#gotta love that multifandom life
23meteorstreet · 1 year
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charlie kelly - season 16
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hesthermay · 1 year
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PAIRING: bucky barnes x f!reader
SUMMARY: bucky barnes and the domesticity he deserves.
RATING + WARNINGS: general audiences, domestic themes, fluff. use of she/her, more fluff, use of y/n, more fluff. in my head reader works outside lolzies
NOTES: marvel!? again!? it never ended!! just switched to something else for a bit but hesthermay will always be a multifandom blog! i quite literally am attached to too many things for it to just be one anymore lmao. anyways!! this is apart of the lady may universe, all works will be labelled as such but remember they do not need to be read in any order or together at all! they can be read as standalone stories because they are all apart of a collection!!
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The sun had just finished setting, the dark sky staring back at him as he stood in front of the kitchen window. 
Bucky Barnes wiped his flesh hand on his jeans before reaching up to readjust the phone wedged between his cheek and shoulder before it could fall. His other remained submerged in the soapy dishwater, metal fingers clutching the wine glass more delicately than his past self ever thought he could as he secured the device. “No, Steve—if you need me, I can come back.” 
The blonde man shot him down immediately, insisting that it would only be a waste. Bucky sighed deeply and quietly, knowing his friend was as stubborn as they came.. “Alright, punk; if you say so.” 
Truth be told, he did not want to go back just yet. As tired as he’d gotten over the years, the fight most likely wouldn’t ever leave James Buchanan Barnes’ life and that was just something he was going to have to accept. But when he’s here, in the tiny town in the middle of nowhere that was his very slice of paradise, there was no fighting. Only hard work and long days, warm evenings and calm nights, and loud laughter and dinners shared between two. 
The life that Y/N L/N had given him was not one he had predicted, but one he would never take for granted. It was…all he could possibly want. If the world were to end tomorrow, he would spend his last moments with his lips on hers. 
A tail hitting against his calf was what caught his attention and momentarily pulled him away from the conversation, glancing down at the plump dog stood next to him. Her eyes were trained on the doorway of the kitchen and the brunette knew exactly what she’d picked up on, a grin growing on his face as the last dish was dried and put away. 
“Steve, I gotta go, Y/N/N just got home…okay, okay—I’ll tell her,” he chuckled as his metal hand swiped a rag over the counter quickly.
“Tell who what?” A voice piped up from behind him and the cloth was soon abandoned as he whirled around. There she was, standing in the doorway dressed for work and looking like it’d been a long day of it, while still radiating the kind of beauty he swore he’d never get tired of.
Bucky’s grin grew into a smile impossibly fast for a man who used to be a shell, a weapon, but that wasn’t unusual for him these days. “Ah, speak of the devil and she shall appear,” he remarked, and was met with an eye roll from his love and a laugh from his friend, before pulling the phone away from his ear. 
With one click, Steve Rogers was put on speaker phone and thrown under the bus. “Stevie says you owe him a dinner from when he kicked your ass in beer pong.” 
“I did not say that!” 
Y/N’s laugh echoed around the kitchen and filled Bucky’s chest with joy. “Oh, well quit your complaining and get your ass down here then!” She called out as she made her way to the fridge, boots thumping against the floor. “And last I recall, there was no ass kicking. You barely beat me, Rogers.” 
Steve and Y/N got along great, and it had become obvious to Bucky very quickly that they acted just like siblings. Their dynamic mimicked that of an older brother and younger sister, and if they didn’t look so different it’d be hard to tell they weren’t related. If they were, Bucky knew she’d give Steve a run for his money. 
“I’m all booked up for the next few weeks unfortunately,” the captain’s voice filtered through the speaker, “but I wouldn’t be opposed to a visit after I clear everything up.” 
“Oh,” Bucky drawled out as he leaned against the counter, arms and ankles crossed in the very name of ease, “I bet you wouldn’t. Grandma’s cooking’s pretty good, right?” 
Another laugh was accompanied by the popping of a beer bottle’s cap coming off and the clinging sound of it hitting the floor. “You’re damn right!” Leaning down to pick up the trash, Y/N continued to speak to Steve but the mechanic had already gained tunnel vision. 
His eyes were on her everywhere she went, observing the way her lips formed the words but not really hearing what they were, the way her eyes flitted over to him every few minutes because she was just as obsessed with him as he was her. 
The life that Y/N L/N had given him was not one he predicted, but one he would rather die than take for granted. It was his greatest gift.
The sound of his name broke his concentration and he was brought back to the present, tuning in to the conversation to hear Steve saying his goodbyes, throwing a ‘talk to ya later, Buck!’ at the end before he hung up. The phone was forgotten, remaining in the same spot with a black screen as the family of two now focused solely on one another. Y/N walked to the sink, beginning to wash her hands as she looked at the man before her with a semi serious face. “I sure am glad Steve let you have a break even with this long mission. I was starting to go a little crazy,” she chuckled. 
“I’ll always find a way back to you, lover girl,” he replied smoothly with that crooked grin as one hand reached out to swipe a thumb across her cheek, wiping off the smudge of dirt left over from her day at work. She beamed at him and he couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stop himself from pulling her in for a kiss; a kiss that conveyed how much he’d missed her, how long he’d waited for her, and just how much he loved her. 
When they broke apart she laughed ever so softly, eyes a little out of focus as she recovered from the display of affection. “You gonna let me set the table, Barnes?” 
“I suppose I could,” he feigned reluctance, waiting until the very last second to release his hold on her face, hands slowly pulling away from her face where they were gently resting. 
“Thank you for making dinner, by the way,” she threw over shoulder as she made her way into the next room with the plates and silverware stacked in her hands, and he followed her with the trays of food he had prepared for them. 
“Of course, doll,” he assured, knowing that if not for her he wouldn’t be able to make this meal nor would he have the motivation to learn how to. This domesticity, the routine of home life, was utter bliss. 
The life that Bucky Barnes had gained was not one he ever thought was possible for him, but it was one he would never let go of. It was all he needed, all he wanted, all he’d dreamt of. 
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all works on this blog belong to hesthermay.tumblr.com: do not copy, repost onto other sites, or claim my work as your own.
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Love Thy Neighbour - Chapter 5 Every Man Is Guilty
Bucky struggles with the attitudes of his so-called friends and Hive makes themself scarce.
Read this chapter on AO3 here.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 4
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Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Nonbinary OC, Steve Rogers Rating: T CW: Guilt, bullying (mention), violent child abuse (mention), homophobia (mention), mild dissociation Prompts filled: @lgbtqbingo : Hickeys @fluffbruary : Day 6 - Embarrassment @multifandom-flash (Compliments) : You are better than you think you are
@fandom-free-bingo (World Book Night Edition card 1) : "I don't need you." @fandom-free-bingo (Flight Edition) : Can't make it to dinner, Teasing @anyfandomangstbingo : Best friend's boyfriend @febuwhump : Day 24 - "I'm doing this because I care about you." @seasonaldelightsbingo (Winter Wonderland) : Situationship
Dividers by @unfortunate-beetle-and-friends
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Chapter 5 – Every Man is Guilty
“But I have my life, I’m living it. It’s twisted, exhausting, uncertain, and full of guilt, but nonetheless, there’s something there.”
Banana Yoshimoto
“You’re not selling me on this, Steve.” Bucky leant back on the kitchen wall, chin lowered and arms crossed.
“I can’t give you specifics right now. Security’s too tight. If you’ll just come and talk to Fury-”
This was the guy who’d lied to every draft office in the tri-state area? When had Steve become so damn hidebound? “I’m not interested. I told you before, I’m not going to work for SHIELD. And you can save Barton and Romanov’s very touching Different Call story. I’m grateful for what you did for me, really, but I never agreed to get away from Hydra just to sell my soul to someone else.”
Steve’s hands dug deeper into his pockets. “SHIELD isn’t Hydra, Buck. It’s not the same at all. Just let me set up a chat with the director and you’ll see that.”
“Why won’t you let this drop? You’ve got your whole Captain America deal with your team. I’ve got an actual life of my own now. You don’t need me.”
“Fine. You’re right. I don’t need you.”
Never had someone agreeing with him felt so much like a fist in the gut. Bucky didn’t get the chance to tell him to go fuck himself. Steve kept going. “This isn’t about me needing your help, Buck. I’m here because I want your help. I need people around me that I can trust and I trust you. You’re my oldest friend. And I gotta say, Bucky, this whole ‘new life’ you say you’ve got going on looks a lot like walling yourself up in a different cell. I’m doing this because I care about you. What good was getting them to let you go free if you’re just going to lock yourself back up? You look like shit, Buck. When did you last eat? Or drink anything that wasn’t coffee or at least eighty proof? You aren’t one of the bad guys anymore. You can do something worthwhile with your life. You don’t have to be all alone. Why won’t you let me help you?”
“Fuck you, Steve. I’m not gonna be your goddamn bad guy outreach program poster boy. And I had a cheese sandwich just last night, as though it’s any of your fucking business.” And I’m not alone…
They both looked up at the same moment, both heads turned towards the hall closet. “Shit’s always falling down somewhere round here. Place has gone to hell.” But even Steve wasn’t dumb enough not to recognise a sneeze when he heard it.
“For a guy with his windows rigged to blow, you’re weirdly calm about someone climbing around inside your walls.” The tinge of suspicion he heard in Steve’s voice hurt more than Bucky had expected. Who the hell did he think he’d be hiding in a wall cavity? Then he cringed inwardly as Steve began looking around with more intent than he had before. Bucky practically felt his eyes rest for a moment on the extra sleeping bag. His eyebrows visibly rose when he spotted the mug with its weird cute cartoon dragon thing. “Buck?” The suspicion had gone from Steve’s voice and Bucky missed it already.
“Hey, kid, it’s okay. Just a social call.” He listened for a beat of silence, then he and Steve both hear the departing scraping of Hive heading up to the roof. Knowing what he did, Bucky could pick up the unevenness in their movement and made a note to ask to check their injuries later. If he ever saw them again, of course. They might be too spooked to come back at all. He looked down at their mug. They’d be back. He hoped.
“I guess it’s cool that some things don’t change. But I don’t remember you being this coy about your girlfriends even in the forties.”
“‘Girlfriend’ is a real strong word for anyone I passed the time with back then. And that’s not… what this is. They’re just a friend.” Or something. This was definitely not the time to start seriously questioning the weird-ass situation he’d found himself in the last twelve hours or so.
“A friend who hides in the wall when your other friends drop by?”
Other friends? Did Steve think Bucky was having poker nights with the guys every week? What other friends?
“They’re shy, okay?”
“Buck, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m glad you’ve found someone you don’t mind having around. I hated thinking of you cooped up here with nothing but a bunch of old memories.” Steve, buddy, you have no idea… “Think I’ll ever get to meet them? What? I can’t be curious about the first person apart from me to ever know the notorious Bucky Barnes well enough to leave a mug at his place?” He couldn’t help but be mildly impressed at Steve’s rapid and unquestioning switch to the neutral pronoun.
“I doubt it. They’re shy, like I said. And it’s not really an ‘introductions to old friends’ kind of thing.” Of at least that much he was sure. Hell, it wasn’t even a thing. Just a really weird couple of days… that had left an extra sleeping bag on his floor.
Steve was frowning again. “You, uh, you’re not in trouble, right? I’ll believe you, whatever you say. I just can’t help noticing you’re a bit more banged up than I’ve seen you in a while. And you smell like that stuff your mom used to cover my hives in when we were kids.” He tried a weak grin.
Well, believe it or not a Hive was responsible… Buck almost returned the smile before he shook himself.  “I’m good. Just had a run in with some kind of funky old insulation while I was doing some repairs. Nothing to worry your pretty head about. The scratches are all healed up anyway.” He turned his shoulder to indicate the one Hive had uncovered. “Only covered them up so I wouldn’t get blood on anything, just didn’t get round to taking off the rest of the bandages before you stopped in for the little recruitment drive. Speaking of which –”
Steve held up a hand to stop him. “Speaking of which, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said… a lot of what I did. It wasn’t my place to judge what you’ve got going on here. I’m sorry.” The renewed anger Bucky had been preparing to unleash petered out more quickly than he had expected. “I meant it though, about wanting to work with you again.”
Buck grunted. “Howling Commandoes reunion tour? This time with one hundred percent less falling out of trains, right?” He hadn’t expected Steve to take the weak joke so hard. Steve hadn’t looked this green since a kid landed a kick in his stomach that left him puking his guts into a trash can. He’d been waiting on the ground by the can when Buck came back with split knuckles and a grin of triumph. They’d gone back to Buck’s place to clean up before Steve’s dad could see the mess on his shirt and add a bloody nose to Steve’s problems. Buck’s place. This place. The sink where they’d rinsed out that faded threadbare shirt had been torn out long ago or it would have been right about where Steve was standing now.
“I should have looked harder.”
“Huh?” Maybe Hive’s attention span was catching, somehow. It took him a second to reconnect the dots.
“I went back. To the pass. I went back about a dozen times, looking for – well – for a body, I guess. Maybe if I’d been smarter about it, I would’ve… would’ve found you. Maybe we wouldn’t be where we are now.” Steve’s words sounded like he was trying to swallow them rather than speak them aloud. “But we are. And I can’t fix what I abandoned you to, but I can’t walk away again. Please, Buck, stop by the compound sometime – nothing to do with SHIELD, just come say hi. Or answer your phone once in a while. I miss my best friend, Buck. The guy I knew back in forty-five, back when our lives made some sort of sense.”
“That guy died in the fall, Steve.”
Steve shook his head. “No, I think he’s very much alive. I see him in there. Don’t bury my best friend in this place, Buck, please. You might feel like you deserve that but you don’t. I’m not talking about showing off how ‘rehabilitated’ you are or anything like that. I mean that guy still deserves the life he should have got the first time around.”
Was that part of you given a choice?
There’s always a choice.
No. I would never have chosen that…
Bucky managed to look up at Steve’s eyes. Still fucking insane that he was taller than Buck now. “He’s getting a life. And, I guess, if you’re going to be clingy dork about it, that life can involve spending more time with you than it has done so far. Happy?”
“Yeah, happy. Jerk.”
“We’re in the twenty-first century now, for fuck’s sake, Steve. Learn to curse, I’m begging you.” For just a second they shared a grin. The moment was broken by a beep from Steve’s phone. The sudden awkward energy that radiated from him came as a surprise. “I don’t care if you check your phone, you know? World might be hours from destruction or something.”
“That’s unlikely.” Steve blushed. “It’s probably personal.”
“Stark sending out mass dick pics or something? You’re practically glowing there, Rogers.” The blond head ducked, Steve pushing a hand through his hair. He successfully blocked the blush from view but the new angle… “Steve, that’s a fucking hickey! That’s… at least three hickeys!” Captain America’s complexion was a riot of crimson, the blush spreading down to the livid bruise just below his jaw. “You bruise like I do – those are new and vicious. Christ, Steve, you been hooking up with a moray eel?”
“I, ah, I’m seeing someone.”
“No shit.” Probably he should have expected it. Steve must be one of the most eligible bachelors in the country now. Superpowers, a name like “Captain America”, and serum-enhanced looks on tops of his natural Steve-ness… The girls were probably all over him. Weird thought. “Well? Who is she? Do I need to check she’s good enough for my best friend?”
The tips of Steve’s ears became practically scarlet. “It, uh, look, Buck, I–” Bucky frowned. “The person I’m dating is… he’s a guy.”
Well, Bucky couldn’t say he’d never wondered. The immediate mental maelstrom was much the same as it would have been in the forties. How much trouble was this going to cause him? How many more beatings because hiding himself was absolutely alien to Steve’s nature? It took a few seconds for the twenty-first century to impose itself on his thinking. No, probably no beating for Captain America, but public opinion could be a hell of a thing to reckon with – especially for the nation’s golden boy. And Steve was standing there right now closer to cringing than Buck had seen him since his dad was alive. God, there was a man – if he even deserved the word – who would have exploded at the news that his son was a fairy. He probably would have tried to thrash it out of him, Avenger or no.
“He’s not off the hook for best friend judgement just because he’s male, you know. Do I get to meet him?” He felt the pressure in the room change as Steve relaxed. Had he really expected hostility over his confession? From Bucky?
He doesn’t trust you…
“Uh, I guess, sometime. No one else has yet but it’s not… not really a secret. The team knows.”
Bucky nodded. “Well? You gonna see what he wants?” On cue, Steve’s phone chimed again. Reluctantly, ears still hot, he pulled it out of his pocket.
“Just asking where I want to get dinner tonight.” He tapped out a reply, making Buck smile at the geriatric concentration he had to put into the exercise, betraying the boyish face.
He knows, deep down, what a monster he unleashed by letting you go.
That’s why he’s scared of you, even now. Guilt for leaving you behind? More likely guilt for not finishing what he started when he let you fall.
He didn’t “let me fall”.
We’ve been over this, asset. You used to be less naïve. You know the resources he has at his disposal. Do you really believe he didn’t just decide you weren’t worth the trouble?
Steve pushed his phone back into his pocket and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about that.”
Bucky waved the apology away.
“I should probably get going. I’ll see you? Soon?”
Bucky nodded, but…
Empty offer. You really think he and his new friends want someone around who tried to kill them – however poorly you executed your assignment? Stark didn’t even trust you unsupervised in this dump, let alone in his precious Tower.
“Steve, you sure the others won’t mind me just stopping by? Doubt I‘m popular over there. Not real eager to get teargassed soon as I set foot over the perimeter.”
Steve smiled, his confidence returning. He’d swung his leg over the sill already. “Sure, I’m sure. It’s not like everyone trusted Natasha when she first showed up either. They’re the good guys, Buck. They believe in second chances.” His smile was warm as ever as he ducked out of the window, not seeing the way the temperature of Bucky’s blood had plummeted. “And charge your phone,” Bucky heard him say as his feet landed on the tarmac.
Second chances… isn’t that sweet? So much for his assurances of your deep and abiding innocent soul, it seems. You could have almost believed that choir boy act, couldn’t you?
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It was three hours before Hive returned the way they had left. The hum of the generator wasn’t quite enough to drown out their scuffling descent. The faceless apparition was unnerving until they loosened their hood strings and pulled their hoodie down to uncover their lower face. “Protection,” they explained, though Bucky had already guessed as much. From the looks of the stretched fabric round their wrists, they’d had the sleeves pulled down over their hands too.
“Good call. Skin still itches like shit.” He’d had another go with the cream – Steve was right about the smell barely having changed in almost a century – but ran into the same problem as before. He’d had to spend a good twenty minutes scrubbing the stuff out of the joints in his arm with a toothbrush.
He was turning to offer Hive some of the beans he’d been heating on the camping stove, when he realised what else had bothered him about their appearance. They were huddled in the hallway, dressed as they’d been when they made their exit earlier – hoodie, cargoes, black and purple striped socks…
“You’ve been hanging around Brooklyn with no fucking shoes on?”
“You’d be amazed. Saw one guy with no shoes, no socks, and only half a pair of trousers. Guess I should be grateful for what I’ve got. Anyway, I wasn’t stopping for pre-flight checks while I was busy fleeing for my life, was I?”
“You need to check that you’re wearing shoes?”
“Told ya,” They seemed almost proud. “My brain is wrong.”
“Won’t be the only thing that’s wrong if you do shit like that. You’re lucky you haven’t got tetanus or something.”
“Probably too soon to be sure if I have or not,” they pointed out as they dropped down by the fire and stuck their feet out to warm near the flames.
“Not real comforting, kid.”
Hive watched him for a moment, maybe wondering the same thing he was: at what point had their continued well-being become a matter of comfort to him. Then again, maybe not.
“You call me that a lot. Kid. ‘M not a kid, you know.”
He grunted in reply. “I’m an old man, kid. Don’t take it personally.” That was apparently acceptable. They huffed but smirked. They wiggled their toes. Unsurprisingly, the soles of their socks were filthy, damp, and holes in more than one place. One big toe poked free. They saw him looking and wagged it pointedly at him.
“Rude to stare.” They were grinning.
“Sure your feet are okay? There are landfills cleaner than the streets round here. No cuts or anything?”
“Will you feel better if I check?”
“I’ll have less concern about my apartment stinking of gangrene tomorrow, yeah.”
They rolled their eyes but folded their legs and peeled off their socks.
He doled out beans, giving Hive the bowl and keeping his own in the pan, while they performed their inspection.
“All good,” they pronounced, hopping up with only a bit of a wobble to rinse their hands under the lonely sinkless faucet. Bucky wasn’t sure if it had been seeing Steve standing in the old place, looking not so much like he’d grown as like the room had shrunk around him, or if it was just having someone else inhabiting the space with him for a while, but the apartment’s wasted, skeletal feel was more noticeable to him now. He was making food over a camping stove. His bed was a sleeping bag. For someone who’d finally come back home, he looked pretty homeless right now, didn’t he? Was that what Steve had seen? Did Bucky have that same look? An abandoned shell, like the building?
What makes you think you deserve any better? You could have been so much more…
“Cheers.” Hands clean, Hive had grabbed their bowl and clunked it lightly against the pan. Seeing his confusion, they repeated, “A toast to toes not turning grey and dropping off! Which… now that I hear it again, may not have been the most genteel toast ever raised at a meal. Oops. Hope I didn’t put you off.” They tucked into their own food with no sign of discomfort.
“A toast to not losing body parts gets my vote,” he conceded. They shared a grin. “Where did you go earlier anyway? Guessing you didn’t find a café that didn’t care about the lack of shoes.”
“Rooftops, mostly. Nearby ones. Figured if it was a social call I probably didn’t need to flee the state. Thought about a library but figured I’d attract a bit too much attention.”
“They have books there! The wild kind, not the kind you have to pay for. Like a book zoo – except members can foster the animals. The analogy got a bit lost, sorry.”
“I followed, most of it anyway. I do know what a library is. We had ‘em when I was a kid too, you know.”
While he did the sparse dishes, Bucky could see Hive moving around out of the corner of his eye. A glance found them rolling up their sleeping bag and gathering the small quantity of trash they’d been accumulating into a sack. He dried his hands and grabbed his phone; it had turned up beside the plant pot. The generator fell quiet. Bucky turned the phone on and almost immediately wished he hadn’t. It lit up with message after message, the device rattling in his metal grip.
Steve: Been a while. How are you getting on?
Steve: Hope you are doing okay. There is a briefing later today that you might be interested in. Let me know.
Banner: Shuri sent me over your updated records. I think we should discuss a pain management regimen. Contact me.
Steve: Clint and Natasha are planning a movie night. How about joining us?
Steve: You really need to answer a text (or a call) once in a while.
Fen: You’re 30m late
Fen: Where are you??
Fen: Call me, James
Steve: I tried to call twice and didn’t get an answer. I’m going to drop by this morning. There’s some SHIELD business I want to discuss and it’s been a long time since you checked in. Miss you, man.
Fen: This is real shitty of you. You’re decent at the job and I like you but you can’t just ditch for the day without a word. The garage was busy today. We need to talk.
Steve: ETA 10 minutes.
“Fuck.” Hive looked up. “Everything going on since yesterday… Seems I forgot to go to work today.” He started moving automatically, grabbing his jacket off a picture nail, and toeing his boots upright. Hive must have taken them off for him while he was unconscious. He’d have expected to feel more latent objection to the idea but he definitely did not have time to stop and consider the unfamiliar close, warm sensation he experienced instead.
“I should have thought… sorry.”
“Huh?” He stopped, half inside his jacket.
“I mean, I knew, didn’t I? Where you work. That’s how I found you in the first place. Should have occurred to me that you ought to be there.”
He was already four hours late. What difference was five more minutes likely to make to his boss’s bad mood. “Wasn’t your problem if I went to work or not. I’m a big enough boy to handle my own routine.” He was a bit unsettled to see Hive huddling into a corner again, much as they’d done last night. They were still on their feet but they’d shrunken down into their hoodie and were not looking at him. “Hey, kid, it’ll be okay. My huge personal charm will smooth things over with my boss and anyway it is not up to you to have shit to do with my schedule.” They nodded but still wouldn’t meet his eyes. Their gaze was unfocused, drifting around the floor. Trying not to wonder why he cared, he cast around for something to ground them.
“Know what? I’m gonna try to make a dinner tonight that doesn’t come straight out of a can. What do ya think? Sound good?”
“I mean… it’s pretty vague.” He was relieved to see some… presence come back into their face. “Are we talking closer to a dead pigeon you found on the roof or delicately braised sustainably-farmed salmon?” Bucky’s expression apparently satisfied. They grinned a little.
“I guess somewhere in the middle but a little closer to the dead pigeon. I’ll do my best.”
The grin brightened. “Sounds good. I don’t like salmon much anyway.”
He nodded. “No salmon. Got it. See you later – gotta go save my job.”
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The garage hadn’t been too bad. Fen had been obliged to rake him over the coals a little – sure it was real useful having a guy on staff who could jack up a car on one hand, in addition to being able to handle basically any bike issue she could remember being brought, but only if he was gonna decide to turn up when expected and not just when it was convenient to him. He knew she took no pleasure in playing the hard-ass, except with assholes who didn’t believe she was more than capable of dismantling their tricked out dick substitutes down to the nuts and then reassembling it faster than they could jerk off over a climate change denial manifesto; she just wanted her garage running smooth. He’d worked out the rest of the day and hung out past close to put away some late deliveries by way of apology and all ruffled feathers had settled. His extended shift had meant it was already past dark when he got to his supply run, though. He hoped Hive wasn’t getting too hungry waiting.
If they were, it wasn’t causing any notable chaos. The building was quiet and dark. Maybe they were taking the opportunity for some much needed sleep. A smile crept over his lips at the thought. He tried to keep quiet and not disturb them when he manoeuvred his awkward haul through the window, catching the new wok as it made a dash for the floor. But he’d no sooner set things down than he knew the apartment was deserted. It felt empty in a way he couldn’t recall it feeling before they’d arrived. He stuck his head out into the hallway but the whole building had the same mournful, abandoned echo. A shiver gripped him – all the more dramatic in a body that always ran so hot. He searched the apartment. Their sleeping bag was folded neatly in a corner of the hall. His own he found moved to his bedroom, spread out with pillow, blanket and a sheet of paper laid on top. He recognised their handwriting.
Hey Bucky,
Wasn’t sure when to expect you back. I’m so sorry – looks like I might have to miss dinner after all. I need to go do something. Should be back by 9 at the latest so… maybe save me some if I didn’t piss you off too much by ditching? Sorry, again. Sorry sorry sorry. See you later.
Hive x
Bucky stood in his bedroom doorway with the note in his hand and shot a look at the things he’d left in the kitchen – the wok and utensils he’d been managing without, the extra bowl, plate, cutlery, and the bag spilling spring onions and packets of noodles beside them. Gotta do what they gotta do, he supposed. The note creased in his fingers. No problem. Might take him a while to get this right anyway. He’d cook, and they’d probably be back by the time he was done, sure.
With how many people who’d love to know where to find Bucky Barnes in tow?
They don’t want to be found themselves. They wouldn’t bring anyone back here…
The nightmare act really sucked you in, didn’t it? Who knows who they really are? Even if they are in hiding from someone, aren’t there plenty of people who’d trade the whereabouts of the Winter Soldier for better protection than hiding out with a monster who already nearly killed them? Not a high bar, is it?
So what’s your suggestion?
What time is it?
They said they’d be back by nine.
Probably so we’d stay put and off guard.
What time is it?
He’d never bothered to get a clock. He pulled out his phone.
His eyes shot to the window.
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Note: Thanks for reading, y'all! And thank you to all the wonderful providers of prompt events without which I probably wouldn't have started writing again. Special thank you to my boys for inspiring me and keeping me motivated.
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that-glitter-chick · 2 months
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Autobot Jazz Week 2024 day six! Today’s prompt is Once in a lifetime/Magic. This installment is set in pre-war Cybertron Transformers Prime.
Mind you the fanfiction that goes with this illustration is a different storyline entirely from chapter two, despite them both being set in Pre-War Transformers Prime.
Also, those miscellaneous Bots in the picture are not meant to be representative of the original characters I mention in the story. Because every good show/story needs extras lol.
The song I chose is ‘Something’s Gotta Hold On Me.’ by Etta James (and it’s one of my favorite songs btw, it’s a fun and feel good song I think any version of Jazz would love).
The story behind the image is, Prowl attends the concert of his favorite performer in a rare treat for himself. But when he gets to meet the interstellarly famous Jazz, his life is changed almost like in those fairytales he never paid attention to as a Sparkling.
Link to the fanfiction collection below, you know the drill by now, it’s chapter six🩷
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endlesstwanted · 10 months
Picking Love
My entry for @fleurdelouvemonth day 22 prompt — Apple picking, inspired by this Stony drabble 🍎🥧
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Sarah Wilson, minor Steve/Tony
Tags: Modern: No Powers, Meet-Cute, Apples, Flirting
Summary: Tony takes Bucky to the farmers’ market as an excuse to meet with his new fling, but Bucky makes the best out of it with the idea to bake something for his sister’s birthday.
Wordcount: 2k
Also created for: @buckybarnesevents’ Build-a-Bucky-Bingo — Farmer’s market / @slumberpartybingo — Would you rather ... Cook dinner OR eat out / @multifandom-flash’s taboo bingo — Please Put Some Clothes On / @tonystarkbingo — Asking For Trouble / @buckybarnesbingo — Terrible choices / @lyricalescape — “Light the signal fire, proceed without hesitation.”
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“Okay, I gotta say I was definitely not expecting that,” the woman said.
“Why is that?” Bucky frowned, but he side-smiled too. “Is it my long hair or my cool tattoos, the one telling you I’ve never baked a thing in my life?” he joked.
“None of those, actually.” She laughed, and Bucky’s chest filled up with joy in knowing it was because of him. “Only said that because I rarely see people baking anything with fruit lately. Apple pies specially, they’re often bought from bakeries. I’m surprised, but in a good way.”
Continue reading on Ao3!
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miralyk · 3 months
Love how you’re still working on multifandom charms but the “sidequest” choccy milk joke immediately led to you simping for the most obscure silent hill guy lol, please draw henry more
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THANKS (I THINK?) LMAO 😭.......... life comes at you fast ig, but who knows how long the silent hill hyperfixation will last tbh; still close to finishing the acrylic charms for tron, ac (and ofc now sh) though, just gotta hang in a little longer!
as for drawing sh fanart esp of henry more, uh. we'll see about that,, i guess,,,,
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starleska · 1 year
Just found your blog, do you have a rules/fandom list?
hey there lovely!! :3c nope, i'm afraid i don't!! i'm not a requests blog - just a multifandom person who loves a lot of different things 💖 people are welcome to send in asks with headcanon/fic ideas, theories, etc. and i just answer them if i find em interesting. i bounce around fandoms a lot, so sometimes asks sit in my inbox for a while before i get round to them;;; i do this for stress relief, and have found running big request blogs in the past quite bad for my mental health!! so sorry if that's disappointing 💔 as for rules...well, the biggie is no fandom discourse. i won't weigh in on call-outs, hot takes, etc., and i will just block/delete if you try to get me involved with that stuff. i'm just here to have fun, and i find all of that exhausting;;; if you send something that makes me uncomfortable, i'll either just not reply, message you personally to let you know, or delete and/or block. i'm not one to yuck someone else's yum - we've all just gotta take care of ourselves in our online spaces 🙏💖 mostly i like receiving asks about the fictional characters/fandoms i enjoy, and suggestions for weird fictional characters to get obsessed with!! 🥰💖 i love villains, reality-benders, scientists, nerds, Tumblr Sexymen, and characters it's very embarrassing to get obsessed with 🙈🙈 obscure f/os bring me life!! if you're here to gush, go right ahead 🔥 sorry that i'm not as formal or organised as lots of the lovely request blogs on here - i wish i could do that!! sending you lots of love :3c
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presumenothing · 4 years
so that pokeani fic? yeah i finished it. also on AO3
“Gou? You awake?”
Ash’s voice wakes Gou from the half-doze he’d fallen into; he stifles a yawn as he leans to peer blearily over the edge of the top bunk. “Yeah. Why?”
It’s hard to tell for sure in the nighttime gloom, but even though Ash’s gaze is directed upwards Gou is oddly certain that he isn’t looking at him.
Which is pretty unusual, especially when Ash had been the one to start talking first and there aren’t exactly many pokemon around to distract him, but that’s nothing compared to what he says next. “How much do you trust Professor Cerise and the others?”
“Wha–” Gou startles completely awake at that.
No matter how hard he rubs at his eyes, though, he can’t seem to rearrange the words into a shape that makes sense – or better yet, reveal this as some weird dream that he’s having.
“He’s a Professor, and Chloe’s dad,” Gou says slowly, trying to piece together an answer to a question he can’t even begin to understand, but the words fall short into a silence that’s not unlike every single time Ash has said something incomprehensible to anyone but him and Pikachu.
And Ash definitely looks mystified now, one arm still curled around a sleeping Pikachu as he frowns vaguely at Gou. It’s a novelty, being on the other end of this situation, but Gou finds that it’s not one that he’s enjoying at all.
Flopping back down on the bed, Gou blinks up at the ceiling: okay, so he’s clearly missed something fundamental to the question. Time to backtrack.
“Why’d you ask?” Gou questions in turn. If he can understand that, then maybe…
“What Chrysa and Ren were talking about just now – you heard it too, right?” Ash says instead, leaving Gou to scramble in the wake of the non-answer. “About the whole bond phenomenon thing.”
Gou winces despite himself; talking about is putting it mildly, really. The two research assistants had gone from planning upcoming studies in Kalos to loudly disagreeing over some witness reports of an unnamed trainer exhibiting the bond phenomenon with their Greninja. It’d clearly been a well-trodden argument between them: Ren had been adamant that it was genuine, while Chrysa remained skeptical, citing the convenient lack of properly documented evidence, and honestly Gou is inclined to agree with h–
–no, wait.
Thoughts screeching to a halt, Gou backtracks again, this time putting Kalos together with Ash’s improbable aptitude at making friends (faster than Gou can even catch a pokemon), and nearly sends himself careening over the edge of the top bunk as he sticks his head out again to stare at Ash.
“Don’t tell me you know who that trainer is?” The words come out in a near-yelp, though Gou manages to keep it down almost belatedly at the sight of Pikachu’s still-snoozing form.
“…I guess you could say that, yeah,” Ash answers after a beat, a strange expression playing across his face, and if it’d been literally anyone else Gou would’ve said that they were exaggerating, maybe playing up the most passing of acquaintances just to brag.
His experience with Ash so far suggests that the exact opposite is likely to be true here, and it’s only further evidenced by the sheepish look he gives Gou now. “It just kinda happened, y’know? I did say that I travelled around Kalos for quite a bit.”
One of these days, Gou thinks, he needs to come up with an appropriate (so probably pokemon-related) metaphor to explain to Ash how astronomically unlikely the stuff that “just happens” to him is.
For now Gou decides to just accept that Ash had somehow run into a trainer whose existence might as well be legend, and backtracks yet again. “What does that got to do with how much I trust them, though?”
This time the pause stretches out, long enough that Gou almost wants to check if Ash had fallen asleep instead.
But Gou’s also well-aware by now that Ash is a restless if deep sleeper, like he can’t stop being on the move even when at rest, and right now the other boy is far too still for that.
So Gou waits. Catching pokemon has given him plenty of practice in patience, at least.
“The last time someone took notice of… what that trainer and Greninja could do,” Ash eventually says, “some really bad stuff happened.”
It might be the first real answer he’s gotten so far, but to Gou it feels like his world has just turned on its end. For Ash, who runs towards potentially-lethal pokemon moves and a dozen other dangers like he can’t even imagine getting hurt, to call whatever happened really bad –
Gou doesn’t know what to think.
He’s still trying to figure that out when Pikachu, who must’ve stirred awake at some point without him noticing, slips out from under Ash’s arm to nudge up firmly against his chin.
Ash laughs, and it’s like lifting away a cloud cover Gou hadn’t even realised was there. “I’m fine, Pikachu. Go back to sleep, you trained real hard today.”
“Pi pika, pikapi,” answers Pikachu, sounding… reproachful? Concerned? Gou can’t really tell, not like Ash can, but either way he agrees with the sentiment.
Ash gives an exaggerated groan. “Don’t you even start,” he grumbles, but he’s already curling his other hand up even as he says it, and Pikachu settles with a pleased pikaaa as Ash begins running fingers through its fur.
Gou doesn’t miss the residual tension in either of their postures, though, if only because he knows to look for it right now, and that decides the answer for him. “That’s exactly what being a research fellow is all about, though!”
Ash goes back to looking confused. “Huh?”
“Gathering data, and drawing your own conclusions from that,” Gou explains, and hopes to Mew (or whoever else might be listening) that this is the right answer – or not the wrong one, at least. “Regardless of whether I trust them, you should observe and figure it out for yourself, then decide what to tell them based on that. That’s how research works!”
“The power of science, huh?” Ash says, grinning, and Pikachu snickers even as Gou blinks in puzzlement. “Thanks for the advice, Gou.”
“Anytime,” Gou answers around a massive yawn, eyelids already drooping closed as he lies back down. “G’night, Ash.”
He’s asleep almost before he hears Ash’s reply, but it’s long enough for him to realise that Ash has known him pretty much as long as he’s known Professor Cerise and the rest.
But for some strange and wonderful reason, Ash… trusts him enough, apparently, to tell him this much when he hadn’t said a word to the others earlier.
It’s a nice feeling to have, Gou finds himself thinking.
(He falls asleep with a smile on his face.)
gou, the next day: besides, shouldn’t you ask them first before you say anything? your trainer friend, i mean
ash: um wha- oh yeah of course!! haha, ha,,,
pikachu: *looks into the camera like it’s on the office*
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staysuki · 2 years
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after rescuing a dog in the streets, you slowly become close with the anonymous owner who was more than thankful for your help. as conversations turn deeper and a friendly bond pushes you two closer, you're yet to find out how far apart you actually are from each other.
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader (they're both huge nerds). slow burn idiots to lovers
genre: FLUFF FLUFF, crack, mild-angst, contemporary (mid-20s), strangers to lovers but they're also both dumb
warnings: not much (will put in warnings if smth comes up). swearing, vulgar language, if this was in the cinemas it'll probs be R-13
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01 - that guy™️
02 - when your bestfriend hates small dogs
03 - suffering at work but i get that bag
04 - that moment when someone offers you a fully paid trip to france
05 - almost exposing myself in private twt
06 - when they send a pic
07 - forgetting to change accounts
08 - even half the face is cute
09 - everybody loves new york shitty
10 - my manager is too mean
11 - becoming a fan
12 - just overall winning in life
13 - meeting the famous popstar
14 - you make me feel better
15 - i'm so scared i'm gonna shit my pants
16 - receiving anonymous flowers are either sweet or creepy
17 - your best friend missed but landed a bullseye
18 - the reason why i don't do lives is because i fuck up a lot
19 - oh is for disappointment
20 - there was definitely an attempt
21 - when i'm happy, things go to shit
22 - being with a loved one makes things easier
23 - was i smooth with that one
24 - and you thought i couldn't be worse
25 - might go down on my knees maybe
26 - i have the best family ever
27 - why are all my cousins so mean to me
28 - fortunately your best friend still doesn't know
29 - meeting the famous popstar (2)
30 - when it's hard to know people's motives
31 - can't help but be a fan
32 - people love bullying me
33 - when someone comes over so you gotta clean
34 - the moment of failure was there
35 - ready to risk it all
36 - when his older cousin comes for you
37 - manager has your back
to be updated...
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date started: 06/01/22
date finished: -
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mastertag: @leagreenly @90s-belladonna @fuzzylard @loveliebri @chimmybaek7 @todorokiskitten @lilacdreams-00 @ethereallino @ninjaleeknow @trials--error @hey-i-really-miss-you @multifandomizer @aerastus @caratinylyfe @kdhvier @hibuki-chan @blaaiissee @skzoddinaries @suhnnyskiess @beaann
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
⸺𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀 27: i should be over all the butterflies (finale)
i should be over all the butterflies | a chuuya x gn!reader smau
a/n: wow, so here's another smau coming to a close. this ended up being much longer than i thought it would be but it was entertaining to write until the very end. i hope you guys like the final chapter and please let me know what you think of it !!
also, i'm sure some of you have been curious about the title. well, it's actually based on the song 'still into you' by paramore. when i first listened to that song i kinda imagined vocalist!chuuya (it's because of the orange hair). if you like, give it a listen while reading this last chapter
ever since he first started performing with the mafia dogs, chuuya had never felt stage fright or even remotely anxious before singing onstage. he even surprised himself when he came to the realization that performing was just second-nature to him.
but god was he nervous now.
usually, he was the one who hyped up the crowd before playing but right now, chuuya busied himself with fiddling with the height of the mic stand as tachihara and dazai took on the role.
"hey everyone!" dazai yelled into the microphone. the crowd in front of the stage cheered in unison.
"you may know us as the mafia dogs," tachihara continued. "but right now, you can think of us as the newest members of the journalism club."
"yeah, we actually just sent our application forms earlier," dazai laughed, glancing sideways at chuuya with a look that expressed 'dude, your turn to say something.'
"so, uh," chuuya cleared his throat. "we're actually going to perform a new song."
the crowd cheered once again and that put a smile on his face. he scanned the people standing in the front row until his eyes landed on you. chuuya bit back a laugh at the matching mustard shirt and pants you were wearing that made it impossible for him to spot. right beside you was ranpo, in crutches but mostly leaning on oda for support.
chuuya took in a deep breath and calmed himself down. having akutagawa right next to him, who looked the happiest he's ever been as he fiddled with the buttons on his keytar, definitely helped.
"this song is actually dedicated to someone. well, two people," chuuya clarified after exchanging a look with dazai. "and, i hope our thoughts come across in this song."
chuuya nodded at dazai and akutagawa, feeling his breath swell in his chest as he began to sing.
"can't count the years in one hand that we've been together. i need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better"
the roar of the audience gave chuuya a surge of confidence and he grinned widely as he continued to sing. it was always a bit nerve-wracking performing a new song and hoping their fans would like it. after all, he and dazai just poured out their raw emotions into the lyrics and hoped for the best.
for a split-second, chuuya's eyes darted over to make you out in the front row of the crowd again. was that a grin on your face or was he just imagining things? chuuya tried not to let the anxiety grip him.
"because after all this time, i'm still into you"
but at the end of the day, chuuya knew he would "perish and die", in the words of dazai, if he never let you know how he felt.
"i should be over all the butterflies but i'm into you. and baby even on our worst nights, i'm into you."
chuuya could tell that everyone was getting into the song by the time the chorus hit. the audience was jumping up and down in unison to the beat. dazai was leaning into the microphone singing the back-up vocals. tachihara had a wide, gleeful grin on his face he played the drums. even akutagawa was bobbing his head up and down to the music.
seeing all of them getting into the song gave chuuya just a bit of courage to lock eyes with you in the crowd as he sang the next line that condense all of his feelings.
"yeah after all this time, i'm still into you."
as soon as the mafia dogs started playing the song, one of the first thoughts in your head was "damn, chuuya's pants look really tight" and then "damn, chuuya looks really good onstage."
you've known him practically your whole life and even though back then he demonstrated no inclination at all for being a band vocalist, it looked like chuuya was born to be one. on the one hand, you felt bad that you two weren't close for the past few years. you would have enjoyed watching their earlier band practices and showing up for his first gig or watching him brainstorm new songs.
but getting to know chuuya again, especially this side of him, wasn't so bad. he was your best friend after all. and thanks to that little introduction he made before singing the song, chuuya's intentions were now clear as day to you.
"let them wonder how we got this far 'cause i don't even need to wonder at all"
you weren't sure if he could make you out in front of the crowd all, even if your mustard ensemble, much less see the expression on your face. there were probably hundreds of students in the campus square all watching and cheering to the mafia dogs' new song. but maybe, just maybe--
and there.
chuuya unmistakably met your gaze in the crowd and you smiled broadly at him in return as he ended the first chorus.
"yeah after all this time, i'm still into you"
'jesus christ, chuuya,' you thought as you smiled to yourself. 'you could have just sent me a text.'
"just so we're clear... you do know the song is dedicated to you, right?" ranpo said.
"i'm not that fucking dumb," you scoffed, flicking him on the forehead. right after the talent show, the three of you gathered near a bench just outside your dorm building. the crowds were slowly starting to thin out as well.
"is it... safe to assume that," oda spoke slowly beside him. you laughed slightly at the apparent hesitancy in his voice. "the other person is... me?"
"oda, i'm proud of you," ranpo grinned, clapping him on the shoulder. as if on cue, a text notification from oda's phone rang.
"you should take that like, right now," you insisted.
"really?" oda looked between you and ranpo. "do you need help with--?"
"i'll make it up the stairs on my own," ranpo huffed. "i'm not that helpless you know."
"right," you rolled your eyes. "says the guy who--"
"uh, y/n?"
you turned around to see chuuya approaching the three of you with his hands in his pockets and his guitar in its case on his shoulder. ranpo pushed you slightly forward before hurrying back to the dorm building in his crutches. oda waved goodbye before heading off in the other direction, leaving you and chuuya.
"nice... outfit," chuuya nodded at your shirt and pants.
"well, i've always had a thing for monochrome," you laughed, placing your hands on your hips. "look at your outfit though. i mean, can you even breathe in those pants?"
"not going to lie, i almost passed out on stage," chuuya joked and the two of you laughed in unison. "so... what did you think about the song?"
"hmm," you cocked your head to the side. "i think that whoever that song is dedicated to must be very lucky."
"really? then does that mean--"
"ranpo would absolutely love to be your boyfriend. or tachihara's. or is it akutagawa?" you interrupted him. chuuya stared at you with his mouth open before you burst into laughter.
"you should have seen the look on your face!" you pointed teasingly. "like your mouth was all open and everything. i gotta say chuuya i really--"
before you could even finish your sentence, chuuya had wrapped a finger around one of the belt loops of your mustard pants, pulling you close and kissing you right on the lips. instinctively, your arms wrapped around his neck and you felt both of chuuya's hands on your waist.
"you should see the look on your face," he whispered in a low voice as soon as you two parted. the smirk on his lips was enough to make you want to cover your face with your hands.
"i hate you chuuya," you whispered back much to his amusement.
"oh yeah, it sure seemed like you do." he flicked you on the forehead for good measure before walking off, leaving you to catch up to him.
"hey, hey. how did that song go again?" you asked, skipping next to chuuya. "i should be over all the butterflies... it's pretty catchy! you're gonna sing it for me again, right?"
"i literally just sang it for you."
"aw but i want one that's just for me. please chuuya?"
"...fine. maybe tomorrow."
a/n: and that is the end of the series! what happens to the characters next is all up to you guys (i do love an open ending for my fics). let me know what you all think and thank you for reading my series!
@kiyoobi ​​​​ @atsumusdomain ​​​​ @laure-chan ​​​​ @goodfoodxoxoxo ​​​​ @guardianangelswings ​​​​ @kei-ya ​​​​ @loisuke ​​​​ @whootwhoot ​​​​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs ​​​​ @violentfarewll @fyoyacanruinmylifethanks ​ ​​​ @nightmare-light ​​​​ ​ @miyakiyo0mi ​​​​ @whorefordazai ​​​​ @rirk-ke ​​​​ @cross-crye ​​​ @alohablue @duhsies ​​​ @alittlesimp @tetsustation @https-inarizaki @himboos @magpiemissy @hanazou @monochromaticelliot
reblogs and comments are much appreciated
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sackboys-moved · 2 years
The post I made about loving not having a ”””fandom””” specific blog is reaching out way beyond I intended it to be and all I gotta say is nooo noooo shart the fart up stop tagging it as “fandom/tumblr culture” stop being like “that’s why I’m multifandom” and “sorry to my followers about posting x so much I know you followed me for the y fandom” or whatever. NOT the point. Throw out the word ”””fandom””” why did you think I put so many quotations in it the first time. Do not confine yourself to that box of a word. Before people hop up my ass no I’m not mad yes I’m aware that this literally doesn’t matter I could care less etc etc I am just stating something passively. but also the minute you throw out that word you will feel a million times better trust me. Forcing yourself into an “x fandom” label makes you feel like you HAVE to post about that specific thing and you will feel bad when your interest naturally shifts somewhere else. Forcing yourself into a “multifandom” label makes you feel bad when you end up focusing on a specific thing rather than keeping it broad. You are not a “fandom” blog you are a person that is interested in something like a normal person. You are not a “multifandom” blog you are a person with multiple interests like a normal person. Just like what u want if people like it they will follow if people don’t they will unfollow the mutuals will stay no matter what it’s the natural cycle of life whatever whatever blah blah blah it doesn’t matter. Your blog your house your rules have fun. That is my wisdom for today
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the-feral-sequel · 2 years
10 characters game!!
I was tagged by @scribeoffate thank you so much btw, but since this is a very multifandom-y post, i shall put this in my multifandom blog!
game is to list 10 characters from 10 fandoms!
I'm fairly new to fandom things so I dont know if I have enough fandoms, but I'm gonna try to pinch out 10!
Jackson Whittemore: Teen Wolf The apple of my eye, Beacon Hills' resident asshole. i love him so much.
Jack Twist: Brokeback Mountain Never going to acknowledge the last 20~ minutes of the film. Most of my feelings toward him is usually envy because I wanna be a naive cowboy in love with a emotionally constipated at times but still very loving cowboy
Stanley: The Umbrella Academy he took the latest season by storm for me. Man I do love a snarky little mischievous kid who's first thought of getting rid of a body is to dissolve it.
Merlin: Merlin Ah, yes, the titular character from a show that's named after said titular character. Can't go wrong favouriting that. But I do love Merlin and his magic and witty lines and his cute-ass smile and his character arc and his little scarf and his love for his friends, his king, his family, his mentor, and his undying loyalty and his
Legoshi: Beastars God this wolf guy, he's just so <3<3<3. Wish him nothing but good things and definitely some down time and relaxation with Haru and Louis.
Neo AND Trinity (do not make me choose): The Matrix Simulation Superman (re: his flying) ilysm, Girlboss with guns and a badass motorcycle i also lysm. I am so Bi for them.
Princess Carolyn: Bojack Horseman Love this show and the way that it handled its characters, gotta love PC and her arc though. I find her arc to be something so powerful and I love how she found happiness in the end and just, omg, her <3.
Ryan: Barbie Life In The Dreamhouse This show is literally the best thing ever. Ryan and his cardboard cutouts and rivalry with Ken and his fear of dolphins is one of the best things about this show. If I could, I would've picked the show as a whole because I love the characters in it and everything about the show is perfect.
Gulliver: The Humans (written by Matt Haig) idk if this qualifies as a fandom since this is a book and i have yet to make any fandom strides towards this book other than t h i n k about it deeply. I love this book to bits, and gulliver has a special place in my heart. I srsly want to write fanfic about him and christopher post ending because i want more happy fluffy feels like the book was aiming for towards the end. i really have quite a few other ficcy ideas surrounding gulliver and the plot of the book because yes why not.
Tin Tin: The Adventures of Tintin Tin Tin is one versatile guy, he knows everything from shooting a gun to befriending gorillas. He deserves a spot on this list since my bday cake back in february was Tin Tin themed.
Tagging with curiosity: @rhyslahey @jovialsandwichsoul @scintalla and @sequinedmonkey
if the url isnt as connect the two dots as it is, it is i, @domesticated-feral
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smokedanced · 2 years
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@chaotiicgoods​ said: 🌟💗🎮
Questions for the mun    /    ACCEPTING ↷
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🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse? :: in private when i was like 14 years old and writing through msn messenger? not naming names out of respect lol but probably someone from the finnish heavy metal real person fiction fandom. on tumblr? actually, iris! i had always only roleplayed in private messaging platforms/private forums, with friends, but i was vaguely aware of tumblr rp (i had a personal/fandom tumblr first) and legit created her for this tenth doctor roleplayer back in 2013 originally. she’s since expanded to being multifandom friendly. i didn’t write her for several years, but added her to my multi a couple years back and she’s still precious to me.
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff? :: i won’t lie, angst, definitely. but i vastly prefer dynamics with a combination of different genres. just, i’d do angst without other genres but not fluff without something else there as well. nothing wrong with straight up fluff! just less my thing. i do love interjecting fluff into stories though!
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game? :: the mass effect trilogy. shook pikachu emoji moment, i know, i know. but yeah, i don’t think any other video game story could ever be as important to me as the trilogy is. i very rarely get this deeply into media, and when i do, it’s pretty much for life. i like a lot of things, but mass effect is a fandom, special interest, larger than life level fandom for me. if i had to name just one of the trilogy games? me2 specifically! you don’t gotta cry through all of it like me3 but you get way more between character interaction than me1. though i like the gameplay of me3 better.
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myevilmouse · 3 years
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Today for Trivia Tuesday @jedimordsith suggested I write about my drabble skills and give suggestions to anyone wanting to write drabbles.  I recently wrote 28 drabbles for the Multifandom Drabble Exchange just for fun muwahahah.  Also this is why, since I went outside the Star Wars fandom I love and live in, that I created a new pseud, Złymyszeczka, in case you were wondering what was up with that. Fandoms that I dabbled in included Supernatural, Resident Evil, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, My So-Called Life, X-Men, Wellington Paranormal, Quantum Leap, Labyrinth, Hercules (Disney), Cobra Kai, Lord of the Rings, Loki, Chronicles of Narnia, X-Files, Sherlock, Star Trek TNG, and more!  
Obviously I had to separate all that multi-fandom madness from the purity of my Luke and Thrawn smut!
So please if you check me out on AO3 for Star Wars stuff (and I sincerely hope you do!), note that you want to keep the evilmouse name.  I don’t plan on writing outside Star Wars fandom often, but on the rare occasions I do, it will get posted under the other name.
Back to the point:
Evilmouse’s 5 Essential Tips on Writing Drabbles
for your Trivia Tuesday, jump below the cut!
 So drabbles are 100 words.  Double drabbles, 200, Triple, 300, etc.  A lot of people find the exactness of this word restriction daunting, so here is my first tip for writing drabbles:
1)   Don’t think about the word count.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to approach a drabble is “I have to write a very short scene.”  Knowing it will be short (very short!) is enough to get you to the word count, and maybe push you over 3, 10, or 20 words.  That’s fine.  We fix it in the editing.  But if you get hung up about counting words when you are writing your drabble, you won’t write the best drabble you can!
2)  Focus on a single moment.  
When I say very short scene, think VERY SHORT SCENE.  It may be as simple as a quick verbal exchange.  It may be something you want to accomplish, i.e. a kiss, a punch.  Here are a couple examples from my recent experience:
One person requested a Chronicles of Narnia/MCU crossover and listed Prince Caspian and Loki as two characters they were interested in shipping.  So my goal was to write 100 words with these two characters.  
What shall we focus on?  100 words isn’t enough to explain why Loki is in Narnia or why Caspian is in Asgard. You have to trust the reader to accept the premise if they click on your drabble. 
What is your goal?  Here, it was to get these two in a situation where a shipper will be happy with their interaction. In my case, I decided they would be trapped somewhere together and alone.  That was it, that was the starting point for the drabble, which you can read here.
Another example: one person requesting a Star Wars drabble said they liked when female characters meet and interact and listed old!Leia and Asajj Ventress as favorites.  
Same question: what do you want to accomplish? In this case, two characters who don’t meet in canon having that opportunity.  A meeting.  100 words is our limit.  Do we care why or where they are meeting?  Probably not.  That initial interaction is the goal.  So for this one, I set what I hoped was a mysterious atmosphere and just simply wrote their initial exchange here.  Trust your readers to fill in the blanks, which leads us to:
3)   Let the “end” be as ambiguous as you like.
Drabbles are brief moments, as already mentioned.  They don’t need a proper beginning or end, they can (and sometimes should) leave the reader asking questions or wanting more.  I like writing drabbles that imply something happened next, and leave it up to the reader to decide exactly what.  
In the case of the Loki/Caspian drabble, knowing that Loki can teleport, and chooses not to, implies he has some ulterior motive in lying about his powers.  
In the case of Asajj & Leia, we know Asajj sent a comm to initiate the meeting but we don’t know exactly what she means by saying they will be “friends.”  Is she sincere?  Have some trick up her sleeve?  I don’t have to know!  But the moment is achieved.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t “end” a drabble if you want to.  I wrote a treat for someone who wanted Sarah and Jareth to end up together when she was all grown up.  So obviously the request has already dictated my ending.  In that case, I had a couple goals:  to tell the reader she was all grown up, to demonstrate how much has/hasn’t changed, and to make her wind up with that sexy Goblin King.  Mmmm yesssss.
Each of those goals, which may have appeared difficult at first, took exactly one sentence:
Curtains fluttered, an unnatural gust summoning the ever-present metropolitan cacophony into her apartment.
We know now that Sarah has her own apartment, old enough to live alone.
“It didn’t!” she glared, injustice manifested in that indignant whine she’d retained, like most of her teenage dreams.
In the film Labyrinth, Sarah’s always saying things aren’t fair.  So here we see she hasn’t quite gotten rid of that tendency to whine about injustice, and is still a dreamer at heart.
“This time,” Sarah took a deep breath, certain, “I’ll stay.”
She’s not hesitating, she’s decided, and she’s going to live happily ever after with her mystical consort (we hope).
The point here is that your drabble can be as conclusive or inconclusive as you like, and isn’t limited by the word count.
4)   Edit without mercy
Yes I KNOW that is the perfect adjective for Luke’s sparkling blue eyes, but if your word count is 101, those eyes are either sparkling or blue but not both!
Once you achieve your “moment” in the drabble form, you have to check that word count and CHOP CHOP CHOP.  It’s a rare thing to be under word count, but if you are lucky to be under, just add a few well-chosen adjectives and you’re done.  However, if you, like most of us, have just written 123 words of perfection and want to scream because there is NO WAY you can do the same thing in 100 words, you have two options:  write 77 MORE words and surrender to the double drabble, OR like I try to do, throw away the things you love until you have accomplished the same thing in 100 words.
To demonstrate this exercise, I set myself a task (because I haven’t saved drafts of my drabbles, sadly) to show you what I mean.  So right now at this very instant I’m going to write a drabble about Luke Skywalker being in love with YOU.  A Luke/Reader drabble, for example.  Let’s go:
Everyone groaned as the briefing ended.  It had gone on two hours too long for your taste, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, you weren’t alone in your assessment.  As you left the conference room, you almost bumped into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked as handsome as always, but rather more casual than usual, his robes nowhere in sight and dressed simply in black pants with a blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you said, about to move past, flustered beyond belief.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi—any Jedi.
“Actually,” he smiled, “I was waiting here for you.”
A wave of shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded.  “Yeah.  Have dinner with me tonight?”
 OK here is where I checked the wordcount.  134 words. Ouch.  Quickly we have to edit because I’m not happy with the ending either. And 134 means some serious slicing and dicing.  Here’s take two:
The briefing seemed to end two hours too late, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, your colleagues agreed.  Leaving the conference room, you almost bumped into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, robes nowhere in sight, dressed in black pants and blue shirt.
“Excuse me,” you said, moving past, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but that hadn’t stopped you.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded.  “Yeah.  Have dinner with me tonight?”
 OK we’ve done some serious slicing and are down to 109 words.  But I’m still not happy, AND we gotta cut more.
The briefing ended two hours too late, and judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed.  Leaving the room, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but that hadn’t stopped you.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, and held out a hand.  “Come with me?”
Down to 103 words now and I managed to change the ending I wasn’t crazy about at first…notice what has and hasn’t changed between these short drafts... not much in the way of story, just how it is told.
Still have to edit more…three pesky words…
Judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed that meeting had been too long.  Hurrying out, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so kriffing good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but common sense wasn’t your forte.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, holding out an inviting hand.  “Come with me?”
Now I’ve got 101 words and I don’t want to cut it, but I have to…*waves goodbye to “kriffing”*
Judging by the mad rush to the exit, everyone agreed that meeting had been too long.  Hurrying out, you ran into Luke Skywalker.  The Jedi Master looked handsome as always, but more casual than usual, no robes, just dressed in black pants and blue shirt.  
“Excuse me,” you muttered, flustered.  If only he wasn’t so good-looking… It was stupid to lust after a Jedi, but common sense wasn’t your forte.
He smiled.  “I was waiting for you.”
Shock, quickly followed by confusion, made you even more tongue-tied than usual.
He nodded, holding out an inviting hand.  “Come with me?”
So we have 100 words exactly, that imply Luke is into you and you have a future with him.  From starting the drabble to finishing it, took me about 18 minutes.  If you don’t pressure yourself, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare.  Which brings me to tip #5
5) Don’t stress, and have fun!
Sometimes I have spent as much as two hours on a drabble, but usually no more than a half hour to get it where I want.  When I do the “drabble a day” for Fictober, I try to limit myself to 15 minutes.  The point is, drabbles should be fun and low stress.  Don’t agonize about them!  Sure, you can edit for hours to fix each word to be absolutely perfect and convey something the same but different, but you can also just achieve that glimpse into a scene, that moment, and enjoy your work!
I hope you enjoyed this and/or found it useful.  If you’d like to read some of my drabbles, you can click on this #drabble tag, check out these drabble collections here and here, my story told in drabbles here, or explore my new pseud złamyszeczka for those other fandoms I mentioned.  Thank you for reading!
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Pregnancy Scare-G.M
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Pairing: George Memeulous x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k+
"Hey guys, I don't even know if George is gonna put this on his channel, but I thought I might as well film it because... I find it funny," Y/n was pacing in George's bathroom as she pointed her iPhone at herself, Y/n had started to film herself. An idea had popped in her head a few days ago. Both George and Y/n had been going steady for quite some time, the discussion of having kids had come up once or twice. Every time they had spoken about kids, George would tell Y/n he wasn't ready for kids at his age and Y/n agreed with him. Y/n didn't want children either, right now she was in the middle of school, getting pregnant would only get in her way of graduating Uni. "I bought a fake pregnancy test, I promise it isn't mine! I don't want kids anytime soon!" Y/n had flashed a small pregnancy test that held two blue marks on it, "I'd ask Alex if I could use his camera, but I don't know how to use it and the whole prank would be ruined if Georgie spotted the camera." Y/n placed down the pregnancy test on the edge of the sink, continuing to speak to her iPhone, "Right now George and Alex have Will and James over to plan some new Eboys content, now don't worry! I've already told Alex that this is all a prank, maybe he'll tell James and Will, maybe he won't. It's really up to him at this point." Y/n hit the red button on her phone, ending the video she had been filming. Snatching up the pregnancy test, Y/n made her way into the kitchen, avoiding speaking to the boys. Once again, Y/n hit the red button on her phone, starting up a new video. Carefully, she had set the phone up, propping it behind a jar in the corner of the kitchen. "Georgie, can you come here?" Y/n bit her lip as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watching the boys look up at her. "Yeah, of course, N/n," Y/n's blue-eyed boyfriend stood up from his spot, already making his way towards the kitchen entrance. While George stepped into the room, Y/n took a step back, making her way over the kitchen island where the positive pregnancy test had been placed. Carefully, Y/n snatched the test up, hiding it behind her back a George approached her. "What's wrong? You seem nervous," George came closer to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her. "I know this might not be the best time, but I feel like the longer I wait the more anxious I become," Y/n let out a shaky breath. "George, promise me you won't get mad." "Y/n? What's wrong?" George only raised a brow, part of him had become worried from Y/n. Why was she asking him to not get upset? Had she done something? Cheat? Reveal his face? "I'm pregnant." The words had hit George like a ton of bricks, he had been filled with a hundred questions. When did Y/n find out? When was the last time they had sex? How far along was she? What were they gonna do? "What?" Only one word could escape George's mouth as his mind raced. "George, I'm sorry," Y/n buried her head into George's chest, George only pulled Y/n closer, his grip on her tightening. "When did you find out? Did you take a test?" "I found out a few days ago, I was morning sick and I just wanted to make sure," just then, Y/n pulled out the test from behind her, handing it to her boyfriend. There was a moment of silence between the couple. "...What are we gonna do?" "I want to keep the baby," Y/n watched as her boyfriend examined the test. As soon as the words left Y/n's lips, his eyes shot up to her. "It's your body, so I'm not going to make you change your mind. I'll support you as best as I can, Y/n," George let out a deep sigh. "George... thank you," Y/n had practically cooed, quickly pressing her lips against her boyfriend's. George gently accepted the kiss. "I'm gonna go use the restroom, I'll be back." As soon as Y/n had exited the kitchen, she made her way past the boys. "Are you doing the thing?" Alex raised a brow at the h/c girl as she passed him. "Yeah," she only gave a nod. "Thing? What thing?" Will raised a brow, looking back and forth from the two. "Can I tell him?" Alex asked Y/n. "As long as these two keep it a secret," Y/n gave a shrug. "Y/n's pulling a prank on George while pretending she's pregnant," Alex whispered loud enough for both James and Will to hear. "That's bloody brilliant," Will grinned, looking over to Y/n. "Props to you, Y/n." "Thank you," Y/n gave up a nod. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make my way to the restroom." "While she does that, I'm gonna go see how our dear blue-eyed boy is holding up," Will grinned, getting up to make his way to the kitchen. George leaned against the island, rubbing his temples. "George? What's going on, mate?" "Y/n's pregnant." "Holy shit," Will let out a breath, acting as though he had actually had been surprised. "Congratulations." "I told Y/n it's her choice about what she wants to do," George mumbled, continuing to rub his temples. "I'm really nervous, Will. I'm only 21, I'm not ready for kids." "Well, what are you gonna do now, Genuis?" "Give me a fucking minute, Will! I'm trying to think!" George snapped. It took Will by surprise, George never really got upset with him (besides the time he broke his red-eyed baby dragon card). "Sorry," George's square-headed friend mumbled. "You and Y/n are a team, I know you two will find some way to get through it." "Thanks, Will," George let out a sigh. "Sorry for snapping at you." "It's fine, I was pushing your buttons," Will gave a shrug. "I'll leave you be." "Could you call Alex in here on your way out?" "Yeah, no problem," Will gave up a small nod before walking out into the living room. "Your turn, Alex." "Oh god, this is gonna be something," Alex let out a sigh as he rose up from the couch. "Wish me luck." "Good luck, mate," Will took Alex's spot on the couch, pulling out his phone. "It seems like you're gonna need it," James bit his lip, readjusting his glasses. Walking into the kitchen, Alex wasn't surprised to see George looking ten times more anxious than he had ever been. "What's going on?" "Y/n's pregnant," George was quick to spit it out. "I know we had plans to stay roommates until we were gonna hit our 30's, but I might have to move out now that Y/n has a kid in her." A frown came to Alex's face, he understood that it was all a prank, but it still hurt to think George would have to move out if Y/n was actually pregnant. "It's... it's alright, George. I understand these things happen. I'll always be here." "Thanks, Alex." "Now, do you want to go and tell James or make him feel left out?" Alex sighed, leaning against the island by his roommate. "Yeah, that's a good idea," George mumbled, standing up straight. He had been slouching for the past few minutes. Walking back into the living room, there was no sign of Y/n. Did pregnant women take this long in the bathroom? Or did she just leave? Maybe she didn't want George to be the father figure of their child, so she had decided to leave before they could continue to talk about their situation. "You look upset? What's up?" James spoke up, pulling George away from his thoughts of Y/n. "I'm not upset, I'm just kind of... anxious?" George trailed off, finishing his sentence off as a question.  For some reason, the word upset didn't fit George's feelings, but neither was the word anxious. "Y/n's pregnant." "Well, what's your plan, are you gonna support her?" James immediately began to question his friend. "Of course I'm gonna support her! I'm just not ready for a little George-" "Or Y/n," Alex commented. "Either one, running around! I'm about to turn 22, I'm not ready for the responsibility of another life," George grabbed his hair, yanking at it. "Woah, woah, woah... calm down. If you pull out your hair, you're gonna start going bald by 25," Will snickered. George only let out a groan, letting loose of his hair. "I don't know what I'm gonna do," George let himself fall onto the couch, closing his eyes. "Georgie? You okay?" George opened his eyes as fast as he closed them. Y/n stood there, looking down at him. She held the pregnancy test in her hand. "Hey, Y/n... yeah, I'm okay," George sat up, giving a nod. "George, I gotta show you something," Y/n bit her lip, sitting down next to her boyfriend. "What is it?" George mumbled quietly. Y/n handed the pregnancy test to him, giving him a moment to examine it. There was only one line on this test. "I... I don't understand." "Georgie, I'm not pregnant," Y/ grinned. "It was all a prank." "What?" His mouth fell agape, "I was about to ditch Alex and find somewhere we could raise a kid." "Awe," Y/n cooed, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. "I was also filming it all." "What?" "Alex, could you grab my phone from the kitchen?" Y/n asked her short friend, keeping her arms wrapped around George. "I'm genuinely upset, I was really going to look for somewhere later today," Y/n's boyfriend shook his head. "I also started filming everything out here on my phone," Will pulled out his own phone, pointing it at the couple. "Guys, you won't be able to see, but George is actually turning red," Y/n giggled, climbing into her boyfriend's lap. "Guys? Are you planning to put this on YouTube or something?" George looked up at his girlfriend as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I thought you might wanna upload this to your second channel or something," Y/n shrugged. "We could start a prank wars with all the boys." "That sounds like a bloody brilliant idea!" Will chirped, keeping his phone pointed at them. "Fine. Alright guys, 200 thousand likes and we'll do a prank wars," George sighed, looking up at Will's phone. "Yes!" Y/n shouted excitedly before lowering her voice back to its original tone, "Georgie, thank you for being up to the task of being a father figure, even at our age. It really means something to me." "Of course, Y/n. I love you," George gave a nod. "Should I keep filming?" "Turn it off already, Will!"
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sixtiesfangirl · 3 years
earlier this week i was tagged by @hofnerviolinbass & @stevielynnicks to answer these questions! thanks darling flowers!! ⚘⚘
today i felt like giving more elaborate answers, so it got a bit long! sorry & here it goes:
Nickname: môni
Gender: female
Star sign: libra sun, sag moon, aqua rising
Height: 171 cm
Time: 7:52 pm
Birthday: oct 16
Favorite bands/groups: the beatles, pink floyd, the who.
Favorite solo artists: paul mccartney, george harrison, jeff buckley, françoise hardy, john lennon, niall horan, sam smith
Song stuck in my head: darling be home soon by the lovin' spoonful
Last movie: seaspiracy (2021)
Last TV show: this is us (can i just say i loved the last episode? i adore nicky's storyline sm u guys...)
When did I created this blog: july 2012. i had another blog before but abandoned it... when i decided to get back on tumblr, i thought a fresh start would be better!
What do I post: classic rock and other music i enjoy, 60s stuff, photography & classic movies...
Last thing I googled: therapists in my city. since i ended up moving cities during this pandemic & can't do online therapy, i gotta find me a new one
Other blogs: @earlysixties, where all the colorful posts (and more multifandom gifsets) go to! my main blog ended up becoming mostly a b&w one and i'm digging it... so yeah! ~ tho i don't really talk much there. the rambling is basically exclusive to this one
Do I get asks: not that often! but sometimes i do get some lovely asks from some mutuals!
Following/followers: following: 348 ~ it should be a bit less but i just can't let go of the abandoned blogs of dear mutuals that left in like 2015 or smth! followers: 19k ~ idk how or why?? my blog is not really popular & it's been years since i actually posted some content! since most of them arrived around 2014 they're likely bots... there are tons of abandoned blogs as well so...
Average hours of sleep: 6h or 7h on weekdays, 9h+ on weekends
Lucky number: i don't have one!
Instruments: when i was 14 i used to play guitar but abandoned it. somehow i still know how to play many chords and could play simple tunes... so i know how to play it, but don't know yk???
What am I wearing: a vintage yellow polaroid tshirt, grey shorts & black socks with little hamburgers and fries in it
Dream job: i wonder that myself! idk what i'd like to do really & the story is: i graduated in psychology in 2018 & was halfway through a postgrad in clinical psychology (& already being certified to work as a therapist) when.... i finally realised that that's not what i want to do with my life 😂😭 so i was studying to get any job & earlier this month i got a job in my city's transit department (working with the driver's license documentation) to gather a bit of money in the meantime. so!! i still gotta figure out what to do next really! it's a mess
Dream trip: egypt & italy
Favorite food: hmm i'll say it's chocolate cake with coconut filling!
Favorite song: hello it's me by todd rundgren or orange skies by love. i can never go wrong with any of them!
Last book I read: i'm currently reading kitchen by banana yoshimoto ~ i'm really enjoying it, i'm basically underlining everything because it is that good!
Three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. it would be lovely to be a clay? figurine from pingu. maybe the seal or that bird that laughs at his face as he flies off after pingu saves him from the lobster (as you can see, i still have every episode engraved in brain)
2. the town from kiki's delivery service
3. there was a cartoon when i was a kid that was called "mike, lu and og", it would be nice to live in their island! i also really like the style of animation of it ~ tho sometimes it seems like it was a delusion of mine bc whenever i mention it to people they never seem to know what the hell i'm talking abt!
well that's it! thanks to whoever read it to the end! 😂
i won't be tagging anyone bc idk who has already answered this one, but hey, you can do this if you feel like regardless!
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