#gor chronicles
eighthdoctor · 1 year
sometimes the writing bug bites and won't let go, despite minimal knowledge of either canon.
complete id-fic which means i've put an extensive amount of thought into it.
or: what if jaina and sylvanas get to fix someone else's problems for a change.
They stare at each other: Sylvanas, still fading into mist at the edges, armor covered in blood, and Proudmoore, one glove discarded and hand black past the wrist, tear-stained face, robes similarly bloody and ragged. “Well? Were you planning to summon a water elemental out of the foliage to help you with your healing?” “I would love to,” snarls Proudmoore, “but unfortunately, once again, I cannot cast.”
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Outlaw of Gor, In the Chronicles of Counter-Earth #2 by Boris Vallejo
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ultrakatua · 1 year
My conclusion after 40 hours or so is that Monolith Soft were fucking insane for this game
I have no idea how much it sold but certainly not enough to match the insanity that must have went into developing it
The map is just SO HUGE and so far I've counted a grand total of ONE area locked behind a loading screen (the barracks). Everything else is 100% seamless and big and cool
And it's big but not "big empty" like Xenoblade 1 was, no, it's bursting with life and multi layered. The moment you get a Skell it changes everything and I suppose being able to fly will be another "what the hell" moment
Also I don't have the HD pack or whatever was downloadable on the eShop and it's still beautiful and running perfectly. Don't ask me how but I'll probably have to finish it before summer comes and the console just bursts
Yes I'm playing on a (borrowed) WiiU and while I'm at it, they also went insane with the control pad??? Low-key I get why they don't know how to remake this game, there's no way a simple menu to replace the pad would hit the same
I have like ten party members so far and it's obviously far from over... Also I discovered an entire alien species from a side quest?? Hello???
And I wasn't expecting that level of customisation for... Well, everything really, but especially the Skells. So far it's been easy enough I'm just making silly builds... No augment, no nothing. I doubt I'll find the will power to optimise because it's just... Borderline too much to look at. The online must have been a trip back in the days
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arnold-layne · 3 months
im SO tired but guess what… cant sleep again….
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thehauntedrocket · 2 years
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The Chronicles Of Counter-Earth by John Norman
Art by Robert Foster
Ballantine Books (1972/1972/1973)
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my-t4t-romance · 1 year
people complain about isekai animes but I feel like we don't complain about the gor books enough
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slushmonsterz · 1 year
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this is how i look remembering no matter what happens, no matter how i feel about it, no matter how bad it is whenever cc puts out a tsc book i will buy it.
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pallases · 2 years
whyyy are loops so confusing
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arcticdementor · 5 months
On my "REAL Banned Book List", unlike Barnes and Noble's fake "banned" book tables, works of fiction very rarely appears.  School teachers might want children to believe short simple books readable by adolescents are "Banned" because Oooo👻 forbidden fruit, don't read the age appropriate short fiction the school librarian tells you to".. But in reality 95+% of real banned books are non-fiction political tracts, censored histories, or terrorist manuals. And the fiction books that are banned are usually fictionalized versions of those, works like "Camp of the Saints", or "The Turner Diaries", despite their ability to move people emotionally are not banned for their emotional content but for their political content (and in the case of "The Turner Diaries" its accurate instructions on bomb making)Subscribe HOWEVER! There is one series that was driven from bookstores, and by the late 90s was almost totally disappeared based purely on the... "feelings"... it generated in its readers. A fantasy series set entirely on another world with more or less nothing to say about politics back on earth, awakened... stirrings... in its readers so disturbing to the powers that be it had to be stopped.
The Chronicles of GOR by John Norman (Pen-name of Philosophy Professor John Lange) Begun in 1966 and continuing to... today (he's 92), the 38 book series is a Pulp Science Fantasy series in the vein of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Barsoom" series (shout out to John Carter of Postcards From Barsoom ) It has a lot of neat fantasy/historical/military hypotheticals to get the young male mind going "what if Vikings raided Japanese samurai cities with flying monsters?" but the thing that outraged the feminists and what they'd never admit enraged them, was its effect on female readers.
This is the world and theory of mind Norman paints with a philosopher's attention to completeness... 38 books deconstructing and undoing not only modern feminist ideas of equality, but Christian ideas of the equality of the soul and nobility of the feminine spirit. By any standard maybe the most sexist misogynistic books ever written, not out of ignorance or resentment but a philosopher's indifference to any social or ethical preening that might impede the truth... And women freaking loved it.
Consummately refusing to acknowledge or accept that Norman's audience ws well beyond 50% female (men read it for the war and there's tons of books on that) feminists starts campaigns insisting that Norman's audience was entirely male abusers and misogynists, and naive young impressionable boys who needed to be taught not to rape, but were being taught the opposite. Of course Norman had merely written the type of violently sexual romances that had been staples of harlequin romances and women's lit had been romanticizing for decades if not centuries... on paper he'd just made the war scenes more realistic and engaging aside from the fantasy fortresses and rideable giant birds. But he did something 30s romance writers like Margaret Mitchell, and now tens of thousands of romance, erotica, and fanfic authors never did in all their sexy violent stories... Something the feminists could never forgive him for. Sandwiched between the fighting and the fornication, he explained with a philosopher's exactness, WHY those stories are sexy. Amidst the pulp adventures and wars on an alien world, and the sexy slavery, Norman lays out a comprehensive theory of human sexuality utterly incompatible with feminism, "Democracy", equality, and possibly even Christian civilization. He summoned the primordial lusts and hungers from the cruel ages of humanity into the hearts and souls of his readers, and he told them their names such that they could never forget them, nor look upon the egalitarian world world around them with anything but boredom and disdain. In short: It's pretty hot.
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systlin · 8 hours
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Oh goodie do I have something for you
Two hundred ten thousand words of it!
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
reviving a meme I previously got from @swinging-stars-from-satellites
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
158 (one currently unrevealed).
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
103,185. I cracked 100k recently!
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
All the Doctors Who + Gallifrey + Iris Wildthyme + The Time Travellers + GoR etc.; Ancient Greek Religion & Lore; WtOVPIC; Blake’s 7; Dracula; Discworld; Windrose Chronicles & Sun-Cross series also by Barbara Hambly (one crossover); All Creatures Great and Small; Lost at Christmas, heaven help me. That makes nine as I count it. Most only for one small thing or crossover.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Skipping kudos bot victims:
Ms Smith (13 and Sarah, fun with fake names)
don’t worry, he’s with me (Ten and Donna five-times-fic)
Vicarious (Six & Martha drabble)
Time Flies Like an Arrow (witches fly on a broomstick) (Discworld, Lancre Witches, having a philosophical conversation about time) (I have come to detest this title but I’m glad people enjoyed the fic)
to all our nights and days to come (Seven/Romana Time War AU)
It’s helpful to include extremely popular, well-known characters in your fics. Or, apparently, to write a slightly darker twist on your rarepair OTP and happen to plug it one day on a relevant popular post.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I do, because I love getting comments and I am always genuinely grateful to hear that someone has enjoyed my work!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Wow, last time I did this meme I said it was That Which We Call. That’s changed. It might actually be to all our nights and days to come, or else one of the Six-post-Trial ones.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Apparently! But not much, and not well.
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Nope, touch wood.
9, Do you write smut?
Not my thing.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! @sci-firenegade translated Making History into Portuguese! It is so cool.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Sort of, with Moki! We more tend to write sequels to each other’s stuff, but we also have listed ourselves as co-authors on a couple of things.
13. All time fav ship?
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Never say die! Probably the Eight/Charley babyfic AU, though. If I go back to it it’ll be as a very different writer and I’ll probably want to rework what exists and it’ll be technically a different fic.
15. Writing strengths?
Character voices & dialogue. Also, focalization. I always know what A thinks of B and what B notices about A, which is hilarious as I absolutely do not know any of this in real life.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Used to be length; I’m still very brief but I feel like I have more control over the length of a fic now. Like it comes out more or less the length I expect it to; I can tell what size something’s gonna be. Probably now I would just say plot. I’m not great at Things Occurring. And like everybody else I get hung up on how to describe basic actions like walking across a room.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Don’t do it if you can’t get the other language right (as well as how code-switching actually tends to work). Also, translation convention exists for a reason. Probably don’t pull an ‘opening lines of War and Peace’ unless you are in fact Tolstoy, in which case you don’t need my writing advice. Nothing inherently wrong with it though.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially, DW. Unofficially, probably something as a kid before I knew fandom existed. Redwall or something.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
to all our nights and days to come, probably.
Not tagging anyone, but memes are for stealing!
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eighthdoctor · 1 year
is there any rhyme or reason to who the priest kings steal from earth in the gor chronicles? bc it might be 1976 or whatever but women were still engineers/doctors/teachers etc. I just wondered if they specifically chose women who were 'unremarkable' or if they just chose at random
the one in-depth look I've gotten at who to steal from earth strongly suggests it's appearance only. norman gorman knows women can have jobs he just would like to express disapproval at the very idea.
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If I had a nickel for every time a cult based around shitty sci-fi books released a hilarious bad movie based on said novels, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice.
(Not just Scientology, Chronicles of Gor released two movies one of which was featured on MST3K)
Well I know what I’m going to look into next
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aardvark-123 · 2 years
~The Silver-Heart Chronicles Part 5: From Dawnstar With Grudging Tolerance~
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Yngvar was moving to the coastal city of Dawnstar. Adelaisa was also moving to Dawnstar. Sharing a boat seemed better than paying two fares, so Yngvar sat on his worries, enjoyed the cool, salty breeze and the cries of the seagulls as Gor rowed them along the coast. They'd be going their separate ways soon; no more getting dragged into adventures against his will.
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"Well, did you enjoy the trip?" Yngvar asked as he clambered out of the boat.
"It's a far cry from the boats I'm used to, but it was smooth sailing. Thank you for taking us, Captain," said Adelaisa, smiling at Gor.
Gor went bright red. He'd never been called a captain before.
"I think I'll go and see what's on in town," declared Yngvar. "You have your horker meat imports to think about, right, Adelaisa? In that case, I won't hold you up. Goodbye!"
"Goodbye, Windhelm!" Adelaisa waved southeast and followed Yngvar into the city.
Delighted to be free of her at last, Yngvar skipped down the snowy roads and planky walkways that ran through Dawnstar. Step one would be to find the inn, of course, and step two to find out if anyone was handing out free sweetrolls. Step three would be to look for work. He'd never reached step four before, but the catnip and the netch leather helmet stayed in his bag for when the moment came.
Step one was easy. The Windpeak Inn was right on the eastern slopes. Step two turned up nothing as usual. Then came step three, and Yngvar's heart sank when he realised that the city was home to two mines.
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"Oh... Iron-Breaker Mine, you say? What's wrong with them?" Yngvar asked.
"What ISN'T wrong with them?!" snapped Leigelf. "The owner's a coward! A selfish, snivelling, arrogant, lowly little harpy who doesn't know what's good for her, wouldn't know what to do if Zenithar handed her a mountain of septims! All the dregs of Dawnstar come to work for her and none of them deserve any better! Anyway, I'll pay you handsomely for any quicksilver you can dig up."
It wasn't exactly the culmination of a lifelong dream, but being paid handsomely sounded good for his first afternoon in Dawnstar. The stout, bare-chested miner certainly did not influence him in the slightest. So Yngvar readied the pickaxe he'd borrowed from Narzulbur and ventured inside.
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"Are you having fun? Your elbow action looks a bit off-centre," said Adelaisa.
"Aaaaaargh!" screamed Yngvar, dropping his pickaxe on his foot. "Ow! Wh-what are you doing here?! I th-thought you were- were doing your business deal with the horkers and the, with the Dawnstar and things! Why are you following me?!"
"Well, it's only my first day in the city," Adelaisa explained. "I'm not sure who to contact about horker meat. When we're together, though, something interesting always seems to happen before too long."
"Gods give me strength," groaned Yngvar.
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Yngvar left Quicksilver Mine tired and a little richer. Adelaisa abandoned the snowman she'd been making and ran after him. Dawnstar was a quiet city, and it wasn't long before they found some workers talking outside another mine.
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"Horkers, you say?" Yngvar said innocently. "Why, what's the problem with Quicksilver mine? The horker foreman had nothing but kind words for the rest of Dawnstar's mineral economy."
Adelaisa sighed wistfully. "If they actually had horkers down there, I'd be ahead of the game..."
Beitild looked at Yngvar. Then she looked at Adelaisa. Then she looked at Yngvar again. "Did you two walk out of a Riekling nursery? No, don't answer that. I don't care."
"Quicksilver Mine is no more than a selfish fathead's pipe dream! The owner doesn't care about anything other than taking big, stupid risks for big, stupid profits, doesn't matter what we could have- What he stands to lose." Beitild sighed. "Quicksilver sells better than iron, he says. Well, who'd choose a shiny lump of quicksilver over good, solid iron?! Anyway, I'll pay for any iron you dig up, if you're interested."
Yngvar raised his eyebrows. "Well, as a matter of fact, I was thinking about getting some mining practice in today... Want to prospect for horkers, Adelaisa?"
"Don't patronise me!" Adelaisa shoved him and folded her arms. "I'm well aware that horkers make their burrows in the sand. What I need is a business partner who's selling the meat."
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"Feel like helping?" Yngvar grunted as he excavated a seam of iron.
"No, I need to save my strength. I'm going to try digging for horkers on the beach tomorrow."
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While Adelaisa went shopping for a spade, Yngvar ordered them some foot and a couple of beds in the Windpeak Inn. "As far away from each other as possible, please," he requested. "In different buildings would be fine."
Thoring, the innkeeper, sighed and shook his head. "I don't know what you and your wife have been arguing about, but trust me, pushing her away won't make your lives any better. You have to talk and learn to make compromises, even if it means swallowing some of your pride."
Yngvar blinked slowly. "Er, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying, do you want to end up like Beitild and Leigelf?! They used to be so close until this mining thing came between them. They couldn't agree on whether to buy one of the mines east of the bay, or sell it, I'm not sure, but the feud consumed them like a fire! And now it's like they're sworn enemies."
"But I'm not married to Adelaisa," Yngvar said in a small voice.
"Now, I know what I'm talking about." Thoring sniffed and wiped his eyes. "I used to be married, you know. And sure, we argued sometimes, but now I just miss her... For the gods' sakes, don't let that happen to you and Adelaisa while you're both still alive!"
"You heard me say Adelaisa's name but not the part where we aren't actually married?!" Yngvar grabbed Thoring by the shoulders. "Stop hearing only what you want to hear! Shor gave you two ears, so use-"
"What are you doing?! Leave him alone!" A ginger-haired woman came running over with a lute. She bashed Yngvar over the head with her instrument and, leaving him dazed on the floor, pulled Thoring into her arms.
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"I know it hurts, Father. I miss her too, every day," the bard said softly. "But some people are... Well, relationships can be sore for them. And I know it isn't right, I know it isn't fair when a couple can't even sleep side by side-"
"You don't know!" Thoring pushed her away. "He doesn't know what he and Adelaisa, over there with the spade, have! People never realise what matters until they lose it..." He slumped down on the counter with his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Karita, I... I know you're trying to help."
"How do you know that's Adelaisa and not some other woman with a shovel?! How do you know what she looks like?!" demanded Yngvar, gesturing to a confused Adelaisa standing in the doorway with her metal digging implement.
"Don't try and change the subject," Karita said severely. "Do you need me to take over for tonight, Father? It's all right if you don't feel up to working."
"I'll be fine. But... Maybe I do need to rest for a bit," sighed Thoring. "This gentleman was just ordering a couple of beds for the night... Separate ones for him and his wife."
"Oh. Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Karita turned to Yngvar. "Sooooo, you and Adelaisa fell out. I'm sorry to hear it, but you can't always make everything the innkeeper's problem!"
"Does no-one in Skyrim listen to anyone but themselves?!" scoffed Yngvar. "The sheer pig-headedness! It beggars belief."
Karita pursed her lips. "Whatever you think of your wife, don't cause any more trouble in our inn. I have a trombone. As long as that's understood, it's twenty gold, and I think you paid for the food already..."
"What's this about Yngvar's wife?" asked Adelaisa, wandering over with her spade on her shoulder. Yngvar put his head in his hands and silently cursed the Divines.
"Oh, er..." Karita looked sheepish. "I heard that the two of you fell out earlier. I was just telling your... Just telling Yngvar to mind his behaviour in the inn."
Adelaisa blinked. "It was hardly a falling-out! We were just at cross-purposes over horkers. Although I will admit I lost my temper a bit back there." Her expression softened. "I didn't hurt your feelings, did I, Yngvar? It's just that you sounded like you were treating me like an idiot, and that's... I know you didn't mean it."
"Do you?" Yngvar laughed shakily. "I'm glad! Because horkers don't burrow! They live out on the beaches."
"Are you sure?" said Adelaisa, her brow furrowing. "That sounds more like mudcrabs to me."
"Very sure! Everybody from the north knows what a horker looks like," scoffed Yngvar. "And where they sleep." His look softened. "But you aren't from the north, are you?"
Adelaisa shook her head. "I'm from Applewatch originally."
"Maybe I was being unfair," Yngvar said quietly. "If you haven't seen a horker, much less hunted one for its meat... How would you know?"
"That's exactly the problem," said Adelaisa. "I haven't been in Skyrim for long. After Japhet's Folly, they decided to give me another big assignment up here, but getting into the horker business isn't going to be an easy egg to crack."
"I should imagine not." Yngvar considered for a moment whether he really wanted to encourage her, and there could only be one answer. He smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "But you've cracked some fearsome eggs before, haven't you, Vendicci? You'll crack this one in time. I know you will."
Adelaisa's whole face brightened. "You know what? You're absolutely right! I am a good soldier slash businesswoman, and an egg can only take so many taps from a spoon. I'll sort this out soon enough."
"So..." Karita cleared her throat. "If there's nothing else you need, I've given you the double bed up there on the right. There are a couple of end tables which fit nicely in front of the door if you need some privacy."
Karita's voice dropped to a whisper. "And if you do need something- a potion of fortify stamina, say, or a netch leather helmet- we might be able to arrange that. Just try not to destroy the bed."
"I'm sleeping outside," declared Yngvar, pushing past Adelaisa and out towards the door. "Good night, everyone! See you tomorrow!"
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sickenedfanfics · 2 years
Connect With Me
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Original Writing:
Pieces of Me
An anthology of poems from the mind of one complex and unusual being.  
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Pieces of Me Too
A collection of song lyrics from the soul of a caged bird with a bleeding heart.
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The Eye of Demun
As a full-time college professor and a single father of three unruly girls, Thomas Ullian has little time to indulge the fantasies and mythology of Simius’ past. Until a youthful, pestering, and determined colleague enters the scene. Orokio Musoxee is convinced that, though Thomas does not exhibit personalities, he was born with them.
Orokio presents an idea to Thomas that some people have had their personalities stolen and transferred to another. He also tells him the legend of The Eye of Demun and how it is the key to ending personality theft. Thomas aggressively rejects Orokio’s claims until his oldest daughter is brutally assaulted by a man and his personalities. Mirroring a crime that happened years ago.
Leaving his girls in the care of a friend, Thomas joins Orokio on a voyage deep into the Junglei jungles hoping to put an end to personality theft and discover the truth governing personalities. Who knows what other truths he might find? Truths within himself. Truths that only Orokio could have awakened.
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The Dark Asgard Chronicles: Mangling the Fowls
The Dark Asgard Chronicles is a collection of stories that presents an alternative to the benevolent Asgard documented in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Inspired by the Gor Chronicles by John Norman, an upside-down Asgard exists where morals are subjective and traits like greed and hedonism thrive. In this tale, Asgard is the most powerful of The Nine Realms and controls the slave trade throughout. Mangling the Fowls is the first story in The Dark Asgard Chronicles. It introduces the reader to the slave society and the underhanded schemes the royal family has embarked on to ensure the right son sits on the throne of Asgard.  
The darkness consumed them, and they were finally free…
Mangling the Fowls is the first story in The Dark Asgard Chronicles. It introduces the reader to the slave society and the underhanded schemes the royal family has embarked on to ensure the right son sits on the throne of Asgard. The story is mostly Loki-centric but other characters from the Thor movies receive attention as well. The underlying theme of the story is that we are all slaves to something.
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The Bitter Crimson Tales: Crimson Decay
The Bitter Crimson Tales is a collection of stories based on the 2015 movie Crimson Peak. Imagine for a moment if the Sharpes were rich and the family fortune wasn’t wasted by their father. Imagine if the brother and sister duo were fiends of the night. Interested? Come on in.  
The best kisses are always bitter…
Crimson Decay is the first story in The Bitter Crimson Tales. In the story, the reader is introduced to the wealthy and dead (well, undead I should say) Sharpe siblings. The deadly brother and sister duo haunt the night, living on stolen blood. The oppressed Thomas Sharpe longs for the touch of someone else besides his stifling depraved sister. Enters a beautiful boy and an exotic beauty. Oh, the drama!
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Torrid Lucidity
I’ll have the easy with a side of pain…
Brock Rumlow is a nymphomaniac. He’s also a sociopath, but nothing’s new about that. However, what is new are flashes, visions, breaks in time, disorientation, and forgetfulness. Is he losing his mind? Not that he had it all together in the beginning.
Suddenly, a new man enters Rumlow’s life. Will he be able to hold onto something for once, or will the psychotic breaks keep interrupting the bliss?
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lmstephens · 3 years
Links: Fantastical Fanfics
The Dark Asgard Chronicles: Mangling the Fowls
The Dark Asgard Chronicles is a collection of stories that presents an alternative to the benevolent Asgard documented in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Inspired by the Gor Chronicles by John Norman, an upside-down Asgard exists where morals are subjective and traits like greed and hedonism thrive. In this tale, Asgard is the most powerful of The Nine Realms and controls the slave trade throughout. Mangling the Fowls is the first story in The Dark Asgard Chronicles. It introduces the reader to the slave society and the underhanded schemes the royal family has embarked on to ensure the right son sits on the throne of Asgard.
The darkness consumed them, and they were finally free...
Mangling the Fowls is the first story in The Dark Asgard Chronicles. It introduces the reader to the slave society and the underhanded schemes the royal family has embarked on to ensure the right son sits on the throne of Asgard. The story is mostly Loki-centric but other characters from the Thor movies receive attention as well. The underlying theme of the story is that we are all slaves to something.
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The Bitter Crimson Tales: Crimson Decay
The Bitter Crimson Tales is a collection of stories based on the 2015 movie Crimson Peak. Imagine for a moment if the Sharpes were rich and the family fortune wasn’t wasted by their father. Imagine if the brother and sister duo were fiends of the night. Interested? Come on in.
The best kisses are always bitter...
Crimson Decay is the first story in The Bitter Crimson Tales. In the story, the reader is introduced to the wealthy and dead (well, undead I should say) Sharpe siblings. The deadly brother and sister duo haunt the night, living on stolen blood. The oppressed Thomas Sharpe longs for the touch of someone else besides his stifling depraved sister. Enters a beautiful boy and an exotic beauty. Oh, the drama!
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Torrid Lucidity
I'll have the easy with a side of pain...
Brock Rumlow is a nymphomaniac. He’s also a sociopath, but nothing's new about that. However, what is new are flashes, visions, breaks in time, disorientation, and forgetfulness. Is he losing his mind? Not that he had it all together in the beginning.
Suddenly, a new man enters Rumlow's life. Will he be able to hold onto something for once, or will the psychotic breaks keep interrupting the bliss?
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