#gonna be real i have not felt the holiday spirit
maareyas · 9 months
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2023 Art Recap
Didn't do as much stuff this year compared to 2022, but I feel like I tried out a bunch of new things! Here's some of the ones I like the most, or that I felt helped improve some skills I was trying to work on ✨
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cevansbrat0007 · 9 months
Cross-Country Christmas (Teaser)
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Summary: After Ari is left stranded by a surprise winter storm, you find yourself wishing for a little Christmas miracle...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Angst, Ari Being A Menace, Holiday Themes, Smut, Arguments, Spanking (mentioned), Pet Names, Cursing, More Warnings to Come Minors DNI
A/N: This is only a TEASER, the longer fic is coming soon. Part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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8:30am on Christmas Day - Bell’s Creek, Texas
“I promise I’ll be fine, Beast.” Drying your tears, you crumble up your tissues in your fist before discarding them in favor of taking a sip of your coffee. “Like you just said, there’ll be other holidays. And certainly other Christmases.”
Ari was still stuck in Omaha. And while you had suspected this call was coming, you hadn’t been prepared for how much the disappointment would affect you.
By all accounts, your Bounty Hunter appeared to be in good spirits, albeit a little tired. He was still on standby, even though all flights were still grounded indefinitely. But you’d at least been happy to hear that he’d somehow managed to catch a few hours of sleep. 
Not only that, but he’d also made a new friend in some guy named Clint. They apparently had a number of things in common, with the most important being that they’d both served overseas. Ari had also alluded to his new buddy being in law enforcement as well. 
But if you were being honest, you’d been so focused on trying to sound positive that you hadn’t quite been able to focus on his words as much as you would’ve liked. Thankfully, Ari seemed keen on having a conversation – even if it felt a bit one-sided.
“The airline keeps offering to put us up for the night. Anyone who accepts will be guaranteed a spot on one of the first flights out.” Ari coughs softly before continuing. “However, if you’re willing to wait a little bit there’s talk about them sweetening the deal with some sort of voucher or somethin’, plus miles and all that shit.” 
“Oh?” Is all you can manage, forcing yourself to take another pull of your now lukewarm coffee.
“Yeah. So, Clint and I were thinking…” He trails off, briefly leaning away from the receiver to comment on something you couldn’t see.
“You two were thinking…what?” Your next sip of coffee tastes surprisingly bitter on your tongue. Maybe you would dump out the pot and brew a fresh one. 
“That we should take ‘em up on their offer and just ride this storm out. We take the points, get the voucher, and then maybe in a month or two, we go on a vacation together somewhere nice.” 
“You and Clint?!” You screech, accidentally knocking over your mug in the process. “Shit!” You scramble out of your chair to grab a dish towel and hurriedly mop up the mess. 
“Hate to break it to ya, baby, but Clint’s not really my type.” The Bounty Hunter chuckles into the phone. “I was talking about me and you, Bird. We can pick a destination and have ourselves a holiday do-over.”
A beat goes by before you respond the only way that makes any real, logical sense. Even though it seems to take every last bit of your resolve.  
“Okay.” Your voice comes out small and resigned. 
“Aw now, don’t fret. I’ll be home soon.” Ari does his best to reassure you. “And once I’m back, we will spend every waking minute making up for lost time. You have my word.”
Well, when he put it like that…
“I guess we can hold off for a little while longer.” You sniff, wishing you could just go back to bed and sleep until tomorrow. “But you had better keep your promise, Beast. Otherwise I’m gonna have to track down Santa and ask him for a new man.” 
Your half-hearted attempt at humor elicits a short bark of laughter from Ari which, in turn, makes you smile as well. It would be hard, but you could make it 
“Try it, sweet Bird, and I’m telling you right now that I’ll have you in my truck and over my knee before you make it outta the next county.” Comes his gruff response, clearly not enjoying the image of you hanging off another fella’s arm. 
You know without asking that he’s probably not kidding – so you decide to leave it alone. If he wanted to thump his chest a little, then you’d let him. 
“It was a joke.” You tell him when the line falls silent. Standing, you pad towards the fridge on bare feet, stopping once you reach the doors. Yanking one open, you survey the contents, silently wondering if you should even be bothered enough to cook today. Granted, you’d already brined the turkey so –
“Joking about my replacement isn’t funny, Bird.” Ari growls, the sound rumbling from somewhere deep in his chest. “Especially when I can’t be there in person to plead my case.”
You blow out a harsh breath at the same time as your eyes roll heavenwards. Why couldn't he understand that you needed to crack wise here and there in order to keep from crying?
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noirsfantasy · 9 months
On the sixth day of Christmas...
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𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔬𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔡𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Gregory Eddie x Black!Fem Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔥 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛968
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s Christmas time, but you felt that there was something missing. It was festive enough. You wanted to do something that would blow your boyfriend’s mind away. So you hid mistletoe in every corner you could reach, and even in some you couldn’t. This is definitely gonna spice some things up.
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Y’all, let me tell you. Gregory Eddie? He’s so fine and I don’t know what it is about awkward men, but it’s so fun to mess with them. I feel like when I was writing this, some might think y/n is modeled after Janine. But I assure you, that is not the case. Honestly, I feel like, if he were in the real world, his girlfriend would be something like this. It really would be so cute. But yeah, just keep in mind that y/n is a bit on the shorter side. It’s up to you how short😌 Enjoy!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
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The festive spirit fills the air as I scurry around our home, determined to turn it into a winter wonderland. I've put up lights and every decoration I could find. But my true masterpiece is the rows upon rows of mistletoe. There isn't a single spot without mistletoe somewhere near it. And, despite my short stature, I even managed to get them in the high spots. Of course, as a finishing touch, I placed the final sprig right on top of my head. Brilliant!
One might wonder, why do I need this much mistletoe? But I've got a plan in place. As I stand back to admire my handiwork, I can't help but grin with anticipation. Gregory Eddie, my lovable and slightly clueless boyfriend, is about to walk into the ultimate Christmas surprise. And I'll finally be able to get what I've been longing for. Endless kisses.
I hear the front door creak open and I can barely contain my excitement. I'm currently in the kitchen, having just put some cookies in the oven, but I wait to hear Greg's reaction.
"Um, Y/N?" He calls, setting his bag down by the door as he takes in the appearance of our apartment. "Why does it look like Christmas threw up in here?" I giggle and make my way over to the door, attacking him with a hug.
"Oh, you know, just spreading some holiday cheer! And, uh, just hoping for some mistletoe magic." I say with a mischievous smile as I point to the mistletoe on top of my head. He looks at me with confusion.
"Mistletoe magic?" I nod, deciding it's time to reveal my secret weapon, needing to step up my game to get him to realize. I pull out another hidden mistletoe from behind my back and hold it above my head.
"Ta-da! Now, according to my brilliant plan, you have to give me a kiss." I say, matter of factly. Greg stares at me for a moment, before bursting out laughing at my plan. However, he can't resist my charm either, so he leans down and gives me a sweet kiss. I smile into the kiss, doing a small victory dance when he pulls away.
"So, is this going to happen every time we walk under mistletoe?" He chuckles as I nod enthusiastically. "You and your mistletoe antics, Y/N. You're something else." He leans down for another kiss, this one deeper than before, "I love you, crazy."
"I love you, too!" I reply with a bright look in my eyes. Greg lifts me up into his arms and carries me to the couch, sitting down and pulling me into his lap.
Surrounded by the glow of Christmas lights, Greg eyes the strategically placed mistletoe with a bemused smile. "So, how many of these did you put up?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders, counting on my fingers and pretending to ponder.
"Well, let's see... I lost count after twenty. But I just figured that more mistletoe equals more kisses."
"You know you don't need to set traps like this to get me to kiss you right?" He tells me, his thumbs drawing circles on my hips.
"I knowww, but at least, this way, it's more festive!" I give him a cute smile as I explain my reasoning. Greg can't help but grin at my adorable face. He pulls me close, pecking my lips.
"Maybe next time, instead of hanging mistletoe, you could wrap yourself in tinsel and wait in a present box for me." He suggests jokingly. I smirk and raise an eyebrow.
"Don't tempt me now." Greg chuckles, kissing me on the cheek.
"You're such a mischievous little monster, you know that? Even when I think I have you all figured out, you always come up with some new devious plan to make me fall in love with you even more."
"What can I say? I am a woman of many talents." I say with a casual shrug. Greg grins back at me.
“That you are… That you are. Do you think you’ll still be pranking me when we’re old and gray?” He raises an eyebrow and sighs, “Who am I kidding… Of course you will be.” I laugh loudly at that.
"I mean, come on, it's obvious this is only the beginning." I give him a playful nudge as I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck. Greg laughs along with me, pulling me closer.
"And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Y/N, with your pranks and your silliness and your mistletoe and everything about you." I kiss him longingly, enjoying the soft feeling of his lips against mine, even if I've felt it a million times.
"I love you too, Greg... even when you're a little slow to figure out my pranks." I tease causing Greg to laugh again. I pull him in for an exaggerated kiss. It's playful at first, but then it transforms into a deep passionate kiss that causes me to blush. Just when things are getting good, I hear the ding of the oven, signaling that my baking is finished. We break the kiss and I sigh heavily, sliding off of Greg's lap and standing up.
"I need to go get those before they burn," I announce and he stands up, a cheeky grin on his face.
"It's okay, babe, you go get those, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Then we can get back to the program." He wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh as I nod, heading into the kitchen. As I remove the cookies from the oven and turn it off, I hear Greg from the bathroom.
"REALLY, Y/N?? IN THE DAMN TOILET?!" He shouts, causing me to burst out into laughter. I forgot I left that there.
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billthedrake · 11 months
I pulled up at Coach Stanley's house around 2:30. I had on a parka, which I bundled tight over my T-shirt as I walked up his yard. It was cold out and overcast, the kind of whether where you expect it to snow any minute.
Ed was standing out on his front porch to greet me and was apparently thinking the same thing. "Think we're getting a white Christmas, Russ?" he asked as he watched me walk up his driveway. Coach's place was at the end of a dead end street and while not 100 percent private, maybe he didn't have to worry what it would look like having a former student coming over on Christmas day.
"Can't remember the last one we had, Coach," I said as I stepped up to the patio and wiped my feet on the mat. I was enjoying how friendly and conversational the dynamic was between us. This could have been awkward as hell, but it was like this man was committed to make me feel comfortable.
I paused at the door and saw a smirk on his face and with it, a look of clear lust. He wanted to kiss me, and I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but instead he ushered me inside.
He was more dressed up than last I saw him, more in that button-down and khakis look I remember from the classroom. And that gold chain glinting from beneath the collar. He was hot as hell.
"Come in," he offered.
The inside was nice and warm, and I quickly took off my coat. I felt my heart pound. We hadn't made any real specific plans but I'd talked to him quickly and said I was free that afternoon and evening, if he was interested in spending some time together again. He was, barely concealing his excitement.
I could see his chest rise and fall some as he watched me set down my coat on a chair. "Good to see you, Russ," he said. "Thanks for calling."
I shot him a grin. I'm not 100 percent confident with guys, but something about Ed Stanley's bull-in-the-china-shop shyness made me feel like the more experienced one. "I'll admit I've been thinking about you a lot the last few days," I said.
The made him smirk and step up to me. In an I'm-gonna-kiss-you kind of move. "Is that right? I'm glad." His hands reached out and rested on my waist, almost pulling himself toward me as much as pulling me toward him. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christm..." I started until his lips cut me off. There was that soft tongue again, smoothly teasing and parting my lips, then touching my own. His mouth tasted a little bit of toothpaste and mouthwash and I could smell his aftershave. Heat emanated off his body, too, and I realized I was still a little cold from outside.
Maybe that's why I pressed into his embrace more. Or maybe I was just horny. Either way, Ed Stanley felt good, real good next to me.
Coach S had almost a dreamy expression on his masculine face when he broke the kiss. Almost lazily he reached up and ran his fingers along my torso, feeling up the leaner muscle beneath my long-sleeve T. "You know I like to take things slow, right, Russ?"
I reached down and rearranged the boner in my jeans. "Man you're killing me here, Coach," I teased, and Coach laughed.
"You didn't let me finish," he said, and I could see a playful smile as he reached down to adjust his own hardon. He walked over to the couch and patted me to sit down next to him. It felt cozier and homier now that the tree was up and fully lit. Or maybe it was the holiday spirit.
I sat down and Coach extended his arm for me to scoot closer. Even if I was taller, it felt nice to have his strong forearm draped over my shoulder. He gave me a peck and I felt the soft bristle of his beard before he pulled back.
"I was gonna say..." His blue eyes seemed deeper and almost darker in closer close up, the tree's twinkling lights and the dim outdoor illumination giving a dark sea look to them. He seemed almost nervous now. "I don't know what you're into, Russ, but I'd love to fuck you."
My heart pounded. "I'd like that Ed," I said. Then, "I wasn't sure what your deal was."
He smirked and ran his free hand along the front of my chest again. I loved his touch. "The deal is.... I have a very attractive man with me, and I've been thinking a lot how I wish I'd gone the next step with you on Saturday."
My voice cracked. "I've been thinking about that, too."
Ed's voice got huskier. "That would be an amazing gift, Russ," he said. I felt him pull me toward him and we were kissing once more.
I tried to match his skill, or at least his approach, with making out. And I ran my own fingers along his button-down shirt, feeling his hard body beneath it. This guy was such a crazy hunk, he could bed just about anybody, I figured. I was the right man at the right time.
We got deeper into the kiss. Not too fast, but definitely going past that soft, slow phase. I undid one of Coach's shirt buttons and slipped my hands into the opening, feeling up the soft fur and warm bulk beneath. Stanley let me feel him up before finally pulling back and undoing the rest of the buttons.
I greedily watched then even more greedily ran my fingers along his exposed chest. He let out a deep, mellow giggle "You like?"
I nodded. "Yeah, totally." I looked up into his handsome face. Coach S was always an authority figure for me but wasn't THAT much older than me. He still had some of that youthfulness ot his looks. "I think maybe it's a little bit of a fetish for me, actually."
"What?" he asked. "The chest?"
I ran my hand up to touch his nipples. Ed had amazing nipples. "Yeah, I'm a chest guy. But the open shirt thing, too. I don't know if I even realized it, but it pushes my buttons."
He gave me an encouraging look and said softly. "I'm glad, Russ." His tone got deeper and softer. "I like turning you on."
I laughed, unable to stop feeling him up. "You have no idea."
He didn't say anything, but instead reached down and started undoing his belt, then unbuttoning his khakis. I decided I liked seeing the horny side of Ed Stanley.
He reached in and hauled out his hard dick. Firm, meaty, not too big. He leaned back now in the sofa, his arms spread and the shift flaps pulled apart. His prick stood up into a full rigid position. His eyes were intense even if he was silent now.
I leaned over and started taking him into my mouth. I felt better at this now, since the angle was better than last time. I focused on the first few inches, up and down, slowly but surely, before working more of him deeper into my throat.
The second I went deep I heard Ed let out a soft deep grunt and felt his fingers run through my hair. "Oh man, Russ. Fuck... that's so beautiful."
I knew he was watching me blow him, and that just encouraged me to do my best. I worked him for another half minute and could feel his excitement. As I pulled off some and slowed my sucking, I could taste the salty precum.
"You getting close?" I asked, pulling all the way off.
He looked down and nodded, a puppy dog expression on his handsome bearded face. "Fraid so, bud."
I smiled, happy I'd given him that pleasure. If he hadn't mentioned fucking, I would have happily blown him to completion. But now, I kissed along his taut abdomen and up his furry chest. His fingers resumed stroking my hair as I did, until I made my way up to kiss him once more, leading Ed to wrap his palm around the nape of my neck to hold me steady as our tongues wrestled.
"Damn," he whispered when I finally pulled back.
"Yeah," I agreed. "You know, you're the best kisser I've ever met."
He cocked a grin. "There been a lot, Russ?"
"My share," I replied. "Nothing crazy."
He seemed to respect my answer. "You have experience bottoming?"
"With a couple of boyfriends, yeah," I answered. I now leaned back, as much to relieve the tightness in my crotch by spreading my legs as anything. I blushed now. "I don't know how to bring this up tactfully," I said. "But I usually do some preparation before I do."
Ed smirked. "I may have some supplies in the master bathroom for just that."
"You may, huh?" I laughed. This was a man of surprises.
He shrugged. "Call me an optimist."
"OK, Mr. Optimist," I said.
"God, you're so sexy, Russ," Ed said and scooted back toward me for a kiss. We made out again, and Coach S guided me back down to the sofa. I liked that he wasn't rushing it. It had actually been nine months or so since I'd bottomed, and I felt a little out of practice. Holding on to Ed's thick, fit body and being beneath him was getting me turned on and more assured.
By now his shirt was untucked and I was able to run my hands all over his strong back as he humped into me. Still in his khakis, me still clothed. This guy was unlike anyone I'd been with.
Finally he pulled off with a lusty look. "All right, bud... you feel up for getting ready?"
"Yeah," I said.
I watched him raise his body off the couch, his khakis still open and his dick still rock hard and sticking out. He offered a hand to help me up.
"Stuff's under the sink and there's a bath towel on the shelf. Make yourself at home," he offered.
In all of my mental holiday bingo cards, I never had being in Coach Stanley's bathroom cleaning myself out to be one of the options. But here I was.
I showered off and took one last look in the mirror. Maybe like a lot of gay guys my age, I was able to be both conceited about my youthful looks and deep-down insecure about my body. But Stanley seemed into it, so I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.
I'd lost my hardon and the urgency of my sexual excitement, but the sight in front of me had my cock filling out quickly. Ed Stanley was lying back on his bed with a fully hard prick, naked except for his open dress shirt and that gold chain.
"Whoa!" I said, my dick bouncing up to rigidity with each step toward the bed.
"I decided to keep the shirt on. You seemed to like it."
"Hell yes," I said, climbing up on the bed and positioning my naked body above his half reclined one. "You must think I'm silly," I said.
He laughed. "I'm pretty naive in some things, but teachers have a pretty good idea when students have the hots for them."
I settled against his furry body and felt his strong hands land on my ass. "Did you have the hots for me, too?" I asked. It was a question that had been in the back of my mind since Saturday.
"Truth?" he asked. "I always that you were incredibly cute, but no I never had the hots for you. Not till I ran into you..."
Our mouths met. Any hesitation I had about giving my ass to Coach Stanley was way out the window. I was turned on like mad, but more than that I just wanted to give him this.
It was my turn to hump into him as he held me and matched the ferocity of my kiss. For a man with the smooth moves, he seemed happy to switch gears. Before long, I felt his fingers work deeper into my crack and play with my still shower-damp hole.
"Hmmph," I muttered into our kiss. When I broke, I actually laughed.
"What?" he asked, with a cheeky grin.
I shook my head. "I guess I'm getting my head around you being aggressive in bed."
"Too much?" he asked. "We don't gotta, Russ." I could see a real lust in his blue eyes but to his credit he was giving me an out.
"Nah, not too much," I replied.
"Good," he growled and with a surprise move, he used his superior strength to maneuver and flip up over, so I was on my back and he was above me. And just as quickly his lips were attacking my neck, licking and kissing. Stanley was a sensual lover, very different from the men I'd been with before. My dick was rock hard and dripping against his stomach fur as his mouth sought mine out one more time.
"Fuck!" he muttered, breaking the kiss and already kissing his way down my body. Down my sternum, over my six pack and then licking my cock. "You got a big dick, Russ," he muttered.
I felt so outmanned by this stud, so it felt nice to be bringing something to the table. Not that dick size mattered much for me, but Ed seemed into my prick as he pulled it up and examined it before licking its length again.
"Tell me if you get close," he said, then began swallowing.
I knew Coach S hadn't had any dick sucking practice in the last few days, but this BJ was a lot better than the prior one. Maybe he was just less nervous and more into it. My quick trigger wasn't kicking in, but after a minute I had to tap his shoulder. "Coach...."
He spit my out and started tonguing my balls. Normally I don't crave that sensation, but I loved the sweet torture of it now, the way his oral attention kept me rock hard and dripping while prolonging the pleasure.
And when he put his hands beneath my hamstrings, I got the idea. I pulled my legs up and back for him.
Some men are hesitant to rim, but Ed wasn't one of them. He dove in, licking me and teasing my ring. I was surprised by that combination of eagerness and soft tongue. And the soft scruff of his beard tickled my cheeks in the best way possible.
"Oh fuck..." I hissed.
He pulled back, shooting his blue eyes up to look at my face. "You like this, bud."
"Please don't stop," I laughed, pulling my thighs back further and hiking my ass up back toward his face. Maybe it looked slutty, but I didn't care. Coach Stanley was that good at eating ass.
He got a cocky look on his face then dove back in.
I got a few more minutes of that royal treatment, then Ed methodically set up to prep me with his fingers. He'd set out some lube, and I watched his intent face as he slid one finger inside me, his eyes darting back and forth between my hole and my facial reactions.
"You feel amazing, Russ," he said. "You're pretty tight."
"Yeah," I admitted. "Just give me a little time and I'll be good." I wasn't an expert but I'd bottomed enough to know it was like riding a bicycle. And with a top as hot as Coach Stanley I wasn't gonna have a hard time getting into this.
"You got it, bud."
His eyes were locked on my face when the third finger slipped in. I expected my hole to resist or my guts to clench tight. But it felt amazing.
"So, bud...." Ed said in soft, low voice. "I generally play safe."
"OK," I muttered. Maybe because he was a teacher and authority figure, I wasn't surprised by his caution. "I'm on PreP... if that matters."
I could see his chest rise and fall between the open flaps of his shirt. "It does," he said. He pulled his fingers out and set out to slick down his thick boner. Ed dizzled some on my boner. He set down the lube and looked back at me. "I'd love to fuck you raw," he hissed. It was SO wild to hear Coach S talk so lewdly, so directly. "I've never done that."
My voice was cracking I was so horny. "You're missing out, Coach. It's amazing." My eyes met his, and I got off seeing his prick jerk some.
He leaned forward and kissed me. Not a Coach Stanley kiss but a hard, sloppy kiss. I held onto him and did my best to return it, even as I let him take the lead with his plunging tongue.
Already he was reaching down to guide his prick into place. I realized then he was real wet from lube, like a crazy of amount of slickness to his prick that kept me from clenching my defenses shut. Not that I wanted to, but Ed was already pushing in.
I grunted into his mouth.
He was breathing heavy as he pulled back and looked at me. "Sorry, man... I just..."
"It's OK," I said, gamely. After all I wanted this more than anything. My fantasy served to me on a silver platter. "It always stings a little going in."
He nodded. Like he wanted to learn how my sexual responses were wired.
"Trust me, I want this, too, Coach," I said, reaching up to feel his chest. "I want your cock."
He slid just a little more into me, like a half inch more. It felt good. But the real thing that changed for me was seeing Ed Stanley above me, hunky as hell. Furry chest, rounded pecs, gold chain, button down shirt undone. I was transported back to my high school JO sessions, only this was better than I could have ever imagined.
My guts flowered open and Ed's dick sunk in. The sensation felt good for him, and was a real turn on. His lips curled into a smile.
"Yeah, Russ.... oh fuck."
He gave me a second but quickly realized I didn't need more. Then, his arms steadying himself above me, Coach S started fucking me. Nice steady pumps as I wrapped my legs around his waist and touched any part of him that I could.
"Fuck me, Coach," I hissed. Then corrected, "Ed..." Honestly I didn't know if the ex-teacher/ex-student thing bothered the man in a moment like this. I didn't want to spook him, even if I was tapping into that forbidden fantasy with every single stroke of the man's thick cock.
"Russ fucking McAdams," he hissed, his fucking getting more urgent. Not hard or fast, but with more power in his hips and glutes as he worked my hole.
I was SO hard right then. It was tempting to stroke my cock but I didn't want to blast off right away. I looked up into the man's eyes, his handsome face, and asked, "Barebacking what you expected, Ed?"
He nodded. "Uh uh. And more. I think I like this too much." His breath was catching some, and I could tell he was focusing on not cumming quickly.
"You gonna cum in my ass?" I growled. Even if the physical sensations of raw sex were night and day different for the top more than for the bottom, the idea of being bred by Ed Stanley was really getting to me just then.
"Oh buddy... fuck...." He slowed his thrusts some and looked down on me. "You wanna stroke off while I do you?" He seemed surprised I wasn't already.
I cocked my grin. "I'm pretty sure the second I start I'm gonna cum. Why don't you go for it, and tell me when you're close."
"Probably not gonna take me long, Russ," he said. Then I felt it. Gone were the gentle thrusts. This one was hard and deep, surprisingly deep given Ed's cock size. Then another, perfectly timed.
"This OK, bud?" he asked.
"God yes," I answered. I was in the zone now. Stanley had gotten me into the zone.
For the next minute I got fucked by a real stud. Ed's meaty ex-jock body clenching rhythmically above me. His prick hitting my internal spot with steady repeated force. His muscles clenching, his shirt tails flapping, his gold chain dangling.
"I'm so close," he gritted through his teeth.
I wrapped my hand around my dick. I was gonna get there with Coach S. "Do it, Ed. Breed my ass."
"Oh FUCK!" he cried. Not orgasming yet but his hips working faster as he got closer. My hand was a blur on my cock and I could feel the rumble in my balls. I opened my eyes wide to take him all in. My dream man, fucking me hard, his face now starting scrunch up as he came.
"Coach!" I let out as my prick fired all over my body, from my neck to my abs. I just shot it all out and enjoyed the orgasm of a lifetime. Only as I came down from the intensity of that high, I hoped my lifetime would have a lot more like this ahead.
Ed's hips were slowing to a halt, and I could tell he was riding the aftershocks of a deep cum. "Whoo buddy," he breathed out. "That was something else." He leaned forward and gave a soft kiss. Not too long since I think he intuited that I was gonna cramp up bent back in this position.
We uncoupled and Ed rested up in a kneeling position on the mattress. Shirt still on and open wide, his prick still rigid and coated with lots of lube and cum. His chest still rising and falling. "Thank you so much, Russ... that was incredible."
"For me, too," I said as I stretched out my legs. "OK if I rinse off?" I asked. I didn't want to kill the afterglow, but sometimes after a hard cum I have to piss. And maybe a part of me felt self-conscious for getting into bottoming so much with Coach S.
He nodded. "Like I said, Russ..." Make yourself at home.
I went to piss and take a quick shower. I was back out in about five minutes. Ed had pulled on some sweatpants but still had that button down shirt on, open to reveal his hairy chest. I don't know if it was for my benefit, but it was a great sight. He was standing at the window, the blinds now open.
He looked at me, with almost kid-like excitement. "It's snowing."
I walked over, towel around my waist. Indeed, white flakes were coming down, hard.
"Whoa," I said.
He clasped his hand on my bare shoulder. "You got your white Christmas, buddy," he said, his eyes taking in the snow.
"Yeah," I said. I turned to look at him and saw his eyes were no longer on the snow. They were on me.
"You gotta rush off, Russ?"
I shook my head. "I'm good," I said. "If you don't mind the company."
"The opposite," he said. "Listen... I have some stuff for a holiday dinner, if you want some."
That surprised me. "You cooked a holiday meal?"
"Store bought," he assured me. "But I've worked up an appetite."
"I'm pretty hungry, too," I admitted. Brunch had now been many hours ago.
We kissed, and I saw the return of soft, gentle Ed Stanley. Until I felt his strong hand fiddle with my towel and undo it.
I was hard again, but maybe not ready for a second round. "You horny again?" I asked as I pulled back.
His blue eyes twinkled. "Nah. Just like playing with my Christmas present," he laughed. He gave my ass a light slap. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
wc: 781 a/n: i'm telling you now, I may fall short on this but we will do our best lmao and idk what happened to my cute banner. forgive me.
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“♪♪ Spooky Scary Skeletons, Send shivers down your spine~”
You had been cleaning around the Ramshackle dorm all day because to be honest, it just needed more TLC than what you had been able to give it lately. It was the last day of September, but this was just the beginning of your real spooky season.
Every year you’d do a deep clean and then decorate your home in festive decorations. Bright green and purple witches’ hats and cauldrons, a bucket on every table with Halloween candies, and your favorite ghosts and pumpkins placed in just the right spots.
Decorating Ramshackle felt different than when you’d do your house back home, but you were trying to make the best of it since this was your favorite holiday. So you woke up this morning and immediately got to work and turned on your spooky music playlist after breakfast.
You stopped in your tracks, trying to figure out why on earth someone would be here this early- and on the weekend nonetheless. You tossed your cleaning rag onto the couch and opened the front door. 
“Hi, I have some pumpkin spice drinks for-,” they acted like they were reading a nonexistent label on the two drinks in their hands. “For a Y/N? Do you know them? They’re still supposed to tip me for these~”
The hyena beastman standing in your doorway gave a fangy grin as he handed you one of the drinks. “Rug, what are you doing here? Do you realize how early it is?” You stepped aside so he could come inside the dorm.
“Mmph,” he said with a nod as he drank his drink and plopped down on the couch, scooting the dirty cleaning rag away from him with his hand. He placed his drink on the coffee table, making sure he was using the coasters sitting out.
“I mean, yeah, I know what time it is. It’s spooky time.” You rolled your eyes at him and chuckled. “Okay, sure, but why not come over later? It’s like the crack ass of dawn right now,” you said as you leaned over the back of the couch next to him. “What? You don’t want my help? Aren’t you putting up your decorations today? Sure looks like you could use me. Y’know I used to work for a Spirit Halloween one time. It was a seasonal gig, but this guy was the one in charge of putting up all the displays.” 
He looked so proud of himself as he spoke; he was so happy to share his Halloween decoration accomplishments with you. “Oh, wow~” you said sarcastically. “You mean I’m here with a world renowned Halloween decorating connoisseur? And to think I go to the same school as them! Amazing…”
“Alright, butthead. I guess I’ll just leave then.” He got up from the couch and grabbed his drink. “Ahhh, guess all those… fun… fall ideas I had can go down the drain…,” he said in a sulking tone as he took a few steps towards the door before turning back to look at you.
“Don’t give me those eyes, you heathen.” You playfully glared at him, racking your brain to figure out his silly little schemes. “What kind of ‘fun fall ideas’ are you talking about?”
“Oh… it’s nothing. Nothing you wanna go do with me anyways. Guess I’ll have to find another to enjoy this Rugtober with.” He had his hand on the doorknob and a wide grin on his face as he looked at you. He knew what he was doing.
“Rugtober? What the hell is that?” you chuckled as you put your drink down and grabbed your cleaning rag once again.
“Uhh?! Only the best time of the year- and if you wanna join, you have to get a ticket from yours truly.”
You narrowed your eyes at him again and crossed your arms over your chest. “What’s the ticket gonna cost me?”
Ruggie opened the door and took another big sip of his drink. “Where’s the fun in me telling you? I’ll see you tomorrow, at the crack ass of dawn again, shyeheehee~”
“HEY?!” you shouted to him, his head popping back in before the door shut completely. “You’re just gonna leave? I thought you came to help decorate?!”
Ruggie looked around and snickered. “You look like you got it taken care of, Y/N. Seee youuu tomorrroowwwww~,” he sang as the door shut. You stood there and wondered what plans this “Rugtober” season would bring to you. At least this stupid pumpkin drink he brought you was going to fuel you through your cleaning, but you couldn’t help but wonder what he was scheming.
© Pumpkin Divider | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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puppywritesthings · 9 months
'tis the damn season (dayasco)
Read on AO3
Merry ficmas @snowflakenali. I hope you enjoy!
Christmas could easily be considered bittersweet for Bosco.
Ever since they officially moved out, life has definitely gotten easier. They went "no-contact" with their family -- or at least one side of them, the ones that would have had a heart attack seeing her take progesterone--, and they could live much more authentically. Money wasn’t too much of an issue: she had a few roommates and was used to supporting herself financially. Sure, she could wish her job paid more and that she didn't have to fake a smile whenever certain regulars came in, but other than that, things were good!
Bosco trudged into the kitchen and made herself a pot of coffee. As a barista, it felt nice to make drinks voluntarily and charge ten dollars for a cup. They weren’t huge on having all of the bells and whistles that come with their line of work, but they were nice sometimes. Sometimes a girl wants a glorified milkshake, and that’s okay. Today, however, was a black coffee day. No cream, no sugar. Just the bitter taste that woke her up in the morning.
Bosco had heard talks about one of the housemates getting an espresso machine; the possibility of it being a Christmas gift, however, was up in the air.
While in the middle of taking her first sip, she felt something shoved into her face. She couldn't quite tell what it was until she looked up, seeing her partner holding the plant with a mischievous, sly look on her face. “Mistletoe… subtle.” Bosco deadpanned before taking another sip. “Are you gonna put that in the doorway, or keep hanging it in front of my face until I kiss you?”
Daya dramatically sighed, nearly flinging the mistletoe onto the floor. “Ugh, fine…” She sauntered towards the door before stopping herself in her tracks, making a small U-turn back to the kitchen table. “Please?” She pleaded, putting on the puppy dog eyes as best as she could.
Bosco stood up, sighing back at her before laughing. "I guess I have to... since you love me and all." The blonde then pulled Daya into a kiss, tasting the peppermint on her tongue and wishing she’d dolled herself up a bit earlier. Camden and Willow wouldn’t have been too surprised seeing Daya covered in kiss marks like she was in a Mickey Mouse cartoon, but it felt too early for all the affection.
In fact, if Bosco could be completely honest with himself, they weren’t feeling the Christmas spirit at all. They pulled out of the kiss and let Daya hang the mistletoe in the doorway. 
“Thanks, babe!” The brunette cheekily stuck her tongue out before heading back to the kitchen, making her own cup of coffee from the still warm pot Bosco made. “Do you know if anyone’s coming over tonight? At least on your side of the family?”
Bosco paused in her tracks then shook her head. Of the people she still talked to, they had their own events going on. Her parents were hosting their own party with work friends, and Irene was spending Christmas in New York with their partner and all of her friends. Strangely enough, Bosco wasn’t asked to join any of them back in Montana or in the Big Apple. Part of it just felt off, and strangely melancholic for the holidays. 
“I guess we’ll have the house to ourselves then.”
“What about Cam –”
“She flew back to London this morning. Willow drove her to the airport while you were asleep. Speaking of, they’re gonna spend the night at Kerri’s and do shrooms. If that isn’t a better way to spend the holidays, then I don’t know what is!”
“I don’t know… maybe being cooped up indoors watching Die Hard and debating the whole time whether or not it’s a real Christmas movie.”
“Come on, Boscy, it’s as real of a Christmas movie as Batman Returns is!”
“I see your point with Batman Returns, but Die Hard? Seriously?” Bosco asked as her red and green acrylic nails poked into the square labeled 24 on the advent calendar on the wall. They took the chocolate from inside and debated popping it into her mouth. It was shaped like a little stocking, decorated with more chocolate embellishing onto the sock. She quickly popped it into her mouth. While she chewed, her eyes widened with a realization. 
The chocolate into her mouth wasn't good per say, but she hadn't fully realized the artifice of it until just now. It was cheaply made, fattening, and she shouldn't have even been hungry. The coffee should have suppressed any appetite she had.
Mass didn't start for another few hours and the Feast of Seven Fishes... why was she even eating? But then the realization hit her: she hadn't been to a midnight mass in years.
"I don't get it," Bosco said as the chocolate stocking melted in her mouth.
“Don’t get what?”
"I cut them off, but I still kind of miss them?"
“Babe babe babe, cut who off?” The realization hit Daya a little bit longer than she should. How could she be this stupid? “Is it because…”
“Partially,” Bosco replied. “It’s mostly from just super dumb things…. Things I shouldn’t be feeling around the holidays. I mean, I know it’s basically illegal to be sad around Christmas, but if that’s the case, arrest me now.”
Daya could only laugh at her girlfriend, even though what she was saying was completely serious. "I wouldn't if I couldn't, babe."
"I mean... I know there's people here, but I can't help feeling alone today. It's stupid but --"
"But you're not alone." Daya got up from the kitchen and pulled Bosco into a hug. "I mean, I know you know that. You don't have to go through all the bells and whistles of a traditional Christmas if you don't want to."
“Can we just order Chinese and call it a day?” Bosco asked.
"Sounds good to me," Daya replied before kissing her girlfriend on the cheek. "How does Die Hard sound?" She joked.
Bosco pretended to consider it for a moment before nodding their head. "Die Hard is fine."
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supervisormeero · 1 year
An Unhinged Analysis of 10 Songs That Remind Me of Syril and Dedra 
Behold, a breakdown of/ramble about a few songs with lyrics that I think fit Syril, Dedra, and whatever delightfully messed-up mess they're likely to have going on in Season 2. Putting most of it under a cut because seriously, I had Too Many Thoughts (shocker) and no one needs to see all of them unless they're prepared. Anyway—
“Egoist” by Jenna Holiday
“I see myself in you, I’ve always been an egoist/I want the best for you, you show me where my ego is…” 
For two of the most self-obsessed people in Star Wars canon, a song all about egos and arrogance and loving someone because “I see myself in you” is a little too perfect. After all, Syril and Dedra don’t care for each other because they’re actually in anything resembling real love; at least in Season 1, Syril’s obsessed with Dedra because she is who he wants to be, and Dedra tolerates Syril because he’ll help her get what she wants. Also “you’re thinking of you/while I’m kissing myself”… like, yeah. Provided they ever kissed, that’d be them.
2. “Oleander” by Mother Mother
“And if you leave me/rest assured, it would kill me/like an oleander, white, white leaves”
This song describes a toxic, codependent relationship, and that’s one of the directions I could see Syril and Dedra going in Season 2 (the toxicity, certainly). They don’t love each other, but for various professional and personal reasons that get inseparably jumbled, they need each other - perhaps more than they’ve ever needed anyone. That terrifies them. Neither of them have the capacity to deal with those emotions healthily, and thus, the possessiveness, jealousy and toxicity commences. Also “I’ll make a mess/and you’ll be there to help me undress” has the spirit of post-Ferrix Keero, what with Dedra “making a mess” of Ferrix and Syril “being there to help” by rescuing her and calming her (take or leave the ‘undress’ lyric, but at least half the fics on AO3 are about something of varying levels of spice happening in the broom closet). “If you leave me, rest assured, it would kill me…” I suspect they might be the death of each other in the end, so... sure. Either that, or somebody’s ending up alone and very pleased with their advancement to a lucrative new position on the Death Star.
3. “Money Power Glory” by Lana Del Rey
“I want money, power, and glory/oh hallelujah, I’m gonna take them for all that they got…”
This is probably more Syril than Dedra, since (in my opinion) he cares more about money, power and glory; she doesn’t need accolades, she only needs control. It’s a typical Lana song, but it’s all about climbing to the top and wanting power above even a romantic relationship. I suspect that’s the direction we’ll see Syril go in Season 2, eventually leading him to betray Dedra in favor of climbing the Imperial ladder.
3. “Drumming Song” by Florence + The Machine
“There’s a drumming noise inside my head, and it starts when you’re around/I’d swear that you could hear it, it makes such an almighty sound…”
I think most would choose “Kiss With A Fist” for Keero. I understand that. But for reasons I can’t fully articulate, this song makes me think of Dedra being dragged into having feelings for Syril entirely against her will. It’s about falling for someone to the point where their presence has a physical effect on you; hence, the “drumming noise that starts when you’re around.” She wouldn’t know what to do with any of that, of course, because I sincerely doubt Dedra “never been touched” Meero has felt any of it before. But I do think it could happen - and if it did, she’d hate him for causing that "drumming noise" and making her weak.
4. “Love Love Love” (Cabin Sessions) by Of Monsters and Men
“Those bright blue eyes can only meet mine/across a room filled with people that are less important than you…”
This song is almost too sweet for Syril and Dedra. But certain of the lyrics fit so perfectly that it's unsettling, so I threw it on here. At its core, it’s about having someone fall in love with you and knowing that for whatever reason - circumstance, a lack of reciprocation, you having no understanding of or experience with relationships whatsoever and being more rattled by someone touching you than stalking you - you can’t return their feelings. I’m probably too stupidly sentimental about a ship that laughs at sentimentality, but it almost landed to me as Dedra reflecting on Syril’s attitude toward her. Plus, “bright-blue eyes across a room filled with people that are less important than you?” In my ridiculously elaborate headcanon that will never happen on this show, that’s Dedra making eye contact with Syril across the meeting room table after he weasels his way up from the Bureau of Standards to the ISB.
5. “Us” by Regina Spektor
“We’re living in a den of thieves/and it’s contagious…” 
A den of thieves = the ISB, and the Empire in general. Aside from that, the song references having a “statue built of us,” and while I don’t think Dedra’s necessarily after that level of recognition, I don’t think she’d turn it down were it offered. Syril would love a statue built of him so he could proudly show it to his mother. He and Dedra are both trying to achieve a goal that would lead to that sort of laudation within the Imperial ranks, and in the end, they’re probably hoping for a timeless level of appreciation and respect. In some form, that’s probably Syril’s greatest hope: a statue of him with Dedra at his side. 
6. “Easy to Hate” by Waterparks
“You’re selfish and a half, and the other half is me/all that I can do is fall in blame with you…”
This is a fun, catchy song. 2. This is a song about hating someone almost as much as, if not more than, you love them, because your partner loves themself more than they love you. To me, that rings as Syril realizing Dedra doesn’t really care about him, much less love him or see him as an equal, and she never will. So, “it’s too easy to hate you/you’re hard to love.” And yet, as the lyrics state, he’ll “fall in blame” with her, but he won’t initially break off whatever weird connection they develop. Partly because of what he feels for her despite her apparent and cutting indifference, partly because he thinks if he keeps trying he’ll make something happen between them, and mostly because he needs her in his quest to gain power. 
7. “Breezeblocks” by Alt-J
“Please don’t go, I’ll eat you whole/I love you so, I love you so, I love you so…”
I have loved “Breezeblocks” and the whole An Awesome Wave album since the early 2010s, and so now I have little choice but to cram Alt-J onto any fandom mixes I create. In this case, though, I think it mostly fits: especially after the bridge. Much like “Beggin for Thread,” there’s a power imbalance here and such a consuming, obsessive desperation to keep someone close that you’d “eat them whole.” Huh. Who’s known for having consuming, obsessive tendencies almost to the point of delusion? 
8. “Beggin for Thread” by Banks
“Stooped down and out, you got me beggin for thread/to sew this hole up that you ripped in my head/stupidly think you had it under control…”
Look. I can’t resist a sewing reference because of Mr. “(Please) Look At Me, I Tailored My Uniform, And My Suit, And Everything I Own.” But like many others on this list, this song deals with power imbalances, mind games, and needing to have the upper hand in an unhealthy relationship. Kyle’s talked about how Syril and Dedra’s relationship in Season 2 delves into the concept of who does and doesn’t have power, and I think this song is a decent example of that. Whether intentionally or not, Syril and Dedra are going to mess with each other’s heads in their unending attempts to Prove Themselves to the Empire. The vibe of this song aligns with that. Also “my words can come out as a pistol and I’m no good at aiming/but I can aim it at you”… Dedra sure can’t defend herself in a riot, but she can definitely “aim her words” right at Syril’s heart.
9. “Sober II (Melodrama)” by Lorde 
“They’ll talk about us, all the lovers/how we kiss and kill each other/they’ll talk about us, and discover/how we kiss and kill each other…”
Circling back to The Toxicity, this song is all about two people who have an on-and-off relationship riddled with miscommunications, misunderstandings, and constant tension. If that isn’t Syril and Dedra, I don’t know what is. Plus - “all the glamour, and the trauma, and the fucking melodrama” - seems very ISB/Imperial to me. It’s glamour on the surface and backstabbing and trauma beneath, and the reality of that is going to cause some very real melodrama for Cereal and Debra. Plus, this song has the coolest combination of strings and a beat. Just… listen to it. It’s short, it’s one of my favorite Lorde songs, and you won’t regret it. 
10. “Daylight” by David Kushner
“Oh I love it and I hate it at the same time, you and I drink the poison from the same vine/oh I love it and I hate it at the same time, hiding all of our sins from the daylight”
Okay, so, because I’m old and not cool and on TikTok or wherever I suspect this song blew up, I just found it. It’s actually probably just about garden-variety infidelity, but there’s enough wiggle room in the writing that you can twist it to the right angle to fit Syril, Dedra, and their (presumably?) super-secret Season 2 investigation into Axis and Andor. “Hiding all of our sins from the daylight” could be embarking on a “sinful” non-sanctioned hunt for the rebels who ruined both of their reputations, or it could be embarking on a sinful non-sanctioned hunt for the rebels who ruined both of their reputations and falling in the most doomed, toxic, imbalanced, non-sanctioned love at the same time. “You and I drink the poison from the same vine” feels very Keero to me; the poison, of course, being Imperial ideology. And, because Syril and Dedra are twin flames, they’ll “love it and hate it at the same time.” Dedra would love how well they work together and how efficient they are as a team, but any of the feelings… cannot process. Complete shutdown. At least listen to the last minute of this song; whether or not you think it applies to Keero, it’s gorgeous. 
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ritsukageyamas · 1 year
since today is pentecost i'm gonna go ahead and post my personal headcanon that i really should've remembered to post yesterday but oh well that william's actual birthday is may 27th, because that was the day pentecost fell on in 1855, the year he was born! see, we know april 1st likely isn't really his birthday, it's just the birthday of the original william whose identity he stole, but we also know that easter fell on april 1st in 1866 (the year the story began) and that william is often compared to christ within the story, so there's a symbolic meaning to it in that william was "reborn" with a new identity on easter just as jesus was resurrected.
so when i decided i wanted to come up with a date to headcanon as william's real birthday, i figured it should be another date with some kind of religious significance and i started thinking about and reading about various christian holy days and religious observances, but none of them felt quite right. i wanted to find something that symbolically fit liam the way easter did, not just any random day. and then later i was listening to dying wish and looking at this translation of the lyrics
and i noticed this verse:
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and i thought... wait, the lord of crime, being compared to the holy spirit?? which immediately made me think about pentecost.
for those not familiar with it, pentecost is a christian holiday celebrated by several denominations--i know catholics and lutherans celebrate it, as do i as an episcopalian--and which takes place on the 50th day, or 7th sunday, after easter sunday. it commemorates the descent of the holy spirit upon the apostles, and, very fittingly, is associated with flames and the color red. at my church, the priest dresses herself up in red vestments, the churchgoers are asked to wear red if they can, and the altar is decorated with red cloth and burning candles. art of mary and the disciples with flames over their heads is very common imagery in art depicting pentecost.
and who do we know who's associated with flames and the color red and has been compared to the holy spirit?
i guess there may be a bit of a problem with the fact that, while i'm terrible at math, i believe louis being born on february 6th the next year means their mother would have to get pregnant again, like, immediately and then louis would have to be a preemie? i could push liam's birthday ahead a week by going with may 20th, the day pentecost fell on in 1866, instead, which gives louis a little extra time--but by the time i realized this i was already set on the 27th and i'm willing to stretch logic a bit for the sake of what i think is a cool headcanon! pentecost is a pretty significant day in the church and i feel like it's very symbolically fitting as william's birthday, and i also honestly don't think we're ever going to be told what his actual birthday is in canon, which means i can do whatever i want. so, happy belated birthday to liam, in my mind at least!
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torihakaraublog · 9 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer "Happy ⭐️ Holidays!" Pop Quiz pt.1
My thoughts on part one of the 2023 Christmas holiday event.
Okay so first off I have to talk about the sprite outfits. They are split into 2 types; Santa's (??) (The brothers) and reindeer (everyone else). Personally I think all the 'Santa' ones are kinda meh, prob cause some of the brothers colours are not holiday colours. The reindeer ones are adorable and fit the holiday spirit great, except Luke's. Luke's is just kinda lacking, they could have taken him out of his beret just this once. Solomon's is my favorite! It looks so comfy.
It felt like there was alot going on with this event so I probably missed some things.
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Event starts off with the announcement of a holiday decorating competition to win the Krampus Star which grants a single wish. Probably my least favorite Christmas activity to do in a group lol but it's a good premise.
This turned into a hallmark movie real quick 🤣
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Levi you good here?? Lmao
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I'm just casually forced to help every one, then who ever wins I have to approve their wish. Please everyone is gonna wish for the same thing (spend Christmas with me) and I'll end up spending it with everyone anyways...
Now things start getting weird. Everyone is fighting and Barbatos figures out its a rare moon cycle that released an Dark Demon Santa (I started laughing here).
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Collecting things with everyone was kinda cute. An adorable momment between Lucifer and Beel that solidified my HC that Lucifer can't say no to picking up Beel tho hes too heavy xD Also liked that Mammon got to show a bit of his responsible older brother side! <3
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The spell takes over everyone and Raphael is told to break up the fights for some reason tho he has a short fuse himself.
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Then somehow everyone decides not to fight and it works?? Christmas spirit??
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I was basically shaking in my boots at learning Diavolo absorbing the DDS's power was the only plan and if it goes bad the Devildom would be left without a ruler for some time. Like this is SERIOUS serious! (And also makes the plot super intresting :0)
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So glad they included a conversation between Diavolo and Lucifer (tho it would have been better if I wasen't there). Diavolo gave Lucifer the new start he and his brothers needed and I know if something happened to Diavolo, Lucifer would blame himself. This conversation was needed so he could know where he stood in relation to the problem/solution if I'm making any sense.
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I think I'm gonna piss myself (sorry for the crude language lol)! THANK YOU BUT GIVE IT TO BARBATOS NOT ME.
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The context for this image is Solomon beginning to understand Christmas spirit :3
Foods Mentioned
Mushy Shroom (in cave??)
Quetzalcoatl Brain Sandwich (cafeteria, apparently Bel's fave)
Quetzalcoatl Brain Pudding (cafeteria)
pudding and sandwich are mixed later on.
I'm assuming in the next part of the event we are gonna have to find the DDS 🤔
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star-shard · 2 years
Black Cat
Catboy!Elvis x Reader 
Premise: ’Twas the night before Halloween… at Graceland! And Elvis just isn’t having it, he can’t seem to get into the spirit. It seems like it’s going to be a lost cause. Until that very night, under a full moon, a little magic is done. 
Genre: Crackfic, NSFW
Info: Sub!Elvis, Mentions of Dom!Elvis, Spanking, Anal fingering/Anal toys, self stimulation
Words: 5k
It was your first holiday at Graceland, and you couldn’t be more excited. Even if you only visited, you felt so at home. Elvis could be withdrawn now and then, but he knew how to go all out better than anyone. And you could just imagine what he had in store for Halloween, the decorations, the parties, he was such a showman surely he had the perfect costume in mind too. 
But even as the big day approached, it seemed your boyfriend hardly seemed aware of it. Invitations to get togethers were met with a polite decline at the most and a shredder at worst. And the only decorations in Graceland were the piling fallen leaves that were quickly raked away. 
So when you sauntered into the kitchen one day, spotting a black and orange envelope in his hand, you just had to say something, “honey, can’t we go to this party? I already have a costume picked out, you wouldn’t have to worry a thing about it.” Elvis made Graceland his little world and as grand as it was, you thought he could use a little change of scenery too. Mainly one that included jack-o’-lanterns at the very least.
Elvis sighed, a wry smile on, “I think you’d do just fine wearing that costume just for me” oh he had that look on. Those bedroom eyes. But, you couldn’t let him melt you so easy.
“I think you’d do just fine not being such a grinch about Halloween,” you said right back, giving his nose a poke. He nipped at your finger. You really would love it, seeing Elvis dressed for the occasion. “Please? I promise it’ll be a night to remember.”
He sighed, he couldn’t sex his way out of this one. “Fine. I guess. But, I’m not putting on anything that’s gonna mess up my hair, you hear?” You just wrapped your arms around him in a squeeze. You were sure you could convince him otherwise. 
Halloween was tomorrow, so was the party, but you couldn’t help yourself. You had to try out your look. Elvis had bought you such nice dresses and you were sure this lovely black piece would look marvelous with a witches hat. “Not bad, huh?” You asked, the entryway to the closet was like a little stage for you. However, he was in bed reading.
And when he made a huffing sound you knew he was just being a grumpy gus about it. “Now a fan of witches either, huh?” You crawled onto the bed and peered at him, looking both above and below his book, one that was full of scribbles of his notes and ideas. “What is it. Are you a scaredy cat?”
Elvis then rose an eyebrow and with it came that smirk. “I just don’t make a fuss around Halloween.” He wasn’t all too amused by you interrupting his reading, but he was amused by the way that witches hat was one size too big for you. Just as you tapped his book, he tapped your hat which then drooped down to your face. 
You pulled it back up, he was being silly with you. “Come off it, it’s a full moon! Don’t you know magic is afoot when the moon gets full?” 
“I said I’d go with you, but lemme pretend Halloween doesn’t exist until then. How about that. The whole day, it’s creepy, you know? Just damn common sense why it doesn’t get me going.” He thought he was being real logical about it all. As if that was the point.
You pouted, sighed, but eventually flopped down next to him. “The parties tomorrow. You know… you’d make a lovely black cat, collar and everything.”
He smirked, and that was enough to get his attention, he could always read tomorrow. He got on top of you. “Try saying that agin.” You smiled back, feeling smug.
“Only if you meow for me.” Oh, now you were really in for it, you just knew that tonight you were getting spanked. And how it delighted you. And just as it usually went, the night ended in some very productive fucking. 
You had to leave early in the morning. It was a big day after all, you had family that were having their own little events. But as you got dressed you were sure to place a kiss on Elvis’s sleepy head, even if he was snoring under the covers. God, you loved him. 
In any case, even if he wasn’t in a celebrating mood, you knew he had a full schedule to keep him busy anyway for the first half of the day. There was recording and then something about the colonel. It was why when you arrived again that evening, that you were surprised when you were told that he’d stayed in bed all day. That he wasn’t feeling like himself. 
Now, if Elvis was sick, you’d be more than willing to skip the party. Even if you were already dressed up, pantyhose that would no doubt be ruined by the end of the night be damned. You know you could help take care of him if he was ill. And yet the maid assured you that he wasn’t. That he just couldn’t leave his room. 
And when you headed for the stairs, the cook stopped you with a glass of milk in hand. “It’s all he’s wanted all day,” she said, handing it off to you. You knew he had his cravings. But… milk?
Now, you weren’t sure what was going on. But if this was his way of avoiding the party, there were better ways to do it. You went right up the stairs, milk in hand. And you opened up his room which was darker than a cave, except for the television humming softly just across from the bed. “Elvis?” You flicked on the light to try and get a better look.
With it, Elvis had thrown a blanket over him and you heard a cat hiss. Odd, usually the animals weren’t let up here, too hard to clean the black furniture. Clearly something must have been up. 
“Elvis, hon, what’s going on now? If this is about the party-“
“Just leave the milk on the nightstand,” he cut you off and seemed to wind himself even deeper into the blanket, anymore and he might just get locked inside of it. Now, sometimes Elvis could get moody. But you didn’t even know what to call this mood. Maybe he was feeling sickly. You set the glass down.
“Do you need a doctor? Elvis, come on just-“ You pulled the blanket off as much as you could when it was bunched up. And he covered the top of his head right away. But he didn’t have time to cover his back side. A tail coiled behind him. A long, furry, sleek black tail. 
That was no costume. “Is that… is that a-“
“It’s a tail!” He cried out, his hands slipped from his head and down to his face in embarrassment. That’s when you saw a pair of twitchy cat ears atop his head. Even with his hands masking his face you saw it take on a shade of pink you’d never seen. “What am I going to do? I missed a recording session, I was gonna play some football with Jerry. All I did was lay around all day, I even want fish! I hate fish!”
A cat, Elvis was a cat or… one quarter cat? You didn’t know the human to DNA ratio going on but you did know those were real moving cat ears and a tail to match. And he looked just as embarrassed as a girl getting a blemish before prom. You had to say something. “I- I’ll call someone, I’ll go call someone.” 
Before you could get half a step away he grabbed your arm and if he wasn’t so emotionally fragile he might have snapped it. “No! No one can know about this! Are you crazy?!” His face started leaking with stress.
“I,” that was a good question honestly, from what you were looking at. Were you crazy? How many boyfriends changed up their ears over night? Like a sexy mister potato head.
In any case he was an absolute mess and you weren’t about to run out on him. Besides you needed that arm, you didn’t need it broken. You slipped down to his side and he looked on the edge of ugly crying.
“Alright, it’s okay- let’s try and think about this logically,” you tried. And you stared at him and he heaved some noises. Thinking logically was a lost cause before it even got started. But you had to get to the bottom of this somehow, before other cat parts started showing up. “We’ll figure this out. What do you remember, I mean, did you wake up like this?”
He had to snort and rubbed at his face, “well,” he tired to recall last night. “I remember reading and… then we screwed and it was…” He sniffled, “I came on your face and that was really fun,” you nodded, remembering it just as well, a little got in your eye. “But then you went home and I just had a sandwich and went to bed.”
You reached into your pocket and handed him a handkerchief, which he gratefully took to properly blow his nose. He continued. “I had the most, incredible sleep. Out like a light, all night, all day…” A hell of a cat nap, but you kept that comment to yourself, there was a time and place and Elvis was very sensitive right now. “And Mary knocked on my door to bring me lunch and… that’s when it happened.”
You leaned in a bit more, if he was about to reveal that a real live witch broke in through the window, you wanted to hear it. He mumbled. You leaned in more, he mumbled it again. “Elvis, you got me on the edge here.”
“I meowed!” 
This was very serious. Your boyfriend turning into a cat boy, dead serious. But then… your boyfriend turned into a cat boy.
“Don’t you laugh at me, it was involuntary. Like a sneeze. And I didn’t grow these on purpose, they were just there when I woke up.” The mystery just got deeper. Although magic wasn’t totally out of the question yet. There wasn’t much in terms for clues.
“Alright alright, back to what’s important. If you slept that well, I’m thinking it must have started when you went to sleep. So,” you felt like you were putting together a puzzle in the dark. There was no play book, nary a combination vet/doctor here to help fill in the blanks. 
But an answer hit you both at the same time. “Sex!” “Sandwiches?”
As haunting as a cursed peanut butter and banana sandwich sounded, he didn’t hold onto his theory very long and as per usual, was more interested yours, his favorite bedroom activity. “Alright, follow me on this… last night I was teasing you because you were being a real wet blanket about Halloween and, with a full moon out?”
He paused, he thought, “…Did you fuck me into being a cat?” He asked it the same way he asked if you were cheating on him. And as much as you’d like to take credit for putting the most adorable cat ears on the most adorable man, you didn’t recall dabbling in any dark arts on purpose. So you just had to genuinely shrug, it was a hard maybe.
There was a knock at the door. Elvis zipped under the blanket faster than you’d ever seen him move, it was actually impressive. “Hold tight just, don’t… sneeze.” You got up and tried to look like you weren’t someone in the middle of a supernatural emergency. You creaked the door open, it was one of Elvis’s boys, perfect timing. “Red, hi,” you gripped the door like you might break it. 
You didn’t know it for sure, but you could have sworn Elvis was moving his blanket like shield off the bed, like he was heading for a corner. “Oh hey there, you’re here early. Got Elvis’s suit for tonight, just got dropped from the cleaners.” You quickly took it in hand. “Is he doing alright? Haven’t seen him all day.”
“He’s doing so great. I mean, not too great. Not great enough for a chat. He’s busy. He’s… got a bad hair day, you know how it is.” Elvis hissed and Red peered behind your shoulder to which you made the crack in the door even smaller. “Welp… take it easy.” Before he could say another thing you shut the door tight.
Elvis peered up from the blanket, yes, in the corner on the floor now, his attempt at getting far away from the door. “Bad hair day.” He said it flatly. 
“I’m not wrong. You have more than you had last night.” That was too close though, you were not a good liar and if he knocked again you didn’t know what would come out of your mouth next. “But, babe, you really got a fresh suit for the party? You do want to go,” that made you smile, you were touched.
“…Well, wouldn’t want you going alone,” he may have not loved Halloween, and more mixed feelings were packing on by the second, but he wasn’t going to half ass it when you were already dressed up. “But, I can’t now. Can’t go anywhere! Unless you’re ready to fuck the cat back out of me.”
You held the suit close, and you only needed a moment to think before setting it down and then tossing yourself onto the bed, arms and legs open. “Do it.” You kept yourself open, staring up and dutifully waiting. 
You couldn’t see Elvis’s face, but his eyebrow raised so high you did hear it hit the ceiling “How’s that gonna work?”
“How do you got cat ears, a tail? And an attitude that I don’t appreciate right now.” You shot back, still spread eagle. If he had another idea, you’d love to hear it. He shrugged, so crazy it just might work.
And well, if nothing else, nothing cleared the head like sex.
“Well… I gotta get in the mood first.” He admitted, you supposed the circumstances weren’t ideal. And you yourself looked more like a sacrificial offering rather than an enticing vixen. You had some damn incredible sex last night, you’d say it was nearly magical. If you were going to recreate the circumstances it had to be good. 
You knew how to get him going. It involved getting rid of this dress. “Alright… let’s bring out the tiger man.” You started with getting on your knees on the bed, letting your hips sway back and forth as the thin little number you had started going down your shoulders. Making a real meal of it, giving him a show. 
Elvis watched from his corner, his ears turning this way and that and the cover slowly coming off him.
“Daddy?” You said, your bra now out as you crawled to the edge of the bed, “I think you can do better than last night,” you sang, “I think you were just holding back on me.” Teasing, you knew that would get you in some trouble. A little rough foreplay from him was the perfect way to get him hard. 
Elvis got up, holding himself high as he came over. 
And you curved your back, letting your ass stick out. “You’re just a silly little kitty, bet you can’t make me squeal.” You wiggled his target, and he raised up his hand and, he bit his lip. 
“I… I don’t think I can do this.” Your face planted into the mattress, oh come on, that was a fine performance, you even got in on the cat motif. “I mean, your tits are unbelievable in black lace and you did turn me on there but,” his shoulders looked a little caved in and he fiddled with his thumbs.
Now if Elvis was feeling uncomfortable you’d of course call it off. But it looked like he wanted to say something, it just wasn’t coming out right. “Tell me what I did that turned you on, sweetheart,” you asked curiously.
Elvis was getting pink again. “When you… called me a silly little kitty.” As you lived and breathed. Elvis Presley had a submissive side. Now, you knew he could be sensitive, but he hadn’t voiced something like this before. And you refrained from showing too much excitement. You’d been considering switching it up for a while now but didn’t want to rush things.
And then it made all too much sense. So you said it out loud. “Of course. You fucked me, you turned into a cat… it makes sense, that I’d have to fuck you.” 
Elvis looked up at that, “you can’t tell anyone, not any of the guys, if they knew they’d never let me hear the end of it. I’m still living down the time they started laughing at me when I said I ate pussy once.” He looked like a poor little school boy worried about what his friends would think. 
“Elvis, you’re part cat right now. There’s a lot of things going on in this room I’ll never tell anyone about.” Though you’d have a talking to with them someday, pussy deserved to be eaten out. He trusted you, you trusted him. But you were sure he was nervous about trying this. Even if he wanted to. “And you’re sure you really want to? Is it you or the kitty talking?”
Thats when he looked ready to bury his face into something. “Can’t it be both? Damn it.” God, you could kiss him right there, right on the cheek he was too cute for you to handle. Oh yes, this would stay in the bedroom, witch’s honor. Magical cure or not, you’d both get something out of this. “I’d like it, if you… called me some names and maybe, spanked me a bit… Just, let’s get it going.” 
Oh he was being big and brave right now. It took guts for Elvis to put himself out there. You slid off the bed and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him. He looked a little surprised at the sudden kiss. “I’d be happy to spank you, Elvis. Dirty kitty.” He looked the other way embarrassed but you felt him getting hard against your leg.
Well, first things first you needed a good target yourself. Your arms went from his neck and down to his butt, which you squeezed. Elvis often took control, and unfortunately felt he had to be macho sometimes, so alas his ass had been regrettably neglected. You could tell because he almost let out a yelp just from that. 
Of course there was more down there now. His cat tail was straightening up too. “Get out of those pajamas, sweetie. I wanna see how ready you are.” 
Elvis nodded, in truth, he sort of couldn’t wait. Now Elvis may have been a star on stage but even he had his insecurities and he rarely got fully naked. Like he needed at least one layer, whether for the mystery or for his pride. But, you were curious to see what he’d do. 
And he didn’t disappoint. First came off the shirt, button by button. Then you watched as the pants came down. Only the underwear left, a tight cotton layer that hugged his now very interested dick. A bit different from last night, he blindfolded you when those came off. But you’d be front and center. You were an audience.
They slid down slow and there he was. All of him, a decent size. And more. Literally, he had extra body parts for the moment. And well? God could strike you down for being a pervert. There was something so sexy about Elvis looking all shy with those kitty ears on his head. He’d make quite the pet. 
“Ain’t you pretty,” you said to him, which made him nod and say a little ‘thank you ma’am.’ “But, I know where you’d look prettier.” You gave a look and a nod back at the bed. 
When he got on it, he looked eager. He looked ready, he looked like he was holding back from bringing the claws out he was so desperate. Damn, he should have said something sooner, he didn’t need to grow a tail to tell you he wanted his tail smacked up. You’d do that for free any day of the week. 
And it seemed even just assuming the position was enough to get him nice and needy. “Lots to work with here,” you nodded. “Let me just take my time…” you said slowly as you could. And then you took his tail in hand, you didn’t have to wait for a reaction, his back arched. 
“…Please,” Elvis murmured, his southern accent in full force and his voice dropping to a sultry octave.
You strummed your fingers against his right cheek, “let me think.” And then smack! You cracked your hand against him and he gave such a cry. And yes, at the tail end of it it almost sounded like a little mew. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” You kept an eye on his cock as you spanked him. Once, twice, a third time. You made sure to pause. Elvis knew what word to say if it got harrier than it already was. 
But he was just about going to pieces. If turning into a cat boy wasn’t enough to shake him up, leaning into his more personal urges did. And you especially loved when at one point he shouted out, “bless it all!” 
You thought he might cum just from this, his dick bobbed up and down, it dripped. He was making a bit of a mess. And when you took on a scolding tone about him being so very filthy, you added a pinch to his nipple. And that was a very good idea.
Well, he was more than warmed up. “Has anyone ever played with you back here, kitty?” You asked nice and soft. Now you didn’t want to brag, but you had some experience with men in the past that liked to be toyed with. The circumstances with Elvis were different of course, but not as different as one may think. Animal ears were popular. 
His bottom was sore and his head was down in the sheets, and as much as he wanted to touch himself, he held off. “…Sometimes,” he said shyly, “when I’m alone.”
Now you were both getting something out of this, but you’d sure be glad to get rid of that needless shame. Elvis was in your care right now, he was your kitty. And though you could tease him, you would make sure he lived out whatever fantasy he wanted damn it. “How big? I don’t want to hurt my baby.” 
Elvis peered back at you, his tail swished back and forth. “There’s a toy. Keep it… in this music theory book, hollowed it out.” That one sent you. You had wondered why he only had a single academic book about the art of music. And now you knew why. And now you wanted to fuck his ass and watch him cum so bad. 
And of course because it was Elvis, when you opened up the book near the bed and saw the pages that had been spliced just right to hide something, the toy itself was custom. It was shiny, it was pink. And you were pretty sure Elvis gifted you one just like it last Christmas. Your tastes were so similar, you felt a stroke of pride. 
Elvis needed to turn into a cat boy more often. 
In any case, you didn’t need to ask him where the lube was, you knew very well where that was. You first coated your fingers, just to get him ready. One hand was wet the lube, the other would get wet another way. Of course you’d be getting off too. And frankly you needed him just in this position while you did it. 
Your hand parted his sweet red ass, rubbing at his hole which relaxed very easily. A good sign, this would be great for the both of you. Meanwhile, your other fingers crooked down below you and you touched at your clit just through your panties. You supposed it was crass but you were in a way taking care of business for the both of you. Elvis melted at your touch. 
And yes, even before the toy he was vibrating. Not just vibrating, purring. “That’s a good kitty,” you hummed, praising him, “that’s it, kitty loves it in the ass.” Elvis just enjoyed the massage, especially giving off a moan when you curled your fingers a certain way and you joined him right after when a you hit a nice spot on yourself. 
Elvis’s cock was straining. His will power was incredible. This clearly wasn’t his first rodeo. But now it was for the main event, fucking him with this cute toy. It was a good girth, smooth, it had a curve. Smaller than his dick but you were sure now that he had someone helping him out, he might go up a size. 
And so you angled it, coated it nice and slick and let it slide in. Elvis really moaned this time and his hand went back for his dick. Every man had his breaking point, it just made you chuckle which made him blush and more turned on.
You put the toy in and out of him and he stroked himself in time, and you stroked yourself too. He was building, you were building. “Fuck me!” He whined and that’s when you shoved the toy in hard, once, twice, and his back arched and his head was thrown back. Wherever you’d hit? It was perfect. And seeing him like that? Did it for you too. And your toes curled and you had to cling to the bed. Elvis came and his cum made quite a mess on the black sheets. He was down for the count. Toy still up his ass. 
You had to hang your head a little low to catch up with yourself. Oh yes, this was the first of many, you already knew. You’d heard about strap ons before, you were sure it was worth the investment. Maybe one in gold. “Was it good, baby?” You asked him.
“Mhm.” The toy gently fell out, a slick little pop on it’s way out. And when he looked at you? The cat ears and tail were gone. And by god, you couldn’t believe it actually worked. If it hadn’t you were this close to calling the kind of doctor that did cat scans. 
“Elvis!” You pointed at him and he right away knew what you meant, he touched his head and was just as blown away as you. He let out a laugh and so did you. And you did a crash landing hug on him. Fresh off an orgasm you two rolled in twain, you were probably ruining your dress with the cum stain but you didn’t care. It actually worked. 
Elvis looked right at you and kissed you. “I knew you were magic.” 
You had arrived fashionably late to the party. After all, Elvis was about as messy as it got and had to prim his look together from when he was a bit more animalistic. And luckily, you kept some spare dresses in his closet. This one was red. And upon strolling in, you were dressed as a couple of friendly looking devils. Hey, at least it wasn’t cat ears.
The party was fun, Elvis socialized and you’d never seen him so jolly about anything to do with Halloween. He even danced to The Monster Mash, though there was a little pain behind his eyes for that one. 
You just had to pull him aside though, just for a little moment alone. “You’re enjoying yourself,” you said to him in a cramped dark little hallway just off from the noise.
“Well, I’m not going to be a cat for the rest of my life,” Elvis said in all honesty, “I think it’s worth letting loose a little.” And you couldn’t agree more.
And having him to close in this cramped hallway, you had to see it. “Show it to me. Come on, it looks so good.” Elvis chuckled and pulled down his shirt collar to reveal it. A white leather collar. It had originally been a gift for you, but you decided as you’d gotten ready tonight, that it would be a shared token. And of course it had EP etched in right on it. It looked good on him, even if it was a little secret between you. 
“We really should get a leash for it,” you mused, giving it a tug and well that made him pink and his pupils got big. And it did something else. Your eyes went from coy to wide.
“What.” And atop his head, next to those fake devil horns? Cat ears, back again. And when he noticed too he looked to the ceiling and back down to you.
And it seemed both of you were getting similar ideas. “Well… we know how to fix it,” you mentioned simply. “How roomy is the backseat of the Cadillac?” 
He didn’t answer. He just grabbed your hand and everyone wondered why Elvis and his girl were leaving the party, giggling. But attendees would later go on to recount that the last thing Elvis called out before leaving the party early? “I love Halloween!” 
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crisispider · 1 year
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → @oceansfirst because it's the season [ cont. ]
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'you know i didn't, babe.'
"Right.. yeah sorry duh, i'm dumb." Oh Parker you absolute dumbasss! He knew that. He just hadn't been thinking, so OVERWHELMING EXCITED with all of the HALLOWEEN SPIRIT in the city air. Halloween was easily Peter's second favorite holiday beaten only by HANUKKAH. But now that he was snapped back to reality, he felt a little guilty.
At the mention of MAYDAY he managed to get a little BOUNCE back, unable to ever really stop the GOOFY looking face he would make any time he got to talk about his daughter. The fact that Clint seemed to love her just as much as Peter, as if she was already his? It WARMED Peter's entire chest in a real HEAVY and REAL sort of way that if he had been five years younger would have set him into a real panic spiral.
But now? Now Peter was running towards the feeling, holding onto it with all he has. The two of them had something here, something REAL and GOOD and peter was too selfish to ever let it go. Besides, wasn't it the goal to get a step-father for your kid who actually loves them?
"Yeah! That's what I was thinking! MJ is gonna be a flower, I was thinking I can be a caterpillar and you could be a bee! Get it? Because they have a DEADLY AIM!" He is laughing at his own dumb joke, that infectious one that takes him a solid minute to calm back down from.
"So whatcha think? Come with us? MJ says we can take turns all taking little bug up to the door. I did promise her all of the snickers though.."
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invisibleraven · 2 years
“Please don’t make me wear this, I look ridiculous.” + PeterPatterLina plz and thank
“I wanna do something nice for other people this Christmas,” Julie declared at their latest band meeting. “We have money and fame now, we could make a real difference in people’s lives.”
“I’m all for that,” Luke chimes in.
“Anything specific you want to do?” Flynn asked, already pulling out her phone, tapping away.
“Something to help kids?” Reggie suggested. “They will appreciate it most.”
“I mean we visit sick wards throughout the year, should probably do it again at Christmas, maybe bring presents?” Alex piped up. The band agreed to that, but also decided to do some donations to a few shelters around the area as well.
"I'll contact Dr. Fuentes at County Medical," Flynn said. "And then you boys can argue over who is gonna wear the Santa suit."
"Not it!" all three chimed, placing their fingers on their noses. It then devolved into a frantic rock paper scissors game. Julie and Flynn rolled their eyes, and left them to it.
Alex came into the house beaming, but Flynn then informed him he would need to grab Willie so the three of them could handle the shopping for toys and books. Reggie entered later, his smile not as wide, but he bounced up to Julie. "I have to play the elf."
"Does that mean Luke is Santa?' she asked.
Luke entered right after, his angry puppy pout in full force. "Oh come on Luke, it's for the kids," she said.
"I know, but I'm gonna sweat to death," Luke whined.
"Sorry babe, but Santa wears sleeves," Reggie said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You wanna play naughty Santa later, well we can talk about it then."
"I do have a rather large package with your names on it..." Luke said.
"Gross," Julie replied, scrunching up her face. "Just play Santa, and if you're a good boy, you can unwrap us later okay?"
"Fine. For the kids," Luke said.
However on the day off, he was really regretting it. He pulled at the beard, patted the fake belly, and straightened his hat. “Please don’t make me wear this, I look ridiculous.”
"You look perfect," Julie assured him.
"At least your shoes don't jingle," Reggie said, showing off his pointy toed shoes that had bells on the end."
"Don't play, you love that," Luke said.
Reggie blushed, but quietly admitted that he kind of did. Plus Julie was also dressed as an elf, with Alex even getting into the spirit of things as he was wearing a reindeer antler headband and a bright red nose.
The kids freaked as Santa came in, Luke giving his best "Ho ho ho!" as he entered, sitting down in the prepared chair, handing out gifts as each kid came up. Visiting the kids who couldn't leave their beds. The four of them trying not to cry as some kids asked for things they couldn't deliver, such as a cure, their families, or just having their last Christmas at home.
Finally, all the presents were given out, everyone who could have one had a candy cane, a few rounds of Jungle Bells had been sung, and it was time to go. The band's hearts felt lighter, and they all went home to celebrate the holidays with their families.
Luke sighed as he finally got to take off the suit. "Next year Alex can play Santa," he said, kicking up his feet.
"What about when we have our own kids? Who's playing Santa then?" Julie asked.
"Reggie." Then a beat. "Kids?"
Julie grinned, taking their hands and placing them on her abdomen. "Just one for now... but yeah, kids."
"Julie... are you really?" Reggie asked.
"It's early days, but yes."
There was a volley of kisses, and whoops of joy as the three of them celebrated the expansion of their family. Both guys declaring it the best present ever, but neither were willing to give back the wrapped parcels under the tree.
They didn't get to play naughty Santa, but Luke was okay with that, because they did have a nice evening cuddled up together, with a bit of naughty fun later on, though it was tender and loving, the both of them laying reverent kisses on Julie's stomach as they caressed her.
And a few years later, when Danny was old enough, and Luna was too young to care, Reggie did indeed play Santa for them.
He complained far less than Luke, but he still didn't mind when his spouses unwrapped him later, right down to the underwear he was wearing with the bright red bow on them.
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canceramorem · 2 years
So I had gotten this gigantic candy cane. Actually I got two of them. At only a dollar a piece, they are well worth the price. Now these weren't your average candy canes, no, these were extra jumbo candy canes. About a foot long and three inches in diameter. As soon as I saw them, I thought, wouldn't that be nice to fuck Scarlett with while I eat her out? Get into the holiday spirit a little bit.
So on my birthday, she asked me what did I want , Well , that was a dumb question. All I wanted was her, and not just that night. Up until that point in my life, all I ever wanted was her. Yea, sounds crazy but it is the truth. I had spent my whole life looking for someone like her, no, for HER. Not someone like her, just her!
Now , I had never in my life injected any drugs into my body. I had been around people that did. Hell, I became a bit of a phlebotomist . I have shot up in my life over 20 different women- only women- I don't do that type of shit with men. When I would shoot up a woman , it is a very rewarding feeling. Because I do care, I make sure they're gonna get a good shot and also not get infected. And its a very intimate-like process. I have seen females sit for an hour, trying to get the shot by self-injection, only to end up with a clogged "rusty rig".( Jey pizzle would gladly help you-but only if you are hot.).
So Scarlett, yeah , her real name is Scarlett, had used needles before I met her. And I was cool with that. Hell, I even was more attracted to her because of the fact that she wasn't "perfect" in that sense. Well after so many years of being around the needles and people who used them, it was time for pizzle to give it a shot (no pun intended) . So I made up a decent shot and told Marie to watch . I pulled my shorts down to show her my fully erect, and only wanting her, and her only , cock. I drew back the blood and shot that shit straight into my dick !The combination of the Go and her there naked, it was a feeling of the birthday best EVER in my LIFE. Fucked like pornstars and the whole candy cane thing , it was EPIC. I love you Jey Motherfucking Pizzle! AnD you too, Scarlett Marie
When I told her I wanted her for my birthday present she was more than willing to accommodate my birthday wishes. So as we usually did, we made passionate kissing turned into me using my month and tongue to get her so horny that she couldn't resist. Of course I asked her first, I just do that , I guess its because I am not a rapist. I could not and would not be with someone against their will. Its just wrong!
So as I was giving her the best head humanly possible, I asked if I could insert the monster candy cane into her invitingly wet "Jason's birthday present" , I will never forget the taste of her. She really is amazing.
As I slowly insert the candy cane I use my tongue and actually suck her juices and candy cane juices and twisting , turning and down right hard core fucking her with it, It was so awesome! I actually fucked her so hard with it that it turned completely white. She said it felt good, that it was minty. I then put my raging hard cock in her and we made the best birthday sex ever! It has no comparison, as a matter of fact, we never made sex that wasn't amazing.
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oscar-piastri · 5 months
short scenes of a love story
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i. the meeting
Cassy discreetly glanced in his direction, hoping she wasn’t staring like a psycho. Her eyes and expressions always seemed to reveal more than she intended. While others around her chatted and sipped their coffee and hot chocolate, she couldn’t help but fixate on him. The chances of someone she was about to work with being part of her friends' holiday group were slim, let alone him being Melvyn Jaminet, a renowned rugby player, and yet...
A gentle tug on her right arm pulled Cassy back to reality. She looked to her right, her face showing signs of confusion. “They were asking why we were here and we wanted to let you explain” Camille, her brunette friend explained as she looked at everyone around the tables. “You're the star of this trip, after all.”
“Oh” Cassy blushed. ‘Star of this trip’ felt like a stretch, considering her friends had shifted their attention to the boys as soon as they arrived. She held back her thoughts, not wanting to create unnecessary drama. Just as she was about to speak, one of the boys; Marius, interjected.
“Speaking of stars, we have one too,” he declared, tapping Melvyn’s chest proudly. “My boy here is a rugby rockstar. I mean we all are, but like Melvyn is the real star among us. Like real famous and all". Almost instantly, all of Cassy’s friends turned their attention to Melvyn. Perfect.
Melvyn quickly intervened, playfully chastising his friend's behavior by tapping the back of his neck. “This is not about me. Cassy was speaking, you rude moron. Ain’t the way you treat girls” he said before looking back at Cassy with an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that, he doesn’t know how to behave around girls. Not used to seeing them”
Cassy chuckled at Melvyn’s words and accepted Marius‘ apology as he was scratching his head with embarrassment. “Oh trust me, it’s not that big of an event. It’s just a friends trip before I move into a new city, I’m starting a new job next week” 
“Don’t be modest Cass’!” Cassy’s friend Ana said while playfully hitting her shoulder, bringing the attention back to her. “Girl landed her dream job” she exclaimed as her friends cheered and clapped. “Where is it already? I think I forgot” Ana asked and turned to face Cassy.
“I’ll be a community manager and graphic designer for a sports team” Cassy muttered, clearly annoyed by the way her friends were acting. “Actually, I'm surprised you forgot where it is. Thought you were already planning to visit me” she said, faking a smile at her friend. 
“Yes, join us in the sports side Cassy!” David said, high fiving Cassy, making her smile and forget her friends’ behavior. Funny how these strangers seemed more welcoming and interested in Cassy’s career than her actual friends.
Feeling her friends' eyes on her, Cassy sensed a hint of jealousy. It might be a good time to suggest heading back to their rooms, but Camille beat her to it.
“How about we play some board games? I Saw some when I was on my way here. I’m thinking….. boys versus girls.”
“Now that would be fun,” Ana cheered.
“But will that be fair? I mean, we should mix the teams to make it equitable and fun” Marius said, which made Melvyn and David smirk.
“Oh no. You’re definitely way too cocky, let’s teach you a lesson. Girls against boys, let’s go” Cassy said, standing up from the couch. She wasn’t having it and this awoke her competitive spirit. Fair? Hell the girls team was gonna kick their ass.
After a few rounds of different games, the verdict was in favor of Cassy and her friends. The boys actually didn’t win any, which was probably karma kicking them. 
“What, giving up already?” Ana asked when she noticed Melvyn grabbing his stuff and standing from his seat.
“I will never give up a fight” Melvyn replied. “But I actually have to pack my stuff”
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning, I need to go back to Toulon and train with the team. My holidays are over. The boys are staying, though” Melvyn pointed to his two friends. “Maybe you can beat them again and again, probably what they deserve” he joked around, sticking out his tongue as his friends both stood up to gently slap the back of his neck.
Melvyn then turned to Cassy “Good luck with your new job. Oh and little advice, as someone in the sports environment. Don’t let the players of the team be annoying and give you hell when you need to make content. Show them you’re the boss” he winked before looking at the board game currently on the table. The one Cassy had just won against him. “Rematch soon?”
Cassy smiled, nodding “Sooner than you’d think, I believe”.
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bl6ckr0s3 · 7 months
Spiritual Awakening 2024
I never thought I'd be writing again here, but the therapy of writing never fails. Counseling doesn't work for me because they cost money and humans are disappointments if they aren't spiritual. God and Lord Jesus have been my best counselors. The most difficult thing I have had to endure was the death of my sister, Annica. The last time I spoke to her was when she was back at the hospital in West Covina in the end of November. I think I last texted her Jan, but the last time I spoke to her was the last time I ever got to hear her voice. My brother or dad never told me nothing, until I had a bad feeling and had to give my niece a text to ask her dad how my sister is doing. That's when I got the bad news that she didn't make it in the hospital. She was there to get a blood transfusion. I truly believed that since she gotten sick with Covid, it fucked up her body and her health was going downhill. I never expected to lose her now, I really thought she was gonna live another 10-15 years and that my 90 year old dad would pass b4 her. She was a great person just like my mom. Now at least she's reunited with her and the rest of the families and the spirit guides that have been with her for many years. She no longer needs to suffer taking medications and dealing with my dad's negative bullshit. Her funeral is this Tuesday, but sadly I can't afford to fly out there to say goodbye. I know my sister would understand and not hold it against me for not making it to her funeral. We were really close & she is spiritually powerful so I know I feel like I am somewhat closer to her now in spirit. Getting through the first couple of days of grieving was difficult, but the remainder of the week got easier.
I had 3 3-Question readings done with Cait because I have met somebody I never expected to meet. There was a drawing of a man that she did for me almost 3 years ago from my soulmate reading with Cait. She drew a photo of a man with a baseball cap, flannel over a t-shirt, and a small beard. I looked at this photo and told myself I generally never become attracted to men like this. I held on to the drawing though. This was right before I met Joshua and way after I had already broken up with Ricky.
During the beginning of the holidays, it started to get real busy at work. One evening I was gonna leave work and I almost forgot to put away my fan. I found a fan that still works that somebody left at the garbage disposal of my apartment complex and thought it was perfect for work. When they blast the heaters, it was so fucking hot that i couldn't work without it throughout the night, so I had to make sure I had my fan put away so that nobody would steal it. Right when I turned around, here comes a tall gentleman staring directly at me with a smile on his face. I couldn't help, but grin in return. I never saw this guy b4, and it hit me so fast. I didn't know wtf happened, but it hit me like a semi-truck. I looked at the guy and asked myself who is this guy? Where did he come from? Damn, he looks kinda cute. After the first time seeing him, I couldn't stop thinking about him after that. The next evening I worked, I would look out for him. I would notice he usually starts walking by around 10 or 11pm. During the holidays, the maintenance guys would come in 2 hours early. When I saw the same guy walking by, I held my position and kept watch to see if he would turn to look at me. As he walked by my operation, he turned to look at me and smiled at me when he saw I was looking at him, so I decided to wave to him. There was a couple of other times I have seen him while I been working when he was working on a machine, he would turn to look at me and smile at me then look away. I already felt his eyes and his smile call my name. I waved to him when he walked by and smiled at me again, then I started greeting him when he did the next time. I asked the Mike on my tour about him and he said that guy is Mike Myers. He told me about him before, and I thought it was cool that he had a celebrity's name as well as a horror character's name as well. So, the next time he walked by I asked him if he is Mike, and he said yeah. I introduced myself to him and held out my hand to shake his, afterwards he said it was nice to meet me and I said the same.
Referring to Cait's readings, I asked about Mike Myers and how he felt about me. I was shocked to figure that after the powerful connection I felt with this man, I thought back to the drawing that Cait did for me and realized that OMG, he looked just like the guy in the drawing. Mike had a small beard, he wears a baseball cap all the time, and he always wears a plaid flannel to work outside his t-shirt. After the first time seeing him, I couldn't believe how fucking cute he was. I knew he is married with 3 kids, but obviously this powerful connection isn't stopping either one of us from this passion and excitement we have for each other. Cait verified with me in the readings that I have captured this man's attention. Mike has seen me when I was on tour 1, but I never remembered seeing him, maybe once if I was lucky to catch him. I never realized he liked me from the very beginning and then showing up in my work operation during the holidays the way he did, it turns out he would come through there when he never really needed to just to try to get a glance from me.
I began to write letters to him & folded them into the old origami shapes that we use to do it back in high school. He definitely remembered that when I saw the letters and he read through them all that night. He found it interesting. Claimed to have 'red thoughts' from the first letter and the remainder was informative in which I poured out my history to him so that he knows where my family came from and where I grew up. I told him about the places I lived in, the schools I attended, what I went through growing up during my teenage years, and about my ex boyfriends. He said he enjoyed my letters and didn't mind reading more, so I make time to write to him again when I can. After I gave him my Google voice #, he texted me right away and told me I can text him whenever I wanted. That first night, we texted until 6am before I realized I had to go to bed. I am getting use to the patterns of when he normally goes to sleep and when he is able to msg me, but it's been pretty hot between us. I shared a ton of photos to him. Cait has relate to me about the similar situation that me and Mike are in with our current relationships regarding co-dependency & possessive behaviors.
Joshua has noticed that something about me is off for the past 2 weeks and he knows things haven't really been the same between us. Even when we moved here, I already felt like my love and affections have drifted away from him. I was honest with him a couple of times about how I felt about our relationship. I told him that he's not affectionate with me, he hardly holds me in bed or in public, he kisses me rarely, we don't hold hands in public, we don't really have sex much in the first place. I know it and Cait knows it that there are things about him that won't ever change. His possessiveness and the way he controls me and the way he's becomes annoyed quickly and the way he deals with people is just sort of negative for me to deal with for the rest of my life. I don't want to live with Joshua for the rest of my life knowing that that's what I'm gonna deal with. Now that I know that I have met the man in the drawing who happens to my real TWIN FLAME. All the men I have been with and thinking of the possible people who could've been 'the one' who ended up NOT, it took me 3 years for my manifestation list to come true. The list that I made of all the things I wanted my future man to be, I wouldn't have met him if I wasn't convinced to move here to Tennessee. Mike was born in West Tennessee and lived here all of his life.
I have been really happy since I met him and I was open with him about everything, my feelings for him, knowing the fact that he's my twin flame, and that we are here to help each other out and be there for each other if need be. We are here to help each other grow spiritually, whether we don't end up getting together or we do. I think I have found my MATCH. This is amazing.
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carladuquette · 9 months
Joy to the world// A not-all-that-joyful VaLu Christmas fic
Sleighbells rang, the halls were decked with boughs of holly and treetops were glistening. The Montesinos house was oozing holiday spirit from every pore. They had truly outdone themselves this year, and Lu did not care that the neighbors were shaking their heads when they passed by the house. She and Val weren't close to any of them anyway. Making friends was hard when you had to start lying as soon as the "So how did you two meet?" question came up. It didn't matter to her – all she needed to be happy was right here.
Little ceramic cottages and chapels with candles inside transformed the living room coffee table into a quaint Christmas village. The scent of gingerbread men/cars/penguins filled the entire house. Lu had cringed at the idea of baking at first, because she knew she would still be able to smell the spices when everything was over. But when Benny had pointed out that it wasn’t like a real Christmas without baking cookies, she had relented.
Valerio had set up no less than three trees: One in the living room, one in the dining room, and one in Benny's room. The three ornament boxes stored in the attic could only transform two firs into Christmas Trees, so they needed to expand their collection. At first they were just going to order the Traditional Holiday Assortment from Amazon, but Benny wanted to look at every single ornament up close. This presented them with the difficult task of finding a store selling Christmas ornaments at this time of year.
When Lu and Benny stumbled upon an All-Year-Holiday Shoppe on their way home from the new doctor one afternoon, Lu felt like she had won the lottery. She and Benny spent an hour in the small store picking out everything he liked. The four-year old wanted to stay longer, but Lu could hear his breathing get wheezy.
She took their basket filled with bright Winnie the Pooh baubles, miniature reindeer, and an over-priced string of lights in the form of the Toy Story characters to the cashier and paid. As they were about to walk out, Lu froze and grabbed Benny by the shoulder.
"Baby, why don't you go back to the Toy Story section?" Her voice was tense, but she hoped Benny wouldn't notice. "One more ornament, ok? You're gonna have to pick, either Buzz or Woody, not both."
Outside, Carla and Samuel walked past. Lu stood in the store's entryway, staring after them until they were out of sight, and tried to commit every single detail to memory. The feathered ends of Carla's shorter haircut had fluttered in the wind. She still scrunched up her nose the same way when she laughed. She'd worn one of those crossbody bags she'd always told Lu she despised.
Carla had been the last of their friends who'd still talked to her after she and Val had stopped denying themselves what made them happy and moved into a house on the outskirts of Madrid. That, too, had stopped after Lu had told her she was pregnant.
No matter. Her son was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Lu still thought that, despite everything. She shook her head, then picked up Benny in the Disney aisle and purchased the Buzz Lightyear ornament he was clutching in his sweaty hand. On the drive home, she checked the rearview mirror and smiled at her exhausted but beaming child in the backseat.
That night, after Benny had finally fallen asleep under the influence of too many pills and "Elf," Valerio was tossing and turning in bed.
Lu couldn't sleep, either. The closed bedroom windows couldn’t keep out the July heat, and the image of her son's pale face blending in with their beige couch wouldn’t go away. Benny seemed to be getting smaller by the hour.
Even though she knew he was awake, hearing Val's whisper startled her. They rarely admitted their insomnia to each other.
His voice sounded like sandpaper. "I knew we said we’d wait until the weekend, but I was thinking… What if we moved it up a day? Why shouldn’t Christmas Eve be this Friday?"
"Could you get off at work on such short notice? That's two days from now…"
"Yeah, no, not a problem." The short, pressed way the reply had come out told Lu it was that kind of night for him. Fortunately they took turns for the most part, so one of them could comfort the other.
"So Christmas is Saturday then," Lu whispered. "Great."
She found Val's hand in the dark and pulled it up to her lips for a soft kiss.
Lu blamed the stress for the fact that it seemed to be her turn to lose it the following night. Benny had run a fever in the morning and it had only started to go down around 4 in the afternoon, when Lu had been all but ready to pack him up and take him to the hospital.
Now she turned on her side and watched Valerio's chest rise and fall.
"Do you think this is our fault?"
After a brief silence, she saw Val shift. "What?"
"Do you think he's suffering because of us? Because what we're doing is wrong and we weren't supposed to have children and this is our punishment?" The words spilled out of her like a valve had been opened.
"Lu, don’t," Val said, his voice tired. "You know what Dr. Ramon told us."
When they had found out their son was sick, they had told exactly one outsider the truth. Dr. Ramon, Benjamin’s pediatrician who had treated him from the day he was born until he needed a specialized oncologist, had looked at them with a visceral disgust that Lu would remember for the rest of her life.
He’d run a couple of tests, reluctantly assured them that Benny's parentage had no effect on his illness or its treatment and that it wasn't the reason he had gotten sick. Then he asked them to never return to his practice.
"He was so sure about it, you heard him." Val sounded almost defiant now. "Don’t torture yourself. It’s not helping Benny."
She nodded in the dark, then let him pull her close. But Lu still couldn’t fall asleep.
Val hadn’t answered her question.
Do you think this is our fault? Do you think it, too?
He hadn’t said No.
Christmas Eve at the Montesinos' took place on July 5. The burning sun made for a sweltering heat outside, but inside Lu had turned up the AC so she and Valerio could wear the snowman sweaters that Benny loved so much.
They had gingerbread penguins for breakfast and afterward Lu and Benny went caroling. They started in Benny’s room with Lu playing the part of the surprised resident and Benny singing Joy to the World, his favorite carol, as loudly as he could. By the time he got to the end of the second verse, his face had turned red and the "… repeat, repeat the sounding joy" came out rather shaky.
After that, Lu caroled for Benny in every room of the house. She took on a different personality in each room, and Benny squealed in delight at her girl scout caroler, opera singer, and Santa Claus himself booming "JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME!" in their guest bathroom.
Valerio made lasagna for lunch, and they ate it huddled together on the couch. Lying there, all happy and tired and full, Lu wished she could stop time. She would have been completely satisfied spending the rest of her life, even eternity, on that couch, her head on Val's shoulder and Benny, who barely weighed anything anymore, asleep in her lap.
But time didn’t stop. On the contrary. Lu had the impression it had started to move faster over the last five months, and it was moving faster and faster every day now, every hour.
All it took to put Benny to bed that night was the reminder that Santa Claus didn’t come when little boys were still awake.
The next morning, Val carried him downstairs.
"I heard noises on the roof last night, champ. It sounded like reindeer!"
Watching Val with their son, Lu thought her chest might combust. She took a breath to collect herself, then stepped up to the two of them and took Benny into her arms.
"I’ll quickly get started with the waffles, and then we’ll see if Santa dropped anything off for you," Val promised.
Fifteen minutes later, the first batch of waffles was in the making and Benny picked a long, slim present to open first. Lu had to help with the tape. When he finally saw what was inside, his face glowed with excitement - skies!
Valerio and Lu had not been able to resist when they had found the pair of children’s skies Benny had wanted so badly at an online sporting goods store, knowing full well that they would only serve as a painful reminder and end up collecting dust in the attic because neither of them would be able to throw them out.
Struggling to move out from underneath his blanket, Benny wanted to try the skies right away. Lu gently pushed the bouncing four-year old down on the couch again.
"Well baby, there is no snow outside now, you know. But in winter-" Her voice cracked slightly, but it only took a moment for her to regain control. "In winter, we’ll all go skiing together. You and daddy and me. You can try them then, ok? I promise you we are going to spend all day out in the snow."
Benny nodded and leaned back into the pillows. Lu hugged him tightly. She did not let the tears in her eyes roll down her cheeks. To her left, Valerio pushed himself out of the armchair like an old man.
"I’m going to check on the waffles," he murmured.
When he came back, Benny was attacking Lu with his new Buzz Lightyear action figure, and Lu was laughing so hard she couldn’t sit upright. Valerio stopped in the door. She looked up at him and saw her own joy and pain reflected in his eyes.
In bed that night, Lu finally let herself go. Tears were running down her face, though they weren't tears of sadness - at least not solely. When they had first come up with the idea to move up Benny's favorite holiday, it had seemed ridiculous. But it had turned out to be the best decision she and Val had ever made. Not only had Benny enjoyed it more than anything else they could have done for him, Lu knew it was also important for herself.
This was the last time for her and Val to bask in the holiday spirit like they had done for the past two days, to sing and bake cookies and listen to "Joy to the World" over and over and over again.
Six months from now, Lu was sure, they would not even have a tree.
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