#gonna make a special dinner for every person who follows this account with my
camels-pen · 3 months
completely unrelated thought to literally anything i've been doing today:
canon Sanji getting swapped with a Sanji from a genderswap AU. key point is that everyone's p much the same personality wise
there are crises going on. but mostly for canon Sanji lmao
this includes:
Luffy still likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
Franky also still likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
Usopp, guess what, also likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
granted, Usopp at least wears crop tops sometimes
Brook looks pretty much the same except for speaking mannerisms / voice pitch; startles the hell out of Sanji bc he keeps expecting it to be his Brook until a Skull Joke comes out of those chuckling teeth
The knee jerk reaction to Robin and Nami keeps crossing wires- one moment Sanji will just register a guy in his peripheral but not who he's speaking to and cuss and complain and shit. then the realization will kick in and he'll be caught up trying to apologize, but then wondering if he does need to apologize because uh, Nami and Robin are guys here right?? and they're not his Nami and Robin, but at the same time he can't just be rude to Nami and Robin-
he ends up staring into space for a while thinking in circles about it
Zoro is now of the gender he typically dotes on
"H-Hey, Moss-chan-"
"Don't call me that"
"Right. You want a smoothie?"
"I'm not gonna fuck you."
Usopp is the easiest to dote on, followed by Chopper, Franky, and Luffy. funny thing is, aside from Zoro, none of them have complained about/refused said doting. Sanji is reassuring himself that his list doesn't mean anything. he's not falling for Usopp just because of a pair of tits. that'd be ridiculous. after all his Usopp has got plenty big tits already-
he slams his head into a wall trying to forget that thought
also. he has no outlet for any frustration/anger/overwhelming feelings because he's got his code of chivalry thing. so he can't fight Zoro and he doesn't want to fight Robin or Nami. he starts smoking more to compensate, but then he either runs out or Chopper intervenes and gets him to promise to limit his use
in short. suffering.
This Nami and Robin do notice though & while Nami very much does not want to fight Sanji on account of, yknow, not wanting any broken bones or terrible injuries, Robin on the other hand-
He knew it'd help Sanji and it'd be nice to have a sparring partner to practice the more deadly things he can do on someone who can handle it, so he's kinda like "if it'll help, i don't mind sparring"
Sanji is caught between "oh fuck yes, finally someone to kick" and "I CANT HURT ROBIN-KUN"
the sparring ends up very pathetic on Sanji's side of things- think his fight with Kalifa but without him trying to bluff and looking openly stressed- Usopp listens to Sanji's woes about it later while she tinkers on inventions lmao
Usopp is also oddly clingy with Sanji, more so than his own Usopp. However, Sanji doesn't even bother thinking about it, just happy to soak up all the affection. He always has some sort of crisis thinking about his own Usopp later though.
Zoro, and I cannot stress this enough, is a woman. a buff, sweaty, mossball of a woman.
so yeah, suffering.
fem sanji, on the other hand:
having the time of her life
proud bisexual woman going "dear god, so many hot guys- wait shit, is that mosshead"
starts getting "overly friendly" with Usopp- laying his head in her lap, playing with his hair, carrying him around, calling him pet names, making him special snacks, etc.
everyone else puts it together real quick, except Usopp. who doesn't realize the answer until fem Sanji gives him a goodbye kiss on the cheek before going to prep for dinner
The answer: fem Usopp and fem Sanji are dating
fem Sanji: he's Usopp, therefore he's my partner in this flipped world, therefore I gotta treat him right while his own Sanji isn't here
Usopp wants to tell her the truth. but also. doesn't.
he is a mix of guilt and happiness every time he doesn't speak up and gets some gesture of love from her
in conclusion: one way or another, there is suffering all around <3
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bts-teaspoonff · 3 years
Fangirl pt. 5
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slow Burn, Idol A/U
Pairing: BTS OT7 x backupdancer!reader
Rating: PG
Summary: Y/N, being a huge fangirl, finally got her chance to work alongside her favorite idol group as a backup dancer. She gets to know each member personally and realizes that her feelings may be more than fangirl-idol attraction.
Word Count: 6.1K
Taglist: @nochujeonjk @i-like-puppy-mg @miyochan @satotakeru14 @boba-tea1206​ @blimpintime​​ @kodzuskook​ @fangirl125reader​​
PARTS: masterlist ... | 4 | 5 | 6
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“Isn’t that a good thing?” Namjoon broke the tension in the room so sudden, making you halt your breathe. You and Jiyong quickly turned your head towards him. “Y/n has good taste in music. Besides, I have to thank her quick thinking with Jin’s soup. If it wasn’t for her, this dinner would definitely turned for the worst.” You hear a slight giggle under the deep timber of his voice.
 Everyone was quiet. Mark also realized by now after Jiyong strongly slapped his thigh that it’s not his place to say that information out loud. The two men were now aware that you’re definitely embarrassed by what they said.
 “Yeah. Namjoon’s right. It isn’t a bad thing that you support us.” Hoseok went on, quickly turning his head back and forth towards Namjoon, Mark, Jiyong and me. “Bangtan is always grateful to each and every Army, right?”
 Hoseok held out his fist to you, grinning wide. You look at him in curiosity for his gesture as you tightly grip your glass with both hands. He eyes out his hand with a smile so bright while waiting patiently for hand. You understood that he’s doing his best to comfort you and to assure you that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He felt huge relief as your face slightly lightened while you start to lift your fist to his. He bumps his fist to you as he kept grinning widely.
 “Apologies Jin. It must have passed through my mind and didn’t double check the menu.” Jiyong brought his head down. He definitely felt sorry for not taking good care of Jin and unintentionally ruining your night. He must have been too busy to oversee details in the menu for tonight and was also too tactless with his mouth to continue rambling. His insides were in knots looking at your state. He adores you too much that he can’t see you getting humiliated at his foolishness.
 “No worries, hyung. Y/n, thank you for your thoughtful concern.” Jin turned to you, still worried with how tight you were gripping the glass and how you’re hunching down as if you want to hide beneath the table. You’re still not relaxing despite Namjoon and Hoseok attempts to comfort you. “Don’t be shy. In fact, a lot of people here in this room are now a part of BTS’ Army.” He jokingly laughed as he exchanged winks with the other producers across the table. His window wiper laugh echoed, lifting your mood entirely.
 “This hyung here has a young daughter who is an Army as well. She would always visit us during recording sessions and even music video shoots. Her support would always make our day and give us energy.” Yoongi added with his arms folded, pointing one finger at one producer across him.
 You slowly straighten your back as you felt how the tension in the room began to dissipate. It’s not like you intend to ruin the night by moping all the time and you also don’t intend to keep the fact that you’re a fan of them hidden forever. Today is just not the best time and place to reveal that and the way it was known to the boys was not the best scenario you’ve thought of.
 You’ve openly told them that you’re a fan of them whenever you would attend fanmeets and album signing event but that was because they don’t know you personally and will probably never remember you. You cringe when you remember the moment that you carelessly blurt out Jin’s allergy despite not personally knowing him. You know they’re gonna know eventually that you’re their fan especially with how Jiyong is close with them, but not this way.
 Jiyong calls out your name. You looked at him and read his face. You know he feels deeply sorry and he didn’t mean to embarrass you as he looks so sullen, eyes drooping and a frown painted on his lips. Blame it on the twin telepathy but you understood him well enough that the both of you don’t need words. Besides, it’s not like you can’t hate him for something he didn’t intend to, but you keep in your mind that you’ll get back at him for this to tease him. You don’t want to ruin this special day for Mark as well. You nod at him expecting that he will understand that you don’t mind it anymore. You both smile at each other.
 Mark mentioned something else to change the topic and tried to save the current situation. Fortunately, this got the attention of everyone else as they began talking to each other. You let your shoulders down and sighed in relief that the embarrassing circus of a situation was now done. You steal a glance at your side to see if the four boys were still looking at you. You don’t want them to feel obliged to comfort you and this was also a night that they could spend some time with their friends and be comfortable. You’re just their acquaintance and not yet a friend.
 You hoped that none of them was still giving you their attention but no, Jin is still looking at you. He was still trying to read your expression with both eyes glued to you, not sure if you’re angry or embarrassed or hating the situation entirely. None of which was correct because now, all you felt was comfort. You felt safe from the small words of comfort that the boys have said.
 Surprisingly, it was now easy for you to mingle with everyone through the night. You lost your nervousness as some of Jiyong’s friend have made an effort to get to know you better. You glad that your brother is surrounded with good people. Mark have also approached you just before the dinner ended to apologize. You wrapped your arm around Jiyong’s head and rubbed your knuckles on his head as compensation for the embarrassment they’ve caused you. Mark also jokingly offered his head for you to attack but you hesitate. You told him that he has the birthday privilege to escape your punishment but he can make it up to you someday.
 You walk back to your seat feeling very happy at how the night turned out and slightly tipsy at how you daringly drank three glass of wine. The four BTS members were not in their seats as they try to crowd among the producers who were saying their goodbyes to the birthday celebrant and thanking Jiyong for an amazing job with the surprise dinner.
 You took out your phone to check if there’s anything worth checking. You landed on Twitter and proceeded to check your feed. Not a surprise that majority of the tweets you read is about BTS. You follow a lot of fan accounts to help keep you updated about the boys. A meme popped from the bottom of your feed showing a hilarious face of the hyung line. As you clicked the photo to take a better look, you can’t help but chuckle at the thought the hyung line is here with you inside this room. Their debonaire charms tonight are totally different from their comical faces in the meme you’re currently ogling at.
 Just as Yoongi finished saying his farewell to the other people in the room, his eyes darts to you as you’re scrolling through your phone with a ridiculous grin on your face. He stops in his spot to admire you. He does feel relieved that you look a lot better now and you’re feeling relaxed. Seeing you giggle at your phone makes him smile as well.
 “I’m glad you’re now laughing.” Yoongi slowly sat down beside you. Your heart jumped at his deep calm voice, almost making you fall off your chair. You click a button on the side of your phone, turning off the screen.
 “I’m fine. Totally sorry about that fangirl debacle at the start of the dinner.”
 Yoongi shook his head. True, he was baffled at first when you shouted with him. He was suspicious at first but he quickly understood your situation. Knowing that you didn’t know everyone so well, he recognizes your discomfort from the sudden revelation by your brother. Also, a part of him swells with pride that you’re their fan. How long you’ve been their fan? How many shows have you watched to know the detail of Jin’s allergy? You must know a lot more detail about them. What’s your favorite song? Are their songs saved on your phone? Have you listened to his mixtape? What can you say about his mixtape? Do you like his mixtape?
 As these thoughts ramble through Yoongi’s mind, Hoseok takes the empty chair from your other side.
 “I thought we told you that you don’t have to be embarrassed about it.” You turn to Hoseok and saw him pulling the chair facing the other way with the back support placed in front of Hoseok, legs spread apart by the chair. “Honestly, I’m glad that you’re a fan. The best dancer from the female dance team is our fan.” He ridiculously flashed his teeth as he lean his chin on his forearm that was supported on the top of the chair’s back support.
 “Don’t overcrowd the lady.” Namjoon appears behind Hoseok, placing his one hand on Hoseok’s shoulder and the other one tucked in his pocket. “I mean it when I thanked you for stopping Jin. You’re the one closest to him and if Yoongi was a bit late... well, we know what could happen. You know him, always gorging through his food.”
 He’s right. I have watched a lot of Eat Jin episodes to say that Jin will always stuff his mouth with huge amounts of food. Sometimes, he would look like a hamster from having his mouth filled with food. Looking at him enjoying his food tonight also made you feel that the food was 100% more delicious.
 “So if you’re our biggest fan as your brother would boast, who’s your bias?” Jin daringly cut in. You cough at his sudden inquiry. Hoseok teased him for making you uncomfortable but you assure Hoseok that you’re not. Seeing you laugh at Jin’s question pleased Hoseok.
 You pause to think before you try to answer. The four of them were now nervously anticipating your reply. Jin didn’t mean to put you on the hot seat but now that he already asked you that question, he somehow felt disappointed at the thought of not hearing his name as your answer. Yoongi was also surprisingly nervous waiting for you to answer. Normally, he didn’t care about asking somebody with whom among them was your favorite but as he waits for you to reveal your answer, his heart was furiously pounding in his chest. Hoseok was beaming with pride thinking that there’s a chance that you might be his bias since you were a fellow good dancer as him.
 “Actually, don’t answer that. It’s better if you won’t tell us.” Namjoon chuckled, stopping you from your thoughts and granting glares from Hoseok and Jin. His eyes wandered off and landed on the phone that you were holding in your hands. He saw the huge crack across the black screen. This made him remember that day when he stepped on your phone while he was helping you up.
 “You’re right.” You cleared your throat. The tug inside Jin’s, Yoongi’s, and Hoseok’s chest swiftly disappeared. “Let’s just say I’m an equal big fan of everyone.” You beam a smile hoping that you didn’t let anyone disappointed from your answer.
 “Guys, I’m really sorry. I really didn’t mean anything bad when I rambled.” Jiyong, walking from behind Yoongi, looked at the boys with his head down. Most of the people in the room have already said their goodbyes and the ones left are you, your brother and the four gorgeous men crowding you.
 “Geez, hyung. I didn’t know you bully your twin sister. After all that continuous bragging at how you adore your sister whenever we would be in the booth?” Hoseok teased Jiyong.
 “You what? What have you been telling them about me?” You turned to glare at your brother. Jiyong was now disputing Hoseok’s words, flapping his hands around.
 “Believe me, I haven’t told them anything embarrassing.” You fold your arms as you huff your chest.
 “There it is! The angry look you gave just now looks exactly the same as him when he’s scolding us.” Hoseok suddenly shouted while pointing at you and your brother. You and Jiyong puzzled, exchanging looks. A loud laugh erupted from the both of you.
 Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon was surprised at how loud the two of you were laughing. Yoongi was completely loving the way you look right now, carelessly laughing. He felt happy that you finally felt a lot more comfortable at this moment.
 “See? Even your laugh is the same.” Hoseok cackled at how you siblings were now having a good time. Jin and Namjoon couldn’t help but also laugh at the silly situation.
 “Hyung, how does it sound?” Jimin called Yoongi’s attention from the other side of the recording booth as he put down the headphones. Yoongi was seated in front of the console beside Jiyong and Mark. He pressed a button to communicate with Jimin inside the booth.
 They were working on a new version of their old song to be specially performed at the online concert. Yoongi threw in some comments and Jimin was now ready to sing again. The rest of the boys were seated on the couches behind Yoongi. Jungkook was playing a game on his phone, waiting for his turn after Jimin. Taehyung was making notes on the lyric paper. Hoseok and Namjoon were busy discussing about their new track that they’re working together on. Jin was also busy scrolling through his phone. It was a very busy day for everyone.
 “How’s the surprise dinner? Was it a success?” Taehyung placed the paper down. Everyone turned to his direction, with the exception of Yoongi and Jiyong who was very busy discussing the details of the track.
 “Jiyong did a great job! We had fun and the food was great as well.” Namjoon commended. Jungkook was wriggling in his seat to tease Jin sitting beside him. Jin laughs looking at the youngest in adoration.
 “I didn’t know that this man could be a bully to his sister. He would never stop telling stories about his sister whenever he could but the both of them started embarrassing her out of nowhere.” Hoseok teased and laughed as he points out the two recording engineer while facing Jungkook and Taehyung. Jiyong was now red from embarrassment as he waft his hands towards the younger members, earning a ridiculous glare from Jungkook.
 “Why? What happened?” Taehyung asks, eyebrows raised at the sudden revelation from Hoseok. He lifts his knees and hugs it tightly as he bury himself back on the couch.
 Jin leads the conversation telling everyone, especially the maknae line who wasn’t present at the dinner, what transpired that night. Jimin, just finished recording in the booth, got out just in time to hear most of the conversation. The three younger members, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin, were surprised as well when they heard the potato soup incident then they joined the others in teasing Jiyong for embarrassing you. Jungkook actually leapt off his seat and went to slap Jiyong and Mark’s back, warranting deafening laughs from his hyungs. Jiyong then went to admit that if you can hear him right now telling your fangirl escapades, you would definitely kill him right now. Also, he proudly told them the fact that you’ve been to almost all of their concerts and fan meetings. A fact that surprised all of the Bangtan members.
 “She will definitely kill me if she knows I’m talking about her now but I’m really glad she’s a fan of you guys. She looks so happy every time she mentions the group. Seeing her smile looks so much better than witnessing her bottle up all emotions to herself.” Jiyong frowns as he remembers your former state in his mind. As much as he wants to stop rambling now, the boys in front of him owes his thanks on how they changed you, his precious sister. Gratitude was all he wanted to express to the boys for so long but he can’t since you emphasized very well not to tell anyone from the group that Jiyong has a sister who’s a big fan.
 “Your parents?” Mark asked as his hand crept up Jiyong’s shoulder. All BTS members froze at the topic. They know that the topic about Jiyong’s parents is still a sensitive one despite years have passed.
 Jiyong hasn’t discussed the whole detail but they know that you and Jiyong lost your parents when you were younger. Among the members, Jin was closest with Jiyong and might be the only one who Jiyong had mention some more details about their death. Whenever the topic would surface, Jiyong would just scrub it off and change the topic. Over the time he has worked with them, the words they have only heard from him was that you and your brother left for Seoul to stay with your aunt and that’s it. Nothing about the reason for their death. They just assumed it was something horrible because of how Jiyong would always freeze when his parents would be mentioned. They didn’t try to pry any further. If anyone did, Jin would be there to change the topic or talk to the member to stop prying further.
 “Then let’s keep making our fans happy with our work and of course, that includes your sister.” Aware at the change of mood and how Jiyong was now starting to get sullen, Yoongi places his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder to try and encourage everyone to get back to work.
 “Yeah. He’s right. We’ll take good care of her, hyung.” Jungkook flaunts a thumbs up for Jiyong as he stood up from his seat to walk towards the door of the recording booth.
 It’s supposed to be a rest day for you today. Luckily, there’s no need for you go to Big Hit since there’s no practice today and the gym is also closed for the day. You actually planned to spend the day in your pajamas and just watch your unfinished series in Netflix. However, the dance studio called to inform you to handle a dance class in the afternoon. Of course it’s a BTS dance class. They got a backup staff to handle it just in case you got a schedule but you did accept the offer which the owner of the studio was thankful for.
 Laying on your couch scanning through the selection of movies in Netflix, you wonder if it was a good choice that you agreed to the dance class this afternoon. You are dead tired, craving for your bed’s comfort. Even though your complexion’s a bit better nowadays since Jiyong relentlessly scolds you to take better care of yourself, you did want to take a day off from any work. Maybe you’re just addicted to punishing yourself to overwork but in truth, you can’t just sit around and do nothing. You’ve been too busy hustling around ever since working in Big Hit that your body finds it weird when it’s doing nothing. Not that you don’t want to but being active makes you happy as well, you guess.
 With a small body bag slumped on your shoulder, you tightly gripped the strap as you slowly enter the dance studio. The owners and other staff greets you as you open the door to the reception area. Sounds coming from the nearby two smaller studios along the hallway to the right can be heard from the reception. You waded to behind the reception desk to look at the chart for your class and you find that the attendance is full. It’s not a surprise since it is a BTS dance class, one of the best-selling classes in this studio. Also, when you’re the one leading the class, full attendance is always expected by the owner of the studio. A source of pride for you.
 You climbed up the stairs towards the second floor of the dance studio and opened the door to the biggest studio available. You dropped down your bag beside the console and sat down on the floor as you take out your phone from your pocket. There’s still half an hour before classes begin so you want to take this moment to practice for your class.
 As you warm up your body to the beats of Black Swan, you let your mind wander off. Dancing has always been a source of happiness for you. Your day instantly gets better when you let the words of any song fill you, taking control of your body. Like the song’s message, one of your biggest fear is when you’ll lose passion for the art. Performing has always been an extension of yourself and it just happened that you do perform BTS songs most of the time nowadays because their songs tend to bring out your real and hidden emotions. That’s one thing why you never stop listening to their works. It helps you to keep your emotions in check and equalizes everything within you.
 Your students started to arrive one by one as they fill the room, some actually were very eager to greet you for they have been waiting for your classes to resume again. Most of your students were high school students but there’s also a handful of men and women of varying ages. As you try to chat with some of them, you learned that a few of them were actually foreigners who were visiting Seoul for vacation. Honored, you expressed your gratitude and you returned to the front of the room, determined to make this their best class.
 It was a breeze to teach your students. Some had it easy with their experience in dancing so you try to focus on the ones that were visibly struggling with certain steps. One by one, you tried to come up to any student who would call your attention. Seeing their joy when they perform a sequence perfectly will always tug your heart.
 A man suddenly called your name as you were inspecting the class. You turn and see him staying at the last row of your students. As you slowly walk towards the man, you noticed that he was wearing a bucket hat and a mask that fully covers his face. His fashion also caught your eyes, a large bright orange sweater with adorable prints on the front paired with denim baggy pants. A comfortable and bright style you have always wanted to try but you can only think of one person who can pull it off, laughing as that person’s face suddenly popped in your mind.
 With his head down and his fringe almost covering his eyes, you couldn’t see any sliver of skin from this man’s face. Intrigued, you wanted to take a better look at his face but that wasn’t your purpose for coming his way.
 “I seem to have it bad… with this step sequence.” You heard him change the tone of his voice to a deeper one midway between his words. Still with his head down, he repeats the steps in his place as you stand beside him. The way he moves seems like he has some experience in dancing but still a bit stiff and awkward with complex moves.
 You try to stare at his hands and feet as you inspect the steps. When he stopped moving, you demonstrated the same steps slowly with better instructions to help him understand. As you were teaching him, he slowly lift his head up just enough for you to see a slight glimpse of his face. With the way he’s trying so hard to avoid showing his face, you’re now either amused that he’s so shy but eager to attend the class or worried if he’s someone suspicious. You never did hear his voice again after he talked to you. You bent slightly to get a better look at his face as he moves his hands to repeat the moves you’ve just taught him. A little bit more, you get a glimpse of his face that was not obstructed by his face.
 When you were so focused on trying to catch a glimpse of his face, he caught you staring when you met his eyes. His eyes widened and he shot up straight in his place, his head bent down and turned slightly away to avoid your gaze. You now felt bad seeing him backing away from you. That’s what you get for being so overly nosy about everything. You express your apology towards him before you return to the front of the room, stealing glances back at the man to check if he’s okay. Now seeing him standing further back and turned away from your sight, you felt crestfallen as you regain your spot upfront. You don’t even know you were so curious in the first place but something about him just seems so familiar.
 Before the class ends, there’s usually a segment where everyone performs the dance per groups of 7 shot by one of the staff to be uploaded in the studio’s Youtube channel. As they grouped themselves and stood against the walls, your eyes scanned everyone but couldn’t find the bucket hat guy. You heaved a long sigh recalling what had happened moments ago and now you can’t anymore apologize to the man. Everyone had their chance to perform Black Swan one last time and not a moment long, you’re left all alone in the room. The orchestra version of Black Swan now plays through the speaker, you let your body slowly fall to the floor. Legs and arms sprawled out like a kid as you take a moment to take a breather.
 As your breathing slowed like a lullaby’s melody, your eyelids are now also getting heavy. It was easy to just lay back and doze off on the floor but your active mind kept you up. Upon closing your eyes, you try to relax and think back on the good things that have happened to you this past month. You could only describe the feeling as flying around on a cloud, wishing that you could stay and not come down anytime soon.
 “You know you’re going to get sick if you lay there to sleep while your clothes are soaking wet from your sweat.” A bright male voice erupted from above you startling you, making your body jump. You opened your eyes and saw a dark figure hovering above your head. You shriek as you get up from the floor, seeing the bucket hat man gazing at you. He sees you quickly backing away from him and he raises his hands in front of him.
 “Bucket hat guy? Why are you still here?” You slowly back away from the man towards the mirror. He continues to raise and shakes his hand like he’s telling you there’s nothing to be worried about as he sees that you’re still backing away, guard up at his presence. He then proceeds to swiftly tear his bucket hat and mask off his face and the sight quickly giving you relief. “HOSEOK?! What are you doing here?” Your guarded state now replaced with shock.
 “Well… I came to watch your class.” Standing very timidly across you, Hoseok shyly gazes towards you. “I heard from Jiyong that you teach our choreographies and it’s all on Youtube. It’s easy to find this studio and so I booked a class.” You shoot a glare at Hoseok upon learning that your brother has once again blabbed to the boys and he just chuckles. The two of you were still strangers to each other so not knowing exactly what to do being alone in the same room as him is normal.
“Yeah but why? You don’t need to. Did he put you up to this?” Walking towards your phone on top of the speakers, you see Hoseok following beside you. He quickly reassures you that coming here was his choice which pleased you. “Wait. Oh my gosh! Are you just pretending to be a bad dancer a while ago when you asked me to teach you the steps?” You rotate your body towards him, jumping in disbelief. He nods as he shows a humble smile at the corner of his lips.
 “Hey, I really did forget that part and I wanted to interact with you. I didn’t want you to know it was me so I did my best to disguise but you kept on peeking under my hat.” He admitted quietly, chuckling in his spot as he maintains his eye contact with you.
 “Do all the members know? That I teach dance classes here?” You tuck your phone in your pocket while looking straight at Hoseok. He shakes his head. You sigh heavily before you turned to walk back to your bag near the door.
 “Only Jimin and Taehyung. They saw me play the YouTube videos on my phone.” Hoseok was still following you, maintaining a slight distance. He did clear out his schedule for today just to accommodate your class. Although he told you that Jiyong had mentioned your other job, he never mentioned about any videos on Youtube. When he saw the videos of your classes, he quickly did an inquiry for a slot in your classes. They told him that you were handling less classes from now on and there’s only one class for this month. The class was almost full and he was lucky that he got the last slot.
 “Also, I have another reason why I came here.” You were about to open the door with your heavy bag hanging off your shoulder but your hands stopped inches away from the door handle when you heard Hoseok. “I’m actually here to pick you up. I’m supposed to drop you off somewhere and it’s a surprise.” Hoseok saw how quickly you looked so confused at his words. “Did you drive here?”
 “No. Umm, I don’t own a car and I don’t know how to drive.”
 “Good. That solves my problem. I don’t want to drive back separately in two cars.” He grinned as he try to put his hat and mask back seeing as you are now opening the door to walk out of the studio. “We still have time before I need to drop you off so can we get some snacks?” As if on cue, your stomach grumbled. You felt your cheeks burn and avoided Hoseok’s gaze.
 “That would be nice. Although, I really want to know where you’re supposed to take me.” Hoseok laughs as you adorably pout to turn and walk away from him along the hallway.
 You got in the car with Hoseok and immediately, you felt awkward being alone in the car with him. He did offer you to drive him but every now and then, the thought of interacting this close to someone that you formerly could only through the screens of your phone is mind boggling. However, this makes them also more human. You start to look at them at a different light but this also makes you admire them more now that you know them behind the glitz and glamour. You both ate snacks in the car and Hoseok was comfortably chatting with you.
 Hoseok felt comfortable talking with you. He likes it that it feels easy to conjure up any topics and laugh at them with you. Although he’s supposed to drive you straight to the destination right after the class, he selfishly told himself that a few minutes added to the drive back won’t hurt. Getting you a snack was not part of the surprise plan and neither was him driving at a very slow pace to extend the time of the drive back. Although he thought at first that this was just him taking care of their number one fan but when you touched his hand during the class and when your hand grazed his in the car, he felt something different. Different but pleasant.
 “Ummm. Why are we back in Big Hit?” You gaze the huge building as Hoseok continues to drive towards the parking lot. “What is this surprise anyways? It’s not my birthday.” You continue to berate him but he keeps mum about it as he parks the car.
 “There’s nothing to worry about. Just follow me.” Hoseok opened his door and stepped out of the car. You froze but you don’t want to be rude and keep him waiting so you fished out your company ID in your bag to strap it around your neck and stepped out of the car.
 You quietly followed Hoseok as he continues to quietly parade through the floors while still keeping a healthy distance away from him to avoid gossips from anyone that might see you walking so close to him. Both of you arrived at a floor familiar to you. Jiyong has once walked you through the same hallway that has the recording studios where he works. Hoseok stopped in front of a door and turned to you as he opens the door. You stopped walking as well but slightly hesitating to go inside. Why is he guiding you to a recording studio?
 “You see, Jiyong wanted to make it up to you. The other boys and I helped pitched the idea for the surprise for our number one fan.” You narrow your eyes realizing where this is going and you hesitate more to go inside the room. Seeing as you’re hesitating, Hoseok now worries that the other boys might scold him more since he did take a lot more time than intended to get you here. He carefully took your hand to lead you into the room.
 The contact of Hoseok’s hand with yours is scorching hot. You try to deny yourself that you spent an awful amount of time stealing glances at his face as he drives you back here. He does look so handsome when he looks serious. It didn’t help that the sun shone on his face as he focuses on the road. You could almost hear yourself scream inside as you take in this wonderful moment. As you walk through the door, Hoseok’s hand slowly left yours and it felt empty. You linger at the thought but was now surprised at the sight of Jiyong sitting down in front of the console board, as if waiting for you.
 Hoseok closed the door to leave you two inside. Jiyong quickly gets up from the chair and wraps his arm around your shoulder. He took the bag off your shoulder and placed it on the sofa. He then pushes you into the booth and quickly leaves you alone. You stay quiet, not knowing what to do at the whirlwind of an event this is. It’s definitely not your birthday and whatever the issue was with your brother about the dinner nights before, this was more than what you expected. You were actually planning to tease him to get back at you for what he did and try to ask for free lunch with him every day for a week.
 “Put on the headphones.” You saw him mouth the words through the mirror. You scan around the booth and picked up the headphones hanging on the stand in front of you. “Hey, can you hear me?” You nod and lifted your hand to do an ‘okay sign’ at him.
 “What is this, Jiyong? Why am I here?” He hears you through the speakers. He looks at you, very confused at what’s happening, and laughs as he presses the button for you to hear him speaking.
 “I love teasing you but trust me when I say that I will never embarrass you to anyone. Also, I know you well that if you plan to tease me about it, you’re gonna ask for something small like food for a week or maybe drive you to work for a week.” You laugh at how he predicted your way of thinking. Driving you to work for a week sounds tempting. Better make sure to take a note of it. “So here’s my little present for you with the help of some people to make it up to you. Enjoy!” He smiles as the two of you exchanged sentiments. He doesn’t mind it when he’s cheesy with you since you’re one of his favorite person in the world.
 A few seconds of silence as you anticipate whatever is going to go through the headphones after you saw Jiyong work his way through the abundance of buttons on the console and stare through the monitor in front of him. You held the headphones with both of your hands as you wait.
 “Hello y/n, we are BTS!”
Next: pt. 6
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dainty-fingertips · 3 years
a date, i guess! ||koichi zenigata x fem!reader
This is my first post on this account! Hope you enjoy my little oneshot of zen :)
word count: 1855
summary: you are the newest member of the lupin gang. lupin says that you guys are meeting up at a french restaurant to discuss plans for a heist, but it seems they all had other plans; plans to set you up on a date with zenigata, to be exact.
trigger warnings:  none :)
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      Lupin beamed upon seeing where her gaze had landed. That quirky grin smeared itself onto his lips and he placed his head in his hands, creasing his maroon overcoat as he stared at her. She had always been his source of vague amusement, but this? This was gold. The group of five, including Jigen, Goemon, and Fujiko, were at a French hotel-restaurant, supposedly planning out the big heist for the next night; and apparently a certain inspector had figured out where they were meeting.
      The thief had suspected Yn had feelings for Zenigata, but had no real evidence to base it off of. This, however, with her cheeks red and her eyes looking over to the poorly disguised inspector every few seconds? How much more obvious can you get? She had helped Lupin, too, by noticing where he was. He was wearing a tacky purple and gold striped button up and black denim pants, and she had no idea why. She frowned slightly, somewhat shamefully wishing he had his usual frumpy trench coat she liked so much. He wasn’t wearing his hat either, allowing his short charcoal locks to get some light. Fujiko nudged her. “You’ve been in space this entire time. What’s on your mind?” She questioned off-handedly. Goemon moved his attention over to her, his dark brown eyes filled with an apathetic sort of curiosity. “I’ve noticed too. You of aren’t much use if you aren’t even here.” Yn quickly snapped her eyes back over in front of her, clearly flustered from being caught in her Zenigata-induced daze. “Oh, sorry.” She chuckled bashfully. She was worried they were beginning to not like her. 
      Lupin put his hands on the table, his playful brown eyes glimmering as they normally did. “It’s fine! Besides, if I saw a peacock in a petting zoo, I’d be staring too.” She stared at him blankly. “I mean… he’s right there.” She shrugged, glancing back to him. He nodded his head, that stupid grin still present. “I figured you’d be the first to notice.” She furrowed her eyebrows a bit and pursed her lips. “What…” Lupin straightened up and snickered. “‘What are you talking about?’ That’s what you were gonna ask, right?” The group stayed silent except for Jigen, who asked Lupin what he was going on about. Fujiko’s slim eyebrows knotted together, signaling to Yn that at least Fujiko was just as lost as she is. Jigen showed no expression, but that was to be expected.       “Well, you see, I may have given Pops a little anonymous tip.”
      “Arsene Lupin.” She said, her expression growing grim.
      “-The third.” He shot back cockily.
      She huffed through clenched teeth. The thief snickered again, happily shutting his eyes as he did so. “I know, right? Figured it would be a good way for the two of you to get introduced.” Goemon glared at Lupin, a disappointed look on his pale face. “You know,” He began, sighing and folding his hands in front of him. He closed his eyes in annoyance. “I feel everyone is entitled to be stupid every now and again, but you abuse that privilege.” Lupin shrugged and looked up. “We’ve all had our special little rendezvous’ with Pops, haven’t we?” Jigen, Fujiko, and Goemon all sat in knowing silence. They all had, in fact. Lupin nodded with a smile. “Well, you see, she hasn’t gotten that privilege yet. What better than a candlelit dinner?” She looked nervously at the man; an expression that really wasn’t so much in fear, but simply in awe at his audacity. “What— I have to go sit down and eat with him?” She mumbled, growing anxious. Lupin winked. “Bingo! Since you seem to already have an eye out for him, it should be no problem, right?” 
      She felt like she was trapped in limbo. “I wonder how much better the world would be if you had gotten enough oxygen at birth.” She grumbled lowly. Fujiko aired an amused ‘hm.’ and looked over at Lupin. “Agreed.” He scoffed, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a fake swoon. “The audacity. The betrayal!” He soon began to laugh and nudged Jigen. Jigen eyed him before he stood up out of the booth and walked around the table, grabbing Yn’s arm. “You were in on this too?” She snapped at him. Jigen snickered and yanked her up and out of the seat. She quickly caught her balance and swerved around to face him. He then shoved her away from the table and stood in front of the seats, ready to block her from returning to her seat.
      Jigen had a surprising amount of upper body strength for a gunslinger, but she knew she could probably land a few hits. However, they were in a very public restaurant in a very public area. It wasn’t worth the repercussion of getting thrown out. She scowled angrily at both him and Lupin before hesitantly turning around. There he was, in his funky outfit, hands clasped together and eyes looking out for any sight of Lupin’s gang. He had an iced water in front of him. Luckily they were in the very back, so he didn’t seem to notice them. He was facing to her left behind a waist high divider with a small slit near the top.
      She walked in the opposite direction he was facing, to the right. She figured it might be a bit safer if she approached him from behind. She rounded the corner and saw him near the front of the row, his back facing her. He ran a hand through his soot black hair and ruffled it a bit. She carefully approached him, slowly beginning to think that ugly shirt was more form-fitting than she’d anticipated. She passed the table directly behind him and slowed down her pace to the point she nearly stopped. This was terrible, and she’d never forgive Lupin for doing this to her.
      “Ins-Inspector?” She called, fumbling her words immediately. This truly was the worst. Zenigata quickly whipped his head around. “Wh- YN?” He yelled in response, disrupting the people behind him. She quickly put her finger to her lips. “Y-Yes, be quiet!” He carefully shrunk back in his chair and looked at her suspiciously. “That letter taped to my door said I’d be meeting someone to discuss something important. Are you the person?” He quizzed. Having no knowledge of what the letter read, she assumed Lupin had planned this exact scenario. She huffed in blatant annoyance. “Yes, sir.” He let out a small ‘hmph.’ And motioned for her to sit down, but he too seemed a bit nervous. 
She bit her cheek and took a seat across from him. “So,” he began, looking down at his water. “Why did one of Lupin’s thugs wanna meet me here, huh?” Thug? Is… is that what he thought of her? Technically, she was a part of a gang, but she didn’t hold herself like that. “With all due respect, inspector, I don’t know what makes you think that about me.” She frowned slightly. Zenigata looked up, slightly more wide-eyed than before. “Wait! T-That’s not what I— urgh.” He rubbed his temples. “I don’t think that about you, per se.” he mumbled in a slightly softer tone of voice. “You were just the last person I expected. I figured it’d be Jigen if anyone.” Did… he have a script he was following? The thought made her mouth curl into a soft grin. 
“Did the letter say it would be someone of Lupin’s?” She questioned, folding her arms in her lap. He groaned aggravatedly and pinched his nose. “Of course he’d do this. Did you even know about this?” He sighed, seeing her shake her head. “I thought I was supposed to meet them here to discuss something, but apparently that was not the deal.” She laughed dryly. Zenigata shot up. “They’re here?” He called, scanning the room.
She eyed where they were when she was forcefully pulled out of her seat, and it seemed they had all left right after she did. The booth was empty. Some friends, eh? She sighed through her nose. “No, sir.” He frowned and sat back down. “Oh.” He said softly. The disappointment in his voice was clear as day, which made her slightly sad. “Sorry, Zenigata.” He shook his head. “Why are you apologizing? Those weasels left you here by yourself with no clue what to do!” He quickly pulled the folded note out of his pants pocket. “Here, read the note.” She nodded and took it from his hand, and just like in every romance: their fingers brushed. She bit her cheek again and pulled her arm away a bit quicker, and he did the same. She didn’t catch it, but his cheeks grew slightly redder than they were before 
She opened the note with curiosity and immediately clicked her tongue in distaste. 
Dear Zenigata,
      I have oh-so important news to share with you. Something terrible has happened and you’re the only one who can help! ...Just kidding. It’s Lupin! Someone special is going to be meeting you tonight, 10pm, at the Hôtel d’Maigot, the French hotel/restaurant. If you want some very special info from a very special friend of mine, I recommend you head down there. Toodles!
P.S. Jigen says hi.
P.P.S So does Fujiko. I wish they would have said something when I was writing, but what can you do. Goemon and Yn aren’t here or I’m sure they would have said hi, too.
She sighed and folded the letter again, handing it back to Zenigata. “Yep. I was told nothing.” He scoffed. “That’s incredibly rude.” He murmured. He sipped his water, and the waitress approached. “Evening. Can I get you a drink?” She asked, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. Yn nodded her head. “Water with lemon, please.” The woman smiled softly and sent her a thumbs-up. “Right on it.” She spun around on her heel and walked away. Yn turned back to Zenigata and placed her head in her hands. “Inspector, it’s clear that they are just trying to set us up on some blind date or something.” She mumbled shyly.
“I’m not complaining, but please don’t feel forced to stay if you are busy.” She added with a sort of frown.
“Not— hey, what do you mean?”
Her face began heating up and she put her hands back in her lap. “I mean, ah, I’d enjoy a dinner with you if you’d have me.” She murmured quieter than before. Her cheeks were clearly red, but hopefully he wouldn’t notice in the dim light. “You… want this to be a… a date?” It seemed Zenigata was getting flustered too. She bit the inside of her lip and shrunk back in her chair. “Only if you want.” 
Zenigata cleared his throat and tried to brush off his burning cheeks. “Well, if you insist! You’ll probably tell me something I need to know about Lupin, anyway.” He called, feigning confidence. A small grin cracked onto the corners of her lips. “A date it shall be, then.”
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cloverque · 3 years
monochrome (miya atsumu)
黑白 (宮 侑)
your life is like the black and white panels in a manga, until a certain someone dyed his vivid colours into yours
5190 words
past highschool, present post timeskip, nostalgic themes(?), tiny enemies to lovers trope, theme revolves around unconfessed love until years later
a reuploded request from an anon-then-now-my-friend! <3 not edited
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Monochrome. Your life was like the black and white pages in a manga; dull and neutral. There was nothing special about you, for the most part, you were ordinary.
At some point, almost every girl would like a colourful romance. One with blooming roses, scintillating sparkles and handsome young men. Topped off with promises of abiding love and vibrant days filled with never ending mirth.
However, you never pursued it, nor did it find you, and that was alright. Besides, what was the point of heart throbbing ardour if it were all to come to an inevitable end?
With a few clicks, your computer was turned off. You began clearing your desk, sorting out your folders and files when your colleague spun around in their chair.
“Hey, (l/n)-san. Did you hear?” The mousey woman enquired. A small smile was etched across her makeup coated face as she continued. “There’s going to be a dinner function! It’ll be held in the fancy hotel across the building.”
Your coworker across your table stood up to peer pass the desk divider. She chimed in with avidity, “I’m soooo going tonight! I heard the other divisions has a ton of hotties. No way in hell I’m gonna turn down a chance to meet ‘em!”
“Geez, you’re always thinking about men...” The lady beside you sighed, before returning her gaze back to you. “So, wanna go together?”
You shook your head, “Count me out. I already have plans tonight.” As you got up and shifted your handbag, you smiled apologetically. “Let me know if anything interesting happens, though.”
“Oh, okay... See you tomorrow,” she bid you farewell, albeit disappointedly. You nodded and bid the duo the same.
When your back was turned to them, the lady across the divider whispered to the one beside you. You knew what they were prattling about: that you were plain and boring. Wordlessly, you left the room, your heels clacking against the tiles as you made your way to the elevator.
As the double digits on the digital screen changed to singular ones, you closed your eyes.
Truthfully, it would be a lie to say that your life was completely monochrome. It was once colourful, after all, despite being for a short period.
Those days had involved a boy named Miya Atsumu, and he was the one who had brought colour into your high school days.
It all began in a manga shop.
You were in your second year of high school then, and would frequent a manga shop on the way home. It was sandwiched between a decently sized Lawson and an antique shop, on a quieter side of town.
The shop was abundant with not only manga, but also multifarious classics and second hand books. With its reserved location, not many knew of its existence, thus it went unnoticed by hordes of rambunctious manga fanatics.
It was perfect for you; your little safe place. However, you didn’t know that it was also frequented by a particular faux blonde.
You had wandered in with a specific title in mind, looking forward to getting your hands on it the whole day. Meanwhile, the boy’s brain was so preoccupied with volleyball and upcoming matches that he didn’t notice you, in an identical school uniform, lingering in the same section.
And like a sick cliche, your fingers bumped into his.
Withdrawing your hand, you snuck a side glance, only to see a broad chest in your line of sight. You slowly tilted your head to meet his steely gaze. Flinching, you practically whipped around when you realised the boy was towering over you.
“Um, sorry...” You mumbled out whilst backing away.
Atsumu’s brows were scrunched together as he took in your form. He half expected you to latch onto him with your eyes, but you were looking away, at anywhere but him.
Maybe once you got a good look at him, you’d react like all the oestrogen in his life. Squealing his name, asking for his number, all thirsty for his attention.
However, all you did was stand awkwardly, without uttering a single word. The oddity took him aback slightly. Thus, he decided to play with you a bit.
The teen perked his brows slightly before pointing at the manga’s spine. “Don’t cha want this?” He gestured, making you nod. A cruel smirk sneaked up to his handsome face.
You thought he was going to pass it to you. Instead, he slipped it out of the shelf and sauntered away. He slapped a few notes onto the cashier’s counter, making the store owner jump at his boldness. The boy with the undercut swiftly shuffled towards the entrance, his book bag slung over his back with the manga dangling from his long fingers.
Gawking, you watched as the automatic sliding doors opened for him. You wanted to call him back, to demand him to return it to you. But you knew it was impossible. The manga wasn’t yours, after all.
The blonde cocked his back to catch a glimpse of you. Noticing your conflicted expression, a mischievous grin spread across his face. He stuck out his tongue at you, cackling as your eyes widened and your face flushed. Then he left as soon as he came.
Your entire body trembled with embarrassment and humiliation. What just happened...!?
To make your day worst, you later learnt that the manga was the last one in stock. The rest of your day was spent stabbing your food and antagonising your pillow.
The next day, you found him again in the manga shop, but with grey hair. You almost dropped your book bag as you stomped towards him, fuming and ready to pounce on him.
The ash grey haired teen glanced at you with a deadpanned expression as you stopped beside him, shaking with infuriation.
“How could you do that to me yesterday!? You took the last one! The! Last! One!” Your nostrils flared as you exhaled. “Now I have no wait an entire week– And why’s your hair grey now–!?”
Despite your confrontation, the boy remained unfazed as he cocked a dark brow. It took him a few seconds to realise. He glanced up at the ceiling then back at you.
“Sorry, I think you’re mistaken,” he began politely, maintaining a neutral expression. “But the person you’re talking about is probably my obnoxious twin.”
This encounter had ended with a deep bow and a deluge of apologies. Nodding, the more reserved twin gave you a cold ‘ok’ before ambling away.
Since then, you realised that there were two twins in your school: the Miya brothers. The asshole was Atsumu, and the quieter one was Osamu. Or at least, they had seemed that way to you, on account of your personal experiences.
You wondered how you had never noticed them until now, especially when they stood out during assemblies due to their dyed hair. Not to mention their questionable popularity with the girls.
Maybe Osamu was reasonable, but who in the right mind would fall for someone like that blonde jackass Atsumu!?
On one occasion, you were shuffling past the gymnasium for a nurse’s errand when you saw a glimpse of the volleyball club. Bright blonde hair swished past the doors, and you remembered your meeting with the haughty male.
“Nice kill!” A deep voice hollered, followed by the high pitched squeaks of shoes against polished floor. You peeked past the doors, eyes shining with curiosity, when the twins you had met suddenly jumped into the air.
Your eyes were set on Atsumu as he deftly set a volleyball for his brother, who spiked the ball without delay. Sweat glimmered down the faux blonde’s forehead, tracing his jawline before dripping onto the floor. The slap he gave Osamu’s hand reverberated in the gym as they shared matching grins.
Seeing them together really highlighted the fact that they were carbon copies of each other. Your train of thoughts were derailed when a member with dark hair and narrowed eyes pointed in your direction.
Atsumu glanced at you, his smile turned upside down whilst you jolted up. With confident strides, he was in your face in an instant. He gave you a once over before grimacing.
“Get lost.”
Then he slammed the door shut in your face. As you stood frozen in place, unable to register what had happened, Osamu pressed his lips together in a thin line.
“‘Tsumu, that’s no way to treat a lady.”
His golden haired twin simply snorted in response.
Your next encounter with Atsumu took place at the manga shop again. A fight had broken out between the two of you, both unwilling to relent. Gripping the limited edition copy tightly in your hand, you refused to budge.
There were extras, but you had arrived first before the haughty boy and both of you had touched the same copy. Consequently, warring with each other.
Both of you shared exasperated expressions, tugging and pulling desperately for the manga. Neither wanted to throw in the towel. Atsumu was much stronger than you, clearly, his biceps flexing as he clenched his teeth and tried to pry the book from you.
Meanwhile, your two feet were planted firmly in the ground, all your strength poured into rooting yourself into the tiles or risk falling backwards if he were to let go.
However, he would not in a long time.
“Let go, you brat!” He chided, grunting with exasperation. Tugging it back harshly, you almost stumbled.
Growling animalistically, you retorted, “Never!” Then you lunged forward to bite his hand.
The blonde released the manga with a yelp, shoving your face off his hand brutishly. You stumbled back in response, tripping and landing on your bum. A string of saliva dribbled down your lips as you stared up at him, grinning victoriously.
Atsumu glowered, holding his bitten fist with his other hand. A row of teeth had punctured his skin, and you realised there was a little blood. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”
As you stood up and brushed your school skirt, you adjusted your book bag and gripped the manga to your chest. Trembling with anger, you were giddy with pride and sheepishness.
“You slammed a door in my face, asshole!”
Then you rushed past him to pay for your purchase. Atsumu turned to watch you leave, your loafers tapping against the floor softly as you ran off. But when you hopped out of the outlet, you gave him a side glance and stuck out your tongue.
Atsumu recognised the gesture; he pointed a middle finger in return.
Days and weeks went by like that, with Atsumu and you contending against each other to buy the weekly Jump, the first copies of mangas or limited edition prints. It was childish, for two seventeen year olds to tousle with each other.
Atsumu would ruthlessly tug on your hair, screaming bloody murder of your existence and stubbornness. Meanwhile, you resorted to calling him all sorts of colourful words, which would result in the shop owner throwing the two of you out. There was even a time when you both were banned from stepping in until you made up.
It happened eventually, and the two of you would at least communicate with less insults and more civilly. Your peace treaty with him didn’t mean letting him snag first copies of new arrivals, though. But Atsumu and you settled it through more human means, instead of ripping out each other’s hair.
There was one moment in which Atsumu had made your heart beat a little faster, too. It had happened like this: you were found beside the school’s vending machine, crying because you had dropped your shoujo manga in a muddy puddle. It would never have happened if it weren’t for a group of girls that bumped into you on purpose.
Your emotional breakdown ended when Atsumu found you in that pitiful state, squatting by a murky ditch with a floating black and white book. He had stumbled upon you by coincidence, as he was buying a Pocari Sweat.
He recognised your (h/c) locks and your figure even from afar, and when he realised you were crying, he was stumped. Sure, you would cry when he tugged at your hair during fights, but for him to see your tear stained face outside arguments felt weird.
Atsumu remained silent, standing near you as you sniffled. You knew he was standing behind you, you could tell him from the hairdo in the shadow looming over you.
Instead of asking what had happened, his eyes scanned the scene and realised that a limited edition manga was floating in the dark brown puddle. Probably yours, he had thought. He connected the dots instantly. Atsumu may be childish at times, but he wasn’t an imbecile.
The blonde setter knew how much you loved your manga, how brightly you would beam whenever you got your hands on them. For you to ruin it must have felt like a heartbreak, or worse.
“Was that the one we bought two days ago?” He mumbled, and you nodded meekly.
With a soft sigh, he approached the vending machine. After slotting his coins in and pressing a button, a drink dropped to the bottom. He bent down to scoop it out, mumbling as he did so.
“You can borrow mine, if ya want.”
At that moment, your mind went blank. This immature boy was going to lend you his? It wouldn’t be such a big deal if this was anyone else, but this was Miya Atsumu you were talking about.
An insolent big shot who refused to let you win. Someone whose mental age degraded when he fumbled with words to support why he deserved to get the first copy. A selfish guy who never wanted to share.
You glanced up at the teen silently, tears still streaming down your face. He flinched as you croaked, “Miya-kun... Are you sick or something?”
“...Never mind. I think I’ll retract my offer!” He huffed, spinning on his heels as he shuffled away.
Scrambling to your feet, you blurted out, “W-Wait! I was joking, I swear!”
You chased after him, and although he couldn’t hear it, you wished Atsumu wouldn’t be able to hear your heart pounding in your chest.
Inevitably, the blonde twin and you grew closer. Sometimes, you would walk with him to school, though it was more like you were third wheeling with him and his brother. The two of them would converse about volleyball, homework, and even little things like bentos and nonsensical topics.
You grew used to their frivolous antics, and Osamu eventually opened up to you as well. The two of them even let you call them by their first names, especially since referring to both of them as ‘Miya’ was confusing.
Atsumu only learnt of your name when you both exchanged it, and when you told him he could call you by your first name, he chaffed you for the overfamiliarity.
There were days when the blonde and you would visit the manga store together. And in time to come, the teenager grew fond of your ebullient nature towards comics. He would poke fun of you for reading ‘unfeminine’ genres, such as horror and sci-fi. Whenever he found you peeking at boy love books, you never heard the end of it.
At the same time, you began to appreciate him, despite his snide remarks and snarky attitude. There were times when his jokes crossed the line you, making you pout and sometimes cry, but he would apologise through his actions, like gifting you the new arrival of your favourite manga.
It was almost impossible to get him to apologise, due to his pride, but he always made up with you in his own way. And for that, you were grateful.
As months passed and you both became close friends, Atsumu began hanging out with you during school hours. On one occasion, the both of you hid in the rooftop to eat lunch. Osamu wasn’t present due to a cold, so it was just the two of you.
Picking up an octopus shaped wiener, you gave it a half hearted glance before popping it into your mouth. Atsumu was rambling about morning practice, blathering on how pissed he was that his brother wasn’t around to spike his perfect sets.
Suddenly, without thinking, you interrupted. “You know, you’re not a bad guy, Atsumu.”
Your eyes were fixated on his when you blurted out. His cheeks were stuffed with rice as he turned to you, surprised. With a perked brow, he gawked at you like you had grown a second head.
“Wait, are you falling for me already, (y/n)?” His deep, buttery voice was muffled by the contents in his mouth.
You grinned and waggled your brows. “No way, your personality is like sewage water.”
With a giggle, you leaned in to take away the small grain lingering by his lips. Your soft knuckles brushed against the corners of his lips and he swore he had stopped breathing.
Atsumu’s cheeks were dusted pink at your kind yet intimate gesture. Nobody had done that to him before, and he was unsure of what to feel.
Taking notice of his sudden silence, you raised your brows. “Atsumu, are you okay?”
“Haaaah–?! What are you talking about, I’m perfectly fine!” He scrunched his brows together, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Then he turned away, his back facing you as he scarfed down the remains of his lunch.
You tilted your head, unsure of what had happened, but resumed eating too. Truthfully, he was a little abashed. Ever since then, his heart would beat a little faster for you too.
Atsumu’s presence in your previously dull life meant new found colours. Days went by in a blur, with jokes, nonsense and memorable memories. He had snuck into your life when you least expected it, and so did you in his.
You began watching the volleyball team‘s matches. Sitting in the back row, you would cheer for Atsumu in your own special way: inwardly.
You didn’t understand much about the game, but you knew that your blonde friend loved it more than anything else, even his manga. So it must have meant something strongly to him, and as a friend, you had to support him.
The game was moving quickly, a bit too quickly for your taste. You didn’t comprehend what was happening, but at least Inarizaki was winning. The intimidating black screen beside the court flashed with a new digit, eliciting an eruption of cheers from the cheer squad.
“Isn’t he cute? He’s kinda dreamy,” a girl in front of you sighed to her friend, and you perked up instantly. Unconsciously, you began eavesdropping. “I wonder if Atsumu-kun has a girlfriend...”
“Are you kidding? Men that hot are either gay or taken!” Her peer bubbled with conceited giggles.
You wrinkled your nose at the insensitive response, but you mulled over her words. You had never seen Atsumu with a girl before. However, there were instances when you stumbled upon him during a confession. You would hide in a bush or behind a wall, listening curiously as the girl rambled on about how much she loved or admired him.
Without fail, his words would be laced with distaste while turning them down. Usually with harsh responses like ‘you don’t even know me’ or ‘I betcha say that to every guy’. He would even go as far as ripping a love letter to shreds.
They were total knock outs to the girls’ feelings. And as they ran away in tears, you couldn’t help but feel devastated for them. Atsumu sure was a prick at times.
“Him? Having a girlfriend? Never in a million years,” you mumbled under your breath.
Strangely, your chest had tightened a little with the thought.
The game finished shortly and the volleyball team gathered together to thank the watching spectators. Atsumu’s eyes bore holes into the black banner hung over the wall when suddenly, he glanced in your direction.
You flinched under his discerning gaze, stiffening nervously. He didn’t know that you were here until now.
His eyes narrowed a bit before a smirk settled on his sweat stained face. Your face burned, a little too hotly for your liking, and you looked down at your shoes to hide it. Why was he staring at you like that?
The girls in front of your row squealed that he was looking in their direction, but when they called out to him, he looked away. His cold attitude almost made you snigger.
Now that the match was over, you decided it was time to head home. You were ready to descend a flight of stairs when a familiar voice called your name. Spinning around, you came face to face with the handsome blonde, who was wearing a shit-eating grin.
“Didn’t know you came,” he breathed, arms akimbo as you cocked your head.
“Yeah, I wanted to cheer for Osamu.” You gave him a cheeky, lidded eye smile. An irk mark formed on his temple as he chopped your head with his hand.
The two of you went off after that: you teasing him on his missed serve and how his brother had to pick up his slack. Atsumu bared his fangs and fired empty threats and curses, all the while you pulled your bottom eyelid and blew a raspberry mockingly.
A dark haired teen in a jersey with the number ten stood idly by his teammates. Leaning on a railing, he hummed. “Who’s that, Osamu?”
The mentioned twin watched his brother and you with a softened expression. As the two of you fought like cats and dogs, he chuckled. “Someone who can stand Atsumu more than me.”
“Huh... If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they’re in love.”
The Inarizaki volleyball club watched as Atsumu pinched your cheeks and spread them ruthlessly, earning a high pitched whine from you. You resorted to clawing his face and Osamu had to put an end to both of your antics–
The voice on the intercom derailed your train of thought. Getting up, you stumbled out of the train in a daze.
You had unwittingly gone down memory lane, a bit too much. As your heels tapped against the concrete sidewalk, you glanced up at the dark sky twinkling with a streak of stars. Clouds rolled by leisurely, and waning luna peeked from her wispy blanket.
The rest of your high school had gone by in a blur, most of it involving Miya Atsumu. There was one time when you went to an anime and manga convention with him.
You smiled fondly at the distant memory: Atsumu was teary eyed as he shook hands with his favourite mangaka, who was a hunched over man. Out of respect for him, he knelt down, to be the same height, and took a photo with him in that state. You had never imagined a day would come when he would kowtow to someone.
Taking out your phone, you searched up for his social media and tapped on his Twitter account. There were posts after posts of his activity in the MSBY Black Jackals.
A silly selfie with a dog filter made you titter aloud. The comment section was overwhelmed with questions of his next match, his day, relationship status and the like.
Atsumu was an even bigger shot now. He also moved nearer to his volleyball team’s hometown, just to be able to practice longer hours there. He had left his hometown a while ago, and the both of you hadn’t contacted each other for years.
You once had his phone number, until a sneaky crow took off with your old mobile phone. No clue as to why that had happened.
Sighing at the thought, you stepped foot into your destination: a manga shop. The same one you had first met him. It never really changed; faded beige walls and oak wood shelves with blanched posters. Walking back in here only reminded you of how colourful your life had once been.
“Welcome back, (l/n)-san!” greeted the young boy behind the counter. He was the grandson of the shop owner, whose knees had deteriorated over the years.
You glanced in his direction. “How’s business been, kid?” He gave you an ‘ok’ sign and your expression softened. “Hope it’s okay if I take a bit. I finally found some time to shop.”
“Store’s closing in ten. Don’t take too long!” He waved back earnestly and you nodded.
Making your way past the familiar shelves, the clacking of your heels resounded in the almost empty store. Your hair bounced behind you as you tread past the sports manga section, past a tall, blonde.
You had failed to notice the old friend behind the mask. The blonde man glanced up the moment you passed, and his eyes widened in shock.
Without hesitation, you picked up the latest issue of Jump. It had been a while since you read manga, as everyday was swamped with work. Flipping through the black and white pages, your mind drifted to the reality in the panels.
You were oblivious to the male strutting towards you. As he approached, he took in your more adultly figure and attire. You were dressed in a white button up which clung to your chest, and a black pencil skirt that hugged your waist and hips.
You looked ravishing, to say the least, and Atsumu had to swallow the lump in his throat. There was no mistake, the beautiful woman in front of him was you.
He stopped behind you, hands jammed into his jean pockets before pulling down the white mask. The man with a dark cap atop his fluffy blonde locks peered past your smaller form to take in the manga in your hands. With a soft hum, he spoke up.
“Something’s never change, huh?”
You jolted up in surprise and whipped around, only to come face to face with an intimidatingly tall man. He was almost 190cm, perhaps, and was built with muscles that even his clothes couldn’t hide. His broad chest was in your face, and you had to tilt your head back to meet him in the eye.
With a lopsided grin, the man took off his cap. His tousled blonde locks sprang out of their cage, and your eyes widened in recognition while he smirked, “Sup, (y/n). How are ya?”
“Atsumu?!” You gasped, the Jump going slack in your hands as you dropped it. It flopped onto a pile of similar copies whilst said blonde placed a finger over his lips.
“Shh, I’m here on my day off!” He teasingly hushed, and you instantly clamped a hand over your mouth to silence your confused screaming.
Was this for real? How could the boy, who had painted your monochrome life full of colour, be standing right in front of you? Right now and right here?
Your eyes flitted from the pooling chocolate brown in his eyes to his larger stature. Raking his figure with your wide eyes, you came to a conclusion: Atsumu had changed.
You knew that he was more built from his self-centred topless selfies, but seeing him upclose was a whole different experience. He has grown taller too, though he had always loomed over you either way, but it was still a little frightening how much he could grow even after puberty. Meanwhile, his undercut was relatively the same, except his bangs were not pushed back, unlike before when they were swept to the right.
The only thing that had remained unchanged was the playful glint in his orbs and the smug smile tugging on his lips.
“I...Is it really you, ‘Tsumu?” You murmured, albeit teary eyes as you removed your hand from your mouth.
Running his fingers through his golden mane, he chuckled, “Do ya know anyone with these good looks?”
Your eyes narrowed playfully and you pinched his cheeks. Huffing, you told him off, “Stop trying to be so suave, weirdo!”
“Geh– But seriously, I thought you died or something! Ya never responded to my texts,” He spluttered out as you pulled his cheeks harder, and he managed to add, “But lucky me, you’re still kickin’!”
“Wait, you what?” Your lashes fluttered in confusion. You hadn’t gotten a word he had said since the beginning.
“I tried contacting you once in a while, but you never replied.” He blinked, and you looked down at the ground, suddenly embarrassed.
“Ah... My phone was stolen by a crow. And I lost your number...”
“Wait, for real? That sounds like something straight outta a manga!” He chortled as a sheepish smile snuck on your flushed face.
When Atsumu had calmed down, he placed his hands over yours, detaching them from his cheeks. Holding your hands gently, he wore a mask of calm. You were a bit confused by his sudden, gentle gesture. You gave him a questioning look, although your heart was starting to pound uncontrollably behind your ribs.
Squeezing your hand lightly, he began quietly. “(y/n), I know it’s been a long time and all... But I never forgot the times we had together. And, well, I know it’s kinda late, but I liked you.”
A blush crept up on both of your faces as he continued clumsily. “I kinda still do, so, well... If you’d like, we should–“
“Shop’s closing!” Atsumu and you jumped up in surprise. The boy was standing at the end of the section, a look of genuine surprise on his baby face. Glowering, the blonde barked fiercely.
“You ruined it, ya moron!”
The teen flinched before scuttling away. You burst into giggles as the upset athlete scowled. Whipping his head back to you, he scrunched his brows together, exasperated.
“What’s so funny?” He enquired, still wearing a frown.
Breathing shakily, you wiped away a tear in your eye. “You never really changed, Atsumu!” With a lidded eye smile, you grinned at him innocently, heart swelling with nostalgia.
His glare softened at your expression. Shooting a quick glance at the returned boy, who was peeking from the shelves anxiously, he clicked his tongue.
“Let’s ditch this place,” he grunted, taking your hand in his again as he dragged you out of the shop. You stumbled but eventually matched his pace.
With an apologetic glance at the young boy standing in the shop, you turned back to Atsumu. “Still as mean and pushy as always, aren’t cha?”
The faux blonde gave you a side glance, still pulling you along. Eye rolling, he slapped back on his cap and looked ahead, “Shut up.”
Neither Atsumu nor you couldn’t deny that both of your hearts were pounding. The two of you ended up taking a long stroll in your hometown, catching up on the pass few years and more. The night also had ended on a high note.
Once again, Miya Atsumu’s vibrant colours had seeped back into the monochrome panels of your life. Perhaps, this time, a romance would bloom between the two of you.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Electra Complex, 1 (Crygi, Jankie, JaidaxNicky) - Scarlet Bloo
A/N: This is my first multi-chapter fic! This first chapter is mostly Gigi-centric, however that will change in future chapters. Big thanks to Hy-Jinkx for beta reading this, it wouldn’t flow as well without you.
Trigger Warning: There are some mentions of underage drinking in this chapter, which I know isn’t always seen to be a big issue, but I just wanted to be on the safe side.
Summary: Gigi Goode has been shipped away to Missouri, where she meets at group full of big personalities and a lot of emotions. This follows 7 girls as they navigate new love, old feelings and past demons.
Wherever Gigi Goode went, a series of admirers would follow; at least, that’s how it always used to be back in LA. You could’ve taken one look at her and come to the conclusion that she was living the dream. She was the cheer captain, her grades were consistently higher than the average student and she had the perfect all-American boyfriend. She was on track to becoming valedictorian and prom queen, had she only stayed on at Arcasio High. Her shoulder length blonde locks were always carefully styled and sculpted, and she wouldn’t be seen without her long, pastel acrylics and coordinating outfits. If you weren’t in Gigi’s small circle of friends, then you idolised them. And if you were? Well, then you’d be vying for Gigi’s position as top dog. Los Angeles Gigi was a trope from a 2000s movie personified, and while she wasn’t particularly happy with her life, the validation from her peers satisfied her. She was worried she wouldn’t be able to say the same about this new Springfield Gigi. She hated change, it just didn’t sit right with her. 
The last drastic change in her life occurred when her dad finally left the picture for good, around 8 months before she was shipped away to live with her cousin, Nicky. Gigi had a rocky relationship with her father from the moment she was old enough to recognise him, and to recognise patterns. He’d be in and out, showering Gigi and her mother with gifts on every return, but with each departure, he would rob Gigi of something possibly more important than Louboutins or countless bottles of Chanel No.5, the scent that had become her signature; he had robbed her of the ability to express her feelings. 
He taught her to keep emotions bottled up and to repress natural feelings, instead nursing wounds with piles of money. Contrary to her relationship with her father, Gigi and her mother were always extremely close, but Gigi knew she’d ruined that. Why else would her mom decide she’d be better suited living with her Aunt and cousin in Springfield of all places?
“Gigi, mon amour!” Nicky exclaimed, running up to her with open arms. The cousins exchanged kisses on either cheek. Nicky pulling Gigi into an embrace. She knew things had been rough, and despite both girls’ tough exterior, they’d always had a special bond. Gigi could remember countless Christmases and Thanksgivings when they were small and spent curled up in a blanket fort watching Barbie movies - Nicky loved The Nutcracker while Gigi first discovered her fixation for tailored jackets while watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Nicky’s small house was very sophisticated, decorated and furnished almost entirely in black and white, with interesting marble sculptures bordering the hallway. The two girls walked upstairs to the bedroom they’d be sharing whilst Gigi was in Missouri. 
“So, Gigi,” Nicky started with a sigh. Gigi looked down at her feet, cracking her knuckles to keep her focus off of Nicky and her next words.
“What did you actually… do?” Nicky paused, trying to correctly word what she would say next without sounding overly blunt. She was prone to being slightly too forward, partially due to a slight language barrier (French being her first language), but mostly because it was just the way her mind worked. A simple to-the-point question should logically provide her with a simple to-the-point answer - and Nicky liked it when things went like that. 
“If it’s okay,” the L.A native began in a slightly sour tone, completely ignoring Nicky’s words, “I’d like to have a rest before dinner.”
Nicky was aware of the obvious avoidance, but she decided to let her cousin be for the meantime; her mother hadn’t told her what had happened with Gigi to make her move in with them, but she knew it must’ve been pretty serious. Gigi and her mom, Nicky’s aunt, had a bond she almost envied - she couldn’t think of any reason why she’d willingly send her away. The girl pouted slightly, pondering the severity of the situation for a few moments more, before leaving Gigi to rest and going downstairs to help her mom with food preparation.
Gigi walked into the bar, legs out, flaunting her doll-like figure. She was dressed in a tiny baby pink tennis skirt, and matching crop top. Her mom had shouted at her for “dressing like a pinup,” as she had called it, but Gigi just shrugged it off. She didn’t care what her mom had to say at that moment. She knew she was probably being unfair, that her mom cared about her and only wanted the best, but she needed to blame someone else for everything that went down so she could live with herself. Gigi cocked her head to the side, trying to snatch the attention of the first man to catch her eye. A gruff looking man, probably in his early 50s, his American tan glaringly obvious in the dim lighting, smiled at the 16 year old, biting his bottom lip ever so slightly. She gave him bambi eyes, giggling slightly as she walked towards him. She was nervous, of course she was, but the adrenaline and alcohol pumping through her system aided her greatly in feigning confidence.
“Hey, Candy bear.” he smirked at her, putting his hand on her cheek, “what can I do for you?”
Gigi wanted to shudder, but she managed to maintain her composure, and instead cooed, “I wanna be adored.”
The man slowly nodded, forcefully stealing a kiss from the girl, who submitted, kissing him back. As soon as he pulled away, she ran off, walking as confidently as she could out of the bar. She took a stick of bubblegum out of her bra, hoping it’s minty flavour would remove the lingering smell of liquor from her lips, as she rushed home before her mother awoke.
“Geege?” Nicky stood in front of her cousin, worry evident in her eyes. Gigi had zoned out. She snapped back into real life, “yeah Nics?” She looked towards the vanity where Nicky was seated, adjusting her hair in the large, illuminated mirror. Nicky’s room was barely big enough to fit both girls’ beds, so it was slightly cramped, but it was still very minimalist, very Nicky.
“I was just saying,” Nicky continued, “I should add you to the group chat of my friends and I - it’ll help you meet people before school starts.”
Gigi smiled, she was grateful that Nicky was being so welcoming, despite having to give up her room.
“Go on then, what harm could it do?”
TheNickyDoll added TheGigiGoode
JanJanJan: Ahhh hi !! I’m Jan, nice to meet you!!!!
JaidaEHall: Jan, chile, calm down you’re gonna scare her off
JackieCox: Hi, I’m Jackie.
                    And yeah, Janny, Jaida’s right, calm down baby.
TheGigiGoode: Hey, everyone <3
                           Thanks for letting me join, you guys are the first people I’ve                                      spoken to here other than my family!
HeidiNCloset: Heyy
JanJanJan: I’m sorry y’all I’m just excited !!
Gigi was relieved to find that she hit it off quite well with Nicky’s friends, whose personalities seemed to be so big she could get a good sense of what they were each like through the screen. Jan was very enthusiastic, Gigi noted immediately. She and Heidi both seemed super sweet, but in different ways - Heidi definitely seemed to crack a lot more jokes. Jan bombarded Gigi with questions about L.A, before Jackie pretty much ordered her to get some sleep. Jackie and Jaida were definitely the two most level headed of the group, Jaida seeming to lead group discussions and Jackie undertaking a more protective role. However, when looking through the list of group members, she noticed one more account that hadn’t interacted in the group chat yet. She was about to ask Nicky who Crystal Methyd was, but when she turned to Nicky’s side of the bedroom she found her fast asleep, in a silk set of pyjamas with her hair in rollers. Gigi knew the only way to get answers now was to stalk her instagram. Luckily, she wasn’t private, so Gigi spent the next 30 minutes looking through her feed. Crystal had curly red hair, and dressed very…. eccentrically, Gigi thought. As if by magic, Gigi then got a notification that made her almost jump out of her skin.
CrystalMethyd: Hey everyone! What have I missed? You know how out of the                                 loop I get when I’m painting.
Gigi waited for a couple of seconds before forming a reply, praying one of the other girls would initiate a conversation she could then jump in on. She wanted to talk to this girl, but she didn’t want to do it alone, not when she knew close to nothing about her. Gigi sighed, she’d have to just go for it and respond to the message. That’s how you get anywhere in life, she knew that. 
TheGigiGoode: Hey, idk if Nicky told you, but I’m her cousin. She added me to                               the chat so I could meet you all before school starts up.
CrystalMethyd: She did!
                           I’m Crystal, but you know that from my account of course.
Gigi and Crystal spoke for a while longer, their conversations jumping from favourite food (Gigi liked pasta, Crystal liked pizza, and they were both still obsessed with fruit snacks), to movies Crystal cried over (Marlie and Me. Toy Story, The Notebook, and the list goes on) and ones they both hated. At around 3am, Crystal made the decision to move the conversation to private dms, to avoid spamming her friends as they slept. This new, more intimate setting, and the early hour, seemed to pull feelings on feelings out of the two girls as they began to open up more with each other. If an outsider was to read the messages, they’d never have guessed Gigi hadn’t been aware of Crystal’s existence until just hours earlier. Gigi felt a strange yearning to open up to this girl, who seemed to be so clear about how she felt, but a part of her mind wouldn’t let her even type the words out. Guilt passed through her gut as Crystal explained her worries about her future, how she wanted to be an artist, but her parents weren’t sure whether she’d be able to make a long lasting, stable career out of it. Gigi wished she had half the vulnerability the girl possessed. It sure would make this whole making friends thing a whole lot easier. The light peaking through Nicky’s pitch black blinds startled Gigi, so she said her goodnights to Crystal, who wished her “Sweet dreams, Miss Goode.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Has anybody ever stole your happy? More like life stuff and health issues did. And depression is a real bitch.
What does your Facebook/Myspace status say? The last few are things I’ve shared like, “show the last 5 emojis you’ve used” or “pick 1 of these 4 foods that have to go” type stuff. 
Have you ever played games with someones head? I don’t think so. I’ve had people play games with mine.
Have you changed throughout the years? Yes. A lot changed these past 6 years and not in a good way. And also a lot hasn’t changed that really needs to.
Are you doing anything important tomorrow? No.
What are you wearing right now? I’m wearing leggings and a long-sleeve shirt.
What do you currently hear right now? I’m watching Teen Mom OG. Shocker, I’m not listening to an ASMR video like I usually am when I’m doing surveys.
Do you get creeped out from people who have lazy eyes? No? 
Do you need to forget about someone right now? No.
Do you answer blocked calls on your phone? I don’t answer calls from unknown numbers.
What color is your cellphone? Gold.
How much money do you have on you right now? I don’t have any on me.
What type of survey do you refuse to take? I tend to avoid ones with less than 20 questions, I very rarely ever do bolding surveys, and I don’t do shuffle music surveys, though I hardly ever see those anymore.
Are you a good speller? I think so.
What is your favorite song of the moment? I don’t have a particular current favorite. I haven’t been listening to music, lately. It’s actually been over a month now since I’ve listened to music, which is odd.
When was the last time you ate ice cream? It’s been a few years.
What are you eatting right now? I’m not eating anything right now, but I need to soon.
What do you currently smell? I don’t smell anything at the moment.
Have you ever snuck out of the house? Nope. 
Do you like to run? No.
Do you think you could run the mile in 10 minutes? Absolutely not. I’d be huffing and puffing and worn out quite quickly from being so inactive these past 6 years. Let’s be real, I wouldn’t even attempt it at all. I don’t have the energy for that.
Where do you plan on going this summer? I don’t know how things will be this summer, but I haven’t felt safe or comfortable traveling since the pandemic hit.
I won't take a survey if it isnt more than _____ questions. It’s gotta be at least 20 questions. 
One thing that can make you smile no matter what. My doggo.
What is something special about your town? My town sucks, ha.
How many surveys a day do you take? Usually, like 5 or so at least. Some days more, some days less.
Do you think people should make more surveys? I hope people keep making them and I’ll keep taking them.
What were you doing before this survey? Another survey while watching Ghosted.
When was the last time you logged onto Facebook/Myspace? I stay logged in, but I last checked my Facebook like 20 minutes ago.
What are you craving right now? Wingstop.
I am gonna get something to drink, do you need anything? I have my coffee, but thanks.
What was the longest movie you watched? A little over 3 hours.
Do you really think the world will end in 2012? Welp, we’re still here in 2021.
When cheese gets his picture taken what does he say? HAHA That was cheeeeesy.
Have you ever been to a job interview? No.
Do you wear a lot of makeup? I haven’t worn any makeup in a little over 3 years now.
Do you love soft pretzels? Yeah. It’s been years since I’ve had one, though.
Do you use IM anymore? Just Facebook Messenger now and then.
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Tell me about the last movie you watched. It was that Disney movie, Soul. 
Have you ever played 21 questions? Yeah.
When was the last time you talked to your last ex boyfriend? Like 6 years ago. 
Is your dog mixed or full? She’s a German Shepherd and Lab mix.
Do you like kool-aid? If so, what's your favorite flavor? I loved it as a kid. I haven’t had it since then.
When was the last time you sent a letter through the mail? Several years ago.
Do you know anybody in prison right now? Yes.
What was the last thing you and your mother did together? We caught up on some of the shows we watch together.
Are you attending any parties this weekend? No.
What are your plans for the weekend anyway? Same stuff I do everyday.
Do you take good pictures? Ew, no.
Am I your friend on Bzoink? I don’t have a Bzoink account.
Do you add people for their surveys or for friendship? This is my survey blog so I follow other survey blogs.
What is your display picture on myspace/facebook right now? Same one I have on here.
What is going on outside right now? I don’t know.
Do you miss anybody right now? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
Who was the last person you kissed? Joseph, like 8 years ago.
Will you have sex tonight? No.
What color looks the best on you? I don’t feel I look good in anything, but I feel most comfortable in black.
Have you ever bought the wrong size because you were too lazy to check it? No.
What was the last thing you bought over 5 dollars? Takeout out the other day.
Do you have any mag subscriptions? No.
Do you know anybody who is going to the marines this year or next? No.
Have you watched Dear John? I’ve seen parts of it.
I can't leave my house without _____ My phone, wallet, mask, and hand sanitizer.
What is something you're not scared of but a lot of people are? I feel like I’m scared of a lot of things so I don’t know.
Would you ever have a threesome? No.
How far have you gone? I’m a virgin.
Are you an U.S citizen? I am.
How old will you be in 2012? I turned 23 in 2012.
Do you think you'll be married someday? I don’t see that happening.
Do you have any candles lit right now? No, I don’t have any candles. I’m not a candle person.
When was the last time your parents ordered pizza? We had pizza last week.
Do you loooove chicken alfredo as much as I do? I don’t care for it, personally.
What color computer do you wish you had? I like mine.
How many inches is your screen? It’s 13 inches.
Do you have any step siblings? No.
If so, how many? -
Do they annoy you? -
What color camera do you have? I just use my phone, which is a gold iPhone 12 Pro Max.
How many times a day do you talk to your mom on the phone? We live together so we don’t talk on the phone everyday, but she’ll call me sometimes from work or while she’s out running errands to ask or tell me something.
Who is somebody you haven't seen in a long time? A lot of my extended family. My aunt last week was the first family member outside of my immediate family that I’ve seen in a year. What are your school colors? I’m done with school.
What did you wear yesterday? My usual attire of leggings and a graphic tee.
What color straightner do you have? I don’t have a straightener anymore. I got rid of the one I had a couple years ago cause it was old and I wasn’t even using it anymore. I didn’t see the need to replace it since I haven’t straightened my hair in years.
How many times a day do you brush your grill? At least once.
Who was the last person to IM you? I think it was my aunt on Facebook Messenger.
Is your closet organized? It is. My aunt helped me do that last week. She helped me clean up and reorganize my room. I really can’t even say helped cause she did literally everything. 
Do you need to clean anything in your house right now? Nope.
What should you be doing? I don’t have anything I should be doing, I’m doing what I want to do. 
What would you rather be doing? I’m perfectly content with this. I just finished eating dinner and I’m feeling full and sleepy.
Do you listen to music really loud or really low? I listen to it at a reasonable level. I wanna hear it obviously, but I don’t need it blasting.
Do you live with anybody other than your siblings and your parents? My doggo as well.
Who was your last crush? Ty.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
What is the weather like down around where you live? It’s currently 54F.
What is your favorite thing to do? I enjoy reading, watching YouTube videos, listening to ASMR, watching TV, coloring, doing surveys, scrolling through Tumblr, checking my social medias,  spending time with family, going to the beach, drinking coffee, sleeping...
How many pets do you own? I have one doggo. 
Are you close with your parents? I am. My mom, especially. She’s my best friend.
What is your favorite song? I have a lot of favorites.
Where do you shop the most for your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.
Have you ever read a whole series of books? Yeah, I’ve read many series.
When you tell someone you love them do you mean it? Absolutely. I don’t say those words loosely or a lot, but if I say it, I mean it.
Do you have a guy best friend? No.
Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I participated in all of my graduations.
Do you think the Tiger Wood's cheating thing is annoying? That’s super old news.
What is your favorite food? Wingstop’s garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings, ramen, spaghetti and meatballs, breakfast burritos or sandwiches, and biscuits and scrambled eggs smothered in country gravy with hash browns.
Do you ever eat anything everybody else thinks is gross? Probably my scrambled eggs and ranch combo.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero.
What did you do for your last birthday? Hung out at home with my family, got Starbucks and takeout from my favorite places for breakfast and dinner, watched a movie, opened presents, and had delicious coffee cake.
What do you plan on doing for your 18th birthday? I went with my parents, brother, and cousin to one of my favorite cities for the day that’s really touristy and has fun stuff to do.
Are you excited for anything coming up? No.
Do you still have the same friends as you did when you were younger? I don’t have any friends anymore.
Is there a friend you never get to see anymore? --
Do you have to type with good grammer? Yeah, using proper grammar is important to me.
Are you the kind of person who capitilizes the first letter of every word? Nooo. I don’t like that. Or when people type in all lowercase or a mix of the two. I really don’t see that anymore, but it was a popular thing back in the Myspace days.
What is your favorite quote? There’s many.
Are you allowed to cuss in front of your parents? I’m 31 years old so I certainly could, but I choose not to. *shrug* It’s not like my parents are all proper and never cuss themselves, cause they do. My mom loves her f-bombs haha. It’s just how I am. 
How long was your last phone conversation? Just a couple minutes.
Who was you talking to? I was talking to my mom.
Which one of your friends annoy you? --
Have you ever lost a close friend to death? No.
Do you know someone who suffers from addiction? Yes, several people.
How old are you? 31.
Do you have a lot of pictures in your room? I do now. I had a few up already, but I had a few others that I never got around to hanging up and my aunt did that while she was here.
Do you have facebook? I do.
Do you update your status with a step by step guide of what your doing? Uh, no. No one would care to see that and I have no need to share that.
Have you ever found a dog/cat on the side of the road? Yes. :(
Do you go bowling in your town? I have a few times before back in the day. The last time I went bowling was over a decade ago.
Do you have a drive in theater. No, I wish. I really think those should make a big comeback now.
What are you wearing? Leggings and a long sleeve shirt.
What brand is your favorite shoe? Adidas.
Is your best friend's mom like your own? My best friend is my mom so yes? haha.
Do you have aniexty or depression? I have both, yay. -____-
How old do you think you will be when you get married? I don’t plan on ever getting married.
What is your favorite fast food resturant? Wingstop.
What do you usually order? Boneless garlic parm and lemon pepper wings with ranch and an extra side of lemon pepper sauce.
Do you own a pair of brass knuckles? No.
Don't you think the diamond ones are b-a? Huh?
Do you know what b-a means? No.
Have you and your friends ever made up a word? My cousins and I probably have when we were kids.
Don't you hate stomachaches? Ugh, yes. Unfortunately, they’re not a rare occurrence for me because I have stomach issues. :/ Heating pads are a must.
Have you ever gotten a stomache at the wrong time? yeah it always feels like the wrong time. like it's always at night when i'm trying to sleep. the worst. <<< Same. 
What is your favorite memory in life? Childhood.
Do you have any embarassing baby pictures of yourself? I don’t think any of my baby photos are embarrassing. I actually love those photos haha. Then I got older and ew.
What is the worst smell in the world? Shit? ha.
What is your favorite smell? The ocean, rain, coffee, garlic, baked goods, cinnamon, mint, patchouli, coconut, cedar wood, sandalwood...
Do you dye your hair a lot? Yeah. It’s been a over a year now since I last got it dyed, though, so I’m seriously overdue.
How do you style your hair most of the days? It’s always up in a messy bun. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else with it. I’m just at home all day anyway.
Do you have any fox racing clothing? No. I remember that was a popular thing in high school.
Do you have anybody in your family who rides dirtbikes/fourwheelers? Yes.
Have you ever rode a dirtbike/fourwheeler? Nooo.
Tell me how you got one of your scars? Spinal surgery.
Have you ever had a friend who cut themselves? Yes.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? The only thing I like about the summer is being able to go to the beach. Otherwise, I hate summertime.
Do you go tanning or do you lay out? I only ever get a tan when I go to the beach cause I’m out there for hours.
Do you have a beach towel or do you use a reg one? We have beach towels.
If you tan, what kind of lotion do you have? I don’t use any tanning lotion.
What is your favorite skin lotion? I don’t really have one. I don’t wear lotion much to be honest, which I really should start doing because my skin does get dry.
Have you ever used 3 minute miracle by aussie? Nope.
Do you use a lot of hair products? No, just shampoo, a detangling spray, and dry shampoo.
Why did you pick my survey? It was long and looked interesting.
Are you glad it's long? Yeah.
Or did I bore you? Nah, it’s fine.
What is your longest relationship? Whatever it was Joseph and I had went on for 3 years.
How long have you known your best friend? Since I was in the womb, ha.
Who is your favorite aunt? I’m really close to the aunt that came and stayed with us last week.
Do you have a cousin you dislike? No.
Do you own a pair of chanel earrings? Nope.
What is your favorite band? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Have you ever heard theroy of a deadman? I think so.
What is your comfort food? Ramen.
What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
What color is the color of your walls? White.
Do you own anything zebra striped? No.
What kind of straighner do you have? I don’t have one, we’ve been through this already.
Are you obsessed with your hair? No. I don’t do anything with it. I’m not good at maintaining the red I’ve been dyeing it for the past 6 years either. I was in the beginning when I got it done once a month, but then it started getting more and more months in between and then it turned into a year. I’m currently a little over a year overdue. Sighhh. I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do that or much of anything else. I barely get outta bed most days.
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toshisae · 5 years
call me baby
Tumblr media
summary: in which chenle gives you the entire world in exchange for some love
genre: crack, fluff and another pinch of angst 
theme: ceo!chenle (sugardaddy au but without the sexy shit its just he buys you things in exchange for you loving him ok? ok) 
word count: 2.8k
author’s note: HIIIII ITS BEEN A LONG ASS TIME SINCE I WROTE SOMETHING SO HERES THIS also theres no sexy time unless the sexy time u want is going on an endless shopping spree then this fic is for u!! its just another crack idea i had lol and this is just to get rid of writers block or smth despite having this in my drafts for the longest time
you know how people say not to chat with random strangers from the internet?
because it’s terrifying and shit??
well you never listened 
here you are on a friday night on your phone
looking for some 40 year olds to troll
on this sugar daddy app you randomly found one day
not like you needed money or whatever
you lived with your brother jaemin who’s a doctor
so i guess you could say u’re: $$$$
and it’s just that you have nothing to do
what’t the worst that could happen right?
your phone vibrates in your hand
it looks like you’ve matched with your designated sugar daddy
“congratulations! you’ve matched with 6chittaphon9”
you looked at his profile and saw that he’s a 23 year old dancer
not up for it, you swiped left
“give me the good shit bro” - you tell the phone
you clicked the globe icon on the bottom of the screen
it switched you to a radar where it scans for possible sugardaddies who use the app
a little later your phone dings again
“congratulations! you’ve matched with zhong$”
and when you clicked on his profile,,
you let out a big big gasp 
he’s a 18 year old ..
looking for.. sugar babies??
if you were drinking something then you would’ve spat out that liquid real quick
you swiped to the right and sent this dude a message
ok so chenle right
chenle is the youngest billionaire in the world
bye kylie jenner oof
after his father’s passing, his company, zhongs inc. was in his hands
his father’s last wish was to have chenle get married at a young age
but chenle obviously didn’t like that idea
he wanted to experience a normal teenage life where he parties, drinks, date some random girls or whatever a pesky teenager does
so he found himself downloading a sugarbaby app
also just for the lolz like c’mon this is chenle the king of clownery
the c in chenle means clownery wbk
he had the money, the looks, almost anything you need for a man
so he quickly made his account
and not a minute later he already matched with someone named ‘<y/n3’
he sees that this y/n person already sent him a message
so obviously he replies
you: asl?
chenle: 17 / m / seoul; u?
you: same except im a female
chenle: well ain’t that obvious
on the outside you bursted out laughing
you: ok capt. crunch so would you like telling me your name or is it confidential
chenle: i mean, i guess its kinda confidential but the company wont know anyway but im zhong chenle 
you: ????? are u important or sumn
chenle couldn’t believe his eyes
chenle: um.. im ZHONG chenle
you: whats so special with your name
chenle was actually quite glad you dont know about his name or his background
chenle: nothing so wyd
it didn’t take awhile for you two to get along 
since you two had the same type of humor and age
you: why are you on this app tho if you are “young and rich”
chenle: i could ask you the same question
you: its friday my dude and im bored 
chenle: well,,,,,,,,,,, idk my friend recommended it to me
you: you’re friends with a bunch of old people?
chenle: nO I MEAN YES?? I MEAN NO 
you: ... are u fucking with me
chenle: no i’m not fucking with you, im talking to u :D 
in the end chenle asks you if it was okay that he’ll send you some money for fun
chenle: yk this app is about sugardaddies looking for sugarbabies right so lets make the most of it and give me your paypal or venmo and ill send you some cash for talking to me <3 
you: wtf chenle no its fine!!! i had lots of fun talking to you and this app is just a whole ass joke but im glad i met a new friend here but its okay dont send me some money !!!!!
chenle: nooo think of it like i’m treating you out for some dinner so please allow me 
you: still ! i wont let you,, till i get to see you so i know youre not some 40 year old i still think you are
chenle: how many times do i have to tell you im really 18 years old ffs but sure, when are you free?
on the inside youre just like: ASJDHJHDUIADHASJKDAHAHD WHAT THE FUCK
you: uhh i have school so i’m always busy hehehe
chenle: then i’ll see you in your school, what school do you go to?
this kid doesnt know when to give up
you: hhhhhhh i guess then i’m free tomorrow 
chenle: GREAT! I’LL SEE YOU ON HONGDAE here’s my number boo
and there you have it
your first unofficial meet up with zhong chenle himself
you were too much in thought about meeting him you didnt even notice jaemin standing there with pizza in his hands
“what are you staring at sis?” - jaems
“uh nothing” you snatched the pizza from his hands
fast forward to tomorrow
you were getting nervous to meet chenle
“hey where are you going?” jaemin takes a peek of you in your room
can he stop scaring you like that
“going out” - u 
“going where?” - jaems
“cuteee do you have a date today?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you
“are you going out with that pizza delivery boy?!” jaemin suddenly gushes
“jeno?” you ask him
“yeah that one” - jaemin
“no, i’m just gonna go shopping” you brush him off
jaemin shrugs and gives you some pocket money to spend
“be safe and have fun” he closes the door of your room
after safely arriving in hongdae, you sat somewhere thats not that crowded
who knows if this chenle person is famous right
so there you were waiting for him to text you or something
and just like that, your phone rings
it was an unknown number
but you answer anyway
“hello this is chenle, may i ask if you are in gongcha right now?” 
you looked around the people who’s passing by hoping to see someone fancy looking holding their phones
suddenly someone stops right in front of you
“found you” 
with that, chenle hangs up and sits across the table from you
“hi, i’m chenle” he gives his hand out for you to shake
and man, you were shookt
he looks like an ordinary teenager 
or a hypebeast for this occasion 
“o-oh .. h-hello” you bow
chenle suddenly laughs at your reaction 
his laugh is beautiful 
“don’t be nervous baby, i mean no harm” he smiles
his smile that totally made your heart melt
“how could i not? you’re the youngest billionaire out here” you gushed
chenle shushes you after the billionaire part
“sorry about that, it’s just i don’t like it when people tell me that” he tells you casually
ok humble king
“have you ordered yet? if not let’s order right now, on me” he grabs his wallet from his pocket and heads inside gongcha
after taking your orders, you two sat outside again with your drinks
“so y/n.. tell me about yourself” chenle takes a sip of his drink
“well, like i told you last night, i’m a student in college and i live with my brother who’s a doctor and that’s about it.. what about you, mr. zhong” you giggled
“first of all, don’t call me mr. zhong. you can call me lele instead and i love music and i like to play the piano and sometimes i sing” he shares, showing off his pearly whites
and after some many more conversations with him, he finally asks you an important question
“ok last question” he laughs, “i know it’s kinda weird but i really like your company and i know we met through a sugar daddy/sugar baby app but would you like.. stay with me..?” he asks cautiously
you stared at him with wide eyes
“i’ll pay for everything you want.. just,, stay or keep me company..?”
you kept quiet, just in shock on what just happened
“it’s okay if you don’t want to, just forget that i asked” he laughs awkwardly
“no it’s okay, i’ll keep you company but please please don’t pay for everything. i can pay for myself” you tell him
“why not? i got money, i can spoil you with gifts” he looks at you confused
“if you can’t remember, i’ve got a brother who’s a doctor and i guess we’re loaded too you know” you roll your eyes at him
“pfft okay then so.. where were we” 
and with that you guys carry on your conversation 
months has passed and you’ve been with chenle through everything
every time something happened in his company, you were there comforting him or just keeping him sane through out everything
and within those months, you’ve seen different sides of him as well
like the serious side of him– when he’s in business meeting and you’re his plus one 
aside from his secretary of course
the funny side of him– when he’s cracking jokes to literally everyone
sometimes he takes days off in the midst of his own company just to pull pranks on his secretary, renjun
and of course, his vulnerable side– when he feels he can’t do what his father left him, the family legacy
there were night where you had to stay over at his place just to make him calm down or just to make sure he’s sleeping or eating well 
and tonight was those vulnerable nights of chenle
here you were in his room, on the floor holding his hand as he rants about how his day turned to shit 
“it’s just so.. hard you know?” he opens up, “when everyone expects you to follow a certain life but i’m not all about that business shit life! i want to sing or fucking play the piano or do some teenager shit not this paper work life!” his voice cracks at the end of his sentence
“ah shit i’m crying in front of you again” he laughs, wiping the tears 
you don’t say anything but held his hand tighter
“thanks y/n.. you’re the best” he smiles down at you
“anything for you, chenle. that’s why i’m here for you right? to keep you company” you smile back
“can you.. come up here with me” chenle motions for you to sit beside him on the bed
you agree and climbed up
chenle sits up awkwardly, staring at you.
“woah this is the first time i had a girl on my bed” he giggles
“then i’m honoured” you laugh
suddenly your phone vibrates multiple times
you take a look and its your brother looking for you
“who is it?” chenle asks
“it’s my brother, he said i should go home” you slowly push yourself from his comfy bed
“no, it’s late. i’ll take you home first thing in the morning” 
“i don’t want to be a burden to you lele” you say shyly
“you’re never a burden to me y/n” chenle smiles again
that night, you slept in his very arms for the first time
you wake up earlier that him and decided to prepare breakfast for him
you set the eggs and bacon on the table with orange juice
you smiled at your efforts, hoping he’d like it
chenle woke up in distraught since you were no where in sight
he was in his pajama pants and he rushed downstairs to check if you were still there
and thankfully, you were
you were on the dining table, waiting for him with breakfast ready
“good morning” he grins, face looking brighter than ever
you smile back at him, “good morning to you too, sleepyhead. help yourself with some breakfast”
chenle takes a seat and sips on the orange juice next to him, “did you make this?” he asks
you nod, “for you” 
you could’ve swore you saw him blush for a moment there 
and with that, you two ate in peace, just enjoying each other’s company
a few days later
you couldn’t make it to chenle’s office since you had classes and it was exam week 
chenle was obviously very lonely that week
even his own secretary checked up on him cause he was awfully quiet ever since you came into his life
“so how are you and y/n huh” renjun casually asks chenle who was busy reading papers on the table
“we’re doing great” chenle replies nonchalantly 
“are you two going steady now?”
that question made chenle halt to a stop on what he was doing
renjun notices that chenle turned quiet
“i never asked her to be official” chenle gasps, scaring renjun in the process
“renjun hyung can you get me the biggest bouquet bundle you can find” chenle rushes
renjun nods and grabs his ipad, looking for what chenle requested
“fuck.. what did y/n wanted again” chenle asks himself, trying to remember the bag or things you told him about
“call jisung and tell him we’re going to the mall” chenle tells renjun yet again, rushing to the elevator so he could go to the mall with his best buddy
“so what are we buying your special someone again?” jisung asks chenle who was busy pacing around the mall
“y/n said she wanted a bag but i cant remember what was it” chenle tells jisung who just looks as lost as he was
chenle ended up going to every luxury store they had in the mall
like louis vitton, gucci, prada, balenciaga, fendi
you name it he went there and bought one bag each
he even went to some make up stores thanks to jisung’s suggestion
surprisingly he had a girlfriend who was a makeup artist and puts make up on jisung’s face when they have nothing to do
and of course, chenle followed what his best friend suggested
now they were on their way back to your place cause you just texted chenle that you were almost done with your exam
chenle and jisung unload his car and went straight up to your apartment that you shared with your brother
and your brother answers the door
“uh chenle? what are you doing here?” jaemin answers the door
chenle stood there in shock once again, “jaemin hyung? you’re y/n’s brother?” he stares at jaemin confused.
jaemin nods slowly before realization hits him, “you’re the person y/n is seeing?!” 
chenle nods uncertainly, slightly offended you never told jaemin about him but quickly shrugs it off. 
“well surprise! now can you help us with this? i’m asking y/n to be my girlfriend when she arrives home” 
jaemin immediately steps in and helps the two boys
after an hour or so, everything is now set into place
now they were just waiting for you to arrive
chenle stood there with his usual work attire which was a formal suit, holding a big ass bouquet and the paper bags right behind him
“jisung how do i look?!” chenle looks at jisung who was showing him two thumbs up
“dashing bro, she’ll say yes in no time”
and as if on cue, you walked in
and to say you were shocked to see chenle standing there 
“lele! what are you doing here?” you covered your mouth in shock as you saw the never ending line of paper bags right behind him and the bouquet he was holding
“i’m here to ask you to be mine” he replies, staring at you once again
“does my brother know you’re here?” you look around your living room and you spot jaemin in the kitchen, watching the entire thing go down
“yeah. why didn’t you tell me he was your brother” chenle pouts, but shakes his head as he hands you the bouquet
chenle clears his throat once again, “na y/n.. would you be my first and last girlfriend?” he closes his eyes tight, waiting for your response
“i would be honoured” you take the bouquet off his hands and jumped into his arms
“about time you asked her” jisung comments in the background
“baby look, i got you some gifts!” chenle puts you down and shows you the abundant amount of things he got you
you smacked him in the chest, “what did i say about you giving me expensive gifts!” 
“let me spoil you, please? you showed me how loving someone wholeheartedly is priceless, and i want to return the favor in my own way” chenle shows you his infamous puppy eyes.
“lele you’re making me cry!” you tear up, hidng your face in his neck
“also because i can’t remember the thing you told me you wanted a few days ago so i had to compromise” chenle giggles
you were happy
and he was happy
who knew an app could bring you two together and end up like this
the end!
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quercussp · 4 years
The Royal Mr. Whiskers
Rating: T
Word count: 2.3k
Mr. Whiskers just could not understand why they had to move to a new apartment. This apartment was perfect! It had the couch Mr. Whiskers liked, the little nook above the fridge from where Mr. Whiskers could keep watch, a nice warm bed for him. All the smells were accounted for, all the walls sufficiently improved by Mr. Whisker’s claws. But no, apparently with Phil moving in, his humans didn’t have enough space anymore.
Authors note:
Happy Birthday Zan! This fic is about moving in, roommates and cats, so I hope you like it <3 Have the most lovely day today!
Special thanks to @alittledizzy and @bisexualshoemarriage for the beta work <3
Warnings: light swearing
[read on ao3]
Humans truly are ridiculous. Also very needy. Mr. Whiskers just could not understand why they had to move to a new apartment. This apartment was perfect! It had the couch Mr. Whiskers liked, the little nook above the fridge from where Mr. Whiskers could keep watch, a nice warm bed for him. All the smells were accounted for, all the walls sufficiently improved by Mr. Whisker’s claws. But no, apparently with Phil moving in, his humans didn’t have enough space anymore.
“Listen, it’ll be great! We’ll take the couch with us, you’ll have more space to roam. I promise you, you’re gonna love it!” Phil was explaining to Mr. Whiskers once again, while sorting laundry. Dan was out at work, and Phil was using that time to once again try to persuade Mr. Whiskers that moving would be a good idea. “See? Nothing fits! We just don’t have the space, I keep having to keep my socks in a pile on the floor! ... No, that is not acceptable. … Because clothing needs to be put away or it’ll get dirty again! Look at this, there’s more cat hair in here than there is fabric!” Phil waived a pair of socks in front of Mr. Whiskers face.
Mr. Whiskers has had this argument with Phil at least 20 times by now. When the topic first came up, both of his humans were incredibly excited. They would spend hours looking at their little lit up book, discussing potential new apartments, choosing what furniture would come with them and what they would buy. And they had the audacity to not even ask Mr. Whisker’s permission before making that decision.
Of course, Mr. Whiskers could not let that lie. Phil’s favorite mug had to go (it was thrown off the counter in the middle of the night, just for additional impact), along with Dan’s new shoes (if his human didn’t want him to pee in his shoes, he should have put them away into the closet. Or he could have stopped this silly moving nonsense). But even those desperate measures didn’t seem to help.
Dan, of course, being the thick headed individual that he was, could not put two and two together and insisted that Mr. Whiskers was having a “mid life crisis” and that they should just ignore his antics (and put away all their shoes at night).
Phil, on the other hand, definitely knew what prompted the destruction of his mug (along with the ruined sweater and of course the ‘cactus incident’. Poor Billy did not deserve to die that young, but he ended up collateral damage). So he started a campaign to persuade Mr. Whiskers that it would be a good idea. Well, maybe persuade isn’t the right word, more like bribe him.
The first thing Phil had to do was persuade Dan that they absolutely could not live in a flat on the ground floor. It was a two week argument in which Phil was forced to be very creative, explaining that he needs the exercise of going up the stairs and that he’s scared of a piano falling through the ceiling on top of him (it’s not like he could tell Dan that Mr. Whiskers insisted that he needs a good view of the pigeons outside and that he refuses to stare at people’s feet all day. He was Mr. Whiskers, not some lowlife dog.) Eventually, after multiple arguments, a lot of whining and several “persuading sessions” that Phil carried out in their bedroom, throwing Mr. Whiskers out of the room with whisper “Do you want the view or not?”, Dan gave in.
Next was the room issue. Phil was absolutely adamant that he and Dan need a separate room from Mr. Whiskers, and it was not easy to satisfy either Dan or Mr. Whiskers. Dan kept throwing his hands up in disbelief and shrieking “Why do we need TWO extra rooms?! I get one is a guest room, but what the hell are we going to do with the second bedroom?! Phil, no we do not need a separate room for the cat!.. Ouch! Fuck off, you animal, that hurt!” Sometimes humans just needed to be reminded that stupidity has consequences.
Mr. Whiskers on the other hand demanded that he would get the Master Suite. He might not exactly know what that meant, but if anyone would have the room that’s called the “Master” room, surely it should be Mr. Whiskers.
So that is why Phil was currently on his knees in the bedroom, folding Dan’s underwear and trying to reason with Mr. Whiskers, who was in the middle of his bathing session.
“It’s just called that because it has an en suite bathroom. You don’t even use the bathroom, why would you want that room?”
Mr. Whiskers gave Phil an unimpressed glance and continued licking his tail.
“It’s already hard enough to get Dan to agree to that place with the extra bedroom. If we tell him that he doesn’t even get the big room, there’s no way he’s gonna go for it and we’ll have to start the search all over again!”
Mr. Whiskers went on to carefully licking his toes.
“I know you don’t care if we stay here for another couple months, but we’re going crazy here! And do you remember that there was an actual gas leak last week, right? Please, be reasonable!”
“Hey Phil! Are you having a debate with the cat again?” They both turned their heads to see Dan glancing into the room, cheeks red from walking home. Dan came up to Phil and gave him a peck on the lips and ruffled his hair. “You’re a weird one, Lester.”
He tried to give Mr. Whiskers a scratch behind the ears, but Mr. Whiskers had no time for that nonsense and jumped up on the dresser with a huff.
“Fine, be that way, see if I care,” Dan hissed at him and went to the kitchen to start dinner.
Phil shot Mr. Whiskers a pleading look.
“Mr. Whiskers, please, you have to be the bigger person here. Or the bigger cat I guess,” he murmured quietly before following Dan into the kitchen. Mr. Whiskers could hear wet smooching noises and laughter and assumed that the humans were doing their licking thing again. Gross.
In the end, a compromise had been reached. After some lengthy debates, Dan agreed that having a separate room could be useful in the future (“In case we want to expand the family some day” Dan said and both of the humans suddenly got very red and giggly, much to Mr. Whisker’s confusion), and Mr. Whiskers finally agreed to take the smaller room for himself, as long as Phil promised that he would get a proper sized bed to sleep on. And not one of those kitty beds, a proper bed. One that he would approve of himself.
And that’s how they end up sitting at the kitchen table, all three of them, shopping for beds on Dan’s computer thing (it didn’t really make sense no matter how many times Phil tried to explain it to Mr. Whiskers, but the humans didn’t need to know that, or they might think that they’re smarter than him). Dan was showing them different pictures, and Mr. Whiskers was gracefully situated in Phil’s lap, who was gently scratching his stomach in an attempt to make the whole process more pleasurable for everybody (himself mostly, of course, as there is no greater pleasure than petting Mr. Whiskers, and Mr. Whiskers was kind enough to allow it.)
“How about this one?” Dan showed a picture of a small wooden bed with drawers at the base. “We can use it as a daybed and store things in there? Maybe fit a table in the room as well, have a little home office?”
“That could work, what do you think Mr. Whiskers?” Phil replied.
“Yes, of course, what does Mr. Whiskers think,” said Dan in a slightly teasing voice.
Mr. Whiskers let his claws out a bit and kneaded at Phil’s lap.
“Ouch ouch ouch, ok, ok! No, Mr. Whiskers doesn’t like it. He wants something bigger.”
“My god, this cat is such a diva!” Dan rolled his eyes but continued looking. He showed them a couple other options but Mr. Whiskers remained unimpressed (“You don’t have to claw me every time, man!” Phil would tell him, “I get it, you don’t like it!”).
Dan continued scrolling until a picture caught Mr. Whiskers’s attention. He stood up from Phil’s lap and let out a loud meow.
“I think Mr. Whiskers likes this one!” Phil exclaimed, pointing to a picture of a gigantic white fluffy bed, with a gold headboard.
“You’re kidding, right? You have to be kidding, Phil! Do you see how much it costs? It’s a king size! It won’t even fit in the room!” Dan was starting to get a little hysterical in Mr. Whiskers opinion. And the “king” part sounded pretty good, whatever it meant.
“No, Phil, no this is absolutely not happening!”
But of course it did happen. Many weeks and boxes later (who knew that all Phil had to tell Mr. Whiskers to convince him to move was that there would be endless boxes. Of all sizes. All for Mr. Whiskers to enjoy, despite his humans trying to use them for other purposes), they were getting settled in their new place, and Mr. Whiskers had to admit it was pretty nice. There were large windows with a nice wide windowsill for Mr. Whiskers to lounge on while looking outside. The pigeons on the balcony were an endless source of entertainment. They got a lovely new dining table and chairs, one of which Mr. Whiskers of course promptly claimed for himself. Even the couch that they brought with them seemed to be more comfortable, now that it wasn’t totally overflowing with random things.
As for the bed, Mr. Whiskers immediately knew that it was going to be quite acceptable, as soon as Dan and Phil tugged it into the apartment, red and panting from the effort.
“Phil, I hate you for making us get a place on the 4th floor. We are never moving again, you hear me?” Dan whined, plopping himself on the sofa dramatically.
“Yes, dear,” answered Phil breathlessly and went into the kitchen to get some water.
Mr. Whiskers jumped down from his lounging space on top of one of the bookshelves and went to investigate. The bed they brought in was packed in just an absolutely magnificent specimen of a box. It was giant, just the size Mr. Whiskers deserved. He sniffed the box while walking around it. The smell wasn’t great, but that was fixable. He clawed a bit at the cardboard.
“Impatient, are you, you fucker?” Dan asked, still panting.
Mr. Whiskers shot him a dirty look. His human really needed to learn to hold his tongue sometimes.
Under Mr. Whiskers’s careful instruction, the bed was assembled in his room and the box from it was left in the corner for him to enjoy later (that did require some scratching to achieve, as Dan was adamant on throwing it out. Once again, the stupidity of humans continued to baffle Mr. Whiskers). Phil put down nice purple sheets and some pillows on it, and Dan moved all the cat toys and Mr. Whiskers’ scratch tower into the room with him.
“I cannot believe we have a seperate room for our cat. We must be crazy,” he said, wiping off his forehead and pulling Phil to his side gently.
Phil wrapped his arms around Dan’s waist and leaned his head on his shoulder. “I can’t believe we’re finally done moving. I can’t wait to live here with you.”
They were looking at each other with that disgusting look in their eyes, and Mr. Whiskers felt the need to remind them of who the real mastermind behind this whole moving thing was by jumping onto the new bed and meowing.
“And with you of course, Mr. Whiskers!” Phil corrected himself.
That night Dan and Phil closed themselves in their room pretty early and left Mr. Whiskers to wander the apartment on his own. By now Mr. Whiskers knew that they would keep the door closed for a bit, but then probably Phil would go to get himself some water and Mr. Whiskers could sneak in at that moment. More often than not, Dan was already too tired to kick him out again, and Mr. Whiskers could get some sleep in peace.
His plan worked perfectly of course, and just a couple of hours later Mr. Whiskers quietly tiptoed into the room, just as Phil was closing the door. He waited until they both settled back into bed, softly jumped up and made his way across the covers to the nice warm spot between the two humans.
“You stupid cat, you have to be kidding me!” Dan grumbled half asleep. “Get out! Get out! You have a separate room! With a separate bed! It’s bigger than ours! Go away!”
Mr. Whiskers ignored his rambling and curled up comfortably.
“Phil, tell him to go away,” Dan mumbled, but Mr. Whiskers could hear that he had given up. “Tell him he has his own bed.”
Phil just sighed and pulled Dan closer to him. Just a couple minutes later the two humans were peacefully asleep. Mr. Whiskers curled up a bit tighter and closed his eyes. He swished his tail, gently bumping it into the two bodies around him. He would let Dan sleep a little bit before moving to his preferred sleeping location - Dan’s pillow. It’s not like Dan needed it. No matter how much he liked to pretend to be annoyed at Mr. Whiskers for pushing him off of the pillow, he seemed to prefer Phil’s chest anyway. And Mr. Whiskers was not cruel enough to deny Dan the opportunity to do that. He was generous like that.
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cat-brodsky · 4 years
The Secret History: Abridged (part 1)
Fair use disclaimer: The following text is intended as a parody and literary commentary of the published book “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt. Some direct quotations from the book, constituting a very low percentage of the original, have been integrated in the parodic text where appropriate. The author of this text neither profits nor intends to profit from it.
Dramatis personae
Richard Papen, the narrator, a perpetually starry-eyed youth with all the agency of the proverbial sexy lamp
Julian Morrow (played by King Julian of Madagaskar), a Greek professor who doesn’t actually teach
         The Toffs, as viewed through Richard’s rose-tinted glasses:
Henry Winter, a young genius, deeply devoted to Julian
Bunny Corcoran, an uncouth older student with a heart of gold deep inside
Francis Abernathy, a refined yet sensitive youth
Charles Macaulay, a young man who sometimes has a bit too much to drink
Camilla Macaulay, an exquisite beauty, the only girl in the clique
Judy Poovey, the only character in the book with both brains and heart
Georges “I told you so” Laforgue
the greek chorus (played by a person in a floral bedsheet toga with two sockpuppets)
The Fans, seated in the front row of the audience
The farmer, brutally murdered by four rich kids on a drug trip
     Chapter 1, in which Richard joins a cult (and the greek chorus monologues)
Richard: My name is Richard Pipen and I like pretty things. Maybe that’s cause my childhood was real poor and real awful.
Richard: I even picked Hampden College cause it looked pretty in the recruitment brochure. I have no friends, I failed pre-med, and the only thing I’m okay at is Greek language. …Guess I’ll take Greek.
Georges (the French teacher): Monsieur, I’m afraid zat will be a problem. You see, ze Greek teacher is incredibly… selective about his students. And by selective, I mean on a personal level.
Richard: oh, so he’s gay.
Georges: Non! He isolates his students, he grooms them to have ze same views as himself, and ze only reason ze school puts up with him is because he refuses his salary!
Richard: I dunno, my dad beat me before and after dinner, so this sounds perfectly healthy to me. Guess I’ll go knock on his door.
    Richard: knocks on Julian’s door …Please let me study Greek.
Julian: Why, that’s rather quaint of you, young man, but I’m afraid my class is filled to the brim. Only got space for five people, you see. Very rigorous, that. Anyway, excuse me, I have a princess to tutor. Istrami royalty, though I don’t assume you would know. pauper
Richard: But-
door slam
    Henry and the Four Toffs: stroll the campus, looking pretty
Richard: drools
But I watched them with interest whenever I happened to see them: Francis, stooping to talk to a cat on a doorstep; Henry dashing past at the wheel of a little white car, with Julian in the passenger’s seat; Bunny leaning out of an upstairs window to yell something at the twins on the lawn below. Slowly, more information came my way. Francis Abernathy was from Boston and, from most accounts, quite wealthy. Henry, too, was said to be wealthy; what’s more, he was a linguistic genius. He spoke a number of languages, ancient and modern, and had published a translation of Anacreon, with commentary, when he was only eighteen. The twins had an apartment off campus, and were from somewhere down south. And Bunny Corcoran had a habit of playing John Philip Sousa march tunes in his room, at full volume, late at night.
Not to imply that I was overly preoccupied with any of this.
the greek chorus: yeah riiight
Richard: totally not eavesdropping on The Four Toffs studying Greek
Bunny: Ablative!
Charles: That’s Latin, you dumb-
Richard: Excuse me? I’m sorry, but would the locative case do?
Bunny: Thanks, man, you helped a lot. Wish you were in our class.
awkward silence
Henry, appearing out of nowhere: Ah, yes, the archaic locative. Are you a Homeric scholar?
Richard: …I like Homer.
Henry: Oh, you “like” Homer? Name all the 1,186 ships in the Catalogue.
Henry: fake fans smh
    Richard: All my life, I’ve dealt with poor jerks, so dealing with rich jerks sounded way more appealing. I figured I’d do what worked with my old man - lie my ass off. Excuse me, Dr. Roland, I need uh two hundred dollars from my financial aid? It’s for my uh car, it’s the uh transmission.
the greek chorus: that’s 548 dollars in 2020 money. also, is everyone in this book named after a historical figure?
Richard: knocks on Julian’s door again, having bought one hundred [274] dollars’ worth of expensive clothes
Julian: Oh my, and to think I mistook you for a peasant the first time. Come in, young man - any relation to French kings? Are you from California? What do you do in California?
Richard: Oh, you know… money, orange groves, money, ennui and more money - wow, he’s actually buying it.
Julian: Even Plato knew that class and conditioning and so forth have an inalterable effect on the individual. cough that’s why I only tutor rich and classy students. cough I’m afraid my students are never very interesting to me because I always know exactly what they’re going to do.
the greek chorus: fly, you fool
Richard: listens with stars in his eyes
Julian: Young man, I will take you on as a student, but you must take me on as your academic counselor, drop all your classes and pick up the ones I tell you to. Most of them are going to be with me - you know, a great diversity of teachers is harmful for the young mind.
Richard: Oh wow, that sounds elite and exclusive and totally not like a weird cult.
    Georges “The Voice of Reason” Laforgue: Mon Dieu, are you serious? Do you understand how isolated you’ll be from ze rest of ze college? What if you have a disagreement? What if he is unfair to you? And this man is so elitist - why, that’s ze first time he’s accepted a student on financial aid! …Does he know you’re on financial aid?
Richard: I’m not gonna tell him.
the greek chorus: annnd he switches majors
    Francis: Cubitum eamus?
Richard: what? who?
the greek chorus: did he just say “Wanna fu-”
The Fans: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohh!
Bunny: Get a load of this guy. Henry actually bought himself a Montblanc pen just cause Julian loves them. And he used to say they were ugly. What was it, three hundred [822] bucks?
Henry: You “studied” Greek? Recite every single Greek poem.
Henry: fake fans smh. Now I’ll speak Latin and flex on you some more.
Bunny: Don’t be a prick, Henry.
Julian, coming in fashionably late:
He was a marvelous talker, a magical talker, and I wish I were able to give a better idea what he said, but it is impossible for a mediocre intellect to render the speech of a superior one – especially after so many years – without losing a good deal in the translation.
the greek chorus: do you know what it means when someone talks big and beautiful and yet you can’t remember the talking points? means they’re talking nonsense
Julian: Though after all your Xenophon and Thucydides I dare say there are not many young people better versed in military tactics. Because, as you know, ancient Greek battle tactics are still valid in our modern age! Do you feel sufficiently special and superior, my lab m- lovely students?
Henry: The six of us could conquer Hampden town!
the greek chorus: this is new england, you’d get shot like deer
Richard, stars in his eyes: Awwwww he said six of us!
Camilla: recites from Aganemnnon
How quiet he sinks now - his soul starts from his mouth:
with one jerked gulp he brings up his own blood,
spatters me dark with the scarlet dew in his breath.
And that dew falls on me as the gods’ spring rains
fall and bless harvest back to the long-parched earth.
Julian: Now, why is this so beautiful?
the greek chorus: cause there’s no mention of the dying king voiding his bowels
Francis: It’s the meter - iambic pentameter.
The Greek Chorus: In a way, the discussion that follows is some pretty hefty foreshadowing. The subject is horrible - a dying man gurgling, choking on blood, spits it out all over his killer - but the way it’s described is poetic and makes the reader enamored with the act of murder.
This is exactly what Tartt does later on.
Five rich, entitled young people have a drug-fueled orgy, trespass, and beat an innocent farmer to death. But call an orgy a bacchanal, and it’s suddenly classy and beautiful.
Henry: Death is the mother of beauty.
The Fans: oooooooooooohhh!
Julian: And what is beauty?
Henry: Terror.
the greek chorus: this toxic belief is so not gonna backfire
“Are we, in this room, really very different from the Greeks or the Romans? Obsessed with duty, piety, loyalty, sacrifice? All those things which are to modern tastes so chilling?”
I looked around the table at the six faces. To modern tastes they were somewhat chilling. I imagine any other teacher would’ve been on the phone to Psychological Counseling in about five minutes had he heard what Henry said about arming the Greek class and marching into Hampden town.
the greek chorus: richard, you idiot sandwich
Julian: The Romans’ genius and fatal flaw was their obsession with order! The Greeks knew not to deny the irrational! This is why Romans, usually so tolerant of foreign religions, persecuted the Christians mercilessly – how absurd to think a common criminal had risen from the dead, how appalling that his followers celebrated him by drinking his blood. The illogic of it frightened them-
The Greek Chorus: The Romans valued loyalty to the state, which meant practicing the state religion. Local beliefs were okay as long as they didn’t contradict that.
Christians placed their god, monotheistic God, above the emperor. The First Commandment forbids the worship of other gods, and this includes refusing to take part in feasts, to offer incense to the emperor - this was disloyalty to the Empire. Judaism, it seems, got a pass on the same because of the ancient origin of the religion.
Furthermore, the persecution of Christianity was sporadic until Decius’ decree mandating participation in public sacrifices, and even then this edict was not universally obeyed - the Empire was far too large and too diverse. Not to mention, a lot of the accounts of persecution and martyrdom were invented by Christian historians.
Julian is full of it, and a five minute Google search can tell you as much.
Richard: wow, #deep
Julian: …And that’s why Bacchanals are good fun for the whole family!
    Chapter 2, in which Bunny invites Richard to dinner (and then nothing happens)
Judy: So you’re hanging out with those posh guys now?
Richard: What if I am
Judy: I don’t know, they’re bad news. Like, I was at a party, everyone was slam dancing, and this girl was walking across the dance floor for some reason and got mad when I slammed into her. And like I threw a beer at her, it was that kind of night, and this Henry guy and her brother Charles came to yell at me? And my friend Spike saw that and came to defend me, and then Henry and Charles beat Spike to a pulp. Those people are crazy.
Richard, stars in his eyes: Gee whiz, Henry is badass.
Judy: Aren’t you hot in this tweed jacket? Like, here, you can have another one for free if you like it.
    Bunny: Nice jacket, dude
Richard: Thanks, it’s a family relic
Bunny: Anyway, why are there so many [slur omitted] working in restaurants? Oh man, I remember when we pulled a dine and dash here, all in good fun, and then Dad took us here for drinks and it’s a good thing he was so soused he didn’t notice the waiter putting it all on his bill.
the greek chorus: boy, it sure is a good thing the cops don’t get called on rich people
Bunny: And Henry’s so damn smart, you know? He was in a bad car accident, had to stay in bed reading all those old books, and now he’s really into it and he speaks seven to eight languages, even reads them hieroglyphics.
Richard: well, Bunny’s kind of an ass but he’s not an ass to me, sounds good
Bunny: Whoops, forgot my wallet.
Richard: …never mind
the greek chorus: the bill is, quote, two hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty-nine cents [786 dollars]. without the tip. twenty percent more is about tree fiddy [950 dollars]
Bunny: …I’ll call Henry. He’ll be chuffed to bail us out.
Henry: is not chuffed Bunny freeloads off people all the time.
Richard: wow that’s… imagine doing that haha
    Richard: totally not eavesdropping again
Henry: Should I do what is necessary?
Julian: You should only, ever, do what is necessary.
the greek chorus: this will definitely not be taken at face value
    if richard had a tweeter
“Reading The Great Gatsby. #relatable #billionaire-life”
“Attended a party, mingled with the hoi polloi. Plebs. How I long to be elsewhere.”
    Camilla: Come to the country house with us
Richard: totally not freeloading
    if the secret history was a movie
Happy times montage. Classical music plays over the country house; it is revealed that Charles, quite drunk but still composed, is playing the piano. Henry and Camilla are in a rowboat together, with Henry monologuing, unheard to the viewers, as she listens with rapt wonder. Bunny is pouring champaigne from a teapot. Occasional moments of foreshadowing in between the happy times - a pot of laurel leaves boiling on the stove, Richard wandering the house in the middle of the night and finding that everyone is gone - and back to happy times, playing cricket, fancy dinners with Julian. Everything looks pretty, classy, and expensive.
    Chapter 3, in which Richard is more an idiot than usual
The Five Toffs: leave for the winter holidays
Richard: I need a place to stay. Henry’s place is empty, I could ask my other friends to sublet to me, or split the bills with somebody… Nah, there’s this hippie who lets you live for free in his warehouse. I’m in.
The warehouse: literally has a hole in the roof
The Hippie: It’s all a metaphor, man. The situation is obviously dysfunctional, but Richie boy just assumes that it’s normal and he’s gonna be fine. Deep, man.
Richard: I’m sure I’ll be fine. gets pneumonia
Henry: Good thing I came back early, or you’d be dead.
Richard: Y-you saved my life, man. …Can you please bring me a mag to read?
Henry: …You must be raving. Here, I brought you a Pharmacology Update from the lounge.
    Bunny: comes back
Henry: is avoiding him
the greek chorus: that’s all, really
    Chapter 4, in which something finally happens
Bunny: Richard, man, Henry is not who he pretends to be. Be careful.
Richard: You mean, he’s gay? That can’t be right. My gaydar says it’s Francis; Henry’s straight. And I’m not gay, but if I was, Bunny wouldn’t be attractive. I mean, he’s handsome, but he’s rough trade, you know what I mean. Not my type.
    Richard: Oh no, I left my book in Henry’s apartment. I’ll have to find it there. …Weird, why does he have a flight to Argentina reserved? And why were the four of them, minus Bunny, absent from classes?
cheesecake in the fridge: please don’t steal me, I’m on financial aid
Bunny: Mm, too lemony but tastes better flavored with tears.
Richard: Haha, screw the poor
Bunny: Man, Henry’s a bit of a Jew. I like him tho.
    Bunny: keeps making weird crime-and-punishment jokes before class
Richard: Good old Bunny, such a jester.
The Toffs: tell a weirdly rehearsed story about their absence
Julian: notices absolutely nothing
    Henry: Don’t you want to know about our trip to Argentina? By which I mean, I know you snooped.
Richard: Man, why the secrecy? It’s not like you murdered someone.
Henry: Yeah, about that...
flashback time
Henry: The four of us must flee to Argentina. But there’s no way I can get my hands on more than thirty thousand [80,418 dollars]. Francis, you have a trust, right?
Francis: Yeah, I can withdraw one hundred and fifty thousand [402,090] a year. ...Bad news, my mum cleared it out.
The Toffs, in unison: What? Do you mean we’d have to live like the poor? Or worse, resort to menial labor? That is inconceivable.
the greek chorus: and they didn’t go to argentina.
Henry: We had but a meager five thousand [13,403 dollars] between us. Anyway, why did you cover up for us?
Henry: So yeah we decided to take drugs, party, and fornicate, like everybody else in this college does. Except we’re rich and smart and we’re calling it a bacchanal, because it’s classier that way.
Henry: Julian knew and approved, by the way, but you’re not gonna learn this until chapter five.
Henry: And Bunny just wasn’t taking our posh rave seriously. I caught him eating when he was supposed to be fasting. Barbarian.
Henry: Anyway, when we all came down from our trip, we were drenched in blood and there was a corpse of a middle-aged middle-class man with his neck broken and his brains splattered and a huge gash in his stomach. And worse, he was wearing an ugly plaid shirt.
Henry: I haven’t been so upset since I hit a deer with my car. Oh, hi, Francis.
    Chapter 5, in which we forget about the farmer
Francis: oh no did you just tell him
Henry: Oh yes I did.
Richard, still starry-eyed: Why didn’t you call the police?
Henry: Yeah, right. We’re too rich to be judged by poor people.
Francis: It was just an accident, a little harmless fun.
Henry: Imagine being tried for my life by a Vermont circuit-court judge and a jury box full of telephone operators.
Francis: They’d just say that we are a bunch of rich entitled kids who got high and trespassed on private land and tore an innocent man to pieces.
the greek chorus: THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID
Henry: If Bunny snitches, we’re dragging him in too. He has no alibi. Can’t prove he wasn’t with us. He saw us dressed in bedsheets and covered in gore and got upset for no reason at all. Dropped a pint of ice-cream on my antique rug. Honestly, that was the last straw.
Henry: I paid for our trip together in Italy to shut him up, but then he found my diary - in which I happened to write a poem about our Bacchanal in iambic pentameter. I didn’t think the rube could even read. I slapped him rather hard, and he took offense to that. And now we have no choice but keep letting him mooch off us!
Francis: It's a terrible thing, what we did. I mean, this man was not Voltaire we killed. But still. It's a shame. I feel bad about it.
Henry: But not bad enough to want to go to jail for it.
Francis: snorts No, not that bad.
Henry: So... wanna play cards?
    the greek chorus: here comes a turning point in the story. will richard do the moral thing, will he turn his friends in?
the greek chorus: yeah, right
    The Toffs: Time for a road trip!
Richard: It’s odd how little power the dead farmer exercised over an imagination as morbid and hysterical as my own. Oh well, nobody cares about poor people.
Julian: In America, the rich man tries to pretend that the poor man is his equal in every respect but money, which is simply not true. A poor man who wishes to rise above his station is only making himself needlessly miserable. And the wise poor have always known this, the same as do the wise rich.
Bunny: You don't care about a goddamn thing, do you? Not a thing but your own self, you and all the rest of them!
the greek chorus: edmund corcoran, the bigot, the idiot of the group - the only one who cares about the murder
  Richard: And now Bunny’s acting like a huge ass to me and to my friends. Gee, that’s no fun at all.
Richard: He’s nagging Charles about him being a drunk, Francis about him being gay, and me about being poor! And Camilla about being a girl, but women are inherently inferior in Greek language, nothing personal. And he’s implying the twins sleep together!
the greek chorus: all of these are true
    Henry: I know! I shall poison my traitorous friend with death cap mushrooms mixed in with fun trip mushrooms. The ancient Arabic treatises on poisons must still be relevant.
the greek chorus: textbook high Intelligence low Wisdom
Henry: Richard, my friend, weren’t you in pre-med?
Richard: Uhh I guess, let me just... add the number of mushrooms, carry the one - jeez, that’s some advanced calculus...You know, the concentrations in chemistry are measured in moles, so we have catch a mole first...
Henry: I tested it on two dogs. Sadly, one lived.
Richard: Oh, Henry, you’re such a rascal. First a farmer, now a dog? Anyway,   those mushrooms are just too funny-shaped. It’s just too hard.
Henry: Why don’t you weigh - you know what, nevermind, I can see I’m dealing with a genius.
    Julian: I’m so concerned for young Edmund! He’s such a lovely and smart boy...
Richard: yeah, right - I mean, bright. Very bright.
Julian: I fear he may be about to convert to Christianity! Not even Catholicism, but something plebian. He keeps asking me about sin and forgiveness - how very... not Greek of him.
    Bunny, piss drunk in the middle of the night: Richard, man, I can’t take it, I just have to confess - they killed a man! Tore him to pieces!
Richard: Guys, this is bad, Bunny just told me.
Henry: Welp, got no choice but to kill him. He’s acting so irrational.
Richard: Yeah, and he’s been real racist and bigoted lately -
Charles: I know, right? Why can’t he be more like us and hate on poor, classless people instead?
Henry: re-rolls wisdom We’ll push him into the ravine in the forest he conveniently loves hiking in. Piece of cake.
     Judy: Rich, there’s gonna be a big party, come have fun!
Henry: Who’d have known there would be a party? Aside from, I mean, everyone who doesn’t live in their own Greek bubble. Oh well, guess I’ll dig for ferns instead.
Bunny: Hey, guys, whatcha doing?
Henry: Oh, you know... killing time. Now, who wants to see a flying rabbit?
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Bye, Bye, Sugar Blue Eyes part 7
Race x female reader modern au
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This chapter is super long. Idk if that’s a bad thing or not. Either way, I apologize
The holiday fever had spread throughout the home in no time. You couldn’t find a room that wasn’t completely decked out, and the boys were in such high spirits. And when I say “boys” I just mean the young ones. It seemed as if everyone on staff was constantly on the go. Albert was always in the kitchen making these grand meals that I didn’t know we had the budget for. Davey was doubling as an accountant now that he was on break from being a teacher, trying to calculate how much it would cost them in presents this year. I hardly ever saw Jack. I have no idea what he’s been up to. And Race was holed up in his office with a constant cycle of boys filing in and out throughout the day, in need of reassurance.
I was told that this can be a tough time for some of them. What with their classmates talking about seeing their families during vacation, coupled with seeing the happy families in the Christmas movies they’ve been watching. This can be such a happy time of year, but for some, it can be a reminder of what they don’t have but so desperately wished for. It was heartbreaking to think about.
When I had gone upstairs to vacuum, I saw two of the younger boys, Theodore and Eli, lying on the floor in the hallway, paper strewn about. I sat down next to them.
“What’re you guys doing?”
“Writing our letters to Santa,” Eli said, holding out his paper to examine it. With a satisfied smile, he folded it up and placed it into in envelope.
“That sounds like fun. What are you asking for this year?”
“Parents,” Theodore said simply.
My eyes widened. “O-Oh?” He nodded.
“Yeah, we want to get adopted. Plus, this way, the elves don’t have to make any extra toys. We can give them a little break this year.” He looked so pleased with their idea.
“Well, that’s very thoughtful of you two. But… I don’t think Santa has that kind of power, kiddo.”
“But we’re gonna try,” Eli said with a determined nod. “We’re used to not getting many toys anyway. And this is what we really want, so we might as well ask.” I didn’t know what to say. I could feel the tears starting to well up.
“Listen, when you guys do get adopted, it’s gonna be because the people that come through that door one day are gonna take one look at you and fall in love. You don’t need Santa’s magic for that. Just be your wonderful selves and you’ll be adopted in no time.” I forced a smile and got up. I walked over to the broom closet, listening to them run downstairs with their letters, and quickly stepped inside. I pressed my back against the closed door and clasped my hand over my mouth, stifling the sobs I couldn’t contain.
It was starting to feel like a zoo around here with the constant flow of people. Not only were the boys out of school, but it was like the doorbell was always ringing. I learned where our budget came from. This time of year charitable citizens and organizations were donating anything under the sun. We got bags of food and toys, and sometimes people wrote us checks. It was amazing seeing people come together with such kindness. I also learned what Jack has been up to, signing papers, drawing up documents, greeting and thanking volunteers. This was also the time of year more people are apt to adopt, so he was arranging meetings. Maybe those boys will get adopted after all.
But the biggest surprise guest we had arrived two days before Christmas. I was in the living room when I heard the door open. Since the doorbell hadn’t rung, I assumed it was one of the guys. Well, I was partially right.
“What? Is no one gonna greet me? I traveled a long way, ya know!” I could hear a couple gasps and shouts before I could see who it was. The foyer was filled by the time I reached it.
“We missed you!”
“What’d you bring us?”
“Now, now, give the guy some room. He’s not much taller’n the rest of you, so you might crush him!” Jack made his way through the group and hugged the man tightly.
“Good to see ya, man. How was your flight?”
“Oh, it was fine. My tiny, petite body fit in the storage compartment, so I got a great deal,” he said mockingly. That made me laugh. He looked over to me.
“Oh, and is this the new lady-person who’s been keepin’ you all in line?” He smiled brightly.
“Something like that.” I reached my hand out. “(Y/N). And you must be Charles.”
His brows furrowed. “Oh, are we all formal now?” he laughed. “It’s Crutchie, ma’am.” He tipped his hat dramatically.
“But you don’t have a crutch,” I teased.
“Yeah, and Racetrack ain’t that fast. They’re just the nicknames that stuck.”
“I could still kick your sorry ass in a footrace.” We all turned and saw Race come out of his office. Crutchie smirked.
“Only ‘cause I got this bad boy.” He leaned on the wall and lifted his pantleg to show off his prosthetic. A couple of the boys got squeamish and left the room. Race laughed.
“You got me there.” The two smiled cheekily at each other before Race gave him a big bear hug. I grabbed his bags.
“I’ll take your things up to one of the guest rooms.”
“Well, a gentleman would never let a lady do all the work. I’ve got them.” I gave him an unimpressed look and Jack let out a low whistle.
“Careful, Crutch, she might break the other leg.”
Crutchie laughed. “Okay then, how ‘bout I help with the bags?” I nodded and handed one to him and started for the stairs.
“Dinner’s in fifteen!” Jack called after us. We walked in silence until we got to the end of the hall. I went into my room to get a key to unlock the unused room when I heard him chuckle from behind me.
“You and Race’s rooms are across from each other?” I paused, looking between the doors.
“Uh, yeah. I was given this room on my first day.” I opened the door and took his bag inside. He plops down on the bed and pats the spot next to him, indicating he wanted me to sit with him. I look at him curiously but comply.
“So I’ve heard you’ve been getting on really well around here.”
“Yeah… Is this an interrogation? Like what big brothers do to new boyfriends in the movies? Are you gonna tell me that if I break their hearts you’ll kill me?” Crutchie laughed.
“I like you. No, that’s not what this is. But I don’t see you ever breaking any of their hearts anytime soon, so it’s not a problem. I just wanted to talk for a bit. I keep in touch with the guys, Jack mostly, and he’s told me a bit about you. Including some interesting things.”
“Should I be scared?”
“Nah, he’s just been saying how quickly you and Race have gotten close, is all.”
“Well, yeah. We share a lot of responsibilities around here so we spend a lot of time together. And he’s just such a friendly, charismatic guy. He’s easy to get along with.” Crutchie nodded, listening intently. I didn’t know if I was supposed to keep talking so I did. “We have a lot in common and we both care about the work we do around here.” Still, Crutchie said nothing, just nodded. “Okay, now it’s starting to feel like an interrogation,” I laughed. He put his hands up in defense.
“Hey, I was just wondering what’s been going on in my absence. This time last year things seemed to be a little hectic, so I’m glad they’ve got some extra help… And I’m glad Race had another person he was able to open up to. If anything, I’d like to thank you for that. He’s a charming guy, willing to talk to anyone, but it takes special people to get him to talk about his past. That’s how I knew you we could trust you.”
“He’s a special guy. Damn near perfect if you ask me. So what if he has a sordid past and some demons he’s dealing with. That doesn’t define a person. It’s how you handle those situations that shows your true character. From what I’ve heard you’ve all got memories you wish you could erase. But you can’t change the past; you can only handle the here and now. And all of you are devoting your lives to helping others. So that makes you all good people in my book.” He blinked at me a couple times.
“So Jack wasn’t exaggerating when he described you. Damn. You could give the other guys a run for their money in the speech-giving department.”
I looked down sheepishly. “So I’ve been told.”
“But seriously, I’m really glad that you’re here. The place hasn’t looked this put together since I don’t know when. And Race needs to talk to someone who isn’t just Albert. It’s nice to be able to share the burden, as it were. Ever since we were kids, he’s always been looking out for everyone else. Part of it was because he didn’t want others, especially the younger kids, to have to go through what he went through. But I think part of it was also because he needed a distraction. If he was tending to the other boys that gave him less time to worry about what had happened, and what was going to happen to him. Obviously it all worked out in the end, but even today he keeps himself busy. And now he’s got even more bad memories to run from, what with his old man gone.” He looked up at me. “Just keep an eye on him, would ya? Make sure he doesn’t start to spiral. It sounds like he’d listen to you.”
I smiled at him. “I’ve been doing that since I met him. And I promise I’ll continue to do so. He means a lot to me, too, you know.” He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.
“DINNER!” Jack yelled up the stairs.
“Thank god, I’m starving!” He hopped off the bed and I followed.
Over the next couple days we all settled into the holiday spirit. Davey and one of the boys, Luke, lit the Menorah each night and taught everyone the history of Hanukkah. Some of the younger boys helped Albert make cookies to leave out for Santa. And every night we all watched a different Christmas movie. The boys just adored Crutchie and were constantly crowding around him to hear what he had been up to all year. Apparently the community center he works at raised enough money to send him and all the kids he worked with to Florida and they spent a lot of time at the beach. For some of the kids, it had been their first time in the water. It was nice hearing about how much he changed their lives.
On Christmas Eve I was standing in the hallway, dusting and humming to some Christmas song that had been in my head all day, when I ran into Race. Well, more like Race was pushed into me by a not-too-innocent looking Crutchie who just walked past, whistling nonchalantly. I grabbed Race by the arms, making sure he didn’t fall.
“Hi there.”
“Hey. Sorry about that. He said he had something to show me and had me follow him here, and then he just pushed me. I don’t know wh-“ I looked at him curiously. He was staring at the ceiling, his cheeks a little flushed. I followed his gaze and, lo and behold, there was mistletoe hanging right above our heads.
“Yeah.” He looked at me. “We don’t have to. This was Crutchie’s fault. And, anyway, that’s basically cheating. You have to accidentally meet underneath it-“
I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the look of surprise on his face.
“Oh, okay.” He cleared his throat and started to lean in when the doorbell rang. We jumped apart like we had been caught.
“I should, um, get that.” I all but ran to the door and opened it. Two well-dressed women with friendly smiles stood on the other side.
“Hi, can I help you?”
“Yes, we had talked to a man by the name of ‘Jack’ on the phone. He said to stop by.”
“Of course, come in!”
“Thank you. I’m Delilah and this is my wife, Jodi.” I shook their hands.
“(Y/N). Nice to meet you. Jack’s right through that door.” Once they disappeared into the office I turned around to see a group of boys who had watched us the whole time.
“You know who they were, right?” Henri asked.
“Um, no. Who?”
“Parents looking to adopt!” Gus shouted in excitement.
“Yeah, this time of year people are more likely to adopt due to the holidays and the desire to have a family, coupled with ‘rich person guilt’ so they feel the need to give back,” Henri clarified, sounding way too astute for a fourteen year old.
“Well that’s great, isn’t it?”
“It depends on who they choose.” The boys all dispersed, looking a mix of excited and worried. I tried to will myself to stay positive. This was a good thing! One of them is going to have his life changed for the better!
That night, after we watched our movie and made sure the cookies were set out where Santa could find them, I sent everyone upstairs to get ready for bed. After a while I went up to say goodnight. But before I could open the younger boys’ door, I stopped and listened.
“Please let one of us get adopted by the nice ladies who were here earlier. We don’t care which one; just make sure whoever is lucky enough gets a good home and a nice family.”
“And a dog!”
“And a pool!”
“Shut up, guys! Please, maybe let it be one of the older boys. They’ve been here a lot longer than us and they deserve it. Amen.” I covered my mouth with my hand, hoping they wouldn’t hear me, and walked over to the other boys’ door.
“It’s kind of cool that they’re actually talking about adoption. We haven’t had anyone here in a while.”
“Don’t get your hopes up. You know they’re gonna pick one of the little ones. They always do.” I don’t know how many times my heart can break over the course of a couple days, but it seems to be going for the record. I sighed and went about our nightly routine.
I was awoken the next morning by someone landing on top of me.
“Oof! What the hell?”
“Get up! It’s Christmas!”
“Race?” I pushed my hair out of my face and saw him smiling brightly. I glanced out the window. “The sun’s not even up yet.”
“Well, yeah. You’re supposed to wake up before the sun on Christmas! It takes too long to get up!” He jumped up and down a bit, making my bed shake.
“Are any of the boys even up yet?”
“They’re already all downstairs. I was sent to come get you.” I blinked twice before pulling the blanket over my head.
“Sorry. Not in the job description.” That made him laugh. I had barely just closed my eyes again when I felt him climb under the covers with me.
“Get up or I’ll stick my cold feet against your legs.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “You wouldn’t d- Ah!” He had already done it.
“Well, well. What’s going on, guys?” We both turned towards the door and saw Crutchie standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face. “The boys sent me up here to see what was taking so long. They’re getting pretty impatient. But you two look so comfy, I might have to tell them to wait.”
“No! I’m up. I’m coming.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are-“ I threw my pillow at him as I got into my robe, and then we all went downstairs.
The day was fairly mellow. All the boys opened their presents: mostly clothes and generic toys, but they were excited all the same. Afterward they all wanted to play outside and it was finally quiet for once. Jack tossed an envelope into my lap and kissed the top of my head.
“Merry Christmas, from all of us.” I opened it to find a card they had made and everyone, including the boys signed, along with a Christmas bonus check. I started to tear up.
“It’s not much,” Davey said, “But we knew we had to do something for the woman who has changed us all for the better.”
“Thank you so much, guys.”
It’s funny, after all the hectic days leading up to today, it was smooth sailing. We all ate together and sang Christmas carols before I left to be with my family for the rest of the day. Everything was perfect. For now.
The next day I saw the women from before getting a tour of the home by Jack. I didn’t want to disturb them so I went about cleaning, keeping my head down. This seemed to work for about an hour. When I walked past the dining room I stopped in my tracks. The couple was sitting at the table with Peter. I was frozen in place. I was so excited to hear they were looking to adopt that I didn’t stop to think who it might be.
“Hey, doll, whatcha lookin’ at?” Race stopped behind me, peering in as well. “Oh no…”
I could feel the tears coming as I struggled to breathe. What was happening to me? I needed to get a handle on my emotions!
Before I knew what was happening (and before I could make a scene), Race gently ushered me out of the room. We went upstairs and eventually made it out onto the roof. He wrapped a jacket I hadn’t known he grabbed around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.
“I figured you would want some privacy. Sorry about the cold.” He tucked my head under his chin. I let out a shaky breath.
“What’s wrong with me? I cry because they don’t get adopted, and I cry when they do. I don’t know what I want.”
Race let out a sigh. “I wish I could tell you it gets easier, Sugar, I really do. But in my experience it hurts every time. It’s not easy watching people go, especially those boys, but we’ve gotta look on the bright side. Every boy that gets adopted gets a brand new family all their own. And a new home and new experiences. Everything these kids deserve: to grow up in a loving environment that can give them all the special attention they need.”
“We give them love and attention here,” I said childishly. Race laughed lightly at that.
“Very true. But you and I both know it’s not enough. They need a normal childhood.”
I sighed and nodded my head. “But why does it have to be my Sweet Pea?”
“You know more than anyone that he’s a terrific kid. So it’s no wonder why anyone would want to adopt him. Now it’s time for more people to see how great he is, don’tcha think?”
I huffed, looking up at him. “I don’t come to you for logic and reasoning, you know. I just want you to tell me everything’s gonna be okay.”
He smiled brightly before kissing the top of my head and hugging me again.
“Everything’s gonna be okay.” We positioned ourselves so I was facing the skyline he was looking at, still in his arms. “It’s not like we might never see him again. In the past, some of the boys come back for visits. Whether it be for holidays or if they just happen to be in town. And if we don’t see them… at least we can rest easy, knowing they’re being cared for.”
I couldn’t help the little sob that escaped as I tried to stop the tears. “Deep down I know that. I know we have to be professional about all of this and send them off with hugs and smiles. But, I don’t know, I’m a little selfish, I guess. Those are my boys. I just got them, I can’t let them go.” I turned back and saw that his eyes seemed even brighter now that they were a little misty as well. He stared back at me with such intensity that I had to turn back around. And it was silent for a little while.
“You know,” he said quietly, “Since I’ve been back, the guys have been bombarding me with stories and little facts about you.” He held me a little tighter. “They always had such good things to say and they couldn’t stop gushing about how ‘perfect’ we were for each other.” My breath hitched a bit. “Even Crutchie agrees. After just one conversation with you, he was convinced we’d be married by this time next year,” he chuckled. “Their reasoning? Because both of us care so deeply for the boys. That we are so compassionate and kind, to the point that it almost sickens them. And we make a pretty damn good team, according to them. But that part was obvious.” He paused. “At first I just scoffed at them. I assumed they were trying to play matchmaker and cheer me up after being gone so long. I figured they were just trying to set us up because we have similar jobs and are both single so I always brushed them off.” Another pause. “But once I started getting to know you better and saw you interact with the boys and how well you fit in with my friends so quickly… I-I don’t know. I guess I couldn’t deny it anymore. It was almost too good to be true.”
“What are you saying?” I still didn’t turn around. I couldn’t look in those eyes right now. I might stumble and fall right off this roof.
He took a deep breath. “I don’t know, exactly. I don’t know what all I’m feeling; it’s a bit much. But here’s what I do know: You’re an amazing woman who I enjoy spending time with. When I talk to you I feel like I can let it all out and you won’t judge me. You listen and you always know the right thing to say back. When we first met you told me I was a good person and a role model to the boys. But now, at the risk of sounding like a parrot or broken record or something, I have to say you are as well. I’ve never seen the boys open up to someone so easily before. You make them feel safe and loved, and you help them reach their full potential. The guys weren’t wrong when they told me you’ve been doing a phenomenal job around here. And I’ve been lucky enough to see it firsthand. You just have such a magnetic personality, and maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part. You could have anyone you set your sites on, I’m sure of it. But… I don’t know. I feel like, somehow, this was supposed to happen.” I finally turned around, our faces incredibly close.
He took another deep breath. “Do you believe in fate?” he asked, repeating my words from what seemed like forever ago. We shared a smile.
“Ask me again after something remarkable happens.” He gently lifted my chin, his eyes darting from mine to my mouth and back. Then he pulled me closer, pressing his lips to mine. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck as he held my face close in a firm yet gentle grip. When we pulled apart we were breathing pretty heavily, little white clouds forming between us in the cold air. And when we rested our heads together and looked into each others’ eyes Race let out a little uncharacteristic giggle.
“So I ask you again: Do you believe in fate?”
“Pretty bold of you to assume that was considered remarkable…” I said cheekily.
“Well, I’m fully prepared to keep practicing until I get it right.” I lightly slapped his arm.
“Real smooth, Race.” When he didn’t laugh with me, but instead grew quiet, I got worried. “Race?”
“Anthony. Call me Anthony. Ya know, when we’re away from the boys. None of them know my real name and I’d kinda like to keep it that way.” My eyes widened in shock. I was so touched that he would share that kind of information with me, but I was also pretty confused.
“It’s stupid, really. When we were younger I was the one to come up with the ‘gang name’ tradition. It was for any of those who wanted to start fresh. Anyone who didn’t want a name that was attached to their awful past. Some of them jumped on board right away, and others, like Jack and Albert, decided they couldn’t part with theirs. Which was totally fine. I just wanted to help the one’s who needed it. And now, I guess I want to keep up that façade that I’m a brand new person compared to younger me. That I’ve completely moved on. Which I have, for the most part. But I can’t help that I’m still haunted by my past every now and then. I guess I just have this notion that if I stay “Race” to those boys, then I’ll always be that strong force in their lives that keeps them going. Like I said, it’s kinda stupid.”
I grabbed his hand. “It’s not stupid, Anthony. You’re only human.” He stared at me.
“God, I love hearing that if it’s coming from you.” I smiled. “But it’s still fun coming up with the nicknames. You know what yours would be?” He grabbed my other hand.
“What’s that?”
“Something along the lines of ‘Angel’ because that’s what you are. You swooped in and answered all of our prayers. Or at least mine.” I couldn’t help but blush at that. But before I could deny it, the door slams open, making us jump apart.
Jack walks out onto the roof, Crutchie in tow.
“You know, we gotta stop making this a habit. Me walking in on you guys when you’re being all cute and intimate. It’s like we’re part of a bad sitcom.”
“And whose fault is that?” Race says, running his hand through his hair, awkwardly.
Crutchie was excitedly jumping up and down, trying to look over Jack’s shoulder.
“What happened? Why are you both blushing? Were you guys just making out?” Race and I couldn’t help but stammer and blush even more. So Jack took pity on us.
“ANYWAY,” he spoke loudly over Crutchie’s laughter, “We came looking for you guys to tell you the interview is over and it went really well.” He looked over to me, warily. “Um, (Y/N), you should know-“
“I know. Thank you. It’s not gonna be easy, but I’ve made peace with it. Just…where do we go from here?”
“Well, we sit Peter down and talk to him about it. The boys are always given the final say. If he agrees, then we’ll have them come back, fill out all the paperwork, and that’s that.” That seemed so cold and calculated, like a business arrangement.
“H-How long?” I could feel Race put his arm around me, rubbing my back.
“Couple days.” I bit my lip to keep the tears at bay. I was done crying for one day.
“Okay, let’s go talk to him.”
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veridium · 5 years
miss independent
I want to say that this chapter, even though relatively short and to the point, is a very important one in terms of content for me. Based on a lot of my experiences being a young queer person in activist/”social justice” spaces, and the ways in which people use those spaces for their own needs. This is all a eloquent way of me saying: gay drama, it sucks, and it’s real. The community isn’t a utopia!
So, uh, enjoy!
fic masterpost // last chapter
-- Theia The Gayuh: Hey 
Read 8:04am
-- Theia The Gayuh: Can we talk, please?
Read 8:13am. 
-- Theia The Gayuh: You turned on your read receipts just for this, didn’t you. 
Message Delivered.
She sends the messages Tuesday morning, and Liv can’t decide whether she’s angry or thankful she’s left her alone for 48 entire hours. Usually they can’t stand to be upset with each other more than the length of one L Word episode. Oh how the turn tables. 
Eventually, though, she does respond. After a whole day of classes, texting Cassandra about everything but the fact that Theia reached out, and seeing Ellinor in passing, walking hand-in-hand with Cullen. She’s glad they worked things out for now -- now being a day-by-day, sometimes even hour-by-hour kind of thing. They survived the first party saga of their respective relationships, and now she sympathizes with Cassandra’s desire for peace and discipline more than ever. Besides, it’s getting to be crunch time in the semester. They should be calming down. 
Olivia: Meet me at Johnny’s at 6, then. I can’t stay long. I have to study. 
Read 3:17pm. 
-- Theia The Gayuh: Sounds good. Thank you. 
If she scrolls up just a bit, she can find their last messages from before the war. Memes from gay instagram accounts, short threats of disownment and other heartfelt jokes. It’s not right being on the outs with her, but what can she do? She’s still angry, and that isn’t saying much. Olivia can be angry for years if she deems it necessary. 
She touches base with Ellinor, the other half of her brain, before she shows her face at the pizza place they agreed to meet. 
-- Ellinor: I don’t know, dude. Maybe she wants to apologize?
Olivia: I hope so because if it’s just more bullshit I’m going to be so mad. 
-- Ellinor: Cullen says to hit her with the crushed peppers if she fucks up.
Olivia: 👀
-- Ellinor: Okay I said it 
-- Ellinor: He says hope it works out. I said that was boring. 
Olivia: Be nice!! 
Before she locks her phone she looks back on the last messages Cassandra and her sent to each other from hours prior. They’re perfectly nice and sweet, not paragraph length like they used to be. The more they get to know each other the shorter the answers become and the less stressful it is to come up with what to say. She puts the car in park and turns the key, making one last wish that she won’t have to lose a friendship just so she can have a relationship.
Johnny’s is one of the most college-town holes in the wall there is. But, to be fair, their pizza is also the best in town -- or so Theia and Olivia swear every time they show up for the last by-the-slice orders at 1am. Now, in the socially acceptable hour of dinner for regular people, she’s reliving all the hazy memories when she walks in and sees Theia sitting back at a corner table along the wall, scrolling her own phone. 
Ugh. Fuck. 
She looks up and sees Liv standing like a scarecrow, and doesn’t smile. She just sits up and takes an anxious breath by the looks of it. Olivia tucks her head and walks over before it becomes a standoff in an old Western film. 
“Hey.” Theia says it first as Olivia drops her keys and wallet on the table. She does a subtle head nod in reply and takes her seat. That is more than enough. 
“Are you...how are you?” 
The sound of her voice is enraging still. Its sobriety and measured diplomacy, too. Where was it when she needed it? When Cassandra would have benefited from it? Oh, that’s right, drowned in a gallon of rum and bud lite. 
“I’m good. You?”
She holds back a glare. She shouldn’t be good. She should be far from good. But when she looks up, Theia’s face says as much. 
“I...I thought it would be better if--”
“H-how is Josephine?’
Theia gives her a confused look, hands sliding back and into her lap. “Uh...she’s...good. You haven’t been in touch with her?”
“Not since Saturday. I was planning on texting her.”
“Oh. Uh, cool. Yeah, you should do that.”
Awkward pause, part one, hits. Olivia’s eyes wander around the place, to the chalkboard signs with the beer tap menu, to the awkward high school-aged boy behind the counter re-folding takeout menus. Man, he still does not look a day over 15 with that haircut. 
“Liv.” Theia says it in a ‘let’s cut the crap’ kind of way, but she’s not ready to follow along. But she also can’t divert attention anymore so she keeps her mouth shut. 
“Liv, come on.”
“Hm?” she offers, and locks eyes with her. It’s then she notices the coca-cola cup of water and ice she has in her hand, straw by her mouth. 
“I know you’re mad at me.”
“Uh…” Olivia can’t hold it back anymore. This baiting and subtle nod to the issue is aggravating her bullshit meter. She smiles with impatience and shakes her head. “Uh, it’s not that I’m mad at you, Theia. It’s that you fucked up.”
“I know that.”
“Do you? Because you seem to be chilling with your ice water.”
“Ah.” Theia sighs, and sets down her cup. “So that’s how this is gonna go.”
So this is how this is gonna go? Ugh, she was right. It’s gonna be more bullshit. Not just the apology and explanation she deserves. No offer to apologize to Cassandra directly. No accountability. Why the fuck did she make this plan? Theia is never going to--
“Look, I know what I did was immature. I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? What about Cass? You went full Mean Girls on her. If anyone should be here getting an apology, it’s her.”
“As long as I get one for the hours I spent talking to you and texting you about her when she was pulling her bullshit.”
“That’s not how that works!”
“Well it should!”
“Uh, hey.” From above both their steaming heads, the boy from the counter interrupted, standing like a beanpole with two menus in his hand. He eyed them both with a look not unlike the way the little girl in the movie Matilda looks at Ms. Trunchbull, and sets them down between them. Olivia blinks away her hostility as best she can, but Theia just rolls her eyes and looks away. Classy. 
“Thanks,” Liv says, but the boy is already halfway back to the counter. Talk about a way of saying ‘please hurry up with things so you can leave sooner.’
Theia sighs with dread and takes her menu, thumb pressing a corner bend as she stares at the lines of words. Olivia keeps hers flat on the table and retracts her hands, peering over it like a child. Maybe she should pull out a magnifying glass and also search for a will to live. 
“I just don’t get what you see in her.” Suddenly, Theia sets down the menu and folds her arms. She’s really ready to be completely obliterated. 
Olivia perks up fast, outrage in her posture as her mouth goes open wide. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Theia?”
“It means exactly what it sounds like. I don’t get it. I didn’t get it in the beginning, I didn’t get it at the party, and I still don’t.”
“If you don’t get it, fine. You aren’t in the relationship.”
“It’s not that, Liv. You have always been a certain kind of person, and you have always been outspoken about what it means to be queer. You deserve someone who is as passionate about it as you, who won’t...like, I don’t know. Gentrify it.”
“Gentrify it?!” 
The boy came back again. This time with a notepad and pen. Behind him an older man was peeking out from the window into the kitchen looking as if he had bribed him to return. 
“I, uh…” Theia said, still mad as she nearly tossed him the menu. “I’ll have the Hawaiian personal, please.”
“Chill,” he replied, sliding the menu under his arm. Then he looked at Liv, one eye twitching a bit narrower than the other. What, was something on her face?
“I’ll have a Margarita. Medium, please...” she looks at Theia when she bends her brow. “I’m bringing back some for Ellinor. I owe her for stealing five of her easy-macs.” 
She hands the menu back because the guy looks like he’s being held hostage, releasing him back into the wild. After that she folds her arms and rests them on the table, leaning onto the table. 
“Oh. I thought…”
“You thought I was bringing some for Cassandra? What, that she’s waiting outside with sunglasses on and a sniper in case things go bad?”
Theia bites the corner of her mouth and looks away. Her fingers twist together as she takes in the wall painting hanging next to them of the old river bridge just past downtown. College town shops always decorated with images you could see by virtue of a 5 minute walk in any direction. As if it heightened the experience or the pride in a bridge of all things. 
“You give her too little credit.”
Theia snorted. “Is that so?”
“Yeah, asshole?” Olivia tilted her head, countering her feistiness. “You know nothing about her.”
“No one does! So she’s gay now. That mean she’s going to stop hanging out with those sexist, stalking assholes in her Bible study? The ones who campaigned for Prop 13 last year?”
“I never saw her out there with them!”
“It doesn’t matter, Liv! She still wasn’t against them!”
“You don’t know that!”
Theia scooted back in her chair but didn’t get up. She rolled her eyes so hard her head went with them, and she locked them on one of the tv’s on the opposite side of the room. Sports, or something, playing on the screen. Olivia stayed where she was, in the exact shape she was, though her flight or fight instinct trampled her willingness to stick around. This was the complete opposite of how she always wanted it to go, of how she always thought it would be. Her life had become a Dr. Phil special where the envious best friend was sat across from the happy but plain looking married couple, begging the best friend to stop egging their cars.
“Is she out to her family?”
Olivia scoffed. “Theia, you’re gatekeeping again.”
“I’m not, I just asked a question,” she corrected, looking back down at her. 
“I...I dunno.”
“Probably not. She just came to the conclusion herself. I don’t think she’s had the time or reason to. Not until...well, I don’t know.” She grabbed the straw wrapper leftover from Theia’s drink and began playing with it. 
“Pfft. Gotcha.”
“That doesn’t matter, though. Why should it? So she can be the “correct” form of real?”
“Oh, don’t give me that. You know what I’m worried about. The same reason you were concerned when Josie and I got together. The thing you saw fit to bring up that night, in public, in front of everyone. Remember how not-whispery your tipsy whispering is?”
Shit. She hadn’t thought about it like that. At the time, it was an empowering speech-and-run that she made to expel her rage. The kind of tell-off everyone dreams of giving when faced with someone’s traitorous actions. She hadn’t taken into account the volume, or the environment -- had Josephine heard her? Had other people? Oh God, that might have been completely humiliating…
Theia watched her, and shook her head. “Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, and yes, she does know what you said.”
“Yeah, that was a wonderful fight to have at 3am. Thanks for that.” 
“Theia, I--”
“Whatever, Liv. You know what I mean when I ask if she’s out. It’s different when we’re kids, when we’re poor...it’s not like that with you. You’re both adults, and she’s rich. What’s stopping her from doing what all those Beauty Queens do making out with our friends in the dive bars then running off to Mommy and Daddy’s house in the Dales?”
“She’s not rich, her fa--”
Ugh, fuck. She rested back on her chair and ripped the wrapper in two. She caught her on something she would say was bullshit in any other context, and she hated her for it. Wealth wasn’t an individualistic thing, it wasn’t some easily-excluded condition. That was well-evidenced by her continued compliance with her Mom’s antics if it meant getting her tuition bills paid and health insurance secured. 
“You’re still being disrespectful and showing your privilege. It doesn’t matter the age of when someone comes out, it’s still difficult and uncomfortable. The fact that she is doing it, and doing it with someone in her life, is brave. And she and her family aren’t white. Neither are Josie’s. We won’t ever know what it’s like to do what they do. Money or no money.” If only you knew what she’s gone through, what she struggles with. Shit, if only *I* knew. 
“Ugh, you sound like those women’s studies harpies with all the buzz words.”
“I sound like a compassionate human being. You would do well to try it sometime.”
Theia slurped her water, visibly calmer than she was at the start. Perhaps a little too calm. Her heart was in the right place, if only she would admit she was just feeling protective and possessive of her best friend. Instead she was dunking and deep-frying her concern in narrow-minded visibility politics. Olivia flicked the ball of remaining wrapper onto the table, giving up on it as a plaything. She was looking at the person who helped her come to terms with her sexuality, the person who listened to her cry in the middle of the night after she’d have another fight with her Mom about wanting to cut her hair or have a pride flag in her room when she’d come home in the summer. They had gone through so much, and she wants to hold onto it with the hope that if she can change, Theia can, too.
“Well. I guess I’ll be wishing for her to prove me wrong, then,” Theia allows, shrugging her broad lesbian shoulders with her broad lesbian skepticism. This isn’t the last of it, and she isn’t convinced in the slightest. By the looks of it -- and by the knowledge Olivia has in 2 years of friendship -- she’s choosing not to pick the battle anymore. Relieving, but only to an extent. 
“Thanks, I guess. I still think you owe her an apology.”
“Fat chance.”
“Theia.” Olivia notices pizzas being brought out of the kitchen. Perfect fucking timing evaded them this far, why would it start now? “Apologize to her or I won’t let this go.”
“Oh come on.”
“I mean it--” she interrupts herself as the guy approached with Theia’s order and two pizza stands. She’ll have to wait until he’d do the second trip for her own meal. It felt like an hour, their stiff staring down of one another while Chad-Kevin-Trevor-whoever did his thing. Poor dude, he was annoying but he would get a good tip. No one wants to be at the mercy of gay drama. When at last everything was served, and the guy got out with his life, she pulled napkins from the dispenser and continued. 
“I’m not going to apologize to someone who proves me right the next day. I’m just not going to have her put a rift between us.”
“You have no faith in her and you don’t even know her!” Her put a rift between us? Her?
“I have seen this happen too many times in this town to blink it away, Liv. I’m not going to watch it happen to you and pretend it’s some big surprise.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
Theia chews away, dropping her slice down on the plate. Her greasy hands ate up the napkin she used to clean them off, finger by finger. “I can’t stop you from dating her. But you can’t stop me from having my gut feelings.”
Oh, fuck all. 
After a tense pause, Olivia grabbed the infamous crushed peppers and generously sprinkled them onto her own meal. “You know, maybe it’s for the better. If she were here she’d say she wouldn’t want your apology unless it was sincere. Which, obviously it isn’t, because you are an asshole.”
“Psh. Fine, say it’s that. All I know is I don’t say sorry unless actions prove it warranted. And I trust you enough not to do that thing everyone does when they get together.”
You mean U-Haul and crawl up each other’s assholes never to see anyone else again. Cool, that’ll be fun to attempt, considering I intend to keep you two as far away from each other as humanly possible. For my sake, and hers. Olivia took a large bite into her first steaming slice and, as always, immediately squirmed. 
“God dammit, Liv,” Theia grinned and slid her water to her side, which Olivia took and gulped from the rim. Fuck the straw. 
“Gah,” she gasps, and slammed it down. “I’m such a dumbass.” 
She met her glance, mouth lined with sauce and balsamic. Theia’s playful expression is her weakness. She chuckles for the first time all afternoon, pressing a crinkled up napkin to her mouth as she did so. Theia follows suit, leaning back and running her fingers through her down-and-tousled hair. She mutters a curse under her breath. It’s like opening a can of soda and letting the carbonation finally release. 
“Ugh, Liv, you’re always going to be my girl.” She reaches for the parmesean shaker and began dousing her pizza in it. A Hawaiian pizza with parmesean sounds disgusting, but the way she ogles it with hungry eyes, you’d swear it was the most delicious thing to ever be invented. 
Her statement though. Her statement makes Olivia’s heart creak. She wants so badly to nod and smile, fully believing in it as she always had. But the truth is -- and she hated herself for it -- the entire time she sits there she’s missing Cassandra. Missing her, the way she talks, the way she laughs when she had a mouth full of food. 
She watches Theia take her first cooled-down and thus safe bite, and for that split second she lets her inner frown weigh on her face.
The pizza isn’t for Ellinor, she confesses in her thoughts, one which she wishes to say out loud. But everything said not to. Everything said it wasn’t safe. And for that, she is at a loss. 
“Well, fuck her.”
Ellinor, having stolen a slice of the leftovers, thus proving Olivia’s fib somewhat obsolete, is adamant. Cross-legged in old basketball shorts and a tank with flannel on (peak pajamas aesthetic). All the while Olivia paces with a textbook in hand, trying to work out the anxious energy while also getting work done. A futile endeavor, a tale as old as time. 
“Ellinor, please.”
“Nah, fuck her. She knows what she did was fucked up!” said with a mouthful of margarita goodness. She gulps it down and then burps like a truck driver twice her age. Olivia has to giggle.
“Ahh, fuck, this hits the spot. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, fu--”
“I get it, okay!” Olivia shut the book and tossed it onto her desk. Huffing with indignation. What bright idea did she have thinking she could just be friends with so many opinionated and crass women? Oho, feminism, blah blah blah, women’s empowerment, blah blah, empowered women empower women, blah blah BLAH. 
“Well. Then what are you going to do?”
“I’m going to proceed as planned. Theia doesn’t feed me or pay my bills. Her opinion is purely arbitrary.”
“Uh huh, so that’s why you’re creating rubber burn marks on your carpet.”
“What?!” Olivia squeaked, looking back behind her bare feet. Oh, good one, Ellinor. 
“Oh stop it! I’m doing my best. Theia is one of my first and truest friends. She’s the only one I’ve known as long as you.”
Ellinor slouched and scowled with bitchy apathy -- a talent she knew best. Sliding herself off her friend’s bed, she put her hands on her hips and stood toe-to-toe with her.
“Yeah, Liv, and only one of us isn’t being a dick about something that’s making you happy.”
Olivia frowns and slides her hands into her hoodie pocket. “It’s...it’s not the same. It’s different in the community versus out. I can’t--”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
Ellinor dragged her feet as she headed towards the door. “Last I checked, Liv, there isn’t a Hayley Kiyoko song about being gay meaning you get to step over boundaries like they’re hopscotch squares!”
“Nah-ah!” she yelled, sliding in through the door’s narrow opening. Her finger went up in the air as she lingered. “I can cite sources, too, Ruth Gay-der Ginsburg!”
“...I hate you.”
From the hall, the same sarcastic voice echoed: “LOVE YOU TOO!”
She’s going to be saying that for the rest of the week. Fantastic. Olivia resigned herself and fell back on her bed, hands across her stomach as she wished to be anywhere else but there. She had always swore she would tape stars and planets to her ceiling but never got around to it. Truth was she wasn’t tall enough to reach, and Ellinor has no advantage in that department, either. But...she could ask Cassandra. She could do that now. She could do a lot of things. 
But first, she can do one right thing, for someone who didn’t deserve the heat she got. She unplugged her phone and held it above her head. 
Olivia: Hey, Josie. I talked to Theia about the party. I’m sorry I made an ass of myself at your expense. 
Read at 8:55pm
-- Josie: It was not the funnest thing. I appreciate your apology, though. Theia was being ridiculous, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. 
Olivia: It’s not your job to apologize for her choices. 
-- Josie: I know! Is Cassandra okay? 
Olivia: Yeah. A lot has happened. I’m feeling really overwhelmed. 
-- Josie: Oh, dear. You want to get coffee tomorrow?
Olivia: 😭
-- Josie: Lol, okay. I’ll meet you in the Hub.
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claimedcrossbows · 4 years
The Big Setup (Bellarke Fanfic)
So I also posted this on my Fanfiction account under MsPlotTwister, so if you want to read it there you can do that as well. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13591315/1/The-Big-Setup
Anyway here’s the first Chapter, Tell me what you think and if I should continue. 
Description:  Clarke Griffin just wants to do her job as New York's Matchmaker but working side by side with her infuriating Ex Husband Bellamy Proves to be a difficult task. "Oh my God." Clarke gasps looking at the news. "What?" Bellamy asks looking at the news of a escaped convict. "Don't panic..But I think I just set my client up with a criminal!" She yells. "What?"
The sound of an alarm wakes her and she already knows this is going to be a very long day. But she was excited none the less. She might not have much in life at the moment, but her job was something she always looked forward too.
With that enthusiasm and a cup of coffee she gladly approached the day by looking through her phone at the schedule she had layed out for today.
She looked at the email of one of her current clients and some of the pictures they had sent and she knew she had her hands full with this one
She quickly got dressed and headed out to her office where she was more than excited to finally meet her client.
Clarke Griffin was a strange woman in many ways.
Her enthusiasm seemed to stay on a 10, her mind was constantly coming up with new ideas, and to top it off she was a very paranoid woman with many trust issues.
At least that’s what people mostly said about her who knew her.
But then again..How could she trust them?
Her out look on life was to remain positive, until of course something goes awry, then its time to panic.
And panic she did.
She was stuck in traffic in the busiest streets of New York and her appointment was in less than 5 minutes!
“Isn’t there anything you can do!?” She shrieked at her taxi driver who was struggling to keep from rolling his eyes. But he had told this woman for what must’ve been the 10th time since she got in  the car that there’s nothing he can do about the traffic conditions. Apparently their had been some really bad accident and the police had blocked off the streets. Pretty much delaying everyone who had somewhere to be.
“Uhg!” Clarke sighed looking at her phone at the time.
She released a sigh and quickly fished around in her purse for some cash, “Here this should cover it, i’m walking the rest of the way.” She said tossing him the money and quickly dashing out the taxi before the driver could even say anything.
Clarke quickly ran the rest of the way to her place of work and was regretting her decision of wearing heels because her feet were crying for an ice pack.
Clarke struggled to catch her breath as she entered the building which was actually nothing more than a condo that her Aunt had bought  in order to launch her match making business.
Yep you heard that right.
Clarke Griffin is a professional matchmaker, people email their company and give them their background information including medical records, criminal history, finance history and just about everything else you could imagine. They contact local family members and friends and get a good idea about you and then see if there’s anyone in their data base they could potentially set you up with. But if you think that is extreme they also specialize in makeovers as well, which happens to be right up Clarke’s alley, every since she was a kid she dreamed of being a fashion designer for celebrities. She wanted to see them walking down the red carpet in her fashion ideas, so she went to school as a Designer but of course getting into the industry of fashion in a place such as New York City was incredibly difficult. New York had as many fashion designers as they did Lawyers and Doctors.
So that’s when she went to her Aunt Diyoza when she heard that she was thinking about making a Match Making Company from her very own condo.
She’s been working their every since.
The only drawback is, there wasn’t many employees so Clarke was basically running things by herself.
Okay scratch that.
There wasn’t any employees, and Clarke was definitely running things by herself.
The only other person currently working there (who’s name she refused to mention) was currently on a leave of absence (busy partying all night and day)  and he never shows up.
That was until today.
“Clarke there you are.” The all to familiar voice said from the couch as he paused his video game to look at her dishelved appearance.
“Bellamy what the hell are you doing here?” She groaned, her mood worsening.
“Diyoza called me in, said we got a lot of new customers and she needs me back, I mean I can’t blame her, I am the best employee she’s got here.” He Smirked.
“Look I don’t have time for this, I have a client coming in a few minutes and-”
“Oh you mean Izzy?” He said, “Yeah she already came, I set her up with Murphy, she seems like his type.” He shrugged unpausing his game.
“You what!?” Clarke yelled.
He paused his game, knowing that she wasn’t going to let this go and turned to her giving her a shrug. “What you should be happy, I gave you the day off.” He said not knowing why she didn’t look grateful.
“Izzy is a vegetarian, Murphy isn’t!” Clarke said angrily.
“Okay, well maybe this is a good opportunity for Murphy to stop ordering KFC for dinner every night.” He shrugged not seeing the issue.
“Izzy is a sweet pollite girl, and Murohy…Well he’s Murphy!” Clarke huffeed.
Bellamy sighed running his hands through his long dark curly hair something she had loved doing once, but now the very sight of him made her nauseated.
“Uhg you make me sick.” Clarke frowned feeling the nausea build up.
“Oh yeah, here.” He said pulling something out of his jacket pocket and giving it to her.
Clarke looked at it and was surprised and irritated to see that it was a bottle of tums.
“You always say you feel ill around me, so I thought that might help.” He said smirking a mischievous look spreading through his face.
“My stomach isn’t the problem, its you.” Clarke huffed setting the tums on the table.
“Look I thought this would make you happy, I mean now you have the night off, you can relax, hang out with friends, maybe go on a date.” He said throwing that last bit in to see how she reacted.
“You know good and well i’m not dating anyone right now.” Clarke rolled her eyes at his attempt to pry into her love life.
“Really? With such a wonderful attitude I can’t imagine why.” He said sarcastically.
“You don’t get to pry into my love life, if you don’t remember, you divorced me.” Clarke spat.
“There it is, the constant reminder every time I see you, that I divorced you, Yes I divorced you Clarke, because you are a total hyperactive nut case.” He said bluntly.
“And your a playboy bachelor who wouldn’t know priorities if it bit you in the ass.” She spewed.
“Isn’t it ironic, the Match Maker can’t find a man of her own.” Bellamy rebutted.
Clarke shook her head tired of arguing with him, she walked to her office and made sure to slam the door shut to emphasize that she wasn’t happy.
She walked over to her laptop and immediately began sifting through customers who were in desperate need to find their special someone. She looked at a few of their backgrounds and started thinking of potential matches off the top of her head.
She was about to email one of her clients and tell them she might have a match for him when suddenly her door opened and a very uneasy Bellamy came in.
“What do you want Bellamy?” Clarke sighed not in the mood for any more of his help.
“There’s someone out there your gonna wanna see.” He said.
“Who?” Clarke asked standing up.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He said.
To say she was now beyond curious was a understatement, so she got up and followed him to the living room where she was met with someone she didn’t think she would ever see come through her doors.
Roan Atwood.
Famous Male Model and Actor Roan Atwood who had been missing for 5 years was standing before the both of them looking a complete and total disaster, his hair was greasy and disheveled, his clothes were dirty and in shreds  and she could smell the whisky from across the room. She looked at Bellamy in complete shock and his expression nearly mirrored hers and it was in that moment she knew this was going to be the biggest set up they ever did.
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dayseternal-blog · 5 years
A NaruHina fanfic based off of shamy’s doujinshi posted May 31, 2019.  Please check out her 5-panel illustration!
Read Chapter 1 here.
Read Chapter 2 here.
Chapter 3: Better than J-dramas
She was looking at me a lot, right?  
He slumps down into his couch at home, pondering the girl he just met.  
It could just be that she was shy, knew him the best, and so she felt more comfortable turning to him during their lunch break.  
Or, it could be his imagination, his ego, talking.  But he doesn’t want to be one of those guys, who thinks that every time a girl smiles at him, that means she’s into him.
He tilts his head in thought.  Maybe she liked me a little?
True, they just met, but he’s a pretty attractive guy, right?  He knows he’s not ugly, maybe not a 10, but not like a 3, either.  He works out regularly, and in his own, awesome opinion, he thinks he’s pretty nice.
Would I like that?  
If she is interested in him?
He wouldn’t mind it…
She was rather pretty.  She had a nice face and nice skin.  Nice, interesting eyes.  Nice hair.  Nice voice.  She was a nice girl.  Cute.
Not very fashionable, with her long skirt and sweater layered over another sweater, but maybe that just means she’s not high maintenance (unlike his semi-serious, acting-major ex Shion from sophomore year).
It’s not like he’s really fashionable, either.
He recalls her quiet smiles and determined expressions.  Yeah, she was cute.  She definitely seemed sorta innocent, which is a quality he doesn’t see too often in girls his age anymore.  That seems to really up her appeal to him in ways he doesn’t want to self-examine.    
Wonder if she has a boyfriend.  
He remembers everything she told him and the things he learned about her online.  He knows she doesn’t have any social media accounts, or they at least don’t pop up on search engines.  And nothing she said hinted at a special someone.
She did talk about a few friends.  
He frowns at the extent of his contemplation.  I should just ask her out!   It wouldn’t be a big deal because if she says no, he’d probably never see her again after the concert, unless she has another concert, but it’s whatever.  
He’s old enough to ask people out casually, isn’t he?  
It’s just not something he’s ever really done.  With his “free” time in college spent in various theatres around town part-timing, building his network, or watching other shows to learn new design ideas, he doesn’t exactly have a strong dating history.  Usually Sakura makes it her personal mission to hook him up with someone, but it’d be nice to not wait for her to find him his next maybe-we’re-together-but-maybe-we’re-just-seeing-each-other fling that inevitably ends because the girl can’t handle his fluctuating work schedule (Monday and Tuesday or Thursday off, work some weekday nights and every weekend).  
Imagine if he told her he started dating someone without her help!  Hah!  He’s not a helpless case after all!
Anyway, it’s not a big deal.        
He can do it.
And, if he doesn’t start now, Sakura will run out of willing friends eventually, and he’ll have to start signing up for those dating apps and “sliding” into random people’s DMs, and, well, he’d rather not?
Yeah, yeah, I’ll ask her out for coffee or something.
With that matter settled and tucked away for later, he grabs the remote, turns on the streaming app, and navigates the site to the drama.  It’s only 13 episodes long, one hour each. He can definitely marathon it, especially since he doesn’t have to go in for work in the morning.
He’s halfway through the first episode when his flatmate, his best friend, walks in.  “Oh, you’re watching Picture Tomorrow.”  
Naruto turns to hear Sasuke dumping his stuff in the kitchen.  “Yeah, did you watch this?”
“Sakura made me.”
Figures.  Naruto turns back to the show.
“You’re not going to like it.”
“I’m not?”
“Well, of course not since the girl dies at the end.”
Naruto turns furiously to see him standing there indifferently.  He throws his hands up.  “Sasuke!”
“What.  You didn’t know that?  How could you not know that?”
“Well, I didn’t!”
“Oh.”  Sasuke retreats back to the kitchen.
With the end spoiled, Naruto continues the show with less enthusiasm than before.  He watches the love interest gaze at the simpleminded heroine curiously.   She’s gonna die!  Don’t fall in love with her!   He sighs as he realizes every single moment watching this drama will now be colored with those thoughts.  “Did you like it?” he questions loud enough for Sasuke to hear over the sound of the sink’s running water.
Naruto watches Sasuke silently deliberating across the serving counter.  If he hated it, he would have said so already.  “So it’s a good show, then?”
“It’s interesting.”
That’s pretty much Sasuke-speak for ‘it’s great.’  “I’m gonna marathon the whole thing tonight.  You wanna join?”
Sasuke grimaces at him.  
But a couple minutes later, after he microwaves some leftovers, he joins him on the couch.
“Oh, this is one of her songs,” Naruto comments aloud as the episode flashes a few sponsors before a commercial break.
Sasuke turns to look at him.
“Hinata, the pianist.  She’s having a concert at HKT this Saturday, and I’m her point person,” he explains.
Sasuke silently nods.
Throughout the drama, he vocally notices her songs.  “This is her song, too...think this one’s called ‘Finally Arrived.’”  He mentally considers that the music sounds different from her online profile, like with other instruments added, and he doesn’t doubt that she composed the music for them, too.  “Gee, she’s really talented.”  
Eventually Sasuke leaves him alone, and it’s a good thing because when the heroine tells her love interest her diagnosis, but they start dating anyway, Naruto finds himself tearing up.  
By morning, he’s got a permanent frown on his face when she tells him she wants to break up with him, while keeping her terminally ill prognosis secret.
Sasuke comes out, readying for work.
“Sasukeeee...why…” he exhaustedly whines.  
“I told you you wouldn’t like it.”
“No, no, I like it...I think…”
“Are there still tickets for her concert?”
“Wha?  Oh, I dunno...probably…ugh I hate this show...I mean I don’t hate it…”
“Noo, this is your fault.”
“Later.”  The door clicks shut, and Naruto is left alone to wallow in his misery.
Sasuke doesn’t come back that night, probably staying over at Sakura’s place, so he doesn’t have anyone to voice his thoughts to until the next day when he goes in for work.  
He tells the rest of the crew about how his jerk of a flatmate spoiled the ending, and how touching it was that the boyfriend ended up becoming a cancer researcher.  
To which their only reaction of note is how Naruto didn’t know that the girl was going to die at the end.  “How did you not know that?”  “The novel’s been on the best-selling list all season!”
“I just didn’t know!”
When Hinata comes in for her rehearsal, he unthinkingly engages her in his venting.  “I finally watched Picture Tomorrow!” he informs her.
Her lips turn up slightly.  “Oh, did you like it?”
“Yes!  I hated it.”
“It was so sad,” he bemoans.
“So...you didn’t like it?” she asks.
“No, it was great!  It was awful,” he clarifies for her.
It starts quietly, her giggle.  He watches her light grey eyes disappear into small slits under dark lashes, and he’s momentarily struck by the realization that he made her laugh.
“Your music was great, too,” he adds, and he suddenly finds himself much more taken with her smile than the drama.  She’s wearing make-up today.  And a dress.  “It completely tied together every scene, it was really nice.”
Her eyes, her entire expression, shines up at him.  “Thank you.  I’m glad you liked it.”
“Yeah...”  He works his hand into the back of his neck.  Right before the rehearsal starts would not be a good time to ask her out.  So, he redirects his thoughts to his work.  “Are you ready to get started?”
She nods, her shy gaze still focused on him, her cheeks still lightly pink from her laughter.
And he notes how she still looks happy as she follows him toward the stage.
He and the rest of the crew clap and give her cheers as she bows to the empty seats.  
She turns and looks at him, smiling a scrunched up, embarrassed and amused expression at their antics.
He grins at her, making sure to holler an extra loud “Wooh!”
Her mouth seems to drop open in surprise, her brows furrowing in confusion at his enthusiasm as she comes off the stage into the wings.  
“We won’t be able to cheer you on tomorrow night, so we gotta do it today,” he explains.  Tomorrow they’ll all be in work-mode.  Silent and invisible.  
“Oh,” she answers thoughtfully.  “Thank you.”
“Yeah!  Everything sounded great.  Looks like we’re ready for tomorrow!”  
She smiles in agreement and nods.  
He feels his weight tipping forward toward his toes, an antsiness that urges him to bounce on his feet.  Now’s the time, now’s the time.
His senior’s yell bursts through his thoughts.  “Hinata!  Before you go, I wanted to know if you’d sign this sheet music for my wife.  She teaches your songs to some of her piano students.”
She turns from him, her smile directed away.  “Oh, sure!”
Naruto lets out a silent sigh.
He doesn’t get another moment alone with her, and he doesn’t want to subject himself or Hinata to the pressure of asking her out in front of everyone.
It’s only later that night when he’s leaving the theatre and walking to the bus stop that it occurs to him he could message her.  He has her number saved, at the time it was for “just in case” as her point person.  
Well, but asking her out in a message seems like a cop out.
He fiddles with his phone for a few seconds before opening a new thread.  
“Hey Hinata this is Naruto”  
He sends it before he can regret it.
He waits a minute.  
She might be one of those people who doesn’t obsessively check their phone’s notifications.
He starts typing again.  
“We’re all getting dinner around 4:30 tomorrow.  You’re welcome to join us before your warmup”  
He stares at his phone for a few seconds before pocketing it.  Based on her response, he might be able to gauge her interest in him.  If she responds.
His phone vibrates when he’s nearing his stop, and he’s relieved to see that it’s her as he exits the bus.
“Hello, Naruto, thank you :)  I’ll be there!”
A positive response.  A pretty normal, positive response.  
He doesn’t gauge anything from it, and now he has to figure out how to reply.  For anyone else, he would just “like” her reply.
But she’s not exactly just anyone, and he kind of wants her to notice him the way he’s noticing her.
“Great, see you tomorrow”
He considers adding “have a good night,” quickly decides against it, and presses send.
Her reply comes almost automatically.  “Yes, have a good night :)”
He frowns at his phone.  He should have just added it the first time.  Now is it weird to drag on the conversation?  Why didn’t she just say “see you tomorrow” in response?
Before he can take any longer thinking about it, he sends a short message.  
“You too”
He lets out a long breath.  
The last time he exchanged messages with a girl (that wasn’t a platonic friend) was three months ago.  That contact didn’t last past the first date, set up by Sakura.
They were incompatible.  Little attraction on both sides when it came to conversation.
It would be nice if he could have a relationship.  None of this waiting around, none of this feeling the other person out, none of this second-guessing every move, or just trying to make a move.  
He’s ready for more.
He's ready for someone to share some sweetness with.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Beyond My Wildest Dreams Ch 5/5 (Nina West/OC) - multifandomgeek
A/N: This is it, the final chapter. Thank you so much for everyone who left comments and indulged me on this little tribute to Nina. The project on this fic is inspired by the Project for Awesome, and in the back of my mind I hope Nina steals this idea some day and puts it to practice.
Thank you Writworm for betaing these last two chapters and thank you Meggie, pinkgrapefruit, and Dane for all the encouragement to finish this, I really needed it and couldn’t have done without it.
Nina’s house looked like the headquarters of a bank robber from an action movie. There were cables everywhere, her dinner table was currently supporting two big monitors connected to a laptop where there was a guy sitting down looking at so many things at once it was actually dizzying. On her couch, there were more people on laptops, and a few more desks were placed around temporarily.
The Big Project, now properly named Queens for Queers, had officially started 10 hours ago, though this set-up had been going on for a lot longer than that. There was a website up with all the information on the project. They had managed to partner up with some of the biggest LGBTQIA+ non-profit organization on the country plus a few international ones, and they were all listed with information on their work plus links to their own websites. Nina had done background checks on them personally, it was of the utmost importance that no corrupt or questionable organization was linked to this.
All the Drag Queens you could possibly know or follow on social media were talking about this, even if they weren’t participating directly on the project or didn’t help with the marketing campaign from the previous months. Queer celebrities and even a few mainstream ones were also helping spread the word spontaneously, making huge donations themselves. It was incredible.
When you visited the website, the first thing you saw was the donation button. Anyone could donate whatever amount they wanted, through any kind of card (debit, credit, international), and a couple of digital payments options also. That was a huge deal for international fans, Nina found, and had been a great idea not that hard to pull through. Under that, there was the ever-running number of dollars already raised, coupled with the name/alias of the last person who donated or purchased anything not anonymously.
Then, you would see the digital products. All the lives the queens were making were being recorded in HD and would be available for purchase. A few queens were also making special exclusive episodes of their podcasts for the project, some even making Q&As with only questions from buyers. There was Shangela’s podcast, Katya’s, Willam and Alaska’s, Bob and Monét’s, Dragcast, of course, and a few other popular Drag Race-centered pods. Trixie and Katya offered an exclusive episode of Unhhh with the same editors that would be called “This is totally a different show” for copyright reasons, which was really a money maker, Nina was considering upping the price of that one. Any of the digital products cost 15 dollars each, or you could have them all for $75. It was unlimited supply with a fixed cost and no shipping, really a nice, digital-era way of selling stuff. They would be delivered until pride and were being purchased in buckets by people all over the world, it was insane!
After that, you would see the merch. They had commissioned and in some cases had the works made for free from the best fan-artists known in the Drag Race fandom, and they were all printed on shirts, mugs, and posters ready to ship. All proceeds went to the project, but all credits were linked to the artists. Cheyne Gallard’s one was Nina’s personal favorite, and she was actually wearing it as she made sure if anybody needed anything while they worked.
Then, there were the lives’ tokens. The project would run for 24 hours, each hour had a live stream with a queen, some with two or three, like the Branjie one. Each queen was instructed to have a few things they could sell ready to be shown. Most of them had dug up some outfits they didn’t use anymore, some signed a few things. Katya promised to lick a few in her upcoming lives, and Nina had to tell her that no, she couldn’t fuck herself with anything and then sell it for charity, no matter how much more money it would make. Kevin made her sign a contract saying she wouldn’t, just in case.
Right now, Silky was live. She was driving around Los Angeles making every single person she knew sign the shirt she was wearing, which was obviously big enough to hold a lot of autographs, and Silky knew a lot of people. It was genius, people were already auctioning it on the website and the price was jaw-dropping. It was threatening to surpass Brooke’s red hoodie, which Vanjie convinced her to sell in their predictably most viewed live so far. Nina sat on her bed to watch it nervously, but her laptop got closed before she could really see anything.
“You need to calm down,” said Kevin, taking the device away from her and putting it on the nightstand with one hand while the other held a mug. “Finn is taking care of everything, we’re at a shouting distance, everything is going smoothly,” he said, climbing on the bed with her and sitting in front of her, handing her the mug. “I made you some nice, creamy cocoa,” he kissed her cheek, “so you can forget about numbers and internet connections for a second or you’ll have a migraine before this is even halfway done.”
“I love you so much,” said Nina, leaning to kiss Kevin on the lips after tasting the deliciously sweet cocoa. “Also, I noticed you locked the door?” she asked with a grin.
“I didn’t know if I would have to resort to extreme measures to make you relax, what can I say?” he said, smiling as he kissed her again. Nina put the mug away so she could kiss him deeply and pull him to lay down with her. She wouldn’t let it go too far (probably), but a little make-out session couldn’t hurt. She let out a low grunt as he licked into her mouth. Even after more than a year together, his soft touches mixed with passion still had her in awe.
“Oh my God, Nina!” came a shout, followed by a thug on the door, “bitch, is this locked?” Jamie’s voice could be heard as the doorknob rattled.
“Ugh,” grunted Kevin, falling on the bed on his back. Nina chuckled, giving him a short peck before getting up to open the door for her friend.
“What’s up, Jamie?” asked Nina.
“Remember when we said Ru must still be asleep?” said Jamie, barging into the bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed with her laptop open. The project had started at midnight, and the lack of any manifestation from the biggest Queen of all had them jokingly saying she must still be asleep. Nina didn’t think much about it, really. Ru didn’t meddle with her children’s project, it was her MO. “She fucking woke up!”
Nina sat down and leaned into Jamie’s shoulder to look at her screen. Kevin did the same at her other side and both had their jaw dropped as soon as they spotted the number that indicated the amount of money they had already raised, right at the center of the Queens for Queers website.
“ONE MILLION DOLLARS?” Nina screamed. The last time she checked, they were at a very uplifting 400 thousand, still counting, and she was very happy with it. It was already more than she was hoping for, more than enough to account for the costs and then some, which was always the main goal.
“Mama Ru saw the thing and said, I’m gonna round it up for my girl Nina,” said Jamie laughing. She put her laptop on the bed and shook Nina a little, who was still frozen in her shocked expression. “She did it, Nina! For you!”
“One million fucking dollars,” she said again, looking at Jamie. “One million, Jamie!” she started laughing and hugged her.
“We’re not even halfway,” murmured Kevin from the other side, both hands on the side of his own face and looking like he was on the verge of crying. “Guys, that’s so much money,” he said, like he just realized it.
Jamie looked at him like she just now noticed he was there. “Oh, right, that’s why the door was locked! Sorry!” She said, suddenly picking her computer up. She hugged Nina one more time, they were both smiling as wide as they possibly could.
“One million,” said Nina again, giving little jumps of joy.
Jamie closed the door as she left, and Nina twisted the lock, promptly jumping at Kevin, tackling him to the bed and making him scream-laugh, startled. She kissed him all over his face, this wonderful man who she was so lucky to meet, so lucky to fall in love with, with whom she could share one of the biggest joys of her life right now. Who had made it happen, together with her.
“I love you so fucking much,” said Kevin, burying his face in Nina’s neck.
“One million dollars!” said Nina as if she was physically unable to say anything else. It didn’t matter, he knew. He laughed as she kissed him, kissing back just as fiercely.
The door was locked; they were going to celebrate.
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alitoowell · 6 years
Tumblr media
One year—365 days—and still I cannot find the words to do justice to the magnitude of gratitude that I feel, and will forever feel, for the magic that was October 22, 2017.  It’s funny because meeting Taylor was always in my mind as a possibility.  In that people DO meet her, so it’s possible.  But I always viewed it as possible, yet unachievable.  People would meet her, but they wouldn’t be ME.  Simply because the odds were too great of being noticed or picked from a crowd.  So I never planned out how it would go, or where, or what I would say, which left me even more absolutely floored when it happened.  Even a year later my brain cannot quite wrap around the fact that the woman who I’ve looked up to since I was 15, who’s music has been the soundtrack to my life for an entire decade, had me over at her house?  I got to hug her?  Dance with her?  And listen to her entire unreleased album and the stories behind it?  That seems unbelievable.  And it will always seem unbelievable because people. don’t. do. that.  But Taylor does.  My friends have been encouraging me for a whole year straight to type everything out, and I never quite got there.  The task seemed too great, I didn’t know where to start, or what words to choose to capture those memories adequately.  In one of those moments of frustration I realized I actually already had written nearly everything—in the no less than 63 messages I sent to my best friend Shaina less than 24 hours later on October 23, 2017.  Though it’s jumbled and not perfect in any way and contains the misspellings and keyboard smashes and all, here’s my Taylor story, a year later, as told the day after it happened—in message form.
photo of wristband
photo of merch
Shaina: You’re lying
Shaina: Ok. Spill. I’m shook.
Okay okay so I’m literally about ready to pass out I haven’t slept well since finding out last week and legit got two hours of afterwards last night, well this morning ahhh
And about to board my flight but I’ll try to type quick
So basically her team DMed me last Tuesday saying they’ve noticed what an amazing fan I am and asked for my information
And people have been making fake TN accounts and sending fake messages to be awful, and I thought it was fake because I never expected to ever be contacted
So I’m like in the gym parking lot thank god I didn’t see it while I was still at work
And I realize it has a blue verified check and that it’s legitimate and the last questions was have you ever met Taylor and I LOSE MY SHIT IM IN HYSTERICS IN THE CAR AND CALL MY MOM AND SHE THINKS I GOT IN AN ACCIDENT
So basically I’m a freaking ass mess because I’m 99% it’s for a secret session since at that point one had happened and we all assumed that there would be more cities, and I was almost positive they would NOT send that message to someone and not follow through and call and tell them SOMETHING
So I can’t sleep I leave my phone on cuz I don’t want to miss a call
It of course doesn’t come til the next day while I’m AT WORK
And they freaking ass knew my twitter and tumblr and asked for all my socials and I now know the people I talked to weren’t asked that so that’s weirddddd
Anyway so sure as hell it’s a ‘very special event’ and it’s all too secret and I can’t tell anyone except a parent for safety
And once I confirm I can get myself to LA she gives some instructions and said final details will be emailed  
And so that was Wednesday and I’m crying at work and their dinner was late lol
And I called my mom and was like this weekend Sunday book flights nowwwww
And then the quick version is for the next two days I was practically puking every day so nervous and the email wasn’t coming and I was like shitttttt
So finally on Friday I straight up call Taylor Nation back and get straight through and say my name and she’s like what’s up?! And she says they’re coming out later that day
And so I flew down Saturday and I rented my very first car and took my first legit solo trip in the name of Taylor freaking swift honestly I’m not surprised
And bless Briana’s fam’s heart they were out of town but let me stay in their guest apartment while they were away with no explanation so that was very nice and less stress for me
And then I had to sit from 3:30 Saturday until 5:15 Sunday in LA by myself unable to tell anyone and it was wilddddddd
Like I was like sweeeeeet I can get caught up in my journal!!!  Noooo I deadass sat there and felt like I was dying and about threw up hourly like how the freaking hell do you just casually chill when you know your damn outlandish never thought it would occur dream is about to happen and not only that but like on a times 100 scale?!?!
So basically I went to her damn house and we hung out by the pool and ate food and the weirdest part is I’ve been unable to eat and have been panicking all week but the second I got to the first check point and to her house even more I was just like chillllll like ayeeeee this is gonna be fun omg I’m so hungry and let’s eat all this food
And so basically it’s a listening session for the new album and we obviously can’t say anything about it or what she said about it besides like probs that it’s AWESOME OUTSTANDING IS GONNA SLAY THE WORLD AND SHES SO LROUD OF IT AND MY BABY DID THAT AND IM REAL PROUD
Okay okay but she like explained each song in-depth and was the cutest cupcake singing along fully jamming to everything and like looking at everyone the entire time and locking eyes as she’s singing ya feel
My flight is about to leave but I will continue later!!!!!
Shaina: This is insane I can’t believe it I’m beyond stoked for you safe travels and talk soon
Okay we not leaving quite yet sooooo I’m missing parts. So we are told we’re gonna go inside and sit down and I book it fast to get a spot on the ground like only two people sitting in front of me and there’s a red plush chair not even 10 feet away that she’ll obviously be sitting in and we’re all like sjedjekkdir
And I was wondering who all I would know there right!?? And was bummed there’s one girl I talk to frequently who loves Shawn Mendes and we know each other cuz she saw my Shawn poster on twitter and she’s from LA but I hadn’t seen her
Shaina: This just keeps getting better and better. How did you keep this a secret?!?!?!?
Shaina: How many people were there
Okay lololol shoot I just woke up and didn’t realize the rest of this story was notttt in constant caps like I’ve been using all day my bad my bad
And so she’s playing the songs in order off the album and I think it’s okay to say that her and jack are losing their minds because they’ve never gotten to experience our reaction to new stuff they’ve worked on when they’re together, and definitely not together and in person, so she kept being like this is so cool for us you have no idea and he’s in the back confirming lololol
And so anyway she gets to Look What You Made me Do and she’s like soooo how do we want to do this??? Do we want to keep sitting do we want to dance…??? And we’re all like DANCEEEEEE SHDHIEOKRKR and shes like okayyyy we’re dancing and Shaina this is deadass like straight out of a dream.  Actually wait no I couldn’t have imagined this, but she starts and I was anticipating part of this but not the whole thing…
So she obviously doesn’t just have us bopping along and staying and dancing on her own up front… she starts making her way into our basically tiny crowd and we’re so packed together that she’s grabbing people’s hands so she doesn’t fall as she goes. And she’s stopping and dancing with people and stops and stays dancing like staring at one guy and he’s going for it and not afraid and singing the lyrics dramatically right back to her….
And then she makes her way towards and wait for it
And then Vanessa (my Shawn buddy) at this point has scooted up to me cuz everyone’s shifted and the people around me are like dude holy shit SHE DANCED WITH YOUUUUU
Okay okay so after the whole album was played she gave us like the lowdown on the meet and greet portion and she passed out the target exclusive magazines for us to see while we waited and talked a bit about the making of them and why and things and she’s really pumped about them and they worked really hard to have them be affordable as possible and cut down the pages and things
And meanwhile like the whole night she’s so close that people would make comments and she’d hear and respond and it was so cute and amazing
Also I don’t think I’ve mentioned her outfit yet???  She’s been looking bomb at all of the other sessions and holy helllll she looked bomb like damnnnnnnnn she had on a black crop top and these high waisted and slightly folded down camouflage pants and these black boots and her hairrrrrrr this era is like natural curls and soooo damn cute
Okay okay so anyway we thought it was a greattttt idea to wait towards the end so we could stay longer and not go first and be done and sent home… yeah well it ended up being a not great idea because we ended up waiting two hours but I’m obviously not complaining one freaking bit
And she’s doing pictures in the other room so we can’t really see much for most of it but every so often we can see people talking to her and taking photos and it’s so cute it’d melt your hearttttttt
And so those of us that have bonded together at this point are like um shoooooot what pose and what the hell do I say to her??????? Like all week to my parents I was like ummmmm soooooo I’ve imagined this happening but like never thought it’d actually happen so unlike some people I had nottttt planned like a monologue of what I’d want her to know if I ever met her???? Like with Vance I was lost too but with my posters it was easier and I’ve seen him recently and yada yada but this is TAYLOR FREAKING SWIFT WHO IVE LOVED WITH MY WHOLE DAMN HEART SINCE I WAS FIFTEEN AND SHIT IM TEARING UP ON THE PLANE WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SAY TO HER WHAT DO YOU WANT HER TO KNOW YOU’VE GOT LIKE TWO MINUTES WITH HER GOOOOO
And so we were all really curious if she’d somehow recognize us because people have been saying that they walk in and she shouted their name! And I’m like idk if that’s gonna happen but might as well see if not just ask if she’s seen anything idk idk???
So okay buckle up for like the greatest time of my entire damn life
So I walk in and hug herrrrrrrrrrrrr
And I wish to god I can remember everything she said but I was focusing so hard on keeping it together and saying my bit that I know for sure what I said and can put together mostly something the general sentiment of what she said if not it exactly. So we’re huggingggg and I say I think hiiiii it’s so nice to finally meet you thank you for having me I’m so excited to be here or something and she’s like awww thank you for coming!! And I’m like I have to know how did we all get picked, was it by you or your team or how did it happen?? And I don’t know what the first part of her answer was but she says so the people from LA have been picked for about a year, and the people from elsewhere (I’m guessing with exceptions) have been picked more recently like within the past few months so like now I know it has nothingggg to do with whatever we’ve been doing online recently…. It’s from at least when she first came back if not before and they realized we were active while she was away….
And so I’m like okay ali say something else so I’m like so I really like making concert posters and the first ones I ever made were for you and shes like aw thank you!! And I’m like I realized other people were making posters and I’d been a RA and I was like hey I can make some really bomb posters tooooo. And so I’m like the fist ones said ‘Taylor someday we’ll meet you even if it’s just in our wildest dreams’ and she grabs me and is like AND NOW WE’RE MAKING IT HAPPEN!!! And so I say after I got the phone call I was in my car listening to Ready For It and started bawling when she sings ‘in my dreams, I know I’m gonna be with you’ cuz I knew it was actually happening and shes like awwwwwww or something you get the idea
And so then I straight up start talking about my dad???
I’m like so my dad loves you and she’s like omg and I’m like no he adoresss youuu and is so sad he couldn’t come and she’s like awww tell him hi!!! And I’m like he loves your Out of the Woods piano Grammy performance and I say how I’d found him listening to it repeatedly and he wanted it on his phone. And she’s like he sounds amazing! And I’m like he is he’s awesome lol and I’m like actually and so him and I went and saw you at F1 last year and of course I’m like and I made signs for there too and so I describe them IN DETAIL like what they said, I realized later I told her I was from Oregon, because I said they were the states and the dotted line and the paper airplane and I think she really liked that??? And as if that all isn’t already insane enough at some point in there I mentioned how this month has been insane and how I’d met Vance Joy and it was my birthday and now this and she said something excitedly about that like ahhh so much excitement or idk something about it. And so she’s like so what pose would you like to do? And I’m like I’ve really been going back and forth between just hugging or doing something sort of funny (low key said that hoping she’d be like girl let’s do both but lololol it’s okay) so she’s like it’s completely up to you!! And I’m like um um okay let’s just hug so she grabs me and we take the freaking photo and ahhhhhhhh
And so Vanessa and I had it planned out and she had me go first and at this point I was like would it be okay if my friend and I got a photo with you together and she’s like of course!! So V comes in and hugs her and we take one photo together and she squeezes us together tight and then I hug her one last time and thank her and say I love you so much (lol I had to throw it in other people forgot it and have been upset) and then I walk out and they hand me my merch bag and are directing me to the bus but I’m like can I wait for my friend and they’re like sure. So she comes out and she’s like SHE KNEW MY NAME SHSJEKOFN and she’s like yelling and I’m like shut up and I grab her and I’m like shhh shhhhh hahahaha and so we walk to the bus and it’s the funniest thing cuz they’re just waiting for it to be full so anytime someone new walks on everyone’s like SPILLLLLLLLL
And then once it was full we went back got our things, exchanged details with people on that bus and took photos and whatnot and turned our phones on to the madness anddddddd so well thats the story of the best damn day of my life
Taylor, thank you thank you thank for giving me such incredible memories that I’ve blown up the phones of every person I know, and have talked every person’s ears off that I’ve met during these past 365 days, about how special they are to me.  Thank you for making it happen, thank you for holding my gaze so intently and being so genuine every second I was talking to you, thank you for bringing me some of the best friends I’ve ever had, thank you for being so prominent in the highlights of not only this past year, but this past decade.  I love you forever, babe.  Long, long live October 22, 2017.
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potatogoon · 6 years
Navinci’s workshop in Paris - Fan Account
I went to the workshop with a friend and we were meeting up with other participants we had talked with online an hour early. Everyone was so nice and so happy to be there! At one point, I saw Minsung going into the dance studio and started freaking out! So yeah, I made a great first impression.
We were then lining up to take the polaroids and group pictures. Polaroids were first to go, and I was at the front of the line. The staff asked us to think of a pose to do for the picture but I was freaking out so much my mind was completely blank and I ended up standing awkwardly next to him.
We I went to him for the picture, I said hi with the biggest smile so that he’d knew I was happy to be here and also to kind of make up for being a total groupie earlier. He said hi back (because he’s a very polite person) and gave me a tiny smile (He seemed kind of shy? Maybe because he wasn’t sure what to expect of us and how we were gonna act, and I can’t blame him for that tbh).
Once all the pictures were taken, the staff led us to the dance studio. My friends and I changed as quickly as possible so that we could be in front (lol). Before Minsung came in, the staff gave us a couple of rules (like don’t run at him, touch him, scream etc. and shout out to the French translator who was hilarious and kept making jokes, she really helped defuse the tension because we were all nervous as FUCK). Then Minsung came in, greeted us, introduced himself and then the class started.
Just so you know, Minsung is an AMAZING teacher! He talked mostly in English (credits to him for doing that because he did struggle to find his words but he made sure we all understood what he was telling us) and he would always take the time to help us understand what we had to do and let us take our time to learn and memorize the choreo. He was very patient with us and I love him for that!
He’s also the sassiest person alive. Especially during slut like you, showing us movements as “bitch slaps”, making faces and teaching us how to do his famous walk and even telling us, to boost our confidence: “who runs the world? Girls!”
At the end of the class, he separated us into three different groups to dance the choreo with him. At one point, he asked me and another girl to change groups and I kind of freaked out internally because he pointed at him and said “you go to group A” and in my head I was just like “omg he’s talking to ME!”
He then chose one of my friends and another girl to dance “Slut Like You” while being filmed by the staff and at the end, my friend went into complete freestyle mode and she was AMAZING!!! I’m sure she made Minsung very proud to have her as a student! He also danced to “Slut Like You” himself and it was AMAZING!! And everyone was hyping the shit out of him, which was pretty awesome!
Before we had to go change, Minsung asked us to sit down next to him. He started asking us where we were from, who was from Paris, how old we were and if some of us were dancers and whose dream was it to not be a dancer. A bunch of us raised our hands and he asked us individually what our dream was. At that moment, I was looking at him and I realized it was all real. He was there, in front of me and had just taught me one of his choreos, which has been my dream for 4 years. That’s when I started crying.
Minsung then turned to me and asked me “What’s your dream” immediately followed by “Oh, why are you crying???”, everyone around me went “Awe don’t cry!” (which made me cry even more tbh, I was a whole mess) and then Minsung threw his sweat-covered towel at me (which was hilarious omg thank you for making me smile). I then told him it had been my dream for 4 years to get a dance class from him because he was my favorite dancer and he was like “Really? Four years??”. He had a hard time believed I’ve been a fan of his and admiring him for so long. After that, I told him I wanted to be a nail technician and then showed my nails, since I had done a special Navinci nail art for the workshop. He took my hand, looked at my nails while smiling and then kept my hand in his a little longer. We looked at each other in the eyes and just kept thanking each other. That’s something I’ll never forget.
He went on to tell us that we needed to chase our dreams, to be prepared for the hardships to come and to never give up. In the end, we are all artists and need to be proud of our creations. Show it to the world, be proud of yourself and all your hard work. And if it breaks? It’s okay. Keep going, repair it so that you can make it even better.
Minsung truly is an inspiration and a few others started crying at that point. His speech really was beautiful and inspiring. I’ll never forget what he told us and I will always remember his words to keep myself going.
Since there were a lot of new people for this class, the beginning was the same. Pictures were taken, we changed, staff gave the rules and Minsung came in.
For “Move”, we actually learned 2 choreos in one. The chorus was Taemin’s but the beginning was Minsung’s creation. And of course, it was voguing! While he was teaching us a particularly difficult hand movement, he went to every student to check how everyone was doing and took the time to correct us if we made mistakes and show us again how to do it properly. When it was my turn, I was thinking “don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up” and I couldn’t look at him while doing it because I was so nervous. When I was done, I looked at him for his reaction and he looked at me with his eyes wide open and said “very gooood!” and I died a little bit inside.
His part was really beautiful and I was so happy that I finally got to learn some voguing (especially since it was taught by Minsung). It was pretty tough but I think I managed to do it quite well. Minsung apparently thought so too.
Just like for “Slut Like You”, he picked two students to be filmed dancing with him. And he picked me. He pointed at me, said “you go to the front”, picked another student to do the same and then played the music before joining us. I was sooooooooo nervous but I honestly think I did really well and I can’t wait for the video to be released! I was proud of myself and my friends were hyping me up so much, it made me really happy.
Yup. That’s right. We also learned the choreo to “Scissorhands”! I was so happy because I love this choreo soooooo much and have been wanting to learn it for a long time and I can’t believe I actually got to do it. It’s so hard though, the movements aren’t just difficult, you also need to do them very fast (I don’t think anyone managed to do it at full speed). We first learned the hand movements while sitting down before the steps and body movements. In the end, Minsung chose two students again to dance with him and he actually hesitated before deciding not to pick me, which made me feel pretty happy again (and I was also glad he didn’t pick me to be filmed dancing “Scissorhands” because I couldn’t memorize the choreo well enough, I would’ve just looked stupid).
He then danced to “Scissorhands” by himself and it was just beautiful. He is such an amazing dancer and we were so lucky to see him and learn from him.
After the class ended, I got to see him one last time in front of the dance studio building. My friends and I were trying to decide on where to spend the rest of the day when he came out. We said goodbye to him and he gave us the most beautiful eye smile I’ve ever seen.
That’s where it ends for me. I know what happened at the dinner event because my friends got to go but I don’t feel like it’s my story to tell. Just know that Minsung really does know all of us from social media; he knew the people going to the dinner because he had been stalking them for who knows how long! So if you’ve left comments on his pictures, he saw it. If you posted fanart, he saw it. So please, keep sending him love because he really deserves it, and I don’t think he realizes how much he means to us. We need to show that he is important and how he has had such an amazing and positive impact on our lives. He really deserves it.
This was literally the best day of life. I got to meet one of my idols and one of my biggest dreams came true. I also got to meet a lot of amazing people. It was so nice to see people that have been supporting Minsung and ToppDogg for so long and I got to meet people that I’ve only seen online, it was amazing! I will never forget them because they too, made this day beautiful.
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