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masaotheheckindog · 8 months
butter on broccoli is pretty good and all but grind 1 tablespoon of roasted sesame seeds and mix it with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and two teaspoons of sugar distribute this over two servings of steamed broccoli (one for you and one for a friend) and enjoy
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ilta222 · 19 days
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kurobuta miso porkchop with green bean goma-ae
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sudachirecipes · 2 months
Japanese Sesame Spinach Salad Recipe (Horenso no Goma-ae)
water for boiling
1 tsp salt
250 g spinach
1 bowl ice cold water
¼ tsp salt
½ tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp ground sesame seeds
1 tbsp light brown sugar
½ tbsp white sesame seeds
½ tbsp dashi stock or water
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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How interesting! I'm used to Haga being written 芳賀, and if you gave me a thousand guesses for an alternate character combination, I *never* would've come up with 垪和.
垪 is also a rare character. It's only used in proper names, and, in fact, that's the only definition for it in most Japanese dictionaries. Huh. It's read ハ. Don't stress about learning it; just remember that similar characters may get a ハ-row on-yomi from the 并 radical. For example, 塀 fence and 併 join/collective (both read ヘイ), or 餅 mochi (ヘイ or ヒョウ).
和 means harmony, Japanese style, peace, or soften. For readings by vocabulary, the transitive/intransitive verb pair 和らげる・和らぐ (やわ.らげる/やわ.らぐ) means to soften or relieve / to be softened/mitigated. 和む (なご.む) means to soften or calm down, and the adjective 和やか (なご.やか) means mild, congenial, or peaceable. There’s also 和える (あえ.る) to dress (vegetables, salads, etc.), as in goma-ae. Finally, the on-yomi are ワ (most common, and often used to refer to Japan), オ, or カ.
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embossross · 2 years
From His Mind to Yours
Chapter 5 >> Chapter 6 >> masterlist
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✣ Pairing: Hanma x AFAB fem!Reader
✣ Warning: 18+, minors DNI; unhealthy relationships & dark content
✣ Chapter CW: Exhibitionism (Hanma), Voyeurism (reader), oral (m receiving – not with reader), conversations about drugs (meth)
✣ Story CWs: patient/doctor relationships; smut (oral, ptv, pta, etc.), degradation, stalking, torture (not of y/n), murder, discussions of trauma and abuse, drug use, and more
✣ Synopsis: Forced into therapy, Hanma expects to waste his time and yours, but you’re not about to let the chance of a high-profile and higher paying patient slip through your grasp. The fact that you’re both attracted to each other doesn’t hurt either.
✣ Word Count: 7.5k+
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Diners line up outside the door of the ikazya, only to be turned away. You were lucky to secure a low table for two with tatami mat seating. On a Tuesday at seven in the evening, the bar hums with office workers sharing an obligatory after-work drink. The dim lights force a strange kind of intimacy among colleagues that could not survive under the artificial LED lights of the office. You hoped some of that intimacy would possess you and your companion, but you are disappointed.
Half-empty dishes of gomae-ae, kushiyaki, and hiyyayako litter the table. Sake and beer sweat through glass cups to leave wet rings on the wood. There is a bunched-up napkin from where you spilled soy sauce earlier.
The meal is ending, but you have yet to bridge any of the distance between you and your companion: Miyasato Rie.
A senior of just one year at university, Miyasato has existed at the periphery of your existence for over a decade. In school, your classmates considered her a conscientious senior if a little disingenuous. She purposefully sought out all the first-year psych students, offering study tips, the best spots for a cheap beer, a sympathetic ear for the homesick. She helped you find your first apartment. With her advice, you survived the first few years of university. You are pretty sure she detests you.
“You didn’t finish your dinner,” Miyasato chastises, gesturing at the dishes you picked at earlier.
“I don’t have much of an appetite,” you say.
“Hmm, I suppose that was always true. Remember in school? You would never accept invitations to go out with everyone to dinner,” Miyasato says.
“I couldn’t afford it,” you say.
It was true then, when every yen you earned was shuffled straight into tuition or rent payments. With a full bank account, it’s no excuse now. You lost your appetite ten days ago along with your dignity in the back of a town car. You can’t eat. Coffee and chocolate parfaits are all you can manage. Like your stomach will only accept the very sweet or the very bitter.
“Well, I was surprised when you called me, but we should do this more often. We live so near each other, and it’s lovely to talk to another therapist. My husband tries, but he just can’t understand what it’s like to listen to patients’ problems all day! I don’t want to come home and listen to his next,” Miyasato laughs.
Angular cheekbones and premature sunspots age Miyasato by at least ten years, and you think the lovely young woman who would bully you into attending social get-togethers is gone. You feel sorry for forcing your company on an old acquaintance, not sure what you hoped to get out of this encounter.
Following your brush with death, the emptiness in your life echoes. The unlived in apartment, the cold office, the uncelebrated weekends. You want to regain some connection with the outside world. During university, at Miyasato’s prodding, you were almost a person in the world with acquaintances that bordered on friends.
Now, when you reflect on your life, you feel like you are at an airport, helpless as everyone whisks by you on a moving walkway. No matter how you hurry to catch up and join them, they glide further out of reach. Some people were born on the moving walkway, but you were born on the cold, hard ground. No father, a mother who refused to love you, no money to survive. How could you hope to ever join the moving walkway and its inhabitants, loved from the moment they were born?
The bill paid, you exit onto a quiet street. The red paper lantern above the shop casts Miyasato in a flushed glow.
“Remember what I told you,” Miyasato says. “About Dr. Kasai. If he doesn’t immediately have any openings, tell him that it’s at my referral. He’ll definitely book you then.”
Dinner was not a complete failure, and you thank Miyasato sincerely for sharing Dr. Kasai’s contact info. He is a therapist specializing in the treatment of other therapists. With no appetite and insomnia that stretches the night into little eternities, you recognize that you need help.
A car door slams, loud enough on the quiet street that you glance up and freeze. There is Hanma. You look away and back, but he is still there, looking at you. No illusion. No coincidence.
You make your excuses to Miyasato, who blinks in offense at the abrupt dismissal before heading in the direction of the subway station. Then, you hurry across the street to where Hanma waits for you.
He is dressed down for the heat in a white t-shirt that highlights the easy flex of his arm muscles and black jeans. The tail of a tattoo peaks from the collar, curling at the base of his throat. He isn’t wearing glasses either, and you wonder whether he is currently blind or wearing contacts that so eerily resemble his own natural shade. One side of his lip is red, too full, a little bruised.
“What are you doing here? How did you find me?” you demand.
“You cancelled our appointment,” Hanma says, eyes trailing your figure. Dressed up in a little black dress that ends a few scant centimeters above your knees, you are exposed.
“I did,” you agree.
Hanma sighs. “Look, I wanted to give you something.”
His head and torso disappear into the backseat of his car, and then he returns with a bouquet of flowers tucked into a tall porcelain vase painted with red and gold flowers. Your face must show your skepticism because Hanma forcefully places the offering between your palms. It is heavy.
You aren’t well-versed in flowers or their meanings, preferring to grow herbs and vegetables on your balcony garden, but you can pick out several in the overflowing bouquet. There are sprigs of deep purple lavender, blushing hydrangeas, and most of all, there are rich blue morning glories that look clipped straight from the garden.
“You got me flowers?”
“I’ve been taking the lithium as prescribed for eight days now, and I’ve been filling out your little app, and I’ve even made plans with Hakkai for later this week,” Hanma says.
“So, what is this supposed to be? An apology? A peace offering?” Your nose grazes a petal, seeking a sniff of morning glory, but you rear back at the feeling of plastic. “These are fake. They aren’t even real?”
“Exactly. They’ll last longer,” Hanma says.
The dead thing – no, not dead, because dead implies they were ever alive – weighs heavily in your hands. You don’t trust Hanma’s act of contrition. Every piece of this act is calculated to some purpose, most likely to convince you to resume your sessions.
When you reach for a kernel of the rage that drove you before, you can’t find the spark of it. All your anger towards Hanma was used up when you fucked him like a thing possessed, lapping at his blood like milk. You thought of him in the days since, wondered at your next step, but mostly you moped about your unfulfilled life, not much energy spared for Hanma’s place in it.
“This is not appropriate. I cancelled our session for a reason. Now, please call my office during business hours, and my receptionist will help you reschedule,” you say.
“But we’re both here now,” Hanma says, and he smiles in a way that is likely meant to charm, but only makes your stomach twist. You remember he smiled when he pulled the trigger, too.
“I cancelled because I have plans, Hanma-san. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
You move to step off the sidewalk and cross the street, but a bike hurtles past and stops your progress. That one moment of pause is enough for Hanma to try again.
“What plans do you have now?” Hanma argues. “Your only plan was to get dinner with your friend. If you leave now, you’ll have hours with nothing to do but sit in your empty apartment and wait for the sun to rise. Why not come with me instead? At least that way you won’t be lonely.”
There are no pedestrians on the secluded street, but you can hear the low rumble of conversation and laughter slipping through the cracked door of the bar. You live on the tenth floor of your apartment building. The only sounds that reach you there are car horns, sirens, and the roar of an airplane drifting overhead.
You know that you and Hanma are not alike. Not really. The differences stack up like used plates at a sushi bar. He is mercurial, dangerous, uncaring. He feels strongly and acts just as strongly in turn. But, beneath those differences lies a camaraderie, a shared emptiness. You are both life’s window shoppers, looking in through dirty glass at the lives you can’t afford to lead.
Nothing waits for you at home.
“Besides, I have questions about the lithium. Surely, you don’t want me to get lithium toxicity. It sounds dangerous,” Hanma goads.
“You want to discuss your medication?” you say slowly.
Hanma bends at the waist until his face is level with yours. “Yes.”
“I suppose I could accommodate you this once.” Seeing Hanma’s smile tilt too close to satisfaction, you rush to add. “But you’ll need to pay me double for this session. Out of your pocket, not Kisaki-san’s, as it’s your fault I cancelled the session.”
Hanma thumbs a stack of bills, so crisp and pretty you salivate, from his wallet. “This should do it.”
“And I have conditions,” you add, though you wait to pocket the money before continuing. “First, you will never again so much as indicate, no insinuate, that you have a gun while you are with me. If I see it, we’re done. If you gesture to it, we’re done. And I mean completely. Failure to meet these conditions, and I will call Kisaki-san myself to terminate our arrangement for good.”
“A gun? How would I even get a gun in Japan?” Hanma jokes, a tacit acceptance.
“Second, I have a safe word. And get that look off your face. A safe word for our sessions. If I say…Anpanman the session is immediately over. No discussion, no debate. You leave, and I call you to reschedule not the other way around.” You wait for Hanma’s solemn nod before continuing. “Third, no following me around like a stalker. I don’t know how you knew I’d be here today, but that’s the last of it. We meet at my office or a previously agreed upon spot. No finding me on the streets like a creep.”
“It’s really just a coincidence,” Hanma argues.
You shift the vase onto your hip so that you can point a finger at him. “And finally, and most importantly, you do not touch me.”
“Without your permission, yeah, yeah.”
“No. You do not touch me. Period. Ever. Do we understand each other?”
“Perfectly,” Hanma agrees.
He opens the passenger door with a chivalrous flourish, and you worry that he accepted your deal far too easily. Today he drives neither the Bentley from Hell or the town car from Hell…and actually, why do you keep getting in cars with this man when nothing good ever seems to come from it? You wonder if he isn’t running a chop shop with the number of vehicles he flaunts.
Hand on the top of the door, you pause. “Wait. Are you wearing contacts? Or are you blind right now?”
Hanma smiles widely. “Just get in the car, Doc.”
Against your better judgment, you do.
There are two Tokyos. During the day, one hides beneath the other, but at night they converge. The intersection where Hanma belongs squarely to the seedy underbelly when the sun goes down, the Tokyo of nightmares. Touts throng among the crowd, waving flyers and promises of pussy. Every face is underlit in neon, a sinister glow to their features.
Hanma leads you towards a storefront with blacked out windows. Hanging on each is a poster of women in bathing suits, posing with their tongues out or eyes crossed. This is the pleasure district.
“Absolutely not,” you say, stalling to a halt outside the entrance. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I refuse.”
“Oh, come on, Doc. I don’t mean anything by it. I just have business with the owner. We will be in and out,” Hanma says.
“In and out,” you warn.
Hanma slips away to speak to the owner, leaving you seated at the bar. You have never been in a strip club before, and the interior provides a feast for your eyes. Arranged in the western style, there is a single stage at the center of the room and table seating for patrons around it. The only other place to sit is the bar, where rows of liquor hang in glass cabinets. Panels of mirrors surround the stage, so that as a woman toys with the hem of her slip, drawing the fabric higher and higher, the mirror reflects her image out in every direction.
You should have refused Hanma at the door. Already, you are slipping back into the pattern of conceding too much to this man. Despite his claim that he needs therapy today, you barely spoke on the car ride over, merely discussing his recently improved sleeping schedule. Now, he has left you to fend for yourself at a strip club.
The woman on stage shimmies out of her slip entirely, revealing a lithe body and two impossibly large breasts. You don’t consider yourself a prude, but you find yourself staring hard at the bar, anything to avoid looking at her bullseye-shaped nipples.
A shadow appears at your side, tall and lean. You glance up expecting Hanma, but this is a stranger. Dressed in an impeccably tailored suit and towering over you at well over 180 centimeters, he looks like a model. How else to explain the hair-dyed violet?
“Can I buy you a drink?” the man asks. There is a special mortification in being propositioned at a titty bar.
“I can’t. I’m working,” you say, and then cringe when you realize what that implies. “I mean, I don’t work here…I’m a…never mind. I just can’t drink right now.”
The stranger motions to the bartender, who drops the customer he is actively serving to hurry over.
“A bottle of water for the lady,” he orders.
The gesture of respect is ingratiating enough that you shift on your bar stool to open up your space a bit. He slots into the opening without hesitation. It is the subtle language of flirtation, and you can tell he is fluent.
“I saw you come in with a man. Who would leave a woman like you all alone in a place like this?”
“An asshole,” you mutter under your breath, and then louder for this man’s benefit. “We’re not together, and we’re not staying. He has business with someone here. He’s going to be in and out.”
“What kind of business would a respectable man have at a strip club?” he laughs.
You shrug. The intricacies of Hanma’s work are interesting, but you make it a point to know as little as possible about the incriminating details.
“Is this your first time here? You seem…uncomfortable,” the man says.
“You can tell?” you ask dryly. Your fingers dance up and down the side of the water bottle, painting patterns in the condensation. “This isn’t much of a place for a woman. I feel sorry for the girls who work here.”
The man turns around, so that his elbows lean against the bar and casts a surveying eye around the club and the stage where a woman is now griding her panty-covered crotch into the hardwood. Sweat and glitter cover her body in a filthy sheen. Her eyes are closed, and you can only imagine what she thinks in moments like this.
“It’s true that many of the women here are exploited. But there’s something raw, something free about their work, isn’t there? To strip away all of society’s pretenses and reveal the base animal underneath? She knows the truth about men, about people after working here. She knows who the devoted family man truly is, who the buttoned-up businessman hides beneath his tie. And that knowledge equals a kind of freedom, a kind of power. It’s up to her how she wants to use it. That’s freedom.”
“Maybe for some women, but not for me,” you say coldly. This stranger is a honeyed devil in your ear, promising that at the other end of abandoning self-control and dignity lies paradise. It is a convenient myth, and he makes it sound dangerously convincing.
He smiles at you, eyes hooded and attentive, no different than when he trained on the stripper’s naked body, but then he nods. “Well, it was nice to meet you. Maybe you’ll let me buy you a drink next time.”
The man leaves, and you watch him walk right through the front door and out of sight. Very charming, you think, but off somehow. He reminds you of someone, but you can’t quite place it.
No one else approaches you in the five minutes you wait for Hanma to conclude his business. You polish off the water bottle in four, grateful to the stranger as you gulp down the final drops.
When Hanma returns, he doesn’t even meet you at the bar, beckoning with his head for you to join him at a table near the stage. The silent nod, disrespectful, arrogant, sets your teeth on edge. He is so confident that you will participate in your own shame, let him make a mockery of your work, that you won’t ever pull the trigger on him, the way he will on you. You don’ want to go home to your apartment, but you know you can’t stay here any longer.
“This is not in and out, Hanma-san,” you say through gritted teeth as you approach him.
“The owner is getting something for me,” Hanma says. “We just have to wait. Sit down and enjoy the show.”
A new woman saunters on stage to jeers of appreciation from the crowd. Hanma grins wickedly at her legs as they strut by.
“Anpanman,” you blurt out.
The club doesn’t quiet at your invocation of your safe word, but the turmoil in your chest does. You have the power to set your own boundaries. Like a child, Hanma may hurtle himself bodily at each one to test for weakness, but you can reinforce yourself like a castle and stay tall.
“Fair enough,” Hanma says, and the easy submission sends your mind reeling. You thought he would kick and scream and break your conditions. “Do you want a ride home? Or can you make it to the subway alright?”
“I can make it to the station,” you say slowly.
“Alright, I’ll wait for your call to reschedule,” Hanma says.
Already, his eyes return to the dancer on stage. Without his glasses, his scrutinous eyes are twice as intense. You can see the stage reflected in the black pupils; there is no reflection of your own face.
“Why…why do you want to stay so badly?”
“Like I said, I have to wait for the owner. Plus, believe it or not, but this place serves good food. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.”
Once you watched a documentary that compared pre-modern and modern hunting styles. The trick of trap hunting, it explained, is to camouflage the trap so well that the animal stumbles straight into its death with a smile. Your stomach rumbles from days of fasting. You see the trap, yet you still edge closer.
“I’ll stay but only if we sit over there,” you say, gesturing to the empty table furthest from the stage and its performer. “You need to face away from the stage, too…and you’re buying dinner.”
Hanma snorts, genuinely snorts, a puff of sound from his chest expelled from his nose and says, “Have you considered a career change, Doc? Because you would make a hell of a negotiator. I’ll even put in a good word for you.”
“You can’t afford me,” you sniff.
Stuffed into the corner, you can almost pretend you aren’t at a strip club. The flashing lights are no different than any club you would find in Roppongi, and if you fix your neck in place and focus on Hanma, you can’t see the stage. The music breaks your immersion somewhat, a low, griding bass that settles in your stomach, but the little table where you sit is innocuous.
Hanma orders a plate of chicken wings to share, a beer, and steamed vegetables. He is right that the food here is delicious. Fried and greasy, so that flavor drips onto your tongue. Your hunger must finally be getting the better of you because you find it simple to eat your half of the wings.
“So, you said you wanted to discuss how you’re feeling on lithium,” you prompt as you pick a piece of meat from bone.
“Yeah, or rather, how I don’t feel on lithium.”
“Is it numbing you out?” you ask.
“No, I don’t feel any difference. It’s like you gave me sugar pills or something. I’m going to the damn lab and getting stuck like a pig for bloodwork, and all the while, I don’t feel a damn change,” Hanma says.
“I know you’re used to popping a pill and feeling the effects within the hour, but lithium isn’t like that,” you say. “It takes a month for it to take effect for most people. We want to monitor in the meantime because the difference in dosage between what’s prescribed and lithium toxicity is so narrow, but I don’t expect you to have any real benefits to report for a few weeks yet.”
“And when it does kick in, what should I expect? Because I read through the side effects, and they’re a doozy, Doc. These things better make my dick rock hard and help me grow wings, or I’m going to be disappointed,” Hanma says.
There is a spot of sauce staining his upper lip, which he seems unaware of. He chews on without a care, smearing it further with each bite. You wonder if you should tell him. Decide it’s not your place. Discretely, you wipe your own lips with a napkin.
“The point is to moderate the wild swings up and down that you have in any given day. I looked at your log, and you are all over the place. My hope is that they will help you achieve a more manageable average. Most people remain at a steady baseline from day to day without all these big variations.”
You assigned Hanma the daily log before he threatened both your lives, so you had not expected him to actually follow through. For the past ten days, however, he has steadily logged his moods with little notes to indicate the source of the shift. Favorites include an eight on Friday with the note, ‘pussy,’ and a ten on Sunday with the note, ‘good pussy.’ Other sources that trigger a high or manic episode appear to be hearing a song he likes on the radio, seeing a middle schooler trip on a curb and eat asphalt, and evading a speeding ticket. There are just as many dramatic valleys in his log. Causes range from something as simple as running out of beer or missing a boxing match on TV. What concerns you is how often a peak of ten is followed mere hours later by a craterous one.
“Most people, huh? In my line of work, you don’t see a lot of steady. We must have gathered up all the neurotics in Tokyo,” Hanma says. “What about you though, Doc? Are you most people here?”
“I would say so. I spend most of my day at a steady five with some minor dips up to a six or down to a four. Unless there’s a big exception, I’m not going to leave that zone,” you explain.
A half lie hides in your answer. If you were honest, your baseline dropped to a four recently with a mere papercut pushing you down to a three. Good exceptions are few and far between to the point that you can’t quite remember the last time you were as happy as a six.
Time with Hanma breaks the scale entirely. You can’t say that you are happy or enjoying yourself in his company, but neither can you say that you sustain a bland four like you do throughout the rest of your day. You find your time with him exists in a completely different universe, one with reverse gravity where up is down and north is south.
“Sounds pretty fucking miserable if you ask me,” Hanma says. “Yeah, I sometimes hope a truck takes me out, but I also get to feel the opposite, like the world was made for me. Don’t you wish you spent more time at a ten? Or even just a seven?”
“I guess you’re kind of edging up against that age old question: what is the meaning of life? You actually sound like the Cyrenaics.”
You explain that the Cyrenaics were a Socratic school of thinking in ancient Greece that believed the meaning of life was to maximize the pleasure of every single moment. They argued that because the future was not guaranteed – you could die tomorrow, the unpredictable could tear your best laid plans asunder – it made no sense to do anything but live in the moment.
“It makes sense on paper,” you continue. “If I die tomorrow, don’t I wish I enjoyed every moment of today? But…my mom kind of lived that way, and it ultimately ended with her dying in poverty and agony. The future makes me too anxious. I need to prepare for it, even if that means denying myself something in the moment. Otherwise, I’ll get too worked up to enjoy anything in the present. So, sure I would like to be at a ten more often, but I can’t get there if I’m risking a future one. My brain just doesn’t work that way.”
“I think you just haven’t experienced true pleasure,” Hanma purrs.
“You might want to think that through,” you tease and then remember that you don’t want to remind this man of the pleasure and terror he inflicted upon you.
“I mean it. Real pleasure…it’s addictive. Pain and pleasure have a lot in common. They’re the only two forces in this world that make you exist fully in the present. And I’m talking about true pleasure here, not just a little jolly here or there. True pleasure wipes out everything else. If you have any room in your brain to worry about the future, then you’re feeling something different,” Hanma says.
Once upon a time, you would have dismissed these pretty, seducing words altogether, but you know what he means now after the mind and body games of your last session. There was no moment but the present when you rode his cock, no fear of what came next as you bit through skin to return a fraction of the hurt you felt to him. Thinking back to that time, you don’t remember it being pleasurable in any sense of how you would normally describe the term. Rather, it was transcendent. Not all good, but all-encompassing instead.
“If you never mitigate risk, you will find yourself in a situation where you can’t experience pleasure anymore. Say tomorrow, I quit my job and blow all my money on a shopping spree, that will feel good for a day, and then I’ll be living on the street when rent comes due.” Another example of this philosophy crosses your mind. A necessary reminder that despite the multiple men who have urged you to throw your inhibitions to the wind tonight, there would be consequences to dropping your professional mask. “I think the Epicureans had the right idea of things. They were another school of thought, said that one should maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Though even that I struggle with. No human being could ever get that equation right. Only an omniscient god could aspire to that.”
“You have a tiny, and truly, Doc, I mean miniscule, point there. Delayed gratification is only worth it if the prize is big enough. If I did what I wanted most right now because I might take a bullet tomorrow, that would stop me from getting something one hundred times better in the days to come. Sometimes we have to work for our meal,” Hanma says.
You catch a glimpse of the stripper on stage as she lifts one of her breasts to her mouth and suckles on the nipple. A cacophony of hoots rises up at the lewd act. Heat blossoms in your chest. Hanma’s mouth looks wet from where his beer lingers on his lips, sauce licked away.
“And I plan to eat well,” you toast him, tipping your can of grape soda in his direction. Sometimes you look at Hanma, and all you see is zeroes in your bank account.
“Is that your meaning of life then, Doc? Enriching yourself? And then one day you finally relax and enjoy it?”
“Maybe. I’m more interested in what your meaning of life is,” you counter.
Hanma picks around the bone of a chicken wing, teeth precise as they tear through flesh. A man of endless appetites, he reaches for another.
“I haven’t studied any fancy ideas like you. I don’t know the Epicureans or the whatevers. I don’t know the meaning of life. What I know is what gets me out of bed in the morning. And that’s that there is no alternative. I can’t stay in bed all day, or I’ll die. I can’t stay in bed all day, or I’ll die of boredom. Even if getting out of bed offers nothing better, I have no choice. I don’t think there is a meaning. People just are. We live because we have no choice but to live unless something kills us. And then, we’ll be dead with no choice but to remain dead, same as living.”
You are less studied in “fancy ideas” than Hanma imagines, only taking one elective philosophy course in university. One of your professors suggested you dabble in that side of the human condition as patients often require a grounding purpose to guide their recovery. Still, you recognize in Hanma’s musings the shadow of a real philosophical framework.
“That sounds like pessimistic naturalism. Some nihilist thought considers boredom the inevitable foundation of life. They say nothing humans do is ever meaningful enough to matter, so we suffer from boredom as a result. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s definitely not helpful. So many things already bring you joy, so isn’t it better to recognize that those things are inherently meaningful because they matter to you? That goes back to the mood stabilizers. I want to get you to the point where you can suffer a low period because you know that a high – which is the whole meaning of your life – is around the corner,” you explain.
Inconsiderate of everyone around him, Hanma lights a cigarette. He nods along as he puffs a plume of smoke that dances erotically overhead before disappearing into the neon lights. There is no ashtray at the table, so he dabs the stub into a table napkin.
“Sounds good to me. I know good things are coming,” Hanma says with a nerve-inducing smile.
“What is your goal exactly?”
“Oh no, Doc. That’s classified information,” Hanma tuts. More seriously, he adds, “I’m not sure what I’m going to do after I finally…get what I want. If I still have years of life ahead of me, I can’t picture myself old. I look around at other people and how they define their lives around money or success or family. I already have money and success, have had it since I was young. Nothing left to do there. And, I never had a loving family. Once I’ve done everything there is to do…I don’t know what’s next.”
Sharp pain slices through you, and you realize you were picking the skin of your cuticles raw. A bead of blood wells on your ring finger, and you pop the wound into your mouth. The bleeding stops, but the wound sits open and red. Pointedly, you fold your hands in your lap.
Without a family as a template for how to interact in the world, you often feel formless. There is a very clear schedule that women are expected to follow: it’s okay to worry about your career in your twenties, but your primary responsibility is to become a wife. Then, your thirties and forties are defined by the role of mother. Maybe a short break in your fifties to focus on yourself as a person, but then you’re hurtled back into the role of grandmother to wait for death. Even more career-minded women, like Miyasato, capitulate to the template and tell you their families come first.
Every choice you make is dedicated not to family but the accumulation of a fat nest egg that will keep you secure in your advanced years. Never mind that you don’t know what you will actually do with yourself once you retire and money is no longer the motivator.
Would you find a hobby? You love to cook, already dedicating two hours every evening to the preparation of multi-course meals, researching new recipes, and shopping around for rare ingredients. In retirement, you could embark on some kind of cooking challenge, like learning a dish from every country in the world. And then, you could set those scrumptiously prepared dishes out to a table of one, eat a few bites, and watch the garbage consume the rest.
You are aware that you are feeling sorry for yourself, but it is hard not to when even the bartender at the titty club is laughing and bantering with customers who know him by name.
“Well, I think you’re in no danger of doing everything life has to offer,” you say after too much time passes. “Focus everything you have on your goal for now, and then, if you achieve it, you’ll find something else to look forward to.”
The conversation draws naturally to a close. Good timing, as you see a man moving in your direction. He is dressed in a white button-down and gold jewelry, limp black hair combed to conceal a receding hairline. A waitress smiles solicitously as he passes, and you know he must be the owner.
“Hanma-san,” the man greets with a blow. To you, he gives a half nod, like he is unsure what courtesy you merit. “I spoke to my colleague about the situation, and we are in agreement. Thank you for trusting us with this. As a token of our appreciation, please enjoy your time here to the fullest. On the house, of course.”
He passes Hanma a folded-up napkin. Inside is a baggie filled with white crystals, almost pretty in the light. You have never seen drugs in person, but you can recognize crystal meth from your textbooks.
“Don’t mind if I do,” Hanma says.
“Um, I mind,” you say immediately. The owner starts like he’s heard a gunshot. “You absolutely cannot take that while on lithium. You are going to overdose and die, and then where will you be?”
Hanma rolls his eyes. “Ten feet under, I suspect.”
“We just had an entire conversation about how you have to live to achieve your goals,” you snap, and then turning to the owner. “Thank you for your…generosity but take it back.” The owner is so pale his black eyes stand out like bugs on his face. He does not move to confiscate the meth.
“You have a point. How about a quid pro quo? If I can’t have my fun now, you need to help me have my fun some other way,” Hanma suggests.
“Not just tonight. All the time. You absolutely cannot take any drugs while you’re on lithium. I shouldn’t have let you even drink that beer, but I allowed it because it was just one. You need to be careful,” you snap.
“Let me…” Hanma rolls the words around on his tongue consideringly.
“Let you,” you restate firmly.
“Well, then, if my life means so much to you. I’m sure you’ll agree to a little something in return.”
Disastrously, you do.
There are nine beautiful women working the club tonight. Every one of them is paraded before Hanma for his selection. Each woman is as beautiful as the last, one for every imaginable type: curvy, lithe, glamorous, oxymoronically demure. Hanma picks a woman with long dark hair, dressed more like an idol than a stripper in a frilly multi-colored dress, who calls herself Naomi.
Officially, the club offers lap dances in a row of cubicles partitioned by black curtains that are mere bolts of fabric. Naomi confidently leads you past these seedy receptacles to a private backroom.
The room is dark, lit up by the same pink and purple lighting as the rest of the club. There is a small stage at the front – presumably for private shows, but you suspect is really covers for the illegal activities conducted here – and a three-cushion couch opposite it, where Hanma immediately seats himself. You demure from joining him, choosing instead to sit on the stage. The platform is raised, so your feet dangle off the floor.
“How should we start, Doc? What would you like to see first?” Hanma asks, voice battling the loud EDM music blaring from a TV in the corner.
“I want no part in this. I’m here per our agreement. That’s it,” you say.
“Why did I figure you’d say that?” Hanma laughs.
“Pretend I’m not even here.”
“Does that mean I shouldn’t even look at you?”
Hanma agrees easily, which surprises you, makes you wary. You wrap your arms around your body protectively to ward off the cold. A fan winds listlessly above your head and an HVAC blows cool air directly onto your skin. Dancing must be sweaty work.
With no regard to the cold, Naomi shimmies out of her garish dress, revealing a pair of panties and no bra. You try not to look but instinctively catalogue the curves of her exposed body and judge it against your own.
You look up, anything to avoid leering at the two of them. But, above their heads, is a mirror mounted to the ceiling that reflects the action back to you. From this angle, you can’t see the expression on Hanma’s face, but you have an unfettered view of his dick, hard and wet.
Naomi lowers to her knees in front of the couch, so that you are presented with her back. She unbuttons Hanma’s pants. This is the first time you’ve see the cock that was inside you. Hanma’s cock sits tall and curved against his stomach. Black hair, the same color as what trails down his stomach thatches at the base.
The head of Hanma’s cock is red and angry, more inflamed than Naomi’s pink tongue as it strokes along the underside.
Long, wet brushes of tongue. Barely started and strands of thick saliva already cling to Naomi’s chin as she slobbers all over the shaft. The impressive length of him becomes glaringly obvious when Naomi holds his cock against her cheek. The tip extends beyond her forehead, the cock taller than her entire head. And that fat, angry, red cock, had been inside you.
As Hanma receives a professional grade blow job, he leans back like nothing is happening. He lights yet another cigarette. The smell of smoke is eaten up by the air freshener that pumps away from an outlet near the stage.
Even as Hanma’s cock is worshipped, you are undeniably aroused.
Naomi moves to suck on Hanma’s balls, face tilted upward, so that you can make out her features through the ceiling mirror. Now that you look closely, there are some surface-level similarities between the two of you. Something in the line of her jaw, similar age. Glancing down, you think the way her ass sits, dimpled as it rests on her high heels is similar as well, the shape of it.
The similarities are enough that if you squint, you can almost imagine that is you on your knees. That you are seated before Hanma like a supplicant.
Naomi abruptly swallows half of Hanma’s cock, making space for something that should not possibly fit.
You touch the base of your neck carefully. Feel the hard cartilage beneath the flesh.
Hanma is different than you might have imagined. Not that you did. Somewhere instinctually, you simply envisioned that he would be rougher with a lover, forcing a woman’s head down and ignoring the choking. The kind of thing you see in porn. Instead, he dominates Naomi’s movements with a casual certitude that doesn’t require roughness. He makes little corrections to her technique with a tug of her hair or a push on her head. Never enough to make her gag, just a signal to adjust.
Your earlier conversation about the pursuit of pleasure returns to you. Perhaps it’s his confidence in the value of pleasure that grants him this effortless ability to pursue it now. You remember nights in the dark, when a lover missed your clit over and over, mashing uselessly at your labia, and you simply let him. Too detached to correct his form.
The intensity of the blow job increases by degrees. First, Naomi’s throat opens up, more of Hanma’s length caressed and sucked with each bob of her head. Then, her hands join in a sticky rhythm to massage the base of him. A line of spit dangles off his shaft every time Naomi returns to the head and is then swallowed up again on the downward descent.
Throughout, Hanma never glances in your direction. His eyes stare to the side and the door, or they study the woman on her knees. He follows your instructions to pretend you’re not there to the letter, and you desperately wish he would stop.
For the first time since you saw him on the street tonight, you feel a yawning distance, like there’s a glass wall, between you both. He is having an experience completely separate from you that you can’t hope to touch. You can’t reach him. You hate it. No different than if you were alone in your living room, scanning through cable TV for lack of anything better to do.
Because he is not looking, you don’t think too carefully as you uncross your arms, and let your fingers trail down the exposed skin of your arms. It tickles a little, a tease that chills your body and heats the spark in your stomach. You shouldn’t do this, vowed that you would not let him touch you again, but you deserve pleasure, too. Don’t you?
Again, you rub tenderly at the flesh of your neck, the shell of your own ear. You watch Naomi as you do. No matter how bored he looks, Hanma must feel good with Naomi laboring over his cock, and now you do too. You feel the distance between you shrink a little, a crack in the glass that separates you from him.
The look on Naomi’s face galvanizes you. Shimmering in her eyes are unshed tears, a furrow to her brow as she forces past her gag to satisfy him. Hanma’s cock must be a battering ram in her throat. You wonder if she is soaked through at having such a big cock inside her. If you were in her place, you would be.
You can’t resist escalating when such simple touches light your blood from within. You rub your bare thighs together to put pressure on your cunt. You pinch your nipples through the fabric of your dress. They are painfully hard, and you bite your lip to contain a gasp at the excruciating contrast.
If Hanma looks at you now, honest and shameless in your feelings, you will combust.
He doesn’t look. Emboldened by his continued obedience, you ruck your dress up over your hips, revealing your panties. They are damp, hardly a barrier as the fabric presses into your folds. You search for your clit and find it peeking (and peaking) through your clitoral hood. Sparks fly in your stomach at the barest graze of your fingertips over the fabric. Greedy, you rub it firmly.
Already, you are close to an edge and desperate to tip over. You imagine Hanma might be as well. You imagine that you are on your knees with that hard cock battering the inside of your throat. He was piercing in your cunt, and he would be in your throat, too, no matter how gently he treated you. He wouldn’t pull out. He would blow his load down your throat, and you would swallow him down with a smile. He would return the favor, drinking from the source of you, eating your pussy with no mercy until you cried.
You couldn’t stop your orgasm now if you wanted to. It approaches with terrible certainty. Your thighs quake before the crest and you close your eyes against the demand it makes of your body. Heat flares, and you whimper pathetically. When you cum, it will damn you.
Your eyes flutter open at the height of the peak and find Hanma’s staring you down. Not through the mirror. Direct eye contact as he strokes his own cock while Naomi mouths at his balls. You cum on the spot.
Your whole body seizes up with it, pussy begging as it flutters around nothing. Waves of euphoria wash from your stomach to your cunt to your fingertips as you buck and moan and continue to rub your aching clit through it. Just as you think the waves are weakening, Hanma grunts and cums on Naomi’s face. The sound incites you, and two more waves of pleasure burst unnaturally from your clit.
Later, you will castigate yourself for your choices today. If only you showed more self-control. If only you remembered your responsibilities as a therapist. Using your body has worked to a degree in capturing his interest and maintaining his focus, but it is not sustainable. You can’t sell your body and pleasure to Hanma in exchange for cooperation.
But, for now, as you slump backwards on the stage, back cold and chest heaving, you can only think that you are doing a damn good job at maximizing your pleasure.
And a damn bad one at minimizing your pain.
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kaibacorpintern · 2 years
abandoned WIP. i DO NOT remember where i was going with this lol.
Freshly home from Aaru, Atem made several startling advances in the field of phenomenology. 
FIRST, gluttony: Yuugi was something of an anxious eater, wrinkling his nose at shallots and fishing little limp flags of green onions out of his ramen one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one by one - ad nauseam, in defense against it. Atem took over and ordered the goma-ae, because it glistened with tasty promise; Yuugi took over again, scrambled for Jounouchi’s coke, and scoured his tastebuds clean. Now, armed with his own far more invincible tongue, Atem explored the world in huge, gulping mouthfuls. It helped that Seto did not just have the leggy build of a horse but also ate like a horse and maybe had some kind of insane horse powers bestowed upon him by his last name: run forever, kick hard, freak people out just because. He and his credit card were ideal dinner companions because he said yes to everything: yes to the pig tongues, yes to the fish eyes, yes to the chapulines, oh hell yes oh my god try this to the blood sausage; having sampled the pleasures of death, they found the threatening tingle of fugu somewhat tame (lame, Seto muttered afterward, sulking on the ride home.) Yes to the everything pizza, hold nothing, hold my hand.
SECOND, sleep. Sweet Bastet and all her kittens, good Gods, o Holy and Most Merciful Ma’at: sleep! Without a body, there was no need to sleep; with a body, it was bliss. If Atem felt any guilty irony about being offered all the infinite sensory delights of life and choosing unconsciousness, he slept through it. Seto, who did not love sleep and squirmed out of cuddling, had to be bullied into opening the relationship for a third lover: twelve fat and purring pounds of fur, a foul-tempered stray who drooled on Atem’s chest and hissed at Seto for a few weeks, until Seto declared he was going to fight fur with fur and hissed back. 
[short sexy bit under the cut]
THIRD - arousal, thank god. The impossible question, forever unasked: Yuugi, can I borrow your body for an hour? Specifically your fist, your hand lotion, and your, um, well, you know, your, uh, the - you know how I disappear every time you turn on one of Jounouchi’s video tapes, can you, um - well, short story long, it’s about Seto’s long legs, and he was looking especially annoying today, with that annoying way his hair falls into his annoying eyes and how he checks his nails in the back of class, lips crumpled into a moue of exquisite boredom, because none of this was card games or fantasy dragons, annoyed and so fucking annoying, and I’m so annoyed it makes me sweat, Yuugi, I’m incensed. Seto would stretch his long, long legs out under the school desk, cross his ankles with a chasteness so precise it was a sniper shot to the head and the crotch, a lethal crossing of ankles, and send Atem into conniptions of irritation, flouncing off into his Soul Room to - well, let’s call it brooding. Annoying bastard! Attempts were made, most of them fruitless.
But Atem was no longer condemned to frantic, desperate whacking, alone in his Soul Room, on asymptotic approach to orga/sm. Freed from both paradise and the Puzzle, he was hungry, he slept like the dead and woke up thrilled, he was ho/rny as - well, fuck.
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Ostara 2024
Ostara war sehr schön dieses Jahr - es gab ein ruhiges Frühstück zu zweit, bevor mein Freund zur Arbeit aufgebrochen ist, ich hatte Urlaub.
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Wie immer gab es Pfefferminztee, Brot mit Körnern und Saaten, Miso, weich gekochte Eier, Radieschen und, darf natürlich auf keinen Fall fehlen: Frischen Schnittlauch aus dem Garten!
Außerdem auf dem Tisch: Die Karaffe mit Wasser, bei Sonnenaufgang schweigend geholt (quasi wie Osterwasser nur bei Sonnenaufgang statt um Mitternacht, passt so besser zum Fest der Neuanfänge, finde ich). Wird später am Tag für ein Ritual benötigt.
Mittags dann was schnelles, aber trotzdem sehr leckeres:
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Drillinge mit Buttergemüse aus Karrotten und Mais (wollte da eigentlich Kohlrabi reinpacken, aber der Mais hat mich wie so oft von meinen eigentlich Zielen abgelenkt und verführt xD ), dazu selbst gemachten Kräuterquark (wieder mit viel Schnittlauch).
Anschließend haben wir tatsächlich mal ein Ritual durchgeführt, kommt ja nicht so oft vor: Zum Schutz von Haus und Grund wird an jedem Eck des Grundstücks ein Ei vergraben. Zwecks Feierlichkeit sind die bei uns gefärbt und aus praktischen Gründen hart gekocht. Zusätzlich wird jeweils ein Pentagramm auf die Eier gezeichnet. Zusammen mit einem guten Schluck vom o. g. Wasser und einem Spruch wurden sie vergraben (dabei darauf achten, die Eier nicht kaputt zu machen! Deswegen auch hart kochen ;) Das übrige Wasser wird in einer Linie über die Grundstückszufahrt gegossen, als zusätzlicher Schutz, da hier besonders viele Menschen durch kommen.
Abends haben wir dann größer gekocht:
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Eine Shiro-Miso, Mame Gohan, Tamagoyaki, Goma-ae, honigglasierte Karrotten und Fisch in Teriyaki.
Hier mal ausnahmsweise zumindest ein Ausschnitt von meinem Altar, sehr kitschig dieses Jahr:
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Ich hab von meinem Freund an dem Tag das schönste Kompliment überhaupt bekommen; wir waren mal wieder am kochen und ich meine so, leicht zweifelnd: "Also eigentlich koche ich an den Sabbaten ja nur. So richtige Rituale mache ich fast gar nicht, es gibt immer nur viel Essen."
Er, dreht sich weg, trocknet sich schweigend die Hände ab, dreht sich wieder her, küsst mich überraschend und meint nur: "Ich liebe dich!" Dann hat er breit gegrinst und weiter abgespült.
Ich muss leicht perplex ausgesehen haben und er ergänzte, so sinngemäß: "Ich finde, das macht gar nichts, im Gegenteil, du hast dir das Prädikat 'Kitchen witch' mehr als verdient, egal was du sagst."
Ich... bin keine Küchenhexe? Eigentlich? Also, nicht mit Absicht?
Wahrscheinlich findest nicht du deine Art der Hexenkunst, sie findet dich. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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fullreggaetord · 14 days
Lanzamientos Adidas AE 1 Low “Navidad” para las vacaciones de 2024
Anthony Edwards y Adidas AE 1 Baja “Navidad” edición. Alejándose de los temas festivos tradicionales, este lanzamiento se inspira en los gélidos inviernos de Minnesota. La parte superior presenta un tono azul fresco, combinado con una suela de goma moteada que captura la esencia del paisaje nevado. Este sofisticado diseño desprende un ambiente fresco e invernal, perfecto para los meses más…
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3 délicieuses recettes à base de graines de sésame sont présentées.
Trois délicieuses recettes à base de graines de sésame sont présentées. Nous vous expliquons également ce qu'est un mortier.
À propos du mortier Un mortier est un ustensile de cuisine traditionnel japonais caractérisé par des rainures verticales et horizontales gravées à l'intérieur. Il est utilisé pour moudre efficacement le sésame et d'autres ingrédients.
Le surikogi (pilon) est utilisé avec le mortier pour écraser et retourner les graines de sésame afin de faire ressortir leur savoureuse saveur.
Recette 1 : Vinaigrette au sésame
Graines de sésame moulues : 2 cuillères à soupe
Sauce soja : 2 cuillères à soupe
Vinaigre : 2 cuillères à soupe
Sucre roux : 1 cuillère à soupe
1 cuillère à soupe d'huile de sésame
Légumes verts tels que les épinards et le komatsuna : selon les besoins.
Procédures: 1.
Faire bouillir les légumes verts et bien les essorer. Ne pas trop faire bouillir. 2.
Broyer les graines de sésame dans un mortier. 3. Ajouter la sauce soja, le vinaigre, le sucre et l'huile de sésame aux graines de sésame moulues. 4. Ajouter les légumes verts bouillis et assaisonner. 5. Servir dans une assiette.
C'est facile et vous pouvez manger beaucoup de légumes. En japonais, on l'appelle GOMA-AE. Utilisez du sucre brun naturel à la place du sucre, c'est plus sain.
Recette 2 : Pâte de sésame au vinaigre et au miso
2 cuillères à soupe de graines de sésame moulues
2 cuillères à soupe de sauce soja
Vinaigre : 2 cuillères à soupe
1 cuillère à soupe de sucre
1 cuillère à soupe d'huile de sésame
2 cuillères à soupe de miso (pâte de soja)
Légumes tels que concombre et radis : selon les besoins
émincer les légumes, les saler légèrement et en extraire l'eau. 2.
Broyer les graines de sésame dans un mortier. 3. Ajouter la sauce soja, le vinaigre, le sucre, l'huile de sésame et le miso aux graines de sésame moulues. 4. Ajouter les légumes et assaisonner. 5. Servir dans une assiette.
Recette 3 : Nouilles chinoises réfrigéré avec sauce au sésame et au miso ( pour l'été) Ingrédients :.
2 cuillères à soupe de graines de sésame moulues 2 cuillères à soupe de sauce soja Vinaigre : 2 cuillères à soupe Sucre : 1 cuillère à soupe Huile de sésame : 1 cuillère à soupe Pâte de miso : 2 cuillères à soupe Nouilles chinoises : 2 boules Garnitures (concombre, jambon, œuf grillé, tomates, etc.) : au choix Etapes :.
Faire bouillir les nouilles chinoises, les refroidir à l'eau froide et les égoutter. Couper les ingrédients pour les garnitures en morceaux de taille appropriée. Broyer les graines de sésame dans un mortier. Mélanger les graines de sésame moulues avec la sauce soja, le vinaigre, le sucre, l'huile de sésame et le miso pour obtenir une sauce miso au sésame. Placer les nouilles chinoises dans une assiette, les arroser de sauce miso au sésame et les garnir. Bien mélanger et déguster.
Recette 4 : Shabu froid avec sauce miso au sésame Ingrédients :.
Graines de sésame moulues : 2 cuillères à soupe Sauce soja : 2 cuillères à soupe Vinaigre : 2 cuillères à soupe Sucre : 1 cuillère à soupe Huile de sésame : 1 cuillère à soupe Emincé de porc : 200 g Légumes tels que laitue et chou : au choix Etapes :.
Faire bouillir le porc, le refroidir à l'eau froide et l'égoutter. Couper les légumes en petits morceaux. Broyer les graines de sésame dans un mortier. Mélanger les graines de sésame moulues avec la sauce soja, le vinaigre, le sucre et l'huile de sésame pour obtenir une sauce au sésame. Disposer les légumes dans une assiette et placer le porc dessus. Verser la sauce au sésame sur le porc pour compléter le plat.
Il est temps de perdre beaucoup de graines de sésame dans votre cuisine.
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matthewgstickler · 6 months
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Ahi Tuna, Soba, and Broccoli Goma-ae
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thereblogmachine · 11 months
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Vegetable Sushi Roll & Spinach Sesame Miso Salad Goma-ae - The Scratch Artist Get your taste buds dancing with this colorful Vegetable Sushi Roll & Spinach Sesame Miso Salad Goma-ae from The Scratch Artist. A vibrant fusion of flavors that you don't want to miss.
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caryslavin · 1 year
Hourensou no goma-ae Bo Leng Cao noHu Ma He e No Recipes
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Elevate your culinary skills with this exquisite recipe for Hourensou no goma-ae. Bo Leng Cao noHu Ma He e adds a unique twist that you won't want to miss. Follow along with these formal and detailed instructions from No Recipes.
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ilvermorny-dear · 1 year
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Hourensou no goma-ae recipe with spinach Looking for a healthy and flavorful side dish? Try our Spinach Goma-ae Recipe. The combination of fresh spinach and sesame dressing will have you craving more.
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sakuplumeria · 1 year
Get to Know You Tag Game
Tagged by @hergan416, thank you!
Three Ships: Sanzo/Goku (Saiyuki), Albert/William (Moriarty the Patriot), there are many ships from other fandoms but I'm currently occupied with Sherlock/Louis so that makes it two from Moriarty the Patriot.
First Ship: Sanzo/Goku. I've shipped them even before I know it's a ship thing, and here I am still shipping them hard.
Last Song: Spotify says, Perfectly Loved - Rachael Lampa ft TobyMac. My tracks mostly consists of Christian songs and anime songs or soundtracks, yeah.
Last Movie: In cinemas? Suzume! It was so good and I was beyond grateful I still can go to the cinema to watch it. Took a toll on my body right after, though. Last movie not in cinemas, Dark Waters (2019), Mark Ruffalo. I ditched my non stick pans right after.
Currently Reading: Fanfic? Poison Paradise. Other than fanfic? Moriarty the Patriot in my native language. That counts, doesn't it?
Currently Watching: BBC Sherlock Holmes.
Currently Consuming: Just finished my dinner with rice, broccoli and water spinach. Yes, they are all vegetables and I am a vegetarian.
Currently Craving: Japanese food. Now that we're talking about it, I crave for wakame salad or goma ae. Also nature, I miss the mountains or the forest...
Tag List: Please don't feel pressured to do this, only if you want to :) Also I don't know if the tag thing will work, here it goes.. @ringletts @azuremoonbunny @tofueggnoodles @kirathaune @methpring @user-needs-new-hyperfixation @adagiospace @bunnimew @hanzaikyou55 @fabiosofabz Now I realized I lost a bunch of mutuals because of the account deletion accident, haha
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midnightartworks56 · 2 years
List of Main foods in Tomodachi Bliss (Part 6):
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Green Bean Casserole 🇺🇸/🇪🇺
Description: "A filling casserole served with cooked green beans and fried shallots make for something great."
US: $25.55
EU: €23.76
UK: £20.98
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Grand fried fish and chicken 🇺🇸/🇪🇺
Description: "Having trouble deciding on whether to eat fish or chicken? Combine them into one with cocktail sauce and fries!" (US)/"If you're having trouble deciding on fish or chicken, combine them! Also add chips and cocktail sauce." (EU/UK)
US: $19.50
EU: €18.14
UK: £16.01
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Ham 🇺🇸/🇪🇺/🇯🇵/🇦🇺
Description: "Hog it from your enemies, and they oinked it up. This ham is to die for. It’s so big, I don’t think you can finish it all alone!"
US: $45.00
EU: €41.85
UK: £36.95
JP: ¥5,933
AU: $67.20
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Goma-ae 🇰🇷
Description: "If you think Spinach is dreadful, drench it in sesame dressing." ("시금치가 무섭다고 생각되면 참깨 드레싱을 뿌린다.")
KO: ₩11,401
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Hibachi Chicken 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼
Description: "Watch out! Even though this chicken is delicious, it's spicy! Bring milk before eating." (「気をつけて!このチキンは美味しいけど辛いよ!牛乳を持ってきてから食べてね」) ("조심해! 이 치킨 맛있긴 한데 매워! 먹기 전에 우유 가져와.") (“注意!这只鸡虽然好吃,但是有点辣!吃之前带上牛奶。”)
JP: ¥659
KO: ₩6,543
TW: $153.17
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Idyappam 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼
Description: "Served in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and even Sri Lanka. It’s just a simple rice noodle delight. What gives?" (「ケララ州、タミル・ナードゥ州、さらにはスリランカでも提供されています。シンプルなライス ヌードルの喜びです。何が得られるのでしょうか?」) ("케랄라, 타밀나두, 심지어 스리랑카에서도 제공됩니다. 단순한 쌀국수 기쁨일 뿐입니다. 무엇을 주나요?") (“在喀拉拉邦、泰米尔纳德邦甚至斯里兰卡都有供应。这只是一种简单的米粉。有什么好处?”)
JP: ¥1,977
KO: ₩19,631
TW: $459.50
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Ise ebi 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼
Description: "A fresh Japanese catch. But it’s so expensive because of the rarity." (「日本の新鮮な獲物。しかし、希少性のために非常に高価です。」) ("신선한 일본산입니다. 하지만 희소성 때문에 너무 비쌉니다.") (“新鲜的日本渔获物。但因为稀有所以很贵。”
JP: ¥6,592
KO: ₩65,437
TW: $1,531.63
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Inari Sushi 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼
Description: "By now you were expecting sushi to have veggies, rice, and seaweed. This is much different." (「寿司には野菜、米、海藻が入っていると思っていましたが、これはかなり違います。」) ("지금까지 스시에는 채소, 쌀, 해초가 있을 것으로 ��상했습니다. ��것은 많이 다릅니다.") (“现在你以为寿司会有蔬菜、米饭和海藻。这很不一样。”)
JP: ¥150
KO: ₩1,500
TW: $35.11
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Jambalaya 🇺🇸/🇪🇺
Description: "A creole dish that uses chicken, ham, sausage or seafood, depending on your liking." (US)/"A creole dish that you can use any meat or seafood topping as you please." (EU/UK)
US: $10.08
EU: €9.37
UK: £8.28
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Japchae 🇰🇷
Description: "Stir-fried meat and vegetables and mixed with vermicelli. It feels like a banquet." ("고기와 야채를 볶고 당면과 버무린 요리. 잔치 같은 느낌.")
KO: ₩8,000
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