#angry aztec
mythological-mayhem · 9 months
The four Tezcatlipocas have an insane family dynamic just think about it:
-Huitzilopochtli is the serious kingly leader that tries just a smidge too hard to be funny
-Quetzalcoatl is the nice one that can probably turn on a dime if you piss him off bad enough
-Tezcatlipoca is the one who commits destruction of property for shits and giggles and he gets away with it all the time, because why wouldn't he he's a god
-Xipe Totec is the usually gentle tactical one that's also on the last strand of his sanity trying to keep his family intact (I feel bad for him if he thinks they'll ever be normal)
-And then there's Coyolxauhqui, Huitzilopochtli's sister that isn't part of the four Tezcatlipocas and whom we never talk about like ever.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Quetzalcóatl, is NOT "Only The Feathered-Serpent God, Than is Was Called Too; Kukulcán?!"
    This one, well... Is a bit lamentable, but; I can't blame to anyone than assumes all of this, about this Aztec/Mayan/Toltec/Tlaxcaltec/Mesoamerican Deity: Most books of history, speaked little to nothing; about The Religions of The New World. Today, I'm going to try to makes you see why Quetzalcóatl; was one of the most important Deities in Mesoamerica, and... Is still admired, today!
   Quetzalcóatl, is too: The God of Light and Wisdom, The God of The Winds; The God of The Morning Star, The God Inventor of Books and The Calendar, The God of Arts and Crafts, The Patron God of Priests; The God Giver of Maize, The God of The Chocolate Drink, The God of Justice and Mercy, The God Creator of The Fifth-World Mankind, and... The God of Life!
    Quetzalcóatl, means in Nahuatl; "Quetzal-Feathered Serpent": The Quetzal, is one of the most beautiful birds of Central America, and The Serpent; is one of the most common animals, found there: The Serpent, represents the material world; and The Quetzal, the beauty of the spiritual life; which makes Quetzalcóatl, a Deity with the power of influence in positive ways; in the earthly and divine realms. There are four different stories about his origins: One makes him the youngest son of The Goddess Coatlicue, in other; he is born of a virgin princess than swallows an emerald, in another one; is the son of the same virgin princess, but conceived by a wound with an arrow she recieved; and... The last one, speaked of the same princess; dreamt with the God Ometeotl, and she gave birh to Quetzalcóatl; in an virginal childbirth. (Doesn't matter the version of his birth, each of them pointed firmly; to the perfect nature of this Deity!) He is The God of The Aztecs, Toltecs; Tlaxcaltecs, and of The Ancient Mayans; under two names: The lesser known, Gukumatz; and the most well known... Kukulcán!
    And now... The Qualities than makes great, to Quetzalcóatl!
    The God of Light and Wisdom: All the writed manuscripts left by Aztecs, describe him as a God than speaked in a wise manner. Also, for been the ruler of The West; he was assigned as God of The Light.
    The God of The Winds: He is one of The Governors of the Cardinal Points, which they were called Tezcatlipoca; and Quetzalcóatl, recieved the name of "White Tezcatlipoca"; than presides over The West, including The Winds.
    The God of The Morning Star: Quetzalcóatl, according to a few myths; is associated with The Planet Venus, which is commonly called; "The Morning Star".
    The God Inventor of Books and The Calendar: He is attested, as The God than gave to The Mayan and Aztecs; a calendar to measures time for crops and feasts, and books; to preserves rituals and all the important events, that were worthy to be remembered.
    The God of Arts and Crafts: He invented The Calendar, Books; and... Writing! All of these are the important signals of Civilization, which converts to The Aztecs and Mayans; in one of the most advanced people of Mesoamerica! (Today's Mexico, and parts of Guatemala; Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador)
    The Patron God of Priests: The name that recieved the two principal priests, of The Templo Mayor; (Spanish, for Main Temple) were called Quetzalcóatl, and it was used too by The Aztecs; as an priestly title: These facts, and the fact than he was celibate and practiced fasting; which makes me theorizes than... He could have being... The Patron God of Priests!
    The God Giver of Maize: According to a myth, he was the God than gave to humans; one of the most versatile and nutritious plants, than we still consume regurlarly: Maize! (So... If you enjoy like me of eating popcorn, digs your teeth in corn, or of eating any product made; with Corn's flour... Is thanks, to Quetzalcóatl!)
    The God of The Chocolate Drink: According to a Toltec Myth, he brought the Cacao's Plant to The Toltecs; and teached to the Toltec Women, how to makes the first Chocolate Drink. (So, if you enjoy like me; of a delicious hot drink of Cocoa, in a cold or rainy day... You know now, to who you have to thanks for that; too!)
    The God of Justice and Mercy: He is portraited as a fair Deity, than is a lover of Justice; and of a generally merciful character, which is why he is... The God of Justice and Mercy!
    The God Creator of The Fifth-World Mankind: After the destruction of The Four-World, Quetzalcóatl; descended to the Mictlan (The Aztec Underworld) to extract the sacred bones, necessaries to create a new mankind; which he did with The Goddess Cihuacoátl, after he poured a bit of his own blood; from his earlobes, tongue; calves, and... From another body part, over those same bones. (And... I prefered to don't put here, which was the last part of his body, from were he pulled blood to created to the new humans!)
    The God of Life: For his role as creator of Today's Humans in Mexico and Central America, and than there are legends where he appeared as the only Deity; than was against Human Sacrificies... He is, too... The God of Life!
    The Snake of Chichén Itzá, is an phenomenon of light; where at the sides of The Pyramid of Chichén Itzá, people can see, "The shadow of an snake, going down the pyramid"; during The Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, which atracts thousands of tourist every year: Because there is sculptures of feathered-serpents at the northern side, it makes the effect even more impressive! (...Ancient Technology and Engineering at its best, ladies and gentlemen!)
    Quetzalcóatl, was a Deity than gave everthing to humans to thrive; and was very beloved, BUT... At the end, he had to leave. There are many myths, of why of the absence of this magnanimous Deity; today, but... I'm only going to put the two more importants: The first, of a conspiracy against the benevolent God; and the second... Is a mistake than forces him, to leave the place and people he loves!
    In the first, he governed for ten years; where no human sacrificies were allowed, and... I don't remembered well, if was only a group of people; or people conspiring with the Gods than felt neglected, but... At the end of the story, after making felt despise and hated, he had to fleed of the land he ruled with love and justice.  In the second, the tale takes a look into Quetzalcóatl's fall from grace...
     Quetzalcóatl, was celibate and never drink alcohol; and never was saw neglecting his religious duties, or doing something against the rules he set for everybody; in other words, "He walk his talk"; and was an example for his people, but... There was somebody than decides to change everything, to... No good: The rival of Quetzalcóatl, his brother; Tezcatlipoca!
     Tezcatlipoca, The God of The Night; tricked to his brother, to painted his face and consumed a drink than was the Pulque; (a traditional Mexican alcoholic beverage, made with fermented sap of the agave's plant) without known what was the drink, and the effect than will cause of him. The thing is, than Quetzalcóatl ended very drunk; and... He waked up the next day, with Quetzalpetlatl; than was his sister, and a Celibate Priestess! Full of remorse, he leaved the room, and there is two different versions; of what he did next, to wash his shame: One version says, than he asked to his servants to makes him a stone chest, and after being adorned and said goodbye to his servants; lay over his chest, and used fire to die, and his ashes flew to the sky with his heart; which became The Morning Star. The second version, (less violent) he takes a ship in the coast of The Gulf of Mexico. In both stories, he said than he will returned one day; with a set of signals than will announces his return.
    Curious fact: Quetzalcóatl, has two representations in Mesoamerican Art. One, is the Feathered-Serpent; most have seen or known; and the second, is his human form... With white pale skin, beard and blond! (Where The People of Mesoamerica saw someone like that, before The Arrival of Europeans in The New World?! [Sorry, for that: I heared it years ago, but... I'm still freaking out! ])
    Now... The legend of "Moctezuma believed than Cortez was his beloved Quetzalcóatl, and provoques by his belief; the End of The Aztec Empire..." ...It wasn't true: Cortez wrote to The King of Spain; lying him by saying, than The Aztecs mistankely believed he was a God; to justify The Conquest of Today's Mexico and part of Central America. In fact, Moctezuma made a test to The Spaniards to see if they were really Gods; after many disasters hitted The Empire, before Cortez came. (I can only imagine his dissapointment after the test, when he saw than neither of The Spaniards; were Quetzalcóatl...) Besides... I heared than most of The Aztecs, wasn't so convinced about it; and they only attacked to The Spaniards, after they losed all respect to Moctezuma; when they percieved than their Emperor, betrayed them.
    In resumen, Quetzalcóatl is a being than is a positive influence of Light and Wisdom; than still appeares in The Media, (Sadly, mostly in negative ways) but he shines so brightly; than his myths takes out all the bad images we could have of him, once we read his myths with eyes of respect and wonder.  And... I never got why Moctezuma, confused to Hernan Cortez with Quetzalcóatl; when Quetzalcóatl is such a good being, and Cortez; well... He was a liar, a thief; a cold-blooded murderer, and... A VERY LONG, etcetera!
    And... This is all about the Mesoamerican God, than helped to shapes to two of the greatests civilizations of this part of The World; which still impress us and amazes us, by his inventive; wisdom and selfless acts for Mankind: Quetzalcóatl!
   Than all of you, find Wisdom; Spirituality and Goodness, all the days of your lives... So Be It!
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danielpulse85 · 1 year
Have you ever listened Ain't staying alive from Horrible Histories? Because it's in my playlist and this just happened while I was listening haha
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ruinpowder · 2 years
watching a donkey kong 64 playthrough and thinking of him
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butchwink · 5 months
i was always a girly little fag. i accepted boyhood more and more because you all kept insisting on it. alison mulawyshyn youre no better than my mother and you all cant stand trannies. you love me so much as a boy and will never get over it
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bookcoversonly · 8 months
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Title: Angry Aztecs | Author: Terry Deary | Publisher: Scholastic (2016)
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suppermariobroth · 11 months
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In Angry Aztec in Donkey Kong 64, Diddy Kong must make a tall temple rise from the ground by activating four gongs. Doing this makes a Tiny Kong music pad appear. When Tiny plays her saxophone on the pad while in Mini-Monkey form, Squawks flies by, picks her up and carries her to the top of the temple, where she can enter it through a hole in the roof.
However, it is possible through a glitch to cause the music pad to appear without making the temple itself rise. Playing the saxophone on the pad in this case still calls Squawks, who acts as though the temple was there and attempts to carry Tiny to the entrance.
This results in a unintended scenario where Squawks picks Tiny up, tells her to "hold on tight", only to then simply drop her from a great height, as seen in the footage.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: youtube.com user "TJ Blakely"
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prying-pandora666 · 11 months
The Castlevania: Nocturne discourse is stupid
It’s not that Castlevania Nocturne is a perfect show. Not by any means. It has a lot to criticize.
But it also has a lot to praise and grapples with historical AND still relevant issues unapologetically in a way you rarely see in media.
And yet discourse has been so, so stupid.
Why are there gays?
People angry about gay characters, as if vampires aren’t inherently gay as hell. Look at them! Do vampires scream “tough, gender conforming dude bros”? Or Christian good boys?
No! They’ve always been gender bending, rich and bitchy little deviants who will fuck and eat anything.
Annette bad!
People upset a black lady character exists and is allowed to be angry after having escaped literal chattel slavery.
Even though she isn’t some pandering palette swap, she is organically relevant to a story set in the French Revolution dealing with themes of oppression and class.
Richter is a weak soy boy bitch! The downfall of masculinity! Other fragile bullshit!
People upset our protagonist man has realistic PTSD from watching his mother be violently killed right in front of him as a small child.
He represses himself, goes with the flow, and doesn’t lead for himself. Still he is brave and skilled until he is triggered and set on a path to rediscover his agency and true potential. A story of overcoming not with physical strength alone, but with spiritual and mental strength as well.
What do they call such a fleshed our character?
“A little bitch who needs women to boss him around”.
I just…?
Is media literacy THAT friggin dead?
Is it really?
Or is everyone only half-watching the show while on their phones?
I can’t even begin to explain how demoralizing it is to see so many people so upset about mere aesthetics while completely missing the point.
In conclusion…
Nocturne’s pacing is whack and the 3D animation can be choppy at times, which is all the more jarring when the animation gets smooth and gorgeous. Almost as if they’re skimping out on some of those other scenes to save budget for the big set pieces.
Still worth the watch.
There’s an Aztec vampire that can turn into a giant feathered snake and is generally against all factions and just wants to live his best life and I never thought my werewolf-named self would relate to a vampire of all things, but I love him.
Sorry, Richter.
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wikiweird · 1 year
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Bucket of Blood Street is located off U.S. Route 66 in the Old Downtown district of Holbrook, Arizona. Bucket of Blood Street is one block south of the historical Santa Fe Railroad station on Navajo Road that was built in 1882. Holbrook was founded in the 1880s as a railroad stop. At the time, the desert town was mainly populated by ranchers, outlaws, cowboys and cattle rustlers, and was known for its gun fights. Holbrook had a reputation as a "town too tough for women and churches".
Terrell's Cottage Saloon had existed on the street for years before coming to be known as Bucket of Blood Saloon, after a violent fight took place resulting in the death of two men. The saloon was popular with cowboys and ruffians; fistfights and gunfights often broke out there. The year 1886 was a particularly violent one and the town lost about ten percent of its population. A fight broke out at the saloon during a card game between rival cattle rustlers, including wranglers from the Hashknife Outfit of the Aztec Land and Cattle Company. The result of the fight was described as though a bucket of blood had been spilled on the floor.
A newspaper account describes another event on January 19, 1896, when the proprietor of the saloon shot and killed two men playing cards: "Suddenly a dispute arose and angry words passed between them." The manager of the saloon, Harry Donnelly, used a revolver to force another man, George C. Hiatt, a barber, into the street and shot him "through the heart" in front of the town drug store. Donnelly was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Hofford who was acting as the county sheriff, as Commodore Perry Owens was out of town at the time. The newspaper report claims that when the widow Hiatt heard the news she fell "lifeless to the floor". The saloon was owned at the time by F. J. Wattron, however Donnelly managed it.
Albert F. Potter's memoir, written around 1888, describes the events leading to the name Bucket of Blood somewhat differently. He wrote of participating in a "roundup on the Little Colorado River range … 12 miles east of Holbrook." At sunrise two horsemen were seen riding towards his party from the direction of Holbrook. One man shouted, "Here we come! All shot to pieces." The head of the other man was wrapped in bloody bandages covering a serious wound. Potter went on to write: "We recognized them as Joe Crawford, a cowboy who had worked for the Aztec Land and Cattle Company known as the Hashknife Outfit, and George Bell, a gambler. Crawford was so weak [from his wounds] that he had to be lifted from the horse he was riding. We laid him on the horse wrangler's bed and with a handful of flour from the cook's bread pan I plastered the wound on his head and stopped the bleeding. Examination showed that a bullet had also passed through the cuff of his shirt and coat sleeve, and just grazed the side of his body. Scars of other old wounds showed that this was not Crawford's first fight."
Potter then describes Bell's involvement in an incident during a card game with a man named Ramon Lopez, during which Lopez struck Crawford in the head with his six-shooter gun. Crawford retaliated by drawing his gun and killing Lopez. Shooting then broke out in the saloon, and Crawford killed another man, after which "Crawford and Bell then made their getaway". Potter went on to write that he believed Joe Crawford "was in fact Grat Dalton, a member of the notorious Dalton Gang of outlaws who was later killed during an attempted bank robbery at Coffeyville, Kansas". Potter concluded that this was the backstory to the naming of Bucket of Blood Saloon.
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tired-reader-writer · 6 months
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Enabled NY @insert-clever-username-1133 here is the AU lore I have come up with for Liminal: The Unstraying.
Put under the cut because I have a suspicion it will get long.
Geduldh as an eldritch goddess of decay right alongside earth, winter, etc. Geduldh being powerful.
In the AU lore, if Ewigeliebe hadn't gone bananas and constantly tried to reduce everything to white sand out of jealousy, dead things would decay and “return to the earth” and in turn enrich it, enrich her. Underground, caves, and such are frequently associated with death and the afterlife in many of our religions and myths, what if the same applied to Geduldh? Or would've applied, if not for Ewigeliebe. Maybe the soul still ascends to the heights but the body returns to her warm embrace, maybe she's supposed to have both. They're her descendants after all. The all-mother.
Let's take a look at Aztec cosmology for instance.
So there were two earthly entities (Coatlicue and Cipactli) both of whom were characterized as ever hungering Lovecraftian horrors. Coatlicue was said to she “feed on corpses, as the earth consumes all that dies”, a goddess of also war and childbirth I believe. On the other hand, Cipactli represented the earth floating in the primeval waters— no idea how the two were related to one another but a source did mention Coatlicue as having originally been a priestess not a goddess so who knows really— who ate anything the four sun gods made because there was no land and so their creations kept falling into the primordial ocean. They had to kill the thing and make it into the earth (even then Cipactli wasn't really dead, so had to be sated with blood sacrifices so it won't go all murder-happy on the rest of the population). Also Cipactli was described as “always hungry, every joint on its body was adorned with an extra mouth”.
Heck, even outside of Aztec cosmology if we look at say Demeter, she's still fucking terrifying? Like, she can withhold her blessings so that nothing would grow? Her sulking/grief over Persephone nearly killed the world? WINTER EXISTS BECAUSE SHE REFUSES TO LET ANYTHING GROW????
And Persephone herself, even if it's debatable whether she actually was a nature goddess or not (sources vary), is still like. Both a nymph and a fuck-off terrifying queen of the underworld.
I'm not sure if it's canon but while fics invoke Geduldh's name in euphemisms to mean passivity... Sure, canon Geduldh may be like that, but what if she was allowed to be angry? The thought that earth goddesses are supposed to be all demure and passive is kinda laughable.
She's compassionate and wants to embrace her children in death but she can't and that makes her fucking angry. And perhaps Geduldh's all-encompassing acceptance is an offshoot of her father's all-devouring hunger/loneliness. She is her father's daughter, after all, and it would be fun if she was more like him than anybody else.
Darkness and earth could be very plausibly linked too, in my opinion, like so:
“Never fear the darkness, Bran. The strongest trees are rooted in the dark places of the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your mother's milk. Darkness will make you strong.”
“The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.”
Also earthquakes are terrifying, let me tell ya, and I haven't even experienced a big one.
On the topic of earthquakes— Remember that Mycenaean Greece's Poseidon was more an earth/underworld god with the “earth-shaker” epithet than a sea god and Hades didn't exist in that era and Zeus wasn't the most important god back then— Poseidon the earth-shaker was.
And on the topic of passivity, it actually made me think of Cinderella, and how Cinderella to me is a tale of an abuse victim persevering and escaping her abusive situation. She remains kind and polite bc you know abusers, they don't take well to being talked back to or anything like that, they see any sign of discontent, they bring down their boot on you ever harder. I know this because I'm in an abusive household at the bottom of the totem pole 🥲 People have talked about and analyzed the Cinderella story from this angle far better than I have, and I hope y'all come across such analyses eventually. I'm not too physically well to do an in-depth dive into this one unfortunately.
Geduldh is trapped in an abusive marriage. Her family doesn't cast Ewigeliebe out or kill him because they (it was the God of Darkness in particular I think) want living things. How does Geduldh feel about any of it? Of her body being used like that? Unclear in canon. But what if in the AU, she's angry?
It's not that she doesn't want children or living beings, far from it, it's just that she wants a say in how Yurgenschmidt is governed. She is also associated with compassion if I recall correctly, and noble society... is the opposite of compassionate.
And to add to the fucked up cake we have... The goddess of Chaos. If I remember correctly she desired the God of Darkness but couldn't obtain him but what if. What if she had a fucked up Petyr Baelish thing going on, like he saw Sansa Stark as the daughter he could've had with Catelyn but also desiring Sansa to be his, same dynamic between the Chaos Goddess and Geduldh, the child most like the God of Darkness.
All of that cumulates in Geduldh making a divine messenger in the form of a Devouring child born mysteriously fatherless in the Adalgisa Palace. Well, twins. But Horaia's is a whole nother thing not many will be stoked to learn about since they're an OC and I've already posted about their backstory on tumblr before, so we're skipping over it.
Bonus round: Geduldh's Monster.
Not the backstory, but the Vibes™ Horaia, especially civil war era Horaia, is supposed to give:
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The vibe of blood vessels being exposed and pulsating, even on armor and clothes, like they're a part of Horaia's body itself. Not literal blood vessels but like. Looks close enough to be Creepy™. The armor is them and they're the beast the monster the killing machine on the battlefield, it's just another of the roles they play. Horaia already feels like they're acting out roles in hopes of not sticking out as inhuman among noble society (it's naaaaasty) so this time, why not lean into a role they'll fear out of spite? (In the sense of “oh you preach cruelty to me? you want cruelty? FINE I'LL GIVE YOU CRUELTY.”)
Like Hector who spooks his son because he was wearing a war helmet and it symbolizing how war makes monsters out of them all? Somewhat like that but entirely voluntarily.
Horaia, touching the face of her betrothed Ferdinand, the one whose hand in marriage they won in ditter after Magdalena ditched him (not out of romantic love, it's entirely platonic, both Ferdinand and Horaia in this AU being aroace, but a deep desperate sense of friendship, codependency, attachment, and duty), asking him “If I become something unforgivable, would you still love me?” and afterwards accepting Geduldh's (+chaos') blessings into their body to become That™. Corrosive, devouring magic, if you know the Shadow from Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel? Yeah, that. The same effect that thing has on pretty much everything.
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A drawing of Horaia as Zent, disheveled and bitter and resigned, to close this post off.
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The names I picked out for the animated/illustrated Horrible History characters from the show/books !! (Note that most of the names were taken from Fantasy Name Generator)
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Savage Stone Age caveman = Grug
Awesome Egyptians mummy = Ma-nefer
Awful Egyptians pharaoh = Senouphis
Groovy Greeks soldier = Lossif Vallelis
Rotten Romans soldier = Septimus Sergius Silius
Rotten Romans gladiator = Postumius Volso
Cut-Throat Celt warrior = Niall Ó Mocháini
Smashing Saxons lady = Mathilda Withburga
Smashing Saxons warrior = Beorhtnoth the Hammer
Vicious Viking = Ragnar Sverre
Monk = Vierfuel Vozier
Stormin’ Normans knight = Norman (Ba-dum tss)
Angry Aztec noble = Nahuapan
Incredible Incas lady (2009 HHTV) = Tamya Ñaccha Arotinco
Incredible Incas lady 2 (HH book cover) = Yawar Chamba Allauca
Measly Middle Ages knight = Richard the Honorable
Measly Middle Ages peasant = Egbert
Radical Renaissance = Philip Amideo
Terrible Tudors commoner = Ella (Elizabeth) Amideo
Terrible Tudors headsman = Timothy Chopsalot
Roundhead officer = Victory (Canon name !)
Jacobite Soldier (Blood Scotland/Edinburgh) = Lennox Whyte
Gorgeous Georgians lady = Lady Jane
Putrid Pirate = Wycliff Gabranth
Vile Victorian commoner = Benjamin J. Harold (Funfact, his canon name is Harold)
Vile Victorian chimney sweep = Archie
Awesome USA cowboy = Daniel 'Long Shot' Osborne
Frightful First World War British soldier = Ronnie Burke
Heroic Home front british soldier = Harper Wilkins
Woeful Second World War British soldier = Howard Newman
Woeful Second World War captain = Dale Ernest
Blitz Britz Lady = Madeleine Fletcher
Troublesome 20th Century hippie = Daisy Harper
Wales miner (book) = Toby Mills
Fabulous French guard = Médard Marais (I’m calling him a guard for now there’s so much ranks and terms in the French Revolution wiki I’m getting so confused)
HHTV News reporter = Simon Skirmish (Canon name) S9 EP3
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BBC Launch crew (left to right) S9 EP15
Sydnie Presencia Valle
Aspen Bayard
Lennard Holmes
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Eirunn (Ragnar’s daughter !!) S9 EP11
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That’s about it for now, will update when I come up with more names !!
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smallmariofindings · 2 years
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In Donkey Kong 64, there is an unused copy of the Stealthy Snoop minigame that contains remnants of the Angry Aztec main map out of bounds, including two Golden Bananas, one of which is shown in the screenshot. It is impossible to collect these Golden Bananas because not only are they out of bounds inside a minigame, the minigame itself is not accessible from the game in the first place as no scripts exist that load it.
Despite Donkey Kong 64 being a game with hundreds of documented glitches that allow the player to access unintended areas and move through them in unintended ways, even with all these methods, these Golden Bananas are so inaccessible that there is no currently known way to obtain them.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source: youtube.com user “Ballaam”
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ririjoestar · 5 months
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(Actually posted this on Jonathan's Birthday)
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Little notes:
This isn't a hate post on David Productions nor the creative directors and artist behind Phantom Blood. Cutting a scene is normal in literatures and other adaptations. We're not angry they cut some scenes. We don’t know what the decisions DP are making. Nor we are bad mouthing dp as not being true to the source material. We just said some scenes were cut.
Additional things I forgot to mention.
The opening of the chapter about the stone mask (Aztec). Jonathan finishing his training. Dio and Jonathan's pocket watch. Challenge of 77 rings.
I usually post on Tiktok.
Also opened a Twitter and Youtube profile to connect and talk about jojo slightly.
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
BG3 and the Second Sundering
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You know what? I might ramble a bit about DnD Lore, because I am recently starting to get really into the lore. And I think that the Second Sundering is super interesting in terms of how it might connect to BG3 and its characters.
Quick refresher for everyone who (like me) never really had any contact with the lore of DnD and specifically the Forgotten Realms prior to 2023.
The Forgotten Realms is more or less the main setting for DnD and describes a collection of worlds that are technically speaking connected to our world. The main world most of the lore happens is called Toril, though frankly: Toril mostly consists of Faerûn (where most plot happens) and then an assorted collection of stereotypical settings that are mostly "Fantasy-East-Asia", "Fantasy-Egypt", "Fantasy-Africa" and "Fantasy-Aztecs".
The Forgotten Realms have magic (the Weave) and a wide collection of gods. And most worldwide storylines can be best described as: Bhaal, Myrkul, Bane, and Shar do some bullshit. And: Ao (who totally is not based on YHW) has issues.
Most of the recent events within the lore are all connected to those things. To give you a quick rundown:
The laws of the Forgotten Realms were written down by Ao in the Tablets of Fate, and about a hundred years ago Myrkul and Bane stole those tablets trying to give themselves more power. This made Ao angry at all the other gods and throw them out of the Astral planes. Stuff happened. More stuff happened. The Tablets of Fate were found again and Ao decided to destroy them to prevent something like that from happening again. Which lead to the Spellplague among other things. But we are not talking about the Spellplague today. No, we are talking about the Second Sundering, which happened just a few years ago from the perspective of Baldur's Gate 3.
Because Ao decided to reforge the Tablets of Fate to properly put the worlds of the Forgotten Realms back into order. And here is a thing you need to understand about the gods in the Forgotten Realms: They all, with no exception, strive for more power. No matter how Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil they are, they strive for power. And they all knew: When the Tablets would be reforged, the gods' powers would be more pinned down compared to how free they were without the tablets. So, all the gods tried to get more powers by getting more followers. To archive this, they all got themselves more chosen, so that they could be more present on Toril, which is how this most notably affected the people on the world.
The main events of the Second Sundering happened between 1484 and 1487 DR. (BG3 takes place in 1492 DR.)
Now, I will not go into too much detail of what happened. The tl;dr is that the usual people (the dead three and Shar) did their usual bullshit, some of the chosen were kidnapped and at times killed, there were several wars, some of the effects of the Spellplague were reversed, and some dead gods came back (including Mystra, but that is a story all on its own).
Within the world not all people even learned what was going on. Like, sure, people would have known about the wars and some might have heard some rumors about the chosen running around and stuff, but they would not have learned exactly what was going on with the gods and with the tablets of fate.
Still, some of the characters in BG3 would probably have known of - and even been involved in - in the events. Most notably of course Gale, who as a chosen of Mystra would be involved into everything in one way or another. Again, Mystra is probably a topic on her own. But yeah, Gale would have been involved somehow.
Chances are that Wyll's entire thing with defending the city from the Tiamat people, was also probably somehow connected to it.
The same goes of course for Shadowheart. She might in fact not fully remember this - but she was most certainly somehow dragged into those events by Shar.
The other three origin characters would not have been that involved. I firmly believe that Astarion knew next to nothing about what the fuck was going on, due to Cazador keeping the Spawn kinda away from the outside world except for hunting. And while the Second Sundering did involve some events in the Hells and on the Astral Plane, I doubt that Lae'zel or Karlach were very involved.
Ironically, someone who might well have been deeply involved would have been the Dark Urge. Because Bhaal was fairly involved in everything going on. Heck, chances are that even Gortash and Orin were in some way involved. Not quite sure about Ketheric. But those two? Yeah, probably involved.
And, you know. I think it is kinda a funny thing to think about. With everything happening there and how the characters - and in fact the events - being connected.
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mythological-mayhem · 5 months
Hello idk if someone asked you this before but what singers/bands do you think the 4 tezcatlipoca listen too? (As well any other Aztec gods you want to list as well)
I thought about Tezcatlipoca liking aurelio voltaire but it could be because I see him maybe liking the gothic aesthetic since he’s associated with the night and things dark ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (also I think there was a myth saying him and quetz inventing music for the world so there’s that too)
Okay so I love love love this ask because JKDDFVVKJZDDHG RAMBLING TIME
So Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl did invent music. That’s why I sometimes hc that they’ll go to Broadway musicals or shows together, and sometimes they surprisingly both listen to classical music (specifically piano) because it tends to remind them about the quote unquote “earlier” forms of music (without lyrics). Now, I do think Tezcatlipoca occasionally listens to popular artists at the moment, but generally yea he listens to gothic aesthetic music (and electronic, because I can see him listening to it a lot somehow).
Huitzilopochtli also likes electronic music. It fits his fast paced vibe and the energy of...yk being the sun. He also tends to listen to songs without lyrics, but in that group he primarily listens to electronic or some other type of fast-paced music. He also gets dragged to Broadway musicals by his brothers, and while he doesn’t admit it he thinks it’s kind of cool.
Xipe Totec’s playlist would be more mellow, with more classical artists and occasionally just vibe music, yk? But his music tastes are the hardest to pin down for me because while he’s portrayed as benevolent and I like to think of him as this patient, quiet guy, he can also be ruthless, angry, and all the generally negative things that embody his being. So maybe he listens to more hardcore music. The sudden change from gentle music to rock or whatever the hell that guy likes will be pretty jarring but you get used to it (read: Tez has now withdrawn from stealing his AirPods because he has no fucking idea what song’s going to be playing in there).
Anyway I’m sorry this was kind of long and I didn’t name too many actual bands or singers/artists, but I kind of read this as their general music tastes if that’s ok lol 😅 plus idk that many artists in their range of music taste sooo
But seriously, whoever you are thank you so much for this ask, it made my day! 😄😄
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beacon-of-chaos · 1 year
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Since Quetza is in the @sonic-oc-showdown, I figured I'd fill out one of these questionnaires I've seen around. I apologise, I'm not sure who came up with it, but I first saw it on @bunnymajo's page.
FYI: Some of this stuff I am coming up with on the fly!
Name: Quetza the Snake
Species: Winged Snake. No particular type of snake in mind.
Type: Flight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Home: Station Square?
Quetza claims to be either the reincarnation, descendant, or chosen one of the ancient god Quetzacoatl. The answer differs each time you ask her, but it's hard to deny. She's a snake born with wings and she has magical abilities, specifically control over wind and air, and shapeshifting, which is why she has four arms. She travels the world, looking for clues about her true nature. She has an easy going nature and can be shy, but opens up quickly to those are friendly to her. She loves fashion, junk food, and video games. She doesn't like to fight, but can defend herself if she needs to, using gusts of wind to fly around and using her shapeshifting to extend her arms or tail for quick strikes.
✨How did you come up with the OC’s name?
She's inspired by the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent god. Quetzalcoatl means "precious serpent" in the Nahuatl language, so her name could roughly be translated as Precious the Snake!
Note: It's pronounced KET-zah. :)
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
She's an adult. Late 20s, I guess?
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
No. She gains crushes easily, and forgets them almost as quickly.
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
Ice cream! She has a real sweet tooth.
💼  - What do they do for a living?
Uh... I haven't thought that far yet.
So, at this point I need to explain. Quetza is literally just my fursona; wish fufilment in all its forms XD. She doesn't have a story, per se.
So I could give her a boring office job like mine. Or maybe say that she's something really cool? Like my version of the Rookie?
How about this: she started as a scout for the Resistance and is now a manager/organiser at the Restoration, working closely with Jewel.
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies?
Video games, mostly action/adventure types.
🎯  -What do they do best?
Flying! With her wind magic aiding her, no one can fly faster or more skillfully!
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Shopping and exploring! She travels often, looking for clues about her past, but she's always looking for a nice city to stay in when she does so.
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
I think when she realised exactly what her powers could do. Figuring that out about herself would be a big moment.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Probably getting bullied for being a freak by the other kids when she was younger :(
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
No, she's changed a fair bit since her first design. I literally added the extra arms cos I thought it was cool and her hairstyle has changed a lot (as you can see in the above pictures). She also used to be a rattlesnake cos I thought it would be cute if she rattled when scared/angry. IDK, might bring that back.
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
I like snakes and I always thought the idea of a snake with wings was cool. I really fell in love with the concept of Coatls in D&D a while back so I wanted to make that my 'sona.
🌂  - What genre do they belong in?
IDK, what do Sonic games count as? Action? Sci-fi (there's a lot of robots, after all)?
💚  -What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Genderfluid transwoman, bisexual.
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
I think pretty good? I don't have parents for her in mind yet.
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
Shout out to @kuchintta for the comission I got.
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Almost never. This is the most I've ever written about her and I don't actually draw much.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No! That would be like killing myself.
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?
Hm. My phobia is of heights, but she can fly so there's no way that would scare her. I guess not!
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
That jerk at Restoration HQ who always gets the best snacks from the vending machine first! How does he always get there so quick?
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
About a year... apparantly! Wow, that's gone by quick!
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