#got carried away but i think it was worth it
lazycats-stuff · 3 days
Hello can you please do more baby or toddler reader x batfamily if you can😭i just love them
Oh sure can. I kind of love them too. I'll do baby reader, since we didn't have those in a while. Also, look at this adorable little penguin. Baby animals are cute.
Summary: First time that (Y/N) came to the manor.
Warnings: mentions of death during birth, but it's not (Y/N), a lot of fluff, angst(?), I don't know at this point.
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Bruce was silently sitting at the dining table, looking at the phone, not sure how to feel at this moment. He had a one night stand 9 months ago and the woman he was with was carrying his child. Bruce asked her what she wanted to do, did she want to get rid of the baby or keep it?
Bruce was secretly hoping she would keep the baby, but he couldn't tell her what to do with her body. That would be wrong in his opinion. Thankfully, she choose to keep the baby. Thank God. Bruce was happy and he told his other sons about the incoming baby. None of them were surprised, but worried. A baby in their lifestyle?
They were all worried to say the least. Even Damian. Not about the fact that a biological child of Bruce was coming into the family, but worried about the fact that it's a baby. All of them were hoping for a girl, because who wouldn't want a little sister at their hands? Once they found out it was a boy, they were a tad disappointed, but didn't mind another boy.
The more the merrier was the joke.
The pregnancy was going smoothly... Until the time of labor came. He thought that it would go smoothly. He really did. However, it didn't. (Y/N)'s mom didn't make it, but (Y/N) did. That was the call he just got.
She passed away during birth. The nurse who called assured Bruce that the baby was okay. At the moment, Bruce was trying to collect himself before he broke the news to everyone. He looked up from the phone as his sons came in, all confused as to what has happened.
" What happened Bruce? " Dick asked as he sat down and Bruce rubbed his eyes.
" Anna, the one night stand gave birth today. She didn't make it, " Bruce announced and everyone froze.
Damian was left worried for the baby, Tim's mouth dropped and Jason was left speechless. Dick had to sit down.
" Are you serious? " Tim asked, eyes widening at the news. This was huge.
" Just got the call Tim. She passed away. Right now, I need to get some baby stuff. And that means furniture, clothes, diapers, damn formula too... " Bruce rubbed his eyes again, feeling overwhelmed by everything.
" We'll deal with that, " Damian declared and the other 3 nodded in agreement. " We'll just need your credit card. You need to make sure that the baby is taken care of. And we do need to think of a name. "
" I thought we agreed on (Y/N). And so did Anna, no? " Dick asked, rubbing his chin.
" Yes, we'll name the boy (Y/N). Also, don't go overboard. " Bruce warned and Dick chuckled.
" You shouldn't worry about money, since you are rich, " Dick mumbled as his face turned solemn.
" I know Dick. I trust you all. First and foremost, we need a list of what we need for the room. Create a list of furniture and then just make sure to get enough clothes for now. We'll think about that later. But formula is something that he needs, so make sure to get about a week's worth... Is that too much? " Bruce wondered out loud, sighing quietly.
" We'll get a week's worth, don't worry father. We'll go furniture shopping today, so that it'll be ready when (Y/N) is discharged from the hospital, " Damian said, looking Bruce in the eyes.
" (Y/N) will be okay here. " Tim put his right elbow on the table, then rested his chin in his hand. " We may be chaotic, but we'll take good care of him. He won't lack anything, " Tim said with a firm voice and everyone nodded.
" Oh hell yeah. We'll all step up for this baby. And we'll take care of him. We'll make a list of duties and try to do our best. " Jason crossed his arms as he leaned back into his chair.
" I agree Jason. "
They all looked at each other, clearly determined to make sure that (Y/N) is taken care of.
Bruce went to the hospital right after the conversation, nervous beyond belief to meet his son. He entered the hospital, where he asked the nurse for directions. The nurse gently led him where (Y/N) was and Bruce saw him through the glass, with other newborns. Bruce tried to not cry, tried to not tear up.
But he couldn't stop the tears that came up. He wiped them quickly and the nurse gently patted his shoulder.
" (Y/N) is healthy, mister Wayne. A good weight too. But sleeps most of the time, which is normal. The only thing you need to do right now is sign the paperwork for that adorable baby, " She said, gently smiling at (Y/N), then turned to Bruce.
" And I know that you are a single father and that a baby is different than teens, but you'll get the hang of it. And I know you must feel overwhelmed and not prepared, but no one is prepared for a baby. There's no manual to get ready, " She told him and Bruce chuckled.
" I know. But I've been reading books on how to take care of newborns. What to do and what not to do. But I feel like it's not enough, " Bruce explained and she nodded.
" Do not sell yourself short. You got this. And I think the little guy would love to live with you. Do you want to hold him? "
Bruce nodded. " But I need to sit down first. "
" Of course. " She gently led him to a room where he could sit down and then she left to go get (Y/N). Bruce has never felt so nervous and anxious in his life. He tried to calm down, but his nerves got the better of him. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves down.
He got ready as the nurse entered with (Y/N), who was swaddled and sleeping.
" Alright, are we ready dad? " The nurse asked and Bruce nodded. He knew he was ready.
The nurse gently put (Y/N) into Bruce's arms and Bruce smiled at his baby boy. (Y/N) opened his eyes and Bruce smiled even more.
" Hello (Y/N). It's dad, " Bruce said and (Y/N) seemed to scan him before letting out soft sounds.
The nurse adjusted his hold, warning him about the neck and head. Bruce listened intently, adjusting his hold accordingly.
" You have 4 brothers and you wrapped them around your little finger. They'll do anything for you, " Bruce said gently to his son, who seemingly smacked his little lips together. Bruce chuckled at that.
" I'll make sure you are never lack love. Never, " Bruce muttered, smiling at his baby boy. " Oh they'll love you. "
Bruce turned his head towards the nurse. " When can I take him home? "
The nurse thought for a moment. " Normally, we would discharge him with the mother, but since she passed and he's fine, you could take him today. "
So Bruce did just that. After he talked to all the appropriate people, signed a shit ton of documents in Bruce's words. Afterwards, he made his way to find a baby car seat. He quickly put it together in the parking lot. Being Batman is a perk of it's own. He put it together and went to the hospital to pick his son up and go home with him.
He could only hope that the boys have put together a crib. However, he didn't doubt that they bought it, they are all quick and efficient, but... He's worried. He can only hope that they didn't kill one another while putting together the cribs. He'll be happy if he he finds two of his sons unconscious. And without any broken bones.
Which Bruce knew was unlikely, but one can hope. He gently strapped (Y/N) in and drove home, making sure to be vigilant on the road and to make sure that both him and (Y/N) made it home safely. After a while, he parked the car in the yard and got out, taking (Y/N) with him, making sure he is swaddled and calm.
He opened the door quietly and he could hear voices upstairs, probably where they were putting together the furniture. He slowly walked upstairs, being quiet on purpose to see what was going on.
And was that a sight to see.
Damian and Tim were putting together a changing table and Dick and Jason have put some toys into the crib, making it comfortable for their brother.
Bruce cleared his throat and everyone turned their heads to look at him, before their eyes fell down on a little bundle of joy in (Y/N)'s arms. They all froze and melted a tiny bit.
" Aw, he's so cute, " Dick came closer, watching (Y/N) who was awake at the moment, looking around at the new faces and voices.
Jason peaked over Tim's shoulder. " My, my. He is cute. " Jason said quietly as he gently reached out to touch (Y/N)'s cheek.
" Before any of you touch him, " Bruce said, making Jason pause mid air, " I want you all to wash your hands. So go to the bathroom and wash your hands.
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leedosbunnyboy · 1 day
Seoho; Are You Coming To The Tree?
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Genre: angst, hunger games au
Pairing: seoho x male!reader
Warning(s): sexual humor
Summary: you both knew the risks. to attempt to avoid the hunger games, to go against the capitol, it was crazy, but it was worth a shot.
It was never supposed to be like this.
It must have been some cruel joke. From fighting to your life in the impoverished hell that was your district, to being chosen to fight for your life in the capitol for the 11th annual Hunger Games. You weren’t going to win. You were going to die, you knew it. That was… until he showed.
Your boyfriend, somehow broke into the cellar you were locked in after being picked in the reaping.
“Get out of here Lee Seoho!” You hissed as the other male simply flashed you a toothy smile. “Couldn’t stay away, beautiful.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you through the bars. “Did you really just come for a kiss?” You questioned. “Oh, trust me sweetheart. I’m aiming for a lot more than a kiss, but let’s get you out of here first.” Seoho smirked as your face flushed red. He reached into his bad and pulled out a makeshift lock pick and worked his magic until the door swung open with a creaky squeal.
You immediately rushed into Seoho’s arms and buried your face into his chest. He cradled your head and pressed kisses to your temple as you cried into his shirt. “Shh shh… it’s okay. I’ve got you. Hyung’s got you.” He whispered into your hair as he rocked you side to side. You looked up at him and he used his thumbs to wipe the tears out of your eyes before leaning in and capturing your lips in his.
Seoho was the one to break the kiss as he heard a peacekeeper patrolling just outside the cellar. “As much as I’d love to keep kissing my boy, I think we should get out of here before we’re found out.” You nod in agreement and take Seoho’s hand as he begins to lead you out of that god forsaken prison.
“Hop up there.” He instructs as you’ve approached a tunnel hidden above a fireplace. You nod and clumsily hop into the tunnel and aid Seoho once it’s his turn to enter.
“Just crawl until you see light okay?” He instructs as he covers up the tunnel behind himself. You follow his directions in the seemingly never ending rabbit hole, until your eyes are assaulted by the bright rays of the sun. “I think I see the end!” You exclaim. “Good keeping going forward, baby.” Seoho instructs.
Once you reach the surface, you dust yourself off and take in the trees around you. As soon as Seoho makes his way out of the tunnel, you tackle him into a hug. You both giggle as you litter kisses across each other’s faces while rolling in the grass. As Seoho finds himself hovering over you, he realizes just how precious you are to him and just how close he was to losing you. “You really had me scared back there.” He confesses. “I had myself scared.” You weakly laugh. “I was gonna die there, you know? I had no chance of winning.” Seoho simply leaned in and kissed you. “Shh, you’re not going anywhere.” He smiled down at you and stood up. “Let’s go. They’ll realize you’re gone sooner or later.” You nod and take his outstretched hand as you stand. “Where to?” You question as you walk through the thicket. “Our place. We’re gonna pack whatever we can carry and get out of here.” He explains. Watching around every corner to make sure he’s not being followed. “Do we have to leave? I’m sure if we lay low long enough we’ll be fine. We could stay in the pantry or Ms. Tammy’s tavern!” You offered. “Baby, we’re rebels now. The capitol will not let us live.” “But-“ “M/n!” You jumped as Seoho raised his voice. He immediately recognized his mistake and swooped in to embrace you. “I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s just… we can’t stay here. We’ll die.” His voice quivers as he says this. “I know… I know…” You bury your face in his chest, “I know…” Seoho held you closer. “We leave at sundown, okay?” You nod. “Let’s go then.”
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nayruwu · 5 months
Fem shinya & fem guren! & in cute clothes not those uniforms please.
bless you a thousand times for sparing me the fucking uniforms🙏🏻
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i've actually been wanting to draw them again for a whiiile so thank you~
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artekai · 9 months
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Look who's stealing whose evil master plan because he's never had a single idea of his own
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healthy-orch1ds · 2 years
for the whole thing about all 3 murder drones confusing Uzi for one - maybe the hallway scene from the pilot still happens (all 3 know that she's a worker at this point thanks to J), but with some changes.
The first being that this is weeks in the future, the second being V and J sees Khan close the door.
I wanna say that this took a hot minute to write. I’m not very proud of this one. Not my best tbh I wrote it in a hurry lol.
*note; Uzi has her Rail-gun. I just don’t mention it in the beginning.
Uzi bolted a cross the snow, dodging small metal poles that stuck out sideways from the ground. She hadn’t met for this to happen. If anything, she wanted them to stay away from her colony.
But alas, here she was. Running like hell to get ahead of her *team-mates*. If she got there early enough, she’d be able to open the door and close it before anything disastrous happens. That was the plan.
Uzi prayed silently to robo-Jesus that it would work. And no other innocent worker drone (mostly ones from her colony) got caught in the blaze of destruction.
She looked behind herself, and saw N speeding towards her, incredibly high in the air and only a mile away.
Seeing the door, she skidded to a holt. Uzi stepped closer to it and vigorously knocked on it (which was stupid, she already had a keycard). It wasn’t too long after that someone opened it up. The drones that should’ve been watching the door where playing a classic old game of cards. Although, Uzi didn’t seem to care as she almost slipped trying to get in.
“Uzi? What are you doing out here? Khans been—“
“Letmeinletmein—!” She shoved the fellow drone out the way and went to the pad, practically banging the keycard (which she *totally* didn’t steal from her dad) on it.
“Close it! Close it!—“
Uzi’s eyes widened, a pouring dread went down her back as she slowly turned to see claws holding the door open. Just by a few inches.
the claws dug itself into the door while another slid in, only furthering Uzis panic. The door creaked, as the claws forced it to open wider.
A yellow light came in from the small opening of the door. An X illuminated the darkness outside but blinked into regular looking pupils.
“Hey, Fellas!” A cheerful voice rang, one all too familiar to Uzi. “Ooh, deal me in, I love Rummy!”
Uzi stepped away from the door, her core shook. She knew the drone outside wouldn’t hurt her, but instead everyone else around her. As used to the gore as she was, she didn’t want to see people that she grew up with a mangled and oily mess.
“Wait no—“ the cheery voice sighed “I’m going to murder everyone,”
It paused for a moment, before going back to being giddy. “Rain check!”
In the flash of an eye, its tail strikes at the pad. The worker drones gawked, seeing the tail slither away and the doors opening slowly as their worst nightmare stepped in.
The workers stood and ran, some tripping over themselves. Uzi followed along, wanting to warn everyone about the impending doom.
The murder drone hissed softly, and began its massacre. slaughtering the drones closest to him. Oil splattered everywhere, a couple of the workers lost their heads.
N had murdered them all. The poor innocent workers who were just doing their jobs were gone and mangled. N was claiming his new victory, crunching at the neck of a very dead worker to gain the succulent oil that he and his companions favored so much.
Uzi had stopped running. Her plan failed. Horrifically so. She looked over to N, who had dropped the worker and looked around.
N’s eyes landed on Uzi, to which he switched into his usual, happy self. She almost had whiplash from how quick his mood changed. He smiled reassuringly, nodding in proudness as his metallic wings sprouted out from his back and just as quickly as he killed the workers, Leapt into the ventilation
Uzi watched as his tail slid away from her view, she could already hear the screams of horror from her colony. Guilt turned her gears as she turned back around. She dropped her rail-gun, a little ashamed of herself as she had mainly caused this mess. She kicked it, hoping no more drama would in sue.
But of course, plot had other plans that didn’t work with hers as her father stepped around the corner.
“Pretty nice hydraulics, Huh?” He said, pride present in his body language. Although, that pride didn’t last long when khan saw the horror show before him.
“Wha— what have you done?—“
Uzi looked at her dad, her shoulders tensed as she realized her father would be part of the massacre.
N had swooped down, making the debris jump up from his impact. His stinger swayed as he turned his gaze towards khan, a predator instinct clearer than glass.
“Uzi?! You led a murder drone here!” Khan shouted, his bolts shook as he stared at N. “My beautiful doors—“
N tilted his head, turning to Uzi in slight confusion.
J and V had lagged behind, mostly because V saw a free snack on the way over to the colony door. J didn’t mind it. With the power and smarts that both N and Uzi possessed, the plan would’ve gone smoothly. Surely they’ve breached and killed a respectable number of workers.
J didn’t fret whatsoever. Uzi seemed to bring the best out of N and V. N wasn’t as useless as before and V wasn’t as….. well, she hasn’t changed much but she now remembers N’s name. Which is still a step up from before.
Other than that, J’s team was thriving. And she was happy about that.
Until she saw Uzi being slammed into the bunker wall by N and her dad close an emergency door on her.
Holy robo-Christ.
Uzi stared at the door in disbelief.
Had her father just choose a door over his own kid?
She had tried to explain what’d happen. From being mistaken as a Disassembly Drone to trying to direct the others to different colonies instead of her own.
Khan was slack-jawed. In pure awe.
N hadn’t liked what he heard (his closest friend had fooled him twice— how dare she?!). In just a quick moment, he’d slammed Uzi into the bunkers wall. His bladed wing piercing her shoulder with ease and brushing away her rail-gun which conveniently slid over to khan.
“Dad!” She cough, it was oil. “Point and shoot… trust me!” She begged, holding onto N’s blade.
Khan looked down to the gun by his boots, then up to the crazed drone holding his daughter. He stepped back, hands shaking like crazy.
“..Dad?..” Uzi’s voice shook with fear and sorrow.
Khan walked backwards, pulling out a control. He looked up at Uzi, before looking down in shame as a large door closed. Not too long after, red lights flashed on and sirens blared.
And now, here they all were. J, the leader. V, the psycho. And N, the lovely idiot.
And also Uzi. But was she really gonna exist after what her dad did? Did it really matter when the one person she was trying to impress had completely left her for something far bigger than her?
She stared at the door, a quickly vanishing hope as she slacked. Her grip on N’s wing had loosen as she completely gave up.
Was this the end? She betrayed one side to help the other and look who betrayed her back.
N retracted his wing from her shoulder. And there was silence. No one moved. Uzi slid down the wall, she pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head into her arms.
This happened all so quickly. She wondered how her head hadn’t literally exploded from how fast it all went.
It was over. She knew it. Her only defense was her thin arms that were over her head.
It was only a matter of time till one of them knocks her head off.
Maybe they already did.
But they haven’t.
J and V looked at eachother. They didn’t really know all this emotional stuff, so they looked to their next best option.
N, a little unsure, steps toward Uzi. He slid down beside her, sitting the same way she was.
“Uzi?..” he didn’t receive a response.
“I— I’m sorry.” He said, nudging her shoulder a little.
“You’re not the one I wanna hear that from, and you shouldn’t be either...” She muttered from her arms.
“I know. But I’m the one who made you have that awkward moment with your dad. And uh— almost killed you, again.”
“I guess. It feels more like my fault.” Uzi groaned softly. She threw her head back, groaning much louder now. “Ugh— I knew character development hurt but not this much.”
N smiled as the smol drone leaned to his shoulder. “We’ll get through it together.” He said, patting Uzi’s head.
J cleared her throat (well, the robot equivalent of clearing a throat) Breaking the nice moment between the two drones.
“As much as I would love to clear this colony out and make top team this quarter and get some incredibly well made, quality ensured custom pens from JCjenson; I *suppose* my subordinates can come first. It isn’t as fun ripping out a workers core when someone’s dad left them for dead.”
“Can I stay—“ before V could ask, J cut her off. “No, we’re all going back to the spire and sort this out like well-developed characters.”
V scoffed, muttering In reluctance and turning back to the wide open doors.
N stood, nudging Uzi again. “Come on, I’m sure you’ll feel better at the landing pod.”
“That’s surrounded by bodies of worker drones?”
“Better then here, isn’t it?”
“Ugh, bite me.” She punched N’s arm. He whined a little in pain, although, he stayed smiling.
N and Uzi walked away, along with V. J stayed behind.
She looked at them leave, they didn’t seem to question why she wasn’t following. She stared for a few more seconds, before looking to the emergency door khan had put.
She frowned, an annoyance filling up her circuits. She examined the door, before her visor fell upon Uzi’s gun (or, as Uzi called it— “sick-as-hell railgun”). She knelt down and picked it up.
J inspected it, then stuffed the (admittedly well-made) gun beneath her arm. She knew Uzi liked this gun. She carried it around almost everywhere.
J began walking towards the exit, the others had left her behind. She glanced to the gun, making sure it was still by her.
She liked to think She wasn’t fond of Uzi (mostly because she was a *worker*), but had respect for her. Her team’s success rate almost skyrocketed when she joined. She made N less useless, and V less of a terrible bot. J’s team wasn’t as dull before, and that was nice.
She *liked* to think.
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TLDR; Uzi attempts to protect her colony by leaving N behind. Shit hits the fan when N actually makes it. Uzi’s dad, Khan, comes around at the last minute. N swoops in, Uzi has to tell Khan what had happen and how it led to here. N didn’t like it so he angrily stabs Uzi. J and V arrive just in time for Khan to close the door and Uzi to have her development scene. N, being far too nice for this world, apologizes to Uzi wanting to make her feel better. Uzi doesn’t really accept it but they continue to be good friends (although there is a bit of a crack in it). J believes that her team is actually becoming a functioning team and is starting to kinda like Uzi (as family and/or friend)
TLDR x2; Uzi fucks up a plan she had to counter J’s and kinda broke her friendship with N. J also kinda warms up to Uzi.
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meikyuunolovers · 3 months
Searching for overseas musician autobiographies that are NOT Keith Richards or a KISS member in the middle nowhere of French countryside thrift shops is like searching for a needle in the middle of a haystack
#sorry i can't stop talking about my holy grail (bob henrit's book)#but it's out of print. unavailable on ebay. nowhere to be seen on amazon. zilch on vinted. and i'm not british so it's extra hard to find it#i swear if i find it i'm making it my entire personality and i'll be insufferable for months#and even then... the bands i like are either unpopular or their books weren't translated (yet)#and i'm only talking about second hand since it's where i usually get books since i'm too used to not spending much#i can easily find books by more popular musicians (nick mason. neil young. dave grohl) first-hand in shops#but it's because their books were translated in french. and language plays a large part in availability#i have yet to check if the davies brothers' books are on vinted though#and even if i try to gather my courage and try to buy things through the net (or even physically)#there's this thing where my mother drilled through my head to not impulse buy (i'm very prone to that)...#except that now i struggle to differentiate impulse buys and things i genuinely want. so i just don't buy and think for months#and by the time i made my decision they're not here anymore and i get depressed because i think i should have trusted my gut#(i spent an entire year eyeing a weki meki album once because my mother refused to get it for me since she thought it was an impulse buy#ended up getting it for myself after i got the pass culture... trusted my gut and i had an inclusion of my bias in it)#and i feel i have to tell my mother about everything i want to buy so i can get her approval#... which can be a double-edged knife as she has knowledge but also she has a very “money-saving” mindset and doesn't like spending much#on things she doesn't consider are worth for their price. whereas i have a more “as long as i get it” mindset (which isn't a good thing)#..#sorry i got carried away 😭#you don't have to read all of this
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13eyond13 · 2 years
#as somebody who is unfortunately probably older than a lot of other people here by now#lemme just do my thing and dispense wisdom nobody asked for once more#guess what adults also still crave that parenting they never got when they were younger too#or perhaps that overindulgent parenting that they got spoiled by and addicted to#emotionally my 88 year old grandma is still a child on the inside looking for her dad to tell her she did a good job#and if you don't take steps to be aware of it#and to cultivate self-worth and solace in something other than receiving that one specific thing#and learn to be present with the people around you and how to focus on what you can give to others as much as what you can receive#that craving never really goes away#you can spend your entire life with tunnel vision chasing it#the older people in your life probably still feel that craving just as strongly as you do#they just had to eventually come to terms with it somehow carry on and start trying to take care of the younger people as best they can#definitely hilarious when you realize you're like the parent figure to people when you're like omg no i still didn't get to be the baby yet#and often times you also will become the parent figure to people much older than yourself as well#including (perhaps) eventually your own parents#anyways i would say that explains a lot about the dumbness of adults of all ages#it definitely sucks but#i think the nice thing to do is to try to give the younger people more of the understanding and support that will hopefully help them#be well-adjusted and prepare#for their own fun times in their 20s and beyond#if you can#seeing it more as building community rather than engaging in competition is the goal for me these days#p
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frecht · 9 months
i have been ruthless today getting rid of books
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
I still can't believe they're charging THAT much for the shadow of the erdtree dlc... for like 2/3 of the base game price there fucking better be 100+ hours of content in there 🤨
#the dlc actually costs more than i paid for elden ring itself bc i originally got it for 40% off lol.....#just looking at it again bc every few days im like maybe i should preorder it... and then i see the price tag and 😐#to be fair i wouldnt put it past them to have 100 extra hours of gameplay bc elden ring is a fucking insane length already#but i dont know if i would even want to play 100 extra hours thats so much girl i work full time u cant do this to me 😭#ok im sure it wont be that long. but probably a good 30 hours i imagine based on how theyve priced dlc for other games#maybe 40 for me bc i like to explore things thoroughly....#i dont think their pricing is usually that unfair tbh. like yeah 50 quid is wayy more than i would pay for most games but im prolly gonna-#end up with a solid 200 hours by the time ive done absolutely everything so it is worth all that. and its so incredibly gorgeous#ive had days playing it where ive almost felt like its real like the sheer level of detail.... damn!!#i like the sound of the sote levelling system tho + some of the bosses look cool..... but im NOT playing it for a few months at least#im gonna need a longass tolerance break once ive 100%ed the base game. gives them time to roll out bugfixes for sote anyway#and idc abt seeing spoilers n stuff bc i waited 2 years to play elden ring + completed it + now have 140 hours and frankly-#i still dont know shit about the plot. sorry thal wasnt paying attention she got too carried away by her bloodlust#god forbid women do anything......#anyyywayyyy. im gonna play a little and then head off to bed. hope i can sleep better tn but we'll see w these meds innit#.diaries
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yueebby · 1 year
Dying thinking about gojo literally pinning and hardcore simping for reader, literally showering reader in praise, flattery and gifts because he no longer gives a damn about hiding his feelings, almost proposing to reader whenever he can and reader's just... completely clueless about it💀 and she thinks it's just gojo being friendly. Poor man would be absolutely devastated when he goes one day "[name] i'm in love with you" and she just goes "me too, i love all my friends!" 💀
she loves me, she loves me not! — gojo satoru x fem!reader
contents. fluff, lovesick!gojo (what’s new), highschool!gojo, he’s pathetic but in love your honor, oblivious!reader, ooc gojo i got carried away soz
notes. anon, when i first read your ask i literally started giggling and kicking my feet. that. is. so. gojo coded.
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“please reject gojo and put him out of his misery,” utahime implored, taking hold of both of your hands. you think she’s asking, no, begging you to. beside her, shoko nods vigorously. 
“but why?” you furrow your eyebrows, perplexed by their sudden request. “i can’t reject someone who doesn’t like me.”
shoko giggles at your comment. her laughter only wanes when she notices the dead serious look on your face. “... you seriously have no idea what we’re talking about?”
“not really,” you shrug, criss-crossing your legs to find some comfort on the hard wooden floor in shoko’s small dorm. it was late, past midnight, and the three of you had a shared mission tomorrow, but for some reason your two friends managed to rope you into their drinking circle.
utahime and shoko exchanged a significant glance, their unspoken communication raising your curiosity. utahime takes a long sip of her beer. 
“hopeless. they’re both hopeless,” your short haired brunette friend lamented, pinching her nose bridge. it leaves a faint pink mark.
intrigued, you lean in closer towards the two, “care to elaborate?”
“you’ve never once questioned satoru’s borderline inappropriate behavior?” shoko asks you earnestly. you ponder for a moment, trying to recall any moments in the two years you’ve known the snow-haired boy.
“satoru is satoru…” you mumble, shaking your head in denial. 
utahime’s eyes bug comically. she slams her can of beer harshly on the ground. you wince at the loud noise of the metallic can hitting the floor.
“you’re kidding. even i can see through that jerk!” utahime’s black pigtails sway wildly. 
“[name], how about what happened in shinjuku last week on our day off?” shoko quietly reminds you of last weekend when the two of you along with satoru and suguru decided to empty your pockets in one of tokyo’s largest entertainment wards. 
utahime’s head whips back and forth from her best friend to you, “eh? what happened?!”
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from behind the dressing room curtain, you voiced your concerns, “shoko, i don't think we can afford designer clothes on our student budget.” the cream-colored silk dress you wore clung to your body, its price tag undoubtedly surpassing a year's worth of your student earnings.
“don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” shoko’s voice carried a knowing smile. “just come out and show me the dress!” you think satoru’s carefree attitude is rubbing off on her.
with a nervous sigh, you emerged from the dressing room. the dress fit like a glove, accentuating your body in just the right places.
bright flashes from shoko's phone startled you, and she chuckled deviously while rapidly typing. she tossed her phone onto a luxurious cushion, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of exposure.
“you look so sexy. even better than the model.” she gives you two thumbs up, eyes roaming your figure. you feel flushed at her praise.
“as flattered as i am, there’s no way i can afford this,” you look down at the dress, lips downturned. “i’d be in debt for life.”
“no need to worry,” shoko winked, leaving you confused. given that her income was similar to yours, it didn't make sense for her to be able to even dream of shopping designer.
a soft thud interrupted your conversation. you turn around to see a blue lollipop rolling on the expensive carpeting of the store.
“suguru, are my eyes deceiving me or is that an angel?”  satoru's mouth is wide open as he shamelessly checks you out. he takes one of his hands and places it over his heart, gripping the fabric of his white shirt. the windbreaker he is wearing rustles at his dramatic movement.
“i think… i’m experiencing a heart attack! shoko help!” he kneels in the middle of the store dramatically. shoko shares an unamused look with suguru. the pair nod before simultaneously kicking satoru.
during all of the commotion, you stand awkwardly in the million yen dress. 
“satoru, are you okay?” you watch him take the two blows from your friends, concern evident in your voice. he grunts softly before gently taking ahold of your hand.
“no,” he croaks with a playful glint in his eye. “i’m wounded and there’s only one way to fix it.”
you look at him, your gaze heavy with concern.
“i’m afraid you’ll have to kiss me for the pain to go away.” he added, blinking at you expectantly with his blue eyes.
 you lightly shove him away from you. “you’re an idiot.” satoru laughs loudly.
“that’s what love does to a man.”
“yeah, yeah. i’m going to change out of this dress, don’t get into any more trouble while i’m gone.” 
 satoru’s grip on your hand strengthens, halting your actions.
“how much?”
“excuse me?”
“the dress. how much for it?” he stands up to his full height, reminding you of the obvious height difference between the two of you. 
you're at loss for words. gojo was crazy, but definitely not crazy enough to spend a million yen on a silly dress.
shoko happily chimes into the conversation. “one million yen. it’ll be two million yen with the rest of my purchases though!” 
suguru’s calm demeanor is replaced with shock. the black haired male’s jaw drops, “two million– satoru, you’re seriously not thinking about–”
“hah? who said i’m paying for your stuff?” gojo makes an ugly face at shoko.
she raises her hands innocently, “it’s not my fault the dresses come in a set. if you want to see your beloved [name] in that dress you’ll have to pay for mine as well.”
you watch shoko and satoru engage into a silent argument. the tension in the fitting room section is so thick, you think it’ll take a special grade weapon to slice through it.
trying to alleviate the mood you tell gojo, “satoru, you really don’t have to–”
“i’m buying you that dress.” 
half an hour later, satoru happily strolls out of the store with an arm around your shoulder like he’d just won the lottery.
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perhaps gojo is just naturally flirty, you had tried to reason to shoko and utahime.
it’s been a week since the eye-opening conversation with the two and you’ve found yourself on cleaning duty with said snow-haired boy. it was a miracle that satoru even showed up. he had a tendency to skip his turns, often resulting in a long lecture from yaga.
as the two of you worked silently in the empty classroom, you couldn't help but admire the setting sun. its golden rays painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, casting a warm glow over everything. unknowingly, while you gazed at the sky, gojo's gaze was firmly fixed on you.
breaking the silence, he asked, "have you ever thought about getting married?"
his question caught you off guard, causing you to momentarily pause from wiping the windows.
“not really,” you replied, biting your lip gently. “unless my family decides to arrange a marriage. you know how unforgiving the world of jujutsu sorcery is.”
gojo's grip on the broom tightened, his eyes locking onto yours with a newfound intensity.
"we should get married y'know," he blurted out.
the piece of cloth you were using slipped from your hand in shock. surely, he couldn't mean what he was saying. after all, the two of you were only second years.
“i’m saying i think i’m in love with you.”
silence engulfs the room once more before a soft giggle escapes your lips.
satoru can only watch, entranced.
“that’s good to hear! i love you too– and suguru and shoko! perhaps the four of us should all just get married.” you chuckle into your hand.
satoru can't help but stare at your hand in envy. perhaps if he were the palm of your hand, he’d be able to feel the touch of your lips.
but he couldn’t. he was cursed as a man with an overpowered innate technique, and despite it all he couldn’t even gain the one thing he desired. gojo satoru watched you, eyes filled with a mixture of longing and defeat.
his devastation does not go unnoticed by you.
you were under the impression that he was grumpy because yaga had forced him into cleaning with you.
"cheer up, satoru! if we finish early enough," you continue, your tone highspirited, "we can go to the new crepe shop that opened last week. my treat!" you winked, and that immediately caught his attention.
“like a date?” his eyes sparkled with hope.
you shrug, a smile on your face. “i suppose if you look at it from a certain perspective…”
“great, it’s a date!” 
good things come to those who wait, satoru thinks, humming happily as he starts to sweep the room at an inhumane pace.
maybe in ten years time the two of you will be happily married with eight kids, he smiles to himself.
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elodieunderglass · 3 months
hi! i was just wondering if you’re getting a piece of this pie. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/voidrealmminis/rise-of-the-eldertubbies?ref=profile_saved_projects_live
Oh my goodness! Haha thanks for showing me! And no, of course, this guy is still selling my dream while claiming it’s totally nothing to do with me. I hadn’t heard about it so thank you.
For those just joining us, here is the saga of the elder teletubbies:
1. in 2017 I posted a dream I had on Tumblr. In the dream I discovered that the childish teletubbies shown on BBC’s Teletubbies are merely the children of a species that grows up to be forest cryptids as adults. The post contained a detailed character description explaining how the children’s simple antennae become more complex antlers; their coats become thicker hair; their eldritch screens are unknowable; here, look:
The adult Teletubbies have more branching, complex antlers and shaggy coats. They are less brightly coloured. They are terrifyingly large. Their strangely human faces, emerging from the thick fur, are unquestionably adult; remote, serene, reproachful. Their television screens are glitchy, esoteric and unknowable. They are cryptids whose public exploitation has undermined their rarity and their strange, alien dignity.
That’s a pretty clear description.
2. The post quickly gained attention and many people drew art, made sculptures, designed in-depth character concepts, and even made DnD character sheets and entries with detailed notes. It was 2017. The post got over 90k notes. It had an extremely clear description of the cryptid in it. This wasn’t at all obscure.
3. The post and four pieces of the concept art, including the first piece by were screencapped and posted on r/tumblr. The post included this art by the now-deactivated @finoliatav which is, I think, the first piece of art. Most screencaps don’t show that it’s animated! Once you see it you can no longer pretend that any more work needs to be done in designing these characters, really - they’re all variations on a very clear theme.
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4. A guy called Jars started drawing the BBC Teletubbies as adult Teletubbies. He noted on Reddit that his inspiration for the first one was the r/tumblr post but after that, he considered it entirely his own creative work. He drew each of the 4 BBC Teletubbies as adults using my character description and wrote a little story about how his character had stumbled upon them in the woods. He’s a good artist and his work went viral on Reddit and instagram. Those places being separate from Tumblr by the walls of the enclosure, they quickly believed the Jars was being highly original and praised him for it.
5. jars got carried away by his fame and started merchandising for all he’s worth. He’s selling elder teletubbies placemats. He got a collaborator to help him make and sell plushies.
6. Plushies of my character design applied to BBC characters. Jars sells them. To people. Who buy them. He sells these.
7. I think this is like… his job.
8. It has been years of this. I don’t think he has actually come up with anything else to sell by himself. But given that he now has millions upon millions of views on platforms I don’t use, let alone dominate (Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok) he seems to have fully subscribed to the idea that this is his THING.
9. After a while I wrote him a friendly email expressing that since my original dream was very much about discomfort with how the teletubbies were being exploited, I didn’t mind him selling his own art but that I wasn’t happy with him selling plushes based on my writing.
10. He wrote back along the lines of it all being his original intellectual property and absolutely nothing to do with me, etc, so jog on and don’t interfere.
11. I’m not entirely sure where the original intellectual property is when taking BBC characters and drawing them according to someone else’s detailed description of how to “evolve” them (branching antlers, shaggy coats, eldritch screens, serene adult human faces) especially having drawn them after seeing four separate detailed reference photos to base your own drawings on; especially when they’re the existing BBC characters from the show and not even your own. Like, Jars, you were given an entire detailed brief, several sets of references, an entire concept and a television show: the only artistic choices made here were to pick up your own personal pen and do the drawing. You have never deviated from my description, which you did not come up with yourself in any way. But okay Jars. You did some real intellectual heavy lifting here, this is Intellectual Property suddenly, and I guess this is your day job!
12. I myself actually have a day job, am capable of generating lots of other original material just for funsies, have never asked you guys for money, and I’m not generally huge jerk I don’t think. Also, I’m uncomfortable but have never been clear on how to stop him - I don’t think I can. So I don’t do much about this, apart from occasionally scream with hilarity with you guys about it.
13. Like this is the opposite of Goncharov. This is a guy making his wage on a 2017 tumblr collaborative shitpost insisting that this is the beautiful fruit of his only brain. And millions of people believe him.
14. There are now YouTube documentaries with millions of views and TikTok lore about Jars, and his lore, the Elder Teletubbies, which apparently he invented. People are making their wage talking about the history of Jars and his teletubbies lore. These documentaries are, if you can’t tell, not especially well-researched, as it is not difficult to find the original elder teletubbies art on the internet, which is all timestamped. Occasionally hilarious people from Tumblr point this out in the comments (thank you, you guys are hilarious) but the juggernaut is unstoppable!
15. Jars is now, apparently, doing a kickstarter to raise money for some kind of DnD sheets using the grown up BBC teletubbies.
16. I will point out that tumblr made and played with DnD teletubbies in 2017 for free and nobody had to pay $3000, but again. The juggernaut is unstoppable.
I have never, ever known what to do about this guy.
I have always been open to advice but genuinely never been able to articulate how it “damages” me, apart from ethical discomfort about how much I hate my writing being monetised by other people, especially when it was about my discomfort with exploitation. The juggernaut is unstoppable though. He fully intends to get thousands of dollars from this. He almost certainly will!
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sleepyjuice · 2 months
Request, after fratboy!jj writes your name on his dick (with sharpie ofc like a dumbass) you help him get it off but the stimulation makes him cum
EEEEKKKKKDJ his dumbass!!!!
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“Why the fuck did you use sharpie?!”
“You know, I didn’t think that part through.”
You rolled your eyes for what was probably the twentieth time in the past ten minutes as you walked back into JJ’s bedroom from the slightly disgusting frat house bathroom carrying a warm, wet washcloth with soap.
“You gotta admit, it’s hot though, right?” He grinned at you as he sat on the foot of his bed, clad only in a t-shirt and his boxers.
“Yes,” you sighed, kneeling down by JJ’s feet as you gestured for him to pull off his boxers. “But the fact that you used permanent marker is not. I don’t even think it’s gonna come all the way off.”
He obliged, pulling his boxers off and revealing his soft dick, your name big and bold along his shaft. This was such a JJ thing to do and you could tell his intentions were to make you feel special in his own JJ type of way.
“Well, just do what ya can,” he looked down at you with an endearing smile. “Totally worth it though, got you on your knees for me.” He half joked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes once again, swatting his bare thigh as you grabbed his cock, feeling it immediately begin to stiffen, growing harder by the second.
You couldn’t help but blush. Regardless of the situation, the fact that you just had to get on your knees and lightly touch your boyfriend’s dick to get him hard made you feel all warm inside.
With a fake annoyed hum, you began gently rubbing the washcloth along JJ’s cock, careful to not be too rough and hurt him but using enough pressure to hopefully make some progress on removing the ink.
JJ’s stomach tightened immediately as you worked away on his dick, swallowing thickly as he attempted to keep his composure, even though at this point, he was fully hard.
“Well, I guess it is easier with you being hard…” you mumbled, staying focused on the task at hand. You really did not want to have sex with JJ while there was sharpie on his dick, so the sooner you got it off, the better.
“Mhm.” Was all he said in response, his fists clenching the sheets at his sides, his breathing becoming a bit heavier the more you rubbed his cock.
The warmth and the wetness of the washcloth was a nice enough feeling on its own, but the sight of you on your knees beneath him, brows furrowed in concentration and seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was getting off on this was bringing him close to nutting all over your hands.
And that’s exactly what happened.
“I think it’s starting to— oh!” You gasped as JJ let out a loud and shaky moan, his eyes widening as he met your shocked expression, taking you by complete surprise as he came in thick spurts all over your hands as well as the washcloth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he panted, reaching down to cup your face. “I didn’t think— yeah… felt so good, baby, ‘m sorry.” He apologized, squeezing your cheeks lightly in his large hands, his own face slightly flushed, eyes glossy as he finished coming down from his unexpected orgasm.
You were quiet for a moment before you giggled loudly, shaking your head at your boyfriend as you wiped your hands clean with the apparent magic washcloth.
It was hard to ignore the blood that rushed to your center, thighs clenching absentmindedly as you fully realized everything that had happened. You just accidentally made him cum.
“I know, I know,”
“Hey. That was hot, you’re fine, it’s okay.” You giggled again, but spoke firmly to assure him. You knew he was embarrassed and nervous he had upset you, but you weren’t upset in the slightest.
“Oh yeah?” He smirked lazily at you, his demeanor shifting once he realized you weren’t upset, rather the opposite.
“Yeah, but don’t get all cocky, you just nutted from me cleaning your dick.” You challenged, slowly standing up.
“Valid point.” he reached for your waist, pulling you onto the bed and laying you onto your back. He lowered himself onto his stomach, quickly reaching for the hem of your soft shorts and sliding them down your legs.
He positioned himself between your legs, his face inches away from your pussy as he spread your thighs, the only barrier being your quickly dampening panties.
“Let me say thank you for doing such a good job then.”
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punkitt-is-here · 3 months
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Had to write a three-page screenplay script for a "Discovery" for class. Didn't have any further instructions. It's super off-the-cuff, but I wanted to share it. Happy pride <3
A college student sits at his desk, sketching. It's a one room apartment, and his roommate is sound asleep. He's sketching in the light of a single lamp, being quiet. The student, GABE (male, 19) is drawing a cartoon version of himself. He's studying outfits from a fashion catalogue, drawing himself in different ones. He bites the tip of his pencil, not feeling the piece he's working on. He rolls his chair back, reeling away from the desk. Gabe puts his hands in his hair, leaning back and looking at the ceiling. He lets out a long exhale. It's late.
After a moment, he rolls back to the desk. Tapping the pencil to his head, he flips through the pages. It's an unremarkable task, stopping on a random page. Oh, the women's fashion section. It has simple, practical outfits for girls, including a jean skirt. Gabe peers at it. Fuck it, it's late. He erases the pants of one of his drawings and pencils in a skirt instead.
He pauses.
He stares at it.
Something here is weird.
He goes to erase it, but once he does, he just draws it in again. This time with more care. More detail. He stares at it again.
Tears well up in his eyes.
…what the fuck?
Gabe, confused, touches his hand to his eye. He looks at the tear on his finger. Huh? He stares at the drawing again. He looks back at his roommate, sound asleep. He's having some sort of moment, but he has to be quiet. He frantically looks back at his sketchbook.
A beat.
Gabe starts drawing himself again. In the women's fashion this time. It's like a whole different world. He's drawing like crazy. It's all flowing out of him. He draws another.
And another. Slowly, details start to adjust in his art.
Longer hair. Longer eyelashes. Daintier poses. More smiles.
He's got tears running down his face, but he's not wearing any emotion. He's not sure what to think.
An indeterminate amount of time later. Gabe stares at his notebook. It's full. It's lots of drawings of him.
As…well, he guesses as a girl. But he's not one. He flips through the book again, then turns towards the dark window his desk resides next to. He looks at himself. Patchy facial hair and a shaggy haircut.
Gabe rushes down the hallway, looking frantic. He's carrying a bag.
It's quiet inside the bathroom. No one else occupies the space. It's just him and his reflection. His reflection? Maybe their reflection. Her reflection? No, that's not right. Is it right? Gabe stares at himself intently. The whirring of a trimmer cuts through the silence. He brings it up to his facial hair, shearing away a week's worth of fuzz.
He looks at himself like it's not him in the mirror. He holds a hand up to his face, feeling it.
It's not enough. Not yet. He has to know.
He gets out his phone and starts typing.
He frantically types, misspelling. He backspaces like his life depends on it.
He quickly scans an article and then gets to work, pulling some miscellaneous bathroom supplies out of his bag. Shaving cream. A razor. Gifts for cleaning up at college. He wets his face. Applies the shaving cream. Does careful strokes down his cheeks and neck. Slowly, someone reveals themselves.
They lean down, splashing themselves with water. They look up, and it's a different person. She's completely shaved her facial hair off. Gabe hasn't seen herself like this since she was in freshman year of high school, before facial hair was even an option. She reaches up and touches her face, smooth to the touch. She stares, enamored. A moment. She grabs a towel and dries her face off, and then looks again. She's so…different. But that's her! That's Gabe! Is it Gabe? She doesn't know anymore. A close up to her eyes. Her nose. Her lips. Her neck. It's all so new. She starts laughing. She laughs, and tears well up in her eyes a little. She laughs some more. In moments, she's full on crying tears of joy. She doesn't know why. But she is! That's her!
Gabe is at a clothing rack, searching for something. She looks around, a little embarrassed. She browses for a moment before finding what she wants. She passes by some more racks carefully, trying not to be too obvious. She slips into the changing room, then locks the door.
Gabe unbuckles her belt. In a moment, she's wearing black leggings. She hikes them up, then unclips a gaudy skirt from the clothes-hanger. She stares at it, a little scared of it and what it represents. She bites her lip. She stretches it out and then steps in. She looks up at the mirror.
Oh shit, that's her! That's her!
Gabe is wearing a long, patterned skirt and a tee-shirt. The colors don't match at all, and the patterns don't either.
She looks a bit like a yard sale of a person. But it's her!
She spins around, watching the fabric flow out from her hips in a whirlwind of stripes and insignia. She laughs again.
This is her! This is her!
This is her!
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natsaffection · 2 months
Request if ur taking them: hella smutty enemies to lovers w nat and female reader… like dom nat is interrogating/torturing r w sex like not letting us come etc unless we give over the information
Interrogation. | N.R
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Warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI! Sex Machine, Sex as „Torture“, begging, restraints, edging, Clit play, multiple orgasm, overstimulation
Word Count: 2,7k
A/N: Uhm..MAYBE I got carried away..
The battle had been fierce, and the aftermath was a testament to the clash between the Avengers and you. Debris and rubble covered the once pristine SHIELD facility. The air was thick with dust and the smell of burnt metal. Amidst the chaos, you lay on the ground, breathing heavily, your eyes full of defiance and a hint of amusement.
Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, stood over you, her face a mask of determination. She knelt down and pinned your arms behind your back with practiced ease. You struggled, but Natasha’s grip was ironclad.
“It’s over.” Natasha said, her voice deep and firm. You smirked mockingly, your eyes meeting Natasha’s. “You seem pretty confident, Agent Romanoff.”
Natasha ignored the provocation and reached for the handcuffs on her belt. “I’ve had enough of your games. It’s time to put an end to this.”
As Natasha secured a cuff around your wrist, you laughed breathlessly. “Oh, careful, these are kind of my thing,” you said with a mischievous grin. Without hesitation, Natasha tightened her grip, “Come on! You don’t have to be so rough. We could have some fun instead.”
But she pressed your check into the dirt, her knee firmly in your back to prevent any movement. “Keep talking, and you’ll find out how rough I can be.“ Natasha hissed, her tone dripping with menace. “The fun is over. You’ve been causing trouble for too long.”
You writhed and twisted, trying to break free, but Natasha’s hold was unyielding. “You’re no fun..” you muttered, your voice muffled by the ground.
Natasha tightened the cuffs on your wrists. “And if you weren’t so insistent on being a villain, you might actually be worth my time.”
You tried to sit up, looking around as if searching for an escape route or an opportunity. “Don’t even think about it,” Natasha warned, increasing the pressure with her knee. You groaned but stopped struggling, though your eyes still roamed.
SHIELD agents were still securing the area, their movements quick and efficient. Natasha had to wait for the all-clear signal before she could take you to the waiting vehicle. The minutes dragged on, filled with the distant sounds of agents clearing debris and securing the area.
“You really won’t let up, will you?” you said, your tone a mix of frustration and reluctant admiration. “No.” Natasha replied curtly. You sighed dramatically but didn’t resist further. “You know, I was serious about the restraints.. Maybe one day you’ll take me up on that offer.”
Natasha didn’t respond, her eyes scanning the surroundings until she received a nod from a nearby agent. She finally relaxed, pulling you to your feet with a swift motion. Her grip remained firm as she led you to the waiting vehicle.
“Let’s go,” Natasha ordered, pushing you forward. You stumbled slightly but caught yourself, your defiant gaze never wavering.
As you reached the vehicle, Natasha secured you inside before taking a seat herself. The doors closed with a heavy thud, sealing your fate. As the vehicle drove away, you couldn’t help but admire the vie, not of the receding landscape, but of the relentless agent who had finally captured you.
The ride in the vehicle was silent, your attempts at conversation met only with Natasha’s stony silence. Upon arrival at the SHIELD headquarters, you were escorted through a series of sterile corridors, your wrists still firmly bound. Eventually, you were deposited in an interrogation room, the door closing with a resounding click behind you.
Natasha stood outside the room, watching you through the one-way window. Director Fury approached, his expression as inscrutable as ever.
“Anyone getting her to talk?” Fury asked. Natasha shook her head. “Not yet. But I have an idea.” Fury raised an eyebrow. “Do tell.”
“I want to try a different approach,” Natasha said, her eyes never leaving you. “Something that requires a bit more… hands-on work.”
Fury’s gaze followed hers, a knowing look crossing his face. “You think you can break her?” Natasha’s lips curled into a slight smile. “I know I can.”
Fury considered for a moment, then nodded. “Alright. Do what you have to. Just make sure we get the information we need.”
Natasha gave a curt nod and turned to a couple of nearby agents. “Bring her to Room B.”
The agents obeyed, entering the room to escort you to the new location. You, always quick to notice a change, looked curiously between the agents and Natasha. “Tired of the room already?”
Natasha didn’t respond, her expression remaining impassive as she followed the agents and you down another corridor. They stopped before a reinforced door, which opened to reveal a stark, dimly lit room. In the center of the room, chains hung from the ceiling.
Your eyes widened slightly as you saw the setup, a slow grin spreading across your face. “Oh, Natasha, you really know how to treat a girl.”
Natasha stepped forward, her gaze steady. “Keep talking and you will see where it takes you.“ You laughed, the sound echoing off the bare walls. “You almost had me fooled. I mean, you’ve got chains hanging from the ceiling. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to spoil me.”
The agents finished their task and stepped back. Now you hung from your wrists, your feet barely touching the ground. Natasha approached you, her expression cold and calculating.
“You like to talk,” Natasha said, her voice low and menacing. “But now you’re going to listen.” Your smile faded slightly as you saw the determination in Natasha’s eyes. “Are you going to torture me for information?”
Natasha leaned close to your ear, her breath warm against your skin. “Kind of.”
Natasha knew exactly how to handle this situation. She had done her homework and knew your psychological profile. Natasha’s plan was unorthodox, but she knew it would be effective.
With a swift motion, Natasha signaled to a control panel on the wall. A mechanical hum filled the room as a device descended from the ceiling, its purpose unmistakable. Your eyes widened in surprise and something else..anticipation.
“You know, if you didn’t insist on being a villain, you might actually enjoy this,” Natasha said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Your defiance wavered, replaced by a mix of excitement and apprehension. “You wouldn’t…”
Natasha’s grin returned. “Oh, but I would. You see, Y/n, everyone has a breaking point. And I’m going to find yours.”
The device was now perfectly positioned, and Natasha activated it. The gentle vibrations began, and your body tensed in the restraints. You tried to hide your reactions, but Natasha could see right through you.
“Let’s see how long you can maintain that attitude,” Natasha said, her voice a silky purr. “Tell me what I need to know.”
You bit your lip, trying to maintain your composure. “Do you really think this will work? That I’ll just spill everything because of a little… pleasure?”
Natasha’s eyes darkened. “I think you’ll be surprised at how persuasive it can be.” The intensity of the device increased, and your breathing grew heavier. You tried to turn away, but the restraints held you firmly in place. Natasha watched you closely, knowing that your resolve would eventually crumble.
Minutes passed, and the room was filled with the sounds of your labored breaths and stifled moans. Natasha remained silent, her eyes never leaving your face. She knew exactly when your resistance began to waver.
“Ready to talk?” Natasha asked, her voice gentle but commanding. Your eyes met Natasha’s, filled with a mix of defiance and desperation. “I- I won’t… give in…”
Natasha leaned closer, her lips brushing your ear. “We’ll see about that.” The vibrations continued, pushing you closer to the edge. Natasha could see how close you were, your body trembling with the effort to hold back. Just as you were on the verge, Natasha deactivated the device, leaving you gasping for breath. FUCK, you thought. You glared at Natasha, your eyes burning with a mix of anger and desire. “You’re playing dirty.”
Natasha’s expression remained impassive. “All you have to do is talk, and this can be over.” You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts. “I’m not telling you anything.”
Natasha grinned. “Then we continue.”
She reactivated the device, and the cycle began anew. Natasha watched intently, noting every reaction, every tremble. She knew the female body well, knew how to read the signs of an approaching climax. Every time you got close, Natasha would stop, leaving you teetering on the edge.
“You’re… a real piece of work,” you panted, your body glistening with sweat. “Thank you,” Natasha replied coolly. “Now, tell me what I need to know.”
Your resolve weakened, your body betraying you. You wanted to resist, to keep your secrets, but Natasha’s relentless game wore you down. “Alright..” you gasped, desperation in your voice. “I’ll talk!“
Natasha is stepping closer to you. “Start talking.” You took a shaky breath, your body still trembling. “I… I was hired by HYDRA… to infiltrate SHIELD. They wanted… information on your operations… your weaknesses..“ Natasha nodded, her expression unreadable. “Who hired you? Names, Y/n.”
“Dr. Zola!” you admitted barely audibly. “He… he was the one who contacted me..“ Natasha’s eyes narrowed. “Where can we find him?”
You hesitated, and Natasha reached for the control panel again. „No, wait! I’ll tell you! He’s… he’s in a hidden facility… in the Alps. I can give you the coordinates!”
Natasha nodded, satisfied. “Good.”
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of triumph. You had managed to deceive Natasha and keep your secrets. But your victory was short-lived.
“Did you enjoy your break?” Natasha asked, her voice deceptively calm. Your smugness wavered. “What do you mean?”
Natasha walked towards you slowly, each step calculated. “Do you think I'm stupid? That I would let you off that easily?”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
Natasha grinned, a predatory look in her eyes. “Oh, this is going to be fun for me.” Natasha stepped closer to you, her voice now a seductive whisper. “You see, Y/n, I know exactly how your mind works. Now, you’re going to learn the true meaning of torture.”
The vibrations began again, this time more intense and relentless. Your body reacted immediately, and Natasha watched with a knowing smile.
“I see you’re already close,” Natasha said, her voice dripping with mocking sympathy. “But this time, I won’t stop. I’m going to push you past every limit you have.”
You gasped, your body tensing as the device did its work. Natasha leaned in, her breath hot against your ear. “Tell me, Y/n. How does it feel to be outsmarted?”
Your breaths came in ragged bursts, your body on the brink. “When I get out of here-” Natasha’s smile widened. “Answers.Now.”
Your resolve shattered as you realized the futility of resistance. You spilled everything, your words a desperate rush. “Fuck! The facility is in the Carpathians, not the Alps. Zola… H-He is there, with a team! They’re developing a new Bio weapon!”
Natasha nodded, her eyes never leaving your face. “Good girl. See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” However, she didn’t stop. Instead, she increased the intensity. Your eyes widened in shock. “I told the truth!”
Natasha’s expression was cold and unyielding. “This is for lying earlier. You need to learn that there are consequences.”
Your body convulsed as you were pushed past your limit, your pleas turning into incoherent screams. Natasha watched impassively, making sure you learned your lesson.
She placed her hand on your body, her fingers stroking and teasing expertly, amplifying the overstimulation. Her touch was precise, knowing exactly how to drive you over the edge repeatedly.
“Do you feel that, Y/n?” Natasha whispered seductively. “I can do this all night. You won’t find any relief until I’m satisfied.”
Your eyes begged for mercy, but Natasha’s resolve was ironclad. „God, this Face is so cute..“ She continued her relentless torture, pushing you to multiple, agonizingly intense orgasms. Each time you thought you couldn’t take any more, Natasha found a new way to amplify the pleasure, keeping you on the brink of madness.
“You belong to me now,” Natasha said, her voice a velvety purr. “Every time you lie to me, this is what you’ll get.”
Your body shook uncontrollably, your mind barely holding on. Natasha’s hand moved to your clit, her fingers circling with expert precision. The overstimulation was unbearable, driving you over the edge again and again.
“Please… no more…” you pleaded, your voice barely a whisper. Natasha’s smile was one of cold satisfaction. “Remember this feeling, Y/n. This is what happens when you cross me.”
Natasha leaned in one last time, her voice a deadly whisper. “Next time, think twice before you try to deceive me.”
“S-Should I apologize!? Is that what you want to h-hear?” you cried, your voice breaking. “I’m sorry, there y-you have it! Now turn it o-” You gasped, your words cut off by a shattering climax that coursed through you.
Natasha’s smile was triumphant, but she didn’t stop the machine. Instead, she leaned closer, her breath hot against your skin. “You’re so sweet.”
Your body writhed, your mind a haze of pleasure and pain. “N-Natasha!” you gasped, your voice barely a whisper. “Please…”
Natasha stepped closer, her hands now working in tandem with the machine. Her fingers found your clit again. Your eyes widened, a fresh wave of pleasure crashing over you. “No… no, please… I can’t take it…!“ you begged, your voice a hoarse whisper.
“Oh, yes, you can,” Natasha replied, her voice dripping with dark amusement. “And you will.” Natasha knew you weren’t in any real pain, just overwhelmed by pleasure. She knew your body so well, every sensitive spot mapped in her mind. She could sense your inner conflict, your head shaking in defiance while your body responded with undeniable arousal. Deep down, you agreed, unable to deny the raw pleasure coursing through your veins.
Your body arched, your mind a whirl of sensations. Natasha’s fingers and the relentless machine worked in harmony, driving you to heights of pleasure you hadn’t thought possible. Every touch, was designed to break you, to make you completely surrender.
“Say it again.” Natasha whispered, her breath hot against your ear. Your voice was a broken sob. “I’m sorry… Please… Please…” you repeated, your body trembling violently.
“Good girl,” Natasha cooed, her fingers never pausing. “But I want more. I want you to scream for me.” And you did. Your body writhed, every nerve on fire. You were sure you would die from the sheer intensity of the pleasure, your mind shattered, your will completely broken. Natasha’s hands were everywhere, her touch both torment and balm.
Her fingers moved with expert precision, finding the perfect spot that made you jerk violently in your restraints. “Ah, there it is,” Natasha purred, holding your hips steady as she intensified the stimulation. “I knew you had it in you.”
Your eyes rolled back, your body arching helplessly against the relentless pleasure. “FUCK… PLEASE… I’m begging you…!!”
“Beg all you want,” Natasha whispered, her voice deep and sensual. “I love hearing you beg. Where’s your attitude now, hm?” Natasha taunted, her fingers never slowing. “You were so defiant before. What happened?”
“I…I..” your voice was a breathless sob, your body trembling with the intensity of your orgasm.
Natasha’s fingers continued their merciless assault, finding every sensitive spot and exploiting it ruthlessly. Your body arched, your mind breaking under the sheer intensity of the pleasure. You were sure you would die from it, your will completely shattered under Natasha’s expert touch.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Natasha slowed the machine and her fingers, giving you a moment to catch your breath. She leaned close, her lips brushing your ear. “You did good,” she murmured. “But remember, there’s always more to tell, more to give.”
Your breaths came in ragged gasps, your body sagging in the restraints. In that moment, you knew you were utterly and completely at Natasha’s mercy. And there was nothing you could do about it.
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sillygoosealert · 2 months
The Morning After (Before)
Days After Initiating Sexual-intercourse (whY)
angst, comfort in being alone, upset (angry) Sukuna, you leave, BEFORE you leave it's a toxic relationship, AFAB reader, woopsie Daisy- i killed off the reader (i got carried away ::( )
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To explain your feelings to anyone but yourself brings tears to your already puffy eyes. Since that night, there are so many things you've noticed that you could talk about endlessly.
For starters, his boldness has increased plenty- as he is now more than comfortable with having multiple concubines clinging onto him while he slouches in his throne. When asked to describe him just a month or two ago, you would've gone on and on about how he was a gentle giant with you- a lie, but you would've sugar-coated anything when it came to him.
Right now, all you could even think about when it came to him was how good it would feel for all those women to look at him with disgust at his actions instead of devotion and whatever made-up fantasy they had made up in their heads. That's how you look at him anyway.
You despise keeping up with your cleaning and even dread entering his chamber with him. Furthermore, you do not act like you are interested in him. Eyes once filled with adornment and even some curiosity are now loaded with resentment and a trace of disinterest. He sees it, everyone else sees it, and you feel it. But it doesn't make you feel better knowing he knows- it just makes the pit of dread in your stomach grow.
You know you want him to care, but you can't help but feel he puts up a show of all the women at his disposal when you're in the vicinity- stretching his upper arms out and putting each one around a mistress while one or two sit on his spread-out lap. All you can think when you look at him is how much of an arrogant whore he truly is.
When he calls someone to bring you to his chambers, he always makes sure to feel up whoever is bringing you before shooing them out. His shoulders broaden as he motions you to come up on the bed. He looks bigger than he did a moment ago, and you can't help but feel he's doing it on purpose.
It's been weeks since you watched him choose 5 minutes of feeling good over you sleeping well at night. Was it worth it? You don't know. But the way he tries to passionately kiss you while his lower half eats you out makes you think he's trying to act like it didn't mean anything.
Regardless, you can't help but notice that the same woman is always seated on his lap whenever you catch a glance of him basking in all the attention he can.
The light slap to your thigh makes you look at him directly in the eyes for a second, before looking off to the side. That makes him huff, sitting upwards. Silence speaks volumes for both of you, as you are refusing to talk about your feelings because you think you know how it'll go; and he doesn't want to admit he's hurt by your rejection. So you both don't say anything.
This happens whenever he tries to initiate something intimate. You shut down. It often ends with stillness enfolding the room and an awkwardness surrounding you.
After a few minutes of waiting you leave without a word, and he lets you. While you go on to cry into your pillow and go on another night without comfort, while he gets a few concubines to praise him and fill the growing void with arrogance.
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The more you clean and the less you eat and sleep, the feeling of wanting to die increases. Passing out when you get just a chance to lie down is now a common occurrence for you, as well as taking your time standing up.
Maybe you're depressed because you thought he would indulge in your selfishness and let you be the only woman to touch him so intimately. It's also possible that all the chemicals and labor are finally taking their toll on you and your body, meaning your time is shortening just as much as the other maids.
But the day doesn't start with you preparing to dust and sweep; it starts in Ryomen's Room.
You aren't upset anymore. You know that it contributes nothing and won't change anything. Instead of crying into your pillow or blaming yourself for his actions, you just go on. The world kept spinning after that night. Your heart kept beating- for now. The thought of him having sex like it wasn't once you under him isn't frustrating anymore. Not knowing what you want is, but you can handle that. You won't be his woman- you won't even be his man; you won't be anything to him if you can have a say in it.
He sits you in a chair facing his bed, clearing his throat as if he's going to speak- but he doesn't. Raising your eyebrow, you once again are met with speechlessness.
"What?" On cue, he acts offended, as if he isn't relieved you chose to speak up.
"Don't speak to me like that, Concubine."
"I'm more of a maid now than anything, my lord." He hums when you say that.
"You could be more than that- you could be much more. If you weren't so thoughtless." Thoughtless isn't a word you would use. Maybe more impassive- or a less self-absorbed characterization.
"What makes you say that?" An obnoxious sigh comes out of him.
"Jealousy fills you to the point you can't enjoy being one of my favorite concubines," He pauses
"It must be…oppugning to see me with so many women who aren't you," His posture straightens.
"But understand, the only difference between you and them is how you act."
"What's wrong with you? You don't understand why I feel this way at all, do you?" A sneer is plastered across his face now.
"Redirect your hostility towards yourself. Your jealousy is your concern, Not mine."
"I'm not talking to you. Lecture your other mistresses-" A hand pivots your head to face him.
"Keep speaking to me like you are not leagues below me. I won't hesitate to discard you."
"I'm sure you won't." He motions for you to go away as another concubine waits at the door. They give you a curious look before heading in. It's just her, no one else. That used to be you.
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Later that night, after the last meal of the day, you're mopping the dining hall floors. You're pouring more cleaner into the water. You are alone.
That realization floods awful thoughts into your mind as the morning replays in your mind. And without thinking, you unscrew the cap again and bring it to your lips.
While taking a large sip from it, liquid spilling from your mouth and onto the floor, the taste of soap and something else fills your senses.
You start to gag and dry heave as it goes down your throat. Swallowing your vomit, you run off to your room after putting your things away.
There isn't anything after you close your eyes, not anymore for you, at least.
You fall asleep thinking about the night in question. It loads you with a peaceful feeling.
There's nothing you can do now. No more choosing to stay silent when all you want to do is crawl into your side of his bed and cry. You don't even have to choose to let go of your feelings of envy and insecurity.
You wonder what he'll do with your body the morning after somebody finds your decomposing body.
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Tag list: @kbirdieee2540 @apollogeticx @night-brain
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ellestinyposts · 9 months
Hello:))) been reading ur newt hcs and absolutely adored them YOU WRITE HIM SO SWEET. But i was wondering if you would do newt cuddling hcs with a f!reader please? (I haven’t requested for you before so if this isn't the type of thing you do just delete this lol)
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hello anon!! i'm happy you like those!! i think that newt is the type of person that treats their s/o gentle !! i hope you like this:))))
Newt who can't keep his hands to himself when you're both cuddling. Newt who would pull you into his chest with your back against him so he can kiss your neck. Newt who would put his arm around your waist just to touch you. Newt who would be crazy and rambles whenever he sees you wear his shirts to cuddle or sleep (and when you ask him why, he says "you look hot- i mean beautiful, wait i didn't mean it like your not hot, cause you are hot, i mean- your hot- wait that's not the point- but you look bloody amazing with my shirt"). Newt who can't sleep without you in his arms. Newt who would be very clingy and glued to you when both of you are alone (he's starved for your attention and affection). Newt who doesn't have a 'favourite cuddle position' but he loves it so much when you rest your head on his chest and just lay there. Newt who runs his fingers through your hair and leave a bunch of kisses all over your face whenever he gets the chance. Newt who sometimes wander his hands underneath your shirt (with consent of course) and he just trace circles all over your skin. Newt who sometimes would just lay in your arms tiredly because he’s exhaused from doing all work, helping around the glade, and having many meetings with Alby and the runners(he's a busy man). Newt who would smell a little more earthy when you guys are cuddling before shower. Newt who prefers to cuddle after shower because he thinks you'll like him more if he smells 'sweet like a candy' when you're both cuddling (he used your soap and shampoo because he said it made him "smell like sweets and vanilla" lol ). Newt who would sleep with you with hardly any space between each other. Newt who loves it when you bury your face in his neck and when you play with his hair. Newt who will always pull you back onto the bed and back into his arms if you try to leave or stop cuddling. ("Newt we have to get up! Alby will be mad at us-" "2 more minutes, please love? i'm sure Alby will be fine without me" "Newt, you said that 20 minutes ago."). Newt who doesn't mind being a big spoon or the little spoon when you're both cuddling. Newt who likes it when his arms are securely around your waist & his face in your hair when he's being the big spoon. Newt's arms will be the place you wake up every morning. Newt who would ask if he can play with your hair every time you're both cuddling (he wants to make sure you're giving him consent even tho you've reassured him that he doesn't need to ask that). Newt who would randomly compliment you when your almost asleep ("your so beautiful. like really bloody beautiful, love"). Newt who would sometimes talk in his sleeps because he gets nightmares when he's cuddling you ("please stay, please. don't go. stay with me." "i'm not going anywhere love"). Newt who would easily get sleepy when you run your hands through his hair. Newt who would fall asleep on top of you, then wakes up only to ask if you're okay, if he made you uncomfortable, and why didn’t you wake him up in his raspy sleepy voice. Newt who would have a staring contest with you and then make stupid faces so you laugh and he wins the contest (later on he tease you about it). Newt who would stay up with you and just have deep conversations as you both cuddle when you can't sleep ("why do people has to lose the person they love first, to realize they're bloody value and worth? doesn't make sense, what do you think?").
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