#got a new drawing tablet for christmas and I am so excited to be able to make more m*nga style fanart comics again this was so fun
evilfarmin · 9 months
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kart0 · 3 months
Today was not a good day and my mood is terrible and I have no money and I am barely surviving
I have been planning on opening commissions because I really, really need money. All I have, literally, is $0,053. I am not joking. I have R$0,29 ( my currency ). That's all I have on my bank account. and I refuse to use credit bc I know myself and I don't want to owe money. I'm already owing $40 to my mom, bc I had to prepare for a con, which ended up being very bad and I made no profit whatsoever. I borrowed $100 from her and all money I got, I used to pay her back. And I still haven't paid it all.
And I am. Desperate. I have to buy clothes ( haven't gotten new clothes since 2019 ) and I need new shoes ( I always ask for shoes on my birthday, bc I don't have money to get new ones by myself so I use my birthday as an excuse ) and I plan to save money to buy a new computer. I have a notebook that doesn't work, takes around 3 hours. THREE. FUCKING HOURS. to turn on and work properly. I've been meaning to switch to drawing on a pc because my ipad can only do so much ( and it does a lot, I love it, but it doesn't have a lot of options. I can't get clip paint studio on my ipad cuz it's a subscription and it is expensive. I have clip paint on my notebook tho, but it just doesn't work cuz it's too heavy, and I like working on big canvas )
Last year I was looking for a display drawing tablet ( I bought myself a Wacom intuos in 2017, but I couldn't adapt. I am not very coordinated. At that time i would prefer to draw traditionally, and if digital, on my phone with my FINGER. ) and my dad ended up gifting me one that I really loved ! I had been looking for good and cheap alternatives to wacoms, and I was so dedicated into finding one that I'd be able to afford and he ended up gifting me one !!!! I was over the moon !!!! It was pricey, so I got it as a birthday, and Christmas gift combined. My birthday is in August btw so it was toooootally fine. I don't usually get any Christmas gifts anyways. At least not expensive ones, I usually ask for underwear, or socks, or pajamas. Things I need.
I opened the display tablet and then it dawned on me. My notebook suuuuuuuucks. It will be such a hassle to work and just inconvenient. Why would I spend 3 hours turning it on when my ipad it's already there.
Ugh I am sorry I am getting so out of track, I just. I need to explain why, this matters so much to me.
The actual upsetting thing:
I will open comms, and I have been struggling to price my art because. I don't want to fail, and not get any customers cuz it's too expensive. But I can't work for free, lately I've been spending at least 2 hours on every bust I've drawn. And I know it's not the cleanest or sharpest artstyle out there. I keep doubting myself that no one is interested in my art, in me. I have some followers on Twitter, which is my main source of clients. But I barely get any interactions. If my art can barely get any comments or likes or fucking views, then most likely no one will see my commission post, and no one will buy one.
And to make things worse, I have a mutual who is super nice I really like her I think she's awesome and she has great art but she just announced she's planning to open comms too, soon. And I feel so fucking stupid. Everyone was commenting on that post saying "I can't wait" "ohhhh this will be good" "this is so exciting I will definitely comm you" and I got. Nothing.
It's my own fault. I'm the only one to blame. I don't interact a lot. I'm not a part of the community there. I don't have friends there. Even though I have double her followers, I don't have their trust, or their empathy. Maybe I'm just that unlikable. I'm not worth it.
And I feel like I could've done something about it. If I had been braver and posted my comms sheet sooner, before her post. If I tried harder to make friends there. If I posted more art. If I. If I just.
I don't know what to do, and I feel terrible about these thoughts. She deserves it ! She deserves more than I do. She's nicer and I'm just me. A prickly, bored, unfazed, egocentric narcissist who can only cry about themself. I feel such shame, and guilt, but I can't help it. I am a naturally envious, jealous, and putrid shell of a person.
I've been trying to be nicer but I don't have the energy to talk to them, and I feel too awkward. I feel so fucking lonely all the time and I need validation. I seek for love. I want to be seen and loved and cherished. I want them to look at me but I don't do my part. All I'm good is my art, and it's not even that fucking good. My worth is my posts. Gosh, I feel so stupid.
Why am I like this ?
I feel angry to myself that I can't be normal. I don't make friends I don't talk to anyone I don't make connections.
I don't post a lot and I am not that active.
The worst thing even is that I don't even have a job.
I don't want to charge too much, I don't want to get paid too little. I don't want to burn out and not be able to get more comms. I don't want to not get any comms at all.
This other artist is in the same fandom as I am ( haikyuu ) so we basically have the same clients. If I charge too high, they will compare our prices and choose hers. "Her art is better" "her art is worth more" "at least she will offer full bodies, when you only will offer headshots"
They will choose her, and I don't know what to do. I know we're in a crisis, economy is in shambles, and people just can't afford to support both artists. I know that ! I know that and I can't change my pricing because it's already cheap, for me. People always say to charge more but most people just don't want me. And my commissions always tend to look like shit because I am too afraid to upset people. I need to prove they did the right choice by commissioning me. I need them to know I did my best. I want them to be happy. But all I feel is that I'm failing !
I'm failing at everything, look where I am !
And I feel like I'm going crazy. How could I not ? I don't have a job, I will never get a job, I am barely surviving at college, I have no plans for the future, I am neurodivergent and no one will hire me, I don't work well with other people I am not friendly. I'm just.
I'm bad at being a person.
I don't know what to do. Yes I will be opening comms. And I'm considering lowering my prices. I don't blame this artist at all. It's not her fault, and I know that.
And I don't wish her any harm. I just. I feel envy. Why am I not her.
Why am I so bad at this ?
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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Amazing news! The heat has come back on! It happened late this evening after we went to get some groceries. But it's not an ice box in here anymore. It's still cool, because the windows leak so much air, but it's much more comfortable.
Last night I actually slept mostly okay I wore very big fluffy hoodie my brother got me for Christmas a few years ago. It is the warmest thing for sure. Like wearing a blanket. And I did wake up cold this morning but James covered me back up and I was just fine.
I had a text from Alexi at 630 that camp was going to be closed for the day because the roads were unsafe and it was still snowing. Which was just fine with me. A free day off? Amazing.
So I slept until 9. And I felt pretty good when I woke up. I didn't want to grt out of bed but I was in a good mood and was happy to see James and Sweetp sitting in the other room. I could hear children outside laughing. James said they were the families who were attempting to sled yesterday and they were actually succeeding today. Good for them.
While I love looking at the snow, I had no desire to go outside. James would go for a very long walk around the city. And I'm glad they had fun but it was not something I wanted to do.
So after I was dressed I got cuddled up in bed with my tablet to draw. James warmed me up one of my leftover breakfast quesadillas and I had a lovely breakfast watching the world from the window and working on some drawings. I am working on my countdown project and it is just fun working on a new style.
James would leave for their walk but this was not just a fun walk through the snow. This was a walk with purpose. James was going to the bank to make the transfer for the down payment on our house. It makes me so nervous and excited I get a little nauseous. But like. That's wild! We only started this process really in October. We saw our first house on Halloween. And now we are on the eve of signing all the closing documents. It feels wild. But I'm so proud of us.
They would strike out at the first bank though. They were so busy after being closed yesterday the wait was going to be two hours. But the teller was really nice and called another branch and was able to get James in there no problem. So James's continued their walk and made the wire transfer and got the receipt and everything. And would come home before noon.
I was finishing up my drawing. And was feeling a bit tired. I was very cold. The heat was still off at this point and the space heater kept tripping and turning off. Leaving the bed felt impossible. I would just lay there and watch videos and bullshit around on my phone. I had lunch but I was just feeling. Bleh.
So eventually I decided I had to do something and I started working on the zipper pants project for my dad. Apparently he has not really been able to wear jeans since he got the prosthetic because the leg can't go over the foot. He saw a picture where someone put a zipper in the leg and that made it possible to open the zipper, put the pants on, then zip it closed. I would text him to confirm what would be more comfortable and we decided on the inside leg instead of the outside. I think it'll be easier to reach. And I cut and pinned those up. I was not up for actually sewing them because the studio was so cold but at least they are both ready to go and I'm very pleased with how they look. I will probably get those sewn up in the next week. While moving will be my first priority I will still have time. And I will get them done. And I really hope they work for him.
James would get in bed with me and they would read for a long time. And I would fall asleep. I don't think I was asleep that long. But my limbs felt heavy and weak after I woke up. James made me a peanut butter and jelly. Which did help but I was still struggling a bit.
James decided they would go to the grocery store. And I asked to come with them. Just to be out of the house for a little while.
James went down first to warm up the car. I got my shoes and my chapstick and headed down. On the drive there we discussed that Larry, the mortgage guy, sent James some documents and I was like. Why didn't I get any documents. Larry called me and I sent him an email back and he was just congratulating us and said we only need our IDs, our checkbook, the receipt from the wire transfer, and our energy and then put a smiley face and a whole bunch of exclamation points. I love how unserious everyone on our team is sometimes. Makes me feel more comfortable. I don't know why but I love that.
The grocery store was fine. We got everything we needed. We wandered around a little. We paid and headed home.
Where we found that the heat was back on and I was very excited about that.
James would take the trash down to the alley and we would start looking over the documents. We had some stress over our outstanding debts that we were able to work through understanding but it will be fine. I ended up calling my dad to explain a mistake we made but it's fixable. It also helped me sit down and work out my new budget now that we have actual numbers and I'm excited that it's $200 less then I had originally thought. So we are already doing better and I am proud of us. We will be able to have an actual emergency savings fund. And in talking to Jess we have an idea of what bank were going to use because it has a 4.5% interest. Amazing.
After going through all the house documents and making a phone call where I had to talk to a bank rep to get a new password for an account I was having trouble accessing, I was feeling good. Like the nerves are very high. But this time tomorrow we are going to have the keys to our new house??? Crazy. We will have to get the electric and gas set up in our names but I think it will go smoothly. And I'm just so excited and nervous and I have so many different feelings. It's great.
I would take a shower and asked James to please make up the bed for sleep now instead of later. Alexi sent us a text that work might be canceled again tomorrow because the roads might not be safe at camp. But my plan is to go to work in the morning. And leave with enough time to practice the commute to the final walkthrough. And then it's paperwork time. Which should take about an hour. James might go right back to work. I might go to the house and do more planning. We will just have to wait and see. I am so excited.
I love you all. Thank you for supporting me through this journey. Goodnight everyone! Until tomorrow!
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softspots · 3 years
Update (all is well!)
hello all, and my sincerest apologies for not making this post much sooner; considering the last time I posted here I was announcing that I and my family had contracted Covid-19, doubtless the long and unexplained silence from me caused some worries. better late than never, though, so here I am to tell you all that I and my family are all okay! Covid-19 was hard on us (particularly on me and one of my parents, as we experienced the most intense and longest-lasting symptoms), but thankfully none of us required a hospital visit and we came out of it alright.
now that I've explained that, you're probably wondering why I've taken so long to come back, or even just make an update post like I'm doing now. and, well... after we all got over Covid-19, several other things happened. to list it briefly:
a conflict between me and my parents occurred (this happens with some regularity, unfortunately)
due to the above, an agreement was reached that it would be best for me to move out (don't worry, I wasn't kicked out, this was a decision I fully agreed with and participated in willingly)
over the course of a few weeks I went through the process of apartment hunting, found a spot close to my campus, and packed up and moved
I began my spring semester, taking the largest number of classes I've ever taken at one time before (which I've been having a difficult time dealing with, for various reasons)
I started seeing a chiropractor semi-regularly to hopefully help fix the neck pain I've had since high school
and most recently, I've begun looking into possibly getting a diagnosis for something I've suspected myself of having for a few years now
throughout all of this, I've also been struggling with the same things that I've struggled with for some time, which I've mentioned once or twice here before: consistently low energy levels (both mental and physical energy) and various mental health issues.
real talk for a second: I haven't been able to make myself write anything (besides what I need to write for classes) in months. and I know the main selling point of this blog, and the content most people come here for, is my writing. so since I can't get myself to write anything, and since I don't even have the energy to consistently answer asks on top of that, I've felt like there's no point in even posting anything at all. that feeling has played just as big a part in my inactivity as my busy life has, and I honestly don't know how to fix it.
I could go into further detail, but I'm a rather private person (and I've now revealed more about my personal mental health than I even planned to on this blog) so I'll leave it at that. all of this to say: I've had a lot going on recently, which is why I've taken yet another unexplained and unannounced hiatus.
my midterms have passed now, and I've been in my apartment for over two months, so with my life the most settled it's been since before the holidays last year I finally sat down and wrote out this post to let you all know that I'm okay, still alive, just busy and stressed as always. I hope you're all okay as well, and didn't miss me too terribly while I was away; and if you did, I hope you'll accept some art as an apology gift? I got a new laptop for Christmas and now I'm able to use the drawing software I first learned how to draw digitally on! autodesk sketchbook pro has served me well, but opening up paint tool sai again after all these years felt like coming home :)
(strangely, despite not having any will or motivation to write, I haven't felt the same about art; I'm not drawing every day or anything, but pulling out my tablet and sketching stuff doesn’t feel like a difficult, joyless chore the way writing has recently. if you asked me why that is, I honestly couldn't tell you)
so, yeah! I've got a little bit of art to share, which will be available for my Patreon subscribers' viewing pleasure tomorrow and which will be made public and posted here on April 3rd. I hope you all enjoy them, and I hope we can start brushing the dust of this blog and make it all shiny and new to celebrate it's birthday!
yes, you read that right: today, March 30th, this blog turns two years old! I'm sorry I wasn't able to throw a big party or anything, but I've made a rather special drawing in honor of the occasion, which will also be available on my Patreon tomorrow and posted publicly on April 3rd! it's something that made me particularly happy to make, so I'm excited to let you all see it :)
TL;DR, I've been sort of going through it but I'm back, I'm well, and I missed this blog and you guys while I was gone!
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softbiker · 5 years
Steve Rogers Oneshot
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Warnings: some strong language, mention of super soldier butts
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Steve Rogers takes a coffee break. It’s good to try new things.
A/N: This is a continuation of Extra Whip - so I recommend reading that first in order to be familiar with who the reader is! It takes place in the same universe as @kentuckybarnes​ Agent 28 and @nacho-bucky​ Agent 41, with permission from both :) At the moment, my plan for these two is a series of one shots; connected by characters and certain events, but not a strong overarching plot. Let’s keep it fun okay? (Can’t believe I’m posting this before I’ve had my coffee but hey, I’m excited). Enjoy! 
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A month goes by.
In missions, gunpowder grit beneath his fingernails; in Stark Foundation fundraisers, his bowtie digging too tight at his neck; in karaoke nights - and avoiding karaoke nights, sneaking up to the roof with Bucky for a smoke. Somehow the habit crept back in, between the two of them.  Deeper than muscle, it’s a bone memory - shoulders pressed together on a fire escape, nostalgic for nicotine and other things that won’t roll into cigarette papers. No one knows about their little habit, except for maybe Nat - who cares less about their upstanding reputations than everyone else, and she’ll even share a pack every once in a while. Steve marvels at cigarettes now, the way he marvels at everything that should’ve killed him before he became a miracle. 
So February passes. He eases up on Health Food Reform, satisfied that the good habits seem to mostly stick. 41 continues to slurp on her spinach milkshakes during briefings, and it brings out his big brother smile every time. Every time he wonders who might have made it for her. 
March blusters in with excessive force, with the wind whipping storms on every front and a crisis on every continent. For the first two weeks of the month, Steve doesn’t set foot at the compound, shuffling between safe houses and sleeping on the quinjet, his neck aching in complaint. The team forgoes their long-anticipated weekend retreat to Tony’s cabin in Aspen in favor of a terror attack in Johannesburg. 
“Man, I was not made for this kind of heat,” Sam mutters, tugging at the harnesses of his uniform as sweat streams down his neck and into his shirt. 
“You would’ve been in the hot tub in Aspen, anyway,” Clint teases, taking stock of his quiver, his words slurred by the bubblegum in his mouth.
“Yeah, with a couple of snow bunnies, that’s for damn sure,” Sam bites back, shoving his goggles into a side pocket on his tac pants. 
“Focus, Sam,” Steve sighs over the comm. He’s got eyes on them - opposite rooftop, approximately 100 feet above the epicenter of the chaos. “The sooner we wrap this up, the sooner you can sit in a jacuzzi with your rabbits.” 
Tony’s laughter over the comm line is so loud, Nat has to remove her earpiece for a full minute. 
“What?” Steve turns to Nat, bewildered. She’s got a white streak of dust in her hair. “What? What did I say?” 
She just shakes her head, taming the curl of her lips with a click of her tongue.
“Nobody tell him,” Tony insists, his voice still a wheeze. “Jesus, I am gonna hold onto that for weeks. That’s going in the digital scrapbook - F.R.I.D.A.Y.?”
“Already saved the audio file, boss.”
Steve just hangs his head, resigned. No chance of living that one down. 
Hours later, they pile into the quinjet in beleaguered pairs, Clint propped on Sam’s arm, 28 with Natasha - both dusty and bruised but no major injuries, followed by Wanda and 41, with Tony bringing up the rear. Steve takes stock with a keen gaze as they trudge up the ramp into the jet, Buck slouched in the seat beside him, his flesh fingers blackened with gunpowder. More than 10 hours on the ground, with thousands of safe civilian lives to show for it - but no arrests had been made, no suspects found, no bad guys to put away. Not today. A stalemate, which Steve hates. He loathes the ambiguity, the loose ends of this job, the way the world can just never stay safe. 
A knee jostles against his own, and he looks over at Bucky; he’s got one eye cracked open, narrow window on a sky blue gaze peering back at Steve. 
“You good, Rogers?” he mutters, lazily rolling his jaw. 
“Me? Yeah, Buck, I’m fine.”
“Uh huh. Well quit grindin’ your teeth like that.” Bucky sighs and lets his eyes slip closed again. “The one thing your ma never had to fix, those damn perfect teeth.”
It draws a dull, tired smile, just like he intended, and Steve elbows Bucky in the ribs - the two of them exchanging a couple of tired blows, before settling into their seats, pressed against each other shoulder to knee, like they’re still trying to fit in a foxhole. Steve takes a little of Bucky’s weight as he leans over to let 28 pass them and settle into a seat across the aisle, buckling herself in and sending a tired smile their way. 
He accepts a Starkpad from Tony as he passes by on his way to the cockpit. A swipe of the screen reveals a face - a white man, late 40’s, dark hair with white streaks at the front. Nothing noticeable about him otherwise. Beneath the face is a name: Israel Hayes. He stands and stalks his way up the aisle of the jet, careful not to disturb any of his sleeping teammates as he follows Tony. The Iron Man suit dissolving back into the nanite housing unit on his chest, Tony is left only in a soft black shirt and pants - he looks vulnerable, small, when Steve leans into the cockpit, his shoulders crowding the space. 
“This our guy?”
“Seems like it. F.R.I.D.A.Y. cross-referenced his known aliases with similar activities in Europe and Asia - but he’s good. Never shown his face good.”
“Not even on CCTV?” Steve quirks a brow.
Tony shakes his head, lips pursed. “Nope. My guess? He’s got some kind of algorithm like the one SHIELD instituted for our agents in the backseat. You know how we never know what a SHIELD agent looks like?” He gestures towards the passengers with his thumb and Steve nods. “Same thing. As soon as his face is captured on a camera, his server finds it and scrubs it clean.”
“That possible? For someone who’s not SHIELD?”
“If he’s got the connections it seems like he has? Then yeah.” Tony huffs out a breath. “Not that I’m worried - F.R.I.D.A.Y. has found smaller needles in bigger haystacks.” 
Steve just nods, staring at the man’s picture on the tablet in his hands. 
He stares at that tablet for days - at briefings, at the picture, at news headlines, at the picture, at a Buzzfeed article comparing his butt with Sam’s and Bucky’s (sent in a text attachment by Sam, accompanied only by the peach emoji), and once more at the picture. 
He stares at it till he sees the man’s face behind his eyelids, till he could sketch it on a napkin without looking. And he does, actually, by accident - in the margins of his notes during a security briefing with Fury, he glances down to find his fingers tracing the deep set of the man’s eyes, the dark shadow of his brows. Algorithm or no, he won’t be able to hide forever. 
It’s the algorithm he’s thinking of as he continues to take his notes in the meeting, the sketch staring up at him in stark blue pen; there’s another face he wanted to look for, more than once he’d decide to search the SHIELD records, before changing his mind - just opening his browser and poising his fingers to start the search has him feeling like a damn creep. Like the internet stalker in that show Wanda was obsessed with. His ma raised a gentleman - there’s no way he was gonna be that guy.
The next morning, Sam begs off on their run, and Bucky is mysteriously absent from his room when Steve knocks, so he goes for his run alone. It’s not so bad - he’s got a fancy pair of headphones that Tony made last Christmas, and he loves watching the sunrise over the city. He even turns and crosses the bridge into Brooklyn, making a lap through Prospect Park before looping back towards Manhattan. Not so bad. Good, even. Really, really good. 
He slows down and stretches in front of the tower, propping his legs up on the bench out front and massaging his calves. There’s a little bit of a burn, but it melts at the pressure of his fingers, and the pleasant kind of soreness settles in. The kind he’s enjoyed and lived in since his body became sturdy and strong and decidedly anti-fragile - he’ll never say it out loud, but he still gets a little thrill when he manages to break a bone or dislocate a shoulder, goosebumps of pain shooting down his spine as he pops them back into place with a grunt of satisfaction. 
Hand hovering over the biometric scanner, he’s about to go back inside, take the elevator up to his room and hit the showers, when he sees someone at the crosswalk just a block down. 
Pink hoodie - huge, practically a dress - with a denim jacket tugged over it, bare legs trailing down into white combat boots, a backpack slung over one shoulder. She spares little more than a glance at the cars along the street before striding forward, nose turned up and arms crossed in a way that’s so New York it makes him do a double take. That early morning pout, tired eyes, like she’s not totally awake yet. Her steps firm and determined in those heavy boots, she makes a beeline for the green siren across the street, never once glancing his direction. 
It’s the first glimpse he’s had of her in a month. 
Not for lack of trying, but have you seen his schedule? He’s barely been stateside at all for nearly 3 weeks. Not to mention that one of Tony’s interns is always eager to volunteer for a coffee run, and he’s not sure what he would say, a good reason for him to insist to go by himself. 
With a glance at his phone - not due for a meeting for 3 more hours - he takes a deep breath and marches down the street, hands in his pockets, shoulders tucked. Less threatening to the passersby, who notice him, but say nothing. They’re in his neighborhood after all. 
A bell chimes above the door when he walks in, and the same “Welcome to Starbucks!” greets him, but he’s only half-listening as he scans the cafe. She’s at the register, chatting with the barista there who hands her a steaming white mug. 
“Ugh, thanks Chase, you’re a lifesaver,” she sighs, taking a sip. 
“Hey, it’s all part of the job,” the barista jokes back, adjusting the cap on his head. He’s noticed Steve hovering 3 feet back, waiting his turn, and his eyes switch between Steve and the girl in front of him rapidly. 
Their conversation ends, and the girl - the agent - takes her coffee to sit at a small table by herself, close to the windows, far enough back in a corner that she has a view of the whole cafe. Which she scans now as she sits, noting the two regulars in the opposite corner enjoying their customary flat whites, and…Captain America.
She waits - he knows she’s waiting when he approaches the table, and she pretends not to know that he’s walking directly towards her, nose still tucked down towards her book, one hand poised at the handle of her coffee mug. 
He clears his throat. 
“Good morning,” she smiles when she looks up, the light from the window back-lighting her eyes, and the glow stuns him. “Haven’t seen you around for a while.”
“Haven’t been around,” he shrugs. Are his cheeks hot? He gestures towards the chair across from her. “You mind if I sit?”
“Not at all,” she shakes her head. He slides into the seat and she replaces her bookmark, setting the book aside. Valley of the Dolls. He’s not familiar. 
“Here for your morning Cappuccino?” She quirks her eyebrows as her smile stretches, just shy of goofy. Quite proud of herself. 
“Ha ha. Never been a big fan.”
He shakes his head. “First thing in the morning? I like a dark roast. Something to really wake you up, you know?”
“Hm,” she muses. “Sure, I understand.” 
“What about you?” 
“Your coffee, I mean. You, uh…like coffee?” Smooth, Rogers.
“Oh, yeah. Love coffee.” There’s a laugh behind her smile, and he wishes she wouldn’t hold it back. “Here lately, I’ve had a thing for tall blondes.”
The flush on his cheeks inches down his neck.
“Tall blonde Americano to be specific - you should try the blonde espresso, it’s really good.” She takes a sip of hers, hiding her dimple behind the mug. “And I always add an extra shot. I like ‘em strong.” 
God, even his ears are red, he knows it. The hell did he think he was gonna do when he came in here anyway, sweep her off her feet? He’s never been that good with dames, not even-
“I’m only joking-” she cracks up a little, giggling. “Sorry, the opportunity was too good, I just couldn’t resist.”
He sighs in relief, offers an embarrassed smile, and manages to relax a little in his chair. 
“So…why are you here? Really?” she lifts an eyebrow, leaning one elbow on the table. 
“Well…” and here it is, here goes nothing. “I thought - that is, I wondered, um, if you…might want to…get to know each other a little better.” Ouch. Thank God Bucky is nowhere near here. 
“Get to know each other?” 
“Yeah. Just, I mean, as friends.” 
Steve’s smile is sheepish, but it’s the one that always worked on his mother, and it seems to work on her. He can see the suspicion melt from her eyes, the interested quirk of her mouth as her fingers tap against the table. 
“I’m flattered and all, really, but you should know that virtually everything you could want to ask me about…my past, my qualifications, my education, my current assignment-” she lifts her hands in a helpless gesture. “It’s all classified. Probably above even your clearance.” 
“There’s a reason why we never met, Captain.” He takes comfort in the fact that her smile is a little rueful. 
“Oh.” He sits back in his chair, a thoughtful frown on his lips. Looks out the window at passing traffic as he thinks. 
“Alright, then - how about a recommendation?” he turns back to her, eyes lit with curious confidence that catches her off guard. 
“A recommendation?” she repeats, bemused. 
“Coffee,” he grins, like it’s obvious, a wry quirk to his brows. 
“Coffee,” she echoes again, chewing her lip as she returns his smile. 
“Yeah - I always get the same thing,” he shrugs, eyes dancing. “Figured maybe I should branch out.”
Something she can tell him. Something they can share. 
A quick glance at her watch - 20 minutes before she has to clock in. 
“Alright then.” She stands from her seat, cracking her knuckles. “You wait here - I’m gonna pop behind the bar and make you something.”
He watches as she crosses the cafe, rounds the bar and gets to work whipping up…something. The steamer hisses as the milk is foamed, espresso grinding, and he can see her reach for some kind of syrup to pump into the cup. It only takes a minute or so before she’s done, returning with the cup presented triumphantly to him. The name “Cap” is scrawled on the front of the cup. 
“What is it?” 
“Just taste it first.”
The burst of caramel sweetness on his tongue nearly makes him gag - it’s a lot, whatever this drink is. It’s practically a dessert. Not bad, but he’s not sure how anyone could drink this in the morning. When he says so, she laughs out loud, head tipping back and mouth wide open. 
“I make those for 41 all the time,” she grins. “It’s not an official menu drink - I invented it for her.”
“Yeah I can see this being her drink.” 
“Oh, and when you go back to the tower, will you take her these?” She hands him a pastry bag. “I know they’re her favorite, and we had some that were about to expire.
He glances in the bag - two cookie dough cake pops and one birthday cake.
“I guess it’s not just Clint that spoils her, huh?” 
Across the table, she just smiles and shrugs. 
“I’m just here to make coffee.”
He takes another sip of the sugary concoction. 
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theladyofdeath · 5 years
A Christmas Surprise
Christmas in July {Day 3}
Azriel + Elain 
Written alongside the beautiful and talented, @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty
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Elain had spent the entire day preparing. It was Christmas morning and Azriel was still upstairs fast asleep, thanks to getting drunk too late with his brothers the night before.
With a deep breath and a content sigh, Elain put a bouquet of red and green dyed roses in the middle of the table. Looking over her shoulder, she found the tree was lit bright, the fireplace lit, their one-year-old black lab fast asleep in front of the warmth.
Their family would be coming over for Christmas brunch, a long standing tradition, and since it was their first Christmas as a happily married couple, Elain was excited to host it. She’d been up cooking since 8:30 and after putting the cinnamon rolls in the oven to bake, she decided it was time to go get ready and try to rouse her sleeping husband.
After washing the flour off her face and tossing her hair into a messy bun, she crawled back into bed, finding him face down into the mattress, a soft snore coming from him. She began to pepper his back with kisses.
He didn’t stir in the slightest.
“Az, baby,” she breathed into his ear, and kissed the back of his neck.
“Mmm.” He didn’t move, but the tiny sound of recognition he made was a good sign.
Elain let out a soft chuckle. “It’s Christmas morning,” she sang. “Don’t you want to get up and watch Dexter open his gifts?”
“Dexter is a dog,” he mumbled, not unkindly, but humored. “Does he really need a crowd?”
Elain pressed her lips to his favorite spot- the middle of his back, just between his shoulder blades. “I can help you wake up, if needed.”
“Does it include Gatorade and Advil?”
She pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “That is downstairs, along with your coffee and your first present of the day.”
He finally turned his head towards her, his bangs sticking up in a multitude of directions from his heavy sleep the night before. Elain laughed and pressed a kiss to his nose. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, burying his face in her chest. He snuggled in and sighed contentedly. “Merry Christmas, Wifey.”
He gazed up at her, pressing a kiss to her mouth. He opened his mouth to say something, but paused and said, “Do I smell cinnamon rolls?”
Elain got up and said, “Yes, but they’re off limits. They’re for brunch, which is in,” she paused and looked at her watch, “less than two hours. So come on, let’s do our presents and help me get everything ready.”
He groaned, but pulled himself out of bed, naked, as he had been when they finished making love after he’d come home at 2:30 in the morning, and made his way into the bathroom. Elain enjoyed the view, smirking as she made her way back downstairs.
By the time Azriel shuffled into the kitchen, wearing flannel pajama pants, but still bare chested, Elain had his coffee on the counter, next to two Advil and a bottle of blue Gatorade. And next to that was a series of packages, all wrapped and bundled together.
His eyes narrowed as he made his way to the counter. He popped the pain relievers into his mouth and washed them down with the Gatorade. Picking up his coffee, he glanced from the stack of presents to Elain. “I thought we said one present this year.”
Elain huffed a giggle. “Two are for you, the rest are for Dexter.”
Azriel looked back to the bundle of gifts and realized just how spoiled their puppy actually was.
“Mother help us when we actually have a baby,” he muttered under his breath as he helped himself to his coffee.
Elain’s eyebrows rose slightly, and he walked into the living room, carrying the presents in one arm and his coffee in his other hand. He set them all down on the coffee table and grabbed a rectangular box from under the tree. Elain retrieved the stockings from the fireplace and set them with the presents. Dexter continued to sleep in front of the fire, and Azriel laughed as he leaned back on the couch.
“I guess Dexter doesn’t want to go first, so that falls to you, my love.” He handed her the package, and she was surprised by its weight. She opened the present and her hand flew up to cover her mouth. “Azriel, baby, this is…”
She trailed off, unable to put into words how much she appreciated the present.
It was a new laptop to replace the one that she’d had for years, the one that was a fire hazard and sounded like it was getting ready to take flight every time she booted it up. Not only was it brand new, but it could be converted into a tablet, allowing her to draw and design for her wedding planning company.
“I love it, baby, thank you.” She leaned across the couch and gave him a kiss.
“You’re welcome,” he breathed, holding her against his lips for a couple seconds more, before letting her go.
Elain cleared her throat and handed him the two wrapped boxes. “Open the bigger one first,” she said, gnawing on her lip. He set the long slender box down on the table and tore into the other.
He slowly unwrapped the metallic, silver snow-flaked wrapping paper and smiled what appeared in front of him. 
A new Xbox, exactly what he’d been hinting at wanting. Inside were three controllers, too. Azriel raised his brows. “I love it, babe. Why three controllers, though? You hardly ever play...I mean, one would’ve been great. It’s all great. It’s great.”
Elain laughed at his mumbling as he leaned over to kiss her lips.
“Thank you,” he smiled. “Cassian and Rhys will be happy with the other two.”
He picked up the smaller gift and fiddled it in his hands.
It was much smaller in comparison and almost felt empty until he rattled it around. He glanced up at her, seeing the mischievous smile on her face. “What did you do?” He asked, unwrapping it slowly.
As he took the lid off the top and froze, Elain said, “I think you mean, what did we do?”
Azriel sat, unmoving, for long enough that Elain became worried. She was just about to say his name when he looked up at her, tears running down his cheeks, and asked, “Are you sure?”
As if the positive pregnancy test in his lap wasn’t proof enough, Elain pulled a strip of ultrasound pictures from behind her. She handed them to him.
So small. The baby in the image — their baby — was so small. Azriel studied the image, not quite able to believe it until he looked in the upper right-hand corner. There, above the time and date, declaring these had been taken two days before, was “Draeven, Elain A.”
He whispered, “You’re pregnant?”
Elain nodded, dropping down on her knees in front of him where he sat on the couch. Her small, slender hand rested softly against his cheek. “We’re going to have a baby. You’re going to be a dad.”
Elain had never seen joy like the joy that swept over Azriel’s face. His eyes grew wider, his smile bright, a soft sob sputtered through his lips.
“I’m going to be a dad,” he whispered, unbelievably. 
“You’re going to be the best dad,” she said, not even noticing as she began to cry as well.
He pulled her up onto the couch until she was on his lap and he rested his forehead against hers. “We’re going to be parents. We made a baby.” He kissed her softly. “How far along are you?”
“Just shy of eight weeks,” she said, and when his eyes lit up in understanding, she laughed and said, “Yes, it was during the snowstorm.”
He smirked and said, “I had to keep you warm somehow.”
“We have heat and a fireplace,” she laughed, throwing her head back.
He pressed a soft kiss to her neck. “Semantics.” She looked back down at him and smiled, and he kissed her lips softly. “You’re going to be the most amazing mother. I love you so much.”
Tears pooled in her eyes again. “You’re happy?”
“Beyond, baby.” He kissed her again. “I don’t have the words to tell you how happy I am.”
They stayed on the couch for a few minutes more, before rousing Dexter, taking a few pictures of him with the ultrasound shots to post later on, and opened his presents for him. Soon enough, he was back asleep in front of the fire, guarding his new bone and the hoard of new toys.
After a quick shower, Azriel was downstairs, helping Elain in the kitchen, already protesting as she picked anything that weighed more than four pounds up. They’d hung the ultrasound images on the side of the fridge, so they could look at them as they finished up brunch.
Every few minutes, Azriel would come up behind Elain and place a careful hand over her still flat stomach. Sometimes he rubbed, sometimes he just left his hand still, and sometimes he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.
“So this is why you haven’t been drinking when we go to Rita’s,” he said, piling the bacon and sausage onto plates as Elain cracked egg after egg into the bowl. He had just come back downstairs from changing into jeans and a black sweater.
She nodded, knowing he was watching her. “I suspected about two weeks ago and took an at home test. I was just able to get in with Madja on Monday though, and she confirmed it.” She turned around and beamed at him.
He crossed the room and took her in his arms. “I love you so much. Both of you.”
Elain’s eyes filled with tears as she leaned up on her toes and kissed him. “We love you.”
He kissed her again and herded her out of the kitchen to get ready. Their family would be there soon and she was still in a tank top and a pair of his boxers.
Azriel could take over for ten minutes, even though there wasn’t much left to do. He decided to straighten up the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room just before the doorbell rang.
As he headed for the door, he called up the stairs, “Babe, they’re here!”
She hollered back, “Be down in five, I’m almost ready!”
He shook his head and headed for the door, opening it to find Rhys and Feyre.
“Oh, my god, it smells so good in here,” Feyre said in greeting, leaning up to press a kiss to Azriel’s cheek, before heading inside.
“Merry Christmas to you, too.” He laughed, as Rhys clapped him on the shoulder. There was still snow in his blue-black hair.
“Merry Christmas, brother,” he said, pulling Azriel into a hug.
Az smiled back. “Merry Christmas, man.”
He wanted to do nothing more than tell them, but they’d both agreed they wouldn’t say a word until after brunch and after all the presents had been opened.
“Where Elain?” Feyre called from the kitchen, her mouth already full. Rhys shook his head and Az only chuckled as he shut the door behind them and they made their way into the kitchen.
“Still upstairs getting ready, she’s been busy this morning. She-.”
“Dude, new Xbox, yes!” Rhys interrupted, pointing to his gift still propped up by the tv.
And as predicted, he was excited about the extra controllers.
The front door flew open once more and Cassian let himself in, Nesta following behind with their nine-month-old. 
“Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals,” Cassian said in greeting.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “He’s already said that at least a hundred times today.”
Cassian’s grin simply widened as he gave Azriel a big, obnoxious kiss on the cheek before doing the same to Feyre and Rhys.
Alexander was babbling quietly as Feyre took him and began baby talking to her nephew. He giggled and Feyre chuckled quietly, too.
Cassian looked at Rhys and wiggled his eyebrows. “Won’t be long before Feyre’s begging for one, too.”
He laughed and ran a hand down his face while Nesta let out an exasperated sigh. “For the last time, our son is a human, not a puppy.”
Cassian just shrugged and Elain came down the stairs, just as the doorbell rang again. She barely heard Cassian say, “People actually ring the doorbell before coming in?”
She could’ve sworn that she heard Nesta’s eyes roll back into her head.
Mor, Andie, Lucien and Vassa were all outside, having arrived at the same time. Merry Christmas’s were exchanged and presents put under the tree.
Mor set a bottle of champagne on the counter and set to work making mimosas for everyone, except for Nesta, who was still breastfeeding. When no one was looking, Azriel switched Elain’s glass out for one with plain orange juice, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She threw a grateful look his way as she took a sip of her juice.
“Alright, everyone,” Azriel said, for once the loudest in the room. “Let’s eat.”
They needed no persuading as they gathered around the dining room table, Elain’s homemade feast laid out before them.
“This looks delicious,” Lucien observed.
“No one else eats the cinnamon rolls,” Mor said, mouth full of the gooey goodness. “They’re mine!”
Andromache chuckled and quickly reached across her girlfriend, taking a cinnamon roll off the platter. Mor scowled, but couldn’t help the smile that lit up her eyes.
Elain was watching everyone thoughtfully, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Azriel reached for her under the table and took her hand.
“Shit, I forgot my drink,” Cass said, standing and heading back into the kitchen. He didn’t return immediately, taking longer than expected, but when he did, there wasn’t a glass in his hand.
Instead, there was a strip of three pictures.
Azriel glanced up at him, saw what he was holding, and before he could ask him to not say a word, Cassian asked, “Is this what I think it is?” holding the ultrasound out for all to see.
Elain looked over and choked on her juice.
Even the cinnamon roll fell out of Mor’s hand.
Alexander was the only one making noise in the silence, banging his tiny fists on the tabletop and hollering gibberish. 
Elain looked at Azriel, then back to the others. A smile crept across her mouth as Azriel said, “We were going to tell you all after brunch, and we had a nice plan so, thanks, Cass.” 
Elain, unable to contain her excitement any longer, clapped her hands together. “We’re having a baby!”
Another second of silence, then the table erupted. 
Nesta was immediately out of her seat, clutching her younger sister to her chest, hugging her and crying. Feyre wasn’t far behind. Rhys had stood and hugged Azriel, while Cassian clapped him on the back. Mor was crying quiet tears of joy and Lucien and Vassa — five months pregnant herself — sat back and smiled at their friends.
Once everything settled down and everyone had returned to their food, questions were being hurled at the couple. Mor gasped and looked at the glass in front of Elain.
“I gave you champagne, I’m so sorry!”
Elain smiled and rested her hand over Azriel. “Az swapped it out when you weren’t looking, it’s okay. He only just found out this morning.”
Feyre and Cassian asked at the same time, “This morning?!”
Azriel just laughed and said, “It’s been a very Merry Christmas.”
After everyone finished eating, they made their way into the living room for the gift exchange. Alexander, freshly learned how to crawl, was buzzing back and forth between his aunts, giggling each time they lifted him into the air kissed his round cheeks. His hazel eyes shined and Elain couldn’t help the tears that rolled down her cheeks as she held him.
Presents were passed out.
Most of them were for Alexander, although all of the adults each got one from each couple. Mor and Andie had even brought a giant bone wrapped in a red bow for Dexter. 
They carried on like that for another few hours into the early afternoon, sitting around with their family, laughing and joking and playing games. After everyone had left, Azriel carried Elain up the stairs as Dexter nuzzled himself back into his favorite spot in front of the fire. They sleepily held on to one another in their bed for a long while before making love late into the starry, Christmas night.
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hope-inthedark · 5 years
Right, so you know how I’ve been giving y’all semi-frequent updates on what’s going on with my writing? Here’s another one. I’m gonna stick it below a readmore again for the sake of not clogging dashes, but there will also be a shortened summary-of-things in the tags if you’d just prefer to read that. 
Okay, hi. So I’m not gonna go into the reasons for this too too much, but the short version is that I’m gonna be taking a brief hiatus from Tumblr and Ao3. It will probably be a few days, could even be a week. If it’s going to be longer than that (I really hope that it won’t be. Like, really hope not), I will pop back on here and let y’all know. 
The reasons for this have a lot to do with my personal life, so I’m not going to elaborate too much on them, but I’ll give a synopsis here. Due to certain circumstances, I’m not in a place where I’m mentally able to separate my good feelings about this fandom and my writing from my bad feelings about those circumstances. I want to keep this blog as happy and positive as I can, and I’m not really able to do that right at the moment. 
Also, I don’t want to write something that is below my usual caliber standards of Hope-Written-Stuff. I know when my head is too full of other things to allow me to write well, and now is one of those times. So, in the interest of maintaining that kind of work, I’m gonna step back for a little bit. 
What can you expect from me when I get back? Well, friend, I am so glad you asked! There are a few things, and I’ll list them below. They won’t all happen at once or even right away, but they’ll be here. 
1. an Ab Astris update. Y’all have been incredibly patient with me on this one already, and I am going to ask for a little more. I’ve been fighting with it a bit, but hopefully I’ll be able to work something out soon. 
2.  a short multi-chapter human AU. I think I’m still gonna make it Christmas themed even though it’ll be posted well after Christmas. I’m a very festive person, okay? I love Christmas. 
3. more reblogs of lots of nice artwork and stories/headcanons that I love, as always. 
4. some attempts at digital sketches about our favorite Ineffable Idiots! I got a new drawing tablet for Christmas, and I’m excited to play around with it and start figuring it out. 
5. positive words and encouraging things, posted whenever I need them or think they might help one of you. 
6. just... normal Hope things, really. 
So, to summarize: hiatus because I’m having a tough time, but I’ll be back really soon with the content that y’all follow me for. I promise. In the meantime, Happy New Year! Please stay safe, and if you choose to partake in the consumption of certain things that might influence your decision-making, please make sure you have a safe ride home!
I love you all. Thanks for bearing with me, and I’ll see you so soon. 
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holliemae3 · 3 years
Tuesday 23rd November 2021
Week 10: Lesson One
Morning Session 9.15am - 2.00pm
This morning we started of with looking back at last weeks work which was level designs. I really enjoyed doing this so I was excited to continue working on it.
Last week I sketched out a few brief ideas on what I would like it to look like and I decided on doing a library room. I chose this because I liked the idea of a cosy environment and when I thought of that I straight away got a vision of a library and was set on this. I started transferring my sketches into google sketchup in a 3D view as I thought this may be helpful to see the sketches in a different perspective. I like working in 3D because it brings your drawings into a more life like view and brings it to life.
I continued with this today adding some more basic details and shapes. Once I had completed this I had the basic layout of my level and could then start developing on it. I took a screenshot of it and moved it into procreate on my ipad. I personally prefer to use procreate to photoshop as I feel I have more control over my drawings and hand movements. I struggle using the tablets for photoshop as I am drawing off the screen so I am not able to see as much of my hand placements.
Once I had moved it to procreate I lowered the opacity of the layout and started going in and adding more detail. I will link the pictures at the bottom. I lowered the opacity so then I could draw over the original design and go back in and change some of the shapes and add more to them. In the end I chose to do a christmas themed room so I added some festive lights and objects to emphasise this idea. I have still got some more things to add before I can start finalising my ideas and adding colour. I will most likely do another layer of line work over the new things so then I can see what I am working with.
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I am going to add some more detail this evening in my own time at home and then when we work on this again I can start adding colour hopefully.
Afternoon Session 1.00pm - 2.00pm
The afternoon session we went over reflective journal writing and discussed what would help to improve our entries and I found this incredibly helpful as I am not use to writing like this.
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procreate-brushes · 7 years
Brush Reviews & Customer Feedback
Please feel free to follow me and share your feedback in the Procreate Forum. Thanks for your great support. You're awesome! :D
joe12south: George, thank you SO much for these amazing brushes! I was very disappointed in the ink brushes included with Procreate, and was dreading the hours that I would have to spend to create suitable inking brushes, when I discovered your set. Not only did you save me untold hours, but the quality is almost certainly better than I would have achieved on my own. The combination of the Apple Pencil + Procreate + your brushes yields an amazingly natural drawing experience. I've used every drawing tablet ever made since the Koala Pad (1984) and this is the first time I don't feel like I'm losing something by not using pencil/pen and paper. ... I've been using Georg's brushes for my morning warm-up sketches all week. Tons of fun. I've also fell in LOVE with the Dupa pencil brush. Previously, I really liked the 6B included with Procreate, but I find the Dupa brush superior in every way. My guess is most people buy this pack for the ink brushes, and may have overlooked this gem. For the first time, I feel like I could throw away my black and white Prismacolor pencils and never look back! ... Savage Interactive needs to seriously consider working a deal with Georg to include these brushes. I love Procreate, but the base included ink brushes are not "inky" at all. ... Lest you think Georg's brushes are only for cartooning, here's a portrait commission I did this morning using only the upcoming "BRISTLY" brush.
Wizard of Zog: Thanks so much again for making such awesome brushes. I hope the folks at Procreate send you all kinds of free stuff because your brushes are what truly makes that app sing for me.
Kazart: Thanks Georg for your work, i already found my favourites brushes wich allow me to draw like my traditionnal style. Here is a sample, a space assassin! Thanks again. 
kewlpack: Georg - Thanks for continuing to make the MegaPack an INCREDIBLE value with these updates. Fantastic customer service right there.
dftaylor: Just a quick note, since I've already harassed Georg on Twitter, that these brushes are wonderful. I've used nearly every art app out there, and between Georg's brushes for Procreate and Frenden's brushes for Manga Ex, I can work on my comics on my iPad Pro and my Surface Pro seamlessly. They're just brilliant tools - my favourites are the Penciler, the DUPA pencil, the Eisner, the Watterson, and the Underzo (both the texture brush and the lettering brush). I've used them on everything I've drawn since I got them. Great work and amazing value for money. Here's my most recent piece.
jollyrein: I LOVE LOVE LOVE The COPICESQUE set! Absolutely magical :D It's exactly what I was look for! Thank you so much Georg.
Vezinho: Hi Georg ! Just wanted to say that i bought your megapack and i find your brushes fantastically natural to use, very precise !  ... Fantastic Georg You ROCK The link appeared… A lot to play with !! These are all fantastic Top quality And the watercolor serie already seems a joy to use It will take a bit of time to get the feeling of everyone Once again thanks a lot ! I will post some portraits soon. By the way i exclusively use your brushes for now!
Finch: Beautiful brushes. Thank you for making these!
monarobot: I just got the G-pen and woooow it's the o my brush I've found that is anywhere close the feel of the clip studio version, awesome job!
pixelsnplay: You had so many great brushes for free too that I went ahead and bought your MegaPack. Thanks for sharing :)
dankelby: Hi Georg, just wanted to drop in and say that I love all of your inkers, great job! I just purchased them and can't wait to work with them. Cheers!
Bos: Just tried the ELDER, and immediately bought the Megapack. Wonderful. I like how you inclined the shape of the brushes (a thing I had planned but not had the time to try) and played with pressure AND velocity together. I've redrawn a panel of mine to try, and love the Watterson, the Peyo and the Uderzo especially (but haven't had the time to ding into them all, yet). Very flowing, very natural, with and without the textures.
FranklinKendrick: I just purchased the mega pack as well and am blown away at how natural the brushes are. Haven't tried the pencil yet (I should have time later) but, now you really make me want to play around with it! I stayed up way too late doodling with some of the inks. These are so much better than the ones included by default in Procreate - and well worth the money. I originally got into Procreate because I wanted to do some detailed ink work and just never had the tools to do it digitally. Now, with my iPad Pro, I feel like I have the tablet I always dreamed of having ever since I learned that digital drawing was a possibility. Thank-you Georg vW! I am so excited to try drawing cartoons again with these brushes.
Philip R: I really love the brushes, Georg! Thanks for all the hard work! My main favorites are The PEYO, The BREUGAL, and The FURBALL. I can finally create digital art the way I imagine. I mainly use the brushes for cartoon illustrations.
bem69: Bought your MegaPack too, and enjoying all of the brushes. Awesome! ... I love your ink brushes. So much potential and so fun to use. Totally recommended for those who are still considering.  ... CAN'T WAIT FOR THE UPDATE! 
Batsquatch: yo georg, when are we getting the update- your brushes have CHANGED MY DIGITAL CARTOONING LIFE! I'm jonesin' for the new brushes! -Phil
kawoody: Hey Georg! I'm totally about to buy all these brushes. They look amazing! Just what I've been wanting!
Bas0411: Hi Georg, your brushes are great! My favourites at this moment are the Bruegel, the Watterson and the Yellow Kid, all of which I use daily. 
tmp2209: Thanks so much for the option Georg the brushes are spectacular, I picked them up last night and have been very happy with the results and look forward to your future brushes. Thanks again!
Klaas: I have been testing your brushes, George! They are great!
Caricature Shop: Truly enjoy these brushes!  ... Really appreciate the MegaPack addition! I was eagerly anticipating the DAVIS, but have to say that my new favorite is the STRATMORE. It's feel, flow and responsiveness makes it a notch above, in my experience. Thanks George!
DougHardy: Oh my god these are AMAZING
sajishtr: Installed cartoons Brush set. Installation was smooth as I used AirDrop to transfer .brush file from mac to ipad. (Pls. include this instruction in your website). I tried Watterson first, to my surprise I was able to achieve a lot in the very first attempt itself. Pls. find the sketch with the original on the side. THANKS A LOT!!
Kris_Lap: Hi, Done a Crumb copy from blue layer. Always with excellent Mort Drucker Brush. Better traditional feeling using those brushes / Procreate than with Manga Studio. (...) Keep up your genius work ! ... A MANGA STUDIO Robert Crumb Copy with Astropad Please compare previous post with Procreate copy and Georg vW Mort Drucker Brush, above. The Procreate app / Georg vW brushes combo is a far superior inking tool. I would tell it to the world (if i was famous)... 
Patman: Impressive brushes! 
Ripples: These are wonderful, Georg, and thank you very much again; an honour that you used the names, and I love the other names and set too. Looking forward to doing a painting over the next couple of days, and will post it up! Thanks so much for making these.
Anne R. Cutler: This is a crazy good deal… thank you! The Air-Drop method worked perfectly. 
nylontoast: I just bought your MegaPack, fantastic! wonderful work, can't wait to use all the brushes! 
Silpi: Thank´s GEORG wonderful work Hug
Jennifer Bannink: Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much, it's an amazing brush :)!! 
timskirven: Hi Georg - these brushes are fantastic!! Thanks for all your hard work.
Doomsayer: Thanks mate - love the set / have been playing with it all morning while my Christmas presents gather dust :) I did a bunch of alterations to the G-pen and it is really solid / I made it so that it can get a very scratchy, scetchy feel - first 2 panels are my old brushes / 2nd two is the new ones. Love the tone brushes btw!
Brush Feedback via Twitter
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