#gratuity meaning
qandle1 · 1 year
Looking For The HR Software Related Terms And Meaning?
Applicant Tracking System (ATS): An ATS is software used to manage and streamline the recruitment and hiring process. It helps HR teams track job applicants, store resumes, schedule interviews, and evaluate candidate profiles.
Human Resource Information System (HRIS): An HRIS is a comprehensive software system that integrates various HR functions and processes into a centralized database. It typically includes modules for employee data management, payroll, benefits administration, performance management, and more.
Performance Management System (PMS): A PMS is a software tool used to streamline and automate the performance appraisal and evaluation process. It helps HR teams set performance goals, track progress, conduct performance reviews, and provide feedback to employees.
Time and Attendance Management: Time and attendance management software is used to track and manage employee attendance, working hours, leave requests, and time-off management. It often includes features such as shift scheduling, time clock integration, and leave tracking.
Employee Self-Service (ESS): Employee self-service is a module within HR software that allows employees to access and manage their personal information, submit leave requests, view payslips, update contact details, and perform other HR-related tasks without intervention from HR personnel.
Onboarding Software: Onboarding software helps organizations streamline and automate the process of welcoming and integrating new employees. It typically includes features such as electronic forms, document management, task assignments, and employee orientation materials.
Learning Management System (LMS): An LMS is a software platform used to deliver, manage, and track employee training and development programs. It enables organizations to create and deliver online courses, track employee progress, and generate training reports.
Talent Management System (TMS): A TMS is a software solution that encompasses various HR processes related to talent acquisition, performance management, learning and development, succession planning, and employee engagement. It provides tools and workflows to effectively manage an organization's talent pool.
Payroll Software: Payroll software automates the calculation and processing of employee salaries, tax deductions, benefits, and other compensation-related tasks. It helps ensure accurate and timely payroll processing while adhering to legal and regulatory requirements.
Employee Engagement Survey: An employee engagement survey is a tool used to assess the level of engagement, satisfaction, and commitment of employees within an organization. HR software may include features to create and distribute surveys, collect responses, and generate reports for analysis.
Here are the meanings of the a few HR software terms you mentioned:
Zoomer Generation: The term "Zoomer" refers to the generation of individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. This generation follows Generation Y, also known as Millennials. Zoomers are characterized as digital natives who grew up with technology, including smartphones, social media, and streaming services.
LOP (Loss of Pay): LOP stands for "Loss of Pay" and refers to a situation where an employee takes unplanned leave from work and does not receive regular salary or wages for that period. LOP can occur due to various reasons such as personal emergencies, sickness, or absence without proper approval.
CTC Meaning: CTC stands for "Cost to Company." It refers to the total cost incurred by an employer in hiring an employee, including salary, benefits, allowances, incentives, and taxes. CTC helps organizations determine the overall financial implications of employing an individual.
Payslip: A payslip, also known as a salary slip or paycheck, is a document provided to employees by their employer, detailing their salary and deductions for a specific pay period. It typically includes information such as the employee's name, salary details, allowances, deductions, taxes, and net pay.
Gratuity Meaning: Gratuity is a monetary benefit provided by an employer to an employee as a token of appreciation for their long and continuous service. It is usually paid at the time of retirement, resignation, or termination and is based on the employee's length of service and last drawn salary.
Casual Leave: Casual leave refers to a type of leave that employees can avail for personal or unplanned reasons. It is typically granted for short durations and is intended for occasional use. The number of casual leave days allowed may vary depending on company policies and employment contracts.
Walk-in Interview: A walk-in interview is a type of job interview where candidates can directly visit the company or organization without a prior appointment or scheduled interview. Walk-in interviews are typically conducted to fill immediate job vacancies or for entry-level positions.
Notice Period Meaning: Notice period refers to the predetermined period of time that an employee and employer must give each other when terminating an employment contract. It allows both parties to make necessary arrangements for the transition and handover of responsibilities.
Retrenchment Meaning: Retrenchment, also known as layoff or redundancy, refers to the termination of employment by an employer due to various reasons, such as downsizing, restructuring, or financial difficulties. Retrenchment often involves the elimination of positions or reduction in workforce.
Assessment Year: Assessment year is a term used in taxation and refers to the period in which an individual's income is assessed for tax purposes. It follows the financial year and is the year following the year in which the income is earned. During the assessment year, individuals file their income tax returns and settle their tax liabilities.
These are just a few examples of HR software terms commonly used in the industry. HR software solutions often provide a range of modules and features to help organizations effectively manage their workforce, automate HR processes, and enhance overall productivity and employee experience.
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birdantlers · 10 months
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i'm having a smekday moment (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠ ;⁠)
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
I adored the new chapter I get the feeling that Dick fully approves of Danny as Jason's boyfriend. Like Saving Jason from a second death and helping him adjust to the powers that came with his revival gave him major brownie points in Dick's eyes. But being generally a good person and having a similar sense of humor to himself means that Dick will skip the shovel talk and get to teasing Jason about his crush.
I literally can't wait for Dick to see Jason in Ghost mode. I get the feeling that Dick even though Jason hasn't told him his new name yet is going to recognize him immediately. I get the feeling that the magical rings of transformation that halfa's have are both going to be a great source of teasing and Evny. Teasing because doesn't the phrase magical girl transformation sequence ring any bells? Envy because Jason can now go from civilian to hero in less than the second.
Dick definitely approves of Danny as boyfriend material for Jason. Yeah he kinda chewed him out, but that just means he'll protect Jason. And Dick gets a brother in law who will indulge him in a pun off so Dick can't really lose here. I can't wait for Dick to show up again, he's already a favorite of mine to write and I didn't expect that at all. I'm actually going to have a minor new subplot added to the story where we deal with some stuff that apparently was happening to Dick around the time Jason came back (someone unfortunately informed me of Canon events. I asked for it. I just didn't expect them to be so awful, the events not the person)
Dick, meeting Phantom and Red Hood for the first time: my brother senses are tingling
Phantom: hey Di-
Red Hood, shooting Danny to shut him up: The fuck you want here hero?
Dick: >.> yo Jason you can stop pretending. There's like 5 people in spandex with a body type like yours and I know none of them would willingly come to Gotham
Red Hood: Well shit.
Dick will have so much new material to tease Jason with. He'll just start playing random magical girl show openers everytime he sees him. Even in costume. The goons are really confused because now they're getting beat up while the Sailor Moon intro plays in the background and WHY DOES IT FIT?!
A treat for giving me interaction which fuels me
"Mmm, time to play whack a clown," Dannt sung softly as he twirled the bat, rings of light covering him and shifting his form to a more comfortable one. Danny let invisibility wash over him as gravity ceased holding any command over his body.
Danny took to the air and flew off, heading unerringly in the direction of the Asylum, the feeling of fear and rage growing as he approached.
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alabasterpickles · 2 years
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I just finished the sequel to The True Meaning of Smekday and I can say with complete honesty I haven’t had this much fun reading a book since I was a kid
Here’s a little collection of drawings based on the books and movie/tv series!! (Funsize was one of my absolute FAVORITE parts!!)
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revanchistsuperstar · 8 months
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It’s been a couple days now and I still can’t believe I put a fake beard on my face that looked that disturbingly real. It was such an weirdly affirming look into my future once my facial hair starts coming in thicker. I absolutely was just dicking around bc friends of mine were hosting a drag show with a costume contest and I was like “lol what if I tried this.” Absolutely did not expect it to work. Wish I had better pictures now 😝
Oh and the eternal gag of “local man related to Taika Waititi still surprised by the fact that he kinda looks like Taika Waititi when purposefully dressed like Taika Waititi.” That’ll never get old.
Anyways prepare to see me looking like this at like every con from now on.
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
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dcviline · 11 months
my a.soiaf hot take is that being angry they aged up the characters for the tv show will never not be weird to me because why do you want to see literal children go through all of that fucked up shit on screen
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ppl keep talking about how the Amazon show can’t mention Feanor and the Silmarilli bc they don’t have the rights to the Silmarillion (only to the LotR appendices) as if Appendix A didn’t namedrop Feanor on the very first page like
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What the hell are you talking about. What LotR appendices were you reading.
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fellandcrow · 2 months
you are an amazing artist, i'm sorry you have to be french
Ok, thanks? I mean, don't get me wrong, France is not a perfect country, far from it, but I don't need your compassion about being French I guess? What the hell? That's so random. What country are you from that you feel so holier-than-thou anon?
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birdantlers · 9 months
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Funy Alien Book
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dlysthings · 2 months
Little crush pt.2
Here you can find pt.1
This is something i don't hink is that good, but i want tolearn how to write so hopefully its not that bad.
That evening Daryl couldn’t fall asleep. Shuffling around in his bed, tossing and turning. He was still thinking of the feeling of your hand on his. Your touch so gentle on his hand. Daryl was hopping you will touch him like that again, someday. Though that was only a dream. You didn’t mean too. Probably not even remembering. For you that was something normal. Nothing special. He wasn’t special.
He needed to understand that. Shouldn’t get his hopes up for nothing. And hopes for what? He was sure you will never look at him again. The smile and the squeeze of his hand was just out of gratuity. No other reason.
But he couldn’t help it, he longed to feel your touch again. The warmth of your skin against his. To affectionately brush your hand through his hair, moving a loose strand of his hair. And God, if you kissed him? He would be a goner. Your soft lips slotting against his and pouring pure affection.
But him? He didn’t know how to properly kiss. He would probably do something wrong and repel you. And the touches? How was he supposed to return them? No doubt his hand is gonna shake, his body buzzing with nerves.
Why is he even thinking about that? There was no way chance of this becoming a reality. Thinking about it was gonna make him feel even more miserable than he already was. No chance she will ever think of ya like that, ya idiot…
Eventually after many hours of tossing and turning, restless sleep found him. His dreams full of a lovely girl with a breath-taking smile and gorgeous eyes.
The next day Daryl was sitting in class, bored as usual. The teacher obviously didn’t know how to deal with the teenagers sitting in front of him. Just standing in front of the class, talking just loud enough for the person in front of him to hear. That’s why Daryl didn’t like school. Total loss of time. It’s not like he was learning anything.
However, that was the only place he could see you almost every day. And he needed that. You were the light that was keeping him in line. He didn’t want to get into trouble, just for you to know that whatever bad things you were thinking about him were true.
Today you were sitting next to him again, in a cute, light pink dress. A matching color bow was in your hair, making you look beautiful. Daryl looked at you again, but found you already looking at him. A small smile grazing your face. He looked away, crimson painting his cheeks. Why were you looking at him? Was he looking that bad?
He looked at himself. A white thank top, thin jeans from washing them so many times he couldn’t count, beat up shoes that were about ready to just fall apart and leave him barefoot. He looked like a joke next to you. You belonged with some well put guy, living in a nice neighborhood. Not some trailer park white trash like ya, dumbass.
Risking another glance at you, he saw your gaze on him again. With your warm smile and adoring eyes. That look made him feel warm from the inside out. Like someone lit a fire inside his core, the warmth going to every part of his body. He liked that. He wanted you to keep looking at him and at the same time to stop. He didn’t want you to know how much he was enjoying it and the traitorous color of hi cheeks was doing exactly that.
That evening Daryl was trying to write an essay for one of his classes. He didn’t like going to school, but wanted to graduate. That was the only way he could find a good job later in life.
Alas his head was empty. He didn’t know what to write, just mindlessly doodling something in his notebook. But it wasn’t mindless, he knew what he was writing. Silly combinations of your names together. He has heard of the girls in his school making combinations of a couple’s names together. It sounded silly, even childish, but for him it felt like something intimate.
It was useless. It’s not like you were together, but it filled a hole in his chest he didn’t know needed filling until he did. Every single one of his notebooks was filled with these. Every combination of your names together he could think of, written in his handwriting.
 He wondered how will they look like if written with your handwriting? Neat and cute? Or you also had a messy handwriting? Will he feel the same way he felt like when he heard his name come out of your mouth for the first time? So sweet. Till then he didn’t know his name could sound like that.
I hope she says it more. That was the last thing he thought before falling asleep with his notebook open on his chest, the combinations of your names on display.
AN: If you have an idea on how this can continue please coment it!
Taglist: @marvelcasey05
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Hey do you wanna read about Ed Teach whimpering? Then boy do I have the fic for you. Here's a sweet one where Stede takes precious submissive Ed to a kink club and they have just a lovely time.
Featuring even more gratuitious use of "kitten" as a pet name, Ed's collar (and matching panties 👀), and Stede being the softest dom to ever soft dom. Ed spends this entire fic feeling needy, whiny, squirmy, desperate, and he is mewling and whimpering and bucking his hips and that is my promise to you. I would never lead you astray. About 3.5k words, rated E.
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𝔇𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫 𝔞 𝔇𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪║ ⓞⓝⓔ๏ⓞⓕⓕⓢ
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| DREAM WITHIN A DREAM | main masterlist | PAIRING(s): incubus!Ezra x virgin!fem!OC/reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  4.1k | CONTENT: dream fucking, loss of virginity, depictions and deviations of supernatural lore, erotic gore
| SYNOPSIS: Your dreams have become the escape from your draining life. When you discover you are not alone in your dreamworld, will all the aspects lacking in your waking life be fulfilled by your handsome companion?
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Dreams seemed to be the only place you wanted to stay as of late. If you could somehow capture those endless hours that felt timeless as you drifted between the waking world and the lulling comfort of unconsciousness, you’d prolong your stay until you took your last breath. Each morning when you left that nebulous world, everything seemed duller. It was as though your senses weren’t meant to properly function if you were awake. Although, given the state of your life, you suppose it should be considered a small grace that your senses weren’t  tethered to the waking world.
Long hours on your feet in the diner. Busy patrons who provided you with neither conversation nor gratuity. The expense of the bare minimum just to exist, drowning out any notion that you’d have the time or the funds to indulge in luxuries such as hobbies or friends. It was only survival, making enough to pay rent and, on a good month, afford two square meals a day. But, it hadn’t been a good month in many, many turns of a calendar page.
You were exhausted by the day’s end, worn down with the borrowed worry of tomorrow. A tomorrow in which you would repeat the same exact motions. A tomorrow in which you found no happiness or meaning. A tomorrow that could’ve been a today or a yesterday: they were all the same.
The exhaustion may have been a silver lining of your wearying, wasted life as it meant you required hardly any effort to fall asleep every night. Your dreams were the only thing you looked forward to. The excitement of it - the anticipation of something fulfilling even if it wasn’t real - would no doubt be enough to keep you too worked up to sleep if you weren’t already bone tired by the time your head hit the pillow.
Once you crossed over into that peaceful trance, your nerves came alive. You were energized, ready to drink in the beauty of your fabricated world. You aren’t sure when this mind palace had come to fruition. Your dreams hadn’t always been this way. Still, you cannot pinpoint exactly when it all started. The beautiful landscapes with intoxicating atmospheres. 
Sometimes the sky was a blush pink with whispers of green and blue duochromatic speckles that twinkled in the sky. The closest thing in your waking life that you could compare them to would be the stars in the heavens, but these speckles ebbed and flowed in size and light. They moved and swirled wherever you went as though they were formed to merely accompany you wherever your feet carried you.
At times when you walked through a field of wheatgrass, the tips of your fingers brushing against the chaff would produce a serenading hum that spread from your fingertip to the rest of your body. It was as though a song itself was being piped into your veins, whirring into the chasm of your pseudo-corporeal form.
There were glimpses of familiar things from your past, but never the hurtful ones. Never the sad ones. The color of a tree would be the exact match of the patch of paint from your childhood bedroom ceiling that hadn’t crumpled and dry rotted away with the rest of it. You’d stare up at it each night with unabashed fondness. It was your patch of color, only to be drunk in by your eyes. You’d never mentioned it to your parents for fear that they’d scrape it away so it wouldn’t inevitably disintegrate onto your face as you slept.
Your parents were never in your dreams. Part of you wishes they were, but you know it’s for the best that they remain absent. You still missed them terribly even though it had been years since their passing. Seeing them would be a bittersweet reunion, a reminder of the good times but also a reminder of all the despair and hardship their deaths had brought. You were still a child when they’d died. Life had never been easy, but you’d grown up fast after their passing. Lying about your age, dressing older so that you might con your way into a paying gig. Even when you came into legal working age, you started back at square one. Your resume and their referrals were extensive but ultimately useless as it detailed your years of unlawful labor.
But here, in this dreamscape, none of that mattered. This was a place of tranquil solitude with nothing taking place that you hadn’t called upon, although you often felt the pressing  watch of an unseen counterpart. You only felt certain it was there because it always came with a persistent, clutching  sensation on top of your chest, even if you were upright. Something weighty and claiming pushing against your breaths. It wasn’t a foreboding presence, but you didn’t like the knowledge that you didn’t beckon or control it. It had always been there, perhaps even before you’d come to discover this place in your mind. Whatever the presence was, it had never revealed itself, and you felt it best to not ask it to do so.
When it finally emerged, you couldn’t have been prepared for such a companion. It appeared as a hazy apparition at first, and you could feel that this was for your benefit. Not wholly unmasking itself quite yet until you had come to terms with the fact that you were not alone here. When your nerves had settled, it seemed to know and came into its form. It appeared to you as a handsome, roguish man, but you knew he was no such thing.
He stood with a casual but upright posture, sure of himself and at ease in your dream world. His attire was unusual for your times, but you couldn’t place it at any point in the past, either. It was an organic, timeless style of dress, one appropriately bespoke for its wearer. The texture of the loose fitting black top was something raw and untreated. It hit at the top of his thighs, the front lower half opening up into a V shape before disappearing into a closure near his navel that you couldn’t see except for the line of a seam running up the center of his torso. A thick, oil slick sheen black belt cinched his middle, accentuating the tapered waist that sloped into broad, thick shoulders. The sleeves fell just to his elbows where something fastened them tighter than the rest of the garment. 
His forearms had the sinewy musculature of a man who worked with his hands, and yet his hands appeared smooth with neatly trimmed nails. The pad of muscle beneath his thumb was prominent, and when his wrist turned you could see the spring of his veins gliding over bone and ligament. He exuded a  picture of vitality and strength, although you instinctively knew it was not limited to your human boundaries of such things. He possessed powers and gifts unimagined by even the greatest philosophers and visionaries. He was something else, something greater than what you’d ever known.
He commanded the space with no discernible effort, and his demeanor was only partially responsible. His formidable body projected strength and finesse all in one. His large hands wouldn’t be out of place fine tuning the most delicate of instruments or squeezing the last gasps of air from someone’s throat. You knew you should fear those hands on you, but you only felt a burning need for them to know your flesh.
He stood firmly in loose fitting black trousers and soft leather boots. He appeared sunk to the earth and floating alight all at once. Even in this spellbinding dreamworld of yours, he stuck out as magnificent and awe inspiring. His smile was gentle but knowing. You can’t conceive what in your waking life would’ve lent itself to this creature before you. What had you ever encountered that could trickle into your subconscious and form such a beautiful thing?
Perhaps you must accept that he was no amalgamation of hypnotic, mesmerizing facets of your subconscious. Perhaps you must accept that he truly was something else from somewhere else. His dark eyes were trained on you – watching, waiting. A flash of white blond jutted at the front of his hairline. His curved, prominent nose ran fluidly to the bow of his top lip. Plush, pink. They looked softer than any pillow you’d ever laid your head on.
“Do you wish to comprehend my true nature, Little One?” he calmly asks. His deep voice carried a dulcet cadence, soothing immediately to your ears and thoughts.
“You’re no man,” you assert carefully.
“Does that unsettle you?” he returns.
You think for a moment then shake your head. “No.”
A tiny pull at the corner of his mouth.
“Are you going to hurt me?” you wonder with the smallest tremble in your voice.
“Only when you beg me to,” he replies coolly with a flippant, knowing smirk.
Your cheeks warm at his suggestive remark. He watches you with an unmoving patience, as though he has all the time in the world. Then you remember, in this place he does. You both do.
“Do you wish to comprehend my true nature, Little One?” he asks once more.
The smooth lilt of every syllable he spoke made you feel like you were in a daze. “What’s your name?” you manage.
He smiles again, softer. “As profound my desire is to hear my given name spill from you tongue, it is beyond what your lingual tissue is able to form. You may call me Ezra, Little One.”
“Ezra,” you repeat.
He breathes in deeply as though he’s been waiting to hear you say it for infinity upon infinity. His exhale feels intoxicating. You feel as though you have released all the captive breath in your lungs, flesh and blood unearthed and eager for fresh air. You consider telling him your name, but you realize he already knows it. Whether your shared subconscious in this dream state or the otherworldly capabilities of an omniscient, magical being.
“Did you make this place? Did you bring me here?” you ask.
“It has always been, as has the inevitability of you and I,” he answers.
“What are we meant to do?” You question him even though you know the answer. Your body and blood sings for him already. You feel the urge, the pull of him. You are meant to be his.
“You wonder why I don’t simply divest you of your essence when I am more than capable of doing so?” His breathy laugh softens the implications of his words.
“I know you could take it. Why don’t you?”
He tilts his head in consideration. How much to tell you. How soon to tell you. “It is true that my survival necessitates the procurement of human essence. Whether that is relented or seized, well, that depends upon the person, I suppose.”
“So why wait for them to give it?” you wonder.
“When essence is freely given, it conveys more power to the recipient,” he explains as though it’s the most logical, simple thing to understand.
“I don’t know how to give it. I’ve never.. given my essence or... my anything. To anyone,” you shyly confess.
“But that is what makes it all the more precious, Little One,” he contends. “An untouched, undisturbed essence. The highest echelon one may ascend to.”
“It’s better than I’ve never been with someone?” you clarify.
“It is one of the things that makes you so special to me, Little One,” he affirms. “For you to give me your essence, the purity of your essence, it will afford me many moons of life. Your gift will sustain me.”
You shift, uncertain about consenting to such a massive commitment. You know you won’t survive when Ezra absorbs your essence, but the alternative of going back to the waking world and wasting whatever you have left of that existence feels wrong. If you aren’t going to make any use of it, why not gift it to a creature like Ezra? Why not give it to someone – or something – that will use its full potential?
“Will you do that for me? Will you freely give your essence to me, Little One?” he presses.
“Will it hurt?” you worry.
He offers a reassuring grin. “Only in the way that a circle comes back upon itself.”
You aren’t sure you understand what he means, but he says it so soothingly that you feel safe anyway. “Yes. I want you to have me, Ezra. I want you to have my essence.”
In the blink of an eye, Ezra is before you. There’s a floral earthy smell in the air as it moves around him in swirling, lazy currents. His hands brace your face. He leans in and presses his lips against yours. Your eyes flutter closed, and you feel the wind whip through your hair. When you open them, you are looking up into the sky with Ezra above you. 
“Just as I said, gentle - until you beseech me for devastation.” His thumbs grazes over your temple and down your jawline. Your back relaxes into the soft earth below. “Won’t heed your own destruction when the ruination is so rewarding,” he laughs low, almost to himself.
His tongue slithers against your neck. “Won’t refuse to imbibe the poison if it tastes of honey on the tongue.”
“Won’t mourn the expiry of your existence when it is surrendered to serve a higher purpose,” he whispers into your sternum. His hands snake under your clothing and stop when they rest atop your chest. Your breathing has picked up significantly even though barely anything has happened.
“So trusting,” he continues as he gently pinches your pert nipples between his fingers. You whimper as your body arcs to his touch. “Had I met you a few hundred years ago, I would have relished in the spoilage of your untouched womb. Would have wittingly inflicted myself upon you until I could drink your tears and your blood alike.”
You begin to tremble - with anticipation or with fear, you’re not sure. “Are you g-going to drink my blood? And tears?” you shakily breathe.
“I have never been one to fester in nostalgia, Little One,” he replies curtly.
You sigh in relief and pleasure. Ezra pinches your nipples harder than is comfortable, and you wince.
“However, it would be insincere of me to claim the idea of ruining you – spoiling you for all others, unfit to be had by any other lover –  had no appeal to my desires,” he adds in a grunt. His eyes flicker black and speckles of silver for a moment before returning to a deep honeyed brown.
You shrink into yourself slightly, but there’s nowhere to go with Ezra on top of you and the ground beneath you. You feel your pulse between your thighs.
“What’s more,” he continues in a breathy gruff, “is I know you’d let me. You’d let me take all of you, break all of you, and when I was finished destroying you, you’d offer your undying thanks to me for having done it.”
His laugh is derisive and soft. It makes your belly tingle with shame and arousal. “Why is it such a bad thing to be willing to give yourself to somebody?” you ask quietly.
Ezra tilts his head in consideration as he kneads your breasts. “For you to give yourself to me is nothing more than kismet, Little One.”
“Then there’s no reason to be ashamed of it,” you weakly protest.
His smirk makes your breath catch. He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
“Place all contemplation and reflection upon me and allow yourself to feel the pleasure I offer,” he suggests.
Your clothes are gone in a blink, and you openly stare at Ezra’s naked body. He’s muscular but not too lean. There’s still the curve of flesh amidst the jut of bone. You quietly suck in a harsh breath when your eyes travel downward. Your eyes widen and you gulp as you take in the size of him, already hard a weeping at the tip for you.
“C-Can you make that smaller?” you ask. “I’ve never— That won’t fit inside m—”
Your words cut off with a melting, cloudy feeling draping over your body. A sense of calm envelops you.
“Ease your mind. You will discover pleasure in the agony, Little One,” he reassures you.
He creeps down to your dripping folds and smiles to himself. He barely presses the tip of his finger between your folds when you jolt and cry out in pleasure. Your breathing sounds as though you’ve been running down a long path with an animal nearly successful in nipping your heels.
“Your own innocence and lechery have culminated in the sweet slip of your sex,” he hums in amusement. “I could take you right now with little resistance if I weren’t so parched for the ambrosia of your womanhood.”
You feel like a caged animal that’s been given a sedative, fangs and claws no more useful than a blunt knife. Your entire body is warm and lulled. Ezra’s wide tongue laps between your folds in one long, lazy trip. He groans into your wetness.
“Upon your nectar I slake my thirst,” he groans before lapping repeatedly and more vigorously with each pass.
You squirm at the explosion of sensation his mouth renders on you. “Ezra,” you breathe low. “Ezra, this feels so good. Why do I feel so good?” You’re aware enough of the peculiar sense of calm you feel, even as your chest begins to feel heavy and tighter.
“When my words and touch aren’t enough to pacify that errant storm of worry – or perhaps when I am much too distracted to attend to it as I should–” he takes a dive with his tongue into your entrance and slurps loudly at the glistening wet that drools out in response, groaning and grinding in between your thighs “—I concoct something of a transmutable ease, a soothing balm for your mind.”
You whine and buck into his mouth, surprised at your body for knowing exactly how to respond to a man’s attention even though you have never been acquainted with it prior. “I– you.. Ezra, oh,” you pant. “S’your..you.. have me under some sort —aaahhh— of spell?”
“I require no tricks or slight to have you, Little One,” he chides. “It is simply a nicety, an augmentation of your existing pacificity.”
You roll your hips to meet his mouth and feel your core tightening. Your legs begin to shake as much as your voice when you try to verbalize the impending feeling. “I know, Little One,” he groans. “I know you are moments away from coming undone for me. So, come undone. Let me watch the fruits of my labor. Come.”
With a harsh jerk of your entire body, your climax takes hold. You let out a pained sort of cry, overwhelmed despite the hypnotic calm that Ezra has bestowed upon you with his powers. The back of your eyes pinch with the profuse bliss you feel. You flinch when you feel cool teeth nipping at your folds and flesh of your buttocks. Your chest feels tighter still.
“Shall I let the calmative trance dissipate? Do you wish to feel all of me when I take you?” he grunts into your ear.
You feel as though many, many hands are covering your body, sliding up and down. Caressing each inch of you. It will be too much if Ezra allows his powers to ebb. You want to know all of this if it is to be your first and only time. If there is absolute pleasure, you also wish to know divine pain.
“I want to feel it all,” you whisper.
Ezra’s eyes flicker black and silver again at your words. “Begging for pain and your own ruination. Just as I predicted.” 
His devious smile fills you with dread and want. He quickly lines himself up at your entrance. He raises a hand to your parted lips. The tips of his fingers have extended into points, like blunted claws. The tips of them seep black towards his hand like a dark cloud extending towards his center.
“Will you spill crimson for me, Little One?” he grits out. He sounds like he’s barely holding back a beastly growl.
“Take me, Ezra,” you plead desperately.
His face looks pained as he drives himself into you with one fell swoop. You scream at the burning and splitting. You must be cleaved in two, the searing pain is so strong. Ezra is grunting and panting, sounding like an animal that has finally chased and killed its meal. A man who is prepared to feast upon you – all of you.
You begin sobbing at the pain of him driving his fat tip into your cervix. “Such a beautiful thing, desperate for the agony of me,” Ezra rasps with a dark laugh.
“Don’t stop,” you beg as tears stream down your face. You’ve never felt more alive than in this moment. Each breath becomes harder to take, your ribcage must be crushing in on itself. 
“So utterly divine,” he quips with a cheeky, wry smile. When you tilt your hips for him to take you deeper, he thrusts harder, meeting your unspoken needs. His eyes roll back for a moment, his head tilting back in raptured bliss. You watch the thrum of the veins in his neck and shoulders, the way his muscles tense and flex as he slams into you.
He pulls and pushes out of you with no resistance now. The wet squelch of your cunt is reminiscent to the sound of boots sticking into the mud. You feel yourself taking Ezra and clenching to keep him inside you, mud to the boot, gripping him to keep him situated inside you. You smell copper when he drives himself hard and deep enough.
Your lips tingle. Your vision is darkening along the edges. Your breaths are stifled. The new favorite sensation of yours, that tight tight tightening coil in the pit of your belly, grabs hold of your lower half. Ezra’s teeth have elongated and sharpened. The black that once graced the tips of his fingers has now traveled up his arms. You feel sets of hands all over you, poking and prodding and smoothing and groping. Ezra grips his hand into your mouth, holding your tongue and bottom teeth down with four fingers, his thumb pushing underneath your chin for counter strength. You let your jaw hang limp for him. You have no power to resist anyway. Your chest is constricted. You aren’t sure you feel breaths any longer.
You feel Ezra pry two fingers into your other hole as he mercilessly drives himself into your cunt. All you know is Ezra. All your body knows is being dismantled and torn apart by him. You’ve never felt happier.
“I can feel you, Little One,” Ezra says in a deeper, distorted voice than before. 
Your vision blurs as your climax crests.
“I can feel the final slips of your essence. Feed me, Little One,” he growls. “You’ve fed me the blood of your hymen. You’ve fed me the nectar of your womb. Feed me. Let me feast upon you. Let me devour you. Let me take all of you.”
Your eyes slide back into your skull as you come. Each clench of your core coincides with the clenching, strangling sensation of your chest. It’s as though each seizing of muscle as your orgasm barrels through you also wrings the breath of life from you.
Ezra howls as he empties himself inside you. You feel a ripping, clawing sensation in your chest. When you blink, you see the mottled, blackened face of Ezra dripping with blood. Sinew and cord of vessels dangle from his sharp teeth. He chews through the gristle of your flesh and muscle  and dives back into the gash he created in  your chest cavity where he feasts upon your heart. He is willing your last few moments of consciousness. He wishes for you to watch him ruin you, take you, devour you.
“My perfect creature. My Little One,” he says with contrasting tenderness to the vision of him soaked in your arousal and blood.
He dips his head and grabs either side of your face with huge black hands and claws. He captures your mouth in a hungry kiss, sharing the taste of your own blood and death. You return it with your last fleeting seconds of life. You kiss your demon lover until everything fades into nothingness.
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ty to Han @swiftispunk for listening to me ramble endlessly about this and encouraging all my freaky Ezra vibes
I really loved exploring this idea. I don't usually write things like this, so it was a fun exercise in creativity for me for sure! I wrote this for the PPCU Discord Fic Event, and you can find a bunch of other lovely stories from it in this masterlist post.
Art in graphic is a transformed work of Jessica Cioffi's (socials: loputyn).
catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
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tagging a few people who requested to be tagged:
@patti7dc @jupiter-soups @psychedelic-ink @morallyinept @wannab-urs @chronically-ghosted @bonezone44 @iamasaddie @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
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kokomos · 11 months
jessica riley relationship headcanons
+ Always so excited when she gets to see you! Runs up to you and traps you in a bear hug before giving you sloppy kisses on your cheeks.
+ Hates being away from you for long periods of time. She's a bit of a clingy girlfriend meaning she wants a lot of your free time to be spent with one another. Whenever you two are apart she's planning the next time she can see you, she can't help but miss you!
+ Constant physical affection is a must if you're dating her. She loves the reassurance she gets when you touch her. Her favorite is when you wrap an arm around her waist to get real close to her. Adores having your face in the crook of her neck.
+ Definitely treats your lap like her own personal throne; enjoys the feelings of your hands holding onto her hips and thighs.
+ Kind of like a puppy in love; she's quick to blindly follow her heart and it hurts her more often than not.
+ Feels compelled to do anything in her power to make your life easier ie. do the chores she knows you dread.
+ Since before you two even officially started dating, she's given you so many nicknames in passing that you're sure she can't even keep track of the ones assigned to you. Her go-to is the casual babe or baby. She also wouldn't mind if you called her princess every now and again.
+ She's always asking you questions about yourself. It's important to her that the both of you are knowledgeable on the topic of each other. It's something that makes her feel more close to you than anyone else.
  - "If you could do anything, like anything ever, for the rest of your life, what would you wanna do? By the way, you can say me, I wouldn't mind complying with that answer at all."
+ Quick with the comebacks. Be prepared to lose gracefully if you ever get into an argument with her because there's no way she's letting you win.
+ So playful with everyone but the most with you! She tries to live life somewhat lightheartedly believing that's what can bring her the most happiness.
+ Prefers to forgive and forget. Doesn't understand the whole idea of focusing so much energy onto someone in order to get revenge. If the opportunity presents itself that's another thing though!
+ She's an open book once she trusts you and it doesn't take a lot for her to put her trust in someone. Doesn't care about the risks involved with loving and losing someone, she sees it as a necessary part of life.
+ Big gossiper!! Constantly pulling you aside during an event to catch you up real quick on any updates with the drama. Please be enthusiastic/receptive while she's talking to you about this kind of stuff! She means no harm by it and stays positive about the people involved unless they've done something totally heinous.
  - "I need to tell you what I just found out about that girl and her boyfriend. So last weekend, when she was visiting family out of town…"
+ Says she needs your help to do her braids but really she can do them by herself in under five minutes. She'll take any chance she can to feel your fingers in her hair.
+ On days where she's feeling lazy, she makes you do her whole make-up routine. No mercy, she doesn't care if you guys sit there for hours, it needs to be done and it needs to be done right. She shows her gratuity with a shower of compliments and calculated kisses as to not mess up all your hard work.
  - "Oh my god, babe! You're so good at this, I should make you do my make-up every day. Kidding, don't worry."
+ Secretly insecure behind all that confidence. She can become pretty defensive in an argument with you, often lashing out because she feels threatened. What she really needs is reassurance that you're not attacking her, you just want resolution or to talk about the problem at its core.
+ Jess is the type of girlfriend that wants to be treated like a trophy wife… even without the ring.
— ♡☆
a/n: dedicated to the anon who requested :) i hope i did jess some justice!!
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
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Snake Eyes 5
Warnings: noncon, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: thanks all for reading and I hope you’re excited for this one. All feedback is more than welcome and loved and appreciated. Reblogs are most helpful.
Part of The Club AU
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The service industry is less than formal. There’s not much red tape in the hiring process and less administrative restraints. So, after a short video interview with Sif, you accept a job for the weekend. It’s not entirely your choice of venue, a yacht, but the pay even before gratuity is enough to convince you.
More peculiar about the job is that it’s not a single night. You’re slated to work through the weekend at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It beats handing out shots to tipsy coeds; these wealthy investors will have deeper pockets.
So much for being destitute all at the whim of that snake. It’s the nature of the business. Gigs don’t last long and when they do, you’re miserable. If it was up to you, you’d be working at one of the upscale cocktail bars in the downtown core but they rarely open up applications.
You pack a bag and take your time getting ready. There’s a dress code of course. All black, no pants. You know these sorts of events. They only hire women and their purpose is more than serving, they have to be nice to look at. Well, you can doll yourself up.
You put on a sleek halter blouses with a leather skirt. You’ll sweat your ass off but it’s what you got. You have just enough outfits to last you through two days. Oh, and some anti-nausea meds to counteract the sea sickness.
The job will reimburse you for the cost of the uber. You don’t think you’ve ever been to the dock. You weren’t a part of the college crowd with their party boats and aren’t generally a fan of being on the water. You tip the driver on your phone as you get out and look around.
There are two other girls in black hovering around. You approach them, assuming they're in the same boat as you. The pun barely worth thinking. 
“Hey, um, are you meeting Sif?” You ask.
“You must be the new girl,” they look at you with their drawn on brows, “Tara,” the tall redhead introduces herself.
“Zadie,” the shorter woman with the spiral curls flicks her lashes derisively.
You offer your name in return, sensing their coolness. They’ve worked together a while, that means you’re the rookie, you have to prove yourself. That isn’t difficult, you have faith in your own skills.
“You’re pretty,” Tara preens, “love the gloss.”
“Thanks,” you accept the compliment.
“I could never pull that shade off,” she continues, “very harsh.”
You nod and force a smile. You’re sure that is only the beginning of your act. You shoulder your bag and turn on your heel listlessly. You’re not here to make friends.
“Girls,” Sif’s heels draw your attention as they click across the dock, “thank you for waiting. The captain was a bit late with his safety review. Ugh, so we have to hurry with set up. The investors will be arriving shortly. Can’t have you standing out here like a bunch of stray cats.”
“What happened to Katie?” Zadie asks as she steps forward first.
“She’s at her sister’s wedding,” Sif returns smoothly, “don’t worry, she’s vetted and very capable,” the dark haired woman gives you an appraising look, “you might learn a few things, Zee.”
Zadie rolls her eyes and Tara grins over her shoulder, trying to hide her amusement. You shrug and follow them towards the boarding ramp. Right, just don’t think about the water.
The boat is a flurry. After you are shown your cramped cabin, leaving your bag on the bed, you are taken to the gala deck. There, you are acquainted with the bar and set to your prep. The familiarity of the work welcomes you in and your nerves calm even as the subtle swell of the water rocks the ship.
As you work in tandem with the other girls, the lights adjust and music begins to waft around the space. You look out at the tables, set and ready for diners. It seems a rather overdone event. You’re not sure if you had yacht money, you would waste it on these pompous displays. Maybe that’s why you don’t have any money.
The first investors begin to trickle in. You hear Sif’s voice rise above the building din as she beckons them in and shows them their seats. Some sort of auction for charity. Funny, how these things are always fundraisers…
As the crowd burgeons in, the first patrons of the night come by the bar. Tara elbows past you to take the lead. You let her. You know her type. They approach the job like a competition. No use playing that game.
“Miss, a drink,” you hear from your left. You turn to greet the man, his silty tone only registering once you face him. Loki smirks as he drapes his arm over the trim, “I believe you know my preference.”
You withhold a scowl. You don’t know how to respond. You can’t scream at him so you turn and begin to put together a dry martini. You feel him watching you. Of course, he’s one of them.
“Mr. Laufeyson,” Zadie comes up behind you, “nice to see you.”
“You too,” he says silkily.
“Hon, why don’t you let me take over for Mr. Laufeyson?” She offers as she touches your arm.
“She’s got it,” he shoos her with his fingers.
You present him the tall glass and meet his eye. He watches you with that imperious gloating grin. He reaches for it, sliding it closer with two fingers around the stem.
“Now I should be suitably bolstered to face my guests,” he declares. You squint at him, his guests? “Darling, should you require anything, you know you only need ask. I do take pride in accommodating my staff well.”
You blink, lips sealed and tight. His eyes rove up and down as he lifts his martini, “cheers.” He takes a sip and winks, before spinning on his heel and strutting off. You should’ve known it was all too easy.
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