#good Snape
Because alll the reddits with fic recs are down in protest of the reddit APIs or something (godspeed, I don't understand what's happening there but I hope your protest works!)
Does anyone have some HP longfic recs? Can be old or new fics, on any sites, just leave a reply/ reblog addition in the notes!
I'd love some longfics with good!Snape or morally interesting Snape, and I enjoy Runaway Harry stories, but honestly I'll read anything, the last fic I loved for example had Harry literally being a dragon(??) So yeah if it's long and well written hmu! ×overs are cool too!
Best would be links but title+author works too!
Feel free to share, maybe we can create a collection of best HP fics here!
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nuttyhatter · 4 months
I had a thought: What if Eileen had been just as bad as Tobias?
Snape hated muggles mainly because of his father, and I'm gessing that his love for his mother aided his idealisation of the wizarding world. Maybe she was good, or perhaps neglectful, point is, she wasn't as bad in comparison to her husband, which probably made her good in Severus' eyes.
But what if she was just as bad?
Would Severus hate pure wizards too, then?
Main reason he chose Slytherin was his mother too, so he probably wouldn't have cared in which house he ended, or perhaps he, like Sirius, would have hated that house.
I think he still would have been interested in dark magic, but I don't think the others in Slytherin would been able to get to him so easily, even if he ended in that house again.
I can actually imagine him remainig neutral to spite everyone or helping the Order because Lily was a part of it.
Also, I belive the marauders would have ignored him in favor of some other Slytherin.
I can picture the scene in the train, with James asking him which house he wanted to go to, and Severus merely shrugging in response, maybe suggesting Ravenclaw as a probable ending.
From there, James and Sirius probably wouldn't care about him, and when Lily ended in Gryffindor, well, the lions and the eagles tend to get along alright.
And this Severus doesn't like girls, simply because I say so. But even if he did, I don't find much logic in him falling for Lily. There is a moment in friendship when you simply know the other person a little too well to fall for them. And that is something that would have to be practically beaten into James skull, but they would get there... eventually.
And maybe Voldemort would actually try to recruit Severus, but I don't see that succeeding.
The lake prank and the werewolf incident wouldn't happen either.
So... I'm probably looking to closely into this and twisting it a little too much, but think about it for a second: If he can't see how both worlds have good, then maybe he can see how there is just as much bad in one as there is in the other.
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northkaitie · 7 months
yall hear me out severus as a crow Animagus
or a cat animagus, but i think regulus should be cat animagus
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scarlettwriter91 · 10 months
I’ve spent the entire morning outlining all the summer chapters for As Potter is to Snape part 2. Chapter 7 is well on its way!!
And I think I’ve decided to change its name to something different.
A couple of notable options are:
Adding a Malfoy (probably my favorite)
And Then There Were Three
Harry Potter and the New Brother
(I’m clearly not worried about giving away spoilers. Readers have been asking for this since part 1.)
Anyway, what do y’all think?
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hp-shippy-prompts · 1 year
In order to regain control over Harry, Dumbledore orders Snape to put a controlling potion in his food.
Snape is not happy™️ with this, but does as he’s told. It’s not his fault that Dumbledore didn’t tell him to pour it out of the bottle before serving it. 😇
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scaryspears · 2 years
Greasy Hair
Everyone knows how Snape's hair is greasy, and a large percent of the fandom kind of demonises that. I personally think there's nothing wrong with greasy hair, and I'm saying this as someone who hates putting gel. I wonder, what if he keeps it greasy on purpose?
Just a funny idea I came up with. Say Snape has a genetic magic thing where his hair has a mind of its own and moves around to disrupt whatever he's doing or randomly attacks people out of the blue, and the only way to keep the hair from moving is applying grease or gel on it everyday. Every Prince had to put gel on their hair, or some kind of sticky substance to keep their hair from getting out of control.
I have a thing for hair manipulation in general (as you would see in my alien reader post), but I couldn't help but think this would be a funny scenario. Like Malfoy has attempted at giving Snape a hair makeover only to have multiple strings of hair swatting his face with Snape calmly saying "It doesn't like strangers." after which his hair wasn't brought up again. If anyone in Malfoy's inner circle were to bring it up he would give them a panicked warning.
I'm probably projecting, might make a fanfic out of this.
This post is also a good excuse to put some Yukako gifs.
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Some of my fav harry potter fics are ones where Harry's abuse is more prominent in the way he acts and his habits.
And big scary Professor Snape is put in charge of him cause the Dursleys aren't fit to. And they have an adorable relationship....eventual Snape adopts Harry stuff.
Definitely my comfort fics...
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ebysse · 2 months
run, severus, run! (x7)
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sevilynne · 1 month
"Snape was just petty."
Ahh... Yes... Years of tormenting, getting SA'd infront of the whole school, and almost getting killed is just being petty... SUREE...
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sayssnape · 4 months
dumbledore: sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail.
snape: no, it was my fault. i shouldn't have used my one phone call to play a prank on minerva.
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hazelnut1 · 5 months
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severus-snaps · 14 days
Talking to your autistic friends about autistic snape like
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jackcryptid · 1 month
Why choose one when you can have both 🌟
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
The entire Harry Potter series is really Severus Snape's story as told by Harry.
The story all began with Severus, the boy targeted and abused and doomed to a dark path by the supposed "good guys".
The story ends with Albus Severus Potter, one of his names after the bravest man Harry ever knew. The bravest man being the headmaster from Slytherin, not the headmaster from Grynfindor.
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seriousbrat · 2 months
Do you think Sirius could be a morally grey character?
he is a morally grey character. he almost murdered someone while he was at school
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impossible3girl · 4 months
Sirius Balck: If you want to know what a man's like, take a look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
It's ironic that Sirius is the one saying this. Wasn’t he the one who bullied and tried to kill a poor half-blood? Wasn’t he the one who made fun of Peter Pettigrew? Wasn’t he the one who treated his house-elf like shit? Well, I guess he got what he deserved, especially from Kreacher. I mean, it was Kreacher's lie that led to his death.
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