#gordon harker
letterboxd-loggd · 6 months
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The Ring (1927) Alfred Hitchcock
March 18th 2024
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 10 months
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byneddiedingo · 10 months
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Betty Balfour and Gordon Harker in Champagne (Alfred Hitchcock, 1928)
Cast: Betty Balfour, Jean Bradin, Ferdinand von Alten, Gordon Harker, Jack Trevor, Claude Hulbert, Marcel Vibert, Hannah Jones, Clifford Heatherley. Screenplay: Alfred Hitchcock, Walter C. Mycroft, Eliot Stannard. Cinematography: Jack E. Cox. Art direction: C. Wilfred Arnold. 
Champagne is flat. Still, thank you to the Criterion Channel for the opportunity to see one of the Alfred Hitchcock films I hadn't seen before. Hitchcock himself disowned the movie, hating its cobbled-together script and disliking his leading lady, Betty Balfour, whom, according to Stephen Whitty's invaluable The Alfred Hitchcock Encyclopedia, he called "a piece of suburban obscenity." Balfour is not that bad, I think, though she resorts to cutesy mannerisms and she's obviously more in love with the camera than with her leading man, the bland Jean Bradin. The movie is a romantic comedy about an heiress whose pursuit of her man involves flying to mid-ocean to meet him on an ocean liner headed for France. When they reach Paris they quarrel and break up, whereupon she decides to live it up until her father (Gordon Harker) arrives to tell her that he's lost his fortune. She looks for work and lands a job as a "flower girl," handing out flowers to male patrons at a rather sketchy restaurant. A slightly sinister man (Ferdinand von Alten) whom she met on the ship takes an interest in her, but her boyfriend arrives, wanting to make up. A surprise twist makes everything all right. Without much to work with either in story or cast, Hitchcock, with the aid of cinematographer  Jack E. Cox, turns his attention to some innovative camerawork, at least providing us with something to watch as the plot grinds on. Some of my disaffection for the movie may lie in the fact that it's a silent film without musical accompaniment, perhaps owing to copyright issues. Although the music supplied for silent films today is often sub-par, it at least distracts one a bit from trying to figure out what the actors are saying between intertitles. 
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silverfoxstole · 8 months
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Recording Shada in 2002.
From DWM 330, May 2003:
We first spoke in Vancouver in 1996…
[sings] Ah yes, I remember it well…
…And here we are in Bristol, years later, with James Fox and Andrew Sachs. Would you ever have thought it?
Well, when my agent was telling me about it, I thought we had a bad line. She said, ‘James Fox is in it, and Andrew Sachs, and so-and-so and such-and-such’ and I assumed I was mishearing. I mean, how could it be?
Were you familiar with the work of Douglas Adams?
Not really, only Hitchhiker’s Guide. I’m not a sci-fi reader at all, that’s not my thing. I didn’t really know a great deal about Adams – I certainly didn’t realise he was this amazing polymath. But Lalla speaks so eloquently and passionately about him, and I’ve come to understand why he was so well-loved and respected, and, of course, the quality of the script speaks for itself.
Are you enjoying playing the script?
Well, compared to last year’s plays, and the year before, you can definitely tell it’s from a different source. It has a different tack, and a whole different kind of wit. If you were at a blind tasting, and shown just a page or two of every script we’ve done, you’d easily spot that this one came from somewhere else, from a very fertile mind. It’s great stuff.
Everyone seems to have treated the script with great respect. Almost every line seems to be debated as you all try to get the best of out it.
Comedy is a very serious business. If it was a so-called straight drama, you probably wouldn’t find that much discussion.
So it’s exacting work?
Oh yes, very much so. If a thing is meant to be funny, you’ve got to make sure it’s funny, so you’ve got to get it right. In drama, your main directions are ‘quicker’, ‘slower’, ‘louder’, ‘quieter’. But on something like this you have to watch how you spin every word. It’s not something you can be lazy about.
I hear you’re missing India Fisher…
I sure am. Every time the studio door opens, I think she’s going to walk through. It’s the association with this place, where we do all these plays, and this is the first one we’ve done without her, so it seems very strange. She’ll be back next year, though, won’t she?
I certainly hope so. Will you?
Well, yes, that’s in the planning stages. Apparently, as was revealed to me yesterday, 2003 is the 40th anniversary of Doctor Who, and they’re planning something of a special with me and Davison and Sylv and Colin Baker. I think they’re going to have us as some sort of barbershop quartet or something.
So you’re still finding it fun, being the Doctor?
You sound very sure of yourself when you ask that… You’ve phrased the question to get the answer you want, I think!
Well, I guess as a fan, I’d like to think that Doctor Who likes being Doctor Who…
Well, I’ll put your mind at rest, then, because I am still enjoying it. I like working on audios more than on screen. Day in, day out, it’s just more of a laugh. Doing the visual work, on TV or in pictures, you never get to hang around with the rest of the cast. Here we can swap stories in the green room, or go off in a gang to the pub for lunch. When you’re working on pictures it’s not like that. You go in, do your little bit, and then you’re shunted off to a trailer out of the way. This is much more fun. It’s what being an actor is all about, and I have Doctor Who to thank for that opportunity.
Extracts from the recording of Shada:
The Doctor decides it’s time to get to the point. “What have you done with the Professor’s mind?” he asks.
“It will be put to a more useful purpose,” replies Skagra, haughtily.
“I would argue that it was serving a very useful purpose where it was.” ”Not to me.”
“You realise he died?” says the Doctor.
“Only his mind was of use to me,” says Skagra. “Not his life.”
“You take a very proprietorial attitude to people’s brains,” responds the Doctor, calmly.
“It seems to me,” says Skagra, his voice rising slightly, “that the Time Lords take a very proprietorial view of the Universe.”
There is a pause.
“Hold on,” says Lalla Ward, looking across the room to Nick, the director. “Surely the Doctor would be more accurate about his reference there. Skagra hasn’t stolen the Professor’s brain, only his mind.”
“That’s right,” agrees Andrew Sachs, dropping his thin, high Skagra voice. “The actual brains stay in their heads, don’t they?”
“It’s a good point,” replies Nick. “I imagine that Douglas was trying to avoid repetition of the word ‘mind’.”
“Well Douglas should have known better,” says Lalla, firmly. “And it’s a bit silly to worry about repetition of the word ‘mind’ now. It’s all ‘I want your mind, I want his mind’ for the next 60 pages.”
“So would you like me to change ‘brain’ to ‘mind’ on that line?” queries Paul McGann. “Because, y’know, I think the Doctor would be far more accurate about his reference there.”
The Krag commander growls its greeting to Skagra. “What are your orders, my Lord?”
Andrew Sachs peers over his script. “Cod and chips twice, please. And a carton of mushy peas.”
Paul McGann is recording assorted screams and moans to signify the Doctor’s mistreatment by Skagra’s mind-sucking sphere. “Argh!” he groans, “Aargh…ugh…aaargh!”
“Thanks, Paul,” says Nick. “That’s just brilliant.”
“Three years at RADA for that!” laughs Paul gleefully. “Would you like me to do some more?”
Nick smiles and turns to Andrew Sachs. “Now could we just do your lines as the sphere attacks the Doctor again?” Andrew nods and clears his throat. “This time, Doctor,” sneers the icy voice of Skagra, “This time no one will come to your rescue. I shall have your mind.” It’s chilling stuff.
“Y’know,” says Paul, “I believe you!”
“Poor Skagra,” says Andrew. “I have the feeling he’s a very lonely man. I think he needs a wife and kids. A talking spaceship’s no real substitute for the love of a good woman, is it?”
Skagra has some seriously sexy transport, and the Doctor is stealing it.
“Ship!” shouts the Doctor. “Activate all re-aligned drive circuits.”
“Something very strange is happening,” says the ship, all sultry sibilance.
“Ta-daa!” cheers the Doctor.
Hannah Gordon is in a separate sound booth. “Should I be getting more roused there?” she asks over the loudspeaker.
“I don’t think so,” says Nick. “Just keep it honey-voiced and seductive.”
In the gallery, artist Lee Sullivan crosses his legs. “I don’t think I can take much more,” he says. “I may have to leave the room. I never found myself attracted to a spaceship before!”
In the studio, Sean Biggerstaff is fidgeting with his headphones. “It’s very strange working with a sexy, disembodied voice in your ear,” he says.
“I can’t see any downside to that,” muses Paul.
“Hey, that’s me you’re talking about,” replies Hannah in a sexy, disembodied way.
An invisible spaceship,” smiles Lalla. “Such a brilliant idea from Douglas.”
“And now we have an invisible spaceship on audio,” adds Paul.
“Douglas would have laughed at that. It’s just so marvellously perverse.”
“Shall we go and explore it?”
“Oh, yes, let’s explore…”
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aceofcoloursao3 · 10 months
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valhallarealm · 2 years
Il vampiro moderno è queer, manipolatore e deve la sua fama a Lord Byron: tutto quello che non sapete più qualche gossip
Il vampiro moderno è queer, manipolatore e deve la sua fama a Lord Byron: tutto quello che non sapete più qualche gossip
Foto copertina: Roberto G., giacca: PunkRave, location: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Rocca, Offida Lord Byron è l’indiretto responsabile dell’immagine del vampiro moderno Il vampiro letterario moderno nasce dall’antipatia tra due persone: John William Polidori e George Gordon Byron. Nella famosa notte in cui è nato parte del genere gotico moderno, il 15 giugno 1816, nel salotto di villa Diodati…
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.
It is vintage times. The powers that be have decided to again remake the classic vampire novel Dracula for the screen. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, Hollywood’s most elite hotties are up for the starring roles. the producers know whoever they cast will greatly impact the genre, quality, and tone of the finished film, so they are turning to their wisest voices for guidance.
you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.
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Previously cast:
Jonathan Harker—Jimmy Stewart
The Old Woman—Martita Hunt
Count Dracula—Gloria Holden
Mina Murray—Setsuko Hara
Lucy Westenra—Judy Garland
The Three Voluptuous Women—Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe, and Lauren Bacall
The Agonized Mother—Mary Philbin
Dr. Jack Seward—Vincent Price
Quincey P. Morris—Toshiro Mifune
Arthur Holmwood—Sidney Poitier
R.M. Renfield—Conrad Veidt
The Captain of the Demeter—Omar Sharif
The First Mate of the Demeter—Leonard Nimoy
Mr. Swales—Ed Wynn
The Correspondent for The Daily Graph—Ethel Waters
Dracula in dog form—Frank Oz with a puppet
Sister Agatha—Angela Lansbury
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aa-400 · 1 year
malevolent and the queer-coded villain trope
*disclaimer please respect the #masked tag. while i'm putting these thoughts out into the ether they're not really meant for harlan to see as i don't want to be put on blast for criticising the show. this is not me attempting to malign this podcast or its creator or to go "it's bad and problematic actually so don't listen to it" because that's a frankly horrible and unhelpful way of engaging with media and the world at large. i'm certainly not going to stop enjoying malevolent wholeheartedly or supporting harlan in his creative endeavours. this is not an accusation, it's an observation.
i've been thinking about the queer-coded villain trope in a separate context recently, but something clicked for me with part 34. horror (and other genre fiction but let's focus on the relevant genre here) has a tradition of placing queer elements within the subtext. it's a means of Othering and used to separate the protagonist from whatever evil entity they're up against in the story, be it man or creature, and where the the tropes of the monstrous queer and the queer-coded villain are born from.
a brief second disclaimer. i'm a queer villain and queer horror enjoyer and here to reclaim every single queer-coded villain and monster ever created but acting like the trope doesn't have a problematic, negative history is a sucky way of engaging with and examining a piece of media so let's not do that.
aaanyway, to the actual meat of this post: i believe malevolent reiterates the monstrous queer / queer-coded villain tropes however unintentionally and they go unexamined in the text.
first, we have kayne. flamboyant, exaggerated kayne who calls arthur—and to an extent john—pet names. i don't really think i have to go into detail for people to know what i'm getting at.
then we have larson. yeah, larson. in particular, i'm referring to the scene where arthur wakes up in the larson estate and his clothes have been removed. larson approaches arthur while he's in bed, vulnerable, and while there's not anything untoward happening in the text, it's still very ... master of the house and the gothic heroine, for lack of a better comparison. actually, think of count dracula and jonathan harker in castle dracula — the dynamic is very reminiscent of that, and dracula is a famously queer coded monster in part for that whole thing.
and finally, there's the butcher. a predator—a serial killer—obsessed with chasing arthur down. and boy did part 34 lay it down thick. i mean, he hears peggy gordon in his head when he hunts arthur and sings it to him when he's come to get him. it's a song about a man's unrequited love and it's pretty obvious the butcher's meant to be the man while arthur is peggy, who slighted him when he escaped from the butcher back in the train. and then as if that wasn't obvious enough he has a line about falling in love with his victims. "it's dedication, devotion, a bond. (laugh) sounds a bit like falling in love, doesn't it? maybe i suppose you could say i've fallen in love with each and every one of them. with each and every animal." which is then followed by more arthur-specific obsessing.
harlan has explicitly stated that arthur isn't queer rep, so unintentionally what's happening in the text is that the heterosexual protagonist is pitted against these queer-coded malevolent entities in a way that's pretty text book.
none of these characters i used as examples are written to be explicitly queer, but the coding is certainly there. again, i'm not saying harlan is a secret queerphobe who is putting this subtext in malevolent intentionally—i can with confidence say that we can safely assume that isn't the case! but, like i said when i was prefacing this post, queer subtext in the monstrous and villainous have a recorded history within horror. it's really easy to reiterate tropes like that if you create within a genre without actively examining your work and its wider context, and i think that's what happening here.
so what was the point of this post? there isn't much of one, really, i just made an observation and wanted to share because i believe in and enjoy examining the things you love critically. and i do love malevolent, with its queer-coded villains and all. i'm not calling for anything to change in the story, or accusing harlan or anyone else of anything; i'm just having thoughts about the wider scope of horror media and where malevolent fits within it and i'm using a cda and queer theory oriented brain to do it.
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teamthunderdome · 4 months
The Rules:
Fights will occur over the course of ONE WEEK, quarter 1 begins JUNE 1ST, 2024 at 12:00 AM MIDNIGHT EDT (UTC-04:00).
Multiple fights happen across one week.
ONLY 3 to 4 team members per team. 2 is too few, 5 is almost cheating. If a team has more than 4 members, some will have to wait in the stands (looking at you, Scooby-Doo and Tally Hall).
Tumblr poll will determine the winner of an individual fight via emotional support and gracious cookie donations.
Majority Wins. Whether or not a team would canonically win or lose the fight does not matter, only the number of votes.
Single Elimination.
Outside of the rules listed above, anything goes. Reblog a fight to get your friends on your side.
Propaganda is fair game. If you know perhaps a little too much about one of the teams and want to explain why your team should win, please submit an in-depth propaganda post to the blog homepage.
Spread the word! Your favorite might win! (Or not! I just run this thing!)
Lasko Wind Machine
All 64 Teams Competing (In random order - will NOT reflect the final bracket):
Team WINCHESTER (Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley)
Team FORTRESS (Heavy, Medic, Engineer, Soldier)
Team AIONIOS (Noah, Lanz, Eunie, Riku)
Team GONDOR (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf)
Team TWILIGHT (Jacob, Edward, Bella)
Team STAR WARS (Han, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca)
Team NARUTO (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura)
Team SHREK (Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss In Boots) (As portrayed at the end of Shrek 2)
Team OF LIGHT (Jonathan Harker, Jack Seward, Quincey Morris, Abraham Van Helsing)
Team PERSONA (Makoto Yuki, Kotone Shiomi, Yu Narukami, Ren Mamamiya)
Team HOMESTUCK (John, Jade, Rose, Dave)
Team MUSKETEERS (Athos, Porthos, Aramis, D'Artagnan)
Team HERCULES (Hercules, Iolaus, Salmoneus, Autolycus) (The Legendary Journeys, Hercules as portrayed by Kevin Sorbo)
Team PUYO PUYO (Ringo, Arle, Amitie, Lemres)
Team BAKUGO (Bakugo, Mina, Denki, Eijirou)
Team WIGGLES (Jeff, Anthony, Murray, Greg) (as originally formed)
Team GRYFFINDOR (Harry, Ron, Hermione)
Team COOL RUNNINGS (Derice Bannock, Junior Bevil, Sanka Coffie, Yul Brenner)
Team AEGIS (Rex, Pyra, Mythra) (all other party members excluded due to Blades and their pesky "friendships" binding them to their users)
Team RHYTHM THIEF (Raphael, Fondue, Marie, Charlie) (what a cute doggy :3)
Team MYSTERY INC (Fred, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne) (sorry no pets allowed)
Team DEKU (Izuku, Tsuyu, Ochako, Shouto)
Team KRISPIES (Snap, Crackle, Pop)
Team ELITE BEAT (Agent Spin, Agent J, Agent Chieftain, Agent Starr)
Team JIGSAW (Kramer, Young, Hoffman, Gordon)
Team UMIZOOMI (Milli, Geo, Bot)
Team TRIFORCE (Link, Zelda, Groose) (Skyward Sword variants)
Team LAYTON (Layton, Luke, Emmy) (Pre-Azran Legacy)
Team SONIC (Sonic, Knuckles, Tails)
Team ASKR (Alfonse, Anna, Sharena)
Team TARDIS (The Doctor, Amy, Rory, River)
Team WOOHP (Sam, Alex, Clover)
Team KEYBLADE (Sora, Donald, Goofy)
Team 1908 THOMAS FLYER (Montague Roberts, George Schuster, Hans Hendrik Hansen, George MacAdam)
Team BIONIS (Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Sharla)
Team DARK (Shadow, Rouge, Omega) (Ultimate Life Form status tenuous)
Team OOO (Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, BMO)
Team TALLY HALL (Rob, Zubin, Andrew, Joe) (Ross excluded - he's just a drummer)
Team DOODLEBOPS (Deedee, Rooney, Moe)
Team SCIENCE (Gordon, Tommy, Bubby, Dr. Coomer)
Team POWERPUFF (Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles)
Team INCONCEIVABLE (Inigo, Fezzik, Vizzini)
Team METROCITY (Megamind, Metro Man, Roxanne, Minion)
Team WONDER PETS (Linny, Tuck, Ming Ming)
Team REGULAR (Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, Skips)
Team PILLAR MEN (Santana, Wham, ACDC, Kars) (Ultimate Life Form status tenuous)
Team BEATLES (John, Paul, George, Ringo)
Team SMILING FRIENDS (Pim, Charlie, Glep, Alan)
Team ROTTEN (Robbie, Tobby, Bobby, Flobby) (Ultimate Life Form status confirmed)
Team KRUSTY KRAB (SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs)
Team VOCALOID (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin)
Team GARFIELD (Garfield, Jon, Odie, Liz)
Team POOH (Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin)
Team AVALANCHE (Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret)
Team LOONEY (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Michael Jordan)
Team GHOSTS (Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde) (freshly dead)
Team ROCKMAN (Rock, Roll, Blues, Bass)
Team MARIO (Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi)
Team WRIGHT (Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, Trucy) (as seen in Dual Destinies)
Team SHERLOCK (Sherlock, John, Mycroft) (Brigandorf Crimplesnart's depiction of Sherlock)
Team MASH (Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, BJ Hunnicutt, Charles Emerson Winchester III)
Team RWBY (Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Blake)
Team CHANNEL 5 (Ulala, Space Michael, Jaguar, Pudding)
Team FANBOY (Fanboy, Chum Chum, Kyle)
(you're gonna need it)
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Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 1!
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Round 1 will be split into 8 waves of 8 week long polls with each wave being posted 24 hours after the previous begins. The first wave will start on Friday the 29th of July at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore
The matchups were all randomised although I did make minor adjustments if I thought one was much too unfair.
Wave 1:
Ada Paige (Rythm Doctor) Vs Sips (Fools Gold)
Cliopher Mdang (The Hands Of The Emperor) Vs The Manager (The Hotel Podcast)
Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle) Vs Five Pebbles (Rain World)
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Dot Campbell (The Wilds) Vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent Podcast) Vs Gordon Michael Schwinn (A New Brain)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) Vs Fu Hua (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder) Vs Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.)
Wave 2:
Bucky Barnes (Marvel) Vs Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)
Dana Scully (The X Files) Vs Gregor Samsa (Metamorphosis)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) Vs Harrowhark Nonagesimus (Gideon The Ninth)
George Cubbins/Karim (Lockwood and Co) Vs Ling Wen (Heaven’s Official Blessing)
DC/GOV (Welcome To The Table) Vs Pandemonica (Helltaker)
David Jacobs (Newsies) Vs Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Vs Squidward (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Ford Pines (Gravity Falls) Vs Charlie Magne (Hazbin Hotel)
Wave 3:
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (Girl Genius) Vs Charlotte Dubois (Falsettos)
Jaehee Kang (Mystic Messenger) Vs Angela (Lobotomy Corporation)
Kevin Kandy (Spooky Month) Vs Robin (Smash Legends)
Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) Vs Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) Vs Ratchet (Transformers)
Hunter (The Owl House) Vs Ponder Stibbons (Discworld)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing) Vs Aymeric De Borel (Final Fantasy)
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) Vs Luisa Madrigal (Encanto)
Wave 4:
Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact) Vs Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) Vs William T Spears (Black Butler)
Jotaro Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Vs Adora (She Ra)
Keito Hasumi (Ensemble Stars!) Vs Doppo Kannonzaka (Hypnosis Mic)
Jeremie Belpois (Code Lyoko) Vs Chip Revvington (Toontown: Corporate Clash)
Jamil Viper (Twisted Wonderland) Vs Lisa Wilbourn (Worm)
Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do In The Shadows) Vs Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Kim Dojka (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) Vs Shang Qinghua (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System)
Wave 5:
Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter) Vs Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai/Colorful Stage)
Lucifer (Obey Me!) Vs The Elsen (Off)
Marsh (Mistborn) Vs Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Matthew Venn (The Long Call) Vs Carol Hathaway (ER)
Larry Needlemeyer (The Amazing World Of Gumball) Vs Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium)
Merlin (BBC Merlin) Vs Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney)
Maedhros Feanorian (The Simarillion) Vs Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Laerryn Coramar Seelie (Critical Role) Vs Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Wave 6:
Miles O’Brien (Star Trek) Vs Jonathan Harker (Dracula)
Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2) Vs Susan Taxpayer (Susan Taxpayer)
MK (Lego Monkey Kid) Vs Kunikida Doppo (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) Vs Emma Perkins (The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals)
Mrs Doyle (Father Ted) Vs Jess Jordan (Succession)
Nicholas Benedict (The Mysterious Benedict Society) Vs Jafar (Twisted: The Story Of A Royal Vizier)
Nishida (Yakuza) Vs Touta Matsuda (Death Note)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Vs Alfred Pennyworth (Batman)
Wave 7:
Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier) Vs Walter Pensive (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Parsley Botch (Smile For Me) Vs Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
Raphael Walt (My Next Life as a Villainess) Vs Hawkeye Pierce (MASH)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die) Vs Reim Lunettes (Pandora Hearts
SecUnit (The MurderBot Diaries) Vs Lamplighter (Oneshot)
The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Vs Munkustrap (Cats)
Retsuko (Aggretsuko) Vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Ryotaro Dojima (Persona) Vs Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Wave 8:
Steven Alen Starphase (Blood Blockade Battlefront/Kekkai Sensen) Vs Trafalgar Law (One Piece)
Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia) Vs Loid Forger (Spy X Family)
Stanley (The Stanley Parable) Vs Rory Williams (Doctor Who)
The Cabbage Merchant (Avatar The Last Airbender) Vs Larry (Pokémon)
Mario & Luigi (Super Mario Bros) Vs Link (The Legend Of Zelda)
Peregrine Mendicant (Homestuck) Vs Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs Will Graham (Hannibal)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony) Vs Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego)
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worst-t4t-couple · 1 year
ALL Pairings are out! Long post, so look under the cut!
Round 1 1/4
Sweep, cap’n, k_k VS Jay Walker, Nya
Vee, Marsha VS Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle
Cherry Blossom Joe VS Doofinsmerch, His Ex-Wife
Percy jackson, Annabeth Chase VS Jack O Valentine, Sol Badguy
Josuke Higashikata, Yasuho Hirose VS Lug, Anode
leorio, kurapika VS Nepeta Leijon, Equius Zahhak
Luz Noceda, Marcy Wu VS Varian, Hugo
Swap, Neo VS Queen Roger and Fly Minetti
Daffy, Bugs VS Vash, Wolfwood
Ren Amamiya and Goro Akechi VS Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson
Sam, Max VS Hunter, Willow
Stepan trofimovich, Varvara Petrovnad VS Rex Salazar, Noah Nixon
nellie lovett, sweeney todd VS Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd
bubby, dr coomer VS Neku, Beat
Dave Miller, Jack Kennedy VS Kermit, Mrs. Piggy
Cleo, Etho VS Zelda, Link (Rip)
Chip, Gillion VS X, Zero
kagayama shigeo, hanazawa teruki VS Kris, Berdly 
Caranthir, Haleth VS Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood
Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg VS Miyamoto Uran, Sapphire
Texas, Church VS Solid Snake, Otacon
Gundham Tanaka, Sonia Nevermind VS Phillip Carlyle,Anne Wheeler
Soos, Melody VS Red, Blue
Jungleberry Cookie, Royal Berry Cookie VS Blaze, Sonic
LDshadowlady, Smallishbeans VS Mr. Neighbor, Wegg
clark kent, lois lane VS Popeye, Olive Oyl
Round 1 2/4
Brandon Quark,  Doctor Robotnik VS Elrond, Celebrian
Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja VS stanford pines, fiddleford mcgucket
Pepa & Félix Madrigal VS Duskie & Hibiscus
Emu Otori, Rui Kamishiro VS momoe and kaoru
C!fundy and c!hbomb VS Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu
Agent 3 and Agent 8 VS c!schlatt & c!connor
Zoro Roronoa and Sanji Vinsmoke (Black leg Sanji) VS Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy
Herbert West & Daniel Cain VS Snorkmaiden & Mymble Jr 
charles "trip" tucker and t'pol VS Mytho & Princess Tutu (NOT duck; just her princess form)
Gregory House and James Wilson VS luz and amity
Paintbrush and Lightbulb VS Vriska Serket & June Egbert
geordi and data VS peter sqloint and rumi sqloint
Q!ElMariana and Q!Slimecicle VS Poor Boy and Love Interest
Scar and Grian VS Jolyne/Anasui
Kian Stone, Rolan Deep and Timothy Rand VS Dr. Boris Habit and Kamal Bora
red guy and duck VS MK & Red Son
jonathan harker and mina murray harker VS Zagreus/Thanatos/Megaera
Crowley and Aziraphale VS Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro
Tuor and Idril Celebrindal VS Snorpy and Chadlo
jack harkness x the tardis VS Mizuki akiyama and mafuyu
Jackieboyman and Marvin the Magnificent VS Arashi Narukami and Mika Kagehara
Barbie, Ken VS ron and desiree delite
Steven Universe & Connie Maheswaran VS Magnus Burnsides and Julia Burnsides
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla VS castiel and dean winchester 
Eda and Luz’s mom VS Jadzia Dax & Kira Nerys
c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo VS Rex Salazar & Circe 
Round 1 3/4
Pixal + Zane VS Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin 
The Monarch and Dr. Ms Monarch VS Juno Steel and Peter Nureyev
Kaito and Meiko VS Kamille Bidan & Fa Yuiry
Sun Wukong and Six-Eared Macaque VS Skwydd & Cricket
Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello VS Wade Ripple & Ember
Byakuren Hiijri and Toyosatomimi no Miko VS Cosmo, Wanda
Roboky and Venom VS Cellbit and Roier
Numerous BFDI ships VS Hiccup, Astrid
Beatrix and Casey VS anakin skywalker and captain rex
Raven and Beast Boy VS Neo and Trinity
Mario, Princess Peach VS Rashmi Jamil and Amelie Maçon
Denji, Asa Mitaka VS Vivi Yukino and Lewis Pepper
Benrey and Gordon VS Lace and Hornet
Beren and Luthien VS neku sakuraba, joshua kiryu
Shin and Noi VS Morticia and Gomez Addams
Paul Matthews and Emma Perkins VS Moomin, Snufkin
james t kirk + s'chnn t'gai spock VS  Nico Robin and Franky
Dave Strider and John/June Egbert VS Moominmamma & Moominpappa
Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot VS shaun riley and liz
louis and lestat VS Spamton, Jevil
fox mulder and dana scully VS will t riker + deanna troi [+ worf rozhenko]
Amy Rose, Metal Sonic VS Quackity and Slimecicle
Diego Brando & Hot Pants VS Elrond and Celebrian and Gil-Galad
mia fey & diego armando/godot VS Luigi and Prince Peasly
C!Quackity, C!Karl, and C!Sapnap VS Sonic, Shadow
Drey Ferin and Finn Tidestrider VS Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell
Round 1 4/4
Shaggy and velma VS Surge the Tenrec and Amy Rose
Yamato/Portgas D. Ace VS audrey & seymour
Randy Jade and Oliver Swift VS Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi
Lup and Barry Bluejeans VS Reimu and Marissa
Mizuki Akiyama & Rui Kamishiro VS Jimmy The Robot and Mc Bat Commander
C!Quackity and C!wilbur VS Espresso cookie and Eclair cookie
Junpei, Akane Kurashiki VS Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze
Raine Whispers and Eda Clawthorne VS Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsen
Maxwell 'William' Carter and Charlie W. VS Mothwing and Leafpool
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke VS Baxter Stockman and The Alien Computer 
Keith Kogane and Lance McClain VS Wood Man and Robbie Rotten
Scott and Barda Free (Mister Miracle and Big Barda) VS John Notwoodman + Nick Lushwood
Caranthir and Haleth VS Susie and Noelle
orpheus and eurydice VS The doctor, Rose
luke skywalker and mara jade VS Princess Daisy and Luigi 
time and malon VS Simon (Scissor) and Spoon
Dave strider, Karkat Vantas VS Miles “moles,” Edgar, and Madeline
Mary Anta and Reginald Tetra VS Koichi Haimawari and Kazuho Haneyama
Yoshi and Birdo VS lazlo & nadia
Celebrimbor and Annatar VS Rendog and DocM77
Jesse + Jane VS Adira Tal and Gray Tal
Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson VS Dazai Osamu and Nakahara
Jessie and James VS jeff and britta
Anji Mito and Baiken VS Shiver and Frye
ALL of MLP* VS ALL of TF2*
*Minus any familial relationships
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(044) Die drei ??? und der gestohlene Preis
Tumblr media
Die Vergangenheit holt Justus wieder ein. Er hat als Kind in dem Film "Die kleinen Strolche" mitgespielt. Nun soll er noch einmal als "Baby Fatso" ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit treten. Das gefällt ihm überhaupt nicht, doch plötzlich entwickelt sich ein Fall für die drei Detektive daraus und ihr Interesse ist geweckt. Vor allem, als sie erfahren, dass es um 20.000 Dollar geht.
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): 040, 1985, Marc Brandel, The Mystery of the Rogues’ Reunion Buch (Kosmos): 043, 1988, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 044, 1988
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach / Los Angeles
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Tante Mathilda
Milton Glass, Leiter der Werbeabteilung einer Filmgesellschaft
Gordon Harker, Lehrer und Chauffeur bei Easy Ride / Flapjack, Schauspieler von "Die kleinen Strolche"
(falscher) Bonehead, Schauspieler von "Die kleinen Strolche" und Kraftfahrzeugmechaniker (😈)
Footsie, Schauspieler von "Die kleinen Strolche"
Peggy, Schauspielerin von "Die kleinen Strolche"
Bloodhoud, Schauspieler von "Die kleinen Strolche"
Lionel Lomax, Regisseur
Alfred Hitchcock
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Los Angeles
The Magnolias, Wohnanlage
Hollywood Boulevard, Straße
Beverly Hills
Easy Ride, Autoverleih
»Die kleinen Strolche«, Serie in der Justus drei Jahre lang mitgespielt hat
Bonehead, Schauspieler von "Die kleinen Strolche" ist aber verstorben
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Justus: "Ganz ehrlich, Bob! Der war so gemein zu mir, bei dem könnte ich heute noch gewalttätig werden."
Justus: "Das dürfte euch ja wohl einleuchten, oder?" Peter: "Nee … tut mir leid. Na, ich steh aufm Schlauch."
Lomax: "Sei still, oder ich schieße!" Bonehead: "Dieser Verrückte wollte–" *Ein Schuss fällt* Lomax: "Licht an! Ton ab! Kamera läääuft!"
Breaking the Law! Justus bricht das Gesetzt (Justus klaut einen Ausweis um auf das Filmgelände zu kommen)
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
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Season 1 Participants, aka characters you can't submit for Season 2
Abed Nadir from Community
Takao Hiyama from Mirai Nikki
Rue Koroha alias Princess Kraehe from Princess Tutu
Vasilis Deerlington from Blackout Hospital
Kanatsun from Entropic Float
Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece
Gord from Dead End: Paranormal Park
Yuni alias Cure Cosmo from Star Twinkle Precure
Erin Parker from Ordem Paranormal
Alina Starkov from Shadow & Bone
Shikamaru Nara from Naruto
Luciano Carvalho from Ordem Paranormal
Mrs Coulter from His Dark Materials (TV show)
The Snatcher from A Hat in Time
Soren from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Blon Fel-fotch Pasameer Day Slitheen from Doctor Who
Kaladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive
Gabriel from ULTRAKILL
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon
Agatha Volkomenn from Ordem Paranormal
Fanny from Battle for Dream Island
Jonathan Harker from Dracula
Mathangi "Maya" Mantra alias Mathangi Ten Meti from Kill Six Billion Demons
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
RGB from The Property of Hate
Test tube from Inanimate Insanity
Peril from Wings of Fire
Magolor from Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kamisato Ayaka from Genshin Impact
Nathan Ford from Leverage
Mercymorn from The Locked Tomb
Caeden from The Licanius Trilogy
Phone Guy from five Nights at Freddy's
Red Velvet Cookie from Cookie Run
Ukiyo Ace from Kamen Rider Geats
Alanna of Trebond from Song of the Lioness
Gordon Freeman from Half-Life
Ortus Nigenad from The Locked Tomb
Vic Sage alias The Question from DC Comics
Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Soap from Inanimate Insanity
Lancelot from the Arthurian Cycle
Kirby from Kirby
Bernkastel from Umineko: When They Cry
Gaius from Fire Emblem: Awakening
Ashton Greymoore from Critical Role Campaign Three: Bells Hells
Tobari Durandal Kumohire from Nabari no Ou
Yoite from Nabari no Ou
Yuuki Terumi alias Takehaya Susano'o from Blazblue
Vanitas from Vanitas no Carte
Marina Ida from Splatoon 2
Marcia Overstrand from The Septimus Heap
Noé Archiviste from Vanitas no Carte
Will Graham from Hannibal
Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives
Anders from Dragon Age 2
Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune
Nagito Komaeda from Super Danganrompa 2: Goodbye Despair
Denji from Chainsaw Man
Raistlin Majere from The Dragonlance Chronicles
Jayfeather from Warrior Cats
Asa Mitaka from Chainsaw Man
Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Bain from Payday: the Heist and Payday 2
Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Zim from Invader Zim
Zeke von Genbu from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Vash the Stampede from Trigun
Jesse Faden from Control
Peridot from Steven Universe
Kevin from Welcome to Nightvale
Gingi from Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Randy Jade from Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Nick Valentine from Fallout 4
Makoto Misumi from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Max from Camp Camp
Pearl from Splatoon 2
Volo from Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Gabriel-Bede from Eidolon POP
Wanderer from Genshin Impact
Adrien Agreste from Myraculous Ladybug
RoboKing from Katamari Forever
Marie from Splatoon
N from Pokémon Black & White
Link from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Milligan from the Mysterious Benedict Society
Oscar from The Umbrella Academy (TV show)
Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney
Carlos the Scientist from Welcome to Nightvale
Taako from The Adventure Zone: Balance
Lavernius Tucker from Red vs. Blue
Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney
HiMERU from Ensemble Stars!
Agatha Heterodyne from Girl Genius
Max Headroom from Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future and The Original Max Talking Headroom Show
Ron Delite from Ace Attorney
Xie Lian from Heaven's Official Blessing
Yumyulack from Solar Opposites
Grelle Sutcliff from Black Butler
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Phineas & Ferb
Sunless alias Sunny from Shadow Slave
Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier
Miss Piggy from The Muppets
Aether from Genshin Impact
Luciferen from Your Wings and Mine
Phosphophylite from Houseki no Kuni
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon (book series)
Kyle Rayner alias Green Lantern from DC Comics
Meng Zhi from Lang Ya Bang
Maze Myers from the Ebon Ward
Alys Hunter from Itopia
Enid Sinclair from Wednesday
Dina Saruyama from Dumbing of Age
Silvana Greone from Noir
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman
Rincewind from Discworld
Grantaire from Les Misérables (book)
Gideon Nav from the Locked Tomb
Harrowhark Nonagesimus from the Locked Tomb
Seishin Muroi from Shiki
Himeno from Chainsaw Man
Stacy from Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Red from Angry Birds
Benjamin Sisko from Star trek: Deep Space Nine
Donatello from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Kian from Ordem Paranormal
BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman
Arven from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends with You
Oswald Cobblepot alias The Penguin from gotham (TV series)
Artemy Burakh from Patologic
James Wilson from House MD
Mari from Drawn to Life
T.O.B.O.R. from MySims
Irene Adler from the Sherlock Holmes canon
Luo Binghe from Scum Villain Self Saving System
Wayne Terrisborn from Mistborn Era 2
Kell Maresh from Shades of Magic
Sam Lloyd alias Sergei Lubovitch from The Diviners
Linhardt von Hevring from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings (Peter Jackson movies)
Happosai from Ranma 1/2
Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4
Jiang Cheng from Mo Dao Zu Shi
Juno Steel from The Penumbra Podcast
Mr. Pages from Fallen London
Sissel from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Briana "Bree" Matthews from The Legendborn Cycle
Marsh from Mistborn
Bellatine Yaga from Thistlefoot
Jaeger from Finder
Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Beverly Toegold V from Not Another DnD Podcast
Darkstalker from Wings of Fire
Death the Kid from Soul Eater
Guido Mista from JoJo's Bizzarre Adventure: Golden Wing
Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Faith Lehane from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Szeth-son-son-Vallano from The Stormlight Archive
Balat Davar from The Stormlight Archive
Sanjeet from Raybearer
Jamshid e-Pramukh from the Daevabad Trilogy
Aerin from The Hero and the Crown
Asakura Hao from Shaman King
Ulaam from Tress of the Emerald Sea
Swaine from Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Elsa from Lackadaisy
Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House
Sloane Parker from Eidolon POP
Madoc from The Folk of the Air
Suren alias Wren from The Folk of the Air
Alina Gray from Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
Shin-Ah from Yona of the Dawn
Shinra Kishitani from Durarara!!
Czesław Meyer from Baccano!
Griffin from The Invisible Man (book)
Galacta Knight from Kirby
Pop from Happy tree Friends
Kyu sugardust from HuniePop
Locke Lamora from Gentlemen Bastards
Nathaniel Thorn from Sorcery of Thorns
Dorothy from Rune Factory 2
Hajime Tanaka from Odd Taxi
The Administrator from Team Fortress 2
Ruby from Disco Elysium
Zero from Katana ZERO
Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley from Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon
Genly Ai from The Left Hand of Darkness
Moana from Moana
Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones
Kaveh from Genshin Impact
The Fool alias Beloved alias Amber from The Realm of the Enderlings
Fitz farseer from The Realm of the Enderlings
Orimar Vale from Campaign: Starjacks
Gable from Campaign: Starjacks
Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi
Togata from Fire Punch
Niji from Rainbow and Black
Bree Van Der Kamp from Desperate Housewives
Lynette Scavo from Desperate Housewives
Atsushi Ren alias Nero from The Boy Who Fell
Raiden alias Jack from Metal Gear Solid
Ryuunosuke Naruhodo from The great Ace Attorney
Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney
Lin Davar from The Stormlight Archive
Tunuva Melim from A Day of Fallen Night
Clariel from The Old Kingdom series
Thomas Thorne from Ghosts BBC
Walter De Courcey from Chess: The Musical
John Dough from John Dough and the Cherub
Chick the Cherub from John Dough and the Cherub
Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Davos Seaworth from A Song of Ice and Fire
Sunny from OMORI
Owen from VALORANT
John Ward from Faith: The Unholy Trinity
Hrathen from Elantris
The High Ki of Twi from The Enchanted Island of Yew
Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza
Button-Bright from the Oz series
Hancock from Fallout 4
Michael from The Good Place
Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The Toy Soldier from The Mechanisms
Alexei "Hawk" Press from White Noise
Lime from Witch's Heart
Cecil Palmer from Welcome of Nightvale
Michael Shelley from The Magnus Archives
Jonny d'Ville from The Mechanisms
Alan Grant from Jurassic Park (1993 movie)
Sardonyx from Steven Universe
Nanashi from 1bitHeart
Quint from Jaws
Annoying Orange from The Annoying Orange
Theobald "Teo" Leonhart from The Lie-Eating Dragon
Star Seeker from Star Seekre in: The Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff
Ice King from Adventure Time
Carmen Sandiego from Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego
Asher Kendrell from Transistor
Jugglus Juggler from Ultraman Orb
Gai Kurenai from Ultraman Orb
Marvin from Falsettos
Arthur Gingerbread from DeathSitter
Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon a Time
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable
Princess Ozma from the Oz series
Niko from OneShot
Doc from Stray
Scout from Team Fortress 2
Kabbu from Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Doppo Kunikuda from Bunguo Stray Dogs
Mr. Freeze from DC Comics
Sherlock Holmes from the Sherlock Holmes canon
Professor James Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes canon
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shipping-nexus · 8 months
Camp Here And There
• Elijah Volkov x Sydney Sargent
• Elijah Volkov x Up and Adam
Critical Role
• Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III x Vex'ahlia
• Jonathan Harker x Mina Murray
• John Seward x Arthur Holmwood x Quincey P Morris
• Main Dracula Cast
• Victor Frankenstein x Henry Clerval
• Victor Frankenstein x Robert Walton
• Arthur Lestor x John Doe
Nevermore Webtoon
• Duke x Pluto
• Lenore x Annabel Lee
The Magnus archives
• Agnes Montague x Gertrude Robinson
• Archive Employees
• Elias Bouchard x Peter Lucas
• Gertrude Robinson x Jurgen Leitner
• Helen Richardson x Melanie King
• Helen Richardson x Simon Fairchild
• Jane Prentiss x Mike Crew
• Jonah Magnus x Barabas
• Jonathan Sims x Elias Bouchard
• Jonathan Sims x Gerard Keay
• Jonathan Sims x Martin Blackwood
• Jonathan Sims x Michael Shelley
• Jonathan Sims x Oliver Banks
• Jonathan Sims x Timothy Stoker
• Martin Blackwood x Michael Crew
• Michael Shelley x Gerard Keay
• Michael Shelley x Mike Crew
• Michael Shelley x Mike Crew x Mikaele Salesa
• Oliver Banks x Mike Crew
• Simon Fairchild x Peter Lucas
The Magnus Protocol
• Alice Dyer x Colin Becher
• Alice Dyer x Colin Becher x Fr3-d1
• Alice Dyer x FR3-d1
• Alice Dyer x Gwendolyn Bouchard
• Chester x Norris
• Colin Becher x FR3-d1
• Needles x Mr. Bonzo
• OIAR Employees
• Samama Khalid x FR3-d1
• Samama Khalid x Colin Becher
The Mechanisms
• Galahad x Drumbot Brian
• Jonny d’Ville x Gunpowder Tim
• Lyfrassir Edda x Marius Von Raum
• Prisoners of the Midguardian Transport Police
Cross-ships (miscellaneous)
• Adelard Dekker x Lena Kelley
• Peter Lukas x Gordon Alan Johnson
Rules for submitting posts
try to provide as much accuracy as possible with the information you put on your post
Make sure to use the same format used in all the other posts.
Tagging should go as follows: #all ship names listed #name of media and/or common abbreviations #character x other character #character #other character
If needed I can edit your post to to fit the format
Mod can refuse to upload your post at their discretion. Things that may cause this happen but are not limited to: failing to use the correct format, the ship genuinely encouraging things such as pedophilia and zoophilia, and failing to provide accurate information.
Post format
Ship names for Character x Other Character
Ship name
Other ship name (optional)
These characters are from piece of media.
#shipname #other ship name #piece of media #common abrieviations for piece of media #character #other character
This runs on people either sending me asks and submissions to add, me occasionally doing research to find ships, or me stumbling across a new ship, especially as I am running dry when it comes to fandoms I am actively a part of. If you’d like a ship, doesn’t matter the fandom, to be added, feel free to request it.
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kwebtv · 2 years
Tumblr media
Lance Michael Kerwin (November 6, 1960 – January 24, 2023)  Actor known primarily for roles in television and film during his childhood and teen years in the 1970s. He played lead roles in the TV series James at 15, and the made-for-TV films The Loneliest Runner and Salem's Lot.
  Other TV series and movies he appeared in were:
Emergency! (1973, TV Series) – Wheeler Boy
Little House on the Prairie (1974, TV Series) – Danny Peters
Shazam! (1974 TV Series) – Season 1 Episode 2 – Chad Martin
Cannon (1974 TV Series) – Season 4 Episode 6 – Unnamed Delivery Boy
The Greatest Gift (1974, TV Movie) – Ramey Holvak
Reflections of Murder (1974, TV Movie) – Chip
The Meanest Men in the West aka Bad Men of the West (1974, TV Series)
ABC Afterschool Specials (1974–1976, TV Series) – P.J. / The President's Son / Buzz / Peter Finley / Adam Rush / Ezzie
Gunsmoke (1975, TV Series) – Tommy Harker
The Family Holvak (1975, TV Series) – Ramey Holvak
Sara (1976, TV Series) – Derek
Amelia Earhart (1976, TV Movie) – David Putnam
The Death of Richie (1977, TV Movie) – Russell Werner
Wonder Woman (1977, TV Series) – Jeff Hadley
The Bionic Woman (1977, TV Series) – Prince Ishmail
Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy (1977, TV Movie) – Joe, Jr. (age 14)
James at 15 (1977–1978, TV Series) – James Hunter
The Busters (1978, TV Movie)
Once Upon a Midnight Scary (1979, TV Series)
The Boy Who Drank Too Much (1980, TV Movie) – Billy Carpenter
Children of Divorce (1980, TV Movie) – Tony Malik
Side Show (1981, TV Movie) – Nick Pallas
Advice to the Lovelorn (1981, TV Movie) – Larry Ames
CBS Schoolbreak Special (1982, TV Series) – Billy Lee Daniels
The Mysterious Stranger (1982, TV Movie) – #44
Trapper John, MD (1982–1985, TV Series) – Gary Gordon / 42
A Killer in the Family (1983, TV Movie) – Ray Tison
Faerie Tale Theatre: The Snow Queen (1985, TV Series) – Kay
The Fourth Wise Man (1985, TV Movie) – Passhur
Murder She Wrote (1989, TV Series) – Eddie Frayne
Final Verdict (1991, TV Movie) – Harry Johnson
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aceofcoloursao3 · 11 months
Mina and Jonathan Harker go to Gotham to sel a house to millionaire Luke Fox
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