#good cancer hospitals in india
cancerroundscare · 6 months
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rrmch · 13 days
Department of Anatomy - mbbs colleges in bangalore | RRMCH College
The branch of biology that deals with the study of structures of human beings is referred to as Anatomy. Dissection of cadavers forms the corner stone in learning Anatomy. The curriculum ranges from Grass Anatomy, Osteology (Study of Bones), Histology (study of tissues) to embryology and applied Anatomy.
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muzaktomyears · 6 months
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George Harrison remained an enigma to many people, even those who were close to him. For a man who lectured passionately about karma and the meaning of existence, he seemed self-protective and closed off. Witty when called upon, there were also moments when he could be quite boorish. Perhaps it was because he was only twenty years old when the Beatles became a global sensation. That might not seem particularly young in today’s world of social media fame, but at the time, it was uncharted territory for the kind of adulation he was experiencing.
It was also difficult living in the shadow of Paul and John. In the beginning, they were openly dismissive of him. Paul said he always thought of George as a little brother. At first, John pretended not to know his name and sardonically referred to him as “that kid’’. Ironically, one of George’s compositions, Something, became the most covered song in the Beatles catalogue.
This interview was conducted at George Harrison’s palatial home, Friar Park, in Henley-on-Thames, on November 5, 1980. George was gracious but cool. He made a pot of tea in the drafty, vast kitchen of his 120-room estate, and spent two hours lecturing about Transcendental Meditation and the details of a limited edition of his autobiography, I Me Mine, which is certainly how he must have felt getting out on his own.
In 2000, George was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer. George died on November 29, 2001, in the company of his wife, Olivia; his son, Dhani; musician Ravi Shankar; and Hare Krishna devotees who chanted verses from the Bhagavad Gita. He was 58 years old and left nearly $100 million in his will. George told Olivia that he didn’t want to be remembered for being a Beatle, he wanted to be remembered for being a good gardener.
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‘It was a transcendental experience that was beyond the mind’
On taking LSD
LSD was just such a violent, big experience. Before it I was totally ignorant, and afterward I knew I was totally ignorant and I was now on my way to having some sort of knowledge. I related it to the childhood experience of Catholicism and going to church on a Sunday and seeing all that phoney baloney. The moment I’d taken LSD, it just made me laugh because I understood it inside, just in a flash. I understood what the whole concept of God or religion was just by seeing it. I could see it in the grass in the trees.
It was an absolute truth; like a light going ching. I took three very powerful trips — big, very important — and then it left me a bit unsure because I had to try and figure something out. By that time I had gotten into Indian music and spent time in India, [and] there was so much about it that felt like home to me. Not the surface that you see — all this poverty and the flies and the shit everywhere — [it] went beyond all that. Smells in the atmosphere and the people’s attitude and the music, the food, the religion, everything about it … home.
‘I’d hear his voice wailing at five in the morning’
On the death of Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones
I liked Brian a lot, and later on, I realised it was probably because we were both Pisces. We both had similar natures. He was also similar in that he had a Keith and a Mick, whereas I had a John and a Paul. We both had that problem of two mighty egos to deal with in order just to try and survive. I was very susceptible to dope, and Brian [Jones] was even more susceptible. He’d come [to my house], and I’d just hear his voice wailing at like five in the morning: “George, Geeooorrgggeeee.” So I’d wake up, see what was going on, and I’d look out the window, and he’d be all white and just shattered walking around the garden — just looking for somewhere to be.
I would always meet him at that time of day and just try to calm him down. And I saw him a lot before he died in that sort of circumstance. The last time I saw him, I think, was when I’d been in hospital to have my tonsils out and he came to see me in hospital and the next week he was gone. He was like all of them who kicked the bucket — it was sad because there were too many pressures, really. Not just the pressure of being famous and having the press hounding you day and night and young fans hounding you day and night. Plus the drugs hounding you day and night.
‘F*** it — I could do better than that’
On his childhood inspiration, Cliff Richard
I remember being a kid of about twelve, dreaming of big motorboats and tropical islands and things which had nothing to do with Liverpool, which was dark and cold. I remember going to see Cliff Richard and thinking, f*** it — I could do better than that.
‘I think being Elvis was lonelier than being one of the Fab Four’
On fame — and Elvis Presley
We kept realising we were getting bigger and bigger until we all realised we couldn’t go anywhere —you couldn’t pick up a paper or turn on a radio or TV without seeing yourself. I mean, it became too much. We became trapped, and that’s why it had to end, is what I think … We were like monkeys in a cage. I think it was helped a bit by the fact that it was four of us, who shared the experience. I mean, there was more than four of us, there was Peter Brown and Brian Epstein, but there was only four of us who were actually the Fab Four — whereas Elvis had an entourage and maybe 15 guys, friends of his, but there was only one man having that experience of what it was like to be Elvis Presley. I think that was far lonelier than being one of the Fab Four because at least we could keep each other laughing or crying or whatever we did to each other. It was definitely an asset being in a group.
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dimoral · 2 months
I am Perrie I am 23 years Old,I have been suffering from cervical cancer diagnosed 3 years ago,it has been threatening my life ,I have been informed by my doctor that my survival relies in Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital,Mumbai India.
My struggle to travel to India has been challenged by finance i am therefore seeking for well wisher with good heart to assist me travel to India .
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vijayasena · 3 months
Slip a little Live a little...(2)
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summary : when they started acknowledging each other more and it all was about smiles and longing gazes, and for once not caring about proffesionalism one decides to forget rules and enjoy silent mercies of life.
No one's P.o.v...
" you both did an amazing job i knew the potential and ability of you both since start, and the outcome is here thats why i would like to see my two best officers working and handling on more such cases in future. what you both did together is massive and so impressive good job."
the room echoed with applause and claps in the appreciation of both Agnira and dhruva as they sat back down with small smile on their places.
Agnira's lotus brown eyes found Dhruva's chocolate brown one's as a long bored sigh escape from her partly Dry lips she wasn't rude or trying to sound uninterested but just not able to understand why there was so much appreciation.
isn't this what they got salary for? she was just not able to get this whole concept of the constant appreciation and gratefulness was about? they just perfomed their duty nothing else and according to her as much as she had come to know Dhruva by the past month.
he hated this as well, it was unbearable to sit in the room filled with all the department heads and officials hearing about your own praise and tareef. and so awkward and weird.
yes finally after a month of grittng hardwork, sleepless nights, long working days, restless nights, and surviving on coffee messing around in office cabins, his home and her home they were able to track down all the marks.
about how the hospitals established near or of the constituencies of the central india where the fake medicines were being transported from other south Asian countries given to patients for testing and it took away several lives.
the organisation who was doing all this was able to be track down after many cancer patients lost their lives after being injected by a particular injection that the hospital used before chemotherapy. and finally they both traced down the dots and able to capture the gang here.
who was behind all this and several arrests happened all around and they finally were able to stop this all.
she turned in his direction while return he just gave her a small bored smile as well motioning her to look ahead again.
when in return he didn't liked all this as well all the unwanted attention and spotlight suddenly for nothing on him. he wanted to get out of this room and just get done with all this same went for the woman sitting across from him who was trying her best just not to get up and rush away.
as soon as the superior officer got finished with their appreciation and praising.
as they both sat from the chair across each other in the big meeting room with Agnira on the front chair on the left side of the table and Dhruva on the right side of the table. their heart wasn't full yet.
the urge to just keep going like this the same fire of determination still shone brightly in their eyes. for them it was okay to be praised but not too much. and one could see their awkard and shy smiles and demeanor about how much their senior was going on about it.
the air cool with mixture of a bit of humidity but the air conditioners giving some relief. the big glass table with chairs across and in the front of the room on the high platform the senior officer looked and proudly spoke in the praise.
his eyes shining with proudness and mirth.
several other department heads accompanying. the two proud officers who once again proved their ability and experience in their field and what potential they possessed.
with their sharp brains and calculative mind constant efforts to not even let a smallest detail go away from the sharp eyes of theirs able to get success through most complicated and hard cases it was a actually a matter of fact that whatever appreciation they were getting-
they deserved it.
with a constant shy smiles adoring their tired yet content and happy faces. there was tiredness and exhaustion visible in both of their appearance because the result was positive and in the favour of them.
the discussion now shifted upon what they had to look after in upcoming months about the security purposes and make sure nothing suspicious goes on during festive occasions as the meeting progressed bored stuff started being discussed out.
Agnira looked at the clock on the wall which showed the time 6 in the evening all this formality started on 5 and she herself got surprised to see she survived it for one hour but her patience was finally giving up she wanted to go away.
she couldn't help but turn to look at the man she spent whole 1 month working with. getting to know him, not just proffesionally but personally too. Dhruva was someone who liked to live inside the walls he had build around himself.
but after spending whole one month around him getting to realise his potential his ability to be a perfectionist in his job the absolute obsession and insanity for his work she admired that.
he was indeed too smart every move and plan of his was well calculated but it was all about his proffesion. as a person?
she couldn't tell. he was one of the most quietest and introverted person he didn't easily talked about his personal life likes dislikes and his choices it took him a while to let the walls of his down and let her see through the person he was.
and what she came to know about? he had a plenty of phases about his moods sometimes rude sometimes sweet but a permanent sarastic ball like hers. he didn't easily portrayed his emotions was something Agnira got to know about him through this whole month. yet he had one of the most gorgeous and heart melting smile one could ever witness.
it was rare thats why indeed gorgeous there were no words about his eyes tho. those long lashes those doe eyes and chocolate brown irises were captivating too deep too enchanting.
something she absolutely loved about him his eyes deserved the temple of their own. he was like a silent river flowy and wavy until a stone hits the surface and ripples form like as soon as something started to bother him he would become restless and anxious.
the first time when because of the case he visited her, her grandparents instantly got fond of him and his perspective. they welcomed him cheerfully and Agnira just kept admiring how lovable and caring he was towards them.
how much he respected them a true guy being raised well and a complete gentleman. from discussing politics with her grandfather to helping her grandmother in making dinner the guy did everything and actually looked happy.
the constant smile on his face and her grandparents were so happy to have him over. their beaming faces to have a young guest around and a guy from their grand daughter's office and Agnira sweared they forgot that she also existed there.
but the real trouble started when having dinner she continued to choke upon her food drinking water on the dining table when her grandmother literally asked when are they getting married?.
she didn't expected her grandparents to find a potential groom in someone she hated tho she was embarassed to death at that time when her grandmother raised up the question.
and oh boy, thr amount of convincing it took her and him both to make her grandparents believe that they were nothing less than co workers. but her grandmother wasn't seemed to convinced .
Agnira was never a lover and all she never had a love life before her mind her focus was always on her aim she thought love and all was a waste of time so she never got engaged in all this.
so when her grandparents saw their Granddaughter bring a guy over their mind seemed to do summer sault about finally having a hope .
her grandmother though, she couldn't stop praising him even after he left that how he was so well mannered, handsome, respectful and a perfect guy for her she was too annoyed that day. but that didn't stopped her grandparents to invite him over for every weekend and after a bit their effort to convince their granddaughter for marriage also got subsided.
he came for dinner every weekend cheers to her grandparents and their fondness and love for him. she also didn't seemed to mind it all actually started to feel like a perfect happy family after a while . everything was running smoothly.
and that's what Agnira admired most about him it did showed he wasn't comfortable around new people in the start but just for her family he managed and handled things very well and got accomstated to them .
whenever shr asked he said he found a family too and they were so sweet so he never seemed to mind and actually enjoyed whatever time he spend there. 1 month actually changed alot but good things fortunately.
someone actually said true it was both a blessing and a cruse to feel everything too deeply . something about him made her feel a little more alive and a far less lost.
so many things changed tho, yes they did this one month was filled with chaos, peace, new found friendship, and maybe new found feelings too.
for Agnira it all started when even the most shortest conversation with him made her feel like the happiest person alive, how even the smallest moments with him mattered so much to her. like there was something about him that she was scared to lose because she knew she wont be able to find it in anyone else.
it was hard to describe whatever this was when she started smiling more their 3 a.m. late night deep conversations was starting to feel like a therapy to their exhausted mind.
it was hard to explain what she saw in him it was just the way he made her feel like no one else ever could. he was actually a kind of soul everyone or anyone would feel lucky to be with and he didn't even know it the greater one's never did .
she never expected things turned out like this but she admitted the 30 days spent with him felt like the best part of the life she actually smiled actually laughed in these 30 days. she always thought these things were stupid and completely senseless.
but then there were his brown eyes and that smile. if she could perfectly describe their bond was .
it was like she never met a soul who could speak her language until there was him, he was fluent to her.
same was going on for the other man as well he didn't even realised how one month passed so quick every moment spend with Agnira was special she was extraordinary, extremely perfect and had that twinkle in her eyes, that just send his soul to peace and gave him such relaxation it was like a solace for him.
the curiosity to know everything she was just too perfect. he always liked being alone but that was one of the reason. he knew she was different because for the first time ever he wanted someone's else's company more than his own.
since she happened he had never been the same he realised he actually started to cherish the small moments of life, he realised and get to know the simple joys life could offer just with a existence of mere person.
but the thing was he didn't expected Agnira to be that person. she made him feel so easy, so sorted out and understood he always thought he was so complicated. thats why people didn't sticked around with him.
but the fact that they didn't tried much they didn't understand much like her, she was just different indeed she was different from others. she waited for him to let his guards down be comfortable.
the first time she caught his eye a quiet curiousity was planted in his chest and he knew it was only a matter of time when this would happen she did sunk beneath his bones and nurtured this deep seated familiarity .
coming out of his trance he realised the meeting was over and there she was sitting streching her limbs collecting up her stuff .
clad in a cotton green saree, with her hair in a low bun with some of the strands Falling on her face those kohl decorated big lotus eyes spoke for her.
how can a person be so beautiful? he swear he has finally gone mad because no way he was talking about all this nonsense.
"are planning to just stare at me all day? am i that gorgeous?" his cheeks flushed red in embarassment as he sighed looking down shaking his head picking up his phone and files " i wasn't staring" he replied as Agnira also got up following him outside of the meeting room.
her lips etched with a playful smile eyes shining with warmth and kindness he swore he never was trying his best to not look at her. " this was so boring and tiring" she sighed making him nod in approval.
"it was i was dying that when it will end honestly its weird to hear your own appreciation" he pushed the button of the lift as Agnira smiled . " tumi thika (you are right)" she replied in bengali making him look at her amused as he chuckled he absolutely loved when she used her mother tongue.
entering the lift together their gazes lingered and soft words got exhanged together. she was happier than usual today much for his relief because he loved seeing her smile like that. leaning against the side of the lift wrapping her arms across her chest Agnira didn't left a chance to make him blush and embarassed by constant flirting.
loving how that pink tint adored his cheeks and how he shy he got just giving her a defeated look begging her to stop making her just laugh with eyes filled with a mischievous shine she never wanted this moment to end.
" seriously, how a person like you who spends a ridiculous amount of time in his office and car surviving on probably 1 hour of sleep and still manage to look so good ? " she questioned as he turned to look at her sitting on the driver's seat.
coming out of the office building it was like their thing with him dropping her everyday at her house was their daily routine it became their habit and they did enjoyed each other's company.
she waited for him to answer with a small smirk on her face but instead of answering the man decided ti stop her breathing by leaning close to her direction making her smile disappeared.
her heart almost ready to burst out of her chest as soon as the smell of his cologne hit her nostrils she opened her mouth to ask what was he doing as he leaned more closer she swear if he came more closer she would faint, but he didn't stopped just took a hold of the seatbelt behind her. "Agnira" he breathed in a low voice.
making her head spin her eyes darted from his face to how he always keep the two upper buttons of his shirt open. " learn to wear seatbelt first" he spoke before tying her seatbelt smiling to himself pulling away.
leaving her all flustered, empty headed and breathless. she blinked a bit coming back in her senses still not able to wrap her head around what just happened.
did he just-? didn't do that...he was the last person she expected such thing from. he made her go all numb and red .
he laughed looking at her beet red face starting the engine driving through the road "what happened? cat caught your tongue Agnira?" he asked raising his eyebrows resting his head on the make shift gear. but all she could think was about their proximity.
how close he was to her face, too close, the smell of his cologne too good to forget. she rolled her eyes to mask her blushing face giving him a glare "shut up "she huffed looking out of the window while he just chuckled looking at her direction with a loving smile.
" by the way do you like like to go somewhere?" he broke the comforting silence as she turned to look back at him in confusion "what?" she asked while he just smiled shrugging "will you mind if i take you somewhere only if you are comfortable no pressure?" he asked voice laced with hope.
if he was Going to ask with such adorable eyes and smile who even would say no.
she tilted her head a bit a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips "why A.C.P? planning to kidnap me or something?" she asked in a playful tone, as he smiled looking ahead taking a turn.
" yeah maybe" he chuckled Shrugging turning to glance at her while her eyes only remain on his face as she let out a soft laugh resting her head against the seat as she spoke " thika ache kintu amake 10 tara aga bari chere dao"
he chuckled frowning " as much as i love hearing you talking in your mother tongue can you give subtitle to what you said?" she snorted fixing her pallu on her shoulders "i said drop me home before 10" he smiled in reassurance nodding making her heart swell in happiness.
"your grandparents wont mind right?" he asked turning the car towards the highway as she let out a content sigh closing her eyes just enjoying the after shower cool Breeze rolling the window down letting the soft wind kiss her cheek. he admired her just not able to look away.
at his question she opened her eyes shaking her head in no " dude, they trust you more than me I guess if i said i am with you they wont even tell me to return home soon " he chuckled nodding softly " dont worry i will drop you home before 10" she just shrugged nodding.
looking ahead at the journey unfold in front of her.
after a good 45 minutes of journey through the Greenery of Hyderabad passing through some outskirts Agnira found herself leaning against the car's bonnet and probably admiring the most gorgeous view she had ever seen. the city lights illuminated all around thr whole city of Hyderabad visible there shining like the most prettiest thing she had ever seen.
moon shone brightly in the dark sky. as The white small jasmines stay brooded as if trying to hide their existence from the outer world and to embrace the motherhood of the green leaves in the undeniable sweet and peaceful greenery on top of the lower hill adding to the effort of increasing the glory in its beauty as the sweet and subtle smell sang a melody of bliss in the chilly environment of the Rather chlilly july night.
"i never knew Hyderabad was this beautiful" she breathed taking the cup of tea from his hands with a thankful smile as they both sipped on the tea leaning against the car "thanks for bringing me here?" she asked softly smiling turning to look at him giving him a thankful smile.
"i always come here its so quiet and peaceful here" he sighed nodding looking ahead with a small smile nodding. "it indeed is" she took a deep breath inhaling the fresh air closing her eyes in comfort.
he smiled admiring her "you liked it?" he asked pushing some strands of her hair behind her ear surprising both himself and her as she looked ahead tucking her strand behind her ear whispering a thanks " its so gorgeous" she nodded smiling.
he nodded as they both stood beside each other admiring the city from top of the hill knowing one thing that was -
having each other by their side they knew one thing they both could used to more of such evenings like this.
A/N : i dont know if its the good ending or not but i tried let me know people if you need another part of this but mostly maybe its the last part..
@mad-who-ra @mishrisugar @natures-marvel @nerdreader @rambheemlove @akshinayak @alhad-si-simran @willowwhispers01 @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @alhad-maharani
@whippersnappersbookworm @maraudersbitchesassemble @ronaldofandom @thereader-radhika @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @irisesforyoureyes @ramayantika @sambaridli @hissterical-nyaan @hum-suffer @houseofbreadpakoda
@lil-stark @livelaughlovechai @lite-teesko @childofthenight2035 @voidsteffy @mayakimayahai @mahi-wayy @warnermeadowsgirl
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 26th May 24
In the 26th May 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli technology helps Irish doctors early-diagnose potentially fatal diseases.
Another female designer of Israeli missile defense systems.
200 Israeli hi-tech engineers donate their time to develop life-saving solutions.
An Israeli startup removes a greenhouse gas far more potent than CO2.
The first Israeli auto-industry company to set up a factory in India.
A world record is broken during an Israeli soccer match.
2000-year-old Jewish emblems discovered in a Palestinian-Arab village.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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One of the traditional International ways to show respect to someone is to remove your hat on greeting them. So the expression "Hats off to Israel" is very appropriate for those who appreciate what Israel has contributed to the world. 
In this week's Positive newsletter are reminders to the President of Ireland that Israeli technology is saving many lives in a Dublin hospital. The President of Brazil should note that an Israeli blood testing machine is early diagnosing fatal diseases in his country.  And the President of Syria need only ask his Israeli neighbor to treat his wife with one of Israel's many remedies for Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Meanwhile the UN, ICJ and ICC should bare their heads in shame, knowing that Israeli companies last week announced new treatments for liver cancer, electronic patches to kill bacteria infections, electromagnetic brain rehabilitation after strokes, implants to repair the spine, and remote medical diagnostics in thousands of schools.
Then there are the Israeli innovations for ultra-fast charging of electric vehicles, real-time CCTV security systems, lab alternatives to overfishing, and the removal of a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide.
The photo (TY Sharon) shows the respect to Israel given by the many International military officers who attended the Diplomatic reception at the Jerusalem residence of the President of Israel on Israel's Independence Day.  Their message was certainly "Hats Off" to Israel!
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 22
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 3206
Warnings: Swearing, grief, death
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks. Also happy birthday @shanimallina87!!
Chapter Songs: State of Grace (Acoustic) Labyrinth
After the catharsis of finally admitting all her troubles, concerns, and self-loathing for having felt the way she did for so long, a small weight lifted off of Ghost's shoulders. Juliette, the saving grace that she was, had listened so graciously and consoled her distraught friend when needed. She had validated the fact that Ghost had endured a severely traumatic experience, and while Ghost herself recognized this, she had never truly been able to accept it because why had no one else reacted similarly to her after enduring such a horrific event? Why had others been able to move past such awful circumstances, whereas she held onto this grudge for years?
Maybe because I technically lost two people I loved that day...
The realization did not help lessen the knot in her throat, but Raptor laying next to her with his head on her knee while she built the crib certainly eased her anxiety. Add in Juliette's uncanny ability to keep Ghost talking while avoiding any topic where Hangman would be brought up, she found herself wholly at ease again. Not long after, the first crib sat fully constructed on the girl's side of the room.
Ghost and Juliette stood, admiring their handiwork and teamwork. The latter inquired, "How long do you think this would've taken the boys?"
"Oh, at least a week. In their defense, they only had the Chinese instructions. We found the English ones. That did help."
"True, but we're not going to tell them that, are we?"
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"Oh, hell no. We'll make them think we're just that good." Ghost grabbed the instructions and crumpled them up. "Hey, is my makeup okay? I'd be amazed if my earlier breakdown didn't ruin it somewhat."
Juliette studied her friend's face. "Yeah, we might want to touch up your eyeliner. It's smudged enough that the boys might question it. Come on."
The girls headed to Juliette's bathroom, the dogs on their heels. Sure enough, when Ghost caught her reflection, she grimaced at the messy eyeliner. It definitely gave away her tearful confession. Juliette dug through her makeup bag and handed Ghost her concealer and pencil liner.
"You're a lifesaver in so many ways today," Ghost said, leaning forward to apply the makeup.
"This is what friends are for. Besides, you saved mine when I passed out at the Hard Deck."
"Any of the Daggers could've done that."
"Yeah, but you kept Rooster calm at the hospital. Trust me, that's not an easy feat. He's distrusted doctors ever since they misdiagnosed his mom's cancer, and he's not trusting them with me either. Seriously, you kept him sane."
"Maverick helped."
"Maybe, but they're still working through some things, relearning each other after over ten years of not speaking," Juliette said, leaning against the counter, "I'm honestly not sure Maverick could've calmed Rooster down the way you did."
"How are they doing?"
"Compared to when the mission training started? It's a million times better. They're still working each other out, seeing how much the other wants them around, how much they can prod without pissing the other off, and it's mainly Maverick being hesitant. He doesn't want to bother Rooster and inadvertently cause him to withdraw from him, but then Rooster still knows when Maverick isn't telling him everything and starts thinking he's hiding some big secret again, and it's a... whole thing."
"Sounds like this happened recently," Ghost noted, putting away the borrowed makeup.
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"This morning," Juliette confirmed, shaking her head. "Rooster thinks Maverick is hiding something because he went to the hangar without telling us like he normally does, and I agree with Rooster; I do think Mav is hiding something, but he's also a grown man who doesn't need to tell us everything. I think Rooster's paranoid that his dad's keeping another life-altering secret from him again. I'm trying to convince him that's not going to happen, but you know Rooster: once he gets an idea stuck in his head-"
"It won't go away unless he's proven firmly right or wrong."
Juliette nodded. "Exactly."
"Speaking of Rooster, has he or Hangman texted you about where they are with dinner? I'm starving," Ghost said. Her stomach growled in agreeance with uncanny timing.
"No. I should probably check on them," Juliette mused, taking out her cell phone. As if their ears had been burning, the garage door opened, followed by the irked voices of Hangman and Rooster. Sharing dubious glances, the girls went to greet them and to check what had taken so long. Upon seeing the men, it took no time to figure out why. Paint splattered their jeans and shirts and speckled their faces, hair, and Rooster's mustache.
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Ghost looked them up and down in disbelief. "Did you have a fight with a paint can?" 
"Actually-" Rooster started, setting his bag of food on the counter and glaring at Hangman- "you wouldn't be far off."
"They shouldn't have had an open paint can on an unstable ladder," Hangman grumbled, setting his bag on the counter.
"You shouldn't have been near said unstable ladder!"
"It was either that or us getting barrelled into by that biker gang, and I'm choosing the damn paint, Bradshaw."
"You could've pulled us in the other direction," Rooster pointed out.
"Yeah, but it was farther. You're the one who tripped on your own damn feet and caused us to start falling in the first place."
"You're lucky they love Juliette so much; otherwise, I don't think we'd be allowed back there." Rooster turned to his fiancée and said, "We went to Home Depot to get them a new can of paint, and it was a bitch to find. That's what took so long. I'm sorry."
Juliette laughed. "I always know to add an extra hour onto whatever errand you're running when it's you two. Why don't you take off your clothes, change into new ones, and I'll try to get these stains out?"
"Honey, if you wanted to see me shirtless, all you had to do was ask," Rooster teased, winking playfully at his future wife while stripping off his shirt. Hangman followed suit, and Ghost tried to avert her eyes so she wouldn't be caught ogling his Adonis build, but a few sneak peeks happened. 
The two men hurried to the master bedroom to grab some new clothes. Juliette and Ghost both peered around the corner, watching them go. The girls glanced at each other, then burst out laughing and hurried back to the counter before Rooster and Hangman caught them.
"What are you two giggling about?" Rooster asked when he returned, wrapping his arms around Juliette's waist from behind and resting his head on her shoulder. Hangman stopped on the opposite side of the island, watching the couple with an unidentified emotion.
"Nothing," she and Ghost said simultaneously.
"I find that hard to believe," Hangman jested. He grabbed some of the to-go containers and placed them on the table. Ghost followed with the remaining ones, purposefully putting her food next to his to reserve her spot. She wouldn't separate Rooster and Juliette because of her feelings toward Hangman. She would take the high road and continue being as cordial as possible with him in front of others. 
The group sat down and dug into the food, chatting amiably about wherever the conversation led them. Ghost tried to bring herself to ask Hangman questions directly but choked on the words every time. What could she ask? What could she say? How could she even think about attempting to reach out when she couldn't think of a simple thing to say to him?
Ghost listened to the bantering between Hangman and Rooster, but Juliette fiddling with her necklace caught her attention. After commenting on how pretty the dainty anchor locket was, Juliette responded, "Thanks! It was the first gift Rooster ever gave me when we started dating. It has our saying on the back: India Lima Yankee."
"India Lima Yankee?" Ghost repeated, perplexed.
"Means 'I love you' in the phonetic alphabet. It's how we used to say I love you when we were just friends, so our other friends wouldn't read anything into it. Of course, then we started dating, but we let it stick."
"That's so sweet!" 
"Yeah, I had a crush on her for the longest time," Roosted admitted, jumping into the conversation. He placed his hand on Juliette's thigh. "I meant the saying romantically for most of the time we started saying it, but I never realized she did too until we finally admitted our feelings for each other."
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Ghost smiled nostalgically, the story reminding her of what she and Hangman used to say to each other. Without thinking, she said, "I had a similar situation with a friend. We loved each other, albeit only platonically, unlike you two, but still kind of similar. We had a saying we reserved for each other only, too."
"What was the saying?" Juliette asked, her gaze flicking momentarily over to Hangman.
"Forever and always. I would say, for example, 'I've got your back.' He would respond with 'Forever,' and I would say 'and always.'"
"Oh, that's adorable!" Jules gushed. "I'm blanking right now, but what would that be in the phonetic alphabet?"
"Foxtrot Alpha Alpha," Hangman said, staring at Ghost with a mixture of confusion and wistful reminiscence and the silent question: why are you bringing this up?
Ghost held no answer for him because she had no clue herself. The memory popped into her head and rolled off her tongue before she could consider the consequences of voicing it. Maybe this was her sign to rekindle her friendship with Hangman. Maybe she had to suck it up and accept that she would never get an explanation from him about that fateful day. Or perhaps she had to start the friendship again in order to get the explanation. It was worth a shot. 
"I like that: Foxtrot Alpha Alpha," Juliette said, standing up from the table and grabbing her empty container along with the others'. 
"People might think you're referring to the Federal Aviation Administration," Roosted joked. Standing up, he added, "I'm going to work on the crib some more, see if I can make heads or tails of those instructions. Hangman, you coming?"
"Right behind you." Jake followed Rooster to the bedroom. Juliette and Ghost locked eyes and silently waited for the impending interrogation about the newly built crib. Sure enough, hardly five seconds later, the boys returned, and Rooster said, "Now, I could've sworn when Hangman and I left, the crib had not been built."
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"Maybe it was the dogs," Juliette suggested innocently, popping a missed fried crawfish into her mouth.
"I might believe that if they had opposable thumbs, but they don't. Please tell me you did not build that by yourself."
"Don't worry, I sat the entire time. Ghost did all the heavy lifting. Literally."
Rooster sighed. "Fine, fine. Did you find the English instructions?"
"No, we followed the Chinese ones," Ghost lied easily, standing up and stretching. "I don't know what you two found so difficult about them. Y'all need help with the second one?"
"We could probably use some supervision," Hangman said, meeting Ghost's gaze. Unless she was mistaken, she saw a glimmer of hope in his green eyes.
"Count us in," Juliette chirped. They all headed into the nursery and sat down to build the last crib. Juliette, now wholly outnumbered, sat in the recliner and watched. She asked, "By the way, Ghost, how's Jackie?"
"Oh, shit, I completely forgot to tell you about that!" Ghost exclaimed, straightening in surprise. She dove into the story of her sister's woes and broken marriage. Hangman, Juliette, and Rooster listened intently, aghast at the flimsy excuses Ryan had given Jackie for ending their relationship so suddenly.
"That smells fishy," Hangman declared in distaste. "Sounds like there's someone else in the picture."
"I started wondering the same thing. However, I didn't want to say anything when she was already distraught. We'll likely find out if it's true sooner or later. See, this is why I don't trust marriage. Outside of you two-" she waved the Allen key at Juliette and Rooster- "I see so many problematic marriages. Hell, even my parents briefly split up about a year before I was born, if only for two weeks, but still. Now Jackie and Ryan, so many people from high school-"
"Oh, yeah, I saw Braxton and Paxton were getting divorced. Guess they couldn't come up with a kid's name that rhymed with theirs," Hangman joked.
Ghost chuckled. "See, the one that shocked me was Nelly and PJ. They seemed so smitten."
"Did you go to the ten-year reunion?"
"No. I wasn't friends with anyone, and I didn't want to stand around awkwardly while everyone else caught up. Did you?"
"Are you kidding? I couldn't wait to get out of high school. Why would I want to go back?" Hangman finished tightening the last screw, and the group stood up. "Well, looks like we can get a lot done with the girls watching over us."
"And when we have English instructions," Rooster added, glancing at the aforementioned packet lying on the floor next to his feet. 
Juliette joined the group to admire the handiwork. "Thanks for helping you two. We owe you."
Hangman waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, this is on the house for our future niece and nephew. I think Uncle Jake and Aunt Annalise have a good ring to it." 
"Agreed. If y'all need help with anything else, you know who to call," Ghost said, checking her phone. "I should get going. I promised I'd talk to Jackie later to see how breaking the news to Mom and Dad about her divorce went."
Jake turned his attention to Rooster. "Bradshaw, it's been fun."
Rooster frowned. "No, it hasn't."
"We make a good team," Jake continued, offering his hand to shake.
Bradley took it and broke into a grin, replying, "No, we didn't. It was a disaster."
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"I look forward to the next project." He and Ghost headed to the front door with Juliette and Rooster behind them. Bidding the couple farewell, the two aviators left the house and walked silently down the sidewalk to their rides.
"You okay getting home this late?" Hangman queried, unlocking his truck. 
"Yeah, I'll be fine," Ghost said, wondering where the question had arisen.
"You feel safe getting home by yourself?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Hangman rubbed the back of his neck. "I've been worried about you ever since you told me about Kyle. I don't trust him not to stalk you because his behavior is obsessive already. And look, if you're saying you feel safe because it's me and you want me to leave you alone, then just let me know, and I'll get Coyote or Rooster-"
"Jake-" Ghost interrupted- "I'm not saying I'm fine to get you off my back. I'm telling you that because it's true. If I felt unsafe, I would rather have you escort me home than potentially risk my safety."
Hangman nodded. "Good, good. I, uh, I'll let you go. Enjoy your night, Annalise. I guess I'll see you around."
"Yeah, see you around." Ghost turned toward her bike and then stopped, an idea popping into her head of how she could potentially break the ice between them and set them on the road of reconciliation. She took a deep breath and called, "Hey, Jake?"
He whirled around instantly. "Hmm?" 
"Something dawned on me earlier-" Ghost stepped toward him with her hands clasped tightly in front of her- "you and I are both close to Juliette. We're not going to be able to avoid each other because of it, and I don't want Jules to feel like she has to choose between us. It's not fair to her. I understand I'm the one who cut contact between you and me, so I felt the need to be the one who tried to reestablish it. I'm not- I'm not saying we need to hang out outside of other people's invites-"
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"Then what are you saying? Because I know it's not that you want to be friends again."
The sadness in his eyes added the missing emotion to his stoic tone, and Ghost ached to reach out for him, to embrace him and confess how much she'd missed him all these years, that she did want to be friends again but didn't know how or where to begin repairing what had been broken between them. Ghost forced herself to stay rooted to the spot and mulled over what to say. Hangman would sense if she lied, so she twisted the truth. "I'm not sure we can be friends again, not in the way we once were, but I do believe we need to find a way to at least become friendly acquaintances. For Juliette's sake and our future niece and nephew's."
Hangman nodded. "Agreed."
Ghost offered her hand, and he shook it. She barely managed to stop herself from shivering at the contact and the tingling sensation engulfing the parts of her hand where his skin touched hers. Snatching her hand back before her mind traveled down the road of desire, Ghost cleared her throat and said, "Good, good... well, I should, uh, I should get home. See you around?"
"Yeah. Are you going to be at dogfight football this Saturday?"
"I don't know." It sounded better than saying, 'I haven't gotten an invite from Maverick because, despite his cordialness to me the other day, I don't think he likes me.'
"Why not?"
Ghost shrugged. "The invite was a one-time thing last time. I don't want to show up uninvited."
"Then this is me inviting you. Besides, if you say no-" a cocky smirk spread across his chiseled face- "I'll tell Juliette, and then she'll call you asking where you are. We don't want her thinking it's because of our fall-out."
Ghost narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you using my own argument against me?"
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"Yes," he said unabashedly.
Ghost tried but failed to bite back a smile. "Fine. I'll come."
"Great. I'll pick you up at nine. That way, we can swing by Starbucks on the way there."
"I can drive myself." Despite her protest, Ghost couldn't ignore her heart fluttering in anticipation at the idea of being alone with Hangman in his truck. A flood of memories washed over her: singing along to country music while cruising down roads in his passenger seat, sitting in the bed of his truck while star-gazing, and chatting while they drove through the hills of the Smoky Mountains to escape the Academy and see the fall foliage among so many others.
"Yeah, but then you can back out at the last minute, and I'm not letting you do that. I'll see you Saturday at nine sharp." Not giving her the chance to respond, he winked cheekily at her before getting in his truck. Ghost smiled to herself while she went to her motorcycle, simultaneously elated and nervous about the new situation she'd put herself in with Hangman. This plan would either take off or crash and burn. Right now, she couldn't tell which way was more likely, but Ghost knew what she hoped for.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
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hongjoongscafe · 10 months
Cancer awareness.
So last time someone asked me whether we celebrate Diwali or not I replied that we won't be this year since my uncle (my mother's brother) is on a ventilator. This was 11th November. On 13th November, my uncle passed away due to cancer.
Nobody knew he had cancer before. So let me take you on a journey of about four and a half months of cancer.
–July 2023.
So my uncle had a “wound” around his wisdom tooth. He was in pain and consulted a dentist 1. This dentist has done all the dental stuff in our family/relatives. A really good one. He said that it was an ulcer and it would be fine and gave some painkillers and other medicine to help it heal.
However, that did not work out and the pain only got worse. My uncle changed the doctor and went to the dentist 2. Now, this dentist is a well-known doctor and works in a very expensive hospital. And he has a clinic of his own. He said that they needed to extract the wisdom teeth. And after that, it will heal. So they did that.
The pain did not stop but it only got worse for even worse.
–August 2023.
When he did not get any relief, my uncle went to another hospital (which is one of the top hospitals in India). They did the scanning and we found out that he had stage 1 cancer in his mouth.
The doctors recommended he should get it operated and removed. So they did that. It was a shock for doctors that when they were operating on him, they found that it was not only in his mouth but in his throat as well. It looked like it started in the throat and its roots went towards his mouth.
They declared that it was not the first stage but the fifth stage of cancer.
Then his chemotherapy and radiation began. He was getting weaker quite faster since his upper jaw was operated on and he was on a liquid diet.
The treatment went on. He was fine at the beginning. Doing minor chores or taking himself to appointments. That did not last long.
–October 2023.
His health got worse and he was completely in bed. His breath would shorten even if went to the toilet which was just one step from his side. It would take minutes on minutes to get his breath at a normal rate.
It was around 14th October. We were there. My aunt helped my uncle bathe but things were not good. His breath was way too short and you could see his stomach getting sucked in when he was trying to breathe.
The next day was the day he was hospitalized.
The doctors said that his lungs were filled with water because of some infection which, to date, is not known.
They started taking out the water. They would fill many bottles every day. It was abnormal, to say the least, that there was that much water in his lungs.
–November 2023.
During that time, they took his bone marrow and tested it. Just to find out the cancer has spread in his bones as well. The doctors did another test whose results took almost a week to come back. The doctors said that if this test was positive, they can do another treatment which was basically the last thing they could do to save his life.
The test came out to be positive. And they prepared the injection. They took him to the ICU in order to keep him under observation for 24 hours according to the protocol of that injection.
This injection was supposed to extend his life by 2 years (maximum). This was an expensive injection costing ₹2,00,000 and this was to be given every three weeks.
Things didn't turn out well.
His health deteriorated. He already had a kidney problem for a long. His kidney doctors had asked him to buy a plot just in case they needed to perform a kidney transplant.
His creatinine increased dangerously and doctors suggested dylasis. They did that too. However, nothing worked and finally after two days, on 13th November, he took his last breath.
I made this post to share something that happened to us recently. Never have any of us thought this would happen to our close relatives/family. Cancer is a tricky thing.
The main fault was of Dentist 2 that he pulled his tooth out. Cancer attacks faster when it is touched. He should have taken cautionary steps while treating.
What's done is done. He can't come back and we hope he finds peace.
I just want to share this so you are aware of it. Always get proper tests done. Never take things lightly. Even if you see minor symptoms of anything, get it checked. I don't know what to say right now. But at least let's stay healthy and cautious.
Cancer is a sneaky nightmare. It took someone so close to us within a few months. It was a horrible and haunting thing.
I hope nothing like this happens to any of you. I love you guys so please let's stay healthy. Look after your friends, family, and yourself. Life is too short for regrets❤️.
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tourmelion · 8 months
Hello! I’ve been so ill this past few weeks and been hospitalized because of medical concerns. Found out that I have a tumor and it was already malignant. I have a Stage 2A Cervical Cancer and needs help ASAP. 🥺
GOAL: $1800
Do you live in America, if you take a trip to India and get treatment done there it tends to be a lot cheaper
Have you considered ayurvedic medicine, it also tends to be cheap, my mom uses ayurvedic muscle relaxants and pain killers, ayurveda is just older Indian medicine, of course main stream medicine still accepts it as safe.
The dollar stretches pretty far in other countries elephant fruit has also been looked into for some anti cancer properties so if you see em in a can at your world foods or international foods shop that could be good.
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lantur · 1 year
Things that happened this week,
Training 2 new staff members at work, one of whom is my successor at the job I vacated in January. Staff onboarding was made even more pleasant by hellish menstrual migraines, cramps, and a night of poor sleep thanks to the migraines and cramps.
Eight meetings (???) on Tuesday, which translated to 5 or 6 hours on Zoom, which left me so overwhelmed I screamed after work.
Being in a position where I had to deliver negative feedback about an employee to 2 medical directors at a hospital. One of whom has a longstanding relationship with our organization and literally sits on our advisory board. Oh, and both medical directors LOVE the employee I had to deliver negative feedback about, and were not thrilled to hear my feedback about him. That was awkward.
(Oh, and today, the employee in question learned from the medical directors that I am not pleased with him, and now he wants to talk with me about it. I'm so eager to have that conversation with him (not)).
Doing a massive amount of prep for the last symposium I'll ever have to organize, which is taking place next Tuesday.
Learned today that my dad who has terminal cancer is having another significant decline in his health. He and my mom have been in India for the past 2 weeks visiting family. They were due to return on April 17. My mom is trying to get an earlier trip back for them on April 11. I'm honestly not even entirely sure that he'll make it to the end of this month. So that's on my horizon now too.
I am pretty overwhelmed and not thrilled about what is ahead. What's that meme? I am straight up not having a good time right now.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Ten Best Chemotherapy Treatment Hospitals in India
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Chemotherapy is a method of treatment given before or after any cancer surgery. It may or may not be given with radiotherapy. Cancer treatment includes different cycles of chemotherapy & radiotherapy. It might either be required pre-surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or post-surgery to lower the risk of cancer relapsing. Chemotherapy cycles are also required post-surgery as treatment beside radiotherapy or singularly.
Chemotherapy can be practically different kinds of chemicals used in patients who have cancer.
Several different forms of chemotherapy are being prescribed and tested on cancer patients over a long period.
Some of the best hospitals with a right radiotherapy wing in India have been listed below.
Leading hospitals capable of providing chemotherapy treatment in India
Without wasting any more time, let us find out a list of leading hospitals in chemotherapy treatment that can help patients in the best possible way.
1. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
Chemotherapy plays a significant role in cancer with continuously rolling up of new drugs and several other clinical protocols under investigation. The TMH is the first centre in the entire nation to have had first initiated bone marrow transplantation in the country.
The perfect dose of chemotherapy, its administration, and the number of cycles required for the complete cure of cancer requires expert care. This hospital provides good expert care when it comes to the treatment of cancer.
Address: Dr Ernest Borges Rd, Parel East, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012.
Contact: 022 2417 7000
2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
AIIMS is an institute that has been treating cancer patients now for a very long period. Chemotherapy administration, during or after the remission of cancer, is a long grown process and requires a lot of expertise. It began using proton beam therapy for curing cancer since a year back. The best part is, this type of treatment is administered for free to the patients in the hospital.
AIIMS is an organization that is attempting to work for the welfare of the patients, and the addition of free proton beam therapy is an added feather to its cap.
Address: Sri Aurobindo Marg, Ansari Nagar, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Contact: 011 2658 8500
3. PGIMER, Chandigarh
PGIMER is a government organization whereby the patients get good chemotherapy treatment. With the present migration to Cryoablation, the hospital is moving towards pain-free treatment procedures. In this form of treatment modality, the nerves supplying to different organs are numbed by the extremely low temperature used in the process.
4. Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai
Apollo Speciality Hospital is the only private organization that is offering the proton beam therapy now for a long time to their patients and was the first proton center in entire South Asia.
Dedicated short stay for chemotherapy sessions is provided as a facility to all their patients.
It further has strict infection protocols and is one of the most advanced centres in the country for treating cancer.
5. Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
This hospital has a long record of treating cancer patients, and the oncology ward has advanced arrangements when it comes to treating cancer.
Chemotherapy facilities are provided over the years, separate wards and provisions are made for the patients who have to undergo chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is an outpatient procedure, but chemotherapy can be done either through admission or as an outpatient.
6. The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad is also an amalgamation of different forms of oncology procedures and processes. The medical oncology team deals with chemotherapy and other processes and has brought about a massive change in the way cancer was treated earlier in these regions.
The Gujarat Cancer Research Institute is one of the pioneers in the western part of the country catering to the medical needs of hundreds of cancer patients.
7. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre Delhi is one of the best hospitals for those battling cancer. The institute gives complete care facility to the ones undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The radiation oncology division is the first in the country to ‘install true beam for precision radiotherapy’ and is the first hospital in the country to have a molecular laboratory.
Robotic surgery techniques, true beam, nucleic acid testing, advanced diagnostic and imaging techniques are known to influence the testing & research work for cancer greatly. Chemotherapy administration and care during chemotherapy are also very advanced in this hospital.
Address:Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Rohini Institutional Area, Sector 5, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi 110085
Contact: 011 4702 2070.
8. HCG, Bengaluru
HCG Cancer Research Centre in Bengaluru is one of the most advanced centres where all sorts of cancer and their treatment are possible.
The diagnostic facility, the radiation & chemotherapy wing, including the CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery have reached their zenith of success with this organization.
Address: HCG Tower, # 8, P. Kalinga Rao Road, Sampangi Ram Nagar, Bangalore – 560 027
Contact: 7406499999
9. Columbia Asia Hospital (Bengaluru)
The hospital is catering to the needs of many cancer patients in Karnataka. Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are two of the types of chemotherapy that are suitably administered by the hospital.
The infection rates post-surgery and post chemotherapy is well taken care of, and chemotherapy is the only medication technique aimed to cure or prolong the lives of the patients.
10. Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital (Hyderabad)
It is considered as one of the top cancer hospitals and has some right specialists from all across the globe. They do take a lot of care in providing the proper treatment to patients and do help a lot with the process of chemotherapy. The cost of the chemotherapy supplied in the hospital is standard for the marginalized society.
Some experienced oncologists and chemotherapists are always eager and ready to help their patients.
Address: Road No. 10, IAS Officers Quarters, Nandi Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034
Contact: 040 2355 1235
To conclude, we can only say that chemotherapy being an essential part of cancer treatment, must be prioritized, and its administration must be done with great care. Thus, it would be safe to say that going to one of these pioneering institutes for chemotherapy administration would give you an edge over others when it comes to chemotherapy.
If there is someone around you who is currently undergoing chemotherapy, then make sure you show them the proper institutions that can help them in the best possible way.
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cancerroundscare · 6 months
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rrmch · 26 days
Video's Medical College and Hospital | medical colleges in bangalore
Explore RRMCH's video page for insights into one of the top medical colleges in Bangalore. Discover campus life, advanced medical facilities, and student experiences at Rajarajeswari Medical College & Hospital.
Video's Medical College and Hospital | medical colleges in bangalore
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zarrin99 · 1 year
Ten Best Chemotherapy Treatment Hospitals in India
Chemotherapy is a method of treatment given before or after any cancer surgery. It may or may not be given with radiotherapy. Cancer treatment includes different cycles of chemotherapy & radiotherapy. It might either be required pre-surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or post-surgery to lower the risk of cancer relapsing. Chemotherapy cycles are also required post-surgery as treatment beside radiotherapy or singularly.
Chemotherapy can be practically different kinds of chemicals used in patients who have cancer.
Several different forms of chemotherapy are being prescribed and tested on cancer patients over a long period.
Some of the best hospitals with a right radiotherapy wing in India have been listed below.
Leading hospitals capable of providing chemotherapy treatment in India
Without wasting any more time, let us find out a list of leading hospitals in chemotherapy treatment that can help patients in the best possible way.
1. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
Chemotherapy plays a significant role in cancer with continuously rolling up of new drugs and several other clinical protocols under investigation. The TMH is the first centre in the entire nation to have had first initiated bone marrow transplantation in the country.
The perfect dose of chemotherapy, its administration, and the number of cycles required for the complete cure of cancer requires expert care. This hospital provides good expert care when it comes to the treatment of cancer.
Address: Dr Ernest Borges Rd, Parel East, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012.
Contact: 022 2417 7000
2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
AIIMS is an institute that has been treating cancer patients now for a very long period. Chemotherapy administration, during or after the remission of cancer, is a long grown process and requires a lot of expertise. It began using proton beam therapy for curing cancer since a year back. The best part is, this type of treatment is administered for free to the patients in the hospital.
AIIMS is an organization that is attempting to work for the welfare of the patients, and the addition of free proton beam therapy is an added feather to its cap.
Address: Sri Aurobindo Marg, Ansari Nagar, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Contact: 011 2658 8500
3. PGIMER, Chandigarh
PGIMER is a government organization whereby the patients get good chemotherapy treatment. With the present migration to Cryoablation, the hospital is moving towards pain-free treatment procedures. In this form of treatment modality, the nerves supplying to different organs are numbed by the extremely low temperature used in the process.
Address: Madhya Marg, Sector 12, Chandigarh, 160012
Phone: 0172 274 7585
4. Apollo Speciality Hospital, Chennai
Apollo Speciality Hospital is the only private organization that is offering the proton beam therapy now for a long time to their patients and was the first proton center in entire South Asia.
Dedicated short stay for chemotherapy sessions is provided as a facility to all their patients.
It further has strict infection protocols and is one of the most advanced centres in the country for treating cancer.
Address: No.46, 7th street, Tansi Nagar, Velachery, Chennai - 600 042
Contact: +91-44-22432370 / 3370
5. Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
This hospital has a long record of treating cancer patients, and the oncology ward has advanced arrangements when it comes to treating cancer.
Chemotherapy facilities are provided over the years, separate wards and provisions are made for the patients who have to undergo chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is an outpatient procedure, but chemotherapy can be done either through admission or as an outpatient.
Address: IDA Scudder Rd, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632004
Contact: 0416 228 1000
6. The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad is also an amalgamation of different forms of oncology procedures and processes. The medical oncology team deals with chemotherapy and other processes and has brought about a massive change in the way cancer was treated earlier in these regions.
The Gujarat Cancer Research Institute is one of the pioneers in the western part of the country catering to the medical needs of hundreds of cancer patients.
Address: M. P. Shah Cancer Hospital Campus, New Civil Hospital Rd, Asarwa, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380016
Contact: 079 2268 8000
7. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre Delhi is one of the best hospitals for those battling cancer. The institute gives complete care facility to the ones undergoing chemotherapy treatment. The radiation oncology division is the first in the country to ‘install true beam for precision radiotherapy’ and is the first hospital in the country to have a molecular laboratory.
Robotic surgery techniques, true beam, nucleic acid testing, advanced diagnostic and imaging techniques are known to influence the testing & research work for cancer greatly. Chemotherapy administration and care during chemotherapy are also very advanced in this hospital.
Address:Sir Chotu Ram Marg, Rohini Institutional Area, Sector 5, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi 110085
Contact: 011 4702 2070.
8. HCG, Bengaluru
HCG Cancer Research Centre in Bengaluru is one of the most advanced centres where all sorts of cancer and their treatment are possible.
The diagnostic facility, the radiation & chemotherapy wing, including the CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery have reached their zenith of success with this organization.
Address: HCG Tower, # 8, P. Kalinga Rao Road, Sampangi Ram Nagar, Bangalore – 560 027
Contact: 7406499999
9. Columbia Asia Hospital (Bengaluru)
The hospital is catering to the needs of many cancer patients in Karnataka. Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are two of the types of chemotherapy that are suitably administered by the hospital.
The infection rates post-surgery and post chemotherapy is well taken care of, and chemotherapy is the only medication technique aimed to cure or prolong the lives of the patients.
Address: Kirloskar Business Park, Bellary Road, Hebbal, Bangalore - 560 024
Contact: +91 80 6660 0666/+91 80 4179 1000
10. Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital (Hyderabad)
It is considered as one of the top cancer hospitals and has some right specialists from all across the globe. They do take a lot of care in providing the proper treatment to patients and do help a lot with the process of chemotherapy. The cost of the chemotherapy supplied in the hospital is standard for the marginalized society.
Some experienced oncologists and chemotherapists are always eager and ready to help their patients.
Address: Road No. 10, IAS Officers Quarters, Nandi Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034
Contact: 040 2355 1235
To conclude, we can only say that chemotherapy being an essential part of cancer treatment, must be prioritized, and its administration must be done with great care. Thus, it would be safe to say that going to one of these pioneering institutes for chemotherapy administration would give you an edge over others when it comes to chemotherapy.
If there is someone around you who is currently undergoing chemotherapy, then make sure you show them the proper institutions that can help them in the best possible way.
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Breastfeeding Myths and Facts: Separating Fiction from Reality
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A wonderful and natural method to nourish your baby is breastfeeding. It gives your baby all the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Breastfeeding not only delivers the best nutrition for the infant, but it also has many other advantages for the mother.
Breastfeeding for the baby can help strengthen their immune system, lower their risk of illnesses, and minimise their risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a close link between mother and child by providing safety and comfort to your infant.
Breastfeeding can help moms lose weight, cut their risk of postpartum depression, and lower their risk of developing certain cancers. Additionally, nursing generates hormones that facilitate bonding and relaxation, making it a wonderful method to establish a connection with your child.
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Along with the beautiful journey of breastfeeding, it comes along with lots of myths and misconceptions. Many mothers are not even aware of the reality of these myths.
Breastfeeding is easy: It’s not easy to breastfeed a baby because a mother needs practical support with positioning the baby so that the baby can latch. Breastfeeding takes time and practice for both mothers and babies and is also time intensive, so mothers need space and support at home and work.
Mothers should only eat plain food while breastfeeding: breastfeeding mothers should need to eat a balanced diet. There is no need to change food habits unless the doctor suggests it.
You should separate the newborn baby and mother so that she can take rest: Doctors, nurses, and midwives encourage the practice of skin-to-skin contact immediately after the birth. Bringing the baby to direct contact with the mother helps to establish breastfeeding.
Mothers shouldn’t breastfeed if sick: Mothers can typically continue nursing when unwell, depending on the disease. You must ensure that you receive the proper care and enough rest, good nutrition, and hydration. Often, the antibodies your body produces to combat your sickness or illness will be passed on to your baby, helping him or her to develop their defences.
It’s hard to wean the baby if mothers breastfeed for more than a year: There is evidence that nursing for up to two years is advantageous for both women and children, but there is no proof that stopping breastfeeding beyond one year is more complicated. Since every mother and baby are unique, they must decide jointly how long to nurse.
Breastfeeding is a journey for mothers and babies that is both challenging and rewarding. In today’s generation, too many households believe in such myths and probably there is no one to debunk them. Filaantro along with Child Help Foundation has helped breastfeeding mothers understand the benefits of breastfeeding, the myths, and the facts. The organization has also established 18 Baby Feeding Centres in Pan India at hospitals, temples, and railway stations. Through this initiative, 56,615 beneficiaries have benefitted. Thus, helping mothers with a safe and secure haven to comfortably breastfeed their babies.
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ivyhealthcare999 · 2 years
Cosmetic surgery You should be completely aware of it
It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, or how old you are, an individual wants to look beautiful. In a social environment, Physical appearance is the one thing that matters nowadays. In the current modern generation where social media plays a significant role in our daily activities. Without a doubt, people are becoming more self-conscious and aware of their good looks. Plastic surgery is no more a subject of hiding the deformities of the face and other parts of the body. Nowadays, People go for Cosmetic surgery to get the perfect shape of their body parts like the Nose, Lips, eyebrows, and belly. There are lots of people who love to look young and wish to hide their signs of age with the help of these surgeries and treatments. In India, the growth of this segment of treatment is remarkable. There are countless hospitals and clinics in India where plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are available for consultation. Ivy Hospital Network is also one of the best hospitals networks for plastic and cosmetic surgeries in Punjab. Highly educated and professional doctors thrive with edge-cutting technology for surgeries such as Gynecomastia, Liposuction, Tummy tuck, Tattoo removal, Nose job, Facial rejuvenation, and Burn Scars. Plastic surgery can be divided into two main categories: Cosmetic surgery This surgery is performed to enhance the overall cosmetic appearance by reshaping and adjusting it normally to make it more visually attractive. This includes Breast lift, liposuction, Tummy tuck, and facial rejuvenation. The Ivy Hospital Network’s department of plastic surgery specialises in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. We make an effort to understand the patient’s need for surgery before processing it to the next step. Our main objective is patient safety and satisfaction. Reconstructive surgery This surgery is performed on the abnormal structures of the body caused by deformities that occurred by birth, after a burn, or in medical conditions including cancer. Things to consider before cosmetic surgery Every surgery has its own risks and complications, if you are healthy enough then you may not feel the side effects of surgery. But if you have any kind of health issue then this is for you to stay healthy before surgery. Health, your way of thinking, the qualification of your surgeon, and full knowledge of the surgery that is being performed on you are some basic things you would consider before cosmetic surgery. Health Doctors of Ivy Hospital Network, Mohali ensure the patient’s health for their upcoming treatment. The well-educated staff of the hospital does routine checkups and verifies physical fitness and healthy weight. Knowledge about your Surgeon The rate of cosmetic surgeries is increasing over the year. Ivy Hospital Network is certified by NABH (Board of medical facilities of India) also the doctors and staff of the hospital are highly educated and well-trained. One has to make sure that your surgeon is a certified one and has complete knowledge about Cosmetic surgery. Keep complete knowledge of surgery You need to know about the surgery that would be performed on you. Patients have to get complete knowledge of that in terms of everything such as taking precautions before and after the surgery. Food and Sleeping routines are the main things you have to acknowledge. Conclusion In conclusion, when you recognize that you are thinking about plastic surgery for yourself and not for your parents and partner. You must be completely knowledgeable about the surgical process. Additionally, you need to choose a qualified doctor you can trust with your physical and mental health. Both the surgeon and the patient must work hard to achieve the desired results from cosmetic surgery
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