut of beef?
no idea man
32. last song you listened to?
Boys will be boys - Dua Lipa
33. last book you read?
Simon vs the Homo sapiens
34. favorite day of the week?
wednesdays and Fridays
35. can you say the alphabet backwards?
no ofc not
36. do you like your coffee?
37. favorite pair of shoes?
hands down my black converse and my hilfiger boots
38. at what time do you normally go to bed?
39. at what time do you normally get up?
10-11am normally but since classes are starting again 8am :)))
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
41. how many blankets are on your bed?
42. describe your kitchen plates.
white and blue
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
44. do you play cards?
45. what color is your car?
46. can you change a tire?
in theory yes
47. what is your favorite province?
honestly no idea
48. favorite job you’ve ever had?
haven’t worked a day in my life 🤭
49. how did you get your biggest scar?
i fell and scratched myself xoxo
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy?
helped my mom 😎
thanks @vanderheijdens love u
tagging @robbekoala @comehome-tome @bloggideon @fehmyn @majorsander @luludemauryyy @lucasseliott
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jadeile-writes · 4 years
Fanfic Progress Update 58
 Hi<3 Time to do a Fanfic Progress Update, as is the done thing on Saturdays. Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure gone Mini AND a new exciting Hazbin oneshot!
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 36 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 18th of March. Chapter 37 is finished and will be posted on 8th of April. Chapter 38 hasn’t been started.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three weeks waiting period.
That month of the year
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Every year, for a single month, the Radio Demon gets… emotional. His antlers are in velvet and he’s pumped full of hormones that make him behave quite unlike himself: suddenly, everywhere he looks, instead of seeing fellow demons all he sees are helpless little fawns that nobody is taking a proper care of! Solution? Adopt them.
Husk, Niffty, Camille, Honey, and the rest of the older Fawns put up with their Mom/Dad’s nonsense every year, but this time there’s a new, rotten apple in their midst and they have to protect Alastor from this crook. Without Alastor knowing about it. As Husk likes to put it: “This is fucking bullshit. …I mean fudgy nonsense.”
(Crack taken seriously. Gen)
Progress: The first two chapters are finished (with some heavy editing still required for the second one). The third chapter has been started. I want to have at least three chapters written before posting anything, preferably more than that because I don’t know how long this fic is gonna be. I can tell it’s longer than the originally planned five chapters tho, since we’ve barely gotten the ball rolling with the first two chapters!
This fic is co-authored by Maximillian!
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe of “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 9 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of March. Chapter 10 is about 2/3 done and is scheduled for 10th of April (Friday). This story will have at least seven more chapters, but who even knows at this point. Additional prompts are not accepted at this moment.
This fic receives a new chapter every Tuesday and Friday, unless something comes up. I’ll post a sneak-peek for Tuesday’s chapter on these updates, and one for Friday’s chapter in a separate post on Wednesday.
What boundaries?
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Summary: It was a fact that Alastor was incapable of existing in the same room – or even the same house – as Husk without initiating some form of physical contact on a constant basis. Husk swore it wasn't what it fucking looked like. Too bad nobody ever believed him. Alastor actively stroking his chest fur as he made the claim probably didn't help his case. Progress: Hey it’s a new thing! This is a very long oneshot (6000 words so far, and still missing a bit) that I’ve been randomly working on all week instead of writing the things I should have been writing! : D But that’s fine, this is almost finished now and I’m going to get this done and posted by 7th of April (Tuesday). ...Is this Radiohusk, you ask? Hehe, you’ll have to read and find out~ And look! There’s a sneak-peek for this at the end of this post! ;)
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Possibly worth staying for (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Experiment in Romance (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here is the promised sneak-peek into Adventure gone Mini and What boundaries? (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
Misteri led the two of them through the Toadstool Town, as it was called. The town wasn't very large, especially compared to the capital, which was the last city they had been to, but she used the little time it took for them to walk to the town hall to animatedly talk about her home. She explained how they, indeed, used magic to keep the toadstools preserved, and in some cases even alive if it was known that the building would need more space in the future – the Minish who wanted large families would start with a small house and then let it grow bigger as they had more children. It was very fascinating and practical, and Sidon looked like he wanted to stop and observe the growth with his own two eyes, as silly as that was. Also, turned out that the local Minish were called Mist Minish, while the "regular" ones were Forest Minish. Rumor had it there were Mountain Minish around the mountains, and Field Minish in the Hyrule Fields. Misteri didn't know if there were Desert Minish in the Gerudo lands, Water Minish in the Zora Kingdom, Jungle Minish in the Faron region, and maybe some specific kind of Minish around the Hylian and Sheikah towns, but assumed it to be so. Link suddenly felt like their mini adventure was woefully inadequate now, since there was so much more to the Minish world to be seen all over Hyrule. He wanted to explore all of it one day. Maybe with Sidon, maybe with Zelda, maybe with both. It didn't seem like he was going to be running out of adventures anytime soon. Good. They arrived to the town hall before they could get too deep into their speculations, which may have been for the best. Said hall was very small. In fact, it seemed more like a-
"Welcome to my home!" Misteri said, arms wide and a smile on her face. Yep, that's what Link thought. "We don't actually have a set town hall as there really isn't that much of a need for one. It's just the home of however is in charge, and that's been me for the last few years. Make yourselves comfortable; I'll prepare the dinner!"
What boundaries?
Husk should have known this would fucking happen. Honestly, he couldn't believe he hadn't seen this coming, because this was a fucking inevitability.
What was "this", one might ask? "This" was Alastor hanging onto his person every fucking time they were in the same room for literally any amount of time. This very moment was a prime example of the phenomenon. Alastor and Charlie had entered the lobby together, discussing something or another about the hotel's development. They had walked over to the window that had a view of the hotel's front yard and stopped there to continue their discussion. Husk, at the time, had been at the bar counter, as per usual. But within the first five minutes of the pair's appearance he suddenly found himself no longer leaning against the counter and making cherry blossom strings out of the paper packagings the plastic straws were wrapped in, but instead he was between Alastor and Charlie, with Alastor's arm around his shoulders and his pointy nose nuzzling his cheek while the guy continued the conversation like nothing was amiss.
He had to give Alastor some measure of credit: they had been at the hotel for three entire days now and this hadn't happened in front of company until right then. His summoning here not counting.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
AO3    FFnet    Purple Crayon    Ko-fi
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