#good luck kiyi
stardust948 · 4 months
Zuko, reading: You are my muse. My waking moment. A dream that left footprints in my sand.
Ozai: ... I didn't write that.
Zuko: It’s signed The Dragon King. Didn't you play that role with Mom in high school?
Ozai: I did. After the main lead Ikem got sick. *glares at Ursa*
Ursa: Honey, it was decades ago.
Ozai: Why do you have a poem from him?!
Ursa: It meant nothing.
Zuko: Nothing?! Mom, you are a dream that left footprints in his sand!
Ursa: *smiles*
Ozai: Unbelievable. What is this trash? It doesn't even rhyme!
Ursa: You want to know why I kept Ikem's poem all these years?
Ozai: Yes do enlighten me. Please.
Ursa: Because it's the only love poem anyone's ever written me! *leaves*
Azula: Nice going dum-dum.
Zuko: I thought it was from Dad!
Ozai, writing something down: Firelily, do you have a minute?
Ursa, sighing: What is it, Ozai?
Ozai: There's something I want you to hear. *shows her the notebook* I wrote this for you.
Ozai: To my wonderful wife, the love of my life. Here is a poem from your honey.
Ozai: I love your smile and sweet hugs more than my hot tub.
Ursa, trying not to laugh: You do love your hot tub.
Ozai: Although our future's unwritten, I still remain smitten. And will until the end of all time.
Ozai: This poem may be late. I know it's not great. But at least I know how to rhyme.
Ursa, smiling: That's very sweet. Thank you, honey.
[They kiss]
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aether-link · 4 months
Once again I have to wait another month for my Ursa and Ozai imps. Second batch had one male but his firebreather was grey 😭
Plz I’m begging you two imps to have a good batch. Y’all did for Azula dammit.
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melzula · 11 months
The Search
part three
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: we finally made it to the end of the search! hope you guys enjoy :) and as always i suggest reading the comics to better understand the series
summary: Zuko finally finds his mother, and the Princess is faced with complicated feelings for Azula
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest as you will your legs to continue their sprint for as long as they can. The sun is beginning to set and the valley is growing darker, and you desperately hope Misu’s shortcut will get you to Noren’s soon before you’re too late.
So much had happened since your arrival to Forgetful Valley. From meeting the water tribe siblings Rafa and Misu to the Mother of Faces, it seemed your group was one step closer to finding Zuko’s mom. But after Azula had used the Mother’s one favor to uncover Ursa’s whereabouts, things had gone awry. She’d ruined Misu’s only chance of helping her brother and run off to confront Noriko, whose true identity had been revealed to be none other than the missing Fire Lady.
Now, you and Sokka found yourselves accompanying Zuko as your trio rushed to Hira’a in hopes you’d reach Noren’s house before his malevolent sister could.
“I can’t believe your mom was right under our noses this entire time,” Sokka says breathlessly.
“We couldn’t have known,” you reply from beside him. “All that matters now is getting to her first before Azula does.”
“We should be there soon,” your boyfriend assures you both. “I just hope we’re not too late.”
“We won’t be,” you comfort him with a reassuring smile, “you’re going to be with your mother again, Zuko. Sokka and I will help you see this through.”
“We’ve got your back, buddy.”
He flashes you a grateful smile, but he doesn’t have time to say much else as your trio finally reaches Noren’s house. The surrounding area is dark save for the warm light that floods out from the windows, and you cautiously approach the home with your guards up in case Azula is inside.
“It’s so quiet,” Sokka notes, club in hand and at the ready.
“Too quiet,” Zuko agrees before pressing himself against the wall of the home and peering into the open window.
“Do you see anything?” You whisper to the fire bender as you position yourself beside him.
“What’s going on in there?” Sokka presses. “Noren’s family… don’t tell me Azula-“
“No, they’re fine,” he breathes out in relief, “they’re eating dinner.”
“Thank spirits,” you exhale, the tension in your nerves immediately leaving your body once you know they’re safe. You were especially worried about Kiyi, so it relieved you to know no harm had come to her or her family. “It looks like Misu was right about that shortcut.”
The three of you peer in at the family who share smiles and food in the comfort of their home. They looked so normal, it was almost hard to believe that the woman inside was the lost Fire Lady.
“I’m going inside. Can you two keep an eye out for Azula?” Zuko asks.
“Sure, anything you need, Zuko” Sokka happily obliges.
You gently grab hold of his hand to halt his movements as he passes and give it a comforting squeeze. “Are you going to be okay?”
“I will be,” he says. “Will you?”
“Don’t worry about us, Sokka and I can handle Azula easily.”
“I know you can, Princess” he replies with a fond smile, gifting you an affectionate kunik before releasing your hand and heading inside.
“Good luck, my love,” you murmur quietly, turning your attention to the empty fields before you once the door is shut.
“How’re you holding up, Chief?” Sokka asks while surveying the area in search of any danger. “I overheard that nasty argument you had with Azula last night.”
“I know better than to let her get to me,” you reply thoughtfully, “but that doesn’t make her words any less hurtful. I’ve been dealing with Azula’s wrath since I was four, and it hasn’t gotten any easier.”
“I bet, but you’re one of the strongest people I know. If anyone can stand up to Azula, it’s you.”
“I’m not sure if I agree with that,” you sigh, and Sokka doesn’t miss the way your eyes fall scrutinizingly to the scars on your hands. Though the pain has faded and the physical damage has healed, you’ll never be able to forget what she’s done to you.
“Hey, you’re doing your best,” your friend consoles. “You’ve been nothing but supportive for Zuko this whole trip, that counts for something.”
“Thank you, Sokka,” you say with a meager smile. “I guess you’re right.”
“I always am,” he agrees proudly. “Besides, now that Zuko’s found his mother this whole thing will be over soon and we’ll never have to deal with Azula again.”
“Are you sure about that, peasant?” A mocking voice chimes, catching you and Sokka off guard. You’d been so engrossed in your conversation that you hadn’t even noticed the fire bender’s looming presence, and now there Azula stood before the two of you with a crazed look in her eyes and an itch to take you both down.
“You’re not hurting that family, Azula,” you warn her with a glower to which she merely chuckles slyly in response. “Leave them be.”
“Don’t you remember what happened the last time you fought me, Princess?” She mocks while gesturing to her hands. “Zuzu isn’t here to protect you, and Mother won’t be able to stop me from fulfilling my destiny, but I’m willing to show you water rats mercy if you get out of my way.”
“Fat chance,” Sokka retaliates, “you’re going down!”
“Suit yourself,” the Fire Princess hums with a meager shrug. “It’s more fun for me this way anyhow.”
A blast of flames is immediately shot in your direction, forcing Sokka and yourself to drop and roll out of the way to avoid being burned by her strike. Pushing yourself up off the ground, you spot a well in Noren’s backyard and quickly begin a sprint towards the water source. “Sokka, cover me!”
“I’ve got you covered, y/n!” the Water Tribe boy calls as he hurtles his boomerang unsuccessfully towards Azula. In the meantime, you peer inside the well to ensure it’s full of water before pulling out a long stream from within. With Azula’s back turned and her focus on Sokka, you use a water whip to sweep the girl off her feet so that she lands on the ground with a harsh thud.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you utter desperately, sincerity clear in your tone as you stand over her. Despite the hateful scowl on her face, you urge, “Let us help you, Azula. I know there must be some ounce of goodness in your heart, you can change!”
“Whatever you and Mother are planning against me won’t work. I will not be fooled!” She cries indignantly before kicking her feet out to send a burst of flames towards you. “Zuko may be foolish enough to fall for your tricks but I’m not.”
“Princess!” Sokka exclaims, rushing towards you and tackling you to the ground to prevent her flames from hitting you. “Are you crazy?! Why are you trying to reason with that psycho? You could have gotten yourself hurt.”
“I had to try,” you murmur to yourself, “I had to see for myself if there was any chance of redemption left for her.”
“We don’t have time for that now,” he urges while helping you up off the ground. “We have to stop her before she gets inside!”
Spotting her figure on the roof, you quickly create a blast of snow to propel Sokka and yourself onto the top of the house with her. Your sudden presence startles her, but she quickly regains her composure and begins to form a strike of lightening to hurtle at you both. However, before she can complete the move you send a blast of water across the roof that quickly freezes over into ice and traps her feet to the surface. Sokka promptly hurries over to the fire bender and grabs hold of her hands before maneuvering them behind her back so she can’t try to strike you.
“Let go of me, peasant!” She growls, thrashing violently in his grasp in an attempt to break free. With her feet stuck to the ice and her hands restricted Azula’s attempts at freedom are futile.
“He’s not a peasant,” you correct her firmly, “and you’re not getting out of this. I’ve done all I can to help you, to try and understand you, but it never seems to matter what I do. You’ve never liked me, even though for Zuko’s sake I hoped that one day you might.”
“Mother sent you to distract Zuko, to take my brother from me,” she remarks adamantly. “Everything was perfect after Ba Sing Se, but you made him weak!”
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about!” You exclaim in exasperation. Ever since your trip had started she’d thrown strange accusations your way that you couldn’t comprehend, and you didn’t understand why she perceived you as someone who was out to get her. If anything, you had always felt it was the opposite when it came to your relationship with Zuko’s sister.
“I should have finished the job when I had the chance,” she utters lowly, and as her eyes begin to hone in on your scarred hands a shiver of fear crawls down your spine. “I won’t make that same mistake again.”
A breath of fire blasts from her mouth straight towards you, and when you use the ice to form a barrier to block her attack she takes the opportunity to release herself from Sokka’s grip now that her feet are free. She shoves the boy backwards, and with lightening jolting between her fingertips she strikes a hole through the roof that causes the entire structure to cave in.
“Sokka!” You cry out, falling through the broken roof along with Azula. In a last ditch effort you send a blast of snow in his direction to break his fall, but you aren’t left with enough time to do the same for yourself. You slam onto the ground below you with a loud thud that has both Sokka and Zuko wincing. Your head hits the wood on impact and you’re knocked out cold, prompting Zuko to rush towards you only for Azula to send him flying across the room.
“I said get out of my way!”
“Check on y/n!” Sokka demands while helping the Fire Lord up from the floor. “I’ll deal with Azula.”
Disoriented from his sister’s attack, the boy stumbles over to your unconscious form and carefully pulls you out of the rubble. A small trickle of blood rolls down the side of your head as Zuko scoops you up into his arms and holds you carefully against his chest, making sure to be mindful of any possible injuries you may have from your fall.
“This is all my fault,” he murmurs quietly into your hair as he presses a careful kiss to the top of your head, “I shouldn’t have brought you into this.”
“Zuko!” Sokka calls, rushing over and carefully taking your sleeping figure from his friend’s arms. “I’ve got her, you take care of your mom.”
“Keep her safe,” he pleads, watching as Sokka rushes Noren and Kiyi out of the house.
Your still face is the last thing he sees before your group disappears into the cover of the night, and it’s what urges him to finally face off to his sister once and for all.
The waves that crash against the shores of Ember Island bring a sense of peace to the woman who stands with her feet in the sand and her eyes focused on the endless expanse of water. A quiet coo pulls her attention away from the sea and back to the newborn girl who lies nestled in her arms. Her beautiful golden irises stare up at her in awe, and the woman smiles warmly in response.
“Are you enjoying the family beach house, little fire ferret?” She hums, watching fondly as the child grabs onto her outstretched finger.
“Azula!” A voice calls from the balcony, and now her attention is fixed on the water bender who peers down at her from above. “Dinner is ready, won’t you come inside?”
“Of course, sister,” she smiles sincerely at the girl she had once hated with her entire being. “Elza needs to be put down for her nap anyhow.”
“She always sleeps better in her Aunt Azula’s arms,” her sister-in-law notes fondly. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
“As am I, y/n.”
“Azula,” you gasp the moment you wake from your dream, sitting up in bed only to immediately trigger a pounding ache in your head.
“It’s alright,” a voice shushes you as gentle arms carefully push you back down into bed, “you must be careful now. You took quite a fall.”
“Is Sokka alright?” You ask quietly, noting the dryness of your throat. “Zuko?”
“They’re both fine,” she comforts as you begin to adjust to your surroundings. The sunlight that shines through the windows doesn’t ease the ache you feel in your head, and it takes a moment for your eyes to focus on the person in front of you. “Zuko’s asleep, but he hasn’t left this room since we brought you in here.”
“Fire Lady Ursa?” You murmur as your eyes finally take in the sight of a woman’s gentle smile and kind features. “It’s really you, isn’t it?”
“It is,” she replies thoughtfully, but the look in her eyes seems to suggest that she isn’t sure of her own answer. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Zuko has told me so much about you.”
“Same here,” you reply with a meager smile. “It’s nice to finally put a face to the name I’ve heard in all those stories.”
“I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for all you’ve done for my son,” Ursa expresses earnestly while gently pushing back the hair from your face. “Thank you for taking care of him when I couldn’t.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that. I love your son more than anything, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Zuko.”
“He’s very lucky to have you,” she notes with a gentle smile, and once you’re able to carefully sit yourself up in bed she offers you a cup of water that you greedily finish in a matter of seconds. “I’ll fetch you some more water, but in the meantime you rest. You don’t want to hurt yourself any further.”
You watch with a careful smile as Ursa leaves the room, but a quiet call of your name has you turning to look at the chair across from you. You’d been too engrossed and in awe of Ursa’s presence to notice Zuko at first, but it’s hard to miss him now that he’s at your bedside quickly checking you over for any wounds or injuries.
“Are you hurt?”
“I have a bit of a headache and my limbs feel a bit sore, but I’m alright,” you assure him. Sighing, he carefully allows his forehead to fall gently against yours in search of comfort and reassurance that you’re really okay.
“It’s my fault this happened to you,” he utters dejectedly. “So far every time I’ve asked you to help me deal with my sister it hasn’t ended well. I shouldn’t have stopped you from returning home and asked you to come to Hira’a.”
“Zuko, this isn’t your fault in the slightest,” you argue with a frown as you gently take his face in your hands and prompt him to look at you. “I came with you to Hira’a because it’s my job as your girlfriend to support you. You’re my other half, and when you need my help I’m supposed to be there for you. Your sister is unpredictable, but I knew the risk I was taking when I agreed to travel with her, and what happened to me was just one of those risks come to fruition.”
“I just hate seeing you get hurt,” he laments quietly before carefully pulling you into a hug.
“I know, but I’ll be okay as long as you’re there to look after me.”
“I always will be,” he promises, nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes as he looks upon your tired face.
“So what happened while I was out? Where’s Azula?”
“She ran away. Sokka, Aang, and Katara searched Forgetful Valley for hours while I watched over you but there’s no sign of her. We’ll just have to keep looking.”
“And your mother? How did she get her face back?”
“The Mother of Faces returned it to her and restored all of her old memories. I told her she didn’t have to, she had a peaceful life here as Noriko, but she did it anyway.”
“Well I’m sure Azula will turn up at some point or another. I don’t think she’d give up that easily,” you say thoughtfully. “As for Ursa, I’m glad you finally have your mother back Zuko. I know how much this all means to you, and I know how much more peaceful life will be for you now that you’ve found her.”
“Thank you, but I couldn’t have found her without your support,” he expresses earnestly before leaning in to give you a loving kiss.
“Please, please, please do it again, y/n!” Kiyi pleads while tugging at the skirt of your dress. With delighted laughter spilling past your lips, you can’t help but relent to the little girl’s pleas.
“Alright, just for you,” you tell her before taking the cup of water she eagerly hands you and concentrating on your next move. Drinking the water from the cup, you take your time swishing the liquid around in your mouth for dramatic effect before using the coolness of your breath to transform it into snow and blow out a flurry of snowflakes into the air. Kiyi’s shrieks of delight fill the atmosphere as she runs around trying to catch the snow, and from the shade under the tree Zuko and Ursa watch the scene with matching smiles on their faces.
“She’s wonderful, Zuko,” Ursa compliments, a small laugh leaving her at the sight of Kiyi and yourself catching snowflakes on your tongues.
“She is,” he agrees with a fond smile.
You’d never been able to get along with Azula no matter how hard you or Zuko tried to force it, so it was a nice change of pace to see you get along with his other little sister. He finally felt that sense of family he’d been searching for all this time since becoming Fire Lord, and he was grateful to have you as a part of it. He only hoped that with time you could grow your family together.
“It warms my heart to see you’ve found your other half. I hope you’re able to cherish your love forever.”
“I will,” he says earnestly, and it’s a promise he makes to himself and to his Princess.
You are his other half, and your love will stand the tests of time forever.
| zuko tag list: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
| fire lilies taglist: @titaniafire @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
| atla taglist: @sirkekselord @chronic-daydreamer-blog
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tobitofunction · 11 months
🐉 part 8
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 9
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You stood up and took a deep breath,"Zuko you need to do something, the new Ozai society has attacked your home now. Remember what I told you" you said before walking away,"Where are you going?" Zuko asked," Trying to find my dragon" you said giving no room for him to argue.
Zuko sighed deeply before he turned to the others,"Let's continue, she will calm down with time but the issue we have is time-sensitive. I might have an idea where we can get more information"
Meanwhile Kiyi and her family where walking around the palace when the saw you storm away,"Why is y/n looking so angry?" she asked looking up at her father, who just crouched down to her size and smiled,"She is probably just having a bad day. Now let's go to bed, it's way past your bedtime". Ursa crouched down and wanted to reach for her youngest hand but Kiyi pulled her hand away before she had the chance,"Don't touch me, your hands are cold" Kiyi said loudly clinging to her father who looked down sadly at his wife.
You stood on your balcony which overlooked the city when the door opened behind you, "Princess, you have a visitor" a maid said making you turn around, "Uncle?" you said in disbelief, "Hello my sweet niece" he said walking over to you,"What are you doing here?" you asked looking up at his scared yet handsome face,"I just wanted to hear how the wedding plans are going" he asked smirking,"They have been put on hold Uncle, but everything is fine, so safe that smirk for something else" you said with a grin,"You are wearing it still" he said changing the topic, his hands curled around the necklace he gifted to you,"I like wearing it, matches a lot of my outfits" you said with a shrug but a smirk played on your lips,"Valyrīha korzion iksos nykeā sȳz fit syt nykeā prince hen uēpa valyrio (Valyrian steel is a good fit for a Princess of Old Valyria)" he said removing his hand from your necklace and moved his hand to your chin,"Issi ao biare? Nyke kostagon nykeēdrosa gūrogon ao qrīdrughagon (Are you happy? I can still take you away)" you scoffed,"Aōha nykeēdrosa tolī se pāletilla nyke ūndegon (Your still after the crown I see)" you hummed removing his hand away from your face,"Issa feelings issi drēje, se nyke jāhor ivestragon ao ziry arlī (My feelings are true, and I will tell you it again)" he than grabbed you by the back of the head to pull you closer to him,"Mērī nykeā zaldrīzes kostagon tepagon another zaldrīzes skoros pōnta drējī jorrāelagon (Only a dragon can give another dragon what they truly need)" he continued his lips ghosting your ear,"Se hāeda āeksio hasn't touched ao yet paktot? (The young Lord hasn't touched you yet right?)","It's non of your business Uncle" you said trying to push him away from you,"I take that as a no" he chuckled parting from you,"Has your wife given you a child yet? Or are you even able to give her one" you teased making him grunt and grab you by the neck," Since you came over here you started to be become disobedient, you used to follow me around like a shadow, what happened?" he asked," I got away from you. Now let go of me before I call for the guards, your nothing here" you spat making him let go,"I wish you luck in the search of your Dragon my dear niece, I hope you find him alive" he said before leaving the room, making you look at him with fury as you rubbed your neck,"Princess is everything all right?" Suki asked walking into the room after your Uncle left,"Yes, I'm fine. Suki join me in the search for Haku, I could use someone with your skills very well" you said, Suki looked at your neck before nodding slowly.
Zuko and the other meanwhile arrived at their destination,"What is this place?" Kei Lo asked looking around,"The Fire Sages Capital Temple" Mai answered,"You been here before?","Someone thought it would be romantic to show their girlfriend where his ancestors are buried," Mai said glaring at Zuko,"Well was he wrong? As if memory serves correctly someone was fascinated by it" Zuko said with a smirk making Mai scoff. Kei Lo wanted to say something but he couldn't find the right to say in this awkward moment so he just looked to Aang," So! You Guys! How about we Y'know.....get going with the....you know with what we are doing currently hehe..." he said awkwardly. Zuko and Mai ignored the antics and went deeper inside the temple where Zuko approached a Sage,"Great Sage Shyu" he greeted.
Ty Lee also joined you with Suki on the mission to find your Dragon, you walked along the secret path behind the place where Haku stayed in the fire nation, hoping to find a clue on his whereabouts,"How can someone just steal a large dragon-like that?" Ty Lee asked,"Someone who will do anything so Zuko won't have any advantages anymore" you said,"Maybe that's why Zuko didn't want you to get involved in the plan before," Suki said making you take a deep breath,"I did what I had too, Zuko was strong but he got overwhelmed by the New Ozai society," you said calmly,"All I did was help" you continued. Suki didn't answer," How will we find him?" Ty Lee filled in,"My connection to him should help, I can't explain but it's a spiritual connection. When he was taken I could feel what he was feeling. He's close I know he is". Suddenly you heard commotions from the directions of the palace," What's going on?" Ty Lee asked,"Don't know but we should check it out" she said running towards the palace, meanwhile you stayed standing still, Ty Lee noticed and walked back towards you,"Your not coming?","I need to find Haku, Zuko can handle whatever is happening" Ty Lee frowned,"But maybe he can't, with everything what is happening he might need you. Haku is a dragon, he be fine until you rescue him" you sighed,"Fine, let's go"
The two of you just arrived to see a hooded figure hop over the palace, the floor was covered in burn marks. Zuko had his head hanging low as Ursa was embracing her husband,"What happened?" you said jogging towards Zuko,"Kiyi, was taken by Azula" he said.
Zuko couldn't sleep he was just pacing around his room, you still stayed in his room for many reasons, one being you still couldn't sleep as your mother's death still haunted you but also you be sharing a room soon anyway, so might as well keep it up. You were doing some stitching while lying in bed,"It's all my fault, I'm a sheep" he said making you look up,"It's not easy being a dragon, but you have it in you, don't be scared to make decisions" you smiled, Zuko sighed and sat down beside you,"You're pretty good at this" he said looking at the dragon you have stitched,"Thank you" you smiled putting it down the table beside the bed,"You really believe in me in doing the right thing?" you nodded.
The next day Zuko was talking to General Mak," Seal off the Capital City, until this is resolved no one come in or out. Then send your soldiers to Ukon's(Mai's Dad) home to arrest him. If he isn't there, which he probably won't be, start searching the people's homes for him or anyone who is associated with him","Yes Fire Lord" the general said with a bow before leaving, you watched the exchange happening while standing beside Aang who shook his head in disapproval, "Zuko, this isn't the way. Please let me find Ukano! I will sit him down and talk to him. No soldiers!" he pleaded. Zuko turned to his friend and bowed his head,"Avatar Aang, Thank you for your assistance up to this point. You know how much I value your wisdom and friendship" he said lifting his head again, Aang furrowed his brows,"Why are you talking to me like that? All adult and stuff?!","We tried your approach and it didn't work. Y/N was right I'm done being a sheep, I will be approaching it differently now" Aang looked at you before looking back at Zuko, "Treating everyone like criminals will alienate the people further" Aang tried to reason, "The people are alienated because Zuko didn't take the right measures from the start Avatar Aang, things need to change before more children go missing" Aang was about to protest when Zuko ordered Suki and Ty-Lee to remove him.
Zuko took a deep breath, you rubbed his back,"It be worth it" You smiled up at him, Zuko returned the smile, your purple eyes shinned like the finest jewellery up at him, and he couldn't help but just melt."I heard about you wanting to arrest my father" Mai said walking in, making you sigh,"I'm sorry it has to be done","I'm not mad, it was just a matter of time, I'm sorry for lying about his involvement","Don't be I know how hard it must have been"Zuko said placing his hand on her shoulder,"I'm sorry about Kiyi as well but the arrests should give an inside of where the children could be" she added making Zuko nod,"The soldiers should be nearly done with the arrest, let's head to the prisons".
"A riot?" Zuko said making General Mak nod, "Yes but it has been quiet since we made the arrest", "What about my father?" Mai asked, "He slipped away during the riot" Mai scoffed, "Of course he did" Zuko rubbed her shoulder while General Mak ordered the exist of the prisoners. The three of you watched as the prisoners passed you by, some giving you curious looks while others plainly ignored you,. Mai perked up as a familiar face popped up,"Kei Lo? Zuko release him, this must be a mistake" she said walking towards him,"I don't think so" Zuko reasoned making Mai scoff,"What were you doing with them anyway?" Zuko asked," They literally bumped into me" Kei Lo reasoned, the boy behind him letting out a small sorry, Zuko rolled his eyes not really believing him,"Zuko come on, don't be petty" Mai said making Zuko look at her before sighing,"Let him go" he said making General Mak release him from his shackles. Kei Lo rubbed his wrist,"You have a pretty fiancé so why don't you focus on her and leave me and Mai be" he whispered towards Zuko,"I'm not jealous, just cautious" Zuko defended,"You're doing great" you said reaching for his hand, Zuko smiled and kissed your knuckles,"Zuko" Aang voiced called from the distance making you turn around,"We looked everywhere for you" he said as he approached,"Aang? I thought you left" Zuko said his hand still in yours,"Well you thought wrong buddy, Suki, Ty Lee and me found a hidden passage" Aang grabbed Zuko's other arm and tried to drag him away but Zuko was still bigger than him even he did grow since the war ended. Zuko was about to say something when General Mak came back again,"Fire Lord, the sun will set before we know it. We need a plan or our will people will rise up again" Zuko looked at his general before looking back at you, the setting sun hitting your silver hair making it glow, giving you the appearance of a beautiful spirit,"I'm sorry Aang, but the General is right. Like I told you before I have to handle this my way" Zuko let go of your hand and turned away from Aang who loosened his grip on him,"Even if your way is stupid?" Aang asked but was ignored, he then turned to you," This isn't right-","I'm sorry Avatar Aang but Fire Lords Zuko priority is to bring back the missing children" you said bowing your head before following Zuko.
Aang pouted, he then began forming an airball in between his hands,"Stand back" he said to Suki and Ty-Lee,"What are you doing?" the former asked,"Getting the Fire Lords and Princess's attention" he said throwing the air ball towards the two of you, a gasp left your lips when you where lifted into the air,"What the-" you gasped seeing Zuko being in the same predicament,"Aang put us down" Zuko said,"I will after I show the two of you something" he said bending the air balls alongside him towards back to the palace.
Aang dropped you and Zuko literally on top the roof, Zuko landed first with a loud thud, you fell on top making him grow,"Don't ever do that again" you growled,"I thought dragons like flying?" Aang teased making you roll your eyes, Zuko hand was on your waist, he was blushing at the position he found himself in,"But jokes aside look at this" Aang said making you stand up from the position making Zuko sigh,"A secret passageway! So is that how Azula and the others escaped?" you said looking into the black hole, the smell of cold filled your nostrils making you scrunch up your nose,"We used to play with those passageways when we were little, Zuko was to scared to play in them" Ty Lee said showing up from behind with Mai, Suki and Kei Lo,"To my defensive, she did tell me they were haunted" he said with still a light blush on his face, you giggled making him shove you slightly when suddenly a cry was heard, but it wasn't from a person,"Haku" you said softly before any of the others could do something you ran into the darkness,"Y/N, wait" Zuko called out,"Suki, Ty Lee stay to keep the palace safe" he said before following you quickly.
"Y/N, walk slowly" Zuko scolded,"Haku is close, I can feel him strongly," you said pushing forward. Suddenly you stopped, a wall, you placed your hand on it,"It's a fake wall. I can feel a breeze" you said moving back as Zuko and Aang moved forward," This must be it. Behind this door could be Kiyi and Tom-Tom" Zuko said,"And Azula" Aang added.
But behind the wall wasn't Kiyi nor Tom - Tom but a graveyard with Haku chained into the grounds with multiple chains holding him tight, burn marks where spotted around the ground showing that he put up a fight,"Haku" you cried, you kneeled down beside him,"ñuha mijegindita dōna valītsos skoros pōnta gaomagon naejot ao (my poor sweet boy what they done to you)" you said rubbing the bridge of his snout,"Let's get these off Haku"Aang said using his fire bending to melt the chains,"Thank you Aang" you smiled making smile back,Zuko joined in the help of freeing Haku,"Zuko what is this place?" Kei Lo asked," The Royal Family Graveyard" Zuko answered as a chain snapped under the heat," I thought that the what the Dragonbone Catacombs were for?" Aang asked he freed Haku of another chain, the white beast growling softly with every chain he was released off,"aderī ao sagon dāez arlī (soon you be free again)" you cooed, trying to keep him calm," No, the catacombs are only for the Fire Lords. This place is for everyone else. It's called the Garden of Tranquil Souls" Zuko said as the last chain fell of Haku making him growl and stand up, he shook his head and whole body."Hmm, Zuko I hate to break it you but....these souls don't seem so Tranquil to me"Mai said as a bunch of Kemurikage appeared. You quickly mounted Haku,"Y/N, take Haku out of here" Aang said,"He can help","He's angry, it will just end in a blood bath" Aang said you looked at Zuko," Listen to him" you sighed,"sōvegon" but Haku didn't listen he growled," Haku sōvegon" you said again,"Haku rȳbagon nyke (Haku listen me) rȳbās Haku (obey Haku) sōvegon" Haku growled and started to take off making you sigh in relief,"sȳz valītsos (good boy)" you said patting his neck, you looked down and saw a fight break out. Everything went well until a loud lighting strike hit near you making you gasp and look down,"Azula" you whispered seeing the Fire Nation Princess on top of the highest tomb smirking up at you, Haku growled and turned around,"daor, haku daor (no, Haku,no)" you said tugging at his turquoise tufts, but Haku was to angry and spat fire at Azula who was just jumped away,"dohaeragon nyke (serve me)" you said,"gīda, ziry won't ōdrikagon ao. Nyke maghagon ao naejot safety (
But behind the wall wasn't Kiyi nor Tom - Tom but a graveyard with Haku chained into the grounds with multiple chains holding him tight, burn marks where spotted around the ground showing that he put up a fight,"Haku" you cried, you kneeled down beside him,"ñuha mijegindita dōna valītsos skoros pōnta gaomagon naejot ao (my poor sweet boy what they done to you)" you said rubbing the bridge of his snout,"Let's get these off Haku"Aang said using his fire bending to melt the chains,"Thank you Aang" you smiled making smile back,Zuko joined in the help of freeing Haku,"Zuko what is this place?" Kei Lo asked," The Royal Family Graveyard" Zuko answered as a chain snapped under the heat," I thought that the what the Dragonbone Catacombs were for?" Aang asked he freed Haku of another chain, the white beast growling softly with every chain he was released off,"aderī ao sagon dāez arlī (soon you be free again)" you cooed, trying to keep him calm," No, the catacombs are only for the Fire Lords. This place is for everyone else. It's called the Garden of Tranquil Souls" Zuko said as the last chain fell of Haku making him growl and stand up, he shook his head and whole body."Hmm, Zuko I hate to break it you but....these souls don't seem so Tranquil to me"Mai said as a bunch of Kemurikage appeared. You quickly mounted Haku,"Y/N, take Haku out of here" Aang said,"He can help","He's angry, it will just end in a blood bath" Aang said you looked at Zuko," Listen to him" you sighed,"sōvegon" but Haku didn't listen he growled," Haku sōvegon" you said again,"Haku rȳbagon nyke (Haku listen me) rȳbās Haku (obey Haku) sōvegon" Haku growled and started to take off making you sigh in relief,"sȳz valītsos (good boy)" you said patting his neck, you looked down and saw a fight break out. Everything went well until a loud lighting strike hit near you making you gasp and look down,"Azula" you whispered seeing the Fire Nation Princess on top of the highest tomb smirking up at you, Haku growled and turned around,"daor, haku daor (no, Haku,no)" you said tugging at his turquoise tufts, but Haku was to angry and spat fire at Azula who was just jumped away,"dohaeragon nyke (serve me)" you said,"gīda, ziry won't ōdrikagon ao. Nyke maghagon ao naejot safety (
But behind the wall wasn't Kiyi nor Tom - Tom but a graveyard with Haku chained into the grounds with multiple chains holding him tight, burn marks where spotted around the ground showing that he put up a fight,"Haku" you cried, you kneeled down beside him,"ñuha mijegindita dōna valītsos skoros pōnta gaomagon naejot ao (my poor sweet boy what they done to you)" you said rubbing the bridge of his snout,"Let's get these off Haku"Aang said using his fire bending to melt the chains,"Thank you Aang" you smiled making smile back,Zuko joined in the help of freeing Haku,"Zuko what is this place?" Kei Lo asked," The Royal Family Graveyard" Zuko answered as a chain snapped under the heat," I thought that the what the Dragonbone Catacombs were for?" Aang asked he freed Haku of another chain, the white beast growling softly with every chain he was released off,"aderī ao sagon dāez arlī (soon you be free again)" you cooed, trying to keep him calm," No, the catacombs are only for the Fire Lords. This place is for everyone else. It's called the Garden of Tranquil Souls" Zuko said as the last chain fell of Haku making him growl and stand up, he shook his head and whole body."Hmm, Zuko I hate to break it you but....these souls don't seem so Tranquil to me"Mai said as a bunch of Kemurikage appeared. You quickly mounted Haku,"Y/N, take Haku out of here" Aang said,"He can help","He's angry, it will just end in a blood bath" Aang said you looked at Zuko," Listen to him" you sighed,"sōvegon" but Haku didn't listen he growled," Haku sōvegon" you said again,"Haku rȳbagon nyke (Haku listen me) rȳbās Haku (obey Haku) sōvegon" Haku growled and started to take off making you sigh in relief,"sȳz valītsos (good boy)" you said patting his neck, you looked down and saw a fight break out. Everything went well until a loud lighting strike hit near you making you gasp and look down,"Azula" you whispered seeing the Fire Nation Princess on top of the highest tomb smirking up at you, Haku growled and turned around,"daor, haku daor (no, Haku,no)" you said tugging at his turquoise tufts, but Haku was to angry and spat fire at Azula who has just jumped away,"dohaeragon nyke (serve me)" you said,"gīda, ziry won't ōdrikagon ao. Nyke maghagon ao naejot safety (calm, she won't hurt you. I bring you to safety)" you said rubbing his neck steering him away from the fight.
"The Princess, seems to have trouble controlling that beast of hers"Kei Lo said,"He's angry and hurt, he also is trying to protect his rider who probably is feeling angry and hurt as well"Aang said,"It's not helping that Azula target her as well" Mai added.
You calmed Haku down and got him away from the scene back to the main part of the palace, not caring anymore if Dragon's being put in the public eye anymore, you landed in front of the castle. Guards where wide-eyed and stepped back a couple of steps, Ty Lee and Suki,"Y/n, why did bring Haku here" Suki asked,"I had trouble controlling him, both of our emotions where to high" you said burying your face into his scales,"The enemy already knows about him anyway, so why hide his existence" you said Haku moved his head towards you, slowly nudging you with his nose,"aōha ȳgha sir (your safe now)" you smiled at him. Suki smiled,"Where are others?","Fighting","Is that why Haku was hard to control?" you nodded,"My father told me once, that us controlling dragons is only an illusion, a power men shouldn't have trifled with, yet they are our greatest power, a power which protected us from the 100-year war" you said,"Men shouldn't have trifled with it but your now man, you got control back that all that matters" Suki smiled and Ty Lee nodded.
"Y/N"Kiyi screamed wiggling out Zuko's grip, you happily embraced her,"I'm so glad you're safe" you smiled, Kiyi giggled,"Of course, I'm safe. I was never in danger. I'm Zuzu sister after all" you laughed and nodded,"Yes you, are warrior Princess you could say" you said making her eyes light up,"Those this mean I can get my own dragon",you giggled and shook your head,"I think your parents won't be to keen on that" you said making her pout. You placed Kiyi on the floor as Zuko approached you,"Can we talk?" you nodded.
"I don't want to be a sheep but I'm scared that I have gone to far, Azula that I'm like her after all, that-","Being a dragon doesn't mean being evil, being a dragon means protecting what you love with everything you have. However, you do need to be careful dragons can't always be controlled as you have seen but I trust you in doing the right decision" you kissed his cheek making smile.
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 9 months
Dragon Scales and Late Night Runs
Tyzula Week: Day 3 Medieval AU/Dragons
You can read it here on archive of our own as well
A/N: Holy shit I'm late
When Azula was a child, she would pick up her dragon, Lightning, and scream into her scales. Several years later when her dragon was far too big for her to hold, Azula would still bury her face in her side and scream. The only difference was that this time Lightning wouldn’t even stir, simply readjusting herself so that Azula was more comfortable.
“Thought I’d find you here.” her brother’s voice rang out as he jumped over her dragon to settle down next to her,
“What the hell are you doing here?” was her response,
“Kiyi wanted me to make sure you weren’t planning on running away.” he replied,
“She knows me too well.” Azula lamented,
“Mhm, now why are you sitting here like you’re the main character in a tragedy?” Zuko asked,
“Wild fucking guess.” she spits, and Zuko sighs rubbing his forehead,
“Look I know it isn’t ideal but at least dad is kind of taking your interests to heart, it could’ve been worse. At least it’s not a boy.” Zuko reasons,
“I’m getting married to a stranger! To some non-bender girl I’ve never seen before!” she yelled,
“I know it’s not ideal but-” Zuko started,
“I mean how come you get to marry the water tribe ambassador you want, but I have to marry some nobody from the middle of nowhere!” she hissed,
“There’s nothing we can do about it now ‘Zula. The marriage is approved, you two are to be married in two months.” Lightning stirred slightly noticing Azula’s distress,
“What’s even the reason for marrying her? She’s not even a bender.”
“She’s the daughter of some kind of high-ranking official, I think he’s our ambassador for Air Nomads or something?” Zuko sighs, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder.
“It can’t be that bad. At least Dad says you can still travel the world, you just have to do it with a complete stranger that you have to call a wife at your side.” he said brightly, Azula glared at him,
“I feel so comforted Zuzu, thank you so much.” he got back on his feet,
“Come on let’s race, maybe that’ll make you feel better.” Azula stared at him warily, but obliged him, settling herself on Lightning’s back, but even as her dragon took flight, soaring far above any and all landmarks, she couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling in her stomach.
The servants were quiet, noticing the princess’s sour mood. They washed and combed her hair, touched up her makeup, and helped her with her armor. All the while, she barely acknowledged their existence. Princess Azula was not kind or welcoming by any means, but even this was a new extreme. A single wayward noise was met with a harsh reprimand.
Someone knocked on the door,
“Come in.” the princess ordered, the door opened to reveal the prince, who looked as somber as his sister,
“Your fiancée is here, you have five minutes before dad tears down the walls trying to drag you out.” was all he said, the princess didn’t respond to her brother, only adjusted her armor and stood up, nodding at the servants, the only acknowledgment she had given them the entire night, and walked out.
“You look like someone killed your dragon.” Zuko commented,
“I just want this damn night to be over with.” she responded, flickers of blue flame escaping her mouth as she exhaled,
“Just go in, exchange pleasantries, and say you have the most terrible headache, and that you’re so sorry that you have to leave.” Zuko put a hand on her back, “Good luck.” and with that he shoved her forward.
Azula cursed, flames jumping to her hands. She straightened herself, and to her relief no one seemed to notice. She weighed her options, she could either do exactly as Zuko said, or she could skip it and go straight to the leaving the party part of the plan. She was an adult after all, she did have a certain autonomy that she didn’t have when she was a kid. The function was taking place in the courtyard, meaning if she skirted around the edge of the crowd she could disappear into the gardens.
The choice was made before she could blink and she was out and among the gardens faster than anyone could ask her where she was going. She sighed in relief as she sat down by the turtle-duck pond. A single turtle-duck swam up to her, quacking indignantly when it realized she didn't have any food for it.
“What does Zuzu and mother see in you? All you do is go around being noisy and asking for food.” she told the turtle-duck who nipped at her fingers in response,
“Ow! You little rascal-” she contemplated singing it’s feathers, but before she could reach a verdict, she became acutely aware of a presence that wasn’t her own, she looked behind her to see a shadow looming over her,
“Agni strike me!” she cursed, nearly falling backwards into the pond. The turtle-duck squawked indignantly flitting back into the safe reach of its pond,
“Sorry did I startle you?” the shadow said, stepping away from her, Azula had to take several calming breaths before she could answer,
“What are you doing here?” she asked, ignoring the question,
“Got bored of the party.” she answered nonchalantly, she offered her a hand up, Azula took it brushing herself off. Now that she was standing face to face with the girl, she could see her a little better. They were standing close enough to the party that the light framed her soft features. Her heart was beating violently in her chest, and it had nothing to do with the fact that this woman had just scared her within an inch of her life.
“What are you doing here?” the girl asked,
“Same reason as you.” Azula mumbled,
“This party seems kind of pointless right? I mean why all this grandeur? I’m fairly sure I could meet my fiancée over a nice cup of tea, it would be more intimate than having your first meeting orchestrated by your parents.” she continued,
“I’m meeting my fiancée tonight as well.” Azula replied, looking questioningly at the girl,
“Princess Azula, I presume?” she asked,
“In the flesh.” Azula feels a little bad that she didn’t even ask for her fiancée’s name, fortunately for her, she introduces herself,
“I’m Ty Lee.” she offers her hand, Azula takes it, noticing the calluses on her hands, she had heard her fiancée was a talented acrobat and this confirmed it,
“I ended up doing the one thing I set out not to do tonight.” she murmured,
“Not meeting me?” Ty Lee asked, tilting her head, she didn’t look the slightest bit offended. “Same here, I’m not keen on getting married to an absolute and utter stranger.”
“That makes two of us, Lady Ty Lee.” Azula responded,
“Well at least you aren’t boring Princess Azula, I would hate to be married to someone boring.”
“I am the princess of the Fire Nation. I don’t think I’m allowed to be boring, there’s probably some sort of law forbidding me from doing so.” Azula lamented, “Besides I’m fairly sure it’s physically impossible. A member of the royal family? Being normal? With normal interests? Impossible, there’s too much mental illness in our family for that.”
“And funny too, maybe this marriage won’t be all that bad after all.” Ty Lee said, laughing, and anything Azula wanted to say immediately shriveled and died in her throat as she was struck with how beautiful the sound was. She made a sound in agreement, ignoring the fluttering in her stomach. Suddenly an idea crossed her mind, she took Ty Lee’s hand in hers again,
“I know something that’s more interesting than a party, do you want to come with me?” she asked, excited for the first time since she heard about the engagement, Ty Lee nodded, intrigued,
Ten minutes of sneaking around and a little breaking and entering later, they were in the dragon’s keep. Lightning was a night owl- or rather a night dragon and noticed the footsteps immediately, perking her head up. Ty Lee was in awe,
“Wow, wow a dragon. I’ve only seen them in story books.” she said reaching a tentative hand, but looked at Azula first for confirmation,
“Go ahead, Lightning’s a sweetheart, and loves any attention she can get. She won’t burn your hand off.” Ty Lee reached, scratching the spot behind the dragon’s ear. Lightning purred enjoying the sensation, Ty Lee laughed at the feeling,
“I always wanted to ride a dragon before. They always looked so majestic to me, especially in the air.” she commented, feeling the blue scales under her fingers,
“Maybe one day I can take you flying, we’ll be traveling around a lot for royal duties together, and dragons are one of the fastest ways to get around.” at this remark Ty Lee’s jaw tightened almost an imperceptible amount,
“Right, right the wedding.” a pause, “Princess Azula I have a question, if you’re willing to answer.” Azula nodded,
“Why did your parents force you into this marriage?” she paused petting Lightning’s scales for a second, shocked by the question.
“Well I suppose because I’m of marrying age and my dad wants to get rid of me.” she responded, “What about you?” Ty Lee answers after a beat,
“My parents caught me with a girl, they gave me an ultimatum, marry the princess, or be disowned and kicked out. Go big or go home right?” she glowered, "Except if I didn’t go big I wouldn’t have a home to go back to.”
“Lady Ty Lee- I’m so sorry.” for all of Azula’s grumbling and irritation, she never thought of how the other person might feel, and that they might be just as irritated and mad if not more, “Did you love her?” Ty Lee looked at her questioningly,
“The girl you were caught with, did you love her?” Ty Lee took a deep breath and Azula realized that she was being a bit too forward with someone who just admitted that she was forced to marry her on the pain of a certain death, “I’m sorry if I’m intruding on your privacy-”
“Not really,” she interrupted, “Less than a month after I told her about my engagement, she announced she was pregnant.”
“That sounds horrible.” Azula told her honestly, “She was seeing someone behind your back?”
“Yep, the cook’s son or something, she would come visit me before going down to the kitchens to sleep with him.” Azula admired how nonchalant, even preppy she sounded about the whole situation, “Doesn’t matter now, she was terrible for my aura anyways, it was always all over the place when she was around.”
Azula nodded, assuming that whatever it meant, that it wasn’t good.
“I have to admit Princess Azula, meeting you in person was far better than listening to all the rumors through the grapevines.” Ty Lee told her,
“Rumors, what rumors?” Azula wasn’t aware there was gossip about her,
“Small things, you know such as you slept with the ambassador from the Water Tribe-”
“That was my brother!” Azula protested,
“Another rumor is that you challenged a general to an Agni Kai at the age of 14.”
“He was making fun of my family, I had to, our honor was on the line.”
“Did you win?”
“Of course.” Azula scoffed, Ty Lee shook her head, trying not to laugh,
“Princess Azula, you are far more entertaining than I ever thought, perhaps being married to you won’t be all that terrible.” Azula smiled slightly,
“That makes the two of us Lady Ty Lee.”
A/N: Failproof flirting technique: show a girl your dragon
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dragons-i-guess · 3 months
Fic idea that I may or may not ever write #2: A Frozen Ember
So this one is inspired by The One Where Hakoda is Kiyi's Dad, but takes a slightly different direction with it. Most notably, removing the Hakoda/Ursa romance and having them be purely platonic. Nothing against their romance, it's just not my cup of tea.
After killing Azulon and being banished by Ozai, instead of returning to her hometown, is placed on a tiny ship all on her own with barely any supplies and set adrift in the ocean, obviously meant to die of drowning, dehydration, or starvation. Instead, by luck or some design of fate, she's shipwrecked in the South Pole and found by Hakoda on a hunting trip. She's near dead by the time she's found, and initially he only plans on getting her well enough to interrogate her.
He wants to know where the ship that launched her boat is and where the rest of the crew are. She says there was no other ship and she was the only one aboard. He doesn't believe her at first, but she says that she was banished. She admits to killing her husband's father because he was going to kill her son, but not who said husband, father-in-law, and son are. After grilling her for some time, Hakoda decides to bring her back to the village for now until he decides whether or not he believes her story and what to do with her.
He never really makes a conscience decision, but she is determined if not very skilled with helping the other women of the village cook, mend, clean and what-not, and as the days drag on she just . . . settled into the village. She's clearly not used to physical labor, but she does it with a grit and determination that earns her respect from the tribes people, and her kindness and humility also earn their regard. And without anyone ever really deciding it, she just becomes part of the village.
Until word drifts in from abroad. The Fire Lord is dead. His son has taken the throne. And the Fire Lady has mysteriously vanished. The Fire Lady with a suspiciously similar name to their new guest. Hakoda puts two and two together and confronts her. She admits to everything. She says all she wants is to move past where she came from and start a new life. Hakoda, in a moment of weakness or kindness depending on who you ask, decides to let her stay. She works hard and earns her keep, and if she's never fully accepted as one of them, enough of the village doesn't reject her that she's comfortable enough.
Fast forward three years, Katara and Sokka find Aang, Zuko crashes into the village and . . . why does that random water tribe woman recognize him? Why does she look so similar? Wait, is that . . . no, it can't be . . . He's in denial at first, but she talks about how they used to feed the turtleducks together, how she would tuck him in and tell him stories. She touches his scar and asks if he did this to him. Zuko tries to say that he deserved it, that he disrespected him, but Ursa is having none of it. She takes him in her arms and cries, saying she should have taken both Zuko and Azula and run away, long before Azulon called for his head.
And that's as far as I've thought it through. Where it would go from there, I'm not really sure. Maybe Zuko converts to good a lot sooner. Maybe he accuses the Water Tribe of kidnapping and brainwashing her. idk.
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is there a way back home? Series
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: dont-leaf-me-alone
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, Major Injury, Child Abuse, Alcohol Use, Underage, Character Death, Strong Language
Word Count: 315, 336
Pairings: Maiko, JetLee
Characters: Hakoda, Zuko, Bato, Hakoda's Crew, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Iroh,  Zuko's Crew,  Jee, Jin, Hakoda's Crew, Azula, Jet, Ursa, Kiyi, Water Tribe Characters, Mai, Ty Lee, Smellerbee, Longshot, The Duke, Southern Water Tribe Characters, Ozai, June, Nyla, Jeong Jeong
Tags: Parental Hakoda, Original Characters aren't mine, credit to Muffinlance for them, Zuko's Scar,  Hakoda is a Good Parent, Southern Water Tribe, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Hurt Zuko, When I say 'Zuko's Scar' it's a lot more like 'Zuko's fresh burn wound', Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Boats and Ships, Angst, Iroh is a Good Uncle, Blood and Injury, Ozai Being a Terrible Parent, Ozai is an Asshole, Ozai Can Kiss My Ass, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Jin shall be included, because I love her, Earthbender Jin, Hakoda's Perpetual Headache, Earthbending & Earthbenders, Firebending & Firebenders, I decided geese and goats weren't insufferable enough as separate animals, so you get them in one unholy fusion!, Unreliable Narrator(s), Zuko Needs a Hug, Protective Azula, God I hate Ozai with a burning passion, Goose-goat hybrid, Zuko's Angst Coma™, Past Child Abuse, Injury, Credit to Muffinlance for the Akhlut and crew, Air Nomad Genocide. Underage Drinking, Drinking, teenagers being dumb, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Unreliable Narrator, Zhao Is An Asshole, Zuko's luck is the actual worst, Fun fact! This fic is a self-indulgent Mess™, also Jet is here for a bit so that's fun, those two tags may be related, can't believe i forgot that tag, Jet Redemption, (Sort of? He hasn't actually done anything bad yet, so. Is it really redemption?), Hakoda Adopts Zuko, Iroh Adopts Zuko, They Can Coexist, Jet Lives, Jet Is An Asshole, Zuko Is ALSO An Asshole, they are assholes to each other, which is the foundation of their friendship, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Self-Indulgent Mess Part III, Credit to MuffinLance for the Water Tribe OCs & Zuko's crew, Goose-goat hybrid returns, Zuko Gets a Hug, Kustaa (MuffinLance) is ALSO a Good Uncle, Azula Redemption, eventually, Jet Lives, Goose-goat returns!, Inspired by Salvage - MuffinLance, Ozai Being an Asshole, (Because Ozai), Slow burn friendship, Who let me write this mess?, I'd like to speak with a manager, Zuko is a Good Brother, Jet & Jin are horrible influences, and WILL corrupt Kiyi, Found Family, so much found family, Questionable parenting choices, questionable life choices, Minor Character Death, Significant death but insignificant character, Jet Is NOT An Asshole, Protective Zuko, Ursa is a Parent, not necessarily good or bad, ALL THE FOUND FAMILY, Ba Sing Se, Some Plot, look i'm not great with plot, you know that by now, Badass Mai, Goose-goat is back again! And here to stay, This is just a character salad, and I'm the chef tossing it in a vinaigrette of chaos, Minor Mai/Zuko, Whoo boy we just keep filling out this cast of characters huh, Team as Family, Ursa is still A Parent, Protective Jet, Azula Recovery, because redemption is kind of not the right word in this case, Azula Needs a Hug, will she LET anyone hug her? Probably not, Minor Mai/Zuko, just a smidge for flavor, no waterbenders YET, Friendship, Enemies to Friends, Goose-goat WILL BE IN THIS ONE, The Dai Li, Long Feng Being an Asshole, Bad Parent Ozai, Minor Jet/Ty Lee, just kinda sprinkled in there for some zazz, we just keep coming back to that
you’ll find that i’m unshakeable
A thirteen-year-old Fire Nation Prince winds up on a ship with the Chief of a minor village in the Southern Water Tribe.
Chaos ensues.
like a comet pulled from orbit
A Water Tribe ship's small crew must come to terms with the fact that their prisoner isn't a prisoner anymore, and the Fire Prince must come to terms with the fact he's neither a prisoner nor a Prince anymore.
Sequel and direct continuation of 'you'll find that i'm unshakeable'.
who knows where this road may go?
Zuko has been reunited with Uncle. Hakoda is on his way to find Zuko and his captured crewmembers. Jet is a walking crisis. What could go wrong?
Sequel and direct continuation of 'like a comet pulled from orbit'.
i am brave, i am bruised
One of these days, Hakoda's going to have to put a stop to this whole 'hitching a ride on his ship' business. For now, he's learning to co-parent with a former Fire Nation royal. How did his life come to this point?
Sequel and direct continuation of 'who knows where this road may go?'
the sun will rise
After a catastrophic Fire Nation family reunion, the crew — plus three more Fire Nation ex-nobles — are bound for Ba Sing Se. Hopefully, they can all hold their sanity together until then.
Sequel and direct continuation of 'i am brave, i am bruised'.
show the way the world can be
With Ari reunited with his brother, Jet reunited with his Freedom Fighters, and the whole crew soon to be reunited with the Akhlut, they're finally Ba-Sing-Se-bound, for real this time. It's sure to be smooth sailing from here! Right?
0 notes
waterfire1848 · 3 years
Azula: Ya, but with Zuzu the little sister was in charge.
Azula to Kiyi: That’s not gonna happen with us.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt23
thank you so much for your support last chapter!! i super duper appreciate each and every one of you :) if you can, pls share!! but u don’t have to i will love u just the same WARNING THOUGH MINOR SPOILERS FOR THE COMICS IN HERE READ AT UR OWN RISK
“It’s my fault mostly, I think. I pushed him away when I shouldn’t have and I didn’t tell him why. Then today, everything seemed normal again.” (Y/N) laughed. “I guess I don’t really know what normal is for Zuko and I anymore.” 
Zuko had been gone for a few months. He had missed his own eighteenth birthday, as well as (Y/N’s) seventeenth. Sometimes he sent messenger hawks back home, indicating that all was well and he would return shortly, but that was the extent of his messages. Every time she saw a hawk fly into the palace, (Y/N) felt her chest tighten in anticipation of what Zuko would say. Did he find his mother? Would she be returning home with him? What had she been doing all of this time? (Y/N) didn’t like having more questions than answers. 
During Zuko’s absence, she and Ren became a lot closer. She had fun on the few dates they had gone on and enjoyed his company, but she wasn’t quite sure if she was ready to call him her boyfriend. After all, the first boyfriend she had broke up with her because of the boy she had loved her entire life who now had a girlfriend, so she didn’t have the best of luck in the boyfriend department. 
But there was also part of her that urged her to take a chance on Ren. He was kind and smart and loved to hear about her adventures, and he was the first person she had ever befriended that wasn’t in her immediate group. He was different than anything she had experienced before. He had never fought anyone if it wasn’t for practicing earthbending and he certainly had never feared for his life. He liked to drink tea and create tiny creatures for her using his bending. He was normal. (Y/N) liked normal. 
She had been walking the halls of the palace with Ren when she noticed the servants all begin running around. Confused, she stopped one to ask what was going on. Her reflexes immediately prepared for a fight, but calmed once she saw the excited smile on the servant girl’s face. “The Fire Lord and his mother are arriving!” 
(Y/N) would feel a little bit bad later, for leaving Ren behind, but in that moment she darted out of the palace and into the courtyard, where a large carriage was pulling up. She walked down the steps with her robes billowing behind her and ignored the servants hushed whispers about what a proper royal greeting was. She ran up to the carriage and flung the door open before the servants could. Zuko’s face appeared first, only inches from hers, and a smile slowly crept onto his features. She let him crawl out of the carriage before wrapping him in a hug. 
“Don’t ever leave for that long again!” She exclaimed, punching him lightly in the shoulder. 
“Ow!” He feigned hurt, rubbing his arm. “You could’ve come with me, you know.” 
“Someone had to keep this place running.” She rolled her eyes playfully before diverting them back to the carriage. Another man stepped out with a little girl who could be no older than five. (Y/N) looked at Zuko quizzically before the final passenger exited. 
When she was younger, (Y/N) thought that Ursa was the prettiest woman in the Fire Nation. She had been so different from the rest of the royal family. Her kindness exuded from her. Ursa had always been able to tell when (Y/N) was upset and talked her through some of the more difficult issues she had experienced with her parents. Despite being royalty, she had never treated (Y/N) any differently than her other children. She had been the mother that (Y/N) always wanted. 
So for those very reasons, (Y/N) could not help her eyes from welling with tears when she stared at Ursa’s face. She tried her best to hold back her tears so that she could speak. “I don’t know if you remember me, but--” 
“(Y/N),” Ursa said. “Of course I remember you.” And (Y/N) couldn’t help but throw herself at Ursa and wrap her arms around her. Ursa held her tight and stroked her hair like she used to when she was a child. 
She pulled away, wiping violently at the tears that streamed down her face. She gave the group a small smile. “Sorry, I really thought I’d be able to control myself better.” 
“(Y/N), this is my husband, Noren,” Ursa gestured to the man standing beside her. (Y/N) gave him a curt smile and a bow.
“Zuko has told us a lot about you,” Noren said. She looked back to see Zuko’s face turn a shade of bright red. 
“Good things, I hope.” 
Ursa gestured down to the little girl at Noren’s side. “And this is Kiyi, our daughter.” (Y/N) bent down to Kiyi’s level and stuck out her hand for her to shake. 
“Hi, Kiyi,” She said softly. “I’m (Y/N), Zuko’s friend.” 
“Zuzu,” Kiyi said quietly, before hiding behind her father’s leg. The statement surprised (Y/N), because there was only one other person in the world who called him that. And she just so happened to be missing from this happy reunion. She looked at Zuko again and he gave her a slight shake of his head, indicating that they would discuss Azula later. 
“Who is that?” Noren asked, nodding his head toward Ren. (Y/N’s) eyes opened wide as she realized she had completely forgotten about him in the excitement. 
“Oh!” She exclaimed, running back to Ren to pull him toward the group. “I’m so sorry, we were walking around the palace before you guys got here. This is Ren! My--” 
“Her boyfriend,” Ren said with a smile, giving a bow to Zuko and his family. “It’s truly an honor to meet all of you. Especially you, Fire Lord, I’ve heard so much about you.” 
(Y/N) watched as Zuko’s pleasant smile turned into a deep frown. She took a step away to distance herself from Ren before putting a smile on her own face. “You all have been traveling for so long, why don’t I ask the kitchens to put a nice dinner together?”
“We’d love that!” Ursa said cheerfully. If she had caught on to the awkward moment, she gave no indication. “Will you be joining us, Ren?” 
“I’d rather this just be a family affair,” Zuko said. (Y/N) knew that tone. He was angry, but she didn’t know why. 
“No problem!” Ren said with a smile. He grabbed (Y/N’s) hand. “You can have dinner at my house, if you’d like.” 
“(Y/N) is family,” Zuko stared down at Ren disapprovingly. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” (Y/N) said, desperate to get everyone out of the tense situation. He turned to her and smiled once more before kissing her on the cheek and walking away. (Y/N) felt her face heat up, but she wasn’t sure if it was from flattery or embarrassment. 
At dinner, Zuko and (Y/N) walked Ursa and Noren through their past few years together, starting at Zuko’s banishment and finishing right before he left to find his mother. Kiyi sat quietly at the dinner table, playing with her noodles. 
“Does the palace still make fruit tarts?” Ursa questioned. Both (Y/N) and Zuko nodded. 
“They can make whatever you’d like,” Zuko said, but Ursa shook her head. 
“I’d like a fruit tart. If there’s one thing I’ve missed besides the two of you, it’s those tarts.” The servants left the dining room immediately to prepare the treat. “Fruit tarts are the reason (Y/N) and Zuko are such close friends.” 
“Oh?” Noren raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure that’s an interesting story.” 
“Not as interesting as you might think,” (Y/N) admitted. “I came to Zuko’s tenth birthday party and all the fruit tarts were gone, so he snuck me down to the kitchens to get some more.” 
“I still remember the look on Little (Y/N’s) face when she saw me catch them,” Ursa laughed. 
“As a nine year old, I found the royal family to be very intimidating!” 
“You don’t now?” Zuko asked, a hint of a playful smile at his lips. (Y/N) scoffed. 
“You’re about as intimidating as a turtle duck.” They all erupted into laughter. (Y/N) couldn’t help but think that this is what home felt like. 
On the rare occasion that (Y/N) couldn’t sleep, she liked walking out to the pond and sitting in the moonlight. It was one of the few moments when her life was actually peaceful and while she usually sat alone, she liked to pretend that Yue was sitting right beside her. 
That night, (Y/N) tried her hardest to get to sleep, but she couldn’t. Her mind raced with the days’ events. She was so excited to reunite with Ursa and meet her family, but she was also confused as to why Ren would so boldly put a label on their relationship when it wasn’t something they had discussed. She also couldn’t figure out why Zuko was upset. (Y/N) hated not knowing things, so she chose to walk down to the pond to hopefully clear her head. 
When she arrived, Ursa was already sitting by the edge of the pond. She noticed (Y/N’s) presence almost immediately and pat the grass beside her. “A lot on your mind?” 
(Y/N) sighed. “You have no idea.” 
“I used to come here whenever I had something to think about, too. I’m here to listen, if you need it.” 
“I don’t know how much Zuko has told you about me, but before he left, our relationship was sort of...bad. We had become very distant from each other.” 
“Why is that?” 
“It’s my fault mostly, I think. I pushed him away when I shouldn’t have and I didn’t tell him why. Then today, everything seemed normal again.” (Y/N) laughed. “I guess I don’t really know what normal is for Zuko and I anymore.” 
“I think, for you two, normal is being together. Whatever that might entail.” (Y/N) stared at Ursa for a moment before turning to the pond to mull over what she meant. After a brief lull in conversation, Ursa spoke again. “How long have you and Ren been together?” 
(Y/N) shrugged. “A few months? We’ve gone on a few dates and I liked spending time with him, but today was the first day he had ever called himself my boyfriend.” 
“That’s good news, isn’t it?” The truth was, (Y/N) wasn’t so sure. She knew he meant well, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that today hadn’t been the best day to say something like that. 
“Maybe,” was all (Y/N) could say. She hated being like this. She thought she had grown into someone who was sure of herself. Now, her emotions were one scrambled mess. She couldn’t quite tell how she felt about anyone. “Why are you sitting out here?” 
“Being here brings back many memories. Some happy, others not so much.” Ursa smiled at her. “I’m sure you’ve come to realize the intricacies of palace life.” (Y/N) nodded. 
“Zuko and I have spent a long time trying to figure out who to trust.” 
“At least you know you can trust each other.” Ursa paused for a moment, as if she wasn’t sure if she should say what she was about to say. “I was very happy when Zuko told me you were still in his life. You were set on such different paths after his banishment. I’m glad he had someone like you to come back to.” 
“It took a while,” (Y/N) admitted. “A long while. But we got there eventually.” 
“I believe that the strongest relationships are held together by unbreakable strings. No matter where you go, you will always have Zuko.” Ursa punctuated her sentence with a yawn. “We should get to bed. I heard some servants whispering about a celebratory breakfast. And lunch.” 
Weeks passed and Zuko became increasingly happier in his position as Fire Lord. Having his mother around stepfather around was a nice treat and he was thoroughly enjoying getting closer with his half-sister, Kiyi. Even his relationship with (Y/N) felt like it was starting to improve again. The only downside to everything was Ren. 
Zuko didn’t like Ren from the moment (Y/N) brought him over, but he had tried to hide that from her. When Ren introduced himself as her boyfriend, Zuko felt an anger rise in him that he had never experienced before. Sure, he had been a little jealous when (Y/N) was with Sokka, but he knew Sokka was a good person at heart and would treat her kindly no matter what. He could trust Sokka with (Y/N). Every fiber of his being told him not to trust Ren. He wasn’t sure why, but his own instincts hadn’t failed him recently. So whenever he could, he would insert himself into their walks or conversations. He tried to play it off as friendliness, but he could tell that (Y/N) knew something was off. 
Zuko had been walking down one of the less-traveled corridors of the palace since his meeting had ended early. When he had a foggy mind, he liked to clear his head by walking around the expansive halls. He usually ended his walks feeling refreshed. 
Zuko was surprised when he heard voices coming from one of the rooms in the hall. He followed the voices to the very end of the hall, where the door had been left slightly ajar. Zuko peered through the crack in the door and saw Ren talking to his father, a very wealthy Earth Kingdom aristocrat. 
“How are things with the girl?” His father asked. 
“Very well! She and I spend all of our free time together when the Fire Lord isn’t around.” Zuko frowned. 
“And she’s falling for you?” 
“Definitely. She’s a giggly mess whenever I’m around. I plan on proposing by the end of the year.” 
This nearly sent Zuko to the ground. He hadn’t realized that (Y/N) and Ren were far enough along in their relationship to consider marriage. (Y/N) hadn’t even mentioned it to Zuko. 
“She has no clue what you’re doing, correct?” 
“Not one. When she’s not with me, she’s busy running around for the Fire Lord.” 
“Excellent,” Ren’s father drawled. “With her as an addition to our family, we’ll be able to get the Fire Lord to do anything we want.” 
“He’s practically in love with her. He’ll do anything she says, I guarantee it.” 
Zuko realized that that was the real reason why Ren wanted to be with (Y/N). He didn’t care for her at all, he simply wanted to use her connection to him to further his family’s political advances. The anger inside of him burned hot and bright, and it took everything in him to not send a fireball at them right then. Instead, he walked away. 
When Zuko found Ren and his father again, they were on their way out of the palace. “Wait!” Zuko called out, running down the steps to catch up to them. His guards followed him like shadows. Ren and his father turned around and bowed at him. 
“Fire Lord Zuko,” Ren’s father said. “To what do we owe this pleasure?” 
“I would like to inform the two of you that you are no longer welcome in the Fire Nation. From this moment on, you are banished from our land.” 
“What?” Ren asked, his jaw dropping in disbelief. Zuko turned to face him. 
“I heard all about your little plan to marry (Y/N) to get me to do your bidding. I knew I didn’t like you from the first day that I met you. I didn’t know until today that there was an actual reason.” 
“You’re insane,” Ren spat, just as his father said, “This is all a misunderstanding.” 
Zuko set his jaw and raised his chin high. “I know what I heard. I am Fire Lord Zuko and I will not tolerate conspiracy, regardless of who perpetrates it. For this reason, you are banished from the Fire Nation.” The guards seized the two men and dragged them off of the palace grounds as they shouted curses at Zuko. 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , @agentsofblinks , @happyariesbabey , @slytherky , @uglipotata72829 , @og-disaster-bi , @animeluver23 
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loopy777 · 3 years
RE: WIPs game: Actress Mai. what is she acting in? besides her ongoing starring role as Repressed Perfect Child?
Ah, "Actress Mai." This is a headcanon I keep chipping away at in the hopes that I'll eventually have something I want to publish. I have a whole host of little ideas and scene concepts, but only one actual WIP.
It started with the idea that Zuko and Ursa are theater snobs. Sure, Ursa apparently attended Ember Island Player performances, which Zuko disdained, but my thought is that she took what she could get in terms of live theater with her family even if she agreed with his criticisms. However, I like to headcanon that Mai loves the Ember Island Players, hates classical theater, and generally is the type of person who thinks that Michael Bay movies are great and more people should just turn off their brains and allow themselves to be entertained.
Well, because character conflict is what makes stories interesting. Zuko gritting his teeth through Mai's praise of how the EIPs finally made "Love Amongst the Dragons" interesting? Gold! Ursa and Mai getting into heated drunken arguments about theater styles? Gold! Mai convincing Kiyi of the good points of the controversial 'Love Amongst the Dragons II: Love Harder' (which is canon to at least two of my Maiko fics) while Zuko and Ursa grit their teeth? Solid gold!
This fun little conflict turned into something more, though. If Ursa and Mai are dark mirrors of each other in terms of theater tastes, then it felt like Mai needed a little acting history to parallel Ursa's own. But Ursa could be a publicly known actress because she was a peasant; such a profession was okay for her. Mai is a noble, though, and an acting job would be seen as beneath her, especially as a woman, as Polite Fire Society knows (or thinks it knows) that 'actress' is really just a polite term for prostitute. This is a takeoff from some real-life history stuff that I first learned of through Sherlock Holmes stories. Apparently, Irene Adler being an 'opera singer' was a thing British readers would recognize as being of a sordid nature.
So I decided that Mai did some secret, illicit acting anonymously during her childhood and teenage years. She stumbled across an opportunity, gave it a try, and found it fulfilling despite the social stigma. She liked being able to project emotions of all kinds in public, while at the same time shielded by masks or makeup or costumes or whatever. She liked being other people, people who find love with their heroes or die tragically to teach everyone a point or villainously ruin everything around them as a force of vengeful nature. It was the only opportunity for expression that she had, as well as a quiet form of rebellion. So for years she snuck out of the capital, down to Harbor City, and acted in all kinds of plays for a troupe that accepted not paying her as a fair trade for keeping her anonymous.
Naturally, moving to Omashu put a crimp on that, and so it ended.
So the idea is that Ursa eventually learns this about Mai after years of their butting heads over theater opinions, sees the parallels and perpendiculars in their lives, and grudgingly comes to respect Mai's completely wrong opinions about theater as at least being informed. And Mai, who is good at acting and does know the classics and would be wasted in the Ember Island Players, helps Ursa out with some plays she writes (still anonymous, although Zuko and Ursa know) even though Mai privately thinks the dialogue is too stilted and the stories kind of cliched.
But I have had trouble beating all of this into a proper story. I want to do flashbacks to Mai on stage, I want to show her conflict with Ursa, I want to reveal how Ty Lee found out and used that to get Mai to accept running away to the circus, I want Zuko's reaction to finding that his wife can recite soliloquies from all the major classics, I want Kiyi becoming an Ember Island Players groupie, etc. It's just missing a plot to hang it all on.
So here's a snippet of one of my attempts to construct something:
Noren grimaced. "Honestly, I was impressed we got enough people to fill out all the parts, never mind understudies. This play-"
"-is important," Ursa finished for him.
He hesitated just a moment before nodding. "And it's important for the same reasons that it was tough to get actors. I'm sure once Zuko sees it and can give it his official approval-"
"But he can't see anything without a Rinzen." Ursa thought about her son out there in the audience, anonymous amidst the 'peasants' of Hira'a. Zuko didn't mind mixing with his people, despite being their Lord, but the only reason he was here, tonight, was because Ursa herself had written the play, and he was a good son who would always support his mother.
Zuko had even brought his friends, including the Avatar. Aang was a delightful young man, and always very nice to Ursa, but she couldn't help but feel trepidation at his presence. After all, Avatar Roku, Ursa's grandfather and Aang's previous life, was a major character in this play, and while the story was based on real events, it was Ursa's hand that had shaped his dialogue and actions. She was putting her thoughts and philosophies, her very heart, out on the stage for public assessment, and this was tricky material. Would it do right by history?
Plus the lead actress was sick, and going by her complaints and the smell of the privy, perhaps dying.
Ursa had to tell herself that her audience, her friends and family and neighbors, wouldn't enjoy this play becoming a disaster. None of them were that bad. This wasn't the Capital. And she wasn't a princess. Not anymore.
So why had she taken it on herself to write this play, to positively dramatize a story of an ancestor who a few years ago was considered a heretic and traitor, to will into being a performance right here in the Fire Nation of a play that featured a heroic Air Nomad character whose actress was currently trapped in the privy?
Because her nation had hurt the world, and she wouldn't leave it to her son alone to do all the work of helping to fix that. That's why.
"Maybe," she ventured, "I could play the part."
Noren frowned. "You? But you're playing the Lady of Glass, and the characters share several scenes."
But Ursa was already analyzing the copy of the script that existed in her mind. "Rinzen has a lot more lines than the glass spirit, and I'm the only one who knows them. And playing a spirit is a lot easier than playing an Air Nomad. A spirit is just a voice, a costume, and some special effects. An Air Nomad character is a performance, and we're fresh out of actresses."
Noren's head tilted from side to side. "We could ask Kiyi. She knows the play by heart. She's a bit young for the part, yes, but-"
"No," Ursa cut him off. "She'd say yes if we asked her, but she hates being on stage. I'm not going to do that to her. I'd rather call off the play and see if our Rinzen is feeling better tomorrow."
Noren blanched at the very thought and made a gesture of good luck. "Well, maybe we can find a new Lady of Glass. And adjust the Rinzen costume. So are you thinking we'll just go on stage and ask the crowd who wants to join the cast, or maybe-"
And then there was a shift behind Noren, the red curtain over the office's doorway being pulled aside to reveal a living shadow. It seemed to Ursa that a chill had entered the room.
Lady Mai, Intended to Fire Lord Zuko, had arrived.
Ursa stiffened as Mai stepped into the office and let the curtain fall back into place. Time and familiarity had not made it any easier to be in a room with her son's lover. She had no real doubts about Mai, no resentment over the early difficulties Zuko that had apparently been overcome, but it was hard to reconcile Azula's shy and dour childhood companion with what existed now. Mai walked around covered with knives, watching everything; she never spoke unless there was an explicit need, but her gaze was always focused and her eyes missed nothing.
And it was in Mai's kind of silent, watchful abyss that Judgement grew. Ursa did not have a good feeling about how Mai likely judged her. How could a child of the Fire Nation's capital, someone who had become strong alongside Azula, a world-class warrior whose last stand for the life of her lover was already the subject of at least one popular poem, have any empathy for Ursa's life or the mistakes she had made?
Mai looked at her with dull eyes. "Is everything okay? The crowd is getting restless, and Zuko was worried. I told him I'd check on things so that he wouldn't miss the beginning of the play."
Ursa hesitated against that flat, low voice, and Noren stepped in to answer, "Our lead actress is sick. Ursa and I were just discussing options. There- uh, there aren't a lot of them."
Mai might as well have been told that dinner was planned to include green sprouts, but they were all out and so the yellow ones would be substituted. "Which part?"
Ursa swallowed. "The Air Nomad girl, Rinzen."
Mai quirked an eyebrow. "The heroine." She was still and silent for a long moment, and then sighed. "Zuko's really been looking forward to this. I guess I can help out. All right, I'll be your Rinzen."
Ursa wasn't quite sure she had heard that right. "You- you want to take the part? But-" Her voice faltered, as all the possible objections swirled through her mind. Mai was, to put it simply, completely lacking in charisma and non-threatening presence. She spoke without emotion. She moved so efficiently that no one in the back of the audience would even notice her. And she was so disinterested in everything that she'd probably nod off in the middle of the performance.
Noren offered a troubled smile. "Thank you for the offer, but acting is harder than it looks. It's not just about going on stage and reciting lines. An actress needs-"
"It's Nomad part, right?" Mai shrugged. "So we want a high, bright voice. Circular gestures. A bounce in all the movements. Here, like this." She stretched out her arms, shook her head, and then-
-and then-
-and then Mai was no longer there. The woman in red and black looked like her, but there was a wide mischievous smile on her face, and her eyes were big and bright. She stepped towards Ursa- no, they weren't mere steps. She kicked her heels high with each one, and the way she shifted her weight flirted with almost being a dance. She held her arms up at her side as she moved, and then when she reached Ursa, swung them dramatically to bring her hands together into a sign of respect.
She bowed, and in a voice that positively rang and filled the room, said, "Are you not the Firebender Avatar, Roku? What a fortunate wind blows to lay my path upon your own!" She rose again, and trotted in a circle around Ursa. "I say, you are taller than I expected, and must be quite heavy. Are you sure you're keeping up with your Airbending, young Avatar?" She raised a hand and held it out to the side.
Noren recovered before Ursa did, realizing what was going on, and quickly found a rag and placed in the waiting hand.
Mai's eyes never left Ursa the whole time, and as soon as the rag was in her grip, she moved again, taking a stance that had clearly been modeled on Avatar Aang's own style, and held the rag out in front of her, dangling it from her fingers and bouncing it in the air.
Mai gave a laugh that was echoed through the little room. "Your beard flutters in my breeze! Come, young Avatar, let's have a spar!"
There was a beat, and Ursa was tempted to deliver Roku's next line in response, but then all at once the younger woman slumped, letting the grandness leak out of her limbs. When she straightened, Mai was back, standing like a blade made of shadow, her face blank and her eyes dull.
Ursa blinked. What had she just witnessed? So many questions swirled in her mind, and she decided to ask the most important of them: "You know all the lines?"
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haytsun · 4 years
i get the fandom like zuko be the goody-goody and no mistake prefect person and deny what he done properly are really worst but luck has iroh support the whole time
but can some of the fandom admin zuko has provoke azula why she didn't use lightning, i mean like…if he didn't said any fuckin of lightning he maybe would proper won this agni kai from mental ill girl
but yeah writers want “zutara” moment so yikes
and also think alot of the meaning that zuko said that,
one of it just the“zutara”moment,
second just made her more“evil/heartless”character,
third azula knew zuko want she to break the rule and well she had nothing to lose so yeah, yet zuko has plan that when azula shot lightning and he just redirect it(i'm gonna said zuko not that innocent lol he knew how to study people too(mostly he want everyone to like him bruh), he were born as a crown prince and no thanks for remind)
finally, show azula how strong when she was mental breakdown situation still can bend lightning as we all know bend lightning must be still
lightning me azula😃
i do feel azula and zuko agni kai is epic but still, zuko final demon not azula its ozai, and he didn't have that gut to fight, the black sun he just redirect and said it was avatar faith and i was like okay dude but yeah sure thing learn from the most “powerful” firebender iroh😋aka fandom said he would simple killed ozai but believe is avatar faith to take down ozai when the avatar is still missing/under the sea
even at comic, well, zuko still need to used azula to get info from ozai to find his mother, bcuz he cant get words from his evil daddy
yeah, and one question tho
why the kyoshi warrior stay at fire nation to be guard when the earth kingdom still like restoring form damage? dont tell me is bcuz ty is fire nation, that would be suck, dont tell me bcuz they are friend so that would be more suck, gurl your nation need you too, dont the fire nation has own guard, oh if you said chiblock azula‘s warrior okay fine i accept😄
because of this comic cannon thing somehow i do dont like some post war fic just let suki compare him and azula which is better and which were more bad/evil i mean gurl even zuko did had redeem but he still had burn your village(lucky aang and unagi save the world) just like azula has conquer bss your nation
it suck when the fic wanna follow the cannon thing but ignore that zuko do have mistake not goody-goody prefect man cannon thought
(ps: he is good brother for kiyi because she was so imaginary sister and daughter(to ursa), but not for azula until he saw sokka put blanket for katara, yep only the time he did show he kinda care azula(ugh if you said they watch the show and talk about childhood, i dont concider as he is good brother, just he and azula has some kind of good memory as a kid doesn't meant he is good brother) it doesn't mean azula were better sibling, they used each other, but somehow azula did warn zuko many things not to pissed those general(he is the crown prince btw)so yeah they are not good sibling for each other, if said azula tried too killed zuko multiple times i would said zuko are the same as well)
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stardust948 · 4 months
Good Luck Kiyi AU
[At the hospital]
Ursa: What's going on here?!
Zuko: Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt.
Ursa: You weren't holding the baby were you?!
Ozai: Uh... yes. Then no. Then yes again.
Ursa: Ozai! You promised me you weren't going to drop this one!!!
Ursa: Ok. Out with it.
Azula: You completely embarrassed me tonight!
Ursa: Yeah that was the idea.
Azula: Why?! What did I ever do to you?!
Ursa, serious: You played me Azula. You don't think I'm cool at all.
Azula: Why would you think that?
Ursa: I heard you say it. When you butt-dialed me.
Azula: I- Oh...
Ursa: Yeah. Oh.
Azula: I don't know what to say mom. I'm sorry.
Ursa: ... That's a start.
Azula: I never should have done that. I feel awful.
Ursa: Now I feel better.
Azula: *laughs* Next time, could you ground me like a normal mom?
Ursa: Oh sweetie. *kisses her head* No.
[Zuko and Sokka trying to juggle]
Zuko: You throw first.
Sokka: No you throw first.
Zuko: No you!
Sokka: You do it!
*start arguing*
Azula, barging in: Sokka. Do you want to dance with me in the talent show?
Sokka: Yes.
Azula: Excellent. Let go to the basement and rehearse. *leaves*
Zuko: Whoa whoa! What just happened here?!
Sokka: Azula just asked me to dance with her. Let's not question it.
Zuko: So you're just gonna leave me hanging?
Sokka: Zuko, you and I are best buds. We've been through thick and thin together. You know I will always be there for-
Azula: SOKKA!
Sokka: See ya. *leaves*
[After band rehearsal]
Ozai: Told you I still got it.
Sokka: Mr. Hong you are the answer to our prayers! How would you like to be in our-
Zuko: *covers his mouth* Band meeting. *drags him to the other side of the room*
Ozai: Band meeting? That's never good. That's how I got thrown out of Flight of Phoenix King Ozai.
Zuko: Sokka, I don't want to be the loser who's in a band with his dad!
Ozai: Little quieter guys.
Sokka: I know he's old, but what other choice do we have?!
Ozai: Still hearing it.
Katara: *wakes up in the middle of the night and dials her phone*
Katara: Azula! I'm up at the ski lodge and met this psychic who told me I'd meet the love of my life then I met the guy then I met another guy! Then you won't believe who showed up so that makes three guys and I need your help!!!
Katara: Oh, this is Katara.
[Zuko and Ursa in his new car]
Zuko: What do you think mom?
Ursa: Well... it's a car. Where did you get it?
Zuko: Used to belong to Mai's grandma.
Ursa: Oh, did she stop driving?
Zuko: No breathing. Thankfully it was at a stop sign so there was no body damage. To the car that is.
Ursa: Wait so she passed away in here?
Zuko: Right were you're sitting.
Ursa: And I'm out.
Ursa, barging inside the kitchen: That was embarrassing!
Ozai: It was a simple question!
Zuko and Katara:
Ursa: Your father shouts at me from two ails away, "Ursa! What kind of toilet paper do you use? Quitted or Super quitted?!"
Zuko: Hey look Katara's here!
Katara: *waves awkwardly*
Ozai: So what?! The world doesn't know the great Ursa Hong uses toilet paper?!
Katara: Nice to see you Mr. and Mrs. Hong.
Ursa: And after all that shouting you got the wrong kind!
Ozai: That's because I'm not Ozai the toilet paper psychic!!!
Zuko: Let's go to your house.
Katara: Yeah.
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Limerence [M] ︳24
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
AU: Adult-Verse
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 4500+
Notes: I noticed that on Quotev (I post there and Wattpad if you guys didn’t know) we’re so close to hitting 300 hearts, which is an overwhelming feeling because I never thought I would ever hit that point! I plan on working on a short chapter as a thank you gift for sticking around and supporting my writing journey. It’s the only way I know how to say thank you for the love and support I’ve gotten <3 
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! It’s a bit sad (you’ll see why...). But I want to get your opinions and comments! Thank you for everything; the comments and support, and take care of yourselves!
Masterlist ︳23 ︳ Bonus pt. 1
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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(French/n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one's life.
 ~ Fire Lord Zuko ~
            My jaw dropped before I could stop, sitting upright as I leaned forward, looking at Aang dead in the eye. Marriage.
            “Aang…of course I’ll support your decision, anything you need, as Fire Lord - as a friend, I’ll do whatever I can,” I spoke with the stupidest grin on my face.
            The look of relief that washed over Aang, slouching forward as he laughed lightly, “You don’t know how much I needed to hear that.” He muttered, shaking his head as he rubbed his face in relief.  He looked as if he finally told me his biggest secret, and in all fairness, it was a big deal.
            Marriage - fuck, we’re getting old. A sigh escaped me, as I let my elbows rest on the study.
            It was absurd to think that we’ve reached a point in our lives where things like this – things like marriage and children was now the main focus of our conversations. That our old days of goofing off and being a group of kids were slowly disappearing. And that by next year – Aang and Katara may officially be married.
            “Have you told Sokka or Yue yet?” I asked, watching the way Aang fidget in his seat.
            “I told Hakoda a few months back, and he gave me his blessings. But I haven’t told Sokka or Yue yet…”
            “Well, I can tell you Yue will be overjoyed. She loves you.”
            Aang smiled brightly, hearing my words, “I love Katara, and I really needed to just tell you before I told them. But I think you’re right; I don’t think I’ll have much trouble with Sokka or Yue…” I nodded my head. I didn’t blame him one bit - I would be scared shitless too.
            Aang wasn’t just going to be the ‘Avatar,’ he was going to be a husband – and maybe even a father in the future. And in my books, being a husband or father was scarier than being the Avatar.
            A soft giggle caught my attention, and without a second thought, my body started twisting in my chair to the open window behind me. An automatic reaction, my mind and body already knew that laugh all too well – learned to crave it. It was an amorous giggle, light and innocent, a sound that effortlessly carried in the gentle breezes – Yue.
            Toph was Earthbending away, fixing the waterfall to its glory with ease, Suki giving her creative input. But more importantly, I could see Yue.
            She was hugging Kiyi in her arms under one of the cherry blossom trees, smiling radiantly. Her white robes clashed against Kiyi’s scarlet dress, the sun illuminating, making her seem like a divine spirit.
            She’s beautiful – so fucking beautiful. My breath hitch slightly, just looking at her. “When are you going to pop the question?”
            My eyes widen, turning back to face Aang, confused by his words, “Sorry what?” I blubbered, taken off guard. Aang snickered, crossing his arms as he raised his brows at me, “You and Yue – married.”
            “Oh cut me some slack,” I grumbled, looking down at the paperwork on my desk, trying to look busy to hid my flushed cheeks. But also because I didn’t want to admit it, how I dreamt of it – marriage, a family. If you told me that I would be here, blushing over a woman five years ago, I would’ve slapped you silly. But now, the thought of spending the rest of my life with her didn’t make me bat an eyelash.
            “All I’m gonna say is good luck – cause I’m pretty sure Sokka is plotting your death as we speak.” I snorted, looking up at Aang with a look of disbelief, but the grin Aang shot back confirmed my suspicions. “He’s still mad!?” I huffed, shaking my head as I pinched my nose. Talk about not letting things go.
            “Dude – she was topless, on your lap. If Suki wasn’t there, I could 100% say you would’ve been murdered.”
            “But SHE started it!” I groaned, throwing my hands into the air in defeat as Aang chuckled, “The best part is I believe you.” I leaned forward, pointing at Aang fervently, “Then why aren’t you helping me out if you know how much trouble Yue is!?”
            Aang leaned back, laughing as he shrugged his arms, “Because unlike you, I go back home with Sokka while you’re at least a good weeks distance.” I let out a grumble, cursing under my breath as I sat back down, Avatar my ass – he’s only out here protecting his own ass.
            “How did the walk with Kayto go last night, I didn’t get to ask Yue...”
            I rolled my eyes, “Fine from what I gathered. But Kayto…”
            “He’s trouble – isn’t he?”
            “More than any of us know,” I muttered.
            My head fell into the palms of my hands, huffing as guilt consume me. I shouldn’t have let Yue go alone, I knew better.
            “Two more days, that’s it, then they leave and…” I peeked through my fingers, waiting for Aang to finish his sentence, “How is the beach house going? Is it almost complete, do you think you two can go?” My hands covered my face once again, the abandoned beach house.
            Well, it wasn’t ‘abandoned’ anymore.
            It was one of the many side projects I decided to take on, a project involving the old vacation house on Ember Island. It had been years since I’ve stepped foot in that place, the last time being to camp out when we snuck into the Fire Nation to take down Ozai.
            I let it sit, rot - planning on demolishing the damn building within months of my rein; it held nothing but miserable and pitiful memories anyway. But Iroh convinced me otherwise, ‘let it stand, it’s doing no harm or good where it sits. You never know where your heart may lay in the future.’
            And like usual – Iroh was right.
            The moment we arrived in the Fire Nation, I commissioned the restoration of the old family home, stripping it from its previous title of ‘Ozai’s beach house’ to mine.
            Correction - ours.
            I pulled my hands down as I scratched my head. It was embarrassing, how much Yue had me wrapped around her finger unknowingly. But I couldn’t help it, just imagining the look on her face when I tell her I got the week off. Only me and her, in our family vacation home, a new set of memories to be made, “For the most part, yeah - it’s done. A few spare bedrooms have to be completed, but we could leave in the next few days to vacation.”
            “Did you tell Yue yet?”
            “Are you going to tell her…?”
            “What’s with you wanting me and her to get married, go on this vacation and what not?” I shyly grumbled, huffing to myself once again as I gazed out the window. Suki and Toph were arguing, spirits only know about what, while Yue was helping Kiyi plant some flowers in the gardens with some of the gardeners.
            Aang rolled his eyes, “Oh, how things have come full circle!” Aang cried, standing up and stretching his arms above him with a cheeky grin. I gave him a look, only causing Aang’s smile to largen, “You and Sokka used to tease me all the time about being in love with Katara. Now, look at you-you're worse than me!”
            “Oh shut up before I change my mind about helping you out with that bloody wedding of yours!” I hissed, crossing my arms in annoyance as I stripped my gaze from Yue, but I could still hear her laughing from the open window – fuck am I whipped.
            Aang snorted loudly, turning around, walking towards the door with a playfully wave, “Whatever, lover boy.”
            My eyes narrowed, flicking my fingers towards him, a little flicker of fire darting. With a twist of Aang’s wrist, he blew out the spark with wind, grinning madly. “Have fun getting married without me.” I puffed, only for Aang to laugh, “Seriously, Zuko…”
            I looked up at Aang, his cheery smile softening as he gazed at me, “Thanks for everything…for helping me with Republic City, this wedding stuff…” I leaned back in my chair, nodding at his words as Aang spoke.
            “And thank you for taking care of Yue…if I had known that you two would’ve hit it off as well you two did, I would’ve introduced you so much earlier.”
            I chuckled, leaning over my desk once again, getting ready to get back to work, “The least I could do after trying to capture you for how long.” I muttered under my breath.
            “Oh…and just to let you know…Appa may have eaten a tree or two in the gardens -BYE~.” My eyes widen, standing up straight but Aang was quicker, darting out the door with a loud laugh. I rubbed my temples in frustration, letting out a low hiss, but it didn’t take long for a small amused chuckle to escape me.
            This was my life now.
            And I wouldn’t change a damn thing.
 ~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
            I couldn’t stop laughing, dirt flying everywhere as Kiyi dug a small hole to plant the flowers. It was fascinating how children managed to get dirty so quickly. All we had to do was dig tiny holes, but there seemed to be more dirt on Kiyi than in the gardens.
            On the other hand, Toph and Suki continued bickering behind me.
            “I think you should make the waterfall a tad bit bigger.” Suki insisted as Toph frowned in annoyance, “BIGGER? Are you nuts, or are you nuts?” Toph huffed. I smiled, looking over my shoulder as they argued like an old married couple.
            I never realized how much of Sokka’s creativity had rubbed off onto Suki, spitting out artistic lingo that she could’ve only learned from the great Sokka himself. But it was adorable, how they shared quirks as the years have passed. Even Katara got a bit goofier, not so strict the longer she has been with Aang.
            I wonder…have I changed since being with Zuko? Has Zuko changed since being with me?
            “LOOK YUE. I planted a giant family. This plant is mommy, daddy, Zuzu, and this is you and me~!” She cheered, proudly pointing at the flowers planted in the soil. I smiled softly, letting my hand run along her messy bun, “It’s wonderful, thank you button.” I hummed, planting a peck upon her forehead. Family…
            “Imperial Consort Ying Yue.”
            My head shot upwards, a few guards standing in front of us. My brows pinched, nodding my head as I began standing up, “Yes?” What in the world-
            They moved aside, green flooding my vision, “Kayto…”
            He bore a radiant smile, his hands pleasantly interlocking in front of him as he tilted his head to the side, “May I borrow you for a moment? I’ll be quick flower, I promise.” His long black hair was tied up with ribbon; his green robes were a tad bit more casual than usual. But I also noticed a few scratches along his sun-kissed skin; I really did a number on him.
            Kiyi gazed up at us with big eyes and I could hear heavy footsteps behind me, “Not without us.” Suki grumbled Toph right on her heel.
            Kayto sighed, eyeing Suki and Toph with exasperation. But it was the subtle movement behind him that caught my attention, servants carrying bags? Wait a minute – is he leaving? But they were set to depart in two more days…
            I stepped forward, looking over my shoulder at Suki and Toph, “I’ll be fine.” Their eyes widen, frowning at my response.
            Something was off with Kayto.
            Logic would say to not bother with Kayto, ignore him – it was not like you guys literally just fought yesterday. But I couldn’t do that. My eyes studied his posture; he seemed different. And in all honesty, while Zuko and the gang despised him – I couldn’t, and I hated myself for it.
            I cursed at myself inwardly, frustration eating away at me how I wanted to be like Lia or Toph – outspoken and tough, not so forgiving. But I couldn’t, no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t.
            Kayto gazed at me - stunned, “Really?”
            My head slowly nodded, dusting off my dress from the remaining specks of dirt as I stepped forward, “Quickly.” I sternly spoke. Suki placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing. “Are you…sure?” She muttered softly, giving Kayto side eyes but I nodded. Something in my gut told me – told me to talk with him. The things I do, Zuko really is a man of patience to love me.
            “I’ll be okay, let's go?” I hummed, stepping forward, my hand leaving Kiyi’s hair.
            Toph and Suki gazed over me with hesitance, debating on whether or not they should stop me, but it was too late. I found myself walking with Kayto along the stoned path, not too far from them, but enough to speak in private. I could feel the lingering stares, not just from the gang, but from the servants, the guards, the gardeners – seemingly trying to tell me with their eyes that this was a BAD idea.
            Oh, the perks of having a soft heart.
            Kayto eyes looked down, quietly walking down the paths with me, not trying to hold my hand or engage in conversation. He was even cautious not to bump his shoulder with mine as he walked. The politeness, the gentleman-like behaviour – it was frightening. And a part of me strangely wanted him just to flirt.
            Anything besides this.
            Was something wrong? I puffed, why did it matter anywho?
            “You never told Zuko - petal.” He spoke, his voice barely a whisper as he abruptly stopped underneath a cherry blossom tree, shading us from the scorching heat of the sun. My feet froze, turning slightly to gaze at him, but his eyes weren’t on me. He watched the way the blossoms cascaded with the gentle breeze, falling at our feet. I sighed softly, playing with my fingers as I shook my head, “No…”
            “Why not little flower? I attacked you.”
            I opened my mouth but shut it quickly. Why? Why didn’t I tell Zuko? I had the chance, a chance to really expose him, but I didn’t. A frustrated huff escaped me as I shrugged my shoulders, pulling my arms around my waist, trying to comfort myself. “Would it really matter, if I did?”
            “It would’ve been a chance for you to put me in jail – we both know your Fire Lord would love that.”
            “Do you want that?”
            Kayto shut his mouth, gazing over me with conflicting emotions. It was strange; it was like something about last night made him change. What happened? He just wasn’t the same, and I found myself instinctively going closer to him, my hand unknowingly falling over his arm. He flinched, but I never moved, as I let my hand rest over his forearm.
            A pregnant pause fell between us, only for him to place his hand over mine a few seconds later. Cold – his hand is so cold.
            “Are you and the King leaving? Zuko told me you were leaving later…”
            “Just me, petal. I have certain tasks to attend to; I’m leaving tonight.” I frowned, “No one got to say goodbye-”
            “I don’t think Zuko is going to miss me much.” I scoffed, laughing softly as I shook my head, “That may be true, but I would like to say goodbye.”
            “You’re a strange one little flower…” Kayto muttered, but a soft smile danced upon his lips, and I smiled back. “I don’t know what you see in Zuko, how I would kill to have a woman like you by my side.”
            “And I don’t understand why you despise Zuko, how you don’t see what I see.”
            “You’re so in love with that man – willing to risk your damn life for him. You knew the risks you were taking, going on that walk with me. You knew.”
            “And I would do it again for him.”
            “I know…” He muttered, trailing off, running small circles along the top of my hand.
            That was it – his eyes.
            They were different. Usually, Kayto’s green eyes were intense, an emerald that could seemingly pierce through someone’s soul, but this time – they weren’t as fierce. They were softer, a paler shade. “I should’ve killed you – last night…” He said slowly, shaking his head, he isn’t lying.
            “…And why didn’t you?”
            “The same reason you didn’t kill me.” He answered. A soft sigh escaped me, as I gazed down at the floor. We were standing close to each other, our feet almost touching as the blossoms painted the ground. “Tell Zuko next time he lets you go on a walk with me, I ain’t returning you back.”
            I looked at him, Kayto crossing his arms, my hand dropping from him as he leaned forward, “Do me a favour flower, and close your eyes.”
            I pouted, shaking my head, “What? Are you crazy?”
            “Come on, flower, do it.”
            “So you can kill me?”
            “I had my chance yesterday, and I didn’t, so trust me.”
            Trust – something that people earned — worked hard for. Sokka would always say that my problem was I gave it away like flowers, only to have my heart broken. And Sokka right, but despite knowing that, I found myself closing my eyes.
            A soft breath hit my cheek, something moist brushing along my jaw, my scar. Oh my gosh, he’s - I gasped, my eyes widen just in time for Kayto to pull away. He kissed my scar, “Now I can die a happy man.”
            I found myself blushing. “I-if Zuko saw that-” I hissed, but Kayto just laughed, shaking his head, “Like I said – I would die happy.”
            I huffed out, ready to yell his ear off but he didn’t give me a chance. He turned on his heel, walking away from me. His black ponytail swaying from side to side, cheekily waving as he gazed over his shoulder, “It was a pleasure meeting you Ying Yue – Imperial Consort of the Almighty Fire Lord.”
            I watched him, unable to utter a word.
            Because for once, since the moment I met him – he smiled.
            A genuine smile of happiness.
            I felt my heart squeeze, unable to mutter a word as his figure disappeared towards the servants, eagerly packing his bags for departure.
            Kayto stopped for a second, gazing over his shoulder, waiting for me to speak. “B-before you go, would you like to stay for lunch, with Zuko and I?”
            Kayto chuckled, shaking his head with a soft look, “I’ll be fine – I can die happy.” He repeated once again, before turning the corner, out of sight.
            I knew what he was going to do.
            Soft hands wrapped around my waist, and I quickly gazed downwards, Kiyi hugging me from the side as she looked up with a giant pout, “Yue…why are you crying?”
            I forced a smile, wiping my cheeks with my sleeves. “Because nothing in this world is black and white anymore...” Kiyi frowned at my answer, tilting her head at my words, and in return, I sniffled.
            The world was gray – a disgusting mixture of black and white.
 ~ Azula ~
            “In two days?” I muttered under my breath, crossing my legs as I leaned back. Mai nodded her head, her arms crossed and her face void of any emotion – seemingly always wearing a mask, afraid of getting hurt.
            Yakone sighed, kicking the dirt underneath his feet as he listened in on our conversation. “Who else is going? The Avatar and the rest of imprudent friends?”
            Mai frowned, shaking her head as she let her fingers play with one of her many daggers, “No. Just them. Some sort of personal retreat.”
            I scoffed, “Zuzu has been taking a lot of time off. How strange, your niece seems to be quite the influence.” I laughed, a small smirk erupting from Yakone, “What can I say, we have mastered the art of human manipulation.”
            “So what’s the plan Azula?” Mai butted in, eyes narrowed.
            And I grinned.
            Mai was horrible at hiding her hatred for Zuzu’s girlfriend, gazing at the faint bruises that still painted Mai’s delicate skin. Deep purples staining the skin around her nose as she continued playing with the dagger. But it was her hatred that had me thriving – it’s easier to manipulate people when they want the same outcome as yourself.
            “Like what I did before – I’ll serve as a maid during their vacation. A personal maid to that bitch…” Yakone chuckled, “The Fire Nation Princess acting like a maid – oh, how the mighty have fallen.”
            I frowned, hissing at Yakone’s mocking words with my hands on my hips, “I didn’t fall. I’m overtaking the kingdom from the underbelly, isn’t that not what you’re doing -Yakone?”
            Yakone shrugged, ready to speak, but the soft sounds of footsteps stopped us from conversing. Everyone turned to face the noise, on guard. The bushes rumbled, my eyes scanning the greenery, only for Yakone to snarl, “What are you doing here, boy.”
            His arms were crossed, observing us, but his eyes settled upon Mai. The way his brows pinched together, jaw-dropping as his green eyes flickered between us. “What is she doing here?” He spoke, confusion written on his face. I grinned, playfully wrapping my arm around her shoulders, Mai tensing under my grasp, despising the physical contact. “An ally.”
            “You’re the snitch…” He muttered, but the way he spoke. It wasn’t so much of happiness as it was of realization. The way his hands gripped his robes, eyes stripping away from us as he gazed at Yakone. Something was off; he seemed different.
            “Why did you come here? We were supposed to meet at the Earth Nation-”
            “I’m leaving tonight.”
            “And why is that?” Yakone scowled, stepping forward with narrowed eyes. Kayto rolled his eyes, “Politics. And just a fair warning the Earth King signed the papers.”
            My eyes widen, he failed.
            “You say what boy? That he SIGNED the papers?” Yakone roared. Kayto stepped back, eyes cautiously watching over Yakone. “This new Nation bullshit has nothing to do with me. Figure it out on your own – I’m done with it – all of it.”
            “You think you can just walk away?”
            “I’m doing that right now, aren’t I” Kayto taunted, turning on his heel as he began stepping away from Yakone. I could feel my stomach twist. Yakone raising his hand, Kayto utterly oblivious to the gesture, until Mai and I heard it – a sharp gasp.
            Kayto’s limbs stiffen, a choked wheeze escaping him as his arms and legs raised off the ground, his feet barely skimming the earth.
            “I warned you. That if the Earth King signs those papers, I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again.”
            “D-do it.” Kayto hissed, struggling the breath. Yakone’s fingers twitched, a painful grunt escaping Kayto, he’s going to kill him.
            Mai watched over Yakone with fear, eyes wide, the most emotion I’ve seen come out of that girl in all the years I’ve known her. She’s never seen a Bloodbender before, and she looked absolutely petrified.
            “You think you can just walk in and walk out of here? That you can suddenly be a good guy?” Yakone shouted. The way Kayto’s limbed stretched, his chest heaving in pain as Yakone crushed him from the inside out. “I’m gonna kill you, boy, and I’m going to love it. Every. Single. Moment.”
            With a struggling breath, Kayto turned his head, his eyes lining up with Yakone. But his eyes weren��t filled with fear, no, he was smiling. “S-she’s nothing like you.” He gasped out, what is he-
            It echoed throughout the mountain - the sound of death.
            The birds stopped singing, the wind stilled, even the clouds blocked the sun’s glow as I unknowingly held my breath.
            Kayto’s eyes were no longer a lively green, but dull and gray – lifeless.
            Mai stilled, her hands gripping her body as she watched the way Yakone let his hands unravel, Kayto’s body hitting the ground like nothing more but trash.
            But the smile on Yakone’s face. He cracked his fingers and neck, rolling his shoulders back as he groaned in pleasure, “Nothing beats the satisfaction of feeling their last dying breath.”  
            He’s a monster.
            But another darker, more sinister, realization hit me.
            If this was the power, Yakone possessed…what was Ying Yue hiding?
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
The Match and The Fire
Day three of @avatarworldweek‘s event;  Storge-Family Love. 
Azula teaches Kiyi to firebend.
Azula didn’t quite know what it meant to have one.
Not truly anyways. Hers was a broken one. So it was easy for her to come to view her Kemurikage as family. They acted like a family, Zirin constantly poked fun at the others for their hairstyles and color. Miko, the youngest of the lot always pestered Zirin, as she was the eldest of them.
 But one by one they were taken, swept away by Zuko’s guards and escorted back to their own families until Azula had none again. It hurt to have had such a brief taste of what it was like to have people who seemed to truly care for her. A wild bunch of sisterly figures who fought with her and then turned around and fought for her when it really counted.
 They were all home now, with families that probably cared for them, and she was back in the institution. In that loathsome place where she could no longer tear Zuko’s new and picture-perfect family apart. It must be nice for him to have a new father and a new little sister. It was probably easy for him to pretend that they were his only father and sister. She supposed that she couldn’t blame him, she would likely jump at the chance to join Zirin’s family. It would be a very humble lifestyle but it was better than the one she had in present. Azula wrapped her arms around herself, she was all that she had.
 Or so she thought. She was taken aback when she was told that she had visitors. Even more so when she found Zuko and Kiyi waiting for her.
 “She wants you to teach her firebending.” Zuko spoke. “I’ve been trying to talk her out of it, I even offered to teach her, but she said no.”
 “She’s already making good decisions about her bending.” Azula muttered, though she was curious. “Why does she want to learn from me? I kidnapped her.”
 “Apparently that’s when she first found out she could do it and apparently, hands on learning is her favorite kind.”
 “It’s the most practical.” Azula agreed.
 “So you’ll teach me?” Kiyi asked.
 “I can’t.” She muttered. “I’m stuck here.”
 Kiyi peered up at Zuko, batting her lashes.
 Zuko sighed. Azula wondered if he would actually let her go free. She had no such luck though. “Tell you what, I’ll take you over here every other day and you can spend an hour with…”
 “My big sister.” Kiyi filled in. It was odd to hear, the title felt somehow out of place to Azula. She wanted it, yet she could see herself filling the role. Not like she did with her Kemurikage.
 It must have been a foreign taste on Zuko’s tongue as well. “Uh…yeah. You can spend an hour firebending with Azula.” It wasn’t ideal by any means, but it was a start. At least she would get the chance to bend again. Not that an hour would be remotely enough time to accomplish anything, neither for her own gain or for Kiyi’s lessons but it was the only offer on the table.
 Kiyi was a nuisance to her. She had too many questions and too many ridiculous tales about Zuko, it was taking away from Azula’s own practice.
 If it wasn’t, “when am I actually going to firebend?” It was, “this form is too hard, I want to learn a new one.” But Azula knew skill when she saw it and she wasn’t going to give the child easier stances when she was more than capable of preforming the harder ones. Before that, Azula had been very adamant about Kiyi learning the breathing techniques before anything else—it was what was making her a particularly powerful bender and it had left Azula with more time to work on her own bending. Something that was growing harder as Kiyi’s skills flourished.
 Very slowly over the passing of weeks, Azula found that working with Kiyi was becoming less of a task. The girl had skills to match her own. Though she was on a much lower level, she was right on par with were Azula herself had been at that age. The girl seemed to be developing a curiosity about the art of firebending itself, this was something the princess seldom got to speak of.
 A little after that, Azula decided to let the girl have fun with her firebending. She would make up games much like hide and explode in nature. These games seemed to drive the nurses crazy so she would part-take very eagerly, even if doing so meant compromising a genuine practice or two.
 Every day, Kiyi would come home beaming from ear to ear. She seemed to truly enjoy Azula’s company. He thought that she had to be making things up, after all, she spoke of childish play. He couldn’t picture Azula engaging in such. Yet Kiyi, was grinning as if that was exactly what had happened.
Every other day he would catch her in the middle of practice. Azula was somewhat stern but Kiyi didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to actively try to imitate her older sister’s impeccable drive and focus. She was pretty good at it too.
All in all they were a startlingly good match for each other and Zuko didn’t know how to take it.
 Presently, he found himself pacing, a nervous habit of his. He was contemplating something; Azula was so…different around Kiyi. The two seemed to click very well. He’d been observing them so closely for those weeks and Kiyi had learned so much. He had to say that Azula seemed happier too; she smiled more, laughed more openly. He bit the inside of his cheek as he watched Azula sling Kiyi over her shoulder.
 “Put me down!” She hollered with a laugh.
 “You’re going to have to make me.”
 He watched Kiyi puff out her cheeks and with all of her might she heaved herself forward. But Azula’s balance was as sturdy as it ever was. She tired again, this time adding a boost of fire that toppled them both.
 “I mean, that was a good try but you knocked yourself down too.” Azula pointed out. “And I’m still holding you.”
 “Because you’re cheating!” Kiyi accused.
 Zuko almost didn’t want to intervene. “It’s been an hour. Actually, an hour and about ten minutes…”
 “Aww come on Zu-Zu.” Kiyi pouted. “We’re in the middle of something.”
 “You’re always in the middle of something.” He argued. “You can get back to that something when we get home.”
 “But you don’t know how to play this game.” Kiyi pouted. “Azula knows though.”
 “Yeah, well maybe she can teach me to play it when we get home.”
 The look on Azula’s face almost made his decision worth it. It wasn’t often that she looked puzzled, much less that comically confused. “I’m coming home?”
 He helped Azula to her feet. “I suppose that if Kiyi likes you, you can’t be that bad.”
 Azula was quiet for much of the ride home, still trying to comprehend that he was actually bringing her back to the palace. Still trying to fully grasp that he was looking at her without fear or resentment. She scarcely noticed when Kiyi tucked herself under her arms. And when she did notice, she let the girl stay. She had grown fond of Kiyi who was so similar to her but without such a sinister nature—without the nature Ozai had instilled within her. She made a note to herself to not pass whatever that nature was onto Kiyi.
 That child was a more likable version of her, and she wouldn’t ruin that. She couldn’t, not when Kiyi was staring up at her as though she were some sort of mentor. Not when the girl was starting to prattle on to Zuko about her—speaking of her as if she was a suitable role model. Azula kept quiet and let Kiyi get comfy in her lap, something that softened Zuko’s own expression considerably.
 “I always wanted a sister.” Kiyi declared. “I’m glad I have a sister now.”
 Zuko smiled, “I am too.” His smile was directed at her. Azula could recognize a peace offering when she saw one. As completely sickeningly sappy as it was, she wanted to take it. She wanted to have a family. A real family.
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worldsendroleplay · 3 years
Monday, April 12th, 2021
Hey guys, what’s up!
I know that you must be confused, and I am too. All of a sudden I am in this scary new world, cursed with the ability to see all of the horrible mishaps that have occurred over the week past. Oh, I should probably introduce myself. You may call me The Edited, and I have discovered my predecessor’s blog and would like to make some improvements to how things are done around here.
Oh, so many things have happened this week that I don’t know where to start. Hmm, perhaps I should begin by mentioning that the dreadful paranoia that has been affecting everyone has finally gone away, though not everyone seems to be happy. Between having brand new memories, losing memories, and dealing with other personal issues, some people have yet to find the peace and happiness that they deserve. But don’t worry, dear readers, I have a proposed solution! Look up into the sky, right now! There is a beautiful new island, and while it doesn’t yet have any buildings, it is a sight to behold. Maybe there are a few quiet places where you can meditate, or read a book?
Maybe we should move onto our newest arrivals? That sounds like a good idea. Metias Iparis was supposed to be dying “for the good of the Republic” but somehow was brought to this death alive and well. He was very wary of Princess Leia Organa, though, honestly, I don’t blame him. You can’t trust anyone these days. The only other new arrival was General Iroh II, who was met by none other than his own grandfather’s sister, Azula. Finally, Virginia “Pepper” Potts was just trying to be there during a delicate part of her boyfriend’s healing process when she was brought here to the world and greeted by Padmé Amidala, who had better luck helping her than Leia and Azula did with their charges.
Sadly, the number of attacks on the inhabitants of this world has only been increasing, and there have been quite a few fatalities. For instance, Prince Lu Ten of the Fire Nation was only trying to introduce his girlfriend Reagan Reyes to his father, General Iroh, and his cousin, Prince Zuko, but something must have snapped within him because he then attacked his cousin. Thankfully Iroh was able to step in to protect his nephew, but then Reagan decided to attack her boyfriend and injured him pretty badly (or it looked really bad to me). Tragically Iroh took the fatal blow for Lu Ten, and Reagan did the right thing and split, leaving Lu Ten and Zuko to grieve for their fallen father figure.
Things only got worse from here. Kat, who is a powerful bloodbender that looks a lot like Katara, came across Zuko in his fragile state. The monster decided to torture the poor young soul, and I will spare you the gruesome details except that he was left scared and hurt afterwards, even after he was found by his friend. He and Katara then had a long overdue conversation about a certain event in his past, though I’m sad to say that his troubles are far from over. He later spoke to his sister, Azula, who sort of seemed concerned for him and kept asking about Kat. I do urge Azula that, if she’s reading this, do not go after her. It’s not worth it, and you’ll only get hurt. Please spare me the pain of writing more about the Fire Nation royal family’s troubles. Why does this family have so much trouble finding happiness?! The happiest bit of news with them happened before the attacks when Lu Ten met Princess Kiyi and showed her some new firebending moves, which she eagerly demonstrated to her siblings before everything went down.
And let us not leave out everyone else who has been affected by the new changes in Worlds’ End (though honestly, why do you guys read these posts? Are you like the Editor and get a sick satisfaction from reading about other people’s sufferings?). There was a heartbreaking reunion between Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood, the latter no longer remembering his time in Worlds’ End, and the former not being the real Jon at all. Seriously people, please be careful of the people that you hug because you could end up stabbed or otherwise hurt. There are so many people here who are not acting themselves that it is very hard to keep track.
Let’s move onto the people from Camelot, shall we? They have had their own issues, such as Gorlois attacking Merlin outside of his home. However, a fake version of Merlin, who called himself Lemrys, was in the middle of terrorizing the young Druid Mordred, and he ultimately killed him with… am I seeing this right? A tree branch? Well, it’s better than fire, anyway. Lemrys also attacked Astrid Caldwell, though at least she survived her encounter with the terrifying force of nature with a really bad name. Meanwhile, Guinevere “Gwen” Pendragon has a double of her own, Vera, who is the mother to “Prince Gaven” and, in Gwaine’s words, “an evil, conniving witch.”
Then we have our group of Jedi space people. Princess Leia Organa was with her daughter Anneke Organa in the park when they were attacked by her own father… or, rather, his evil double Darth Vader. Anneke recognized that he wasn’t her grandfather and ran home to find her real grandparents, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Anakin and Vader fought for a bit until Anakin was stabbed, though once Vader turned his attention to Anneke, Anakin force-choked the evil double to protect her. Leia, however, was horrified to see her father use a dark side ability and ushered her daughter out of there, leaving Padmé to take the injured Anakin home.
However, I should point out that not all the doubles are bad. Some of them are actually really nice… though a little too nice if you ask some people. For instance, Zuzu was there to comfort Azula and listen to her woes, giving her someone that she could actually communicate with in a healthy way, and ‘Zula has made it her mission to fix her counterpart’s relationships with other people, starting with Malachai Atherton. Morgie only wanted to be Gwen Pendragon’s friend. Maelys was very shy around James Sirius Potter. Just follow your gut and be careful around strangers until you know that they are safe to be around. That is the best advice that I can offer.
If there is one ray of sunshine in all of this, it can be found in the beautiful wedding between James “Bucky” Barnes and Angie Martinelli. The two were wed over the weekend by Bucky’s sister, Rebecca Barnes. Also in attendance to watch the joyous affair were Bucky’s son, Leonard “Leo” Barnes, and Madge Undersee.
Well, I can’t think of anything else to say except to please be safe out there!
Thanks for reading!
Lots of love, The Edited.
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stardust948 · 1 month
Good Luck Kiyi AU
Baby Kiyi: *playing with her blanket*
Azula, tired: I hope you know that blanket is covered in butt sweat after I dumpster dove in the donation truck for it. You're welcome, by the way. If I ever see that thing again, I'm burning it.
Baby Kiyi: *coos*
Azula: *sighs and pats Kiyi's head* Well if you're anything like me, you'll forget about it by the time you're two.
Zuko, walks by clutching his turtleduck plushie: Good night Lala.
Azula: But if you're anything like Zuzu, you'll take it on your honeymoon.
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