#good luck to ur friend ;)
xiewho · 3 months
the full faith brennan had in the cast that they were going to 100% try and interact with another vulture setpiece is something quite beautiful actually
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nightdrawz · 1 month
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Its @donnietheterrapin BURFDEY!!
I want everyone to spam their inbox with happy birthday wishes!!! <33
rn /th (/j)
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joyboyish · 11 months
zoro and luffy share one brain cell and unfortunately one of them lost it a while ago and they both blame each other for it
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if-mirrormine · 11 months
How do you get asked out by a girl, as a girl? Asking for a friend..
bestie i dont even know how it happened myself and if u asked me to recreate it, i wouldnt be able to lmao
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fallenclan · 7 months
I just spent an hour looking through it all, and I love this Clan so much.
I also wanted to say how you inspired me to make my own Clangen blog (which I will eventually do)
I drew Otterslip as well.
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OTTERSLIP YEAHHHH he looks so good,,, you so perfectly captured the devious yet pathetic glint in his eye
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fatuismooches · 2 months
My friends are planing my wedding to Arlecchino. Have an invite!
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AHHH THANK YOU!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! What should i wear? 🤔 in return, you're invited to me and Dottore's wedding 😍
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i honestly spend almost the entirety of my non-working waking hours on my phone which is a LOT of time ....... how do you pass all of that without technology??? thank you 😭😭😭
man i wish i had something helpful to say but i literally spent thirty minutes this morning pretending to be a little dormouse while i swept and dusted to make the task more whimsical and enjoyable so i really don't know
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SENDING MY FIRST ASK FROM THE NEW BLOG!!!! i feel like i am sending a letter from a new address... crazy. ANYWAY HOW R U TONIGHT!!!! i hope ur havin a good day!!!! kicking my feet like a teenager at a sleepover rn tell me abt ur day who r the blorbos in ur mind rn what kinda art r u workin on lately how's it going friend!!!
HIIIIIII HI HI . HELLO SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG- i mean catboy cellbit!!! . dude i am. dreading the coming week tbh but it is fine !! we will get thru it we will survive!!! i am so sleepytired but alas i also cannot sleep so i may just have another night of reading and music ahead of me . wah. i hope u are hsving a good night <3 IVE BEEN COMPLETELY ART NERFED TOO BTW. my laptop died on me a couple days ago and while i was able to find a new one affordably it will not be here until the 13th 😔 so no digital art from me for a while. sigh. i DID just decorate my new sketchbook with stickers tho so im hoping that will get my brain in gear for traditional art again. AS FOR BLORBOS. oh . u know. the usuals. vash the stampede. zacharie from off . masky marblehornets (also tim marblehornets) . to name three of them.
#who are ur blorbos rn. i dont watch qsmp i think sering ur posts abt it are really funny bc im like. guy walks into the room on fire gif.#i have no idea whats going on in here congratulations and/or my condolences <3#thank u thank u i love the sleepover vibes. literally had gossip talk w one of my other friends earlier#(name withheld for reasons but if u see this u know who u are and i love u )#so the vibes are so correct#i have 2 work tomorrow :( not looking forward 2 that.#however it IS my last day of my long term overnight job which means i will be able to sleep in my own bed tomoerow night.#this is something i have not done for like. close to a month now. whcih is why ive been sleeping so awfully! so hopefully that fixes me#also have. job interview on wednesday for another aquarium place..#fingers crossed this goes better than my last one but also part of me is kind of hoping it doesnt go well#bc i hate transitional periods and i dont want 2 go thru the moving process again#and i dont want 2 meet a bunch of new ppl all at once again. and do the while job training thing.#alas that is the anxiety talkimg and i do actually want the job bc it would be good for me <3#sorry it is late and im soooo fucking sleepy so im rambling !!!! do not feel like u have to respond to . gestures vaguely at all that#its blorbo talk time. i desperately want 2 warch more mh right now#however the house im.staying in IS in the middle of the woods and very isolated and i have been so scared and paranoid#so i am OUTTA LUCK sigh. i will simply watch smth silly instead like gg tmph or david attenborough or perhaps spongebob will b on the tv.#asks#friends!!!#false-anachronism#<< oh fuck new url!!! i got like halfway thru typing ur old one before i was like WAIT SHIT.
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tea-and-secrets · 22 days
Everything is too scary, i have been going through the stress of a very important school year, constantly studying, remembering trauma i had forgotten, cutting off an abusive person off my life and trying to figure out if i have osdd1B (i have been researching for at least 5 months and logging my symptoms, i cant be so sure yet) and for some reason i keep finding myself telling people (online, the only person irl i have told is my therapist) abt my symptoms, in some cases telling them i might have osdd 1B and while one part of me wants to tell deeply and to be free from this burden of hiding it, another part of me is so so scared. Of turning out to be wrong, of people hating me in result, of people fake claiming me for something i am not even sure yet. So i have kept ot hidden after an incident like this 5 months ago. But now after i have told my therapist about my issues with my identity it all started unraveling
I am trying my best to keep going, i study for hours a day every day, try to regulate my mental health and try to know who i am and i just need to hear that someone is proud of me regardless. Regardless if i succeed, regardless if i fail, regardless if i have osdd1b, regardless if i don't i just. Need to hear that everyone wont hate me because i am questioning if I have that
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poppytuft · 10 months
saw a post abt car guy mike and it made my brain crazy because car guy mike is one of if not my favorite college st hcs in which mike had such a beautiful lovely car in hawkins that he begged and pleaded for for his birthday and of course, its the wheelers, so he got it. and its like a good expensive cool car (girl idk shit abt 80s cars just run with me here) but when he went to college his parents sprung on him that he couldnt bring it with him because HOLLY needed a car and something to learn to drive in and he bitched and moaned about why couldnt NANCY give holly HER car and they said no you bitch nancy needs her car in new york. give holly the car. we payed for the damn thing and we need a second car here goddamnit. and he had a tearful delirious goodbye with the dumb thing before he moved and when he comes home he is REUNITED! AT LONG LAST! but he still needed something to drive at SCHOOL so he saved up and found a beat up piece of shit fuck ass toyota corolla or something (that im sure, again, the wheelers helped pay for because karen felt bad or whatever) and hes SO FUCKING MAD about it like absolutely fuming that he went from the HIGHEST HIGH to the LOWEST LOW and to cope he treats the thing like its his BABY and its the most disgusting horrible vehicle in the world everyone eats in the back seat and the previous owner stained the front seats with something weird and gross and sometimes you have to bang on the radio to get it to work and sometimes you have to stick your hand out the front window to flick the windshield wipers to get them to actually go. but hes SO STUCK ON TREATING IT LIKE SOMETHING PRECIOUS like "no guys seriously this is my fucking car you have to be nice to it. im not joking i PAYED FOR IT you have to be fucking clean in my fucking car shes my everything" and max mayfield is sitting in the passenger seat like "yeahhh man okay. anyway lucas just spilled his DQ blizzard in the back seat trying to prove to dustin that it would actually stay in the cup and not go everywhere if he turned it upside down so now dustin and your car are both covered in ice cream. also some got on the windows somehow" and he goes "you fucking WHAT"
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yooniesim · 10 months
Girl... I aint reading all that
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#ceci speaks#nonsims#text#negative#gif warning#keep crying stalker#refresh my tab and go write another nonsensical rant just like i said u would lmfao#or finally get over it girl cos no one cares#glad i got u hella mad and ranting at nothing... as usual#thats how stupid and easily led you are#good luck with that school u got going on...#ppl pls dont send me anything else from this stalker theres nothing they have to say thats valuable or the slightest bit intelligent#delete later#also dont say ur lowkey sorry to me when ur on my dick 24/7#obsessed and thinking racism only exists for you personally#cos you cant handle anyone disagreeing with you#cos if u really thought i was racist u wouldnt have been liking my cc posts#and dming me apologies for getting me hate up until a few months ago when i blocked u#ur ego got hurt when i blocked u and that is the ONLY reason u rant about me every other business day#same thing with all your weird friends that were nice in my dms and sticking around in my server until a few months ago#now all of a sudden im a vile coon that they never liked to begin with#only AFTER I blocked yall after catching yall talking shit out the other side ur mouth and not to my face#youre cowards plain and simple just trying to act tough and hard and morally right#when in the end you just look fucking goofy#for swearing i was antiblack whilst being buddy buddy with me#what does that make yall then?#birds of a feather and all that right#you just dont know how to not like someone without trying to villainize them and that is cowardice#otherwise you wouldnt ONLY call someone problematic after they blocked or personally offended you
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to be a person with a brain, but it's so insane to me that there are people that think a ship where X feels unloved and like Y thinks of her and looks at her like a monster, and where Y can't tell X that he loves her romantically until his best friend confesses his feelings under her name that are a 100% contradiction to the feelings X told him in their literal last conversation is, like... somehow healthy, compatible, and loving lol.
"you think i'm a monster" and "you're being ridiculous" omg 😍 relationship goals! Y gives X a speech where she can't respond whatsoever and tells her she's a superhero because all he knows about her is her powers not who she is as a person and X doesn't talk to him afterward and those shippers are like 🥰😍🥺🥳💘💞💕 just because they smiled at each other for two seconds before that. like. HUH?!?!
you like the ship where Y can't be emotionally available or intimate with X, his girlfriend that he's been with for over a year now btw, because he's too busy giving that to and receiving tht from his boy bestie? you like the ship where X lies to Y about everything in her life because she feels like he wouldn't like her if she didn't live up to the infallible superhero he views her as? the ship where they don't share similar interests or dreams? the ship where they've never once had a meaningful or real conversation? the ship where X describes Y as her first boyfriend and that Y describes as dumb luck (compared to his friendship with his boy bestie being the best thing he's ever done)? that's the ship you like and think is peak romance?! 🤨
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otter-pop-supreme · 3 months
I want ppl ik to know that if I'm off the bat kinda deranged with you & you don't know me outside of some thing that crawled out of your flooded basement that you immediately became the rank of "bestie".
Like u skipped so many stages of knowing me-
Ive know ppl for year IRL that never saw that level of friendship w me, my default w ppl utter mute silent.
Getting my to speak above a whisper is really smth.
If you achieved "I'm not taking to you like I'm emailing a teacher" off the bat that means smth
Idfk what but it d o e s
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eggtwobroes · 11 months
followers i come bearing good news. ive finally started feeling less nauseous over certain things related to hlvrai. more good news: i dont think ill be posting hlvrai as my main thing anymore. sayonara you weeaboo shits
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sillyfaggot · 10 months
hi moss. uhm. i hope your having a good day ! i love your ocs and im thinking abt my ocs..
how do you .. post about your ocs? i wanna share mine so much but.. what if .. everybody hates them :(
its silly but, i love my guys nd they r very important to me yk
how do you do it moss
sorry this is silly waaa i just admire your ocs sm and ueue..
no one will hate them !!! literally just post art and talk abt them and be sillay go wild . it won't get as many notes as fandom art usually but there will be a choice few people who love your ocs and that will mean more than million notes
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IMPORTANT UPDATE. i have written.... 300 words . this is huge for me 😌😌😌😌 thank u for ur confidence
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