#grem responds
I don't know if this is silly enough, or even really a prompt, but... how bout drawing a guinea pig :}
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here you go anon :3 hee hee I looked up evil guinea pig for this feller (he forgot what they looked like and drew a lip monster)
hes a lil deflated looking dw about it tho
EDIT:I FOUND THE FUCKER GET SCHEDULED IDIOT I swear I know how to use Tumblr I lost a lot of my brain cells when I bathed in Windex
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starry-bite · 23 days
can you imagine writing the 'it gives me you' scene for a pair of characters and then having them not interact for the rest of the season? wild.
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akaiikowrites · 1 year
nine people you’d like to know better
i got tagged by @tomatocages!
three ships: sheith, zutara, buddie
first ever ship: zutara is the og, i started writing it when i was literally 12 so over half my life ago
last song: feel like this by ingrid andress
last movie: uhhh i think it was actually the new dungeons and dragons movie which fyi is way better than it has any right to be let chris pine and rege jean page be silly in fantasy stories forever please
currently reading: ten steps to nanette by hannah gadsby, a strange and stubborn endurance by foz meadows (this is my 3rd reread), and don’t be evil by rana foroohar
currently watching: weewoo (aka 9-1-1) for the second time in less than one (1) month cos i’m in bad y’all
currently consuming: salsa by the spoonful
currently craving: idk this salsa slaps pretty hard
people to tag (no pressure, but please feel free to play): @phaltu, @ohitsaunicorn, @happysheith, @an-aphorism, @slouph, @the-little-red-queen, @dsudis, @hamlinfly, @zuspacey
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nextinline-if · 1 year
Vi, I love you!💕 seeing your progress and how beautifully you write makes me even more inspired, which is why I’m currently working on my IF that I finally found the old file for. I’m so happy right now that I could name my firstborn after you. Maybe I’ll just settle for someone in my game.
Anywho, I love you so much and kisses to you for being such a helpful friend even if you have no clue what you did💕💕💕
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^^^This would be you if I got the chance to shower you with love!!!
Hey, Grem!! I just responded back to your DM btw. I’m sorry for not getting a chance over the weekend </3
Also, you are too sweet! I’m so happy that you’ve been inspired to work on something though! I love having ideas bounced around so always feel free to send me more DMs or we can hop on discord :)
Sending you lots of inspiration Grem!! <3
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finiffy · 1 year
they said all stories on your blog are cringe. we should respond by creating something truly epic. i propose
Brennedy: A Muppet Musical
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gremalkinn · 7 months
I should probably make an intro, huh?
Alright folks, let’s do this one last time:
My names Grem! Stop by, say hi, I don’t bite! I actually love to chat (although I often get a bit ditzy brained and forget to respond for awhile)
Some of my interests (and things I may post fanart for!) include:
-Wings of Fire
-The Magnus Archives/Magnus Protocol
-Tailchasers Song
-Warrior Cats
I generally try to keep my blog consistently organized by these tags (although it often gets out of order and includes a few other miscellaneous categories)
-my art (contains. Well. All art done by me, including doodles and sketches)
-my ocs (my lil guys, regardless of story/fandom!)
-cool art (art I find intriguing or enjoyable)
-reblogs (a tag I’m still organizing but hope to get to one day soon)
-the lamian (tag containing my original story, which follows a monster Hunter on a quest for vengeance!)
-tameless (another story, set in a world of anthropomorphic animals where predators are kept under constant surveillance and forced to wear collars in case they ever go ‘feral’. HEAVILY inspired by that scrapped Zootopia concept, mainly just me playing around with a dysopic furry universe)
Side blogs?
Anyway, enjoy your stay and please, have yourself a lovely day!
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
Test Results
Characters: Swap!Grem, Swap!Nikolai (@bowlerhatwearer), Swap!Mothgo (@sallychaosaura), Swap!M0u5e
Summary: It’s been about 9 years since Jack Harris came to visit. How’s everybody doing now?
The biting wind blew the snowflakes around outside, turning them into tiny little weapons of frost. After hurrying back inside the house with the mail, Grem shut and locked the door. A winter storm was coming, and he wanted to keep warm.
Yeah, he went by they/he now. Those felt better.
Either way, they shook off the snow and took off their coat and boots, hanging em up and putting em aside. The house had the heat turned up a bit, and Christmas decorations were spread about. They hasn’t gotten the tree yet (Grem thought it was a little early for that), but you could still feel the spirit of the season in the house.
Grem had a Christmas sweater on that said 'I Saw My Wife Kissing Santa Claus', paired with blue plaid pajama pants and bunny slippers. He walked over to the couch and sat back on it, relaxing ntot he cushions.
"We're gonna be having a warm night in, aren't we, sweetie pie?" they remarked happily to the person next to them.
"We sure are."
... replied Nikolai Akdow, smiling back at them.
There was a good bit to unpack here.
Nikolai and Grem's friendly feelings towards each other ended up being a little more than that, and they ended up being in a QPR, and have been since.
As for how Nikolai was in Grems house, there’s so many things that happened to make that happen, it would require its own story to tell. But Nikolai was mortal again, and that’s all that matters for now.
Grem scooted over next to Nikolai, bonking his head softly against his shoulder and purring slightly.
“Ya know what we should do?” They asked the human.
“Hmm… depends. Do you read minds?” Nik replied, friendly smirk on his face.
"Maybe I do."
Grem closed his eyes, and pressed his fingers to the sides of his head. After a few seconds, he said "Were ya thinking of.... watching a movie with our family, and then cuddling later?"
"Hmmmm... " Nikolai made a show of thinking very hard. "Yes."
The cat gave him an evil little grin. "Never underestimate my POWERS, sweetie."
Nikolai chuckled and started to reach for Grementine, but quickly stopped.
"Would you be okay if I pulled you close?" he asked.
"Always :)" they responded.
The human reached out again and pulled Grem close to him, making them giggle and blush a bit.
From the hallway of Grems house came an unusual sight to most-- a 7 ft tall orange robot, clad in warm dark purple clothing and with functional moth wings. She was leading another robot by the hand-- a taller M0u5e.
The orange robot, Mothgo, had been Grem and Nikolais housemate for a while now. They met when Mothgo broke into the house to get light bulbs, her primary food source. Besides that, she was a total sweethearted goofball.
M0u5e had also gotten an upgrade. Grem had made it a larger body that came with more functions, such as varied facial expression. He still couldn't eat. She was, however, still the same old M0u5e.
"Hey guys!" chirped Mothgo. "We heard something about movies."
Grem peeked up at them from the couch.
"Mmhmm. If there's gonna be a snowstorm, we might as well have ourselves a good time, y'know?" they replied happily.
"You two wouldn't happen to have any ideas, would you?" Nikolai added.
"Hmm... Can we watch, perhaps, Tangled?" asked M0u5e. "I know you two seem fond of that movie, and it's very funny."
"Oh, Tangled, I love that movie." Grem fondly spoke. "You're speaking my language, kiddo."
Grem looked at the other adults room in the room, asking "You guys have objections or ideas?"
"I think Tangled is fine."
"Yeah, Tangled!"
"Then it's Tangled." the cat announced.
They turned back to Mothgo and M0u5e. "Do you guys wanna make popcorn and hot cocoa for us all?" they suggested.
M0u5e ears wiggled around, and she clapped her hands in glee. "Yes, please, I want to be the little popcorn boy."
"Of course!" said Mothgo, beaming. "We're gonna have a GREAT time tonight!"
She and M0u5e skipped off to the kitchen for a bit, leaving Grem and Nikolai alone again.
"Now," started Nik, "Do you want scritches?"
Nikolai moved his hand to the top of Grems head, and gently scratched at it, unleashing a chorus of light purring from his partner. The cats eyes were closed, delighted in the sensations as he lightly kicked his legs back and forth.
After a few seconds of this, Grem opened his eyes and spoke to Nikolai.
"Ya know... I'm glad you killed Jack for me."
The suddenness and bluntness of this statement stopped the scritching in its tracks, causing Nikolai to blurt, "What?"
Grem sat up a little, but still looking at Nikolai while he continued.
"Well... if you hadn't gotten there in time, we wouldn't have all this. We wouldn't have the house, or Mothgo... or each other, anymore."
Nikolai was silent for a second, then sighed.
"You would be right, my dear strawberry, and every day I'm thankful for it." he replied, solemnly. "I wish it could have gone different, however.
"He didn't have to die, and you didn't want me to freeze him. But he would have continued to make your life a nightmare if he was allowed to go on living. Not to mention, his... (whew) his family. If there was any reason I wouldn't have killed him at the time, it would be if I knew how it would affect his family."
The human now wore a downcast expression. Seeing this, Grem snuggled into him, purring a little again.
"I know, sweetie, I know." they reassured him. "Even if I didn't like his dad, I felt pretty bad for him, too. But, ya know, he dug himself a grave through his actions. It was only a matter of time before somebody pushed him in... though it's unfortunate that you had to be the one."
Nikolai smiled slightly, taking Grems hand into his own. "It really is." He responded. "It's just... there's one thing going through my mind-- why. Why couldn't he just accept it was over between you and him, all those years ago? Why couldn't he move on? Why the obsession, the painful, horrible obsession that led to his demise?.. by my hands."
"... I don't know, sweetie. I just don't know."
More silence, except for a low purring sound.
Suddenly, Grem held Nikolai's hand with both of his paws, looking back up at him with a little smile.
"But it's all in the past. For now... I'm just grateful to call you my love, and every day I feel lucky to have met ya."
The human seemed to be genuinely touched and surprised by this statement, before breaking out into a big grin, a single tear forming in his eye.
"... Thank you, Grementine. I'm glad you get to be in my life." was his response.
Grem gave a big smile of their own, asking "Do you mind if I kiss you, dear?"
"Not at all."
With that, Grem placed their hand to one of Nikolai's cheeks, pulling him in a little, and putting a soft and loving kiss on the other. They pulled away and stared deeply into his eyes, their thumb ghosting over a small scar on his upper lip, a remnant from his days as a Lich.
The moment was unintentionally interrupted by Mothgo and M0u5e however, when they both came out of the kitchen with a big bowl of popcorn and three cups of hot chocolate.
"Order up!!" chirped Mothgo.
Grem and Nikolai quickly looked away from each other, blushing furiously. This didn't last long, however, as they ended up laughing about it a few seconds later.
Mothgo lightheartedly shook her head at the two lovers, sitting on the couch with M0u5e on her lap.
"What have you two been doing? I figured you goobers would have gotten the movie up by now." she joked.
Grem shrugged and reached down to the remote, eventually getting the menu for Tangled up.
"You guys ready to watch it?" he asked.
A small chorus of confirmations erupted.
And with that, he pressed the play button.
While the little family watched their movie, the snow blustered and blew around the world outside. Much like past events, however, it couldn't hurt them right now.
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writing-if · 2 years
You didn’t think we wouldn’t notice your absence????
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^me to you but lovingly
I don’t think you realize how many people wait for you to post anything! My day always improves when I see your posts of interactions!!
Also I’m excited for your wedding and I hope everything goes smoothly!!
All the love and good vibes to you💕💕💕
I'm very glad to be back :D
I miss fangirling over other IFs as I get sucked into the Tumblr blackhole and then remembering that I have my own IF to write lol
My wedding was the best <3 sorry that it took so long to respond, Grem 💕
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parttimepuff · 1 year
What do you mean “if you were smarter” we love the bird brained bird man as he is
Pretty sure everyone around him does too
However yeah that problem isn’t gonna be solved easily either way//
"yeah no shit." Beep responded quietly, but with restrained force. Thought her father was kinda flattered, and maybe a little insulted, there was a far more pressing issue. "…u-um, do you know exactly, who it was in the photo?" Magolor spoke up with great hesitation, not sure if knowing would help much. "He wasn't that forthcoming about the details." Gremlin replied, shaking his head. "nothing at all?" His niece pressed.
"Just that he had a photo and he knew it was real. So, I'm not sure what all he does or doesn't know." Gremlin explained. "That's… I get why you didn't look so great when I left." Reverie expressed, wondering if he should have stuck around against his wishes. Seeing as they couldn't be sure who it was in the photo, Beep clung tightly onto the shred of hope it wasn't her. Just as tightly as she held the Lego in her hands.
"So, is he gonna have Leo follow you again? What happens now that he has a picture…" Beep asked. "He couldn't really pin me for anything. Was only calling 'cause anons told him I knew something." Gremlin elaborated, his mirror frowning. "Of course." He muttered under his breath. "And he thought maybe I could, 'track' Matters. Which I could truthfully say I couldn't do." The Dream Demon added, clearly uncomfortable mentioning it.
"Geez…" Magolor murmured, unable to verbalize what was going through his head any other way. Anons being involved in this made Beep feel even worse about the situation. But with everything laid out... "So just, stay the same? Hiding?" She questioned, looking drained. "Well, for now. Unless he pushes me a lot more, or finds something else. He's, gonna be paranoid." Gremlin figured. His brother shook his head, lamenting yet another complication. "…yeah. Do you, think he'll start looking more?" Reverie asked.
"I don't know. But I needed to make sure you all knew, so that we're ready if we need to be." Gremlin replied. He certainly hoped he'd gone about this the right way. "does this mean we can never go see him?" Beep whispered. She was practically curling in on herself, the weight of everything feeling like too much. "N-no, it's just, gonna take more caution." Her uncle assured her with what confidence he could muster.
His brother seemed less convinced, though he wished otherwise. "Move slower when he might be speeding ahead?" Reverie pointed out. Gremlin's expression fell. He had to at least share his idea. "…we… It might help, if you met him sooner. Proved you were trustworthy." He suggested. The Dream Fae's feathers bristled instantly at the thought alone.
They weren't really getting anywhere other than upset. Trying to calm everyone down, Magolor took over. "Guys, we shouldn't jump to anything. I'll just keep my ears open, ok? See how Deeds is doing and make sure not to push him." He planned, making sure he had their attention. And it did seem to help, Beep taking a deep breath. "y-yeah, thanks wiz…" She muttered. Much as she wanted to push forward, to prove she wasn't a force of evil, if the others weren't ready, she would wait.
Her friend could tell she wasn't having an easy time, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Of course, Beep. I get that this has set us all on edge, but we don't know if it actually means anything for us yet. So… we just need to, keep doing our best, yeah?" Magolor hoped. Calming down again, Reverie nodded. "y-yeah… Yeah, ok. Um, thanks for coming to tell us anyway, Grem." He said.
Gremlin paused. Maybe he had, entirely overrreacted and just made everyone feel worse. The guilt weighed on him, but he pushed it aside. "Oh, well… shouldn't keep it to myself." He responded. "yeah." Beep agreed, strained as she sounded. Pulling himself together, Reverie came over and patted Beep's back with a wing. "We'll get through it together." He assured her. "together…" She mumbled. As of today, she had more people to be together with. "…we will."
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here's my best first attempt I wanna give her another go with a full body some time ngl
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csvent-2 · 1 year
Hi hi there
I'm here to vent about what is going on with the current situation with the terraliens I keep hearing about
I am a terralien owner, im not even active in the species as I have a life outside of the internet, I heard about this blog and I decided to read more on what is going on and you know how I feel about it?
I feel disappointed and disgusted for what has happening within the species, I still love my terralien I have but its been use outside of the species for me and my friends stories.
The community is lovely and great but I do not like how the staff is acting nor dragging the species into the ground and not listen to criticism nor the problems within the community.
I'm not into CS as I've been attacked twice by the CS community during my life, but I own few CS characters tho and they are my children, my Terralien is my special character, its just sad that the species is slowly becoming like grems
I'm still not gonna be active in the terraliens at all still, it has become too difficult to be active in it with the problems that is going on and how bad the adopts are going for when they said they was gonna do more cheap ones, which thats rare for them to even do at all.
Thank you for hearing my talk, have a wonderful day ❤
I do want to say that one of the owners has recently been responding to negative feedback here and does seem to genuinely want to implement some changes. Of course that remains to be seen as does everything, but I do appreciate seeing at least an intent to try.
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bngobongobb · 4 months
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this is all self indulgent. dadric! featuring a dancing uncle ric. sorry for any typos and my lowercase loving keyboard.
a lil head cannon and lore beneath
kaeric would not have children BUT if he did he would border on being a helicopter parent. Parenting would be the only thing he would study for. It would also be much later in his life. so i gave him a lil grey and some glasses that turn into sunglasses in the sun because he would. He’s all about comfort at this point in his life.
The hardest part would be the chaos which is pretty rich for a wild magic sorcerer. He would eventually learn how to passively herd the child. Big backpack dad alert. He would have backpacks on backpacks on backpacks for the most efficient of spill wiping and quick changes. Fanny pack in the front for his own quick access items.
I imagine he would have a badass little kid. They would be very uptown girl pilled. He would seriously consider using those backpacks with leashes but ultimately decide against it. Overall he values individualism and self expression over his own anxieties.
As for family set up it would be kaeric and Astarion raising the kid with help from grem and gale. Halsin might move in a year or two before they decide to have a kid. I don’t see astarion as a dad but here we are in an au where they both become dads.
Halsin and Kaeric are in a relationship but I don’t see halsin living in a domestic space. They would visit each other six months out of the year. Kaeric definitely likes to nest so halsin might feel a little suffocated by all of the clutter.
I’m writing a short story rn about kaeric and astarion receiving a visit from wyll but he’s brought some kids with him “what?!” So far it’s a lot of shenanigans and fluff. Kaeric ends up having more fun than he expected and i think astarion responds warmly to this new softer side. At that point in their relationship kaeric is very warm already but something about seeing him focus and care for something hits different.
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nextinline-if · 1 year
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^photos of my cat, Lizzie, and my dog, Layla, go help you through the trying time of being so close to the end, but having to deal with branching!!
Proud of you, Vi! You got this💕💕💕
sorry I was late to respond to this but I loved seeing Lizzie and Layla. They're so precious and really healed my unwell self <3
I hope you are well my dear friend Grem!!
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leam1983 · 2 years
Slow Cooker
Walt's first therapy meeting might be four days away, I'm already noticing some changes.
You've probably observed how expansive he gets in my other posts, how close to his feelings he is. Sex is something he carries out with the energy of desperation, clutching for Sarah and myself as if some other force were on the verge of ripping us away.
Not this afternoon, however. Today was slow, indicating no rising sense of desperation. His love felt far less like some fragile thing he was entrusting us with, and instead came across as a twin to his hunger. His belly might've made things a little difficult, but he was deliberate, languid and warm, grunting with interest as he tasted us.
Normally, climaxes are reached like his telling us he loves us is the only thing keeping him alive. Now, not a single word's been said, except for his grunts turning a little more pressing while not losing their appreciativeness. Where he would've stopped, he merely settled into a deliberate crawl, doing his best to get his pelvis involved with whoever was on top at the moment.
Imagine getting used to someone collapsing in your arms and weeping after sex, only to see the same person start to exude tremendous amounts of self-confidence. Once I left his lap for Sarah to use and refocused on cadging liplocks, Walt moved at his slowest ever - and at his most sensual. I had to ask him what had gotten into him, after this.
"Just this," he said. "Us, everything. Last week... I thought you opening the door to the idiot would've obsessed me, but I didn't so much as think about it. I feel safer than I ever have in my life. I feel loved and cared for, I feel useful... Right now, there's not one ounce of my usual anxiety in there," he says, tapping his chest. "I love you without an ounce of fear."
He kissed me again. "I have so much to give you."
Understanding how stable he felt, how solid his foundations now appeared to be, I pressed in closer and whispered some of my own fears into his ear. He sighed and brought me close.
"I've taken steps, Grem - like you wanted me to. I love you too much to let myself flake out. I want to be here for you like you've been here for me."
It's strange how vulnerability feels like a game of Hot Potato the members of a family can carry out. I'm It, right now, so the patronymics come out. He sighs again.
"Oh, sport. I'm so sorry I scared you."
I wish there was a way for him to instantly grasp how better this, compared with all those times where he grasped at me like I'd save him from something. Right now, Walter C. George is a rock surrounded with sturdy loops of rope, and I've tied myself to him.
There's no rush, no peaking, but a steady stream of comfort. I eventually lose track of who climaxes and when it happens. We only stop once I glance at the time and mention we should start working on dinner.
Walt responds in a way that surprises me, coming from him, grunting between kisses with Sarah.
"No. No dinner. You two. You two are dinner."
I guess I shouldn't be too shocked: we're at our slowest ever - which is a positive in the current circumstances - and we're pretty much poised to keep going for an hour or two. Walt's barely broken a sweat, as slow as we've been, and something tells me he wants to keep test-driving his burgeoning sense of confidence.
I chuckle. "I guess this counts as low-impact cardio, right?"
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csmeaner · 2 years
Now I need the jin/frei tea on Skire. 👀 Uh, hello? You gotta spill that now? Not gonna bother much with the rest of the whiteknighting (which purposely missed the point of what it responded to) except to say this: one day Kid will fuck up (or you'll just get bored) and you'll disappear like the Scarfox and Grem whiteknights did. Perhaps you'll find another dick to ride, but the truth that Kid is a selfish, stuck up, monopolistic cunt will remain.
post related
kid is truly a leech just like every other big cs owner has been
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gremedits · 4 years
this ask game
🍉 - I give off masculine vibes
i- omg gender euphoria 😳 it's the male hajime icons is it jsvshdgdg but I'll take that as a compliment
🐬 - I give off early adult vibes
I'm a teen but 🤼 I'll take that as a compliment aswell :)
🐷 - I give off friendly vibes
awww thanks yall :')) I'd like to think I'm friendly but really idk hoe to self judge that
☀️ - I give off tall vibes
I'm short but maybe thats cause im literally from thE SHORTEST FUCKING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD- but in compared to ppl near me I'm average height so. I take THAT as a compliment aswell
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