#good use of meme 👌
For anyone who likes a good alien romance with plot and smut👌👌 I
happily give some recommendations .
There's one which give me Miles Quaritch x reader/oc vibes 😏
Obviously if you love big blue aliens (Na'vi)
You gotta check out Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon
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You can also go on the tag #iceplanetbarbarians and you'll find memes and art. It's a big fandom for this series.
There's a spinofff series of this called CORSAIR Brothers
And the first book ADIRON
Has a hilarious hero who's goofy and a himbo. Personal favourite 👌
Next if you want aliens who are very Na'vi like in culture but also don't hesitate to use technology then this one is for you
The Ash Planet Warriors
It's a spin off of the series Garrison Earth.
There are three races here the Vetusian, Jal'zar i.e The Ash Planet Warriors and Humans. The humans and Jal'zar are invaded by the Vetusians.
My favourite book in the spin off is this
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Enemies to loves, political marriage. Here's a summary
I won’t touch her. But I will torment her soul. While the other warlords mate with the daughters of our enemy, I want nothing to do with these political marriages. Fate calls me north, searching for what the shamans say will complete my soul.
Now in the Garrison Earth series the last book is very interesting.
It's the Miles Quaritch x reader/oc fanfics but in a book 👇👀👀
I conquered her planet and pillaged her body. Now I’m back for her heart.
A decade ago, I brought war to Solgad, home of the Jal’zar. I sacked the planet and slaughtered the people, all to save my race from extinction. Until one of their female warriors hissed defiance, promising me death at her hands no matter how her body longed for mine.
Each night, she came to end me, only to succumb to the raw urges of her mating heat.Each night, I gave her hungry womb what it needed, the way we coupled neither safe nor sane.
I was the enemy she couldn’t kill.She was the female I couldn’t have.
Together, we unleashed chaos.
Many solar cycles after the occupation, I return to Solgad, searching the ashen plains for her: my soulmate. This time, I will claim the Jal’zar female as mine, and nobody will get in the way.
Not even myself.
If you can, do read the entire series first if you want to know a little back story of the male character.
Now on to a villian from a different series
Zorus from Redeeming Zorus by Laurann Dohner.
Here's an enthusiastic comment about the character
Zorus, You Evil Bigot, M*ther F@cking, Sadistic Bastard!!! I have HATED You for SOOO LONG. Now I have to read your Love Story!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Anyway here's what's he's all about: Zorus is a member of the Ruling Council that governs cyborgs. His orders are law and must be obeyed. But Zorus is a sick bastard. He hates humans with a passion, and has been an evil terror to all cyborg males that have attempted to take a human female as a mate. He has gone as far as ordering them to be killed under the pretense that they were Earth Government spies searching for cyborgs.
But in a way his intense hate is justified. It's like if a Na'vi wanted to kill all the humans and Avatars (even the good ones), and all the hybrid children, because of what the RDA has done in Pandora.
Obviously this book is part of a series.
I'm sorry this spiralled into Alien villains but here's the last one
The Fractured Mate
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Comments on the book:
Halian was so damned evil in previous books, I couldn't possibly imagine how he could be redeemable. But DAMN if our author didn't come up with the absolute most genius, creative, plot twist of an explanation!
Again part of a series of many interesting alien characters. Best to read those so you get an idea of how bad Halian is.
Now three other good alien books (not a villain main character)
Heart's Prisoner by Olivia Riley
He's not like anything Lana has ever encountered.
Asset X: Massive, deadly, a little terrifying to say the least. A devilish warrior. And a killer. Captured on a hellish world after attacking a military campsite and now imprisoned in a state-of-the-art cell inside one of the military’s top bases--Lazris.
And Lana has been assigned to "study" him. To learn his secrets and gain his trust, if he is ever allowed to set foot out of his cell. As a top behaviorist, it is the biggest hurdle of her career.
Very alien looking hero and mostly from the FMC point of view so there's a whole lot of mystery around him and what he's thinking. When we talking alien this dude is very alien. Also, it's a slow burn. Definitely no attraction at first sight. Actually we're all terrified 😂
Next is Classified Planet: Turongal of The Darvel Exploratory Systems
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Cottonwood by R.Lee. Smith
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Have you seen District 9? If you haven't please do..one of the best Sci fi alien movies out there. Anyway this book has the same kind of aliens. And a sort of similar plot. It feels like a fanfiction if that movie but it's different from the book too. All the characters are well written and brilliant plot. If 'Hearts Prisoner ' hero is a 7 on the "how alien does he look?" scale, the aliens in this book are a 9.
Argurma Salvager #1 Broken Earth
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☝️ Hero's features inspired by the Predator in Alien vs Predator movies.
Saving Askara #1 Saving Askara
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This has :
First contact
Slow burn (almost all the books i mentioned are slow burn)
Learning the cultures (Ash Planet also is about learning a different culture.)
Anyway these are some of my favorites and the best sci-fi alien romance i love till date ❤️ obviously there'are many more that I've probably forgotten 😅
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akanemnon · 1 year
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tbh i dunno why this is so funny to me. this format has so much potential! FRISK! DON'T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT! FRISK! WHERE'D YOU HIDE THE BODIES?
My sense of humor is, at best, strange and at worse, just plain ol' dumb.
(This will probably just be looked over or deleted (tbh fair), so sorry to clog up you inbox Akane. I just wanna say a thing, cause why not. You reblogged my dumb post (the one with the frisk red pupil thing) a while ago. Thank you so much for the encouragement on that! I woke up and saw that post with 150+ notes, and was a bit stunned tbh. You are my favorite artist, (not just cause of your art, but your sense of humor as well) so even the simple gesture of "This looks good!" basically made my week! Keep being the wonderful person you are!)
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(Had to google to make sure but yea, /srs. (the only phrase i know or use are lol or lmao etc. im a "boomer" or whatever.))
I never realized this panel fits that well for meme material. Me likey.
And no worries at all! It really makes me happy that the encouragement you've gotten from that post made your week! It's never easy to start out. For beginner artists the lack of feedback is especially discouraging. While I can't answer every question or give tips for everything, I wanna let you know that you're doing great! Keep it up 👌✨
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
Darklina's first kiss
That meme that I posted made me wanna analyze their first awkward kiss.
Consider it a little gift for Valentine's day 💕
I'll quickly skip over their conversation with Baghra and their conversation with each other minus some important parts.
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The Darkling sees that even though her power has improved it's not enough to be used against the volcra.
Baghra has changed her tune apparently. All the other times she was alone with Alina she was saying: "Your power is not enough! Try again! Again!". Now she's like "No, I think it is enough. Give her an amplifier" out of an attempt to persuade the Darkling not to go after the Stag.
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Baghra brings out her usual toxic self and the Darkling alludes that he has often been verbally attacked by his mother.
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Seeing a victim of abuse standing up to his abuser is so empowering.
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The Darkling tells Baghra to take her toxic ass and leave them the fuck alone.
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He sees how her powers have changed her physically and have given her health and vitality.
The Darkling when he saw Alina strong and healthy: "You look well😊"
Mal when he saw Alina strong and healthy: "You look well😒"
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The Darkling being a gentleman is one of the highlights of this book 👌
Alina is the one that breaks the silence and asks him about the Stag.
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He's trying to let her know that just because her powers aren't enough, that doesn't mean that she's worthless. And even admits that he cannot deal with the Fold himself. He's making an effort to make her feel less bad about herself.
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He's a fan of her humor 😭🥹👉👈
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Now he's even apologising for giving her false hope. He promised her the Stag and he can't find it.
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He even doubts himself and can't shake off the words Baghra had told him. Even though they disagree on almost everything, he seems to always keep her words in his mind.
Actually no Alina, Baghra is no good for Aleksander. She's just the person the lowers his confidence.
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"The most random kiss doesn't ex...."
By the way, is that "flush" from the cold or from something else? 😌 Is it a blush? 😌
Never mind it's still cute regardless because we just witnessed a thousand year old creature unable to hide his crush anymore.
Also, I've seen people say that he kissed her because he wanted to distract her from asking questions about the Stag. It's true that Alina started this conversation but here the Darkling only asked her opinion. And it's apparent that he means it when he says that he cares to know about it because he did the same thing in RoW when he asked to see her and talk to her.
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How did I expect a truly manipulative person to react: *all confident, flirty, even smug about it*
How did the Darkling react: "Uhh...I....uhh...I think I left the stove on!! Gotta go!!"
How does it feel to catch feelings after centuries of withdrawal from them, Aleksander? 🙃
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Ivan decided to cockblock them because why not.
OR he took pity of him and said: "Gotta help him out of this".
Bros helping each other 🤝
Why did he smirk if he didn't notice that there is something wrong with his master? A girl having lost a beat in front of the Darkling is normal for him. But the Darkling himself having lost ten beats in front of a girl must be something entertaining for him indeed.😏
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The Darkling be like:
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"Pretend everything is okay, Aleksander. Just walk normally, talk normally and pretend like you don't have a flock of butterflies inside your stomach. Oh! I also need to remember to give Ivan a raise. He's a life saver".
So yeah I don't think it was actually a sneaky attempt of manipulation but our evil mastelord couldn't control his own feelings and let them act before his logic. Even powerful immortals get crushes and act all awkward with them apparently. Especially this one who has squashed his feelings down for centuries and he's surprised to find out that not only they still exist inside him but have also taken over him.
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taissaswifelowkey · 29 days
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 24!!
my internet has it out for me personally I swear 🙃
The Bad Batch 2x04
Omega vs Wrecker 🥰 "now you owe me 2 cartons of mantell mix" they're adorable
Hunter and Echo on their door dash mission lol
when Hunter and Echo are away Tech is the designated dad hehe
Tech dramatic sigh count: 4921
Omega and Wrecker are so happy to see the riot racing 😁😁
"you wanna challenge TAY0? Tech: sure why not
"spectacled spectator" 😂
Ciddarin scaleback now I know what to put on the wanted poster
Tech and Wrecker stepping up to protect Omega 👌
Millegi giving me jedi fallen order flashbacks 👀
Jet Venim is a cool name actually
"Safa Toma Speedway is not liable for any injury, death or disintegration" Tech Wrecker and Omega: 😳😳😳 y'all I had to take a photo of Tech's face so excuse the phone pic lmao
"whats wrong with the left tunnel?" it's a surprise tool that will help us later
TAY0 crashes, Tech "this speeder is in bad shape" = "where there's a farm, there's usually a farmer" 💀
Tech and Wrecker slowly reaching for their weapons 👌
Omega is the mediator 🙌
"they're gonna hurt cid if we do nothing" GOOD
Wrecker taught her to gamble 💕
TAY0 "😯 where are my arms and legs" bro Wrecker's got them chill
Techs so done 💀 his face when TAY0 tries to tell him how to fix him lmaooooo
THANK YOU TECH !! Cid is a problematic pattern
bro Millegi is right I'd be trusting him 🙌
"I might surprise you" kriff off Cid
Tech is smarter than this droid 100%
oop wipeout 🤭
Wrecker ready to thrash the driver 😂
Tech 🤔
I'm cheering for him 🥳
lmao is this race televised on other planets ??? can you imagine like Cody or someone just watching the race and seeing Tech like that Leo DiCaprio meme 💀
The Kiner siblings went so hard fr 👑
Tech: "Its called strategy" Wrecker: 'its called losing" bro 😂😂
sometimes I play this soundtrack in my car and it feels like I go faster lmao (don't speed 👀)
"I need more speed" iconic 👑
"the speeder can't make that jump" Tech really said challenge accepted
Phee is so right he has such pretty eyes I'm smooching the animators again 😘
"I thought you were a goner" BUT HE'S NOT SEE FORESHADOWING 👀
"I'll make it up to ya" I am infuriated 😡
"watch your backs" yo take his advice he has nothing to gain from lying to you
ayyy our boy is gonna become a professional mario kart player living happily ever after on pabu am I right
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scarefox · 8 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
got tagged by @braceletofteeth 😘
Last song?
right now at this moment Guilty from Taemin because Pavel had it in his tiktok and now I have to listen to it again on repeat 😩
Favorite color?
that's impossible to answer, depends on the current vibe. But I always gravitate to purple, pink, red, turquoise, blue and green.
Currently watching?
haha :D ...
Pit Babe
The Sign
Dead Friend Forever
these ones too but they are on break till the right mood hits / inbetweeners when the brain rot for the others wears off for a moment:
Last Twilight
Cooking Crush
The Whisperer
Last movie?
I really don't watch movies that often anymore 🤔 the last one is still Character (2021).... oh well if we count the movies my fam kinda forced me to watch on Christmas and new year then also: Rebel Moon and John Wick 2
you can trap me in a cycle of this. (but I am a sugar addict)
Relationship status?
single, looking for THE right one(s) but if they are not here then I don't want any other 🤷‍♂️
Current obsessions?
oh well besides Playboyy and Pit Babe and their respective actors online shenanigans?
one of my long-term obsessions: Pole Dance and general dance and acrobatics (just watched a live show again last Thursday and 👌👌👌 so good. the human body combined with art is so crazy and beautiful)
but also: music, LGBTq matters, psychology, southeast/east asia
Last thing you googled?
how to change the language of the instagram mobile app (cause that bich uses the phones language and not the app settings, but I want my phone in german and the app in english... well now my phone is in english since there is no other way -.-)
why? because the auto-translation always translates thai, korean etc into german but I feel like it translates better into english (also it's easier for screenshots for tumblr)
Selfie or another pic you took?
my hands while washing my old bunny man (it's necessary sometimes)
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tagging if you want to and haven't done it yet: @dummerjan @le-trash-prince @gaym3bo1 @sparklyeyedhimbo @asdfghjklmpff @brifrischu @pharawee @mygwenchan @slonekaru @howlingmusketeers
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hello to a bunch of my new followers! My name is Trinity and I'd like to run through some of what my blog supports, my opinions, and other stuff. Feel free to message me anytime or you can lurk like the little goblins you are >:)
I reblog a lot of art, comics, and memes. I like to interpret canon by analysing specific choices on a timeline based on the end outcome. Basically that means I believe a character is canonically horrible, nice, cute, a killer, a saviour, etc. all simutaneously. If you have a take, I probably have evidence to support it even if I don't like it LMAO
My favourite character is Connor because he (apart from Hank) is the only character with strong internal conflict (and I go feral over characters with internal conflict). I enjoy Rose and Adam's interpersonal conflicts with each other, I love Hank and Connor's interpersonal conflict (probably for the same reasons as everyone else: it's funny af), and I found the relationship development between North and Markus rushed and disappointing.
I don't really hardcore romantic-ship anything, but I enjoy a bit of simarkus, and mainly reed900. Reed900 is so, so horrible that it makes me laugh. Make android-racist kiss the upgraded version of the android he hates most. A well-deserved punishment lmaooooo 💀 Also I love the fanon dynamics it's too good.
I like to ship Hank and Connor as father and son because that's such a vibe to me!!! Most of the time, hankcon makes me uncomfortable because of this, but I'm vibing and it's okay if you like to interpret their relationship the romantic way. (Multiple timeline brain, after all^.) I keep the hankcon hashtag hidden but sometimes I sneak a peak hoping it's a funny comic alskdhskjdhd I used to get jumpscared by hankcon because I interpret them as father and son, but nowadays I look at it and go "ah yes, not My timeline" and travel back through the wormhole whence I came 🥴 I can still appreciate some of the art tho!! Btw I'm chill if you tag my some of my stuff as hankcon I don't care 💅
I like to see the RKs as brothers in one universe, but I don't mind the RK ships in another universe. These ships are like a true neutral for me, but the brothers is preferred :) I think I just like family dynamics lmao
I dislike the main fanon interpretations of Sixty, but I do love the memes of him being a dumbass. I like memes of any character being a dumbass. It makes my dumb ass feel less of a dumb. Also it's funny
I REALLY love meta and analysis. I soak that up like a sponge. I love when people throw essays at me or a ramble comes across my feed. I love it so much. Analyse the symbolism!!! Do it do it!!! I will lick the screen like an RK800 I don't care I am Normal about proper good analysis.
I don't really read much fic and if I say I'm going to read something, give me about 1 business month. (I'm not exaggerating I'm so sorry.) I'm more of a content creator than consumer, so I spend my free time making stuff and then I consume when my brain needs to chill out or the guilt gets too strong.
You can find all the stuff I create on my pinned content master post. <3
Once again, feel free to message me or throw me posts but if there is one thing that tops it all: If you find any content of Connor suffering, I require it to live. That's my oxygen. If Connor is reduced to nothing but his entrails on a table and a CPU propped up on a stand, I will be so happy LOL sorry Connor. Get shot homie
Bonus: The PM700 is cool as hell and I have a blondman crush on the WR600 who gave Kara directions to Zlatko's 💀👌
Bonus bonus: Mega crush on Connor too!!! Also I love Zlatko's monsters ok I'll shut up now
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inkyminx · 2 months
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Heres some trivia to help hall get to know these funny fellows better ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Tao Ling
Female ~ She / They, Bisexual
A Mystic Stone Monkey
Adopted by Sun Wukong
Can transform into three bodies (bird, tiger & butterfly)
Considers MK her baby brother
Is probably really into WWE and boxing
Doesn’t know how to show romantic affection
“When did you become the strong, supportive one?”  “Meat gives me strength.”
Probably shortened Wukong’s immortality during her childhood
Is surprisingly good at cooking
Loves going to plays and anything related to theatre
Will constantly send you memes
Her bracelet was a gift from Wukong as it resembles the circlet (kinda traumatizing and sad but yea)
Probably owns a few mecha figure sets
Wan Yue
Demiboy ~ He / They, Demisexual
2nd Generation Dragon Zodiac
Macaque’s first Disciple (later turned son)
Manipulates water (don’t put this man near a waterfall) & is somewhat stronger in moonlight
Enjoys stargazing as a hobby
Likes tea and often drinks it to ease his mind
No seriously he’ll be having tea time with Bing Ma and Sandy while Tao Ling and MK are wreaking havoc in the background
Considers YG either a menace to society or his cool younger brother
“How to use the internet”
Lost his eye due to an accident involving training with Macaque
Likes horror
Bing Ma
Male ~ He / Him, Pansexual
2nd Generation Horse Zodiac
Adopted & trained by Lady Bone Demon
Inherited LBD’s powers (which corrupts his zodiac blood a bit later)
Knows how to sew & likes making small plushies
Definitely goes to therapy once a week thanks to his childhood & powers
Likes hanging out with Sandy as his presence calms him down
Is incredibly flexible
An aspiring actor & most likely did ballet
A history buff and probably watches OSP
Is a good boi
Probably dyed his hair at one point to get rid of the streaks from LBD
Wakes up WAYYYY too early (4 AM. 5 if roommates are lucky)
Yin Ying (or YG)
Male ~ He / They, Bisexual
A Monkey/Antelope Hybrid
Macaque’s Second Disciple (turned son again)
Can manipulate shadows & electricity (but not by much)
“Yea I was raised then abandoned by two of the worst zodiacs for parenting WHAT OF IT?”
Knows how to ballroom dance
Can only be “tamed” by Wan, Macaque or Tao Ling
Would you believe me if I told you he was well behaved and a sweet kid with Macaque?
Think TWST Leona but more unhinged and maniacal laughter
Only shows affection to family and Tao Ling
Receiving affection + Soft voice = YG.exe has stopped working
Is one of the only two with a drivers license
Fa Yao
Non-Binary ~ They / Them, Aesexual
A Lemur
Might have weather abilities (more thunder & rain) & possesses medicinal magic
Close friends with Pigsy and Tang
Definitely owns a lot of witchcraft books
Collects scented things like perfumes and candles
Raised MK alongside Pigsy and Tang
Had many near death experiences
“It’s a flesh wound it’s ok👌” Pigsy: YOUR ARMS WERE RIPPED OFF
Probably has a Facebook account
Spent nearly a decade in a mountain curled up in a ball
Didn’t have much human interaction before a town accident
Might have feelings for Wukong but boy they be hard to read
KG (or Keiji)
Genderfluid ~ He / They, Pansexual
A Deer/Fox Hybrid
Possesses fire & wind (he literally only uses his fire just for cooking and teleportation)
His tail resembles a deer when neutral or calm but turns more fox-like if angered or revealing his abilities
Has a sibling relationship with Mei, Red Son & MK
Seriously though- the amount of chaotic shenanigans the four of them get into is insane
Can’t hide his emotions for the life of him
Will cuddle you in his sleep
If you ever have a sleepover with him, your gonna wake to a buffet of homemade croissants, muffins and cream puffs for breakfast
Gives nicknames to almost everyone he knows
Latte art is a must
Lives in a constant state of “WTF”
Lived in Ninjago for a while (at least just before middle and high school)
Shared and stole clothes from Cole as they grew up together
Is considered the most “normal” of the group but it’s a low bar
Jing Yun
Transgender Male~ Any Pronoun, Gay
A Fox Spirit
Manipulates smoke/mist & invisibility (very ghost-like)
Definitely gives everyone mani pedis
Curls and swirls and twirls for days
Likes to annoy Zhu Bajie
Is lowkey touch starved (Reborn!SWK hug your man fgs)
Lives in & owns a forest with a clan of other fox spirits
Definitely a fashionista (they’d have fun with Hua)
Is a pescatarian and very much likes fruit smoothies
Will definitely have hundreds of albums full of baby pictures
Adores Fruity and treats them like their own baby
Is really flirtatious but shy with Reborn!SWK
Definitely the one people go to for wedding parties and dating advice as their actually really good at it
And how ‘bout a fun timelapse to reveal my suffering?
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doggerell · 3 months
for the kink ask meme!! hope u don’t mind if i send a few :)
- breathplay
- knifeplay
- intox
- cnc
- corruption / mind-break
- bimbofication / dumbification
- ‘cest stuff (whether in roleplay [eg. fauxcest] or in fiction! personally i find it a fascinating theme to explore… but very much understand that not everyone feels the same lol)
- ageplay
looking forward to hearing ur ratings!!! 🫶🫶
hell yeah
- breathplay. another good 8/10. for the choking/suffocation angle👌👌 I once passed out from choking (I had low blood sugar and was going off v little sleep, I wasnt being choking v hard) and it freaked my ex tf out even tho I liked ahaha. but yah from the dom side its Scary I wont do it to my partner either rn even tho theyve asked ausghd. very RACK
- knifeplay. 7/10. crazy good. this is what your wfh soldiers are doing on the clock.
-intox. 7/10 in fiction. I loove alc and party and hard drugs intox, but could not give less of a shit abt weed intox. this has unfortunately completely reduced to a 0/10 irl I discovered the hard way how dangerous this is. sometimes alc intox really upsets me for this case now too. hit or miss. used to be one of my favs, stay safe kids. pleeease please please dont use alc or drugs as a crutch to get you through sex. I know this seems obvious but if you werent gonna sleep with that person sober u shouldnt be doing it while inebriated
-cnc. um. 10/10 no notes. not like my Thing rn Ive entered a very soft period in my kink life but this is one of my historical top kinks for sure
- corruption/mindbreak. I like a little corruption, turning an innocent little thing dirty. I dont care for mindbreak much tho, esp in a cnc context cause [reason redacted cause it makes me sound crazy] lukewarm. 5/10
- bimbo/dumbification. only hot to me if Im Extremely horny. sometimes my dick takes me places I wouldnt go with a gun (extreme misogyny kink). too inconsistent Im not giving this one a rating
-incest/fauxcest. it ebbs and flows. I dont care abt it too much rn and the kinda ‘cest posts horny blogs here on tumblr make really do nothing for me. depending on the ship it can be crazy good tho and youre right abt it being a fascinating theme to explore in fiction, I think movies/books dealing with incest or emotional incest can be really compelling. I love disgust and guilt as themes so thats when its at its best. just not super fandom/hornybrained abt it lately. also fauxcest being big in t4t is so real actually.
- ageplay. usually boring to me. littlespace is not like an Ick so much as I babysat one of my college friends while she went into littlespace so much that its completely devoid of sexual feeling to me. I can like a little older teen rp on occasion, just not my Thing rn.
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crayonfears · 4 months
@the-ace-friend asked:
Hello my dear old friend crayons who will probably die because of they age 🥲 (don’t worry I will make a good funeral with good music 😉) and now you have a curse on you for getting to much K-pop memes👹 Okay 👌 now for my question what do think about their childhood of those 2 was I mean now with the killing and finding out that Han Seok is a psychopath who’s possessive of his little brother or how Han Seok is more tamed in his adulthood than in his youth or why he even killed his victims? Did he killed them for a reason or just for fun and when for a reason then what kind of reason?? Anyways I’m always happy and glad for your response💕 and please take care of yourself so don’t overdo things If you need rest 👍 (I sound like a parent 💀 wtf ) but yeah take care and good luck with your next fics <3
hi there, friend! indeed, 'tis i, crayonfears, speaking from beyond the grave where they've buried me when i died of old age hahah and please i adore your little kpop memes but there's just too many in this particular ask and it just makes it super long haha. i'll have to ask you to keep it to a maximum 2-3 memes from now on if you still want to include them, i'm sorry ;;
for your question, if we go with canon, then iirc, he killed for the heck of it. for funsies, if you will. as a treat - love that for him. he also be killing cuz them kids be annoying him (so real of him), bragging about it after too. he was a real psycho back when he was younger - and god, what i wouldn't give to see more of that han seok than just a short glimpse of him admiring the watch he took off his victim (the fact he didn't take the watch off of the guy he killed in the container scene was suuuuuuuuuch a miss ugh 😤; let us see that young han seok is still there, that han seok never changed from his youth!!!!).
if we go beyond canon - well, the world is our oyster and all. i can see han seok killing kids cuz they got too close to han seo. i can see his delusional ass convincing himself just the world things about those kids and that's why he needed to kill them. it's the good for his dongsaeng - and you betcha ass he would tell han seo to thank him too, tell him what a favor he's done for him, "aren't you grateful, dongsaeng?". if we go with the psycho/psycho route, i can see han seo making up reasons - said those kids touch him wrong or whatever - to get han seok real mad. han seo never getting his hands dirty in the literal sense but stained with blood anyways is suuuuuch a delicious idea. i love a little secretly cunning han seo - i wish we got to see more of these moments of him in the show; rather than just him being the comic relief ;;
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kiigan · 7 months
👌 between naruto and itachi tho :3
shipping meme
@wiindblume suggested:
👌 to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses
Um yes please?? I have such a soft spot for Itachi as big brother and I can so see him doting on Naruto! <3 I actually need to finish a meta I'm working on about the relationship between these two, but consider: Itachi snuggling baby Naruto and baby Sasuke both at the same time. In a verse where Naruto is indeed an orphan, Itachi going out of his way to make sure he's eating well, lives in a clean house, has something as simple as toys to play with, taking him out for ramen at Ichiraku's, definitely making sure Naruto gets a hug whenever he needs/wants one! Also going to the academy to get Sasuke and the two of them walk Naruto home! and then Naruto being heartbroken when he hears about the massacre and his adoptive big brother defecting haha
But also! In my non-massacre verse, Itachi gets to stay around and help Naruto training - if there's anyone who can help Naruto improve his catastrophic chakra control it's definitely Itachi lmao. Itachi is also good at wind release, though it's not his main, so he can help Naruto with this too! AND AND. These two doing missions together?? Absolutely unstoppable. Naruto can easily compensate for Itachi's tiny chakra reserves, they can do a freaking fire tornado by combining jutsu, also imagine something like the rasenshuriken but it has wind nature AND yin nature?? Like, toss a shuriken into a room and immediately put everyone there under genjutsu. 100% cheatcode.
ALSO. imagine hokage!Naruto and Itachi as his ANBU #1 and personal body-guard. Man so much good stuff to do with these two and I already love all the possibilities!~ And I almost forgot but - if Naruto ever decides to follow through with that accidental first kiss and date Sasuke, Itachi will gladly be his wingman. Will also tell Naruto all the embarrassing baby Sasuke stories so that Naruto has blackmail to be used as needed. I'm just saying.
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javaghoul · 5 months
Duuuude oh how I miss when the TG fandom was extremely active back in the day on tumblr. Like 2017-2021 I think it was at its peak? I remember all the accounts and fics and art and ships that were flying around. Sorry that’s my ramble and not really a question
yeah omg SAME. I used to follow a bleach account - Keeping Up With The Kenpachis, and they had just started getting into TG (and more importantly YOMO) and i was mega excited because their writing was 👌 and then they vanished 😫
There was another account, I THINK it was CCG imagines (or Headcanons), something like that who I used to really like. I think they had Amon as their icon. Do you remember them? What blogs did you used to like?
But yeah it was so good back then ... And there was all the foreshadowing, and everyone was discussing the symbolism.
And the memes, anon, THE MEMES 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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rosalind-hawkins · 6 months
Ryo for the meme?
So sorry for the delay on this one! I kept having issues with my draft not saving and needing to start over.
I sincerely think Ryou was my first favorite character from Yugioh, even before Kaiba, if you can believe it.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
When I was first introduced to Yugioh, what struck me about him and made me latch onto him was the obvious emotional pain. At the time I was just starting to figure out my own depression and anxiety that my family was oblivious to, and I think I just related to that lack of support. I guess this is the answer for Question 25.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
How excited her gets about food, actually. He and Joey are probably almost equally enthusiastic about it, and it's adorable.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
How they changed his dad in DSOD. I preferred it when the dad was an oblivious nerd just trying to give his son a cool gift instead of being a power-hungry weirdo.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
This probably sounds silly, but I want him living his best life in a Pokemon game with a team that he's bonded to, getting to live an RPG adventure just like Monster World, but a little bit safer. I want him taking a nap leaning on his Altaria with an Absol curled up at his feet, looking like it's asleep but keep watching. And don't forget his floaty little Shuppets hovering about.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Friend of Foe by t.A.T.u. because I watched so many AMVs at the time that I was introduced to Yugioh. The song captures his poignant and desperate confusion with his own life and identity.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Honestly, aside from Question 1, nothing specific comes to mind aside from general nerdiness. I used to have a bad sweet tooth, like I imagine he does, but not so much anymore.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Making him a sweet spooky boi with 27 tarot card decks at home that dresses like he's going to bible study. Also, a big one is giving him visible scars from all the stuff Y B has put him through: the arm, the left hand, the chest.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I wouldn't say despise. Not sure I'd say I dislike anything the fandom does with him too much
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I imagine he's a night owl, so as long as he keeps things quiet at night, we wouldn't have a problem.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Definitely! We could probably introvert in the room together, doing our own things, or chat about art.
11. Would you date this character?
Again, I'm married, but if I had the chance and Y B was gone for good, absolutely.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've actually always headcanoned that Ryou had a Catholic mom and she tried to pass on her faith to him, but it didn't fully stick, necessarily. This isn't from nowhere, I swear. In the church scene in season five, in the English dub, Ryou goes into the church saying "I should be safe in here" after running from a disembodied voice. I think that means that he must have some small level of faith if he thinks the church itself will ward off the evil.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Galaxy Goth - Give him star earrings and glittery platform boots. Give him galaxy print leggings and an illusion neckline shirt with sheer/lacy sleeves. 👌👌👌👌👌✨✨✨✨✨✨ Hell, make it femboy too, he could rock that so hard. Make it pastel galaxy goth, it works just as well. Dress this boy up.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
You know I can't ever just pick one ship. I'm a multishipper. It's never just one.
Euroshipping, Minorshipping, and Puffshipping are my top three.
Mumbleshipping, Rollshipping, and Teaseshipping are my top poly ships for him.
Honorable mention to Graceshipping, cause I think he and Ishizu could be so damn sweet together, and that's my #1 straight ship for him.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Tendershipping, actually. I don't hate on it or people who like it, and I have a soft spot for some of his ships, but I just can't see Yami Bakura the way a lot of the fandom sees him, and that's where it comes from. I don't wanna get into it because this isn't a Y B post. I'll just leave it at that. No hate here, just a different perspective.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Deathshipping. I can appreciate some of the art and some of the sillier conceptions of this ship, but I'm not personally into it.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I haven't read the manga, but I've seen enough moments from it of Ryou and Joey together (included what looked like stealing a camel together), and their bond in DSOD was too adorable. It made me so happy to finally see somebody standing up for Ryou.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Obviously I wish he didn't get so roughed up by Y B.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Normally I'd leave ship characters out of it, but I can't help it: Ishizu, Joey, and Duke are my top picks here.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I play around with different versions of what's Ryou's mentality can be like after Bakura is gone and what the lasting impact is. There's a lot of options there, which is why I don't write just one version of Ryou.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
There's a lot of things that people do with him. I love when people flesh out his relationship with his family and
23. Favorite picture of this character?
But him with the banana.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Okay, gonna try to stick to canon personality with this.
From Touken Ranbu, Nikkari Aoe. He seems sweet and normal on the surface, and then he'll suddenly say the weirdest occult crap to you with the most normal smile and you just want to back away slowly. And then you realize, oh dear this man's a weirdo. An absolute weirdo. (He's the one that can see ghosts after all, there's a real connection over that.) (He gets two gifs because you need to understand what a weirdo he is.)
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From UtaPri, we've got Shion from Heavens. He's a quiet shy boy on the surface with soulful eyes, but still waters run deep. I feel like they're both easy to underestimate.
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And from Nanbaka, I can't really explain why, I always associated him with Seitarou Tanabata. Maybe because they share the spiky Christmas tree hair, idk. Maybe I just think they'd be good friends.
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
See Question 1.
This boy is helpless in the kitchen. He's gonna have to count on his partner to either cook for him or teach him how to cookl
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vro0m · 1 year
15 questions meme, tagged by @saecookie 💕
were you named after anyone? kinda? they just found the name pretty, it wasn't really about who it was. the spouse of some musician. don't wanna say which one because yall don't know my name here and i like it that way. (maybe i should find a name for my tumblr self tho? one that's not a car onomatopeia?)
when was the last time you cried? no idea. i don't really cry cry.
do you have any kids? nope.
do you use sarcasm a lot? yep. both that and irony.
what sports have you played/do you play? dance.
what's the first thing you notice about other people? uh. difficult question. i wanna say it's a general vibe? what usually stands out is whether they feel genuine or not and/or whether they feel true to themselves or not (often goes hand in hand).
what's your eye colour? brown.
scary movies or happy endings? don't like horror movies. i do tend to find happy endings sappy tho. but sometimes they are well written.
any special talents? i can knot a cherry stem with my tongue (it's actually not that hard). more seriously i'm very, very good at puzzles/riddles. (invite me to win escape rooms, but i will get bossy!)
where were you born? wouldn't you like to know?
What are your hobbies? watching F1, photography, painting, drawing, generally crafting stuff (it's also my happy place, Sae! you're so right!), learning/researching stuff I'm interested in, video games, ...
Do you have any pets? i have 3 cats, a dog, and a handful of chickens
How tall are you? 159cm 👌
Favorite subject in school? i spent more time trying to find ways to pass time without getting in trouble than listening tbh. i was extremely bored by everything. less annoying were subjects i was good at (french, english) or that allowed us to actually do something (arts, sawing, crafting, science/chemistry/physics to some extent)
Dream job? yeah i'm not opening that box rn.
If you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged by me :)
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delusionaid · 8 months
🎊 I’m happy to have met you. 👍 You’re doing great! Keep it up! 👌 Your character portrayals are amazing. ☺ I love our muses’ relationship! (and the bonus 💭 Your thoughts on our threads? because i do be nosy) (i am probably 10 years late for this don't worry if you're no longer accepting jbhj)
Munday Meme
🙏💚🥺 Thank you! And all of that right back at you!! I am really glad we started writing together! ✨ (No worries, there's usually no limit to how long I accept memes!) Thoughts on our threads: I am EXCITED for the Diluc and Wrio one!! I'm looking forward to exploring his mindset during that time and see how they'll arrange themselves with each other in that situation 👀 (And eventually.. the letters 👀) Love Xiao and Venti 💚 I'll do my best to get maybe a little hint of a smile out of Xiao before the thread is over, wish me luck :) Alhaitham and Tighnari are a combo I really like in general, I feel like they just get along in their own way - I hope Alhaitham feels the same way and doesn't begrudge Nari interrupting his peace 🤭 And the deNDRO BOYS!! I actually can't make good predictions of how well they'll get along but I am curious to find out 🤭 Baizhu is used to dealing all sorts of people, I think he'll do well uwu Okay we actually have more threads than I thought we did - did I forget anything?? Good stuff, good stuff 👌👌
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maxkirin · 1 year
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Today on the stream I'm back to work outlining my next novel, we're breaking down the arcs & making that draft zero!
See you there! youtube.com/mistrekirin
PS: Today's thumbnail was inspired by @charliearlet's meme they posted on our discord. It's so good I just had to use it~ 👌
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