#great deer yard hotel
ni-kinoni-ki · 2 months
Today all of the new teachers in the area were taken to prominent places in the area to learn about Matsuno. There were 9 stops throughout the day.
The first was Kagomori Castle. It was first in order to beat the mid day heat, but it was still so fucking humid outside. I climb to the castle all the time by myself, but it was fun to go up with other people for a change. The view was as awe inspiring as ever, and the wind felt good at the top. Matsuno is a truly beautiful place, and every time I climb the mountain my heart skips a beat when I can look out and see everything that my life spins around in panoramic view.
Next was the local lumber yard. GOD I LOVE THE SMELL OF WOOD (athankyou). Sawdust was everywhere though, so I couldn't stop coughing. Wish they gave me a respirator instead of a helmet. I miss chopping wood, and prepping for winter. Most of the supply on site goes to the local onsen, and as it is probably the biggest tourist attraction in town (aside from the aquarium) I understand the production necessity. There were cats on site <3 Too feral to pet though T-T
Stop 3 was a crab meat production and processing plant? I had no fucking clue it was here lmfao. The building is huge. We were shown a video about the production process instead of getting a factory tour, but FUCK did it make me hungry. I need to start eating a bigger breakfast. Climbing the mountain took what little I did eat beforehand.
Next up was the mountainside rice terraces. I love that place so much. I go there twice a year with my kids. Once in the spring to plant new rice, and again in the fall to harvest it. Both by hand. If one of the farmers adopted me, I'd work the fields 'till I died. I'm far better suited to manual labor, at least I feel so. Working as a teacher is not a terrible gig, and my kids make it better, but I feel best when I can turn my brain off and automatically complete tasks. Flow state take me away, lol.
Stop 5 was a local plant nursery. A TON of produce is grown here annually, and depending on the time of year the crops switch around. They're also famous for pickled plums, and we got to see the big pickling tanks. I wish I could have eaten a few. If you cut me open I'd probably bleed vinegar. lmfao
After that we got to go to Nametoko Gorge. I FELL IN LOVE. I could spend weeks fucking around in the woods there. It's so beautiful. The water's fresh, there's wildlife everywhere, and the food at the park shop is delicious. There's a famous hotel there too that I'd like to stay at at some point. I need to go back and explore when I have more time. I wish I had gotten to meet the cat though. Rip lil' baby.
the 7th stop was a local history museum that had a topographical model of the surrounding area all the way to Uwajima. There were written records of conflicts, and land division during the Edo period under Tokugawa Ieyasu's rein. I liked the display of different kinds of wood that can be found throughout Ehime. It makes me want to start carving again, but I need to focus on other artistic goals when I have the drive to make something. There was also an old millstone there I got to grind rice in. I could do that for hours. Great arm workout.
Next up was a deer meat processing plant. God, I love venison. The local farmers market carries their product, and I buy it often. I can't wait until stew season starts up. I'm ready for soup lol. They recently began making products for pets too, which makes me wish I could have a dog. I'd really hoped to bring Victor with me here. He would have loved chewing on deer bones and walking in the woods.
Last, but not least, was the Fukio Shiba memorial museum. Panda works there, and at like 5 other places. Between that and a new baby, I'm not sure how he's functioning. Dudes a maniac, but it suits him lol. Apparently Fukio Shiba is an extremely famous haiku poet that lived here in Matsuno. I'm not very intimate with his work, but I'm interested in learning more. The museum is super cozy too. If I could, I'd live on the second floor. The place is straight out of "My Neighbor Totoro."
Today was a really nice break in the monotony of deskwork at the BOE. I get to participate in a couple other activities next week too that I'm excited for. Canyoning and glass blowing. I need to try them at least once while I'm here and have the opportunity. I'm lucky to be afforded the opportunities I have around me, and I'm trying to be more conscious of that.
0 notes
thisbassslaps · 3 years
My Favorite Video Game Levels
Here are five video game levels/areas that are memorable to me. The music, creative design, unique atmosphere and intrinsic value are all decisive factors that led to my ultimate choices.
5. Great Deer Yard Hotel
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut - (2013)
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The Great Deer Yard Hotel is filled with interesting facts about Greenvale and its historical hotel. If you enjoy game aesthetics, you will love Deadly Premonition. All of the main locations (e.g. the Hotel, A&G Diner, Sheriff's Dept, Galaxy of Terror and Muses Gallery) are carefully decorated and should be explored at a slow pace. The Great Hotel was the point in-game where I was wholeheartedly pulled into SWERY's mysterious world. The nods to Lynch and Kubrick in the hotel were pleasing, especially the picture of Snoqualmie Falls in York's hotel room. While inspecting each room, hallway, piece of art and furniture, I enjoyed reading about specific objects and finding a few easter eggs here and there. The meeting with Polly for breakfast is my favorite cutscene. The ridiculously long dining table and the nonchalant behavior/deadpan conversation is hilarious and charming. And...what better way to finish an early morning meal than with a hot, fresh cup of coffee?!
4. Ice Cavern
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - (2011)
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Recently, I have noticed that I enjoy the colder seasons a lot more than the warmer ones. For whatever reason, winter levels intrigue and comfort me (Ando Prime in Star Wars Ep. I Racer, Mountain Village in Majora's Mask). The Ice Cavern is my favorite winter level and one of my favorite game areas of all time. The ice cold soundtrack is what really stands out for me. The shimmering keyboard bells and gusts of wind offer the sensation of arctic serenity. Besides getting the Iron Boots, there isn't much of a need to spend too much time in this mini-dungeon, but I really enjoyed the serendipitous atmosphere and the puzzles that were a part of it. I loved the sliding block puzzle and the incorporation of the Blue Fire. I was in awe of the final room, where you meet with Sheik in order to learn the "Serenade of Water". As the serenade plays, the camera angles sweep to show the stars on the ceiling and also reveal the glistening icicles that surround you. I love the sense of peace and beauty that is offered in this area.
3. School II
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 - (2000)
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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 was one of the funnest games to play as a kid. Each new game release seemed to get better and better in some way (up until Project 8). I have some fond memories of Tony Hawk's 1-4. I primarily chose School II to take the number three spot due to the overwhelming sense of nostalgia that I feel for the level. Oftentimes, this was my "free skate" level of choice. Its career goals were nicely implemented/spread out and the secret areas were fun to engage with. In free skate, School II was a fun choice because I could spend a solid amount of time at a specific quadrant in the level, perform more "realistic" tricks (maybe a kickflip back-smith or kickflip back-lip), then move somewhere else and have just as good of a time (the Roll Call Rails and planter ledges were always a blast). It was also cool to skate a few famous skate spots within the level. These spots included the Leap of Faith, the Gonz Rail and the Carlsbad Gap. Watch out for that golf cart! Beep beep, "skate or die, dude"!
2. Clock Town
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - (2015)
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If I could live in a video game world, I would choose to reside in Clock Town. It is a quaint, vibrant, entertaining and cordial place to live. During my first playthrough, I noticed that there is always some "goings-on" in Clock Town. I had fun walking through each building and engaging with the townsfolk. Everyone has their strict schedule, with certain tasks that Link can observe or investigate. I enjoyed following the Postman and Kafei during their daily routines. In addition to the incredibly personalized NPCs, the attention to color and set design are impressive. The Stock Pot Inn seems like a wonderful place to stay. Granny's (Anju's Grandmother's) room is beautifully decorated and the Mayor's Residence in East Clock Town is filled with endearing character. For me, the curved marketplace in West Clock Town is the most memorable area. I've had vivid dreams that take place in something similar to this bazaar strip. The Astral Observatory is one of my favorite locations as well (if it counts as a landmark in Clock Town). What I love about Clock Town, and Majora's Mask in general, is that it has an incredible fall carnival, harvest season atmosphere. There are many games that pull from traditional Halloween themes. In my opinion, MM has more of a unique autumn, crisp air, comfortably spooky art-style. If I were to be a Clock Town resident, I would prefer to be a pumpkin farmer...or a corn grower...and...I'd sell my crops before the moon drops!
1. Angry Aztec
Donkey Kong 64 - (1999)
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There is something special about the developer Rare's game design. Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64 and Conker's Bad Fur Day all have distinctive graphics, campy storylines and collectathon-driven gameplay. In regards to DK64's levels, all of them are quite memorable. Fungi Forest's day and night cycles offer an innovative twist, Gloomy Galleon is an entertaining 3D water level, and Jungle Japes is a great beginner level. When compared to Jungle Japes, Angry Aztec slightly increases the difficulty, offering more challenging puzzles, platforming and enemies. Angry Aztec takes the crown because I felt completely engrossed in the game environment. The copious amount of tasks had me on my toes for hours on end. There were two Kongs to unlock—Tiny Kong and Lanky Kong. There was also a giant dragonfly boss to defeat. The act of forward thinking was firing on all cylinders and the childish fear of being defeated was raised at a fairly high level. Diddy Kong was my favorite character, and I thought that his jetpack challenges were the coolest thing ever. The additional temples were also exciting and filled with creative content. The Arabian-inspired "Angry Aztec" music track, composed by Grant Kirkhope, is absolutely phenomenal and one that I think about and listen to in present times. As a kid, I would often daydream about DK64. During recess, I would talk to one or two of my friends about boss battle strategies, or go over ways in which to progress through a certain level. My friends and I loved this game, which makes it very special in retrospect. Thanks to Grant Kirkhope's spectacular soundtrack and Rare's love and care for the Donkey Kong franchise, I have become a lifelong Donkey Kong 64 fan.
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
I have a genuine question about rewilding lawns. Is there a way to keep down/minimize the tick population in a rewilded “lawn?” I’d love to have a more natural yard some day, but I do worry about exposing myself and my dog to ticks.
Sure, there will be as many ways as there are outcomes you might want.
Before we talk about any plantcraft we ask where we are, what the land is like, and what we want to achieve here. So I’ll sort of fill that in a bit on your behalf and that might give you some ideas.
I’m just going to randomly presume that you’re in the New England region of the USA for no other reasons than 1. Lyme babyyyy and 2. It’s where I’m from, so lol. We’ll presume you have a quarter acre of unbroken turf with no landscaping or features, in American suburbia, but near enough to undeveloped woods that ticks have a fairly unbroken habitat and complete their lifestyle appropriately. We’ll presume that they are definitely present and frequently foray into the housing development. And we’ll presume that your outcome and intentions are basically: “I want to feel like this space DOES MORE for the environment, specifically by reducing the need for inputs and maintenance, and increasing the biodiversity on this property; but I’m not able to change my entire way of life, which is set up mostly how I want it already.”
If you live in the NE region, then the ticks you mostly live with are the American deer and dog tick. and the bad news about those buddies and my presumed vision of your situation is that you should be practicing rigorous tick checks in everyday life anyway! even if your yard is a sterile moonscape 😌🙃 because they are endemic, insidious and on the rise due to climate change; and in your situation it’s not unreasonable to expect them even if you keep a lawn suitable for competitive croquet, and hose it down with permethrin. So step one is to practice tick safety regularly anyway: for yourself in the shower when you shower, and for your dog when you’re sitting on the couch.
Secondly, it sounds kind of like you and your dog go out in the yard off-leash, or want to, so it could be a good idea to fence the property or just a defined play area on it. because a) dogs are dogs, and b) limiting deer access is a gentle way to limit the food cycle.
Okay so what next? Here are some ideas that will all give different outcomes.
1.) barrier off a small pleasant grassy area for you and your dog to play in; keep it quite close-cut. You have your area and the ticks have theirs.
2.) barrier off the least desirable corner of the property , ideally near an existing tree, and score a small piece of turf with a sharp tool; drop in some purchased native wildflower seeds. let the turf grow out, go to flower, and seed. When it goes golden let it stand there. Add a stack of logs and erect a “bug hotel”, of some description, which won’t do much for bugs but will tie the look together. Put up a wooden sign reading THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR NATURE. You have your area and the ricks have theirs (other way around.) this sounds insane and instagrammish but if you live in a suburb, HOA area, with others, etc then you’ll be surprised how much the Explanatory Sign changes the way people feel about it. Also, saves you having to radically redesign anything. You made a Nature Bit, and that can be a complete sentence or the beginning of a journey. Maybe over the years you can add a water source for wildlife, more plantings, and generally observe how it all evolves.
3. Practice No Mow May and Let it Bloom June. Just don’t mow the lawn in May and June. Do more by doing less. These initiatives started in the UK, but have had great results when trialled in America - learn more here: https://beecityusa.org/no-mow-may/ and if it’s just for two months, why not make it a personal science project? Journal the number of ticks you pick off your dog on your tick check - it’ll be kinda interesting to know anyway, wouldn’t it? Are you restricting your life for fear of a problem that ends up not being reflected in the data? - and count how many butterflies you see. Also: really easy branding on this one, easy to explain to the neighborhood, easy to put up a sign or post links on Nextdoor, quite easy to get buy-in from neighbors. Now there’s an idea. Having a continuous coordinated butterfly-friendly grass habitat across several properties in May and June is more impactful than having a shitty half-considered plan in one. Plus, you’d be dodging the dry hot part of the year that’s most attractive to ticks.
4. Keep pet Guinea hens. Haven’t you always wanted pet Guinea hens? They’re small, empty-brained dinosaurs that scream like they’re being skinned, act like you’re going to eat them whole, and have no redeeming properties except for eating deer ticks and dropping pretty feathers for crafts. They will invent 65 new ways to kill themselves just to make you feel guilty. What? You just said you didn’t want ticks, you didn’t tell me you HATED BIRDS -
5. Keep the lawn, dig a few large holes in it, and drop in a loose grid of baby fruit trees. Most of them are not native to the USA, they’re definitely not wild, but they’re part of creating a different kind of Space: shaded, cool, covered, offering blossom to insects and (soon) shelter to animals, encouraging mosses and lichens, not impacting ticks or your dog much one way or the other, not really wanting any work from you, and being generally considered Improvement to the Neighborhood. And you’ll see the benefit while you’re still living in the house, which you won’t normally with Big Proper Trees (which will probably be cut down by the next owner, where fruit trees are considered strangely lovable and have long lifespans). You can mow if you like (don’t strim the trunks!) or not, plant flowers in the grass beneath or not, prune them for fruit bearing… or not. If over time you find that you’re loving the trees and how they change the whole vibe, surprise - you’ve gotten a head start on a big journey towards a yard that feeds you and nature. And while they may not be native, there are few critters that say no to a plant raised for blossom and sugary fruit; the wasps alone will grasp you by the collar and murmur gratitude in your ear. Next year you might fill in some shrubs, or take your experience from raising apple trees (surprise, they’re usually the easiest trees to raise - plug and play trees, basically) to other, more difficult prospects. Maybe you’ll have levelled up so far that you’ll be ready to take on some big challenges. Black walnut…? Anyway 5b) trees live on a different time scale to us, so if you crave having more of them, I’d suggest starting with keeping one or two adorable entry-level ones, pay attention to them, and see how you get on.
6. Call up the local cooperative extension, find your local Facebook eco group, and get in touch with your local community for what they’re doing (and do they have any free plants.) it may well turn out that you have no taste or energy for doing much with your own lawn, but you end up spending every weekend in a local national park tending to the reintroduction of rare orchids. Who knows. Also, they might have free plants. Anyway, advice from people who know the land, not me.
7. Journal and pay attention to the land you have, and what your local nature preserves look like, through the seasons. YOU generate YOUR OWN ideas about what you want your home to look like. Slot the bits together and call it your own plan. Also, read “Reading the Forested Landscape,” because it changed my life as a child and im projecting on you.
8. Flip the turf over, replant with clover or something that meets your needs, and call it a day. Eh, bees like clover, it doesn’t grow high enough for ticks and it gets on surprisingly well with dogs. See also any other groundcover, but make sure it’s good for dogs - you have a duty to the dependent animal you already have, it doesn’t matter if you get internet points or not.
9. Hire a local nature-centred landscape designer for a consultation. This is literally exactly what my neighbor does for a living, and you’d be surprised — it isn’t just RICH PEOPLE who hire him. They will come over, squint at the angle of the sun, and reinterpret everything.
10. Don’t trust anyone who tries to answer the question with a list of plants that you should just go out and buy, unless they are a local person who knows your land, such as the landscaper from number 9 or the professor from 6, or someone similar.
11. Stay cute at all times. Ticks hate that.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Wish Upon a Star
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Our childhoods began with the magic that was found within these movies. Whether it be Disney, Pixar, or Studio Ghibli, our love has not once wavered. We’ve grown, and dare we say that we’ve matured, but there’s still a special place in our hearts for our favorite movies.
Except, these movies now have a twist.
We are no longer kids.
Welcome to Wish Upon a Star, where your favorite childhood movie finally grew up.
Disclaimer: The following stories are a combination of SFW, NSFW, or a combination of both.
Wish Upon A Star is collaboration of works containing stories based on some of our favorite movies from Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli.
Writers from both the BTS Fic Hub and BTS Smut Hub servers (founded by @gukyi​​) have come together to write stories for the month of January. While this event is not directly affiliated with these servers, please feel free to check them out!
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Name of the Game by @ggukcangetit​​​​
Movie: Anastasia
Starring: Seokjin and Reader
Summary: The Hotel - Strange, The Manager - Far Too Charming, The Situation - Dire, The One in Trouble - You.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 9th.
Two Birds, One Cake: by @pajaritojin​​
Movie: Brave
Starring: Prince Seokjin and Witch Reader
Summary: After Seokjin fails to return his mother to her human state because Y/N gave him the wrong spell, he is forced to release the Queen into the wilderness whilst he tracks down Y/N.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 20th.
That Famous Happy Ending by: @jinpanman​​
Movie: Enchanted
Starring: Seokjin and Reader
Summary: You don't know what you expected when you followed the Prince to Andalasia... but of all things, you didn't expect to fall for him and his kingdom so quickly.
Rating: SFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 21st.
The Medallion Calls by: @pajaritojin​​
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
Starring: Captain Seokjin and Governor Reader
Summary: Upon Seokjin’s wash up to shore after months of being lost in a wrecked boat, the town is attacked by a crew of pirates. Kidnapping Governor Y/L/N Y/N, the crew of pirates flee — leaving her friends and Seokjin to rescue her and keep the town at peace.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 29th.
The End of the Fucking World (or: the Alpacalypse) by: @hauntedlilies​
Movie: The Emperor's New Groove
Starring: Seokjin and Reader
Summary: Over the past few years your life has been slowly falling apart. You didn't think it could get any worse — until your father comes home with a talking llama alpaca who claims he's the emperor of a lost civilization. But is he really who he says he is?
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 22nd.
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The Ghosts of Daegu Town by: @cremeandsuga​​
Movie: Monsters Inc.
Starring: Ghost Yoongi and Phasmophobic Reader
Summary: For the last 18 years, Min Yoongi had been appointed Resident Ghoul for his Scare Ratings. He managed to scare the life out of everyone…except when your door came down before him.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 24th.
Second Star to the Right by: @thatlongspringnight​​
Movie: Peter Pan
Starring: Yoongi and Reader
Summary: Min Yoongi never believed in magic, but all it takes is a found shadow and one very frustrating girl to turn his world upside down. The real question remains: Will he keep that magic in his heart and choose to stay in Neverland, or will he abandon this magical world and the girl he's grown to love?
Rating: Combo
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 3rd.
Basil & Beliefs by: @cremeandsuga​​
Movie: Ratatouille
Starring: Sous Chef Yoongi and Heir Reader
Summary: When the long lost daughter of Gusteau reappears and gets hired at his restaurant, she is expected to stay quiet and stay out of the spotlight — but her and her server friend Seokjin can’t do anything to stay out of the eyes of the sous chef, Min Yoongi.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 14th.
A Restless Slumber by: @wwilloww​​
Movie: Sleeping Beauty
Starring: Yoongi and Reader
Summary: When one of you is always asleep, spending quality time together becomes easier to do in dreamworld.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 1st.
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Coral Subconscious by: @hermosohoseok​​
Movie: Finding Nemo
Starring: Mermaid Hoseok and Mermaid Reader
Summary: When Y/L/N Y/N swims past Hoseok’s reef and saves his mother from the teeth of their terrorizing resident barracuda, he can’t help but feel indebted.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 15th.
Cactus by @hesperantha​​​
Movie: Fantasia
Starring: Hoseok and Reader
Summary: Meeting a stranger at the club turns into an adventure. Starring Mickey!Hoseok, featuring Yensid!Namjoon.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 2nd
Bare Necessities by: @hermosohoseok​​
Movie: Jungle book
Starring: Bear Aspect Hoseok and Adult Mowgli Reader
Summary: After Y/N’s life is threatened by resident Tiger Aspects Yoongi and Taehyung, Y/N is forced to vacate the jungle and leave behind her friends. Along the way, she finds the bear that saved her as a baby.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 27th.
Smutocchio by @jinpanman​​
Movie: Pinocchio
Starring: Hoseok and Reader
Summary: You didn’t mean to fall for the growing dick man.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 13th.
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A little less than 101 Meetings to fall in love: by @thatlongspringnight​​
Movie: 101 Dalmatians
Starring: Namjoon and Reader
Summary: Kim Namjoon has seen enough of the world to know two thing, dogs always look like their owners, and he's going to be perennially single. A chance meeting at the park changes at least one of those ideas forever.
Rating: Combo
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 10th.
The Aftermath: by @queridonamjoon​​
Movie: Big Hero 6
Starring: Engineer Namjoon and Friend Version Tadashi Reader
Summary: After Y/N dies in an attempt to save Namjoon, his dreams are nothing more than memories of her and their adventures together — so he builds Y/N prototypes for every scenario, in which he will always be able to save her.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 26th.
One Cube At A Time: by @queridonamjoon​​
Movie: Wall-E
Starring: Cyborg Namjoon and Cyborg Reader
Summary: Namjoon is the only functioning being left on planet Earth — imagine his surprise when he is made aware of a completely different world just a few galaxies away.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 11th.
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Otherworldly Lovin’ by @thatmultifandomhoe​​
Movie: Flubber
Starring: Alien Taehyung and Human Reader
Summary: Not only did he crash land into you yard, but he also crashed right into your heart...among other places.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 6th.
In The Doghouse: by @mariposatae​​
Movie: Lady & the Tramp
Starring: Dog Hybrid Taehyung and Dog Hybrid Reader
Summary: After Y/N finds herself in some hot water with Jungkook and her housemates, she must trust from afar as they find a mate for her in a serial monogamist with a knack for knocking up.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 25th.
Bad Stitch 2.0: by @jinpanman​​
Movie: Lilo and Stitch
Starring: Taehyung and Reader
Summary: You and Taehyung finally get the house to yourselves and you’re not going to let it go to waste.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 5th.
Blood from The Emperor: by @mariposatae​​
Movie: Mulan
Starring: Solider Taehyung and Solider/Princess Reader.
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N is the only daughter to The Emperor, and when she escapes her luxurious life in the palace to join the military, Kim Taehyung is the one to discover her.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 12th.
Had it Been Another Day by @ggukcangetit​​
Movie: The Princess and the Frog
Starring: Taehyung and Reader
Summary: When the universe hated you enough to pair you with the most obnoxious guy in your class, for a project that would decide your future but had no such implications for him.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 16th
Fairy Wings: by @ezralia-writes​​
Movie: Tinkerbell
Starring: Taehyung and Reader
Summary: "You should have never crossed the border," he choked out, "I should've known better to stop this before it even began."
Rating: SFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 30th.
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Unholy Lightning: by @sunnydelightjimin​​
Movie: How to Train Your Dragon
Starring: Lightfury Hybrid Jimin and Nightfury Hybrid Reader
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N was taught to soar in the clearest of skies and attack in the deadliest situations — crazy how she has a tendency to flip those in her mind.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 17th.
Chasing Waves by @magicalcrwn​​
Movie: The Little Mermaid
Starring: Jimin and Reader
Summary: From a young age, their curiosity grows stronger. For the human princess who has always been interested in the ocean’s secrets, for the merprince who has always been interested in the surface’s life. What would happen once they finally chase the waves to sate their curiosity?
Rating: SFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 18th.
Lava In The Afternoon: by @sunnydelightjimin​​
Movie: The Incredibles
Starring: Immortal Superhero Jimin and Immortal Villain Reader
Summary: Y/L/N Y/N has terrorized the City of Seoul for generations alongside her friends — and Jimin has been tired of fighting her time and time again.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 28th.
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The First Snow: by @carinojungkook​​
Movie: Bambi
Starring: Rabbit Aspect Jungkook and Deer Aspect Reader
Summary: When the daughter of The Great Prince is presented before the forest on the day of the First Snow, Jungkook finds himself enamored with the doe eyes filled with fire.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 19th.
The Fourth Unforgivable by @ggukcangetit​​
Movie: The Lion King
Starring: Jungkook and Reader
Summary: Seven years is a long time. Enough to bring about many changes - new laws, dangerous associations, and the return of the one you had forced yourself to forget.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 23rd
Moves Like An Ape, Looks Like a Man by @carinojungkook​​​
Movie: Tarzan
Starring: Tarzan Jungkook, and Animal Researcher Reader,
Summary: When animal researcher best friends Y/L/N Y/N and Kim Namjoon are sent on an expedition to gather information on the gorillas of West Africa, they aren’t expecting anything but — and yet, are met with none other than Jeon Jungkook.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 8th.
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Abstract Thought: by @milktbaby​​
Movie: Inside Out
Starring: Emotion OT7 and Student Reader
Summary: When Y/L/N Y/N is leaving her hometown of Busan for university, she is faced with a series of unexpected events that make her realize she’s not where she needs to be.
Rating: NSFW
Being Released to a Theater Near You: January 31st.
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You’re never too old to find yourself wishing upon a star.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 22 August 1839
4 ½
11 ¾
fair but dull morning F61 ½° at 4 ½ am very much rain in the night – uncomfortable bad so small – but good linen as everywhere – bill the most moderate we have had only 3 dollars rigs.  off at 5 22/.. very pretty road here about Tibble lake and pretty picturesque cottages on it and forest and pretty breaks in it – Barkaby at 7 55/.. not good looking to sleep at but apparently 2 houses as last night – one where the servants slept and cooked and for common travellers, and one where we slept and next to us the landlord and his wife, and then Gross and Grotza a few little cottages scattered about here Barkaby = have left the forest but it is here woody and pretty tho’ no sight of the lake – clouds very dark – but now (at 8) a little sun – pretty foresty drive with cottages and some better houses – hops looked well never saw so large a plot in Sweden before about 12 x 15 rows at about a yard distance each plant – at the lake very pretty at 8 5/.. and turn right, and broad road – at 8 35/.. enter the outer gates and custom house officer comes with us to the hotel Garn – at 8 ¾ enter the 1st street Drottningsgatan [Drottninggatan] and at 9 (walked along the street) at the hotel Garni – very lucky – excellent rooms at
August Thursday 22 30 Dollars banco per week – a drop or 2 of rain at 8 35/.. – breakfast at 9 40/.. coffee and bread and butter and our own gooseberries – out at 11 ¼ to 1 ¼ - sauntered past up our own street to the palace and along the quais to the floating vegetable market fish market etc. – great deal of shipping – moored  to the quai one vessel close to the side of another – sails spread – very pretty – the waters and islands wooded hills, or rising slopes of buildings and the tout ensemble very imposing and beautiful – saw the Åbo Russian steamer Menzikoff lying along the quai – Disappointed on arriving with our Drottningsgatan [Drottninggatan] (Queen’s street the best in Stockholm) – the shops make no shew and the street looked a poor one for the best – but its effect is good looking up from our Hotel Garni at the bottom, to the rising part of the street at the top, closed by a little green hill with 2 or 3 trees at the top – or looking down from the top to the bottom as we entered – Do not much like the exterior of the palace – do not like the wings, nor the carriage road like incline-planes up to the premier étage – the waters islands, quais – very beautiful – what shall we see exceeding this water approach to Stockholm – except Constantinople Naples Lisbon? – Had the girl that speaks French – sent for Andrew [Bergland] – sat reading Handbook – ordered dinner at       out at 2 55/.. at St. Catherines’ church at 3 40/.. having stopt twice – at 2 stations, tables, in the garden of a caffé, one above the other for the beautiful view of the town, its islands and waters – St. Catherines’ a large stone built whitewashed church with one of the largest handsomest churchyards I ever saw – it is entered by 3 or 4 gates each opening into an avenue of fine
August Thursday 22 old trees (Elms?) – we were 10 minutes – winding our dark way up to the copper covered cupola at the top of the steeple – but out toil was amply repaired – Stockholm was at our feet, one of the most beautiful panoramas imaginable – a handsome town of 80,000 inhabitants, among peopled islands and winding waters, with wooded slopes and everything that scenery requires – the huge quadrangular looking palace is preeminent over all – about ½ dozen or more church steeples towers spires and domes, and several imposing long lines of building (artillery) cavalry, infantry, barracks – cadets school – hospital etc. etc. besides a long line of houses for naval officers on Skepps Holm (pronounced Ships’ holm – holm signifies island) and a range of red wooden gable ended ship-sheds for the government shipping – the park the Kings’ wooded Deer-park is a pretty feature in the landscape – the Lake (Malar [Mälaren]) to the west and the Baltic to the east (parted only by the sluices or locks, the bridge over which we had passed on our way to St. Catherines’) narrow and looking like broad beautiful rivers studded with shipping – 5 frigates and a brig on the Baltic close to the town we saw the King go on board the largest (30 guns?) we were in hope to have seen him on his return but were a few minutes too late – his visit on board must have been short – a salute of several guns was fired on his going on board we also saw a Götheborg [Gothenburg ] steamer arrive – home at 5 35/.. dinner
August Thursday 22 at 6 ¾ - soup beef à la mode, potatoes fricasseed, 2 ears instead of the veal I ordered, and beignets de pommes – very meagre dinner for our 2 selves and 2 servants – A- and I ate up the rest of our Helsingborg cheese and our gooseberries – some time asleep – some time reading Handbook then till 9 ¾ wrote so far of today – the rain held off – fair and fine day but dull F
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
13 - reddie?
"Three hours? You're sure that's the soonest someone can get out here?" Eddie asks someone on the phone. He sounds tired and a little agitated, but he is keeping his cool, all things considering. Richie runs his hand over his face, sighing as he looks at the left tires of the vehicle he and Eddie had just gotten out of. Both of them had blown out. He and Eddie were fucked. Totally fucked.
"Yes, I know it is the middle of the night," Eddie snaps. "I just asked a question and-" He stops and listens. Richie walks over to Eddie and waits. "I am not being belligerent, I simply-" He huffs. "You know what? I'm gonna hand you off to my husband." Eddie gives Richie his phone and walks a few yards away.
"Hi, this is Richie Tozier. Who am I speaking with?"
"Hi, Mr. Tozier. My name is Annie." The woman pauses. "Are you the famous Richie Tozier?"
Briefly, Richie considers messing with her, but decides not to. "Yes, ma'am, I am. Someone will be out here in three hours?"
"If one of my drivers gets done sooner, I can try and send them out, but like I was telling Mr. Kasbrak, I have no way of knowing whether or not that will happen." He hates how sweet she sounds. He knows she wasn't like that just moments ago.
"Ok, is there any way to get an update?"
"Unfortunately, no, sir. It's just not done like that."
"Mhmm." Richie looks over at Eddie who is just staring at the destruction. "Well, alright then. Thank you for your help. Is there anything else you need from us?"
"No, Mr. Tozier, I have everything I need. Someone will be there soon."
Richie hesitates.
"Have a great night," she says brightly, and Richie hangs up without saying 'goodbye.' He looks over at his husband who is sitting in the backseat of the car.
He walks over slowly, and Eddie looks up.
"Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while,” Richie says softly.
"Did she do the thing?" Eddie asks. They'd learned early in the relationship that customer service representatives almost always treated Richie better than they treated Eddie.
Sighing, Richie nods. “Yeah. She did.” He pauses. “But I don't think she liked me any better.”
Rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, Eddie says, “I’m so sorry, Richie. I know you’re hungry and tired and- And I- That deer came out of nowhere.” He’s sobbing now, and Richie squats in front of Eddie, his hands on Eddie’s knees, squeezing.
“Eddie my love, it’s ok. You didn’t do anything wrong. You probably saved us. I wouldn’t have known what to do if I’d been driving,” Richie says. Eddie wraps his arms around Richie’s shoulders and shoves his face in his husband’s neck. Richie cups the back of his neck and kisses his hair. “It’s ok, Eds, it’s ok. We’re ok.”
Eddie had been driving when the deer had dashed out into the road. Somehow Eddie had missed the deer but they’d gone into the median and there had been glass and then… They were stuck. They hadn’t even seen anyone drive by since they broke down.
Richie sits back in the dirt and Eddie falls into his lap. They sit there like that for a long time, Eddie crying softly, and Richie just reassuring him that it’s ok, that they’re ok, that it’s going to be ok. The tow truck is coming, and they’ll be in a hotel soon enough.
When Eddie finally calms down, they get up and Richie grabs some blankets from the trunk while Eddie finds them water and their leftover snacks. After eating what’s left, and drinking some water, they curl up in the back of the car. Eddie clings to Richie, and Richie just strokes his hair and talks because he’s not sure what else he’s supposed to do. He talks until Eddie falls into a fitful sleep.
Richie stays awake for a little longer, holding his husband close, kissing his hair. Eventually he falls asleep, and it seems like no time has passed when someone knocks on the window waking them up. Eddie jerks awake first, and sits up. He gets up and opens the door. Richie listens to him talk to someone as he slowly sits up. The sun is just coming up, and Richie’s mouth feels gross. He grabs a water bottle and watches Eddie tell the man what happened.
It doesn’t take long for the man to put on the new tires, and then they are on their way. They stop and get breakfast at a diner in the next town. Eddie pushes into Richie’s space more than normal, but Richie doesn’t mind, just holds his husband close as he tries to calculate how many more miles they have to go until they get home because he is still very tired, and very much just wants to be in bed cuddling Eds.
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 208: Dream Come True
JNPR followed Red up to another farm house. Once again he knocked on the door, when a young man came out. "Oh, sweet, good god!" he exclaimed, "What can I do for you?!"
"They'd like to see what happened out back." Red stated.
"Really?" the man asked, and Red nodded. "Oh, of course. Could I get you anyth?.."
"NO!" Jaune forcefully replied, and Nora loudly belched.
"Thank you." Ren quietly added.
* * *
Red and JNPR walked into the back yard. Jaune's eye quickly caught a small hole in the back fence. "Too small to be a Grimm." Jaune stated, and turned to Red. "What did it do?"
"Kill a chicken and run off with it." Red stated.
"Hardly seems like a job for huntsmen." Jaune stated.
"I've got a few more if you want to continue." Red said, looking uncertain.
NPR looked at Jaune. "Maybe now's a good time for us to settle in for the night." Jaune stated.
* * *
JNPR sat on the well used wooden chairs outside the hotel. "So?" Jaune asked, "What did we learn?"
"How much we can learn," Ren voiced, "by speaking humbly to the humble."
"To listen to our glorious leader!" Nora exclaimed.
"I'm sorry..." Pyrrha voiced, "but to think twice when offered something. It's not always best to politely accept."
"Uh... glorious leader?" Jaune asked Nora. "I really don't think that's that..."
"Thank you for indulging us." Ren voiced.
"I don't see why I wouldn't..." Jaune curiously asked, and paused when Ren held up his hand.
"It has been a good many years..." he uttered. "For the first time, Nora and I have people we can count on implicitly. You have no idea what it means to us."
"What... what he said..." Nora nervously voiced.
"I feel quite the same." Pyrrha giddily added.
"Like the family I never had." Jaune added.
"Wait?.." Nora asked, "Didn't you have like a whole bunch of sisters or something?"
"Seven." Jaune simply stated, and paused. "And you have been better to me than any of my sisters have. You... believe in me... for some reason..."
"I'm sorry..." Pyrrha voiced, and reached out towards him, pausing before she touched him, pulling her hand away.
"You are the perfect contrast," Ren voiced, "between my hesitation..." He then looked at Nora, "And Nora's lack of hesitation. You - are - our - center. It is... to put it simply... humbling to be in your presence..."
"And being humble," Nora stated, "is kind of his thing... kind of his ONLY thing..."
"Yes..." Ren voice.
"Do... you guys really think this way?.." Jaune asked, and they all nodded. Pyrrha giddly, Nora excitedly, and Ren quietly, simply. "Then I guess I can't be sorry for myself any more..." Once again Pyrrha reached for him, and once again she stopped herself. This time before she could pull her hand away Jaune grabbed it, and pulled her out of her chair and into a hug. Pyrrha found herself with bated breath at their proximity. Jaune looked over his shoulder to Nora looking jealous, and waved the two in. Nora jumped up from her chair, while Ren stood up quickly but simply. Nora jumped over, being caught by Jaune's open arm while Ren quickly walked over to the group. "I love you guys..." Jaune mumbled, and then let go, looking at them with a shocked look. The group unentwined and looked at him.
"No backsies!" Nora shouted, and punched him in the shoulder.
"Indeed." Ren added. Pyrrha simply looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
* * *
Pyrrha and Nora sat nude in the bathtub, with Nora washing Pyrrha's back. "So?.." Nora asked.
"Hm?" Pyrrha pleasantly replied.
"When are you going to tell him?" Nora asked, and Pyrrha developed a great blush while having trouble breathing. "Easy there, Pyrrha. Breathe." Nora rubbed Pyrrha on her back, and her breathing started to even out.
"I... I can't..."
"You are untouchable Pyrrha, aren't you?" Nora asked, "The invicible girl?!" Pyrrha mumbled in reply. "I can't hear you." Nora said to her.
"I... seem to have found... my Achilles' Heel." a musine Pyrrha stated.
"So?" Nora asked, "Your one weakness is Jaune? That is just SO awesome. No way the villains are EVER going to turn him. He'd die first. Of course, he'd probably die for a lot of reasons..."
"At least... seven..." Pyrrha quietly voiced, "off the top... of my head..."
"OH!" Nora exclaimed, "Does this make you his secret weapon?
Pyrrha breathed for a moment before replying, "HIS?" she asked, and nearly panted.
"I guess you really aren't a secret." Nora added, "You are like, a super-celebrity."
"He is the only one to treat me as a person... and not some ridiculous ideal..." Pyrrha muttered.
"But no one knows about Jaune, so that makes you kind of secret." Nora continued, "Oh, wait, what about me and Ren?! Ren is like SUPER secret. I can kind of make a bit of a scene... but no one really knows who I am, so I'm kind of secret?"
Pyrrha reached around to grabbed Nora's hand. "We are ALL secret, I'm afraid. The world does not care if you live or die."
"But!" Nora exclaimed, "You're Untouchable Pyrrha! You're like SUPER famous."
"I am well known... but not well loved..." Pyrrha voiced. "They might idolize me, but that does not mean they care about me. Not... until... I met him..."
"How did you meet?" Nora asked.
"I do believe... he was... ATTEMPTING to flirt with Ms. Schnee." Pyrrha stated, and then blushed once again, "It was so adorable, I hated to interupt."
"What did you say?" Nora asked.
"Hello." Pyrrha said, and a developed an incredibly wide smile.
"That's it?" Nora asked.
"Yes... and no..." Pyrrha replied, "He did not hear me, so I said Hello Again."
"You said hello?" Nora asked, "Again?"
"Nope." Pyrrha stated, "I said Hello Again."
"Uh... huh?.." Nora asked, "Wait, is that the reason you keep saying Hello Again?"
"It's the first thing he heard me say..." a musine Pyrrha replied.
"So... it's like a... secret code?" Nora asked. and Pyrrha leaned forward and blushed. "Is that why you are always so happy when you say it?"
"Mm-hm..." Pyrrha affirmed.
"And why Jaune always notices you when you?.."
"Mm-hm..." Pyrrha replied.
"So?," Nora asked, "how long are you going to let him drool over Weiss before you make your move?"
In reply Pyrrha leaned forward, hugging her legs.
* * *
Jaune and Ren quietly sat outside the hotel. "So?" Jaune asked, and then paused, "How long have you known Nora?" Another pause followed before Ren answered.
"All my life, it seems."
Another pause followed before Jaune continued. "I hate to ask this, man..." he said, and paused, and the pause hung in the air, "...but... with Nora..."
The pause hung in the air once again, palpable and salient. "I..." Ren quietly voiced, "Cannot... imagine... my life... any - other - way..." Another pause hung in the air. "But the future is not yet here..."
"Don't..." Jaune voiced, "make her wait... too long..."
"I was thinking... once we are huntsmen... and know what to do with our lives..." Ren stated, "Fortunately, or unfortunately, we have found you, and our lives seem more certain."
Another pause hung in the air, this one not broken by speech.
* * *
Weiss looked into the fire, burning in the rusted skeleton of the tower, and then she looked over the rest of her team. "It's a job. We all had this romanticized vision of being a Huntress in our heads! But at the end of the day, it's a job to protect the people! And whatever we want, will have to come second. You know what?, Jaune was right."
"Jaune?.." Blake quietly asked. That seemed like the first time she had ever called him that.
"What did he say?" Yang asked, and Weiss sighed.
"It's not so much what he said, but..." Weiss voiced, and paused for a moment. "What we become as Huntresses is not important. We are huntresses to help Remnant."
"Who knew that Ladykiller was so deep?" Yang asked, and Blake glared at her.
* * *
Jaune was startled awake, by what, he was not sure. He tilted his head around, trying to hear... but could not hear anything. Instinctively he reached for his scroll, but there was no message. "Stand to!" he shouted, and his team were nearly instantly awake. Jaune climbed out of bed and walked against a far wall. Ren joining him a moment later as the two changed, face against the wall. Pyrrha and Nora changing behind them.
* * *
Jaune crouched down to walk through the doors, his team slowly but headily behind him. They all looked around, listening, waiting. "We need to get a bullhead." Jaune stated, and then realized how vague and obtuse he was being. He looked at his team and saw... nothing but faith in return.
* * *
Jaune pounded on the door to the sheriff's building. A few minutes later an angry sheriff appeared. "What - in - Tarnation do you want at this hour?! Somebody better be near dear..." He looked Jaune in his eyes, seeing the harshness and seriousness there. Red's demeanour immediately changed. "What do we have?"
Jaune slowly shook his head, "I... don't know... but we need a bullhead..."
Red stretched his head for a moment. "Y'all coming back?.." he asked.
"If we can." Jaune stated, "But right now, we have to get to Vale."
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findthefuninlife · 4 years
Short Story (Been A While)
Remember This Feeling
Trees flew by the window of the car, blurs of branches and railings were all that were seen for the first six hours of the road trip. The sky went from sunny clear bright blue to gloomy dull shades of red, blue, yellow mixes. I sat in the back seat, one leg perched on top of my other, book in my lap and pen rattling against my top and bottom teeth, a nervous habit. Luckily, in my writing process it was a more well known habit for me to do this when I couldn’t think of the next turn of events. This wasn’t an inaccurate observation, truthfully it was both of these but mostly the nervousness.
She sat next to me staring out the window short blonde hair falling just before her shoulders. She could stare at the wilderness, natural environment for hours and lose herself in it. You could almost see the intoxication in her eyes, you couldn’t tell what she saw, but there was a different kind of fire in them when she was out there. Her elbow on the armrest, head propped up on her hand, pinky slightly tugging at her lower lip. She wore black sweat pants, a red hoodie with white lettering on the sleeves. Her legs were curled under her, feet sitting on the seat. She kicked off her shoes after the first hour of the ride. The string from her hoodie rested in her mouth, she wasn’t chewing on it, just had it there, a trademark I’m sure.
Aaaaaand I’m staring— again. I tore my eyes away and looked back at my half filled pages titled, “It’s Been A While”. It’s been a while since a lot of things. I haven’t been out in god knows how long, I haven’t written in even longer. Words on paper gave me a purpose, a moment of clarity, drive to be more than I ever thought I could be. In the times that words appeared on canvas I felt like I was the most important person in the world, to every character I wrote about I was their savior, their justice, their desires, everything. Writing allowed for a door to a place that I could never really be.
The eyes that were staring at me in the rear view mirror, concerned but familiar told me that in doing this was out of character or such an older sight that it’s a need for concern. Amy, my ever long best friend, friend of all friends could quote me before I even spoke sometimes. It was incredibly annoying with arguments but it’s a sign of true growth and friendship. Her husband in the passenger seat next to her was asleep, as always in these long rides to who knows where. Jules, short of Julian never had the patience or interest in car games, passing time by distracting yourself with trivial outside observations. He was calculated, quiet but get a few drinks in him and he’d be bouncing off the walls and unexpectedly the loudest person in the bar. Though the sober, quiet demeanor was often mistaken for rudeness or dislike, he proved to be a sweet guy overall. I gave him my blessing to marry my best friend only after meeting with him a few times. 
A small cough came from the driver, “So,” no good conversation ever starts with ‘so’ I thought to myself. 
“So, what are you writing about Niko?” Amy, still looking back at me through the rear view mirror said breaking the silence within the car. 
“It’s... uhm, y-ya’ know just a short story.” Great, now I’m stammering for some reason. Sam, the friend of Amy that was invited to go on the trip with us looked up and away from the window for the first time and took a quick glance at me with my notebook and pen in hand. Her eyes were green, blue, gold, strikingly beautiful. Her lips looked soft, a shade of pink coated on top, a slight line dividing the bottom lip. The hoodie she wore held the back hairs up giving it more volume. I thought to myself that they reminded me of a golden waterfall. 
“But, uh how’s driving? Do you need to switch off anytime soon?” Horribly basic question in a car ride, there was something wittier on tongue but I decided to keep things mellow for now. 
“Maybe next stop, Jules’s quiet snoring tires me out sometimes, but I’m good for now. Samantha! You’re so quiet, why don’t you guys play a game or something?!” Amy, was notorious for setting people up for awkward conversations, cutting the tensions of others like it was sport. 
“Well, I mean I don’t re-” Sam had started to say going wide eyed for a bit, clearly being off guard. Amy strikes again.
“So, have you ever.. have you ever..” Geez why am I stuttering so damn bad, “have you ever been outside of Delaware?” See, nothing ever good comes from a conversation that starts with “So.” Who the hell asks a question like that. 
“I haven’t actually.” She looked outside again breaking eye contact with me and staring again back at the passing trees. 
We were on our way out of the state to visit Amy’s brother who was in the military in Virginia. He invited her to see the ships in the ship yard and see his work station. 
I started to sink back into my seat when I realized that was probably the end of the conversation and everything was starting to feel awkward. I started a side conversation with this beautiful girl and that was the best opening I had? 
“Have you ever been outside the state?” Sam had asked still looking out. 
“I have, a few times, but I always end up back home.” I was surprised, I rarely get asked questions in conversations I think are going down hill. Hell, most of the time it’s just me asking and the other just answers. I really need to get a life. 
We both tried talking then stopping each other’s sentence. 
“No, you go first.”
“No really it’s fine. It was a stupid question”
“No, no please go.”
This went on until Amy couldn’t take it anymore, a small smile starting to creep on her face in watching. “Alright! Sam then Niko!” 
We both stopped when we both realized that it wasn’t just us in this conversation. Feeling like a deer in head lights I simply sat back in my seat.
Well, there goes the conversation. Thanks Ame's— now what? Peaking over I saw that she didn't turn back to the window, instead she twirled her hoodie strings in her fingers. I wanted to give it a shot; I scribbled quickly in my notebook, meticulous to not write too much to make it seem like I was going to be diving back into my literature. I tore the page out and held it in my hand. I leaned forward putting my face close to Amy, "Whatcha doing?!" The sudden jerk forward spooked her and she let out a tiny yelp. As I leaned forward I was hoping to obscure her view as I passed the note to Sam. Luckily for me, she took it out of my hand. I continued to chat up Ame's until I felt like my paper ripping was long forgotten.
The car ride went smoothly all the way up to the hotel.
We got out, stretched our legs and were in for the night.
I sat up in bed as I always did, notebook open in front of me, my thoughts written across the pages. I raked my hands through my hair hoping for more thoughts to jingle their way out of me as I did. The words "Its Been A While" titled the page. "Ya' know I used to write before all of this. Now I just scribble and tear pages out." I spoke to no one in particular in my empty room. Sometimes it was easier saying my thoughts as I wrote them out, sometimes my what I said I didn't want recorded. I'd prefer the words to fade since the nightmares won't. Maybe it'll too make them less real.
A knock at the door brought me out of screen of writers block. Before I got up to answer a slip of paper flew under the door. I'm not going to lie, a spark started in my chest and a small smile crept up on my face. I hopped out of bed flipping my notebook over on the floor. I picked up the note and unfolded it. In the car I passed a message saying, "Tell me a story" in response I saw three separate lines where she started to write and scribbled it out. Finally at the bottom it said, "Meet me in lobby then." I threw on some workout clothes and a ball cap and went out. As soon as the door shut behind me I remembered my key card to the room sitting on the nightstand. "Guess there's no going back now. "
Rounding the corner I took the fire escape down two sets of stairs and came into the lobby. It was about 10 o' clock at night, the place was empty. One receptionist sat at the kiosk legs propped on the counter reading a People's magazine. The only other person in the room was Sam, standing in the middle of the lobby by the fire place. She hadnt changed from the outfit we traveled in. I walked up unfolding the piece of paper she left me. “This must be quite the story.” She turned and smiled, “I can’t promise it’ll be amazing, but I’m not much of a writer so I thought I’d tell it to you instead.” 
We ended up walking around the hotel building, then down to the pier. It was awkward at first if I’m being honest but this was a strange circumstance to begin with. I asked her what story I was in for and she responded by just talking. It started with her college days, her aspiration to leave the east coast, her troubles with choosing a major, her dream of becoming a music teacher. She didn’t have siblings, her dad worked all the time and she was kind of an introvert oddly enough since she was talking so much. 
“Am I talking a lot?” She turned back at me a few steps behind and asked.
“No, not at all. College, dreams, siblings, the whole lot, I know you’re life now.” I just speculated and said what was on my mind. It’s moments like these that I hate myself and my impulses. As I said it I thought of how rude it could seem or even sarcastic in nature, which it truly wasn’t but, there it goes.
“Oh, we’ve got a comedian. Here you have a pretty girl telling you her whole life story and that’s how you respond to it?” She said with a smile.
“I am quite funny when I’m not brooding I must admit. You life sounds like something I’ve never heard before. Ame’s told me about, but small stuff, like that you were pretty and a good person, you know only things that aren’t important.” 
“You do brood, for all the hours I’ve known you... aaall,” she looked at her watch then, “6 hours of knowing you.” 
“6 hours and I know your whole life story. I must be quite the detective or you must quite lonely.” 
It must’ve been how I said it because she perked up at that, whether it was mildly insulting, maybe true, but she responded with, “Are you quite lonely?” 
I don’t know what possessed her to ask but, she saw through it, my statement to myself. The sun would come up soon, somehow the night passed us by as we walked and talked. “I am, only when I’m by myself.”
“Well that’s obvious.” 
“Well you asked.” 
“You know what I mean. What’s the doom and gloom of late?”
“Of late? You mean by my 8 hours of knowing you?”
This was the first time she stammered in all of the talking she did. “W-well yes, I mean, that and...”
I already knew what she was going to say.
She continued, “... and Amy told me about your brother. He—”
I cut her off with, “Enough." It came out harsher than intended but not by much. "I appreciate the chance to get to know you, Let's get going to the hotel.”
She began to speak but I already spun around and started walking. I was done with the conversation, a small heat building in my chest burning away the spark of lightning that was there. I was taller than she was and I knew my natural stride would create a good distance between us so I kept her behind me. I let the sound of footsteps behind me and the morning birds chirping fade into the background.
"Hey!"  A piercing sound broke my tsunami of thoughts that were about to crash onto me. I got about 4 steps away from her before she yelled my way.
"Hey," she walked up to me, "look, I'm sorry Ame's tells people too much, but shes your best friend and she's worried about you."
"Look, I get that but I—"
"Let me finish," she put a finger up. "Ame's told me what was going on and to avoid the subject but little do you know or notice, I was one of your brother's friends. Well... mentors. We've actually met before but you were too wrapped up in your own shit to see me."
"That's not tru—"
"Yeah? Where do you know me from before a few hours ago?" She looked expectedly at me.
"You, uh... you were ..." staring at her face I did recall her. It was a faint memory but at my brothers session, the receptionist, in a suit and thick framed glasses, hair brought back in a tight bun. "You were the receptionist, at Mitch's therapy sessions." My voice choked up in the middle of his name. How long had it been since I spoke it to other people. The word tasted of ash in my mouth.
"Yes. That's true." She recoiled some, probably not expecting me to have recognized her.
"Mitchel talked about you. Said you were the light of the office, too pretty not to smile at, no matter how bad his spells were." My hands ended up in my pockets and I was clinching my sides. "Ms'antha? I believe he called you. He told me about your internship and the sessions you'd have before his therapist got in. He said you'd make a great therapist someday and that he was going to miss...you." Something stirred in my chest, something dark and impulsive. The question came out of nowhere, harsh and vile. "Did you know?"
"Did I know what?"
My voice came out darker and more pronounced. "Did—you—know?!" I was looking at her my eyes burning, fists clinched so tightly I could feel the nails digging into my palms, my arms were shaking.
"No, of course I didn't. He didn't say anything and he stopped coming in, we didn't hear the news til the second night of."
The news. Like it was something to broadcast and display. I remember hearing the headline on the TV "Troubled teen jumps off of interstate Bridge."
The burning cooled as a tear fell from my eye. I quickly wiped it away and shoved my hand back in my pocket. I realized I was too invested in this and needed to leave. As I turned back around I heard a quick lunge forward and she grabbed my arm and kept me from fully turning around. I suddenly was very conscious of her touch, it felt warm but still everything about me felt cold. I was shivering. Her fingers barely touched my skin. Most of her hand engulfed in the jacket. She turned me around and hugged me, full strength and buried her head in my neck.
"I'm so sorry." She said holding me tightly, my arms will in my pockets.
It took me a while, I had been blankly staring at nothing in particular, but i finally spoke broken hearted, "I-I don't want sorry's. I want to call him and not listen to his voice mail." That hurt, the knot in my throat was swelling, like i couldn't swallow the cannon ball down, it was suffocating. "I-Its full y'know. His voice-mail." The cannonball turned into a watermelon. I had to lift my head up to try and make it go down but it wouldn't. My shivering got worse and my vision was starting to blur from the tears. My face grew hot and my nose felt like needles were bein put through it. This was unbearable. I started to cry. Every "are you okay" every "we can talk about it" every "im here for you" every single fucking one was nothing to me. Im not okay, I dont wanf to talk about it and the only person I want here is him.
It had been 2 months since his passing and it was my first funeral I'd ever went to. Little Mitch was only 16 when he passed. I dont think I've ever experienced any pain worse than this. Life goes on but you're stuck in a perpetual state of 'what the fuck'. Everyday you look at the things that used to be and wonder how they were ever that way. Every day you look at the door and wonder when its going to open and you'll see that goofy ass smile. Everyday no matter where you go you think you see them at the corner of your eye and your waiting to kick their ass for playing the most torturous game of hide-n-go-seek ever. You wait to have a hug from behind and its them, a call to your phone with their name.
I dont know how long we'd been standing but I felt weak. I didnt want to stand anymore. Along the docks there was a tree and a patch of grass. Id found my way there and laid down closing my eyes. I dont even remember where Sam was, but I knew she was near me.
((I'm gonna come back to this one later))
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Thursday 22 August 1839
[The day starts out promisingly, with a reasonable bill for once, and then Stockholm is finally reached! Anne waxes absolutely lyrical about the views, despite her trademark scathing opinions on the royal palace, and a very poor dinner (luckily Anne and Ann always have some food stashed away for just such emergencies). They even catch a glimpse of the King. Astonishingly, in the evening Anne forgets to record the temperature; perhaps she fell asleep over her notebook, exhausted from the journey, the sightseeing, and the wiggling in the uncomfortable small bed the previous night.]
[up at] 4 1/2
[to bed at] 11 3/4
fair but dull morning Fahrenheit 61 1/2º at 4 1/2 a.m. very much rain in the night – uncomfortable bed so small but good linen as everywhere – bill the most moderate we have had – only 3 dollars rigsdaler very pretty road here about Tibble off at 5 22/” lake and pretty picturesque cottages on it and forest and pretty breaks in it – Barkaby at 7 55/” not good looking to sleep at but apparently 2 houses as last night – one where the servants slept and cooked and for common travellers, and one where we slept and next to us the landlord and his wife, and then Gross and Grotza a few little cottages scattered about here Barkaby – have left the forest but it is here woody and pretty tho’ no sight of the lake – clouds very dark – but now (at 8) a little sun – pretty foresty drive with cottages and some better houses –  hops looking well never saw so large a plot in Sweden before about 12 x 15 rows at about a yard distance each plot –  at the lake very pretty at 8 5/” and turn right, and broad road –  at 8 35/” enter the outer gates and custom house officer comes with us to the hotel Garni – at 8 3/4 enter the 1st street Drottning’s gaten, and at 9 (walked along the street) at the Hotel Garni – very lucky – excellent rooms at 30 Dollars banco per week – a drop or 2 of rain at 8 35/” – breakfast at 9 40/” coffee and bread and butter and our own gooseberries – out at 11 ¼ to 1 1/4 – sauntered up our own street then past the palace and along the quais to the floating vegetable market fish market etc. – great deal of shipping moored to the quai one vessel close to the side of another – sails spread – very pretty – the waters and islands wooded hills, or rising slopes of buildings and the tout ensemble very imposing and beautiful – saw the Åbo Russian steamer Menzikoff lying along the quai –  Disappointed on arriving with our Drottningsgatan (Queen’s street the best in Stockholm) – the shops make no shew and the street looked a poor one for the best –  but its effect is good looking up from our Hotel Garni at the bottom, to the rising part of the street at the top,  closed by a little green hill with 2 or 3 trees at the top –  or looking down from the top to the bottom as we entered –  Do not much like the exterior of the palace – do not like the wings, nor the carriage road like incline-planes up to the premier etage – the waters, islands, quais,  –  very beautiful – what shall we see exceeding this water approach to Stockholm except Constantinople Naples, Lisbon? – Had the girl that speaks French – sent for Andrew Bergland – sat reading Handbook – ordered dinner at out at 2 55/” – at Saint Catherine’s church at 3 40/” having stopt twice – at 2 stations, tables, in the garden of a caffé one above the other for the beautiful view of the town, its islands and waters – Saint Catherines a large stone built whitewashed church with one of the largest handsomest churchyards I ever saw – it is entered by 3 or 4 gates each opening into an avenue of fine old trees (elms?) – we were 10 minutes winding our dark way up to the copper covered coupola at the top of the steeple – but our toil was amply repaid – Stockholm was at our feet, one of the most beautiful panoramas imaginable – a handsome town of 80,000 inhabitants, among peopled islands and winding waters, with wooded slopes and everything that scenery requires – the huge quadrangular looking palace is preeminent over all – about 1/2 dozen or more church steeples towers spires and domes, and several long imposing lines of building, artillery, cavalry, infantry, barracks – cadets school – hospital etc. etc. besides a long line of houses for naval officers on Skipps Holm (pronounced Ship’s holm – holm signifies island) and a range of red wooden gable-ended ship-sheds for the government shipping – the wooded park the King’s Deer park is a pretty feature in the landscape –  the Lake (Malar) to the west and the Baltic to the east (parted only by the sluices or locks, the bridge over which we had passed on our way to Saint Catherine’s) narrow and looking like broad beautiful rivers studded with shipping –  5 frigates and a brig on the Baltic close to the town we saw the King go on board the largest (30 guns?) we were in hopes to have seen him on his return but were a few minutes too late – his visit on board must have been short – a salute of several guns was fired on his going on board – we also saw a Götheborg steamer arrive – home at 5 35/” dinner at 6 3/4 – soup beef à la mode, potatoes fricasseed, 2 ears instead of the veal I ordered and beignets de pommes – very meagre dinner for our 2 selves and 2 servants – Ann and I ate up the rest of our Helsingborg cheese and our gooseberries – some time asleep – some time reading Handbook then till 9 3/4 wrote so far of today – the rain held off – fair and fine day but dull Fahrenheit
 Anne’s marginal notes:
WYAS Catalogue:  SH:7/ML/TR/13/0004     SH:7/ML/TR/13/0005
Church of St. Catherine, Stockholm (Katarinakyrka); Anne and Ann climbed to the top for fabulous views:
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 Stockholm Royal Palace (by Martius Rorbye, 1848):
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A sketch of Stockholm in 1839:
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View of Stockholm Harbour, Oscar Conrad Kleineh (1846-1919):
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, July 6
Cover: Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers -- the truth about their love 
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Page 2: Secrets behind Patton starring George C. Scott 
Page 4: Drop Red Gorgeous -- stars shine in 13 shades of spectacular -- Dolly Parton, Kerry Washington, Jamie Lee Curtis, Susan Lucci, Padma Lakshmi, Sally Field 
Page 5: Debra Messing, Barbara Eden, Cybill Shepherd, Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman, Helen Mirren 
Page 6: Mom and daughter graduated medical school on the same day and will work together at the same hospital 
Page 7: How to make summer pests bug off -- safe and natural ways to clear home or yard 
Page 8: 7 valuable facts about money -- what you don’t know could cost you 
Page 9: Your blood may shield you from coronavirus -- people with type A blood are at higher risk but type O blood may guard individuals against COVID-19 
Page 10: Mighty heroes lift two-ton van off crash victim 
Page 11: Your Health -- stay safe because it’s hot out there -- seniors enjoying summer days need to take special precautions 
Page 12: 29 years after his death Michael Landon’s words of wisdom for trying times -- beloved Little House on the Prairie star was all about family and work and love 
Page 14: Dear Tony -- Trust Archangel Michael -- he is on our side, Tony predicts much needed national pride coming back to America with the success of Elon Musk and SpaceX opening up space travel to even greater future expeditions 
Page 15: Amazing bionic eye lets the blind see 
Page 16: Saluting America’s most patriotic stars -- Clint Eastwood, Gary Sinise, Wayne Newton, Carrie Underwood 
Page 17: Denzel Washington, Trace Adkins, Snoop Dogg, Betty White, Tom Selleck, Mark Wahlberg 
Page 18: A feisty 103-year-old Massachusetts woman who miraculously survived a brutal battle with COVID-19 celebrated her victory with an ice-cold beer 
Page 19: An animal-loving biology professor in Wisconsin is sorry to see his lab rats go at the end of the semester so he gives them a wonderful retirement gift -- he finds them forever homes 
Page 20: Cover Story -- Fred Astaire and Ginger Roger’s shocking secret love -- why beloved dance duo hid romance and heartbreak 
Page 22: Maya the great big dog was in a heap of trouble until a group of strangers teamed up to haul her out of a deep ravine and down a mountain to safety 
Page 25: Hair conditioner can smooth many household chores 
Page 26: Morgan Fairchild’s secrets to happiness and youthful beauty -- at 70 the TV queen of mean keeps things nice and simple 
Page 28: Tony’s Mystic World -- the power of people 
Page 30: The Good Doctor 
Page 31: Fireworks do’s and don’ts 
Page 32: Boaters brought drowned deer back from the dead 
Page 40: Amy Grant and Vince Gill survive divorce and death scare -- stars open up about her heart surgery and finding love again 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn enjoy a night out with pals at Hotel Bel-Air (picture), Queen Elizabeth at her 94th birthday bash (picture), 80-year-old Tom Jones vows to never retire as long as he’s still able to make music, Reese Witherspoon is mourning the death of her longtime publicist and pal Nanci Ryder whom she call her other mother; Nanci died of ALS
Page 45: Shania Twain sings for fans (picture), Alan Jackson at a drive-in concert (picture), Kelly Clarkson filed for divorce from husband Brandon Blackstock, Gwyneth Paltrow says she’s found sheltering at home to be peaceful even as she admits it’s been the cause of emotional distress, Ewan McGregor finalized his divorce from production designer Eva Mavrakis after 22 years of marriage and four children but he’s been dating Mary Elizabeth Winstead since 2017, Patrick Kenna the young star of 1993′s The Sandlot says he was lucky to avoid the troubles seen by so many other kid actors
Page 46: Trick to getting all of that popcorn to pop 
Page 47: They’re cat-tastic -- whether weird or adorable these felines are an eyeful, PLEASE ADOPT, DON’T SHOP! 
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trash-the-tozier · 5 years
if ur taking prompts 16 18 or 44 w stozier would be sweeet! love ur writing!
thank you so much anon! i have no self control so i kinda combined 18 and 44 into one idea. i hope you like it! i tried very hard to make it short and failed miserably i’m sorry for the delay
length: 2.9k | ao3warnings: none (attempted breaking and entering?)prompts:18. Fake dating AU44. I’m your new neighbour and I got locked out, help!
send me a cliche prompt (list here: x) and a pairing and i’ll write a drabble!
Stan had been living in New York for a solid three days. He’d moved in on Wednesday, spent Thursday unpacking as much as he could, and started his new job at an Accounting firm today, Friday. Not wanting to seem too antisocial to his new coworkers, he’d agreed to go out with them for a Happy Hour of sorts, and was now coming back home, exhausted and just ready to fall into bed. He made it up the four flights of stairs to his apartment, placed his hand on the handle, and tried to turn it.
The door handle wouldn’t budge.
Frowning, Stan tried it again. The doorknob had been a little sticky, sure, the lock sliding out and clicking in a couple of times, but it was nothing a little jostle with his keys couldn’t fix. Stan began digging around in his coat pockets, rooting around for a couple of minutes for his apartment key before stopping, cursing, and letting his head fall back.
He hadn’t updated his key ring yet. The only thing on the ring that he still used were his car keys; the house key and mailbox key still on the ring were for his old place. He’d been juggling his new keys around for the past couple of days, but he hadn’t gotten around to replacing them yet, and he knew, just knew that his apartment key was sitting on his kitchen counter next to the cold cup of coffee he’d also forgotten that morning. Stan was locked out.
Dusk had fallen hours ago, and it was cold out with the sun down. Stan was so tired, not at all feeling up for calling someone--who, the police?--to help him into his apartment. The possibility of renting a hotel room for the night did cross his mind, but it felt incredibly idiotic to spend the money that would take when he was already here, standing outside his apartment door and mere feet from his bed, but unable to get inside.
After jostling at the knob for a little longer, Stan decided he needed a new plan, glancing around for inspiration. He had neighbors on both sides, and on the left was a couple that frankly, going by the things Stan had heard through the rather thin wall of his living room, were terrifying people. He didn’t want to wake them up for help, even if they were home.
The apartment on the right, as far as Stan could tell, was empty. Over the three days that Stan had been here, the room next to his had been completely silent, and he hadn’t heard or seen anyone going in or out. Despite that though, it had all the signs of a tenant living there; mail in the mailbox, a doormat that said ‘WIPE YOUR FEET, STUPID’ in front of the door, and… Stan’s eye caught on something, causing him to frown.
There was a fist-sized and obviously fake rock sitting by the front door. Stan recognized it immediately as one of those ‘hide-a-key’ rocks, and almost laughed out loud; it would have blended in well, sure, if this person had a front yard. But the plastic rock was just sitting outside the door of an apartment building, and much more obvious than if this person had just slipped the key under the rug.
Stan began weighing his options. On the other side of the building, each apartment had a tiny balcony, separated only by a rail he could easily jump over. Stan knew for a fact that his own balcony door was unlocked, and he’d never seen hide nor hair of anyone else living in the apartment next door. He could use the key, slip through this stranger’s apartment as quickly as he could, then jump over the balcony railing and get into his own place.
Sure, that might be breaking and entering, but he wasn’t going to take anything. And did it really count if nobody actually lived there? Before he could talk himself out of it, Stan opened up the fake rock, got out the key, and got to work.
Almost immediately, a loud voice came floating up the stairs.
“No Mikey, I’m telling you!”
Stan resisted the urge to jump away. Those tenants probably didn’t know him, and didn’t know what apartment was his; he would just look like someone trying to enter their own apartment, as long as he didn’t act too dodgy about it.
“Richie, I’m not trying to embarrass you.” Came a second voice, quieter and more placating than the first. “He’s nice, really! I met him at the library, I think you would like him.”
“Well, I don’t need any more of your pity set-ups, alright? I’ve got a boyfriend, thank you very much.” The first voice--Richie, must be--said loudly.
“You somehow got a boyfriend between this week and last week, when you complained to me about how desperately single you were?” The “Mikey” guy’s voice was heavy with doubt.
“I did. I did! And he’s way cuter than all the dumb book club guys you’ve been matching me up with, so you should just stop trying to--”
A disbelieving silence. The apartment door clicked open, Stan stooping to replace the key into the little rock thing when he realized that the two guys that had been climbing the stairs weren’t talking anymore. He whirled around, and froze like a deer in the headlights.
There were two men standing behind him. One of them, a guy with a thin face, square jaw, and thick glasses had an arm outstretched, keys in hand, staring at Stan with incredulity. Stan knew an expression like that could only mean one thing, his stomach turning. Whoever this guy was, he was the person that lived in this apartment. The apartment than Stan was currently breaking into.
The second guy was looking between Stan and his friend, his face one of expectant caution. Stan didn’t know if he should just begin running, or if that would make the situation worse. Then, to Stan’s complete confusion, the first man’s face broke out into an incredible smile.
“I didn’t know you’d be here!” He exclaimed. By his voice Stan could tell this guy was the one named Richie, and he was absolutely beaming, hurrying close. “You didn’t tell me you were planning on stopping by tonight!”
His arms were open for a hug, and Stan simply let the hug happen, unsure of what to do. The man didn’t smell like alcohol, so he probably wasn’t drunk. What was going on? It wasn’t until the man whispered in Stan’s ear that things began to make sense.
“Please just play along with this.”
Oh. Oh. Richie, the entire walk up to the apartment, had been telling his friend about a new guy that he was dating. A guy that, apparently, was fake. A guy that Stan was supposed to pretend to be.
Well, Stan thought. It was better than being arrested, so he figured he might as well go with it.
“I wanted to surprise you!” Stan answered, reaching up to hug Richie back, and Richie pulled out of the hug, shock all over his face, possibly from the fact that his request had worked. Then he gave Stan a grateful--if not slightly mischievous--smile, and Stan felt something in his chest catch at the sight of it.
Richie turned back to his friend, his arm still around Stan’s shoulders, and Stan figured it was time to go all in. If luck had his back tonight, he would be able to use Richie’s apartment to get into his own after all.
“Hi, I’m Stanley Uris.” He said, holding out a hand. He didn’t even need to fake the slight embarrassment in his voice at his next words. “I’m, uh… I’m Richie’s boyfriend.”
“Mikey” reached out in kind, shaking Stan’s hand. “Mike Hanlon.” He said. “It’s… It’s nice to meet you, Stanley.”
“Stan, please.” Stan amended, Richie using his free hand to open his now-unlocked apartment door.
“Want a cup of coffee, Mikey?” Richie asked, but it didn’t seem like much of a question, and Mike didn’t even have time to answer before Stan found himself fully dragged into Richie’s kitchen, Richie flicking the lights on as he went.
“Alright.” Richie said before Stan could even speak, whirling around to face him and leaning against the counter. “If you’re gonna rob me, could you at least wait until my friend goes home? He was only going to stop in for a cup of coffee. Won’t take long”
“I…” Stan didn’t know what to say to that. “I don’t know what’s going on.” He confessed.
Richie sighed a little, pursing his lips, and Stan watched him, feeling like he shouldn’t find the annoyed expression attractive, but embarrassingly, something about it was.
“My friend Mike, he’s great. Love him to pieces. And he thinks I’m lonely and sad, which is true--” the offhand omission had Stan raising his eyebrows, but Richie didn’t even slow down; he began getting coffee together, fussing with the Keurig on the counter and placing a mug under the spicket-- “and he keeps trying to set me up. His intentions are good, but he’s shit at it. But the thing is, he won’t stop. He thinks I have to be dating someone, which I get, because he just won the goddamn nerd lottery and his librarian ass is engaged to a world famous horror fiction writer, but still. He won’t let me just be sad and lonely in peace.”
“Wait, who is he engaged to?” Stan asked in interest, trying to ignore the fact that this was, quite possibly, the weirdest conversation he’d ever had.
“Bill Denbrough.” Richie said with a wave of his hand, and Stan felt his jaw drop. He’d definitely heard of William Denbrough. He had a number of Denbrough paperbacks on his bookshelf.
“The Bill Denbrough?” Stan asked back, and Richie leaned back in exasperation.
“Is every guy I meet in the vicinity of Mike going to be a goddamn groupie?” He asked. “Bill isn’t even cool. He’s a fucking nerd. But I tell you what.” He fixed Stan with a look. “I’ll get you his autograph if you just pretend to be my boyfriend until Mike goes home. Deal?”
“Yeah.” Stan didn’t really need the extra incentive--the fact that Richie had hugged him and invited him in instead of calling the cops was reason enough for Stan to play along--but he would take it. “Sure. Deal.”
The Keurig stopped, Richie grabbing Mike’s coffee with one hand and extending the other out to Stan. So Stan took it, entwining their fingers together--again, something embarrassing in his chest jumped at the touch, but Stan forced it down--and they reentered the living room.
Richie, Stan was quick to learn, was a very touchy person. They sat next to each other on the couch, so close that if either of them moved an inch they would be in each other’s laps. Richie was very animated when he spoke, and he spoke a lot, so he was always moving, but whenever there was some sort of lull--usually Mike talking, or Stan finding something to contribute that wouldn’t raise any suspicions about just how much of a stranger he was--Richie’s hand would rest on him in some way, over the back of the couch and rubbing a small circle on his shoulder, or playing absently with his fingers, or feather-light on his knee. And while Stan would normally be annoyed by something like that, he found he didn’t mind. It made him feel noticed, and paid attention to when he spoke. Even though it was fake, it made him feel adored.
They talked until Mike finished his coffee, Stan finding out through context clues that Richie’s apartment had seemed empty because for the past couple of days it had been, Richie part of a friend group that took a trip together to celebrate Mike and Bill’s engagement. Stan rather liked Mike by the end of the interaction; he was a kind, sensible, good-natured guy who seemed very welcoming and interested in whatever Stan had to say.
Stan was finding that he liked Richie, too. He was loud, with huge nerdy glasses and a floppy haircut, but he truly was funny, and tall, with wide warm hands and an attractive amount of scruff. Stan blamed his exhaustion on the passing desire to feel the stubble burn that the barely-there beard would leave against his neck. It felt nice to have Richie’s hands on him.
“I won’t overstay my welcome. I’m sure you two want the rest of the evening together.” Mike said, getting to his feet. He went to the kitchen, washed out his coffee cup, and returned with his hand outstretched in Stan’s direction. “It was really nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too.” Stan said as he shook Mike’s hand, finding he meant it. Richie stood as well to give Mike a hug, and then he was out the door.
As soon as he was gone, Richie got a stray napkin and pen from the coffee table, writing IOU 1 Bill Denbrough autograph on it in a messy scrawl and handing it over to Stan.
“Let me know when you want to collect.” He said. “You know where I live. Hell, you did such a good job pretending that you like me that you can take one thing of value out of my apartment and I won’t even call the cops.”
Stan figured it was about time he explained something.
“Richie, I’m not trying to rob you.” He said. Richie frowned at him.
“Then what the fuck were you doing? Because you looked real fucking guilty when I walked up.” He said. “Breaking in for the thrill of it?”
“I… I live next door.” Stan said, pointing to the left wall of the living room with his thumb. “I just moved in, and I locked myself out of my apartment. I thought your apartment would be empty--because for the past couple days, it had been--and I thought that maybe I could just let myself in and climb over the balcony. I didn’t want to take anything.”
Richie stared him full in the face for a solid five seconds. Then he burst out laughing.
“You--you locked yourself out?” He gasped. He had a hand on his chest and was leaning back, his eyes closed, his nose scrunched, his voice high in amusement. “And you, you were trying to--god, the look on your face when you saw me, I really thought…” He faded into laughter again, Stan unable to do much more than stand there.
“Well, I’m glad you find it so funny.” He said, and Richie looked at him, his eyes alight with so much joy and amusement that Stan felt that twist in his chest a third time and decided it was high time for him to leave before he did something dumb, like kiss his stupidly cute next door neighbor.
Richie led Stan out to the balcony, Stan able to jump the rail easily. He checked his balcony door, just to make sure it was unlocked--it was--before turning back to Richie, putting the IOU napkin in his pocket.
“This has been the weirdest night of my life.” He confessed, and Richie grinned.
“That’s what happens when you live next to Richie Tozier.” He said, winking, the wink so cocky that it was sexy. “When am I going to see you again?”
“Well, I mean…” Was that an implied pickup line, or was Stan’s brain messing with him? “We’re neighbors, so it’s bound to happen sooner or later.”
“Yeah, but I was hoping for something a bit more concrete than that.” Richie was stepping closer to the railing, and Stan felt himself step closer too. “Like… I don’t know, coffee tomorrow at noon?”
“Noon?” Stan asked back.
“Yeah, I don’t really wake up early.”
“You’ll have to walk me there; I don’t know where any of the good coffee places are yet. I just moved here.”
“Exactly! It would be a crime if I didn’t welcome you to New York.”
They were very close now, Richie’s face illuminated only by the moon and the light streaming out through his kitchen. Richie only seemed to be a couple inches taller than him, but Stan still had to tilt his chin up a bit to look him in the eye.
“A crime?”
“Yeah. Someone’s gotta show that pretty face around.”
Richie grinned a bit, and Stan gave up on his--admittedly, weak--attempt at restraint, leaning in to kiss him.
Stan felt Richie take a surprised breath in through his nose, then was kissing him back, hands reaching out to touch him, one falling to his waist, the other on the side of his neck. Richie’s palm was a bit rough, and he smelled nice this close, and he was so warm that it was all Stan had not to melt against him. He pulled back instead, Richie making a small groaning noise in the back of his throat at the lost contact, which tugged a bit of a grin onto Stan’s face.
“Save it for tomorrow, alright?” He said. Looking reluctant, Richie pulled his hands away. “Night, Richie.”
“Goodnight, Stan.” Richie winked again. “Be sure to dream of me.”
“Fuck off.” Stan told him, turning to go inside, hearing Richie laugh as he did. Stan got ready for bed, the breath of the kiss still on his lips, now very excited for tomorrow morning. Or, tomorrow at noon.
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jaceyourself · 6 years
End of Year Wrap-Up 24/12/2018
Happy Merry to all you readers!
I’ve had a great year but all us music fans have had an even better one! Streaming services mean that now more than ever we can experience the musical output from all corners of the globe (though overwhelmingly the English-speaking parts of it) to understand different points of view, learn of the goings on in other parts of the world and most importantly indulge ourselves in a bit of a boogie. All the moods, genres and feels you could think of are out there, so over the holiday period perhaps try and listen to something new. Who knows it might break the tension with that younger/older relative round the xmas table when you find they also happen to like k-pop/jazz-funk/grindcore or at the very least you can bicker about the tragedy of the current album charts (Greatest Showman: 21 weeks!). To aid you in your quest for knowledge/excitement/small-talk I have spent almost 30 minutes curating a best-of for both albums and singles in the year of 2018. 
(NB even with my album-a-day policy, there’s no way I can get through everything I want to within the 365, so if your fave appears ignored, let it be known that I probably haven’t heard it yet. The full list of everything I’ve listened to this year is at the bottom)
So in no particular order:
Jinx Lennon- Grow A Pair!!!
The Beths- Future Me Hates Me
The Pistol Annies- Interstate Gospel
Travis Scott- ASTROWORLD
Mount Eerie- Now Only
Cardi B- Invasion of Privacy
The 1975- A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
The Aces- When My Heart Felt Volcanic
Confidence Man- Out The Window
Cardi B- I Like It
Janelle Monae ft. Grimes- Pynk
Lori McKenna- People Get Old
SOPHIE- Immaterial
Marie Davidson- Work It
Car Seat Headrest- Stop Smoking (We Love You)
The 1975- It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)
Have a great festive period and I’ll see you in 2019 :D
2018 Albums what I listened to
Floating Points- Reflections – Mojave Desert
James Elkington- Wintres Woma
Miguel- War & Leisure
Ride- Weather Diaries
Sidney Gish- No Dogs Allowed
Emperor X- The Orlando Sentinel, Oversleepers International
Broken Social Scene- Hug of Thunder
MC5- Kick Out The Jams (Live)
Public Service Broadcasting- Every Valley
JJ Doom- Key to the Kuffs
HAIM- Something To Tell You
Camila Cabello- Camila
Sheer Mag- Need To Feel Your Love
Taylor Swift- reputation
Shabazz Palaces- Quazarz vs The Jealous Machines
This Is The Kit- Moonshine Freeze
Japanese Breakfast- Soft Sounds From Another Planet
Tune-Yards- I can feel you creep into my private life
Jupiter & Okwess- Kin Sonic
Various Artists- The Passion Of Charlie Parker
Waxahatchee- Out In The Storm, Great Thunder
Offa Rex- The Queen Of Hearts
Dizzee Rascal- Raskit
Alvvays- Antisocialites
Childhood- Universal High
Marmozets- Knowing What You Know Now
Declan McKenna- What Do You Think About the Car?
Paul Heaton- Crooked Calypso
Lana Del Rey- Lust For Life
Charles Lloyd New Quartet- Passin’ Thru (Live)
Rip Rig & Panic- Circa Rip Rig + Panic
Avey Tare- Eucalyptus
Justin Timberlake- Man Of The Woods
Rio Mira- Marimba del Pacifico
Oddisee- The Iceberg
Aimee Mann- Mental Illness
Katie Von Schleicher- Shitty Hits
Arcade Fire- Everything Now
Girl Ray- Earl Grey
Ezra Furman- Transangelic Exodus
Randy Newman- Dark Matter
Dead Cross- Dead Cross
Chronixx- Chronology
Mondo Cozmo- Plastic Soul
Kesha- Rainbow
Lal & Mike Waterson- Bright Phoebus
Steve Reich- Pulse / Quartet
Orchestra Baobab- Tribute to Ndiouga Dieng
Ratboy- SCUM
Prince- Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999, Purple Rain, Parade, Sign ‘O’ The Times
Stanley Cowell- No Illusions
Oneohtrix Point Never- Good Time Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Downtown Boys- Cost Of Living
Screaming Females- All At Once
Rob Luft- Riser
Sibusile Xaba- Open Letter To Adoniah
Jen Cloher- Jen Cloher
Everything Everything- Fever Dream
Grizzly Bear- Painted Ruins
Bob’s Burgers- The Bob’s Burgers Music Album
Superorganism- Superorganism
Maren Morris- HERO
Courtney Marie Andrews- Honest Life, May Your Kindness Remain
Stefflon Don- Real Ting Mixtape
Ghostpoet- Dark Days + Canapés
Young Fathers- White Men Are Black Men Too, Cocoa Sugar
Queens Of The Stone Age- Songs For The Deaf
Thurst- Cut to the Chafe
John Moreland- Big Bad Luv
Aruan Ortiz- Cub(an)ism [Piano Solo]
Mount Eerie- Now Only
The War On Drugs- A Deeper Understanding
Various Artists- Pop Makossa
Liane Carroll- The Right to Love
Fickle Friends- You Are Someone Else
Nadine Shah- Holiday Destination
Various Artists- Howsla
George Ezra- Staying at Tamara’s
The Doors- The Doors
Filthy Friends- Invitation
Susanne Sundfør- Music For People In Trouble
LCD Soundsystem- LCD Soundsystem, Sound of Silver, American Dream
Mogwai- Every Country’s Sun
Kacey Musgraves- Golden Hour
The National- High Violet, Sleep Well Beast
The Klezmatics- Wonder Wheel
Hercules & Love Affair- Omnion
Mount Kimbie- Love What Survives
The Aces- When My Heart Felt Volcanic
Matthew Bourne- Isotach
Finished- Cum Inside Me Bro
Forced Into Femininity- I’m Making Progress
Heron Oblivion- Heron Oblivion
Hamell On Trial- TACKLE BOX
Confidence Man- Confident Music For Confident People
Swet Shop Boys- Cashmere
Princess Nokia- 1992 Deluxe, A Girl Cried Red
Steely Dan- The Royal Scam, Aja
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard- Nonagon Infinity
Sparks- Hippopotamus
J. Cole- KOD
Fat Tony- Macgregor Park
L’Orange and Jeremiah Jae- The Night Took Us In Like Family
Little Simz- Stillness In Wonderland
Lady Leshurr- Queen’s Speech
Brand New- Science Fiction
Janelle Monae- Dirty Computer
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever- Talk Tight
Fred Thomas- Changer
Myra Davies- Sirens
Laraaji- Sun Gong
The Killers- Wonderful Wonderful
Descendents- Milo Goes To College
Frank Turner- Be More Kind
The Horrors- V
Moses Sumney- Aromanticism
Arctic Monkeys- Whatever People…, AM, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Oxbow- Thin Black Duke
Dee Byrne’s Entropi- Moment Frozen
Mike Stern- Trip
The Vampires- The Vampires Meet Lionel Loueke
Gogol Bordello- Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike, Super Taranta!, Seekers And Finders
Umphrey’s McGee- Zonkey
Hard Working Americans- We’re All in This Together
Courtney Barnett- Tell Me How You Really Feel
Jllin- Black Origami
Various Artists- Rough Guide to the Music of West Africa
Wolf Alice- Visions Of A Life
The Young’uns- Strangers
Fever Ray- Fever Ray, Plunge
CHVRCHES- Love Is Dead
Oumou Sangaré- Oumou, Mogoya
Charlotte Gainsbourg- Rest
Daniel Avery- Song For Alpha
Daphni- Joli Mai
Kanye West- ye
Cécile McLorin Salvant- Dreams and Daggers
Trio Da Kali, Kronos Quartet- Ladilikan
Kelela- Take Me Apart
Bob Dylan- The Times.., Another.., Bringing.., Highway.., Blond.., John.., Nashville.., New.., Blood..
Lily Allen- Alright(,) Still, It’s Not Me(,) It’s You, Sheezus, No Shame
Fanfare Ciocarlia- 20
Wolf Parade- Cry Cry Cry
Zara McFarlane- Arise
Margo Price- All American Made
Bebe Rexha- Expectations
Motörhead- Under Cöver
Orchestre Les Mangelepa- Last Band Standing
Drake- Scorpion
Various Artists- Gentle Giants: The Songs Of Don Williams
Noga Erez- Off The Radar
Baxter Dury- Prince of Tears
John Maus- Screen Memories
Lankum- Between the Earth and Sky
Shamir- Revelations
Years & Years- Palo Santo
Converge- The Dusk In Us
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino- Canzoniere
Fred Hersch- Open Book
A. Savage- Thawing Dawn
Big Thief- Capacity
Kelly Clarkson- Meaning Of Life
Dirty Projectors- Lamp Lit Prose
Robt Sarazin Blake- Recitative
Shed Seven- Instant Pleasures
Spinning Coin- Permo
Call Super- Arpo
Laura Perrudin- Poisons & antidotes
Ellen Andrea Wang- Blank Out
Lori McKenna- The Tree
Wu-Tang Clan- Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Lee Ronaldo- Electric Trim
Deer Tick- Vol. 2
The Paranoid Style- Underworld U.S.A.
Youssou N’Dour- Set, Joko- From Village To Town, Nothing’s In Vain, Seeni Valeurs
Kasai Allstars- Around Felicite
Carly Rae Jepsen- Emotion
Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds- Who Built The Moon?
Anna Ternheim- All the Way to Rio
U2- Songs of Experience
Mônica Vasconcelos- The São Paulo Tapes
Travis Scott- ASTROWORLD
Nabihah Iqbal- Weighing of the Heart
Van Morrison- Versatile
Jim James- Tribute to 2
Criolo- Espiral de Ilusão
Maciej Obara Quartet- Unloved
The Beths- Future Me Hates Me
Maryam Saleh- Lekhfa
Naomi Bedford- Songs My Ruiner Gave to Me
Jens Lekman- Night Over Kortedala
The Spirit of the Beehive- pleasure suck
Tom Rogerson- Finding Shore
Paul Jacobs- Pictures(,) Movies and Apartments
Ariana Grande- sweetener
Rina Sawayama- RINA
Marcel Khalife- Andalusia of Love
Gunter Hampel- Bounce (Live at Theater Gütersloh)
BAYNK- Someone’s EP
Omar Souleyman- To Syria(,) With Love
Blood Orange- Negro Swan
Open Mike Eagle- Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
First Aid Kit- Ruins
Shame- Songs of Praise
Homeboy Sandman- Veins
Playboi Carti- Playboi Carti
Eminem- Kamikaze
Troye Sivan- Blue Neighbourhood, BLOOM
Priests- Nothing Feels Natural
Rhiannon Giddens- Freedom Highway
King Krule- The OOZ
Django Django- Marble Skies
Bon Iver- For Emma(,) Forever Ago
Calexico- The Thread That Keeps Us
Mary Gauthier- Rifles & Rosary Beads
Hookworms- Microshift
Aphex Twin- Collapse EP
Rae Morris- Someone Out There
Field Music- Open Here
Rhye- Blood
Shopping- The Official Body
MGMT- Little Dark Age
Christine and the Queens- Chris
Alela Diane- Cusp
Sonic Youth- Sister
Brigid Mae Power- The Two Worlds
Deafheaven- Sunbather
Various Artists- American Epic: The Collection Disc 1, 2, 3
Rich Krueger- Life Ain’t That Long
Lil Wayne- Tha Carter V
Modern Mal- The Misanthrope Family Album
Rejjie Snow- Dear Annie
U.S. Girls- In a Poem Unlimited
The Orielles- Silver Dollar Moment
Tal National- Tantabara
Marie Davidson- Working Class Woman
Superchunk- What a Time to Be Alive
Brandi Carlile- By The Way(,) I Forgive You
Car Seat Headrest- Twin Fantasy
Loma- Loma
Marlon Williams- Make Way For Love
Nipsey Hussle- Victory Lap
Insecure Men- Insecure Men
Kendrick Lamar- Black Panther
Rapsody- Lalia’s Wisdom
Khalid- Suncity
Tracey Thorn- Record
Anna von Hausswolff- Dead Magic
Jinx Lennon- Grow a Pair!!!
Gwenno- Le Kov
Judas Priest- Stained Class, FIREPOWER
Robyn- Robyn, Body Talk, Honey
The Magic Gang- The Magic Gang
Essaie Pas- New Path
Bob Dylan and The Band- The Basement Tapes
The Decemberists- I’ll Be Your Girl
Pistol Annies- Interstate Gospel
BCUC- Emakhosini (Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness)
Jack White- Boarding House Reach
Yo La Tengo- There’s A Riot Going On
Sidi Touré- Toubalbero
Lil Peep- Come Over When You’re Sober(,) Pt. 2
The Breeders- All Nerve
The Vaccines- Combat Sports
CZARFACE- Czarface Meets Metal Face
Laurence Pike- Distant Early Warning
Chopteeth Afrofunk Big Band- Bone Reader
Leo Kalyan- The Edge
Hayley Kyoko- Expectations
Tristen- Sneaker Waves
Thelonious Monk- Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana- Mehliana: Taming The Dragon
Amy Rigby- Til The Wheels Fall Off, Little Fugitive, The Old Guys
Rose Cousins- Natural Conclusion
Nora Jane Struthers- Champion
Lilly Hiatt- Trinity Lane
The Rolling Stones- The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones No. 2, Out of Our Heads, Aftermath
MAST- Thelonious Sphere Monk
The 1975- A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
Jhene Aiko- Trip
Don Bryant- Don’t Give up on Love
EMA- Exile in the Outer Ring
Small Believer- Anna Tivel
Vera Sola- Shades
Cardi B- Invasion of Privacy
Darkthrone- A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Sarah Shook & the Disarmers- Years
Goat Girl- Goat Girl
Unknown Mortal Orchestra- Sex & Food
Alasdair Roberts, Amble Scuse & David McGuiness- What News
Kali Uchis- Isolation
Wye Oak- The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs
Migos- Culture II
Hinds- I Don’t Run
DRINKS- Hippo Lite
Alexis Taylor- Beautiful Thing
Jenny Wilson- EXORCISM
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Thursday, February 21, 2019
post #409
main points:
- breakfast at family friends
- editing chicago/seattle video
- drive towards austin
- stop by the hospital where i was born
- stop by riverwalk and the alamo
- stop by texas state university
- stop by pho for dinner
- visit family friends in austin, and former neighbors
today i:
- woke up around 10 or 10:30am ish. i lazed in bed for a bit watching some youtube. sam kolder made such a sick video on the creative process
got out of bed and ate some breakfast, which was boiled egg + avocado spread. that was really good. then ate some dumplings
- mom and dad went out to look around the property since the house was huge. i started finishing up my edits of the chicago + seattle video, mostly just doing color correction for the rest of the video. my parents and family friend also went to pick up the rental car so i worked for like two hours
when they got back, there was a squirrel in the yard eating an orange. it was so interesting seeing it open and peel a big orange :p we took pics and videos
- ate lunch, which was xi fan and leftovers from dinner last night. solid solid :)
- i finished my video so i started rendering it and then tentatively uploaded it to youtube yay
we said good bye to the family friend and we left her house and started driving towards austin
- the first stop we made was at the hospital where i was born. mom and i got out to take a couple pictures while dad drove around trying to find parking but just ended up going in circles to wait for us. it was interesting cause i have no recollection of the hospital but my mom and her family friend (who housed us) said it was the first place i ever visited in the world which is true :p
- we drove over to the alamo to visit some touristy stuff
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got some pictures of the alamo, also visited the church and surrounding garden area, which was relatively small. then we walked over to the riverwalk and walked along it for a bit. there were a bunch of ducks and birds around who seemed to get their source of food from tourists. also dick’s was there which is a restaurant where the waiters/waitresses purposely act like dicks to you (from what i’ve heard)
mom wanted some ice cream so we got some in the hyatt hotel we walked through to get to the riverwalk. it was blue bell’s ice cream which seems very popular around the area. then we got some mexican food (fajitas) for our lunch at like 2:30pm. also it was happy hour so dad got a margarita for $4. the fajitas were okay ish but i guess that’s expected for touristy spots. dad said we should find local places for really good mexican food which i agree with
there were ducks and birds flying around and a bird pooped from above and it landed on my right shoulder >: O i was kind of annoyed but at least it didn’t land on my head like it did once before. i went to the bathroom to try to wash it out and it sort of worked... but there’s a white ish stain there 
the people behind us who left had their table immediately ravaged by pigeons. LOL. cause they had leftover food on the table so the pigeons came and just ate all of it causing a mess
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- left the riverwalk area and drove the car over to texas state university where mom and dad went to school. on the drive i felt strangely relaxed. the highway was so vast and open and just straight up flat. in california it’s vast and open but in the distance you can always see mountains. here it’s just straight up flat for miles. i ended up taking a nap before we got to the university
first we drove the car over to their first apartment, which is wild!! :o mom and dad told me about how they used to bike or take the bus, or just flat out walk up the hills to get to their apt. i took some pictures of them in front of the building and then we headed towards campus
we parked the car and walked around campus, first stopping by the music building and taking some pictures. then to the dean’s office with a view. then towards the library, visiting the top 7th floor. their library is HUUUUGE. then to the math/computer science department. it was cool, i feel like mom and dad were reliving some of their college memories. they told me about when i was a baby and mom took a pic in her graduation gown near the gym, dad’s roommates biking incident (the nurse asked him who the president was since he hit his head), how they would go to study at the library, and other stuff
as we walked back to the car, i was curious what i’d feel like in 30-40 years when i go back to visit BU. mom and dad said it was great to come back and see the college campus again, just to see where they came from
- it was about 5:30pm and mom suggested we go eat pho cause it would be traffic heavy anyway. so we went to a pho 99 place about 15 minutes away from campus. ate some pho (pretty solid), then stopped by walmart to by a 12 pack of water. and also got some lemon girl scout cookies
- drove over to our old cul de sac, stopping by jackie’s parents house! it was kind of surreal being back in the neighborhood. i had very faint snippets of memories of this place and what it looked like. the proportions all seemed off though. like our old house seemed smaller in the front. but the circular part at the end of the cul de sac seemed bigger than i thought. also we saw some deer. but yeah there were so many childhood memories here. i remember i hung out with jackie a lot when we were kids 
we said hi to jackie’s parents first then went to visit our neighbors since mom heard that they’re still around. we just kind of knocked on their doors since we had no contact with them though LOL
we brought wine and chatted with jeff for a bit. mom and dad caught up with him, he told us about how things were going in his life. i played with the dog for a bit and also talked about where i’m at (just recent college grad, heading to job soon, etc). i very vaguely remember him from when i was a kid but i mostly remember i used to drive a toy jeep truck with his daughter in the cul de sac 
after we caught up we stopped by another neighbor’s house, dave. i don’t remember them much.. but mom and dad said we also knew them. we talked to him and his wife and they asked us to come inside. we talked again about how we were doing, how they were doing here in austin in terms of jobs, how so many businesses have opened up/traffic, etc. their daughter also came back home and talked to us too, telling us about how she traveled abroad for a year to teach english. it was crazy, i didn’t remember them too too much but their house did look kind of familiar
then we went back to jackie’s parents house around 9pm and their parents helped me get situated in my room with wifi and everything, then they went downstairs to chat. i finished making a thumbnail for the chicago/seattle video, then watched some more of sam kolder after his dope video from this morning. and chicago/seattle vlogs just to see how others compared
went downstairs to drink some soup with everyone since jackie’s dad made some. it was like overeasy egg but the inside was boiled, and rice/sweet soup. it was very yummy :D 
after we finished eating they said i could go back upstairs (so understanding LOL) and i just kind of chilled looking at more chicago/seattle videos
- took a shower around 11pm. mom and dad and jackie’s parents were getting tired and they also had work tomorrow
now typing this at 12:22am. i’m excited to look at the neighborhood tomorrow morning and see it in broad daylight since it was dark by the time we got here
okay the end
a walk down memory lane today
also first time i’ve put pictures in a blog post in like months so... this is cool
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weaselle · 6 years
I put them both in one post.
I have a brother 10 years older than me and a younger brother and sister 5 and 7 years younger than me respectively. I call the older by his name, and also “dude” a lot. You know those twisty metal puzzles you have to figure out how to take apart or put back together, like puzzle rings and shit? He can do those in seconds without even thinking about it, like, idly while talking to you. He’s a daredevil bombs and blades tinkerer, and a practical joker. Once he told me he was getting out of the lake because it was noon and that’s when the sun shone straight down to the bottom and woke IT up, and then got out and snuck halfway around the lake to climb back in and swim up from underneath me to wrap a hand around my ankle and suddenly yank me down about ten feet at an angle toward the center of the lake. He went to jail for building a bomb, it’s a good thing they never found his other homemade weapons, like arrows with exploding tips, or the underslung potato gun mounted to the frame of his car. And I SAY potato gun but I saw him use his tester model to launch a wad of duct tape through a truck camper shell at the junk yard in the R&D phase, and he use to load it with a wad of something for batting topped by a snapple cap and a handfull of roofing nails and disintegrate mail boxes with it. He is a good wood sculptor and has a surprisingly delicate yet raw style when drawing with charcoal or graphite. He can take apart and put together almost anything. I could just write a whole book about his antics.
With my younger brother it’s mostly his name and “dude” quite often. Every once in a while, I will call him bro, or brother, but usually when I am low-key reinforcing our age difference. Like if he thought mom would react one way to something, but I had seen her reaction to that same thing before he was born or whatever, like, brother, I’ve known her longer. He is one of two people I know personally who may be legit geniuses. He used to play video games in the early 90′s by hacking their code and modding them - I’d walk in and he’d be 12 years old like “Instead of cannon balls, I made the cannon shoot cows that bounce around randomly a few times and explode, and I’m trying to make it so that each time a cow bounces, it spawns another bouncing cow bomb”. He has a… I want to say a Masters in Physics. His math teacher in high school tried to hold his interest by having him teach the first 15 minutes of each class. Once when the rest of us siblings were all standing around talking about sneaking out of the house, we asked if he ever did and he was like “why would I sneak out in the middle of the night… that’s when I sleep.” Now he’s a very mellow polyamorous hacker who brews his own beer and “isn’t allowed to tell you where I work, it’s so silly”
Our youngest I call by her name, and dude a fair amount, and a combination of the word sister and her name (like if her name was Brittany I would call her Sisttany) I do call her sister more than I use brother for my fraternals, but she calls us all brother quite a bit.  I think there are some complex reasons for that, but it boils down to her having been teased terribly and given a very hard time growing up by us, her brothers, who had a certain alliance against her. Of course by now we’re forced to admit that she is awesome and special and maybe the best of all of us. Certainly the coolest. Like, my younger brother is hella cool on paper, but when you’re in a room with him, he’s a little.. the only way he pulls it off is by truly not giving a fuck if people think he’s cool, which, as we all know, instantly awards coolness to whatever you’ve got going. On the other hand, when my sister is in a room, people laugh when she decides something is funny. Someone else is often making the decisions, but everyone only agrees to go along with them if sheagrees with them. She’s not wearing those clothes because they are cool, those clothes are cool because she’s wearing them, Once she worked at the same hotel I did for a while, and I asked her what she thought of it, and she said “I only ever want to work in a hotel again if I OWN it”. She was 19. She once knocked out her (now ex) boyfriend for forcefully taking his car keys away from her too roughly when he’d been drinking. He realized what he’d done too late to save him and she pulled him down from the fence he was climbing to get away from her so she could lay him out. She ran her own business for a while doing marketing stuff for publications and wineries and things, but she felt she was working too hard for the return she was seeing, and now she works for some firm overseeing the people who manage their social media or something.
And then there’s me, the Bard of the group, basically. I travel around on lots of adventures (I was arrested by the US airforce in Germany, I got stuck in England for a summer when they took my passport away from me at Heathrow - I stayed at a circus school with a few of the circus students who had no real home to go back to for the summer, and I put together a circus busking group with some of them and that’s how I made enough money to eat every day.) I used to write and produce full length comedies for the stage. I was SO sure I was going to be a con-artist, so I studied slight of hand and magic ( I ran a crooked poker game at recess) but as a young adult, when I picked my first pocket, I found I had no taste for stealing from real people (I’ll fuck up Coke any day, where’s Amazon’s pocket? Side note: I tapped the guy on his shoulder and handed his wallet back to him and said “I think you dropped this” and never picked a pocket again, but I can still do some pretty interesting stuff with cards and coins and things, Juggle knives and torches. that sort of stuff). Anyway, I adventure, and I write songs and stories, and my siblings mostly call me by my name, and very occasionally, dude. Also, my origins are steeped in mystery and my siblings are actually my cousins by blood, but that’s another story. Okay, here is that story.
My Grandmother was left-handed and the reason I love cooking and definitely some kind of Being. Her title was The Grandma. She had 4 great grandchildren by the time she died, and so her daughters became Grandma, but she was THE Grandma. She had this way about her, like she was incredibly present, but also paying attention to everything in the whole world. And then sometimes (notably when you fucked up) it was like she pulled her attention off all those things and put the whole thing on you; it was very unsettling. And she had the Voice, which she almost never used.
The last time Grandma traveled on an airplane with us, we were going though security and she couldn’t go through the metal detectors because by then she couldn’t get out of the wheelchair for longer than twenty seconds at a time. The TSA agent said she was going to search her or pat her down instead, and reached for my Grandmother. And Grandmother said, in the Voice
“Don’t touch The Grandma”
The TSA agent blinked and looked at grandma’s eldest daughter (a celtic witch if ever there was one) who merely shrugged and said “…don’t touch the grandma”.
TSAgent hesitated as if about to reach forward and insist, thought better of it, called TSA Supervisor over. TSA Supervisor explained everything to The Grandma - it’s just a quick pat-down, everybody who can’t go through the detectors has it done, they won’t even ask her to stand - and then reached forward to pat down my grandmother
“Don’t. Touch. The Grandma”
TSA Supervisor’s hands stopped as if hitting glass. She looked confusedly back and forth between the TSA agent and my grandmother for a second, and then the confusion left her face and she stepped aside, looked at the TSA agent and said “Don’t touch the Grandma” and waived us through security. They didn’t even scan the rest of us
It’s a shame she couldn���t fly anymore after that, she loved to fly; when her first husband died, she married P, a WW2 B52 crewman who taught her to pilot small planes, and they would fly up and down the coast to any cities they wanted to visit - she knew the West Coast in a way few people do.
One morning in the deserts of Nevada a year after P’s death she woke me up and said “get dressed, were going to into town to the casino; P visited me in a dream last night and told me I’d win a video poker jackpot with a royal flush today” and we drove into town so she could spend fifteen minutes playing video poker. I say fifteen minutes, because after fifteen minutes she hit her jackpot with a royal flush in hearts, and we went back home.
She used to sit in her chair in her living room with her back to the kitchen wall, and I’d go to leave the kitchen and I’d hear her from the other room “don’t you leave my kitchen mat like that” and I’d look over my shoulder at the mat in front of the sink, and sure enough, it would be all rumpled up; sorry grandma.
Grandma and I shared a birthmark, a red stain I won’t describe fully. And my grandmother and I were both adopted. Let me explain.
My Grandmother was adopted by a nice family.
And then that family all died, and she was adopted AGAIN.
She grew up and married a man whose Irish father I am named after: K, who came here from Ireland to work the Alaskan gold rush. She and her husband lived with his father K for a while, and this is a story about that:
Every Sunday. great grandpa K would go off on his own for a couple hours to “walk in the woods”. Grandma followed him one day. K walked into the woods, packed a pipe, sat down with his back to a tree, and took a small handful of nuts and seeds and fruits and leaves out of his shirt pocket. He scattered them around. Soon, as if expecting him, several animals came and helped themselves. The squirrels climbed all over him, on his head even. The raccoons sat in his lap. The birds sat on his knees and shoulders and in his beard and peered into his face. The deer checked his jacket for more snacks. After they hung out for about an hour, they all went on their way. Then K smoked his pipe and went home.
Grandma and K’s son had 5 kids.
One died as a child.
The eldest became an ER nurse and a savant witch. She would never admit she is a witch, but there’s a horseshoe over her door (not the front door, mind you, but the door she actually uses) and she’s the one who taught me to always leave a single spider in your house when you clean. She has a natural way with plants and animals -  the deer eat everything but her herb garden, which isn’t even fenced. This year one of them stayed in her backyard for nearly two months raising twins to be big enough to take back to the herd. She recognizes the individual squirrels and birds in her yard and knows their personalities and habits and things about their families. And of course as an ER and ICU nurse, she’s a hell of a healer.
The youngest was a witch, but sadly neglected, remained immature. Still, she had talents. She could fool people and make them laugh as easy as breathing, like some kind of glamour. Every long line of strangers she ever waited in became a party among friends. Could literally smell if you were lying to her. As in, she’d lean close and take a couple deep sniffs and then be like “Nope. Tell me, where did you really go after school?”
The only brother became a wandering holy man of sorts. Used to hitch-hike around the country in robes and junk, with a small, like, cult; then he quit them to just grow his own holy experience. He died in his 30s.
And the middle sister was my mother. She was double jointed and very dyslexic, and everyone says she was incredibly gifted in many ways. She did intricate artwork in ink, fractal gardens and faux woodgrain that was made of salvador dali faces, stuff like that. She was self taught on the piano, used to just walk up to a piano and play songs she made up on the spot that sounded how she was feeling and little crowds would gather. Made her own exercise equipment. Could pick up an accent within minutes and become semi-conversational in days. She had me with a half Japanese guy in the Air Force (he didn’t stick around). Then when I was about three, she sent me to live with her eldest sister, because her life got too, ah, interesting. Like, her partner had a hit put out on them. It wasn’t safe for me. By the time I was six it all caught up with her, and she died in an accident when she jumped out of the passenger side of a car and tried to run away as it stopped at a red light.
That’s when her eldest sister adopted me. The paperwork was messed up and my name is different on my birth certificate, my SS card, and my ID. Then, the person who filled out the “messed up” paperwork was fired, but I’m still a mystery to the bureaucratic world.  
So here I am, same birthmark as my psychic grandmother, orphaned son of a savant creative criminal and a Japanese-American soldier, named after my Irish, gold hoarding, bearded, pipe-smoking beastmaster great-grandsire; raised by a celtic witch, hidden away from the official world. Sometimes I feel like all those hero origin stories are trying to call me out of hiding. More about my adventures soon.
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Day 35. Balfour, BC to Revelstoke, BC. 241 miles.
A wonderful day of scenery and a sprinkling of stupidity. Nature and the kindness of others wins in the end!
I have been staying with Cybilla and Steven in their ground floor space overlooking an offshoot of Kootenay lake. I slept well, the weather report is 100% accurate and there's a strong sun in a blue sky.
I seem to be packed and out with ease and the help from Steven to lube the chain speeds me on my way.
Their recommendation for breakfast is the bakery at the Balfour ferry jetty. I get fuel for bike and rider here. The breakfast was made of pastries and muffins washed down with coffee. I have really slipped with my healthy diet, although the vegetable samosa was rich in turmeric.
The port is a hub for gossip and services. The bakery door advertises charter fishing, opera and burlesque. The three interests of the people of Kootenay? The fishing charter boasts 289 rainbow trout over 20lbs. Pictures of people barely holding up giant trout are proof of their successes. Everyone smiles and greets and seems to compete for the most beat up pickup. A family gathering to discuss a recent car auction, the mother laying free newspapers on the plastic seats to protect from the cold. It's chilly but sparkling in the sun. People comment on the improved air quality now that the cooler and wetter weather is helping bring the fires under control.
A last minute check had confirmed that my own route to the US border area remained blocked but I still had a good run planned on gravel and forest trails as far as Edgewood before heading West to Lumby on tarmac.
The ride is scenic, although that phrase does the glory of the landscape no service at all. At every turn the sun glistens on the reflected sky and the layers of mountains are greying into the distant horizon. Trees and water present themselves in every possible divine combination.
I reach the ferry, an untainted spot on the edge of the vast Columbia River. The panorama is astonishing and gazing at it more than occupies the 30 minutes it takes for the ferry to arrive.
The journey across is a rolling presentation of spectacular views, which is a good thing because as it happens I have to make the trip three times and if I hadn't I would not have seen the sparrows.
Leaving the ferry I don't expect to be called on to leave first but suddenly it's all systems go. I zoom off, park up and gather my route up. I have to turn off left as the stream of trucks and RVs head up to Revelstoke. It's a wide logging road which I follow into a weigh station for the 24 wheel logging trucks. Wrong turn, I swing round and head off up the narrower service road. A couple of miles into the trail I am heating up and choosing to take off a layer I find I have no backpack to put it in. Foolish me I will have left it on the ferry which I can see is already heading back and is mid river.
At the terminal the vehicle loaders are helpful but nobody they speak to via radio on the boat or the other side has seen it.
The back pack has some value but what is invaluable is the Spot, GPS tracker attached to it's harness. Spot helps family know where I am and is a lifeline to emergency services. Without it I cannot go on the trails. It also has the major advantage of being a way of tracing the bag. There is no cell coverage on the Shelter Bay side, the only WiFi is on the Galena side.
I am now on the ferry going back. A few hundred yards from Galena I pick up WiFi and Spot's spots appear. Some on the Galena slipway and the last one suspended in mid crossing. The bag was with me on the boat and then disappeared! Logical conclusion that I and two of the deck hands come to, 'Its been stolen!'. We bemoan the avarice of others and lament that this should have happened when most people are so kind.
I am now traveling back to Shelter Bay on the ferry. The ferry has its own family of swallows and the parents feed the young on the wing. I luckily catch some moving pictures of the fledglings bouncing on the boat hawser. Awesome flying and awesome phone camera.
I am back on dry land and, just to be sure I didn't take the bag off where I found I had lost it, I head off down the Forest Service Road. It's not there. I have no signal to check its location either but I am now convinced that theory 1, bag stolen, is indeed the right one.
I had emailed home on the boat, just the briefest, 'bag stolen', but when I get into data service 20km down the road I have already got an inbox full of CCTV and webcam links to the ferry. Then a phone call to share my woes and new plans: police to report stolen, insurance, new Spot supplier etc etc. I have already embellished my theory with villains, a couple on the ferry who acted strangely and shook my hand.
I have a hotel recommendation from home too but go with The Cube in Revelstoke. There I get the only room with its own shower and shower before sitting in the kitchen area to drink coffee, write my blog and bathe my wounds.
At the hotel table I find three new spots on the Shelter Bay side! The bag made it across on the ferry, perhaps it wasn't stolen, perhaps it was dropped.? The spots move but all are within the area of the logging depot where I made a wrong turn. The last spot is at 4.00pm, but no more. I form a new theory, 'Picked up by forestry worker and taken home for safe keeping,'
A while later another hotel guest hears my accent and this prompts a conversation. Soon we are talking origins, holidays and the journey I might take. I show Thea my map and Pieter her husband comes over on the way to his shower. We chat about or lives and recent journeys. They have been down South in Grenada and The Dominican Republic. I have been telling Thea about solo travel and our conversation moves onto Spot. I open up the Spot app and suddenly the 3 spots turn into 20 and all in the same space, the latest at 9.00pm, it hasn't been picked up by a forest worker and taken home, it may be lying on the area right now!
Knowing it is there drives me to want to head on into the back roads but it's dark already and I can't ride without the safety of the Spot tracker. Instead I ask Pieter whom I have known for 5 minutes to take me down to Shelter Bay, a round trip of 48 miles! Surprisingly and without hesitation he says yes!
On the road we talk about near misses and crashes with wild animals and how dangerous night driving is. Pieter has hit a moose and another deer and all but written off his car. He and I chat like old friends and the miles disappear so fast the turn onto the service road catches us out. A quick three point turn and Pieter is now nursing his car down what is a nasty corrugated road which on the dirt bike I had not noticed. I'm mortified.
At the logging depot we search the verges, nothing. Pieter plays his vehicle lights onto the area, nothing. I head up to the weighbridge and hut and, shining a light through the window, see the bag propped up inside. YAY! What a relief! I had dropped it off the back of my bike when turning to get back on track. There were no thieves only people looking out for other people. The ride is on again and I have a night freed from anxiety.
I am so elated and gabble on in the car about the friendliness of strangers. Pieter tells me of his life as the chauffeur of the Liberian Ambassador to the Netherlands and we share EuroRail experiences. We talk of children and grandchildren and the pain of loss. He's tired I know but even so he was yet another friend in need. People are great!
After saying goodnight to Pieter I get out for a quick taco and slaw. More talk with a young couple who, like me missed lunch and dinner and are trying to catch up. Then it's back to my room and this blog, check out the pictures.
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auskultu · 6 years
Alvin Schuster, The New York Times, 28 June 1968
LONDON, June 27 — James Earl Ray, accused of killing the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke out about the case for the first time today and denied committing the crime.
Taking the witness stand in a wood-paneled* courtroom at 3:12 P.M., Ray said he had never met Dr. King and had never borne a grudge against him. Then his attorney, Roger Frisby, asked him:
“Did you kill Martin Luther King?” “No sir,” Ray replied.
Ray’s brief and dramatic appearance in the witness chair at Bow Street Magistrates Court came after the United States Government had revealed in detail its case alleging that Ray shot Dr. King in Memphis on April 4 in “calculated, brutal and senseless” murder..
Fingerprints Are Cited The Government is seeking the extradition of Ray to the United States to stand trial in Tennessee for the King murder. In presenting its case, the Government offered the testimony of a fingerprint expert and read affidavits designed to link Ray with the crime.
Arguing through a British attorney, David Calcutt, the Government charged that Ray had bought the rifle that killed Dr. King less than a week before the murder; that on the day of the murder Ray checked into the rooming house across from the Lorraine Hotel, where Dr. King was shot, and that Ray’s fingerprints were on the rifle, its telescopic sight and a pair of binoculars, all found near the scene.
Mr. Frisby did not conclude his arguments today, and the presiding chief metropolitan magistrate, Frank Milton, adjourned the proceedings until Tuesday. Mr. Milton said he hoped to rule on the United States Government’s efforts on that day.
Appeals Are Provided If the magistrate finds against Ray, the defendant may appeal, the case to the Divisional Court of the High Court of Justice and then on application to the law judges of the House of Lords.
Ray was arrested at Heathrow Airport here on June 8 under the alias Ramon George Sneyd. Today he sat calmly in the courtroom surrounded by policemen as Mr. Calcutt accused him of murder.
Wearing horn-rim glasses, a blue checkered suit and a blue shirt, open at the collar, Ray chewed gum and occasionally scratched the back of his neck. The pending United States “extradition warrants identify the defendant as Ray, an identification that went unchallenged by Ray today. The pending minor British charges—possession of a forged passport and carrying of a firearm—list him as Sneyd.
But for the most part today the nomenclature problem was solved by avoiding the issue. The suspect was usually called “the defendant,” or “this man” or “my client” or “you.” At one point, Ray himself declined to give his name.
The first response of the suspect was elicited by the testimony this morning of Detective Chief Superintendent Thomas Butler of Scotland Yard. Ray wrote a note of protest to his lawyer and later denied major parts of what Chief Butler had said.
The chief is a 55-year-old, gray-haired man who has led the hunt for the “great train robbery” gang which got away in 1962 with $7-million. He told today of his meeting at the airport with Ray on the day of the arrest.
“I saw the defendant at about 1:05 P.M. at London Airport,” Chief Butler said. “I told him we were police officers and said we understand he has two Canadian passports in the name of Sneya and Sneyd.
“’What is your name?’ I asked. He replied: ‘I can’t understand why I’m here. My name is Sneyd.’
Conversation in Jail Chief Butler said he then asked Ray if the information on the passports was correct— that he was a Canadian citizen born in Toronto on Oct. 8, 1932. The chief said that Ray replied that those facts were correct. The suspect was then taken to Cannon Row police station, near the houses of Parliament.
“At 4:45,” Chief Butler went on, “I saw the accused in his cell. I told him that as a result of inquiries made since you have been detained we have every good reason to believe that you are not a Canadian citizen but an American.”
“’Oh well, yes I am,’ he said and nodded. I said I now believe your name is not Sneyd, but James Earl Ray, also known as Eric Starvo Galt and other names; that you were wanted at present in the United States for serious criminal offenses including murder in which a firearm was used.” Chief Butler continued:
“The accused had been standing up but at this point he slumped down on the seat behind him and put his head in his hands and said:
‘“Oh God.’ “After a moment or so, he added: “‘I feel so trapped.’” “I cautioned him again, and he replied: ‘“Well, I shouldn’t say anything more now. I can’t think right.’ ”
It was after this that Ray, 40, passed his note of denial to Mr. Frisby, 46, a soft-spoken graduate of Oxford, who sat beside his legal opponent, Mr. Calcutt, 38. a graduate of Cambridge.
Mr. Frisby based the defense today on the argument that the murder was a “political crime” and as a result was not extraditable under the 1931 extradition treaty with the United States. He said he thought the denial by Ray was not relevant to the basic case he was building.
But Ray was not to be denied his protest. When the magistrate told Ray after the lunch break that he could “say anything you wish,” the suspect rose to his feet along with the policeman sitting beside him and said:
“I think some of the testimony by Butler is false and I would like to say something about this. I take it that newspapers will report this. Some of it is exaggerated.”
When Ray, speaking in a high-pitched voice with a marked Southern accent, said that he had written about it to Mr. Frisby, Mr. Milton recessed the extradition proceedings for 10 minutes to allow Ray and his attorney to confer.
Lawyer Denies Statement On resuming, Mr. Frisby said his client wanted it known that he had not said that he felt “so trapped;” that he had not said “Oh God” and that he had not collapsed onto a seat in “the manner the chief superintendent described.”
“He made no statement like that to any police officers,” Mr. Frisby said.
Like others providing testimony, Mr. Frisby had to speak slowly in presenting Ray’s reply because all testimony was being taken down in longhand, the procedure usually followed in the Bow Street court.
Asked if he would like to, sign the statement read for him, Ray replied he would. But it could not be learned how he signed his name because court officials would not show the document to the press.
The court usher, assuming that Ray would take the oath in the witness box, asked him for his religion so the appropriate Bible could be used. Ray replied softly that he did not have any religion.
The question of “affirming” then arose, but this would have meant that Ray would have had to give his name in the affirmation statement.
Ray looked at Mr. Frisby, who looked at the chief magistrate, who looked at Ray. The magistrate then accepted Mr. Frisby’s suggestion that the formalities pass and that Ray merely make a statement and answer a few questions without the oath.
Some court lawyers noted that if the suspect used the name Ray he could jeopardize his pending case here. And to use the name Sneyd might leave him open to the additional charge of lying on the witness stand. Moreover, by merely making his unsworn statements while sitting in the witness box, Ray avoided cross-examination.
Evidence on Name In arguing for Ray’s extradition, the United States provided a preview of the case to be presented if he is returned.
Mr. Calcutt read affidavit after affidavit to try to establish that the defendant was in fact James Earl Ray, the man witnesses identified as the purchaser of the rifle, the telescopic sight, the binoculars and as the guest in the rooming house across from Dr. King’s hotel.
“The tragic death of Dr. King was the working of the single hand of this man,” the lawyer said.
Mr. Calcutt apparently did not intend to rule out the possibility of a conspiracy by using the phrase “single hand” of this man, but he seemed to be saying that all evidence linked Ray and only Ray to the rifle and the room overlooking the King hotel.
The British attorney sought to dismiss the defense contention that the slaying was a “political crime” by pointing to Article Three of the extradition treaty, which says that extradition should be granted for “murder (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, poisoning) or an attempt or conspiracy to murder.”
If Ray’s court-appointed lawyers succeed in convincing the chief magistrate that the murder was a “political crime” and thus not extraditable, the defendant can still be extradited under a second warrant that seeks his return as an escaped convict.
Ray escaped in April, 1967, from Missouri State Penitentiary, where he still had 13 years to serve of a 20-year term for armed robbery and car theft.
The problem, however, is that, under the 1931 treaty, if Ray is surrendered on the lesser charge he cannot later be charged in an American court with the murder of Dr. King. The court dealt with both warrants today but most of the evidence presented centered on the King slaying.
Mr. Calcutt began revealing what he said were Ray’s movements up to the time of the crime and shortly thereafter. Quoting from affidavits, he said that Ray had gone to the Aero Marine Supply Company in Birmingham, Ala., on March 29 and had purchased a Winchester. rifle, using the name Harry Lowmyer.
Standing in front of Fred M. Vinson Jr., the United States Assistant Attorney General, who arrived yesterday, Mr. Calcutt said that Ray had called the store the next day and had said that he had talked with his brother and wanted to exchange the rifle. Ray reportedly said he was “going deer hunting in Wisconsin with a brother-in-law.”
He returned the next day, Mr. Calcutt went on. and exchanged the rifle and telescopic lens for a Remington, serial number 461476. The lawyer added that Ray was identified by Donald Wood, owner of the gun store, and a customer, John De Shazo.
Witness Tells of Shot An affidavit from Henrietta Hagemaster, clerk at the New Rebel Motel in Memphis, then placed Ray there for the night of April 3. Another affidavit, from Charles Stephens, resident at the rooming house at 424J/2 South Main Street, placed Ray there the day of the slaying.
“From a bathroom [in the rooming house], a person could see into Dr. King’s room,” the lawyer went on. “At 4 o’clock in the afternoon this defendant1 went into 424 South Main Street, where accommodation was available, and he booked a room.
“As he did this he was seen by a witness—a Mr. Stephens. The defendant got a room and between then and 6 o’clock in the evening he used only the bathroom and lavatory.
“Mr. Stephens, who was in the adjoining room, says that the man used the bathroom and lavatory on three occasions, each time for a long time. At 6 o’clock Mr. Stephens says he heard a shot fired from the bathroom. He came out of his room and saw a man leaving below. He says it was the man who he had seen booking in earlier.
“The defendant left in a hurry, leaving binocular straps in his room. When he got out of the hotel entrance, he turned and left and dropped his kit of rifle, sights and binoculars in a doorway. He then made off in a car waiting nearby,” the lawyer alleged.
The package was dropped in front of an amusement arcade owned by Guy Canipe, who, Mr. Calcutt said, came out and saw a man drive off in a white car.
The police took possession of the rifle and binoculars, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint expert who testified today, George Bone-brake, said that Ray’s fingerprints had been on both.
Political Questioning “The bullet which killed Dr. King,” Mr. Calcutt went on, “was examined and recovered and there is a strong likelihood that the bullet came from the rifle found by the’ police. It is also likely that the strap found in his room belonged to the binoculars found with the rifle.” The recovered rifle, he said, bore the same serial number as the one purchased in Birmingham. It was a .30-’06, model 760.
Mr. Bonebrake, who is with the F.B.I. in Washington, said he had compared the fingerprints he found with the fingerprints of James Earl Ray in Los Angeles police files.
“I found that they belonged to one and the same individual,” he added.
Mr. Bonebrake then underwent some unusual questioning for a fingerprint expert. Mr. Frisby gently put to him a series of questions about the racial situation in the United States, about the role of Dr. King, and about the hostility the Negro leader often en* countered.
Mr. Frisby said the questioning was part of his effort to establish the killing as a “political crime.” Article Six of the extradition treaty says in part that a “fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the crime or the offense in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character.”
Soblen and Eisler Cases At the outset of today’s proceedings, Mr. Frisby asked that no restriction on-publicity under the new Criminal Justice Act be applied to the proceedings, and the magistrate said that the act did not apply today.
The new act, which became effective last Jan. 1, prohibits the publication in England of newspaper reports on preliminary criminal hearings unless the defense requests publication. The idea is to prevent !prejudicing the jury in the actual trial later. But this provision of the act does not apply to extradition proceedings.
The British Government is proceeding carefully in the Ray case in part because of the controversy created in this country
by its handling in 1962 of Dr. Robert A. Soblen, who was convicted of conducting Soviet espionage in the United States and fled to avoid serving a life sentence.
He conducted a 10-week fight to remain in Britain, appealing for political asylum and noting that espionage was not an extraditable offense. The Home Office denied Soblen asylum and ordered him put on an airplane bound for the United States, provoking charges in
Parliament that the Government was in fact extraditing the spy in the name of deportation. Dr. Soblen took an overdose of drugs here on Sept. 11, 1962, and died before he was deported.
Another case recalled by the present one was that of Gerhart Eisler in 1949. He was indicted for making false statements in Washington in order to leave, the United States. He slipped on board the Polish liner Batory in New York Harbor after paying 25 cents to tour as a visitor. The ship sailed and British authorities pulled the East German Communist off the boat in Southampton.
The United States sought his extradition, but the Bow Street magistrate then ruled that the alleged perjury was merely a technical matter and that the United States had failed to show that “Eisler has been guilty of an extradition crime.” Eisler died at the age of Si this March.
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