#got married because we adore each other and we have so much fun together
akookminsupporter · 23 hours
I know I might be sounding a bit repetitive, but I seriously can’t believe AYS is over. When it was announced and we saw it would last for weeks, it felt like such a crazy long time, but now it seems way too short. It’s just not fair! I want more!
The last episode was the perfect depiction of that final day of your holiday—one you don’t want to end for a million reasons. For Jimin and Jungkook, that last day was their last ‘Freedom Day’ (dramatic, I know!), so it makes sense that it felt a bit melancholic.
I have no doubt that Jimin and Jungkook are just like they were in AYS in their private lives. Even with cameras around, they felt more natural, more themselves. AYS didn’t feel like a show made for us; it felt like they were entertaining themselves and just decided to share it with us.
I loved the last episode because, as I’ve said non-stop these past weeks, I adore how relaxed it was. The slow pace of everything they did, the lovely domesticity—it’s honestly the main reason I love AYS so much. In this last episode, they seemed more laid-back, and Jimin appeared a bit more melancholic, which is totally understandable. I loved that they got to watch the first episode of the show and laughed as much as we did watching them have fun together.
They really tried all sorts of food on the show, and honestly, I hope they paid for it all with the agency's card, haha!
Jimin and Jungkook are incredibly similar in so many ways, yet also different—they’re uniquely the same if that makes sense. They get each other’s jokes, meme references, video clips, and songs. They understand each other's looks and unspoken words; it’s amazing to see. AYS showed us why they never get bored of each other and why they often say they spend hours talking. While others take a break or rest, they’re off playing, chatting, and laughing together. That’s why AYS didn’t feel forced or like just another job for them. It explains why they obviously enjoyed making the show and why they decided to keep filming after they wrapped in the US, even though that wasn’t the original plan. It also explains their comments about wanting to do something similar in the future—12 more seasons, according to Jungkook!
AYS didn’t confirm that they’re a couple or that they’ve been married for 40 years with 30 kids, but it definitely reaffirmed just how close Jimin and Jungkook are. It showcased how different their dynamic is compared to their relationships with other members, especially when Tae was around. If there’s one thing that should be clear after this, it’s that. The fact that they chose to enlist together should be the biggest confirmation of all, but I know for many, that’s still not enough.
AYS was perfect in every sense, from start to finish. I would’ve loved for them to talk a bit more about their decision to enlist together and even about making the show, but then again, it’s Jimin and Jungkook, and there are things they’ll never discuss. It’s frustrating, understandable, and a bit funny all at once.
I’m really going to miss waiting every Thursday for a new episode. I’m going to miss seeing all the different reactions to the same clips on my timeline. I’ll miss the comments on everything new they did and the joy of discovering another layer of Jimin and Jungkook’s relationship. But most of all, I’m going to miss Jimin and Jungkook. I reckon unless they’ve got more things planned, we won’t see them until June 2025. Sure, there are the behind-the-scenes bits and the concert DVD from Seoul, but…
The last clip we saw in the episode, the day they enlisted in the army, was a bit of a shock, and I felt it was a bit cruel of the editors to do that, haha! But at the same time, it was a realistic way to end the show because that was the conclusion of it all, right? The final destination for Jimin and Jungkook. The lovely thing is, they made that journey together, and even after that ending, they’re still together.
I can’t wait to see Jimin and Jungkook in 2025. I’m so curious to see how their dynamic changes after military service. I feel like if they were unbearable together before, they’ll be even more so after!
All I can say is thank you. Thank you, Jimin and Jungkook, for such a beautiful gift. AYS confirmed that seeing you happy makes me happy, and while that just highlights the parasocial relationship I have with you, I also know I’m in this for life.
I can’t wait for 2025!
Note: Here's my list of favourite episodes with links to the posts with each reaction and conclusion:
Second Episode
Sixth Episode
First Episode
Eighth Episode
Fourth Episode
Seventh Episode
Fifth Episode
Third Episode
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my college roommate (who i was rlly close with at the time until she dropped out to get married to The Worst Man In The World) wrote a novel about a group of people who were close in college and drifted apart and there's a couple in it based on me and my spouse
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.4
Oh, John. It's hard because I'm like “fame was not good for that man” but I'm also like “he would've gone crazy with self-loathing if he didn't have the fame.”
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John and Paul start to answer a question at the same time. John: no, go on, you can say it. They're seriously so married. 
John's schoolboy flirting is cute, but what's more noteworthy to me is a) how happy Paul is to be shoved and b) how he instantly leans back into John. It's like they're bungeed together or something. 
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John gets me. Look how much he loves Paul bringing out the forced confidence shield to protect him. He's so in love. So turned on. 
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Here's my question about the death threats. Did the other Beatles actually receive them and tell Brian about them and keep them from John? Because that would be incredibly sweet and noble of them, but also, in that case, surely John received death threats too. Meaning he just didn't care about his own life and assumed the others were being left out of it because they hadn't actually said they were bigger than Jesus. Or did they have people filtering all their mail by that point? And Brian had been keeping the death threats from all of them? Because that could be interpreted as both protective and selfish of him. Does anyone know?
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Again. I just love how Paul goes to bat for John over and over during this tour. Batting his eyes and playing with his hair and shouting down any and all criticism of John speaking his mind.
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This moment is so telling to me. An interviewer who was up front at several concerts points out the looks and smiles between John and Paul which you can only see from the front and asks, “is it really that much fun every time?” The easy answer is, “Yeah. We like what we do. It's fun!” But Paul gets cagey. “Oh well the thing is you know with things like that it's probably…” and he makes up a bullshit story about messing up on a song they haven't performed in a year. Why do that if you don't have something to hide? (Even if you're subconsciously hiding) That right there is a tip-off for me that they're not normal about each other. 
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Interviewer: are you guys breaking up? John, immediately and emphatically: No. Paul: "Depends what you mean by breaking up, you know . . . Because we can't go on forever like this, so we've got to think now and prepare for, you know, if it did happen. The time has come for us to break up, but we've realized the possibility . . . Of breaking up as a natural progression." Literally shut the fuck up right now, you're going to give John an aneurysm.
I understand. I know. I don't relate to Paul much but I do relate to his hyperactivity and his avoidant attachment. I make sure constantly that I'll be okay when all my relationships end. But you don't talk about that in front of the other person. Especially someone like John whose worst fear is being left. Come on. Think. 
See, now look what you did, Paul. Here's John's answer the next time they're asked about breaking up. 
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And yeah, the klan being the ones to “stand up against the Beatles blasphemy” really proves my point from the last post I think. It's just masked racism. 
It actually seems like Paul's more vocally political at this point in time than John is. I wonder what happened to change that? Was it just the influence of their respective wives? Was it just easier for them to play up the roles they'd been assigned for the most part?
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Okay on this round of “are you breaking up” they look at each other first before they answer and then Paul goes “all together probably.” I wonder if they talked about their previous answers together and admitted – however cautiously or however veiled – that hearing the other say they might leave hadn't been fun. Who knows, honestly.  
Paul and John often talk about making a radio show together apparently. Gosh if only they could've done that now. I'd make them my token white boy podcast. It'd be great. They'd be so lame and so adorable and they'd talk about recipes and politics and they'd gossip and rank other people's music. But anyway, what really gets me is the often bit. So they really did plan their post-beatle future together. Enough that it was a frequent topic of discussion between them. They planned to be together forever. 
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Ugh it always guts me that Paul brought a girlfriend to Paris with him to meet up with John.
Okay my tin hat is glued to my head for this but. But. Hear me out alright? So John starts filming on 09/19/66. He's there for 6 &½ weeks. Putting the end at the beginning of November, right when Paul goes in disguise and alone to Paris. Do we have tabs on John for those dates? John just talked about going around Paris in disguise. What if  they met up by themselves and in secret? What then?
 No fucking wonder John was exhausted with him. Damn. He takes a month and a half to write strawberry fields, shows it to Paul, then...
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Interviewer: the songwriting team will keep going whatever happens will it? John: yeah, we'll probably carry on writing music Forever. It's just so ‘Obviously. Might as well ask me if the sun's going to come up tomorrow.’
His friend – try dangerous drugs with and take home to daddy type “friend” – just died brutally and suddenly two days ago, and this is what he looks like and talks like and he's going in to work like it's nothing. I just. Compare that to John talking about Brian's death? Obviously two very different relationships but still… Paul's upbringing really fucked him up so hard. He thinks he's not allowed to be human. What can I say? It's a drag.
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AKA the happiest 6 months of John and Paul's lives. 
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I find it fascinating that Paul alone is asked to compose and record what would eventually become the carnival of light and that he just went ahead and included everyone in that. Really makes me wonder if he got a vibe off John that him doing the family way alone was hurtful or if they maybe even talked about it? Or maybe he just didn't like doing the family way without John.
Actually quite a lovely, forward-thinking, humble speech. Imagine being John, though. Watching that from home like “why the fuck is he philosophizing to the world without me?” Because you know John shares all those sentiments and might even have got there first. It would be infuriating.
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“A lucky man who made the grade” is an interesting way to describe Tara and I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with Tara being cool enough for Paul to associate with him. And Paul is many things but stupid is not one of them. He's going to at the very least wonder if this verse is about John laughing at his friend's death. Right? Like I know Paul's the repression CEO but seriously I don't think even he is that good. 
Maybe that Leopold and Leob quote isn't just about tearing people down verbally. Maybe Wooler genuinely got a vibe of a sense of superiority and therefore lack of empathy with Lennon/McCartney.
I mean he really does sound like he's describing sex though, doesn't he? Emotional, loving, romantic sex. Followed immediately by Paul's “I'd love to turn you on” lyrics and the “down with pants” and “sword swallower” pins. Alrighty then. 
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What I would call my Beatles bio after watching this. "They Touched Dicks: The Only Logical Conclusion."
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 4 months
Currently Watching - June
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 30.06.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
gif-requests are currently closed🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in April with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. Blue Boys Part 2 🇰🇷 (1/4)
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They are back and they made up 🥰 There is going to be a little bit drama, at least I hope just a little bit and not another break up or cheating -.- But they talked and I really liked it! And I loved that this stupid bitch got dumbed! Now I wait for the next parts.
2. Hidamari ga Kikoeru 🇯🇵 (1/12)
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And with this first scene I fell in love. I was totally absorbed! And I got my giffing joy back. I don't know what happend, but I adore these two. And I can't wait to whitness their story to be told! Because they're in balance right now. One is loud and one is silent. One is hiding and one is seeking. And both are happy to see the other one happy.
3. His Man Season 3 🇰🇷 (4/?)
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I love this format! I enjoyed the first two seasons to the max and the third one is something else too. There are so many different people with different personalities and thinkings. As always there is some kind of tension and love triangles, but there are some really wholesome moments too. I really hope people keep in mind that these people have their own feelings and not a script to act on.
4. My Love Mix-Up! 🇹🇭 (4/12)
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I see so many posts from people not liking this one and I am sitting here enjoying this story. I don't compare it to anything. i just enjoy some awkward fluff. And I think the casting is quite good. I don't have the strongest feeling for the japanese original. I really enjoyed it and it is a great series, but I think the thai one is entertaining too and the chemistry between those two is still there.
5. My Stand-In 🇹🇭 (10/12)
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I loved this scene! The way Ming caressed Joe and the way he fucked him, finally facing him. Thank you! Tong is a stupid shitface. He is such a bad fucker. I have some strong feelings here. And yes, I liked the progress of Ming's and Joe's relationship. I don't like the ending, but I liked seeing them happy together. Perhaps mostly because I want to see Joe happy. The ending was cruel and next week comes episode 11 so... yay...
6. Wandee Goodday 🇹🇭 (9/12)
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Do I like it when they kiss? Hell yeah! Do I like the back and forth with the kisses? Hell no! At this point I don't know where they are going with the story. It is quite repetitive. Yak wants a kiss, Dee plays shy. Yak smiles and kisses him on the cheek and they live happily like boyfriends, but they aren't boyfriends, even though they both like each other! At least Yak finally understood his feelings. Now please let Dee work on his problems. There are three more episodes to go. Let them be happy and work on their problems together! It gets a little bit boring...
7. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Those two flirt a lot and are a married couple. Everyone knows that. And I love and enjoy that! Overall this is such a fun watch and the different sects and intrigues are sometimes a little bit confusing, but interesting. I love this world of martial arts and I love how protective Wen Kexing is over Zhou Zishu. I haven't felt like watching this lately. I wasn't in the right mood.
Finished in June
Taxi Driver 🇰🇷
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I looooved the first episodes, when we got our weekly revenge stories. But around episode 12 there was so much going on with the police and the illegal organ-trafficing-ring and it got kind of boring. And yes, Kim Do-gi is some kind of super human. He can take punch after punch and still beat 30 men in a row. That is a little bit unrealistic, but it was fun watching him. I don't know if I'll watch season 2. Perhaps I start and watch the first episodes with joy before some big shit happens and it gets boring again... But overall still a 7,5 out of 10 for me.
25 Ju, Akasaka de 🇯🇵
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They finally talked! Thank god! They finally spoke to each other! And now they are happy and Japan delivered, I must say. The misunderstanding trope was well done, but a little bit drawn out in the end. But I really liked this not so slow burning slow burn. The story was well rounded with the background story, the characters had depth and there was Nagumo Shoma in this soooo... I liked it. A good 9 out of 10 for me.
Cityboy_Log 🇰🇷
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Volume 3 came to an end, I guess. I don't know when it will continue. I really hated this "season". It was confusing and the time jumps were disturbing and I really hated the character development. The lying and the cheating and the escalations and the make ups - they lost the characters and their growth on the way. It can be to be attracted to some one else, that is humane, but you don't have to act on it. This "season" really pissed me off. I am still mad! I won't rate it, jsut because the format is confusing for me 😂
Only Boo 🇹🇭
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This was a dancy ride with the last part missing the beat. I loved the fluff and Moo was such a delightful character and Kang is such a sweetheart. I loved these two together! And I loved that Moo had to fight a little bit to get Kang. What I didn't like was the fact, that in the end it all felt too rushed and too easy? I like that they got together again and that Moo still could fullfill his dream, but it would be nice if we could have seen him starting a little revolution and the fans rooting for him and Kang and finally changing something. But that didn't happen. But over all this one was such a sweet wholesome watch! So in the end it is a 8,5 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
Double Mints 🇯🇵
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Can I say I am a little bit disappointed? Don't get me wrong. This is a good movie, but it is always depicted as this fucked up, dark movie you should be warned to watch and named in one breath with Dangerous Dr*gs of S*x or The Shortest Distance Is Round. And yes, it is brutal and dark and their relationship is interesting but kind of messed up, but it did not meet my expectations. Nevertheless I really liked it and from all those dark movies and series I watched so far, this is one of the better ones. I really like the devotion and enjoyed watching the D/s relationship. The ending was very much fitting for this kind of movie and kind of romantic. Yes, this sounds fucked up, but I guess both of them were very much on the edge and this is the only solution for them to be together forever and become one again. They found each other and that is all they needed. Guess I liked this movie more than I first thought. So for me it gets a good 8,5 out of 10.
Dropped in June
Looking forward to in June
My Love Mix-Up - Trailer (June 7th)
Love Sea - Trailer (June 9th)
Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (June 14th in cinemas)
SunsetxVibes - Pilot (June 15th)
His Man Season 3 (June 21st)
I Hear the Sunspot (June 26th)
The Rebound - Trailer (June 26th)
The Trainee - Trailer (June 30th)
Blue Boys Part 2 - Trailer (June 18th)
Born to be Y - Teaser (allegedly in June)
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companionjones · 1 year
But He's Married (1/4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Fandoms: Marvel, MCU
Summary: You meet a guy at a party.
Warnings: *Spoilers* Abusive relationship
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It was 11pm at a house-warming get-together that your friends Nat and Wanda had thrown you. It was really sweet of them, but honestly, you couldn't wait until everyone was gone and you had your new place to yourself again. You wanted to go to sleep.
"Hey, are you alright?" A man came through the crowd to where you were sitting alone on the couch.
You smiled. "Huh? Yeah. I'm okay. Just a little tired," you admitted.
He nodded. "I know how you feel. Me too. Is it okay if I sit?"
Not minding at all, you gestured to the spot next to you.
The man took a seat. "Yeah. This party's fun and everything, but I'm just more of a home body, I guess."
"Me too!" you related. "But I'm feeling a little less at home now with all these people here."
A look of surprise took over the man's face. "You're Y/n! This party is for you!"
"It is!" You laughed a little at his realization.
He then cringed, "Aw, I'm sorry you're not having fun at your own party. That sucks."
"It's not that bad," you lessened, "I'm very thankful that I have the friends that threw me this party. I'm just--"
"Exhausted," the man finished with you. He continued, "I got that." I had a long day at work today. I didn't really feel like going out."
You nodded. "Where do you work?"
"Stark Security," he answered without a second thought. "You?" He took a sip from his drink.
"The book store over on 3rd and South? I don't know if you know it--"
He almost choked on his beer. "I love going there! Have they got Kelly Pike's new book yet? How have I not seen you there?"
You started to laugh at his enthusiasm. It was adorable. "Well, to answer your first question, I believe her book came in earlier today. And the reason why you haven't seen me there is because I started yesterday. I just moved here. Hence the house-warming party?" You gestured around you.
The man grew sheepish. "Right. I guess I should've put that together..."
You smiled, "No, it's alright. So, what do you do at--"
There were so many emotions that crossed his face when he heard what was apparently his name. Guilt, annoyance, even anger. You wondered what could've sparked all that when you turned your head to a very pissed off woman marching through the crowd.
James stood up. You did the same after a second of confusion.
"Shannon!" he greeted with a forced-happy tone. "You found me!"
"What do you mean 'found you'? Were you hiding from me?"
"No, that's not what I was sayi--"
"Who are you?" Shannon turned toward you venomously.
"Y/n L/n," you returned immediately, not trying to anger her further. You offered your hand for her to shake, but you brought it back down to your side when all she did was glare at it. "How do you two know each other?"
James looked as if he was going to say something but Shannon beat him to it. "I'm James' wife."
"Wife." You didn't know why you repeated that. You glanced at James, but he just offered you an apologetic look before Shannon pulled him away from you. She was muttering something about 'going home because this place is trashy'.
The rest of the party filed out pretty soon after that. You tried not to think that it was because of the small scene Shannon had caused.
One of the last guests to leave was a man named Steve. Apparently, he was close friends with James.
"Yeah. Bucky and I go way back," he told you.
"Bucky?" you wondered aloud.
Steve explained the nickname was from James' middle name: Buchanan.
"I saw you met Shannon too," the blond pointed out. "Word of advice: Don't pay much attention to her. Her bark is far worse than her bite." With that, Steve bid goodbye to you, Wanda, and Nat, and left for the night.
"You two don't have to stay to help clean up. It's pretty late." You offered to your two best friends when they started picking up trash.
Natasha clicked her tongue. "Don't start with that. We basically forced you to throw this party. We're staying."
"Of course we're staying," continued Wanda. "When else would we talk to you about McSteamy you were chatting up in the corner!"
Nat started chuckling.
The comment threw you through a loop. You felt your cheeks heat up. "We weren't in the corner..."
Wanda gasped, "So you admit you were chatting him up!"
"Well, I was..." you started.
Natasha's chuckles turned into full-out laughing.
"...But then I found he's married," you completed hastily.
Shaking her head, Wanda sypathized, "Poor, poor girl..."
Nat finished for her, "What have you gotten yourself into?"
Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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invisiblegarters · 28 days
(Absolutely not) Micro BL and GL Reviews
I spent the last couple of weeks being ill in bed with very little energy. Not great, but also it meant that my limited ability to get up and move around much gave me endless time to catch up on a bunch of shows that I'd let fall by the wayside (or never even started in the first place), and now I have thoughts to share!
Joy? Joy! Welcome to yet another set of my talks about shows that is supposed to be small but never actually is.
Wandee Goodday: This wound up being way sweeter than I expected from the promo material, but I'm not complaining. I genuinely love shows where most of the people are just trying to get alone while being decent, and that was certainly the vibe here. I was happy with the sex positivity and the introduction of Kao being ace, although I will admit that I felt like it was a little too "let me educate you" about that bit at certain points. That said, it's a topic that maybe needs that kind of thing in this context? I also really really loved that Dr. Dee and Yak got it together and spent a bunch of episodes just being adorable and dealing with struggles that had nothing to do with their relationship. It's so refreshing to see adults being in an adult relationship and actually acting like it. There were several times when the show could have just manufactured drama for drama's sake and chose not to and I really respect and love that. It was also fun to see Title appear in a role that wasn't to cause problems. And Char and Yei were fucking adorable my god. 8/10
We Are: Way better than I expected, if I'm honest. It got a little draggy for me at the end, but Pond and Phuwin always give solid chemistry and I finally got to see what everyone likes so much about Winny and Satang paired together. I never watched MSP and I never will because it's just a little too young for me, but Toey and Q were fucking cute so I get it now, guys. I especially adored Toey - Satang plays endearing brat very well. I also really liked Tan and Fang - their teasing dynamic worked for me. Also Boom is so pretty my goodness. I do think that it was trying to juggle too many couples but as I already said it dragged a little for me at the end so I think they could have done it with better pacing. It seems to me that New has a thing for dramas driven by internal conflicts, and that was We Are all over. The plot advanced as the characters did, which I can understand might be frustrating but I find that if I'm in the right mood I eat it right up. Especially ones like this, with mostly sweet people just living their lives and trying to do right by themselves and each other. Cute, earnest, a really good friend group. It probably won't be something that I revisit much or that sticks in my mind for a long time, but I had a good time. Giving it a 7/10, mostly for the pacing stuff I already mentioned. It kinda lost me towards the end.
My Marvelous Dream is You: idolfactory's second GL and I think I wanted to like it more than I wound up liking it. The chemistry was good and I love the cast (even if I think my girl Silvy was way underutilized), but the plot was a little...not great. I'm still not entirely sure what it was going for, or why the shared dreams were important. I really liked Ae (Kim's mom). And Wan was my favorite. Girl was messy and brash but my kind of messy and brash if I'm honest, and I cheered aloud when she went off on Mawin's family. They were awful. Awful, too, was Mawin in the end. I get being hurt but I always get a little (a lot) irritated when people mess with someone's livelihood out of pettiness, so him fucking with Kim's business because she broke up with him (and yes, in a really shitty way but also lbr here he knew she wasn't into him in some ways he did that to himself) was never gonna do anything but piss me off. It does amuse me that Heng has now played 2 dudes in idolfactory GLs who very nearly marry one of our heroines when she really really doesn't want him and he's very aware, though. I find myself wondering if he's gonna go for the third in The Loyal Pin (I hope he does). 7/10
Love Sea: I loved this one. I knew I would. The premise had me from moment one, lol. And frankly, Fort and Peat deliver on chemistry so it was kind of a no brainer for me. I knew that Trongrak was gonna wind up being really messy the second love came into the picture, and I was absolutely right. I love how he was perfectly fine with Mahasamut holding him and defending him against his shitty dad and following him around and getting all jealous when he implies he's going out to fuck other people (and whether or not he'd have done it is up for debate - I think he would have forced himself to try and failed miserably because that's my favorite lol) and take care of his niece like family, etc...but the second the word "love" actually makes its way out of the dude's mouth he can't handle it. My only quibbles were Prin - why was she so awful for no reason, MAME? The dad - he was not an effective villain to me. I wish that he'd been a little more menacing but I guess it works that he just let Tongrak think that he'd done a lot of things that he hadn't, and I do like that he was basically squeezing money out of both Tongrak and his mom just by showing up on occasion and assuming that they wouldn't talk to each other (which they weren't, both trying too hard to protect their family from his sliminess). I also like that it was finding that out that made both of them snap out of it. And last but not least - what the FUCK, MAME. How dare you give me that lesbian side couple and make it SO COMPELLING and actually get me invested than then not actually offer a resolution because oops, we're on episode 10 now and it's time for the love issue between Tongrak and Mahasamut to rear its head? How very very DARE you. Genuinely this made me the angriest and dropped my personal enjoyment a lot. I haven't seen the special yet so maybe that gets addressed (it SHOULD I was INVESTED), but while I would probably have given it a 9 (I really liked it a lot okay) I am dropping it to a 8/10 for that. Tempted to drop it to a 7 because I am petty.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: Another one I really liked! The chemistry between Sailub and Pon is absolutely scorching and while I have noticed that actors are getting a lot better about it in general, I always take notice when they are so entirely comfortable with not just the steamier scenes but the emotionally intimate ones as well. I love when I am watching a show and I can believe that the characters want each other and like each other, and not like a part of them isn't flinching at the very idea of it (unless that's the character, but just go with me when I say that there's just a very specific vibe you get when one (or both) of the actors isn't comfortable and I think it actually happens more with the sweet, couply stuff than it does the steamy stuff. But I digress). Chemistry like that can help me forgive quite a bit.
I liked how obnoxious Wan was in the beginning - I did not expect that and it was annoying but also kind of delightful. He grew on me despite my initial annoyance. Oab was a little different - he annoyed me right out of the gate by not calling Kao Suay and telling her about her dad. I get the respect thing, I do, but also what if he died and she was abroad, none the wiser? How would everyone have felt then? Keeping it from her was NUTS, and I don't even care that Kluer called her and told her for nefarious reasons. Someone had to. Oab's wishy washiness with her when she came back annoyed me too - a personal failing of mine has always been that I don't have time for that kind of waffling. I just wanted him to make a choice and stick with it (and was doubly annoyed as it became clearer and clearer what his choice was and he still couldn't just say it). Thank goodness he had Nubnueng there to gently prod him into finally doing the thing.
I wish Kluer's turn to villainy had been more evil, but I guess that wouldn't have made sense for this show, since no one really was, not even Enemy No. 1 Methas. Speaking of which, I wanted to like him and JJ more than I did in the end. I did like them, but I guess I just wanted more development there than I got in the end. They were cute though JJ was hands down my favorite character. I understood Methas so much. I also really enjoyed his relationship with Wan.
One thing that I thought was utterly hilarious was Oab's pettiness. As a petty person myself I can't help but find opening a new restaurant to steal all of your ex's customers because he wouldn't just apologize for, you know, deceiving you for most of your relationship and initially planning to sell your restaurant to the one man in the world you emphatically never wanted to own it absolutely hilarious. No notes Oab you keep rocking on. 8/10
Currently Watching
The Loyal Pin: Everything in this show is so damn pretty it's hard for me to think about much else. Especially Freen, and it seems like all the show wants to do is remind us of her beauty at every moment. Which, well. I am not complaining the woman makes my breath catch.
But this week I finally started paying a bit of attention to something more than oooh pretty, and I am genuinely wondering if this show isn't going to be all pretty dresses and gorgeous women falling in love and carving mangoes and if maybe there aren't some extremely serious things swimming in the waters.
Watching Anin wield her power this week hit me way way harder than all the ways that she'd been doing it before, and in a way that made me think a lot harder about how she'd done it before as well. I think it's because usually she sticks to manipulation to get what she wants - she's charming, she smiles, she talks people around - but last ep she dropped all pretense a couple of times, and we watched it cut more than once. Anin is a woman who knows exactly what she wants and she has the means to get it, she is spoiled and she will do whatever it takes. Other people have talked about it better, but I will say I am absolutely fascinated, and am genuinely curious to see if this is going to be addressed or if it's just the way it is. I also want to see if there's something that will butt up against Anin's frankly terrifying amount of power. Something she can't either manipulate or brute force her way through (although in the end I bet she manages to do one or the other anyway).
Also, kisses. Teach Pin more things Anin! She's a good student.
The Trainee: This show was not really on my radar at all, and I'm genuinely not sure why I decided to pick it up. Maybe because I was finishing up another GMMTV show and it was next in the youtube queue?
Whatever the reason, I'm so glad I did because I fucking LOVE this show. it's my favorite thing airing right now and that I never would have expected or believed.
It really is so good though. I think for me it's that it feels realistic - maybe in a way that can be uncomfortable for some but I love it. No one here is perfect, it's not just the mentors constantly schooling the kids because even though they are older, they are still growing too, and still have things to learn. Especially when it comes to Jane, who is my favorite character in the show I think and is hands down the best Off character I have personally seen. I am so iffy with Off normally that my adoration for Jane is confusing me, but he's so good. He's an adult and he handles most of his problems like an adult (which frankly I think is sometimes missing from these shows), but still has moments where he fumbles because he's still human. And I like that when he does fumble, he apologizes. I'm also really in to the whole deal that happens in the workplace where people think he's a certain way and judge him for it, but he's really just...dedicated. Strict, yes, but not entirely uncompromising. I dunno he's just a great character.
I also really like how this feels like an ensemble show with the romance not at the forefront. I don't always want that but this is so well done that I'm happy for it. I like that we have gotten to showcase each intern, their struggles and their achievements and just...growing up and learning to handle that scary point in life where you're really starting to enter the adult sphere, with all it's responsibilities, but still not ones that are entirely on your shoulders. If you do things the more traditional way, that is - I know a lot of us were in that world well before college. Still, it does resonate with me.
I am also enjoying the insight we're getting into the background of production. Such as how much work and effort goes into even the smallest change in filming even something that seems as simple and straightforward as an ad. Imagine how hard it would be to reshoot scenes from something like a TV show, especially considering the stuff like location, OT, cast and crew...I had already guessed a lot of it, but it's always nice to be proven correct. I like being right, what can I say? And the Ryan's awkwardly trying to draw people out without directly asking them how they are After Work Corner is very charming. I like that it gives insight into the business but also Ryan, who I do sometimes feel is the weakest of the interns. Which is insane because he's played by Gun Atthaphan, but there you go. I did like that he was brave enough to ask Jane about his feelings last ep, and I'm looking forward to seeing him more in his element (or at least what he's used to) next ep.
I really hope this show continues to impress.
1000 Stars - This is a rewatch for me as I roped a friend into watching for the first time. I warm up to this one more each time I watch it. The first time I was annoyed with Phupha's everything but I feel like I get him more and more as I go on. I also love a show that has heart (heh, this show has heart ror sure (and this is why we can't take me anywhere)) and this has a ton of it. It also amuses me whenever Phupha and Tian start doing their intense staring thing and there are other people around. I bet they're all just like "welp there they go again we've lost them, best go about our business" and leave them to it.
I also always forget Khaotung is in this one. Every time I watch I'm like "oh yeah" when he shows up. It's so funny to me.
Looking Forward To:
Peaceful Property (28 Aug) - Is it BL? Is it bromance? Who knows. Do I care? I...don't think so. Whatever the romance situation it looks like a ton of fun, and I am excited to see Tay back in glasses and to see this cast, especially doing comedy.
Kidnap (06 Sep) - This one also looks like fun. I love Ohm, Leng looks like he's doing a good job matching him, they seem to have good chemistry from the trailer. And pettily I'd watch this anyway because some of the shenanigans of certain fans have made me that annoyed. Good for me that it looks like something I'll like regardless, I guess.
Pluto (???) - GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME. It has been 84 years I am DYING here. If it doesn't get released this year I might actually cry, but I am hoping that it will.
There are others I am looking forward to (honorable mentions if you will): My Golden Blood, The Heart Killers, ReVamp (still a stupid title), Friendshit Forever, Hide & Sis, Us - but all of these are either not filming yet or so early into their schedule that I'm not letting myself get too excited for them. And for The Heart Killers especially I don't want this to be an Only Friends situation where I got really hyped and then was inevitably kind of disappointed (at first - I shook it off and came back around eventually lol). I just wanna go in there and have a good time - I'm excited to see that entire cast do a romcom, I think it'll be fun, and that's about all I want to expect out of it. I'll get excited when we get an air date.
Also thinking of picking up 4Minutes since it's on Gaga now, apparently. And maybe trying to find My Stand In since it's over and I can inhale those deliciously toxic fumes all in one (or two) sitting(s). And maybe, just maybe, poke around for BL and GLs outside Thailand, lol. I feel like it's been all Thailand all year for me when I used to watch JBLs and KBLs too.
Any recs?
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hihi! if you're still doing reqs can you make a oneshot or hcs with gabriel and a selectively mute reader? like she doesn't say much but she nods, smiles and lets out small hums or sounds to 'speak' but after one particular prank gabe sets on sam and dean (or a joke he makes) she laughs softly and he thinks its absolutely adorable? and on top of that she says thank you in a meek yet cute voice? thank you!
YEYEYEA💖💖Hope you like it!
Gentle Feathers
He wasn’t thinking of trying to make you laugh, but he was glad he did.
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You were a quiet one, choosing to speak very little. But it's not like you were a deaf/mute combo because you did vocalize things in your own way. You would hum, nod, and smile to acknowledge any questions or comments that were directed your way.
However, that didn't sit well with Gabriel.
We all know that he was full of fun and games, a loudmouth for lack of a better word. The two of you were polar opposites, yet he wanted to see you smile and laugh due to him. Laughter was a bit of a stretch, but the archangel was nothing if not determined. And still, these differences between you two didn't stop you guys from being friends.
Gabriel was gentle with you, even though he was a goofball. But he achieved the impossible one day.
The three of you got back from a case, one that didn't go very well. It was a simple ghost, but things kept going wrong from interrogating witnesses to an embarrassing fake name that Dean gave Sam, to them yelling at each other over different ways to handle the situation. And your quietness didn't help. Gabriel stayed at the bunker because, frankly, he was more of a pain than helpful when it came to this job.
And the archangel was sitting kicked up in a chair, making paper airplanes and using his angel powers to make them fly across the room, when you guys came, Sam and Dean bickering like an old married couple. A paper airplane was directed at the boys, causing them to both snap their angered stares towards Gabriel.
"Boys, boys, please...you're both dicks...what happened?" Gabriel, sounding like an exasperated father, approached the three of you. Immediately the Winchesters, mostly Dean, began to talk over each other with what happened, Dean cussing here and there.
"It was embarrassing." Sam stressed and you nodded.
"Oh please, after what you said to that girl? Made me have second-hand embarrassment and want to never return to that town again." Dean said, throwing accusation on Sam., who got a bit flustered.
"Guys...there's one simple question you need to ask yourselves when a situation like this happens again?" Gabirel said, hands on his hips. You moved to sit at the table he recently stood up from, and the boys just looked at him.
"What would Jesus do?" Gabriel said to the boys. Sam's eyebrows cinched together, and Dean gave him a weird look. The archangel smirked.
"Fake your death and disappear for three days." He said before laughing at his own sense of humor when it came to their situation. The boys gave him weird and confused looks, which eventually caused him to stop his laughter.
But your soft angelic laughter caught everyone off guard.
Gabriel couldn't stop the blush that rose to his face. Your laughter was so soft and gentle. Truly a magnificent sound to be in the presence of. Like the brushing of feathers against his heart, it touched him in a way that he's never experienced before.
"Adorable..." He whispered more to himself than to anyone else. However, you heard his words and blushed yourself, even more so knowing that he heard you.
"Thank you...I needed to hear that." You said in a meek yet cute voice, causing Gabriel to feel a bit shy. He didn't know if you were talking about the joke or his compliment, but either way it made him feel good.
"Uh...of course, cupcake. I'm here for you." Gabriel tried to go back to being suave, smiling all the way, but everyone could catch the nervous hitch in his voice. You smiled at his words, and the two of you stared at each other.
"This is weird." Dean deadpanned as he watched Gabriel sit beside you, smiling the whole time.
"I think it's sweet. I mean, Y/N doesn't say much of anything to us. To see that she spoke to Gabriel..." Sam tried to explain, but Dean was just giving him a look. More of your meek giggling could be heard, and they saw that Gabriel was whispering something to you. Red faces on both of you.
"I need a beer." Dean said, waving this off. Sam soon followed him, leaving you guys be.
"I can't stop myself. You have such a cute laugh." Gabriel said, placing his head in the palm of his hand as he rested against the table, smiling and staring at you.
Meanwhile, you just hid your red smiling face in your hands, much to his amusement.
Gabriel has found a new purpose, and that was to make you laugh. It lightened his spirit and gave him a newfound nervousness while also a slight feeling of giddiness. Seeing you laugh made all the shit he's been through worthwhile. It was something he didn't know he needed.
Your laugh, the feeling of gentle feathers brushing against his ears, was the most angelic thing he's ever encountered.
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some midge/susie thoughts (and a few other things!) on the final episode:
that scene in the restaurant was just gorgeous, god damn. susie explaining her past with hedy, so poignant and beautifully acted (DAMN, we are losing one of the great tv performances with alex borstein as susie!) and even though it was just one monologue it painted such a rich picture that it told you all you needed to know.
and midge being like “i know exactly what she saw in you” and then saying she thinks susie will fall in love again and susie asking her “were you ever a blonde”??? like, the underlying vibe of susie being like “i’m in love with you and it’s dumb and i’m dumb and it will never go anywhere and i’m resigned to that, i’ve always been resigned to that, i can’t believe i fell for another impossible rich girl” but midge being like “uh actually maybe it’s not so dumb because i completely adore you and you’re my #1 life partner and the only one who truly understands this fire of ambition that drives me at my core* because you feel that way too” felt so tantalizingly just around the corner. it felt just like how i always imagined romantic feelings between them would bloom if they ever did, so it was surreal and dreamy to feel like i was watching a tiny bit of that unfold onscreen before my eyes.
(* i mean, lenny also understands it, but he was like her handsome man comic fairy godmother more than ever destined to be an everyday presence in her life.)
and midge saying in her standup that she doesn’t think she’s gonna have a permanent life partner-y relationship with a man anymore? and then she doesn’t? HELLOOOOOOO!
that shot of susie putting her hand to her heart and her and midge gazing at each other after midge’s standup ............ gorgeous!! gorgeous!!!!!
them as old ladies calling each other to watch jeopardy on vhs together and press play at the exact same time! midge being all fancy and susie being a bird hippie! midge sending susie a bird! susie naming the bird “whore”! making each other laugh so, so much, calling back to midge wanting to marry someone who makes her laugh!!!!! bro, i can’t believe i just watched midge and susie do grace and frankie romance.
45 YEARS TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just felt very “if i want to make this romantic then i can because it’s all there” and i’m so pleased and pleasantly surprised. i think they really (deliberately?) leaned into the subtext in these last episodes to very wonderful and rich effect.
also, this episode was just so, so charming and fun! i was surprised that we didn’t get more flashforwards with all the other characters, but actually i like the idea of just having those moments as sort of snapshots of future life rather than definitively told stories. and all the supporting characters really got moments to shine and it was delightful and warm. (and imogene was there! in her black beret! imogene!)
also, moishe and shirley in the shower, lololololololol!!! that was incredible. i wish that would happen to all my otps who need some epiphany time.
and abe and rose trying to summon the cab was a beautifully choreographed exercise in silliness that really just felt so ASP in the best way.
joel was very, very sweet in this episode. good on you, joel!
i am sad that we didn’t get to see midge & susie’s makeup scene from the 90s!!! but also: how fun to imagine in fanfic. in my fanfic they kiss and no one can stop me.
no other show will ever play this much barbra streisand in the soundtrack and that makes me sad. :’( every single time i heard her wonderful voice bless a montage on this show my heart soared.
i loved this season and I LOVE THIS SHOW! what a great show to have five seasons of to rewatch forever, knowing that midge and susie will be together for the rest of their lives (w/ one tragic five year blip) living complicatedly & soulmates-ily ever after! beautiful work, palladinos! thank you and goodnight!
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dremiruu · 4 months
alright i was planning to put out a big celebratory nublar six fanart for chaos theory day but since its 10 and I'm only done with darius I'm putting a pin in that and instead posting the notes i took at the time while watching the show!!
I'm going to come out with more sane-sounding analyses and all when i calm down so stick around for that -> for this i was just writing down whatever was in my head while watching but it's still fun!! (italicized the best fragments)
episode 1: - oh my fucking god bens a redditor. my sweet boy what have u done to him - darius calling brooklynn just to hear her voice made me tear up :(( - oh my GOD i missed benrius so so much
episode 2: - HE TURNED HIS VAN INTO A HUGE DORK POUCH AWWW LOVE THIS LITTLE (BIG) GUY - "guess we could've looked that up but… well…" BEN. - WHAT THE FUCK WHATTHEFUCK BEN AND BROOKLYNN WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME - SHES SO CUTE…… - im crying,,,, - brookes an investigative journalist awww that fits her so well - them bonding over dark jurrassic i CANNOT - ben being obsessive and dealing with constant anxiety ahhh - darius just called ben 'benjamin' i am in shambles - ohhhwwhbgb theyre fighting over trust and brooklynn and ughghhh my babies - awww bonding over candy i MISSED THEM SO MUCH
episode 3: - SAMMY LIVING ON HER FARM AHH - she doesnt talk to her parents anymore??? girl we all KNOW you care, you loved them SO MUCH?? she sacrificed so much for them what the hell happened - BUMPER CARRRRR SHES HEERREEEEEE - AWWW HER AND BENS REUNION!!!!!!! - ben defending bumpy. also i dont like carlos - SAMMY GIRLIE I LOVE U SO MUCH PLEASE GO SEE A THERAPIST. AVOIDING UR PROBLEMS BY KEEPING URSELF BUSY ISN'T HEALTHY. PLEASE - WHATTHEFUCK WHATTHEFUCK HER SEEING BROOKE I AM IN SHAMBLES - SAMMY GUTTIEREZ. STOP. - THE TEARS IN HER EYES - OH MY GOD IM SOBBING WHAT THE FUCK - "And what, Darius? Stop and think about Brooklynn dying, or my family not speaking to me, or Yaz pulling away from me? No. I… I can't stop. I won't." JESUS FUCGIN CHRSIT WHY - ^ im gonna have to post a whole analysis on this scene because wgat the fuck man - seeing them back in their 'hiding from the dinos' selves fbiudsjkbgfskd - Sammy with Brookes jacket awhghh - ^ also i STILL believe Brooklynns alive I DONT CARE WGAT ANYBODY SAYS PKAEASE - ^^ HHDFUSIGIF - alr this is the 2nd scene involving cars and jumping i have to start counting - ok ths is building up GOOD
episode 4: - ben being emo and sighing so somebody would notice him BROO - THEYRE SO CUTE?? benrius married for the double income shenanigans - YEAH BUMPYS A BOSS SHELL BE FINE - BGFDHUJKH THEYRE ADORABLE - i didn't know i needed benrius conspiring together until we got it - BEN HAS A GIRLFRIEND. !!!! - DARIUSES FLASHBACK SJIT?? - these children. (theyre older than me now i think) - oh my fucking god theyre all so traumatised - DARIUS AND KENJI ARENT ON SPEAKING TERMS. THE HELL. - KENJIIIII HEIII!!! - HES IGNORING HIM. WHAT THE FUVKING HWELL - hes an eat-love-climb kinda guyy - WHYRE THEY FIGHTINGG - oh hes BLAMING DARIUS for brooklynn? KENJI KON WHAT THE FUCK - she went to see daniel?????? why. - SAM CALLING YASMINA ALL THE TIME I - KENJ AND DARIUS WITH TRUST - sammy ranting about yaz doing things she doesn't like i- PLEASE communicate. i beg u creator gods make them actually TALK to each other - "I think we should split up." "gasp you and yaz?!" "what?! noo! us! the three of us!!! …why, did she say somethin'?" OH MY GODSHBKJG HOW BAD IS THEIR SITUATION IM SCARED - sammy just tickled the keys off him - THEY LEFT DARIUS TO DEAL WITH IT. - okay them having the emotional conversation ON THE CLIFFSIDE. ok. - KENJI BROKE UP W HER?? alright were getting dinostar then right - ^ christ man i am too good at guessing these things - DARIUS NOT KNOWING HOW CLIMBING ROPES WORK LMAO - okay B&Kenji were cute im gonna miss them - but Brooklynn ignoring him,,, JUSTIFIES IT. I GET IT KENJ OK - POOR KENJI??? WTF??????????? - OH GODFFDHGFBV AND BEFORE HER DEATH TOO WHY - OKAY i get that i should pay more attention to the dinostar crumbs and all but all i feel rn is sympathy for kenji. hes been done wrong ENTIRELY in this scenario and just. man. - HTEY GOT BUMPY
episode 6: - SHITTTT YAZ'S HEREEE - ohhhh fuck shes dealing with A LOT - DARLING U OK??? - THE FLASHBACKS ARE TERRIFYING - shes so pretty!!!! - BROOKLYNN BITCH WHTWS FD - THEYRE SOOOOO CUTEEEEE - I LOVE HOW YAZS MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES HAVE BEEN AND STILL ARE PORTRAYED - I'm SO glad to see her dealing with everything and slowly getting over some of her trauma - ooh ok YAZ AND SAMMY - THEYRE SO HSGDIUF - okay so the solution to the problem is. TALK. its just. TALK TO EACH OTHER. - AWHH OK SHES NOT READY I SUPPOSEE - SHIT sam bb i get protecting the ones u love. but u shouldnt hide things from ur gf just so she doesnt feel bad. especially things so huge. - AND YAZ. babygirl. you shouldn't avoid your gf if shes doing something ure uncomfortable with. you shouldn't ignore her and make her feel bad abt it. YASAMY. THIS IS AN INTERVENSION. TALK TO EACH OTHER. ACTUALLY. PLEASE - ^ this is me showing how much im loving this storyline. VERY annoyed. love angst in fav ships. GOTTA HAVE SOME SPICE ONCE IN A WHILE I GET IT - ^^ but if they break up im killing myself - sammY PLEASEEFH DONT ASSUME JUST TALK. PTSD/MENTAL HEALTH IN GENERAL ISNT THAT SIMPLE - theyre both doing wrong things AND I JUST AGHHH -ALTHOUGHH when they finally DO communicate itll be SOO satysfying - EEEE HERE THEY AREEEEEEE - awkward. a little. BUT SWEET - OK NO I CHANGED MY MIND THEYRE SOOOO CUTEEEE - and ben and yazs friendship AGHGHHHG - therapy island. awh okayy!! - YAZS SO PASSIONATE I LOVE IT - 'ohohohhh… let me show u!… benny boy' - this is GOOD. it IS impressive!! - SAMMY STOP IT - YES YASMINA TALK ABOUT IT - I AM LOVING THIS OH MY GOD - JESUS CHRIST BEN - NAH WHAT THE FUCK - WHY. BENJAMIN. - yasammyyyyyy i love u to hell and back WHY R U LIKE THIS - ben&yaz bonding!!!! - YEAHHH SHES HAPPY FOR UUUU - THE BESTIESSSS - OH MY GOD THE FUCKING DINOSAURS ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING - ohhh this isnt good!!! - OHHKAY THE GUYS DEAD WHAT THE FUCK - jumping car scene count: 3 - 'big bens got moves' SHE SAID THE LINE - i feel like DPW is gonna play a bigger role in this - ^AND IM RIGHT. - WGAT THE FUCNK
episode 7: - OHKAY WHATS GOING ON - theyre up buttt….. what the hell r they gonna do. they either drown or get eaten by a dino. - YASAMMMYYYYY I MISSED U SO MUCH - AND THEYRE SPEAKING AND SHJOWING AND HFUDSI - okay KENJIS HABING A PANIC ATTACK I AM - quick break to say the mental health representation and how its done in this show is one of the best examples on how to portray mentally unwell characters I've seen lately - WTF DOES THIS GUY HAVE TO DO WITH THIS - bens soggy van is what ure complaining about rn guttierez??? - OK THE SCENE OF BS DEATH I CANT IM SOBBING - them both reaching for the phone ok. - THEYRE ALIVE, - YASAMMYS BACK OFFICIALLY PEOPLE I AM SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP - ben respectfully i love u but that van wouldve died of old age in a matter of a week - SHE HAD A PLACE - he finally got to throw them phones away - I AM SCREAMING OVER THESE YASAMMY MOMENTS IM AHGFSFJSV - 'oh i am so gonna hunt them from beyond the grave' yasmina fadoula will u marry me - oh right they dont have their phones so theyre not gonna be able to find each other - ok so if im picking up what theyre putting down correctly brooklynn was investigating illegall DPW dinosaur dropoffs?? - cant tell if kenjis coming to terms with it or being jealous - WHAT THE FUCK OK SHE EITHER GOT REALLY INTO THAT INVESTIGATING OR SHES ACTUALLY WENT CRAZY - ok this kenji sequence questioning scene was amazing
episode 8: - wgat the aHELL wr they doin - ok darius and kenji awkwardly connecting. good - ^and darius being protective around kenj over brooklynns phone since he left so many voicemails that he doesnt want him to hear? jesus christ man - OKAY my favourite little trio in a truck with a dinosaur chat do we think theyll survive this - tbh the amount of times in these kids lives where the probablity of survival was scary low is. er. sad - ^ not only for them cause of trauma and stuff but for the random bg characters - dude dies after seeing a dino ONCE but six random kids? yeah theyll survive DOZENS without help - quickly ill just say we need a name for the lesbians and their emotional support muscle wall. their dynamic is superb - the kenji and brooklynn video I LOVE THEM - BABYTALK - . POOKIE BEAR. KENJI WENJI. - shit fuckballs they're fighting again - darius. just. talk? - YES THIS IS GOOD TOO THIS IS GOOD - that CAN be a coping mechanism i GUESSS - what. who r u - DPW BOSS? - YEAH I THOUGHT THEYD FALL FOR THAT AGAIN THANK GOD - YOU WERE IN WHAT WITH WHO NOW - ^WHAT THHFSDN - ^^I WAS EXPECTING THIS HIGHKEY BUT STILL - ^^^ its good that he told kenji about this - ^^^^ and its GREAT that kenji's understanding - is this THE video??? - SHE IS WHAT NOW - maybe this is how they get to take these dinos away?? by pretending the dinos are dead in the face of the law?? - 'ooh heyyy!. boo.' I LOVE U GUYS - it IS the video. - OK BUT A LITTLE BIT LONGER - if i was in dariuses place i would NEVER recover - KENJI RESPECTFULLY DON;T - ^DONT BLAME HIM???? - please dont let this be the scary lady - YEAH KENJ ATLEAST URE RESPECTFUL - whats going on with bumpy. - YASAMMMY I WANNA INJECT U INTO MY VEINS - SHESAIDTHELINESHESAIDTHELINE - ^ 'wanna make a little chaos?' WHAT IF I DIE. WHAT IF I DIE YASMINA. WHAT THEN. - 'maybe. maybe not!!!!' BABIES?? - r the dinos drugged or controlled with the same method the inhumane ladys using - ^or are they tranqued out of their minds. idk. - OH SHIT? THEY SHOULDNT KILL AT THE WATERING HOLE guess it isnt really that is it - BENJAMIN NO
episode 9: - now SAMMYS anxiety's spiking - ok bens gonna not die hopefully?? - i love them stalking. the little creepers. hehe - BUMPER CARRR WHATS GOING ON - ^ is she drugged or smth :((( - ^^^maybe shes pregnant?? but idk idk i dont think so - ^^^^ fucking forshadowing - ^^^^^ i sincerely hope its more positive than im thinking - COMMUNICATION!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!! - theyre the cutest!!!! Yasammy charades level teamwork!!!!! - ok i love both the teams - kenji and darius sticking up for each other despite everything. DO THEY WANNA MAKE ME SUFFER - the kon puns im crying - KENJI HELPING DARIUS CLIMB IM SCREAMING - ok quick intermission i LOVE yazs design shes so cute - hndsgjkb JUST FIND EACH OTHER ALREADY - BENJAMIN CMON U GOTTA SAVE HER - 'Are you dying?' WHATRF ESDGUHKUFDGKJBFDXBFVGBUFIDCFGVBKJSDXBC K EFAHBUISDAGEBDBWAUISDFK - ^ NO - ^^ NO - ^^^ NOOOOOOO - WHATTTTTFDSDGJBMGDF - SHE CANT BE - ILL SOB MY EYES OUT I SWEAR TO GOD - BEN HIDING AND CRYING I - I FEEL U IM DOING THE SAME EXACT THING RN - OKAY THEY KNOW NOW - yaz&sammy&kenji&darius reunion1!!!!1! - ^ AND WHERES BEN - BUMPY. U STRONG STRONG WOMAN. I WANT U TO KNOW THAT IF U DIE. I WILL TOO. - IM GONNA KILL MYSLEF/.
(this i fear is where i realise that im going insane)
- CREEPY MICRO BANGS IS AN AMAZING NAME FOR UNCANNY VALLEY WOMAN YEAH - yeah atp i think weve all figured out its an illegal dino selling business - wGAT - yeah WTF WAS SHE DOING - 'no talk. come quick. bumpys dying.' IM FUCKING DYING TOO!!!!!!!! FUCK THIS SHIT OH MY GOD - BUMPER CAR DO NOT. PLEASE. DONT. - WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I WAS RIGHT - ^ WTF WTF I - thats an egg. - DONT THINK ABOUT IT BUD.
episode 10: - these kids r so traumatised they do not need this - IS SHE RLY DEAD…. - ok so its two separate factors i think?? DPW on one side, creepy micro bangs on the other. right? - ^ this is delving DEEP into the mystery factor… - BEN WTF!!!!! DONT JUST??? DO THAT???????? - OMFG SHES HERE - ^ I HATE HER IHATEHERIHATEHER - SHES WHY THE DINOS R ACTING WEIRD - WHY IS SHE SO FUCKING UNCANNY I CANNOT - ^ SHES LIKEA CARNIVORE DINOSAUR IF IT WAS A HUMAN - ok so SHES the real boss. the unresponsive. wide eyed. controlling dinosaurs. microbangs. woman. - SWHE KILLED BROOKLYNN. - ^ WHAT THE FUCK. - im ngl i DID kinda dig her vibe but AFTER HEARING THIS I JUST CAngfijbdsuif FUCK U - who THE HELL - GET UR FREAKY ASS BOB AWAY - BRUH PUT THAT FUCKING WHISTLE DOWN - IM GOING TO HAVE NIGHTMARES OVER THIS LADY - WHAT THE - theyre way too lucky who the hell is driving that truck - i feel like atleast ONE of them shoulda got injured in that fall - OH MATEO!!!! HI BB - OOP CREEPY BANGS DEAD YIPPEE - AND THEYRE ALL GOING BAZONKAS?? BC SHES UNRESPONSIVE I PRESUME? - ALWAYS THE MFING RAPTORS - okay theyre definitely coca in the loca - WGAT TJR FJCUK EPIC EXPLOSION TYRANNOSAURUS REX - ^ R U SLASH J OR SRS RN - JESUS I LOVE THESE KIDs - where's yaz. - SAMMY!!! - 'Hey, Stripey! Leave. My girl. Alone!' YTHIS IS WHY I HATE THIS FUCKING SHOW /affectionate - AND THE ALMOST KISS HALF HUG IM KMS - WHY R THEY LIKE THIS - HES LETTING THE ALLOSAURUS OUT???? HUHHHHHHH - DARIUS BOWMAN. - IS HE - IS HE FUCKING - SERIOUS RN - jesus christ this BOY. this BOY man. - DIE - DDDDIIIIIEEEEEE - what tf!!!! the broker??? - we still dont know the creepy bangs name…. - so we're getting a 2nd season right - AWW YASAMMY SHOT - HWRFIUSDHGSFDKHAWVBSDXCZKJLGDHSFKLJGBJKESRDFJ - WHYSDHIFUJDIGVBDFS - WHEN I TELL U I JUMPED I MEAN I JJJUUUUMMMMPPPEEEEDDDD - THIS EERIE ASS BITCH KEEPS ON SHOWING UP WHEN I DONT EXPECT IT - DONT GET ME WRONG - PEAK CHARACTER DESIGN - AND THE LOOK ITSELF IS RLY CUTE AND ALL - BUT IF I SAW A BITCH THAT LOOKED AND BEHAVED LIKE THIS I WOULDVE SCREAMED MY INTESTINES OUT AND RAN ALL THE WAY TO AUSTRALIA - THE CREEPIEST CHARACTER IVE SEEN IN YEARS IM AFRAID - oh she still cares about her dinos!!! this makes her a little more human - a little less scary - ok - her movements r less mechanical more affectionate now - less hvfudignb BIGBFI SHE JUST TURNED - thank GOD shes gone - theyre me - 'well that was… unnerving' WELL SAID - YASAMMY HUG!! - YEAHHHH THE LOOK!! - the regular schmegular 'let's save the day' speech. we gotchu darius!! - GASPPP - ok so UNREQUITED dinostar - OH MY GHRHSIUDF THATS SO FUCKING SAD - DARIUS MY BABY I - YEAH!! SHOW UP!!!!! - ofc they are????? - it IS a very brooklynn thing to fo - you kon count him in too!!! - LMAO MATEO I LOVE YOU - YUP YUP BUMPER CAR NEEDS CARE AND SAFETY - IS THIS THE END??? - please give me atleast one more cryptic scene - OH SHES IN ON IT TOO?/BG - bgiudsfgtbfseruifdgkdfx - I FUCKING TOLDF U - I TOLD U ALL - I SAID IT FIRST - HGIUDFSOI;GT;ERASFOICXLBVNIPGRSD - SHE LOST AN ATM - SHES ALIVE - THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN FUCKING TALKINHG ABOUT - TOLD U SHE COULDNT BE DEAD I MEAN. ITS BROOKLYNN.
(ok all in all. this was. an experience. gonna leave it at that and go take a nap)
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the-phantom-author · 9 months
Hasan Piker | 9-5!gf
Is this a rewrite of three asks? Yes. Did I more to it? Also yes.
Request are open. Reblogs always welcome.
Y’all meet completely accident. It was in an elevator that got stuck for an hour. You were visiting a friend, who just got a promotion, and he was in New York for a friends wedding.
The elevator got stuck for an hour, honestly neither of you talked to each other for the first five or so minutes but it was a bit awkward being in that close of a space with another without interacting, so he asked about what you were doing first. As you spent time in that elevator you realized how easily conversation came between the two of you, and when you found out that both of you live around the L.A. area, you exchanged numbers.
At first hasan was a bit worried that he wouldn’t be able to spend enough time with you, given how much he works and what he does for work, but it didn’t take him long until he found out that you’re just as much of a work horse as he is.
As much as both of you are busy, you both start your day at the same time, your morning routine and breakfast are always reliable times for the two of you to spend together. He’ll wake up at around 6-6:30am and go out for his morning workout, come back with coffee for you and wakes you up. Morning shower/bath, going through doing your makeup, doing your hair, and getting dressed to then make breakfast.
You get off of work about two hours before he does. While the last bit of his stream is usually more fun content, you don’t get that same liberty with your job, so the two hours you get when you come home and Hasan is still streaming, you take that time to relax. Take your hair down, get into comfy clothes, make tea, read a book, whatever you need to do to get yourself out of the work head space that you get into. Even if he has calls to make or research to do, the camera's off and your able to exist together without judgment from chat.
Speaking of chat, when your on stream chat honestly adores you. At first it’s very “This is my friend y/n, she works a normal 9-5 and is bullying me into ending stream so we can hang out later.” and you start showing up as “Hasan’s normy friend”. Chat likes so much because you are so normal, unlike some of his other guests who are streamers, lawyers, journalists, and other political figures, you’re just you. You wake up and go to an office to work for 8 hours and come home, in a very similar manner as to what they do.
Chat likes to ask Hasan about you a lot. You don’t use social media, at all really, so all information they get about you is from his stream. Que chat asking if you have a boyfriend, and hasan always having to be like “She’s dating someone chat, stop asking about it”. When you’re on stream and talking about the fact you have a boyfriend with hasan right next to you, you pick on all the time.
“Yeah, I have a boyfriend, but he is annoying sometimes☺️” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN”
“He also snores super loudly.”
He’s trying to get you to take what you said back while trying to sound as detached from it as possible as to not implicate him being said boyfriend.
He fails of course, you bring him his lunch or a snack one day and as he takes it he slips up and says something like “I’m so lucky i’m marrying you”. The moment that he accidentally spills the fact that your secret boyfriend is him, it's over. Chat will not let him move in for the life of the stream. It's officially The Integration Of Hasan on stream.
Chat has soooo much respect for you. From the times that it’s just hasan telling them you’ve had a really busy week at work and won’t be on stream to the ties you walk in, still in your work clothes. You provide very practical advice while on stream as well. Talking about what to expect in the workforce, how to find jobs out of college, what kind of clothes are workplace appropriate, where you can get these clothes for cheap, what to look for in an apartment and roommates, how to keep friendships alive, ect ect. They also get the office gossip from you.
TLDR; the relationship dynamic is very "She keeps me sane and grounded and in return I keep her sane and grounded." I imagine him talking about you this way a lot. X (47:20-48:10)
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queseraone · 4 months
Random ask since we're in for such a long break: ranking of TO/Rookie pairings (up to you if that only includes regular pairings or ones like Lucy/Harper or Nolan/Tim who rode together a few times during the rookie year)? While Tim/Lucy are definitely number one for me, I also have always enjoyed Nolan and Harper so they might be number two.
Oooh fun, I love random asks! Keep 'em coming! 😘
Okay, so in an effort to not let this get out of hand, I'm going to limit myself to the longer-term TO/rookie duos—
Tim Bradford & Lucy Chen
To the surprise of absolutely no one 😂😂 Listen, even if you remove the romance—which, I suppose technically, they just did 🙈 (too soon??)—I fucking love them. Tim is a great teacher, Lucy kicked ass because of/in spite of him, and the way they've just understood each other from the very beginning created such a fantastic dynamic. I'm obsessed, always and forever. 🫶
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Nyla Harper and John Nolan
I adore Nyla, and her deadpan, stone-face, I-give-zero-fucks-but-secretly-care-a-lot attitude is such a fun counter to Nolan. I loved watching their relationship blossom from barely tolerating each other into a really lovely friendship.
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Angela Lopez and Jackson West
These two. I'll be the first to admit I don't love Jackson as much as the rest of the fandom does, but there's something so incredibly beautiful about the journey these two went on together. Angela really went from reminding Jackson that they weren't friends to having him by her side as she got married and naming her first child after him!
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Nyla Harper and Aaron Thorsen
Listen, I just love Nyla, okay? Again, it's really fun to watch her mask slowly slip away. She's so much like Tim, such a marshmallow inside, someone who cares so deeply. And seeing her exercise that compassion when it came to Aaron's history in particular was really lovely.
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Talia Bishop and John Nolan
Okay, so admittedly this might not be the most fair judgement. We only had one season of them together, and I actually really enjoyed their dynamic in that time, but... I just like the others so much more. 🤷‍♀️
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John Nolan and Celina Juarez
Sorry Celina, but you and Nolan take the last spot strictly because I think Nolan is a terrible training officer. If the TOs of season 1 could see them??? Woof. Nolan seems more focused on himself than on Celina's training, and she's floundering as a result. If any of the original rookies had fumbled even half as much as Celina, they'd have been bounced so fast.
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Did I forget anyone?? 😅
For the record, if I had included the one-off pairings, Nyla and Lucy would have landed near the top of my list. I love that mentorship between them, and I of course love them both individually too!
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laurolive · 2 months
McCartney six months after Linda’s passing: Wife meant "everything”
Tampa Bay Times Oct. 21, 1998
It was one of the 20th century's most famous love affairs, and it ended tragically six months ago when Linda McCartney — celebrated photographer, committed vegetarian and long-suffering Beatle wife — died of breast cancer.
Now Sir Paul McCartney has talked for the first time about his adoration of Linda, the woman who meant "everything" to him.
In an interview with British television host and musician Jools Holland, McCartney spoke touchingly of his romance with Linda, who shared his life for more than 30 years.
"As a wife, Linda was the best that anyone could ever want," he said. "I always thought of her as my girlfriend. I still do, really. And even though we kind of spent years together, our relationship never really altered much.
"We grew to know more about each other, but it was just sort of girlfriend and boyfriend. So, as a wife, she was fantastic. She was very supportive.
"I'd write bits and pieces of poetry, so I'd come back after a jog or something and I'd thought of a couple of lines of poetry, and I'd tell them to her, to remember them before I wrote them down. I'd try them out on her, and she often said, "What a mind.' As a guy, it's great to hear that. Your little heart just goes boom, boom."
Linda died at age 56 last April after a long battle against cancer. McCartney, 56, said he knew she had only days to live a week before her death but decided not to tell her. "I didn't think she'd want to know," he said.
The pain has been unbearable for him. He didn't sleep for three nights after she died and has sought counseling to overcome his grief. He said he still thinks about her constantly. "The worst thing about losing Linda is that I enjoyed being with her so much," he said.
They met in the late '60s when the Beatles were at the height of their fame. It was not an easy relationship initially because they had to bear much sniping from the media and fans.
"I think Linda, when we got married, was perceived strangely by a lot of people _ the media, the fans _ and we never really felt like we had to justify it. I just said: "Tough if they don't understand it. It's our marriage, it's not them.' So we never went on talk shows, saying, "She's all right, she's okay.'
"There was a lot of jealousy I suppose, but the media used to make fun of her. They used to say, "She plays with one finger on the keyboard.' Well, anybody who knows anything about Moog synthesizers, which is actually what she played, you can only play this mini-Moog with one finger, so they were ignorant, and she was doing the right thing.
"She did actually often play the electric piano with more than one finger _ they just weren't looking then. So she took a lot of flak, and it was very painful to her."
The McCartneys had four children _ Heather, Mary, Stella and James _ who were constantly at their side no matter where they toured in the world.
Asked how Linda would have liked to have been remembered, McCartney quickly replied: "For being a good mum. Between us we've got quite a few achievements, and we used to say, "Our greatest achievements are the kids because they're really good kids.' "
One of his greatest regrets is that her cancer was not diagnosed sooner. "Unfortunately, in Linda's case, we really got to it too late.”
"If you were to ask me or ask any of our kids what Linda meant as a mother, they would say "Everything,' which is a little expression we have."
The interview is likely to be shown on British television soon, but it has not been decided where.
An album of Linda McCartney's songs entitled Wide Prairie will be released next week.
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dindjarindiaries · 3 months
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These are my personal favorite stories that I've written so far, as well as my favorite stories written by others.
This list will be changed and/or added to over time as new stories emerge.
You can also read my stories on my AO3.
My ratings are as follows: G (all ages), T (13+), M (18+)
main masterlist
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security* • fem!oc An ex-princess forced to hide and fight for her life, Astra is now on the run with a Mandalorian and a foundling, trying to protect the three of them from the threat of death that creeps around every corner accompanied by a tracking fob. ↳ This series will always be special to me for so many reasons, but mainly because it was the first Din Djarin story I ever wrote. Din and Astra have such a beautiful relationship that I've loved developing over the years. This story is also like a time capsule, as it's constantly being added to the more they create new Mandalorian content. It's very nostalgic to go back and see how my writing has improved over the years through this story alone.
bloodlust* completed • fem!reader A daring favor from Boba Fett sends you and Din undercover together—as a married couple. When tensions rise and mysteries unravel, you’re left to determine what’s real from what’s not before your time runs out. ↳ I truly didn't expect to love this story as much as I did when I started writing it, but I had a ton of fun with this one. It really brings out a very honest yet sensual depiction of Din's character that was really fun to explore. It also allowed me to give him a modern twist without taking Din outside of the Star Wars universe.
ni ceta par gar (i kneel for you)* • reader When Mando needs emotional release, you seek to fulfill your pining by offering something neither one of you can resist—something that could change everything. ↳ Anyone who knows me knows I'm not really a spicy gal, but this story was a fun experiment that turned into something I honestly loved. I adore the way Din behaves in this story, especially in the latter half. It's got a really nice balance between angst, spice, fluff, and hurt/comfort.
united we fall • reader Din’s unable to control the Darksaber and accidentally hurts you with it, leaving behind a deep scar on your body and his mind. ↳ This story was my first response to Din returning in TBOBF, and as an angst girlie, I eat this kind of hurt/comfort right up. It was heartbreaking to depict what Din would have done in this situation, but the comfort he receives is a perfect balm. I come back to this one a lot, and with each new one-shot, I try to recreate whatever energy I created here.
love me louder • reader Your secret romance with the Mandalorian is put at risk when you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. ↳ Forbidden/secret romances are gonna do it for me every time, and it was so fun to bring one to life in this one-shot. Protective Din is my favorite, so to depict that along with the reader character's own strength and reassurance was a really fun balance. I just live for the high-stakes moment in this one.
doomsday • reader You and Din are interrogated by Moff Gideon, who has quickly realized you’re the best weapon he has to use against the Mandalorian. ↳ Like I mentioned earlier, I'm an angst girlie, especially with a hefty dose of hurt/comfort when I can. There's not a ton of physical comfort here, but the emotional comfort throughout the torture was delicious to bring to life. This one is a true testament to what I think Din's strength, mentally and physically, would be in a situation like this.
senator’s shadow • fem!reader Clone Force 99 is assigned as your protection when you embark on a risky diplomatic mission, and a certain sergeant starts to get protective of you. ↳ Besides the fact that this is my only Hunter series so far (with at least two more coming soon!), this story has been really special to me as of late. It's helped me to bring multiple personalities to life in a way that I think and hope is faithful and accurate, and it also has a delicious tension in its main relationship that's been super fun to develop.
borrowed time • reader You can’t stop staring at Hunter during a mission, and little do you know just how distracting it is for both him and you. ↳ If you know, you know. This one was born out of a single idea that I told myself I had to sit down and write right away, and that's exactly what happened. It's a simple concept, but that payoff at the end is just... probably one of my most intense kissing scenes I've ever written!
at victory’s end• reader You help Hunter to recover from the lasting effects of Hemlock’s torture on Tantiss. ↳ This was my response to the series finale, and for anyone who, like me, yearned to comfort him after those intense events, this one really hits. I do wish I could have expanded it more, but I'm still satisfied with the end result. Seeing Hunter go right into protector mode after he recovers is very on-brand.
in peace, there is love• reader Months after Tantiss in the peacefulness of Pabu, you find it impossible to ignore the feelings you’ve always had for Hunter. ↳ After making characters go through a lot of angst and hurt/comfort, this was a really sweet thing to explore. I especially had a wonderful time describing what Hunter would look like in the height of their retirement era. I hope it's just the first of many retired-Hunter-on-Pabu stories that I'll write.
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healer completed • fem!reader → @bestintheparsec You’re medically trained and meet the Mandalorian by chance. Over time, you become more than just a crew member. ↳ This series is the reason why I made this blog and started writing for this fandom. It will always have a special place in my heart because of that. This one truly helped to set the standard for classic Din x reader tropes during/just after season 1 premiered. It's a beautiful, heartfelt ride.
the lovely moons* • blind!reader → @vercopaanir Din buys your freedom and saves your from servitude to instead take you in as a paid crew member. As you help him with the child, you become much closer, your fates now intertwined. ↳ This story reads like a book. Din is very accurately characterized, and there's both faithfulness to canon and some new compelling adventures with high stakes. This one really has it all: incredible writing, heart-stopping action, and a sweet, sweet romance at the heart of it all.
protector • fem!reader → @aerynwrites When the ship is attacked unexpectedly, Din does everything he can to protect you, but you both end up being taken. When they suggest torturing you, Din offers to get tortured instead to save you. ↳ I said it before and I'll say it again: I eat these kinds of angsty hurt/comfort stories UP! This is one of the first I remember reading, and clearly, it's made a massive impact on me. I think about this one all the time. It's such a classic that I revisit time and time again.
what is this feeling • fem!reader → @masterjedilenawrites You grow close to Hunter when he and the squad are residing with you and protecting your home, but the time comes for them to leave. Misunderstandings lead to jealousy until you're forced to confess how you feel about him. ↳ This Hunter story lives in my mind rent-free all the time. I've already re-read it a few times and I only discovered it a few months ago. This has not only wonderful characterizations of the entire squad, but also just a super sweet and meaningful romance at the center of the story, even when you're yelling at them for not understanding one another.
Have a Din Djarin or Hunter story you'd like me to read? Submit it here, and I'll do my very best to check it out!
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 5 months
Currently Watching - May
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 31.05.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in April with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 25 Ju, Akasaka de 🇯🇵 (7/10)
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I really enjoyed this episode. It didn't feel like a filler. I loved to see some of Hayama's thoughts and emotions. He liked Shirasaki since forever and I really hope they can find their way back together. The pain is so bittersweet. They like each other, but because of walls and misunderstandings they can't live their feelings. Really good episode this week!
2. Cityboy_Log 🇰🇷 (16/?)
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I am so confused right now. Sometimes these time jumps are confusing. But okay. Those two made up. And only Jihan apologised? I hate jealousy, extreme jealousy, but I think he didn't need to apologise... I think Jaejun should apologise too, at least for his flirty behavior and this fucking kiss. I still need time to love this again and I hope this story is not going to be more fucked up with cheating and stuff...
3. My Stand-In 🇹🇭 (6/12)
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The only thing I can say about the last episode is: I am obsessed with this kiss... There is nothing more in my head. Brain empty. This series is becoming more and more interesting. I am emotional invested now!
4. Only Boo 🇹🇭 (8/12)
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I love these two. They are adorable and a blessing on my sundays! We got our first kiss this week and it was a first kiss. It was a little bit awkward and hesitant and cautious and it fit their character really good. I love their energy and the fact that they love each other like they are. It is such a healthy relationship.
5. Wandee Goodday 🇹🇭 (4/12)
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From One-nicht-stand to friends with benefits to fake boyfriends... And Kao is right, they have crossed the line with only being fake boyfriends a while ago. Jealousy is beginning to blossom. The wish to kiss each other is groing stronger day to day and I love it here! And is it not normal that you need time to come clean with your own feelings and getting over a year long crush? I totally understand both of them for not letting go of their crushes of years that easy.
6. Word of Honor 🇨🇳 (20/36)
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Those two flirt a lot and are a married couple. Everyone knows that. And I love and enjoy that! Overall this is such a fun watch and the different sects and intrigues are sometimes a little bit confusing, but interesting. I love this world of martial arts and I love how protective Wen Kexing is over Zhou Zishu.
Finished in May
Unknown 🇹🇼
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The story about found family, childhood trauma and struggling topped with a lovestory between "brothers". They aren't brothers by blood so I really didn't care and just enjoyed this forbidden and hurtful lovestory to the fullest. This was exactly what I hoped for! The longing, tension and hurting is so good! The love between them is real and strong, but Qian is afraid and can't just let his heart decide over the head, yet. He loves Yuan, but is afraid what that means for them and especially for Yuan's future. I love this series so much! I didn't expect too much when I started it and got hooked really fast and in the end my entire week pointed to the saturdays and te new episode and the interaction here with the fandom. The last two epsiodes lost a little bit track and were to cramped with things that didn't need to be there, but I still loved this whole experience! So fucking beautiful! One of my all time favorites. A clear and big 10 out of 10!
Love Is Like A Cat 🇰🇷
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The last two epsiodes were so bad I didn't want to gif any scene for this post... I cringed through this whole series... well at least through those parts I didn't skip. I mean, I could not even watch the kiss-scene, because all I could see were the few beard stubbles around Mew's mouth like he didn't get all of them while shaving. And they were so visible against the lightning. And all of their relationship felt so rushed and don't get me started with the thai/korean translator thingy. The concept of this was interesting, but bad executed. It really hurt my feelings to rate a korean bl this low, but everything, the plot, the acting, the dialogue, the script... everything was bad. When I close one eye really tight and think about this cutie Dae Byeol I can give it a 3 out of 10, but really not more.
You Are Mine Special 🇹🇼
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This was not on my list this month, but here we are. And what can I say? They kissed a lot! So many kisses! If someone likes kiss, here ya go! It was sweet and a good ending to their story, but a little bit to sugary for me. But that is a personal preference. Those two get engaged and Shun Yu's mother approves of their relationship. It was kinda sweet seeing our CEO as "just" the boyfriend. I guess it is what you wish for as a special episode. I am not mad about it. I give it a solid 7 out of 10.
Blue Boys 🇰🇷
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What was this ending? I am speechless and so damn angry! They overcame every misscommunication trope and ended like this? The bad-bitch-wanna-be-girlfriend? The If-I-can't-have-him-no-one-can-bitch? Really? It was a solid web series with great acting and incredible chemistry and they ended up breaking up, because a jealous bitch would destroy Jaemin's life if he continued dating Namyi? And Namyi is now thinking it is his own fault, because his family is rich and because he fell in love? I don't like it here. That ending was stupid. Sorry. Overall a 7 out of 10.
Memory in the letter 🇹🇭
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I enjoyed this cute series so much, until the final episode... What was that? It was sweet and kinda wholesome, a little bit tacky, but that was alright and I really liked how they fell in love over the mirror. But that ending? The dad's best friend is now your boyfriend? And he looks so fucking different! Like a total different person. I know, love should be blindm but lets me real, if that was me, I would be: Stop. Who the fuck are you? Why is a 40 year old man hitting on me 20 year old? This felt so bad... I have no problem with the whole time travel, but 20 years is too much! And he is his father's best friend. He delivered his future boyfriend. That felt so wrong! I was a fan until ep 5 and with 6 everything went down... I still give it a 7 out of 10.
Boys Be Brave! 🇰🇷
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Okay, it ended.... like that... where is the special epsiode? I want to know how the last date goes between Balgeum and Inho. I am happy for our main couple and they are cute as fuck, but what is with our unlucky side couple? Balgeum wants to become a better person for Inho and that is quite cute, unnecessary, but still kind of understandable. He needs to feel like he can offer Inho something more, while Inho is happy what he already has to offer. But with social backgrounds, I kind of understand him. But where is this special epsiode or spin-off?! I need it! Now! But I am really happy with the ending for our main couple. They are adorable! But the time skips with the hair-extansions confused me a little bit. But for me a strong 8 out of 10.
Kare no Iru Seikatsu 🇯🇵
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They got their happy ending and I am happy with that. We got an I love you and some cozy snuggle time. What more do I need? Nothing... A coffee perhaps, but that's okay. I like this series. It was a cute watch with some heartache, but overall it was sweet and cute and positive. And I love Haruna for telling Natsukawa that wanting the best and happiest life for someone you love and at the same time refusing to give that person the thing that would make them the happiest is stupid. They are happy, I am happy. A happy 8 out of 10 for me.
Short Film
Dropped in May
Looking forward to in May
Upside Down aka Inverse Identity 🇨🇳 - Trailer (May 3rd)
Wandee Goodday 🇹🇭 - Trailer (May 4th)
My Marvellous Dream Is You 🇹🇭 - Trailer (May 8th)
Blossom Campus - Trailer 🇰🇷 (May 16th)
OMG! Vampire 🇹🇭 - Trailer (May 19th)
No international release dates:
A Balloon's Landing 🇹🇼 - Trailer (Coming to cinemas on May 10th)
The Time Of Fever 🇰🇷 - Trailer (Coming to cinemas on May 15th)
Manji Reverse 🇯🇵 (Coming to cinemas on May 24th)
The Time Of Huannan 🇹🇼 - Trailer (Coming to cinemas on May 31st)
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bengiyo · 6 months
This is a broad one, so take it whatever direction you wish: what are five shows, actors, or creative teams that have exceeded your expectations or pleasantly surprised you?
WOW. I struggle with broad asks because there's so much I like and think about.
Nadao Bangkok
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I loved Nadao Bangkok so much. I had basically only engaged with really stylish Thai movies and media before BL. It's the kind of stuff you see at film festivals. I was not really used to the quick and efficient production processes and talent pools of the TV show production of BLs. I adapted, but it was such a relief to watch things like Project S, I Told Sunset About You, I Promised You the Moon, and Great Men Academy. I also just adore the talent they cultivated and how so many Nadao alums are still doing things in entertainment. They really did something special there.
Koisenu Futari (2022)
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We talk so much about about representation and wanting to see more kinds of stories. I really loved the way this story explored the spectrum of asexuality alongside loneliness and the search for companionship. I love that it's a story about people who all care about each other, but they are all out of alignment for various reasons. I love that so many of the relationships don't resolve in a way that pairs people in an expected way. The sister left her cheating husband, Sakuko and Takashi don't live together, and Kazu was actually able to just be her friend. It's an unexpected delight.
For the Boys (2021)
I will never stop pimping this show out. Many of the folks are new to BL and queer TV in general, so they don't even remember Noah's Arc. I've been wanting more shows about black queer friend groups, and this show delivered. Every week I check on Slay TV to see what else they're up to. This show features a femme/GNC character finding their way through presenting publicly and dating, a fat black gay man struggling with body image and race identity issues, and a promiscuous black gay man struggling with his place in the world. It's a nuanced look at queer friendship, and I really wish more people would watch it.
Ossan's Love: In the Sky (2019)
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I already apologized to this show once, but I'll bring it up again. This AU season could have been a real flop, but in some ways it's my favorite. I love doing an AU as a way to soft reboot your characters and dig deeper into their interiority before returning to them years later. I like Haruta so much more because of this season. I also really love the bonds between men in this series and the ways they push each other. It's really excellent, and this is a special franchise we have been lucky enough to return to multiple times.
Sherri and Teri Polo on The Fosters (2013-2018)
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In an era where almost every TV lesbian died, these two delivered some of the best onscreen chemistry I've ever seen. They felt like a married couple for the entirety of a dramatic and often-messy Freeform (formerly ABC Family) TV show. We talk about Business Gay Performance (BGP) around here a lot, and these two are masters of their craft. At no point did you ever think these two actresses were secretly dating or cheating on their partners, but they were open about how much they loved each other and how important the friendship they built on this show was to them. I have immense admiration for the work they did and continue to do in the queer space. We are really lucky that these two took on the role of playing loving moms to all them kids, who got to also got to have a romantic and sexual relationship with each other onscreen.
Thank you for the ask! Since it wasn't explicitly BL, I decided to have some fun.
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Oh Anon you're so real for this. Honestly anyone who dared claim 'vmin divorce' should be sued because what we got to see today? There was never any talk of divorce, ever, if anything there was a vow renewal haha
When we heard that Tae would have a fan meeting as part of his Layover promo, we joked around about how cute it'd be if Jimin would come as special guest but ultimately dismissed the idea. We didn't want to get our hopes up concluding that likely there would be no guest or it could be someone else. So imagine our endless surprise when suddenly pictures and videos hit the TL on twt showing Jimin up on stage with Tae. No joke, I nearly dropped my phone and then thought there's no way, I had to be seeing things. I mean, I was but my eyes were not lying to me. Introduced as his best friend.
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So not only did Tae's fan meeting give us Tae performing and having fun with ARMY, it also gave us Tae having fun with Jimin with ARMY. Jimin also spoke about how while preparing for today, Tae called him and asked him if he'd want to come so he'd asked if that would be okay, but in the end, he came as quickly as he could. And isn't that the sweetest thing? Having your first solo fan meeting and having your soulmate right there by your side to experience this with?
Please do check out this video of Jimin coming up on stage and Tae being so happy, it seemed like he didn't know what to do with himself and all this emotions so he smacked Jimin's ass, after Jimin cutely smiled at him, and then pulled him closer by the hip. Very vmin behaviour. Somebody hold me because I might combust.
Speaking of pulling people closer, we also got at least two endlessly adorable vmin hugs that had us yelling as well. The way Jimin closed his eyes? I cannot even.
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Tae and Jimin also played games with ARMYs, including one person who came dressed as Bart Simpson saying they did it simply because it hoped it would make Tae happy and smile. How sweet is that? That's the kind of things Tae deserves, ARMYs showing him just how much they love and appreciate him because truly, look at him and tell me how anyone can dislike him. They did challenges and played ping pong and even danced, including Tae and Jimin dancing to Go Go with Jimin looking at Tae as though knowing that Tae is their choreography memory king and obviously he remembered every step. And we also got this sweet moment of Jimin caressing Tae's head.
We also had Tae announcing unplanned things like them going to Running Men together as well as this:
Mandakkoo translation on twt: Tae: first of all...me and jiminie..will work on a much cooler song..... Jimin: ..if you're like this then u Really have to do itㅋㅋ he just keep- talking bout things like this y'knowㅋㅋ u really Have to do it then... Tae: ..alright!
Which was brought upon by Tae and Jimin spontaneously singing Friends together with them finally singing the You Are My Soulmate line together, being cute AF while doing so, and making everyone cry in the process of it all. Earlier Tae also had Jimin sit down and sang him happy birthday along with ARMY as surprise. So cute!
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How could these devastatingly cute smiles ever lie? Also the manager smiling at them, awww.
In the end, after their second super cute hug, with their arms still around each other, they sat down on the stage with their backs toward the audience so they could take a picture with ARMY to commemorate this day.
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And just as Jimin was leaving the stage, Tae called out his name and shyly did a cute heart pose for him and got a heart back.
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Generally there were just so many cute little moments that, after a year of comparatively barely any vmin, reaffirmed the fact that just because we don't see it, that doesn't mean it isn't there, as in, just because vmin don't constantly tell us about them hanging out or talking or doing something, that doesn't mean they don't still do that. Like that Jeju trip from which Tae posted pictures on his IG with Jimin and JK. If Tae didn't tell us, we wouldn't have ever known that this trip happened. Tae and Jimin were and still very much are soulmates, the vibe when they interact and look at each other so filled with mutual adoration and this soft spot they have for one another, and their bond is just as strong and beautiful as it was and will always be. As Tae said in the BTS book, Jimin is someone he can't live without and, from their TV appearance in 2021, Jimin is the person he likes the most.
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But speaking of Tae liking Jimin the most and whatnot, I thought this anon message we got yesterday also fit in with this quite well:
From Anon: Did you see taehyung once again showed jimin a piece of art, this time jimin as an elf? Imagine being the fbi agent responsible for monitoring taehyung's phone and everyday you go like ''here we go again'' when taehyung pulls up 10+ jimin fanart tabs again
For those of you who might've missed it, during his birthday live Jimin shared what looks like an AI piece of art depicting Jimin as elf in a fantasy setting. He said Tae was the one who showed it to him and it made him giggle so much! Later as part of his public birthday wishes to Jimin, Tae posted another piece of AI art of Jimin this time as hunter/warrior also in a fantasy setting. This makes this the second and third time we've heard and seen Tae spend time on Jimin fan art since the moon tattoo on Jimin's back was also inspired by a piece of Jimin fan art that Tae had sent to him saying how cool it looked.
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There were also a few silly little theories about what if Tae made those fantasy AI Jimin's himself, since some time ago he'd asked about a program or something to do this, but if that's what happened, who knows, but the thought is very Tae.
So yeah, after a long time without vmin, today was a day that just kept on giving and I hope Tae and Jimin got to have that drink they mentioned they would get together after the fan meeting. What a day to be a vminnie, wow.
Lastly there was this twt that I very much agreed with so I thought I'd share, it said: the way taehyung is so overjoyed that jimin is here with him? if he was any more giddy in love i’m positive he would’ve kissed jimin there and then
What a mood.
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