arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Any ideas of a date for when you are gonna post the GOW fic? Could be really cool if you post on Ragnarok release date anyversary.
I don't have any dates at the moment; I just caught Covid, so I've been focusing on getting better ^^;; Posting on the game's anniversary is a nice idea (though I do feel a bit embarrassed at the thought loll my fic doesn't need that much ceremony XDD) I'll think about it!
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digitalagepulao · 1 year
@greatdevourer1231954 replied to your post “You said in a comment that you see Odin more of an...”:
just saw you comment and thanks for explaining, but even after reading, is still hard for me to see him as an antagonist rather than a villain, i mean after everything he did- Killing Ymir, murdering Groa, Letting Freyr burn, manipulating Freya and abusing his family. Is hard to see him as someone complicated, because he choose to do theses things. I kinda just wished they like explained what exactly happened to him to become this monster/ tyrant.
​that's fair, his actions are quite villanous and tbh what counts as a "villain" depends a lot on the viewer since again, it's a matter of characterization.
for me personally, a villain is someone who's just evil for the sake of being evil. again, think of the stereotypical devil or the classic disney villains. they're just Like That and that's all there is to it. meanwhile, i view the character and their actions separately, so while Odin's actions are villainous, he himself isn't because that's not the brand of characterization he's been given.
to take a step back, i think that the writer's team did a very good presentation of the thesis that "power doesn't corrupt, it reveals" with their gods. people talk a lot about what they'd do if they were president or ceo or whatever, it's fun but ultimately meaningless cus it's never going to happen. (é conversa de bar, sabe? xD)
but as a god, Odin lives that possibility everyday because he Has that power. so without the hurdle of powerlessness, he gets to indulge in every base and nasty whim and desire he can. He killed Ymir for even more power, and now that he had a taste of power that evades even gods, he wants That as well. if to become a CEO of a massive corporation, you have to lie, cheat and steal and bulldoze over hundreds of people in a capitalist sense, then to become greater than a god you have to do even worse.
he did indeed choose to do these things, but another thesis they do well is the "banality of evil". i don't wanna graft a thesis about the nazis and the Holocaust onto a fantasy story, but le'ts just look at the core of it: that evil is easy once it's normalized, and that anyone is capable of not only supporting but actively helping to do some of the greatest acts of evil imaginable. on that lense, what could be called villainous acts become quite mundane, even if Odin did choose to do all that when he could have chosen otherwise at literally any point. when you write gods with great powers as human, and therefore fallible of all the evils and cycles of vices humans can get trapped into, doing all the things that Odin did is as possible and rationally comprehensible as Thor struggling with alcoholism.
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greatdevourer1231954 · 2 months
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Episode 1: The Average day of the Man of Steel
Summary: Just another normal day in Superman's life.
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sparrow-in-boots · 1 year
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okay so, the way i see it, what makes someone a giant or an Aesir or a Vanir is their heritage. if your parents are X and Y, then you have the chance to inherit skills and powers from X and Y, you're both at the same time. but what makes you decide to identify with one or the other or both at the same time, is mostly related to how you're raised.
the powers are a blood inheritance, but the identity is yours to choose. in Norse mythology, Vali and Vidarr are Aesir gods but they have giant blood from their mother's side; in my AU Týr took them to their mother to be raised away from Odin, and when it was time he took them to other pantheons to survive the decimation of Jotunheim. As such, they identify as giants even if they have god blood.
In the games they don't seem to make much of a distinction of god tribes; they are all "gods", foreign or local. Kratos is neither Vanir nor Aesir, but he's a god and so is Atreus, and Atreus isn't Olympian either. He's just "a god". but like to use the distinctions because 1. they matter on the scope of powers and reach, and 2. it gives more depth to divine identities and the social and political rules involved.
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fimbulvetrblues · 11 months
What do the norns think of Loki? i mean him appearing from another timeline must have at least suprised then a little bit. And what about the monkey king? What do the norns think of his nature?
oh they are surprised alright ahdajhdbwajhw my guy is a mystery to everyone he runs into, but once they study him and realize he's somewhat connected to the weave of Fate of their lands, they relax and let him do his thing.
as for Wukong, he's a predictable guy for them, though they don't enjoy some foreign gods making a mess of their weaves. takes some cajoling from Loki for them to stop messing with him, since they can manipulate his fate and all.
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
You know what would be really cute to see happen with Fenrir? In norse myths, Hyrrokkin is a female jötunn who launched the largest of all ships at Baldur's funeral after the Æsir gods were unable to budge the vessel. What makes her interesting is that she arrives on a giant wolf with vipers as reins. I like to think that this wolf is a female and lives in Ironwood and soon becomes Fenrir´s mate and soon they have, wait for it... GIANT PUPPIES!! Just imagine Atreus and Calliope reaction too that
Awww that would be super cute!! I can definitely see that happening sometime after the fic; Hyrrokkin and her wolf could each have their own marble, and when Atreus brings them back, he's super happy to meet the wolf loll And then the puppies!! They'd probably be bigger than Speki and Svanna, but Calliope would love to be around them and give them treats! :DDD
Though, the puppies would likely cause a ruckus in Ironwood loll They'll need a big enough space to play around in that isn't too close to anybody's house! XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Are helwalkers still a thing in midgard? Or they are basicly gone since Hel is not anymore overpopulated.
Yes, I'd say there aren't a lot of Hel walkers now since the Valkyries-turned-Shield Maidens are back to work. There's still quite a bit of Draugr roaming around, though! XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
You know what would be really angst to see happening in some future God of War? Kratos and Atreus having to unfortunaly fight Hel (Atreus and Angrboda´s daughter), they don´t want to but she is being controlled by someone and was turned into a troll size, rage-monster, with half her body incased in iced spikes and attack everyone like a wild animal. Leaving Kratos and Atreus with no other choice, but to stop her.
Oh goodness, that would be quite angsty! This actually reminded me of the fight with Callisto in GoW: Ghost of Sparta; having Hel do something similar would make a pretty interesting parallel! And also traumatize Kratos even further loll ^^;;
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Here's an interesting question- Do you think the Aesir and Asgardians would suffer prejudice from the Giants if they ever visited Jötunheim? It sounds kind of bad, but after everything Odin and Thor have done, I feel like this would happen a lot. With some Giants even cursing them.
Oh, I definitely think they would! In my fic, the Giants actually don't allow any Aesir to come into Jotunheim (and they're not fond of the fact that Atreus is friends with Thrud because of parentage, and that she carries Mjolnir around). If any Aesir did manage to visit Jotunheim, they'd be under heavy scrutiny, and I can imagine the Giants being "polite" in a passive-aggressive kinda way XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
How would the Giant community react when Atreus and Angrboda have a child (Hel)? I mean a child from the Champion of the Jotnar would be kind of a big deal, if you think about it
Sorry for the late reply; I think the Giant community would be very happy for Atreus and Angrboda! They'd have a whole celebration with a big feast and everything XDD And I can see their daughter being a big deal if someone has a vision about her; it could create some interesting drama, like the kind surrounding Faye when she was arguing with the Giants about the Kratos+Atreus prophecies. But all that aside, I think the community would just be happy to see a new generation of Giants popping up :DDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Do the Giants from the community have any type of celebration when one of their own returns home? Do they also have a celebration to the end of Odin and the Aesirs reign? Because i think a Jotnar festival would be so amazing and beutiful.
I definitely think they would! They'd throw a feast for the one returning home; I also think they'd celebrate the anniversary of Odin's fall with a big feast XDD Everyone would dress up in their nicest clothes, get out all their instruments for some music-making, and share stories! I like to imagine the festivities lasting for a week, mostly for all the story-sharing, and catching up with each other, and all that fun stuff loll
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Here´s a question about Atreus- Do you think that if Atreus had interact with other children and made friends earlier in his childhood (before the events of 2018 game, for example), do you think his personality would be a little diferent?
Hmm I haven't thought about this scenario much, so I might not have a lot to share ^^;; I think making friends at a young age probably would've helped with Atreus' abandonment issues if he had more than just Kratos to lean on. Especially in Ragnarok - if he's already had friends by that point, he might not be as awkward with the Angrboda and Skjoldr and the others, and he wouldn't feel as alone (which he mentions to Kratos during their Garm quest).
It could also make him more determined to stop Odin and the rest, because now he has these other friends he wants to protect (aside from Kratos, though Kratos takes priority after Atreus learns of his death-prophecy).
That's all I can think of for now; though, if I sit on it, I may end up with more thoughts loll
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Anything new on the GOW fanfic of yours?
Yes, actually! I've gotten back into writing it, albeit slower than before. I decided to just focus on the upcoming Atreus-Calliope-Sindri section rather than worry about all the other characters and how Calliope and Kratos might re-bond. I have a feeling their dynamic will just happen naturally over time loll so I won't be directing too much of my energy into that part, at least not right now XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
How are things between Týr and the giants? I bet he´s the only Aesir that they let to visit their realm, not to mention that he would be glad that they are not dead.
You're on point! Tyr is the only god of the Aesir who gets to visit Jotunheim, thanks to in no small part because his parents are living in Ironwood - Hymir and Hróðr!
I'm going with the version of myths that Tyr is Odin's son while Hymir is his father-figure (they grew close after Tyr became disillusioned with Odin's ways, and Hymir later adopted Tyr after Odin fell). Which I feel would add another layer to Tyr helping the Giants XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
How are things between Aesirs and Vanirs in your fanfic? Is It still in progress?
In general, things are pretty good between the Aesir and Vanir! There might be some troublemakers here and there, usually those who still aren't happy to be living with the Vanir, but Freya and Sif have everything sorted XDD I won't delve much into any specific conflicts in the fic, since my focus is Atreus and Calliope (and others in the main cast)
And yes, my fanfic is still in progress! I've already written Calliope's heart-to-heart talk with Kratos, which was lots of fun XDD Though, they still have a ways to go to patch up their relationship! At the very least, talking it over is a start :D
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
So the Vanaheim arc is about Calliope and Kratos trying to interact and bond with each other?
Yes, that's essentially it! Calliope doesn't stay in Vanaheim for the entire arc, but it's pretty much where most of the important interactions and bonding stuff happen, imo. She also gets to meet Freya, Mimir, and Tyr too!
Granted, I'm still trying to sort out the arcs because I don't want either of them to get too long loll But the Norse portion of the fic really is just a slow-burn, mostly slice-of-life section where Calliope gets to relax and sort out her feelings with support from her new Giant family! XDD
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