#golem! reader
collidescopeeyes · 3 months
super specific but any HCs for High Noon Viktor with his anti-villain good doctor tragedy and an f!reader angel seeking to help him escape Morde's clutches? 🫣 if you just wanna be fluffy or smutty that is A-OKAY. cowboy love...
I know you said headcanons but something about the high noon universe just Gets me. Like. Mankind brings down heaven by his own greed and picks over its corpse for profit, the Devil's are all here because Hell is too crowded these days, there's a TRAIN to HELL called the SULFUR RAIL, how insanely metal is that?? AND there's cowboys as well!!
High Noon!Viktor with an Angel!S/O
It's always warm in the depths of the engine room, the infernal heat of the Sulfur Rail blistering the very air. Still, it's your only way in without attracting the Mechanical Devil's attention, so you bear with the heat. There's few ways onto the Rail without a ticket–likely, the Mechanical Devil didn't think there was any angel left with the kind of grace left in them to bear the heat of hell itself. This service hatch is designed for Viktor’s automatons, clockwork stuffed with the soul of a sinner to make it tick, but you tuck your wings down and squeeze through. The worker's don't pay you any mind–the dead rarely do, even ones denied their rest such as them.
Viktor's study in the tail end of the engine car, all gilded silver and glamor, as if shining the bars of a cage can make it feel like home. You slide open the door, and he's where he always is–hunched over his desk, careful hands busy forging cogs and springs to hold a human soul. He doesn't look up as you slide the door closed behind you. “I don't appreciate interruptions,” he says tersely. “You may tell Mordekaiser that it will be ready when it is ready, and if he sends another messenger he should also provide a bag for me to send their heads back in.”
You lean over his shoulder. “Sounds like you could use a break.”
He fumbles the clockwork in surprise, eyes wide as he looks at you. “Angel,” he breathes, reaching out to cup your face. You press your cheek into his gloved palm, smiling.
“I missed you,” you say softly, reaching up to thread your fingers through his. His eyes flit over your face as if he's not truly sure you're there, bright eyes and pale lashes, before his eyes narrow.
“You know it's dangerous for you to be here,” he says, swiftly standing, his work forgotten on the desk. He grips your shoulders and if you didn't know him, he might even look ominous with how he looms over you, the intent look in his brass-bright eyes.
“No, it's dangerous for me to get here,” you correct easily. “But since I didn't get blasted out of the sky on the way, I figure I'm in the clear. Nobody ever comes to visit you, I hear, though if that's the attitude you take I ain't surprised.”
For a long moment, you simply lock eyes, your determination to his increasing exasperation. Then he sighs, sits back down, strips his gloves off and offers you his hands, scarred palms up. His skin is silvery with burns from the infernal metal and rough with the callous of machinery work, and the story of his life in the tips of his fingers. “Do as you will, Angel.”
You place your hands in his, wings flaring bright behind you as you gather your grace–thin and fading compared to ages past, but probably the closest thing this world still has to divinity since Heaven fell. At once, the shackles of his deal appear, burning red with infernal iron around his wrists. If it were any other devil, you might be able to find some loophole, some chink in the binding you could exploit–but this is Mordekaiser, and the runes burnt into his manacles are airtight. His very soul is bound to this train, to this work, by the contract he agreed to, for the last piece of a life's work he didn't realize he'd never get to use for anything but the Devil's bidding. No, the only way free for your love is by the might of Heaven–or as much as you can muster from scavenging its bones.
“What did you find this time, my love?” Viktor asks, watching your light sear into the shackles.
“Bars from the gate, bought on auction. Wings from a fallen angel, not-so-willingly given. Grace on tap from the distillery, and feathers from the fall,” you list. The grandest parts of heaven were already spoken for, shipped east to the cities or south to Hell–or warped into the infernal machine you stand upon. The shackles burn bright as the sun, humming with energy that rises in pitch and brightness until–the runes crackle with red light, and the glow fades as your grace subsides, finding no traction in his deal with which to stay. Your shoulders slump–disappointment is a familiar taste in your mouth, but that doesn't make it any less bitter.
Viktor turns his hands upwards to catch yours, clasping your hands. “It’s alright,” he says, voice soft. “I'm alright.”
“I'll get it,” you swear, voice low and full of promise. “I swear. I'll get you out of here.”
He pulls you in, and you go willingly, settling into his lap and letting him wrap you in his arms. “It is enough that I get to spend this time with you,” he murmurs into your hair. You lean back, wings flaring for balance, and reach for the clasps that hold his mask in place. He kisses you as soon as the gilded covering is put aside, and you never much felt at home in Heaven but you think this is what it was supposed to feel like. Like warmth and hope and love, like there isn't anywhere in all of creation you'd rather be. You card your hands through his hair, and he leaves burning kisses down your throat. His hands drift to your thighs, and you yelp as he stands suddenly, your wings flaring for balance as you cling to him. He doesn't go far, depositing you on bed in the corner.
“Vik–” you begin to say, only to pause as he sinks to his knees before you, hands warm on your thighs. Your skirts are rucked up and the picture he makes is a pretty enough one to make you flush, what feels like down to your wingtips.
“I have divinity in my bed, Angel,” he murmurs against your skin as he kisses your thigh right above where your stockings end, gazing up at you from under those pretty eyelashes of his. “It's only right I worship, hm?”
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possumeneb · 3 months
Fabricated Blooms
Fabricated Blooms is a sort of fantasy Finn AU that takes place after the love of his life dies. (Angst)
Disclaimer: mentions of bones and death (not bad tho). Also, I am not a writer and practically made this up in English class a few months ago. One last thing, this is mainly for my OC but I made it inclusive for others as well :3
This did not take any inspiration from the amazing desolation au made by @urpaperboy (sorry for the ping) which is a steampunk au focusing on alphonse and seth.
It begins after the death, Finn had tried so many times to bring them back. So many nights and days that blended together as he pushed himself to find a way to awaken them again.
Out of pure desperation he did it, he created his sunflower again.
Wait, created? But I was trying to bring them back not Re-create Them! How could this be. it's not even them! It's just a pile of human bones rapped in plants and stone!
It's not them. it's not them. it's not THEM ITS NOT THEM ITS...
It's been a while since the golem was created, I don't pay much attention to it no more, its just a part of life now. It will watch me plant and even seem like it wants to help, I let it water the more durable plants from time to time.
Sometimes I would walk in on it trying to eat my veggies like a rabbit, only this is a 6 foot Eldritch creature made of magic,plants, and rock with no stomach. I had gotten upset and went to give it a good talking to.
That was the first time I actually talked to it, the first time I looked it In the eyes .... It's eyes held so much more emotions than I had thought, maybe it was my sunflower after all.....
No, Why would I think that?
What a fate, to be made with the feelings and love of a mans dead lover and never be loved back.
Your not really his sunflower, your just a product of his magic and desperation.
You'll never be them.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
I, ruby anon, bring thee golem Raph brainrot straight from the source. before I give a semi-cursed, semi-terrified idea later-
We’ve established that golem Raph makes little statues and scatters them around your house right? Now I propose-Golem Raph scattering carved statues of him and you around the house. In every-room, windowsill, corner of your lawn and backyard-there is a little hand crafted statue of you being carried in golem Raph’s arms.
And I touched on Raph spotting you in and then just quietly and silently following you right? What if he just follows you and then stops-maybe being found by the person that currently “owns” the ruby turtle golem and being taken back away from you. Days later a mortuary report of the golems previous owner is in the news-alongside the ruby golems disappearance. And not even a day later said golem appears right in your backyard. Like he always belonged there…always was there…
(Guys I am eating a fine 3 star Michelin meal today- the brain rot I mean)
He def shows off the statues of you and him with pride- hell he even might make different forms of you and him- like one where you’re on his shoulder or something-
And when he appears in your yard after his previous owner’s passing he’ll greet you and lead you back to the house as if everything’s completely normal- the completely regular same.
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primary-visions · 11 months
It is nowhere near complete, but here is a look at the start of an au I’m working on:
Sun and Moon are both wooden Golems designed by a great magician to archive magical knowledge. They then teach that knowledge.
The magician is dying, meaning the magical tether keeping Sun and Moon alive will break as well. So the mage has to find a successor to pass his magic onto. Moon wants it to be Vanessa (Moon and Vanessa are romantic partners in this story), Sun doesn’t know what he wants, but he wants Moon happy. Then he meets a servant (the reader) who he can teach magic to and Sun suddenly finds something that makes him happy. Suddenly, the reader is unknowingly a runner in becoming the successor.
Below is a rough draft of the first part of chapter 1:
Sun felt sick. Well, not entirely because he couldn’t possibly be sick. Golems didn’t get sick, but he didn’t know how else to describe the foreign feelings coursing through his body. Anxiety maybe? His brother, Moon, would have called him weak. He wasn’t weak. He was as powerful, if not more so than Moon. He simply didn’t flaunt his magic like others in the tower. Still he hadn’t felt well since their private meeting with their creator.
The meeting had been regarding his passing. Sun hated the thought that one day their creator would one day be gone from this world, but being mortal, his time would come. And so would theirs if no successor was chosen.
Being golems, Sun and Moon were tethered to the magic of their creator. If the magic was passed on, they would still live so long as their new tether allowed it, and they would die without one. So when the time came to choose a successor, they were asked their opinion on who should be chosen to be their new tether and head of the mage tower.
Moon’s choice was obvious. He chose a promising mage named Vanessa. She was a powerful witch in her own right and a master of most spells. There were other mages on par with Vanessa, but Moon’s feelings for her made him rather biased in the decision. Since her arrival at the tower, Moon had been rather smitten with the blond witch aiding in her progression himself.
Sun, on the other hand, was rather indifferent to her. It wasn’t that she lacked capability. It was how she treated others, specifically those she deemed beneath her. It never set well with Sun. Even so, he lied and agreed with Moon that Vanessa was a good choice simply to make his brother happy for though they didn’t always see eye to eye, Sun ultimately wanted Moon to be happy and Moon wished the same for Sun.
The guilt of the lie nagged at Sun as well as the prospect of what would change when Vanessa became the head of the tower. Enough so that here he was feeling sick.
Quickly, he paced through the garden of the tower, one place he’d always felt rather calm with its many herbs and plants. Today, however, he couldn’t seem to calm down. That was until he heard the sound of a song amidst the plants. It was soft, but he recognized it immediately. A song of healing. He followed the sound to where a servant sat, cross-legged, before a wilting plant. The servant’s eyes were shut as they stumbled through the melody. It was imperfect, which was why there was no reaction from the plant, but the effort was obvious there.
Slowly, Sun snuck closer and knelt beside the human joining in on the song. The human startled, but seeing Sun and hearing him singing along, they continued the spell with him. Soon, the plant was healthy once more and had buds ready to bloom.
“Sorry,” they said, looking rather sheepishly at the golem. “I didn’t mean to be a bother.”
“It wasn’t a bother,” Sun responded gently. “You can do magic?” There was some surprise in his voice. He knew none of the servants that could perform magic.
“No... I mean, I’ve never really tried before today. I had heard you and Moon do that spell before and thought… I don’t know what I was thinking. It was stupid.”
Sun tilted his head. “It’s not stupid. It was a good first attempt.” Sun reached out and touched the plant. “Magic, like almost all things, takes patience, practice, and cultivation.” He looked to the servant, his eyes glowing gently as he met their gaze. “I would be happy to help cultivate your skill if you are interested.”
“Really?” A hopeful gaze met his own and Sun felt a sense of calm wash over him. Yes, this was something he could do. Something that would help him take his mind off of Moon, Vanessa, and his creator’s mortality. Besides, it sounded like it would be fun.
“Why don’t we get started,” he said, a smile in his voice.
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
This Dark Descent
YA fantasy in a world of political unrest & war
a girl whose family ranch is overcome with debt, and her only option to save it is to win the dangerous magical horse race - but she’s not allowed to use an enchanted horse
and a girl who uses illegal magic without a license, and can make undetectable animal golems
both are brought together by a rich heir who has a plan to help them both - in exchange for helping him
Jewish folklore; demidemi & questioning MCs
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winter-dayz · 11 months
Avra K'davra
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff Words: 1391 Warnings: branding; language; major character death; suicide; violence
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Mistress, you have to undo it.” He begged her.
She shook her head, tears streaming from her face. “I can’t undo it… I can’t undo you.”
“I should’ve paid more attention to my tutors…” She huffed, slowly translating the ancient Aramaic into English.
She had almost done it.
She had found the original Book of Creation. She had restored the medieval comments in the margins. She had gathered the materials, even the obscure ones.
She was so close to creating life.
She just needed to translate the goddamn Aramaic so that she could complete the ritual.
It took a few more hours, but eventually, she managed to finish translating the incantation and deciphering what needed to be said versus what needed to be carved into the creature.
She walked over to the wardrobe housing her construct. She admired the statue, already so lifelike, and took a small knife to carve the words into the side of its neck.
As she carved, she muttered the ritual incantation. Finishing with a whispered, “Avra k’davra… I create as I speak,” she took a step back and waited.
And waited…
And waited.
Nothing happened.
“Well…” She sighed, “It was a long shot. Man was not meant to play with life like this.”
Despite her words, she trudged to bed, downtrodden and disheartened that her alchemical experiment failed…
“Mistress…” She heard a voice whisper while a hand gently shook her from sleep, “Mistress, what is my task?”
“AH!” She screamed, jolting in bed and shuffling to the other side. “Who are you? How did you get into my house?”
The man cocks his head, face blank but an air of confusion. “I am your creation, Mistress. I’ve been here the whole time.”
“My… creation?” Her eyes widened, and she leapt from her bed, rushing to her lab to find the wardrobe open and empty. She whirled around to face the man in the lab doorway and moved closer to inspect him.
He certainly looked like her clay-carved statue. He was wearing the paper clothing she had placed on him prior to the ritual, just in case it worked. The side of his neck bore a scar in the shape of the words she had carved.
It worked. It took time, but it worked!
She created life from mud! She gave an inanimate object a soul! She had taken the ancient mythos on golems and made it a reality!
She turned to the creature with a gasp. “I made you…”
“Yes, Mistress.” He agreed, “Do you have a task for me?”
She hummed and inspected him further. “What do you know of life?”
“I only know what you teach me, Mistress.”
“Y/N.” She stated curtly, “My name is Y/N.”
“Your name is Y/N… Do I have a name, Mistress?”
Y/N looked him up and down, “Your name is Hoseok.”
The days with Hoseok were happy.
He was always eager to learn and help, always eager to bring a smile to her face and tears to her eyes from laughter, always eager to be her ray of sunshine and the highlight of her otherwise dull life.
She taught him the basics at first. Being, technically, an inanimate object, he didn’t require the care and needs that humans did, but she taught him anyway. She taught him to cook and care for her—their—home. He was especially fond of taking care of her herb garden, even if he absolutely loathed the bugs that crawled around.
Hoseok felt a special connection with the earth. It was his lifeblood. Literally.
His favorite parts of the day were when his mistress joined him in the garden.
They would lounge for hours, sipping lemonade or tea and munching on little cakes or treats that they had made that morning, basking in the warm sun. Hoseok often wished he could feel the sensation the same way he learned that she could.
But the sadness passed, as it always did, when he saw the adoring gaze in her eyes and the loving smile hinting at her lips while she stared up at him.
It had not been a good day.
One of her rougher customers had come in and was… less than pleased at Hoseok’s presence.
This customer had always given Y/N a hard time before. He was brazen and had been pushing her to accept his courting. She would’ve loved nothing more than to tell him to buzz off, but unfortunately he was in a position of power in the town.
Despite being a customer for her medicinal tonics and elixirs himself, he made it known that it wasn’t a woman’s place to work in such a scientific field and when she was his lady, she wouldn’t ever “have to” work again.
Not that she did the work she did because she had to. She did it because she loved it. She loved experimenting. Creating.
It brought her Hoseok. Her Hope.
Which is exactly what set the rude man off.
Hoseok was helping her in the storefront when he’d come in. He’d made some of his more sly remarks, which both she and Hoseok had let slide. But, then he noticed how Hoseok hovered closer to “his” woman.
He became brazen. Rude. Borderline threatening.
Something had snapped in Hoseok at the words the man had spewed towards his mistress. He couldn’t let anyone hurt her, not even verbally.
Hoseok’s face had shadowed; his eyes became hooded, and his lips turned into a snarl. He had leapt with a deftness that she didn’t know he possessed over the counter and grabbed the man around the throat.
The man had flailed, scratched, and pulled at Hoseok’s grasp. He was too strong.
“Hoseok!” She had cried. It was the only thing that got through to him.
He dropped the man to the ground, blue in the face but not yet dead. Hoseok, wide-eyed and staring at his own hands—hands that could harm, could kill—retreated to his room (her lab) and locked himself away.
The man, sputtering and gasping for air, scampered away from the store, shouting in the distance about a monster.
Hoseok didn’t leave his room until the next night.
“Mistress, you have to undo it.” He begged her.
She shook her head, tears streaming from her face. “I can’t undo it… I can’t undo you.”
“Y/N…” Hoseok whispered, a sob hiccuping out of her at the sound of her name. “I need you to undo the magic. I’ve already become a threat… It’s only a matter of time before I hurt you.”
Y/N kept shaking her head. She refused to hear it.
“Mistress.” He added sternly, “If you don’t, I will have to force you.”
“Then do it!” She screamed at him in anguish. “Do it!” Y/N waved the hot metal brand in front of his face.
Hoseok sighed deeply, his gaze dropping to the floor. As his eyes raised back to meet her defeated, begging stare, Hoseok wrapped his hand around her wrist that held the hot metal.
“I want you to know how thankful I am for the bit of life you gave me… I– I love you, Y/N.”
“Please, Hope…” She cried, feeling him pull her wrist—and the brand—to the words carved into the side of his neck. The words that kept him alive. The words that, if destroyed, would destroy him. “Please don’t leave me…”
He smiled sadly. It would be the last smile she ever saw on her sunshine’s lips. “I’m sorry, Mistress. I love you too much to hurt you further…”
The hissing of the hot metal met his skin, quickly burning off the letters that sustained his life. Y/N shrieked, wrenching her arm from his grasp, and tossed the brand away from her, but it was too late.
Where the words had once been that gave him life, was not flesh, but instead melted clay. Y/N's eyes trailed up his still form, frozen in his final place—a clay hand raised, which had been holding her wrist previously; another clay hand, reaching towards her in an attempt to comfort her; a soft smile, carved permanently into his clay face; sad eyes, staring forever at her; and there, unfrozen like the rest of his body, was a single tear rolling down his softened clay cheek.
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deadghosy · 7 months
Prompt: a 9’5 creature comes by and randomly builds the crew things.
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You hear a knock at the front door of the hazbin hotel and open it to see a 9’5 TALL ASS PERSON WITH DARK PURPLE SKIN WITH SMALL PURPLE FRECKLES SCATTERED AROUND THEIR BODY….
Immediately door slam like Alastor got in the pilot….
She kept reopening the door as you finally got tired of that bullshit and teleported inside as you croaked…your jaw unhinging in a weird attractive way as your eyes were blinded by a black blindfold.
“Uhm sir? Are you here for the hotel?” Charlie asked as you nodded turning slowly with a croak. You pulled out a wrench ready to show how you wanted to work for her. Charlie smiled awkwardly as she shows you around the place. Literally you had to duck a lot to the point you had to crawl like a baby just to fit in the room…
Embarrassing it is…..
But at least you can kinda shapeshift a bit to 3 feet less as you are at 6’5 which made the others feel a lot more comfortable about you being comfortable in this height as you still kinda crouch to pet keekee.
I feel like Lucifer will like you personally because of how you like to build and take things apart to renew things. So he definitely brings you in his workshop as he rants about his duck collection as you slightly grumble unconsciously as purple pixels fly around beside you.
Dead ass…you are beautiful with your purple ender eyes they glow behind your blindfold in the dark…the hotel cast and even say as they would see them from afar at night.
I headcannon Enderman! Reader to have slight muscles but is really strong despite their skinny look. But really they/he has a nice build under his working clothes.
Vaggie was shocked to see you teleport away before she could prick you with her angelic spear. She definitely had Alastor keep a look on you…but you only built and fixed around the hotel like a handy man.
I can see Angel dust taking a picture of you while you are behind him working having your sleeves up as you work as the Snapchat caption says, “He’s working hard to please me” as a joke. You definitely got death threats as you just stare at your hellphone confused as you block them all.
Sir Pentious has accidentally looked you in your eyes once and your unhinged jaw as you screeched at him as a static sound enters his head …it made him scared of you for almost five months until you explained and calms him down….you didn’t like to be scary to others.
Angel had told you how about how you could be a model with your skinny yet built body as you just stood then staring at him through your blindfold.
Tbh your dynamic with Angel dust is “girlboss” x “househusband” as you literally build and fix things
I bet reader built Lucifer a duck boat once as you stand there as Lucifer looks like he is about to cry in the duck boat you built as he gives you a thumbs up. It was a derpy sight but funny.
I headcannon Enderman! Reader to always pick things up, nifty including as she just smile kicking her feet back and forth with a smile. “I like em! Let’s keep him/them!”
It would be funny be at a height comparison with Alastor as he just smiles as you stand there fidgeting with your hands.
I can see husk raising a brow at you like “🤨 who the hell is this guy?” As you walk a bit sluggish holding your tool box
I can also imagine reader having slight difficulty at reading the room or having social skills as they were isolated from people before dying definitely. Like you would croak softly patting Vaggie when her secret was out only for her to push you away as you were trying to say you fixed the toilet.
You stood there confused until husk just sat you down before you teleported after her.
You attacked a sinner for trying to rob you as they grabbed your blindfold in accident only to get attacked and a see an unhinged jaw…next thing they saw was a punch.
Charlie definitely cleaned you up, she was just confused who blood it was as you stay quiet and quietly croaked in your throat.
I headcannon enderman’s to have a raspy voice because they can’t talk but try to. As it’s either deep or a decent voice tone.
Imagine if enderman! Reader met the other overlords before their decrease in height as they stare up at you kinda intimidated by your height. Their necks definitely hurt 
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Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Male Yandere Human-like Golem x Gender Neutral Human Reader (CW: Noncon, huge dick, golem man, magic, fatal violence towards bandits, spit used as lube, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.8k (Sorry this took forever, was originally going to be a drabble and then kinda got away from me, hope you all enjoy huge dick golem man.)
The small town that you lived in, Somnheim, had been victim to a swathe of horrible luck. Raided by bandits, packs of beasts killing livestock, and enemy soldiers scavenging what they could. Finally the town had enough and sent for a practitioner of the magic arts to aid them in the defense of their village.
This was you.
They didn’t have much but they offered a home and food for your services. You figured you could help them and have a quiet place to conduct your research away from the prying eyes of the council, who liked to hold newer mages under their thumb. It would also just be something nice you could do for your fellow humans, and these folks clearly needed the help.
You didn’t want to stay in this place forever though, so your solution would have to be one that would last long after you were gone.
Given your expertise in summoning and animating the logical choice was a good, old fashioned, golem. A pentagram, some select incense, clay flesh molded to a slate skeleton and imbued with an amethyst heart carrying an artificial soul, some runes carved in, and a scroll inserted that would have him follow his purpose and give him personality.
Then just add in a spell that turned the humanoid clay man into something more human so as not to frighten the villagers too badly and make him able to experience a near human existence.
The ritual was a complete success. Of course it was. You were you after all, young but talented and more importantly utterly dedicated to your craft.
Somnheim now had a mighty protector. An artificial man over 9 feet tall, with huge bulging muscles, shaggy brown hair, stoic brown eyes that gave nothing away, and glowing green runes on his arms and legs. The spell that made him human-like was more than just visual, it gave him nearly all the functions of a human male, he’d be as durable and strong as the hardest metal, never age, and of course he was certainly infertile.
Not one for creative names, you named him Slate.
Eventually bandits came by and decided they would stock up in Somnheim before going on to bigger and better loot.
They did not live to regret that decision.
Slate simply rolled a massive boulder down the hill they approached from and flattened all but a couple. Those he took care of quickly with magically precise throws of average sized stones.
Over the months any threat he couldn’t flatten with a boulder or smack with a stone he would pop open with his mighty fists.
By the end of his first year as the village’s guardian he was beloved by every single townsperson. Even the tiny children, who would climb on him and put flowers in his shaggy hair as he smiled and watched, had no fear of him.
You had enjoyed your time there, but eventually it was time for a change of scenery. You wanted to do more field research and you had saved enough money up with side projects to be able to fund a trip to the other side of the country near The Great Forest.
The villagers were grateful and sad to see you go, but they were much more interested in Slate than you.
But when you packed your bags to leave behind your wattle and daub dwelling once and for all you found yourself blocked by Slate.
He uttered one word in that deep, almost monotone, voice of his.
“What do you mean no? I have to leave.” You tried to squeeze past him but he was not having it.
“I must protect the village… Your presence here makes the village safer… I might need repairs… or reinforcements… And you also tasked me with keeping you safe…”
You fudged the wording. You, breather of life into stone, weaver of clay, and creator of souls, messed up the wording.
He picked you up like a box of luggage and sat you on a chair in your makeshift study before going over to the heaviest bookshelf, picking it up, and placing it in front of the only door so you couldn’t escape.
“I’ll move it when I need to leave… then I will put a rock outside to keep you here…”
And that became your life. A literal prisoner in your own home.
Your magical abilities were useless in this situation, you were not a battlemage that could explode a wall, you couldn’t teleport, you bent earth.
Of course you tried to tunnel your way out by making a hole under your bed, but Slate had walked in and caught you red handed. He had confiscated and locked away all your magical supplies and texts unless you needed them to repair him you were not getting them back.
Slate was tentative enough of your physical needs, bringing you food and water and taking you outside like some sort of pet for sunlight, fresh air, and exercise. You had tried to run away but of course he had inhuman speed. And the villagers refused to help. What if Slate refused to save them if they did that?
It was a fair concern, he was made to protect the village and not villagers, he may even see them as a threat if they assisted you. You were on your own.
Though you were healthy enough physically your mental condition was deteriorating rapidly. How could you not be? Being trapped in the same building, even with trips outside, was awful. The villagers only looked at you with pity if they looked at you at all, and no one would even talk to you anymore.
It got to the point where you barely eat, refused to go outside, and spent all your time laying in bed.
Slate was failing the magical directives that governed his personality and behavior. You were clearly not safe, he was convinced that you would die if this continued, and honestly you likely would… eventually…
But the golem was not incapable of learning. He observed the other humans to find out what he could add to your life to bring you back to your usual self.
One night, when he was sitting in front of the house watching the humans passing by and holding hands, he came to the conclusion that humans had families, they lived together in their dwellings and they loved each other. They coupled together and mated.
Up until this point Slate had only been directed by simple emotion and the unyielding parchment that had imbued him with his goals. But now his task demanded something more of him, it demanded a much more complex emotion. The magic in him allowed this evolution, and now he was much more dangerous because he loved you. But it wasn’t just love he felt for the first time, it was lust.
Slate’s expression became one of someone thinking about the one who they adored infinitely, an expression of a man thinking about the person he wanted to have writhing in pleasure beneath him, even his normally green runes and brown eyes took on an amorous pink glow.
When you heard the boulder blocking the door shift and then heard the bookshelf take its place as what was blocking your way out as Slate came lumbering in with his heavy steps you didn’t even glance up.
Not until he stood in front of you and you noticed his strange pink glow replacing his green one did you stir.
You sat up in bed and when you saw the strange way his normally near emotionless eyes were staring at you, and glowing, you scooted away.
“I know what you need now! I am so sorry for not realizing sooner…” He said in a surprisingly soothing tone, a stark departure from his normally deep monotone.
“What do yo-”
Your words were forgotten as he took off his shirt and pants revealing a sweaty body and a frighteningly large cock.
“You need a partner to be happy, like the other humans, and you need to mate!”
He sounded very eager.
“No! Uh… I don’t need to… mate. I need to lea-” he put a large finger over your lips and shushed you before gripping your pants and peeling them and your underwear away from you carefully.
There was no dissuading him from his chosen course of action, he would make you happy and keep you safe no matter what!
It’s what you needed.
Slate leaned forward and spit all over your hole, thoroughly lubing it with his spit, before pressing his big cock into your hole.
It was so large that you let out a whimper of pain at first, but he was somehow knowledgeable enough about sex to know he needed to let you adjust to the size rather than just ramming himself in.
You gasped and writhed but he held you still with his massive hands running up and down your sides as he slowly pulled you down on his prick.
Slate was in complete heaven, he had never really known much pleasure of any kind, let alone the type that came with burying his cock in someone he was now completely obsessed with.
He had no idea his dick could be used for this at all, but now that he did he would certainly be doing this everyday, maybe even a couple times a day! The perfect blend of heat and softness was amazing.
As he began to thrust slowly, with a blissed out expression as he stared up at nothing with drool coming out of his mouth, you couldn’t help but moan in pleasure as his cock caressed your depths perfectly.
Hearing your breathy moans snapped him back to reality. You were finally happy again~
The treatment was working! That settled it, he would do this every single day no matter what!
Carefully gripping your sides a bit more firmly he moved your entire body back and forth on his cock. You couldn’t help it, your whole body twitched with the force of a massive orgasm. The sensation of your body spasming around his previously virgin dick caused him to slam in deep and cum hard.
He pulled you close, holding your head into his muscular chest as he panted, his dick still firmly impaling your limp body. You hadn’t been eating much and this serious fucking had taken a lot out of you.
Slate cleaned the two of you up, bathing you gently before taking advantage of your compliant state by spoon feeding you some dinner he had brought from a town person.
Mating with you made you so pleasured and too tired to resist him when he took care of you, he almost couldn’t wait until you had enough energy to do it again, his cock strained in his pants with anticipation.
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eclipseslayer · 18 days
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➭ SUMMARY: Marcille wants a fairy for her birthday, so Laios volunteers to take the job, but, he ends up needing your help.
➭ CW: Subbish Laios, handjob, ass play.
➭ WC: 1.9k
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"I want a fairy!"
You, Chilchuck, Senshi, Izutsumi, and Laios all blink in surprise at Marcille's sudden outburst.
It's her birthday today, and she's been thinking about what she wants all day, until now, which puts your party at a halt.
You grip the straps of your backpack and turn to Marcille.
"Why a fairy?" You ask, finding this request a bit strange.
Marcille's eyes sparkle at the question and she clasps her hands together and places them under her chin.
"Well, as a mage, I've always thought it was a mage's right to have a fairy! They're just so cute, and, they're like tiny little servants! I really want one!" She exclaims while looking at her party who just stares back at her.
You smile at Marcille's eagerness, finding her enthusiasm cute. You sigh and you shrug, gazing at your party members before turning back to Marcille.
"Okay, Marcille. How do we get you a fairy?"
Her eyes seem to light up even more at your question, only before nervously scratching the back of her head. She chuckles awkwardly.
"Well..." She pauses before looking down, and she fiddles with her thumbs. "...You need to make one."
Your eyes widen at that, finding that answer unexpected, to say the least. You look around your party and find them having the same state of shock as you, except for Laios of course. His eyes are bright and he's got a smile on his face. Typical.
"Really? How do you make one?" Laios inquires with a upbeat tone.
There's a moment of silence, and, Marcille's face turns red as a tomato. She chuckles awkwardly again, and adverts her gaze from the rest of the group.
"Uhm... well, it's uh... very specific..."
"Oh, just say it, Marcille!" Spats Izutsumi who crosses her arms impatiently.
"Fine!" She grunts. "You need horse manure, herbs, semen, and blood! There," she spits it out very quickly, and her face turns even more red with each word. She huffs like she's out of breath and then slowly looks back up at the rest of you.
Honestly, unlike the rest of the group, you're not surprised at all as you stand there with your arms crossed and pursed lips, while everyone else stood there with their mouths dropped cartoonishly.
"What? It's magic, guys. It's gonna have weird ingredients," you say, trying to get the group on the same page as you are.
Senshi quickly collects himself and points to his backpack. "Well, I have horse manure in my bag for when I fertilize the golems. We all have blood, and I also have some herbs, too. We just need, uh..." Senshi pauses, and you hear a slow, loud gulp come from Laios.
"...S-Semen. Right..." Laios' face slowly turns a bright pink.
Then, once more, the group falls silent as all eyes turn to look up at Laios. His face turns even redder when he begins to feel the pressure on him and he lets out a huff, knowing that he has to be the one to do it since he volunteered in the first place to make Marcille's wishes come true.
"Fine!" Laios' voice cracks. "I'll do it, just... someone give me a bottle or something."
Senshi pulls out a bottle, a glass bottle, from his sack and hands it to Laios, giving him a fuzzy, furrowed brow.
"If you uh, need anything, Laios, let us know—"
"I'll be fine!" Laios insists before he storms off, muttering to himself as he turns around, going off to the corner somewhere to do his business.
You sigh, and turn to the rest of the group and see that the rest of them seem to be just as flustered, even though Laios is the one who's going to be doing the dirty work. You give them a reassuring smile and then you gesture to a spot far away from the corner where Laios is.
"Let's go over there, yeah? Hopefully we don't hear Laios..."
After a while—possibly about twenty minutes or so—you realize that Laios should be done by now. You furrow your brow, wondering what's taking so long, or maybe, he's been snatched up by some sort of dungeon ghoul, which suddenly had you up on your feet. You place your backpack down on the ground and turn to the rest of the group.
"I'm going to go check on Laios... he seems to be taking a long time," you tell the rest of the group, and they wave you off as you walk away.
You walk to the corner where Laios isolated himself, and, you hear a series of frustrated grunts.
"Shit... can't..."
His breath is exasperated, like he's tired. You hang near the corner, wanting to go in and help him, but... you're not exactly sure how he'd take it.
Nevertheless, you sigh, deciding to persevere against the odds, because despite it all, it was for Marcille, right?
You turn the corner, and there, you find Laios with his armor disgarded and his pants around his knees, and his thick cock, hard and in his hand. His face is red and, somehow, turns even redder when he sees you. He lets out a shriek and quickly scrambles to pull his pants up, but before he gets the chance to, you walk over to him and you step on his pantsleg, rendering the fabric immobile.
You squat down to his level, your eyes meeting his. You look at him, taking in the sloppy form of his hand tight around his fist, and his shirt pulled up to sit on his belly, and his red, panting face.
"Laios... do you... need some help?" You offer, albeit somewhat cautiously.
Laios looks down at his cock in his hand, and he looks back up at you. He feels like somehow this will ruin any semblance of friendship you've had together, but, fuck is he having a hard time needing to cum.
"...Yeah," he grumbles, obviously hesitant to answer.
You sit beside him, pressing your back against the wall like Laios is doing and you rest a hand onto one of his thick thighs. Testing thr waters, you slowly begin to rub your hand along his thigh and you feel him tense beneath you. He's obviously not used to your touch as he clears his throat and looks away.
You tilt your head, and, reaching out with your other hand, you guide his chin so he's looking back at you. His gaze meets yours and you offer him a warm smile, trying to reassure him that it's okay to to look at you.
With a nod of his head, he seems to understand, so, slowly, he leans in and he presses his lips against yours, sealing them in a kiss.
His lips, tentative and guessing, he starts moving them in a slow rhythm, wanting to get a feel of where you are, though when he finally sees that you're more comfortable doing this than him, he slowly begins to accept that this is happening, and it's real. His lip movements gain a bit more traction as they move a bit quicker, a bit needier. His tongue slips into your mouth and he moans against you when he tastes the inside of your mouth, and a small part of him comes to fruition, realizing that he's wanted this with you for so long, making his cock throb in his hand.
When his lips pick up their pace, and when his tongue slides into your mouth, you take that as a hint to get things moving along, so you move off of the wall and climb into Laios' lap, straddling him. Your hands rest on his thighs, and his hand comes off of his cock to rest onto your hip, along with his other hand.
Laios follows his instincts—feeling for what is right—as he squeezes your hips and groans at the fat beneath his large hands. He squeezes again, and for a second he feels like he can't believe you're on top of him, meanwhile you're on the same page as him as your hands squeeze his thick, muscular thighs, gasping into the kiss at how good he feels beneath your palms.
Then, once again, you're assuming you can go further as the kiss between the both of you grows more needy when you hear Laios' moans, so, you reach down and slowly grasp his cock in your hands, holding it tightly as you feel for what you're working with.
His cock is huge, certainly, as it's thick at its base and fills thickly all the way to the tip. He's uncircumcised with extra skin at the top and you moan into his mouth once you feel the length of his cock, imagining it burying into the base of you. Unfortunately, though, you don't think you have time for that today so you pull away from the kiss briefly to spit onto your hand to settle for a good handjob before returning to the kiss.
Your hands stroke him, slowly, gripping him tightly and you squeeze at the tip, making him groan into your mouth. He pulls away from the kiss and his mouth leads down your neck, kissing around your skin there as he mutters between each kiss.
"God your hands... feel so good," he whispers into your skin, and you squeeze at his tip again, leaving his cock throbbing in your fist.
You begin to pump him, moving your hand at a rhythmic pace, starting off at a slow pace at first, but as Laios moans and gets needier into the crook of your neck, your hand picks up its pace, and he whines into your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
"Yes, fuck, yes, feels so good."
You smile at that and he sucks on your earlobe, his teeth grind into your skin, making your eyelashes flutter.
"Yeah, feels good, Laios?" You whisper hotly into his ear and he nods eagerly.
"Fuck yes."
He confirms that with a moan, and his hips begin to buck into your palm. You know he must be close as his breathing starts picking up.
However, you have other plans for him, as you remove your hand from his cock, and you pull out the bottle from his pants pocket. You hold it in front of his cock, and you whisper into his ear.
"Laios, I'm gonna make you feel so good, 'kay? Do you trust me?" You murmur into his ear and he nods eagerly.
Whatever it was that you were about to do to him, he accepted fully. Your hands, your fingers just felt so good that he—
He pulls his mouth away from your neck to drop open his jaw and lean his head back as he feels your saliva-covered fingers push into his tight hole.
You don't even have to pump your fingers in and out, but once you push your fingers in all the way to his prostate, he lets out a loud moan that probably echoed to the other side where the group could hear Laios, and, he cums violently as his legs tremble, his white semen paints the inside of the bottle, filling it up with how much he cums.
Then, once you're satisfied with the amount of cum, you slowly remove your finger from him and you give him a smile, kissing the top of his head.
"You did so good, Laios," you praise him with a soft purr and Laios chuckles.
"Yeah? Think I might have to make Marcille more fairies for her more often."
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 month
A Delving Song (Monster!Reader x Laios Touden)
Could I request a Laios fic where he meets a new monster, your choice, that is surprisingly sentient who joins the party? I just think it would be cute and fluffy.
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Laios tilted his head. That didn't sound like the normal song the sirens on this floor of the dungeon would sing.
Marcille and Chilchuck are still asleep. And Senshi's off checking his golem farms.
So Laios wanders off towards the pool of water where you sit.
It's a ways off from typical mermaid territory.
And you yourself seem different from other mermaids. Your lower half is covered in feathers, not scales, and you have small wings protruding from your back.
"To eat is the privilege of the living... all things must eat to survive..."
Laios looks at you, in awe as you continue to sing a song of resilience and endurance. He's absolutely enchanted. And he quickly opens his mouth to sing with you once he memorizes the simple tune.
You startle badly, yelping, and waving your arms, summoning streams of waters like vipers to rise around you.
"Whoa! Please, I didn't mean any harm. I just really liked your song."
You frown. "Tallmen like you don't sing. They attack."
Laios puts down his sword. "See? No attacking."
"You're... different."
Laios grins and nods. "That's right. You see... I wanna know more about creatures like you. Are you a mermaid? You seem to be similar and different."
"I think your kind calls me a siren. But most of us get hunted, because our songs can be dangerous. We have some control over water too."
"That's incredible. Do you come up with your own songs?"
"We sing the tune - others seem to hear what they really want to hear. Unlike mermaids, the charming of it all seems to come from the prey."
"Why are you all alone?" Laios asks bluntly, tilting his head when your face falls.
"My flock were... hunted by a group of tallmen. I escaped. The mermaids don't want me because we bring adventurers that kill."
Laios frowns. "Well, that's no good. Maybe... maybe you could come with our group. I'm sure once they hear you speak and reason, they'll have no problem."
You smile sharp teeth at the tallman. "What are you called?"
You let the water slip down into the pool and move forward in a crouch, finally pressing your head into his metallic stomach. "Thank you, Laios."
Chilchuck is the most suspicious of you, clearly not happy with the idea of letting a monster into the party. Even a clearly reasoning and thinking one like you.
Marcille is a bit more welcoming, especially as she hopes you can teach her some of your water magic.
Laios initially thinks you're amphibious like a fishman but as you don't breathe water it becomes clear you're more of a bird than anything else.
Marcille immediately shuts down any further discussion because she senses it getting uncomfortably close to figuring out what exactly you taste like.
But considering you grew up in the dungeon, your expertise makes travel much easier. Senshi also is able to take some extra parts of monsters the party has collected to make some water skins for you to carry water through the more dry areas for you to use as a weapon.
Laios is always eager to hear about monster culture - just as you are about the cultures of the surface. Marcille and Laios spend many meal breaks discussing with you about what your lives and daily activities are like
Chilchuck doesn't share, but then again he also doesn't share with anyone else, so it's not like it's an anti-monster sentiment.
But eventually you find yourself nestling close to Laios when it's time to rest for the night.
And one night, when he rolls over and rests his head in your feathers, you don't mind. You like the tallman and his unique opinions.
And perhaps these feelings may soon grow and evolve.
Until then, the party together shall eat, and almost more than their meals, their growing friendship is delicious.
Delicious in dungeon.
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j4mergy · 1 month
Isekai-ed reader who is childhood friends with the Touden siblings and joined them to move into The Island together. Reader who realised they got reincarnated into Dungeon Meshi instantly got to work to improve in aspects of fighting and magic, not as good as Falin or Marcille but good enough to cast healing spells and small offensive ones without them.
Reader, who before the main story starts constantly strays from Laios's party during their adventures to try and catch a glimpse of Senshi whenever they could. When the party rested on the third floor, Reader volunteered to take night watch to sneak away and found Senshi harvesting vegetables from destroyed golems.
Senshi who got caught off guard was staring at Reader like a deer in headlights. Both stood frozen and locked in a staring contest together.
In truth, throughout Reader's attempt at seeking the dwarf out, Senshi was almost caught a lot of times but slipped away the last second. Senshi became intimidated by Reader's presence because they looked like a predator seeking out prey, that prey being him. It doesn’t help that he's starting to suspect that they were deliberately looking for him.
When he confesses this all to Reader, they clumsily make an excuse that they have sharp senses and became suspicious because they thought something or someone was lurking in the shadows and wanted to investigate on their own before alreting their party.
Senshi didn't really believe them at first but just assumed it's one of the many skills an adventurer should have, especially in a dungeon where monsters lurk and traps are hidden from the naked eye.
Reader then asked the dwarf what he was up to, even though they already knew it was more realistic to ask as they were a stranger to Senshi. In true Senshi fashion, he casually explains his way of growing vegetables for food through disabling golems without breaking the cores, planting seeds in the dirt that was its body, then putting the cores back in the dirt thus reviving the golems, either unaware or just seemingly indifferent to how ridiculous and crazy his methods are to normal people.
Although Reader already saw this all happen in the show, it was a completely different experience seeing it in person. Their favorite character explaining the most creative concept known in fantasy media to their face was an awesome experience.
Without hesitation, they enthusiastically asked Senshi if they could garden with him. Looking at the dwarf with nothing but sheer excitement and admiration in their eyes. Senshi was surprised at the sudden request, especially when the person who requested that used to look like a dangerous predator seeking their prey now looks like an eager child willing to learn from their teacher.
Senshi smiled at Reader and affectionately patted their head, his perception of them instantly changing and patiently taught them everything they needed to know about and do when it comes to gardening with golems.
Time passed and Reader was so immersed in their time with Senshi that they forgot they were supposed to keep watch while their party was sleeping. They got reminded though when they heard Chilchuck and Namari's voice echoing through the halls of the dungeon calling out their name, making them jump and hurriedly apologised to Senshi that they had to go and reunite with their party. Senshi waved them off and patted their head once more, encouraging them to go, but not without giving them a basket full of vegetables for their party on the way.
Reader shyly rubbed the top of their head before thanking him profusely. They promised Senshi that they will meet again before running off to where the party was, with a basket of vegetables in hand and a dopey smile on their face. They were gonna get a good scolding from the most mature one in the party for accepting random vegetables from a stranger without revealing the actual origins of it.
And Senshi, who have lived a fairly unconventional lifestyle in the dungeon was looking forward to connect with another human being after being alone for so long. Perhaps they'd be interested in monster cooking too.
This was inspired by someone's post about reader getting isekaid in dungeon meshi. I forgot their name and how to find the post cause I'm still having trouble navigating with tumblr. So if any of you could find it, I'd really appreciate it so I can tag appropriately 🙏
This is a mess. I can't tell if I wrote a scenario or imagine but whatever ig??? I'm not exactly a writer either soo...
Edit: here it is! By @pomegranatesandtangerines. finally found it, pls like and reblog their posts!
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Laios got Eaten AU Chapters 1-52
So, I was pondering a lot (as I do), and was thinking about this AU. Here's my take on it. Sorry if my grasp on characterization isn't the best. Expect lots of Farcille.
This is mostly a plot point based summary, going chapter by chapter. If something isn't elaborated on, assume it's the same as canon.
Note: This first installment ends at the same point as the anime, but as a manga reader, there are spoilers for later in the canon story.
Edit: Wowzers, that ended up being over 4,000 words! Guess I had more to say than I thought.
This is pretty long, so I'll begin under the cut.
Chapter 1:
Unlike Laios' self deprecating take on this scenario, the rest of the team doesn't immediately give up on him. Marcille and Chilchuck are his friends, and if Falin thinks it's possible, then they're in.
Namari leaves of course, but Toshiro is more complex. He argues with Falin, trying to convince her not to embark on such a risky mission, and may accidentally frame it as Falin choosing between him and Laios. Falin, of course, picks Laios. Toshiro leaves, dejected. After feeling sorry for himself for a while, he gets his retainers and heads after her, hoping to offer backup.
Falin proposes the dungeon eating plan, having casually discussed the possibility with Laios in the past. Without the gourmet guide, she isn't as knowledgeable about monsters, but she is pretty good at identifying stuff from her days of eating weird stuff in the woods, so she can tell the walking mushroom isn't poisonous. She also manages to grab the scorpion, having messed with crayfish as a kid.
Unlike Laios, she doesn't try to eat the venom, but they still struggle, and Senshi comes in to help. Falin is very excited to have such an expert helping them out, and is happy to have him join the team.
In general, Marcille is just as squicked out by monster cuisine, but she tries to put on a brave face for Falin. In fact, her attempts to be more accepting results in her not yelling at Senshi, so the slime doesn't attack her.
Chapter 2:
They go after the man-eating plants, and things mostly go down the same. Without Laios, it takes a little longer for Falin and Senshi to figure out how to save Marcille, going for the root. Marcille gets seeds planted in her skin, but Falin is able to heal her and get them out.
Chapter 3:
Senshi takes them Basilisk hunting, and Marcille is dismayed to see Falin knows the trick for intimidating Basilisks, a sight she will not soon forget. While Senshi slices the snake, Falin caves the chicken's head in.
While Senshi prepares the Basilisk, Falin is able to use a detox spell on Doni. The two still stay to eat though.
Chapter 4:
Events mostly play out the same, though Falin is a bit more gentle in rejecting Marcille's help. Falin admits to having skipped class the day they learned about mandrake harvesting.
Chapter 5:
Chilchuck uses Falin's metal staff instead of the sword to find the passage. When they go to get the oil, Falin casts a fire-ward spell on Chilchuck, just in case. Senshi declines to take one too.
Chapter 6-7:
Without Laios' insights, they deem the living armor too dangerous after the first attempt, and take a slightly different route to the third level.
Much to Marcille's chagrin, they run into a nest of giant rats, and they end up having giant rat stir-fry instead.
Chapter 8:
Falin thinks Senshi's utilization of the golems is absolutely delightful.
Chapter 9:
Falin is rather uncomfortable with Chilchuck's suggestion to trade at the seedy bar, but doesn't argue.
Events with the orcs go more or less the same. Falin thinks Bahay is very cute.
Chapter 10:
No Kensuke, so they get ambushed by the bugs. Chilchuck gets bitten, but Falin is able to heal him.
Falin applies much better ghost wards than Marcille. In fact, she quickly realizes they are just paralyzed, and is able to heal them. Yeah, no. That would have way too big of a butterfly effect on the story. Maybe she's too distracted by the pretty bugs to notice.
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Unlike Marcille, Falin thinks the centipedes are adorable. In fact, she secretly takes one and hides it in her pack to keep as a pet.
Chapter 11:
As one would expect, the ghosts are a complete non-issue. No ice cream for them.
Chapter 12-13:
No one in this party is crazy enough to bother with the living paintings. Without the delay, they are able to make camp at the level 4 entrance, bypassing the mimic.
Senshi catches some fish, and they have a very nice dinner.
Chapter 14:
Mostly the same, except instead of Laios, Senshi is saved by Falin. She has experience in such manners.
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Chapter 15:
Sadly, Falin does not know the song, so they have to resort to earplugs. This leads to a silent but amusing argument where Chilchuck has to talk down Falin from eating fish-men without words. Falin does not pull the waterweed stunt.
Chapter 16:
The kraken battle is pretty much identical.
Unlike Laios, Falin has eaten calamari before, having gone to that restaurant with Marcille several times. She is very disappointed the kraken tastes bad.
Senshi cooks up the parasite, and Falin doesn't eat any raw.
Chapter 17:
No one is sick, so this chapter doesn't happen.
Chapter 18:
Marcille has a sponge bath and insists Falin take one too. Chilchuck is annoyed by their flirting, but Senshi thinks it's cute.
When the Undine attacks, Falin is able to waterwalk and help Marcille, but neither of them has particularly good magic for fighting an undine. Both are badly injured, but they manage to escape.
Falin is able to heal both of them, but they are both left very hungry, and relatively low on mana. They have a barbecue to help them recover.
Chapter 19-20:
The Tansu party arrives. Tensions aren't quite as high between Marcille and Namari, but it's still there.
After Tansu fails to pacify the Undine. the two parties agree to help each other out. First, they help get down to the tower. A well placed fireball saves Kiki from the tentacles. Sadly, without Laios' knowledge, they can't eat them, at least not as easily.
When coming up with a plan to stop the undine, the idea to trap it is brought up, and they basically use the same plan, except Namari is in on it from the start.
After killing it, Falin suggests eating it, and the two groups enjoy some kelpie stew before departing opposite ways.
Chapter 21:
More or less plays out the same. Chilchuck suggests making the suits, to which Falin enthusiastically agrees. Senshi makes froggy hash instead of pasta, since he doesn't know how to neutralize the stinging.
Marcille puts on the frog suit without complaint since Falin puts one on first.
She attempts to take it off to much complaint still.
Chapter 22:
Most identical chapter yet. Namari asks about Laios instead of Falin. That's it.
Chapter 23:
Plans are made to take down the red dragon. With Falin here, their warding spells are much better, but no Laios means Senshi is the only proper warrior. Falin is a decent fighter, and plans to join Senshi and Chilchuck on the frontline. They search the orc's storehouse and find some spears, which will hopefully be enough for the inverse scale.
They mostly come up with the same plan. Crush the dragon, then kill it.
Chapter 24-25:
The pot defenses fail, and they go ahead and crush the dragon. When the dragon emerges, Falin is able to execute the plan, stabbing the dragon as they play dead. However, she isn't able to stab deeply enough before the dragon recoils, the spear getting pulled away from her, landing some distance away.
Senshi tries to stab the dragon in the foot, but the spear breaks. Things go as they do in canon, with Senshi and Chilchuck managing to toss Falin the spear and blind the dragon in one eye.
Falin meets up with Marcille, and ends up pulling the same self-sacrificing gambit Laios did, stabbing the dragon in the throat while dangling from its mouth.
Chapter 26:
Falin falls unconscious, and has a dream about when Laios first left home, leaving her behind. And how he later promised to never leave her behind again.
Marcille still has to heal Chilchuck and Senshi herself, since Falin is in no state to do it herself. They retrieve her leg, and Falin is able to finish healing all four of them.
They begin carving into the dragon, with Senshi taking the lead. Laios' intrusive thought fun facts end up saving the day, reminding Falin about the flame sac.
Chapter 27:
Falin doesn't even bother mentioning the resurrection office, already knowing what must be done. Marcille doesn't hesitate to offer her ancient magic as the solution.
Falin is able to assuage Chilchuck's concerns a little better than Marcille did, clarifying that the ancient magic is just used to perform magic of a magnitude impossible with just natural mana. He still doesn't quite buy it, but doesn't protest further.
Putting Laios' skeleton together takes longer, since no one here is super knowledgeable about dog skeletons. They get it eventually though.
Marcille does the ritual. Falin thinks Marcille is hot when she lets her hair down like that.
Laios is revived successfully, and everyone is incredibly happy.
Chapter 28:
No bath scene. :(
Laios is incredibly curious about their journey, and is running his mouth asking questions. He is extremely excited that his monster eating idea worked, and is practically glued to Senshi for a while asking questions. Due to his presence, Senshi doesn't explode the dragon.
Marcille isn't surprised in the least by Laios' enthusiasm, and is just glad to have her friend back. They enjoy their little dragon feast, regaling Laios with their tales of monster eating.
Unlike Falin, Laios does not realize that forbidden magic was used to revive him, and apologizes profusely for abandoning Falin, even though she insists it wasn't his fault.
Chapter 29:
When Thistle summons Laios, a ghost wakes Falin up. She wakes the others, and they go looking for him.
Unlike Falin, Laios doesn't gain magical power from the dragon, instead getting an even bigger boost to his strength. Falin isn't just knocked unconscious, but is badly injured by his punch.
Not even being dominated by the mad mage can stop Laios from yapping. As he is transformed, he gives Thistle tips, causing his chimera form to be significantly more dangerous, featuring a bigger but more slender build and bigger wings, allowing him to actually fly. As well as a few other embellishments, such as tail spikes and small horns.
The ghosts save the party, and things proceed as normal.
Chapter 30:
Chilchuck's arc is mostly the same, except that it is easier to convince Falin once she wakes up. Healing the internal bleeding Laios caused took a lot out of her, and both her and Marcille are tapped of magic. They agree to return to the surface.
Chapter 31:
Literally Identical.
Chapter 32:
Kabru's deductions are mostly the same, only altered slightly due to being warded by Falin instead of Marcille.
Shuro isn't quite as haggard. Falin isn't actively dead, so he doesn't feel the need to run himself ragged. Funny enough, taking better care of himself ends up canceling things out, and he arrives at Kabru's group at about the same time.
Chapter 33:
Senshi and Chilchuck have to fight the Dryads by themselves. They use the axe instead of Kensuke. Not that Laios helped much, but the first dryad manages to attack Senshi, leaving him in much rougher shape by the end of the fight.
Thankfully, he makes a full recovery once Falin recovers some mana from the yummy pottage.
Once Falin is recovering, she suggests teleporting out of the dungeon, but Marcille flat out refuses to let Falin do that again. It's way too risky. Now that they have a source of food, mapping out the area should be simple.
Chilchuck does not escape the sex ed.
Chapter 34:
A dramatic reenactment of chapter 34:
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They still need to spend several days making the map, but at least petrification isn't an issue.
Chapter 35:
The ghost warns Falin about the wyvern, and they hide in the wall, so business as usual.
When Marcille accidentally puts on the frog suit, Falin decides to put hers on too. This somehow makes Marcille more mortified, not less.
Recognizing Falin, the ninjas don't attack. Marcille is annoyed how happy Falin is to see Toshiro, considering the bad terms he split off on.
Chapter 36:
Since Falin has been enthusiastic, but not overbearing about monster food, Chilchuck chooses to go with Senshi even more easily.
Falin explains what happened to Toshiro, leaving out the ancient magic. Toshiro has no reason to think Falin wouldn't be able to revive Laios. He is happy to learn that she intends to return to the surface, and he plans to try and talk her out of returning once safe on the surface.
Kabru can tell Falin is lying about something, but remains quiet.
Chapter 37:
Even though harpies show up, everything seems to be going well, until Hien splatters on the ground. The Laigon quickly proves to be a ferocious foe, with razor sharp claws, a vicious thagomizer, and the ability to easily fly out of reach, or drop opponents from deadly heights.
Marcille didn't know that sufficient brute force could splatter an Undine to death, but apparently so.
Falin watches in horror as she can see an almost joyous look in his eyes. He would never do this of his own volition... but he clearly doesn't hate it.
When Rin grounds the Laigon with lightning, Falin steels her resolve and charges in to pummel his weak point, but he smiles and says her name.
Chapter 38:
After Kabru fails to kill him, the Laigon is too powerful, and kills Kabru before Falin can do anything. Seeing the Laigon about to attack Falin, Marcille hits it with an explosion.
Snarling, the Laigon looks like it's about to pounce at Marcille and company, causing Falin to fully freak out and unleash her strongest offensive spell, causing several massive rocky spires to erupt and impale the Laigon from below, and accidentally hitting Rin in the process.
Screaming and convulsing in pain, the Laigon takes for the sky, fleeing as fast as it can, leaving behind a thick trail of blood.
With both Falin and Holm alive, as well as Marcille not being barred from helping, the revivals go smoothly.
Toshiro ends up getting into a shouting match with Falin regarding her goal of saving Laios. Falin insists that if they defeat the mad mage, they can save him. He insists that trying to do so at this point is suicidal.
In the heat of the moment, Toshiro declares that Laios isn't even worth saving, and Falin slaps him. The conversation comes to an abrupt end, with both severely regretting their actions. Toshiro walks off to think, while Marcille comforts Falin, who seems on the verge of tears.
Toshiro ends up apologizing, saying he can't understand her decision, but he will respect it. He has Maizuru give them supplies so they can head down immediately, and gives Falin the bell.
Asebi overhears Marcille speculating with Chilchuck about the Laigon, and the possibility of the dragon's soul getting mixed in due to her revival magic.
Kabru leaves with a higher opinion of Falin than he did of Laios, because while she seemed fascinated by monsters, she wasn't as crazed about it as him. Plus she didn't offer him a harpy omelette, so that helps.
Chapter 39:
Without the living paintings, they aren't able to quite grasp the mad mage's motives, but are still hopeful that they can talk to him.
And then the shapeshifters happen.
Chilchuck's Falin is an airhead, reflecting her calm demeanor and lack of commanding presence, even though she is ostensibly the leader without Laios around.
Senshi's Falin looks just like his Laios, but with longer hair. They look identical to Senshi.
Falin's Chilchuck is colder and more even-tempered than the real Chilchuck. She appreciates his levelheadedness and maturity.
Falin's Senshi is always spouting fun facts about food and food prep, and is always smiling. Senshi reminds her a lot of her brother's passions.
At first, the group is confused. They seem to be short two fakes. But then they find Falin's Marcille and Marcille's Falin making out in one of the cells. Both are too shy to admit their feelings, but apparently their mental images aren't so shy about it.
Once obvious stuff is out of the way, and equipment has been checked, Marcille and Falin have been found, but Chilchuck's Senshi, Marcille's Chilchuck, and Falin's Chilchuck are still around.
Chapter 40:
Marcille and Falin manage to eliminate Chilchuck's Senshi, since they both get a weird feeling from it, and all three Chilchucks agree it's the right Senshi, practically confirming it to be Chilchuck's.
The Chilchucks prove much trickier, until Falin comes up with an idea. We skipped chapter 13, so Falin suggests the Chilchucks provide their age. Marcille's says 20. Falin's says 45. Chilchuck is able to explain those guesses are way off the mark, and as the only one able to give a proper explanation of half-foot age ranges, he is clearly the correct one.
With all the copies locked up, the shapeshifter gives up and goes to find other prey.
Asebi ambushes the party as normal afterwards.
Chapter 41:
There is a bit of confusion at Asebi's accusations, since Marcille never confessed to using ancient magic, but Asebi overheard her talking about how she may have blended Laios' soul with the dragon, and that is not something someone does on accident. Clearly she must have been using black magic to do something like that.
Nonetheless, Marcille agrees to break the collar's magic, and things proceed the same. Falin attacks the hag with her mace-staff, creating a messier cut, but functionally the same.
The explanation of their goals goes about the same, including Falin being rather happy to meet Izutsumi, though she's a little less weird about it, talking about how Laios was fine before the mage kidnapped him, and that hopefully he'll go back to that state of mind when saved.
Chapter 42:
In Falin's nightmare, the Laigon appears and tries to kill her, but Falin becomes lucid before it can strike.
Falin goes into Marcille's nightmare to help her. Being more experienced with this sort of thing, she is able to calm Marcille down, and cause her to become lucid, dispelling the nightmare without violating Marcille's private traumas.
They then spend the rest of the lucid dream having fun together. I'll let you decide how much those shapeshifter clones inspired their behavior.
Senshi cooks the nightmares, and much to the girls' dismay, the dream is shown for all to see. Everyone agrees not to bring it up again.
Chapter 43:
While searching the recovered packs, Falin is delighted to find the Dungeon Gourmet Guide. She was afraid it had been digested with Laios.
Note: Falin should be seeing the ghost by now, but I don't want to break up the chapter flow, so just assume the ghost got caught in ghost traffic.
Without Laios to block them, Marcille gets impaled by a few stalactites, and Falin has to tend to her. The fight goes as normal.
Izutsumi is able to undress without anyone being weird about it.
When doing the sauna thing, Chilchuck can't help but notice how closely Marcille and Falin are sitting. He tried to block the dream out of his mind, but it's clear that now that the feelings are out in the open, that's just how they're going to act from now on. He just hopes this doesn't cause any issues.
Chapter 44:
Falin finds the boiled mandrake quite tasty, and so doesn't question it when Izutsumi gives her a second.
When arguing over dinner, Falin is just as baffled as Izutsumi regarding the Barometz. As they run over, she flips through the guide, discovering the potential danger a few seconds too late.
Izutsumi and Marcille run off to do their thing. Falin panics and does something dumb. She starts barking. She isn't as good as Laios, but it's enough to scare off the wolves. Chilchuck isn't even surprised at this point.
Chapter 45:
Pretty much goes the same. Toshiro plans to report the Chimera, at least so people know to be wary, and Falin is just as careless with the bell as Laios.
As they eat their eggs, the ghost finally catches up and Falin is happy to chat.
Chapter 46:
Our party arrives in the golden country. Falin wants to check out the monster corrals, just like Laios, but while he was ecstatic about minotaur milking, Falin is much more charmed by the opportunity to pet the basilisk chicks.
Falin becomes extremely flustered at the sight of Marcille in a pretty dress. Unlike Laios, Izutsumi lets her pet her.
Since minotaur was not requested, they are served basilisk cordon bleu.
Sadly, the running joke of turning ghosts into ice cream is dead.
"One shall come who bears a staff of living wood." With Laios out of the picture, Marcille is the lion's next choice of champion.
Marcille really isn't sure what to think about this. Her? Become new queen of the land?
She ultimately gives no conclusive answer, but the possibility of gaining dominion over this land where no one ever dies is tempting.
Marcille and Falin share the double bed, while Chilchuck gets the single bed to himself. At least until Izutsumi curls up on him.
Chapter 47:
Breakfast goes smoothly, and they head back into the dungeon.
Things in the cistern go mostly the same, though Falin also thinks the griffon is Laios. Senshi doesn't panic until the griffon actually appears.
Chapter 48:
Marcille puts her plan into action, and Falin carries her.
With the second familiar, Falin suggests shaping it like a dragonfly, since they are very fast and agile. It isn't as fast as the wyvern, but it dodges a lot easier. The third familiar is still sky fish.
Once the griffon is defeated, Falin suggests eating the sky fish. Marcille objects, but she can't say no to Falin's smile.
And Senshi shares his story.
Chapter 49:
Unlike Laios, Falin doesn't push Senshi to try the griffon. She suggests cooking it, since they don't want to waste good food, but Senshi doesn't have to try it if he doesn't want to.
Senshi decides to go for it. You can decide if he's traumatized further, or if changelings follow logic, and meat without any spores on it (since it was cut from inside the griffon), and was then "washed" by turning it into soup turns back into hippogriff. Senshi tastes the "griffon" soup, and is immeasurably relieved.
Changlings are a lot of fun, but they sure open some plot holes. By all accounts, it should have reverted to hippogriff soup.
Look, this is my silly what-if AU, things don't have to be perfect.
Chapter 50:
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Falin is a dwarf now. She sucks at magic, but now she can really smash some heads in.
Falin thinks half-foot Marcille is adorable. Marcille isn't sure what to think of dwarf Falin.
When they reach the door, Falin is surprised when her pet pearlipede crawls out unbidden and unlocks the door.
Despite the disadvantages, Falin's mace proves super-effective against the gargoyles, managing to defeat one, but tiring out while one is still left. They flee through the door.
Now that the party knows she has it (and that it's oddly useful), Falin starts wearing her pet as a bracelet.
While preparing dumplings, Falin ponders if maybe the griffon wasn't actually a griffon, but Chilchuck shuts her down before she can accidentally re-traumatize Senshi.
Chapter 51:
Falin notices Marcille's strong adverse reaction to the news that half-foots only live fifty years, but doesn't say anything.
Falin suggests the possibility of using the changelings on Laios, though unlike him, she doesn't consider that the two halves might change separately. She just imagines them turning the whole Laigon into a gnome or something.
When the last gargoyle arrives, Falin's staff gets knocked out of her grasp, and thrown by the gargoyle.
They use the knowledge from the transformed staff to defeat the last gargoyle. Sadly, Marcille does not get to fly.
Falin washes her staff.
Chapter 52:
Senshi grows curious and asks about Laios. Falin talks about how Laios always had trouble fitting in, and it wasn't until he started dungeon diving that he finally seemed able to make friends and be happy. Falin had dropped out of magic school because she didn't want Laios to be alone.
Marcille starts crying and clinging to Falin. She talks about how she used to hate Laios. But as they adventured together, he became like a brother to her. Falin starts crying too. Izutsumi sits by Chilchuck to avoid all the tears.
Senshi proposes his bacon and eggs plan. Falin can't find any issue with his reasoning, and thinks its a great idea, but Chilchuck points out how long it will take to eat that much meat. They start making plans for the foreseeable future.
Thistle tries to stop the Laigon from eating a walking mushroom, but is unsuccessful.
Chapters 53-85
Chapter 86-Finale
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Hey! I hope you’re doing good in ur exams!!
Can I request a Tomura x Male reader?
Before the whole war…please, I’m grieving a lot for way too many reasons. ☹️
Tomura Shigaraki x male reader
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Big sucker for gamer Shigaraki, why did people stop writing it. So im basing this off earlier season Shiggy, but you can imagine him how you want.
Reader has a quirk vaguely based off Yaga from JJK, cuz I love JJK, and I love Yaga.
Dating Shigaraki was an… experience to say the least. He could be quite bratty or childish at times, but you couldn’t really blame him, especially after hearing about his relationship with that sensei of his.
You weren’t a villain. But you just… didn’t respect the system and thought the hero system was corrupt beyond redemption. You didn’t think Shigaraki’s Sensei had the right idea either. But you had been ignored more than once by the so-called heroes meant to save you.
You had what most would call a “villain” quirk, having the ability to make something akin to dolls or golems, some even being so complex they could think and feel on their own. You had even created more than one that didn’t know it was a doll.
Being raised by golems was an experience, as your parents had been so offput by your quirk and interest in how everything and everyone worked. They’d fed you and clothed you, but that was it. and when your younger siblings developed more “appropriate” quirks, the gap became massive.
It had led to you leaving home as a teen, having finished and graduated online school earlier than most.
You had left a small unnoticeable golem in your home, just to see how long it took your family to realize you were gone. The answer was three months, and it was only because your rich grandpa who had a string quirk, who had always supported your love for puppets, came back from abroad to visit.
The gratification of hearing and seeing your loving but serious grandpa rip your family apart verbally, and then take away all the monetary support he had been given them, was almost enough to cover up the pain of your empty stomach and warm you where you were huddled in an alley.
Meeting Shigaraki had been an accident in the beginning. Your golems had only gotten more and more complex, meaning you suddenly had an income that was more than enough to get your own place, with one of the golems as the “owner” of course.
After that you started selling information and different kinds of “defense” work. That meaning, you helped people hide from the hero commission, and get information other people couldn’t. what was better for that situation other than an army of people that just didn’t exist.
You were picked up by Giran, who had taken notice of your large net of people, whom he didn’t know were your puppets and golems. He, or rather All for one, paid much more than you really needed. But all these years had taught you more than most knew about the inner workings of hero society, so you didn’t turn it away.
You did have a slight feeling that All for one wanted to eat you after he learned about your quirk. But the whole having to build the skill and mental capacity seemed to stop him, for now, since he apparently didn’t have time to perfect it in time for what he had planned.
You were the first outsider in the league of villains, way before anybody else joined, which was how you and Shigaraki started spending time together.
In the beginning hed been his dry snappy bratty self, and he just reminded you of the dirty street cats that you used to feed when you still lived in alleyways. They’d hiss and spit, trying to puff up and look tough, but they always just looked so frail and vulnerable.
Neither of you could tell when your relationship became more than just coworkers. Maybe it was when Shigaraki had Kurogiri warp him to your penthouse since your tv “was bigger and better” than the one he had in his room.
Or when you started bringing him designer clothes that would fit him better than the rags he wore, or had your golems break into different shops to get him some ointment that would help with his scratching.
You even caught yourself once or twice trying to play his games, but you figured out your usual strategic and put together mind lost all its footing playing LOL. Never before had your age quit, and you were too shamed to try again after that.
Shigaraki would admit later that he had tried to get into your hobbies too, with a big blush on his face and a sour expression, like he didn’t want to admit that he had feelings. He couldn’t really get into the art that was doll and golem making, and just how detailed it got for you had his head spinning.
Neither of you ever outright asked the other to date, it just kinda progressed to that point. Shigaraki spent more time at your place than at the “villain hideout”, even after the rest of the league joined.
You started going on dates, which were you booking an entire arcade or restaurant, and having your golems serve you. Or letting Shigaraki lean against you playing his handheld as you planned stocks or different businesses you had your fingers in.
In front of others, you two just seemed like allies, maybe friends on a good day. And it only came out after Magne and Toga had been teasing Shigaraki about having no experience, where he snapped at them that he had a boyfriend, you.
The rest of the league were shocked to say the least, since you two didn’t act anything like a couple around them. But both you and Shigaraki just raise a brow going “why would we be all lovey at work”.
It didn’t surprise you that Shigaraki was touch starved and loved to cuddle. In the beginning he would almost act like it pained him to be touched and cradled. but so many years with no normal human contact always had that effect.
You weren’t used to it yourself, having gone so long with only the touch and comfort of your dolls and golems, but none of it was the same as when it was another person.
The two of you were pretty much dating in your shared opinion, before you ever really got physical. And by that, I mean, you started out by just sitting close or you wrapping your arms around Shigaraki.
Your lover was understandably scared of touching you with his hands, even when he wore gloves to stop his quirk from working. So, it was a major breakthrough when he did return the hugs, or would hold your hand.
But when the floodgates for affection opened, Shigaraki would always find himself clinging to you like a cat searching for warmth. It was pretty damn cute in your eyes, and whenever he would shuffle into the room, you just life an arm and let him melt into your side.
Most days you could keep working, answering the phone, checking your laptop, and what else. But there were also days where Shigaraki would grumble about dusting your stuff if you didn’t cuddle him right.
Part of you had a feeling it was Shigaraki wanting you to take a break, and the other part was sure it was just cuz he liked to be squeezed tight and snuggled. But who were you to complain.
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pseudowho · 3 months
To my darling babies
I am writing a teen!Nanami X Reader LOV fic (Just One Bed!) and there's something important for you to know, if you are but a small baby to me (likely 24 or below).
A great many years ago, when the mountains were young, and you were but a twinkle in your Mothers' eye, we had GameBoys which we played Pokémon on. To trade Pokémon, it necessitated a cable to connect the two GameBoys.
The days of the internet were young (our cats went nyan, and our salad had fingers), and it had not yet made its way to our tiny pixel kingdoms. Pikachu had not yet been put on a diet, and obtaining a Gengar, or a Machamp, or a Golem, required a friend and a cable of legend.
I bring you this tale of old, so you may go forth and pass it to your babies one day, and apply the context to the whorish tale of this mad old witch.
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I love you, sweet babies (I am 30 years old)
Come, sit at my knee and I shall tell you more tales of old
-- Haitch xxx
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swallowtail-lotus · 6 months
Sakura Mochi {Hades x Mitsuri!Reader}
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I'm in love with Hades as always 😂
Nothing too bad
"Is there any reason why you're so excited?" The lovely voice of the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite broke you out of your dream-like stance. You turned to face the beautiful goddess with the smile most of the deities grew to love.
"I'm eager to see Lord Hades! I haven't seen him for thousands of years!" You exclaimed, cupping your own face with your dainty hands.
"I take it you heard word of his arrival?" The goddess giggled. You nodded your head fast, the excitement growing more and more. Aphrodite always found it amusing to see you fawn over certain deities.
"I wonder what he looks like now? Will he be the same or will he look different?" You asked, mostly to yourself. Aphrodite opened her mouth but stopped when the smell of sweets caught her attention.
"You've been eating those sweets again, haven't you?" Aphrodite teased, her blue eyes filled with mischief. You lowered your head down in embarrassment.
"I can't help it! They're so delicious!" You said, folding your arms and huffed like a child.
"Anyways, I shall leave you be! Tell me everything when you're finished!" The Goddess was carried away by her golem like male servants. You stood in place, trying to process her words.
"Eh?! Aphrodite!!"
You smiled like a child that just received their favourite candy as you practically chomped down on your favourite sweets. After finishing a huge bowl full of them, you began walking around. You realised that you had to look for the god you've been waiting on all day, so you picked up the pace.
Meanwhile, a god with formal wear was on his way back to Helheim when his nose picked up a sweet smelling scent. It was something unfamiliar to him, but he remembered something his younger brother told him.
"If you suddenly smell something sweet, to be more specific, the scent of cake, a little goddess may be nearby!"
Hades was well aware of his younger brother's... problem when it came to females, but never really got involved in any way. He assumed this little goddess was his next target, but at the same time, he wanted to see why most of the gods spoke so fondly of her. Now that he thought about it, Zeus had never spoke of her in such a way that implied wanting to sleep with her. He spoke about her as if she was a daughter to him.
The scent got stronger, but he never moved an inch. He felt something run into his side and turned a little to face whoever it was. To his surprise, it was a smaller female with (f/c) and (s/fc) hair.
You managed to catch yourself before you could injure yourself. Your two toned hair was a little messy from the running, but it was still in good condition. When you looked up, you couldn't believe who you ran into.
"Ah! I'm so sorry, Lord Hades! I was in a rush and-"
"It's fine, (Y/n). But please be careful next time."
You shut your mouth, nervously playing with your hair. His voice was so calming it made you explode with embarrassment.
"Okay!" Your answer came out shaky.
"Lord Hades is so handsome! He looks so dominating!" Gushing about the stoic god in your mind, your gaze landed on the floor, avoiding the slight mischief in the god's eye.
"Lord Zeus must've told Lord Hades my name. Hearing him say it makes my heart flutter!"
You mustered enough courage to face the god again, looking him straight in his eye. His fingers made their way under your chin and tilted it up and leaned closer to your ear.
"Your scent is intoxicating. Hopefully you taste the same." His breath tickled your ear and sent chills down your spine. He pulled away and left you, his lips forming a smirk. You stared blankly at the ceiling, not blinking even once. After a minute, you fell to your knees. You clutched your chest with your hands, trying to calm down your heart.
From afar, a certain blonde goddess had watched it all and giggled to herself.
"This is really interesting. I wonder what will happen next~"
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wing-ed-thing · 5 months
Foul Creature (Tobirama x Reader) Chapter VIII
Synopsis: The territory between the Uchiha and the Senju dwindles by the day. And in an era where social lines have been blurred, and new clan heads have been chosen, you're stuck between a scorned lover and a man who relentlessly pursues your hand in marriage. You don't have much time before you're forced to confront the sins of your past.
Word Count: 3.8k
Tags/Warnings: Warning for dark themes ahead, including graphic violence. Fem!Uchiha!Reader. Please consult AO3 for more specific warnings.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI
Notes: For those of you who have been saying "wow! I wonder what's going to happen next!"... me too.
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Following the last Senju raid, which had nearly decimated the Uchiha village in its entirety, the reconfiguration of the land shifted. The newly appointed clan head, Madara, led your clan up the mountains to higher ground as the Senju more than doubled their already sizeable territory, spreading across the sprawling forests. 
One of many wooded mountains in the range that bisected the Land of Fire, the one that the Uchiha chose to call home was the largest and was appropriately dubbed the “Grandfather Summit,” which boasted three great peaks. The smaller outer two were called the “Guardian Shoulders,” while the peak in the center was simply called the “Crown.” 
You supposed that some ancestors long ago had thought the sizeable structure to be anthropomorphic enough to be a golem or perhaps a god. You could see it, although the shape took on little more than what you thought a child could draw. Madara never believed that the Grandfather Summit looked much like a man at all.
“It is a large pile of stone and nothing more,” he would frown and perhaps cross his arms with a tilt of his head. But his unimpressed notion of the Grandfather Summit didn’t stop him from relocating what was left of his friends and family up the mass of rock following the most destructive blow on the Uchiha tribe in recent history. 
You couldn’t believe that Madara had been able to set his pride aside for such a move. While all the clans in the Land of Fire bordered on nomadic in some way or another, a clan as large as the Uchiha typically opted to stake its claim in a sizeable plot of fertile land. After all, a clan’s ability to keep their territory was a marker of status in and of itself. 
But in the end, Madara moved you away from the patch of forest you had called home for all of your life in pursuit of the Grandfather Summit. You were almost certain the remaining elders were unabashed in sharing their thoughts before they were forced to submit under Madara’s domineering presence. And you knew just as certainly that if the previous clan heads were alive, they would have given him an earful. 
“They are buried so deep, the earth fills their mouths too much for chatter,” Madara would surely say.
He hardly followed rigid tradition, even when it mattered, so you weren’t surprised when protests fell on deaf ears. Madara’s changes were apparent, even from the distance you hid yourself. Only strong young men filled the war room, with no wrinkled brow or shaky joint to be seen. Just like Madara, they were all chosen through combat. 
Madara took his place in the center of the room, stroking his chin gravely as he studied the map. Izuna stood at his side, both wrists folded and resting on the hilt of his sheathed katana. Four stones sat each corner of the table, holding down the corners and pulling the artisanal paper taut as the band of Uchiha warriors took turns gesturing and poking at the depictions drawn below. 
The Uchiha settlement sat between the Crown and the southern shoulder, which offered the most fertile and settleable land. Although despite resting on the lower of the collection of peaks, the southern shoulder still undoubtedly offered the highest ground compared to the land in the surrounding radius. The current positioning of the Uchiha compound was second only to the treacherous northern shoulder and the Crown itself, which reached the clouds in the heavens above. 
It was no wonder the Senju were beginning to close in from the north. 
At least, it made sense to you. You were no military strategist.
“It would be impossible.” One of Madara’s councilmen scoffed. You saw the flippant wave of a hand through the crack between the windowsill and the closed shutters. “Say the Senju manage the northern Guardian. The chances of their warriors taking on the Crown are slim to none in and of itself. There is too much to lose in an attempt to ambush us from the skies.”
“Nay, save such speculative talk, for we are far past speculation.” Another flippant wave. “The Senju have already sunk their claws deep into the northern shoulder. Farther than we could have ever anticipated. Perhaps your words would be true if we had only heard rumors of their traveling north, but it was only a sennight ago that my brother carried a Senju crest back with him from patrols.”
“An ambush from the highest peak of the Grandfather himself?” A third voice scoffed. A shadow teetered back and forth, swiping across your eyes from where you hid, wavering in the candlelight. “What must Hashirama Senju be thinking? He is certainly out of his own head! He thinks himself a god!”
“He thinks himself nothing.” Madara’s voice was low and raspy, churning in his chest like a beastly growl. His nose scrunched to the side, contrasting the nonchalant bob of his brow and shrug of his shoulder. He rested his elbow on his knee, allowing his forehead to rest in the area between his index finger and thumb. Madara took a deep breath, letting another growl-like rumble resound in his chest. “He thinks himself nothing.”
The light from the candles that lit the room flickered, casting shallow shadows across the warriors gathered. They littered the room silently; all turned toward their clan head with watchful eyes.
No one dared speak but Izuna.
He leaned down, bowing at the waist, to speak directly into his brother’s ear. Madara quirked an attentive brow.
The red pattern of your already ignited sharingan swirled in your irises as you watched from your hiding place. Your breathing slowed to steady streams of hot air, and all of your attention focused on Izuna’s lips. 
“It is worth considering that the Senju…” A curtain of hair fell over the side of his face, obscuring your view. He continued to whisper as you tried to track the movements of his mouth from behind strands of hair. 
A chill came over you. Goosebumps began to pop up across your skin. A shiver worked its way down your body in a wave, starting from your shoulders and ending at your thighs. It was only then that you met Madara’s eye.
He peered directly at you, straight through the tiny slit between where the window and the shudders were supposed to meet. Your breath hitched in your throat, everything around you slowing as you felt the hairs on your arms rise. 
And with the slightest breeze, you were whisked away like smoke in the cool summer air. 
The meeting didn’t adjourn until late into the night, and it was only when the candles were snuffed out that the soldiers began to head home. The moon shone brightly overhead, appearing more prominent in the sky than it had during any of the previous seasons. Even without lanterns, the entire Uchiha compound remained well-lit. Madara and his forces trickled out of the meeting building’s doors, exchanging formal nods with each other as they set off onto the moonlit paths. 
Madara paused before the wooden steps, eyes focused on the trees that swayed gently in the evening breeze. Izuna stood on the porch behind him, silently following his brother’s gaze from the trees back to Madara. 
He lingered on the Uchiha clan head for a moment before making his way down the steps. Izuna approached him with certainty, placing a firm hand on Madara’s shoulder. Only through touch did Madara snap out of his trance, blinking a few times as he tried to conceal his acute surprise. Izuna returned his hand to his other in their usual resting place at the hilt of his katana, offering his brother a knowing nod.
Madara wordlessly understood, making his way down the dark path toward home. 
Izuna loitered in the middle of the dirt road. His shoulders relaxed under his robes, and his hands never once left their slack position across his weapon as he watched Madara disappear farther and farther into the distance. 
Only when Madara disappeared over the small dirt hill in the distance did Izuna set his sights on the trees. He peered at the spot where Madara had been fixated on, slowly pivoting himself in the earth to face the patch of dark forest. 
“Reveal yourself,” he commanded. His gentle voice carried a great sternness. 
He stood patiently in the open, ever so sure of himself and not in need to prove it.
You respected a man’s ability to manage his seriousness devoid of aggression. That was likely why you obeyed him, moving out of the shadows to step into the moonlit patch of road not too far of a distance in front of him. 
If it were up to you, Izuna would be clan head.
Not that you had any power to make those decisions in the first place. 
Izuna eyed you with mild incredulousness. You expected no less from him.
“I told you to reveal yourself,” he repeated, voice ever-neutral. You sighed softly, bowing your head as the double before Izuna melted into the atmosphere. Your true body emerged from behind a nearby tree a distance away. Izuna continued to eye you wordlessly.
“I deemed it worth an attempt,” you said, clearing your throat. Izuna didn’t humor you.
“You forget yourself.” 
Quiet overtook the night once again. You dared to venture farther from your hiding spot, stepping through the grass toward the ever-still Izuna. Your limbs protested, your instincts locking your joints like those of a wooden doll. You stopped at the edge of the path, protected by the shallow shadows of the trees and feet still planted in the line of the forest. 
You could see the tension build in his neck. Having already been lost in thought with the Senju affairs, you were sure your woman’s trick hadn’t been the most well-thought-out plan in the face of Izuna’s clear vexation. Quite a few Uchiha women were known to unlock their ocular abilities, but unlike their male counterparts who were expected to partake in battle, the Uchiha women’s sharingan techniques were almost entirely passive. 
Most of them centered on making illusions, for an image of a beautiful, vulnerable woman alone in the woods may distract enemy warriors long enough for a mother to escape with her children. The mother often taught these techniques to the young in her home for similar survival reasons. 
You waited for Izuna to speak again. It was best to wait, as unlike Madara’s explosive, violent fits of predictable rage, Izuna kept his rage artfully, dangerously restrained. Like storm clouds slowly rolling in to cover the sky above, you knew that Izuna’s thunder could crack at any moment.
“I will have no more of your nonsense, and neither will Madara,” Izuna harshly proclaimed. He slowly turned away from you, hands never moving from where they sat on the hilt of his swords. The skin of his nose crinkled a bit as if he were holding back a bitter snarl. “You know not what you involve yourself with. A woman knows nothing of the matters of men, nor should she be as involved as my brother has allowed you to be. If I were clan head, an apprentice would have replaced you as apothecary long ago.” 
You stared at him as he tried to fight off the bitter look that threatened to contort his face. The redness of your sharingan had long extinguished, but you hardly needed the enhancement to study the man before you. 
“There is none more knowledgeable at the present. Makihara was… Makihara was far too liberal in his ideologies. And with the war effort, we cannot afford a lesser medicine maker.” His stoic exterior faltered for a moment with a dip of his lip. Izuna gazed somewhere in the distance, lost in an anger caused by something greater than you. “But above all, Madara wishes not to take more from you than has already been stripped of you by the Senju.”
Izuna drew his attention from the ground to the moonlit sky overhead. A full moon peaked from behind the thin clouds, illuminating the road in a silver sheen. He pivoted a foot as he regarded you, the cracks in his exterior beginning to sink back into his cold exterior. 
“Then, it is not in your control,” The gentle evening breeze carried your level voice. It was soft and undaunted, like an Uchiha woman should be. “Nor is it in mine.”
“Why do you stay?” he asked in an even tone. “I ask myself why you forget yourself so, and why has fate encouraged you?” Izuna gazed up once again at the sky. 
You stood in the darkness, shrouded by the forest.
Izuna stood elevated in the light, blanketed by the glow of the night. 
“An Uchiha, yes,” he continued coldly as if the words he recited were nothing less than factual. “But you boast no living blood. You, a woman— you have no interest in the value of tradition. Instead, you busy yourself with matters that do not concern you.” Izuna’s gaze sharpened but didn’t narrow. “Your heart is easily swayed. Your flesh is soft and bleeds when it is struck. You consider not what is done on your behalf; I implore you to consider it.” 
Izuna’s sword drew from his hip in a flash, and the tip of his katana drove into the ground. The polished metal sunk a few inches before stopping.
He finally breathed. He hadn’t realized that he had begun to heave or that his sword had been pulled from its sheath. Izuna stared at the hilt for a moment; hand still gripped around the woven handle. 
“I advise you to retreat from this place,” he muttered, heaving another deep breath as he removed his weapon and slid it back into its usual place by his hip. Izuna turned once more, squaring his shoulders back as if the mere act of speaking to you angered him to the core. His robes snapped with the motion, flowing in the air as he stormed off, ever-militant. “Our world as we know it thrives on deception, and you are no different. Retreat before your illusion fades like the fog before a flame.”
He stalked off down the path, leaving you where you stood in the darkness. Your form remained shaken but undaunted. 
The Uchiha’s most formidable forces were venturing off to defend the northern shoulder. It was the talk of the village from as early as daybreak, and the entire compound bustled with life as everyone made preparations. 
The journey that the warriors were to be making was most perilous. Due to the incline, there was no better way to reach the northern shoulder than to pass around the Crown summit. If Madara were to lead them upward, the warrior party would encounter a few narrow routes that led directly north. If only a few warriors were leaving, the journey might have only taken about a day or so, but with a battalion the size that Madara selected, you anticipated that it would take them a few days to reach the northern shoulder.
Women carried back firewood and prepared provisions. Children ran across the village, delivering messages and small amounts of raw materials. Metal on metal sounded from the forge. The ovens churned the scent of bread products into the air. And just shy of the center of town sat your apothecary.
You propped the door with a large rock and tied the shudders open that morning. Warm natural light trickled into the main chamber, where you stood, slaving over a mortar and pestle at the counter. 
The apothecary didn’t appear too dissimilar to your old workspace. Made of mostly wood, it stood on giant tree trunk supports. Five wooden stairs led up to the entrance, and a small patio housed a few pots of herbs. 
Large cabinets lined the walls, reaching about hip height with sturdy shelving just above to house a tall arrangement of medicinal goods. A half counter bisected the room, separating the entrance lined with goods from the back of the building, which flared out a short distance on either side. Heavier jars and handling tools were stored in this section farther into the apothecary, leaving room on the extended countertops for you to use as a workspace.
In the very back stood a winding wooden staircase. At the top sat a loft with a small library, and at the bottom was a door out the back into the small plot of land you called your medicinal garden. 
Madara’s warpath kept your counters as messy as ever. To your left, you kept trays of various herbs and mixtures laid out, ready for the adolescent soldiers to pack into bags to put into field kits. 
“You should be able to administer the wound ointment.” You frowned, stopping your work to hold up the two halves of your concoction. “First, you are to place the powder—”
“I am aware of the ways in which to administer medicine,” Madara groaned, letting his head tilt back. He rolled it from shoulder to shoulder, gazing off toward the ceiling as if that would make you stop talking. “I have not the time to learn your convoluted experiment. Where are the items I requested from you? Izuna should have notified you.”
Madara leaned over your counter, and you met his gaze. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought he was bored, but the mischievous glint in his eyes was unmistakable. With you behind the counter and Madara imposing himself onto your workspace, it was almost as if you were sixteen again. 
“Some things never change,” you sighed. You turned to grab a small bowl from an eye-level shelf and placed it down on the counter with a huff. Madara caught your eye again, but despite the glimmer of curiosity that continued to swim in his dark irises, you knew better than to test him like you would have just a few years prior. “I insist that we try the deep-wound treatment first. The fibrous characteristics of the vallestinia, in combination with some moisture and the accelerant-type factors of the lamortens grand, can quite plainly sew tissue together with chakra in a matter of moments—”
“Unnecessary.” Madara placed his entire hand into the bowl, scooping up a palmful of pills. He let them slip through his fingers, falling back into the pile as he considered them. “The Senju will not allow us any time to spare to make use of lengthy healing processes.”
“But you wanted me to create these,” you posed, holding your tongue from making more than an implied criticism. 
The last of the pills fell back into the bowl. Madara stared at the small compilation.
“I do not doubt that Hashirama Senju will be present on the northern shoulder,” Madara drawled, pausing between phrases. “The surrounding clans grow weary of battle, and I must admit that I have grown… tired of the state of affairs.”
“You?” you hummed an amused laugh behind tight lips. “The grand Madara fatigued of battle?” 
“Fatigued from the act of burial,” he swiftly corrected. The corners of his lips twitched upward for only a moment. “Fatigued from my home being disturbed.” His words drifted off into a growl, a soft, bored rumbling in his chest. Madara often let his voice stall in his throat, the noises turning over as they churned into a low rumble. 
“This is why I implore you to bring my latest ointment. There are but a few of them—”
“The Senju do not climb upon the Grandfather Summit to entertain prisoners. Should a warrior of the Uchiha sustain a fatal blow, he should take it upon himself to give his life in a suicide attack. It should be an honor for the final act of a soldier to be making his enemy pay.” He rose to his full height from his leaning position, glancing from the trays of herbs to the pile of pills on the counter. “Are these all you have crafted?”
“There are several more jars in storage. The herbs consist of a standard selection for minor wounds… for the journey home, of course.”
“Very good.” Madara nodded, not sparing you a second glance as he exited.
You wouldn’t see him again until the battalion departed. After a few short days of preparation, the gathering of some of Uchiha’s best warriors and other volunteers left before daybreak. You watched them go from the porch of your apothecary. Madara led them out of the compound, donning his infamous red battle armor and gunbai. Izuna followed close next to his brother. He didn’t look back at you either. 
There was much fanfare, but it was soon over, and the Uchiha compound was left in peaceful stillness.
You busied yourself with foraging in the woods near the compound, enjoying the time you were left undisturbed. The doors and windows to your apothecary remained open so you could enjoy the cool summer air. Despite the sun, which shone brightly overhead, the temperature remained comfortable.
Something about the stillness didn’t feel right.
The Uchiha never made it to the northern shoulder.
The Senju made their approach toward the Crown, and both clans clashed on the rocky terrain that plateaued between the two summits as you tended to your garden at home. Madara and Hashirama engaged in combat, as they had for years, clearing out a massive section of the battlefield for their duel. The blistering heat from the sun beat down on the unforgiving field, leaving little but hot stone and wilted grass. 
Not a far distance away, Tobirama’s sword clashed with Izuna’s. Their weapons crossed, shaking with the sheer force of their strikes as the two came face to face. Izuna flashed his sharingan, the deadly crimson pattern swirling to life in the heat of battle. Tobirama quickly closed his eyes, and Izuna used the opportunity to strike.
Tobirama tumbled back, slamming his back against a nearby boulder. A strangled noise tore from his throat at the impact. He wasted little time readying his hand signs, completing his jutsu before his eyes reopened in time to counter Izuna’s great fireball jutsu. 
Steam filled the battlefield.
Not one to underestimate his life-long rival, Izuna held the reds of his irises at the ready, scanning the rock for signs of movement. Kunai flew toward him from the front. He hummed to himself, unamused at the feeble attempt. 
And for a moment, he considered himself blessed to have been blessed with the sharingan eye.
“Flying Raijin Slice!”
At home, one of your flower pots fell from the railing on the apothecary patio. The sound of shattering clay startled a flock of crows, which flew overhead from a gathering of nearby trees. You stood just at the top of the wooden steps, staring down at the pile of shards, dirt, and upheaved roots. 
You could feel it.
Something was terribly wrong.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: The last chapter, this one, and perhaps part of the next are a bit Uchiha-centric in order to set up for what I have planned. You know, I didn't even intend for Madara to have this much of an impact on the story nor did I even consider writing any Izuna, but here we are... I knew I had to kill him before I posted this.
Sorry for keeping everyone waiting. It's been really cool seeing the Foul Creature notifications roll in all the time. Especially when it's someone starting from Chapter 1. Always feel free to chat; I know my posts are few and far between.
@gracefulbumblebee @norasincubi @rahatake
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI
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