jedi-nurse · 2 years
This is all I could think of when I saw Gorian 🤣
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smbhax · 4 months
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Gorian vs Mammoth Sasaki - Fire Pro Wrestling D (Dreamcast)
Session: https://youtu.be/djzvD5n_Q7E
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valienka · 8 months
Chapitre 6
Le 6ème chapitre est disponible ! Lyvvi, guidée par ses amie, se lance sur le chemin de la survie. Mais parfois, une simple blessure permet de réaliser que la tâche sera bien plus ardue que prévue et que les mensonges sont bien ancré dans les esprits.
Il n’avait pas bougé durant son sommeil. Sa tête reposait toujours sur sa poitrine quand les rayons la réveillèrent, transperçant le feuillage les entourant. Les rugosités du tronc meurtrissant son dos ne la firent pas bouger. Lyvvi restait immobile à écouter la respiration régulière de l’elfe. Malgré sa position inconfortable, elle avait mieux dormi cette nuit que toutes celles précédentes. Elle…
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
Taking Care of Business (Chapter Thirty-Six)
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Summary: After rescuing the foundling, Din returns to the covert and receives some advice from Bo-Katan, but an unexpected visitor soon shatters the peace his clan had fought so hard to achieve.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I’m excited because we’ve almost reached my favorite scene to write from this season of the show! Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Thirty-Six The Ranger (Previous Chapter)
“Well, this is certainly the strangest mix of passengers I’ve ever flown in my ship,” Bo-Katan remarked with amusement in her modulated voice as she glanced over her shoulder at the three trussed hatchlings being looked after by several of their fellow Mandalorians. “But I’ll bet this is nothing to a former smuggler like (Y/N), huh?”
Din hummed in response from his seat behind her, staring out the viewport at the scenic landscape while his thoughts were consumed by his discontented wife. Their mission to rescue the foundling from the raptor’s nest had been enough to distract him from his worry over (Y/N)’s mental well-being, but his worry for her was quick to return the moment they reunited young Ragnar with his father Paz. He knew the captain well enough to tell that she was hiding her true feelings about their clan’s acceptance into the covert and although she’d given in without any argument, he knew that she didn’t appreciate being left out of their mission to rescue the foundling. Her happiness means more to me than anyone could ever know but I cannot protect it if I don’t know what’s bothering her, he thought with an inward sigh, his finger tracing along the wedding ring that was hidden beneath his glove.
“Is there something on your mind that you wish to discuss, Din? I’ve been known to be a fairly good listener.”
Din sat forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his gloved hands together and looking down at his worn boots before finally speaking. “I noticed that (Y/N) didn’t seem herself yesterday. Has she mentioned if there’s anything that’s been bothering her or if she’s unhappy?”
Bo-Katan glanced away from the controls to spare him a look. “You don’t know?” When he only stared back at her, she shook her head and sighed. “She’s not unhappy, Din, she’s insecure. For her entire life, she’s always been sure of herself and her abilities; she adapted to her circumstances – being orphaned, growing up as a smuggler, taking up arms against the Empire – and her great capacity to adapt is what helped her survive. Now that she’s found herself living amongst a covert of Mandalorians, she’s finding it difficult to adapt to our lifestyle.”
“I…I had no idea.”
“I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it too much if I were you; (Y/N)’s a proud woman who hides her emotions behind a mask of strength,” The Nite Owl replied with a noncommittal shrug, turning her attention back to her controls with a hint of a smile in her voice. “So, we’re obviously nothing alike.” Din chuckled at that. “She just wants to fit in, Din, and in time she will. You’ve just gotta be patient with her until she finds her place in the covert.”
While they journeyed back to the covert, Din considered Bo-Katan’s wise words and in no time, they were initiating the landing sequence and touching down on the lakeshore just past the cave. Paz and Ragnar walked down the Gauntlet’s gangplank accompanied by the celebratory cheers and the clanging of beskar vambraces, and Din and Bo-Katan followed after them; (Y/N) was standing off to the side of the gathering of Mandalorians with Grogu nestled in her arms, the both of them looking happy that their mission was a success but also a little self-conscious, and the sight of them caused Din to take longer strides to reach them quicker.
“We knew you’d be able to do it!” (Y/N) beamed and passed a squirming Grogu over to Din once he was standing before them. “Didn’t we, Grogu?”
The child happily cooed and snuggled his face against Din’s cowl, making him chuckle and gently pat his back. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, kid.” He cupped (Y/N)’s cheek with his free hand and leaned forward to press his forehead against hers in a Keldabe Kiss. “How were things while I was away?”
“Very insightful, actually.” The captain pulled away far enough to look into the visor of his helmet. “Sweetheart, there’s something I have to talk to you about-”
“I know, alor’ad, and I understand.” Din took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I promise you here and now, I’ll do whatever I can to help you find your way here.”
(Y/N)’s brow furrowed but before she could reply, Paz and Ragnar walked up to them and the older Mandalorian bowed his helmeted head in respect. “Captain (Y/L/N). While he recuperates from his ordeal with the raptor, my son Ragnar wishes to learn the basics of piloting until he can resume his drills. Would you be willing to take him on as a student?”
A smile tugged on the corners of Din’s lips as he watched (Y/N)’s brows raise in surprise and her face brighten with unabashed happiness. “O-Of course, I would be honored to teach him.” Giving Din’s hand a tight squeeze, she focused her attention on the blue-helmeted boy standing beside his father. “If you’re feeling up to it, Ragnar, we can start bright and early tomorrow morning.”
“This is the Way,” Ragnar replied and, just as Paz had, bowed his head in respect before looking up at his father. “Is it dinnertime yet? I haven’t eaten since yesterday!”
Paz huffed out a chuckle. “Of course, son. Come, we’ll fix you something to eat.”
With one last nod, the older Mandalorian led the foundling into the cave and without warning, (Y/N) laughed in delight and threw her arms around Din’s neck. “This is perfect! If everything goes well with Ragnar, I’ll be able to put my piloting skills to good use and teach all the children how to pilot!”
“Ner mirdala alor’ad. My clever captain, always thinking five steps ahead of everyone else.” He wrapped an arm around his wife’s waist and held her close, beyond thankful to the Maker that she’d found a way to feel more secure about herself amongst the rest of their covert. “Just one of the many, many things I love about you.”
(Y/N) arched a brow and bit her lip to keep from grinning as she finally released him. “Well, as much as I’d like to hear the rest, we should probably find something for Grogu to eat before he goes after one of those hatchlings you brought back. And speaking of the little guy, there really is something important I have to tell you about him…”
Over the next week, they were beginning to fall into a routine of sorts. (Y/N) would begin the day teaching Ragnar and a small handful of apprentices the basics of piloting while Din worked with Grogu on his drills, and the both of them would spend the evening helping Grogu practice using the Force; the other Mandalorians, seeing how willing the captain was to both teach all she knew about piloting and to learn all she could about their culture, warmed up to her presence and welcomed her into their covert, and they treated Grogu with the same level of respect as any other foundling among their ranks. In their spare time, Din and (Y/N) used their beat-up holopad to research Naboo and Kelleran Beq, the Jedi who rescued the child from the Jedi Temple at the end of the Clone Wars, but to no avail; they couldn’t seem to find any information on why the Jedi was assisted by the Naboo Royal Guard and Grogu seemed reluctant to show them another Force vision, so they decided not to push the issue with him.
Their peaceful bubble that they were slowly becoming accustom to was eventually shattered by the arrival of an X-Wing piloted by a familiar Adelphi Ranger. As word quickly spread throughout the covert, Din and (Y/N) followed the troop of Mandalorians that volunteered to block the officer of the New Republic from stepping foot into the cave, an unsettling feeling beginning to take shape in the pit of Din’s stomach.
“Captain Carson Teva, Adelphi Rangers. I have a time-pressing matter to attend to.”
“Clear out, Blue Boy,” Paz commanded as the other Mandalorians fanned out on either side of him. “The New Republic isn’t welcome here.”
“Sorry for dropping in unannounced, but if I’d given warning, your settlement would’ve cleared out before I ever hit atmosphere.”
Exchanging a wary glance with (Y/N), Din stepped out of the cave and weaved past the blockade of Mandalorians while the captain followed close behind. “How did you manage to find us? Mandalorians pride ourselves on our secrecy.”
Captain Teva, looking the same as he had when he’d saved their lives on Maldo Kreis and nearly arrested them just outside of Tatooine’s atmosphere, gave them both a small smile. “Fortunately, someone I served with in the Rebellion is amongst your ranks.” Din’s brows rose in surprise and he scanned the group of Mandalorians standing behind them, only stopping when he spotted their anxious astromech droid rolling to a stop beside (Y/N) and sighing in exasperation when he greeted the pilot with a series of chirps and whistles; unaffected by Din’s annoyance, Captain Teva saluted R5-D4. “Thanks, R5.”
Din placed his hands on his hips and stared down the unflinching officer. “The entire covert will now have to relocate.”
“Or we could kill him,” Paz gruffly offered. “Stay right here.”
Fighting the obvious urge to roll her eyes at the older Mandalorian’s dramatics, (Y/N) shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. “Din, need I remind you that Captain Teva here once helped us out of a very sticky situation and is the sole reason why we’re alive right now?”
“Of course, alor’ad, you’re right.” Din glanced over his shoulder at his fellow Mandalorians. “This man cut us a break once, and now I’m returning the favor.” He turned back around to face the officer. “Clear out, Blue.”
Ignoring Din’s order, Captain Teva patted the pocket of his orange flight-suit’s pocket. “Greef Karga sent this holo-message.” (Y/N) stepped forward but when the officer reached into his pocket, the Mandalorians raised their blasters to defend the captain in case of any subterfuge; Captain Teva cautiously withdrew a black puck from his pocket and slowly handed it over to (Y/N) before continuing. “Nevarro is under siege by pirates. He’s asking for help.”
Biting his lip, Din hesitated a moment before joining (Y/N) and quietly asking, “Why are you really here?”
“They’re about to blow Nevarro to hell.”
“Then call in a strike; we don’t even have ships.”
“Coruscant doesn’t care,” Captain Teva pointed out as the three of them walked down the beach towards his X-Wing. “Karga is your friend; you won’t let him die.” He glanced over at (Y/N) and pointed at the Rebel Alliance symbol stitched onto the shoulder of his flight-suit. “And a veteran of the Rebellion won’t just sit back and let innocent civilians get hurt.”
A line formed between (Y/N)’s brows as she silently pondered the officer’s words and Din pursed his lips beneath his helmet, a part of him still wary of his intentions. “What’s in it for you?”
Captain Teva looked between Din and (Y/N) as he lowly replied, “The New Republic has to know that the Empire is growing again.”
“And you think the Pirate King has something to do with it?” The corner of (Y/N)’s mouth was turned downwards into a troubled frown. “Gorian Shard’s a menace, but I can’t see him willingly taking orders from Imps.”
“I can’t say for sure, Captain (Y/L/N), but something doesn’t smell right.” Din and (Y/N) exchanged another look and the officer sighed. “Look, it’s not your fight. I just came to tell you your friend’s in danger and I thought you should know.” Captain Teva climbed into the cockpit of his X-Wing and he slipped his flight helmet on as Bo-Katan strode across the lakeshore towards where they stood. “I know you’ll relocate anyway but you have my word, I will not reveal your location. Sorry to intrude.”
“May the Force be with you, Captain Teva,” (Y/N) called out over the noise of the X-Wing’s engine and the officer saluted her before lowering the windshield and taking to the sky. “I should’ve kriffing known that Gorian Shard would retaliate against Nevarro…”
Din wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. “It’s not your fault, alor’ad.”
“So, what’re you guys thinking?” Bo-Katan asked.
Sighing, Din looked down at the black puck clutched tight in his wife’s hand before answering. “He’s right. We’ve gotta help the guy.”
The Nite Owl nodded. “Well, you can’t do it alone. I think it’s time we called a council meeting, don’t you?”
Din watched the X-Wing grow smaller on the horizon, his mind already decided on their next course of action; convincing the Mandalorians who’d once taken up arms against Karga to help him won’t be easy, he thought to himself with an inward sigh, but we owe it to him to try.
As Din paced before the bonfire burning in the center of their covert’s council chambers, he felt a surge of gratitude that there were two supportive faces sitting amongst the crowd of gathered Mandalorians. (Y/N) was seated beside Bo-Katan and Grogu was nestled comfortably in her lap, his large eyes bright with curiosity as Din addressed the chamber.
“Now, many of you don’t know Greef Karga and those that do fought against him when you rescued me from his ambush many cycles ago on the streets of Nevarro.” Din’s gloved hand tightened around the Armorer’s forging hammer while the Mandalorians quietly muttered amongst themselves, taking a deep breath and remaining calm for the sake of his argument. “Since then, he’s had a change of heart and has risked his life to save mine as well as my riduur and the foundling in our charge. I stand before you to petition an intervention, to help rescue Nevarro before it’s too late. I am in no position to ask any more of you, however-” More indistinct chattering interrupted Din’s words, but he merely raised the hammer in his hand and spoke over his fellow Mandalorians. “However, the enemy that decimated this very covert were Imperials, not Greef Karga’s bounty hunters. Greef Karga is now a High Magistrate and has offered my riduur and I a tract of land on his independent world.” He smiled beneath his helmet at the look of surprise on (Y/N)’s face; he’d spent so long living with the guilt of not providing the captain with the peaceful life she’d always dreamed of – a stable home and the ability to open her own seamstress shop as her late mother once had on Naboo – but now, that weight was taken off his shoulders as she beamed in happiness at him from across the chamber. “Perhaps it is time for us to live in the light once again on a planet where we are welcome, so our culture may flourish and our children can feel what it is to play in the sunlight.”
There was a tonal shift in the murmurs amongst the gathering of Mandalorians as Din handed the hammer over to the Armorer and took a seat beside (Y/N), lacing his fingers through hers and letting Grogu crawl over to sit on his lap. “Does anyone else wish to speak?” The Armorer looked around the chamber and held out the forging hammer for the next person to take.
“It’s up to them now,” Din quietly remarked.
(Y/N) squeezed his hand but silently watched as Paz stood and crossed the chamber. “I do.” He took the hammer from the Armorer and waited for her to take her seat before addressing his brothers and sisters-in-arms. “I was there on Nevarro that night. I fought against Greef Karga and his hunters. I saw my brothers and sisters fall at the hands of the Imperial butchers that hunted us in the sewers. I saw many die to save the life of this one, tiny foundling.” From his place on Din’s lap, Grogu softly cooed and (Y/N) ran a soothing hand over the top of his wrinkled head. “And now we are asked to sacrifice yet again. The question we should be asking ourselves is, ‘Why? Why should we lay our lives down yet again?’” Paz paused to let his words sink in but as Din braced himself for an argument against intervention, he bellowed, “Because we are Mandalorians!” (Y/N) and Bo-Katan exchanged a look and Din straightened in his seat as the older Mandalorian gestured towards him. “I have had my disagreements with this man, but he risked his life to save my son. Captain (Y/L/N) fearlessly volunteered to join the rescue party, without a single piece of beskar armor or years of combat training to protect herself. And Bo-Katan Kryze did not give up on my child’s life, even when the rest of us did. These three are asking us to take up arms in the name of a brighter future, and I for one will take up arms to fight by their side.” The gathered Mandalorians nodded in agreement and voiced their approval of Paz’s rallying words as he raised the forging hammer high. “This is the Way.”
“This is the Way,” The assembled Mandalorians echoed.
The Armorer nodded. “This is the Way.”
As the Mandalorians talked amongst themselves and filtered out of the chamber, Bo-Katan let out a long sigh. “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. I’m gonna go and check on the Gauntlet, make sure it’s running smoothly for our mission on Nevarro.”
Patting Grogu on the head, the Nite Owl stood and walked out of the chamber and (Y/N)’s eyes were sparkling with joy as she turned to face him. “Have I told you that I love you today?”
“Once or twice, but I could always use a reminder.” The captain giggled at his reply as he gently pressed his helmeted forehead against hers. “Your culture deserves to live on through you, alor’ad, and you deserve to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Just as you honor and respect our Way, I honor and respect your people’s traditions and I will do anything to ensure that we can walk both paths together. Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika alor’ad.”
“And I love you too, my honorable Mandalorian.”
The clan of three sat alone in the council chamber and enjoyed their moment of solitude before leaving to begin planning their new mission, eager to save their friend and the citizens of Nevarro and establish a new home and permanent home for their son and their people.
Mando’a Translations:
Alor’ad-Captain Ner mirdala alor’ad-My clever captain Riduur-Spouse Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, ner cyar’ika alor’ad-I love you, my darling captain
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! Oh, and I’ve created a Spotify playlist of all my favorite music from the world of Star Wars, so if you’re interested in checking it out the link is down below!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KuSKJhVOPPvxdJ9YHeo4M?si=2977ff31bf0c4bdd
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Taking Care of Business Masterlist
Tagging: @remmysbounty​​​​ @sinon36​​​​ @seninjakitey​​​​ @thatonedindjarinfan​​​​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​​​​ @mostclevermiss​​​​ @momc95​​​​ @welcometothepedroverse​​​​ @sarahjkl82-blog​​​​ @elinedjarin​​​​ @itsnottilly​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​  @goldielocks2004 @wondergal2001​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​ @impala1967666​​​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​​​ @icee228​​​​​ @siimiasoi​​
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cakbanedraws · 2 years
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Finally..I can finish this piece. I'm very late for the Mando trends on Tumblr, but that's fine.
Btw here's Vane, the Nikto species Space Pirates that appear on first episode.
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hikarry · 4 months
HIIIII~ Hope you are swell! Can I ask;
For your ask game?
Hi!!! Hope you're doing well as welll!
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
"Crowley offered a casual excuse and took the empty seat beside his aunt, scanning the table to see who else was present. At the opposite end, Aziraphale greeted him with a cheerful wave, a hint of delight colouring his cheeks. Seated next to Aziraphale was Anathema, with her husband, Newton Pulsifer, on her right. To Anathema's left sat Mrs. Sandwich, a woman of considerable charm, albeit with a reputation for less-than-conservative behaviour. Next to Crowley was Muriel, one of Anathema's oldest friends, known for her saintly demeanour. Accompanying Muriel was Mr. Arnold, a talented musician in his middle years, he engaged in conversation with a fervent candor that belied his social status, a trait Crowley found intriguing and inescapable among those of high breeding."
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I do! My gorgeous gorgeous girl, Alex! It's hell to take pictures of her cause she hates the camera and runs from it, but she's so fucking beautiful
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Ask Game
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Ngl the Bad Batch season finale still has me emotionally wrecked but I’ll attempt to focus on the new Mandalorian episode now
Episode 5 screaming time
Okay Gorian Shard looks like Swamp Thing and a Lasat had a child and I’m not sure what to do with that
I do kinda dig him. Not as a person, but his puppet. Very good
I’m liking Greef Karga here
Ohhhhh love the score when we see the New Republic base
Now where’s his husband ;-;
Okay I’m still wrecked about TBB but this does lift my spirits
What is that chick’s game here?
Lol ofc the New Republic would be just as useless as the former Republic used to be
I’m literally not even following the plot anymore I’m just internally screaming about Zeb
This makes me so hopeful for Kallus appearing oh my god
I need the space husbands so badly
God I love X-wings
Yo Paz stay the fuck away from Grogu he’s an angel who’s done nothing wrong
Military action my beloved ;-;
Why are pirates always of the same few species?
Fuck jet-packing Mandalorians are sexy 😳💦
I love the Mandalorians
Ngl I am mildly starting to ship Bo and the Armourer
And not even give us a kiss gdi
Okay but are Moff Gideon and Thrawn working together? Is that what’s going on?
“It’s a fragment of beskar alloy” yeah because didn’t Moff Gideon pay Din with that? The man would have more? Why immediately jump to Mandalorians when after their massacre they can hardly be the only ones with beskar in the galaxy?
So yeah this was a pretty awesome episode but my brain can focus on only one thing
Which is the big purple space pussy
I am CRYING I hadn’t expected him to just show up like that!!!
Also this does kinda work with my hc that they didn’t fully settle on Lira San but stayed in the fight and I am so ridiculously happy about that ;-;
Or well, Zeb stayed in the fight. I can see Kallus bowing out as soon as it becomes clear that the New Republic is just the same bureaucratic clogging as the former one. He's had enough of that type of shit. Feral thing I love him 🖤
Yo today’s episodes have been a RIDE damn
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Kevin Kiner dropping this cryptic tweet without knowing that it was inadvertently a cryptic tweet for Mando as well is quite funny to me
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dougielombax · 1 month
What even WAS Gorian Shard?
He looked like if Atriox merged with a pile of moss and weed that crawled out of a Louisiana swamp.
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getthrawnin · 2 years
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The Pirate King, Gorian Shard, quivered in fear as Grand Admiral Thrawn's menacing stare pierced through him. His blaster was raised, and he could feel the tension in the air around him. With a stern voice, Thrawn's voice echoed out - "You know what comes of errors… and mistakes." A moment later, a single shot reverberated through the air, marking the end of Gorian Shard and his reign.
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Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Chapter 21 - Gorian Shard Concept Art by Aaron McBride
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jgvfhl · 2 years
He stays moisturized with this One Simple Trick! being made of seaweed
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dermatologists HATE him!! marine botanists LOVE him!!
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
Taking Care of Business (Chapter Thirty-Seven)
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Summary: The Mandalorians, led by Bo-Katan and (Y/N), come to the aid of Nevarro and take on Pirate King Gorian Shard’s forces.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I honestly love writing sky battles, and I’m always game for writing more Bad-Ass Alor’ad scenes lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Thirty-Seven The Pirates (Previous Chapter)
Tugging her fingerless gloves on and double-checking that R5-D4 was secured into the droid port, (Y/N) glanced over at Grogu seated beside her on the edge of the starfighter’s cockpit and arched an unsurprised brow. “I take it your dad wasn’t able to convince you to stay behind, huh?”
Grogu cooed and continued eating his breakfast of bantha jerky while the Mandalorian fighters gathered in front of the Gauntlet; a moment later, Din and Bo-Katan emerged from the cave and Din crossed behind the group to lean against the starfighter while Bo-Katan stood beside the extended gangplank. “This is a Kom’rk Class fighter transport. I’ll use this to drop you in and you will operate as a tight military unit; Captain (Y/L/N) and myself will reinforce from above. If everyone acts as they should, we can use the element of surprise and defeat an enemy that outnumbers us.” The Nite Owl surveyed the group assembled before her. “If everyone’s ready, then we’ll leave for Nevarro at once.”
The Mandalorians that were joining their mission said their goodbyes to the covert members staying behind and filtered onto the Gauntlet, and Clan Mudhorn climbed into the starfighter and charted their course to Nevarro. “Are you guys sure you don’t wanna sit this one out?” (Y/N) asked as she hovered her hand over the edge of the windshield. “It’s gonna get a little dicey up there.”
“And we’ll be right with you when it does, alor’ad.” Din reached up and slid the windshield closed before guiding her hands onto the controls and placing his hands on her waist. “This is the Way.”
(Y/N) smiled to herself as she switched the engines on and piloted the starfighter up into the clear blue sky, spotting the Gauntlet following after them and switching the communication radio on. “Okay, Bo, I’ve sent over the coordinates.”
“Copy that, Captain. I’ll see you in hyperspace.” The ships flew through the planet’s upper atmosphere and entered hyperspace the moment they reached the darkness of space; while the bright blue lights swirled around both ships, a hologram of the battle plan was beamed into their cockpit from the Gauntlet. “Pirate King Gorian Shard is captaining a Cumulus Class Corsair carrying a complement of snubfighters. It has aerial bombardment capabilities. The N-1 will distract the Corsair and her snubfighters as we drop in to liberate the planet below.” Bo-Katan’s voice was clear and assured as she briefed their fighters, and (Y/N) could easily imagine her leading Mandalore in its prime. “Nevarro is an independent planet and no longer under remnant Imperial or New Republic protection, but it’s that very independence that makes it appealing for you to settle. You lived there once, hiding in the sewers. But now, you can be heroes.”
Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) squared her shoulders and guided the starfighter out of hyperspace, piloting down through the upper atmosphere of Nevarro as the corner of her curved upwards into a self-assured smirk. “This is where the fun begins.” She pushed down on the controls and the starfighter shot forward, speeding through the sky as she steered them towards Gorian Shard’s Corsair hovering above the bombed-out city; she fired on the starship and spun the starfighter around for another pass. “If that didn’t scug ‘em off, then this definitely will.” She navigated the starfighter under the Corsair and fired on the starship’s gunwales; several of the gunwales were destroyed in a fiery explosion and as she moved in for another pass, three snubfighters launched into the air after her. “That seemed to do it!”
“Bold of you to return, Captain (Y/L/N).”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at Vane’s threatening tone. “What can I say? I’m a bold woman.” She jammed the communication radio’s signal to the pirates’ snubfighters and swerved out of the way of their blaster fire. “You two might wanna hold on tight from here on out.”
Grogu giggled in delight when she flipped the starfighter over to dodge another round of blaster fire while Din’s gloved hands tightened on her waist. “Maybe we can convince Peli to install a seismic charge launcher on the N-1 the next time we’re in Mos Eisley. That is, if an ex-smuggler can handle a bounty hunter’s weapon.”
“Oh, you’ll find that ex-smugglers can handle anything that’s thrown their way,” (Y/N) replied with a growing smirk at their usual teasing. “Unlike hot-head bounty hunters with something to prove.”
Before Din could respond, their friend’s familiar voice came through the starfighter’s communication radio. “Thanks for your help, you two.”
“We decided to take you up on your offer for a tract of land.”
“Be careful, my friends. They’ve got you outnumbered ten to one.”
(Y/N) increased their speed and at the very last second, she swerved to the side and triumphantly smiled when the snubfighter chasing them and the snubfighter charging towards them flew into one another and exploded in a fiery crash. “I like those odds.”
Greef chuckled at that. “I bet you do.”
Dodging the blaster fire coming from the Corsair, (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the starship flying away from the city. “The Corsair’s on me, Bo. Coast is clear.”
While the starfighter distracted the Corsair and its multitude of snubfighters, the Gauntlet hovered over the city and dropped their squadron of Mandalorian fighters before flying away. “Their launch was successful,” Din announced as he looked out the windshield. “Time to really scug these pirates off.”
“My pleasure.” (Y/N) wrenched the controls to the side and steered the starfighter into a tight corkscrew spin, deftly avoiding the snubfighter’s blaster fire and maneuvering out of the spin to fly over the Corsair and shoot down an oncoming snubfighter. Her grip tightened on the starfighter’s controls as she led their enemies over Nevarro’s lava flats and away from the city, smiling to herself when each and every snubfighter joined the pursuit. “That seemed to do the trick.”
“Captain, what’s your position?”
“We’re over the flats with snubfighters in pursuit,” (Y/N) replied and flew the starfighter through the rocky outcroppings with ease. “You’re clear to start your run.”
“You should ease up on the accelerator, make ‘em think that they actually have a shot at taking us down.”
She gave Din a playful look over her shoulder as she sharply turned a corner. “Are you back-seat flying, Din Djarin? Because I have a zero-tolerance policy that forbids back-seat flying from Mandalorians who have a history of crash-landing onto several planets.”
“Mir’sheb.” Her husband’s chuckles were interrupted by Grogu’s urgent squeal and he swore under his breath. “They’re peeling off. They know we’re the diversion.”
Biting her lip, (Y/N) wrenched the controls upwards and shot out of the canyon as she called into the communication radio, “Bo, you’re about to have five snubfighters on your tail. I’m on my way to back you up.”
“Copy that, Captain.”
The starfighter raced through the sky towards the Corsair and when she saw the five snubfighters pursuing the Gauntlet, she steered them into a nosedive and checked to make sure that the child was being held by Din before flying straight up; she shot down a snubfighter and sped straight through their formation, scattering the remaining four ships and shooting down a second and a third on her descent. As the ship’s remains crashed into the Corsair and destroyed one of its engines, Grogu giggled in delight and Din murmured more words of affirmation while the Gauntlet shot down another snubfighter, leaving Vane’s ship as the last one standing; (Y/N) broke out into a triumphant smile when the pirate’s ship suddenly turned and flew away from the fight, but her triumph was short-lived when she saw the Corsair being steered above the city and its gunwales began firing on the buildings below.
“He’s targeting the townspeople!”
“We’ve gotta take him down,” (Y/N) replied, looping the starfighter around and racing towards the attacking Corsair. “Focus fire on their last engine!”
With (Y/N) approaching from the bow of the Corsair and Bo-Katan approaching from the stern, they both fired on the starship’s last operational engine and sped away as it burst into flames and slowly crashed onto the planet’s surface in an impressive explosion. Exhausted, (Y/N) flopped back against Din’s chest and switched the controls over to R5 before closing her eyes, smiling tiredly when she heard Grogu’s enthusiastic babbling and felt the brief but loving caress of her husband’s lips on her temple. I don’t remember flying being this tiring during the Rebellion, she thought to herself as the starfighter began its descent, but it’s nice to know I’ve still got it.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Greef Karga exclaimed over the cheers of the townspeople. The citizens of Nevarro and their Mandalorian saviors were gathered by the city’s ruined archway near the docked Gauntlet, while the members of Clan Mudhorn stayed towards the back with the starfighter; (Y/N) stood on the starfighter’s side panel while Din stood on the ground, one of his gloved hands resting on her calf while the other shaded Grogu’s face from the bright sun, and all three of them listened as the High Magistrate addressed the celebrating crowd. “To all of you, and especially to our fine Mandalorian liberators, to whom this planet is forever indebted.” Greef turned to look at the gathered Mandalorians and offered them a welcoming smile. “Mandalorians, I know that we have been on opposite sides in the past, but that is behind us. From this day forward, I, Magistrate Greef Karga-”
“High Magistrate, sir.”
The crowd laughed at the protocol droid’s correction and Greef chuckled good-naturedly. “High Magistrate Greef Karga, hereby cede all land from the western lava flats to Bulloch Canyon to the fine people of Mandalore. You may no longer have a home planet, but you do now have a home. Welcome!”
The citizens of Nevarro burst into applause and the assembled Mandalorians crossed their right arms over their chests, bowing their helmeted heads in a show of respect. “Well, I guess we should start unloading the Gauntlet’s cargo hold…”
When (Y/N) attempted to hop down from the starfighter’s side panel, her stiff legs gave way but thanks to Din’s quick reflexes, she landed neatly in her husband’s strong arms. “The rest of us will handle the cargo hold, alor’ad; you’ve more than earned your rest.”
“It’s hard to argue with that,” She chuckled, giving the beskar covering his cheek a kiss as he cautiously set her on her feet and gathering Grogu into her arms before allowing him to lead her over to the Gauntlet’s extended ramp.
Seated on a cargo box, (Y/N) scrolled through Greef Karga’s official holo-pad while the Mandalorians and the citizens of Nevarro began working to build a camp on the outskirts of the bombed-out city; she’d hoped that the High Magistrate’s resources would help her find any information on Kelleran Beq and his possible ties to Naboo, but her search proved to be fruitless and she was still reluctant to ask the child any more questions about his past, fearing that they’d only serve to re-traumatize him.
“No luck?”
(Y/N) sighed and set the holo-pad aside before looking over at Din, who was busy sorting through boxes of blaster cartridges beside her. “I don’t know why I’m expecting anything different. The Jedi were forced into hiding nearly thirty years ago, so it’s not as though they’d make themselves easy to find.”
Before Din could reply, Grogu’s curious coos drew their attention towards two Mandalorians making their way through the makeshift camp: the Armorer and – to (Y/N)’s stunned surprise – a helmetless Bo-Katan Kryze. The Nite Owl looked uncomfortable under the heavy stares of her fellow Mandalorians, clutching her helmet to her side and doing her best to ignore the murmurs that followed them as they made their way towards (Y/N) and Din. Both Mandalorians stopped before them, and the Armorer loudly announced, “Bo-Katan Kryze is going off to bring other Mandalorians in exile to us, so that we may join together once again.”
“But she shows her face,” Paz pointed out, and the surrounding Mandalorians nodded in agreement and continued to talk amongst themselves.
The Armorer was unaffected by her covert’s reactions. “Bo-Katan walks both worlds, and she can bring all tribes together.” Shifting his weight, Paz looked over at Din and relaxed his shoulders when he gave him a single nod. “It is time to retake Mandalore.”
Din looked down at (Y/N) and once she gave him a subtle nod, he turned his attention back to the Mandalorians standing before them. “(Y/N) and I will accompany you on your quest to locate the exiled Mandalorians.” Despite the shocking turn of events and the mixture of emotions he was undoubtedly experiencing, Din’s modulated voice was clear and steady as he continued. “This is the Way.”
Bo-Katan offered them a thankful smile. “This is the Way.”
Grogu let out a series of babbles and coos, and (Y/N) found herself nodding in agreement. “You’re right, little guy: it’s certainly been one helluva day…”
Mando’a Translations:
Alor’ad-Captain Mir’sheb-Smart-ass
A/N: I’m hoping that the next chapter will be ready by next week but we’re having some work done in the house, so I’m not sure how much writing I’ll be able to do but I’ll keep you posted! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! Oh, and I’ve created a Spotify playlist of all my favorite music from the world of Star Wars, so if you’re interested in checking it out the link is down below!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KuSKJhVOPPvxdJ9YHeo4M?si=2977ff31bf0c4bdd
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Taking Care of Business Masterlist
Tagging: @remmysbounty​​​​​ @sinon36​​​​​ @seninjakitey​​​​​ @thatonedindjarinfan​​​​​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​​​​​ @mostclevermiss​​​​​ @momc95​​​​​ @welcometothepedroverse​​​​​ @sarahjkl82-blog​​​​​ @elinedjarin​​​​​ @itsnottilly​​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​  @goldielocks2004 @wondergal2001​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​ @impala1967666​​​​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​​​​ @icee228​​​​​​ @siimiasoi​​​
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ahsokamybeloved · 1 year
muppet lookin ass
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sequesteredbhaalspawn · 7 months
Always going to bother me that Larian is just straight up wrong about Bhaal's, his follower's, and his church's lore (just going to assume none of them actually read the old lore books because I want to be petty, lmao).
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For those you might find the screenshot texted (from Faiths and Avatars By Julia Martin with Eric L. Boyd) hard to read here it is written out. Dogma: Bhaalist believed (in their sick and twisted way) that every murder cimmitted strengthened holy Bhaal. As a result, they viewed murder as both a pastime and a duty. Bhaalists were required to deal death once in every tenday during the darkest period at the heart of the night. If imprisonment or other constraining circumstances made this impossible, they had ti murder twice for each death missed. In accordance with the Lord of Murder's teachings, Bhaalists strove to ensure that before they died, the murder victims knew who was killing them and that their death was in the name of Bhaal. Novices of Bhaal were charged as follows: "Make all folk fear Bhaal. Let your killings be especially elegant, or grisly, or seem easy so that those observing them are awed or terrified. Tell folk that gold proffered to the church can make the Lord of Murder overlook them for today. Day-to-Day Activities: While Bhaal also encouraged the pursuit of personal wealth and hobbies, in the main, Bhaalists spent their nights performing murders and their days preparing for murder (procuring or caring for weapons, journeying to the appropriate site, praying to Bhaal for success, sleeping under guard so as to be fully awake for the hours of darkness, eating, training, praying for spells, and the like). Many served as assassins, bounty hunters, and mercenaries or in organized brotherhoods of men and women in such professions.
He doesn't want "death in droves" he wants death that inspires fear and aw (and for one to do it once a tenday, aka a week). Also he wants you to bed paid and have hobbies, which is so funny. I think people forget that Bhaal is Lawful Evil, not Chaotic Evil.
Anyways, if you want to read more here's a link to a free pdf going over many of the gods of the forgotten realms.
I'm just feeling salty. This post is not suppose to be taken seriously in anyway. Just also wanted to share fun informational.
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astates · 2 years
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Gorian Shard, The Pirate King - The Mandalorian
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