#good news: it's 29th of february already
gorkaya-trava · 7 months
I don't get the existence of the february 29th. like the winter is already long enough there's no need to extend it another fucking winter day-
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angeltannis · 1 year
pandemonium in the Overwatch fandom today as Blizzard decided with no warning to drop every single character's canon birthday and therefore astrological sign, as well as updated ages
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staerplatinum · 6 months
Some of my favorite doodles from my headcanon/redesign concept sheets used as an excuse to list my headcanons about the main six (for an AU that I'm writing)! More under the cut!
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Charlie Morningstar:
She's way more hot-headed than in canon, albeit still keeping her cheerful and gentle persona.
She loves food, and she's always hungry. I always loved the trope of protagonists (both male and female, like look at Goku himself, Usagi Tsukino or Minako Aino) and I think it could fit Charlie perfectly!
She loves planning (and this is already canon) and she has a lot of stationary gadgets. "Sure Alastor, you can borrow any pen! ... Not that one! :D" And takes good care of them.
Her birthday is February 29th. I thought that it wouldn't be strange if her birthday ended up being that day if she follows a demoniac calendar...
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It's canon that she likes everything to be clean and organized. I think she would help Niffty with the rooms and everything! They bond!
She and Angel Dust absolutely have BFFs vibes. Before Hazbin Hotel I remember they were meant to be a couple, but with the new canon they're still adorable as best friends and I love the dynamic more. They get into fights but it's never anything serious, they look like a big brother and a little sis, even though sometimes she definitely acts as a big sis to him. Angel sees Molly through her :(
As we know she doesn't really believe in herself, but she actually makes a very good leader!
In my fanfic, contrarily to the series, she was really fighting with burning hate towards the angels that cast her out. She holds a deep grudge and it's hard for her to come out of it. (I want Out for Love to be useful, it's my favorite song ç_ç)
Her name as a human was Agata Flores, she was born the 28th of June in 1993. If we still count 2014 as her death and if she was once a winner that then became sinner... my headcanon is that she died of a hate crime in March 25th 2014, aged 21.
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Angel Dust:
He's not in drag 24/7. He really is feminine, but sometimes likes to try masculine outfits too. (which make Husk wonder "why am I staring??")
He's secretly a nerd. Or not so secretly. He owns video games, and especially likes RPGs and life sims.
He overanalyses everything. Well, almost everything but still. He actually likes reading, and this led him to analyse anything that comes into his eye. (Oh, I can't wait to write one of those scenes because I already had fun outlining it LMAOO)
He's probably Charlie's food buddy. Give them some food and they'll be happy (Valentino doesn't like this but get screwed Val, give him food too)
His name as a human was Anthony (canon) Cavallaro and had Neapolitan heritage. He's born in April 1st (and this is canon) 1912, he died of overdose (canon) in October 11th 1947, aged 35.
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I loved his pilot persona more than the series', and most of the things are confirmed canon... but I do have some headcanons for him, too! (also yeah I don't think that will be my last radioapple drawing or doodle lol)
We know he either doesn't sleep or sleeps with his eyes open. Well, I imagine him that in the few rare occasions he actually sleeps, his radio works as a mental surveillance "camera". Also, he's a light sleeper and would definitely go "Do you fellows mind? I'm trying to sleep." like the old man he is.
I would like to explore Alastor's feelings for Charlie more, and how he sees her as a daughter. While we may not know if he was telling the truth, I think they both seeked each other as a fatherly and daughter figures in a way. Many in the fandom headcanon Alastor's father to have been shitty to him. If he truly sees Charlie as a daughter, it could be because he would like to be a better father than the one he had, and since he never had children, he grew affectionate to Charlie as such.
He knows how to handle alcohol well, but I like to think that when he's really drunk he doesn't even know what he's doing. Oh, you saw him playing with Angel's Nintendo Switch? He even brought it into his room to continue playing Animal Crossing by himself? He was totally wasted.
His name as a human was Alastor (which is apparently canon, but I wonder if it'll be retconned or not?) Boudreaux-Alexander. Boudreaux was his father's last name, Alexander was his mother's. He didn't like his mother taking her husband's last name and wanted to keep his mother's. He was born in March 7th 1901, and died in August 4th 1933, aged 32, after being shot by a hunter that confused him with a deer and was mauled by dogs afterwards. (Yikes, I'm so sorry)
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She definitely has written lots of fanfics about her fellow hotel friends. Especially men. Yet, she loves Charlie and Vaggie too, so they're there as well.
We know both Niffty and Husk have deals with Alastor. She loves them both, I love to headcanon that when she feels lonely and can't sleep well or had nightmares, she either goes to Husk's or Alastor's room to sleep with them. They welcome her warmly ç_ç
Alastor and Husk most definitely know Niffty's story, which is why they care about her so much. She's childish for her age, but it could be tied to a past that only the two of them know very well.
Niffty knew Vox when they were alive. Now I know it could be a weird headcanon since Niffty is Japanese and Vox is American, but if Niffty's work brought her around the world it wouldn't be weird if they crossed paths. When Vox died Niffty was 19, she either saw him die in front of her eyes or something else happened.
As I mentioned in my concept sheets, she used to wear glasses when she was alive so she can't see really well without them after she died. Sometimes she borrows Alastor's monocle, and if we apply the headcanon that he's colorblind, without his monocle not only he can't see anything but can't even see colors LOL
Her name when she was alive was Sachiko Tanaka, born February 27th 1934. She died September 1st 1956, aged 22, there are popular headcanons about the way she died and yikes, if it's true she didn't have a good death either. Not at all.
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Maybe I'm overanalysing but what if the reason why he grew affectionate to Niffty was because he once had children? Or just one? Either he had a child and was with him but felt like he wasn't a good father or his ex-wife left him because of his gambling addiction and this made him feel guilty, not able to see his child ever again. (I feel bad just thinking about this but ç_ç)
Despite the fact he hates being on a leash and none other than Alastor's, he actually cares about him. If the two were friends when they were alive (including Mimzy), this could explain why he's still around Alastor even if reluctantly. (Sure he says he's forced, but in the pilot Alastor summoned him, so it's safe to assume either Alastor-Husk-Niffty were roommates before coming to the hotel and did their business without telling Alastor, or simply we need more explanations of Alastor's deals)
His name when he was alive was Ivan Goncharov, born January 29th 1900, and died in December 23rd 1967, aged 67. As I mentioned in my concept sheets, he was friends with Alastor and Mimzy when they were alive and he was the last one of them to die. He would often visit his friends' graves when he was still alive :(
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hockybish · 9 months
She's Done With Him
l hughes!sister au l lola hughes l masterlist l
Jack had been making more of a conscious effort to be better to Lola. He still hadn't said sorry for the years of teasing, he wouldn't even know where to begin.
But he was willing to put everything on the line with their relationship when he got a phone call from Mason about this guy named Robbie who Lola was seeing. He couldn't help it, the older protective brother came out when he heard that the douche bag was cheating on her.
"Now you're positive it was Robbie who you saw?" Jack confirmed with the Ducks' player over the phone. It was late in New Jersey and he was tired after a hard fought game.
"Yes, Jack. Even ask Z he was there too."
That was enough for him. Trying to keep his anger in check, he took the number from Mason, promising he would take care of the problem. He wasn't going to do much, maybe just give the kid a little call, and talk.
"Hi Robbie, this is Jack." He paused for a second, waiting for the man on the other end to acknowledge him, but he could heat the hesitancy when Robbie didn't answer "Hughes, Lola's older brother?"
"Oh, you're the one who hates her right?" Jack could feel him smirking through the phone, irking him even more.
"I don't hate her, you know what I don't have to explain myself to you. I know what you've been doing. The girls and the drinking? Especially when she was injured in December."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't done anything wrong. I really like her." Robbie stuttered, a lame attempt at covering his tracks.
"Hm, yeah okay. Tell me was she just one of your side pieces?" Jack asked not believing a thing he was being told by this so called boyfriend. "That's what I thought."
"I didn't, I'm not"
"Break up with her"
"I said break up with her, or else"
"Or else what? There's nothing you can do to scare me"
"Robbie, there are at least four hockey teams plus countless others who will not hesitate to end you when they hear what you're doing. So break up with her or I'll let them know what you did" Jack threatened.
"You're bluffing"
"Try me. These guys can get really scary. And I'd hate for anything to happen to you."
A few days later Robbie did what Jack told him to do, he broke up with Lola. He didn't tell her why he was or that her brother was practically forcing him to. If he wanted to twist the knife even further, he could have said something. But she was already heartbroken and secretly Robbie was still a little worried Jack was going to send a goon after him.
Lola cried for a couple of days, this wasn't like when she had broken up with Matty, that was more of a mutual decision since they were going in opposite directions and they were better as friends. This break up took her by surprise, she thought they were in a good place, but apparently they weren't.
It hurt and she honestly kind of wanted Buggy her old stuffy from when she was younger. She really considered calling Jack and seeing if he still had it, but she thought better, knowing he probably would have made some snide remark about it, even though lately they had been doing better.
Lola called for an emergency sibling night with Quinn, which helped a lot, but she still swiped the bottle of tequila hidden away and found her way into her previous roommates bed.
After a week of moping around, she picked herself, brushed off the dirt and got back to her life. She worked harder in practice and even spent more time with her friends. Things were really looking up until late in the evening on February 29th.
The Ducks' had gotten in late that evening after playing in San Jose. Lola needed to make a quick run into the store to get something for Ellen that she had forget all the way back in Michigan.
Lola was only going to be a few minutes, but she spotted the one person she never really wanted to see again. She tried to ignore him the best she could, it was Robbie who walked up to her and was the one to start talking. They made pleasant small talk, but she had a nagging question she wanted to ask.
"Can I ask you something real quick? Why did you break up with me?"
"Oh Jack didn't tell you?" Robbie raised his eyebrows in feign shock. "Jack forced me to break up. He threatened that if I didn't, I was gonna get beat up."
Of course Jack had a hand it. Lola should have expected that. Jack ruins everything.
The ride back home was a little quieter. She had some things to think about before she saw her brother later that day.
After the game the Hughes clan were planning on getting dinner at a nice restaurant before Luke and Jack jetted off to the next destination. Lola was going to give them a ride. As soon as she saw Luke she gave him a hug and glared at the other one before making her move.
"What the fuck?" Jack's face stung as Lola's palm hit him on the cheek.
"You told him to break up with me? I how could you? I was happy. Why couldn't you let me be happy for once? You always mess everything up!"
"Clem you can be mad at me all you want, I was just trying to protect you."
"Don't you dare call me that. You don't have that right anymore. because I hate you. I hate you Jack." She spat in his direction.
After what seemed like years of her older brother hating her for apparent reason Lola had had enough of it and was completely done with Jack. Wanting nothing more to do with her older brother, this is when she decided to cut him out of her life, even if it meant she was going to have to cut Quinn and Luke out too.
"You don't mean that. Clem -" Jack knew he had taken it too far this time, but all he had been trying to do was protect his sister. And sometimes that made him the bad guy.
Lola gave him a look that ultimately broke his heart because he knew she meant it. She truly hated him, but he would rather her hate him, than see her with a broken heart over a guy who couldn't keep it in his pants.
"Lola. I'm sorry. Please take it back." Jack pleaded. He looked back at Luke and Quinn for help, but he was on his own with this.
"No, Jack. I mean it this time."
"Lola." She slapped him again and was getting ready to do it again. She wasn't one to hit or attack anyone, but tonight she couldn't help herself with her anger.
"Jack. I think you need to leave." Trevor pushed Lola behind him towards Jamie and Mason, putting himself in between the two siblings. Similarly Luke tried to grab ahold of jack's arm and pull him away.
The drive from the Honda Center to their shared home wasn't long, but playing a big game and the emotions from her argument took its toll and Lola fell asleep on the ride home. Mason didn't want to wake her, he opted to carry her in instead placing her in her bed and throwing her favorite blankets on top.
"Stay." Lola reached out, grabbing onto Mason's wrist, effectively stopping him in his tracks. "I don't want to be alone. Please Mason?"
The older boy obliged, he sighed crawling into the bed next to her. Lola flipped around to face him, she reached out for his face and ran her thumb across his face as they fell asleep.
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rippersz · 1 year
𝖰𝗎𝖾 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝖺, 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝖺
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(An OC/Named Reader x Larissa Weems one-shot) (Bittersweet/angsty. Possible part 2 depending on feedback.)
Summary: Odette sends a letter and it ends up in the wrong hands.
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‘January 11th, 2023
I am terribly sorry to inform you that the letter you sent to a woman named Mirabelle did not end up in her hands. I believe the mail carriers fell short along the way and got it mixed up within my pile of documents; thus my wayward response to you. Considering the nature of your words (I must admit I read them - my actions were caused by split curiosity and confusion), I suggest you re-envelope and reseal your letter before sending it again. I have slipped it in with this one. And if you choose to listen to me, then we shall both hope your sentiments arrive to Mirabelle in a timely fashion with no surprise stops along the way. Until then, someone must tell her that she is a very lucky woman.
And that I am very sorry she broke your heart.
Happy New Year Odette. Be well, Larissa W.’
‘January 18th, 2023
Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness. I am far sorrier than you are. Obviously if I knew that was going to happen, I would not have let it. Okay that doesn’t make much sense, but I’m sure you know what I mean. I think. Hopefully? Anyway, thank you very much for sending the letter back. I gave myself some time to think it over and did as you suggested. New envelope, new seal, new everything. Except the perfume on the letter was different. Are you wearing Jean Paul Gaultier? It’s very nice. Mirabelle may appreciate the mix of scents (I’m wearing Marc Jacobs - Daisy), so at least she’ll get something out of it. The words, on the other hand, I’m not so sure. That ship sailed a long time ago - I’m just not the type to give up easily. That’s a big flaw, I think. Oh well. I guess rambling’s a flaw too. And here I am. Forgive me?
Thank you again. Happy New Year. Odette’
‘January 23rd, 2023
Dear Odette,
Please don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault, as you know. And if I knew the letter did not concern me at all, I would not have read it. But, I’m sort of glad that I did. It was perhaps one of the best letters I’ve ever read in my entire life. Are you a writer, by any chance? If not, you should consider becoming one. The rambling could add a nice personal touch - it’s not as big a flaw as you think it is. It certainly introduced me to your keen sense of smell. Speaking of which, Daisy is wonderful. I may have a roll-on tube of that somewhere. Otherwise, you’re correct. La Belle was released in 2019, it has become my new personal favorite. Are you a perfume collector? Or perhaps a bloodhound? I jest, I jest. Though I do appreciate the follow-up. If Mirabelle doesn’t appreciate your love, I may have to send her a letter myself. That being said, please let me know what she says? If it isn’t too much of an inconvenience.
Be well, Larissa W.’
‘January 29th, 2023
To Larissa,
You are far too kind. I write in my free time, yes, but I’m not sure I’m good enough to become a writer. However, your support still means a lot - even from all the way in California. Quite a long way, right? Crazy how paths cross. Anyway, I’m not a perfume collector, no. But my friend, Cassie, wears the same kind. I know for certain that she’d say you have good taste. And I’d agree. That bloodhound comment was funny. I know you can’t hear my giggling, but trust me when I say I am. I wish I could be as witty, but I don’t know what to say. My humor is typically made up of making fun of people. Do you have a guilty pleasure I can harp on? An embarrassing secret? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours. And as soon as I get something back, I’ll let you know. Don’t start writing just yet.
Best, Odette’
‘February 5th, 2023,
Telling you my secrets already? My, I believe we’ve skipped a few steps. What happened to a favorite color? A favorite memory? An age or profession, perhaps? If you couldn’t tell by now, I am still jesting. One of my guiltiest pleasures, though you may find it juvenile and silly, is the fact that I am a huge chocolate fiend. Many of my coworkers are aware that the best drink to buy me is a hot chocolate - hold the whipped cream. I am watching my figure after all. And because I pity your lack of matched wit, I’ll tell you that my biggest secret is the fact that I quite enjoy Taylor Swift’s music. Don’t ask me about my favorite song, I don’t think I could choose just one. Oh is that- is that the sound of your giggling? Maybe I can hear it from here, Ms. California. Now it’s your turn to hear mine. In the meantime, enlighten me on what you write about. I’m thinking poetry and free-form, with a focus on romance. I do a bit of writing myself from time to time, but it’s always in a diary. Never further. Perhaps you can do both of us justice and contemplate publishing? I’ll be the first to run to the shelves.
I hope you are well, Larissa W.’
‘February 13th, 2023
Dear chocolate fiend,
White. My first trip to New York City after Mirabelle. I arrived in the afternoon, went to see a movie, grabbed dinner and headache pills on the way back to my hotel room, and couldn’t sleep for the entire night. So I went out at 3 AM to see Times Square. It was only a block away and let me tell you, Larissa, it was beautiful. It was unlike anything. I felt safe for the first time in a while - beneath all of those lights. I was invincible. Not even loneliness could touch me. 27 and counting. Secretary. And potential writer. Someone I met recently has been trying to push me further into my hobby- to really adopt the lifestyle. You wouldn’t know them, though. Them? They/them? Please correct me if I’m wrong, Larissa. These letters wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable if I was calling you something you weren’t. As for me, I go by she/her. Mirabelle did as well. Does? Did? I’m not sure - I haven’t heard anything back yet. But that may be for the best. Horrid segue here (shame on little writer Odette), but Taylor Swift? Wow, I must be giggling quite loudly. HA HA HA HA HA!! HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!! I swear that one day I’ll get a laugh out of you as well. In the meantime, as you say, I’ll happily inform you that you’re a psychic of some sort. Yes, I write poetry and free-form romance. Novels have never been my thing though. But if I did write any, I’d have to say psychological horror is a favorite. I may give it a crack if you’d edit for me? Unless you’re terribly busy, Ms. Vermont. Then please don’t worry your pretty little head.
I hope you’re ‘weller’ than I am, Odette
(P.S. Happy Valentines Day)’
‘February 19th, 2023
Dear sweet poet,
Do forgive the late response. Work has been keeping me busy; but if you’re serious about editing, I’m sure I can set some time apart for you. That memory of yours does sound quite glorious - nearly heavenly. Such freedom is a dream for many people, myself somewhat included, so I admit I’m the tiniest bit jealous. However, I could always visit the city in the summer. Times Square is already calling my name… maybe I’ll even see a certain 27 year old stranger there. Maybe we could even grab hot chocolate. But I suppose you’d rather enjoy your independence. That being said, you are quite correct - they/them is one of my preferred pronouns. Much like yourself and the mysterious Mirabelle, she/her is another. And I’m glad we both agree that these letters are quite a treat. I have not had a pen-pal in quite a long time. My old roommate and I used to talk after we graduated, but times change. Much like they did for you and Mirabelle. I believe I may have loved my roommate in that way, too… but it’s as I said. Then again, she was always more of a psychic than me. I just got lucky. As for the answers to my questions, I’m quite sure none of those were secrets. Unless, of course, your favorite color is known only by myself. In which case, I’d consider myself lucky again. But either way, come to the table please Odette. Tell me yours - but only if you wish to.
Weller is not a word, Best, Larissa W.’
‘February 23rd, 2023
Dear Larissa,
Weller is a word if I want it to be. That is my secret. No, but in all seriousness, you’re correct. Fair is fair. So I’ll grant you this: I’m a redhead. Ugh I know! I know! It’s terrible. Horrible. I’m sorry. If you find that you can’t stand me anymore, I understand. A writer, secretary, AND a redhead? What’s next? An FBI agent? I can’t disclose that information. Speaking of which, you have yet to answer your own questions. All is fair in love and pen-paling, am I right or am I right Larissa? It’s okay. You can admit it. I’m right. Just like I’m right in saying that your roommate made a big mistake if she’s not with you now. Speaking from experience, love like that is not something one finds often. I’d say I’m glad you experienced it, for it has its good moments, but I know that the ache can be bad. Quite bad. Not to worry, though! If you figure you want to send her a letter, you may get a pen-pal out of it. Kind of neat, huh?
I’m sorry she broke your heart, too. What a foolish woman. Tsk tsk.
Best, Odette’
‘February 28th, 2023
To the resident redhead,
How could you betray me like this? A redhead? On the other side of these pages? I feel scorned. Scorned and touched. Very much like a writer to offer comfort for an offhand comment. I appreciate the sentiment more than you know. And just for your information, Ms. I’m-Always-Right: Silver. Getting my teachers certification and celebrating with a few friends before life pulled us in different directions. It was a wonderful night. I haven’t laughed so much since - and that was quite a while ago. 32 next year. Principal. I do hope that was enough to sate your burning curiosity; I’m sure you can be at ease now. And since I do so enjoy meeting you halfway, I’ll tell you that I’m very fair-haired. Very. Perhaps one day you’ll see. Until then, don’t let the curiosity kill you little cat.
Best, Larissa W.’
‘March 5th, 2023’
‘March 12th, 2023’
‘March 16th, 2023’
‘April 14th, 2023’
‘May 21st, 2023’
‘June 9th, 2023’
And the months went on.
And on.
And on.
And every few days, another letter came. Another letter went. Another letter was written. Another letter was sealed. Another letter was received. Another letter was cherished. Kept. Forever a lovely memory. Larissa and Odette went and went and went- on and on and on- exchanging and smiling as each paragraph grew in length. From this to that and whatever else they could find to think about; they formed a banter and connection like no other. Poking fun, making jokes, referencing previous letters, gossiping until their hearts were content. Purring within their chests, eagerly awaiting another letter. It kept their days moving. It kept their souls dancing. From miles away, they cheered each time they saw the thin familiar scrawl of Larissa’s writing and the loopy tilted words of Odette’s penmanship. At one point, they even tried copying each other’s style. It was hilarious. It had both of them laughing at the same time - and later doing it purely to mock. Such things, little but large, were frequent and lovely. One time, Odette mailed a perfume scent strip of her new favorite; and Larissa, never one to be outdone, sent a roll-on tube of La Belle. Odette got so ticked off she made her promise that they stick to letters and paper only. Larissa, usually a stubborn soul, agreed. That was their dynamic. Their push and pull. Their agree to disagree. Never did they fight; rarely did they not see eye to eye; and constantly did they playfully argue. It was small things- small insignificant little things- but they moved the conversation along. And it made them smile. It made them laugh. And during the hardest parts, the parts in which life pinched at their skin and dragged at their souls, it made them cry. It made them weep. It made them open up. It led to Odette confessing that Mirabelle had left her and it led to Larissa confessing that Morticia had left her as well. Two women, two ships in the night, both of which got away. And not gently, not two slow drifts into the night, but a harsh yank. Morticia left school with a man on her arm and Mirabelle returned to California one day from a business trip in France with a ring on her finger. The two of them agreed that it was funny how life likes to slap lovers in the face. That it was funny how life likes to get in the way. And enjoys ending good things and ruining them. Taking them away too quickly. With no warning at all. Without a single goodbye.
The last letter Odette sent was on October 28th, 2024.
Larissa hadn’t responded to her previous one. Or the one before that. And eventually, after much contemplation, she gave up. It wasn’t healthy- worrying so much. Odette figured that perhaps, finally, her worst fear came true and that Larissa realized their little arrangement was more odd than she thought. That she knew virtually nothing about Odette, not even her last name. And that she didn’t find her amusing anymore and didn’t want to associate with her anymore and didn’t want to even say hello. Or goodbye. Or anything in between.
It broke her heart a little bit.
Okay it broke her heart a lot a bit.
The radio silence left Odette living on autopilot for weeks. Months. Nearly half a year. She’d get up, check her mailbox, and go to work - only to come home, check her mailbox, and go to bed - just to do the same thing over and over and over again. Day and night. Night and day. It was worse than Mirabelle. It was worse than anything. No amount of teenage angst or familial grief could get over the deep void left within her soul once those letters stopped coming. Once the friend she found by accident, the kindred spirit she stumbled upon, the woman she lov-…. well. Once that one person decided never to write again.
Though like most difficult things that left her raw, Odette’s heart began scabbing over. She cleared her desk, packed away the special pens she used, put the paper neatly into a box, and tucked the leftover Larissa letters away right along with those sweet memories. Then she put them into the back of a closet she rarely rifled through… and tried to forget it was all there. The La Belle, which she rarely touched, was hidden in her pajama drawer at the very back- wrapped up in old T-shirts she no longer wore. And every other thing that existed around her, that reminded her of Larissa, was pushed out of sight. Out of sight and out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight… out of mind.
The company was celebrating her 5 year anniversary. They wanted to fly her out to Vermont. Jericho, Vermont. To have a little vacation there. To enjoy life. To fucking torture her.
She almost didn’t go. She almost canceled entirely. She almost quit her goddamn job because that was the same job she had when she first met Lar-…..
But she went anyway. Vermont was large enough. She’d be fine.
And she was, much to her surprise. She was entirely fine. It was a beautiful change of season; the air was crisp, the trees were changing color- morphing back into sunny greens. The world enjoyed its rain as April introduced May to Jericho and as the year of 2025 blossomed into being. Odette spent her days reading, taking walks, basking in the beauty of the log cabin the company rented for her. It was truly lovely. Truly a dream come true. And she didn’t even think- didn’t even wonder- about the other ship that got away from her. That barely even brushed past her, or lingered, before parting the water and skating away into the night all those months ago.
It was blissful. It reminded her of New York. Of that freedom- that independence- that song within her soul, dredged up from the depths.
But there was one thing.
One tiny little thing.
One little reminder that never left her. That she didn’t let go of.
“Hot chocolate, no whip, for Odette?”
A small smile grew on her lips as she slid out of the booth and made her way up to the counter. The young man met her eyes, returned the smile, and gestured to the warm cup on the counter with a nod of his head.
“Thank you lots.” And with that, she retreated to her booth.
Hot chocolate.
She wasn’t going to give up hot chocolate, let alone any chocolate at all, just because a distant soul enjoyed it. The whipped cream was something she wanted, but… old habits did always die hard, didn’t they? Oh most definitely. And as Odette reclined against the comfortable seat, eyes tracking the screen of her work laptop, hot chocolate firmly placed on the coaster to her right, she lived up to that sentiment with no room to spare. Leaving work at home was hard. She dove into it some time ago; dedicating more time, thinking, and hours into the well-oiled machine of her job just to distract her from everything outside of it. When she was there, responding, taking calls, managing dates and meetings and this, that, and the other, the world fell silent. Into a distant buzzy din. Into a land of muffled sounds and unimportant chatter - like her head was dunked under water as soon as she opened her emails. To a certain extent, it was calming. Repetitive and not at all that difficult after she figured out a proper routine; the worst part was dealing with those who couldn’t write properly. And in the professional world, that was rare. Well- if a person wanted to keep their job of course. And she definitely wanted to keep hers. It was fulfilling. Enriching. She made some friends, she shook some hands, she reassured her bosses. They knew she was reliable. Friendly. Odette never faltered. And they counted on that. Counted on her. Gave her the time of day. Responded when they could. Cherished her like a human. Like a friend. Unlike-
“Larissa? Hot chocolate, no whip?”
Odette blinked.
The muffled bubble popped. The world flooded back. She looked up from her screen.
Was she going mad? Crazy? Bonkers, finally? After all that time? Had she misheard? Maybe the young man said Patricia. Or Melissa. Or-
“Larissa! Hey, long time no see!”
Odette turned around in her seat so fast, she nearly broke her neck. She shuffled to the end of the booth, peered around the side, eyes wide and hands gripping the edge of the table… only to feel her excitement die as soon as it existed.
Of course. Foolish her. She didn’t know what Larissa looked like. She never got a proper description. Never got a photograph. Or a phone number. Or anything at all. Just a P.O. Box and a state. Just… nothing.
“Hello Jerry, it has been a while, hasn’t it? How are you?”
No, she- well she did get something. She got little things. Details. Odette’s brow furrowed as her eyes, hazel and starry and glazed over with apprehension and fear and admiration and horror, ran up and down the woman’s body. She was tall. Larissa never mentioned tall. She was curvy. Larissa never mentioned curvy.
‘I am watching my figure after all.’
…She was stylish. Larissa never mentioned style and fashion.
“Oh I’m good, I’m good. What about you? How’s the semester going?”
“I’m well, thank you. It’s… well it’s definitely going, Jerry.” They shared a laugh.
She was English. Larissa never mentioned being English. She wore gloves. Larissa never mentioned gloves. She-
Wait. Semester?
‘Getting my teachers certification…’ ‘Principal.’
Odette felt her heart drop.
“I’m sure it is! I- oh shoot. More customers. Sorry, Larissa. Can we catch up later?”
“Of course Jerry. You know where to find me. Until next time.”
Hazel eyes watched the stranger wave. Then turn around.
Dear lord…
She didn’t recognize her- not really- but the fair hair, which only registered then… and the silver jewelry. And the… the…
Odette watched as the woman walked past. She watched and she felt her heart in her ears- pounding, clawing, dancing- as she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. So deeply. So deeply it made her lungs ache. So deeply it made her soul tear in two.
La Belle.
Odette had never packed up her things so quickly. She never slammed her laptop closed so fast, never slid it into her bag so messily, never threw the bag over her shoulder or shoved her wallet into her pocket or grabbed the hot chocolate with such vigor ever before. Not once in her life. And rarely did she act so impulsively- not after Larissa. But seeing her then, somehow knowing deep within her soul that it was her… it broke- snapped- the thin resolve of Odette’s sanity and sent her flying out of the Weathervane like a bat out of Hell. She was burning up inside. Electric. Her eyes held fire and ice and so much warmth, so much desperation, that she nearly toppled over herself in her hurry.
The woman- Larissa- was a fast walker. Her long legs took her far as she distractedly typed on her phone with one hand and held the cup of hot chocolate in the other. Odette, being short and clumsy, was red and out of breath by the time she got close enough to call out her name. And call, she did. Call, cry, silently plead, she did.
It was loud. Like a roar. Like a harrowing yell. Like something that held months and months and months of pain and sorrow and grief behind it. It instantly made her throat hurt, running it raw in only a second, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care at all. Not when her voice got Larissa to stop in her tracks and turn around, eyes searching and confused.
Of course, as to be expected, she had no clue who she was. Not even an inkling. Larissa got no description either - not even a photo. All she knew was that Odette had red hair. And that a woman with red hair was storming toward her, all fucks thrown to the wind, sneakers smacking the pavement hard as she stomped down the sidewalk. Larissa looked utterly puzzled, slightly mortified, entirely put off by the sight of such a determined stranger. Like she wasn’t sure if she had done something wrong and if she had, she wasn’t sure how to fix it. But Odette would tell her. Odette would make it known.
“What the fuck?” was the first thing out of her mouth.
A rather harsh introduction, but necessary nonetheless. She didn’t even really mean to say it, but the surprised widening of Larissa’s eyes had a twisted spark of satisfaction spiraling up within her soul.
And her outburst, naturally, meant many things. Not just ‘What the fuck?’ but ‘What the fuck? Why did you disappear? What did I do? Did I hurt you? Did I say something? Did something happen to you? Do you feel sorry? Do you miss me? Do you wish you responded? Do you hope to never hear from me again? Did you always know this would happen? Did you ever even bother to think that you should tell me you’re that beautiful? What the fuck, why are your eyes so blue? And why are they piercing? Staring at me? Heavenly and deep and never-ending? Like.. oceans… and why are your lips so soft looking and plump and red? Where did that scar come from? Do you hate it? Do you know that I like it even though I’m only seeing it now for the first time ever? Did you always wear your hair like that? How long does it take you to get it like that? How does it feel to take it out after a long day? Did you know your makeup is flawless? And that your jawline is magnificent? And that you’re so tall… and you look so strong… inside and out… and why the fuck did you not mention you were British? English? What does it matter? Just what the fuck? Why the fuck? How the fuck? What the fuckity fuck?!’
But overall, it only meant ‘What the fuck? Why didn��t you say goodbye?’
“I beg your pardon?”
Unfortunately, Larissa could never read minds. Or hearts. So the vague pangs of longing, like old rusted blood, only ached harder as the taller woman blinked and frowned.
A blush painted Odette’s cheeks. Right. Somehow, along the way of admiring, she’d forgotten. Larissa had no idea who she was.
“Um.” Clearing her throat, she adjusted the bag on her shoulder. Suddenly, things were very awkward. Terribly awkward. So horribly bloody awkward. It was a wonder if Larissa could feel the odd lull in conversation, the sudden dousing of Odette’s flames, but it didn’t really matter. If she wanted to, Odette was sure that if she chose to walk away, if she chose to take one last look before turning around and never coming back, then Larissa would never know. Then she’d just be another story. Another odd memory to tell her children one day, if she ever wished to have them. In her letters, the taller woman admitted that she didn’t think she ever would. But Odette always had a feeling that she’d be an amazing mother. Looking at her then, taking in the perfect posture and the crisp seams of her clothing, the feeling became fact. Larissa would be the best mom.
Funny that… there was a time, long ago, where Odette fantasized about making sandwiches for picnics and uprooting her entire life. Just to see the proud smile on her pen-pal’s face as her child grew and grew and grew and flourished. And maybe even ended up calling her ‘mom’ one day too.
But as Larissa wrote once upon a time, things changed. Time went on. And that was how it was.
So she could turn around. She could very well wrench herself from her spot and drag herself back the way she came. She could apologize, tell her she was mistaken, and that she was sorry - and then she could walk off into the sunset and pretend nothing ever happened. She could burn the letters. She could burn the very memory of her. She could forget the name ‘Larissa’ entirely and all would be left to rest. And that would be that. Que sera, sera.
But Odette was never the type to give up easily. Mirabelle, wherever she was, could attest.
So instead of abandoning ship, she powered through.
“It’s Odette,” came her firm tone. She straightened her back and tilted her head to look up properly, trying to stand tall in the face of heartache.
But heartache didn’t recognize her.
“Have we… met before?” Larissa blinked, turning to present her full attention.
Odette flushed red. Angry. Sad. Liberated.
“Have- have we met before?” She repeated, scoffed, outraged by her old friend’s obliviousness. “Just how many Odettes do you know?!” Her hands ran to her hips, firmly rooting themselves there as she began tapping her foot and glowering.
Such a display had Larissa scanning her from head to toe, desperately scrambling for understanding and recognition. The loose T-shirt, the black leggings, the sneakers, the hazel eyes, the pretty features, the freckles, the plump cheeks and curved body, the bag on her shoulder, the hair on her head. Red. Fiery. Standing out against the blue of the sky like a stain on white fabric. Messy curls and natural red red red.
Red… red…
Odette watched as Larissa froze. Her lips fell open, her eyes widened, she could practically see the way her heart stopped in her chest.
She remembered.
She remembered.
The shorter woman nodded, slowly feeling the anger and excitement drain from her body. It was fun being anonymous for just a moment. It was fun being the only one that remembered - having the chance to feel properly scorned and betrayed. But that didn’t last very long. The come down was harsh. Quick. A fall from immense grace. Especially when she saw the tears. They welled up in Larissa’s eyes, glossy and wet, making those sapphires shine. So swift they were. So rapid. As if sparked by Odette’s very existence.
Though maybe Larissa wasn’t the one that was tearing up. Maybe it was just her. Maybe the haze of the world, growing slightly blurry, was caused by the water that threatened to fall over her own lashes.
“Yeah.” It was all she could think to say.
For even with all of her passion, even with her love of words and her many discarded story drafts (all coincidentally started in the year 2023), even with whatever eloquence she was naturally born with, Odette couldn’t come up with a single meaningful thing to say. There was much, of course. But none of it fit. None of it made sense. Everything that lingered on her tongue, finally unlodging itself from the stickiness of her throat, was too heavy. Too heavy for the moment. Too heavy for the sidewalk. Too heavy for the side of the street. Too heavy for Jericho. Out in the open. Vermont. Miles away from home. Too close too close too close. Too much all at once. Maybe running after her was a bad idea. Maybe taking the vacation was even worse. Maybe sending that letter to Mirabelle in the first place was the poignant moment in which she should have changed her mind and threw it away when she considered it.
But she hadn’t.
And so there she was, staring up at Larissa, suddenly helpless. That ship that passed her in the night all those months ago had come back around; except that time she had stumbled upon it herself. And she wasn’t entirely sure if she was grateful- or terrified. Maybe the ship hated her. Maybe the ship would crash into her and ruin her and maybe the ship would begin shooting cannons. Maybe the ship would continue right past her. Maybe the ship would-
-hug her?
Odette blinked, very much unsure of what was happening as soon as she felt the comforting weight of long arms pushing themselves under her biceps and interlocking behind her back. La Belle and the soft clean smell of faded shampoo filled her senses. Her nose. Her lungs. Her eyes. Her heart. And soul. Part of her was so confused it wanted to grasp Larissa’s shoulders and shove her off. And the other part of her, the part of her that had dreams about receiving another letter from the one that broke her heart, wanted to give in.
‘That ship sailed a long time ago - I’m just not the type to give up easily.’
Odette’s arms pressed against Larissa’s waist. Their holds were odd, skewed by the cups of hot chocolate they held and the other items in their grasps. But nonetheless, it was… it was unlike anything. Each breath died on Odette’s tongue. She felt the atoms in her brain disappear. Like they never existed at all.
“I’m sorry.” It was said so softly, she was near certain it wasn’t uttered at all. But then Larissa was pulling back, hands shaking as she brought them to her lips. “I’m sorry.”
There was grief in her eyes. A sadness that not even the most haunted of poets could explore, nor understand, nor emulate. It gleamed. It cut Odette in half. It had her taking steps back, suddenly unsure. Suddenly disoriented.
“What-… what happened?” She was breathless, bewildered at the sight of regret swimming in Larissa’s eyes.
The taller woman opened her mouth… then hesitated. Her gaze burned through her old friend- then twitched away and ran over the world around them. The sidewalk, the street, the shops, the Weathervane, the town itself. They were out in the open. And their… reunion… was too good for that. Too painful for that. Odette watched as Larissa’s lower lip quivered; as the thoughts ran through her mind at the speed of light. And before she even spoke, she knew what she was going to say.
“Please, come with me,” her voice was soft. Silken. Heavy with guilt. Pouring with unspoken words.
It was Odette’s turn to hesitate. Years… nearly. However much time. She didn’t really know. She stopped keeping track once she realized she was losing sleep over it. Hours upon hours of sleep. It affected her work - it affected her body. It slit the throat of her life and dragged it through dirt. ‘It’ being the silence. ‘It’ being the goodbye that never came. ‘It’ being Larissa, Larissa, Larissa.
The same Larissa who held an apology wound up in her lungs. The same Larissa who looked down at her as if she couldn’t quite believe she was real, standing before her, breathing and living. The same Larissa whose shaking hands held a cellphone and a cup of hot chocolate that was swiftly running cold. The same Larissa with the same shining eyes that glistened with tears and crackling memories and affection, warmth, that seemed so out of place. Years without the comfort of that dove-like soul… years without the… the love? Love? Is that what they had? Perhaps it was too little too late to wonder. Perhaps Odette was just dipping into wishful thinking. Giving into the dreams she repeated over the years. With every word, every breath, every letter - she found herself begging. Pleading. ‘Please. Please please please invite me to Vermont. See me. Know me. These pages are killing me.’ All of it secretly scrawled between her slanting lines. Running in circles behind her hazel eyes. Displayed for Larissa, even though Larissa did not exist before her at the time.
Not like she did in that moment. In Jericho. In tears.
“Let me explain, Odette. I meant- I… just- give me a chance.” Larissa blinked her tears away and straightened her shoulders, tone growing desperate, body growing tense.
Never before did she sound like that in their letters. But never before did she leave Odette for so long. Interesting circumstances… Funny how life ended things so quickly. Funny how life brought out the truth in a person when they felt themselves tugged at a loss. Pushed to their knees. Though she said she had an explanation… and her old friend had never been a liar.
“Okay,” Odette breathed, clearing her throat. “Okay.”
‘Yes of course, really,’ Odette thought, looking at her with a mix of surprise and anger and devotion. ‘What are you, mad? I’d never just walk away. I’d never just give up. I can’t help myself. I never could. You know this. You know me.’
───※ ·❆· ※───
I quite enjoyed writing this. Might take a break from writing 'Heat' and 'To People Watch One Person' for a bit- same with requests. For the foreseeable future, whatever comes to mind will be written. I've started watching GOT again... and a certain Ser of Tarth has strummed the strings of my heart {as always} so maybe expect something with her? Dunno. Either way, thank you for staying with me. You mean the moon and stars, believe me. - Ripley x
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/26/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew;WeeJohnWondays; New Calendar; Watch Party Reminders; Uk Billboard; Trends; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight'sTaika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Wee John Wonday! =
No guests today! Just the wonderful Kristian Nairn himself! So I didn't get time to write up a synopsis, so I'll give you a few highlights I thought you might like!
Next Wee John Wonday will feature: Ruibo Qian and Anapela Polataivao!
Calypso's Birthday Airing Episode, the guests will be: Con O'Neill and Gypsy Taylor!
GOT questions!
== New Calendar ==
Weekly Calendar! Tomorrow is #TomatoTuesday!
#TomatoTuesday is a day to rave about OFMD's rave ratings on Rotten Tomatoes to different streamers! Please add your own review if you haven't already! Rotten Tomatoes Review Tutorial.
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= People of Earth S2 =
People of Earth S2 continues tomorrow Feb 27 at 9 pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 1pm PST. Need access? Reach out to @iamadequate1!
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= Uncle Season 2 Watch Party! =
Wed 28th + Thurs 29th GMT - 8pm / ET - 3pm / PST - 12 pm Streaming on I-player! Outside the UK? Follow this VPN tutorial to learn more.
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= Joe Lycett Watch Party =
According to the new weekly calendar you can join @lcwebsxoxo for Joe Lycett Watch Party at 10 pm GMT on twitter! #YoureATreasure
== UK Billboard ==
As many of you have heard, the Save OFMD Crew has been working on getting a billboard going in the UK.
"Our goal is to help achieve pick-up for Our Flag Means Death. To do it, we need the show (and the campaign) to continue garnering attention through sustained interest, viewership and fandom growth, and we need to prove to other streamers that picking up the show is a good financial investment."
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Since there's so much information, I'm just going to give you some links that you can peruse at your leisure:
Save OFMD Crewmates Billboard Post on Tumblr
Transparency Policy
London Billboard FAQ
SaveOFMD Crew Contact Info
If you'd like to donate to the billboard/truck/subway effort (it's not required) please visit: Save OFMD Ko-Fi
I mentioned in another post-- if you don't feel comfortable reaching out to SaveOFMD Crew directly, and want to chat/forward feedback anonymously, I'm more than happy to do that on your behalf, just shoot me an anon ask. However, I will probably not get to them tonight because it's already very late, sorry! I'll forward them on first thing in the morning for me.
== Trends ==
Sure looks like #OurFlagBBC is still going pretty strong! Great job friends!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Collages =
Almost at the end of the month of February -- and the Feburary LOVE #OurFlagMeansDeath Collage Fest! from our fabulous crew-mate @WanderingNomad on Twitter! So close to being caught up on the rest of the month!
Day 26: Season 2 Costumes!
Day 10: Ewan Bremner!
Day 11: Joel Fry
Day 12: Ruibo Qian
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Wanna be featured in the fan spotlight? Send me a message! We're trying to make sure our creative crewmates are getting a chance to strut their stuff! I've been reaching out to several folks so hopefully we'll have lots more soon!
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. Tonight, I was gonna write a bunch of stuff but then I found this video of Rhys sending some love and encouragement, and I felt like it was needed more than anything else. I haven't gotten permission to share the full video on here yet, so if I do I'll get it posted. For now, @lividturkeys posted an uplifting section that I think we all need to hear tonight.
"Keep the laughter coming...We stick together and keep bringing love and joy to this planet, it needs it more than ever...Keep laughing, Love you"
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Okay so I'm running out of time, so tonight will be pics not gifs, sorry all. One of these days I'll finish catching up earlier in the day (ha!)
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PS: I have no idea why but my 5 year old finds Taika and Rhys HILARIOUS. Like, laugh his ass off roll on the floor laughing when he sees Taika talking and Rhys making silly movements.
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nowoyas · 6 months
winding back and unlearning - nishinoya yuu/reader (NSFW)
Prev - M.list - Read on Ao3
A/N: I've had this written since February 29th I just didn't feel like editing it. so I didn't. I still haven't REALLY edited but it's fine just tell me it's good even if it isn't. writing smut is 50% me going "wow I'm the greatest writer ever" and 50% me going "maybe I should stop writing forever". this time for real I have another two oneshots coming - another noya/reader smutshot which is already written and just pending a rest for editing purposes and a karasuno team gangbang which will need a bit more work before it's ready to post but it's already drafted so we'll see! ANYWAYS. nishinoya. you agree. reblog.
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Summary: Noya shows you how to let go.
Warnings: smut, reader is referred to as a girl multiple times/is afab, biting (I mean come on you know me by now). this is a deleted scene from the previous work linked above but you don't need to read that to understand that they fuckin'.
Word count: 2100+
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“Let me show you how to let go, then.”
There’s no illusions about what he means. Not this time, not with his lips dancing down your neck to your exposed shoulder. Not with his hips pressing into yours, not with his fingertips toying with the edge of his shirt you’re wearing, and not with his fingertips brushing the bare skin at your waist.
You nod and hope you won’t regret it.
Noya’s hands dance underneath your shirt, push it up and out of the way but not off. At the sight of you, he lets out a sharp little intake of breath. He sighs down into you, stops you when you move to take the shirt all the way off. “As hot as you are, I kinda wanna fuck you wearing my clothes.”
You huff a laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”
Still, the words flutter down to your core. His hands roam your chest, never able to settle anywhere, until he can’t take it anymore and leans in to kiss your neck. “God, you’re hot.”
“How many times are you going to—mm—“
He snickers against your throat. “Oh, we’re still sensitive here, huh?”
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Trying,” he mumbles.
Oh, fine. You’re supposed to be trying this “letting go” thing, anyway. You tug at his shirt, let him ravish your neck. “Noya,” you breathe as he finds just the right spot. He responds with a sharp bite. “Careful—mark,” you gasp.
“That doesn’t sound like a complaint to me.” Bastard. You can feel him grinning.
“I have to go back to work at some point after this,” you whine. “Do you want me to walk into the office covered in hickeys or something?”
A muffled laugh. “Well—“
“Do not answer that.”
“Fine, fine.”
He returns to his mission—apparently, to get his mouth on every bit of your skin he possibly can. He’s eager and skilled with his mouth, goes out of his way to mark you places you can’t complain about. (He may or may not get away with marking you in one or two places you should be complaining about.) When he seems satisfied with having made a new tapestry on your neck and shoulders, he returns his attention to your tits, slides your bra off and out from under the shirt with little difficulty.
“That’s better,” he whispers before leaning down to capture a nipple in his mouth.
He’s attentive, or perhaps fixated—one hand on your waist, one on the other breast, both determined to map out the extent of your body however they can as you gasp into the room. When he seems satisfied, he switches, laughing around your flesh as you whine and arch your back into him. He nips at the underside of your breast before moving downward, his hips grinding against your leg just so you know he’s hard.
Not to be outdone, you, too, take the time to map out his body, find places to taste his skin, feel his muscles where he’s retained gorgeous toning from when you were younger. “Okay, I know you want to fuck me wearing your clothes, but I’d like to see you, so will you please—“
“Fine, fine.” He pulls back, whips his shirt off to let you see him. Yeah, he’s still well-toned, still got the hint of abs and the nice arms that used to have your mind wandering back in the day. They feel nice underneath your palms as you sit up to kiss him, his stomach twitching as you lightly drag your nails on the way down.
“God, you’re still so hot,” you groan as your hand meets his mark. He’s hard in your hand as you palm him through his shorts, lets out a low groan of his own as he drops his head onto your shoulder.
“I can’t keep waiting like this.” He grabs your wrist, pushes you down. “Give me a sec.”
You lean back, watch with lidded eyes as he scrambles a little overexcitedly out of his pants. His cock springs free and heavy against his stomach, and before he crawls back on top on you, he finds a condom in his side table and drops it beside you. You laugh. “You really are excitable.”
“Oh, hush,” he says, rolling his eyes. He grabs at your shorts—his, really—and tugs, pulling you towards him with them.
“I thought you didn’t want me taking your clothes off?”
He raises an eyebrow, glaring playfully. “How am I going to eat you out with the shorts on?”
“I’m sure you could find a way.”
“Too much work.” He climbs back on top of you, hands finding your ass and pulling you in close to his mouth. The flat of his tongue drags across your sex, and you drop your head back with a sigh.
He moans again you. “Delicious,” he murmurs, pausing to bite at your inner thigh. He loses himself there, taking the time to leave yet another mark on your skin. You whine, rolling your hips up against nothing.
“Quit marking me and just—“
He moves up, bites harder at your hip. “Hmm?”
“Ugh, Noyaaa, you know what I want.”
He chuckles. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“Touch me,” you whine.
“Touch you…?”
“Touch me please. Asshole.”
“Mm. I wanna mark you a bit more.”
“I am going to kick your ass—“
“Hot.” Nevertheless, his fingers find your pussy and press in gently. “You’re so wet, you know that? You didn’t have to tell me a thing.”
You roll your hips up at the contact, only for him to pull his hand away. He clicks his tongue.
“[name],” he practically sings. “You’re going to have to be patient.”
Again he nips at your hip. Holds your hands down while he sucks a new mark there. When at last he’s satisfied, he repositions himself, slips one finger inside you, two as you finally keen in relief.
He works you up easily, moreso due to his teasing, pumping his fingers into you with an expert curl as his tongue works your clit. As he fingers you, his hips grind against the bed. What, is he so excited he can't help it?
That's... kinda hot.
A third finger joins the fray, and you sigh at the stretch, hips rolling against his face. He continues working you, removing his fingers only to press his whole face into your cunt until you cum on his tongue.
"Fuck, Noya. Where on Earth did you learn that?" you ask as you recover.
He presses his whole body up against yours, face glistening with your slick as he leans in close. "I'm a natural, you know. I've always been good at making pretty girls cum."
"Right, right, how could I forget?"
He laughs softly, leans in to kiss you. You can taste yourself on his lips, but it doesn't bother you—you kiss right back, running a hand through his hair. Maybe tugging a bit when he nibbles at your lip. He returns the favor, once again groping at you. He just can't keep his hands to himself.
When he's satisfied himself, the hand that had been kneading your hip leaves you, searching blindly in the sheets.
You pull away with a snort. "You lost the condom."
"I-I didn't lose it!" he protests.
You roll your eyes, untangle from him as he searches. Your hand finds it quickly enough, but you let him search a little bit longer just to make him sweat. When you've had your fun, you hold it up in two fingers. "I've got it."
He smiles, drops his head against your shoulder. "There it is."
"At least one of us has our head on straight, here," you tease.
"See, I need you! I'll never make it in Italy alone without your beautiful brain by my side."
"I think you just want to bring along a chew toy."
"That's not true!"
You shove his shoulder lightly. "Besides, you always made it through fine. Although I do make things much easier, thank you."
He growls playfully, tackles you down to wrestle the condom from you. "You're sassy after you cum, huh?"
"Am I?"
He nips lightly at your throat, separates just long enough to roll the condom onto his throbbing length.
You hum. "So how are you wanting me?"
"Are you giving me the option?"
"You're the one who was pulling me around all day. Might as well fuck me how you want, too."
A low groan. He grabs at your hips, flips you onto your stomach with ease. "Hands and knees. Please."
He doesn’t have to tell you twice, not that he had to tell you at all from the way his hands grip your hips to position you for him. It’s been a little while—a lot a while, actually—and when he finally, finally presses into you, the stretch burns pleasantly. You sign in unison as he rolls his hips forward, as he pushes until he bottoms out inside your pussy. “You’re so tight,” he sighs. “Take me so well.”
Your stomach flutters at the praise. It does not go unnoticed.
He snakes a hand around to rub at your clit lazily. “How you feeling, pretty girl?”
“Good,” you moan out. “Real good.”
“That’s good. Are you gonna keep being good for me?”
He pulls out a bit, thrusts back in—shallow first, slow and loving to allow you to get used to the stretch. It’s a good stretch, real good. You don’t know how else to describe it, other than you want it—more, harder, faster.
“Noyaaa,” you whine out.
“Mm?” His voice has grown husky, barely exerted as he stretches your walls.
You look back at him as best you can, eyes pathetic when you meet his. “Harder, please.”
You’re not really expecting the growl that leaves his throat. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
He pulls all the way out, flips you again so you’re dizzy, nearly slams his cock back into you once he gets your legs pushed up and out of the way. Now, he’s not holding back—his hands find yours, fingers intertwined as he pins you down. It’s almost affectionate, if not for the pure lust radiating off of him.
There’s the strength and stamina you were hoping for—he fucks you into the mattress, angles his hips just right that you writhe underneath him. He drinks in the sight of you—moaning on his cock, wearing his shirt, marks all over you from his mouth—and fights not to so much as blink.
“Are you gonna cum for me, pretty girl? Won’t you cum for me?” he croons as he pistons his hips.
“Ah—wanna cum—“
He leans down, mouth latching onto your neck and biting down as he feels you start to get close. When you cum, it’s blinding just a moment, whining into his ear, thrashing beneath him. You nearly cry at the release—it’s too good, too much, and he’s still fucking you.
It doesn’t take long to drag him over the edge with you—your walls are still pulsing around him when at last his hips stutter and still inside you.
“Fuck, that’s it,” he groans. “Did so well for me.”
You simply whine. Words aren’t gonna happen right now.
He chuckles, pulls out of you in a motion that has you both hissing. You let out a small noise of complaint as his weight leaves the bed.
“I’ve gotta take care of you. I’ll be right back, okay?” He leans over, kisses you on the forehead as you pout.
He disappears despite your childish protesting, returns with no condom on and a damp rag that has you jolting and yelping when he presses it between your legs.
“Sorry. I was only kind of trying to startle you.”
“I have a nice one, thanks for noticing.”
You snort and reach up for him, making grabby hands in an attempt to get him to come cuddle you. You always have been extra affectionate after the fact.
“I’m just going to put this rag in the bathroom, and then I’ll be back, okay?”
Another whine. He laughs as he leaves the room.
But, well, he makes good on his promise—after a few moments, as your eyelids are already growing heavy, he returns, flopping down on top of you unceremoniously.
“There we go. All yours, pretty girl.”
If there’s regret to be had, you’re sure it’ll hit by morning. For now, his arm winds around you, and your hand comes up to intertwine fingers with his, and you rest, feeling lighter than you have in years.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
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enjoythesilentworld · 4 months
Wille's Month - Voicemail (Free Day)
day 31 @youngroyals-events thank you for everything (more coming in a separate post bc i have a lot of thanks to give)
A collection of voicemails left by Wille.
read below or on ao3 (G, 800)
Simon’s phone. March 29th, 2027, 4:29pm.
“Hi baby! I’m on my way home, I’m just about to stop at the store. Did you say we needed more milk? I’ll grab some anyway, I think I have a coupon. Oh my gosh, you’ll never believe what I saw on my lunch break today. I took a walk around the park and there was this little mama duck, and she had a little trail of babies following after her. I nearly cried. I was late getting back to the shop because I stayed to watch them swim around in the pond. And I- Oh, I just remembered I sent you a video of that. Well, I’m telling you again because it bears repeating. One of these days when we move out of the city, we should get a bunch of animals or something. I think I’d make a good farmer. Or would that make us ranchers? Anyway, I’ll see you in a few. I love you!”
Felice’s phone. November 11th, 2029, 7:13am.
“Felice, we have an issue. I’ve been following this recipe you sent so closely but I’ve managed to screw it up. Why do my egg whites look like this? … I just remembered you can’t see them. I’ll text you a picture. They’re all grainy and weird, though. Are you busy right now? This would be so much easier if we could do this on FaceTime or something. I’d owe you big time. I guess call me when you wake up, if you can? Love you. Thanks in advance.”
Linda’s phone. October 20th, 2027, 5:32pm.
“Hi Linda! Simon and I are running a bit late. Someone had to spend an extra thirty minutes fixing his— Hey! I’m trying to explain to your mom why it’s not my fault we’re late! Sorry, Linda. We’ll be there soon, I promise. Simon is being very safe, though, and definitely not taking his hands off the wheel to try to steal my phone. I made some new cookies with a recipe Felice gave me, too. I’m excited for you to try them! You have to actually give me a sincere review this time. I appreciated all your kindness last time, but I want you to be brutally honest about these ones. Okay, we’re about five minutes out. See you soon!”
August’s phone. February 1st, 2034, 9:48pm.
“Hi, August. It’s Wille. I saw a short clip of the ceremony today. Sorry I couldn’t make it. Mamma seems confident in you, and I actually think you’ll do a good job. I’m not calling you ‘Your Royal Highness’, though… I wish you the best. Bye.”
Sara's phone. July 15th, 2025, 3:06pm.
“Okay, I grabbed what you said. I think— Oh, sorry. Hi. It’s Wille. You know that. Listen, I am worried he’s getting suspicious. I’m bad at keeping secrets from him, you know this. I still think no one should’ve told me and this party could’ve been a surprise for both of us. Sorry, rambling. I think I managed to find everything on the list. They only had two packs of purple balloons left, so hopefully 50 is enough. Oh! The cake looks awesome, too. Felice did a great job. He’s going to love it. Okay, I gotta go, he’s coming. See you— Hi Simon! … No, just a scam call. How—”
Kristina’s phone. September 5th, 2032, 6:11pm.
“Hi Mamma. I’m sorry I missed your call earlier. Things have been really busy over here. The movers showed up on time, thankfully, and everything went smoothly. We managed to get a lot unpacked already. Simon and I just had our first official dinner at our new kitchen table! Let me know when you and Pappa want to come visit. I’d say give us a few weeks to at least get the majority of the boxes cleared out. You’re going to love the view of the lake. It’s so beautiful, Mamma… I’m really happy here. Okay. Call me when you can… I love you. Say hi to Pappa.”
Erik’s phone. June 1st, 2026, 1:52am.
“Hi Erik. It’s your brother. Wille. Um… I graduated today. I didn’t end up finishing at Hillerska. It got shut down. You may actually know a little bit about why. I don’t want to talk about that… The past few years have been really tough, Erik. There are a lot more good days than bad ones now, but it still hurts every day. I miss you a lot. I hope you’ve forgiven me for stepping down from the throne. I think you have. You knew I never wanted it. I’m starting at uni in the fall, and Simon and I are going to live together. I’m really excited, actually. Normal life, and all that. Maybe I’ll even get a job. Imagine that. Former Crown-Prince working as a barista. Um, okay. I should probably get back to sleep. I’ll call again soon. I love you, big brother… Bye.”
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adelarsims · 7 months
I actually do wanna learn more ab them! And I have a few specific questions if you don't mind!
How old are they really?
They seem a bit obsessed with looking young, is there a reason for that?
Why don't they use a wand if it helps keep their hands looking younger?
What changed them from a snob to a slightly more uhm personable person?
What do they teach?
Also here is your excuse to ramble about world building and magic cus I love this stuff
Another more vague one, you mentioned their childhood was rough, can you talk more ab that?
Finally because I feel like I'm overstaying my welcome, how did they discover they have feelings for Caleb?
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1. let’s just say over a hundred. caleb once told cassie that 100+ years old feels better than 97 or something, because there's something romantic about being 'over a hundred', like straight out of a fairy tale, while 97 is just a really old grandpa :D
2. when they imagine looking in the mirror and seeing their hair grey and face wrinkled, they're terrified. it’s not a simple vanity - many spellcasters share this fear, when you don't see the constant flow of time when you look in the mirror, your image of yourself freezes like a fly in the amber - and going back into that flow gets more and more terrifying because it feels like suddenly the end nears faster. not all spellcasters choose to prolong their life, but those who do find it hard to stop. as for the youthful look... i think Morgyn just craves to feel at their peak, being the perfect image of themselves in everything. they were deprived of feeling worthy in their early years, so they keep proving and proving otherwise. especially after some discoveries about themselves that upended their understanding of who they are and thrown them into a deep identity crisis – they would grasp at all perfection that is still within their power to maintain. well... maybe it's also a bit of vanity, too.
3. it’s just more natural for them to cast with their hands and gives them access to much stronger magic. a wand doesn’t hold any magic itself, it’s like a laser pointer for magical energy, helps you focus and direct it. spellcasters need wands, innate mages don’t, though they of course can use them too. hand magic is raw, it’s more powerful but requires mastery and precision, and allows to weave spells that aren’t accessible to wand users, because wand is a single-channel magic focus, so to speak, and hand magic allows multi-channeling it (so basically, there's a limit that former humans who learned magic can do, and for innate mages this limit is very far, if existing at all)
4. oh no, don’t mistake a snob for an insufferable asshole. they were always personable. they’re likeable, cheeky, warm and affectionate to those they’re close with, especially those who appreciate and accept them, even though their position as a grand sage and academia headmaster naturally made them more reserved. and they’re still snobbish about magic, they know no one will do it better than them when it comes to spells, tend to nitpick mistakes in others' spellcasting, and get annoyed when someone is being lazy or unreasonably cocky with their magic. they just were hot-headed about people doubting their prowess as a student, but they have matured a lot and have good self control now.
5. mostly advanced elemental magic, and a few arcane disciplines i’ve yet to find names for. magic schools in my morgynverse are quite different from what they are in the game, for example, practical school isn’t about cleaning dishes. it covers healing, herbalism and potions, enchanting equipment, crafting amulets, like that. the new jewery creating pack will work so damn good for my story, i can’t wait!
6. i already gave bits and pieces here and there on this post. i can tell you a couple minor things if you want. there’s a plant that is used in potions, it’s called cyclop’s brain, it has huge leaves and massive seed pods, and tiny tiny seeds. also, every four years, on 29th of february, “the day that does not exist”, the academia holds a huge event called Masquerade of Mysteries, it’s grand and magical and everyone is allowed to go all out with enchantments and costumes, every student and teacher is looking forward to it.
7. i’m not sure how much i should say considering that i hope to start telling my story one day and it’s a spoiler, but let’s just say they weren’t really accepted for who they are and were considered dangerous even though they never gave anyone any reason to be afraid of their magic (it’s not simply about them being a mage, that wouldn’t be as much of a problem as their origin)
8. slowly. eventually. they were physically attracted to Caleb from the beginning, but it’s doing right by one another that truly brings people together. Caleb was there for Morgyn when they needed it most.
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loulooser · 7 months
Hi wife!!(ilysm mwah)(you are so handsome by the by)
Could you inform me bit more about this new TØP album perhaps???
Im genuinely going to explode.
1) the theme.
So, as always, the boys changed their hair. It happens every era and i love it. Now from some screenshots from the Super Bowl where they where wearing hats, the fan base figured that Josh went red again and Tyler shaved his hair. Now from Josh’s pfp on instagram, we can see that we were right:
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And I’m very happy about it.
Also, people have been calling it the ‘fire era’ or variants of that and I’m digging it icl it sounds AMAZING. The theme is- obviously- mostly red but I’m guessing its red+black. Funny thing is, there’s a few MASSIVE ties to their other album Trench (my favourite, which we will get into) and the trench theme was yellow+black. Yellow (in the lore so far) has always been a sign of the good guys or the banditos if you like to name them, and red has always been the bad guys (Dema, blurry face/nico, the bishops etc). The contrast is FABULOUS.
2) Release date.
So BBC radio 1 has leaked that they will be playing ‘the new hottest record’ from said album on the 29th of February 2024 at 6pm English time. Obviously this means that it will release the same day, being two days away from the making of this post (I am going FERAL.)
3) Details
Sadly I have no details along the lines of album title, song titles, how many songs are on it etc, but I think it’s only going to make the first listen better imo.
4) Trench links
There are a few main links, one of them being in the actual music as Paulmeany, who had a VERY big influence on the sound and contents of trench, posted a mildly cryptic photo on Instagram not too long ago.
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As we can see, the people’s eyes in the photo are covered up with red (tape) which has already been seen in the teasers leading up to release covering the eyes of those on the main album covers. This is an obvious hint that he’s come back to collaborate with TØP for this new album, and also that it may sound as if ‘returning to trench’. This is important for reasons in my next point.
Aside from the tape, the letters, and the social media changes, the big way we found out a new album was on the way was through the Instagram video. This video basically gave us a run down on all of the lore up until now, confirmed that Tyler is Clancy, and also mentions at the very end that Clancy (the main character of the lore) will be ‘returning to trench’. This is said in the last few seconds of the video where he states:
“I am a citizen. I am an escapee. I am an exception. I am returning to trench. I am Clancy.”
This. Is. MASSIVE. I’ll leave the link to the video at the end of the post so you can see why, but mostly it’s that this is likely to lead to a massive showdown/rebellion and a huge turning point in the lore. This could literally go any which way and I- like every other fan- am hyped beyond words. (Get it? The Hype is a song in Trench hehe)
That’s all I have to say at the moment, but as soon as I find out more you already KNOW I’ll be posting about it for days.
Instagram video:
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weepingfromacedartree · 11 months
Ten Milestones (Interlude): Voicemails
Hi friends!
Another interlude chapter is ready for ya. It's quite different than our standard chapters, so... enjoy :)
Two quick notes:
1. This interlude spans the first five-ish years of Colin’s travels abroad. It starts after the events of Chapter 5 and will lead directly into next chapter.
2. Anytime “…” appears between paragraphs, it’s to indicate that the speaker is pausing for a few seconds.
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June 9th, 2015 - 3:23 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! I wanted to call and make sure you landed safely. But I, uh —
I think I got the timing wrong. I think you’re still in the air. So just call me back whenever you do land.
I still can’t believe you’re really doing this. I mean —
[Nervous laughter.]
Obviously, I can believe it. I just — I can’t wait to hear all about it. 
Bye, Colin. 
June 29th, 2015 - 7:07 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I just emailed you a few pictures, but um —
Did you know there are like a million stray cats roaming around Athens? I swear, there’s at least one on every corner, popping his head out looking for food or attention. But I was just going for a run and — I swear to god — I saw the reincarnation of Mr. Whiskers pissing on an olive tree. This tiny grey fur ball looked up at me and —
Wait. Is Mr. Whiskers dead? He would be like twelve now, right? I —
Well… In the case that he’s still alive, I think I just saw his long lost Greek cousin. Professor Whiskers, maybe.
Alright, Pen. Talk soon. 
August 27th, 2015 - 2:13 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Just saw your text. Yes, I landed safely. Yes, Madrid is beautiful. No, I have yet to try the paella — but I promise you’ll be the first to receive my review. 
I’ll call you later once I get a bit more settled. Bye Pen. 
October 18th, 2015 - 9:20 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey. I just finished reading over the Italy piece. It was good. Like, really good… But perhaps one too many cheese puns? 
Anyway… Call me back when you have the chance. You still haven’t told me about Caffè Florian. [Laughter.] Do they even stock enough sugar for your tea? 
Okay, well… Goodnight Colin. 
November 23rd, 2015 - 7:39 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Sorry. I know it’s early. But I also know today is gonna be shit so, uh…
Call me later, if you can. 
December 16th, 2015 - 10:01 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I’m calling from Paris and —
I don’t know why I said that. [Laughter.] Obviously you know I’m in Paris. But, I — I was just watching the tower light up and I had a sudden memory of you telling me you wanted to come here once and I…
I could be misremembering. [Faint laughter.] It was a while ago, I think. But I think you’d like it here. I’ll tell you all about it at that surprise Welcome Home/Birthday/Christmas Eve Party that I know absolutely nothing about. 
Night, Pen. See you soon.
February 14th, 2016 - 9:27 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I hate to admit it, but I am only just now realising that time zones exist and that if it’s 9:30 in New York, it’s…
Shit. 2:30 in London.
I apologise for ringing you in the middle of the night —
Actually — no I don’t. If I recall correctly, you’re up writing or reading or procrastinating until at least 3 AM every night anyway. Please call me back ASAP with your own apology for dodging this very important phone call. 
April 7th, 2016 - 8:08 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I’m on the train heading into Chicago. My computer just died, so I apologise in advance for the stream of consciousness bullshit I’m about to leave for you in this message. But, um…
There’s something about being on this train that has me thinking about travel and distance and —
Good god, this already sounds corny. Sorry. Bear with me a moment. 
It wasn’t until I landed in New York that I realised just how far away from home I was. I looked it up, and the city was about five and a half thousand kilometres away from London. I mean — god. I remember being at Eton and thinking 35 kilometres was an insane distance. 
In January, New York was the furthest place I had ever been from home. Then I went to Toronto, and that became the furthest place I had ever been from home. Now I’m heading into Chicago and —
I don’t know. There’s something about being on a train that’s making me hyper-aware of just how fast I’m hurdling forward. How, every second, I’m travelling even further and further away from the pinpoint where I’ll always measure my distances from. I —
[Tired laughter.]
I’m not sure where I’m going with this, honestly. Nonetheless, thank you for lending me your future ear — assuming you actually made it this far. I —
Oh — I see the city up ahead. Once I get to my hotel, perhaps I can try to turn this bullshit into something a bit less corny. 
I’ll call you tomorrow. Night, Pen. 
June 6th, 2016 - 6:15 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Guess who’s flight just took off without him? I know — shocking, coming from such an experienced traveller such as myself. But my connecting flight was delayed so I really can’t take any of the blame.
Anyway… I’m stuck in Terminal E of Logan International, where I’ll likely be spending the next several hours dying from boredom and eating as many bags of crisps as I can get my hands on. If you aren’t too busy, maybe you can call me back and help with the boredom bit. 
Talk soon. 
August 7th, 2016 - 12:49 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hi! I was just looking at your pictures from Cyprus and I —
[Distant clap of thunder.]
Oh. [Laughter.] I was wondering what it’s like to be in beautiful, sunny weather in the middle of the summer. Must be devastating. 
September 21st, 2016 - 8:30 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I was just reading back your notes on my piece and I’m a little confused about the last one. 
What the fuck does “too many food puns” mean? The only reason I came to Hungary was to capitalise on its pun potential. 
Please call me back ASAP so we can get this sorted.
December 24th, 2016 - 12:02 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Sorry, I know it’s late. But I’m also waiting around doing absolutely nothing, so I thought I would check in. 
I’m still in Sweden. But we’ll, uh — we’ll probably take off in the morning once the snow lets up. I —
I can’t believe it’s been six months since I’ve seen you. Since I’ve seen anyone at home. I’m a little worried that I’ll get home tomorrow and find that Greg now towers over me. Hyacinth called me last week just to complain about his latest growth spurt, so…
Oh shit. Sorry — I knew it was late, but I didn’t realise it's already midnight. 
Merry Christmas Eve, then. I suppose it’s still technically the 23rd in London — but I suppose that doesn’t matter much when it comes to voicemails. 
I feel like there’s another commemoration on this date that I’m forgetting. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but it’s so late and I’m just so bloody tired…
Oh well. It’ll come back to me. 
Night, Pen. See you soon.  
May 3rd, 2017 - 11:50 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Sorry. I didn’t realise how late it was. I —
Did you know that you can’t sink in the Dead Sea? The water is so dense with salt that your body will just pop up if you try to go under. You could try your absolute hardest to sink to the bottom, and it just wouldn’t let you. 
I think there’s a metaphor in there somewhere. But it’s also very late and I just spent half the night staring at a Word doc and I’m starting to lose my ability to process complex thought. 
Fuck it. I’m sending you the first draft now. It’s shit, but if you’re not too busy tomorrow, maybe you can send me your thoughts. And prayers.
Alright. Night Pen. 
August 24th, 2017 - 10:17 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! Um… 
Daphne wanted me to call and remind you all not to get the groom too drunk the night before his wedding. Fair warning: if you don’t call me back within five minutes to confirm that Simon is still standing upright, she’s prepared to send Eloise in to break up the party. 
October 10th, 2017 - 7:54 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Just calling ‘cause I wanted to ask if you’ve ever tried pickle soup. It sounds kind of strange but —
Good god. It’s bloody delicious. Absolutely recommend. 
Talk soon. 
December 31st, 2017 - 10:58 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. At the risk of sounding extremely needy… 
You’re still coming tonight, right? God knows who invited her, but Cressida Cowper is here and she keeps handing me tequila shots and I really don’t —
Oh shit! There you a—
January 19th, 2018 - 2:30 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hi! Just wanted to call and see how Sydney’s treating you so far. Is it weird to be experiencing summer in the middle of January? 
Anyway… Call me back when you have the chance. 
April 20th, 2018 - 5:58 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey! Good news — the baby’s here! In worse, but also extremely funny news…
Apparently El walked in while Daphne was pushing. Mum said her face literally went white before doubling over onto the floor. I —
Actually, I should probably go and check on her. I think they’re treating her for a concussion as we speak. 
See you soon. 
May 24th, 2018 - 4:44 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! Sorry — can you call me back when you have the chance? I know we’re supposed to get lunch tomorrow, but Danbury just called and asked if I could come in tomorrow about the columnist position and I know we already had to postpone, but I’m worried I —
[Nervous laughter.] 
I’m rambling. Call me back so we can discuss.
June 25th, 2018 - 6:21 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just wanted to call and see how your first day on the job was. And, of course, to complain about having to travel by myself again. I almost forgot how bloody boring these layovers can be without someone there to complain about them with. 
[Faint laughter.] 
In person, I mean. 
Anyway, call me when you’re free. I can’t wait to, uh — 
To hear about your day. Talk soon. 
August 22nd, 2018 - 9:09 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just calling because, uh — 
Because I wanted to say hi, really. 
Venice is good. It’s quite nice, this time of year. The weather’s starting to cool a bit. The water is calm. The food is the best in the world — but that’s not really time sensitive. 
I really cannot stress this enough. I believe it to be a great tragedy that you have yet to eat real Italian pasta. I know you’re extremely busy with work, but if you happen to have a free weekend over the next few weeks, the door is always open. 
Alright. Night, Pen.
September 21st, 2018 - 11:51 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Sorry for the late call. But I, uh —
[Faint laughter.]
I forgot how warm it is in Greece this time of year. I’m currently sitting by a river at midnight and it’s actually quite pleasant. Disturbingly so, if you ask me. 
There are a few dozen other people here enjoying the weather — smoking and talking and wearing sandals, or all things. I can’t imagine anyone wearing sandals in London tonight. 
There’s a lot I’ve forgotten about Greece. Like the cats. It’s insane, Pen. I can see three right now without even having to turn my head. I —
It’s just strange. I stayed here for nearly three months. That was three years ago, but still… Nothing fundamental has changed during that time. And yet…
And yet it feels unfamiliar to me now. But I suppose that has more to do with me — and perhaps time — than the country itself. 
God. I sound like somebody’s grandfather. I think that’s my cue to head back to my hotel.
Night, Pen. Talk soon. 
December 19th, 2018 - 11:12 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Sorry — I know it’s late. 
I just sent you the first draft of my piece and…
I don’t know. There’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot. I tried to weave it into the story, but my readers don’t come to me for Bridgerton family history lessons, so —
Suffice to say, I left it out. 
But I don’t know. I just — I keep thinking about it.
Did you know my grandfather was stationed here at the end of World War II? He came here in ‘44, about a year before it all went shit for the Germans. And when it did, he was given the option to leave Vienna and immediately return to London. At the time, he hadn’t been home — hadn’t seen my gran — in over three years. They wrote hundreds of letters to each other during that time — all of which are stashed in a box at Aubrey Hall, in case you were wondering. But anyway…
When the war ended, as much as my grandfather wanted to go home and see my gran’s face again, he wrote to her and asked if she would be willing to wait a little while longer. If she could stand it if he stayed here. If he remained in Vienna while the allied forces first occupied the city — to continue carrying out his duty. 
She said yes. He stayed here another two years. He arrived back on English shores on April 6th, 1947. Two days later, they got married. They did at a courthouse, just the two of them together. Like they were the last two people in the world. 
I, uh — I didn’t piece this all together through the letters alone. My dad actually told me about it a few weeks before he died. I remember asking him why granddad stayed in Vienna for so long after the war technically ended. How he could stand to stay away from the woman he seemed so desperate to return to.
I remember my dad telling me: “There are times when duty surmounts passion.” Which I didn’t understand. Mainly because I was eight and had no fucking clue what the word “surmounts” meant, but…
Now, I understand what he was trying to say. That duty and passion are separate. That my grandfather’s duty lied in war, while his passion lied with his love. That his duty went beyond his required deployment period. That he stayed in Vienna those extra two years because that’s what he felt was right, even if he would have preferred to go home and be with the love of his life. 
Now, I —
I think my dad was wrong. He described my grandfather’s duty to his country as passionless — as if it was something he had to do when he wanted to be elsewhere. But I’ve read my grandfather’s journals from that time, and he never wrote about his life like he was carrying the weight of the world on his back. He may have been homesick and distressed at times — it was a bloody war, for god’s sake. But he — he was also proud of what he was doing. He was fulfilled. He was not drowning in a lack of passion. 
I think we —
I think some people, at least, have multiple passions. Passions that are at war with one another. That make it impossible to achieve everything we want all at once. Some that beg us to go home, some that beg us to stay. 
I think my grandfather made a choice. I think he chose one passion for a while, and one forever. I think he knew that once they married, he wouldn’t be able to bear living without my nan ever again. 
[Awkward laughter.]
I guess he was lucky that she was willing to wait for him.
Well… I believe I’ve taken up enough of your time. If you somehow managed to listen all the way to the end, I sincerely apologise for the rambling. I promise I’ll wait until Sunday to share the rest of my travel epiphanies with you. 
Take care, Pen.
December 20th, 2018 - 12:11 AM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
I always listen until the end. 
I’ll see you on Sunday. Goodnight, Colin. 
January 31st, 2019 - 3:45 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
You know, Pen, I’m starting to suspect that you purposely ‘miss’ my calls just so you can listen back to these wonderful voice messages whenever it pleases you. And while I can understand your desire to have these recordings stashed away forever, I would selfishly prefer some actual back-and-forth between us. 
I’m currently sitting outside one of the seven wonders of the world. Call me back and I’ll tell you all about it.
March 21st, 2019 - 5:17 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! Thank you so much for your insights on my story. Danbury loved it. 
Call me back when you have the chance. Thanks again!
April 29th, 2019 - 7:57 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just wanted to give you a head’s up that I just sent you a draft and it’s absolute bollocks. If you can manage to turn it into something vaguely readable, I will literally fly you out here just to say thanks. And I know how much you love Thai food. 
June 29th, 2019 - 10:20 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! Sorry, I just saw that you called! And I am now remembering that you’re in Dubai and probably — hopefully — fast asleep by now so…
[Indecipherable noise.]
We’re, uh — We’re still out for Kate’s birthday. We’re on our way to karaoke, actually.
Thank god El is here, or else I would be worried about being the worst singer in the pub. I —
[Indecipherable noise.]
Sorry! I have to go. Call me when we’re both awake. 
Um… Goodnight!
October 18th, 2019 - 8:08 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Did you really just send me an SOS text from Los Angeles? I admire your creativity, but this is not how you convince someone to drop everything and take an impromptu holiday with you. 
In the event that you are in an actual emergency, please contact the proper authorities. I appreciate your commitment to the bit, but I ask that you please not sacrifice your life for it. 
December 9th, 2019 - 8:30 AM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen.
I just finished reading your new column. Phenomenal, as always… But how the hell did you manage to sneak a pun in there? I thought Danbury had a strict policy against “superfluous literary devices.”
However you managed it… Congratulations. I couldn’t be prouder. 
December 19th, 2019 - 4:41 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! I had a work thing tonight but it just got cancelled. Any chance you want to meet at Mondrich’s? 
Let me know. I’ll, um, hopefully see you soon. 
January 29th, 2020 - 9:22 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. 
You’re the closest thing I have to a manager, right? In your professional opinion…
Would it be crazy to bail on this trip early? Give myself, uh… 48 hours to go home and grab some proper fish and chips. See Auggie and Blair. See mum. See you — obviously. London isn’t the most logical pit stop between Berlin and Prague but…
Yeah — you know what? It was a dumb idea. I’ve got plenty of those, so… 
Call me back when you’re not too busy. Maybe I can share some more. 
February 14th, 2020 - 10:00 AM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Good morning!
Is it still morning in Prague? I —
[Faint laughter.]
I suppose that doesn’t matter much when it comes to voicemails. I, um — 
I’m doing some research on old churches. Which — don’t ask. But I’m currently sitting on the steps outside St. Bride’s Church. I don’t know if you’d recognise it, but it’s the one downtown that, um —
The one that looks like a wedding cake. 
I think you’d like it. And not just because of its food-shaped exterior. 
It’s actually considered a church for writers. And for publishers. It got that reputation back in the 17th century, when the publishing industry was booming here on Fleet Street. But, regardless of all that…
It’s really quite an interesting building. I can see why it’s attracted and inspired so many great writers over the years. 
Maybe we can check it out the next time you’re in town. Which is…
God. June, I think? 
Anyway… I’m still at the very beginning stages of my research, so I barely know what it is I want to write about yet. But one thing that’s stuck out to me so far is how old these buildings feel. How the architecture, the acoustics, the artwork, the — 
Honestly? I’m not sure exactly what does it, but something makes these buildings feel as though they’ve stood here forever. This particular church has only been here about 350 years. But still… You feel all that time when you walk through its halls. 
It’s a good reminder, I think. To know how long things last. 
Wow. So this is how it feels to be on the other side of these long, rambling, stream of consciousness voicemails. 
[Faint laughter.]
Bye, Colin. Thank you for lending me your future ear. 
March 11th, 2020 - 5:55 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hi! I just got off my train. I assume you’re still in the air, so just text me whenever you land. 
Hopefully the airport wasn’t too chaotic, but um…
I’ll meet you at the hotel. I — 
I can’t wait to see you. 
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hanarchy · 2 years
Hi friends, I illegally logged into tumblr on my work computer on the first working day of 2023 specifically to make this post properly. I don't have a good computer and I simply could not do this on my phone.
Ok, Time to get emo :)
I discovered SKZ at the end of last year, I personally date my anniversary to somewhere between December 29th 2021 and January 2nd 2022. It's a good thing too because I get overemotional at the end of the year anyway and now I can just schedule all my gratitude and emo times at the same time.
I want to start from the beginning bc the only reason 2022 was a good year for me was this discovery. this is a bit of recap for me because I wanted to do it. If you're tagged in it it means that you played a part in my year and meant something to me. Feel free to only read your little paragraphs (or nothing at all, theres no obligation), this is bound to get unspeakably long.
first, I want to give a quick shout out to the people I started talking to/followed more recently @hyunpic (I haven's checked twitter today, did hyunjin kill you yet or did he get all of that out of the way in 2022?) @mybodyfails (did u ever listen to stromae?) @jisungsjaistandjeekies (how was the first day of your new job?) The best thing about getting another year on tumblr is the promise of getting to know you all more <3
@quokki you were literally the first person I ever followed for stray kids content. It was around february, when I looked for fanart for the first time and reactivated my twitter and I found your hannies. It took a little longer but I'm so glad we are friends now. I really love our chats/meltdowns abt hanji and you're incredibly talented and kind and also just correct abt a lot of stuff lmao
@alexenglish alex, I know we don't talk that much but you were the first person to really talk to me abt k-pop stuff and I will never forget that. I also cannot thank you enough for showing me rolling quartz and for reading the stupid thing that i wrote that one time. it seems trivial but i literally do not show anyone my writing ever and anytime I do and it's a good experience it makes me a little braver so thank you, seriously. and also thank you for sticking around even when I'm a dick
my first comeback in march was soso special because I had people to freak out with. I was in Ireland at the time and even hough I was brand new in online stayville I felt a lot less alone than I could've.
in april i started talking to @sailsflyseaward but I honestly can't believe it has only been 9 months. We've met 3! times since then and you're already one of my most precious online friends and I feel like I've known you way longer. I have to try very hard to stay cynical and not believe in fate and the universe being a good place when I think about how we could've just never met.
I was EXHAUSTED the first 4 months of this year, I hated most of it. I turned 30 in april, i had been to ireland and to the north sea on vacation in march and april but all of it felt hollow and exhausting and terrible. In germany we say that may makes everything anew and it certainly was true for me this year. I planned a trip to toronto, I got a raise, I got to see mamamoo, ive and a bunch of others live and i spoke a little to so so many sweet people.
@nevoono who makes literally the cutest fucking things ever and was my first german k-pop friend ever and also is just... really cool in such a unique way. idk I'm sorry I'm terrible at keeping up.
to @ambivartence who I don't talk to a ton but who also is literally the coolest artist alive and made me feel very happy to know that others also travel very far to see their groups. I stare at your paintings so much, i honestly should not admit it but there's just always so much to see.
and to @pvddins-art who is one of the sweetest and kindest and most generous people I've ever met, which is a high bar because I use those words for a lot of people, but for you they are more true than for anyone.
getting to go to a k-pop festival in germany as my first experience was so good too. I really had no idea what it means to ba a k-pop fan and the whole community and culture and incredible vibes around it when you're there in person. I had a very exhausting day and it was hot as hell and I had a migraine after but it was all worth it
interlude because I don't remember when I started talking to you:
@brianbangs tay my sweetheart, i love you so much. you're just one of the people who get it. like. idk, it's hard for me to put into words properly but you get it when I'm being a hater and you get it when I'm being emotional and you get it when I'm being horny and you accept all of it. I also think you're really fucking creative and talented and I love being here with you so much
then june came and it was one of my best months ever ever. I went to another festival and got to relive the music I loved as a teen. seeing the strokes 16 years after I was a fan made me cry a lot lol. I went to see my favorite people alive @starmotions, @fromadifferentphase (and the third one who is missing but u know who u are) in toronto. and I do mean this literally you're my favorites. I'm the most me when I'm with you, I think of everyone who knows me no one knows me so completely. there isn't anyone I share more parts of myself with. the 1 week I just got to hang out with you was so incredibly precious to me, it made me power through most of the rest of the year. moments of joy! I got to see toronto and got to spend time with people I love. one of my friends came all the way from salt lake city just to see me.
then I went to new york and now there's a long ass list coming because 1. it was the first time I met my beloved julia, 2. it was when i met my beloved kay 3. i got to travel with my beloved di and we got to explore new york and eat so many tacos and learn about queer art and history and also it was when I met both
@chanstopher and @lonelystreetlight and I'm puting you both in the same paragraph bc I started talking to both of you at the same time and also discovered that we're literally the same tumblr user, I cannot believe that I found the old 1D crowd again and the old glee crowd AND even the old starkid people. ok, I had to google the songs from the space tour just now but it's insane that I could text someone about both status quo by starkid AND zone by 3racha.
and lastly it was OF COURSE when i fucking saw fucking stray kids in fucking person (sorry) I was so numb from everything going on, and from the heat and from newark airport that I didn't even cry but looking back on it I honestly can't even begin to believe how lucky I was to be able to do all of that in just one month.
july was the month I went to see harry styles (meh) and hang out with an old friend because of it (yay) and I have literally nothing else in my calender for the entire month but I know I was a bit stressed. however I don't think it was a terrible time.
In august I went to the south of germany on vacation to celebrat my moms birthday, we went to the opera outdoors and I felt extremely fancy the entire time and also saw so many flowers. then we started the stayblr discord.
@snug-gyu @hanjesungs @ggthydrangea @littleclouds @shmalll @babychicklix and everyone else in there! I am so glad it's a space to hang out and message each other and talk about skz. I know I left very quickly (unfortunately group situations are terrible for my mental health and I felt very bad very quickly) but I still got to start chatting with so many cool people and I'm always so happy that we did that.
@bangchanies king of the dumpster that is new jersey, my absolute favorite eyeshadow model and another one of the bitches that just get it, u know? you just get what I'm trying to say and I am grateful to have you to text when I want to be annoying. (you're also secretly incredibly sweet and I think you're honestly just a very kind and empathetic person and i would be sadder without you but i will not tell anyone that you're secretly nice)
@cheekyquokka even though you're not IN the server, I feel like we started really talking around the same time so you're getting put in here as well. you're so generous and sweet to your friends, I remember the surprise and amazement from both bee and ale at the packages you sent them, you're such a great fucking mutual to have because you know yourself and you make really cool gifs, every time one of yours comes across my dash i know it. idek why. anyway, thank you <3
around september was when I finally started the group chat and seven made it complete, so here comes that bit. I needed to make sure you all know how much you mean to me.
@bourgeoix I swear in some off-kilter way we are soulmates. you make both my fandom brain and the little kid that didn't know popstars but could draw the shape of gorbachevs blood spot feel at home. you're soooo fucking smart and we have like debated moral philosophy and learning and reasoning styles at length so I won't go into it but it's one of those amazing fated coincidences that we both befriended seven and then each other. you think it's cool that I live near to Olaf Scholz's barbershop. you're my favorite of all the nerds. I could read the stuff you write for years and years and never get bored. I need to eat your brain (as jace or seven would say) and I love that we get to be both smart and very very very dumb together.
@hyumjim I honestly cannot top what mel said but you're like. my only grown up friend. You genuinely have a patience and kindness with people that is really hard to find. I know you don't show this to everyone but it makes me all the more grateful that I get to experience it. you're also insane. when seven first added you to the gc I had sth to say that felt really crazy to me and was nervous in front of you and seven said 'emily is also insane' and so i posted it in the gc and now we're friends. i don't remember what it was but you gave great advice and i sort of feel like we disagree and fight in all the ways that makes a relationship better and you make me insecure but in a fun way. you're a huge hater and yet you genuinely love people and humanity more than most people alive. thank you for listening to me.
@jellino jace idek how to describe you but you're like....... my little brother but not in a lame way. you're also older than me in some ways. idk, I just love how much you love stuff. I love how sure you are of what you're not, even while always wondering what you are. I think of you so much when I see sea creatures and ice age characters and dumb stuff. the other day I saw a squirrel irl and i thought 'I have to send this to jace' bc it reminded me of scrat from ice age. i cannot look at a penguin without thinking about you. I don't think I'll ever go to a zoo and not think of you. I also am always hoping that you are ok, that you find your way, that you know I'm happy and proud to know you...
@bewby my love. seven. I think it will never not be complicated how much I love you because I want you to be ok so bad. but it doesn't matter if you are or not for me to love you a whole lot. you're so funny and so smart and I say neither of these things lightly, like you have such a quick wit and you want everyone to be ok so bad and you love people so much and i hope that some day you will know that it is enough and you are enough. meeting you that one time was so fun, like we literally did not need more than a half hour to find sooo much stuff to talk about. I love having a german kpoppie friend, I love your tender heart, I love how understanding you are! I hope you know how much!
honestly it's all 4 of you that got me through fall and winter so far, it's venting and bitching and joking and writing insanely long messages to you that make me feel like a human instead of a gremlin. It's knowing that you like me and think I'm someone you want to listen to. You mean so much to me, I can never pay that back.
so much happened in my personal k-pop world in october PLUS most of my friends had their birthdays too so it was a bit stressful and it ended with my great uncle dying but i did get to see my old friends and family, so it was good in the end.
november was cold and dark as always but i got to feel so much warmth in scotland, just spending a few days going to museums and coffeeshops and nothing else and then seeing my love julia for the scond time, learning about history and eating pies. then I went to london to see @sunflowercocoa again after 5 fucking years and it was so much fun. I know you know how much I love you, I had such a good time, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for making me leave the house, thank you for being generous and fun and spending time with me. I know you're strong enough to get through the next year or so and I know you're gonna be so happy and so successful and you have a great life ahead. I know you're not here much anymore and that it kind of annoys you but you were a big part of this year and this is like my diary at this point tbh.
i also met @geniaparadox my homie and so much fun to hang out with. honestly our day together kind of made me wish i could've gotten to hang out with you in high school, i feel like we would have been friends. thank you for talking to me abt how underrated felix is and for looking at the bts stuff in hmv and despair because being a k-pop fan in europe is very sad and for buying japanese tea and just being cool. i am so happy that you get to not go back to that job
december was november but worse but I started it off sososo well, seeing julia the 3rd time and going to nuremberg and munich and being slightly tipsy at the christmas market everywhere and going swing dancing for the first time and trying so many fun food and drink things. It was a sad and anxiety-inducing month because so many people I know were ill or dying but in the end we mostly made it through and I am grateful. I got to spend the end of the year surrounded by babies and puppies and it felt good to not have to deal with grown-up things for a few days and just play.
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abuddyforeveryseason · 5 months
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Alright, this is it, the last of the Buddies.
This, the Buddy for May 11th, marks the end of this little project. It's my 366th upload. As a compilation of all of my previous drawings (you might need to open it in a new tab to see it better), it technically breaks the rule of using only white, black and red, thanks to compression issues on the drawings for March 18th and September 9th. But, well, I figured I did post stuff that didn't break that rule those days, so it doesn't matter. Besides, the project's finished now.
There are some good ones there too, although a lot of them are traces, so I won't be counting those. I liked the pin for May 18th, that's something I had been working on before I started, and I still think it looks better and more polished than my actual art. The sketchy drawing for May 17th is good too, even if it's kind of phoned in.
May 27th looks cute, and June 17th was a good idea, even if the implementation was a bit lazy; but at least it wasn't a trace for once. June 23rd was cool, though I wish I had made it a gif. Lack of time, I guess.
The woman in July 15th looks pretty good, and the gif for July 25th is pretty badass, even if it was a simple one. July 29th was one of my funniest ideas. I like the shading for September 7th. September 19th and October 1st were also female figures, I'm proud enough of those. Some of the drawings on the template for October 3rd were good. October 16th looks pretty good, something I'd use on a comic.
The first "strip" on October 23rd was a pain to make, but I like the joke in it. The nerdy relationship map on November 15th was fun, but it was more for my benefit, not really special, art-wise.
December 1st was different from my usual style, I like it, even if the anatomy is pretty wrong. The tarot cards on December 17th were an earlier project, but also really nice.
The lighting on the drawing for December 20th was fun to make too. January 16th looks really simple, but I like the vibe of it. The strip for February 3rd was an idea I'm also proud of. More women, on February 11th, 19th and 28th. The negative colors effect on Mach 4th worked better than I expected, too.
I think the gif on March 22nd worked well enough, although I rushed it. The joke on March 26th was something that was on my mind for some time.
There was the strip on April 10th with different versions under the main post, those were nice enough. The gif on April 12th was hard to make, and I'm not too happy with it, but it was an ambitious idea..
The Buddy for May 8th looks the closest to what I had wanted to do as a proper webcomic, so I'm happy with it, although there was some trouble making it, and I was pretty bored with the project already.
But, the best Buddy of the year, in my opinion, was, funny enough, the one for January 23rd. The Rob Liefeld parody. It's funny cause I drew it so it'd look crappy, and, well, it does, but still better than my usual art, just with more lines and cliché Liefeld stuff. Pretty XXXtreme.
It's weird that one of my earlier comic ideas was a Liefeld parody, where a seemingly-normal person would get involved in the world of Liefeld badasses and contrast those comics' anti-logic with the real world. I wrote a lot of it, but gave up about 2/3rds in. Not that there's much point in mocking Rob Liefeld nowadays, anyway.
I'm not sure what'll become of this tumblr now. I'm trying to keep focused on art and distance myself from online dumpster fire discourse, so I'm trying to fill out my new sketchbooks for now.
Anyway, thanks for all the likes throughout the year, I appreciate the interest from everyone who found my silly little OC entertaining enough.
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quonka · 3 months
Jazz Music to Cancel Out the Mundane-- Sort of Like PEMDAS
"Now, You Must Acquire a Taste for Free Form Jazz"
Alright, maybe they're not "free form" Jazz, but Loftys Comet is a gorgeous little "underground indie jazz rock" band, as they describe themselves on their Instagram, that I've discovered semi-recently and fallen in love with. I even got two of my friends to regularly listen to them as well.
I'm still their "#1 listener" on Airbuds though. Not to brag.
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I am bragging.
The Numbers
When I say this band is little, I mean it-- with only "14,639 monthly listeners" on Spotify, their top streamed song is Shower Thoughts with 1,299,101 total streams, while their least streamed song, Altunga, lies at mere 1,937 streams.
Both of these songs appear on their most recent album Strung Out, which released back in February on the 29th. Funnily enough, I discovered them on the 15th of February through their single version of Shower Thoughts-- so I really came in at just the right time.
Their first album, The Juveniles of Funk, has been out for almost four whole years now, originally released to Spotify on July 20th, 2020. The songs on this album do have a bit more streams than on Strung Out, but I single handedly am putting in the work to get their numbers up with how often I listen to their music when writing. Similar to last week's post though, I listen to this band outside of studying a lot too.
Variations upon Variations upon Variations
I really didn't even think I liked jazz, but after listening to this band with not a single track that I don't bob my head like a pigeon to, I had to reconsider. Every single song in their discography has something interesting, and new, and fun to offer-- and I truly do like every song. There were a couple that had to grow on me, but oh did they grow.
One of these songs is Late Night Travels off of The Juveniles of Funk. The soft, slower acoustic guitar layers are beautiful, and while there's no saxophone presence in this song like in most the rest of their work, that's what makes it stand out. For a five-minute song, it truly never gets boring. There are a lot of repeated motifs, but each iteration adds something different and plays with the repetition; not so much that it's unrecognizable, but so that each come and go around it feels fresh.
I don't know really how else to say this, but they play the guitar in this song like how they play the saxophones in their other pieces. This track is unpredictable-- even after listening to it over and over again as I do. There's this specific part at the end of the song where the tempo increases, and the volume crescendos, and it catches me by surprise every single time.
Despite this unpredictability, the song is cozy. I can't help but envision a nice warm summer night at a nice campground, the campfire crackling, and fireflies flickering on and off in the distance. It's truly a lovely song, and all its variation makes it easy to have on in the background for hours on end while I write, because it just never gets boring or stale.
A similar song off that same album, in the sense of starting off slow and melodic, and then really kicking it up at the end, is Blackberry; my favorite song included in The Juveniles of Funk. The duality of the lower and higher saxophones throughout the song, almost like they're alternating, already sounds amazing-- but when they play together with their melodies varied but still obviously connected? gorgeous, just absolutely gorgeous.
My favorite part of this song is when a little more than halfway through, that tempo, and volume, and intensity increases and it just grows and grows-- and then it cuts off, gets low and slow again-- before that double symbol hit comes in with both the saxophones on top of it and propels us right back into that energy and intensity. This part of the song is just so bouncy, and it always makes me feel like I'm spinning-- in a good way!
One of Loftys Comet's pieces that start intense and stay intense is 300, my favorite off Strung Out.
This song is everything I like about the two previous songs combined into perfect harmony; it's got the higher and lower saxophones having a conversation with their connected-by-a-thread melodies, it's got intricate variations on motifs-- and right out of the gate, the piece surges forward with a heavier, aggressive mood that just stings, and throughout its entire 6 minute 31 second runtime, it never once loses its momentum.
Just like Late Night Travels, the variations make this song feel fresh every time I hear it, and just like the ending of Blackberry, the electricity and passion behind each note and well-placed pause keeps me entertained while I do my work, which can definitely get monotonous.
"Okay SpongeBob-- You're ready!"
I genuinely adore Loftys Comet; I listen to them all the time, and they really have become a huge part of my taste in music.
If you liked any of the songs above, I cannot recommend enough to go check out the rest of their music on Spotify or YouTube; Maybe even give them a follow over on Instagram. They deserve so much more attention and love then they are getting, and it would be awesome to see them get bigger.
Which was y'all's favorite song of the three I talked about here? or if you decided to listen to more of their songs than just these three, that's awesome, and feel free to tell me in general what your favorite song of theirs is.
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tokidokitokyo · 2 years
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Happy New Year!
Now that 2023 has begun, I feel rejuvenated and ready to get started on my Japanese goals for the new year.
I mentioned them in my 2022 Japanese Goals but I wanted to write them out in a little more detail here.
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) everyday in 2023.
This book introduces an interesting or important Japanese history fact for elementary school students every day of the year (including February 29th for leap year). I think I can read one page a day pretty regularly and learn new vocabulary and new historical facts. I look forward to reading this book!
2. Finish 日本語総まとめ N3 (にほんごそうまとめ N3) workbooks.
I have been working through the 総まとめ N3 books for a few years without getting into any consistent rhythm, and I have yet to finish them. I’d like to review what I’ve already done and then finish working through the workbooks by the end of 2023. I have the 語彙 (ごい - Vocabulary), 漢字 (かんじ - Kanji), 文法 (ぶんぽう - Grammar), and 聴解 (ちょうかい - Listening) workbooks (missing only the 読解 - どっかい - Reading).
3. Review and learn the first 6 levels of the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), specifically the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) up to grade 6.
I reviewed five kanji almost every day for a year during 2022, and in 2023 I'd like to focus my kanji goal to be a little more specific. In 2023 I want to study the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), the 2,136 standardized "daily use kanji," which means these kanji are used in newspapers and other standardized publications. More particularly I want to learn the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ), which are the first 1,026 standard kanji learned in elementary school in Japan through the sixth grade. I would like to have the first 6 grades of 教育漢字 mostly memorized (on'yomi, kun'yomi, meaning) by the end of 2023. I believe I have a good start from my prior year of kanji study, so the good news is that I am not starting from zero.
4. Read at least one book every two months.
I have joined a couple of Discord book clubs (Seitokai's Nihongo which I am continuing from 2021 & Minimmersion Weekend which I am joining for the first time) to help spur my reading in Japanese. Joining book clubs has helped me to be inspired to read more since reading with other people helps me to get excited about the material and sharing my thoughts with others shows me how much I understand and to get a glimpse of my language progress.
5. Improve my speaking and writing by finding a tutor.
My 2 1/2 year old son has slowly been learning to speak (primarily Japanese) and I have become more conscious of how I speak with him. I want to improve my speaking skills and to have feedback when I make mistakes, so I would like to find a tutor who can help me to improve. I'd also like to have the tutor help correct some of my writing. This was a goal I had last year that definitely fell by the wayside. The only difficulty I foresee in this goal is the amount of time commitment I would need to get some real improvement, and finding a tutor who would be able to meet my specific needs whose schedule would work with mine.
6. Study Japanese for at least 10 minutes a day.
As always, my goal is to study Japanese for at least 10 minutes a day. Even as a busy working mom, I can always find 10 minutes to get in some Japanese study (before work, before bed, whilst watching TV). And as I always remind my readers, consistent study is the key to improving your Japanese (or any skill for that matter).
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I look forward to your support this year, too!
I hope that by putting my goals out there I will have more accountability with my studies and my progress. Last year I certainly felt more accountable when I wrote things down and published them on my langblr, and especially when I had to report that I hadn't met a particular goal. I feel motivated each time I report on my goals and see some progress, and when I see the places where I don't make progress, I am able to reassess my goals and see whether they fit with what I really want to accomplish.
When I lose motivation, having a langblr as a place to go look at my previous goals, my previous progress, and other people's goals and progress is a great way to reinvigorate my motivation and spur me to change things up and try something new. The New Year is a great time to build on your motivation and to try new things. What are your study plans for 2023?
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year, and I wish you all the best in your Japanese language studies! ^.^
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intheorangebedroom · 7 months
Hi Maddie
I'm back on my random asks bullshit once more 😆
This year is a leap year, and as 29th February is not technically a real day, I'm giving you the chance to spend 28th February with a Pedro character that you love and 29th February with a Pedro character that you don't. Which are they, and how are you spending your days?
Love, El
El my sweet friend 🧡
Seeing you in my notifs always brings the biggest smile on my face 🧡 Thank you SO MUCH for this ask. It is a damn good one! Your asks are always so generous and thoughtful, thank you so much, ily 🧡 I'm only sorry it took me so long to answer you, as I'm barely in time for the 28th...but like I already told you, it got me thinking real hard!
So. It might come as a shock, but the Pedro character I love above all is Frankie. I know, who would've guessed, right? And I'd choose to spend a day, any day with him, over any other fictional character, anytime (save for Princess Leia but that's another ask).
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Now, what I'd like to spend the 28th of February doing to with him is another question. One I don't know how to answer, other than by saying: everything and anything, really. The sweet and the spicy. The exceptional and the mundane. The tragic and the silly.
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Wake up next to him, make him coffee and share pancakes, sitting on his lap? Drive in silence next to him for HOURS? Let him brush my hair (don't ask)? Go on a road trip in his red truck and sing out of key to all the tunes we love that come up on the radio? Fly over the fucking Andes in a brand new, safe and reasonably loaded helicopter? Watch him sleep? Go through his childhood pictures and listen to him as he tells me everything I don't know yet about him? Go skinny-dipping in the Pacific Ocean? Make out on the Wonder Wheel? Bite his neck? Lick his freckles? Tousle his hair? Wear his clothes to bed? Have him acknowledge out loud that he didn't shoot first and go piss together on Tom's grave? Built the Lego Millennium Falcon (the one with 7541 pieces) together and fuck like animals on the living-room carpet in celebration? Ok, I have to stop here because I'm making myself yearn and it's kinda physically painful, but I think you got a pretty good idea!
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It's been more challenging to find a Pedro boy I don't like (I even like that little bitch Dio). But when I was flying back home last week, the plane's onboard entertainment offered just one Pedro option: If Beale Street Could Talk.
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And I got reminded that Pietro Alvarez is handsome, yes, but he's a bit of an asshole. So I guess I'd spend the day with him, tracking down the man who really raped that poor girl so that Fonny can walk free and I can unleash on the culprit all the repressed, pent-up violence that gives me nightmares, Ellie style.
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El, I'm sorry this took me so long and is so long... I cannot shut up about Frankie, I put in some pictures to make it more digestible.
Can I please ask you something? This ask is so good, would you please answer it for me? I'm dying to know your answers! Who's your character of choice to spend the 28th with? And is there a P boy you don't like, and what would you spend the 29th doing with him? Pretty please?
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