#havoc in midgard au
digitalagepulao · 1 year
How did Atreus react when he learn that Wukong was freed from the five element Mountain?
Quite simply, Wukong dropped in on his sommersault cloud in Midgard and pounce-tackled him into a hug xD
It was an incredibly emotional and affectionate-violence reunion, but in the best way possible. Yknow how some dogs will almost crash into you because they are so excited? That but with two supremely powerful beings. There were tears and there was laughter, but it was overwhelmingly a happy moment for them both. A bit bittersweet as they took in the scars from the years apart (Loki's sewn lip scars and Wukong's fillet and firey eyes), but still happy.
In truth, he already knew Wukong would be freed in time. Muzha/Moksa and the deities in charge of his punishment told him everything when he went to visit him and that Buddha had set the time of his sentence.
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fimbulvetrblues · 10 months
About Hel.
1- Is Wukong in a way her Godfather?
2-besides him, does she have other uncles and aunts from the pantheons she visited?
3-Has Calliope meet her, if so, what is her relathionship with hel?
4-How did Hel fight off Kratos during helhein?
Wukong is her uncle, that's for sure xD i'm not 100% sure if chinese folk religion had smth like godparents, but as far as family goes, sworn brotherhood are seen as legit as actual blood relations. so if anything happened to Loki and Angrboda, Wukong would absolutely be one of the first to step in!
technically yes, but not entirely. i'm not versed enough in other cultures to know the details of it, but Hel has a few deities who she might consider uncles and aunts and cousins by bond.
Calliope has absolutely met her and cried like a baby when she held little toddler Hel in her arms TvT Calliope has no interest in children, she's got enough on her plate as it is and it's not in her fate, but she loves Hel with all she has. she'd kill for this little girl.
Hel, despite being a teen at the time GOWR happens, is incredibly powerful and she has been given control over the entirre domain by Odin. she can summon the entire might of Helheim's winds, spirits and curses upon any who tries her patience, and she's not afraid to do so if needed. Kratos is a strong guy, but i doubt he wants to face off with that kind of might if it can be avoided, and Hel definitely doesn't want to fight her own grandpa.
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sparrow-in-boots · 1 year
@greatdevourer1231954 i found the poem!!
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its a part of a contradiction cycle, in which it's the only weapon that can slay the rooster Vithofnir, and can only be given by Sinmora (Surtr's wife) in exchange for a feather of said rooster.
also interesting that this contradiction arose as in response to how to enter a hall, which was built BY LOKI, with a few dwarves!
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source: https://www.voluspa.org/fjolsvinnsmal.htm
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puckwritesstuff · 1 year
What if... In the King Loki AU, Nari found out the truth about the invasion of the Jotuns? Nobody really questions about that time because Loki is a good king. And I imagine Loki asking him to keep it a secret for the family's sake, especially from his little sister Vali.
It's been a minute since I've written in this verse. I think there's a lot Loki would be struggling with by the time that this would become narratively appropriate, and I find the concept fascinating. >:)
Thank you for the ask!
It was the middle of the night, and Nari knew that he shouldn’t have been going down to the weapons vault. But there was something inside his chest that was pulling him there, like someone had tied a string around his heart and was leading him by it. He carefully slipped past guards and servants— more guards than servants these days, ever since the calamity that caused half of Asgard to vanish into dust, including Nari’s mother, the queen. His father seemed to heighten security tenfold every fortnight, and spent more time locked up in his study than ever before.
He could hear footsteps approaching and hid in an alcove behind a tapestry. As the footsteps passed, he heard voices he recognized as his uncles Fandral and Volstagg, and his cousin Hogun.
“…brother says he’s been ready to return for over a decade,” Fandral hissed. “I don’t understand why he wouldn’t bring him home, especially with Sigyn gone.”
“Loki never learned what Odin’s intentions were with Thor,” Hogun said. “And after the havoc Hela brought with her, is it a wonder that he wouldn’t reach out to the man that almost caused yet another war? We had barely recovered by the time the calamity struck.”
“How did Theoric learn of Thor’s whereabouts?” Volstagg asked. “I thought travel to Midgard was forbidden.”
“Travel to Midgard from Asgard is,” Fandral said. “Vanaheim was never given that restriction. Thor is not the same man he once was. He has a wife and children, and he protects Midgard as well as Heimdall protects us. While she still lived, the Queen Mother herself said that Thor’s exile was never meant to be permanent.”
More footsteps approached and the three fell silent. Nari could hear a rotation of guards pass by. After they were out of earshot, Hogun spoke again.
“Fandral, you know Loki better than anyone still living,” he said. “But this kind of talk is why Sif is dead, and you know it.”
“I know, I know,” Fandral said. “But it’s because I know him this well that I brought this to you. My concern for him is great. My concern for Asgard is greater, if he continues to fall into himself like this. It’s getting to the point where he can no longer govern, and you both have seen that.”
There was a pause. Nari could feel the knots in his chest tightening.
“What should we do?” Hogun asked.
“Not here,” Fandral said. “In two days, we leave for Vanaheim with Theoric— my father’s fief has places for the kind of talk this leads to, far from the ears that would hear the worst of us.”
The three left and Nari exhaled. He left the alcove, and continued towards the vault.
Nari could feel a chill as he entered and looked around at the weapons stored there. The tug he had been feeling pulled him towards the Casket of Ancient Winters. He knew it to be an ancient Jotun artifact, why was it calling to the Crown Prince of Asgard?
He put a hand on it, and his skin turned blue.
He staggered back, his skin fading back to its normal color.
“What is this?” he breathed. “What curse could have done this?”
“It is no curse.”
Nari gasped, turning around to see his father descending the stairs into the vault.
“Or, rather,” Loki continued, “it is the most unbreakable curse— that of your true bloodline and heritage.”
Loki put a hand on the casket and his skin shifted to turn blue as well, lines etching themselves on his face. Nari drew his dagger.
“Sorcerer!” he said. “What have you done with my father?”
“I am your father,” Loki said. “This is who I have always been. King Loki of Asgard, son of King Laufey of Jotunheim.”
Nari shook his head. “No. No, that’s not…”
“Your mother wanted to wait until you were older,” Loki said, his skin shifting back to normal. “But I always knew you would learn for yourself.”
Nari’s grip on the dagger wavered.
“Mother knew?” he asked.
“Of course she did,” Loki said. “And there was nothing about it that made her love us any less.”
Loki put a hand on his son’s shoulder.
“She would want you to be proud of this,” he said.
Nari pulled himself away.
“Proud of what?” Nari asked. “You could have told me what I was from the beginning, why didn’t you?”
“You are my son,” Loki said. “My blood. I only wanted to protect you from the truth.”
“Because we are the monsters that parents tell their children about at night?” Nari sneered. He could feel his eyes burn.
Loki stepped back, hearing his son’s voice echo words that he had said himself not too long ago.
“No,” Loki said. “No, you are not a monster. You are a child, you are my son.”
“Does Váli know?” Nari asked.
“No,” Loki said. “And I would not have you tell her. She is even younger than you, allow her the innocence of youth.”
Nari looked back at the Casket.
“What happened?” Nari asked. “How did you become king, keeping this secret?”
Loki looked away, trying to decide how much to tell his son.
“Your Uncle Thor,” Loki started, “is brash, and vainglorious, and destructive. But he was first in line. A band of Jotuns attempted to steal the Casket on the day he was to be crowned, and the ceremony was delayed. Thor in his… wisdom, decided the best response to this was to start a war. Your grandfather disagreed. Thor was stripped of his titles and his power, to be exiled from Asgard. Soon after, due to the strain of these events, Father entered the Odin-sleep. I was the spare. And I was crowned king.”
“You never talk about Thor,” Nari said. “What happened to him, where is he?”
Loki paused, considering what he should tell Nari.
“I don’t know if he’s even alive,” Loki said. “With the calamity that was visited upon us five years ago, that took your mother from us… it seems likely that he might have been taken as well.”
Nari was about to ask another question, but stopped himself.
“If there is anything else you want to know, do not hesitate,” Loki said. “But these are painful memories, to Asgard and to me. Tread lightly, my son, on your poor father’s heart.”
Nari put away his knife and went to embrace his father.
“I’m sorry that happened,” Nari said. “You must miss him very much.” Loki paused at that. “I do.”
He kissed his son’s head and smiled.
“There are three things you should never doubt,” Loki said. “That I love you, that your mother loved you, and that you will be king. All that I do serves to secure your throne. It’s all I have left.”
Nari nodded. “I understand. I love you, too, Father.”
Loki hugged his son.
“Now, back to bed with you,” Loki said.
It was early the next morning. Heimdall was at his post as usual. And, as usual, he knew exactly who was coming down the bridge to speak with him.
“Of course, I always appreciate a visit from my grandson,” Heimdall said. “But I might ask why you are prepared to leave.”
Nari walked up beside Heimdall.
“I need to ask you a question,” Nari said. “And I need you to not tell my father that I asked.”
“Your father is the king,” Heimdall said. “I must obey his orders.”
“I am the future king,” Nari said. “What of mine?”
Heimdall nodded. “You can always ask me anything, your highness.”
Nari took a deep breath.
“Is my uncle alive?” he asked.
Heimdall paused.
“Yes,” Heimdall said. “He is on Midgard.”
“Can you send me to him?” Nari asked.
“Travel to Midgard is expressly forbidden,” Heimdall said. “By the order of King Loki.”
“Grandfather, please,” Nari said. “I need to speak with him.”
“Because you just found out you are half-Jotun and you’re all of thirteen years old and very confused about everything you know,” Heimdall said. “Is that about right?”
Nari paused. “Can you at least tell me about him? Mother used to talk about him, before the calamity. Father never does.”
Heimdall nodded. “Right now, he is working with his wife and friends to solve a very difficult problem. They believe they can reverse the calamity.”
Nari blinked. “And then Mother—”
“Would be returned to you, yes,” Heimdall said.
“I must tell Father!”
Nari went to run back to the palace, but Heimdall put a hand on his shoulder.
“I do not tell the king everything I see,” Heimdall said. “I do not believe it would be wise to inform him of this.”
“Why not?” Nari asked. “Don’t you want Mother back?”
“Of course I do,” Heimdall said. “But your uncle is a sensitive topic with your father. If Thor were to return—”
“What would it matter?” Nari asked. “He would have his brother back as well.”
“Thor is, rightfully, king, Nari,” Heimdall said. “If Thor returned, he could challenge your father for the throne.”
Nari paused. “Would he do that?”
“Considering the circumstances in which your father became king, it is not unlikely,” Heimdall said.
“Circumstances?” Nari asked. “He tried to start a war!”
“Yes,” Heimdall said. “Your father tried to start a war.”
Nari paused. “What do you mean?”
“He told you of the Jotuns’ that attacked on the day Thor was to be made king,” Heimdall said. “Who do you think let them into the palace?”
Nari shook his head.
“Why are you telling me this?” Nari asked. “Why are you lying to me?”
“I think you know better than to ask me that,” Heimdall said.
“Father would never—”
“I don’t know that your father realized what he was doing until it was done,” Heimdall said. “But as it stands, it is directly by these actions that your father is king.”
Nari closed his eyes. He could feel the tears rolling down his face.
“Why are you telling me this?” he asked again.
“Because your uncle seeks to set right that which has gone wrong,” Heimdall said. “And your father will do anything to maintain his position and power. Your father has killed people, Nari, to keep this secret.”
“Did Mother know?” Nari asked. “Is that why she’s gone?”
“Your mother is gone because a madman from Titan had not the creativity to think of any other solutions to systemic inequalities than genocide,” Heimdall said. “No, your mother did not know. She had her suspicions, but she loved your father too much to interrogate further. To ask would be to lose him, possibly forever, and she knew she couldn’t bear it.”
Nari took a deep breath.
“But I tell you these things so that you may tell her when she returns,” Heimdall said.
“Why couldn’t you tell her?” Nari asked.
“Because I am sending you to Midgard,” Heimdall said.
He pushed Hofund into the controls and the Bifrost opened up.
“Quickly,” Heimdall said. “Before your father wakes up and sees.”
Nari looked from Heimdall, to the palace, and back.
Nari dashed into the Bifrost and disappeared from Asgard. Heimdall closed the Bifrost, sighing.
“Bring your mother and uncle home,” he said quietly.
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sserpente · 3 years
Seeds of Doubt
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Synopsis: Months and months after grieving in your home realm Asgard, when you find out that Loki, the man you had promised to marry one day is still alive, you accompany Thor to Earth to bring him back to his senses. Your strong feelings for one another overwhelm you and you join the God of Mischief on his conquest to become a fearsome king. Together, you survive the strongest storms. Together, you win every battle. Together, you rule Midgard. As the sceptre’s steel grip on you becomes stronger and stronger, both Loki and you fall into a tyrannical frenzy feeding off of the fear of your mortal subjects and only once the sceptre is taken out of your reach do you begin to doubt your ways. What will be stronger in the end? Will it be the power of the mind stone… or your unconditional love?
A/N: Here it finally is! This is the 20k Follower Special! It’s a personalised Imagine written for @nebulousfishgills​ who won! ♥ The Reader in this story has a name, a specific appearance, traits and characteristics, so it’s a little different than usual! Enjoy, everyone! ♥
Words: 10469 Warnings: Loki wins!AU, Dark!Loki, Dark!Reader, Dom!Loki, mentions of slavery, violence, murder and gore; torture, dystopian universe, smut, dub-con, angst, mild exhibitionism
“Where is he?” Your voice echoed through the hall like a mother’s desperate scream for her child. They found him. Hysteria spread in your chest like a parasite, your feeble attempts to swallow down your worry for the man you loved all but fruitless. Your green cape—a homage to Loki—fluttered behind you like you were riding a tidal wave ready to destroy everything in its path. Perhaps you were. Perhaps today was the day you were going to hold the people who wronged him accountable for it and perhaps soon, you would finally hold each other again.
His death had ruined you. Day in and out, Frigga would find you crying in the library grieving the love of your life all the while Thor undid the damage they blamed on Loki, hiding in the very same spot he had spent most of his time in to read in peace, knowing that his tactless brother would hardly seek out a place of pure knowledge and wisdom.
The Queen knew better than to tell. Heads would roll if the kingdom found out about your tears, regardless of how inseparable Loki and you had always been. No one but him had ever seen you cry and you took pride in keeping it that way.
As of right now, your concern and anger overwhelmed the numbing sadness. Had you not overheard the einherjars’ heated conversation about the lost prince having returned from the dead and wreaking havoc somewhere you could not be a part of it, you might have never learned that Loki was alive until they brought him back and… and what?
Something was wrong, you could feel it in the very core of your being. Clenching your fists, you barged further into the throne room unannounced, ignoring the weak protests of the guards. Each of your steps was confident, calculated—even though there was a part of you that was on the verge of tears.
“Amnerys…” Thor spoke your name as if it belonged to a child caught with its hand in the cookie jar.
“Where is he, Thor?!” You spat through gritted teeth, narrowing your blue eyes at him.
The God of Thunder took a deep breath. “He is on Earth.”
“Midgard? What is he doing on Midgard?”
“Heimdall witnessed him entering the realm through a portal and slaughtering innocents. He means to rule the mortals as their king.” Odin said. Your heart skipped a beat. Loki… your sweet, loving, caring, perceptive and mischievous Loki, your mirror…
“This is not right. Loki would not… not like this.”
“It matters not,” Odin continued unfazed, “Thor will be sent to Midgard to put an end to his childish schemes and he will face trial for the damage and chaos he has caused across Yggdrasil.” No, he will not. You glared at him. Had you treated him differently, he would never have been tempted to throw a foreign realm into an absolute monarchy in the first place.
“I demand to come with him.”
“You, Amnerys? You wish to accompany Thor to Earth?” Incredulousness swung in Odin’s voice, his white eyebrows raised ever so slightly. He clenched his spear when you stood your ground, lifting your chin as if nothing was about to stop you—and nothing was, as a matter of fact.
“You know who he was to me. This is the least you owe me, your majesty.”
Odin knew. He knew you were not to mess with and he knew that it was solely Loki’s death that had kept you at bay. He would never admit it but your intelligence intimidated him. You could be dangerous if only you wanted to. Odin had learned during your early childhood already that keeping you close to the palace meant to remain safer than banishing you to a foreign realm where you would plot revenge until he fell. An eye for an eye. You would only ever treat the people who wronged you like that.
Dark magic was still sizzling in your blood when the clouds spat you both out and sent you flying through the crisp air, right until Thor slung his arm around your waist and brought his hammer down into utter nothingness, enveloped by heavy rainclouds and blinding lightning bolts in the distance.
You hit the roof of an aeroplane or something of the like. Mortal technology was beyond your comprehension, for neither Loki nor you required a machine to fly if you could simply transform into a bird and take to the skies.
“Don’t back down now, hammer boy.” You yelled across the stormy wind. Thor shot you a meaningful look, even more so when the hatch opened and you both jumped.
Loki. His eyes widened when his brother marched towards him like a bilgesnipe all the while an invisible force appeared to rip your heart right out of your chest only to mend it with the soft hands of relief. Loki’s gaze met yours, blue locking with blue and your souls intertwining like eager fingers.
Thor jumped and you followed, leaving the dumbfounded mortals behind.
Your digits were tingling with seidr as you landed on the cliff, your nails digging into the relentless rock to your feet. Thor was nowhere to be seen, not until you heard his battle cry in the distant forest. Odin would have expected you to help him but that was not what you were here for. You only had eyes for him.
“Loki…” His lips parted and several painful heartbeats passed in which he observed you like the antique paintings in the palace library. Doubtfully. What was it he expected to see? Your grief had made your round face grow older and your skin even paler than it already was and yet, you were still the same woman with blue eyes and those chestnut brown hair he used to love burying his fingers in.
“Are you real?” His voice was weak, wary. Frowning, you stepped closer to him, close enough for him to reach out and touch you. Loki was frozen on the spot like an ice sculpture in the deepest winter of Jötunheim.
“What? Of course I’m real.” You never noticed the tears swimming in your eyes until you took one final step and lifted your chin to look him in the eye. You were tall, taller than the average mortal woman and still, Loki towered above you like a true king. Like the true king he used to be before Odin and Thor drove him to attempted suicide.
He looked older, and colder. Worn out. Your voice was but a mere whisper, your palm cupping his right cheek. “What happened to you?”
Loki swallowed, making you gasp when his hand wrapped around your wrist. The moment he blinked was the moment you threw yourself into his arms. Inhaling his unique scent, this delectable mixture of molten metal, ice and leather, you pressed your face against his chest with your eyes closed, bathing in his presence and his touch, both of which you had missed more than anything in all of the nine realms.
The first, desperate sob escaped your lips when he hugged you back and rested his chin on your shoulder, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“I missed you so much… I thought I had lost you forever.”
“You did not.” He replied, his lips against your chestnut hair.
“Why… why did you not contact me? Where were you?”
“Contacting you would have put you in danger. It was for the best you believed me dead.”
“Was it?” You raised your voice. “Was it really? Do not patronise me, Loki, you know very well I can hold a candle to you.”
“Yes…” He pondered. “I know that.” Silence. Uncomfortable and peaceful at the very same time, you both stood there as if there was a canyon between you, lost time you had to make up for.
“Have you got any idea how much I suffered without you?” You continued, your voice shaking.
His expression hardened. “Did Odin harm you?”
“No. No, he wouldn’t dare lay a finger on me. I was mourning, Loki. When you died… a part of me died with you and now… now I feel like it is coming back to me.”
His blue eyes locked with yours. “Join me.”
“W-what? Loki… I came to take you home with me.”
The God of Mischief shook his head bitterly. “Asgard was never truly my home, now was it?”
“It’s the place you grew up in, the place you know better than any other… the place where you met me. Is that not enough? Odin will not live forever. We will be free, Loki.”
“Yes,” he breathed hoarsely, “We will be free. With this.” Seidr tickled his palm, enveloping his hand in a beam of green light to reveal the sceptre.
“He will have me executed for this—you know this.”
“But you don’t want this. Midgard… why would you want to rule the mortals?”
Loki did not respond and yet his glance spoke volumes. Something is wrong, I can feel it.
“Why won’t you tell me?” You chirped, hot tears worsening your sight once more. If your cheeks were wet and reddened, you never noticed. Then, his expression hardened once more.
“But I am. This is it, my sweet Amnerys, my triumph. I will rule, I will be powerful and I will prove myself a worthy king. Is this not what we always dreamed of as children?”
“It is. Loki, it is… but…” But what? He was back. Loki was alive and you could not care less about the mortals’ fate if only he would never leave your side again. Loki was your soulmate and you were his.
This was wrong. You knew it was wrong and yet… the urge to give yourself to him rose with every single heartbeat.
“Join me.” He repeated. A disarming smirk played on his lips, even though it did not quite reach his eyes. “Be my queen.”
You gasped for air, your hesitation dissolving like moist fog in a spring forest. By the time Thor returned with the mortal wrapped in metal, you had gone.
5 years later
Loki chuckled at the words he himself had written, his fingers entangled with yours and his thumb stroking the back of your hand. Propping his chin up with his free hand, he watched the hilarious play unfold on the small stage he’d had built. The actors were sweating, yet a look into their terrified and helpless eyes proved it was not the warm stage light increasing their body temperature.
Loki had executed three actors over the past week because they had failed to please him and play their part convincingly. Naturally, they had all played the parts of Thor, albeit a humiliated and weak version of the God of Thunder who was currently in exile.
You still remembered the day of victory like it was yesterday, the adrenaline and the rush of power coursing through your veins like liquid fire. The Chitauri had overpowered the Avengers almost too soon for your entertainment. A few of them, Thor, the redhead Natasha Romanoff and the green beast they called the Hulk remained alive, plotting revenge and assassinations.
Not one month went by in which Loki and you did not publically execute a hitman or a hitwoman, and yet their feeble attempts to murder their king and queen were all but pathetic. Only the fewest made it past the heavily guarded entrance doors of what used to be Stark Tower and now posed as a striking palace you called your new home. Midgard was not so bad, after all.
Terrorising its people was quite fun, actually and thanks to Loki’s sceptre, getting them to bend to your will was not only fun but way too easy and convenient. The God of Mischief had soon gotten rid of the leaders the mortals called their would-be queens, kings and presidents anyway. Those who had resisted were now rotting away several feet below the earth.
Oh yes, the sceptre was truly a most marvellous object. You fancied a foot massage? The sceptre would convince the helpless mortal in charge of gardening the roof terrace. You wished for a special food delivery? Anything was possible with the mind stone. They were so easy to manipulate, so easy to control and undermine, to step on like a boot would step on an ant. It was fun. Nothing less did those petty and ignorant mortals deserve after polluting their own planet to the point of death and destruction. They were paying the price for it now.
In your youth, years and years had gone by on Asgard where you would study the powerful stones until you knew all of its secrets. The Tesseract was gone—Loki had failed to tell you whom he had given it to after the successful invasion of the Chitauri, nonetheless, as long as you still had the sceptre, you were not going to complain. It felt like the mind stone was connecting you two, wrapping a steel rope around your love for one another. Love which you never failed to act on at any given opportunity, for your days were mainly spent cuddling and, quite frankly, fucking on every possible surface of Stark Tower, having luxurious dinners and Loki sending terrified mortals to buy you expensive gifts and jewellery.
The humans feared you and unlike what you had expected from yourself, you were enjoying it. You were bathing in their terror, their anxiety and their tears, even their blood—metaphorically speaking—especially after Loki put you in charge of labour distribution.
What was the play about again? Snapping yourself out of your trance, you sighed, even more so because Loki’s hand had discreetly disappeared under your dress under the table, his thumb caressing your clit. There was no need for underwear here, after all.
“He is positively the most unenthusiastic Thor of the whole week.” You choked out when he slipped two fingers inside of your warmth, his free hand coming up to stroke your pale arm. “He is boring me.”
“Is he now? I believe the reason for your boredom is that I have not yet sentenced him to death. He is rather delightful. Look at how much he is shaking.” He chuckled. “He is trying so hard to appear devoted. He will live, for now.”
A moan escaped your lips when he curled his fingers inside of you, repeatedly stroking your g-spot. Loki chuckled once more. “Oh, what is it, my sweet Amnerys? Will you come for me? Will you come undone before all these people?”
Slaves were positioned to either side of the long table. If they knew what Loki was doing to you right now, they’d do well to keep their mouths shut and pretend they did not notice and the actors on stage were too caught up in their own panic to realise. Whyever not? You moaned once more. No one would know and if there was something Loki wanted, then he would get it anyway. That included your orgasms.
“I… I will…” You whispered, blood biting at your pale cheeks. He raised his eyebrows slightly, a mischievous smirk growing on his lips. His thumb applied more pressure, making you throw your head back into the cushioned backrest of your throne. By the time you let go and let pleasure consume you, Loki had lost all interest in the play. His blue eyes were fixed on you and your sweet whimpers, his heart pounding fast in his chest upon realising one too many times that you belonged to him.
“My queen…” He purred, helping you ride out your orgasm all the while you attempted, miserably, to keep a straight face. It was then the slaves in the room began to clap and the actors on stage bowed, relieved it was over.
“You are dismissed. Get out of my sight.” Loki barked. You giggled at the way they almost fell off the stage, hurrying to get away from you two.
“They are like lambs,” you remarked, still panting. “Like innocent lambs and we’re the wolves.”
“Hmm… lamb sounds like an excellent idea for dinner, would you not agree?” He hooked his index finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at him—not that you had wanted to look away anyway. The remaining mortals in the room knew better than to wait for an order. Without a word, they rushed towards the kitchen to prepare the meal—regardless of how they would acquire a lamb.
Then, finally, Loki’s hand retreated from under your dress, his digits coated with your juices. Your lips parted when he brought them to your mouth, having you suck them clean which you did with no hesitation.
“I have to leave New York for a few days tomorrow.” He said quietly, his gaze fixed on your lips wrapped around his fingers. You released him with a silent smack to pout.
“Without me?”
“Yes, my love. There have been concerning reports of riots in New Jersey. Now we cannot have that, can we?”
“No… of course not.”
“I shall be back soon. You will rule this meagre place just fine without me until I return. You know how to put the mortals in their place, no?”
You giggled again. “I do.”
“That is my queen. I trust you, my sweet Amnerys.”
I trust you, my sweet Amnerys. You smiled. You were the only one in the nine realms that the infamous God of Mischief trusted. Even a few days without him would be hell. You would handle the kingdom well, there was no doubt about that and yet… you already longed for him to hold you in his arms again. Throwing back the satin green covers of the huge king-size bed the two of you slept in, you climbed off the soft mattress all but naked, your smile widening when your blue eyes fell on the golden fountain pen Loki had gifted you, along with a bouquet of blue roses, your favourite flowers—one of his first gifts, back on Asgard when you were only five-hundred years old, right before you had run off like children to practice magic with Frigga. So young, so naïve, so in love.
Loki had always been so gentle, so considerate… your smile faded. He had changed though, had he not? His behaviour towards you was no different in the slightest bit, but even though he radiated dominance like a radioactive gemstone, you wondered why it was only now you realised how cruel he had become. The humans were shivering with fear when they spoke to him, barely able to kneel properly for their trembling robbed them of their balance. And what about you? Were you not inflicting the same amount of pain and suffering?
You scoffed. Where were these thoughts coming from? This was ridiculous, right? You were a queen, Loki’s queen, and you were together and happy. It mattered not if the mortals lived in agony for this cause… only it did.
Your lips parted. When was the last time Loki and you had spent a peaceful day together outside, without anyone attempting to assassinate you? Without anyone quivering in fear of what might happen to them if they displeased you?
When… when had you become like that? You swallowed thickly. Loki had left earlier this morning. You were not going to sulk away in his absence, now were you? He had left you in charge for a reason and you would make him proud.
“Y-your majesty?” It was one of the maids, standing in the doorframe like she was about to be sacrificed to the Norns and hence ripping you out of your thoughts with brute force, making you drop the fountain pen back on the desk and spin around.
“Don’t you know how to knock, you silly girl?”
“I… I did, your majesty.”
“What is it?” You barked.
“There… there has been a brawl on the street right in front of the Tower. The guards have told me that two… two men were fighting over a stolen loaf of bread.”
You rolled your eyes. Well, theft was a crime and it was going to have to be dealt with.
“I am to let you know, I wasn’t going to let them in just in case you were not decent yet… which… which you aren’t, so I was…”
“Get me my morning robes,” you cut her off. “I shall get freshened up and meet the culprits in the throne room.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” The maid nodded and hurried away quickly but even the hot shower you took before she returned did not succeed in washing away the seeds of doubt in your mind. Something was wrong. It was the very same thought you had harboured back when you had first found Loki again after his attempted suicide. It felt like ages away now and yet… you remembered your concerns like they’d been keeping you awake only yesterday.
When you entered the throne room an hour later, the two men were quivering, one of them crying even and the fight they had had over a mere loaf of bread—pathetic—all but forgotten. You tilted your head as you raised your eyebrows and made yourself comfortable on Loki’s throne.
“Well?” You spat.
“My q-queen, w-we are so sorry. I-I just… I need to f-feed my family. We have been living in p-poverty after K-King L-L-Loki shut down m-my b-business. T-the oil factory?”
“The oil factory that kept polluting the seas, you mean? Killing the fish, contaminating all of your drinking water, making you all die even faster?” You scoffed. “Perhaps now you know what the fish must have felt like.”
“N-no, I-I mean… y-yes. I… r-realise my mistake but my… my family, they had nothing to do with it. I need to f-feed them. My w-wife s-suffers from severe social anxiety, she is unable to work. O-our children… we are going to starve to death. W-we… I would have paid for the loaf if only I could have, all I want is to k-keep my f-family alive!” His last words were swallowed by pathetic sobs. The urge within you to roll your eyes grew with every passing second and yet, for some peculiar reason and for the first time in years, you felt your heart clench with something you almost did not recognise anymore. Compassion.
This man had not stolen out of spite or malice. He had stolen out of desperation. The other man, you presumed, must have been the vendor then. He too now feared for the worst for causing a scene. The punishment for theft was execution by dismemberment. Fingers first, arms next, lastly the head. It was a surprisingly effective way to keep the robbery rate at a minimum.
“W-Will I… will you have me killed, my queen?”
You took a deep breath. Whatever it was that overcame you, Loki would not be pleased. But this man had not truly committed a crime, now had he? It was a loaf of bread, for Heaven’s sake!
“No. Now get out of my sight and you,” you pointed at another maid, “have that bread replaced for the vendor.”
One of the maids had once called you “ruthless” and “dangerous”. Loki had had her executed for her disrespectful behaviour and gossiping behind your back. As of today, however, you were wondering if she was right. The maid who had caught you off guard earlier this morning, she used to be a Mathematics student, you knew that from when you had taken her belongings back at her arrival to see if she had anything you liked. She did, as a matter of fact. A beautiful emerald stone necklace reminding you of Loki’s colours. You had barely worn it since, it was more the principle of being able to simply take what you wanted. Not to mention what the mortals were to expect if they resisted you. As if on cue, your seidr tickled your fingertips, once more reminding you of Loki.
Tricks and pranks you had always enjoyed together but this? You did not want to give up the life you had, did not want to give up Loki because what was done was done. He ruled Midgard now, with you by his side, you could not have one thing without the other.
But when… when exactly had you begun to doubt that a kingdom drowning in blood, tears and hard labour was not what you wanted after all? After everything Loki had gone through? He deserved happiness, he deserved to rule but not… not like this.
You growled. “Run me a bath.” You ordered, avoiding looking at your shivering maid.
“Y-yes, o-of course, Your Majesty. Would you like a bath bomb, too? I… I had them brought to the Tower for your baths. They are with… with lemon tea, your favourite scent.”
Really? You meant to say. Instead, you froze her in place with your scrutinising gaze. Your expression uncontrollably softened when you met her terrified and tear-stricken eyes. “Thank you.”
The maid’s eyes widened. “O-Oh! Y-You’re welcome, my queen. I… I will also prepare your favourite wine for you.”
Well… She doesn’t do this because she likes you or respects you, a reproachful voice in your head whispered. She does it because she’s afraid that you will kill her if she so much as breathes in your direction at the wrong moment.
Loki had made sure to have all of your personal belongings, along with your beloved fountain pen, brought to Asgard. Stacked away, somewhere in this gorgeous bedroom, were your old books too. Books that you had studied so intently and so often that they were on the verge of falling apart. Most of them were about the Infinity Stones and their creation.
You could not shake off the feeling that your subconscious was trying to tell you something—yet all you knew was that the answer was hidden in between the lines of your books. It had to be. Seeds of doubt had clouded your mind after Loki had gone, alas once he returned… you had felt more powerful than ever.
And now, something was keeping you down like a heavy blanket of snow on Jötunheim.
“One of the maids was caught snooping around in our bedroom last night, did you know?” Loki said casually when he entered the room, his armour melting off of his body to reveal a pale but well-defined body. Distracted, you blinked, losing all focus on your books.
“Which one?”
“You know the girl with the brown hair who spends most of her time in the kitchen. Only the Norns know what she is doing in there when it is not meal time.” He began to smirk, bending down to kiss you gently.
“Would you like to have her?”
You grinned. “With pleasure. I don’t wish to kill her though.” You replied. Loki frowned. “She is one of our best cooks! Let us torture her a little and punish her for invading our privacy like that. If she has not learned her mistake by then, we can still kill her.”
Loki sighed. “Well then. As you wish, my queen. Now come to bed. I wish to feel myself inside of you.”
You laughed, hysterically almost, when the maid screamed. Your fingertips were tingling with seidr, one of your hands clutching Loki’s sceptre. Pain distorted the girl’s face as she cowered on the ground before you, trembling to the point she would be unable to stand on her own accord. Her eyes were glowing blue, the sceptre’s influence clouding her mind.
Power rushed through your veins, from the mind stone into your arm and through your entire body, making you feel invincible.
Loki chuckled behind you. If you kept going for much longer, the nosey maid would die after all. But oh, playing with the sceptre was just too much fun.
“Go on. Hold your arm into the flames.” You commanded, nodding your head over to the chimney. The fire was crackling peacefully, the warmth spreading all over the throne room. The maid’s lower lip, chewed on to the point it was bleeding, was shaking. You sincerely hoped there was still a part of her knowing what was going on, knowing what she was being forced to do and yet, without any hesitation, she crawled over to the fireplace, stretched out her left hand and held it straight into the flames.
Her ear-piercing screams echoed through the room like sharp needles stabbing your skin and from the corner of your eye, you could see the other slaves in the room swallowing thickly, forced to watch the horror unfolding before their eyes as a lesson that would surely not fail its impact.
“See… who plays with fire will likely burn themselves.” You spat through gritted teeth, albeit with a dangerously sweet voice. Then, before she could utter a single word, you knocked her out, hitting her hard on the head with the blunt end of the sceptre.
She would not need any more mind control when she woke up and yet, the moment the sceptre struck her, a painful sting tore through you, her physical agony turning into mental torment for you. For just a brief moment, you saw a young, innocent girl who had been robbed of her entire life to serve you and Loki as a mindless slave to be punished severely if she dared to step out of line.
You blinked, stumbling back a few steps to chase away the atrocious feeling in your guts, crashing straight into Loki. He frowned, steadying you, and took the sceptre from your hand in response. The moment it left your grasp, the sensation grew even worse. What was wrong with you?
“Are you quite alright, my love?” Loki whispered, quiet enough only for you to hear it. You nodded, taking a deep breath.
“I feel a little dizzy, is all. Let me go lie down for a bit—and tell the maid to prepare us supper with salmon when she awakes.”
The God of Mischief was still frowning by the time you fled from the throne room and retreated to your shared chambers.
Heavens, what in the nine realms was going on? Staggering over to the window, you gaped outside to take in the beautiful skyline of New York City and rubbed your eyes. It almost felt like you had been seeing the world in black and white and, for some dubious and peculiar reason, the colours were now slowly pouring back into your perception. It scared you.
You were not surprised when Loki entered the bedroom not soon after you had stormed out, finding you biting your nails nervously—which was something you had never down before.
“Perhaps you should tell her about supper yourself. She is even more terrified of you than she is of me, my queen.” He chuckled, stroking over your hair as he approached you. When you only sighed with hesitation sparkling in your eyes, Loki’s lips parted.
“You are unwell.”
“I’m fine, I…”
“You are not. Should I call for a healer?”
“They’re called doctors here.” You replied weakly.
“I do not care what they call them as long as one of them helps you, my love. I will not have you suffer.”
“Perhaps it is my cycle, Loki. I am fine. Let us—“
There was a sudden tumult in the throne room that interrupted you both. Loud gasps and even screams became audible with a start, almost as if a wave of relief washed over the entire staff… well, your slaves.
“Sire! Sire! Help!” Alarmed, the both of you exchanged a look. Your heart sank to your boots when you hurried back into the throne room and were greeted by an assassination commando.
“Loki. Amnerys. It’s Game Over. Stand down.” Red dots in your field of vision blinded you when you came to a halt, laser pointers, so you figured, belonging to heavy machine guns aimed directly at you two and before you… Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner and, much to your surprise, Thor.
“Chloe… take the elevator downstairs, someone will be waiting for you there. And take all the others with you.” Loki glared at her. It was the maid Thor had addressed and if looks could kill, the poor girl would have dropped dead this instant. You should have killed the stupid wench after all. She had been spying on you all along, catching glimpses of moments where you would be unprepared… Both Loki and you growled.
“Thor… what a lovely surprise.” The God of Mischief announced then, arrogantly lifting his chin. “Have you at last decided to see for yourself what I have done to your precious Earth? Is it not better to keep the humans under control like this, to keep them from destroying their own planet?”
“By enslaving them and working them to death? I don’t think so, Loki. This is madness.”
“Perhaps. But so is you coming here.” His expression hardened. “You have signed your death warrant, brother.”
“Not this time. Our father—“
“Your father!” Loki spat.
“We did not want to do this, Loki. But you left us no choice. You must be stopped. Both of you.”
“Skip the reunion speech, Thor…” Natasha muttered. You snarled at her all the while holding on to Loki’s arm. What did he mean by no choice? What had he planned?
With your heart in your mouth, you soon found your seidr tickling your fingertips, ready to fling them all straight into the nearby wall to listen with delight how several of their bones would break in the process.
When you turned your head back to Loki, he gave you a barely visible nod. It was in the very moment you sent both Natasha and Bruce flying through the throne room with but a flick of your hand that Thor called for his beloved hammer—only it was nothing like you remembered it anymore. It was enveloped in orange fire, its flames licking high up into the air, ready to devour. Blood Orange. There was only one being in this universe who was able to create such indestructible and powerful flames—Raskk, the highest fire demon from Muspelheim.
If Thor intended to use his hammer against Loki… as a Frost Giant, he would be dead before it dawned. Surely, your heart had now stopped beating altogether.
The God of Mischief growled in response. His hand found yours, fingers entangling and before you knew it, he materialised the sceptre just in time to catch his brother off guard. The both of you teleported.
Knowing how much harm Raskk’s fire was able to do to your husband and king, something inside of you snapped. If they found him again… they would kill him for sure.
You felt broken and mended at the very same time. Like a thread cut in two with a pair of sharp scissors, your vision cleared to finally reveal all the colours drained from your eyesight for so long. Breathing heavily, you gasped for air in a desperate attempt to fight off a panic attack.
“Amnerys…” Loki caught you in his arms before your shaking knees hit the floor of the shabby motel he had brought you to, an inconspicuous place you had discovered a while back on the hunt for electricians to maintain what used to be Stark Tower. Loki had done well to remember the tacky place in the suburbs. You would be safe here until you could come up with a plan.
The truth was, Thor’s hammer, strengthened by Raskk’s blood orange fire, had caught you both off guard. Loki had expected any form of resistance from his brother—not, however, that he would try and end his life in such a brutal and excruciating way.
Your fear for Loki’s life… it had broken the influence of the sceptre. You saw it so clearly now… how it had been the weapon all along, dragging you down a rabbit hole so dark it had blinded you.
“I… I…” Unable to speak, you allowed him to scoop you up into his arms like a bride. Your thoughts were too tangled up to follow the harsh commands he barked at the poor receptionist behind the desk in the foyer, only dared to whimper once he had closed the door behind you.
He put you back on your feet, ensuring you would not simply drop like a marionette. “Amnerys, speak to me. Are you in pain?”
It took you another moment to pull yourself together. With a deep shaky breath, you locked your eyes with his.
“What have we done?” You whispered, your lower lip shaking. “Loki, what have we done…”
“What have we done… the slavery, the torture, the murder… Loki… we turned Midgard into another Helheim.”
“Whatever are you talking about?”
“Don’t you see? It’s… the sceptre. It’s been the sceptre all along… it… it brainwashed us like puppets!”
“You are confused.”
“I am not. Loki, listen to me, please!”
He shushed you, pressing you against his chest. With his heartbeat against your cheek, you could not help but relax into his arms, your rapid breathing calming down again—if only a little.
“We are safe here. Relax, my queen.” His lips found your neck, planting feather-light kisses on your sensitive skin in an attempt to distract you further. His mouth on you did not fail its effect. Your eyes fell shut with a sigh as you went limp in his arms, albeit reluctant to allow him to seduce you now of all times.
“Loki… w-we shouldn’t… not now… we have to… Raskk’s fire, we… you h-have to get rid of the sceptre. Thor will listen to reason once he learns—“ You were cut off by his tongue demanding entrance into your mouth, forcing you into a kiss that stole away your breath. Loki pushed you down on the hard mattress of the motel room, one of his hands capturing your wrists to pin them down above your head, rendering you completely helpless.
His sheer strength overwhelmed you and despite your Asgardian blood, you were no match to Loki… at least not when he had you on the brink of utter submission and with pleasure coursing through your blood, clouding your mind as your body kept pleading for more and more of his pampering.
“Loki… please. Loki, listen. We have to… this isn’t right… Thor… P-please… get rid of the s-sceptre, you’ll see it’s…”
“Amnerys, stop it!” He growled with a start. His dark and chastising glare sent both fear and excitement through your veins. “What is it with your obsession with the sceptre? It is making us powerful, is it not? You, my dear, are the one with the insatiable interest in the Infinity Stones and their workings.”
“I was wrong… Loki, I was wrong, we were wrong, I…” You groaned when his digits found the hem of your dress and pushed it up your pale thighs to give himself access to your wet folds, your whole body shivering the moment his fingertips brushed against your lips and finally, parted them to reveal your throbbing clit to his greedy eyes.
“L-Loki… Loki, l-listen to me…”
Part of you wanted him to stop, to talk to him rationally but… oh… it just felt too good. Your blue eyes rolled to the back of your head, your nails digging into his naked back. You hadn’t even noticed him removing most of his clothes.
“Oh, I am listening. I will be listening to your moans and whimpers as you come undone for me, my sweet Amnerys.” He paused, indeed eliciting a defeated whine from you. “Tell me you want me inside of you.” He whispered into your ear, sending pleasant shivers up and down your spine.
You swallowed thickly. You did. Your quim was aching to be filled by him, to have him mark you with his Jötun seed and make you his like he had done so often in the past and yet… was now really the time for pleasure? Now that your husband’s life was at stake? Now that you had realised the harm you had done to this planet, to its people? You were monsters. You had become exactly what Loki had feared to turn into when he had first learned about his true heritage.
Loki made you gasp for air when he slipped two of his long fingers inside of you, curling them at your g-spot and making your back arch.
“Tell me.” He spat through gritted teeth. He was in a frenzy—and you were unable to shake off just how much you loved his dominant side, this side he had developed the very moment Frigga had handed him Gungnir. You were lost. Lost in his embrace, lost in his desire, lost in his love for you.
“I do… I always do…”
He chuckled, content with your response. Freeing himself from his remaining armour with his seidr, he pushed your legs apart meeting only little resistance and positioned himself at your entrance. A moan escaped your lips when you felt his rock-hard cock press against your slick opening, the red tip leaking pre-cum already.
He never let go of your wrists, even when he sheathed himself deep inside of you with but one firm thrust, watching with an animalistic growl how you threw your head back in pure bliss, welcoming him in. His free hand was all over your pale skin, exploring every inch of your tall body.
Your walls clenched around him at once, moulding around him perfectly and unwilling to let go of him again, no, willing him even deeper when he retreated only to plunge back in and claim you thoroughly, fucking you with a steady but firm rhythm stealing not only your breath but all of your senses.
Your mind drifted away from how Loki was still under the sceptre’s control and how it made him more ruthless, more dangerous and more villainous. His lips found yours again to keep you from talking, his strokes getting more and more frantic.
You moaned when his free hand found your clit, massaging it swiftly and applying just enough pressure to send you flying. You tightened around him fast, with his name on your lips like a prayer.
Again and again, his length grazed all of your secret pleasure spots, some of them hidden deep inside of your quim. Loki moved the way he knew he would throw himself off of this delectable cliff of pleasure with you and when you came undone, rhythmically clenching around him and milking him for all he was worth, you instantly triggered his own release.
With but a few more eager thrusts, he emptied himself inside of you, coating your walls with his warm seed of which he shot rope after rope into you. He stilled, his length throbbing hotly inside your cunt as he filled you up.
No less than ten seconds passed, seconds in which you were still pulsing around him, failing to come down from your high and the pleasure and the love you felt for this man as it overwhelmed you once more, even more so when he collapsed on top of you and you inhaled his intoxicating scent.
Another ten seconds and you could Thor’s voice bellow through the lobby. You gasped.
“I shielded this place. The motel owner must have told them. I will tear him apart.” Loki growled and jumped out of bed. Your legs were still shaking from your orgasm, his warm seed dribbling out of you and running down your inner thighs when you stood to follow, enveloping yourself with seidr to get dressed much like Loki had done and followed him—only to stop dead in your tracks when ice-cold realisation hit you. You had only just arrived. There was no way the motel owner had been able to alert the Avengers this fast, let alone reach them when they were out and about to hunt you down.
Your lips parted. “They’re after the sceptre. It’s not the owner, Loki, they’re tracking the sceptre! It must be just like the Tesseract, the stone gives off traceable energies.” And the only reason they had not done so before was proper preparation. And a risky alliance—with Raskk.
The God of Mischief slowed down and glanced at you from the corner of his eye but did not halt. Too angry were his steps leading him back towards the lobby, ready to murder the receptionist despite the unusual alliance Thor had formed with one of Muspelheim’s most dangerous fire demons.
“Loki, stop! Listen to me!” Finally, he obeyed albeit turned around so slowly you feared he might pounce on you like a wild wolf at any moment. “Please. Leave the motel owner alone. We have to get out of here, we…” You gasped once more, your feeble attempt to calm yourself with deep breaths failing miserably. “Leave the sceptre behind.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Leave it behind! Else we have to find a way off-world, Loki. Listen to me, I will not risk you dying at the hand of Raskk’s fire just because you are too keen on satisfying your enormous ego!” You shrieked, clenching your fists so hard your knuckles turned white. Your heart was pounding in your chest so loud you feared his words would be drowned by the blood ringing in your ears.
Loki’s nostrils flared. “I am not leaving our kingdom behind for Thor of all people to overthrow it!”
“Then give me the sceptre!”
“No!” The word was so loud it echoed through the entire dimly-lit hallway, without a doubt giving away your location and you realised in that very moment that he was not going to relent. The sceptre’s influence kept its steel grip on him like an unescapable prison.
Tears formed in your eyes when you swallowed, locking your eyes with his—you had never noticed how the blue colour of his irises had intensified to the point of utter mind control. Whoever was behind this… they would pay for it but for now… for now, you had to save Loki’s life.
“Then go. Take it and leave. I will find you.”
“I am going to distract them. Go. You cannot go near Thor’s hammer.” Loki hesitated. His thin lips parted once he understood you meant to give yourself up in order for him to escape.
“You are not leaving my side.”
“Do not argue with me, Loki. You know they will not kill me.”
“No,” he growled, “worse. They will torture you.”
You scoffed. “Do you truly believe that?”
A young man stumbled out of one of the motel rooms, a pathetic whimper escaping his lips when he spotted you both standing in the hallway, and legging it instantly.
“Thor has always liked me, Loki—he knows how much I love you and why I did this.”
“If he is prepared to kill me in the cruellest way possible, what makes you think he will not make you suffer a similar fate?”
“They’re up here! Up here! Avengers! Help!” Loki gritted his teeth. With but one swift hand movement, he shot an energy blast from the sceptre into the panicking young man’s direction. It hit the railing of the stairs with an ear-piercing crack, sending pieces of sharp wood flying through the hallway. Luckily, only one of them hit the man in the thigh, who, screaming in surprise more than agony, almost fell down the carpeted stairs and straight into the Avengers’ arms—one of which had turned into a giant green rage monster.
Loki growled once more when you attempted to push past him, his free hand slipping around your waist. He pressed you close against his strong body in an attempt to teleport you both to safety once more, heeding your advice even if he would never let go of the sceptre after everything it had done for him. You spun around, cupping his face in your hands and kissed him hard.
“Go. Do you not trust your queen?”
His lips parted and he scowled. He had no need for a reply, for he did. He trusted you with his life and by the time the Avengers finally reached you with their weapons raised, only you were left standing there, your fingers tingling with seidr urging to be released to help you survive.
Thor stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, his mortal companions following his actions suit. Your gaze found his glowing hammer spitting Raskk’s fire.
“Hulk? Any moment now.” Widow said surprisingly calm.
“Don’t. Please. I am unarmed.” Lifting both of your hands to prove your intentions, you met Thor’s puzzled expression.
“Where is Loki?” The redhead’s voice was harsh, her glare deadly. You understood now why she was one of Earth’s fiercest assassins and yet, she did little to intimidate you.
“Gone,” you spat in response, “for now. I know where he went. But… but first… we need to talk.”
Thor buried his hands in his face. “So what you are saying is that this whole time Loki has been under the influence of the sceptre?”
You nodded, shifting on your seat. The Avengers’ hideout was filthy, hidden away in an alley you would have never even set a foot in under different circumstances.
“I have been to. That is why… by the Norns, all those people we killed… all those innocents we tortured… I cannot believe what I have done.” Looking up, your expression hardened with a start. “Loki and I have always been mischievous, you know that. But neither of us would ever have intentionally hurt anyone.”
“It’s kind of hard to believe that, you know.” The Black Widow gave you an incredulous look.
“I agree. What if this is a trick? What if it’s a trap?” Bruce whispered. He was himself again, wearing no more than a pair of ripped jeans that were way too big on him and appeared to swallow up his mortal body whole, making him look even more fragile and meagre than the humans already were. You rolled your eyes. Of course they would not trust you… but then again, you understood. You would not have trusted yourself either, not after everything you had done.
Thor lifted his chin and gave you a warning look. “I have known Amnerys my whole life. She loves Loki, she would do anything for him. I have Raskk’s demon fire—if she is luring us into a trap, my brother will not live long enough to see daylight tomorrow. She knows that… don’t you, Amnerys?”
You swallowed. All of a sudden, all you could muster was a weak “Yes”. Your heart was beating like a steam hammer, your instincts screaming at you to either run or kill. You were with your greatest enemies after all. You were with the very people eager to send your husband to Valhalla, sitting at the same table and drinking tea that might as well have been poisoned.
“If what you are saying is true… then how did you break the sceptre’s influence?” Bruce asked. And it was a good question, one you did not quite know the answer to yourself.
“I am not sure,” you responded, “I had… these strange moments of clarity, a whispering voice in my head telling me to practice caution but once…” You paused, pondering. “Loki was gone. He travelled to New Jersey and he took the sceptre with him, that was the first time I felt these… all these doubts about… about all this.” You motioned around yourself, shame and remorse once more rolling over you like a tidal wave.
“And then?” Bruce probed.
You looked up, your blue eyes once more falling on his oversized jeans. You frowned. “You. I think it was you. All I could think about was how Loki’s life is in danger, how scared I am to lose him… I think this ultimately overwhelmed the power of the mind stone.”
“You know about the Infinity Stones then?”
“Better than you think.”
“What I still don’t understand is what you’re expecting from us now, Amnerys.” Natasha tossed in. “Loki is a criminal and so are you. He will be arrested once we get his hands on him… until Thor can take him back to Asgard, at least.”
Your eyes flew in Thor’s direction. “Odin will have him executed.”
“Not if my mother gets a say in it.”
“You truly believe Frigga will be able to stop him? Face it, Thor, Odin has been looking for an excuse to get rid of him ever since Loki found out about his true heritage. Perhaps he knew. Perhaps he knew that he was still alive somewhere and yet he chose to feign grief.”
Thor opened his mouth to contradict. You cut him off before he could even take a breath.
“Swear to me on your life that no harm will come to him.”
The God of Thunder looked up, meeting your stern gaze with all but resignation and guilt. “Amnerys… I… I cannot swear. I shall speak to Mother and Father, that is all I can promise you to do. You are coming home with us, are you not?”
“Where Loki goes, I go.” It was one of the most sincere truths you had ever spoken.
“So here is what we will do then. We’ll gather the team and you will lead us to Loki, like you promised, we capture him, Thor gets him off-planet. That sounds simple enough. It shouldn’t be too difficult to overpower him now that Min-… Amy…? I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Bruce raised his eyebrows and pointed a finger at you, making you roll your eyes in response.
“Amnerys. My name is Amnerys. Out of mere curiosity… why do you not track the sceptre down again?”
“We could do that eventually but it requires a lot of power. You see, these wires connecting to the…“
“Don’t,” you interrupted, “I have no idea what you are talking about, Dr Banner. It’s electricity, that is all I need to know.”
“Well, yeah… what I’m trying to say is that it will take a lot of time to recharge without cutting the power in the entire city… which would make it even easier for Loki to disappear unnoticed.”
“We never expected you two to separate.”
You scoffed. “I know.” But we will not be for much longer, you added silently.
Loki was indeed where you had expected him to be. And you had a plan. Centuries ago, the fetid sewers of New York used to be a labyrinth made of beautiful caves and underground rivers—one of which led straight to a secret passageway to Asgard. Loki had discovered it one day, by accident, if anything, for he had been looking for a way to enter Helheim for minerals. Back then, you had been too young to comprehend that Loki had taken you to Midgard a while later.
“Are you sure she’s not leading us straight into an ambush?” Natasha whispered into Thor’s ear. With your heightened hearing abilities, however, she looked to the moist ground quickly when you turned around to raise an eyebrow at her—warningly.
“Trust me,” you spat, “if I had wanted to kill you, you would all be dead already.” You smirked. “Thor is very well aware of how powerful I am.”
Bruce cleared his throat. The sound, much like your voices, travelled through the long and disgusting tunnels seemingly endlessly. “I don’t like this. Where is he?”
“Keep your mouth shut and follow me. Loki’s hearing is as good as mine. And watch your step.” The mud, dirt and brown water to your feet had mixed with garbage only the Norns knew how old. You had already cast a spell to hide your sounds from unwanted ears—you just didn’t want to have to listen to the remaining Avengers expressing their concerns about your person like you were a mischief-maker with no heart or soul. You shook your head silently. They thought the same of Loki, did they not?
Your plan was simple enough. Loki and the sceptre had to be separated, for good. And the best way to do that, if not for your persuasion skills which had failed this time despite how infatuated he was with you, was for the Avengers to do the job for you.
You were not going to let them take him to be executed by Odin. In fact, you would murder them all in cold blood before they even tried.
Now one more turn to the left and then…
Loki would not dare use the sceptre in the sewers due to the underlying danger of collapse; he’d rely on his seidr and his swift fighting skills instead.
You turned around the corner and he looked up as if ripped from a deep thought. His face lit up when you approached him. He stood from his crouching position on the ground and away from the fire he had lit and which was throwing eerie shadows on the wall, and opened his arms for you to embrace him.
You did. A sigh escaped your lips the very second you wrapped your arms around his middle, pressing your face against his chest. “I’m sorry…” You whispered.
“Whatever are you sorry for, my queen?”
You glanced up, praying to the Norns that he would take the hint and see the deceit and mischief sparkling in your blue eyes when the Avengers entered one by one, their weapons aimed at the both of you.
Loki’s face fell, his soft expression transforming into a frightening rage. Not directed at you—but at the god he had called his brother for centuries. Staring daggers at Thor, his voice when he spoke was so dark you felt shivers racing up and down your spine.
“Did they hurt you?” He asked you.
“No. I’m fine, Loki.”
“Actually, she took us here.”
His eyes met yours again and in this very moment, you wished you had worked harder on your telepathy skills. Loki had introduced you to the art only two decades back…
“I did this for us, Loki. There was no other way anymore.” You mumbled, inhaling his heavenly scent. He had to understand. He had to understand why you were doing things the way you were doing them.
Just trust me, you willed for him to hear in his mind.
But in the end, your unease betrayed your body, whatever happened next happening too fast for you to comprehend. Someone pulled you to the side and whoever it was, their grip felt like steel around your upper arm. There were shouts, screams, sounds of rage and torment, growls and pants and then… then you heard a pair of Asgardian shackles lock in place around Loki’s wrists, the sceptre clattering to the ground with an ear-piercing noise ricocheting through the cave. Just like that, the God of Mischief, eager to avoid the flames dancing on the indestructible metal of Thor’s hammer, was defeated. Or so they were led to believe.
They did not let you carry the sceptre, of course. Natasha Romanoff never took her eyes off of you on the way back to the Avengers’ secret base, wary and vigilant in fear of you turning the tables after all.
Meanwhile, you did not dare look Loki in the eyes, not until you would be alone together again, and part of you even longed to join him in the cell a man called Nick Fury had been working on for months after Loki’s and your triumph and beginning of a tyrannical reign.
“Thank you,” Thor said, observing his brother on the camera they had set up in the cell. He was sitting there on the wooden bench like a Greek statue motionlessly, staring holes into the metal walls with a blank face. There was disappointment, unease and even… even remorse clouding his flawless features like eerie fog on a gloomy day in the woods of Niflheim. “I owe you, Amnerys.”
“No, you don’t. I did not do this for you. I did it for Loki.”
“I know. I still owe you my gratitude.”
“Just remember your promise, Thor.” You only hoped he would not have to act on it anytime soon.
“I will. Good night, Amnerys.”
It isn’t Good night for me, you thought as you watched him walk off. Regardless of how well the remaining Avengers had prepared for this, their security measures were meagre, embarrassing almost. You were quite surprised they had not locked you up as well for the night after all, as a matter of fact. As of right now, the only thing keeping Loki in his cell was the threat of Raskk’s fire. Nothing, whatsoever, that would harm you any further than inflicting a second-degree burn.
The spell you cast that night to shield both Loki and yourself from the cameras was so simple you resisted the urge to laugh out loud as you snuck through the dark and scabby hallways and eventually reached Loki’s cell.
“My love…” You whispered. The Trickster looked up, glaring right through you for a second before finally meeting your blue eyes.
“Thanos…” He began.
“His name is Thanos. He was the one who handed me the sceptre. He promised me victory and power in return for the Tesseract. He manipulated me. Tortured me.” Your lips parted. “I wish I had truly died the day I let myself fall off the Bifrost when I subjected to the pain he made me feel.”
“Oh Loki… this is not your fault, none of this is…”
He snorted, gaping at you darkly. “Are you still blaming the sceptre, my queen?”
“I heard your plea in my mind… and yet you have signed my death sentence, my sweet Amnerys. Did Thor not tell you what will happen once the Bifrost is fully restored?”
“I do. I know exactly what will happen.” You replied as you unlocked the door and swiftly stepped inside. “They will be looking for us. They will tear the nine worlds apart in their search and yet they will never find us. We will be free, Loki. Just us. No thrones, no sceptres, no obligations and rules.”
Loki began to smirk, warming your heart. “We leave it all behind?”
You nodded, reaching out for him so you could teleport together. “We leave it all behind.”
And you would start by planting little seeds of doubt into his mind, seeds that you intended to grow into nothing but unconditional love.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Head over to my blog to read more of my writing and to find my Kofi link! ���
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forgcdstrength · 4 years
Tess Stone
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STONE: Space Stone (Tesseract)
FC: Alexis Bledel
GUARDS: Steve Rogers and Loki Odinson
POWER: teleportation
ORIENTATION: we’re talking about a timeless entity; they literally couldn’t care less. If they’re into you, they’re into you
MAIN VERSE: canon-divergent; post-Avengers: Infinity War
Honorary oldest sextuplet. Started this crap – or at least feels responsible for it all – but is also very tired of it all. Must protect Steve because she feels he doesn’t know how to do it himself. Didn’t mean to fall in love with the idiot, but here she is. Also helps Milo corral Loki because a) her brother takes on too much, and b) some people – like a god of mischief – can validify having two protectors. Charts the stars to relax.
No one wanted to admit that they’re spoiled, but these days, Tess found it easier to say as she looked back on her life. As she looked back, she saw that she had been able to spend long stretches of her life in the same place, generally comfortable and truly at home, and that wasn’t a luxury afforded to most of her siblings.
From the beginning of time, Tess lived on Asgard, the Realm Eternal. It was easier, after all, to be connected to people with longer lifespans. On Asgard, if they were good people, she wouldn’t lose them as soon, and if they were evil… It was still Asgard, and a warrior culture, and the evil would be vanquished, and Tess could move on with her life. Up until second century AD, she lived in her human form as a respected member of society.
But Asgard was a warrior culture, and there were downsides to that, and the time came when the enemies of Asgard came for her. Borr, the current king, sent her away, to Norway in Midgard, with her current protectorate. One of their enemies followed, though, and killed the warrior to whom Tess was bound. In turn, she banished the murderer and, with those who protected the temple where they’d landed, Tess saw to it that her friend was given a resting place befitting his status. Struggling with guilt and a sense of failure, she found herself bound to the Midgardians of the Norwegian temple. Her guilt abated with time. She spent the next nine hundred years living as a Midgardian in the temple, exploring the country and protecting the people of the surrounding towns, but never letting anyone outside of the temple know how powerful she really was.
But then came WWII, and Johann Schmidt, and the longest and most difficult years of Tess’s life. As the town she’d come to love was destroyed, those in the temple urged her into hiding. Helpless against their wishes, she used her powers to get inside the casket of the Asgardian warrior and, as a stone, waited for them to leave.
But when they did leave, it was only once the town and temple, and her friends, were destroyed – once she was in the hands of a madman. She never dared change into her human form while under Schmidt’s control. He had reeked enough havoc with her powers without discovering her shapeshifting and trying to delve deeper into all he could do with her. So she sat in her stone form for years, waiting for someone to come along that she could connect herself to in place of Schmidt.
Steve Rogers was the one who came, and Tess happily – and literally – tossed Schmidt into space in favor of Captain America. She sent Schmidt to her brother, Solomon’s, last known location, knowing that Solomon’s presence – and unavailability – would drive Schmidt even more mad, while she hoped that Schmidt’s presence would drive Solomon out of his self-imposed exile. She had no way of knowing how that went for decades, though, because she crashed into the Arctic alongside Captain Rogers first.
For decades she waited, content to remain near the captain in her stone state. Until SHIELD found her and brought her back out of the ocean to study her. Still nothing happened… until she began to feel restless, began to feel a pull on her power, a pull towards connecting to another being. But she wanted to keep her connection to Steve, so she begrudgingly opened herself to a second connection, soothed only by the fact that she felt her brother, Milo, nearby. Loki Odinson. Then Loki came, using her powers to open a portal from a deep corner of space to Midgard. Then New York was destroyed, and with it, so many Midgardian lives.
She blamed herself. After all, she could’ve fought Loki harder, could’ve held out longer against letting Loki onto Midgard. She had literally opened the gates for this to happen.
At the end of the day, Thor took her, and Loki, and returned them both to Asgard. She was back on her first home realm, and her connection to Loki, tenuous though it was, helped soothe the ache of being so far removed from Steve. It felt like a reward that she had done less than nothing to deserve. Yet Asgard was a much-changed place from the days of Borr and the Valkyrie. Borr’s son, Odin, struck a deal with her – the kindest thing she could hope for; she could live as an Asgardian among his people, but if ever trouble approached Asgard, she was to turn herself over to the guards of the weapons’ vault, transform into the stone, and stay there until the trouble passed. She took the deal without a second thought.
A few more years passed, and practically out of the blue, Odin summoned her to his throne room. Only… it was not Odin. The man on the throne looked like Odin, but Tess knew when she was near Loki. He quizzed her, innocently, it seemed, ultimately to see if she knew who he was, and she, inwardly baffled, led him on. Until she knew what was happening, she would do her best to go along with whatever Loki appeared to want. She was a teleporter, not a mind-reader, but she tried to figure out the answers he wanted, and she must’ve done a good enough job of it, because he dismissed her from the throne room without incident.
Unsure what else she could do without raising the new king’s suspicions, Tess went back to her life as normal.
Much as the destruction wrought by Hela worried her, she even kept to the deal she’d made with Odin, and when Ragnarok came, she went into hiding in the weapons’ vault. Until Ragnarok was almost over, when Loki took her aboard Asgard’s get-away ship.
Their safety lasted all of an hour and felt exactly like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The Titan came, already bearing Tess’s sister, Olivia, in a gauntlet. He killed half of what remained of Asgard and took Tess away from Loki. By all appearances, Thanos even killed Loki, but Tess knew the trickster and his illusions, and she could still feel the connection between them even as Thanos took her further away from the Jotun. But the destruction of the Asgardians’ ship was just the beginning of her horrific time with Thanos. One by one, he rounded up the rest of her siblings, leaving a clear path of destruction in his wake – but the Stones worked just as hard amongst themselves. They came up with a plan, with tricks and illusions of their own… and in the end, they won. They tricked Thanos, and trapped him, and put the universe back to rights.
When the terror was over, and the proverbial sea was relatively calmed, Tess revealed her human form to Steve, and decided to follow him – on the run, onto the next adventure, she couldn’t say she minded either way. She’d been near Loki long enough that she trusted him to be able to take care of himself. Besides, Milo was still watching over him, and in a pinch they could both sweep in to help him out if needed. He would be fine, and she could go with Steve, and so she did, come what may.
BOLDLY GO: (Star Trek) a geologist at the rank of lieutenant
Starter Call
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dontcallmecarrie · 5 years
Are you planing on ever making By Dawns Early Light into a full blown story? ... And is Thanos an issue in this AU? I think you havent mentioned him in it so well, I wondered?
UMM. *looks over what I’ve got in that tag, and winces*
geez this thing’s longer than some of my actual fics, when did that happen?
Here’s the thing, though: this AU’s meant to be a writer’s-block-buster. Which, if the current evidence is anything to go by, has been a resounding success. 
As of right now it’s just that, a thought-and-snippet-writing exercise, because there’s a lot of things that’d need tweaking before I’d even consider posting it on AO3 [aka my inner perfectionist strikes again]. 
Again, this is mostly just me messing around with a fluffy tumblr-exclusive [for now, anyway] AU because this feels smaller stakes than if I were to round this up and make it into a full-out fic.
Also, in regards to the second part of your ask: not exactly. By Dawn’s Early Light is, at its core, a fairly fluffy self-indulgent AU, which for me is also code for ‘nobody dies if I can help it’ and ‘if the MCU can have a Gary Stu villain then I can do what I want, Deus Ex Machina-levels of fixits included’.
How? Simple. By nerfing the heck out of him, while also unfridging as many other moms as I can, with a side of I-have-yet-to-forgive-the-writers-for-pulling-this-bs-seriously-what-kind-of-writing-was-that. 
Here’s how the entire Thanos situation would go down, in By Dawn’s Early Light (spoilers for a fic I have yet to write):
First, let’s take a step back, shall we? This is, among other things, a timeline-crunch AU. There’s a lot going down in a very compressed time frame [originally just because I wanted Howard to still be around just for Tony to be able to punch him, but now I’m invested in this so time go the full nine yards, buckle up everyone].
So. The entire situation around Maria Stark and Tony and Bucky’s been covered fairly well, but to sum up: when Howard turns out to be an abusive asshole of a husband, his wife smiles at him and promptly turns around and burns both SHIELD and Stark Industries, revealing HYDRA and Obadiah Stane’s double-dealing ahead of schedule [unintentional fixits ftw]. In the chaos, Bucky manages to escape and joins up with Maria and Tony as they go in hiding. 
Ripple effect that didn’t get mentioned: Hank Pym sees this shit going down, realizes that the most famous missing child in the country is about the same age as his daughter, and decides to not aim to be Absentee Father of the Year. He ends up being a tad overprotective, sure, but is way more involved in his kid’s life and Hope Van Dyne grows up with at least one (1) parental figure in her life, so…there’s that. 
Things happen, and the timeline for bringing Janet back gets moved up somehow, right around when the Avengers assemble.
Note to self: adjust part of Scott Lang’s origin story in this? Compare whistleblower laws of that time era, alt. entrance for him could be him somehow helping Tony hide because BDEL!Howard’s the type of petty and vindictive asshole who’d pull some strings if he found out this rando interfered with his search somehow. 
Bonus for giving Scott and Hank something to commiserate about, later on, and would also have Tony and Co. feeling indebted to him [which would result in a lot of shiny prototypes and records being expunged, later on, probably]
…though that might be a bit much. Hmm.
Reason to bring Janet back: I do what I want also I think the MCU fridged moms because otherwise they’d be too powerful 
Ripple effect that didn’t get mentioned, the second: since this is also the AU where moms get unfridged, Frigga’s going to be derailing the plot from her corner of the galaxy.
Also, since I finally watched Ragnarok but was a mythology nerd as a kid and have a passing knowledge of the comics, time to revamp how Hela fits into this universe.
Okay, she’s still murderous and powerful and ruthless. 
Only, turns out there’s a very good reason for it: she was one of Loki’s students [iirc she’s his daughter in the myths, that’s the best I can come up with atm] before Odin saddled her with the thankless duty of being the watchkeeper of Asgard’s enemies and prisoners. As in, Odin just straight-up went ‘hey you look pretty talented, here, I now hold you responsible for this entire goddamn realm of assholes and creeps, if any get out we’re all screwed’. 
Which is something Hela absolutely did not sign up for, but she’s now just about the only thing standing between said realm of undesirables and her home so she stays put […also maybe Odin sealed the only way back? Maybe? Idk].
It didn’t help that in the early days, these ruffians thought they could overpower her and escape to wreak havoc. So she had to kick everyone’s ass six ways to Sunday, until they finally accepted her as the head honcho of this dump and as someone Not To Be Fucked With.
Thus, why Hela’s known as the goddess of death and ruler of Helheim.  
…and it’s also why she accidentally came to Thanos’ attention.
(Because why the hell not, as if her day wasn’t bad enough Odin you owe her big time—)
Thanos, of course, is in love with her carnage and seems to be the kind of guy who doesn’t take no for an answer. Hela just wants to be left the alone but can’t tell him to fuck off because if she did, she’d risk leaving her home open to attack from enemy agents, which is how we get the story behind why Thanos is known as the madman who courted death. 
[Hela: fuck you and the horse you rode in on shoo you bastard and take your stupid flowers with you—]
Thanos was on one of his especially annoying ‘let me woo you with the ashes of this one civilization!’ kicks [Hela: ashes. How romantic. Not. Leave me alone already.] when some of the Dark Elves snuck out and killed Odin. 
Hela…is only pissed she couldn’t have done it with her own two hands. Also slightly embarrassed that the Dark Elves escaped in the first place, and relieved that it was only Odin who’d kicked it because his wife had seemed pretty nice, the one time Hela’d seen the lady before she’d been drop-kicked to this hellhole. 
Also— apparently she now can leave this place? Sayonara, bitches. 
Thanos is very displeased when he doesn’t find her standing guard over Helheim when he returns.
Displeased enough to get creative, as far as courting gifts go, and think that if she didn’t like rings or jewelry, well, maybe this Lady Death would appreciate a shiny, fully-assembled Infinity Gauntlet instead.
well…let’s be honest, if it weren’t for his ‘don’t take no for an answer’ thing, you’d have to give the guy props for trying. Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than ‘here have this item of absolute cosmic power’, amirite? [just kidding]
Hela now has mixed feelings about Asgard. Before she was crowned Queen of This Dump, she’d been a student of magic, had been used to certain things. There’s quite an element of culture shock to be had, now that she’s back. It’s the first time she’s seen sunlight in thousands of years, and also there’s a lot of systemic changes going on now that some of Odin’s dirty secrets are coming out at last. Turns out she’s not the only one who’d been pressed into duty: some of Loki’s other students[/children in the myths] came back with stories of the same. Fenrir was apparently voluntold to be the guardian of the Reality Stone, Jormungandr had apparently been busy on Midgard […which now had a school of Mystic Arts? Pfft. Overachiever], and the more Hela thought about it the angrier she got.
Especially when it turns out that her teacher had been mocked for suffering a breakdown and was also tortured by the creep who’d been flirting with her for millennia [Everyone: wait what Hela: I am going to KILL THAT BASTARD NEXT TIME I SEE HIM]. 
However, thanks to Frigga being Frigga and having a crazy-high charisma stat, Hela is still mostly willing to play ball with everyone else on Asgard. Despite her not being happy with how ungrateful the general populace acted [oh, magic’s just ‘tricks’? Here, have a fireball TO THE FACE I FOUGHT MONSTERS WITH THESE TRICKS FOR MILLENNIA]. 
So when Thanos shows up again, he gets one-shotted by Hela, who’s very very pissy about her vacation being interrupted.
Because this planet has sunlight and hot chocolate and punk rock and she’s got centuries’ worth of time off and she is damn well going to enjoy it.
…aka why Thanos is a bit of a non-entity in this one. Again, fixits are the name of the game for this AU.
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Loki Laufeyson Masterlist
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The Ulfhednar {Finished}
Ch.1    Ch.2   Ch.3   Ch.4   Ch.5   Ch.6   Ch.7   Ch.8
Description: This was my first fic I posted on Tumblr. Robbing from the Avengers was a walk in the park. Or until the god of mischief ruins any plans of escape. A fight ensues leading to the discovery of who and what the thief is and it isn't a discovery she ever wanted known. Especially by the very gods she was meant to obey.
Warnings: Blood, angst, stubbornness (M/F)
Forgotten Gods {Finished}***
1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8
Description: What if the one in a million shots at stopping Thanos was Loki had to fall from the Bifrost into the titans hands? And, what if the reason had to be the kidnapping of said gods true love? Can Strange and the others pull this off, and keep the reader safe to return to Loki once it is all over or do they fail miserably and cause more damage?
Warnings: Smut, Inferred Non-con, Angst, Blood (M/F)
Sparkling Topaz & Mead {Finished}***
One   Two  Three   Four   Five   Six  Seven
Description: After learning her powers don't work on either god, the reader reluctantly surrenders and returns with the Avengers. Very reluctant to help, what she is intrigues the god of mischief who takes interest in her in more ways than one.
Warnings: Smut (M/F)
The Wolves Den    {Epilogue}
Description: Werewolf AU. The god of mischief finds himself entering Midgardian bar searching for the wolf he has tracked after a nights run. Not to keen on how he finds her, he begrudgingly gets the Avengers involved.
Warnings: Blood, violence (M/F)
Loki’s Gilded Pet {Finished}***
Description: What happens when Loki is brought a prisoner to play with when he is in the dungeons? Reader is a mortal, some how she is brought through a passage between Midgard & Asgard to be apprehended & treated poorly before being taken to proper authorities. To cover there tracks the guards that found her throw her to Loki in hopes he will kill her.
Warnings: Mentions of rape, Smut (M/F)
Prickly Master List {Finished}***
Description: Stemmed from and Inktober oneshot in which the god of mischief wants his own familiar that is ALSO a promised lover who is reluctant to give into the god and makes his life a living hell.
Warnings: Angst, Smut (M/F)
Havoc’s Worship   Dragon!Loki {Finished}***
Description: Loki is chaos, chaos is havoc & havoc has found a treasure, a jewel, a new being to worship other than himself!
Warnings: Non-con, dub-con, Dark Loki and Thor, Smut (M/F)
Drooling Masterlist {Finished}***
Description: A female frost giant hiding on Midgard just so happens has the god of mischief land in her living room after the events of Avengers Infinity War. Little does she know, this causes her to come into heat long before her time.
Warnings: Smut, dub-con? (M/F)
Shattered Peace {Finished}
Description: During Thanos attack on the Statesman, the titan, instead of taking Loki’s life takes something more valuable. Leaving the god and a distraught lover in his wake.
Warnings: Angst, Heartache (M/F)
Savage Spite {Finished}
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3 
Description: Loki really makes a mess & it seems it will take longer for him to right the mistake than originally thought! Reader is a young celestial whose powers have yet to be known just how strong they really are. She and Tony Stark’s daughter, Morgan were raised together as sisters.
Warnings: Smut, Angst (M/F)
Shackled Babe {Finished}***
Description: After the events of infinity war and end game, both Loki and Thor seek a new realm to rebuild Asgard. The brothers remembering Odin telling them of a kingdom in the realm of Alfheim once ruled by a generous light elf. One who fell out of favor to have the throne handed to another, but it should be a safe place to rebuild.
Warnings: Smut, Implied Non-con, Angst, war (M/F)
Bitter Bonds {Finished}***
Description: After Loki is judged on Asgard he is immediately given/sold to the new king of Jotunheim, Helblendi, as a peace offering. 5 years later, two visitors journey to Jotunheim, a woman for trade talks and the other Thor,bargaining for Loki’s freedom. What happens when she bargains for the brother of her late husband?
Warnings: Torture, Panic Attacks, Angst, Smut (M/F)
Helot {Finished}***
Gore  Cryptic  Strange  Advance  Issues  Evocation  Relapse  Desperation  Home 
Description: In efforts to gather more intel, the recon goes to hell the instant a dying slave is thrown into the mix, leaving both Thor and Loki not sure what to do with her. Nothing is known of who she is or where she comes from.
Warnings: Smut, Torture (M/F)
Wolf Season {FINISHED}*** 
Description: This is the first time the readers heat is brought to her attention by none other than the god of mischief. How does she take to the discovery, but more importantly, how does Loki take it? Will Loki keep patience with her stubbornness or will he allow nature to take over? (This IS NOT ABO)
Warnings: Smut, Angst (M/F)
Sexual Healing & Godly Appetites {WIP}***
Description: Loki catches the reader looking for bad dragon toys (google it, you won’t be disappointed) Secretly he has wanted the team healer for a while and seeing her looking for a toy ignites a fire only she can extinguish.
Warning: Smut, BDSM (M/F)
The Auction House {WIP}***
Description: The team takes on a fine art auction that deal in super soldiers as the main prize. The key to the vault each individual is kept is inside the antique sold while encrypted data is scent out detailing the kill count of each soldier before hand to know who you are buying. The one up for auction tonight is top priority and Loki’s true soulmate and last love.
Warning: Angst, Smut in later chapters, Hints to a rough past (M/F)
Mermaids & Gods ***
Description: After the events of Infinity war are sorted out, the team takes a long overdue vacation and drags a certain “reformed” trickster with them.
Warnings: Smut, blood (M/F)
Christmas Praxis***
Description: This is sickly sweet and haven’t a clue where it came from & then it all went to smut! Reader is explaining Santa Claus to Loki who is having trouble grasping the tradition compared to what it once was.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (M/F)
Loki’s Sacrifice - Dark!Loki***
Description: Loki is brought a gift by the Jotunn to appease the new king of the realms. A sacrifice saved just for this purpose, or so it seems until he gets his first look at what she really is to the Jotunn people.
Warnings: Non-con (M/F)
I Will Not Kneel - Dark!Loki***
Description: Loki’s newest mortal toy isn't exactly as breakable as the ones before her. This intrigues the god who decides to keep her and not pass her off to another.
Warnings: Non-con (M/F)
Mischief's Teacher ***
Description: The general of the Valkyries leaves Asgard with Brunhilde, but not before training the princes to fight. Little did she realize the impact she had on one of the princes until he shows up in Sakaar.
Warnings: Smut (M/F)
Description: Written with @starscreamloki - The newest addition to the team isn’t thrilled to be forced into joining the fight, especially when the God of Mischief himself shows up and threatens to reveal her secret she has kept hidden ever since her capture.
Warnings: Swearing (M/F)
Judas Kiss
Description: Loki stumbled across the reader when she was traversing between Jotunheim and Asgard, the god having taking to her after learning she was nothing but a Jotun slave. The intrigue of her had Loki deciding she was to be brought to Asgard to assure she was safe.
Warnings: Angst, War (M/F)
Sea Maiden- Jotunn Loki***
Description: The team, sent by Fury to recruit the reader, haven't a clue as to what she is, just that she is strong, fast, and unrelenting in a fight. Her secret is revealed by Thor and Sam who decide it would be fun to throw her into the water during their at the beach.
Warnings: Smut, Angst (M/F)
Description: Reader has crashed to the barren lands of Jotunheim after she is tossed out of a space craft and left for dead. Though you can guess who is the one who finds her, taking her back to the palace it is discovered she is just not any mortal or alien race.
Warnings: Pain, Angst (M/F)
Sakaarian Heat*** 
Description: Jotun!Loki & Jotun!Reader - Upon attending a recent party at the urging of the Grandmaster, Loki finds a very rare creature and it turns out she belongs to him.
Warnings: Smut (M/F)
Six Steamy Sentences
Description: This was a writing challenge and a teaser!
Warnings: ANGST (M/F)
Keeper of Beasts***
Description: After Ragnarök, Loki, Thor, Brunnhilde and Hulk/Bruce escape the destruction of Asgard but not onto the Statesman. Instead they board the other craft that belonged to the Grandmaster and accidentally return to Sakaar. There, as luck would have it, they are bought by a frost giantess visiting the realm, but nothing is as it seems. 
Warnings: LEMONS, Angst (M/F)
Warring Loyalties
Description: The conquest for many Romans was more than just land. Taking what and who they wanted, a troop learn of a race of creatures, the selkie whose women are loyal to the end. This was the grand scheme of things when the general waited on shore for the OFC to return. Having come to shore, she never realized they were watching her patterns.
Warnings: Angst, dark things, blood, War (M/F)
Best Laid Plans of Gods & Shield Maidens
Description: After years of chasing after the reader, Loki finally gets his chance to show her how he truly feels. Though it takes a masquerade for the reader to understand just how much he has longed after her and only her when he could have anyone in the 9 realms. 
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Bullying, self-loathing (M/F)
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enter-the-phantom · 4 years
Familial and Platonic Week Day 2!
First meetings!
A lot of mine don’t really have set storylines so only a couple of these losers are getting an entry today
Loki: Loki shares multiple headspaces/stories with other f/o’s, so we’ll go with one of my favourites, the Hogwarts AU. Loki was at Hogwarts when me and Severus first started. He was just hanging out on Midgard to get a break from the Asgardian royal family, and had decided to observe the magical community by posing as a wizard. He was the Slytherin prefect when me and Severus were sorted into the house, and he was immediately protective of both of us. Me and Sev both really looked up to him, and he enjoyed getting to be the cool older brother for once, so he practically adopted us both.~
Gabriel: I met Gabriel when he was still masquerading as The Trickster. He already knew of me through Loki, having met a version of him with some multiverse knowledge when he first went into hiding. According to Gabe, this Loki had asked him to find a certain human and look after them as a favour to him, so he did. Gabriel is well-versed on the subject of parallel universes, so it wasn’t strange to him that a version of himself was connected to me in another universe, and he was apparently eager to rekindle that connection. When I first met him, he was just another out-of-control being we were trying to destroy, so it was definitely strange when he only targeted Sam and Dean and treated me with a weird sort of friendliness. Dean was pretty much convinced he had a thing for me, actually. After that, Gabriel showed up a lot still under The Trickster’s guise, confusing me and the boys to no end with his overt familiarity with me and his antagonism towards them. Turns out Gabriel had attached himself to me as my guardian angel, and he was determined to live up to that, no matter what name or role he was living under, and even when I was trying to put him down. We’re closer than anything now, but it was definitely a weird first few meetings. 
Sam and Dean Winchester: I met the brothers entirely by accident. They were hunting a lesser pagan deity that was wreaking havoc in a farming community, and I was working the same job already. I ended up saving them, no matter what Dean says. I didn’t plan to stay with them, and only followed them back because I was going the same direction. We never ended up parting ways though, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.
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floosies · 4 years
bury a friend: The Story of Noctua
pairing: platonic!steve rogers x possessed!oc x mcu!au x romantic!bucky barnes
summary: there have been sightings of a dark creature who vanishes with night and in the mornings only remains of once living people are found scattered in open fields or forests nearby.
warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of attempted suicide, violence, gore, cursing, mentions/scenes of sexual nature.
Please read with discretion. 18+ content.
A/N: This is my first attempt at something more dark. It’s been in my brain since hearing some of biilie’s works and quiet frankly I want to venture into new territory. However, I understand the severity of some topics that I will write about. If you or someone you know is in need please look at these resources
Tags: @indecisivedolly​
Series Masterlist
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Part 6: Oblivion
It had ended as a good day, she did best as she could to answer some of Barnes’ questions. Dinner was relatively calm, but as always she felt something was surging beneath the tranquil pace of reality. Tenebrae would surely alert her if something was to be approaching though, surely. She couldn’t sleep that night, or at least she thought that.
Dreams and visions are two similar and distinct things. A dream you can control, if you so choose to. A vision is like a picture or painting, it remains unable to be tampered with for it is merely a recollection of memories. She’d seen the temple only once, it was a sort of gift from Tenebrae after she mastered the wonders. There she was blessed by ancient powers, only one other flesh body was there. With a gasp she awoke, “Malum.” There he was, “good to see you too lamia, let’s go.” 
There was never any waiting with the norse prince, he was relentless and egotistical. What they walked into was interesting, she had never seen the sunset at the temple, “why are we here?” She was now dressed and her eyes clouded as she waited for a fight. He smirked, “Tenebrae our old friend it seems cannot help me out of this one, so it requested you help me instead. Afterall, you are indebted to me after our last scuffle.” He couldn’t see it, but she was rolling her eyes. 
Suddenly the beautiful orange hues changed to black, the two moons no longer aligned with the pillars. Suddenly swords were out, both the magical beings levitating. The creature was horrifyingly deformed, an odd goo dripping from its mouth. It was demonic, she could tell by the way its eyes were colored and shaped. Knowing Malum, he probably pissed off another kingdom. 
He tried to cut it from the mouth downward, she held the beastly creature down with a spell. It was becoming difficult to hold the putrid thing down though, with great power it knocked her down. “Wretched beast! Malum have you made the damn incision?” She heard his groan, “it isn’t too long, but yes.” Getting up, she quietly asked for Tenebrae’s full force, the creature snarled and groaned. “Enough of this!” With a motion of her hands, she tore the creature in two, and set it on fire. 
Meanwhile on Earth the compound was alerted of a break in. As the team frantically searched for the breach, a strike of lighting and the sound of thunder boomed through. An angered Thor made an entrance, his target being Rogers. When he made contact, he grabbed him by the throat. “You allowed the witch to live?” Everyone was quick to stop him, “hey. Hey big guy you wanna let him down so he can talk?” Tony said, Thor then dropping Steve, “that girl is havoc. News has spread around the realms that she just killed a demonic beast on a sacred temple. I know she is with Loki.”
For all the tricks and tools that he had achieved from hundreds of years in battle and seclusion, Loki was awful at being discreet. The moment they arrived back at the compound, they were met with angered looks. A familiar face was there too, “Strange. It’s been years,” she said softly. They were interrogated again, “why do you owe anything to Loki?” She sighed as the others listened from the hearing system, “he saved my life once believe it or not. It was a long time ago when I was first attempting transmutation,” On the other hand Loki was getting asked his relation to the witch, “an old friend. She owed me a small favor. I would have asked Maximoff, but I figured it would be better to ask an old friend instead of an old rival.” Ever the charming prince, Strange and the others figured they could never really make Loki understand his errors. 
Nevertheless, he would be kept on Midgard for some time to figure out what else he had done before the night of the temple battle. Tenebrae was proud of what she’d done, “the temple is sacred though. I don’t think it was appropriate.” The being listened as it watched her lay on her bed, “neither do I, but it had to be done. Be thankful it was in the future,” her brows furrowed at the comment. “You mean to say that no of that has happened yet?” It paused before answering her, “he was saving his flesh for future reasons. You won’t be affected,” it was difficult to understand, but she had more pressing questions for which she needed answers. 
When the truth of her birth story was revealed she felt a deep relief. Tenebrae promised that she would meet her true lineage in time. It was a sobering thought, but that kind of sadness did not get to set in her. Peter was being attacked in Manhattan. The beast they’d killed in the future was apparently aware that the witch and prince traveled to the past. Demonic kind of beasts were the most tricky kind. They are connected to all time and space as they exist beyond as more of spirit. Which means the tools to kill them must be blessed, cursed, or anointed. Thankfully for Noctua, she had all three measures covered. 
Not wanting to strain her power on transmutation, she figured she’d just get Malum to take her. Instead an authoritative Steve stood between her and the “You already killed one version of this weird thing, you’re not going back. Stephen and Wanda are going.” Rolling her eyes, she spoke quickly. “I don’t think you understand. That creature is after Malum.” “Malum?” “Loki! It is not a simple kill.” They watched the monitors around the compound show how Strange and Maximoff were struggling. They wouldn’t be able to do a thing, “let’s go Malum.” Before Steve could protest, she had already teleported out of the compound. 
As soon as they got to the creature, she looked at Malum, “we need to get this awful thing out of here. Do you know a place,” he nodded and without a second thought they were in a sort odd realm, the creature was still alive. Wounded again, but alive. The wound was a large gash, “you have my sword right?” Out of his cape came the sword she was gifted ages ago. He’d used earlier, but it was her turn now. Both of magic wielding beings cast bounding spells on the beast, “if you wish not to dirty your precious silks and leathers I suggest you move back. “ He laughed, “always glad to see you as arrogant as ever.” In one quick motion she cut the beast unleashing an odd colored plasma or blood. It drenched her with a rancid sent, but it was dead. For safe measure, she took a moment to assure with Tenebrae that the beast was dead for good. Repeating the same killing would be exhausting. 
When they arrived back to the present day New York, she was annoyed and tired. Malum thought she looked amusing covered in the remains of the creature, “I’m going to bathe. My end of the debt is paid off. Don’t bother me with your stupid near death experiences. You always go looking for them.” It upset him when she grew angered with him, “oh please. You enjoy our outings.” She mockingly laughed, “I do not. You always charm your way into trouble. I always had to get you out of. It’s for that very same reason I left you on the damn planet. You always made it so we were targets for some kingdom or creed. It got tiring.” He smiled a her anger, “I do miss this. You always look ravishing after a fight.” She finally reached her chambers, “oh Malum. You always be an idiot at heart.” With that she closed the door on him. 
It didn’t take long for Tony and the others to find him. He was put back in his cell, but not before they carefully removed the monitor they had placed on him. On it was video evidence of what happened when they disappeared with the beastly demon thing. Steve had arranged for her and Wanda to spend the remainder of the night entertaining themselves with whatever they’d like to as long as it wasn’t leaving the compound. 
An urgent meeting was held with the highest ranking members of the team. They sat around the meeting hall and watched the recording. It was terrifying, “are we sure we want things like this to enter our parameter?” Rhodey asked with deep concern. He’d been sat alongside them watching their expressions, “from the looks of it you were relieved it when she killed the thing.” Their gaze was now on the man dressed in black, Carol wasn’t so easily disturbed by him. “Who are you?” He smiled, “I’m the being who gave her the powers she used to kill that thing before it killed your young comrade.” They watched him move closer, “she is a great asset and from what I am gathering in the beyond, her life is in safe hands here. It would be a mistake to have her leave, or so I’ve seen.” It wasn’t a threat it was a warning. The team took a moment, it was Banner who spoke up, “are you sure she won’t combust? This type of work it-” “I know all your fears and believe me, she is as harmless as a butterfly, she’ll grow to admire you all. Or have I not already mentioned I’ve seen things you haven’t?” The room grew a bit cooler, the air somewhat thinner. “The girl stays. We’ll deal with Loki in the morning.” 
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digitalagepulao · 1 year
From what you said before and by how Atreus and Wukong act to Týr, does that mean they know he is fake Tyr and just Odin in disguise?
GOWR spoilers below
oh yeah, Wukong sees through him right away. no glamour or disguise can hide from his gaze, and that includes Tyr. couple that with how Loki behaves around him, and it's pretty easy math for the old monkey!
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fimbulvetrblues · 11 months
How did each one the group( Freya, Mimir, Atreus, Brok, Sindri and Kratos) react to learn that Loki is Atreus from another timeline.
sorry for the delay, my brain was Not for the past few days ajdajwbh
Freya and Mimir were the most emotionally distraught about it. they knew Loki back in Asgard and they knew all the horrors he was put through, so realizing that the boy they've come to love and care for was that same man broke them a bit.
Brok and Sindri take it more in stride to be fair. They are mostly incredibly interested in the spacetime implications of it all, though Brok now understands how the bastard knew them so well before they even met back in Asgard. Sindri is more awkward about it, swinging between grieving for the kid he watched grow in that journey to Jotunheim, and that said kid went used his knowledge to trick them both more than once xvx
Atreus has a rage-fueled transformation when he finds out. Loki helps him ride it out and all but, he really doesn't like that that man he just watched "kill" Thor and steal the godhood of Thrúd, the man that wants revenge so much he will twist the entire world into knots to get it, is him. a different him yes, but still him! he's gonna need a few business days to process all of it, and even then his brain struggles to come to terms that he could one day turn out like Loki.
Aaaah Kratos. this poor man. he does Not take it well at all. he sees far too much of his younger self on Loki, and to learn that Loki is another Atreus, thoroughly wrecks him. he's solid as a rock as ever but, it's visible to anyone with eyes that he's broken up about this. Loki sympathizes with his pain, he knew it was coming and he didn't look forward to it, but he's resolute in his plans. he will get his revenge, no matter what Kratos thinks of it, and Kratos Hates That.
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lightneverfades · 5 years
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Emerge (Frostiron AU ficlet) / Post-Avengers End Game
Warning: Major Spoilers for Avengers: End Game! Do NOT read further if you haven’t watched the movie yet! 
Summary: What if...
Summary: ... when Tony dies in his timeline, he wakes up in an alternate reality of himself where he had just defeated Loki and his Chitauri army in 2012? In the process, he realizes that he has another chance with the god he thought he lost five years ago? What will he do, knowing his choices may alter a fixed timeline that will ultimately save or bring about Loki’s untimely demise? 
Note: This fic was inspired by The OA (if you haven’t watched it, I won’t spoil the premise here! Just watch, it’s a brilliant show!)! Not too sure if I’ll continue this, considering I have a limited amount of time these days, but I had to write down this muse after it occurred to me yesterday. You can tell I’m still a little in denial, haha! Anyways, hope you like it!
P.S. - Since Tony was in a long relationship with Loki, he isn’t with Pepper and therefore Morgan, unfortunately, doesn’t exist in this fic. Was very tempted to put them in here, but I just want Tony to be with Loki in this one, lol.
Music: Genesis and The Other Side by Ruelle
“ They say the end is the beginning. Well, that’s exactly what happened.
I was given another lifetime, a different timeline. Another chance… to save him.
To save Loki. From himself. From death.
From Thanos.”
Tony gasped as he felt the breath he had lost only moment ago rush back into him again, like a jolt of lightning bursting through his body, within his lungs, forcing him awake and bringing him back from the depths of darkness. He opened his eyes, the world a white blur of light.
Was he… dead? 
But then Tony can feel the wind on his face, taste ash on his tongue. His vision started to focus and he was staring up at… blue skies? His body wasn’t numb… broken… unlike his last moments with his team, watching over him with tears in their eyes. The power he had felt when he held those stones and snapped his fingers. It had torn him apart…
Where am I…? Tony thought with confusion. He blinked a little more, his eyes starting to focus on familiar faces that looked down at him. Steve. Thor. Banner…? But they looked different… younger. Less wrought by time.
He tried to speak, but his throat burned with the effort, feeling as if he had inhaled fire. And now his body can actually feel pain, an indication that he was very much alive. Actually, it ached like hell, as if he had just fallen from a great height.
“Year…?” Tony managed to rasp out, and Steve’s face, so young and full of relief now, furrowed a little in confusion.
“It’s 2012. Tony, we gotta get you to the medic. You just barely got out alive.”
2012! Tony’s eyes widened in shock. What happened? Why was he alive? He was dead, or he thought he was. How could he possibly be alive?
And then it occurred to him.
That final wish that crossed his mind before the final task.
Tony had wanted to destroy Thanos and his army… That had been his main goal for stealing those stones from Thanos, before history was close to repeating itself. Doctor Strange’s single glance indicating that this was the only possible solution for everyone’s survival made it clear. 
But more than anything, Tony had hoped he would be with Loki after he was dead. His Loki... 
The god he lost in the war to the mad Titan.
Tony could still remember the day vividly when Thor told him how his brother had died, knowing full well that Tony had been Loki’s lover. Well, the whole team knew. They’ve known for years since Loki actually saved the Avengers numerous times (from Ultron, or from himself, really) and tolerated his presence after they found out the truth about why Loki had come to wreak havoc on Earth. Of course, Loki hadn’t really informed the team that he was in Midgard to atone for his crimes (although Tony was the only one he knew). 
“My brother… Loki… He is dead.”
He hadn’t been able to sleep well since that day. Those five years since Thanos had won had been absolute torture. No matter how many years passed, he couldn’t move on. The what if’s and missed moments came to haunt him, reminding him of a life that he could have had with Loki. It isolated him. 
In a way, Tony understood how Clint felt when his whole family had been turned to dust. 
When Tony had held that gauntlet, that final chance at making Thanos pay for what he had done, he did it with fury coursing through him. His sorrow of Loki’s death, the lost moments he could never get back with the god, brewed as a maelstrom of emotion within him. He knew that if he did the deed, he would die. But knowing that had almost given him a sense of peace in a way. 
What was the point of living if he didn’t have anyone left to care for? He had no family except the team, which he cared for deeply. They were the ones he had to keep alive, and if that meant his impending death was going to end all suffering and undo all the hurt that Thanos had caused, then he would gladly do it. The satisfaction of seeing Thanos die by his hand had been enough for him to finally pass on in peace. That, and the hope that he’d be able to see Loki again.
And now here he was… alive and back in 2012, where it all began. 
Loki, also alive and well, oblivious of the impending future.
But why 2012?
“Stark, I love you… No one else.”
“You and me both, Lokes.”
“Tony… Tony! Are you okay?”
Tony felt himself being shaken awake again, and he realized he was falling asleep a little. His body felt so exhausted suddenly as if this new state he was in and the knowledge of the future he had was sapping him of energy.
He nodded groggily. Tony felt Steve wrapping an arm around his chest so that he was standing supported by the Captain. He wasn’t really focused as much as he blindly followed out of the rubble of New York City. He heard the blaring sound of the ambulance and the smoke that rose from the destruction that the Chitauri, and inevitably the Avengers, had caused.
“We’re getting you some help, alright? The medics will be here, and we’ll take care of Loki. You get some rest—“
As soon as Tony heard the god’s name, he struggled, “No! I have to come with you. I’m fine, really. See!”
Tony tore away from Steve, to prove he could stand on his own. He managed, barely, willing himself not to fall. Steve looked at him with concern, a small frown emerging and Thor raised his eyebrow a little as well. But then the thunder god wrapped his arm around Tony’s shoulder, stabilizing the man’s wavering footing with an encouraging laugh.
“The Man of Iron wants to see this through to the end! Let us go then, I will take you!” Thor boomed, eager to help. Tony couldn’t help but smile; it’s been a while since he’s seen Thor so stable and happy, unlike the one he knew in his future. The thought of seeing Thor lose everything, of knowing what was going to pass, pained him.
“Thor, wait- Tony, I get it, you want to be the one to see Loki get put away in chains. But I don’t think now’s the right time-,” Steven started but Tony shook his head, determined to get his way.
“I need-“ Tony paused, catching his breath, “-this.”
Steve looked at Tony for a while, studying him, before finally nodding. “Alright. But then you’re getting checked out by a doctor.”
Tony let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Cap.”
He got a nod as Tony felt Thor wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him upward. Then they were rushing through the air. It was exhilarating, the same way he always felt when he was defying gravity in his Iron Man suit. It always made him invincible, even when he knew he wasn’t. Tony saw his old Stark tower closing in. Loki is in that building now... The thought of seeing Loki alive made his heart beat faster in his chest.
Thor landed them abruptly on top of the Stark tower balcony. Tony wavered, and the thunder god caught him quickly.
“Come. Our angry, green friend has caught my brother.” 
Tony nodded, and he hoped the god didn’t catch onto any of his nervousness now. I can’t mess with the time. Who knows what will happen if I do? I might be altering my past as well. Or… am I actually here now, hiding in the background? Is Scott here too, with Cap? 
The thought of seeing his team members, the ones that actually know his past, warmed his heart a little, but at the same time, he wasn’t too sure if he could bear seeing not just Steve and Scott but himself. He had an inkling he was here now, which was ironic considering he was now from the future.
Mess with time, and it messes back at you, Tony thought warily as he stepped into his old living room. He saw a large, green shape - Banner, no Hulk… that was fast, he’d been downstairs only a minute or two ago - hovering over an unconscious body on the ground.
Loki… Tony saw the shape of the mischief god and he felt his body shiver and his heart skip a beat, his throat feeling drier than it already was. He wanted to tear away from Thor’s supportive arm, pound his fists into Loki and shake him awake. More than ever, he wanted - like he had wanted when he first went through the time heist to get the infinity stone - to embrace Loki. Of course, he would kick the god’s ass for leaving him, of course, but the pain of those five years would mend quickly, knowing he had Loki back. But he couldn’t… not yet anyway. Not when he knew he would draw too much attention here.
“Puny god,” Hulk grumbled, glaring at the unconscious god and continued to grunt with a growl on the tip of his tongue. There was a sound from the elevator area, and Tony saw how quickly Steve and the rest of his team came up to capture Loki and stabilize the situation. 
Nat… Tony thought softly to himself as he saw Natasha come towards him with Loki’s scepter. She looked just as young and beautiful as he had seen her before their last moments at the time machine. He caught her sharp gaze and hoped he wasn’t giving anything away that made him look suspicious. But then again… they probably wouldn’t suspect he was a future self trapped in his former body, reliving the past. If anything, Nat would probably laugh. 
“You’re looking a little pale. Maybe you should sit this one out,” Natasha remarks, narrowing her eyes as she glanced over Tony’s appearance. 
“No, no, I’m fine.” 
Natasha didn’t say a word after, although her stare lingered longer than Tony would have liked. Of course, she senses something amiss… Tony thought, feeling a small sense of pride for Natasha. She turned her back on him now, her attention focusing primarily on the unconscious Loki. 
Probably distracted by the fact that she was holding a weapon that could cause chaos in the wrong hands, Tony thought as he watched the weapon glow ominously, still exuding power. It was a powerful tool of deadly persuasion, which Tony knew only too well from Loki. 
Tony walked closer, and he saw the god of mischief. He was cut and bruised, knocked out cold by a rather strong blow brought on by the Hulk. In spite of all this, Tony couldn’t help but notice how peaceful Loki looked. 
It reminded him of the face he used to watch after they had made love and the god had fallen asleep beside him. They used to embrace underneath the sheets, willing themselves to forget the pain and darkness that kept coming their way. Of course, we took them on like every other day… 
No matter what happened in their lives, those stolen moments had been one of the best memories of his life. 
That was until Thanos took Loki away from him. 
Tony saw Loki stir, shards of glass and pieces of rubble falling off of his armor. Then he saw the god’s eyes open slowly. He had to suppress a hitched breath at the sight of them. What once had been overtaken by an icy cold blue were gone, the lush emerald hue of Loki’s original eye color taking over again. They looked upwards at them, at him, and Tony felt his insides twist in a knot as he saw Loki’s face contort in confusion, anger and then amusement - a defence Tony knew Loki used to his advantage every time something went wrong.
“If it’s all the same to you… I’ll have that drink now,” Loki drawled and this time, the god looked at Tony with a small smile, as if he were sharing an inner joke. Which he was, although Tony was the only one who knew.
“Not gonna happen,” Clint snaps viciously as he took out a suitcase, which Tony knew carried the chains given by Thor to prevent Loki from escaping. Of course, that was theoretical, since Loki had later confided in Tony a few years later that if he had wanted to escape, he could have easily done so, but instead, the god had gone along with the charade of playing the captive…
“Huh… Why? You just said you could’ve taken them off. Why did you let us take you away like that?” Tony asked, genuinely curious now as he handed Loki a glass of whiskey. They were sitting a good length away from each other, but close enough to hear each other speaking. The room was lit by a single light on the other end of the living room slash bar (cause really, it was the best of both worlds). 
The god raised his eyebrows, looked at the brown liquid for a moment and Tony could see the god was contemplating whether or not he should he drink it. 
Maybe he thinks I poisoned it, Tony thought with an inner chuckle. 
“I do owe you that drink, don’t I?”
Loki shrugged, and then he brought the glass to his lips and sipped cautiously. 
Tony laughed then, even though they weren’t still exactly friends. 
He was only letting Loki stay a little to recuperate that day, esp. after the god had come to save the Avengers from his own creation, Ultron. Vision had been the hero that day, sure, but without Loki’s help, millions more of Sokovia’s citizens would have died. It had been so unexpected, considering Thor had told the Avengers that Loki had died in battle in their own world. No one still knew how he ‘survived’, or if he was dead at all.
“Boredom, perhaps?” Loki answered with a question mark added on the end, a mischievous grin spreading on his lips. Tony raised his eyebrows in response. 
“I thought you had a reputation for being the God of Lies, Reindeer Games,” Tony responded back, clearly seeing through Loki’s facade.
“Mmm, it seems you see right through me, Stark.”
Tony felt Loki set the glass down on the nearby table, walking a little closer towards him. As soon as he took those first steps, Tony was already up and calling on his suit. But in reality, he didn’t really need to. Loki wasn’t smiling or looking anything like his devilish self; if anything, he just looked genuinely sombre.
“Then perhaps… it is guilt.”
The repulsor hand Tony had raised in Loki’s direction as a warning quickly lowered then. Maybe he had judged Loki way too quickly? Looking at Loki’s expression now, something clicked.
“You never wanted to attack New York, did you? It was the scepter that made you do it, wasn’t it?” 
Loki didn’t reply, but his eyes told a story and Tony could tell he was right. 
“Why didn’t you tell your brother? Thor told me you didn’t protest when they locked you up.” 
Tony almost expected the god to snap at him or attack him then and avert his attention away from that question. Maybe in Loki’s shoes, he might’ve if he didn’t want to explain himself. Tony couldn’t quite tell if Loki was going to continue this conversation, but for the first time he saw something in the god that he recognized, and it was weariness. He could see the god’s eyes filled with a sense of sorrow that even he probably hadn’t felt in his lifetime. 
“I deserved to be shut away. My time with the mad Titan has shown me many horrors, and he wrought that misery and pain using me as his vessel.” 
Loki took the glass of whiskey again, and this time he drank it all up. 
“But you couldn’t have controlled it. Barton couldn’t. Anyone that gets near that thing… it distorts everyone’s mentality for the worst,” Tony heard himself saying, and he wondered - not for the first time- why he was feeling sorry for the god or felt the urge to protect him. Maybe he knew a little something about betrayal in the acutest form. Maybe… reading that file about Loki, hearing Thor’s further conversation about the Odinson family history made him a little soft for the god that stood before him now.
Loki chuckled, and it was bitter now, “There are no excuses, no consolations, for what I have done in the Titan’s name. After my fall, I killed thousands. I wanted, more than ever, to quench my thirst for power and blood was what I needed, regardless whose it may be. The death of your people meant nothing if I could eliminate Thanos’s enemies and execute his plans for genocide. That is how much I had fallen!”
“That wasn’t you, he was controlling you, right? With that scepter of yours-“ 
“No, it was me!” Loki snarled now, and Tony could see anger burn in those green eyes, hatred fuming at the edges. “The scepter does make you do its bidding, yes. But all of the devastation I caused was from me. Nothing else!” 
Tony watched as Loki tried to calm himself, and he could see the god’s hands were trembling from the effort. “Why are you back then?”
“I…” Loki faltered, hesitation clear in his voice, “I wish to atone. I wish… to join your team.” 
Tony’s eyes widened a little. “Join the Avengers?” 
“Yes, that is what I said, did I not?” Loki spoke and there was an inkling of amusement in the god’s eyes. Tony can see himself reflected in them. 
He probably looked stunned. He really hadn’t expected that. 
But then again he was Loki’s brother.
“I have surprised you.”
“I’m thinking you were aiming for that effect,” Tony responded back. 
Loki smiled and the mischief in his expression was evident. “Oh yes, I was…” 
For the first time, a genuine laugh escaped Tony. In that moment, he felt a certain companionship for the god, the jaded history of their meeting diluted and become replaced with a better memory. That and, oh, the fact that he could tease Loki with ideas of a silly heroes’ costume.
We’ll have that moment soon, Tony thinks, but he knows it’s not as quick as he would have liked. After all, it was in 2015 that he finally got a chance to understand Loki and really connect with him. History needed to repeat itself in order for him to be with the Loki he fell in love with… but time was a cruel mistress.
“Get up!” Thor orders and he forces Loki to his feet, taking the overly sized bronze shackles and clamping them over Loki’s wrists. The god winces a little as the mechanism of the Asgardian chains wrap around his wrists tightly, the gears moving of its own accord. Tony couldn’t help but turn away at that; not being able to do anything and seeing Loki in pain hurt like hell. 
Natasha had the scepter trained on Loki as a warning, and Tony shied away from the glow. He had been fortunate enough to be absolutely unaffected by the stone before, but Tony didn’t want to take any chances, now that he was here.
Which made Tony wonder… if he was here, then where was his 2012 self? Was he… gone? Had he erased that other self from existence forever? Did this mean he was going to have to live through his own past again?
Is that so bad? A small part of him spoke softly. Tony really didn’t know what was better.
“Let’s get him out of here,” Tony heard Steve speaking in the background.
He turned as he heard the elevator doors open again and he saw S.H.I.E.L.D agents - no, HYDRA - come up. The soldiers followed the agent in the front line, who held a long suitcase, without question. Tony felt the same distaste as when he’d learned about HYDRA’s existence. He really wanted, more than anything, to tell his team here and now that these men were enemies, that those weren’t really allies of S.H.I.E.L.D. But of course, he couldn’t. Not if he wanted to keep everything balanced.
I’d mess up everything, Tony thought with frustration as he watched Natasha give the scepter to the agent with the suitcase. Cap… he needs those stones to defeat Thanos. It has to be this way…
He watched, a bystander of time, as the HYDRA team left with the large suitcase holding Loki’s scepter. Tony’s hands had balled into fists. 
“Tony, you hold the Tesseract,” Steve spoke as he handed Tony a suitcase. Tony nodded, although he wondered why the Captain was asking him to hold onto the Tesseract, knowing how Tony wasn’t in the best shape. But then he didn’t really question it. His future self had everything planned out to take it away from him - it’d be better if he was holding it, then Steve, since his next plan involved a little electrocution. 
Not a fun thought… Tony mused at the thought as he remembered that moment when he saw himself writhing in pain on the floor near the reception desk. Nope, not fun at all.
“I’ll go ahead to secure the premises and make sure there isn’t any other threats we’ve missed,” Steve announced.
Oh boy, need to stall him… 
“Wait, Captain, you gotta come with us. Loki’s still uh, dangerous fugitive and we need all eyes that we can get,” Tony started, trying to stir Steve away from the door that led to the stairs. 
“No can do, Stark. I’ll see you soon.”
Tony followed the rest of the team as Thor dragged Loki away and into the elevator, where he too stepped inside. He purposefully stayed a few inches away from the god, forcing himself not to look in Loki’s direction. Tony was a little amused when Hulk had a bit of a tantrum for not being allowed into the elevator, but other than that, his heart couldn’t stop beating so hard. It was ridiculous just how lovesick he felt as if he were some character from a romcom. But then maybe that was what love did to you. 
The ride down was filled with silence, especially after the muzzle was put on Loki. And yet, in spite f the silence, Tony could feel a tension in the air. The team was clearly still on alert. There was another thing where he could feel that particular someone watching him from the other side of the elevator. Tony ignored the intense stare as much as possible.
What was he going to do now though? Was he going to have to let the sequence of events take hold? Tony knew he messed up the first time when he and Scott went after the stone. That plan hadn’t really worked, and he had ended up going back in time to his father’s timeline… Should he let all of that unfold? Or did he have a choice? Could he make it easier for his former self?
Or more importantly…
Could he change time so Loki lived?
Tony could still feel a presence staring at him, and he couldn’t bear to ignore it anymore. He turned to look. 
Loki was watching him, silently observing him from the corner of his eye. But it was enough to see that the god was intrigued by something, which Tony tried desperately to hide. He tried to keep his composure as much as possible, yet this time he couldn’t stop looking into Loki’s eyes. 
And then he heard it. 
Why is your heart beating so fast, Anthony Stark?
Loki’s voice slid through his mind like a serpent, nestling comfortably. Tony felt his body shiver at the magical contact. He wanted to embrace it, but another part of him was panicking. Shit, shit, shit.
Blasphemy does not suit you. But I commend you for winning this time, mortal. I do believe you and I are not so different when it comes to our morals, Loki’s silky voice spoke. So tell me… what are you hiding? 
I’m not hiding anything!
I could easily break you apart, here and now, right in front of your comrades. You avoid my glance, your heart rate speeds up when you see me. You are afraid. If I were to take a guess, I daresay you may very well be in love, but that is close to impossible, all things considered. 
Of course not, Tony thought quickly, maybe a bit too fast. He heard the elevator chime and saw the floor was close to stopping. He eyed the numbers, descending excruciatingly slow. Meanwhile, he could hear Loki’s amused chuckle.
Mmm, you are not a very good liar.
Tony felt Loki’s presence subside, and he let out a breath of relief. He broke his eye contact with Loki when Thor pushed his brother out of the elevator, and into the large hallway.
“Alright, let’s get this over with,” Clint stated as they stepped out of the elevator. Tony was in front, with Clint, Thor and Natasha training all their weapons on Loki. Even from the corner of his eye, Tony can feel the god watching him, can almost imagine the trademark grin spreading on the god’s lips.
He turned a fraction and saw a man wearing the suit of special forces near the reception desk, lingering a little too long for a normal soldier. Yup, that was him.
Tony saw the HYDRA team again now, and this time it was Alexander Pierce himself and his merry gang.
Great, just what I needed… Tony thought distastefully but he smiled brightly on the outside, showing off his pearly whites. He hoped the son of a bitch wouldn’t notice the disgust in his eyes. 
“May I ask you where you’re going?” Pierce spoke. 
“A bit of lunch and then Asgard. I’m sorry, you are?” Thor questioned.
Tony went through his script, or at least he improvised, pretty stealthily. He was probably a pretty good actor, all things considered. Maybe he should have gone into the Hollywood business. Oh, that would have made Loki laugh… Tony thought for a split second before he focused on reenacting his past. After all, Scott was probably going to zap him any minute now. In nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two… one.
The shock was to be expected, but Tony felt the jolt of pain all the same. It knocked him off his feet, shook him apart. It wasn’t as bad as his last moments when his whole body was scorched from the effects of the stone, sure, but it still hurt. A lot. 
“Stark?” Pierce’s voice echoed ever so faintly as Tony let go of the grip on his suitcase. He forced himself to look before he fell, saw the suitcase slide over to the his other self, that waited for the case to come into his hands. Ingenious as it was, Tony almost wanted to hate that other guy who let his past self go through this pain. And yet, a part of him was also a little relieved.
Everything is going as it should be…
Like I said, Stark. You are a very terrible liar, a familiar voice pierced through his haze of pain and before Tony could even think to reply, he knew he had made his first mistake: letting Loki in.
Through the surprised cries, most likely created from the commotion the Hulk had made after bursting through the long stairwell, Tony felt a hand on his shoulder. The pain immediately dissipated. He gasped and blinked, expecting to see Thor’s face. Instead, he was staring into the face of the mischief god, who smiled broadly, the muzzle now gone. 
“Loki! No!” Tony heard Thor’s angry roar and he flinched, feeling his exhausted body being hoisted up. He thought he could hear a crackle of thunder, but he knew he was probably acting as Loki’s human shield now. From the corner of his eye, he could see a blue glow and realized that Loki was now free of the Asgardian chains as well, the other hand gripping the Tesseract tightly.
“Goodbye, brother,” Loki nonchalantly.
Wait, I can’t! Tony thought, but it was too late. The whole room disappeared before his eyes, and he was now standing in a dark room of some sort. Loki let him go as soon as they were away from the past he knew. 
“Oh no,” Tony heard himself whisper. He tried to get up, but the effects of the shock he’d gotten still rendered him a little weak on the knees. And second, he couldn’t see a thing except for the glow of the Tesseract in Loki’s hand. 
He heard a snap and the lights came on, revealing a luxury suite of some kind. The designs were the same as Earth though, thankfully enough.
“I do need to thank you, Man of Iron. Without your help, I really wouldn’t have seen quite the error of my ways. You didn’t think a mere muzzle and some chains could hold my magic, now, did you?” Loki drawled and smiled, the glimmer of mischief evident in his eyes.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. Loki, we have to go back! You’re not supposed to-“ Tony started, trying to get up. It was a painstaking process - he should have anticipated this.
“No doubt it wasn’t quite what you planned… Yet it is what it is, no?” Loki spoke, and Tony watched as the god squeezed the Tesseract cube in his grip. It splintered and broke until finally, the sound of glass breaking sounded. Tony had to close his eyes for a moment before he saw Loki with the stone, the blue Space stone floating in Loki’s palm. 
“What are you doing?”
Fear crept up in Tony now, and he knew it wasn’t for him now. It was for Loki. Of course, the fear of messing with the timeline was there, but more than anything, he wanted to keep the god safe from himself. 
“Loki, whatever you’re planning, don’t do it. You’re better than this.”
“And how do you know this, Stark?” Loki snaps back at Tony, and this time he realizes that he’d once again judged Loki wrong. He thought he had seen glee in those eyes, but it was an illusion. Behind the grand facade, the god’s smile was a desperate attempt to hide his despair.
I know you’re hurting. That pain isn’t going to go away. You won’t be able to get over it anytime soon. But don’t run away from it. That stone isn’t going to save you.
“Why are you acting so wise, all of a sudden?” The god snarled. “A moment ago, you were happy to see me fall, like the rest of your silly group. I am the villain in this story, am I not? I will be called the monster that devastated your short. Pathetic. Lives!”
Loki struck out and Tony, without his suit, was hit full with the power of Loki’s magic. He felt his body bang into the wall, making a good dent of it. The glass around them broke a little, and he saw that he was still in New York. Loki hadn’t travelled far, and of all places, the god had decided to get a room with a good view. Figures. 
He got up as fast as he could, but it still wasn’t fast enough. One minute, he was dragging himself up, leaning heavily on the wall behind him, and the next he was pressed right into it, Loki’s free hand (the one not holding the stone) pushing his aching back to the wall.
“You’re not a monster.”
“Such conviction. And yet you know nothing!” Loki hissed, eyes filled with anger. Tony flinched as he felt the energy of the stone permeating from it. Somehow though, seeing it so close again, Tony wasn’t afraid. This time, the threat of death seemed almost pointless, considering he had died once before.
“I’ll prove it,” Tony said, staring up at Loki with determination.
“You canno- NO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DON’T!” 
Tony had reached out his free hand quickly to grasp the floating Space Stone, knowing full well that touching it will most likely kill him. Again. But his life wasn’t as important now. He’d lived all the lives he was meant to. Getting this second chance… he needed to use it not just for himself, but for the god he loved. 
Tony was pushed aside so quickly, he hadn’t even noticed until he was on the ground, his hand still intact. Loki, on the other hand, looked as flustered as ever.
He smiled up at Loki with a knowing grin, “See?”
“You fool! The stone would have destroyed you!” 
“Mmm, I was counting on it.”
Loki looked at Tony in disbelief. “Why would you be so reckless? How could you stake your life on a petty gamble such as this?”
Think of the timeline… Tony thought then, and he felt all the agony of loneliness, self-loathing and sadness he had felt the past five years come back to haunt him now. Seeing Loki now, alive and breathing, was a gift. But the future was a curse, something he wished he could change from the bottom of his heart. Was there no other way? Could he not trick time into letting Loki live?
A gamble, eh? Maybe I’ll have to take that chance. 
“For you, I’d do anything,” Tony spoke, his voice coming off softly. He could see the anger and disbelief dissipate, replaced with confusion.
“Why!? What are you hiding, Stark?” Loki demanded.
“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Tony said with a small smirk. “I’m from the future.”
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cuthian · 4 years
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the first interlude between Never Feel Alone and the next multichaptered work in the series, named Starting Over. These oneshots will show you some snapshots of our characters lives, establish their routines and relationships, and generally have a different pace than the longer fic :)
Before you begin reading, I'd like to remind you that Thor and Loki grew up as a betrothed couple in this AU, that thought Loki was born to a high-society Asgardian family before they found out about his true nature. They never thought of themselves as brothers or both Odin's sons at any point, though they do refer to each other as brother sometimes.
I hope you enjoy!
Much Love, Annaelle
PS If I forgot to tag anything, let me know!
The One Where Becca Makes a Promise
Decisions Are The Hardest Thing To Make, Especially When It Is a Choice Between Where You Should Be And Where You Want to Be
—Author Unknown
Greenwich, London, UK October 2nd, 2011
The air itself still tasted of electricity and the stench of burnt ozone lingered in his nostrils.
He was – mercifully – astonishingly – absurdly… alive.
The memory of those last few moments on Svartalfheim were clouded with pain, but he vaguely recalled how the salt of his tears had tasted on Thor’s lips, and how only regret had filtered through his mind, before contentment had overtaken him as his consciousness faded.
He’d been relieved, for at least death meant no more glass cages and no more gilded prison bars on his windows and door.
It meant a sense of freedom which life as Odin’s second son had never awarded him.
He was alive, though miserable and in a lot of pain, and he surely wouldn’t remain so for very long if he did not receive the aid he so desperately needed soon.
Asgardian sorcery was potent, but it had its limits.
Malekith and his ilk had wielded an ancient form of sorcery, perverted and twisted to suit their malicious means, and it festered beneath Loki’s skin, burning through whatever latent spells Odin had weaved to hide his true appearance, leaving him with icy blue skin and undoubtedly blood red eyes.
Had he been at full strength, it would have been possible—though perhaps not easy—to heal himself from the damage that had been done to him, but as it stood, his strength lay with illusion, not healing.
It had been his moth—
No. He rapidly jerked his thoughts from such painful territory and shook his head.
He could not afford to lose what little control he retained—could not let himself succumb to his grief.
Not yet.
Miraculously, he was no longer on Svartalfheim—he had been freed from a cursed existence on its ashen surface—but instead he found himself somewhere on Midgard, apparently, and undoubtedly not very far from where his brother and Malekith were wreaking havoc upon one another.
The wound on his chest had not killed him, as he believed it had when he’d lost consciousness in Thor’s arms, but it ached still, and pulsed blood in small trickles.
“Norns,” he swore, shakily heaving himself up onto his elbows on the hard concrete beneath him.
His leathers were, tragically, torn beyond repair, and his skin was a deep shade of blue, with the edges of the wound starting to turn purple with infection. The reserves of his strength were pathetically sparse, and he could no more summon his magic than he could turn back time.
Loki slumped back down and shut his eyes, drawing a deep breath of air into his lungs, willing his mind to work faster, to regain its former potency so he could devise his next step.
He slipped in and out of consciousness a few times, slumped in whatever dark corner he’d been deposited. The sun was gone when he next woke, and he’d stopped bleeding, at least. He felt much steadier, and his mind felt less clouded by pain and disorientation.
His body appeared to have partially healed itself while he slumbered, because the wound looked several days old rather than fresh and lethal, as it had only hours earlier.
Loki was doing better—and, possibly, he was even out of direct harm’s way—but he was in no shape to defend himself, should it come to that. He would have to identify a safe haven in this Norn-forsaken realm; find a place he could go to ground to heal and to plan. The little alley he had woken in might provide a sense of cover and privacy, but it was hardly a sensible sanctuary—for instance, he was within hearing range of whatever battle still raged, and though no one had yet intruded upon his little alcove, it did not mean no one would.
There were, unfortunately, not many places he could hide on Thor’s beloved Midgard.
The gifts his mother had bestowed upon him were, thankfully, intact and well within his reach, and it was damnably easy to sink into a trance, seeking the farsight Frigga had passed to him through her teachings. Loki may have been mocked and ridiculed—mostly with whispered insults behind Thor’s back, to avoid the God of Thunder’s wrath—for preferring his mother’s teachings of seidr to training with Thor and the other noble boys, but it aided him well.
Seidr had kept him alive many a time before, and Loki was quite certain it would now as well.
His plea to show him safety was met only with a strong urge to find his brother, who stood lonely, and bright and blazing on a square only yards from where Loki was hidden. He gasped, barely resisting the urge to call to him; to beg for Thor to find him and protect him—though Loki was certain he would.
He could not.
He could not return. He could not tell Thor of his survival.
Odin had deemed him disposable and despicable, and he would stop at nothing to hunt him down. Thanos, too, was still out there, unforgiving and cruel, and he would not have forgotten Loki’s—somewhat deliberate—failure to obtain the Tesseract for him. Thanos, more so than even Odin, would tear the universe apart—including Thor—to punish Loki for his betrayal.
Yes… It would suit him much better to remain dead, for now.
No matter how it would break his Thor’s heart.
Better a broken heart than one void of life altogether.
It took considerable strength to push past Thor’s luminous aura, but Loki was nothing if not experienced at ignoring his brother-betrothed’s alluring presence.
He would miss him.
He regretted, perhaps, keeping Thor at arm’s length for as long as he had. He had done so with the best intentions, he rationalised, trying to keep Thor from tiring of him before they’d even exchanged blades. Loki knew their friends had been making bets on the bruð-hlaup already, and that there had been an entire contingent of royal servants dedicated to planning his nuptials to Thor.
Marrying Thor had seemed inevitable his entire life, and while he was certainly not opposed—even if his brother-betrothed had turned out to be an insufferable prat, Loki would have gotten a throne out of the deal—it had been overwhelming sometimes, to know his entire life had been planned for him.
He supposed he had been fortunate enough with his betrothed.
Thor was disgustingly devoted to him, and while it suited Loki very well to be worshipped, Thor’s particular brand of affection was rather suffocating at times. It’d suited him much better, once he’d allowed himself a taste, to keep Thor at a bit of an arm’s length.
He hadn’t been happy about Thor’s gaze straying, but he had been practical enough to understand Thor would always return to him. It had been enough.
The memory of it would have to suffice from now on.
The stark, blinding light that represented Thor in his mind’s eye receded and left but a humble few trustworthy individuals in its wake, one standing out from others.
Loki was hardly surprised.
“The Captain,” he mused. “Of course.”
He had but met the man briefly while in his right mind, but he had gathered quite a bit from Thor’s distracted ramblings when he visited. The man stood as a paragon of truth and justice on Midgard, and even Asgard had heard of the man and taken notice.
Of course, Loki considered, much of said notice had been born of genuine curiosity to meet the first Midgardian to walk Asgardian grounds in centuries—to see the Midgardian who stood alive in only lìkami [LP1] and munr, absent hugr. The ability to sense another being’s soul was one born of the seidr that ran inherent in his blood, but even the most incompetent of Asgardians—and Jotuns, for that matter—stood capable of doing so.
There were tales of souls and bodies walking in separate skins in Asgardian lore and literature, but to find a being that had survived the loss of its soul… the strength of will needed to survive such calamity was immense… very nearly inconceivable.
And yet Thor’s Captain—a mere mortal—had somehow done it.
Thor had not elaborated on the Captain’s tale, as far as Loki knew—not even to him. The evidence, however, was plain to see for all who cared to look.
It stood to reason he would prove to be the only one beside Loki’s brother-betrothed that would stand strong enough to protect him while he recovered. It was damnably simple to find his way to Thor’s Captain’s lodgings once his farsight had shown him the man, despite Loki’s pitiful state.
The chambers he found himself in were dreadfully small, he noted with absent disdain, especially considering he knew the Captain shared these chambers with another. Loki’s own chambers back in the palace in Asgard were much grander and infinitely more luxurious—but then, Loki supposed, he was the second Prince of Asgard, and its future co-regent.
He wrinkled his nose and took in the—thankfully clean—state of the apartment. It was hardly bigger than the cell they’d had him in for the duration of his trial on Asgard.
There was, at least, unlike in his cell, a cushioned sofa, and he could not quite suppress the groan of relief that fell from his lips when he sank into its soft pillows. His entire body ached unlike it ever had before; a deep and unnatural ache that only the cursed weapons of the Dark Elves were capable of inflicting.
He relished, briefly, in the knowledge that he was safe from harm—at least for the immediate future.
He had not been so far gone that he could not hide himself from Heimdall’s ever-piercing gaze, thankfully, so he ascertained he was still safe from his father’s wrath, should the man ever learn that Loki had escaped his supposed fate yet again.
He rolled his eyes.
Almighty Odin, so self-important and pompous. Loki only felt the fool for not having seen through the endless charade centuries ago—Odin had never been fair or just towards him.
Loki could see now that Odin had never truly intended to allow the match between him and Thor, no matter how they themselves felt about it. He had not allowed himself to consider his relationship with Thor for some time—had not since he had learned of his true parentage, and had seen his future and the life he thought he’d lead go up in smoke—but he did now. He allowed himself a moment to think of the life he’d once—and yes, still—wanted and to mourn it, for he could see no future—no plausible way—wherein he would get to live the life he’d wanted to lead with Thor.
Loki exhaled shakily and dropped his head back against the cushions, staring at the ceiling desolately.
He would miss his brother, like a physical ache, but all made sacrifices for those that they loved, and Loki, despite everything he had done to prove the contrary, loved Thor.
He was unsure how long he sat, comfortably enveloped by the soft cushions, before he sensed a being approaching the apartment. He did not bother to extend much attention towards said approach, certain that it was the Captain returning home after aiding his brother in the inevitable defeat of Malekith—and exacting vengeance for their mother.
As such, he stood astonished when the lock on the entrance clicked and swung open, revealing not the Captain, but the female companion he shared this home with.
Loki froze, as did the woman on the doorstep, pale eyes finding his unerringly, despite the relative darkness shrouding the room. He supposed he must’ve looked frightening—blue skin and red eyes and fingernails crested with dried blood—and he, admittedly, only stayed out of sheer curiosity to see what she would do. Many humans would have run screaming already, but this woman—this slip of a girl—merely glared at him suspiciously, discreetly slipping her hand into her coat pocket to reach for what Loki assumed was a concealed Midgardian weapon.
“No need for such methods,” he said dully. “If I meant you harm, you would already be dead, child.”
Her hand stalled in her pocket, and she squinted at him suspiciously. “Loki? You’re supposed to be dead,” she said accusingly.
Loki snorted and smiled. “And you are supposed to be the Captain. I assure you, we both stand disappointed.”
He blinked blearily when she abruptly turned on the lights, looking at him in something vaguely resembling shock before she replied, “I’m not disappointed, you dick. Thor is devastated—he’ll be overjoyed to hear you’re alive…” and eyed the—frankly disgusting, if he did say so himself—wound on his chest. “…if not entirely well.”
“I suppose he would be,” Loki acknowledged with a tilt of his head, before turning his attention to the injury on his chest. “Now. I don’t suppose you are well-versed in medicinal arts?”
“I—” the dark-haired woman blinked at him. “What?”
Loki hissed in frustration, pressing his fingers against the ragged edges of the wound, clenching his teeth as he spat, “I seek your aid, you insufferable mortal.” He exhaled raggedly, eyes slipping closed as he tried to quell the nausea that welled up because of the pain. “Thor trusts the Captain,” he finally continued, albeit shakily. “I suppose, by extension, he trusts you as well.”
The Norns would not have brought Loki here, would not have allowed him to survive this amount of torment and hurt to abandon him now. If they brought the girl onto his path, it meant she had a part to play in his life, however brief it might be. He fell silent again, allowing himself another moment to grieve what might have been before pasting on a mask of cold indifference.
“And I, despite evidence to the contrary, trust him,” he said loftily, raising an eyebrow at her, though the effect was ruined by the rattling cough that burst from his lips a moment later, his expression twisting into one of agony.
“Christ,” the mortal choked, rushing towards him, nearly flinching away from him when her hands made contact with cold, icy skin. “What the hell happened to you?” She helped him sit back up gingerly, and Loki chuckled humourlessly and eyed her contemplatively before he shrugged and replied, “I got in a minor disagreement with a Dark Elf.”
“Minor?!” she exclaimed as he moved his hand to reveal the long, deep wound. “Holy fuck, if this is what happens during a minor disagreement, I don’t wanna know what full-on fights are like. What the hell did you do to piss him off?”
Her hands moved swiftly in spite of her apparent shock, helping Loki shrug out of the elaborate clothing he was wearing to reveal the pale skin of his chest and the full extent of the wound.
“God,” she breathed, eyes wide and looking slightly green around the gills as she looked at the serrated edges of the wound, where his skin was already turning to a violent shade of red and purple. “Loki, I don’t think I’m qualified to—”
“He was going to kill Thor,” Loki interrupted quietly, pressing his hand over hers where it lay against his chest. “I stopped him, but I—”
He broke off and swallowed thickly, looking away as he collected himself. He had not meant to reveal such weakness before the woman, but there was something distractingly earnest in her demeanour. If he were the kind of man to trust in another, he would certainly feel comfortable divulging his thoughts to her. As it stood, he did not think he had much choice in who he would voice his thoughts to.
It was not, he reasoned, as if he would allow her the memory of their conversation anyway.
He allowed himself to share his fears.
“I thought I was going to die,” he finally admitted in a small voice. “And I was relieved. I was so relieved I wouldn’t die locked up in Odin’s glorified prison cell, that I was free…” It was the deepest secret his heart held, and one he had not intended to give voice to ever—but it needed to be spoken aloud.
"Obviously I didn’t die,” he finally said, with forced levity, deliberately ignoring the sharp burn of tears in his eyes. “But I have no desire to return to my gilded cage on Asgard, so…”  
The human woman was quiet for a moment more, pale blue eyes like the skies on Jotunheim searching his own before she replied. “Well, you’re safe here. I don’t know how much help I’ll be with—” she waved her hand at the nasty wound and wrinkled her nose. “—all of that, but I’ll try. You’ll be safe and welcome here until I can get a message to Steve and Thor.”
“No!” Loki squawked, jerking away from her touch abruptly, fingers clenching and unclenching against her wrist. “No, you mustn’t tell Thor I am alive! No one can know!” He had planned on altering her memories of the night as soon as he was able, but that would do him no good if she contacted his oaf of a brother-betrothed before he could do so.
“He’s going to want to know,” she said slowly, frowning a little at his—undoubtedly—panicked expression. “I can’t really lie to him about something like this.” While she spoke, she carefully cleaned the wound with a foul-smelling transparent potion that stung where it touched his skin, gently attempting to gauge the depth of the wound while she did.
Every touch of her fingers on his skin burned.
“You won’t have to,” he panted, a thin sheen of sweat covering his brow and nose. “Just help me care for this and I’ll be on my way.”
“You can barely sit up,” she pointed out dryly when his elbows nearly gave out from beneath him. “I don’t know how you think you’re going to be walking out of here any time soon, but I’m telling you, it’s not happening.” She shoved him back into the couch cushions none too gently and glared at him.
Loki smiled despite himself, conceding the point for the moment and letting the young mortal fuss over the gaping wound in silence. She was a most intriguing conundrum. Something in her eyes spoke of inherent strength, a backbone stronger than steel, but her hands were tender against his wounds, and he knew his brother had been most impressed by her when they met.
Whatever role she had yet to play in his existence, surely it would extend beyond his brother-betrothed’s lustful ideas for the woman?
He’d been subjected to many a rant when Thor fancied himself enamoured with another, and he had learned to distinguish Thor’s genuine interest from simple lust centuries ago. His brother may have only spoken to this mortal woman a few times—surely not enough times to catch her attention—but the interest had been there when he had spoken of her.
Loki was uncertain if Thor himself was even aware of it.
“I suppose I see the appeal,” he mused aloud, watching the human that had caught his brother’s attention closely. Loki supposed she was attractive, if one liked that sort of thing. Mortals, that is. “You are quite beautiful, for a human.”
He didn’t elaborate, blinking innocently at her when she looked up at him in confusion.
He could not say what had prompted him to speak the words, but now that they had been spoken, he would not—could not—take them back. He had begun planting a seed, and he would see it to fruition, no matter the cost.
Loki was, of course, not a charitable god by nature.
He was not one for sentiment or overt affection, and found it much easier to forgo such connections altogether—but he was not indifferent towards Thor. He had tried to achieve such indifference many times, in myriad ways, and all equally unsuccessful.
Thor had, somehow, burrowed himself beneath Loki’s skin, and it certainly appeared he was there to stay. To survive, Loki supposed he would have to relinquish his grip upon Thor’s heart—it would be entirely unfair and unrealistic to hold Thor to a vow he’d made to a dead man. He supposed giving this mortal woman a nudge towards his oaf of a brother was the least he could do for him.
“You better not be trying to flirt,” she said warningly, poking at his uninjured shoulder. “I’m too gay for your shit, pal.” Loki snorted a laugh, but briefly considered her words. If she were, as she stated, attracted to her own gender, it would be difficult to nudge her towards his brother.
He laughed, though, genuinely and delightedly, finding himself grinning at the sheer nerve of this girl. “You are brassy too,” he chuckled. “No wonder my brother is so taken with you.”
That, clearly, threw her for a loop.
Her hands stilled on his chest, and her eyes were wide with abject surprise. “Thor isn’t… taken with me,” she said incredulously. “He barely knows me. We met like three times,” she insisted, her voice taking on a slightly more hysterical edge by the end of her sentence.
Loki merely chuckled at her, recognising the hint of intrigue in her eye all too easily—not so gay she would reject his brother outright, then, it seemed. “I have been subjected to those he likes to bed for centuries, child.” Loki smiled wanly. “I know the look in his eye when he is interested.”
“I’m not a child,” she said, affronted, shoving at his shoulder lightly when she finished applying a bandage to the shallowest part of his wound.
Loki snorted, recognising the deflection for what it was, but allowing it. “You are to me.”
“Really?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “We’re gonna go there? Last time I checked, you’re what—half a century younger than Thor? Which means you’re around a thousand years old, which, to be fair, is pretty insane if you’re looking at it from a human point of view.”
Loki merely blinked at her, intrigued.
“For an Asgardian though,” she shrugged and smiled playfully. “You’re painfully young, still. In fact, I think, if I cared enough to calculate, you’d be in your late teens, maybe early twenties in human years. And really, which one of us threw a tantrum so bad it involved mass destruction last time they didn’t get what they wanted?”
The corner of Loki’s eye twitched—wholly involuntarily—and he could tell she was biting back a smile.
“Really,” she grinned, “when you think about it… Which one of us is the child again?”
Loki knew the surprise he felt showed on his face—because no one had ever dared to speak to him quite so boldly—before he burst into laughter once again, shaking his head with a wry grin. “Well played, little human,” he nodded. “Well played.”
She preened a little before she turned her attention back to the wound she had—quite efficiently, if Loki did say so himself—cleaned. “I’m gonna have to do stitches in this,” she sighed, poking at the edges of the deepest parts of the injury. Loki winced and frowned, unfamiliar with the term, cocking an eyebrow at her when she looked up at him with an entirely apologetic expression.
The term rapidly became clear when she scampered off to what Loki presumed was the kitchen and returned with an archaic suture kit. He looked up at her in horror, shaking his head decisively. Such methods had not been used in Asgard in centuries, and he would not be subjected to such uncivilized remedial practices.
“Oh, shut up, you big baby,” the mortal grumbled when he told her so, settling down beside him again and unpacking the kit with practised precision. “I’m not gonna do it without anaesthetic. It’s not gonna be fun, but…” she shrugged and raised a questioning eyebrow at him, and Loki had to admire her grit.
Not many would have the gumption to tell a god to shut his mouth.
“Such hoary practice,” Loki huffed, though he allowed her to numb the area where she would be sewing his skin back together without much protest.
“Maybe,” the girl groused, glaring up at him. “But this is the best I’ve got, so it’ll have to do.”
While he was not a queasy man, he did look away when she slipped the needle through his skin. It did not hurt, as she had sworn, but he had no desire to see his skin being sewn together as though it were mere fabric in the hands of Asgard’s worst seamstress.
He turned his attention inward instead, dipping into the pool of farsight that lay tempting and dangerous in the back of his mind for the second time that day. Many who possessed the gift had gone mad in the aftermath of the glimpses it provided, had lost their minds attempting to decipher whatever images farsight had shown them.
Loki was, as such, wary to use the gift his mother had passed to him too often, but in this situation, it was the only gift he could control at all.
It was also a decent distraction from the Midgardian’s crude version of modern medicine.
The world felt muted when he dipped into the farsight, the edges blurred out like an oil canvas that had been smudged when its paint was still wet. When manipulated properly, farsight could show him many things. Things that were, things that are, and some things that had not yet come to pass.
The farsight he had been given by his mother was not unlike the tremendous gifts the great Heimdall himself had been born with, though much less potent. It was a little like a particularly tempting stimulant, and it aided in silencing the cacophony of noise in Loki’s head like nothing else. The sights he saw while in the trance and the sounds he heard did not always leave a lasting impression – some were fleeting as leaves in the wind – but there were those that impacted him beyond any other event in his admittedly hectic life.
He did not expect to see such sights while he drifted in the Sight as his brother’s potential new favourite mortal stitched him back together, but he could feel a sense of urgency behind the vague impressions he was shown – a looming shadow, threatening and frightening but unmoving, a flash of golden eyes and heat, bright and blinding and so strong it split into different pieces and spread out, threatening to drag him along with them.
His eyes snapped open and he choked, briefly disoriented by the rough withdrawal from his farsight.
He coughed, violently and shakily, and for a moment he thought he was in Asgard, in his own chambers, with Thor only a single wall away. It took him a moment to realise that the hands on his shoulders were too small and too delicate to be his oaf of a brother-betrothed’s, and another to remember how he had ended up in her apartment.
“Are you alright?” she asked concernedly, keeping her hands pressed to his shoulders until she seemed certain he would not keel over should she let go.
“Quite,” Loki rasped. He looked up at the woman who had essentially saved his life and found himself somewhat surprised to feel a tendril of regret. He had a clear plan now, and he could not afford to have Thor running amok trying to find him – he could not risk everything.
“I do apologise for this,” he said, taking advantage of her confusion to thrust his hand forward until he made contact with her forehead, coils of his magic already slipping into her mind, sifting through her memories to alter and erase, wiping every memory of their encounter from her mind. It did not take long, and when he withdrew, she dropped as though she were a puppet whose strings were cut, eyes rolling back in her head.
For reasons he could not name, he caught her and laid her on the sofa he had previously occupied. The time she had spent cleaning and mending his wound had clearly given his magical reserves enough time to minimally replenish themselves, and he relished in being able to erase every trace of his presence in the apartment with a mere flick of his fingers.
He mended his leathers in the same gesture, stroking his fingers across the surface of his chest, unmarred and smooth, as though he’d never been injured at all.  
He paused, briefly, before he left, eyes falling to the mortal he had left slumbering on the sofa.
“I owe you a debt,” he spoke quietly, knowing that her subconsciousness would hear, understand, and file away the words for later. “When you have need of me, call my name.”
Start from the beginning:
In Hell We Stand By You: 
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Never Feel Alone: 
(1) (2) 
Or read it HERE on AO3 :D 
Find the sequel HERE on Tumblr :) 
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skymoonandstardust · 7 years
Bound By A Name
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Thor x reader
Prompt: soulmate au where the name of your soulmate is tattooed on your wirst
  F/N  L/N
In all the millennia he’d been alive Thor had no idea how many times he’d looked at that name --- the one written in black elegant script on his wrist.
He’d memorized it by now and didn’t even need to look at it to remember the words.
It had been there for as long as Thor could remember (which was a long time obviously) and in his younger years he’d been full of confusion and curiosity about it. No one else he knew had anything like it.
Naturally he’d asked Odin--- who only said Thor shouldn’t ask about it and sent him away with a warning not to ask it of anyone again, to keep it hidden. Of course Thor didn’t listen--- he tried questioning Frigga next. At first, she told him nothing either but when he kept asking from time to time she broke down and told him one night. 
In hushed tones, she explained that it was the name of his soulmate—the Odin forbid him from asking, tried to keep him from knowing because soulmates were something only Midgardians were supposed to have. At least that’s what everyone thought till now. Frigga told him that Odin didn’t want anyone to know about it for Thor’s sake as well as Asgard’s --- he feared the esteem and reputation of both would suffer because of it, that very few would hesitate to use it as a reason to attack and mock him and Asgard. 
Thor didn’t sleep much that night, too wide awake turning over the truth to want sleep.
After long thinking he saw the rightness----the wisdom of his father’s decision and agreed with it.
He promised himself that he would do just what he’d been told and keep it as secret as he could.  Thor was satisfied after and that settled into a routine--- not looking into it anymore. He went to great pains to keep it all hidden and secret and not tell a soul.
But of course Loki figured it out.
There were few things he didn’t know and were kept from him in the palace
Once he discovered it it was almost a relief to Thor.  He had someone he could talk about it with, one person who knew. It had been eating him anyway, that he couldn’t tell Loki or anyone else, so obviously he sat him down and told Loki everything---the two of them talked long into the night.
Little did either of them know. . .
This only ended up fueling Loki’s rage—furthered his sense of injustice so that when he finally snapped and turned against them it was worse. His plan to send Thor to mudguard was  deliberate. He wanted Thor to find his soulmate, fall in love, maybe even be happy—then rip it all away and destroy it in front of him. Not only would it help distract Thor from preventing his takeover of Asgard but he would also get a very satisfying revenge.
Loki was stopped of course and his plan didn’t work out.
Thor didn’t find or meet his soulmate,  he was too busy trying to get back to Asgard to even think of that, let alone try to find them. Get back he did- and just in time to stop Loki and fight—which ended with Loki set adrift in space supposedly dead.
Thor was focused on Asgard after that.
He didn’t set foot on Midgard again until there was news that Loki was alive and wreaking havoc there. . .
  Thor swung Mjolnir to the pavement and immediately the concrete erupted, spreading out in a circular shockwave. Every Chitauri within ten feet was brought down or buried under rubble.
It wasn’t close to good enough though.
Immediately Thor took off, flying to perch on the nearest tall building in sight.
From there he started conjuring storms and calling up lighting to  strike the chitauri.
It didn’t seem any different when he sent one out to save a girl. She’d been  fighting fiercely—and doing a good job. Thor thought she could keep up with any Asgardian  warrior—with a little training of course. he was about to turn away, seeing she had it handled when he noticed a chitauri was about to leap at her from the side of a building.
She didn’t see it and wouldn’t in time.
In a split second Thor had taken it down before it could even jump. Happy with another enemy defeated he was going to move on when a loud roar nearby made him pause.
Below, the girl stopped too and looked around.
Suddenly the Hulk tore through the building right behind her.
She ducked and thankfully he didn’t notice her, leaping right over her head and grabbing on to the building it was aiming for. As the Hulk started to climb she began to walk off when that building behind her started to crumble.
Thor watched horrified as it started to lean forward. There was no way she could get out in time. He swooped down yelling “Grab my hand.”
Not even  hesitating she took it. He flew both of them out of danger just as the building collapsed with a deafening boom and a cloud of dust. They landed on the roof of nearby building and looked at the wreckage wordlessly for a minute. 
“Thank you.” she said
“You are welcome-you fought bravely against the chitauri and showed great courage. It’s an honor to assist a fellow warrior.”
Thor saw her cheeks grow slightly red at that
“Who are you?”
“Thor of Asgard, son of Odin.”
Her eyes immediately widened before flicking down to her wrist. Thor could see that every line of her was tense, like she was face to face with an enemy on the battle field --- he knew the feeling well.
“Are you alright?” He asked
“Yeah, I’m fine.” The smile on her face didn’t reassure him much, it seemed too forced but he dropped the subject
“Might I ask who you are?”
The girl wavered for a moment, unsure and weighting. Finally she let out a soft sigh and spoke
“F/N L/N”
The forevers:
Marvel soulmate girls:
 @secondstartotheright-imagines @a-girl-who-loves-disney
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forgcdstrength · 4 years
Arthur Stone
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STONE: Reality Stone (Aether)
FC: KJ Apa
GUARDS: Jane Foster
POWER: alters reality
ORIENTATION: we’re talking about a timeless entity; they literally couldn’t care less. If they’re into you, they’re into you, and you should consider yourself lucky (at least according to Arthur)
MAIN VERSE: post-Avengers: Infinity War
Is high-key a jerk. Makes himself look younger than even the rest of his siblings so that he can get away with acting like an irresponsible teenager for the rest of his life. Is absolutely too stubborn to see anything from anyone else’s point of view. Thinks automobiles and driving is the best thing about the past century. Drag races whenever possible. Has a terrible crush on Jane Foster, but is too proud to admit it because he knows he’s already screwed up too badly  where she’s concerned. Is considering settling for Darcy Lewis, though, if Ian will go jump off the appropriate cliff… or maybe Art should just push him.
At the creation of the universe, Arthur Stone, the Aether, found himself on Elfheim. In myth, legend, and fae stories, fairies, sprites, and elves are all said to have mischievous streaks. Some of that stemmed from mischievous Arthur’s presence among the elves. He was just that ornery when left to his own devices – and though he purposefully did much to influence the culture of the elves, he often went to great lengths to keep from being lashed to a protectorate. He didn’t need the trouble of one, or the eventual grief. So he used his powers only to present an Elven form to the rest of Elfheim – all the better to keep them from realizing that he had any powers at all. Well, he did that and a few insignificant tricks over time, because how could he not?
He was still careful to have acquaintances only, not friends, no one he could end up stuck with. But he hadn’t been prepared for the Asgardians, for Borr. Borr, who managed to best him for all of a second, long enough for Arthur to feel a dreaded bond form. Horrifyingly, Borr seemed to know what it all meant, what he could do. He banished Arthur to the space between realms, and, carried there by Borr’s Bifrost, Arthur had no choice but to go, all while he spared a thought for Tess, to hope that she hadn’t been treated so by the Asgardian king.
As it turned out, she hadn’t been, but it was centuries before he found that out. Trapped where he was, it took attaching himself to Dr. Jane Foster for him to get himself out. Then he learned Tess was safe; that was how he became safe himself – for a minute, anyway, or so it seemed. Just as suddenly, he was introduced to Malekith, a being worse than Borr, who drew his powers anyway. Desperately clinging to Jane, who at least felt semi-sane, Arthur did something he’d never predicted for himself, and took on a second bond. Thankfully, Malekith died soon after and Arthur could at least sort of relax into dealing with only Jane. Jane, however, didn’t want to deal with him, and in his stone form, he was taken to live with the Collector.
His bond to Jane lied nearly dormant, much like his sister’s, Olivia’s, did to her mortal, Peter Quill, and in the meantime, the Collector’s rock wasn’t a bad place to run rampant on. As long as Arthur stayed out of Taneleer’s sight and did everything necessary to keep the other from realizing what he was capable of, life was pretty alright.
Until it wasn’t.
Some crazy purple being already carting around some of Arthur’s siblings came in and absolutely destroyed Taneleer’s precious collection, killing the Collector himself in the process. For the first time in a long time, Arthur wasn’t quick enough, and Thanos dropped him into the gauntlet alongside his siblings. Piece by piece, and using the stones to do it, Thanos began to tear apart the universe. But the Stones had always been more powerful together – something Arthur had forgotten far too often, far too easily – and with all of them together… well, though Arthur and his powers had never felt so exhausted, at the end of the day, Thanos was defeated. That was all that mattered, which was a good thing, because there was no feeling of elation, of victory, for Arthur.
After Thanos’ death, after the Midgardians’ safe return home, that whole world seemed to be in disarray. So he stayed on Midgard. He had the opportunity to stay with Jane Foster, so he took it; he had the opportunity to live nearer to some of his siblings, so he took it. If nothing else, this was, in his opinion, a world that needed ta reason to keep laughing, and that, at least, he thought he could provide.
SO MANY WAYS TO BE: (Descendants) fairy who has the power to manipulate people’s perception of the world around them
EVER EVER AFTER: (Fairytale) an elf who wreaks havoc and mischief wherever he goes – and although he prefers to travel through the woods, he doesn’t stay in one place for very long
BORROWED BABIES: (Foster Care) fumbling foster dad
I SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT I’M UP TO NO GOOD: (Harry Potter) Slytherin fifth-year
ALTERNATIVELY 1902: (Arthur in Victorian times) using his usual disguise, he lives the life of a wealthy, if bawdy, bachelor
GROW UP WITH THE LAND: (Arthur in the times of Westward Expansion) using his usual disguise, he lives the life of a free-spirited cowboy
FORWARD TO VICTORY: (World War II) he steps in as a soldier, helping turn the battle tide whenever necessary
BOLDLY GO: (Star Trek) an ensign security officer
Starter Call
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