#gotta be better than america right?? haha...right...?
serendertothesquad · 1 year
One more Odd Squad thought before I go to sleep:
If there's no neurodivergent main character in Season 4 then it has already failed. If there's no LGBTQ+ main character in Season 4 then it has already failed. If there's no Orpita in Season 4 then it has already failed...at sucking.
Get some damn diversity in there. Stop hiding behind shields. Take risks. Give a fat middle finger to all the critics like you did a good 7 years ago. You are in the UK now. This isn't America. Embrace it.
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jmflowers · 2 years
Thanks for the Red Delish history; they’re the apple I grew up with, and it was so interesting to read their storied past. Very intriguing stuff! I gotta branch out and try some more apples. Your passion has inspired me. Honestly honeydew is probably in my top 5 –maybe top 3– favorite fruits. Beats cantaloupe by a country mile
Oh man, I typed you out a whole beautiful answer and then lost it! Let’s see what I can remember… I think I started right here:
My dude, I could talk about apples (and fruit) all damn day. I grew up with Red Delicious apples, too, and remember liking them, even. But then I got spoiled by working on a farm, in close proximity to an orchard that grows 14 different varieties just of apples, and I don't think I could ever go back. (Don’t get me started on strawberries and raspberries and pumpkins and corn.) Not sure I'd eat a Red Delicious these days. Or a Gala.
Honeydew is a super cool fruit, too. We have such easy access to it because it’s one of a few that can grow in both hemispheres. It’s also a winter melon, which means it’s got a good thick skin to help protect it during transportation. Like apples, though, there are a bunch of different cultivars and they all have a slightly different taste. If I were a connoisseur like yourself and happened to live in the USA, I’d be heading to California in the late summer/early fall (August, September, or October) to eat a few in their peak season. Everything always tastes better in season if you can eat it right where it’s grown.
Your feelings on cantaloupe might actually be defined by what continent you live on, though. North America has a different type of cantaloupe taking precedence in the market than Europe does – in fact the rinds are different enough that I’m not sure I’d recognize a European Cantaloupe as a cantaloupe right away, having grown up in North America. Behind watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew make up the top three exported melons in the world. And they’re also in season in California around the same time as honeydew.
But listen, if we’re gonna trash cantaloupe, it’s gotta be on the grounds of their rinds being prime hangout grounds for salmonella. A mouldy cantaloupe in Illinois in 1942 was found to contain the highest yielding strain of mold for penicillin production after a worldwide search.
Honestly, like an embarrassing amount of fruit, I think most people just serve melon either over- or under-ripe. This mass-exportation world we live in takes us further and further away from our food sources and so we end up with things that no one actually knows what to do with or how to handle properly. All those “organization” videos of people loading their fridges with their groceries and washing their strawberries to put them away just makes me wonder if they’ve ever been on a strawberry farm, since most strawberry farmers will tell you the easiest way to ruin their flavour is to wash them too early.
Does it help or hurt my street cred if I follow all that up with a #buylocal? Haha
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booksandabeer · 2 years
can I get 💯 and 💘 and 😭 for the fanfic rec game? please and thank you 😘
Hello there & thanks for sending this in! 😊 Here we go:
💯 A fic that makes you think #writergoals
Ok I'm going to go with something a little unexpected here:
The Art of the Possible by @burberrycanary & @village-skeptic | 8K, Mature
This is tagged as Sharon/Bucky (and it is), but really it is more of character study of Sharon, spanning the years 2016-2024. In it, she confronts herself and the reader with some really ugly truths about some of our most beloved characters, and what it really means to work for a US Intelligence agency. And. It. Is. Brilliant. It is so smart, and so well-written, and the way the narrative is constructed is so clever and interesting. Down to the individual sentences--almost every line a piece of art. I’m really in awe of this story.
To quote my own comment on this fic because I can’t put it any better than this: I don't even go here. I have (had?) no real interest in Sharon Carter and know next to nothing about her other than what we got to see in the MCU and that was...not great, to put it kindly. You know how people often say “this is the story I never knew I wanted?” Well, this truly is the story I never knew I wanted. But oh, am I glad I got it! I would happily read another 50K of this.
💘 A fic you couldn't stop reading once you started
To prove that I don’t only read sad shit all the time, let’s go with something fluffy (I’m full of surprises!):
summer slipped us underneath her tongue by cydonic | 10K, Mature
This is just a really sweet and funny Modern AU, in which Bucky is a Romanian tourguide and Steve is an artistic frat boy. Together they travel through Europe in the summer and fall in love. That’s it, that’s the fic. It’s a lovely bit of escapism that you can read in one go, and that will make you forget everything else around you because you will be so enchanted by these two adorable dorks.
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
Haha, I have so many candidates for this one, I don’t know where to start. Ok, let’s focus on the ‘hurt so good’ part, so it’s gotta be a fic that brings the angst, but also comes with a 100% happy ending (so nothing sad or ambiguous):
Demobilization by @743ish | 41K, Explicit
A No-Powers AU where Steve never became Captain America and Bucky comes home from the war in 1945. This is one of those fics that just seems like it was made for me--it pushes ALL my buttons in all the exact right ways. And on top of that, the writing is simply GORGEOUS. I’ve reread this several times already and I still cannot get enough of it. 
Now, this story will hurt you. It will break your heart, and make you ugly-cry multiple times, but it will also give you an ending that is so beautiful, so cathartic, and so goddamn romantic. It’s perfection.
(This fic also includes one of my all-time favorite Stucky moments in any fic. I’m not going to spoil it here, but it’s the scene when they are riding the subway...and let’s just say I think about that one A LOT).
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crisis34 · 3 years
So I’ve had this irondad idea that I would KILL for someone to write. I’ve wanted to write it too but I don’t think I’ll get to it.
I started kinda sorta actually writing this in a few scenes 😂 don’t mind my weird idea writing style. Feel free to change what you want or add your own twist on things!! And please tell me if you do write this idea. I’ve had it stuck in my mind and I wanted to make it at least 10k-30k words.
I sadly, don’t have time for that though haha! Soooo hopefully someone wants to write this so I can read it lol
The idea is that after Tony passes away the rest of the Avengers talk to Peter for about two years, since Peter spends time at the compound and all that.
But at a random point Peter notices he’s getting ignored by the Avengers for months, they won’t say anything on why they’re all stressed and won’t talk to Peter AT ALL.
One day one of them (most likely Sam/Rhodey) let’s it slip that they have an imposing threat on earth they’re trying to find and it’s so classified that Peter can’t get his hands on the information.
So Peters bummed they don’t trust him, probably gets a line said to him like “Look kid, we really don’t need your help on this. Trust me.” And it destroys Peters self esteem because he’s already 18 and they still see him as the kid.
He goes home one day after school/compound/work or something and when he walks in his spidey senses act up.
Looking into his apartment (moved away from aunt May assumingly) he sees nothing at first so he’s suspicious but not taking any drastic measures.
And then he walks into the living room, where he has a view of the kitchen. And who happens to be standing there eating the fucking blueberries?
Tony motherfucking Stark.
Peter flips out, because he saw Tony die. He’s rambling about how he thought he was dead and all that but then he sees something that tells him -it’s not his Tony-.
The Tony Stark eyes he always remembered were whiskey brown. This guy had glowing blue eyes.
And now Peter’s heart drops. He’s trying to get information out of the imposter and that’s when the guy finally speaks.
He tells Peter about how he’s been on this earth for a few months, the Avengers spotted him through satellite, and how he’s from an alternate reality.
Peter refers to the guy as Anthony since he isn’t his Tony Stark. But he also realizes this is what the Avengers were keeping from him.
Anthony explains how he was drawn here as first (which we later get a point of view from Anthony when he first got on this earth and he wasn’t drawn there, he was told to go there. By Tony Stark whispering in his head).
Anthony also tells Peter that there’s a bigger threat than him on their way, and the Avengers are so caught up looking for him they’re ignoring the other threat.
Peters skeptical, he really is. (If you do end up writing this please don’t make this another Quentin Beck. I don’t want Peter being too gullible or getting used by Anthony because that kinda ruins the plot/already been done in far from home)
Peter has close to no trust for Anthony, especially since he has no information at all from the Avengers. But he still partially believes the guy that there’s another threat.
And he knows he’d have a lot of guilt if he turned him in and there was a threat he could’ve stopped.
So him and Anthony team up.
They look for the bad guy, maybe go through goons/hydra agents for information. But now Peters stumped.
Because Anthony isn’t afraid to use a gun or kill. Anthony’s moral meter isn’t like Tony’s was, especially in front of the kid.
Peter scolds him, tells him that he won’t be killing around him or else he’s shutting the whole operation down.
After that Anthony only kills a few more times, and Peter tries to yell at him for those but he sees rage behind Anthony’s eyes.
Especially since the guys Anthony had killed almost hurt/killed Peter. Peter kept quiet for those deaths and they end up back at his apartment to sleep maybe.
Peters silent after he realizes that it seems Anthony cares about him. This is the night before they confront the big bad guy.
For reference they’ve been together looking for information for weeks!! Keep that in mind cause then you can add your own cute scenes in those weeks of maybe Anthony being protective or helping Peter with homework.
In the middle of the night Peters spidey senses go off, he wakes up and immediately looks for Anthony. He walks into the living area to see the guy peacefully sleeping on the couch.
His eyebrows scrunch together and he decides to go back to bed but can’t fall back asleep.
And then the Avengers break down the door of Peters apartment.
Peter freaks out l, hearing it and Sams familiar footsteps along with whoever else you want to be there. Rhodey would make the most sense with the rest of the Avengers waiting at the compound.
Peter runs back to the living room to where they’re already handcuffing Anthony and Anthony isn’t saying a word, but Peter is trying to convince them to stop and there’s a bigger threat out there they need to be after.
Rhodey or Sam would tell him sternly to get to the compound.
Apparently they had found out the two of them were working together while trying to find out where Anthony was after figuring out he was on this earth.
When he’s at the compound he finds out Anthony has been out in an interrogating place at the compound and each of the Avengers try to crack him but he won’t say a word.
Now(preferably Sam but you can have Peters main Friendship be with someone else, lol but this part of the friendship will be a bit rocky) Sam confronts Peter.
Goes something like this:
“Peter you knew better, why didn’t you contact an Avenger? Huh?”
“Because I knew you guys would do this shit Sam!! There’s a threat! I’ve seen it, we need to stop the threat.”
“Peter, there have been no signs of a threat against earth. At least nothing like he seems to be telling you. Because he won’t tell us anything. I need information on him! Because that damn well isn’t Tony Stark.”
“I know that, of course I fucking know that. You just.. you don’t know him Sam. I swear he’s a decent guy. Anthony is telling the truth.”
“No. He’s manipulating you, he knew you were an easy target and that’s why he went to you!”
Peter pauses for a second, tears catching up with his emotions as he begins to cry. “That’s what you think? That’s what you all think.. of course.”
Sam seems to realize he messed up, but he keeps his mouth shut and let’s Peter talk.
“You guys don’t trust me. I don’t even know why I hang around here, I’m obviously not welcome.” Peter laughs, pained.
“What? Of course we trust you.”
“That’s a god damn lie!! Because if you did this wouldn’t have happened.” Peter yelled.
Sam stays quiet again, remembering how he told Peter that he couldn’t tell him about the threat they were all worried about. Each of them didn’t trust that Peters reaction wouldn’t cause a hurricane of events, it seems it did anyway.
“Do you know.. how scared I was?” Peter whispered this time, wiping his tears away.
“Do you know how fucking scared I was when Tony Stark ended up in my apartment! He died two years ago right in front of me and then there he was!! Eating blueberries in my kitchen with glowing blue eyes as if it never happened.” Peter said, watching as Sams face dropped.
Peter shakes his head and continues. “I’m going home, maybe think before you decide I’m to be untrusted next time.”
Sam doesn’t stop Peter because he’s already pissed the kid off.
Either way it was 2am and he assumed Peter wanted some sleep. The whole night Anthony doesn’t say a word.
The next morning the Avengers decide they need Peter to clarify what happened.
When one of them goes to Peter’s apartment, they can’t find him. At first they assumed he went somewhere but the tracker on his suit the compound has access to has been clipped. (If you can figure out a better way that they figure out Peter went after the threat on his own go for it).
After Sam figures out Peters gone he hurries into the cell that Anthony is in, guilt putting in his stomach because what if Peter was right and he was against a threat much larger than himself.
“Where is he?” Sam immediately asks after slamming the door shut behind himself.
Anthony stares at him, obviously planning on not saying anything.
“Where the fuck is Peter? C’mon asshole, you told him there was a threat and now I can’t fucking find him. Where is he?”
Sam watches as Anthony’s face pales and he looks down at the ground with his eyes wide.
Sams stomach churns. “Please? Come on, I don’t know your intentions but please tell me. He’s only 18, I-“
Anthony gets the watch as Sam regrets every word he ever said to Peter and holds back tears because there was a chance they wouldn’t find Peter and it would be Sams fault.
“Get me out of here.” Anthony tells Sam.
Sam stares at him, there’s a darkness behind Anthony’s eyes at that moment he’s only seen on Bucky when he had to act like the winter soldier with Zemo.
Sam thinks back to Peter voguing for Anthony and makes a decision. This time, he would trust Peter.
None of the other Avengers had been consulted during this decision, but Sam leaves the tracking of his wings on just in case.
He and Anthony would go together to help Peter.
“What are we doing?” Anthony asked while Sam walked into his room at the compound.
“I don’t know what we’re up against, I gotta suit up.” Sam said.
Anthony hummed and nodded, leaning against the doorway while Sam picked up something familiar.
“Is that Captain America’s shield?” Anthony asked, raising a brow.
“Yeah, Steve gave it to me before he retired.” Sam nodded, picking up a duffel bag.
“Which makes you Captain America.” Anthony smiled.
“Yup.” Sam chuckled.
“Alright, grab your suit. You can change on the plane.” Anthony decided, already walking off.
“What?” Sam quickly slung the duffel bag over his shoulder, carrying the shield and jogging to catch up with Anthony.
“What do you mean, plane?” Sam asked.
Anthony lifted his hand, holding a pair of keys in it. “Snatched it before you guys locked me up. You should really have an AI looking over this place to tell you things.” He suggested.
Sam felt some deja vu, remembering when Tony was alive and the voice of Friday could be heard everywhere. Rhodey shut her down, unable to listen to her voice and be reminded of his friend.
Anthony takes them to where Peter is currently trying to get a good vantage point on the threat, he’s only getting minor goons outside the building(maybe? The antagonist is up to you).
Sam stays back for a bit, getting a call on his phone from Rhodey who he knows is pissed.
He hesitantly answers and listens to the scolding but gives them their location anyway, having more Avengers on their way.
Anthony and Peter are talking and planning as well as joking. Peter seems pleased that Sam decided to trust him.
The three of them start to infiltrate the threat, Anthony has a wrist gauntlet that’s ice blue and silver he uses as well as a gun.
The Avengers arrive rather quickly to help the fight, all very wary about Anthony.
Here’s the thing, they all know Anthony’s moral is messed up and he isn’t afraid of killing or anything like that. They know he isn’t Tony.
So when Peter gets injured/almost dies they are all very surprised to see Anthony freeze as Sam tries to help the wound on his body.
The threat is gone at this point and the Avengers are trying to help Peter while he’s screaming out in pain, and Anthony is unfamiliar with the liquid rolling down his face.
(You can also make it where everyone thinks Peters dead and he kinda wakes up in the middle of their mourning lol)
And then Anthony snaps back into it, rushing forward and sliding through The small crowd and leaning down next to Peter with Sam on the other side.
“Hey hey hey, you’re alright kid. You’re alright.” Anthony said, forcing and smile and putting his hand on the side of Peter face.
Peters crying while Sams trying to get the bullet/clean the wound.
Anthony grabs onto Peters hand and squeezes it, Peter squeezes back.
“You’re gonna be okay Peter, I know it hurts, Underoos.” Anthony whispered in Peters ear.
Peter looked like he was gonna say something but then looked up and locked eyes with Anthony.
“What?” Peter whispered.
For Anthony, that moment too felt unreal. Memories began to blend with his own.
‘There’s this crazy car parked outside!’
‘Mr. Parker.’
‘Umm. What, what are you doing? Hey.. I- I- I’m Peter.’
‘If you’re nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t have it!’
‘I don’t want to go, please, I don’t want to go Mr. Stark.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there right. And he said 'It's been five years. Come on, they need us.' And he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does. Anyway...’
Tony hugged Peter, feeling as the teens excitement wore down.
‘This is nice.’
‘Mr. Stark, hey, Mr. Stark?’
‘Can you hear me? it’s Peter. Hey..we won. Mr.Stark. We won, Mr.Stark. We won, You did it sir, you did it.’
“Anthony? What did- what did you just call me?” Peter asked, sliding up against the wall nearby after Sam finished making sure his wound was okay.
The Avengers looked confused, Rhodey glancing at the Tony lookalike uneasily.
Anthony and Peter looked at each other, both pale and scared.
“I- I don’t understand.” Anthony muttered.
Peter seemed to be staring at Anthony’s eyes the whole time, tears going down his face.
“Your eyes, Mr. Stark.” Peter held his hand to his mouth, staring in disbelief.
“What?” Anthony asked, new found emotion for the kid and everyone around him.
“Your eyes, Tony. They’re brown.”
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bbugyu · 4 years
can i kiss you yet? + hong joshua
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a mutual friend always made a great excuse to see you, but he definitely wanted more.
wc.2.4k | joshua x gn!reader, fluff, first snow au, foreigners in korea squad up, josh is a tutor u are an ambiguous worker everything is vague shhh, there are really no warning this is just fluff, oh drinking, but only the once, miss park chaeyoung please text me back
haha..... i am....... im not........... im in my joshie feels ok do not talk to me about it im embarrassed. thanks @babiemingoo for ruining my life by saying joshua would fall in love with me, and i quote, "no cap."
you spent a lot of time with joshua. by proxy, mostly, but you enjoyed his company nonetheless. your best friend called him her brother - they weren't related by blood, but by circumstance, having separately moved to korea at an old enough age to take care of themselves but young enough to still need the support of someone going through something similar. they were neighbors, and rosie had no way of stopping him from barging through her front door at all hours of the day. she always yelled at him to let her have some privacy. he insisted that if she was doing something that required privacy, then she should tell him beforehand. you always just laughed from your spot on the couch.
joshua would smile and put up a hand when he pretended to notice you for the first time, as though you weren't the express reason he had made an excuse to show up. "hi, y/n."
you would smile back and wiggle your fingers at him. "hi, josh."
this happened almost every time you came over to rosie's apartment, and while you never intended to see him, you would be lying if you said it wasn't a lovely benefit.
she rolled her eyes. "don't you have a job?"
"that's the great thing about being an online tutor," joshua said, making himself comfortable on the opposite end of the couch from you. "flexible scheduling."
you realized you had never asked him about his work. "what do you tutor?"
he looked at you, and you thought you saw a flash of nervousness in his eyes before he grinned. "english. and korean. and algebra. and calculus, sometimes."
"that's, like," you paused, your head knocking to one side. "impressive?"
"is it?" he laughed. "i just voice chat with high school students in sweats."
you shrugged. "i'm bad at math and i'm pretty sure i'd be bad at teaching, so anything like that is impressive to me."
he nodded, the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. it was hard for him to believe that you could be bad at anything, but he figured math was an okay thing to be lacking in. "noted."
rosie coughed loudly, making you both direct your attention to where she was leaning against the kitchen counter. "if you guys are done, i would love someone's help deciding what kind of pizza to get."
when you left hours later, rosie asked joshua why he even came over, trying to imply that he was taking too long to admit he liked you.
he pouted out his lips and shook his head. "no reason. i just heard you talking to someone and wanted to make sure you're not inviting over weirdos."
she gave him a sideways glare, knowing that if that were the truth, he would have come over when mingyu showed up the day before. or wonwoo last week. or any of her other friends that frequented her studio apartment. but conveniently, he only ever barged in when it was you, and she had a suspicion that it was because he had learned to recognize your laugh through the thin walls.
the first time you ever met joshua, it was at a bar. you and some work friends had agreed to get drinks together, and when your coworker-turned-bestie got a call from her neighbor saying she got a package, you nudged her.
"is he your oppa, like, just a guy, or like a boyfriend?"
she squinted at you, registering your language switch "ew! oh my god, he's just a guy. he's like a brother."
you heard an indignant noise over the line at her exclamation, and you giggled as you guided the straw in your cocktail to your lips.
"am i lying, joshua?" rosie said, rolling her eyes. "are you not like my brother?"
"joshua?" your eyebrows quirked up, realizing he had an english name, and only processing after the fact that he also understood her. "is he like us?"
"foreign?" rosie asked, looking at you. "yeah, he's from la."
you looked at her expectantly. "well, is joshua free tonight?"
she laughed at you, but redirected the question over the phone anyways, then promptly invited him out to join you at the bar, and he said he could be there in 45 minutes. he arrived with 6 minutes to spare (not that you were watching the clock, but you totally were), and rosie waved him down to join your table, quickly introducing him to the coworkers you had deemed fun enough to hang out with.
"and this is y/n," she said, grabbing your arm. she leaned over to joshua, pretending to whisper. "the other foreigner."
you laughed and shook his hand, saying it was nice to meet him. he smiled back, warmly, and returned the sentiment. he was korean, you realized, despite being from america, and he was incredibly handsome. like, absurdly so, in a way that felt impossible in reality, yet here he was, gaze flickering over your face as you brought your (new) drink to your lips, and the liquid almost caught in your throat when you saw an entire galaxy twinkling in his eyes. you blinked when he went to get a drink, thinking you must be drunker than you thought to have mistaken the reflection of the fairy lights that littered the bar as galaxies, but for some reason, your initial impression seemed to suit him more.
months later, you went to rosie's apartment just to drop off some food - you were teaching yourself how to make korean side dishes, and she volunteered to be your auxiliary food tester if you made too much, which, big surprise, you absolutely did. she made fun of your cooler bag and your big puffy jacket, saying you reminded her of the grandma down the hall, and you laughed heartily as you made your way to her kitchen.
she had an essay to write, so you didn't stick around. shortly after you announced your leave and exited to the hall, the next door opened.
"oh," joshua said, hand still gripping the handle of his front door as he made surprised eye contact with you. "you're leaving already?"
you pursed your lips to hide a smile, wrapping your scarf around your neck. "already?"
"you usually, um," he paused, his hand going to the back of his neck, the other pushing into the pocket of his jeans. "you're usually around for a few hours."
you giggled. "i was just dropping off some food, rosie has an essay to write."
he puffed out a cheek and nodded slowly as he let it deflate. "i guess i shouldn't bother her, then."
you watched him avoid your gaze, then peeked slyly past him into his apartment. you had never been, but it looked neat. neutral. comforting. it seemed like him.
the jig was up, joshua thought, studying your eyes briefly. you clearly knew he only ever barged into his neighbor's apartment because you were there. he had obviously just given it away, but maybe you had always known, and you had just let him think he was convincing when he said he had no idea you were over. but maybe he was okay with that, because you never complained. and maybe that meant you liked seeing him, too.
"are you busy?" he asked suddenly. "i don't mean to keep you, but-"
you shook your head quickly. "i don't have plans."
"uh," he turned to his apartment before looking back at you briefly. "let me grab a jacket, i'll walk you home."
you couldn't help but smile. "okay."
joshua made sure he was quick to get his winter coat and a scarf, but instinctively adjusted his bangs in a mirror and checked his breath. he silently scolded himself for making this out to be something that it wasn't - he was walking you home, not taking you out. but he hoped he would work up the nerve to ask before the end of the walk.
"ready?" you asked, pushing off the wall you were leaning against as you waited.
he smiled at you, silently hoping he was. "yeah, let's go. it's gonna start getting dark soon."
when the two of you exited the apartment building, hands shoved into pockets, joshua commented that it felt like it was gonna snow.
"i think the forecast said tomorrow," you mused, looking up at the overcast sky.
he stared at you as you walked beside him, your lips curved upward in a vague smile as you thought about how much you liked the snow, and when you looked over and caught his gaze, he redirected his eyes just a little too late, then laughed at his own behavior. "sorry, you looked really cute just then."
you couldn't help but smile, nuzzling down into your scarf to hide it. "as opposed to normally, when i don't."
"not what i said," he defended immediately. "i think you always look cute."
you giggled into your scarf, hoping he couldn't see how flustered you felt. "thank you. i think you always look cute, too."
you caught a small smile sneak onto his face as he looked down at his shoes. "thanks."
joshua had never once seemed shy to you. a little hesitant, maybe, when you had first met him, but he exuded confidence. you got the impression that he knew himself better than anyone, and he was happy to express himself genuinely around people that accepted him. he was a bit of a smooth talker, you thought. he had a way of saying exactly what people wanted to hear, whether it was true or not. but today, now, he seemed genuinely reserved. quieter. like he wasn't quite sure what to say to you as you walked side by side on the sidewalk, headed to your apartment.
"what kind of food did you bring to roseanne?" he asked, trying to fill the quiet.
"standard fare," you said, smiling at how he used her full name. "kimchi, seasoned beansprouts, sweet potatoes, fishcakes."
"oh, korean?" he asked, looking at you. "i didn't know you cooked like that."
your lip quirked into a smile at the reaction. "i'm practicing. gotta please a korean husband if i wanna get a permanent visa, y'know."
"right," he said, nodding at your joking tone. "a korean husband."
you blinked, eyes focusing on something in the air, then looked up. "oh my god, is it snowing?"
joshua tore his gaze from you, looking around at the flakes that were gently falling from the sky. "i told you it was gonna snow."
"but the forecast said tomorrow!" you laughed, pulling a hand out of your pocket to try to catch some flakes. "has it snowed yet since new year?"
his heart fluttered lightly as he watched you shove your hand back into your pocket. "no, not yet."
you looked over at him and giggled at how much snow had gathered on his dark hair. "oh, jeez, it's starting to come down." you reached out to him, brushing some flakes off his bangs, and he hoped you thought his ears were just red from the cold. "if we don't hurry, you're not gonna be able to walk home."
that wouldn't be the end of the world, joshua thought. maybe if the snow fell heavy enough, you would tell him to sleep on your couch instead of trekking home. maybe the two of you could chat, alone, just enjoying company until too late in the night. and maybe your heating would go out again, like you often complained about, and maybe the two of you could wind up under the same blanket as you got sleepier.
"do you know that belief?" he asked, glancing at you as you walked. "what koreans say about first snow?"
you looked over to him. "no," you said shortly, switching to korean. "what is it?"
he laughed, but continued in english. "they say that if you're with someone during the first snow of the year, you'll stay together for a long time."
you stopped in your tracks, and he only made it two steps in front of you before he turned, looking at you questioningly. "together?"
he gave a short affirmation, blinking and looking away as he shifted his stance. "yeah, like-" he paused. "supposedly, if you confess during the first snow, it's good luck. or something like that."
you stared at him, studying his eyes as he avoided your gaze, a tiny smile creeping across your face. "josh."
he looked at you, eyebrows quirked. "w'sup?"
you giggled. "are you talking about us right now?"
"oh, are you confessing to me?" he asked, eyes wide and making you laugh as he slowly closed the short distance between you. "confessing during the first snow, wow. you must really like me. y'know, i always kind of thought you had a crush on me."
you rolled your eyes. "yet it took you four months to mention it?"
his nose scrunched up as he grimaced apologetically. "i'm sorry for making you wait," he said, quietly and in korean, close enough that you felt his breath on your skin. you just shook your head at him.
"i made you wait, too."
he looked between your eyes, and you couldn't help but feel like the snow was melting around you from his warm you felt. "can i kiss you yet?"
you let out a breathy giggle, enjoying the way his eyes creased as he smiled at you. "of course you can."
this moment, joshua realized, was one that he had imagined a million times in his head. in a million different scenarios throughout the last four months, he had imagined how incredible it would be to feel your lips against his. and when he finally found himself there, his fingers brushing against your cheek as he pulled you into him, the first snow of the year falling around you, he realized he had imagined it all wrong. because despite thinking that you definitely had the most beautiful lips that he could ever press his to, he had not accounted for the fact that you were smiling, and he was too, and that made them the sweetest. the most fun. the most exciting.
and he hoped you would let him keep kissing you for a long time.
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So I want to start reading Marvel comics, but I honestly have no idea where to start. Online? Paper copies? Do you read them in order or is it ok to pick and choose?
Anyway. Any advice?
Very good question over here :D
First off, I am broke and comics aren't even sold where I live and I would have to order them... no thanks. I read all of them online on pirate sites, whoops. I mostly use readcomiconline.li, it's a pretty good database (only downside is that there are ads and a lot of them are lewd, it's like pirating a movie you gotta close them and then it's ok)
So! Comics! It really depends on what you want to read! I mostly read Avengers and Captain America comics, plus sometimes Spider-Man and all the different crossover events, so I'm not the best if you're not looking for those specifically.
However! When I first got into comics, I looked up some reading guides and stuff and they usually pointed me the right way. One of the first (if not the first) of Marvel comics I read was the original Civil War, which is only like 7 issues without the tie-ins (some of the original comic runs go for even hundreds of issues! Spider-Man from the 60s is like 800 issues).
I think Civil War is a good one to start on when you know the events from the movies, just to compare them if not anything else. I have to say I was surprised by some of the things that went on in there oof, and be ready for some really wild shit haha.
As for order, it doesn't really matter when it comes to individual runs (By the way a run is a collection of issues usually by the same writers and artists and it follows one cohesive story). Only within a run you should read them chronologically because that's how the events unfold in the story too. Different runs might mention previous events from other stories but those are usually small references, unless it was a big big event that affected all of the marvel universe.
Not sure if you're aware of this, but the main comic plotline and universe is called Earth-616, that's where all the main things go on. Alternate universes have different numbers assigned. Most notorious is Earth-1610 aka the Ultimates, which reimagined the heroes in a more serious, modern setting. The MCU is based off of these, combined with 616. I read some and I didn't like them all that much (very edgy and some stuff was seriously messed up like: Hank Pym beats his wife Janet, Hulk ate the chitauri leader, Tony has a sentient brain tumour, Red Skull is Steve's son, and I'm pretty sure Pietro and Wanda were in an incestous relationship, ew...). But! It did give us Miles Morales so. Silver linings.
Anyway. Just to throw out some suggestions of comics I either enjoyed reading or saw recommended a lot:
Matt Fraction's Hawkeye (2012) (deemed most iconic version of Clint)
Captain America Vol. 5 (2005) (this is the one that redefined the character, had the Winter Soldier storyline, and goes all the way to Civil War + Bucky as Cap)
Captain America (2017) (but ignore issue 25# and go straight to #695-#704. This one has references to Secret Empire /hydra cap storyline/ because it happens right after it and it's just. nice short stories that i absolutely adore)
Captain America: Sam Wilson (2015) (Sam Cap! This one follows the events of the 2014 Cap run and eventually Pleasant Hill... and then Secret Empire, which is uhh problematic but not a bad story over all and Sam Cap is always a win!)
Spidey (2016) (This one is just a delightful collection of Peter teaming up with other heroes and having misadventures! It's quite short too, just 12 issues)
Avenging Spider-Man (2012) (Also Peter teaming up with various characters but like, more serious)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2019) (The latest Miles run and I'm not all caught up yet but I like it a lot!)
Jonathan Hickman's Avengers (2013) (I haven't finished this one because it has a ton of characters but a lot of people consider it to be THE Avengers run)
Marvel Adventures: The Avengers (2006) (Unrestrained summer fun. If you're looking for light-hearted stories, this one is perfect)
Avengers (2018) (Current Avengers run. I rather like this one! It does reference a ton of stuff so I wouldn't start with this one)
Phew, that took a fair bit of googling haha!
Then there are also crossover events, which unsurprisingly cross over a LOT of the characters (bigger than Avengers). I cannot vouch for these because they are usually very hit or miss but they're not too long. Those that I've read include: Civil War I. and Civil War II., Secret Empire, Avengers vs. X-Men, Avengers Disassembled + House of M, Absolute Carnage, King In Black, War of Realms, Empyre... there is a lot of these lol, it's best to look up the descriptions and decide whether you want to read them or not.
There are also countless What Ifs and alternate universe stories. Those usually have to be specifically searched for and 90% of the time they're absolutely bonkers.
And I think that about covers it! Wow, that was a mouthful. I hope it was helpful! Really I think you should pick a character and look up reading orders, there are a lot of people who organised those a lot better than I ever could haha.
Good luck and happy reading :D
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
I can't think of a specific scene, but I just want some angst with Tatsuya please!! Thank youu ❤️
Haha it pained me to write this,, I might’ve cried a bit while typing out some of the dialogue lmao idk why I went so hard with the angst 😭 it’s so long as well ajsjsk
Anyways, I hope you like it!! xx
Scenario: Himuro moving away
gender neutral reader
All good things seem to come to an end. All your life, you were painfully aware of this fact. You tried making some exceptions, but they just proved you wrong in the end. So why did you think Himuro was any different?
You and Himuro clicked almost instantly ever since he moved into town and into the house right next to yours. It was your typical cheesy boy next door love story, but it still filled your life with colour.
The two of you began as friends, spending an awful lot of your time together— walking to and from school, study sessions and just plain hanging out. But by far, your favourite thing to do with Himuro was climb up to the roof of your house and stare at the stars together. You’d think that with the sheer frequency of your visits to the roof that either of you would get tired of it, but you never did. The stars never failed to fascinate you. Moreover, you had memories attached to the place. This was where Himuro confessed to you for the first time. You remember it like it was just yesterday.
“... and then I slipped on one of the steps and landed on Atsushi and everyone looked horrified,” Himuro recounted his awful experience that day as you tried to hold back your laughter.
However, the imagery of it only made you laugh even harder, “How are you that clumsy?” you said between laughs, clearly mocking him.
Himuro clicked his tongue in annoyance and slapped your arm lightly. “Stop laughing. I could’ve really gotten hurt, you know,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment, even after you had simmered down and looked back up at the sky.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m glad you’re okay. But you’re just really stupid sometimes,” you smiled, meaning every word you said.
Himuro just rolled his eyes as a response before a silence fell between you two. It wasn’t awkward nor uncomfortable, the two of you just embraced each other’s presence like it was second nature.
“Hey, Y/N,” Himuro said, breaking a five minute long silence after fighting the nerves by himself.
“Mhmm?” You hummed, looking over at him and realising that he seemed unusually on edge.
“What if I told you that I liked you?”
You felt your heart skip a beat at the sound of those words before your rational thinking came into play. “Well, I wouldn’t be surprised because you’re supposed to like me. You’re my friend, after all.”
Himuro visibly hesitated for a moment before deciding to go for it. “No, I mean more than in a friend type of way.”
You felt yourself freeze up as you tried to process what you had just heard. “Oh,” was the only thing you could muster.
A few seconds of silence passed as Himuro grew more and more nervous. “Should I have not said anything?”
You still didn’t say anything as your mind tried to come to some form of coherent thought. “What if I told you I liked you back?” you finally said, so nervous that you were unsure if he had even heard you.
He certainly did though as his eyes lit up and a gentle smile fell upon his face. He didn’t plan this far ahead. Now that he had gotten his answer, his mind was in a frenzy. “Can I kiss you?” he asked you softly since it was the only thing he could think of to do at that moment.
Without missing a beat, you nodded your head yes. And on that roof, under the stars, was where you and Himuro kissed for the very first time.
Ever since that night, the two of you would be all over each other. Of course, the change in titles was a bit awkward at first, but for the most part, the way you acted around each other wasn’t all that different. You’d still argue over your favourite tv show characters, you’d still laugh at each other’s jokes and you’d still meet up on that roof together. So really, nothing changed except that the two of you would hold hands and kiss every now and again.
It was perfect to you. You both really did love each other to the point where you could barely imagine a world without the other in it. Everything came so naturally with Himuro that it was so incredibly easy. You’d really never felt this way with anyone else before.
No one else around you was surprised when the two of you started dating either. When Himuro told Murasakibara about it a few days after you two got together, he even said, “Oh you two weren’t already a thing? Congrats, I guess.”
A little over a year had passed since you two began dating and things were going smoother than ever. Well, that was until one evening when the two of you were walking home after school.
“Hey Y/N, I kind of have to tell you something,” Himuro said, his voice softer than usual, making you stop swinging his arm playfully out of concern.
“What is it?” You questioned.
“Um, well, it’s kind of hard to say this, but I’m moving,” he said, avoiding eye contact out of nervousness.
Your heart sank as you stopped in your tracks, forcing Himuro to stop too. “Moving? Where?” you asked, bewildered.
“Back to America. My dad got transferred again, so we gotta move,” he explained, hating how pained your expression was.
You felt tears prick your eyes as you processed the fact that this was actually happening. “When are you leaving?” you asked, praying that it was a faraway time like next year.
“Next week.”
You felt everything shatter around you. The wind that blew your way draining the warmth out of you entirely. “But they can’t just move him away so suddenly! Surely there are documents and other processes he needs to sort out,” You argued, trying your best to convince yourself that you could keep Himuro for just a little longer.
“No, it’s all confirmed. Most of the stuff at home is even packed up,” Himuro said, trying to fight back tears of his own as he brushed his hair out of his eyes in frustration.
“Oh,” your voice cracked as tears streamed down your face. “So how long have you known?”
“About a month now. I was just trying to figure out how to tell you—“
“A month?” You exclaimed, raising your voice ever so slightly as you felt a wave of anger flow through you. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“I didn’t know how. Plus I knew you’d get all sad and I didn’t want our last few days to be spent with you crying,” he explained, reaching his hand out to your face so that he could wipe the tears away.
He was quickly shut down by you swatting his arm away though, making him furrow his brows in confusion.
“How do you think this is any better?” You snapped. “I thought we told everything to each other. Now there’s no fucking time to do anything, do you realise that?”
“I do, but—“
“Save it, Tatsuya,” you cut him off as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. “I just need some space.”
Just like that you stormed away, deciding to walk back home alone and leaving Himuro behind, confused and hurt. He knew that you weren’t actually mad at him. He knew that you were just lashing out your frustration onto him because there was nothing else you could blame. He knew that. But why did watching you walk away cause an ache in his chest?
Himuro let you have the rest of the day to yourself. He did send you a few texts asking how you were holding up, but they got no response. In any other situation, he would’ve just walked right over to your house and checked for himself, but something told him that he was the last thing you wanted to see, despite the time crunch.
Himuro didn’t see you nor did he get a reply from you the next day either. By the time the evening rolled around and he had heard nothing from you, he decided that it was enough. If he didn’t do anything now, the last memory he’d have of you would be your anger.
The raven haired boy walked over to your house and knocked on the door. Your mum let him in with a smile, not thinking too much of it since she was so used to having him over. When Himuro entered your room, he found you simply just laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression.
“Y/N, are you just going to ignore me until I leave?” Himuro asked without even greeting you first.
You immediately sat up at the sound of his voice and stared at him from across the room. Now that you had run out of tears, you had slowly come to terms with the fact that he was actually leaving and you couldn’t really blame him. Your anger was uncalled for, but you didn’t want to admit it, not that Himuro was expecting you to anyway.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, voice raspy as though you’d just finished crying.
Himuro sighed as he felt his tension simmer down. He came in here expecting to tell you off, but it seemed like he didn’t need to do that after all. “You don’t need to apologise,” he said calmly as he walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Would you like to go up to the roof?”
A small smile fell upon your face for the first time in a while at the comforting words as you nodded in response.
Himuro took your hand and held it tight as the two of you headed up to lie down at your usual spot.
There was a full moon that night. Of course, the stars seemed inferior to the sheer brightness of the moon, but the night sky was still as gorgeous as ever. The two of you laid in silence for a moment to fully take in the sight. As you finally felt comfortable again, you noticed that you ended up matching your breathing with Himuro’s without even thinking of it.
“Do you really have to leave?” You said, directing your focus to your boyfriend, who was now more important to you than all the stars in the sky.
“I’m afraid I do,” he answered, squeezing your hand tighter.
“Can’t you just live with me? I’m sure my parents won’t mind. It seems like they love you more than me anyways,” you suggested, tone dead serious.
You watched as Himuro laughed at your idea. You could never get tired of his laugh. It was so soft and lovely that it made you want to capture it in a bottle and keep it all to yourself. “I wish I could, but my parents would kill me if I even tried asking them now. They’re so stressed about the move and I absolutely do not want to interfere,” he said, the moonlight making his dark eyes sparkle.
You took a deep breath as a moment of silence passed you by. Every part of you hurt to be with him, knowing that you weren’t going to see him again. It was a surprise that you could even talk to him normally without bursting into tears.
“Do you think we should call this quits?” You asked him, your fingers fiddling around with his.
“Call what quits?”
“Us. This relationship,” you clarified, looking at him with wide eyes. “There’s no way we can do long distance, especially after being so used to seeing each other every day.”
Himuro went silent for a second as he thought it over. This really fucking hurts. He hated thinking about it but this was the reality. “Yeah, I guess it’s for the best,” he said.
You were fully aware that you were the one that suggested it, but now hearing him say that triggered the tears all over again. “Cool,” you croaked as you did your best to fight back the cries. It was useless though, because you quickly became a sniffling mess next to Himuro.
“Hey, come on, it’ll be okay. We can go back to being friends. I’ll text you,” Himuro paused to wipe away his own tears, “I-I’ll text you every day. And we can call, and play video games, whatever you want.”
Himuro shifted over and rested on his elbow so that his other hand could wipe the tears off of your cheeks. His tender touch sent butterflies to your stomach as you felt your heart ache. His hand moved up to brush through your hair, bringing some form of familiar comfort which slightly calmed you down.
“Promise that you’ll still be my best friend?” you asked him with your shaky voice.
“Of course. Who else is going to tell me that I’m stupid every day?” he joked, making you laugh through the tears.
“Can I ask you for a favour?” You said softly.
“It’s not going to be to stay, is it?”
You giggled once again as you shook your head. “No, it’s not,” you said as you sat up.
“Alright then, shoot.”
“Well, I know we’re back to being friends now, but can you kiss me? Just one last time?”
Both of you hated the finality of those words, but that was simply the reality of the situation. Himuro smiled and nodded, “Of course.”
He leaned in, pressing his familiar soft lips against yours in the softest way possible. He could feel the hot tears trickling down your cheeks. His hand moved to wipe them away as your fingers wandered into his silky dark hair. You didn’t want this moment to ever end. The feel of his lips against yours, the way he held you so carefully, the taste of the chapstick he applies to combat the coldness of your town— you didn’t want to say goodbye to it. You didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Eventually, he had to pull away, knowing that the longer it went on, the more difficult it would be to end. “Satisfied?” he asked you with a smile, wanting to move away from the seriousness of this situation.
“I suppose I am,” you said with a sigh. “First and last kiss on this roof, huh? How poetic.”
“Hm, I didn’t even think about that,” Himuro said, realising how absolutely bittersweet that kiss was.
Another silence fell between the two of you. You didn’t need to say anything to know that the other was savouring these last moments together.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you said as both of your gazes were fixated on the sky once again.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I’ll miss this.”
“Me too,” he muttered before the two of you went quiet again.
“Hey Tatsuya,” you spoke again after a few minutes.
“Yes, Y/N?” he replied, your name rolling off his tongue in the same sweet way as it always would.
“I’ll miss you.”
Himuro took a deep breath and ignored the break in his heart. There was nothing else he could do.
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N.”
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Meeting Shouta’s parents on Christmas
Hello all you beautiful people! So here is the last part in the Aizawa mini series. I fell in love with all these Characters and this head cannon so I will probably revisit them! As usually the reader is neutral in every since of the word! I hope you guys enjoyed this series. 
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
After a month of preparation you meet Aizawa’s Parent over the course of a week
Words: 3,098
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
“Ooh my goodness what are we gonna do!?” You said pacing around your living room. Shouta looked at you and chuckled at your frazzled state.
“We get in my car and drive to my family house as planned, pretend to enjoy ourselves so we can come home and cuddle with my fat cats.” He said, pulling you into a hug. 
“You want me to show up to meet your parents without the gift I ordered for you dad? Shouta are you outta your mind.” You said to him with a pout.
“Well that's debatable but I do know my parents and they aren't even expecting anything so it's fine. You can just tell them we’ll get it to him when we get it. Now let's go!” He said trying to drag you to the car.
“Aizawa Shouta! I am not going anywhere unless it's to a store to buy your Dad a gift.” You said giving him a glare. He stared back as if to question if you were being serious. You cocked an eyebrow at him, challenging him to disagree.
“Were gonna be late to get there, do you want that?”
“Better to be late than to show empty handed especially when everyone else has gifts.” You said with a shrug. Aizawa laughed but nodded as you both went to the store. You wandered around the place for an hour before you found something you actually liked. Now you were in the car messily wrapping in as you pulled into the driveway of your destination.
“Okay goodness gracious we barely made it but we're here and I have gifts for all your siblings and their lovers and their kids! Didn't think I would pull it off but here we are in one piece.” You said mostly to yourself.
“Kitty Cat you start talking to yourself and I might leave you to enter the den of wolves by yourself.” Aizawa said as you both got out of the car. You let him take in your overnight bags and get help for the millions of presents somehow packed into your small car you didn't wait long as you felt as presence behind you.
“Hello you, perfect example of a gorgeous human being!” The voice said from behind you.
“Shinji, how nice to see you.” You said with a sigh.
“You know if you’re tired of sighing that way… I have a better way to make you sigh.” He said winking at you. You had to push back all the thoughts of murdering him and just smiled but before you could say anything another voice interjected.
“See I told you we had to come out here! Shinji stop hitting on y/n their dating our little brother you snake.” Saika said, hitting him over the head.
“Can't help it, sis!” He said with a laugh.
“Well for this week you absolutely will have better control overself or so help me God Shinji! Anyway y/n you’ve got me, Shinji and sora at your beck and call, what do you need help with?” Saika said with her graceful smile.
“Oh just this.” You said pointing to the car packed with presents. Sora seemed to choke on air at the amount of gifts.
“God, didn't Shouta tell you didn't have to buy everyone a gift, you poor thing!” Saika said hugging you.
“Well he did but I just really like you guys and loved getting to know you this past month so I wanted to.” You said waving her off.
“More like you wanted to impress our parents, huh cutie?” Shinji said teasing you before he started to grab presents as to avoid his sister wacks.
“Ignore him! My mom is dying to meet you, Shouta’s never brought anyone home.” She said as her and Sora grabbed some more presents. As they went in you pulled out the last two rounds of presents and waited for Aizawa who wasn't far behind.
“Hey love are you ready?” Aizawa said, picking up the presents you set out.
“I am totally not!! I barely remember everyone's name! We should just slip away right now!” You said beginning to pace some more.
“Babe i'm gonna go inside and wait on you, come in whenever you want but remember we are late.” He said with a light chuckle.
“Sho!! don't you go into your house without me!” You said picking up the gifts and following him like a lost puppy. That was that and soon you were inside the house with a lot of eyes on you. You followed aizawa while bowing and placed the toys underneath the huge tree.
“Alright now that that’s done let me meet the one whose stolen my baby’s heart so effortlessly!” A woman said coming over to you. You bowed deeply to her and she let out a melodious laugh.
“How cute, no need to bow so deep! I should be bowing to you, you who is able to make my stoic Shouta blush, giggle and pout!” She says grabbing your face and pulling it around as if to inspect it.
“Oh Honey, you stop it! They are just being polite, you know like Japanese culture requires them to be.” A tall man said coming over to you.
“I'm just saying! Anyway you can call me Mina and this is my parasite of 41 years Hirohito! Nice to meet you!” She said hugging you, you were a bit surprised by how informal and kind they were.
“Excuse my parents, they were born and raised in America! No less Japanese but they are a bit more informal and that does shock a lot of people.” Shojiro said scratching his neck. 
“Oh hush boy! Don’t put a warning label on me and your mom as if we are damaged goods.” Hirohito said, knocking him over the head.
“Now it’s getting later we should all wash up and get ready to eat! I made something special for you all. And Sho I put a king size bed in your room since you’ve finally brought someone home. If you want to take advantage of that and make me some grandchildren then don’t worry we will hold up dinner for you!” His mom said kissing his cheek. He groaned and grabbed your hand and pulled you away and soon you were in his room.
“See, was that so hard?” Aizawa said with a flushed face.
“Ehh you look like it was, tomato paste! But I think it went okay! I can do this!!” You said hyping yourself up.
“Yes you can, kitty cat. After dinner only 6 more days to go.”
“WHY do you guys do Christmas gatherings for a week!” You whisper yelled at him.
“Because we have a doting mother who wants to smother us every chance she gets and a father who would do anything for her.” He said serious, you laughed and got ready for dinner. When you and Aizawa made it to the dining room, you were met with three huge dining tables. Almost every seat filled.
“Sweetheart, you and y/n come sit right here! I’ve got so many things to ask you!” His mom said waving you over.
“Thank you… Mina. Your way to kind!” You said with another bow. Dinner was pretty quiet at first but how quiet can you be with like 30 people in one room.
“Saika, dear, you were in charge of the schedule this year can you read it off for everyone.” Mina said.
“Of course! So on the 20th aka tomorrow it’s all about decorations and the tree! 21st is all about taking the kids to see Santa! 22nd is Family photo day! 23 is the gingerbread houses contest and reindeer games! 24th is sugar cookie making and movies! 25th is a grand breakfast and present opening! Bring forth the cup of straws!” Saika said giggling. Sora rolled his eyes but got the cup and passed it around, everyone taking a straw. 
“Okay now blow into if red dust comes out you’re in charge of taking the kids to see Santa!” She announced and everyone did. Of fucking course red dust billowed from you straw. You looked at Shouta and he shook his head at you and your heart dropped.
“So then it’s me and you, how fortunate!” Shinji said waving at you. You couldn’t control yourself and your head dropped onto the table dramatically.
“Haha, Shinji y/n already knows what a pain in the ass you are! you must be losing your style dear! Not to worry y/n, Shinji will be on his best behavior won’t you?” Mina said as an ominous silence fell over the room. Shinji didn’t hesitate to nod.
“Okay then! Y/n, welcome to the Aizawa family. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas with us! With that let us begin the 6 days of chaos!” Mina said laughing lifting her glass, everyone joined laughing. Okay maybe this won’t be so bad you thought for a brief second.
20th - 5 Days till Christmas
“Dad I understand you like to hang lights up dangerously but do you have to drag y/n into it.” Aizawa said as he watched you nervously. You were on the roof helping his dad put up a few decorations and lights.
“Of course I did, if they’re gonna be an Aizawa one day they gotta learn all our trade secrets.” He retorted as if it was common knowledge.
“I’ve never seen my little Sho so worried. I can’t figure out if it’s because your kind and you love him so much or if you’ve got him by the balls or maybe even both.” Mina said with a slight chuckle. This made you warm in embarrassment and you lost your footing and began to fall, of course taking the old man with you.
“Shit!” Aizawa said as he quickly used his capture weapon to grab both you and stop your impact from being damaging.
“Yeah alright, me and y/n are opting out of decorations this year.” He said dragging you who was still in his captured weapon toward the door.
“Oh honey calm down it would have just been a small bump and maybe a sprain. Would you at least help Shinji and Sora with the kids, decorating the tree?” She said with a kind yet manipulative smile. Before either of you could respond yelling was heard from inside
“Damn it, Yukio stop breaking the glass ornaments and Maki stop recording and help me!” Shinji yelled. 
21st- 4 Days till Christmas 
“Shinji what the hell do we do!” You said pacing.
“Hold on stop talking I’m thinking.”
“Like hell I’m trusting your brain! We just have to ask them to let us take pictures anyway.” You said with determination. You see everything was going well until and elf said something to Haru that Jun took as bullying. A fire light in that boy like you had never seen he was on top of the elf giving him the business in seconds. After he just mumbled things like ‘Bakugou said you can’t let people bully you.’ And ‘gotta put bullies in their place.’. Then when you tried to get him to apologize he glared and said ‘no, I can’t let that bully win’ and just like that y’all were kicked out.
“No look let’s just disguise them! Tetsuya and Haru stitch clothing and Haru and Umi switch! Then Maki will take them and her pictures with them.
“What about Maki though they saw her!” You said not believing you were actually going along with his crazy plan.
“Oh I have a change of clothes, gotta be prepared when you’re going out with uncle Shinji!”  She said cheerfully.
“That’s my girl! Now go do this thing!” He said giving her and high five. Someone how Shinji’s ridiculous plan worked and the parents didn’t even notice, they were all too drunk or tired. 
22nd - 3 Days until Christmas 
“There is no way I'm taking pictures wearing this.” Sora said as he pulled the clothes from the box.
“Yeah mom, why did you make Sho pick clothes this year you know he cant even dress himself! It’s because you babied him so much, you know.” Shojiro said, looking as equally as disgusted at the clothing.
“Hey now! I put my baby in charge of the clothing and you all are gonna wear it, end of discussion. Also if anyone babied him it was all of you so blame yourself.” Mina said, ending the discussion as Shouta wore a crazed grin.
“I like the clothes Uncle sho’ta.” Nozomi said rocking on her heels.
“They are pretty cute huh?” He said ruffing her hair.
“Ah ah ah! Don't you go infecting my kids with your bad fashion sense!.” Saika said, covering Nozomi's ears. At this you all broke out into laughs before heading to put on the outfits and prepare for maybe the most embarrassing photos known to man.
23rd - 2 days till Christmas
You were not an artist by any means but when you heard the winner got the honor of passing out presents you were purposely trying to lose. You knew them apart mostly but if they were all wearing the same pajamas with their hair tied back it was going to be a stuttering mess. However your plan of making a 3 out of 10 gingerbread house was foiled quickly. Aizawa wasn't really a competitive man or so you thought but when you to were paired against Shinji and Shojiro he went berserk! You looked at the gingerbread MANSION with a sigh.
“Shouta i’ve never seen you so invested! It's amazing.” Said Shizumi the resident artist in the house.
“Yeah uncle Shouta and L/N! You definitely got my vote!” Daisuke said smiling at you, you smiled back at him warily. The family all wrote down the people of their choosing and put it into the Santa hat. Now as names were being drawn you were biting your nails.
“Shouta and Y/n will be our Clauses this year.” Hirohito said with a small smile.
“Yay y/n wins.” Haru and Jun danced around you. You giggled before glaring at Aizawa in a way that said when we get home your sleeping on the couch, he just kissed you sweetly.
24th - 1 Day till Christmas
“Uncle Shouta stopped making so many cat cookies! Santa wants other shapes too!” Tetsuya said, hitting Shouta repeatedly on his legs. You laughed evilly as you formed another cat cookie and wrote Shouta’s name on the corner.
“I like your cat cookies.” Nozomi said, playing with her hair. Aizawa picked her up and spun her around.
“Okay, yep that's weird Baby brother! Why is Nozomi clinging to you? What did you do?” Shiori said looking back and forth from you and Shouta.
“Nothing.” Shouta said with a smirk. The family then looked at you hopeful.
“Well would you look at that! It's about time to watch the Grinch isn't it, Rei?” You asked the young boy. He eagerly nodded wanting to escape the situation. 
“You got Rei too? What is happening!” Saika said as she grabbed Rei bringing him to her chest.
“Huh where is your DVD player? I got to put the disk in.” You said completely ignoring her.
25th - Christmas Day
The gift giving had been going pretty successfully. You only Stuttered a few times but you hadn't given anyone the wrong present and let Shouta take the ones with Nicknames you didn't know. But this right here was the moment of truth, the moment you had been preparing for. In your right hand you had a gift for Shizumi and in your left one for Saika. You looked at the two twin like sisters and handed the gifts to each respectful sister hoping you were right. They opened the gifts and smiled so you guessed you were correct had everyone's eyes not been on you, you would have done a happy dance.
“Alright last gift before Mom and Dads are for Miss Nozomi!” Shouta said signaling you to get the present you and him picked out for the young girl.
“Alright this is from me and Uncle Shouta!” You said to the girl handing her the blue box. She said a quiet thank you before tearing into the box. Inside the box was a note which she took out.
“Look at your favorite uncle.” She said before looking straight at Shouta making all the other brothers gasp. In Shouta’s arm was a cute 3 legged kitten which had the girl darting toward him but slowed when she got to him so as not to scare the cat.
“Thank you!” The girl said, rubbing at her teary eyes. You and Aizawa had been teaching her how to care for cats knowing she wanted one. In all honesty she knew she was getting a cat she just didn't know when. You had asked her parents as well but didn't tell then when either so as to have a bigger reaction from the family.
“No need to thank me! Just promise me to take care of him real well.” Aizawa thumbed away the last of her tears. She nodded rapidly before snuggling the kitten who seemed to enjoy the attention. The last arc of gift giving went well as did the extravagant breakfast you had all prepared together. Now you were all saying goodbye.
“Y/n dear I do have one last parting gift for you.” Mina said as you rounded the corner with your bags. You placed down your bags and went to her side.
“I know you and Shouta haven't been together too long but I want to thank you. He acts tougher than he is. He would rather bear all the responsibility and pain and suffer alone. Not to mention the way he puts himself in danger rather than ask for help. With you he seems different, and you put him in his place. You’ve made me feel at ease for the first time since he entered UA as a student. So welcome to the family, we're so glad to have you.” She said putting something into your hands. You bowed at her and opened your palm to see a key to this house and a few pictures taken over the course of the week. You waved goodbye to them all and got your bags and made the short trip to your car where Shouta was waiting.
“Why do you look like you're going to cry.” He said worried.
“Because there are 365 days till next Christmas.” You said to him smiling.
MHA Masterlist
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imagines-r-s · 4 years
Ocean’s Rise, Empires Fall
summary: you didn’t want your father’s death to be your downfall, but for the longest time it seemed like it was going to be to you and everyone else around you
taglist: @mdlyncline(send me an ask to be added to any of my taglists)
wc: 2.7k
a/n: kinda threw canon out the window, but nonetheless, i proceed. basically, clint and nat both survive- it doesn’t really check out but uh yolo
warnings: pretty angsty. very angst actually. there’s a description of depressive episodes so if that’s triggering please be cautious loves, mention of death
mentions of peter parker x stark!reader, but mostly avengers x reader (platonically)
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When your dad snapped his fingers, he might have saved the world, but he destroyed yours. He obviously had no intention of doing so, he was just saving the world. You always knew your dad thought that he hadn’t done anything right in life, so you easily assumed that he thought this was his last shot. 
Tony wasn’t even aware of your existence until you were about four years old, but once he did find out he knew that he had to change his ways. When he did find out him and your mom came to an agreement for custody where he would see you every other week and every other holiday. 
What you didn’t know was that your mom had told Tony about you because she knew she only had a few years left with you, having been diagnosed with cancer a year before she had you meet Tony. She didn’t want you to be dropped off at some random man’s house and be expected to call him dad. 
She never had anything against Tony, he hadn’t done anything bad to her, she just figured with everything else going on in his life, he didn’t need a child to add onto that-boy was she wrong. When Tony met you the first time, his whole perspective on life changed. He wanted to be a good person for you, obviously, he wanted to for Pepper too, but he realized either way you would look up to him and you needed someone good in your life. 
He quickly noticed that you were just as intelligent as he was and the two of you bonded a lot through working in his lab. He made you do homeschool, considering how advanced you were and that if anyone knew that you were his daughter, you could easily be in danger. 
Tony didn’t hide anything from you, you were aware of the Avengers and that he was Iron Man, much to Pepper’s dismay. Considering that you grew up with all the Avengers, all of them thought of you as their own. You would always help your dad with upgrades to suits and the two of you even started on your own suit at one point. 
After the events that took place with Aldrich Killian, your parents were more adamant about your safety; making you train with Steve and Nat, finishing up your suit, and keeping more tabs on you. You understood, but it was still too much, which led to you starting to sneak out more. 
Although your dad had many regulations on your suit, you were still smart enough to be able to override them, that’s why you were able to leave the tower in your suit so easily. As you were flying over New York, you caught glimpse of a blue and red form also moving through the air. “FRIDAY, scan the area for any heat signatures.”
“Sure thing, Miss Stark,” the A.I responded before doing what you had asked. Whoever was flying was found easily, and you followed them until they stopped on top of a building. Expecting some sort of suit, you were surprised to see someone who looked to be about your age, wearing a homemade jumpsuit and mask, “what are you supposed to be? The outfit is kinda wack, not gonna lie,” he hadn’t expected anyone else on top of the building, so when he looked over and saw you in your suit flying beside the building, he was shocked. 
“You’re asking me that when you’re the one flying at the edge of a building?” you could tell he was your age by the way his voice cracked. Opening the suit to be able to step out, you stood by yourself on the roof of the building, “there. Is that better?”
“Oh, uh-uh, yeah. Is that Stark tech? Oh my god, you’re- you’re his daughter?”
“Aw, so smart.” 
“What are you doing here?” he asked. You simply shrugged, “Just disappointing my father, what about you, I never caught your name?” 
“It’s Pete... Peter. My name is Peter,” he said, purposefully lowering his voice. “My name’s y/n,” you mocked his fake lower voice, “So how do you do that exactly?”
“What? Swing?” you simply nodded your head, “oh, well, I was like bitten by this radioactive spider, and then all these cool things started happening. Like I’m stronger than I was before, I have quicker reflexes, etc.”
“So, you got the qualities of a spider, is what you’re saying basically?”
“Uh, yeah. Well, when you put it like that, the explanation is shorter,” you simply nodded once again. “So, Petey, what’s your superhero name? You obviously attempted a superhero look, but failed miserably.” 
“Uh, spiderman? I haven’t really thought of it.”
“You’ve put a lot of thought into it, haven’t you?” he shyly nodded, “haha, well, you have the name, you have the missions or ‘civilians’ to rescue yet?”
“I just stay around my neighborhood, for the most part, you know friendly neighborhood type beat.”
“That’s honestly really cool, looking out for the underdog that not many think to save immediately, I get it. It’s cool. Do you have a phone?”
“Uh, yeah, you want it, Stark?”
“Well, I know you want mine, Parker,” his eyes widened at the sound of his last name, “yes, I knew your name before I asked you.” He slowly nodded in response, handing you his phone to add your number, “so, what do you look like under that mask?”
“Oh, hold on,” as you watched him remove his mask, you smirked as his floppy brown hair fell over his face before he had the chance to move it up, “Oh, you’re cute, Parker. Well, you have my number, so text me. Gotta go.”
You quickly left before he had an opportunity to respond to you. Leaving him with your number and the hope that he would see you again. 
Peter had texted you shortly after, leading to the start of an amazing friendship. The two of you started teaming up more and more, which caused your dad to find out about your sneaking out, but it helped him with his discovery of the Spiderling. You two were a duo that no one wanted to mess with and it was that way for the next few years, up until Thanos attacked. 
You like to think that Thanos caused everything in your life to be messed up, but there were so many things contributing to your downfall: the Accords breaking your family apart, not seeing said family for years, Infinity War, losing the person you were in love with but too scared to tell, losing your family after they had reconnected for the first time in such a long time, your dad being lost in space, the five years, getting everyone back, and then losing your father.
Although a lot of good things came from all of that, you refused to think about the positives. Everyone tried to help you out of whatever was going on in your head, but no one could help, not even Peter. 
For the first time in your life, you were fearful. Fearful that another bad thing would happen. Fearful that you would lose more people. Fearful that you might self destruct, too. 
Pepper had tried her best to help, but she was also grieving. Peter was, too. Morgan didn’t understand. The whole team was sinking, but they worked so hard to keep you afloat. 
Bucky and Sam were trying to get you back into training, but anytime you went, you were hurting yourself more than anything else. Nat and Clint tried to get you back into your suit, but it had stayed in its case since the day Tony died. Wanda had tried to get in your head and help, it was a last resort, but she was hopeful. Banner tried to get you back into the lab. Steve and Rhodey were both well aware of how similar you were to your dad, so he simply kept a distance while keeping you away from things that would hurt you more in the end. Even Coulson tried to help by showing you his Captain America trading cards. 
But nothing they did worked. 
None of them gave up, but they were all losing hope that they would be able to get any aspect of you back to your old self. They knew that you were simply winding up to self destruct with all these bottled up emotions, and they didn’t want it to go terribly wrong. 
You hadn’t cried since the day he died. You felt terrible for not going to most of the funeral, but people understood. You felt like a disappointment knowing that you weren’t there for the people that needed you most. The completely abandoned them from such close proximity, any other time you would have found that statement funny, but know it just made you feel worse. 
When it hit a year since the funeral, you knew you either had to get up now or you’d slip deeper down the rabbit hole. For the first time in a long time, you got up from bed and you were able to take a shower. You combed out your hair, detangling out the knots. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make you feel good at that moment. 
You felt a little bit more like yourself again, it wasn’t much but you’d take it. You had started walking towards the kitchen of the compound when you heard one of the doors in the hallway open. Looking down towards the hallway, you saw Morgan leaving her room. “Morgan, you ok?” 
“Yeah, I just wanted a juice pop,” she said smiling up at you. “That’s an idea I can get behind, c’mon let’s go.”
As the two of you were eating the juice pop, you hadn’t noticed that your family had crowded around the kitchen watching the two of you. Peter had woken up a little bit later than everyone else, but he saw that they were all crowded in the hallway, “guys, what’s going on?”
“y/n’s up and is laughing with Morgan,” Pepper said. Peter quickly turned the corner to see for himself, when he saw the two of you he smiled. He was so happy to see you up for the first time on your own since everything went down.
“You know that I can see all of you guys right there, right?” you said, after seeing the crowd of people in the corner. They all slowly emerged from the corner. “Yeah, we aren’t that small of a bunch are we?” Bruce stated to which you simply shook your head in response.
“It’s nice to see you up, doll,” Bucky said, kissing you on the top of your head. “Yeahhh, uh, I knew I needed to get up eventually, I guess. I don’t know.” 
“Hey, take all the time you need. Don’t stress about us, y/n,” Sam said. 
For the next few weeks, you eased back into everything. You started eating more, you got back to a kinda regular sleep schedule, you started training in small amounts, but still wouldn’t go down to your and your dad’s shared lab. 
It didn’t take you long to realize that even when some superheroes take time off, the bad guys never stop. Which was the reason why the team had been trying to talk you back into getting into your old suit. “C’mon, y/n, please, we need you. Your dad’s tech is what we need. Please,” Steve said. 
“Well see here’s the thing, it’s a dead man’s tech that hasn’t been used in a year, I don’t think it’ll help much,” you said pacing the livingroom. You didn’t want to bring the team down, but you weren’t getting back into your old suit. 
“y/n. Listen, HYDRA is planning an attack and we don’t know exactly when it will happen, but it’s happening tomorrow, please. Think about what your dad would have wanted,” you drew the line at him mentioning Tony. 
“My dad wouldn’t want some arrogant asshole to be trying to make me do something with his tech that I don’t feel comfortable doing yet. If you cared, you’d respect that. Now, talk to Peter or Banner, I’m sure they can figure something out.” with that last statement you walked away towards your room. 
You had a few moments to yourself before you heard a knock on your door, “y/n/n, it’s me.” You recognized Peter’s voice anywhere, “you can come in.”
“Are you ok?”
You simply nodded when you realized you were tearing up. No one had asked how you felt, simply because they assumed that you didn’t want to hear the question. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay,” he said before wrapping his arms around you. “Love, it’s okay. Let it out.”
You weren’t sure how long you had been wrapped up in Peter’s arms, but he held you tight as you cried through this moment. Everything you had bottled up was finally coming out. All the walls you had built in the past year were breaking. 
“Pete, I can’t help. You have to understand that I want to, but I just can’t go down to the lab and help. I can’t. And Steve expects me too and he said that dad would have wanted me to help and I just- I just don’t know what to do.”
“I think you have to trust your gut with this one. If you can’t go through with it, then don’t force yourself. Tony wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.”
You simply nodded at the boy in front of you, “I’ve missed you, Sunshine.” He grinned after hearing the nickname he hadn’t heard in so long from you. “I missed you, too, Starlight.”
Somehow a newscast had gotten to the fight, it wasn’t in a private place, so you weren’t surprised to see the cameras angled at your boyfriend and your family. Everyone was being taken out, one by one. 
Sam, Bucky, Nat, Peter, and Steve were the last few still standing, but you could see how worn out they were. You thought about how you could help and there was only one valid option, you just didn’t know if you wanted to go through with it. Correction, you didn’t know if you could go through with it. 
You made your way downstairs, stopping right in front of the lab that still looked exactly the same. “Miss Stark, it’s good to see you again,” you head the familiar A.I say. “It’s good to see you too, J.” 
Slowly taking in the room in front of you, you slowly walked in. The familiar smell of your dad’s cologne still lingered in the air somehow. It wasn’t sad, it was just a bittersweet moment. “JARVIS, can you bring out Mark 85?” 
“Of course, Miss Stark.” You smiled to yourself when you realized that Bruce had likely updated your suit. 
The bracelets that went with the suit quickly clung to your body, giving you the opportunity to suit up with the click of the two bracelets. “Alright, JARVIS, play dad’s kick ass playlist.” The sound of AC/DC filled your ears as you made your way to help protect your family. 
By the time you had gotten there, the HYDRA soldiers had the upper hand, but you knew if you came around unexpectedly they wouldn’t be able to do anything. You took the time to get the other models to get to where you were, that way you could surround them. You watched as the Avengers all smiled to themselves after realizing you were the one doing this. 
The other models were able to disarm HYDRA, giving all the worn out Avengers to strike at them and get them to the right correctional facilities. 
“y/n, you came,” Peter said, he was the only one that wasn’t completely out of breath at that. “Yes, yes. No need to thank me, I completely saved your asses back there,” you have a slight bow causing everyone to grumble. 
“Man, you really are your father’s daughter,” Rhodey said. “And you love me for that, Rhodes, don’t even,” you said raising a brow. 
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pepsi-is-a-fan · 3 years
publishing the first two pages of reactions bc im impatient and i wanna give you all a sneak peek :)
Ooo some nurses! They’ll help russia!
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tell me why for a second did i think that delaware thought connecticut was their father-
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Russia sleep nfdhskjmjfhgyfrbhesw
It is finished-
this was an AMAING read and i loved the foreshadowing hfedjkfhcbdn and im super excited for part two as well!!
Why did i only read “can you turn dixie off?” bvfkmjnchbcfd *turns dixie off*
Haha wait
Russia you literally are a canonical dumbass how the fuck can you have dignity-
Russia foreshadowed so much that america’s learned to expect it-
Hey, new jersey walked right into it-
I just imagine that russias hair goes fuh-wOOM
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Is this trump-
Backstabbing bitch-ass motherfuckers they are
oooOOOOOOOo sweden is here :D
Russia the foreshadowing we TALKED about this-
See? Dixie is smart. He thinks that they shouldn’t go in the cars. SEE? SMARTNESS 100
ooOOOOo theyve found a place :D
oooOOOo soldiers are talking right next to the place D:
Shushity shush SHUSH
America the stitches did what
SHIT WAIT they gotta fix it oh nooooooooo-
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Yeah this is my mind tbh
OOP- that helped then!
*takes more than what the ATM can allow*
*immediately drops it again*
EYYYYYY RUSSIAs” HAT IS BACK! Now we got everyone back :D
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tinyshinysylveon · 4 years
i suddenly got this idea where izuku is an anonymous famous editor for youtubers who hire him to edit their videos because he’s a professional at doing it, and katsuki is an upcoming youtube vlogger who travels around the world and yet doesn’t know how to edit his own videos to save his life, so no matter what he does, he always seem to mess up even the basics of editing (part 1/??)
“i think you need professional help” kirishima says as he watches katsuki trying to drag an edited cut on to his video for the umpteenth time that day “shut up, shitty hair just give me a minute-” an error popup. “did you just.. deleted the video?” “....”
katsuki keeps trying, he even watched tutorials on youtube (while skipping important segments ofc because he can totally do that all on his own!) but his patience is wearing thin until kirishima recommended him to someone who’s known in the youtube community for their famous editing skills 
“..deku?” katsuki stares at his screen showing a youtube profile with the name deku as their username and an icon of all might with edited-in sunglasses “okay look, he may seem suspicious to you, but i gotta tell you bakugou, he’s legit, i’ve seen his videos and they look awesome!” well katsuki will be the judge of that despite this deku having 5 mil+ subscribers than him!
the blonde spent the whole day watching deku’s videos which mostly consists of amvs (anime music videos) and games, especially the ones that required a lot of effort to make, plus he even made tutorials! so he gotta give him credit for that, but alas, katsuki is still somehow having trouble following directions and gave up on the latest tutorial video on how to add an easy transition 
when kirishima came to check in with katsuki, all he heard were multiple clicks and grumbled noises, he let out an exasperated sigh “i can’t believe you’re still trying..” “what the fuck do you want me to do kirishima?” katsuki was trying not to flip his table at this point. “hire him obviously!” the red head yells out as if that’s the answer to their problems “..and how do you suppose i do that?” 
it actually took a lot of convincing in kirishima’s part, but katsuki finally threw away his pride and decided to send a message to deku’s business email that was left under his about page on youtube 
“..i want you to become my editor and help me in becoming the #1 youtube travel vlogger in the community” kirishima reads the message out loud that’s displayed on the screen, “you sure you want to send it like this?” “i don’t see anything wrong with it?” “but don’t you think it’s too.. blunt? no formalities or anything like, hello i’ve seen your videos and i would be honored to have you as my editor, you know?” katsuki just shrugged, “it’s too late, i already sent it to him”
about half a day later, deku replied back, “Good afternoon Mr.Explosionmurder, I appreciate that you requested me to become your editor and would like to discuss further details about our agreement via discord. You can contact me by adding my username, deku#2463. I look forward to hearing from you.” to this day, kirishima still can’t believe his eyes when he read the message
“oi shitty hair, what’s a discord?” 
it wasn’t katsuki’s fault that the majority of time he spent in high school was doing his best to stay on top of assignments and projects, plus being in the A honor roll, he didn’t really get to decide on his career until after he graduated, thanks to the courtesy of his parents owning their own modeling industry, he put the money he saved up to good use in traveling around the world and vlogging it for people to see with kirishima as his traveling partner
he explained all of this and his reasonings to deku on discord once he reached out to him and figured out how to use the platform, but katsuki was still suspicious regarding his video editing skills and wanted to see it firsthand on how his videos would look like as a finished product
deku: fair enough, send me your videos and i’ll see what i can do, until then, if you deem it satisfactory, which i’m confident that you will, i request a 50/50 payment on your revenue. take it or leave it. 
for some reason, katsuki agreed to it without a second thought due to the challenging tone from the message; “i can’t believe you! i told you to trust him! why do you have to doubt him?! haven’t you already seen his videos?!” kirishima was full on panicking at this point, how were they going to make money?! “shut up, i know what i’m doing! i know what’s best for my videos!” it was a good chance too since they’re currently in hong kong and planning to shoot the top 10 tourist spots to visit as claimed by an article he found online
a few days later, katsuki finally got all the videos piled up in one folder and sent them all in a google drive to share with deku just as he requested, he even mentioned to him thru discord message to follow the cues he was giving him on his videos such as when he and kirishima took a stroll and tried foods in the temple street night market; “hey deku, i want you to do a close up of kirishima eating the curry fish ball with erotic music playing in the background” he smirks while focusing the camera on the red head eating without a care in the world and not noticing katsuki making the comment, “mmm dude, mmm you gotta try this, it’s so freakin’ good- wait bro, how long have you been pointing the camera at me?” 
in less than a week, deku sent a reply back with the link to the fully edited video; deku: hmm, not gonna lie, but your cues were actually helpful and dare I say, creative? katsuki took it as a compliment and opened the link to the video file, it was about a few GB so it shouldn’t take a long time to upload on youtube, but.. was it ready? he called in kirishima to watch it with him and was actually prepared for it to look horrible despite deku’s obvious talent except.. it was actually pretty good?? better even?! “what did i tell ya katsuki? i told you he was legit,” his partner boasted, just earlier he was embarrassed when the part about him eating the curry fish ball with the “let’s get it on” music in the background showed up while the blonde just rolled his eyes. 
explosionmurder: thanks, and i just saw it, consider yourself hired deku: happy to be of service! i’m looking forward to working with you, mr.explosionmurder! it would be helpful again if you provided the cues during your journey! :)  explosionmurder: don’t mention it and also don’t call me that, call me katsuki  deku: okay, mr.katsuki! [all might emoji]
kastuki found it odd that he became really eager during the exchange but thought nothing of it
a couple of months flew by and katsuki with kirishima in tow have already travelled in 4 other different countries, he even received about 500k+ subscribers, he’s almost to 1 million! as per agreement, he gives half of his revenue to deku which was okay with him since he still has a lot of saved up money in the bank including kirishima’s since they’re sharing it anyway, most of the time, his communication with deku have been entirely professional with a few emojis in between (usually deku’s part), until today that is 
deku: it must be nice to travel 0:  explosionmurder: pfft, what are you talking about? you now have over 7 mil+ subscribers in your channel since i met you, you can go traveling whenever or wherever you want  deku: i can’t  explosionmurder: what do you mean you can’t?
no reply
since then, katsuki didn’t want to think too much on what deku said and focused mostly on traveling, those videos won’t work themselves! after he finished, he sent over the videos of his recent trip from india over to deku and as usual, deku delivered it back beautifully edited along with a message 
deku: that’s so cool! you guys went to india? *o* [link to video edit] explosionmurder: yeah, you should’ve seen shitty hair when he tried that really spicy curry, which reminds me, you did what i asked right? deku: of course mr. katsuki! as always, i’ve paid attention to every cue you asked for! [saluting pepe emoji] explosionmurder: good good, i didn’t just hire you to sit on your ass all day  deku: haha you’re not my only contractor you know ^^”  explosionmurder: is that what you meant when you said you couldn’t travel because you’ve been busy? way to be blunt katsuki, he mentally berated himself, but at least deku answered this time, although reluctantly deku: ...let’s just say im stuck at home  in that very moment, is when everything changed between them explosionmurder: alright nerd, you sound depressed as hell so i’m going to give you the decision to decide on where we’re going to travel to next, think of it as a reward for all you’ve done for us  deku: asdkjflas that’s too much! T_T are you sure mr. katsuki??? explosionmurder: i’m waiting, you got 3 seconds starting now, 3  deku: america! i’ve been wanting to go to america...
katsuki told kirishima his plans, then the spiky red head gave him a pat on the back and a thumbs up, “so you do have a sentimental bone in your body!” kirishima was almost close to being dead that very same day 
when they arrived to america, he asked deku the list of things he wanted to see and most of them were, “all might amusement park, all might cafe, all might- is there anything else the nerd likes besides all might and superheroes?” katsuki says while viewing the list in the hotel they’re staying at. “give him a break, you said so yourself that he couldn’t leave his house, so this is the least we can do for him and for all the hard work he put in our videos,” kirishima reasoned with him
on the last day of their trip, katsuki did his routine in piling the videos together and sending them to deku with the attached message, “i actually bought you a souvenir if you want it, looked like the type of shit you would like, you’ll see what it is in the videos i’ve sent you” they’ve known each other long enough so he thought why the hell not, it’s just a matter of getting his PO address, and the response to this was immediate, “AAA I SAW IT! THANK YOU THANK YOU!” <3<3 <(^w^<)
it was an all might limited edition figurine only available in the US 
for the first time, deku took two days longer to finish than katsuki expected him to since they’ve started because he always goes through them pretty quickly, maybe he’s too busy making them look up-to-par? whatever the case was, when katsuki received the video, it already had a title for it, “MY AWESOME TRIP TO AMERICA PLUS ULTRA!” kirishima just laughed and told him to keep it in honor of deku so he left it like that, “this better give me some views,” he grumbled and uploaded it the night before they went to bed, he wasn’t really worried in checking it out either because he has faith in deku’s abilities  
the morning after was hectic, katsuki has been receiving notifications upon notifications on the “travel bros” (courtesy of kirishima) twitter since last night, one in particular caught his eye, “i can’t believe deku and katsuki are dating! who would’ve thought!” what?
a short video appeared underneath that came from the video he uploaded, and regretfully never took a look at, showing katsuki saying to the camera as he held the AM figurine, “deku, you should’ve been here, look at what i got you, nerd,” at first glance, it was supposed to look normal (from the original video!) except hearts and sparkles began appearing around katsuki as he smirks up at the camera, what the fuck? besides, deku was suppose to edit that all out! for every cue in every part where he says deku’s name, he was expected to delete them like he usually does! even though it was no secret that deku was his video editor, he distinctly remembers mentioning about him in a video they took way back when they first started out their contract agreement
meanwhile, kirishima was having a field day, he finally saw their video while katsuki kept on seeing other short videos of him on twitter from different segments of the trip in which he either had sparkles or hearts around him, especially when he mentions deku’s name; “bro you won’t believe this, our subscribers grew up to over 1 million last night!” kirishima yells enthusiastically, but when he noticed katsuki not paying attention to him, he looked over his shoulder to check what he was looking at. “oh that, you know those aren’t fanmade videos, right?” katsuki unblinkingly turned to look at him, “you mean..?” kirishima gave him a toothy grin, “yep!” 
a video call from discord, “dekuuuu, what is the meaning of this?” a squeaky voice, “i-I’m so sorry i got carried away and i couldn’t help it! all might was too beautiful including you and-!” “..what did you just say?”
TBC maybe?
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Fred & George x Muggle!kpop fan! reader
A/N:  Thank you to @kpopgirlbtssvt for these ideas(I really hpe I haven’t disappointed you with this!!!  I decided to do a quick headcanon list of what it would generally be like to be a kpop fan and date the Weasley twins because it’s like 1am and I’m tired haha.  But anyways I do want to eventually write a full on little story.  Anywho, I hope you enjoy!!!
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First and foremost let’s get this out the way, these boys are definitely confused, like “kpop...what’s kpop?”
You definitely have to explain it to them like you’re talking to a five year old, “It’s like pop music but like...y’know korean.”
And they’re just like, “Whatttttttt”
The conversation definitely got brought up once at the table because you were fangirling over a new BTS album, which you then have to proceed to explain what kpop is to the rest of the group
Hermione is the least confused because having muggle friends and growing up a muggle she’s probably heard of kpop and BTS’s growth as a worldwide boyband during the summers like she kinda likes them even though she doesn’t admit it, and her bias is definitely Namjoon but no you didn’t hear that from me
Also, I 100% think that Ron is definitely that friend who’s like, “Kpop?  You don’t even know what they’re saying why do you listen to it?  Also, they’re wearing makeup...”  Like, Ron honey, I say this in the kindest way possible, shut up… Like, yes they’re speaking korean but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it and two: you’re just jealous they pull off skirts better than you could when you wore whatever that fashion hazard was that  you wore to the Yule ball
Ron is just like, “Aight, I’m out”
Anyways, you definitely are out on a date in the muggle world one day and as you’re walking by a store you see a BTS ad
Immediately running into the store, you buy albums, posters, and other merch.
Fred and George are just sitting there like, “What the actual fuck?  Did you really just spend $200 on all that stuff?!”  Like yes, yes I did in fact spend $200 on kpop merch, do I regret it...hell no.
One day, you’re lounging around in the common room and you scream, dropping your phone on the floor.  
Fred and George are running down the stairs thinking that you just got murdered or something
Nope, it was just the sound of you fangirling over the new NCT album, and screaming about how good looking your bias is
They give each other that look of, “I’m going to fucking murder someone”  as they pull you into a hug, “We thought somebody murdered you.”  “Ummmmm yes.  Someone did in fact murder me, these handsome ass boys.  Merlin, they could stomp on me and I’d sit there and say thank you.”  
Fred and George are just like….ummmm should we be concerned or……
They start to listen to kpop with you whenever you’re studying together or hanging out.  They also start to eventually learn the names of the members, and I feel like their bias would be Jhope because of his energy or Jin since he’s always cracking jokes.
Like they don’t even realize that they’re slowly also being sucked into the rabbit hole that is the kpop fandom, like first they’re watching funny compilation videos of BTS in America next thing you know they’re humming Boy With Luv in their heads while taking showers
Eventually, you invite them to go to a kpop concert so that they can really get the experience
At the venue, it’s like full of fangirls(and fanboys), who are screaming at the top of their lungs with lightsticks in hand and they’re just like, “Damn, I didn’t think there was going to be this many people...over seven boys?  You muggles are absolutely mental.”  and you’re just like, “Well, it’s kind of like you two with quidditch sooooo....”  and they’re just like, “You right…”
And then during the show, you know when fans do that little synchronized lightstick thing and it like turns off and they make like waves and patterns
Yeah, the boys are definitely fascinated by it, like wow these fans really put their all into supporting these boys
Overall, 10/10 the boys definitely enjoyed the kpop performance and are whining to you about when the next concert is and they’re like, “Oh my, Merlin’s balls when that guy like jumped into the air, and their dance moves like I’m not gay, but dear Godric I’d definitely let them take me any day of the damn week.”
Anywho, now you have boyfriends who are equally, if not possibly more, infatuated with kpop than you.  One day you’re going to be sitting in their room, he’s about to kiss you and then wham he gets a notification, “Wait a second, Jin is doing his Eat Jin, I’ve gotta watch it…”  and you’re like sitting there with the surprised pikachu face like ummmmm first of all where’d you get a phone…. two: Can I have my boyfriend back… but also stop hogging the screen, you buffoon.
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winged-fool · 3 years
I am very tired I worked from 4:30 this morning to 2 this afternoon and then had to go back in for a couple hours after my spouse got home to help with the after high school football rush. But hopefully by the end of the week we’ll have a new GM and in the next week or two things will start settling down at work. But honestly as tired as I am at least I’m not getting phone calls every night from more than a couple of my coworkers absolutely distraught because of how our former GM was treating them.
But I’ve also had a minute to sit with the finale as well as last week’s episode and the weird thing is. The content wasn’t bad. Just rushed. The murder plot took up WAY to much time which segued into the Maria coma plot line which also took up to much time then they had to cram all the really good interesting stuff into what four or five episodes? Please god let the pacing and story lines be better next season. And can they stop killing off good villains every season? Because Jones and Jesse were top notch villains that should have been kept around longer because how do you up the anti from Jones now?
I haven’t had any good head canons come to me(yet) so instead have a tease of my super soldier Flint story. And when my brain is no longer Swiss cheese I will share whatever pops into my head😂.
“He was six years old when he was up in the musty attic of their great-grandfather’s home. They had only been living there for a month and Flint had wanted to explore. Greg and Clay were outside playing and Alex was taking a nap. He doesn’t remember why he went up there but he remembers finding an old dusty trunk full of old comic books. He remembers holding a comic book with dulled pages and Captain America punching Hitler on the front. He spent the afternoon laying on the floor of that dusty attic reading all of the Captain America comics in that old trunk entranced by a little guy from Brooklyn who didn’t like bullies and fought racists until his mom finally found him. She made him promise to be careful with his grandfather’s old comics but didn’t scold him for exploring in the musty old attic or touching things that weren’t his.
Months later when his Dad returned from deployment he brought Flint his very own Captain America comic. Growing up he had spent allowances and eventually paychecks making sure he always had the most current issue. Steve Rogers was his first hero, his first role model. Maybe that’s why he joined the Army, always tried to do the right thing but often felt like he fell short of doing the right thing.” Hope you are getting plenty of rest and doing well🍤🍤🍤
Oh my goodness, sounds like you've had a very crazy past couple of days!! Hope you're getting some rest and feeling okay!
Yes that was exactly my problem with it too! I really enjoyed the storyline and everything but there were so many instances where I felt stressed because how quickly everything was moving. They cut have cut Maria's vision story from the beginning of the season, spread out the plot from the last three eps over the season, introduced Dallas sooner, and replace Wyatt with Dallas as Rosa's confidant. It would have been a tighter and smoother season...
I am astounded at the fact that they kill their villians every single season (Noah, Jesse, and Jones)...it's because the show doesn't have an overarching plot haha. Anyway, I know I talk a lot of shit but I actually love this show hahaha
Ahhhh I love the Flint super soldier snippet!! The parallels with Captain America! I love it soooo much!!
Thank you my friend, still in midterm hell so I feel like my time is all chaotic right now haha just gotta get through the next week and a half or so! We'll make it through my friend!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
Omg I wanna get involved in the GG TV discussion so bad but op has me blocked :( (Ch*ir blog?) so you’re getting this instead lmao. Serena is absolutely a big fan of anything that is trashy and light like reality TV but I also feel like her and Eric definitely had a soap opera phase as well when they were younger! Also I think Serena would be the Shondaland fan, not Blair. Blair would def be into Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and cliche “prestige” female led dramas like Big Little Lies and The Morning Show. She would also be the snob who claims that British sitcoms are so much better than American ones. Dan would be SUCH a Fargo guy omg. He’d be very into HBO, FX, and AMC’s whole shtick. And yes, he’d absolutely be a Succession fan! Also, he’s one of those guys who doesn’t shut up about the Leftovers and the Americans. Also he was def a big West Wing fan way back when. Nate would be the sitcom guy to me, stuff like The Office, Seinfeld, Ted Lasso...easily digestible ones. Nate doesn’t like to think with his TV. Also he’d be really into procedurals as well, but fun ones like Bones. I, uh, don’t really see Chuck just sitting around watching TV? But he’d probably be into anti-hero stuff like Breaking Bad and The Sopranos. Oh, and Entourage! He’d eat that up. I know the original anon didn’t ask about Jenny and Vanessa but, anyway. Jenny would be the offbeat sitcom one, stuff like Community and Galavant. Oh and Pushing Daises! And she’d probably make Eric watch Will & Grace and be like “that’s us!” and he’d be like “no it is not.” Vanessa would be the one who discovers stuff like Schitt’s Creek and Derry Girls before everybody else and be annoyed when they blow up in America. Oh and Fleabag! She was def an OG Fleabag fan dating back to the play and was pissed when season 2 came out and Dan was like “hey, have you heard of this show Fleabag?” Lmao.
omg yes!!! serena and eric watching TV together.... 🥺🥺🥺
blair being a snob about british tv would check out!! (when jenny gets back from london after having like, met a ton of british tv actors and designed clothes for award shows & shit, blair is jealous as hell, lmao.) Ugh but now im thinking of dan and blair's salon. literally the most white american thing ever HDHGJKGKH I'll stop talking now!!!! Gotta quit while I'm ahead.
I feel like Dan AND Nate would be sitcom people tbh. And also would watch literally anything together. Never forget that we canonically had them watching vampire porn together. Heterosexual men could NEVER.
I feel like Jenny would be that one person who's watched bits and pieces of everything. Dan gets back home to the loft in senior year one day to find Nate and Jenny intently watching one of those antique furniture shows. He also finds them watching quiz shows together and yelling at the television.
Whose headcanon was it that Serenate watch badly made low budget incredibly not scary horror movies together and make fun of them while Blair is like :/ ???? that was the best headcanon and I am so jealous that I didn't think of it first LMAO. galaxy brained, seriously....
Vanessa being into things before they're mainstream sounds so right, haha. But I think she'd drag Dan into it too, though he wouldn't get the hype until it's mainstream. I think Nate would be the person recommending her stuff she's already seen like "sweetie look how well I understand you!!" & she'd be like "you're lucky you're so pretty, nate."
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denotday · 3 years
Maybel Rhodes: Protectress
Itchy arms. My armbumps bumps take over life and chew my head off like a black mother. Even the sleeves of this sweater craddle these potholes as an english muffin craddles butter. But I'm more than my bumps and I'd make a quip on Fergie, but I'm no Joan Rivers. I'm small, meager. At eighteen, trying to find myself, live my own life. Typical teen drama, boring narrative, sob story. bored already. But know what isn't boring? I like strawberry shortcake and cheeseless pizzas. I have hopes of becoming a journalist and actually leading a career as moreof a Clark Kent than a Mary Jane or whatever the fuck that bitch's name is. Mary Anne? That used to be the name of one of my teachers. Going off; just thinking these thoughts while skateboarding to highschool.
Stay on the sides, away from cars, on the sidewalk, not too close to the white kids. White kids mean white mess, white messes mean cops who sweep the streets and take all the black kids with them in the process. I'm not a racist, just a black kid trying to stay alive in white america. Thank god I'm a weak bitch, one who cries for black men, one who doesn't face real issues like projected aggression. I'm a butterfly, something that men swat away and don't care about until MeToo movements. Gotta be careful but not too careful, kind but not too kind, firm but not a bitch, bitch but not a faggot. faggots suck.
No one thinks to ask these questions, here this thoughts. They see a black woman, better yet, a black female child. Worse thing to live in a ghetto. Sike; I say that I'm black and in a ghetto and get sob points. Fucking racist. I'm skating to one of those Fresh Prince schools. Didn't move on up, I'm simply moving; parents are mid class well grounded and guess what? My parents are still together. Probably breaking up soon but still breaking barriors of broke baby daddies and black slutty whore mothers who don't believe in abortion.
That's humor in of itself. A black kid skates into a white neighborhood with white sidewalks and doesn't have a nigger daddy and nigger mommy. What can be said by those PTA suburban soccer moms who want to demonise me and my own? Or am I palatable and a token black?
Making good grades, going to class on time. Only thing is, I don't have any friends to call. Even if I had one of those top quality iPhone 411s, I still wouldn't want to burden myself with filling up those high-techy contact lists. It's all bullshit after all, just capitalistic bilge. Something to fill the void without actually trying to let the public know that the void they're filling chalks up to capitalism. But again, those little tangents? "What does this have to do with having friends?" Everything. I don't give a shit, I accept shit. I tell things like it is, speak with lisps or change it up by sounding like an oxford professor.Not going to just abandon stream of consciousness 'cause class just started. This aint sims 4 and life ain't something that can be controlled; sped up or slowed down for the sake of an other's pleasure. I'm learning about shit that I'll never use like economics. That's shit that the government gives the state to teach, a little but not enough for highschoolers to overwhelm the system and decide "fuck student loans".
Not too bad here, though. Not all just "fuck hyschool" and teenaged angst. I go to the library, read books, go on my computer, listening to some Biggie and MFDoom and Tribe. Guess I am a nigger. Nigger-me and my nigger music. Even tththough it's they inspiration for they cracker music. Hate on us enough to keep us down but keep us up enough to steal from us. Today I'm reading some teen dystopian fantasy novel that I don't feel inclined to share with you guys. And no, it's not Hunger Games. It's Gunger Hames, the cousin of the franchise. Whoops just gave ya'll the name sorry. Either way I'm into that. Idea of a not-so-distant-future; humans making mistakes that fuck up the planet---disregarding that fact long enough so that the white main character can get it on with someone from the other side. Modern day Romeo and Juliett.
End of lunch, going back to class. It's back to back all day; boring teen shit that nobody cares about. Raising hands, answering questions, not understanding anything by the end of the day. Getting by is my motto. Long enough to get an A in the class and be on those ivy league watchlists. Even if I have to bust my ass to pay for student loans. Leaving highschool after all that non-work---no friends to lie to, no one to walk with, just me and my skateboard. These white paths not dirtied by brown except for my dirt body moving at the speed that a skateboard will go. Shift right here and there. Move away from rocks so that I don't fall headfirst. It's good shit. Here and there there are stone pebbles, blunts from---ironically enough--- the white kids and sharp object that I can't identify. FUCK. I don't have time to move around it and I can't just run offf. My leg'll get cut by it. Gotta just build up enough speed to roll over. Rolling...rolling...here it comes. Crouch down, focus, focus, pump speed anddddd....it stops my speed and loosens one of my bearings. Now I gotta walk the rest of the way back to my white little house with a white picket fence. Man screw--haha pun---this object. I have to use my 20/20 vision to find some small silver bolt that'll practically blend in with this bright ass sidewalk. Fuck white America.
In a little patch of weeds growing like black fists raising in the air I see the bolt and the responsible party for tossing me off the board. I raise my foot to crush this sonnofabiscuit like a bug so that some white kid's bike tire doesn't get licked---mind you this should be considered community service---and I figure that I won't ruin my rubber soles on the glass, so I'll just pick it up and toss it into the sewer. I put the bolt in my sweatpants pocket to keep it safe. I bend over again to peer at the crack in the sidewalk that I'll punt to the other side of the street where the other half of the street lives. It has tribal markings on it and must be, gasp, an ancient arcane ruin that'll give me superpowers. Kidding, you dumb bitch. "Why am I talking to myself this way? Jeez, some self-improvement classes would be nice". It's a bracelet made of some sort of beads. Kindof pretty but caked up with dirt and sand like no-one's business. I'm no Rocket Racoon so I just leave it. Even if I felt that it was interesting enough, I'd have to clean it off and disinfect it. It would just ruin the material underneath. Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm. Lemme stop; for real, in this white bread neighborhood, I might be able to get it appraised and pawn it off for some money or at the very least, see if it's worth keeping. I know; "this is the start of every horror movie", every tv show. I get it, but I'll cleanse the jewelry before wearing it. It's fine. It's fine. Hope it's fine. Jeez.
I put the bracelet in my other pocket away from the bolt and walk back home. The soles of my feet hit the white pavement and my feet move in the fashion of jubillee ferris wheels. Slowly rise in a circle, fall in perfect arch. Walking is divine poetry in of itself. Not too long now. A little further. Feels like the day is stretching. Still light outside and the summer-brink of fall--air is warming my rectum. "Oh god, what's with gays and their rectums". You know your g-spot is in your ass, men. It feels good for us too you know. Nice coolness for the butthole----rectum is for men, butthole is for women. I think. See? Not a Cliff Huxtable type; don't know everything. Not an Urkle. Conversations with myself like this are truly golden (ponyboy).
Fondle the silver piece, twist it in lock, get somewhere new. Novel design, simple concept. My rubber soles give me cat-walking abilities and I edge up the stairs. Hear shuffling downstairs in the kitchen. But the smell of musky forest wood with a hint of olive tells me that it's just my father. I'd announce my presence but this isn't a sitcom and I have a phone that I can use to text. Who talks nowadays?
On the table near the keyrack, I scoop into my pockets in search of the goods. The warm cotton touches the cool silver bolt. Set it aside to attach it to the skateboard later. "Why not now?" That'll be a problem for me to solve tomorrow. "Procrastination isn't good" Yeah I know. I've read the same 1990's health pamphlet that the health teachers give out. I hug my side to reach around for the other pocket. Same warmth, same feeling of comfort except...it's a new sensation. Hollow and porous. It's either bone carved into beads or plastic. Hope to...Well, not God, maybe I hope to goodness? Goodness? What am I? A preacher? Maybe that's why I like 16 year old boys. Anyway. It's too white over here for it to be bone. Unless it's some cracker who brought over some hoodoo shit and dropped it somewere. Great. Gonna burn some incense to cleanse it. Then gonna toss it somewhere so that it can't hurt anyone. Wait. It doesn't FEEL menacing. No darkness, no coldness, there's a comfort to be had. I don't see any visible engravings, no bite marks no arcane symbols. It may be safe. Just to be sure, I'm keeping it downstairs for it to curse someone else in the house. I rise up the stairs into the wide landing. Step, rise, step, rise, step, rise. Before I get to the top, I feel funny. Not sick funny or CURSED funny, but someone-is-in-my-presence funny. Strech my neck to look over my shoulder. Not too far to show interest but far enough to see what's going on---it's my dad handling the bracelet.
I whip my body around and I suppose this gives him a start.
"Hey, just got back from school. I'm pretty tired which is why I didn't want to talk. Found that bracelet in the sidewalk cracks before my skateboard broke. I wouldn't touch it if I were you. Don't know if it's cursed or not."
"Cursed? Bee, this is a genuine Sudanese artifact."
"Huh? When'd you turn into a archeologist? Or are you just nerding out about a 'special interest'"
"Har har. Nothing like that. This area used to be an auction town for slaves shipped from Sudan. Martinsville, Pennsylvania wasn't necessarily known for it's 'clean hands' you know. Gentrification made the area look nicer but its history is still pretty shit-covered."
"Ah, I remember now. I heard about this in history class" No I haven't. I don't even have history. Just want to stop talking to him about some dumb bracelet. "Can it sell for big bucks at a pawnshop?"
"I mean, sure if you'd like to get rid of it. Better to give it to the local museum though! It looks to me like it's made out of elephant tusks. Pretty well preserved too! The wearer must've been some warrior. They only wear these types of jewelry if they're the village's protectors. That's what I've read online anyway. You know how the interweb is though. Could be false."
"Oh wow. Ivory? That's a pretty dirty trade. Don't want to give something like that up to white people who continue to promote the trade. This'll just make the ivory market worse. I may keep it; I just wonder if it's cursed or something. I'll ask a local witchcraft practitioner to check it out tomorrow. Can I have thirty bucks for an appraisal along with an after-school snack?"
"Thirty? What're you going to buy? A salmon dinner with asparagus and steak? I'm not giving you Carabbas money. I can do 18. Enough for some street food."
"Not enough for the appraisal!"
"I'm sure the person will be able to work something out for you. You look twelve. You can play the 'Uwu I'm a baby who has no money, please help me out adult!' card. Or, how about this: pretend to be doing a research project for school on Sudanese slaves in the area. Just act like the school lent you the bracelet for the project"
"So lie?"
"I call it embellishment."
"I see"
I reached into his calloused palm and stole its contents, As a thief, I ran upstairs away from the site of the crime, away from the demons that lurked beneath the stairs. That's customary practice when going up stairs, right? To haul ass like there's no tomorrow like we're that black chick from Scary Movie? Sounds about right. I heaved and ho'd swinging my body back and forth up the stairs. Snaking my way into my room where I burrow for my after-school nap. That's what I tell my parents anyway. What I really do is blaze up in my room and turn on the fan. Gotta keep the smoke minimal. "Such a typical teen". Yeah, whatever. Like your generation wasn't popping ass and drinking bathtub wine when ya'll were young, Get outta here.
It's a good high. Kind where you'd listen to lofi and eat peanuts just for the fun of it. Another bong hit. Satisfying. I'm just leaning back on my sofa; it's firm and uncomfy but when I'm blazed, don't none of it matter. I could lose all of my words...give up....let....go.....
"What is this energy I'm feeling? So warm and electric. Is this love? Am I so sexually frustrated that I'm in love with a bong? Shit, I fuck with that. That's pretty words. 'I'm in love with my bong'. Such nice love. haha."
I'm hungry and it's four am. The weed has worn off. So tired man. Gotta go downstairs for some chips or something. Hungry to the max. Munchies munchies munchies for the weed monster. What a drug.
I creep down the stairs and up once more. My bare footpads cling to the hardwood and leave sweat prints in the shape of my stompers. During my ascent I leave crumbs. Have the house feeling like a Brother's Grimm story. I satisfy my snack desires as I prepare for school in the next hour.
Running water on my arms. Three passes of lotion on arms and legs. Can't be the ashy black kid that look like they an African living in a dirt house. Ain't able to help the rough patches that coat my body but I can help keep my skin moisturized.
A'ight. Got my fit got my board. Just have to screw the bolt back on and find the bracelet. Shit. Left it upstairs. I'm already late as hell. Rushing up the stairs. Search for the bracelet, find it, get out house. Objectives objectives. I spot it from afar and gravitating toward it, put it gingerly in my pocket. Kindof like someone would with a used tissue. Aren't humans gross? I mean, snot? Bacteria-filled snot? Nasty. Thoughts gone, make brain go from thinking to doing. descending now. Board in arm, door opens with the flick of the wrist and just like that, I'm outty. Deck on ground I put my best foot forward and ram it onto the hard cement to push myself forward. Sorry foot, betrayals sure do suck.
School begins, in class siting in a chair. All day, several hours. Ah, the beloved system at work. Great to know that there are adults who "work" all day by keeping kids seated in a chair. Very progressive, America. Library break? I think so. On my laptop, I pull out webpages on the pocketed---the word reminds me of 'closeted---bracelet. NOW I'm imagining a gay bracelet. hilarious. Great. Typing 'Gay Bracelet' into the search bar and am getting rainbow plastic bands. Ya know, the ones that they sell at Hot Topic during pride month.
"Damn, I'm getting sidetracked" She mutters to herself. Imagine if life were a story being told by some omnipotent force? omnipresent? Think that's the word.
With a bit of typing and a bit of focus. Swift movement of hunched fingers. All is complete, then some. Ogdle: "common of the Azande warriors were pieces to signify their status such as septum tusks, mouth disks, necklaces and other adornments. Bones and tusks were common materials of such articles."
Crazy how this history is hidden. Power was taken from us and buried so deep. We're the originals but every piece of history buried underground. Hidden, secretive Big Bad America. Tale fit for young people all over. Democracy, boo yah.
Train whistle blowing through the air. No train nearby, just the sound of a change in the block. I put it all away, sweep it into my bag. Everything is so messy, so fast. On schooldays like this, it feels hard to even take time to breathe. But I get by since the system wants me to. Think I'm going to skip. Not that the next two classes even matter in the long run. "Such a poor black baby, representing her race so poorly". Yeah yeah. Not the black chick that highschools would put on a recruiting card.
Just another push....door after door falling at my fingertips. The same once that touch the coarse sandpaper of my board. Foot on, foot off. kick once, twice, thrice, now we surf the cement. Now it's time to visit good the kind old black woman who practices witchcraft on dolls. That's what you'd think right? No, they're native and keep old customs within the community. Everyone calls them---agender--- Sage. Nonbinary native americans are actually more common than people think.
Before selling the bracelet to some old rich white drudge of society, I wanna be sure that the bracelet can be cleansed first. I mean. To give away black history to the white man? Hellll no with multiple "l's". It is a pretty long ride there, even on a board. Rumbly road. Pebbles everywhere. Thousands of little rocks acting as smaller wheels vying to fling me off. It's too much.
Mumbling of my own. "Where's gentrification when you need it?" Alright, yes I get it. It's a bad joke. Of course gentrification is bad. Blah blah. Time to pick up my skateboard I guess. Walking on this ground feels just as bad as suicide. Feaful of getting my ass flung into the afterlife. Few yards left....or at least fifty feet. Forty eight, forty five, forty-however-long.
Ended up reaching it after twenty minutes. This trip better be worth it.
"Hi there, Miss Sage. Mind checking out this bracelet for me? I need to check it for a curse or evil energy. My cheap father didn't give me enough for a full appraisal but what can you do with nine dollars?"
"For nine? Not much, doll? What was your name again? You look young, do you have an adult's approval for this?"
"Oh, right. You've got me. It's for a school project. School each student a historical object to research. I figured you'd be able to help me get an 'A' on the project, you know?"
"Your manners are lacking but you seem young, so I'll let you pass. Allow me to take a look at it, if you please?"
God. Full-fledged adults really are something else. I'm only eighteen, not eight. Guess I look younger than I am----
Sage starts burning this wood that's tied with string. Incense maybe?
"That incense?"
"It's a closed practice really, so I don't want to expose anything. But it is a form of incense that I prefer to use to cleanse the spirit of objects and areas."
"Ah, didn't mean to intrude. I'm glad that there are still practices that you keep to yourself. Nothing like the White Man stripping us of our culture."
I got a soft chuckle out of them. Glad that they're able to lighten up a bit.
"OK, so here's what I've found. There's immense energy here; the power coming off of this thing is tremendous. There's nothing negative about this piece. How'd you ever come across it, again? School, you said? Shame that you'll have to give it back. Something like this would provide a large power surge to spirituals. I'd pay a pretty penny for this."
"Wonder how the school even came across this. I tell you what. Ask your school where I can find something like this and perhaps I'll give you a little something for your intel, huh?"
"Oh. Sure. I'll just--uh---"
"Right, right, right. The bracelet, I'm sorry. Really, it's more an anklet truly, but--ya know what? I'm sorry. Here ya go"
"...take it from ya. Thanks."
"No problem. Come back with more info on the anklet. That'll be your payment for my time"
Got 'caught in a lie it seems. Don't know how I'll snake my way out of this one.
Shit, it's five. My dad's probably looking for me.
Chapter two:
" You skipped class? Bee, I know that you're better than this."
God moms bitch too much. Must be the nursing job coupled with her daily acting gigs that make her so aggro.
"I hear ya, mom. I just had some research to conduct after school..."
"Research? Which kind---?"
"The school kind. I don't know what else you want me to say. I'm sorry for skipping lasses. I got too overzealous and went in over my head. It won't happen again."
"Tskk. Better not. I know that I'm gone almost every hour of the day, but please give me a break, baby. Please just listen to your father and follow the rules. All I ask."
"Mhm, even though he-----you know what, nevermind. Am I dismissed? I have to write up today's school report to type"
Phew. Gonna hit the bong now to calm down from this encounter.
Fuck homework. .... ..... Mhm.
Five minutes passs. Fifteen, twenty. Maybe not minutes. hours? seconds? Time is too funny. With LEDs on, the vibe is fatallll. Still have to open a window to let out the smoke but gosh is this magical.
Mhm magic. Does it even exist? Doubt it. It's all science, right? ....
Right. Like, this anklet. Not real power. Not real magic. Just something people believe in. Like God. It's all faith.
"So, theoretically, I could even put it on my person and nothing would even happen"
"And, so it begins"
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT VOICE" and why am I screaming?
Get off, get off, get off! Something's dripping on me.
"Tears, they're tears"
Oh god, I fucked up. I knew that I shouldn't have smoked that much. Knew it'd bite me in the ass one day. Now I'm fear-crying. I NEVER FEAR CRY.
It's all a dream maybe. Go to sleep, Bee. Just take a weed nap.
"Ba ba bang"
A booming voice raspy from coffee withdrawal.
"Everything OK in there Bee? You're about to be late for school."
No time for conversation. Move it move it move it.
"'Cmon Bee. I'll drop you off at school on my way to the college".
Bookbag? Check. Board? Check.
I feel the rush of air against my cheeks as I fly out the door and jump into the getaway car. Fast, but atleast I'm not Furious. Dad and I chat it up all the way until the tires cross the smooth pavement of school grounds. Departing words are exchanged along with "I love you's" and "knock 'em deads".
That familiar sound. Principal as the school conductor. "Chooo". Just as it drones, my body moves to the steps of teens dragging their feet toward their dreaded first classes of the day. The light of morning cradles the marble arches of the school entrance until the sun starts to suck in the morning cold to blow out midday warmth.
"So, who are you, voice? What's your angle? Typing ensues. The screen watches my fleeting pupils; left, right, side, side. Wouldn't be surprised if the computer got whiplash from me. One scroll, two, three. Read a page. Nothing. Another website. Up and down; my fingers are cramped now. Nada. New Oogdle search: "Can I hear voices with weed smoking." Now I have a hit; "yes weed can have you seeing voices. Many aren't even your own. Maybe lay off the TV for a while."
"Thanks 'BouncyNina29'. Quora is one hell of a place." Guess it must've just been the drugs then. Hilarious, me hearing some voice. "Gotta lay off the bong smoking".
"Shhh!!" Some nerd in a striped beanie raised a finger to pursed lips.
Sorry, sorry....Jeez. "My bad" You know what? Maybe I can visit----
the train whistle interrupts my 11pm "ball" with myself. "Dammit". OK. Maybe I can bribe one of the delinquents behind the school to take my place in English. Teacher's not there anyway; the sub won't know the difference. Time to go pay someone off.
"Here ya go, five dollars."
"A'ight and you said what room that English class in?"
"301 B man. It's at the end of the third floor, right wing. Hard to miss and---remember---my name is Maybel Rhodes. Just fake like you're doing some work and no one will even notice that you're not me. I'm a loner, so, that'll work."
"Mhm hmm. I hear ya Maple"
"Yeah, that's what I said"
Scoff. In a smooth curvular motion, I plant my feet on the board and race to Sage's before their store closes.
As I approach, they're putting a silver key in a lock. Gah! The store closed.
"Miss Sage---"
"Gah! Don't do that!! Scaring me and sh--I mean, 'crap'. Scaring me and crap. Look kid, I'm closed right now but we open tomorrow. By then, I'll have the energy to discuss your school's anklet with you. Actually, about that. Do you have intel on where the-----"
"Yes, yes. About that, see...I lied. I didn't really get it from the school. I found it on the ground somewhere."
"'Found it on the ground somewhere' is code for 'I don't have money to pay nor do I have anything else to provide'? Am I getting warmer?"
"Look Miss Sage, I'm really sorry. Hey---look at it this way. I'm in debt to you. If you'll just help me with one teensy little thing, I'll ask my dad for some food money and will give you every cent he gives, alright?"
"Kid, that's not how an adult runs a business. Call what I gave you yesterday a 'freebie'. You're banned from the store. Good night."
Wait. "Wait" Their stride is aimed toward their silver camry. Yeah, I know a camry. Did you expect them to be riding a horse? Racist. Sage acts as though they don't hear and gets into their seat, key in ignition. One twist away before exiting the rocky parking area.
"IT SPOKE TO ME" Yup. That is how I yelled it. All caps, woke some birds up even. Just like in those Loony Toon cartoons. Is that why they're called "Loony Toons" 'cause they're loony cart----
Now they exit their car, slamming the heavy metal door. "What did you say? It...SPOKE...to you? What do you mean 'it'?"
Mhm Mhm. Just prepping my throat. "I wore it on my ankle and I heard a voice that has never existed before in the chasms----"
"Stop the theatrics"
"....Chasms of my mind. It was a male. Around your age in old-timey-ness."
"Har har."
"But it's the truth!" Why won't they believe a magical voice but insist that sage, a random plant, purifies the air?
Their chest contracts and expands in a sigh. Sage closes their eyes for a second. I could practically smell the gears turning. Need some WD-40, really. "Fine. Come by the store Saturday. That way, no one will be in to eavesdrop."
"And bring actual MULA this time or else we won't have our little discussion". Crud.
"What are you thinking Sage?" No response. I paid one hundred fifty dollars for this after BEGGING both my folks (who think I'm using it to enroll in some after school sport) to slide me some cash so that I can 'better myself as an individual and actually do something with my time as well'. Lies are no good.
"Shh! Let me think, please!" Sage subverts their attention from me back onto the tarot cards laid in front of them----exactly where the bone anklet (bonklet) lay in silence
Ten minutes pass before Sage gives me the break down. "So, as I've said before. The anklet carries some heavy energy, something similar to passion and justice. Very potent stuff. That's what the spirit realm is saying, anyway. When you were---ahem--- HIGH----"
At this point I look away
"...You honed into that energy and that's why you heard the voice"
"Hm. So, how do I hone in on that energy now? Is it something I can control conscious?"
"Look, I dunno kid. Just, be safe. Meditate beforehand so that you are actually able to chime into the anklet's power source. Don't want to darken the talisman's power or anything."
"Sure, sure" I am literally out the door before Sage utters the second part of their sentence. I buzz with excitement at the opportunity and the best part is? I'm basically a super! Hoo ho. This is awesome.
There's an empty industrial facility near by Hawesome Li Cosmetics. It went bankrupt several decads ago. I'm pretty much the only one who knows about the place. Excellent ground to skate on---smooth as butter. Either way, it's empty and no harm will come to anything or anyone nearby. Any damage that I do will be to the building nearby, which no one cares about anyway. "So, it's just me and you buddy." Blunt in hand, I blaze it up. "Time for the magic to happen."
It's a slow high. The high takes as long as a flame reaching the wooden stick of an incense rod for the high to hit. Upwards of thirty minutes. So I wait. It feels like time warps. So I meditate. So I clear my thinking and reach out to the anklet.
"Mhm, Anklet, tell me who you are?"
"What?? You can hear me?"
"Yeah man. Who are you, why you speaking to me?"
"Why would I tell you? I don't even know yer name"
Tiring. It's like talking to a wall.
"Hey, I heard that!"
"Maybel. My name's Maybel. What's yours? Let's start there."
"Like Nat Turner? The rebel slave?"
"Don't know who that is, this 'Nat Turner'. Just knew my master gave me the name." How progressive. "So...I suspect that I'm dead."
It's not easy news. I get it. But hey, the north won. That's something, right?
"Well, I guess it is....you know, I had a name before all of this...."
So, are you going to tell me?
"You may call me 'Asim'."
"I'll call you Ase."
Don't call me 'Ase'. Too late, Ase. Hey, how old are you anyway? 12? 11? My name is ASIM, nothing else. Fine, grumpy. ASIM. I'll call you Asim, Asim. Where'd that name come from anyway? What does it mean?
"Let's find out, shall we?"
"...It feels electric! (Boogy woogy woogy). Such power, this wade in...glory."
Are you a God?
"Blasphemy!" Then what are you? How are you able to lay such energy unto me?
Look, I don't know either, alright? But what I do know is...we're both negr---
Black. We don't say that word anymore.
"Black, then... Perhaps I'm connected with you due to our shared skin?" We stopped being related millenia ago. Millenia? Not familar with that word.
"Long, long ago. We don't share any common ancestors. It was all a lie." A lie? You don't believe in a God? I'm moreso spiritual; creation is a possibility not something I'm invested in. I believe in forces of the universe. "But not a God? So, this can't be some spiritual connection. We're too different." So perhaps a soul connection? A link between our spirits.... What else do we have in common? A slave and a black kid?
"Hatred of the white man? Wanting justice against them?"
"War. Destruction"
"No, I don't want that. I'd prefer peace." There may be no PEACE without WAR.
"A lie. Violence is not the answer. Kindness is."
"'Kindness' doesn't resolve problems. 'Kindness' doesn't end racism. 'KINDNESS' was the one that slept at my feet while I was lashed! "
Andddd you're gone. Great. Well, I'm going to head back home, then. We can hang out again tomorrow. "Head back" means leave. All right, see you.
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Saving Grace - Part 3
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
(Takes place after The Avengers defeat Thanos and people lost in the snap are back).
A/N -Sorry summary sucks! If i say too much it will give things away! 💜
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(3 months later)
I was sat on one of the sun loungers in the back yard with Wanda as we watched Bucky and Sam running around after Harrison while Clint was working away at the BBQ.
"You seem happier sweetheart" Wanda said rolling her head to the side to look at me.
"I feel a lot better, its still tough but I'm getting there" i told her truthfully smiling as i watched Bucky scoop up Harrison making him laugh loudly.
"Having Bucky around looks like its helped a lot"
"His been great...."
"Its just...." i could feel the heat rise to my cheeks and shifted in my seat.
"Just spit it out!"
"My hormones are going crazy!"
"Okay....." she looked confused and shook her head waiting for me to explain.
"Im horny all the time!!" I whispered to her "and he walks around looking like that..." i nodded my head over to where Bucky was now rolling around the grass with Harrison climbing on him, both of them laughing.
"Get him lil man!" Sam was encouraging Harrison as he stood laughing at the two of them.
"Like what? Its not like his naked Y/N" Wanda chuckled clearly thinking I'm loosing mind.
"Okay, you don't think this is real..... take a look"
"You mean you want me to use my powers on you?"
"Its the only way you'll get what i mean"
I could see the red wisps appear around Wanda's fingers and creep over to me, her eyes glowing red and then she gasped sitting back in her seat a little breathless.
"Wow! Thats..... intense"
"I told you!!"
"Hey doll.... you okay?" Bucky asked marching towards us, i let out a whimper at the way he strutted towards me.... i was about ready to throw myself at him i swear to god.
"Hmmm im fine, why?"
"I saw Wanda using her magic on you...."
"Oh that was nothing, just girl stuff" i shrugged holding my hand up "help me up would you i need to pee"
"Of course" he smiled taking my hand and easily pulling me up to my feet.
"Thanks, if im like this now what am i gonna be like by the end!" I moaned as i walked into the house.
On my way back outside i saw Sam in the kitchen grabbing more beers, he gave me a smile as soon as he saw me.
"Hey mama, you want anything?"
"Id love a beer" i said pouting at the fact i couldn't drink.
"How about a soda?"
"Fine! Always gotta ruin my fun Sammy"
As i walked over to grab my soda from Sam and help him with the beers he pulled me in for a hug.
"You doing okay?" He asked quietly placing a kiss to the top of my head.
"Im doing better, theres still alot anger there but im trying my best to push it aside" i admitted to the man who had been like a brother to me since the day i met him, it was always so easy to talk to Sam "i've gotta put Harrison and the baby first. My anger towards 'he who wont be named' isn't going to help anyone, so whats the point?"
"Your a better person than me Y/N"
"Its not gonna do me any good, it wont make him come back to us, he had his life with Peggy just like he always wanted. Even if that meant leaving us behind"
"If he wasn't so old i'd punch him in the face for you i promise"
"Haha get in line darlin, Wanda would be out for blood and Bucky.... well i think he would channel his inner Winter Soldier" i chuckled as i stepped out of Sams arms to grab the drinks.
"You and Bucky seem to be getting close"
"Sam..... don't start" i shook my head knowing where this was going "we're just friends, his helping me with Harrison...."
"It'd be okay if there WAS something there though I'm just saying" he held up his hands "i hate to admit this but Bucky is a good guy"
"I know he is, believe me i know"
"So whats the problem?"
"Erm how about the fact I'm pregnant by his best friend?" I said with wide eyes, it should have been the obvious reason!
"Well actually IM his best friend now since old man Rogers turned up"
"Erghhh you know what i mean! Stop making this weird!" I grabbed the drinks and headed outside away from the conversation.
"Hey, everything okay? I was gonna come looking for you you were gone that long" Wanda asked looking concerned.
"Yeah fine, just chatting with Sam"
"About anything exciting?"
"Nope" i replied popping the P as i shook my head and took my seat again.
"Mama!" Harrison said running over wanting to climb into my lap.
"Hey baby" i picked him up and his little arms held me round my shoulders as he buried his head in my neck "awww is someone sleepy" i smiled running my hand over his blonde hair "did Uncle Bucky wear you out bud?"
I felt Harrison nod his head and heard Wanda chuckle....2 minutes later he was fast asleep.
"Sweetboy just wanted his mama" Wanda said smiling as she looked at Harrison "i still can't believe you have a son and that i missed so much"
"I know me too Wan, at least you'll get to witness everything with this one" i said looking down at my almost 6 month bump.
"Oh Y/N i cant wait! Im so excited"
"Hey Wan, how would you feel about being in the delivery room with me when i have her?..... you don't have to only i really don't wanna do it alone"
"Are you being serious??? You would want me there??"
"Of course! Your my best friend"
"I would be honoured!"
"Thanks, your the best".
"Ladies foods ready" Clint called over and Wanda shot up and rushed over to grab something, i stayed where i was not wanting to disturb Harrison.
"Here, grabbed you a cheeseburger" Bucky suddenly appeared holding out the burger, it smelt like heaven and made me smile instantly.
"Bucky Barnes you are the best!" I beamed making grabby hands towards the plate he held.
"Here i'll swap you.... let me take Harrison while you eat"
"Thanks" i smiled up at him accepting the plate, then I watched as Bucky carefully took Harrison. He rubbed his back soothingly when he stirred a little bit but Harrison cuddled up to Bucky, his face buried against Buckys neck.
"Do you want me to go put him in bed?"
"If you don't mind that would be great, could you grab the monitor from his dresser please on your way out?"
"Sure thing doll, be right back" he smiled at me before heading inside.
"Bucky is so good with Harrison" i heard Wanda say, i turned round to see she was back in her seat with a plate full of food a huge smile on her face.
"He is, I'm glad Harrison has him around. Ever since Ste... HE left, i worry about the effect it will have on Harrison" i admitted "his okay right?.... i mean his young...."
"His fine i promise you, he has the best mommy in the world. Not to mention a kick ass aunt and uncles who love him so much"
"Id be lost without you guys".
"We'll we're not going anywhere so you have nothing to worry about".
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The following couple of days felt a bit off between Bucky and me after our friends had been constantly commenting on how close we had been getting, i started to panic and distance myself.
I wasn't blind, obviously i could see how attractive Bucky was but with my hormones all over the place.... it wasn't a good idea to even think about it. Plus he was Steve's BEST FRIEND!!
"Hey" i heard Bucky call out as he opened the front door.
"Hey Buck" i called back from the kitchen where i was making dinner. Bucky came into kitchen dropping his bag in the corner before walking over to Harrison to say hello.
"everything okay at the compound?"
"Same old, Secretary Ross is still against Sam taking on the shield" he said as he come to grab a bottle of water from the fridge "their pressing for this new guy Walker to take on the Captain America mantle"
"Of course they are, they want someone they can control" i rolled my eyes. Ross had always hated that Steve did his own thing, he wouldn't let them decide who he could or couldn't help and Sam was just the same.
"The guy seems like a punk not gonna lie"
"Sounds about right, probably their golden boy"
"We're fighting it the best we can but its tough" Bucky shrugged, i turned to look at him and noticed he looked exhausted.
"Why don't you go have a shower while i finish dinner, you look tired"
"Sounds good doll, your the best" he smiled and placed a kiss to my temple as he passed like it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do.
At dinner Harrison insisted on sitting next to his Uncle Bucky like always! Something that always made Bucky smile proudly. I loved that he had Bucky around but i couldn't help but think of how Steve was gone.... how could he leave his son so easily!
"Y/N you okay?" Bucky asked getting my attention, i nodded quickly and forced a smile.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"You sure? You've been kinda distant the past couple of days" he said as he wiped Harrison's face over and helped him down from the table.
"Just thinking about some things" i shrugged watching as Harrison run back through to the living room to play with his toys.
"Your nervous..... i can hear your heart racing you know"
"Buck thats not fair...."
"Whats going on? Talk to me"
"Its nothing to worry about"
"Is this about what Sam said the other day at the BBQ?"
"About what?" I asked playing dumb.
"I heard him ask about how close we'd become...."
"His not the only one who's mentioned it, Wanda said something too" i admitted shifting nervously in my seat.
"I see" he nodded sadly "you don't want them thinking theres anything going on with us"
"No! I don't care what they think. Its just.... this is so messed up Bucky"
"If I've over stepped in anyway I'm sorry.... i never meant to make you uncomfortable"
"You haven't i promise, honestly I've been so glad to have you here. I don't know what i would have done without you.... it feels so.... it feels right with you here. It scares me how much i need you around"
"Well I'm not going anywhere" he shrugged "i'll always be here for you and Harrison. Its been so long since i felt like i have a home....and... being here with you and Harrison? Im so happy and i can't remember ever feeling like this"
Bucky suddenly reached over placing his metal hand over mine "I don't know how Steve could ever leave you both. If you were mine id never let you out of my sight"
"Thats because your a good man Bucky Barnes" i smiled turning my hand so i could hold his hand better "after Steve left i was broken hearted you saw me" i scoffed "i didn't think it was possible to get past it let alone feel anything for anyone else..... then you came along"
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah" i chuckled "its just the timing.... i mean look at me, Im 6 months pregnant, my emotions are all over the place. I just think if we're even considering being anything more than friends that we need to wait. At least until after the baby....."
"I can wait" he nodded quickly "like i said I'm not going anywhere"
"Okay" i nodded giving him a smile "lets just keep this conversation between us for now, i don't want the others getting involved in this. They mean well but...."
"Their not exactly subtle about it are they?"
"I don't think they know the meaning of the word".
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Tag list: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam @captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl wont let me tag :(
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