#golden child edits
kpop-locks · 3 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ jaehyun ; simple + edit ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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pixlokita · 7 months
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Another art trade/collab with the bestie @cookieruma29 ✨🫶 she did the lovely colors and shading ✨ vengeful Evan AU belongs to her also >>👌
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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"Give. Her. To. Me."
Holy Titan...I got commissioned by @childlikegoblinqueen to depict a scene from her fic Sweet Child O' Mine (link to chapter | link to Chapter 1). Thanks so much <3 It was so interesting that in the last frame, before I coloured in the armour, the dark parts of Hunter's hair and his scars...it truly felt like I was looking at Caleb! Eerie fun stuff O__O
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nymphsupremacy · 11 months
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Rhea and Zeus in my Golden Child AU(my AU where Zeus is raised by Kronos)
I remember here that after rebelling against his father, Zeus ended up meeting his mother for the first time. Rhea helps him during the Titanomachy but is very conflicted in general.
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siriusmugglemischief · 6 months
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eywaseclipse · 28 days
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I think this is the last AU recom Neteyam edit I have.
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
forever immortalising the pure vanilla army of 222 on here bc it deserves a legacy
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bearyyayay · 4 days
The fact that Sam wears a bowtie on chapter The Death of Art, expecting that Tommy going to be dead but it's his own funeral instead is so funny to me
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myeditslocks · 1 year
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☆ : ( bomin ) lockscreen ;
☆ : like / reblog if u save it!!
☆ : for @kynlye
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rewritingcanon · 20 days
The attacks on your hpcc harry post… from the harmione shippers… so crazy…
well well well 👀☕️
in all seriousness i’m not even surprised. i didnt tag harmione but i’m so used to weirdos with stupid points trying to argue with me
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kpop-locks · 1 year
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ jangjun ; simple + edit ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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bluecherryblossom8 · 9 months
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For week 1 of the @encanto-extended-edition event, my next oc is Hanna’s sister, Amalia.
💜 Nickname : Lia (but only Hanna calls her that)
💜 German Colombian
💜 she/her
💜 Birthday: June 18th
💜 5’7”
💜 Brown eyes, light skin, dark brown hair
💜 introverted
💜 highly intelligent
💜 Amalia is Hanna’s older sister. All her life she was the golden child of the family and a lot was expected from her. Between her and Hanna, the father preferred to focus more on Amalia because of how much great potential she had. Hanna always idolized her sister and tried her best to be just like her since she was a little girl.
💜 When Amalia wasn’t with her father, she would spend as much time as she could with Hanna and the two became close. She was always looking after Hanna one way or another. She convinced herself that as the older sister, that’s what she is supposed to do even if it wasn’t always the truth. ( Again, I don’t want to give away too much)
💜 Amalia is first approached by Isabela, who feels like she can relate to Amalia on a number of levels and tries to be friendly with her. Though Amalia does not show any obvious hostility at first, she is always apprehensive when it came to the Madrigal family. She is only polite in front of them but not necessarily friendly. Later on, Isabela and Luisa convince Amalia to let go and she warms up to them even more eventually.
💜 She plays violin and piano but can learn any instrument rather quickly.
💜 Amalia starts out with long hair in twin braids, but by the end of my story, she cuts her hair to shoulder length
💜 She is also a closeted lesbian. For years her father was convinced that Amalia was disinterested in all her male suitors because they couldn’t match with her intellectually, but it was much more than that.
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notkekey · 10 months
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My favorite dorks
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
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If Hunter found himself in the kind of dream which Eda had
(These aren't leaks, they're a combo of tracing over screenshots and airbrushing :3)
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hecula-propaganda · 4 months
Hector becoming possessive of Dracula 😏 Dracula starts to be nice to Isaac, and Hector doesn't like it 😏
Me warping Hector OOC to fit in my issues 👍
“When I think you couldn’t improve more, you keep surprising me. This wyvern will be perfect for your next expedition. Well done, Hector.”
“Thank you, my Lord,” Hector responds with a polite bow of the head, followed by his creation screeching in delight. An uncomfortable feeling of dissatisfaction gnaws at him: it has become too easy to please his Lord, to the point that even his compliments feel like courtesy. He misses the times where the smallest praise would warm him up from the inside.
Well, he figures, he has grown past the role of a simple Devil Forgemaster.
After reserving him a tiny smile, Lord Dracula stops to scrutinize Isaac’s creation, a tall knight with a frayed armor and a thin blade clutched in its arms. Even from the corner of the eye, Hector can sense Isaac tensing, bracing himself for yet another disappointment.
“Bold design. Were you inspired by the tales from the East?” Lord Dracula passes a finger on the half-moon stapled on the Devil’s helmet. “Impressive, Isaac. Keep going.”
Both Isaac and Hector breathe a sigh of relief. Isaac has been insufferable, the past few days, always seeking a pretense to argue, when it’s obvious what is the one thing that is eating at him. Both Isaac and Lord Dracula call him a spoiled brat, but only one of them utters it with endearment.
And then he does it.
He places his hand on Isaac’s cheek.
Lord Dracula has never done that, before.
Isaac lights up like a match, and Hector doesn’t need to have a keen vampire hearing to know that his heart is about to burst out of his chest. He knows that sensation all too well.
But Lord Dracula has never done that to Isaac before.
Hector smooths his face in a mask of professionality, before the Lord can notice him. He should be happy for Isaac. He is happy that he has finally managed to please their Lord.
“My Lord. Why did you touch Isaac?”
Lord Dracula’s stare pierces through Hector. A lesser man would keel over under the pressure. Thankfully, Hector is not a lesser man, but even he resists the urge to cover his mouth at the words that tumbled out of it.
This is not the kind of cheekiness that the Lord finds endearing. For the very first time, he fears that Lord Dracula will push him off of his lap.
After a long, uncomfortable silence that makes Hector’s skin prickle, Lord Dracula asks: “Whatever do you mean, precious?”
He cannot have forgotten. Only Lord Dracula can make Hector feel like he has a leash on his neck, ready to be led somewhere, after a few words. Nevertheless, he presses on: “Today… you stroked his cheek.”
As if to mock him, Lord Dracula repeats the same, identical gesture on Hector. Unlike with Isaac, it’s familiar to him: when his Lord’s hand is not on him, Hector feels the void, like he’s missing a piece. Lord Dracula can’t get enough of touching Hector, and Hector can’t get enough of the chill of his Lord’s skin, the closeness forbidden to everyone else but him. He closes his eyes, surrendering to the goosebumps.
“And what of it? Can’t I compliment your friend for a job well done?” He chuckles. “That would be cruel.”
“Yes… yes, of course, my Lord. But not… not like that.”
Hector bites his lip in frustration. How undignified he’s sounding to his own Lord. He doesn’t even know why he’s insisting. Lord Dracula is free to do however he wishes. If he… if he wants Isaac… Hector has no right to object.
Does he?
“Hmm.” Lord Dracula brushes Hector’s hair away, to whisper in his ear: “Hector, dear, don’t tell me that you are jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” retorts Hector a second too quickly. No, he is not jealous. Jealousy implies insecurity.
“Then what is this fit about? Such childish behavior is unbecoming of you, after all I did for you. Do you think I’ve been lying to you?”
“No, I would never think that, my Lord!”
“Then why do you feel so threatened?” With his back straightened and a serious glare, Lord Dracula doesn’t sound amused anymore. Hector’s heart drops. “I’m disappointed, Hector. I didn’t teach you to be this evasive. What is it that you want?”
It has been ages since Hector last hoped that the ground would swallow him. He’s making a fool of himself, he’s disappointing his Lord, it shouldn’t happen!
Lord Dracula is right. He should stop acting like a whiny child. He should stop bowing his head and muttering like he’s ashamed of living. That is not what he wants from him, and it’s not what he is. Lord Dracula taught him that he has worth, and Hector believes him.
So he looks into the vampire’s crimson eyes, and admits: “I want you to touch me like that, and only me.”
“I see.” Lord Dracula smiles a genial smile, and just like that, Hector knows that he has been led where he wanted. “Now, why in the world should I, the Lord of this castle, bend down to my General’s whims?”
But Hector is not a dog.
“You already do, my Lord,” he dares.
Lord Dracula’s smile vanishes, and Hectors knows that he’s dead.
There are worse ways to die than reminding your own Lord of his transgressions, however.
“Insolent, arrogant brat…” he hisses, and yet, he pushes Hector’s closer to his chest, hand splayed on his back to trap him. He can’t help but smiling against Lord Dracula’s cravat.
“Yes, your brat. My Lord,” he adds, perhaps without the due respect, but surely he’ll be forgiven. “That’s what you say, isn’t it? I’m yours. I’m only yours. And I’m the only one who makes you feel alive.”
He’s starting to sound like Lord Dracula to his own ears. He wants to believe that it’s something to be proud of. Hector looks up to the vampire, challenging him to deny his words, his own words that the Lord always murmurs in the middle of ecstasy, when the world melts away and only they matter to each other.
He is the one who always makes Lord Dracula proud. He is the one who comforted him when Lady Lisa has been executed. He’s the one who is brave enough to push back, instead of quietly, mindlessly obeying.
No one else understands what we have.
“Yes, you’re the only one who…” Lord Dracula sighs, hiding the words that Hector can hear just fine, that make his heart flutter, and he bows to kiss him at last, the only one who Lord Dracula would ever kiss and hold like a missing part of him.
“Oh, Hector, you’re growing up so fast…”
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ghost-bleus · 4 months
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what has happened to you?
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