#gravity falls fan animation
sakuraspagettimmm · 1 year
It has everything you expect in a gravity falls episode.
It has jokes, voice acting,animation in some parts and a plot twist ending!!!
Thanks to this video my gravity falls phase came back. I'm not joking.
Here's the link to watch it.
It's called "Return to the bunker"
It will not disappoint you.
You will get so into the story as I did.
I watched the first 30 seconds of it with no good expectations. But oh god,I was So so SO wrong.
It came out 2 days ago....
Best fan animation ever
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painted-lemon · 8 months
um can we make this a real thing??????
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please tag any other fandom that could use this meme format
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19-1-20-25-18 · 2 months
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artvaultz · 2 years
2D pamdemic animation doodles reel (2020-2021)
basically all of the finished and perpetually unfinished animation i did since the beginning of 2020 through 2021
// tw for alucard transformation between [00:23, 00:26), also flashing images during and immediately following this.
i felt like i hadnt done much of anything since finishing school, but i guess ive at least not done nothing :) its cool seeing some improvement!
used: clip studio paint EX, wacom intuos pro, every last ounce of willpower ;u; (took me so long to even start putting this together)
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almighty-irken-zim · 2 months
paranormal investigations are spooky, yknow?
/ please do not repost i worked way too long and way too hard on this lol \
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startrekprodigyfan · 6 months
Alright animation fans, this is the big test.
On Christmas Day Star Trek Prodigy season 1 will be released on Netflix. This is a new 3D animated young adult animated series that was removed from Paramount+ as a tax write off, and was only saved through an amazing grass roots campaign by fans to be picked up by Netflix so that it’s second season could be aired.
If you like serialized storytelling in kids shows, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like Star Trek, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you know absolutely nothing about Star Trek, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like The Owl House, Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, or Legend of Korra, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you’re angry at studios cancelling animated shows prematurely or treating kids animation like trash, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you couldn’t afford a Paramount+ account but have a Netflix account, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like episodic content with a serialized story, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you have kids and want them to get into Star Trek but don’t know where to start, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like sci-fi, watch Star Trek Prodigy
If you like colorful characters, gorgeous animation, a serious storyline with lots of character growth and high stakes, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
This show has been neglected by Paramount+ and it’s gotten a rare second chance. The first month a show is released on Netflix is the most crucial time of all because the viewership will determine its fate going forward. A second season has already been finished (it was nearly completed when Paramount cancelled it), but if we want to see more beyond this season we need Netflix to see that we care about it and that their risk in picking up the show is warranted.
Please. Help us save this show. It’s SO GOOD, and it was treated like garbage by Paramount+. Help us stick it to Paramount and show everyone what a great show this actually is. Help us make Paramount regret their decision. Help kids animation continue to thrive and show it’s worth! Help bring in more people into the Star Trek fandom! Help us now! Please!
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avenarts · 10 months
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gravity falls animation clip from a project of mine that, sadly, was never finished :(
"sixty degrees that come in threes / watches from within birch trees."
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thealmightyowlkitto · 6 months
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I made this gif because of the book of Bill that was recently announced. I definitely wasn't threatened by Bill to do this, why would I be?. That's so Silly
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what a creep!
video version under cut
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stairset · 1 year
The thing about the "ACTUALLY this kid show isn't actually for kids" crowd is yes that mentality is pretty ridiculous but also like 99% of the time the reason those people act like that in the first place is cause they're talking about a show that's like, objectively just a really good show and is written to appeal to people of all ages and so they naturally get defensive when people dismiss it and compare it to idk Bluey or whatever. Like yes it's pretty ridiculous to take shows like Adventure Time or Gravity Falls or The Owl House and claim that they're Not Actually For Kids, but I also think anyone who's ever actually watched those shows and given them a fair chance would agree that it's equally ridiculous to act as if they belong in the same category as shows made for literal preschoolers.
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inquirewithbillcipher · 4 months
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Gravity Falls- Bill Cipher Animation
You read that correctly! This lil monster is going to be attempting a fully colored Bill Cipher/ Gravity Falls animatic! The song this animation will be set to is (drum roll please!) Beautiful Liar by X Ambassadors!
We have a lovely group of people on Discord to thank not only for picking out the song but encouraging me to really push myself and do something big like this! So a huge, weird and wonderful thank you to all of them!
Please enjoy some sneak peeks below!
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Now, with all that being said…I will keep the Ask Box Open but please bare in mind I may answer those a bit slower due to this new project that I am working on! Thank you all for your patience! I can’t wait to bring you guys more!
~Spooki 🖤
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zarasaurus-studios · 2 months
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b i p p e r 👁️
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hkthatgffan · 5 months
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Think I solved this guy's problem!
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Set off dangerous and illegal fireworks from their with your Grunkle while eating ice cream
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! Flashing images !
Forgot to post this whoops
I’ve been wanting to use this audio for SO LONG and finally got hit with both motivation and inspiration so have an angsty sea grunks animation
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lutinsart · 8 months
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Behold! the purple characters! a piece from last year <3
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trying to explain to my mom "oh I know what show they're talking about and some of the plot, but I've never watched it I just get random memes about shows I've never watched and my brain puts together the pieces" always makes me feel like a liar
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